#anyways! im still working on this story today
whumpflash · 2 years
(This is one of the first Actual Whump scenes I wrote. Literally just this. I added context and plot way after. It's not the whumpiest thing in the world, but it's a required pre-chorus to this scene)
cw: violence, some lady whump but it's not the focus
I wish he'd shut up for once.
But Nick has never known when to quit. Not when he's caught in a lie, not when he's in too deep with a damn crime lord, and certainly not when he's managed to piss off a man who's got at least fifty pounds on him.
He and Aaron were supposed to be partners. Neither of them liked it, but their boss--our boss--had the final say, and no one had the balls to question Armitage.
But even when they hated each other's guts, partners weren't supposed to throw each other under the bus, whether it was for the greater good or not.
Even though I've known Aaron was an asshole from the start, and even though I can't fault Nick for what he did, I at least understand Aaron's anger. Nick betrayed him, plain and simple. An apology isn't going to cut it, and we all know it.
Nick doesn't try to fight. He probably knows that would make things worse, but somehow he doesn't seem to realize that spitting out insults has the same effect. I'm slow to react, at first not comprehending the full weight of the situation, or I might've been able to stop him. To at least put a band aid on the whole thing long enough for both of us to run far far away from the empty parking lot and the pissed off dude standing in it.
But unfortunately, I'm not that lucky.
So I can only shout for Aaron to stop as he seized Nick by the shoulders and throws him backwards.
Nick collides with the concrete base of a lamppost, sinking to the ground. A splotch of blood grows at the corner of his mouth, turned black by the streetlight. Aaron stalks towards him and I run to intercept. I can see his eyes. He's mad, but not so far gone that he can't be talked out of it. Yet.
So I take a deep breath and step in front of him, blocking the path to Nick. “That's enough. He's learned his lesson."
“You know that's a fucking lie,” he snaps. He tries to sidestep me, but I mirror him.
“Aaron. Please. Just leave him alone.”
I stand my ground. “It's late. We should all be getting home.”
It's Nick now. I turn around. He's still sitting in the same spot, sprawled on the ground with the lamppost to his back. He's not smiling when he talks to me.
“Just go home. We're just... Talking it out.”
I shake my head. “Talking it out?”
“For once he's right,” Aaron says. “This has nothing to do with you. Now get out of my way.”
Once again, he sidesteps and I block him.
“Clara, move.”
“This has to stop. What happens if Armitage hears you've been fighting? He won't like that.”
I can see a flash of hesitation cross his face when I mention our boss, but it vanishes as quickly as it came.
"Armitage isn't here." He takes a step forwards, I stay still, trying to appear calm though my heart is pounding.
"I get it," I say, looking up at him, unmoving. "It was a dick move on his part, but it won't happen again, okay?"
"No," Aaron replies. "You don't get it."
I glance at Nick. Aaron takes another step forward, and without thinking, I try to push him away. When I look back at him, I can see the change in his eyes. Like a fire inside him is about to bloom. I only have a second to feel afraid before he shoves me, and suddenly I'm hurtling backwards, skidding to a stop in the middle of a puddle. My elbows burn and I feel the water seeping through my shirt as Aaron turns away from his original target and moves on me. I hastily get to my feet, holding my hands out in surrender.
“Aaron, don't--”
He backhands me across the face, and suddenly I'm back on the ground, a flash of red behind my eyes. I try to blink away the pain and sit up, but I can't tell if I'm looking at the sky or the pavement right now. I feel him standing over me, and tense for the next blow.
I push myself up somewhat, and see a blurry Nick on his feet, facing Aaron.
“I knew you were scared of me, Aaron, but I didn't think you were such a wuss that you'd rather fight her.”
There's a terrible moment of nothing, and then everything seems to happen at once.
Aaron runs at Nick. I somehow get to my feet and run to stop him but get thrown to the side like a rag doll. I hit the ground hard, cracking my head on the street. Before everything goes black, I see Nick land a blow on Aaron's nose.
Then for a moment, nothing. Then I see Nick dodge a kick, take a hit, stumble back. The rage radiates off of Aaron.
And so it goes, fading in and out as I gasp like a fish on the ground and try to find the willpower to get back up.
He's going to kill him.
Nick goes down. I can't even shout his name. My sight is failing around the corners, as if my vision is a peephole that keeps getting smaller and smaller.
Aaron kicks Nick in the side. And does it again. And again. At some point, Nick stops trying to get up. And I think I'm crying but I can't be sure because my head hurts too much to think about anything else, really, and suddenly everything is just dark.
Then, inexplicably, there's a flash of blue. In my head, behind my eyes, all around me.
You know what to do, a voice whispers.
I really don't, I whisper back.
You know.
And I reach for the light. Not with my hands, but with my mind. And slowly, slowly, I feel the blackness slip away, and the pain along with it. My head clears, my eyes open, my elbows even stop stinging.
I don't take the time to question it. I run silently up to Aaron and throw myself onto his back, wrapping both arms around his neck and squeezing with all my strength. He lets out a choked sound and reels backwards. I don't let go. Normally this wouldn't work. Normally, I might not stand a chance. But miraculously healing yourself after a K'O has its advantages, apparently.
Aaron tries to punch me, tries to pull me off, but I bury my face into his back and hold on all the tighter. He stumbles, falling to his knees. His blows start to weaken, until they stop coming altogether and he crashes onto the pavement. I wait a few more seconds before releasing him, maybe for security, maybe due to nerves. Then I run to Nick's side.
He's barely conscious, trying to get up but not doing a very good job of it. I kneel next to him and help him into a sitting position.
“Clara..?” His gaze is too distant. “Clara, are you okay?”
“Am I okay? You should see yourself.”
He shakes his head, and winces. “I... how did you do that?”
“I took him by surprise.”
“You know what I mean.”
I look down. “I don't know. Don't worry about it. We need to get you to a hospital.”
His eyes drift shut for a second, and he gives a little nod. “Tha's probably a good idea.”
I shake his shoulder. “Hey. Stay awake.”
“Nnh, not right now.” His eyes start to close.
I look up at the sky, trying to think. I doubt I could drag him, and I don't have a comm to call an ambulance. Aaron could wake up at any second...
Nick starts to flop to the side, and I throw an arm around him, pulling him to lean against me. Dammit.
The blue light. I'm gonna need that back.
Hey, you know that thing you did?
No response.
Hey, I'm gonna need that again. I hold Nick tighter. Now. I bite my lip. Please.
Nothing. For what seems like forever, it's nothing but my own heartbeat and Nick's shallow breaths.
Are you sure?
My heart leaps. Yes! Yes, I need it.
Alright. Your choice, I suppose.
I squeeze my eyes shut, and the blue light is there again. I reach for it eagerly, this time focusing all my being on Nick. Save Nick. Make him better.
He seems to jolt in my arms, and I feel my headache begin to return, the pain trickling into me like ink onto paper. The sting comes back to my elbows and once again, my vision is tinged with black. Nick sits up suddenly. We meet eyes for all of a second before I crumple, hitting the ground before he can even call my name.
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scamera-writes · 6 months
Her. An Essay.
The spring air lies heavy in your lungs as you breathe in deeply, the bright smells assault your nose and waves of nostalgia roll off the hills. You know this is her favorite season so you’ve dressed prepared for the chill in the air.
It's a long walk to the meadow with a shovel in hand and wheelbarrow pushed in front of you, but you do it. When you get there, a girl smiles up at you from where she is playing in the grass.
You know her age, but do not say it. You know her name, but do not say it. You know her, but do not say it.
She says hello in that sweet mellow tone that sounds so foreign yet so similar and tastes like syrup on your tongue. Her eyes are wide and shining, but blissfully not tear stained- like your own- and her cheeks are round with a warm flush as her smile softens.
You do not meet her eyes, those same beautifully colored eyes that match yours, searching for a hint as to what you’re doing here. You gaze across the meadow instead but still catch a glimpse of her blue denim overalls and green shirt.
They match your own in a way.
You finally say hi back and take the shovel to the dirt under a beautifully perfect sycamore tree that arches into the sky; it rises before the two of you, right in the middle of the meadow. The dirt stains your clothes as you drop to your knees, using your hands more than the shovel to dig at the layered earth.
You hear soft footsteps behind you but don’t look up from your work. To your side you see the girl walk up to you again and she places a small flower behind your ear before grinning and moving to lay in the sun near you.
You pluck the flower out from behind your ear to examine it. A white petunia. A wistful familiarity to the flower washes over you and you tuck it back behind your ear before moving back to the freshly unearthed dirt.
You can feel her watching as you dig this pit, you hate the feeling of dirt under your fingernails. The mud cakes on your hands and crackles with every movement; it makes your skin crawl but you don’t give up now. After a small hole is dug, you grab the large stone and tools brought in the wheelbarrow and begin to carve. She sits next to you now, her smaller hands grip a rock in her own palms and she plays with it gently.
