#another beautiful day of loving lesbians
viennasausagerock · 5 months
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there is a light that never goes out
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anonumber123 · 10 months
The newest touhou game straight up states that a woman has feelings for another woman
suck it homophobes
touhou lesbians stay winning!!!!!!
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Hiii, not sure if your requests are open so feel free to ignore this, but could you do Eloise Bridgerton with a fem! royal! reader who is completely smitten with Eloise and is very open about being a lesbian? And her family supports her (shes Queen Charlottes favorite niece)
(they are open! and absolutely i can do this for you babe x)
“She’s here!”
The Queen, your aunt, rolled her eyes fondly at you as you scuttled away hastily—a secret smile pulling at her lips at the sheer happiness on your face.
You waded through the mass of people in the ballroom, a smile practically stretching from ear to ear. Some turned to look and curled their lips in disgust at you, knowing very well who you were walking to. Others looked at the raw joy on your face and smiled with you.
You stopped a bit away from your girl and her family, taking the time to admire her. Her hair was in a ponytail of curls with two pulled out the side and her fringe framing her face—lips a soft ruby and skin sparkling under the light. She was dressed in a soft mint green dress, a delicate necklace adorning her neck and resting on her chest, her arms covered with long gloves.
(You were in love)
“Ah.” Daphne spoke first, as she saw you. Her lips curled into a secret smirk, clasping onto her husbands arm and hiding her face half behind his bicep to conceal herself.
Simon looked down at her fondly, eyes practically glimmering.
“Hello Bridgertons.” You beamed genuinely, all the family returning your expression with equal truth.
As you had done her, Eloise could not help but stare at you in awe. Your skin looked glowy and wonderfully soft under the lightening, your smile the most beautiful thing she’d ever seen—eyes squinted with the force of it. Your dress was otherworldly, although to her, anything you wore would be and she just wanted to run her fingers through your hair.
“How do you all find yourself fairing tonight?”
“Yes, yes, very good. Blah—blah.” Benedict immediately waved the question away with an easygoing smile, gently taking his sisters arm and pushing her towards you. “We know which Bridgerton you are truly here fo.” He rolled his eyes playfully.
Eloise flustered, unused to such attention but you smirked back at Benedict. The whole family watched with smiles on their faces as their stone cold Eloise who detested marriage and had no true belief in love, melted against you as you took her hand, staring at you with wonder in her eyes.
“I’m beginning to realise it was never love she loathed—“ Anthony mumbled to Kate at his side, “just men.”
“Yes, and who can fault her that?” Kate questioned, head tilted.
All smiles, you looped your arm through Eloise’s and the both of you gracefully walked off—well, you glided effortlessly, from years of training and Eloise’s steps were harsh and careless against the floor, an endearing sense of her own unique grace about her.
“How are you today, Miss Bridgerton?” You smiled at her cheekily, eyes twinkling in a way that immediately disarmed her.
“I—yes, I am quite well, thank you.” Eloise stumbled, a fluttering feeling settling deep within her stomach, heart spiking as she was unable to look away from your eyes. “And yourself, your—your grace?”
“I could be your grace if you would like.” You emphasised pointedly, a mischievously sweetened smile curving at lips. You snatched a flute of alcohol from a passing servers platter, daintily looking into the eyes of the woman you admired.
She gulped slightly, a charmed blush warming her skin.
“I’ve had a genial day so far, my lady.” You giggled softly. “Although it has become all the more enjoyable when graced with your wondrous presence.”
“I can say much the same for myself.” Eloise rushed out genuinely, a smile at her lips as your eyes sparkled in response. “I find being in your proximity a most precious experience.”
“Perhaps you should venture in closer,” you offered almost offhandedly, taking another sip from your flute as you observed her, “you discover that to be an even more precious time.”
Eloise laughed a tad too loudly, nerves escaping her, but—with a timid smirk curving into her plush mouth, she edged closer towards you.
“And?” You encouraged amusedly, smiling.
“I—Your presence is even more powerful from here.” She grinned crookedly, “perhaps a tad too powerful—“ she joked, moving to take a teasing few paces away.
Your gloved hand caught her own and you both breathed in sharper at the contact. Without taking your eyes from hers, you traced almost absently on the silk material and she shallowly breathed in, feeling the sensations of your touch as though they were against her bare skin.
“Stay close, please.” You simply stated, tugging her back towards you gently. “If you would like.”
“I would like very much.”
You raised an amused eyebrow at her immediate reply and she battled back embarrassment as she made direct eye contact you, unabashed in the truth of her words.
“Your Grace, you look enchanting tonight.” Eloise complimented truthfully, admiring you. “I am only disheartened I have to share this awe-inspiring view with others.”
“You could admire me further in private, if you simply ask to do so.” You shrugged, a smirk on your lips.
Eloise blinked innocently, narrowing her eyes (cutely) as she attempted to recognise the hidden meaning—your words and tone making her feel warm all over.
She was about to open her mouth to adhere to your request when another approached.
“Your Grace,” a well dressed man you did not know walked to you both, bowing to you deeply while staring. “Lady Bridgerton.” He shortly acknowledged.
“It is indeed a pleasure.” Eloise muttered with a tight, bitter smile as she stepped closer to you—feeling dismay at how this man was staring at you.
“Quite.” He agreed, still gazing at you. “It has come to my attentions that your dance card is still empty, Your Grace—“
“Is it?” You interrupted, tilting your head innocently. “Allow me.” You implored to him, holding you hand out for his quill that a man was required to bring, to scribe on a lady’s dance card.
He blinked, a smirk crawling to rest on his mouth as he wielded to you his quill. You took it and immediately turned to Eloise, who grinned crookedly at you when you extended your wrist to her with the man’s quill.
The gent sputtered and flailed usefully in your peripherals but you could frankly give less of a shirt—staring at Eloise as she gently clasped your wrist in her hand, writing hurriedly onto your dance card with a triumphant grin upon her lips.
Fuck. You wanted to kiss her.
“This—this is hardly—“
“Enough? I do quite agree.” You aunt announced as she made her rare appearance on the ballroom floor, glowering superiorly at this unknown man. “I will organise more dances for you and your beloved. Now, shoo, shoo.” She turned to you, ushering you to the floor as a new dance began, a secret wink shot at you.
You and Eloise clasped hands, running away and towards the rest of the couples, giggling like children as you left the treacherous man with your darling aunt.
“You are a marvel.” Eloise laughed out softly, cheeks burning with joy, eyes crinkled as you stood across from one another—curtsying to each other. “I could not have asked for a better partner—in well, everything.”
“Oh, El.” You beamed, an enamoured giggle leaving your throat. “Believe me, it is I who is the lucky one.”
“Rubbish.” She rolled her eyes playfully, “never had I envisioned, even in my wildest fantasies, that—that I could. . would feel this way for another. But, you have invoked such—such emotion in me, it is almost a miracle.” Eloise laughed sheepishly. “You are not only angel in beauty and mind alike, you are also a miracle worker. . Are you not simply all a woman could ever want?”
“If you insist, Lady Bridgerton—“ You grinned widely, shrugging playfully at her.
You both laughed together, garnering sneers and smiles alike, although none of it was noticed. Lost in your own little bubble, hearts and butterflies practically fluttering around the pair of you.
In a spur of the moment, you decided to break from the traditional dance, pulling Eloise impossibly close to you before twirling her out—her dress billowing: she yelped in shock before you were both laughing giddily, others on the dance floor stumbling in bewilderment.
All eyes were on you both but you could not care, did not notice. You spun Eloise around before twirling her back to your front, swinging her playfully as she laughed loudly and you grinned uncontrollably down at her.
The sudden lack of chatter caused your shared laughter to slowly die out, looking about only to realise all eyes were on you both.
People blinked owlishly at the pair of you and you could feel Eloise begin to tense defensively before a sharp whistling erupted—followed by whoops and claps.
Everyone turned to see Benedict, fingers to his lips as he whistled uproariously. Kate was whooping and cheering happily, smiling ear to ear and Anthony, arm around her waist, was following her lead. Violet was politely clapping, a barely noticeable sheen of happy tears at her eyes at seeing her daughter to happy—Lady Danbury at her side, was applauding wholeheartedly as well. Colin was grinning, cheering—Penelope at his side was similarly expressing. Daphne and Simon were clapping loudly: The Queen, back on her platform, was engaging in a secret applause of her own, concealing her smile with Brimsley at her back doing the same.
Eloise and You blinked.
“Yes, yes!” Eloise snapped over the cheering, concealing her own smile and touched emotions. “We are quite besotted, thank you all for noticing, if you could return to your prior engagements that would sincerely appreciated.” She shouted, glaring at everyone.
The people of the ton twitched and blinked and fumbled in fear of the Bridgerton girl, returning to what they were doing—some sneaking looks back at you both.
When Eloise turned back to you in a pouty huff, you were beaming at her, mischief in your eyes.
“Shut up!”
As your combined laughs echoed beautifully once again, all the Bridgertons and their extended family traded genuine smiles.
Their Eloise was incredibly happy, so it seemed: as were you.
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lgbt-tiktoks · 2 years
Caption: [My wife and I got married in Vegas. A little bit because we didn't want to invite any family we didn't like. We got to be like "Ya know Elvis said there is only eight seats, so your homophobic grandma is gonna have to skip this one. I'm kidding of course, I love that she's hateful". Actually when we originally got married, we did get married in Vegas, but we didn't have Elvis do it. Uh my wife wouldn't let me. Something about her dignity (laughs).
But we did go back recently and we had Elvis renew our vows . I love Elvis. (laughs) I freaked out the whole time, like "Hi Mr. King" and he was like "Hi third lesbian couple of my day". And we pulled up to the chapel they were actually finishing up another lesbian wedding that day. Which made me really happy for gay rights, uh, but also way to steal all my thunder ladies on my special day. Elvis and the lesbians was supposed to be our story and now we got to share it with Sarah and Taryn. And they seem nice.
So we had Elvis officiate a good old lesbian vow renewal, you know. He sang, we sang, I cried, it was beautiful. And I thought that was going to be the end of this nice story that I'd get to tell you guys but no, Elvis pulled my wife and I to the side and he asked us you know, " Do you ladies like the sky? Because there's gonna be an amazing meteor shower tonight and I don't want you ladies to miss it".
And I looked at my wife and I went, "You picked great! This Elvis controls the weather" (laughs) and he was right! There was an incredible meteor shower that night. As we're driving out of Vegas I looked at my wife and I'm like "We got to come here more. Magic Elvis and the lesbians was not on the website. You got to come here to find it".]
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robothell · 18 days
trans women are so special. the path of the cis man is so celebrated, so touted as what a human being is supposed to be. femininity and any semblance of being a woman is still punished in our society and trans women still choose that path, they understand the road to "success" and still choose what is in their heart, what everyone tells them is disgusting and wrong, because they know it's not true. I don't understand how terfs even exist, trans women are proof that gender roles are shit and being socialized one way or another doesn't matter and that we aren't doomed to live in a society run by cis men. they are breaking the system simply by existing and that is why so many conservatives want people to fear them and want them gone. isn't that what feminists want? to be free from the oppression? the war? the idea that the only life worth living is a male's? fathers to this day still have to grieve over having a daughter. men at my work still tell me their wives are dried up hags. don't we want to escape? trans women and trans lesbians I love you. your existence is power and love. I wish more cis women understood your beauty and value and the hope that comes with it.
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twilightcitysky · 10 months
This post is less Good Omens- related and more personal, but there's been a lot of arguing over "representation" in the fandom the past few days. The strong feelings people express are awesome but ALSO I really want us in the community to appreciate and listen to one another.
People want to KILL queer people. There are still many, many places where it is not safe to have any identity other than cis het. Fighting that means sticking together, not tearing each OTHER apart. Allosexual, asexual, lesbian, gay, cis, trans, nonbinary, gender queer, GNC... we're all part of this community and we're stronger together.
In Good Omens, Neil Gaiman gave us a glimpse of what a world could be if people got to decide for themselves how to present and who to love without the hate and prejudice that inevitably comes along with that in the real world. I know people are questioning exactly what Crowley and Aziraphale are and how they identify, which is fine (honestly I don't know that we'll ever find out for sure. It may be something private between the two of them). But saying things like "it's homophobic" (for them to be ace), or "it's acephobic" (for them to be gay) sort of defeats the purpose of "it's a love story", doesn't it? At the end of the day, maybe it doesn't matter what EXACTLY they are. They're unapologetically QUEER and their story is for and about all of us.
It's okay to disagree. It's okay to ask questions. I mean, that's the moral of Good Omens, isn't it? We don't have to be the same; we SHOULDN'T all be the same... there's strength and beauty in our differences. But even if we don't all agree with one another, let's support each other.
I see them as gay male coded beings who have chosen that identity for themselves and would enjoy sexual pleasure as much as any other earthly pleasure. If YOU see them as agender or nonbinary sexless entities who are QPR or ace or aroace and would never have sex, I SUPPORT THE HELL OUT OF YOUR RIGHT TO DO SO. I'm in your corner and I will fight for you.
Love you all. Love that we love the ineffable love story of Good Omens, whatever form that takes, and let's lift each other up rather than tearing each other down.
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yandere-daydreams · 3 months
Title: Unending.
Continuation of Undeterred.
Pairing: Furina x Reader (+Arlecchino) [Genshin].
Word Count: 1.1k.
TW: Mentions of Consensual Sex and Melodramatic Lesbians. Live Dove: Tender and Sweet.
[commissioned piece. donate to palestinians in gaza here.]
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 Furina had not been made to be loved.
It was an unfortunate truth she’d come to terms within the first decade of her being. As an archon, she’d received adoration. As a performer and a director, she knew appraise. She’d experienced things like love, things that came very close, but never love itself. Her creator had not loved her, no more than Focalors had loved any of the people she’d come so close to dooming, and even those she’d been close to as a goddess were no more able to love her than a member of the audience would be able to love a starring actress. And that was the way it should be, she was able to convince herself on her best days. There was no point yearning for things that could never be. What had she ever done to be worthy of love, in the first place?
“My lady?”
She didn’t stir at the sound of your footsteps, only leaning more of her weight onto the balcony guardrail and throwing the quickest, slightest glance over her shoulder. You were a sight – hair thoroughly tussled, discolored bruising in the shape of Lord Arlecchino’s teeth painted down either side of your throat, a robe of ivory silk pulled loose over your body – but she was sure that she was no better, herself. The insatiable exhaustion that seemed to drape itself over her perpetually was now paired with a distinct ache in her shoulders, a soreness at the base of her throat. It would be worse in the morning, although shame would’ve started to soften the night’s harsher edges, by them.
You didn’t ask before taking a seat next to her and thrusting a porcelain chalice into her lap. “More wine?” she asked, taking it up reflexively.
“Water,” you corrected, settling into place beside her. “I thought you might want to start chipping away at tomorrow’s burden.”
Only half-consciously, Furina found herself smiling. She’d always been fond of that side of the human mind – always so considerate, even when the slanted angle of your posture and the slight limp in your step made it clear you’d rather still be in bed. Gods, like her, were rarely so selfless.
Only, she wasn’t a god anymore. She’d never been, really – only an actress preforming the role of one.
She stopped herself before could spiral any further.
You’d rather be in bed, she retreated back to, instead. Furina was sure of it. That was where she’d left you – Arlecchino’s face still buried between your thighs, your hands balling at her silk sheets in pleasure. It was a good match – you and Arlecchino, two brilliant minds hidden behind cruel tongues and beautiful faces. She could only hope that, once you took your rightful place at the Harbinger’s side, you’d remember to write her a letter every now and then. “You really should start packing,” she muttered, absent-mindedly. “I think I remember Lord Arlecchino mentioning that her ship leaves at dawn.”
You hummed. “And where would I be sailing away to, my lady?”
“…Snezhnaya? That is, unless she has obligations elsewhere.”
Another hum, a quick shake of your head. “Snezhnaya’s far too cold at this time of year. If it were Mondstadt, maybe, but for Snezhnaya, I’m afraid I’d never be able to force myself off the boat. Fontaine’s climate is much more agreeable.”
Her lips quirked downward. “Don’t patronize me, I—” Her voice cut out, abruptly. It was a fight to summon it again, but she soldiered on. “I know her interest in you is genuine. You’d be a fool not to leave with her.” You opened your mouth, but she only raised her voice. “If you’re afraid of leaving me alone, don’t be. I—I can manage on my own, and—”
She grit her teeth, clenching her eyes shut. In an instant, your hand was on her shoulder, your side pressed into her arm, but she refused to let herself fall back into the familiar haven of your comfort. “And,” she managed, eventually, even if her voice was weak, her tone dangerously close to tipping into something suitably pathetic. “It’s not as if I’m an archon, anymore. You don’t have to keep pretending you like being around me.”
You let a moment pass by in silence, then another.
Finally, you said, “It’s true that Lord Arlecchino is very charming.”
“You don’t have to explain yourself, just—”
“And her prowess on the battlefield and at the war-table can’t be overstated.”
“Well, it’s unfair to compare—”
“And I’m sure her salary as a Harbinger would make it so that I never had to lift a finger for as long as I choose to stay with her.”
“Alright, I never asked to you to do all that—”
 “But,” you went on, your hand falling onto her own and squeezing, gently. “I’m afraid I’ve already sent her away. I doubt it’ll last, but for the moment, she seems assured of my total and utter inability to reciprocate her affection.”
Furina couldn’t help but blanch. “You sent her—Why? She’s so handsome, and tall, and—”
“And I’m not in love with her.” You slumped against her, your exhaustion shining through your low-brewing mirth. “It’s awful, honestly. It’s a terrible waste, honestly. I’m afraid the girl who’s truly stolen my heart is far too oblivious to ever notice me.”
Her eyes widened. It was in turn to take your hand, now, to snap towards you – her fatigue instantly replaced with curiosity. “You’re in love with someone? Who? Why haven’t you told me?”
Your only response was a slight smile, an airy laugh. Your eyes darted up to meet hers, and Furina felt her cheeks start to burn. “Oh.”
“I know,” you said, with another breathy chuckle. “Like I said, it’s terrible.”
It felt like a stupid thing to ask. It was a stupid thing to ask, but her hand was shaking by the time it found your cheek and her throat felt dry and it was all she could do to make herself say anything at all. “Can I…?”
She couldn’t finish, but she didn’t have to. Your mouth was already crashing into hers, the kiss more tender than any other form of intimacy she’d experienced that night, any other form of affection her immortality had ever seen fit to afford her. She felt tears start to prick at the corners of her eyes, something dry and choking begin to swell at the base of her throat, but she choked it down, melting against you.
Furina, the archon, had not been meant to be loved.
