#andromeda could be andy
wormy-worm · 5 months
Draw sunraiser tiktok doomscrolling PUH LEASE
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iamgonnagetyouback · 11 days
♡ ︎ꜱᴜᴍᴍᴀʀʏ: Inspired by this by @maladaptivewriting
♡ ︎ᴡᴀʀɴɪɴɢꜱ: None
♡ ︎ꜱʜɪᴘ: Black family
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The sun was shining through the wide windows of the Black family’s drawing room, casting long shadows across the polished floors. It was one of those rare afternoons when the adults were busy elsewhere, leaving the cousins—Sirius, Regulus, Bellatrix, and Andromeda—free to entertain themselves. Naturally, this meant chaos.
"Sirius!" Regulus, only seven but already a serious little boy, stood on one of the velvet chairs, arms crossed and a scowl on his face. "You're not playing right."
Sirius, all wild hair and reckless energy, was sprawled across the floor, laughing at his own joke. He glanced up at his little brother with a lazy grin. "I’m playing just fine. You’re the one who's being boring."
Regulus narrowed his eyes. "This is supposed to be wizard dueling, and you're just lying there!"
Bellatrix, perched on the arm of a nearby sofa, cackled. “Oh, I like this. Sirius, you’re my first victim!” She jumped down with the grace of a cat, pulling out an imaginary wand. “Crucio!”
"Ow! Bella!" Sirius protested, rolling out of the way just as Bellatrix lunged at him.
Regulus huffed dramatically, climbing down from the chair. "No, no, no! You’re not supposed to actually hit people. This is a strategic battle,” he said in the most serious tone he could muster, which, given his age, was surprisingly authoritative.
Andromeda, sitting calmly in a corner with a book she wasn’t really reading, raised an eyebrow. “Reggie, no one’s listening to you.”
"Well, they should!" Regulus snapped, putting his hands on his hips. "I’m in charge!"
Bellatrix ignored him, tackling Sirius to the floor as Andromeda sighed, setting her book aside.
“Regulus,” she said in her calm, older-cousin voice, “why don’t we play something a little less… aggressive?”
“I have a plan!” Regulus announced, puffing out his chest. “We’re going to play Ministry of Magic. I’ll be Minister, obviously. Bella, you’re Head of the Department of Magical Law Enforcement. Andy, you can be… um… Head of the Department of Magical Creatures. And Sirius—”
“I’m not playing,” Sirius interrupted, crossing his arms, but Regulus wasn’t having any of it.
“Sirius,” Regulus said, his voice stern, “you’re the janitor.”
Sirius stared at him, open-mouthed. “The janitor? You’re joking.”
"No. The Minister has spoken," Regulus said imperiously, smoothing down his robes like a tiny despot.
“And” Regulus said, straightening his small frame with authority. “You have to wear a silly hat.”
At this, Sirius grinned widely, clearly enjoying where this was going. “Oh, I love a silly hat.”
Bellatrix leaned over with a wicked grin. "I accept my position, Minister," she purred, clearly enjoying Regulus’ dictatorial game. "But can I still curse people?"
Regulus considered this for a moment. “Only if they break the rules.”
"Excellent," Bellatrix said, her dark eyes flashing as she shot a smirk at Sirius. "You’re already on my list, janitor."
“Seriously?” Sirius groaned, glancing at Andromeda. “Can you believe this?”
Andromeda gave a slight shrug. “It could be worse. At least you’re not working in the Department of Magical Accidents. I hear the paperwork is awful.”
Sirius flopped back on the floor dramatically. “This is ridiculous. Reggie, you’re not in charge just because you say so.”
“I am in charge,” Regulus replied, eyes flashing. “I’m the only one who has a plan.”
Bellatrix folded her arms again, looking at Regulus with a smirk. “Maybe we should let the little dictator tell us what to do.”
Regulus’s face lit up at the word “dictator,” though he tried to hide his excitement. “Yes. Dictator. That’s a much better title.”
“Oh no,” Andromeda said, hiding her smile behind her hand again. “What have you done, Bella?”
Bellatrix grinned wickedly. “I’ve unleashed him.”
Regulus puffed out his chest. “From now on, I am Dictator Regulus, and you all have to listen to me!”
Sirius rolled his eyes. “Fine, Dictator Regulus. What’s your first order?”
Regulus paused, clearly enjoying the attention. “First order: Sirius has to fetch us all chocolate frogs.”
Sirius blinked. “You’re seriously going to use your dictatorship to get snacks?”
Regulus grinned, his small, sharp teeth on full display. “Dictators get what they want.”
Sirius groaned but got to his feet, still playing along. “Fine, fine, but don’t say I never do anything for you.”
As Sirius trudged toward the house, Bellatrix leaned over to Andromeda and whispered, “We’re never letting him live this down, are we?”
Andromeda shook her head, her smile wide. “Not a chance.”
Sirius suddenly stopped and turned around, eyes gleaming with mischief. “Alright, Minister. If I’m the janitor, I guess I’ll just clean up your mess.” With that, he grabbed one of the Black family’s prized throw pillows and flung it across the room, knocking over a vase.
Regulus gasped, horrified. “Sirius! You’ll get us all in trouble!”
"Then you should’ve thought twice about making me the janitor!" Sirius grinned, tossing another pillow at Bellatrix, who ducked and cackled like a maniac.
Bellatrix jumped to her feet, picking up another pillow to join in, and soon enough, all four of them were engaged in an all-out pillow fight, feathers flying everywhere.
Regulus stood in the middle of the room, hands on his hips, trying to shout orders. “Stop it! I’m the Minister! You’re breaking the rules!”
But no one listened.
When a particularly large pillow smacked him in the face, Regulus gave up, throwing his hands in the air. “Fine! You’re all fired!” he declared, stomping out of the room with as much dignity as a seven-year-old in a pillow fight could muster.