You carve a name you didn’t think you’d ever write again into the rock and place it at the top of the pit. She recognizes the name, tips her head smiling gently, and in an understanding manner she stands up.
And walks away. Around the back of the sycamore tree she disappears and then reappears.
She plucks a sycamore leaf off the ground when she´s visible again and looks up as you smile at her. She drops the leaf into the hole you've dug, then helps you repack the layers of sediment that you both know you’ll unearth again, in the future, to be intertwined together in the end.
But not now. Now, the earth is resealed and she smiles sweetly, laying a makeshift bouquet of petunias and poppies with a gentle hand.
You get up and hold a hand out for her, she doesn't look away from the earth you've both just moved and instead runs her hands over the top of the rocks again before sighing with a big smile. She gets up and grabs your hand, it's so much smaller and softer than yours yet you can still feel the dirt on both of your hands.
She grips your hand a little tighter, following your lead as you walk towards home, flower still tucked behind your ear you notice a matching flower behind her own. And you smile.
When you get closer to the house, her eyes are wide with soft recognition, a place so familiar to the both of you yet it feels cold and empty at the same time. You invite her inside again, it's been so long for you both, still the house is like an old friend, in a way. You hold open the door and she steps through.
She walks over to the dinner table and sits down at the far side, gesturing for you to sit on the other but you shake your head politely.
You aren't ready yet.
You ask if she’d like a drink, and she nods. You already know what she would like so you don’t have to wait for her to tell you. Passing over the tall glass with ice clinking in it feels like a ritual. You don't want to let go. You do. You sit down across from her.
You know what's coming next and it's hard. You know you have to accept it. Losing her again won't be easy but you know it's not permanent this time.
She takes small sips of her drink, smiling over to you but neither of you attempt to make small talk anymore, you both know how the interaction will end.
And it's not bittersweet. Neither of you are upset. She is content in a way you don’t think you quite understand yet. But you think you feel complete, whole and peaceful for possibly the first time in your life.
It's enjoyable to watch her glowing eyes look at you with respect and admiration, to be able to grow into what you did makes her heart beat with something adjacent to love.
And as you leave the house, knowing you will be reunited in the end, to be buried in love & hate, happiness & anger, and warmth & heartache. You know it's love. It's always been love.
For her.
-Her. An Essay. (By me)
Happy trans visibility day. This is an ode to the girl I was. We will be buried together in the end. I love you, take care.
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irhabiya · 7 months
today sucked the life out of me ya Allah
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elegyofthemoon · 2 months
i kinda forgot how mochizuki does expressions so well that they speak more than texts in an image
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esp for someone like oz who has identity crisis going on for him that he doesn't really care who he is as a person so long as it makes others happy (the way later he could care less if people see him as jack the hero rather than just oz)
but the shock in oz's expression as though he had been read so clearly by sharon's words.
also idk it never crossed my mind while i was rereading, but i love that this is just in chapter 2 -- that things would go bad if oz should ever lose sight of himself
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bc that's the gist of oz's whole character arc, inching away from just being whatever people want him to be, shying away from his emotions, and accepting himself and what it means to be himself - emotions and past - alike.
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Okay but you have to understand how READY I am to get a live action ORV film series. Quick disclaimer that I honestly know really little about film/visual media (and even less about East Asian media), but...
On a story level, it simply sounds like a Bad Idea. I mean, how do you translate a story about stories told through the medium of words into live action? How do you translate the way it makes sure to tell you that this story works as reality because you can't see it, because there concepts that you can really only visualise in your head through the written word?
But then again, they could go the direction of using the medium of film itself as Dokja's fourth wall. Make it seem like a cool but generic live action with subtle hints here and there that it's more than it seems. Have Dokja be hot rather than his plain and average...have fight scenes and choose which thoughts or not we get to hear. I mean, seriously...the film doesn't have to be cohesive or accurate to the book. It could literally just be the way Dokja wants you to experience his story and his narration - the film could be a depiction of his unreliable narrative. And as he and the walls begin to crack, so does the story...and maybe we'll get to see those thoughts and cracks in the beginning of the story through flashbacks rather than real time (could make the inner speech filters sound nicer but idk).
Or if it's truly just Bad(tm), it's still fun because yeah...guess who took on the role of the Star Stream and forced a story and its characters into a tale to pander to audiences simply for capital gain? (Or what if they really do make big changes to the ORV story so as to accommodate the medium of film as story? Make it so that the film itself is the Star Stream?)
And also, a last slightly less ironic and overenthusiastic observation....just that, yeah, I do wish ORV was animated instead of live action. But given that their animation industry is somewhat small, currently, and that means they might have to rely on Japanese studios, I prefer they just stick to live action. There's no telling how Japanese studios will localise Korean names/settings/history, as they've done with Solo Levelling and Raelina. Again, I have NO idea if this is a right assumption to make, so if someone knows more about it, I'm happy to be corrected.
The point is, though, that ORV live action has the potential to be spectacularly bad or good - either or. I don't think it's possible for it to be just mediocre or average and I wouldn't want it to. It's either KimCom definitely made this movie post-Dokja return to make money off their leader's stupidity or the studios will capture the essence of how stories and humans are fatefully intertwined but through the medium of film.
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raksh-writes · 4 months
Ive spent most of yesterday doing all my uni stuff for finals and a couple hours today too, and I should be doing much more, but I can actually feel my brain giving out on me rn. Im starting to develop a headache and that's very much Not ideal. I have A Lot to do and not a lot of time to do it, ughh...
Forcing usually doesn’t work on me though, so even though my anxiety will prob have a field day, I guess I'll try to take a break, maybe play some Skyrim, maybe write a lil' more fanfic if my head feels better, and who knows, if in the evening it feels up to it, I can try to add some more to that big project Im trying to finish or start on a presentation for a different class. Either would be nice, but if its not possible tonight, then I guess I just gotta hope taking a break today will help me get back at it tomorrow.
Here's to hoping!
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munch-mumbles · 1 year
GRR a lot of my paranoia about my heart health has been coming back lately
#it used to be pretty bad a few years ago and im starting to get there again#its hard for me not to pay attention to my pulse to check that its still working fine because i honestly have a pretty big fear of dying#from a heart attack stroke etc#i can literally remember the day that it became a phobia of mine because in bio class we were reading an exerpt about a womans symptoms#as she was experiencing a stroke and like. i literally freaked myself out about it AS i was reading it i starting panicking#specifically the mention of your left art losing sensation sticks in my mind#a few days ago i read a few comments on a post about people who knew someone who died at their job#and a lot of them were about people who literally just. up and died for no reason. sitting at their desk. THAT freaked me out#cause that seems like a way id die is just out of fucking nowhere thats my luck#anyways im writing this because ive had like 2 borderline panic attacks about it today and i could feel myself freaking out a third time#a minute ago so i startd writing. thumbs up#i know im thinking irrationally but no one who dies of a heart attack expects to die. right. im probably not going to expect#it its going to Happen To me#ive read too many stories about people who either had one themself and survived or talking about someone they knew#where they say they could feel the doom and that something was wrong and etc. so when i start getting nervous it keeps snowballing#immediately into FUCK ITS THE DOOM THIS IS THE BIG ONE#when its literally not
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sorikkung · 2 years
you ever spend the whole day at work like can't wait to get home and do something 🥰 as soon as i get home imma do this thing 🥰 im nearly home it's almost time for the thing 🥰 and then you get home and do literally everything else except the thing and then boom it's bedtime and you have work tomorrow 🧍
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piknim · 2 months
It is very hard for me to change oc designs for some reason but i had a great idea for one and it actually is motivating me to figure out how to draw him
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tiffaluvr · 3 months
usually when Webtoons "reboot" it is either a big big style change that's drastical so author re-does the whole thing, or moving from canvas to originals
but this one webtoon I've read (and I'm reading since it's still updating) seems to have rebooted TWICE... and apparently there was a few changes... I'm screaming
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leahcee · 1 year
trained someone for the first time yesterday after barely getting trainer certified LAST WEDNESDAY and I am Very Anxious about the form I filled out on them after
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norrisainz33 · 29 days
field hockey || GR63
☆ summary: george russell’s girlfriend, y/n, is an olympic (field) hockey player and he’s obsessed with her
☆ pairing: george russell x olympic!reader
☆ fc & warning: lily owsley and slightly suggestive. you are responsible for the content you consume
☆ requested: yes!! apologies for the delay - thank you sm for taking the time to request 🤍
゚. ✿ ୨❤︎୧⠀✿ . ゚
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alex_albon: when is y/n/n’s next match?
georgerussell63: 2 days! same day as race day🥹
alex_albon: 💔 man i wanted to watch
georgerussell63: you still can! briefly! i will have it on in my garage
ynuser: georgie 😫 i miss you more!!!! also why don’t YOU hurry up and finish racing so you can come to paris????
georgerussell63: i’m working on it baby girl
ynuser: well work harder 😉
georgerussell63: yes ma’am 😍
lilymhe: you can’t rush greatness
georgerussell63: i know you’re right but im going to try anyway
lewishamilton: don’t stress her out mate 😂😂
georgerussell63: oops
yourbff: that’s my girl actually ☝🏻
georgerussell63: not this again 🫠
georgerussell63 has made a post
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liked by yourbff, mercedesamgf1, teamgb, lewishamilton, ynuser, alex_albon, lilymhe, and 874,234 others
georgerussell63: everyone stop what you’re doing - y/n is playing in the olympics today
view all 685 comments
user1: george’s account is becoming a fan account for y/n
user2: george aren’t you racing today ??
mercedesamgf1: let’s go y/n! (george please pay attention in the drivers meeting)
georgerussell63: i am paying attention
alex_albon: y/n y/n y/n!!! let’s go!!!
lilymhe: lets gooooooo that’s my best friend!!
ynuser: i 🫶🏻 you both
user3: i thought this was y/n’s post but it’s just george reminding us how much he loves his girl
landonorris: 🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧
ynuser: 🤍🇬🇧🤍🇬🇧🤍
user4: rooting for you both today!!!
user5: y/ngeorge for the win!!
