#and turns into a liquid when they're scared
nellandvoid · 5 months
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as i’m procrastinating some designs for the main players in diane’s dimension, here are some of her inter-dimensional gaggle of children!
around 6 years into her time as a dimensional traveler, diane set up a rest stop of sorts (that became her home) at the outskirts of the nightmare dimension for anyone who finds themselves suddenly forced out of their home dimension, or in urgent need of supplies
however, whenever a child finds themselves in that position, diane takes it upon herself to watch after and take care of them, even refusing to take bounties unless absolutely necessary, until they are old enough to decide for themselves if they want to stay or leave - these three are the ones who choose to stay
furthest left is Hg80, from a dimension where people are made out of elements from the periodic table (diane’s nickname for them is hattie)
in the middle is charlie simmons, an outcast from the finger dimension after being born with syndactyly (hence why he wears gloves)
and furthest right is velquus caballissi, from a dimension where the most intelligent species are dinosaur-horse-bug-adjacent, and who fell into the nightmare realm just after hatching
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makkir0ll · 6 months
"you have really long eyelashes"
it catches him off guard. you guys are just laying in your bed scrolling on your own phones. he didn't even feel you staring at him. how long have you been looking?
"thanks?" he replies
"no i mean seriously like drop the lash serum." you joke at him as you continue to observe him.
they're long and thick. the kind of lashes that have a natural curl, unlike yours, that fall straight down and take several minutes to curl to your perfect liking. not to mention the layers of mascara you apply to get them to even remotely look like his.
he turns his head to you and you don't miss his dilated pupils as his eyes bore into yours. you take note of how the lashes perfectly frame his eyes. and you're so jealous.
but then an idea pops into your head, you smile to yourself and he senses it coming.
"can i-"
"no" he cuts you off.
"babe please you don't even know what i was about to say!" you grab onto his shoulder as you plead.
"whatever it is im sure it's going to be bad." he retorts, turning his face away from you and going back on his phone.
"i'll buy you you're favorite food."
and that's how you end up here on his lap with your mascara in your hand. his hair is pushed back as his hands rest on your hips, drawing small circles as he awaits your actions.
you open the bottle with the black liquid and bring the wand close to his eyes. "don't move" you whisper and he listens. mainly because he's scared that you're going to poke his eye out as you bring the wand to the base of his eyelashes and wiggle it slowly before moving it up to coat the length of the lashes. some of the mascara gets on his eyelids. you repeat the actions on the other eye before going back and doing a second coat. you can tell that he might be slightly nervous that you're going to blind him with the way he holds his breath and the grip he has on your hips get ever so slightly tighter.
you move yourself off his lap and he goes to grab his phone so he can see what he looks like.
"wait no not yet, i'm still not done" you say as you go and grab ur q-tips and micellar water.
"yes still, i need to clean up the mascara on your eyelids," you say as you place yourself back on his lap. you open the bottle of micellar water and carefully put the clear liquid on the q-tip. you bring the white stick of cotton to his eyes and you tell him to close them. he feels the wet cotton and it's a weird feeling. you watch the q-tip turn darker the more mascara you wipe off.
"okay i'm done!" you say and he opens his eyes and you don't think he's ever looked more majestic. his already long lashes looking even longer and bolder now that he has the mascara to bring them out. you notice that the color of his eyes pop more. "you look so pretty" you smile as lean in to pepper kisses along his face. his cheeks feel warm and he can already tell that they're probably red.
he reaches over to his phone and opens the camera app and switches the camera so he can see himself. and he immediatly notices the stark difference in his eyes with the mascara. he brings his fingers to his lashes to touch them. it feels weird and his eyes kind of feel weighed down. but he has no regrets when he sees you smiling at him so fondly.
"they look nice." he smiles at you, dropping his phone to the side.
"i know right, ugh im so jealous i wish i had your lashes. all my problems would be solved." you say, thinking about the long and excruciating lash routine you perform every morning.
"all of them?"
"yes, all of them."
he chuckles at your words. "alright, but can you take it off now, it feels weird." he says, hands coming to touch his lashes again. you pout as you grab the micellar water you put away and a cotton pad and remove the mascara from his eyelashes, being gentle so that he doesn't lose a few. he appreciates the action. and maybe he would let you put more than just mascara on his face another day.
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KAGEYAMA (has the best lashes argue with the wall), suna, tsukishima (genuinely terrified that you're going to make him go blind), OSAMU, kuroo, MATSUKAWA MY LOVE, iwaizumi, OIKAWA (he would eat that shit up), akaashi, kenma, +ur fav.
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pretty-little-mind33 · 3 months
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James Potter x best friend!fem!reader
Summary: James panics when he sees what his boggart is.
Genre: hurt and comfort
Warnings: mentions/descriptions of reader's death, crying, panic attacks, swearing
~ anon, this idea was amazing! thank you ☺️ ~
James's arrogance is his Achilles's Heel.
He truly can't help it sometimes—especially now when that arrogance is accompanied by his friends' laughter as he teases everyone about their stupid boggarts. Emma Johnstons' was a spider, which scared Peter, but had Sirius and James in tears at the back of the classroom.
"Wait until it's your turn, Potter," an annoyed Emma hisses as she walks by them, still pale from fright and embarrassment. She sends James a murderous look and continues, "Then we'll see who's laughing in the end."
James's grin only widens and he sees her words as a challenge. His hand shoots up in the air and he bounces on his heels. "Oi! Professor?! Can I be next?!" 
Professor Windward looks at him behind his small glasses, already exhausted by James's antics but he allows him to walk up to the front of the classroom anyway. James sends his best friends an obnoxiously confident wink and struts up to the front of the line.
James isn't in any way prepared for his boggart. 
He's expected something mundane—like an animal, or even death eater—or maybe some scary creature he'd read about in library books. What he didn't expect was to see you, dressed in your uniform and robe, your shiny hair sprawled across the wooden floor-board as blood slowly dripped from your mouth.
Your eyes are round but they're lifeless and your clothes are soaked in crimson liquid. You aren't moving and it looks too real that, for a moment, James is completely frozen. 
He hears the whispers of his classmates—whispers of your name and reminders of your relationship with James. Friends, the word rings around the classroom just as James's mind breaks and he completely panics at your body on the ground in front of him. 
He drops his wand, breaking into an awkward run to where you lay, entirely prepared to skid across the floor and hold you in his arms, but Professor Windward is quicker. He grabs James by his collar and pulls him back, his arms encasing around James's shoulders as he makes the boggart disappear with another spell. 
It seemed too cruel to turn the image of your dead body into something ridiculous. 
No one in the room is laughing, not even Emma Johnston, as James makes a pained sound and attempts to shove past Professor Windward and hold you like he'd planned. His mind is racing and he's panicked as the sounds around him make him feel like he's trapped underwater.
"Son, it's a boggart. It cannot hurt you. It's not real," Professor Windward explains, his grip on James firm, but James doesn't seem to understand him. Sirius, Remus, and Peter are beside James in an instant, holding him up and comforting him. 
Without much convincing, Professor Windward lets them lead him outside into the corridor and down the stairs. James is a mess and he keeps looking around for danger or you. His mind screams at him that he's being unreasonable, that it wasn't real and he knows this, but his heart is in a complete panic. 
"Prongs, hey, it's okay," Remus tries to explain as James's hand tightens in Sirius's. "She's probably in her dorm—she's okay."
"Should we take him to her?" Peter squeaks, looking between his friends with concern. 
"Yes–" James interrupts Remus's answer and he turns to Sirius, his eyes round and desperate. "I wanna see her. Please. I wanna see her now. I need to know she's okay!" Remus doesn't think it's smart to bring James to see you when he's like this but Sirius can never deny James what he wants so all the boys pile into the door to the Common Room and then quite obnoxiously, James and Sirius start to scream your name as Peter rushes up to their dorm to find the map. 
A moment later, when you still haven't answered, Peter scampers back down from their dorm and holds up the map. "She's in the library," he says breathlessly. Sirius jumps up, snatching the map from Peter's hands.
"Onwards," he shouts in an attempt to lighten the mood but that only earns him a sniffle from James and a glare from Remus. 
* * * 
You're peacefully unaware of the chaos that's about to ensue as you're curled up in an armchair, a book in your lap. You absentmindedly chew on your lower lip as you concentrate. 
"Y/n!" a familiar boy screams your name and you look up, sitting normally in the armchair as your four very anxious looking friends stumble in front of you. "Look, she's okay," Peter points, sounding relieved as well as he moves aside to reveal a very distressed looking James Potter. 
You stand up, dusting your uniform and your eyebrows crease. "What's happened?" you ask seriously and then you feel James's arms wrap around your shoulders as he pulls you into him. His lips find the exposed skin of your collarbone as he inhales your scent and almost crushes you closer to him. 
James's always been an affectionate person. Since you can remember, he's never not taken an opportunity to kiss your cheek, wrap his arms around you, or even hold your hand, but this is extreme even for him. You glance at the other boys, confusion evident on your expression, and they send you sympathetic looks. 
"Jamie," you whisper and hug him back, your hand hesitating but ultimately finding his hair. 
You hear a choked cry and you realize he's almost in tears. Concern overwhelms your senses and you pull away only to have James's hand find yours. His eyes are shiny with tears and, as if he's reminding himself, he mutters, "You're alive." His thumb caresses your palm. 
"You two should talk," Remus interrupts bluntly and sends Sirius, who seems entertained by the scene in front of him, a sharp glare, "Alone." Remus pulls Sirius away, ignoring the latter's hump of protest as Peter trails behind them.  
James doesn't seem to care as he stares at you, he looks much calmer now. 
"What do you mean? Of course I'm alive." you ask gently, pressing your palm to his cheek. 
He leans into your touch. "I saw you dead. In Defense Against The Dark Arts. Professor Windward was showing us boggarts and it was funny until it was my turn and that dreadful thing turned into your lifeless body, right there in front of me, and—and I didn't know what to do because I realized if you died, I would just have to die too," James explains, sounding like he's made up his mind if the scenario ever comes up. 
Boggarts? James's biggest fear was your death? You can hear the sincerity in his voice and you can't help the way your heart jumps for his. 
"Does that make you the Romeo to my Juliet?"
James frowns and asks, "Who?" which reminds you that James hadn't heard of some muggle writer like Shakspeare and that even if he had taken Muggle Studies last year, like he was supposed to, he wouldn't have listened that intently anyway.  
"Star-crossed lovers," you shrug, ignoring how warm your cheeks have become. 
James's shoulders relax and he chuckles. "So, you're saying we're star-crossed lovers now?"
You like that your little quip has lightened the mood successfully so you shrug again, deciding to tease him. "Never said that. Why? D'you want to be star-crossed lovers?"
"No. Because I don't want our relationship to be doomed," James deadpans and he runs a hand in his curly hair nervously. He looks behind you through the stained glass window of the library and hears the soft patterns of afternoon rain. "It's raining," he says and he moves closer, his hand finding yours again as he fiddles with your fingers.
"It appears so," you answer in a whisper. You look at him, trying to read him. You squeeze his hand. "I'm right here, James. 'M not going anywhere."
A moment of comfortable silence passes and James looks so serious as he stares into your eyes, his breathing becoming harsh again. He leans in and he's wearing the same look on his face every man does before he kisses someone—only James Potter wears it well. Your breath hitches and your eyes flutter shut, nerves bubbling in your stomach.  
When his lips touch yours they're accompanied by his hands around your jaw. He's gentle with you, kissing you like he's savoring your touch. He pulls away only to press his forehead on yours.
"Merlin's beard, I've wanted to do that for so long. You're intoxicating, Y/n," he whispers as if he's just made a revelation and he takes your chin in between his thumb and index, smiling like the love-sick fool he's always been. 
"I really like you."
Your eyes widen. "You do?"
James's smile turns into a smirk. "Yeah, 'course I do. Was that kiss not enough confirmation?" He raises an eyebrow and leans in again, this time peppering open mouth kisses across my entire face, "Here. I really really really like you," he mumbles and enjoys the sound of your giggles as you shy away from his kisses. 
"I really like you too," you say, finally escaping his kisses as James pulls away. He looks over the moon happy.
"The boys are never gonna believe this," James mutters, completely unaware that unlike him, it hadn't taken Sirius, Peter, and Remus this incident for them to realize James is madly in love with you. They'd known from the first time James had uttered your name. 
"Shit, you're already the best girlfriend I've ever had—not that I've had many," James says, almost to himself as he tucks some hair behind your ear. 
You laugh, wrapping your arms around his neck. "Woah, slow down there. Take me on a date first, then we'll talk about labels," you joke, knowing damn well that by the end of the date James would be proclaiming his love for you to everyone who would listen and you don't mind one bit. 
James's eyes shimmer at the opportunity to spoil you. "You have a deal, m'lady."
You laugh. "Merlin, you're so cringe, James." You take his arm and pull him towards the window where a bunch of pillows are laid out on the edge and you plop down, momentarily looking out the window at the rain.
James follows your lead and when he leans against the wall, you lay your head on his chest and rest in between his legs. 
"Stay with me for a bit?" you ask.
His heart feels like it's fluttering at your closeness and he's completely calm—the memory of your dead body completely distant now. It's now a memory he'll only remember in the dead of night, when he'll have you to hold him and kiss all his worries away. 
James nods and then he leans his head on the wall and looks outside, his hand playing with your hair as you hum and continue to read your book. The soft sound of rain is like a piano melody as he watches the droplets fall down the glass. They're racing in his mind like they would when he was a child and he smiles. 
He kisses the top of your head, earning him a giggle as he mouths, "I love you," into your hair. 
One day soon he'll say the words out loud, just not now.
Today, he's happy just being near you and knowing that he finally has you in some significant way—in a way he'd denied himself for way too long. 
You nuzzle in him and turn your page, your gaze so focused, and his heart swells. 
I love you, he thinks again. I love you so damn much. 
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imagine like reader being a detective or something, being on the case to catch Red Hood (while he’s still a crime boss)/ the Arkham Knight, but being in a relationship with Jason, unaware of his nightly business. And then boom, they find out one day and it’s all angsty 🤞🤞 love ur work btw hihi
Hi, nonnie! I thought I had this done earlier, but then I had to keep world building. Stuck with Red Hood on this one. Hurt/No comfort warning. Non-graphic, very minor character death. ~1.8k words
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Gotham is cursed. That's what they told you when you transfered to the GCPD. Yeah, you've heard the stories, but they're just messing with you, right? Trying to scare the newest rookie cop.
Except they were telling the truth. A few years later, more cases than you can keep track of, enough masked rouges to fill arkham three times over, and a promotion to detective, you tell the rookies the same thing they told you. Gotham is cursed.
"Alright, Detective, this one is yours." You make a face at the case file the Commissioner drops on your desk.
"Sir, I took care of The Penguin robbery last week, isn't it someone elses turn to deal with the high profile cases?" You gingerly pick up the file, reading over the name Red Hood stamped on the front.
Gordan sighs at you, already turning away to move onto the next poor detective. "We cycled through everyone else after the Black Gate breakout. Anyone who didn't work on it has active cases. That makes this one yours."
You grumble reluctantly, cases like this lead to more press coverage than you want to deal with, but start flipping through the file, mentally noting down the sparse facts and theories about the up and coming crime lord.
That was four months ago. In such a short amount of time, Red Hood has taken over more territory in Gotham than any other crime lord and completely changed the game. No dealing to children, no human trafficking. You hate to acknowledge it, but crime technically has dropped since he took over the majority of gangs in Gotham under an iron fist.
The work is exhausting, he's always one– no, five steps ahead of you and your growing team of detectives and beat cops. You don't think you've even gotten a real glimpse at him that he didn't mean to let you have.
The closest you've gotten to Red Hood was out of uniform, weeks after you got the case, when he was still a new name on the streets.
It was a robbery, some desperate punk in a mask that didn't conceal anything, was dragging a little girl out of the store as a hostage.
"Take me instead, she's just a kid." You had protested, heart sinking at the terror in the little girls face.
"Not a chance." He barked back at you.
"Look, she's scared, she'll only slow you down."
The gunman stares at you, you see his fingers twitch. "Fuck it. Fine. Both of you are coming with me." That's how you ended up in some alley, familiar sirens wailing in the distance and your hand curled protectively with the child's.