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Sirius Black: Looks and Behaviour
Honestly, a few of these are canon, and I'll put that in brackets. Most of them are shamelessly self indulgent tho. Please note that this is the first part of The Sirius Black Headcanons Series, and I hope you enjoy!
Tall ASF. He towers over everybody, and combine that with his tendency to stick to the etiquette lessons he had been given as a child— he stands with his shoulders rolled back and his chin held high, straight-backed and arms at his side, sometimes with his hands in his pockets— he looks intimidating. He never slouches. (see: literally every time Harry mentions him)
He walks powerfully. Long strides, feet perfectly placed, arms swinging just right. Sometimes he walks with one hand in his pocket, curled around the pocket watch he carries around, given to him by James' parents for his 17th birthday and engraved with the Potter crest. People see him coming and clear out of his way immediately, and he does not even notice. He is the kind of person that attracts attention everywhere he goes.
Silvery grey eyes, high cheekbones, straight nose, strong jaw and determined eyebrows, full lips that make him look intimidating. Dense, silky hair, pitch black in colour and slightly wavy. Sirius is a living example of the fact that True Beauty is striking and terrifying. (see: again, literally every time Harry mentions him. Boy is calling Sirius handsome even during his death scene.)
He prefers to keep his hair long like his grandfather does, with the difference of tying a bun instead of a proper gentleman's queue. If not for the leather jackets and the ratty muggle jeans and the band t-shirts, he would have always been mistaken for Arcturus.
He has a lot of body hair, and he hates that his facial hair grows so fast, because he likes to stay clean shaven. His arms and legs and chest are hairy and he does not care much about that, but he likes it when his face looks clean and well-groomed, so he shaves every other day.
When he speaks, he is very articulate and concise, and often gets teased for it by Remus and Sirius (James is the same as him). His grammar is immaculate, and he prefers not to use expletives. He does use them, especially when he stubs his toe or drops something or some such happening, but he does not use them when insulting people.
He is always polite to people, even when he is arguing with them (see: ootp, his argument with molly). He will argue without raising his voice, because he firmly believes that greater volume does not equal improved argument, and only raises his voice in extremely stressful situations where he needs to bring attention to what he is saying.
Has concrete values and views, and refuses to bend or change them for anyone (the only exceptions are James and Harry). He is the kind to research and read before he forms an opinion, and does not hesitate to say that he is not educated enough to have an opinion on something if that is the case. He hates people who behave like sheep, and much prefers to do his own independent research and form his own independent opinions. (see: gof, he tells Harry he isn't sure Snape is a DE)
#1 Overbearing Fusspot™. James might have been the mother hen of their group, but Sirius was the Stressed Dad™. He is that overprepared airport dad; always worrying about this and that and making sure everyone has everything ready, and he extends that same parent behaviour to Harry after Prisoner of Azkaban (see: literally every interaction between him and Harry, he is such a parent).
Cares about only a few select people: James, Lily, Harry, Mr and Mrs Potter, Remus, Peter, Andromeda and Ted and Baby Tonks. He could not give less of a fuck about everybody else— he has a small circle and he likes it that way. After Peter's betrayal, that list reduces down only to Harry, Andy, Ted and Baby Tonks.
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sarafangirlart · 23 days
I feel like Greek nicknames should be made with like… the Greek language in mind not just shorten the name with no rhyme or reason, for example don’t call Andromeda Andy (bc it comes from Andro which means man) but Meda, which could mean anything from mindful to protective to cunning.
So naming Eurydice fucking Riddy is stupid af, her name means Wide Justice, (Eury=Wide and Dice=Justice) it’s like nicknaming Muhammad as Moh when the actual nickname that’s actually used by Arabs is Hamoud/ Hamoody.
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outromoony · 2 months
explain your fav underrated marauders era character? and tag with #underratedmarauders
Narcissa, definitely.
I love her so much. She's a character who, like Regulus, was a victim of circumstances and her pureblood family. As the youngest of three sisters, she always felt different—the only one not named after a star, galaxy or constellation, but a flower. And as a flower, she was expected to be delicate, beautiful, and quietly enduring. When Andromeda left, the weight of continuing the family name fell on her shoulders. She married a man she didn't love because she felt trapped.
I love Nobleflower, so, to me, Alice was the little bit of light in her life. Alice taught her how to be a kid when her parents had tried to raise her as a woman. Narcissa was always taught to be quiet, but Alice showed her the beauty in sound. Alice was the first person to see through her. People always expected too much from her, wanted her to be perfect, but Alice saw her as she truly was—flawed, human, and in desperate need of love and freedom.
Years after giving up the love of her life, her oldest sister, Bella, tortures Alice and her husband to insanity. Narcissa can't even grieve her as she deserves because nobody knew about them. Nobody could know. So she just buried her pain deep inside, wearing the mask of the perfect wife and mother.
I think Draco was the only real love she felt after Alice. She loved him with every piece of herself, and we saw how she was willing to do anything in her power to protect her boy. I think she's a character defined by the depth of her love and the lengths she would go to shield those she cares about. She was broken by Andy's departure and Bella's actions, but she could never hate them, not even after everything. And that's the thing, I think she loved her sisters too much because that's Narcissa—she loves too much, and it tears her apart, her greatest strength and her deepest vulnerability.
Narcissa's love for Draco is one of the most profound aspects of her character. She dedicates her entire life to protecting him, often putting herself at great risk to ensure his safety. Her willingness to lie to Voldemort about Harry's death during the Battle of Hogwarts was driven solely by her need to find and protect her son. And I think that's why Narcissa wasn't named after a star but a flower, because unlike stars, which are distant and untouchable, flowers grow amidst the trials of the earth, enduring storms and harsh conditions yet still managing to bloom.