And yet, there was still a chance that Furina, the human, might turn out differently.
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lustspren · 1 year
D.A | Silence Speaks ft Sullyoon & Isa.
length: 18.5k words (My god, I'm so sorry.) ✦
Sullyoon & Isa & Male Reader. 
Sequel to My Number One.
genres: subbest sub! sullyoon, sub! isa, threesome, double blowjob, fluffy, oral sex, lesbian, public sex, daddy kink, slight squirt, creampie, hard sex,  ✧ 
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Seeing her perform was always a delight for you.
That day was a musical show day, and as usual, you always accompanied Sullyoon to all of her activities almost without exception. Your numbers on the purple platform had grown quite a bit and were still growing exponentially, that made your working hours decrease, and your audience was more and more loyal to your content, so you could afford not to stream for a day or two and spend time with Sully.
Someone else might care about being a public figure and dating another public figure twice as famous as you, but your entire audience was English-speaking, you were sure that absolutely no one would ever recognize you in Korea, you were just another established foreigner, and that's it. Of course, it wasn't like you could afford to take her wherever you wanted, first because that meant big trouble with Haewon, and second because Sully could get into trouble, big trouble.
You already had a big scare a few weeks ago. You picked Sully up from one of her rehearsals that night, you arrived in your car at about 11 PM, and you called her on her phone to let her know you had arrived, but just when you knew she was going to leave the building, you saw some rather suspicious people move around in the rearview mirror, with what appeared to be cameras that went quite unnoticed. Dispatch? Probably. Quickly and in a fit of panic you called her back while you put on the hood of your hoodie and slumped into the seat so they wouldn't see you, telling her to stay inside for a while while they left, about half an hour passed, and seeing that they were not going to get anything, they left. Even so, still not feeling safe, you had to pick up Sully through a secondary exit, which was for staff only.
Despite all the difficulties, everything was going great and very few things could ruin your days, your relationship with Sully (you would count Jinni, but your relationship with her, if you could call it that, was something much more intermittent) was beautiful and peaceful, and you felt that absolutely nothing could improve it. Mistaken.
As usual, you had to wait in the dressing room with all the rest of the staff while they did their respective recordings for the show. This was a more spacious room than usual, but the distribution of furniture was practically the same: work tables with chairs and mirrors spread over the three walls, two medium-sized sofas, and a 32-inch television in one of the corners, where the images that were being shot were transmitted in real time.
Love Me Like This was without a doubt the best title track that JYP had given them so far, it was a perfect and round song, they all stood out equally, and the choreography was quite addictive to watch. You were sitting on one of the two sofas while you were talking with Sully's stylist, who today chose to put two braids on each side of her head and an outfit that, as always, highlighted her curvy figure and her greatest feature, that flat abdomen, creamy and pretty that drove you so crazy. Exceptional work on her part, it had to be said.
As the minutes passed, the recording finally came to an end, and the television went black with the SBS Inkigayo logo in the middle. You took out your phone, and dedicated yourself to waiting patiently while the girls returned to the dressing room. It took about 15 minutes until you finally saw Haewon peek out the door and walk in, followed by Lily, Bae, and your girlfriend.
"Oh, you're here, someone will be very happy to see you," Haewon said, going to sit in one of the chairs in front of the mirrors.
Sully didn't know you had arrived yet, and as soon as she saw you her two eyes lit up like two brilliant sea pearls. You stood up, and she ran towards you with a beaming smile from ear to ear to hug you.
"Hello honey," you murmured so only she could hear, "you were amazing today," you gave her a small kiss on the temple, after making sure no one was paying too much attention.
"Hi d..." she was about to call out to you like she always does, but just at that moment a hairstylist passed behind you, "You think so?" she took a little step back, and placed her hands on your chest, "The camera work was a little awkward this time, a lot of close-ups."
"Oh yeah, I noticed," you nodded, "but hey, that was really cool! Besides, you look gorgeous with those braids and that outfit," you said as you looked at her gray, red-striped sweater.
"Mmm, I prefer my hair down, but thanks...daddy," she murmured, already sure no one was near her, "Oh, I'm hungry, can we go get something to eat? Please?"
Lily had sat in the same space on the sofa where you were before, and as soon as she heard the word 'eat', she jumped up and stood next to you.
"Can I go with you guys?" she asked with a small smile on her face. Sully looked somewhat puzzled, but as usual, she left the last word up to you.
"Oh sure, come on," you nodded towards the exit.
The SBS facilities were somewhat confusing and intrinsic for you, it was the second time you went there, and the first time had been so long ago that you didn't even remember where things were, you had no choice but to let yourself be guided by Lily and Sully through the corridors, until you came to a common area where there were vending machines of all kinds. There were several idols from various groups that you instantly recognized there, Tsuki and Suhyeon from Billlie, Solar from Mamamoo, Serim from Cravity, and two girls from a group that you were a particular fan of, but had never met due to the different agendas between your girlfriend's group and theirs: Isa and Sumin from STAYC.
"Oh shit," Sully and Lily were ahead of you, you had to grab both of their forearms to get them to stop, "how many people in there do you know?"
"None," Sully admitted, realizing when you told her, and now even more nervous than you.
"Oh come on, you don't have to talk to anyone!" Lily exclaimed, clearly being the extrovert she was in front of two introverts like you two, "Just smile and say hi."
"Easy for you to say, you're Aussie," you said, glancing discreetly at Isa, who was walking with Sumin to one of the drink vending machines. The outfit she wore was simple, but it worked perfectly for the beautiful girl that she was; the red on her sweater highlighted her red hair in a rather cute way, and her jean skirt exposed her fleshy pale legs, an allure that held your attention for a moment.
"What does it have to do with me being Aussie?" Lily turned around confused, and you had to pretend you weren't staring at Isa.
"I don't know, I've never met a single Aussie who isn't a social butterfly," you shrugged, and then saw Sully, who seemed rather distracted looking in the same direction as you a moment ago, "honey? "
"Huh?" she turned a little confused, "Oh, sorry," she started to play with her hands, "Just go ahead of me, okay?"
"Yeah yeah, whatever, let's go."
Going between all those celebrities you didn't know personally was a bit easier than you thought, but you couldn't help but feel like a fish out of water. They were all quite nice and cordial when they greeted and smiled back, even Solar, who you thought would be a little tougher for having been in the industry for so many years, greeted Lily and Sully with kindness and letting them know that she was a big fan of their last comeback, the problem came when you got to one of the snack vending machines, right next to the one that Isa and Sumin used. You greeted them like everyone else, and then you let Sully and Lily do their work, staring down each row of the vending machine just to ask Sully for something in case there was something that caught your eye, until you noticed eyes on you, you turned your head and looked at the wall between vending machines to see out of the corner of your eye how the two STAYC girls looked at you while they talked about what to get.
"Ahhh! I don't know if I should get barley tea or purple corn tea," Isa said as she looked back at the cold drinks side of the vending machine.
"I think I'll just have strawberry milk," Sumin replied from beside her, "Oh, and Seeun wants a gatorade, for some reason."
You turned your head a few more centimeters, the exact moment when only Isa was looking at you, you exchanged glances with her, and three seconds passed in which she saw you with two pretty, shiny kitty eyes until you turned your eyes forward. The girls kept choosing snacks, but again you noticed Sully strangely distracted, as if something else had her attention completely taken away from what was happening, you followed her movements with your eyes, and you noticed that what had her so distracted was the same reason why you felt observed.
Sully couldn't stop staring at Isa, it wasn't like she had her gaze completely locked on her, but every few seconds she'd sneakily give her a shy look, you knew your girlfriend, and you knew those eyes were more than just a girl wanting to make a friend, a thought crossed your mind, but it was gone as fast as a shooting star, you were just daydreaming.
"Seol Yoonah!" Lily exclaimed, annoyed looking at Sully, noticing her obvious distraction, "do you want to get what you want or not?"
"Oh yeah yeah, sorry unnie," Sully apologized once more as she snapped out of her hypnosis.
When they finished taking their snacks, you, Sully and Lily were about to leave, you took a few steps with Lily ahead of you two, until you were stopped by a serene and sweet voice.
"Unnie!" you three turned around, finding yourself facing Isa, and a few steps behind, Sumin waiting for her, "Uh... I wanted to tell you that... well, I really love your song!" She said hesitantly, with the most adorable eye smile you've ever seen, "I always watch all your stages."
She was talking directly to Sully, you and Lily exchanged glances, and she just shrugged to make a 'just let her socialize' sign.
"Oh, aigooo…" Sully put her hand to her mouth and giggled nervously, then bowed to her, "Thank you so much! Uh… I love Teddy Bear too, and… you look very pretty with that hair color!"
"Ahhh! Thank you very much! You look very pretty too," Isa bowed back, still smiling, and you could swear her cheeks were a little red. You just stood there, watching how two tenderness and cuteness masses did nothing but compliment each other.
"Guys… hmm, I guess I'll go ahead," Lily said, but clearly only you were paying attention to her, you nodded, and she just turned and headed down the hall.
"And he… he's very handsome," Isa said to Sully, but looking at you with the same eyes she looked at you a minute ago, "Is he your… manager?"
"It's my d…" Sully was about to say the word, but you cleared your throat to get her attention, "It's… you know, I can't say it out loud," your girlfriend shook her head, a blush building on her cheeks, Isa just giggled.
"Okay, you don't have to say it, I get it," she nodded and then looked at you again, "Oppa, how about... I give you guys my number?
"Oh, I didn't bring my phone..." Sully wailed, patting the pockets of her pants, "daddy, do you?"
Sully was sometimes very silly, and this time she didn't realize that she had said the word in front of two other people besides you, but those two people and you did, it seemed quite natural to Isa, in fact, she didn't even flinch, in the other hand, Sumin raised both eyebrows somewhat surprised and nodded slowly, and you, well, you just wanted to die of embarrassment.
"Yeah... sure," you agreed after a sigh, pulling your phone out of your pocket. Isa dictated her number to you, you wrote it down, and immediately sent her a text for her to book you. Then you repeated the same process, but Sully was the one who dictated her number to Isa.
"Unnie, you thought he was really handsome too, don't you want his number?" Isa said to Sumin, turning to see her, but she immediately widened her eyes when she noticed your gaze. Her outfit was also very pretty, a striped sweater, short skirt with a belt, the same long converse boots as Isa, and circular glasses that made her look quite adorable. She turned around, completely ignoring the question that had just been asked, "Well, take that as a no, for now," Isa shrugged, looking back at you.
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"Tell her for me that she's really cute too, since she looks like she wants to run out of here," you laughed, pointing with your chin as Sumin fidgeted with her legs.
"With pleasure!" Isa smiled at you and nodded, then looked at Sully, "I'll text you when I get home, okay?" she asked her in a sweet and loving tone of voice, "it was nice meeting you, unnie," then turned to you, "and you too, oppa," she winked at you, to turn around and walk off with Sumin.
"Well, that was unexpected," you turned to look at Sully, and she turned to look at you, "you called me daddy in front of them, you know that right?"
"What? I really did that?!" Sully asked in alarm, then she put her hands to her mouth and made puppy eyes, "God, I'm so sorry daddy!" she started to wail, but you took both of her hands and squeezed them gently.
"Shhh," you subtly silenced her, "it's okay, they didn't seem alarmed about it, I don't think they'd say anything to anyone."
"Are you sure? Only you and I were supposed to know that... and Jinni, and Lily, and Haewonie..."
"Wait, Lily and Haewon know?" you frowned in confusion.
"I've inadvertently referred to you that way, I'm sorry..." she pouted like she was about to cry.
"No, it's fine, I just want to know in front of whom I should fake it and who I shouldn't."
"Well, Bae doesn't know yet… or maybe she does," she glanced to the side then scratched her temple thoughtfully. You let out a sigh.
"Let's just go honey, we shouldn't be talking about this here," you offered her your arm, and she grabbed it with both of her hands, then you started walking back to the dressing room.
Everything was calm while you waited in the dressing room, the girls were removing their makeup, talking to each other and eating snacks. Sully was a few feet away from you sitting in her chair, and you were sitting alone on the couch looking at your phone when you suddenly got a message. Reading it made your heart skip a beat for a second, you knew that this couldn't be about anything innocent, whether it was bad or good.
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You stood up and adjusted your sweater. You walked over to the seat where Sullyoon was sitting, and flexed your knees to get closer to her ear.
"Honey, I need to go to the bathroom, my stomach hurts, I'll be back in a bit, okay?" you said.
"Oh okay, let me know if you need anything, please," she replied, looking at you through the mirror with worried puppy dog eyes.
"Thanks darling, I'll be fine," you winked at her, and then turned to leave the dressing room.
The warnings were quite easy to follow, in fact, it would not have been a problem for you to get there due to the difference in the flow of people between areas, but it was still a worryingly hidden place. A turn to the right, another to the left, then a long corridor, and another turn to the right were enough to find the aforementioned service stairs. It was a well-lit area, with security lights on each wall. There was a staircase that went up, and another that went down, where there was a door that said: 'For maintenance personnel'. Isa was waiting for you on the second step of the stairs that led to that door. She was staring at her phone, leaning against the stair rail.
"Oh wow, long time no see," she joked as she noticed you approaching her.
"I know, right? It felt like forever," you joked back, leaning against the railing opposite her, "do you need anything?" you asked, getting straight to the point. Isa was thoughtful for a moment.
"Mmmm, not really," she shook her head doubtfully, "or maybe yes, I don't know, it all depends."
"Depends on what?"
"On how much you like me… or how much Sullyoonie likes you," she tucked her phone into her front pocket, laced her hands behind her back and cocked her head to give you a flirtatious look.
"That's pretty serious assumptions you're making, honey," you also cocked her head, looking into her eyes, "how are you so sure of what you're saying?"
"Eyes never lie," she softly denied, "and I'm an expert at reading people's eyes."
"Oh yeah?" You raised both eyebrows, "Well, it turns out that I am, too, and if your assumptions turn out to be true, I guess your position is not too different from mine."
"I'm not going to deny it," she shrugged, "I find you very handsome, and you're definitely my type… you and you… should I say girlfriend?" she gave a small giggle.
"Our relationship is kind of… special, but yeah, she's my girlfriend," you nodded, "you like her, huh?"
"Very much, she has a very fine and delicate face, and if I may say so, she has a very, very hot body," she looked away from you and looked at nothing, as if imagining her.
"Well, she quite likes you too," you crossed your arms, "my poor girl couldn't even focus with you next to her."
"And neither do you. You just proved me right," her eyes returned to yours. She got off the railing and took a few steps forward, until she was a little less than a meter away from you, "do you like me?"
"Do you really need me to answer you? I thought you were an expert at reading people's eyes," you teased, and brought your hand to a strand of her red hair, straightening it to the end. She saw your hand, and then she saw you.
"I'd just like to hear it… daaaaddy," she elongated the first syllable with a sweet, flirtatious tone. She took just a couple more steps, which was enough to be just inches from your body. Her hands rested on your chest, and the look on her face changed completely. When you first spoke to her she was a sweet kitten, now she was a feral cat begging for food.
All your senses were sharpened at that precise moment. Isa's voice was silky, sweet and charming, if she was trying to get you into her little ambush, she had undoubtedly succeeded. You were entranced by her beautiful eyes, and seeing her parted lips awakened in you the deepest of feral instincts.
"Do you want me to fuck you right here and now?" The question might have been somewhat unexpected, but after she called you the D-word, you didn't mind being direct. She didn't seem surprised at all, rather she seemed to expect you to say something like that.
"Answer my question first, da-ddy," she didn't take her gaze from hers as her hand trailed down to your sweatpants and gave your cock a gentle squeeze through the fabric. You had to take a breath.
"Yes, I like you a lot," you answered looking into her eyes, "actually, I don't like you, you fascinate me, your eyes are beautiful, your smile is beautiful, you have perfect thighs, and a fucking hot body," you blurted out all that in the most natural way, bringing your face a little closer to hers.
"Well... then yes, I want you to fuck me right here and now, daddy" she whispered, closing the distance between you two and merging your lips in an intense and passionate kiss.
You pulled her by her suspenders with your fingers closer to your body, so that her stomach was pressing against yours. Your hands went to her waist, you felt her soft flesh against your fingers for a moment, and then your hands came up to cup each side of her face as you went deeper into the kiss. You pressed a little more on her soft cheeks, and she responded by giving another squeeze to the growing bulge in your pants this time harder. Isa massaged your cock over your sweatpants throughout the entire kiss, and about a minute passed when she simply yanked them down to a few inches above your knee, with your boxers included and freeing your cock.
"I'd gladly suck your cock daddy," she whispered against your lips, "but we don't have that much time."
She brought a hand to her mouth, spit into it, and then brought it to your cock to begin stroking it slowly and gently. As the saliva lubricated your cock, it got harder and harder, to the point where Isa had to squeeze a little harder to continue moving her wrist at a steady pace. You gasped against hers and kissed her lips again. Isa moved her hand faster, making audible how slippery your cock was; You couldn't help but remove both hands from her face to now place one on her ass and the other on one of her breasts, your hands still hadn't experienced what it was like to touch the skin under her clothes, but those little touches were enough to drive you crazy for her body.
"Stop. I want to feel that pussy," you ordered, grabbing her wrist and making her release your cock.
"As you wish, daddy," Isa gave you a small smile, a peck on the jaw, and then turned around. She rested both her hands on the railing, stepped back so her ass was pressing against the back of your shaft, and leaned forward, making a lovely arch with her lower back, "Come on, maybe you'll be surprised"
You lifted her skirt up as soon as she told you that, and you were certainly surprised, she wasn't wearing any panties. Her round, meaty ass was completely on display for you, as was her pretty and visibly wet pussy. Your cock immediately throbbed, and you involuntarily bit your lip.
"Naughty girl… since when?" you asked, letting your cock rest between her buttocks and squeezing them with both of your hands.
"When I texted you I wasn't wearing them anymore," she looked over her shoulder at you with slightly narrowed eyes, a sultry, lust-filled look. She moved her ass slowly from side to side, moving your cock as well.
"So you already knew I was going to fall for your little game, right?" you brought two fingers to your mouth, salivated them and ran them over her pussy, moving up and down through her slit. She gasped.
"The eyes, daddy, the eyes..." she was about to smirk, but quickly her face distorted as you took your cock, lined it up with her pussy, and slowly pushed the first few inches of your shaft inside her, "Oh fuck," she moaned under her breath.
"Did my eyes tell you how hard I'm going to fuck you right now?" the constant thrust of your hips forward prevented her from saying a single word. The wetness of her pussy made it easy for you, your cock was engulfed by her silky folds slowly, and in a matter of seconds, it disappeared inside her.