"Shit. Man. Shit. The cops weren't supposed to be here. What am I gonna do? I can't go to jail." He's snapping. Rambling and desperate. Your eyes dart for some kind of plan, a way to help the little girl stay safe. But the alley is empty, not even a dumpster to seek shelter behind. "I just gotta get rid of the witnesses. Yeah. The witnesses."
Your eyes dart to him, he's lifting the gun. You don't hesitate to grab the little girl, wrapping your arms around her and turning your back to the man, tucking her to your chest to provide as much cover as you can provide.
A gun fires.
There's a thud.
You look over your shoulder, the girls face still hidden against you. He's not moving, gun unshot and laying next to him on the ground. There's a pool of dark liquid forming around him. You look up.
You manage to see a red glint, the shine of a gun, the eerie glow of a luminescent eyes. Red Hood.
That's all you manage to see before you're swarmed by cops, guiding you and the girl to safety.
It's a memory that plays in your mind sometimes, when you hear testimonies of how Red Hood saves people in crime alley, despite his crime lord status. It's confusing, exhausting even, to try and sort between the good and the bad, the duality of one man. At least you have your loving boyfriend to come home to.
Jason. He makes you feel like Gotham might not be so cursed. It's great, he gives you butterflies. He makes you happy. You cook meals together, and you both work the weird twilight/night shift hours. He holds you like you're precious under your shared comforter. You think you might love him. He whispers sweet nothings into your hair when he thinks you're sleeping. You kiss his palms when his eyes get that far away, haunted look he can’t seem to explain.
He's insisted on cooking dinner tonight as you watch him, a little starry eyed. You can't really blame yourself when he's shirtless and working over your favorite meal.
"Oh, Jason, I need to wash my clothes. Do you need anything done?" You ask, finally remembering that you do actually have a job and responsibilities and you can't stare at your handsome boyfriend all day.
"No, I'm good, baby. Go ahead and do your thing. Dinner's almost done." He answers idly, shooting you a lazy grin as you stand.
You smile back before leaving the kitchen to gather your clothes. As you dump the dirty laundry in the washer, you realize you never refilled the detergent. Mumbling an annoyed curse, you head to the spare bedroom you rarely use. There should be some extra necessities stock piled in there. You know, for the next time a criminal messes with Gothams chain supply.
You're more focused on the delicious smells floating through the apartment as you open the closet door, idly looking around for the detergent. That's why it doesn't really click in your mind what you're looking at. Guns. Armor. Your thoughts freeze to a stop. Are you dating some kind of henchman? A bright red helmet takes up your vision. Nope. You're dating a crime boss.
The helmet is in your hands and you're fumbling your way to the kitchen before you even have your thoughts sorted. Should you call for back up? Shouldn't you try to catch him by surprise? Sure. But, you need answers. You want this to be a misunderstanding. You want Jason to be your partner– not– not what the evidence that's heavy in your hand says he is.
Statistics run through your mind. Stories of Red Hood saving working girls. Stories of him leaving bodies of dealers that sold to kids. Then, memories of your boyfriend. How he leans down to kiss your forehead. How runs his hand up and down your arm while you watch movies together. If there was a sign. If you were too blind and in love to realize.
He turns to look at you when you stalk in. You throw the helmet at him. The helmet you'd recognize anywhere, even if you've never gotten close enough to touch it before. He catches it with the grace of a predator. "The hell is this, Jason?"
"It's a helmet." He says evenly, turning off the stove and placing the helmet down on the counter.
"No, duh, it's a helmet, Jason. Don't patronize me. Is it yours?" You nearly hiss, hands curling in anger and frustration and heart break you're not ready to admit you're feeling.
He studies you, eyes dark and calculating. It makes you bite the inside of you cheek. His eyes never looked at you like that before. "It is."
You laugh out of disbelief, stepping back. "So you've been using me? Is that what all this was? Just a way to get information about the GCPD and what we had on you?"
"What? No." He says your name a little pleading, "it's not like that. Not anymore."
"But it was." You bite out, cursing yourself for the sting of tears in your eyes.
He steps closer, you step back, trying to keep your hands from shaking. He whispers your name, and you think you see hurt flash in his eyes before it disappears. His voice goes steady, even. "It was. But I haven't tried to get anything like that since–"
"Since when, Jason?" You cut off, anger and hurt clear in your voice, in your face. "Was it before we raided the warehouse at the docks? Is my computer bugged? Did you hack my phone?"
He winces. You don't need to be a detective to know he has. "I haven't used them since we started getting serious."
"And when was that, Jason?" You ask, voice breaking at his name. "Because it's been serious this entire time for me."
He doesn't answer at first, gaze leaving you to stare at his helmet. "Since I– I saw you save that kid. Instead of going after that shooter. When I realized you weren't just another one of the corrupted cops. That you care about this city. And the people. I realized I couldn't keep doing that to you."
You go quiet. What can you say to that? "Were you ever going to tell me?" You settle on.
"I don't know." He shrugs helplessly, eyes leaving the helmet to meet your teary gaze. "I didn't know how. I don't– think I wanted you to know. " He stutters over his last sentence, and then says your name, pleading coming back to his tone. "I can't lose you over this."
"You never had me!" Your voice raises, a shout in anger before you can bury it down. You shake your head, wrapping your arms around yourself protectively and lowering your voice. "You never had me if everything this was was built on a lie."
"It's not a lie." He says firmly, snapping to attention and stepping towards you. He gestures between the two of you, says your name like he demands your attention. "This is not a lie."
"It is, Jason! You're only here to gain something from me! From my job!" You push back, throat tight and head spinning. Maybe you shouldn't be yelling at Gothams most dangerous and deadliest crime boss, but your heart is too broken for your head to think straight.
"No, pretty." You think he's pleading. You think his mouth might even be trembling as he speaks, but you can't make it out through the tears in your eyes. "No. It was like that at first. I know. I know that hurts you, but, it's not like that now. It's nowhere near that now."
"I don't care." You choke out.
"You don't mean that." Jason protests, but he doesn't sound certain.
"I don't want to see you anymore." You say the words before you're even sure you want that.
His face drops. "You don't mean that either."
"I do." It tastes like a lie. It sounds like the truth. You're turning and leaving before he can speak again, before you can unpack what you really want, locking yourself in the bathroom.
You fall asleep to the sound of your own tears, curled on the cold tile floor. You wake to silence. His helmet is gone from your counter when you enter the kitchen.
Your favorite dinner is wrapped in plastic when you open the fridge.
It makes the truth of it all worse. Gotham really is cursed.
Part Two
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star-suh · 2 months
Bounty Hunters
Kim Jungwoo x Male Reader
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cw: wild west au, top jungwoo, some angst ig, hate fucking to fluff fucking idk, bareback, creampie, a kinda toxic relationship between them, some spit play.
this is the story of kim jungwoo and yn ln, two 'silly' bounty hunters that can't stand each other except when it comes to sex.
“hey you son of a bitch” jungwoo exclaimed shooting at yn's feet. “what are you doing with that poster. that reward is for me, i am looking for him already.. forget about him, go get another".
“oi you bastard, look where you're shooting at”. he sighed. “and this” he signals at the paper with his finger “this is my reward, i came here first, bitch”.
“who are you calling bitch?” jungwoo's left eye twitching in anger, “should i remind you who's the bitch?” he came closer towards yn grabbing the hair on the back of his head, pulling his face closer “huh?” anger laced in his tone. yn laughs, pulling his lips closer to jungwoo’s and when they're about to kiss yn’s lips ghosted the others lips and instead went straight to his ear “you're just jealous i’m not your bitch”. yn kiss jungwoo’s cheeks and left. leaving a flustered jungwoo even more angry. “cute” murmured yn.
the day passed and jungwoo still has not found the wanted guy on the poster but then something caught his attention, yn was coming out of the police station with some bags of gold coins. then both made eye contact, something that yn took advantage of to mock jungwoo. showing him the bags of coins and ripping the wanted poster in pieces.
jungwoo’s blood was boiling, how is it possible that that dumbass has collected the reward and not him. yn went to a saloon and bought a bottle of liquor to celebrate. just when he was going to taste the liquid the bottle exploded into pieces. confused he looked to the floor and then to the sides, and there he was. jungwoo with a sinister smile, he had shot his precious bottle of liquor.
“what the fuck kim jungwoo” yn sprinted towards him. “stop or i'll shoot” jungwoo aimed his pistol directly at yn's forehead but this didn't stop him, “i'm not scared to die, what about you?” yn pulls out his gun and puts it on jungwoo's forehead too. the cold metal of each other's guns pressed against their heads. veins popping in their necks and faces red, showing how angry they were…
jungwoo was back in his room. reflecting about his actions today, he almost killed the only person who has been with him since the beginning of becoming a bounty hunter. he hated yn but he also cared about him, something he would never admit in front of the other.
it was almost midnight when someone knocked at jungwoo's door. his sleepy form stood up and opened it when something fell to the floor. jungwoo turn on the lights and saw yn covered in blood. “what the- what happened?” jungwoo said concerned, something that surprised yn. “i got into a fight and they shoot me on the arm” he answered.
“you're such a dumbass, a stupid motherfucker and a pain in the ass, you know that?” jungwoo hit his head lightly, “they should've shoot you right in the middle of your forehead”. he went to his nightstand pulling out a leather bag with some first aid elements.
yn takes off his jacket and shirt so jungwoo can patch his wounds, thankfully the bullet passed the arm and is not stuck on there. “you look pretty when you're focused” yn jokingly praised. jungwoo in return pressed the wound making the other squeal in pain “shut up” he whispered.
after some back and forth whispers between them they stare at each other, lost in the moment and with their lips a few inches apart they kiss. it was their first kiss, their lips didn't touch each other even in the nights of wild sex. it was a sign that they couldn't hold it anymore. “i hate you so much” jungwoo whispered, discarding his pants and yn's.
“then… hate me more” yn replied.
the top didn't wait to impale his shaft on the bottom’s hole, it went straight in, drawing some whinings from yn’s mouth. jungwoo channeled all the hatred he had for yn into the sex session. he was rude, rough, using yn for his pleasure, not caring if he's being hurt or not… for now… “slow.. down” yn pleaded unable to match jungwoo’s pace. “shut up” jungwoo opened his mouth using his thumb and index finger to spit on it and kiss, “use that mouth for something more interesting” he introduced his fingers and then licked the saliva on it, repeating the process more times.
jungwoo pushed yn's face against the mattress using his right foot, while he made sure to keep pounding him. “you're hole is perfect for my dick. you were made to pleasure me.. learn your place” if words could kill yn would be already in hell. he just nodded, his whimpers being muffled by the mattress while tears rolled down his flushed cheeks and his eyes were rolled back. jungwoo didn't realized, until now, that yn's arm was bleeding. his roughness had opened his lover's wound, something that made him stop his thrusts, positioning yn in missionary.
yn could finally see jungwoo's face, he was crying but not for pleasure, he was sad. “what happened?” yn asked, worried about his companion. jungwoo lost for words just plop himself on top of yn, hugging him making sure to not hurt his wound more. “you're a fucking fool, you know that?” he cleared his throat, “i'm sorry” he apologized “i didn't mean to hurt you. b-but… you know how scared i was when i saw you like this” he took a deep breath trying to calm down “i-i don't like seeing you like this yn.. please take care of yourself” jungwoo finally let out his feelings for yn, “i like you. please don't get hurt. i wanna keep seeing your ugly face for a long time”.
“i… i appreciate this vulnerability moment from you but, how you manage to say that while still being rock hard inside me” yn responded, earning a soft punch from jungwoo in his chest. “you're really good at ruining special moments, dumbass” jungwoo exclaimed and yn just laughed.
“i like you too”...
the sex continued but this time it was slow, more intimate. they both felt liberated, letting go of the burden they had been carrying on their shoulders, their repressed feelings. before, sex for them was like a way to release stress, now it has become a more intimate act where they can be vulnerable and connect with each other. their happily ever after moment. yn keep kissing jungwoo, his lips were one of his favorite parts from him.
“i wanna keep seeing your pretty face too” he said.
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keerysfreckles · 11 months
safe haven - mike schmidt
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pairing: mike schmidt x f!reader
summary: mike schmidt's next door neighbor seems on edge when she knocks on his front door. the reason being remains unknown, until mike orders a pizza and lets the scared girl stay the night.
warnings: use of y/n and she/her pronouns, mentions of an abusive and toxic relationship, slight cursing
michael schmidt wasn't used to any of his neighbors knocking on his door. the only interactions being simple waves while getting the mail, or nods of their heads when they drive by.
mike instantly recognized his next door neighbor as he opens the front door. he's seen her plenty of times before, but the two haven't spoken to each other.
he notices her shaken up appearance, as her loose t-shirt hangs off one shoulder, and the grey sweatpants on her hips are barely tied. her hair is down, but the baby hairs by her forehead are erratically skewed.
mike's simple gretting takes the girl out of her trance. she kept looking between mike and her own front door. she fiddled with her hands before responding.
"yes, hi, uh- look i know we've never really talked before, but can i please stay here for an hour? two at most," y/n pleads, her eyes never faltering from her front door, with worry filling her pupils.
mike nods, before opening his door so y/n can walk inside, "are you alright?"
y/n's fast to shake her head, "no, um- no not really."
mike doesn't think he's ever seen her like this. "do you want something to drink? or a snack or something?"
"just water, please," y/n shuffles awkwardly by the kitchen counter, as she watches mike grab a glass and fill it was tap water.
y/n's grateful once the cool liquid flows down her throat. all of the screaming she had just done really did some damage on her throat.
mike couldn't help but notice the small bruises covering her wrists, and the giant red mark on her neck as she tilted her head back to drink the water.
"do you want to talk about anything? you seem on edge," mike offers, as he leads the two to the living room. he sits on the couch, and y/n sits down beside him.
just as y/n opens her mouth to respond, abby comes running down the hallway, a notebook in one hand and colored pencils in the other.
"who are you?"
abby's bluntness throws y/n off gaurd, causing her to laugh. she can't even remember the last time she laughed.
"abbs, this is our neighbor, y/n. she's gonna hang out here for a bit," mike tells abby, watching as she sits at the coffee table in front of the couch.
mike and y/n both turn their attention to the tv, which is playing reruns of a sitcom. they both felt it wasn't the most appropriate time to talk about y/n's situation while abby was in the room.
"what are those marks on your wrist from?" abby suddenly asks, catching both adults off gaurd.
"oh, uh, they're from bracelets i had on earlier. guess they were too tight." mike took notice of the way y/n's voice shook at the end of her response.
"hey abby, why don't you go back to your room and draw something for y/n. yeah?" mike offers his sister, who nods in return, before she walks down the hallway back to her room.
"you don't have to talk about anything by the way. i'm not gonna force you," mike spoke softly, not wanting to scare y/n more than she already was.
y/n's knee started to shake and her voice wavered as she responded, "my boyfriend- well ex-boyfriend now uh- he got too much. everything was fine until last month when he started to get aggressive."
mike's eyes slightly widened.
"at first it was only verbally. but when i came home last week, he hit me because i stayed late at work. i tried to tell him why, but he just wouldn't listen," y/n's eyes started to water as she remembers the events that took place.
"today was just so bad. i had to get out of there before he did anything worse," y/n finally looks up at mike, and sees nothing but sincerity in his eyes. her heart slightly sped up at the fact someone was actually listening to her.
"so you came here to get away from him?" mike concluded, causing y/n to nod.
"you can stay here as long as you need to okay?"
y/n nodded once more, thankful for mike's proposal. however a harsh knock on the front door caused her head to turn quickly, and michael stood from the couch. "probably just some solicitors. i'll get them to leave."
y/n stayed on the couch while mike opened the door. his heartrate picked up once he was met with a taller man, with a scruffy beard and dark curly hair. he seemed to have a glint of hatred in his eyes, and mike could only guess this was the person y/n was hiding from.
"can i help you?"
"you haven't seen y/n around, have you? she ran out a bit ago," the man explained, seeming way too calm about the situation.
mike shakes his head, "nope, haven't seen her today."
y/n's heart races as she listened to their conversation from the living room. she can't help but worry he's going to come inside and take her back to the toxic home she just came from.
y/n picks her head up at the loud noise, and stands up abruptly from the couch once she sees mike stumble back from her ex-boyfriend pushing the door open.
