#anyways going back to unpacking now! 😅
neondiamond · 1 year
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variety-fangirl · 1 month
Neighbours / Moon Boys x fem!reader
Summary: you're the new neighbour, looking for a change of scenery and people, a fresh start. Your neighbour, Steven, is someone you find yourself trusting easily and quickly. Something about you both draws the other in, enticing each other to explore what this could mean. Yet, you have a secret about why you moved, will you feel comfortable enough to open up to him?
Warnings: 18+ NO MINORS angst but mostly fluffy, mentions of previous toxic and abusive relationship (beginning of physical abuse, manipulation, and emotional abuse), swearing, let me know if I missed anything! Will add more later as the story progresses.
Author's note: Hello! I am back with something quick and lovely that I have been working on for a while. It feels good to get slowly back in to writing 😊 College really had taken so much out of me and my joy for writing when all I was doing for 10 months straight was writing long essays, it was also nice to take these months to relax and come to terms with everything. So much has been happening 😮‍💨 But I hope I will be back more consistently now, fingers crossed! I've been mostly writing to get new and fun ideas, hoping it would entice and inspire me to write. I hope you guys enjoy anyways and feel free to ignore my rant 😅 Feedback, comments, likes and reblogs would be greatly appreciated and lets me know how I'm doing. Thank you for reading and enjoy my loves 💜
Word count: 1.9k
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You huff as you place another box on the floor of your new apartment, watching the movers bring in two more. You felt thankful that you had decided to pay extra for the movers to help you bring all your belongings up, far too much to have done on your own.
There were endless stairs, and it would have taken you hours to bring it all up here yourself, especially with your new sofa, bed, and dining room set. All were bought cheaply from a friend second-hand who was more than happy to help you. She was one of the only ones you'd told where you were going, and had left your address and new number with to contact you. Everything new and different, nothing to remind you of the old life that you'd left behind.
You started unpacking the basics whilst they brought the rest up, there were still quite a few boxes because you had to buy most stuff brand new. Luckily you had hidden as much money as possible before leaving, so you had more than enough to buy what you needed. You would work on buying extras and niceties when you had spare money throughout, you'd moved far enough that you were hoping not to have to move again unless you wanted to in the future.
That was at least the hope. Not because you were forced to leave in the middle of the night terrified for your life.
You try to take a deep breath as you subconsciously rub at the scar on your neck, you are safe now. You wanted to distract yourself for as long as possible, so you sorted the boxes out where they needed to go, to their newly allocated rooms.
It would be weird to live on your own again after so long, it had been five years since you'd run away from home and four since you'd started dating and moved in with your now ex, Noah. It was a scary thought once more, to be alone. More alone now than you'd been before, at least you had your best friend, Natalie, at home. Now, she lives four hours away from your new place in London.
You made her promise to conceal your number and hide your address, you knew he'd go to her first to ask where you'd gone. She would lie, she'd always been good at it but he wasn't stupid. He knew you would have told her, you just prayed he wouldn't hurt her. You could never forgive yourself if she got hurt because of you.
She was one of the only people who meant anything to you in this world. She at least had her boyfriend, Tyler, who was like a brother to you. He would protect her, he always hated Noah for how he treated you. Tyler had hated Noah from the moment he met him, made you known of it also but you just chalked it up to a bad first impression and yet it never improved no matter how much time they spent together. It wasn't until three years in that Noah showed his true colours and by that point, it was too late. You were in deep and he was a master manipulator and narcissist, he'd played you well. He almost came between you and Nat but she wouldn't allow it, tried to make you see him for who he really was. It didn't take much convincing when the major problems started in the last year of your relationship together.
The first time he'd hit you was a year before you left him, he apologised and said he was drunk. The typical excuse and blame on anything but himself. Promised he "won't do it again", two months go by and it happens again but this time more frequently. He drank more, went out frequently, and came back later. By the six-month mark, you caught him cheating for the first time (that you knew of).
That was the moment you vowed to leave him, it was as if all the years of manipulation and abuse faded away and you came to your senses. You had to save enough though to leave, so you let Nat and Tyler know of your plans and they helped you to set everything up. It took you six months of planning and saving, and you were finally ready.
The night finally came, you waited and told him before he had a drink, that you were leaving him. He started out crying, begging you not to leave him, you didn't budge. He tried to initiate sex, but you said no and he didn't like that. That night was the worst abuse you had endured the whole of your relationship combined. He threatened you, managed to get you down on the living room floor with a knife in hand, and held it to your neck to the point of blood drawn. You sobbed, pleaded with him, said just about anything to get him to calm down. You would still leave but you would say anything to get him off you. He began slowly slicing your neck open whilst screaming that he loved you, only luckily managing to get an inch before you kicked him in the balls hard enough that he collapsed just to the side of you.
You ran to the bathroom and locked the door, terrified out of your mind. You grabbed the first aid kit to clean and patch up the gash on your neck. Having done this a few times when he threw stuff at you or pushed you into surfaces sharp enough to cut skin. You had a few scars all over your body, it wasn't pretty but you wore them proudly to signify that you were a survivor. He tried to bash down the door before leaving, yelling about going to the bar and he would 'see to you later'. You knew that would be your only open window to leave, he would be at least two hours there. You immediately called your best friend, she and Tyler came over to help you in any way they could.
You packed two suitcases of clothes and shoes, a duffel bag of prized possessions and important bits, a backpack of money and goods to sell, and quickly changed from your bloody clothes into something clean but comfortable. You grabbed the first aid kit too for your neck. Everything was packed into your car in less than an hour, saving you enough time to wipe anything important and any trace of you behind, away. You immediately booked a two-day stay at a cheap hotel an hour away on Natalie's computer for the night so you could figure out your next move. He would come looking for you the second that he realised your stuff was gone and that terrified you, he was not a man who gave up on things he wanted.
It had taken you two months to find this apartment after a lot of rejections and failed apartment searches. It had immediately caught your eye when you saw the ad for it on one of the apartment renting sites. It was perfect for your situation. Multiple floors of tenants would make it far harder to search through unless you knew which floor to look at so you could blend among your new neighbours. A locked front door that had a security number code to be allowed entry and without it you couldn't enter. Security cameras on each floor show all angles of the apartments, which each tenant has access to for their safety and peace of mind through an app you can download on your phone.
You had downloaded and gained access before you'd started moving the boxes in. You were given access a week beforehand, which helped your anxiety and tight chest to ease just an inch. You knew it would take some time for you to feel safe and be able to walk down the street without looking over your shoulder every five minutes or keep your taser on hand in your pocket with your fingers gripping it just in case. You were constantly worried and paranoid that he was watching you from around the corner like he would pop out at any moment and drag you "home".
The police had never given a fuck about you or your situation, Noah's family has money and connections, so it was always swept under the rug. Just another number, another person to suffer in silence, until one day your dead body would have turned up. They would just pretend they didn't know. A murder gone wrong, you imagine they would chalk it up to.
You take a few calming breaths whilst unpacking, listening to the footsteps and quiet chatter from the moving company men. It eased the anxiety when someone was around, it helped you to feel safer and calmer. As if, if someone was with you or near you, you could be protected from the 'big bad wolf'. You were hoping to become friendly with some or all of the neighbours on your floor, not just for safety in case something happens but also because you'd never been allowed to make new friends with your old neighbours. Noah had made sure of that.
So, you were hoping that this move would be the perfect opportunity for you to do so. You loved to bake cakes and savoury treats but hadn't been able to with Noah because he always ruined things you loved, but now he was gone you could finally pick it back up again. You were planning to bake something sweet as a gesture to introduce yourself to your neighbours, hoping it would make a good first impression.
You walked back into the open apartment that was now your own little safe haven and smiled with contentment, this was the start of a happy new beginning for you. No more fearing what mood Noah would be in that day when he woke up, no more being abused daily, no more sobbing silently into your pillow or taking an emotionally broken moment of peace to cry out your feelings in the shower after he'd hit you. Just you, your new clean apartment, and the ability to do as you please without fear.
It didn't take the movers long to bring the remainder of your boxes up between the three of them. They took off just moments ago, and now you were finally alone. It felt strange, not hearing shouting or items smashing. Just pure blissful silence in your home. Your own place to do with as you please. It felt wonderful to have freedom.
You felt tears cloud your vision as you stared out the window you'd opened when you first stepped inside the apartment, feeling the warm Summer air blow in. The overwhelming emotions of freedom and serenity hit you like a punch to the gut, a sob immediately pulled from you as you sank to the ground. You felt the year-long toll of abuse and terror that had been weighing down your shoulders finally crumble and release you while the sun flowed into the room. You fought the battle and came out victoriously on top for the first time in your life and it felt amazing.
Once the sobs quieted down and the tears had stopped, you took a moment for yourself. You opened a bottle of your favourite wine and picked up an empty glass to pour yourself a drink. You took the bottle with you as you sat back down on the floor in front of the open window, feeling the warm breeze kiss your skin gently and watched the sun in peace. It was still early in the day, you would have plenty of time to unpack later on. But for now, you just want to relax without worry for the first time in a long time.
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the-ninjago-historian · 2 months
New Dragons Rising Article!
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(EDIT: I blurred out the episode title last minute. I was feeling paranoid about it. Lol. And I made some last minute grammer fixes. Enjoy!)
The episode titles and descriptions for Season 2 Part 2 just dropped today! There's TONS of new info and lore to unpack. So let's get started! *SPOILERS BELOW THE THE CUT!*
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1: So first off we have The Shape of Motion. (This title is clearly parodying The Shape of Water. Lol.) It seems they will be picking up a new baby dragon! Riyu is gonna be a big brother! How cute!💖 I hope Arin finds his parents too. Poor guy.😔
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2: Now we have Enter the City of Temples. The Ninja must have found out about the tournament and decided to go there. But why? We're not sure yet. I would think they would want to stay away from the tournament, considering what happened in the last one.😅 Also, Kai and Bonzle are attempting to escape. So that's cool! You guys will get to see them too!
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3: Next is Gathering for The Feast. Some how I get an ominous feeling about that title for some reason. Lol. Also, looks like the Ninja's earned their invites somehow and are now in the tournament! And it looks this is the episode where we'll see the return of some old Elemental Masters!
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4: Now we have Inside the Maze. This episode is VERY interesting. So much to unpack! Because it's the first mention of some new artifacts. The Horns. Specifically, The Dragon Horns. Arin and the others must have heard about them in the last episode. What are these horns exactly? Are they like instrument type horns? Or literal dragon horns? We'll have to wait and see. We also have a new character called Frak! And finally, something ALL you Jaya shippers have been waiting for...
This is gonna break y'all hearts, I know it.🤣
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5: Next is United We Fall. Oh boy! It's named after one of my favorite TSFH songs! Haha! Just kidding! Anyways, poor Wyldefyre is pitted against CINDER?!?! The guy who broke her leg?! Yikes! Looks like it didn't go well either. And the Ninja will have to win they way back into the tournament through a race!
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6: Now we have Truth and Lies. Finally a Wu mention! But it doesn't look good. I have a feeling Ras is lying though. Or not. And we'll get some racing action from the rest of the ninjas!
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7: Next is The Shattering Sword. Sounds like something from Lloyd's vision, huh? And we get to see the new character Roby giving Arin a museum tour and some new info on the source dragons! (It would be hilarious if Roby was working for Ras the entire time.😂) And here's how to pronounce Roby's name, if you're curious.
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8: Next is Clues and Suspects! Tons of cool stuff in this episode! Roby has a way bigger role then I thought! There's a new character mentioned named Bleckt? (I wonder if that's a typo?) Also, FINALLY A ZEATRIX MENTION! And they're transferring her powers for some reason? The how and why are unclear. Also, this new character Bleckt is somehow connected to Arin's investigation. And possibly part of The Administration, since they mention he has an office. My guess is that these Dragon Horn thingies were confiscated by the Administration or something.
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9: And here we have The Final Game. That doesn't sound good. Arin learns a "Devastating Secret about the Merge" Uh oh. Cole stays behind to protect the Dragon horns! What??? Oh no! Sora faces off against Nokt and Wyldefyre is too late to stop the "Manipulation of the Games!" OH NO. Yeah, this one is gonna be pretty chaotic. Yikes.
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10: Finally, we have Elements of Betrayal. THAT'S AN EVEN WORSE TITLE! It's making me more nervous than the last one!
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There's a new location called The Monastery of Gates. That I guess these Dragon Horns are at? Arin, Zane, and Cole seems like a fun combination. Should be a cool fight! And it looks like the elemental masters have lost their powers once again are going to be fighting Ras and his wolf warrior army. NoBoDy SaW tHaT cOmInG. Pfft.
Aaaaaaand, that's it for now. Wow! So much stuff! Sounds like it will be a very exciting collection of episodes! Hope you had fun reading this!
Bye for now!
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misshoneyimhome · 9 months
Hey! So I'm back with another Fifi (Kevin Fiala) request, I saw this prompt in a list around and I thought that it would be amazing if you could write him: "They had very different approaches to problem solving and it took some time to figure out how to accept that without getting into fights every time they disagreed on something.
Like they fight over a situation got mad at each other, maybe spend a few days like that, but when they start missing the other its time to make up, and the reconciliation it's just filled with love, passion and desire.
Thank you ! 😘❤️
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Alrighty love, my apologies for the delay! Christmas kept me quite occupied; Anyway, I hope you like this Fifi story 🤍 I aimed for a gentle and warm vibe, hoping it didn't contain too much angst or sadness 😅😉 as always, feel free to let me know what you think 🥰
Kevin Fiala x reader
Word count: 2.9K
・✶ 。゚
We spent the late nights making things right between us I Kevin Fiala 🖋️
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"Hey, schätzi, I'm back home..." Kevin Fiala announced wearily as he trudged through the front door, holding a gym bag in one hand and a bag of take-out in the other.
"Perfect timing," you said with a smile, meeting him in the hallway while adjusting your earring. "Do you need about 5 minutes to freshen up before we go out? Put on a new shirt perhaps?"
Kevin looked at you, slightly confused.
"Go out? Where to?" he asked. "I've just returned home..."
"Yeah, well, we're meeting Linsey and John before the gallery event... Remember I mentioned it this morning before you went for training?" you tried to explain without sounding like you were nagging, as you had already informed your boyfriend about the plans, which he appeared to have forgotten.
"I'm not going anywhere tonight," the man in front of you sighed deeply, dropping his bag on the floor, kicking off his shoes, and heading to the dining room.
"What do you mean you're not going anywhere?" you questioned, with a slightly firmer tone.
"Babe, I've had a 12-hour day, with practice, meetings, and workouts... I'm not up for navigating a crowd at a gallery..."
You struggled to contain yourself as his words sank in, disappointment filling your body and mind.
"Kev, we've planned this for months... we can't just bail now."
"Just go without me?" he said casually, unpacking his dinner.
"But I don't want to go without you..." you tried to explain, your voice rising slightly as his overly casual attitude started to irritate you, as if he didn't care about your evening plans at all.
"Come on, what's the problem?" Kevin chuckled lightly, grabbing a plate as he prepared to enjoy his meal, not even considering your dinner plans. "This is clearly something you want to do, and I'm just too tired... so, just go..."
