#anything i can do to help those kids which he seemed to appreciate. but really i sat around FAR too long
timeisacephalopod · 9 months
Ended up calling CAS (Canadian CPS Americans) and I did not expect to have complicated feelings on such a thing because it's not as if the call wasn't needed years ago if I'm honest, but I typically do not like involving myself in such things especially when so many people make frivolous calls to cops and agencies like this. Seriously, child abuse is the crime that receives the most false accusations and of course I'm not talking out my ass, but I also don't want to disrupt a bunch of kids lives over their mothers bullshit.
On the flip side me messing around with their lives at this point is probably the best option for them and that's not something I say lightly, I told the guy twice I was making that call with a heavy heart but what little I know is deeply disturbing to me. And specified that I believe my oldest niece is the primary victim in part because she's a vocal kid, good for her. But that's done, I can at least know I tried for those kids and did what I could to make myself sound credible and give what info I know even if I made it clear that I don't know probably anything really. But I'm tired of waiting for change from someone who isn't capable of it. Those kids need better, it's not like I didn't wait 13 years for her to do better by those kids. It's not like I said anything untrue to anyone involved either, so complicated feelings or not know I didn't just run around making nasty frivolous phone calls. I'm genuinely concerned my oldest niece will end up dead and that the only thing done about it on shitheads end will be protecting my nieces murderer and if I did nothing about that I'd never be able to live with it.
#winters ramblings#i feel bad for calling i DO even if as far as im concerned that piece of shit deserves to be vivisected for what shes done#its the KIDS i feel for. i just dont want their lives fucked up because of ME but like. their lives are fucked already#thats why i called like i said id call a month ago but decided that was too extreme and WAY too soon#but the way things are going im afraid shell speedrun her usual abusive relationships and my NIECE will get killed#maybe that scum fuck wont care if her kid isurdered since she doesmt care if that same kid is BEATEN#but ID sure shit care and i wouldnt be able toive with myself if something happened and i DIDNT SAY SHIT before it could be prevented#i simply could not do that to CHILDREN. the guy said they may call me back for more info and i was like yeah thats fine#anything i can do to help those kids which he seemed to appreciate. but really i sat around FAR too long#complicated feelings or not i didnt make that call to be frivolous OR as any kind of revenge for her bullshit#i did it because if shes willing to go THAT FAR with me over nothing im afraid she'll let that SCUM actually KILL my niece and do nothing#or WORSE out and out PROTECT him from any consequences for KILLING her. and god help me if that happened#and i did NOTHING id need therapy for the guilt i could NOT live with that. so i made a call i never wanted to make#beyond being pissed off in a moment but i sat on it for a couple days and when i woke up today#i knew what i had to do and whether i like it or not. i did NOT make that call lightly#the fact that i called anyone when i LOATHE phone calls is already a massive hurdle on my end jumped#but like really am i going to sit around wondering if my niece will be DEAD soon without trying to DO something?#no. i just couldnt live with that and if nothing happens well. i did what i could#whatever DOES happen i hope those kids are ok and i hope theyll either be close enough to visit#or that my mom would be nice enough to drive my ass to visit with them somewhat often since if they get placed in other homes#or just one other home then id like to at least try to provide some type of familial stability by maintaining contact#i know the kids use kids messenger too so if anything happens ill try to get that info so o can contact them#and they can reach out if they want to. especially my oldest niece im so worried for her that kid WILL press all the buttons she can#which is good for her on one hand but has me worried she'll get HURT on the other and i dont want THAT of course#regardless hopefully whatever might come of this those kids get the environment they deserve and thrive
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K follow me Astarion just sees tav like loving on children wherever they go and hes like?????
And tavs like ive always wanted my own child but i didn't wabt to ask you with every
This sends poor starion into a crisis does he was children how many
I think I have followed you. Let's see!
So for this one we got a lil time jump, ambiguous and vague setting and timelines with game spoilers present. M/F pairing because that is my go to and pregnancy is mentioned. Vampiric pregnancy also so there is some weirdness there (i made it up no idea if it's dnd accurate). Vague Tav backstory of a wonderful mother and going off to become a cleric.
Astarion was well used to your antics by this point. You had a severe lack of instincts linked to self-preservation, which led to a consistent pattern of doing, frankly, stupid shit. Stupid, but kind. Nothing that Astarion hadn't adapted to, after nearly two years of being attached at the hip you became pretty attuned to your lover's personality.
He could even go as far as to say that he had grown to love your annoying predilection for pious morality. Perhaps he loved talking you out of certain virtuous dangers more, but still. He appreciated who you were, he adored who you were. But Astarion was no saint, despite his insistence on attaching himself to one.
Which is exactly why he was far from amused when you signed him up to babysit a couple of brats. All for acquittances he barely cared about.
But you at least had the good grace to look guilty, "I didn't mean to! But she looked so tired and she said their anniversary was coming up and it's not like we got anything for their wedding-"
That was a nice try, one that Astarion wasn't falling for, "We didn't know of their existence when they got married darling. Just because I can't remember their names doesn't mean you can trick me."
"I'm not trying to trick you!" You whined, arms crossed as you pouted. It sure felt like a trick, especially when Astarion knew that you were well-aware how easily he fell for your sulking. Adorable little monster that you were, "It's only three kids and a baby for one night, it won't be that bad! You don't even have to help-"
Astarion rolled his eyes as he sat next to you on the bed, "I didn't say I wouldn't help."
That seemed to do the trick to get the pout off of your face. You perked up immediately, looking at him like you couldn't quite believe it, "Really?"
"Yes, really," Astarion sighed as you tugged you closer. Sure he liked to bitch, but he really would do anything for you. Even extremely annoying things like this, "I'm not going to sit back and feed you to the wolves."
"They're not wolves! The oldest is barely five," You laughed as you let him manhandle you, settling you into his lap, "And I am sorry, I really wasn't thinking. I promise it won't happen again."
Astarion doubted that, not when he was well-versed of your weak spot for children. No matter where you went you couldn't help but fawn over them, not to mention the insane lengths you would go to keep any child safe. It was a complete and utter blind spot, your kindness extending to them all, even the little scam artists and hellions.
It was sweet, if not extremely worrying at first. Astarion had been terrified of you finding out his past. The things that he had been forced to do, the innocents whose lives he had destroyed. But not only did you find out, you were forced to see it. Both of you were, and it had been worse than anything Astarion could have imagined. He had always found a slight comfort knowing that those he captured would at least die quickly, that at the very least they wouldn't suffer the same agonizing fate as he, just an agonizing death. But no, even that small comfort had been a lie. The horror of finding them all down there has yet to be matched. He had never felt more self-loathing, more pure disgust than the moment he had found those children, tortured and pale, all because of him.
How you didn't see him for the wretched thing he was after all that, Astarion wasn't sure. But he was grateful. You were too good for him. A fact that he was devastatingly aware of, but that wasn't going to stop him from keeping you.
He still thinks about it on occasion, despite the fact that he had done all he could to right his wrongs. They all at least had a chance now to have a life worth living, Astarion could only hope that it would be used. Their future was out of his hands now, a small comfort.
But despite his complicated feelings towards children, he was more than capable of handling them for one evening. And in all honesty, he truly didn't have to do much. He was on self-mandated baby duty, because of course you had to help out the infant that would scream bloody murder unless it was being held. Keeping her tucked against him was a move of self-preservation, if he ever wanted to retain his hearing.
Most of the night was spent amused as he watched you entertain a gaggle of toddlers. You were so... creative with the ways you could defuse their antics. It came to you so naturally, nearly like you were a born mother yourself. It wasn't exactly surprising that you were fantastic with children, he had seen it time and time again. Arabella, Mol, Yenna, all of which still wrote you letters, visited occasionally. Staying forever attached, even from a distance.
Now that Astarion thought about it, it was odd that you weren't a mother. Odder still that you hadn't never even brought up the possibility of having children together. You were usually so open with your wants and always encouraging the same from him. Just one more thing he loved about you. But... why hadn't it been mentioned? Astarion had always assumed it was because you didn't truly want any of your own, that you enjoyed their fun innocence while avoiding the more laborious responsibility of raising them.
Though watching you take care of them all, changing diapers and negotiating silly arguments with a soft smile of your face had him rethinking his assumption.
"You're good with them," Astarion said eventually after you had successfully set the older three down for the night, the baby still stubbornly clinging to him, "I don't think there's a child we've met that doesn't adore you."
You laughed quietly, walking over to kiss him softly on the cheek. Your eyes wandered to the sleeping infant in his arms, still holding a piece of his shirt in it's little fist, "You don't seem to be too bad with them either."
"Newborns don't know any better," Astarion dismissed as he tried to put her down in their borrowed crib. Tried and failed, considering how the thing immediately started to whine the second he attempted to pry it's little hand away.
Oh for fuck's sake. Astarion wasn't even going to try and argue. Instead he unbuttoned his shirt and let it fall into the crib with her, seemingly doing the trick of stopping her from waking completely.
When he turned back you were staring at him with soft eyes, looking lovestruck at the simple act of him laying a child down, "Looks like she has pretty good taste to me."
"I don't think your judgment should be trusted," Astarion huffed as he walked over to you, grabbing your hand to drag you to the bedroom. He glanced back at you, his heart nearly skipping a beat from the sweet way you kept looking at him. It had his mind wandering again, those questions still nagging him.
Questions that he didn't have the courage to ask until dead of night, when he had you half asleep against his bare chest, "Have you ever thought of having children?"
He hadn't meant to blurt that out in the middle of the night, but Astarion apparently had a knack for starting important conversations at inconvenient times. Not that you minded.
You just cuddled into him closer, nodding against him with a sigh, "I've always wanted my own children. My own mother, Gods bless her soul, made it all sound so magical. Pregnancy, the early years, puberty, all of it. She loved it all. And I guess it rubbed off on me. It used to be all I could think about, before real life got in the way."
Astarion listened, a little annoyed at himself for not putting the pieces together sooner. You had talked so lovingly about your late parents, how you always wanted to be like your mother. Of course you would want children. How had he not connected the dots?
"But then I went off to the temple," You continued, "I completed my training, went off into the world to do good, blah, blah, blah. You know the story."
"So you grew out of the idea?" Astarion asked.
"Not exactly," You admitted, sounding a little guilty, "But I would never ask that of you love, it's not something you have to worry about."
Astarion stared down at you, brow furrowed, "What do you mean?"
"I mean I know that the topic of children is... difficult for you. Considering everything you've been through-"
"I think you mean to say everything I've inflicted on others," Astarion interrupted, unwilling to allow himself grace. Especially when it came to the children of the Gur, "It was much worse for them than me."
You nodded, knowing better than to try and fight him on that particular topic, "I understand, but my point is that I can live without them. You're all I need."
It was comforting to hear, an immediate balm to a brand new set of insecurities that Astarion hadn't been prepared for. But even so... he hated the idea of you sacrificing even more for him. It felt wrong, "But-"
"But nothing," You interrupted softly, setting a quick kiss to his mouth, I'm serious Astarion, you don't need to worry. I'm happy, I love you, and everything is fine."
"I love you too," Astarion murmured, at a loss to say anything else. But the conversation didn't end there.
Astarion couldn't stop thinking about it, even long after the temporary children were sent back home. ou seemed so... sure that he didn't want children, and a week ago he probably would have agreed. But that was back before he knew that he was actively keeping you away from something you wanted. Something you had dreamed about since you were a child. And it felt wrong to be the reason for that, so, so wrong.
He didn't even know if his true feelings on the matter were real. He didn't want children for many of the same reasons he never wanted a partner. The attachment to another was dangerous, he was beyond unequipped to deal with others, let alone care for them, and the entire ideology behind love was ripe for manipulation and heart break. But then he met you and everything changed. Suddenly, caring for another didn't feel like a weakness, it felt like the strongest aspect of his entire self. Taking care of you wasn't an unwanted duty, it was intimacy. Something that he now craved. If all of those steadfast ideals could fall apart simply through meeting you, whose to say he could even trust himself when it came the thoughts around having a child?