"Yes daddy… fuck me hard please, I'm all yours," she replied looking over her shoulder into your eyes, then bit her lip and gripped the railing tighter as your shaft rested inside her hot, wet pussy.
"Yes you are," you said in a low, husky voice, squeezing one of her buttocks with your hand and then giving her a loud spank that echoed through the stairs, "from now on my cock will be the only one who can be inside this pretty pussy, got it?" before she could respond, you began to slowly move your hips back and forth while your hand remained on her buttock. It took a moment until she, between her cute moans, was able to respond.
"Understood daddy, my pussy is your property... no one else's," she gasped, closing her eyes with her mouth agape as she enjoyed the way your cock moved in and out of her pussy at a pace that was simply an appetizer.
You let her get used to your cock with slow movements that didn't even produce a crash between your bodies, it was with the passing of the seconds when your desire to pound her pussy made you start pumping faster and faster. Isa wanted to moan louder, but she knew that the echo in that place was so strong that if someone passed through the nearby corridors, they would be able to hear her very easily. Her first instinct was to bite her arm over her sweater, as she watched you with her eyes alight with lust and her brows furrowed with pleasure.
Your hands went to her waist, where you made sure to roll up her skirt so you could feel as much of her flesh as you could. Feeling her soft skin between your fingers was a delight, as well as making her ass begin to bounce and shake like jelly as your thrusts became more intense and aggressive.
"Yes daddy... yes, yes! Just like that!" Isa yelled as low as she could as her back straightened slightly. She tried to get her face to be level with yours, and she constantly looked at your lips, you understood the message, and you leaned forward to take her by the shoulders, stick her back to your chest and kiss her again.
Isa's moans were drowned out in the kiss. You attacked her mouth with your tongue, taking full control over her. Your arms wrapped around her body, and with that you could feel how fluffy it was. She didn't know where to hold on while you fucked her as hard as you could, she tried to reach for the railing again, but having it a bit far away she opted for the easy option, which was to take her hands back and cling to your neck.
There came a point where everything became so intense that you were forced to pull away from her kiss. Isa completely forgot where she was, and she was able to let out a loud moan before you shoved two fingers into her mouth for her to suck on. The moan echoed through the walls, and you prayed to whatever was up there that no one had heard it.
You couldn't afford to let Isa moan like crazy in that place, so you kept your two fingers stuck inside her mouth. She accepted them without even protesting, salivating them completely, and drowning all kinds of sounds emanating from her throat against them. Your cock kept going in and out of her pussy at full throttle, and it didn't take long for Isa to reach her peak of pleasure.
Her orgasm rocked her body as if she had received a sudden electric shock. Her muscles, especially her legs, completely betrayed her, had it not been for the force of your arms she would have collapsed to the ground in spasms, but instead she writhed in your arms as she grunted and muffled screams against your fingers. Her pussy walls clenched around your shaft, keeping it suffocated throughout her ecstasy. As her orgasm faded, you decided to give her a short break, where you just slowly moved your hips.
"Daddy hasn't cum yet, would you do the honors darling?" you murmured against her ear after taking your fingers out of her mouth and leaving your hands on her buttocks.
"Of… of course daddy, fuck… anything for you," she gasped, flopping forward to grab the railing again. You slowly pulled out of her pussy, seeing your cock now drenched in Isa's slippery fluids.
"Then on your knees, stroke that cock baby."
Isa immediately turned around and dropped to her knees in front of you, took your cock in one hand and began to jerk it as far as her wrist would give. Your gaze and hers locked, and as she watched you, she stuck her tongue out to press your tip against it as she rushed you to your orgasm. A few seconds passed when you felt a tingle travel to your crotch, and the next thing you saw was Isa's tongue and mouth being completely filled with thick strips of thick cum. Her wrist movements dwindled as you continued to shoot your load into her mouth, and when no more came out of it, she took your cock inside her mouth and began to suck every inch of it until it was sparkling clean. She pulled you out, opened her mouth again, and when she stuck out her tongue all traces of your load were gone. Between gasps and heavy breaths, you couldn't help but sketch a silly smile because of how beautiful that girl was.
"Huh? What happened daddy?" asked Isa tilting her head, seeing you smile like a fool, then she gave a few little kisses all over your cock, ending with one on the tip.
"Oh, nothing," you let out a nervous laugh, "it's just... you're so pretty," Isa didn't say anything, her cheeks turned a little red, and you saw yourself reflected in her by the way she smiled, "stand up, they must wonder where we are."
"Ah, I just told Sumin that I was going to meet you," she said as you pulled up your pants and boxers, and when she got to her feet, her legs wobbled a bit, she had to grab onto your arm to keep herself up, "Shit, my legs hurt, I'll have to say it's fatigue."
"Which isn't entirely a lie," you teased, glancing down the hall to your left to make sure no one was eavesdropping.
"Hey, I'll text you when I get home, okay? Both of you," she put her hands on your neck, and gave you a little peck on the lips, "you go first, if someone sees us leaving the same hall at the same time it will be a mess."
"Understood," you nodded, wrapping your arms around her waist once more, "will we see each other soon?"
"I don't know," she looked to the side of you, fooling around as she caressed the hair at the nape of your neck, "I have a day off tomorrow... if only someone would like to take me to his place..."
"Sullyoonie has the day off tomorrow too, and oh, what a coincidence, she'll be there too," she turned to meet your eyes, "we just have to pretend I invited you tonight."
"Okay, I can take care of that," she pulled you closer and gave you another kiss, "see you soon, daddy."
"See you soon, little kitty," you released her, winked at her and turned to head back into the hallways.
"Are you ok?" Sully asked with concern as soon as you entered the dressing room, apparently she was waiting for you near the entrance. You looked behind her, seeing that everyone was almost ready to go. They were all either collecting things or just waiting.
"I'm a little better honey, yes," you nodded, cupping the side of her face in your hand and rubbing your thumb over it for a second. Sullyoon let out a sigh of relief.
"I'll make you some honey ginger tea when we get home, okay?" As always, you couldn't say no to her with that sweet tone of voice and that angelic face.
"I'd appreciate it, darling," you smiled, "Ready to go?"
"Oh yeah, I just have to put on my coat and tell manager-nim," she turned around and went to the place where she had her things. A few minutes passed, and while you were waiting, standing by the door, the girls' manager approached you. He was a guy not much older than you, short black hair and baggy clothes.
"Hey, Yoonah will be with you until Monday, right?" asked the guy, a bit uneasy.
"Yeah, that's the plan at least, don't worry, I know the protocol."
"No going out to places with a lot of people, and if you're going to go out with her, for God's sake be discreet," he reminded you, as if you hadn't done the same thing multiple times. You didn't blame the poor man, he just wanted to do his job well. As he spoke, Sully stood next to you, in her long quilted parka coat, her beautiful brown hair loose and her hands full of things. She was also wearing a mask.
"Gunwook-ssi, I'm not an idiot. Can we go now?" you asked, raising both eyebrows.
"You're incredibly lucky that JYP has lifted the dating bans," he sighed, then opened a notebook in his hand and began to read what appeared to be a schedule, "Yeah yeah, get out, take good care of her , hyung."
"I always do," you turned to leave, and Sully followed.
"Bye unnies! See you soon!" Sully said goodbye, waving her hand towards the girls.
You and Sully had made it home safely, a smooth ride, and a quiet night. You were on the couch, your hair damp since you'd just gotten out of the shower, your favorite black sweater on, and short pajama shorts. You checked your phone while Sully was in the kitchen preparing the tea you had bought on the way. She was playing on the Switch a few minutes ago, so in front of you was the TV with the Animal Crossing pause screen.
"Daddy, do you want sugar in your tea?" she said from the kitchen, taking advantage of the fact that the apartment was completely silent.
"Yes honey! Please!" you answered back, your gaze still on the screen of your phone. Not a minute passed before Sully returned to the sofa with you, your Darth Vader helmet-shaped mug in hand. The sweet aroma of tea filled your nostrils, and even though your stomach problems were a lie, you couldn't help but give a warm kiss of thanks to the beautiful girl who had made it.
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"Taste it!" she demanded in a rather adorable way, you complied, and took the cup to take a small sip of the tea, it was still too hot to taste well, but your tongue immediately told you that it was delicious.
"Mmm, I love it baby, thank you very much," you put the cup on the small table in front of you, surrounded her body padded by her fluffy white jacket with your arms, and gave her many small kisses on the lips, "you can continue playing now dear."
"Yay!" she said excitedly, taking the joystick from the table again and resuming her work.
A few minutes passed in which you were just chatting with Sully about things in the game, when she received a message.
"Oh, Isa unnie texted me," Sully said after checking her phone seconds later. You quickly locked eyes with her as she answered.
"Oh yeah? That's great, darling," you tried to see what they were saying, but couldn't without looking like an idiot. Similarly, a notification on your phone brought you back to your site immediately. It was Isa, and you had to turn the phone over so Sully couldn't see the messages.
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Your heart skipped a beat reading that last message. You shifted nervously on the sofa, and looked at Sullyoon while she continued to look at her phone, more specifically at her chat with Isa, who was already replying to her. None of you said anything for the next 15 minutes, during which time you didn't reply to Isa again due to panic, and Sullyoon giggled and smiled from time to time as she texted back to Isa.
"Daddy! Chaeyoung-unnie has a day off tomorrow too!" Sully told you, with raised eyebrows and eyes like two streetlights. You could see the emotion in her eyes.
"Do you want to hang out with her?" you asked, then you took the Switch joystick from her lap and you started playing.
"Oh no no, I want her to come here with us!"
Hearing that from her gave your inner self a mixture of happiness, relief, and satisfaction. All the work was already done, and you hadn't even done anything, neither you nor Isa.
"But darling, don't you think it's a bit hasty? We hardly know her," even though you were completely on board with her idea, you had to feign some doubt so as not to arouse her suspicions.
"Would you rather get to know her better in a public place or here in our safe place?" she raised an eyebrow, knowing that she had won the argument.
"Well, yes, you're right," you shrugged, continuing to stare at the TV, "go ahead, tell her she can come over."
"Yaaaay!" she yelled, unable to contain her excitement, dropped her phone and rushed at you to hug you, so hard that she made you fall back against the sofa. You laughed, and wrapped your arms around her body as she lay on top of you.
"Yup, but hey, tell her to get her something to drink, you know," you said, brushing her hair out of your face and then giving her a peck on the lips.
"I don't know, do you want Soju?"
"I want Soju!" she exclaimed with a smirk as she nodded, then settled her body, pressing her thighs to either side of your hips.
"Alright then, we'll have to clean this place by tomorrow," you sighed, getting the idea that you would have to mop for the first time in a month.
"The whole apartment?"
"Well yeah, we'd kill two birds with one stone," Sully blew out the exact same sigh as you.
"How tiring."
"I know, but it will be worth it baby," you cupped her face with both hands and gave her another little kiss, "Go tell her, come on."
"Yes daddy!" she got up off of you and went back to her place on the couch, picked up her phone again and started to type.
You just lay where Sully had left you, grabbed your phone, and kept an eye on it. The notification didn't take long to arrive, but this time it wasn't a message, it was a photo, and once again you felt like your soul was going to detach from your body.
Isa had taken a photo of herself from her shoulder, pointing towards her naked body face down, she was only wearing high cut lilac panties, and medium-sized long stockings of the same color. She sent it with a text: 'Thanks for saying yes, daddy. See you tomorrow ;)'
In short, you never know how dirty your house is until you clean it. It was ridiculously tedious to clean the whole apartment, there was so much dust and messy things that you even felt a little embarrassed. But Sully never mentioned anything to you about it, she didn't even scold you, at all times she was silently helping you with things that you didn't know how to do correctly.
"Okay, I need to keep this place clean more often," you said, then sighed and plopped down on the couch with the mop stick still in hand. You closed your eyes, and rested your head on the back of the sofa.
"I'll remind you whenever I can daddy," Sully replied from behind you, she grabbed the sides of your face with each hand and lowered her head to give you a little kiss on the forehead.
"Yes, please, I'd appreciate it," you took a deep breath, "honey, did Chaeyoung tell you that she's coming over at what time?"
"Uh..." Sully pulled her phone out of her pocket, checked the chat and let out a little yelp, "7:30, and it's 6, I gotta get ready!"
"Please don't take too long bathing, darling, I need to bathe too."
"But daddy… we've had a bath together before," you immediately opened her eyes to see her looking at you with a small smile.
"Wait for me there, honey, I'll go put this in its place," you said, referring to the mop in your hand.
"Yes daddy!"
She went straight to the bathroom, and you got up to go straight to the kitchen to put away the mop, the bucket, and all the cleaning products you had used to clean the apartment. When you put everything in its place, you walked briskly towards the bathroom. You walked in, and the first thing you saw was Sullyoon's bare back, while she was pulling down her pajama pants with panties included, you couldn't help but take a look at her pretty pussy. She caught your eye, and looked over her shoulder at you with a shy little smile.
"Oh hi daddy, I didn't think you'd be so quick," she giggled, turning around so you could see her gorgeous body. And so you did, looking at her small tits, her smooth legs, and most of all, her flat, long and incredibly sexy abdomen.
"How could I not? The prospect of helping lather up that pretty body is always attractive," you walked slowly towards her, taking off your t-shirt, shorts and boxers, and when you stood in front of her you wrapped your arms around her hips. your arms, to give their buttocks a squeeze each. Sully slightly flinched, but she took a small step forward to press your cock against her abdomen.
"Daddy... we're running late, we're just going to bathe, right?" she cocked her head as she looked into her eyes, you looked back at her, and then looked at her hair up in an adorable high bun. She put her hands on your shoulders.
"I don't promise you anything," you approached her face, and gave her a short but sensual kiss, "let’s go."
You and Sully got out of the shower about half an hour after you got in. You couldn't convince her to do a quickie, her reason was that you were going to take too long, and as compensation she gave you a soapy handjob that left you more than satisfied. You had come in her midriff, so it took her a little extra time to wash the goo off her skin.
"Ahhh! I don't know what to wear!" Sully complained, hanging around your bedroom, the towel still wrapped around her body while you were already changing into your favorite black joggers.
"Honey, relax, Chaeyoung is a normal girl like you and me, she's not the Duchess of Edinburgh," you said, sitting up on the bed to put on your socks and then your crocs.
"But I want to be pretty! I can't look like a random girl in front of such a beautiful girl," she went to her bag once more, emptied it on your bed and started looking for clothes. You remained silent, and without her noticing, you raised your eyebrows noticing something more than simple attraction towards Isa.
"You're pretty without even trying, I don't think that's a problem," you stood up, and went looking for a hoodie in your closet. It took you a few seconds, but you finally chose an olive green Nike. In a few seconds you were ready, and Sully was barely pulling on her panties and bra.
"Go get everything ready daddy, I promise I won't take so long, okay?" she said, and then released her long, silky brown hair.
"I'll be waiting sweetie," you walked up to her, got behind her and placed a small kiss on her neck before walking out into the living room.
There really wasn't much to do out there, you had left the whole apartment spotless just before you went to bathe. All you had to do was arrange the cushions on the sofa, turn on the air conditioning, and play some music on a low volume. Your first choice was Lost, by Frank Ocean. The atmosphere in the living room was perfect, but you felt something was missing. You thought about it for a moment, standing on the side of the sofa, until the light bulb went on to put a 10-hour campfire YouTube video on the TV.
"All done," you muttered to yourself, and then sat down on the couch to wait for Sully.
That she was not going to take so long was a lie. 25 minutes passed, and it wasn't until then that you heard your bedroom door open, and seconds later, Sully stepped between you and the TV. You looked up, and you were met with a somewhat nervous and insecure look.
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"Well? How do I look daddy?" She raised both arms diagonally to her sides, and you took a moment to analyze her outfit. Black and white striped turtleneck crop top sweater; dark blue jeans, and converse sneakers. Her hair, all loose but clipped to the back of her head. Right and perfect choices.
"You hit the nail on the head with that sweater, honey, you look gorgeous!" Still sitting, you wrapped your arms around her waist and rested your chin on her stomach to look up. She breathed a sigh of relief.
"I'm glad you like it," she said, and then cupped her face gently, "Do you think she's going to like it?"
"If she has excellent taste like me, then yes," you smiled, and the smile spread to her
"Daddy, you know how much I love you, don't you?" she rubbed your cheeks with her thumbs.
"You tell me that all the time, darling, and believe me I love you a lot too," you pulled her towards you, leaned back and made her sit on your right thigh. She wrapped her arms around your neck, and began to play with your hair.
"Daddy... Can I ask you something?" she asked quietly, seeing the strands of your hair that her fingers played with.
"Sure honey, tell me."
"Chaeyoung-unnie… do you think she's pretty?" the question took you by surprise. You didn't know where she was trying to go with that.
"Uhm… well," you paused for a moment to choose your words, "it would be dumb not to consider her pretty, actually yes, she is beautiful," Sully was silent for a few seconds, in which she kept a neutral expression.
"It's just... I also consider her very beautiful, and well..."
"Honey, talk to me straight, please."
"Daddy, do you like her?"
"What? No, I only like you baby, what are you talking about?"
"You don't have to lie to me," she finally met your eyes, "I could see it in your eyes."
"I like her too, a lot."
There was a sudden silence between you and her. You had been frozen by how she had dismantled your facade in just a moment, and you were afraid in case she had also discovered what you and Isa did, but you knew that that was impossible. That didn't surprise you as much as the fact that she'd admitted that so lightly.
"Um... what?" she just nodded.
"She seems so pretty to me, and kind… and lovely, I really like her, daddy," she seemed very embarrassed that she was saying that to you, she lowered her gaze, and clasped her hands in her lap.
"Honey… this doesn't have to affect our relationship, you know?" you took her chin with your fingers and looked for her gaze.
"No?" she asked with some fear in her voice and her eyes beginning to glaze over.
"Of course not," you cupped the side of her face in your hand, "actually, if she wants, we can turn this into something nice and fun. Like with Jinni, remember?"
"But I don't like Jinni like she likes you..."
"Well, I don't like her the way you think I like her either, in fact, I only like her physically… her personality is kind of… crude, she's not my type," you shook your head, realizing that you were straying, "But that's not the issue."
"Are you telling me that we can start hanging out with Chaeyoung-unnie more often? Like... dating?"
"That will depend on many things, dear, for example, if she agrees, how she feels with us, how we feel with her, do you understand?" You gave her a peck on her cheek, trying to cheer her up, "you must understand that polyamorous relationships are not something... common, and they are not something openly accepted by everyone."
"I understand…" she nodded slowly, and then wiped the tears from her eyes that never made it down her cheeks, "Daddy, we should be on the lookout, she could be here at any moment."