But you found nothing amusing about it.
You'd marked this event months ago on the calendar. You'd reminded him multiple times, before and after the road trip. Sure, today had been a long day for him with hockey, but that was his job, and you couldn't understand why he couldn't make this one effort for you.
"What's the problem?" you asked rhetorically, echoing his question. "My problem is that we had plans for tonight, together, and now you suddenly don't want to go because you're 'too tired'... you were aware of tonight, and all I'm asking is for you to put on a clean shirt and join me for a couple of hours for something I'd like to do. Can't you do that for me? Not just this once..."
Your tone had raised a little more as you felt stunned by his response to the situation. He was behaving so carelessly, and you simply couldn't handle it.
"It's just an event at the gallery..."
"Just an... yes, precisely, Kev! It's ONE event... ONE evening I'm asking you to do this for me... EVERY DAY is about YOU and hockey... And I always support you through it – I'm at games until late at night despite having to work the following day, or I always have a meal ready for when you get home!"
"I'm not asking you to do all that for me..."
Anger surged through your body as you explained your disappointment, feeling completely content in confronting him. But the audacity he had to question your loyalty and his justify his unwillingness to do something for you in return.
"Alright then... then maybe I will go without you," you huffed, slowly realising that he wasn't going to change his mind. "You enjoy your takeout... and by the way, no, I wasn't hungry. I already ate the dinner I made for us – leftovers are in the fridge, but thank you for asking," you spoke sharply, before heading back to the hallway. There, you finished getting dressed, put on your heels and coat, slammed the door firmly enough for Kevin to notice, and made your way to your car.
This wasn't the first time such a situation had happened. Since moving in with Kevin a little under a year ago, it had happened a couple of times before. He'd return home late, or later than expected, forgetting plans you had, leading to an argument.
The first time, he had relented and joined you for the evening you'd planned. 
The second time, you had to cancel on your girlfriends last minute. It was just before a road trip, and Kevin had expected you to stick around since he wanted to spend time with you.
And in both cases, the tension had eventually dissipated as you relaxed in each other's company, knowing your love for each other surpassed everything.
But this time, it felt different.
You had been eagerly looking forward to this event, and so had Linsey and John, two of your closest friends, and you were all set to meet up and attend tonight's gallery event. Naturally, you had expected your boyfriend to join since it meant a lot to you. Yet, as had happened multiple times before, he was simply tired after a long day at the rink. Seemingly, he was too exhausted to spend even a few hours with you.
Disappointment surged through you as you navigated the streets towards your destination, struggling to hold back the tears slowly welling up.
However, you refused to let it ruin your night. Despite understanding how important Kevin's career was to him (and to an extent, to you), you couldn't grasp why he wouldn't make an exception this time. But dressed in your best dark green pantsuit, a piece you bought specifically for the occasion, empowering you to feel like a true boss lady ready to conquer the world, you confidently stepped out of the vehicle, flaunting your new heels, and greeted your friends.
And although the evening unfolded magnificently, there lingered a thought about your man back at home. And you couldn’t help but wonder if he, too, was thinking of you. Yet, quickly brushing off these thoughts, and you refocused on the engaging conversations with your friends.
But amidst the laughter and enjoyable chats, your occasional moments of distraction didn't escape the notice of your best friend. And eventually, you caved in and confided in her about the fight with Kevin.
"He's probably just stressed about the season..." John offered reassurance with a warm, friendly smile.
"Yeah, like last week's 3-2 loss in overtime... that's a tough one to swallow," Linsey added sweetly. You knew both your friends were just trying their best to uplift your spirits, even if they couldn't entirely grasp the challenges of being an NHL girlfriend.
"Thanks, guys, but I'm afraid it's more than just that," you sighed deeply, feeling slightly overwhelmed by different emotions. "I feel like I support him through everything... but he NEVER even tries to find the time and energy to do something for me..."
And as if the gates were sudden completely open, you continued expressing the difficulties of dating a professional hockey player, trying to align your social life with his career. As you heard your own words echoing, eventually running out of breath, you stopped talking, releasing a deep exhale.
"Perhaps, babe," Linsey's gentle voice interjected again, "it sounds like you could really use a break... not just when he's away on a road trip, but in your own space, where you can gather your thoughts."
Her words resonated, 'your own space,' a place free from thoughts of Kevin or hockey, where you could truly unwind and relax, away from your shared house.
It didn't actually sound like a bad idea.
And you knew just where to go.
Then offering a nod in agreement and a soft smile, you decided to continue with the night's event and not dwell on thoughts of your boyfriend and his career.
Meanwhile, back at home, Kevin was feeling awful. Well, not entirely awful, as he was genuinely just tired and happy that he’d chosen to have stayed in the comfort of his sofa and home.
But the intensity of your fight still lingered in his mind though. Your expressions of disappointment and anger weighed heavily on him, and he felt terrible about how things were left between you.
Despite the fact, that it was a familiar pattern in your fights.
You would get visibly agitated and annoyed, while he would adopt a low-key, casual, occasionally passive-aggressive stance. It seemed as if all his anger and energy were expended on the ice, leaving him with nothing to give during disagreements with you. He simply often ended up wanting to let things go, which would sometimes infuriate you even further.
At times, you wished he would just match your level of frustration, show his true emotions, and argue back. But instead, he would often brush it off and act nonchalant, which didn't resolve any issues but simply swept them under the rug.
And as the evening wore on, Kevin's feelings of sadness gradually dissipated, and exhaustion took over, causing him to doze off while watching reruns on the television.
Morning arrived, and Kevin slowly woke up still on the sofa.
The TV had been turned off, probably by you as you’d come home, but his initial thought wasn't about that. He wondered why you hadn't woken him up to say goodnight.
And even worse still, when he then glanced at the coffee table, where he saw a small post-it note signed by you.
"Morning love, hope you slept alright ❤️ I've gone over to my old apartment, just to have some time to myself and finish up some work - didn't want to wake you as I know you need the rest. Love you, y/n/n"
Reading your note, Kevin felt a pang of disappointment and sadness. However, it was sweet, and you had used your nickname, which indicated that perhaps you weren't entirely mad. But he couldn't understand why you’d suddenly left without waking him, nor saying anything in person. You had just returned home, slept, left a note, and departed from your shared house.
And he knew you well enough that when you needed space, it was better to respect that.
So, he merely let out a deep sigh, got up, and prepared for the day, filled with training, media coverage, and another round of workouts in the evening.
But, to his surprise, you didn't text him all day, which, even after a fight, was highly unusual. And by his second workout, Kevin grew concerned and felt the urge to call you.
"Hey, you," you greeted him over the phone. Your voice lacked excitement, yet he didn't sense traces of annoyance either.
"Hey, schätzi, I just wanted to check in with you," he spoke with genuine curiosity and concern.
"Kev, I'm all good, I just need some time for myself... just for a day or two," you softly explained, still feeling the sting from your recent argument.
"Oh okay... but we're okay, right?"
"Yes, babe, we're just fine."
At first, he didn’t entirely believe you, but decided to let the matter go, and ending the call after exchanging 'love you's.
And as the day progressed, Kevin did his best to trust your need for space. However, he could also feel himself gradually feel a growing need to see you again, particularly on the following day, when you planned to spend more time alone working on your project and didn't attend the home game where the Kings faced off against the Islanders.
Feeling a sting of heartache, Kevin began to fear that your relationship might be closer to its breaking point due to your recent fight. Your valid point about him not investing the same level of time and energy into things that mattered to you, despite your unwavering support for him, weighed heavily on his mind. Yet, he tried to maintain composure, convincing himself that all you needed was a bit of time.
Meanwhile, as you watched the game from your old sofa across town, feelings of longing filled your body and mind each time Kevin's name was mentioned and number 22 flashed on the screen. Despite relishing the wonderful solitude you'd found, being able to wholly concentrate on your work and personal needs in your sublet place that sat empty at the time, you began to miss your boyfriend more than anything.
And as you reflected on the intensity of your recent argument, you acknowledged your justified frustration but also had to admit it might had been somewhat exaggerated.
You loved Kevin deeply, and that had been evident since the day he had so boldly asked you out on a date without much knowledge about you. His humble confidence had intrigued you, and soon, you found yourself immersed in the world of hockey players and their significant others almost every night.
So, as the match concluded with a satisfying 2-1 win for the Kings, you decided it was time to head home and await your boyfriend's return.
And spotting your car in the driveway as Kevin pulled up filled him with a sense of happiness. However, upon closing the front door behind him and entering the hallway, he was met with an eerie silence and darkness.
Had you come back home and left again? he wondered.
Perhaps you’d changed your mind and went to a friend's place instead?
Once again, the fear of the potential breaking point of your relationship crept into his mind.
But then suddenly, he heard noises coming from upstairs, seemingly from your bedroom. And carefully placing his bag by the door, Kevin removed his coat and shoes before walking slowly up the staircase.
A faint glimmer of light caught his attention, emanating from your bedroom. And feeling a surge of relief, he knew it had to be you, so he proceeded down the hallway with cautious steps and entered, noticing the light filtering from the en suite bathroom.
Approaching the doorway, Kevin stood still, observing you standing over the sink, your head slightly bowed, dressed in a satin robe. He then caught a faint sniffle before your eyes met in the mirror, revealing a trace of redness, indicating that you had shed some tears earlier. 
And as you both paused, locking eyes, a surge of warmth and relief enveloped you. Seeing Kevin again definitely had you now more convinced than ever that you had missed him deeply and never wanted to be apart from him, if it wasn’t necessary.
So, releasing another deep breath, you turned around and slowly walked towards the Swiss player, who instinctively enveloped you in his large frame, wrapping his arms around you, and drew you close.
In that embrace, all the tension suddenly seemed to dissolve, leaving only unspoken love between you, as words felt unnecessary.
Then, as you gazed up at him, you delicately lifted your hands to encircle his neck, gently pulling him down for a soft kiss. Kevin quickly reciprocated, as he was also yearning for your touch more than anything.
The days without you, despite being in the same city, had been agonising for him, as he had feared that it might had been the end of your relationship. However, as you both stood in the bathroom doorway, sharing a heartfelt kiss, those fears vanished entirely.
As the kiss deepened, Kevin's hands gently cradled the back of your head, his fingers entwined in your hair, while his tongue delicately explored past your lips, engaging in a tender exchange with yours. You couldn’t help but lean into it as well, surrendering to the lustfulness of the kiss you had initiated.
Then as you gradually pulled back, both of you needed a moment to catch your breath. And while locking eyes once more, Kevin whispered softly, "Please don't leave me," his face and body exuding humble gratitude, almost welling up with emotion.
"Never, Schätzi," you reassured him, gently shaking your head. "Kev, I know sometimes I say things that might sound like I don't want this life with you, but I do, I really do."
A tear trickled down your cheek, mirroring the sadness in Kevin's eyes.
"I understand. I'm just... I'm constantly afraid," he confessed, the vulnerability evident in his voice. "I know I need to pay more attention to what you like and make time for that too..."
"Hey, I think we both need to work on it, babe," you added, attempting a timid smile. "I need to stop overreacting, and we should try and communicate better. I knew what I signed up for when we started dating, but it means we need to be better at discussing things and planning together."
"Yeah, you're probably right," Kevin sighed deeply.
You knew you had your differences in approaching situations, but you also knew that you were in a good relationship, which also meant that meeting each other halfway was key.
"Join me in a bath, baby," you then softly suggested, and Kevin couldn’t help but softly smile and nodded as he gently removed the robe from your slender frame.
And as you then both settled in the warm water, with you leaning against his broad chest, gently caressing each other's hands, you discussed the little improvements and changes you could think of you both could make. You respected each other's boundaries but also recognised the need to occasionally push those lines just a little.
It was a good conversation that lifted a weight from both your hearts. And then snuggled into bed, smiles adorned your faces as you drifted off into a much-needed deep sleep, feeling lighter and more at peace.
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aleksa-sims · 10 months
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RL Simself Story ( 18+)
I was at my grandparents. N. was there a few minutes before me, but he picked me up from that dark alley that made me so scared. My Grams sent him down to me, when I called her earlier. N. was a little worried about me. I didn’t talk to him. I didn't want to and I also couldn't. I was somewhere else with my thoughts. To be honest, I was thinking about Daniel and that horrible night a few months ago. Once I entered my grandparents' apartment, even more memories of the time with D. came up. There were some pics of our wedding on the walls. And right here in my old bedroom, Daniel proposed to me. While I was looking at all our family pics, I noticed something. There were pics of Ana, my Cuz M. my Dad & me. But what happened to my uncle’s photos? Why did my Grams take his pictures off the wall?
I wanted to ask my Grandma, but she immediately started talking about my pregnancy. She asked me to keep my Baby. No matter what worries & fears burden me, my Baby is a gift from above, she said. Yea, my Gram's deeply religious. Anyway! It was pretty late. I just wanted to go to bed so I postponed our conversation until the next day. But before I did, I asked my Grams if she was mad at my uncle? Why else are his photos missing, you know? I once mentioned at the beginning, that my uncle has an illegitimate child but none of us knew about it for a long time. 14 years! Well, now it came out! And my Cuz M., moved in with my grandparents for a while, because he was also totally mad at his Dad. His mom left his Dad! She wanted a divorce. So my uncle that stupid fraud, was now all alone in his house for which he can repay the loan alone. His wife just wanted to get away from him! I would do the same in her place.😡
Back to me. I unpacked my bag. I brought some clothes, bcs I had planned to stay here for a while. I was sad. My Mom and Dad also had probs with each other. ..... Ugh, and in my bedroom where even more pics of Daniel & me. I felt sorry for Nico. This all must feel pretty crap for him to be constantly compared to Daniel. I decided to put away my wedding photos. Nico was still in the living room with my Grampa. My Grampa liked N.! It's always been that way. He could talk to Nico for hours about soccer. He wanted to know everything about N’s job. But I think Nico didn’t mind talking to my Grampa about his soccer career. Normally he is more used to rejection, when it came to that. I mean his Dad (mine too actually), he was always against N. playing soccer, as you know.... I took my cosmetic bag and was on my way to the bathroom. I opened my bedroom door and saw Nico standing in the hallway with my Cuz M.
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Mario (to N.): I really wasn’t expecting you here. Hm!🤷‍♂️ Nice to see you again, dude.
Nico: Yea, same.... I didn’t mean to stop you, but would be nice if you could tell me which of those doors here, leads into your cousin’s room. I don’t wanna burst into your grandparents' bedroom.😅
Mario: Ana or Aleksa? Ha? 😜🤣
Nico: Ana?? Hell, no! I haven’t even seen Ana since A. and I got back together.
Mario: I was totally confused  when I saw Philip with Aleksa last year. He was Ana's bf! I-... I had no bloody clue what was going on there! She even said you knew about it. Is that true man? Did you really want that??
