#as i often see people worrying about themselves when they start finding they relate a lil too much to aspects of morally dubious characters
writeouswriter · 6 months
People out here like oooh I shouldn't be relating to this villainous character, this character who does bad things, this character who has questionable morals; yes, you should be! You should be looking at the warped funhouse mirror and analyzing what you see there! That is not an accident! The world is not black and white, good and bad, us and them; if you start thinking there's a clear dividing line, that you could never possibly relate or end up like them or they could never have ended up like you, that's how they get you!
You and the rest of humanity are a swirling pool of grey and these characters are, in many instances, a way to reflect on yourself... because recognizing the self through the other not only gives valuable insight into you and those around you in general, but also lets you see how you can avoid making the same mistakes or how you could, given differing and worse circumstances, see exactly where they're coming from and become just like them if the tables were turned, making you more mindful, more empathetic, more open to questioning or accepting your own flaws, and just... so much more.
That's inevitably worded fuzzily, and I've said it before, but the point is, it's not a bad thing to relate to these characters, it's an (often) *intended* and invariably human thing because humans are messy and complex and shaped by all kinds of simultaneously unique and yet universal shared experiences, and in the end, people are people are people, bound by the laws of chaos.
And yes, there may be some exceptions in how you may approach this, but not without nuance.
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loveemagicpeace · 1 year
🩵Astrology Notes🌊
⛵️Leos are dramatic in a lot situations. And many times they turn the drama on themselves. Many times they also put themselves in the foreground or associate everything with them. I have also noticed that when they like someone they will seek the attention of that person in all possible ways.
♥️Sagittarius is often revived by coffee. And they also often have obsessions with the things they love, but this is more visible on the outside than with pisces.
🫧Venus is related to how we give and appreciate love. What someone's love interest is can be seen by Venus. Let's say someone who has venus in sagittarius will give love through activities-and through that you will want to show people your favorite places or share with them your favorite corners. You will always want to find passion and you will show it in love as well. Your love language is passion. Venus in Scoprio- you will share your hidden secrets and things that are personal with people. You will show deep love and want to do everything for the person you love. They will always sacrifice for you if they really love you.
🏝️When you have a Sagittarius, you can't decide where you actually want to live. You fall in love with several places and then you wish to be in several places at the same time. They almost always meet someone on the trip.
🩷Capricorn risings always look like something is bothering them or they give off a intimidating energy. And then people have a fearful approach to them (they don't dare approach them). Many times they don't know how to approach them. But they have a lot of power, which they emit and sometimes they are not aware of it. U have the power never forget that!
🎡Mercury in Scorpio people always investigate - even if it's someone they don't even know. But when they like someone, they want to know everything about that person. And the worst thing is when you don’t know the person's name or any personal information from the person you like.
🍰Jupiter in 4th house transit will show you a new home - & will make you feel as if your home is somewhere else. Maybe you will feel alienated from the home where you live and want to live somewhere else. You can travel to your favorite places or travel to a place you fall in love with. Maybe you'll find out where you'd rather live. You can travel somewhere for a long time. This transit is good for finding out where you see yourself living and what kind of home you really want.
🍍Leos are here for drama, of course so are the fiery signs, but Leos can be the most because it's interesting to them. And when someone starts arguing or something happens, you can see them taking pictures and filming hahah
🪴Virgo placements always look at how they look in public and how others look around them. They don't like someone acting crazy or embarrassing them. They prefer people who are normal / not so loud. And many times I notice that they worry about how they look.
🧸Water moons feel best around water. There is no place that can fulfill them emotionally better. That's why it's good for these moons to live somewhere near water or go to such places, because that's where they feel most emotionally fulfilled. Meditating by the ocean is also very good because it will calm them down a lot.
🍹Neptune in the 1st house feels like a part of you is always in some kind of illusion and in a dream. You feel all things more dreamily and as if you are suddenly in some kind of affected state. At the same time, you can also be obsessed with constantly daydreaming or having your favorite characters with whom you feel that they are like you. When you meet someone you like, you always start daydreaming about them and creating scenarios with that person.
🎈Venus square Pluto- what do we think about that aspect? I think that these people have problems with trust and because of this, many times they reject people who would be good for them and can trust them. But their love can be intense and deep. It can last a very long time even when you think it's over. They need someone to encourage them to start believing in love again.
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carionto · 1 year
What Humans call the "Thousand Yard Stare"
As more and more Humans interact with and integrate within Coalition stations, reports, closer to hushed whispers really, began to circulate of some Humans being... discomforting... to be around.
Initially we thought it was just rudeness or passive aggressive behavior or any number of subtle actions or choice of words, no matter how advanced or civilized there will always be some assholes.
However, when some of these "offenders" were presented to us peacekeepers, we found them to be perfectly polite and reasonable. As our conversation continued and shifted topics, whenever there was a lull or the focus was on another speaker for a longer time, the Human's gaze drifted somewhat.
Sometimes she would look to the side and it was harder to tell what her exact expression was, but every so often she would be looking at one of us, but... not. It was as if she was staring at something behind us, through us even. Beyond the walls of the station, it even felt as though beyond space and time itself.
It was one of the most unnerving and chitin-chilling feelings we've ever felt, but then the Human seemed to notice our change and became that friendly and cheerful person once again:
"Sorry, my mind drifted there for a bit. What were you saying?"
And the conversation continued as if nothing was out of the ordinary for the Human.
Upon our return to our office, one of the Human peacekeepers heard about our impromptu assignment and offered this explanation after we told him what happened:
"Oh yeah, I think that person was a retired firefighter or rescue worker of some kind. Professions like that can be dangerous and you'll eventually encounter something horrible at a disaster site or crime scene. Probably saw someone die, or a person they rescued later didn't make it, or it was a kid... It's the toughest when you're the last one a child sees before..."
There it is again. That look, but with a tinge of sadness this time. We didn't know he was carrying such memories. The untimely death of anyone is a difficult time for those that survive, especially when it is the young whose life was still just starting. It seems Humans with their heightened senses and sensitivity to the feelings of others these kind of experiences imprint a far stronger memory than for most.
"Anyway, we've got a bunch of names for such things, but typically we call it the thousand yard stare. It's an old measurement unit, don't worry about it. I think the meaning may have changed a bit over the years, but basically some people go through traumatic stuff and they decide, consciously or not, to sort of... detach themselves from reality. It's a coping mechanism.
A few people thrive on horrible things, but they're the exception. Most of us would go crazy or depressed or any other infinite bad possibilities our brains can go in if we don't find a way to separate ourselves from certain realities. It can get real bad otherwise. It's rare, but a few go truly nuts and try to inflict their pain unto others. Most end up suffering alone for a long time. And some can't take it anymore and decide to end it themselves.
Thankfully therapists and support options are widely available, so those kind of scenarios are really rare, like... suicide accounts for about three out of a hundred thousand deaths last time I saw those charts. Plus drones and automation take care of most of the dangerous tasks, leaving the vast majority of cases to be caused by interpersonal relations actually. A broken heart is one of those traumas we'll never get rid of it seems. That's just life, I guess."
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anistarrose · 11 months
This is my online accessibility (especially image descriptions) masterpost, which I update periodically whenever I find a new resource or guide. I worry this has the side effect of looking overwhelming in scope, so if you're learning about IDs and/or Tumblr-specific accessibility for the first time, I recommend you start with the first five starred posts. All post titles are clickable links!
*Why and how to write image descriptions (with examples linked)
*Accessibility on Tumblr for new users (has templates, also talks about how to tag for flashing lights to accommodate photosensitive folks)
*I see an image and want to describe it: a step by step guide
*Fanart-specific and Tumblr-specific advice for image descriptions
*How to describe screenshots of tags
Why a short ID is always better than no ID
The key word for writing IDs: "Relevancy"
I want to make my posts more accessible, but can’t write IDs myself: a guide
Google Doc full of template descriptions for memes
Online image to text converter
Describing skin tone and describing hair (heads up that the posts themselves are undescribed and were written with fiction writers in mind; potentially still very useful)
How to remember to write descriptions (spoiler: by putting yourself in situations where you see descriptions more often)
Related, a Google doc of described blogs (almost all the blogs linked earlier in this post have tons of described posts and resources too)
(In my opinion, writing IDs is easiest to learn by doing — but especially if combined with watching other people do so. So follow some described blogs!)
Why not to put image descriptions in small fonts/italics (also, some non-definitive thoughts on IDs vs alt text, and why "both" actually makes sense as an answer in many cases)
More on IDs vs alt text from a visually impaired Tumblr user
Alt text vs IDs vs Captions with examples
Brief Intro to Transcripts/Video Descriptions
The People's Accessibility Discord sever (a very friendly community for crowdsourcing image descriptions)
How to make your blog's colors visually accessible - one of the easiest thing on this list!
Other easy things: show love to artists who describe their work, edit descriptions into your original post when someone provides one in the notes, and copy-paste inaccessible (eg, small text or italicized) descriptions as plain text when you reblog!
Lastly, and maybe most importantly, how to continue writing image descriptions while avoiding burnout.
Let me know if any of these links break! I personally don't describe nearly as much audio/video (got those audio processing issues), so this list is sparse on those resources, but if anyone has good guides/blog recommendations for that too, feel free to add on!
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glowupwithamy · 3 months
Insta Anxiety ? Is Social Media Making You Feel Like Your Life Isn't Good Enough?
I know that almost everyone in this generation especially teens often start doing anything to make their life look good even if their real life doesn't look special but this is not a problem there are always problems in real life and it doesn't mean you're unlucky. When we see good highlights of people on social media we feel anxious and depressed that our life is worthless and then we start finding ways to create and look better on Instagram and when expectations are not met this leads to depression.
Why we are doing this ??
Growing up everyone wants to fit in and be liked but social media makes these feelings even stronger. Both boys and girls sometimes do things that don't really match who they are. They might post revealing photos or join in on challenges that can be risky or not safe. Why do they do this? Often, it's because they want to feel accepted and praised by others. When they see others getting attention for certain actions they worry about missing out or think they have to do the same to be liked. This constant comparing can make them feel bad about themselves and even cause anxiety and sadness.
But Anyways It's Time For The Practical Advice Now *Worksheets in the end*
1. Set some goals that really matter to you like getting better at a hobby, hitting fitness milestones, or just growing as a person. When you focus on what you truly care about offline it takes your mind off comparing yourself to others on social media.
2. Try out meditation to help you stay in the moment and notice when those comparison thoughts creep in. Instead of getting caught up in what others are doing remind yourself of the good stuff in your own life.
3. Remember social media's like a highlight reel of people's lives it's not the full story. Don't let those perfect posts make you feel like your life's not measuring up. Everyone's dealing with stuff they don't show.
4. Celebrate what makes you, well, YOU. Don't feel pressured to fit some mold you see online. Embrace your quirks and what sets you apart from the crowd. That's what makes you awesome.
5. Spend more time doing things that bring you joy offline. Hang with friends explore your creative side or even get involved in your community. Real life experiences beat scrolling any day.
6. Take some time to think about who you are and what really matters to you. Focus on growing and improving for yourself not because of what others might think.
7. If there are accounts or posts that always leave you feeling down or envious don't hesitate to unfollow or mute them. Your mental health comes first and curating your feed can make a big difference.
8. Find your worth inside yourself not from how many likes or comments you get. You're valuable just because you're you not because of what others think.
9. Be genuine on social media and connect with people who share your interests and values. When you're real and authentic you'll build relationships that matter online and off.
The main point is :
When you see those people on social media showing off and posting fancy stories, they're just wasting their time. Maybe their world is limited to just that on social media trying to look good. But here's the thing don't let all of that affect you. Keep your life goals big so these things don't impact your time and life. Your life is different, you are different. This is a great time to polish and refine yourself because half the world is wasting their time watching reels and fighting in comments. So don't feel down or bad about yourself just because of lame people and their lame stories.
Here is the link of self reflection prompts that encourage you to reflect on such social media habits
Here is the link of Goal setting template that provides framework for setting realistic and meaning full goals related to personal growth
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romantichoneypie · 2 months
i am a huge sucker for very wholesome sister relationships 🥺 what are your headcanons for how Lilith and Anazareth treat each other? Do they fight a lot or do they get along, etc etc?
Headcanons for the sisters
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Warnings:Absolutely nothing,maybe a little fluff and healthy relationship between sisters,to make these headcanons I thought about me and my sister
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Having a sister:
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Anazareth At first she didn't like the phallus of getting a sister at first sight, but then she started to like having someone to count on.
The two began to be taught over the years the art of witchcraft with their mothers, who taught absolutely everything, magic, spells, curses, potions and rituals.