"You're right," you gently squeezed her waist, "everything will be alright, okay? Let's just act natural, have fun with her and make her have a great time."
"Yeah!" she said excitedly, and then she slid off your thigh to sit to the side on the couch.
You certainly did not expect such punctuality. It was 7:32, you and Sully were waiting on the couch while she watched you play Genshin Impact on your phone. You had spoken with Chaeyoung during the day, you indicated to her the address of your residential building and the exact number of your apartment. You had also talked to the security guard at the gate to specifically let her through.
A few minutes passed, when the doorbell of your apartment rang.
"She's here," you exited the game, put your phone down on the couch, and headed to the door.
When you opened it, you found yourself face to face with a cute little stray kitten, who seemed lost and didn't know where she was, but as soon as she saw you, a huge smile spread from ear to ear. You smiled back at her, and you dared to grab her forearm, pull her towards you and give her a hug.
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"Hi cutie," you said in her ear, snuggling her into your arms.
"Hi handsome," she murmured back, snuggling into your chest, "sorry if I'm late, I had to buy things last minute."
"Not at all, you're right on time," you released her, and then looked at her outfit. A champagne knitted cardigan, black jeans and white sneakers, "You look beautiful! I love that cardigan."
"Oh, thank you," she naturally bowed to you in thanks, "It was a gift from Sieun-unnie."
"Come in, please," you stepped aside, and she walked past you. Then, you closed the door, "what do you have in the bag?" you asked, pointing to the black plastic bag she was carrying in her hand.
"Uhmm," as you slowly walked down the hallway that led to the living room, she opened the bag for you and her to see inside of it. There were two bottles of Soju, packets of ramyeon, and snacks.
"Two bottles, huh?" You laughed, "You want to go wild today," when you said that, she stopped you before leaving the hallway and leaned in close to your ear.
"Of course I do, daddy, my pussy is more than ready for you," she whispered, then walked out of the hallway, "Ahhhhh Yoonah-ssi!" Chaeyoung squealed, setting the bag down to go hug Sully. The contrast of attitudes stunned you.
"Unnie!" Hi!" Sully greeted back, letting herself be hugged by Chaeyoung as you picked up the bag and went to put it on the table.
"Mmm, you smell so good," when you turned around, you saw Chaeyoung sniffing Sully's shoulder near her neck, "and you look so pretty!"
"Thank you so much unnie… uhm, you look very pretty too," you stood there, as Sully's cheeks flushed red at Chaeyoung's compliment and her closeness, "have a seat please," she smiled sheepishly.
"Chaeyoungie, do you want something to drink? Maybe a Pepsi?" you asked, as she and Sully sat on the couch.
"Oh yes! Please," she nodded.
"I want water honey!" Sully came out too, when you were already walking towards the kitchen. Honey? It was the first time she had called you that in a long time. It didn't bother you, but you thought it was weird. Maybe it was just a name to call you that wouldn't be embarrassing for her in the first place.
"On my way," you walked to the kitchen with the two bottles of Soju in your hands, went to the fridge, took out the can of Pepsi from inside and put the bottles in their place. Then you took two glass cups from one of the cupboards, put ice in them from the freezer, and filled them with Pepsi and water respectively. When you came back, you found Sully and Chaeyoung sitting very close to each other, while Sully was looking for a game in the Switch menu.
"Honey, where do you keep the extra joycon? We want to play Mario Kart!" Sully asked, the blue controller in her hand. Chaeyoung had the red.
"Oh, over here," you put the crystal glasses on the table in front of them, and bent down to open one of the drawers on the table where the television was placed. There were two extra joycon, one purple and one orange. You chose purple, and went to sit next to Sully.
And so, the first activity of the night was completely innocent and harmless. You played the Shell Cup, you chose DK, Sully Toadette and Chaeyoung Rosetta. You were vastly better than the two of them in each of the circuits, you always went first unless someone hit you with a stupid blue shell, but the real competition was between the two of them. They were ahead of each other at all times, and usually any offensive items they got were saved to throw at each other. Normally this would have led to a real fight, but the living room was filled with their laughter, and when something went wrong, they just cheered each other up. A healthy competition that filled you with tenderness.
In the end, neither of them was left in the final podium, and you, as a mockery, made them watch the entire award ceremony cinematic just to remind them that they had lost.
"You should practice, you're still no match for me," you said, leaning back to rest your back on the couch so you could see the two of them.
"Oppa! Don't be arrogant," Chaeyoung complained, and nudged her shoulder, "We're really bad at gaming, and you're a streamer."
"Sully told you that?" You raised an eyebrow, and then you saw your girlfriend, who was making fool while she drank her water.
"And not only that," Chaeyoung chuckled. And you were immediately suspicious. Who knows what the hell Sully would have told her about you.
"I'm not even going to ask," you shook your head, then stood up, "You guys want Soju? You know, to warm up a little bit," you winked at Chaeyoung.
"And we could play something. With punishments," Chaeyoung winked back.
"Super Smash Bros!" Sully said, knowing it was the perfect game to play that way.
"Now we're talking," you smiled.
You went back to the kitchen and opened the fridge to take out one of the two already cold bottles of Soju. Then you opened a drawer to your left, and from it you took out three small crystal shot glasses. You went back to the living room, and Sully had already started the game. It was just the main screen, you figured it was because she didn't know how to get to the corresponding game mode.
"You're lucky I'm really bad at that," you put the bottle and three glasses on the coffee table, to sit down on the sofa again, this time next to Chaeyoung. You looked at Sully just to see if that bothered her, but she didn't seem to care. You looked back at the TV.
"Oh, I used to play this on the Wii, I never knew what I was doing," Chaeyoung admitted, "I just pushed all the buttons and did stuff."
"I never played these games, I always liked Pokemon more, and that was all I played," Sully always spoke at least two tones lower than the two of you, so you really had to pay attention to hear her.
"You just do what she does, push all the buttons and do stuff."
"Hey, whoever gets knocked out, one shot," Chaeyoung prompted before you started the match. You and Sully nodded.
The first game was in the Kongo Falls stage, you chose Sefirot, Sully Kirby and Chaeyoung Incineroar. As expected, it was all laughs from the start. Of the three of us, you were the one who seemed to know what she was doing the most, but you were still fucking bad. Anyway, you managed to save yourself for a moment by knocking Chaeyoung out.
"Ahhh! Fuck!" Chaeyoung whimpered, pouting slightly.
"Ha! There you go!" you scoffed, while you and Sully kept fighting. The fight would have been somewhat fairer, since Sully was giving you a good competition, but with you next to her, Chaeyoung took advantage of Sully's moment of absolute concentration on the television to discreetly move a hand  to your thigh, and she began to massage it until you naturally lost concentration and ended up being eliminated. Sully had been the winner of the first game.
"Yaaaaay! I beat you! I really beat you!" Sully squealed exuberantly, bouncing little hops on her seat. Automatically, Chaeyoung removed her hand from your thigh. You looked straight into her eyes, and she just looked back at you with an innocent 'I didn't do anything' look.
"I told you that pressing all the buttons was pretty effective," you sighed in denial, taking the bottle of Soju and opening it, "I don't mind losing every game as long as you lose too, you know?" you told Chaeyoung, while you poured the drink into the glass cups.
"Hey! Why are you taking this personally?" Chaeyoung teased, "My only crime is being pretty."
"Aha, whatever you say, drink up," you put the bottle back on the table, and handed one of the glasses to Chaeyoung, "Geonbae!" you toasted, as you both put the glasses together before drinking.
Second game, Lylat Cruise. Chaeyoung was eliminated first again, and before she could attempt anything, you eliminated Sully as soon as you could. Game won by you.
"Oops, sorry girls, the gamer prevails," you shrugged, with a fake arrogance meant to annoy them. You took the bottle of Soju, and served the shot to both of them.
"You shouldn't even be playing, it's unfair daddy!" Sully complained. Once again, she called you that name without meaning to, but you didn't say anything either.
"Yeah, she's right, you should let the pretty girls have fun while you relax," Chaeyoung said that line with an extra spice in her voice, and you weren't sure, but you thought it was loaded with an obvious double meaning.
"Oh please, you can beat me with a little bit of effort and luck, it's not that complicated," while saying that, Sully and Chaeyoung took their respective shots.
Third game, Prism Tower. Once again, Chaeyoung was eliminated first, but not by you, but by Sully. This time the reprisals were even bigger and more daring from the redhead next to you. Her hand no longer went to your thigh, but directly to your crotch to gently squeeze and massage your cock for a few, but long and tortuous seconds. You were about to lose again, but to your luck, Sully was quite clumsy, and she eliminated herself by making a bad jump.
"Nooooo!" Sully yelled softly, giving herself the cutest little pats in the world on her thigh.
"My God, thank goodness," you sighed in relief, letting yourself fall back. You saw Chaeyoung, but she didn't look back at you, she just straightened her back so that you, from behind, could see her ass better.
"Wow, you weren't lying about being bad, you're even on our level," she looked over her shoulder at you with a mischievous look.
"Shut up and drink," you pointed at the bottle with your chin.
Sully poured Chaeyoung's drink, and vice versa. They both took their drink, and at least Chaeyoung's cheeks already showed a little red from the alcohol.
You completely lost track of the time between matches, and didn't stop until the Soju bottle was empty. The account had been quite balanced between the three of you, but in the end, the ones who had drunk the most had been the two of them. Chaeyoung's face was already flushed almost all the time, just like Sully's, but neither of them was drunk, not even close, but just like you, they were already starting to feel some heat in their bodies.
"Aw, I would have liked to make you drink even one more time, oppa," Chaeyoung said, disappointed.
"I'm happy, I was able to beat daddy several times, that's never happened before," Sully said, her eyes shining. You wanted to kiss her at that moment, she was so clumsy that she kept saying the word without realizing that she said it.
"Are you hungry yet? Let's order pizza," you asked the girls, standing up, setting the joycon on the coffee table, and turning up the music a bit. Loyal by Chris Brown was playing at the time.
"Not right now... if I eat something heavy I'll throw up, but you can order it anyway, honey," Sully said, and then turned to Chaeyoung, "Unnie, are you hungry?"
"Oh well, actually yes," she looked at you as she replied to her, "so go ahead."
You nodded, and in a moment you took your phone to make the corresponding call to order a family pizza.
"What do we do while we wait?" you asked them, then you went to sit down again, but this time you made them open a space between the two of them, where you sat down.
"Hmm, truth or dare?" Sully proposed to your surprise, since she never used to take the lead on anything.
"That's an excellent idea, baby," Chaeyoung praised her, with a calm smile. Sully smiled too, and sheepishly looked away.
The confidence that Chaeyoung was taking increased like a snowball downhill. She had started with something as simple as smelling her scent near her neck, and now her audacity had reached the point of calling her 'baby'. It was hard to predict what was next. Chaeyoung wasn't exactly an outgoing and active girl, but she wasn't stupid, and she knew exactly what she was doing with every little movement.
"I'm in. But I think we should set the mood now," you got up from the couch and went to turn off the lights in the living room. The only lights now were the television and the one in the kitchen, "that's better," you said, and returned to sit between the two of them.
"How do we do this, then?" Chaeyoung asked.
"Let's use the bottle," Sully helped you push some things away from the table in front of you, so that only the bottle was left, you grabbed it, and spun it around. Seconds later, the bottle was pointing in your direction, "Well fuck."
"Truth or dare, daddy?" Sully asked from beside you, with an amused look.
"Dare, I guess," you shrugged.
"You want to make this exciting right away?" Chaeyoung asked Sully, to which Sully nodded.
"I dare you to stay topless until the end of the game," Sully said, and you cursed under your breath.
"The thing that hurts me the most about that is that it's fucking cold in here," you sighed, then pulled off your hoodie to toss it to Chaeyoung's side.
"Sure? I think it's a little warmer now," Chaeyoung said with a giggle.
"I don't know, you could imitate me and check it out, right?" You said when you turned to see her, and you looked at her from top to bottom.
"Let's get further in the game, and we'll see," she stared back at you, as she bit her lip.
"I'll spin the bottle, okay?" warned Sully, and so she did. This time, the bottle stopped looking at herself, "Oh come on..." you and Chaeyoung laughed.
"Truth or dare, honey?" you asked, still laughing.
"Dare. Be gentle with me, please," she gave you puppy dog eyes, and you actually considered it for a moment.
"Mmmm, I dare you to say which body part of Chaeyoungie you like the most and then touch it," you said, "if she wants to, of course," you turned to her, and she just nodded with a serene smile.
"I told you to be gentle!" Sully whimpered, putting her hands to her face for a moment in embarrassment.
"I can stand up to make it easier for you, cutie," Chaeyoung got up from her seat, standing right in front of you but facing Sully.
"T-thank you..." Sully removed her hands from her face, and then looked Chaeyoung up and down, "Can you... turn around?", the redhead nodded, and turned around. Sully took a few more seconds to look, and you already knew what he was going to say, "Alright… her ass."
"Oh wow," Chaeyoung giggled, "I knew my ass was cute, but not that cute," flashbacks of your little episode with her came to mind at that moment, and the truth was that her ass was more than cute, "Well, go ahead," she slightly leaned forward, and out of the corner of your eye, you saw how Sully discreetly bit her lower lip.
Your girlfriend slowly extended her arm, her hand now inches from Chaeyoung. She hesitated for a moment, but ended up planting her entire hand on Chaeyoung's left buttock. You pursed your lips, and then looked at Chaeyoung, who was looking over her shoulder at Sully with mutual desire. A few seconds passed, and then Sully added her free hand, to give each buttock a squeeze and then lower her hands back to her lap.
"God… done," Sully seemed to release the tension in her body with a long exhale, "Spin the bottle, honey."
"Are you ok?" You smiled in amusement, hand on the bottle as Chaeyoung sat back down.
"Just spin the bottle daddy please," she sighed, then began to chew on her nails.
So you did. You turned the bottle, and as if it were a hidden camera prank, it pointed back at you.
"Is the fucking bottle never going to point at you or what?" you complained, already annoyed by Chaeyoung's good luck.
"Don't be a crybaby," she pinched your cheek with both of her fingers, "truth or dare?"
"Okay..." she nodded slowly as she thought about it, "Have you ever been caught having sex?" she asked, in a mischievous tone.
You almost choked on your own saliva. That was a question thrown with all the mischief possible under the circumstances, she didn't want to get any secret out of you, she just wanted to bother you and continually remind you of what you had done.
"Nope. I've never been caught," you answered confidently, faking a smile, "now spin that shit," you pointed at the bottle.
"Wow, I don't know if you're very lucky or very discreet," she said, somewhat impressed, but you could feel a hint of sarcasm. She spin the bottle.
Your prayers to heaven were heard, because this time the bottle stopped looking at Chaeyoung. You and Sully raised their arms and let out a unison shout of celebration.
"I guess it must be karma," she sighed, resigned.
"Truth or dare, unnie?" Sully asked.
"Dare. I'm not afraid of you," Chaeyoung teased.
"I dare you to get completely undressed, you can only be in your underwear," Sully said with an added touch of nerves in her voice. You raised your eyebrows in surprise, seeing your girlfriend and not being able to believe that she had challenged her to something of that magnitude.
"Damn," you said.
"Oh baby, you don't know what you just did," Chaeyoung gave her a merciful look, then stood up.
"Oof..." you mumbled, leaning back and covering your mouth to look at the two of them.
Chaeyoung got out of the space between the sofa and the coffee table, and walked over to stand in front of the television. Her hands went to the buttons of her cardigan, and she began to slowly undo them one by one. When she got to the last one, she held the cardigan close to her for a moment just to tease, and then opened it wide for you and Sully to see the white Calvin Klein bra that covered both of her breasts. The cardigan went to the floor. Her hands now went to her pants, she unbuttoned them, and she slowly lowered the zipper until you had a peek of white cloth. Then, without taking her gaze from your girlfriend, she slowly lowered the jeans to her ankles. The pants were left on the floor, and Lee Chaeyoung's body, fleshy and creamy in every possible part, was exposed before you. Your eyes were fixed on her abdomen and her perfect thighs. Sully, next to you, didn't even know where to look, she was breathing hard, biting her lip as she alternated her gaze between Chaeyoung's eyes and her body.
"Well? Are you happy, sweetheart? Do you like what you see?" Chaeyoung turned around, showing off her beautiful ass adorned by her cheeky Calvin Klein panties. The question was not directed at you, but you were tempted to answer.
"Yeah, unnie… I love it," Sully nodded in a low voice.
"Good to know," she turned around again, blew her a little kiss and winked at you before returning to sit next to you.
Everything had happened so fast that you didn't know what the hell was happening anymore. The sexual tension in the environment was palpable, not just between the two of them, the arousement that was accumulating in your body was such that you couldn't even concentrate on continuing the game properly. Out of the corner of your eye you could see Chaeyoung's half-naked body just inches from you, she had one leg crossed over the other to make her thighs even more attractive, and as the icing on the cake, she put her hand on your knee.
"Uhm... who's next?" you asked even though you knew it was your turn.
"You, daddy," for a moment you thought it was Sully who had said that to you, but the word came from the girl to your left, the same one who had her hand on your knee. You turned to look at her for a moment, and then you saw your girlfriend, who didn't seem to care that she called you that.
"Right, sorry," you nodded, feeling the weight of the intense gaze of two horny girls on either side of you. You spined the bottle, and one more fucking time, it stopped looking at you, "You know what, I'm not even going to complain this time."
"That bottle really hates you," Chaeyoung giggled, "Truth or d.."
"Fine… I want you to know that if Sullyoonie hadn't made me undress, I wouldn't make you do what I'm going to make you do," she clarified, "I dare you to take off Sully's pants and kiss her abdomen for 5 minutes."
"You say that like it's something I haven't done a thousand times."
"But never in front of me," her hand moved a few inches up your thigh, then patted you, "go ahead, daddy."
You didn't even have to stand up, the sofa was big enough so that you just had to turn around, grab Sully by her waist and gently push her back, making her lean her head against the armband. She didn't say anything and she didn't put up any resistance either. Her two adorable glowing orbs were fixed on you as you settled between her legs. Her face was a whole poem, a face that was already more than familiar to you, Sully was turned on, so much so that you could feel her heat without even touching her. The first thing you did was take off her sneakers, you threw them behind the sofa, and then your hands went to her pants to unbutton them, lower the zipper and therefore begin to slowly lower them until they were completely removed from her legs.
You took a moment to look at your girlfriend's hot body, you had seen that perfect naked abdomen and those thick legs too many times, but you never got tired of praising them. Instinctively, she spread her legs wide, even though her left leg was obstructed by the back of the sofa, but that was enough for you, even in the dim light, to see the wet spot on her gray panties.
