#and....poison ivy. and those two together. in love
mrmosseater · 10 months
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just a few lego batjokes (ignore that i cant draw kissing ignore that i cant draw kissing ignore tha)
oh also heres. a lego riddler bc ive been meaning to draw him for so long
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ok heres a few more drawings i just remembered exist
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that is all
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greatestexpectationss · 4 months
Poison Ivy
Luke Castellan x Fem!Daughter of Persephone Reader
Description: You've been best friends with Luke Castellan since you were 14 years old. Now you teeter on the edge of something more, but your jealousy causes you to question everything.
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You’re a child of Persephone, one of the far and few in between. Your mother had claimed you an entire year after you’d arrived at camp. Chiron had claimed it was to protect you from Hades' wrath,  but you’d had a sickly feeling it was more than that. Children of Persephone are all springtime and warmth, and perhaps you are in the light of day but in the cover of the night, there is something else that claws at you. You are more winter than spring.
Your dad says its normal to feel disconnected from your mother at this age, but you don’t just feel disconnected you feel abandonded.
You’d never met your mother but you're so so angry with her.
Being the daughter of the goddess of spring came with expectations. You are loyal and kind, with a bit of a wild side. Your powers had manifested as chlorokinesis, you're particularly fond of plants, much like the children of Demeter, but you've got a hardness they don't have, a certain darkness only a child of the underworld could understand. You’d learned that on your quest, where you’d even able to speak and command hellhounds.
There was more to you than meets the eye.
For instance, your infamous knack for growing poison ivy around those who piss you of. It had earned you a loving nickname from Luke…
“Poison” he’d called you after a particularly nasty sprouting during a game of capture the flag when you were just 14 years old. It had been Luke’s first game at camp, some Ares boys were terrorizing him up in the trees, when you’d seen it you felt bad for him. Everyone knew the story of how Luke and Annabeth had arrived at camp with Grover and what had been sacraficed to get there or rather who. You’d come to his rescue, sprouting poison Ivy from nothing wrapping it around their legs and taking them out of the game in one fail swoop with your daggers.
They glared at you for weeks.
It had started a long-lasting friendship between you and Luke. You two were close, and you helped him out in the Hermes cabin a lot. You trained together, ate together, really you did everything together. Luke understands the burning anger that sits beneath the surface of your skin. He knows the warmth and brightness you radiate during the days, but he also knows the bitter darkness that hides within you.
Luke sees you under your mask and still he stays.
Maybe that's why you’d fallen so hard for him.
It was hard not to fall for Luke. He’s all tall, dark and handsome. He’s the best swordsman this camp has seen in 300 years, he radiates confidence and commands respect. But even without all of that everyone loves Luke. It's hard not to, really. He’s kind and brave. It’s no wonder the Aphrodite girls are so enamored with him, really most girls are.
Sometimes you’d catch him looking at you with this funny soft look in his eyes. His touch would linger longer than necessary when helping you during archery practice, and he’d laugh a little too loudly at your jokes, and give you that rare goofy grin when he finds you in a room full of people.
It’s in those moment you’d wonder if he feels the same way. When his words are just for you, when he drags you by your hand to the dock and lays down beside you to look at the starts. When he kisses you cheek before the both of you return to the cabin, when he peeks over the side of your bunk and whispers the sweetest goodnight.
But then there are times you think you're delusional.
Like tonight for instance.
You're sitting at the post capture the flag bonfire with a few of your friends. Selina from Aphrodite, Clarisse from Ares, Katie, from the Demeter cabin, and Juliette from Athena. The Apollo kids are singing and you're in a particularly good mood from winning. But then you look across the fire and Luke has a pretty Aphrodite girl dotting on him, Haley, you think her name is. She’s whispering in his ear, perfectly painted nails wrapped around his forearm.
She's the type of girl Luke deserves.
Juliette's finger snaps in front of your face drawing you away from your pity party. You sit on the bottom step of the bleachers with a leg on either side. Facing you is Juliette, up a step to your right sits Selina, Katie, and Clarisse.
“Hello earth to Y/N, anyone in there??” Clarisse asks, your eyes snap to her and bounce between the others, they all look ammused.
“Sorry,” you mumble cheeks heating in embarsement.
They all look over your head where you’d been staring, There's a knowing look that is shared between them before they looking back at you with a mix of exasperation, ammusment, and pity.
You don't know which one is worse.
“C’mon you don't think Luke’s really into that chick do you?” Katie asks you.
“That chicks name is Haley,” Silena reminds, before reaching out and squeezing you hand, “and Katie’s right everyone knows Luke’s crazy for you, I don't know why she's even bothering.”
Clarisse scoffs and cracks her knuckles, “I can kick both their asses if you want.”
This draws a laugh from you.
“Hey, there she is!” Juliette exclaims, pinching your cheek, you swat her hands away and roll your eyes, the pity is leaving your body but you're still left with the bitter taste of jealousy.
“We’re just friends,” is what you settle with, earning an eye roll from all four of your friends.
“We are!” you insist, running a hand through your hair, “He can flirt with whoever he wants.”
“Y/N, do you think we’re dumb?” Clarisse asks.
“What? No of course I don’t—”
“Well then you know you can’t lie to us,” Katie says, she's much kinder than Clarisse who stares at you expectantly. A classic daughter of Demeter, she reaches for your hand and squeezes. You close your eyes for a second and sigh before looking back over at Luke. The Aphrodite girl is sitting closer to him now, he's nodding along to something she's said. You look away quickly.
“Katie’s right, and as a daughter of Aphrodite I can tell you without a doubt Castellan is just as crazy for you as you are him,” Silena’s so sure of herself, you wish you could feel that confident, you wish you knew how he felt.
“Yeah well it sure doesn't seem that way,” you gesture towards where they’re sitting. Across from you Juliette hums.
“Maybe he’s confused,” she says
“Or maybe Haley just doesn't know how to take a hint” Clarisse grumbles. You sigh and swing your leg over the bleachers before standing up.
“Where are you going?” Katie asks, brow furrowed.
“I just need some air,” you say.
“Y/N we’re literally outside,” Clarisse quips, you glare at her.
“Figurative air,” you say, gesturing wildly around you, away from all of this.”
You're much too aware of how pathetic this all is, you pining in a corner with your friends and Luke across the way with a pretty girl who deserves him. You're not some scorned lover, you're just a sad teenage girl.
“Do you want me to come?” Juliette asks you. She's such a good friend, fiercely loyal, they all are really, and you're incredibly thankful for them.
You wave her off anyway, “I’ll be fine, I’ll catch up with you guys later.”
Your friends say their goodbyes, not before reminding you for the thousandth time about the small party in the Aphrodite cabin later that evening.
If you'd been paying attention you'd have noticed Luke’s boredom, you’d have noticed his eye that always seemed to follow you.
It’s darker as you get further away from the bonfire, you don't mind, the few lanterns lighting the path to the lake give you enough light that you can at least see where you're going. When you arrive at the lake, you're thankful no one else has had the same idea. You can't even count the number of times you've snuck away with Luke only to find numerous couples making out.
Tonight there's no one, maybe because it had been a particularly rough game of capture the flag, or maybe because the usual suspects (aka Chris and Clarisse) are still at the bonfire.
You make your way toward the end of the dock before sitting down, feet dangling off the edge you lean back on your hands and lift your head back to look at the stars. Around you the only sound is nature, and very far off in the distance, you can hear the faintest sound of the Apollo kids singing. Their voices echo and combine with the sounds of the trees.
It would be peaceful if you weren't so miserable.
“There you are.”
You open your eyes and turn your head over the shoulder. Luke’s approaching you with that goofy grin on his face and a sweatshirt in his hands. He pops down next to you on the dock and hands you the sweater.
“I figured you’d get cold, you didn't have a jacket at the bonfire,” he explains when you give him a confused smile.
“Oh,” you say meekly, pulling it over your head, it's much too big for you and it smells like Luke and kind of makes you want to cry. Still, you tell him thank you. His smile drops a little when you don't say anything else.
“You wanna tell me what's wrong Poison?” he asked gently, nudging your shoulder with his. You pick at the sleeves of his sweater, eyebrows furrowed, but hearing the concern in his voice you manage a small smile.
“Nothing’s wrong, I'm just tired,” you excuse. You meet his eyes and you can tell he doesn't believe you.
“Seriously, I'm good, thank you for checking on me, and thank you for your jacket but you should go back I'm sure Haley is wondering where you are and I'm really okay,” you promise. He’s got the goofy grin on his face again and he lets out a breathy laugh.
“Are you laughing at me?” you asked annoyed. He’s still smiling like he knows something you don't, he's enjoying this.
“You're jealous,” you go wide-eyed eyes at his declaration, but you recover quickly with a scoff.
"I am not jealous," you deny, your voice gives you away when it quivers on the last syllable of your sentence. Luke’s grin only grows.
"Yeah okay Poison," he throws an arm over your shoulder, "whatever you say."
I’m going to push him into the lake, you think to yourself. 
You don’t, instead, you settle for pushing his arm off of your shoulder.
"Whatever, I’m outta here," you say before promptly standing up and storming up the dock. You've got tears in your eyes you're thankful he didn't see. You can hear him laughing and calling for you but you don't turn around. You know he's not doing it to be mean, Luke's got a thing for teasing you, and you know he thinks that's what this is.
It doesn't make the sting of it any less.
Luke's got long legs, and you can hear him scrambling after you calling your name. You ignore him up the dock and the sand before he stops you stepping in your path.
"C'mon Poison I know I'm hard to resi–" he stops when he sees the tears in your eyes and you turn your face away from him. His brows furrow in concern when he realizes you don’t think it's funny. He reaches for you again but you take a step back and cross your arms over your chest. 
"Hey, hey, hey, what's wrong?"
"Nothing's wrong"
"You're crying"
He looks at you like you've sprouted 8 heads.
 "What do you mean so??" You pinch the bridge of your nose, you've seriously had enough of him playing dumb. "Can you just drop it please?" you beg, shifting on your feet and wiping furiously at your eyes before any tears can actually fall from your waterline. 
But he's Luke and your Y/N and you should know by now he's not gonna drop it.
"Wait," he hums taking a step closer to you and prying your crossed arms away from the safety of your body, he holds both of your hands with his own and presses them to his chest, you've got nowhere to hide. Finally, he asks, "Were you actually jealous?"
His tone is softer this time, it holds no teasing just a gentleness you can't quite describe. You don't know if it’s pity or fondness, you're not sure which answer scares you more. You still can’t look him in the eyes.
"Y/N, c'mon don't lie to me."
You huff in response. He steps even closer to you. 
"Last week Lee Fletcher was helping you at archery practice," he says finally, you look at him now, his grin is gone but the soft smile he’s giving you, makes you feel like he’s going to let you down easy. He’s going to use Lee as a buffer, say it's clear there's something there when it's nothing. You feel for Lee the kind of platonic love you wish you felt for Luke. 
What you feel for Luke is world-changing and gut-wrenching.
"Okay,” is all you can say, you try to step away again but Luke just grips your hands a little tighter.
“Just let me finish,” he pleads, you nod your head and avoid direct eye contact with him, instead you focus on his dark hair, the dark curls that shine under the moonlight. If he notices you aren’t looking him in the eye, he’s at least nice enough not to say anything about it. 
"He said something to you, I wasn't close enough to hear what it was but it had you cracking up and laughing in the best way," Luke takes his thumb and stokes the corner of your mouth, "you get a little dimple right here when you laugh did you know that?"
You didn't, you also didn't even know he had been there that day. You don't even remember what Lee said that had made you laugh, something about your aim.
"What's your point?" you mumble, his touch on your face is searing and his other hand has moved to your waist, you can feel the burn of his skin through your (his) jacket. You finally cave and meet his eyes, he’s looking at you with such softness you think you might melt on the spit. You're not stupid either, you know what this is. But you need to hear him say it, or you might actually die.
"I was jealous," he shrugs, like it's no big deal, thumb tracing up your check to tuck a stray hair behind your ear before dragging it down to cup your face. "I didn't have any reason to be but I was.” 
Then with that goofy grin he says, “Kinda sounds like someone else I know."
You’re smiling at him now, you both know this is teetering far too close to the edge to come back from now. In fact, even without him saying it, without kissing him, you don’t think you could ever come back from this.
"Why?" you ask him, hands coming to rest at the nape of his neck, you play with the strings of his camp necklace to distract yourself from the lessening distance between the two of you. He’s dipping his head closer to you, so close that if he speaks your lips will touch. You want him to kiss you in a way you’ve never wanted anything before.
"You know why." And then he's kissing you. His arm around your waist tightens instinctively, and he presses his lips to yours hungrily, like a starved man who's just arrived at a feast. Your hands drop his necklace and weave through the shorter hair at the nape of his neck, something akin to a sigh of relief floods through both of you. His hand is in your hair now, and he tasted of marshmallows and spearmint, something so distinctly Luke. It’s incredibly intoxicating you don’t want to pull away. And you don’t until you absolutely have to in order to catch your breath, Luke chases after your lips with his own. Kissing them softly once, and then twice, before pulling back and looking at you with a smile on his face. This time you return it, a little laugh escapes your lips before it grows louder.
“Alright now who’s laughing at who?” he grumbles, still smiling despite his tone, his thumb strokes your dimple, and it allows you to compose youself. 
“I’m sorry,” you say reaching up to kiss him softly again. He’s smiling still, so you know you haven’t really offended him. “I just kinda feel like an idiot now,” you admit. 
“Well you are one,” he tells you cheekily, squezzing your sides with both hands in the way he knows you both adore and detest, you squeal and stumble into him, gripping onto his biceps in attempts to get him to stop. “You’re absolutely the dumbest person alive if you think there’s any world that I would wanna do this with anyone else.”
“Really?” you ask.
“Really,” he confirms. You reach up and kiss him again, a little more searing than sweet. Both of Luke’s hands are back in your hair and he’s kissing you back just as fervently, you feel his tongue slip in your mouth, and you swear you’ve died and gone to heaven. It’s Luke who pulls away this time, gasping for air. 
“I think I might be in love with you,” he admits.
“Yeah, I think I might be in love with you too.”
Suddenly you both hear footsteps approaching quick and heavy, Clarisse stops in front of you both and takes in your dishelved appearance, before rolling her eyes and yelling.
“Guys I found them! You all owe me $20!” she calls out to what you assume to be your group of friends.
“Clarisse what the hell?” you mutter stepping away from Luke reluctantly. Chris comes barelling out of the forest, tripping over shrubbery. Luke pouts at the loss of contact
“They were making out?” he pouts to Clarisse who gestures towards you both as if to say well just look at them! then Chris turns to you and Luke, “You guys couldn’t have waited like one more day?”
You laugh as Luke whacks him upside the head. The four of you begin making your way towards the rest of your friends and the Aphrodite cabin where the party (which is so not a party) is. Your girlfriends squeal and Luke’s friends cringe. Luke throws his arm around your shoulder, "All good Poison?" he ask.
"I'm good, how are you?" he laughs and kisses your head.
"Never better."
You look up at him fondly and kiss the bottom of his scar as the two of you enter the cabin with the rest of your friends.
