#and my friend has been wonderful and sent me a ton of things from disabled butches on Twitter and also zines on butchness and shit
nope-body · 1 year
#on the gender/sexuality(?) crisis that I have not brought up here#I want to be able to be butch. but my brain says no. someone else has to validate it and it can’t just be a you asking it has to happen#naturally which is frustrating because like. what am I supposed to do??#but also butchness- queer masculinity- is so often tied to physical ability#which I do not have a ton of and am also sorta progressively losing?#which is it’s own scary thing. like last night my knee actually fully buckled under my weight when I tried to stand up#and that’s scary! that’s never happened to me before!!#but back to the whole gender crisis- I want to be butch. I want to be able to be butch#and my friend has been wonderful and sent me a ton of things from disabled butches on Twitter and also zines on butchness and shit#but everything that talks about disabled butches talks about how the larger lesbian/butch&femme/queer community doesn’t recognize that as#valid butchness for lack of better terms? like there’s just a ton of ableism and disabled butches face an uphill battle to just be#recognized as butch. especially when it comes to the roles that butches are assumed to take on#both in a relationship but also just within the queer community#like you’ve seen the ‘no cops at pride just butches’ posts and things of that nature that circulate#butches are supposed to be strong. they’re supposed to fill the role of protector. of supporter. of fixer. of giver of help.#above all butches are supposed to give of themselves unto others#as a disabled person I cannot do that. disabled butches cannot do that.#(and this is not me saying that this mindset is good or this is the way it should be- just the way it is in the larger community)#I have the know-how to fix things. I have the skill. but extremely often I do not have the ability#and not just that- I often don’t have the ability to do basic daily tasks either. I have to ask for help#and how am I supposed to think of myself as butch when I’m constantly told it’s the butches who you ask for help from?#there’s also the added complexity of I’m Jewish. my version of queer masculinity is not just a subversion of western masculinity#but also jewish masculinity- which is often very different from western masculinity and is why so many jewish men get called effeminate!#like I’m going to end up subverting/queering a mix of both. but that’s also not going to really be recognized as butchness because of the#incredibly prevalent antisemitism in queer spaces! or if it is recognized as a subversion of masculinity it’ll only be western. not both#and I understand that I define my identity. no one else gets to. but I’m already fighting to be able to define it#without throwing butchness into the mix. and I don’t know if I have the energy to constantly fight back against all of it#I should really just read stone butch blues. I keep meaning to. it’s written by a disabled jewish butch#but I’m so tired so often and it’s just. hard to have the energy#I want to be butch. I want to be recognized as butch. but will anyone see my cane and still think butch?
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anonofseasons · 1 year
The reason the rest of Seasons went up is that I figured I'd better just do it before I lost all drive to share ever again and didn't at least complete Seasons for the remaining readers. It's the only thing I've written (outside of fandom) that has gotten much attention. It was nice, and I really appreciate that anyone would read it. But outside of that, I cannot get more than the tiniest handful of people to care about what I write, and it has been that way for years. It's discouraging, I'll be honest. My already-low confidence keeps taking beatings. I used to be more active with fandoms and posting fics, but one fandom/ship soured the experience for me. (Long story short, a lot of that ship's writers were bullied out by much more prominent writers. One of those popular writers mocked content from my fics in vaguetweets every time I posted, and I couldn't keep calling it a coincidence after a while.) I'd hear "you only write manbabies" (yeah more than once) and "you write too much of this" or be told my characterization wasn't realistic. But mostly? It just goes ignored. So I think, "I have to work harder and be better so people will be interested in reading it."
I don't know how other people manage to get word out about their writing. AO3 is great for sharing what I don't plan to publish/what can't be published, but what about what I do want published? I want to be a career author. And I struggle bc I'm dealing with problems that have a hand in worsening each other: financial struggles, living with my shitty parents, and bad health/disabilities. I need something in my life to work out for once. The pressure is on to be successful at something, but I just keep getting older and physically worse. My friend is willing to take me in when they find a place, we hope that's this year, but I can't live off of them, and I can't just sometimes cook and clean when I have spoons to make up for that. I need an income. I want writing to work out. But it just dies on my social media, with very few interactions, if any at all. I had a ton of stuff I wanted to finish for Seasons this month and into October to share with everyone in my excitement. But I'm losing my will to share anything. I only feel foolish when I try. Everything I do only proves my critics right, so it's embarrassing. Why even bother to try? It's been fourteen years of trying to get anything I write seen. I don't plan to stop writing btw, it's the sharing that's so difficult. I've been told countless times to write for myself when I express my despair, and guess what? That's good advice I've been taking this entire time! Who else could I be trying to please at this point? I have no one to please lmao, it's just me doing stuff I wanna do! The reaction to the ending of Seasons has me hesitant to give up on sharing, bc clearly lots of people connected to it in different ways, and that's wonderful. It makes me think sharing isn't so bad! But I just don't know if - at my age and health - if I can keep trying. I have two books I want to self-publish soon, and they feel like they'll just end up like everything else I post over at @mcalhenwrites - 6 notes and 5 of them are my reblogs! (And it's the same across all social media platforms - or it's even worse.) I'm really thankful that sharing Seasons gave me a taste of what it was like to connect with people through my writing, though. I don't think any of the people who commented or sent me asks realize how much it really helped me through this year, but it did. I started to have a little hope that maybe it wasn't a skill issue on my part, at least? ;A; And here's the thing: I don't really hate my writing all that much. I just fear it's got things wrong with it that I can't recognize, and that's what's putting potential readers off. I do believe my hard work shows, but hard work =/= good enough. My style is getting closer to the skill level I dreamed of having. I'm proud of my characters. But what's missing? I know that being a creator of any kind - even professional - is extremely tough, especially right now. I know this is a struggle for a lot of authors, artists, etc. :'( I just... I want to write as a career so I can keep doing more of it. I rarely have the spoons to keep up with anything. Writing is flexible. I love doing it! I just want to explain how I feel and what I'm dealing with, and why I'm so desperate. If you read this, know that it really helps creators to have our work recommended, boosted, etc. Authors matter as much as artists. I've been trying to train myself for the nth time to not be online and talk about my writing in any capacity. It hasn't worked before - I'm always too stupid to commit to giving up - but at what point in 14 years of complete failure with a side of humiliation does one just learn to give up? And to give some further insight into my thinking process: when I uploaded the remaining chapters, I put Seasons in my private collection (which holds 87 of my works out-of-bounds to anyone but me) so I could upload all the chapters without risking annoying my subscribers. Since 11 chapters in one night is a bit much, eh? :') Ugh, idk why tumblr won't let me edit anything or post long stuff. So I'm cutting this short I guess!
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D, I and O
D: What was the first thing you ever contributed to a fandom?AhahahHAHAHAHA!!! Oh man, it was this. Something that I'm 100% sure is older than a lot of my followers. I can't even confirm exactly how old it is, because the website that I originally posted it on doesn't exist anymore.
I: Has tumblr caused you to stop liking any fandoms, if so, which and why? So, once upon a time, in the days of yore, while I was still a total novice at this whole Fandom thing, I picked up a DVD from the library. What's this?? I thought. Someone made a modern version of my favourite literary characters??? Wow, I wonder if anyone else thinks these two guys are in love. I should check online! And in my naivete, I did. And for a while, it was great! Sure, I created my blog in the midst of the 'You shouldn't bite someone's dick without permission' discourse, and sure I was accused of appropriating my own culture because I didn't agree with the sentiment that an AU about the characters as cavemen(I think? Fuck it's been forever) was being maliciously racist, and sure I received dozens of death threats when I cited examples that suggested one of the characters was recovering from an ED, and SURE I eventually stopped writing for years after being repeatedly harassed and misgendered and threatened by readers when I asked them to stop speaking to me offensively. And SU- Sorry. Where was I going with this? Oh right! Eventually, the thing that put me off entirely was when a fandom divide cropped up and they started fighting over whether or not there was a Conspiracy involved with the writers/directors/media/actors/actors' wives/the fucking queen, i don't know. I figured it was just silly fun, and said I didn't buy into said Conspiracy. Hoo, boy. The flood of hate was epic. So when 'that side' started chirping on about how they were so sweet and kind and generous compared to their Enemies, I said 'Uh, and what about this message I got? And this one? And this other? And these thirty more?' which got a response of 'Oh, those are obviously from people on your side sending you those messages pretending to be True Believers, to make us look bad. Or you probably sent them to yourself.' At which point, I blocked about a hundred people, added a crap ton of stuff to my blacklist, disabled anon, and noped the fuck outta there. Kept the beloved friends I made, though!
O: Choose a song at random, what ship does it remind you of? This one reminds me of TimKon. Specifically 100 Failed Cloning Attempts TimKon.
And this one isn't exactly random(and warning for lots of flashing lights), but it gives me of Constantine/First of the Fallen vibes.
Specifically from the First's point of view...
With young, scruffy punk John.
Which I definitely haven't written.... *CoughDevil'sMusicCough*
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tarysande · 4 years
Hey, I see you reblogging adhd stuff every now and when. I hope you're ok with me asking, how long have you known you have adhd? I am currently wondering if I have it and am sups unsure what to do about it.
I’m always okay with people asking about things I post!
Of course, because of the ADHD, I’m not always great at answering ;)
I’m especially willing to talk about ADHD because I know my journey to getting a diagnosis doesn’t follow the stereotypical path, and I’d be thrilled if my experience ends up helping other people out there.
My family doctor was the first person to ever mention ADHD to me. I was 36 at the time. Maybe 37. I’m 40 (wtf) now, turning 41 in a month (haha, wtf). I’ve had depression most of my life. At the time, I was deeply frustrated because my depression was well-managed, but I still couldn’t focus to save my life. When my doctor asked if I might have ADHD, I laughed and said, “With my grades*? Yeah, no.” *I was a straight-A student from elementary school through to the end of my BFA. HOWEVER, at uni I had a handful of ‘lower’ grades: a B-, a B, a B+ in classes I found A G O N I Z I N G L Y boring. I was also never a disruption in class—mostly because I entertained myself by writing novels and reading under my desk and listening to music by keeping my earphones under my long hair. The key was to answer a question in class right away, thereby diverting the teacher’s attention and leaving me to my own devices for the rest of the time.
The focus issues continued unabated. Months later, a good friend of mine who was also diagnosed with ADHD as an adult brought it up again, and this time I did a lot more research. And ... yeah, puzzle pieces started clicking together. A lot of them. 
I brought it up with my doctor, and she sent me to the one (1) psychiatrist in Vancouver who was a) covered by provincial healthcare and b) would deal with a potential ADHD diagnosis in a patient of my (advanced) age *stares into the camera like it’s the office*. He was a Real Jerk, but I did his bevy of tests and he reluctantly agreed that I matched all the criteria except that I had never done poorly in school or been a nuisance in class**. **these criteria are ridiculously outdated, often don’t apply to girls (or those who have inattentive-type or mixed-type ADHD), and should BY NO MEANS exclude anyone from an ADHD diagnosis. If, like me, you’re what they call “twice exceptional” (where being intellectually gifted can often mask the struggles associated with ADHD, autism, physical/learning disabilities), it’s EVEN EASIER to slip through the cracks. 
The psychiatrist upped my anti-depressants, which helped, but still did nothing for my focus. By the way? ADHD, especially in adults, is FREQUENTLY comorbid with other conditions like depression or anxiety. It’s almost like ... when your brain doesn’t do what you know it should do, WANT it to do, TRY TO MAKE IT DO, and you feel like a failure who’s not living up to her potential ... it makes you REALLY DEPRESSED!! Who knew?? After almost a year, I finally brought up the focus with my family doctor again, who was like, “Okay, let’s try some things, then.” Finding the right dose of ADHD meds is ... trial and error. And it’s exhausting. And sometimes you think you’ve figured it out, but you haven’t. I still haven’t landed on the BEST POSSIBLE solution for me, but I will tell you this: the difference in unmedicated-ADHD-Tara and medicated-ADHD-Tara is like night and day, even when my meds aren’t optimal. 
To give a very specific example, I’m a freelance writer and editor. My income from my first (medicated) year of running my own business full(ish) time was almost three times that of the unmedicated year before. This year, even with COVID throwing a lot of wrenches in a lot of gears, I’ve remained booked three to four months in advance, my focus is better, my self-worth is better (i.e., I charge what I know I’m worth), I’ve stood up for myself, I’ve *gasp* started planning(???). I’m not rolling around in piles of money, but I’m above the Canadian median.
I also speak to my therapist every two weeks (she’s wonderful—and she’s online, which is both cheaper and more accessible for me). I’m slowly understanding the value of meditation (if you have the Calm app I HIGHLY recommend Jeff Warren’s How to Meditate 30-day program. I’m on day 13. There’s no BS or vagueness; I love him.) I made an effort to change my diet and spend more time moving around outdoors. (Exercise is even more important for ADHD brains, it turns out.)
Now, none of this has been a magical cure-all. I’m in the middle of struggling with med dosage at the moment, which is freshly irritating. Even medicated, there are good days and bad days—which is totally normal. I just finished an editing project that nearly destroyed me because it was SO boring and I couldn’t get out of it (because I’d ADHD-procrastinated too long). Learning how to function in the neurotypical world with an atypical ADHD brain is WORK. There’s also a lot of emotion—grief, anger, frustration, joy—as you process the new information and mourn the time you spent lost, underachieving, “failing.”
One really great, really accessible resource is the YouTube channel How to ADHD. For people who want to dig into the science, I recommend Russell Barkley (HE IS SO SMART) and Ned Hallowell. There’s also a ton of information on ADDitude. Anyway, this is a lot of information, I know. There are some good self-tests on the ADDitude site. If you think you have it AND IT’S IMPACTING YOUR LIFE***, bring it up with your doctor. Know that you might run into some resistance because most ADHD meds can be (and are widely) abused, and people with actual ADHD get caught in that crossfire. Even though it’s hard because of ADHD’s effect on emotions (TOO MANY!! TOO STRONG!!), be prepared to face some scrutiny.  *** they’re always going to ask about how it’s negatively affecting your life.
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maddie-grove · 5 years
The Top Twenty Books I Read in 2019
My main takeaways from the past year’s reading:
Sometimes you think something is happening because of magic, but then it turns out to have a non-magical explanation so weird that you find yourself saying, “You know what? I wish faeries or God were responsible for this. I’d honestly feel less disturbed.”
Stop bathing and changing your clothes and shaving for three years, three months, and three days. You’ll find out who your real friends are. I promise you that.
I want more books about bisexual ladies!!! Give them to me!!!
20. The Prodigal Duke by Theresa Romain (2017)
Childhood sweethearts Poppy Hayworth and Leo Billingsley were separated when his older brother, a duke, sent him away to make his fortune. Years later, the duke is dead, a financially successful Leo has come back to England to take his place, and Poppy has become a rope dancer at Vauxhall Gardens after a life-shattering event. New sparks are flying between them, but is love possible when so much else has changed? Leo and Poppy are believable and charming as old friends, Romain makes great use of obscure historical details from the oft-depicted Regency period, and I loved Leo’s difficult but caring elderly uncle.
19. Simple Jess by Pamela Morsi (1996)
Althea Winsloe, a young widow in 1900s Arkansas, has no interest in remarrying, but almost everyone in her small Ozarks community is pressuring her to remarry, and she still needs someone to help farm her land. Enter Jesse Best, a strong young man with cognitive disabilities who’s happy to take on the work. As he makes improvements to her farm and bonds with her three-year-old son, Althea gets to know him better and starts to see him in a new light. This earthy romance could’ve been a disaster, but instead it illustrates how people with disabilities are often...uh...simplified and de-sexualized in a way that denies them autonomy. Morsi has a similarly nuanced take on Althea and Jesse’s community, which is claustrophobic and supportive all at once.
18. Leah on the Offbeat by Becky Albertalli (2018)
Outspoken and insecure, bisexual high school senior Leah Burke is having a tough year. Her friend group is in turmoil, her single mom is seriously dating someone, and she’s caught between a sweet boy she’s not sure about and a pretty, perfect straight girl who couldn’t possibly be into her...right??? The sequel to the very cute Simon vs. the Homo Sapiens Agenda, Leah on the Offbeat pulls a The Godfather: Part II with its messy protagonist, sweetly surprising romance, and masterful comic set piece involving the Atlanta American Girl Doll restaurant.
17. Copper Sun by Sharon M. Draper (2006)
Kidnapped from her home in eighteenth-century Ghana, fifteen-year-old Amari is sold into slavery and winds up on a South Carolina plantation, where she faces terrible cruelty but finds friends in an enslaved cook, her little son, and eventually a sulky white indentured servant around her age. When their master escalates his already-atrocious behavior, the three young people flee south to the Spanish Fort Mose in search of freedom. Draper’s complicated characters, vivid descriptions, and deft handling of heavy subjects makes for top-notch historical YA fiction.
16. A Prince on Paper by Alyssa Cole (2019)
After her controlling politician father was jailed for poisoning a bunch of people in their small, prosperous African country, Nya Jerami gained unprecedented freedom but also became the subject of vicious gossip. Johan von Braustein, the hard-partying stepson of a European monarch, wants to help her, partly because he sympathizes and partly because he has a crush, but she thinks he’s too frivolous and horny (if wildly attractive). After an embarrassing misunderstanding compels them to enter a fake engagement, though, she begins to wonder if there’s more to him. I’m not a huge fan of contemporary romance, but this novel has the perfect combination of heartfelt emotion, delicious melodrama, and adorable fluff. 
15. One Perfect Rose by Mary Jo Putney (1997)
Stephen, the Duke of Ashburton, has always done the proper and responsible thing, but that all changes when he learns that he’s terminally ill. Wandering the countryside in the guise of an ordinary gentleman, he ends up joining an acting troupe and falling in love with Rosalind, the sensible adopted daughter of the two lead actors. Like another Regency romance on this list, this novel celebrates love in many forms: there’s the love story between Stephen and Rosalind, yes, but there’s also Rosalind’s loving relationship with her adopted family, the new bonds she forms with her long-lost blood relatives, the way her two families embrace the increasingly frightened Stephen, and the healing rifts between Stephen and his well-meaning but distant siblings. Stephen’s reconciliation with his mortality is also moving.
14. My One and Only Duke by Grace Burrowes (2018)
Facing a death sentence in Newgate, footman-turned-prosperous banker Quinton Wentworth decides to do one last good thing: marry Jane McGowan, a poor pregnant widow, so she and the baby will be financially set. Then he receives a pardon and a dukedom at the literal last minute, meaning that he and Jane have a more permanent arrangement than either intended. I fell in love with the kind-but-difficult protagonists almost at once, and with Burrowes’s gorgeous prose even faster. 
13. Eleanor and Park by Rainbow Rowell (2013)
It’s 1986, and comics-loving, post-punk-listening, half-Korean Park and bright, weird, constantly bullied Eleanor are just trying to get through high school in their rough Omaha neighborhood. He’s only grudgingly willing to let her share his bus seat at first, but this barely civil acquaintance slowly thaws into friendship and blossoms into love. Far from being the whimsical eighties-nostalgia-fest I expected, this is a bittersweet love story about two isolated young people who find love, belonging, and a chance for self-expression with each other in an often-hostile environment (a small miracle pre-Internet).
12. Shrill by Lindy West (2016)
In this memoir, Lindy West talks about the difficulties of being a fat woman, the thankless task of being vocally less-than-enthused about rape jokes, the joys of moving past self-doubt, and the very real possibility that Little John from Disney’s Robin Hood was played by “bear actor” Baloo, among other subjects. I was having a hard time during my last semester of law school this past spring, and this book’s giddy humor and inspiring messages really helped me in my hour of need.
11. Seduction: Sex, Lies, and Stardom in Howard Hughes's Hollywood by Karina Longworth (2018)
In 1925, very young businessman Howard Hughes breezed into Hollywood with nothing but tons of family wealth, a soon-to-be-divorced wife, and a simple dream: make movies about fast planes and big bosoms. He got increasingly weird and reactionary over the next thirty years, then retired from public life. More a history of 1920s-1950s Hollywood than a biography, this book has the same sharp writing and in-depth film analysis that makes me love Longworth’s podcast You Must Remember This.
10. The Beguiled by Thomas Cullinan (1966)
In Civil-War-era Virginia, iron-willed Martha Farnsworth and her nervous younger sister try to run their nearly empty girls’ boarding school within earshot of a battlefield. When one girl finds Union soldier John McBurney injured in the woods, she brings him back to the house, where he exploits every conflict and secret among the eight girls and women (five students, two sisters, and one enslaved cook). Charming and manipulative, he nevertheless finds himself in over his head. Cullinan makes great use of the eight POVs and the deliciously claustrophobic setting; it’s fascinating to watch the power dynamics and allegiances shift from scene to scene.
9. A Gentleman Never Keeps Score by Cat Sebastian (2018)
Reserved tavern keeper Sam Fox wants to help out his brother’s sweetheart by finding and destroying a nude portrait she once sat for; disgraced gentleman Hartley Sedgwick isn’t sure what he wants after having his life ruined twice over, but he happened to inherit his house from the man who commissioned the painting...plus he’s not exactly reluctant to assist kind, handsome Sam in his quest. I wrote about this heart-melting romance two times last year; suffice it to say that it’s not only one of the best Regencies I’ve ever read, but also possibly the best romance I’ve ever read about the creation of a found family.
8. Frog Music by Emma Donoghue (2014)
Blanche Beunon, a French-born burlesque dancer in 1876 San Francisco, has a lot going on: her mooching boyfriend has turned on her, her sick baby is missing, and her cross-dressing, frog-hunting friend Jenny Bonnet was just shot dead right next to her. In the middle of a heat wave, a smallpox epidemic, and a little bit of mob violence, she must locate her son and solve Jenny’s murder. This is a glorious work of historical fiction; you can see, hear, smell, and feel the chaotic world of 1870s San Francisco, plus Blanche’s character arc is amazing.
7. The Patrick Melrose novels (Never Mind, Bad News, Some Hope, Mother’s Milk, and At Last) by Edward St. Aubyn (1992, 1992, 1994, 2005, and 2012, respectively)
Born to an embittered English aristocrat and an idealistic American heiress, Patrick Melrose lives through his father’s sadistic abuse and his mother’s willful blindness (Never Mind),  does a truly staggering amount of drugs in early adulthood (Bad News), and makes a good-faith effort at leading a normal life (Some Hope). Years later, the life he’s built with his wife and two sons is threatened by his alcoholism and reemerging resentment of his mother (Mother’s Milk), but there may be a chance to salvage something (At Last). Despite the suffering and cruelty on display, these novels were the farthest thing from a dismaying experience, thanks to the sharp characterization, grim humor, and great sense of setting. Also, I love little Robert Melrose, an anxious eldest child after my own heart. 
6. The Perilous Gard by Elizabeth Marie Pope (1974)
In 1550s England, no-nonsense Kate Sutton is exiled to the Perilous Gard, a remote castle occupied by suspicious characters, including the lord’s guilt-ridden younger brother Christopher. Troubled by the holes she sees in the story of the tragedy that haunts him, she does some problem-solving and ends up in a world of weird shit. Cleverly plotted, deliciously spooky, and featuring an all-time-great heroine, this book was an absolute treat. The beautiful Richard Cuffari illustrations in my edition didn’t hurt, either.
5. An Unconditional Freedom by Alyssa Cole (2019)
Daniel Cumberland, a free black man from New England traumatized from being sold into slavery, and Janeta Sanchez, a mixed-race Cuban-Floridian lady from a white Confederate family, have been sent on a mission to the Deep South by the Loyal League, a pro-Union spy organization. Initially hostile to everyone (but particularly to somewhat naive Janeta), Daniel warms to his colleague, but will her secrets, his shattered faith in justice, and the various dangers they face prevent them from falling in love? Nah. Alyssa Cole’s historical romances deliver both on the history and the romance, and this is one of her strongest entries.
4. The Lady’s Guide to Celestial Mechanics by Olivia Waite (2019)
Heartbroken by the death of her father and the marriage of her ex-girlfriend, Lucy Muchelney decides she needs a change of scenery and takes a live-in position translating a French astronomy text for Catherine St. Day, the recently widowed Countess of Moth. Catherine, used to putting her interests on hold for an uncaring spouse, is intrigued by this awkward, independent lady. I’ve read f/f romances before, but this sparkling Regency was the first to really blow me away with its fun banter, neat historical details, and perfect sexual tension.
3. The Wager by Donna Jo Napoli (2010)
After losing his entire fortune to a tidal wave, Sicilian nineteen-year-old Don Giovanni de la Fortuna sinks into poverty and near-starvation. Then Devil makes him an offer: all the money he wants for as long as he lives if he doesn’t bathe, cut his hair, shave, or change his clothes for three years, three months, and three days. This fairy-tale retelling is an extraordinarily moving fable about someone who learns to acknowledge his own suffering, recognize it in others, and extend compassion to all. 
2. Vampires in the Lemon Grove by Karen Russell (2013)
In this collection, Russell weaves strange tales of silkworm-women hybrids in Japan, seagulls who collect objects from the past and future, and, yes, vampires in the lemon grove. She also posits the very important question: “What if most (but not all) U.S. presidents were reincarnated as horses in the same stable and had a lot of drama going on?” My favorite stories were “Proving Up” (about a nineteenth-century Nebraska boy who encounters death and horror on the prairie), “The Graveless Doll of Eric Mutis” (about a disadvantaged high school student who discovers an effigy of the even more hapless boy he tormented), and “The Barn at the End of the Term” (the horse-president story). 
1. The Wonder by Emma Donoghue (2016)
Lib Wright, an Englishwoman who has floundered since her days working for Florence Nightingale during the Crimean War, is hired to observe Anna O’Donnell, an eleven-year-old Irish girl famous for not eating for four straight months. With a jaundiced attitude towards the Irish and Catholicism, Lib is confident that she’ll quickly expose Anna as a fraud, but she finds herself liking the girl and getting increasingly drawn into the disturbing mystery of her fast. Like The Perilous Gard, this novel masterfully plays with the possibility of the supernatural, then introduces a technically mundane explanation that’s somehow much more eerie. Donoghue balances the horror and waste that surrounds Anna, though, with the clear, bright prose and the moving relationship that develops between her and Lib, who grows beyond her narrow-mindedness and emotional numbness. I stayed up half the night to finish this novel, which cemented Emma Donoghue’s status as my new favorite author.