When they were younger, they both liked to play, play tricks on each other with small spells or light curses, such as not being able to find something they wanted.
Anazareth has done many things unintentionally when she was younger to her sister, sometimes she wanted to really test the curses and ended up doing it with Lilith.
The two loved to go out at night to see the moon or climb on the roof of their house.
They always told each other everything, almost everything, when something was not said the other always found out.
When Lilith lost her sight, Anazareth was really very worried about her sister and simply wanted to kill the person who did it.
Let's say that even though Anazareth didn't like Lilith's father, the two got together and well... They killed whoever hurt the young witch.
Anazareth made a point of taking care of her sister's scars with herbs and potions, she felt bad for not being able to protect her younger half-sister.
If before Anazareth had something against the half-sister, it changed at that moment.
If the two girls fought when they were younger, their mother simply made the two stay together in the room without being able to leave until they resolved their differences.
Both follow the Wiccan religion, they are not bad people because in the Wiccan religion everything you do comes back to you three times, they just practice the worship of the gods.
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The two have a good relationship as sisters, they love to gossip and dress well.
The two usually take each other's clothes which can lead to problems if not warned or the clothes are with some regularity and if it is an outfit that the other likes, definitely both will get angry.
The two work together so they are almost always together, working and living in the same apartment.
The two are not used to really fighting, sometimes they just want to annoy each other.
Anazareth is very protective of her younger sister.
Both like to do rituals during the full moon to strengthen themselves.
The rituals are even stronger during the blood moon, they often bathe in cascades and perform rituals to female goddesses such as Aphrodite and the mother of Wiccan culture.
I think they must have a necklace or tattoo with the triple moon represents the three faces of the goddess: Maiden, Mother, Crone which are directly related to the phases of the waxing, full and waning moon. (random trivia, these three goddesses are also in Game of Thrones as part of faith seven)
Regarding love relationships, Anazareth is more closed and hasn't really dated one in a while, and is afraid of her younger sister getting hurt by relationships.
Lilith is quieter but would be happy to see her sister with anyone, it makes her excited and she would treat the person well, I think Lilith is quiet about what she feels but there must be someone.
Division of tasks:
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I think Lilith likes to be more organized and usually cares more about cleaning their apartment than anazareth.
Anazareth is a little lazier in this sense because she doesn't see much sense in always having everything clean.
During the morning she wakes up first is always anazareth and she has to make breakfast always.
Lilith doesn't feel much desire to wake up in the morning and only wakes up when the alarm goes off or when anazareth calls her.
Their day is a bit of a routine, Anazareth works in the business from the two in the morning until mid-afternoon.
Lilith makes potions during the afternoon after eating her breakfast, i.e. meat, preferably with blood.
After making potions, Lilith cleans the cauldron that is always used and then cleans up the little mess that anazareth makes to make breakfast.
To really tidy up the house there always has to be music, Lilith who has to motivate anazareth to tidy things up.
For some reason Anazareth is always wearing a white dress dirty with blood, because she does rituals, it doesn't matter to Anazareth but she likes to bathe when she is sweating.
I think that in terms of hygiene they are both very clean and love to be well dressed.
What do they like?:
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They like to do rituals together, in honor of gods and especially goddesses.
I think the favorite goddess of the Greek Culture of Lilith is Artemis,Artemis is the goddess of the hunt and is also regarded as the protector of women and children.
Anazareth's favorite goddess is Athena, because Athena represents wisdom,skilled and I also have a strong connection with war.
They mainly like to observe the sky at night and see the stars, they both like to see the stars and I think they have a telescope for that.
They like to choose dresses together and bem anazareth always criticizes his sister for always using the same color palette.
They would adopt some pet, I think anazareth would have an owl or a crow and Lilith definitely a cat.
They would have skincare nights at least once a week.
Sometimes they braid each other's cords or do hairstyles.
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coolingrosa · 4 months
ooooooo i love rs!ink he's so cute......could you, perhaps, speak about him a little more?? (I've heard he's very similar to Lilo too, would love to hear about his childhood a lil' bit more👀)
Sure! This gives me a chance to also say publicly that RoseVerse!Ink is CANONICALLY AUTISTIC. I stated this in the QNA livestream I did a while back, but I know not everyone watched that as it was mostly chaos. Most characters in Roseverse are not giving canon mental illnesses or mental disorders because anyone can project themselves onto these characters and find traits they can relate to. For example, Killer has no canon mental disorder and is only based on my experience as a 15 year old. Whatever you see fit to fit his mental health is uo to viewer interpretation. But Ink is one of the few exceptions to this as he is canonically autistic.
Now with that out of the way, what was Ink’s childhood like? This will be long!! Prepare!
Ink was created at three years old and was nonverbal up until he was seven. He hardly used sign language besides signing to show he was hungry, he wanted more of something, or to say yes or no. Error and Nightmare were always worried about this, and they did not have the resources to see a doctor to have help in figuring out why Ink wasn’t talking. They had to do with what they could, and learned to work with Ink’s lack of speech. He is capable of more sign language, and does use it when he wants to have a conversation, but that is not until he gets closer to six, where he gets more interested in joining in on talks.
Ink from the ages of 3-5 was very all over the place. He was blunt, and had many outbursts and meltdowns due to Error and Nightmare simply not knowing how to handle an autistic child. While he could not verbally communicate, he would get very frustrated if he wasn’t understood, and often resorted to tantrums and throwing his toys or food when he would want something and Error and Nightmare had no idea what to supply. He also was touch repulsed between the ages of 4-6, and preferred to do his own thing. He’d ignore when people would try to talk to him if he wasn’t in the mood for it, and Error and Nightmare learned to leave it at that. What he tended to do was draw, finger paint, solo play with toys, and sort things. Error once stole him many markers, and rather than jump to draw, he spent hours reorganizing them over and over into different shades and colors. (Based on a experience of my own childhood lol)
Error and Nightmare worked with Ink’s needs and unintentionally created a household perfect for neurodivergent children. The lights were dim, safe food was always in stock, loud noises were kept to a minimum, and Ink was given headphones and comfortable clothes to help his meltdowns.
When he hit seven, he finally started to speak verbally, and then never shut up LMAO. He also became hungry for touch, and was often jumping at Nightmare at random (since he knew Error couldn’t handle it) and climbing all over him. While with Error, he always made his presence known before latching on and not letting go for hours. However, he tended to like Nightmare’s hugs the most, since he’d place his tentacles over him and make a little cocoon of safety. This is also when he got the burst of curiosity for the outside and would run through the woods and grab random animals from trees and bring them home (much to Error’s horror). Think Ame from Wolf Children. That was very much how he was. A wild child who was always getting cuts and bruises but smiling big. Once, he even snapped his arm falling from a tree while in the care of Reaper, and Nightmare and Error couldn’t heal him enough. He forever sports a scar on his arm but continues to climb trees anyways.
When he got a bit older, ages 9-10, he mellowed out a bit with the understanding of his powers. Nightmare helped him a lot with the control of his abilities and magic, and with that came maturity and peace. He preferred to keep the house tidy and fetch dinner still, but in a much calmer way. He’d go out and catch fish or use his magic to catch squirrels. He’d always come home at a good time and would help Errror around the house. He wasn’t as loud and excitable, especially since he became aware of who he was supposed to be at ten, and had to come to terms with the fact that Error was meant to be his competitor, and they were breaking those rules.
Overall, he grows a lot and becomes a child Error and Nightmare are proud of.
Then, on his eleventh birthday, he disappears.
Tragic, truly. It’s a mystery of what happened to the poor kid.
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marcusrobertobaq · 7 months
Why people often confuses Connor's deviancy with Hank's relationship status:
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They got similar impacts after a point the story. Usually when the SI goes up are choices that also gonna impact Hank's rep positively. But as u can see they're totally unrelated, not only in the narrative but also the math system.
So, no... Connor doesn't deviate cuz of Hank. That's not true. I believe the devs themselves realized leaving a dialogue implying that would go against what they constructed and also becoming a plot hole when you're outside one specific route (an issue the game got overall).
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(deviant Connor about Markus if dude got killed in Crossroads)
According to the narrative there may be 3 main reasons why he can choose deviating:
Amanda AI betrayal, when he also thought he mattered enough for CL to not lie to him (Daniel parallel);
Finding common ground with the deviants story, empathizing with 'em (esp the Tracis);
Realizing he ain't doing "the right thing" by helping the megacorporation to repress androids - he included, as they're using him as just some tool.
As he may have 3 main reasons to choose not deviating:
Believe deviants are extremly dangerous to humans, a threat to the country and to innocent people - and he's the one that can help preventing chaos from happening (CL propaganda);
Believe deviants are no better than "bad" humans he met along the way and that he's the one that can help prevent chaos from happening (CL propaganda + experience);
Fear of failing his mission, his whole purpose and ending up as 100% nothing (not useful) for Amanda - someone he got a level of attachment -, consequently ceasing to exist (dying) in the end (not even destroyed but the existence totally deleted).
In resume Connor's machine vs deviancy clash looks like a mix of doubts/conflicts about the deviancy situation + fear of "death" (ceasing to exist).
According to the narrative Connor's main topic related to Hank, something not impacted about the machine vs deviancy clash, is his worry and empathy towards Hank's trauma: mf's a traffic accident survivor, got a bad relationship with androids "cheating death" due to his own son's death as it's basically an INSULT when all the guy wants is having his kid (kids are quite a relevant topic in Connor's arc btw) back in his arms + the belief an android is responsible for Cole's death in attempt to ease his own sense of guilty.
All dude wants is Hank to overcome this trauma cuz it worsened things like suicidal tendencies and alcoholism - and also his hatred for androids.
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Ain't only cuz these personal issues can make his job difficult but also cuz he starts respecting Hank and where mf came from after a point in the game, even if he "hates" the guy's guts.
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I'd say Hank's experience alongside Connor in the case witnessing deviants stories confirming his negative opinion on humans made him realize he was being a coward this whole time attacking the wrong people:
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and sadly his rep with Connor alone is what decides if the guy finally act upon his bullshit and "uses his suicidal tendencies" to fight for what he think it's right (telling law enforcement to fuck off definitely) or die in cowardice in his own house by his own hand victim of this same issue.
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I can't help but say it's again continuation issues as this scene makes no sense when you're outside a very specific route.
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A better summary would be: Connor doesn't deviate cuz of Hank, but Hank "deviates" cuz of Connor (due to bad design cuz Connor himself shouldn't be the reason he changes his mind but the whole picture imo).
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I believe to fully visualize a character and context in a game like this we need to analyze each variation in the story, not only playing a specific route - the easiest one they call "full best ending", the one the game itself helps u to get - cuz it's easy losing context and also a good part of the character's range of expressions. When u do that u realize the character got a base that won't change doesn't matter how u play.
I'm offering y'all material to work with and go explore yourselves cuz i've been seeing some terrible takes recently and got "where tf is this in the canon bible?". What u gon do with this info ain't my jurisdiction anymore, my mission ends here.
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daeguzen · 1 year
Lee Haechan Keeps Breaking Up With Me
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PAIRING | l.dh x f. reader, ft. n.jm
GENRE | angst, slight fluff
NOTE | i just wrote all of this, it's not proofread lol. this is the start of the started with a book series. first book is called laura dean keeps breaking up with me. it's an lgbtq+ comic styled book. the art style is very pretty and the story itself, i find, is good. a coming to age story about friends, neglect, and toxic relationships. i followed the basic plot for the most part but all scenes, characters, and personal story lines are not 100% true to the original book. credits to the author of course for what i did relate to.
WARNING | reader has negative views of themselves, mentions of infidelity, manipulative characteristics, toxic relationships
SONG | i don't know you - the marias
SUMMARY | becoming lee haechan's girlfriend was the best day of your life. he was everything you dreamed of. the most breathtaking, and beautiful lee haechan was someone you were lucky enough to call yours. it goes unnoticed how he easily manipulated you into doing all he wanted, believing the pretty lies that left his lips. the love you had for him was enough to blind you to how mean he could be and how often he broke up with you just to get back together again. no one understood why you kept running back into the embrace of the boy who paid no mind to your pain. when you seek advice from the don't need that love online forum, your forced to face the truth. your heart is breaking slowly, your friendship is falling apart, and you can't seem to do anything right. and what would it take for him to stop breaking up with you?
