#annon ♡
osachiyo · 9 months
I love how you write, your last post was so-
I hope that in the future you can write more about Sigma. I love your works 💕
Thank you very much for reading my works! And yes of course, Sigma is very fun to write for. I definitely write more of him in the future ♡
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calicoheartz · 2 months
Paige x fem!wbbp reader.
Paige and the reader have been playing together since high school. What's the chance they both commit to the same uni? 👀
(Can I request to be 🦢 annon?)
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A Pretty Perfect Match ; Paige Bueckers ››
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꣑୧ — summary | basically the prompt !!! :)
wc ; 1.4k
— warnings | lots of romantic tension & fluff , friends to lovers
my master list ㇀♡
1) omg yes of course you can be 🦢 anon ! It makes me so happy I’m finally getting anons like this! yay!
a/n : I wasn’t sure if you wanted this to be romantic anon , so I did some hints and implied romantic attraction throughout the story. Enjoy ! ◡̈
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Paige leaned against the worn wooden bleachers, with her gaze being focused on the basketball court below. The sound of sneakers squeaking against the vinyl floor, the thud of the ball, the cheers from the crowd – it all felt like home to her. After all, she had spent hours on that court, pouring her entire heart and soul into the game. 
Beside her, stood her longtime friend and teammate, your presence bringing a comforting and warm energy into the busy and chaotic environment. 
You both had been inseparable since the beginning of freshman year, with your strong love for the game bringing you both closer together. With your bond forged by victories, defeats, laughs and tears, and Paige couldn't imagine her life without you by her side.
As the final buzzer rang, signaling the end of the game, you and Paige exchanged a tired but content smile. Your team had won, as it always did when the two of you played together. But tonight was different, as it marked the end of an era. An era that had lasted since they were 14, that was now the end of a chapter, as they embarked on a new change to their lives.
As the two of you walked off the court together and into the locker room, Paige decided the break the silence by saying, “So, have you decided where you're going to college yet?", her voice tinged with excitement and apprehension.
You shrugged, a thoughtful expression gracing your face, “i'm still weighing my options. What about you?”
Paige hesitated, her mind racing with possibilities. She had received offers from several universities, each promising the chance to continue her basketball career at the collegiate level. But there was one school that stood out above the rest—a school that offered not only a top-tier basketball program, but also the opportunity to hopefully study alongside you.
Unbeknownst to you, Paige had always seen you differently, you were definitely one of her best friends, but her feelings manifested into something different, something she didn't feel towards the rest of her friends. She never knew exactly how to get her feelings across to you, as it was quite apparent that your love and commitment to basketball was above every other aspect in your life. But little did she know, that you yourself also felt the same way she did, also dealing with the unprecedented issue on how to admit her newfound feelings to the blonde. 
"I think I've made up my mind," Paige said finally, her heart pounding in her chest. "I'm going to commit to UConn.” your eyes widened in surprise to her sudden statement,  with a small smirk spreading across your face, “Wait for real? That's where I was planning on going! I was just scared to commit since I wasn't sure if any of my other friends were going.”
Paige's heart soared at the news, relief flooding through her. She couldn't imagine navigating the challenges of college without her closest friend by her side. Together, they had conquered high school basketball, and now they would take on the next chapter of their lives together as well.
As they made their way out of the locker room, Paige couldn't shake the feeling of excitement coursing through her veins. The prospect of attending UConn with you by her side, filled her with a sense of anticipation unlike anything she had ever experienced before. For the first time in her life, she felt truly ready to take on whatever the future held.
Over the next following months, you and Paige had become immersed into your applications and studies, spending long hours honing your skills on the court, preparing yourselves for the challenges that lay ahead of you. So it was not surprising that when the acceptance letters finally came in, you celebrated with one another, knowing that your dreams were finally within reach. 
As your white manicured nails gripped around the now empty can of whiteclaw, you couldnt help but wonder about your future with Paige. Yeah you two were going to the same school, but could you really continue hiding your feelings from her? I mean eventually she was bound to find out, what would you even do when in time she got a girlfriend? 
Paige could tell you were stressed, as she took your face into her hands and cupped your cheeks, something she often did, but this time it seemed different. “Don't be stressed”, she said, with a hint of alcohol lingering in her voice. “It's all gonna be okay, we finally did it. It's only uphill from here.” You smiled at her remark, slowly beginning to lean closer to her. Her eyes made their way onto your lips, as she gave you that look. You quickly leaned away, breaking your eye contact. You laughed slightly, chucking up your actions to the alcohol, and got up from your chair. “I should head home” you stated, immediately regretting opting out of the possibility of kissing your longtime best friend. Before the blonde could respond, you were already on your way, walking back towards the direction of your house. 