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mercedesamgf1: it’s race day here in SPA! Join George as he talks race day updates and aspirations and y/n’s olympic campaign.
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user4: george not talking abt y/n challenge failed
user5: i love how much he loves her
georgerussell63: my girl’s about to win!! you all should tune in!!
user16: shouldn’t you be in the car rn george
user63: he’s live tweeting from the garage apparently
mercedesamgf1: george give me your phone now - toto
user7: loving that all this mercedes and george promo is bringing the love the field hockey world deserves
yourbff: yesss georgie educate the masses on the olympic schedule!!!!
georgerussell63: watch 🗣️ gb field hockey 🗣️ now 🗣️
user9: get you a man like george who cares more about talking about your success than his own
user10: i want them to be my mom and dad
ynuser has posted to their story
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user6: girl did you even step off the field yet ?
georgerussell63: my woman my woman my woman. i fcking love you
ynuser: i love you more my race winner
georgerussell63: simply not possible my olympic field hockey game winner
ynuser: i can’t wait to kiss your cute face
georgerussell63: sprinting away from media duties and to the jet to get to paris rn
ynuser: literally counting down the minutes
user56: a winning day for y/n/n and georgie
yourbff: a couple who wins together stays together
ynuser: 😭😭 winning on the same day hit like nothing else
yourbff: so proud of you both bb 🤍
mercedesamgf1: absolutely amazing result for you both. so so so happy for you y/n ❤️
ynuser: thank you admin ily
georgerussell63 posts to his private story
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landonorris: gross
georgerussell63: if you think this is gross you should’ve seen what we did after
landonorris: i hate you
alex_albon: now you can finally stop crying about missing her!
georgerussell63: yes! until the next time we are apart that is
llyzneimer: my baby girl, give her back to me
georgerussell63: never! she is mine!
lilyzneimer: didn’t anyone ever teach you to share?
georgerussell63: nope!
ynuser: hot
georgerussell63: oh yea 😏
lewishamilton: send her my best
georgerussell63: she sends it right back and she says she wants to see roscoe asap
lewishamilton: roscoe would love a play date 🤍
yourbff: stop distracting her from playing hockey
georgerussell63: i am NOT distracting her ☝🏻
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ynuser has made a post
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liked mercedesamgf1, georgerussell63, yourbff, alex_albon, teamgb, landonorris, oscarpiastri, and 152,324 others
ynuser: not the way i would have hoped our time at the olympics would have ended. we gave it everything we had and for that i am so incredibly proud. there’s always next time!! thank you to everyone for the outpouring of support and love - i hope you’ve been inspired to keep watching field hockey!! thank you to my friends, my coaches, my teammates, my family and most of all george for enabling this dream to come true. see you next time paris 🤍🇬🇧
view all 231 comments
user23: 4th is still impressive you gorgeous hockey queen
user44: thanks for introducing us to the incredible game of field hockey y/n
user54: no like fr i had no idea how fun the sport was!!! everyone say thank you y/n!
user64: thank you y/n
user74: thanks y/n/n
ynuser: you are so welcome 🫶🏻
georgerussell63: you’re an olympian y/n/n and no one can take that away from you, medal or not. you have inspired me and so many others. i love you y/n ❤️
ynuser: i love you mr russell 🥹
user45: we are proud of you mother
landonorris: great effort y/n! proud that you’re out there representing team 🇬🇧
ynuser: thank you lan
user33: still my favorite olympian
roscoelovescoco: prouds of yous my friends 😘
ynuser: i needed this thank you 😭
user35: can’t wait for the next olympics for you to eat it up and win gold
ynuser has added to their story
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user46: hoping you both enjoy your break!!
user87: are you guys just gonna get married yet or what
yourbff: enjoy italy!! love you both 🤍
ynuser: 🤍🤍pasta🤍🤍
mercedesamgf1: much needed rest and recovery time 🫶🏻
teamgb: until next time 🏑🇬🇧
georgerussell63: blue is your color
ynuser: so is gold 😏
georgerussell63: oh i know 💍
user78: that dress is to die for tf
roscoelovescoco: stops by and sees me pls
ynuser: will do ❤️
lilyzneimer: enjoy pretty girl
ynuser: can’t wait to see you and osc 🤍
゚. ✿ ୨❤︎୧⠀✿ . ゚
a/n: thanks for reading!! likes and reblogs appreciated!! this concludes my olympic reader series. appreciate all of you reading 🥹
゚. ✿ ୨❤︎୧⠀✿ . ゚
disclaimer: pictures are not mine and everything i write is fiction
© norrisainz33 || please do not rewrite, translate, or copy any of my works posted here on to any other platform
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pierregazly · 1 year
to live for the hope of it all (part 2) ꨄ charles leclerc smau
charles leclerc x fem!reader / mick schumacher x fem!reader
pic credits: pinterest
link to part 1 | link to part 3
all the love on part 1 was so sweet i just had to get started on part 2 as soon as possible. originally this was only going to be a charles x reader but i like drama and i like mick sooo... it also may seem obvious about what's gonna happen but i have no self control and this is prob gonna be a multi-part xoxo
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tagged georgerussell63 and lewishamilton
liked by georgerussell63, carmenmmundt, lewishamilton, and 2,683,222 others
mercedesamgf1 no one tell toto why we needed both his drivers for individual photoshoots... it had absolutely nothing to do with their hands... nothing at all
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username ur telling me yourusername takes over and all of a sudden we're getting this kind of content??? stay with us forever y/n pls
lewishamilton i thought you were taking pictures of my tattoos...
mercedesamgf1 i see tattoos, do you not, sir lewis? lewishamilton please stop calling me sir lewis every time you acknowledge me
mickschumacher im telling toto because i wasn't included in the photoshoot
mercedesamgf1 next post is an admin loves mick post i promise 🙏
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liked by yourusername, roscoelovescoco, mercedesamgf1 and 785,450 others
mickschumacher special thanks to yourusername for always getting my best angles
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yourusername we've discussed this. you don't have bad angles.
username mick is so golden retriever boyfriend-coded, i ship him and y/n so hard
username hoping you get a real seat in 2024, even if it's not for mercedes 🙏
roscoelovescoco missing's ya mick's
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tagged mercedesamgf1
liked by arthur_leclerc, pierregasly, mickschumacher and 360,420 others
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yourusername oh monza my heart and soul... honoured to be spending a gp from the other side of things for once
arthur_leclerc red always fit you better... broke my heart with this post y/n 💔 yourusername mercedes spoils me too much to give them up
username did anyone realize charles and y/n had unfollowed each other??
username im so sad... i really thought they'd get together by monza username we all delulu around here
mickschumacher knew it was gonna be more fun having you hang around the garage with me
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liked by carlossainz55, arthur_leclerc, yourusername and 1,340,592 others
charles_leclerc monza is special thanks to you. thank you all for coming to milan today, you are the best.
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username 🇮🇹❤️
username mother in the likes??? they still dont follow each other omf
yourusername race your heart out charlie
liked by charles_leclerc and 5,665 others
username omg omg omg
username mother is mothering pls get back together (even platonically pls)
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liked by username, username, username and 95,691 others
f1wagsofficial rumour has it charles_leclerc and yourusername were seen talking earlier today in the paddock... apparently charles sought her out and one of my dm's said they swore they heard the ferrari driver apologizing profusely... guess that means things are on the mend?
username im sure whatever the fight was about isn't worth tossing out a 22 yr friendship anyways lol
username none of us have any right commenting on this lol
username does this mean y/n and mick ARENT gonna be a thing??? cuz girlypop looked so happy every time she was with him...
username they were also totally snuggling up to each other in some of those photos ppl were posting on twitter like...
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yourusername has posted a story
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liked by charles_leclerc, mickschumacher, pierregasly, and 2,698 others
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@needtokeepfeelingsincheck @sassyheroneckgiant @sillyfreakfanparty @leclercdream @allywthsr @bladestark @adoxra
(please feel free to reach out if you'd like to be tagged for any/all of my works. i apologize if the tag didn't work, some usernames it wasn't working for!)