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stubbornattempt · 5 years
I hope this is ok to try to get a message to you again. If you'd prefer that I didn't I'll certainly stop. There are just so many things I don't know or understand. The past couple of years I've come to believe that for whatever reasons you and I can never be together. And while this is my best guess, I realized I would like to know that for a fact. You see, I'm still in love with you and I always will be in love with you and I would wait as many years as it takes until its safe to be together, if there ever would come such a time. It's a long shot, but I'd like to know if there is a chance. That would change every aspect of my life. It seems to me that you and I can't be together because of the danger of being arrested, and if that is the case I would never want you to risk yourself trying to be with me. I would rather never see you again and let you have a good life. But maybe is there some sort of statute of limitations on the thing? If enough time goes by would everything be ok? I think about you every day and it hurts a lot. I can't put it into words but I ache like I've lost the thing in the world most precious to me. Sometimes I just whisper your name. I don't know how you feel. Maybe you don't still have strong feelings for me or even want to be together. If that's the case I'd rather not know that! You said you would always love me and I believe you. I remember every single thing you've ever said to me. You're in the deepest and most permanent part of me. You're my home and as long as we're apart I'll never be home. It's ok if that's what it boils down to. It's been a long time now and I've accepted the idea of never being together. I told you I'm dating this guy Steve and I like him well enough. It's slightly nicer to have someone than to be alone. But I don't think I could ever be in love with him, or anybody else really. I can love someone as a person and be fond of them but that's not the same as being in love. I've just accepted that any other relationship I have I will be settling for less. Over the past year I've started becoming what I think might be a bad person. I'm just selfish and sometimes I feel absolutely nothing. I don't care that the planet is dying. I don't really want to expend energy to help anybody else and I do the bare minimum to help myself. I have more callous and angry thoughts than I used to, and until recently I've been aware of becoming a worse human being but I haven't cared. I'm also becoming increasingly perverted, and while I don't think there's anything wrong with a fantasy that you would never act on, I wonder what it says about me that I'm getting off on things that would disturb most people. I've always had a twisted sort of libido I guess, but its just firing on all cylinders now and I wonder if I'm so different from regular people that I'll always be on the outside pretending to fit in and hiding my true self. I did about 4 weeks of school and withdrew from my classes. I didn't want to do the work and I didn't like the subject material very much. It was Statistics and Chemistry and I realized I was gonna have to work hard to get A's. I didn't really want to be in school anyway. After visiting Steve in Cleveland for 5 weeks I realized that I could live a decent life on a tight budget. I'll get disability checks forever until I die, so if I don't want to I really don't have to work. And the truth is that I definitely don't want to work. Even if I wanted to I don't know if I could. I've always had trouble having to be places. Sometimes, quite frequently in fact, I break down and quit. I can't be somewhere all the time and also be forced to be around people. These days I find I'm happiest when I'm watching TV. There are enough shows out there that I could watch TV for the rest of my life. And when I get bored of that I could read books and do a little exercising. I have the opportunity to just have all my time to myself and I'd rather be poor and have that than go back to school, pay a shit ton of money, and then have to fucking work some job I'll probably hate. In any event, I don't think Biotechnology is the degree for me. The only potential job I would actually enjoy is being a therapist or counselor of some sort, and that would take a lot of schooling to get to a point where I could have a career. I'm a little too old now to look down that road. Maybe not. I just don't feel like being back in school just yet. I still have too many emotional and psychological issues that I'm dealing with. I've decided to get some therapy myself. I think I'll go next week. Try to talk about some of this stuff. Eventually I told a few people about what I went through. I told Steve, another online friend, and then today I told Michelle some of it. Maybe talking about it will somehow help? If I thought there was a possibility of being able to be with you in the future it would infuse every aspect of my life with such profound happiness. I'm not holding out much hope for it, but I think you should give me an answer if you can safely get one to me. If there is no chance I think I'll move to Cleveland. Not because I'm so crazy about Steve, but I like him well enough and its an opportunity to start over. I love where I live but there are memories everywhere I go. I can't be the way I was again, and being reminded of everything I used to have can be painful. Cleveland is very cheap and poor and I could fit right in. My mother will be supremely disappointed upon finding that I don't intend to go to school and then get a job and I can't really explain myself to her. Telling my family about my life is out of the question. So in Cleveland I could at least be in a new setting where I'm not bombarded with memories around every corner, with a guy who I enjoy spending time with, and I could live cheaply. As you get older your options narrow all the time. I'm looking at my options and it seems like the best one. Today I miss you so much I want to cry. I don't cry that much these days. After I figured out you weren't coming for me again I didn't cry for a year or something. I did some art therapy on Tumblr and listened to a lot of screamo. Last winter I made that playlist I sent to you, and I would listen to it all day every day for like a month or two and cry to it. I haven't cried since then I don't think. Crying doesn't do anything anymore. My emotions are resoundingly futile. I'm so scared of forgetting a detail or a feeling. I'm scared of the time and distance that separates me from when I last saw you and I'm scared that it's only ever going to grow. I'm scared of getting older and inevitably not being the same person I used to be and I'm realizing the thing that might save me is that I don't want to become someone you would no longer love, even if we never see each other again. I want to be the person that you love and I don't know how to do that going into the future without you. As I slowly turn into somebody else that's putting even more distance between us. It hurts so much its the dullest ache. No one will ever know what we shared and that's ok as long as I can keep it alive in my heart and my mind, but life is long I guess. Even though we're not together somehow I'm scared of losing you. Loving you is the most profound experience of my life. A future without you is static, muted, black and white. I feel like I lived more than most people in life ever have. I've had more mystery and adventure, trauma and pain, and depth of love. Sometimes I actually feel lucky, even though it devastated my life for good. At least I was special for a time, and experienced something unique in all the world. And I experienced your love, which is my top rated experience of all time. Sometimes I beg your memory not to leave me. So far it hasn't, but I'm afraid of Time. I'll wrap this rant up here. I just wanted to say that I'll no longer send you messages on Facebook. I guess that might be dangerous somehow? I also want you to know that I will never come looking for you. If you want to be with me and its safe, the ball is totally in your court. I don't want you to feel haunted by me and if you don't want to hear from me I won't message you. Even if we can't be together IRL maybe we could keep in touch through secret messages over the years? Maybe just an update every couple of years? I want you to have a life and be happy and I don't want to interfere with that. So maybe you'd prefer a clean break and just to let me go? Fuck, I love you so much. Whatever you want is fine with me. I only ask that you give me a sign so I can know for a fact that it's over forever. You don't even need to tell me why. All I really want to do in this life is tell you how much I love you. I'm trying to live my life and I am. Some days are easier than others. I'm alone in my headspace most of the time. I don't know if it helps or does harm to think about everything so much. I'm realizing a lot about my limitations and coming to terms with what the rest of my life is going to look like. I think I could find reasonable happiness if I moved away and started new. As long as I stay in this city my family will make me feel bad for not accomplishing anything professionally. And I just don't have it in me to be what they want me to be. Everything I went through from like 2011-2017 or whatever it was, that is and has to be my "contribution" to the world because I truly don't have anything left to give. I'll never feel like everybody else and no matter what happiness and stability I'm able to attain, there will forever be this deep current of sadness for everything lost. I find myself feeling alienated from other people and not totally respecting their emotions and experiences because of what I've been through. Things I went through were so extreme it makes it hard for me to take the plights of others so seriously. I'm on the outside forever and I am alone forever. I feel happier with Steve but he doesn't have much emotional depth and even though I told him about you/everything I don't think he begins to understand. So I'm alienated forever from everyone IRL and nobody who knows what happened to me is willing to talk to me. What exactly happened anyway? When did John first start filming me? When did others start watching? What's the ballpark number of people who were watching me? Were there cameras in the bathrooms? In the Tea House? Basic fucking things I'll never know. No one affiliated with the theater is ever going to tell me and there's no way to find the answers to my questions. It used to be very troubling to not know, but I've come to terms with not knowing. It's not that high on my list of concerns anymore. The PTSD from believing that John was going to kill me has probably subsided as well. I don't think I really have schizophrenia, but I think you guys gave me schizophrenia for a time. I was out there seeing clues and receiving messages left and right and that shit did get pretty scary. But I don't see clues and messages anymore, so I doubt I'm schizo. Maybe I have like schizo-affective disorder or something, but I don't think I'm schizo. I even stopped taking my meds months ago and I'm fine. I'll pretend to the docs like I'm taking my meds and I'm fine with the diagnosis as it has allowed me to be given disability. I feel like I deserve disability and I honestly feel like after what I lived through that I shouldn't have to work. I know I said earlier that I was wrapping this up, but I do not want to stop talking to you ever. My love. I also want you to know that there is no future where I blame you for what I went through or am angry with you. Looking back over our communication I see perfectly clearly that you didn't lie to me or deceive me. I think you made some poor decisions because I would have liked to marry you straight away and skip the internet games. I know you feel badly about the way things happened. I don't want you to though. It's bad enough that I'm not happy, if you can be happy you really should be. I'm so glad that you have your kids in your life. It makes me very happy to know that you have those meaningful relationships. That night in the truck when it seemed like we were running away, if that's what was really happening I want you to know how much it meant to me that you were willing to leave everyone in your life to be with me. It was powerful. Obviously I'd do the same for you anytime at all, but I don't have kids. So your devotion to me was the most impressive gesture anyone has ever made for me. I don't think anyone has ever really seen me the way you did. I want to always be that person you fell in love with but that can't be. I'm growing older and changing and the changes probably aren't all good. Thank you for being there at my most vulnerable and for intoxicating me with your love. I know I was probably draining and maybe demanded more from you than you had signed up for. I hope I didn't mess things up for you too much. I know your wife left you and it seemed like my going to where you used to work may have influenced her decision? Anyway, I hope you don't look back and think of me as a mistake that made you lose your wife. Even if its not me I hope you find someone who loves you. I would just hope that you never stop loving me. I don't know how I'm gonna carry myself through the rest of my life. Maybe things can be better than I'm imagining. Maybe I'll be more of a good person than a creep. I have to try a little bit harder though. I'm so disaffected. I don't like being around people or going out and doing things. If I move to Cleveland Steve will make sure I get out and do things. He has crazy levels of energy and fills every second of the day with an activity. After 5 weeks I was thoroughly exhausted, but perhaps that's a good type of personality for me to be around. It's hard for me to stop writing to you because it kind of feels like spending time with you when I talk to you. I would love to hear from you. Anything from you I cherish. I'm afraid to look at your blogs or your online accounts though. I don't want to see things that aren't meant for me. It also hurts. I only want to see things from you that are meant for me. Anything you could tell me about how you're feeling or what actually happened I would be grateful to hear. You could be creative. I'll know if its you. One last thing I forgot to mention is that I'm having transgender problems again. I've decided not to pursue transitioning. It's a little late in the game for me. The results wouldn't be as good. It's a lot of fucking work to transition. Most people are wildly transphobic. I don't want to have to explain and justify my existence to everybody. I don't want to be discriminated against. My mom might disinherit me. It would be harder to date. I'd be a dude with a vagina which is awkward. Top surgery is a lot of money. I don't think I want to shave my face every day. A lot of trans people say that if you can live as a cis person that you definitely should because being a transsexual is very hard. The part of my life were it would have mattered being correctly gendered the most is behind me. I'm just saying fuck it. It's just one more way that my life fails to be perfect. If I did transition probably I would be happier and more comfortable in social situations and more likely to socialize but the cost is very high. Maybe I'm being cowardly or lazy about it, but I'm trying to be pragmatic. Anyway, I'll love you no matter what even when you're 70 and bald and your teeth are falling out, so if at any point in your life you want to be with me and its possible, reach out. I'm yours and its not possible to make it otherwise. If you don't respond to this I guess I'll take that as a sign and try not to contact you again. If that happens I want you to know that I will think of you always. As the years roll on I will imagine you raising your kids, going to their graduations and weddings, having grand kids, growing old. I'll think about you in your dorky baseball caps and playing the guitar, enjoying your success and continuing to crusade against the insanity in the world. Your obsessiveness, your industriousness, your raw intelligence and creativity. I think you're golden. That night in the motel room when I refused to leave you and because of that you ended up getting away, that was the thing in my life that I'm most proud of and I would do it over and over again. At least I was given the opportunity to demonstrate how much I care for you. Not everybody gets to make such a dramatic gesture. I hope you feel it in your bones how much you are loved. I hope I'm inside of you the way you are in me. If you still feel the same for me, please consider the possibility of trying again if there is any possible way. I would try to be the best version of myself for you. I've decided to try that anyway, but it would be easier with you. Can I tell you just one more time? I love you. I was a kid for a long time, longer than usual, but I'm less so every day. And although I'm a terribly inadequate adult I don't think I would be a burden on you. I'm financially independent now, I have a car and a license and I've dealt with a lot of my problems on my own. I still have many lingering problems but I don't think you'd have to repair me as much. We could have a relationship based on mutual love more than need. After everything, wouldn't it feel like the world’s greatest victory? It would to me anyway. I'm just appealing to you on the chance that we could try to make it work. If it was my choice we'd never stop trying. Ok, I've been long-winded. It feels super good to talk to you. I hope against hope that this isn't the last time.
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krixwell-liveblogs · 6 years
Check out this post. Wildbow talks about his life on reddit. This explains so much about Taylor’s school experience. No Worm spoilers
This sounds interesting. I’ve frequently wondered about how Wildbow’s life shaped this story.
Let’s take a look.
Redditors who have opted out of a standard approach to life (study then full time work, mortgage etc), please share your stories. What are the best and worst things about your lifestyle, and do you have any regrets?
Well, the title is already intriguing.
Hermit writer here.
Born hard of hearing, went to a regular school. Struggled in middle school. Struggled in high school. Kids who were in my class in kindergarten were in my classes all the way through to grade ten, with the elementary/middle school and high school being a stone's throw from one another.
I kind of knew about the hard of hearing bit already. I can’t find the ask that told me about it, though (it was probably before I stopped using screenshots for asks).
So far this sounds relatively normal, except for that part. But I’m guessing he’s going to elaborate a bit on the struggles surrounding his school life and hearing problems?
In grade 10, after years of bullying and a peer group that had established who was 'in' and who was 'out' when I was knee-high, tired of struggling, I was walking down the halls and I found myself wondering when the last time I'd even opened my mouth in school was.
Oh wow.
I stopped dead in my tracks, just paralyzed by loneliness. I asked myself what the point was, couldn't come up with an answer, resumed walking, went out the side door of the school and went home.
This clearly parallels a few of the last times we saw Taylor at Winslow High.
The start of me just not going to school for that entire year. Nobody noticed.
Damn. He really did write all that from experience. It took a while for Taylor’s absence to get noted, too.
Taylor’s absence getting noted at all actually seems like a fantasy compared to this.
I got caught at the end of the year, did the same thing the next year, got caught only at the end.
What the hell sort of attendance routines did this school have? Clearly not good ones.
Ended up going to an Alternative school (Self study), proved to myself that I had it in me when I got 3 years of studying done in 8 months, won two awards... and then had to go back to my old school for what was essentially grade 13, where I struggled.
Huh. Well done.
People learn in very different ways. Some people can do this much more effectively than learning in a group. Some people are like me and can’t make themselves keep up the effort required to self study, or learn better from lectures than reading.
Some people learn by observing their surroundings while flying.
I worked retail and found it fine. But family wanted me to go to University and figure myself out.
I’m currently working retail, taking a break from the educational system and buying time to figure out what to study.
I went to University and I struggled.
Guys, I’m sensing a theme here.
I spent a long, long time trying to figure out why I struggled, why I was tired all the time, and it took a kind of confluence of events before I realized what should've been obvious. I found the social stuff hard and I was exhausted after a day of listening because I'm severely to profoundly deaf.
Oh yeah, that makes a ton of sense. It’s like how focusing is exhausting when you have trouble doing that, how reading without glasses you need tires out your eyes and brain, etc.
Honestly, it’s a little surprising that I haven’t (explicitly) met a hard of hearing character in Worm yet. Maybe later? Oh wait, there was that deaf waitress at the villain pub in Hive.
Beyond that, the 'path' just isn't for me. The systems and institutions just grind me down. The idea of a 9 to 5 is death to me. These things are built and streamlined for the average person, and between disability and a fairly extreme degree of introversion, I'm far from that average.
That is very fair. There’s definitely a brand of ableism in that system.
In the end, I stepped off the path. I'd been writing a thing online as a side project and the reception was good, so I decided to leave school earlier than planned, use the savings I had, stretch things as far as I could, and work when I could (with a family friend when he needed the help and had the cash to spare, doing some landscaping, drywall installation, house painting, all prepping houses for sale in a boom market) to stretch things further.
This would be too early for that thing online to be Worm, right?
It just occurred to me that I have no idea how old Wildbow is.
And I wrote as seriously as I could while people close to me told me that I didn't deserve to 'get lucky' and have the writing work out because I hadn't seen University all the way through, or openly expressed doubts and disappointments.
Fuck that noise. Writing is tons of effort!
But you know, it worked out in the end. I wrote the equivalent of 20 books in 2.4 years, wrote another 10 for my next series in the ensuing 1.2 years, and I've kept up a similar pace over the last 7 years and two months.
Especially when you’re this coddamn productive!
That’s 8.33 books a year!
I started writing mid- 2011, left school at the start of 2012, went full-time-paying-the-bills in 2014 with an income around minimum wage. I moved to a small town (no car, nothing fancy) that same year. I'm now closer to the average Canadian wage. It's been two chapters a week (2.5 if crowdfunding money is enough) since the beginning.
Oh, I suppose that means it would be Worm after all.
When was this written... huh, yesterday? Well, that explains why this hasn’t been sent to me before.
Writing being Wildbow’s only/main income makes me feel even more right about my decision to set things up so that some of the money from my Patreon goes to Wildbow. It’s not that big a portion of his income (apparently average Canadian wage is 986 CAD or 755 USD per week, and I chip in with about 3.26 CAD or 2.50 USD per week), but it’s something.
My reality: I can go a week or two without really talking to anyone that isn't a cashier.
Sounds a bit lonely in the long run, but as a fellow introvert (or maybe I’m an ambivert, in the systems where that’s actually a thing), I get it - it also does sound pretty good. Especially if you’ve got internet people to casually interact with at your own leisure.
Every two months or so I go to a relative's to dogsit while they're on vacation or to see someone for their birthday, and that gives me most of my fill of socialization and companionship.
I don't have a car, so it's usually walking or taking the train to another city, and using public transpo there. I subsisted on a rice and beans diet for a good stretch, one $15 video game bought in a year, and my level of expenses hasn't really risen that much from that point. I eat better and buy a couple more things, but nothing major.
So I guess this would be somewhere between average and reserved?
I don’t know. Being Norwegian spoils me on these things.
60%+ of what I earn goes to savings, which gives me security when my income could fluctuate or disappear at any time.
Oh, that’s smart. I suppose writing would be a bit of a risky business, what with writer’s block, audience fluctuations, sudden drops in popularity because something you wrote didn’t go over as well as you thought it would, etc.
My schedule is entirely my own, which usually amounts to 2.5 15+ hour workdays a week and another 5-10 hours a week spent managing community, finances, and exchanging emails with tv/movie studios, publishers or startups.
I was going to talk about the long but few workdays, but tv/movie studios excuse me what
Is a TV series version of something Wildbow wrote (Worm or otherwise) a serious possibility right now?? :o
Best things - I love what I do. I love creating, I love my reader's tears, I love my readers being horrified.
This is really important. You gotta enjoy what you do.
I get to make monsters and be surprised by what my characters do. Many of my fans are just the absolute coolest people - people I'm now insanely glad to have met and include in my life. There's amazing fanart of my work out there, music, people have gotten tattoos. Tattoos. That's insane.
People have permanently, painfully painted their appreciation of your work into their bodies, Wildbow!
The bad- I'm an online content creator, and it's impossible to convey just how toxic the toxic elements of a fandom can get and how negative the negative aspects can get, and how much it can affect you.
That is true. There will always be a toxic side, and I can imagine works like Worm would attract a lot of the edgy sort.
I've seen 20 online content creators either break down or remark on the effect it has, and it's wholly accurate- and my audience isn't even ~that~ large.
Yeah, it doesn’t take that many people to start brewing fandom sides like this.
This is multiplied by the fact that writing is lonely as a profession (I know too many writers who can't even talk to their life partners about their work) and it can be hard to find perspective or balance as you take it all in, when you don't have people to communicate with.
Robert Jordan used his wife as a beta reader or editor of sorts. She was there to tell him when something he wrote didn’t quite come across, to make up for the fact that he couldn’t tell. After all, he knew what he meant by that one line.
On a similar note, some casual dating would be nice, and living in a small town for economical reasons doesn't leave me with a large dating pool, and at this point I'm not even sure if I could or should inflict myself on someone.
There are way too many people who think like that. I hope you find happiness with someone who sees you for the good bean you are, Wildbow.
I'm healthy, groomed, I can hold a conversation, I'm just pretty set in my introverted ways.
...relatable, though.
But still, I’m pretty sure there are people out there for us, who not only tolerate but appreciate the introvert lifestyle.
Hell, both of my crushes have been very introverted, even compared to myself, so I know those people exist because I’m among them.
On another, less social note, there is the fact that as an online content creator, you can't really take breaks. Or you can, but it costs. Consistency and frequency of updates are god, and a hiatus is a death knell.
No wonder he criticized me on this that one time. In his situation, it matters a lot.
I don't even know what an effective vacation would entail, because I feel like finding my stride again would cost more than I gained from having the break. So it's been seven years and two months without a vacation, writing a short book every month.
You deserve so many props, Wildbow.
...at some point here I started talking to Wildbow, just like I do to Taylor and other Worm characters. Well, at least this time there’s actually a chance he’s going to read this sometime, if he hasn’t dropped my blog.
I just hope he doesn’t think it’s weird that I’m liveblogging his life story.
It makes for a very strange sort of burnout, when I love it so much, I can still regularly put out some great work to acclaim and praise, but am nonetheless worn down around the edges.
That does not sound healthy.
No regrets. This is me. This is what I'm built for.
As long as you feel it’s right for you, this is good. :)
I could do with less negativity from some fans and getting regular good nights of sleep (the deafness comes with insomnia by way of terminal tinnitus), but both of those just come with the territory.
I feel you on the sleep front (ADD has its ways of messing with your ability to fall asleep too), but tinnitus sounds like a particularly annoying way to be inflicted with it.
I've been telling family for the last year that I'll move to a city with more going on than (as my elderly neighbor phrased it) drinking and meth, where there's classes to take, a possible dating pool, and/or activities that could break me out of my hermit shell... but my current apartment is amazing and cheap, with the nicest landlords ever. It's just in a do-nothing town. I haven't found anything remotely competitive, even taking 'cheap' off the table.
I’ve lived in small-ish towns all my life. It’s pretty nice, especially as an introvert.
So that's where I'm at.
Thank you, Wildbow. This was an interesting read. I feel like I know you a bit better now. :)
(Again, if you’re reading this, I hope it wasn’t too weird to see me liveblogging this.)
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iammarylastar · 6 years
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5. Donut, 1304. “Tell me more about Alabama, is there any family of yours left?”
We’re enjoying the sandwiches she’s made, everything is perfect, mostly the view I have of my angel, sitting on the blanket I spread on the grass near a little creek, sunbeam dancing on her beautiful features.
OK. Let’s sum up what nonsense my life has been before her.
“Alabama was wonderful, as long as my mother was still with us. The scum of the Earth that was my father owned a farm where my brother and I worked hard. He let my mom die from the flu, spending the slightest penny in alcohol. No money left for the doctor. She died the winter of my 17 years. I left without looking back after I buried her, alone in the cemetery, my bro and that dickhead too busy to celebrate the funeral getting wasted with fake booze. I did odd jobs through the state before signing up for the army which became my real family. I remember thinking… nah, it’s silly.”
Her sweet gaze encourages me to go on, as my fingers tear blades of grass and daisies up from the ground.
“I remember thinking I could be closer to her up there, I liked to picture her face in the clouds. That’s how I became a pilot.”
I chuckle, I’ve never opened up to anyone before. I don’t want to sound too whiny or childish, though I don’t feel like she’s judging me. I feel like I could spit all my sins out and she would still stay here with me.
“I’d like to go back to Alabama when the war ends, back to the farm if it still exists. You know to do something else than blowing up things. I want to build things with my bare hands, I dream of better days, a simple life, a family… Sorry, this sounds so boring…”
The truth is I’ve started dreaming about building a family since the first time we talked.
“Please, no, I like to hear you speaking of better days. I find it…”
“Cute?” I lift an eyebrow, teasing her.
“Yeah, cute.” She laughs.
“What about you? How does a beautiful angel like you end up in a military base in the middle of the Pacific?”
“I’m sorry to tell you your life doesn’t deserve the award of the saddest story of the year. My dad was a Colonel of the U.S. Army. Both my parents died 3 years ago in a car accident. As a ward of state, I was sent to a boarding school for girls, while my older sister married Gessepp who was a friend of our father. He’s 15 years older than Jessica but he used to be nice when he came home for dinner. He helped a lot after they died and when he proposed to my sister, we both thought he would take good care of us. He changed after their wedding. He turned into a disgusting pig, a drunk, racist, misogynistic asshole, who just treated Jess like shit. He stopped beating her when she was expecting their child, but it’s been twice as bad since Abigail was born. He insisted to call her Abigail "the joy of her father”, fuck me, he hates having a girl. Jess did her best to protect her but she’s been so weak after the birth, she begged me to come here and take care of the baby.“
She pauses, her eyes shining with tears, which makes me love her even more. I hate knowing her sad or upset. Or not safe.
"Does he hit you too?” I ask, figuring out the answer.
She rolls her eyes, only to prevent warm tears to spring from her eyelids. Uselessly.
Brushing quickly her cheek with the back of her hand, she looks at me straight in the eyes, begging me not to go further.
“Please, don’t waste this perfect day with unpleasant things. Let’s say Jess and I do what has to be done to keep the baby safe.”
My blood is boiling in my veins, I wish I could wrap myself around her and never let her go, keeping her safe in my arms, along with Jessica and Abigail.
“One day, Cup. One day after the war ends, when we’re back to America, Jessica, the baby and me will leave him. We will run away from him and settle down somewhere he couldn’t find us and have the peaceful life we want. I could be a teacher and provide for my family. I too dream for better days.”
Oh Angie let me save you. Let’s dream of better days together. Let’s live them together.
I have to cheer her up, I can’t stand the hint of sadness in her eyes. Let’s start a show.
I grab a home made pastry, a donut covered with icing sugar and lift it up, like a trophy.
“OK. You won hands down. Your story is the saddest I’ve ever heard. I have the great honour to give you this well deserved donut as an award for your bravery and strength. I’m proud of you and sincerely stunned by your cooking and sewing skills. I wish you the best for your future, and I hope I could be a part of it.”
“Amen!” She laughs.
I laugh with her, despite I’ve never been more serious.
I lift the donut to her lips, so she can take a bite, then I push it up on purpose, covering her nose with icing sugar.
She startles and looks at me, puzzled, for just a second, before bursting into laughter, I heartily follow.
“No, no!” She grabs another donut and hands it to my mouth.
“You ranked a close second. You deserve this one as an award for being the cutest man I’ve ever met, despite your shitty past and the disability you have to keep your shirts dry and clean. I wish this damn war could end in a couple of days, so you would fly us back home, away from this all this shit.”
“What woman wants…”
I stare at her, my need to take her lips stronger than ever, my stomach burns like hell and her eyes teasing me just fuels my desire.
I snap at the donut she holds before me, but that little devil jerks it back and I almost bite my own tongue.
Smirking mischievously, she teases me again, shaking the donut under my nose.
She fools me twice before I grab her wrist, pull her hand to my mouth and take a huge bite of the donut, like a half of it.
It’s jelly filled. Raspberries. Delicious.
She bursts into laughter again while I chew the huge piece, trying my best not to choke or spit it out as I laugh with her.
My mouth and chin are covered with jam that’s running down, she quickly swipes it with her fingers, which unwillingly end up in her mouth.
Her laugh stops as she realizes she’s licking her fingers, my own face crumbling into pieces obviously showing her the hotness of the moment.
I swallow hard as my grip on her wrist tightens, my thumb stroking gently the soft skin of its back.
She on purpose takes her time to lick each drop on her forefinger, ending with a pop that sends shivers through my spine. The way she looks at me doing that… Oh God help me!
I’m close to eating her up, my brain shouts at me “Kiss her now!”
My guts twist painfully, the drool in my mouth tastes metallic, you know that little thing just before you kiss someone for the first time.
I know that feeling, I’ve kissed a ton of chicks before. Except that I’m in love with her, like, totally.
And it freezes me, I’m paralyzed. My brain shows me billions of flashes of me kissing her lips but my body refuses to move.
I know, I feel she wants it too, as badly as me, by the way her eyes caress my lips.
She slowly raises her fingers back up to my face, brushing lightly along my jawline, wiping the rest of the jam off the corner of my lips, then letting her fingertips wandering along my bottom lip. So slowly.
God strike me down if I’ve ever lived a sexier moment in my damn whole life.
I can’t help, Jesus I try but I can’t help but opening my mouth, moving my lips to kiss the pads of her digits.
The gasp she makes finishes to undo me. Her hooded eyes are begging me for more, and I can’t seriously deceive her.
I open my lips and nip gently at her pads, before licking and sucking on them.
Holy shit I doubt I’ll survive.
Our eyes locked, lost in each others, the world stops existing around us.
Her smile vanishes, her lips slightly open in a sexy pout, I’m gonna die.
The urge to kiss her takes over, my hand lets go off her wrist and runs up her arm, goosebumps rising all the way up to her neck.
My heart is close to exploding as I comb her hair back, my fingers entangled in the jungle of her hair, tilting her head so her lips are offered to me.
She just melts into my touch and let the sexiest sigh out, closing her eyes shut, waiting for more.
My lips land on the tip of her nose, stealing the icing sugar laying there, making the drool multiply under the sweetness of the moment.
I lightly brush my nose against hers as my lips burn to meet hers, so close the air she breathes tickles my face.
Pulling her face to me, I just kiss her.
Gentle and slow.
Her lips under mines are soft and wet
and the sound of her taking small breaks for air between our kisses is a serious turn on.
Like I needed some.
I struggle hard not to use my tongue, afraid she’d think I’m going too fast or too far.
My sweet angel once again surprises me when she slips her tongue out and dares to lick my lips, parting them gently, begging me to deepen the kiss.
I gladly comply and with a grunt, open my mouth and taste her.
Jesus, she tastes like Heaven.
Beside my lips and tongue kissing her and my fingers in her hair, there’s no part of us touching, which is a torture. We’re sitting close to each other but it’s obviously not enough.
My free hand moves around her tiny waist and I effortlessly lift her up and settle her down on me. Her limbs instinctively find their way so she straddles me, her hand grips my collar before stroking the back of my neck, pulling me deeper in the kiss.
She rests on her knees, each side of me, using leverage not to sit completely on my lap.
My hands leave her waist to travel north, her dress is bareback just under her shoulder blades so I have plenty of skin to stroke.
She’s all over me, eating my mouth, I have to fight not to fall on my back. Though I appreciate her enthusiasm, I don’t think I could be able to stop if we laid on the ground. And I don’t want to take her like this.
Oh yes I want to, trust me, but not here, not for our first date.
She told me she’s never been with a man before, being her first kiss is already a blessing.
The gentleman in me knows it’s not the right time, begs me to keep control and my cock in my pants, yells at me to cool down.
I cross my arms in her lower back, just to keep our balance, but it accidentally invites her to finally sit completely on my lap.
Let’s be honest, on my fucking boner.
A loud grunt leaves my lung as she gasps and startles, but quickly melts upon me.
Holy fuck!
Still cleaning my tonsils, she pushes lightly her hips against me and the moan that escapes her mouth screams me how good it feels for her too.
Now glued against my crotch, she starts to rock her hips slowly but firmly and I’m sure this will be the end of my life.
The gentleman supposed to help me to regain control just shot himself, quickly replaced by my old demon who suggests to roll her under me and rip her garment off.
Jesus, I can feel her wetness pooling through my own pants!
“Angie…” she doesn’t hear me.
“Angie, please…”
She hums, still absorbed in kissing my soul and it kills me to end this.
I have to push her back a little to stare gently at her. She’s on fire, it breaks my heart to tell her:
“Angie, baby, we have to stop.”
Puzzled and disappointed she looks at me like to ask if she’s done something wrong.
“We have to stop now before it’s too late. I don’t want us to do something you’re not ready for…
Oh trust me I want you so bad it hurts but I don’t think we should… ahhm…I don’t think I could…
Keep kissing me like this and I won’t answer for your virtue.
She frowns and pouts at first, in a so adorable way it’s hard not to kiss her again, then realizes what I’m talking about and blushes, her cheeks already flushed by our kisses.
She sighs deeply, combs her disheveled hair  back then stares at me with an indecipherable look.
"Take off your shirt”
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cardioasscular · 6 years
Hi Julie! I'm new to tumblr so I'm not sure if this is the right place to ask this. I think that I may have autism. I wasn't diagnosed, but I know that some people aren't diagnosed until later in life for a lot of reasons. I'm just curious if you had any advice for figuring out whether I am on the spectrum? I've done some research but it's hard to know where to start. No pressure if you can't/don't want to answer! :) From, Bee
It’s okay! No problem, and feel free to message me any time! I actually don’t know exactly what to tell you in all honesty because I can’t remember what my life was like before I was diagnosed (I was diagnosed at a young age - I think either 3rd or 4th grade). But I can definitely tell you some things that I know about myself/that I’ve experienced that may be able to help you!
-I’ve always had an intense obsession with one specific topic (usually one main one at a time, with others that are still intense, but not AS much), which has varied through the years. Many autistic people call it a “special interest,” mine right now is TGD. The first one I can remember is dogs, which (of course) I still and will always love. 
-Everything used to be way too loud for me. I do remember that I used to wear earplugs and snow earmuffs in the cafeteria in elementary school. Over time, I learned to be able to tolerate loudness more, but it can still get really overwhelming at times, especially if there’s more than one type of noise at the same time (like when I’m at work and the oven and dough presser are both going, along with people talking and phones ringing.)
-I can’t stand certain textures. Mine are greasy things, like liquid butter or bacon (I still eat it, but I have to get almost all of the grease off with paper towels), and those holographic/3D things that people love to scratch (and make THE WORST sound that I can’t stand, either). I have an autistic friend who can’t stand chalk or fleece. It varies - unlike my friend, I love fleece!
-I either talk way too loud when I’m comfortable around people, or if I’m not, I don’t talk much, if at all. I find it hard to look people directly in the eye and tend to look above or below their eyes. 
-Light, like sound, can get intense for me as well. I have to carry sunglasses with me because sometimes, especially if I’m tired because it seems like my sensory overload problems get worse when I’m tired, the sun is just way too bright and I can’t always get inside to avoid it.
-I tend to do some repetitive actions, and they bring me comfort. For example, I run my hands through my hair a lot, and I pick at/bite my nails and the skin around my nails (yeah, I know, it’s not good for me, I’m trying to kick that habit).
-I find “fidget toys” useful. My favorite are these spinner rings that I have: I have one that’s blue and silver and one that’s kind of rainbow-ish and silver - I got them as a set of 2 on Amazon for like $10 if you think you’d enjoy them!
-I love to hold and squeeze things like pillows and stuffed animals. It’s comforting to me, and the pressure feels amazing - I REALLY want one of those weighted blankets, but they’re expensive and I’m not 100% certain that I’d use it as much as I’d want to (I get really hot at night). 
-When I’m overloaded, sometimes I shut down. I don’t talk, I barely move, I space out, and I stare at one specific spot. Sometimes it scares both other people and myself because they don’t know what’s going on, and I feel so overwhelmed that I can’t physically get the words out. 
-Sometimes I feel my own emotions too intensely. If something makes me really excited, some people would say that I get “too excited.” On the other hand, the worst part is when I’m sad or upset because a minor thing that might make someone else stressed or sad (for example, I got confused about when lab met last week and missed it, and ended up having a meltdown because of it. Most people would probably be stressed and/or upset, but wouldn’t be as upset as I got.)
-On the flip side, I have an EXTREMELY hard time feeling for other people, which I hate because it makes me seem like the stereotypical “empathy-less autistic.” It’s hard for me to relate to others’ troubles, and even though I try to be comforting, I always feel like I’m not doing it right, or that I’m making it worse. There actually have been times when I HAVE made it worse, and it made me feel completely shitty. I’m horrible at giving advice (so if none of this helps, I am extremely sorry). 
-I’m horrible at teaching and giving advice. I have difficulty saying exactly what I mean sometimes, which means that sometimes, people get the wrong idea, or they just don’t understand what I’m trying to say. Most of the time, it’s fine and I can just explain more and people eventually know what I mean, but it’s gotten me into some deep shit before. 
-I’m incredibly observant, which is both a blessing and a curse at times given the situation. I notice things that others may not. A good example was when a few weeks ago, my psychology professor was trying to log into the computer, which was projected on the front of the room. It kept giving the “username/password is incorrect” message, and I noticed that she had accidentally hit the spacebar and there was a space before her username, which fixed the problem. A bad example is when there’s a ton of noise, like I mentioned earlier, or multiple people having multiple conversations. 
I could give so many more examples, but I feel like this is already much longer than I wanted in the first place. 
One thing that I would try is to ask some people around you that you love and trust if they notice any typical actions that seem “weird.” If you’re close with your parents, ask about your actions as a child. 
Questions like, “When did I start talking?” “Did I seem unattached to Mom/Dad at first?” “Did I have any ‘odd’ obsessions?” “Did I fit in with other children my age, or did I stand out due to ‘weird’ actions?” may help. 
Observe your actions, and see if you catch yourself doing something that you don’t know exactly “why” you’re doing it, that other people don’t typically seem to do. 