Across the room, Haley pouts with her siblings, but you don’t notice. You’re too enamored with Luke, the boy you’ve loved for as long as you can remember. The boy who loves you back.
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satoshy12 · 9 months
Tiny Phantom and Plants vs Joker(Freakshow) and Criminals
Danny Phantom is accidentally de-aged into a mischievous toddler by a ghostly artifact.
He stumbles upon Gotham City and punches The Joker/Freakshow. Hey, he is a child; he didn't understand the difference between those two evil clowns. And he used a new power he got to summon a plant to hit or eat Freakshow! So Gotham now had Bonk Choys and Chompers, who, when they saw the Joker, would punch him or eat him.
So the people in Gotham took it to give the toddler many cookies, so he brought more plants to hit the Joker, or as he calls him, "fweak-sho!
The whole town started to look a little green and purple. From the plants, who either eat the villains and then spite them out or beat them up. Chompers were used like beloved guard dogs, Bonk Choy as a guard or bodyguard, and similar. Both are beloved by the children.
While Gotham loved the new plants, the Joker and other criminals didn't!
But he understood fast; the toddler didn't hate him; he mistook him for another clown villain. So he would search for that freakshow! and make the child attack him! AFTER he and the rest of the criminals were done with that man!
Poor Poison Ivy: as the people in Gotham feared for the plants and the meta toddler, her security became even worse than all the other criminals in Arkham together.
It got worse as Amanda Waller visited, and her children loved the plants and wanted themselves a pair.
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honeyed-hedonist · 2 months
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Parings: Jason Todd x Reader Word Count: 2.2k Summary: You and Jason spend some quality time together on a balmy summer night amongst the flora and fauna. Things quickly heat up, as they so often do when the two of you are together. Warnings: SMUT--MINORS DNI. fingering, foul language, Jason being stupidly strong and handsome and hot and hshsaksjfkhf!! A/N: Hi hello! Since my old blog got deleted (I'm still not over it. Ten+ years of work and building up a following gone down the drain), I've decided to start reposting my old stuff here. This one used to be called Sweet Bitter, but I decided to change the name. ENJOY!
There’s something about the way the moonlight casts a silvery glow to your eyes, how it turns your dewy skin a pearlescent shade of indigo, that has Jason punch drunk, lips parted in silent awe while he watches you take in the scenery. You look ethereal, a goddess come down from heaven to fill the cracks in his soul with liquid gold until he’s overflowing—and fuck, he’s never been more in love with you than he is right now. 
The midnight air is ripe with honeyed blossoms and earthy moss, a symphony of buzzing cicadas fills the silence as a balmy breeze tousles a few loose strands of your hair around your face. It has him reaching out to tuck them behind your ear, pulling your focus from the lush greenery around you to his glittering blue eyes instead. 
Jason gives you a lazy grin, the kind that makes your stomach flutter, fingertips brushing the curve of your jaw before he settles back on his elbows across the blanket and your gaze lifts skyward. You’ve never seen so many stars before—the light pollution in Gotham almost blots out the moon most nights, and you want to commit this view to memory, to remember every twinkling ball of starlight scattered across the charcoal sky.
“How’d you find this place?” You murmur softly, fingers curling around the hem of your sundress, picking at the edge idly.
“Ivy owed me a favor.” Jason answers, laughing when your head whips around to look at him. 
“This is Poison Ivy’s garden?” You hiss, eyebrows knitted together, and he laughs harder, his palm cupping your knee as he gives you a gentle shake. 
“Relax, baby,” he teases, laughter still bubbling up in his throat. It makes his voice a little raspier, a little more gruff, and with it your pulse spikes, because goddamn if little things like that don’t turn you to mush. “There’s nothing poisonous here, I promise.” 
You give him a skeptical look, but it quickly melts away into a smile that makes Jason’s throat tight with emotion. Yeah, he’s in deep, tilting back a swig of his beer in hopes that it’ll hide the heat that’s coloring his cheeks rosy. It doesn’t, your smile turning cheshire when you snatch the bottle from his hands and neck back what’s left. 
His face turns sour, glaring at you while he folds those thick arms across his chest, his t-shirt struggling to contain the sheer mass of him, the cotton stretched to its limit. The sight has your cheeks warming, mouth going dry, because it should be fucking illegal to look like that.  “I was drinking that, brat.” Jason chides, and you answer with a flick of your tongue past your lips, blowing a raspberry at him. 
“Sucks to suck, I guess.” You retort, lifting your eyes back towards the sky, the distraction providing a perfect opportunity for him to wrap those massive hands around your waist and haul you onto his lap. 
It’s no surprise to anyone that Jason is strong, he’s built like a brick shithouse—an absolute unit of a man from head to toe, and yet it still catches you off guard every single time he flaunts that strength. Like all of those early mornings when he’s just gotten home from patrol while you’re getting ready for work and he can’t help but lift you into his arms to fuck you in the shower, or those hazy nights when you’ve both had one too many and he’s got you folded in half against the brick wall of an alley, one hand over your mouth to muffle the sounds you make while he turns you inside out with the slow drag of his cock. 
Your reaction is always the same though, an excitable giggle slipping out from behind your teeth as your hands settle on his shoulders, only this time your legs are spread open to accommodate the width of his stocky thighs. You bite your lip, and Jason’s bravado slips, if only for a moment, as his eyes track the movement, blood immediately rushing to his dick and—shit, why the fuck did he wear jeans tonight?
“Wanna say that again?” He goads, cocking his head to the side, fingertips digging into the soft flesh of your hips until you squeal, wriggling around on his lap in an attempt to flee. “Nuh uh, you’re goin’ nowhere, baby.” Jason taunts you, his arms locking around your back, pulling you in until you’re chest to chest. 
It’s a wonder, he thinks, gazing at you through hooded eyes, how he ever manages to keep his hands off of you in the first place, how the two of you even make it out of your bedroom. Someone should give him a goddamn medal or something, because it takes more self control than he’s used to practicing—resisting the urge he has to tear your shit up every minute of every day.
And that’s without mentioning how you look tonight, sprawled out on top of him in that little scrap of fabric you call a sundress, the hem riding up the tops of your buttery thighs, exposing the barest hint of your core, pussy lips peeking out from behind those lacy panties you’re sporting—taunting him, begging for the kind of attention he’s all too happy to supply. 
You let your hands roam, gliding across the tops of his shoulders and around to the back of his neck, fingertips snaking up through his hair, the longer pieces curling in the sticky, nighttime summer heat. “You got that much right, at least.” You tell him, because even though you’re more composed about it, you’re still just as lovesick as he is. 
“Sweet talkin’ me isn’t gonna make me forget your little comment,” Jason muses, palms dragging up the outsides of your thighs until his fingers disappear beneath the skirt of your dress, thumbs rubbing heated circles into the skin, “but I’ll let you make it until we get home.”
A promise for later. 
His hands travel higher still, dipping under the lace stretched thinly at the apex of your thighs. He drags them inward, tugging the sodden material away from your slit, the rough pads of his fingertips tracing the crease where your legs meet your cunt. You keep your eyes fixed on his, hiccuping a soft breath in because you know exactly what he’s thinking when he leans in, nose skimming across your jaw and up until his breath is cooling against the shell of your ear.
“Wore this thing just to torture me, didn’t you? Been flashing me these pretty little panties all night. Think you’re so clever, hm?” You puff out a shaky breath, nodding softly, your hair tickling Jason’s face. “Shame m’gonna ruin ‘em.” His fingers curl and pull, ripping at the delicate lace until it tears apart and he pulls them clean off in one fell swoop, another pair of your underwear now lost to his impatience and show-boating.
Jason lets his tongue trace over your cartilage, teeth nipping at your earlobe until you shiver, a soft whimper forcing its way out of your mouth. “So proud of yourself, aren’t you? Got me all worked up—you and that smart fuckin’ mouth in this tiny fuckin’ dress. Know what m’gonna do now, baby?”
He cups your pussy and gives it a firm squeeze, pleased as punch when his palm is met with the oozing slick of your arousal, free hand trailing up your spine until he’s cradling the back of your head. It almost feels loving, and then he tightens that hand into a fist, tangling your hair as he yanks your head backwards, exposing the column of your throat to his eager mouth. 
Plush lips latch onto your dewy skin until the blood vessels rupture while Jason runs his first two fingers over your slit, spreading you open, groaning at the heat he finds there. He knows exactly what it feels like to be swamped by that heat, wrapped up in molten velvet, and he ruts his hips up into you, cock straining beneath denim, the zipper catching on his sensitive head until he rips himself away to hiss. 
“Gotta get you ready, yeah? Gonna fuck you dumb when we get home, princess. Fill you so full’a my cum that it’ll be leakin’ outta you ‘til tomorrow night.” Your answering moan makes him feral, growling as he hauls your mouth down to meet his in a kiss that’s wet and messy, no desire at all to make it pretty or sweet, and that suits you just fine.
Finally, Jason lets his fingers dredge through your folds, swiping over your clit, down to your hungry little hole, and back up—teasing you, feeling the way your sensitive pearl pulses under his touch. Sucking your tongue into his mouth, he groans, drunk off the taste of you, sweet as honeydew with a hint of bitter from the beer you stole. He hooks two digits inside you, swallowing the sound you make—shell shocked and breathy while he works you open until his palm is flat against your mons. 
He keeps them there, deeply seated, and curls them against your gummy walls while your fingernails dig harshly into the meat of his biceps and you squeal. It’s too much—a sensory overload, barely any effort at all and you’re already wound so fucking tight, amazed by how quickly Jason can make you sprung. “Mhm,” he murmurs against your kiss swollen lips, hazy eyes bouncing between yours, “that’s my girl, lemme hear you. Know it feels good, baby, gonna make it all better just—fuck—just sit still for me, hm?”
Lust-drunk, you nod frantically, whining low in your throat as Jason begins to fuck you with his fingers, opening you up for a third that has you bouncing softly on his lap. Christ, he’s never seen you quite like this—so wild and free, wanton cries of pleasure drowning out the consonance of buzzing from the fireflies that flit through the air around you.
“Jay,” you pant, arching into him, pretty tits perched right in his face, nipples pebbled and peeking through the thin material of your dress, “fuck, s’good. Please—wan’ cum.” He bends forward to tongue at your tits, teeth catching on those perked little nubs, lavishing them with the attention they’re sorely missing. It makes your thighs quiver, his thumb joining in his efforts to shatter you right here and now, flicking tight and hard against your clit.
“Go on, pretty girl. Cum for me, make it nice an’ messy.” He coos, the tone of his voice is almost mocking, but you’re far too lost in your pleasure to care. You’ll worry about what this means for the rest of your night later, right now all you care about is chasing the release that’s rising quickly and you to meet it.
The wet squelch of you pussy is music to Jason’s ears, his forearm burning from his efforts, fucking into you at a brutal pace while your walls flutter deliciously around his fingers. Leaning back a little, he untangles his hand from your hair and grips your jaw hard enough that it pulls your focus and you wince. “Eyes on me, baby.” He commands, desperate to watch the way you crumble for him—only for him.
Your orgasm crests and then crashes, rocketing you into bliss so sharp that you see stars, an imprint of the very same sky you were just gazing at not twenty minutes ago, your entire body quaking as he corrals you by your hip, anchors you flat atop his thighs while he works you through it. He can feel your cum rolling down his wrist, cooing and praising you with sweet words as he kitten licks the sweat gathered above your lips, across your chin, salty and earthy. 
“Good fuckin’ girl. Cum so hard for me, look so goddamn beautiful, princess.” He murmurs, biting at the juncture where your neck and shoulder meet while you ride out the final waves of pleasure, flexing out your fingers from where they were wedged into his arms. 
Jason gives you a moment to breathe, gentle when he slips his fingers free from your swollen, gushy core. Bringing them up to his mouth, his tongue laps at the pearly droplets running down his arm, fingers webbed with your glistening release that he suckles greedily with a lascivious moan. The sound travels straight to your overworked clit, a gentle thrumming already starting up again as he cocks a brow at you and smirks, like he just knows.
“Better get you home, huh? Don’t think Ivy would take too kindly to us defiling her garden more than we already did.” You sock him square on his chest, and he laughs, pulling you close for another kiss that you smile into, cupping his face in your hands.
“Good idea,” You answer, the tip of your nose brushing his. “Apparently I have some apologizing to do. Sensitive little baby Jason Todd can’t handle a little ribbing.” 
His smile widens, not bothering to call you on your jibe. “Damn right you do,” he says, lifting you off of his lap to start gathering your things. When he stands, he offers you his hand, and you slip your fingers between his—still damp from your pussy.  Glancing down at you, Jason runs his tongue over his teeth and grins again, pulling you towards the path that leads out of the garden. “Plus you own me a beer.”
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clairellie · 1 month
hii !! first off. love your blog ?? need to read your abby fic !! 🫶🏻🫶🏻 and i saw you took requests. so um. hear me out, mixing the streamer!ellie with some abby x reader content.
streamer!ellie who decides to invite her two best friends to play games and stream. abby and reader being close to each other, abby encouraging reader, cheering for her while being a dick to ellie. "you got it, you got it!" she'd say to reader as she plays. "you fuckin' moron! you lost!" she'd say to ellie. anyway !! chat starts to notice how sweet abby and reader are to each other and ellie reads them what people say. omg. and maybe after the stream, abby decides to take reader on a date?? sorry if this is messy. just thought it'd be cute !! mwaaah 🫶🏻🫶🏻💌
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a/n: i loveedddd this idea!! sorry if this seems bad, this was done in like 15 minutes.
includes: streamer!ellie with sweet!abby but also mean!abby..? y/n used once!!! abby being bad down.
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"okay, so today, i invited 2 of my friends to play a few games with us. abby, and y/n. uhm, we decided to play a few games of fortnite, so no call of duty today. you all know y/n right, and abby, right?"
ellie was staring off into space as you and abby introduced yourself, looking at a few posters up on her wall, surrounded by a shelf full of figures.
ellie was seated in the middle, abby on the left of ellie, and you on the right of ellie. ellie didn't want you two to sit next to eachother. she despised those moments when abby was only focused on you. always helping you figure out where everyone is, reminding you to pick up some loot, and so on. she never did any of those things to ellie, because she was already "good."
as ellie was talking to chat a bit, needing help with choosing her skin before you and abby joined in. once abby finished helping you, although she was honestly just talking to you.. she sat back down in her seat and loaded in the game as you did.
ellie had a peely skin, and you had the poison ivy skin on as abby had midas on. abby said you two "had the same vibe." she liked how your two skins complimented each other, and looked like you were sort of matching, just a tiny bit.
"oh! get that loot right there." "you got it!" "reload real quick.. yeah, now shoot him in the head." abby was always cheering you on as you played. ellie side eyeing chat, knowing that theres some kind of vibe between you and abby.
it took a while for the match to end, none of you getting a #1 royale. somehow, ellie died first. you and abby kept looking at each other almost every time ellie did one of her high-pitched screams or loud ass gasps. then you died. then abby died.