"you bitch!" he screams, instantly grabbing y/n's wrist, making her yelp out in pain. "i told you not to leave! and you come over here to whore around with him?"
*brad let go," the only three words y/n manages to get out, as she's more focused on planting her feet to try and make her unmovable.
brad only pulls on y/n's wrist harder, and slaps her cheek with his empty hand. y/n cups her cheek in shock, as brad pulls her out of the house and into mike's front yard.
mike follows the two, and jogs over to brad and pushes his chest, causing him to let go of y/n.
"y/n get back inside, lock the door," mike orders. y/n's quick to run back inside as she watches mike tell brad off through the window.
a few minutes pass and mike knocks on the front door. y/n of course lets him inside his home, and as soon as he closes and locks the door y/n wraps her arms around his waist.
mike's shortly taken aback before he holds onto the poor girl. he hears her start to cry, as her body starts to shake. mike holds y/n's head to his chest and he gently sways the two side to side.
"you're okay. you're safe here," mike whispers against the top of y/n's head. "do you want to stay for dinner?" he offers, of course wanting to do nothing but cheer the girl up.
y/n pulls back from the hug and wipes her tears, before nodding her head.
mike's quick to dial the local pizza shop as y/n sits back down on the couch, her hand immediately goes to her wrist and looks at the new bruise already starting to form.
mike walks down the hallway to abby's room, for two reasons. he first asks if she heard any of the yelling, to which she responded no since she had her radio playing. and secondly he asked if she wanted to join him and y/n in the living room and have pizza soon.
y/n watched as both mike and abby walked out of the hallway. mike sat beside y/n on the couch and abby sat at the coffee table again, as she continued to work on her drawing for y/n.
"are you cold?" mike asks y/n, seeing the goosebumps covering her arms. she simply nods, and mike leans forward and removes the dark grey hoodie he was wearing. y/n couldn't help but look to his stomach as the movement of him taking the hoodie off cause his shirt underneath to lift. he smiled as he handed her the article of clothing, and couldn't help but feel his heart warm at the sight of his hoodie covering y/n's torso.
a half hour passes, and mike seems to notice how a weight has lifted off y/n's shoulders. y/n and abby have been in a deep conversation about cartoon characters. the conversation however is cut short when the doorbell rings, making y/n jump from her spot on the couch.
mike reaches forward and places his hand over her knee, causing her to look at him. "it's okay, it's just the pizza."
the reassurance calms y/n down, and mike walks to the door. he pays the pizza delivery boy and places the greasy pizza box on the coffee table. he's quick to get paper plates for the three of the them before he sits back down besides y/n.
the trio enjoy their meal together, and abby starts asking y/n questions. like where she's from, where she goes to school, what her favorite color is, and a plethora of other random questions.
after the three finish dinner, mike and y/n are captived by a movie that was now playing on tv. abby was busy adding the finishing touches to her picture for y/n, and was excited to give it to her.
y/n looks down and sees abby handing her a colorful piece of paper, "is this for me?" abby nods.
y/n looks over the paper, seeing three people resembling mike, abby and herself. the figures seem to be outside as they're together in a grassy area with flowers surrounding them.
"i love it abby," y/n smiles, "i'll keep it forever."
two hours pass, and after another movie plays, abby had fallen asleep with her head on her notebook, her right hand still gripping a red colored pencil. mike only laughs, before he shakes abby's shoulder to wake her up.
"i'll be right back," he states. y/n nods as she watches mike lead abby to her bedroom to put her to bed. y/n looks at the clock placed on the wall and sees its nearing eleven pm.
y/n leans her head back on the couch, and can't help but let her eyes close, as sleep takes over.
mike whistles while walking back into the living room, after saying goodnight to abby. his whistling is cut short when he looks at the sleeping girl on his couch. he chuckles at her positon. she's now in a curled ball, as her arms are crossed over her chest.
mike turns off the tv, and grabs the blanket draped over the arm of the chair from across the room. he places the material over y/n, before leaning down and kissing the girl's forehead. he wanted to make sure she knew she was always safe in his home.
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hellisharchive · 5 months
・﹒・ saintly guardian
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Summary: Your life could be better, but you were alive, that's all that mattered. After an extremely shitty day, you were shocked as an angel appeared in your livingroom claiming to be your new guardian angel from Heaven. At least he was cute
Warnings: 18+, implied sex, accidental voyeurism
Paring: Saint Peter x human!GN!reader
Notes: This is a long one! Hope you enjoy! Also my shit is never beta read so forgive any mistakes
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You sighed loudly as you collapsed on your couch, so glad to finally be home after one of the worst days you've had in a while. Digging into your food, you browsed Netflix trying to find something good to watch so you could just sit back, eat, and relax. Even though you had an entire watchlist, nothing seemed appealing as you just threw on a movie you already watched ages ago just to have something on.
After finishing your food, you walked into the kitchen that was just a few steps away as your apartment was a studio, you put the dishes in the sink to clean later and refilled your drink. As you poured the liquid into the cup, a bright light suddenly engulfed you, causing you to flinch and get your drink all over the counter and floor. Covering your eyes, you gripped the glass as you wondered what the hell was that? After a few seconds, you deemed it to be safe and slowly removed one hand and opened your eye. Turning around, you gasped as you saw what looked to be an angel with white blonde hair and a worried expression looking at you. You couldn't believe your eyes.
"I'm sorry if I scared you! I didn't mean to are you ok?" The last sentence was rushed as he panicked, quickly walking over and making sure you're alright as he gently grabbed your shoulders. What was going on? Removing your other hand and opening your other eye, you just stared in shock and awe. You were nervous, very nervous. Were you dreaming? Did you die somehow? Your breathing got heavy as your mind raced with a million different possibilities when the angel cupped your face and spoke to you again, making sure you were looking at him.
"Hey, hey don't be scared! Oh Peter it's your first day as a guardian angel and you already scared your human..." He spoke to himself, very scared himself that he scared you. Wait- guardian angel?
"You're my...guardian angel?" You stared at him in even more shock. Angels are real. Guardian angels are real. And he was yours. Who even was he? You placed your hands on his shoulders as he smiled, it was a soft and awkward smile.
"Yes! Angels are sent down to Earth to watch over humans every so often to make sure they're on a path set for Heaven! You just so happened to be my assignment this time!" His mood instantly switched to happy and excited to talk about why he was sent down. You still were in a state of shock, slowly calming down from the inital scare as he removed his hands from your face and grabbed yours from his shoulders, holding them. The hold was firm yet gentle.
"And if this isn't all some dream...what is your name? Can I know the name of my guardian angel?" You spoke carefully, almost as if speaking any louder would fracture this whole interaction and you would wake up passed out on the couch. He then let your hands go and you started to mess with your fingers, biting your lip as you waited for his answer.
"Saint Peter" Saint Peter...that name was familiar. Wait- was this the same Saint Peter from the bible? You were familiar with Christianity but wasn't a believer, however you still couldn't fully believe depsite an angel straight up holding you.
"Oh well...my name is ___. Although, you probably knew that" You cracked a small smile yourself, the tension finally snapping and you started to accept the fact that this was real. There was no way you were tripping, you never did any hard drugs and barely drank alcohol, you were completely sober.
"Yeah, I uh...I did. Sorry if that's weird! I just-"
"No, no! It's fine! I would expect Heaven to know everything about me...God at least...or the other angels. Honestly you appearing out of nowhere was the weirdest thing that happened in my entire life so, you knowing my name is nothing" You chuckled and you watched as he chuckled with. Now that the adrenaline had worn off, you realized that he was incredibly cute. He was adorable!
"I'm still so sorry about that! This is the first time I ever was assigned to someone so...I got a little excited! Is there anything I can do to make up for it?" God- can you still say that?- he was the cutest thing ever. Oh no, were you forming a crush on him? On an angel? Your guardian angel?
"Hello? Are you there?" Peter's voice awakened you from your thoughts, shaking your head, you realized he was only a few inches from your face. Flustering and face warming, you jumped back and held your chest, damn! He was close! Too close!
"Oh shit I'm so sorry again! You weren't responding and I got concerned because you were staring off into space and I can't believe I scared my human again and-" You placed a hand on his shoulder as he started to ramble and look at the floor and you gave him a warm smile.
"It's ok Peter! You just wanted to make sure I was alright and you're new at this. If it makes you feel better- I'm glad I was your first assignment" His face went from anxious to awe, he stared at you with wide eyes and pale face turning to gold. Did angels have gold blood? Was he blushing?
"I- t-thank you! But seriously, if there's anything I can do to make up for scaring you twice now, please let me know!" He was so insistent on making it up to you, it made your heart do flips and butterflies form in your stomach. He might have been the only angel you've met, but he was certainly the cutest.
"I'll get back to you on that"
One month had passed since Saint Peter revealed himself as your guardian angel and your life hadn't gotten any better, well, it still sucked but he was always there to cheer you up. You couldn't help but slowly form an all-consuming crush on him, how couldn't you? He was the most pure being you ever met and he was always there to make you feel better after a bad day.
However, the crush didn't stop there. It turned into something so downright sinful you couldn't bear to let Peter know that you wanted to fuck him. But how could you not? He was so innocent and pure it made your heart do flips and butterflies always swarmed in your stomach when he was around. Honestly it was hard not to just grab him and kiss him and touch him. But you didn't want him to do things he wasn't comfortable with and without consent. And you also didn't want to risk going to hell. So you kept it secret and all your rather...intimate nights alone thinking about him.
The day was going normal, it was a day without Peter as he didn't stay with you 24/7 but that wasn't a big deal. Sure, you missed him a lot when he was gone, but you're sure he had duties back up in Heaven too. You sighed as you sat on the couch, mindlessly scrolling through your phone before becoming bored of that and tossing it on the couch. You stare at it as you pick up the remote and try to find something on the TV to watch, also ending up being in a mindless state of searching. Then, you thought of Peter and how adorable he was, and then, you were horny.
"Fuck" You cursed at how easily you got horny, especially for him. You had a choice- be pent up and force yourself to not masturbate, or masturbate. "Shit," standing up, you tossed the remote on the counter and grabbed your phone, heading to your bedroom.
Shutting the door, you sighed and put your phone on the nightstand before opening the drawer to reveal the plethora of sex toys. It was a decent amount- you had needs that needed met. However shamefully, you had gotten a few more because of Peter. Laying down and leaning back on your pillows, you had grabbed one and placed it on your sex, turning it on and biting your lip as you started to masturbate. Moaning Peter's name, you thought of him and it made you feel so dirty.
Unfortunately, you didn't hear the door open until it was too late, the sound of gasping made you freeze. Wiping your head up, you saw as a panicking Peter had covered his eyes and turned away from you in the doorway.
"I'm so sorry I heard you call my name and I thought you were calling for me I'm so sorry!" The poor angel was entirely gold- he did mention that angels have gold blood- as he blushed at the fact that he caught you masturbating about him. Now you're the panicking one as you shove the toy away under your sheets. You couldn't bring yourself to say a single word before you watched him hurry away, however, you brought yourself to say one.
"Wait!" You held out your hand as he froze, breathing heavy, you said it again as you considered carefully about what you were going to say.
"I'm the one that should be sorry! I-I never should have thought about you like that...I...understand if you don't want to be my assignment anymore..." Shame flushed through your veins as the weight of the situation finally hit. This wasn't some silly crush for a normal human guy- it was of an angel who was the most purest being you had ever known. He probably thinks you're disgusting now, someone that does deserve to go Hell. It was silent for a good while, you're not sure for how long, but the one who broke it was Peter.
"I...you're not the only one. And it's wrong I know I know!" He turned and removed his hands from his face, causing you to stare at shock at what he said. He felt the same?
"Angels should never fall for humans but you were so cute and I just had these dirty thoughts I couldn't get rid of and-" He was speaking so fast but you managed to cut him off before he could ramble even more.
"And why can't you get rid of them?" You teased, confidence suddenly rising as you smirked at the angel. Crawling towards him on the bed, he stood completely still as you got closer, wearing nothing but your shirt.
"I-uhm you just do something to me I don't know why! You're adorable and attractive and I just...I shouldn't...pleasure myself it's wrong!" Bless his soul...you pat the bed and said "come here" Peter gulped as he obeyed, soon standing right up against the edge. He stared at you like a deer in headlights and it was the cutest thing. Then, you decided to be bold. You rushed up and grabbed his neck, pulling him into a kiss. At first he didn't move, then he started to kiss back a little. You could tell he didn't have much experience with other people if any at all. Your heart was beating as fast as can be as he shakily wrapped his arms around you. After a few minutes, you pulled away, completely out of breath and he was too. Taking his arms off of you, he looked down at his mouth before putting one of his hands up to lightly touch his lips.
"I think I'm in love with you" You barely heard it, but it made your heart swell. That was your key to grab him again and drag him down, kissing him even more than before running your hands through his hair. This time, he was more eager to kiss you back, he was ready.
"Call this the favor. You're not going to be able to walk after tonight"
You awoke not with nobody by your side, but with your guardian angel all deshelved sleeping so soundly. That was the best sleep of your life. You had to untangle your body from his as you quietly shuffled to the bathroom to pee. You almost didn't want to leave him, but your bladder was too loud to ignore. Kissing his forehead, you made your way to the kitchen with only a large shirt on as you started to make breakfast.
The smell must have woken Peter up as he walked into the kitchen as well, yawning and rubbing his eye. Hair all down and messy, one wing up and one wing down, and his body was covered in your marks from last night and he was wearing nothing but his underwear he must have shrugged them on as they weren't even on all the way. Smiling, you watched as he sleepily slid into a dinning room chair.
"Good morning, my sweet angel"
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ninii-winchester · 2 months
Unveiled Sorrows (Part 6)
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Pairings : Dean Winchester X Reader, Sam Winchester X Reader (platonic), Dean Winchester X Lisa Braden (mentioned)
Word count: 4.4k
Warnings : angst, so much angst grab your tissues pls, spoilers s1-s6, violence, language, mentions of Djinn. Sam has his soul.
A/n : This series follows canon plot line but some scenes might happen differently or be completely changed. Check the warnings for each part before continuing.
Sam had been acting strange for the past two days and it wasn't sitting right with Y/n or Bobby. He was anxious, paranoid and jumpy. He acted like someone was out to get to him. And then suddenly Y/n started acting strange too. It was as if the two of them had been going crazy, which scared Bobby and Samuel. Truth is, someone was actually after the two.
"Bobby I swear there was a werewolf in the yard." Y/n panicked holding Adeline to her chest.
"Have you gone mad? Werewolves appear on full moon and at night. It's the middle of the day." Bobby replied throwing his hands in the air.
"Sammy cmon you have to believe me." She turned to her best friend. Sam stood still with his arms crossed against his chest. A knock on the door was heard and Y/n jumped in her place clutching Adeline even more firmly. Sam went to see and came back with Samuel, Christian trailing behind him.
"Anything?" Bobby asked Samuel.
"You two ever run into a Djinn?" Christian asked Sam and Y/n. Sam raised his brow at the question.
"Yeah, a few years back. He took Dean, we had to kill it." Y/n replied flatly.
"It's Djinns that are after you two. Didn't know why they were but now it makes sense. They're here for revenge." Samuel told them.
"Wait what?" Y/n asked. "Why haven't they attacked out front."
"It's easier. The things you two are seeing aren't real. It's them messing around with your heads. And soon enough you two will go insane and kill yourself." Samuel explained.
"What?" The two exclaimed.
"Well luckily for you, we have found an antidote." Christian said showing them a syringe filled with white liquid. "But we have to kill them before they come for you again."
"I'll have it first. Can't be too sure until we've tried." Sam says looking at his grandfather.
"Sammy no." Y/n stopped him.
"Y/n, respectfully. Shut up." Sam replied and then nodded towards Christian who injected him with the liquid.
"Do you feel anything Sam?" Bobby asked.
Suddenly, y/n screamed. Bobby immediately took Adeline from her arms as she backed up against the wall. her breathing laboured as she saw Azaezel in front of her. Her eyes widened, she knew it wasn't real and it was the Djinns doing but she couldn't help but choke as 'Azaezel' grabbed her by her neck. She felt herself being thrown towards a heap of books. The men watched as she was slammed against the window, the glass shattered with loud noise, she groaned at the impact.