As the summer drew to a close and the start of college loomed on the horizon, you and Paige found yourselves filled with a mix of excitement and nervousness. But ever since that day, the blonde knew she had to come clean about her feelings, as you two would be playing side by side at UConn for the next 4 years. But still, a weight of anxiety weighed itself onto Paige's shoulders, she knew she had to tell you. There was no way she could avoid it for any longer, or procrastinate even further. 
She made her way over to your house, knocking at your door slightly, when you opened it your gaze was surprised but loving, not expecting to find the 6 '0 girl on your doorstep. 
She soon broke the silence, mumbling a “Sorry for coming without notice, I just needed to see you.” you nodded slightly, opening the door further as an invitation for the blonde to let herself in, before making your way to your bedroom. 
You sat on your bed, your eyes avoiding Paige’s gaze, not really sure what to say, let alone what the blonde needed to discuss. Paige made her way towards you, plopping on the space right beside you before facing you, starting off with a “Look, I know we've been friends for freshman year, but I need to be honest with you y/n.” You furrowed your brows slightly, giving her a confused look in reply. She continued slowly… “I like you y/n, like like, not like a friend, but- fuck. I don't even know what to say, I completely understand if you don't feel the same way but please just hear-” you couldn't even let the blonde finish her sentence before placing a passionate kiss on her lips, one that only lasted a few seconds but felt like an entire lifetime had passed. 
It felt as if fireworks were going off inside your head, as all your worries melted away as you yourself melted into the kiss. You soon pulled away, before whispering “that's my answer, P.”
Since that day, your relationship blossomed day by day as you prepared for the sudden switch in your lives, navigating the first year of college together.
Over the next four years, you and Paige forged a path through college unlike any other. You studied together, laughed together, and yes, even argued from time to time. But through it all, your  bond remained unbreakable, a constant source of strength and support in a world that was constantly changing.
And on the basketball court, you both were unstoppable. With Paige's skill and your determination, you both led UConn to victory after victory, cementing your places in the annals of college basketball history. 
As graduation day approached, you both were filled with a mix of emotions. Of course you were sad to say goodbye to the place that had been your home for the past four years, but you both were also excited to see what the future held for your relationship.
 As you stood on stage together, your hands intertwined and your diplomas in hand, you knew that no matter where life took you,  you both would always be there for each other, ready to face whatever challenges came your way.
As they stepped out into the world beyond the walls of UConn, you and Paige knew that your journey was far from over. You were now ready to take on whatever the future held, knowing that as long as you had each other, you could accomplish anything.
omggggggg this was so cute wtf !!!! I LOVED writing this and hope I can write more stuff like this in the future (most likely will ngl) as always tysm for reading !!
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deargojou · 4 months
Thank u for accepting the request! ٩(ˊᗜˋ*)و ♡ G.satoru & fluff (suggestive maybe). He gives u kisses on different parts of ur body. the kisses number is the same as your birthday. You can set the age whatever you like. I don't have much idea ㅠ﹏ㅠ I think there's a film like this..not sure, just goggled it now.
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You wake slowly, gradually becoming aware of the warm sunlight filtering through the curtains. As you blink open your eyes, the first thing you see is Gojo’s face just inches from yours. His eyes are soft and full of love as he gazes down at you.
“Happy birthday, cutie,” he murmurs, a smile spreading across his handsome features. He leans in and presses his lips to yours in a sweet, lingering kiss.
As you stretch and let out a small yawn, Gojo begins showering your face with little kisses. His lips graze your forehead, both cheeks, the tip of your nose, and finally land on your lips for a deeper, more passionate kiss. You can’t help but grin against his lips, feeling like the luckiest person in the world.
“Well, good morning to you too, Mr. Smooches,” you giggle as you reach out to caress his cheek.
He only grins before saying, “I wanted to be the first one to wish you a happy birthday.” His eyes shine with adoration as he gazes down at you, “and the first one to give you birthday appreciation.”
Your heart swells with affection. Gojo has always made you feel so cherished. Even on regular days, he is constantly showing you how much he cares through small affectionate gestures. But on your birthday, he is going above and beyond to make you feel extra special.
“Just bear with me for a moment, sweetheart. Stay still,” he says before positioning himself hovering over you.
“When have I not?” you lightheartedly said, which was returned by his feigned offended face, “Excuse me? I’m trying to be sweet for your sweet sixteen here,” he huffs.