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sk1fanfiction · 6 months
blood of the covenant/water of the womb
The Black sisters are so tragic.
I mean, imagine:
As kids, Narcissa is the baby sister that the elder two dote on, while both Narcissa and Andromeda look up to Bellatrix, the proud, beautiful, powerful, accomplished, perfect eldest sister, who has always known who she is and where she's going, but especially Andromeda, since they look so alike she's always been encouraged to act like her too but since Narcissa doesn't have the stereotypical Black looks and her parents didn't follow the Black naming scheme she's encouraged to be her own person a little bit more.
At Hogwarts they're all Sorted into the same House, Slytherin, which only increases their bond. Bella does really well at school, probably the top of her class, which makes Andy, who's only a year or two behind hyperaware of where the bar is. She walks, talks, and dresses like Bella.
Andy follows in Bella's footsteps (who's probably Head Girl by now) and becomes a prefect, but she gets assigned to do rounds with a Muggle-born Hufflepuff. And despite everything she'd been taught, everything she knows to be true, she finds herself falling for him and the worst part is she can't tell anyone, even Bella, the one she has always been able to confide in, always reassured her and set her on the right path.
Meanwhile Druella and Cygnus are arranging Bellatrix's marriage to Roldophus, someone she doesn't even like never mind attracted to but because she's the perfect Black and the perfect daughter she has to do it. And Andromeda sees and fears how she could get trapped, too, how there's another Lestrange boy in her year.
Meanwhile a strange foreign Dark Lord comes to dinner and he's so different to Roldophus and all those other men who think because she's a woman she must be weak and she's just a vessel for their pureblood children. And despite the way she shouldn't feel this way, Bella doesn't care. He listens to Bella's opinions and he takes her seriously and he sees her magical talent and her thirst to prove herself and he's not scared of her in the way others say that she's 'too intense.' And when he offers to train her, and adds that he never does this, she says, one better, I'll follow you.
Andromeda and Narcissa watch this strange man burn the Dark Mark into their sister's arm and they don't know what to think. Narcissa's scared Bella will put herself in danger, that she'll do too much, give too much of herself because she doesn't know when to pull back. And Andy's scared Bella's going down a path she cannot follow, because deep down she can't say she believes in blood supremacy, can't say she hates Ted and she can't figure out a way through so she leaves.
It's like part of Bella's heart has been ripped out. They were all close, the Blacks, but Andy and Bella had a certain je ne sais quoi, they were thick as thieves and inseparable. Bellatrix is the one who burns Andromeda off the tapestry, crying while she does it, the scorned love for her sister, the anger and shame that Andy chose that Mudblood over her turning that love to bottomless hate.
Meanwhile Narcissa, the lucky one, watches it all. Narcissa is the one that gets it all, she's the only one who's able to marry for love and stay with her family but there's also this Andromeda-shaped hole in her and there's a Slytherin resentfulness of being Bellatrix's supporting act.
Every night that Bella is on a mission, Narcissa stays up, even while pregnant with Draco, until she knows her sister is safe.
That fateful Halloween she waits and waits and waits but Bellatrix never comes home. When she finds out her last remaining sister is serving life she completely breaks down. Won't sleep, won't eat. The thought of leaving Draco without a mother is the only thing that helps her hold on. Regulus, Andromeda and Sirius are dead/burned off the tapestry/imprisoned; she and Draco are the last Blacks, that makes their bond even stronger, makes her scared of losing him like she did her sisters. She curses Voldemort for putting her in danger, aware of her feelings for him and that Bella would do anything for them, swears she'll never let that happen to her son.
All the while Andy raises her daughter, who hates the name she gave her in the same way Andy know she would hate the Blacks. Narcissa and Andy watch each other from across crowds; Tonks and Draco are never at school together, never know more than scattered off-hand mentions of a cousin on their mother's side. But both Narcissa and Andy fantasize of a reconcilation, of Tonks babysitting Draco while they rekindle their bond. Neither bridges the gap. That burn, that rift cannot be healed. But they still ache for each other.
When Voldemort returns that fear for Draco grows, but it's tempered with the joy of having Bella back after mourning her for 14 years -- Bella, traumatized, starved, jagged and torn up at the edges, different, but alive.
And just like knowing he was innocent kept Sirius sane, Bella's love and trust of Voldemort is what made her able to hang on. Yes, they're both drastically different physically (the snake face and the emaciation) and mentally (both shaken, less confident), but everything else can be the same. Maybe better.
But everyone is scared. It's not the same world, where the Death Eaters have control and are undefeated. Voldemort is scared of that boy, Narcissa is scared for Draco. It's clear things are not the same, things are not normal. Far from it. Fear makes Voldemort angry, and cold, and distant and nothing she does feels good enough.
And that boy -- lying hateful filthy boy -- he dares suggest that her Voldemort's filthy-blooded like him. No, he must just be taunting her, scaring her. But there are things Voldemort's said, things he's done -- she would notice, the way she hangs on every word he speaks and plays their conversations in her head over and over again in Azkaban -- Bellatrix just does her best to silence it and block it out, all these confusing things, she's a great Occlumens after all.
She'll make things certain, make things right, trim off the weakness, cut out the sickness. Like Sirius. Like that young woman with Andromeda's face and Andromeda's laugh, that filthy half-blood Andy left her to create.
Narcissa can't keep Draco safe like she, the baby sister, couldn't keep Bellatrix safe. When Voldemort burns the Dark Mark into his skin she sees her son emaciated and dead-eyed.
To assuage Narcissa's fears Bellatrix trains Draco like Voldemort trained her; but he's not the same, he's weak, he's moralistic, he looks at her with wide scared eyes and he's a failure. The glory of the Blacks is gone.
