#asks the guy with half a foot of tongue lolling out
newttxt · 4 months
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the slobber is surely law’s fault
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ladykettlechips · 10 months
Sweet Little Loaf (A Drabble)
I have no idea what to title this, so... yeah. This. This is a random drabble of 935 words based on a tweet that @folklauerate thought was very Kate and Anthony. In a nutshell, a woman was driving home from the shops and saw someone walking a corgi, came to a stop and went to say hi. Turns out, it was her corgi and her husband. So, I made a drabble out of after writing some random dialogue between Kate and Anthony. Enjoy! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Tapping the steering wheel with a hum, Kate’s eyes slid from the empty road to the path closest to her. The warm evening sun had cast a golden hue upon the dark concrete, bereft of the life she had witnessed just a half hour ago.
Then, she saw it: a glimmer of red and white, streaks of late summer sun bouncing off soft fur. A wiggling bottom and a wagging tail, attached to a loaf-shaped body and carried by stumpy little legs. His ears pricked up, eyes bright as the little guy turned his head, tongue lolling and trying to keep up with his owner’s pace.
Gasping, Kate slowed her car until she crawled to a stop, her own eyes wide and shining at the sweet little corgi. She had to say hi, perhaps give the sweetheart some scratches, a little bit of fuss and love because, well, he simply deserved it.
At the very idea Kate’s own fingers began to itch and, opening her car door, stepped out onto the pavement a short walk ahead of the precious loaf.
She felt her smile stretch across her face when the corgi caught sight of her and, with an energetic yip, began pulling on his lead, his tiny paws scrabbling to get to her. Kate nearly melted at the sight, his precious face lighting up at the thought of being adored.
Bending down, Kate laughed when the corgi all but shoved his head into her hand, his paws resting on her knees with eyes shut, enjoying the fuss. Above her, Kate heard the owner groan and even tap his foot. Good God, she hoped the poor baby hadn’t been stuck with a miserable bugger for an owner.
“Babe,” the voice was low, a sigh heavy on his lips. “I thought I told you to stop coming up to strangers who have corgis.”
Looking up, Kate scowled at Anthony, now tugging on Newton’s lead, and narrowed her eyes. Shit.
“Oh, shut up,” she muttered, and with another stroke of Newton’s beautiful fur, she stood to her full height and snatched the lead from Anthony’s grasp. “It’s not like you haven’t done it yourself.”
A low growl fell from Anthony’s lips and, turning on her heel, Kate walked Newton over to her car. Opening the back door, she picked up her – admittedly, quite heavy – dog, and placed him on the seat where he obediently parked his bum and panted up at her excitedly.
“I was chatting you up, Kate,” Anthony hissed from behind her, one arm wrapping around her waist and tugging her into him. “I was not interested in the corgi.” Flattening his other palm onto the window of the car door, Anthony slammed it shut.
Huffing, Kate wriggled in Anthony’s grasp, which only served to make him pull her that much closer.
“Funny, because I distinctly remember you only asking about Newton when you pulled up beside us,” she teased, and lowering her voice to a gruff cadence, continued with a grin. “What was it you said? Oh, yeah, What a beautiful little dog. You take such good care of his fur…”
Anthony groaned, his head dropping onto her shoulder, his arm tightening. Before Kate could finish her impression of their first meeting, she felt her body turn until her back was pressed up against the car, Anthony’s face mere inches away from her own.
His eyes were dark, lips slightly parted while he took her in, his gaze lowering down to her mouth before returning to her eyes again.
“I only asked because you were walking him, you menace,” he murmured, his nose barely brushing against hers. Kate shivered. “You can’t believe that everybody who walks up to a corgi has innocent intentions, sweetheart, nor should you believe all corgi owners won’t think twice about asking you out.”
Sliding her hands over his shirt, Kate hummed. “So, you didn’t have innocent intentions, then?” she asked with a tilt of her head, her arms wrapping around his neck and tugging him closer. Anthony smirked, a low chuckle rumbling from his chest.
“Not even one,” he whispered, his lips impossibly close to hers. Kate’s eyes fluttered closed.