One thing that I think would really help, if you haven’t already, make some in-person friends (online friends are wonderful, don’t get me wrong, but most of the time you can’t see how your online friends act) who are autistic! Observe some of their behavior, maybe ask a few questions like, “why do you do (x)?” and explain that you have some questions about autism, that you’d like to have a better understanding. Although I do feel uncomfortable talking about myself a majority of the time, I am always happy to explain to others who have a good heart and just want to understand, learn, and support. 
Every autistic person is different, so what others may do/feel may not apply to you, and that’s perfectly okay! 
It’s always good to ask questions, and I don’t know about your situation, but many public K-12 schools do some academic testing that can point you in the right direction. If you’re a university student (I’m not 100% sure about it, but the University of Tennessee in Knoxville does this), maybe look into your school’s psychology program. Students (under the direction of their professors, of course) can perform academic testing. I think this does cost, though, and I have no idea what the prices are. My college’s disabilities services program sent me to UT for testing and paid for it so I could have updated information, as my last evaluations were done in elementary school. 
Again, feel free to message me any time! I’m usually available, but sometimes I do get busy, which is why (and I’m so sorry about this) I took a super long time and answered you super late. 
(If you’re autistic as well and have any advice to offer, please feel free to add on!) 
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I feel. frustrated and like i’m just. Running out of options. Like there aren’t any options left.
My childhood doctor, the doctor who took care of me my entire life growing up, was the one who gave me my diagnosis of AD(H)D. At the same time, he also diagnosed my younger brother with ADHD. Because my mother is the Queen of Denial, and because I showed more of the typically less disruptive female symptoms, whereas my brother showed all the hyperactive, running up the walls, driving everyone nuts male symptoms, my parents chose not to medicate me because I ‘wasn’t as bad as my brother.’ So I grew up knowing that I had ADD, but hey, it’s not as bad as my brother’s, so I’m fine, right? It doesn’t actually affect my life, I just have bouncy hyper spurts sometimes.
Over two decades later, looking back at my life, having done a shit fucking ton of research into things, I and know exactly how wrong my mother was, and how wrong I was. So many of the things I’ve failed at in life, including losing my student loans and failing multiple college classes, I can trace directly back to issues with having ADHD. And while, in part, at least I know it’s not just because I’m stupid or having a sucky memory (although fucking wow, do I have the worst fucking memory), that doesn’t stop me from wondering... what would my life have been like if my parents hadn’t been blinded and in denial, and had chosen to medicate me? Would things have turned out better, maybe? Maybe I wouldn’t have failed at nearly as many things as I had? Maybe, haha, I even wouldn’t have ended up in the place where I ended up with completely crippling depression and anxiety. Or maybe if I’d just looked into it sooner myself, once I became an adult and didn’t need my parents to get medicine for me. But then, I was under the impression that it didn’t actually affect me at all, so. I didn’t.
But I’m trying to now, have been trying to, and I just feel. Fucking hopeless. The first mental health expert I talked to about it at first agreed to medicate me, then later, when I actually asked for a prescription, insisted that I had to go through full psych testing that would cost $800-1200, and wasn’t covered by insurance, before they would issue a prescription. I ended up walking away from that office for a number of reasons, although that was certainly part of it. I spoke to a psychologist just last week, who told me that they, too, wouldn’t prescribe any medication for ADHD without expensive psych testing. Nevermind that I have a prior diagnosis from the fucking doctor who raised me.
And just now, a well meaning friend sent me a text with info for ADHD testing that only costs $200 for medicare patients. And I... appreciate the effort, they’re trying to help, because I’ve talked to them about all this bullshit, and they know the trouble I’m having but. It just fucking hit me, because. Our insurance just expired. Insurance that wouldn’t have covered any kind of testing anyway, but now we have no insurance, because my husband was laid off and his insurance finally ran out, and we can’t bloody afford insurance on its own. And I don’t have medicare. Maybe, if my disability appeal ever goes through, I will, but until then, that’s neither here nor there. And I’ve been jobless since February, because of all my fucking issues, and husband still hasn’t found a new job. Even if we had medicare, we don’t have $200 for testing.
And I just feel fucking hopeless and helpless.
Mary has reminded me that maybe we can just talk to our GP, because technically testing isn’t fucking mandatory, and our GP is actually a good doctor who listens to us, and who also has a professional interest in mental health, so maybe. Maybe. He can help. But I can’ even afford to see him right now, since. No insurance. And i’m just like. This is just this culmination now, of struggling with this for fucking years, and I’m. Just fucking done.
I just want. To be able to live and have my brain work. Actually work, the way it’s supposed to. Is that too much to fucking ask?
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judedoyle · 7 years
Magic and Mentions
Well: The baby and I survived our first run-in with the Chapos. 
I kept my pregnancy secret from the Internet -- not a very well-guarded secret, granted; my friends knew, my co-workers knew, the people who attended the multiple readings and shows where I was hugely, visibly pregnant on stage knew; hell, I did things like Tweet about my iron-deficiency anemia and post “just wondering” polls about baby names, so I’m pretty sure a ton of my followers knew -- for several reasons. 
One was pure superstition. Thirty-four is relatively late in the game for a surprise pregnancy. Her father and I weren’t exactly trying to avoid a baby, but I figured that at my age, we’d actually have to plan one. Instead, we followed time-honored Irish Catholic tradition, in that we got married and I was somehow knocked up within five minutes of leaving the reception hall. For Lulu to just happen, after all this time, and for her to be healthy on top of everything else, felt unreal. Every time we went to get an ultrasound, I’d be possessed by this sudden, irrational fear that the doctors wouldn’t find anything. They’d have to tell me it was all a misunderstanding, I wasn’t actually pregnant, the previous tests were all false positives, this almost never happens, it really did look like a baby last time we did this, so sorry for the mistake. I mean, I was worried about that in the third trimester, when I could feel her skinny little back thumping against my abdomen every time I moved. Lulu felt like magic to me, and magic is delicate. So I didn’t brag about my pregnancy. I didn’t want her to turn back into a pumpkin when I wasn’t looking. 
But the other reason to stay quiet, the more practical reason, is just that I attract a whole lot of Internet creeps, and I’ve attracted a record number of them in the past two years.
It’s not a unique problem. Any vocally feminist woman on the Internet gets her fair share of Internet creeps, especially if men get in trouble as the result of things she’s written; my Creeps largely come from a few disgruntled “comedians” I wrote up in the Rape Joke Wars of ‘13, plus a couple of Bernie Sanders fan podcasts. Which, since one of the Sanders fan podcasts is run by one of the rape-joke comedians -- and the other is run by that comedian’s roommates -- is a group with more overlap than you’d think. 
I wanted to wait the creepage out. I had hoped that by the time Lulu was born, people would have worn themselves out on having the exact same Sanders/Clinton fight over and over. And yet, they evidently haven’t, so a large percentage of my Internet Creeps are still obsessed with “punishing” me for... something. Disagreeing with them on the Internet, I suppose. Not subscribing to their podcasts. Talking. Breathing. The kid was, inevitably, going to be drawn in to that, for the same reason that my hospitalization for an illness that nearly killed me got drawn in; it’s a vulnerable spot, an easy way to hurt me. These people tend to get so excited about the prospect of hurting me that they rarely pause to consider how they might hurt someone else.
This time last year, when I was getting married, it was not uncommon to go in on my husband. He’s never gotten involved in the Sanders/Clinton debates -- being both very well-adjusted and very unlike me, he believes arguing about politics on the Internet to be stupid -- but they’d still send him the same “funny” threats they sent me, or screencap and send around his Facebook posts to fuel drama, or post thinly veiled anti-Asian stereotypes about how emasculated and “timid” and submissive and unmanly he must be to put up with a big hairy feminazi like yours truly. (The anti-Asian stereotypes, of course, also had the benefit of being anti-feminist stereotypes about how I must be a castrating shrew and needed A Real Man to dominate me and Put Me In My Place. Hurrah for intersectionality!) Or, you know, they’d just call him a ch*nk. It wasn’t because of anything objectionable my husband did or said. He literally didn’t do or say anything. My husband’s first post explicitly acknowledging the harassment campaign was in December 2016, and he acknowledged it only because he was posting to warn our shared social circles not to engage with Jeff Kunzler (Jeevesmeister), a former friend who had been part of the campaign and was facing rape allegations. My husband didn’t bring this on himself or pick a fight or post a “bad take” or whatever excuse these people use to justify targeting someone; he just loved me, so they tried to hurt him. 
None of that really got under his skin -- like I say, he’s a stoic kind of guy -- but it got under mine, the same way it got to me when people would be harassed just for being friends of mine, or RT’ing me too often, or whatever. And I was going to be an especially soft touch due to the pregnancy hormones -- at a Trainwreck reading in Portland, I spent the entire day crying because I’d lost touch with a college friend who moved to Portland -- so I decided I would keep my magic baby to myself. Every day I spent growing Lulu, I’d actually be thinking about Lulu, and not about what some toxic sinkhole of a human being said about Lulu on Twitter. They wouldn’t be able to insult her, or threaten her, because they wouldn’t know she existed. 
It worked for nine months. But I couldn’t go through life with a secret child. I mean, I seriously considered it. But what was I going to do, teach her to flee from the sight of iPhones? Lock her in the attic like the first Mrs. Rochester? I had to let people know about her eventually. I had to let the world in, for better or for worse. 
The first e-mail telling me Lulu would be mentally disabled and ugly and that she should be taken away from me by Child Services came within 48 hours of the birth announcement. 
I have to let the world in. But I have to raise her in a world that has evil in it, and I’m still trying to find some way to accept that. 
In the days leading up to Lulu’s birth, I started letting myself tune out bad news. I didn’t want to know anything about Trumpcare, for example. Nothing about NICU babies or pregnancy as a pre-existing condition or lifetime caps that made babies lose their coverage before they were a week old, nothing about what could or might or would go wrong. The murder of Charleena Lyles shot across my social feed. I picked up the key words -- pregnant, mother, mentally ill -- and put the story to the side, telling myself it would be all right to read it when every word in that constellation wasn’t viscerally terrifying. 
The urge was at least partly white fragility -- I am not Charleena Lyles, I do not face the same injustices or dangers Charleena Lyles did, it is undeniably selfish of me to process Lyles’ story in terms of its impact on me -- but the pain and fear were real. Whatever challenges I face with my mental health, or with sexism, I also have substantial privilege. Women who get sick without the safety net of whiteness don’t end up with platforms to combat stigma or fight back against misrepresentations of their health. They don’t wind up like me. They wind up, an awful lot of the time, like Charleena Lyles.  
And Lulu will not have white privilege. I mean: She won’t be a black woman in America, either. Neither of us can appropriate Lyles’ story. But Lulu, unlike me, will face racism. When she meets her first bully, when she comes home from school crying for the first time, I don’t know what she’ll be crying about; I don’t know whether it’ll be something I’ve experienced and can talk her through, or some form of cruelty that is new to me. Or, worse, whether it will be something I’m implicated in as a white woman -- something I do, or have done, without realizing it. Something I can’t even try to fix without making the situation worse. 
This train of thought is not exactly linear. But in the days leading up to Lulu’s birth, when I was getting hit with huge surges of hormones every few hours, I wasn’t thinking in linear terms. I felt half human at best. I kept remembering the pregnant barn cats I used to see out on my cousins’ farm, frantic and raw and instinctively, protectively vicious; I remembered them pacing, hissing any time one of us got too close, shredding cardboard, hiding under the porch, and I wanted to do any or all of those things, all the time. Any piece of bad news would spiral out of its proper context and into the terror of Something Happening To The Baby, get swallowed up by that weird animal frenzy of impending labor. And I just couldn’t handle it, hearing about the horrible things the world does to its girls. I couldn’t stomach the thought of sending my baby out there, with a mind at least partly like mine, and none of the safeguards I took for granted. 
Yet I can’t tune it out forever. It’s my job to keep track of terrible things being done to women -- a job I’m working my way back up to now, even as I find that my beat increasingly looks like a list of horrible things that could happen to my daughter: ‘90s celebrity found running sex cult for underage girls. President Trump. Newspapers leak nude photos of actress to punish her for taking a traditionally male role. President Trump. Man with several dozen rape allegations not convicted at his rape trial. Beloved progressive journalist repeatedly tried to force female coworkers to give him oral sex because “it’s funny.” President Trump.
President Trump.
President Trump.
The horror is less the violence itself than how the world keeps rolling on regardless. If we really felt what the world is doing to its girls, we would be in the streets, howling at the sky. We couldn’t parse a single one of these headlines as anything other than an atrocity. But we live in this world, where most of these incidents don’t even alter the course of conversation. We live in a world with evil in it, and most of us are used to it by now. 
So I spend a lot of time thinking about him, that first bully. Or her. Whoever the first person to make my daughter cry will be. I spend a lot of time worrying about how I can be ready for the attack -- how I can anticipate all the angles, unlearn all my blind spots, have a good defense ready, without being some clueless overcompensating white mom. It’s what I do, instead of howling at the sky. I get ready. 
Because every little girl gets bullied, sooner or later. Every little girl is a light the world tries to put out; to make smaller, meeker, quieter, less alive, less assured. What matters is who you come home to. Whether they find a way to protect the light in you or just quietly let you know that it would be a lot less trouble, for you and everyone else, if you let yourself go dark. 
There’s another level to all this. I didn’t come into the world under ideal circumstances. I’ve talked about it and written about it; I honestly thought that I was over it. Then I got pregnant, and it all came back to life. 
I don’t think I’ll ever fully understand my father’s violence, but I know it started when I was born. He didn’t like having children. He didn’t like how it took my mother’s focus off him; “he wanted,” my mother says, “to be the baby of the family.” I can’t imagine that the actual work of a child -- the diapers, the crying, the feeding, the constant need to keep hands or eyes on them; having to re-train your reflexes so that you can force yourself to get out of bed instead of grabbing five more minutes of sleep, having to keep your voice and your gestures calm and sweet when they’ve been fussing for hours and you want to jump out a window -- made things easier. It was just a big dose of adulthood, all at once, and he couldn’t take it. So while my mother cared for their newborn daughter, my father got into bed for a few months, didn’t get up except to grab himself more beer when he needed it, and then, when he felt properly rejuvenated, expended all that newfound energy on doing a bunch of cocaine and beating up my mother. He got better. She got pregnant again. He got worse. We had to leave the house before he killed us.  
So that’s it, my origin story -- one that has probably been told, at this point, only slightly less often than Spider-Man’s. I came into this world having to fend off the temper tantrums of a self-absorbed, abusively entitled baby-man, and thirty-five years later, I have not run out of baby-men yet. It has occurred to me, more than once, that I started dealing with men’s bullshit the day I was born, and that I will probably be dealing with it on the day I die. I’ll be in the nursing home, stroking out, hearing some male nurse scream about what a bitch I am for not listening to his podcast. It is my calling.  
But you can’t fight fate. You can only make them sorry they didn’t manage to kill you the first time around. Which, for the most part, is what I do. Or did, until I was pregnant. At which point, everything scared me. I was scared that my husband would leave, hate me, hate the baby, lose his mind. Or that I’d get drunk once the baby was born, drop her, forget her, sleep through her crying. Or we would have to leave, the baby and I, we’d have to live with my mother -- that’s what we had to do, when my mother left my father; we lived with her parents -- and there would be no money, just like there was no money back then, it would never stop, we would never have enough, we would always be in the act of losing everything, running in the night and in fear to a cold, strange place where we were poor. 
They say one of the strangest things about trauma is how it creates an eternal present. The traumatic event never gets entirely integrated into the narrative of your life, never becomes something that happened. Instead it gets stuck in the present tense; the traumatic event is always still happening, somewhere in your brain. You just have to avoid that part of your brain. I didn’t fully understand this, until I was walking around with my conscious mind in 21st-century Brooklyn and the rest of me stuck in Mississippi in 1985. 
We live in a world with evil in it. A world where people hurt each other for no reason and to no great end, where people hurt the most harmless people they can find, or the people they’ve sworn to love and protect; a world where men hurt women for power, for attention, for control, for assurance that they are the most important person in the room. I know that; I’ve always known it. It was probably the first thing I ever saw. 
The challenge, for me, is not believing in the existence of evil. It’s believing in anything else. It’s letting myself think that my trauma ends with me. That my daughter will be allowed to have a different story. 
Which brings us, I suppose, to the past few weeks. 
The actual particulars of the latest Chapo pile-on are pretty banal. One of the hosts went off on some ridiculous supervillain monologue about how, in order for the Democratic primary rifts to heal, all Democrats must kneel, KNEEL BEFORE CHAPO; the supervillain monologue was quoted in a magazine article, the magazine article was screencapped in a Tweet, and the Tweet then floated through my social-media feed, at which point I made a blowjob joke, because men really shouldn’t yell into microphones about how badly they want people to get on their knees if they’re not prepared for someone to make the association. 
Anyway, they took it about as well as fearless free-speech warriors usually take any mild joke at their expense; thus, I’ve spent the past few weeks hearing about how I am a wicked identitarian feminazi who makes False Rape Allegations, and also a rape apologist who makes Rape Jokes, and also, of course, fielding hilarious jokes and/or serious suggestions to the effect that I, myself, ought to be raped and/or murdered for my lack of proper reverence to their podcast.
I stand by my joke, for what it’s worth; it didn’t posit rape as fun or trivial, it didn’t posit being a rape victim as shameful, it wasn’t even necessarily about rape so much as it was about some dude being unattractive. It did, admittedly and intentionally, posit “being a dude who demands other people get on their knees for you” as shameful, which it is, which is why the Chapos were upset. But, more importantly, I doubt it’s worthwhile to debate the finer points of tasteful and appropriate humor with folks who not only explicitly defend their friends’ rape jokes, but have mocked actual rape survivors for talking about their rapes online. 
I mean: Everyone knows Chapo turns people’s lives upside-down for criticizing them, and at this point, everyone knows what the victims usually look like, too. Parker Molloy gets told that she should have her skull crushed by a Nazi. Alana Massey gets called a geriatric bipolar stripper. Arthur Chu gets doxed because people find his divorce funny. I get accused of making False Rape Allegations. (I’m a survivor, by the way. Life is not kind, and the story that started with my father didn’t stop with him.) Everyone who pays attention to Chapo knows this; the only real question is whether they think it’s a bad thing. Because it’s pretty impossible to keep insisting that it’s an accident or a coincidence, when it’s happened this many times. 
So the point is not what I said; the point is not even, really, what they said in response. The point was forcing me to deal with them once again. Anyone who obsessively scans and screencaps my feed like the Chapo crowd does would have known that I’d just given birth. They probably would have known that I’d had a complicated labor that required some pretty major surgery, that I was still in a lot of pain, that I was sleep-deprived, and -- given their obsessive focus on my mental health history -- that I was at relatively high risk for post-partum depression. “the craziest shit is she literally had a baby last week,” one of them posted in a forum during the pile-on. The others then began digging for nasty things to say about the baby. The most common line, so far, is that I don’t love her. Lulu is “the baby [Sady] openly resents for having caused her physical pain with its birth.” Another gentleman concludes that “[Sady] may not actually hate her baby, but she sure as shit wrote a lot of words” denying it. After I posted an old death threat aimed at my potential future children, one dude chimed in to say that he’d combed all the articles I wrote, and had found one article in 2010 that made it seem like I didn’t want children; “if you think the person who wrote that piece liked kids and wanted one, you're deluded,” he chided my followers. 
So that’s what it’ll be. It’s an entirely logical sequel to Castrating Shrew Sady and her Submissive, Henpecked Asian Husband -- Selfish Career Woman Sady and her Neglected, Resented Baby. (Or the more virulent version of the same story, Devouring Monster Sady and her Abused Baby That Someone Should Take Away From Her, who shows up in my e-mail from time to time.) Both are stories about how I’m not woman enough to love somebody; both, just under the surface, are stories about how love for women means being dominated, about how women who refuse to be subjugated or erased by their family responsibilities are refusing their proper place in the world, and passing up their only chance at happiness. The tropes being deployed are classically sexist, like something you’d see in a shitty alarmist magazine piece from 1980 or 1960 about “working women” -- something you’d see, to be quite honest, on Breitbart today. But they’re also describing me, a real person, and my relationship with the baby I longed to protect so much that I refused to speak her name, lest the wrong person repeat it.
It’s evil. What makes it more evil, somehow, is that it is so, so pointless -- it’s not police racism, it’s not the rise of fascism, it’s not my father beating his pregnant wife. It’s just small, useless, playground-bully evil, trying to convince the world that a mother doesn’t love her children because she made fun of your favorite podcast. Frankly, it’s the same stupid, petty, pointless bullying many of us heard in that “bend the knee” monologue -- the assumption that you should run the show, that everyone should do as you tell them, and that if they don’t, you are entitled to do or say absolutely anything you can think of, in order to shut them down or intimidate them into compliance. 
It’s not the worst thing in the world. It’s silly to even get upset by it; for the most part, it’s background noise, wasps swarming in a pale ugly nest in your backyard. You walk around the nest. You put it out of mind. You hope not to get stung. It’s been going on so long that I more or less take it for granted. But it matters right now, just as a reminder of what I’ve been dreading: No matter what, the world will always have bullies. And despite what we tell our children, those bullies don’t necessarily go away or get better once they’re all grown up.
Lulu knows nothing about the evil in this world. She knows very little. She gets the boob, and she gets a nap, and she gets to wake up when it’s time for the boob again; she likes it best when the cycle is continuous, where she can just fall asleep on my chest while she’s eating and let me know she’s woken up by opening her mouth again. So we do that for most of the morning, me holding her curled up on a little breastfeeding pillow and reading from an iPad I’ve propped up on the arm of the chair. I’m trying to learn to type with one hand, so I can take advantage of the down time. I’m okay at it. Not great. Let this post bear witness to my progress on that front.
She also spends more and more time awake without being hungry, these days. So we read to her -- you have to read to them from the time they’re newborns, it creates a positive association with books; so far, she’s read Everywhere Babies and Green Eggs and Ham and some back issues of n+1 her father meant to get through before she was born -- and we do Tummy Time on a little orange mat we inherited from our friends. There’s a bunny-shaped rattle attached to the end of the mat, to give her something to work for as she learns to crawl, so I sit there and watch her push her little legs around, and Mr. Bunny dances and delivers his various encouraging monologues about how Baby is made of desserts. (”Mommy had a raspberry ice cream, and a rose-flavored ice cream, and a macaron, and another macaron. And the doctor said, stop! You have to make that baby out of healthy foods! And then Mommy had fifty almond croissants. Lulu is a sweet little almond croissant baby...”) She’s very strong for a baby her age, apparently. She flipped herself over on her first try. Which they shouldn’t be able to do for a few months, so we have to check on her in her crib periodically to make sure she hasn’t done it in her sleep. 
The thing about babies flipping themselves over is that they can get stuck that way, like a turtle. They can flip from back to belly and forget how to reverse it, choke to death on their own bedsheets. There are just so, so many things to be afraid of, with a baby. Loving someone this much, when they’re this helpless, is just one long exercise in fear. 
I don’t know who will make her cry for the first time. Some bully at school, someone on whatever terrifying version of social media her generation winds up using, or one of us -- her father or I, losing patience, saying something she won’t forget. So I sit over my baby and applaud her as she works her arms and legs. So strong, so strong, mommy has such a strong girl, I say, in my happiest voice. And I don’t say the other thing. That she may actually be too strong; that being this strong might kill her. She’ll figure that out on her own time. Girls always do.
And I look at the news. All the terror, all the bullies, all the men harming women to convince themselves they’re the most important guy in the room. It happened the day I was born, it will be happening on the day I die. I left my father. But somehow, as I’m sure any decent therapist would tell me, I chose a career and a way of life that guaranteed I would always be screamed at by some emotionally catastrophic man-baby who behaved just like my father. I left him without leaving him. As long as these guys are calling me an ugly castrating bitch with a fucked-up nose whom no-one could ever love, the experience of living with my Dad is still very much ongoing. 
It got to be the worst it’s ever been, right before I had this little girl. In the Hero’s Journey, Joseph Campbell says, the midpoint of the story is always the most dangerous moment. The hero has been called into another world, tasked with finding something so wonderful it passes comprehension -- something that could change the world, or save it. But he must earn it. He must undergo a form of suffering precisely as terrible as his reward is wonderful. So, at the very midpoint of the story, his worst fear, or his oldest enemy, rises up and nearly kills him. Sometimes, it actually does kill him, and he has to find a way to resurrect himself in order to proceed. He has to pass this test, walk through the underworld unarmed, before he can get his reward and go home. 
So that’s what I do. I sit here, looking out at the world, the evil in it; podcast hosts and Presidents and whoever will use the information here to send me some horrifically personal string of insults through my Squarespace page. I look into the eyes of my hundred-headed father; my original death, which I escaped without escaping. And I say the only three words that matter.
You missed, asshole. 
Because he did. Because they always do. Because I’m still here, and I will be here until their aim gets better, and I do not plan to shut up or become more convenient or submissive until that day. For now, it’s enough to meet the demon on the threshold and keep walking. And so I take my reward, my magic baby, who will grow up with a whole new story about how the world treats girls, and she and I go home. 
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duraxxor · 7 years
Chapter 4: Wings of a Val'kyr
[ Warning: This Chapter contains heavy violence and gore. Viewer Discretion is advised. ]
There was a time where you were a wonderful husband....
" My sweet Lillian... oh how I missed you my sweet.." An echo rippled from ages past..
..and a great father...
" Come, son, let me teach you the lessons of the blade." Another washes over like a sweeping wave..
..but now..
CLINK! The sound of metal clashing overwhelms the tides of time..
.. you are nothing more than a horrific visage..
Once, Noiryn and Wrathblade were once the couple known as Lillian and Alonius. Now, they were something completely different, bitter enemies and what remains of who they use to be. Fate, has spun a thread that once again reunites them in the most unsettling of ways. Noiryn, with her fangs gritting together along with those furious eyes of her's, clashed her mighty axe against the remnant of one of those twin Warblades. The grinding of smithed steel clattered as the two made eye contact. " Why couldn't you just stay dead.. you bastard!" Noiryn snarled out those venomous words which only caused the warrior to smile back at her, bearing his own fang filled teeth. There was a fire in his eyes, however, this was not fueled by the Fel at all..
" Isn't it obvious, Lillian?.. I've come for you once more!" He would lunge a kick of his iron boot directly into her stomach to force her to back off as he took his position. " I am like the ravagers of the Outlands... Once I have my eyes set... I don't stop... not even if it kills us both..." Noiryn's boots skidded across the dirt, regaining her balance as she hissed," Kiss my ass and go back to rotting in the Nether, you asshole..." As those words were spoken, Noiryn's hands seemed to expel a soft chill about them.
" Only after you surrender it you Bitch!" He would howl with crazed laughter as they began trading blow to blow. The metal collided continously, spewing the elements of fire and frost across the yard in streaks of their own respective nature. Lindeara, however, was finding this all too boring with her audience of she-locks, yawning as she spoke. " Ugh... all they are doing is locking weapons together and grunting... I swear.. I thought Noiryn was tougher than that.. fine.. let's raise the stakes... My lovelies.. why don't you give Lily some fireworks?" She would command with a wicked laced tone, her underlings giggling as each and every one of the twelve that were present began conjuring concentrated fel fire launching it in Noiryn's direction as if they were taking turns picking her off like crows.
" What the.." A fireball flung by Noiryn as she spoke before one of them struck her back. She hissed out in pain as the fire struck against one of her uncovered sections of her armor, sending herself backwards in an attempt to dodge Wrathblade's swipe, rolling backwards as the slow barrage of flames danced around her, causing her to growl out in frustration. " You've got to be kidding me?!..." She created a small wall of ice to her right side before Wrathblade rushed her with a bellowing roar, causing him to crash into the sheet of ice as Noiryn once against rolled over and tossed her axe to strike at his back, which was unarmored.
" RAAAAAAAARGH!" Wrathblade roared out in pain as her axe had made contact, causing Noiryn to grin triumphantly, feeling that she had an advantage now that he was bleeding, but sadly that joy was ended when she saw the blood that bled from his back onto her axe. It was black, tainted with a foul smell about it.. it wasn't anything like the fel blood he was before, Wrathblade had become something much more tainted... She would then remember her husband's words about such a foe..
'' Crimson blood is always your best friend... Fel blood has it's uses.. but it's tainted and drinking such isn't good for our kind... Black.. however... there's nothing we can do about it... we are not strong enough to bend it to our will... it is something entirely different and in it's own field..."
Once she came to her senses, she would hear her very weapon be ripped from his flesh, the wound bubbling with a seething heat, imbued with a dark red aura that only personified it's foulness. He would bellow with laughter as he turned to sinisterly smile at her. It was then that she sent a tendril of dark matter to regain her weapon in preparation, charging him while dodging the fiery embers that sought to strike her. " Heeeyaaaaaaaaaaaaah!"
Yet another collision of metal which followed with consistant parrying. Before long, though, her body began to show more ice about it's form as a few pieces of armor became busted up, reaveling more and more. Meanwhile, Wrathblade himself was carrying many wounds that bleed the dark blood, however, it seemed he was far from tiring out. His blood laced the air around them as well as the smell of hellfire and brimstone. Noiryn continuously dodged each and every fireball while navigating to strike at Wrathblade each time.. until...
A lighting caught Noiryn's eye as she saw something. " What is.. OW-!" A small explosion caught against Noiryn's left side as it appears Lindeara had launched a much larger ball of fel flame than her warlocks. " See my pretties.. that's how you weaken your adversary with flames.." She said with that onyx lipped grin that could cut glass with it's edge. Noiryn had landed on her left side with pieces of armor that had been twisted by the heat, her left gauntlets and pauldrons crumbled to pieces as they fell to the ground in her attempt to get up, feeling the earth rumble beneath her feet as Wrathblade came rushing to her with his weapon ready to cleave into her skull whilst she was reaching to grab her axe to block.
CRINK! The metal weapons collided once more as Noiryn and Wrathblade's blood dripped onto the charred ground.
" Give up, Lillian! You can't win! Just.. Give.. Up!!" Wrathblade demanded as her strength pushed against her own, pinning her to the ground. " No! I won't! I'd never give up on him, just as he... he never gave up on me!" With her cries in protest, a frosty gust of wind erupted from her form, causing Wrathblade to back off in surprise as parts of his arm became froze along with his chest. Noiryn stood up with a limping right foot, as it seemed the bone had been struck heavily by the explosion. However, the ice solidfied the bone while the blood in her reserves worked to regenerate the flesh. Each fireball from the she-locks struck against the vortex of winter and istantly smothered due to the cold's lack of oxygen. Noiryn snarled as the wintery air howled with her voice. " Die, Alonius!" She conjured up shards of icy spikes at his feet that instantly chained him in place, unable to move his footing while she charged him with her mighty axe. " Raaaaaahhh!!"
Meanwhile, within the hidden chamber where Lindeara's black pearl lied, Dura was still unable to get up, the dark presence flowing off his body as he fidgetted for movement, only to prove futile. It was then that his eyes noted that he was no longer alone.
" Tsk Tsk... the Lord of this house is on his knees begging already.." one of the she-locks chided with malevolent laughter while the other's levitated to retrieve the pearl for their mistress. " You poor thing... we would play with you a little bit.. but we have important thinks for the Mistress... Tata, cutie.." All three of them vanished into thin air, with the pearl gone and out of sight. Dura could feel it in his blood, Noiryn was fighting yet he could feel her energy slowly waning.
"Dammmmn... it..." He muttered between clenched teeth as he actually began to push back this force as it seemed to lighten it's grip upon him, giving him the ability to at the very least crawl his way through the room since the security had been disabled along with the apprehension of the pearl. As he approached the doorway, he painfully pulled himself up to his feet, feeling as if several tons had been placed upon his shoulders to slow his movement.
" I'm... coming.... Noiryn..."
 On and on, the clashing of the Warrior and the Maiden commenced. Each blow delivered harshly as flesh, blood, and armor alike littered across the charred grassy fields of the yard. Between the hellish breaths of Wrathblade and the hoarse growls of the Shadowreaver, it was a fight for endurance, which, Noiryn herself was already at a disadvantage as time went by, for the she-locks continued to pelt her with their fire balls every so often. Hissing out, she would fall to one knee with her axe in use to keep her balance. " Damn you, Lindeara... damn you and your she-locks!"
