#anyways. for a kids show it holds up tbh its fun !
mouseplaid · 11 months
wanted to rewatch spooksville bc i was feeling nostalgic and the only version on youtube is the spanish dub but im understanding a lot more than i expected so :) hehe
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femme-malewife · 1 year
Hm hm~
#im lost in my own memories as well as recounting what my mother has told me#i will admit i do not fully recall things from before i was 5. but i do have some vague memories. i KNOW Part of Your World was the...#well...first song i ever memorized. i remember putting the movie in my vhs player and rewinding the song . waiting. then pushing play again#to listen to the song and sing along with it. i would sing With ariel. i spent hours doing this with plenty of songs :)#until i got the hang of it and could perfectly (or as perfectly as a prek age kid can) sing it. i did this with a LOT of songs from movies#i sang disney. i sang barbie. (most specifically “free” from princess and the pauper. tbh tho i mostly sang Barbies part and not Ericas???)#but i did sing all of the other girl parts in that movie...#anyway. i joined choir come middle school. was in varsity. joined the highest choir a little 1st year in HS can join when i got into HS#something i still hold pride in bc we had tryouts for it :) i had multiple solos for choir concerts. in my 2nd year of HS i was bumped up#to Chorale choir (aka THE highest choir...intermingling boys and girls) and i even tried out for Show Choir#which you can only try out if you are in Acapella (the highest a freshman can be in) or Chorale. and only 10 to 12 girls make it in#and i made it in :)#sure by then i felt overshadowed but i had a ton of fun :) i quit choir my last two years bc...#well. i was pursuing a possible medical career via classes#but i still sing to this day. its so Relaxing and releases SO much serotonin. and tbh whats the weirdest part..?#when i try to record myself singing i get all nervous. but the moment i hold a microphone? even if im recording? my confidence shoots up#and my anxiety goes away#i love the stage. i love singing. idc if its ''cringe'' or im a Horrible person for ''loving disney'' but without disney songs?#i might not have grown into the person i am with singing as my biggest passion#so YES im going to see TLM live action in theaters. I. Dont. Care. if people think the movie sucks before they even see it#that shit SHAPED my childhood
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sun-stricken · 1 month
Hello. I absolutely love your Fairy Tail head-canons, especially about demon slayer Gray. Feel free to take or leave these little ideas. Always love when you post <3
Imagine Team Natsu has to rent a vehicle or something and they require actual legal paperwork like a birth certificate and address or something like that (more than just “guild business! Gonna need this!”). Lucy doesn’t want to rent it because there is no way she’s going to be responsible for the inevitable damage. Erza, being the leader and a good friend volunteers. A few minutes later she comes back out, puzzled.
Erza: “why would they need a birth certificate? Shouldn’t me being present be proof enough of my existence?”
Gray starts snickering in the background. Natsu goes in next but comes out even earlier than Erza, cause at least Erza had a probably legal address at Fairy Hills, Natsu on the other hand lives in a house in the woods.
By the time Wendy goes in the receptionist is exasperated. “Yes I understand you are with Fairy Tail but that isn’t until page three of the paper work. None of you have made it past the first page.”
Gray finds this all very amusing.
Lucy: “Since you find it so amusing why don’t you go register, Gray!?”
Gray: mutters something
Natsu: “What do you mean you’re legally dead?!”
Cause you know, Ur just found a kid (the only survivor) and just decided to keep him. Oh, no official rescue crews didn’t show up until two days later? My kid now :)
The search and rescue teams never found any survivors in Gray’s old town so everyone was pronounced dead. The magic council or whoever is in charge of that stuff is also disorganized enough that no one realized that Gray Fullbuster is both a famous wizard and supposedly dead. So, just, Gray technically being considered legally dead the entire time he was at Fairy Tail.
Also, the slayers all going out on a job together(the dragon slayers had to drag Gray). The job turns out to be a trap (surprise!) and the floor just opens up revealing a giant vehicle.
Dark mage: “Ha-ha! I have bested the dragon slayer! The most powerful mages-“spots Gray just chilling, perfectly fine and not motion sick. “what are you doing?” Cause the guy was planning to capture dragon slayer, not whatever a demon slayer was (the dark mage didn’t even know demon slayers were a thing). Gray defeats the dark mage but holds it over Natsu’s head for a week.
After that anytime a large group of dragon slayers takes a job together they take Gray along for “extra security during transportation” or just extra security in general.
I also head-canon that each type of slayer magic has its own unique weakness. Dragon slayers get severely motion sick. God slayers are claustrophobic. Demon slayers cannot handle sweets. If Gray gets even a whiff of cake or any other dessert his gag reflex acts up and he gets really nauseous and other stuff like that. He of course hid it at first (he was afraid Erza would disown him) but eventually everyone learned about the weakness of demon slayers. Natsu teases him about it but never pushes it too far to the point of accidentally making Gray really sick.
Anyways, sorry for the long ask. Feel free to expand on anything. Always love some good slayer bonding head-canons and just Fairy Tail head-canons in general. <3
This was so much fun to make tbh so domt apologize, i love long asks <3 and thank for for what you said ant my posts! theyre fun to make so im glad ppl enjoy them
Oh, you have no idea how often ive though about Gray being legally dead, my personal favorite scenario is him trying to fix it and prove himself alive but cant
“How the fuck would i know my social security number??? i was eight years old! i had no reason to know!!!”
There was no dna or finger-print records of him or his family so he couldn’t prove it that way either. Apparently, declaring someone born or dead is easier than someone ‘resurrected’. To the law Gray of Isvan is dead and although Gray of Fiore bares similarities, they are two different people.
But ALSO to the law Gray of Fiore doesnt exist bc he has no birth certificate. And while hes adamant, he has no real proof beyond his word he is Gray Fullbuster of Isvan.
So basically, According to the law, Both Gray Fullbuster of Isvan and Fiore are dead and never existed, respectively.
tbh this sounds like an identity crisis waiting to happen, but what else is new with him
Erza probably tried to fix it after she was told bc she legally didnt exist for a minute either (never was filed as a real person, she was able to file for a late birth certificate on account that she wasnt claiming to be a ‘separate’ person and also Makarov did it for her) (dont ask why he didnt for Gray, i like plot holes). But quickly realized their situations were very different, him waiting over a decade to check in as a survivor with the proper authorities definitely weakened his case considering he was running around free before he decided he needed a birth certificate.
But hey, as long as he doesn’t need to rent something, or get a license or id, or work somewhere beyond Fairy Tail, or get married, or, god forbid, die again, he should be fine!
i wonder if he would be considered a ‘john doe’ if he actually died again since they have ‘no’ birth records
This also makes games like ‘two truths and a lie’ amazing
“alright so, im legally dead, i legally dont exist, and ive never physically died before” “Gray what the hell do you mean” “Guess the right one and ill tell you” “WHAT THE HELL DOES THIS MEAN THOUGH??”
i love everything to do with the ‘dragon slayers + gray’ dynamic
‘Extra security’ just turns into Gray babysitting a bunch of rambunctious dragons for hours. seriously, get this guy a reward for how he hasnt killed or maimed any of them yet.
Imagine them trying to convince Gray to walk to their destination instead of taking the train
“Its not that far!!” “its fucking 5 hours by train, How long do you think itll take to walk? Why would even you pick this job if you knew how long the ride would be??” … “nobody looked..” “are you actually serious.” … “oh my fucking god”
and thats the story of how one Demon slayer ended up having to babysit 4 very pitiful looking Fairy Tail Dragon slayers on a train. Dude had to drag them off it once it stopped too.
His side career of ‘Dragon Slayer Babysitter’ only gets harder when they realize holy shit! cold compresses can help nausea! and what do they have? a walking cold compress.
Taking a train trip with them just means second hand nausea AND embarrassment, and absolutely no personal space. A dream come true.
At least he gets to hold it over their heads
Tbh i like the irony of Dragon Slayers being motion sick because, yk, dragons can fly, so my hc for side effects for God Slayers and Demon Slayers were along the same lines
God Slayers being wide open space or flying since Gods are like the epitome of freedom? all knowing and have complete reign over everything, But claustrophobia works so much better for that same reason. It would cause extreme panic and rash decisions
And Demon Slayers was the dark because demons are supposed to be these evil creatures who thrive in the dark n stuff? basically it would send a Demon Slayer into a paranoid spiral.
But sweets being a weakness instead is such a silly thing that im gonna take it and run
Gray never cared for sweets in the first place, gave him a stomachache, but now he has to walk away from Erza mid conversation if she decides to indulge, which is almost everyday. She was absolutely heartbroken and devastated when the weakness was revealed, it was such a dramatic reaction one wouod think she was the one with the new weakness
When Gray pokes fun at Natsus motion sickness he’ll go on about how Gray is gonna have the lamest parties since he cant handle even the smell of sweets, especially cake.