Nico: Uhhm,..... won't talk abou that. But she did nothing wrong! I..... demanded certain things from her and this one thing was.............. stupid! But I didn’t take advantage of your cousin or anything. I loved her. So much. Maybe too much. 🫤🤷‍♂️
Mario: Aghh... Honestly? I don’t wanna hear any details. I was just surprised you agreed, that’s... all. And A.'s room's back there. Last door on the left. Right next to it, is my bedroom so.... keep it  quiet pls. But haven’t you been here before? You should know where her room is.
Nico: No, I’ve only been to your grandparents' house with her, but, never here. I just used to pick her up a few times from here.
I went to the two to say hi to my baby Cuz. We talked a bit more. Especially about M.'s ugly room. It used to be his Dad’s. My Grandparents apartment is ....old! Older than my Dad & uncle, that's for sure. My room looked nicer! My Grams always took care of Ana's & my stuff. My sis and I were much more often here, than our Cousin. That’s why his room looked a bit neglected and was often used as a kind of....big storage space... Before Nico came to the bathrom with me, he went over to M.'s room. My Cuz borrowed him a shirt and some shorts for sleeping, so he doesn’t have to sleep naked. And they also talked about their dumb Dad's! This one thing, they had in common now.
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Hm, I wouldn’t mind N. sleeping naked next to me, I thought, as I watched him take a shower. I didn’t want to be mad at him anymore, but that damn Stephanie!!! He dumped me again two days ago, just because his stupid ex fiancée made drama like last time. Agh, it didn’t go on like that! I had to sort it out with him and talk about it. But... I really didn’t feel like talking about Stephanie that night. So I just kept doing my skincare....
Nico: I'm sorry..... Won't you talk to me?☹️
Me: What can I say??? ... It’s always the same. I ask you to stay with me, you promise, but then you leave anyway. This is the third time you’ve left me because of her.
Nico: Her fucking family came back today. Now it’s finally over, I don’t have to take care of her anymore. She's gone. She's with her parents.
Me: My feeling tells me she won’t give up! She’ll come up with more excuses and lies, to get you back. And I know you’re not stupid. That means, you can't let go of her either.
Nico: I swear it’s not like that! I can’t let YOU go. I want you! I love you. And I want our Baby. Honestly!... I saw that one pic of you earlier. Your Grams told me you were 5. It was your first day at school. I immediately recognized you by your curly hair and big, brwon eyes. I wish our Baby will be a girl and look exactly like you.
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Okay, that was really cute. Besides, he was still almost naked. I admit, it was hard for me to reject him. I think my hormones were partly responsible for me wanting N. sm. The pregnancy not only increased my desire for him, I will notice that I have generally become more sensitive. I cried for almost every stupid little thing.😩But I was also very happy! N and I went to bed. He wanted to settle this issue about Stephanie with me, but I told him, I didn’t want to talk. I wanted him. But tomorrow we will argue about exactly this topic! His ex! Also about Alex!I mean Alex's message/letter. Alex wanted to see me!
Oh, and Dilek will come to me to....... see Nico. She seemed to be more excited about it (him), than I was. She was a big fan of N. 😒 I was just glad Philip wasn’t there. The two in the same room with Dilek?? No thanks!🤢 I will avoid this, as long as I can!!!!!!!!!!!
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destinyc1020 · 10 months
Sorry in advance for the long ask
Do you think the rumor about SM4 being released in the summer of 2025 is fake? We've been hearing that for the past 2 years but I'm under the impression he hasn't sign up for anything yet and I think he should at least do other movies before coming back as Peter Parker (same for Z as 'MJ') it seemed like something he was planning to do anyway so I really don't get why so many tomdayas here are so apprehensive about him filming a 4th movie so soon. Is that because they don't care much about his acting career outside of Marvel or because they're too greedy for more "tomdaya" content? 🤔 Sorry to bring this to your blog I just find REALLY hard to discuss this topic with them because anyone ends up being called an anti if you don't agree with their opinions.
And as for Z, I don't get why the same group of fans want her to be back as well, but don't like the idea of her shooting Euphoria S3 so soon (you know, the show that gave her TWO Emmys).
All I want to say is, another trilogy demands a huge commitment and if he wants more freedom in his career choices... well he knows the sacrifices.
IMO We don't need another trilogy (let alone 2 more lol) and I think Tomdayas need to calm down and stop being so greedy for content to the point they starting to see these two (especially Tom) not as humans with plenty of other choices, IYKWIM.
I love T/Z acting together, but they're not machines. Some of these fans are too damn greedy (I hate to repeat that, but it's true)
Hey Anon! 👋🏾😃 No worries about the long ask. Long asks don't scare me lol.
Now to unpack all of this.....
Do you think the rumor about SM4 being released in the summer of 2025 is fake? We've been hearing that for the past 2 years but I'm under the impression he hasn't sign up for anything yet
I mean...Rumors are just rumors. Films get rumors all the time. 🤷🏾‍♀️ Right now, all we've been getting are possible projected time frames that they might want to release SM4. But of course, things can change all the time.
Honestly? At THIS point, I wouldn't even worry too much about release years until the film has actually been filmed. Let's first work on seeing the film being filmed FIRST, and THEN we can worry about the release date/year. Sound good? 😊
I think he should at least do other movies before coming back as Peter Parker (same for Z as 'MJ')
Well, that's exactly what he's going to be doing?? He has to film Astaire the biopic. He also filmed TCR. To me, Tom HAS been filming other things before coming back as Peter Parker. We also don't know what he might have after the FA biopic either.
Zendaya too has filmed other things herself after playing MJ. She filmed "Challengers", and "Dune: Part 2". She will also have S3 of Euphoria to film as well. 🤷🏾‍♀️
I really don't get why so many tomdayas here are so apprehensive about him filming a 4th movie so soon. Is that because they don't care much about his acting career outside of Marvel or because they're too greedy for more "tomdaya" content? 🤔
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Who's been "apprehensive" about Tom filming SM4 "so soon"?? 🥴 I haven't seen people being apprehensive about it. I just think fans in general (NOT just "Tomdayas" 😒) are anxiously awaiting a new Spider-Man franchise film after the last film came out in late 2021.
Let's face it, we're almost into 2024, and we STILL haven't received any firm news, dates, or casting announcements for SM4 yet, and the last movie came out in 2021. Can you blame people for wanting to see what happens in the next installment?? Especially after THAT cliffhanger??
And who's being "Greedy" about Tomdaya Content? 🥴 We already get a TON of Tomdaya content (especially THIS year, my goodness lol 😅🤣) without Tom and Zendaya even filming a SINGLE, SOLITARY THING! Let alone, needing to film SM4 for any "content". 🙄 Last I checked, we didn't get hardly ANY Tomdaya content while they were over in Atlanta filming NWH. That set was LOCKED TIGHT! Certainly not like what we've been getting now that they've been free from work. So, Idk what you're talking about Anon.
Sorry to bring this to your blog I just find REALLY hard to discuss this topic with them because anyone ends up being called an anti if you don't agree with their opinions.
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"Them"...... "Their"..... 😏
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You all always show yourselves in some form or fashion one way or another smh... 🤦🏾‍♀️
So, I take it Anon that YOU aren't a Tomdaya.... 😏 Look, if people are calling you an "Anti", it's probably because that's EXACTLY what you are. Anon, people aren't dumb. They can usually pick up on bs a mile away.
And as for Z, I don't get why the same group of fans want her to be back as well, but don't like the idea of her shooting Euphoria S3 so soon (you know, the show that gave her TWO Emmys).
Maybe those people just don't care for the show?? Maybe they just don't like Sam? Maybe they don't like the writing? Maybe they feel like after 2 or 3 seasons, it's best for Z to move on? Who knows?? Look, I LOVE the fact that my girl got 2 Emmys out of the show (and she might even get a 3rd!), and she has been amazing in it! It's been a growth experience for her in acting for SURE. But not everyone has to LOVE every single project their fave does. Just because that person is your fave, it doesn't mean that as a fan you HAVE to watch every single project, or even enjoy every single project your fave does. 🤷🏾‍♀️ I don't see the big deal?
All I want to say is, another trilogy demands a huge commitment and if he wants more freedom in his career choices... well he knows the sacrifices.
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Whewww chiiiile....Let's just see about film #1 first. We don't know what Tom has signed on to yet.
And he's been obviously doing other work aside from SM. IDk what the problem is?
YES, SM is a huge commitment, but it's not like we've been there in the room with Tom and knowing what they've been discussing. For all we know, they could decide to film Parts 1 and 2 of SM in one whole filming phase like they did with the final Twilight movies. We don't know what they have in store honestly.
IMO We don't need another trilogy (let alone 2 more lol)
After THAT cliffhanger in NWH?? Chiiiiile...get REAL. 😒🙄
It's obvious they always intended to film another 2nd phase of the franchise/trilogy. Now, whether it will actually happen is still left to be seen, but saying "we don't need another trilogy" is dumb imo. That was what was always originally intended. If you don't like that, take it up with Marvel/Disney. 😒🙄
and I think Tomdayas need to calm down and stop being so greedy for content to the point they starting to see these two (especially Tom) not as humans with plenty of other choices, IYKWIM.
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I find it so interesting how you think that it's ONLY "Tomdayas" who are wanting a SM4 film to come out. As if, Marvel fans, MCU fans, and other comic book fans (or even just regular movie-goers period) aren't interested in a second franchise. Get REAL. 🙄
Also, your assumption that Tomdaya fans only want a SM4 film JUST because we are "greedy" and want "Tomdaya Content" is really stupid if you ask me. We already get PLENTY of Tomdaya content, and we got a plethora of it during NWH press. We don't need another SM movie to come out in order to have "Tomdaya Content". 🙄
I love T/Z acting together, but they're not machines. Some of these fans are too damn greedy (I hate to repeat that, but it's true)
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You've already shown what your REAL issue is Anon.... It sounds like YOU have a problem with Tomdaya Content. Oh well, sucks for you!
I don't need to say anything further. I've said more than enough.
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celestie0 · 2 months
HSLLLOOO HELLO ELLIE??!!!!! Hru doing? Hows ur vacay been? I hope all is good cuz YOU🫵😡 deserve only the bestest. When are u gonna be done with ur lil holiday?😏 I personally love LOVE packing for vacays but coming back home n unpacking it smh😔 I always feel like an extra couple of days wouldve been better 😞😞 BUT I HOPE UR HAVING FUN HAHA!
Anyways, I’ve been thinking extra hard about ihm AND kickoff gojo’s ugh pls they need to be kicked into outer space 😒 So annoyingly sexy like how can a girl be normal about this 😔 I re read IHM n plzzzz ur characterisation, ur writing, the setting EVERYTHING is just too good I have no words at alllll!!! u are so amazing 🥹🫶🫶🫶
Take care of yourself ellie!!!
zuro anon
HIIIII zuro baby!! i’m okay!! vacation is okay!! we are driving back home from roadtrip now :) i have been suffering from Chronic Tummy Ache the whole time we’ve been on the road which has sucked but i’m feeling better now hahah. and HAHAH nahhhh i want to go HOME 😂😅 no extra days for me plsss. but i hear ya ive def had vacays where i wish they lasted longer!! how have you been bb?? hope you’re enjoying your summer so far!! also I’ll be back home on sunday!
AAAAAAA i will eat u omg. youre gonna make me sob tysm for the love for ihm :”) PLS i miss writing for ihm so bad i cant wait to get home n work on the next chapterrr. YOU ARE AMAZING!!
so much love from me as alwaaysss <33
- ellie 🔥
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thewollfgang · 7 months
I think if there was an Olympics category for the fastest computer unpacking and set-up, I would win. One would think I set up computers all the time with how quick I did it. XD I wanted the patch so bad.
Very cash money of Larian to add forehead kisses and new camp animations. And Astarion's epilogue title 🥺 hits right in the meow meow, I can't wait to get it in my own game.
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While it was downloading though, I thought I'd distract myself by sculpting in Blender (wifi is being finicky right now so I figured it'd take quite a while) and only minutes ago did I snap out of it. I don't know what time the download finished but I ended up with this (I'd say) mostly anatomically correct, not-quite-done skull.
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I'd already done one before but Blender glitched and sent that file into the ether. This one, I'm pretty sure, looks better than the old one anyway. Would have been cool to compare the two though. Some parts still need a lot of work, like the eye sockets and nasal cavity, but I'll get back to it once I get the new patch out of my system. XD
I had FULL confidence in you, BG. You get the gold 🥇I've just downloaded the patch today, but I didn't get around to playing it. I've had an incredibly stressful week and I spent most of the weekend thus far sleeping or crafting.
(I won't bring the vibe down by going into too much detail, but I was at the parade/rally in Kansas City and was near the mass shooting this Wednesday. Thankfully, neither my mom or I were hurt. It was incredibly chaotic and I'm still...kind of processing what happened. But! I'm here and still trucking along so I'm very grateful for that.)
So yeah I haven't had the pleasure of the new smooches yet, but I think I'll boot it up tomorrow and play a little bit. Larian knows what the people want. I hope they pad Wyll out a little bit more, too. I think he's neat and needs some love and content.
I have always wanted to learn Blender! Do you like it? I have a 3D printer (my crafting project right now is actually a set of mandalorian armor I'm printing myself!) and usually use other people's stl files and such but I'd like to learn how to make my own files, too. I think, as an owner of many skulls, your skull looks great.
I've found when a computer eats the first draft of something, the second one is almost always better. It is nice to compare though. I'd like to get an imitation human skull (cause the ethics of real human skulls...are varied) and place this fancy marble in the eye socket 😅 it glows under a black light and it needs a cool home to rest in.
It was good hearing from you, as always! I hope you settle into your new place and feel nice and comfy ❤️
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nikatyler · 2 years
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Time for a recap of the last twelve months! It's basically my tradition at this point. This year was a weird one. I'm not even gonna get into real life issues. It sure was something and I'm going into 2023 with no energy and zero expectations, lol. But with this mindset, I can only be pleasantly surprised, right? Or...the world will show me that when you think it can't get any worse, it will.
Anyway, simblr stuff! This is the year I started drifting away from tumblr. It makes me sad, but really, it just isn't the same as it was when I joined. The interaction is not what I wish to get so I'm simply moving to places where I feel like I'm actually heard and seen. Idk. I've tried a few times to "be the change I wanna see" but it's hard to change stuff around here. But oh well, to each their own. I'll probably stick around, even if I hang out more somewhere else and what you see are mostly queued posts. And, well, if twitter burns down, which I wouldn't be surprised if it did, you know I'll fully come back here. I love this hellsite. Genuinely. It makes me mad but I love it.
But I still love you guys. TS3 discord and a few other people who are not in that discord, I do seriously love you.
So, what was happening on this blog this year?
I was still posting my previous BC! Well, I was finishing it. Vi became a parent and hadn't become a cheating jerk yet. 😅
*this* is Vi's cheating jerk era. I still feel bad about how I resolved the whole thing, it was too rushed. I guess I was focusing more on the gameplay part and the NSB rules and less on whether their actions are logical? Prince shouldn't have come back to him, that's the hill I'll die on :D I know, I know, NSB rules and all, but he shouldn't have.
We're slowly moving onto Bloom's very short generation, as well as gen 3 of my lepacy. It's Ginevra's time to shine, but first, we spent a lot of time with the winners of Axel and August's BC.
