#anti-racism training
if I’m honest, I have never seen so much blatant actual antisemitism in my life as I have in the past 2 weeks. overwhelmingly on the left, but on the right too. I didn’t know it was this bad.
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thisismisogynoir · 6 months
All of the Hazbin Hotel characters’ designs are bad beyond belief but imo the icing on the sour cake is Alastor. Who the hell(no pun intended) thought this shit was fucking okay?
I mean just look at his ass:
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Who tf looked at this and thought “yup, seems legit” what is going on with his silhouette? His hair? His face(which I’ll be getting back to later bc I mean OH GOD)? His outfit? 🤮 You expect me to be happy with this? Also why the hell is he so skinny? He makes the Disney Princesses look healthy and realistic in comparison, because damn.
And that’s not even getting into the sheer anti-Blackness that goes into his character and thus his design: him being an evil cannibalistic voodoo practitioner, with his Blackness slapped onto him as a less minute attempt to make his portrayal seem “not racist” well guess what BitchziePop, it is. The man is supposedly half-Black on his mother’s side, and yet he does NOT look Black at all. He does not have Black features, nor Afro-textured hair, what a goddamn JOKE. *he also does not have a Black/biracial voice actor. so much for diversity I suppose.
And don’t even get me started on that big ass, creepy ass, goofy ass grin:
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Oh dear.
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kellykadesperate · 2 months
tens and thousands of people coming together all across the country saying “united we fall together we stand” all standing together from all different cultures and beliefs and walks of life is making me believe there will always be more kindness and community than bigots in this world
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bluecrocss · 3 months
Yap-Sesh number... Whatever: "Race-swapping", White supremacy, Misogyny, and Casting in Hollywood
Okay... so Tiktok kept trying to push clips of Walker Scobell and Mason Thames at Comic-con to me (I guess cuz I'm pretty active in pjo series fan spaces), and each time I would find myself quickly scrolling away or having no interest in seeing the clip.
And at first I thought, maybe it's because as much as i love Walker as Percy and as much as I think the cast are so adorable, I'm an adult and I'm not really one of his fan girls (for obvious reasons), so I'm not super interested in edits that are basically simping for him.
But the intensity with which I avoided these clips, I realized there was something else that was driving that feeling... it was resentment.
As you can see from my blog, I've invested a lot of time/energy pointing out the hypocrisy of the anti-blackness and backlash that has been thrown at Leah Jeffries for her casting as annabeth, as well as consistently coming to her defense against the bigots I've encountered on literally every social media site I've used. And I'm already pre-exhasuted knowing that I'm going to have to do the same thing for Nico Parker when the httyd movie comes out, despite the fact that she is just as white as Pete Wentz and more white than KJ Apa (who y'all had no problem with him dying his hair and playing canonically white Archie Andrews), the backlash she's going to get is insane and it's going to be a Leah Sava Jeffries situation all over again.
But when Zendaya or Jaz Sinclair or Amanadla Stenberg play fully black characters, with two black parents, you don't see the black community up in arms and losing our shit. But God forbid somebody who is 3/4s white play a white character and suddenly y'all wanna bring up the one-drop rule and start preaching about racial purity. You people are genuinely closet white supremacists.
The httyd movies might be based on aspects Scandinavian culture, but they aren't actually historically accurate to Norse (or "viking" as some of y'all like to call it) culture. It's like with Game of Thrones or D&D, the setting is inspired by real cultures but the contents are fantastical and don't require any "Ethnic accuracy" (what's that thing about white people can hold their disbelief for dragons but not POC in fantasy? 💀).
Which is crazy because NONE OF THE CAST (including the fully white actors) ARE ETHNICALLY SCANDINAVIAN. Furthermore, Mason Thames looks NOTHING like Hiccup. Hiccup is supposed to be an awkward, gangly nerd in the first movie and Mason Thames looks like a highschool Jock (which I don't mind. Cuz unlike y'all, I'm more interested in his acting and portrayal of the character).