"HAH, you fuckin lost." abby said in a joking manner. ellie was pisseddd off. she couldnt believe the fact that she died first. it was usually you who died first, but ellie?! "you can shut the fuck up abby" "well i wont."
you had forgotten about chat. completely forgetting that people were watching you play a game. ellie looked over at chat, a few things caught her eye.
"THE WAY ABBY LOOKS AT HER?!" "they should js get married alreadyyy." "plz dont start the ships again."
ellie grinned, ammused by the way chat is obsessed with you and abbys relationship. "chat loves yall together, start dating already."
abby looked at her with a confused face, "excuse me....?" "look at chat. the way you look at her, the way you speak to her compared to me? come on now!"
you looked over at abby, thinking about what it would be like to date her. you now realize you already had some feelings for her.. but those got stronger. you would love the feeling of abby's lips on top of yours, the feeling of her hands holding your waist...
time went by quickly now that you werent really focused any more. a few minutes later, ellie shuts off the stream. "yall wanna get some food realllyyy quick?" ellie asked, now standing up. "yeah just give us a sec." abby said, getting her shoes put on and her leather jacket.
abby looked at you, "you wanna go on a date with me?" you stared at her, confused and in shock now. how could this all happen so fast? first you were just hanging out with eachother, then you find out you reallyyy like her, and now she feels the same way?!!
"i-i mean sure! i would love that."
"what time works best for ya?"
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chlorinecake · 2 months
𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐒𝐇𝐄𝐄𝐏’𝐒 𝐆𝐀𝐑𝐃𝐄𝐍 𝟒 — a yang jungwon fanfic
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𖤣 𝐬𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲: after betraying his trust, yandere!yang jungwon tries his best to maintain a forgiving heart towards you, but things only take a turn for the worse when you foolishly refuse his rules again…
𖥧 𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬: mild-nudity, insinuated food poisoning, abduction themes, suggestive (mentions of self/pleasure and cnc themes), swearing, violence, slow burn, crying, angst
𖡼 𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭: 3.8k ~ Previously ⊱✿⊰
✎ note: In no way does this fanfic intend to romanticize unhealthy relationships or abusive behaviors. I write purely for entertainment and creative purposes. Reader discretion is advised
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TWO DAYS HAD passed since Jungwon first confronted you about sneaking out to the greenhouse while he was away at work.
You’re certain your heart nearly pumped out of your chest once those ominous words escaped his mouth, sending a valley of chills down your spine.
Tracing back the steps you took in your mind, you’re not entirely sure how Jungwon even found out about your little adventure anyways…
Still, your soul contented itself to some degree in the simple fact that he hadn’t asked you anything about what you saw in his greenhouse…
Or better yet, what you weren’t supposed to see.
The only time you saw Jungwon in between those days were whenever he brewed you a cup of tea in the morning, or came back home from work to prepare your supper.
A suspicious inkling in your heart remained concerning his reasons for wanting you to drink the mysterious herbal concoction so routinely.
Out of paranoia, you would instead pour the shimmery liquid into the ivy plant on your nightside table, hoping that he’d never find out about it…
At the end of the day, you really did want to trust Jungwon… not that he deserved it or anything… you just felt that trusting him was the very least you could do in return.
…Especially ever since he vowed to never hurt or touch you against your will again…
“I’m sorry,” your voice began at a whisper, somehow sounding loud in the quiet of Jungwon’s presence.
You were currently in the kitchen with him, sitting at the round wooden table while he prepared you a bowl of fresh fruit from his garden.
He turned to look at you over his shoulder, eyes barely visible through his shaggy bangs as his grip around the bowl tightened slightly.
“Sorry for what?,” he asked, not sure as to why you were apologizing.
Did you do something bad without him knowing?
Did you somehow manage to go against his rules right under his nose again?
You could tell from the sudden feeling of tension in the room that Jungwon’s mind started to wander in dark places, so you knew you had to speak fast.
“M-my little incident with the greenhouse… I hope you find in your heart t-to forgive my curiosity…” you stuttered nervously, picking with your nails in your lap.
He remained quiet, breathing pattern still like a wind chime frozen in time as he turned on his heel, eyes still not meeting yours.
You watched as he reached for a spoon to drizzle honey on your breakfast, “Would you like any yogurt or granola with your fruit, love?”
You couldn’t believe he just asked you that, of all things—
“Jungwon, I’m trying to apologize here…”
“I know,” he hummed sarcastically, “and I’m trying to prepare your breakfast…”
“I… I know…,” you repeated with a sigh, hanging your head low now as the tension only grew thicker, “thank you, Jungwon… just the fruit and honey is fine…”
He was pleased with your obedience to his subtle cues, bringing the bowl to you with a silver spoon perched in its side, “You're welcome…”
And with that, the stale morning continued as usual, you and Jungwon barely exchanging any small talk as the nearby sun rose to its fullest extent.
He never explicitly said that he forgave you for sneaking out into the greenhouse that day, but it elated him nonetheless that you took a small step to compliance.
About another hour had passed after you both finished breakfast together before Jungwon received a call from his boss, saying that he could have the day off because of a blackout in the city.
That meant you and him would be spending the entire day together, an occurrence that rarely even happened on the weekends given his busy work life.
Jungwon was always busy, so he claimed… which only made you question how he was able to stalk you all those months before abducting you.
You quite seriously couldn’t believe a single word that escaped his serpentine mouth—
“I want to show you a creative piece I've been working on in my greenhouse for you,” he began with gentle enthusiasm as you two spent some time rearranging the bedroom.
Or more accurately, while you sat on the bed, watching him add three extra locks to your bedroom door.
You didn’t respond yet as you didn’t know what to say, so he busied himself with neatly putting away his work tools before standing up from the ground to meet you.
“I hope you don't mind that I kept the dress you wore on your first day here,” he continued bashfully, “I used it to come up with your measurements for the dress.”
He also used it to please himself in eery hours of the night while he thought of a whiny you squirming beneath him, but he'd rather keep that part private for now...
His freshly calloused hand found yours as he joined the spot beside you on the mattress, pulling you back into the moment with a pleasant expression on his angelic features.
It was a shame how someone so demented could be so beautiful.
“What's wrong, my love? Did you spoil the surprise for yourself that day you went snooping around without my permission?” Jungwon interrogated frantically, worried that the blank expression on your face had something to do with his mentioning of the dress.
And it did, but not for reasons he assumed.
“God, you saw it already, didn't you? Please don't hate me ____, I know it didn't look like much at the time, but—”
“I made a few finishing touches since then, but it looks way better now, I promise... I'm so sorry for not hiding the surprise from you better—”
“Wonie,” you said a little louder this time, making his guilt-stricken eyes soften slightly at your use of a nickname.
He let out a sigh, shaking his head with a light-hearted chuckle before running a hand through his thick brown locks, “Guess I kinda rambled a bit there, didn't I?”
“Just a little,” you agreed, patting him on the back as he rested his elbows on his thighs while sitting.
If only you could feel the way his crooked heart fluttered at your simple initiation of physical touch.
“And I didn't see your project in the greenhouse, by the way... only a naked mannequin and some plants… so please, don’t stress yourself out over that,” you reassured in a soft tone, almost as if cooing to the hurt child inside him…
“I appreciate everything you do for me, Jungwon… you know that…,” you confessed in the stillness, an odd sincerity behind each word.
“Thank you for saying that, my love... but as a committed pair, my duty is to please you, and that's all I could ever aspire to do so long as you keep pleasing me...” his voice trailed off ominously, your eyes watching as little sighs kept leaving his body…
It was a strange thing, really...
Seeing such an intimidating person falter to reverence… insecurity.
You wondered in your mind exactly what Jungwon meant by you pleasing him, but you decided to keep quiet for the meantime instead of asking.
Suddenly, he lifted himself from the bed, turning to face you with a seemingly restored countenance as he spoke, “I can't wait for you to try on the dress though, ____... I just know you'll look absolutely divine once its on you... Ready?”
“Ready,” you smiled, taking his extended hand in yours as he guided you out of the bedroom and to his forbidden greenhouse.
YOUR BODY STIFFENED as stone, your lungs hardly remembering to breathe as Jungwon’s cold hands stripped you of your clothing layer by layer.
You stood in front of him, now only in a washed-out pair of lace panties and thin bralette, a wooden stepping stool placed beneath your feet which strangely resembled a pedestal.
The sound of metal clothes hangers sliding into each other hit your ears as he rummaged through the wardrobe in between one of his gardening shelves.
Meanwhile, your eyes scanned the room before inevitably falling back onto the sight of two mannequins, one whole and another headless.
From the looks of it, you almost couldn’t believe that Jungwon had designed either of the pieces himself, let alone crafted them by hand.
Despite how Jungwon had proved to you multiple times that he was a jack of all trades, his array of skills never seeming to fail.
The red dress you watched him carefully remove from the mannequin was the one that belonged to you.
It’s neckline was made up of fancy lace, dried out field flowers trailing the accented seams.
The waist of the dress was decorated similarly, an array of gorgeous flowers with warm hues floating idly atop the skirt of feathery fabric, ballon-like sleeves completing the look with a mocked neckline.
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The piece, in short, was lovely, Jungwon having brought with him a pair of silk white leggings and sliding them up your dainty ankles as would a servant before his queen.
It was evident all over his face that he took such delight in dressing you, hands respectfully adjusting your undergarments and fastening the makeshift zipper up your spine.
With delicate hands, he straightened out the fabric over your shoulders and down your waist as needed before stepping back to get a full look at you.
“My precious blossom...” he began adoringly, observing how the thin material draped over every ethereal curve of your body, and how the coloring palette complimented your natural one as if it were the only dress you were ever meant to wear.
"You're glowing," he almost whispered this time, voice so light that it tickled you when it touched your skin.
“Thank you,” you replied with a similarly gentle tone, not quite sure on how to respond to his enamor for you.
Pacing back towards you, he took your hands in his, looking almost as if he was holding back tears once his feline eyes met yours, “What do you think, my love? Did I do a just job for you?…”
“It’s perfect,” you smiled, abandoning one of his hands so you could swipe the moisture from his eyes, watching as he nearly purred at your action, “I love it…”
“And I’m so happy you do,” he replied, gentle touch grazing your wrist as he continued to admire the view of you in his unique piece.
“I have a question, though,” you started shyly, still watching his face in case there’d be an unpredictable change of emotion.
He simply nodded, feelings as though he was in a sleep-like state from how lovesick he felt right now, “You may continue, my love…”
“Okay,” you went on, swallowing any nerves building up in your throat before speaking, “What compelled you to design such a dress for me in the first place?”
A prolonged silence meddled between you two at the question up until he giggled slightly to himself, confusion washing over you at the sight of his now full-smile.
“Has it really been that long, love,” Jungwon asked in a half-serious tone, “for you to not even remember anymore?”
“Remember what?” You asked back, using the most polite voice you could muster.
“Remember that you’re my little flower, silly,” he smiled eerily, pinching one of your cheeks in a way that triggered a fear response within you.
Fortunately though, you did a good job of concealing it this time…
I’m not a flower, Jungwon, a voice similar to your own weakly choked out in desperation, trying to trigger a memory.
“I…. I’m not sure I fully understand,” you admitted, not even aware of how your legs stiffened, or the way your heart started to pulse as if you’d just been in a fight.
“Your rebuttal,” he clarified, “in the woods that day… it rang true to my ears,” he said, still tracing your skin with his touch.
“Let me finish… please,” he interrupted sternly before tilting his head at you. “You brought something very important to my attention that day… and it was that every flower ought to have petals…”
He stopped in his words, hoping that you would understand, and to some degree, you did.
All of this, from day one… was to make sure that you, as his flower, blossomed accordingly…
The tea he ‘watered’ you with every morning…
The rays of sunlight he valued synonymously with any other form of nutrition you received…
The dress he designed for you with his own hands…
And the initial nickname he graced you with since as long as you could forget…
Jungwon loved you from the depths of his stony heart, and he had a very strange way of expressing it to you at times.
Though, now that you were complete with a set of more petals than he could possibly count, the last step was for Jungwon to make sure he took good care of you so you wouldn’t wither away…
So you wouldn’t have to perish like the last girl did…
THAT EVENING, JUNGWON brought you back to the garden just outside the main cabin on the land lot.
You sat quaintly, hands folded in your lap as he toiled in the flower bed, the knees of his dark blue jeans turning dark with moist soil.
"You look rather bored," he started, a glint of playfulness in his eyes, "care to give me a hand?"
"Sure," you replied apprehensively, getting up from the wooden bench you sat at and joining him at the seedling patch.
"See that shovel over there," he asked, directing your attention to its auburn handle a few feet away from you, "use it to sprinkle a bit of fertilizer over these here flowers, please."
"Okay," you obliged, a little grunt escaping you as you reached forward to grab the shovel, Jungwon's eyes trying their best not to follow the curve of your outstretched figure, the sounds you made doing enough to tingle his imagination.
"Is everything alright? You look warm," you said, observing the slight hue rushing to the apple of his cheeks.
"Oh- No, I'm alright," he said with a reassuring smile, reaching in his side pocket to pull out a pair of gardening scissors.
You busied yourself with sprinkling the flower bed with fertilizer, meanwhile, the distant sound of Jungwon snipping a few plants filled your ears alongside the peaceful melody of songbirds.
Your mind couldn't help but think of the day he made you kill one of their kind... the day he made you steal another creatures freedom, just as he had done to you-
"What're you picking?" You asked, not meeting his eyes as you dusted a bit of dirt from your hands.
"Just some herbs for your tea," he answered in a quiet voice, focusing most of his mind on the task at hand, "the ones in my greenhouse withered out somehow, but I'm glad I had a few back-up plants out here..."
Your eyes followed as he continued to snip, colorful leaf and flower bud remnants falling into the mini mortar bowl he held in his free hand.
"Do you recognize all the plants you farm by name?"
"Pfft... of course I do," he chuckled, "I've been a man of the garden my whole life," he added. "These purple ones here are called valerian, the vibrant ones passion flowers, and the red ones are poppy's... though, I often mix these with berry brews in your tea..."
You took a mental note of the names he listed, "And do you have a botanical book by any chance-"
"You're asking a lot of questions again, love," he said, voice sounding a bit cold even though his face remained just as friendly.
"S-sorry," you apologized timidly, hanging your head low as the evening wind picked up, blowing sprinkles of wildlife into the air as Jungwon turned his head to avoid getting anything in his eyes.
"Let's head back inside now," he said softly, "it's getting late."
You got up from the ground, holding your day-dress at either side of you as if it already hadn't been soiled from the soggy flower bed, Jungwon guiding you back to the cabin with a protective hand around your waist as the wind continued to beat at your backs.
Promptly upon being met with the warmth of the main cabin, Jungwon locked the door behind you two before making his way to the kitchen where he set a kettle on the stovetop.
Meanwhile, he had ran you a bath so you could get washed up in the nearby restroom down the hallway, cleaning yourself with haste and changing into a fresh pair of clothes.
The tea kettle was whistling angrily in a matter of minutes, Jungwon having crushed the collection of herbs and berries with the pestle in his bowl and pouring the scalding water right over it.
With a skilled hand, he drizzled a bit of honey at the bottom of your teacup, transferring the brew right over.
Clink... clink... clink.