“Alright, alright, you’re excused,” you run your fingers over his hair with a chuckle.
“Thank you,” he rolls his eyes playfully.
Gojo leans down and places a gentle kiss on your forehead, “one,” he counts. He moves to both of your cheeks, pecking each one softly, “two.” 
You realize Gojo is counting each kiss, starting from one, to represent each year you are turning today. The significance and thought he put into this melts your heart.
Your nose is next, he nuzzles against yours before leaving a tiny kiss, “three.” You giggle as he tilts your chin up to reach it, “four,” he whispered, placing a dramatic smooch there.
Shivering, you feel his lips press behind each of your ears, “six.” Gojo nuzzled against your neck, kissing down with another count, “seven.” He moves down to kiss your collarbones, “eight.”
He slides his lips to your shoulder, “nine.” His fingers trail down to lift each of your wrists to his lips, “ten.” He lingers on your palms, “eleven.”
You inhale sharply as Gojo moves lower, pushing up your pajama pants to access your bare thighs and calves. He kisses each one gently. “Twelve… thirteen.”
Working back up your body, he lifts your shirt to place a lingering kiss on your stomach, “fourteen.” His fingers dance along your sides, making you squirm. Leaning down over your chest, he kisses between your breasts. “fifteen.”
Finally, Gojo cups your face, gazing into your eyes. “Sixteen,” he whispers. He presses his lips to yours in a slow, passionate kiss that makes your heart race. You melt into his embrace, feeling adored.
As you break apart, giggling, you cheekily say, “Wasn’t that twenty-three kisses total?”
Gojo shakes his head, insisting “Nope! It was sixteen―one for each of your sweet sixteen years!” You roll your eyes but can’t keep the delighted grin off your face.
“Aren’t you so sweet?” you pull him down for another kiss to express your gratitude.
“Not as sweet as you are right now,” he continues to pamper your face in kisses. It doesn’t seem like he’s going to stop any time soon.
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I don’t know what movie would that be but hope you like this, annonie 🥹🥹
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queer-n-here · 2 months
back at it again at krispy kreme
so to start off, this request is very wild and specific and out of nowhere and will most likely be the only of its kind. I would suggest watching season 1 and 2 recap videos of Girl From Nowhere. NOW TO THE REQUEST
with a yandere reader (who is basically like nanno from the show i mentioned earlier) who stalks character of your choice 24/7, constantly tormenting them and their friends (who keep killing reader but reader just keeps coming back) until the character is worn down to where they are stockholm syndromed by reader, and reader finally claims what is his ♡
Okay y'all, this is actually 🕸️ annon, bro wrote 🕷️ on accident again.
Also, bruv, this bomb ASS request has been sitting in my inbox for a while, and I must say, I'm sorry I didn't do it sooner. I was kind of running away from it without realising I was.
Q: Why were you running away?
A: Because I didn't wanna ruin it in a hurry 😭 I wanted to do it justice. Now, I will! (Hopefully)
Contents: Chuuya x Yandere!Stalker!Reader
Warnings: No smut, but has mentions of masturbation, stalking, obsessive tendencies, mentions of murder, blood, and more, Stockholm Syndrome.
You had been watching him for the longest time.
Chuuya Nakahara.
He was so fucking beautiful, you never wanted to take your eyes off of him. So you followed him around, setting your lackeys everywhere around him to report to you with even the minutest details of his days.
You followed him around yourself, too. Only you were allowed to watch from his bathroom ventilator as he showered or changed. Only you were permitted to peek through that one window in his bedroom and watch as he pushed a lucky dildo deeper and deeper into his ass, cock throbbing and twitching with want. Oh, the things you'd do to be that bit of silicon that slid in and out of his asshole as he trembled on the bed, huffing and panting.
Fuck, you were obsessed with him.
And you knew full well.
You were starting to get desperate, too. Just sneaking into his house when he wasn't there to wrap his boxers around your cock and jerk off wasn't enough anymore. So after hiding in the dark for a while, you decided to leave behinds hints.
The first one ever was the splatter of cum you'd left on his bed sheets. It had been a mistake, but even as you raised a hand to pull the sheets off the bed and hide the evidence, you couldn't help but pause.
Chuuya should know how much you loved him. He should know who owned him.
Thus, you left the stains right as they were.
That night, Chuuya returned from a hefty mission, tired and ready to collapse into bed. The sight of the half-dried cum stopped him.
"What the fuck?!"