Would having one truly be so bad? A little piece of the two of you, alive in the world? And perhaps children were annoying but... Astarion would be lying if he said he didn't have a soft spot for them. He had kept his distance before, but now he was fully confident that he wasn't a danger, no with Cazador burned to nothing bus ash and his own bloodlust well controlled. And it's not as if he was incapable of being a father, worse men than him did it everyday.
It was a confusing place to be, this tightwire of indecisiveness. Confusing enough for him to start a bit of research. He was vaguely aware that it was possible for his kind to breed, but finding out the details was disheartening, to say the least. First he had to parse out the different horror stories of babes eating their way out of their mother's wombs with actual facts, which wasn't exactly pleasant. But the truth was that it was more than possible for the two of you to have child together. It had the potential to either be as noneventful as any pregnancy, with the cavate that the babe coming out looking slightly... dead wouldn't be a permanent state of being. Or it could be as risky as carrying a child could be, with pains and complications galore, even legitimate worries of internal bleeding from the wretched thing prematurely growing claws. Not to mention the occasional, intense blood lust that could occur, an experience that Astarion would prefer you didn't have to go to.
Looking into the reality of the choice didn't help as much as he had assumed it would. If anything it just made the whole situation more real. Even if he wasn't a vampiric spawn, childbirth was risky. Maybe not as risky for you considering how Astarion would move the heavens and hells to get you the best care possible, but still. The thought of you passing, leaving him alone with the child you wanted and would never see, would destroy him. Completely and utterly.
But then again... there was the magical alternative of everything working out just fine. The two of you were both beyond lucky in that regard, considering how you'd overcome mind flayer parasites and fought and won against a near god. It was more than possible that everything would be fine, that you would have a beautiful pregnancy that would end in an even more amazing child. Then two would become three, a family of his very own.
That... didn't sound too bad. Astarion was torn. On one hand, he was almost certain that he was willing to go through with it. Not just because he loved you and wanted you to be happy, though it was the main reason. But also because... he could be a part in making something good. A child that would never suffer the way he did, the way countless others had. One who would be loved, who would have the help they needed for their inevitable unholy hungers. Someone precious for the two of you to fret over, to adore and care for. He... wanted that. Or at least he would if you still did. Now if he could just figure out how to bring it up, maybe something could actually happen.
But luckily enough for him, you did the job for him. He had been pouring over another book dedicated to recording the births of Dhampirs in the area, only to be distracted by you loudly sighing behind him.
"What's wrong love?" Astarion asked, his eyes still scanning the page in front of him.
"Oh I don't know," You sighed, rounding the corner to sit on the edge of his desk, "I just can't help but wonder when you're going to explain why you've suddenly become obsessed with parenting books. And..."
You trailed off, ignoring his surprised expression to read the cover of what was in front of him, "'Vampiric and Mortal Love & The Spawn They Create'. It's not exactly your usual reading material."
Part of Astarion wanted to be surprised that you had already figured him out. He had at least been trying to hide things from you slightly, not that it mattered when you could read him like a book. And he supposed that blatantly reading things like this in front of you would eventually have an effect, even if he tried to obscure the titles.
But that didn't stop him from stuttering through a response, "Well-I, okay. I've just been thinking about options lately. Which you can't really do if you don't understand what they are. Hence the books."
You frowned at him, one leg crossed over the other, "Star, I already told you that you don't need to worry-"
"But I want to worry," Astarion interrupted, deciding that ripping the band-aid off would be the best course of action, "And if there is something I can be doing to make you happier than I should at least consider it."
"I'm not going to force you into this for that," You said softly, reaching out to twine his fingers against yours, "This isn't the kind of thing you do just for someone else."
Astarion was aware of that, there was an important truth to your words. But... "What if it wasn't just for you?"
You paused, your brow furrowed as you stared at him, "What do you mean?"
"I mean what if, and consider this purely hypothetical, what if I wanted one as well. What then?" It was as far from hypothetical as Astarion could get, but by the look on your face it didn't seemed like that needed to be clarified.
You swallowed, looking just shy of hopeful as you played with his hand, "I... well. I guess in that case we would have a lot to talk about."
That wasn't quite the answer he was looking for. He pressed on, "So if in theory, I did want one. Would... you still be interested in having one?"
With me?
He left that part unsaid as he waited for an answer, uncharacteristically nervous as you mulled it over. But you were smiling, bright and wide, giving his hand a little squeeze as you spoke, "I think that would be the only scenario where I would want it. If that's something you wanted."
"I think it is," Astarion answered honestly, done with being coy, "I don't know how, I... I'm not quite sure how I feel about you carrying something that could be dangerous. But... in general yes. I think I want this. I do want this. With you and only you. Whenever your ready."
The next part Astarion did see coming, his arms already open by the time you launched yourself at him. You straddled his lap, kissing every part of his face as you babbled, "We can wait! It doesn't need to be now but-I just-yes! Adoption, childbirth, I don't care. All I need is to have them with you. That's all I want."
"And that I can give," Astarion laughed, delighted at your reaction. He still had concerns, plenty of them in fact, but they were hard to consider when the woman he adored was so ecstatic.
He gripped your chin, chuckling at the whine you let out for him interrupting your onslaught of affection. You didn't have to wait long, not when he directed your mouth against his, kissing you deeply as a new wave of exciting, and slightly nauseating feelings worked through him.
He didn't know exactly what was going to happen in the future. He had no idea if he would be a good father, but he knew that he would try his damndest. He didn't know how the two of you would even procure a child, but he did no one thing.
With you by his side, it would work out. All of it, no matter how hard the road turned out to be. And that was all that mattered.
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Hi hi! Fic prompt if you fancy it;
"I know you're used to doing this stuff alone but would it kill you to let someone actually help for once?"
With a bit of whump on the side?
Have a great day :)
Nonny, you definitely fueled my creativity with this, and I'm very grateful, thank you! So, it's not much, but as this was unexpectedly not the only prompt I received today, I thought I'm gonna make a short collection of all prompts resp. fics I'm doing for those prompts. That being said, I will probably use every prompt I've been gifted today, just not very quickly, and I appreciate your patience. So, for the first prompt, have this:
Love Can Only Heal
— Don't be afraid to feel Cause love can only heal —
"You know, I'm disappointed, Evan."
Buck doesn't fancy being a disappointment – yes, he's used to it, just not to hearing it from Tommy. Tommy, standing at the threshold to Buck’s loft, this look in his beautiful eyes. However, it looks more like concern; like honest, downright intimate care.
"D… disappointed?"
Buck is genuinely confused, but he’s also quite distracted. Tommy leans in the doorframe like a high school bully, he undoubtedly has the physical qualities of someone who won’t stop at hurting you with words. Then again, this is Tommy, and besides the somewhat worried gaze, his eyes are nothing but soft. That’s an extremely confusing charisma.
"Are you going to let me in or…?"
Tommy's fleeting gesture includes the hallway and the doors of Buck's neighbors, and for a second, another very contradictory feeling arouses. Buck doesn't want to disturb his neighbors, but he also wants the whole world to see Tommy. Tommy, who has kissed him and whom he has kissed (oh, and way more than that) and with whom he can imagine a host of new things, the most innocuous of which is to make up for the canceled dance at Maddie's crashed wedding reception.
Buck limps to the side and Tommy enters, and as always, his sheer presence seems to fill the loft. It's as if that wide open space shrinks to a minimum until there are only Tommy's eyes, still resting on Buck, but – thank goodness – anything but disapproving.
"If I had a penny for every time you broke your foot, Evan…"
"... you'd have two, which isn't much, but funny that it happened twice," Buck replies automatically, and now they're both grinning, and that's when he knows everything’s going to be okay. He just knows.
"It's not my fault, by the way," Buck adds, limping over to the couch and patting it cheekily for Tommy to sit down, "no one could have guessed that just as I was digging that puppy out of the rubble, there'd be a piece of ceiling coming down."
"Of course you'd rescue a puppy in a burning house that's almost collapsing," Tommy replies softly, and then he does that thing again.
He puts two fingers under Buck's chin, lifts it; Buck's heart beats hard in anticipation of a kiss, but no. Tommy's eyes strangely resemble Buck of the puppy he pulled out of a pile of debris, but there’s also something else in them... it's not really disappointment, it's more like... hurt.
"But I don't quite understand why I have to hear this from Maddie, Evan."
The way Tommy says Evan... if Buck didn't actually feel a little guilty – because now he knows what's going on, now he realizes – he'd probably pounce on the pilot for good. They’d make out on the couch, because that’s basically where Evan sleeps since the accident, and then… Tommy wait’s for an answer, that’s clear. If only Buck’s mind wasn’t so empty.
"I... uh…" Buck isn't particularly good at apologizing. He spent his whole life apologizing for existing, and it never helped.
"From Maddie," Tommy continues, "and not from my boyfriend."
Buck's face becomes as hot as that of a kid caught in the act.
"I just didn't want to..."
Everything Buck might say collapses in his mind like a ridiculous house of cards; the thoughts seem stupid to him. Perhaps that is simply his fate. Maybe he will never get away from being an eternal disappointment to everyone in his life.
"Evan," Tommy says, and there's something in his voice that makes Buck look up, "do you trust me?"
Buck's heart skips an extra beat. Does Tommy know he's repeating the exact words he said to Buck on their first night together? It opened up a whole new world for him. And only now does he really understand how far this goes. Being genuinely wanted. Loved, even, in a completely different way than he is used to.
"Yes," he simply replies, grasping Tommy's hands and holding them tightly, because this is something to hold on to.
"I know you're used to doing this stuff alone but would it kill you to let someone actually help for once?" asks Tommy, and it's still unbelievable that Tommywants to be that someone.
There’s an answer on the tip of Buck’s tongue, and he quickly swallows it. Because yes, sometimes even Evan Buckley can control himself. He could have said that he only broke his foot, that he can still walk (well, limp), that he doesn't need any help. He could refer to their often so different shifts making it hard to see each other more often, and there's Maddie and the rest of the crew to help out, but… That’s not what Tommy meant, and he knows it. 
"I'm a lousy boyfriend, huh," Buck says with his crooked grin that defuses many situations, but Tommy immediately shakes his head.
"Evan Buckley, you're everything I want, get that in your thick skull," he says sternly, yet there's that glint in his eye, "and I don't want you to change, all right? I just want to, ugh..."
Tommy is adorable in his embarrassment, gesturing broadly, searching for words.
"I know," Buck says, and now there's probably something in his tone that makes Tommy sit up and take notice. Because he really knows what Tommy wants, and that's something that none of his previous partners ever actually wanted, not even Abby, at least not like this.
He wants to be a part of Buck's life, a real part, not a decoration, not a fleeting affair. Not an exciting party topic, or just the guy you call when you need a place to sleep. Tommy gives his all, he puts all his heart into this. So far, Buck had the most profound conversations with Tommy and, as strange as it sounds, the most profound sex. Above all, though, emotions deeper than anything he’s felt before. Truer than everything he’s felt before. Yes, Tommy gives his all, and that’s why Buck has to do the same.
His phone is lying on the floor in front of the sofa; in this life, Buck will never be tidy, but right now it is lying there very suitably. He takes it, and as he taps on it, he almost hears Tommy's frown.
"What are you doing, Evan?"
"Here," he replies and holds the mobile in Tommy's face. "From now on, you're the first, all right?"
Tommy once told him that he was a pretender for so many years. He’s had years of practice in turning his face into a mask, showing whatever those around him expected him to be, to feel. He doesn't do that anymore, and he knows that he doesn't need it with Buck, something that delights him greatly. And so it is not surprising that Tommy's facial expression quickly changes from irritation to something very, very soft. Well, a bit like a puppy after all.
"Are you sure?" he asks, his eyes seeking the same confirmation as his words.
His name is at the top of Buck's contact list, under emergency contact. Maybe that's only flattering for someone like Buck and Tommy, only understandable for people like them who risk their lives for others and so often fall by the wayside themselves. Tommy understands. He exhales a bated breath, and it sounds like a sweet sigh of relief.
