#anyway i know that ty is taller so no worries
wikitpowers · 6 months
never forget when cassie did this 🤧
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why is she doing this to us?
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lemonandlime22 · 1 year
Could I request Bitey Child Yuu running to Malleus, Lilia, Riddle, Cater, and Ruggie (Maybe Floyd if you have time but I won't be pushy) crying cause they bit a beast man who's now hunting them down so they came for protection? I just think that'd be really wholesome and cute.
Malleus, Lilia, Riddle, Cater, Ruggie, and Floyd protecting bitey Child!Yuu
Warning(s): Cussing, a bit of rambling, a small plot hole that will not be acknowledged in Cater's. not yet edited
A/N: HOLY FUCK- this is so cute!!!! I have never squealed so much when I saw a req! this exceeds my character limit but imma do all anyway. ty for requesting I hope ya like it! btw, Yuu is called 'fry' in Floyds cause that's what a baby shrimp is called, thought that'd be a cute touch.
[Bitey child!Yuu Masterlist]
Before I start I would just like to remind yall that it takes a lot to make you cry if it's not cause you can't bite someone, so let's set up a lil scenario,
You were having a normal well normal for you day, vide checking people and all, when you came across a rather tall and large beast-man who, unbeknownst to you, had had a very long and agonizing day and was on the verge of snapping, if not having a full-on overblot. All you know was that he didn't pass the check and needed to face the punishment for being intimating. As you know, it didn't work out so well for you, The beast-man ripped you off his hand and held you by the collar of your uniform jacket, then started to yell threats in your face. Your eyes started tearing up as you tried your best to grab onto any part of him to bite and hopefully let you go. When your plan failed tears ran down your cheeks but the man's screaming only got louder. You managed to squirm and wiggle your way out of the jacket and ran to hide or find someone that could help, while the beast-man was hunting you down with the scent from your jacket.
Malleus Draconia
Malleus stood at the front of the school admiring the gargoyles for his club activity
usually he would pick you up from whatever you were doing so you could look at them together
but he saw you playing with Ortho when he went to pick you up, and he didn’t want to disturb you.
Before you could even get within 20 feet of the front of the school, he already had heard your sobbing and teleported right in front of you
you bumped into his legs and fell back, but Malleus quickly caught you and held you in his arms
not even questioning it you squeezed your arms around his neck and cried into his shoulder.
Malleus was already on alert and looking for the person responsible
that’s when he saw a rather aggressive beast-man student stomping towards him, holding your jacket and screaming in your direction
it only took mere moments for the beast-man to notice the taller Draconia dorm leader holding you so dearly, and take off running
not wanting it to see what would happen.
Malleus turned his attention back to you, making note to speak to the beast-man later on,
he shifted you in his arms so you would be more comfortable, he sat you on his forearm and placed his other arm around you with his hand cradling your head and hugged you close to him
he decided to continue his club activities with you in his arms.
You would occasionally move your face out of the crook of his neck to look at a gargoyle
then he would tell you all about the one you took notice of.
You two eventually made it to Ramshackle, where Grim was waiting impatiently
“Yuu! There you are! I’ve been worried- I mean… huh..?”
Before Grim could continue, Malleus shushed him, motioning that you were asleep
he placed you down in your bed and tucked you in
he then went to drag the armchair to sit at your bedside, and Grim hoped into bed next to you.
Malleus watched over the two of you till deep into the night when he finally felt it was safe enough.
The next day he brought you your uniform jacket when he came to bring you along for his club activity that day.
Lilia Vanrouge
This omniscient fuck-
Lilia was just doing his thing,
scaring people, hanging literally with the bats, going to classes etc
when he heard a child cry
I doubt he even needed to think about who it might have been before he ran teleported?? towards the sobbing.
You ran into a bush in the courtyard, to hide from your assailant, and covered your hands over your mouth to muffle the weeping
after what felt like hours of his searching the courtyard, he was drawn away down a hall
where he thought he heard your footsteps.
You crawled out of the bush and ran in the opposite direction
when you had gotten far enough away, you looked back behind you to make sure he wasn't following
but while you were distracted you ran into someone's torso
looking back you found Lilia standing there with his signature mischievous smile on his face
"Well, hello there little batty! How are you this evening?"
You didn't even listen to him before you ran behind him and hugged your small arms around his lower torso and continued to cry,
"Oh~ my little bat... if your worried about that beast-man, 'there's no need, he won't bother you, dearie."
Lilia turned in your hold and put your jacket on your shoulders.
"There you are! Now, what do you say to coming over to visit Diasomnia? I'm sure the boys would love to see you!"
Once you gave a curt nod, he picked you up and brought you to Diasomnia.
You spent the rest of your afternoon playing with Malleus, taking naps with Silver, and chewing on Sebek's hand which he begrudgingly allowed you to do when Lilia told him to let you do it
when it was late, Lilia was happy to let you sleepover
but made sure to go and pick up Grim to sleepover as well.
He tucked you both in and hummed a soothing melody until the two of you were fast asleep.
"Goodnight little bat," Lilia kissed the top of your head
"and goodnight little cat, hehe..." he lightly patted Grim's head, and left you both to sleep peacefully.
Riddle Rosehearts
Riddle was making his way from a Dorm Leader meeting and to his next class when your smaller form knocked into him, arms wrapping around him, and twisting to hide on his other side.
He was about to scold you for running in the halls when he felt a growing wetness on his uniform and noticed your shaking
"Yuu?... What happened?"
He was extremely confused and worried
he's never seen you cry.
Placing a comforting hand on your head, he knelt down to your level to hopefully help you feel more comfortable to tell him what happened
in response to his movements you wrapped your arms around his neck and buried your slimy face into his shoulder
Riddle has never been all that good comforting others, but he did his best to make you feel better.
Before he could ask you again a large beast-man came barreling down the hallway,
"There you are you little brat!" the beast-man said through gritted teeth
your body stiffened at the aggressive voice, which did not go unnoticed.
Riddle tried to stand up and let you go but you had a strong grip on him, your small hands balled into fists around the back of his jacket
so instead he lifted you up a little bit and turned in the direction of the booming voice
Riddle also noted that the student had your jacket.
"May I ask what you need with Yuu?" Riddle had an idea of what might have happened, and if that fresh bite mark on the beast-man's hand was a clue, he was right-
"That little shit bit me! Hand them- OVER!'
the beast-man yelled through gritted teeth before stepping forward and attempting to snatch you from Riddle by the collar of your shirt.
Riddle was quick to shut that down, by grabbing his pen and collaring the student
the beast-man stepped back and paused in shock, Riddle took that opportunity to grab your jacket from him and pick you up to walk to his next class.
He made sure to keep you with him for the rest of the day, which was petty easy considering you were asleep for most of it,
only waking up when Trey brought you one of your favorite goodies.
He made sure that headmaster Crowley was informed of this as well.
Ah~, and Riddles going to need a good massage though, he carried you for most of the day even when Trey and some teachers ask if he wanted them to carry you so he could have a break, he's not used to carrying something for so long.
Cater Diamond
Cater was getting things set up in the music room for the music club
it usually would be him, Lilia, and Kalim all doing this together but they had to go to a house warden meeting, and Lilia had to fill in for Malleus as always.
He was in the middle of tuning his guitar when the jiggling of the door knob caught his attention
when you came through the door. Cater was a bit surprised
usually you didn't come to the music room unless he would bring you when Riddle or Trey was busy.
But what surprised him more was that you were crying and when you flew past him to hide behind the drum kit it worried it quite a bit
he was about to ask you what you were doing when he heard loud stomping coming from hall
then a rather large and angry looking beast-man busted through the door.
"Where are they?!"
"I'm sorry...?"
"You know who I'm talking about, that brat that bit me!"
Cater inwardly sighed, he knew sooner or later you would piss someone off enough to want to get back at you like this
"Sorry, haven't seen them today." Cater shrugged, turning his attention back to the instrument in his hands.
The beast-man was about to protest, but Cater strummed the guitar, interrupting him
after a few more interruptions, the beast-man huffed and stormed back out of the club room
once Cater was sure whoever you pissed off was far enough away, he turned to the drum kit
"Its ok to come out now kiddo, he's gone."
He waited for a minute but you never came out of your little hiding place
Cater sighed and lightly shook his head with a small smile
he stood up with his guitar and walked behind the drum kit to sit next to you,
you had your knees to chest and was playing with the bow around your wrist
Cater nudged your leg with the instrument to get your attention, once you gave it to him, he started telling you about the guitar
how to tune it, how tuning worked, why some things worked the way they did, etc..
And that's how you spent the rest of evening,
Cater continued to teach you all about the instruments in the room unit Kalim and Lilia arrived,
from then, you sat in front of them as their little audience for the next hour or so.
After that Cater took you back to Heartslabyul and treated you to some of his favorite spicy snacks, then when it was bedtime he told Ace and Deuce to walk you back to Ramshackle
he also told them about what had happened.
Deuce gave you your jacket the next day he got detention getting it back but he thinks it was worth it.
Ruggie Bucchi
Ruggie was doing Leona's laundry, hanging up his clothes on the line outside of the dorm building
and just as he was grabbing a clip, he caught the sound of his name, or rather a shortened version of it, causing his ears to twitch
he turned towards the direction his name came from, and saw your small silhouette running towards him
as you got closer he could also hear your chocked sobbing of his name
"Ru-g! *hic* Rug- Ruggie-" Your yelling was cut off by another sob
Before he could fully register what was happening and react, you had already rushed to him and started hugging his legs tightly.
Ruggie did his best to console you through your sobs, he tried to pick you up but your grip on his legs was far too strong
yeah he rly could just rip you off but you were crying so he had to be gentle, also your a kid so.
he settled for rubbing your back and offering to make you some food.
Soon after your sobs had finally started to slow, Ruggie heard yelling and cursing coming from the direction of the portal mirror, the same one you came from
it was a common occurrence in the Savanaclaw dorm so he paid no mind to it
not even when you also heard to and started to cry again, he just continued to console you
you let go of his pants and ran into the clean laundry basket behind him and hid
he didn't rly think much of it, just thought that the shouting from a random student had startled you
he continued to do the laundry for a moment before the culprit of all the yelling ran up to him.
"Where the hell is that brat Ruggie?!"
"I don't know what your talkn' about"
"Don't play dumb, hyena! That little shit that's always hanging 'round you bit me!-"
Ruggie was quick to shut his classmate up with his unique magic and make him walk a good distance away
once he deemed it alright, he quickly finished up the laundry and took you,
still in the clean laundry basket, and finished up his chores.
He found you fast asleep under the clean clothes as he was putting them away
and decided to let you sleep and carried you around in the basket while he made some lunch for the two of you when you wake up.
Floyd Leech
My mans just thought you were scared of Jade again.
He was just walking around when he saw your little form ran passed him
and he could hear the very obvious crying.
Floyd easily picked you up and was unsurprisingly met with you kicking, thrashing, screaming, and crying even more
"Hey- Hey! little fry! relax it's just Floydy!"
he held you in front of him so you could easily see his signature toothy grin, and you surprisingly calmed down
but still crying, and now grabbing at his hands that were around your torso.
Floyd obliged and readjusted so that you were sitting on his forearm and facing him
he also gave you his free hand for you to play with it, to which you started to nibble said hand.
This wasn't an uncommon thing, whenever you started crying cause of Jade, Floyd would let you play with and nibble on his hand, which always seemed to calm you down.
He knew it would probably take a little while for you to calm all the way down, so he decided to continue walking around, doing whatever the fuck he does.
Like he thought, your calming down took several minutes, and everything seemed fine for a minute or two until you looked over his shoulder and started shaking again and hugged his arm closer to you
Floyd turned around expecting to see his brother
except he was met with a very angry beast-man speed walking towards the both of you yelling something about "finally finding you freak"
he doesn't know, he didn't care to pay attention.
The beast-man, without fully registering who was holding you, tried to make a grab for you
only to be kicked away by Floyd and knocked on his ass
the beast-man didn't move, far too scared of the tall eel's next move.
It took him a second, but Floyd was able to connect the dots,
the expression on his face was... less expressive than usual, he looked completely serious
but that quickly changed when he looked back at you,
"Hey lil fry! why don't you go find Jade and Azul, pretty sure they're at the lounge!"
Floyd set you down but gave you his jacket before you ran to the lounge, but made sure to grab his magic pen out of the pocket.
When you got to the lounge you were still shaking and refused to answer any questions Jade or Azul asked you.
When Floyd came back he seemed to have some red stuff on his shirt and face, he also held your jacket in his hand.
You stayed at the lounge for the rest of the day just hanging out and helping around, and Floyd carried you back to Ramshackle when you fell asleep in one of the booths.
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pnsteblnme · 11 months
wrong impressions ✿ k.m.
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pairing: katie mccabe x reader
summary: a misunderstanding leads to conflicts and tension between katie mccabe and arsenal’s newest signing.
warning: cursing, katie and reader being idiots, bad writing 
word count: 5.1k (i don't even know how this happened)
a/n: here’s a little something in honour of ireland's second game today ;) also, this was my first time writing something like this and english isn’t my first language, so bear with me please <3 anyway, i hope you enjoy this and i’m always happy to hear your thoughts :)
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“Oh, McCabe isn’t good. She’s borderline reckless and very petulant, plays way too aggressively and all she does is collect cards for her team.”
“The fuck,” muttered Katie with a quiet scoff after hearing Arsenal’s newest signing’s words as she walked into the training facility. Not wanting to hear more comments, she quickly made her way to the locker room and sat down at her designated spot, an annoyed frown still etched onto her face.
As the brunette was tying her shoes, a shoulder nudged hers, “You excited for our new additions?” Katie looked to her left to be met with the buzzing smile of her blonde friend.
The corners of Leah’s mouth dropped, “Hey, what’s wrong?”
Finishing the tie on her shoe Katie leaned back up, let out a small sigh and opened her mouth. Before she could utter a word though, the door opened.
“So, as you all know, we have two incredible players joining us this season. I’m sure you’re all acquainted with Alessia,” Jonas pointed to the taller of the two women, who sent everyone a friendly grin, “and this is Y/N Y/L/N. Before coming to us she played for Barcelona but because of an injury, our paths haven’t crossed yet,” after he finished his sentence, you raised your hand for a timid wave and looked at all the girls with a nervous smile, a blush coating your cheeks, resulting in a few excited greetings being thrown your way. “I trust that you’ll make them feel at home and yeah, that’s all. I’ll see you on the pitch in 5,” were his last words before disappearing behind the door.
Turning around to face your new team, you were welcomed with open arms - literally. In front of you, you found almost all the girls waiting to greet you, each pulling you into a hug and introducing themselves.
After you were done introducing yourself, you quickly changed. The warm welcome they gave you resulted in your heartbeat finally slowing down (maybe not to a normal pace, but considerably slower than when you arrived). Later, you would also realise that your hands had stopped shaking halfway through the training, filling your body with warmth, that felt like the sun thawing the frost off of colourful flowers on a warm spring morning.
Right now though, your shoulders slumped as you noticed that the forward you were most very thrilled to play alongside of, didn’t greet you (and if you weren’t imagining things, even sent a glare in your direction).
Shaking off those thoughts, you made your way to the pitch, walking next to Leah. “How are you feeling?” she questioned, looping her arm through yours.
“I’m literally shitting my pants,” you chuckled, “but I’m also excited to play in this amazing team like, I don’t know, I feel like I can learn so much from you.”
Leah waved you off, “Don’t worry, you’re gonna be just fine and I have a feeling it’s gonna be the other way around.” When you felt the blonde’s hand ruffling your hair, you jokingly pushed her away, muttering about how you were going to get back at her.
And that you did. The end of the training came with a scrimmage, in which Leah and you were on opposite teams. Getting the ball from Lotte, you quickly made your way towards their goal and consequently came face to face with the blonde defender. Before she could do much, you nutmegged her and sent the ball straight to the far post, Alessia scoring a goal with a beautiful header.
Fidgeting with your sleeves, you turned to your friend with a sheepish laugh, “Sorry, I just don’t like people messing up my hair.” Chuckles coming from the girl instantly relaxed you as she patted your shoulder, “That was a nice play.”
Heat crawled into your cheeks as you muttered a quiet ‘thanks’ and made your way back to your side.
Sadly, not everyone took the scrimmage as light-hearted as Leah. With the frustration growing after each goal your team scored, the game quickly became physical. You would feel the wrath of that a few moments later.
Running along the sideline, you were just about to send another ball into the penalty box when you felt cleats connecting with your ankle and your legs being swept from under you.
You let out a groan as you held your foot, trying to stand up. Rotating your ankle a bit, you attempted to take a few wobbly steps, the new blonde forward approaching you, “Are you all right? That looked like it hurt.”
“No, it’s fine, I just have to walk it off.”
Limping a few metres, you felt the pain slowly subside and glanced at the girl that had tackled you. Not seeing her making any moves to apologise nor a glimpse of remorse on her face, a crease formed between your eyebrows, wondering why Katie was acting this cold towards you.
When the game continued with you, in particular, being the one the Irish woman directed her fury at, the uncomfortable feeling in your chest grew. That was why, when Leah and you were collecting the balls that had been shot to god knows where, you inquired, “Does Katie not like me?”
“No, what makes you think that?”
Putting the last ball into the bag you shrugged your shoulders, “I don’t know, I just feel like she has it out for me, you know?”
“Hm, it looked like she was already in a lousy mood before you came in, so she probably just had a bad day. I’m sure yous will hit it off tomorrow,” consoled the blonde with a comforting touch to your arm.
Alas, it didn’t seem to get better the next day.
Being on the receiving end of her tackles once again, this time even from the beginning of the training session, your patience was wearing thin. Your dislike for conflict made you keep quiet though, not wanting to cause drama on your second day and because no one else said anything, you just presumed that it wasn’t anything out of the ordinary.
After a particularly gruesome duel, where Katie had stepped onto your feet multiple times, you couldn’t push your agitation down anymore, the anger bubbling inside of you like an active volcano, fiery red lava spewing out of your mouth, “Okay, what the fuck did I do to you? Why do you hate me?”
Surprised at hearing your angry voice directed at her, the Irish woman turned around with a scoff, “Don’t pretend like you don’t know what you did.”
“I don’t, I wouldn’t be asking if I did, Sherlock.”
You watched as her eyes rolled into the back of her head before she turned around and marched to her position. Feeling a presence behind you, you tried to get your whirring thoughts under control, “Everything alright?”
Pulling your shoulders to your ears and letting them drop again, you returned, “Yeah, I’m not so sure about her not hating me, though,” eliciting a frown on the blonde’s face.
Unfortunately, for you two and for everyone who had to hear your petty arguments, you were paired up with Katie on one of the gym days.
For the most part, everything was fine. Even though the Irish woman couldn’t help but follow a few drops of sweat that rolled down your abs with her grey eyes, which sparked her irritation, wondering how she could be thinking about a person like you like that, you two didn’t exchange any words.
That is until you were supposed to spot Katie. Padding over to her waiting by the bench press, you thought about how you could finally relax for a moment after all the tiring exercises you had to go through.
Boy, how wrong you were.
Standing at the head of the bench you had a perfect view of Katie doing her tasks. It felt like a magnet being pulled to the strongest metal, the way your eyes were glued to the forward’s arms. Not knowing what hit you, you couldn’t pull your gaze away from the heavenly sight.
Katie noticing your dazed expression, rolled her eyes with a smirk, before an idea formed in her head. Pretending to lose her grip on the weight, she laid it down on her chest and let out struggling breaths.
After she tried to get your attention with faux breathless words, you suddenly jumped out of your stupor and quickly lifted the weight off of her.
“Do you want to kill me?!”
“Oh god, I’m so sorry, I wasn’t paying attention,” you mumbled, regret filling your voice as you looked down sheepishly.
Shaking her head the brunette enjoyed teasing you further, “You can’t do anything, can you?”
“I said I was sorry, relax.”
Across the room, Leah and Alessia were watching the scene unfold with confusion written over their faces, “Where did this weird tension even come from? It looks like they want to kill and fuck each other at the same time.”
“I don’t know,” Leah responded, “but I think we need to separate them or one of those two things will happen any minute now.”