You, watching from behind the bushes next to his bedroom window, smirked. Fuck yes.
Later, you became more and more bold. You starting leaving behind more proof of your presence, leaving behind sappy messages on his walls with spray paint, dropping photos of him that you'd taken in secret. You watched him break down from his window.
You chased him into a corner, forcing him to ask Mori for help. Even the Port Mafia had nothing on you, though. You continued leaving behind dirty underwear, condoms filled with your cum and stuff like that around his house.
Chuuya changed places, and you followed. He couldn't get rid of you no matter how much he tried, only running pathetically around with you right at his heels.
It was fun, but only for a few months.
At one point, only watching him from a distance had been enough for you. Now, you wanted him to see you, know you, fear you, want you. You were growing more and more greedy, you knew. And yet you couldn't stop yourself.
So one day, you showed Chuuya your face. You left behind a video clip for him, a video of you jerking off to his photos. Chuuya decided, enough is enough.
He decided to put his pride down and asked for Dazai to help. The latter might be a big piece of shit and a pain in the ass, but he was smart when it came to stuff like this. And so Dazai was involved.
You knew it, and Dazai knew that you knew you knew. It was a fun game of pretending to hide while both of you knew of each other's presence.
It wasn't long before Dazai caught you, though. You were pleasantly surprised by his wit. You two fought, and Dazai managed to kill you. As he turned around, thinking about teasing Chuuya about owing him for the rest of his life, he saw you standing beside him instead. His eyed widened, and he stepped back slightly.
"...How?" Was the only thing Dazai, the smartest man in the Port Mafia, could say.
You chuckled. "Pity you won't be able to find out."
And before he'd known it, he was on the ground, knocked out. You couldn't help but tread on his hands as you passed him a little. He got to be around Chuuya everyday, and here you were, working so hard every time you so much as wanted to see his face. Wasn't it unfair?
Either way, after that day, the Port Mafia increased security around Chuuya. If it had been anyone else, Mori would've just kicked them out, but this was Chuuya, one half of Twin Dark.
From then on, you had to be slightly more careful. But you couldn't control your greed either. You couldn't stop wanting him to see you in person, not just in the photos and videos that you left behind.
And so, one evening Chuuya came back home to find all the guards dead on his porch steps. His eyes widened, and he took a small step back.
The front door was open.
He wanted to run away, wanted to go back to the Port Mafia headquarters and report to Mori, but he thought he saw a shadow flash past the door in the house. He hesitated.
Was it rational for him to not run away? No. It was perhaps the craziest decision he'd ever made in his entire life. But he couldn't help but think internally, Fuck it, if he wanted to harm me, I wouldn't have been alive all this while.
And so Chuuya stepped over the corpses that decorated his front door, pushed open the door more, and stepped in.
You were sitting right there, on his couch, wiping your bloody hands with a handkerchief. You looked up when he entered.
And gods, he was even more gorgeous up close like this. You were used to watching him from afar, or through the cameras that you'd placed in his house, but never face-to-face. Fuck, you almost pounced on him right then.
As for Chuuya, he didn't know what to do. His heart was pounding so fast against his ribcage he was scared it'd stop for good. His palms were sweaty even as he fisted his hands, and his breathing was slightly laboured.
You stood up from the couch, walking closer to him. Somehow, he did not back away.
The way you said his name, gods, what were you? Some sort of a siren? But sirens were supposed to sing, not stand in his house covered in blood and smile at him like he was the most precious thing in the world.
"You're home." You raised a hand, caressing his cheek, leaving a smearing some of the blood on your hand against his pale skin. "Did you have dinner?"
"W-why are you doing this?" Chuuya managed to choke out, fuelled by his last dreg of rationality.
His eyes were red.
"Doing what, baby?" You cooed, smiling. "Chasing you? Because I love you, that's why."
Chuuya felt the back of his throat burning, and tried to fight back the tears that were already gathering in his eyes. "Why? Why, like this... Wha-"
He couldn't form coherent sentences, and stopped trying with a sniffle, tears starting to dribble down his face.
He looked pretty when crying, too.
You cupped his face with both your hands, tilting it upwards to make him look at you. "Because I can't help but want you so much, Chuuya. So much, that I'd have obliterated the Port Mafia if it hadn't been for the fact that you like those people."
Chuuya felt so tired, so exhausted. For almost half a year now he'd been running from you, running and running and running. He'd changed houses, gotten protection from the Mafia, even asked Dazai, for Christ's sake. And yet somehow you'd always gotten through it. He didn't want to run anymore. He wanted to sleep.