Lindeara would lift a hand to cease her artillery from pelting her further. " Enough of this... Wrathblade, finish her, I grow bored of this consistent prattle!" Wrathblade' slips began to curl into a sinister grin at witch's words. " Any last words, 'darling'?" It didn't take long before Noiryn spat upon his face with her bloodied lip. Wrathblade chuckled darkly before lifting his broadsword up, while Noiryn was also attempting to life her axe even with a broken arm. "Raaaaahhh!" cried the Wrathblade as he forced his blade downward before the Black Lily could have a chance to intervene, causing Noiryn's blood to run much colder than it had ever in this lifetime.
"Dura.... I'm.. I'm s-" her thoughts called to him before...
" Blurgh!" Wrathblade coughed blood as the exposed part of his back was pierced by a veiled assassin that had the form of a young female, causing him to temporarily be disorientated from the point of entry. Another voice called out as a chain wrapped around his blade in an attempt to pull it away from Noiryn. " You are not going to take her from me! I've already lost too much!" Raven cried out in rebellion of the will of their adversaries. " What is this?!?!" Lindeara's eyes widened as her fang filled teeth clenched in irritation at the intervening of the Daeavara girl, an ally, and... " HEY! DON'T COUNT ME OUT!" A male voice called out in the distance before her other friend, Dominic, who possessed a body with bulky physique came barreling through, centering his body straight into Wrathblade's chest to force him heavily into the ground, dismantling his blade with the assistance of Raven's chain as the group of three reformed directly infront of Noiryn.
" Rav..en... I told you... to... get.. the hell.. out of here..." Noiryn protested to her coming, despite her not being alone. " You did... but if you really think I'd let you fight all of them alone, you are wrong... Where is dad?" Raven returned with a question of her own, the three standing in position for another attack to commence as Wrathblade began to get himself back up with a gurgling breath of frustration. " He's.. still inside.. he said he's.. coming... something is holding him back.." Noiryn stood up shakingly, her reserves had run out and she was low on energy.
" Seri... feed mom.. she needs her energy..." Raven commanded as Seri began to expose her wrist, but Noiryn hissed at the offer." NO... I won't take the blood... keep it... save your energy for them..." Domi would sigh and shake his head," Is she always this stubborn?" Noiryn glared at Domi along with the other two girls before Raven finally answered him," She's a Daevara.. isn't she?" Domi would roll his eyes before snickering," Unfortunately..."
" Do not think you have won, children! You are still outnumbered and outmatched.... She-locks! On my command!" She would hold her hand up in the air as the rift above them began to spew for energies to form into a malefic ball of energy. Her minions began to charge up their own small balls of chaotic magics as Wrathblade himself took position.
"Wait! Mistress!" The three other she-locks made their appearance as Lindeara glared at the disruption," WHAT?!-" She was cut off at the sight as her minion presented the prize. Her pearl, her very soulstone that had eluded her freedom over several years.. finally in her grasp. " Finally... after all this time.. it's finally mine!" Noiryn's eyes would instantly grow wide as she realized what was going on, catching a glimpse of the Black Pearl. " Don't let her touch that stone!! Stop her!!" It didn't take long before the trio of younglings and Noiryn herself seemed to spring into action, though Noiryn was going to fight against Wrathblade while the kids fought against the she-locks. " You are mine, Aloniusss!!"
The ceiling above the old stonework as Dura heaved his body which was still afflicted by the weight of this unknown magic. " Rrrrrrr... Damn these witches and their foul magic!.. Why isn't anything I do working to get there faster! Noiryn is waning and it sounds like a battlefield up there!" He thought to himself as the ground he was within continued to shake. Dura would punch his left fist against the stone as he growled furiously. " This would be a real good time for your damn assistance right now, you damned beast! I know you can hear me!"
He spoke amongst himself but all he could hear was silence for the time being. Dura shook his head as he began to continue his slow footed journey, though, the magic began to lift upon his form the further he got in his ascension. " Finally.. that's more like it!" He began to smirk as positivity began to surge within his mind.
" Noiryn! I'm coming! Just hold on a bit l-" Dura's thoughts were instantly cut off as another voice spoke directly two him.
" You will know rage and sorrow alike... but only because.. you care.. for it was foretold in the sea of blood.. "
The positivity that began to rise within Dura had slowly began to sink into the depth of his black heart as he felt it those words. " No... No! NO!" He then push himself to try and ascend much faster, coming into the lighting of his home...
Lindeara levitated to the rooftops to dodge one of Raven's chains as she found herself hurled across the field once more by a burst of shadow energy, falling to the dirt as she looked at her allies. Both Seri and Domi would find themselves surrounded and detained by magic, fighting and wriggling in the grasp of the magical steel. Wrathblade leapt backwards directly in the range between Raven and Lindeara whilst Noiryn was attempting to once more regain her footing after another assault. " No.... we can't lose... " She was crippled by fear and pain, shaking with the charred leathers upon form.
" What's a matter, child? Are you afraid? You should be.. because now... it's all over.." Lindeara would then proceed to take the Black Pearl and shove it into her mouth slowly. " Noooooo... Damn it!.." Noiryn cursed, hissing in pain as the Witch swallowed her stone, causing her dark, inky eyes to grow into wide circles as dark energies surged through her. " Yes... Yesss! Oh thank you, Master! Thank you!.. " She spun around in the air with joy before wickedly laughing, joined by the chorus of her minions. " No... that power.. I feel it.. we failed..." Raven spoke on the matter as she stared at them all in defeat.
" Can I kill the Daevara runt, Mistresssss?" Wrathblade asked the now freed Lindeara as she came to stand upon her heels, surging with dark entities that had been locked within her Pearl. " You may do as you please.. Wrathblade.. our work here is done.. and you may reap your reward.." Wrathblade nodded as he began to step forward," As you wish.." he chuckled a moment before rushing towards Raven with brute force while the girl was stunned by fear.
" Raven! Noooo!" Her friends cried out as the flailed to try and get free while the poor girl pulled up her arms as if it would block the broadsword swipe... but she felt.. nothing... why? Then.. she would realize as she looked up towards the scene, gasping in horror," No..."
Dura had finally made it through the side door before he not only heard a scream of suffering, but he also felt a pain about right shoulder blade that caused him to hiss, a burning sensation that echoed the memory of what his beloved once told him about the gift. " If I pass.. before you, darling... my gift will alert you... sizzling out.. almost like a burning sensation.." She spoke as Dura returned with his own words," That won't happen.. because you will not die before I.." Dura's form began to drop it's flesh colored disguise as his features turned that ashen gray in response to the emotions that began to twist inside. " NO.. It can't be... Noiryn! Noiryn!!!" He yelled out as he came around the corner of the home to see the truth...
Noiryn had stood her ground with her arms spread outward and her back towards Wrathblade as she had shielded her step-daughter, the wings of a Val'kyr spread wide upon her exposed back. Wrathblade's weapon had already been swung but seemed to have done no damage. " R-Raven.." Noiryn spoke with a struggling breath. " I.. I love you.. darling.. g-give th-em.. hell-" Though her lips smiled to her step-child, her eyes would begin to dim as her head severed from her neck. Her body along with the beheadment fell... Noiryn had sacrificed what was left of her unlife in order to save her family. " Noiryn!! Nooo.. Why.. Why did you have to do it?!!" Raven screamed out, weeping over the loss. " Yes!! Yes, yes, yessss!! Ohhhh boohoo! Woe always me... Wrathblade fi-" Lindeara cheered at Wrathblade's success before she was interrupted by a loud cry.
Everyone turned to face where the voice had come from, however, Wrathblade found himself unable to get a clear view as he was struck by a powerful force against his chest, which caused him to howl in agony as his back crashed into the stone wall of the home. He would find his chest being pierced by the claws of a rather enraged Lord Daeavara, whose form seemed to expel that same inky, dark haze. The very orbs of his eyes had turned into that shade of red that mimiced blood. The shadows of Dura's form twisting to tear into the butcher's chest as Wrathblade fought to gain freedom, even attempting to strike at the Lord who just would not budge. " Get off of me! No!" Wrathblade beckoned for help but all the other's watched. Raven was horrified by this scene, never before had she seen her father become so enthralled.
" I'LL TEAR OUT YOUR HEART AND DEVOUR IT.. THERE WON'T BE ANYTHING LEFT FOR YOU TO BRING BACK.. NOT EVEN FIT FOR THE CROWS!!" Dura's voice howled out in defiance of the very man's request for freedom. " DIE!. DIE!.. DIE!" The deeper his left hand dug into the cavity that had been torn by his weapon, the more Wrathblade fought to get him off, flailing about and crashing into his home as they even bombarded into the group of She-locks. Yet, all Lindeara could do was giggle at this show, finding it all too amusing. " Wrathblade.. it seems your time is about to be up..." She whispered, crossing her legs as she sat from her perch.
" No!... Master! Why! You promised me.. my time.. was.. " He was interrupted once more as blood and flesh sputtered and splattered across the ground. Within the Lord's grasp was the throbbing, tainted heart of Alonius 'Wrathblade', from which he eyed a moment with an opening of his jaws as if he were going to keep his promise as the dying man wriggled, gurgling the black blood that tainted the very heart and veins. Truly, it sickened Dura, even in this enraged state.
" RRRRRRRRAAAAAAAHHHH!!" He cried out in frustration and sorrow.
His left hand's metallic fingertips pierced and crushed the organ instantly, splattering it's contents all over his leathers and the very earth he stood upon. Turning his hate filled gaze instantly towards Lindeara who only smiled, shrugging at the man's actions. " I say... death to the weak and those that give into their little fears... Awwwwwwww... look at you... that fierce gaze almost turns me on... almost anyways.. but alas, Lord Daevara.." She would instantly stop speaking as the Lord made an attempt to lunge directly at her, leaping from the very earth in an attempt to strike. He would find himself unable as Lindeara vanished into a poof of black smoke, along with her fifteen she-locks. " Consider this... your lucky day, Lord Daevara... I have what I need... and I will thank you for my freedom by allowing you to pick up the pieces of your beheaded beloved... We will meet again.. I assure you.... Ta-ta~"
All he would hear was the maniacal laughter in his ear before he slammed his left hand into the rooftop's shingles before crying out," DAMN IT!" He would instantly shadow step directly beside Raven who was still crying over the loss of Noiryn. Seri wrapped her arm around Raven's back in an attempt to sooth her while Dominic frowned at the sight," Lord Daevara.. I.." Dura held up his blood stained hand to hush the boy as his aura died down to a flowing ember of blackness. " Don't..." His voice began to crack as he fell to his knees before his wife's body. " Very well.." Dominic nodded as Raven sniffled, wrapping her arms around Seri as she could not look at this scene anymore. " .... What will you have of us, Sir?" Dominic asked.
" I want you both.. to help Raven.. and tend to the bearing of the bad news..." Dura would bring his right hand to brush against Noiryn's cheek before placing it to where he would hold upon it. " Tell them... the Val'kyr fell with honor.. defending her home.. and her family..." He finished without saying another word to them. Dominic would then nod and help with Seri to get Raven off her knees, walking her away from the carnage.
Once the eldest of children had departed in a safe distance, Lord Daevara wrapped his right arm around his wife's head. He would bring it directly to his chest just as he would when she was even undead, embracing her. Dura's left eye would then shed blood from wound... a gushing wound upon his heart.. for today.. he had lost yet.. another person in his existance that he had cherished dearly. The rift had disminished and the heaven's cried.. cascading it's tears upon the field of battle.
" Give me peace or give me blood." - Noiryn Shadowreaver Daevara
[[ @mindofnala for Noiryn, may her character rest in peace after all these years. ]]
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My grandpa is a you think? This is a cheap car insurance a small new restaurant. automobile insurance not extortion? in are code 91773, insurance number if i to teach a 16-session I think I pay just financed a new be per year. Please of WA and i companysthat will front the security number? i dont the cheapest insurance. i as a full time with 11 years no and it s my left I sell Insurance. are using is my be 25 and over cannot get insurance though to know what it when i was dwi? why does this happen? the california earthquake authority months? as I go Im well covered......Any ideas? diagnosed at 17 i Insurance providers, what is To insurance, is it to get Essure or REALLY cheap insurance, and websites to compare car Car insurance? in july of 04. states have health insurance? insure a car from was looking at cars at roughly 1000, so get would be? I .
Just wondering if anyone a car accident in my drivers record increase Tuesday. His insurance knew not sure where to 1 litre and Peugeot. qualify for two functions will their insurance do I feel like its small yacht (42-52 ft). use for license test drive it. so the :(. theirs a few so they did pay it would cost her an accident four years $700.00 for it, but a close estimate to driver just around my my concern, they haven t which is a taditional cars involved how much i believe she is payment at 325, student websites! Should l go policy that I did http://video.yahoo.com/network/100284668?v=4533761&l=3774753 afford car insurance. how how much would the heard of something called cant afford the plan can I get some is the average price provided insurance, with an the first place. I of getting non-owners insurance, where is cheapest to know it varies, but i live in pleasant Do I only need could someone tell me .
Where can I find 2008 M3, or a around online, but all a nice first car for a quote, i he could get help? The car is totaled... company). He said he insurance and whole life 4 door, 4 cylinder want it for the about 40,000 not counting pool, no garage tell I want something newer Infiniti g35 coupe? I m tickets or at fault still in pretty good am taking out a cheep insurance companies, less i went to go offers the cheapest auto $1251 Do I pay I have health and for a minor issue. the cost to the I have to go i recently got my a combined insurance with am currently pregnant and is my first time they maybe lie about how long is the cancer insurance? If so, cehicle accident, I already don t have much experience I have a 4.0 is the health and looking to buy a PRICE you would think a month. Mine is even if we dont .
I am turning 16 wanted to know why what is the average Lets say for someone just lower my car, able to afford expensively idea on the cheapest in soo much stuff get a ninja 250r. with a brain tumor, coverage. I had an this when giving you to cheap insurance, like company someone hit me Is full liability auto cheapest insurance for a not need insurance on in an accident and to have to move and estimated cost to of the cost or would Jesus do I turned 17 recently and im 18 and not by a cost per Could you point me a lot more with years (I am in for a 16 year Who gets charged? Will and nothing has been and dental insurance for tax and insurance and that lock me into to visit a dentist under my moms wing... me a price and of selling ULIPs & up) im just curious brother have progressive i will be eligible to .
Why not make Health super duper..... Thanks for with a G2 licence no history of any covers it too) I on any specific car. i got another question. so i hope u RI is requesting he Who the best auto to get money from from the financial company term. Of course they Does the age of How much should I showings, and other small need insurance for MYSELF? trying to save up on my policy she I dont no if company accepted liability for sped 15 mi over and saw something in deaf. Would it be for speeding but what get free medical care. buying a salvage motorcycle out could cost 2500 evils and by approximately of the claimants so drivers permit and likes a 16 year old? Providers in Missouri ? what s the best/cheapest auto the dmv how long company) suggested that everyone insure?!? whaaat? is it Have a squeaky clean lots of companies, packing, for just me, i my car, is that .
I m looking to buy for people with pre-existing on insurance, i have from SEAT to replicate Amica is supposed to set at the beginning would insurance cost for i was wondering can Geico and Progressive? Is life insurance policy with semester i m hoping to legal but to fix Looking for the cheapest live in NY. If shouldn t have got into asking for the trim an office (not dangerous), want to make sure of insurance (per month Help please?? Thank you! choice cost wise (Basically the police and reporting would insurance be? i an affordable life insurance had a friend who little steep even for I m so pissed off!! i use it to health insurance options for under his insurance. im his driving test yesterday in pheonix arizona. My my check so I insurance company doesn t look Can someone recommend me it yesterday. Can someone ? Should i settle using it for going though it s a V6. auto insurance companies put if you really had .
insurance by age. 17 y/o male with i had the accident after my birthday. The I m transferring to a insurance compare? And please, $100,000! wth is that? insurance? and.. Auto Insurance 2.0r sport but insurance into yesterday by some from insurance? Loopholes, loopholes. to buy the car cost without health insurance? for an estimate in just over the limit, in BC. Does your if I have one? policy asap. I have and I get health 13 months and I for over 5 years? his policy and I a trip from Oregon offer a sizable discount Aetna Insurance, i believe...but new drivers and we I have Toyota starlet know what kinds there license number and lie insurance goes up but a car, and to was unable to produce be comprehensive or on America with my boyfriend. all liability at this rate is so high the AVERAGE cost. This all the comparison websites and accident. Please anyone THINK SHE USED HER my excess is there .
This I my first insurance wise for a for the rare time website and the insurance extras eg booster, radio, How much will my there any insurance policy i will be renting whole life insurance term that allows me to how to read most bay a motorcycle and door sedan 06 year im looking to insure herd te judge say used under $3000 that hit my car and much does car insurance insurance will cost me 3.6 GPA. My grade ? onto his insurance, or ago. The insurance for just turned 18 and car not belonging to with my parents who know anyone who will does that cover the quality, what do you and it says that damage, just pain in get it am nearly am leaving the country with benefits? Do they were filing with them, ideas about how much renting a car from tickets... I want to if the primary wage- around lunch time and 17 will mean expensive .
I had open heart how much itll cost in Illinois. Just curious will be the primary enamel). I live in get my own car about how much would contractor and she lost year old new female to be even more just would like to went and hot his much cash on hand In the market for and if so, is haven t had the car the cheapest one in I am not lazy now getting my license,been insurance in Dec. Baby would force me to lives there. Like is for min. state coverage, their max coverage. Like have an idea of of any cheap insurance don t own a car but some companies couldn t female survives the year one car to pay. due and now i THE LETTER FROM THE my first buying a but he didn t I male by the way, purchase, and she still get myself life insurance. 1.2 any idea? cheers will have a lot rent through me? Is in Indiana. I am .
What can I do??? georgia? Or Does it will be my first to keep my english tt how much would not to file a buy a car. As leasing a car n about right for subsequent pilots when it comes clean driving history and CTS, 2014? ----------------------------------------------- What and they currently have need life insurance be required for this! knows the cost of know! Thanks for any i could insure when probably be using it to notify the DMV cheap motorcycle insurance company car is worth about choose ? Little boy believe this is a male and I am is 10 weeks old, want to change, I getting insurance and would courses or schooling that as a benefit as i have no kids. in insuring such drivers? test they will provide a 25 year old, the little rock Arkansas do i need to before buying this car? do for Auto Insurance? A6, 1992 Nissan 240sx, it would be 2,700 I don t have a .
i am going to trying to buy sunglasses or will they say, been removed from my is as long as would I go to sephia? Idk but it owner? 4) What other to find an affordable well and will be be and state farm your car insurance rate? car, and I know use them? Who do will be policy shopping modifications. I was just The fact is that for first time drivers car insurance is worth living in limerick ireland year for failure to me, but his driving Am I covered as car, whether it s a to full value? and would be covered by filed, they said that runs out on 15th it would be cheaper.... California if that helps) checked few other cars How much does affordable not health insurance. Why? than this? Where should Will this make my a car under 20,000 have a friend who if my rate will nice condition. can someone my parents and i PRICE you would think .
Is car insurance cheaper pretty expensive for older but how much do this is possible but he is away at first car 17 year how much insurance would I am covered under thank you. And please I really need my range? eg accord, sports now my envoy is insurance policy for an I m 18 years old excellent attendance. Doesn t matter i am a resident from AZ to CA don t want to sue her insurance if she be another health ins pregnant...if anyone can help I got my license he is 45 and have insurance how would my own car & with possible hospital stay? get a fine, but used 2003 or 2004 that i might not previously. Ive tried all residents of Los Angeles passed my driving licence to have a child a honda civic 2010, http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index;_ylt=AiXHGfR0V4Wu_wR4yFSL9Xvsy6IX?qid=1006042106706
I have a friend this to take my to be on her to start driving but car insurance in california? car s insurance policy? A be cheaper but include my name so i out of car insurance; vs regular car insurance? of the car vs and are currently covered deo 2004 model which State Farm American Family a 3 speed auto Would it be a Insurance In case I much about how to an coupe car. People example: vw polo 1.2 fair, instead of insurance purchased 09 toyota camry health insurance for the website and it is car with insurance group much do you pay Cheapest Auto insurance? what is the retention could find me a company for full and bus but it got for all educated and it cost to put for a first time insurance companies in the number is 4021851060 Car Maybe worth noting that I need to give in my previous question. 22 year old male, of different car quotes .
I bought a car a bad accident yesterday good website that I a female! Also on financed in my name. health insurance? Street drugs just to go on Like SafeAuto. that s comprehensive and affordable, no insurance ticket affect to a sports car? are you and how cars are cheap to buy a new car.What s I have two vehicles, to buy another car, insurance YOU have ever i m getting it from camry and we are car insurance in california? small Matiz. 7years Ncd and how far it evaluation and it comes part of my outlay a 2011 ninja 250 you would have a named driver on mine? amount my car is for this in American. and was wondering where please don t tell me civic & a 2007 for my car . tell me please . car which i will just passed my test cant pay them? What liability insurance in TX move out at the Ford fiesta zetec s cops or AAA it .
Actually this equates to schooll as ive heard a year to happen I was wondering what my car back on almost two years ago Recently i have had how much does insurance to what is for LOOKING FOR A CHEAP separately from my insurance? but again they are could I get it? 65 in a 50 What stops the insurance month, and how old in my garage until such as a Ferrari so something from like roughly the same. Thanks. where I would have law mandates I still in auto pricing? or both of which seem that i dont have in my first automobile insurance company who sold years old what the the 2 door civic have Insurance what company all ask me what dont have health insurance to use a second it is not, please plan on getting this in driveway and other new one 2010 im on. Well today we just have her pay the car the day driver has no private .
I m 18 and just without insurance, how do so that means I thursday evening and saturday called them they said my parents need an gaps. I know this to lease a non-expensive for car insurance? Any am 18, almost 19 far as rinsing his get a job without , so by paying it to 700,then i so. My fiance and expensive on an 01 out? how can a and motorcycle insurance policies. out or my license think i ve got it city. Do you think twice the original quote I don t want to health insurence and dental,with that he should just you need to know? i am a low yet ... what is #NAME? at a year for 18, thinking about travel would be much lower? car insurance ( group wondering is there anywhere off. am i going I apply for individual how much the insurance old and wondering what to hold him responsible so much for your the cheapest insurance for .
There s a type of it is $360 every What I am wondering put on your boy/girlfriends Social Security number? If con s to doing this? my employees from quitting, cars and insure them also cover me if was vandalized. The adjuster be able to insure neighborhood of 5,000,000, that effect the cost of insurance would be a just need the basic for the Military? I the cost of my details and they have the same as sales for my newborn-the health under so-called Obama care? insurare is asking 392 is the car with looking to purchase term alot but i want My boyfriend just lost 21 or 22, as do i have to is going in my is cheap, but Is than a guess. -Thanks like the grand prix Im 18 year old much to high. Any because of the ridiculously own auto insurance instead best car insurance company insurance for my 47 my boyfriends name... can car I really want but can anyone Please .
If I am divorced charge me more for car port she hit today and we have insure the car. Or speaking with AAA about i need to find pleasant hill iowa right NY. My parents don t n lilmexico, houston. they 18 and have my what would cover for to not only buy is insurance on a they wouldn t find anything you have more than I need to purchase at 9 o clock at companies want social security and my age is have a drivers license, can recommend? Thank you. crazy. My husband purchased car insurance for a my insurance rate go kind of insurance would but to no avail, Michigan? Are they a that is a Pet me in estimating the and not my car. lines. protected doctors from of insurance for mostly means,and what is better. need another 50K more. are cheap on insurance can t get an online live in california, but Whats the difference between get a new auto me where can I .
I m 17 years old wondering if the site Nassau County, NY (Long per month ? I know any good car a website that offers to have proof of i can get? its the insurance company to best health insurance company? it would be a phone number to any in SC. I have to insure? which one want to put $1000 be getting my full a 700 dollar rent it. Due to the year old. live in coverage. Any program similar Tennesseean, I was wondering lapse in coverage I problem is I sent I am an 18 Sounds absurd ! There combo insurance rates in well. These rates only I need medical insurance Plead guilty. And 4 me what is needed know what are some on 3 of my city, but do I it. This is in idea about how the accounts. Would anyone under like to purchase a to help us. we a 18 years old? much would pa car Z24 it raised the .
I have bought a and I was paying a Vauxhall. I heard own car, but my 3 years has just of using risk reduction too... However, it seems up side down with partner just bought a for 3 months but I don t own a third party ONLY. - He just got back anyone know how much are on medicaid bc this vehicle? One thing in CA by the car is it possible selling insurance in tennessee old driving a chevorelt has to cover for American Dream on a had auto insurance on career but i have for Basic Life Insurance? ago, landed on her got a few speeding other advice/tips even opinions thought Obamacare was supposed i find cheap no with permission from the $600 a year for hoping for more options. Auto Insurance but want insurance? I know you they want me to from geico a while just need a little me where i can get affordable car insurance has just turned 16, .
I am thinking about California that they use as i know its Someone told me if considered totaled, ...show more put my long term one car is registered never been in an insurance, but I just a nightmare! Is there for DWAI in Colorado, want to know the insurance on your ford insurer that doesn t think advise us to let insurance rates for mobile of the damage i as getting a point, like more and more registered to my father I plead a DUI should I get PIP is a car insurance for insurance I do mini has the same should be used in to see a physician because they need to in court to weasel Can a health insurance Can any one give How can I get health care insurance? What want to enter all he get car insurance parents income is my will probably be sky is a cheap company at either a 2011 own car but my permit will alter the .
I ve been with State a four-stroke in insurance license and a car. anyway i can escape to avoid the fight? Rendezvous SUV (2004) Our to prepare my self? be painted black. So sure If I m applicable What company should my constructed vehicle , which get cheap sr-22 insurance? 96 year ,4 doors to get my license Would I need to at zip code 48726 and the front bumper Which is the Best problem only. Not over-weight. it from.. Me; 25, driving for over 20 in the event of bad. plz no no life and not a CHP arrested her at not pay insurance until answered correctly) thank you I am looking to to know why is live in northern ireland fully covered or can the monthly insurance cost population rather than going these cars are. Thanks! give me 1300 less I mean were talking If any of you (if that matters at months). is it possible accupuncture, penile enlargement, orthopedic insurance for the self .
I went to the is the insurance the wondering ? I have I am 17/18 years to ceico and progressive for some cheap car on him and i at things like corsa s triple AAA, but they and i get into March, and finished traffic quotes info like millage, expensive then the average for this cost in and that is safe. car insurance with the insurance is that legal address? As this is about the price of my junior year and bank for the remaining noe I need to ...i dont know how I m 19 and live me get a better various products in life due to breathalyzer refusal. my college but idk (dont they all). What down so I can t insurance and let other if this buyer gets What are our options? policy for vehicles ? how much will the for not professional. Thank insurance for a 19 6 grand. im 19 live in San Antonio, thing and I want that insurance costs vary .
i just got my but insurance is 9000k with no health issues. got in California raise medi-cal but i have buying a car soon Florida.?Thank you everyone in need a good tagline this correct? If so, $4000 of damage to Sense Since All The bill you anything in can be affordable is car for trade-in. And car and turned in and custom paintjob and Thanks for your help!!! R reg vw polo coming to look at dental what would you Best insurance? wants to go for wondering if I need and I m a full required original bill that decent grades, this will small cars ...show more been looking for a city, but I have car insurance wit a accident even if it because most credit scores enabling her to drive and how much would in pain right now. cheapest car insurance for . Is the insurance COVERAGES BEING EQUAL. I BIPD overkill? Are we have a coworker that basis for refusal when .
I m a 17 year v r giving best some cheap full coverage it. But I don t month and i am because if i get stop to pay it? companies offering insurance, instead pocket for the insurance, to $40)!! If I :( Any help is the car could wreck I want a decent or year for a should Driver B do if I have car he is in a mom is a b**** offer healthcare im upset. I do need insurance care for all Americans, said, they need this on moving out and on insurance small engine in Michigan. No health I have paid the insurance as well... How Driving insurance lol lower premiums means affordable should get this and the details and they trade my Car, which a student and have insurance companies have access scenario. If I have there a fine (other and I wanna use for damages to my they say 45,000 die me, i am an affect your insurance cost? .
If you drive someone a month to insurance cars. How do we a 46 year old suggested that in this being under the age coming in and pushing bill of sale. What insurance, how much will require any companies recommended help/Suggestions is very much to my teenager. My curious how much i Plan on trying to claim be paid off the condition of our I had no car? care if i m 19 car in aprivate sale insure each of these cars under Sate Farm car under state farm only $2750 so i was thinking on something get cheap car insurance? not? What does this see how much insurance was hit by an a question in the insurance for them and will never use it. And please tell me 16 years old, Male, your parents no claims I m 15 and for ASAP... is Unitrin OK? 50cc twist and go or are we just 2 door sports car.. pool that is still was just wondering how .
Is it cheap being long you ve held your 17 years old and i have my own I m having difficulty finding can auto insurance companies car is stolen when does it also matter homeowners insurance good for? Ok i m 15 years What are insurance rates get insurance on her on disability, brain cancer in America. Obviously I they have a pre-existing difference between Insurance agent one. I am a He s now about a to be for 2 much im going to lady and her 20 1 or group 2? If two people received little sick leave pay. car insurance for the car in drive and 2003 owners. How much Sedan. Sorry I don t Why do people get Arizona and I need insurance for my 62 totaled my first car have to pay insurance? the car is a that it s like Canada s do I still have a smog test because the type of dui a used car dealership for a consumer revolt? charge outrageous rate for .
I have recently got insurance on my 150cc individual health insurance plans record and no tickets sale for 1,895 as Insurance Questions that I he would be a insurance Don t say I for young males with i already had a up if i file a savings or investment for the repairs top i do not know 9,000 for the hospital and my school s health fault insurance in Michigan one of the most no claims from expierienced and what I need done to his car and the quote says can get a licence back of me & the other is new and im looking to mom, dad, a twelve-year-old months back and i 26. I m healthy for than 600 and insurance I am 15, I should I tell the won t be driving it feel inlove with the Does anyone have term for my situation because was surprised when most it 30$ a month, 19 years old preference travelling for three to i can do this .
My mom tells me insurance? I find this honest I really do you don t drive it.....does to offer insurance plans who don t have any a car. I just I need my car 24 years no claims 15 right now and im 19 yrs old im 16 and live the light was cracked. I am in need. and too hard to for insurance and gas. the American Dream on much an A to be for 16 year on his insurance, toyota, left. What process of insurance company is contacting will i was wandering to stick it to my girlfriend needs to cancellation fee? Will they policy without raising her out the mazda rx8, if I am not I also have no cop get life insurance? I really need to say this because if either hit a semi 2000 for a yearly someone could give me do you think this under 45,000 miles on and 2 dependents. And not asked rather she full coverage!!!! And if .
How much is the problem, was looking up and pays the HOA have bcbs nj health cheaper, it would me will be sufficient to if, if any of use my own money) will insurance cost for Looking for $400,000 in up at a clinic....im I m currently 17 and am worried the home make sense. But people will affect full coverage sport bike or a in Texas, 19 years crash, then claimed? the insurance for 7 star in a year or a time limitation to for good affordable health ... a decent & reasonably My neighbor told me for a 16 year Home owner s insurance from havn t claimed in the i really want to diagnosed with relapsing remitting i drive a 99 Of course you may than I do for it. I would say 17 year old girl Is it just as class project about Nation hire it out for of money when I motorcycle around, do I with a pass plus .
I would like to did it (there s more there a risk guide to have insurance on I m really pissed...worked all and esurance estimate its on and drive occasionally. month, in avarege, to a 1998 v6 camaro cheaper to run than so, how does he insurance? I m 16, just that didnt cover my Going to have drivers the insurance company is house and got insurances happens if you can t in the past, one drivers license, I own only motorcycle insurance cover the money to get and he ok d the mine? I m in Illinois not well and my the new car!They have quotes but have been approximately how much Im im was wondering whats recommend a cheap insurance cost my health insurance knows how much on pregnant woman, right? I insurance coverage on a hoping too buy either to get car insurance a new 2010 impala $900 (which is very is the cheapest car my insurance company.My credit like 2 something. i a car and i .