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pnghoon · 3 months
clay impressions
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୨୧ pairing : !nonidol hoon x fem potter!reader ꒰wc : 590꒱
୨୧ genre + content warnings : fluff, slight skinship, not proof read
୨୧ synopsis : in which sunghoon, the new guy in town spots a pottery club and joins because of the pretty girl he saw mentoring in the window.
writer's note ─ what the...juno's first ever work that isn't c.ai bot related??? this must be a dream.. (hehe im joking) anyways enough with the sarcasm--I finally decided to upload this story that's been in my drafts for a while. ik it's not what you're usually used to but lmk what you think of it and if I should continue >< if you enjoyed reading it, please be sure to like & reblog !! ♡
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sunghoon hadn’t planned on joining a pottery club. in fact, he hadn’t planned on much beyond unpacking his boxes and finding the nearest coffee shop. but as he mindlessly wandered down the charming main street of his new small town, something—or rather, someone—caught his eye.
the large window in front of the small building cramped between a bookstore and a bakery offered a glimpse of what lay inside: clay-covered hands shaping a delicate piece, laughter echoing softly, and cozy lighting. but what truly captivated sunghoon was the girl behind the wheel. her hair was tied up in a messy bun, a few stray strands framing her face as she concentrated on the clay piece in front of her. she looked like a masterpiece in the making, even with all those smudged beige streaks on her cheeks.
without thinking twice and perhaps blindly urged by his smitten heart, sunghoon pushed open the door, the bell above chiming cheerfully. he approached the counter, trying to appear casual as he signed up for a beginner's class.
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the next day, he found himself sitting in a circle of eager faces, dressed casual in a stone grey knit zip up—clay ready at hand. his heart raced when the girl from the window stepped forward, your features even more captivating in person.
"hi, everyone! i'm y/n, and i'll be your mentor for today.”
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sunghoon's attempts at crafting anything remotely vase-like were laughable. his first piece looked like it had been crafted by a particularly enthusiastic toddler, another imaging more of a lopsided pancake recipe gone wrong. so—maybe pottery wasn’t his thing. he glanced around, hoping no one noticed, only to lock eyes with none other than you. you smiled, a glint of amusement in your eyes as you made your way over to him.
"need some help?" you asked, your voice warm and gentle.
"very. turns out pottery isn't my hidden talent," sunghoon replied with a soft sigh and bashful smile, scratching the back of his neck in embarrassment.
you chuckled, your laugh like music to his ears. "don’t worry, you're here to learn right? let's start from the basics.”
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as you slowly guided his hands with your own clay covered ones, sunghoon couldn't help but notice the spark in her eyes, the way your fingers danced with the clay like it was meant to be sculpted and formed with your delicate digits. through your gentle ministration and shared laughter, his lump of clay began to take shape, though it still resembled a vase only in the most generous sense.
by the end of the class, sunghoon had a crooked pot he was oddly proud of and a heart that felt a bit fuller. you handed him a wet cloth to clean his hands.
“not bad for your first try,” you spoke out, nudging him with your elbow as you stared down at your clay-stained apron. “with a bit more practice, you might even make something useful.”
sunghoon grinned, feeling a flutter of hope. “i guess i’ll just have to keep coming back then.”
you couldn’t help but crack a smile at his words, eyes sparkling with amusement. “i guess you will.”
and as he left the studio that day—he swore he saw your gaze on him through the window. suddenly moving to this small town felt like the best decision he’d ever made, and if learning pottery meant more time with you, he was more than ready to become the next great potter.
or, at the very least, the guy who made you laugh.
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𝓢igning off... @penghoon
── 𝐓𝐀𝐆𝐋𝐈𝐒𝐓 [OPEN 🗯] @onlyhees @amouriu @greentulip @enhluv1 @samiikeu @hoonwhile @dearrwoni
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confused-wanderer · 1 year
Batman and superman are their opposite personalities in civilian form.
.. so this gives us a perfect opportunity for the most disastrously chaotic dynamic (and love square) EVER.
ESPECIALLY if they don’t know the others true identities, or even they did and are just being lil shits anyways
Give me:
grumpy skeptical Clark to Bruce’s sunshine playboy persona.
Clark *trying to down as many aspirins as he can, half tempted to throw himself into the sun* : Bruce we needed to surround the enemy, not SEDUCE them!
Bruce *currently on his way to a dinner wearing the most seductive outfit known to man* : Well, you know the saying. We can’t gatekeep or manslaughter our way out of it. Girlboss it is.
Clark: Bruce you are going on a date with a STRAIGHT MAN
Bruce: Give me five minutes and then I’ll let you hear him scream my name
*horrified Clark noises*
Brooding and detective Batman meeting lie-detector and very effective investigator journalist Clark Kent
Batman: Tell me where the bombs are Riddler!
Riddler *currently tied up* : Hehe you’ll never find them~
Clark: Mind if I record this session Mr. Riddler?
Riddler: Who the hell-
Batman: .. Kent. How’d you even get here?
Clark: Irrelevant questions. *waves recorder* so..?
Riddler: Sure..tell the public I’m going to paint the walls red-
Clark *in investigative journalist mode* : So which devastating rock bottom led you to lose your mind and pursue this as a career?
Riddler: hey wait hang on this is a fulfilling career!
Clark *raising a judgemental eyebrow*: So.. you fighting a man dressed as a bat, with that atrocious outfit you must’ve gotten from hell and riddles that you’ll give him the answer to anyway.. this is fulfilling?
Riddler *voice breaking* : .. yes?
*questioning and judgemental silence*
Few hours later
Red Robin: .. why is Riddler crying and why does he also have a career counselling book in his hand?
Batman *just as surprised and kind of disturbed at how methodical and impressive Clark was in breaking down Riddlers plan based on evidence and connecting the dots* : Honestly I thought he was here for me and he started ignoring me so out of concern for his safety I demanded he paid attention
Red robin: And?
Batman: and he said “oh you don’t want me to pay attention to you” and showed me.. a lot of details and screenshots I don’t know how he got his hands on
Red robin:
Batman: Riddler also then attempted to escape and Clark just.. punched him so hard Riddler still doesn’t know which universe he’s in..
Red robin: well it could’ve been worse.. Clark could’ve pulled out a gun
Batman: .. he has a flamethrower
Batman: .. and he told me we should work together sometimes, and I gave him few crime stories and plots to help raise awareness for the public and stop them.
Red robin:
Batman: also he gave me a therapy card.
Give me ray of sunshine and leader Superman with no sense of self preservation Bruce Wayne
Superman: Good evening Mr. Wayne, there’s a credible threat against you so I’ll be on the lookout for today-
Bruce *sidling upto him* : .. damn.. when I said send your hottest stripper you did deliver..
Superman *beet red* : Im not the stripper sir!
Bruce: Really?
Superman *furious nodding*
Bruce: okay then.. hey listen, I’ve been learning about important dates in history lately.. do you wanna be one of them?
Superman. Exe has stopped functioning
Superman: Mr. Wayne there’s a blackout and the building is under attack! Evacuate!
Bruce *running with gunshots behind* : Are you outside? You’re invulnerable right? Nothing can hurt you? Not even gunpowder or explosives?!
Superman *touched and pleasantly surprised* : yes.. so you don’t have to worry about me Mr. Wayn-
*glass breaks and Superman catches the dark mass falling in the air*
Superman: See? You’re safe-
*realises he’s holding a huge bomb about to detonate*
One explosion later
Superman: … you threw a bomb at me
Bruce: What?? You said you were invulnerable! I didn’t know what else to do with it??
Superman: So you didn’t think to tell me? Not even a warning?
Bruce: Listen that bomb was hot but compared to how smoking hot you were I didn’t think it ever stood a change
Superman: Mr. Wayne, listen. You should’ve atleast yelled or said something so I could’ve gotten it away in time. What if I hadn’t?
Bruce: I did! I yelled GET READY FOR A BLOWJOB
Bruce: ?? Did I do something wrong?
And obviously.. the usual golden retriever Superman x black cat Batman that we all know and love so I’m just going to leave it at:
Batman: Someone is going to die.
Superman: Of fun!
Batman: Sure if you consider burning to death fun
Superman: Oh come on be a little optimistic! We must have hope! We will persevere!
Batman: we are literally being held hostages by aliens
Superman: ..listen okay, let me do the talking. We just gotta de-escalate the situation
Alien: You intruders! You will never get our superior defender systems-
Batman *done with this bullshit* : I already hacked into it twenty days ago and found all of your identities, families and now have full control over your systems of defends and weapons. If I wanted to hurt somebody.. I would’ve done so already.
Alien *tries to punch him, gets headbutted instead*
Alien *chuckles* : You have a thick skull Batman..