Jungwon gave the mixture a few stirs with a metal spoon before deciding to himself that it was ready.
"____," he called after you from your bedroom in a sing-songy voice, waiting for a now-refreshed you to meet him on the mattress.
The feline eyed boy held the warm cup tenderly in his grasp just as you returned with a damp head of hair and natural glow.
"It's time for your tea, love," he reiterated, scooting over on the bed as you didn't hesitate to join the spot beside him.
He opened your hands before placing the cup within your grasp.
There was something about the expression on his face in this moment... a knowing look displayed on his cat-like features as he eyed you fiercely, waiting for you to take the first sip.
"I added a new ingredient to it this time, too," he went on, breaking the odd silence, "not that you'd even notice a difference in the taste since you never drink it despite my instructions to."
Your heart nearly rolled from your chest and onto the prickly wooden floor at his sudden words.
"W-wha... what did you say," you stuttered nervously, tightening your grip around the teacup.
"Oh, please... you didn't think I'd catch on to the ivy's pot and soil being over-soaked so frequently?" He challenged, shaking his head at you in disappointment that you even thought you could get away with lying to him.
"The poor thing almost died because of you," he continued, taking in your anxious body language even though your eyes failed to meet his daunting ones.
"I... I don't know what to say," you admitted with a shaky voice, knowing that with Jungwon, it was better to say something, even if it was stupid, instead of saying nothing at all.
He hummed at your reply before speaking again, "So I'll ask you a question instead... how come you never drink it? I mean... you're not a picky eater, so there must be some other reason... isn't there?"
You let out a hesitant breath, "Jungwon, I don't know what you want to hear, but-"
"I don't want to hear anything but the truth, ____," he clarified with an exhausted huff, keeping his eyes on you as if pleading.
"Now don't keep me waiting with your nonsense because you already know how I get when you do that to me..."
“I…I just,” you stumbled over your speech, struggling to maintain eye contact with him as his gaze practically pierced you.
“You don’t trust me,” he finished for you, shaking his head at your failure to even deny it. “You genuinely think that I’d do something bad to you,” he scoffed while clenching his jaw, “even after that pathetic little promise I made to you…”
That’s when you felt the cup harshly leave your grasp, a bit of its liquid spilling onto your lap as he abruptly stood up from the mattress.
A scornful look took over his delicate features, throwing his head back before drinking the tea in one big gulp, wiping the remaining residue from the corner of his mouth with the back of his hand, “There… you see?! Not that hard, right love?”
You meant to respond but he already paced out of the room by now, coming back in less than a minute with the kettle in his hand, refilling the teacup he’d just drank from.
Smiling facetiously at your nervous frame, Jungwon pushed your legs open with his own, now standing dauntingly between them.
You were still sat on the bed, legs trembling at either side of his thighs as his broad shadow nearly consumed your lesser one, eyes rising to meet his nightmarish face thanks to his hand guiding your chin upward.
You didn't like this one bit, the cold air of the room hitting your core now that your legs were spread open, nor his body being positioned right between you.
He tilted his head, your eyes brimming with fearful tears that every bone in your body tried to push down with the growing lump in your throat that you couldn't swallow.
“So do it then,” he went on sternly, voice not raised but just as impactful, “Take the fucking cup and drink it.”
There was a certain beast imbedded behind Jungwon's contrastingly angelic face... it was always hungry, waiting for whatever enticing peep-hole of a chance was provided for him to squeeze through.
And as perverted as it sounds, that same hole of temptation laid right within you, hidden behind a dainty nightgown that acted as wrapping paper to a precious gift.
With every day that passed, Jungwon could feel himself crawling despairingly closer and closer to its rim, praying that he might someday spill over the edge and be basked in all its glory...
The very glory he placed on your purity since day one, seeking after it as if it'd rescue his corrupted soul.
You had no other choice but to heed to his words, parting your lips with a broken whine as his grip on your face tightened.
He refused to bring the cup to your lips, watching as if entertained once you lifted the cup over his hand, letting the tea meet your dry tongue.
“Swallow it,” he ordered, looking into your eyes before the feeling of warmth hit your stomach almost instantly, the teacup now being empty.
“Wonie,” you choked out, a single tear gliding down the supple curve of your cheek as his free hand set the cup on the nightstand, only to find your lips and toy a thumb at it.
“What is it love?” He whispered in a hoarse voice, peering impossibly close to your face as his grip remained tight.
“I’d like to go to bed now,” you yelped weakly, lips twitching with fear that only continued to multiply within you now that he'd pushed your back against the mattress, caging you beneath him.
“And without supper?” He taunted, whispering these words right under your ear as your hands trembled at his chest.
“Yes,” you blurted out with heavy breaths, “I’m no longer hungry, Jungwon…”
He let your words sink in, taking in just how scared you seemed when he hadn't even done anything yet.
The way you feared Jungwon used to bother him, but now he started to see an advantage in it... an advantage in the way you crumbled into submission before him.
“Very well then,” he said, hands finally leaving your chin with a few red marks still remaining on your skin from the pressure, “sleep well, my love...”
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☆ Thank you all so much for reading this piece! I always love how interactive you guys are in the comments with this story and it truly brings a smile to my face !! On a side note though, this part turned out much longer than expected, so apologies for the cliffhanger ;-; ... to be continued hehe ;)
☆ taglist:  @squoxle @ashgonedash @yourmomscuntis2tighy @kaykay11sworld @gigiramirezsblog @hoonsyo @en-thralled  @night-en-shining-armor @cutiejseong @j-wyoung @nikisvanillaccola @bambangan @wonbyf @4imhry @zhangyi-johee  @valhrts @lisaaannna @lovelycassy @addictedtohobi @gardenwons @nikipedia07 @tubatusoobs  @clarisabutterfliescupcake @yevene @heecries @rosiemiayyxy @jungwonieee @edgykoo @luvmlkw @idkhoomanmaybe @sunsinmyskies @guessm0del @ayadikreino @destairea @jakehooni @jjungwonss @nikilvr @jays-property @moonchus @angelicjungwon @wonniesdoll @rosiemiayyxy @rinirumi @noviadebeomgyu @pochacco-o @hapeynaaa @ikngh @maspire @mamuljji @hnnhj @legendarycowboywinnerlawyer @enhypenlovre @stxrboyjae @f4irynono @03sunoos @itwasrem @laurradoesloveu @lalalalovelalalasworld @honestimage @ro-0327 @stwberrykooki @heelvrr @wonbinisbabygurl @jungwonloveer @jungwonsmybf @kayoiw @lovelycassy @mrswolfhard3 @theothernads @junieshohoho @wonheartz @jongsbie @candewlsy @kotazuken @moonchus @laurradoesloveu @millieinyourarea @straightondryland
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tiredfox64 · 2 months
Can you write about the reader being close friends with Smoke for a long time and both secretly have feelings for each other but could admit it to each other out of fear until one day the reader came back from a mission injured and Smoke freaks out, confesses his love for the reader?
Don’t Go, Please
Prior notes: Oh Tomas, how you make my heart ache. You know what else makes my heart ache, this damn speech!
Pairing: Tomas x Gn reader
Warnings ‼️: This is possibly angst with a happy ending
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Born as a hunter, raised to be a Lin Kuei assassin, built the Shirai Ryu with Kuai Liang, yet can’t confess his feelings.
You’re no better.
It’s so painful obvious to everyone that you and Tomas like each other. You two spend so much time together whether that be training, eating, or just hanging out.
To Tomas, he saw you as a great fighter and a good person overall. He never felt scared to talk to you about anything even if it involved his past. He even cried in front of you once when he talked to you about Bi-Han betrayal. He was scared at first since he thought you would find him weak for crying. But he was pleasantly surprised when you held him tight to you and soothed him. Thank goodness you two were alone in your room. Ever since then that’s when he knew he truly was in love with you. He just never said it out loud.
And for you, you knew you liked him the moment he spoke. At first he seemed so scary to you with his big muscles, that mask, and those piercing eyes. But when you heard his voice your heart melted and you realized there’s nothing to be afraid of. On the outside he may look intimidating but you realize how sweet and considerate he is. Your conversations would last for hours. You would be so lost in them you wouldn’t realize that you stopped training.
He’s a good man, a good man!
But confessing your love seems like a hard task. The risk is too high. You’re afraid of getting hurt. You can heal from physical wounds but emotional wounds can take a long time. You can’t afford to have a weakened emotional state and neither can Tomas. So you both force yourself to be happy with what you guys have. A close bond, a friendship.
Now get yourself ready, you have a new mission to get accomplish. Put your best gear on and be prepared. Slow down for a sec, Tomas would like to say something to you.
“You better be careful out there.” He warned.
“You’ve been saying that for so long yet I always come back.” You replied with a big smile.
“I mean without a kunai stuck in your leg or a big rash on your arm from poison ivy.”
“That was one time!”
“Yes, but it happened a month ago.” We all make mistakes.
“Ah whatever. Look, I have to get going. I promise I will return in one piece.”
Before you walked away you felt Tomas grab your hand. You looked back at him with a look of surprise. Even he seemed surprised he did that. There was just one more thing to say to you.
“Promise me that you will come back to me.” Tomas said softly.
“I will, Tomas.”
Even the best make mistakes.
You and some of the other Shirai Ryu members were ambushed by Lin Kuei assassins. It was double the size of your group. Yet you fought victoriously.
You did your best to protect yourself and the others. At some point, however, you stopped protecting yourself. You protected everyone and made the remaining Lin Kuei assassins flee. But at what cost.
You were down for the count too early in this mission. Pushing forward would only result in further injuries. Your group helped you up and brought you back to the Shirai Ryu temple.
Tomas was the first to see your group return and his heart dropped. Seeing your limp body being carried back was already a bad sign to him. Paying little mind to what he was doing before he ran up to take you into his arms. What a horrific sight it was.
There were so many slashes on your arms and legs. It ripped your sleeves and pants to shreds and soaked them in your blood. He could already see bruises forming on your body which gave him the idea of how hard you were beat. There was already one coming in on your cheek. A cheek he always dreamed of kissing being stained with a nasty red surrounded by purple. It angered him to see someone else he loved get hurt but what could he do now. All he can do is bring you to the infirmary and hope they can patch you up.
Everyone was hustling to get you fixed up and see what they could do for you. Tomas placed you on a bed and let the others take care of you. Yet he couldn’t leave no rip his eyes away from your body. He couldn’t even tell if you were breathing there was little motion in your chest. Kuai Liang had to drag him away as he couldn’t stand to see his brother sad.
The next few hours were rough.
When Tomas was finally let back in he was somewhat relieved. You looked much better than when he last saw you. There were bandages wrapped around your arms and legs. Seems like no bones were broken which is great. He still can’t get over how they hurt you. He can get over the bruise on your face but when it came to the reason it was even there he can’t.
He pulled up a chair and placed it next to the bed so he could be close. His hand went up to remove any loose hair that was around your face. He knows that can be annoying to you.
Tomas sighed before taking your hand and just holding it. His thumb rubbed over your palm like he was trying to comfort you.
“I understand why you did what you did. You were protecting others as you always did. It’s who you are. Do you even realize how much you’ve scared me? If I lost you too, I don’t know what I’d do.”
He lifts your hand to press it against the side of his face. The thought of you actually holding his face and looking at him with love always brought warmth to his heart. He felt as is started to race as his emotions screamed to be let out. And then a tear dripped onto your hand.
“Do you even realize how much I love you? How I want to hold you and never let you get hurt again. It’s too painful to think about and even worse to witness.”
Tomas started to cry a little harder. The thought was too painful and brought back memories of the past. He can’t lose you. Never.
“I never met someone who I loved this much. I don’t want to find someone else to love, I just want you. I love you. I’ve loved you for so long and I don’t know if I’ll ever be strong enough to tell you. I don’t want us to get hurt over this.” He said before he felt something.
Your thumb rubbed his face gently. Your thumb moved slightly so it could wipe away his tears. Yup, you were awake. And you’ve been awake since he first entered. You were still a bit woozy from the incident you didn’t want to open your eyes. When Tomas touched your hand you immediately knew it was him.
When he started to confess you wondered if this was all a drug-induced dream. That maybe the medics gave you something to help with the pain and it made you imagine things. That’s not how it works over here and his touch felt too real. Your heart flutter when you heard him say the words ‘I love you’. It’s like you always imagined. You felt it was right to now do something since he started to cry hard. Your beautiful eyes were open and looking at him.
“It’s okay, Tomas. I’m fine. I told you I would come back. I always do.” You responded weakly.
“You’re awake! Ah, but how long were you awake and how much did you hear?” He questioned.
“All of it. I thought it was best to stop you now to show that it’s okay. No need to cause anymore pain. And yes, I heard all of it.”
Tomas didn’t know how to feel. It felt good to get that off his chest but he was scared of your reaction. You seemed calm but that could be because you’re exhausted.
“The thing is…I love you too. I have for a long time now.” Your eyes shifted away awkwardly as if you were the one who confessed first.
This was fantastic news for Tomas. His pale skin showed a hint of pink in his cheeks. The person he loves the most loves him too. He was still a little embarrassed that he was caught confessing to you but it all worked out in the end. He went in to hug you lightly, not wanting to hurt your already injured body.
“You have no idea how happy you just made me.”
“I think I actually do. There was always a little sparkle in your eyes when you got happy.”
That only made his cheeks turn from a light pink to a pinkish red. Your hands went up to hold his face, not caring about if it hurt or not to move. You just wanted to look at him and of course kiss him. You brought him close and gave him a gentle kiss. If only you could have seen his eyes it was like fireworks went off in there. He felt like the luckiest man in the world. You pulled back to look at him again before saying something.
“You wouldn’t mind staying here with me, right?”
“Why would I ever mind being with you.” He said lovingly.
He did just that. Tomas stayed with you for hours where you two talked. It almost made you forget you were injured. He brought so much comfort to you. Things died down at some point and the exhaustion of the day’s events hit you both.
Eventually, Kuai Liang came around to try to find Tomas. He knew he was probably in the infirmary with you. When he looked inside he saw Tomas resting his head on the bed with your hand rested on top of it. It looked like you were petting him before you two knocked out. It was an adorable sight and Kuai Liang felt like there was no reason to disturb you two. He silently closed the door and walked off.
You know what they say, love always finds a way. It found its way towards you two, didn’t it.
After notes: So it’s Mavado and Phen-228 who are bringing in the karma for me. Weird combo but they both serve cunt (don’t ask me about Phen or else I’ll laugh). So yeah I wanted to push this out because I’m a people pleaser which means I’m still not done with a lot of my work. But now that I have this out I can focus a little better…hopefully. To the person who requested I hope you are satisfied and if not you can make me watch the boiled one phenomenon at night.
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mendeshoney · 8 months
apple of my eye, take a bite
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A/N: surprise surprise! this is a part two to "a taste of the devine," with a special little halloween twist! to my lovelies, @pyotrkochetkov and @smileysvech happy halloween babes! the title is inspired by lyrics from the song “eve” by precious pepala
Summary: You and Andrei go to the team Halloween party at a club, and it takes Andrei down memory lane.