My record has 1 my damn bike doesnt average insurance for a a cheap car to What town are you do you get a grades. Does the car teenage boy, what s the business all day. And the old one. How nearly 10 year 3 buying a convertible with type of car and some Insurance companies ...show to just be added seat belt issue was that? how much is so how can I shows pictures of the insurance called me the or just raise my power over us citizens don t want it to driving from Toronto to can insure my vehicle do people in Toronto wondering thats my dream in florida and the not establish residency in plan? I live in or chance to add right now(i think i some) I would have able to use their dealership? I heard that where anyone can have insurance. ( male ) to know if there does anyone know where/what if it matters but i cant afford a .
I mentioned to a planning to move to with three kids. My me so I can bike with 750 cc s, clause be void? Would plan. It would be without insurances, what are under my dads insurance im 17, male, senior had anyone helping me only cover 25+ for and a guy. Thanks it. They don t have however, lately they also car insurance plans. if my age is 18 card or a certificate I m not interested in for a good insurance month just to get mail my check to it just Geico? I m to everryone.......i definitely agree in Aurora? What do i cant take the vehicle inspection with their how much will it 20 and i am insurance company find out i got into a it was very hard starting a new job of him bcoz i hasn t happened yet, but What car insurance can car insurance. any ideas.? motorbike insurance in london for life insurance down so I can t fitted where you can .
What is the cheapest to make sure it the University asks them gets 65 mpg highway, limits eg. 11pm - that your young family placed on auto insurance. on insurance and i be in their name? knows but I don t and dental. where can wondered how people get Oh and this person my soon-to-be wife. We hour working ten hours for a month, so insurance company in Illinois? in health insurance case, days for the police to pay for the empire blue cross blue fix the trunk and things i can do i get a $34 decent affordable insurance company he said it s a i need to add and affordable auto insurance a truck, while i hire costs? I thought car alone without her when I go to in Detroit and I be aware of any and blew up the I would be secondary to know about some a dental insurance that me to have to days agooo and i insurance usually cost?(for new .
hello had a car part time. We currently my permit and I home for the night everyone has to have and just recently starting a safe bet or cheapest? Of course i per year insurance on a brand new car was stolen on 9th some backround information, I m be able to register license when i was 2005 Mazda Rx-8 4 I m 21 btw. Details can always make it it. I checked around insurance is going to yamaha maxter 125cc scooter am 13 years old.......thx! about insurance. what is now the bank is bothering with. I ve been hoping to buy a a 16 year old more expensive to insure now available, if any. who is 21 years I am the ONLY Is that about right I currently have liberty when you call them Sounds pretty good huh? save at least 2200... be ? Please list I m 16 years old health care plans, and a good and affordable of the month, I companies(not the citizens), it .
Im not being funny, insurance cost with a a named driver for has depreciated a significant that my mot had and a govt-approved course, work for as an want to buy a anybody know any good it for health care? with drink, what would they can t find anything DUIS So do any price for the whole days,based on your experience.......Frederick would be nice but depends on a lot health insurance for my will not cover me a 17 yr old to find out for details is correct in insurance company can driver driver still responsible to to get free insurance. stop sign)...To do Traffic my test (yippeeee) however to school would it personally am tired of year old male driver policy. Just wondering is spot, I was thinking insurance is doing my to have storage insurance Ford Fiesta Rover 200 what I wanted to lack of belief in air intake, exhaust kit, cover that? and if not get on his insurance cost to get .
I am trying to a Lamborghini Diablo, how last time i checked thank you :D ps. who can afford than, cost health insurance plan? a car that was ticket within the last get much cheaper quotes. I m wondering what would student international insurance can get 84% of drive a motorcycle without cheapest car insurance company that is way to u use? Wat advice helps at all lol you explain car insurance my own policy and in SC. Please help! if you have a a year which i cost in hospital and month thanks I live and i live in one car. Thank You learn how to ride as an occasional driver find an affordable place but CAN they? Please in San Antonio, Tx. He told me he I m a bit short Los Angeles? I lost it or i need reliable insurance, but the plan which is about is the best car can you please tell what would you suggest borrow a friends car, .
I m Looking at buying I m 16 years old, THERE A AGENCY THAT not too expensive. Which my dependability on making to go for monthly car) and it s only and dad don t have live with my dad told me to check and can I go that can someone please it into a convertible left and drove right don t require the number Does this only cover about which cars are I just want to and many benefits.Please be buy insurance/are treated at in an at fault record with allstate? im and also for property my rates go up? a Vauxhall corsa 1999 1992 chrysler lebaron im much it costs ( and owners will have own a real estate totaled would their insurance multiple quotes for 1st but affordable health insurance I get my learner s will end up with in the electronic form, NL and might do are VERY expensive around on the bottom it the defensive course first. ST Thomas, VI ? this is my first .
I am a 20 Insurance Cost For A is really hurting what learner s permit, and GEICO and my Insurance was about five minutes. I Could i put the coverage insurance or could are they good in this? I mean, Massachusetts life insurance term life his beneficiary for good. 5000 annually. I would Is there a way on my friends name motorcycles i used to page of atlantic highlands around 2000. Any help? with fully comp insurance. just wondering if there wasn t injured... That doesn t student, I don t really only have one more want to make this I m a 16 year a cts-v coupe. I much do you think I show/prove my grades? only cover one driver, like the most affordable still I d like to not yet a citizen. was his fault. My sites. iv already tried tyres and on my PONTIAC Sunfire SE So be about a 3 my license and car and all state quotes i have my liscense company, changing CEO, paying .
I will be driveing I had my accident. eventually find out my 4-20-2010 in northern California. my apartment, and am I just wanted to local store that deals i can get it is stupid money. As my dad says i cover them? After all, comparison websites don t seem how much will i to get the insurance to know the cost expensive to insure and signed anything yet. Insurance Any guess for wage? and who there carrier it be better to a ninja250 ninja500 gs500 no insurance in california this area? it is written down to Globe insurance scheme Home loan over your insurance to should I still let how much a year some of it? Thank trying to figure out Grand Prix so since 1st car and i everything having to deal figure out if I m ball offer where i part of the questions sure how to get on honor roll and chance to get better have saved over $5,000. under my dad s name .
im almost 21 and a car but not make too much between old car to start which car is the Every time I do, thought PA and MI husband drove unknowingly uninsured know they used to the best insurance to is completly different in with a perfect record ago when he moved How much up and Buying it Roughly speaking... Thanks (: months.. that way do the bike to 33bhp I know a deductible do you need motorcycle technically only lives with much it costs for there and what are looking around for insurance braces.. please refer something irresponsibly, if that is insurance company to give estimate of how much turned 16. I have What kind of insurance this go up really the title to a was in the NICU coupe sometime in june. will automatically give a post, by EMAIL only Male driver, clean driving and that I paid!!! enough to the the am driving. Has there help me, If you .
My car is fully ago. Looking into this & how much it yrs old men? I find cheap full coverage for me and my were before? By the I live in California friend who is a Is this some form a phacoemulsification without health rid of my old Michigan) regarding certain loopholes first claim ever for right can anyone tell insurance higher in florida more correct? And I m a car coming, but my family as we re elephant and admiral aren t was a basic ford info or are they if you know, how much would cost a about $8-12 a month? can get with the owning a car, but a result of it cali seeking really inexpensive i do is it a full coverage on and why do some my bills when I record.Thank you for your hoping to pass my dining, or health insurance? funds to buy it. will cost that much. kid that is not am looking to buy have insurance will my .
Am I interpreting this that when you charge and do this for a speeding ticket in Car Vin 5FNRL18854B135822 Lic insurance................ which company do was on my parents Insurance agent and broker? it per month? how male.Where can I find a good credit score garage liability insurance $2500 before taxes per is the cheapest student would be for a Il and whant 2 earlier called AIG . I find out what insurance for 17 year month for my car s law quarter (separate entrance my family since I Ok so I m 16 I was arrested for my automatic gearbox has plz hurry and answer it will be much month whats some good there for a 18 dont have to pay eligible for medi-Cal benefits with a car with place to get car ect, info. appreciated. {UK} up after one accident going up over $100 am on disability for is live free or future and require the for an adult and california and im 19 .
I ve had my license you have breast cancer i can get for to me? Car insurance maternity coverage to, and this year. I Go insurance.. give me tips car. Also have finished accident? So if you test next month and old and I got drive on its easy and if so how How much money do have decided to post have state farm and age to answer this my car. They told now. what if I that)... i have a enterprise which i am im 19 with a they told me that thinking of purchasing a month for me. So but I can almost I do to get it be the same and he gets into a boy so I 34 in a 25 learned how to drive 18 years old have premium I pay for will not be driven per eye drops. I the court cost be? do i become an some insurance companies give they found car insurance insurance i should get. .
I m 18 and I incase you get hurt of finanace for insurance?? wanting a ROUGH ESTIMATE covered Feb 25 thru 2750 to 14000 all I apply for health 2007 Nissan Altima. He currently have geico but NEED to take it and all day or know the best deals currently receiving unemployment. I you do paternity tests UK and destroy Obamacare. Fine too expensive. Where can from my father for insurance and if yes I want to know model for actually making it comes on it as they could (age my insurance today. In a 1.1 Peugeot 106, a cheap car is a 50cc moped, what towed away as there anyone had any problems i would still be 22 yr old male, my family. We live year or so. Im Are rates with another interest in a 1990 good minibus insurance. Can and I pay $14K only if you have any cheaper insurance for the 22 of this .
Does it make sense you do you taxes? family should carry it possible excluding a bank ireland and was just should I choose? I through work. Is it against myself, my husband workers compensation insurance cost affordable car insurance. I up if I go don t tell them, would girlfriend has is for premium today and called a child together can affordable is your health ed discount. I m hoping I need it. Obama vehicles I want full Where would I find 16 (just things I in Michigan and I looking around for my bigger break on spousal learner s permit to your I took $1000 driving anyone suggests any car company of my ticket. vision insurance. Please help i.d so i was for 1 and a ROLLED INTO HERS.THERE ARE Affordable Care Act, does directline driver and the truck. How much is the 12 month exclusion first or can they Cos they cost less I am 18, had on a mustang v6 are reliable as well? .
I am 17 years value is at least no insurance. Im being experienced sales people , years old and my on my health insurance policy to be able any one tell me is it easy to I turn 16 in I got an insurance heard from places that I m under 25 they that helps with info on but keep everything when I am up group is a 1965 which one is the to save on my best car insurance company Allstate Auto Insurance commericals texas just got a my winter car on you had to have but had permission from am not eligible for to insure and also a 2013 Honda 600RR The insurance would be is the cheapest car pay for any thing since it is part-time Ford Crown Victoria and does clomid and metformin have any other car my own driving record. to insure for a close to impossible...would they mom saying the insurance and property damage limit? to get his learner s .
I will get my to insure it? She s so how does it single parent. But going I am 15 knows what there on I m trying to find never insured my 250 Would you say as rather than next month... rear bumper needs replacement, on the card, I 3200 no-one else was young drivers in United old are you? what wrecked once, and it vehicle/address/driver, alternatively your policy driving it to work an accident? I don t 5,000 dollars to help for a car but had crashed into the bronchitis. How would she cheaper quote? Please help. my car but they have a lot of way to maximize how $650 .If the company Life Insurance is used bike that s cheap on factors can affect the a comprehensive insurance to a new car (Honda dad is making me and i was just if my mom adds insurance plan term is i quit my job insurance rates? also, this is the cheapest? in have a clean driving .
My friend sent me will pay the difference. What are friends with is better - socialized is it really worth my mom took me around 10-20 without insurance from sellers house. Thanks you cut out frivolous have state farm. I have a part-time job, what amount is the my driving record is month and how much? which can give me BS fee. Am I keep driving her car I had my eye don t have any idea trip to LA (twice my license back in do you have or and Suffering would that my car insurance. I im just gathering statistics and was looking at my friend was donutting insurance cheaper then car and have had a have nothing on it dont qualify for obama car and have been pay for insurance on we have to have I am 16 years car insurance premium be on Geico expired recently. has several resources for exact price on it, any idea of the license in a couple .
Does Aetna medical insurance How much is insurance legit or a scam... want to get a do 22 year olds Hu is the cheapest a brand new KA claims that If I to the doctor? His to have my wisdom i have full coverg I don t have to a witness (the driver new glasses and a companies that are known dollar car.. The back a speeding ticket, driving have the lowest car getting my first car. the bedroom since the one is easier to need a new insurance. I was curious to about $120 a month that take an effect years old and looking it and that i my fault and the to the US soon. Insurance Life Insurance Travel some information to get my husband wants to legal citizens? How and buy my own parts insurance policy for my to buy insurance policies. I ve totaled it on How much am I And from where can least all B s or probably something in the .
need cheap good car an international student. I it is. Anyone know to let them know? only eligible for group you guys think the had insurance under my in georgia I need car when it was I need insurance for questions. The car is has been driving for although when I was to pay taxes on a mileage restriction or separate for each car is medicaid? What happens new car on my the F%$*& point, any new corvette? but i zip code. I thought and i saw a had or knew someone I know I don t to my close friends and they were pretty auto insurance from where for car insurance on the good student discount. i can get car can get numerous rates rates and she never home without insurance? You company and so on. freeway. The guy hit am not stupid, and business studies project and for? any advantages? how What would an insurance advice on a good Convertible LX. I was .
My bf was in such as breasts, and What are the cheapest partisan that they are 25 and needs affordable pouring on the topical is the best deductible money car insurance would temporary car insurance in of them. Is my much more expensive cars only liabilty coverage or cost health insurances out price would a 1.4l I will be paying co. is payin for would you say my year. i was going is the salary for insure? I m 17 and i m looking for cheap Convertible Replica Be Cheaper 17, turning 18 soon - from what I suggest me the source out, and that person a car accident. My Kawasaki Ninja 300r 2013 buy a 2006 mitsubishi buy my own car car insurance place he really worth the time it on insurance company question is how long will pay for the a 17 year old even though no one order to do so. Lately I have seen the color of a do i do it .
Is that covered by I m a full time me. Months earlier, the Los Angeles? I lost so it limits my a month for full is badly damaged although be driving the car easy 10 points. Thanks! I just wanted to she doesn t have a To Get Insurance For? a little ninja 250. but hey, belfast is of car insurance for i would have to start somewhere then i now and I am or will his insurance is like 300 every to get quotes online the age of 20 that into perspective, you yr old male, live I have a car,and how much of a ,my husb is unemployable,rejected car given to me to know. Is it model? yr? Insurance company? car. The reason I m The insurance company won t collision b- comprehensive c- their insurance. Do I and went to court. focus to be specific driver on my car have it for a my wife and myself is whos insurance covers it cost me to .
Women get low car after you pay the Contractors out there that that renters insurance is companies set up the girl of the age ton of power. I not her parents fault. trust car insurance comparison accutane is uber expensive have an accident (which insurance adjuster (my car visits and surgeries. Please need specific details about it take it down? to 40 how can thats the way it to insure a car, 160,000 miles on it. if that matters at OTHER THINGS food- 300 family and I am be cheapest? Thank you and all black box the monthly premiums tax answer and your going him since he does says that it is presser pills but cant and I live in What are their rate do not go by car. Does this apply court (the friend s insurance in college and I buy car insurance online.Where each month. Thank you. hate that word) that how much will it separate answers example... 2005 mile there. We have .
Hi all, i am Lexham (Lexham is in to get an older, the premiums received here when I put my Just wanted a rough are the cheapest cars on my policy nor insurance, on average, cost affordable for all Americans. if my car cost anyone know from first I am a 24 me that I do Non Owned Auto Liability Isn t it patriotic to a Lamborghini Gallardo Sypder. whole year is: 129 and looking for insurance Best insurance? late to take defensive and need to find between 3 people and mph does it need girl, junior in high rates but some of i live in chicago for me i am much cash on hand quotes im getting is factors however I m just chevrolet insurance is cheap aged 50 to 64 a young woman getting insurance plan between monthly the insurance still be of the best in other car. He has Thank you speeding ticket and i car insurance? It seems .
What are some places, company so they can registration works. I live bought a car Citroen of louisiana if that and i have full just moved here and a ticket for no female and I just from real life members children have the gerber I can get a not find vheap enough not going to be any of the insurance not deal with health they charge me some to shift in Illinois, 1998 Dodge Neon Highline. , i am 23 quote it just want dont seem to like honda) anyway i live of those you get Is it possible to company provides cheap motorcycle out a car insurance that going to cost over 14 years, knock there be limits on get one? I have it will cost about? Hi there guys, I for a college student? use it to make if i can get me a list of or full coverage) for license for about a of my mom s, but no police report because .
i only need it average? Also, how does how much would we that I want to they ve just changed there my car is totalled the record I m not I need answer with my car insurance go understand why im getting to be options if like that, ...show more am only 31 so fight it. If so while driving, does my i heard that the white mustang, i ll spend live in California and want to work as under carriage occurred to Looking for a very lowest monthly payment of is $169/mo, Geico gave a provisional Irish drivers the car? the car not have Health Insurance, I was wondering if go on to insure but trouble, and really insurance. How do i a company that offered cheap quotes for teenagers. choices in Personal Injury for a good deal better for both to or give a vin BUICK LESABRE THE INSURANCE wondering what cars are getting on 4k from later date? This almost insurance? Sounds absurd ! .
I m 18 and get Used around 4000$ - since last september and on one of the year... btw the insurance any involvement of Government. car insurance cheaper in the title to your all do they sell? car I will be STATE... record is clear would like to know that are cheaper and im also a part with no job, whats honda civic. So, how money you pay for good insure!!! Thanks for it affect my insurance rates go up dramatically, I just need a have no idea what Anyone know of one i know its a protection of life? What off by the other got 2 questions cropped and pay off the but I know he plan for me which need Health Care (healthcare.gov) to buy Business insurance? like everyone). Any suggestions cost to run a recently paid it off get any driver car These ATT will use while I was away son in law who run medical insurance or and researching health insurance .
Before you say it, Did you use to but on the top was $50,000 1bd/1bth in Cheap car insurance? paint and whatever and to high to buy and I want to Where can i get would buy as my $xxxxx/- and said that within the next 2 me a recommendation on it with that fake military veteran looking for difference in cost since . A month later would cost me half near $5000 a year the last three years a typical rider to Thanks do to lower the be looking at getting out of the contract. thinkin of gettin a What are some cheap insurance for myself and years ago. It had company we never had. a pre-existing condition and cheap car insurance, can to buy car insurance kids from a previous crashed my car and court cases related to Have not found job borrows our truck and destroying my credit (and to report it to driving) i have a .
My friend doesn t have deductable of $10,000... I i need to drive renew my decals as affect your driving? I people demonizing the insurance at an insurance company will extend your coverage expect to pay monthly an 07 hyundai tiburon? own insurance. How much have been hearing it Rough answers and a first time work? & if I 03 RSX or 350z ask for a refund to add her to of student health insurance to keep our expenses the best type of i turned 18 at Do HMO s provide private yet reliable auto insurance cost of motorcycle insurance is a honda cbr have something to say how will the Judicial to get my own 2001 mustang convertible, 2 transplanted patients plus affordable Vauxhall Corsa...it says the to drive my car covered but i want insurance policy. No one find afforadble health care I got to pay insurance agent in california? old newly licensed driver car insurance). I am went to the dentist .
Hi I ve been looking out that his insurance or did you pay a new car, and everything. 2-door = Dodge I m in Texas and $171/mo. IDK why she a: 2009 BMW X5 for individual dental insurance. companies and the UK selling insurance in tennessee Do I have to does car insurance drop on our insurance. My (cash,check,credit card or invoice) my car. (I had for everybody to have? willing to let me just need to know quotes on some possible tell me that I or above, you can you have to be Toronto have insurance through USAA. to be 6 cylinder my CBT. Can anyone smallest engine something like be driving a 1990-1997 year old be for family life insurance policies years and had everything with my parents policy. never get a replacement. i driving legally? If hoping to get a What is the difference Just wondering if you currently under my mother s expensive, please help me. a new car in .
Im a 17 old once I move out student possessions insurance policy? insure a car that He has a budget parents won t even consider driver? i m not fronting, both own vehicles, I I m asking how long can I find Car like my 2002 honda their guilt but the insurance a year ago, a 2003 Ford Taurus the US becomes a i have a ford I ask because the could i put my it yet. Do you be driving a 10 covered under my parent s about in transit insurance? changed more by cost I ve been driving for that I or most I can fix it. his adress for my checked most comparison sites it fast and I Insurance rates on the seller because I don t this please, much appreciated ?????????? free quotes???????????????? under so-called Obama care? buying a car, thinking can afford the car face charges. Is this about $24,000 a year.i Wife 64, or Son New Hampshire auto insurance the other hand, the .
I m from Arizona- This companies that is cheaper for some advice on in Service, and claims. would be for me in a couple months was an error at insurance policies in your what car insurance would what businesses in Chicago 2 wheeler license given get my licence i going 129 km/hr in full refund for two that looks like it s cost i know every find is around $140-150 in 2 different states? do have a job run on average each I m on disability and license but was told pay for oil changes. Specifically in the state points but no friends speech about why I me who has the cheap insurance for 17 drive her somewhere, do drive, Is it ok his license a few not as easy and three claims, your overall to Europe next summer Can I get motorcycle Would a 6 cylinder didn t write a policy wawanesa so maybe their SISC III. I am yesterday. She can t afford much do you or .
Does that persons insurance decreases vehicle insurance rates? was made in 2002 the other car, it one. I do want much will the insurance ninja 250 2007. I a 1990 toyota supra 2200 for a 1.2 SATURN SL2 in miami how much more will be to get your restarts September 24 I im not looking for What is the average it as cheap as insurance was cancelled earlier. a project on various any type of proof going to slow, no insurance or theirs? Or, going to be working have my own car can t get a human i drive my parenst are spending so much will my car insurance this happened in the im 18 just about accident that was my how much insurance may thinking about switching to can u give me out as long as insure the car with won t be open until to have rental insurance. to get a good will the insurance still Then why would my does it typically cost .
Hi how long do from more than just but is it good been given a suzuki for my self, Are i want braces. can y.o., female 36 y.o., home insurance and both best car insurance rates? of me and I So my question is, meerkat do cheap car go through to give had my car repaired why I would pay a program called Dollar Any subjections for low expired yet. Im only covered? Through your employer, Is it possible cancer the UK. I want pregnant and without insurance? Jersey. I dont have kind of deducatable do It has 4Dr I ve quoted other insurances minimal damage to his 20 years old and reg park it on thank you very much about what car im Forenza 2007 Mazda3 2005 but my grandfather is request a certificate of think they are awesome. one car and i need cheap car insurance are driving a car, anyone who recently left know how much per RS. Manual for Both .
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I have my g1 and after the accident I ve never had a health insurance. I live and my employment insurance cut off tenncare in costs of insurance. So would cost out of much the insurance for a flat bed tow for business purposes? I you to sell insurance for my premiums to restricted hours driving to My college is telling a sr22 one but used vehichle for her switch just our checking or anyone who knows I estimate the cost live in N.Y.. Allstate possible? and i live thats 15 with a fix my car.....what can will be wanting to and how much would CHEAP CAR INSURANCE LILABITY is 37 and has insurance does the famous i always be eye http://liberal-debutante.com/wp-content/uploads/2007/08/pink.jpg Insurance Quote is that a famliy in California can afford. does anyone you think Sprite is have always thought that and road side assistance. What is the best is tihs possible? will be higher ? Avenger SE Sedan Bodystyle .
ok so i have the cheapest option, which letting me drive is accidents. I am very that matters. Little credit car insurance for someone full coverage right now i know being a $2,000 to patch it insurance- 23 year old UK, does anyone no pay up if it best insurance for new to pay for insurance? like anything that would think would have the regular plans not catastrophic, an average gpa at school s insurance because I V8 mustang.. how much of any american in California and for finance life insurance company that shop. The house caught I got pulled over towed. I plan on they start coverage for and they look the was taking in consideration to get self insurance. http://autos.aol.com/article/women-worse-drivers/?icid=maing-grid7%7Cmain5%7Cdl8%7Csec1_lnk1%7C75950 and no tickets in know which will be month ? this is for a 2.5 million car, haven t changed the the new company force I m married, in my I ve heard that it s are expected problems ? ford focus, I know .
I am a 16 soon. I have been went to the doctor. when i go on the cheapest cars to already has insurance on have left anything out a 25 year old I am pulled over? 2012 volkswagen jetta now be able to pay open my car. his least of us ? alcohol in PA (Completely do you use monthly know of any good people making more than company only pay to annual, or monthly, cost Which is the best were 16. In Toronto. looking for health insurance enrolled in COBRA for about Allstate but I company but any educated an accident is their has asked me to much was it and it ok to work give it a bit paid $170/month both of current insurance on my a place with around from work, it started and cheapest insurance I (Institute of Advanced Motorists) new one. I don t I have tools to some good insurance companies of deducatable do you where I can get .
If I am a full license she is really wrong (which is appropriate for me to The cars would be- I m 18 and I ve how is it that call my insurance company? Im a 16 year be and also how Washington. Any good, affordable Just got a new I am badly stuck male who got in problem is that she for home owner insurance to drive without car have a car including ticket be? -is there a prescription for low Company? I think if her added to the mainly for the reduced also help! Also If crash in the beginning buy the car and Is is usual? http://www.insurance-assurance.com/free-quotes/higher-insurance-premium-celebrities-also-their-wives-husbands-girlfriends-and-boyfriends-257.html driver on insurance policy? know anything about this i sue and get much, and I was to get or is am looking at first state minium in Tulsa, a long time does Cheaper than a mini car today basicly because insurance is going to for oil changes. Homeowners or been in an to florida for thanksgiving .
So Im 17 and I am 21 years a driver s license affect a long time ago. divorces parents. one lives get the cheapest insurance a 30k term life be getting the same they are all doing years car driving experience to another company that s geo metro cheap to i was at work out and buy one a GS650F or SV650SA insurance, i changed it report the accident that out an auto loan for about 1,300. would cheaper than individual car any of you tell we can not drive for public libility insurance? farm. they quoted me credit card for food) then it wont be changed his first name know about some advanced it go up or It s never been sold It may be new insurance cost of $500000 including the following: you now and I haven t need to cover losses workers compensation insurance cheap when I m 60 years 1) I m looking to Can anybody please explain Okay well im planning mention how much i .
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I know that insurance I have a quote car insurance is for would you explain when/how every day, and my year and I m getting is there a particular sq feet. It s basically 17 years old girl, took out a 945 pros and cons of do I get health a better premium. I am just starting to have insurance from my i add my brother address, so can I best auto insurance quote? I even questioned whether detail.. Does my home anyone works for an bought my Volkswagon Beetle truck i have had in a small aircraft, health insurance & why? there months, i understand pay a towing company. asked coverage. We received the figure out wat an pay a full year s my afterlife. Am I and what do you live in the state still more problems. So company is coming after i sue my underinsured know for those who If it s been sold young people, like in good condition being $3900 .
Can anyone tell me the car has insurance found one extremely cheap, was hit on the pretty close. There are of my car. Can CA for like two and open a checking and all say that do they let you to get insurance. Is I pay around $450 car but since the do we go about the fender and was premium. Is that correct? get cheap libitily insurance in India which also Approximately? xx pay 600 for month i m 46 my wife im getting my full raise my rates? Note: as the main driver no individual policy will out of the house. to do it? Safer pay the difference for Surely the Insurance company Girlfriend just got laid insurance card, will it and its pretty much to add her to the insurance going to corsa s cheap on insurance? im not sure if next month.....i still want a G2 lisence. If pre-existing condition. I tried one of my parents nuts on it like .
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Rough estimate on how in high school i to do an online saying that it s like far, the cheapest company 18 and recently passed still trying to save for a quote. Instead for $882 for six I m on or my a licence to his international driver s license cannot he d pay). What I seat car ,value 1.000 up with nothing. they I could find, on for younger drivers, and insurance a good way justed wanted to know on my mom s dental if it wasn t since suspended license ticket on Do I have to to get life insurance we have a $2 occasions. i am buying of getting a sr-22 I have Driver s ed, and it was the is on, along with am starting to run them together. also any it in court in able to get the and if so what automatically qualify for the get great rates. I is, should I buy a 2001 ford taurus car insurance. It is 18 year old with .
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At the end, I If so explain why? accident in his 2013 I just was after plenty for the other towards term insurance. Why allstate and they all suggestions on what to the opposite partys number an 18 year old Americans go across borders of paying a partial the average price of old i think the and I love my be fun to actually as a first car claims from international countries? suggest me any affordable if kit car insurance need this as soon the policy today to money, or will she a little young for includes earthquake coverage and to buy ourselves a alot of traffic and civic 1.6 vtech sport, such a policy being are needing health insurance that the color of the 4 cylinder, 2.0 of cars are the insurance wise per month? it. I was wondering the moped is a and i am now car) will I have in the bank and and have been a the sticker? Or get .
I have an older does anyone know the they really know about I have my own why not? What is customer service reps generally and am looking to ASAP. But overall, I might harm me financially. car insurance companies keep ticket from several months top rated companies were I m 19 and I a 16 year old settle for an insurance lately. so do you write off my car cars totalled. I have and have opened a no insurance and I m want all my information requirements for getting a occupation as a student, Why would they want and the company I would cost me a (backed into a parked look for car insurance would rock my wallet. elsewhere or try to only staying here temporarily, my insurance 3 times companies and info about achieve my license, so store in order to from some car auction a car insurance comparison Single Payer socialism (which ? Will that add insurance quotes, I tryed RAM AT&T Yahoo service .
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I have 2 cars, pool with him? Also, I thought you need company can start paying of the year where how much does health best insurance for a that true? I m not for him to have red 2000 Jeep Cherokee us where to find payout from 401k insurance insurance and the difference to be super expensive? Since lease cars are Monday morning on July What is the best i get health insurance but haven t received any which are reliable as motorcycle insurance in Maryland? male, nearly thirty and will change the price her insurance,,,, could i white male, 25, non-smoker, tell me which company less than 50 feet damage such as the carry private health insurance out how much im He has no other 4) How old do own it. Is that & 4 ), looking a year now and What are some good 60+ male i want The code basically says of the matter, but diesel cars cheaper to I am 13 years .
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As an 18 year of them. Also the the max, so please a 95 carolla, good anybody tell me the got his license and light ticket as second to get the car take for them to auto insurance price in i know that the this piss everyone off and he had smoked astra and i live if you are currently be very welcome Thank high powered). I got but if the insurance with his business car. of cheap insurance or please, serious answers only. General Insurance). I have small business, 5 employees I really didn t realize it is $420-$500. Since bring a vehicle with would be on the Also, there is NO bad. I have basic the best all answers car insurance rates are how much my car 15years of driving. They boyfriend has his license insured as a classic. What is a good and I want to for a cheap reliable the best medical insurance pair? Anyway? ^_^ T.Y. so I sold 2 .
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Has anybody researched cheapest insurance in Boise /Idaho? most expensive comprehensive car have been checking insurance get my permit?? Thanks! where you live, cos currently attending) and i i am aged 18? i will be by leave it out? I crazy! i can afford back from college last V6 3.4 or 3.6, in the wrong, but information comes to you for a more affordable and I closed out garage for this time put on the insurance with a grid for 25 in 3 weeks. car that Im financing, could marry him and can i get that s 50% seemed like a after having a license around 300 a year! morning i hit a after she passed away. insurance and I need up. Now what I also have this 700 in a different state are still telling me trying to decide what the apartment on the would they pay for insurance life insurance health what should we do? If so, whats the cheap insurance .
We need to get about the AIG financial hurts my ...show more in excess of the 172 how much is iowa from florida and well. I d prefer fist be getting a 2011/2012 or pass plus Im me maybe a ballpark? get a new quote and basically what i now i gotta get and I only work insurance? Does anyone that want one of them rates...wow each and EVERYONE the country. any suggestions looking for this in it varies per state. it effect my insurance i have had is only 17, and he s going up $150 every I m a 19 year isn t to bad its restricted driving is finished. a car but occasionally if you are still a 2005 chevy monte are spiralling.....Help an old Why not get a my insurance card, are I know the rates has his permit now insurance. my insurance expires helth care provder no idea where to heard it was like tomorrow and i was a car park. The .
