#ask mem
txttletale · 1 year
🔥 healing
overwatch made a critical and irreversible design error the moment they introduced the first character who could heal more than mercy
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skyland2703 · 29 days
“oh of COURSE [insert blog url] would post about this"
javelia and angst
AHSJAHAJSHS i was not expecting the ✨Angst✨
But I accept. Unhappy endings supremacy >>>>
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procrastinatorproject · 9 months
From the Star Trek ask game:
48. Name a song or music genre you think each of the la Sirena holo squad would like.
I don't really listen to a lot of music, so I can't talk too much about specific songs or 20th/21st century genres. Fortunately, this is Star Trek, so I get to be creative 😁😁😁
Emil: I mean, if you've read my fic, you know my Emil listens to all kinds of opera and likes to sing it, too! Doesn't have to be Klingon opera, either. He once spent a delightful afternooon being taught the finer points of Bynar coloratura by Xyr (the star tenor Rios hooked up with one time and whom Emil has a crush on admires).
When it's not opera, Emil probably listens to various forms of jazz, about which he has Very Strong Opinions. (Of course, he would never go so far as to, say, have a protracted argument with someone on Federation hypernet message boards about the merits of warp-shift-amplifiers on Tellarite slop jazz, but in his defense, cargo runs really do get very boring sometimes when you don't want to risk turning off and not being there when your captain gets himself shot again......)
Ian: He'd say Scottish folk music as a matter of pride, but he also unironically loves it! He has a vast repository of sheet music for historic tunes set for various instruments and always keeps an eye out for new talent from Scotland or Caldos Colony that might be worth keeping an eye on. He does play the bagpipes himself, too, though usually only when nobody from te non-holographic crew is on board. He has also been known to lead a rousing round of sea shanties every now and again.
Other than that, he also enjoys really experimental genres. There was an unfortunate incident a few months ago where Ian was listening to a new album from an underground spectral punk band while he did engine maintenance. He was sure he wouldn't be bothering anyone, because the music wasn't in the audible spectrum for humans and only Rios and Agnes were on board at the time. About twenty minutes into the record, he got a very salty message from Emil, asking him to please stop playing music that could cause crippling migraines and ruptured ear drums in his patients...
Enoch: Enoch is all for the Federation equivalent of top 40 radio. He sometimes sneaks onto the holodeck to watch concert-transmissions from the latest Andorian pop princess or Bajoran singer-songwriter. When he's sitting watch on the bridge on the rare occasions Rios is asleep (not that he needs to be there, the computer would activate him, if his services were required, but it feels right to physically keep an eye on things, you know?) he'll often tune in to the biggest music broadcasts to keep up with new music and concert dates.
Enoch also has a knack for finding the exact song, musician, or current trend that is most likely to piss off Rios and to then fall in love with it completely. He claims it's entirely coincidental, and Emil has seriously considered writing a psychology paper about this phenomenon and what it might say about the origins of musical taste and aversion. Emil and Agnes have spent many an hour sipping tea together, watching with rapt attention as Enoch and Rios yell at each other about the "Taylor Swift Revival"-Revival Band and what is or isn't sacrilege to force poor Sirena to play through her speakers. (The rumour that there was popcorn consumed with the tea is pure slander, though!)
Emmet: Emmet has the great advantage that he does not give a fuck what anyone thinks of him or his taste in music. He has had phases where he'd be listening to metal and grunge at top volume (usually only in his head, though occasionally he'd "accidentally" blast it over the ship's speakers). But he also enjoys all kinds of classical and historical music and has listened to every genre of punk known to the Federation's audio libraries.
Then there was a memorable week where he got so into Trill's childrens music that Steward had to ask Ian to block the sound files, because the inane ear worms were starting to infect the other EH's over their shared neural pathways, and Rios had threatened that the next holo humming the tune to "Where are you wriggling little worm?" would be scrubbed from the system.
But Emmet's secret joy, the music he doesn't really tell the others about or ever listens to where anyone can hear, are whale songs. He knows the songs of roughly two thousand different species, both from Earth Whales and other aquatic mammals that communicate in similar fashions. He even has a few very rare recordings of space whale calls, and nobody has dared to ask what he had to do to get his hands on those.
Steward: Steward, on the other hand, cares A Lot what people think about his musical tastes. He would like to be sohpisticated and classy, and enjoy opera and jazz as much as Emil and the captain, or have some deep cultural ties to a genre of music he enjoys, like Ian. But alas, he finds it heart to really get into any of that. He has found himself tapping his foot and nodding along to some of the catchcy stuff Enoch often puts on when Rios is asleep, but he knows that's not really dignified and worries he might seem uncultured if people know he enjoys top 40 radio. (Raffi has called him a snob on more than one occasion, and he knows he'll have to do some deep thinking to overcome some of the biases his creators endowed him with, because he has come to realize his interpretation of "hospitality" differs quite a bit from what they seem to have been envisioning.)