“Poor Newton will be heartbroken,” she sighed softly, her fingers playing with the curls at the nape of Anthony’s neck. “He really thought you liked him.”
“Oh, I do,” Anthony admitted, his nose brushing against her cheek as he inhaled. “I like that he adores you just as much as I do.” His lips ghosted over her cheek and over her jaw. “I like him because he makes you happy.”
He kissed her brow, her chin, the tip of her nose, both of his arms crushing her against him, and Kate sighed contentedly.
“I like that fat corgi because he’s yours, Kate,” Anthony murmured, giving her hip a gentle squeeze. “I like him because he gave me a reason to meet you.” And then he captured her lips with his in a bruising kiss, swallowing any further arguments.
They broke apart moments later when a whistle sounded in the distance. Faces burning brighter than the evening sun, Kate rushed to get in the car and started up the car again, Anthony sliding into the passenger seat beside her.
They started the quiet drive home, Anthony’s large hand resting on her knee. Looking up into the rearview mirror, Kate spied her beloved corgi, now snoozing on the backseat and smiled to herself.
She loved Newton, her perfect little corgi, and she had to thank him, too; without his aid, Kate probably wouldn’t have met the man she now called her husband.
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One Night🌙15 [Finale]
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Warnings: noncon sexual acts and rape, pregnancy, depression, manipulation,  c-section, post-partum depression.
This is dark!Andy Barber and explicit. Your media consumption is your own responsibility. Warnings have been given. DO NOT PROCEED if these matters upset you. 18+.
Summary: One night changes your entire life.
Note: Thanks all for your patience. Hard to believe this started with a writing challenge.
Hope you enjoy it. Thank you. Love you guys!​
I ask humbly and graciously for your likes and feedback. Please leave a reblog as well as it helps lots :D
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All you could hear was your own breath. Your chest rose and fell heavily as the machines beeped beside you, a dull pain underlying the tingling numbness in your back. Your body was heavy as if you can’t move, your head fuzzy and full. Your eyelids hung half-closed across your vision as a figure appeared before you.
You focused on inhaling and exhaling as a shiver crawled up to your shoulders, shaking you painfully. The machine beeped in a mimic of your heartbeat, growing faster as you blinked up at the nurse. You groaned as agony slowly seeped around your pelvis. You looked down, your stomach slouched and loose.
“What…” you croaked and grabbed her hand as she tried to adjust the oximeter on your finger.
“Shhh, your baby’s health, she’s in the NICU right now. You can see her soon.”
You shuddered and let her go, your hand dropping down beside the rail. The dry, sterile smell of the hospital parched your tongue and throat. You shook your head.
“Too early…” you murmured.
“She was a bit early but we got her out alright,” the nurse explained, “miss, please, don’t move too much. You’ll tug on the incision.”
“Huh?” You closed your eyes and raised your hand shakily to your forehead.
The car ride, frantic and furious with Andy’s voice, the wracking of your stomach and back as you cradled your middle and whined. The parking lot, crisp and frigid as he carried you across the dark tarmac. The white hospital walls and the voices all around, speaking as if you weren’t there as they rolled you a bouncing bed. Glowing orbs above as he held your hand, a mask and cap making you forget who he was.
“The baby… I… don’t remember.”
“You had a cesarean, miss. We had to get her out as fast as possible.”
“Why… where is she?”
“I told you, she’s in the NICU. Once she’s cleared, we can bring her up to you.”
“But—” you croaked.
“Your husband is getting you water,” she said as she wrote on your chart and hung it from the foot of your bed, “you have to stay hydrated. You’ll be getting some advil once the epidural wears off.”
“Oh…” your head lolled to one side, “okay.”
You were too confused to argue, too weak to keep talking. The baby was safe and all was as it was. You were stuck under Andy’s thumb as he twisted it down on you. Your hand slipped back to your side and you shut your eyes.
The nurse left and you sat in the silence. It was over. Your daughter, his daughter, was alive and healthy. You just had to survive this. Had to get through and bide your time. The thoughts made you dizzy. You couldn’t do anything right now, you had sacrificed your body for his baby.