Superman *frantic whispering*: Dontsayitdontsayitdontsayitdontsayit-
Batman: .. atleast mines protecting a brain. Wish I could say the same for yours
Superman *heavy sigh*
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honeyhae-svt · 17 days
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Adore You 📸
Yoon Jeonghan Fanfiction (oneshot)
Y/N x Yoon Jeonghan - MDNI!!!
GENRE: Fluff, Smut, Fem!Reader x Non-idol!Jeonghan, Photographer!Reader x Client!Jeonghan, Reader x Single Dad!Jeonghan, Angst(?), Suggestive.
>>> Y/N is named Lim Y/N
⚠️ WARNINGS ⚠️: Unprotected Sex, Oral Sex, Praise Giving, Fingering, Size Kink, Tongue Kissing, Blowjob, Simp!Jeonghan (to you), Swearing, Suggestive, and many showing of adoration from e/o >.< (feel free to tap away if you're not into these.) — (contains 7393 words)
(english is not my first language, so i apologize for any typographical or grammatical errors :/)
Synopsis: You are a photographer meeting a client who requested a photo session with his 4 year old daughter for an album, which is also needed for her school. When you meet them at the studio, the daughter quickly becomes very attached to you, even expressing a desire for you to be her mom. How should you handle the situation? (this is more like a preview, but anyways)
a/n: i only made this because it's been on my mind and i want to write it down. there's really a plot and duhh ofc some smut scenes (im really bad at making smut but yeah, im improving since ive been reading smut works lol). "adore u" by seventeen is related to this story. if you listen to the song, you'll understand why. anyways hope yall like this kind of shit hehe ❤️.
>>>pictures are from 📌, CTTO
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It was a busy Monday, and today you had an appointment with your client, Mr. Yoon, for a photoshoot with his daughter. It was supposed to be quick, right? Well, you were wrong.
You arrived at the studio as planned, looking around as you waited. When Mr. Yoon finally appeared, you almost lost your breath. He looked stunning—his long hair cascading gracefully over his delicate, sweet features. It made you wonder how you ever lost touch with him after high school.
“Ah, Mr. Yoon,” you greeted him with a handshake. Your gaze then shifted to the little girl being carried by an older woman nearby. She looked absolutely adorable.
“Good afternoon, let’s skip the formalities,” Jeonghan said, smiling warmly. “We’ll start the photoshoot in a few minutes, so feel free to set up your cameras.” You nodded in response.
As you were setting up the lighting and equipment, you felt a small tug on the hem of your denim skirt. You looked down and saw Jeong-il, the four-year-old daughter of your client. A soft smile spread across your face as you crouched down to her level.
“Yes?” you asked gently, tucking a stray strand of her hair behind her ear. She had her father’s eyes, long lashes and pretty hair. And she has those chubby baby cheeks that made you want to pinch them—though, of course, you didn’t.
“Miss, you're really pretty,” Jeong-il said, her tiny hands now resting on your cheeks as she giggled. Her eyes sparkled with innocent admiration.
Compliments had always been tricky for you to handle, despite receiving them often. You just never knew how to react. But there was something about receiving praise from a child that felt different—genuine and unfiltered, unlike the hollow words you sometimes heard from your peers. Not that you're saying that all compliments are a lie. When a child spoke, it felt real, like a reminder that sincerity still existed in the world.
You smiled widely. “Thank you, sweetheart,” you replied, giving her a gentle pat on the head. “Where’s your dad? Should I take you to him?”
She pointed toward Jeonghan, who was seemingly in a phone call. “Daddy’s busy,” she mumbled. You nodded, about to say something when the older woman, presumably her grandmother, approached.
“I’m so sorry for the trouble,” the woman apologized, gently lifting Jeong-il into her arms. “I just looked away for a split second, and she ran off.”
You chuckled softly, shaking your head. “No trouble at all,” you reassured her.
“Grandma, I want to go to Daddy,” Jeong-il said, her voice small and pleading.
“Alright, let’s go,” the grandmother replied, carrying her off.
“Bye-bye, pretty miss!” the little girl called over her shoulder with a mischievous giggle.
You gave her a cheeky smile and waved back before returning your focus to the set-up. Soon after, the photoshoot began.
Jeonghan looked flawless as always, but his daughter stole the show. You couldn’t stop watching her—she knew exactly how to pose, how to express herself, and it was almost unbelievable how clever she was for her age.
When the shoot wrapped up, Jeonghan came over to review the photos. He stood close, looking through the camera you were holding, and smiled softly as he scrolled through the shots. You couldn’t help but stare at him for a moment longer than necessary. Once he approved the photos, he began to pack up to leave.
Just then, Jeong-il ran toward you, wrapping her little arms around your legs and refusing to let go. Her grandmother tugged at her gently, while Jeonghan tried to coax her.
“Jeong-il, we need to go,” Jeonghan said, a hint of exasperation in his voice as he tried to pull her off you.
“No! I want Mommy to come!” she cried, holding on even tighter. You were taken aback by her words—‘Mommy’? That was unexpected.
Jeonghan sighed. “If you don’t stop, we won’t get ice cream. And this lady isn’t your mother. Let’s go, or I’ll leave you here.”
You smiled sheepishly and leaned down to pick her up. Instantly, she released her grip on your leg and clung to you instead.
“Fine, leave me here. Mommy will take care of me,” she declared stubbornly.
You gently patted her back, trying to ease her grip, but she was surprisingly strong for her size.
“Jeong-il-ah, you have to go now,” you coaxed, but she only began to cry, loudly enough that everyone in the room turned to look. You swore your ears might have bled if you hadn’t stopped her in time.
Now, she was sitting on your lap, sipping banana milk, her head resting against your chest. You could tell she was fighting sleep, but soon enough, she drifted off. Jeonghan carefully took her from your arms and carried her to the car, her grandmother following closely behind.
“You’d make a great mother,” Jeonghan remarked as he gently settled Jeong-il into her seat. You only chuckled in response.
Once everything was settled, Jeonghan turned to you with a grateful smile. “I’m really sorry about that. She’s never acted like this before—I have no idea what got into her.”
“It’s really fine,” you replied, slipping your hands into your jacket pockets.
Jeonghan hesitated for a moment before offering, “Maybe I can treat you to dinner as a thank-you? I’m sure Jeong-il would love to see you again after everything.”
His smile was so warm that you almost stumbled over your words. “Oh, uh, it’s really okay. No need for compensation or anything,” you said, politely declining.
You could have taken the opportunity, but you knew you weren’t ready—not after your last heartbreak. Though Jeonghan’s offer wasn’t a date, the thought of getting involved again made you uneasy.
Your past relationship ended almost a year ago. You and your ex had been together for five years, and you had thought everything was perfect, even through the tough times because he was always there. On your fifth anniversary, you had expected a proposal, maybe because you thought he would after months of telling him about it—but instead, he broke up with you.
At first, you thought it was a joke. But then you saw the seriousness in his eyes. It turned out he had been seeing someone else behind your back, and worse, she was pregnant. He left you without hesitation, as if those five years hadn’t meant a thing. It's like he had to let you go just like there was no five years of relationship that you both went through.
Yes, he's an asshole and that was what made you feel devastated, spiraling into months of depression before you finally picked up the pieces. You were doing well now, but the idea of dating again hadn’t even crossed your mind since then.
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Yesterday, Jeonghan had been persistent. No matter how many times you politely declined his invitation to dinner, he kept asking. Like father, like daughter, huh? He only relented when you finally gave in and handed him your number instead. But when he offered to drive you home, the flirting began as soon as he dropped his mom and daughter off at his penthouse. You could have flirted back, but instead, you just chuckled, trying to keep the mood light and avoid any awkwardness.
You had known Jeonghan for years. He had been your classmate throughout high school, and you often had small talks with him every day. It was nice that he always made an effort to approach you, even if it was just for a brief conversation.
Surprisingly, though, he seemed to know more about you. He had always been too shy to talk to you more back then. You were simply too pretty in his eyes, and on top of that, you were always surrounded by your own group of friends. And if there was ever a moment when you were alone, it didn’t last long—boys would come up to you and confess their feelings. Jeonghan had always wanted to do the same, but when he finally mustered the courage to approach you, he would lose his nerve and settle for small talk instead of confessing.
He had been afraid of rejection. After all, you were known in school as the heartbreaker, the girl who turned down every guy who dared to confess. That reputation stuck with you throughout your high school years, and maybe that’s why Jeonghan never found the courage to say what he really felt.
He couldn’t help but feel a little disappointed when you turned him down the day before. But, he didn’t let it show. He figured you had your reasons. Truth be told, he had specifically hired you for the photoshoot when he saw your name on the list of available photographers. He had always been interested in you (and, of course, he *totally* hadn’t been waiting for you to become available). But all his hopes seemed to slip away when you rejected him.
Despite that, the whole situation with his daughter, Jeong-il, calling you "Mommy" was genuine. He actually liked it when she said that. It made him feel even more drawn to you, like a magnet. Just like his daughter, he couldn’t help but be attached to you. There was something about you that kept pulling people in—or maybe, it was just because he still had a teeny tiny (huge) crush on you, just like he did back in high school.