"Very, very sure," Buck replies, and he doesn’t mean just this silly gesture, of course.
He means it all. He’s in it, he’ll give his all. And Tommy?
Tommy knows, and he smiles.
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kankuroplease · 3 months
could you do an Hc of Sena please, he's the only one left 😆 I would like to understand why he would have preferred to be the only child and why he dares to hit little Mika 😫 I don't forgive him even if he is rather beautiful 😑... in short, by the way I really like your art I live for it 😍lol, and the little aburame are adorable I think their glasses are stylish 🤩
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He is the chaotic neutral sibling that has a LOT of red flags 🚩
A fussy baby but nothing new to his parents, they’d just wrap him a little tighter and soothe him with back pats until he relaxed/calmed down.
He never really got along with his siblings (the triplets) as their personalities clashed and he often wasn’t allowed to get his point across before their parents intervened
Unlike Leonie’s aloof demeanor towards the comments about their shared skin condition, Sena found it extremely annoying to have it mentioned
So he fought those kids
Unlike Mika, who was the “perfect” son, he seemingly couldn’t do anything right/kept making mistakes
“You should follow Mika’s lead” was a common phrase he heard and that was extremely annoying
And Mika trying to extend him his help just angered him more, so he would fight with him because there’s no way Mika couldn’t see that he was treated like the “golden” child while he (Sena) was the “problematic” child
Having so many siblings felt suffocating; Asahi always had his friend around, Kuri was like a second mother, Frederick was overzealous, Leonie was always clinging to Mika, and Mika could do no wrong. So by the time Elke was born, he was over it.
He just wanted to leave
And he took every opportunity to push his luck and travel further and further away from home as child
First it was leaving the house as a young child without asking
Then it was going to the end of the village
Then it was crossing the river
Then it was camping out overnight by himself in the forest
That one actually got him in trouble and lectured by his father and made his mother question why he was behaving like that
They’re his family, he can talk to them and tell them anything
Sena simply said he was unhappy being one of many and wanted to leave
After the shock wore off and his mother told his father to go somewhere (because he was trying to argue with a child), his mom said that she really wanted him to be happy and she can understand his want for independence
However, she needed him to stay. He has his whole adult life to wander wherever he wants. He even has family he can meet back in their homeland, but he shouldn’t run from things just because they’re a little hard
So with a pinky promise to not hold him back once he was old enough AND to let him stay at grandma’s 3 days of the week
With that, Sena got some alone time which allowed him to breathe and grow an appreciation for his time with his siblings
Because Ebba had him working HARD jobs for trying to sass her
He trained under his grandmother’s guidance and has a natural with ninkens around town, often times getting them to obey his orders
It wasn’t until he was a pre-teen that he accepted his own ninken companion which was given to him by a wolf
Like “where’d you get the pup?” “A she-wolf” “oh.. wait, whaaaat?”
His popularity grew as he got older, with his previous aggression morphing into him becoming aggressively confident and more sociable
His white forelock proved to be a great ice breaker with the ladies and if that failed, their was Mika’s adorably oblivious self that made a great wingman
He learned he had a sliver tongue that could talk his way out of most situations and if he couldn’t, a little space seemed to cool people off
True Communication was never important to him as he never felt a need to go that deep or express every thought he had
Sometimes he just craved solitude to clear his head. Sometimes the weight of everything was too much and he’d shut down if he didn’t get that space from the situation
He was the teen that was always coming home late and sometimes not at all, that would joke his way out of trouble with his parents
A little bit of a playboy. He had multiple girlfriends and they all would argue over him/with him because he gave them the same sweet words
He fully accepted he was a jerk in most cases. Tell him something he doesn’t know he just didn’t care to people please
As much fun as he was having, he was also bored of the same old routine and told his parents it was time for him to go
Which of course they tried to protest, but he reminded them that while young, by societies standards he was a man and they had said he could venture out when he was old enough
Besides he had Shin (his ninken) to keep him safe on top of being the only kid they had to complete Ebba’s shinobi training
He wouldn’t die and if he did, just know he died doing something he’s longed to do.. plus they had 7 other kids to wipe their tears
He didn’t have a send off but he left everyone a letter stating he was going to the land of fire to see what all the fuss was about
And he did end up there eventually, after a few adventures of wandering around
He even ran into Arashi and his husband on a pirate ship. Little bro grew facial hair and saved his ass 😅
Once in the land of fire, he was pleasantly surprised by how different it was
He knew where to find the Uchiha’s and his uncles thanks to his mother, but he didn’t really make himself known to them
He was more interested in checking out the Inuzuka clan/visiting his aunt Meiko
It was there that he caught the most alluring scent he’d ever smelled and it was coming from the most wild woman he’d ever seen (Tsume)
Freshly home from a mission hosing off her ninken while talking excitedly about the upcoming festival with her comrades
She commanded the area and her eyes pierced right through him when they met his. Looking him up and down with a curious stare
And just as he was about to say something, she blast him with the hose
Giving him a wolfish smile and coy shrug before she and her comrades burst out laughing at his stunned face
It took him a moment to snap out of his daze, but he chuckled and simply said “thanks, I needed that” before carrying on with his day
His nice jacket drenched, shoes squeaking every so often, and once fluffy hair weighed down with water stuck to his forehead all made him smile
She’s feisty. He likes that.
He tried to pry information out of his aunt about the the wild haired brunette, about this heigh, modest bust, tight ass, boisterous, and really fuckin’ hot girl he had the pleasure of getting sprayed by
But she smacked the back of his head for saying those things and told him to keep it in his pants up least that girl rip it off him if he tried anything (rightfully so. The horny bastard)
he was causing quite the scene with the Inuzuka women because he really knew how to entertain (thanks Kuri, Frederick, and Mika)
The Inuzuka men appreciated his crude humor and tales of the lands he’s seen
But none of that brought him any closer to the one girl he wanted to get to know
However he was confident that he could at least get to talk to her at the festival, so he made sure to pay a visit to the one man he heard of that he knew for a FACT would have access to some impressive Yukatas
(Uncle) Tenko
And he was right! (Or his mother was right about her brother being a flashy man). Even in his older years, his extravagant lifestyle was evident
Tenko asked him about what took so long for him to show himself (his mother only sent him a letter every two months asking if he’d visited Konoha yet) and Sena didn’t really have a good reason other than not wanting to have live up to a name he doesn’t even possess (the Uchiha name)
No hard feelings though, If his nephew needed his help impressing some young thing. He would help him
A nice black Yukata with all the trimmings was all his. Oh and that girl he’s raving about? Sounds like, Tsume.
He could be wrong, but go ahead and tell her half of those descriptive words he used to her face
If he gets a swift knee in the balls, that’s definitely her
With that information and his outfit he went in the festival on a mission: don’t piss her off
When he found her at the festival, she was just as radiant as ever, standing like she boss she was
He could barely think over the music and his own heartbeat, but he did manage to properly introduce himself
She was clearly a bit tipsy as she hummed aloud and asked her Ninken should she introduce herself to this bastard before sticking her hand out and saying her name
“It’s Tsume~”
Her handshake was firm and she pulled him closer to whisper she knows he’s been asking about her before playfully walking her fingers up his chest before pushing him back
She told him to accompany her and he jumped at the chance
She bought a dog collar from a stall and half jokingly told him it’s his as he’s her guard dog for the night (he put it on and barked, shocking her for a moment before they both laughed)
The evening was full of laughs, odd questions to get to know each other, lots of play fighting, and falling over every other thing as they drank more and more. It was perfect to him
He wanted to get to know her better and wanted her to get to know him
He was ready to stay somewhere for once without wondering what else was out there
And when Tsume and him grew closer, he started thinking about how this is what they call love
She pushed him and he loved that
She was perfectly rough around the edges
She liked hearing about his travels before coming to Konoha
They found it fun to compare traditions of the Inuzuka there versus his home town
When he found out that they would be parents, he was excited
When he held Hana, he felt so much joy
He looked like her mother but she had his eyes. His perfect little one
He could hold her all day
Then the peace was shattered and suddenly he understood why his parents wanted out of the land of fire
He tried talking to Tsume about packing up and coming back to his country
She didn’t want to leave her people and insisted he should fight for them and his daughter too
It was around this time he pulled his first disappearing act to clear his head
He really was just off in some inn thinking of what the right thing to say or do was. Maybe even cry a little
It wasn’t for long, but long enough that Tsume and him got into a big argument
His irresponsibility was surfacing and creating a wedge between them
The fought, made up, things would get difficult and he’d need to “clear his head” again and the cycle would repeat
with each time becoming a little longer than the last
He didn’t want to make her mad, but he lost the ability to make her as happy as he once had
Eventually, they learned that they were expecting another child and while he was excited. Tsume was not.
She knew his pattern by then and they were in a rough patch; meaning he was likely to pull a disappearing stunt AGAIN the moment another argument broke out
But she gave him a warning; if he disappeared on his family again, he might as well do it for good. She couldn’t keep doing this and the kids deserved reliability.
In a much happier au, he’d get his mess together and communicate properly with everyone. Staying for his family and mend his relationship the Tsume because he truly loves her. Watching Hana and Kiba grow up first hand
Following the regular timeline, Tsume and him would get in a big argument when she finds out that 1. He hasn’t even told his family about their children 2. He’s withheld crucial information about who he is/who he’s related to
Which leads to him storming off in the night and her shouting at him that this was no longer his home or family
He barely got to even hold Kiba or bond with him and that keeps him up some nights
He sees the kids every time to time, with Hana clearly remembering him and telling him how likely her mom is to rip off his face if she catches him talking to her
And Kiba sort of flies right past him without knowing it’s him when he’s in town
Tsume isn’t quite as angry with him anymore, but she doesn’t think he’s a good influence for their children nor that he should just be able to drop in and out of their lives when it’s convenient for him
He ends up settling back into his home country with none of his siblings knowing about the family he made/lost
Keeping the pictures he has of the kids and Tsume and his younger years together in an album in keeps in the closet
His father knows and is very disappointed in him (which, fair. He’s disgusted with himself too)
Mika and Leonie feel like he’s hiding something, but at the same time he tells them it’s not up to him if/when he’ll be able to tell them his story. He respects someone’s (Tsume’s) wishes too much
He knows he doesn’t have a right to bother her anymore, but he still wants her/what they could’ve had
He’s selfish and he knows that
He was lucky once and he fucked that all the way up and he knows it
But still
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fluff-n-cookies · 9 months
Endeavor - Intro/Headcanons
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Endeavor is a very underrated character.
yes he was an abuser, but he is trying to be a better father. and even though hen still gets mad and doesn't really know how to show his emotions he's still trying. As someone who doesn't have the best relationship with her father, and also as some one who is trying to be a better person I can appreciate that.
I feel like if somebody were to give him a chance, somebody that has little to no knowledge of his past or status he could actually have a stable and healthy relationship with such a person.
but that on it's own is boring so make it a reader who was just recently put in an orphanage as she was saved from her neglectful parents and has no other family. we'll keep her around the age of 4-15 as those were the years that endeavor missed the most with his kids.
now, how would these two meet? I have a couple ideas and I'll write a fanfic (or fanfics) for the most popular one. (there's a poll below for y'all to decide.)
option 1 : Bus stop
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reader is around 5,6,7 years old and quirkless.
so you and Endeavor have a similar morning commute at the same bus stop, at the same time, every morning. you go to school, and him to his agency. and while Endeavor never really cared for this, one morning you happen to forget your coat at the orphanage. (not that it kept you warm anyway.) the sight of a child in winter, cold and alone, practically pulled at his heart strings. a feeling overcame him I suppose, a need to protect and provide perhaps. and begrudgingly he got out a sweater, all warm and fluffy and lent it to you, grumbling something about giving it back to him later. now all snuggled up within the oversized cotton fibers of the sweater, warm and happy, all you could really do is mumble out a little thank you. Imma bout' to pull a grinch but Endeavor's heart grew 3 times that day.