The door opened again and you groaned as you peeked at Andy from beneath drooping eyelids. He had a large styrofoam cup with a straw. He smiled and came around the bed, offering the cup.
“Andy,” you sneered.
“You’re awake,” he ignored your disdain, “the nurse said you’d need lots of water. You were a bit out of it so–”
You clenched your jaw and glared up at him. He must’ve been acting like the gallant husband, the dependable hubby, the saviour. Did he tell them what happened? That he goaded you into labour? Of course not, he only showed his real face to you.
When you didn’t reach for the cup, he put it down on the metal tray and wheeled it closer to your bed. You flared your nostrils and turned to stare at the orange door. You tried to shift and your stomach pulled tightly as you whimpered.
“You shouldn’t move too much,” he touched your shoulder, “you gotta take it easy, sweetheart.”
“Don’t fucking touch me,” you shrugged him off and winced again.
He sighed, “not here. Not now.”
“Yeah, when you say it, it’s the law. When I do–”
“Do you even care that she’s alive? Our daughter?” He stepped closer to the bed and gripped the rail.
Your eyes welled as you set your jaw. You furrowed your brow at the door as his gaze hung on you. A heat seared up the back of your neck and across your chest. You gulped and let the anger surge.
“No,” you said at last.
He let go of the rail and hit it with his fist. He backed up as he shook his hand and paced around the cramped space at the end of the bed. He snarled as he stopped and pivoted to face you.
“You don’t mean it.”
“Andy,” you deflate against the pillows, “I don’t care about anything. Not you. Not that thing they cut out of me. Not even myself. I’d be better off if I’d died on that table.”
“Jesus fucking Christ. You always have to be so dramatic. You can’t help yourself,” his hand clamped around his hip as his other hand sliced flat through the air, “you fucked around throughout this whole pregnancy and now that you’re facing the consequences, you’re sitting here feeling sorry for yourself. It isn’t about you. You have a child. You’re a mother and you sure as shit aren’t going to fuck this up.”
You rolled your eyes and let your head loll to the side. You coughed and it tore through your pelvis. You reached over and took the cup, slurping long and deep before putting it back. You folded your arms and grumbled.
“I don’t want to see her.”
“Don’t fucking do this–”
“Andy, you knew from the beginning I didn’t want this. Not you, not her.”
“You don’t get a fucking choice.”
“Fuck you,” you laughed darkly, “what do you want from me? You fucking dick. You have tortured me for six months. You have ruined my life and my body. What do you want? What?!”
You were left breathless from your outburst and the monitor began to beep erratically. You snorted and waved your hand indifferently. You looked over as the numbers on the machine.
“With any luck, I’ll be joining Laurie soon–”
“Don’t you say that! You have no right to say that,” he snarled and he grabbed the bottom of the bed and jerked it. You cried out as the movement jolted you painfully, “all I’ve given up and you mock me for it. You don’t appreciate what I’ve done for you. You don’t know what it’s like to lose your whole family—”
The door opened behind him and he choked back his words. He exhaled and the tension fell from his face as he turned to greet the nurse. He stepped back and gave half a wave. He stood by the wall as the nurse went to the machine then neared you.
“Miss, I’m going to have the doctor come check in, okay? Your heartbeat’s very irregular.”
“Alright, fine,” you uttered dully, “thanks.”
“He’ll be here shortly but you have to try to stay calm. Don’t try to move,” she scribbled again on your chart, “sir,” she looked at Andy, “try to distract her, okay? Keep her still.”
You could have laughed but you don’t. You scowled as the nurse left, entirely unaware of the cause and effect of this man. You huffed and pushed your head up to stare at the ceiling.
“If you keep this up,” Andy slowly came forward and stopped at your bedside. He grabbed your chin and turned your head as he leaned over you and growled, “you will know exactly what it’s like to lose everything.”
“I already have,” you spat back at him.
“Have you?” His nose almost touched yours as he loomed over you.
You searched his deep oceanic eyes as he squeezed your jaw cruelly, “you…”
“Your parents might be a couple of yokels, but they mean something to you. My daughter will have us, she won’t miss her grandparents.”