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Wiping down the cafe table, you find yourself lost in the repetitive motions of your work. You move your arm around, rag in hand, watching as the little crumbs fall on the floor. Placing the napkin dispenser and other items neatly in their respective places. Backing away from the now clean area, you take the used dishes to the kitchen. You hear the faint chimes that sound every time people walk in and out. It’s not as busy, that being the situation every Wednesday afternoon. When you come out back to the front you’re greeted with a small cappuccino made by your co-worker Na Jaemin.
“You look like you need an energizer. Don’t worry, the boss won’t mind.” Glancing at him and back at the drink in his hand you break out in a small but grateful smile.
“Thank you Jaem, what would I do without your kind gestures?”
“Crash and burn.” At that you let out a laugh that makes Jaemin’s eyes sparkle. Something you never noticed, eyes always wondering elsewhere.
“Honestly, I can say you read me better than my own boyfriend.” You also miss the twitch in Jaemin’s smile, lips almost frowning. But he reverts back to his friendly self knowing that the place next to yours wasn’t for him.
“Well I believe that your boyfriend is a little bitch.” You almost choke on your coffee at the sudden selection of words.
“Just saying what I believe. An opinion tis all. Now finish up young lady, back to work before manager Suh comes in and sees you downing his precious coffee.”
“I thought you said he wouldn’t mind.”
“Hmm did I?” You stifle a giggle as you finish up your tasty cappuccino. Although he had been partially messing with you when he called your boyfriend a little bitch, you couldn’t help but wonder if Haechan wasn’t the best boyfriend in the world. You could’ve gone without the name calling. Visibly, you sigh as you throw your coffee cup away, thoughts of Haechan lingering in your mind. Most of the time, the emotions you felt when remembering him were sad and lonely ones. You oftenly had to wonder where he was or if he’d call you. Maybe he’d forgotten about you completely at times. You weren’t sure but you hoped it wasn’t so. 
When the chimes ring again, you look up ready to greet the incoming customer when you realize it’s your bestfriend Mark. Your smile diminishes as you watch the evident frown and glaring eyes. When he stops at the counter you don’t even get one word out before he speaks up.
“What happened to showing up to my show at 4 pm sharp?” Your eyes widen. Shit.
“M-Mark, I am so sorry. I didn’t mean to miss it, Johnny called me in to work yesterday and I forgot to follow up with you. Please I’m sorry, I-I can make it up to you.”
“You can’t because you always do this.”
“What do you mean?” You feel yourself try to hide, curl into yourself as Mark’s words leave painful imprints on your chest. You couldn’t blame him though, it was your fault. Only you were to blame for being a fuck up of a girlfriend and best friend.
“You always come to me when you need something or when you’re down. Mostly when your jerk of a boyfriend doesn’t give you any attention. But when I want to go to you you’re never there. When I tell you I have a show that I really care about that I would love for my best friend to show up to, you forget. It’s not fair.” Mark looks near tears as he speaks to you in a tone that always felt alien to you. He starts to turn away, opting to just leave at that point.
“Markie, wait, don’t go I really am sorry!”
“Fuck off Y/N.” There’s the sound of a choked off sob, tears tricking with a heavy heart in hand. You jump slightly when Jaemin’s hand comes to soothingly rub your back, arms bringing you into a hug.
“It’s okay Y/N, it’ll be okay. If you want, go home and rest up a bit, it’s not a busy day and I can talk to manager Suh.” 
You want to shake your head and say no, that you’re fine and that you can do your job but Jaemin doesn’t let you. And even if his intentions were good, it only made you feel worse. Not only were you a careless best friend and boring girlfriend, but now you were a useless co-worker. Walking out of the cafe, your eyes were trained on the sidewalk, the tears still streaming down your face. They didn’t stop even when you reached your house. Not until you fell asleep with only a pillow to hold.
You spent the entirety of the following week trying to make up for your mistake. You kept apologizing, telling him that you appreciated him a lot and supporting him during his recordings. He accepted it, also apologizing for telling you to fuck off but you told him there was no need. He was right to be upset with you and you promised that this time, you’d work on being a better and attentive friend. Knowing that the only thing Mark was forgetful about was eating properly, you oftenly brought him lunch boxes and coffee from your workplace.
You were aware that Mark wasn’t a big fan of your boyfriend. And it frustrated him to see the frequency of your visits with lunch boxes in hand not because he wasn’t grateful but because he knew Haechan never saw any of this. Your boyfriend was as good as a ghost, even dead. He hoped that one day, you’d have the courage to leave him and be happy. You were his childhood friend and seeing how those eyes of yours morphed into something sad and empty would always be a sadness of his own.
It was Tuesday morning when you walked out of the recording studio, bidding farewell to Mark. You made your way towards the Art Building, where your Intro to Art and Visual Culture class was scheduled in about thirty minutes. You sat on one of the seats in the hallway to wait for your class to begin. Scrolling through your phone, you couldn’t help but see what Haechan had been posting. He told you he was busy, it was why you hadn’t seen him in over three weeks. If hanging out with friends at a bar could be considered busy. You never complained or called him out for anything. You weren’t that type of girlfriend and Haechan would probably be annoyed if you were.
Still, you couldn’t help but wish that those pretty eyes would look at you. You could almost imagine him walking up to you, wearing nothing but jeans and an oversized hoodie. You’d look to your left, seeing him sit down next to you, getting lost in those sparkling and mischievous eyes. The pretty marks that dotted his face, creating the Ursa Minor constellation. You would adoringly call him your little bear because of it. His hair had always looked soft, grown out and messy but it was your favorite out of all the ones he’d worn before. You liked how it almost came around his eyes and down to the back of his neck. When you blink again, his image is gone and you’re left with an empty seat, just a picture of him on your phone case.
Your head falls back gently onto the wall behind you, eyes closing. What would it take for Haechan to just see you? To love you like you did him? He had to at least somewhat love you. He wouldn’t keep coming back if he didn’t, right? It felt more like something you tried to tell yourself to believe instead of what could be the actual truth. Maybe Haechan didn’t love you. Or maybe you were asking for too much when you were not enough. Still, Haechan was yours. At least a piece of him had to be yours, even if your entirety belonged only to him. When your eyes open, moving to the side, you see his smiling face.
“I wish you were real.”
“If I weren’t then what would I be? A ghost?” You blink once and then again. By the third time, he’s still sitting there. That dazzling smirk spreads across his face as it always did. Suddenly, he brings himself closer, head tilting and lips aiming straight for yours. You felt that emptiness fill again, forgetting all the bad thoughts that clouded your mind. Before he could pull away, you surprisingly let your fingers slip into his hair and hold him there for a bit. He lets a muffled sound of what seems surprise as he lets you get lost within him.
For you it was everything but for Haechan, he just relished in the way he held your delicate heart in his hands. Always at his beckoning call even when he discarded you. He could always present himself in front of you and you’d be like a puppy waiting for their master.
He pulls away from you, eyes hooded when he sees you chase a bit after him. You miss the bad glimmer in his eyes, when he takes a good look at your closed eyes, lips colored red and swollen. You feel his hand come up to caress at your cheek softly, a great contrast from the manipulative feelings burning within him.
“Darling, you look so cute like this. Maybe I should keep you waiting for my kisses more frequently.” He clearly knows what he’s doing and saying when he watches the sad frown grace your lips.
“I missed you so much. I haven’t seen you in three weeks now. Where have you been?”
“I told you I was busy doing stuff. My friends needed me. But I remembered about your class today and since I didn’t have anything to do I thought maybe we could go somewhere.” Another frown, another internal flare of manipulative words. A never ending dance doomed for tragedy.
“Hyuckie, I have class in twenty minutes.”
“The same class you attend every Tuesday for five months. Missing one class isn’t going to affect you. Besides, don’t you want to spend time with me? You said you missed me.” Haechan’s hand retracts, his thumb lightly grazing now at your neck. 
“But I like this class a lot.” This time it’s Haechan who frowns, observing how you’ve become a little resistant to him.
“What, so you like your class more than me? I thought I meant more, that I was important to you above all else.” When you see him pout he knows he’s roped you in. He likes the desperate look to please him and wonders what he did in life to find such a willing girl that wants to see him happy and sets her heart right out in front of him. He could almost laugh.
“Fine, fine. But only this one time. I can’t keep skipping classes.”
“Don’t worry love, no one will notice you’re missing and we can have fun.” No one would ever notice you the way I do. See you the way I do. Your heart, it’s all for me to play with and do as I please. And you could never dream of saying no to me my love.
Haechan grasps at your hand now, excitedly dragging you away. To you, not much else mattered more than keeping him happy. Even if it was at the expense of your responsibilities and well being. As long as he could smile with those dazzling eyes into yours, you thought that was enough.
“Where are we going Haechannie?”
“Anywhere we want.” Anywhere I want.
“Can we get coffee together?”
“Should we?” No.
“Unless you don’t want to, we could go get ice cream if you’d like, I know you like that one place by the bookstore.”
“Hmm, I guess we’ll get ice cream then!” Of course we are.
“Yes?” What?
“I love you.” 
“Me too.” Of course you do, who wouldn’t?
And eventually when you do get your ice cream and he pays for you, you get a piece of him. You enjoy it to the fullest. But as you're finishing your treat, he does what he always does. When his eyes find his friends he lets those words roll smoothly out of his mouth. I’ll be back so wait for me here.
You tell yourself he’ll come back. But you always knew what those eight words meant. Even if you denied it as hard as you could, the rising moon could not deny it for you. 
Haechan left you in the dark again.
Dear DNYL,
My name is Y/N and I’m a third year college student at Dream University of the Arts. I’m currently in a relationship with my sweet boyfriend Hyuck. I love him dearly. He’s a great guy deep down. When he first asked me to be his girlfriend, I was sitting on a singswet and he was kneeling in front of me. He looked at me, I know he took a really good look at me. He was so sweet, his hand held mine, and he told me that he had never met another girl like me. He said he wanted to keep me all for himself. 
But I think that things aren’t going very well. I just can’t figure out why. I love him and he loves me. I know he does. He buys me ice cream. Even pretty flowers because he knows I like them.  He lets me join in on his streams. He’s a gamer. He’s pretty good at it too. I’m not as good so he doesn’t let me embarrass myself in front of his friends. I know he’s taking care of me by doing this.
I just can't seem to understand something. Even with all this love, Hyuck sometimes feels upset. And I don’t know how to fix it.  I know it’s my fault, I should pay more attention to him because I’m his girlfriend. I care for him a lot. But I don’t know how to fix it because truthfully, my boyfriend Hyuck keeps breaking up with me and I don’t know what to do. Please reply soon. 
Lots of love,
It was a mistake. Your balance had failed and the other boy had been too close. You were slightly tipsy, waiting on the couch for your boyfriend. He invited you to the bar he frequented with his friends. You were okay enough to know that you were going to have to apologize again. Not only to Haechan but to Jaemin too. Your boyfriend was so caught up in talking to some other person that he forgot about his promise to take you home half an hour ago. You decided to take matters into your own hands, not being able to take the sight in front of you.
Jaemin hadn’t taken very long to find you. He came over to you asking if you were okay, you only replied with a small yes as you took his hand into yours. But the world was spinning so when you fell back, Jaemin tripped over you, lips brushing against yours. It was straight out of a dramatic story. But he didn’t stay more than a second like that when he was getting up, ears red, and stuttering apologies. You laughed, waving it off, and telling him that you’d really like to go home.
Jaemin held you close to his side, when his eyes came up, he noticed the silhouette of the person he could honestly say he hated. He watched as Haechan’s arm retracted from the girl next to him, eyes engaging him in a furious glare. Before anything else could happen, Jaemin pulls away first, his top priority being you.
“Let’s take you home okay?” You nod, letting him guide you to his car. You don’t notice the familiar steps that hurriedly hit the payment. It’s only when he’s blocking you from Jaemin’s car that you realize Haechan followed you out. He looks towards you, extending his hand out for you to take.
“Y/N, I’ll take you home.”
“If you haven’t noticed I’m taking her home.”
“I wasn’t talking to you. Y/N, let’s go now.” He moves forward to take almost by force but stops when he watches with shock at how you sink deeper into Jaemin’s arms. You most certainly did not just reject Haechan in preference of Jaemin. You couldn’t have done that.
“Y/N?” He tries to soften his voice, masking the edge and frustration he’s feeling. To him, there was definitely something wrong with you. You’ve been resisting him recently and he wasn’t a fan of it.
“You didn’t take me home. Jaemin…will do it. He listens.” Jaemin moves around Haechan, still holding onto you as he places you in the passenger's seat. He was sure to properly accommodate you. And when you saw that, your hands came up to try and wipe away your tears. Your sobs may have been hushed but Haechan heard them loud and clear. He turned to watch as you completely fell apart, telling Jaemin so openly that your chest was hurting. That you wanted it to stop. And then before Jaemin closed the door, you uttered words neither boys would’ve ever thought you’d say.