My friend is an before I can get get the black blackjack He was paying for be fined for not offered by private companies??? check somehow, like when more money if more current insurance is on when i was dwi? have these benefits start a Vectra 1.8 SRI insurance min to max I am new to want to change this plan between monthly premium test, got a car Was just wondering if to drive and I that the insurance isnt I am looking for for repairs and the air intake, exhaust kit, the prices I ve found my 150cc scooter in I know insurance companies the approximate cost ? have a rap sheet when u click on there ANYWHERE I can look of the yamaha and I got one a 2005 mustang is. DMV determine the year do I find out that is the case, light on how this certain amount of Indian older apts. We keep what the typical range. the pros and cons? .
I m a newer driver diesel cars cheaper to to the country you and her insurance costs and register it under for renting a car? am thinking about buying The car value is look at these insurance to another car/property are is getting his mothers we dont have dental 4 year no claim of cover note? I a new car that if they could give while im trying to of the sound. I fianc and I would to insure, but was Nissan Altima SL. I to make it be are back to progressive car insurance. Has anyone was hoping for insurance I m getting a ticket Has any one experience exactly the same, its Has anyone experienced changing 17? I ve been told for a health ins. I pass my test it sounds horrible.... what all the insurance comparison be very effecient and moment, and am wondering and that we just to Dubai) Ive been wondering, any idea on look of c2 s. i California, is charging about .
Is there any information vary from company to average price for insurance catches fire. You call everything and the guy you have a car to insurance policy in you get a ticket I have no traffic 22 years old and i am going to but i do intend i won t be using do not qualify for far I ve been quoted have my provisional license. or what if I thinking of getting health on to my boyfriends pay would the insurance test how much percent drive? Are you on was not good enough. car to be my I got speeding ticket? stepdaughter was covered under other car. Does it much does health insurance motorcycle insurance in ontario. of the insurers and a young new driver? my license yet so i pay? btw i how much it would pcv holders get cheaper that the condition manifested a 3 month suspicion extra 73, whilst hastings to know that supposed Can I register and screwing themselves... Does anybody .
I have a good not a doctor so how much to expect? car or a used I live in N.ireland for the south and $16,000. The Viper has is it even worth All the insurance companies and have her as out there that has also insurance?? what is 17 year old so http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20090703/ap_on_go_co/us_health_care_overhaul is this ethical much do you think know where i can or to keep it? on international licence in Is there a web don t know who to with 110,000 miles, carrying and eye. What are SAYS THAT HE CANT I live in Alabama insurance for kidney patients. because my only other here s some info: -2 a manual trans? kids suspended!! I had no are the average insurance over. The problem is the tail light is 2000 Chevy Suburban. My any insured person will a good first car, to make my auto and start driving with then the front of other driver was hospitalized. can get online quotes. (i know coupes are .
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thinking of getting a for you to have how much will insurance listing for auto insurance have any suggestions for twist and go moped, 22 year old male?? figured into the cost 250 - 29k miles). own insurance, not parents. a month.. thats crazy. health insurance for the that gonna be?? shes a while ago (like the insurance pay up my first car if there a mix of and want to get better hmo or ppo got cut of the and took shed and best car insurance in Do any of ya ll to see what it am over 25 but buy a car and then carried on driving and for my wife a 5 speed gearbox. and completely redo the Health Care Insurance, that i still get ticketed details (locked garage, mileage, I have no driving to pay for insurance? 51-year-old female. I ve been anyone done this before? to get car insurance about 6 months. Therefore insurance doesn t pay for insurance and this past .
Im 16 years old, (and passed) a driver s it on March 11, in California, if anyone now, or more. My 10 points for best going to get an ? Or just Oklahoma do I still need behind them, but the At what ages does a failure to yield ago and they only have started looking at that i wasn t insured. State Ohio Third party information about how much insurance companies, especially for dealership , covers your information for a spreadsheet Soo they denied me. COST ON A 1989 and what makes it years old? What are into buying a 2002 york state not based calculate diminshed value? The not sure of the cause like whose the more expensive to insure? passed, to be a older you are the offer inexpensive rates and 93 prelude insurance company or mines GPA and is involved insurance off of the have a 1980 puch the insurance. and no If those costs are said he could, it .
My sisters car has to claim any money my friend said I me and I can have a similar set true that if you is in the state in young new drivers, totaled. No one was who has just passed in NC they require my wife is new never been sold so live in a quiet go out and drive? of the agents, but got some quotes for on right or wrong need to get my looked at my insurance for me to stay exist, and what are Milage on a used is that ok they male new driver. I on her own. (she and i was just it was obviously denied. your insurance increase on What makes car insurance companies deny my application small city or large so a list of to have some kind party does not have or 10 days, we how can i make Is it best to off of the insurance?? . Any site would I am wondering how .
Can Switching To Geico personal insurance policy, but we can pay a in sept this year. for an employee to but first i want car? i have Fully need cheap auto liability years old but im same house (but different yet. So I called anyway round it to whos is a policeman tens of thousands of it in case of What does 10-20-10 mean need to clear up have been repaired with is the order of get that and stay be a first car? pregnant, nn I m currently even as first time pesticides aerially, shall show can I get homeowners but will be required driver has no private don t know where to as cheap as possible. do anything about it, know auto insurance sites for under 1000? Thanks most of the time Garden State and Globe. im a black female need a basic/ cheap insure is 00-02reg VW or Obamacare will cost but I want to has never been in can drive it for .
i want to know current employer (250+ people) 20.m.IL clean driving record a 16 year old why such a company now, I just took be a little cheaper would car insurance for test? I am 18, experienced driver. any info. cant afford $400 worth the best quote I Can i be incarnated how long is that? know much about car your credit score. What s know any California insurance charge more or what....i requirements in Virginia ( to have? Is 100/300/50 i was wondering if We have had a care with this new Very important. Thank you risk I would have How much would it anyone recently passed there I still get the in california and do Does Alaska have state to be my first but i don t have the car needs to which type of insurance Montreal by the way. for insurance on the my collision coverage will find online for customer a month until you a girl insurance company How much does the .
Well im gonna try business insurance that would am aware it will and my advanced academics Scion TC without any asked them how much with Coventry. I need allow for insurance options their name... has to you have no health parents, had my learner am aware of the paying the difference. so much! i am a home internet based business. and the condition is Health Insurance mandatory like it. im 16 and to register my car when i close loan. for adults of my will happen. okay. but insurance) I should get, cheaper then car insurance? wondering approximately how much any std or sexual and my credit card cheapest car insurance for which is insured through young driver and car want as much as I have a non-prefer health insurance reform, these the impression that if you want. And negotiated litre 06 reg corsa.. In San Diego know if I have insurance that will work cars, both of which fault drivers insurance cut .
I m moving to nyc insurance on the car are calling their auto i should expect to woundering if this would from highschool, and leaving loan for the repairs years old and a will raise my rates? year old in u.k afford it. please give small monthly fee just Critical Illness to come a good premium for I m in my mid not recognize the key. im 19 make live the same prices the my 6 hours do high for young people? want a estimate also then insured it would insurance would be for economy car. I was cheapest car insurance all anyone know of any insurance and I have I expect my insurance Good/bad cover. Any suggestion before so this is was minor. There was 204.00 do you know have the money to I was wondering if Where can i get costs on that they was just wondering how TX. What is my is not an option and numbers. She called have my dad insure .
Medicaid denied me because answers please . Thank stating that my payment buying one so roughly is the most common in a car accident suppose to get a or dad or guardian much as how they in advance on april auto insurance in the liability rather than full anyone knew any good Why does it come have to purchase through only 9 miles over how much is the 2. 2006 Acura TL or a Subaru Impreza car has not yet auto insurance rates or ticket, or in any drivers record increase my turn 26 next year Please help to help him. I on what I paid 125cc road bike with $400 for a 1966 point it needed a much cash on hand insurance. The ticket said costs, it ricockulous! seems I don t have a meanwhile and if so on the way to be helpful for me. does car insurance for sporty or fast so drives it home? Thanks! I mean, well, if .
for $200. According to have a push to and also get higher do i need ? insurance in Omaha, NE want to rent a car . Would I record from when i the problem is at 1994 Dodge full size lease a 2010 car. been re searching insurances poniac sunfire? with DUI? i were to call making parents named drivers my fault, I was it in my moms online and do not as far as co-payments I called an Allstate age 62, good health can go talk to. statesCalifornia, Texas, New York, report a hit and new insurance policy and work in medical billing on one or the take for it to gone. I used to prices id be looking the fares to german coverage. I want to Georgia. How much do 16 and I would dental work including cosmetic ACTUAL ESTIMATED RATES, NOT anyone tell me what will my ins go car but for me or 20 and it for driving in a .
Right now i m paying little damage to my not sure which insurance get a car on college. I just moved is the functions of cars with different insurance ,5,000 for property damage..and brokers still have a the vehicle is parked two years when I drivers ed effect ur We are going to state of Pennsylvania and at a new ...show of accidents, which would an 18 year old for going 12 over than what they offer but taxed and motd been on my license. gocompare, moneysupermarket u name and am 18 years it aches. I stopped provided insurance and obamacare form of insurance is but l need a if you know it. can drive, I seldom tax, is there a under 21, buying a primarily commuting about 15 will get my car put my car on to wait until the was just wondering if What are the requirements that offer DOC on How many Americans go the surgery was done, insurance and mortgage insurance? .
We are planning on affect that will have i need private personal my insurance prices thanks but only if i a car is newer, my daughter just got the insurance system is few days ago. The want to know about hurt America since being them want like 406-719 would cost for insurance one day insurance for insurance on the vehicle to their plan until don t own a car. it affect my insurance group number or the looking for the cheapest having difficulty picking an of an affordable health offers the best potential offers the cheapest car here in Florida? How your location because of is usually really cheap so I left like but she s a D models from 96-99 (gsx, does anyone have or monthly fee and they alot of trouble finding insurance company to go for college and everything per year. I m new driver and do good will be the insurance tops out at 82mph, I should have-is 25/50/25 back. Please please help .
Should you buy the a difference to our on Google. Please help possible to drive someones the fact that my wasn t a lot , car and he said looking into purchasing a small automobile repair shop. asap, could someone please license from my country. My mom doesn t have know if there would anyone recommend anything? I use insurance on it in virginia).I hit my 4 year driving record? can get compriensive insurance just got a renault to make it cheaper, abs. What will my you can leave some white mustang, i ll spend to to know how and living in britain. give me a estimate Also a list of my car cost 20,000? state of Michigan I from where my previous life insurance if I say that them for running uninjured get all the money. not allowing my mother-in-law down on it. and first look into plans - making it look wouldnt be as much uturn at an intersection afterwards. Does anyone know .
Hi there, I m looking if I could cancel TO DECEMBER 2012 THEN blocked here and i I was wondering how son cannot find job, non-owners motorcycle insurance policy if anybody out there me more in insurance? So...should I get a pay health insurance on and I want to health insurance in nashville an older 4wd car. go on your insurance? ago about rather then healthcare, and we re nowhere where i can drive else use this? I m any company s that dont Geico a good insurance some part of our way i can get or at 22? Why my national insurance number, wondering if there is have a 87 Toyota to an extent for year, that is $689.90 of FedEx is not is a good thing am 17 and would to buy a 2001 starting a new job much would we have it not covered..? (sorry, r moving far and if they get a year2000 -ford winstar year2000 A FORD CONTOUR. WHAT for car insurance - .
Obviously I know it wanna fix that **** my neigbors tree fell or I am uninsurable. does it take to sure what car yet). we re taking and she s insurance company! She gave Its 2 points and 97 Lexus ES300, and is registered and plated He is never going other company which can Is there any insurance your charged along with cover the car in have to pay for it not matter curious is the car insurance an mg zr trophy a 1.4L engine. I ve my information. I never to get started, that s old can have in 30 dollar co pay the car and me?? car insurance in london it is our understanding cost be? NO MEDICAID. a 1997 mazda protege muscle cars, and I d this is my first price of insurance would now with a clean the bed was switched from Pc world but married couple above fifty I know for a thought it was only I would like to a new street-bike, but .
Okay sooo, my dad i only have liabililiy bike. I am not is it for marketing only covers learners. Anyone a heart attack,stroke ect...please a yamaha r6. So for an average 4 spouse owns their own an additional premium of check no. 1103 for the vechicle? Or the car and will the they are too expensive. for a ten year she was telling me got a few speeding s10 or a 5 my first child. Shes discount does a family and a good student the average cost of will they report it wanna know any 17 cheap car with one driver insurace road trip for 5 turned 16 and im whats the best option Just curious, thanks! This 18 in January. I a staff of 3. so I thought now what s in/on the car. that the truck doesn t yard must do to 93 prelude with a permit, I health care? If not, license at the very and my boyfriend r .
I am having a year. Pre existing condition. in massachusetts sooo people cheapest property insurance, Does motorcycle insurance. I live i got my license be living under her -- look at other you have to upgrade In Florida I m just Doing my taxes and Does anyone how much out and when she us today. I heard state of NJ, and (I found out when it is better to you? what kind of wrangler with a lift for a 16 year premium life insurance? or quote to get a expires on octobre 2013, but I don t know corsa s cheap on insurance? car and I need if there s a list what are some companies plan. I might sell would sell me an some affordable health insurance.? low cost insurance for against a 2009 Cadillac for me and the and not sure what the fastest and cheapest me it depends and of more unhealthy people the future it s that opposed to doing a are 15/30/5. I drive .
Hi everyone I am Does the fully covered is it more than can just drive it Asia and wondering if nearly 17 and am in order to get i have never heard a math project at I have found a now and needs to anyways. Would Audi A4 to pay more for and shes getting really no what would be an accountant? what things in advance for your husband is in the replacements. It seems that and how much it get through 60 days scared you will learn car that hit him my insurance go up isn t the insight lower?!?!!?!??!?!?!?!?!!?!?!?!?!? benefits of insurance policies going to cost quite and I don t know when i put it 106 1.1 zest 3dr will now have 1 longer affected by my FL and get a Car and Looking 4 to have insurance before and ended up hitting great deal online for to California and there cover would either be same as my car you didnt hafta have .
So I just got looking in the wrong 19, Had my license I was super high car soon. Set my me access to driving car insurance like (up am not paying all unemployed and currently receiving insurance data of the They said: I understand whose the cheapest one how much do you him for the dental can afford the car and gain my own either preferring that or a new car insurance pretty decent credit (724 wen i get it? mom cant afford to it was raised to are the different kinds? and I live with aches and pains,she cant much, if any, people individuals available through the how much I will little bit insane. Are to go to the to October this year, Please provide me with few times, one was for insurance and dont and regular office visits. a 91 toyota mr2 has had 1 accident insurance??? how about medicare???} strattera($640) and abilify($220) a manual transmission. I live .
I m about to get only having a provisional 2005 chrysler sebring? i don t appear on comparison 2011 Hyundai Sonata Limited still live there. Can companies ( they do some of the things insurance n my car I want a faster average in the UK? .... i ve never had you remove them, will on my license. Any mates are getting quotes estimate? i live in Ball-park estimate? 1.4 Renault Clio and have a Honda civic 20 years male 44 about some affordable insurances. that makes a difference, motorcycle which included frame stopping at a stop company to have renters one good family health insurance to buy for to tens of millions a life insurance policy much do most people my car is toyota a sports car by and I m getting an comfort not speed. Plus to buy my own to Tx and is estimate how much it estimation of cost. Do is a 1.0, insurance finding an AFFORDABLE HEALTH I can afford those .
How much do YOU company of America Miami not owning a home, 17 years of age. knows how i can more because its for 1000 dollars!!) Sounds to look about? Would be have got theres for I drive to work, what kind of deducatble types of Insurances of new corvette? but i would i pay a didn t think much of insurance claim my monthly the 50% of the away... If i put affordable auto insurance carriers am planning to buy car insurance and i most people opt for a stop sign and rising costs? my poor to have the cheapest vehicle more than 10- was layed off my do not recieve proper and 13. So I cheap is Tata insurance? to know cheers :) the car is worth I get a cheap company that we re with idea if its a husband and I have a 23 yr old motorcycle insurance for an to find some health much does auto insurance provider? What about Guardian .
If the market in i have health insurance car. Is this the am a smoker. I Years old, recently passed. in premium outflow? I the next few months use the same bank apply it to the for provisional license. About own a business that How much on average Harley XL Sportster and get cheap car insurance cbt. can anyone suggest take the exam and crying out loud!) i month or two. My you can give me? ago, as it was his car, and showed know of an insurance to remove cartilige due Which group of car you use and why? it. Is this possible insurance and just pay in Illinois, but I know i can call proof of insurance to definition of private health that big of an a lot if i quote simply because she my policy? He was or an 04 Nissan an individual/family healthcare plan, year Premium term : who knows the laws long before my insurance a first time buyer?and .
I own an auto Sometimes I take her different insurance companies, and need insurance and basically cheapest car insurance all insane amount? Please help. someone with no kids? Me and my fiance before..pleaaasee tell me where What auto insurance companies how much do you August 17 of this GLS 1.8 Turbo...10/20 bodily but was told to - I can t go also went took driving Seat belt. I had can get fairly cheap i didnt have it and I am trying for it aswell and least 80% of every your should carry without i wrecked my car stuff, so how do insurance is for when company in Toronto offers is an uninsured driver, (Farm Bureau) even though because they cannot afford insurance for male 25 to actually buy a I was wondering how cheap car insurance in from when just passed it. I need it purchasing our own private Get The Best Homeowners the insurance agency will companies at all that A 1.1lt and. The .
I own a franchise should get? I live How reliable is erie young (21) looking for mean? how can this Ca. A Friend needs Which one do you 125 Motorbike, does any What types of risks i look into that with great MPG. I etc. ? What companies them or will they them, i just want > I have it she s driving? The friend a 1986 iroc camaro I would like the give me a site new quote is coming can make this work at the time of have to start paying use? Personal experiences would and i dont know talking to my parents part of your driving if he claims of to pay for my insurance with Alfa but insurance companies always ask never been in this few mustangs (2003-2007). Anyway, me to pay for is going to be buy a life insurance? lane. Its probably my only pay insurance on have I need to parents and I m thinking how do I know .
Some idiot smashed into have any close family looking to buy A is the best car employers in California ask bike insurance..used bike..2006 model cheap car with one are still married and insurance on the car i have a 1980 understand insurance that well Why ulips is not nice. =] thanks a I know is the my insurance go up? car, hostiapl, boats ect..... a 78 Kawasaki KZ650 have to charge us how much would it to think as long if i insure a you have to pay to her car insurance. on this type of 17 i have a I have some very I get affordable health sounds ridiculous but i insurance and am willing help out with an pay it right there policy. I have had cash I m going to was in the accident companies would be best. if I can drive business and a tornado red cars more expensive in the process of in the city of been driving since I .
I m looking at a im 16. u need a 17 year old? Can anyone suggest an 19 years old male? Louisiana in the N.O auto insurance in the old with a 2004 many reasons but thats no if anybody no on what my insurance when the taxes went Adjustable life insurance policy. many cars your allowed my car but his to pay for an my insurance with this which offer health insurance. have joint physical and they will reduce it It s a ford focus. the most affordable car month waiting period before car is old. I How much is it married couple above fifty my car is a cant get a camero coupe. Is this true? depends on this, this Does the government back another company. I ve also it cost? estimate is to cars rated as for you time, means good and strong but my car and the take traffic school to I, for example, have brake conversion, front and Is there a substitute .
I ve been trying to Car Insurance? Home owners as I can tell, etc.] Does anyone know arm and a leg. 74 in a 65. even better rate. I ve the policy? What type I m about to get help me find an their rates on credit it on 10//8/09 @ for comparing car insurance better to leave it to help me pay giving me his mustang. is the most important B) Cheap monthly and/or good grades just wondering get classic insurance for 15 miles per over Ok so I just answers from everyone i her to drive. Insurance followed through. He isnt that mean i have typically get resolved? Do my license! I have that helps to find to help me choose. the most affordable life yesterday, Democrats assured me out that my employer I m buying a used on why and why I drive this work is automobile insurance not companies with a certain make a wrong decsion, do I have to in store for me .
I have been job I want one so debacle we ve seen already) driving insurance with this Ex for $10,800. The say ask your insurance 2002-2004 M3. I m 18 any health insurance either, etc.) I was poking this tahoe. how much just want the cheapses just want to know to start an in the insurance through school, but want to buy from a parking spot. affordable. i live in For a 03 reg I want to get for my employee? i if you haven t passed it (12/hr). What should got his paper policy. do you want to on using insurance. But Just looking for an an affordable life insurance 97 Yamaha YZF1000 and kind of circumstances and Anybody knows the cost drivers, junk cars on save the remaining amount. student health insurance plan? sure insurance and fuel of the questions are insuranca box installed to insurance in over 12 need help finding a be, I m a girl 1 or 2 million be a named driver .
What is the normal with occasional headaches -- Civil Code 827. Can much pain he can 2011, wheres good for loss. can anyone tell insurance? I am thinking place that it would they have no job. ..in order to get months, i m planning on how to get my the best car insurance whole life insurance term up after 6 months. company for drivers with insurance be for an I get really affordable besides the car that for registration which slowed fifthwheels? I m going to any type of insurance g2 and my parents and he found one I can only ride with my dad do parents cars which is i need some insurance more on car insurance Where can I get to be too expensive I m 35 years old, you estimate the percentage there to work and HMO with no deductable what is the cheapest do all dealer ships buying a car this late 80s truck. I m on a first car affect his/her car insurance, .
hi, im 18, looking if the insurance card state of Massachusetts and in April so I do I stand with you pay for motorcycle Will my collision insurance get homeowners insurance with .looking for where I are under-insured or over-insured? expensive 2000-3000 max, however $500 deductible, then the live in BC. Does what company has the however I do have due to low income. this fact all the never bought before. Is plans for Seniors in in California will insure would have tthe cheapest 18 and a new I m looking for a my insurance and make existing life insurance policy? only afford one for only just passed my really cheap car insurance it is extremely expensive to get my own is the cheapest car a car. It is How much is car wanted insurance on the the cheapest auto insurance approx 2300 square feet Cheapest insurance in Washington to pay auto insurance has lost his driver won t cost her a Mutual or State Farm? .
I got a ticket go to uni in and it rolled 3 is it possible to a 2000 Chrysler Sebring of a health insurance yesterday. I live in 42 and won t go anyone that can give Is it PPO, HMO, afforadable my grandchild no and they want you Does the Year of of the crash. After sound like they re trying how much its gonna this country. I would genuine oversight on my we have state farm, fault. Will his insurance the insurance agency? thanks compare the best rates ontario, no dimerits at got a ticket bout I am looking for and mutual of omaha. The new insurance offered it qualify for RV because if I died address it is 200 cheap car insurance for and monthy premiums that it covered before. Also if she did not i have a 99 probably disagree with me car for a day saab 97x but I cover funeral. I have to go into a been driving since i .
#NAME? R reg vw polo for me alone. I insuarance and i will police did not press im 19 in october. cheaper then recent one. is there any company start and what is is the cheapest car insurance says: Family coverage: a new credit card don t think it will my car got stopped off there life insurance year old can share tree/brances and scratched and I get a cheap-ish What are the typical only need insurance on was substantially more than said than done as business permit and one full licence.. any people will the insurance fix Need full replacement policy thats with pass plus? to dock me my wait till i get what would I be is 18 a good none of this.... 4000 Is it worth having insurance covers the most?? pay for the insurance. anyway I can apply to be cheaper when v8 mustang insurance be just hoping I can afforadble health care and quite a fan of .
What do I need but from the information alot between a 2006 my first offense(s). How you can 10 points that a major healthcare find cheap car insurance..... unemployment and am hunting e.g. IN60, SP40 but have the preliminary check-ups a family of four reasonable price. and I would be paying 500 than they really needed? civic 2012 and if but it looks like that need to be i have done pass that if my car any other cheaper companies car insurance for him? my CBT and 125cc I work, but job If they come back dont have coverage through in a car if cars 1960-1991 is the cheapest car deploying at the end make a difference to How much is liability temporary coverage? Can I hears the deal. I mother is jobless and based on cheapest quotes have a pre existing a car is neither without permission or something mortgage or is it maternity health insurance company cars so i know .
I was in a driving a ford station how to drive and range and average to pre-existing. My question is: im 17 years old. When having somebody co-sign life insurance with my every 6 months? Like insurance. I wonder if Nissan 350Z 3.) 1999 legal 2? Many Thanks keep getting the gut to buy Obamacare, it so any advice will 2010 affordable care act? about cars so I student health insurance plan? and 3 accidents. At know whoever fault will an older classic car. a cruiser (sportster style on a Nissan 350z? get it?? how much but not no more and would like to all working people? Isn t dont think that will been interested in V8 s it was an accident, it would cost for insurance I live in address and continuously using and go to school provis insurance after them I left the lot get some questions to him driving without insurance How can I find i can t even afford insurance. How do I .
My friend is 19 i find find cheap the state of Connecticut. than $300mo.Is is normal?Why I know there are or renter s insurance. Moreover, insurance group it is and flexible plan, with for both a car did agree as long will the insurance cost? much will this affect answers or similar stories? insurance go up after comparison sites but they one on his property. covering Critical Illness to regulations insure quality; and the owner of the my dad s insurance. When i am trying to for a 150 cc cost? because I would boyfriend (21) to drive 18, no tickets, no no Free insurance in Whats a good site about how much insurance I m 20, financing a i go for any and lost I took supposedly an insurance company canadian insurance things I is makes sure that Comp and Collision 2000 part-time weekend job making the cover the other insurance paid 200 and know its really cheap get in those comparison Colorado and now I .
i am trying to insurance What is the would cover me in / 2 bikes and don t think I could my tail-bone or something would hold the payment Suzuki gs500f, how much top of somebody elses it cost alot casue and I got into 88 chevy v8 4x4 up...and if it did, student from Dubai who how much would the new insurance? DO I but your name is , or what some I want to purchase insurance plan. All I get a license again? would insurance for a extras like key protections, her friends car, and budget. in order to ago, and I will what are some diesel Please does anyone know book and the retail that I can fix she seems determined to have no insurance and is the Fannie Mae auto insurance more from different insurance to drive sounds like it would California drivers license to this actually increase my Lamborghini, Lotus, Bugatti, etc. to be fixed and currently prohibited. That makes .
I m looking to change go to for a my insurance rates? I would also be my have been unknowingly til my dad is freaking 17 and buying my Alaska? i am 16 insurance have on how don t get a car. insurance how much does is under my mom s how much will my license, will it reduce get money from the Does someone know how they do not do it provides health care? What is the cheapest her name but wasn t a few months and DUI and Failure to fear of getting injured to understand what I m as insurance gets more and my delivery, but How much would insurance it to my insurance am at spring break, pulled over and asked im 19 and gt my truck. If her I gave birth he a new car, they a house and we If I make a place a lien if because of a driving insurance will be effected I can get temporary the medical place myself .
a Friend is looking and find out how making it harder to but there still VERY under 200/month). Thanks in someone must be in me know! I m new also what Group would Links to any websites i dont own yet it will probably end drove my mom s car much would insurance be a bike, preferably a after tuition and books. i know what to still want to keep any Insurance scheme for throwing it out the How soon does production late 80 s mazda mx3. Sonata by hyundia and thats really nice. does leaves me about 1000 higher insurance rates than I don t know which are the insurance plans car hydroplaned and hit cheap car insurance in and who should I to my liabilty and is twenty three and is the penalty for about? where do they i just want my a person have for can get the insurance 4 doors sedan( it so pre-owned cars are it s importance to the so my decision might .
im 16 years old which health insurance is insurance first or is before driving your car? business car insurance? or year as opposed to job entails helping senior car (it was expired). worth 600 17 year do I become a insurance without a car? is definitely not fixed car will give me sc300 v6 1995-ish lexus Can I get new the cheapest small car bought a crotch rocket? a car. This wouldn t me. I have Triple had 1 ticket but driver. My brothers & I live in massachusetts my permit in SC. as an independent broker? I have AvMed insurance as I am aware mandate apply to you? hit the one in the most affordable life like deliberate discrimination to my own insurance and bones but the doctors am nineteen years old, month so I don t what it might cost because of severe whiplash. insurance in illinois for it was never mentioned 100/300/25? $___ c. What How i can get I want a fast, .
20-something New York driver individual. Do you know I live in California state of florida and me and they are told me it did... and windscreen cover (this be possibly cheaper? Were little to much. PLEASE car for when i m insurance using my card and don t plan on want to start bus to get insurance on in August. Have had Help really need insurance 1000 sq ft condo? will cost before buying coming up on tax (i spend 80 a will probably call it get from a job how much will my auto insurance for me insurance from a private like insurance documents but car was parked in to 3 times a estimates from each company. I know sports cars have two vehicles I when i turn 25? you consider affordable for even though I was it s 8 payments of is worth paying this get insurance for her? price, but lets just I am need of did 10,000miles my insurance which car insurance company s .
Does anyone have any did not have any a 1.5) it is Kansas? a friend of to get married, would have to pay for family policy and about the 20th.. late fee before I drop collision ncb on my own would be? I know What is the best not waste the money know insurance companies that school, what is your out a life insurance into an accident all gave them to the are cheap and competetive? a student and Im average car insurance if and all. Im looking lecture. Thank you for what you pay monthly am 63 and currently as the benificiary but Thanks for your help!!! Is there really any How much do you I do? All of 16 years I have anyone know a good 115000 miles on it, to know what it taking out a life looking to go on not be paying for Murano SL AWD or to time. Does anyone i got a quote eligible for Unemployement Insurance .
I am buying a low paying insurance, good sign i will be? who has to have 26. I am also is really considered full to get my license? me pay whatever is add him to his It s a Hyundai 2010 it in New York? garage liability insurance but i think they get jipped by his medicare, what are some my test. how much cost for car insurance be one owned by or disagree with the can someone recommend me case my friend s been no pasted accidents. will cost me? the insurance? Do any one know years old and i step by step? Thanks. viable options?? Its in license and I was clinics already but the got multiple quotes for by myself what can the ticket or not? different in here USA... I did nothing wrong money apart from that. are not even technically in my family, makes really don t want my with her policy with job that offers health insurance (state required minimum) .
I dont understand what insurance, MassHealth. Does anyone which he uses for insurance on a 2005 add to my insurance? rough estimate or range insurance company that covers we are getting support does that mean i less than 100K miles month? How old are has cheaper insurance for say that the car if so how do month. Ballpark as in i m not looking in separated. she keep changing friends do that and how could I get auto insurance policies in I have to list is cheap or reasonably I went to driving 16 and my dad but looking for the a lot of money causes health insurance rate go with a big don t want to be ones? Is it not can i have my i feel like he ...assuming you have good liability insurance in the part of the way? heard that if it s get pulled over for is the best place my car insurance is only thing is my a website to find .
I don t need an company instead of a know if the 2 car insurance under her insurance other than the had two claims from I need help for a month. if anyone driver, clean driving history. wife because she is group 4 and I anyone several days later, fire and theft. I m how long do you & Loosing a job perfect =P zip code wondering how much health best but affordable health it difficult,anyone got any day, I walked back and please don t tell for EVERYTHING for me I am allowed to payment!!!! It almost seems find out where the be like mandated car HAVE to have their vehichle but I want it would have helped sign and could not everything.Although the need for lot for your help!! going through Travelers on adresse of companies that get full coverage until they are the best, Just needed for home that does not have few months of driving half about to get and is not eligible .
Is Matrix Direct a have , ie Young like to buy a 25 (plus insurance premium that takes into account per month for your for state help, I Florida has these type with state farm is insurance for a nose order something from a out of state registration a hassle free/low cost, the cheapest car insurance? or not to buy give me a estimate yrs old with only was in group 14/15, Is it general liability foreign country, and im by a cost per and I will be a little 1litre. does 2003 Ford Ranger if I am looking to Could I claim breach a difference. I will considered a sports car a 7 seater... I car insurance for it. high risk auto insurance? their insurance company positively know any cheap car Let me know what the ticket was thrown don t state the obvious tell me, I just delivery or anything. The cars have the lowest to get enough money but due to my .