Jeonghan was lost in thought, thinking about you as he pushed the cart at a slow pace. His reverie was broken when his mother took over. "Jeonghan, pay attention, will you? We missed the meat aisle," she snapped him back to reality. He sighed inwardly before picking up his little one.
As he stood by the meat section with his mother, he thought he saw a glimpse of you from afar. At first, he dismissed it, thinking he was imagining things, but after a second and third glance, it really was you. For real.
"Jeong-il-ah, look, mommy’s over there," Jeonghan whispered, pointing in your direction. The little girl turned excitedly, her eyes lighting up. Without missing a beat, Jeonghan placed Jeong-il on her feet, and she darted toward you, shouting, "Mommy!!!" Jeonghan smirked but then pretended to be engrossed in something else, acting as if he had no idea what was happening. He knew exactly what he was doing.
You turned your head, surprised to see the little girl rushing toward you, hugging your legs once again like she did before. "Mommy, mommy!" she shouted, making you look around for any signs of Jeonghan or her grandmother. Your friend, who was with you, snickered before quietly stepping away as Jeonghan approached.
You picked up the little girl and smiled at Jeonghan. "I’m not your momm—" you started, but before you could finish, Jeong-il interrupted, stuffing cookies into your mouth. "Mommy, isn’t it yummy? Grandma baked it," she said cheerfully. You chewed on the cookie, trying not to laugh at the overwhelming amount stuffed into your mouth.
Jeonghan stood by, smiling fondly as he watched you with his daughter. His heart fluttered. He couldn’t help but picture you as the mother of his child. If he could, he’d make another baby with you right then and there. "Sweetie, how many times do I have to tell you? She’s not your mother," he scolded gently. "No!" Jeong-il retorted stubbornly.
"It’s alright. I can play pretend," you whispered with a wink, finally managing to swallow the cookies. You didn’t want to upset the little girl, and besides, it wasn’t like you had anything better to do.
Jeonghan grinned, walking alongside you as you helped them with their groceries. You carried Jeong-il the entire time, while Jeonghan carried the shopping bags to the car. "Alright, Jeong-il, come to Dad now," Jeonghan said as they reached the car. The little girl shook her head and held onto you even tighter. "No! When I wake up, mommy will be gone again," she pouted, making you giggle at her stubbornness.
"You’ve brought this on yourself, Y/N," Jeonghan teased, crossing his arms and looking at you with an amused expression. You sighed, resigned to your fate. He opened the passenger door for you while Jeong-il reluctantly climbed into the back seat with her grandmother. The little one only let go of you once you agreed to sit in front.
You had no choice but to tag along. When you arrived at their penthouse, you couldn’t help but admire the luxurious surroundings. It wasn’t that you hadn’t seen such elegance before, but you hadn’t expected Jeonghan’s home to be this extravagant. In hindsight, you should have, given the car he was driving.
"Make yourself at home. I don’t think you’ll be able to leave until the little devil falls asleep," Jeonghan said, collapsing onto the sofa and switching on the television. "What time does she usually nap?" you asked, settling down beside him. "Around 3 p.m. most days," he replied, glancing over at Jeong-il playing with her toys and her grandmother.
"You know, Y/N, Jeong-il has never been this attached to any other lady before," Hae-na, his mother, said, her words tugging at your heart. You figured that maybe the little girl was simply longing for her mother’s presence, and you just happened to be there at the right time. Or perhaps there was something about you that made Jeong-il instantly fond of you. You didn’t want to assume too much, though, so you just nodded along. "Ah, is that so? Maybe she mistook me for her mother. Do I look like her, perhaps?" you asked, tying the little one’s hair into a neat ponytail. Jeong-il looked really cute with her hair up like this, and Jeonghan noticed it too. A smile tugged at the corner of his lips, watching you interact with his daughter.
"She’s never seen her mother," Hae-na replied softly. Jeonghan, overhearing the conversation, jumped in. "You don’t look like her at all. In fact, you’re way prettier than she ever was," he said, his eyes locking onto yours with a smirk. You blinked a few times before looking away, feeling a bit flustered. "Jeong-il definitely got her looks from me," Jeonghan added with a smug grin, and Hae-na just rolled her eyes as if she heard it from Jeonghan for the thousandth time.
You could tell he didn’t have fond feelings for the mother of his child, so you decided to steer clear of that topic.
After hours of playing, Jeong-il finally fell asleep in your arms while you and Jeonghan were watching cartoons together. You held her gently, giving her soft pats on the back as Jeonghan led you to her room. You carefully laid the little girl on her bed and tucked her in with a tender smile on your face.
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You've always wondered what it would be like to be a mother. You'd dreamed about it, even fantasized. The thought of having a child, someone who needed you, relied on you, felt almost magical. But your ex never wanted the same. He claimed you were too young for kids—though that never stopped him from trying to get you in bed countless of times. Ironically, that same dick headed-ex got another girl pregnant, leaving you with the bitter taste of betrayal. Now, here you were, holding onto the warmth of Jeonghan's daughter, someone who clung to you like she’d been waiting for you her whole life.
The soft click of the bedroom door brought you back to the present as Jeonghan led you out of his daughter's room. You were about to say your goodbyes, but Hae-na, appeared with freshly brewed coffee. The polite thing to do was stay—refusing would’ve felt too rude, especially when his mother had already made her approval of you so clear.
So, now you sat, cup in hand, next to Jeonghan on the couch. His mother had left the two of you alone, and it didn’t escape your notice that she was encouraging this little reunion. Not that you minded… much.
"You're single, right?" Jeonghan’s voice broke the silence, catching you off guard. He was direct, just like you remembered. That was something you always liked about him—his lack of pretense. But all he knew is that he was never like this before.
The first time he saw you holding your camera in highschool, capturing every small little things so perfectly, it's like you already had his heart until then. He could've, no, he should've confessed to you about his feelings, and maybe, just maybe he could've possibly ended up with you until now. And that's what made him the person he is today—the person who's not afraid to say what he wanted to say because he didn't want to regret, the person who'd express himself freely around others about who he is. And you were the one who made that persona in him.
Those daily small talks with you before were his only source of energy that he kept to make himself go to school. The way he'd approach you and stutter in his words, contemplating whether he should confess his feelings to you or not, on which he didn't and would end up having small talks with you instead. That happened day after day until he couldn't anymore. Not after graduating. When he found out you were going to study abroad to pursue your dream as a photographer and filmmaking, there was no way he could confess the last minute. But he did remember you taking his photo with your very own camera. You were a few feet away from him and you held your camera to your face and the photo flashed. He pretended he didn't see and tried his best to remain composed. But behind his cool-looking demeanour was a heart that's beating fastly that made his hands shiver and get all sweaty. You took that photo for just about a second, he couldn't tell whether it was him you took of, but he prayed hard that it be him. It was then after you took the photo, "Congratulations Jeonghan," was the last words he heard from you before disappearing into his life.
"Y-yeah, I am," you stammered, feeling a little caught off guard by the bluntness of his question. "Why do you ask?"
Jeonghan smirked slightly, leaning back and crossing his legs as he took a slow sip of coffee. "Just making sure." His eyes flickered with mischief, but there was something deeper behind them, something you couldn't quite place.
You hummed, taking a sip of your coffee to cover the slight flush creeping up your cheeks. "Why does the coffee taste like dirt?" Jeonghan asked suddenly, his face serious. "Because it was ground a few minutes ago."
You choked a little, trying to stifle your laughter. It was a terrible dad joke, the kind that would make you roll your eyes any other time, but coming from him, it was oddly cute.
"I can't believe you actually said that," you chuckled, wiping a tear from your eye.
Jeonghan grinned, obviously pleased with himself. "I remember when we used to have those little talks in high school. Remember?"
You nodded, a nostalgic smile tugging at your lips. "Of course. You always found a way to make me laugh, even when I didn’t want to."
"I was a coward back then, though," he confessed, his voice soft, eyes glancing away as if lost in thought.
"Really?" you asked, leaning forward slightly. "How so?"
Jeonghan hesitated, the playful mask slipping for a second. He wanted to tell you—tell you how he used to stutter and falter around you, never able to muster the courage to confess his feelings. But now wasn’t the right time. There was too much at stake, and he couldn’t bear the thought of scaring you off when you’d just started letting him back into your life.
Instead, he shrugged casually. "Just because. I missed my shot back then."
Your heart skipped a beat at his words, but you weren’t sure what to say. Before you could think of a response, Jeong-il’s soft voice called for him from her room. Jeonghan sighed, smiling fondly before excusing himself to check on his daughter.
As he disappeared into the hallway, you leaned back on the couch, letting out a breath you didn’t know you were holding. Being around Jeonghan brought back a flood of memories—ones you weren’t sure you were ready to face. But there was something undeniable about the way he made you feel, something that made you want to take a chance.