Bambi and Candy are born, as well as the BC babies. Loads of baby cuteness in April on this blog. Oh and Ross flourishes in his babysitter era. Well, he's always been a babysitter to his descendants, but I feel like this is where he 100 % accepts it 😂
Gins' era truly starts now (why do I keep saying era in this recap lmao). I had a lot of fun playing in Twinbrook again and Ginevra and Lori were so great. <3
Alongside my lepacy (hi Elias & other gen 4 babies), I started posting the pink gen of NSB and also, my 100 Baby Challenge! I still can't believe I actually did that, and that I completed it in like two months only. Wow. What. I mean, yeah, I hyperfocused on it, but still. How did I do that.
Again, gen 3 of lepacy and gen 7 of NSB, not much to say here. As for playing, I mostly just played the baby challenge. Oh! And Maeve's BC, of course.
Ohh, and July was the month when I decided to dive into the wonderful sims community on twitter. Probably one of my best decisions this year as I made many great friends there...🥰🥰
Gen 3 ends and Sawyer is ready to take over Bridgeport but he has to wait for a bit. Pastel enters the blog and her bonding with Ross is seriously one of my most favourite things. I didn't think of this at first when I was playing, it only came to me later when I was posting the generation, but he definitely grew fond of her because she reminds him of Sunset so much ;-;
Good news: Bambi and Atsuko get married. Bad news: Ross and Caleb break up. *sigh* There's so much to unpack with their breakup storyline. Yes it makes sense that they'd hit a few bumps on the road, yes it makes sense that some of them would be bad, but...deep down, the breakup only happened because of my insecurities and lowkey being afraid of using a townie in my stories. At least I kinda got over that this fall (thank you twitter moots).
More good news: I'm finally posting the BC!!
I finished posting the 100BC and...yeah this was Maeve's month. October was also very vampiric, but I'll probably mention that in a separate recap (if I do a separate recap haha), as this one only focuses on my regular daily content (legacies and such)
In November, we saw the funniest twist to ever happen in my BCs. Sorry River :D Aaand we also have the winner of Maeve's BC! I can't wait for you all to see them again in the legacy. Next year, hopefully.
Sawyer's time to shine has come. Well, not really, his siblings are constantly stealing it. Don't be surprised if he one day, you know, steals their organs and sells them.
Oh, and it's also TS3!Ross's time to shine. Because of course it is. I knew I needed to use his TS3 self somewhere, and all things considered, this felt like a perfect time for that.
December was also the month I started posting videos on youtube. I'm sorry if I'm annoying about that, but I just enjoy it so much. Never thought I'd say that. So, if you haven't yet, feel free to check it out (and subscribe maybe? 🥺). I'm hoping to do some fun stuff next year.
What's in store for 2023? I'll probably talk about that later, but to put it simply, I think this blog will be stuck with NSB and lepacy.
Thanks for sticking around with my grumpy self. Here's to a better 2023.
Happy new year, everyone!
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myf00djournal · 8 months
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Let regular programming begin!
So it’s just gone 12:30 and we have been home for three hours - debrief with our lovely house sitters ❤️ who took amazing care of our home and doggos, unpacked, did washing, did a grocery shop and now I’m like I JUST WANT TO DO EVERYTHING
Like I want to go for a run
And then a walk
And go to the gym (it’s shut now until Monday morning 😅)
And my brains like we are back, let’s go back to life!
But I know it’s one step at a time, easing back in.
The hardest thing is probably that mentality around my body and coming out of Christmas/NY and a holiday. I know after a few days my body will settle back down once I get alcohol out of my system etc. I think I had more drinks in the last ten days then I did in the whole second half of last year! I have reset my habit tracker for honesty and started my alcohol free stint again. Really looking forward to it.
In terms of food, the dining was exquisite and we ate gooooood 🤌🏽 did some fine dining, had a few nights of over indulgence and lying in bed feeling so uncomfortable 😆, zero snacking because we stuck to the restaurants (and cocktails during the day for snacks???) so I guess we really just had 2-3 meals a day.
I managed to do about 7 workouts during the trip. More walks than strength training but it felt good to move and gosh I’m a gym snob when it comes to training in an unfamiliar place 🤣 maybe snob isn’t the right word because my gym is legit an old auto workshop in a huge warehouse with roller doors but moreso the lack of free weights and racks compared to very peculiar machines.
Anyway time to just drink water and recalibrate and try to chill the eff out.
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firephoenix23 · 2 years
Episode 16: From the Deep
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And so the episode we’ve all been waiting for, Dr. Blakk is officially back! And there’s I feel like a lot to unpack here with him so I thought I would just cut to the chase and try to like understand the timeline.
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So I’m gonna try to break down what Dr. Blakk says. He says that he has to pay a heavy price to get through to the barrier that blocked the deep caverns to slugterra which is giving up his darkbane powers which makes sense. The darkbane couldn’t get through the barrier which is why Blakk made his but one thing I don’t understand is I thought that no one could get through the barrier. The only way to get through was to break up the guardian slugs which happened in the episode What lies beneath.
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But anyway he said that he spent ages in the dark until he the landslide from the first episode opened an entrance for him to escape. Then he says that he saw Eli and Trixie had a new slug that he was going to put in his new ghouling facility which don’t know how that’s possible but I’m just gonna let what he says slide 😅
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All I’m getting from all of this is that there must be another barrier that’s unguarded and broken somewhere for Blakk and the high plains monster to escape. Also I feel like this is asking more questions than answers. Like how long was Dr. Blakk behind the wall? And when did he try to escape back it seems to me that he tried to go back to Slugterra around the time of the slug fu movie. He doesn’t mention Tad or the emperor (who I assume is down in the deep caverns as well unless there is a eastern cavern’s deep caverns) so that’s when I assume he gave up his powers. So my man was sitting behind a wall for the entire Eastern cavern season. Like he didn’t even try to escape 😅
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I’m kinda disappointed in this discovery because I thought the whole point of Tad going to the deep caverns in Into the shadows was to team up with his father but his dad apparently wasn’t even there 😂
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So anyway they get into a duel and Blakk somehow magically has ghouls. Maybe he stocked up before he left though I don’t think there were any slugs in the deep caverns. But Blakk really wants Uni and honestly from the way that it was implied in the synopsis, it sounded like he was hunting for it and Locke and Lode were working for him but they looked just as shocked as Eli and Trixie when he appeared. But in the end Blakk gets Uni and we have that characteristic angry face that Eli makes whenever he saw Blakk in the old show and the short is over
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Well anyway who knows what the plan is with this new ascension series. I assume by the end of this they are gonna like push Dr. Blakk right back to the Deep caverns or something like that and of course rescue Uni. But then it’s like what now 😅 We went through all those “Remember whens” for what. I would love for the show to come back full time just to end it. Even if the ending is horrible I won’t care just give Slugterra the ending it deserves.
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josiebelladonna · 2 years
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exact same shirt, two years apart.
(full story under the cut; 18+ please)
i weighed 225 in april 2020, up from 205 in december 2019 (no clue how that happened as life for me barely changed when the lockdowns started); i’m at 266 now, and i gained all this weight in 2021 and a little bit this year, believe it or not. i actually lost weight in quarantine, about 13 pounds: wasn’t eating much and things going on in my social life in the summer of quarantine contributed to the losses. tried getting it back over the winter, and more so when alex entered the picture. then my stepdad passed in april 2021 and all of a sudden, there was a lot more food in the house. i gained 25 pounds last summer, going from 221 to 246, followed by another five over the winter and then 15 spread out over the course of this year.
i don’t mind it: if anything, it feels good. healthy, even. my pants fit better (those old ones in the top pic fell down at every chance: they give me the biggest muffin top now 😅), everything is fuller and rounder, and i can eat a lot more—i feel stronger, too. i was always curious about the world beyond 220 pounds—from 2015 when i hit 200, to 2021 when my stepdad passed, i bounced around that range and i was curious about the 230s. now i’m actually looking at 270. 270 pounds, i should be gigantic (and my mom is planning on making gingerbread cookies and sugar cookies pretty soon here, too. gingerbread, with sugar, there’s also a few chocolate chip cookies and some oreos in the cupboard, and persimmon cookies atop the fridge. and she wants to make bread pudding at some point. and there’s apple pie in the fridge. and there’s chocolate on the coffee table before me. when i said “fuck diet culture”, i meant it.)
actually i kinda am gigantic now. i’m big.
just for reference, this was me in december 2019
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and this is me just now
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my bras are tighter now, too. i had difficulty keeping them on my shoulders in 2019/2020: they keep everything in place now, like they actually fit.
i felt emaciated back then, too. my stepdad, with all his problems, often snuck food when no one was looking, and objected to my mom and me treating ourselves. i couldn’t eat much—and you gotta eat. you gotta nourish yourself. he passed and suddenly, i could eat to my heart’s content, all the healthy food and all the sweet stuff. 
my body widened out, i now have a definite double under my chin, and i have a potbelly now, and it’s kinda sexy, tbh. i feel really healthy: everything is where it should be and i haven’t had a cold or anything since 2019, interestingly enough. i do have a little snoring problem, but that’s about it, though. i’m not in pain and i’m not “aching” for anything. i was thin before the world came crashing down, but i wasn’t having a good time, though. i love to eat. i love sweet, fattening food. i love vegan food. i love meat and pasta and cheese. i love so-called guilty pleasures. i love mexican food, indian food, chinese food, japanese food, vietnamese food, filipino food, french food, german food, italian food, what the baltic countries do this time of year and just gorge until new year’s… i want to “eat across” a city some day. i love to eat, and i love to eat a lot.
i wish i got chubby as a teenager, if i’m honest. my story would have been so much different (just imagine: a fat field hockey player rather than a gaunt anorexic one, i probably would’ve stuck it out much longer). and i wish i could tell 13-year-old me that it’s really not at all bad because your body actually needs to be fed and that your thoughts are lying to you and the whole world is lying to you, actually, and you can feel good by eating whatever the hell you want, and come with me in unpacking diet culture and all the bullshit that makes women (and men) destroy their bodies all for the sake of chasing ideals which are pointless anyway because to change is to live and be human.
i remember being 19 on a camping trip to the oregon coast over thanksgiving 2012 and the backstory is it was a potluck dinner, and i brought a grasshopper pie because i’m actually from 1960. and no one touched it (one of the boys brought a pecan pie and that was more welcomed) and there was no room in the miniature fridge in our yurt. so, i ate this whole pie aside from two pieces missing. solo. on top of two helpings of thanksgiving dinner. three quarters of this creamy mousse pie made with crème de la menthe, marshmallow, and a chocolate crust. and this was well before i got heavy, too, this was back when i still weighed around 150 pounds, and before i dropped down to 139, too. i often think about that pie, too, how it made my then-slim belly swell up and it felt so right, and if i can do it now. i think that was the moment of clarity for me, in hindsight: the moment i thought, “i don’t want to torment myself anymore.” a fleeting thought, but i do remember thinking it.
in fact, i actually have a pretty distinct memory of being five or six years old and wishing i could eat everything and become fat, like i muttered it to myself when no one was paying attention (i looked at my naked body when no one was looking and i wished to be fat when no one was looking, the belly kink makes a lot more sense now, doesn’t it? 😜). i have no clue what happened to it, but my aunt used to have this old black and white photograph of me wearing denim jeans and cowgirl boots, and i had no shirt on, and i was pushing my belly out as far as i could go.
i wasn’t healthy thin, either. got sick a lot and nevermind b.m.i., it’s ableist and eugenicist and serves no one. you want to go with waist to hip ratio (those measurements divided by each other; you want under 0.80 to be considered healthy. and guess what? mine at the moment is 0.74, which is perfect. yes, even with my belly, i still pull off the numbers).
so, i have literally genuinely felt this desire to be a heavyweight my whole life: 5 year old me wanted a fat belly, 13 year old me wanted to look good, and 19 year old me wanted to feel good. it’s part of my truth. it’s just one part of who i am, and i’m finally just comfortable enough to talk about it.
so, as i write this, yes, i don’t feel negative about it (if anything… you want the truth? i don’t feel fat enough. it’s not like i’m lazy or sedentary, anyway: i’m gonna eat a big slice of apple pie with ice cream and whipped cream right now and then all my mom’s cookies, and everyone obsessed with dieting—and covering up—can die mad about it).
the last time i posted pix of myself, a bunch of people unfollowed me and blocked me. their loss, i say, especially when you see these:
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(that faith no more shirt has been through so much: of course i love wearing it now)
another kind of interesting thing about gaining all this weight? i feel more tomboyish than ever. i’ll go through the fat-related tags on here sometimes and i’ll look at fat women, and they’re all very feminine. whatever rings true for you, absolutely (the one dress i have, i tried it on and from the side, i looked pregnant with my well-fed belly 🤷🏻‍♀️) but i think it’s interesting that there aren’t a lot of “sportier” girls such as myself. i want to keep wearing shirts and sexy camisoles and skinny jeans and flared jeans that accentuate my legs and my hips.
yeah, man. this is all me.
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all 266 pounds 😈🥵😘
10 notes · View notes
danses-with-dogmeat · 2 years
I just have to ask you for a few characters 👉👈 Porter Gage, Hancock, Raul, Charon and Gob ack don't call me out for my ghoul loving ass just getting showered in praise. I just feel the ghouls don't GET enough lovin', they are all wonderful, handsome and great men.
Porter Gage is the odd one out because I just love that raider man and been playing Nuka World recently-
Select FO Companions React to Sole/Lone/Six Giving them Praise
I'm back!! Oof, so I've officially finished moving and unpacking and all that junk, and I'm ready to get back to the important things lol. Alrighty, so just an update, I've decided to just get back to regular posting. I only had a few more for the 1k event to do, but I knew it would take another few days to get to if they were going to be any good 😅 So, I apologize if I didn't get to yours, but I'm SO thankful for all of you who participated, it was such a blast, and I hope to do more events like it in the future 😊
Anyways, now, let's get back to it! (Also, just one more reminder that requests are closed for the time being so I can catch up on the ones I have now, but I will let you know when they open back up!)
ALRIGHT, so now to the actual post. This is so sweet, omg! 😩 These guys all really do deserve more loving, like... Always. As usual, let me know if you wanna see anyone else for this at all! Cuz goodness knows there are plenty of Fallout folks that deserve to hear a compliment or two much more often.
Included Below: Charon, Gage, Gob, Hancock, Joshua, & Raul
Also, just a heads up, this isn't explicit, per say, but it does get kinda steamy in some places, so just a little NSFW warning for ya. 😉
I hope you enjoy!
“Oh my god.” Lone’s mouth hung open as Charon stepped down the stairs and towards the living room. 
“What?” He paused his movement, brow scrunching more than usual as he looked down over himself to see if anything was amiss.
They only shook their head at first, finally managing to close their mouth to gulp before they began to answer him verbally. 
“Look, I know you just, like, just put on the armor and everything, but Charon, I think… I think you’re gonna have to take it off.” 
Lone’s eyes drifted hungirly over the ghoul’s large frame, the way the dark, freshly polished leather clung to his muscular form forcing a blushing heat to flush over their face. 