"Ohh… someone's horny," you softly said, then tried to back away, but bumped into Chaeyoung, "would you mind?"
"Sorry daddy," Chaeyoung slid to the other end of the couch, giving you enough space to lean forward and float your face just above your girlfriend's abdomen.
Sully left her hands still on either side of her body as you got your mouth ever lower. You breathed against her skin, building anticipation and desire in her before finally placing a small peck on the right side of her belly button. Sully moved her hips slightly, and you heard her let out a small sigh. Not wanting to make her wait any longer and in order not to waste time, you began to plant little kisses all over her belly. She placed a hand on your head and gently tangled her fingers in your hair, while you lowered your kisses a little more to her lower abdomen. You distributed kisses there, no longer small, but more intense and wet, and you returned all the way up with your tongue. Your girlfriend gasped, and you responded with more wet kisses around her belly button.
"Daddy... I want you, both..." Sully murmured. You weren't sure if Chaeyoung had heard it, but you barely could.
"Trust the process baby, patience..." you murmured back, also kissing her waist and near her ribs. You kept kissing your girlfriend's absolutely perfect smooth belly with determination, until you heard an alarm behind you.
"Time's up," Chaeyoung said playfully. You turned to see her, her phone in her hand showing you the screen with the timer at 00:00.
"This isn't funny anymore," you grumbled, and then returned to your spot on the couch. You took a deep breath, using your willpower not to make any anticipated moves.
"Then take care of making it fun again, daddy," Chaeyoung whispered in your ear, "Your girlfriend can't wait to share that cock with me."
Sully seemed petrified for a second, it took her a while to come back to the real world and sit next to you like she had been a moment ago, with the difference that now she was naked from the waist down, with nothing more than wet panties and long black socks.
"W-who's next," Sully asked with her hands on her thighs. She wasn't concentrating anymore, and you were sure she wasn't interested in the game either.
"You, honey," you replied, ignoring that Chaeyoung had put her hand on your leg again.
She didn't say anything, just spun the bottle, which stopped looking at Chaeyoung.
"Truth or dare, honey…" Sully said to Chaeyoung, but she quickly shook her head as she caught on to what she had said, "I mean, unnie."
"Dare, baby," said the redhead, "but it's not your turn to give me a dare, it's daddy's."
Now they both stared at you. You had two possible choices: keep playing and keep increasing the tension between the three of you, or release the tension once and for all with a little coup de grace. You couldn't hold it anymore, you had two girls who drove you crazy on each side of you, half-naked and at your disposal. There was no other possible choice.
"I dare you..." you made a short silence for dramatic purposes, "to kiss Sullyoonie, right in front of me."
There was no negative or surprised reaction from either of them, on the contrary, they seemed to have been waiting for that for a long time. You leaned back, resting against the back of the sofa to give free rein to the two girls; they stared at each other for a few long seconds in which you could cut the tension between their gazes with a knife. You didn't dare move or say anything, you just waited for who was going to make the first move.
Chaeyoung acted first, which didn't surprise you at all. She moved one of her thighs up over yours, so she could reach the neck of Sully's sweater with one of her hands. She slowly pulled her into the middle of the two of them, which was in front of you. Sully also had to get her thigh over your leg in order to get closer to Chaeyoung. The two of them continued without saying anything, they only exchanged deep glances while they were almost sitting on your legs. Chaeyoung released your girlfriend's sweater, and then put her hand on the back of her neck. They were closing the distance inch by inch, without the need to rush. When she got close enough to her, Chaeyoung cupped your girlfriend's face with her hands and made their lips brush against each other for a moment, and within seconds, her lips met.
The slow and passionate kiss that happened just inches in front of you woke up all the senses of your body. You saw yourself hypnotized by the sensual dance between her lips. It was a strange sensation to see how someone else kissed your girlfriend, but it wasn't necessarily negative, in fact, the one who enjoyed that sexy scene the most was your cock, which was already almost at its maximum hardness.
You had a prime view from back there, getting a glimpse of both Chaeyoung's and your girlfriend's ass. Chaeyoung made things a little more interesting, climbing all the way up your leg to sit on your thigh, Sully did the same, and now you had two wonderful asses at your disposal, one on either side of your lap.
"Fuck this game..." you muttered, bringing both hands to their waists. You caressed both skins gently, and then her lower back as well. They didn't notice your touch, and if they did, they didn't pay attention to it as they were immersed in a kiss that grew hotter with the passing of the seconds.
You reached under Sully's sweater, slowly climbed up her back, and reached for the clasp on her bra to undo it. Noticing this, Sully immediately brought her hands to the hem of her sweater and quickly lifted it up to remove it, she dropped it to the ground, and then also removed her bra. Chaeyoung wasn't far behind, she pulled away from the kiss for a second, and she also took off the sports bra she was wearing. Her lips met again, in a kiss already devoid of any delicacy. Chaeyoung moved her hands down Sully's body, from her shoulders, down her arms and then placed both of her hands on her tits to give each one a light squeeze and use her thumbs to play with her nipples. Sully moaned against Chaeyoung's lips, and you, for your part, brought your hands to her asses to squeeze and massage them however you wanted.
Sully had her hands still on either side of her body as Chaeyoung paid attention to her small tits and took control over the kiss. The redhead's tits looked delicious, slightly bigger than Sully's. You removed your hands from both asses and now reached around Chaeyoung's body to grab her tits, giving her the same treatment she was giving your girlfriend.
That made Chaeyoung remember that you existed too, and in response she removed one of her hands from Sully's boobs and reached down to grab your hard cock over your pants. With one hand she was able to undo them, and also to pull down your zipper to reach inside your boxers and wrap her fingers around your shaft.
"Hey baby, how about we give daddy the love he deserves?" Chaeyoung told Sully after breaking her kiss. Sully turned to look at you, her eyes full of lust and her face flushed. She looked down, finding Chaeyoung's hand buried inside your boxers as she massaged your cock.
"I want us to suck daddy's cock, unnie," Sully said, biting her lip and then looking at Chaeyoung.
"Then let's suck daddy's cock, princess," Chaeyoung gave Sully a peck, and they slipped off your thighs. You got ahead of them, and moved your hips up to lower your pants and take them off. You threw your pants next to Sully's sweater.
The girls laid their stomachs flat against the couch on either side of you, and now their faces were to the left and right of your cock. You felt their hot breaths against your skin, and the next thing was Chaeyoung's hand wrapping around your base to give your cock a long lick. Sully followed her steps, licking the other side of your shaft gently until they reached the tip.
Chaeyoung and Sully began to spread wet kisses on every possible corner of your shaft, occasionally going up to the tip to share a kiss with your cock in the middle. You let out a small moan, and reached out with both arms to grab the girls' asses as they used their tongues to swirl around your tip at the same time.
A few seconds passed and they distributed a few more kisses and licks, but the teasing didn't last long when Chaeyoung wrapped her lips around your tip, slowly sucking as Sully continued to kiss your shaft and then your balls. The redhead's mouth lowered a few more inches, to have half of your cock now inside her mouth. She pumped her head slowly, salivating your shaft as much as she could before giving Sully her turn. 
Sully already knew exactly what you liked having more experience giving you head than Chaeyoung, she took a few more inches than the redhead a few seconds ago, almost touching her fingers with her lips as she slurped all the way up and down on your cock. Chaeyoung put her hair all to one side, and she also did the same for your girlfriend so that you could have a perfect view of how they were sucking your cock.
Your girlfriend hogged your cock for a few more seconds until she pulled you out of her mouth with a cute moan. Chaeyoung took you again, and with your cock already drenched in their saliva, she continued to pump her head this time stronger and more consistent than before. Sully didn't want to stay still, so she took your balls carefully with her fingers and started sucking and filling them with saliva as well.
With a sudden downward movement Chaeyoung took you directly to her throat, you held your breath, feeling the tip of your cock brush against her inner wall. She kept you there for a few seconds in which you didn't hear a little gagging sound, but what you did notice was the saliva leaking between your cock and Chaeyoung's lips, saliva that Sully was picking up with her tongue and using it to keep sucking your balls.
Chaeyoung took you out of her mouth with a strong breath, and guided your cock back into Sully's mouth, who, not wanting to break the intensity of the moment, also started giving you a quick and sloppy blow job. As Sully pumped her head, Chaeyoung grabbed her hair and forced her to move deeper. The pleasure under which your body was subjected was such that you could not produce any sound from your mouth, which was half open and only let out your breath.
"S-stop..." you tried to say once without success, then closed your eyes, and gathered your strength to try again, "Stop!" you said louder this time, and the two girls stopped.
"Is something wrong daddy? Weren't we doing a good job?" Chaeyoung asked with her eyes on you, Sully also saw you worried.
"I'm saving my load for your pussies," you said, cupping both of their chins with your fingers. That seemed to light up their faces again, “Let's go to the bedroom, now.”
The three of you stood up and made your way to the bedroom. Sully took Chaeyoung's hand to guide her as you followed from behind, watching both of their wide hips sway from side to side with each step they took. You walked into your room, and the first thing both girls did was throw themselves onto the bed with a laugh, making their asses jiggle like jelly.
"I knew cleaning the bedroom was a good idea too," you said, closing the door behind you and going to join the girls.
They were both upside down, modeling their beautiful asses for you. You knelt in the middle of their legs, and gave both asses a little spank that made them moan under their breath. You leaned forward, and gently grabbed Sully by the neck so you could kiss her, repeating the same with Chaeyoung.
You separated from Chaeyoung's lips, and you got up on your knees again, this time to get down to business. You grabbed Chaeyoung's panties and quickly pulled them down her legs, the same with Sully, to leave them both completely naked except for their pairs of black and white stockings respectively.
Your eyes directly locked on their pretty pussies, both glistening with how wet they were. You didn't want to give any of her special attention, so you used both of your hands to run your fingers up and down her slits. They looked at you over their shoulders, their eyes weak with desire.
You inserted your thumbs first, earning a small moan from Chaeyoung and a gasp from Sully as they pushed through their pussy walls until only your knuckle was out. That was just a warm up. You took your thumbs out after moving them inside out for a few seconds, and replaced them with your index and middle fingers. This time Sully did moan along with Chaeyoung.
You started to move your wrists slowly at first, prioritizing that they get used to it and enjoy the sensation, but as the seconds passed, the pumping of your fingers became more aggressive, and both Chaeyoung and Sully began to moan more and more. They both held hands, and shared a steamy and sensual kiss while you fingered them fast enough to make their asses shake.
The moans they emanated were all muffled against each other's lips, and you kept fucking their pussies with your fingers until their bodies began to slightly squirm, but you didn't want to make them cum using only your fingers, they deserved much better.
"Who wants to get my cock inside first, girls?" you asked, moving your wrists now a little slower to let them answer. Sully was about to say something, but Chaeyoung got in the way.
"I want to see you fuck Sullyoonie, daddy," Chaeyoung implored as if she was totally in need of it, "and she wants you to pin her against the bed so bad, don't you honey?" she asked your girlfriend, and then bit her lower lip.
"Yes daddy…" Sullyoon moaned, looking at Chaeyoung's lips and then back at you, "fill my tight pussy with that thick cock, please."
You were surprised to hear Sully talk like that for the first time, so naturally and shamelessly, but you couldn't help but think that she looked and sounded so fucking hot.
"Then come here sweetheart," you settled on top of your girlfriend, both knees on either side of her hips. You leaned forward of her, your left hand to the side of her head. You kissed her again, and with your free hand, you took your cock and lined it up with Sully's pussy. You brushed the tip up and down a couple of times, then slowly started to push down.
She moaned against your lips, and she gripped your forearm tight as you filled her pussy with thick, throbbing meat. Your entire cock was inside her in a matter of seconds, and you gasped as you felt the soft, tight walls of her pussy embrace your shaft as if they didn't want to let it go.
"That's it honey... take daddy's cock," Chaeyoung said hoarsely, you stopped kissing Sully to kiss her, and as you did, you began to move your hips up and down slowly, but strong, your pelvis making her ass jiggle with each crash.
You kissed Chaeyoung in the most intense and fiery way you could, attacking her mouth with your tongue to show dominance over both at the same time. Sully let out squeals of pleasure, she never moaned loudly, instead she made cute little sounds that suited her personality.
You increased the pace of your pumps, this time faster and more aggressive than a few seconds ago. You were forced to stop kissing Chaeyoung so you could focus on your girlfriend. You rested your other hand on the other side of Sully's head, then dropped forward to put your face to the side of hers.
Sully turned her face, meeting yours only inches away. She cupped the side of your face in her hand, and she brushed her lips against your cheek amidst her whimpers of pleasure. You turned your face, and consequently your lips collided with each other again.
The thrusts were fast, strong and deep, but as always, treating her like a delicate rag doll. That was Sully's favorite type of sex, she loved her pussy being pounded by the entire length of your cock, but kissing, caressing and pampering could not be missing at any time. And so you did. 
You parted from her lips, and began to give her small kisses on the temple, on the cheek and on the neck. Her neck was caught in your arm, and you held her close to you as you delivered what were already aiming to be final thrusts. Sully had stopped moaning, her face petrified with pleasure as she clutched at your forearm with one hand and crumpled the sheets with the other. The seconds passed, the crashes of your pelvis against her ass continued, and from one moment to the other, your girlfriend exploded with a louder and longer moan that even scratched her throat.
Sully violently squirmed under you, lifting her ass and looking to fuck herself against you, while she went through an orgasm that came loaded with a lot of feelings accumulated throughout the day. The magnitude of it was such that you even felt how fluids were shooting out of her pussy that drenched your entire cock, your balls and the sheet under you. You stopped fucking her gradually, with soft movements until her orgasm finally passed. You made her throw her head back, gave her a little kiss on her forehead and then winked at her.
"I love you, darling," you gave her another little kiss, this time on the nose, "take a rest, I'm not done with you yet," she only nodded weakly, and gave you a sweet smile that you interpreted as a 'thank you'.
"Daddy, is it my turn yet?" Chaeyoung said from the side of you, her calves raised and her feet moving forward and backward separately.
"Are you so in need of my cock, little slut?" Chaeyoung wasn't Sullyoon, and she certainly shared very few aspects of her personality, so you weren't afraid to treat her dirtier.
"Yes daddy, please, I need it so much!" she begged, biting her lip and following you with her gaze as you now knelt over her.
"Be a good girl and clean daddy's cock first," you moved away from her so she could turn around, put her elbow on the mattress and move closer to your cock to immediately put it in her mouth. She sucked the entire length of it with delight, tasting and swallowing Sully's fluids and replacing them with her own saliva, "enough, roll over."
She pulled you out of her mouth, your cock now slippery and perfect for her. She turned on her back for you and spread her legs wide, the left one going over Sullyoon's lower back, who was lying on both of her hands as she watched you. You settled in front of her, and slapped your cock a few times against her wet pussy as you looked defiantly into her eyes. You rubbed the tip up and down, and in one concise, deep motion, you drove your cock deep inside her pussy without her full notice.
"Holy!-" Chaeyoung moaned out loud, not finishing what she was going to say due to the natural impulse that came with being filled with cock in a matter of seconds.
You brought your hands to the space between Chaeyoung's calves and thighs and pressed slightly back so you could fuck her at a better angle from the start. You weren't kind at all to her. You began to move your hips furiously right away, causing intense crashes of your pelvis against her crotch that reverberated throughout the bedroom.
Chaeyoung didn't have to hold back anymore like yesterday, there you were in a more than safe place for her to squeal and moan as much and as loud as she wanted. You rested your hands on the mattress on either side of her, and leaned forward to get your body between her legs as you revved up the engine on your thrusts.
The bed was shaking from side to side frantically, which made it difficult for Chaeyoung to find a place to hold on as you fucked her in a perfect balance of strength and speed, where with every thrust your cock was fully in and out of her pussy, which, apart from being very fucking soft, was very fucking wet. She ended up simply holding on to your neck with both hands, digging her nails into the nape of your neck and pulling at your hair. Her eyes were teary, and her face was twisted with pleasure.
"Fuck daddy! fuck FUCK FUCK!" she arched her back and tilted her head back. She let go of your neck, and went on to grab onto the sheets, pulling them off the edge of the mattress, "I'm gonna cum daddy! Don't fucking stop PLEASE!" implored the redhead between shrieks.
That served as coal for your machine. You began fucking her furiously, letting out a low feral growl from your throat. Chaeyoung arched her back, and threw her head back amid loud, intense squeals that contrasted with her calm and collected personality. You kept pounding her pussy as hard as you could, and in the midst of an impulse to want to make her cum soon, you now brought your hands to her neck. You pressed your fingers down hard, cutting off her breath as she could only keep her mouth open.
She looked into your eyes and grabbed onto your wrists, and with a few more thrusts, Chaeyoung exploded into moans and writhing, you had to stop moving in order to not cum yet, and you just let her pass her intense orgasm. You let go of her neck, and she finally let out a long moan of satisfaction. She let go of your wrists, and stretched her arms back to grab hold of the sheet and wrinkle it, still in slight spasms. You waited for her muscles to relax for you to to slowly pull your cock out of her.
You straightened your back, and knelt down to view the hot scene before you. Chaeyoung face up, with one leg across Sully's lower back and her pussy glistening from her own fluids, and Sully face down, lying on top of her own hands and totally delighted with what you just had done to Chaeyoung.
"I'm not finished with you either, don't relax too much honey," you slumped forward for a moment, cupping the side of Chaeyoung’s face with your left hand and placing a peck on her chin.
"Anything for you, daddy, I told you I'm all yours," she said almost in a whisper, sweet and obedient.
"Yes you are," looking into her eyes, you reached down and ran your two fingers over her still sensitive slit, scooping up some of her fluids with them and then bringing them to your mouth to suck them clean, "all mine."
She stared at you without saying a single word. The eyes never lied, and you knew you had that girl more than tied to you.
Now you went to your girlfriend again, you grabbed her by the waist, and you made her lie on her side to lie down next to her. Her face was in front of yours, only centimeters away. She looked into your eyes, and she leaned forward to give you a little kiss.
"Daddy, I want you to fill me up… I'm ready for you," she reached down between your bodies and cupped your cock gently, giving it slow, gentle strokes.
"First… tell me how much you love me, baby," you made her lift her neck and slip your left arm under her so that she lay on top of it, making the closeness more intimate.
"I love you daddy..." as she started to speak, you grabbed her by the waist, pressed her against your body and raised her leg towards you, "I love you so much, and you make me so happy..." you made her hold on her leg, so you could take your cock and rub it against her pussy, "That I want you with me for life."