These little quarrels eventually developed into a common component of Arsenal’s training sessions, even being present outside of them, like on team bonding nights.
All the girls were gathered at Leah’s house to watch a few movies and just enjoy each other’s company. Everything was fine until Katie got up from the couch to get another drink for herself. During that time you arrived at the blonde’s flat, having had an appointment before, and unknowingly sat down at the spot that was previously occupied by none other than the fiery winger.
When she strolled back into the living room and saw exactly who had stolen her spot, the brunette let out an annoyed sigh. Making her way towards you, she stopped in front of your frame, “Did you make it your personal life goal to annoy me whenever you can, or what?”
Only being met by you looking at her with those stupid eyes and your stupid button nose and a stupid mischievous grin on your face, she scoffed, “Move out of my seat, you knob.”
About to stand up, you felt a few drops of something land in your lap, which made you look up only to see the brunette raising her eyebrow, “Oh no, I’m so sorry, I guess my glass was too full.”
“Tell me, Katie, is it hard being such a relentless asshole, or does it come naturally to you?” you sent her a fake smile, before moving to the other side of the room, not before jamming your shoulder into hers though.
Before Katie could retaliate, Beth let out a tired sigh, “Girls, can we just enjoy the movie now?”, gaining agreeing mumbles from everyone else.
It all came to a head when Katie tackled Alessia, who you had grown very close to in the last two months and now considered one of your best friends.
You were running along the sideline, waiting for Alessia to pass the ball, when you heard her outcry and immediately stopped. Hastily making your way to the blonde, you kneeled down and softly put your hand on her left leg, trying to calm her down, “Oh my god, Less, are you alright?”
“It hurts,” she groaned, still holding her foot.
“Don’t worry, everything’s gonna be fine, the medics are gonna be here in a second.”
Looking up when they arrived, you also saw the woman that had caused Alessia to fall to the ground.
Only seeing red, you stood up so fast you were surprised you didn’t get whiplash, shoving the brunette with both of your arms, “What the hell is your problem?! You don’t get to just treat people like that, jackass!”
“What did you just say to me?” barked Katie as she invaded your personal space, your faces only a breath apart, meaning you could see the vein on her forehead popping out and almost smoke coming from her ears.
“You heard me, McCabe,” taking one last step towards her, your foreheads touching, you poked your index finger into her chest, “stop playing like a fucking hazardous idiot and go apologise to her right now! I know you hate me and you can come at me all you want, be my guest, but if you ever hurt her again, I’ll break your goddamn kneecaps!” Your chest heaved up and down with the rage inside of you, “Stay. The fuck. Away. From her,” punctuating each word with a jab of your finger, you gave her one last push before turning back to Alessia still laying on the ground.
With it being the last training before the first match, it wasn’t a surprise when the atmosphere was a bit tense.
So, when you accidentally bumped into the one and only Katie McCabe, because the exercise had you all running backwards, and somehow landed on top of her, her snappy remark came almost instantly, “Watch where you’re going and get the fuck off of me.”  
Putting your hands on either side of her head, you started to pull yourself up, scoffing at her overdramatic reaction, “Go take a walk and calm down, babes.”
As she quickly stood up and pushed up against your body with her glowering eyes, that reminded you of the sea after a terrible storm, the gray rolling clouds reflecting onto the almost-blue surface of the water, her intoxicating scent invading your nostrils only infuriating you further, “Why don’t you take a walk back to Barcelona?”
Having had enough of this constant back and forth, you raised both of your arms and let them fall back to your sides, “What’s your goddamn problem?!”
“You! And don’t try your stupid innocent act on me, you know exactly what you did.”
Seeing the frown on your face, Katie continued, “Unless you’re gonna admit it, you can take your shit-talking self elsewhere.”
“God, you’re so full of yourself, I’m not gonna kiss your ass and apologise for something I didn’t even do!”
“Are yo- ”
She was interrupted by Leah separating you two, “Let’s take a deep breath, ladies.” Still glaring at one another you two slowly parted ways.
The locker room was buzzing with everyone’s excitement for Arsenal’s first game of the season, excited chatter coming from every corner. As you were all about to enter the pitch for warm ups, Jonas appeared, “McCabe, Y/L/N, a minute, please.”
He waited for the other girls to leave before addressing you, “I don’t know what’s gotten into you, but you need to get it together,” his tone emphasising his disappointment. “When I made you the offer, Y/N, I thought you two would come together as a fantastic offense, because I know Katie has wanted to be winger again for a long time now and your styles and techniques just compliment each other perfectly,” the words causing you to look at your shoes shamefully.
“Now I know that you can destroy Liverpool’s defense out there but in order to do that, I need you two to work together, okay?” he looked to the two women in front of him expectantly, causing both of them to nod, his last words only making them repeat the motion, “And if you pull anything like the the shit that went down yesterday, you’re instantly being subbed off, understood?”
Jonas’ words apparently made something inside the both of you switch. Throughout the whole game, Katie and you seemed to link up every chance you could and waltzed through Liverpool’s defense like a hazard. Even when you were behind the Irish woman, she could somehow feel your presence and get the ball to your feet. You had to admit that playing with Katie when you were both working together felt amazing, giving the impression of flying over the pitch.
Even though the game went as well as it did, you went back to being at each other’s throats afterwards.
The snarky comments exchanged in the locker room extinguishing any hope your teammates had that you would at least be civil now.
One day at lunch in the team cafeteria, Katie couldn’t help but let her gaze float towards her self-appointed enemy.
Watching as you laughed with Alessia, made her thoughts run wild. Why would you say that about her? And why was she so bugged by it, when she normally just let the nasty comments brush past her without giving them a second glance?
A fork dropping to the floor startled her, making her eyes flick towards the direction the sound came from. She could see Alessia leaning down to pick it up and noticed you putting your hand between the blonde’s head and the edge of the table, efficiently sparing the forward an uncomfortable collision with the table.
This wasn’t the first time, the brunette picked up on your kindness. All the other times, for example, you staying behind and helping the staff clean up or you giving the girl you’d walked onto the pitch with your jacket, making her wonder why you were treating her so differently.
The heavy feeling in her gut made a crease form between Katie’s eyebrows. Turning to her right she questioned the captain of England’s national team, “Why is she literally the nicest human being to everyone but me?”
“Hmm, let me think, maybe because you’ve been nothing but mean to her since day one?” spoke the blonde after tapping her chin with a faux thoughtful face that turned into an ‘are you kidding me’ look.
Grumbling and stabbing her food with her fork she retorted, “She started it.”
“What do you mean? There’s not a bad bone, not even a bad cell, in that girl’s body.”
“Well, when I came in on her first day, I heard her talking to someone and she was saying pretty nasty things about me,” Katie claimed with a defeated tone.
A confused look crossed Leah’s face, “Are you sure it was her? What did she say?”
Thinking back to said day, she tried to get the words together, “Yes, I’m a hundred percent sure, and she was saying something like ‘McCabe is way too aggressive, all she does is get cards and she just isn’t good’ and I don’t know, normally I don’t really care about what people say about me, but I was just so excited to play with her and-”
“Are you serious?!”, exclaimed the blonde incredulously.
“Did you listen to her until the end?”
Grimacing, Katie replied, “No, why would I? So that I could hear more of her borderline offensive comments?”
Fishing for her phone in her pocket, Leah grunted, “I can’t believe you sometimes, you useless lesbian.”
“What’s that supposed to mean?” the Irish woman starting to feel lost now, as her friend put her phone down in front of her, a video playing.
Scanning the screen she could see the title of said video ‘Y/N Y/L/N’s first Arsenal interview’ and the fog in her brain only thickened. Then she heard a voice behind the camera, “So, what are you most excited about?”
You smiled nervously, fiddling with the rings on your finger,  “Uhm, I’m really excited to play with this team cause their style is so different and I just think, uh, I can learn a lot from these amazing girls.”
“And who are you most excited to play with?”
“Oh, that’s easy, Katie McCabe,” you told the interviewer animatedly, “many people might say like ‘Oh, McCabe isn’t good. She’s borderline reckless and very petulant, plays way too aggressively and all she does is collect cards for her team’,” you imitated while doing air quotations.
“But I’m like, have you seen this girl play? It’s amazing to watch and maybe she’s a bit more physical but it’s working, isn’t it? I don’t know, I just think it’s very admirable and just so unique cause you don’t see a lot of people playing like that, you know? Sorry, I’m rambling,” you chuckled with rosy cheeks.
The blonde taking her phone back, brought Katie back to the real world. The realisation of what she had done came crashing down on her like a ton of bricks.
She hid her face behind her hands before she muttered ashamedly, “I’ve just really been an arsehole to her this whole time for no reason, haven’t I?”
“Yup, you have,” Leah patted her on the shoulder consolingly, “but I’m sure she’ll forgive you if you apologise.”
“Well, here goes nothing.”
When you heard footsteps approaching your table, you looked up from your plate to come face to face with the most infuriating person you knew, “Hey Y/N, could we maybe talk for a minute?”
Expecting her to start another fight, you couldn’t hide your surprise. “Uhm, sure I guess,” you told her as you got up to follow her out of the crowded room, shooting Alessia a confused look and only getting a shrug in response.
You arrived outside and when she stopped, you let your gaze study the woman in front of you. With her head down and her hands fidgeting, your eyes caught a sight you never would’ve thought to see. Used to her confident and feisty persona, you were astounded when you heard her speaking in a voice softer than you’d ever heard it before.
Trying to calm herself down, Katie took one last deep breath, before rising her eyes to meet your questioning ones, “I know you hate me and that this will not make up for the horrible way I’ve treated you and the awful things I’ve said, but I still want to apologise and explain why I acted the way I did.”
Your eyes widened as you took in her words and noticed that she looked to be on the verge of crying, so you sent her an encouraging smile, which she gratefully reciprocated.
“God, this is gonna sound so dumb,” she put one hand on her forehead and the other on her hip and continued, “Uhm, you remember your first day?” You nodded your head. “Well, I came in when you had your interview and I may have overheard a bit of what you were saying, only it was just a snippet of what you actually said, so I got the impression that you hated me, which I hope I didn’t make true, because I walked away before I could hear the rest of your answer.”
“I was just so excited to be able to play with you that I felt devastated after hearing your words, and I don’t really know why I did what I did but I just want you to know that I’m very very sorry, I truly am. When Leah showed me the whole video, I felt like the biggest fool ever. I know that this doesn’t excuse my behaviour but I hope you can forgive me and if not, I totally understand! Just tell me and I won’t get in your way until the end of time,” spoke Katie with her voice wavering on a few words.
The melodious sound of your laugh is what breaks her eye contact with the floor. Perplexed, she looked at you, trying to make out what your reaction meant.
“Sorry,” you let out another chuckle, “this is just the most rom-com movie type of shit I’ve ever experienced.”
You could see the girl in front of you visibly relax at your words, her shoulders finally dropping and letting out a quiet sigh of relief.
“And I should also apologise, it was wrong of me to treat you the way I did, especially because I just joined and don’t really know what everyone’s like and I also shouldn’t’ve provoked you like that and said the things I did, so yeah, I’m sorry too. I hope we can move past this,” seeing the hopeful glint in your shimmering eyes, Katie herself felt something inside of her spark.
With a thrilled smile, the Irish woman held her hand out as she proposed, “Friends?”
A beaming grin broke out on your face, feeling a tingling sensation in your tummy, you nodded giddily and pulled the woman into a tight hug. Your arms wrapped around her back as she leaned up to snake hers around your neck, squeezing tightly.
The warmth that encompassed you couldn’t even compare to drinking a hot chocolate under your fluffy blankets with your favourite movie playing on a snowy winter night.
The following weeks were filled with Katie and you spending more and more time together. One particular day, Katie couldn’t keep her eyes nor her thoughts off of you.
It all started with her struggling to get a glass that had been placed on one of the higher shelves in the cafeteria.
She had been trying to reach the goddamn thing for at least two minutes now and was just about to give up, when she felt the heat of a body behind her. Before she could turn around, the person took one last step towards her, their front touching Katie’s back, and reached out to hand her the item she had been failing to grasp.
If the familiar smell of your vanilla scent wasn’t enough of an indication of who exactly was pressing their body (a very fit one at that, if Katie’s sinful thoughts were anything to go by) against hers, your teasing voice definitely was, “You know, I’ve always wondered, has anyone ever mistaken you for being in middle school before?”
Ripping the glass out of your hand with a glare on her face the brunette retorted, “Fuck you.”
“Don’t mind if you do.”
Seeing her dumbfounded expression only caused your smirk to spread across your whole face, enjoying the sight of the usually confident woman trying to hide the heat rising up her cheeks and squirming in her place.
You found her flushed face extremely adorable, so there was nothing else to do but squish her cheeks between your hands - and that’s exactly what you did.
With you still squishing her warm face you exclaimed, “Aww, aren’t you the cutest?”
Slapping your hands away, she grumbled something unintelligible and turned on her spot, strutting back to her table. The laughter coming from you (which still put a slight grin on her face) didn’t help her face cool down, making the teasing from Leah inevitable.
“If you two don’t get together soon, I’ll lock you in my basement until you do, I just can’t watch this anymore.”
Katie already knew the comment would irk her, so she didn’t try to resist herself, “You don’t have a basement.”
“I don’t care, I’ll find something else to lock you in!”
A few hours later, her lack of concentration led to another incident involving you. She wasn’t paying attention for a minimum of two minutes (her thoughts being on anything but the exercise) when she collided with someone.
Tumbling to the ground, she grunted at the impact of the floor and the person landing on top of her. As soon as she saw who was almost laying on top of her, every last complaint flew right out of her head.
She looked up at your eyes to find them slightly creased at the edges, “I thought we would stop meeting like this, since we’re friends now,” you laughed.
“Maybe I just like having you on top of me,” retorted the girl laying on the ground, sending you a wink, which allowed Katie to see your eyes roll into the back of your head, as you jokingly swatted her arm and walked away.
It was her last straw though, when you two were the last ones in the locker room and you pulled a box out of your bag, “Oh, I almost forgot! I made these blueberry muffins cause you said you haven’t had any in a long time and they were always your favourite.”
You handed her the box and she sent you a grateful smile, the butterflies in her stomach awakening, “That’s really nice, thank you, Y/N!”
You waved her off with a ‘No problem’ and trudged back to your bag to continue changing.
Remembering what you had wanted to add, you snapped your finger, “Also they’re glutenfree so your niece can have some if she wants! She’s coming to yours tomorrow, right?”
The butterflies reappearing with what felt like twice the power, Katie’s whole body was overflowed with a warm tingly feeling as she realised that you had remembered every little detail.
Lost for words, the Irish woman just stared at you from across the room. Unaware of the watching eyes trained on you, you took of your shirt.
On the other side, Katie stood, still in a daze from your kind gesture, and now unable to look away from your almost uncovered upper body. The way the sweat glistened on your toned abs enchanting her with a seemingly unbreakable spell. When she broke out of her stupor, she strode over to you with quick steps.
Hearing the hurried footsteps approaching, you turned around alarmed, “Wha-”
Before you could get out another word, the smaller woman had pushed you against the wall behind you, and like the oceans being pulled towards the moon, your lips found one another.
If before Katie had butterflies, she could now feel a whole zoo dancing in her tummy, a kind of warmth overtaking her that she’d never felt before. When the woman’s soft lips caressed yours, your heart stopped for a moment before picking up at double its pace.
Warm hands landed on your bare waist, pushing you further against the wall and impossibly closer together, you felt the thud of your combined heartbeats getting quicker with every second your lips were connected.  
Your hands quickly found themselves tangled in her brunette hair and when you slightly pulled on it, Katie let out a raspy groan against your lips, sending tingles shooting from your fingers to your toes, the smell of her perfume dizzying you further.
Pulling away and getting a short breath of air into her lungs, you fisted her jersey in your palms and yanked her back, her lips landing on the silky pillow that was your mouth.
Just feeling the careful swipe of her tongue on your bottom lip, you breathed out a blissful sigh before being forced apart by the need for oxygen.
Your eyes were still closed as you felt Katie’s breath wavering across your face, “Why didn’t we do that earlier?”
Finally looking at her, you were enthralled by the sight before you. Katie McCabe with messy hair, rosy cheeks, a dazed look in her dazzling eyes and her swollen red lips slightly parted would be the death of you.
“I don’t know but we need to make up for lost time,” declared the brunette with a dreamy smile and pulled you back in by your waist.
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stillfrownyclownlol · 6 months
What if i
Did some Tyler x Logan headcanons ...?
Well don't worry because I'm literally gonna post them anyways
-Tyler is...4ish months older than him and like 20-25 cms taller
-Hehe their relationship starts very awkward :) uh for one Tyler thinks he's straight (he's not) and Logan is still nervous about his queerness (intersex gay guy because I SAID SO)
-so...it's very...slow
-but they get there. Tyler crushes on him first cuz he's a silly little guy like that.
-overprotectiveeeee because Tyler has some issues. Logan appreciates the sentiment but he also does not like being babied.
-Tyler helps him with his t-shots because Logan is afraid of needles 🥲 He wants to move to those gel patchy things or oral pills
-Logan will infodump about any of his hobbies! Floriology, astronomy, astrology even though he knows Tyler thinks it's stupid- Ty doesn't like talking more than necessary so he likes listening to him :) Thinks it's cute how he lights up
-Tyler's love language is acts of service. Brings Logan food, helps out at the shop if he can, goes with him on errands...
-Logan will bring him big bouquets of specially curated flowers with deep meanings behind them. Tyler has no idea he just thinks "pretty flowers for me??"
-James and Mary gave Tyler the single scariest shovel talk of his life lmao 💀 and he KNOWS they have some shady business, they put the fear of God In him pahdoskwu
-Ty carries around extra contact lenses for him in case its necessary! :D Also has a little glasses cleaning cloth.
-Logan makes him sweets because he's just a sweetie like that ✨️ Flan, tres leches cake, sopapillas...omfg I'm hungry now 😭
-Tyler PLAYS SONGS FOR HIMMMM ❤️❤️❤️ Logan cries every time which makes Ty panicked 😭
-Corny ass pet names but only in private, surprisingly Tyler uses them more often. "Starboy" when he wants to tease him, or "Cielo" when he's feeling soft.
-Logan makes them take selfies all the time on dates which Ty says is annoying cuz he's "unphotogenic"
-Tyler in his baseball uniform makes Logan flustered as hell LOL. Ty knows this and WILL use it to his advantage 🤡
-Ngl when he's comfortable in the relationship Tyler is super flirty and likes making Logan blush. His affection manifests by being Hella mischievous lol. Is sauve without even trying, but when he does try sometimes it'll just fail lmao, Logan still thinks he's super cute tho <3
-Um they go stargazing and look at meteor showers or shooting stars and Logan will just be nerding out like "have you ever seen anything so beautiful?" And Ty will just look at him. He's thinking it but he's not gonna say it 🫥
-Tyler gives really intense hugs that usually lift Logan off his feet. He really likes that.
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lovezbrownies · 16 days
I'm a new Anon and would love to make a request, please!
May I request Gen Ludenhart's darling escaping to Xelera's enemy country. Not only that, but darling took the kids with them and they are now under protection of the Queen of that country.
Your loss. (Yan!Chief of Military x GN!Reader.)
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Hello!!! Thank you for the request!!! I'm so so sorry this took so long, have had some stuff on my plate ! Before you read this I couldn't see darling being able to escape with like 6 or 8 kids with them so I had made it to be Reader's two kids from their previous marriage. Also this is uneditted!!!! Please excuse any mistakes!!
Gen Ludenhart x GN!Reader
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Today, Gen decided to take you with her to work, you, however, didn’t want to go. Mostly because you fear some servant is going to hurt your kids. The kids you had with your previous wife, Anaya, before Gen had cruelly killed her in cold blood. But you also didn’t want to go against Gen’s wishes, fearing she might hurt your kids to teach you a lesson, though she had reassured you time and time again that nothing bad would befall your precious children, you couldn’t bring yourself to believe the woman who’s killed people in your name.