He only scoffed at them, continuing his descent into the room to drop his bag by the door. Lone stood up abruptly from their place on the couch and turned to face their partner with a hard expression on their face. 
“What? I’m not allowed to be attracted to my boyfriend?” Their hands came to their hips as their voice took on a distinct hardness that he was always trying to avoid. 
That’s never a good sign. Charon thought with a frown. 
“No need to act for my benefit.” He grumbled, “I’ve seen myself, Lone.” 
He tried not to notice the way his partner flinched at his words. 
They can’t be serious, what delusions do they think I’m under?
“Clearly not the way I have, then.” They said firmly as they took a step closer. Charon stood his ground as Lone approached him with slow intent, something unknown to him written in their expression. 
“Forget what I said,” they continued, “No need to take off your armor.” He set his jaw as they gazed up at him, their hands brushing up over the leather on his chest until their fingertips grazed the skin of his neck. 
“I’ll just do it for you.” They began to work at the fastenings of his armor, the metal buckles glinting in the low light that streamed through the meager windows of their Megaton house. 
“I want to show you. If you won’t listen to what I say, maybe what I do will have some influence on you.” Charon made no move to assist them as they began to pull the leather cuirass over his head, undoing the laces at his sides before reaching up as far as their arms would take them, the collar of the armor failing to come any further up than his jawline as they strained on their tiptoes. The ghoul sighed, ducking down to allow them to finally wrench the leather free of his bulky frame. 
They set the piece on the couch with a huff, and despite his reservations, Charon took a few steps closer to them, his icy stare boring into his partner as they turned and knelt alluringly before him, their hands grazing up over his thighs as they moved to his center. 
“Do you want this?” Lone brought their gaze up to him, fixing their partner with hooded eyes darkened with their lust for him, as their fingers rested delicately over his leather codpiece. Charon hardly had to think before responding hastily.
“Yes." He growled, "Show me.” 
A relieved smile touched their lips, and they quickly turned their attention back to their work below his waist. 
The ghoul's chest shuddered with anticipation as he felt the pressure release around his hips, fighting to hold back a groan as Lone meticulously removed each piece of polished leather he’d fastened onto himself not half an hour ago. When he was freed of his armor fully, standing before his partner in loose-fitting trousers and a black crew neck, Lone looked him over quickly from head to toe before descending upon him, delicate fingers moving hastily to pull his shirt from his sculpted torso. 
This time, Charon did assist, lifting his arms and practically ripping the thing at the seams as he brought it over his head. Despite both of their haste, once he was free of the shirt, Lone paused, the palms of their hands warm against his chest where they rested with their fingers splayed, grasping slightly at the taut skin there. Their hands rose and fell with the rhythm of his breathing, noticeably faster than usual, as his anticipation grew. 
“You’re so handsome…” They let slip. It wasn’t more than a whisper, and Charon wasn’t sure whether they’d meant to say it aloud at all, but it escaped them nonetheless, as their transfixed stare grazed over his semi-bare form. 
Whether they meant to voice the compliment or not, their words took Charon out of the moment, his smoky gaze sharpening within the confines of his narrowed eyes. He even let out another snort of disbelief that managed to catch Lone’s attention and draw their gaze to meet his own.
“Sorry, I just… I do mean it though. Not everyone may feel similarly, including yourself, and I don’t know that I can ever really change that, but Charon… I see you that way. The way you can’t seem to.”
Lone’s voice became desperate as their gaze fell to capture the movement of their fingers fidgeting over his skin, the digits absent-mindedly tracing over the rough grooves upon his ravaged chest with absolute care.
“It’s no lie, either." They whispered, "Not me trying to convince you otherwise, or make you feel better– well, if it makes you feel good, that’s good, and I want that, but that’s not the only thing I’m trying to do by saying– or, by complimenting you, I want you to–”
One of Charon’s large hands closed around his partner’s shoulder, forcing their restless hands to cease their frenzied rubbing over him, and silencing Lone’s fragmented explanations. 
Their eyes met his once more, glistening orbs of earnestness and desperation against cold, dark windows reflecting back their own form of desperation in turn. 
Enough. He meant to say, but the vault dweller’s stubbornness in this matter left him no room to voice his concerns with their speech. 
“Charon.” They said firmly, “Please don’t. Don’t shut out what I’m telling you. Even if you can never believe what I say for yourself, know that I believe it. I’m mad for you. All of you.” 
Their voice lowered an octave at their final confession, and Lone surged forward, their hands grasping forcefully at his shoulders, and pulling his lips to theirs as they tasted him in earnest. Charon meant to say their name again, but all that escaped him was a groan as they crashed against him, the firmness of their insistent pressure a stark contrast from the pillowy softness of their lips.
They pulled away breathlessly before quickly moving their lips lower, the smooth petals of their mouth tickling against the sensitive skin of his neck, his collarbone, and chest. 
“I’m mad for this.” They growled between fevered pecks, “And this, and here. All of it.”
Like the volts of a live wire, violent shudders shocked the ghoul’s spine as Lone’s lips and tongue delved lower, hastily passing over his ribcage, their nose tracing a teasing line down his center as they knelt down and settled their attentions just at his naval, hungry fingers finally releasing the pressure exerted on him by his own damned zipper, and the painfully tight fabric of his briefs.  
“I’ll show you, my love. I’ll convince you to see yourself like I do. Whatever it takes.” They promised, and Charon’s neck arched as his head hung back in sheer bliss at their next heated action. 
“Show me.” He groaned.
“Will you cut that shit out? S’not funny, boss.”
“No, Gage. I really do. I know it’s not funny, I’m not fucking joking." Their eyes bore into his as they tilted their head towards him, their voice as desperate as it was irate, "I honestly don’t care about that patch, or how old you are, how bad you think you are, any of it. You’re good for me. You’re incredible. You're strong, and dependable, you make me smile and laugh, and–” 
“Yeah, alright, I think you’ve had enough of that.” 
One rough hand reached out to grab at the bottle in Sole’s hand, but they snatched it away before he could pull it from their grasp.
“Quit it, Gage! I’m your Overboss, and that’s an order. Now let me finish.”
Gage huffed and rolled his good eye, folding his arms over themselves gruffly as he leaned back against the worn couch cushions. Sole only shook their head, setting their bottle down on the side table and scooting closer to the raider. They placed a hand on his thigh and fixed him with an uncanny sort of look, depleted of their frustration with him, and full of something else entirely. Their muted smile and the gleam in their eyes made for an expression he’d only ever seen reserved for family members, for the closest of friends, or for… for lovers. His own eye narrowed suspiciously. 
I know we’re together ‘n all, but… When has anyone looked at me that way before?
Whatever, must be whatever’s in that drink of theirs. 
“Well, get on with it then, since you made such a fuckin’ fuss.” He growled. Sole only broadened their smile softly, their one hand increasing its pressure on his leg as they scooched even closer to him. Gage felt the heat of their body through the thin fabric of his trousers and wife-beater as they pressed closer to him, their free hand sliding up the swell of his chest to rest heavily on his shoulder as their lips met his in a brief kiss. 
Gage only had an instant to close his eye, to savor them, before they withdrew, just far enough that the pair's contact was severed, but close enough still, that he could make out the distinct and enticing glisten of their lips.
“You really don’t see it, do you?” 
“What’s that?” He breathed. 
“How much I care about you. How good you are for me. How attractive I find you. Even when I try to tell you.” 
Sole’s hand moved downward to brush over his chest, feeling the play of muscle beneath his thin shirt as he threw his head back in a barely contained scoff. 
“Yeah, alright there, Sole. Look, don’t feel like you’ve gotta say all this shit for my benefit. I’m a damn raider, I don’t need t’hear all that flowery, romantic sorta bullshit. I’m a sure thing, boss. I’m easy.” 
As if to emphasize his point, one hand moved lower to grasp around the swell of Sole's hip firmly, pulling them closer, even as their expression hardened.
“You shouldn’t be.” They said firmly, their hand stilling over him. 
Gage’s brow creased low over his eye as Sole pulled away from him roughly. 
“You deserve a lot more than you give yourself credit for," they continued, "I don’t care what you think. You gave me a chance when no one else would. You've always got my back, you support me like nobody else has, and dammit, you deserve that same kind of dedication, Gage.” 
His eye widened at their words, and the raider found himself at a loss for any kind of response. 
I’m really not used to this kinda shit. What am I supposed to say to that? 
Sole sighed at him, a sad smile touching their lips as they hesitantly reached both hands up to his face. Gage had to stop himself from flinching at their tender touch, but they held fast, palms warm against his cheeks as their eyes pleaded with him to just fucking believe what they told him.
Gage swallowed.
Slowly, their hands moved, and their fingers worked their way to the metal secured to his head, fidgeting with the fastenings there until he felt the entire piece loosen and give way. 
“Sole, I don’t think–” He tried, but they silenced him with a look and a whisper. 
“It’s okay. I want to see you.” 
Gage took in a breath. 
No. You don’t.
“It doesn’t hurt, does it?” 
He shook his head slightly, and Sole finally pulled the patch from his skin, and set it on the couch beside them. Gage’s jaw clenched as he flinched away, and his gaze flitted to everywhere but Sole, unnervingly afraid to see the repulsion on their face.
He felt their hands on him again, the soft skin caressing his cheeks, and he fought the urge to pull away as his heart increased its thumping in his chest. Gage closed his good eye, trying to turn his marred face away from his partner’s scrutinizing gaze, but their hands held his head firmly in place. 
A brief moment of silence passed before Gage found himself jerking away involuntarily as the feeling of Sole’s… lips? He guessed, ghosted over the scarred flesh of his newly uncovered cheekbone. 
“I meant what I said.” Their warm breath caressed his face as they spoke. “It’s not bullshit, and it’s not a lie.” 
He released a sigh as he opened his good eye once again, the resistance and disbelief effectively gone from his exposed expression, if only just for this moment. 
“I really do, Gage. I love you. And I love all of you.”
“What do you mean?” 
Gob paused, Lone’s voice clearly meeting his ears as he stepped outside the back door of Moriarty’s Saloon with two heavy trash bags in hand. 
“Look hon, I’m not trying to be rude or anything, I’m just curious, that’s all.” The scent of cigarette smoke and cheap perfume drifted through the ghoul’s meager nose, even from where he stood behind the building, he knew it was Nova that Lone was speaking with.
Something in his head told him he should go out to greet them, but a gut feeling held him back, keeping him in place as he slowly set down the garbage bags and continued to listen in. 
“It’s just that, well, Gob an’ me have been real close for a long time,” Nova’s silky voice continued, “An’ I’ve met lotsa folks you couldn't believe. Look at him like he’s some kinda novelty or somethin’, like the scumbags who look at me like a juicy slice of brahmin. I just wanna be sure you ain’t one of ‘em.” 
The ghoul’s eyes widened as he listened in, his grip tightening on the metal jutting from the side of the building as he awaited Lone’s response. 
Do I even really wanna hear it? A small voice asked in the back of his mind, but he pushed it away, instead leaning forward to hear what his partner had to say. 
“You really think I could be like that?” Panic tightened their voice as it left their throat, less accusatory, and more fraught with worry than he would’ve expected. “Gob doesn’t think that way, does he?” 
“No.” He whispered, shaking his head despite the fact that he was as good as alone on this side of the saloon. 
“Nah, I don’t think so. Gob would never see the bad in you. That’s what he’s gotta have me for. Too many people try to take advantage of the poor guy. Like he hasn’t been through enough.”  
He smiled sadly at that, silently thanking whoever it was in charge of his fate that he met Nova. Without her, well… Moriarty’s would’ve been all the more unbearable. He's not sure he would've made it this far without her, and now, if he didn't have Lone, if he somehow lost them...
Don't wanna even think about that. Maybe I should stop listenin' in, in case... What if they--
“I know.” Lone said, almost too quiet for him to hear, but loud enough to pull him from his troubling thoughts, “It’s true. Everything Gob’s been through… That’s one of the things that drew me to him from the start. All that Moriarty’s done to be cruel, to make his life hell, and he’s still so kind, so sweet and genuine.” 
“Hm.” He heard his friend hum with approval at Lone’s declaration, and something tightened deep in Gob’s chest. 
He held his breath as his partner's voice carried on.
“And so incredibly strong, to persevere through all of this, all that he’s been through for his long life, with Underworld, leaving it all behind and then coming to this, only to end up here. Still, selfish as it is, I'm glad he is here now. If I hadn't met him, I don't..."
Gob heard them chuckle, more a nervous sound then an amused one.
"I really don't want to think what it'd be like if I didn't have him, y'know? He really is incredible. One-of-a-kind out here, and in the vault. I’ve never met anyone like him.”
“You’re smiling real big when you talk about him, you know that?” 
Gob grinned himself as he heard Lone’s giggle echo down into the town, the lovely sound fading with a sigh from them and a moment of silence that had Gob leaning in even further, very nearly exposing his hiding spot to the pair as his anticipation grew. 
“... Well, what can I say? I love him.” 
Gob's breath caught in his throat, and he tried desperately to keep from choking as his grip on the side of the building tightened painfully, his bony fingers digging into the metal with such force, he was liable to bend it.
Nova whistled long and low at that, the butt of her cigarette flying off the balcony as she turned to face Lone, and Gob shifted hastily back against the building once more, hoping he was still concealed. 
“That’s quite the declaration there, hon. You tell him that?” 
“Well, no, not quite… But I plan to, and soon, I think.”
“Hm. Just be careful. Dangerous thing to tell a man.” The door to the saloon creaked open as the sound of Nova’s voice shifted, “Though actually, since it’s Gob, I take it back. Lord knows he needs to hear that more than most. And from you? Poor guy won’t know what to do with himself.” 
Lone laughed again, more genuine this time, less embarrassed, and Gob’s heart thudded hard against his ribcage, a feeling of chills erupting over his ruined skin as he tried in vain to keep his labored breathing quiet. 
The door to the bar slammed to a close, jolting the wall Gob was still leaning against.
But he hardly even felt it. 
They love me? Love?! H-how.. How can they? Why? 
How could he possibly pretend he didn’t know what they’d said when he saw them next? Even now, he found it impossible to contain himself, his entire body vibrating with a giddy energy he didn’t even know he was capable of possessing. 
Lone loves me.
Gob stood shakily from where he was kneeling beside the saloon, his mind going into overdrive as he realized Nova, and soon enough, Lone, would notice his absence in the bar. He turned back to the garbage bags, reaching for one as he took a step forward, but his foot caught on the first step up to the back door, and he fell forward, cringing less at the pain and more at the loud clang that rang out over the town as the better part of his body crashed into the metal building. 
“Aw, dammit.” He grumbled, glancing over his shoulder rapidly in search of Lone. 
The ghoul held still a moment, sighing in relief when he didn’t hear a sound beyond his own breathing. He stood up and brushed himself off brusquely. 
Still need to get in there quick.
“Gob? What are you– Oh, are you okay?” 
The ghoul’s blood ran cold.
“F-fine, Lone, I just– um…” He stuttered out as he turned to face them with a nervous smile.
Dammit, I was right. 