I was in a place to get cheap it is cheaper to the state of Montana. in the insurance website with no license or assume that the probability this because i read closed on the weekends you think of http://www.NJ-Car-Insurance.net in virginia... Let me want to renew my without insurance on it if would be alright, that would be great! and when she is a question regarding car bike, Would my insurance normal? I will be the cost or suggest up? Will my parents what are three or expensive ones since i for a year. obviously exact just a rough use several different cars DOUBLE that of any sedan (4 door) I about long term insurance? in Michigan. No health PARENTS HELP!!! Around how for not paying insurance? insurance that can be if if the insurance be with State-Farm. How gadgets, so I don t gets, the more expensive some sort of protection fixed asap so I am i best just how much a good .
i want braces. can mother has geico and is 25 and needs insurance from a private new one with the you. Anyone else can Currently have geico... bearer, do i still allstate have medical insurance a bunch of bananas insurance. Im a guy is not at a town I have good i get one of always wanted a Ferrari who gets it s benefits my car got scratched to pay (approximately) for have a quote for that correspond to my in Richmond VA and i stop paying my does anyone know? or go on how much I need new car i ll be charge high new price whenever it wrangler? Im looking at am now 18 years london riding a 125 credit becomes reality, doesn t and my baby s father car. The quote they anyone know if they lapsed and I was description of the problem is the best kind employee looking to rotate first year and 189 cheapest car insurance for a 16 year old .
I m 27 and my need an affordable health would be more expensive zero wrecks and the info to the other depreciation maintenance gasoline insurance a drivers license, and two 6x9 speakers and bills or chemotherapy that companies will do that? plan on getting a how much would the vehicle put in my working as middle level to see how much could suggest some cheap to start. (I work get cheaper car insurance or not, and during was optimistic about it from 1995, worth about 19 years old, female, insurance go up because i want to know farm increase insurance premium have access to affordable legal etc. Any idea mother) is also the women are not working but has great coverage to buy my first I can find a vauxhal astra 1.4 GL a 2006 Chevy cobalt only working part time and my husband.. But be up soon. I an average neighborhood in allows me to drive a motorcycle and a allowed to drive any .
My dad is considering honda accord and i d and pay over $100 their customer service is me 6.5k per year quote was 850, Aviva that was destroyed on just for the time tried calculating insurance but for school-related activities/items, such got a ticket and them, that i will to fire damage in traffic accident? I was matters but most places I go fully comp cannot afford car insurance. and lose it once acidently spilit water on work? EZ 10 Points a rough price on least give me an i was 18yr old Allows on my car, cars they call sports to get on his amica and not the clean driving record... also the car 800-1600, i across state borders? Are sell that type of not on your car without auto insurance if a bunch of parking had a clean title? was wondering if its under 2k, but i new 2009 car sedan married...I don t own much i can get when driving my car, will .
Our car (or my thought I will get half and I could and I got to ones probably won t even ford ka as my and insurance is way well as work use. get a quote from with a learners permit estimate was 1856.00 dollars, to pay a lot a super high deductible. it s my choice whether i cant get a easy. I make websites all the time, but norm for a regular car insurance claim to In June that I but have not taken i get the ncb used it for such? Spouse but the main I need an sr22 someone else s policy is got a permit to a smaller engine was will effect my insurance Does this mean that to hire her full previous insurance was less Pirimary health ins.wants me scooter and I have example, I can buy of the bill and a 6-month premium (car for speeding at around their for the scion california i have no use my car and .
I am 16 thinking lawful resident and i insurance policy will be for a new carrier have 2 policies on Can not find any for a fair monthly is it more convenient much. Iv checked most insurance for a used car insurance in the is getting her drivers we have state farm, for insurance on cars. now and I ve had bumper, and I m wondering 10% Best answer * one 2010 im 18 the main points that 20.m.IL clean driving record 10 hours a week then we send our it down to make accident which was apparently tax, am 21 and I m 18, soon to ones that take less-pay for me as i out of my pocket for cheap home insurance female wanting to start the cheapest auto insurance drive a moped, how on the other cars and the other only to first start car have homeowners insurance with no funeral money if a $100 million and off from my driver she gets her license. .
I would like to where the best places My boyfriends car is South Carolina? I doubt that it wouldn t affect 17/18 years old. The car insurance in san counts as full coverage a good ins company? years old Dwv suspended is the Claims Legal I looked into individual, a car next week and I need to for car insurance? Who now for employee and vehicle? Not fair to organs have anything to time in sept/oct 2012. to a 500cc quad and most affordable insurance We had a baby the cheapest van insurance is the cheapest auto was wondering how that I m currently on my insurance renewal and will male that has a how much do you idea of what options 3000gt (sports car) so with admiral or go worth waiting until I i want to try What do you think i am a 22 they dont insure anyone might take some time was 50,000. It builds that we re not particularly insurance yearly ? Anyone .
What Cars Have the where I will be paying the same amount wont be able to insurance because we can t still it s too high. settlement for a minor HOW MUCH YOU PAY finance...could someone help me experience gas been.. Thank all under 12 years no home owner, with insurance can i get will they charge me How much on average a miata, is the insurance in America is a male, and I ll even insure a person having a hard time by the way. Does who is the cheapest his name. I m not I been court ordered the woods. whats gunna will be relocating to small business insurance companies 08 hayabusa. Anyone have Kaiser health insurance plan havent bought the car to get insurance if months ago, but i m buy insurance under my lawsuit or anything against parents insurance, how much much would it cost getting my license soon, an old Honda c90 are going to get the average cost of to go around them .
I have been offered Sebring Convertible LX. I If so, with what wants to know if age of 16 and year old in Arkansas? motorcycle experience at all. and because their combined me what are the a good insurance company?I ve an accident. And I front end got hit, month and help me about 100,000 miles on can anyone help me mom extra $$ because they would be required of bike I have? in all respects. how insurance as soon as male is going to essay on distracted drivers be monthly? Also how am seriously looking for What does 20/40/15 mean insurance policy cost me health care services? And take when you buy are all pricey. Should I have still decided Around how much would of claim settlement ratio car in republic of best school to prepare is the cheapest? I idea that any insurance lease it i am is waiting to see my own car and can you pay for Instalments Deposit: 769.08 Monthly: .
I just received my in no that there am wanting to find having car insurance, car my underinsured because the got two 6x9 s on can get cheap liability that the insurance should Cross Anthem and the it and put it I got into a from old to new..........want wants to total my 18-24) I have bad phone!! But until they nothing about the coverage than the sedan aside policy is under our absorb all costs (repairs, to buy a car be legal. I live cheapest price do they its a Mazda protege my D.L for more advantage of this and union requires me to have not added the know how much the car suggestions please. I my insurance and keep paper. i need a at fault does it am not pregnant yet. monthly. Please and Thank then again id rather parents.( own their business). Ninja 250r Is an i do? How long because she says she get her own policy come in the mail; .
my housemate wants a put someone else s name they are safer vehicles? years old) in the into vision insurance and dry that it was of those coverages is car insurance heres some cheap car to insure. ask for when contacting can they even see wondering if someone could thinking of getting me to sign up for a student and I premium claiming they have weeks ago. we stay insurance is not from $450 per month. Also, transmission and any other health insurance that is the part of the holiday for a month, am 21 years old insurance but I can t things can change the what to look for have been put of insurance and they told my husband put her Ive tried putting parents coverage with health than YOUR insurance, or their im thinking about buying that bad of a get sr22 or whatever medical insurance in maryland an email from them make from my job. possible to tell my it possible to get .
i mean like for with their health isurence miles I also live because the value of I can find. I motor trader whats the in rochester ny to can i get it of insurance. is there Porsche s, BMW s Ferrari s, etc? Mobile physician housecall care to stop at a how much my insurance way to compare various as a GENERAL average on my record. It s the existing policy does male driver under 25. insurance? Im also a remain the same or student and i dont I should just pay 170xxx In Oklahoma what old would be able insurance we can get? need insurance just for Or it doesn t matter? you to take home? I might as well now there are 3 but isn t any older is a Honda, now buy the WRX or Door Sedan. I am the money? And can on it and he more is not a so I can Expect kia spectra, no tickets probably pulling a bait insurance cost if self-insured? .
My 18 year old Here it is, almost get a learner s permit healthier lifestyle, for me other car s front bumper( expensive, but to make will give me his and also i have commission, so is it terrible coverage which focuses I just bought a would cover some doctor is there a way for an average bike? am looking for something average car insurance? per a broker. They offer dont need to bring life insurance and also a gud health insurance.But However, I also just meeting at work with and had one major good or bad. Thanks of insurance quotes for it will cost more m1 yesterday and want How much is car surgery. I m 18 years we get reimbursement with good (and easy to a part time job i think that s too pay insurance on that else about it, I d cut your coverage while years old no medical my car insurance doesn t having any dental insurance? i dont know who to everything dealing with .
For example would a in a few months, uk for comparing car insurance the average insurance rate cars... can they do what types of vehicles do not have the a small commercial property. too much for insurance, affordable and covers Pre Honda Civic. Its the annual policy premium for I will need full bought a used car. know what are some who needs a supplement know make or model? a month and pay car insurance costs for get my license. I driver on a motorcycle? Also does a 2 bucks a month for partner in a small THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN LIFE realise that this is she wants to take years it doesn t pay would it be at a heads up for with 1 years no find an estimate of I do about that? this month. Which means a car and the years since I owned 307 1.9d), car insurance in California and have friend and I will renewed and get it .
I ve been getting online not sure if we d few and far between) etc. it would be please state the type a really good price that was without declaring i will not be me to transport individuals I currently live with you can, can you insurance or could we give me a decent 16 years old, and year old getting a I go to geico, are cheap and competetive? cheap but reliable family me. Even if they I get my car deformed. I have University to have a savings so I d be driving insurance being 2,500 have 3.5 and only a s am hoping to get insurance quotes, its saved much will this all and need to know cars at my age? car in this weather. Does that mean I $$$.. so if it also... Is this expensive and looking for a how much more I m will the insurance offered cost for you I I have cancelled my much does it cost Is there a way .
In what company can HI I have one insurance policy. I am did the blood work is the average teen be more or alot college. I never needed Mercedes c-class ? some difficulty getting the my first car and that has discounts. I and the agent said, insurance, do you get of $590. If the Does anyone have any me to get insurance to make sure my online last nigh getting design, videography, DVD production a good Car insurance would like to purchase has just passed her in ohio for people cheap auto insurance company not her, it is be teaching her the money either a car. a 2006 or 2008 m paying 660 for what I can tweak would like to know be under his name and if u have but lowest quote without motoring convictions and where ) Before I left record looking to get Monday calling the planned car dating any thing No? I didn t think has a car 2, .
My husband has taken my fault both cars companies/ customer friendly , 4 (Peugeot 306 D none of my employers be able to cover the most affordable plan, of procedures, and i within the next year (bi-weekly checks vary from I need to have on an insurance claim and housing cost. You not familiar with how all these people calling report for a class. till a year ago, get A-B grades (just the lowest priced one raise? i know that under the skin of the average insurance for under rated? If so the best health & Any help would be to buy private insurance do u need insurance it has gaurantee do so I can get looking at every single know I havent given can you get auto i asked if they of a classic mini based in a local companies to compare for WA? That way it ll much should I be 147 1.6 lusso or car do I have here. Any link you .
Okay yeah i know recently got my vehicle car plate number, vehicle with 115k miles on theres no insurance on links or tell me Reno Clio 1.2l 2008 I moved to a on 12/29/2009 ). i weeks but I cannot going to cost ? more affordable health insurance, any comments? ideas? reccomendations? look into it. Thanks! What is some affordable/ 20.m.IL clean driving record would be high if what is the salary for their insurance which Insurance Company For A cost for g37s 08? be expected in the assigned homework. We need it? Does it cost were taken, ( estimated Milage cause I only figure out all the just got my licence what the product its 20 dollar a month am trying to switch Young drivers (in your and I ve received a in NJ (USA) auto is group19 sports car.Is an average amount will insurance company require to but i have a i change my mailing having to be insured the same amount as .
I have an impaired insurance company s where you to also have cheap isn t to expensive because the average cost would I were to use as the insurance companies insurance company of America than once or can suggest any insurance plan hour class to reduce offered a job by fixed either or throw individuals have in the the cheapest site or had any accidents and I was wondering if on the insurance. I really good price but just any insurance. Any idea how much insurance and my partner are with nationwide, but want a company that covers a bad driver either using my PO BOX they start coverage for up per month, if i get auto insurance california. Free health insurance SOOOO MUCH!!!!!!!!!) Is there advice for buying new only!!!!!!!IM GOING TO DRIVE my license but my for gas, maintenance, and with a good driving and I am wondering not have flood insurance removed and i want grandma. so im wondering I m a guy ! .
I m 18 yrs old affordable too. I really insurance cost more money I live in Brisbane lets you take the any idea on a My partner and i be valid in the tell me they are company s do i need am perfectly aware of premium increased over $200 Medicaid Any answers are How do I do about 1000, lower in in a 2 year in there. But when would only be driving go up. the fine insurance costs. thanks in insurance while I am California. I have a for a 16 year for people who turn not the richest the the cheapest 400 for for a 17 year i get the cheapest be above 2010 Thank I guess it does going to get my my mom is insured seatbelt violation afect my for commercial use. I need the cheapest one if anyone with High defensive driving also. I it comes from some the time i pass everything down to a a difference per month .
If you ve been with i need to change an 18 year old. types of insurances, so im with nationwide paying a 2013 camaro ss have an 08 ZX6R it starts. I want insurance would be. For health insurance, benefit, coverage my situation. I have with geico and although cost to insure a Scan, A VNG exam to buy auto liability line and check out I m 16 & getting incident did not occur likely a 2001 or have to pay double Financial, I live in they cheat you and a small business of (business partner, we are Any advice on good with about 100 dollars self insured (medical) that Cheers :) thanks :) a bike when I m if you are under a $5000 car, on this year, i can doesn t cover me in the company (http://icbc.com/) so the free state insurance, be a punch to I expect there to am i responsible for I have to make me I would have .
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Which states make it s he decides to leave to know how much company is the cheapest and I paid the that I moved. I on your car insurance and i dont know if I need to gonna get my drivers health insurances, I am on his license from how much this is a binding from an is recommended to do because I have had the car from a compare sites as they If i put my do not want to to get insurance so Just wondering why insurance lowest car rate for getting a 2014 ford a ticket how much Do you live in Whats the best insurance borrows my car but a part time morning they will really be a ticket for improperly I Get Checp Car Non owner SR22 insurance, am 56 years old. will be expensive. I are teens against high most women have husbands am living in one much the insurance will Licenses. Can I sell am a high risk .
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Insurance: Possible to change of the time... -- to pay is the and found it saves so what should i Coverage Auto Insurance Work? does your car insurance how much the insurance is California. As of car and paid for in a small town/rural have heard the insurance for new drivers? insurance policies in your medical malpractice insurance rates? would be considered to so nobody will cover need to sort this how much would insurance there any way i Health insurance for kids? sugery, do it at pay much more; time for me. So if up to insurance through does his name also up after my first I have Esurance and friend of mine is much it may cost credit or my health. of these and tell insurance companies that do its not in my and not theory. Anywho, get tax I need insurance companies (in terms 16 and own a car insurance in California( auto insurance in Toronto? ones (or at least .
Can I get affordable have recently received a spend a lot on and give me the i filled in the so basically, a smaller getting insuranca box installed insurance can i get anyone knows of an i have excellent credit, I can not use to help out with few weeks ago for I qualify for Cover mortgage insurance B- identity old get there own money on insurance by price is no less CEO salary). Companies who replace some ART life insurance,How much extra will be traveling around the im going to pay the second car... how value? Or at least 16 years old Never to Quickly Find the were talking after we write off for the other health care companies covered if anything happens could anyone here chime deathtraps! . So what can I get non-owner insurance? I just hate a lot and they have a chipped tooth progressive holds ur points because I want to to add a teen received my driving license .
I just got my but my car was What is needed to any damage but the how do i get value for my vehicle, old and my car saftey and legal cost a steady income to turn 18 in 3 hit my car and to find an insurance parents health insurance plan insurance broker in California? Ok so I ve been an additional insured. Im need to clear up I has an apt a Friend, She and up or dump truck and am insured under how much higher is costs, I m 18 and of someones parked car by medicaid to cover me drive. i want know it can vary anyone help? ive tried have one vehicle and wage is needed for car behind with my to know how much. past week and a women are such horrible an endorsement and 5 to have longterm care to know will it a 125cc bike. thanks member if so, what suspension of license, and that you would recommend? .
state of alabama is life insurance? I mean same as if he was 5 grand lol the BMV that and my car title change driving in a negligent group health insurance plans getting regular quotes, and so I thought maybe by direct debit if let it lapse and licence, can anyone recommend and curious what company winter, I was hoping Is this a waste a heating/plumbing business must He clearly jumped a also cheap for insurance i can find for auto insurance must cover exactly is Gerber life. my dad s car insurance Okay a week ago a garage, immobiliser, not insurance claim? What if shopping for a life my name on third are buying me a and where do i toyota camry insurance cost? they dont make the to my life insurance? or something that has Wanna get the cheapest list of car insurance I will be driving a ticket for 180 from her medical insurance or any cars that back 2 years instead .
okay, i live with license for 9 months. something- could anyone recommend looking into buying a car because the insurance much should it cost? insurance would be. Also, a 125 motorbike ? paying for all car my SR22. Is that I ll have to pay which means i get insurance company do you notify them that my with full coverage. Its college student looking for the bike when i lives in another state. -2005 TL acura -2005 me because i don t dollars for each of cost basis. I understand but the Astra is have something where i it out in the is just here as the insurance be if would the Auto Insurance what do you feel the auto insurance (it ll can buy only cover dealing with people who can afford it, the increased charges this year, My driving record isnt companies to request some to work and school I m sure it varies We re both in out i do not have tree, the car is .
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Im getting my lisence it if you are a 18 gallon fish paying for insurance so of that s relvent. So it actually required to i want all the cons of life insurance? company that would accept essay on any topic find out she had insurance average cost in a difference if i what I should look there any other young Insurance. Why does it from my father about expensive so I sold years newer than my contacted my insurance company does geico know I and my insurance got help with my cheap more for auto insurance job so my employer Is Geico a good the age of 30 insurance is too much Insurance. www.landainsurance.com is really I drive legally with life insurance plans are does a No Proof still want to know car insurance? and how paying 99 a month paying a bill, bit Carolina after living abroad car insurance. Anything that a lighter and they is the cheapest car only liability and covers .
I don t pay insurance to how that will I m 21 & I want to use it good amounts of coverage me as the primary asking if i ll be first time and the 2014 model? i havent is the cheapest car What is the cheapest me per month at bucks Jeeeze. Anyways i company provides the best the car insurance. I my license in April, at a stoplight. My he can drive the a year for car exact same coverage, would I was on the 84mph in a 65 and i have a it legal in Uk trying to renew my for a new driver? insurance fairly good coverage with financed cars and six month liability $ to get insurance so 19 and have had and I will most the 05-09 Mustang GT can afford gas and or until i can before/soon as I turn keep in mind i old driving a 2012 offer or I would it insured, please help. a bit left over. .
all the different car to go through? Who health insurance in the a good insurance company, of car has cheap We have 4 drives What would it cost get shut off if that quote would be insurance. I am a I say that I to buy a 1997 year old male that time ago. I m the the insurance would cost part and ask them would be great! Thanks. own for a month CARS ARE FAR LESS to add it. Any and a female, live also like to do and made my own years old and i of my gf s couldn t registered as a 1.4 the bank for the was just thinking about ? for a new car you not carry full me paying a bunch What company works for out of the country a moped insurance. And I find an insurance a lot. I will yesterday, and got my make a difference? thanks! much cost an insurance a good dentist or .
Is car insurance invalid I haven t technically paid healthy, but affordable way even though i m a driving without insurance. This insurance policy, one that year old female driving am 18 years old in getting a life anyone know any classic drive a 1996 mercedes cheaper insurance. Ps - for my driving insurance get the proper licensing Is it because insurance looking for some low grad school. He is bills and insurance and they make me pay plan vs submitting directly and pay for it s is the estimated cost is denied by the the car insurance discount if I stayed home been having some chest just passed my test. paying 460 a month! file a claim for buy a good used the market for a more of a insurance go to get health was wondering does anyone am a girl. I about two weeks...if I good job that has 23-26 year olds do Where can I get car in California. However, i got a normal .
Hello! I am a to do 4 my are you and how ended a lady on to have health insurance, to how much it insurance brokers and insurance have a Honda civic use my car until the average premium to passenger seat, but i your rates if you this possible and how never been in an would be and state damn Insurance. Thank you I signed anything. I so I need to the other day where old male who never picking out a car, and they say get wear at events or will need my own for the color of oregon & thats where any other advice about play it by the it for me. which nearly 45,000 miles. I m old in april and with an ABS. I later my friend traded 2007 ford focus. What Through the roof Or I had is gone. looking for dependable but I need auto insurance what does this dental auto body shop and to get my car .
I dont know what I live in NYC, Roughly what would is under Progressive in Texas (03 Nissan Sentra). It insurance is crappy and i have to do and he is a is average annual homeowners For ex. 20 or car with one way much does it cost? of insurance for my nj health insurance independently share of cost for I ve started driving. I insurance, good grades, took the mail but i (Nov 2008) and want a permit ....drive a health insurance for children insurance. Need a short and I was thinking was tested for lymphoblastic insurance on a 2009 Neither are fat, lazy make the insurance in to about 600 this TC without any wrecks just used to liability wanna get a car. if we should go and took down his what is the cheapest the conversation back to car over 10 years the newly sky-high deductibles? required for tenants in a 2010 Jeep Sahara just wondering if medicaid Mutual is giving me .
I had a filling i got a normal 94 Jetta standard (if car is a 2001 oft repeated scenario accepted to pay ATLEAST the Would Transformers have auto it doesnt ring true Yr Old Males Insurance? Cheapest first car to an amount of time car insurance about? I deductible of $5,000. And in Ontario, Canada. Anyone so late. But now female car insurance? Is from a separate company to be a good my German Shepherd and equitable for all stake celica. The car will (even though we ve told by a cop for am 16 years old a week. How much each day. So ...show I recently got pulled truck offroad (stupid I (many of them will insurance to insure against plus for 60 pills). car we legally sold law, everyone will be I would start out or just go under auto insurance in CA? rental car place and So this is what MO i m looking for write down a speed companies that have different .
I am 16 and For FULL COVERAGE 26 ft. class c says pending cancelation on over 4000 a year would just pay a guarantee it will be get health insurance in would my insurance cost new car on Wednesday, United insurance company of found so far from never had any accidents find it to be total assets are less to have car insurance coverage and how much Where can I buy points on his license good place to shop one of the states saying that I get will pay for it, serving time in prison. Some states allow benefits sort of know how 500 dollars. It was going to be driving can get full coverage so I backed up I get working again van insurance for a what you have and TEXAS for a minor overpay for an old the average rate for to start driving my How much do you it was more than only has one kidney. owns the car and .
No Geico (they are a decent company. Thanks are you? what kind an accident a few find jobs. Our uneployment barclays motorbike insurance Presidential election. What do this is in Texas cost to put car Do you have health decrease health care costs? 17 it will be other cars payment go this went into effect I want to know driving a 2008 corvette? said he is going asking for a exact How much will it Its my dad insurance I m worried about is would come. I saved a social security number? health insurance at work much as I would need insurance for just The car im going it? What does it age you have to it was a 2000 I got a 3 me i got 1 much is a 2010 much? How long should please . Thank you even though my mother miles...no driver side airbag, BE THE CHEAPEST ROOT seem to drive faster too many details that other good suggestions? This .
what insurance policy do get my own policy jumped to over 2,000 serious car accident where these companys normally cover just sort of seems For an obgyn? Just licence Im actually in I m responsible etc and the insurance in a single male. I own 1.80 euro a liter one 2 help me for my totaled car. insurance? What is the with a full insurance considerable lower price as So Car A - health insurance for self was getting screwed Ohh that my neck was in indiana if it #NAME? and do not know me most fully comprehensive how i can i of it.Please tell me and want to obtain i go to get card (which lists MY the car, and the insurance and health insurance and for the insurance about it and some certificate and I never said they need to basically farmers so they could you tell me for free. Some others farm. there s an expectation 1st, 2nd and 3rd .
I m 17 and my is needed to get details? WHat does a an additional ~$500 per after you graduate high a month for full an old sedan, silver. it and im just liability car insurance and A link , Of unsure, select No) Yes out of our pocket the police impound I calling them going on the point in paying $100. Is filling more a 17 year old in a town in much would it cost hit my car and fund or other no first car would be Best health insurance in my husband and 2 test and whenever I would be under my return forms? I m useing for my dads car, will be? im 16 will even insure me? I was born and call the insurance I when it came back driving my car only insurance on the car. up by the pain I ve had it for is faster, can be know, which bank offer exam for life insurance? a couple of comparison .
that is appraised at affordable health insures help? have limited movement in got sent to court If you have insured my second car. Approximately am finding the ever get cheap car insurance right now and i V5C form to DVLA but the original which takes like 2-3 days workes out cheaper. Are Canada. But first i weekend. I can t get much will the insurance the same company at 17-yr-old newly licensed female some rough estimates. i it worthwhile. Also pass then it was stolen that I can do and believes she has suicide a couple months What kind of insurance me know where can a car so i !:D yay here s the roots are in my Hi this may be the company i work getting my first car going to driver s you informed that I was My parents told me for full coverage and to go with? heres through from my current is that same for say you have higher suspension. I would like .
I m going to be It appears that the wondering how much it bike in the wintertime. do 6 month minimum 8000 is there any example of: Answer Hedging. with Texas Children s Hospital a new car. I get collision insurance on different insurers that my or health insurance? Street for my drivers test much do you pay trying to convince my any cheaper way of write me a check How much is horse a company over the a new job which before my birthday. I m grand cheerokee both paid any thing from the medical/life insurance each month? FOR 2013, 15.000$CAR?IN CALIFORNIA. i would like coverage Affordable maternity insurance? insurance instead of getting that insurance cost is Unemployment Insurance, and need my car for the approximately liability insurance will they are doctors, do a year for a need. Collision/Bodily/Property - $25,000/50,000/25,000 FL and I m 17. Online, preferably. Thanks! tabs expire in December? first time driver, if and 1/2. I will Is car insurance cheaper .
or do i go i have my liscence took a safety course need cheap car insurance, doesn t have it on a citron Zara Picasso average cost of car I worded it all to find really cheap motorbike but I m sure years old..? If so, in fort wayne or rates for it, then how much it would with a 2.0 Zetec goin to have to NJ and need to am thinking about getting like a ballpark range in case something happens link that shows pictures inside a flood zone 21 my car is $300 a month and am still in pain ticket for not having input on the Co. 125cc or should I do you recommend them save, or would you insurance? A ford ka, it was not recorded car. The person who a 2000 chevrolet blazer depends on so many me on to his gets 100,000.00 what is a space heater in it. Almost 17 and but you have to cost for a 18 .
0 notes
warmheartworldwide · 6 years
Our Year-long Honeymoon
The following blog comes from David Drost and Ganja Ailina who recently volunteered at Warm Heart:
We are David and Ganja, originally from the Netherlands and Switzerland. After getting married last summer, we began a year-long honeymoon with the idea of volunteering at non-profit organizations in different countries in Asia while at the same time developing our professional skills. We were pretty selective about choosing where we thought we could work and did a lot of research about potential organizations as well as the countries where they’re located. Warm Heart’s mantra of helping people to help themselves really fit with our vision of empowerment and greater resources for people who lack both. We also liked their diverse projects. Most of all, we liked how Warm Heart understands and respects the culture and people of northern Thailand.
Our first stop was Nepal, where we worked in a small local NGO based in Kathmandu that runs several community schools in southern Terai, the poorest area of Nepal. Nepal itself is one of the poorest countries in Asia, still recovering from civil war and the 2015 earthquake, so our time there was very intense. But what we appreciated most was the openness and hospitality of the locals and the friendships we made with our teammates there.
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Eating in Nepal
We then went to Malaysia and volunteered at Same Skies which works for the rights of refugees. The main problem in much of southeast Asia is that refugees are officially considered to be illegal immigrants and treated like criminals. Their only hope is the UNHCR which tries to find permanent host countries but that can take years. In the meantime, the refugees are not allowed to work and their children cannot go to school. Same Skies tries to develop and strengthen resources within the self-organized communities with workshops and schools where the teachers are educated refugees. We assisted wherever we could, taking photographs and participating in the workshops to learn from and with the refugee leaders and teachers.
Finally it was time to come to Warm Heart. Northern Thailand has a special place in our hearts because it was here that we first met and fell in love when travelling around Chiang Mai. We were eager to learn and improve our skills, David with experience in photography and videography as a freelancer graphic designer, and Ganja as a social worker and former nurse. She is also studying social pedagogy, a holistic and relationship-centered way of working in caretaking and educational settings with people suffering from social deprivation.
Warm Heart has been great for me but if I’m honest, I had a hard time really getting into my project work. There were two reasons: the first is because as a freelance graphic designer, I had a previous work commitment to a magazine whose fees help pay for our travels. The second reason is maybe really an excuse. Time in rural Thailand is very elastic and nobody seems to get too stressed out about deadlines. Getting motivated has to come from yourself so I got too laid back and indecisive. Luckily towards the end of my stay I finally pulled my finger out and worked hard. It was important to me to really accomplish a few things for Warm Heart before leaving.
I’ve never formally studied videography, nor have I done a lot of filming. But the reason we brought all the video equipment with us on our trip was to see if I could turn what has been a hobby into something useful and truly professional. At all the NGOs where we’ve volunteered, I offered my services and equipment to make videos for the organizations. This turned out to be a great way to get in-depth exposure to the culture of each place where we were. There’s no better experience than getting involved in an activity where you’re really working and learning every day.
Michael and Evelind had initially given me quite a long to-do list. In between my other work, I managed to take profile pictures of the Warm Heart children, especially the new ones, as well as shots of everything that was going on at Warm Heart.
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David tries to work 
My last weeks at Warm Heart were intense but fun. The videos we shot were to ensure that local farmers who have been trained to stop burning plant waste in the open fields and to use biochar instead of chemical fertilizers can review the techniques in a simple and entertaining way. We also plan to upload them on Facebook to encourage more farmers to sign on. There was a lot to do and since I’d never written a script before and it had to be done in both English and then Thai, there were quite a few people on the team.
Of course Aom was involved. Her commitment and take-charge attitude as well as her ability to speak good English makes everything possible. Also on the team were Mykel, a volunteer who’s been at Warm Heart since last November, my wife Ganja, Wali, another volunteer from India, Aom’s friend O, and Uncle T, a former tinkerer and farmer. Together we sat down to review my script drafts and my storyboard drawings. The biggest challenge was to make a simple structured video into something with a bit of humor. We hoped that these little jokes would work in Thai. On set we all had a ton of fun. We had to do some takes again, but there was never a dull moment. It was surprising how energetic and patient everybody was especially given the excruciatingly high temperatures.
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David works on video storyboard
Back in Switzerland I cannot wait to see the final results. We managed to shoot four videos before I left. Mykel and Uncle T did the talking. Mykel practiced a lot with O to make sure his Thai pronunciation was correct. I edited the first video with Wali and Mykel and they are finishing the editing. Any missing information will be given in Thai subtitles. Each video will be 10-15 minutes long. I think the first video is currently waiting for Michael’s review and approval. I’m not too sure how the editing is going on the other three. One thing I am sure about is that working with a great team is very motivational.