One positive out of this is Gen lets you wander around the palace, you prefer to stick to the quieter places like the gardens and libraries that are scattered around the palace. Right now, you were sat on the ground of one of the gardens, plucking up some tiny flowers and tying them to each other. Creating flower crowns was a new pastime of yours, it was so peaceful, contradicting the mess that is your mental state. “Mind if you make one for me as well?” You flinched at the sudden voice, you spin around, panicked. You spun around, your peaceful pastime has now been spoiled. You saw a tall elegant woman, probably taller than Gen. She looked to be around 50 years old, a smile adorning her slightly wrinkled face. 
You didn’t like this, whenever you speak with anyone other than Gen something horrible befalls them. You stammer, “It’s okay just take this one, I-I have to go anyways.” You give the woman the flower crown you’d just finished, not wanting to cause any further trouble to the people of the palace you ran off, unaware of the woman’s worried gaze following you. It took a while of walking around the maze that is the palace to finally find Gen’s office, and just as you were about to open the door, Gen opened it.
The devil smiled at you, “Ah, there you are my love, I was just about to look for you! Either way, I’m going to an important meeting and I need you to stay in my office, got that? If you leave this office I will know. Don’t want you hurting yourself while I’m away.’’ Grabbing you by the waist she pulled you close, pecking you on the forehead before leading you into her office, “Be good for me, doll.” And then she shut the door, leaving you alone with your thoughts. Sighing, you went and sat on her office chair, wanting to play a few games, watch a show, anything to pass the time while imprisoned in her boring office.
Seems like whatever meeting Gen has it is very important because it’s been well over an hour and you’ve grown bored of the computer, you yearn for human interaction, for the outside, for your old life back. You yearn for your kids, to make sure they’re both fine, to make sure that no one’s going to hurt them. Yet, you’re stuck in your captor’s office. Sighing you got up, stretching as much as you can to release some of the tension in your body, spotting the big open window you let out a breath. You lied windows, the outside looked so tempting from a window. To see the greenery that you’re used to from above just reignites your love for nature. 
Walking over to the window, there was a small chair right next to it, to sit on as you watch the outside world through the glass. Looking down you’d only just realized. The garden you most frequent, was always always underneath Gen’s office. Even in subconscious you’re somehow glued to her. You were too tired to be upset, whatever. If she watches you even as you relax, who cares, as long as she doesn’t hurt your kids you’re fine. 
You spot the woman from before, she’s still there for some reason, she was sitting on one of the benches of the garden. You can slightly see her struggle with something in her hands. Oh, she was trying to make a flower crown on her own as well. You wished you could go down and help her without having to pay for your empathy. Leaving the office would be one punishment, but talking to another woman? Regardless of the woman’s age you’d be done for. 
Suddenly the older woman looked up, straight at you. Even from up above you can tell she’s smiling tenderly at you, like a maternal figure. Spooked you closed the windows and went back to using Gen’s computer. Whoever she is she better not mention you to anyone, not only will she suffer, but you too. Soon enough Gen comes back, happy to see you still there. She forced you to sit on her lap as she continued on with her work. 
And for the entire week Gen’s forced you to come to work with her, not only that but the flower crown woman kept seeking you out and everytime she found you you’d run off to Gen. It wasn’t like you were fearful of the nice old lady, but you were fearful of what would happen to her, so you kept your distance. But she just wouldn’t let it go. You’d change places, from gardens to libraries you just couldn’t shake her off. Today however is so much more different than every other day, because she’s trapped you. Curse the public bathroom you rushed to.
You stare at her, unsure of what to do or say. What if Gen knows what’s happening, what if she busts in here and kills this woman right in front of you like she’s done before. While you were lost in your thoughts the woman spoke up, “Well, looks like we can talk without fleeing now, right?” She had a gentle expression on her face to try and calm you down, but it only made you more tense. You’ve seen that same expression on Gen right after she finishes punishing you, telling you how it’s your fault and how remorseful she is to have to resort to torture.
You look down to the side, “I don’t know what you’re talking about, now if you’ll excuse me I need to get back to my… wife.” You tried to sidestep her but she pressed herself against the public bathroom’s door. She looked relaxed, her arms crossed. If you couldn’t leave the room then the best you can do is to put as much space between you two as possible. Even if this old lady’s being an ass right now, her life would be at stake if Gen took the time to look for you.
The woman tilted her head, her smile evaporating, a worried look coming across her face, “You don’t like her do you? Your wife, Chief of Military Gen Layla Ludenhart. She killed your loved ones, kidnapped you and your kids, and now you live in fear. Is that right?” What the fuck, who is she, what does she want from you? How does she even know you have kids? That you were stolen away? That Gen killed the people you loved? You tried to keep up a calm face, for all you know this weirdo could be another stalker.
You met her gaze, she still looked worried, why the hell is she worried she doesn’t even know you. “I… I love my wife very much, my kids from my previous marriage are happy and so am I. You must be thinking of someone els-” 
“Liar. I know who you are, I know which hospital you were born in, I know who your first wife is, I know you’re scared of her. You don’t have to be,” The woman took a deep breath, slowly walking towards you, every step she took forward, you took two steps back. “I want to hurt her like she’s hurt me and my country. And the best way, ironically enough, is through you. Gen’s trophy spouse, she likes to hurt you, but I know how she reacts when you’re in danger, when you’re not nearby.” Your back hit the wall, you were frantically looking around, you needed to find a weapon.
The woman bent down slightly so her face is right in front of yours, and you can’t help but look deep into her eyes. “I am a queen, who’s been hurt more than you care to know. I can save you and your children, long as you manage to steal some documents with you and learn more about her war strategies.” Your kids. If they can live a happy life, even if you don’t then you’ll do anything but first you want to get to know this so-called queen.
As it turns out the stalker of an old woman was the Queen of Dacos, Estoria Niland. Estoria had explained that she found out about you after hiring Xeleran spies to spy on Gen, find a weak point, and to get any information regarding Gen’s military tactics. These spies would send videos of how Gen would lose her cool completely when she can’t find you, seeing that Estoria decided to find out all she could about you. With that came the guilt and pity. For you and your kids. Gen liked to act loving but it was obvious, one step out of line and out comes the hardened military chief. She would make fun of your own Queen, Nia, by talking about how naive Nia was for believing that Estoria would ever come to Xelera to discuss peace and cooperation with each other, though you don’t know Queen Nia much the conversation made you slightly uncomfortable, I mean Nia has been the queen of Xelera since your birth! And also since you still love your country and in extension the Queen.
Estoria explained that Gen had killed many of Estoria’s daughters during a very difficult war almost a decade ago. Thankfully the youngest of the daughters was too young to participate in the war and was the only surviving Niland princess. Gen was the previous Chief’s favorite soldier back then, with a huge kill count that impressed the Queen of Xelera, Nia Bloodwen. Queen Nia was so incredibly impressed that she had appointed Gen as the Co-Chief and threw an entire party in Gen’s honor.
Hearing that her daughters’ killer is being celebrated, Estoria had felt vengeful, so she set out to make sure Gen pays for her crimes. It took years to dig up any dirt on the Chief, Gen always making sure to show a strong and steady front, no matter the situation and always kept her personal life to her life. But that murderer slipped up, the moment Gen had sent out wedding invitations to every person she’s come to know Estoria was on her tail. And now, she will have her revenge, in all of her daughters’ names.
Hearing the Queen of Dacos’s sob story and knowing that if you agree to escape with her that you’d be in very safe arms, you nodded, fully anticipating freedom at last. Estoria told you to gather information for her first, to find any document you could regarding Gen’s military strategies, the approximate number of soldiers under her watchful eye, and the name of each high-ranking military officer. You collected all you could, from Gen at-home office to Gen’s work office. You gathered all the paper documents and copied down whatever was on Gen’s computer while she was away. It was incredibly easy, she trusted you enough to let you wander around her office whenever. Terrible decision really.
Then came the day. “Get your kids ready and bring them here tomorrow. We leave while the rest of this shithole is in another fucking meeting.” You did everything she said, obeyed all that she ordered. And now you cradle one of your tired kids in your arms as you sit in silence with Estoria in her car. Estoria said that they’ll find out she’s left soon due to the checkpoints you two had to pass to get out and after that would come finding out you’re missing. When it comes to that she will tell the driver to move to a more secretive road to Dacos, a road hidden by large forest trees.
Nonetheless, you’re happy now. That was a long time ago and while it was stressful and hectic you can finally rest easy again. Your kids are no longer children anymore, fully grown successful adults who take every opportunity to spoil you with whatever they can. It took you a while at first to readjust, Estoria was gracious enough to allow you to live with her in the palace temporarily, but then it became more permanent as you got closer to Estoria and her youngest daughter, they are now like family to you, Estoria the worried mother and Yara the joyous sister.
Therapy was a must, Estoria would preach when she could. And you did get a lot of therapy. At first you had underestimated the wonders that is therapy, I mean, what can talking to a professional whose job is to listen to your problems even do? Well, it did a lot, and helped you move on from your trauma and accept the permanent psychological effects it had on you. It was hard to find love again, whether you settled down or stayed single till your timely death is up to your interpretation, you’re a knockout nonetheless.
Gen… Well Estoria made sure that no talk of the blasted woman comes near you, you have no idea what happened to her and what she had done in order to get to you, all you know and care for is that your family is safe and your kids are happy. 
Gen on the other hand couldn’t handle losing you, and what was even harder for her was that you were living with her mortal enemy. After a few years of constantly firing and attempting to start wars upon Dacos– which all failed– Gen had given up. She was found in her home a few days after she had poisoned herself with rat poison.
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lionydoorin · 1 year
Do you think Tara eventually starts forgetting Amber's details? The sound of her voice, the color of her eyes, her favorite song.
Obviously you don't just forget someone you loved that much, but it's been a year since Tara has seen or heard Amber, plus all the traumatic memories she has attached to her.
Could you imagine if Tara's brain started blocking Amber out as a trauma response?
eough. totally. tara's brain altering some memories or blocking them as a trauma response. EOUGH.
it starts with simple things, the kind of simple that tara wouldn't worry about at first. a song that would always make her think about amber suddenly not making her want to cry as much. that story she told her once during a sleepover suddenly fading away from her mind. amber was allergic to something in this meal, what was it?
forgetting these things gave her a certain relief, somehow. amber was a complicated subject. she didn’t know how she was supposed to feel, and the thought of her was always too painful, too scary. so, maybe these small details weren’t meant to be stored in her mind, the ghost of her best friend (the person who tried to kill her) finally deciding to rest and let her be.
so, if tara couldn't remember the name of amber's childhood pet, she wouldn't bat an eye. if her tumblr username didn't cross her mind, it would be fine, because it meant she wouldn't wanna check it out once more, like it's amber's own personal diary.
even if it the idea of forgetting it made her anxious. even if not thinking about her hurt as much as thinking about her.
her dreams became more and more jumbled after that, psychedelic counterparts to the very real memories her brain decides to play on repeat as soon as she closes her eyes.
amber seemed more strange with every night: hands a little rougher than what she remembers when her mind replays her choking her neck, face more, and more, and more distorted as she burns alive. sometimes she was taller than she actually was, other times, she seemed shorter than tara. she never used these rings, and what was that pendant on her necklace? her eyes didn’t seem her own, her hair was somehow not right. didn’t she have a beauty mark somewhere on her face? i could swear her smile was different. why does everything seem so wrong?
i’ll make it quick, the person in her dreams would say as it places tara in the closet, voice just not quite right, tying her body instead of just her hands. wasn’t it different? is this what actually happened? i promise, tara. i'll end her and come back for you. i'll take care of you.
(she never said that.
did she say that?
what did she say, anyway?)
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ryker-writes · 9 months
ok i’ve decided to send in my ask because the curiousity is EATING ME i wanna know who you’d ship me with.. ahem!! (PLS don’t feel pressured to ship me with rook or idia or vil or anything just because i’m biased!!! i wanna hear YOUR thoughts, ok ? ♡)
let’s start with my likes / hobbies ! i’m a big fan of movies — i could literally spend my entire week at a theater and never get bored, the atmosphere is just so thrilling to me. i love love love fashion and shopping, too. it helps me express myself without really having to talk (which is great because i hate people ^_^). obviously, i love to make art and writing, and if i ever get the time to sit and learn, i’d love to crochet.
ermm did u ask for dislikes ? i forgot. i dont like bugs too much, but i’m not deadly afraid or anything. peanuts. i hate peanuts sm. aaanddd i have a BIG FAT FEAR of deep water and i’m a trypophobe .
my personality is pretty simple — i’m a sensitive person lmao. i’m a big crybaby on the inside, but i try not to show it too much yk? i’m always anxious, always doubting myself, etc. i’m very quiet — usually people don’t notice me too much. personally, i don’t think i’m too interesting, but i’m veryyy talkative about the things i like ^_^
i forgot (again) if u asked for preferences or not. i like taller people, but if they’re shorter than me it’s not like i’d complain (COUGH CHUUYA COUGH HACK). hrrmmm… physical preferences ?? hair and eye color don’t really matter to me, but if i had to pick, dark hair. idk i’m simple lmaooo
YESS IM HAPPY TO DO YOURS!! Don't worry! I'm taking my time to get through these requests!
"Hehehe welcome in! Take a seat and get comfy because you're one of my friends, so I take extra consideration with your matchup. First of all, I'd like to lightly bonk you for saying that you don't think you're too interesting. You are very interesting in your own way! But alas, I shouldn't bonk friends or customers.
So, I'll leave it to your match, Vil."
okay so I know it seems like I leaned into the bias but really Vil would be so good for you
you're into theater, fashion, AND love art and writing?? He loves that
Vil is big on quality time because of how busy he is, so he loves to spend time with you between activities
don't worry, the time he spends with you is almost always away from the public eye so you don't have to worry about people
he'll even practice his lines or talk to you about his new role or photoshoot coming up, and he'll always ask for your thoughts on it all
your opinion always the most important to him
of course you also get tickets and front row seats to all his shows
Vil knows anxiety well, so he's always there to comfort you when it gets bad and reassure you that you are amazing and perfect just the way you are
people say he's perfect, and he'll say off hand that if they think he's perfect then they should see you (and then he'll carry on like he didn't just say that line)
if you don't want to be in the public eye, he's perfectly fine with that
most of your relationship is private anyway
honestly, he kinda loves how people don't notice you too much because of how quiet you are
it feels more special to him that he always notices you and it means that when he's with you, he doesn't have to worry as much about people noticing you two
basically: he gets more time with you without being followed by paparazzi
he loves to hear you talk about things you like so much
Vil even tries to bring into into his routine and have you tell him about something you like while he's doing something (makeup, skincare, etc.)
he's very observant and can usually tell when something is wrong and will always switch into a supportive role immediately
I know you have his heart because he would drop roles for you and let you see him at his worst
If you see the peacock lurking around Pomefiore, don't forget to give it some pets, okay?
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samithefungus · 1 year
So, my friend and I were talking, and I don't know how we got to talking about the fact that if a teacher in dhmis was a "wooden puppet" (like the ones you can see during fairs that entertain children) it would be a really cool thing.
We thought it could teacher the main characters something about entertainment (like dancing, singing, acting, playing an instrument, etc.).
After this conversation I was so inexplicably intrigued by this teacher that I decided to draw it myself (even though I'm not I'm not so good at drawing)
Here is the final result:
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(Feel free to redraw her and other things; just tag me).
Her name is "Dolcenera" because while I was drawing her I was listening to Fabrizio de André songs (I think only Italians could understand).
Anyway she is the entertainment teacher (it's horrible, but I don't know what else to call her).
I also imagined her with a slight Italian cadence, because she reminded me the wooden puppets my grandfather used to bring from Sicily.
I also have other headcanons about her:
-She moves like a real wooden puppet, as if someone is commanding her through strings.
-It is not known for certain where her strings are attached.
-She has a damaged eye and sometimes it closes or stays open without her will
-She cannot make facial expressions (because of her mouth), so you can tell her mood by looking at the position of her eyes (or her good eye) or by the tone of her voice
-She is much taller than Yellow and Duck, but shorter than Red.
So far these are it, if you would like to let me know some of your headcanons about her (or just your opinions) I would love to <3
I also imagined what her 'episode' might be like:
There are the three main characters in the living room and they are watching a Show on TV.
At one stretch Duck says, "You know, if we did something like that we would already be rich."
Red replies, "What do you mean?"
"I mean that if we were actors we would be paid just to entertain people, that would be easy money wouldn't it?"
At this point Dolcenera appears and says, "This your statement is wrong for two reasons; entertainment is not just acting, then it is not easy, you need the passion that runs through your veins."
"All lies!" says Duck.
Then Dolcenera replies, "Come with me, I will teach you the true way of entertainment."
Then Dolcenera takes the trio to a theater and looking at them says, "Each of you must find your talent, and I am here to help."
Then she starts singing (imagine a song) trying to give singing, dancing and acting lessons to the three, but failing
When the song ends, Yellow can be heard giving a trumpet solo (as in episode 2 of season 2).
Dolcenera is amazed and leaves the other two to focus on Yellow
"This sound, this harmony; would you like to stay here for a while, I want you to cultivate this talent" Dolcenera says.
The other two decide that it's not a bad idea to leave Yellow there, since Dolcenera seems kind and not dangerous.
Duck is a little upset, because he would have liked to be the "star" and that's why he keeps complaining to Red.
Meanwhile, Yellow is practicing his trumpet on the theater stage, when all of a sudden Dolcenera approaches and starts tying strings to him.
"What are they?" Yellow asks.
"Strings, like mine, will bring you luck!" Dolcenera replies sweetly.
"Oh, okay, thank you!" Says Yellow and then continues to practice his trumpet.
"You'll be the star of the show" Dolcenera then says quietly.
Meanwhile, it had become evening and Red and Duck began to worry, not seeing Yellow come home, so they went back to the theater to pick him up.
As soon as they entered the theater they saw Yellow on stage, but as they got closer and closer they noticed that his figure looked very wooden, then they noticed the strings and realized...he had turned into a wooden puppet.
Red and Duck climb onto the stage and go to Yellow.
"Guys, you also came for take part in the show," says Yellow.
"No, you idiot, we came to take you away, can't you see what that evil puppet did to you!!!" Says Duck
"I'm sorry, but he's not leaving; he's the star" Says Dolcenera appearing behind Duck and Red "but you can stay; the audience would love you"
"No, we don't want turn into wooden puppets!!!" Duck replies
"That was not a request!" Says Dolcenera and then the lights went out.
Red and Duck start running in the dark trying to find the exit.
At one point Red is caught by something that drags him away
"Red, where are you? This is no time for pranks!" Says Duck.
At that moment Duck was standing under the stage, when the spotlights come on aiming at Red and Yellow, who are tied with strings and completely transformed into wooden puppets
"Join us, the show is almost started!" Repeat the two
"NEVER!!!" Says Duck
At this point Duck is caught by Wooden Red, but by rebelling in his grasp he manages to break his strings.
Red returns to normal and begins to help Duck break the strings that bind Yellow
"DON'T TOUCH MY STAR!!!" Dolcenera screams
Duck jumps on her and after some fighting manages to break the strings that were holding her.
Dolcenera falls to the ground and can't move anymore, at the same time Yellow's strings also break and he returns normal.
Then the three return home and stand in the living room watching TV.
"You know, I think the world of entertainment is not for us" says Duck.
"I agree" Red replies.
"I don't want to play the trumpet again in my life!!!" says Yellow.
And then the episode ends.
Honestly I really like this Oc that I created, but mostly her story and I tried my best to write it well.
Hope you liked it. <3
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regalityandcoffee · 2 years
An Unneeded Apology (Jade Prescott Au)
Summary: Ah, it's kind of a long story so here's the first part of the timeline instead.
Warnings: Cussing, that's about it.
"Are you mad at Keith, Jade?"
"Huh?" Jade lifted her head from wiping off the bench.
" You know, 'cause he told Regal how you're doing. You know he's a bad liar, he wasn't trying to sell you out or anything." Said Mia as she fixed her ponytail in one of the mirrors on the wall.