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Option 2 : support hero
reader is 15 and quirkless but uses support items to help her if she needs anything.
you are the apprentice of his main support hero, a wild, spunky woman who spends her days drinking, drunk, or hungover. ( I mean... good for her.) and yes while she does teach you, she usaully leaves all the real work to you. at this point she's your apprentice. so when Endeavor comes it's not her that really helps it's you! you repair, you improve, you operate the rest of the support heroes, honestly he should give you a raise. and it's nice, having you around I mean, you just always seem to make his day better, either by showing him cat memes, or explaining your latest obsession to him, or just being your self. it's a talkative and optimistic x furious monster that will fight to the death for them dynamic or a brings instant noodles to share for lunch x uses his fire quirk to actually cook the instant noodles with his fire quirk dynamic.
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Option 3 : Dabi
more of a Endeavor-Dabi mix for the drama. reader is 4 and gets her quirk in the story. her quirk is a heightened version of shoto's quirk which I'll expand on if this is the fan favorite.
you are the product of Dabi and a fling he had when he was 19 or 20, and while he may not have the most money or have the money, he still tires to protect you and and make you feel as cherished and loved as one can. growing up he never really showed you what a hero was. all you need to know is that they are not good people but don't tell anyone that lots of people don't know that and might get angry. now this is fine and all, Dabi protects your innocence while also protecting you from the world that hurt him. but one thing he negelcted to teach you is who is a hero. because the description he gave you "people attempting to 'save' people and fight 'bad guys' using their quirks often with swarms of people around them." only applies to heros in action and/or heros that the public actually like. so when Endeavor is placed to patrol in a relatively bad neighbourhood (it's the best one dabi could afford HE"S TRYING C"MON) around the time kids go and comeback from school to make sure they get home safe is when he meets you. a little girl with white hair like snow and sapphire blue eyes that glisten with joy.
thx for reading!!! byyeee.
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atom-writings · 11 months
decay of angels celebrating halloween with their s/o
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0.9k words ~ gender neutral headcanons
tw: vulgar language, other than that, none!
a/n: wanted to do a seasonal one and I got a req for Halloween with nikolai but I couldn't understand it. dear anon what were u trying to say. pls
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- Fyodor is not a fan of Halloween. It's rare for him to celebrate anything, much less a heathenous one like Halloween.
“Being so excited about ghouls... it seems the masses are finally showing their true faces.”
- He'll join you in whatever you want to do, but he would never help you hand out candy. However, he doesn't mind relaxing with you on the couch if you only have to run to the door a couple of times.
- (Plus, then he'd get to steal some of the candy. He hates it, but he does have quite a sweet tooth.)
- As for costumes, there's no way he'd dress up as anything silly. Every year, he just wears one of his fancy outfits and goes as a “catholic.” Which, like, yes... but he's just dressing a little different than normal.
- He will not do couples costumes. Ever.
- Although, he does appreciate the cover that Halloween can provide for him. He's found that law enforcement are often much more lenient on that day, and he always manages to take advantage of that somehow.
- Other than that, he doesn't care for Halloween at all. He doesn't like scary movies, he hates the gaudy decorations, and most importantly he hates having fun.
- He would completely abandon you on Halloween if he wasn't so paranoid about something happening if he did.
“Those hooligans outside... their faces are covered in cheap masks. If they were to do something to you, you could not even identify them afterwards!”
“No, you aren't leaving. That's final.”
- Especially if you wear anything even a little more revealing than usual. Then he's glued to your side all night. For more reasons than just protection...
- Basically, Fyodor is a little hater. Go hang out with Nikolai instead.
- To Nikolai, every day of the year is Halloween. So, when the time comes around that it's Halloween for everyone else too, he's over the moon.
- Don't expect him to come along to a party or something like that, though. He's very firm in his plans every year.
- First, he decorates homes with tons of creepy shit. No, he doesn't decorate his own home. He goes along random streets flinging dead bodies (fake and real!) into people's yards along with covering front doors in cobwebs.
- Then, he sets up an (illegal) haunted house in a nearby abandoned warehouse. People come from miles away to participate, and only a few died in the process (:
”Ah, Y/N! Guess how we got more props for next year tonight!“
- Lastly, at night, he wanders around either 1. vandalizing anyone who didn't decorate or 2. scratching at people's bedroom windows and whistling like a ghost.
- You are always welcome to join him on his Halloween tirade but don't expect him to slow down for you. He's a busy delinquent!
- As for costumes, he always goes all out. Every year he gets a new one. A couple of years he's even been on stilts!
- But a few notable ones were: Black shadow creature with glowing red eyes, spiderlegged mask man, “Spike Boy“ (That one was really bad...) and Fyodor if he got love as a child! (That one was also really bad, but just for him.)
- He'd be totally willing to do a couple's costume though! Though, with one stipulation; that if you dress slutty, he has to too.
- On Halloween, he would really like to spend more time with you. Maybe one year you two will spend the night just peacefully giving out candy. But until then, he is way too much of a lunatic that night to act like anything close to a boyfriend.
(Actually… maybe you shouldn’t hang out with Nikolai on Halloween after all…)
- Sigma definitely isn't the biggest Halloween fan, but he doesn't mind it. It's a fun excuse to make some kids happy, even if he does hate the more scary stuff.
- Usually, he isn't too easily scared, but it's different around Halloween. When he has to worry about people acting crazy and going out of their way to hurt or scare everyone... it puts him on edge. When he's that stressed out, anything scares him.
”Why do people have to go all out every year? Isn't this holiday supposed to be about kids?“
”It's about fun!“
”What's fun about crimes?!“
- So, because of that, he prefers staying at home all night. Going to parties or events makes him worry about teenagers vandalizing his place (like from a movie) so, he isn't heading out all night. And because he loves you, he'll make you stay home too.
- The most decorating he'll do for Halloween is a couple of pumpkins, maybe a sign or two. But that's it unless you want to do more.
- He does really love couple's costumes though. Every year, he tries to come up with something cute and easy for the two of you to do.
- Other than that, all his costumes are pretty basic. He doesn't care about looking creepy, he just wants to be comfortable. For a couple of years, his only costume was a big animal onesie.
- One of his favourite things about Halloween is the sweets! He absolutely adores handing out candy. Plus, sometimes, he'll bake some fall sweets for the two of you.
- He's one of those people who REALLY like pumpkin spice, so he loves the excuse to put it in EVERYTHING.
- But he basically only likes the holiday because it forces you two to hang out and relax.
- That is, when you're far away from Nikolai. He's scared of that man normally; but on Halloween? Makes him shiver.
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deathbxnny · 7 months
hallo!! platonic welt yang and otto apocalypse with child!herrscher reader? :))
Hello there, Anon! Thank you for the nice request and I hope you'll like this!<3
Content: Child Herrscher reader, brainwashing?, Otto being a bit evil, small mentions of experimentation, fluff, platonic relationships, probably somewhat ooc?, sfw
Reader has no set pronouns!
((Not fully proofread))
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《Welt Yang》
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Welt only relaxed around you, once he made sure you weren't hostile or violent. Then, like most kids he seems to randomly stumble upon, he decided to take you under his wing as well, in hopes of making you do good for the world instead of destroying it. Some tried arguing against his decision on this, but he is too stubborn to be swayed rom it. If he believes you can do good, then you will.
With that said, your Herrscher identity is kept a secret from the general public and only very few and selected people know of it. He wants to give you a chance at a normal childhood, perhaps out of guilt for the few Herrscher children and teens who couldn't do the same.
You are therefore treated as a child, something that definitely tires out the older man at times, who has a hard time keeping up with you. You however have made his life brighter and more lively in many ways, which he appreciates more than you'll ever know. That made him spoil you very often with anything you want. He knows it's probably not a good idea, but he just can't help himself. Welt is also very mindful of educating you well and keeping track of your manners. He won't ever scold you too harshly for mistakes, and instead will simply take mistakes as teaching moments with you. Even when you get bored of his lectures easily.
You will never see the brutality of a battlefield either. He absolutely refuses to put you in danger, even if you were strong enough to take care of yourself. He'll protect you and the rest of the world with his life and makes sure you never forget that. He'll always be there for you when you need him.
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《Otto Apocalypse》
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The chances of you having been essentially kidnapped against your will the moment you awoke as a Herrscher are pretty high. You're scared and confused, but don't worry, Otto is a good guy. Or at least, that's what he tells you. Being so young and naive certainly makes things easier for the man, who's only interest really lies in seeing your abilities potential for his holy cause.
But alas, whilst attempting to brainwash you in believing in whatever he tells you to, he finds himself slowly but surely harboring a soft spot for you. One he stays ignorantly and blissfully unaware of out of fear of becoming too attached. Yet it happens anyways and you take notice in the way he begins to change over time.
He doesn't outright ever conduct experiments on you, or at least not painful ones. Those seem to become more similar to long talking sessions, until he eventually just keeps you at his side as a little "asssisstant". He argues that it's to keep an eye on you easier, but it's fooling no one. Otto also has a habit to spoil you with whatever you want, whenever you did well on a task or test he had set up for you.
Whether or not he sets you out to fight against his enemies is really up to his mood and the circumstance at hand. It's really rare however and often times he just let's you stay next to him, so you can "watch and learn". In reality, you have just become too valuable for him to lose, but that's something he won't ever admit.
I thank you once again for the request Anon and hope you liked it!<33
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vibratingskull · 6 days
Hi! I saw your open to chiss requests? I’ve just read the thrawn ascendency trilogy and I’m down bad for Somakro. Grumpy man with a loyal heart of gold?? I’m down so bad.
Anyway. Maybe a fluffy fic about Somakro having feelings for a fellow officer? Maybe he sees her help little skywalker chiri with something and his heart melts because he already respected her military prowess but she’s also good with kids??
I’d really take anything
Grumpy man being a sweetheart deep inside!!! 🥹🥹🥹 It woos me every time! Come get your glorious man and sweep him off his feet!
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art by @jun-c
Samakro x F!Chiss!reader
Tags: Fluffy fluff, lil bit of childcare
Samakro types on his questis, keeping a sharp gaze on the officers under his command and Ch’eri on her chair.  When he is on the bridge nothing escapes him, he becomes an all-seeing being, monitoring his warriors and keeping tabs on everything happening. His subordinates feel him looming behind them and straighten their posture by reflex. 
The Springhawk leaves hyperspace in a resounding thud, shaking everyone present. They arrived. 
“Send me the last coordinates of the Pirates.” Samakro orders. 
He spins to go sit in the command chair and has to muster all his will to not take a step back before you. He didn't hear you approaching. You smile gently, handing him a microchip. 
“The coordinates, sir.” You say respectfully. 
Well, that was quick! 
That was instantly even. 
He takes the chip and inserts it in the port of his questis. 
“I will also need the calculations of their last 8 travels recorded, their spotted hideouts, and the audio recordings of the messages in their native language.” 
“They are all in there.” You nod. 
Well, it is refreshing to have officers able to think ahead. 
“I highlighted the pirates’ favorite routes and calculated some probability for their possible next spot appearance, I noticed a trend in the hours they chose to attack the Ascendancy. They seem random but there is a constant of 3 days and 5 hours between each of them, rinse and repeat 5 times then they disappear for two weeks to a month and resume.” You explain. 
Samakro looks at you, almost suspiciously. 
“And you noticed that alone?” 
“I studied the data during my break times.” 
That’s a heavy workload that you just lift from their shoulders. He and Thrawn will need to check if you are correct in your speculation but that will not take more than 45 minutes to review the data. 
“Thank you... Officer (Y/n)’(F/n)” He finally says after ogling you for several mute seconds. 
“Of course, Sir!” You stand to attention with a smile and walk away. 
He pretends to look back to his questis once again but looks at you walking away. That is not the first time you proved yourself zealous, and the Chiss expansionary defense fleet adores those types of behavior. If you are indeed right in your analysis he should keep a closer tab on you, you may become the next prized pupil of the fleet and his job is to facilitate your accession to higher ranks for the common good. 