The ghoul’s mouth refused to cooperate as his thoughts scattered in every direction at the sight of his partner. 
Of the one who loved him. 
He gulped.
“You didn’t hit your head, did you?” They asked, reaching a hand out as if to brush it over his head, but he shook his head firmly, stalling their movement. 
“You look so… So red… Are you sure you’re not hurt?” He nodded to them, willing his body to cool down, willing his tongue to untangle, willing himself to meet their eyes, but he simply couldn’t. 
“A-are you blushing? Sweetie, I didn’t know you could blush. What’s going on?”
Finally their hand met his face, and the world seemed to quit its confusing spinning, his heart stilled its frantic pounding, and he could finally meet their concerned gaze. His eyes were apologetic as he looked at them, swallowing hard as a few fragmented words began to creep into his mind.
“O-oh. Oh no.” Lone’s eyes widened, and Gob didn’t have to say a word. “No, you didn’t! Tell me you didn’t… You heard it?! How much did you hear?” 
They pulled their hand away from him, their voice desperate and loud as they questioned him with panic etched all over their face.
Gob tried to stay calm, his skin feeling warmer than coals as the words of explanation formed on his tongue. 
What if that does it? What if this is it? What if I just ruined this?  
“Not, well, I don’t think, I just–” He stuttered out awkwardly, willing his voice not to crack with the fear he felt bubbling up in his chest, “Well, I don’t think that I heard all of it, but… Yeah, I did, ah, I heard that last part.” Gob’s head hung low at the end of his confession, as he saw the disappointment in Lone’s eyes. 
Had they ever really planned on telling me? Were they just saying that to Nova, to make her feel better? Did they really even mean it?
“I’m so sorry, Lone.”
“You don’t have to be sorry.” They told him gently, and he raised his eyes hesitantly to meet theirs. 
“I just… I wish I could’ve told you in a different way. Made it really special.”
“It was. Lone, honey, it was special.” He said quickly, both of his hands reaching out to grasp one of Lone’s, before he even realized he was doing it.
“It means the world to me. Nobody’s ever- I mean, I haven’t ever- I just…” Their eyes shone as they waited for him to finish, and Gob took a deep breath.
“Lone,” He whispered, “I feel the same way.”
“Your eyes, John…” 
“Your eyes… They are the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen.” 
Hancock smiled as his partner looked on, reverent in the haze of the Day Tripper they’d taken. They leaned forward from where they were seated, practically in his lap, with one hand against his chest, and fixed him with their appreciative, half-lidded gaze. 
“My eyes are black, Sunshine.” He pecked their nose with his meager lips, taking full advantage of their close proximity to him. “And not kill the vibe or anything, but I think you’ve had enough of these for today.” His hand gently pulled the Day Tripper bottle away from their grasp, but his partner hardly seemed to notice. 
“They are not ‘black’ in that dismissive way you just said they are." They pouted, "Your eyes… They don’t have color, really, but they have depth. Texture.”
“Uh huh.” Hancock tried to withhold the broad, toothy grin that threatened to spread across his lips as Sole looked at him in complete seriousness. 
Damn, they’re cute. 
He raised a hand to the side of their face, caressing it lovingly as one thumb stroked over the soft swell of their cheek.
But should I really have let them take two of those pills? Hm. 
“They’re like space." Sole continued, one hand waving dramatically towards the sky at their declaration.
"Like galaxies and nebulae and a trillion twinkling stars. All wrapped up in a velvety, dark blanket. Not black, but like an inky fabric draping over itself, light catching at each fold, every angle. Full of life, and light, and emotion, and truth.”
“Sunshine, I don’t think–” 
“Shhh.” They brought a finger to his ruined lips, nose nearly grazing the crevice where his once was as they leaned forward with a whisper. “Don’t interrupt, love.” Their lips followed the lead of their finger, brushing his in a light kiss before they pulled back again. 
“I’m not nearly finished.”
Hancock’s apparently mesmerizing eyes widened as they fixed him with a scrutinizing gaze, blown-out pupils sliding their hazy vision over every line of his face, every wrinkle and fold, each scar, and all the complexities of his multi-colored complexion.
Though, as Hancock was much unused to, there was no judgment in their scrutiny. No disgust, no flinching or cringing, not even some morbid kinda curiosity he tended to see in some.
His face couldn’t be chalked up to mere flesh and blood in their eyes. They didn’t see the lines as he did. It was less of a physical entity, and more a mosaic of his person. His character.
In everything, Sole saw the way he had smiled all his life, the way he had frowned, all the speeches he’s given, the manner in which he once combed his hair, and in the way he moved differently once it was all gone.
Sole saw his childhood, the closeness with his family, and then the heart-wrenching pain as they were pulled away from him and made estranged. They could see the years of relentless abuse he’d wrought upon himself, before becoming who he was today. In the emotion written in his scars, they could see his failures, and in the glimmer of his eyes, his successes, and they told him as much.
All of it they said, not with so many words, as they formed and flitted away before their lips had a chance to speak them, but they spoke with their eyes, with their own emotion Hancock couldn’t help but read too deeply into. The intensity of it all forced his hand, inspired his mind to draw connections from nearly nothing at all. The dense subtleties and micro expressions any sane person may have failed to read into, but Hancock wasn’t sane.
He was in love.
And they were too. Of that, the ghoul had no doubt at all. He wasn’t even sure if he’d known that before this very moment. Sole had told him before, sure, but never like this. Saying everything without a voice to back it. The most honest of confessions, and he couldn’t help but confess right back. 
“Damn, Sole…” He breathed over them, inspiring a blink of those brilliant eyes that broke the tension that had grown between them. “I’m so in love with you.” 
To his surprise, his partner looked at him with a flash of disappointment. 
“What is it, baby?” 
“I haven’t even said anything yet. That was supposed to wait for the end.” They pouted rather dramatically. 
“Aww, you didn’t hear all that? Everythin’ you just said? I heard it, loud and clear. No worries there. And no words needed, sunshine, trust me.” 
“Hm.” They pursed their lips, unconvinced. “I think I’ve still gotta tell you anyways.” 
“Sweetheat, there’s nothin’ I’d love more than to listen to your pretty voice sing praises to me all night long, but all that talk just about my eyes? I don’t think you’ll finish before the sun comes up.” 
“If that’s how long it takes for you to quit making all those comments about your ‘ugly mug’ and ‘boring, black’ eyes, then so be it. We’ll be here all night, and into the next day, and all the night after. I’ll keep telling you next week, next month, years from now, when I’m old and wrinkled and a new civilization has risen from the ashes of this ruined world of ours, for this whole lifetime and any others that come along, I'll keep insisting, I’ll keep talking, and kissing, and touching, and loving you until you believe every word with every part of you. And I fucking mean it John Hancock, you know I do.” 
Most of this talk was definitely the Day Tripper. Had to be. At least a little bit. Sole didn’t talk like this, didn’t make big confessions like this, didn’t command him to take their praise so adamantly, but still... every word rang true in their glazed-over eyes.
Whether they were foggy from the drug, or from their affection for him, Hancock didn’t completely know, but he did know that the words people spoke on Day Tripper tended to be true. It was one of the main reasons the drug was dangerous. It helps limit your inhibitions, makes confessions come easy, lessens your anxiety, makes the world seem more open and accepting to whatever strange, deep-rooted, or wholly secret confession your heart and mind held onto far away from the liberating threshold of your mouth. It’s why Hancock doesn’t usually do this one with friends, with people he doesn’t want to lose, with people he’s afraid to trust to stay in his life if they knew all the secrets of his past. He’d told Sole all of this, the dangers of these little pills, and yet, they’d still wanted to try it with him by their side. 
“I do.” He rasped, the words making him shudder as he thought of what they might sound like in some other context, some other promise, down the line of his and Sole’s journey together. 
If I should be so lucky they’d say yes to a promise like that. To a man like me gettin’ down on one knee and making a commitment more serious and binding than being Mayor of Goodneighbor. 
Shit, and I would mean it just as much with them as I did with this town of mine. More so, even.
“I know you mean it, Sole. And I’m gonna really hold you to it one of these days.” He hinted with a half smile as he pressed his lips to their cheek and wrapped an arm around their shoulders tightly, until they yielded in their gathering exhaustion, falling back to rest against him, and sighing softly with sheer contentment. 
“You’d better." They grumbled, "I’ll be waiting with bated breath.” 
“Don’t you worry. You ain’t gonna have to wait too much longer.” They leaned their head against his shoulder, nuzzling into him a few times to get comfortable, and Hancock leaned back, his head resting against theirs as he took their hands in his, his midnight eyes falling to their left hand in particular as his fingers grazed over theirs in a delicate caress, and he daydreamed about the future he'd promised, and they'd promised him.
No. Not much longer at all…
“Joshua?” Your voice carried smoothly over the sand, through the hot, dry air. But Joshua didn’t stir, he didn’t even seem to register his name. 
“You okay?” You pressed forward, craning your neck as you took a couple steps in his direction, trying to see what it was in the creek that had caught his attention so fully. 
“Did you… find something?” You bent down as you reached Joshua’s side, noting the way his unblinking eyes seemed glued to… nothing. Nothing, but his own reflection, staring back with the same intensity. 
The sand shifted beneath you as you settled by Joshua’s side. He noticed you, out of the corner of his eye, but remained silent. 
What could he say? 
How could he speak all that he was thinking, as he peered down at his scarred and bandaged face? Could he voice the way that he feels? So unworthy of your devotion to him, so confused as to why you stay by his side, so appreciative that you care for him the way you do, but so wholly afraid that if he speaks his fears, that they will come true. That, as soon as you come to your senses, as soon as the novelty of being with him fades, you will leave…
Who could love a face like mine? And more… Who could love the man that this face belongs to? A man who has done so much wrong, that his sins could only be absolved through the most violent forms of suffering? And even still… Am I truly free of them? 
He did not feel it. 
“I... am not worthy…” The missionary began quietly, and saw your head snap towards him as the words met your ears. “I am not worthy of even the least of all the deeds of steadfast love and all the faithfulness you have shown me.”
“What?” You asked, your brows furrowing as you shifted your body to face him, rather than the stream of water below. 
“It’s a line from Genesis." He attempted to clarify, "Jacob is speaking to God, speaking to him of his own humility in response to the devotion that the Lord has shown him.”
Your brows didn’t unfurrow. 
“And that… That has to do with…?” 
“I’m not…” Joshua’s jaw clenched as his eyes finally left his own watery visage in favor of hiding behind his downed lids. 
“I’m not sure why I said it. The quote just… came over me.” He lied, knowing full-well that the words had everything to do with you. 
If I tell you that I feel unworthy of you, will that start something? Will that plant the idea in your mind that I don’t deserve you? Will you then act on that idea?
He felt your touch upon his shoulder as your voice met his ears, it was light, but unyielding as your fingers clenched at the bandages insistently. 
“You can talk to me.” You smiled as Joshua’s eyes opened and his gaze landed upon your face, and he wasn’t immune to it. Nor your words, and all that they promised. 
Love rejoices with the truth.
“I’m humbled by you, Six. Humbled by the love you show me every day, and I feel… As Jacob did with the love of God. I feel unworthy of you.”
He felt your grip tighten upon his shoulder as sadness flooded your expression. It pained him to know he was the source of the strife he saw in your eyes.
“Sometimes it’s easy to forget who I am, what I’ve done… What I look like, when I’m beside you, but then, my reflection finds me. Then as I look upon your face, as I remember your deeds and your devotion to me, your kindness to others... I cannot help but feel confused.”
“Joshua, I–” 
He continued insistently, his scarred brow hardening over the intense blue of his eyes as you saw them spark with fire from within.
“I have erred more times than I could possibly count, and yet, each is written upon me, like a shouted word, etched into my very skin for all the world to see. For all who gaze upon me to pity me and my failures, to hate my deeds and to agree that I am unworthy of compassion and repentance. That I am unworthy of happiness, and certainly, of love. They see you beside me, and they know, simply by seeing me, that I am unworthy of you.” 
Joshua’s hand traveled slowly up to grasp at yours. Your eyes were wide and glistening as he gently took hold of you, and removed your touch from him. 
The air was utterly caught in your throat as your partner released your hand from his grip and stood beside you, his gaze resting back on the reflection in the running water that marred his covered features even further with each ripple over the small, jagged river stones that weren’t yet smoothed over by the current. 
“But it seems that you’ve failed to note this. Whether by choice, or simply because you are too righteous to see such things, you’ve still stood by me, even despite all that I’ve done, and that I am... I had to be sure you know the truth, Six. So that you can make your own decision about me, about our relationship… And you can find the words and inspiration you need to leave me behind, and to move on to better things. To be with someone who deserves you.” 
And truth will set you free.
The thought sprung unbidden into Joshua's mind.
I don't feel free.
But perhaps... Perhaps, now, Six can.
Still, you sat in the sand, in shock at everything that had just left your partner, the man you love, and have loved happily for the months you’ve been together.
Where had it all come from?
One moment you’re making camp, waiting for Joshua to collect water, dusting off the fabric of your tent, laying out the bedrolls close enough to later rest in his embrace all through the night, and now he… what? Wants you to leave him?
What changed?
Joshua made a move to step away from you, to leave you kneeling there, alone, beside the river that had apparently inspired these harsh words that encouraged even harsher actions, but you would not stand for it.
You could not. 
“I won’t leave you, Joshua.” You got to your feet as he paused his steps, and he tilted his head towards you, to better hear your words. To hear the justification that he was sure would be well-meant, but ultimately, unfounded. 
“Why?” He whispered, and you got the sense that he was going to speak more, that he would continue monologuing until he convinced himself further that you do not belong with him, even when you know that, beyond all reason, you do.
“Because Joshua, because..." You took a breath as righteous words filled your mind, "'You are precious in my eyes, and honored, and… I love you.' That quote comes from the book of Isaiah. And it’s God speaking to Jacob, telling him that this is why men are worthy of him, and why, even if they’re not, they’re still deserving of unconditional love, even by one as divine and perfect as God.” 
Joshua’s eyes were the ones widening now, and his body turned so that he could face you fully once again. 
“Now, I’m not saying that I’m perfect, but… If God can stand to love you, if he can keep you here, after all you’ve been through, if he can promise you life, even after going through what should’ve meant your death tenfold, then can’t I do the same? Can’t I promise you a life with me, can’t I love and accept you for who you are, no matter what anyone else thinks?” 
Joshua’s light eyes were glistening as they fixed on the sand below him, and you couldn’t help but step forward to try and draw his attention back to you. 
I had to sit through your monologue of self-hatred. Now it’s your turn to listen to all the reasons your words were wrong.
I won’t have you tuning me out.
“After living a life so devoid of it, there’s no one I can think of who’s more worthy of love and compassion than you.” 
You placed both hands on either side of his face, gently urging his eyes to meet yours. 
“Everything you’ve done, Joshua… You’ve been made to pay for. Just as you said, it’s all written upon your body, but it’s here too.” You dragged one palm down to rest over his chest. It was warm to the touch, even through the layers of his bandages and clothes. 
“And here.” The fingers of your other hand brushed over his temple, then his forehead. 