A terrible realization for everyone involved with him, on par with when Gray realized he wouldnt be able to have ice cream comfortably again, thats like a staple for ice mages
heart wrenching, truly
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socialtomcat · 29 days
DISCLAIMER. the following post will be discussing characters whose canon consists of around 6 hours of comedic musical improv and most of their personalities are based on stuff i made up/projected onto them or decisions the actors made to be humorous taken deadly seriously. hold my hand. look into my eyes. its all going to be okay.
also there will be challengers spoilers
regarding last post the thing about moshe and neal is theyre both kind of canonically pathetic wet cats so its hard to find tension between them personality wise which would result in the kind of tashi/art vs tashi/patrick dynamic. i think the difference is neals refusal to accept help is more out of principle and in many ways a need for independence makes him much more like patrick whereas moshes difficultness stems from his abandonment issues which means as much as he will huff and get upset when ppl try to help him in ways he doesnt like, he is incredibly loyal and will eventually listen to the ppl around him because he craves both guidance and validation. i think the hotel scene would play out very similar but i think moshe would be more explicit about his desire for an ultimatum (not on purpose) while also emphasising how much he wants to stay with her despite knowing she will never truly love him like that
that post about tashis one true love being tennis and how she will always love tennis much more than she will ever love the boys while also knowing they are her only way to have that rings pretty true for kharm too. like as much as she cares for and loves neal and moshe in ways her true love is performance and connecting with her fans. as much as she spends so much effort trying to maintain her cool persona, she wants to be vulnerable but they all love her so much and place her on a pedestal so its difficult. shes also honest in little ways like telling them her dreams and crushes which feel like a big deal to her but the only time she can really truly connect and be seen is performing and putting her feelings into songs and she knows she wouldnt have that without the rest of the band. when theyre singing together, whether its with a live audience or a jam session, for those moments they truly understand each other and it is kind of like theyre in love. or something. i dont remember the actual quote but u get it
anyway this ties back to art/patrick & moshe/neal playing together without realising the vulnerability in it thats been there the whole time. i think moshes style kind of mirrors art in the way of like his verses are sometimes a little clunkier he might get focused on one thing and have to jam it in there, art might be a weaker player than patrick but he has tells in the same way moshe is kind of involuntarily showing his inner psyche when he sings, and they still connect to each other. havent thought this part out much but moshe being the new kid at school and being welcomed by the others vs art being a “late bloomer” and patrick helping him are definitely linked. if i follow this thread any further i will start experiencing vertigo but u get where im going
im not sure if they would get a similar satisfying ending like the movie solely because theyre very prone to messiness and poor communication and as im typing this im realising thats kind of challengers whole thing so idk. maybe theyd work it out. i think moshe does sort of have enough admiration and love for neal that he could accept it but he might also spiral and get upset and do moshe things etc u get it. i am not going to talk about did system moshe but it definitely adds layers to this that could either bring it closer to the events of the movie or complicate things further (in a fun way) but also tbh moshe does that on his own anyway
ummmmm also blair witchproject is there
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molqr · 22 days
the psycho nuts for the ask game lalala
YAUY C: i love to think of The Characters!!! X <- ask game link lalala
blorbo - fav character(s) - ouh god how could i not go for sasha and milla. its obviously them. oleander and loboto are great too but ohh those two have permenant residence in my mind. i tend to think about sasha more because he's an off-putting and very autistic green science man but theyre both great. milla makes me want to fall down on my hands and knees thinking about her for too long. no milla your swag is too strong. they'll kill you. they should watch austin powers movies together and smoke a bunt. they come as a set tbh. do not seperate!!
scrunkly - the 'babies', cuteness aggression character - half the games cast are teens/kids and raz is Literally Ten so the baby half of this is answered for!! why are you a child! anyway real answer though? no idea. i hardly see characters as the baby unless its for the bit. i want to comfort the kid versions of the adult characters you see in memory vaults though, does that count? enough horrors, lets go get you guys an oversized lollipop!!!
scrimblo bimblo - underrated/underappreciated fav - i think frazie aquato, raz's older sister, definitely has horrors and things going on and i wouldnt object to seeing her side of things during psychonaut's story. like, shes a psychic too! but she kept it hidden from her family because they hated them! and then thats suddenly flipped on its head and everything she was taught to hate about psychics, and by exstention herself, was just a big contradictory lie?? dude. i'd kill. theres more i could add onto this but the context is some pretty big spoilers so i shall zip my lipz.... i also need to think about cassie o'pia more. the tall bee lady!!! i really like her level in pn2, ive gotta dig my teeth into her story more. also her and compton qpr realness!!!
glup shitto - obscure fav - i cant think of anybody who feels obscure to me tbh! even the campers in psychonauts 1 have their own quick moments. speaking of, i'll probably go for chloe from pn1. shes just a weird alien girl!! sheegor too, she's great. a true obscure one though?
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this thing. god i love the stupid lungfish baby its so stupid. it only shows up for like 5 seconds and its so fucking funny god
poor little meow meow - pathetic fav - i cant think of any favs i have that fall into the controversial category so im going for guys who are just lame. and i think loboto has plenty of those moments, it has to be coach oleander. hes really lame. i think hes just neat. i should rewatch a gameplay of the rhombus of ruin again just for him he has some great moments. sasha, are you holding the talking turtle. we love a short king etc. ...oh and maybe raz's dad just a little bit. nothing wrong with him besides being naturally flawed i just think hes a bit lame in pn2 and thats fun actually. does his wife know if hes single? i mean what. who said that.
horse plinko - character i'd torment for fun - oh theres a guy i have in mind but his entire identity is a spoiler. so, besides him, probably sasha. not because i hate him but rather i just want to throw him at the walls and see what would happen, lovingly. i mean i constantly used raz's psi-powers to attack other characters so i guess i was built for this but definitely sasha. i want to turn him into one of those gooey alien toys and throw him as hard as i can at the ceiling <3
eeby deeby - character i would send to superhell - ford cruller. why did he fucking do that. i'd let him out after a while im sure he'd be fine. also those scary children from the milkman conspiracy level because they were creepyyyy...
ask game complete!!!! thankes for reading, wahoo :3
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fluffypotatey · 2 years
Okay so it's only loosely a crossover (the characters don't directly interact until the end) but whatever.
Anyway, after 1500 years, Excalibur has become....kinda like Mjolnir (hammer of Thor) meaning it's semi-sentient and Will Not let itself be picked up except by A) Merlin, B) Arthur, or C) someone it knows to be worthy. The bitch don't stay in the lake, either. It goes where it's needed, and right now, that is the Clusterfuck of Beacon Hills, where it appears buried in a rock (commit to the bit) and when the pack finds it, everyone has a good laugh bc they think it's a prank....except none of them can pull it out. Even with super werewolf strength.
But Stiles can.
(Deaton almost has a fucking stroke when he sees it)
And the rest of it is kinda just vague monster fighting shenanigans at this point, tbh, with plenty of Sterek (obviously) and also Stiles learning magic (I swear I'm not bitter) and at one point there is a dragon that does not get slain but very politely agrees to find a different plot of land to claim after "the blade-bearer" asks her to please leave.
Legit Merlin and Arthur only show up in BH at the end, after the crew is Tired and Bloody and Just Wants A Nap, and Merlin's like, "Christ, can you never stay where I leave you, you overgrown letter-opener?" to Excalibur, and Arthur is just like, "DON'T BE MEAN, MERLIN, hey, kiddo, can I have my sword back now?"
Leaving the rest of them to just be like "..........." bc they just met THEE King Arthur and Wizard Merlin, and they were dressed like a spring break Chad and his prep-goth lesbian wife.
lmao love how Merlin and Arthur come like they've just finished their honeymoon (well deserved tho)
but yes of course Excalibur ends up at Beacon Hills (a beacon for the supernatural am i right? eh?) just sitting pretty in its rock, chilling. it probably didn't even expect to be picked up by anyone other than Merlin or Arthur. sure, Merlin had said "someone [the sword] knows to be worthy" in his spell, but that was never meant to actually happen.
then the McCall Pack saunter in (well, maybe not saunter....more like stumble into the sword's domain because of some outside force or something) and begin their fun little challenge to see who gets to pull the Excalibur out of its stone. it's the most fun the sword's had in ages. then fucking Stiles Stilinski goes to pull out the sword as a joke.....and Excalibur feels its hold on the stone loosen.
oh dear
and you know, you'd think the sword would be pulled out for Scott (main protag and true alpha, all that jazz), but the sword is in Stiles's hands, and now all of them are freaking out (Stiles is the most smug he's ever been, much to the annoyance of everyone).
and then after all the shenanigans are over and our lovely Arthurian duo come in to retake Excalibur. cue Arthur and Stiles becoming petty rivals over the sword because i said so.
Stiles: Finder's keepers Arthur: Uh, no, that's my sword Stiles: And you abandoned it for a couple centuries, and it chose me, sooooo...mine now Arthur: Merlin-- Merlin: No, no, the kid's got a point. I mean, you were dead for 1500 years, give or take Arthur: ....yOU thREW the dAmN sWOrd iN thE fUCkiNG LAKE
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crehador · 6 months
brother crab’s 2023 seasonals in review: summer
surprisingly easy to rank season for me, so i'll get right to it
anime of the season + runner-up for summer goes to...