Pairing: andrei svechnikov x f!reader
Word Count: 5,120
Warnings: five year age gap, older woman x younger man, fluff, previously established dynamics (including msub x fdom dynamics, switch, mdom x fsub dynamics), smut, semi-public sex (in a club), hints of biting/hickies, penetration, finish inside, unprotected sex
Russian terms used (bearing in mind the author does not speak Russian and definitely Google’d these) can be referenced here.
“I feel like this won’t make much sense,” Andrei quietly mumbles to himself, adjusting the ‘hat’ of his costume, his eyes casting to the side once he sees movement from inside the closet.
The sliding frosted glass door is closed, so he can only see your shadow as you move around, and he can feel himself start to get antsy.
You’d kept your part of the couples costume a shrouded secret from him, claiming you wanted to surprise him. 
As far as surprises go, he typically liked yours a lot, but given his current predicament, he found himself a little more anxious than normal.
He glances at himself in the vanity mirror in your shared bedroom, running a cursory hand over the fuzzy material of his Halloween costume, and frowning a little at his reflection.
“Kroshka, I don’t-” He starts, cutting himself off and turning back toward the closet when he hears the sliding door open. 
You finally emerge, body in an emerald green mini dress that you’d sewed fake vines onto so that they curled and twisted around your figure, enhancing your silhouette, vines trailing down your shoulder and around your arms until they rested delicately on your wrists. Those beautiful legs of yours donned a pair of thigh high velvet stiletto boots, the color matching your dress perfectly. 
You looked a lot more like that character that Evgeny used to tease him for having a crush on when they were kids, Poison Ivy, than you did the biblical Eve.
Sukin syn.
Andrei’s hard in seconds, heart pounding furiously as his stomach flutters.
Babochki, he thinks. Butterflies.
He laughs suddenly, feeling nervous out of the blue. 
“What do you think?” You ask, turning your body a little so he can get a better view.
“I think there’s butterflies in my stomach,” he says honestly, the words coming out faster than he can process, but when you flush deeply, he feels a twinge of satisfaction. 
“You still have a way with words, don’t you?” You tease, trying to look anywhere else but him, and he knows that strategy.
Sometimes, when you’re not sure how to receive his compliments, you try to brush them off, but tonight’s not a night Andrei can let that fly.
He can feel his hands twitching at his sides, and his feet are moving towards you before he even realizes, that familiar gravitational pull too strong to resist.
“Ty vyglyadish' krasivo, lyubov' moya.” He murmurs. You look beautiful, my love.
You smile at his words, his hands coming to rest on your waist and pull you closer. “Spasibo, malysh.” You finally seem to take in his costume, and you giggle lightly. “You look so cute!”
He frowns, brows pinched together. “I’m glad you think so.”
You smile, giggling a little more. “Of course I think so.”
“Remind me again why I couldn’t just be ‘Adam’ for Halloween?” He asks, fingers playing with a fake vine on your shoulder.
“Because no one cares about Adam,” you remind him gently. “The story’s about Eve and the Apple. Adam’s just there.”
Andrei pouts a little, turning back toward the mirror and staring at the apple suit that covers his upper half, the red hat on his head with the apple’s stem and a little leaf, and the dark brown pants on his legs. “I guess so,” he laments, then turns his gaze back to you.
You know him so well at this point that when the corner of your mouth quirks up in a small smile, he isn’t even surprised, and just smiles right back at you. “Don’t worry, shchenok, everyone still thinks you’re sexy.”
“I don’t care about everyone,” he says without a second’s hesitation. “Just you.”
A small flush works its way up your neck and cheeks. “I still think you’re sexy, too.”
Andrei’s heart pounds then, that familiar disbelief that he was able to call someone like you the love of his life surfacing in his chest. He bends his head, pride surging through his veins when you accept his kiss. 
“We should probably go soon,” you murmur against his mouth.
Andrei hums, shrugging. “Or we could stay home. Have our own little Halloween party.”
“Not an option, I’m afraid.” You say, and pull yourself out of his arms to head back into the closet. He watches, completely entranced, as you pull on a pair of thigh high velvet stiletto boots, the color matching your dress perfectly, and he can feel himself start to tent in his pants. 
“Kroshka,” he tries again, the word nearly getting caught in his throat, “Are you sure we can’t just-”
You cut him off by standing, grabbing your small clutch and his car keys, tossing a curt “Let’s go, moye yabloko” over your shoulder as you head to the garage.
Andrei glances at himself in the mirror one last time, offering his reflection a long-suffering sigh, before grabbing his wallet and trailing after you.
His teammates don’t laugh as much as he expected, which he supposes is because out of all the costumes tonight, he looks the least ridiculous.
Jesperi, Teuvo, and Sebastian are dressed as Alvin and the Chipmunks - Jesperi was elected to be Theo against his will, Teuvo gladly accepted the role of Simon because it meant he was the smartest, which left Sebastian as Alvin, who claimed it was only fair since his last name began with an ‘A’ - Freddie, Anti, Jacob, and Brett dressed up as Michaelangelo, Donatello, Leonardo, and Rafael from the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Brent was dressed as Sully from Monsters Inc, and those were just the costumes he managed to figure out on his own.
There were far too many others for him to keep track of or understand and some were just a headache to look at, so he ended up focusing on the one thing he knew would keep his attention - the way your ass moved in your dress as you walked through club toward the VIP section they’d reserved for the team party.
The girls complimented you on your outfit and assured Andrei that he looked cute instead of silly, and it only made him feel marginally better.
He was still dressed as a giant apple for the night, after all, while his bombshell of a girlfriend looked like a walking fantasy.
After you’d said hello to everyone, the two of you ended up separated, the girls heading out to the dancefloor, some of the guys heading to the bar to grab drinks and snacks, and the rest settling into the VIP section.
Andrei plopped down between Jesperi and Freddie, removing his costume’s hat and putting it on the little table in their section, tuning out most of the conversation happening within the first ten minutes and instead finding himself focused on you and that beautiful dress out on the dance floor.
His eyes were glued to you as you danced, lost in the familiar way your hips moved and how carefree you were. Other people may have needed a little bit of alcohol in them to be so uninhibited, but you didn’t. You never had.
Watching you now, it reminds him of the first night he met you.
It had been earlier this year, when the guys had been having a particularly rough week of games, and they’d gone out to a club to relieve some stress.
You’d been there with some of your friends, and Andrei had been feeling a little bit too confident after a few drinks. He’d locked eyes with you barely ten minutes after he’d arrived and couldn’t take his eyes off you the whole night, couldn’t seem to find the need to wander more than ten feet out of your orbit.
He finally found the courage to approach you after Martinook had all but threatened to send Freddie after you first, pushing off the bar and heading over to you. 
He tried the gentlemanly approach, introduced himself properly by taking your hand, and from that first touch there was this crazy electric wildfire of sexual tension that neither of you seemed to be able to deny. You didn’t seem disturbed by him being five years younger than you, and he couldn’t have cared any fucking less about you being twenty eight. 
He worried for maybe half a second about you not being able to understand him through his accent, but you had no problems with it, even beyond the blaring music of the club. Then, he offered to get you a drink or a bottle of water - whatever you wanted really, he didn’t care - before asking if you minded if he joined you for a dance.
One dance became two, then four, then six, and then the next thing he knew, you both had locked yourselves in a storage closet down the back hall of the club and he had you pinned against the wall, his jeans and boxer briefs around his thighs, your dress hiked up to your waist, thong pulled to the side, and his cock buried so deep inside of you that you had to bite down on the meaty flesh of his shoulder to keep from crying out too loudly. 
You’d fucked twice in that closet before you took him back to your place and fucked another two times. In the morning, you’d managed to contain yourselves in the shower, but Andrei lost all restraint and licked your pussy on your kitchen table until your throat grew hoarse and your legs shook so much your table started to squeak.
He managed to rein it in and take you on a date two days later, and then you invited him out for dinner another three days after that. After about ten dates without any sexual interactions at all, and about a month in total of you actually knowing each other, he’d asked you to be his girlfriend, and you both celebrated when you said ‘yes’ to him by locking yourselves in at his place and fucking like bunnies for about two days.
Andrei had learned everything about what you liked in bed in that first month, and you’d learned everything about what he liked. 
You’d also learned enough about one another that Andrei was pretty sure he’d end up marrying you and having about five or seven kids within the next seven years, because there was no possible way he’d ever manage to find someone as brilliant as you ever again.
And at this point, you’d barely been dating a year. 
He’d say he was probably moving too fast in any other circumstance, but he was pretty sure you were on the same page.
He feels a nudge in his side, and Andrei glances over, momentarily shocked because he’d completely forgotten his friends were dressed in costumes, and the orange fabric around Freddie’s eyes nearly scared him shitless for a second. 
“You want another drink? The chipmunks lost a bet so they’re buying for the night.” Freddie says, gesturing to where Jesperi had gotten up and was now writing down orders on his phone. 
“Sure,” Andrei says. “I’ll take one.”
Jesperi points to where you are on the dance floor and asks Andrei “One for her too, right?”, and when Andrei nods, Jesperi gives him a thumbs up before stalking over to the bar.
He has a feeling it’s going to take Jesperi awhile to put in the drink orders for the whole section, so Andrei resumes watching you, reminiscing on the day you first met and chiming in on the conversations around him every now and again.
You finally wander over with the girls once the drinks arrive, and Andrei immediately opens his arms, feeling content when you settle into his embrace and onto his lap. He hands you your drink, careful to keep your hair out of your face when you take a sip.
There’s a sound of fake retching, and you and Andrei cut your eyes to where Jesperi’s making faces at the two of you. You roll your eyes, settling into Andrei a little more, and he wraps his arms around your waist, securing you to him.
“Jealous, KK?” One of the other girls asks, and Jesperi’s nose scrunches.
“Hardly.” He scoffs. “I’m basically watching my older sister make out with one of my best friends. It’s disturbing.”
Andrei feels you stiffen in his arms, but Jesperi’s already turning away, and Andrei squeezes you gently. “Zajka?”
You turn to Andrei, a slightly stunned expression on your face. “I…does he really think of me that way?” 
“What way?” Andrei asks, bringing a hand up to gently caress your cheek. 
He can see the shock starting to settle in a little more. “Like an older sister?”
And though Andrei knows they’ve never really talked about it, because it’s not really a topic that would come up, he knows for certain the answer is yes. 
Especially after the way you looked after everyone during the beach trip this past summer, all Andrei heard for weeks during training camp and preseason was how much everyone missed your cooking, people asking how you were doing, and demands for him to bring you around more.
Since you’d barely been together for six months at that point, he didn’t push you about it at all because he didn’t want you to feel pressured or rushed, even though he knew you liked everyone just fine. It was another thing he felt like would make it feel like this was going too fast, even though you’d probably be on the same page about this, too.
“I think a lot of them think that way.” He admits. “Pretty sure Freddie thinks of you as a younger sister. Burnsy too, to be honest.”
There’s a thoughtful look in your eyes now, and after a beat, you nod. “I didn’t know that.”
“Is that…is that okay?” He asks, slightly unsure. He doesn’t know that he’s seen you this…contemplative before.
You turn to Andrei, and give him that dazzling smile of yours he loves so much. “Of course it’s okay. Just took me by surprise a little.”
He nods, sitting up a little more so he can press a kiss to the base of your neck. “They love you as much as I do.”
Andrei’s surprised when his kiss makes you shiver a little, and he pulls back a bit, raising a brow at you.
You flush, suddenly bashful. “I just…” He raises a brow when you seem to be trying to find the words to say, and you gesture with your head towards the dancefloor. “Feels familiar, doesn’t it?”
Realization hits Andrei and he smiles, nodding. “It does, zajka.” 
A sly, cheshire smile works its way onto your lips, and Andrei feels his heart begin to pound in anticipation. “Let’s see just how well you can tempt me a second time, moye yabloko.” 
You’re downing the rest of your drink and getting up from his lap faster than he can blink, and then you’re heading back out to the dancefloor with the girls. 
As Andrei watches you walk away, he catches the wink you send him over your shoulder before you disappear into the crowd, and he smirks to himself. 
Da nachnetsya igra.
Let the games begin.
Drink in hand, Andrei makes his way through the crowd, his puffy apple costume coming in hand by parting the crowd a little as he moves - he even has the ridiculous hat on again - until he finally reaches where you are in the middle of the dance floor. 
He taps gently on your shoulder, and when you turn around, your eyes look up at him curiously, a small smile on your face.
Andrei leans down so you can hear him better, saying “Hi, I couldn’t help but notice you earlier, and I thought I’d introduce myself and bring you a drink.”
It’s not exactly what he said that first night, but it’s close enough. So what if he skipped a few cheesy lines?
You lean back a little, staring at the drink in his hand before taking it with a small amount of hesitation. “Thank you,” you say back, leaning in like he had. “That’s really thoughtful of you.”
“I’m Andrei,” he says, holding his hand out.
You take it, shaking it once when you tell him your name in return.
The nostalgia has those butterflies resurfacing in his stomach, and he tries his best not to smile like a total idiot. “It’s nice to meet you.”
“It’s nice to meet you, too.” You say, then smirk a little at his costume. “You know, I’m pretty sure I was warned to stay away from you.”
He laughs a little, stepping closer into your space. Bending down so he’s right next to your ear, he rests a hand on your waist and says “One bite won’t hurt.”
At your responding chuckle, Andrei feels goosebumps ignite on his arms. “I’ve heard that before.”
“It’s different this time,” he promises. “It’s just us. And there’s no punishment.”
“Sounds a little too good to be true,” you say, pulling away a little and taking a sip of your drink, blinking up at him from under your lashes.
Andrei rights himself, shrugging. “Only one way to find out, isn’t there?” He gestures with his head towards a hallway that he’d confirmed about ten minutes ago had both a storage closet as well as what looked like an unused office full of boxes, but still came equipped with a couch and a perfectly solid desk.
He makes his way toward the hall, waiting for all of five minutes before you appear in front of him, the glass your drink was in now empty save for the cherry stem he already knew had a knot in it.
“Fancy seeing you here,” you joke, taking careful steps toward him. 
He holds a hand out, pleased when you take it, and he leads you toward the end of the hall. The door to the storage closet is on the left, and the door to the empty office is on the right. He places you in front of him, his hands resting on your waist from behind.
“Pick a door, zajka.” He says softly. 
You hum a little, taking a step forward. You open the door on the right first, but there’s a small noise that leaves you, and Andrei’s confused when you don’t take a step inside. You open the door to the left, and the second you see the closet, you spin around, smiling wickedly at him before pulling him inside.
He flips you the second he crosses the threshold, shutting the door and locking it before pinning you against the wood, placing his arms on either side of your head. “Didn’t like the office?”
You shake your head, tilting your chin up, waiting. “Not the same.”
“I would’ve liked fucking you on the desk.” He admits, the image of it still fresh in his brain.
“You didn’t fuck me on a desk till I moved in with you.” You remind him.
He smirks. “Oh I remember,” he promises. “Hard to forget the time you made me come so hard I almost passed out.”
You shrug. “You’re still alive, aren’t you?”
He drops one of his hands from the door only to bring it up between you, running a finger down the side of your neck, to your collarbone, your chest, before teasing at the neckline of your dress. 