“I care a lot less for them than I did Laurie. Think about that.”
He stood and released you. You shuddered and touched your jaw. He took the remote as he sat on the stiff chair and flipped on the television mounted in the corner. You closed your hand and let your fist rest on your chest. Your parents might not be the best people but they didn’t deserve to pay for your mistakes. Not anymore.
After several days in hospital, you were discharged with a bottle of painkillers and your daughter. She’d spent three days in NICU, three days in which Andy would go and stare at her through the window and come back with tears in his eyes. 
When at last she was wheeled into your room, you let him hold her as you rested. You only touched her to feed her and the sensation of her greedy sucking revolted you. And her weight only added to the pain in your pelvis. She was small but a burden still.
He called her Abigail. She was tiny but she looked like him. She had his eyes and that serious expression. She cried but not for long. Angry yowls rather than anguished wails. As if she was unhappy with this world, disappointed by her new life. You didn’t blame her.
You pushed open the car door but hesitated to climb out. Andy worked at unhook the car seat from the back before he came around. He helped you out, not a word between you as he marched you up to the front door. The grey Massachussets sky set a suitably dour pallor around you.
Inside, you sunk into the couch as Andy put the seat on the coffee table and undid the straps. He carefully took out Abigail and cradled her in his arm as he stroked her face with his other hand. He doted on her in wonder as you sat grimacing with your hand over your stomach.
“I should pump,” you said as your breasts throbbed.
“You should feed her,” he tutted as he turned to you, “come on, Abby, go to mama.”
He bent to place her in your arms and you kept your eyes down. You couldn’t look at him. You accepted the child and held her against your side as you lifted your shirt and unhooked your nursing bra. You angled her until she latched and sighed as the tension leaked out with your milk.
Andy tucked his hands in his pockets as he stood by the armrest, watching as you fed the baby.
“See, you’re good at this.”
“No, my body’s doing what it’s supposed to.”
“She likes you. Look. The way she’s watching you.”
You peeked down and met the glassy blue eyes, intense as she suckled loudly. She watched you in turn. It made your stomach wrench.
“She probably can’t see me. Their vision is very good early on.”
He rested his hand on the cushion above your shoulder, “how do you know that?”
You shook your head, “I read the books. I’m not as stupid as you think.”
“I never said that–”
“You’re still not my dad,” you retorted, “hers, yes, not mine.”
“Oh, I know,” he walked in front of you and lowered himself next to you, “you really want to do this again?”
You gazed dully ahead. You watched the dark television screen blankly. His hand rested on your thigh and he squeezed. You nodded. The sam argument, over and over. It would drive you crazy sooner than later.
“I got it, Andy,” you uttered, “I remember everything you said. Everything.”
“No, only the bad things,” he slid his arm over your shoulder and nestled close, cupping Abigail’s head as he admired her, “but there are good things, if you let them in.”
“It’s too much,” you pushed your elbow into his side, “you’re crowding me. It hurts.”
He snarled but didn’t pull away. He bent his arm, his hand petting your hair in tandem with the baby’s. You went rigid and focused on feeding her.
“I’ll be home for a few weeks to help. Doctor says you need to take it easy and I don’t want to miss this. Not again,” he cooed at the baby between words, “with Jacob, I was still working my way up in the office, but now… I don’t have to worry about all that.”
You didn’t respond. There was nothing you could say that wouldn’t bring his ire. If you tried to pretend to be interested, he’d accuse you of lying. If you lied, he’d know it. There was no winning with Andy Barber and you’d learned that the hard way.
“Isn’t she beautiful?” He hummed, “I always wanted a daughter.” He turned and pecked your cheek, “she looks like you.”
You tensed and swallowed. Your eyes burned with frustrated tears and you flicked them away quickly with your lashes. You forced a smile and dipped your chin down. You brought your hand up to Abigail’s head as your cheek twitched dangerously. You could fall apart then and there.
“No,” you whispered hoarsely, “she looks like you.”