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undead girl murder farce and zom 100: zombie ni naru made ni shitai 100 no koto! nothing else even came close
i'm giving ugmf anime of the season because i personally vibed with it a lot (murder mysteries with a rakugo flair + arsene lupin trying to fuck the phantom of the opera in the background you really cannot go wrong) and also because zom100 has yet to release its last few episodes
zom100 is such a consistently solid show, though, that even without seeing the full cour i'm prepared to give it runner-up of the season. and it's honestly a strong contender for anime of the year. the first episode especially... i would rank it even higher than the first ep of oshi no ko tbh
lots of sequels this season as well!
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horimiya, bleach, jjk, and bsd. some new snv came out this season as well but since i binged all that at once it doesn't really feel like a sequel to me
anyway easily sequel of the season goes to bleach, largely because of nostalgia won't deny that but also because it's just that fucking good
horimiya however was also an immense delight! gonna miss these wacky kids :')
quickfire thoughts on everything else:
watashi no shiawase na kekkon is the shoujo of the year, there's been a lot of cute stuff lately but nothing comes close to watakon
vending machine isekai was fine and occasionally funny, but kinda shocked it got a sequel announced already. worldbuilding was definitely the most interesting part and i hope we see more of it in s2
dekiru n eko way kyou mo yuuutsu was absolutely perfect, very fun and cute and soothing
okashi na tensei had a promising premise which it failed to lean into, there was little to no BAKING in this BAKING anime jfc
lv1 maou to one room yuusha seemed like your run of the mill shitty ecchi but actually it's NONBINARY OLD MAN YAOI?! and was kinda good. dumb, but fun
ai no idenshi was... well it was episodic which i like, generally, but it really. was not consistent. some good pieces, some not so good. some interesting, some not so interesting. main failing is it really did not imo balance its 'main' plot with its mini-stories well at all
ayaka was fun! it doesn't really hold a candle to k project like at all but at least it was not as bad as praeter lmao
synduality noir (first cour) was alright. nothing to write home about but a decent enough mecha. as far as anime that are game ads go... i'd say it's okay. a little more interesting than takt op to me, though not as visually stunning. and not as compelling as god eater
hyakushou kizoku was a tv short adapting arakawa hiromu's autobiographical farming manga and it was such a delight lol, especially fun if you're a fan of fma or silver spoon. explains so much about ed tbh
hi no tori: eden no sora was a 4-ep ona that i quite liked overall... ending was just so-so to me i guess
dark gathering isn't quite over still but it's fine as a horror that's heavy on the gore (gorror? is that a thing) actually. probably better than fine, it's just not my genre. some of the stories are definitely more gripping than others, but yeah solid horror overall and really good cast (yandere hanakana what could be better)
helck is also still going but has been really solid, way more enjoyable than i'd imagined. it has an 80s feel to it that i love
and last but certainly not least shuumatsu no valkyrie ii part 2 gives us GYARU FUCKBOI BUDDHA once again. what could be better lmao
op of the season goes to zom100's song of the dead by kana-boon! the song itself is a banger and the way the op changes from episode to episode makes it even better
HOWEVER this was not an easy choice lol bleach and even jjk both came in with strong contenders as well
ed of the season goes to heclk's statice by saji! it just. ough. right in the feels
this was not a very blorbo or ship heavy season for me but i have to just repeat ARSENE LUPIN. AND THE PHANTOM. OF THE OPERA. one day i will circle back to this lol
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justsomeno1s · 2 years
BasilKel swap AU notes
Woo! I've been sick since friday, so I figured I'll post some BK swap notes! These are from text messages with my irl friend- We finally beat the Omori route, and were supposed to do the Sunny route this weekend, so if some things seem off, its cause they don't know The Truth yet. (ALSO: THEY KNOW MY USER NOW!! HII!!!)
Anyway! Notes under Read More!
Idea originally came because of the Blurry Kel drawing/mod on Tumblr. Friend lit said "Man, imagine if Kel is the one who went missing instead of Basil?" and so it began.
A couple of HS Skill ideas for Basil: Plant powers, such as vines to slow enemies down or flowers to affect EMOTIONS. Also, I realized the pun Flash Bulb (As in, the kind used for old photography, and plant bulbs) and that's too good to not mention.
Friend was the one who came up with Kel Recording idea, b/c we were discussing what we wanted "his" house to look like. (In replacement for Basil's Shoe, Kel and Hero get a Blanket Fort! You'll see soon!)
This one's a bit weird, so stick with me: Kel's Pet Rock, formerly Hector, currently Roro, is going to be tied to the fast travel/Pluto "replacement". All we have nailed down for now is that most of the planets are going to appear and speak in one way or another (Roughly around Sweetheart's Castle section), and that the Mars representative is going to a giant space dog named Rover, and he'll act as fast travel. [Look, look- No one on this team should learn Flex /hj]
Hero's gonna end up being a bit short tempered by the end of the Headspace section. At first, he can hold it together, but as they search more and Kel goes unfound, the pressure makes him snappy.
Original text from friend: "Hero replacing Kel in bickering with Aubrey because of how callous she is acting about Kel's disappearance and Hero just not taking this well, snaps at her from time to time [return] Basil is just trying to break it up whenever it happens" (I'm not 100% sure how I feel about The Older Brother (tm) arguing with a kid, but it could be fun- or at least interesting)
Black Space is going to be fun! And by fun I mean angsty (hopefully")
I don't think Kel would go quietly. If he can fight, he will. The Neighbor Area and Spider Area would show that best, featuring Kel actively entering a battle against the friends (and dying after refusing to hurt Hero) and fighting Something in the Walls (Overwhelmed and consumed by Sunny's fear) on his own.
The other three are a bit harder to place/closer to the original:
Melon would need to be changed to match the pillows/cardboard aesthetic, but functionally could be the same.
Raft would be weird, b/c again, Kel would fight! If Omori attacked him, then he'd try to fight back, right? Unless he was killed in one hit, I guess, but still.
Treehouse... I mean, I guess it works! Don't fully get the Subtext of that one, tbh.
Then there's the room of original content!! Woo!
Remember Rover? Giant Space dog? I kinda want him to kill Kel in a Black Space room. Like, Rover has a key in his mouth, and Kel trusts him not to bite, so he reaches in to grab it, and naturally, Rover would bite him in half, then spit out the key.
Maybe a side room, where Omori tries to walk somewhere, but his feet get cut up by glass shards? idk
When I get some more time, I'll talk about some of the Real World ideas we came up with.
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juniperhillpatient · 1 year
The Western Air Temple Re-watch
This section of Book 3 is possibly my favorite section of the show because we get to see Zuko as a good guy interacting with the Gaang, which sparks so much joy for me. I'm just gonna be bitter about just one thing really quick - the reason Smellberee & Longshot (some of the most interesting side characters the Gaang has interacted with) aren't there is 100% because if they were the show would have no choice but to acknowledge Jet's death. So like, fuck the writers for that one. Ok, (most of) the rest of what I have to say is positive actually!
I'm gonna say that Aang's determination to distract himself & go play with the other kids is TOTALLY understandable & it makes so much sense with his trauma around trying to learn fire-bending & the pressure he's under - he's still just a kid, of course, he's gonna wanna run & play - BUT it still gets on my nerves, personally. Just because like...Ugh, Katara ALWAYS has to be the responsible one pushing Aang to do what's right & it's really not fair to her.
Zuko's redemption arc & decision to join the Gaang continues to be impressive & it absolutely deserves to be held up as a strong example of a redemption arc & just a beautifully well-written character arc. I already made a separate post about how emo I am about Zuko in this episode but like.....I fucking love Zuko ok, he is just very special to me.
I thought that Zuko rehearsing his little speech to join the Gaang to a frog was so adorable & he says he's not good at impersonations but you know, I think he's pretty decent at them. Also, it's cute that he still says "what would Azula do?" to himself here. Even though they're enemies again, I think he still admires his sister a lot (& definitely continues to put her on an unrealistic pedestal of untouchable perfection, but that's its own rabbit hole, right now we're just talking about a cute funny moment.)
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[id: Zuko smiling & holding up a hand in greeting. end id]
Yeah, tbh, my next couple of re-watch posts are.... probably mostly just going to be me gushing about how much I love Zuko, okay lol
Toph getting her feet burned was pretty sad, but I don't think either Toph or Zuko was to blame here, it was just a well-written misunderstanding/interaction, & Toph was still honest with the Gaang that it was an accident even though she had to drag herself back to camp which - oof. I loved how fast Toph was to advocate for Zuko. I think that this has to do with her not being around when he was the Big Bad but I think it's more than that. I feel like Toph is a very pragmatic & realistic character. She knows that Zuko is being honest, she knows that Aang needs a fire-bending teacher. To her, it's obvious what the solution is regardless of past hurt.
Sokka just cracked me up in this episode & his awkward interactions with Zuko were funny. Zukka rights I suppose.