Y'all did the same thing with Rachel Ziegler and snow white, who is in every way racially white and fair skinned, but y'all lost your shit because her mom is Colombian (news flash, Latinos can be white also. Ask Anya Taylor Joy). I think it goes beyond white supremacy though, y'all are also just misogynistic because when Keanu Reeves (half white) plays Jonathan Harker in Dracula, or Pedro Pascal (Latino) plays Joel and is in gladiator or Oscar Isaac (Latino) plays a welsh folk singer or a british noble or Mark-Paul Gosselar (Half-white) plays the iconically white all-american teen, Zack Morris for 5 years, it's suddenly not a problem.
Everytime y'all dogpile on a WOC actress like this, it's with this idea that they're getting an "unfair advantage". Hollywood is pushing it's "Woke agenda" and a hardworking white actress lost a role because a less-talented woc is "stealing" the spot. So you drag them in the name of "accuracy to the source material". But again, in 2024 71% of lead theatrical roles were played by white people and every other racial group made up 29%. Where is this hollywood woke agenda?
It's so funny, because it works the exact opposite because a WOC getting this kind of role is a once-in-a-blue-moon occurrence, and then she's tokenized by hollywood for a few years and then left to dry.
I always think about how Jennifer Lawrence and Lupita Nyongo both had similar buzz when they first broke into Hollywood, and alot of people would put them at similar talent levels in terms of acting (I personally thing Lupita washes Jlaw, tbh). Yet over the course of their career, look at the quality of roles hollywood has offered each. Look at who hollywood pushed in the limelight over and over again.
When Percy Jackson and HTTYD are over, both Walker and Mason are going to get the hollywood white boy of the month treatment. Hollywood is going to try to make them leading men and put them in EVERYTHING. Like they did with Timothee Chalamet, Tom Holland, Chris pratt, Leo DiCaprio, even going back to James Dean in the 50s. And it's not to say that these men aren't talented, but it is the reality of where the bias lies in hollywood. Nico Parker, despite being a literal Nepo Baby, will never get the pure number of opportunities Mason gets, simply because MOST lead roles are written with white people as the default (keeping in mind that she is LITERALLY more white than she is black) and most lead roles still go to men.
It's just so unfair that these are young hard-working actors who have done nothing to y'all but because of pure racism and misogyny (that's what it is, even if you personally feel like it's not), look at the difference in the experience Leah and Nico have versus Walker and Mason. The difference in peace of mind. Feeling loved and supported vs being told you don't belong and you're not good enough. It's so reflective of real life for WOC and white men in general.
Everyone says they believe in "equality" and "hiring based on merit" and "representation is important", but most of y'all are lying. How are we ever going to get to point of actual equal representation in hollywood, when this is how white people act while they are STILL the majority? And don't say it's because of "race-swapping" because Amandla Stenberg has gotten racial backlash TWICE. Once when she played a character that was written to be black, but got backlash from white audiences because they had imagined the character white (and once again, the character was supposed to be fully black AND darker-skinned, but you didn't see black people losing our mind that she was being played by a light-skinned, biracial actor); and second in the acolyte, where she played a COMPLETELY ORIGINAL CHARACTER and still got racial abuse (yes, I have heard the show isn't very good, but the backlash started before it came out so save the gaslighting).
And for the Walker and Mason fans who are going to ignore the entire thesis of this post and interpret it as a hate-post towards your faves... this is literally a blog dedicated to the pjo live-action. I love Walker as Percy. He's seems like a really sweet kid and I'm glad he's getting all the recognition he's getting. And I love how supportive he's been of Leah. Same with Mason, he was great in Black Phone and I have no doubt he'll kill it in HTTYD. But would y'all ever give that level support or benefit of the doubt to their costars?
Also, also... for all the weirdos who are going to catch on the Rachel Ziegler example and say "oh it wasn't her race, she shit-talked the character" blah blah blah. No she didn't. Y'all took a few interview clips out of context and joined in on a misogynistic hate campaign from the anti-woke brigade like y'all did with Brie Larson. There was already backlash to her casting before she had even done a single interview. Why don't y'all save the hate for the literal Zionist that is playing the evil queen (apt title tho 🤔) instead?
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knifedclown · 2 months
The fact a spin off of Stormfront and Soldier Boy is happening tells me everything I need to know about Eric Kripke creepy ass.
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joshualunacreations · 2 years
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U.S. audiences enjoy survival horror stories with Asians in Asia, like Squid Game and Battle Royale. But they don’t want to acknowledge that Asian Americans’ lived reality is a survival horror too.