That was the trigger for you to align your cock against her and re-enter her tight pussy. Her folds engulfed your cock smoothly, offering no resistance until your entire length was inside her. You saw her face distort with satisfaction in great detail right in front of you, you felt her breath against your mouth, and seeking to be even closer to you, she wrapped one of her arms around your neck to kiss you while you began to move your hips to an intermediate peace.
You shared a slow and loving passionate kiss despite the fact that you were fucking her faster and faster. She stopped holding onto her own leg, instead simply letting her thigh grip your torso. You hugged your girlfriend's neck with your forearm, while your other hand went straight to her ass as you rocked your hips back and forth. You loved fucking her in such an intimate and close way, and from that position, her pussy felt unbelievably amazing, so much that within seconds your abdomen started to tingle.
As the seconds passed, you felt Chaeyoung's chin rest on your shoulder, and also her entire body pressed against your back.
"Cum daddy, give that load to your pretty little princess," she whispered provocatively in your ear as you and Sully shared moans in the middle of the kiss.
You already had the desire accumulated since the two of them sucked your cock a few minutes ago, but that was just what you needed to suddenly explode when you least expected it. A few more thrusts were enough for you to reach your ecstasy. You thrust hard, and held your cock deep inside her pussy as you shot out spurts of thick, hot load.
You pulled away from her lips only to moan loudly, Sully gasped, and she let out little whimpers as you filled her walls with your seed. She gave you little kisses on the chin and on the neck, trying to make you feel as loved as possible. Chaeyoung did the same, but she was giving you kisses on the cheek, on the temple and on your shoulder.
After a few seconds of leaving Sully's pussy completely filled, you pulled your hips back to slowly pull out your cock, it came out with a slight 'pop' sound.
"Go clean it up, baby," you ordered Chaeyoung breathlessly and gave Sully a peck on the forehead.
"Yes daddy, of course," Chaeyoung gave you one last peck on your neck before pulling away from you.
"Chaeyoungie will take good care of you, I have work to do with her," you winked at your girlfriend and released her.
Sully rolled onto her back again, when she did, Chaeyoung was already waiting for her with her face right in front of her pussy while it was dripping with your load. She spread her legs wide, and Chaeyoung held her thighs up as she began to collect all the cum that ran through her slit, Sully leaned on her elbows to see what she was doing, slightly moaning at the feel of the redhead's tongue move up and down her pussy.
Chaeyoung's ass was raised inches from the edge of the bed, making a beautiful arch with her back that highlighted all the delicious flesh of her legs and her waist. She was moving it slowly from side to side, like some kind of animal in the middle of a mating dance wanting to get your attention, and she certainly did.
You got up from the bed, and went to the edge of it to stand right behind Chaeyoung. Her ass was at the perfect height and distance from you, and you were sure that she had put herself in that pose knowing from the beginning that you were going to want to fuck her like that. Meanwhile, she had turned cleaning Sully's pussy into eating it. Your girlfriend was caressing her hair, and moving it out of her face so she could work better.
As soon as Chaeyoung felt your presence behind her, she moved her ass back a little to make it rub against your cock, which was between her two soft buttocks. Your hands went to them, and after giving each one a strong squeeze, you raised your right hand to give one of them a strong spank that was marked in red. Chaeyoung moaned against your girlfriend's pussy, which caused a chain effect that also affected Sully and how Chaeyoung's mouth drove her crazy.
You spit on your cock, making sure it was well lubricated before you took it, rubbed it a few times against her pussy, and very slowly pushed it back inside her. Chaeyoung moaned once more, and consequently, Sully too. You rested with your cock buried deep inside her, placing a hand on the buttock you'd just spanked to begin slowly rocking your hips back and forth.
Your cock was still somewhat sensitive, so you had to keep pumping slowly and safely while you returned to regain all the hardness and normality of your erection. Apparently Chaeyoung had begun to eat your girlfriend's pussy with more desire and hunger, since she had dropped her back against the mattress with one hand on Chaeyoung's head and the other on one of her tits.
Already tired of being slow and delicate, you gripped the redhead's hips tighter and began to gradually pump faster and faster. Chaeyoung's body began to rock back and forth as your thrusts became more intense, and her ass began to jiggle with each crash of your pelvis against it.
You loved your girlfriend's features, but Chaeyoung's ass was just amazing, pale, meaty and round, perfect for getting riddled with bright red marks. You lifted your hand from her buttock and brought it down again with another spank, this time stronger and more spicy. Chaeyoung let out a squeal that was drowned against Sully's pussy, but that wouldn't be the last, because you raised your hand again and spanked her again on the other cheek, while her pussy was fucked harder and harder. You didn't stop for a moment until her ass was covered in red hand marks, which looked like red paint on white canvas.
Chaeyoung was infected by your intensity and passion when it came to filling Sully with pleasure, who had her back arched and was in the midst of beautiful squeals of pleasure. She had her arms stretched out to either side, her hands crumpling the white sheets. You hadn't noticed it right away, but as seconds passed you noticed that Chaeyoung had inserted two of her fingers into Sully's pussy, and she was pumping them quickly while she stimulated her clit with her tongue.
You, on the other hand, had gone from clinging to her hips to clinging directly to her buttocks, pressing hard into the flesh between your fingers and causing your pelvis to crash into her ass with such force that even Sully's body shook.
Sully pulled herself up once more to lean on her elbows, but this time it was just the warning that she was about to cum. She only lasted a few seconds in this position, and when she fell back onto her back, she let out a louder moan as her body began to writhe in spasms. Chaeyoung kept eating her pussy eagerly, and she kept pumping her fingers at all the speed that her brain, also busy with the pleasure she was receiving from you, left her.
Chaeyoung inadvertently brought your girlfriend to a second orgasm that came immediately after the first, causing Sully to wrap her legs around her neck and lock her face between her trembling thighs. You've never heard your girlfriend scream with pleasure, but for the first time, on a small scale, she did. She even grabbed one of her pillows to put on her face and hold onto it tightly. Chaeyoung stopped pumping with her fingers, and was finally able to take her mouth off Sully's pussy so she could moan to the rooftops.
That was the perfect moment for you to grab a handful of Chaeyoung's hair and yank it back, pounding her pussy with all your might as a reward for doing such an excellent job with your girlfriend. Quickly the bedroom was filled with sounds that resembled applause due to the impact of your pelvis against her ass, and above all, the screams and howls of pleasure that came from Chaeyoung's mouth.
You grabbed her hair tightly with one hand, and with the other you returned to spank one of her buttocks. Chaeyoung screamed, and dropping her head between her arms, she fisted the sheets and pressed back with her ass as the second orgasm of the night electrified her body. She still had your girlfriend's thighs close to her, so she chose to bite one of them to cope with the intense sensations that were flowing through her body. You had stopped moving, as Chaeyoung was doing your job, moving her ass back and forth to make it crash against your cock herself.
You let her do that as much as she wanted and her body allowed, but the strength she was using and the sensual way she moved her hips was more than enough for you to take you to your second point of ecstasy. The moan you let out was the loudest you'd let out so far, you shot a thick load again, but this time into Chaeyoung's silky pussy.
When she felt the first stream of your cum fill her walls, she began to make slower and deeper movements, seeking to get every last drop out of your balls. You let go of her hair, and she looked over her shoulder at you as you squeezed her buttocks hard.
"That's it daddy... give it all to me, fill my slutty pussy with that delicious cum," she moaned biting her lip, and you stopped her to drive your cock all the way down one more time, waited for it to stop throbbing and then you pulled it out slowly.
Before your cum began to drip onto the floor, Chaeyoung climbed over Sully's body like a cat and placed both thighs on either side of her head, leaving her pussy floating above her mouth. Your girlfriend stuck out her tongue, and gladly received the cum that spilled from inside Chaeyoung's pussy. Sully grabbed onto her thighs, and Chaeyoung sat on her face as she ate her pussy clean.
"What a good girl… eat that pussy, princess," Chaeyoung said in a husky, flirtatious voice, caressing your girlfriend's hair.
You could not be otherwise than speechless. It was the most lewd, sexy and attractive scene you'd ever seen, and it took you a moment to snap out of it. Without saying anything, you climbed back on the bed and sat between the pillows, waiting for the two of them to finish.
"Come here, babies," you sighed. Chaeyoung got off Sully's face, who wiped her mouth with the back of her hand. With the bed already free, you settle and lay down to support your head on the middle pillow. Your girlfriend lay down on one side of you, snuggling into your right pec, and Chaeyoung did the same but on the other side. Sully moved one of her feet up on top of yours, and Chaeyoung moved her leg up to your abdomen to leave her thigh there. You offered your arms to both of them to lie on top of, and they did. Sully hugged you to the height of your abdomen, and Chaeyoung to the height of your chest, and with that, they closed their eyes.
You stared at the ceiling for a few more minutes, thinking about everything that had gone through to get you to this point. It had certainly been a crazy and bumpy ride, and you were happy with the way your life was at the time. But you couldn't help but think that you forgot something very, very important.
"Oh fuck... The pizza."
Spren Notes:
Well once again I'm so sorry lmao. I think I overdid it.
As you can see, I put a lot of work and dedication into this piece, since it's something I've been wanting to write for a long time. And well, here it is! Officially it's the longest I've ever written, and it also has the longest fucking build up I've ever written, but I think it was worth it, it will become my favorite work so far. Without more to say, thank you very much for taking the time to read this fucking bible lol.
If you, dear reader, are interested in buying me a commission, do not hesitate to go through my inbox, I’ll be delighted!
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zoolitsky · 29 days
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Please don’t get upset if you disagree with any of these!! This is just how I see the characters ^^ More context about the headcanons under the cut!
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Transfem lesbian!!
Basically married to Vivi (who isn’t pictured but she gives me demigirl bisexual energy with a preference to girls)
And she’s still beautiful and wonderful and Sanji still simps for her. Chubby people are gorgeous
She’s technically pale but tanned a bit from being outside so much
Aaand bandaid because she’s literally just a normal girl and is susceptible to minor injuries unlike the other weird built different ppl on the crew (aside from Usopp)
sPEAKING OF USOPP!!! She’s absolute besties with him like they talk about everything and anything and gossip and all that jazz. They’re so special to me.
I’m not sure if bipolar fits entirely, but there’s definitely something with her mood swings and the intensity of her emotions. If this is insensitive at all please inform me
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Agender aroace reindeer fella??? SiGN ME UP
Both male and female reindeers have antlers so I used that to my advantage because gender silly
I think Chopper uses they/he/it, but slightly prefers to be referred to by their name rather than pronouns
Chopper has attachment issues, but I couldn’t find anything other than avoidant attachment disorder (which doesn’t seem entirely fitting). But it definitely gets very attached to others when it trusts them and has a hard time moving on.
Also I just like to draw Chopper more reindeer-like than Chopper’s canon design but aside from that I don’t really make too many design changes? Just… floofy Chopper… 🩷🩷🩷
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Panromantic asexual!!
Down bad for Sanji (he has terrible taste /j)
I had a revelation after drawing this so Usopp isn’t actually cis lol- they’re a demiboy but in a genderfluid kind of way, some days he feels more masculine and other days they feel more androgynous
I have very mixed feelings about the hair highlights,, I lowkey might not keep them but it was an experiment
FRECKLES!!! USOPP HAS FRECKLES PASS IT ON PASS IT ON!!!! 💛💛💛 Bandaid like Nami because!! They’re literally just a normal teenager!!!
Usopp has anxiety and borderline personality disorder because the feelings of superiority and inferiority? The constant fear? Being immune to Perona’s ghosts from dealing with mental illness their entire life???
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Asexual grayromantic
If he had a partner it would be gay regardless of his own gender expression (I’m projecting because I feel gay when I’m attracted to anyone)
Genderfluid, some days they prefer different pronouns but most of the time they use all at once (also is this ironic bc Luffy can’t swim but is swimming in fluid pronouns)
King of the pronouns!!! King of the genders!!! Will steal your pronouns and gender!!! Watch out!!!
I gave her vitiligo on a whim to be 100% honest, but I feel like it’s very fitting and also very fun to draw ❤️❤️❤️
I only did a headshot here because I have another post with a bunch of other drawings of this Luffy
I feel like I don’t need to explain but Luffy is very very AuDHD to me
He has so much energy and is easily distracted and gets really focused on things and likes to talk about anything and everything
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Bisexual-est guy on the planet (loves all boobs /hj)
Down bad for Usopp (they have great taste)
Demiboy but in an interchangeable kinda bigender way, he’s just both enby and male at the same time
Darker roots!! Sanji’s body hair is always notably darker than his blonde hair so I decided on darker roots
Depression in the sense it’s the reason he smokes. It’s a kind of coping mechanism.
It makes them dazed enough that they don’t have to fully feel their own despair
Imagine Sanji wheezing and struggling to breathe after a fight!! Emotional scene with Chopper trying to convince them to stop smoking!!
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Married to Franky 💜💜💜
Intersex demigirl! Like- the whole being called a monster/demon her whole life and trying to find someone who accepts her is such a good (unintentional) metaphor for the gender discovery experience,,
GIVE ROBIN THEIR MELANIN BACK!!! I don’t care if it wasn’t their original colors… neither were the blue eyes but I’m giving both to them because they deserve it!!
I wanted to give Robin more of a curly hair texture but I was concerned it would start to not really resemble her. I might play around with it another time though and see if I can achieve something still recognizable
Do I even have to explain that-
They are traumatized and get flashbacks and night terrors
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Married to Robin 🩵🩵🩵
He was abandoned by his birth parents, he has a name he doesn’t use anymore, calls everyone bro regardless of gender, HE LITERALLY REBUILT HIS ENTIRE BODY-
Even though Franky’s a cyborg I gave him visible top surgery scars. I think he would show them off with pride and doesn’t necessarily need/want to be seen as a cis man. He’s just a man who once had boobs yk?
The underside of his hair is an even brighter blue because silly!!
ADHD—he hyperfixates like a madman and is also very loud and passionate. Also idk if this is an actual ADHD thing but like he’s super empathetic and cries easily? I’m like that too so idk lol
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Demihomoromantic asexual
Hopelessly, dare I say pathetically, in love with Luffy. I want to clarify that this doesn’t make Zoro less gay and this doesn’t make Luffy less genderfluid.
Also as much as I adore trans Zoro, I think the fact that he’s a cisgender feminist is important. So I headcanon him as cis.
I can’t decide whether or not I like the striped hair,, I’m still on the fence about it lol
Covered in scars because he’s done so much training and fighting, I know they kind of look like something else but they aren’t, don’t worry
Idk why but I always give him a dark green undershirt
Autistic!! He has a narrow range of emotions, makes nonverbal grunts, super into swords, he’s blunt, follows routine, etc.
Aaaand that’s all of them! Phew! Thank you so much for reading 💖
Reblogs, asks, and comments are super appreciated!!
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calummss · 28 days
Eye of the Beholder | Penelope Featherington
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summary: you had liked penelope for as long as you could remember and watched her change for someone else. at least so you thought
pairing: sapphic! penelope featherington x lesbian! reader
words: 1k
a/n: i <3 penelope sm and needed a wlw imagine so bad. spent 1 hour on this so if it’s bad i apologise but it’s 4am and i couldn’t sleep without finishing this story
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“Pen!” You called out from the Featherington’s hallway. “Make haste, we are already late. Madame Delacroix promised us those fabrics from Paris and I am in desperate need of new garments.”
Farleigh raised her eyebrows at you but remained silent as she glanced up the stairs to see if Penelope had heard the lady shout from downstairs; improper manners but being late to an appointment was far more rude.
Penelope eventually made it downstairs wearing her bright yellow dress. Penelope hated the citrus colours her mamma always had her wear. You thought it rather suited her. It was a happy colour indeed and she looked the kindest in them. The details were too much—you agreed with Pen on that but she looked beautiful in any colour. How could she not? She had hair, orange like the sunsets over London; rosy cheeks that matched her fiery hair; when she was embarrassed or vexed, feeling too hot or cold, the apples of her cheeks would shine bright alike. She was so very bewitching but you could never tell her. It was unheard of—a woman in love with another? No one ever even uttered a word of queer affections. So you stayed silent and admired her from afar.
“Indeed.” She beamed, taking your arms and headed towards the carriage that waited outside.
At the Modiste you eyed a pink fabric that Madame Delacroix had laid out for you. Pink like little piglets and flowers, decorated with the most marvellous design of glitter. Penelope had strayed away from the citrus colour and asked Madame Delacroix for the latest fabric from Paris that weren’t orange or yellow.
“Do you think it wise to alter your mamma’s signature colours?” You asked.
“I simply do not understand her fixation on citrus colours. ‘Happy’ colours indeed but it makes me look washed out. Sick even. It is not for me.”
“I think you look pretty.”
“You might be the only one in Mayfair who thinks so.”
“I doubt so,” you walked towards the mirror to stand opposite Penelope, “but if you must know, those colours Madam Delacroix chose rather suit you quite well..”
“You think so?” You swear you saw a tinkle in her eyes.
Madame Delacroix promised Penelope six new gowns, one to be done in two days time just in time for Lady Danbury’s first ball of the season. It was both Pen’s and yours third season out with no prospects to show. Either men were too interested in you or not. Believed you to be some kind of dog they could just tell about. And with your conveyed feelings you weren’t even quite sure you wanted a love match with a man. A woman sounded much more pleasing but out of reach. Your family; your papa, mamma and younger sister knew of your unwise choices and savoured the word of acceptance over and over again but that it was a fantasy that could never be real. That you had to marry a man and that it would be easier to forget. Society liked women in brothels that performed together. Was queer love only good for the pleasure of others?
It was even harder knowing that Penelope felt for Colin Bridgerton. He barely eyed her and yet her affections were in a box with a key only he could open. Penelope had grown more silent on the matter and not staring too much out of her window. It was odd for Pen not to stare into Bridgerton house but you couldn’t blame her. A flame only lasted so long.
At the ball you had waited by the food table in hopes of Penelope finding you. The two of you enjoyed being stuck to the wall and observing the ton. The most peculiar things did happen when one thought no one was around to see. You saw the Featherington’s arrive when you noticed that Penelope hadn’t taken her cape off and when the staff helped her remove it, Pen stood on top of the stairs like a fallen angel. The green complimented her well. Well was an understatement. It was unmatched. You weren’t even able to get to Pen as the suitors went up one by one.
When the suitors did eventually leave, Cressida had walked up in the same moment and you saw her purposely edging the heel of her foot into her fabric so that when Pen tried to come towards you, her gown had ripped.
“How mortifying! I am so clumsy. My deepest apologies.” She said, cruelty marking her every word.
Penelope stared at you and without warning rushed outside. You followed her after telling Cressida off, hoping she would one day learn her lesson.
Outside Pen started weeping, a sight you wished you wouldn’t have to witness.