"I'm not mad at Keith. I'd never get mad at Keith." Jade shook her head, making sure she put the dumbbell back on the right place on the rack before picking up Mia's bag and slinging it over her shoulder. It wasn't Keith's fault she was a coward and had been avoiding Regal for days. Hiding in her car, behind boxes, in the bathroom, in the PC to train with Mia. Hiding at home. How was she supposed to face to him after kicking him in the face?
Keith telling her Regal knew she didn't do it on purpose didn't make her feel any better. Instead, it just reminded her of him sitting in the corner, looking dizzy and surrounded by officials checking on him, her trying to say 'sorry' through the gaps...and then running, just like Shayna did.
Like a fucking coward.
"I know, but you know how he worries."
She shrugged as she adjusted the volume on her headphones, then tightened the straps on her backpack. "It's fine. I just gotta get out of here before he sees me, that's it."She just wanted to get out and go get lunch. She could feel a headache coming on.
"He can't be that mad, Jade, he or somebody would've called you by now. He knows you didn't do it on purpose. Shayna baited you and moved out of the way so you'd take the blame." Mia pointed out as she picked up her bag and slung it over her shoulder.
"Yeah, but I'm still the dumbass who took the bait,"Jade grumbled as she fixed her ponytail, tying her braids back with her scrunchie. She took a look around. The man in question was nowhere to be found. Thank gods, just Coach Bloom, and some officials discussing some things by the treadmills. Her eyes went to the door they came in, and there her heart stopped. "Mia-"
Him. He hadn't noticed either of them yet as he strode over and began to chat with the Coach.
"Besides, fuck is he gonna do, put you in an even earlier match with he-"
"Mia!" Jade hissed. She tugged Mia's sleeve and pointed. The woman turned. Finally getting the hint, she gave a curt nod and pointed to the exit with her thumb. They dodged behind the group of trainees passing by, blending in before maneuvering towards the open doorway.
"Hello, Miss Prescott, I didn't know you trained with Miss Yim today."
Son of a bitch! There he was, all six-something intimidating feet of him about to go out the same door was now turned to her, staring her down. Except, he didn't sound mad, sarcastic or anything like that. He sounded calm. And- to Jade's relief- he looked fine, with the exception of clear concern in his cold blue eyes that made him look tired. Other than that, no bruises or scratches or scars marred his face besides the ones he already had.
Besides, that was bullshit and they both knew it. He had to have seen her with Mia on days he'd talk to Coach Bloom. Every Tuesday, like clockwork. She'd never call him out on it though. Instead, she nodded and tried not to hide behind her friend (it's not like it would help anyway, Mia was barely taller than her).
"We were just leaving, Regal, we'll see you tomorrow at the show," Mia took her hand and moved past him. They barely made it a few feet down the hall before his voice stopped Jade in her tracks, which caused Mia to stumble back into her.
"Miss Prescott, could you hold on for just a moment?" she turned back to see him taking a step towards her. He ran a hand through his greying hair. "I'd like to talk to you about something in my office.
"I-" Why? Why today!? Why now, why...ever?
"We kind of have to be somewhere," Mia lied, pushing Jade ahead of her.
"It will only take a few minutes, I promise. It's about... your match with Miss Baszler."
He's lying. He's fucking lying, Jade thought to herself as she wiped the sweat from her brow. She needed to get out of here. Out of the hall, out of the building, away from him and the lights and the clanking of the weights in the PC she could still hear for some reason... "My match?"
"Yes, he nodded.
The tension could have been cut with a knife. She was taking too long to answer, and why did he have to try and look her in the eyes when she felt like throwing up? She let go of Mia's hand and nodded. "Alright."
"Great. Please, follow me." Slowly, he walked past her, and Jade forced herself to follow.
"I"ll wait in the lounge, then!" Mia shouted after them. Jade gave her one last, probably terrified look as she disappeared behind the corner and she continued to follow him. She felt horrible. the breeze in the hall was making her aware of how her leggings were sticking to her legs, the way her thighs brushed together and the stinging brightness of the hallway was making her headache worse as she muted her headphones.
Before she knew it, they were in front to his office and he was unlocking the door. She looked to her left, a bright "Exit" sign hung above the door. And every instinct in her body was telling her to run for her life.
"After you, dear." his voice broke her out of her thoughts as he held the door open, and she walked into the dark room. He dimmed the lights, slightly as if he noticed her wincing at the brightness. He motioned to the computer chair in front of his desk while he sat down in his chair. She sat her bag down next to her feet, watching as he moved some papers on his desk, leaving a few pamphlets in a small disorganized pile.
She was trapped now. Trapped like a rat with no backbone. She could already feel her eyes burning from oncoming tears. Tears that would surely move her headache upfront and completely make her crumble in front of him. Again. Just like in the ring. All she had to do was tell him to tell her what he had to say in the hall, if he was telling the truth. Yet here she was in his office instead.
"So, how are you today?"
"Fine. How're you?" She managed, choking back a cough.
"Im alright dear." Regal paused as he stuck a pen back into the cup on his desk. He sighed. Running a hand through his hair again. "I'm going to be frank and start by apologizing for lying to you Miss Prescott. This isn't really about your match."
Fuck. Fuck fuck fuck! She nodded. She took a braid into her hand and and twisted it around as he talked before letting go. She shifted in her seat, crossing her legs and bouncing her foot.
"I just wanted to see if you were alright. I know what happened last week was an accident. I heard you trying to apologize while I was in the corner, dear. I know you wouldn't have done that on purpose."
Her mouth felt dry all of a sudden as she tried to respond, she looked over his shoulder to avoid his eyes at the globe on his book shelf, then to the picture of a pier on his wall. "You-you..."
"It's alright. Take your time, dear, " he leaned forward, pulling his chair up. She dodged his eyes again. Why did he keep trying to do that? She's never looked him in the eye since she started working there. Maybe to read her expressions better?
Whatever the reason, Jade took her time, gathering up her energy to respond. "Your...neck...your neck doesn't hurt?" her mind flashed back to his hand against it as he was helped up by a referee. She wiped at her eyes with her sleeve.
"My-" He raised his eyebrows. What was he so surprised by? The fact that she cared or the fact this was probably the longest sentence she ever spoke to him? Quickly though, he shook it off. "Yes, it's perfectly fine. Don't worry about that." Gently he pushed the tissue box on his desk closer to her.
"I'm sorry." Stop crying! Stop fucking crying! Jade looked away as she took a tissue and wiped at her face. Her nose was stinging in the inside, which meant it was close to getting runny. Which meant she was a good five minutes away from sobbing on the floor.
This sucked. Why did she feel like she was being told off in the Principal's office? She hated this. She hated how concerned he looked, she hated how sticky and wet her clothes felt, the headache that was making everything worse and the burning sensation in her eyes from the tears.
"Miss...it's alright. I know she just got under your skin, Miss Baszler tends to do that with a lot of people. I was just worried when I saw you leave the ring, you looked very upset and I just wanted you to know it's alright," his voice was so quiet, she could barely hear him over the hum of the ac duct now. Quiet, calm- no, careful was the right word.
"I- I'm sorry. I lost my temper and I hit you and I'm sorry." Great, now her throat was starting to hurt. She sniffed, pulling the tissue away and tried to look near him again, at his desk, over his shoulder at the bookshelf again. Shakespeare, something about latin...wait, what was that laying open, upside down next to the globe?
"I know. It's alright. I assure you, I'm alright. And I'm sorry for startling you and Miss Yim, I- I just..."
She craned her neck to look at the cover now, still trying to pay attention to his words. Aut...Autism...
"I just wanted to make sure you knew..." he finally noticed her distractions. First he looked behind him at the book on his shelf, then glancing at the pamphlets. Quickly, he stacked them up, placing them on top of the pile of papers. "I just wanted you to know that it's alright."
Autism in Young Adults, fifth edition. Huh. Then there was the pamphlets...
Oh gods. No way. No fucking way.
A friend. They were for a friend. For a family member. Please, anyone but her. How could he know? That was confidential information, right? The med team wouldn't have told him? Not unless they had to...
"Miss...I- can I ask you a small question? I don't want to be invasive, I just want to make sure that you're not uncomfortable."
"Uh..." This time she did look him in the face. Regal cleared his throat before continuing on. "Uncomfortable?"
"I...I'm not sure how to ask you this. I've just had a suspicion for a while now that... well, are you alright with this? I understand that you don't like to talk much, I'm sorry for asking you in here this way."
"...Miss Prescott, are you sure you're all right?"
"I'm fine." No she wasn't.
"Then, that's all I really needed to see you for dear." He stood up, and took a few more tissues out and handed them to her. "Are you going to be alright, love?"
Jade stood up. It should to be too quickly, as she quickly got dizzy for a bit, almost tripping over the strap of her bag. To her relief- and horror- Regal caught her arm and let her steady herself as she picked up her bag. Heetc go as soon as she got her footing.
"Careful, now. It's alright. Here, I'll get the door." He opened it and waited as she pulled her bag on, all the while his eyebrows furrowed.
Jade nodded again as she walked out the door, shoving the tissues into her side pocket. She winced at the brightness of the hall, gods she wish she hadn't left her Tylenol in the car again! "Fi- I'm fine. Have a nice day, Sir."
"Don't worry about it.. So... how was it? Old man didn't yell at you, did he?" Mia prodded as she walked behind Jade out to the lot to her car.
"Oh, -you do the same, dear." He waved as he closed the door.
The silence hit her quickly. It was over.
And it was was weird. Humiliating, terrifying, and nerve-wracking also, but mostly weird. But it was over, and she could run for it now. Jade made a beeline down the hall and rounded the corner, walking until she stood outside the door to the lounge. She rummaged around her bag until she found her compact mirror and gave herself a once over.
Huh. Her eyes weren't even that red, and no gross white streaks had dried on her face. Great. Mia might not notice, which meant she wouldn't have to talk about it. She took a breath and open the door, peaking into the almost empty lounge. "Mia?" She called as softly as she could.
"Shit, there you are!" Mia got up from one of the couches and walked to her, bag in tow. "Few minutes my ass-"
"Sorry," Jade muttered as she held the door open for her.
"It was fine." She said as she opened her door and closed it shut, hand shaking as she put the key in the ignition.
"You sure?" she asked as she slid in the passenger seat. "Hey- your hand..."
"I don't know....I ju- I'm fine."
"You want me to drive?" She moved to touch her shoulder, thinking twice before pulling her hand away.
"No, I'm good, I'm good. " Jade said,looki g straight ahead as she started up the car. "I dont...let's just go get lunch, okay?"
She ignored the worry in her voice, as she backed out of the parking spot and drove about if the lot. "I'm fine. It's fine." she said, mostly to herself. The way he talked to her, the pamphlets and book on his shelf. It was giving her a weird feeling. But it would be fine.
At least... she hoped it would be fine.
But she doubted it.
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musicallygt · 2 years
Thoughts on size shifter!klavier and huamn apollo?
YES I HAVE THOUGHTS gonna just continue from this post bc I already set smth up last time and also just really enjoy Klavier angst lol. also ty for sending this ive been having some Klapollo thoughts since last night djfjfjfjfjhfjhffj
under cut for Turnabout Succession spoilers again!! sorry for getting long btw lmao this idea has been bouncing around in my head since the other sizeshifter!gavins ask lol
Apollo doesnt know for sure, but he has an idea about what the Gavin brothers really are. He’s had a feeling for a while, with the way Kristoph would seem slightly taller sometimes when pressing especially difficult witnesses, or how Klavier always seems to be taller than he already was every time Apollo showed up, though not in the intimidating way like his brother. Others don’t seem to notice, at least consciously, but Apollo does.
It’s not his right to say anything, though. Apollo knows the general public opinion on sizeshifters and their potential danger. But Kristoph is now locked up, and Klavier isn’t really the dangerous kind of person (really more the annoying type if anything) so he sees no reason to speak up about it. Sizeshifters don’t exactly share that about themselves, anyway.
Throughout the Vera Misham trial, he can see Klavier so clearly upset. And if he focuses, it looks like Klavier’s height keeps changing. It was already hard for Apollo to learn that his boss was a murderer, and finding out how horrible he truly is isn’t any easier. How much harder is it for Klavier, to learn all this about his older brother?
He watches as Klavier rushes out of the courtroom the moment the judge ends the trial. He takes a few moments to decide before going out to make sure Klavier is okay. It takes him a bit, but he eventually does find Klavier, smiling like he usually did.
But something is off. His bracelet reacts as Klavier claims to be fine, and as he focuses, he notices Klavier’s height: he’s shorter than normal. He can see Klavier tense up as he says that. He watches as Klavier forces out a laugh, looking away. “You must’ve finally hit your growth spurt, Herr Forehead” he says, but his eyes don’t match his smile.
Before Apollo can press on, Klavier excuses himself and leaves the courthouse entirely.
Apollo barely hears from Klavier in the following weeks and hasn't even seen him since. The most he's gotten was a text saying that he's glad Vera's condition improved significantly and the text responses saying that he's fine and not to worry about him whenever asked. Apollo only finds himself worrying more, despite how annoying Klavier is, but the prosecutor isn't acting like himself. Even Ema seems to notice and care, not that she actually said anything.
The last straw is when Trucy tells Apollo that the Gavinners disbanded. Or more accurately, Klavier disbanded the Gavinners. The articles don't seem to have a solid reason as to why it happened, and any responses from Klavier are vague. Apollo officially decides that he's going to see Klavier in person.
It doesn't take him long to learn Klavier's address, and he finds himself standing outside the apartment door. After a few knocks, Klavier opens the door and greets him. Apollo notes that he's his usual height right now. He asks if they can talk, and after several moments of hesitation, Klavier lets him inside.
Apollo tries asking again if Klavier is okay, and once again, he sees him lying. Apollo's bracelet is reacting as Klavier turns away and becomes a little shorter.
"Stop lying. I know you're not okay. You haven't been okay."
"If you insist, Herr Forehead, where's your proof?"
Apollo takes a deep breath, feeling a little bad for what he's about to say, but he says it. He tells Klavier what he knows: that whenever he's around, Klavier is usually taller than normal, and that during the Vera Misham trial, he saw his height changing constantly, his emotions seeming all over the place.
All of a sudden, he's seeing Klavier at almost eye level, his eyes wide as his breathing seems to quicken. "How long have you known?" he says, his voice barely a whisper.
But that's not what Apollo is here to talk to him about. He ignores the question and tells Klavier to stop hiding, to stop pretending he's okay when he's not.
Several moments later, Klavier seems to break down. It's not loud and violent like his brother's. Instead, it's quiet as he curls into himself, like he's trying not to take up so much space, and he shrinks down to a few inches tall at Apollo's feet. As gently as he can, he carefully lifts the now-tiny prosecutor in his hands, holding him against his chest. He feels Klavier shaking as he cries, his tiny fists gripping the cloth of his vest. He wordlessly strokes his back with his thumb as Klavier spills his thoughts, all the thoughts he's able to voice regarding the complicated emotions he feels towards his brother.
As his shaking and whimpering dies down, Apollo can sense the one thing scaring Klavier the most at the moment. His voice soft, he promises Klavier that no one will know, that his sizeshifting will remain between the two of them. He feels the tiny prosecutor immediately relax in his hands, and they stay like that in silence for several minutes longer, just the two of them in each other's comfort.
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k-llama-llama · 3 years
Going Higher
Stray Kids AU: 9th member
Tori x Stray Kids
Stray Kids during the vault jump on Kingdom.
A/N:Please check out my PATREON (patreon.com/kllamallama) for exclusive posts you can’t get anywhere else, as well as lots of other cool benefits!
Requests are OPEN and your feedback is still greatly appreciated!
Masterlist and other Follow Me links in bio!
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“Are you sure this is a good idea?” Chan asked her.
“What is that, your catchphrase?” Tori scoffed. “Come on, Chan, you know I’ll be fine.”
Chan gestured wildly at the field. “You’re trying to vault jump something that’s way taller than you are with an injured hand. I feel like this is a bad idea.”
They were at the field day for Kingdom, and Tori was staunchly refusing to sit out despite her injury and the fact that she was the only girl in the competition. This was in spite of the fact that both the managers, the producers, and Chan were trying to convince her to sit out. She’d already beaten the first two groups, and now Chan was the only one standing in her way.
“I danced ballet for years, I can jump high enough to get over that thing.” She stretched out her calf.
“What if you hit your hand?” He continued trying to reason with her.
“I’ll keep my pain to myself.” She grinned. “I’m not sitting out when I’m the only girl. It won’t look good.”
He sighed. “But you’re already injured.”
“And I won’t hold the team back.”
“Do you two feel like you’re having the same argument? Because I feel like you’re both talking about different things.” Minho looked up from where he was tying his shoe.
“We’re not having an argument at all.” Tori nudged him with her foot. “I’m going to jump the vault, set a record and live the rest of my life as a legend.”
“Possible a legend with one hand, but sure.” Minho nodded. “But, sure, give it a shot.”
“I’ll get a hook.”
“Tori!” Someone shouted.
Tori looked away from where she was stretching to see Seonghwa walking over from his own tent. She was sure her cheeks went beet red, as soon as he stepped towards her.
“Hey. You guys ready for this?” She gestured out to the field where the staff were setting up the vault to the first height.
“Probably not.” He gestured to his clothes. Ateez were the only ones who hadn’t turned up in full sporting outfits. “Are you jumping or are you sitting this one out because of your hand?”
“She should be sitting out!” Chan came up beside her.
“But he’s not the boss of me.” Tori grinned. “So I’m jumping anyways.”
“Stray Kids to the field!” The announcement came through the speakers.
“That’s us.” Chan sighed, stepping away.
Tori didn’t follow, still smiling at Seonghwa.
“Good luck.” He offered his hand for a fist bump. “Do it for the team.”
“I’ll win us a medal.” She beamed.
“If you do, smoothies are on me tonight.”
Tori blushed. She’d been out with Seonghwa a few times now, but it still took her by surprise every time she realized that he wanted to spend time with her. Neither of them were rushing to put a label on it, especially with Kingdom breathing down their necks, but they always had an amazing time. They just got each other and it was so easy to be together.
“Tori? Are you coming?” Chan called.
Tori shook out of her thoughts. “Cheer for me?”
“Of course.” Seonghwa coughed. “We all will.”
Tori smiled weakly and turned to hurry after her group.
“What was that about?” Chan asked when she reached him.
“Hm?” Tori asked cluelessly.
“You and Seonghwa. You’re going out for smoothies?”
Tori winced. She hadn’t exactly broached the topic with Chan about her kinda sorta maybe considering dating someone. It wasn’t that she thought he’d have a problem with it, she just didn’t know how he would take it. She certainly wasn’t going to lie to him…but now maybe wasn’t the time to fully explore the topic.
“Yeah.” She nodded. “I promised to show him that place that does boba smoothies.”
“I love that place.” He sighed happily. Tori showed up seemingly every week with smoothies from a new place that she had discovered. It probably didn’t sound that weird for her to be taking their mutual friend out for smoothies.
“It’s great.” She nodded, before trying to quickly change the subject. “So…should I jump first to get it over with?”
“No.” He chuckled. “You should wait until a few of us have jumped so that you have time to change your mind.”
“Not changing my mind.” She winked.
She went to stand beside Jeongin, adjusting the knot in the front of her shirt. She had it tied up to reveal a little bit of her stomach, as the pink sweatpants were not necessarily flattering.
Jeongin was bouncing on his heels. He’d been getting a lot of attention as the maknae of the competition, and he was very pepped-up.
“Careful, or you’ll bounce right out of your shoes.” Tori teased.
“Noona, I was worried they weren’t going to let you jump!” He exclaimed. “How’s your hand?”
Tori held up her bandaged hand. They’d wrapped a few extra layers of gauze around it just to give it some cushioning, so she looked like she was wearing an over mitt on her hand. “Never better.”
The announcement came over that they were beginning, and Tori quickly began to cheer as the vault started.
She had to be honest, she’d been confident about the jump before they started, when they’d watched the other teams go. But now that she was up close, it seemed a lot higher. And as she watched her teammates fail (even if Jeongin did fail on purpose), she grew increasingly nervous for her turn.
“And now we have the final runner for Stray Kids! The only girl competing today, the Princess of Kingdom…Tori!” Changmin shouted over the mic.
Despite her nerves, Tori did a playful curtsy as she walked over to the starting position.