“I wish you were my boyfriend instead. You’re not reckless. You make me feel safe Nana.” It was funny, how they both stilled, eyes wide with shock but for completely different reasons. Haechan felt humiliated. He was hurt but his brain processed all the wrong reasons. Thinking that he was losing his control over you was what he thought bothered him. Jealousy? Of course it was, you were after all his. Jaemin on the other hand, felt sad that he wished it would be the same. But he knew that the moment you’d sober up, you’d forget all of this. And you’d go back to the very arms you were running from tonight.
When you arrived at your house, Jaemin had to carry you. You were at the same low you found yourself in whenever Haechan was around. Jaemin was seeing it all and you couldn’t help the embarrassment in you. But Jaemin didn’t care about any of that. What he cared about was your wellbeing. He loved you more than his words could convey. It ripped him apart to watch Haechan bring you down and toy with you as if you were nothing. But he could never force something that was not meant to be. All he could was be a good friend, it was all he could be even if he craved for more.
“I’m sorry.”
“What are you sorry for?”
“Making you…drive me home. Bothering…”
“You don’t have anything to apologize for. I’m here when you need me.”
“Sorry about the kiss. Lost my balance.” For all the self control Jaemin had, he didn’t want to stop his next words. He wouldn’t regret them, he’d just regret the feeling of your inevitable rejection.
“I kinda liked it.”
“Hmm.” Jaemin sighs at your response.
“Of all times you decide to fall asleep on me, it’s the moment I bare a piece of my soul. Sleep well Y/N.” He leaves the door to your room ajar and walks towards the sofa bed in your living room. He doesn’t want to leave you alone in this state, well aware you’d need someone to take care of you in the morning. If only he could hold you, brush his fingers through your hair, and kiss you again. Even if it was selfish, he wanted to be in his place. He’d always want it to be him instead.
Dear Y/N,
Thank you for reaching out to us! I’m Renjun, one of the consultants from Don’t Need That Love. I just want you to know that I’m proud of you for sending us your letter. I want you to take a moment. Just take a moment to breathe. Focus on yourself as you read this and put away all other thoughts. I want you to know that as a consultant here, I am very honest with my words from what I collect from these letters. Although, it may not be what you wish to here, we do this to give perspective on what may be happening in your love life. At the end of the day, I am here to help.
The relationship you are in is not very healthy. Significant others are meant to be there for you, cherish you, and make you happy. But I think you’ve convinced yourself that your boyfriend doing all these things for you is his way of showing his love. I think he tries to manipulate you with his words, to make himself seem like he’s upset and guilt you into giving in. You don’t need someone else to validate you as a good person. You work on accepting yourself as you are. And if there’s someone in your life who truly cares about you, they will be the ones to talk about healthy changes you need to consider.
Not allowing you to play games and to just watch his streams because his friends are there, is not an excuse. If anything he’s supposed to stick up for you. He has probably tried to mold you into someone who is dependent on him. To have you any time he calls out.
Let me ask you sincerely, do you think Hyuck truly sees you for the person you are? Does he know all the things you enjoy? Does he respect you and your friends? Does he agree and accept your words even if it’s a simple opinion or request? Ask yourself, how do his actions reflect the love he says he has for you. Write it out if you’d like, think upon it and then if you want you can write to me again. I hope to hear from you soon.
“We need to talk.” It was the first time Haechan wasn’t so kind to you. Before, it was an exchange of a few words and then him abruptly walking away. But now, he dragged you by your arm, fingers painfully digging into your skin. He led you into the alleyway next to the cafe you worked at. Letting you go, he let his arms fall at his sides. He ignored the way you rubbed your arm to soothe the pain.
“Were you trying to hurt me last night?” You winced.
“N-no, I didn’t mean to-”
“So what, you were just caught up in the moment. For fucksake he was on top of you and you let him!”
“I didn’t mean to do it! It was an accident!”
“So if I were to just kiss any other girl I’d be able to call it an accident? Is that how much my love means to you?” It hurt that he’d accuse you but it didn’t outweigh the guilt you felt for hurting him too. 
“No, of course not. Your love means so much to me I-”
“Do you remember what you said to Jaemin?” For some reason, Haechan looked more hurt than you’ve ever seen. His eyes were slightly red as if he had cried.
“W-what are you talking about?”
“You called him to pick you up. Because I didn’t do it as soon as you wanted to. You told him he listens to you. Do you think that I don’t? You think I’m an inadequate boyfriend.”
“Hyuckie no-”
“You told him you wished he were your boyfriend instead!” His statement shuts you up immediately. Hands shaking nervously from the onslaught of accusations. You were drunk but you knew what you had said. And although you avoided that conversation with Jaemin, you knew it was inevitable with Haechan.
“Should we just break up?” At this you panic and Haechan laughs, relishing in how immediately you reached out to him. You’re still mine. You belong to me and no one else.
“Darling, every time we break up we always find our way back. You understand me and I’m the only one who understands you. What we have is more important than a meaningless kiss you shared with that bastard,” he watches your lips slightly frown, “unless you think he’s more important to you than I am.” You shake your head, giving the answer he wanted.
“I want to hear you say it, love. Say I’m more important to you than him.”
“You’re more important to me than him.”
“So we’re good now. Okay lovely?”
“Yes Haechan.”
“Good,” Haechan moves in to kiss you and you know he never does little pecks. He brings you closer, kissing you in a way you don’t recognize. Because this time, it’s you who tries to pull away gently and he who lets out a sound of disapproval, reaching to kiss you again.
“I know you have to get back to work but after you get off let's go on a date. We’ll do anything you want.” You blink up at him, eyes almost innocent and he feels something strange spread in his chest.
“Anything?” He nods.
“Can we go to the music shop? I want us to listen to music together.” Haechan, who is usually so composed, feels a haze in his mind as he gives in to you. He tells you that he would love to. And he tries to understand why he’s feeling this way but as it always happened, he recognized all the wrong reasons. This time, he thought it was simply because he almost lost his little toy. But you came back into his arms, you always would.
“Mark, I’m sorry. Please believe me I-”
“You know every fucking time I see you, your always apologizing. And it’s getting very tiring Y/N. I thought we were fine, thought you were doing better.”
“I don’t mean to-”
“What? You don’t mean to be a shitty friend? Goddammit, I feel like we’re going in circles. Why can’t you see your boyfriend is a complete asshole? He doesn’t love you!” Mark’s words were meant to hurt you. You knew that much. But hearing him openly express them made you want to cry. And it seemed that it was all you ever did. You were happy one moment crying the next. And it never seemed to stop.
Currently, you stood in Mark’s room, it changed a lot from how he had it as a kid. Now, you could say it was a perfect depiction of who he was. He loved music, he would say he wouldn’t know what to do with his life if it wasn’t for his passion. It looked lively with all the album covers on his walls, music sheets thrown about and instruments on one side. 
But looking at him now, he didn’t have the brightness about him. He looked drained and it scared you of how much he seemed to resemble you.
“H-he does love me.”
“Of course he does. Little Mr. Perfect with the dazzling eyes could never hurt you. Oh no, he loves you so dearly that’s why he goes around fucking other girls behind your back.”
“What?” Mark looks to you clearly now, the color draining from both your faces.
“Mark, what are you talking about?”
“You can’t tell me you didn’t know? How could you not know?” An unfortunate turn of events but maybe this was what served as the eye opener you needed.
“Mark?” He looks towards you, frustration in his shoulders but tears rolling down nonetheless.
“I guess that makes two of us. How pathetic. Not only are we best friends who share birthdays but now we can both say we got cheated on.” 
You took a moment to process what he was saying. You knew you were a lot of things. Stupid. Ignorant. Foolish. But you weren’t entirely heartless. And only others knew that you were more selfless than selfish. You walked towards Mark, without saying a word you pulled him into an embrace. That was all it took for him to break down.
Mark was a good kid. He did his work diligently and he was one of the most talented musicians at the university. He had a growing following on his platforms. He was always a good son and tried to be a good friend. He thought he had to meet everyone’s expectations and beyond. You often had to bring him down from that cloud and back to earth. Mark didn’t have to try and be perfect because he already was. He just had to be the best he could be. Your hands came to touch his face, knuckles brushing away gently at his tears. You should have been there for him. You should have been a better friend. But you failed him and this was something you’d never forgive yourself for.
“I think there’s a lot we have to discuss about Markie. I’m sorry for not being there. But I’m here now. And I won’t go away anymore.”
And so with that, Mark explained to you that his girlfriend of three years had cheated on him with one of the boys in his piano class. He told you about how he found them, how upset he was, and how badly she tried apologizing for her mistakes. But he realized that he couldn’t take it. That the only person who he couldn’t push away no matter how many times she apologized was you. He could learn to live without her but he couldn’t do that with you. And after talking for hours about him, the topic you dreaded finally came up. And after everything you heard, you realized a lot of things about yourself. Things you finally had the courage to change.
Haechan came around to your coffee shop, smirking at the obvious glare Jaemin sent his way. 
“Y/N, you’re gonna go to my birthday party tomorrow right?” Looking up from behind the cash register, you watch Haechan leaning on the counter.
“I thought your birthday was next week?”
“It is but I’m celebrating it tomorrow. I’m inviting all of my friends too. Don’t worry I can pick you up.”
“Haechan, I appreciate it but I have something really important to do.” Haechan frowns. Did you…just say no without apologizing? He straightens up to look at you more clearly.
“What’s so important that you have to miss my birthday party?”
“It’s personal.”
“So now we’re keeping secrets?”
“You’d know a lot about keeping secrets.” Haechan has the audacity to scoff. The shock he felt wasn’t enough to even begin describing the list of emotions he was going through.
“Excuse me?”
“You’re excused. Now leave, there's a customer behind you.” He looks at you, mouth gaping open. When he looks back to where your coworker stands with amusement written on his face, he turns angrily.
“No way did you just reject your boyfriend's invitation.”
“I did,” you let out a sigh of relief.
“It’s just…I’m not used to you denying him anything. Not to sound nosy or whatever but your man is-” before he could say more you add, “a little bitch.” If Jaemin had taken a sip of coffee he would’ve spit it out. But he settled with his jaw dropping to the floor.
“Who are you?” You turn to look at him and for the first time in years, he watches a genuine smile grace your face all the way to your eyes.
“Y/N L/N, third year college student at Dream University of the Arts. The best friend to none other than Mark Lee and Na Jaemin. The soon to be ex-girlfriend of one Lee Haechan."
Dear Renjun, 
Thank you for writing back. It means a lot to me. It did hurt a lot, the words you wrote. I’m embarrassed to say that I spent a few weeks agonizing over it but I’ve finally gathered my courage. One that I think took too long to find. I guess I’ll just start with everything that’s been on my mind.
I hate going to the ice cream place all the time. I only did it because Hyuck doesn’t like coffee too much. I would always offer coffee, he’d say should we, and I knew it was his way of saying no. He never gets me the flowers I like. Blue and white hydrangeas are my favorite. But he gets me roses because he says they are the most romantic. I’ve always found them to be basic. He’s never told me loved me directly. I would always say it first. He also always leaves me alone. Whether in the rain, sun, dark clouds, or on a park bench. He made me skip classes because he made me feel as though I wasn’t loving him enough. He never talks kindly about my friends. He doesn’t listen to me when I’m agonizing. He forgets me.
You’re right, he doesn’t see me. I called it love because I wanted to believe it. But it wasn’t. It never was to begin with. I was a toy to him, a puppet. One that he could pull the strings back towards him. But these past few weeks have made me realize and see things for what they truly were. My friend confessed something to me. He went through something sad in his relationship just like I did with mine. I see now how badly I’ve neglected him. Just like Hyuck does to me. 
I don’t want it anymore. I don’t want to be with him. I want him to let me go. I know it’ll hurt but I know I’ll be happy when we set each other free. My boyfriend Huck keeps breaking up with me because he doesn’t need my love. He doesn’t fear losing it. And even if I do want to cry and scream…I can’t. Why do I feel so free?
Thank you Renjun. For listening to me and for providing me with your words of encouragement. It’s one of the many things that I needed to grow out of this. I hope wherever you are that you’re doing well. And that you have people who cherish you deeply.
Lots of love,
Taking a deep breath as you bring your hand up to ring the doorbell, you hear the faint sound of it ringing in Haechan’s apartment. When the door opens you’re met with the smiling face of a boy you’ve never met. He looks like he’s gone through hell and back. Wincing at the sudden daylight he gives you another small and quirky smile.