All the while, Narcissa's fear grows, when Lucius is imprisoned, when Voldemort's ire turns on her family, on her son, sets him an impossible task. The despair she feels, she hasn't felt for nearly sixteen years -- Bellatrix more interested in eking out morsels of approval from Voldemort and turning her frustration on Draco, and Narcissa by extension.
All the while, Andromeda's fear for her daughter grows, of the danger she puts herself in as an Auror and a member of the Order, and she's reminded of Bellatrix, of how she gives everything of herself and how Nymphadora does too, begging, begging her to hold back.
She's not good enough for him, not with the sickness, the weakness still clinging to her. Bellatrix very much wants to kill the woman with Andy's face. She's always been perfect. It's everyone else around her that's wrong, everyone else who has to go. She'll do better. Try harder.
And when the Snatchers catch that filthy boy, and he slides out of her grasp like a buttered eel, Bellatrix hits the bottom rung of the ladder of despair. She doesn't know who she is, anymore.
Voldemort's retaliation and rejection breaks Bellatrix's heart, but it hardens Narcissa's.
Bellatrix will do anything to make him happy. She finally kills the witch with Andy's face -- do you see -- do you love me now -- but he's still cold, still frightened, still different, and she despairs, but it will be all over when Harry Potter is dead and he can breathe again. They've won. It will be alright. It will go back to normal. She can have it all again -- Voldemort and Narcissa and her perfect, pruned family.
Narcissa will do anything to keep him safe. And so she chooses Draco's life, she lies, her heart in her throat, in front of her beloved sister, to the Dark Lord, with unshed tears in her eyes and Harry Potter's 'corpse' before her.
Bellatrix's death is something Narcissa knew was coming, deep down She mourned her sister sixteen years ago and she mourns her now, but it will all be worth it if Draco survives this ordeal; Potter must win, he must live, Voldemort must die. And Bellatrix will never allow this.
She wishes she could tell Andy that she understands.
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greencatalystcomet · 5 months
due to the lack of major female characters i propose we all start treating the black sisters the way we treat regulus black, barty crouch jr, and evan rosier. and i realize to do that we need queer ships so heres what im proposing
bellatrix/emmeline vance- okay i know quillkiller is already a semi popular wlw ship for bella BUT i think bella and emmeline would be really good and healthier. like emmeline is so calm, it perfectly offsets bellas... less sane moments
andromeda/sybill trelawney- this one i will admit i am most unsure about, mostly bc i wouldnt mind keeping andy/ted. bUT like i do kinda think andy would be a little enamored by the way that sybill is such a free spirit (bc andy feels so stifled by her family, it would be incredible to see some else who is so free) and i think andy could be the serious to balance the crazy of trelawney. that being said i also was considering andy/alice longbottom (commonly headcanoned alice longbottom nee fortescue) and i would love if somebody else could come up with an explanation/argument for that pair
narcissa/aurora sinistra- OKAY do you guys remember astronomy class? sinistra was the teacher for that if you forgot (and i dont blame you if you did bc i rlly went SEARCHING for women i could pair with this trio) but she ls mostly mentioned as giving out a lot of homework but i think that hard working, no nonsense attitude would likely draw narcissa in bc its something she and aurora would have in common (at first i wanted to pair narcissa with pandora, commonly headcanoned pandora rosier, but her mom is a rosier so ABSOLUTELY NOT)
anyway tell me what you think or if anybody has any other ideas pls post about it. honestly just post about the black sisters in general, this fandom needs more main women!!
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anxiousthoughts365 · 4 months
So this isn't a pairing I usually think about much but I just had this hc that Narcissa saw Lucius on her first day at Hogwarts and decided that she was going to marry him, even though Bellatrix outright laughed at her and Andromeda tried to explain. She was crushed when she realised that she probably wouldn't be allowed to marry outside of the family, but she couldn't escape how she felt for him, even as he consistently failed to acknowledge that she even existed, year after year.
And one day in like fourth year, when she'd been pining for too long and had decided that enough was enough, she finally did something that would make her stand out, would make him take notice, would make the oblivious boy finally see her as more than just Andy and Bella's little sister. After hours of research, she had found a spell that would change the colour of her hair from Black black to a bright white.
At first, she just did one little strand - hardly noticeable, just behind her ear, that could easily be tucked away and hidden. Of course, Bella saw it first, and laughed so hard that she cried. Andromeda didn't comment. And Lucius still didn't notice her.
So she started to spell more of her hair. Just another strand. Then a thin layer underneath all of that black hair, again not very noticeable but she felt so bold and daring. And still, he didn't notice her.
This went on for months, and she was running out of places that she could make subtle changes to her hair. So one morning, out of sheer desperation, she cast the spell across her whole head. In seconds, all of her waist length hair was the same lovely white blonde as Lucius'. Her heart was in her mouth when she entered the Great Hall for breakfast, and the entire Slytherin table turned to stare at her.
And then Bella started laughing again. She laughed so hard that she fell right out of her seat, and didn't seem to hear when Andromeda snapped at her to shut up. Narcissa's eyes filled with tears, and she fled the Hall, not even looking to Lucius for his reaction. She ran and ran through the corridors, looking for somewhere to hide, but when she heard someone following her she whirled, wand in hand, ready to hex whoever it was.
Lucius Malfoy raised his hands in surrender as he stared at her with wide eyes. And she watched as his pale blue gaze roamed over her hair, and she braced herself for his laughter.
But it didn't come. Instead, he slowly stepped towards her, hands still raised, until he was right up close and gazing down at her. And her heart fluttered as he opened his mouth and finally, finally spoke to her.
'I've been trying to work up the nerve to tell you ...' And he reached out to carefully tuck her hair behind her ear and breathed, 'I love what you've done to your hair.'
Did I say hc? Apparently I meant mini fic ...