He observes how you chuckle and give handshakes to several colleagues as you take back your place. You are visibly popular, which can also be an advantage in the future. With his gruff personality, Samakro was not really appreciated in the ranks of the Navy and counted his friends on the fingers of one hand. 
You do not seem to have that problem. 
“Skywalker Che’ri, you may return to your room and rest.” He orders, refocusing on the data. 
“O...Okay...” He hears the tired voice of the little girl. 
He sniffs, eyes on the screen when reality strikes him. 
Thalias is with Thrawn in his office! 
He spins his head just in time to see the little girl losing her balance as she heads toward the door. 
He is about to throw his questis to the other side of the bridge and lunge to catch the poor child when you pop out of nowhere and receive her little body in the security of your arms. 
“Careful there, Che’ri!” You chuckle with a bright reassuring smile, “I would hate for you to hurt yourself!” 
Samakro finishes crossing the bridge to join you both and kneels next to you. Che’ri raises her visibly tired face toward you and sighs. 
“I... I am sorry (Y/n).” she says almost in tears. 
The kid is exhausted, they had to push her limits to reach their destination. Usually, even Samakro is uneasy with the idea of overworking a child, but those pirates kidnapped several Chiss girls. 
Several potential Skywalkers... 
They NEEDED to arrive before all of them, and for that, they needed Che’ri to push past her limits. But now she is obviously distraught, and Samakro feels a pinch in his heart. 
But you simply laugh and caress her hair gently. 
“Do not be, silly. You worked really hard today! You deserve a warm dinner and a good, long night’s sleep!’ 
Samakro witnesses as you casually kiss the top of the head of the little girl. 
Where does that familiarity come from? 
But Che’ri doesn’t seem weirded out by your action and even presses her little cheek against your arm hugging her. Che’ri sighs again under the caresses on her hair, she looks ready to lose consciousness. She clearly is in no condition to walk back to her suite. 
“Skywalker Che’ri, with your consent I will carry you to your suite, all right?” He says, extending his large hand to her. 
You both turn your head to him, you with a silent approving gaze and her with drawn features and glossy eyes.  
He knows Che’ri is kind of afraid of him. He doesn't exude the calm and paternal aura Thrawn has around the girl, he is too rough around the edges to her liking. 
But she takes his hand nonetheless with a tired nod. 
You help him lift her by seizing her hips and he wraps his arms around her solidly to not let her fall. He feels her tiny arms wrap around his solid neck and her face lays on his shoulder, she hugs him like she would a plushie. You both stand back up and he heads toward the bridge door with the most precious package ever in his arms. 
“Junior Captain, I leave you the bridge for now.” He orders, crossing the bridge door. 
He doesn’t say a thing but he feels silent tears starting to wet his collar and shoulder. Poor little one... 
“Do not cry Che’ri, you did a really good job today.” Your voice rises out of nowhere. 
Samakro stops dead in his tracks, realizing you are following him. 
“Why are you here?” He demands, “I did not authorize you to leave your post.” 
You tap your chrono at your wrist with a grin. 
“My shift just ended.”  
He sniffs. 
“Then go eat and rest. I am taking care of this.” 
“Oh, so you know where her nightclothes are and where she puts her favorite plushie?” You ask with a surprised but gentle expression. 
He considers you in silence for several seconds. Did you ever give a bad look to someone once in your life he caught himself wondering. 
“Because you do, perhaps?” 
You snigger and enjoin him to follow you. 
“This way, Mid-Captain.” 
You walk beside each other, Samakro with his usual gruff demeanor and you a silent confident smile. You turn to look at him and your smile stretches more. 
“What is it, Officer (Y/n)’(F/n)?” He inquires, looking straight ahead. 
Usually, he hates being ogled like that, but this is not the effect your gaze has on him. 
Instead, he feels... Shy? Unconfident? 
Why is that? 
He is surely a little sick... 
“Nothing.” You shake your head softly, “Or rather, yes: Do you have kids Captain Samakro?” 
He feels his eyes rounding up at that question. What... What made you think it was appropriate to ask such a thing?! 
“No, I do not. I am not married.” He recovers the control of his expression. 
“Oh really? Paternity looks really good on you! You always look so... Moody but watching you taking care of Che’ri shines a new light on you.” 
He side-eyes you, looking for mockery on your face. But your red eyes shimmer with a gentle warmth and your grin is soft.  
“Although...” You take a step closer and lower your voice like you are about to share a secret, “After that scene, you may not remain unmarried for long...” 
This time he fully turns his head toward you, with an indignant expression. What got over you? 
“Do not look so shocked, Captain. What is truly shocking is that you are still single!” You raise an eyebrow with a know-it-all expression. 
“And in what way is it shocking exactly?” He demands with a haughty voice. 
“Now come on... The gruff big man with a secret heart of gold! It’s a classic.” 
“It’s a cliche!” He corrects, “And we are not in a holo.” 
“But you look like you come straight out of one!” You keep going, “You could have done modeling or acting with such a face! Oh, all the broken hearts you would have left in your trail...” 
Samakro reassures his grip on Che’ri’s body to put on a front, but inside he feels turmoil.  
Why are you complimenting him so much out of nowhere? Why would you... 
Oh for fucks sake...  
He sighs internally, really he can’t escape politics wherever he goes! Now it has to walk next to him in the corridors of the Springhawk... 
He is about to open his mouth to shut you down for the rest of the day when an ungodly sound resonates in the corridor. You both look at Che’ri, who seems to bury her face harder in the crook of his neck. 
“It wasn’t me...” Samakro hears her muffled little voice. 
“Oh, Che’ri...” You put your hand on her back to caress it gently, “It’s okay, dear. Wait, I think I have something in my pockets.” 
You search your pockets until you take out a cereal bar that you give to the skywalker. She eagerly takes it, opens the package, and bites into it immediately. Samakro observes the little girl’s expression relaxing as she eats the treat. 
“Good thinking Officer.” He nods to you, “You seem to have experience with children. I imagine you have one?” He throws back the question at you, see how you like it. 
“Oh no.” You chuckle, “I am unmarried too.” 
“Really?  A motherly woman like you did not find a man to wed?” He mocks playfully, raising a haughty eyebrow at you. 
For some unknown reason 
He is relieved to learn you are single. 
“Alas, I did not!” You laugh, unbothered, “All my other partners were rather immature, not husband nor father materials... Contrary to you, Captain.” 
He stops again. 
“What is that supposed to mean?” 
“Only that your time of celibacy might be more short-lived than you expect.” You grin, “People talk to me, sir. You are quite popular.” 
Great... a fat lot of good that does him! 
“I am here to serve the Ascendancy, Officer! Not to find a wife!” He clarifies harshly. 
Which prompts your grin to grow larger again. 
“This is exactly what Fleet Admiral Bak’if  said before finding a wife in his crew!”  
“I am not Fleet Admiral Ba’kif.” 
“True, but you might be our next Fleet Admiral!” You theorize, “You have all that is needed for the job: Courage, a cunning attitude, great tactical abilities, charisma-” 
“Drop the compliments.” He cuts you short, at the end of his patience, “What do you really want?” 
You consider him, mute for the first time. 
He gauges you back. If you play politics, you are way too upfront about it! Complimenting someone so much is so amateurish... 
That is not what makes his blood boil he realizes. 
What makes it boil is that you may compliment him for a hidden goal and not because you truly mean it.  
He should not care. 
But the thought that all your words might be false in your head... Stabs his heart. 
He mentally shakes his head. Why does he even care what you think in the first place? 
Because you are a great officer, with a lot of good qualities. One of those that are too rare. He met plenty of good officers, but rarely great ones. And seeing one playing the political game so badly, risking getting caught and destroying their own career like that is disheartening. 
This is surely why he feels like that.. 
No possible other reason! 
You squint at him, your soft expression gone to leave the place to a more... thoughtful one. 
And to his surprise. 
You start giggling. 
You let out a breathy laugh before hiding your growing elated smile behind your hand, your red eyes shimmering like glitter and pure light. The notes of your laugh are like none other, they rise high, where the angels are. They are like a song to his ears, a delicious melody he never heard before but he feels like he has known all his life. 
Are you... Mocking him? 
Usually, he would use his Captain’s voice and shut you down harshly, disciplining you into obedience and teaching you respect for your superior.  But he feels his legs melting into jello and his heart picks up pace in some sort of panic he cannot explain. 
Why do you have such effects on him? 
“What did I say?” He finally demands, trying to sound intimidating. 
Not really succeeding. 
You take a step closer and your hand travels from his shoulder to his hand and you intertwine your fingers.  
And for some reason 
He lets you do it. 
Samakro isn’t used to small physical acts of affection. He collects partners to get his release and then they both go their merry way. He knows why he is seeking them out and they know why they accept him in their sheets, they do the deed and never speak ever again. 
It is simple and effective. 
But somehow. 
The simple act of holding your soft hand puts him in turmoil even his most kinky partners never managed to do! 
He feels his heart accelerating and his breath getting more shallow. 
This... is not an act of lust and primal carnal desire.  
But of tenderness and affection, such simple fondness and adoration.  
He should rip his hand out of your grip, he knows he should. 
But it is beyond him. 
He feels more naked than he ever has in his entire life, making his stomach twist and a strange warm sensation spread in his stomach. 
Making him feel... fluffy. 
You gently raise on your tip toe and very slowly, very gently, kiss his cheek. 
It is short. 
It is chaste. 
It is sweet. 
It is utterly devastating. 
He audibly gasp despite his best effort at the touch of your soft lips. 
Wh... Why do you make him feel like this? 
He turns his gaze to you, unsure, to discover you looking at him with pure, raw adoration in your burning gaze. 
“Let’s put Che’ri to bed, and then we will talk over a cup of caccoleaf. I will explain everything.” 
And you boop his nose with the most mischievous grin he ever saw. 
“What do you say, Mid-Captain?” You tilt your head. 
“All... All right.” He finally gulps, his throat dries like the desert. 
For some reason 
Sharing a cup of caccoleaf cup with you is the most thrilling proposition anyone ever gave him. And he had numerous proposition. 
You squeeze his hand gently in yours, your soft confident smile on your face, looking sure of yourself, you guide him yourself in the corridor. 
And for Samakro for whom getting power and obedience from his crew was his goal... 
He thinks that following someone’s else lead might not be that bad after all... 
Especially yours. 
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@bluechiss @thrawnalani @justanothersadperson93 @al-astakbar @thrawnspetgoose @readinglistfics @elise2174 @debonaire-princess @twilekchiss @pencil-urchin@ineedazeezee @dance-like-russia-isnt-watching @obbicrystaleo @germie2037 @leo4242564@davesrightshoe @holylonelyponyeatingmacaroni 
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itscherrylipsforme · 8 months
Misfits lovebirds: Sejanus Plinth x Capitol!fem!reader
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Summary: The other students from the Academy claimed that you and Sejanus were birds of a feather. And although their intentions while saying that were more teasing than complimenting they were not wrong. The introverted capitol girl and the sweet District two boy, both of them just as opinionated. Two misfits lovebirds. Everyone else sees your couple as fated but you two. But when Sejanus enters the arena, you can help but notice that maybe he is much more than a friend
Warnings: None, but y/n and Sejanus are proud and lovely social weirdos
Requested: yes
Words: 1500
Author's rambles: The anon who left this request is a true genius who likes ranting about Sejanus as much as I do. Sej is just a lover boy who hasn't done anything wrong, I will protect him with my life
Masterlist Characters I write for
Likes and reblogs are appreciated ღ
I do not authorize any of my works to be copied, translated or plagiarized ✗
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Ma was baking something in the oven, if it wasn’t for the lump in your throat, you would be eager to try those sweet treats as soon as they were ready. That was what would do during most of your visits to the Plinth’s house. On a normal day, you and Sejanus would have spent the afternoon in his bedroom doing your papers for the Academy, talking and laughing meanwhile. Then his mother would knock at the door with a plate full of cookies or doughnuts and you two would eat them as you shared plans for the future, ideas, or memories until you had to go back home. But not today.