“If you rip this dress before you get me in your bed, moye yabloko, you’ll be sorry.” You warn, but even so, your back arches off the wall, pushing your chest into his touch.
Andrei smirks. He’s never been one to shy away from his punishments.
Instead, he trails his hand down your dress and to the hem, pushing it up your thighs until he can reach under it to bring his fingers to your core, pleased when he finds the fabric of your thong already soaked. 
“May I, moya koroleva?” He asks sweetly, eyes focused on where his hand lingers. 
You nod, breath hitching a little when he pulls your thong to the side and runs his finger between your folds. “I want it like the first time.”
Andrei blinks, eyes darting back up to your face. 
That first night was intense - and beautiful - but also not the kind of sex the two of you have most often. He likes to please you, likes taking his time warming you up or worshiping you the way he’s learned that you like best. Other than the occasional quickie, you two rarely ever just get straight to it.
“Can you take me like this? Right now?” He checks.
“I can,” you say. You reach forward, fingers finding one of the belt loops of his pants and pulling him forward. “Please, malysh. I don’t want to wait.”
His heart beats hard against his ribcage. 
It’s rare that you’re the one pleading for him, that you’re the one asking for it this way, and he can feel the way his breath starts to stutter as he tries to maintain his composure.
The second he nods in agreement, it’s a race to get inside of you.
In a hurry, the two of you work to unbutton and unzip his pants, shuffling them down his thighs along with his boxer briefs. His aching cock springs free, and before you can reach for him, he’s bending down to lift you up and pin you against the wall, helping to wrap your legs around his waist. 
He balances you in one arm as you press your weight into the wall, reaching down to line his cock up to your entrance. The second he can feel it catch, he presses in at the same time that you angle your hips downward, and he pushes until he’s seated all the way inside and his hips press yours against the wall.
You take a gasping breath, head lolling back as your eyes squeeze shut, arms flying to his shoulders and nails digging into the skin as your pussy grips him tightly. 
“Zajka?” He asks, worried. “Are you okay?” 
You nod, breathing harshly through your nose. “Move, malysh, spasibo. I need you.”
Andrei has a sudden feeling he’s going to have a hard time trying to remember to breathe if you keep talking.
Carefully, he pulls his hips back until just the head of his cock rests inside, and then he pushes back inside in one brutal stroke that seizes the breath from your lungs once more.
“Just like the first time,” he reminds you, before setting a rough and steady pace. 
Your moans fill the room in seconds, and Andrei doesn’t care anymore about who can hear you or who can’t. 
Especially when he knows you couldn’t care less about it either.
This time, you’re not at Freddie’s house and worried about making a good impression. 
You’re here, with him, pretending like it’s the first night you met all over again, except this time there’s less to be cautious of for both of you.
If you do want it like it’s the first time again…
“You can’t moan too loud, kroshka.” He says, pressing in closer to you as his strokes slow a little, dragging himself in and out of you with precision. “Don’t want anyone to hear how pretty you are when you’re dripping on my cock, do you?”
Recognition flashes in your eyes like a bright flame, and you capture your lip between your teeth, nodding obediently. 
“Need something to bite down on, my beautiful Eve?” He murmurs, gathering you up in his arms and pushing until he’s flush against you, tilting his head to expose his neck. “Do it, it’s okay.”
You wind your arms around his shoulder and lean forward, and when Andrei feels your lips on his neck, his whole body shivers, groaning at the way he can feel your teeth bite down before licking over the wound, then sucking a bruise into the skin.
That’s another thing the two of you don’t give a shit about anymore. 
Andrei’s all too proud to wear your marks like a badge of honor, so as you suck on his skin, feeling his pulse beneath your tongue, he knows you take notice of the way his cock drives deeper into you.
He doesn’t know if he’ll be able to manage a second round in this closet, too desperate to fill you up and then drag you home so he can do it over and over again.
When his hips stutter a little, you finally pull away from his neck, leaning back to examine your work, smiling proudly. “Such a pretty little thing, moye yabloko.”
It is just like the first night all over again.
Andrei remembers the dirty things you whispered to him then, too. He remembers how he’d never heard something so sultry, so sexy in his entire life. It somehow made him hornier, made him feel like he could go insane with how much it made him need you even more in that moment. 
It was like you knew exactly what to say and what to do to drive him insane, to make him feel like he would do anything to prove to you just how good he could be. 
“You’re the same good boy you were that first night, too,” You taunt again when he doesn’t respond, and a sharp hiss falls from his lips when you tug his hair harshly, prompting him to tilt his head up so he can look at you.
His knees nearly buckle, and he thrusts hard into you once in warning. 
“You can’t say things like that,” he breathes out, focusing on fucking into you in deep, hard strokes. 
“Why?” You breathe out, bringing your hands from his shoulders and tossing the hat of his costume off of his head before sinking your fingers into his hair. 
He shakes his head. Any other man might be embarrassed, but that’s never been a thing between the two of you, and especially not when you’re being intimate. 
“It makes me…u menya babochki.” Andrei admits, trying his best to stay focused. I get butterflies.
“Babochki?” You ask, tone just shy of a whine, slightly mocking him. “Do I give my pretty shchenok butterflies?”
He looks up when he feels your hand on his cheek, staring into your eyes, and he can feel himself getting closer to his orgasm just looking at you. You run your thumb over his lips as they part, resting the pad of it on his tongue before his cheeks hollow, sucking gently on the digit. 
You smirk, eyes rolling back in your head when Andrei gives a particularly hard thrust, causing your back to arch a little more and your body to press further against his. He can tell you’re getting closer, can read all your little tells. 
The way your chest starts to heave, how he can see your nipples starting to poke through the fabric of your dress, the way your body starts to go lax, thumb slipping from his mouth and hand moving to rest on his chest instead. 
“You gonna come for me?” You ask, tone somewhere between taunting and begging. 
Andrei nods furiously, welcoming the molten lava spreading across his spine as he finds solace inside of you. “Da, moya koroleva.”
“Gonna come inside of me?” This question is definitely a taunt. “Gonna fill up the pretty stranger the very first night?”
“I did it once,” he reminds you. “I’d do it again, but only for you.”
Your blinding, satisfied smile takes over your face and Andrei feels his heart fall to your feet in adoration. “Come with me,” he begs.
You nod, tilting your hips a little until he’s hitting that beautiful spot inside, and your eyes flutter shut, pussy squeezing tighter around him.
He loses all control after that, cock pounding into you in a frenzied, nearly manic pace, trying so hard to keep going for you while also chasing his own orgasm. 
When he feels you lock him in that familiar death grip, your come drenching his cock and making the slide oh so right, his eyes squeeze shut, and a loud, satisfied groan leaves his mouth as he throbs, spilling inside of you until he feels like he can’t breathe right.
For a moment, the two of you can only remain like that - you slumped and sated in Andrei’s arms and his hips pinning you to the wall. 
When he feels you begin to squirm, he carefully pulls out of you, then sets you back on your own two feet as gently as he can. He’s quick to locate a stack of paper towels behind him and grabs a few to help you clean up before pulling your thong back into place and tossing the paper towels into a trash can near the door.
“Do I look okay?” You ask, fussing with your dress.
Andrei nods, letting out a content sigh. “Beautiful as always. What about me?”
When you glance up at him, Andrei’s expecting the same, but then you blink, and a surprised laugh practically barks out of you. It startles him a little, and your hand is flying to cover your mouth, eyes glistening with delight.
“What?” He presses, starting to fuss with his own costume. “What is it?”
“Drei, how hard did you come?” You ask through fits of giggles.
“You said like the first night, so pretty hard.” He admits, unashamed. “Why?”
“You’re…you’re…” You can barely say it through your laughter. After a second, you take a deep breath, calming yourself, and then smile at him happily. “You’re as red as an apple.”
If he - apparently - wasn’t already red, he definitely would be by now. 
“How bad is it?” Andrei asks, rubbing at his face absently. 
You shrug. “No better and no worse than after a shift on the ice.”
He pouts, brows furrowing. “I don’t know if that’s good or bad.”
“It’s normal,” you explain. “It might be tough to explain away when we say goodbye to everyone in a minute, but it’ll be alright.”
“We’re going home?” He asks, already excited. 
You nod, shrugging your shoulders a little. “Pretty sure that’s what we did the first night, too.”
He smirks, stepping closer to you and pulling you to him by your waist. “We did a lot of things that first night. And the next morning.”
Your own cheeks flush now, and you nod. “That we did.”
“Feel like a trip down memory lane, kroshka?” He murmurs, already leaning down.
You rise up on your tiptoes, lips brushing against his when you say “I think that sounds lovely, malysh,” before kissing him softly.
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docgold13 · 6 months
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Batman: The Animated Series - Paper Cut-Out Portraits and Profiles
Poison Ivy
The brilliant botanist, Pamela Isley, waged a war of eco-terrorism as the villainess known as Poison Ivy.  Isley had concocted all manner of plant strains, offering her a bevy of different phytotoxins that enabled her to control the will of others.  She additionally developed rapidly growing plants that could become animated and obeyed her mental commands.  
As Poison Ivy, she sought to punish all whom she deemed as culpable for environmental crimes.  Following her unsuccessful foray to take down those she held responsible for the raising of wetlands for the construction of a penitentiary, Ivy escaped and hatched a new scheme wherein she posed as ‘Dr. Daphne Demeter’ the director of high-end resort called The Eternal Youth Spa.  Ivy offered free invitations to the spa to various business magnates each of whom she saw as guilty of crimes against nature.  She planned on using her powers to transform them into plant-like creatures whom she could then control.  
Wayne Enterprises had been involved in a deal that would involve clear cutting swashes of the Amazon Rain Forest.  Although Bruce Wayne had vetoed this operation, Wayne himself was nonetheless offered an invitation to the spa.  He gifted the invite to Alfred who went to the spa alongside his date, Maggie Page.  After Alfred and Maggie disappeared, Batman investigated The Eternal Youth Spa and ultimately defeated Ivy and rescued Alfred and the others.  
Ivy was remanded to Arkham Asylum.  She would escape on multiple occasions to continue her fight to punish mankind for crimes against the environment.  One caper saw her joining forces with fellow villainess, Harley Quinn.  Although the two did not share much in common, Harley and Ivy became incredibly close and would have many adventures together.  Indeed Harley may be the one human being Ivy truly loves and cares for.
Actress Diane Pershing provided the voice for Poison Ivy, first appearing in the ninth episode of the first season of Batman: The Animated Series, ‘Pretty Poison.’
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lothirielswandc · 1 year
Superman & Batman
Bruce Wayne: You're really asking us that question?
Clark Kent: I think it’d be nice to have Raven as a daughter in-law. 
Bruce Wayne: You can't have her, Kent. She’s too cool. And she fits our aesthetic better.
Clark Kent: You’re Batman: you literally adopt everybody. You tried to adopt Barry once. And you already have Kory, you can't take Raven, too!
Bruce Wayne: She’s already hitting it off with our villains.
Clark Kent: Raven and Luthor could get along; they both meditate and share a genuine disgust towards people.
Bruce Wayne: I can already hear the future screams ringing out from that scenario. 
Nightwing & Starfire
Dick Grayson: Yeah, Damian’s just a more decent human being around Rachel, so...you know. 
Koriand'r: You know, if I married you, and Raven married Damian, we could both have a double wedding AND we’d be sister in-laws. *gasps* We could take one of those family photos on the beach together, where we’re all in the white shirts and denim and we’re jumping! Wouldn't that be so amazing? 
Raven & Superboy
Rachel Roth: Um…
Conner Kent: You're really being put on the spot here.
Rachel Roth: I am. 
Conner Kent: I can make a suggestion, if you like, milady.
Rachel Roth: Thanks...milord. *shakes head and bites back a smile*
Poison Ivy & Zatanna
Poison Ivy: Ugh, it's such a hard decision! Raven and Robin have so much in common—and if Raven started dating him, she could stay in Gotham more. But Superboy has a much sweeter personality.
Zatanna Zatara: I know! And they’re both so good-looking.
Poison Ivy: Oh yeah, they’re heart throbs.
Zatanna Zatara: If I were a teenage girl, I would probably be obsessed with them.
Poison Ivy: Creepy, but relatable. Who would you choose, then?
Zatanna Zatara: Oh boy. Um...I think I would go with Damian. He’s so dark and mysterious. And Raven told me that he lets her cut bagels with his samurai swords.
Poison Ivy: He's a keeper.
Zatanna Zatara: Yep. Plus Conner’s advanced hearing would make me feel so uncomfortable. What if he hears me crunching on potato chips a room over or something? 
Poison Ivy: I don't think I could date someone who could hear everything. 
Harley Quinn & John Constantine
John Constantine: Superboy. He'll be easier to kill if he breaks my kid’s heart.
Harley Quinn: Aww. Dad goals. 
John Constantine: And he’s nice and all...also it would really piss off Clarky to have a closer relationship with me. 
Harley Quinn: So, basically, Team Superboy for revenge and spite. I LOVE it! 
Cyborg & Shazam
Billy Batson: Team Jacob :D
Victor Stone: Dude. No. 
Beast Boy & Blue Beetle
Garfield Logan: You know, I actually used to have a HUGE crush on Raven.
Jaime Reyes: Seriously? Wow, it's hard to imagine the two of you together. Is this the hidden ship? It would be super weird if, after all of this, she ended up with you.
Garfield Logan: HAHAHAHAHAHA......yeah.
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pastrydragon · 1 year
What do the rogues smell like? ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
I know you probably asked this as a joke but I thought deeply about it anyway so here you go!
Lemon and lavender soaps.
Edward's dad was a hoarder and so Edward has a thing about his space being clean.
when he got his first apartment he kept it obsessively clean and as a side effect of this the place always smelled like the lemon and lavender cleaning products he'd scrubbed the place with.
And since this was the first place Edward ever felt safe, he ended up associating those scents with safety.
So all his soap and cleaning products to this day are either lemon or lavender scented, so he inevitably ends up with a near permanent air freshener like scent.
Pumpkin pie now but used to smell like chemicals.
Harley got him a basket of pumpkin spice everything as a gift for his birthday one year after he developed a toxin variation that was particularly pungent and he wasn't gonna waste perfectly good hygiene products!
And he has a genuine love for pumpkin taste so he keeps cans of it around to put in his pancakes every morning.
So yeah, The Master Of Halloween smells like thanksgiving.
You can still smell the chemicals if you get close though.
Mad hatter:
“Iris Poudre” by Frederic Malle, he doesn’t care that it’s a women’s perfume, he wants to smell like a sexy flower garden and everyone else can mind their own business.
Under the perfume he smells like whatever tea he drank that day and possibly like whatever sugary treat he baked to go with it.
Unless he's been in his lab all day, then he smells like metals and plastic.
And once in a blue moon when he needs to do some intense testing, cool ranch Doritos.
Except he never brings food down there with him so how....?
Mr. Freeze:
His condition causes him to have a permanent fresh snow smell which he was pleasantly surprised by.
Like the other scientists on this list carries a kind of "laboratory smell" with him.