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starchaserdreams · 1 year
Jegulus Microfic: Silver
“Regulus,” Sirius called out into the hall, “can you come here for a second?” He listened for his brother’s footfalls to switch direction, and they did.
Regulus walked into Sirius’ room, and shut the door when he was asked to.
“Andromeda gave me this,” Sirius said, holding up a beautiful silver ring, “it’s an old family heirloom. She wanted me to have it, but I…can’t wear it.” He tried not to let the pause linger, but it did. 
Regulus’ eyes narrowed. 
“Why can’t you wear it?” he asked.
Sirius just shook his head vaguely. 
“I just can’t, okay? Do you want it? I know you were talking about taking the next step with James, do you want to maybe give it to him? Seemed like you were headed there.”
Regulus held a hand out for the ring, and Sirius dropped it into his palm. 
“Why don’t you-” Regulus began, but his words died once he’d looked at the ring up close. “Oh, silver,” he said. He looked up at Sirius for a moment before speaking. “Then James probably can’t wear it either. You all spend loads of time together, wouldn’t work.”
Sirius just watched him. It seemed like- but he couldn’t know.
But Sirius didn’t say anything, and just waited for Regulus to go on.
“Don’t make me say it, but I know okay?” Sirius’ eyes widened, but Regulus answered his thoughts before he could voice them. “James didn’t tell me, you all just aren’t as subtle as you think. But James can’t wear this. You should just give it to him, and tell him to give it to me whenever he wants.”
Sirius collected himself at the last sentence enough to smile. 
“Awww, my little brother’s getting engaged.”
Regulus nodded and handed the ring back. 
“Thank Andy for me,” he said before walking out, dismissing Sirius, the knowledge about Remus, and his own engagement all at once.
@jegulus-microfic - 7/28 - 318 words
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marauders-bs · 1 month
The Rosiers, the Blacks
i'm gonna put a cut here becuase this is long af lmao
also istg that this is happy and fluffy and shit it's a kidfic
Historically, there was only one thing that Rita, Alice, James, Lily, Barty, and Remus could agree on, and it was that there was nothing better than seeing their spouses with their kids.
Of course, Barty and Evan had never had kids. Privately, Alice had been sort of thankful for that, as two homicidal maniacs raising a child probably wasn't a good idea. But Bella and Rita had done a good job with Venus, so far. She was a good kid, and Cissa loved her.
"How the hell did I get this lucky," James murmured, looking out the window where Regulus was laughing in the snow, wide-eyed Estrella and Cherie Potter-Black standing where a snowcastle had been.
"Same," Lily agreed, gazing at Pandora, who was patiently teaching Harry and Luna how to make a snowman.
Rita had her camera out, and she was taking picture after picture of the snowball fight between Venus, Neptune, Ceres, and Bella. Of course, it was the Skeeter-Blacks against Bella, but she was holding her own better than Alice expected.
Andromeda and Evan were running around with Elio, Celeste, Cressida, Pollux and Castor (Andy's adoptive kids), the five clearly trying to shove snow down Evan's jacket.
And Cissa. Merlin, the woman she was. Both Neville and Draco were burying her deep in the snow, and Alice knew she had to be freezing, but her head was tipped back and she was laughing, and Alice agreed with James: how did she get this lucky?
Alice hefted Calypso higher onto her hip, their little baby babbling in the way that says she wants food or her twin sister, Vega. She'd start hot chocolate while she was in the kitchen. Remus may kill them all if anyone gets sick a week before new years.
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cressthebest · 5 months
Crimson Rivers thoughts pt. 29
chapter 48:
1. oof. i was NOT prepared for james to realize regulus is a death eater
2. “Everything I do in that arena, it's for you.” james is not handling that well. it’s repeated every other paragraph and it feels like a punch to the GUT
3. pros of crimson rivers universe:
•homophobia and transphobia just aren’t a thing in this universe.
•james potter is a real human being.
•wolfstar is together
cons of crimson rivers universe:
• 23 people are brutally slaughtered in an arena for entertainment
4. oh thank god regulus chose his correct person to lie about killing. regulus is smart af
5. “Everything I do in that arena, it's for you.
How, Reg? James thinks, staring at the screen with a lump in his throat. How is this for me? Tell me how.”
6. 😐 james is trusting reg. with no hesitation. no hesitation. nohejsjksidksjsjdlalajsa
7. “Everyone better hope Regulus is fine, because if he isn't, if he's dead, Sirius is going to kill every single fucking person in this maze for daring to live when his little brother didn't.”
i choked on my tea yall. i’m actually so scared for everyone in that arena alongside sirius
8. augusta vs alice argument 👀 i’m here for the drama (that very much makes me a bad person)
10. thank god she’s fine
11. even tho regulus is a death eater, i find comfort in the fact that regulus hates those people and their personalities
12. the way mavis and velvets deaths remind regulus of his own games with james. two people who didn’t want to live without the other
13. god the evan call backs and KILLING me
14. “Regulus thinks Alecto is quite mental to subject herself to a shift of dealing with two of the Black sisters, who are as equally dramatic and ridiculous as the Black brothers when they want to be.”
15. “He's not here to make friends. It didn't go well for him last time, literally only last year, down to the same fucking day. Exactly a year ago, Regulus spent the day with Evan Rosier, climbing a tree to get to weapons, learning to trust, not knowing that he was on a clock that was running out where the best friend he didn't even know he would have was going to leave him, before he could even properly find him, and know him.”
punched in the fucking gut over this
16. narcissa playing up the pregnancy thing is freaking hilarious
17. the mention of andromeda took me out. i am not okay. reg wonders if andy is at home with her family watching the black family reunion on screen and missing them. babes… i hate to break it to you…
18. remus is pissed at regulus and tbh i don’t blame him
19. mcgonnagal being referred to as cat like>>>
20. the way that the game makers are referring to these games as brutal like never before is honestly terrifying. how the hell is dorcas gonna pull off getting them out?