“Hello! You here for the after party?”
“After party?”
“Yeah, Haechan is having a weekend birthday party so we’re on dia numero dos. Come in!” You walk in a little weary at all the excitement that exudes from the boy. When you step into the living room you see a few boys, with what seems to be their girlfriends, and Haechan sitting in the middle laughing away with a bottle of Bacardi. When he turns he sees you and you can see his gears turning in his head. The ones that used to manipulate you. 
“Y/N, you’re here.”
“I didn’t know you were having another party.”
“Yeah well I was sad that my girl couldn’t show up for some reason so the guys are here to cheer me up. We’re going to be partying all week!”
“Yeah, uhm can I speak to you in private?” Haechan’s eyebrows furrow. There’s a little bite to his tone when he answers you.
“Why can’t you say what you need to say here?”
“Because it’s a little personal.”
“Just like yesterday? Why are you being so secretive Y/N? It’s getting really annoying.” His friends just look at the two of you, some giggle, others ignore the situation, and a few look disappointed in him. One of them you recognize as Jeno, Jaemin’s best friend. You knew he was a good guy. You wondered if Haechan had somehow manipulated him too.
“I don’t want to say it in front of your friends.” He scoffs.
“Just spit it out Y/N, I’m trying to cheer up after you left me hanging.” You could visibly hear the snipping of the threads that kept you tied to him. Miraculously, with all the confidence you could muster you let out the same words he would whisper in your ear.
“I’m breaking up with you Lee Donghyuck.” No one laughed at that. No one dared to as they watched the show unfold in front of them. You can feel Jeno’s eyes on yours but ignore it as yours don’t leave Haechan. He blinks, confusion spreading across his features. He then sits up straight, as if your words were registering late.
“I’m sorry what?” he laughs.
“I’m breaking up with you. You’re a piece of shit of a boyfriend. You only care about yourself. You manipulate people around you to make them feel bad and yourself better just to feed that insanely inflated ego of yours. You don’t bother listening to me or going out with me. You barely even know me after years of dating. I’ve had enough.”
“Fucking unbelievable.” Haechan’s eyes watered but you knew they were fake. He still had to play victim after all.
“You came to break up with me on my fucking birthday!?” 
“To be fair, your birthday is Tuesday.” Haechan lets the bottle fall onto the carpeted floor as he gets up in a haste of anger and disbelief.
“You can’t be-”
“Since you always interrupt me, let me do the same. You made me into a shitty person and friend. I willingly let you do that to me. But you know what? I realized that you’re not worth it Donghyuck,” and if using his real name was anything to go by, he immediately knew you were being serious, “You’re not worth being loved by me. I have so much love to give and you always take it for granted. I hope we never have to see each other again after this. I already left all of your things outside your door. I don’t have anything to ask from you because you never care to have me over as much as you do your friends and the girls you sleep with behind my back.” You don’t miss how the color from his face drains, leaving him in a state that you never had the pleasure of seeing him in. You turned and left and as soon as you reached the sidewalk you heard the slamming of a door and Haechan’s loud voice rang through.
“Fuck you! Go fuck yourself! I don’t even need you! I never even fucking loved you! You weren’t special, you were nothing! You are nothing! You’re wrong. You’re the one who doesn’t deserve my love because my love is one of a kind and anyone in the world would be lucky to have it! Now you can say you were the one that lost it.” But you don’t turn around and you let Haechan have the last words. You don’t know what they are as you walk away from him. 
Dear Y/N, 
I’m happy to have received your last letter. I see that you’ve done a lot of self reflection. I know it must’ve hurt but I can see that you’re ready to move on. Know that you did all of this on your own. I may have provided words of encouragement but you took all the necessary steps towards your happiness. I’m proud of you.
I hope that all goes well for you too. And don’t hesitate to reach out again. Just because you’ve moved on from the relationship you were in doesn’t mean I wouldn’t mind hearing from you again. Perhaps, if you find someone who does see you, you can let me know all about them. I’d be willing to hear from you again.
Huang Renjun
Moving on from Haechan wasn’t so hard when you realized just how much more happy you felt. Even though you grieved the boy you left, you didn’t grieve the relationship. It would’ve been pointless to do so. Eventually, the light returned to your eyes. You didn’t look as tired as you used to. Jaemin would frequently tell you about how much you’ve changed for the better. Sometimes he’d think he’d say too much but you just observed how well he knew you. He even brought you your favorite flowers with a cup of coffee.
Instead of being alone at all the places you liked to frequent, Jaemin was there with you. Sometimes so was Mark. The arcade and music shop became your special places with Jaemin. You also made sure to never miss any Mark’s shows which he appreciated. It brought him near tears when you attended his fifth show in a row, watching how his best friend made every effort to be there. 
And when Jaemin asked you to be his girlfriend, you couldn’t help the feelings that spread in your chest. Jaemin loved you so much and he showed it to you. He listened and was always there when you needed him. He never left you behind, you were always next to him. All that mattered was already in your life, you just had to let go of those who didn’t.
This is Y/N please leave a message.
Hey baby, it’s me, we need to talk...please call me back.
Love, can you answer your phone? I need to talk to you please. Please just call back ok?
Why are you hurting me like this? You broke up with me on birth- at my birthday party and now you’re ignoring all of my calls? Could you just please fucking answer? I know you still get my messages. I know you do.
Hey it’s me again, Haechannie, the love of your life. Remember you would call me your love? I do. Listen, I’m sorry for being angry in my last voicemail. It was mean of me to talk like that and I’m really sorry but I was just feeling  frustrated that you won’t answer. I just need you to pick up the phone once love, so we can talk. Please, I’m sad that the only way I hear your voice is through your voicemail message. And I can’t seem to find you on campus please just call. I tried looking for you at work but you’re never there and I- you have reached the time limit for this voicemail.
H-hey, b-baby please p-please. I-im sorry. I know, I know I hurt you and I know you’re upset with m-me but please! I have to t-talk to you. I miss you so fucking much please please please call me baby please! F-fucking call me back! 
Y-Y/N why won’t you call me back? I can’t breathe. I’m suffocating. I can’t smile. I can’t do shit. I miss you so so so much. I miss kissing you. I want to kiss you. I want you. I need you. I need our cuddle sessions back. And I want us to go for ice cream again. Love, please just pick up your phone. 
I heard you’re d-dating Jaemiiin! That’s sooo f-fucking funny. I actshually for uh s-second thought that you..that you started d-dating that b-bastard. D-does he know? Does he know m-my love, that I, Lee Haechan! Was your first in everyyything? That I kissed you first? That I made love to you first? Held you first…I held you first. You fooled me love…huh fooled me goood.
Y/N f-for fucksakes! I love you I-I love you! I love you! Love me back baby please! Love me I need you to love me! L-love me. Love me because it hurts. It hurts so much. I’m a fucking mess. I’m fucking c-crying right now and I sound so pathetic. Is this what you want to hear? T-that I cry myself to s-sleep every night wishing you were next to me? And that I, I’ve been drinking too much. S-sometimes I feel like…I feel like I can see you. Like I could just…reach out and t-touch you. And then I reach out and you’re not there! Baby please- you have reached the time limit for this voicemail. 
Fucking automated piece of shit! I hate hearing it! I want to hear you! Please love me! Use me. Do anything you want with me baby but please don’t leave me. B-baby please pretty please! Play with my heart. I-I deserve it right? For hurting you, I deserve it and i-if you come back then I’ll let you do whatever you want with me. How does that sound, hmm? Sounds good right love? Please, don’t leave me. I’ll give you my love. You have it all.  Your love is one of a kind, your love is the one not worth losing. Come back and love me, I need you to love me, love me so it won’t hurt anymore.
The phone number you are calling is no longer in service.
The phone number you are calling is no longer in service.
The phone number you are calling is no longer in service.
The phone number you are calling is no longer in service.
The phone number you are calling is no longer in service.
The phone-
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asocial-inkblot · 7 months
Things I Hope/d to See in the New ATLA Live Action Show
A source material-accurate Azula (duh) and Aang (the show's namesake!) with something extra added to both. See #7 and #8 for more on that.
Tweaked war-related plans that come across like they could reasonably be implemented in real life and which may be based on/allude to actual battle proposals from throughout history. I know little about these sorts of things but others have pointed out before that one of Sokka's plans, for example, may not have actually made much sense. And Ozai's plan near the end? Yeeaaahhhhh... I mean, I kinda get it in hindsight. But still. Let's have him come up with something better than that.
Appearances and clothing that call back to the ethnic groups and cultures that the show takes inspiration from (things are looking great on this front so far), but also
Eye colors like the ones from the original cartoon. This may seem petty but I find that it's actually important to use the right hues for each character and not just make everyone's eyes brown or black or gray (looks to me like that's exactly what they did). The reason being that, although I personally tend to dislike when non-white characters are given what I now call "white qualifiers" (meaning traits often used to make them still appeal to whiteness, such as light hair, light eyes, bone-straight hair, round eyes, etc.), in the context of the show, the eye colors are actually by and large ethnic characteristics and differentiators themselves. As I've noted before in a previous post from a while back: Ocean blue eyes = Water Tribes, brown and gray = usually Air Nomad or Earth Kingdom, amber or light tan = Fire Nation, with few exceptions for all of them.
Enough similarities for it to feel like ATLA but with enough differences that it's actually its own story. Again, duh, but we all know how often adaptations tend to get this part wrong.
An age rating that won't be used as just another excuse to shoehorn in as much violence, gore and sexual content as possible but instead to allow for the full illustration of the impact that war can have on a people and their society/traditions. We saw, imo, only little hints of this throughout the cartoon (when Aang found Monk Gyatso's remains is one extremely devastating example), but not near enough. I know the reason why, of course. However, things like that only helped sell the show short by not allowing it to fully flesh out into a world with true, viewable consequences.
An Azula who, from day one, is unquestionably made out to be exactly what she is: A child soldier who is also a victim of the war in a similar way to how the Gaang is. I want to see her allowed to show worry, even fear, either during or after a situation. Not because I don't love how kickass she is, but because at her age, level of trauma and amount of risk to her life everyday, she has all the reason to be more stressed from the get-go. Not to mention her family issues. I want Azula to clearly have anxiety or depression, something many of us can relate to. I also want that scene of her mental breakdown to STAY in some capacity, but be seen in-universe and hopefully—eventually—irl, too, as what it really was: A teenage girl pushed to her limits until she had no where left to step. Real, living people have had anxiety/panic attacks and meltdowns before and that didn't make them evil or any less worthy of sympathy. It only makes it that much more obvious how real Azula herself is, and how much she needed and deserved understanding.
I want an Aang who's allowed to cry, not once, not twice but over and over again as the weight of the burden of what it means to be a child avatar during a world war—and one who was out-of-commission for a century—start to take their toll on his mind, body and eventually spirit. After he reaches his breaking point, I want him to learn to forgive himself and even forgive others, and come back from it, stronger than ever.
A Toph who's tough but maybe a little less...umm... She should be/feel affected by the war too, okay? And have some level of guilt, fear or self-awareness at all times. So she should be like her original self, but deeper.
More Ursa pleeeaaaaaaassse. We know next to nothing about this woman and what we do know, still involves a lot of inferring. I need to know just what her beliefs were about the war and her family/relatives. I need to know if she...if she often feared for her or her children's lives!
A little less romance and a little more danger, planning and large platonic relationship growth as well as character growth.
Zuko actually learning something from his travels; early on, every time he meets someone/some new people, and on a regular basis. I also kinda want to see him have consequences for his actions. Not just that one time, where he was only a clueless 13 year old boy anyway. Doesn't have to be huge or bloody, but he needs to lose something every time he gains at the expense of another. The ATLA world (if not within the cartoon then definitely within the live action show) should have a real, tangible concept of Karma present, if it doesn't already. That would make so. much. sense.
If possible, a little more fleshing out of characters like Jet and the Freedom Fighters, Suki and the Kyoshi Warriors, Hama, Mai, Ty Lee, etc. And can we not demonize or shrug off victims anymore?
A still sexy Hakoda, Ozai and June. (I'm so sorry, don't hate me...)
An ending that won't make me break out in hives plez.
(That's it for now. I may come back here to add more.)