I have mixed feelings about Squid Game's success. I enjoy the survival horror genre as both a writer and consumer, but seeing how non-Asian U.S. audiences reacted to it in the midst of violent anti-Asian hate crimes left me wondering about the reason for the show's U.S. appeal.
Violence against Asians—particularly when done en masse—is so normalized that I wonder if this type of media provides catharsis to racists. News of hate crimes might briefly force them to feel guilty, but when they see fictional violence against Asians, they can cheer for it. It's as if it evokes the imagery Americans are most familiar with: slaughtering Asians by the dozens or even thousands, a legacy of numerous U.S. wars in Asia. The victims are nameless and unimportant. They're just a statistic, a plot point. One more to add to the body count.
Also, the U.S. loves using Asians in Asia as media replacements for AsAms. It simultaneously reinforces Asians as perpetual foreigners, and prevents giving a microphone to the type of Asian American who would unflinchingly discuss anti-Asian racism and challenge the status quo.
Asian men especially are seen as disposable targets with no humanity and no purpose other than to be mocked and slaughtered on screen. Deadpool, Daredevil, Avengers, Bullet Train, Kill Bill, etc. feature scenes where a protagonist cuts down hordes of Asian men in seconds.
This has real-life consequences. Hate crimes against AAPI men have been purposely belittled, hidden, and ignored—even in media narratives that purport to draw attention to anti-Asian racism. It becomes a feedback loop that double-victimizes AAPI men. (see my data thread)
The hatred of Asian men is so normalized that in AsAm spaces the only acceptable Asian male victim to publicly mention is Vincent Chin, who was murdered 40 years ago. There have been many Vincent Chins since then. But victims get reduced to headlines like "killed over duck sauce.”
Instead, when anti-Asian hate crimes are discussed, it's limited to a narrow range of experience, privileging East Asian women over pretty much all other Asians. This erasure is harmful on many levels and has still not been corrected or even acknowledged. (see my data thread)
I think many AsAms feel like Asian Twitter recently died. But for me, it died several years ago, when Asians with media power decided that all of this harm and imbalance was not only normal, but good. Our community has been broken for a long time. They don't want to fix it.
So does this mean Squid Game, Battle Royale, etc. are bad stories? No. It means we need better real-life conversations and efforts to understand what anti-Asian racism is and how to fix it. Survival horror is a fun thought experiment—until you realize you're living in one.
(Please don’t repost or edit my art. Reblogs are always appreciated.)
If you enjoy my comics, please pledge to my Patreon or donate to my Paypal. https://twitter.com/Joshua_Luna/status/1134522555744866304 https://patreon.com/joshualuna https://www.paypal.com/paypalme2/JoshuaLunaComics
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spider-xan · 2 years
Some people really need to learn how to differentiate between text and headcanons when doing literary analyses, like, if I, a Chinese person, decided to headcanon Quincey as a Chinese-American cowboy, that's perfectly fine, but it would be unfair and inaccurate of me to accuse the text and Bram Stoker of being racist and Sinophobic for killing off the one Chinese character in the novel, you know?
Likewise, it's fine if I want to headcanon Mina as an asexual lesbian for personal reasons, but that can't really be the basis for me arguing that the epilogue is textually aphobic and lesbophobic for Mina to have had a baby with Jonathan and that's why the epilogue is bad and wrong.
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jadenvargen · 7 months
free online james baldwin stories, essays, videos, and other resources
James baldwin online archive with his articles and photo archives.
Giovanni's room"When David meets the sensual Giovanni in a bohemian bar, he is swept into a passionate love affair. But his girlfriend's return to Paris destroys everything. Unable to admit to the truth, David pretends the liaison never happened - while Giovanni's life descends into tragedy. This book introduces love's fascinating possibilities and extremities."
Go Tell It On The Mountain"(...)Baldwin's first major work, a semi-autobiographical novel that has established itself as an American classic. With lyrical precision, psychological directness, resonating symbolic power, and a rage that is at once unrelenting and compassionate, Baldwin chronicles a fourteen-year-old boy's discovery of the terms of his identity as the stepson of the minister of a storefront Pentecostal church in Harlem one Saturday in March of 1935. Baldwin's rendering of his protagonist's spiritual, sexual, and moral struggle of self-invention opened new possibilities in the American language and in the way Americans understand themselves."