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greycloudsinwinter · 5 months
Hello. For example, if the reader was from the Ravenclaw house. Would anything change? And yet would Cygnus erase their daughter Andromeda from the family tapestry for not marrying a pureblood? If the reader wants her daughter(Andy) not to be kicked out. If Andy is kicked out of the family and the reader wants to continue seeing her daughter. What would Cygnus do?
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🐍if you are from ravenclaw or any other house other then Slytherin he is a bit more wary of his affection for you. But it doesn’t stop him from loving you in the most darkest ways imagining.
🐍as for your daughter… he loves his children very deeply they are an extension of both of you . However her marrying anyone other then a pure blood is seen as her rejecting you and him.
🐍even though he loves his daughter he will erase her from the tapestry. Maybe if you beg and plead for him not to he will think about it . And possibly give her a chance to dispose of the person she loves and come back to you both. And he would pretend you were a perfect family. But if she didn’t and refused to get rid of the person she loved he wouldn’t kill her but he would pretend she was never born . Going so far as too remove and portraits or anything that could be linked to her .
🐍if you still wanted to see your daughter there is literally only one way . YOU have to give him a son . That’s the only way he wants a boy really bad like he’s willing to do anything to get a son. Going so far to healers to see if they can make sure the next child you carry is a boy.
🐍just give him a boy and he will let you however you can only see your daughter once a year . And in his eyes that’s very generous of him. However beg him plead him all you want if anything he will banned you from not seeing her it annoys him when all you do is talk about your daughter.
Thank you for the questions ❤️❤️
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accio-sriracha · 1 month
Regulus upset and slams down the book of dark magic:You brought him into my life and now I want you to bring him back. Bring him back! I have never asked you for anything. I've never asked you for spells but do this. I know you can bring him back.
Narcissa: No, dear. We won't do that.
Andromeda: We don't do that.
Regulus tearing up but angrily flipping through the pages of the book:But you can. You can do this. I know you can. I remember. I found it here when mommy and daddy died.
Narcissa: Even if we did bring him back, it wouldn't be James. It would be something else. Something dark and unnatural.
Regulus: [Starts crying, and out right begs] I don't care what he comes back as. As long he comes back. Please do this for me. Please? Please? Please? Please?
Hello! This sounds like absolute soul crushing angst, so obviously I'm very excited to write this!
(This will be angst with happy ending, and it does contain background wolfstar)
He Who Falls Shall Not Rise.
A Jegulus One-Shot
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"James Potter?" He whispered, staring at the mess of black curls in front of him, "You're Sirius' friend, right?"
The boy turned, a curious spark in his eye and glasses that slipped to the edge of his nose,
"Yes I am." His eyebrows furrowed, "You're Regulus Black." It wasn't a question.
Regulus nodded, surprised.
"Sirius told me a lot about you." He explained, looking a little embarrassed, "You have the same features."
"Oh." Regulus wasn't sure what else to say. He recognized James from pictures he found in Sirius' room the summer after he left for Hogwarts.
"Would you like to come with me to the library? I was just about to return some charms books. I could show you around?"
Regulus nodded eagerly, "That'd be great, actually. Thanks."
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Regulus shook the thoughts from his head. They were so young then, barely even aware of what was going on in the world around them.
He gave a harsh laugh, wondering what it would have been like if he'd never introduced himself to James at all.
He couldn't entertain the thought. The heartbreak he could handle... but, not having James in his life? He wasn't sure he ever would have survived.
"Regulus? Are you home?" Narcissa called, her voice gentle as always. He sighed, his cousins had a habit of checking in on him nearly every day.
"I'll be down in a moment." He called, wiping the tears from his face.
He thought about Narcissa, about how content she was in her life. Her son must have been... what? One, now? The time flew by too fast to ever keep track.
"Hello." He greeted politely as he walked down the staircase, trying to keep his hands from shaking.
In truth, he'd never been more desperate in his life.
Desperation was a funny thing, it made you do things, even horrible things, that you never would have imagined yourself being a part of.
Like what he was about to do now.
"Are you okay?" She whispered, "You look pale, dear."
He nodded curtly, the letter from Remus sitting like a stone in his pocket, weighing down his every move. He'd read its contents a hundred times before he really processed it.
Sirius was in Azkaban.
James Potter was dead.
"Good morning, Reggie!" Andromeda called, flourishing herself through the door. Her voice was... not so gentle. Her words echoed loudly through the large, empty house.
There was nobody left but him.
"Good morning, Andy." He nodded back at her. He wasn't sure he could stand another second of this. The pretending. The casual greetings as though his entire world hadn't just caught fire.
"Who is this?" Andromeda asked, pointing to an old photograph on the wall. He had just added it this morning. Regulus' chest grew tight.
"Sirius' friend." He whispered.
At the mention of Sirius' name both of their heads whipped towards him. He was used to that now, the fear in their eyes, the worry.
Sirius had turned out just like Bellatrix after all.
Regulus refused to believe it, refused to believe his only brother could ever do something like that. Especially to someone like James. Everyone knew how much they loved each other, how willing Sirius would have been to die for him. How willing they both were to die for James.
Regulus' breathing felt shallow. He wished he would have been given the option.
"Regulus... are you sure you're alright?" Narcissa asked again.
"He's dead." The words left his mouth before he could stop them, "The man in the photograph. He's- He's dead."
Narcissa leaned down to get a better look. She gasped,
"It's Potter." She whispered, sharing a look with Andy, "That's the man that Sirius-'
"Stop." Regulus cut her off, tears threatening to spill over, "Please don't say it."