First point, it wasn’t a quiet afternoon, but a closed late night and Sejanus wasn’t even there. Maybe that was one of the reasons why your stomach had closed up even though Ma had been cooking for almost an hour, and she continued trying to offer you all the pastries that were already on the table. Her efforts were useless, you couldn’t eat and keep walking the kitchen back and forth, and she kept baking goods. Each of you had your ways to deal with stress, I guess.
How had you two got to that point? Everything seemed like a blur since your mother was told to wake up by Gaul. An Academy’s car drove you to the Plinth’s and the only explanation you were given was that Sejanus had put himself in danger by entering the Arena. You had to bite your language not to tell your cruel teacher that maybe no one would ever be in danger if the Arena wasn’t opened, and the games weren’t being taken place. An argument with that depraved creature you were forced to talk Mrs. was the last thing you needed right now. When Gaul went to God-knows-where and you were left alone with Mrs. Plinth (Strabo was on his office making important calls as always) you discovered more about the situation.
Sejanus, your Sej, had entered the Arena by bribing the peacekeepers in order to make a funeral tribute typical from District two to Marcus and protest against the games. Coriolanus Snow was now in charge of convincing him to go back home, an order he had received directly from Gaul herself. Damn, you hated your egocentric and selfish classmate. Never really knew why Sejanus seemed to get along with him, and never brought yourself to ask, but now the fate of your best friend was on his hands. Because Sejanus Plinth was just a friend to you, wasn’t he?
Nothing could be better stored in your memory that the day you met him. Some soft curls covering his forehead, his hair used to be longer back then. Big, deep and brown eyes that looked at everything which a mixture of fear and timidness. They were a little red as he had been crying some time ago. When you saw him sitting on one of the benches in the playground far away from the rest of the kids you immediately discovered two things about Sejanus Plinth. First one, he didn’t belong there. Second one, he didn’t want to belong, either.
He hadn’t exchanged a word with you. Being honest, he didn’t have to, you just knew it from the beginning. If you had to said that you were certain about one thing in this world is that you and Sej were misfits, meant to be around each other. You were sure about it since that day. So going against your usual shyness you asked him whether you could sit by his side, he nodded, the two of you started talking and the rest was a story as they said.
As the years passed, your bond with the “district’s boy” as most people called him only became stronger. If Festus was making fun of you for being too quiet, stuttering or not talking at all, Sejanus came to your aid. Someone keep saying that money could buy him a place in the capitol, but he would never be like them, be careful they would have to face with your sarcasm and anger when you were mad. Clemensia was gossiping about how your awkward-self had messed up social cues again during one of the Academia’s balls, Sejanus got you covered. And everything was like that.
By the time you turned sixteen your beloved classmates came up with other ways to annoy you. Sejanus loves y/n paintings in the bathrooms’ doors, fake love notes in both of your lockers, singing ridiculous cheesy songs when the two of you walked by their side… You would have expected them to be more mature, but that word didn’t seem to be in their vocabulary. Sejanus and you weren’t even mad at the jokes anymore, you laughed about them and keep going with yours day.
Your parents, on the other side, didn’t see them that way. Their daughter being friends with someone from the districts was not got for their social status, they nearly tried to drift you apart and forbid you from talking to him ever again! Luckily for you, a dinner between the Plinth’s and y/l/n’s was all that Strabo Plinth (and his money) needed to convince them that his son was a good influence for you and vice versa. Since that evening, Ma had been hoping for the day she would call you daughter, but you and Sejanus were completely unaware of it.
You stopped in your tracks, the sudden realization of something you hadn’t expected. It had been nearly an hour since you arrived and there you were. Only being able to remember all the things you had gone through with him while waiting for an answer of what had happened to him. If something went wrong, if Snow was too late or the Tributes saw him first… Was that what Sejanus would become to you? Just some messed beautiful turned bitter-sweet memories? No, you couldn’t accept that. He was going to be okay. You needed him to be okay.
A knock on the door, that was all you had to heart to head as fast as you could towards the entrance door. Behind tall, serious and cold Coriolanus it was your Sejanus. Eyes as he had been crying a few minutes ago, some bruises, but same broken and apologetic smile. You rushed into his embrace. Soft, warm, comforting and yet somehow firm, just like him. And with his arms wrapped around you, you allowed yourself to cry in relief. It wasn’t long until you had to move to the side in order to let Ma finally greet his beloved son with the same emotion as you did. Snow just looked around, not really knowing what to say or do.  And even though he was still close to his mother, Sejanus looked at you. A gaze that seemed to weight thousands of emotions he couldn’t put into words and mean “We need to talk”.
Half an hour later you two were on his dorm, Ma was cleaning the kitchen and Coriolanus and Strabo were talking in his office. You had decided to spend the night in, it was too late to go back to your house, and you wouldn’t be able to bring yourself to sleep anyway. Sitting cross-legged on one of his pillows you managed to say, more correctly whisper, the first words of your conversation.
“Please, don’t not something like that ever again”
“I know y/n, I know. But Marcus…” His lips failed to speak, sadness and bottle up sadness made her speech come up as mumbling. The tiredness and the longing for some understanding made him sat by your side in the bed. “He didn’t… He didn’t deserve it. I just wanted to make… to make things right. The games are…” His head leaning in your shoulder, muffling some small and painful cries.
“Sej, it’s okay, I know… I know. I hate them as much as you do” Your hand started playing with his hair, a little trick you had learned a few years ago to help him calm down and never failed “But you could have told me about it. I wouldn’t let you go to the arena on your own if I had known. After all, you are my…” Friend, that was the word that somehow you couldn’t pronounce for the first time in your life, and you knew exactly why “After all I care a lot about you, don’t I?”
“y/n” He whispered in your ear “I know you do, but for once let me take care of you for once in our lives, okay?” One of his hands rested on your neck playing with the edges of your hair “You know, I wasn’t scared of dying in the Arena, the only fear I had back then was losing the opportunity of saying you again” The hand slowly travelled to your cheek “Don’t worry, I am not risking that again” His eyes took a kick and nearly involuntary haze at your lips, and you could notice his pulse becoming faster little by little “Can I…?” And before he finished the sentence, your lips softly landed on his for the first time of many
But for now it was only the two of you holding each other, feeling what you had to keep for yourself too long. Your classmates were right, you were just two misfits lovebirds.
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batboopp · 27 days
Batman: I Am Suicide- a comic breakdown (how trauma can shape your life)
huge cw for suicidal ideation and self harm! i seriously mean it it’s not even subtle 😭
another heads up, this essay really only talks about one issue, as that’s the only one that really goes into what i want to talk about! maybe i could do a full comic breakdown in the future. <3
(most of this is written whenever i have some of free time, so please ignore if any sentences/paragraphs are incoherent or run on for awhile 😭😭 i hope you like my batman drabbles :D)
It’s common knowledge that both Bruce Wayne and his Batman persona are very emotionally tortured, usually refusing any help or healthy way of processing his thoughts, emotions, and actions. He’s deadset that nothing but Batman, muscles, and pure determination will save Gotham city-therefore saving any child from having anyone taken from them so brutally, the way his parents were taken from him. You don’t have to be a psychiatrist to know that this black-and-white way of thinking is not a healthy way to process trauma, and some may argue that it borders along the line of insanity or mental illness. Although I’m not here to specifically talk about those parts of his psyche, I DO want to talk about how this extreme way of thinking affects-and even shapes-his entire life and personality.
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“A kid and a vow. The ears and the belt and the batarangs and the Batmobile and the gargoyle and the roof and the leather and the armor.”
“How sad. How stupid. How immature.”
“How hilarious. How hilarious all of it is. I want to laugh, too. Do you know how much I want to laugh?”
Starting off strong, we can already see that Bruce has SO much self doubt about himself and a sort of awareness of just how absurd his whole mission is, something I personally see a lot of, but I always appreciate when it’s brought up. A thing about Bruce is that if he has a plan or a mission, he WILL get it done no matter how insane it is, and it’s nice that part of his obsessive personality is displayed here. However, even though he puts his whole soul into his Batman mission, he expresses that he can’t help but feel almost desperately hopeless about it. This might be me reaching, but it seems he wants Batman to be this thing he can sort of lessen by laughing it off. This may be surprising to some, but Batman laughing off and joking about his situation isn’t uncommon. In many comics, he makes jokes about horrible things he’s gone through, he cracks puns at his villains and rouges while he’s getting the shit kicked out of him, and most importantly, he laughs a lot at himself. Bruce wants it to just be-less. It’s almost depressingly ironic that he wants (whether subconsciously or not) this symbol of raw hope, justice, and pure dedication he built with so much effort to be less than it actually is. It’s a lot, so much that Batman himself can barely take it.
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“After the alley and the gun. And the pearls. What use was I? After the blood on her hand, what use was a little rich kid who’s mommy and daddy got shot?”
“I was pain. That’s all I was. Everything else, every chance given to me, every promise I’d ever made, all of it was pain. And what use is pain? What use is being all pain? It’s not dignified. It’s not kind. And if it’s not dignified and not kind, then maybe it’s not worth anything.”
“Maybe it’s better off as nothing. Gone. Dead.”
Here, we can see that Bruce thinks he’s worthless, to the point he thinks he’d be better off dead. Not only that, you can argue that he sees his own pain as a weakness, and yet he uses it to shape his life. “I was pain, that’s all I was. Everything else, every change given to me, every promise I’d ever made, all of it was pain. And what use is being all pain?” He goes on to say “It’s not dignified and it’s not kind,” which you can infer he’s talking about himself here, with his ‘I am pain’ analogy. He thinks he’s inherently violent and undignified and worthless because of this pain, even though we KNOW he does not see other’s pain as a weakness. In fact, he is normally comforting of people going through hardships, especially to children or those close to him. This is a very common form of self-deprecating behavior, thinking that whatever you’re going through is automatically less important than the well-being of others.
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“I was 10. I got one of my father’s razor blades, and I got down on my knees. I put the metal on my wrist. The edge scratching cold. The blood on my hand. And I looked up. To Mother and Father. I told them I was sorry. I was so sorry.”
“I was on my knees in Gotham. And I was praying, pushing my hands together now, the blood and the blade warm between them.”
“I prayed. And no one-
no one answered.
No one answered.
No one answered.”
“I was alone. Like everyone else. Like everyone in Gotham. I saw everyone in Gotham, all of us. We’re all on our knees, our hands together, the blade and the blood warm between them. We pray. And no one answers.”
“I saw. And I understood. Finally. Kindness. Dignity. I let the razor fall, and I understood, it was done. I’d done it. I’d surrendered, my life was no longer my life, and I whispered-
‘I swear by the spirits of my parents to avenge their deaths by spending the rest of my life warring on all criminals.’”
We have a lot to talk about on this panel. To follow up on my third paragraph, I’ll start talking about his absurd amount of empathy, as I feel like it pairs with when I stated Batman cares about the well-being of others more than his own. This extreme sense of empathy and understanding is developed when Bruce describes self-harming over (presumably) his parent’s graves. “I was alone. Like everyone else. Like everyone in Gotham. I saw everyone in Gotham, all of us. We’re all on our knees, our hands together, the blade and the blood warm between them. We pray. And no one answers.” He describes how he ‘saw everyone’ in Gotham. How all of them are going through hardships. How all of them are alone. And that’s when he understood kindness, love, dignity. And, more importantly, when he decided to give up any chance at a normal life and pursue his crusade, his destiny, of becoming the Batman. He says he swore on his parents dying souls, but he knows he swore on his own, too. 
We can also gather that this is the death of his belief in religion, ‘I prayed, and no one answered.’ The correlation with religion and a sense of innocence or fear in Batman comics isn’t unheard of, and I like to think that’s what the writer is getting at here. Batman is a known atheist, and states this multiple times in many different comics. It’s nice to know the exact time his belief in religion died, and that was when he prayed.
In conclusion, I really like this panel because you can just feel the resignation coming from Bruce. He will give up every part of himself if it means another person doesn’t have to suffer, and I think if you want to make the most accurate Batman possible, it’s important to remember that.