"We can't wait Sam, she'll kill herself." Samuel said getting worried.
Sam nodded and Christian went to tranquillise her but she resisted, Sam grabbed her tightly and Christian stabbed y/n with the needle, injecting the liquid and right then she stopped moving completely. A few seconds later she opened her eyes and Sam sighed in relief. The two looked at each other when realisation dawned upon them.
Dean hadn’t slept well since the night he saw her. She was plaguing his mind whether he was awake or asleep. Every time he would close his eyes he'd see her face, hear her voice. Now it's gotten to the point where he sees her when he's awake. It's like he's hallucinating. Then the appearance of the claw marks all over the neighbourhood. He assumed she might be here to hunt whatever is out here but he hasn't heard of a single death in the area. Not even a missing person's report.
He ought to check. He went to the garage of the house he shares with Lisa. He opened the trunk of the Impala and grabbed his gun. He felt a presence behind him and felt someone throwing him against the garage wall. He watched as Azaezel walked closer to him. Blood trickled down Dean's forehead.
"This isn't possible, i killed you. I shot you with the Colt." Dean said.
"Did you Dean? You might have but you didn't succeed. You can't ever do anything right Dean. You let Sam die. You couldn't save him. Your precious Y/n oh i wonder how she's doing." Dean growled as he heard him say her name. Azaezel grabbed Dean and bashed his head against the wall. The next thing he knew, everything thing went black.
When Dean came back to consciousness, he blinked slowly trying to adjust his eyes to the lighting. He gasped when he saw Sam sitting in front of me.
"Sam?" Dean asked sitting up.
"Yeah it's me." Sam said cutting his arm with a silver knife, showing Dean that he's in-fact Sam. Dean stood up and pulled Sam in a tight hug. "I expected a lot more scepticism." Sam joked as he hugged him back.
"How?" Dean questioned looking at Sam, still not believing he's here.
"I don't know." Sam shrugged. "I've researched for weeks i have no clue how i am back."
"Weeks? How long have you been back?"
"Almost a year, now!"
"You've been back for a year and you didn't come to me? What are you doing here now?" Dean snapped.
"Dean I wanted you to be happy and i knew you were happy here so I didn't bother you. You've always wanted all this." Sam replied.
"I only wanted my brother, alive." Dean replied pacing the room. "What have you been doing all this time?"
"With other people?"
"They're...more like family." Sam replied. "Look, I didn't want to come here but I had to, the things you were seeing weren't real. It was the Djinns, they came after us and I knew it was a matter of time they came after you." Sam explained.
"Us?" Dean questioned.
"Y/n and I." Sam replied. Dean stayed silent.
"So she's your only family now? You've been hunting with her?" Dean said with an edge to his voice.
"No Dean, y/n doesn't hunt and I'm not talking about her."
"Don't lie to me Sam, I saw her a few days back, heard her talking about a Vampire hunt."
"That was the only hunt she went on over the past year." Sam replied.
"Where've you been living? Bet its with this family of yours?"
"You might want to come with me."
Sam took Dean to the place where Samuel and the Campbell's lived. Gemma, Will, Gwen, Christian and Mark introduced themselves to Dean. He recognised Gemma and Will from the bar.
"Campbells as in..." Dean trailed off looking at Sam, not mentioning the fact that's met Will and Gemma.
"Mom's relatives." Sam confirmed.
"Dean." A voice called out and he turned to see his grandfather who was supposed to be dead. He looked like he had seen a ghost which is ironic considering he hunted them.
"Samuel?" Dean said walking towards him. The older man pulled his grandson in his embrace. Dean's face showed pure confusion.
"Whatever pulled Sam up, pulled me down as well. Who or why, we don't know." Samuel told Dean. And the latter nodded in understanding.
The group of hunters was now discussing their plan of action to defeat the Djinns. Dean clearly stated that he has no intention of coming back to the business, he just wants to keep Lisa and Ben. Speaking of,
"Lisa and Ben!" Dean exclaimed. "Sam you have to take me home, those Djinns know where I live, they could harm them." Sam nodded in understanding and took Dean back to his house.
Dean rushed the house and called out for Lisa. When he got no answer he grew anxious, he ran all over the house trying to find them. The front door opened and Lisa and Ben walked in. Dean immediately pulled them in his embrace sighing in relief.
Sam's jaw clenched as he watched Dean place a kiss on their heads. The way he was caring for Lisa and her kid like his own, oblivious to the fact that he has a biological daughter who deserves the same affection and love from her father.
"We need to get them out of here and somewhere safe." Dean said looking at Sam.
"Yeah we'll get them to-"
"Bobby's." Dean interrupted Sam.
"Dean, I don't think that's a good idea. We'll get them to Samuel's."
"Sam no offence but I don't trust anyone else except you and Bobby. And we're going to Bobby's, that's final." Dean stated leaving no room for argument.
It was a rare occurrence when Y/n was happy, like genuinely happy and today was one of those days. She's been trying for while to get Adeline to sit up on her own without any back support or falling back. And today the little baby sat on her own for a few seconda before plopping back on heap of pillows behind her.
"Bobby did you see that?" Y/  asked excitedly, a huge smile gracing her lips. The old man nodded, his expressions mirroring her own. "I can't wait for Sam to come home and see this. He's going to be ecstatic." She smiled.
Y/n thought had she asked for something else she would've gotten because the moment she said that, she heard the sound of Sam's car's horn thrice. He always did that, it was their secret code of sorts. Y/n picked up Adeline from where she was laying and excitedly made her way towards the front door, she heard the car door slam shut more than once indicating Sam brought company.
"See baby Uncle Sammy is hom-" She opened the door and her words got stuck inside as saw the company Sam brought.
Her gaze moved from Sam to Dean and then stopped on Lisa and Ben. None of them spoke a word. Dean's eyes dropped to the little baby in Y/n's arms and his heart dropped to the deepest pit of his stomach. He felt like couldn't breath. The baby looked like an exact copy of him.
"You promised, Winchester." Y/n's gaze turned to Sam who at least looked apologetic but she felt betrayed. She moved her arm behind her back and retrieved her gun from the back of her jeans.
"Y/n look i can explain.." Sam stuttered and she turn the safety off, of the gun. "Wait you can't shoot, Adeline's ears are sensitive." Sam said holding his hands in the air.
Sam's words broke Dean out of his trance, Adeline's ears. Adeline. Adeline. Adeline. It kept ringing in his ears when it clicked. Thats she name she told him at the bar.
"That's why I have a silencer on my gun." And with she shot Sam in the arm. He groaned as the bullet pierced him. Lisa and Ben flinched and Dean rushed to his brother's side still not believing she actually shot him. "I wish I had it in me to put a bullet in your head." She told Sam before turning her attention to the other two people.
"Hi Lisa. How've you been?" She said.  "Hey Ben, remember me?" She smiled at the boy.
"I'm good." Lisa said even more shaken up at this point.
"You're y/n. You saved me from that monster." Ben said happily.
"I sure did." She wrapped her other arm which was not holding Adeline around Ben's shoulder. "You've grown, kiddo." She told him bringing him inside, Lisa followed behind.
Dean helped Sam inside as all of them settled into the main room. Bobby looked at Dean and froze but then jumped into action as he saw Sam's profusely bleeding arm.
"What happened to him?" He asked Dean and Dean eyed Y/n. His gaze again settled on the child in her arms.
"Uh I had it coming." Sam groaned as Bobby cleaned his wound and patched him up.
An awkward silence fell into the room as nobody knew what to say. And Y/n took it upon herself to break the tension.
"I'm assuming we were right about the Djinn? Him going after Dean." She asked and Sam nodded.
"Yeah i barely reached there in time." He grunted sitting in the desk chair. "We had to bring them to somewhere safe and this is safest place we know." Sam looked at Y/n hoping she'd understand why he brought them here. He added 'we' hoping she'd know it wasn't his decision.
"Alright, since we've got no leads on the Djinns at the moment its safe to say you'll be here for a while." Y/n said to Lisa. "I think we've got enough rooms."
Bobby told the group he'd get Lisa and Ben to help settle in and show them to their room, he felt like the tension in the air would suffocate him to death so he opted out. Y/n cradled the little girl who was on the verge of falling asleep. She made her way to the kitchen and grabbed a bottle of beer with some painkillers. Dean couldn't keep his eyes off of her or the baby. He followed her every moment and watched as she handed the pills and beer to Sam.
"I'm glad you know you had it coming." She patted his good arm. He chuckled shaking his head. "I'll arrange some food." Y/n said leaving the room. She laid Adeline in the crib in her room and made her way into the kitchen.
Sam avoided looking at Dean and the older Winchester was shooting glares at his brother. Dean was angry, sad, disappointed and heartbroken. He finds out that his brother has been alive for a whole year and he apparently has a daughter too. He couldn't take it any longer and rushed out the back door to clear his head. Sam followed behind him.
"Dean wait." He called out.
"She's mine, isn't she?" Dean stopped and turned to face Sam who looked away. "Dammit Sam answer me."
"Yeah." Sam replied.
"And you've known all this time?"
"I did but-"
"But what Sammy?" Dean yelled. "What could you possibly say to make it better? My brother who I thought was dead has been here the whole time, and now i find that I have a daughter, who I had no idea existed until this day?" Tears were pooling in Dean's eyes and he didn't care at this point.
"I told you Dean I didn't want to ruin what you have. And as for Addy," Sam sighed. "I didn't even know it happened between you two. Y/n said it happened once and it was mistake."
"She said what?" Dean recoiled. "It wasn't a mistake and it certainly didn't happen only once." He growled, now his grief turning into anger.
"What?" Sam exclaimed.
"Why didn't you tell me Sam? I could've had what I so desperately wanted." Dean cried, hurt that his brother kept such a huge secret from him.
"She made me promise not to tell you." Sam confessed.
"I don't know, when I came back she asked her if I met you and I told her I did see you but you were with Lisa and I didn't want to ruin that. When she told me she was pregnant and it's yours I told her to tell you but she told me that you deserve to have a normal life with the woman you love and not some...." Sam paused not whether to continue or not.
"Some what Sam?"
"Some good lay and..a child made out of it." Sam whispered lowly, he wasn't even sure if Dean heard him. This broke Dean's heart and he wasn't sure if he could ever piece it back together.
"That woman is a not some good lay, she's the love of my life, Sam. I was pathetically in love with her. I still am." Dean said with his head in his hands.
"You told her the world doesn't revolves around her."
"I know what I said, damn it. I just wanted her to be safe. I knew she wouldn't have left had I not told her all that. I thought if our plan was to fail, at-least she'd be away from all this. She'd be safe. And if it went well, I would go back to her, tell her everything and keep her safe with me until my last breath. But you made me promise. I kept my promise and I left and I never looked back." Dean breathed heavily.
"Dean... I had no idea. I am so sorry. I wish I hadn't... God this is all my fault, I have to make this right." Sam blamed himself and that's the last thing Dean wanted.
"It's not your fault Sam. You just wanted to die in peace." Dean made a failed attempt to ease the tension.
Y/n was in the kitchen when she heard someone clear their throat. She turned to see Lisa standing in the doorway.
"I hope Ben like sandwiches, I don't know much cooking." She said as she placed the ingredients on the counter.
"He likes them.." Lisa said joining to help her with the preparations.
"I can see why he loves you." Y/n said as she watched Lisa work effortlessly and still look amazing.
"Yeah but he's in love with you." She replied without looking at her.
"Rubbish." Y/n waved her off with her hand. "I think you're still tired from the long drive."
"It's the truth. I've lived with Dean for a year now, you're his waking thought and his dream." Lisa said softly. "I think i know more about you than you know yourself." The woman added with a smile.
"Don't you love him?" Y/n bit her lip. Her asking this question was showing a sign that she still cared about Dean as much as she shouldn't.
"He's a dear friend." Lisa replied vaguely. Loud footsteps were heard as Ben entered the kitchen looking for his mom.
Sam and Dean came back inside and Dean locked eyes with y/n for the first time since he came here. He wants to hate her for keeping his daughter a secret from him but one look at her and he's a puddle, willing to do anything she wants him to do.
"We need to talk." Dean said to y/n.
"I believe there is nothing to talk." Y/n replied without wavering.
"Its your choice, you talk to me while I'm asking nicely or I drag you out, because we're talking either way." Dean said keeping eye contact.
"You watch how you speak to me, Winchester. My gun still has five bullets." She replied. She knew she had to have this conversation at any point in her life, she was hoping she had more time. She let out a loud sigh before speaking, "Ben, honey can you go up and watch Adeline for me?" She asked the eleven year old boy. And he nodded happily running upstairs.
"Now you talk." Y/n ordered Dean, who turned around and walked to the main room. She rolled her eyes and followed him. "I don't have time for your bullshit so if you could get on with it before Adeline wakes up, I'd appreciate it." She snapped as he kept his back to her.
"Why didn't you tell me?" He turned to her, his face red.
"Tell you what?"
"About our daughter! Don't act dumb."
"She's my daughter." Y/n sneered. Sam and Lisa watched from the side. "Why do you even care? You didn't care a year ago."
"I.. how can you even say that. She's my daughter too. You had no right to keep her from me."
"Yeah right." Y/n scoffed. "What did you want to me do, Dean? After you pushed me away time and time again. Did you expect me to get on my knees and beg you to stay?" She said raising her voice. "You left. You left when I needed you the most." She felt a lump forming in her throat and she knew the waterworks were on the way. "You left me at the cemetery without a word. How do you think it made me feel?"
"I'm sorry i left, had you told me about Adeline I would've never..-"
"I don't need your pity, Dean. Nor does my daughter." She yelled. "You had a choice. And you left." She felt a tear drop down her cheek as much as she hated to cry in-front of him she couldn't hold it in.
At that moment Dean hated himself. He never knew he could be this weak. He watched Y/n look so broken, exhausted. It was as if sadness has etched itself on her face permanently.
"Cas told me I was pregnant when we got back from Carthage." Dean's eyes widened as the revelation. "That's why I asked to sit out when you guys decided to hit the road. I thought I'd tell you when you'd come back. But when you did you said awful things to me, Dean. It broke my heart." She gasped taking in a deep breath as cried. "I knew it was a hard time for us with everything happening. When I arrived at Detroit I thought maybe, just maybe things could be different but..." She didn't continue, everyone knows what happened in Detroit.
"I'm sorry, you have to believe me when I say I would've stayed.." Dean's eyes watered.
"Sorry doesn't cut it, Dean. I was scared, every night I was scared for my daughter's life because I didn't have the luxury to sleep peacefully and pretend that's nothing out there. Even the rustling of leaves would wake me up at night." She cried.
"I wish i could turn back time, i would do it a heartbeat. You know that." He cried. He knows he doesn't have the right to feel bad about himself but he couldn't help it.
"I'd do it too. If i could turn back time I'd do it and never associate myself with you."
"You don't mean that." Dean whispered, his voice almost begging her to take it back.
"I do." She looked him in the eye, even though her vision was blurred. "Even for a second if we forget that Addy exists, you left me when I needed you the most. My best friend jumped into the pit and I felt like my heart had been ripped out from my chest." She was now full on sobbing. "I needed you. I knew nobody could've understood what I felt except you. I dug the ground with my hands until my fingers bled hoping the cage was still there and Sam would come out." She cried holding her hand to her heart as if it pained her physically. "I just wanted you to hold me tell me it'd be alright. We'll figure something out like we always do."
If anyone of them wasn't crying before they were now. They hadn't realised she'd been through so much pain. She's suffered and she was carrying a child. She held on for so long. Lisa's heart ached for the sobbing woman in front of her.
"Y/n." Sam spoke having enough. He needs to clear this out. He can't watch them fight knowing it wasn't any of their fault but his'. "It's my fault."
"Sammy." Dean warned sternly.
"No Dean. It was my fault. Let me do this." Sam replied.
"What do you mean?" Y/n asked looking at Sam.
"After you left I asked Dean to promise that he won't find you. I told him to go live with Lisa." Sam stated.
"Why would you even say that?" She whispered.