Narcissa didn't waste any time pulling him into a hug, she pet his hair gently, apologizing profusely for upsetting him. Andy walked past to the dining room,
"Maybe we should sit down to chat, yeah?" She offered, pulling out a chair.
He nodded and sat down with them, trying to control his breathing.
"What happened, Reggie?" Andy asked, reaching across the table to place a hand over his own.
"I-" He cleared his throat, "James is gone." He tried to explain but couldn't get his voice to work.
"Yes." Narcissa nodded sympathetically, "He is. I'm very sorry for your loss."
Andy' eyes turned curious, "I wasn't aware you two were friends."
Regulus gave a humorless laugh, "Friends." He repeated, his voice raw.
He thought back to the day he told Sirius he was in love with his best friend, and again to the day James told him he loved him too.
"Were you... more?" Narcissa asked carefully.
Regulus looked away. He knew how sensitive the topic was with his family. He'd seen it with Sirius, when he'd first confessed to being in a relationship with Remus.
"You were, weren't you?" Andy leaned back against her chair, resting her hands on top of her head, "We had no idea."
Regulus nodded, "We preferred it that way. The only people who knew were Remus and-" He broke off, not wanting to see them react to his brother's name again.
"So you and Potter... you loved each other." Narcissa held his other hand, "There's nothing wrong with that, dear."
Regulus laughed again, closing his eyes and tilting his face towards the ceiling,
"Believe me, there's plenty wrong with it, Cissy."
"Reg, It's okay. Neither of us are going to judge you for-" Andy started.
"No, it's not okay!" He exploded, pushing back from the table, "He's dead, Andy!"
They stayed silent, he could feel their shock from his outburst. He was usually the calm one.
"I-" He couldn't keep the tears from falling now, "I miss him." His voice broke on the last word and Narcissa immediately pulled him into another hug.
"Regulus, I'm so sorry." She whispered, rubbing his back.
"I don't need you to feel sorry for me." He gently pulled her hands away, "Feeling sorry won't bring him back."
Andy's expression immediately grew suspicious, "Reg..." She started. He shook his head,
"No. Please, I- I can't lose him." He turned and grabbed a book from the shelf, the one full of dark magic spells, and placed it on the table between them, "Please. I never ask you for anything. I never ask you to do these spells for me, but please-"
Narcissa understood now, shaking her head, "No, Regulus. You know we can't do that."
"Why not!" He shouted, taking a step backwards, "I love him! I- I can't just let him go. I need to do something, I need to try!"
Andy sighed, pushing the book away from them, "Reggie, it's too dangerous."
"I can't just sit here and do nothing! Please! I- I'll do anything you ask me to. I'll be in your debt for the rest of my life just please! Please open the damn book and try!"
"Regulus." Narcissa's voice was stern now, "You cannot bring him back. He's gone. I'm sorry but... he's gone."
Regulus shook his head, sliding the book back to the edge of the table and flipping through the pages blindly, "No I- I've seen you do it, I know you can do it. You have to! I- I can't live without him, please!"
Andy grabbed his hand to stop him, "Even if we do bring him back it won't be James. He'll come back as- as something else. It won't be him, Reggie."
"I don't care what he comes back as! I don't care, I don't care! I need him! I just need him back! Please just do it. I know you can do it, please just fucking bring him back!" He could feel his heart pounding, he was mere seconds away from getting on his knees and begging them to try.
"Regulus! We can't!" Narcissa shouted, her voice more upset then he'd ever heard it.
"You have to-" He started.
"But we can't." She sighed and closed the book, "I'm sorry."
Regulus let out a wordless, angry shout and threw the book against the wall, watching it hit the ground with a loud thud.
"Reg-" Andy stood up from the table. Regulus slammed his hands down, rounding on Narcissa,
"You don't want me to be happy, is that it? You're just angry that I found someone who really loves me. You're jealous that someone actually cares! You and Lucius don't love each other and we both know it-"
"Regulus!" Andy called. He ignored her,
"You're just jealous, Cissy. You could never handle the fact that Bella and I were always the favorites. You can’t handle the fact that maybe I'm not like you! Maybe I'm broken... and flawed. Maybe I'm not the perfect heir to the black family throne like you thought I was. That I was capable of finding my own fucking personality, that I chose to be with someone for love and not blood status. Maybe I was never like you. That's why you're doing this, isn't it? Because you're angry I couldn’t be that perfect kid anymore."
Tears streamed down his face, soaking the collar of his shirt. He couldn't care less, he was angry, more angry than he'd ever been before, "If you won't help me, I'll do it myself."
"Regulus, stop." A voice came from the doorway.
"Remus." He breathed, turning around to face him.
"I know you're angry. Merlin knows how angry I am. But you need to stop."
"How did you-" Regulus shook his head, "How did you find me?"
"I came to collect some of Sirius' things." He didn't seem to miss the flinching from behind Regulus at the name.
Narcissa walked across the room to pick up the book and put it away. Trying to play off her shudder.
Remus sighed, "I'm sorry. Really, I-" He looked away, "I can't imagine how much pain you're in."
Regulus walked up to him then, and for the very first time, he hugged him.
"I'm sorry, Remus. I know you loved him too."
Remus nodded, pulling away, "I do. But we can't bring him back. It's wrong, Reg. You know it is."
Andy walked up behind him and placed a hand on his shoulder, "I would do anything for you, Reggie. But I can't do this. I'm sorry."
He turned to face her, watching the emotions swirling on Narcissa' face, the guilt on Andy's.
"I know." He brushed away the last of his tears, "I know. I'm sorry." He looked at Narcissa, "I didn't mean it, the things I said to you... I'm really sorry."
She smiled softly at him, he could see the pain behind it still, "It's okay, Regulus. I know you're hurting right now. I promise, it will get better."
Regulus took a deep breath, "I hope so." He whispered.