“Let’s go Tori!” She could hear cheers from the rest of the teams.
“Don’t fall!” Felix roared.
“Right.” She rolled her eyes, before waving at the camera. “Tori, ready to go!”
Tori took a deep breath, sizing up the vault, and the sprinted forward. She was athletic enough that speed wasn’t an issue, but she had to focus on making sure she would hit the vault at the right speed.
She stepped onto it, springing up onto the springboard, and vaulting as high as she could. She lifted her legs wide out to the side to clear the vault, and then landed unceremoniously on the ground.
She rolled to a stop, hands still held above her head.
“Did I do it?” She looked around wildly.
She was tackled to the side, and barely had time to suck in a breath before she found herself buried under a Stray Kids dog pile.
“You did so good!” Someone – she thought it might be Seungmin – was shouting.
“And now I’m suffocating!” Her voice was muffled.  She had no idea if their mics would even be picking this up, considering how smothered she was.
“Off before you break her.” Chan started hauling people off of her.
Tori sprung to her feet as soon as she was free, bowing enthusiastically to the other teams and the announcer’s tent.
“She made that look easy.” Changmin announced with a laugh. “That’s another point for Stray Kids.”
Tori practically skipped over to the tent, absolutely beaming.
“Told ya.” She linked arms with Chan. “And you said I couldn’t do it.”
“I didn’t say you couldn’t do it. I said you shouldn’t because you might hurt your hand.” He patted her back. “But fine. You did a good job. Now you just need to get through the next like six rounds.”
“Easy.” She winked at him.
When they reached their tent, Tori purposefully took the seat on the edge, closest to Ateez’s tent. Seonghwa was sitting on the end at their table, and he held out a hand for a fist bump.
“You killed it.” He declared.
“I try not to disappoint.”
“There’s no way you could.” He laughed.
Tori didn’t really know how to respond to that, so she just chuckled awkwardly and looked back out to the field. “So uh…did you guys already do that voting thing for the visual?”
“Yeah, we did it earlier.” Seonghwa nodded. “Took the pictures too.”
“Who’d you vote for?” Tori asked teasingly.
Seonghwa looked down at his feet. “I don’t think we’re supposed to tell.”
Tori laughed. “It was Felix, wasn’t it? I feel like everyone voted for Felix.”
Seonghwa just shrugged. “You’ll see.”
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kurowrites · 3 years
Betting On You - Part II
Hhhhh, this has been frustrating me ever since I wrote part I. Idk, idk.
Previous part
Wei Ying and A-Yuan spent a long time in the bathtub, making sure they were all warmed up and clean before they finally stepped out. (Well, were lifted out in the case of A-Yuan.)
Wei Ying picked out the fluffiest towel they owned and wrapped A-Yuan in it, scrubbing him dry.
When he removed the towel, A-Yuan’s hair was sticking up in all directions.
“Look at this little radish!” Wei Ying laughed as he tousled A-Yuan’s hair. “He even has little leaves!”
A-Yuan protested and removed Wei Ying’s hand, but a moment later, he wrapped around Wei Ying’s leg in an attempt to get Wei Ying to dress him.
Technically, A-Yuan was old enough to put on at least the simpler pieces of his clothing on his own, but he hadn’t been feeling well today. Wei Ying, though exhausted himself, didn’t feel it was the right moment to insist on A-Yuan doing it himself, and helped the little radish out. He got out the nice red pyjamas that Wen Qing got him for his last birthday, and wrestled A-Yuan into it.
He had just slipped into a pair of sweatpants himself when the doorbell rang. In a hurry, he grabbed his shirt and clumsily pulled it over his head as he ran to the door of the apartment.
As he should have expected, their wet, soggy laundry and shoes still lay abandoned in front of the door. Wei Ying hastily pushed them to the side as best as he could, so that he could open the door and hide the mountain of dirty clothing behind it, keeping it out of view.
When he opened the door, Lan Zhan stood in the door frame, as stoic, handsome, and well put together as ever. Wei Ying had the nonsensical impulse to check his own appearance to make sure he was decent, but that was a lost case by now. He had barely managed to slip into a shirt, his long hair not brushed out yet.
“Lan Zhan,” he said, a little more breathlessly than he’d intended to.
“Hn,” Lan Zhan replied, and held up a large pot that Wei Ying only noticed when Lan Zhan brought it to his attention. “Soup.”
Wei Ying’s eyes widened. Had Lan Zhan actually made soup for them?
That was… far nicer than anything Wei Ying had expected. He’d maybe expected Lan Zhan to bring over some instant soup or something. But on second thought, Lan Zhan didn’t seem to be the type to eat instant soup. Ever.
“Oh!” Wei Ying cried out, suddenly remembering that he’d been taught manners at some point in his life, instead of just staring dumbly at the pot. Quickly, he waved Lan Zhan into the apartment. “Come in, come in! Please, feel free to join us! It’s very messy right now, but you know how it is. I always need to make sure we’re on time in the morning, so I only really get to clean up at night. Oh, the kitchen is over here, I think the layout is different from your apartment, no? Yours is bigger.”
“Hn,” Lan Zhan slowly agreed, after taking off his shoes, careful to evade the sea of water escaping from the bundle of wet clothes behind the door, and stepping into the apartment proper. “I converted one of the rooms into a music room.”
“Right, music teacher,” Wei Ying smiled. “A-Yuan enjoys your music, occasionally. Though we don’t always hear it.”
“The room is soundproofed,” Lan Zhan replied. “I sometimes play with the window open. I apologise.”
“Don’t apologise!” Wei Ying cried as he provided Lan Zhan with a space on his stove to put the pot of soup down. “We enjoy it. Definitely better than the stuff that usually plays on the radio. Or the shit people try to market as ‘appropriate for children.’”
Lan Zhan only hummed in reply, but Wei Ying was almost sure that he looked pleased.
Heh. Even Lan Zhan wasn’t above a little self-satisfaction now and then, apparently.
“Little radish!” he called out. “Come here, Lan Zhan brought us some soup! It’s dinner time!”
A moment later, A-Yuan toddled into the kitchen and firmly attached himself to Wei Ying’s leg. But despite his apparent shyness about the ‘stranger’ standing in his kitchen, he stared up at Lan Zhan with big, curious eyes.
“Say ‘thank you for the meal,’” Wei Ying encouraged him. He might not be the best father out there, but no one could accuse him of not teaching his son some manners. Those that actually made sense, that was.
“Thank you for the meal,” A-Yuan recited obediently, though he remained firmly attached to Wei Ying’s leg and kept looking up at Lan Zhan with what Wei Ying started to suspect was awe.
It was kind of cute, honestly, because A-Yuan didn’t have too many adults in his life, apart from Wei Ying, the staff at the nursery, and rare visits with Wen Qing. It was good to have positive role models in his life, and Lan Zhan was probably as good as they came. It was also a little troubling to Wei Ying, because A-Yuan’s open admiration made Wei Ying feel like he was somehow lacking as a father. It was a ridiculous notion, because he would not want to be like Lan Zhan, but the feeling was there, still. He knew he couldn’t be everything for A-Yuan. But his emotions were not that easily subdued by reason. He knew he wasn’t the ideal choice for an adoptive parent, anyway, and that he would never be a replacement for A-Yuan’s birth parents.
“It is of no consequence,” Lan Zhan replied seriously, startling Wei Ying out of his morose thoughts. “I offered.”
Wei Ying smiled.
“It means a lot to me,” he emphasised, and waddled over to the kitchen cabinets, A-Yuan still attached to his leg. He reached for the soup bowls and started to unload everything onto their dining table.
“Want to eat with us?” he asked Lan Zhan, waving one of the bowls under his nose.
He’d honestly expected Lan Zhan to politely excuse himself and leave at the first opportunity, but to Wei Ying’s surprise, Lan Zhan simply nodded, helped with setting the table, and then sat down to join them during their meal.
And that was how Wei Ying and A-Yuan ended up eating dinner together with Lan Zhan.
It was almost surreal, to have Lan Zhan in this familiar, currently rather messy environment. But it wasn’t uncomfortable by any means. On the contrary, Lan Zhan was a strangely nice and surprisingly interesting dinner guest, and Wei Ying suspected that it was due to his presence that A-Yuan was on his best behaviour. Wei Ying didn’t need to remind him even once not to play with his food! If only that happened during all of their meals.  
To be honest, it was not that easy to get Lan Zhan to speak in the beginning, and convince him to tell them stories about his work as a music teacher. But he made his silence up with being an excellent listener, sometimes listening to A-Yuan’s occasionally nonsensical stories with more earnestness than even Wei Ying was able to fake. And Wei Ying had a lot of practice in faking it.
Wei Ying mostly felt grateful for Lan Zhan’s efforts, because it meant that he was off the hook, for once. He could just sit there, eat his soup, grin at Lan Zhan when A-Yuan said something particularly nonsensical, and not worry about the rest.
And when Lan Zhan finally decided to tell them a few stories of his own, both he and A-Yuan listened to him with genuine interest and no small bit of fascination. For such a taciturn man, he was a surprisingly good storyteller. A certain sense of wit shone through his every word that Wei Ying enjoyed greatly, and that had him laughing out loud more than just once.
All too soon, they were finished with their meal, and it was time for A-Yuan to go to bed. A-Yuan had already started to lag at the dinner table, and so brushing his teeth and putting him to bed was a fairly short and painless process that evening, despite the excitement that an unknown guest had brought.
Lan Zhan, on the other hand, had insisted on helping with the clean-up, and so he stayed and assisted Wei Ying with the kitchen even after A-Yuan had been brought to bed and fallen asleep. Wei Ying had to almost physically keep him from doing all of the clean-up, and insisted to wash the dishes himself.
And so they had ended next to each other at the kitchen counter, Wei Ying washing the dishes, and Lan Zhan drying them.
It was an odd situation.
Wei Ying suddenly realised that he had never been alone with Lan Zhan before that moment. Whenever they had met before, it was usually when Wei Ying was going out of their apartment block or returning home with A-Yuan. Their interactions had usually been short and to the point, and Wei Ying had elected to think of Lan Zhan however he pleased.
It hadn’t been like this.
He suddenly felt himself growing shy, which was all kinds of ridiculous, because nothing was different from before. Why was he suddenly having feelings about this?
Luckily, Lan Zhan didn’t seem to notice how the mood in the room had suddenly shifted, and continued to stoically dry the dishes and carefully set them aside once they were properly dried.
When the kitchen was clean and all tasks were finished, Lan Zhan hung up his towel to dry, nodded once to himself, and then announced, “I should head home.”
Wei Ying stifled a sigh of mixed relief and regret, and led Lan Zhan to the door of the apartment.
“Thank you,” he said as Lan Zhan slipped into his shoes. “You were a true lifesaver today. Both with the soup and for keeping A-Yuan company.”
Lan Zhan rose up from tying his shoes (who did that, it was only a few metres to his own apartment) and stretched to his full height (which was impressive, he was taller than Wei Ying). He looked at Wei Ying for several long and agonising (for Wei Ying) moments.
“No need for thanks,” Lan Zhan replied. “I would not have offered if it had been an inconvenience. A-Yuan is a good child.”
Wei Ying couldn’t help the little glow of pride and happiness that rose up in his chest. A-Yuan was the best child, and he was lucky to be his father!
He said as much to Lan Zhan, and unless Wei Ying’s eyes started to play tricks on him now, his enthusiasm was answered by the tiniest little smile.
“Good night, Wei Ying,” Lan Zhan said, that smile still present in the corners of his mouth.
Wei Ying felt he liked when Lan Zhan said his name like that.
And then, Lan Zhan reached out, and gently brushed one messy strand of hair out of Wei Ying’s face.  
“Please make sure to take care of yourself, as well.”
And with that, he turned around and left, the apartment door falling shut silently behind him.
Wei Ying stood in front of the closed entrance door for several dumbfounded moments.
Did that just–
Was that–
Lan Zhan–
He let out a garbled sound, remembered that A-Yuan was asleep, and quickly turned towards the wet clothes still piled up in the entrance.
He wasn’t going to sleep.
Might as well do some washing.
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juletheghoul · 3 years
Oblivius Chapter 4
Am I insane for posting another chapter? Yes. Am I doing it anyway? Yes. Should you message me about how you feel about Spills & Francis? YES!
(Got a song you want added to the playlist? send it to me!)
I've gotten so much love over this series and I cannot tell you how happy it makes me that you guys love these two idiots as much as I do. <3
(Feo means ugly in Spanish but it can be used as a term of endearment between [male] friends)
Likes & reblogs are appreciated
Frankie Morales x F!Reader
Pairing: Frankie x F!Reader
Word Count: 2.2K
Warnings: Angst, yearning, 18+ language, alcohol (Spills gets wasted)(Please let me know if I forget anything)
Masterlist Series Masterlist Part 3 Part 5 Playlist
Age: 17
“No Francis I don’t wanna watch this - I’m gonna get scared.” It was late, you were both sitting in his cozy living-room, a big shit-eating grin on his face.
“Why, are you chicken? It’s just The Shining, it's not even scary.” He put it on and despite your protests, he settled and let the movie play, You gave him a pout.
“Okay if you really don’t want to I’ll change it you big baby.” He rolled his eyes to grab the remote but you stopped him.
“Promise you’ll walk me home?” You knew it was one of his favourites. He smiled wide.
“Of course! If it’s too much I'll change it.” He gave you most of the blanket that was draped over his legs and you sat very close to him. He was taller than you remembered him being, having gone through a growth spurt over the summer and he towered over you now. All knees and elbows.
When the room scene came on you burrowed your face into his neck and he wrapped an arm around you, you were so pretty. Your hair smelled so good and he buried his nose into the messy bun you wore. You practically clawed at him, trying to get closer - he made you feel safe.
“Is it still scary?” You spoke into his neck.
“Yes - don’t look yet, just a little longer.”
**Present Day**
Pope was holding up a shot-glass full of something and there were shots lined up for the three of you when you walked in.
“Catfish, I never thought it would happen for you feo, but I’m glad it did. Claudia, he’s lucky to have you.” He raised his shot glass and a chorus of ‘To Frankie and Claudia’ rang out before everyone tipped the liquor back.
The burn in the back of your throat couldn’t just be from the tequila, you’d swallowed a lump. You’d forced back the tears stinging your eyes when he dipped her back to kiss her. With her laughing and grabbing his neck they were the picture of romance and the smile you had plastered to your face must have looked manic. Popes eyes caught yours then and his eyebrows raised, a question in his features that you couldn’t quite read but he looked away and left you with your thoughts.
You got very drunk. Fall-down drunk. Forget about everything drunk.
“Spills, I think you should stop - you’re going to feel like hell tomorrow.” He was softly taking the shot out of your hand and you tried to fight him but his grip was iron.
“St-op t-telling me wh-what to do Francisco.” You tried to take it back but it seemed like the floor was coming up to say hi. An iron grip around your middle stopped you from losing a couple of teeth.
“Jesus Spills, okay - that’s enough. I’m cutting you off.” He held onto you and you wanted nothing more than to turn around and kiss him but you also wanted to throw up. Decisions decisions.
“I-think-imgonnabesick…” you brought your hand up to your mouth and part of you expected him to let go but he didn’t.
“Take a deep breath, it’s okay, Pope can you get me some water?” He was holding onto you, rubbing soothing circles onto your back and you tried to focus on his hands on you as the whole room spun dangerously. A few minutes later he was holding a cold glass of water to your lips. “Drink the whole thing, I'm going to hold it because if you spill it I'll kill you.” You chugged it down and he put it on the table.
“When did you get so strong, Francis?” Your words were slurred and you felt his chest rumbling with laughter at your question. “You smell so good.” You said it lower- more to yourself, but he heard and the laughing stopped.
“Oh no! Are you okay Spills?” Claudia was there now, her hands pulling your hair away from your face and before you could succumb to the urge to tell her never to call you that Frankie spoke up.
“She’s okay, just need to get her home. You’re okay right, Spills?” His voice was lower, so soothing you could fall asleep to it.
“Hey Frankie, you and Claudia should stay, tell me where she lives and I’ll get her home.” It was Pope, Frankie must have trusted him immensely because before you knew it he was putting you into the front seat of Pope's rental and buckling you in. Claudia was tying your hair back and putting your purse into your lap.
“Be careful please - this is her address, just make sure she gets in and lays face down. There should be a bucket somewhere in her bathroom - water and some aspirin on her night table.” Frankie was talking as you closed your eyes. When you opened them you were parked in front of your place.
“Hey honey, come on let's get you inside. I’m just going to look for your keys, okay?” Pope was taking your purse out of your lap. You nodded vaguely.
He helped you in and guided you to your bed. You could feel him taking off your shoes and throwing the blanket over you.
Someone is driving an ice-pick into my skull.
The light was intense and you swore out loud when you cracked an eye open. You stretched and felt a piece of paper beside you on the bed.
“I locked your door - keys are in your mailbox. Drink the water - take the ibuprofen. Let Catfish know you’re okay when you wake up- he was worried. - Pope”
You groaned.
[Francis]: Spills, are you okay?
[Francis]: Can you answer me please?
[Francis]: Don’t tell me you’re still asleep? What, are you a teenager? Getting drunk and sleeping until 4pm????
[Francis]: Sorry Spills, just worried - can you please let me know you’re okay before I show up?
You could see the three little dots signalling that he was in the middle of typing another message and you quickly called him to stop him.
“Jesus, it’s about fucking time.” He sounded worried and relieved and it pulled on your heart strings in a way you both loved and hated.
“Stop yelling Francisco, I am begging you.” You threw your arm over your eyes to block out the light as you lay there, in yesterday's clothes. You didn’t even want to know what you looked like right now.
“Feeling all that tequila aren’t you? I haven’t seen you that drunk for a long time.” You could hear the faint smile in his voice.
“Yes yes I know - so fucking embarrasing. Did I do.. Or say anything..?” You were trying to ask him without asking him.
“You almost threw up, but if you’re asking me if you started table-dancing you’re good.” He laughed and you sighed with palpable relief. All you needed was for him to tell you that you’d confessed your love or told Claudia to fuck off.
“Thank god. That would have been all I needed. Can you tell Pope I said thanks? Okay, I'm going to go shower for a million years now.” You wanted to hang up, your head was pounding and you needed a few hours of silence and about a gallon of water.
“Okay - see you in a few hours.” You didn’t want to deal with both of them together, not with how you felt right now.
“No Francis I don’t want to entertain, I already embarrassed myself enough yesterday.”
“It’s just me coming and I’ve seen you much worse. I haven’t been home in a long time so, take a shower and do what you have to do and I'll be there at seven.” He hung up and you could have thrown your phone across the room.
The knock at the door at exactly seven didn’t surprise you.
What did surprise you was how nervous you were that he would be coming over.
You were literally attached at the hip at one point, he’s seen you at your worst.
“You’re looking much better than you did last night, Spills.” He laughed as he walked past you and into your home.
“Oh god.” You groaned as he laughed, why had you been nervous? You watched him as he set down the bags of what looked to be way too much food on your kitchen counter. Grabbing napkins and forks - completely at ease within your space. “What did you bring?” moved to peak into the bags.
“Chinese - “ He looked to see your eyes wide and the big toothy smile you were giving him and laughed. “Did you think I’d forget you always get Chinese when you’re hungover?” He laughed as he took out what looked to be all your favourites.
“You’re a lifesaver Francis, truly.” You were practically bouncing on the balls of your feet as you served yourself.
“I know, I’m practically a saint.” He walked over to your couch and plopped down, an egg-roll in his mouth as he turned on your TV and looked for something to watch. This was it - this was how it was supposed to be.
This was easy.
He had come over in comfy clothes and seeing him on your couch in sweats and a soft flannel was almost too much. His hair had gotten longer than he had worn it before he went away and it looked so soft; practically begged for your fingers.
“Are you still a baby about horror movies?” He asked without looking at you, you saw that he had put on some cheesy zombie movie. A big smile on his face.
“No, I’m okay, as long as you check every single corner of this place before you leave.”
“God I love horror movies, Claudia hates them so we never end up watching.” He sighed. Her name cut through the air like a knife. An ice cube casually dropped into your shirt.