"Because i knew if you two had been with each other you'd just find a way to bring me back. Even worse make deals with demons or shit." Sam said holding his head down. "It wasn't his fault y/n, if I'd known he loved you i would've never asked him to leave."
"Dean doesn't love anyone but you." Y/n scoffed and that irked Dean. He could listen to her say the worst things about him but doubting his love for her wasn't something he'd take queitly. He took a few steps towards her and grabbed her arm making her look at him.
"Why're you talking about me as if I'm not here? And how dare you say that?" He growled. "How dare you say I don't love you. You're the only woman I've ever been in love with." He said pulling her closer.
"Some way you've got to show it." She scoffed pulling her arm away. "Alright I agree Sam was in the wrong but you don't get to put the blame on him completely. You took the easy way out."
"The fuck is that supposed to mean?" Dean asked, his face contorted in anger.
"Oh please, don't be so naive now." She gritted her teeth. "You're acting like you didn't have a choice."
"I didn't..- " Dean started but she interrupted him.
"You were Michael's vessel Dean, you were destined to be a part of that war. You fought tooth and nail, you told the literal angels to shove it up their ass, that you'd never say yes. YOU FOUGHT DESTINY AND YOU'RE SAYING YOU DIDN’T HAVE A CHOICE?" She yelled having enough of his excuses.
Dean knew she was right. There was nothing she said that wasn't true. But he had been scared. Whoever he gets close to gets hurt. He never wanted any of this to happen. If only he had manned up and told everyone how he felt, alot this could've been avoided.
Y/n felt betrayed. Not only by Dean but Sam as well. All her life the only people she considered her family, betrayed her in every way possible. She wondered has she been naive or they were just too good at using people? If Dean loved her as much as he said he did, then why didn't he stay. Heavy footsteps and loud cries filled y/n's ears.
"Y/n, she woke up and started crying." Ben said carrying little Adeline to her mother.
"Thank you for looking after her, sweetheart." She said wiping her tears and taking her baby into her arms. Adeline stopped crying once she was in her mother's arms.
"Are you okay?" Ben asked, oblivious to the tension in the room, standing beside his mother.
"I'm okay." She replied. "Just realised I spent my whole life loving and caring for the Winchesters only to be betrayed by them." She whispered lowly that only the adults could comprehend. She held Adeline up and looked at her face. "I'll have to wait for yours too, it's only a matter of time you do. After all you're a Winchester too." She smiled sadly, breaking Sam and Dean's heart along with her own.
@spnfamily-j2 @galway-girlatwork @deangirl96 @queensilber
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radiance1 · 8 months
So, I have thought about something funny regarding my lil phoenix king Vlad au.
Is that he genuinely, just doesn't want to king.
He did at first, but after being the king of phoenixes for a prolonged time he, well. He hates it to be frank. They're stuck in their old way, old ways that make quite hard for Vlad to do frankly anything really, and they keep snubbing him for doing human things when he's something as glorious as a phoenix.
And they kept inviting themselves in unannounced at the most terrible of times to take with him, which has left Vlad a lacking of sleeping as well.
So Vlad uh, well.
He ran.
He just decided that he deserved a break from all of this, so he shrunk down to bird size (still relatively large for a bird), carefully contained his magical aura and then flew to what he was sure would be a great idea.
Daniel Fenton.
The boy himself did not seem all that amused by his appearance, amused at his reasoning but not all that when he was asked to hide him for an undetermined amount of time.
Dan? Currently still getting his feet under him after being turned into a Raiju (And nobody decided to inform him that the clone he was going to liquidize was the current vessel of a world destroying fusion of him and Daniel until he found out himself).
Danielle? Currently somewhere out in the goddamn sea and, well. Fire elemental, water elemental, mass amounts of water?
You can already see how that would go down.
And what about that man he caught Vlad in bed with a few months ago? They already knew about him, and he's currently indisposed at the moment with some magical shenanigan or scamming someone probably.
Point is, Danny has to hide Vlad from the phoenix council and their very terrible way of doing things and since Danny was a dragon, he would be the last those dull feathers would check.
Luckily, Danny agreed. So long as he didn't blow his cover as a non-human to the new family he found himself with.
The Wayne family.
Yea, they were a bunch of rich guys and maybe emotionally constipated but Danny likes what he's got going on here. They don't have any secret basements or labs, helpful to Gotham city itself and they're just totally normal people!
Emotional constipation notwithstanding.
Vlad agrees, he scratches Danny's back and Danny scratched his.
Vlad kept to Danny's room for the first few days, and would've kept to said room until he was forced out by Damian Wayne, who quite frankly scared him. The creepy boy was literally watching him sleep and he suddenly decided that Daniel's room isn't all that safe anymore.
The Wayne Mansion is big, so there should be at least one place Vlad could hide.
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hollandorks · 9 months
battinson! bruce wayne x f! reader
chapter fourteen
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Summary: After the sudden deaths of her mother and grandmother, y/n is forced to return home to Gotham…and to the man who broke her heart three years ago. Back in Bruce Wayne’s inescapable orbit, she vows to get to the bottom of her former best friend’s new cold personality. But Bruce’s secrets aren’t what she’s expecting.
a/n: I'm back to posting semi-regularly, yay! Not sure when the next chapter will be finished because of the holidays but hopefully it'll be within the next week or so! This one is a little on the shorter side, but the next several will be longer I think! (Since I haven't actually written them--but I have plans and they're lengthy.)
Series Masterlist
word count: 2k
“Oh man,” Martinez groaned as his eyes flicked from Alfred, to her, to the picture, and back again. He gulped audibly. Next to him, Blake the security guard was white as a sheet. “Gordon’s gonna kill me.”
“Gordon’s gonna kill me,” Martinez said for the twentieth time as y/n poured him a cup of coffee to replace the one that was currently still on the foyer floor. “I was supposed to be the one paying attention. I was the one he trusted.” Which, he informed  her after maybe the fourth “Gordon’s gonna kill me,” that meant he was Gordon’s most trusted on her security team. He was one who was secretly supposed to make sure no one else was compromised. 
“Martinez,” y/n said for the nineteenth time. “No he isn’t. You were doing your job. You already said you didn’t leave, or fall asleep, or take a call. In fact, you did your job so well you ignored my offer of coffee.” She held out the new mug. 
Martinez was still nervously mangling the hat of his uniform. He was completely ignoring her reassurances. He went still after a second, then turned eyes that were twice as frightened to her. “Man, Mr. Wayne’s gonna be so mad too, isn’t he? This is his house.” 
Y/n narrowed her eyes. “I’ll handle Bruce. And besides–Alfred’s more in charge than he is, and he already agreed it wasn’t your fault.” Alfred had met Gordon downstairs a few minutes earlier. The elevator and entire lobby had been turned into a crime scene. Martinez and y/n were waiting to give their statements. 
Easing Martinez’s fears was much easier than facing her own. It was easy to focus on him and nothing else. Because in the short half hour since she’d first found the picture, each bit of new information was worse than the last. No one on the security detail had been harmed, bribed, or had even moved. The security cameras had been turned off for only ten minutes. Which all meant that someone had enough access to Wayne Tower and its security to get past everything extra that had been set up. 
They wanted her to know that they could get to her. 
And they were drawing it out. Instead of grabbing her, they were making her wait. Making her scared.
Y/n focused again on the nervous cop in front of her, who was still bemoaning the fact that everyone was going to be mad at him. 
“If you don’t stop, I’m going to be mad at you,” she snapped. There was a headache blooming between her eyes. 
Martinez quieted, looking like a kicked puppy with a mustache. “Jesus, I’m so sorry, y/n. If I can make it up to you at all–” 
“Just drink your coffee, okay? No one blames you.” Y/n took a sip of her coffee. Her hands were still shaking, and some of the liquid spilled over as she set the cup back down. Damn, she was wasting a lot of coffee in one night. 
She startled when a warm hand landed atop hers. She looked up and met Martinez’s soft gaze. He didn’t say anything else, but his presence was enough to steady her. 
“I’m so glad they didn’t shoot you,” she said after a moment. 
They shared a grin. “Hell, me too.” 
An awareness prickled along y/n’s spine.
She looked up, and there was Bruce. 
His hair was stuck to his forehead and his shirt was on inside out. Her stomach swooped. There really only seemed to be one possibility from those two clues, plus the fact that he hadn’t been home. 
Jealousy and shame spread like hot oil through her stomach. 
Bruce looked…angry. His eyes were twin blue flames where they stayed locked on Martinez’s hand atop hers. 
Martinez scrambled to his feet as if the king of fucking England had just walked in. More coffee spilled as he bumped the table. Y/n half expected him to bow for Bruce. She rolled her eyes. 
“Mr. Wayne! I’m so sorry, I swear I was paying attention, I–” 
Bruce’s eyes went cold. “And you are?” 
“Officer Martinez, we actually met back–” 
Y/n’s eyes narrowed. It was her turn to jump to her feet. “What the fuck is wrong with you?” she said to Bruce.  
Martinez flinched. Bruce calmly glanced her way then went back to glaring at Martinez. 
“When the security of my home has been compromised due to incompetence–” Bruce said, still calm despite the obvious fury in his eyes. 
Y/n cut him off. “Oh shut up. Stop talking to him like that. It wasn’t his fault!” 
Bruce’s eyes flashed. “Well, it was certainly someone’s.” 
“Maybe it was yours, then.” The words rose within her on a tide of anger. God, her life had been threatened again, and he had the nerve to come home from fucking his girlfriend and act like a dick to her friend? “I mean, you’ve been letting the rest of the tower go to shit for years, makes sense that maybe security is a little lax. Especially if you don’t even give enough of a shit to ever be here.” 
They were almost toe to toe now, both breathing heavily. From the corner of her eye, she saw Martinez freeze in place, mouth open in shock. 
“I give too much of a shit, y/n. If your little boyfriend hadn’t been distracted–” 
Oh, y/n thought. Bruce thought Martinez was her boyfriend. And okay, maybe it looked like that, but Martinez actually had a great girlfriend who was in a group chat with them where they all sent memes to each other. She and Martinez wanted to set up a double date with her cousin and y/n.
The realization made the anger ebb, but then she was pissed off all over again. 
“What gives you the right to act like this?” she spat at Bruce. He was so much taller than her that her neck was starting to ache from glaring up at him. “After what you did, after what you said, you’re acting like you have any right to one, be involved in my personal life at all or two, be jealous!” 
Bruce flinched. Just like the first time it had happened two days ago, it didn’t feel as good as she thought it would. 
“Um,” Martinez said in the echoing silence. “We’re actually just friends and I–I’m going to go give my statement now?” 
Y/n barely noticed him leaving. 
She was so sick of being so afraid, so heartbroken, so…everything. 
“You’re going to apologize to him whether he’s just my friend or not,” she said, poking Bruce in the chest. He winced and tried to mask it by looking away. “I already told you, Bruce. I lost you three years ago. Stop acting like that didn’t fucking happen, because it did.” 
Bruce’s hands were clenched into fists at his sides. Now he wasn’t looking her in the eye at all. “I didn’t mean–” 
“Oh, shut the fuck up, yes you did.” But the words were bereft of the anger that had been present only moments before. She took a deep breath and a step backwards. “I’m just–sick of pretending things are the same, okay? I know you want to go all protective-best-friend thinking Martinez is my boyfriend or that he put me in danger but–I can’t just–Things aren’t–” Suddenly words were failing her. “It’s just not the same, okay?” 
She watched as Bruce softened, too. “Y/n, I’m sorry, I–” 
“Why did Martinez just run out of here like a bomb went off?” Gordon’s voice cut across whatever Bruce had been about to say. 
“Mommy and Daddy were fighting,” y/n said drily, her defense mechanism of humor kicking in. Bruce made a choking noise. “Find anything useful? Like maybe Frank Gallo?”
She could almost hear Gordon’s teeth grinding from across the room. “No.” 
“Bruce,” Alfred said from behind Gordon. “We have some things to discuss.” 
Bruce gave her one last glance before following Alfred out. 
Alone with Gordon now, y/n sank into her chair with a long sigh. She stared at the little coffee spills as if they had personally offended her. “If I spill any more coffee tonight I might kill someone.” 
“Now that would be a sight. Looked like you were about to do Mr. Wayne in already.” Gordon chuckled and took the seat across from her. He flipped open a small notebook. 
“I’m still not opposed to smothering him in his sleep,” she muttered. “Arrest me if you have to.” 
“How about I get your statement instead?” 
It didn’t take long. She was basically a pro at giving statements to the police at this point. When she was done, she said, “I’m so…tired of giving statements to the police.” 
Gordon regarded her with sharp eyes that didn’t miss anything. “We’re doing everything we can, y/n,” he said softly. 
“I know, I know. It’s just–getting shot at was scary and all, but this is my home.” Her voice cracked. She ducked her head and fiddled with her coffee mug so Gordon wouldn’t see the tears in her eyes. “They’re telling me they can get to me here, too. Where I’m supposed to be safe.”
“I understand completely. We’ll get him. We’ll get them. I have a feeling he might show up on our doorstep sooner rather than later, with something bat-shaped pinned to him and a couple of black eyes and broken bones.” Gordon smirked. Y/n frowned as she realized she hadn’t seen Batman at all. Had he been downstairs? Maybe Bruce hadn’t wanted him to come upstairs. Her frown deepened. “Now, you’re going to have to help me convince Officer Martinez not to sleep in the elevator tonight. Or right outside your door. He’s pretty upset.” 
“I’m surprised he still wants to hang around, considering how much of a dick Bruce was,” y/n said under her breath. “But I’ll do my best.” 
Martinez took a lot of convincing, but eventually relented and went home to his girlfriend. He made y/n put a chair under her bedroom door handle first, though.
Bruce hadn’t reappeared by the time y/n went to bed. 
She laid down, the words of their argument–or whatever the hell that had been–replaying on a loop. Being around him made her feelings go haywire. She couldn’t remember the last time she’d been so angry at him. The heartbreak of three years ago had taken over her life and she had to admit that the anger felt…almost good. Cathartic. But it also made her feel out of control. She didn’t feel like herself. Being mad at Bruce went against years of instincts. She was used to defending him, or him defending her, to being on the same team together.
She was still wide awake as dawn broke over the sky hours later. 
Another thought kept turning over and over in her mind. Frank Gallo–or someone he had hired–had gotten into her home. Her very, very secure home. 
She had been afraid before, but it was nothing like this. Her safe haven had been…sullied. They knew who she was, where she lived, and had basically said right to her face that not even Bruce Wayne’s money and power could keep her safe. 
Added all together, y/n’s mind simply would not shut off in order for her to sleep.
It occurred to her again that she hadn’t seen Batman at all–had Gordon updated him on what happened? Because he had been in that photo, too. He had kept her alive, which she was certain had pissed off the Gallos. Was he a target? Maybe the picture of them together was a threat to both of them, but only given to her since they knew where she lived. 
When she rolled over, her eyes caught on all of her research piled on the opposite side of the bed. Her eyes snagged on those three words: white knight syndrome. 
She bet she had her answer about any possible feelings he might have. Even if he had shown up, he hadn’t tried to contact her, to see her, nothing. He was probably sick of having to keep her alive. He was probably leaving it up to Gordon and the police department now. 
Despite everyone who was trying hard to keep her alive, y/n felt utterly alone. 
Next Chapter
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mrsnancywheeler · 9 months
the lakes (7) // finnick odair x f. reader
summary: it's supposed to be over, you and Finnick are supposed to spend the rest of your lives helping each other heal. living as peacefully as possible, but the the third quarter quell throws a wrench in your domestic bliss.
previous / next
midnight rain
2.7k words
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warnings: angst, fluff, manipulation of someone's feelings, self-doubt, reader being sure she'll die, mental illness, allusions to violence/death, banter, this ones kind of short and sweet before the interviews and games start, terms of endearment, no use of Y/N, UNEDITED, reader likes peaches
“They've been evaluating every moment in training, but this is the big moment. Show them much you've improved, how far you've come. Since you've decided not to ally with the Careers and haven't been falling under the radar, you both need to prove how much of a threat you are as a group." This was life-saving information for your Games persona, but Finnick's honey voice filled your senses.