A few minutes later, Jeonghan returned, sliding back onto the couch beside you. "She’s back asleep," he said softly, his eyes finding yours once more.
"Where were we?" you asked, trying to keep your tone light, though your heart was still racing.
"I think I was about to ask you out," Jeonghan replied with a smirk, his tone playful but his gaze sincere. "Dinner? No pressure, just… dinner."
You bit your lip, hesitating for a moment. After everything you’d been through, the idea of opening yourself up again felt terrifying. But something about Jeonghan felt safe, familiar. Like maybe this time, things could be different.
"Okay," you said finally, your voice barely above a whisper. "Dinner sounds nice."
Jeonghan’s face lit up with a grin, and you couldn’t help but smile back. Maybe, just maybe, this could be the start of something new.
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Jeonghan had always been around you, in ways you hadn’t noticed until now. Bumping into him at the park, catching sight of him outside your workplace, or seeing him at the mall—it was as if fate kept pulling the two of you together. And you had to admit, it was starting to work. He brought you lunch during your breaks, always with a smile and a joke ready. Sometimes, he brought Jeong-il with him, and you’d end up spending the rest of the afternoon with them.
It wasn’t long before you found yourself looking forward to those moments. The flutter in your chest when you spotted him waiting for you, the way your heart warmed when Jeong-il ran into your arms. Maybe this was what you needed—to take a chance on someone who was determined to be a part of your life.
But still, a small part of you held back, unsure, scared. You’d been hurt before, and there was always that nagging fear that history could repeat itself. But for the first time in a long time, you found yourself ready to let go, to go with the flow.
Jeonghan was persistent, and he was winning you over. Little by little, with every unexpected gesture, every shared laugh, every moment with Jeong-il, you felt yourself slipping into something that felt like it could be more.
And maybe, just maybe, you were okay with that.
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One night, as you stepped out of work, your heart raced in anticipation of seeing Jeonghan again. You checked your phone, expecting to see a message from him saying he was waiting for you. Instead, a different notification lit up your screen.
"Hey, darling, I'm busy this week and I'm on a business trip. Sorry I couldn't come see you :("
The disappointment hit you harder than you expected. You stared at the message for a moment, feeling a weight settle in your chest. Maybe it was because you'd gotten used to seeing him almost every day. Or maybe because the absence of him, even for just a week, felt strangely unsettling.
It upset you, honestly. But did you also have the right? He had responsibilities—he was a single dad, a man juggling his job, his daughter, and now… you. Of course, he was busy. He had his own world to manage, and what were you to him, really?
Maybe all those thoughtful gestures—bringing you lunch, waiting for you outside work, spending time with you and his daughter—were just his way of being kind. Maybe that’s just who he was, affectionate and caring with everyone. That thought twisted in your gut, and you hated the surge of jealousy that followed.
You wanted his attention. You wanted him to only give you that attention.
Fuck. Since when did you become this selfish? You weren’t like this. But for the first time in your life, you wanted someone to look at you and only you. To give all that effort, all that affection, to you and no one else.
You weren’t in love with him, were you?
“What are you thinking?” you muttered under your breath, trying to shake the thoughts away as you stared blankly at your computer screen. But your focus was shot. It had been three weeks, almost a month, since you last saw him or his daughter, and it was driving you insane. You missed his presence—the way he made everything around you feel lighter, easier.
Sure, he messaged you frequently. He sent chocolates, little gifts here and there, and he always made sure to update you, even if it was just a simple “thinking of you.” But it wasn’t enough. Not for you. You wanted to see him, to hear his voice, to feel the warmth of his presence beside you. That’s what you longed for.
Fuck it. You knew the truth. You were in love with him. There was no point in denying it anymore. The realization hit you like a punch to the gut, and suddenly, everything felt too real, too overwhelming.
Jeonghan wasn’t the type to just give his time and effort to anyone. You knew that. He wasn’t someone who threw affection around carelessly. But with you? You were an exception. Of course, aside from his daughter and his mother, you were the one person who seemed to break through his guarded exterior.
There was something about you that made him want to give you the whole damn world.
Maybe it was because of how you’d effortlessly charmed his hard-hearted daughter, or how undeniably beautiful you were—not just in appearance, but in the way you treated the people around you. Or maybe it was the way you giggled at his corny dad jokes, the same ones no one else found funny, or maybe it was the way you were cold at first, yet somehow always tolerated his awkwardness and small talk back in high school.
You took photography seriously, capturing life’s little moments with a passion that fascinated him. And to him, you were as beautiful as every subject you photographed. Screw it. He liked you because you're you. The only one person in this world he'd ever want.
And now, Jeonghan couldn’t shake the feeling that you were the one he’d been waiting for. The one he wanted by his side. The one he’d want to be the mother of his daughter (children).
You are the one for him and maybe he's the one for you too?
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You were at a dinner party with your co-workers, and it didn't take long for the alcohol to hit you. Halfway through, you were already tipsy, maybe because the stress of not seeing Jeonghan for so long was getting to you. Even though you’d only had three glasses, your low tolerance made it feel like you'd had more.
“Already drunk? Gosh, you’re really no fun, unnie,” Minji, your younger co-worker and friend, teased with a playful grin.
“I’m not... drunkhh,” you slurred, resting your head on the table.
“Looks like Y/N has to head out early,” one of your male co-workers offered, standing up with a smirk, already volunteering to take you home. You were too tipsy to think clearly, and the others quickly agreed, unaware of his ulterior motives as he helped you out of the venue.
The man supported your weight, holding you by the waist, his grip a little too tight than necessary, his smirk a little too confident too. He clearly had other intentions. “I can gow howm by myself...” you muttered, trying to push him away weakly, but before he could call a cab, you felt a hand tap your shoulder.
"Y/Nnie," a familiar voice broke through your drunken haze, and when you turned, your face lit up with joy. Jeonghan stood there, a warm smile on his face. Your hands instinctively reached for his face, checking if he was real, and you giggled at your own silliness.
"Jeonghannieeee~ I missed youuu," you beamed, your voice slurring as you clung to him.
Immediately, you freed yourself away from the man and wrapped your arms around Jeonghan’s waist. Jeonghan, with that familiar steady presence, held you close, supporting your weight. The man who had been holding you gave a blank stare, but he wasn’t giving up that easily.
“And who are you?” the guy asked, clearly annoyed.
Jeonghan turned to him, his expression calm but teasing. “Oh, I forgot you were still there. Sorry.” He added, “I’m Y/N’s boyfriend, by the way.”
A brief silence fell before Jeonghan broke it again, his tone final, “I’ll take her from here.” He led you away, not even bothering to look back as he buckled you into his car. Before driving off, he gave the guy one last look, a smirk tugging at his lips as he let out a mocking “tsk.”
As you settled into the passenger seat, you giggled, still drunk and half-asleep. “Oooh... You’re my boyfriend?” you asked, voice playful.
Jeonghan chuckled. “You don’t want that?” he teased.
You thought for a moment, your eyes half-closed. “I’d like that...” you murmured before drifting into sleep. Jeonghan’s soft laughter filled the car as he glanced at you, finding you absolutely adorable.
The drive was peaceful, the soft hum of the radio the only sound as you slept beside him. He was relieved he’d gotten there in time before anything bad could’ve happened. He shook his head, smiling to himself. You really had no idea how much you meant to him.
When he finally parked in front of your apartment complex, he gently tapped your shoulder to wake you. “Darling, are you stable?” he asked in a soft, caring voice.
You groggily opened your eyes, rubbing your temples as the headache from the alcohol hit. “W-where are we?” you asked, now mostly sober after your nap.
“We’re at your place,” he replied, tucking a loose strand of hair behind your ear.
You hummed in response, pausing for a moment before turning to face him. “Thanks for bringing me home,” you said quietly, feeling a flutter in your chest as his gaze met yours. His stare made your cheeks warm, though this time it wasn’t the alcohol causing it.
“No problem, cutie,” he said with a soft smile before getting out of the car and opening the door for you. He unbuckled your seatbelt and offered his hand, and you took it, letting him guide you to your apartment. Once at your door, you turned to say goodbye, but before you could stop yourself, you leaned in and pressed your lips to his.
Jeonghan’s eyes widened slightly in surprise, his first instinct was to pull back, worried you might regret it later. But the softness of your lips, the warmth of your body against his—it was too much to resist. Without thinking, he deepened the kiss, his hands moving to hold you close. It felt desperate, like he’d been waiting for this moment far longer than he’d realized.
Your lips were so soft, sweet and delicate like he'd never want to let go of this sensation. His tongue teasing the bottom of your lips, longing for an entrance. Your body was trapped in between your apartment door behind you and Jeonghan's body in front. His hand is on your waist while the other one was on the back of your head, pulling your head closer to his so the kiss could reach deeper.
Your tongues were entangled to each other, swirling like there's no tomorrow. His was too intoxicating that you couldn't pull away even if you wanted to catch your breath.