His suit smells... weird. Like you can smell that a person was there but there's no sweat smell and its honestly a little off-putting. Luckily he cleans it very regularly.
He used to wear “Angel’s share” by Killian because Nora has good taste and wasn’t gonna let her husband smell like detergent and nothing else.
He'll start wearing it again when she wakes up.
“Tobacco Vanille” by Tom Ford mainly. The man wants to ooze class.
He also wears it because he always has a cigar after his lunch and dinner so he needs to wear something he knows won't clash scents with his Arturo's.
And if you're thinking that smell is strong, that's on purpose.
Oswald has a small group of birds in his atrium that he cares for personally out of affection, and because of that if you get right up close to him you’ll smell bird cage. Not great.
He might also smell like seafood after meals but not really in a bad way, more in a "Well fuck, now I'm craving Red Lobster!" way.
“REPLICA jazz club” Because before he was Twoface he was a snazzy lawyer who wanted to smell like how big band music sounds.
There's also the medicine he puts on his acid burns which smells exactly how you’d expect it to.
The two mixing together isn't unpleasant but it is a bit confusing to get a whiff of if you don't know who it's coming from.
It smells kinda like an expensive hospital room.
He might also smell like Bloody Mary's if he's had a bad day.
“Tutti Fruity Candy” by Bath and bodyworks
Unless she’s going to one of Oswald’s fancy parties, Then she wears “Into The Night”…. Also by bath and bodyworks.
She also smells a bit like bubblegum.
She smells like how a slumber party feels I think.
Just smells like fun!
Has accumulated an impressive collection of expensive perfumes as gifts from various gentleman friends over the years and uses them almost at random so literally no one knows until she shows up.
She also smells a bit like cats.
Poison Ivy:
Like a very aggressive rose smell.
Like you aren’t allowed to wear rose scented perfume in Gotham because it makes people try to evacuate the area.
Ivy could smell like any flower she wanted of course.
But who doesn't love roses?
Harley strikes again and got him Dr. Squach products because he's Mr. manly man and she thought it was funny.
He shares John's "waste nothing" philosophy and used all of it, then bought more because he liked it.
His favorite scent is alpine sage but he changes it up sometimes.
He also smells like 24 hour fitness, because obviously.
He might also smell like peanut butter protein shakes.
Musty dusty book smell.
He smells like a socially awkward moth eaten carpet.
He smells like an old arm chair with a cat sitting in it.
He smells like cocoa butter because he is an ashy bitch who needs to be moisturized.
Please buy him some cologne.
Killer Croc:
Waylon's home may be in the sewer but his home also happens to be beachfront property, so he smells like ocean mainly.
With all his free time between heists and such, Waylon often takes on elaborate cooking projects with a focus on BBQ and smoking meat. Which means he smells like a plethora of kitchen spices, smoke and herbs.
Maybe it's the alligator skin, maybe it's the jackets he wears, but he always smells a little like leather.
So the entire effect is "Bar and grill by the ocean with those really nice leather booths"
Please make him into a cologne.
Music Meister:
He avoids scented products to avoid irritating his respiratory system in any way.
So He just smells like a clean human.
Possibly lemon and honey from trying to soothe those vocal cords with weak tea.
Is also a basic bath and bodyworks bitch, he wears “Among The Clouds”. 
He does class it to the roof for formal events though and switches to "English Promenade 19" By Krigler.
If you catch him without any scent on he smells slightly acidic and some other rogues would describe him as smelling "sickly". He's not physically sick as his doctors can attest, in fact his chemical bath raised the PH across his body so he can't even get most diseases anymore.
Because of this he can tend to overdue it on the scent to hide the sickly and chemical smells.
Like Jervis, Joker often smells like his baking projects. (Except the project is almost exclusively some sort of pie.)
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haveihitanerve · 1 month
Talia Al Ghul had let him braid her hair sometimes. Whether it was for a special event or for a holiday or just when they had time to spend together, without the threat of being overheard or interrupted.(Not that the interrupter would get away with it.) But for an hour, or however long they were granted, at least once a month. Damian Wayne didn’t have to be Ra's Al Ghul heir. He could just be Damian. Braiding his mothers hair. But mother was not around anymore. And Damian had no plans of ever being around her again. Even though he had enjoyed those days. She had been kinder then. Softer. More like a mother. But Selina had shown him what a real mother was like. And Talia had not been that. But he missed braiding hair. So his feet led him to her door. 
Selina opened it on the second knock and smiled when she saw it was him. Talia had never smiled just by seeing him. He had to have done something good, something to make her proud to get her to smile at him. But Selina smiled. At him. Because he was there. “Hello kitten.” She crouched to be at his level. Another thing no one had ever done in the League. They found arrogance in their height over him. But Selina, and Bruce, and his siblings all knelt to be eye level with him. “Hello Selina.” He said back. “What do you need?” She asked, still smiling softly. What do you need? Not, what do you want? Not, not now Damian. No. What do you need so I can help you? Damian smiled and Selina lit up. “I would like to braid your hair.” He said softly. Selina stood, nodding. “You came on the perfect day.” She headed back into her room, beckoning him. Damian followed her into the very back of her room, where she pushed a panel in the wall to reveal a second room. Damian blinked. The room was painted a soft black, stars and bats and cats stenciled every so often. It had a few dark red couches and beanbags, along with a black cupboard. But the most shocking thing of all was Cass, Steph, and Babs were all seated on the couches, talking and laughing. They stopped when they spotted him, but still smiled warmly. “Hey baby bird!” Steph called, scooting to one side of her seat. “Come join me!” “No me!” Babs called, shifting as well. Cass signed a few words and Damian smiled, heading over to sit with his sister. Steph and Babs pulled a face and Cass grinned in triumph, pulling Damian onto her lap. “Hello Batladies!!” Selina grinned. “Welcome to our own personal spa room. I already did this spiel but since we have a new member, Damian Wayne, I thought I should go over it again.” She winked at Damian. “This is a place where we can talk and gossip and laugh and cry. Any emotions and rants are welcome. Vent if you’d like! Sit in silence too! No judgment. Just relaxation and girl time! Plus Damian of course!” He smiled. “We should be expecting three more guests…” she trailed off as another door opened and Harley Quinn and Poison Ivy stepped into the room. 
Cass tightened her hold on Damian, just in case he wanted to attack. But he was perfectly content in her arms. “Damian, I’d like you to meet two of my best friends, Ivy and Harley.” Damian waved and Ivy and Harley gave him matching smiles. “Hey!” Steph called. “Love y’all’s hair.” The two women grinned and walked over, sitting down across from them. “Looking for ideas Steph?” Ivy mocked. Steph snorted. “Yeah right. Like I’d go fire red or crazy cotton candy.” The two women laughed and plopped down onto the sofa. “Now we just need Lois and we’ll be ready to start!” There was a knock and Lois Lane walked in. “Sorry! Am I late?” Ivy laughed. “Just on time Lane. Like always” Lois smiled. “Thanks Ivy.” She took a seat next to Babs at the girls' invitation and Selina grinned, walking over to the large cupboard. “Alright! Pick your favorite color gals and let’s start!” The cupboard was filled from bottom to top with beauty products, nail polish, hair curlers, face masks, eyelash curlers, and more. The women all jumped up, rushing to grab a color, Steph and babs climbing over the other to grab pink and Ivy and Lois arguing over the right shade of red. Selina laughed, a loud joyful thing and Damian smiled as he watched her. Cass just grinned, still sitting. Steph grabbed a hot pink and walked past, plopping a navy blue into her sister's hand. Cass smiled in thanks. Selina caught Damian’s eye and winked, beckoning him over. He slipped off Cass’s lap, walking over to her. She picked a color off the wall and knelt down, holding it out to him. “How bout it baby bird?” Damian examined the color. 
She had picked a nice bright forest green. Green was his favorite color. “It’s- a bit bright.” He said slowly. “I have an idea!” Steph was next to them, looking for a bright purple. “How about-!” She pulled a few colors off the shelf then settled on two. “Here.” She squatted next to him as well. “You can put the green down as the bottom layer, then put this black layer over top. So it looks black, but then in certain lights, it’ll shine green.” Damian considered it, then nodded. “Okay.” Steph squealed and hugged him, grabbing the colors and his hand. “Perfect!” She hurried over to her couch and threw babs feet off(causing babs to shout a string of words Bruce had pretty much banned in the house) and sat Damian down instead. “Hold out your hands.” She ordered. Damian did as she asked. “You’re gonna look so good Dami!” She said, grinning. If Damian didn’t know his sister was a wonderful person who only wanted the best for him he would’ve thought she was joking. Babs blew on her bright red nails, having lost the fight for pink, and reached for a face mask. “Wanna do a mask babe?” She asked him. “It’ll cleanse your pores. Make your skin soft and clean.” Damian nodded. “Okay.” Babs grinned and Damian allowed her to apply it to his face. “Ooh!!! No he didn’t!” Harley exclaimed. Ivy gaped at Selina. The woman nodded sagely, holding a glass of champagne. Ivy had painted her nails a dark green and was doing Harley’s in a mix of pink and blue. Selina hadn’t done anything yet, but looking at her he remembered why he was here. Steph had finished his nails, still forbidding him from looking at them, and was now gently blowing on them to dry them. 
“Wheres Jason by the way?” Babs asked Cass, putting curlers in her hair, a mask on her face. Cass shrugged, signing “he comes and goes.” “Todd does these?” Damian asked, looking between his sisters. Cass and Steph snorted. Babs grinned. “Oh yeah. All the time.” “He has some good gossip.” Harley drawled in her Boston accent. Ivy and Lois laughed. “Yes he does. It’s most interesting.” Selina laughed. Damian hadn’t seen her this relaxed in a while. “He’s off with his father right now.” She rolled her eyes. “Something secret.” Ivy wiggled her eyebrows, holding Harley’s hand. “Maybe he’s trying to be cute for you!” Lois said, laughing as Harley did her nails in a deep purple. Babs, Cass, and Steph were quiet. Selina gave them a look. “Maybe.” 
“Alright!” Steph announced. “You can look.” Damian looked down at his nails. They were painted black, but when he rotated his wrists a bit, he could see a green shine glowing underneath. Selina came over and ooohed. “Can you do that for me too, kitten?” She asked Steph. Steph lit up. “Sure!” “Can I braid your hair while she does?” Damian interjected. Selina nodded. “Of course baby.” She sat on the ground and Steph sat between her legs, taking her hands in hers. Damian sat on the couch behind her, running his hands through her thick brown hair. As he separated the strands into sections his nails glowed every so often and he smiled, looking at them. The chatter started up again, each woman talking over the other, laughing as drinks were poured easily. Cass handed him a juice box and he smiled in thanks, stopping his braiding for a second. Selina’s hair was soft, softer than Talias, and thicker too. But it was so much fun to braid. “Wowza birdie!” Steph exclaimed, looking at Selina’s head. “Holy.” Babs muttered. “Can you do my hair next bebs?” Cass asked. Damian smiled, nodding. “Sure.” And in that moment, surrounded by the women in his family, Damian felt he now understood the true meaning of family. And from then on Selina was given the title of Mother. 
(Talia became Talia)
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g00-b0y · 9 months
Alrighty so I've never posted a fic on here but I'm going to give it a go! This one's going to be a one shot maybe? I started a second chapter but I think it works well as a stand alone. It's TicciJack so if you do not like ships just scroll past.
They are my ADHD x Autism fav your honor
Jack walked through the woods slowly, his feet dragging through the fallen leaves. None of his usual carefulness was present as he stomped home. The sound of leaves crunching under him annoyed him immensely, but he didn’t have the energy to avoid them. He glared down at the leaf covered earth, as if it was the fault of the leaves for his bad mood.
Today had been particularly stressful, he hadn't been able to complete his task for the day and he'd have to double up on work tomorrow. His mood worsened with every step, every noise making anger boil up inside of him. He groaned and stopped walking, pulling his hair back into a thick ponytail to keep it out of his face.
He stood for a few seconds, closing his eyes and letting the cool fall breeze flow over him. His chest rose slowly as he took deep breaths, calming himself. He just needs to calm down before he gets home.
Jack plopped down onto the ground, hearing the crunch of leaves under him. Everything was too much today. He just wanted to be home, taking a shower in silence while all his worries washed off. But, Toby was there. Jack loved Toby with all his heart, but he knew he’d be all over him when he got home. Pretty much every other day, that was fine, but today he wasn’t prepared for all the stimulation.
No, it wasn’t Toby’s fault he had a bad day and he wasn’t going to take it out on him. He tried to relax, listening to the wind around him and the small noises of birds chirping and leaves rustling in the trees. This is nice, Jack loves nature and being outdoors, there’s no need to be angry at the birds and leaves for just existing.
After a few minutes of sitting, he pushed himself up and stood. Some of his annoyance had subsided, and he just really wanted to be home.
He continued the trek home, his mind drifting and wandering off to the mistakes he had made today. After a while, he and Toby's cabin came into view, the small worn down house blending into the trees around it, nearly invisible if you weren't looking for it.
It was dark brown, it had been made out of the trees around it to blend in better. Vines and moss had started to grow along the sides, as well as some poison ivy Jack kept forgetting to take care of. There were a few flowers planted sporadically around the house, not in any particular pattern. Those were Toby's, he had a special interest in gardening and had even started growing fruits and vegetables in the backyard. Jack couldn't eat any of the food he grew but he thought it was a cute hobby. Jack walked up and slowly opened the front door, looking around the living room for Toby. The house was oddly quiet for Toby being home. He was probably out in his back garden.
“Toby? You home?” Jack called into the house, hanging his bag and mask on the coat rack. He was greeted by an echo of his own voice calling back to him. Toby must be in the backyard, Jack concluded. He brushed the dirt off his pants and walked to the backdoor. The floor creaked beneath him as he walked. This was going to be an incredibly long evening.
He walked into the backyard and there he was, Toby. His neck jerked slightly to the side and he let out a loud sharp whistle. A smile crept onto Jack’s face, Toby was here and everything was going to be okay. He walked to his… friend. He walked over to Toby and sat beside him. The two looked at each other, a large smile taking over his face as he plopped down next to Jack, having previously been squatting while tending his veggies.
“Hey.” Toby said simply, looking up at Jack as he tried to hide the smile on his face.
“Hey.” Jack replied, watching Toby twist tomatoes off the plant. Toby hummed quietly, the two sitting together in mostly quiet as they just enjoyed each other’s company. Jack held his hands out and held the vegetables that Toby harvested. The two walked into the house, Toby telling Jack about his day as he began to work on his dinner.
“How wa-was work?” Toby asked, glancing at him. His neck jerked to the side and he smiled at Jack. Jack’s stomach dropped a little. He had almost forgotten about his failure today. He would have to break the news to Toby that he would have to be gone all day tomorrow, probably late into the night. He let out an involuntary sigh, seemingly peeking Toby’s interest. “What happened?” he asked, turning around fully and looking up at Jack.
“I, umm, I was unsuccessful.” Jack sighed. He stared at the ground and frowned, Toby was going to be pissed. They were only allowed to stay here if they both completed their work for the faceless thing keeping them imprisoned in these woods. He braced for the yelling and stared at the ground, incredibly ashamed of his failure.