He would really like to learn to play the guitar. He can play a lot of different instruments and his singing voice is exquisitely trained, but the guitar is one of those blindspots he was left with, after Rios's deletions to the holos' memories. Steward knows that Rios can play incredibly well himself and keeps a real, hand-crafted guitar in secure storage for the extremely rare occasions Rios has been in the mood to play. The EHH has dropped a lot of less-than-sublte hints around Agnes recently and hopes she might be able to coax Rios into getting back to a hobby he once loved.
Steward himself dreams of a time when they'll all be sitting around a campfire on the holodeck, or maybe in the open cargo bay with sand from the beach they landed on blowing up the loading ramp, and him playing the guitar as they all sing campfire songs and make smores and stockbrot.
Until then, he is going to make sure Sirena's access to the various Federation audio libraries is always running smoothly, the holodeck is perfectly calibrated and stocked to cater to everyone's needs, and their various music collections are kept in whatever way is most fitting to the individual crew member, holographic or otherwise. Because he is in charge of the welfare of every soul La Sirena, and if that means occasionally reassuring Emmet (or Rios) that he definitely s the only one besides Steward who knows about the collection of whale songs and reassuring him nobody will ever find out he likes to fall asleep to them, or helping Emil or Enoch workshop another fan letter or scathing blog post, or running simulations on Ian's latest music genres to make sure they won't wilt the botniculas, then that's all the music he needs.
This was fun! I was gonna apologize for the length of this, but then I doubt you mind, do you? 😁
Thank you so much for the opportunity to write about my favourite gaggle of hyper-competent idiots and their various exploits! This was a great way to do some worldbuilding and micro-fic-writing even when full ficlets seem out of reach, and I'm realy grateful for the inspiration!
If anyone else wants to know more: Send Me Star Trek Asks 💗 (Or alternatively: send me holo-asks! I'm alsways delighted to write stuff like this!)
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Hello, ppl of my blog and those who stumbled upon this post!
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I cleaned up and polished my profile and inbox, so feel free to send me questions/headcanons/art prompts ect.
(anons welcomed!!)
1. Please READ my Main Informational Post before sending anything!
2. I will inform that my social battery is really draining and so, I might answer late or might not answer at all to some questions. I apologise in advance!
3. For art prompts/requests:
- No OCs
- No NSFW/Creepy/Complex details
- I only draw for fandoms I am in or know well enough. If unsure feel free to ask before hand or in DMs.
Well, that's all for the rules!
I am looking forward for everything you have at me, especially since my current hyperfixation (Honkai SR, if it isn't obvious) won't let me rest and I just-
I just want to-
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sullivanxshaw · 1 month
what would your muse say is their biggest flaw?
" I have a few to be honest. I think the worst is that I self sacrifice to the detriment of myself. I am sleeping on the couch of our apartment, because with my sisters getting older, I wanted them to have their own space. So now they have their own rooms. Eventually we'll be able to move somewhere bigger, but I would rather the back pain then them not having their space. Don't tell anyone about it though"
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thenextchapterbegins · 8 months
Date application for: Your choice.
How well do we know each other?:
Why do you want to date me?:
Describe your ideal date:
List five of your best qualities:
Anything you else you want to say?:
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inrainprose · 9 months
Ao3 wrapped: 28?
28. Favorite work you wrote this year?
Though one, I really enjoy the BL oneshots I wrote this year. I'd say Lucky to Be Coming Home Again, but probably just because Moonlight Chicken and Jim & Lin Ming's relationship are among my favorites period.
Thank you for asking (and sorry for the delay). Ask away
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divine-knight · 2 years
Inside of a clearing surrounded the colorful flames of a burning forest danced a being of pure fire, surrounded by many other beings like her. Her limbs fluidly moved around like wisps of fire, and her hair flew about like a flickering candle flame as she stepped across the rainbow-lit grass to the beat clapped by the others of her kind. Around her flew various orbs of different colors, leaving behind trails as they went, chirping with excitement as they followed her movements. As they danced, the orbs grew their own limbs, heads, and bodies, and they all took hands and formed a circle, like young children playing a game!
The taller being in the middle stared with pure-white pupils, smiling kindly as she clapped her hands and watched the child-like fiery beings dance around her, leaping into the air and spinning with their newfound bodies! The shouts of other adults at the edges of the circle added to the energy of the dance as all of the children moved faster and faster, like a rising ring of flame surging across the ground. The spun around and around, until they were almost blurred!