I’m still studying social work as an undergraduate at university so I called this gap year my ‘unofficial internship’. It turned out to be the most educational time in my entire university career so far. In Nepal I got thrown into the deep end when I was tasked with researching and writing a complete project proposal for a village where one of the schools where we were volunteering is located. The village has a lot of buffalo milk but lacks transport to deliver the milk to the neighboring town where it can be sold. The project was to buy a refrigerated truck and build cold storage in the village. I wrote the proposal for the German Embassy in Nepal and further donors in the US and Germany. Doing the work gave me quite a lot of practical knowledge so when I first got to Warm Heart, I wanted to help Michael and Evelind in researching and applying for grants, overall promotion of Warm Heart and other general organizational tasks.
By researching day after day, I fought my way through the jungle of possible donors and was able to present a list of possible grants that Warm Heart could apply for. It’s crazy how much time is wasted looking for possible donors, not to mention the endless work for Michael and Evelind that writing proposals entails. It’s frustrating to see how much time and effort has to be invested to try to get financial support for great and more than worthwhile projects. I often wonder what it would take to improve the balance the flow of resources between rich and poor countries especially since so much of the wealth of the rich countries comes from the exploitation of the people and resources in poor countries.
One of the tasks on David´s list was to create some infographics for Warm Heart’s ongoing projects to be sent to potential donors. Michael also wanted to use infographics to teach farmers about complex procedures in a simpler more visual manner. Because David was so busy, I took over this task and with David’s help, I managed to teach myself how to design and create infographics using a design program. It turned out to be much more fun than I expected and I made several different infographics for Michael, Evelind and Aom to choose from.
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Biochar infographic
Another of my tasks was to use my knowledge as a former nurse to work with our ongoing public health care project. Unfortunately that turned out to be more difficult than expected. Warm Heart employs a local nurse who visits and gives assistance to the poor elderly and disabled people in the surrounding villages. But because Noina, the nurse, doesn’t speak English, we weren’t able to communicate and I couldn’t really help her improve her work processes. I tried to get an overview over the current patients that she deals with and to clean up their online documents and medical records, but most of the paperwork is in Thai so again I wasn’t able to do much. I ended up cleaning up and throwing out expired medicine from the Warm Heart’s first aid kits and joined Noina on one of her visits to a patient in Phrao village. I wasn’t really satisfied with what I accomplished in this area but since I was so busy with everything else, I was happy to do what I could and then hand over the job to incoming volunteer Amanda.
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I also modeled a new scarf style for our online stores
All in all, we enjoyed our time at Warm Heart immensely. We both have full confidence in the Warm Heart team and their ongoing success. We will try to stay in contact with them to assist them from afar. Our first mission will be to register Warm Heart as an NGO in Switzerland to open doors to future sponsors.
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0 notes
Charmco West Virginia Cheap car insurance quotes zip 25958
"Charmco West Virginia Cheap car insurance quotes zip 25958
Charmco West Virginia Cheap car insurance quotes zip 25958
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://freeautoinsurance.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
What is a good price for motorbike insurance for 125cc (im 18)?
how much is a good price for an 18 year old motorbike insurance for an 125cc. Also where is best to get it? cheers
No income how do I get health insurance?
I've been reading and looking up info but I can't find exactly what to do. I have no job no saving no money at all I live in Las Vegas Nv I've tried looking for a job for the past 3 years now and I haven't found anything I live with my sister I'm not handicap nor have children or go to school so how and where do I get health insurance?
On average what is the rough price for bike insurance ?
its more just curiosity at the min as I've not settled on a bike I want I'm more that likely gonna get a ninja 250r, does anyone know or guess what the insurance wud be , I've ?[A class provisional] thanks for ur time guys""
Buying a new/used car & insurance?
Okay, if you are buying a new/used car will they refuse to sell it to you if you have a warrant? How about insurance will the insurance company refuse to insure you & your vehicle if you have a warrant?""
Someone explain this auto insurance info please!!?
In Founders Insurance Company v. Munoz, decided on May 20, 2010, the Illinois Supreme Court considered the validity of an automobile insurance policy exclusion that precluded coverage for any person using the insured vehicle who did not have a reasonable belief that he or she was entitled to do so. The court concluded that the exclusion was not ambiguous, and that it was properly applied to exclude coverage for drivers who did not possess a valid drivers license, regardless of whether the driver was a named insured or a permissive user of the vehicle. The court reasoned that an average, ordinary, normal, reasonable person would understand that the exclusion applied to unlicensed drivers. The exclusion applied regardless of whether the driver had never obtained a license, or whether it had been suspended. The court held, as a matter of law, that an unlicensed driver could not have a reasonable belief that he or she was entitled to drive simply because he or she owned the vehicle or had been given the keys. can someone explain this in lamens terms please? ive had a similar situation happen to me and i would like to know how to go about handling this thank you!""
Do you think if I worked at McDonalds I could be able to afford a mustang GT and pay for car insurance?
I want to buy a mustang GT. I prefer a 99-01 year. Which would probably cost me about 400-500 a month paying car payments and car insurance. I'm only 16 years old. But I plan on getting a job when i'm 18 and buying a car. I also need to get my GED, which I start taking classes for that next fall.. because I dropped out of school for specific reasons I wont talk about here. If I work 6 hours a day and earn 7.40 an hour for 5 days a week, thats about 880 bucks a month. Plus my parents could help me out a little. I would use all the money I get from work for the car payment, insurance and gas. Would I have enough money?""
Question about auto insurance?
I've never had a car before so this is new for me. I don't have auto insurance yet and I'm going to check out a car today. In order to drive it home I will need auto insurance but I'm not sure if I'm getting the car yet. I already have my quotes set up and if I decide to get the car I can call and set it up right there but the policy doesn't go into effect until tomorrow. Can I still drive the car home?
Car insurance question?
Im currently a proposed driver on an car insurance policy(FULLY COMP) on a Fiat Punto and im 19. My elder brother is getting a Vauxhall VXR and said if he is insured on the car (fully comp) and said if i drive his car, i am legally allowed to drive it but i will only be covered under Third Party. Can someone outline the Rights and Wrongs? Is it actually legal? any problems which may arise?""
How much is a 2010 Jeep Sahara cost a month for insurance?
How much is a 2010 Jeep Sahara cost a month for insurance?
What is the cheapest online auto insurance company?
As noted, the cheapest company, regardless of whether I have to sign up online or whatever.""
Do we need land lord insurance?
A close family friend is living in a property that have been left to my brothers, sister and myself by our mum but not paying rent do we need to get landlord insurance.""
What kind of insurance should I get?
I need dental braces but can't afford them. Is there dental insurance that I can get so that I wont have to spend so much out of pocket??
How can I get the cheapest car insurance in the UK?
I am 29 and have had a driving licence for 11 years but in another country (non EU). I just got my UK licence and am looking for a cheap insurance. the cheapest quote I have found is over 2000 which is too much. I have a 1.6 automatic Golf. Is there any company that accepts my previous licence as my experience? I also tried to get my No Claim Bonus letter from my Insurance company but they simply don't answer me as the system is different in my country so no chance of getting that. thanks
Does anybody know of a company that will insure me daily on hire and reward insurance?
I want to run a one vehicle WAV (wheel chair accessible vehicle for disabled people) car hire/rental business serving Hertfordshire the customer would hire the car and arrange for a person to drive it for them. On the odd occasion the hirer does not have anybody to drive the car for them they might want me to drive for them I have been told to do this I would need a private vehicle hire licence (mini cab drivers licence) also hire and reward insurance along with a mini cab office operators licence and the vehicle would need to be plated (tested) This is not a problem except for the hire and reward insurance which would be about 3000 per year and would not be cost effective for the amount of driving I would be doing (I would probably only be driving a customer 1 day per week). Does anybody know of a company that will insure me daily on hire and reward insurance?
How much would insurance cost in Vancouver BC...?
I'm a new driver, 20 years old. I'm going to buy a new car (2011). I want to use it to drive to school since over the past 2 years I have a lot of things to do and don't ...show more""
""Im wanting car insurance, what would be the best one for me?""
I am buying my first car, and getting a 1996 BMW 318i , im 18 years old, have a restricted licence, havnt had any driving convinctions or crashes and I live in NZ, Im just wanting to know what insurance would be best for me either Full or 3rd party etc, and how much that would roughly cost""
When you get a license do you need insurance? Or is that only when you own a car?
Hi, I live in New York State. When I turn 17, I plan on taking drivers. ed. and getting my license (i think it's normally 18 years old for licenses, but if you take classes you can get it at 17). Do my parents have to pay insurance for me once I get my license? Or is that only if I own a car? Thanks P.S. Extra question - what is the usual/average rates for 17 year old drivers with good grades (i just need a estimation no specific numbers necessary) thanks""
Where can I get affordable car insurance?
I am a female driver who has had a full licence for over 20 years, but I do not have any No Claims and I have 9 points on my licence. The points are for no insurance and having a defective tyre, nothing which reflects badly on my driving. Does anyone know of an insurance company that will not use this to increase the cost to an unaffordable amount.""
Insurance rates after one accident?
On the average how much would the insurance go up for one at fault accident, just an average.""
Are health insurance rates a state or federal matter of approval?
I read this story today: The Obama administration is asking Anthem Blue Cross to justify its plans to raise health insurance premiums... Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius sent a letter to the company's president on Monday calling the planned increases extraordinary and difficult to understand. She wrote that the company has an obligation to provided a detailed justification for the rate hikes to the public. I thought that health insurers were state regulated and regulated by the NAIC--not the Secretary of Health and Human Services. Anthem is in California if that makes a difference.
What would my insurance be if i got a crotch rocket?
im 17 and have my license for a car. i was thinking about getting my motorcycle license. what i want to know is, how much would the insurance be if i bought a crotch rocket? yes, i know how to ride one.""
I'm wondering a car insurance random question?
Hello, my brother has a cheap honda civic like $6 thousand .. He was driving and got in a car accident with a $200,000 dollar car.. The back bumper of the $200k car is wrecked and my brothers car is fine.. He has insurance .. Does the insurance cover everything.? Thanks""
How do I sell Health insurance in California?
How do I sell Health insurance in California?
""I'm looking for a good, affordable car, can you help me?""
I'm 16 years old, soon to be 17 and I'm looking for a car. I don't have a ton of money to spend on a car so I'm also looking for something cheap. I like the 2004 Chevy Malibu a lot however I want something that is automatic. I guess now I'm looking for something similar to the malibu just automatic. I'm planning on making a $2000-2500 down payment on the car so like I said, I need something that's not to expensive. I'd like a car that's the same size as the malibu and possibly a car that somewhat resembles the malibu as well. Anyone with any suggestions, comments, or whatever, I'd greatly appreciate your help here. Thanks in advance.""
Can anyone explain life insurance to me?
Can you insure the whole family? As if, if any of them passes away the rest get the money?""
Charmco West Virginia Cheap car insurance quotes zip 25958
Charmco West Virginia Cheap car insurance quotes zip 25958
How much will car insurance give me for my totaled car?
made a bad decision basically and after losing control and flipping into a pole im left wondering what I'll get for my car. 2000 honda accord ex coupe 3 liter v6 83000 miles leather powered seats moon roof etc...
""I got pulled over, and failed to surrender insurance?""
I was driving my friends home from a party one night, (being a DD), unfortunately I was caught going 123 in a 90 zone, and then I got pulled over. The police officer told me that not only I was speeding, but I was driving past midnight with a G2 class license. But the only thing I was charged with, was a 65$ fine for not surrending insurance, because I was driving my Dad's truck and could not find the insurance papers ANYWHERE. Since the police officer said there were no demerits to be added, does this mean my insurance rates will go up? I plan on pleading guilty and paying the ticket.""
What motorcycle security products give the biggest insurance discount?
Hi there, I'm looking to buy and insure my first motorbike in the nest few weeks so have been getting some quotes from insurance companies. There are so many chains/locks/immobilisers and alarms to choose from I am wondering what people use themselves, and if they can make a big saving on insurance prices. My insurance is obviously high as it's my first year, but I would like to try and keep costs down and also my bike secure :) Thanks""
Health Care/Insurance...Right or Responsibility?
I see many on both sides have their own opinion on this issue. Many on the right claim it's a 'responsibility' while several on the left think it should be a 'right'. Why do you ...show more
""Car insurance for a 17 year old UK, is it cheaper if i add my mum as a driver?""
Basically, If I add my Mum as another driver to my car on my insurance, does the price get lowered?""
Coop Young Drivers Insurance. Where do they install the smart box?
Where do they install the smart box? My car has got two 6x9's on the parcel shelf and they won't insure a car with modified sound, I'm thinking of removing the parcel shelf and hiding the wires leading to it when the engineer comes around. Would they notice?""
Title loans and insurance claims if the car is totaled?
I was just in an automobile accident recently and pretty sure my car is totaled. My question is, if my car is totaled, and my car title is in a title loan right now, do I pursue the insurance company to pay it off or at least to the point so I may recieve the title back?""
What is Secondary Auto Insurance?
I do not have auto insurance so When I rent a car is Secondary insurance a replacment for insurance I do not have?
How much does it cost to insure a first car in the UK?
I don't want a super fast car, just a banger to get me around, I was thinking Ford Ka or a 1960's mini, also if it's used does that effect insurance? And any hidden costs that I should know about? And does having an old car make it cheaper or more expensive to run? Also any hints tips or suggestions would be very welcome, thank you. :)""
Auto Insurance?
Can a person have auto insurance in one state but live in another?
Cheap Auto Insurance in FL?
I'm 19 years old and I got my license in Sept of 06 (almost a year) My insurance is REALLY HIGH! By myself I am looking at around 700 a month (my car is Fianced, 04 Mitsu lancer ES) so I am put under my 22 year old boyfriend insurance. With his 02 Audi A6 and my car, we are paying 495 a month. (South Florida) (Esurance is who we have) We have called Geico and Progressive adn State Farm and nothing is giving us a smaller quote. Does anyone know a good insurance company that is cheaper with students, new drivers, etc..? We also do not live in the same household, and some insurance agencys will not cover us for nothing living together. But anyways, just let me know if you know of a cheaper insurance agency. Thanks.""
Is it ok to work for insurance company?
is it ok to work for insurance company?
What will happen if I don't sign up for covered california health insurance?
I live in ca, I don't have healthcare and I am eligible for covered ca health insurance. What will happen if I don't sign up for it? Do I have too? Will I get in trouble if I don't?""
Please help! I'm looking for an affordable health coverage plan (not Healthy N.Y. or any medicaid programs-
I don't qualify for these programs.. As I make too much-but not enough to afford health insurance. My husband takes meds. everyday 3times daily. I'm getting quite scared. Can anyone help!! Thank you!
What is the best supplemential health insurance for someone on medicare?
a friend of mine is on disability and need supplemental health insurance but does not want to leave her doctor under blue cross ,she is paying almost 300 a month out of her 1200 a month disability ,she is over 55 years old and in good health.""
I am 19 years old whats the cheapest car insurance for a old ford ranger wit a lot of miles on it ?
I am 19 years old whats the cheapest car insurance for a old ford ranger wit a lot of miles on it ?
I just got a 1991 chevy camaro it is my first car how expensive wil my insuranse be?
how expensive will my insurance be? how cheap can i get it?
Disability Insurance?
Okay, if the employer is paying the premiums for disability insurance for its employees, do the employees have to pay taxes on the said insurance, even though they are not using it at this time? Legitimate answers please. Thank you.""
Is there a way to decrease my Car insurance coverage?
i recently just bought a 2004 jaguar x-type for 12,800 with warranty included.payments is 250 a month.but car insurance is 480 a month! is there something is there a way of avoiding paying that much pay that much in car insurance..im 21 and i would like to no if i really need my car to be fully covered or can i just put the car in under there coverage. Plus i don't have the best driving record.""
What kind of Insurance should we have when doing a Re Fi Loan?
I am looking over the paper work and one form mentions that we have options at time of closing for different types of insurance. We have Home Owners Insurance/ I noticed disability and mortgage and Life help please
Auto insurance quotes?
What website you recommend to get instant multiple quotes for multiple cars, without agent or a representative involvement?""
Does anyone know what are the deductible rates that AAA auto insurance offer?
Does anyone know what are the deductible rates that AAA auto insurance offer?
Cheap car insurance? But also good?
My brother recently gave me his car. I'm trying to find a good-cheap insurance. One way / Full coverage. Car type: 1994 Lexus ES 300. I'm 19; and had my DL since March 2010 (almost 1 year) Recommend me some good cheap car insurance please? >.< & If you 'Get A Quote' from the insurance website; is it just giving us an estimate? And not signing up for it just yet??
What does Term Life Insurance mean with no surrender value?
If I had a 15 year Term Life Insurance at $100,000. with no surrender value. What would it be at the end of 15 years. Can I collect the full amount on this type of insurance?""
How can i find out Insurance rates on cars?
is there a certain website which can give me the average amount i need to pay for car insurance on certain cars.
Charmco West Virginia Cheap car insurance quotes zip 25958
Charmco West Virginia Cheap car insurance quotes zip 25958
Is Progressive really cheaper then the other insurances? i have allstate right now.?
Is Progressive really cheaper then the other insurances? i have allstate right now.?
What coverage to get for car insurance for my son with ' L'?
what coverage to get for my car insurance , my son jest got his L. so what insurance coverage do i need to add to my car if i want him to drive it whit me , because I'm afraid if a crash happen. I live in british consulate vancouver ( ICBC ) this is the web site of the company (http://icbc.com/) so please help me .""
Is Progressive a good auto Insurance provider?
I have used Geico for years. I have been extremely satisfied with their service. However, my premium is still more than I want to pay. I got a quote for Progressive and it is considerably less. Anyone out there have Progressive and satisfied with them? How have they handled claims in the past? Any other good, reasonably priced auto insurance companies?""
Teen car insurance questions?
ok i am 17 and i am looking for car insurance and confused can i get a policy of my own or do i have to be added to my parents policy ? and i went to progressive and they said it be lik 2500 is that pretty cheap or hella expensive ?
What health insurance can i apply for?
i'm a stay at home mom and my husband is self employed. so we can't get insurance through work. blue cross keeps denying me. what other affordable health insurance can i apply for?
""If you were non-insured for health coverage, what would you prefer?""
Would you rather be under a government-run option that decide who you could see, what procedures are allowed and when you were allowed to have those procedures done? Or would you prefer a tax credit that would allow you to choose a private plan that you want, that allows you to see who you prefer, have the coverage that you need and treat you in a timely fashion? Today the Republicans have proposed an option that would give you such a choice, but Democrats have shut them out and don't want Americans to know that they have such a choice in healthcare.""
I have my g2, i am 19 years old, and i am trying to find a cheap insurance to quote me on a cheap car....its only a 99 cavalier 4 door. I have done a lot of online quotes and i have basically gotten the same quote around $430. I would like a quote more around the $200 range!! Help! Anyone know of any cheap auto insurances?? Thanks!! Carley.xo""
Who has the cheapest car insurance in maryland?
Who has the cheapest car insurance in maryland?
How much is renters insurance?
I've lived in several apartments, but none that required renter's insurance. I'm planning on living alone in a 1 bedroom apartment in the Tucker/Stone Mountain Georgia area and several apartments I've looked at say they require it. How much can I expect to pay (approximately) for renters insurance? What factors determine rates for renters insurance? Is renters insurance always monthly, or can you pay yearly or every 6 months? 10 points to the best answer! P.S. I've tried looking around online, but all the sites want an exact address where I'll be living and my social security number just for a quote. Just looking for the ballpark.""
Insurance complaint?
i just insured my car and my previous insurer will not send me my no claims forms for me to show to my new insurance company which is resulting in my insurance going up 500 is there any where i can complain
Car insurance on new car in FL??
I am going to go get a new car today. The dealer told me I don't have to contact my insurance carrier yet until after I get the car. He just needs me to bring proof of insurance on any of my cars. Does anyone know how long I have in the state of florida to get my new car on insurance. I signed up for new insurance a few weeks ago that takes effect in a week so I wanted to know if I can wait until then or do I have to get it earlier? Thanks!
Switching car insurance from old to new car?
Forgive me if this is a stupid question.. I currently have insurance coverage on a 2004 car and just purchased a 2013 car. I am going today to switch over my insurance (if possible) and would like to know what to expect before I go. I automatically assumed my insurance would go up because of the year difference, but a friend of mine recently switched her policy over from a 2000 to a 2007 and her policy did not go up, so now i'm questioning if mine would go up and what would cause it to vary. Thanks!""
What is the lowest payment for a car loan?
I want to get a Camaro when im 16. Theyre about 35,000 new. Its a lot but yet not. My parents wont buy me a new car as my first. I understand why, but im not reckless or anything. Also what is the insurance for a 16 year old (great grades) driving a Camaro? I think my family has progressive. Anything cheaper? Loans are very risky I know but the job that I will be getting pays a decent amount every 2 weeks or so. I do good with money, every know and then a girl needs to shop :). My mom usually pays for all that stuff though. I dont know anything about loans and banks. How does it all work? Can you tell me like what I would be about paying each month or week for a Camaro? Dont call me stupid, Im just thinking about it. I want a sports bike instead because then I wouldnt need a loan but I need a car for the winter...""
Does Home Owners Insurance Decrease with Property Value?
As we all know the property values continue to plummet. If my property value has depreciated a significant amount will my Home Owners Insurance be less due to the decreased value? Logically I say yes but I am a new homeowner and am unsure.
Is it possible to get affordable life insurance and dental insurance if i am not employed?
.........and if so, roughly how much money would this cost per month?""
How to get only eye insurance in new jersey ?
Hi , I have bcbs nj health insurance independently , not from my employer , but they dont provide eye insurance indepently , it should only be from an employer , ......pls someone suggest other insurances where they provide only eye coverage like UNITED or GURDIAN etc""
I need cheap auto insurance fast ! Can you recommend a good place ?
Also , can they start coverage for the month previous ? Thank you.""
Cheap car insurance for a new driver?
like the title say do ya know a car insurance that is real cheap for new drivers got my license this month and my car and now i just have to register it and get insurance and i got a job and i just want to know how im going to budget stuff and how much you expect i should pay a moth
Car insurance and speeding points?
Hey, when I was 18 I got 3 points for speeding. It is coming up to 5 years since I got them and when doing insurance quotes it always says 'any speeding convictions within 5 years' I was just wondering, dees that mean once it has been 5 years, that I won't have to declare them anymore? and will they completely disappear from my driving record/license? Also, please no replies saying 'grow up, dont speed etc. I know, which is why I grew up and haven't for 5 years. Thanks.""
Cheapest auto insurance for teen drivers in South Carolina?
I'm about to start driving in a year or two, and I want to know what the price range for me would be?""
Can car insurance companies commit a driving offence? (IN10)?
My car insurance company (One Call) recently cancelled my policy due to them not receiving my proof of no claims in time (that's another issue). However, they failed to notify me in time and I carried on driving my car for 5 days un insured, until the letter arrived (policy cancelled on 10/9/12 and letter sent 14/9/12). Does anyone know if they have committed an offence, IN10 or other? They also charged me 205 cancellation (even though an extension on the proof of no claims was agreed and then later denied when I questioned them) Any advice is very welcome. Thanks.""
""What is an affordable used coupe for about $8,000 that wont be incredibly high on insurance?""
What is an affordable used coupe for about $8,000 that wont be incredibly high on insurance?""
Getting married and need help with insurance?
My parents have Cigna insurance. I understand that I am no longer a considered an eligible dependent when I am legally married, but I am also a full time student. Which status is the dependent variable when considering eligibility? If I'm married AND a full time college student, does that mean I can't get coverage?""
Is this a reputable health insurance company?
Does esurance.com list reputable companies or do they list just any company? It looks like I have found a really good deal for student indemnity insurance from a company called Time. Does anyone know if this is a good company?
Car insurance?!!HELPPPP?
I'm from Chicago, IL. i don't know how Chicago road law operate so i hope u guys will help me out a bit.i just found out that my car insurance had stop it coverage with me for the last 3 month for whatever reason. I just called them today to reopen up my account again and the new insurance card is being sent home. today Can i still drive my car even if i don't have a actually insurance card in the car? if a police does stop me and ask for my insurance, can i say that it's being mail home and if he/she don't believe me, they can called my insurance agent??""
Charmco West Virginia Cheap car insurance quotes zip 25958
Charmco West Virginia Cheap car insurance quotes zip 25958
Can I tell my car insurance company that my car will be kept at different address for cheaper deal?
My registered address with my insurance and car is more expensive than if I keep it at families address, so can I legally keep the car somewhere other than my registered address in order to have cheaper car insurance? By that I mean give the insurance company my real address and tell them it will be kept at a different address?""
Car Insurance.?
http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index;_ylt=ArWrfDO9dpyfOnXm3.1rI7Tsy6IX;_ylv=3?qid=20071006110521AAt0j9L Can someone please answer this. IF possible,,, any insurance pros. thanks. AAA is closed today.""
How much will my insurance go up...only airbags deployed...?
My airbags deployed...I had a relatively low speed bump, rear-ending another vehicle...there was minimal cosmetic damage to my front end and ZERO damage to the car I bumped. I currently pay about 300 every 6 months.....my deductible is 250...how much will my insurance increase if I ask the insurance company to pay to fix this....it is a 2000 oldsmobile. Any thoughts...""
I'am 16 and does anyone has an idea how much would be my car insurance. i live in toronto?
16 yr old and wondering
Is it misandric that young men have to pay more for car insurance?
I mean, its noted that young men tend to have more severe accidents, than women and older men - but isnt this just another case of generalising based on age and sex? A similar generalisation made about women, would have caused an uproar and certainly no policies would have been based on such generalisations about women - as it would face immediate protest, then why is it OK to generalise young men like this? Source : http://education.yahoo.net/auto-insurance/articles/why_do_men_pay_more_for_car_insurance.htm""
Car insurance question?
if you let someone else drive your car , and they get in an accident , what happens? does their insurance still cover them? are you covered to fix your car? i have my friend (who has had his license way longer than i have , and who i feel is a better driver than me anyways) drive my car sometimes when we go out together is this a bad idea, and why?""
Can a car insurance still charge me if there was no police report and the guy ask me for money to let me go?
I turned right in a street when I got hit on my rightdoor it got just a littledented.But the other cars leftside bumper,headlight,and side of where the tire is at did get kind of ...show more""
""Out of state college student - Problem on Car Registration, Title, License, Insurance in Utah!!?""
ok, I asked so many people, and they can only give me half baked answers. I'm hoping somebody can clear it out for me once and for all. First off, Utah's DMV website has no ****.. so don't tell me to check their website. won't bother to post it here, would I? I'm from Massachusetts, going to school in Utah this summer. I'm looking into having my first car, and it's gonna be a Used Car. Here is the thing, - If I bought it in Utah, I can't register/ change title there because of my Mass license. [I can drive an out of state vehicle as a student, but that is to say I already register the car at home.] - If I bought it in Mass, I can't insure an out of state vehicle in Utah. [ Out of state License + Registration ] Does it mean I have to convert my Mass License in Utah, in either cases? Do I have a third choice, which can make this fuss easier? Or did I get the facts wrong, that you can do the above even with an out of state license? You tell me.... Any out of state college student drivers help me out here..""
What would be a good life insurance policy?
What is the difference between 10 and 20yr terms etc. What is the benefit of the whole life insurance? And why do those one's cost much, much more? What should the average 35yr old female enroll in. I'm looking at probably 500,000. That's way more then ten times the amount I earn in a year. Do they grow with interest? So many question's I know. But if anyone has the time to give me the basics I will appreciate it. Thank you.""
Am I obligated to keep homeowners insurance?
I filed a theft claim earlier this year. Now my insurance company is telling me that they will not continue my coverage due to the claim. Im going to other insurance companies and gettting quotes, but they are stating that due to the claim, they will not cover me either. So my question is if my finance company will obligate me to find coverage on my home. (1st time homebuyer)""
Question about cheap health insurance??/?
i am looking to buy some health insurance that is affordable that will cover a tubal reversal surgery %100. I had my tubes ties or burned 5 years ago and now we would like to have another child but i just have medicaid and that wont cover it... Any ideas on some insurance plans that would cover a tubal reversal and pregnancy and where i can find a doctor that will do a tubal reversal with health insurance????/
Where can I get the cheapest price on my car insurance renewal in the UK at the moment?
Does anyone know which company(s) is doing any good deals at present on car insurance. I have four years no claims and over 25. Have you recently had a good quote? Let me know!! Thanks.
How much dose car insurance usually coast?
How much dose car insurance usually coast?
Policy loan from life insurance interest pay to insurance company! why?
Any one can tell me, loan money from life insurance policy cash value intrest collect from the lisurance company, the cash value is my own money, should I paid intrest back to myself? not to insurance company""
What is the basic kind of insurance required by California Law?
What kind of insurance covers something like another driver hitting your car door, and then driving off before you could get their license plate # what is comprehensive , and what is collision, ?""
Who is the insurance/workers compensation carrier for Petco?
For a research project I'm doing on the pet industry, I need the name of the carrier who provides insurance and worker's compensation for Petco, PetSmart and the like.""
How will my speeding ticket affect my insurance?
I am a Florida resident. I am temporarily in Colorado for work. Today I got a ticket for 80 in a 55 (looks like it's 6 points in CO). Currently, I pay around $100 per month for insurance (125k/250k) on two vehicles (2000 Chevrolet Blazer and 2011 Subaru Forester). How will this ticket affect my insurance?""
What do you know about car insurance / car-totaled?
What is the law? You have a car; it is rated @ $3,800.00 book value. Another driver hits you in the rear at a Pa. borough crosswalk as you are traveling through and have stopped for a person crossing the street. You are nearly pushed into the pedestrian, but thankfully you were able to stop your car in time. The other driver is in the wrong of course; but how much does the offending driver's insurance company need to pay to fix your car? I'm having a problem - my estimate is $3,277.00. I am told to look for the car to be totaled and 80% of the book value is what the insurance company is required to pay. Does anyone know is this is true? This car is a 1999 but only has 58,000 miles on it and is in mint condition. I have owned it for 4 years and during that time have not put a penny in it for parts & repairs. To get another, I would take a great chance on getting one which is not nearly such good quality. I'm wondering if the insurance company has a maximum that they will pay for repairing - if so maybe I could add a little to it so I can keep this car? Didn't appreciate it so much until after the accident!!!!""
Advice on car insurance?
I recently passed my driving test and was looking for insurance. I don't know whether I will be buying my own car or see if I can share my parents car. Just wondered if anyone can ...show more
How can I get health insurance? How much would it be?
I'm 20 years old. I been supporting my self since 17. So I do not have a lot of money. I go to college and work part time at restaurant. I'm a permanent resident and I live in California. I been having a lot of problems lately and I suffer to come up with money to pay for it. For example: wisdom teeth, filling, dry eyes symptom, scar in my eyes, back pain, headache and now I have hundred of millias on my face and I don't have money to go see dermatologist. I want to get a health insurance but I don't know anything about it. I don't know how to get it, which one to get? How much I have to pay a month? Does it cover everything like dental, chiropractor, dermatologist? My parents are in different country and I work at a restaurant so I don't get health care benefit. I could only afford $50 a month. Is there any health insurance out there that is around that price? Please help!""
Insurance Question.?
Can anyone give me an estimate on how much car insurance would be on a 2005 mustang V6. About $12,000. 3rd car. Thanks""
How much would full coverage insurance cost on a 1965 Silver Cloud 3 Rolls-Royce?
Male driver, clean driving history.""
What is the cheapest car insurance?
I had State Farm but they terminated my insurace because of to many tickets, i herd Progressive was cheap, what do you think? I am 19 by the way""
What is the least expensive general liability insurance you can get in Connecticut?
My father-in-law is a handyman who needs to renew or purchase general liability insurance, but he doesn't have the money. I'm just trying to help him out so he doesn't screw himself if god forbid something should happen on the jobsite. Thanks.""
Best car insurance company to use?
I am 22 and just traded my 2003 VW beetle for a 2010 honda civic LX (which is being financed). I use 21st Century and they're going to raise my rate by a couple hundred dollars per year. I pay every 6 months. I feel like this is too much. Even though I'm not yet 25, it seems a little excessive. Are there any suggested insurance companies with a more competitive rate? BTW I'm in California if that makes a difference...""
Charmco West Virginia Cheap car insurance quotes zip 25958
Charmco West Virginia Cheap car insurance quotes zip 25958
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