He wanted to rest.
He wanted to curl up and close his eyes and not have to worry about anything, not even the nightmares that had started because of you. He wanted to be carefree, the way he had been when he was a kid, poor but honest in the ugliest parts of Yokohama.
Chuuya didn't want to run anymore.
And so he collapsed, his knees buckling as more tears slid down his skin, onto his shirt. You caught him before he could hit the floor, and pulled him into an embrace. He was sobbing, his shoulders shaking and hands trembling.
"C'mere," You pushed his face into the crook of your neck.
Slowly, his hands rose, and for a moment you thought he would try to push you off. You braced for impact, preparing to restrain his hands if you had to. But then, all of a sudden, he wrapped his arms around your neck.
You froze for a moment, and then, a small smile climbed up your face. Chuuya was sobbing into your shoulder, clinging on to you as if for dear life. His fingers fisted in the material of your shirt as he muffled his whimpers against your skin.
He wouldn't run anymore.
That night, standing in the middle of Chuuya's eighth house that year, finally, you got what you wanted.
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thepurestgirll · 4 months
omgg since requests r open
sorry if this is silly but could i request wanderer with a lonely s/o, like whether he’d start to notice and hang out with them more or not ?
if u do this then thank youu and sorry to fill ur blog with more wanderer 🙏🙏 if this is too boring or something then i’m ok with it being deleted
ur writing is so cute
Comforting silence ✧˖°
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You were both in high school when you met. Your quiet and calm demeanor had made him particularly… curious.
He had never spoken to you willingly, the two of you just exchanged glances in the hallway, nothing more than that. Your first direct contact was when the teacher chose the two of you to sit next to eachother, she had thought that if she paired someone who made the least amount of effort in class with Scaramouche, he could improve his grades. Terrible mistake.
Most of the time the music he listened to on his headphones was so loud that even the people sitting in front of you two could hear it. But even though you felt irritated by him, you offered him your book and your notes at the end of each class. Maybe that would somehow make him interested in the subject.
You just didn't expect that instead of being interested in the subject, he would be more interested in you. He wondered why you seemed so shy and distant (as if he himself wasn't distant and rude to others most of the time) and why you didn't seem to be with anyone most of the time. Just sitting in silence as you watch the countless students at school chatting excitedly, while you were left alone in some random corner.
At first he would make excuses, say he had nothing better to do or that it was none of your business every time he approached you. But over time you just got used to his presence, and started hanging out with him. Go to a comfortable coffee shop just to talk to each other, or just go somewhere of your choice. He couldn't care less. If you are happy, so is he.
₊‧°𐐪♡𐑂°‧₊ Author's Note: My requests are open, feel free to ask for any work involving Genshin and etc, the same thing as always!
Hello there annon, Don't worry about Scara's requests, even i have a little soft spot for our puppet boy <3 I hope you liked what I wrote, I don't have that much creativity right now...
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gloomiee · 2 years
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Annon requested this so here it is! These are psd files that can be opened in Photoshop, Photopea, or any other program that can open psd files. You can customize it to your liking, just remember to credit me lol. This is my first time making something like this is if there and any problems feel free to reach out to me ♡
•  Two slightly different ID templates
•  First template photo size is roughly 300 x 440, second is roughly 300 x 350
•  Template itself is 863 x 570
•  The fonts I used are here and here
•  The doodles I used in my teen a day challenge post can be found here and here!
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yuri-is-online · 3 months
I'm the anon 🙋🏻‍♀️https://www.tumblr.com/yuri-is-online/746778432131694592/so-you-just-threw-this-beautiful-idea-of?source=share
The lore is very interesting! Angst my beloved. Thanks for the explanation 🐢♥️ Should've asked you much earlier.
One of the reasons why I like this AU is because it reminds me of my parents a little bit. I used to talk to my dad about anything and everything, he explained a lot of things about the world. I also love yapping to my mom when she comes back from work. She calls me a radio🥰
Just imagine it with Yutu! His most favourite person is right here! Sure, he has to watch what he says sometimes, but other than that now he gets to finally spend some time with the younger version of his parent 🥺 just sitting on some surface, talking about something, having the cleaning supplies shoved in the face, being forced to help with cleaning 🥺
Man, I have SO many questions. I'll ask them bit by bit to slowly make you brainrot as much as I do MUAHAHA😈
Oh your mother calling you radio is so cute (ㅠ﹏ㅠ) I also used to talk to my dad a lot about things, he had a very interesting life and I enjoy learning about different people. When those people are your parents it's especially interesting.