“That’s too bad.” You quickly shoved food into your mouth, stopping yourself from saying anything you’d regret but he knew you too well. He looked at you then, eyes narrowing a fraction.
“Do you like her?” He asked, point blank and your eyes widened at him.
Fuck, don’t make me answer this right now.
“Yeah, she’s great.” To your credit, you tried. You really tried to sound genuine.
“Why don’t you like her Spills?” He sighed heavily, putting his plate down onto your coffee table to face you properly.
“What are you talking about? I said she was great!” You could feel the flush creeping up your neck and licking at your face at the lie. She was great, that wasn’t a lie - you just didn’t like her.
“Seriously? You’re going to act like I can’t tell you’re lying through your teeth? Just tell me! I’m going to marry this girl. I have to know why you don’t like her.” He had a little frown on his face and you could see that he was worried, but what would he have to be worried about? Worried you’d picked up on something he’d missed maybe?
“I just don’t know her, Francis, that’s all. There’s nothing wrong with her, you know I'm just weird. She seems really nice and I’m sure I’ll like her once I get to know her better.” You smiled at him sadly, you didn’t want to talk about her anymore.
He smiled back at you and picked up his plate, happy with your explanation.
It always seemed to happen this way, ever since you’d been teenagers. He’d put on something scary and you would end up with your face buried into his chest.
“Oh god - that is disgusting!” You shut your eyes as he laughed, his chest rumbling underneath you at a particularly gruesome scene. You felt his hand rubbing your arm, and it was such a comfort that you sighed lightly. The words bubbled up without your permission.
“I missed this.” You felt him rest his chin on the crown of your head.
“Me too Spills, I always missed this while I was away, missed you.” He spoke into your hair, you could feel his breath ghosting along your scalp and your heart raced, you wanted nothing more than to turn and kiss him. His hand stilled, and you felt his heart beating under your ear. You wanted to do it, your whole body seemed to tense with want and you turned slightly to look at him through your lashes. He was already staring at you, his mouth was so close.
His phone rang, snapping him out of his trance and you moved away from him reluctantly.
“Hey babe, what’s up?” He smiled apologetically. “Just take a deep breath, it’ll be okay. I’m on my way.” He hung up and gave you a look that said I’m sorry. “Gotta go, wedding emergency.” He sighed heavily as he got up, taking both your plates to the kitchen with him.
You wanted him to stay, you wanted to grab him and sit him back down on the couch and straddle him. Grab the soft material of the flannel while you kissed him but you didn’t. Instead you smiled and thanked him for coming and for the food.
He made his way through the apartment before he left, opening every door.
“Just checking every corner, so you can sleep.” He smiled.
I love you too.
Tag list: @frannyzooey @foli-vora @danniburgh @sambucky21 @greeneyedblondie44 @lola4pedro @mouthymandalorian @221bshrlocked @artsymaddie @supernaturalgirl @sleep-tight1 @softdindjxrin @wheresarizona @sherala007 @freak-nasty-thick-dick-mando @marydjarin @cannedsoupsucks @thirstworldproblemss @ilikechocolatemilkh @lori-tovar @freeshavocadoooo @hrk-fic-recs @greeneyedblondie44 @maxwell--lord @princessxkenobi @the-feckless-wonder @kirsteng42 @girlimjusttryingtoreadfanfics @thisshipwillsail316 @feministfanboi @dihra-vesa @gaiuswrites @stevie75 @sweet-creature98 @readsalot73 @tobealostwanderer @elegantduckturtle @diogodxlot @alczysz17 @evyiione @absurdthirst @beskarboobs @andruxx @littlemissoblivious @1800-fight-me @goldielocks2004 @maievdenoir @gracie7209 @omlwhatamidoinghere @bellaorisa @hellovanessax
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you-did-well-moon · 3 years
Werewolf!Yunho meeting his mate
Type: Werewolf au, angst, fluff
Pairing: Werewolf!Yunho x HumanFemale!reader
Word count:  2,994
A/n: I know this took a long time, trust me, it felt like a long time for me too. With how I view Yunho, I expected this to be happier than it is. I was having a hard time while writing this, and it reflected on the story. Anyways please enjoy and stay safe!
TW: toxic relationship, financial struggle, deadlines, stressed reader, emotional and verbal pain, toxic masculinity, if I missed anything please tell me.
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You sat at the foot of your bed, still not made, staring at the mirror resting against your dull colored wall with lifeless blank eyes. Your posture slouched as you finished tying the laces of your running shoes huffing and letting your arms flop to the ground. Looking at the mirror, you tried smiling, but it was meak and disappeared as soon as it appeared. 
You hadn’t smiled a real smile in so long, you forgot what it felt like. To smile. To be happy. The forgotten emotion was one you took for granted when it was easy to to bask in the warmth of it. Now it's just cold. Cold and empty. 
You looked away from the mirror with a tight feeling coiling in the base of your chest not being able to bear looking at the stranger staring back at you any longer. Your gaze fell to the laptop, abandoned, due to frustration on your desk in the forgotten corner of the room. The thought of unfinished drafts and incomplete sentences shook violently in your mind. Disappointment in yourself pooling in your gut remembering your editor’s words. 
“If you can’t give us at least a first draft by the end of the month, we’ll have to unfortunately let you and your novel go.”
How pathetic was it that you couldn’t even come up with a simple sentence. A description, dialogue, a metaphor. Nothing. Anytime you sat yourself in front of the desk, your mind went blank. The cursor blinking at the top of the page mocked you with the possibility of millions of words. Not one ever made its way onto the page.  
The end of the month was in two weeks. 
You felt tears of hopelessness stinging the corner of your eyes, and you abruptly stood up grabbing your wireless earbuds, phone, and bag. Making your way into the kitchen you grabbed the water in the fridge and placed it inside your back, nothing but a numb feeling alienating you from reality and its broken expectations. You heard the front door of your little apartment open and slam close shaking the thin walls of the building. 
Your heart lurched as you winced immediately feeling like you were walking on eggshells. You were usually quick enough to leave before he got home from work, but you had been a tad bit late this one time. You gripped the strap of your bag tightly hoping for it to ground you through whatever vile words came from the one person you should have been able to trust with your ugliest feelings. 
Trying to walk past your boyfriend, eyes trained on the chipped wood of the front door did no good when he kissed his teeth and huffed as soon as he caught sight of you.
“You’re never home when I get home from work, and the one time you are here, you run away not even saying hi to me? Not even a “hey honey how was work today” or maybe a “hi love what would you like for dinner?” and never a “you’ve worked hard would you like a massage?” It's the same shit every day. You treat me like nothing when I'm the reason you even have a roof over your head woman.”
You kept your mouth the whole time he rambled on trying to ignore the clear stench of beer being able to reach you even with all the distance separating you, and the feeling of disgust mixed with desperation pooling at the bottom of your gut at yourself for not speaking up for yourself. Opening your mouth instead of letting your voice be taken from you. A long time ago, you would always say you would rather die than be without your voice. In a sense, you had died a long time ago. 
Around three months after you had started dating. That had been two years ago. 
Your English degree really did you no good. Not having enough time to be an intern in college really screwed you over when no job would take a bright eyed girl with the same passion in her heart for writing as a Karen’s passion for business that wasn’t hers, but with no experience. Even if the apartment was under your name, you’d probably be kicked out in weeks time.
You hated all of it. Everything that made up both the small and big parts of your life, you hated it. You hated his greasy hair and beady eyes, the nasty rough stubble covering the lower part of his face as a result of his laziness. You hated the hesitation in leaving him because of the fear of the stack of bills piling up next to the fridge. You hated the editors who couldn’t find it in some part of their greedy selves to extend your deadline. You hated the empty drafts sitting in your laptop collecting what could only be dead dreams and despair. You hated the cold emptiness that was always present in the confines of your chest. 
You recoiled at the way he said “woman” the same way someone would talk about a bug. Small and insignificant. Patronizing and confident in the worst way. You set your mouth in a tight line not even being able to look at him. Shifting your feet, you crossed your arms and looked up to the sky as if calling out to some unknown being to get you out of this pathetic corner you were trapped in. You cursed under your breath looking at the dying flowers on the coffee table with distaste as they wilted towards you mocking you. 
“What was that?” His voice got rougher with the menacing edge of fanned masculinity and control. Something that could put you in a dangerous place in a very fast amount of time. You looked at him with dull eyes poking your cheek with your tongue as a cold feeling settled in your gut. 
Your hands fell limply to your side and you chuckled humorlessly. 
“Fuck you”.
Those two words were enough to set him off as you slowly blinked and looked at the ground feeling your heart falter when he abruptly got up. You tried to stand your ground, but the surge of confidence was quickly withering away with fear taking its place. 
Ethan was bigger than you. Even if he wasn’t that much taller than you, there was a noticeable difference in his frame and yours. Weirdly enough, you didn’t regret your curse at him. The words still burned brilliantly on the tip of your tongue. 
It was bittersweet of course. His nose flared, and his eyes bulged as he took large strides over to you knocking the coffee table over on his path to you.
“What did you say to me you-” his words were said through gritted teeth, brash and loud in the silent apartment.
 Maybe he was bigger and stronger than you, but you were faster.
You inhaled sharply reacting fast as your hand reached behind you, turning the knob and slipping around it slamming the door close. Your bag bumped against your back while you bolted to the door with the word “stairs” painted in big bold letters across it. You were already at the door when you heard your apartment door open and Ethan angrily called your name. Threatening to break your laptop if you didn’t go back right this instant. 
You couldn’t help but snicker at the weak attempt. It’s not like there were much but empty pages anyways. 
A heavy feeling soon settled on your chest as you went down the stairs. Your apartment was on the 4th floor, and the stairs weren’t the most taken care of, but it’s not like you had much of a choice anyways. It seemed these days you were always wanting to run away from something. 
Your heart felt a little lighter when the warm rays of sun met your skin and the fresh air outside flooded your senses. Your walk to the park went as usual. Cars racing to get where they needed to, people chattered about everything and nothing, and your thoughts wandered to a world far away from this one. 
A world that wasn’t as dark as this one. At the same time your mind became your executioner, it became your safe place. The sick contrast making a nasty feeling flood your chest.
You arrived at the park with a small smile. The normalcy of the day bringing a little comfort to your still racing heart. Kids ran around, laughter ringing in the air around them as their parents watched on benches gossiping among themselves. People raced fast either by foot, bicycle, or skateboard, a visible sheen on their necks. You looked for the kind old man who always looked after your bag while you ran. 
He owned a music store a few blocks away, and he always sat on the bench closest to the pond with his cute corgi and habitually feeding the ducks peas and lettuce leaves when finished  with a certain chapter of his book. You walked up to him with a small smile as he looked up and took the sight of you in with fatherly worry.  
“You look a little pale kid, everything alright?” 
You did your best to liven up and gave your best customer service smile which the older man immediately saw through.
“Of course Mr.Jung. Why wouldn’t it be? I’m just a little tired from the editors. They’re on my back more than usual”, you laughed nervously as he hummed in understanding.
“I hope that boy of yours isn’t giving you any problems. Hey kid, have you ever heard of the term “break up?” he looked so serious you had to compose your shocked face. 
You waved your hands rapidly “I promise Mr.Jung everything is fine there is...I...oh my” you took a shaky breath as he simply shrugged his shoulders and pet his smaller companion who was having a very serious stare down with a duck. 
You wiped your sweaty palms on your yoga pants while you looked around at the tacky named paths trying to decide which one to run today. 
“The Pupper Runner path looks particularly nice today,” he suggested. You looked at the path pursing your lips in thought. The path wasn’t one you ran frequently. Since it was one of the wider and flatter paths, there were more people such as families or people walking their dogs. You also didn’t like having run-ins with the cyclists who were grouchier around this time of day for some odd reason.
After contemplating it, you shrugged and decided why not. Getting run over by a ticking time bomb on wheels wouldn’t be the worst thing to happen today. With a small smile sent in Mr.Jungs way, you checked your shoe laces before starting out with a light jog making your way down the specific path.
There was nothing really different about today’s run than others. Just having to dodge the wheel demons and kids happily running ahead of their worried mothers. You were grateful for the distraction. It kept you from straying too far into your head. It was just you running. Running like you always did these days, your shoes slapping on the concrete path and Got7 blaring in your ears. 
The heat of the sun shone on your skin, but oddly you still felt cold. It was always cold these days. A light breeze fresh to your burning skin as desperate eyes caught yours, and you were once again bought out of your stupor. 
A small boy was kneeled down fingers clutching his untied shoelaces not far from his dad who was trying to calm a crying baby. You didn’t really have a strong adoration for kids, but his panicked pinched face compelled you to come to a slow stop in front of him. Your chest heaved as you bent down to his level sitting on your heels and wrapped your arms around your legs.
“Hey bud, you need some help there?”
The kid made a distraught sound as he nodded his face shaking his hair out of his eyes. He looked dumb founded as he stared at his shoe laces in search of answers they would never give.
“Mama said to make a bunny, but this looks more like my aunt Carol’s dog” he sadly told you.
You snorted reaching out gently to tie his laces with a double knot.
With a grin you looked up at him ruffling his hair and giving him a thumbs up which he happily returned with a toothy smile.
“It’s alright kid, you’ll eventually get it. Just keep trying yeah? Don’t settle or you might catch yourself tripping next time you go on a walk. You’ll get hurt. Wouldn’t want that would we”, you said, lips still stretched kindly upwards, but something in your words struck stingingly deep in your chest. 
As the kid nodded happily with a carefree laugh you were about to get up when you heard the air being split and a strained voice yelling “watch out!!”. 
You looked up, panicked, only to see a frisbee racing right in your direction with alarming speed. With the goal of protecting the small child, you quickly turned your body. Your shoes making a rough sound against the concrete as a startled light cry left the younger boy’s mouth.
With your hands ready, you easily caught the frisbee gasping at the shock of the situation. You quickly shook it off as you gripped the frisbee turning back to the child who profusely thanked you, his small hands shaking as they clutched onto the hem of your shirt. 
You simply smiled reassuringly tapping his shoe and ushering him back to his father who has begun to successfully calm the fussing baby down. 
With shaking knees you tried to get up only to wince and slightly waver at the sharp sting that hit your ankle area. You clenched your jaw feeling more than annoyed at the current situation in hand. 
You stood up grumbling under your breath as a tall figure jogged over to you. While he made his way toward you, your narrowed eyes met his wide, apologetic ones. 
You felt the world shift around you as a calming warmth shot through your body melding with the confusion and panic pooling in your gut, and his eyes widened impossibly as he stumbled managing to stabilize himself right in time in front of you. His figure standing just inches away from you as his hands trembled, and his lips slightly parted.
You got a slight whiff of cologne and mint, but more than anything, the weird feeling in your gut was making a way for the dreadful panic clouding around your heart. 
You felt warm. 
After feelings of feeling nothing but the hollow cold licking at your veins, there was a nice warmth settling in your chest. 
You were scared of it. 
With a heavy chest you slightly inched back left somewhat immobile due to the aching pain in your ankle. “What the hell?”, you immediately set off on questioning him leading him to shake his head frantically at you. 
“I’m so sorry, i really am.” He put his hand on his chest as if trying to prove his sincerity to you, but you breathlessly took a step back stunned by the intense feelings taking over your heart and mind. 
You tried shaking it off, but the warmth lingered. 
You weren’t sure you wanted it to go away. 
“There’s kids here”, you were so distracted by all the emotions circling your mind you couldn’t possibly put any effort into arguing with the young man. His lips parted to make way for his lips as he nodded his head in understanding. “I know, I'll be more careful next time. I promise.”
Somehow, you knew he was being truthful. You went to say something, possibly something dangerous, but you shook your head and waved your hand. 
You tried taking a step but lightly hissed at the sharp pain that shot from your ankle up your leg. The man instantly dove forward steadying you with a heavy hand between your shoulder blades, and the other hovering in worry near your collarbone. 
With wide eyes you looked at him as he realized his un-asked for touch and immediately went to back away. 
He couldn’t.  
Your hand was clutching the cloth of his shirt near his shoulder blades. Hands slowly uncurling, you smiled awkwardly, but he kept his hand where it was. At his touch, the warmth licking the insides of your body became all the more distracting. 
“Um, I don’t think you can go all the way back home like this”, he cleared his throat looking at you shily under his bangs. Flustered, you smiled at the ground before looking back up and timidly asking “I can't. Mind helping me out?”.
At your question he let out a beaming grin nodding eagerly. He went to stand in front of you, and he crouched down looking at you over his shoulder with soft brown eyes. You did a small jump, and were caught by his hands slightly gripping under your thighs. 
He gave a low chuckle that somehow was felt from where your chest was pressed up against his shoulder blades. “So...what’s your name?”. You let a light giggle escape, “Y/n, yours?”. You saw his jaw move with the syllables of your name whispering it to himself. 
“Yunho”, you smiled also sounding out the name on your own mouth. You gave a shuddering exhale, and you laid your head on his shoulder letting yourself really rest for what seemed like the first time in forever. 
That night you walked right past Ethan who was quick to begin yelling at you, and you tucked yourself under the safety of your blankets feeling the warmth still encasing your heart, so comforting and alive.  
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rainydaydream-gal18 · 3 years
(The Bad Batch) Camping:  Wrecker’s Ending
    “I guess I’ll go exploring with Wrecker,” you said.  He grinned ear-to-ear and reached over to give you a high-five.
   “Yeah!  This’ll be fun!” he exclaimed.
   “I’ll see you two later,” Omega waved.  “I’m going with Tech to check out the lake.”
   “Okay, see you,” you told her.
   Even though you’d been a little embarrassed before, you were glad that she gave you that extra nudge to spend some time with Wrecker.  Time with him alone was pretty rare with a ship full of people.  Sometimes the Havoc Marauder felt like a clown car, fitting way too many inside.
   “I packed some rope,” Wrecker told you, walking over to the first tent and fishing something out of his bag.  “It’s a sturdy one, good to use for a swing!”
   “That sounds like an awesome idea,” you replied. 
   “Yep!  Now all we need is to find a good spot for it.”  He swung the coiled rope over his shoulder.  “Which way do you wanna’ go?”
   You glanced around and settled on pointing in a random direction.  “That way?”
   “Alright, let’s check it out.”
   The two of you were met with thick greenery as soon as you stepped out of the clearing.  Wrecker walked just ahead of you to stomp down a good portion of it so that you could walk through without much resistance.  It was nice and cool under the shade of the trees, which made the walk more pleasant.
   The forest was filled with chatter as you and Wrecker talked about some of the things you looked forward to on the trip.  He was excited to find out if the lake water was good to swim in.  You were eager to play some games with the group.  Both of you had a hankering for an evening around the campfire telling stories with the others.
   “I’ve got a good one about our mission to Yalbec Prime,” he laughed.
   “I’ve heard bits and pieces, but I don’t think anyone ever told me the full story.”
   “No worries, that’ll change today.”  He halted, and you walked straight into him, almost falling back onto the ground before catching yourself.  He twisted to look at you over his shoulder.  “Sorry, _________!  You okay?”
   “Yeah,” you nodded.  “What’s up?”
   He pointed straight ahead.  “I think I just found the perfect place for our rope swing.”  You peeked around his large form to see exactly what he was talking about.  Just ahead, there was a tree that was much taller and wider than the others.  Its branches looked more than strong enough to hold Wrecker, and they were a few that were far enough off the ground. A break in the canopy of trees above allowed sunlight in.   “What do you think?”
   “Wow,” you gasped.  “It is the perfect place!”
   He began tying one end of the rope into a large knot while you approached the tree, running your hand along the rough bark.  A soft moss grew around the base of the tree.  There was one branch right above that stretched out several feet, and it looked quite strong.
   “This branch here looks perfect.”
   Wrecker nodded enthusiastically and set to work on fastening the knotted rope.  He gave it a few good tugs to ensure it would hold his weight.  “Well,” he said, shifting.  “There it is.” 
   He stood there admiring his own work with his hands on his hips.  It was then that you noticed the twigs and leaves that had caught on his maroon t-shirt, most likely from the walk through the brush.  You stepped forward and reached a hand to swipe some of them off his chest and stomach.  His form was solid  like duracrete covered by a t-shirt, only warmer and more inviting.  It made you want one of his famous hugs.  Wrecker had gone quiet at the gesture, his eyes softening, while you took one last look and stepped back when you were sure he was clear.