Katara's scene with Zuko at the end was SO good. Katara does not fuck around at all, & her continued mistrust of Zuko is obviously 100% understandable. I also love that for Katara, this is very personal. She trusted Zuko & he betrayed HER. This isn't just about being military enemies, Katara feels personally wronged by Zuko - & she has every right to. I just loved that scene between them. And... if I was ever going to say Zutara rights, this little era of the show is when I'd say it. It's one of those "ok it's still not my thing but I get y'all" things lol - like ok, the tension of betrayal & hesitance about the new trust thing is kinda fun. For me personally, it's just as fun as the tension between 2 platonic (soon-to-be) friends though.
Anyway, this was a delightful episode & I'm very excited Zuko is now part of the Gaang - even if he has a ways to go to gain their trust! Excellent episode 10/10.
Oh, I almost forgot about iconic behavior points. Zuko gets +100 for his little impressions. Toph gets +100 for crawling on her goddamn hands back to camp & STILL advocating for Zuko. Zuko gets another +500 for helping defeat the assassin that he hired, I thought that made a lot of narrative sense & was the perfect dramatic way for him to prove himself. Katara gets +500 for her speech to Zuko at the end.
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alsjeblieft-zeg · 2 years
343 of 2022
Spotify, SoundCloud, or Pandora? Spotify. is your room messy or clean? In between, I think. what color are your eyes? Grey. do you like your name? why? Yeah, I do like my name. Just I do. what is your relationship status? Married. describe your personality in 3 words or less. Sarcastic, understanding, non-judgemental. what color hair do you have? Brown, at least it looks like that. It's dark. what kind of car do you drive? color? Black Renault Clio. where do you shop? Groceries: mostly Lidl, sometimes Colruyt or Delhaize, or Auchan, but for this, I have to go to France. Clothes: Bershka, Pull&Bear, H&M. how would you describe your style? A weird mix of hip hop with a metalhead. Hoodies, cargo pants or wide leg trousers, black boots or sneakers. favorite social media account? Instagram because I use it for photography. what size bed do you have? Double. any siblings? One sister. if you can live anywhere in the world where would it be? why? I'm Belgian and I love where I live, but the Netherlands would be nice as well. No language barrier, they'd just make fun of my accent. favorite snapchat filter? I don't even have Snapchat. I personally think both the app and its filters are lame. favorite makeup brand(s)? I'm a male, I don't wear make up. how many times a week do you shower? At least seven. favorite tv show? I don't have favourites. shoe size? European 42. how tall are you? 180 cm / 5'11. sandals or sneakers? Sneakers. do you go to the gym? Yeah, I do. describe your dream date. Just hanging out with lots of beer. I don't really 'date'. how much money do you have in your wallet at the moment? 20€ or something, and a bank card. what color socks are you wearing? Grey, but with stripes. how many pillows do you sleep with? Three. do you have a job? what do you do? I do. I work as an electrician in a big, train-making company. Currently on a sick note, though. how many friends do you have? More than 10. They proved it. whats the worst thing you have ever done? I don't know, honestly. Everyone who has ever interacted with me would give a different answer. whats your favorite candle scent? Vanilla. 3 favorite boy names. Joris, Damian, Adrian. 3 favorite girl names. Laura, Sylvia, Monica. favorite actor? No. favorite actress? Nope. who is your celebrity crush? That Dutch rapper Baas B. For a very long time already. favorite movie? I hate movies. I can't sit still for longer than 15 minutes and even the thought of it is terrifying. do you read a lot? whats your favorite book? I do read a lot, but again, I don't have favourite books. I like many books. money or brains? Brains. Having brains, you can earn money anyway. do you have a nickname? what is it? Yeah, Jelle. how many times have you been to the hospital? I go to the hospital at least twice a week. Every week. top 10 favorite songs. This question is quite boring, tbh. You don't know these artists anyway. do you take any medications daily? Yeah, Keppra for epilepsy. what is your skin type? (oily, dry, etc) Normal? I don't know, all I know is that I've never had any acne in my life. what is your biggest fear? Failure, losing, abandonment. how many kids do you want? Zero. whats your go to hair style? My hair is short, so. what type of house do you live in? (big, small, etc) Small terraced house. who is your role model? No one. what was the last compliment you received? That I'm the smartest person in my company. what was the last text you sent? Too lazy to check. how old were you when you found out santa wasn't real? Santa lives in Finland what is your dream car? I like what I have. opinion on smoking? I don't smoke, but others can do whatever they want. do you go to college? I'm on hold from uni, besides having a job. what is your dream job? The one I have. would you rather live in rural areas or the suburbs? Suburbs, I think. Close to the city centre and close to nature. do you take shampoo and conditioner bottles from hotels? Always. I love them. do you have freckles? I do, on my face and shoulders. do you smile for pictures? Lol never. I always look angry on photos. how many pictures do you have on your phone? Several thousand for sure. have you ever peed in the woods? ...is there anyone who hasn't? do you still watch cartoons? Nah. do you prefer chicken nuggets from Wendy's or McDonalds? qWe don't have Wendy's here I think, so McDonald's by default. Favorite dipping sauce? Frietsaus or mayo, or barbecue. what do you wear to bed? Not much. have you ever won a spelling bee? What is spelling bee? what are your hobbies? Radio, but non-commercial. Also photography and travel. can you draw? No, I don't bother trying. do you play an instrument? No, but I wish I could. One of my hands is disabled, so I can't. what was the last concert you saw? Shuriken II, it's a local band. tea or coffee? Coffee. Starbucks or Dunkin Donuts? We only have Dunkin Donuts in Brussels, and I've never been there. Starbucks by default. do you want to get married? I am married already. what is your crush's first and last initial? G. D., my husband. are you going to change your last name when you get married? Nobody changes theit-r last name by marriage in my country. It's not a custom here. what color looks best on you? I dopn't care, I mostly wear black anyway. do you miss anyone right now? Yeah, my husband. He's at work right now. do you sleep with your door open or closed? Closed. do you believe in ghosts? Nah, I don't care. what is your biggest pet peeve? People who interrupt others. last person you called? My husband. favorite ice cream flavor? Strawberry or so? regular oreos or golden oreos? I've never had a golden oreo in my life. chocolate or rainbow sprinkles? I'm not a sprinkles person, but hagelslag (or muizenstrontjes) is a big thing here. It's chocolate sprinkles. what shirt are you wearing? I'm wearing a hoodie. Not everyone wears shirts. what is your phone background? An April Fools joke that is a photo of my celebrity crush when he was younger. I liked it so much that it stayed. are you outgoing or shy? More outgoing. do you like it when people play with your hair? I hate it. I have surgery scars on my head. do you like your neighbors? Some of them are cool, but this Dutch one who lives next door is just an asshole. do you wash your face? at night? in the morning? Mornings. have you ever been high? No, but I like the smell of weed. have you ever been drunk? Many times. I don't do it anymore, though. last thing you ate? Fresh soup. favorite lyrics right now? Too many to count. summer or winter? Summer. Winters get me depressed. day or night? Day, definitely. dark, milk, or white chocolate? No chocolate. Which is funny, given I live in the country that is known for chocolate. favorite month? From May to September, anything. what is your zodiac sign. One of 12. who was the last person you cried in front of? I don't cry. I just can't.
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magentagalaxies · 2 years
📺Favorite Kids in the Hall season?
Answered this a little while back and said 3 but i think i'm currently more inclined towards season 4. tbh i can find a reason to love every season bc they had such a consistent run in terms of quality and each era had something to offer but 3 & 4 are the sweet spot for me, 3 has the highest number of episodes with favorite sketches and really showcases each cast member's talents in an equally great way, but something about season 4 just feels so radically queer in a way that's present throughout the entire show but becomes a lot more specific in that era. like there's a criticism of respectability politics that works its way into a lot of these sketches which i found very empowering watching in 2022. also long hair scott is very gender lmao
someday i'm gonna do a video essay series analyzing season by season for the evolution of the show but for now here's a nice thing about each season:
season 1: so many classics, great way to introduce people to the show, oh my god these are just kids messing around making a comedy show they have no idea what they're doing (affectionate)
season 2: oh damn they've got a bit more money and a bit more experience but they're still just as chaotic as ever so now we get some bigger sketches. also a lot of recurring characters i could've sworn were introduced in season 1 but nope this is their source
season 3: could throw on any episode from this era and still laugh my ass off. the bruce women renaissance (tho i might be mixing that up with season 4). recurring characters start getting a weird amount of lore/backstory/character development and i am living for it.
season 4: queer as in fuck you. long hair scott era. starting to get a bit more experimental with sketch format. also opening title sequence is a vibe.
season 5: experimental as hell (even if i don't laugh at some of these sketches i still respect them for the audacity lmao). since they knew it was the last season they somehow give less of a fuck and have more fun. the finale makes me cry.
season 6: i feel like i'll need a bit more distance from season 6 (and hopefully another revival season to contrast it against) to truly pick out more specifics but tbh i just love that the kids are still just as funny decades later and they had a great balance of old characters with new sketches.
Anyway sorry for writing a whole essay lmao
😈Simon & Hecubus or Sizzler & Sizzler?
Sizzler & Sizzler!! (actually wasn't a huge fan of Sizzler & Sizzler at first but then I saw the "treatment" sketch and was like hold up they have backstory??? and depth??? dave foley's range??? why is dave's jerry sizzler gender???? so now i'm like i could write a whole essay on them too)
👬How many Daves do you know?