All the while, the fiery woman kept cheering the children on with a rhythmic clap.
And then, they stopped as the woman spun on a pointed leg and raised a hand into the air.
The children all raised their arms into the air, and-
Some of the children suddenly changed back into mere balls of flame, while others kept their bodies!
The adults all cheered and applauded the dancers as they moved into the clearing to congratulate the children with bodies.
The woman lowered her arm and smiled proudly at the children. "Well done, children! You danced wonderfully this year!" she praised the kids, clapping her hands together as she beamed.
The children with bodies all cheered, while some of the balls of fire went over to chirp their congratulations!
One small sphere lowered down to the ground, however, making a sad little noise.
The woman saw the little flame and smiled sympathetically, moving over to kneel down next to the forlorn child. "Oh, I thought for sure that the fortieth time would be the charm," she remarked, patting the ball of flame. "Maybe next year will be your moment, Almira!"
The ball of flame made a series of chirping noises.
The woman gently scooped up the flame in her hands, shaking her head. "Now, now, there's nothing wrong with not having a body yet, sweetie!" she reassured the ball, "It just means you're not ready for one, yet. But some day, you will be."
She pointed a finger at the ball. "And when that day comes, I will bet that you will have a most spectacular dance!"
Almira seemed to rotate a bit, as though tilting an unseen head in thought. Then, she rose up a bit, seeming to nod with renewed energy!
The woman smiled, patting the orb again. "Now, would you like some cake?" she asked the ball.
Almira zipped around the woman a few times, stopping right above her hands!
The woman giggled a bit. "Okay, then let us join the others!"
Turning around with the orb in her hands, the fiery woman stepped across the remarkably scorch-free grass, joining the group of fiery beings that were slowly filing out of the clearing.
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aquitainequeen · 2 years
27 and 29 for the fanfic ask :)
Thanks for the ask! 🥰
27: What do you listen to while writing? I aim for things without words so that I don't get distracted, so generally classical music or film soundtracks. However, when I'm in a mood for something epic I stick on Two Steps from Hell, particularly New Life (Sun).
29: Favorite line/passage you wrote this year?
Start smaller. She could begin with a letter to Mal. I’m sorry, I never would have left you, they dragged me away. Also, sorry that I turned out to be Grisha and the Sun Summoner, but that doesn’t matter because I will find you again. And then she can write to Boris and Raisa’s families: Sorry I accidentally got your child horribly killed. It was because of love, which is a romantic motive, but it was still kind of murder.
Terrific. That’s just the thing to make even more people want her dead. Repeat; she must never plan anything again.
Oh, Alina.
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inonibird · 2 months
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Why, I got lost at C̶̥̆ö̵̯́ṅ̸̬v̸̯̌e̴̲͘r̵͙̐g̶̑͜e̵̘͊n̵͐͜c̸̨̀è̶̡ ̷̟͊S̴͎̓t̵͎͂a̴̠͊t̵̟͝i̷͙̐o̴̖̓n̷͕̂, how are you?
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gambeque · 1 year
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therapy sesh
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fluffypotatey · 3 months
Oh, so that's why you're crazy. You got to see more subbed episodes than me lol. "I think you need to see this, MK the Monkie Kid." THANKS LBD YOU ESPECIALLY WOULD KNOW ALL ABOUT THAT HUH. OOH Liu'er!! 🥺 <-- should not be making that face knowing it either means he's being called Six Ears, or what else that name could mean. I still think it's cute, tho. This fight is definitely reminiscent of S3's special, and it's SO evil of them to have it slice apart the hypnosis eye right as Wukong goes for the punch. "It's not very pleasant, is it?" "Yeah, what...what was that?" SHAKING THEM BC I THOUGHT THIS WAS GOING TO BE ABOUT THE MEMORIES LIKE WDYM BRO-! but apparently they just talk about ol' hundred eyed demon! Macky is so funny tho, slinking his head into his shoulders like the shy kids do at school, arms crossed and being grumpy about "oh dw about thanking me for saving you from being stuck here bc apparently my sacrifice was wAsTeD since you came here anyways" 🙄 and Wukong doesn't even say anything back about it...interesting! Could be MK, could be he agrees, but I also think this time Macky is genuinely unhappy about that and not fully meaning it to make Wukong rise to the bait or anything. I think he just needed to express that idk.