   “Thanks,” he said gently.
   “You cleared the way for me,” you pointed out bashfully.  “Anyway, so let’s do this!”
   “Right!”  He turned and gave the swing one last tug before grasping it with both hands and backing up.  You gave him some space and watched with amusement as he got a running start and jumped onto the rope.  He went swinging pretty high on the first go, and the thrill was evident in the big grin on his face.  “Wooo!”
   “How is it?” 
   He jumped off the swing and held the rope out toward you.  “See for yourself!”
   You hurried over, and Wrecker backed up so you could give it a try.  To your surprise, he gave you an extra push that sent you swinging so fast that a shriek and laugh left your lips.  Wrecker burst into laughter at how you wobbled away from the swing once you came to a stop, steadying you with one hand.
   “Okay, that was pretty fun,” you giggled.
   “My turn!” he hopped on, and you tried to no avail to give him a push.  That only made him laugh even harder when you managed to get him to budge a little.  “You’re so cute,” he commented.  His own laughter died down as he said this, and suddenly he was looking at you with that soft gaze, like he was looking at something precious and small.
   “Me?  Cute?”  you tried to dismiss it.
   “Really.”  He hopped off the swing and folded his arms.  “You just seem so...small and cute.”
   “Yes, well, I’ve kicked some serious droid butt and revolted against an evil Empire with you guys,” you pointed out, though you were smiling at his comment.
   “Believe it or not, that just adds to the cuteness.  Especially that time you tried to arm wrestle me.”  He shook his head, chuckling.  “You really thought you were going to win.  I lift gunships, you know.”
   “I’ve seen it,” you nodded, recalling a few times he had unintentionally and utterly impressed you in the middle of missions with his strength.  “That’s part of the fun, I guess,” you admitted.  “You’re so strong and tough and…”
   His brow lifted, making you feel shy all of a sudden.  
   “...and you know, all that.”
   “All that?” he repeated.
   “Yeah, all that.”  You shrugged, avoiding his curious gaze.  “And you give the best hugs.”
   “I do, do I?”  He smirked, and you couldn’t help the smile that spread across your face as he scooped you up into his arms.  “Don’t you forget it.”
   “Never.”  You rested your cheek against the soft fabric of his shirt.  His chest rose and fell with each breath he took.  “Although, it wouldn’t hurt for you to remind me every now and then.”
   His hum of agreement came out as a chuckle, and it grew quiet between the two of you.  For a few minutes, you let your eyes fall shut as you enjoyed the warm embrace.  It felt like the sun was shining inside of you each second that passed when he didn’t put you down.  His breathing had slowed.  His heart was thudding steadily.  Finally, you pulled back a little to peek up at him, realizing that his chin was resting on top of your head.
   “You falling asleep?”
   He shook his head.  “No, but I could.  You’re so comfortable.”
   “So are you,” you replied.  “If you’re down, so am I.”  Not long after, he maneuvered himself to sit against the trunk of the tree, arms still enveloping you.  You breathed in his scent once more and sighed.
   “Hey, _________?” he murmured, hand running down your arm softly.  
   “Can I kiss you?”
  The request was unexpected, though you had to admit it was one that you wanted as well.  You lifted your head from his chest to see him already watching you.  The sincere affection that shone in his gaze made your heart melt.  You nodded, and he leaned in the short distance to press his lips to yours.
   It was so gentle at first.  So tender.  Your lips tingled from the contact, and you were glad when Wrecker leaned into the kiss.  His lips were dry at first, a little chapped, but the roughness was quickly smoothed away as he moved his lips against yours.  The large arms that encircled you made you feel so safe and secure, yet caused your heart to thrum like hummingbird wings.  The hand that had trailed down your arm earlier returned to cup the back of your neck as Wrecker’s kiss became more eager.  You pulled away, exhaling softly.
   He rested his forehead against your shoulder, and you brought your hand up to caress the back of his neck.  “You don’t know how long I’ve wanted to do that,” he said.
   “And you don’t know how long I’ve wanted to do that,” you countered with a kiss to his temple.  He lifted his head to grin at you, and you grinned back.  The butterflies were fluttering around in your stomach.  You wanted to kiss him again.  “You know, it’s probably almost lunch time.”
   “Yeah, we should get back,” he agreed.  With a grunt, Wrecker stood to his feet and set you down on your own.  “Can’t wait to bring the others here and how ‘em the swing!”
   “That’s true.”
   “But they can’t kiss you here.”  He chuckled.  “Only I get to do that.”
   You laughed as he took your hand.  “Agreed.”
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Feel It Like I Do
ty to @writinglizards for the title and @contemplativepancakes for making sure Geralt didn’t wear a shirt into the bath 💖
At least in the terms of Geralt's long life, they haven't known each other long but Jaskier has fallen hard. He was lost from the start if he's honest, enraptured by golden eyes and silver hair and a heart that cares just this side of too much. But loving someone is not always easy, and loving an emotionally stunted Witcher is all that much harder - especially if your Witcher doesn't believe he deserves good things.
And it doesn't help that Jaskier isn't quite sure how to approach things with Geralt. Normally, things with him start with sex. It's quick and easy and Jaskier has never failed to get someone into bed with him. Normally, when he wants something or someone, he smiles and charms and flirts his way into getting it, but things with Geraly have never been that simple. And not for a lack of trying.
But Geralt doesn't even realize he's being flirted with, which is a tragedy. Nor does he notice now when Jaskier picks up herbs he's getting low on. Geralt is thankful and appreciative but dense as stone and Jaskier finds himself lost, unsure of how to approach this wonderful, difficult man that destiny has brought to him. He figures it out unexpectedly on a dreadfully damp and foggy day - in the middle of a swamp, of all places.
So maybe Geralt had asked him to stay back at camp with Roach, but Jaskier's never seen a water hag for himself and if he's going to write about them, he'll have to have the details correct.
The first time he gets mud chucked at him, he grumbles and complains, but he can hear Geralt's chiding voice in his head reminding him he should have stayed at camp and he holds his ground. A little mud in his face is nothing for the chance to see Geralt at work.
Geralt dispatches of the hags - there are three of them, in all - without much trouble, but he earns himself a pretty hefty swipe for his trouble and when he returns to Jaskier, he's favouring his left arm. Jaskier frowns, reaches out before he can think better of it, but Geralt just brushes past him and toward their camp.
Jaskier follows at a safe distance. Geralt doesn't much like to talk after he completes a contract, or at all when he's taken a potion, so Jaskier keeps quiet and sits across from him when he makes it to their camp. He watches as Geralt hauls his pack into his lap, wincing still as he rummages through it and he wants to help. Jaskier aches to reach across and take the bag from Geralt's hands, to find whatever is it he needs. To help. He knows Geraly would never allow it, but he crosses over to sit next o him anyway.
"Can I do anything?" he asks. Geralt just grunts at him in response and Jaskier sighs. Instinctively, he reaches out and touches a hand to Geralt's good shoulder and Geralt freezes under him.
Immediately, Jaskier realizes he's made a mistake. Geralt tenses up under him, his whole body stiffening at the touch, but then he does something Jaskier would not have expected. He leans into it.
Jaskier holds his breath, afraid to move lest Geralt realize what he's doing and pull away, but his heart is racing and that, apparently, is what breaks the spell. They've known each other a little over three years now and Geralt has never allowed him to so much as touch him before, not more than a simple brush of their shoulders as they walk side-by-side and Jaskier is overwhelmed.
When Geralt turns to him, he looks surprised, almost embarrassed and when Jaskier opens his mouth to speak, Geralt rises to his feet and stalks off out of sight. But Jaskier is determined, so he picks Geralt's pack up from the ground and replaces the vials that spilled from it in his haste to escape. Setting it with the rest of their things, Jaskier turns to lighting the fire and laying out bedrolls. It's the least he can do to ensure things are as comfortable for Geralt as they can be when he returns.
And he does, a couple of hours later, silent as always. But he's given Jaskier something to go off, a brief glimpse into what Geralt actually wants but won't allow himself, and Jaskier, armed with this new information, is determined to give it to him. It's not much, but it's a step in the right direction.
For the next few days, they're in and around town, so Jaskier keeps a close eye on Geralt, especially his interactions with others. He's not sure how he never noticed before, the way Geralt stands taller, straighter when other people are around, or the way his whole body goes stiff when someone approaches him unprompted. He's bracing himself for the worst; for pain and hate, like the words spat at him in the streets, and Jaskier finds himself wondering if Geralt has ever felt a kind touch that wasn't paid dearly for.
But Jaskier knows now that that's something he wants; Geralt longs for kind touches, like anyone who's been denied for so long, and Jaskier hates the people who have made him feel like he's not allowed. And since no one else is willing, Jaskier will have to do it himself.
He starts small that very afternoon, stepping a little closer to Geralt's side as they make their way out of town. He isn't pushed away and if Geralt notices his proximity, he doesn't mention it, so when they lay down to sleep that night, Jaskier lays his bedroll out next to Geralt's. He'll be a little further from the fire, but the late spring weather is warm enough that it shouldn't matter.
When he wakes in the morning, Geralt had shifted and he's further away than he normally sleeps. It's frustrating, but Jaskier isn't one to back down from a challenge - especially not where Geralt's well-being is concerned.
So that night, he tries a new tactic. Maybe if he can get Geralt to initiate the touch himself, he won't be so quick to pull away. They find themselves at an inn, so Jaskier's initial plan of closeness through cold isn't going to work as well as he had hoped, but when they arrive the inn is old and cold enough that it just might work.
Once they've laid down for the night, he wraps himself in the scratchy blanket provided for them and stares out into the room. Geralt has made himself a bed on the floor - much to Jaskier's displeasure. It would make things so much easier if Geralt would just climb up here and sleep with him.
"I'm cold," he whispers into the darkness. There's nothing at first, then a rustling and footsteps fading away and returning. A very small part of him hopes that Geralt will come back and lay down next to him, but as always, he doesn't.
"Take this," Geralt says, draping something heavy over him. Jaskier turns to sit up, but Geralt is already moving away, back to his makeshift bed on the floor.
Jaskier resists a sigh of defeat, if only because Geralt would hear him, and settles back into bed, pulling the new blanket up over his shoulders. Only it isn't a blanket and when Jaskier inhales, Geralt's scent engulfs him. A quick grope around tells him the new addition to his bed is Geralt's travelling cloak, thick and woollen and likely warmer than the thin blankets that they carry with them. Despite the failure of his plan tonight, Jaskier can't feel entirely disappointed, though he worries that the way his heart thumps heavily against his chest is obvious to Geralt, sleeping only a few feet away.
After failing to fall asleep that night, surrounded by Geralt's scent, Jaskier takes a different approach. It's probably easier for him to reach out to Geralt first, but he wants Geralt to be comfortable with touch and he continues his attempt to get Geralt to reach out to him.
He pretends to be hurt or to have an itch somewhere he can't scratch himself, but Geralt never falls for it and Jaskier just gets more and more frustrated. On the one hand, he can understand why, after however many years of being met only with hate and disgust, Geralt would seclude himself. But Jaskier has never treated him that way and all he wants is to help. Because he knows how it feels to go without, to spend weeks alone without the faintest trace of human contact. It's awful, he can't even imagine the need for it after years. There are occasional visits to brothels in the bigger cities, but even then touch is a luxury paid for when Geralt can find someone who'll have him. Because he's a Witcher. Because he's inhuman.
Only Jaskier has never seen him that way, not even in the very beginning of this complicated relationship, and he longs for Geralt to understand that. After Geralt has been turned away from brothels, Jaskier has considered offering it himself. He could set his own feelings aside to give Geralt what he needs, but he suspects Geralt would see it as nothing more than a pittance and that's the last thing Jaskier wants him to think. Geralt is so much more than what everyone thinks and says about him and Jaskier is on a mission to prove that. A mission that apparently starts with convincing Geralt himself.
So one night, when Geralt is called out to take care of a wraith that's been haunting the village graveyard, Jaskier follows him. Geralt hasn't been sleeping well lately, and Jaskier has insisted on him sitting this one out, but they need the coin and what Jaskier earned at the tavern last night won't even cover their room for another night. So Geralt, exhausted and worn out, traipses up to the cemetery unknowingly with Jaskier in tow.
Jaskier sits and waits as Geralt disappears into the crypt, but he keeps an ear out for anything that could mean Geralt's in trouble. It doesn't take long before he hears the sounds of a fight, and right from the start, it doesn't sound good. Then abruptly, silence and nothing more.
Jaskier aches to run in after him and make sure he's okay. His fingers twitch against his thighs, and he runs through what he'd do over and over in his head, but he knows there isn't much he can do against a wraith. Something physical, maybe, but this is somewhere he can't really help. His heart feels like it's going to beat out of his chest and without realizing it, Jaskier's on his feet and heading to the entrance of the crypt when he spots Geralt, staggering through the arch and toward him.
Immediately, relief floods through him and his legs shake but manage to hold him well enough to get to Geralt. Without thinking, Jaskier ducks under Geralt's arm, pulling it around his neck and helping him back toward camp. He's surprised at how well he manages to support Geralt's weight, and it's not until they reach the unlit fire at their camp that Jaskier realizes how much of Geralt is pressed against him. And for the first time, he panics.
He helps Geralt down to sit on a stump near the fire pit and while Geralt sits and catches his breath, he continually assures Jaskier that he's fine. By now, Jaskier knows he can hear Geralt's heartbeat, how fast it's racing right now, and he knows the words are just to placate him. He knows Geralt must be injured but he doesn't trust Geralt to tell himself, so as much as he hates to push further than Geralt is ready for, Jaskier starts unbuckling his armour.
He stands behind him, laying each piece out carefully on the ground next to them, keeping an eye out for any hesitation, but Geralt seems resigned to this. It's not until his armour is off and piled neatly, and he's in nothing more than his tunic, that Geralt flinches when Jaskier reaches for him.
"I'm sorry," Jaskier breathes. "I can't see how bad it is with this on, can I-" He doesn't even finish the question before Geralt gives a curt nod and drops his gaze to the ground. He lifts his arms to let Jaskier pull it off, wincing as his muscles pull.
There's bruising all the way down his side and Jaskier fists his hands in Geralt's tunic, pushing out the anger that always accompanies seeing him like this. Maybe if the people who cursed him in the street could see him now, they'd think better of Witchers. Then again, he supposes, most of them are probably beyond changing. He shakes his head to keep from wondering about how it happened and steps away to find salve and bandages.
When he does, he digs a spare piece of linen from the bottom of his pack, using it to wipe away any remaining blood where the skin is broken. Geralt lets him, sitting still until Jaskier spreads salve on the worst of his wounds. He winces then and pulls away, turning to scowl at him.
"I'm sorry," Jaskier breathes, " just- please, let me help." After a moment, Geralt turns back around and rests his elbows on his knees, relenting.
Jaskier is as gentle as he can be, though suspects the only reason he's allowed to do this is because Geralt, despite his many talents, can't reach his own back properly to do it himself. It doesn't stop Jaskier, once he's finished bandaging him, from brushing his fingertips down Geralt's back.
He doesn't mean to, doesn't even realize he's doing it at first, but Geralt presses back into the touch and Jaskier tries again. He doesn't want to take advantage, but Geralt's muscles are tense under his hands and he knows if he can just get Geralt to let him, he can ease that stress.
Jaskier eases into it, touching him softly and just letting his hands drift over Geralt's skin to start. And slowly, Jaskier can feel him relax under his hands and he risks a little more pressure. Geralt's breath comes a little quicker as Jaskier's hands slide forward over his shoulders, but Jaskier pauses, rubbing his thumb soothingly over Geralt's collarbone until he feels the muscles there relax again.
Jaskier is elated to be allowed such a simple thing and he revels in the heat of Geralt's skin under his hands, the scent of his hair, though tinged with dirt and sweat. He lets himself get caught up in it, slipping his hands further down Geralt's chest and back up to rub the sides of his neck. Geralt's head drops back against his stomach, a soft groan slipping between his lips. Jaskier stiffens, afraid that he's pushed too far, but when he looks down, Geralt seems relaxed - more relaxed than he's seen him.
It's so rare that Jaskier - or anyone, he suspects - gets to see Geralt like this, that he feels almost like he's intruding on a private moment. He knows it's only due to exhaustion that Geralt submits so easily to him now, but he likes to believe a part of it has to do with trust as well.
Jaskier brings his hands back to Geralt's shoulders, fingertips pressing into the stiff muscle and working out the knots. He tries to concentrate, but Geralt keeps letting out soft little huffs of breath that are incredibly distracting and quite often he finds himself losing focus and slipping too far forward. He realizes his mistake when his fingers brush over a nipple and Geralt shudders under him.
Jaskier withdraws as Geralt sits forward shifting awkwardly. This time he knows he's pushed too far - accidentally, but he doubts that matters now. Jaskier shuts his eyes and as Geralt shrugs out from under his hands, he lets him go. When he rises to his feet, Jaskier realizes what the problem is and he hates himself for the initial heat that runs through him. He rips his gaze from where Geralt's cock is hard in his trousers, but he knows he's too late and he knows Geralt has seen him looking.
Geralt turns away and Jaskier curses himself as the Witcher stalks off into the dark. He tries to tell himself it wasn't his fault, but maybe he shouldn't have tried anything at all. He didn't mean to push, he didn't mean to turn him on and he definitely didn't mean to see. But Geralt was definitely aroused and the fact that Jaskier is the one who affected him like that is something he struggles to reconcile.
As far as his progress in getting Geralt to open up, this incident has a negative effect. Geralt closes himself off again afterward and Jaskier is upset with himself for taking advantage because it was the first time Geralt let him get that close and he went and fucked it up. For both of them. But he has to keep trying because Geralt does so much and gets so little. And he never takes anything for himself so Jaskier wants to try and give something back.
So he starts small again because he knows Geralt's trust isn't easily earned, and he finds his progress hasn't been undone as much as he'd expected. Geralt doesn't pull away when Jaskier walks close and even when their hands brush together, he seems unconcerned about it. Which is a relief and Jaskier doesn't think too much about why. He wants Geralt to adjust to his touch in any context, though since the incident with the wraith, Jaskier can't help thinking about making him feel good in other ways. It's a dream and nothing more, but it's in his mind nonetheless. He just wants Geralt to be more open, to be able to let himself have something good besides the sex he pays for.
For months, Jaskier works tirelessly to acclimatize Geralt to soft and gentle touches. He puts his own needs and desires aside in favour of trying to convince the most stubborn man he's ever met that not all touch has to be bad. On occasion, Geralt relents, but it's only when he's injured or exhausted and while it's a small victory, Jaskier will take what he can get.
But after a little while, Geralt seems to realize what Jaskier is doing. He doesn't back off like Jaskier expected him to. On the contrary, he'll even give a little back on occasion. If he's trying to hold Jaskier back, more often he'll press a hand to his shoulder rather than grabbing his clothes and pulling him back. The first time it happens, Jaskier is so surprised he stops dead in his tracks. But he appreciates the effort.
Then, one night, Gerallt surprises him.
It's been over a year now since the wraith incident and Jaskier always keeps that night in the back of his mind, reminding himself not to be too bold when Geralt gives him an inch. But he still thinks about it all the time, how he got Geralt hard with only his hands and how he so desperately wants to do it again, he just needs Geralt to let him. And it's not that things are going badly between them, but Jaskier has no delusions of anything like that happening again. Especially not intentionally.
They're in Temeria, staying at a little in that looks like it's seen better days and they've only just paid for their room when Geralt goes off saying he has to do something. Jaskier's sure something is heading to the local whorehouse and he wants to tell him he doesn't need to, but Geralt is determined and Jaskier keeps quiet. He heads up to their room alone.
He feels helpless and he doesn't know what he's supposed to do because he can't just come out and tell Geralt to fuck him instead. He wants to be able to, but it's so much more than just sex for him, even if maybe it's not for Geralt. But he wants Geralt to know that there's an alternative to how he's been living, that Jaskier is here to offer him more than just soft touches and a conversational companion. Geralt can get what he needs from someone who loves him, someone who wants to be with him. He can have kindness and affection without having to pay for it. He could be there for Geralt if he'd just let him. But every time he tries to offer, the words fail him.