At least 6
send me emojis for kids in the hall opinions
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swtki · 2 years
Surprise Pregnancy - Marvel
Summary: Head cannons for how the MCU boys would react to an unplanned pregnancy.
Warnings: mentions of sex, mostly fluff, all characters are pro choice, swearing, slight angst, mentions of cigarettes, mention of breeding kink.
A/N: this is gonna be like the one I did for the HP boys.
Steve Rogers
Okay lets be honest I think that man wears a condom AND pulls out bc he will take NO RISKS.
Until after you’re married, of course.
Then its a sometimes condom sometimes morning after pill type beat.
Its not that he doesn’t want a kid, he just wants to wait until someone isn’t trying to kill him every day.
Steve, who usually has pink cheeks and relaxed eyes, went cold and clammy when you mentioned a late period.
Home tests weren’t really around for him, so he’s used to hearing about cycles and the science of that.
Man gets out a full calendar to get to the bottom of this.
“Okay so if you got your last one here, and then the next one here, your cycle will last about 29 days. Meaning you should have gotten it here but its now two weeks past that point-“
He probably has one of the girls take you to the doctor to get a test.
But he is happy asf when he gets your call.
honestly Steve is from a generation where they gave a kid a Marlboro and called it childcare.
Within 9 months he has tried to give you: Coffee, deli meat, the cheese you can’t eat, sushi, any type of soda to ever walk this fucking planet (plus Thor trying to give you soda from those bougie planets) 
He will not buy a book. Don’t even try to ask him.
Although the apartment is small, its much better than the tower.
Steve is waiting outside during delivery. Support from the hall!
He want’s to name your kid after his dead relative with an old persons name 💀
“We are not naming our child Edna.”
“Is Ashley much better??”
The way this man is so incapable of holding a child in a way that doesn’t make you feel like he’s gonna drop it.
Lowkey afraid of babies tbh
Parenting styles clash of course.
“No I didn’t plug the ‘ wall socket protectors ‘ in. Back in my day-“
Bucky prob the Godfather.
Overall: Fun dad.
Bucky Barnes
He has a breeding kink but like….forgets that breeding produces a human.
Tbh I don’t think Bucky wants kids
Like they aren’t in the plan.
He wants to be the cool uncle.
Also his kids would physically be older than him at some point and thats kinda weird.
Anyways, he’s pretty shocked when you pop up with not one, but four positive tests.
man literally got up and went to another room, he couldn’t deal
ceo of needing to sleep on it
ceo of leaving his gf alone
He comes back all business
“Do you…y’know…want a….y’know?”
Man would pull it out himself if you asked him to I know that bionic arm could come in handy 👀
after many many many hours of talking, you decide the study should be the new nursery.
Oh boy is redecoration a fun time
“I love you, Bucky, but we cannot have world war II memorabilia in our baby’s nursery.”
not too happy about hanging it up in the living room bc he kinda wants to keep his age private yet he will not say “these were my great grandfathers”
Probably carried around a sack of flour so he could learn how to hold a baby
RIP the first two sacks, they were dropped.
refuses to go to classes
will let you hold his metal arm in delivery tho
Steve’s the Godfather ofc
Bucky kind of treats the baby like another adult but…weaker.
He’s so weird around the baby
He adores it tho
Like falls asleep with them on his chest
slightly scary though because he can toss and turn so its good until panic sets in.
over all: fun but chaotic dad.
Loki Laufeyson
Honestly I can’t imagine Loki stays in the courting stage very long.
He’s probably married you, bedded you, and moved you in all within seven months.
And three months after that you’re pregnant with his (first) child.
He of course has wanted this practically since day 1
So when you show him the test sticks he was like 😃 what
then you had to explain what a midguardian pregnancy test was
he was ecstatic lol
Nursery done in a day
Theres gold.
decorative gold
in a babies room.
He extra like that ig
He refuses to let you do anything. Need to stand up? He’s helping you do so.
Need water? conjured that bitch
the way he will not hesitate
He was in the room during delivery, his hand being crushed by yours
Agreeing on a modern name, still with roots to Nordic culture.
Loki wants more almost immediately
He keeps an eye on his baby all the time
and lets you sleep while he casts himself in the nursery to take care of the crying child.
He’s scared for Thor.
Like he knows Thor and your kid might get into some bullshit and he doesn’t want that.
uncle tingz
overall: Protective af
Thor Oddinson
Oh this is a wild ride, strap in.
Bro I know I said Bucky had a breeding kink but didn’t actually want a kid then?
Ok well Thor has a breeding kink and he means it.
You’re both prepared for a kid, so if it happens so be it.
He literally opened a window and screamed “A NEW HEIR IS FORMING!” when he found out.
Still you weren’t exactly sure the two of you should be parents.
For one, the dining room was covered in smashed mugs.
But he loved you and you loved him, so you decided to keep it.
Complete opposite of Loki
Even when you’re struggling to get out of bed bc you’re so big hes like 👁👁 what
Anyways, he does help when he can.
He wants the kid to be a kid, like a normal non-king kid.
So the nursery is pretty modest.
Many earth tones, a lot of traditional norse decor.
He named the baby after his Mother, Frigga
The kingdom was so happy at the new addition to the royal home.
He prob started teaching her to fight as soon as she could walk.
He’s a very protective father
Loki and Frigga prank the hell out of him, teaching her magic and spells.
Overall: Proud parent
Peter Parker
Out of all of them this was probably the most unplanned.
You two are only starting your first year of university, still living in separate dorms.
Your period is like three weeks late.
You’re hoping its just stress.
Then the nausea kicks in.
So you do what any person in denial would do, you go to the campus clinic for an antibiotic or antiviral.
“Are you aware you’re with child?” bruh moment
Not sure what to do, you avoid your boyfriend for a whole week.
He corners you like “🥺 what happen”
so you break down and start rambling
“IwenttotheclinicandtheytoldmeI’mpregnantand nowIhavetodecideifIwanttokeepitornotandifyouleaveIdon’tknowwhatI’lldo.”
hes just like 😅 oh god
Hes supportive, even saying he’ll go to the ab*rtion clinic with you if that’s what you choose.
He doesn’t want anything to hurt you, so he takes over your course work for the time being.
Over the next two weeks you reach a conclusion; You’d like to keep it.
Peter is supportive of course, he always wanted to be a dad some day.
May is kinda disappointed ngl
But she is also supportive, even agreeing to lend a hand so you two can stay in school.
Luckily, you live in a time where parenting and school are able to be done at the same time.
You urge Peter to stay in normal classes so he can stay on track for his masters
You switch to an online program, spending more time at home.
Btw you moved into May’s for a bit
Because although she’d never been pregnant herself, she could take care of you.
Peter really did come over every weekend.
sort of off topic but if the spider bite changed his DNA, would his kid have powers?
Anyways, he was there during delivery and he fell in love with your kid as soon as they were born.
He decided to transfer to NYU so he could stay close
Shitty apartment down the hall from May = new home
overall: king shit
like my work? Reblog so others can see it!!
@dreamy-clousds @mssbridgerton @katiekatbooks
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hollybell51 · 2 years
Chapter One
A goodbye and a hello
A Heart Of Ice - Jack Frost x fem!Reader
Word count: 1093
Summary: after having made some evaluations, you decide that it is time to break away from a certain very important person in your life, and hence make a new friend.  
Notes: age limit is 15-16 (purely because of drug mentions and violence, more on this in the explanation section), and I just wouldn’t feel comfortable with anyone under that reading this xx. It’ll still be here when you’re a little older, it won’t have changed or gone anywhere I promise. Please see the explanation sections, since I feel like this one does need a bit of a background and some justifications. 
Basically (Y/N)/you/the reader etc. is/are a Cupid, so powers over love (including romantic, familial, platonic and all other types). I kinda wanted to take that idea and run with it a bit, so when I wrote this I was like “hey, what if this character had like a kind of split identity?” so that’s what I did, like two sides of a coin (not actually different identities, more like personas/alter egos I guess). I couldn’t really find someone in Greco-Roman mythology to represent hatred, so I chose chaos/strife -- Eris/Discordia. Obviously Cupid is the Roman form of Eros, but Eros-Eris and Cupid-Discordia didn’t sound how I wanted it to, so we have Cupid-Eris. Please don’t crucify me lmao 
Also, I mention “phasing” “jumping” and “disappearing and reappearing” a few times, which basically is how you/(Y/N) move/s, and I had it in my head as being like how Loki does in that Bifrost scene in the first Thor movie if that makes sense... anyways. Also I mention glowing or lighting up, which basically just happens when the whole power thing is being used or when you/her are/is happy... it all makes sense in my head but on paper (computer?) it’s much less coherent lol 
On a more serious note, I need to address the drug references and content warnings. Because (Y/N)/you is/are somewhat an unstable character (I wrote this when I was an unstable character tbh), I wanted to give a sort of vulnerability/weakness to reflect that and where she/you is/are in life in this and the struggles that are faced...? I’m not saying drugs are bad, and I’m not saying they’re good or cool or anything like that (people can do what they want tbh, I don’t really care). I guess you could probably rate this M, maybe MA15, and I know that Rise of the Guardians is a kid’s movie but it’s fanfiction, I do what I want. 