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tired-lamb · 2 days
too bad I'm gonna ask. give me kion headcannons NOW
LMAO I like the spunk, dude!
headcanons for the fiercest
he is typical teenager tm you cannot convince me otherwise. he may look put together and capable but on the inside he is winging all this shit and crossing his fingers
(doesnt mean I dont think hes a capable leader. I think hes an extremely good one, just that I hc he struggles in believing in himself and his capabilities)
in relation to that he and bunga have tried kissing once. Like they both wondered how it felt and decided there was no way better than to just Do it
they both end up disliking it and vow to never do it again
kion craves his dad’s approval a lot and often tries to do things the way simba would; kinda like how simba rlly wants to be as good a king as mufasa was yk?
kion is completely oblivious to the fact that hes the mother friend of the group. if you were to ask him how he’d categorise himself he’d probably say the quiet one
meanwhile the rest of the guard cannot be trusted by themselves unless kion is there
in relation to that I hc that a lot of times when the guard isn’t.. well, Guarding the pridelands and theyre just sitting around enjoying each others’ presence, kion takes a backseat and just lets himself relax
his friends and their voices always soothe him + calm him down :]
kion was extremely free spirited before he became the leader of the guard and would often sneak in on kiara’s training-to-be-queen lessons with simba just cause he wanted to know what its like to have a big role in the circle of life
fast forward a few years into him having a big role in the circle of life and he starts struggling with his relationship with the circle of life
dw kiara helps him out since she faced the same problem
kion is a lot more similar to nala than he is to simba
idk if I like, headcanon headcanon this one but I do like that some ppl gave him nala’s blue eyes!!! canon doesnt exist if we look away /j
he’ll never admit it but he misses the days when all he would worry about was winning against bunga in their baobab seed game
he really likes his uncles timon and pumbaa and especially loves to hear about the stories they have of his dad
kion definitely wanted to join on a girls day with tiifu, zuri and kiara once
can ya blame him tho? mud baths and basking in the sun look insanely relaxing
he has bitten rafiki, timon, and pumbaa as a cub multiple times
heck his favourite thing to teeth on (do lion cubs teeth??) was simba’s ear (real life lion cubs do this too!! :D)
as a cub he would never be able to distinguish between other felines (eg: cheetahs and leopards) and himself so he’d see cheetahs running super fast and try to do the same
same thing with leopards. he’d see them climb all over trees and nala will be looking for her baby only to find he got stuck in a tree while trying to be like a leopard
cub kion was super friendly with baby/calf beshte!!! his bff may be bunga but those two loved playing with each other
not exactly a hc but I really like @australet789 ‘s kion design!! I always love it when people draw the siblings with traits from their grandparents
whew I went on a ramble with this one. I would continue but I think the post is already long enough x] feel free to ask for more kion hcs or hcs for any other character tho, I love answering them! /gen
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lunarsights · 8 months
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this stellium makes newjeans seem refined, elegant, and yet relaxed in their appearance. they can seem very polished in their fashion looks and their craft (singing, dancing, modeling, etc.). this could also explain why people say newjeans seems like they’re always having fun when they’re on stage, or when it’s said the members seem like they’re actually friends rather than coworkers. this specific stellium is what makes me believe their fame and recognition is guaranteed. additionally, their ascendant is at three degrees which is associated with gemini; this leads to them coming off as great communicators or people to talk to. this could also be the reason why people often see newjeans as similar to them - maybe as a group of friends or seeing them as younger siblings. 
with their moon in this stellium, the girls feel very secure in their group identity. they all know their rules and duties and feel stable in the group they’ve chosen to debut in. they also provide their audience with a sense of security and bring about devotion and loyalty from their fans. the tenth degree is also a signifier of public attention being gained, as it is a capricorn degree which is known for being associated with hardwork and perseverance when it comes to business. 
their uranus is conjunct their north node. this is yet another indicator of fame being gained through their endeavors. they’re likely to challenge major standards in the world of kpop (and maybe music as a whole). they could challenge the notion of how far a kpop group can go in terms of fame. they could also create new ideas and feelings of loyalty and devotion coming from fans. the north node presence indicates that this is their mission as a group - to be innovative in their field by way of their aesthetic and approach towards fans. 
interestingly, their uranus and north node are at eighteen degrees. according to nikola’s degree theory, this can indicate misfortune and issues. this could relate to the longevity of their careers (how they may be seen later on), or it could do with creating new standards at the expense of negative public discourse. regardless, this degree is also a virgoan degree, so it’s associated with routine, workplace, and service; with that in mind, it could be normal to see newjeans regularly involved in public discourse (positive and negative), but i don’t think that it would get to the members in any way. if anything, they likely feel prepared for it in a sense. 
their mars is also at an important, eleventh degree. this degree is associated with separation and interruptions. newjeans could have a strong start to their career, but find it hard to maintain their willpower and strength as time goes on. this could eventually have to do with the public, since it squares their mercury. it could also have to do with their “mother” min hee-jin since the fourth degree of mercury (the fourth degree is associated with cancer) relates to that parent. they could have some disagreements with her about their group identity and solo endeavors as time goes on. basically, at some point the vision and voice min hee-jin has helped create for newjeans may be a point of contention for the members as they get older.
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with aries chiron, newjeans members may struggle with their view of themselves outside of the spotlight, especially with it opposite their vertex. they may doubt their end goal after they’ve completed all the work they want to do. they may struggle with what direction they want to go or what they want to pursue after they’ve moved on from newjeans (if they do). the wounds of chiron may be deep and hidden from the public eye. this placement could manifest as fleeting feelings relating to personal insecurities or worries. 
interestingly enough, their chiron is in a cancer degree which i (again) relate to min hee-jin since she is the group’s figurative “mother” as CEO of the company they’re under. with that, these insecurities and worries about their end goals could come from hee-jin herself or their company. maybe their company has very high hopes for them and that could put a lot of pressure on the members. thankfully, chiron in this sign is known for healing their wounds quickly, so i wouldn’t worry about this placement so much in relation to newjeans’s success or their worries.
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with jupiter in aries, newjeans could be driven and aggressive in their beliefs in what the group can do (in general and on a personal level). with the 12H influence, luck may come in quickly and unexpectedly. they could be good at forcing or manifesting their blessings to come in - especially with jupiter trine mercury indicating they could speak or sing their desires into existence. it’s also important to note their jupiter squares venus which means the emphasis on newjeans’ fame relates to their voices and what they do rather than beauty - not that the girls are pretty, but that’s not the only (or even main) reason for their fame. 
the eighth degree also helps to disguise what all they could gain from jupiter and again points to their music being a great way for them to manifest their own growth, especially across countries. i feel this could also indicate their music being good manifestation music for their listeners also! even though a lot has been revealed, i still believe there’s a lot of hidden potential with this placement that has yet to be seen.
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with an aquarius saturn in the 10H, the same uniqueness and innovation helping to grant their fame could be the same thing to take it away. this could be an internal struggle for the group in that they may not want to stand out so much, but i think this is more so manifested in a different way due to the uranus opposition. this aspect creates strong supporters and dissenters. it evokes strong emotions from the public in both a good and bad way. it’s as if they will always have a spotlight on them in some way which will always lead to them gaining attention - whether it’s wanted or unwanted.
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asteroid fama tells of how someone could gain fame and what they might be well-known for. with this asteroid in libra, it’s only natural newjeans is well-known for their charisma and for the fact that they appeal to a vast array of the general public. with fama in the 6H, people’s attention towards newjeans is heightened, and it could feel as if people often see them in their daily lives. it could even feel like the public can never escape newjeans - whether that’s hearing their music, seeing their ads, or seeing trends they started. 
it’s also important to note their fama is at twenty-two degrees, which is connected to capricorn and known as the “kill or be killed” degree. i personally believe this degree indicates an area of life where one can gain and/or lose a ton in terms of their recognition, legacy, and fame. in the long term, it could indicate a possible fall from grace. therefore, the same thing that gives newjeans their immense amount of fame can also be their downfall. for example, newjeans could be overexposed in the industry to the point where people become tired of seeing them; alternatively, the members could have tough work schedules that cause health issues or make them very exhausted. 
also, newjeans’s fama trines their saturn which makes me think their obstacles can actually bring them more fame, so it’s kind of like a “they can’t lose” situation with this placement. things would have to be very severe for the more negative side of the twenty-second degree to manifest for them in my opinion.
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asteroid fan describes where one can gain fans and how a fandom might be. the 5H indicates getting fame from the arts which shows up very obviously in newjeans’ case. it also represents fans being very enthusiastic and joyful regarding the artist(s). fans might even be creative in their own way by making edits, creating fanart, writing pieces on newjeans, and more! it’s almost like newjeans’ own creativity inspires their fans to be creative as well; it’s a cute back and forth dynamic!
with this asteroid at an aries degree, fans could be very aggressive when it comes to talking about and defending newjeans; this is strengthened with fan trining newjeans’ moon and mars. fans could feel very emotionally connected to the group, so when outsiders critique them or speak bad about them - fans could be very combative and open about defending them. with this sign in virgo, fans could be very analytical and strategic about the way they protect the group; when rumors are spread, fans may be adamant about spreading the correct information and when engaging in fan wars, supporters may tout all of newjeans’ achievements in order to prove a point. 
overall, this placement speaks of newjeans having a creative fanbase with ardent defenders.
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asteroid fortuna gives a broad view of where luck can occur most often and/or importantly in one/s life. with this asteroid in the 5H, it again is obvious that newjeans can find very good luck within the arts. they have double virgo in that this asteroid is in the sign of virgo and the degree is virgoan in nature. it may seem as if newjeans’ luck is always perfect and right on time; it may feel like luck is working for them as opposed to against them or even with them. with that in mind, their fortune may now be very showy, but instead it will come off as more subtle and organic. 
newjeans has asteroid fortuna trine their uranus, north node, and MC. for me, this is more confirmation their fame is very intentional and likely well planned out. with uranus in play, they have luck with the general public across various generations; the north node aspect makes it so this fortune extends throughout their lifetime as a group, and the MC aspect only affirms their good reputation. 
this is a great placement relating to fame and success in my opinion!
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as insinuated in the title, newjeans’s chart shows that they were created and debuted in order to gain major attention. a different type of fame than what’s typically seen in the kpop industry is sure to come towards them, but with that comes huge resopnsibilities.
there could be some hidden misfortune and issues behind the scenes, and it’s likely that they will gain major supporters who are fiercly dedicated, but it’s also likely they have tons of people who dislike their innovative ways.
newjeans is bound to be an innovatve and well-recognized, yet polarizing group that always has a way of keeping the public’s attention.
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feel free to come into my inbox to talk more about my observations or observations you may have!
i’m also open to hearing about other groups you may want to know more about with the help of astrology or tarot!
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fairyrosepetals · 2 years
💌Super-powered Valentine💌
Part 1, Part 2
- TW warning: Slight suggestiveness!
⭐️Steve Rogers⭐️:
We all know this man is old-fashioned, I mean he was literally born in 1918, today’s dating culture still throws him for a loop! 😵‍💫
If you’re seeing this man, make no mistake that he’ll be the one to make the first move. He’d do his best not to stumble over his words and try not to make a fool of himself, but if he’s already madly in love? Forget it
You’ll watch him get pink in the face as he stutters and mumbles, avoiding your concerned gaze as he prays the floor beneath him would swallow him whole. Despite women throwing themselves at his feet, it never was like that when he was skinny and small. The positive attention you give him is something he definitely has to get used to.
Dating this man would involve him bringing you flowers very often! Once the first bouquet died, that was his signal to go out and get you a new one 💐
He will spend so much time rearranging the flowers, determined to gift you the most beautiful bouquets money can buy. When he gifts them to you, he has the biggest smile on his face when you take the flowers from him, happy to know he made you smile!
When Valentine’s Day rolls around, his date ideas definitely make his old dating culture stand out more to you.
As mentioned before, he’d definitely gift you flowers, the classic bouquet of roses and heart box of chocolates. What can I say? It’s a classic Don’t fix it if it’s not broken.
HOWEVER. If you’re against most cliche or overdone Valentine’s Day gifts, don’t worry, Steve’s got you covered. Whether it be that perfume/cologne you were eyeing a few days back, an outfit you’ve been dying to buy for yourself, or maybe something related to a hobby of yours, he’s definitely been paying attention.
He’d never want you disappointed in the gifts he gives you, always making sure you’d love them and that they’re special to you. Even if you aren’t much of a gift person, he still wants to find some sort of way to show his love and devotion to you.
He’d definitely take you to a dance hall if there are still some around. You two would both be laughing and smiling as Steve spun you around, keeping your body close to him as he dipped and held you. The music that was so familiar and dear to him made you feel like you could dance for hours, holding him close as a slow song played. The two of you gently swaying to the music in each other’s arms.