You quivered as the helplessness plucked at you along with the neediness of the baby’s latch. You lifted your head and looked around. Andy dropped his arm and his hand gripped your shoulder.
“Yeah, you think?”
You ground your teeth and cleared your throat, “yeah,” you eked out, “she does.”
“See, you can be a good mommy,” he squeezed your shoulder, “you just have to try.”
You turned to him and his eyes met yours. You wanted to tell him to shut up. You wanted to tell him you’re not a good mommy and you will never be. That you will not be what he’s made you. But none of that is true and lying to him only made him worse.
“I am trying,” you murmured.
“I know,” he traced his hand up your neck and along your chin, “keep trying.”
A sheet of ice encased you, spreading from his touch and across your chest, trickling down your spine and coursing through your veins. The finality of the moment, of this place, a suburban prison of his making. A sentence worth than death.
He rubbed his thumb along your chin and pulled you closer. You didn’t resist, you couldn’t. His kiss drained you just as the lips around your tit did. The woman you once were, that you could’ve been, was dead. 
Your only purpose was them. To bend for their needs until you snapped. And you would.
One day.
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eddies-ashtray · 2 years
“baby, baby, baby, baby,” eddie repeats over and over, his breath ghosting your neck with his chin on your shoulder. 
if sober eddie hardly had any concept of personal space, drunk eddie couldn’t even imagine a world in which he was more than a foot away from you or not touching you. he got very needy when he was drunk. tonight at jeff’s house was no different. 
turning your head to him as much as you could with his big head on your shoulder, you side eye him for a moment, eyebrows raised in amusement. 
“hi, sweetheart,” eddie greets, a dopey smile slicing across his face. 
“hi, eddie. need somethin’, baby?” 
you note the rosiness of his cheeks immediately. 
“wanta kiss,” he pouts.
“okay. well. can’t exactly do that with your head on my shoulder now, can i?” you reason. immediately, eddie removes his head from your shoulder and manhandles you until you’re sitting with your legs draped over his lap on the couch. 
“there,” eddie says triumphantly, his big hands groping the dough of your thighs, squeezing and releasing every few seconds. 
you don’t comment on how he could have done without pulling you over his lap to get a kiss because that just wouldn’t make sense to drunk eddie. 
fulfilling his request, you peck him on the mouth once, then brush the hair out of his face when you pull away.
eddie’s still pouting though.
“that sucked. need a reallll one,” he drawls. 
“a real one?” you question, though you know exactly what he’s asking. 
“here,” eddie says, releasing your thighs and instead holding your face in his hands so he can pull you into a “real” kiss where he slips his tongue into your mouth rather sloppily, his nose smushed against your face. 
you can taste the alcohol on his tongue instantly as he kisses you and you don’t pull away until gareth wolf whistles at your PDA.
when you look to him, he jests, “don’t stop on my account.”
“shut up,” you retort half heartedly. gareth just sticks his tongue out at you immaturely and turns back to jeff, snickering. 
but eddie doesn’t seem to hear any of this, his lips moving to your neck, kissing and licking at the skin there. 
and then, “can we go? wanna be alone with you,” he requests, probably a little too loudly. 
pulling his face away from your neck and holding him in your hands seems to ground him for a moment, his dark eyes shining as he stares into yours. 
“you’re drunk, eds. i’m not gonna do anything with you when you’re drunk.” his pale skin is warm beneath your palms. 
eddie deflates, shoulders sagging as he says, “jesus, you’re so respectful...but pleaseee?” 
eddie flashes you his best puppy dog eyes, but still, you don’t relent. 
“mm-mm,” you hum, shaking your head.
when he tries to protest, “but!-” you interrupt:
“would you wanna fuck me if i was totally smashed and barely coherent?” 
eddie’s eyes widen at that, a soft gasp slipping past his lips as if he was horrified by the thought.
“would never take advantage of you, why would you even say that? that’s terrible,” he moans, wrapping his arms around you and squeezing you tightly. 
“too tight,” you squeak.
“sorry, sorry, m’sorry, didn’t meant to,” eddie apologizes, loosening his grip around your shoulders and rubbing your arm softly.
eddie rests his forehead against your shoulder.