Ok, that’s enough from me, please enjoy!
“Ah,” Pitch sighed, taking up a place on the log next to you. “You should have come tonight, (Y/N). It was wonderful.”
“Yeah?” you asked, poking at the snowy ground between your feet. “Had fun terrorising villagers?”
“Well yes,” he frowned. “I thought you would have enjoyed it.”
“Mmm.” You tossed the stick aside, getting up and moving over to your small pile of possessions. You grabbed a small bag, tipping out some of the dried leaves inside and taking up a piece of paper. You rolled it into a joint, lit the end, and took a drag of the pungent herb inside.
The thing about Pitch was that it was great at first, when he found you. You were alone, you’d been alone for about 5 years, and then he was there. He showed you how to embrace the other side of yourself, the side that wasn’t just Cupid. But gradually it was less “Eris and the Boogeyman” and more “the Boogeyman”. Nobody noticed the chaos and strife you created, it just became a by-product of Pitch’s fear.
You’d made up your mind that afternoon, when the shadows had begun to lengthen and the sun started its descent towards the horizon, when people’s fear had permeated the air with its pungent tang and Pitch’s eyes had gleamed with anticipation. You had to leave. You wanted to leave. 
Now, Pitch watched you from across the small clearing, his expression unreadable.
“Want some?” you asked, holding it out.
“God no,” he said, “you know I hate that stuff.”
You shrugged. “I was just asking.”
He was silent for a moment, then said, “Are you going to tell me what’s on your mind?”
“What do you mean?” You sat down again, blowing out a stream of smoke into the cold night air.
He laughed. “You’ve been avoiding me, (Y/N). I can tell, you’re nervous about something. You try to cover it up with that infernal herb, but that won’t work. So what is it?”
“I don’t know what you mean.”
“Yes you do. You never come out with me anymore, why is that?” He tilted his head to the side, studying you carefully.
You took a deep breath, placing your joint to the side. “Maybe I’m sick of bringing hate and darkness wherever I go. Maybe I want a change.”
“What do you mean? How can you be sick of it? The power I—we hold, how can you want anything but that?”
“That’s just the thing,” you sighed. “It’s not my power, is it? It’s all yours, always you they run from. You don’t hear people screaming “run, it’s Eris!” do you? Nobody even knows I exist.”
“I know you exist.”
“I don’t want to do this anymore, Pitch. I’m tired of being Eris, I want to go back to…” you stood, turning away and picking up my cloak from the ground. You pulled it on, shoving your things haphazardly into your pockets.
“Back to Cupid? You were weak, (Y/N), I made you strong. What’s love compared with the chaos you bring, the destruction! You can’t leave, (Y/N), what about me? What about all… this?” He gestured to the distant village, where you could still hear indistinct chatter and see the fires burning outside. As if those feeble lights would ever keep Pitch at bay.
“I don’t need you to be strong, and I don’t want to be strong if it means I’m just going around wrecking things. You’ll find someone else,” you said tightly, “but I’m sure you can manage fine without me. Chaos, strife, hatred… they’re all things you’ll be able to create on your own.”
“(Y/N), listen to me—” he started, getting up to follow you.
“No, Pitch. I’m leaving, and you’ll be wise not to follow me. I’ve had enough.” You pulled your cloak more firmly around yourself, darting into the trees and towards the village.
“You’ll come back!” You heard him yell after you. “You need me, (Y/N)! You’re powerless without me, you’ll fade away until nothing is left of you and then you’ll come running back!”
You hurried on, your breath clouding the air. You could already feel his cloying darkness wearing off, and with a start you realised that you were physically lighter. You didn’t so much as walk, but flitted between trees like you used to, before you met him and had become the slinking shadow at his side. You breathed deeply, calming the butterflies in your stomach as you grew closer to the lights.
By the time you reached the village, you didn’t even need your cloak. You cast it off, grabbing the few possessions you really needed in your hand. You could always find more of the drug somewhere, you didn’t really need food, and you would be fine without any of the other things for a while. You only needed your bow, and your arrows. You held up the weapons, watching the dull black surfaces as they slowly faded to a kind of dark silver. They’d be back to how they used to be soon, when they brought love and happiness instead of chaos and hate.
You moved through the village silently, everyone around you completely unaware of your presence there. The people around were mostly adults, but you spotted a few children holding tight to their parents’ hands. A couple walked past, their arms tightly wrapped around each other. So much love, such new infatuation with each other you could practically taste it.
Something freezing cold passed over you, and for a moment you thought it was Pitch, then you realised it was just a child. They ran on, completely oblivious to the fact that they ran directly through you.
“Hello?” The shout caught you off guard. “Ma’am, hello? Can you hear me?”
You darted around the corner, following the voice of a boy. He was standing in the middle of the street, his image flickering as people passed right through him.
“Someone answer me!” he called, “Hello?” He looked around frantically, then froze, staring at you. “H-hello? Ma’am?” he waved hesitantly, approaching you. His bright blue eyes were wide, almost scared, under a fringe of palest silver hair. He didn’t look any older than about 16.
But that didn’t matter, what mattered was that he was looking directly at you, seeing you, talking to you. It had been far too long, you realised, since anyone but Pitch had acknowledged -- been able to acknowledge -- your existence. You could have screamed, could have jumped straight to this boy and hugged him right there. 
“Hi,” you said instead as he drew nearer. “Who are you?”
“You… you can see me? You can hear me?” He reached out a hand, gasping when you took it.
“And you can see me. Look at that,” you smiled as your fingers laced together. His skin was oddly cold, but soft, the bones of his hand delicate. “I can touch you too.”
“I’m… Jack. I’m Jack Frost.”
“It’s nice to meet you, Jack Frost, I’m (Y/N).”
Chapter Two
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sj0228 · 3 years
astro notes for fun lol
HEY! this is my first astro observations post so don't be too hard on me lol unless u wanna then sure maybe i can improve them somehow BUTANYWAYZ this is for entertainment purposes only!! obviously these are just my own observations so if they don't resonate with you don't get offended or you're a big ol' 🅱️uss so here they are!! also SHOUTOUT TO MY AMAZING FRIENDS fyi i got sum help from them by asking them billions of questions to confirm my suspicions so uh hope that makes the observations more accurate LOL ANYWAYS HERE THEY ARE!! i'll probably make more in the future cuz i think they're super fun to make :D also if u couldnt tell uhm this isnt very professional im not professional BUT I TRIED TO MAKE IT PRETTY so pls dont be bothered lol im just doing this for fun i didnt even wanna make an astro page so yea </3pretty unreliable LMAOOO
👩🏻‍🦲 the house your mars is in is what pisses you off the most!! (eg. 1st - people assuming things about you, 5th - people beating around the bush, 7th - things that disrupt the harmony of your environment, 9th - the need to hold back your opinions because others get bothered by them being "offensive")
👩🏻‍🦲 cancers are true ambiverts and i've truly never ever seen a cancer who wouldn't be both introverted and extroverted at times. they are always either social introverts or quiet extroverts lol. or both!! (somehow 0_0) they enjoy people's attention, whether it's wanting to be noticed or appreciated or generally cared for, and they need their alone time. they tend to be very productive at those times, too.
👩🏻‍🦲 ok i have a lot of notes for cancers so it's gonna be a lot lmao sorry anyways!! i've also noticed they LOVEEE breaking loose every once in a while, if not every time they're given the opportunity! thing is, it's usually only if someone else is there to convince them or do it with them. they don't like taking risks alone! they are very impressed and fond of the 'wild child' persona people because they bring out the cancer's wild side!
👩🏻‍🦲 libra moons are absolutely loved by people, it's so crazy! like, no matter what they do they always have attention on them. this can manifest badly if the moon person is actually pretty horrible, things they do tend to be overlooked and others move on pretty quickly from their mistakes, letting them do whatever they want. i wanted to give an example but uh,,,,, i shall.. refrain😳
👩🏻‍🦲 libra suns with water moons are so scary when they're angry..
👩🏻‍🦲 cancer moon is what i deem as the zodiac sign cute-ifyer lol. literally any "tough" sign like capricorn, scorpio or aquarius becomes a super cute goofball with this moon. WEIRDEST THING EVER THOUGH is that it doesn't work for cancer suns?! like if a cancer sun has a cancer moon this just makes the person very confusing but very funny. they can brighten anybody's day without trying!