And head up high annon, your ask got a lot of people talking about Fyuuture kid AU, so even if you trickle in your asks I guarantee my brainrot is about to get so much worse (●´ω`●)ゞ
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Yutu was always curious about what Yuu's life was like when they were younger, but he never really expected to actually see it. It's hard sometimes, he has a whole set of shared memories that you don't have, if he wants to get technical they aren't even with you, he remembers a version of you and a life he is actively trying to prevent from existing.
But that doesn't change the familiarity, your habits and organization aren't much different than he remembers, you still make some of the same jokes. And when he accidentally cracks an old inside one of yours you still laugh, like some small part of you has an instinct that this is something that belongs to you too. What I think Yutu treasures most is just the ability to talk to you and get your advice on things again. He's always wanted to know what your opinion on Crewel's teaching was, what was your favorite class? Did it take you time to get used to cooking here, or did you just take all the new brands and prices in stride? Do you understand the rules of magishift? He never really got a handle on them, were you a part of any clubs? He wants the joy of being able to tell you about his day again and listen to you tell him he did a good job. And when he gets told to clean things he can't even bring himself to be mad. You forget all the little things you miss about a person when they're gone, not that Yutu missed chores or getting bossed around, but getting to see you look relived when he doesn't complain like Grim. Getting to hear you say "thank you" for his help, it means the whole world to him.
When he's forced to tell you who he is, when he sees you reach out and hold him, tell him you are proud of him and sorry he's suffered so much. He's going to break down, I don't think it really hits him how much he need to hear you say "I won't let anything happen to you ever again" until he does. It took time but you're together again, you can protect each other now ♡
also take a yutu coded song heheh
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catch1ngmoths · 4 months
quackity x mom!reader
୨ৎ˙⋆AFFECTION.˚ ᡣ𐭩
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Summary: quackity x mom!reader
Note: YESSSS!! annon coming in clutch 🙏 thanks to whoever requested this, I LOVE YOU AND THIS REQUEST!!
❀˖°𓍼♡ ❀˖°𓍼♡ ❀˖°𓍼♡ ❀˖°𓍼♡ ❀˖°𓍼♡ ❀˖°𓍼♡
ᰔᩚ. I know Alex is always talking about how much he hates kids but…
ᰔᩚ. Of course some kids are obnoxious and he thinks he hates kids but once he meets yours for the first time, he falls in love with them
ᰔᩚ. They’re just so adorable! They look just like you, they have your soft features and he loves it
ᰔᩚ. The first time he found out you had a baby, he’d be a little nervous about it.
ᰔᩚ. Taking care of a child is hard work and he definitely wants a relationship to last so he’s not just there for a fun time.
ᰔᩚ. He’s there for a fun time AND a long time, baby boy is so sentimental
ᰔᩚ. He would gang up with them against you :,)
ᰔᩚ. Ughh you hate it so much (you secretly love it, and he knows it)
ᰔᩚ. Like your child will start playfully being mean to you and Alex will just jump in and bully you with your child while you dramatically fake cry
ᰔᩚ. Speaking of…he’d definitely give your child Spanish nicknames!
ᰔᩚ. Like, “mija/mijo, Chico/chica, nene/nena”
ᰔᩚ. He’d make you breakfast in bed and get your kid to help bring it to you!
ᰔᩚ. He’d go all out on gifts for your kid, like birthdays, Christmas, VALENTINES DAY? HES GIVING THE BEST PRESENTS AND LIL TREATS
ᰔᩚ. He just wants your child to feel loved and appreciated!
ᰔᩚ. His love language is definitely physical touch so he’d kiss their forehead/cheeks, hug them when he hasn’t seen them in a while, give them piggy back rides, exc
ᰔᩚ. HED BE THE BEST FATHER FIGURE, your child would love him so much, like so much
ᰔᩚ. Once your kid was older and in that bratty stage, he wouldn’t hesitate to jump to your defense immediately if your child went to far
ᰔᩚ. You and your baby were arguing because you said they couldn’t do something and they were just like, “ugh! I hate you mom!”
ᰔᩚ. Bro would be like, “c/n wha-?! don’t say things like that about your mom! Cant you see she’s just trying to protect you?!”
ᰔᩚ. Anyways going back, when you’d cry in his arms, Becuase being a mother is a fucking hard job
ᰔᩚ. His heart would break, like brooo
ᰔᩚ. He just be like, “shhh mami, everything’s gonna be alright. It’ll be okay mi amor.”
ᰔᩚ. He loves you and your child so so much, yall are like a home to him. His home.