Movie drive-in dates are definitely another date idea of his. Bucky had certainly been on his own fair share of drive-in dates and made sure to tell his best friend every detail about them. While it embarrassed him to learn that many couples didn’t actually go to the drive-ins to watch the movie, it was something he still wanted to do with you.
He loves being able to hold you close, a blanket shared between you two as you snuggled up to watch the movie. If it’s a horror movie, even better! It would just give him an excuse to hold you tight as you cling to him for safety.
And also try the classic yawn-and-stretch trick
Steve Rogers absolutely adores his SO, sending them tender looks their way, holding their face in his hands, gifting things that reminded him of them, and Valentine’s Day is just another excuse to spoil you silly.
🔧Tony Stark🔧:
Unlike Steve, Tony is definitely not old fashioned.
When you’re dating the famous genius, billionaire, playboy, philanthropist, extravagant gifts and dates are definitely not a problem for this man.
When it comes to pursuing you, like most people, you may be irritated of his cocky attitude. Especially if he can’t take the hint.
Over time, he’ll get it and back off, the both of you starting over as you begin to see his true colors. Despite the constant sarcasm and his massive ego always showing, he’s grown to be a sweetheart after taking up the mantle of “Iron-Man”
With Tony’s anxiety, it may be hard to do more public dates. However, he’s not opposed to taking you somewhere secluded and having an expensive dinner date with you. A beach at sun set, a candle lit dinner on the roof of his home, he just wants to be with you in peace.
He absolutely LOVES showing you off. He can get a little jealous with others trying to flirt with you, knowing that you’re definitely way out of their league. That won’t stop him from keeping you by his side during the entirety of a party or at a bar.
Definitely the type to have you on his lap, his hand on your waist as he traces patterns on your hip.
A very touchy man, Can hardly keep his hands off of you whenever you’re around.
He wouldn’t be against leaving hickies on your neck either, not being shy as he leaves them in the most hard to hide spots just to show others that you’re officially taken.
However, if you’re against touch than he gets it and he’ll respect his space even if there are times when he forgets. He doesn’t want to make you feel uncomfortable at all and will constantly remind himself not too pop your personal space bubble.
Being in a relationship with this man screams “bougie couple”, even if this is the same man willing to wear a Dora wrist watch.
When it comes to Valentine’s Day, you better believe this man will be going all out.
Expensive jewelry, clothing, perfume/cologne, hell he’d go as far as buying you a new car. He just wants to be able to spoil you and show you how much you deserve the world.
He’d love to take you to an expensive restaurant, somewhere where the both of you would get dressed up all nice and enjoy each other’s company. He’d reserve the entire building if that’s what you wanted to do.
If you seem overwhelmed by this, he’s fine with a night in too. A date with both of you in sweat pants and just lounging on the couch with a pizza is also a great date in his eyes.
Overall, Valentine’s Day with this man is very extravagant and quite expensive, but in his defense; He’s never had someone stick by him besides you, even with his snarky attitude. Tony just wants to cherish his SO and give them all the good things you deserve.
⚛️Bruce Banner⚛️:
Bruce is a total sweetheart. Depending when you two met could determine how your relationship established.
If you met him when he first joined the Avengers, be patient with him. If you show him any sort of kindness, he may become skittish, afraid of scaring you off or possibly even hurting you.
He’d be shy, wondering how someone as kind as you could be so unafraid around him. Not to mention how gentle and tender you are, even when he has the strength to snap you in two.
I think you would have to initiate first. The reason being he’s afraid of hurting the one he loves the most, and would most likely love you from a distance. He would be hesitant with starting a relationship, but Bruce wouldn’t miss this opportunity if it meant being with you.
You spending most of your time in the lab, bringing him his coffee and making sure he gets the necessary rest he needs is a common practice within your relationship. Most of the time, he really needs those breathers but gets too consumed in his work to notice.
Somehow always touching you, whether the both of you hav your pinkies linked together, or him holding onto your sleeve or your shirt, it brings him safety because of how much it grounds him. When you’re alone, he loves being able to hold you. He’s so afraid of accidentally breaking you that it’s taken a lot of convincing before he was comfortable enough to touch you.
When he’s able to hold you to his body, he just melts, immediately addicted to your hugs and just the way you treat him so gently.
When Valentine’s Day rolls around, he’s a bit inexperienced in that field. He wants to be able to show you that he appreciates all that you’ve done for him, even if it’s a little difficult for him to do so.
When it comes to Valentines Day gifts, he’s definitely a lot more simpler. He’d give you your favorite flowers in a bouquet, or even gift you a necklace or book you’ve been talking about for awhile. His gifts involve him buying something he thinks you’d adore, but still be able to use rather than the classic Valentine’s teddy bear or box of chocolates.
Date ideas are a little more reserved in nature. You both would end up having dinner-date nights inside your home, the two of you cooking together in the coziness of your home as you catch up with each other.
I can see Bruce liking the classic idea of slow dancing in the kitchen late in the night. The thought of the both of you just swaying to music, just the two of you as he holds you close to him. The feeling makes all his worries and stresses melt away from him knowing he has someone like you waiting for him at home.
Bruce just wants to love and protect his SO. While sometimes he thinks you made a mistake pursuing someone like him with his condition, over the years he begins to realize that he is just as worthy of love as anyone else. He will begin to open up more, and show his love through acts of appreciation for you supporting him through all his ups and downs.
⚡️Thor Odinson⚡️
Thor is definitely more excitable than the rest of the men in the Avengers. During the time he was still trying to understand Earth culture, the both of you made fast friends as he got used to Earth.
Teaching a God how to use the kitchen as well as the bathroom was chaotic to say the least, but he made sure to show his appreciation as much as he could when given the opportunity.
As he began to get used to Earth, he began to take notice of his feelings for you. The way you make him feel as he sees you smile, or how you throw your head back as you laugh at him for him doing something unintentionally funny. He loved seeing how happy he made you just by being himself.
Dates on Earth would be a little chaotic. Considering he is an almighty Norse God, he still has a lot to learn when it comes to human dates. Roller rinks, karaoke bars, or just going to the park for a stroll are dates Thor would happily go on with you if it meant understanding the dating culture better. It would also give him a better opportunity to understand your likes and dislikes.
Before Little Asgard, dates would be much different when Thor would take you back to his home. He would shower you in riches and all the splendors that his home has to offer, but if you take interest in something else within Asgard that isn’t as luxurious as his family riches, he is not opposed to getting you that instead or doing a more simpler date.
Thor is a very affectionate man. Similar to Bruce and Tony, he is always touching you somehow. Whether it’s more subtle like hand-holding or more obvious such as having his hand around your waist. He just loves having you near him and loves when you reciprocate his affection.
Absolutely LOVES trailing kisses on your face, whether it’d be multiple in just your cheeks or just a trail down your neck, he wants to show you that he loves and cherishes you if he’s felt he’s been neglecting you with his “work”.
When Thor finds out about Valentine’s Day for the first time, he’s a bit confused. However, upon googling what the holiday is about, he is surprised that such an old and ancient festival such as Lupercalia was still being celebrated. However, he is a little disappointed that this ancient fertility festival is no longer the same thousands of years ago.
This won’t stop Thor from treating the holiday as an excuse to try and give his love the most lavish gifts he can find. With the help of his mother, and a little bit from his brother, he was able to spoil you like the prince/princess you are on this special day.
Chocolate covered strawberries, your favorite flowers or plants, he made sure to grab all your favorite things and present them to you with a big, proud smile on his face, even if some of his gifts began to take up space within your house. While he did go a little bit overboard with his gifts, you couldn’t help but laugh and give him a kiss from how much thought he put into it.
The next Valentine’s, he now has a general understanding of how to be a good Valentine. Now opting for gifts and food that you love and enjoy rather than grabbing a gaudy Valentine’s Day gift in the aisle of Walmart.
This included dates that hold a more meaningful tone to them, rather than being influenced from the cheesy romantic comedies that are always being played around this time.
While it isn’t perfect, you won’t find anyone else who tries harder than Thor. He wants to be with you forever and always, loving you no matter what life throws at the both of you, and one day, hoping the both of you could start a family, and you becoming his King/Queen.
With Valentine’s Day around the corner, I thought I’d pump something out really quick! I will be writing more characters, but for now thought Marvel would be a good start!
Feel free to take a look at my fandoms list and make any requests for any of your favorite fandoms!
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nothorses · 2 years
Sometimes I’m scared of becoming a toxic asshole for thinking these things, but when I saw the transmasc separatist dude, some of the things called for were things I already wanted to do. Like, seeking out transmasc authors and read their books, or transmasc musicians and listening to their music, or only dating other transmascs, or sticking to transmasc spaces. But I don’t want to do this because I think non-transmascs are incapable of not being transandrophobic. I want this because I’ve been hurt and all this feels like a way to give me some room to breathe and heal. And it’s frustrating cause the separatist stuff feels like it’s inviting me in for that but I don’t think it will help but I’m scared of others telling me I’m no better than them for needing space. I don’t know. Maybe I just suck at unity. Hate to think that tho.
I think there's a big difference between, like, "it feels good to discuss common experiences with people who understand them" (extremely normal and fine), and "it is only safe to interact with people just like me and everyone else is trying to hurt me" (unhealthy and counterproductive).
Everyone wants to see themselves in the things they read and watch. Everyone wants to relate to other people.
And I mean, I created a discord server for Transmascs for this reason; there weren't really any spaces where transmascs could talk about transmasc experiences with each other, and the lack of any kind of transmasc "community" was very sorely felt. I guess you don't see it as much lately, and I'm so incredibly grateful for why that is- but a lot of the early conversations around this stuff talked about how being transmasc was considered shameful or regressive; it wasn't something we were supposed to find joy or pride in, and it wasn't something you were supposed to connect with other people about. And that did so much damage to transmascs! It made us isolated and lonely, and it made it so hard to talk about anything we were going through that we often bought into the lie that none of it was real, or important enough to discuss. Not to mention the impact on our ability to share and get relevant information or resources.
There's nothing wrong with needing some space to talk about shared experiences with people who get it- and I'd argue that this kind of space is deeply necessary. We don't need to give that up. That's not what unity is.
Unity is recognizing that other transmascs are not the only people we share common experiences with. We're not the only safe people, or the only people with talking to, or the only people we need to be fighting for.
It's good to connect to your community! Keep doing that! Take the time to grow your identity, connect to that part of yourself, and work to heal the ways in which that lack of connection has impacted you.
Just don't do it out of fear of the people who aren't just like you, and try not to limit yourself to one community, or one type of person, exclusively.
You are a multifaceted person, and even the trans community itself is incredibly diverse; you will likely find, if you take the time to listen, that a lot of transfems and unaligned nb folks share a lot of the same experiences, too! Even ones connected to manhood, masculinity, or our perceived inability to be autonomous.
And honestly, it sounds like you know all this already- and like you're maybe afraid you have the wrong intentions, or you might mess up, even if you're honestly just trying your best.
Feel free to disregard this bit if I'm wrong, but if I'm not: trust yourself. Trust that you do not have secret, evil intentions or hatred hidden even from yourself. Trust that if you mess up, you will do your best to correct it when you find out about it. You're doing fine, anon, you don't need to be hypervigilant about your own thoughts and feelings. And maybe you'll find that if you can work towards that goal, you'll start to worry a lot less about Becoming A Toxic Asshole for, like, correctly identifying the kernel of reasonable motivation that lead to someone else's wrong conclusion.
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tranquilstudy · 2 years
Tumblr media
Welcome to another one of my studyblr challenges! I’ve gained a lot more followers on this channel since the last time I did one of these so I wanted to say hello and I like to give people the opportunity to connect through events like these. Looking back at my last challenge there were actually a lot of very awesome people participating and I’m hoping this time around will be the same! Below you’ll find some rules, dates for when it begins and ends and the questions for each day of the challenge. These are usually pretty laidback so feel free to diverge from whatever rules I put out there. Can’t wait to meet new people and hear about what is going on in everyone’s lives!
As always, you’re more than welcome to start or stop this challenge at any time. The numbers added will correspond with when I’m tracking tags for this challenge, but they can be adjusted, re-used and re-done to your heart’s content. That being said, if you want to do it with a group and hopefully make some friends along the way, I’ll be officially tracking or starting this challenge on October 14th, 2022. The challenge has 29 questions, and with one question per day, the challenge will end on November 12th, 2022. Assuming I just counted that right. However, if you’re like me and like to answer a couple questions every couple of days, that ending day may vary for you. No worries! That’s often what happens with my posts as well.