Jaskier pushes the thoughts aside in favour of tidying the room and organizing their things before heading down to find his own company for the evening. He orders an ale for himself and sits at a table near the low-burning fire, keeping an eye on the crowd, but no one strikes his fancy tonight. If he's honest with himself, it's been a while since he's been truly dedicated to pleasing himself rather than Geralt.
He only stays long enough to finish his drink and by the time it's gone, he's still alone so he heads back to the room alone. Only when he opens the door, he comes face-to-face with Geralt, looking a little sheepish.
"I had a bath poured," Geralt says. "If you want."
Jaskier does his best not to show his confusion, but he's speechless trying to figure out why Geralt would order him a bath. The only words he can manage to get out are "I don't need it" and he regrets it immediately. He quickly corrects himself adding, "go ahead. I'm sure you would enjoy it."
Geralt doesn't look at him and for a second, Jaskier thinks he's offended him, but when he really looks at him, Geralt looks... conflicted, like he's struggling with himself.
"Join me?" he asks so quietly Jaskier almost doesn't hear him.
Oh. "Are you sure?" he asks, watching for any sign of hesitation, but if Geralt is wary of what he's offering, he doesn't show it. He just nods quietly and Jaskier is still trying to figure out what's happening because this is very unlike Geralt and he doesn't want to agree to something if Geralt is going to be uncomfortable about it later.
But he seems anything but uncomfortable. Geralt undresses like it's the most casual thing in the world and Jaskier catches him as he's unbuttoning his trousers, tugging his shirt loose. He finds himself staring, watching the way Geralt moves as he drops his arms backs to his sides, and Geralt notices. Just as Jaskier turns his head to look away, Geralt steps toward him and catches his attention again.
He reaches out, undoing the top few buttons on Jaskier's shirt and despite his careful composure, Jaskier's throat goes dry and he doesn't know what to do with himself. Geralt has never willingly let Jaskier get this close to him unless they're asleep and Jaskier is starting to feel like maybe all of his hard work has paid off.
"You can't bathe in your clothes," Geralt says by way of explanation which, Jaskier supposes, is true. When he looks up from where Geralt's hands are on his shirt, Geralt is looking at him so softly, almost nervously, and Jaskier's skin flushes under the attention. He wants so badly to close the rest of the distance between them, but Geralt is already putting himself out here in such a huge way and Jaskier want to let him take this at his own pace. Whatever this is.
He does reach out cautiously, letting his fingers brush over Geralt's shoulder and when he's met with no resistance, he lets his palm settle. And Geralt takes another small step forward, returning to Jaskier's buttons.
"Why do you always want to touch me?" he asks. Jaskier moves his head to meet his eyes, but Geralt is avoiding him, his focus solely on getting Jaskier's shirt undone. He hadn't realized Geralt had been quite that attentive. He'd thought his little advances could have been passed off as just trying to be closer or, well, something. But he should have known better.
"When was the last time someone touched you with kindness?" he asks and this time Geralt's head snaps up, eyes meeting his with confusion. "When was the last time someone touched you without getting anything in return?"
"Last winter," Geralt says without hesitation and the quickness of his response only makes Jaskier's heart sink further.
"Not every touch has to be hard and biting," Jaskier breathes. His hands rise on their own, softly wrapping around Geralt's wrists and lowering his hands from their task. "Not every kind gesture has to be transactional. You deserve good things just for the sake of it."
"You don't have to do that-"
"Geralt," Jaskier says a little more firmly, "if you don't understand by now that I care about you, I don't know how to convince you." Well, that's not entirely true, but he's taking things at Geralt's speed, not his own. "I know I don't have to do that, I don't have to do anything and yet, here I am. I want you to know I'm here for you."
Geralt shifts his weight, looking anywhere but at Jaskier like he's not sure how to process this. Maybe it's a good thing Jaskier can never find the words to tell him everything. Jaskier's heart beats a million times a minute as he takes a step forward into Geralt's space. He reaches out, meeting Geralt's eyes again as he presses his palms to his chest. Slowly, cautiously, he pushes his hands up Geralt's chest, slipping over his shoulders and around the back of his neck.
They're so close now that Jaskier can smell the oils on him and he realizes Geralt must have taken a lot of care in choosing them because the scents he picks up on are lavender and cedarwood, two of his favourites. And his chest constricts at the thought of Geralt putting that much effort into anything so frivolous, especially for someone else. Especially for him.
When he meets his eyes again, they're soft and every instinct is telling him to lean in, to press his lips against that soft mouth but the last time he pushed too hard, he fucked it all up. This time feels like something real and he doesn't want to risk making another mistake.
But he's leaning in without realizing and Geralt meets him halfway, bumping their foreheads together. All Jaskier can hear is the sound of his own breath and the blood rushing in his ears like thunder. He shuts his eyes and Geralt tips his head just so, bumping their noses together. And if Jaskier is feeling this overwhelmed by their closeness, he can't possibly imagine how Geralt is feeling right now.
"Jask..." he breathes and Jaskier squeezes his eyes shut and moves without thinking.
He leans in, just barely brushing his lips against Geralt's. He feels his breath against him as he draws back, hears a soft little noise that sounds something like relief and then Geralt's leaning in again and kissing him in earnest. His mouth slots against Jaskier's like that's what it was made for, hot and wanting, but Geralt seems unsure of what to do with his hands.
Jaskier never considered what with Geralt's want for a gentle touch that he might also want to touch. His hands hover in mid-air, just shy of brushing Jaskier's hips like he's never done this before, but it doesn't take much encouragement. Jaskier takes Geralt's hands and presses them against his own hips and it's all the direction Geralt needs to be given. He slides his hands up Jaskier's sides, pushing under his shirt and the heat from his skin sends a shudder up Jaskier's spine.
He moans softly against Geralt's lips, sliding his own hands up to tangle in his hair and Geralt hums appreciatively in response, one warm hand sliding up to the center of his back to hold him close. His lips part against Jaskier's, deepening the kiss and gods, Jaskier has never thought about how Geralt would kiss, but now that he's been given the chance, he doesn't hold back. And once he gets his hands on him, he doesn't let go.
Jaskier absolutely delights in how tactile Geralt is. Even his mouth doesn't leave his skin, straying from his lips only to press against his jaw and slide down his neck. Jaskier's head tips back giving him better access and Geralt groans against his skin, a low rumbling sound that rips right through him. The low simmering in his guts spikes and he wants to lean into the touch and press himself against Geralt but he draws back instead, not that Geralt lets him get far. Geralt looks at him with big, dark eyes and whatever reservations Jaskier was about to voice die on his tongue.
His breathing is shallow and as he meets Geralt's eyes, he can feel his chest heave with each breath. Geralt looks at him like he's just seeing him for the first time and he reaches between them, tugging Jaskier's shirt up over his head before slipping his fingers beneath the waist of his trousers. Jaskier tips his head down, watching as Geralt's fingers work open the clasps. Then Geralt pauses, tips Jaskier's chin up to look at him and kisses him again, hard and eager.
Jaskier's breath pulls from his lungs and he finds himself walking backward. When his knees hit the tub, he stumbles a little, but Geralt winds his arms around his waist, bracing him. When Geralt draws away again, Jaskier is breathless, and the way Geralt's hands move back to his trousers again doesn't help matters.
His hands slide over Jaskier's hips, catching on the silky fabric and pushing his trousers down. Jaskier holds his breath as the fabric slides over his heated cock and Geralt's hands slip back over his ass, forcing the roll of his hips. He's already half-hard, but he can hardly control the state of his cock with Geralt pawing at him like this. Jaskier's eyes drop shut and he lets out a low, breathy "oh" as his cock presses into Geralt's hip.
And he realizes maybe he doesn't have to be so cautious with Geralt after all. Jaskier risks a quick roll of his hips and Geralt rumbles pleasantly, pushing back against him. He kisses him again then, slow and sweet and just this side of too much and Geralt moves against him, lips parting as he presses against Jaskier's chest. He's so close and Jaskier can feel every inch of him, every tiny little movement of muscle and Geralt is hard against him which is a feeling infinitely better than any of Jaskier's wildest dreams.
He aches to touch him, to feel more than just the press of Geralt's cock against his hip, wonders if he could get a hand around him because he feels huge. Geralt breaks away to kiss Jaskier's jaw, down the side of his throat and Jaskier can't help the little gasp that slips from his lips. In a hundred years, he never expected Geralt to be like this when he was finally allowed free reign to touch.
Before he realizes it, Jaskier has a hand between them, snaking down to cup Geralt through his trousers. Geralt's hips jerk into the touch and he rumbles low in the back of his throat. Jaskier pulls back. He thinks he's gone too far again, that Geralt isn't ready for so much, but then Geralt's arms wind tightly around him and his feet lift the floor. A rush of excitement goes through him and he loops his arms around Geralt's neck as they head toward the bed.
"What about the bath?" he asks and Geralt meets his eyes with a dark look.
"Later," he growls and Jaskier feels the vibrations all the way through him. He'd mention the bath getting cold, but he doesn't think it would matter; Geralt is nothing if not focused and Jaskier is thrilled to be the one at the center of his attention. He's not about to sabotage it over a little cold water.
Geralt drops onto the mattress with Jaskier in his lap. He shuffles back, stacking the pillows behind him with one hand, the other still firmly curled around Jaskier's hip. When he's satisfied, he slips his other arm around Jaskier, too, tugging him closer and Jaskier groans at the way their cocks grind against each other. Geralt is still maddeningly hidden, tucked away just out of Jaskier's reach, which is so unfair he could cry. Because he's thick and hard and pressing up under Jaskier's balls in a way that makes him needy.
Then one of Geralt's hands slips down, squeezing his ass as he lifts him and pulls him close against him. His fingers slip down, pressing between Jaskier's cheeks and Geralt's trapped cock is pushed to the back of his mind.
Jaskier's eyes flutter shut as Geralt's fingers graze against his hole. He tips his head down, pressing his nose into Geralt's neck, speechless for the first time in a long time. If anyone had told him a week ago that this would happen, he never would have believed them, might have even told them off for teasing him and yet.
Jaskier rolls his hips encouragingly, and Geralt's mouth finds his shoulder, teeth grazing the smooth skin, but he doesn't give any more than he already is. But his grip is firm and Jaskier is happy just to be in his arms; it's more than he could ever have hoped for, considering Geralt's (apparently prior) aversion to touch. He's enthusiastic about it now, fingers lipping against Jaskier's hole in repetition, pressing just a little firmer each time. And Jaskier breathes praise into his skin, humming softly where he can't find the right words to tell Geralt how he feels without chasing him away. Because he loves him too fiercely already and Geralt is only just learning how to accept him as a friend. Although after this, maybe.
Geralt shifts under him, reaching out and Jaskier's eyes follow his hand to where it dips into one of their packs of the floor. He nips at Geralt's jaw, running his mouth along the line of it, and as Geralt settles back into position, he tips his head to catch Jaskier's mouth with his own. His gentleness is gone now, replaced with eager intent and for a moment, Jaskier is so wholly captivated by his mouth, that he doesn't realize what Geralt is doing with his other hand.
Cool, slick fingers slide against Jaskier's hole, prodding gently at the muscle and Jaskier nearly jumps in surprise. For his movement, he earns a soft huff of a laugh against his lips and that's- well, that's incredible. He draws away, smiling down at Geralt even as Geralt's fingers press into him, stretching Jaskier around him. Teeth dig into his bottom lip but Jaskier keeps his eyes open, enthralled by the little half-smirk that remains on Geralt's face, by the wonder in his eyes as he slides into Jaskier like that's where he belongs.
"Fuck," Jaskier groans, worrying his lip between his teeth. His eyes flutter shut for a moment, but he doesn't miss the way Geralt's grin spreads as he gives a couple of short thrusts into him.
Geralt is unsurprisingly quiet, apparently too caught up in Jaskier's pleasure to worry about his own. And he's barely giving Jaskier a chance to think, much less worry about anything but Geralt's fingers inside him. It's not exactly how Jaskier was expecting this to happen - not that he ever really believed it would - but Geralt seems more than happy with things as they are. Next time, Jaskier decides, if he gets a next time - he'll show Geralt just how good a gentle touch can be and he'll drag those noises out of him one way or another.
When Geralt gets a third finger into him, Jaskier groans impatiently. His hips work hard, fucking himself on Geralt's fingers and gods it feels good. And he needs this. As much as he wants to prove to Geralt that he's good and deserving of kindness, he needs this, too.
"I'm good," Jaskier huffs, but Geralt seems inclined to let him continue like this. His eyes are dark and focused where they roam over Jaskier's body and Jaskier can feel his cock beneath him. He feels the way it jerks, in need of attention, when Jaskier whimpers or pushes his hips down and he wonders if Geralt is already imagining the feeling of him, hot and tight around him. Jaskier lets out a soft moan at the thought, but it's not until he pushes Geralt's shoulders back against the wall, that he seems to break the Witcher's spell.
Geralt looks up at him slowly, meeting his gaze, but as soon as his fingers slip from Jaskier's body it's like a dam has broken. Both of them fumble with Geralt's trousers, getting them undone and shoving them open just far enough that Jaskier can pull Geralt's cock from its confines. He gives him a quick stroke before shifting forward and sitting back on him.
The stretch is a lot more than he was expecting, but he rocks back onto him, easing the way without having to slow down. Because Geralt's fingers dig into his hips and his breath comes in short heavy puffs. And when Jaskier lets himself relax when he sinks a little lower, Geralt's eyes roll back and he moans so sweetly. It's a sound Jaskier will never forget for the rest of his life and he makes it his job to draw as many of those sounds from Geralt's lips as he can.
When Jaskier fully seats himself, he feels like he can't breathe. He's so full of Geralt's cock that he can barely think straight, but his body moves on its own. He rocks his hips forward without rising up and Geralt follows the motion, pushing somehow even deeper into him.
"Oh fuck," Jaskier whines, lifting his hips to slide up Geralt's cock. He drops back onto him just as quickly and the growl he gets in response makes his own cock throb.
When Jaskier realizes just how much Geralt likes letting go, likes letting him take the lead, he leans back, bracing himself on Geralt's thighs. He works his hips quick and hard while Geralt touches him. Geralt keeps one hand on his hip, but the other slips up his stomach, fingers sliding softly up the column of his throat and over his jaw. Jaskier likes it almost as much as he likes the cock up his ass. He preens under the attention, presses his chest out, moans a little louder when Geralt's fingers press into his skin.
It's rushed and inelegant, but Jaskier's heart swells when Geralt tugs him into a bruising kiss. Jaskier pants against him, moaning into Geralt's mouth as they move as one. Like this, he can feel every little change in Geralt's body and he has to wonder if it's not similar to how Geralt always seems to know how he's feeling. A shuddering moan escapes Geralt's lips, a little gasp, and Jaskier knows he's getting close. He loves it, loves to know he's the one making Geralt feel this way. He's the one with Geralt's cock inside him and his hands on him and even as he leans forward to rest against his chest, it feels unreal.
Geralt's hips snap up and he wraps his arms around Jaskier's shoulders, holding him close as he buries his face in his neck. He's mumbling something, but Jaskier can't quite make out the words, muffled by his own skin.
"Beautiful," Jaskier huffs, tilting his head and pressing his nose into Geralt's hair. He presses his cock into Geralt's stomach, rutting against him with every forward thrust.
When Geralt comes, he pulls his knees up, pushing Jaskier closer against him and letting out a moan that nearly has Jaskier coming undone right after him.
He works Geralt through it, fucking him steadily until Geralt's grip on him loosens and his legs drop back against the mattress. He mumbles a stifled "fuck, Jas," and pushes his fingers up Jaskier's back and into his hair, seeking out his mouth and kissing him softly.
Jaskier shifts without breaking the kiss and Geralt shifts under him, his fingers tightening in his hair. But when Jaskier moves to lift himself out of his lap, one of Geralt's hands drops to his hip, holding him down.
"No," he breathes, "don't stop."
"O-okay," Jaskier huffs, "do you want to-" Geralt cuts him off with a swift kiss and a quick snap of his hips. Fuck, he's still hard. Jaskier shifts his hips and when he's met with a groan, he looks up to meet Geralt's eyes. "Touch me," he whispers and Geralt's tongue darts out between his lips before one hand curls around the base of Jaskier's cock.
He lets out a sob, reaching out to curl a hand around the back of Geralt's neck. He's wanted to say those words for longer than he can even remember now, and in all that time, he was never expecting Geralt to be quite so eager to comply.
His hand is warm, even around Jaskier's heated cock, and he grips him firmly, stroking straight up to the head. He squeezes around the crown, rubbing his thumb underneath and Jaskier drops his head forward against him, hips jerking forward against his hand.
"Geralt-" he chokes, "oh, Geralt."
It takes him a moment to adjust to the additional sensation, but Jaskier manages to find a rhythm that suits them both, fucking back onto Geralt's cock and forward into his hand. He's already veering quickly toward the edge and when he shifts in Geralt's lap, he realizes he's not the only one.
Geralt's mouth drops open against his own, a soft moan escaping as Jaskier squeezes around him. Gods, it's barely been any time since he came and already Geralt looks like he's struggling to hold on.
"Geralt," Jaskier breathes, bumping their noses together, "are you close?" The only answer he gets is a quiet hmm, but it's as much confirmation as Jaskier needs. He works his hips a little quicker, wraps both arms around Geralt's neck and kisses him. He nips at Geralt's lips and when the pleasure threatens to overwhelm him, he buries his face in Geralt's neck, clenching his fingers in his hair. One hard tug is all it takes to push Geralt over the edge a second time and he pulls Jaskier tightly against him.
When Geralt comes again, Jaskier is right there with him. His legs shake under him and only Geralt's arms wound around his back, keep him from toppling over completely. His cock continues to rub against Geralt's stomach and Jaskier has to bite down on the Witcher's shoulder to keep from crying out.
Neither of them moves for a few moments, panting heavily against each other until Geralt shifts to pull out. Jaskier whines at the loss, but it's a weak protest and Geralt appeases him with a soft kiss, rolling Jaskier onto his side so they're facing each other. It isn't until then that reality sets in and Jaskier realizes exactly what they've done.
He opens his mouth to say... something, but Geralt moves closer, cupping his jaw and humming softly against his mouth. It's not a kiss, really, barely a brush of lips before Geralt pushes himself back up again, but it's enough to soothe Jaskier's worries.
"Would you still like that bath?" he asks and Jaskier smiles despite the prospect of very cold bathwater.
"It'll be cold."
"I'll warm it up," Geralt promises, setting a hand on Jaskier's hip.
He does, indeed, warm the water with igni before peeling himself out of his trousers and stepping into the bath. Jaskier watches from the bed. His legs are still a little shaky, but when Geralt tilts his head and spreads his knees it feels like an invitation, one Jaskier isn't willing to turn down.
He crosses to the center of the room, stepping into the warm water and Geralt's hands are on him again, turning him so when he settles he has his back to Geralt's chest. It's nice, leaning back against him like this. Bathing is one of the few indulgences Geralt allows himself and Jaskier is happy to be able to share this with him. Sighing softly, he tips his head back against Geralt's shoulders and runs his hands down Geralt's thighs, smiling as they only spread further apart.
"I like it when you touch me," Geralt hums from behind. His voice is soft and low, so much so that Jaskier doesn't quite hear at first, but as the words register, he smiles.
"I noticed that."
"I don't mean-" he lets out a little scoff, but his hands come up to cover Jaskier's fingers entangling with his own. "I mean like this, the small things."
"Like when you pretend to be cold so I'll come sleep closer to you." Jaskier starts at that and leans forward to turn and face Geralt.
"You knew I was pretending?"
"And you still-?"
Geralt hums, a low rumbling sound that Jaskier would never tell him reminds him of a cat purring. "I told you," he says, "I like it."
"Well good," Jaskier settles back against him, bringing Geralt's hand up to kiss his palm, "because I have no intention of stopping any time soon."
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