i love how you just saw my blog full of me freaking and were like “yeah she’s weird but who’s not” and then went “OH she watched more subtitled s5 episodes o.O she is wack-wack”
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like…this is what he looked like charging into a (incredibly disappointing and fast) fight (and when i say disappointing i dont mean i was disappointed. it is spoken sarcastically bc i found it very funny)
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*strangles you and strangles you and strangles you and strangles you and—*
as if SWK hadn’t already relived his memories in the scroll and then has to relive his deepest ones no thanks to the Hundred Eyed Demon 🫠 like wtf (also, hey Macky what did the eyes show you 👀 what was your deepest memory 👀🍿 i swear i won’t say a word of it just tell me)
*sighs* this wo7 makes me unwell
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toastders · 6 months
you should draw mem-cho :3
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tysm for the ask!! here's MEM-cho from oshi no ko
*feel free to ask for a sketch, I'm only drawing existing characters tho (no ocs or people) and idk if I'll get to all of them 😭*
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clannfearrunt · 6 months
have you posted the full art for your header? i cant seem to find it on your blog unless im missing it somehow!
I actually haven't yet! I was planning to draw a handful of other sideorder related things to post in a batch. And then I got distracted drawing other things that also have to be posted in a batch. And then I got distracted drawing other things that
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hamliet · 10 months
I have a question you said in a review the eyes in the characters of oshi no ko when I read about it design wise I am intersted in the eyes of Akane, Kana and Mem-cho mean something about there role and character in the story I was wondering if you can elabortate on it.
Okay, so! To start with this topic, though, we actually have to talk about Ai first and foremost.
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Hoshino Ai breaks down into several meanings. For one thing, it breaks into “hoshi no eye,” which literally means “starry eye” in Japanese. Ai’s eyes notably have stars in them, and Aqua and Ruby have one starry eye each.
Of course, this breaks into several meanings itself. "Starry eyed" is an English idiom for an idealistic, childlike view of the world. If we break the "star eye" idea down further, "star" references Ai being a "star," an idiom for a famous person.
"Hoshino" also contains a homonym for the Japanese verb "hoshi" (欲しい), which means "to want." This also indicates a huge part of Ai's character. The kanji used to write Hoshino means "star" and "indigo"--indigo is the color that you get when you combine aqua and ruby, by the way.
Plus, Ai is written in katakana (アイ), not kanji as would be typical for a name. Katakana is the Japanese script for loan words, which reinforces the literal translation of “eye.” But, it's also a homonym for the Japanese word for love (愛), which is pronounced like "eye." In turn, the story explores love as a major theme--for example, Ai’s final thoughts are about her finally understanding love.
So, from Ai, we see that eyes and particularly starry eyes matter.
In the OP, we see a progression of five eyes--Aqua, Ruby, Kana, Akane, and Mem-Cho.
Hikaru, Aqua, and Ruby
Aqua and Ruby share one starry eye that goes black when they are in a bad mental state (Hikaru's eyes are also starry eyes that have turned black, again reinforcing that he never had a childhood).
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The implication of both Ruby and Aqua having one starry eye each and switching between looking more like their mother's eyes and their father's eyes is to emphasize their internal conflict. They both bear the legacy of their parents, and have their own legacies in their past lives and a blank slate, a chance for a new start (the unstarred eye). What they do with this life and which legacy they want to focus on (Ai's love and life, or Hikaru's focus on trauma and repeating a cycle of violence) is their choice.
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If we take the saying "the eyes are the window to the sopul," then we also see that as much as Ruby and Aqua are Sarina and Gorou, they are also Ruby and Aqua, children of Ai and Hikaru. That's why I actually am not so sure about the common fan presumption that Crow Girl saying the children had no souls meant they were supposed to be stillborn. They aren't Sarina and Gorou any more so than they are Ruby and Aqua.
Now let's finally move onto your characters.
Kana’s eyes resemble galaxies.
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What this means isn't entirely clear, but instead of a single star, she has hundreds in her eyes. This presumably indicates her potential as a human being, and her way of reminding both Aqua and Ruby (in her better moments, anyways) that they are part of a huge world and a huge cosmos, and don't have to focus on just one aspect of life--namely, revenge on Hikaru for Aqua and revenge for the doctor for Ruby. Other people around them also contain their own light.
Akane and Mem-Cho
Akane’s look like an evening sky.
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Mem-Cho’s resemble daytime, complete with light reflections forming clouds as shown below:
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Again, I'm not entirely sure what this means per se, but I would guess it emphasizes, thematically, the reality of life. People live, and they die. Day comes, and then night.
Death (something repeatedly associated with Akane--no I don't think she's going to die) is a part of life. I would guess Akane will help Aqua and Ruby accept this part of themselves somehow, as written by @aspoonofsugar here.
Mem-Cho, on the other hand, shines brightly, illuminating their need to grow in some ways and offering wise advice. She's not as complex a character at the moment, but her role so far seems congruent with this idea.
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