+bonus: film adaptation on youtube. (if you’re a giancarlo esposito fan, you’ll be delighted to see him in an early preacher role)
Another Country and Going to Meet the Man Another country: "James Baldwin's masterly story of desire, hatred and violence opens with the unforgettable character of Rufus Scott, a scavenging Harlem jazz musician adrift in New York. Self-destructive, bad and brilliant, he draws us into a Bohemian underworld pulsing with heat, music and sex, where desperate and dangerous characters betray, love and test each other to the limit." Going to meet the Man: " collection of eight short stories by American writer James Baldwin. The book, dedicated "for Beauford Delaney", covers many topics related to anti-Black racism in American society, as well as African-American–Jewish relations, childhood, the creative process, criminal justice, drug addiction, family relationships, jazz, lynching, sexuality, and white supremacy."
Just Above My Head"Here, in a monumental saga of love and rage, Baldwin goes back to Harlem, to the church of his groundbreaking novel Go Tell It on the Mountain, to the homosexual passion of Giovanni's Room, and to the political fire that enflames his nonfiction work. Here, too, the story of gospel singer Arthur Hall and his family becomes both a journey into another country of the soul and senses--and a living contemporary history of black struggle in this land."
If Beale Street Could Talk"Told through the eyes of Tish, a nineteen-year-old girl, in love with Fonny, a young sculptor who is the father of her child, Baldwin's story mixes the sweet and the sad. Tish and Fonny have pledged to get married, but Fonny is falsely accused of a terrible crime and imprisoned. Their families set out to clear his name, and as they face an uncertain future, the young lovers experience a kaleidoscope of emotions-affection, despair, and hope. In a love story that evokes the blues, where passion and sadness are inevitably intertwined, Baldwin has created two characters so alive and profoundly realized that they are unforgettably ingrained in the American psyche."
also has a film adaptation by moonlight's barry jenkins
Tell Me How Long the Train's been gone At the height of his theatrical career, the actor Leo Proudhammer is nearly felled by a heart attack. As he hovers between life and death, Baldwin shows the choices that have made him enviably famous and terrifyingly vulnerable. For between Leo's childhood on the streets of Harlem and his arrival into the intoxicating world of the theater lies a wilderness of desire and loss, shame and rage. An adored older brother vanishes into prison. There are love affairs with a white woman and a younger black man, each of whom will make irresistible claims on Leo's loyalty. 
Baldwin essay collection. Including most famously: notes of a native son, nobody knows my name, the fire next time, no name in the street, the devil finds work- baldwin on film
Take this hammer, a tour of san Francisco.
Meeting the man
Debate with Malcolm x, 1963 ( on integration, the nation of islam, and other topics. )
Debate with William Buckley, 1965. ( historic debate in america. )
Heavily moderated debate with Malcolm x, Charles Eric Lincoln, and Samuel Schyle 1961. (Primarily Malcolm X's debate on behalf of the nation of islam, with Baldwin giving occassional inputs.)
apart from themes obvious in the book's descriptions, a general heads up for themes of incest and sexual assault throughout his works.
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In today's increasingly diverse world, addressing issues related to racism has become a pressing need. Anti-racism training has emerged as a powerful tool in combating prejudice, bias, and discrimination. In this article, we will delve into the significance of anti-racism training, its key components, and its impact on society.
Racism is a deeply rooted issue that continues to plague societies worldwide. However, the fight against racism has gained momentum in recent years, with anti-racism training at the forefront of this battle. This article explores the role of anti-racism training in dismantling prejudice and promoting a more inclusive and equitable society.
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thisismisogynoir · 3 months
ugly nigger pig face ugly nigger blo job whore ugly nigger pig just like yr ugly nigger whore welfare crack whore town whore toothless rotten nigger whore mother you ugly fcukin nigger whore crackbaby go back to the projects n let em ruin yr ass now
Go back to grade school and learn proper grammar, sweetheart.
You can stay mad cuz I'm Black and beautiful and you're an inbred mountain lion.
Peace and love on Planet Earth!