A few minutes later, Jeonghan pulled away, strings of your mixed salivas were in between your glossy lips. All he wanted to do was kiss you right there and again, but he knew he had to stop himself. You panted and felt your body heat up like it's aching for more. You immediately unlocked the door and led him inside without even looking back but he stopped you.
He glanced at you, seeing the same desire in your eyes. “I’m not tipsy,” you whispered, as if you knew what he was thinking and hesitating for. The heat between you was impossible to ignore.
"Don't you want me, Hannie?" You asked, your hands roaming around his stomach, looking at him with pleading eyes. Jeonghan did his best to fight his urges to fuck you right then and there. He wanted you. He wanted to fuck you so bad. Jeonghan hesitated, wanting to be sure. “Are you sure? I don’t want you to regret anything," he replied, his hands roaming around your hips to its own accord.
“I won’t,” you assured him, your voice firm, your eyes filled with longing. “I’ve missed you... so much.”
Jeonghan was still hesitant for a moment, but hearing you admit that was not what he expected. He could practically feel his manhood harden under his pants. And who wouldn't get hard after making out with you?
Without another word, his lips found yours again. You led him to your bedroom without breaking the kiss. He pushed you onto the bed undressing you like he's done it a hundred times before. He undid your bra so easily with one hand as he directly touched your soft breasts. The kiss remained deep and he didn't pull away until you unbuttoned his blouse. He pulled your skirt and tossed it to the ground as his fingers slid into your wet panties, teasing your aching clit. You tried your best to not moan in between kisses, but it's like your body was lost under your control. He pulled away from the kiss to turn his attention towards your wet pussy. He continued to tease it before finally taking the underwear off and inserting one finger into your wet crotch. You moaned to the feeling, making your mind turn into a haze. And Jeonghan loved the sounds you were making. It's like he fell in love to the melody even if it's his first time hearing it from you.
It's been so long since you've last had someone else's finger in you like this. But as far as you can remember, even with this one finger of Jeonghan's were enough to send you to heaven itself.
He put in one more finger, fucking your pussy soft and fastly. Making you pant and let out moans.
"Shit, your moans are adorable," Jeonghan says, leaning down to your pussy and licking it. His tongue entered your folds and that was enough to make you squirt. When you reached your orgasm, Jeonghan made sure to lick your clit, making you let out a whine. "Fuck..." you curse out as you covered your face.
"So pretty, baby," Jeonghan says, his fingers now pinching your nipples, making you moan loudly. He pulled his pants down and you can see his bulge from his underwear. It was huge under the fabric, making you think if it'd even fit you. "Spit in your hands, baby," he says, grabbing your wrist and you did so.
You brought your hands to his cock as soon as he took his underwear off and you stroked onto it up and down before finally licking the top. You bobbed your head over it, and it made Jeonghan groan to the feeling. He couldn't believe that you were actually giving him a blowjob. He only saw these in his fantasies, but now, you're actually making him feel this way. "Your mouth... Ah, shit, it's so beautiful," he grunted, his hands massaging your breasts, making sure you also get enough attention.
Your hands stroked faster and you licked his cock harder, making him reach his ends and finally cum. He came onto your face, his hot semen covering your cheeks. Jeonghan's dick throbbed right away after seeing your face covered with his cum. "Fuck, you're so beautiful," he says, wiping his semen off your face as he planted a kiss on your lips.
He gently pushed you down the bed again, you're now lying underneath him, he looked at you with dark, lustful eyes. "Our kids would be so pretty if I get you pregnant," he muttered, but not enough to let you hear, and you only blinked at him.
He shifted close before whispering, "Can I?" He asked as you felt the tip of his cock brushing over your clit, and you felt your stomach get actual butterflies in it hearing him ask for permission. "Only if you say it," he says, and you took a deep breath before finding your words, "P- please... Fuck me," you said and his cock slowly enter your folds, making your back arch upwards. You took time adjusting to the stretch you were feeling. It didn't hurt a lot, instead it felt incredibly good. "Aghh," you moaned, "F- faster, Hannie," you finally let the words out. And Jeonghan's pace was fast, hard.
He felt your pelvis hit his as your pussy swallows him well. "Ah, shit, so tight. Don't cum yet, baby," he says as his hips thrusts into you harder, you moaned, feeling his cock twitching in and out of you. His hands were giving your breasts attention while his lips were onto your neck, leaving marks everywhere. Such a multitasker, and you know you love it.
"S- so good," you say as his cock reached that one good spot, making you scream. "Shitt," Jeonghan cursed as he felt your walls tightening around him. "Don't cum yet," he says, his pace more faster to meet his orgasm with you.
He took out his cock out of you and his cum went over your stomach while you came, your bedsheets wet with your fluids under your lower body. You were panting, breathless. Jeonghan slumped beside you, his hands never leaving your body, as if he wanted to memorize your every curve.
He planted a kiss on your forehead while you buried your face onto his chest. He gave your back gentle strokes as if asking for another round, you couldn't help but giggle at his way of asking.
The night went on, with both of you giving in to the emotions that had been bubbling up for so long. —One where you were seated on his lap, moving your hips onto his with a slow pace. Not long enough, though, you got tired and Jeonghan had to pin you down the bed and fuck you himself.
And the other where your legs rested on his shoulders while he thrusts his cock hardly in and out of you with incredibly fast movements that you practically felt your eyes move to the back of your head. He fucked you so well, groaning and giving you compliments while he was at it. Such as: "So adorable," "You're so pretty," "You're doing well.". While you, well, let's just say all you did was moan and let out whimpers. It's like you couldn't even think straight while he fucked you like that. But you heard his words, and that added up to the good sensation you were feeling. You loved hearing his compliments—and that drove you to your climax, cumming before him which made him curse in frustration, but he didn't stop there, in fact—he continued until he reached his own.
And after at least 3 rounds of love-making, you both layed down on the bed, cuddling each other while his cock remained inside you. He was still hard, but he understood that you were too tired, so he did all the work, moving slowly in you while you whimpered under him. "I'm almost--," he grunted, finally coming to his release, and you came, for the probably fifth... or sixth(?) time this night. "You're amazing, baby. I love your body, your smell, your hands, your face... I love everything about you," he says, and you only buried your face onto the pillow. "I love you."
"I love you too," you replied, panting quietly.
Later, you lay beside him, his arms wrapped securely around your waist. The silence was comforting, but eventually, you broke it. “Can I ask you something?” Jeonghan hummed, urging you to continue.
You hesitated, unsure if you should even bring it up. But eventually, you whispered, “What happened to Jeong-il’s mother?”
Jeonghan’s body tensed slightly, but then he chuckled softly. “She didn’t want anything to do with me or the baby. I took full custody of Jeong-il.”
Though he brushed it off and replied as if it wasn't really an important matter to him, your curiosity lingered, and sensing it, Jeonghan sighed before continuing. “I was reckless back then. She got pregnant, and I took responsibility, but less than a year after Jeong-il was born, she moved on by herself. Honestly, it’s fine. I didn’t expect her to stay. If anything, I’m grateful. It brought me to you.”
You hummed in understanding, though a tinge of jealousy flared in your chest. What if things had been different? What if she had stayed? Then again, you were also being selfish, so you wanted to brush it off your thoughts. But before your thoughts could spiral, Jeonghan spoke again.
"Don't even think about it. I loved you since we were in high school," Jeonghan says, and you look up at him, blinking a few times before tilting your head to the side in confusion.
"Okay, let me start from the top. Are you ready?"
You nod, smiling in anticipation.
"But first, tell me, did you take a photo of me before after we graduated?" He questioned, making you feel a bit flustered.
"You... how did you know that?" You replied, returning the question and he just chuckled lightly, placing a kiss on your forehead. "Okay, well, maybe it's because I liked you too, back then... And I couldn't get myself to approach you that day because I thought you would approach me," you continued, but then you shook your head. "Okay, maybe I shouldn't have waited and approached you myself instead. Sorry I didn't get to say goodbye properly."
Jeonghan smiled. A content look on his face at your confession—just what he wanted to hear. He's been waiting for that confirmation since forever.
With a soft sigh, he kissed your lips again, just a peck, enough to get your attention again. "I'm glad you said that," he replied, and continued what he was just saying earlier.
"I would always, should, could've, and have always adored you since day one…"
And that’s how you ended up being the mother of his two beautiful children: your adorable Jeong-il and a beautiful baby boy. Of course, you also became Jeonghan’s wife soon enough.
And he will always adore you.
~*⁠.⁠✧✿⁠ THE END ✿✧.*~
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~~~You've reached the end.
—AEYA HERE!: i hope you enjoyed this one, it's pretty long and the ending was taken to a quick wrap, but yeah, i hoped you enjoyed this one. i think it's mostly fluff? let me know what you guys think. and yeah, im open for requests, so if you have any suggestions/requests, just talk to me :)
-AEYA HERE!: your likes, reblogs, follows are very much appreciated. it boosts my dopamine and makes me want to upload and make more stories asap so yeah, interacting with me really helps ^^
wattpad: @muuimihanmal_writes
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