“As an individual threat they'd want to target you sooner, but as a group you're more of a challenge.” Ondine took a drink of the shimmery blue liquid in her glass, it looked so unnatural and the sour yet sweet smell filled your nostrils from far away.
"So let's hope your District 7 friends get the memo.” Finnick’s snide remark infuriated Conway who was always being irked by his advice.
“They will, they're impressive." He said it so shortly the tension between them would be obvious to anyone.
“Hopefully the gamemakers agree." Finnick was ever smiling, taking a bite of a peach. He grabbed another one and as if he forgot himself tried offering it to you.
“No I'm okay, thanks." You shook your head and your eyes bore what you up was a very stern, what the hell to him. Maybe it would seem normal to most people, but everything seemed too risky.
“Suit yourself." Finnick tilted his head and offered it to Conway as well. He seemed unbothered, but you could tell he got the message. You looked at the fruit, your favorite. Hopefully it seemed like Finnick was just being kind to the both of you and Conway didn't recall that peaches happened to be your choice of fruit. It did make your heart flutter a little though, knowing that Finnick did.
Conway shook his head curtly. You began tapping your foot anxiously, everything was too awkward. Taking a sip of water to try and quench the dryness in your throat.
“You really both should eat, in a couple of days there could be nothing." Ondine advised, and Finnick’s hand was suddenly offering the peach back to you. His smile was so knowing and you took a second before accepting it.
“Thank you." You muttered before taking a bite, it was delicious and eating something made your anxieties less prevalent. The way Conway was looking at you made you feel like you had to defend this decision, “Their right, we need to preserve our strength and it's breakfast, the most important meal of the day." You tried to keep your tone light, airy, and carefree to cover for the internal gnawing at being found out. Messing with your hair as you averted your eyes from his to take another bite.
"Right.” Conway said gruffly and moved his head in disbelief before he started taking bites of the eggs on his plate. Suddenly you were scared, he was upset, you hadn't taken his side even if it was simply being defiant about allies and eating something else. Regardless of your tactics you still had free will and you hated being malleable to whatever he thought just so he would think you loved him, but when you didn't would that be another tick that would make him kill you quicker in the arena.
No, you were talented, well liked. He couldn't kill you without your allies turning against him too if he did it too early on. At least that's what you were trying to tell yourself as you foot kept tapping, robotically taking bites of the fruit. Glancing up for a moment, your eyes met Finnick’s, he was mouthing something at you. Probably you are okay but your mind was too preoccupied to grasp in the moment to analyze. He tilted his head downwards and tapped his fingers on the table. Shit, you thought as you instantly stopped your foot from its continual tapping. That would be an easy tell, for Conway to know you were upset now, which was a threat, and in the arena.
Conway had been looking between you too and seen the whole interaction, at least that's what you assumed when he began talking. “Hey, are you okay?" His voice oozed with genuine care that angered you further, how could he say that, but also put you in this position? No, you put yourself in this position.
“Just nervous about today, you know, making an impression." You tried to cover for yourself. His hand grabbed yours, it was just as cold as yours.
"Don't be, you're going to do great.” Conway tried to assure you, brown eyes trying to be comforting, but they weren't when your own were on pins and needles trying to sell a version of yourself that wasn't true.
You forced your muscles to relax at his touch, "Thank you.”
"We should be on our way.” Finnick abruptly interrupted the moment, chair squeaking on the floor. Ondine nodded in agreement as she stood and Conway reluctantly let go of your hand as you both followed. Leaving the peach on the table as you walked out behind Conway.
Soon enough you were both sitting in the cold, metallic room waiting for your names to be called. Thankfully you weren't from a lower numbered district so the anxious waiting didn't have to last for long. Mostly though, Conway’s hand was sitting on you knew and you were painfully aware of it, trying not to act bothered. It was uncomfortable, but you had to put yourself at ease, even putting your hand on top of his. Then your name echoed through the room, it almost brought some sick kind of relief knowing you wouldn't have to keep faking the chemistry for a few moments.
His hand squeezed your leg before he released it and you stood up, “You've got this." He encouraged you, smiling so sweetly a rational girl would be swimming in joy for it.
“You too." You smiled back before walking out of the room. Into the predatory eyes of the gamemakers. They hadn't been there long enough to be bored yet, so their attention was still laser-focused when you entered.
Charm, you still needed the charm. You hoped your aura was radiating the confidence you were pretending to have as you smiled up at the group observing you. “The floor is yours to show any talent of your choice." A voice rang out. You nodded, eyes searching for where the knives and targets would be.
Breathing heavily as you approached them, willing your body to do what it always has not to freeze up or slip. Thankfully it listened as you picked up one of the knives, lightly tossing it in the air before catching it. Reassuring you that your instincts knew exactly what they were doing as you began throwing them into the targets. Brain focused on extreme precision, this could make or break you, force you to rely on an outgoing persona rather than being a double threat. Before you knew it each knife was gone from where they previously lay.
“Thank you." Another voice pierced through the air as you turned to face the raised area where they all sat, drinking their various beverages.
“Thank you." You emphasized before making your exit, hoping a few words and your talents with knife throwing was enough. Doubting that it was as you exited to the hall where Finnick and Ondine would be waiting.
“How'd you do?" Finnick’s voice led you straight towards their direction.
You shrugged,"I don't know if it was enough.”
"So you did great.” He clicked his tongue at your self-doubt before stepping closer. “I'm sorry about earlier, I wasn't thinking." He whispered, you didn't care anymore not when his presence made the butterflies in your stomach explode.
“It's fine, I'm not sure he's buying it anyways." You leaned up against the wall, exhausted from the constant mind games and how on edge you were.
“He is." Finnick tried to assure you, “He'll probably allude to it during the interviews, which we'll start preparing for, and the sponsors will eat it up.”
"Okay, I trust you.” You whispered and you could have sworn you saw his heart breaking, no matter how hard you played of course your death was most likely inevitable.
Then Conway was done and you were all headed back to your floor, to impatiently await results. Laying on the couch, his arm draped around you. Oh how you longed for it to be Finnick's instead, who was sitting nearby, arms lazily resting on the top of it.
You held your breath as your face appeared on the screen, Conway hand tried to soothingly rub your shoulder. “With a score of 10." You exhaled gratefully.
“Told you!" Conway said excitedly, he was like a puppy dog. You couldn't help but move your eyes to Finnick who looked so proud of you it made you want to crawl into his arms right then. “From District 4, Conway Angler with a score of 10.”
"Good job!” You cheered on, hugging him. Before he had pulled you in for a kiss, your heart screamed to pull away, but your brain refused to until he did. His face was ecstatic when he finally removed his lips from yours, which were cold. It was jarring for two pairs of cold lips to try and mesh together. Soon enough it was announced that both of your district 7 allies had scored just as well, Birch with an 11 and Marlowe a 10.
“Good." Ondine sighed in relief, “Takes away the individual targets that could be on your backs."
By then you forced yourself to be snuggled into Conway's side, which would have been relaxing if you couldn't feel Finnick's eyes burning into you. A heat you craved. Thankfully the time to head to bed had soon approached.
“You both need rest, we'll prepare for your interview plans tomorrow, separately." Finnick announced, you noticed the look Ondine shot at him as if he'd gone over he head.
“Why separately?" Conway inquired as he got up from the comfy couch cushions.
“Even if you're marketed as a team, you need individual strategies." Finnick crossed his arms, “Just looking out for you both."
“Sure." Conway said, voice full of distrust. “I'll walk you to your room?" He offered as you stood up. Voice hopeful, a ploy to be let in. It would be so helpful, but you didn't want to be on edge when it was time to rest, to be worried you would mumble Finnick's name in your sleep.
“I'm alright, thank you." His eyes fell even if he didn't try to seem off put by this refusal. “I'm exhausted, not going to be much talking out of me.”
"Well that's alright, I don't mind.” Conway tried to reason, still hopeful for something, anything.
"Just get some sleep.” Ondine advised and you silently thanked her as Conway gave a small eye roll.
"Yeah, whatever, goodnight.” His smile was small and quick. So you grabbed his arm to give him a small peck on the cheek.
"Goodnight.” You looked at him slyly, smiling and could see the light in his eyes returning as he beamed. He stalked off to his room and you took small steps until he was around the corner and you were whipping around, seeing Ondine was gone too.
“Are you really exhausted?" Finnick asked, standing.
“Just emotionally."
“Do you need anything?" He asked, stepping forward. His eyes were desperate to help even if you could sense a twinge of jealousy in them that you felt guilty for.
“To be with you." Your smile was finally real, natural and it felt refreshing.
“Oh, come here, sweet girl."
"I'm sure she'll come around, Finnick, once she realizes you're genuinely kind on top of that insufferable ego.” You were sitting in between his legs as you laid on the couch, head on his stomach. Head rising with every breath he took, the sound of his heartbeat helping you relax. He was so effortlessly comforting.
Finnick scoffed, “I'm so good to you and saying stuff like that is how you repay me." He tutted as his fingers messed with strands of your hair.
“No one said married life was easy.” You sighed. Subconsciously your fingers danced on his leg, you could lay like this forever.
“Well I know that, I'm married to you, angel." He chuckled and you swatted his leg.
“Rude!" Tilting your head so he would be sure to see the glare you were sending his way and the pout adorning your face.
“No one said married life was easy." He repeated, smirking down at you with a mischievous glint in his eye. “Don't worry, I love how difficult you can be when you're not being a perfect, caring angel."
You crossed your arms, huffing playfully, "I'm not difficult.”
He nodded, "And I'm not Finnick Odair.”
“You're the difficult one." You insisted with a shake of your head.
“Oh I am?" He smiled, fingertips brushing the side of your face.
“Well how so, my love, I wouldn't want to be difficult for you.”
"Number one, you're an ass, two,you're full of yourself, three, your bossy, and four, you keep telling your poor wife how difficult she is and it's only been a few days.” You removed yourself from where you slotted between his legs to face him and lay on his chest instead. Laying your chin down so you could look right back in his sea-green eyes.
"Good thing that my poor wife has been difficult long before we married, so it didn't hit me recently and I was well prepared.” You sighed dramatically at his insistence, laying your head down sideways to stare at the couch cushion.
“I'm not difficult." You reiterated, the warmth of his chest was like a blanket and it tired you even if you had to stay awake longer.
“Whatever you say, angel." The television in front of you started blaring, assaulting your ears as you turned your head towards it. Ceaser Flickerman appeared to announce the tribute scores that you couldn't care less about, you knew these people and the sponsors already knew you. Before you knew it it was your name once again, hitting you with intense deja vu of when you'd last been on the couch, in another boy’s arms, waiting for the same words. At least this boy, your Finnick, you could trust, there was no constant turning in your stomach about being found out.
“With a score of 10." Even more deja vu, Finnick's fingers traced up your spine.
“That's my girl." He whispered and if you could you would've sunk deeper into his chest, let yourself be consumed by him until you were one.
“District 4, Finnick Odair, with a score of 11."
"That's my husband!” You cheered quietly, wanting to just rest right here.
When Peeta and Katniss’ 12’s were announced Finnick shook his head,"They're trying to put targets on their backs.” He muttered bitterly as the broadcast ended. “We have to make sure they're with us, less likely to be attacked as a group early on in the games.” Thinking about the rapidly approaching date where you'd be back in the arena, protecting Katniss, trying to end it all, and waiting to die made your heart stop. It was cruel that you couldn't just be one with Finnick forever, that you'd probably die in the arena.
He felt the change in the rhythm of your heart, “It's gonna be okay, angel, we're gonna stick together and get out of this. Trust me."
“I do trust you." You whispered. It was yourself who you didn't trust. “I just wish I didn't have to savor every moment of peace with you before we’re back."
“You don't have to savor it, we're going to get out of there together." Finnick's honey voice was so reassuring even if your brain said not to listen. Someone had to die and you'd rather it be you, it didn't seem possible to live in a world without Finnick. But you nodded anyways, he didn't need to know about your internal monologue and then dedicate his time trying to convince you that wouldn't happen. You knew in your soul there was no way you were getting out of these games with him, no matter how badly you wanted to.
taglist: @imaegonstargaryenswife0 @avoxrising @artsyaquarium @jennaaaaaaaaaaaa @secretsicanthideanymore @darlingsoulbeautfulthoughts @thatonegayloser616 @kybermp3 @meri-soni-meri-tamanna @ravensinthedaylight @innercreationflower @uhnanix @aesthetic0cherryblossom @yourdailymemedelivery
thank you for reading! this one's kind of calm before I start tearing into those interviews and the games begin because I needed some softness. thank you all sm for the support you've showed me, it's really helped encourage me to keep writing! if you enjoyed feedback is always appreciated, likes, comments, reblogs and my inbox is always open for questions or thoughts which I love because I think about this all the time. love you all 💋
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elfwitchtrickster · 2 months
A trickster’s pranks - Loki fluff oneshot
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Summary: Y/N is known for being a prankster and Loki is the most notorious trickster of all time. Only chaos can ensue when these two team up
Tony let out a large yawn as he picked up the empty kettle. The other avengers were all seated in the living room, talking or watching tv. Loki was quietly reading his book, next to Wanda who was showing Peter some small, non-lethal magic tricks. "Whoaaa" Peter laughed in the background, as Stark rubbed his eyes blearily. As he turned on the tap the kettle filled, not with water but a dark red liquid and Tony yelled loudly, almost dropping the kettle.
"What is it?" The others questioned before he turned around and set the kettle on the countertop for everyone to see, the ghastly sight was met with gasps of shock. "Who would? How could this have-" "This must be a message from our enemies" Tony said, staring into the sloshing liquid. "And if they've managed to do this, that means they're inside the building, all barricades up an-" Before he could continue he heard a muffled laughing coming from behind one of the large pillars.
As he rounded it, he discovered his intern Y/N with her hand clasped over her mouth in effort to contain her giggles. "Y/N" he said sternly, as if he were talking to a puppy that had ruined the furniture. "Did you do this?" He asked gesturing towards the kettle upon the countertop. "Maybe" she said with a wide grin and another laugh. All the avengers groaned and sat back down, shaking their heads as Y/N rolled around on the floor in laughter.
Some of the others like Peter and Thor also joined in her laughter, along with Loki, surprisingly. " I swear to god, this is worse than when reindeer games turned my coffee into snakes" he said glaring at the god of mischief who only smirked in response. "One day, one of your pranks is gonna get you killed you know" Clint said with a small smile. "That's the fun of it!" Y/N replied.
She played many a practical joke on the avengers throughout the next few months. Her escapades included scaring Natasha, which ended with a dagger to her neck, hiding Clint's arrows throughout the compound and feeding Thor an ice cream sandwich that had been replaced with toothpaste instead of ice cream. All of these were found enjoyable by the rest of the team, but none more so than Loki whose eyes lit up every time there was a scream or yell of frustration from one of Y/N's antics. As a result he began talking to the intern more often, frequently requesting drinks or books in an effort to talk to her. They became fast friends, engaging in conversations about their favourite books or the best pranks they had played on their friends.
To the heroes' horror the two began collaborating in their pranks, combining Y/N's knowledge of the others and Loki's production value. Together they almost burned down the compound a total of 3 times in a month, but no matter how many tricks they played, the others never seemed to expect it.
"So it'll burst when Steve walks under it?" Y/N whispered to Loki as they hid behind a wall near the gym. "Yes, it's enchanted so it will sense him just before he enters, which should give the paint enough time to fall" he murmured back. They waited giddily, for their target to arrive, Steve visited the gym at 6 am every morning and that's exactly where they were, 2 minutes before he was due to arrive.
Y/N fumbled with her camera a bit before finding the perfect angle to capture Steve, ever since she and Loki had started cranking people together, they had filmed each and every one of their tricks, as a trophy of their achievements. Right on cue, the super soldier sauntered toward the gym's entrance. It was silent for all but his footsteps before "SPLAT". Steve whirled around in confusion, green and yellow paint flying all around him. He shook his hands and yelled "LOKIIIII! Y/NNNNNN!" In frustration. The pair in question were silently giggling from their hidden viewpoint, quietly high fiving each other.
However when Steve ran back to where he had came from and caught sight of the tricksters they had no choice but to run. Skidding and slipping through the hallways, Loki revelled in the sound of her laugh. After a few minutes he found a small laundry cupboard to hide in. He grabbed Y/N by the sleeve and dragged inside, shutting the door just before Steve could see them.