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kindallevolve · 1 year
How Leadership Coaches in Florida Are Shaping Tomorrow's Leaders
Leadership coaches in Florida are playing a pivotal role in sculpting the leaders of tomorrow. Through personalized guidance and transformative strategies, these coaches are equipping individuals with the skills and mindset needed to excel in an ever-evolving professional landscape.
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In the sunshine state, leadership coaches are not just mentors but architects of transformation. By guiding emerging leaders through a journey of self-discovery and skill enhancement, these coaches are shaping a generation of leaders poised to navigate challenges, inspire change, and drive innovation in Florida's evolving landscape.
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libaravindran · 1 year
Doing the Work
a new #poem critiquing EDI/DEI/JEDI focus within charities who ostensibly do work around creating justice in spaces but often lead to further harm
Racialised trauma, healing from the raw wounds, Of intra-oppression, shaming and sideways glances, Walking into an English village pub without being violated, For invalidation comes from turning our backs on white supremacy, Cultures precipitate wrongdoing to be slowly undone, By liberating our biases from cloaked states of mind; We stand far from prejudiced spaces not naming…
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sissa-arrows · 3 months
The homeless man who was killed by a cop in France that I mentioned in this post?
Well the updates are making it so much worst.
Like I said he was Algerian. He was 32. His name was Amar and he was killed by a cop cause he was sleeping in the backyard shed of the cop’s grandma. At first we were told he was illegally sleeping there, threatened the cop with a gun then the story changed to a knife then to a weapon and ended up getting shot.
Except the investigation is showing something entirely different. He was actually sleeping in the shed because he had a deal with the grandma… she was old so he helped her around when she had to hold groceries, fix small stuff… and she let him live in the unused shed in exchange. So he wasn’t squatting the shed at all. He had a glue gun in his hands that shit does NOT look like a gun or a knife or any type of weapon especially not if you are a trained cop. The piece of shit show him 7 fucking times. 1 in the head 2 in the back. The one in the head was at point blank range suggesting that the cop started shooting Amar tried to run, the cop shot him twice in the back and then executed him. The piece is shit also proudly took a pic of Amar after killing him before he called anyone.
The police refuse to consider that the motive was racist despite the fact that Amar’s family lawyer say that the words used by the cop to qualify Amar during his testimony clearly show his racism. (I guess he used one of the dozen of anti Arab slurs the French have)
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analytically · 2 years
type of guy who thinks 2020s corporate antiracism, Jim Crow, and Reconstruction are all similar movements
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bsof-maarav · 19 days
"[L]ate last month Rutgers required its RAs, whose job is to supervise students living in on-campus housing, to participate in a “bystander intervention” course aimed at training them to identify antisemitism, xenophobia, and Islamophobia. Several of the RAs, however, abruptly left the session after a Jewish speaker explained that Hamas’s antisemitism and desire to destroy the world’s only Jewish state precipitated the Oct. 7 massacre, which resulted in the largest loss of Jewish life in a single day since the Holocaust.
The paper added that the RAs took issue with the program’s citing a definition of antisemitism offered by the Anti-Defamation League (ADL). After walking out, they reportedly contacted Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP), which proceeded to author, on the RAs’ behalf, a series of Instagram posts denouncing the antisemitism trainings as racist and upholding white supremacy.
"The mandated training program organized by the Office of Residence Life requires RAs to learn about DEI, restorative justice, community engagement, and more — all of these are inspired by Indigenous practices meant to unpack systems of white supremacy,” SJP said. “On the contrary, this specific session worked to perpetuate Zionism, racism, and white supremacy.”
SJP’s post included comments from the RAs who involved them in the controversy. One of them, who claimed to be Jewish, said, “I am tired of the word antisemitism being used to talk over genocide, I am tired of antisemitism being inflated.” The RA added, “I fear that when the Nazis and radicals come once again for the Jews that no one will believe us … it will be your fault.”
Another who took issue with the Israeli nationality of one of the course’s presenters said, “One of the facilitators even identified as ‘Israeli’ and made mention of this multiple times. He justified his authority on the topic by citing his 12 plus years spent in ’48 Palestine, going so far as to call ‘Israel’ [sic] a ‘beautiful land.'”