“s’okay. think it’s time to go, hm?” you whisper and eddie nods softly against you.
eddie lifts his head up as you plant your feet on the carpeted floor and stand, hauling eddie up off the couch as well. he stumbles slightly, but you steady him with an arm wrapped around his waist.
as you walk towards the basement stairs, eddie slings an arm around your shoulder. 
“you guys leavin’?” jeff asks from a beanbag chair facing the television.
“yeah, gotta get this one home,” you inform as eddie hiccups and boops your nose. 
“drive safe!” jeff hollers as you help eddie up the stairs.
once in the passenger seat of his van, eddie lolls his head to the side to watch you buckle in and start the vehicle.
“thanks for takin’ care o’me,” eddie slurs with a lazy smile.
you turn to face him for a moment.
pt. 3
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Contrary to peoples' opinions-surrounding the fact that you're dating seven men that belong to the mafia-you're not helpless. You can defend yourself. But a close brush with some dangerous people has your boyfriends questioning that fact-wondering if you can protect yourself enough-and true to their natures, they're not going to stand idly by if you're in any sort of danger whatsoever.
Tags: BTS, Bangtan Boys, Bangtan Seonyendan, Bulletproof Boy Scouts, Beyond the Scene, BTS Drabble, OT7, BTS x you, BTS x reader, OT7 x reader, OT7 x you, Poly!BTS, Mafia Au, Angst, Fluff, Kim Seokjin, Min yoongi, Jung hoseok, Kim namjoon, Park Jimin, Kim taehyung, Jeon Jungkook
Genre: Angst, Fluff
Title: Protect You
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The garden that surrounds the mansion is usually quiet this time of morning-the sound of birds just starting to sing their songs, the trickle of the fountain that runs down into a meandering stream through the trees-but this morning, the clear morning air is broken by the harsh, insistent sound of a squeaky toy.
"Tannie, Tannie!" You hold aloft the rubber duck and squeak it once more enthusiastically, the small dog dancing around your feet-eyes bright, ears perked, tongue lolling-as he waits for you to toss the toy once more. "You want it? Go get it!"
You throw the duck across the open space of the courtyard and the dog streaks off in a flash of black and tan fur, tiny legs churning, as he barks happily, chasing after the bouncing rubber toy.
You sit back down on the bench, slightly laughing to yourself at the dog's almost maniacal enthusiasm, and reach out a hand to caress Holly's head where he sits beside you, paws folded neatly, on the stone seat beneath the shade of the fruit trees.
"To have that kind of energy, eh, Holly?" You ask gently, glancing over at the older poodle, who gives you a slight wag of his tale, pink tongue hanging past his lips, though he has been doing nothing but sitting in the shade. You stroke his head affectionately, rubbing his soft, silky ears between your fingers. "Yeah, I know. I like the shade better too."
Tannie appears back at your feet again, panting hard, dark eyes glittering, as he proudly drops the duck he has retrieved at the toes of your sneakers.
"Good boy, Tan!" You exclaim, leaning over to pet the other dog, as he dances in place and his tail wags furiously at your praise. "You brought me your toy! You're so good. You did so good."
You stand from the bench, reaching down to round up the toys Yeontan has been playing with, and Holly rises-stretching languidly-beside you, as you glance between both eagerly waiting dogs and ask, "You guys want some water? Wanna go inside and take a break for awhile? Let's go get some water."
Yeontan, circling your feet, yips happily and bounds toward the back door, leading the way back toward the house, as you glance back to make sure Holly is following-albeit a slower pace-behind the two of you.
And that's when the pair of men step out from behind the trees that line the tall wall that surrounds the property.
The shorter one grins at you, hands stuffed deep into the pockets of his slacks, and flicks the toothpick he holds between his teeth around with a light twitch of his tongue. "Hello there, Mrs. Kim."
You watch the pair warily, as they continue to advance toward you on slow, stalking footsteps. "Gentlemen. Can I ask what you're doing in my garden?"