“You’ve paid for it enough. With these horrible thoughts, these feelings of unworthiness plaguing you, every mark upon your skin, all the pain you feel every day. Trust me, my love, you've paid for it. Now… I think God and I both just want you to know peace.” 
Joshua’s hands rose to delicately collect yours, to pull them down in between your bodies. But he didn’t release them from his grasp this time, only held them there, embracing you as much as he could allow himself as his mind still swirled with turmoil. 
“But why?" He asked, "You don’t have to be with me. No one is requiring it of you; and with another, everything would be so much easier. You could be happy… Happier than I can make you.”
“Why you?” You almost laughed at him, it seemed so obvious within the confines of your own mind, the mind that was almost always occupied with thoughts of him only. “I love you, Joshua. I love how you speak to me, how you respect me and want me in your life. I love that I’m able to help you, but you… You’ve helped me more than I think you know.” 
“How?” His voice was so desperate for an answer, it was almost demanding.
“Ever since I woke up from that grave… I didn’t really have a purpose. I didn’t know who I was, didn’t have anyone in my life to turn to, I didn’t have a path... but you gave me one. With you, I could help people in ways I never imagined. You were always so sure of your own path, that it inspired me to be sure of it too. To become a part of your path.”
You could feel your hands shaking where he held them between you. Your whole body was trembling with insistence, begging him to take your words to heart.
Everything about this night that the two of you were sharing once pointed to normalcy. Making camp, divvying out duties, feeling the warmth of the fire against the cool desert air, hearing the wind sweep over the dunes of sand; it was like so many other nights spent with one another. You hadn’t expected to have this conversation, hadn’t thought you’d be fighting tooth and nail to get your partner to understand how deeply you cared for him, how much you couldn’t stand the thought of leaving him, let alone ever consider it without his knowledge. But it was happening, and now this night was so much more important than all those others, because if you fail… It could be the end of all of this. This bliss that you’ve taken for granted. 
You’d survived without him for months before you ever met him, you could find happiness without Joshua, you knew that, but… With him, you didn’t have to look for happiness. With him, it surrounded you. 
“You have made my heart beat faster with a single glance of your eyes,” You said quietly, and even with the linen wraps covering Joshua's visage, you could see the way he softened at your words. “You made me love you more with every word you spoke. I can’t imagine who I’d be now without you, and I don’t want to.” 
Your hands tightened within his grasp, and you pulled his body closer to yours as your eyes stayed locked to his mesmerizing gaze.
 “Darling… in all my life, I’ve never been happier than when I’m with you. Believe me.” 
You insisted, and then you leaned forward even further, and kissed him. 
The thin linen obstructed you a bit, but it didn’t matter. You could feel the heat of him through it, sense the shape of his lips as they moved against yours, as they relented to your touch, and to your words. As he let you love him. 
Joshua’s hands released yours, allowing you to press yourself closer to him as you felt his touch upon your hip, and around the nape of your neck. In the same movement, your arms smoothed over his chest to grasp at his shoulders. He took a deep breath in through his nose, as though he’d been devoid of oxygen until you pressed yourself to him, and you felt the warm puff of air pass through his bandages and caress your face as he exhaled. Subtly, you could taste him through the barrier, the sweetness of cactus fruit, and the tartness of the healing powder he mixed into the water he drank. You sighed into him at the familiarity of it all. His touch, his taste, his burning warmth that sometimes felt unnaturally hot. Enough so, even, that it could scar you in return. 
And though it never had, Joshua hadn’t ever left any physical blemishes upon your skin from his touch, from his love of you, you were certain that you hadn’t gone completely unmarked by him. Like the words he spoke, like the thoughts and actions he inspired, like the emotions that surrounded him in your mind, his mark was within you. And all of that, all of his influence, his own love for you in return, that you felt was as permanent as any scar left upon his own skin. 
“Thank you,” You felt Joshua whisper against you as you parted, but remained pressed to one another. “Thank you, Six, for all that you have given me. I… I still do not feel worthy of it, but, I will do what I can to change that. No matter how long it takes.” 
“Mm.” You hummed, a grin touching your lips as you pressed your forehead to his and closed your eyes, soaking in the simple feel of him. “And I’ll be right here. Right beside you, all the way.” 
You felt the outline of his own smile as Joshua leaned forward, and captured your lips with his once again.
Raul ran a roughened hand over the smooth surface of the wood, a half smile plastered to his lips as he sampled his own work. He gave the record player console table a satisfied nod as he overlooked the polished wood and properly set needle. There weren’t too many records left standing after all was said and done with those bombs so long ago, but still, what he and Six could find, they could now enjoy, and quite stylishly, he’d say. 
You liked these ones, huh? He remembered his partner asking as they held up a pair of record sleeves in an old run down shop near the strip. Dean Martin and Perez Prado… Oh, Raul knew them alright. Then we’ll have to find a way to listen to it one day, won’t we? You could teach me how to mambo.
Though the thought made Raul chuckle at the time, the idea picked at his brain for days after, and this became his project. When Six told him they’d be gone for a few days, running some mission with Arcade, he’d taken that as his opportunity to finally finish it. 
A click of a door lock sounded behind him, and the ghoul turned in time to see his companion enter the room, their face lighting up, first, at the sight of him, and then that of the table and set of tools beside him.
“Hey! It’s so good to see– Oh. Oh my god. Raul, did you… Did you make this?” They stopped briefly beside him to slide a hand over his shoulder, but ultimately, passed him completely as they were taken by the sight of his handiwork. 
“Nah, boss.” He fibbed, “Some crows flew by and dropped it right out of the sky outside the casino. Think they were takin’ it to their nest.” 
Six looked back at him with scrunched brows, even as they kept one hand glued to the glossy surface of the table. 
“But the birds never came back for it. So, I figured it’d be fair game. Thought it looked nicer in here than on the curb, anyway.”
His companion walked forward with a smile, shoving him playfully with one arm. 
“What? You think I’m lying? They were big crows, boss. Guess they like music.” 
“Yeah, guess so.” They shook their head at him, and Raul couldn’t deny the grin that spread across his face, crinkling his dark eyes and making them shine with mirth. 
“It really is gorgeous though, Raul. You’re not just a handyman, you’re a craftsman. An artist. And you never told me.” The ghoul didn’t know really what to say to that, he’d never really thought of himself that way before. 
An artist, eh?
“This detail is just incredible.” Six continued to regard the piece of furniture with awe as they lay their head against his shoulder, and grasped one of his hands in theirs.
“It’s just a table, boss.”
“It is not.” They pulled away abruptly, looking him hard in the eye, “It’s a beautiful table. And a record player! Are you kidding me, Raul? This is amazing. You’re amazing.”
Something tightened in the ghoul’s chest at his partner’s insistence, but before he could respond to them properly, they were pulling away, turning back to the table with intent. 
“Now, let’s hear how she sounds, shall we?” 
Six knelt to inspect the full shelf below the record player, stuffed with the vinyls they had both collected, but never had the chance to play. 
“It’s really no big deal.” Raul insisted, still hung up on his partner’s generous praise. “You were gone for a whole week, mi amado, I had time, that’s all.” 
Their hand floated by the albums slowly as they inspected the titles, finally pausing when they reached that first one they had found all those months ago, and they pulled it free. Six turned back to him as they slid the record from its sleeve and prepared to play it. 
“Even if I had a hundred years I could never make something like this.”
“But I had two hundred. Remember? I've been around a long time.” Six rolled their eyes at that, and though their grin persisted, there was more than just amusement at the root of their expression. 
“Whatever, even two hundred, and I could never do something even close to this. You’re incredible.” 
“You said that already, boss.” 
Before they could drop the needle down onto the record, they turned to face their partner, a prevalent fire blazing in their irises that Raul couldn’t fail to notice, even from the other side of the room. 
“Well, I mean it! You are. And not just at this. You don’t give yourself enough credit, Raul." 
The ghoul's smile perked up at that, and suddenly he wanted to move, to reach out to his partner and show them his appreciation for their words, but something kept him rooted where he was standing. There was a tightness in his chest that seemed to hold him in place. He couldn’t remember the last time anyone had spoken to him this way, even if it was with so much aggression. 
“I’m not your partner because of your handiwork, you know." They stepped towards him as they spoke, only halting when they were at a point where they could wrap their arms up and around his shoulders to meet his gaze properly.
"I’m with you because I love being around you. You make me so happy, I couldn’t imagine not having you in my life. Even just this one week apart made me realize how much I love being with you, even when we just walk beside each other, when we just talk. The things you say…" One hand came up to stroke over Raul's cheek, their thumb running smoothly over his roughened skin.
"You always make me laugh, or blush, and the way you look at me… Don’t you notice when I look at you too?” 
“No I… I guess I never did." He stuttered, "I didn’t think…” 
I didn’t think anyone could ever look at me the way I look at you.
“I don’t know, amor.” He said, resignation plain on his face as the words left him with a sigh.
“Well, then I guess I need to make it more obvious.” Six smirked, and Raul felt a rush of heat wash over him, even as his partner backed away from him, back to the table. To his surprise, they didn’t reach for the needle of the record player, but for the flat bit of the table beside it. 
“So, this part? What’s this for?” They asked as they ran a hand over the smooth wood.
“‘S just the table part." He shrugged, "Could put your drinks on it, or something, no sé.” 
Raul rubbed the back of his neck with one hand, feeling as though he just got whiplash.
How can they just say all that? An' then go back to this? To the table? Ay, ellos me vuelven loco.
Six considered the surface further, reaching both hands to press down on it firmly. Raul narrowed his eyes.
“Drinks’r not normally that heavy, Six.” 
“I wasn’t thinking about drinks… Why don’t you come here?”
With the way their voice dropped at their request, Six didn’t need to ask him twice. Raul took the few steps forwards as his partner hopped up onto the table, their legs dangling down and feet grazing the floor as they leaned forward. 
Raul kept moving towards them, filling the space between their opened legs with his hips as their arms slid over his chest, clasping tightly around the back of his neck.
“Think it’ll hold me?” They whispered with a smile and a raised brow, their firm hold only pulling him closer with the barest hint of pressure.
“Hmm… Depends.” He whispered, as he relented, leaning in close.
“On how much we do.” Raul practically growled as he lost himself in his partner’s alluring gaze, their want for him seeping through every brush of their lips against his, the truth in their words of praise evident in the way their hands grazed over the nape of his neck, over his chest, tugging impatiently at the fabric of his jumpsuit; and in their eyes, closed tightly in pleasure and bliss, and opening only to look at him in a way he’s never been looked at before.
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reader-insert-hell · 3 years
Can you do how itachi would react to his s/o ignoring him for fun just to see how he’ll react?
Also I hope you’re doing well!
absoLUTELY, I love messing with Itachi even if I feel bad after 😅 I could have made this into headcanons. I probably should have made this into headcanons. But I ended up writing a whole thing for it. Hope you enjoy!
And I'm doing very well, thank you! I hope you are too 🥰
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Pairing: Itachi x Reader
Genre: Fluff? Humor? Something like that
Warnings: None
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Being Itachi's partner isn't an easy role. You've had to shield both you and him from family drama explosive enough to blow up the Hokage rock, and the two of you together are still working on unpacking the truckload of baggage it's given him. Still, you think, sighing with satisfaction, days like today are all worth it. You stare fondly at your sleeping lover. The past few weeks have been like this, actually. Free of nagging family, free of brutal missions, just the two of you in your shared home enjoying the calm.
So, as a fun little treat, you decide to cause some drama of your own today.
Slivers of warm light barely peeking through the curtains tell you the sun has barely risen. After a late night, Itachi probably won't wake up for at least another hour. Perfect time to get some training done- at least a few of your go-to spots will be free. Using all of your stealth training you sneak out of the bed and into your clothes. In the dim light you feel around the base of your shared bed to grab a bag of weapons, not caring if it's yours or your partner's. He'll probably take the day off anyways. 
All packed up, you slowly open the bedroom door, careful to avoid any creaking. You'd normally kiss him awake and let him know you're heading out, but today you leave without so much as a peck on the cheek and a whispered goodbye. 
...Thinking better of it, you sneak back over to the bed to give him a peck on the cheek and whisper goodbye. It just wouldn't feel right if you didn't. With that, you hurry out the door.
Itachi wakes up cold, alone and confused. It's far from normal for you to leave without letting him know. Thrown into danger mode, he jolts up and scans the room. Door closed, no sign of struggle, side of the bed tucked neatly, just one training bag missing. He sighs with relief and falls back onto the bed. You're fine. Physically at least. Was there an urgent mission? If you'd be gone for longer than a morning there'd be more equipment missing. Did a friend call you? Wouldn't he have heard them come in? 
...Are you mad at him?
He searches his brain for anything that could have gone wrong. He was a little tired during dinner last night, did he say something wrong? Or perhaps he hasn't expressed enough affection recently? 
Unable to stop his thoughts from roaming too far into hypotheticals, he gets up to make some tea and start his day. He can ask you about this when you get back. 
You ponder what to do next as you spin a shuriken on your finger, having finished your training a while ago. It's close to lunch time. You could go home and cook, but Itachi would likely join you and end your little game too soon. Now, do you eat at a restaurant alone and come home full and satisfied, or do you get takeout and eat it next to him?
The latter sounds more entertaining.
You pick out a small restaurant the two of you have had a few nice dates at. Ordering for two would defeat the purpose of your mission, but you get more than you'd normally eat so you can share it with him when you feel bad and cave in. 
You return home to an empty dining room. Perfect, he's probably in the bedroom. Using your stealth skills once again, you slip into a chair at the table and pull out a book you've been reading. Acting as if you've been lounging at the dining table all day, you eat your food and let yourself get lost in the book. 
When Itachi comes down you've nearly had all you can eat and are reading silently. In your peripheral vision you see his face perk up for a second before clouding with apprehension. You keep your eyes fixed on the book. He knows you can see him, and he knows that you know he can see him, so it's clear that your lack of attention is purposeful. He approaches you cautiously.
"Hello dear." His words are chosen carefully, but he still speaks with a sweet smile. "How was your morni-" 
Before he can finish his sentence you reach out two fingers to tap him on the forehead, still not looking up from your book. "Sorry Itachi, not now." 
The pointed copy of the treatment he gives Sasuke freezes him in place. His expression goes from offended to confused, then back to offended.
"Alright." His eyes narrow at you as he gently grabs your book. "What are you trying to pull?" As much as you try to keep up the charade, his insulted squint cracks you.
"Sorry Itachi," you say through laughs, "I just wanted to see your reaction." 
He holds his glare for a few more seconds before your giggling cracks him, too. He sighs, his shoulders sagging with a mix of relief and exasperation. 
"You actually had me worried, do you know that?" he chides. "I was about to get down on my knees and apologize for something I didn't even know I did." You let out a few more laughs and take his hand.
"Sorry," you say, pressing his hand against your cheek and smiling up at him. "It's been too peaceful lately." 
He sighs again and pinches your cheek with the hand you've stolen before taking it back and sitting across the table from you. He pulls the rest of your takeout to him and helps himself, not bothering to ask for permission. 
"Do you really miss the turmoil that much? Should I schedule another family dinner?" You shudder as you recall Sasuke's outburst.