Each held their breath as they listened for the super soldier's footsteps with mischievous grins. As Loki looked down at his partner in crime he noticed just how close they were, pushed together by the cramped closet. In the dim light he could still admire her playful smile and he noticed how her eyes sparkled as she peeked through the slats of the door.
A warm sensation spread through his chest and he found himself leaning towards her. It was as if some invisible force was pulling the god of mischief towards her. But Y/N turned to face him, Loki abruptly came to a stop. He played it off as fidgeting in the tight cupboard and Y/N believed him.
They carefully exited their hiding spot looking for any sign of the Captain. As she made her way back to the living room a smile grew on his face. Oh dear Asgard, what was he to do with these feelings, he asked himself. But somehow he couldn't manage to be worried, about being in love with someone to wonderful.
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nextikeu · 9 months
call you? — 이희승
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synopsis. your behavior is what makes heeseung fall in love with you.
pairing. nonidol ! hee x fem ! reader
warnings. angst ?, fluff, profanity, usage of cigarettes, mentions of alcohol
word count. 0.7k (706 words)
ever since highschool ended, your classmates practically begged you to have dinner with them or even show up at reunions. but each time you had the same excuse “sorry, i'm busy, maybe next time.” eventually, that ‘next time’ did come, and there you were, entering the small restaurant while your old friends cheered when they saw you.
you take a place across heeseung, almost at the end of the table and you catch his eyes staring at you, a puzzled expression on his face. you don't know, but heeseung has been having a crush for years and to him you were nothing but an angel. 
he loved everything about you. your hair, your eyes, the way your dimples show when you smile, or your long healthy hair that you used to push behind your ear while reading, even the sound of your voice. but his favorite thing about you was that even if you didn’t know him, you would often smile at him when you met during breaks, even if you weren't in the same class.
he was glad his friend asked him to come when he saw your figure walking to the table. 
as the night went on, you denied the shots your friends were trying to give you, since you weren't that much of a drinker. you noticed that one of your friends got drunk, maybe a bit too drunk, commenting about how girls these days get their faces done to look good.
“c'mon, you know i'm right! i mean, look at (Name), where did you get your boobs done?” , one of them says, making everyone break into laughter, except one person, heeseung.
“what did you say?”
you grab your glass of wine, throwing it on the man's shirt, the red liquid getting through the fabric. gasps filled the room and your hands reached for your bag, placing it on your shoulder.
“for someone who wears fake clothes and pretends they're real, you talk a lot.” 
to you, the scene you just made filled your body with embarrassment, your cheeks reddening. on the other hand, heeseung wanted to punch the guy's face until he was left breathless for even daring to talk to you like that, but he was too scared that you'll call him a monster for starting a fight.
once you exit the restaurant, you take a place on the bench close to the building, taking out the pack of cigarettes from your coat pocket. placing the cigarette between your lips, your hand blindy searches for the lighter. before you even reach for it, a small flame lights up your cigarette, making you look up. 
“i didn't know you smoked.”
the older male takes a place next to you, placing the lighter in his pocket, his eyes fixated on your lips. 
“i should be the one saying that” , his voice lingers in the air for a second until you speak again.
“right, my bad, mister good guy.” , he laughs at your comment, closing his eyes as he asks you if that's what people call him now. the sound of his voice made your heart beat faster, and you didn't know if your cheeks were red from the cold or because of him.
throwing the rest of the cigarette on the ground, you place your scarf back on your neck, and you see small snowflakes melting on the ground, soon enough realizing it was the first snow. and you were there with him. before you left, you called his name softly.
“hm?”, he looks up at you, his deer eyes making him look even more handsome. you hand him your phone and he hurries to write his phone number, naming himself ‘the handsome bambi boy’ . he takes out his phone so you can add yourself, naming the contact ‘princess (Name)’. he smiles at you, dimple showing, and your heart melts when he takes out his mittens, handing them to you so you won't feel cold. 
before you leave, he calls your name and you turn to face him, not noticing that he is now standing in front of you, his body towering over yours.
“call me when you're cold, princess.” 
“i will, bambi boy"
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ghostieagere · 11 months
Lil idea;
Phantom wakes up from nightmares on tour, and goes small because he's scared. He got stuck rooming with Dew though who still isn't too keen on the new ghoul yet
Does Phantom wake him up for comfort? Does Dew let him come have a cuddle? How does Dew react to the other being small?
No pressure to fulfill if you don't want 🫶
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oooh i love this idea, anons !! hopefully this is what you were hoping for <3 oh, and i've used the name phantom since that's what was in your requests :D (this one didn't quite turn out how i was expecting, but i hope it's still okay !!)
cw: nightmare, brief mention of (imagined) blood, some wonky descriptions of what's actually happening because of reality confusion, hot chocolate fixes everything, they/them phantom
Phantom doesn't really know what's going on. Everything about their movements feels almost soupy, as if they're walking through jelly or wading through the water of the Abbey's lake. They can't be in the lake though. Everything's hot, too hot. It reminds them of their summoning, choking on the ash that swirled around them, catching it in their lungs until it made a home in the alveoli there and altered their breathing permanently. It's not until they hear the echo of Sister Imperator's voice through the smoke and fog swirling around them that they realise it doesn't just remind them of their summoning, it is their summoning.
Immediately, they panic. They've already lived through this, it shouldn't be happening again! Did they get sent back to Hell? Is it because they weren't good enough? Why are they being summoned again? Why would anyone summon them again if they were such a failure? Why does everything feel so fuzzy? Why can't they breathe?
The quintessence ghoul jolts awake breathing heavily, completely and utterly confused, panicking internally. Wherever they are now, it's as dark as their summoning and they still can't breath, but at least they don't feel quite so soupy anymore and the air around them doesn't seem to be filled with smoke either. It's not quite so hot either. Well, everywhere except their cheeks, that is. When they go to touch the heat searing their cheeks, their hand comes back wet. Immediately, they panic again. It's too dark to see the liquid on their fingers but it must be blood, they must be bleeding. Maybe that's why they can't see, their eyes are bleeding and stopping them from being able to see what's happening around them.
A soft snore to their right makes them whimper in fright and wrap their blanket more tightly around themselves. Someone is in the room with them. It sounds... a little bit like Dewdrop, they think. Phantom doesn't know how to feel about that.
They'd never admit it out loud, but Dewdrop is scary. He liked Aether a lot, and because Phantom's taken his place, Dewdrop doesn't really like them very much. At least, that's what Phantom thinks. They don't think it's because Dewdrop's shy like they are, so the next logical step is that he mustn't like the quintessence ghoul very much. Another snore from Dewdrop makes Phantom flinch and whine again. Every new noise they hear has them wondering if they're still in their dream—they can still feel the ash in their lungs and the heat of the fire on their face—and they want comfort from it, but they don't think they're quite brave enough to walk to Swiss' room and ask for help. Come to think of it, they don't even remember which hotel room Swiss was assigned this afternoon anyway. Even if they could, they're all staying in some kind of bed and breakfast, so the doors don't have numbers on them.
They take a shaky breath and look over at Dewdrop's sleeping form. He's facing away from Phantom but the little quintessence ghoul can see his back rising and falling slowly with every breath he takes. If Phantom wants help, they're going to have to ask Dewdrop. Going to have to call up all that bravery Swiss says they have deep inside their chest and wake Dewdrop up to ask for his help.
Phantom takes as big of a breath as they can manage to psych themselves up before they throw off their blankets—keeping one wrapped around their shoulders to keep themselves warm—and makes their way over to Dewdrop's bed on shaking, wobbly legs.
"Dewd'op. Psst, Dewd'op you godda wait up."
Dew groans and rolls over, eyes still closed, barely processing what's happening around him except for an incessant shaking of his shoulder.
"Dewd'op I– I hadded nigh'mare. Wad sca'y. You godda wait uuuuup Dewd'op!"
Slowly, Dew opens his eyes and takes in the sight before him. Phantom standing over him, a blanket wrapped around their shoulders, hair sticking up in every direction and tears running down their cheeks. Even though Dew's eyes are now open, Phantom doesn't stop shaking his shoulders or begging him to wake up.
When he sits up, Phantom gasps and tries to jump backwards but their foot catches on the blanket dragging on the floor behind them and they trip. The little quintessence ghoul lands on the floor with a thump and after a few seconds of delay, starts sobbing in earnest.
Dew immediately jumps out of bed and crouches down next to Phantom, cradling the little ghoul's head in his hands. "Baby bug, are you okay?"
Phantom hiccups and shakes their head sadly.
Dew hesitates and hopes it doesn't show on his face. He's so out of his depth here, not just with taking care of a little—in situations like this, Dew is usually the one being taken care of—but with taking care of Phantom. Dew's been doing his best to keep some level of distance between him and the quintessence ghoul this whole tour. He's been telling himself it's because he hates Aether's replacement and doesn't want anything to do with them, but deep down he knows that's not it. He knows that as soon as he spends genuine time with them, he won't be able to resist their wide-eyed charm and innocent and will end up—Sathanas forbid—caring for them. He knows this because it's exactly what happened with Aurora. "Do... Do you want to talk about it?"
The little ghoul just cries harder. "You won' un'ers'and me," they whine helplessly, wriggling their body and flapping their arms in frustration. "Bad at talkin' when 'm liddol!"
The fire ghoul rushes to shush them. "Baby bat, I can understand you perfectly, I promise. Okay?" He waits until they nod slowly, still sobbing and wriggling around as much as they can under Dew's gentle grip on them. "Now, how about we hop back up onto my bed and we talk about what happened in your dream, yeah? I'll keep you nice and toasty warm while you talk, bub. Promise. Does that sound good?"
Phantom sniffles and nods, doing their best to wipe at some of the tears in their eyes. "Da's good," they repeat shakily, holding their arms out hopefully and making a grabbing gesture in the fire ghoul's direction.
He tilts his head at them, evaluating. "You want me to help you up?"
"Uh huh. Uppies," they state simply. Well, Dew can't argue with that. He leans further towards them and lets the little quintessence ghoul to wrap their arms around his neck.
He lifts them up and walks the few steps backwards until the back of his knees hit the bed. Phantom lets out a surprised squeal and and buries their face in Dew's neck when Dew sits both of them down on the mattress by letting his knees give out under him without warning. The fire ghoul makes sure to kick his internal temperature up a notch or two now that he and Phantom are sat down as he scoots back to lean against the headboard and wraps the little quintessence ghoul's blanket more tightly around them to keep them warm.
"What was your dream about, baby bat?" He bounces the little quintessence ghoul on his knee as best as he can from how he's sat up on the bed. A small giggle bubbles up from beneath Phantom's tears.
"Uhm," they start nervously. "Gotted summ'ned... Wad hot an' fire an' didn' breev." Despite Dew's gentle stroking of their shoulder in an effort to calm them down, Phantom is beginning to hyperventilate again. "Wad sca'y, Dewd'op! So so sca'y!" They finish their statement with a terrified cry and bury their face into Dew's shoulder all over again, sobbing quietly.
Dew holds them tightly against his chest, nuzzling his cheek against the top of their head sympathetically. Their summoning was much like his own elemental transformation in a way—full of fire, ash and searing pain—so he likes to think he has at least some idea of the nightmares the little quintessence ghoul has been suffering from.
"Well," he starts, having taken note of the way Phantom had only grown more upset when talking about their nightmare, despite their insistence that it would help. "I think we need to find a nice distraction for you, hmm? What do you think about that, bug?"
The little quintessence ghoul nods slowly against Dew's chest, their breathing gradually evening out as they zone in on the sound of the fire ghoul's heartbeat through his pyjamas.
Dew smiles down at them softly in a way he knows he'll deny later on if they ask him about it and bounces them gently in his arms. "I think hot chocolate always helps with nightmares," he declares, standing up again with Phantom still tucked up in their blanket in his arms. "Should we go down to the little kitchen and make some, baby bat?"
He's already carrying them out of the door by the time the question leaves his mouth, but Phantom doesn't need to know that. Besides, their enthusiastic nodding lets Dew know that the little quintessence ghoul holds no objection to a bit of late-night comfort snacking.
He makes his way down the rickety staircase to the small kitchen area and sets Phantom down on one of the kitchen chairs as he does his best to navigate the kitchen in search of a milk frother and milk that's actually within its use-by-date. He finds fresh milk in the fridge, and although he can't locate a frother, he does manage to find a coffee machine hidden away in a cupboard with milk frothing attachments. It's not perfect, but it'll do. Especially at this hour of the night when Phantom's already almost falling back asleep in their chair.
To ensure he won't have to locate a first aid kit after a sleep related, falling out of their chair incident, Dew keeps talking as he potters about the kitchen, finding the hot chocolate powder, mugs and spoons in the unfamiliar kitchen. He'd overheard Phantom and Rain watching an episode of some kind of kids television programme, so he asks them all about that while he works. The little quintessence ghoul perks up immediately, waving their arms around in the air, blanket slipping off their shoulders as they talk excitedly about a dog called Bluey and the adventures she gets up to with her sister.
They've barely made it halfway through their jumbled-up retelling of the episode before Dew is draping their blanket back around their shivering shoulders and pressing the warm mug of hot chocolate into their hands. They gape up at him when they see the marshmallows floating in their drink.
Dew grins and presses a finger to his lips. The pack usually avoid giving sugar to Phantom when they're dropped, for no reason other than they tend to get a little hyperactive from a combination of excitement and the accompanying sugar rush. Dew doesn't mind having to deal with their high later on though. Besides, he thinks they deserve a little treat after the terrible night they've had.
He takes a seat next to them after he's sure the little quintessence ghoul is as comfy as they can be in the straight-backed wooden chair they're sitting in and wraps his hands around his own mug of hot chocolate. As soon as Dew has sat down, Phantom launches into their episode recap once again, now struggling to wrap their words around a mouthful of fluid; Dew has to remind them to swallow before they run the chance of making a sticky, hot chocolatey mess all over their comfort blanket.
At the rate the little quintessence ghoul is talking and the first signs of early morning light peeking over the tops of the curtains in the kitchen window, there's a fair chance that Phantom won't get back to sleep until well after their ritual tonight, but Dew finds himself unbothered. As long as they're contented, warm and relatively unbothered by their nightmare right now, the fire ghoul is just happy that they're happy. If they really need it later on, the two of them can curl up for a nap in the back of the tour bus, but for now, they're content to sip their hot chocolates in peace while Phantom recounts their favourite episodes of this show they're clearly obsessed with and pulls their blanket a little more tightly around their shoulders, not a trace of worry visible on their face in the slightest.
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inlovewithgreta · 5 months
Hi, i loved ur Rosa Diaz fic. can you do another with a non binary reader?
idm plot and im not good at giving requests sorry
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Liquid Courage - Rosa Diaz x Non-Binary!Reader
Summary: You decide to attend a part with your coworkers, fully expecting to just dance around and get wasted. But, things take a turn when someone finally admits their very obvious feelings for you.
Warnings: mentions of alcohol, alcohol consumption, light swearing, thigh riding, pussy eating (r receiving)
Word Count: 1.3k
Taglist: @shslbunnylover @bellatrixsbrat
© Do not copy, repost, or modify any of my works.
This was it. This was the moment. The moment that was about to change everything. Your whole life was about to change, and you were prepared for it.
You would admit that you were pretty tipsy, but your head was completely clear. You knew you wanted this. No, needed this. You craved this. You just didn't expect it to happen at a party. A party with all of your coworkers.
Your lips were dancing in complete harmony as you were tightly trapped between the door and the heated body in front of you. Rosa finally had enough of your teasing, and with a little bit of liquid courage, she finally decided it was time to take things to the next level.
Rosa finally snapped. After months of teasing words, and knowing touches, she decided it was now or never. Of course there would be a long talk afterwards, something she would normally fear, but with you it was different, and she didn't care. She knew she had fallen deeply for you, and yes it scared her, but she was not about to let someone else take what she wanted.
Her mouth left yours after you both were in need of air, but it never left your body. Instead, it kissed a trail along your jawline. Hungrily.