👩🏻‍🦲 okay JUST SO THIS WHOLE ARIES MENTION ISN'T JUST A POINTLESS LOVE CONFESSION - i've noticed a lot of ♥aries♥ people use the laughing crying face emojis (😂,🤣) unironically and it's honestly.....the best thing ever
👩🏻‍🦲 taurus suns do this sometimes as well
👩���‍🦲 THE MOST UNHEALTHY PERCEPTIONS OF ZODIAC SIGNS ARE PUT ON FIRE SIGNS, NOT THE WATER SIGNS AND THIS IS COMING FROM A PISCES!!!!!!1 every stereotype is always showing fire signs as those sunshine of the group people, the baddies, and the ones with the biggest 'idgaf' attitude. and while this can totally be true sometimes, most of the time it's super different! sad fire signs break my heart pls i just wanna hug you guys T-T they have it the hardest because unlike water signs who are already expected to be emotional, they often repress their emotions for the sake of others and because of the fear of betrayal or judgement, or just generally the idea of "it's better to have fake friends than to have zero friends". YOU GUYS PLEASE. cut these people off from your life you deserve soo much better i know it can be super hard to open up for you u just need a hug omg EVERYONE PLEASE CHECK UP ON YOUR FIRE SIGN FRIENDS ASK THEM ABOUT THEIR DAY N STUFF THEY WILL APPRECIATE YOU CARING FOR THEM! pls stay best and take care sweethearts ily!!!
👩🏻‍🦲 i've also noticed that some of the signs tend to show their sadness through anger - this is not just astrology though so if your friend has been jumpy lately please just check on them they are probably going thru sth😳 anyways the signs i mostly saw this in are pisces, aries and libra.
👩🏻‍🦲 cancers with feminine moons (earth and water) tend to be pretty introspective. they often think they're the ones being mistreated, and while this of course might be true, in reality it usually goes a lonnng way back lol. they often pay very little attention to others!! (masculine moon sign cancers (fire and air) can often be too focused on others more than themselves) this can be good because they don't snoop in other people's business but oh my god, guys, please pay attention to your friends, too! this WILL lead to lost friendships because, let's be real, nobody wants a one-sided friendship with someone who only cares about themselves! i don't want to target anybody here but this is just a pattern i've noticed wayyyy too often, so you might want to look into it and if you think this is you all you need is just to enlargen your perspective and it will all be okay. but please, PLEASE. think about your friends
👩🏻‍🦲 i needed to get this^ out because people often put this on leo placements but tbh i notice that leo placements are THE MOST generous of the entire zodiac and they always think of others first and that's what really makes them so popular. they very rarely are as egocentric as everybody says, they're just really loving and that makes them very lovable!
👩🏻‍🦲 scorpio risings are the prettiest people i've ever seen. not even kidding bruh i could stare at them for EVER their eyes are absolutely gorgeous and their mannerisms are just perfect pls marry me
👩🏻‍🦲 gemini and taurus placements make an individual soooo chill to the point where it often makes them lazy and a biig procrastinator lol. tho i love how they make light of it by using their amazing humor!
👩🏻‍🦲 you most definitely have your IC be one of your family members' sun sign or one of their personal planets. i have a taurus ic and my sister is a taurus sun!
👩🏻‍🦲 sagittarius suns are the best huggers cause THEY REALLY NEED A HUG SO GO HUG THEM RIGHT NOW. pls guys why r u so sad..
👩🏻‍🦲 scorpio mars aren't even as sexual as everybody says tbh. but they definitely do have some interesting.....interests ;)
👩🏻‍🦲 pluto aspects to personal planets are very prominent, but very hidden. if you have them, most likely you will be the only person to know about this side of you and it can be pretty dark..
👩🏻‍🦲 planets conjunct your sun will be the people you attract most in your life (venus conjunct sun - taurus and libra, jupiter - sagittarius and pisces, mars - aries and scorpio EVERYWHERE)
👩🏻‍🦲 your moon sign will be the sun sign of most of your friends
👩🏻‍🦲 if you don't quite relate to your ascendant, look at the sign you have in your 3rd house and at your mercury sign. this is how you communicate, convey your ideas etc. and will often be a major factor in people's first impressions of you :)
👩🏻‍🦲 lilith aspecting your sun may mean there's a side of you nobody knows.. 👁👁 you're also probably very convincing and people can be very drawn to you and they can't explain why. this also goes for lilith in 7th, especially in girls!
👩🏻‍🦲 you and your friends probably have each other's sun signs as your personal planets!!
👩🏻‍🦲 the kindest person you know is probably either a virgo or an aries.. and the meanest person you know is also probably a virgo or aries LOL
👩🏻‍🦲 capricorn suns & risings are THE hardest to read!! if they don't say what they mean people will just assume and they're never going to be right it's wild 👩🏻‍🦲 also capricorns definitely have the most dad energy, while sagittariuses are more like actual dads jdbshxcvb
OKAY THAT'S ALL!!!! im sure i have more but its 2 am i have school tomorrow or actually its today now so bye uh anyways there will most likely be more so if u liked these stay tuned!! oh and let me know if they were true witchu :o thats it love u stay awesome and super cool i love u byebye!!
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spooki-ghoztzz · 2 years
Everytime u mention william's intense hatred for vulnerability and constant need for control...man he just like me fr💔 anyway my beloved author i have arrived with a new idea: william and a s/o who's just obsessed with car trips so they'll always insist he takes them for a drive (or even offer to drive themselves when he's too tired for that in case of a bigger trip). They're the kind to piss him off on purpose when they flick the radio to a rock station and turn it up while spazzing the fuck out in the passenger seat as they fix their makeup casually. Also bonus points if they stop in case of an issue and he gets to take a look under the hood bc they think its the most attractive shit ever watching their beast of a boyfriend work on machinery💯💜 insert rihanna's shut up and drive here - will kinnie anon
(me too bestie..me too </3 BUT YEAHHH ROAD TRIP REQUEST! fits well cuz I came back from one like..a month ago or so during my school break.[it was hell btw,got sunburnt on my legs and back </3] and this post will be a bit longer- mostly just me rambling tho )
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William actually loves road trips! He kinda just hates he’d have to bring Michael and Liz along but accepts the fact since you seem them as your kids also. (the two have fun btw..they barely got out of the house till you came around-)
William has to buy a whole fucking van for trips since his poor car can barely even hold itself together at this point. Yeah it’s all shiny but trust me that thing has been through things.
The one thing he hates is having to pack everything,plus since we both know Liz has to bring every My Little Pony toy show owns but Michael just packs some clothes,hair brush,toothbrush,ya know..stuff ya actually need!
You have to basically beg him to take at least two weeks off work for road trips,since one time you has suggested Las Vegas and he just stared wide eyed at you. “Luv,i’d love to but taking the kids plus you would cost a lot just for a simple hotel! Vegas is expensive!” - Will,who still took you and the kids.
 That trip to Vegas was probably chaos,but we won’t get into that-
The trip you all went on was to California (which was a 12 hour drive..help Will istg-) As soon as William started driving you turned on the radio,flipping it to one of the rock stations which made Will hissy as hell since he couldn’t even focus on driving.
Tbh,if this was to take place in the 2000′s,he’d fucking LOVE songs from 2016/ect like “Summer”,”Shut up and dance” you know the songs im talking about- (ones i grew up with and fucking love-)
He does let Michael and Liz pick music though,Michael likes playing Green Day and My Chemical Romance and you can fight me on that- Liz prefers Katy Perry and Lady Gaga.
Michael and Liz are the siblings to fight over the smallest things in the backseat- Will always has way to keep them quiet though,as i said this takes place at least during early 2000′s so he just makes the two watch a movie they both like on the Liz’z tablet.
William likes to talk about the most..random stuff on roadtrips,for example if you two would ever get married,what the wedding would be like,ect. (sncifief he gets soft at random moments,alright?-)
The type of dude to hold your hand while he drives- 
You two for sure take turns driving,he’d drive for a few hours and once you two stop at a gas station for gas you could drive. He also makes sure to buy more snacks for everyone and drinks since Liz probably eats all hers in the first few hours. (tbh,michaels a slow eater so you don’t gotta worry about him)
Will’s nice enough to stop at Mcdonalds for everyone,he may despise the place but it’s to keep Liz quiet.
He also enjoys just watching you drive and looking at you in general during the trip. He likes to see you smile and enjoy yourself. (please remind him that he also makes the trip better,he’s actually worried he’s making the road trip 10x worse-)
If there was something wrong with the car,Will would be fucking pissed- He had just got this van for 200 dollars and he was not letting it die that fast. Okay one..okay yeah you really think him looking under the hood is the most attractive thing for sure-
I mean the fucker unbuttoned a few of his buttons on his shirt cuz he said he was hot and all you could do was look respectfully- (once he’s done he’d just glare asking “..why did yew enjoy that?” “you’re attractive. that's why-”)
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quackisinnit · 3 years
Men in Black au! with Dream, George, Sapnap, Karl, Quackity, c!Technoblade, and Wilbur
Notes: this is for 900 clebration:)) THIS IS SO LONG DKSHS. also i wrote this cause i watched men in black:international the other day
Genre: fluff, romantic, they/them
Warnings: mentions of guns, bombs
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when you first started working with him, he was very friendly and would teach you anything you needed to know
like where the guns are, etc
but from time to time he would be unintentionally flirty
or just make flirtatious comments (sometimes intentional)
"you look good in a suit y/n😌"
"i always wear a suit but thank you"
everytime you hugged or shaked hands after a succesful mission, his touch would always linger
like he would hug you for much longer than anticipated
it would make you flustered but you just brushed it off
soon dream made flirty comments all the time
like all the time
you both layed down on the ground and took deep breaths, that alien was terrifying. "you know, you looked good whole fighting that thing earlier."
this kept on going until you (sorta) catched on to what he was doing
"clay, do you like me?" you said out of the blue. "what? no- our relationship is strictly professional and platonic."
yeah you didn't believe him
and he didn't himself
but then again, he said it himself,
he doesn't like you, right?
okay maybe a little bit
he finally confessed when he thought it the was the end for both of you
the alien threw you against the wall, roaring loudly. it ringed through your ears, causing you to yelp. the alien grabbes clay with its other hand and raised him above its mouth.