“Pen, I am so sorry.”
“I am the laughing stock of the ton even when I change my entire wardrobe!”
“You didn’t have to change to begin with.”
“All night I waited to be noticed. To be admired but who could I blame?” She let out a concealed sigh with a laugh.
“Pen,” you grabbed her hands, “I saw Colin look at you. I am very sure he was engaged by your charm.”
“Colin?” Pen pulled her hands back. “Who said I’m talking about Colin?”
“Are we not?” You asked carefully.
“No, I am talking about you!” She shouted, her chest rising and falling.
“What?” You mumbled.
“All day,” she breathed out, “I waited to be beholden by you. To see you gaze at me in a way that is considered forbidden but you didn’t.”
“Nevermind, I should have never said what I said. I’m-a-fool-and-should’ve-stayed-quiet-and—“
“Shut up.” You muttered before kissing Penelope.
A momentarily calmness came over Penelope as she melted into the kiss. You had grabbed her by the face and pulled her in. Her hands held your wrists and she kissed you back so softly, unsure if the kiss was reality or fantasy.
“You have kissed me,” Pen pulled back.
“Shouldn’t I have?”
“I’m not sure, I—“
“Kiss me again.”
And she did. With the same tenderness as before as you nervously waited for the carriage to arrive and to take you two home.
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alottiegoingon · 2 months
who's afraid of virginia woolf?
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jackie taylor x fem!reader
summary: the one where you and jackie secretly love each other while struggling with your sexuality.
warnings: jackie and reader are best friends, everyone is 21+, alcohol, heavy mentions of r and j dealing with their sexuality, homophobia mentions?, lesbians in denial, angst but fluff and happy ending, not proofread, slightly based on good luck, babe by chappell roan!!
making plans of going to college together became a regular thing when you and jackie entered high school. it was only natural that the two of you shared the typical teenager dream of living with your best friend and being roomates in uni, ditching classes and getting drunk instead of studying for exams.
"hey, don't worry." jackie tried to comfort you when you got a terrible score at your finals in senior year. she was fidgeting with the heart necklace she wore on her neck, gently spinning it around between her fingers.
regardless her impressive and actually sad capacity to pretend to be just a silly popular girl with pretty face and shiny hair, jackie was actually smart. you knew that all that effort to act all clueless and giggly around weird teenage boys in high school was fake. you never saw jackie studying during the weekends but, somehow, she would always get the perfect grade but would be the first one to hide it from boys. everyone knew that being too smart was bad. boys would easily get intimidated and that wasn't good for jackie taylor.
"we are gonna get through this together. i promise. i'll help you." jackie gives you that same old sweet looking smile that always get you freaking out inside while putting on your best show to act casual.
one more thing about jackie taylor; she had your heart in the palm of her hands since you two met. you weren't certain about how your friendship actually started, but you were sure that it was almost instantly.
jackie was actually quite popular by the age of eleven. she had the charisma of those late night show hosts you used to watch on tv with your parents, the prettiest and softest hair ever and a sweet perfume that would ling around for days.
jackie was also a natural leader. if any kid needed to complain about a classmate stealing their favorite glitter pen or their favorite sticker, jackie would be in charge of comforting them and helping them with whatever they needed. it wasn't rare for the teachers to have a talk with her after class to compliment her for being such a role model. everyone loved jackie.
you loved jackie, maybe too much.
it didn’t take long for you to realize that. you had the worst time of your life every single day while having lunch in the cafeteria with jackie and other girls from your class. you felt like ripping your ears off when all they could talk about was boys. they weren't even being discreet about it, you thought at yourself as you watched them stare at a couple of losers that were treated like gods with their weird stiff hair full of gel and a mustache that consisted on a tiny clump of facial hair.
while every girl at your table was so mesmerized by them, dreaming about how their lives would be so perfect if they ever liked them back, you were captivated by someone else; jackie.
you could watch her for hours, even if she was too busy looking at boys. you would think that her hazel eyes were even prettier that day, but that was a daily thing. you loved to hear her voice and to see her big beautiful smile adorning her face when she was excited about something and, with her, you didn't mind hearing about boys.
eventually, you and jackie got to live the dream. sharing a small bedroom with your best friend would sound like heaven to any girl but to you, it could be scary as well.
not only you were going to see her face every second at the day but it would also be hard to hear her constant speech about how you had to be more friendly and outgoing and stop studying so much. in another words, she wanted you to date guys.
that was a common debate between you two in high school. her persistent need to find the perfect boyfriend for you even though you were always ready to deny it. maybe she was trying to get rid of you?
"come onnn! all you do is study. remember last year when i had to drag you to mari's birthday party and you spent the whole night hidden in the corner?" jackie made fun of you during your first night together while doing her usual skin care routine.
even with her hair pulled back by a headband and with her face covered in cream, she looked fucking stunning.
"i wasn't hiding! i was just watching everyone from a safe distance..."
"that's actually worse." she giggled. you watch her leave the bathroom with a face mask and wearing nothing but a soft robe that had you on your knees.
“i’m not telling you to go crazy. all i’m saying is that you need to relax, okay?”
you weren’t exactly proud of it but you had to admit that is was too hard to focus on anything else besides her. it was impossible to deny her anything anyway but now? you were in tight shoes.
you could already feel your face heating up while you stood there like a coward with eyes growing wide and fighting for your life to not drool over your straight best friend.
“so? what do you think?” she insists, giving you an impatient glance.
“yes.” you immediately said the first thing that popped into your head.
“what?” you watch jackie’s eyebrows knitting.
“i-i mean, yes! i agree. i should relax more.” you trip over your own words but, thankfully, jackie didn’t seem to notice. maybe you were just stressed with the entire change of routine.
“great! we can start tomorrow!” she clapped her hands excitedly as her smile grew from one ear to another, probably surprised and relieved that you didn’t disagree this time.
the first weeks weren’t nearly as good as you thought they would be. you managed to make some friends and actually met nice people, but so did jackie.
every friday night was a new suffocating experience. after a long week, jackie would drag you to the closest bar that most of the students would go to and, for the first half of the night, her duty was to play the matchmaker.
ever since you had agreed with her that night, you would force yourself to look happy in front of jackie at every god damn time she introduced you to a guy.
“i think you have so much in common!” she would say to all of the men before giving you a wink and leaving you two alone in a noisy bar, disappearing into the drunk pool of people.
it was always awkward and uncomfortable, of course. some of the guys ended up being actually acceptable and some were even sweet. but no matter how hard you tried to focus on the conversation, you would eventually find yourself looking for jackie in the crowd just to get your heart shattered by the view of a drunk jackie taylor with her pretty dress, messy hair, and with one of her hands tightly wrapped around the heart shaped necklace, eagerly kissing a stranger.
seeing this at pretty much every friday night didn’t make your daily need to fight against your feelings the easiest. you were drowning so deeply into your own thoughts that, one day, you woke up decided to forget about it.
maybe all of that was just a phase. you didn’t have feelings for your best friend and you definitely didn’t feel like throwing up every time you saw a boy since you were a kid. and, obviously, you wouldn’t fail biology or calculus on purpose just to be tutored by jackie so you could spend even more time with her and listen to her voice.
and absolutely, without a doubt, you weren’t scared of the big bad wolf called truth banging on your door and calling you a wimpy liar.
everyone know that famous saying “you are what you eat”, but what about you are what you desire?
jackie stopped complaining about you being stuck on your dorm studying on a friday night or during the weekends cause you stopped doing it. now, she wasn’t the only one to frequently visit the closest bar.
most of the time, you were the one to invite her first and at that point, it became a tradition.
you and jackie had different classes during the day and would barely spend any time together until you two met again at night. you, too scared to even look at her, would find an excuse to sleep early or spend the night at some random guy’s dorm that you met the other night. spoiler alert; you didn’t even remember his name.
you noticed the visible disappointment in jackie’s eyes and how deeply hurt she seemed every time you left, too desperate to silence your own thoughts and numb your feelings with good old alcohol.
during the bar nights that you two shared, jackie wasn’t as energetic as before. sometimes, while feeling like you were kissing a fish as your lips awkwardly melded with some other guy’s, you would open your eyes right in the middle of it to find jackie on the other side of the bar, sitting by herself with a filled glass of something strong.
you felt sick to your stomach at the idea of being touched by anyone else except for her, especially a man. but it was worth it if it meant that you could forget her entire existence for the night and wake up at someone else’s bed in the morning (and probably be late for class).
the year was flying by and everything stayed the same, except that the two of you didn’t share a word for the past few months and you avoided each other at all costs.
“i was wondering that, maybe now that finals are over, we could-“
“sorry, i got plans with travis. i’ll see you later!” jackie said while rushing to the door of your shared dormitory. you were a liar but so was she. you knew that “later” was a synonym to “tomorrow if you’re lucky”.
and just like that, everyday was the day to hear a different name. kevin, josh, steve, randy, sam. you even thought about making a list with all those names. you tried to leave the dorm during that nights as well but you were too worried about her safety. it would be much better to just wait for her and pretend to be asleep when the door opens.
you couldn’t blame her, you were the one who started it.
in a typical night at the bar, you feel a stranger’s arm wrapped around your waist. you were already dizzy thanks to the couple of shots you took and could barely feel your mouth attached to his. however, you were kind of thankful for that.
jackie wasn’t in a very different situation but she knew how to be pettier than you. she knew you and how you were acting for the past months. how you would look for her with the corner of your eyes just to make sure that she was okay or not too drunk.
you weren’t the most cautious person, jackie perceived your multiple stares and she would make the best of it. while having your attention, she was hiding behind her best mask and flirting with the first man she saw. it was the performance of her life, consisting of a fake smile followed by a loud and high pitched giggle and an exaggerated hair twirling.
you, watching from across the room, felt your blood boil as your hands curl into fists. how dare jackie to do this right in front of you? didn’t she know how badly you wanted her?
retaliating her behavior, you would mimic her actions just to get under her skin. until it worked too well.
you carefully watched jackie leave the bar in quick steps and your first idea was to ignore her. she started the entire jealous thing and she was being childish. but so were you.
you immediately ditched the person who you were talking to and placed the shot glass on the wooden table so you could follow her.
you immediately stopped walking as soon as you put your feet outside, finding her sitting on the sidewalk. you would usually approach her in seconds, ready to go for a hug, but neither of you were in proper speaking terms now.
cautiously, you get closer. she doesn’t look up to meet you but you know that she can feel you there. you sit by her side and hug your legs. the silence gets so loud that you would be able to hear crickets if it wasn’t for the muffled noise coming from the bar.
“what happened to us?” jackie’s breathy and insecure voice finally breaks through the silence after a while.
you finally feel brave enough to look at her. not just look, to see her. to acknowledge her presence. to not ignore her.
“i don’t know.” you whisper. but you did.
“are we even friends?”
“we used to be best friends.” she looks at you and, for the first time in what felt like forever, you could see all of the details in her face again. of course, she was prettier than you could remember.
“you remember when you gave me this?” jackie grabs the shiny heart pendant, rubbing it between her fingertips. there was a small hint of a smile trying to make its way to her lips.
“yeah. you were scared to try for the soccer team.”
“scared? i was terrified.” she adds and you let a whispery chuckle out. “i couldn’t sleep for days, thinking if i would be good enough to even make it to the bench.”
“you gave me this before the first trial and said that if i was feeling too scared, i could squeeze it and it would be just like holding your hand.”
“i guess it worked, right?” you try to lighten the mood, lips curling up into a subtle smirk. jackie ended up being part of the team and, over time, the team captain.
she nods in silence.
“i didn’t even like soccer.”
“what? but you were so good. why did you join the team?” your eyes narrow as you speak and your heart starts to beat faster when jackie takes longer to say something.
“you were part of the team. i wanted to be around you.”
you find yourself looking away from her to hide the sudden heat and the pinkish tone of your cheeks. jackie went through a stressful week that year, practicing and learning the basics without actually liking it just because of you.
the sound of your voices is replaced by a loud nothing once again. the air was growing thicker and even the slightest touch of your shoulders accidentally brushing against each other was a reason to make you unconsciously hold your breath.
“i think i’m a lesbian.” your feel yourself getting struck by a sharp surge of disbelief and in a blink of an eye, she has your attention again. you feel the palm of your hands getting sweaty, going against the cold weather.
“what? why?” you manage to say a few words and, if it wasn’t for the delicate moment, jackie would have laughed at your frantic gaze.
“because.” jackie sighs, not being able to stop playing with the heart hanging on her neck. “i felt absolutely nothing when i had to pretend to care about boys in middle school but i felt the entire world when you were looking at me.”
not only she knew that you were always staring at her in the cafeteria but she liked it. she liked having your attention.
“you were never good at hiding it, by the way.” she snorts but you were sure that she was just as nervous as you.
“i thought i was pretty good…” you whisper, grinning. she was absolutely right, though.
“really? i found a biology test of yours hidden under your bed once. you were even better than me but you said that you were failing it and needed help.” the red color on your face gets more intense as you share a loud laugh. your hands momentarily cover your face.
“i think i just wanted to be around you.” you shrug, defending yourself by echoing her words.
“you still do?” jackie asks and, slowly, the lighthearted smile fades away from your face.
your gaze was lingering on her eyes and wouldn’t dare to leave. not even when you gently leaned closer and your fingers fixed her hair by carefully hiding a small section behind her ear. the entire world felt like it had stopped and you could hear a feather hitting the ground. it was quite adorable how jackie was the one to held her breath now just before swallowing the lump on her throat.
“i think i’ll always want to be around you.” you whisper. there was nothing but love and adoration inside your eyes as you felt completely hypnotized by her. you allowed your gaze to drift down to meet her lips and the hand that was hanging around her ear just a second ago found its way to her face. the palm of your hand fit perfectly on her cheek and you took the opportunity to guide her closer to you.
the first thing you feel the second after closing your eyes is jackie’s soft lips touching yours and how tenderly they were dancing together. it was almost like you and jackie were made of glass and you didn’t want to break each other.
jackie’s hand imitated yours but she used her thumb to caress your cheek. you feel her pulling away from your lips and you feel faint when your eyes open and she is smiling like she had just won the lottery.
“fuck. you are so pretty.” you groan in a dramatic way. with watery eyes and rosy cheeks, jackie nestle her face into your neck and gives your skin a small kiss, causing you to shiver and hug her body tightly, closer to you.
maybe the big bad wolf on your door wasn’t so scary now.
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vyriadurav · 8 months
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(Edit: using this as a pinned post about all my books for now in lieu of another one. This was formerly for International Lesbian Day but now is a one stop shop for all my books) For starters, consider checking out
Catnip Amazon | Itch.io | Alternative Ebook Sellers | Audiobook For all his life, Sol has believed he's only worthy of affection as long as he's useful--and he intends to prove his ultimate use by restoring a colony on Venus as a new home for his friends and lovers. But upon arriving, he realizes there's more here than he bargained for. For one, the resident artificial intelligence wants to make friends with him. For another, the nanites want to completely change his body... and in the process reveal her true self. Stuck (or perhaps blessed?) with a new form, she must find out what it means to live, to be loved for who she is rather than her work. Catnip is a cozy space exploration novel about a trans woman's journey to find herself and what it means to be loved for who she is, with the help of her polycule and a lesbian AI. If Sci-fi isn't quite your speed, you can also check out
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The Hatchling Amazon | Itch.io | Alternative Ebook Sellers
Sarric dreamed of dragons all his life; such flights of fancy captured his imagination at a young age and sustained him through the cruelty of the hunters that ruled the isolated mountain town of Rivermist. One day, a real dragon appears before him, dazzling him with her beauty and an answer to the unease that's afflicted him for as long as he remembers. He's eager to take what she offers--but the greedy hunters, driven by tales of treasure hoards, will do everything in their power to destroy her. The Hatchling is a fantasy about a trans woman's journey of accepting her identity and her new found family.
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If you want something a little spicier, consider reading Wyrmheart Itch.io exclusive
A mage without home or family seeks to establish a legacy for herself so that her name might ring out through the ages.
An assassin is charged with striking at the heart of a draconic cult that surely hides some greater evil.
Wyrmheart is a story set in Maria Ying's Those Who Break Chains universe and tells the story of trans women making their way through life in this fantastical world.
You can also take a look at my Patreon where I am currently writing several things, but primarily
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Forged in the Light of New Stars
Forged is a t4t lesbian isekai story about a closeted trans woman and a repressed, rotten egg (in the trans sense) who find themselves transported to a vibrant, magical world filled with advanced technology, mysteries to discover, and most importantly: a place where they can their truest selves. Follow Gwen as she strives to take control of her life, to be the woman she's always known she could be, and find true happiness.
Follow Brian as he struggles to cast off the chains that his family has bound him in, to undo the bigoted messages they poured into him constantly, and find out, deep down, who she truly is.
Watch them fall in love with each other and with the mystical world of Tellara and all the new friends they make along the way. See them uncover secrets about the connection between Earth and Tellara and their purpose as travelers between worlds. Magic, alchemy, and queerness collide in this otherworldly journey.
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waitimcomingtoo · 7 months
chapter five: don’t say I didn’t warn you
Series Masterlist
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The first time you walked onto campus holding hands with Peter, it caught some attention. Your school was small enough that a reputation like yours was pretty well known around campus so now that you and Peter were public, people took notice.
“Everyone is staring at us.” You whispered to him and he could tell you were feeling self conscious.
“Well you look really pretty today. So they might as well be looking at us.” Peter replied. He could see you smile at that and knew he had just passed his first test as a boyfriend.
“This is just like that scene in Twilight.” You said as you passed through a group on onlookers.
“Which scene?”
“The one when they walk in to school together and everyone is staring.”
“Oh.” Peter laughed. “Yeah, I can see why you thought of that.”
You laughed as well and headed towards the library so you could study together before your class. On the way, you walked by one of the guys on the basketball team.
“Whore.” He said through a fake cough as he passed by. You stopped walking and let go of Peters hand.
“Why’d you let go? Are my hands too sweaty?” Peter asked and wiped his hands on his pants.
“It’s not that.” You sighed. “It’s because I’m poisonous. If you’re seen with me, you’re just gonna get a reputation too.”
“Who cares? We can wear the scarlet letter together.” Peter said and took your hand again. You looked down at your intertwined hands before looking at him skeptically.
“You really don’t care?”
“I don’t.” Peter shrugged so nonchalant that you believed him. You smiled in satisfaction and tugged him closer by his shirt to kiss him. It was your way of saying thank you and his way of saying he didn’t care who saw you together.
As the weeks went on, the buzz around your relationship died down and no one seemed to care anymore. All the while, you were growing more comfortable in your relationship with Peter. You kept up with your studying session during the day and went on dates at night. You were getting better grades and happier than ever.