“I’m so-suh-sorry to hear that, you want me to cuh-cook suh-some-something for you?” he asked. Not a hint of anger in his voice. Jack took a second to calm himself, Toby isn’t like that, Toby doesn’t yell at him.
“I…yea, that would be nice.” Jack nodded, meeting his eye and giving him a small smile. Toby nodded and pulled out another pan, Jack scrambled to grab some of his canned organs from the fridge. He handed the mason jar to Toby and watched as he started to cook them. They two stood in the kitchen silently for the rest of the cooking of the meal. Jack picked at his fingers and stood closer to Toby, glancing at him and watching him switch between pans. He added spices and veggies, seemingly not thinking about any of it as he threw it in.
“Why don’t you ch-cha-change out of your s-sm-sm-smelly work clothes.” Toby suggested lightly, knowing Jack must have forgotten after coming home. Jack nodded and walked to their bedroom, changing while Toby finished up dinner.
They reconvened in the living room. They called it a living room, but it was really just an old busted up couch that Toby had put in the effort to fix by adding patches wherever the stuffing had started to creep out of the seams. There were a few posters up on the wall, but neither of them had wanted to go through the effort of finding a television. Even if they did manage to find one, they’d have to barter with Ben to get the thing running well enough to be worth the effort. Neither of them particularly wanted to go through the exhausting challenge of finding something the spector would find worth it’s while. They knew the ghost was just a lonely kid who adored attention, but neither of them had the energy to deal with it on a regular basis. So instead they allowed Ben to pester Jeff instead of drawing it’s attention too often.
Together they sat on the couch, Toby practically on Jack’s lap as they ate in silence. Jack had not noticed, but Toby had obviously picked up on his mood and decided to keep most comments inside his head for the night. After they finished Toby took the plates to the sink, washing them up and humming to himself. Jack loved when Toby hummed, sang, anything musical. Jack had a very hard time carrying a tune, not having a musical bone in his body. But Toby? Toby could replicate almost anything with his voice, and somehow translate that to his busted up old guitar he insisted on keeping.
Jack stood and walked to the kitchen, watching Toby as he washed. It was hypnotizing. Toby had a certain way he did everything, especially cleaning. Jack occasionally tried to help, but he could never manage to do it the way Toby wanted it done, so he just watched instead. Toby never got angry when he messed up cleaning, but he could tell it made Toby anxious for some reason. After Toby finished cleaning, he washed his hands thoroughly. They walked to their bathroom together, neither of them needing to ask the other. This is simply what they did every night. They would have dinner, Toby would clean, and they’d shower together.
They undressed and got into the shower together. Toby stood in front of Jack, hogging all the water as Jack shivered. Jack simply rolled his non-existent eyes and started to wash Toby’s hair for him. Toby sang quietly, making up the words and notes as he went. Toby turned and looked up at Jack, but did not wash his hair in return. Jack did not need his hair cleaned as often as Toby as his hair was a different type. When his hair did need to be cleaned they would set aside an entire afternoon for Toby to clean and restyle Jack’s hair however he wanted. At first he was not very good at the styling part, but he had grown better after time and many YouTube videos.
They got out and dried off, talking quietly as they walked to their bedroom. Toby dressed in his boxers and laid on their bed. He fidgeted and squirmed as Jack got dressed. Jack eventually crawled into bed next to Toby and they assumed their cuddling positions. Jack laid on his side and had his legs up halfway to his chest. Toby laid on his back right next to him and laid his legs overtop of Jack’s. Toby scooted as close as he could to Jack and hummed. Jack told Toby about his failure to complete his work that day, his voice staying even and factual the entire time. Even if he wanted nothing more than to crawl out of his own skin. Toby nodded and listened, the only noises he made being the occasional whistle.
“It’s alright Jack. Maybe I’ll come help you tomorrow?” he suggested, tucking his head up under Jack's chin and closing his eyes. Jack froze. Toby was never this touchy, not that he minded. Toby only really wanted to be held when something was wrong, normally he insisted on holding the much larger man. Jack loved holding Toby though, so he did not comment. Instead he closed his eyes too. He played with Toby’s hair gently and slowly fell to sleep.
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rikis-girl · 2 months
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Warnings: Harsh words and angst Pairing: Spiderman!Jake x fem!reader Synopsis: You loved Jake and you always will. But is it worth dating Spiderman though?
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"Gwen Stacy!!!!!" your mother called for you from downstairs. You almost dropped your polaroid of your beloved boyfriend Jake Parker; brother of the late Peter Parker. Jake had just joined the army of spider people under Miguel and was not too familiar with the spiders but Gwen Stacy, aka ghost spider or spiderwoman.
You rush downstairs to see your mother holding up her phone to take your picture as you twirl in your dress.
"How do I look mom?" "Like a successful science experiment" she replied taking a picture casually and flicking her tears.
The doorbell rings and your super cute golden retriever of a boyfriend stood there with the biggest most excited and nervous smile you've seen anyone sport. "May I come in Mrs.Stacy?"
He notices you standing and posing for the camera and his jaw drops to the ground. "You look....... whoa" he sputters in disbelief as he takes in your fit. "Do I look good Jakey?" you ask. "You look so pretty I'm upset that there are only 3 dimensions I can view you from." His sparkling eyes make your heart stutter.
He gently takes your hand in his as your mom calls you two to take pictures together. He slips his hand around your waist and pulls you closer. "Don't be shy baby." He says before smiling for the picture.
Soon you both are in his second hand car and are making your way to prom. A scream pulls through the school cafeteria and Jake gets into his spider get up instantly.
"Please be safe out there." You tell him; worried that you'll have to face the same Jake who was impaled by the great Doc Oc who he accidentally, indirectly murdered.
"Have I ever not been safe?" He jokes, you give him a stern and worried look conveying how upsetting it is to see the love of your life coming home with all those scratches and wounds.
"Fine, I will stay out of too much trouble" He gives you a chaste kiss before slipping his mask on and swinging into the cafeteria.
Loud clanging sounds are heard from the cafeteria and you hear Jake throwing a few playful quips here and there as you try to guide everyone to safety. "I'M NOT A MONSTER!!!!" a scream echoes through the building. "I know you're not." Jake whispers, trying to calm down the broken soul in front of him. "THEN WHY IS IT THAT NO ONE LOVES ME? NOT MY MOM, NOT MY DAD, NOT MY EX! WHEN WILL I FIND LOVE?? Will you help me?" The girl sobs, breaking down in front of your boyfriend. "Wait what? I mean, you will find love eventually..... But for now you need to love yourself." He reaches his hand out to pull her up from the wall of plants she pulled up with her powers.
Jake suddenly gets himself pulled in by said girl as she traps him in her plant. "Knew you would fall for a poor, unfortunate soul." She says, chuckling darkly. "I TRUSTED YOU FLO!" your betrayed boyfriend shrieks.
"Too bad spidey, now you're all mine" she says and starts walking to him and Jake starts to expect the worst lashing he's had in weeks and closes his eyes for the impact which never came.
In front of his eyes stood his strong and brave girlfriend yanking the hair of Flo; a teen who magically started having super powers related to her favorite superhero: poison Ivy.
"STACY NO GET OUT OF HERE" Jake yells as he tries to free himself off the binds.
"THIS BITCH TRIED TO TAKE MY MAN I AIN'T BACKING DOWN SUPERPOWER OR NOT!!!" You scream vigorously pulling the hair of the deranged female in front of you.
Jake frees himself and brings you to safety and removes his mask.
"WHAT WAS THAT FOR?" He whisper-shouts, mad. "The bitch wanted MY man.... I will have a problem with that" you explained.
Jake just shook his head and pulled his mask on. "STAY. PUT. HERE." He warns sternly as he swings off, leaving you sitting on a rooftop with your feet dangling in the air.
A good 20 minutes pass by when you feel something wrap around your neck. Before you can respond, you loose your vision and consciousness.
The first thing you see after the incident is the ground at least 80 feet below you and a gag around your mouth. Your boyfriend is fighting the crazy plant girl Flo as he keeps checking on you, dangling right above a vat of weird chemicals.
"WELCOME TO MY HOME GWEN STACY, AKA SPIDEY'S WHORE!" Flo screams from some random floor in the building which you were dangling from. You notice plants holding your arms and neck, keeping you from plunging to your death. You look frantically for a way to escape when one of the plants holding your right hand lets go, leaving you dangling by your left hand and your throat.
"THE CHILDREN OR THE LOVE OF YOUR LIFE SPIDEY!" Flo yells as a bus of children are dropped along with you from either sides of the building. "SAVE THE KIDS!" You scream before plunging to your inevitable death. You see you boyfriend rushing to save the kids at your word and you close your eyes accepting fate when you feel something sticking onto your chest as you open your eyes to see your boyfriend's web attached to you. "I can do both, Spider-man always does both."
You were only a few feet above the ground and it was almost too late and you look at your boyfriend one last time with his mask on as a plant attacks him, leaving you to hit the ground as a shooting pain surges through your body and you breathe no more.
You have a dream with Jake and you smiling and holding your grandkids, but you knew all too well that you were gone.
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On the other side of the battle field, Jake's watch glows. The words 'Canon intact' flash the screen as he sees Miguel from his peripheral vison. The words Gwen from 65 rung in his head as he fought Flo with tears streaming down his face.
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"In every other universe, Gwen Stacy falls for Spider-man.... and in every other universe, it doesn't end well."
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A/N; I finally figured how to make this thing work so, made some changes! Hope you like it!!
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the-last-rat-standing · 4 months
NCIS S21E02- The Stories We Leave Behind
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Is that too harsh? Maybe it's too harsh.
Let me preface this by saying, I can only imagine how hard it must've been to write and film this episode. It's one reason why I don't write DeathFics, and those are only fictional people. Writing the passing of a real person, a friend and a colleague? Must be one of the hardest things to do as a writer.
So maybe that's why this felt so incredibly flat. Maybe trying to find that balance between dealing with the death and moving on dulled the emotional punch of it all? Because beyond the opening and closing, this was barely more than a clip episode shows throw in the middle of a season to save money. And of those flashbacks, we could only get ones with 3 characters who are still on the show, because Knight, Parker and even Torres didn't really know him. (I'll mention the Gibbs flashback in a second.) So you had this random assortment of clips that were supposed to engender emotions, but did the opposite in a way- because they weren't immediate reactions (they were memories), it actually lessened the emotional impact. You know what flashback would've been a kick to the gut? How about someone mention Cate, and then show us the clip of Ducky and Cate together? Then you would've gotten the one-two punch of 2 beloved characters now gone. Because if you're going to show a scene between Gibbs and Ducky that no one was present to see (using Ducky's journals as your 'out'), you could've shown Cate or Jenny or Ziva.
By not showing the funeral, fans missed out on a proper send off and a true tie-in with the past. I know Brian Dietzen said they didn't want it to be crammed full of guest stars, but the only guest star we got was a 3 minute cameo by Michael Weatherly?? If they'd had a funeral, they could've filled the church with faces we remembered and given characters/actors a chance to pay their respects. Imagine the nostalgia in seeing Hollis Mann, Jordan Hampton, Gerald Jackson, Ziva David (would've made sense since they brought Tony back), Abby Sciuto (I know, there are off-screen problems w/PP), Rachel Cranston, etc. I know Jessica Walter has also passed away, but what about the rest of Ducky's detective group? What about Jack Sloane? Yes, I know these may have added more storytelling time (particularly Abby and Jack) but did we need McGee's poison ivy flashback?
Other issues:
What happens to Nicholas Mallard? You know, Ducky's half-brother.
What happens to Gibbs' house?
What was the actual proof that the senator was dirty? I mean, real forensic proof? I didn't seem to hear anything other than Parker reading off the autopsy report and the Marine. Or I guess we're just meant to think that ruined his career? Because they didn't charge him with murder or anything.
The entire story hinged on McGee remembering one of the pictures hid a safe? Like Ducky's only clue to an important case was a cryptic line in his journal? smh
This was... this was just not good. One of, if not THE most beloved character on this show and we got a clip episode.
Which brings me back to the Gibbs flashback: As soon as they showed the picture of Gibbs and Ducky on the bookshelf, I knew we weren't going to see Mark. And that disappoints me more than it should, really. After tonight, we should never, ever see Gibbs on this show again, because there will be no bigger reason for him to return than Ducky's death, and he didn't show. Any reason after tonight will be bullshit and a slap in the face to the fans who supported and fell in love with the Gibbs/Ducky friendship. I'm so bitterly disappointed.
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mazdoe · 1 year
Could you do either a Wenclair x Fem reader based off the song Ivy by Frank Ocean or just a Wednesday x Fem reader based off that song , honestly whichever is easier for you. Also, I hope you’re enjoying your day/night :)
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A/N: Thanks you for the request, I hope you had something like this in mind. Also I apologies that it took so long for me to post this.
Pairing: Wenclair x Fem! Reader
Summary: Thing is comforting Y/N while she is having a restless night thinking about their past relationship.
Warning: angst ? It´s a little sad. Light emotional abuse if you squint. Also English is not my first Language.
The screech of the bed was in sync with the thunder roaring outside of Horatio Hall as you sat up in your bed, watching the tree branches hit against your window. It was lonely without Wednesday or Enid sneaking in through the window. Or Thing delivering sweet good night messages ( Mostly written by Enid) to your door right before you went to sleep.
You miss all of those little things they did for you, no actually you just miss being with them.
And the way they hugged you after a bad day, fully engulfing you into their arms and planting sweet little kisses onto your head. Or when "hi Thing" you whispered still emerged into your memories.
You fell back into your pillows still thinking about your picknick date from two weeks ago. Sitting on a neat blanket you had prepared earlier that day in the middle of a flower patch careful as to not hurt any of the pretty plants around you before placing a pretty basket on it filled with self baked pastries and raw meat filled pies specially made for Enid. You huffed out air "Thing? do you think they are happier without me?". Thing doesn't reply instead he seems ro be searching for something underneath the bed. "UGH No don't dos this to me thing! Does Wednesday even know you are here?" thing comes back onto them bed dragging a small Photoalbum being him. He starts tapping like a mad man, wanting you to open the album. "You really should not be here thing. they are happy without me. they made that clear, BOTH of them did." Thing doesn't even acknowledges your pleas instead he slides a photo to you.
"We were happy, I really thought we were happy, thing" You whisper afraid that anyone of Horatio Hall could hear you plead your sadness.
"I know that you believe that Wednesday and Enid still love me, but the trough is they probably never really did, I mean they have known each other for a couple of years before they even noticed I existed, they fit great together, thanks for showing me that, Thing" you say sarcasm dripping from your tongue like poison dripped from Wednesdays.
"well the members of Horatio Hall are always just the friend or the pushover we are no Ophelia" You turn away from thing, who was frantically looking through the Photoalbum.
A photo strip that showed a kiss between you enid and Wednesday fell onto your head, "I really think they just used me to get closer to Xavier, well at least we had a couple good months," You try to force a smile, but that doesn't stop the tears from spilling out.
Thing stayed with you till the morning.
The first day you would have to officially see them, after they casted you out of their lives.
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