ᰔᩚ. You’d come home and see him playing dolls with your child, making a girly voice
ᰔᩚ. He’d definitely be the type of boyfriend to roughhouse with your child, like swinging them around and shit LMFAOO
ᰔᩚ. He’d gift your kid his old Beanies from when he was 16/17 (I’m convinced he’s kept all of them)
ᰔᩚ. Overall, he’d be the silliest, kindest person to your child and could love them no matter what!
❀˖°𓍼♡ ❀˖°𓍼♡ ❀˖°𓍼♡ ❀˖°𓍼♡ ❀˖°𓍼♡ ❀˖°𓍼♡
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callsign-novara · 5 months
I can’t wait for you to make part 3 of Stalker Valeria I’m so excited
Stalker!Valeria x Reader
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Thanks for the ask annon! I'm glad you like it so far, so here's part 3!! This will be from the readers pov.
CW: Stalking, swearing, breif mention of self offing, obsessive. Possessive love, fear, paranoia, dark romance, mafia and cartel mentions, warning, throwing up mentioned.
Your hands shake as the small paper note shifts inbetween your fingers. It's silent, your heart beating wildly in your chest, your ears ringing and breaths labored. You feel eyes on your back making you shiver and freeze in fear. Panic bubbles within your chest, bile rising to your chest making you gag.
You throw the note down and rush to rhe bathroom, throwing up due to the anxiety wracking through your system. You sit on he bathroom floor and in fear.
Taking a deep breath you stand, your hands fumbling as you tripple check the locks on our doors and windows, closing the blinds and grabbing a knife. Your palms are sweaty and shaking but you feel safer now that you've checked every premise of the house..you'd be fine.
For the night at least.
Your body hits your bed, the knife set on the bedside table within reach. The anxiety that peirces though you soon calms down, the nausea washes away into a peaceful calm as sleep lures you in despite the edge of fear in you have.
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Maybe just. Floyd being handled gently and lovingly, not because his s/o thinks he's weak but because they love him and think he deserves it? Does that give you any ideas? Feel free to delete if that's not what you want to write about but hope I was able to give you something or an idea to write about for Floyd
AGH YESS I WOULD ABSOLUTELY DO THAT TO HIM HES JUST SO LOVEABLE and thank you for the thought dear annon this is very much appreciated <3
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Shrimp and eel
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Floyd always got into fights, whether it was for azul when someone broke the contract or just for fun, either way in the end he always ended up with an injury, mostly a bloody nose but did that stop him? No. No it didn't. Which is why you took it upon yourself to patch him up whenever he got injured, at first you thought he'd be annoyed but it's actually quite the opposite, when you first asked if you could patch him up his eyes lit up and nodded his head like a madman quickly sitting Infront of you, so this kinda became like a thing for you 2, everytime he'd get injured or even just sad and moody he'd come to his dear shrimp for comfort.
Giggling while you were cleaning his scratched cheek so he wouldn't get an infection, then grabbing a bandaid to put on it
"hehee~ shrimpy is really like a shrimp"
You raised your brow at him not understanding what he meant
"in the coral sea eels and shrimp have a symbiotic relationship, the shrimp cleans the eel or helps with an injury and in return eels protect shrimp~" he answered smiling at you with closed eyes, flushing at his adorableness for a second, he giggled and held your face in his hands kissing your nose smiling even wider.
Like I said he also came to you when in need of moral support, anytime he was feeling down, angry or grumpy he'd come to you and cling onto you,
" it's not fair! Azul made me work all day because him and jade had some matters to attend to! So when I didn't go to work today because I was tired he got mad at me!" Floyd whined, nuzzling into your neck as you stroked his hair listening to him and waiting for him to finish ranting so you could comfort him
" oh Floyd it's okay, I understand how annoying it must've been but you can always get back at azul with your shenanigans"
you realised from the past events that normal comforting didn't really help him, so you gave him ideas on how to fuck up the problem instead, which was very helpful. he was no longer grumpy and instead laughing and agreeing with you, he pulled his head away from you "thank you Shrimpy, I already know what to do to azul so he never does that again~" Floyd said smiling evilly (if that's even a word) then took a hold of your face and peppered it with kisses saying how happy he was that his shrimp was always there to help him out♡
The end
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I loved this request SO MUCH it reminded me of that symbiotic relationship eels and shrimp have and it really is adorable, thank you dear annon🫶
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thelien-art · 1 year
I'm in love with the pride artworks!! <3 <3
If you're still accepting suggestions, then can I request AroAce Haleth please?