Remus patted his shoulder once, walking past them to the stairs, heading for Sirius' old room.
"Remus." He called, Remus turned,
"Maybe you should join us tomorrow for lunch. I think it'll do us all some good to have company."
He glanced at Andy and Narcissa, his expression was reserved, but he nodded anyways,
It was a long time before Regulus' anger subsided. The grief never fully went away, he wasn't sure it ever would. But he was happy now, he was capable of feeling happy, something he didn't think he'd ever feel again.
"Can you believe Sirius was only four in this photo?" Cissy laughed, showing the old album to Remus, who watched Sirius fly around on a toy broom, knocking into things Regulus knew would get him into huge trouble for later.
Remus laughed, and the sound gave Regulus hope. One day, Sirius and Remus would be together again. He hoped he would be there to see it.
Remus checked his watch and stood, "I'm late for an order meeting, I'll see you all tomorrow?"
They nodded, waving goodbye as he made his way to the door.
He would never quite be whole again without James, but he would survive, and that was enough.
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marylily-my-beloved · 1 month
A little dialouge snippet of Narcissa and Bellatrix talking after Andromeda runs away - 348 words !! @thevampireslovelywife hope you like it <333
“Let her leave Narcissa, it’s not like she wants us to chase her anyways. Stay with me, it’s better like this. You know what will happen if you try to escape.” Bellatrix said, trying to keep her voice level. 
“But Bells, she’s our sister. Doesn’t she love us? Doesn’t she even like us? I don’t want her to leave, I’ll miss her.” Narcissa sobbed out, collapsing to the floor. 
Bellatrix knelt down, facing Narcissa, caressing her face, “I know Daff, I’ll miss her too, but shes not one of us anymore, she left us for a guy. You know that she doesn’t love us.” Bellatrix choked up at her words, but stopped her crying quickly, focusing on keeping Narcissa with her, making her think that she’s the strong one. 
Narcissa collapsed into Bellatrix’s arms, sobbing there, “Bells. I thought Andy loved us, why doesn’t she? What did we even do—“ she cut herself off with even more sobs.
“Oh darling Daff it wasn’t what we did, it’s what we didn’t do. She hates people like us, that boy she ran off with hates us too, he brainwashed her. She’s always gonna hate us, it doesn’t matter that we’re her sister's Daff.” 
“I guess you’re right, Bells, it wasn’t meant to be. I’ll never even think of her again, since she hates us so much. Fuck, I wanna kill that little mudblood she’s with. I just, I just don’t even want to see her anymore.” 
“We’ll kill him Daff, we’ll kill her stupid mudblood husband, and I’ll never even mention her again, yeah? Just pretend you have one sister, just me and you against the world now.” 
“Yeah. Just Bellatrix and Narcissa. You’ll always love me right Bells?”
“Of course, always. As long as you don’t become like Andromeda I’ll always love you. Promise Daff.” 
“I’ll never be like her, I could never abandon my family. I could never abandon you, or Regulus, or even Sirius. We’re family. Family stick together.”
“That’s right Daff, family stick together. Me and you and Regulus. And Sirius if you feel like it.” 
i hope you guys liked it! because i cried.
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overdueforarevival · 17 days
Marauders As Noah Kahan Songs Pt 2
I'm back with more, my mind is consumed and I'm too far gone now
James - False Confidence (thanks @xi-phos for the idea, it's so him)
Regulus - Growing Sideways (boy is just trying)
Sirius - Orange Juice (Sirius after Azkaban when he's trapped at Grimmauld Place Remus was Def helping him fight his alcoholism I could talk about this for days sue me)
Remus - Howling (my werewolf boy, this needs no explanation)
Peter - Bury Me (you can convince me the guilt doesn't eat him alive)
Pandora - Come Over (this is so Pandora going back to her childhood home after Evan dies😭😭)
Evan - Godlight (when he becomes a Death Eater and knows Pandora will never see him the same way)
Barty - Sink / Dial Drunk (my self destructive baby)
Narcissa - Carlo's Song / Homesick (Narcissa feeling trapped in her family, wishing she could have escaped with Andy, can't convince me she was never jealous of her sister when she had to marry Lucius)
Andromeda - You're Gonna Go Far (girlie really said fuck this family, I'm out but this is also so her when Sirius goes to see her after running away 😭😭)
Bellatrix - The View Between Villages (Bellatrix my beloved, you can't convince me it wasn't her family that sent her insane and a part of her hates herself and wishes that in another life she could have been a better person)
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enbysiriusblack · 12 days
Sirius ran down the hallway, pausing to open Regulus' door and shout out, "Bella is here!"
Regulus glanced up, book in his lap and a teddy bear across from him with its own book, "Okay."
Sirius left the bedroom door open as he continued running until he made it to the porch.
"Bella!" Sirius grinned.
"Hey, Sirius", Bella grinned back, midway through taking her cloak off.
Andromeda stepped past Bellatrix, "No greeting for the rest of us?"
Sirius mumbled, "Hi, Andy, Cissa."
Andromeda smiled, tousling his hair despite Sirius' protests.
Bellatrix crouched down to his height, "Want to have some fun?"
Narcissa passed by them both, ignoring Sirius to follow Andromeda to the lounge for tea with Walburga before Andromeda started school.
"Where's Reggie?"
"In his room."
Bellatrix took Sirius' hand, leading him back up the stairs.
"There's this charm I can do that will make his little teddy bear dance."
Sirius gasped, "And it he screams then Mother might come and see what's wrong and then you could stop the charm before she comes in and she'll think he's making it up and then when she leaves you could do it again and he'll scream for her again so she'll come back in and you stop the bear again and then she'll be so mad at him!"
Bellatrix turned to him, "You're going to be a great future slytherin."
Sirius beamed up at her.
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