The man who had spoke before-the one with the long greasy hair tied at the nape of his neck-spits his toothpick onto the ground and arches a brow in your direction, hands still hidden in his pockets, though his shoulders raise slightly as he gives you a casual shrug. "Just out for a walk. Thought we'd stop in for a visit."
Holly growls at your feet, hackles raised, as the two men step closer still, and you reach down to pick him up, sheltering him in your arms, as you ask calmly, "Really? Because I don't recall that we've ever met."
"Oh, we haven't." The man replies, flicking a finger toward his taller counterpart, who has yet to speak. At his motion, his partner circles to your other side, so that you're now backed into a corner of the garden-the men on either side-and no easy escape in sight. "But we've met your husband many times." He flashes you a dangerous grin that has your insides squirming.
They're referring to Namjoon, you're sure of that. That's always been the agreement between the eight of you-you belong to all of them-but Namjoon is the public face of the relationship.
"He's never mentioned you." You state simply, trying to keep any micro expressions off your face that might hint at the fact that you're starting to get nervous. Your eyes flick toward the back door of the house, about a hundred yards away and blocked by the trees.
"Hmmm." The man leans beside you on one of the tree trunks, and you can almost taste his sweat and his rumpled suit jacket smells of damp and something resembling smoke and cat piss. "Really? Odd." He cocks his head, and his dark eyes hold a dangerous glint, as he reaches up to stroke a finger down the side of your face, Holly baring his teeth in your arms at his close proximity. "Speaking of, where is our good friend Mr. Kim? Away at work?"
There's no use trying to lie. You know-by the way he's watching you, and the stupid leer that crosses the other man's face-that they already know quite well that Namjoon isn't here.
"Yes." You nod, just barely, and jerk your skin away from the man's still trailing finger. "He had business in the city today."
"Oh, well that's too bad." The man clucks his tongue against his teeth in a display of fake disappointment, and his eyes darken as his gaze sweeps down your body. "It's a shame we missed him." He grins wickedly. "I guess you'll just have to tell him we stopped by and relay our message for us."
Before you can react, the shorter man has grabbed your wrists in clammy fingers, Holly frantically barking and snapping in your arms as he closes in on the two of you.
"Get the damn dog out of here." The man barks, struggling to maintain his grip on you as he dodges Holly's flashing teeth.
The taller man rips Holly from your arms and tosses him across the garden away from the three of you, and though he yelps, you're grateful they've released him and not tried to harm him.
Because the pit in your stomach is telling you you won't be so lucky.
The shorter man, his grip on your wrists still tight and painful, has become distracted in that moment, watching his partner toss Holly, and you take the opportunity to slam your shoe down hard on his foot.
He yelps, releasing you for the briefest second, and that's all the time you need to dart past him and toward the door of the house.
You hear the man swear behind you and yell something to the taller man about catching you before you make it inside, but all you can focus on is not tripping and tangling yourself in the foliage as you sprint toward the house.
Your salvation is within maybe ten yards, when the taller man catches up with you.
He catches your wrist and before you can make a sound, slams you with the weight of his body back against the stucco wall of the house, right beside the back door and your only bid for freedom.
You're all breathing hard when the shorter man reaches the two of you, fire blazing behind the dark rings of his irises.
"Stupid bitch." He growls out between loose lips, before hitting you hard across the face with the palm of his hand.
The slap sends your head careening back against the stone wall behind you and leaves your cheek stinging, and as you orient yourself once more-still breathing hard-you can taste the copper sheen of blood on your tongue from your newly split lip.
The man reaches for the buckle of his belt, still glaring at you, and spits on the ground at your feet, before he addresses the taller man who still holds you pinned against the wall. "Hold her still. I think it's time we taught Boss Kim and his little bitch here a long overdue lesson."
The taller man nods, and the way his fingers tighten around your wrists has you wincing slightly.
"Now." The other man steps up to you, and the stench of his warm, putrid breath washing across your face has you feeling as if you're about to vomit. His fingers close on either side of your chin and wrench your gaze up to his own. He smirks wickedly. "I hope you know, I'm going to enjoy this."