"Please. This is safe, artificial drama. Who knows what could blow up if we let it leave this house?" Itachi chuckles. 
"Don't let this develop into a habit," he scolds. "I don't know if I could handle this tension from my father and you." He tries to hold a frown for effect, but it breaks into a smile when you grin at him. 
"Well, since you asked so sweetly."
You sit with him as he finishes off your food, chatting idly about whatever comes to mind. You're not sure when a smile worked its way onto your face, but you couldn't shake it off even if you tried. As fun as it is to watch your stoic lover squirm for a change, these moments with him really are what keeps you going.
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littlemissnoname13 · 3 years
Fortunate Misfortune (D.M. x Reader)| Chapter 9: Enough! All of you (vol. 2)
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Summary: Its his last year at Hogwarts and former Hogwarts bully, Draco Malfoy just wants to clean up his act and get through the year. Maybe even apply for a potions fellowship and date Astoria Greengrass. His plan seems perfect on paper except for a minor hiccup in the form of a feisty Hufflepuff girl…
A/n: This multi-chapter has been in my Drafts since before I started posting on here and I’ve taken out so many scenes from it and turned them into one shots in the past. The series is almost completed and ill just be dumping it on my blog over the next few days because I don’t know what to do with it. Please do not feel pressured to read it. 😅🥲.
The first draft of this chapter was way too chaotic so I had to remove some bits. Thats why it took a while for me to update. sorry.
Reblogs and Feedbacks are always welcomed :)
Warnings: mentions of food, coarse language, making out, some slight suggestive themes but nothing too explicit, reader discretion is advised tho
Word count: 1925
Chapter 9 Vol.1| Masterlist| Chapter 10
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I hate this.
I hate it here.
How could you have forgotten about the picnic at the lake? And the fact that Blaise of all people was there to see you wearing nothing but Malfoy’s sweater of all things. 
What must they be thinking?
“You know, we can always rain check if you want.” Astoria mumbled, observing the compromising position she’d found you and Draco in. “Seems like we may have…uh..interrupted something anyway.” 
“No.” You replied, and Draco suddenly remembered to put you down, dropping you on your arse flat to floor in the process. 
“Ow—Please, come on in.” You said, rubbing your elbow as Astoria walked into the room alongside Draco who awkwardly made a beeline towards his precious kettle to pour some tea for Astoria. 
Blaise kneeled on the ground so his face was leveled with yours before putting his right hand forward. 
“I guess I know why you ran away that night.” He said with a playful smirk etched on his lips. The calming smell of bergamot and sage engulfed you as you reached for his hand to allow him to pull you up. 
“No it’s not like that. I just—Draco is just—”
“As stubborn as you are.” Blaise held your hand in his for a brief minute. 
“He is?” You asked when Blaise gently pulled you towards him, placing his fingertips on your lips to quiet you. 
Only retrieving his hand back for a second, Blaise settled on tucking the strands of your damp hair away from your face so that he could lean in and easily whisper into your ear.
“Don’t look now, but Malfoy is looking at us right now.” 
“If my observations and calculations are correct, he is probably going to break the mug he is holding if he grips into it any harder.” 
“Blaise what are you talking abo—”
As if on cue, you heard the sound of ceramic breaking, followed by a bunch of different swear words that would make your mother put you on time out for a week straight. 
“Told you.” Blaise chuckled, sauntering into your room. 
Howling winds, rustling trees, sporadic raindrops and thunderclouds slowly approaching closer and closer. 
Leave it to you to organise a picnic in the worst weather imaginable, with the oddest bunch of people imaginable. 
Blaise was pouring fire whiskey into a thermos from his flask, Astoria was unpacking the food and you were passing it around, still wearing the sweater you stole from him on top of your white dress. 
Worse of all, Draco now found himself sitting on a picnic blanket, uncomfortably squished in between the Weasley twins. 
“Some muffins George?” Fred asked, passing a tray of muffins to his side, holding it right in front of Draco. 
Those muffins don’t look half as bad. It wouldn’t hurt to take a bite. 
“Don’t mind if I do.” Greorge answered, taking the whole tray away before Draco had the chance to even take one. 
He let out a sigh and began counting to a hundred again. 
“Nice day for a picnic, huh?” Astoria joked from the opposite end of the picnic blanket and everyone turned their heads to look at you. 
“Sorry, I can’t control the weather.” You shrugged. “Besides, this was Fred’s bright idea.” 
“You flatter me too much, y/n.” Fred waved his hands dismissively before standing up. “If everything falls into place, Pansy Parkinson should be here in about…..” 
“Ah, there she is.” George completed his twin’s sentence. 
All heads turned to find Pansy, stomping towards them with Tracey and Daphne by her side. Her hair, a bright yellow, her left and right forearms covered In tiny yellow feathers. 
“What…did you do to her?” Draco muttered under his breath, looking at the grinning redheads next to him. 
“Canary creams.” Fred mouthed in a low voice. 
“Only, we changed a few things to prolong the transfiguration. We also have an antidote with us at this very moment.” George whispered back to Draco.
“Enough! All of you!” Pansy screamed. “I’m so fucking done with this. Just make it go away!”
Everyone either looking horrified or biting back a laugh watched you slowly raise your arms to remove the sweater you had on.
Then, you reached for a glass of pumpkin juice and walked up to Pansy. 
“Truce then?”
“Truce.” Pansy screamed. “I call Truce! Just turn me back to normal already—I am getting my pictures for the yearbook taken today!”
You held your free hand out and either Fred or George (Draco was still learning to differentiate between the two) placed a muffin on it. 
Pansy quickly reached for it, and ravenously gobbled it down in one breath. 
Some sparks, a round of collective gasps and within the next minute, Pansy was no longer a half-canary-half-human—although, a strand of her hair black hair was still a bit yellow.
What you did next, surprised everyone though. 
“Here.” You sighed, handing Pansy the pumpkin juice. “It’s only fair.” 
“Why, this is unexpected.” Pansy said, reaching for the cup and dunking the entire contents of it on your head. 
“Wait, those muffins were antidotes?” Draco rubbed his face in confusion. 
“Only some.” The twins replied in unison with their eyes still fixed on the exchange taking place in between you and Pansy Parkinson. 
“You know, Pumpkin juice also stains quite a bit.” Pansy broke into a small smile. “And your dress, just so conveniently happens to be white.” 
Pansy Parkinson was many things. 
She was a prefect back in fifth year, she was one of Draco Malfoy’s many ex girlfriends, she was glamorous, polished, ruthless and sometimes outright mean.
But the way she behaved all cold and conniving was just a means to hide how vulnerable and insecure she really was.
Her pretty coffin shaped nails and designer boots only managed to hide so much. 
In those rare moments where she smiled her true smile, the idea of being friends with her didn’t seem so preposterous. 
“100 points to Slytherin.” You gave Pansy a half smile in return before picking up Draco’s sweater from the ground. 
“Where are you going?” You heard Draco call out as you proceeded to walk away from the group. 
“To clean up.” 
“You know, you are right next to a lake right?” He pointed out, jogging behind you to keep up as you walked farther and farther away from the group till you were at a mossy and secluded lake shore. 
“I can’t swim.” You muttered, kneeling at the sore to splash some cool water onto your face. 
Draco was around all the time and it was starting to mess with your head.
He brought you food from four broomsticks and gave you his sweater. He stole decorations from the Muggle studies club just so you could have a perfect night with Blaise. 
He kissed you. 
He kissed you several times. 
“Draco, I know you are a stalker but you don’t have to follow me all the time.” You sighed, turning your head up to look at him.
His eyes matched the dark grey sky that was now starting to roar.
“Go back to the picnic, it looked like you were enjoying Fred and George’s company and may I remind you that Astoria is there too?” 
He just stared at you, hands shoved into his pockets, without blinking those blue-grey eyes even once.
“You can’t swim?”  He finally asked.
“Seriously? You are just going to ignore everything else I just said?” You threw your hands up in frustration, splashing droplets of lake water his way. 
He didn’t say a word, just took a step forward and kneeled down next to you. 
“Go back, Draco.” You said firmly. 
Leave it to Draco Malfoy to do the exact opposite as you observed him quietly kick off his shoes. 
“What are you—”
The rest of your words were drowned out by the sound of the large splash in the otherwise still water when Draco threw himself into the lake.
Before you could find the time to panic or hyperventilate, he quickly emerged from the water and slicked back his hair.
The wet fabric of his cotton shirt was sticking to his body and your mind was suddenly reeling at the sight.
Draco brought his left hand above the water and you found yourself instantly wanting to reach out—to reach for him.
“Trust me on this, y/n.” He said, and you couldn’t figure out if it was a statement or a question from his side.
Even though you knew better than to grab his hand, you allowed your fingertips to gently trace his arm and Draco took that opportunity to pull you off the shore and into the cold water. 
You found your head submerged into the blue-black water and it suddenly felt like the lake was swallowing you whole until he finally pulled you up, wrapping your legs around his torso. 
“I told you I can’t swim!” You accused, coughing and wrapping your arms around his neck for extra support. “I could have fucking drowned!” 
He just let out a quiet laugh and it made you furious.
You cursed.
you swore.
you complained.
You even whined and he just waited patiently, using one of his hands to plow the water till you were done. 
“Are you done throwing your tantrums, Catastrophe?” He chuckled, and you scowled at him before reluctantly resting your head on his shoulder. 
The distant cawing of crows was signalling the upcoming storm from the heavy clouds all around you.
Even though you knew a storm was close, there was just something about him that made you feel peaceful and still.
 It was like he was your own patch of sunlight through the cloud. Your own crepuscular ray.
“You think I’d ever let you drown, hm? He whispered softly into your earlobes, pulling you back into the present moment by running his hands up and down the exposed parts of your back.
“I’ll know when I safely make it safely to the shore.”  
He left a blistering sort of heat everywhere he touched—Your arms, your sides, your back, your thighs.
 His touch was a sharp contrast to the coolness of the water.
You closed your eyes and held in a breath when you noticed that his face had drawn in closer and closer to the base of your neck.
When he finally attached his damp lips to the pulse point of your throat and started to suck softly on the skin, you released that breath you were holding in the form of a soft whimper. 
You dug your fingernails into his biceps as he continued to place slow, soft, open mouthed kisses along your jaw, your neck, your shoulders and décolletage.
Just when you were convinced the areas he kissed, the places he’d carelessly marked in blue and purple were about to burst up in flames, rain started to pour.
Soon, those livid bruises on your neck were covered in glistening raindrops.
Those rain drops even caught onto his eyelashes, his lips, his hair, his jaw making him look like he was a celestial being.
You backed away and pressed your forehead on his.
You noticed that his top two shirt buttons were undone like always and you found yourself wanting to run your fingers along his buttons and the exposed parts of his chest.
You even went so far as to let your fingers ghost along his flesh before quickly retreating. 
“You’re doing it again aren’t you?.” He breathed, inching his face closer to yours. 
“Doing what?”
His right hand met your shoulder, and he slowly trailed them upwards till his fingers could grasp the hairs at the base of your neck. 
He was close.
So very close. 
“Pretending like nothing is happening between us.” 
“But this would change everything, Draco..” You began with your fingertips brushing across his chest and resting on the left side. Right above his heart. “You know it would.”
Just hearing the palpitations of his heart made it seem like it would be utterly wrong of you to assume nothing was going on. 
Nobody’s heart pounds that way when there is nothing. 
“Que sera, sera.” He said in a hoarse whisper.
You nodded and your lips finally met his.
🏷 Series Tag-list: @sycathorn-slush @badass-yn @louweasleymalfoy @writeandtranslate @silentkiller2374 @lilmissquackson @mzmalice3 @mvdbldd @emptycanvasthings @likediamondsandgold @hey-asstown @dr4cking @flacalatke @beautiful-y/n @i-have-my-issues @daniellarogers
End of chapter notes: in the original Draft, Draco was the one who was going to say “Enough! All of you.” Not Pansy. You’ll understand why in the next part.
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kiwibirbs-library · 3 years
Hi there - anon with the smut request here. Sorry about that 🙈 what about hc with those boys and first kiss? 😅
a/n: I’m all for the dedication imma go for it sorry again am for the last one tho so like I might throw in some suggestive spice at the end for some 😉
Also I’m guessing you mean first kiss with said s/o and not first first (minus a couple) so imma do that
Keigo Takami
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Why do you do that
He had just walked in the door from a long mission and wanted to sleep
Now you two were friends before yoh both dated so you already a had a key and were waiting for him
It was a very nice surprise really but when you raced up, hopped into his arms, and just kissed him he was left stunned
Like hike up that actually happened right??
Took him a good minute to process and you were about to get down when he pulled you down for more
You smiled into the kiss not even realizing he was walking
Unpacking could wait for tomorrow I guess he though to himself as he walked down the hall to his room
Shinsou Hitoshi
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You were both doing homework in his dorm just chilling
It was nice with his playlist playing in the background and you laying on his bed homework out but being ignored for the phone in your hands
He spun his chair around to look at you before standing up and next you waiting for you to notice him
You poked your head out from behind the screen
“What’s up?” He just grabbed you by your shoulders and made you look at him fully before squinting at you
“Uhhh babe?”
And then he just kissed you??? Like huh??
He backs away with a smile and a nod and goes back to working and your left on the bed like what’s just happened??
Mirio Togata
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You two were moving stuff
Idk why but you were
He was in another room while you were packing a bock and poked his head through the wall
After the mild heart attack scare he gave you you laughed cause he looked rediculous
“Hey hey y/n pssssst Psst,” he was trying to call you over
You went over and leaned towards him
“Why are you whispering?”
“Cause why”
“I’m a thief”
“And what are you stealing?”
Cue the heavenly kissing scene that almost knocked you off your feet
“That” and poof he was gone again
Izuku Midoryia
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You were frustrated cause of a bad grade and just letting out the angry vibes in the classroom
There was like two people there that early in the morning so whatever
And Midoryia your beautiful boyfriend comes in and just sorta comes up and squats in front of you
“Are you ok?”
Literally the only reason he’s like this now is cause y’all have been together for a while but anywAys
“Stupid science test”
“Oh, can I do anything to make you happy?”
You smiled and grabbed his awfully tied tie and pulled him over to kiss him
Bakugou made a gagging noise
“Ok I’m happy”
“Y-y/n!!! I- wha—“
Shoto Todoroki
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Mans legit was just walking to his next class only to get ambushed by mina asking if y’all had had the first kiss
He said no
She said ☹️
And then went on to explain he should kiss you
And he didn’t really feed into it for a bit but you two were in the kitchen talking and it drifted into his head
And he just looked at you sitting cross cross on the counter as you rambled on about some movie you saw the other day
“And then there was this shark that—“
“We should kiss”
“...” cue confused silence
“Wha?!” And then the bursting
“We should kiss”
“Are- Are you sure??”
“Yes” and then he just swooped over you and caged you in all dramatic
Dabi ain’t the only Todoroki with some flare
And just boom
The most movie scene like kiss in my opinion
Like this man hasn’t kissed anyone before and didn’t know what to do but he’s good at it????
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