For you too @annoyinglandmagazine and Annon (sapphic-bi)
Throughout the whole month I accept requests no worries! - and thank you♡
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🏳️‍🌈CELEBRATE PRIDE WITH ME🏳️‍🌈 - send in a character or a ship with a pride flag and I´ll draw it
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Thank you Annon I really enjoy coming up with designs fitting a chapters personality, as I read them, so it means a lot to me♡♡♡
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osachiyo · 9 months
hii i was confused for a second becaude im pretty sure you changed ur url ( username) and tumblrs a lil dumb so when u change a user you have to redo all ur links 😭 so the link to ur recent bsd writing didnt work
I read it qfter i physically looked at your account but i wanted to tell you incasw you didnt know about rhe url
hi annon ♡ and I didn't know that tumblr did that, that's so annoying :( I'll fix all the links, so don't worry 😭 TYSM FOR TELLING ME BC I RLLY DID NOT KNOW THAT <3333 AND YOU DIDN'T WASTE MY TIME, THIS WAS VERY HELPFUL SO THANK YOU AGAIN!
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baby-trash-lmao · 2 months
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ₓ˚. ୭ ˚○◦˚.˚◦○˚ ୧ .˚ₓ Little Angel Dust caregiver Husk Stimboard ₓ˚. ୭ ˚○◦˚.˚◦○˚ ୧ .˚ₓ
(requested by annon)
♡gifs from left to right♡
⋇⋆✦⋆⋇ fizzierolli, babysoftstims, leostimstuff ⋇⋆✦⋆⋇
⋇⋆✦⋆⋇ celestial-stimming, nerdyprudesmuststims, myunluckyjourney ⋇⋆✦⋆⋇
⋇⋆✦⋆⋇ its-stimasca, its-stimsca, fizzierolli ⋇⋆✦⋆⋇
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thatloserkade · 6 months
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I will be doing Doodle/drawing Requests of TADC cast or other things!
But here are some rules you gotta follow..
1. KEEP THINGS PG. My account is a sfw place, and I don't want any of that stuff sent or posted here!
2. I might not do all request (I'll get most tho) so please don't send in the same request more then once
3. I will do ship requests, BUT I have boundaries (I will not ship kinger with anyone but Caine. For example) anything else is open!
4. You can send in Anonymous requests! But if you break any rules stated above I will ignore said request and if it gets out of hand I will remove annon asks for everyone. (So behave!)
5. I'll be doing requests at my own pace as I have other priorities irl (and I'm just kinda slow ngl.)
Extra Info: I'm fine with just normal questions being sent in my askbox, too! I might not do some request if they are too complex, so keep that in mind, I will draw stuff for aus!!!!I also can draw things besides tadc, so as long as I know it, I can do a doodle request for other things too!!
That's all for now, but I'll add things if needed to later thank you for reading and have fun with requests!♡
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fa1rydustt · 7 months
• Introduction | ꒰ ࣭ ۫ ͟⭒
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—————— ✿   ⌣    @fa1rydustt ⊞
About me : you can call me dorothy or fairy whichever you like ! She/her , muslim , minor , kdrama addict , pintrest addict ,• i found out about subliminals in late 2020 & loa in 2021 and found out about loa tumblr and in the summer of 2023 but wasn't active at all and the void in late August of 2023•, my mbti changes every two sec, i'm a very big overthinker & i often get lost daydreaming!
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this blog was made mainly to document my void journey & to gain more knowledge about loass
Status: slightly inactive i mostly just reblog posts
✿ ۪⋆
My dms & asks are open as long as you r respectful !
✿ ۪⋆
Fav bloggers: @littlemissprettyprincess, @chaisshitpostss, @mrsjeonsdiary-deactivated202310ry (deactivated) , @dolli-is-me, @st4rg1rl-1nterlude , @gorgeouslypink , @sexydreamgirlgirl ,@voidprincessblog ,@cinefairy , @miracledarling ,@vixenvoider, @vanillablankie and more !
Hashtags: : #fa1ry's—annon #fa1ry—randompostz
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♡ masterlist :
♡ Cookies <3
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princessbrunette · 5 months
That’s mental🥸
I think I let out a squeal every time you post but I’m also always beyond amazed by how many things you put out in a day even when you’re just being cute with annons!! You’re just a girl so please take care of yourself and keep things light and fun
Everyone appreciates you but please do everything at your own pace💓
oh my gosh this is so sweeetttt !! thank you angel i promise to go easy on myself ♡
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