Peter went back to his dorm after a late class one day with a huge smile on his face. He dumped his backpack on the floor and sat down on his bed with a happy sigh.
“Remember that girl from high school that we both liked?” Peter asked Ned.
“Liz? With the beautiful black hair and perfect bone structure? Who always smelled like Japanese Cherry Blossom? I vaguely remember her.” Ned replied.
“Yeah. Liz. I liked her so much. If you asked me back then, I would’ve sworn I was in love with her.”
“Why are you thinking about Liz?” Ned wondered.
“Because I realized I never actually liked her. I liked the fantasy I built around a girl I found pretty. I didn’t even know Liz and I thought I was in love. But I know Y/n. And I know that I’ve never felt this way before.” Peter said with another happy sigh.
“Oh no. You’re not saying you’re in lesbians with her, are you?” Ned gasped.
“Damn. I forgot about that movie. We should watch it again.” Peter said. “And no, I’m not saying I’m in love with her.”
“Okay. Good.” Ned relaxed.
“But I’m going to.” Peter added.
“You are? Isn’t it a little soon?” Ned asked him.
“We’ve been together for two months now. It’s how I feel. Why shouldn’t I tell her?”
“I’m just saying. I think you should wait until you know how she feels.”
“I think she feels the same.” Peter told him. “It’s just hard for her to trust people. That’s why I want to be the one who says it first. And I think I’m gonna do it next time I see her.” Peter said proudly. He then got a text and smiled when he saw your name on his screen.
“That’s her now.” Peter said and opened his phone to read your text. His smile slowly faded as his eyebrows knit together.
“What’s wrong?” Ned asked when he saw Peters face.
“She’s at a frat house. She wants me to come get her.” Peter said as he got off his bed.
“Ew.” Ned grimaced. “Why is she at a frat house? Is she trying to get scabies?”
“I don’t know. Probably a party.” Peter shrugged but also found it strange to hear you were there. The frat boys were the ones who bullied you and beyond that, you were never a party kind of person. He threw on his jacket and stepped into the December air to walk to the campus frat. He was let right in which he found slightly suspicious and texted you once he was inside. You said you were in the first bedroom on the second floor, so Peter made his way up the stairs and knocked on the door. When you didn’t answer, he frowned and started to get nervous. He opened the door and felt his heart drop when he saw you in bed with some guy in a hockey jersey. You were fast asleep in your hoodie and sweats with a cup of ginger ale on the dresser beside you. Peter felt tears come to his eyes and stood there frozen in shock. Brad and his friends suddenly appeared behind him in the doorway and laughed obnoxiously in Peters ear.
“Oh shit! The slut strikes again.” Brad laughed as he took a picture of you. Flash and Harry were right behind him, laughing and taking pictures as well. The commotion woke you up and you sat up as you rubbed your aching head.
“What the fuck?” Peter blurted, making your groggy eyes fly open. You looked at him in confusion but could barely see him with your splitting headache.
“Peter? What’s going on?” You asked as you struggled to keep your eyes open.
“You tell me. Who is that guy?” He shouted and pointed to the guy next to you. You gave him a confused look and followed his finger, screaming in surprise when you noticed the guy for the first time. He was too drunk to realize what was going on but you were starting to come back. You looked around and saw the boys laughing at you with their cameras out before your eyes landed on Peter. He was crying and staring at you with the most betrayed expression you had ever seen.
“Peter.” You said breathlessly, knowing how bad it looked. You were too focused on him to care about the pictures being taken or the teasing from the guys. Peters face twisted in misery as he turned to leave. He pushed past the guys who were cheering and calling you names and ran down the stairs.
“Peter, wait.” You pleaded as you ran after him. He kept running so you did too. You caught his arm in the lobby and made him stop.
“Please, talk to me. Let me explain.”
“I can’t believe this. I thought we had something.” Peter said as he wiped his face on the back of his hand. The music was shut off as people tuned in to listen to the fight.
“We do have something. That wasn’t what it looked like. I don’t even know that guy. Please, I need you to believe me.” You said and took his hand but he yanked it away from you.
“Believe you? How can I believe you when I caught you sleeping with another guy?” Peter shouted, making the party goers go “ooo” as they watched the drama unfold. You looked around in embarrassment and knew your reputation was never going to recover from this. People were filming and staring at you and all you could do was let it happen.
“It looked like that, but-“
“Everyone was right about you.” He cut you off, making you freeze as he said the most hurtful words you could imagine him saying.
“What did you just say?” You whispered in disbelief.
“I said that they were right. This is exactly what I was warned would happen if I got involved with you. You get what you want from a guy by pretending to like him and then break his heart. I should’ve known better.” Peter spat, making you stumble back in surprise.
“Peter, no. That’s not what’s happening. Please, just let me explain. I need you to believe me. What you saw wasn’t what you think. You know me, Peter. You know I’m not like what everyone says.”
“Maybe you are. Why else would you lead me on like this? You said you needed to go slow with me but then I catch you fucking some other guy? What are you, some kind of slut?” He shouted.
The room went silent. The world went silent.
You were wrong. Those were the most hurtful words Peter could say to you. People started to laugh and call you “slut” and all it’s hateful synonyms as you stared at Peter in disbelief. And as angry and hurt as Peter was, he knew he had just crossed the line. He wasn’t the kind of guy who used that word yet there he was, throwing it at you in a room full of people.
“You said you’d never call me that.” You whispered as a tear ran down your cheek. The betrayal in your eyes told Peter that he had already burned his bridge with you. You were never going to forgive him for that, so he decided he might as well put the nail in the coffin.
“Well that’s what’s you are.” He snapped. “If you didn’t want me to call you that, maybe you shouldn’t act like one. I can’t believe I was ever in love with you.”
“You’re in love with me?” You said breathlessly.
“Not anymore.” He said before he even knew what was coming out of his mouth. His face was burning all the way up to his ears. That was not how he wanted his first “I love you” to go. He hadn’t meant to blurt it the way he had but it just came out.
Your jaw dropped as a tiny gasp escaped your lips. Peter immediately regretted it but there was nothing he could do to make things right. The entire room was against you and on his side so even if he apologized, it wouldn’t reach your ears. You stared in each others eyes and the people in the room cheered for Peter while they ridiculed you.
“Yeah! Get her Peter!” Brad proudly cheered from the stairwell. Peter wondered what kind of guy he had become if Brad Davis was applauding his actions. In fact, he didn’t want the approval of any of the people in the house. Peters eyes softened and he opened his mouth to say something, anything, but you didn’t want it hear it. You ran out of the house with tears in your eyes and Peter silently watched you go. Some of the jocks clapped him on the back and expressed their pride in him, making Peter feel sick to his stomach. The music resumed and people started to talk about the scene and degrade you further while Peter stood frozen. The guy in the jersey came stumbling down the stairs and asked what had happened, but received no answer. Peter left without saying anything and went back to his dorm, slamming his door behind him as he went in.
“Woah, dude. What’s wrong? Where’s Y/n?”
“She cheated on me. You were right. She’s just a slut.” Peter mumbled as he sat on his bed. Now that he has used the word once, it was tumbling out of his mouth with ease. He didn’t know who he had become because he was not raised to be a guy who said things like that, and yet there he was.
“Wait, really? I’m never right. What happened?” Ned asked him.
“I walked into the party and she was in bed with some guy.” Peter said with a sigh as he replayed it all in his head. Now that he was out of the heat of the moment, he wondered about your initial confusion when you saw the guy in bed with you. You looked just as surprised as Peter was to see that guy there.
“I’m sorry, dude. I know you were about to tell her you loved her.” Ned said sympathetically.
“I just don’t understand. She told me all those rumors weren’t true. How could she do this to me?” Peter wondered out loud. He laid his head down on his pillow and felt tears leak out of his eyes and into his ears. He replayed the moment over and over again in his head until he eventually fell asleep.
Tag List 💋
@breadglasses @hollandweather @cashtons-wife @scenesofobx @trumanbluee
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@buckylovinglokivariant @betzabobababi
@eterjas @pleasingregulus @avatarjuno @dreamingofts18 @diorrgrl
@crxmxnzl-c0rpzes @erule @justsomebodyweird @un06 @tom-hollands-wifey
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@kneelforloki @xorderedkaosx @dory-98 @okayiamkassandra @chaerfull
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iciclesses · 6 months
Is Soap the crazy ex that's stealing your stuff and Ghost won't do anything about it?
cw toxic relationship, stalking, pillow humping, panty sniffing/licking
The sheer AMOUNT of asks and comments and tags I got begging for it to be fem Soap... TBH I hadn't originally Thought that but yall convinced my ass so easy!! (As if toxic lesbianism isn't my bread and fucking butter)
Soap being sooo obsessed with you- Ghost dumped her because he loves loves LOVES seeing Soap emotionally distraught but got distracted with you soon after, he forgot to take Soap back before her last bits of sanity fled her.
She starts by finding all your social media, she swears that you're posting soft launch photos of Ghost’s hand on your thigh specifically to taunt her. Of course, all that does is rile her up more, and the logical conclusion to cope with that, of course, is to break into your flat while you're away on vacation with Ghost. Serves you right for flying to the fucking Caribbean with her man.
She considers smashing everything she can get her claws on while draped on your bed, your cat purring against Soap while she pets it mindlessly. Spares herself a little maniacal smile at the idea burning your whole fucking place down- she'd wait around a corner as you'd come home and fall to your knees in agony having lost it all.
Scratching just beneath the cats chin and cooing, "Don't worry love, I'd be sure to take good care of ye. Probably better than yer mum thas' for sure."
Ultimately, she does something stranger. She spends the entirety of your remaining vacation (two weeks, one day, and seventeen hours-- bleeding Christ, Ghost never spent more than two nights at Soap’s flat) living as you. The sweet old woman across from you that you asked to check in on your cat while you were gone? Why, she's so old her eyesight is going out. She doesn't trust her memory that much either. So when she squints up at Soap, she doesn't question anything as she passes the fraud your house key.
"Back early, eh pet?"
"Ah, no, but time does fly, doesnae?"
She wakes up every morning in your perfumed, satin sheets. She brushes her teeth with your brush, your paste- licking the bristles like a sweet until all the mint flavor was gone. Showers with all your soaps and slathers herself with your expensive oils after. Looks herself in the eyes in the mirror as she puts your lipstick on. Finds any set of clothes in your closet that fit her, unafraid to play tailor to make especially pretty items fit. Doesn't care if your shoes don't fit her, she makes them fit one way or another. Eats your oats, drinks your coffee from your unwashed mug as she looks down fondly as the cat eats the breakfast Soap put out for it. When she orders out, she puts your name down. Gets a little thrill in the cafes when they call out her tea but your name, gleefully smiling as she takes the paper cup.
Takes strange men home, and by home that still means yours, so they can fuck her like a worthless whore while spitting your name. It's pornographic when Soap throws her head back and cums with a cry when a man won't stop whining your name. She can't escape the sweet smell of your perfume.
Living as you, Soap has never felt so beautiful or put together in her life. It comes as a horrible, dizzying conclusion to Soap in the dead of night: she's not mad at you anymore. She's in love with you. It has her staggering out of bed, nearly collapsing at your hamper when she finds what she was hoping for. Falling over herself back onto your bed and mounting one of your pillows, muscular hips jerking as she rubs her bare, sopping cunt against the fabric. One hand gripping the corner of the pillow, keeping it in place and imagining it was your hair in her fist. The other hand holding a pair of your underwear to her nose. She takes a grotesquely deep sniff, eyes rolling back in her head with a guttural moan. She doesn't stop even as her hips start to buck faster, more desperate. It was then Soap’s turn to whine out your name like it were a last prayer, again and again. Strong thighs flexing as her rhythym became more erratic, her body bowing forward as she chased her orgasm. Tongue daring to dart out and tasting salt, tasting you, the new love of her life, this was the straw that finally broke Soap for good.
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crimsonred-hi · 4 months
Hozier x Reader
Style, or lack there of
Pairing: Andrew Hozier-Byrne x Reader.
Summary: Where did Hozier suddenly get all his style from? He comes out of his 4 year hiding for ‘Unreal Unearth’, all the flannel have been replaced with shirts and all his jeans have been replaced with nice trousers. Why? Because he got a girlfriend, who doesn’t let him walk out the house looking like a butch lesbian
Cats or Dogs
Pairing: Andrew Hozier-Byrne x Reader.
Summary: reader is a cat person, her boyfriend, Andrew, is very much a dog person. And at this point in their lives, they want another living thing to take care of in their shared home. The age old question of cats or dogs stumps them, because they can’t agree
Pairing: Andrew Hozier-Byrne x Reader.
Summary: the summers in Ireland are slowly getting hotter, and that makes the garden seem more inviting.
Are you cold?
Pairing: Andrew Hozier-Byrne x Reader.
Summary: Your from a warmer climate, and despite friends and family telling you that you wouldn’t cope the cold, you decided to spend Christmas and the time after it with your lover in Ireland… and it’s fuckin cold
Da, it’s Da
Pairing: Andrew Hozier-Byrne x Reader.
Summary: in Ireland and the northern parts of England (where I’m from), a child would never call their father ‘daddy’, for the mere thought of ‘Daddy is for gals with issues and gay men with bigger issues’ (which is true). So, I believe Andrew would want to be called ‘Da’ like most other fathers… so yeah, Andrew arguing with his and Reader’s child about what the child should call him.
Everything, Everywhere
Pairing: Andrew Hozier-Byrne x Reader.
Summary: his lover is laying there, laying under 6 feet under the grass. Gone to the world. The love of his life: gone. Yet, he stills comes every week, to smile at her, and tell her that one day he’ll join her, but he promised her to live to the fullest… so he will.
What do you mean grey?!
Pairing: dad!Andrew Hozier-Byrne x wife!Reader.
Summary: Andrew with his beautiful hair and beard, he’s very proud of them both: of the length, the colour, the health of it. And one day, one very long day, where he’s spent his whole day being stern dad to his daughter, and at the end he gets in bed with his wife and the mother of his child just for her to notice something in his hair.
Mine : Ours
Pairing: Andrew Hozier-Byrne x Reader.
Summary: Andrew meets his son for the first time, and he’s a bit angry about it. Because after 10 years, reader kept his son from him.
Work Song
Pairing: Andrew Hozier-Byrne x Reader
Summary: Andrew and his lover have a little cuddling after their time together.
Pairing: Andrew Hozier-Byrne x Reader
Summary: At a dinner party, he’s jealous over your coworker.
Wash Day
Pairing: Andrew Hozier-Byrne x Reader
Summary: Wash day is Sunday, so Andrew and his girlfriend get in the shower together (not sexually).
Pairings: Andrew Hozier-Byrne x Reader
Summary: He’s got new vinyls coming out, but his girl needs to approve first. Because her opinion is most important.
Age Gap
Controversial Age Gap
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waterloggedsoliloquy · 8 months
mutual 1: sorry the update for my webcomic this week is a bit late! i really had to rush it so it prolly looks really sloppy lol [some of the most sophisticated comic art ive ever seen]
mutual 2: call me uterine lining the way astarions cervix got me bleeding profusely
mutual 3: do you think nanowrimo will give me a posthumous pity publishing deal if i mention it in my suicide note
mutual 4: okay fine i finally started revolutionary girl utena
mutual 5: does columbo know the service he did for butch lesbians. for all of us
mutual 6: wish you were here [blurry picture set of conifer woods in early autumn evening, taken as if frantically running down a winding trail]
mutual 4: im pretty hardy i dont need the trigger list but thanks for looking out for me guys
mutual 7: good morning lovelies another day the wizard tried to best me and another day i successfully locked him in the spare bathroom lol hope u like drinking shampoo fucker
Tumblr media
mutual 8: here is a zip of every yuri manga scan i have and here is a backup in case i get dcma'd. the himejoshi lifestyle will never die
mutual 9: i wish i could go back in time to the shinzo abe assassination and ask to hold the doohickey
mutual 10: here's my essay on how wanting to be loved is the same as wanting to be eaten. three paragraphs in you'll find out that this is 100% tied to an obscure beauty and the beast manga i've been reading lately and how much i want to fuck the beast
mutual 4: oh thats why there was the trigger list.
mutual 12: why do i have to defend my thesis to people i dont even respect. im not dickriding you just give me the degree
mutual 13: its just me and this scab ive picked into my scalp against the world
mutual 14: my little dragon got glazed and is ready to go into the kiln! everyone wish him good luck!
mutual 3: nvm i am a beautiful genius. perhaps the most beautiful genius of all
mutual 15: i think we should give david lynch rpgmaker and whatever happens happens
mutual 16: kpeyboaatrds brpokem gpuys
mutual 17: also heres my work in progress glossary of mixtec words! i still have a long way to go but i love being able to preserve my roots even in this small way
mutual 4: i just finished the black rose arc. question: what
mutual 18: i need emet-selch to be my wife
mutual 19: i need glados to be my husband
mutual 20: visited the ocean today!!! <3 beach pics!!! there is a darkness growing within me
mutual 21: the forms for my legal name change came in. pls vote in this poll of what my middle name should be: Dill Pickle (Dickle for short), Optimus Prime, Tumblr User Gorgonicteratologist, Smeve
mutual 22: just finished my 100th book of the year! this weeks read was the uses of enchantment by the psychologist bruno bettelheim,
mutual 23: reeses penis butter cups lol
mutual 4: i need to hunt akio for sport
mutual 24: oouugghhrgh. hot. dog.
mutual 25: your favorite character or fictional other would want you to brush your teeth and wash your face so you're well rested and wake up feeling refreshed! make them proud!
mutual 26: being a delivery driver isnt the worst job ive ever had but i do keep wondering what itd be like to drive off into the wild blue yonder one day and not come back
mutual 27: weird dog? [phone picture of critically endangered stork]
mutual 28: i think the two phone line polls in front of my house are having a lovers tryst. no way to prove it tho
mutual 4: WHAT
mutual 29: while you bitches are balduring your gates or finalling those fantasies im doing what a REAL gamer does. playing a b tier rpg that came out in 2004 for the 18th time
mutual 30: ^ real. hamtaro ham ham heartbreak is a masterpiece of interactive art. im not even going to call it a video game at this point
mutual 31: can you help me pick which drawing looks better: 34% overlay or 36% soft light?
mutual 32: new video essay out. its called disability in video game narratives: final fantasy 14's most reliable fault. i churned the script out over an all-nighter and my mic crapped out halfway through but by god i did it
mutual 33: my new zine bundle is out! if you buy it you also get a discount on all my game jam games! i really cant wait for you to play them!
mutual 4: yall should watch revolutionary girl utena
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