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“So that’s what it is. The ears. The belt. The gargoyle. It’s not funny. It’s the choice of a boy that chose to die.”
“I am Batman. I am suicide.”
To wrap this up, Bruce states that he is very aware that being Batman would consume his life, would destroy any chance he had at a healthy future, and would obliterate any healthy way of healing from his trauma. He lets this pain, he lets the Batman, build him and his life and he will never let go. It literally fuels him, as you can see him pummel so many soldiers to the ground without breaking a sweat. Pain drives him. The will to be Batman drives him.
hope you enjoyed my shitty essay! please let me know any thoughts, opinions, critiques, or disagreements you might have, i’d love to hear them 
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dairy-farmer · 7 months
There’s a lot of Bruce being a creep but what if Jason? What if a Jason never died au in which he brings home his first boyfriend and they’re all super excited — until he brings home this tweeny kid, Tim. They’re in the same class but he’d been bumped up a few years.
He’s all of 13 years old to Jason’s 18 and Jason is *very* handsy, extreme pda — Jason’s (more than) a little and feels like he can get away with it, which he can. I can’t think of many specific examples, but maybe them making out during movie night and Jason pressing his hand into the crotch of Tim’s pants, pressing his fingers against his pussy through the fabric while Tim very much does not enjoy it, Jason and he sharing the same bed when he stays over and *everyone* can hear them fucking, or maybe the two of them were home alone and Jason’s fucking Yin hard enough to bruise around the manor and the others come home and are like ‘what the fuck Jason’ and Jason just *keeps going*, harder so he can finish himself off.
The family are weak to Jason, spoil him rotten, he’s an entitled brat who had to be taken off active duty years ago because he’s a liability who can’t follow orders. They’re as helpless as ever to him fucking this kid, and so end up turning a blind eye as always as Jason becomes even more blatant with what he’s doing, and the entire time Tim seems less than comfortable with it — but is seemingly devoted to Jason?
cw//underage, grooming
jason has had so few good things in his life after he was forced to permanently retire from robin and tim is one of the few things jason has to look forward to and enjoy. and so maybe jason is a little rough with him, maybe he accidentally squeezes tim too tight or keeps going even when tim is making those pained animal noises. maybe he's a little mean, pinching tim's tits and cheeks when he makes whining sounds over jason shoving his underwear to the side to sink his fingers or cock into tight, wet heat. so maybe he gropes and touches tim to his heart's content but its not as if tim ever really protests it even though...well...he'd like it if jason was a little gentler and if maybe he and jason could just.... watch a movie or spend time together without jason pressing rough fingers into tim to keep him open and wet for his cock. which tim does appreciate a bit since jason likes to fuck hard and tim's cunt was always left throbbing, aching, and bruised afterward. tim didn't really see what was so good about mashing their parts together but jason was a big fan of it, making tim do it whenever they had time. like when jason would invite tim over to "sudy" together but that would just lead to him pushing tim down and unbuckling his uniform pants before shoving into tim. other times when jason's dad would pick them up from school he'd climb on tim in the back seats leaving tim to try to keep his voice down as if he could hide from mr. wayne what they were doing.
of course tim doesn't protest. jason was robin. and tim had held a candle to the robin mantle ever since dick had created and so...so tim is willing to overlook how all jason seems to really want to do is keep tim plugged on his cock. even though tim doesn't really like it because it leaves him so sore and achy like the muscles deep in tim were exhausted. sometimes jason doesn't even put things in him, not hid fingers or cock. sometimes they'll be sitting and finally watching a movie but then jason's hands will drift down and cup tim right between his legs, palm squeezing and pressing firmly to tim's cunt as if to remind him that it belonged to jason even if it was attached to tim.
and tim lets him do it. even if he may occasionally protest, even if he may not fully like it all the time. it's jason.
and the rest of the family are so reluctant to take anything more away from jason when, for the first time since he was retired, he seems....happy. jason was ill suited for robin. his temper and mental health worsened being robin. it didn't help that jason had never really healed from the violence he experienced and witnessed on the street. being a cape was an emaciating job, all you ever saw was the worst humanity had to offer and the unspeakable things they were capable of and that...that drained people. years and years of it all had a tendency to erode away empathy, patience, and kindness. and bruce and dick had seen how it was doing that to jason how he was growing harsher and crueler and resistant to bruce's orders. jason had done a good job while active but...maybe asking jason to be a cape just wasn't a sustainable option. and so for his own good he was fired. maybe they should've been more careful, nicer. because jason turned all the frustration all that pent up emotion all out onto tim. and while bruce and dick both wanted to step in at times, especially when loud, wet slaps and the sobs of a child came from the direction of jason's room...they didn't. they still loved jason and didn't want this...phase to bring him harm. they knew how it looked, jason was practically an adult and would be in a few months and tim was barely through puberty. but they couldn't bring themselves to stop jason so...they didn't.
and so even though it may turn their stomachs at time...they chose to let all of it continue.
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osleeplessflowero · 8 months
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got a bit in my feels recently, and came up with this as a result of that. enjoy :] might get a little angsty. but dust is here to help :) Remember, if you are going through a rough period in your life..you're not alone. Someone out there really cares about you. Keep going, you're doing great.
A chill breeze blows through the morning air. Grass is covered in dew from the rain that fell the previous day. A fog is present, showing up in random areas.
..You weren't in your room when he checked. Dust had wanted to check on you, see how you were doing. But you weren't in your room to begin with, which worried him a little bit. He mentioned this to Nightmare, who suggested where you could possibly be.
A portal opens, Dust steps through. Shoving his hands into his jacket pockets and glancing around before spotting an old children's playground. An entire area for children to play, alone now and rusted. Likely having not been touched in a good while. He spots you lying down on the roof of a play structure, and decides to walk over to avoid spooking you with a shortcut like he's done before.
He climbs up, sitting beside you. You turn your head to look at him with tired, lonely eyes. A vacant expression on your face. It's..odd, to him. He's so used to seeing the bright and cheery-eyed version of you that..the idea of you being in a state like this had never once crossed his mind. So worn down..lost. Unsure.
"..he told me i'd find you here." He starts off, turning his skull to look at you. You smile a little, but this one is more..sad than he's used to.
"I figured as much." You reply, turning your focus back to the dim sky that's eagerly awaiting the sun's arrival. He rests his hand beside you, waiting in case you want to hold it at any point. You appreciate the gesture, even if you don't outright say that.
"what's on your mind?" He asks, kicking his legs back and forth as they dangle off the edge. "..It's a lot." You reply, your eyes narrowing a little almost making a pained expression.
"i've got plenty of time." He reassures you with a fond smile you've grown to love. Tears prick at the corners of your eyes as you avert them away from him..his smile lowers a little at that.
"Everything is so fucked, Dust. It sucks. Life is just..it's all too much for me to bear. It's just weighing down on me. ..I wish I could go back to being a kid. Not having to worry about anything other than what to play with next. Not having to worry about what tomorrow brings, because back then..every single day was fun. We could look forward to the future. But now that we're in it?.. All I seem to want is to go back. Not have to grow bitter with the rest of the world. ..My mind is still young, but my body isn't. And I hate that."
"..i get that. ..wantin' to go back to when everything was peaceful. bright, cheery. the world nowadays can be pretty damn cruel when you're grown. you know more. you realize more. ..how messed up a lot of it is."
You turn to him.
"but yet..growin' up doesn't mean it's the end of the world. that you can't find happiness in it anymore. ..you still live, even if you're not an innocent kid anymore. you can still find joy in the little things around you. and when things get tough..you've always got someone around who you can talk to about it. like me, or..any of the others. we'll always take the time to listen to you. a lot's goin' on in the world right now, sure. but you can't let that drag you down. ..i know that i can't escape my past. my actions, what i've done."
You sit up, leaning on his arm a bit and placing your hand over his, squeezing it.
"i can't go back. and..i've come to terms with that. i can't undo what i did. but..i won't let that suffocate me now. there were times where things were fine, i can always look back to them and smile. but i also wanna find those little good moments now, and savor them. like..hm, like when we met you." He smiles at you, and you return it.
"you mean a lot to us. more than you realize. you take care of us, so..let us take care of you too when things feel grim. at the very least..let me. i'll always be here to listen."
You reach up your hand, wiping away your tears.
He leans his head on top of yours. "anytime, sweetheart."
The sun slowly begins to rise, casting its light over the playground. Dust looks down to ask if you want to go home yet, when he sees that you've fallen asleep on his shoulder. With a fond smile, he picks you up, going through a portal and returning to Nightmare's castle.
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weirdmorefics · 7 months
Unmasked Chpt 5
AO3, Etsy Shop, Youtube,
Chpt 1 Chpt 2 Chpt 3, Chpt 4
Taglist- @bunbunbl0gs
TW- Dead body
Word Count- 1,678
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After collecting my thoughts and trying to remain calm I join the team at the van.
"So much for getting settled in the hotel," Tara tries to lighten the mood.
I smile back but I think everyone could tell it was forced, they are profilers after all. Spencer is still radiating anger from being sent to the van for fighting with the local police. It probably didn't help that Emily chewed him out for causing more hostility than there already was.
"JJ we need to have a press conference immediately the civilians are getting restless. Can you do that?" Prentiss demands all work mode not a hint of the woman that we go out drinking and dancing with.
"On it," JJ responds.
Prentiss turns to Garcia who seems to be extra antsy but it's understandable she's not normally out in the field and this is by far no normal case. "Garcia, were you able to get anything from the number?"
She frowns, "No it's blocked, this person really knows what they are doing."
Prentiss nods sadly and turns to me, "Did you get checked out at the ambulance?"
"I'm fine. I've been through much worse than some bruised knuckles and a fall down some stairs," I assure her and she looks at me still assessing if I'm okay.
"You could have a concussion you did hit your head on the stairs better safe than sorry," Spencer jumps in and I send him a life-threatening glare. I do not have time to be checked out when Ghostface is still out there.
I shake my head, "No will take too long to be checked out."
"Your health is the priority agent," Prentiss states. God I hated it when she called me agent it meant there was no questioning her demand. Her eyes soften as she looks at my angry face, "At least let Spencer check you out and make sure you're brain is in working order."
"Like he doesn't check her out enough as is," Alvez says causing Garcia to chuckle and to Rossi smirk at the comment. There can't be any truth in this comment I'm the one they are always teasing about having a crush on Spencer when he isn't around they never tease Spencer but the light blush on his cheeks tells me otherwise.
Prentiss shakes her head at the antics, "Everyone except Y/n and Ried let's prepare for the press conference."
Spencer just stares at me in awkward silence after everyone leaves. "So Doc you gonna check my head for a concussion or what ?"
He nods and pulls a flashlight out of his bag and clicks it on and off to test if it's working. He's being oddly silent which is making me even more nervous.
I rub my hand across my arm, "Um, thanks for sticking up for me back there I appreciate it. You really didn't have to though I've heard those things since a teenager I'm used to it."
He tucked the hair away from my face behind my ear, "You shouldn't have had to hear those things, you were just a kid."
I swear I must have looked like a tomato from how flipping hot my face felt. Always knew it was unfair I had to hear all those accusations thrown at me as a teenager but life is unfair no one comforted me over this fact. It Spencer's kindness meant the world to me and I think I'll always feel the warmth of his hand on my face brushing my hair away. Though he was probably just brushing my hair out of my face so he check if my pupils reacted to the flashlight yeah that's why he did it and that should not disappoint me.
Spencer cleared his throat, "Your pupils are reactive which is a good sign I still think you should take it easy."
I smiled, "Never going to happen taking it easy is simply not in my nature."
"I am well aware," he smiles back.
Spencer and I walked over to the press conference which is at the hospital, that is one of the only good things about Woodsboro everything was within walking distance because it's so small but that is also its downfall.
As we got closer we could hear JJ's voice, "This case is still currently under investigation we are pursuing multiple leads but for the sake of the case the suspects will remain confidential. We are taking questions at this time so now is your opportunity."