"Rosa..." you mewled, your neck now being her main focus. "They're going to notice we're gone." You truly didn't care if they noticed, but Rosa was different. Your coworkers will go rabid if they find out about the two of you, and Rosa wasn't one to talk about her personal life. And now, you've reached a point with her where there was no turning back.
"Don't care," she mumbled into your neck that she was now leaving marks on wherever she pleased.
"What if they find out about us?"
"Let them."
"But—" You were cut off with a gasp when her teeth suddenly nipped at your earlobe.
"I'll take care of it," she reassured you. "But first let me take care of you, hmm? You think I haven't noticed how hot and bothered you've been all night?" She shifted her leg between yours, allowing her to press herself against your core.
"Was it that obvious?" You chuckled, throwing your head back against the door while she continued her work along your neck.
"Oh... it was very obvious. You squirmed and blushed like a schoolgirl with just the smallest touch from me. It's quite flattering." She pressed her lips against yours once more, this time more passionately. Your hips bucked against her thigh, the friction making you audibly moan into her mouth.
"Rosa, please..." you whined, when her hand cupped at your clothed breast and gave it a squeeze.
She left your neck after planting a few kisses to your now hickey-covered skin. "Please what, mi amor? What do you need?" She had a knowing smirk on her face as she fondled you.
Mi amor... that new nickname spilling from her lips had you dripping down your thighs.
"You know what I need...I need you," you admitted, fingers waving through her tight dark curls cascading down the back of her head.
"Where?" She teased again, her soft thumb swiping at your now smudged lipstick.
"Get on your knees and find out," you teased, the alcohol truly making you more courageous than ever.
Rosa bit her bottom lip, slowly sinking lower and lower until she was perfectly kneeled between your legs. "My, my, you're completely soaked. All this for me?" Her warm hands took hold of your panties, guiding the ruined fabric down your legs.
You looked down at Rosa, nodding your head with the most hottest 'fuck me' eyes she had ever seen before, not wasting anymore precious time before shoving her face between your thighs to lick a strip up your puffy folds.
You were too attached to her heavenly eyes to notice she had stuffed your thong in her bra to not only free up both hands, but to relish in the fact that you would have to come back to her to get them back once you realized she had taken them hostage.
Rosa savored every taste of you, lapping and sucking along your pussy like her life depended on it, meanwhile you were voiceless, inaudible as your fingers pulled at the dark coils of her hair.
She hummed when the grip you held on her hair tightened, sending a wave of vibrations straight to your core that made your head go even fuzzier than it already was.
It was the best head you've ever received, and now you were addicted. Addicted to the fingers holding your legs open, leaving crescent shaped marks from her nails. Addicted to the tongue that lavished you.
Your head fell back against the door, causing a sudden loud thud to turn people's attention towards the locked door that you were currently leaning on as you were getting eaten out.
"Fuck, Rosa!" You finally choked out, "I- I'm gonna—" You cut yourself off with a sudden moan, thighs squeezing around Rosa's head.
"Come for me," Her words were muffled, but you heard her loud and clear, holding onto her curly hair for support while the other clawed at the door behind you.
Rosa sucked your bud, her mouth finally giving attention to your most sensitive spot, sending you into a complete spiral. Your juices covered her chin, dripping down her neck, and into the valley between her breasts that were pushed up and heavily exposed from the deep v-neck dress she was wearing.
The ravenette hummed in approval, the taste of your exotic release instantly becoming her new favorite thing. Her ministrations grew softer, patiently waiting for you to come down from your high, while also cleaning you up in the process.
She knew when to back away when you muttered a few "okay's" and gently released the strong hold on her head that your thighs previously held. Rosa licked a strip up your thigh, but the two of you were quickly pulled out of your euphoric moment when a few rapid knocks to the door brought you both back to reality that you weren't alone.
Rosa's head quickly snapped up, face flushed from the sudden urgency to clean the two of you up and get out of there. "Don't move," she ordered, pulling herself up and washing herself off at the sink, before digging through drawers to find a clean washcloth for you.
"I couldn't even if I wanted to," you giggled, still on a high after your climax. Rosa smiled and shook her head, damping the cloth with warm water before returning back to you.
"Who's in there? Can you hurry up, I have to pee!" More urgent knocks banged came from the other side of the door.
"One second!" Rosa yelled, as she fell back to her knees in front of you. "I know you're sensitive, but I have to clean you up, okay?" She asked sweetly, and you couldn't help but giggle at her sudden change of tone and nod your head.
"What have I gotten myself into..." she smiled as she shook her head, giving your inner thigh a gentle kiss after wiping you clean.
"Something good, I hope." You smiled back, as she stood back on her feet. "Something very good," she replied back, leaning forward as if to kiss you but pulling back when another round of knocks rang through.
She let out an exasperated sigh, while her arm wrapped around your waist to pull you away from the door so she could open it. If looks could kill, hers definitely would.
"Fucks sake, Gina. Have some goddamn patience!" She snapped, pulling you close to her to keep you steady as she walked you out of the bathroom. "They can barely walk! I had to help them out in the bathroom!"
And she wasn't technically lying, you could barely walk. But it wasn't because of the alcohol.
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xhoneygirlxx · 1 year
Love Ridden
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Eddie Munson x Reader
summary: moving sucks, especially when you don't know anyone and you don't have any friends. one day a black cat comes and keeps you company, maybe he won't be the only friend you make.
warnings: pure fluff. neighbor!eddie. pronouns aren't used, reader's body/ethnicity/skin tone is not mentioned. reader and eddie are both in their twenties. swearing. slight angst: mentions of loneliness. I'm an 18+ blog, minors please go away. not proofread, shitty writing and grammar errors.
*if i miss anything lmk know!
a/n: day three of my birthday week!!! you guys have been so lovely, i love you all so much!! i hope you guys have been enjoying this week as much as i have!! I'm so sorry for the late upload, life has been pretty busy this week!
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I guess I wouldn’t mind to fall in love a little bit. 
Ouch, I think I feel a little more.
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Stepping out onto the small porch, you're met the chill of the morning air, your nose and cheeks being victim to the cold nip of the wind. The watercolor gray sky hides the sun behinds it's endless clouds. Birds chirp a song in the empty trees before they flap their wings, taking off in flight.
It's peaceful here, quieter than the city life than you were so used to. Out here in Forrest Hills you didn't have to worry about honking cars or the chatter of drunk college students walking home from the bar at odd hours of the night. Out here in the middle of nowhere, you had yourself and the company of strangers you had yet to meet.
Only being here for two weeks, you haven't been able to meet the other people that occupy the surrounding trailers. For now they're only nameless faces, people who go to work and mind their business. Sometimes, like today, you like to sit on the front steps of your porch, drinking a piping hot cup of coffee, and just watch them as they go about their day.
You like to imagine what they do for living, what their names are, and what their story is. This has become your entertainment, the highlight of your day before you go back inside all by yourself. It's scary moving to a new place, meeting new people, and trying to make friends. As of right now, your only friend is the lady at the supermarket, Suze. Besides the people watching, hearing Suze say "Have a good day, dear" have become the highlight of your life.
It's not that you don't want to be social, you just don't know where to start. You're awkward, even back home it was hard to find the right social circle. So the safety of your trailer, the comfort of your four walls, and your once a week interaction with Suze the cashier was enough for you.
Lifting your Snoopy mug to your lips, you let the warm liquid coat your throat and fill you with warmth that the fall air seems to lack. The small gravel path lays still, everyone seemingly already off to work or school. Since you missed your morning entertainment, you stick to keeping your eyes on the sky and letting the comforting silence fall around you.
You don't move your gaze, rather shutting your eyes and letting the small breeze move past you.
Cracking an eye open, you gaze around the small area of the road in hopes of finding the animal making noise, hoping you're not going stir crazy with your lack of human interaction.
You're neck snaps back and forth, trying to look around the general area for whatever kitty that is trying to communicate with you. It's high grass on the one side and an empty dirt path on the other, no sign of life in sight. Yup, you've seemingly have lost all of your marbles.
The feeling of something brushing your leg startles you, but not enough to scare the chubby black cat, who purrs against your plaid pj bottoms, away. When it turns it's green eyes to you, it meows once more.
"Hi little guy," You coo softly at the animal, placing a hand out tentatively for it to sniff, "whatcha doin' out here in the cold?"
Leaning it's hand onto the tips of your fingers, you get the hint and start scratching lightly on it's head.
"Aren't you cold out here, honey?" You question and it only responds by lifting its chin. You oblige and rub along it's next causing the cat's eyes to close in enjoyment.
"You were just talkin' earlier, now you don't want to, huh? Not when you're gettin' all this love." Your voice is baby like, lips perched just a bit as you move your fingers to the tips of it's ears.
Quickly the cat moves away from your touch and looks at you wide eyed and curious like. Not wanting to scare it away just yet, you lightly tap your lap, beckoning it to move closer to you.
Surprisingly the cat listens, trotting up the two steps and curls itself into you. The purrs that carry through it's body settles into you and brings you a kind of warmth no hot temperature could ever do.
With the chunky fur ball nestled on your thighs you feel wanted, excepted for the first time since you moved here. The loneliness that you've felt, encaged into the tin walls of your trailer, suddenly evaporates with the simple presence of the animal.
"Do you have a name, little guy?" Speaking softly to the comfy cat, you hesitantly run a finger along it's neck in search for a collar.
With no collar or any sort of tag to tell you the cat is someone else's, you begin to check for other things without disturbing it. The black fur is soft in your fingers and lacks any sort of dirt buildup, no signs of fleas, and the fact that it seems like it's well fed point to it being a house cat.
Checking your surroundings, you try to see if anyone is out looking for their lost animal. No other porch in eyeshot is occupied, only the empty street and the quiet noise of bare trees rustling.
"Well, you don't seem to belong to anyone," It's as soft as the wind that flows through the grass, "You can live with me. Would you like that?"
The cat nudges it's head further into the plush of your thighs and you take that as your answer. "Yeah, I'd like that too. How do you feel about the name Ozzy?"
The question doesn't seem to spark any sort of reaction from the cat, still cuddled up against you and purring in satisfaction.
"Okay then, Ozzy, do you wanna come in and have a treat?" Your finger continues to brush through the short hair of the cat, raking over the spots it can't reach on it's own.
Letting Ozzy lay on you for a moment more, you go to pick up your coffee mug hoping that the brown liquid inside is still somewhat warm. With the slightest move of your arm, Ozzy wakes up and stretches.
Before you can offer the warmth of your trailer, Ozzy is off of you lap and trotting down the steps. It's desperate and selfish but you're not about to lose your first friend, so you follow after it in the hopes you can scoop it up and take it home.
"Ozzy, come on don't you want some tuna?" Even with the promise of an appetizing bowl of breakfast, the cat continues to make it's way across the dirt path street.
When Ozzy makes it to the trailer cat corner to yours, it trots up the steps and settles on the small porch. Blinking slowly at you, it continues to stare at you and your efforts of trying to capture it without trespassing.
"Come on Ozzy, I'll take you home and you can eat. Maybe later we can take a trip to the store for some toys! What do you say, Oz?" As you stretch your arm out to the animal, a gruff voice stops you in your tracks.
"May I ask why you're trying to kidnap my cat?" Trailing your eyes to the side porch, you take in the shape of the person sitting on the couch.
Covered by the shadow of the awning, you can't really make out the stranger. You've been caught red handed, mouth agape and wide eyed with your arm still frozen in it's outstretched position.
"I-I, um I wasn't trying to kidnap your cat. I just, he came up-"
"It's a she and her name is pumpkin." The gruff voice cuts you off, semi annoyed and frustrated.
"Sorry, I didn't know." Like a child who's been reprimanded, you pull your arm back to it's place, lacing your fingers together in front of you where they twiddled in anxiety.
"I know, I was just fucking with you." The shadow figure stands from it's sitting position and walks over to you, jumping down the small ledge of the side porch.
As he stalks over to you, you drink up his features. In sweatpants that hang low on his hips and a too small of a hoodie that reads "Hawkins High Phys Ed.", he looks pretty. Wild brown curls blow lightly in the wind, lips puffy, and eyes so brown it feels like you're drowning in chocolate.
Standing toe to toe, you realize just how much taller he is than you. Slim and fit is the best way you can describe it, and boy is he breathtaking. His scent picks up with the breeze, swirling around you and making it's way into your nose were it lingers. Coffee, smoke, and laundry soap.
"I'm assuming you're the new neighbor down in trailer 48." It's not really a question rather a statement when he says it.
Nodding your head slightly, you gaze up at him still in awe. "Yeah, that would ugh, that would be me." Trying to cover up your nerves you throw him a tight lipped smile.
Nodding his own head, he slips his hands into the pouch of his hoodie. "Well, I'm Eddie and you already seem to have met pumpkin."
"Nice to meet you Eddie," Unlocking your still laced fingers, you throw him a small wave, even though he's right in front of you and tell him your name.
"Well it's lovely to meet you." His smile is just as pretty as the rest of him, nice white teeth that shine brighter than any sunrise you've ever seen.
"I'm sorry about your cat," It comes out rather awkward and abrupt, "she came over to me and I didn't think she belonged to anyone, I swear. I- well honestly, she's kind of like my first friend here and I wasn't about to let her go that easy."
Shame burns within you, as well as embarrassment. The shame of trying to take someone else's cat and the embarrassment of admitting you have no friends. You want the ground to shallow you whole, hide so far in the ground the cute boy next door will forget all about you and your inability to act like a normal human.
"Hey, don't worry I was just messin'. Plus she's like my only friend too, so I totally get it." Whether he's lying or not doesn't matter to you, in fact you laugh along with him when he speaks.
"To be fair, they're kind of pretty," Still smiling, he focuses on Pumpkin who sits contently on the step waiting to go in.
"Yeah, she really is. Sweet too." You agree, also looking at the cat you befriended just moments before.
"Oh, I wasn't talking about the cat," He says and you look back at him confused, "I mean she is definitely pretty, in fact she gets it from her dad. But I ugh, I was talking about you."
Pink paints the apples of his cheeks and you're certain that it's not from the bitter chill.
Your own stomach jumps and flips, butterflies tripling as his eyes burn into you.
"Oh." It's all you can muster, at least verbally, your face on the other hand tells him everything he needs to know.
Eyes shining and a smile threating to pull on your lips, even with the extra help that tries to hold it in place.
"Yeah." His own smile spreads bigger and you want to take a picture of it. You want to memorize every single detail of him so when you go back to your mundane four walls, you'll have something to feed your aching, lonely heart.
"Well if you want, I have a pot of coffee and a pack of Oreos back at my place. You and Ozzy, I mean Pumpkin are more than welcome." Looking up at him from under your lashes you see that his expression changed. Dimples and canines more prominent than before.
"Only on one condition." He says, crossing his hands over his chest and leaning towards you. "Do you have any cool mugs?"
"I have a cool Garfield mug." You shrug your shoulders.
Eddie ponders for a second like he's really taking the time to think it over. "I think, you have yourself a deal." Placing a hand in front of you, you clasp it in your own and shake it, letting the feeling of him sink into your skin.
Pulling his hand away from yours, he calls Pumpkin and pats his thigh. Getting up from her spot, she circles through his slipper covered feet. The two of you make your way back to your trailer, comfortable silence settling over the two of you.
"I do have one question." Looking over at Eddie, you raise your eyebrows telling him to continue. "Why Ozzy?"
Chuckling softly, you shrug your shoulders once again. "Well she's a black cat and she kind of reminds me of a bat. Bats just happen to remind me of Ozzy Osbourne, ya know cause the whole bat on stage thing."
You cut yourself off when you realize the boy next to you stopped dead in his tracks, along with the black cat.
"You know Ozzy?" He gasps, hand to his chest like you've just struck him with a sharp object.
"Who doesn't know Ozzy?" You scoff, eyebrows pinching together in bewilderment.
After what a long pause, Eddie stops clutching his chest and beams happily at you.
"Yeah, we're gonna be best friends." It's soft and sincere, hitting you right in the heart, lighting it with a million twinkling lights.
"Come on neighbor, I was promised Oreos." Picking his pace back up, he bops you on the nose with his finger before continuing his journey to your home.
Maybe Hawkins wasn't as lonely after all, you just needed to be patient.
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Thank you all for reading! I love you guys <3
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