"y/n since this is the end," clay yelled, "i want you to know that i like you! a lot!"
you looked at him shocked, you opened your mouth to say something but the creature's scream of pain cut you off. your other colleagues had come to save the both of you.
you both watched as they brought the alien back to where it came from.
"so, you like me?"
"uh, yeah. i really, really do."
"good, cause i feel the same." you smile and kiss clay's cheek.
he would act very prim and proper
and he'd want you to act the same
he would do little things like fixing your tie, fixing your hair, etc
but on missions he would be very rowdy and make bad decisions from time to time but still calm
"y/n, let's drink with them!"
"but what if the-"
"i heard a yes, let's go."
but then the bad guys showed up
"i told you they'd come!" you said with a slightly panicky voice.
"don't worry, the alien is safe and we just need to get out of here. let me think of a plan."
and boom with george's calmness and smartness you survived😎
but you both got a warning cause you drank on the job-
he started acting strange after a few months of working with you
for example, everytime you passed him a weapon his hand would rouch yours
and he would just blush and continue what he was doing
you wouldn't really notice tho since he was subtle with it
george finally confessed after a mission
"get yourselves cleaned up at the headquarters."
"yes ma'am." you both said synchronously. once you were both back at the headquarters, george tapped your shoulder. "uh- so i really like you, can we go on a date?"
you just looked at him, not saying a word. george started to feel more nervous, thinking he did something wrong. "it's fine if you don't want to, i understa-"
"no no no no george, i wanna go on a date with you." george just smiles and grabs your hand, caressing it.
as soon as you became partners, you both got really close a your personalities just matched
anyways, every mission crazy and very chaotic
sapnap cracks jokes all the time
"oh my god, is this alien pussy??"
"sapnap... I THINK SO!!"
its so fun working with him
at the start of your relationship, he made flirty comments here and there
but the longer you both knew eachother, he made flirty comments all the time, like dream
"sooooooo has anyone told you how hot you were earlier?"
"i mean- no? we literally almost got eaten alive"
"well since no one's said it, you looked pretty hot earlier"
for some reason he likes saying those comments everytime your both about to die
or when the situation is just bad
"hey you look pretty attractive right now..."
but when he confessed it was during a normal time
you were both talking about a mission you had to do in a few days
and sapnap just blurted it out
"okay so we have to be in paris next week. i think we should ask-"
"i like you y/n. a lot, with my whole heart" you smiled, "i like you too." sapnap smiled and and leaned in, "can i kiss you?" you just nod and bring him closer to your chest.
people called you and karl childish and immature during work
but in reality he just made lots of jokes and you both laughed easily💀💀
missions with karl are very fun
fun but at the same time serious
like he thinks very quickly
so if your ever in danger, karl will be there to help
but after you both make jokes directed at each other
"you were the one that dropped the bomb"
"you would've died if i didn't save you🙄"
but its all light hearted and you care for each other
anyways he started to act more serious and calm around you
sometimes nervous
like after every mission you hug
and everytime you both do it you could just feel karl's heart beating so fast
"karl are you alright? you're heart is beating really fast"
"oh uh- yeah. just shocked from the mission and all"
he would also ask you if you're hurt/okay way more
"oh god y/n, are you alright?"
"yeah it's just a scratch"
"okay, if you're hurt just tell me"
he confessed while you were both undercover during a mission
you both sat in the cafe, eyeing the alien that disguised itself as a human. "psst, y/n."
"what is it?" you say, not taking your eyes off the creature. "i like you." karl says quietly. as if he was a kid whispering a secret. for the first time, you take your eyes off the alien.
you look at him, mouth agape. you smirk and chuckle, "so do i." karl smiles and starts giggling, you reciprocate this. "now let's go back to- WAIT WHERE ARE THEY?"
chaotic but at the same time quiet duo
during missions its crazy and some times gets out of hand
but at the headquarters/office, you're both very proper and organized
its just so that you both get assigned into more missions together tbh KSHSJ
missions with him is just
*chefs kiss*
one time you were both fighting the alien and somehow he convinced them for a break?????
"HEY WAIT WAIT. i have to piss, let's take a break"
alien: "piss? break?"
"i have to pee."
and the alien just agreed!?!??????!?!
fortunately, he came back quickly
"okay, i'm back, let's do this😎"
in the end you both won
cause he's alex quackity, what do you expect?
soon he started to act very nervous at random occasions
like you were both just talking about a recent mission you both just done
and you complimented him on defeating the alien
"that was so cool alex!!"
and he just stands there like 🧍‍♂️ "thank you y/n"
and it's not like your first time complimenting him
he just started acting like this out of nowhere
he confessed while you were doing a mission
you were in the passenger's seat, holding onto dear life. "alex, slow down!" he just glances at you in disbelief. "slow down? we're gonna die if i do slow down!"
after a few turns, you reached a long road with a fiver at the end. alex looked aroud to find another road for you to go on to avoid drowning. unfortunately, there was none.
the buttons that cotrolled the car currently weren't working. so you kept on pushing them. "y/n, before we die, i wanna say something!"
"we're not gonna di- oh nevermind, what is it?" you yelled. "i like you!"
all you could do was to push the buttons more aggresively, hoping to get out alive. to your surprise, the car started to float of the ground.
once you had both reached the sky, you both started clapping and cheering. "lets go!"
"we did it y/n holy shit"
"so... you like me?"
"what? no, i didn't say that. what do you me-"
"its fine alex. i like you too"
he would be quiet and professional
also a little intimidating
like on your first mission he did almost all the work
and in a way you were kinda his assistant
at first you thought this was how missions worked
1 leader and 1 follower/assistant
but then you talked to your colleagues about your missions with him and they told you it was meant to be 2 partners, not leader and assistant
so you confronted techno about this
which left him a little surprised
cause he was the one supposed to confront people, not the other way around
this made him intrigued about you
so techno spent more time with you to learn more about you
which caused the both of you to get closer
when people saw this, they were really confused
cause he was so soft, caring, and nice around but around them he was cold and intimidating
but then techno started to act very flustered and nervous around you
he tried to hide it, but failed
like you would just be talking to him and he would just randomly act flustered
"okay so since he's in [street name], we should turn left to catch up." you said while holding onto the steering wheel. "uh huh..." techno just looked at you, not saying a word.
"techno? are you listening?"
"oh- uhm. yeah, sorry." he said as he opened the sunroof and got out his gun.
this kept happening so you decided to confront him about it
(the same way you first confronted him)
"techno, are you alright? everytime we're in a mission or just talking you seem really out of it"
"i'm fine, just tired."
which isnt true?? his whole brand was like staying up and still having enough energy for a mission
so you were suspicious but didnt think much of it
he confessed while you were at a diner talking about an upcoming mission
you drank some water and cleared your throat. "do you think we need a disguise?"
"uhm, i think we need to..."
"need to?" you waited for his answer. "i like you." he blurted out, looking down at the ground tp avoideye contact. all you could was smile, "i like you too techno, a lot."
technoblade looked back up to you slowly with a small smile but with a shocked expression. you cup his cheek from across the table and caress it, smiling.
he would be a combination of george and dream
prim, proper, and friendly
missions with him would be fun but still professional
he'd crack jokes all the time but at the same time he can finish the mission
idk why but for some reason he loves timing himself during missions
"aye y/n, we got 3 days and 7 hours! not as good as last time but still alright"
"wilbur why do you even keep track-"
all of a sudden, he started to be more messy during missions out of nowhere
like instead of having everything in control, everything would be out of place
one time you both almost let the alien escape
"wil are you alright? you've been a little off lately." he rubbed the back of his neck, "yeah, i'm fine, completely fine."
you were worried so from time to time you would ask him if he was alright
and he would always answer with the same thing
"i'm fine, y/n. don't worry about me"
or something along those lines
he confessed during an argument
"wil we could've died! we and many people could've died." wilbur paced around the room, rubbing his neck and running his hand through his hair from time to time.
"i know, i know."
"if you know then why did you do that?" you said, raising your voice. "because-"
"beacuse what wilbur? you're feeling a little tired but you're fine? wil please tell me what's goin-" you were yelling and your eyes started to become moist. "because i like you, y/n. so so much."
he cupped your face with both of his hands as his eyes began to moist as well. "i-i like you too wilbur." was all you managed to choke out. "but please be more careful. you promise?" wilbur placed his forehead on yours, "i promise."
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