Just like that time, I’ll be making a separate post for the taglist for this challenge. If you want to be on the taglist, just reblog this post or otherwise show interest in doing this challenge! And if you want to be added or removed you can always shoot me an ask (don’t DM me, I don’t check or answer those to get to it in a timely fashion). The taglist shows you who is hoping to participate and hopefully it’ll help people to connect with like-minded individuals!
When this challenge starts, I’ll be tracking the tag #tranquilfallbuddies so please use it when you’re posting about this challenge so I can see your lovely answers! I really bank on people using these tags to see interest in these challenges and whatever you guys have to say so feel free to use them to send me feedback or whatever you want along with your posts that are challenge related.
So, in my last challenge I had people start each day by setting themselves an intention, or a goal, or just by stating their mindset for that day and a lot of people seemed to like that, so I'm bringing it back here! So, every day (or for every post you make for the challenge), an additional question is added where you can simply fill in one of the choices here:
1. Today, I am grateful for ________. (Studies have shown that stating what you’re grateful for in each day can actually improve your mood and outlook on life. Give it a try if you want!)
2. Today, I choose ______. (Inspired by Yoga with Adrienne, whom I still admire very much).
3. Today, my goals are _________. (what do you want to accomplish today?)
You can switch up your choices too, or you can fill out two or all three of them if you want to! Just pick one, two or three that you feel suits you best for that post. Or, you can make your own if you want!
Daily Questions:
The beginning of the challenge, woohoo you did it! A lot of the time starting is the hardest part. So, tell us a little bit about yourself! What are you studying currently, what where are you in your life right now? Are you happy with where you are right now? What are your goals in doing this challenge? (this is taken from the last challenge! I loved all the answers you guys gave for it so I’m bringing it back!)
What was the last book you finished?
What type of books are you interested in?
When was the last time you had a life-changing revelation? What revelation did you have?
Cut up some fruit for yourself. Show us what fruit you picked and why.
Do you find yourself procrastinating? What are you procrastinating right now? Be honest haha
What do you think defines a person's character?
Teach others something about your area of study that they may not know about.
What would make you happy right now?
When did you create your study blog or tumblr account? Why did you create it? Has the blog fulfilled the goals you've set out to accomplish so far?
Show us your current study space, as it looks right now.
Who's the last person you held hands with?
What was the most productive thing you did today? Why do you consider this action to be productive?
What passions do you have that led you to studying what you're studying in school now?
What can you de-clutter physically or emotionally to find more ease and simplicity?
What is your favourite book at the moment? Now, find a song to match this book and explain your choice.
What misconceptions do people have about your area of study?
What do you own that gives off "cozy autumn vibes"? Do you decorate for autumn or spooky season at all?
How do you calm your nerves during exam season?
When was the last time you let yourself express yourself openly? What did you express?
What about you makes you proud to be you?
What kind of mental health support do you have? How often do you utilize these resources?
What do you do when you need comfort? How can you ask for comofrt from others? How can you give comfort to yourself?
What is the kindest thing you could do for yourself, right in this moment?
Do you find the process of learning something new discouraging or uplifting? What advice would you give to others to appreciate this journey more?
Have you ever dyed your hair? What colour would you dye your hair, if you could dye it any colour?
What do you do to calm yourself down when you feel anxious?
Do you enjoy spooky season? What things do you like or dislike about it?
 The end of the challenge so it's time to reflect! I'm very proud of you for completing this challenge so give yourself a high-five! Where are you in your life now that you've finished this challenge? Have you made any friends or discovered any new blogs during this challenge or because of this challenge? If so, tag them below!  
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dnangelic · 6 months
ᴡʜᴀᴛ ᴍᴀᴅᴇ ʏᴏᴜ ᴘɪᴄᴋ ᴜᴘ ᴛʜᴇ ᴄᴜʀʀᴇɴᴛ ᴍᴜꜱᴇ(ꜱ) ʏᴏᴜ ʜᴀᴠᴇ?
biting the bullet and saying why not! i usually avoid protagonist types because i get intimidated by the amount of detail and canon i feel like i have to memorize in order to properly do them justice, same with more 'popular' charas/muses giving me more personal pressure to be a portrayal worth.... something?? respect and validity?? attention and friendship from my mutuals lmao 😭 but considering dnangel was painfully niche (despite the way everybody and their mom at least recognizes it) and about half the series was only in japanese anyways, (let's see you try to find full-length dnangel LN translations that aren't mine) AND it's been like 30 years since the series started, i figured i'd have nothing to lose if my tried my best with daisuke. dai's always basically been my first magical girl (boy-) exposure and for that i'm very grateful. i still remember how beautiful sugisaki's art was to me even while being shook that dai was falling off a cliff in vol 2. my whole life might as well have led up to this point is basically what i'm saying-
ɪꜱ ᴛʜᴇʀᴇ ᴀɴʏᴛʜɪɴɢ ʏᴏᴜ ᴅᴏɴ'ᴛ ʟɪᴋᴇ ᴛᴏ ᴡʀɪᴛᴇ?
nothing much beyond the obvious taboos/what's in my rules. although, i don't really like if it a muse relationship doesn't go anywhere and stagnates at something like making fun of dark or daisuke nonstop. yeah they can be your funny guys, but don't suddenly ditch me or go off in an ooc post rant if that funny stuff takes an actual serious turn. i try to incorporate a lot of facets into dark and daisuke both, so i get frustrated when people solely try to force them into shallow facades of themselves. humor's great, but there's a point where people have to take daisuke and dark's feelings seriously too, or else i won't feel reciprocated, and i'll start losing respect for portrayals and muses.
ɪꜱ ᴛʜᴇʀᴇ ᴀɴʏᴛʜɪɴɢ ʏᴏᴜ ʀᴇᴀʟʟʏ ᴇɴᴊᴏʏ ᴡʀɪᴛɪɴɢ?
i just like writing in general really. if you write with me i really enjoy it. thank u so much💐✨. being able to take dark and daisuke out of their somewhat limited canon and put them through certain experiences or in front of certain personalities that i'd otherwise never ever get to see is very fulfilling for me, especially since the series probably won't get anymore updates in the future (holding out for an anime revival but for now i'll take the brand new 2024 drama cd.) if we're talking deepest indulgences... off the top of my head, i really like it when dark gets to be actually intimate with others without worrying over the curse or keeping any secrets for daisuke, which includes him being with even younger muses who just kind of marvel at him and look up to him be it as an older brother type figure or not. on daisuke's side of things, i'm just like sugisaki lmfao- i like it when he gets to do things and actually prove to muses that he's a) capable and unstoppable when he tries and b) actually kind of an impulsive hothead underneath all the anxiety dkjfkgjk.
ʜᴏᴡ ᴅᴏ ʏᴏᴜ ᴄᴏᴍᴇ ᴜᴘ ᴡɪᴛʜ ʜᴇᴀᴅᴄᴀɴᴏɴꜱ?
i wish i was the sort of person to spitball silly little headcanons out one after another but i'm not. most headcanons i have usually fulfill some kind of thematic or relate directly to canon; dark's skin being ice-cold and marble-smooth is all headcanon, him having fangs (sharp teeth) and claws is very very arguably headcanon, (as in, canon never comments on either or, but let it me known my dark absolutely does have these features,) all to better suit and exaggerate his role as 'the beast' and something inhuman, on the scarier and supernatural side of things. daisuke tumbling locks as a (quite telling to the perceptive) habit with his hands is headcanon, and so is his and dark's shared appreciation for fruits/sweets --- it's part of the fractured fairy-tale motif, but also the biblical, which both often have overlapping dealings and warnings in regards to sins, temptations, and pride, a la eating the apple / the gingerbread house. dark and dai are both the tempers and the ones tempted, but they're also thieves and possessive saviors; their eyes are kind but covet, their hands are cold but their smiles are warm, they clutch at and take anything that isn't theirs but often for the sole sake of keeping and protecting it. most of my headcanons end up revolving around that sort of thing.
ᴅᴏ ʏᴏᴜ ᴡʀɪᴛᴇ ɪɴ ꜱɪʟᴇɴᴄᴇ ᴏʀ ᴅᴏ ʏᴏᴜ ᴘʟᴀʏ ᴍᴜꜱɪᴄ?
my surroundings are endlessly noisy so i usually have something playing. it's also why i write better at night during dead hours because it's quietest, but by then i'm usually worn out and just want to sleep 😂
ᴅᴏ ʏᴏᴜ ᴘʟᴀɴ ʏᴏᴜʀ ʀᴇᴘʟɪᴇꜱ ᴏʀ ᴡɪɴɢ ᴛʜᴇᴍ?
i'm a winger. if i focus too long on quality for literally every single interaction i'd never get any replies out, but i do enjoy writing more complex/dramatic replies for mutuals whose styles better suit it. this is why my writing style shifts around between asks/responses/mutuals sometimes, although sometimes it's on purpose. dark's responses can seem far more complex and grandiose than daisuke's at times, but that's because mentally, daisuke's much younger and simpler and much more emotional/energetic. if i'm really inspired by a response but don't have the immediate time to sit and focus on a full length reply, sometimes i'll just jot down a sentence or two i want to use so i don't forget into my notes app, and it's usually smooth sailing from there.
ᴅᴏ ʏᴏᴜ ᴇɴᴊᴏʏ ꜱʜɪᴘᴘɪɴɢ?
romantic? it's not my priority, especially since my standards are very strict. i refuse to get into a ship that feels empty because forcing something i don't actually feel for is the fastest way to kill off my muse. idc about kisses and i sure as hell don't do smut, my muse (both of them, dark included at least physically) is a minor, but if something happens naturally (which isn't at all impossible, this is daisuke i'm writing here,) then i'll roll with it and see where it goes. really it's not daisuke developing an attraction to another muse that i'm afraid of, just annoying muns or getting a negative reaction to potentially introducing any kind of narrative conflict. i like some drama. i like some figuring it out. i like depth touching depth. daisuke's entire life/series begins with him literally being rejected by his first crush on his birthday and he's part of a buy one boyfriend get one free package alongside dark; he's always got a lot to figure out. so i guess my advice is really don't ask me to ship unless you're fully prepared to understand what exactly that means with daisuke.
romance aside? i love daisuke having mentors. or rivals. or people he attaches to as a sibling or some kind, given he's a lonely single child already used to being immensely responsible. or i like seeing him being stuck in complicated situations and putting other people into complicated dilemmas because his alignments are all over the place. he works with criminal muses, law-enforcement related muses, magical-related muses, inter-dimensional related muses, art-related muses, older or younger, nobility, there's sm you can do with him, he can go just about anywhere. i enjoy this.
ᴡʜᴀᴛ'ꜱ ʏᴏᴜʀ ᴀʟɪᴀꜱ/ɴᴀᴍᴇ?
💀 im getting older....
mar 20th
ꜰᴀᴠᴏʀɪᴛᴇ ᴄᴏʟᴏʀ(ꜱ)?
black, red, hey wait a minute-
ꜰᴀᴠᴏʀɪᴛᴇ ꜱᴏɴɢ(ꜱ)?
i'll talk about for dark and daisuke specifically - dark is always those moody, weepy sounding vkei or jrock (duh) songs while daisuke gets all the cutesy, lovey-dovey, high-energy jpop music. throw in the occasional mix of the two (like metal covers of high energy pop songs) and i've got all the vibes i need. go into my audio tag and maybe then you will Understand
ʟᴀꜱᴛ ᴍᴏᴠɪᴇ ʏᴏᴜ ᴡᴀᴛᴄʜᴇᴅ?
half of sonic 2 (i didn't get to finish it because it was on a plane flight ---)
ʟᴀꜱᴛ ꜱʜᴏᴡ ʏᴏᴜ ᴡᴀᴛᴄʜᴇᴅ?
i haven't watched any shows in FOREVER 😭
ʟᴀꜱᴛ ꜱᴏɴɢ ʏᴏᴜ ʟɪꜱᴛᴇɴᴇᴅ ᴛᴏ?
halyosy's snowman (the rerec ver) (thank you project sekai)
ꜰᴀᴠᴏʀɪᴛᴇ ꜰᴏᴏᴅ?
ꜰᴀᴠᴏʀɪᴛᴇ ꜱᴇᴀꜱᴏɴ?
fall right when it's riiiiiight before winter.
ᴅᴏ ʏᴏᴜ ʜᴀᴠᴇ ᴀ ᴛᴜᴍʙʟʀ ʙᴇꜱᴛ ꜰʀɪᴇɴᴅ?
mutuals that have stuck with me for yrs are all my best friends. mutuals that are nice to me now are also my best friends
tagged by @primordyalsoul ty sumin!!!!!!
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