A milieu of extreme anti-Zionism at the school has resulted in at least one death threat against the life of a Jewish student since Oct. 7. In November, a local news outlet reported, freshman Matthew Skorny, 19, called for the murder of a fraternity member he identified as an Israeli, saying on the popular social media forum YikYak, “To all the pro-Palestinian ralliers [sic] … Go kill him.”
Similar incidents at Rutgers have occured frequently. In the past few years, the school’s AEPi fraternity house has been vandalized three times. In one incident, in April 2022, on the last day of the Jewish holiday of Passover, a caravan of participants from a SJP rally drove there, shouting antisemitic slurs and spitting in the direction of fraternity members. Four days later, before Yom HaShoah, Holocaust Remembrance Day in Israel, the house was egged during a 24-hour reading of the names of Holocaust victims.
In March, the US House Committee on Education and the Workforce launched an investigation of Rutgers’ handling of antisemitism, responding to complaints that it has, for years, allowed an open season of hate against Jewish students."
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kyupidos · 3 months
updated 08/02/24: here is a part 2 to this analysis!
i think one of the most disturbing yet funny things about sebek antis is how they manage to twist a well written narration about internalized racism and the struggles of being a mixed person into something relating to “fascism”.
( btw there will be SLIGHTTT b7 spoilers in here but i personally think it’s whatever, no big difference to what we’ve known in the past nothing shocking. )
as his biggest fan AND as an ethnic person i feel as though you HAVE to be brain dead and/or white to not understand any of this. he doesn’t genuinely believe that humans are an inferior race, he has MULTIPLE instances praising human people ( riddle, epel ). and the evidence is in firstly, epel’s school uniform vignette where he praises his apple carving, saying it’s even nice enough to be used as a gift to malleus, and we KNOW how highly he regards him. and not once does he ever say anything like “for a human”, or insult him for “being human”, he appreciates his skill.
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then there’s riddle’s ceremonial robes vignette, and while he does look down on him, it’s not really even about being human saying, “i would better be served by weight training than riding with a bunch of amateurs” ( in reference that here we see him initially join the equestrian club ). but once riddle proves his skill, sebek is more than willing to respect him highly.
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( a small thing from the harveston event that i’ve been told of from a friend as well, he also holds high respect and love for marja. initially he wasn’t fond of her, but she gave him a squirrel plushie for the plush sled race. because of this he’s basically like, “she’s the only reason i got this far!!” and praises her. i haven’t played the event and this is what my friend says, but i figured to at least include this. )
the most insane part is you don’t even have to scour through every single moment he shows up on screen to know this, it even shows in his WIKI that one of his dislikes/pet peeves is “whining.” to be clear, while admittedly he does make patronizing remarks in regards to humans, it’s never enough to say he has a genuine hatred, and in fact he proves the opposite many times, in both epel and riddle’s case. and, in regards to the personality section, again referencing epel and riddle ( there may be other examples, they just happen to be the ones i found specifically ), he isn’t afraid to acknowledge and respect people for their talent or skills, even if they are human.
and if you’re wondering what i mean by it being ethnically related, fae are canonically ( say it with me now canonically, ) considered to be a minority race. being half human half fae is what makes him mixed, equally canonically so. as far as i’m concerned basically everyone in the fandom knows this but the complexity around this part of his character is just SO undermined that people are willing to call him “openly racist” ( to others, not his internalized racism ) and a FASCIST. are you serious?
we know already that sebek learned a lot of what he thinks now from his grandfather, ( sebek zigvolt wiki, trivia ) considering malleus and lilia commenting that his temper is a trait he gets from him ( scary monsters event story for malleus ), which of course is likely what garners his dislike towards his human aspect and his father for being human, even considering his father outputting, trailing off when noting he is human, while being prideful in his mother who is a fae ( birthday boy vignette ).
and what do we learn about his grandfather? he was in a war against humans, which makes it obvious enough how he would learn this internalized racism and why he would put down that part of his human identity. remember that fae age differently, this war wasn’t even that long ago for them. i think it’s a shame people seem to put so much love into diasomnia but not even recognize its lore that’s rooted so deep yet at the same time is right in front of our face.
but that’s all from me folks. willing to dive deeper into my sebek love and analysis if anyone wants it!
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