As Spencer and I stood in the back of the crowd I saw a familiar brunette in heels and her signature reporter outfit push through the crowd. I sigh, "Gale."
Spencer's eyes follow my gaze to the reporter who has successfully pushed to the front of the crowd.
Gale shouts loudly, "Agent! Any comment on that these killings seem to resemble the exact pattern of the original Woodsboro Murders?"
JJ tenses at the abrasiveness of Gale, I may not like Gale but she was one hell of a reporter. I make my way to the front and Gale's eyes widen at my presence she must not have expected me to come back to the town I despise. Dewey was behind JJ he seemed nervous as I approached Gale makes sense considering I do have a history of punching Gale Weathers in the face.
"You see copycat killers repeating notorious murders is fairly common especially when they can just watch a movie of it courtesy of you Gale Weathers. Wouldn't you say the same Agent Jareau?" I smile professionally no ounce of anger but the words doing all the battling for me.
JJ clears her throat, "Back to what I was saying. We just want the community to know we are pursuing all leads and are speedily working to close this case and bring the whole situation under control."
JJ is quickly cut off by a woman's scream and everyone looks in the direction of the scream. A body is thrown from the rooftop and everyone scrambles and screams. I couldn't pull my gun in a situation like this it was way too crowded. Next thing I know I'm being pulled into someone's arm as the body lands with a loud thud on top of a news van. The body hits the news crew's van camera sending sparks and wires everywhere and causing the crowd to scream even more. I wrestle out of the person's grasp holding me. There was no way Ghostface would put themselves in a crowd of people to get me and I oddly felt comforted by this person holding on to me shielding me from the sparks but I had to protect the civilians.
I struggled against the hold no matter how comforting it was, "let me go."
Spencer whispers soothingly to me, " You have to stay back, you're a target."
"We have to secure the crowd," I look at him determinedly but my eyes soften when they meet his worried eyes.
"Prentiss and Rossi have it covered, you need to worry about yourself," he assures.
I resist the urge to roll my eyes purely because Spencer's eyes are looking at me like a wounded puppy. I nod at him to hopefully soothe some of his nerves.
He pushes my stray hair behind my ear, "Please, look after yourself."
"Jeez, Spencer you are practically begging," I try to make light of the awful situation. It is what I do best.
"If begging is what it takes for you to take care of yourself I'd beg on my knees," he says so seriously I suck in a deep breath and my face turns fifty shades of red.
I hear Alvez shout from the roof, "There's no one up here Prentiss!"
That jumpstarts me back into reality and I awkwardly pull away from Spencer's arms.
"I need to check up on Dewey," I stuttered much more flustered and breathy than I meant to.
Spencer smiles at my reaction and I can tell he is taking joy in how flustered he made me. I definitely need to get him back at a future date if Ghostface doesn't kill me first. I make my way to the news van where Dewey is currently checking the woman for a pulse. Gale is unfortunately right there as well ready with a microphone in hand.
"The BAU has this totally under control. Right, Y/n?" She says full of sarcasm.
I clench my teeth and growl, "Sid and Dewey may have forgiven you but I never will. You are the reason for the movies and the movies are the reason for the nonstop copycats."
"You don't have to like me, I happen to have a lead and you don't," she grins.
"Gale," Dewey warns.
"Let me know when y'all all back on team Gale!" She shouts and storms off into the crowd.
"Why did you marry her again?" I look up to Dewey.
"Says the girl making nonstop goo-goo eyes at her coworker," he chastises.
I look back at Spencer and back at Dewey, "I am not!"
"Denial ain't just a river in Egypt darling. I also never said which coworker, " he smirks.
I am getting mad at how flushed my cheeks have been getting today. They are total traitors to my emotions. "Shut up Dewey."
Spencer taps my shoulder, oh my god when did he get there! And how much of this conversation did he hear?
"Prentiss wants all of us to head back to the precinct to form a profile," Spencer relays the information.
I nod a little too aggressively than needed but hopefully, it erases the conversation from his mind that Dewey and I were having... then I remember his photographic memory. Damn, his perfect mind!
"Yes. Yes. Gonna be a long night so let's get going... see you back at the station Dewey," I say awkwardly silently cursing myself.
"See you both back at the station," Dewey nods and winks at me. I am fuming now is not the time to make me awkward and tease me!
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egg-emperor · 1 year
Thankful for The Murder of Sonic the Hedgehog giving some good examples the exact kind of Eggdad Eggfam dynamics stuff that I really wanna see if it has to be a thing in the games. Would be very happy to see more of this. It's been going around out of context but I like it in context much more
I like how he encourages his robots to compete to impress him and be "rewarded", which keeps them motivated and loyal in serving him. This is EXACTLY the kind of thing I've been fucking talking about in my Eggdad tag!!! WIN
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Then you end up with robots built with the desire to serve him! Them specifically being programmed with those desires makes it seem a lot more artificial and shallow and that's why I like it, it feels very accurate because both Eggman and his creations prioritize pleasing him.
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And he takes pride in their sentience and loyalty only being possible thanks to his genius, of course 🥰
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And I like how this also plays a part in the Mirage Express' crisis about the conductor leaving, as that is what it saw as its bounty and all and the wish it had
The turning people into robots for Sage to play with thing is good because it can be a way for him to try to get her to see and use people as play things, just like he does.
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His 'parenting' involves evil and it can be a way of having a bad influence which is another thing that can be helpful in getting his creations to be on the same page and agree with all his beliefs and desires too.
I also like that Sage is red not blue so she's evil again, which I highly expect in the future main games because there's no way he'd revive her as a good person over who he actually created her to be if he can do anything about it, like Flynn was seemingly hinting at too
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I also appreciate Eggman being as big of an angry asshole to Orbot and Cubot as usual and them not acting like he's ever been genuinely nice to them
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And I like to think Eggman approved only shirts for his "kids" to wear that hype HIM up. Whether he has them made or not, it's funny that's the case instead of them having like "best daughter/son" shirts, it has to be all about him like he always wants hehe
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Something that would make it funnier is that it could potentially also be Metal's "birthday" in the game too, since he shares an anniversary with Amy because maybe that's why they have party hats and yet it's still all about Eggman over the potential birthday boy lol
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dylanlila · 7 months
sometimes we forget how much of a light house is in cuddy’s life that her PERSON!!!
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this is exactly what i needed in my inbox for personal reasons so thank you :") but yeah... they're both weird!!! is the thing!!!! and house is so loud about it because that's how he avoids being accused of anything and cuddy tries to undermine her weirdness because that's how she avoids being accused of anything, but both of those mechanisms are a way of not being one's true self to the fullest. because if you are determined not to do what you consider to be the things only other people can do and you believe in this because it was proven to you time and time again that you don't exactly fit in, you might miss out on the simplicity you're unexpectedly able to appreciate and engage in. and if you're constantly trying to meet everyone's expectations, where is the space for you to be you? and house IS a light in cuddy's life in this very unexpected, unusual way because he somehow still preserves while living in a way that's completely against the idea of what life should or is supposed to be. something cuddy struggles with throughout the entire show almost... even the things she wants that fit the perfect life narrative she tries to make herself want them more. i am instantly brought to tears thinking about her wish to have a kid which seemed more real to me than her attempts to find a romantic partner... because i really feel like she wanted to have someone who would at least hear her if not be like her -> that's why wilson is so significant to her. he's wilson! he hears what nobody else can hear... but she also wanted somebody to love without worrying about whether she was doing it right. so the fact that she admits not to feel what she thought she would feel towards rachel makes such compelling character drama... because the most crucial thing that cuddy does wrong is the fact that she thinks not to fit within the realm of supposed and should is to fail. and that brings me back to house because he does not care about the supposeds and the shoulds and he is a great doctor, maybe even because of this very thing more than anything else. and yes that does disrupt cuddy's whole worldview, but it's also hopeful i think. because if not sticking to the rulebook works for someone else, maybe she's not doing anything wrong when she's not married with kids by the time her mother deems appropriate. maybe she's not doing anything wrong it she gets overwhelmed by how much work she has to deal with. this is EXACTLY why house is the one to help out in that cuddy centric episode. because that's what he is to her. he jumps out of the ordinary and makes it work. so it's okay for cuddy to be cuddy. so there's no right way to feel something. and it's pretty fascinating because that same thing is what easily turns into one of house's greatest flaws (the fact that he won't let himself do or god forbid enjoy something ordinary or boring), but to cuddy it's inspirational. (the horror on her face when he admits that he values her over his work comes to mind) and there is something very human about all that which is mainly why theirs is my favourite relationship on the show. humans do that! we see something in someone and find light in it, but to that person to believe that something they've been called crazy for (by others or themselves) or have felt bad about to the point of it becoming an integral part of their very being and simultaneously an inevitable source of some kind of twisted, survival-rooted pride can be viewed in a different way is world-changing and on the edge of world-ending. that's the main conflict between these 2 characters i think. the fact that the very thing that they're inspired by in one another is what terrifies them when they get too close to each other. loving the other one is easy. it's loving themselves enough to be a person with them that's paralysing.
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samiamack · 7 months
Cale Rok Headcanons:
KRS is a pillow princess
Bulky/stronk sub
Ace → sex neutral
Willing to do it to fulfill partner
Can make him feel closer to Cale
Wants Cale to be happy
Cale will never engage unless he is certain that Rok Soo consents
Doesn’t enjoy the physical activity aspect
Tends to forget about it while having sex
Can enjoy the act occasionally
Enjoys cuddles after sex
He prefers to express his affection nonverbally
Acts of service
He loves Cale fiercely
Has a habit of listening to Cale’s heartbeat to remind him that Cale is alive
This habit stems from the trauma of everyone he’s ever loved dying
Cale is the top
Lean muscle dom
Ace → sex positive
Feels closer when and after doing it
Ensures he has consent
Will not engage in any sexual tension if he isn’t sober(almost never)
Enjoys sex
Prefers to express affection physically and verbally
Words of affirmation
Says i love you frequently
Flusters and comforts Rok Soo
Gives compliments frequently
Any positive physical touch
Arms on waist/shoulders
Gets really insecure about relationship at times and ends up in a spiral of thinking he doesn’t deserve Rok Soo
Rok Soo hates this and tries to help by showing his affection as often as possible
Rok Soo can be averse to touch and won't allow anyone to touch or get near him
Cale respects this and ensures that no one disturb him
Rok Soo likes it when Cale just talks with him during those moments
He also appreciates that Cale will always ask when he is going to go near Rok Soo
The two are the best parental units to their hordes of adopted(legally and emotionally) children.
Cale is genderfluid
Has different wardrobes for all their genders
Ron and Hans can somehow inherently tell which gender Cale is that day/ at the moment(much like Magnus in the Records of Ragnarok)
Deruth is jealous of this ability
KRS is agender but uses he/him pronouns
Due to his appearance people often just assume he is a boy
KRS doesn’t care about whatever pronouns people use for him he just uses he/him because it’s easiest to explain
He actually really likes it when people use anything other than he/him or use he/him but not in a way that seems to imply that they see him as solely a boy (I am 100% projecting here)
Cale catches onto this and will often use whatever random new pronoun he found today in his encyclopedia of neopronouns
Open communication is extremely important to the two so they practice it frequently(I know it’s OCC but in this essay I will-)
They keep almost no secrets from each other
Always inform the other of their plans and if they are injured
Respect keeping each other secrets as they respect each others privacy
Were both hurt by miscommunication in the past so they make sure to always inform the other
KRS is nonverbal
Cale learns sign language to better communicate with KRS first
Rest of the family learn as well
Ron + Beacrox
Alberu + Rosalyn
Violan + Basen + Lilly
Choi Han
Bud Illis
Eruhaben already knew sign language
KRS likes to cook for Cale
Cale loves KRS’s cooking
Cale loves to dress KRS up
KRS is fine with whatever as long as it’s comfortable
Cale kisses all of KRS’s scars
KRS finds the scars to be shameful and scary so he gets flustered whenever cale does this
@aro-screams-into-the-void bestie pls opinions I need them!
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