You spit in his face violently, saliva and blood mixing into a pink spittle that splashes across his face, which instantly darkens, as he releases your chin and raises his hand into the air to once again deliver a stinging blow.
And then, the sound of a gun cocking has everyone freezing in their tracks.
"What the-" The man glances at his counterpart, who has gone still and is staring with wide eyes beyond his shoulder line, and then directs his gaze in the same direction behind the three of you.
The scene he's met with instantly has his previously venomous gaze filling with terror.
Yoongi's finger is steady on the trigger as he holds the gun on the two men, features dark and deceptively treacherously calm as Jin flanks one of his sides, Hobi on the other-and their faces are just as unreadable and blank-though you know there is a dark, dangerous current of emotions brewing just beneath that calm surface.
Jungkook, Taehyung, and Jimin complete the half circle surrounding your attackers, and glancing at the absolute and utter fear on the two men's faces, you can't blame them.
Looking down the ready, waiting barrels of six guns would make anybody-no matter how brave-wet themselves where they stood.
"I told you the truth." You speak into the suddenly electric silence that has fallen over the group, and your assailant glances back at you, as if he had forgotten you were there, mouth agape, eyes wide. You offer him an innocent smile. "Namjoon is at work. But I didn't say the other six were."
The sound of another gun cocking into position has the two men whirling back to face the circle of men surrounding you.
Taehyung's finger finds the trigger of his pistol, and-normally warm eyes dark-his lips quirk upward into just the hint of a humorless smirk as he stares down the two men beside you, and when he speaks, his voice is cold and absolutely murderous as he parrots back the words the intruder had used just moments before.
"I hope you know, I'm going to enjoy this."
"What happened."
It isn't a question as Namjoon strides into the room, loosening his tie as he enters, usually unruffled attitude an odd mixture of humming danger and worry.
Yoongi glances up from where he sits in the corner, polishing his gun, and grunts out darkly, "Couple of goonies thought they'd get the upper hand and take out the boss's wife."
You can tell, by the way his normally controlled movements are jerky on the barrel of the weapon, that he is still worked up.
Namjoon crosses the room to where you sit on the sofa, coming to stand before you and the boys that surround you, though Jimin doesn't look up at him, focusing on cleaning the wound that cuts across your bottom lip.
"Ouch!" You hiss out as he hits a particularly tender spot with the antiseptic, jerking back from him, as he meets your gaze and offers you a slightly apologetic look as Hobi, who sits beside you, arm around your shoulders, gives you a comforting pat on the hand.
Namjoon crouches down and ignoring Jimin, pushes past the younger man, eyes softening slightly as he runs his thumb carefully over your split lip and up the purple bruising that is just starting to show on your cheekbone. "Whoever did this, I'll make them pay. I swear it."
You lean your cheek into the palm of his hand, his skin warmed by the afternoon sun, and offer him the hint of a smile, though it hurts your lip to do so. "I know you will."
"What do we do if this happens again, Namjoon?" Jin asks from where he is leaning against the desk, watching the interaction between the two of you with careful gaze. His hands are buried deep in his pockets, and he shifts from one foot to the other, brow furrowed as he regards the younger man. "If next time-"
"There's not going to be a next time." Namjoon cuts him off abruptly, standing up once more, as he sends the other man a hard look. "This is never going to happen again."
"But what if it does." Jungkook speaks up, and his normally large doe eyes are flashing with anger, irises no longer warm, but dark, as he slams his palms down in frustration on the desk his elder leans upon. "What if it does happen again, hyung? What then? We can't keep putting her in danger like this."
"I'm really fine-" You start to protest, speaking around Jimin's fingers, who has moved back into position to keep cleaning the long cut on your lips. His fingertips press into the plush skin of your mouth, effectively cutting off your words with a gentle admonishment.
He tilts his head and stares at you, full lips curving into a gentle smile, eyes crinkling, making you feel slightly better in the way only Jimin can, and when he speaks, his voice is gentle, just like his touch.
"No one is doubting you can take care of yourself, baby girl." His fingers caress the line of your jaw and his gaze is thoughtful. "We just don't want to put you in situations where you have to."
"Hyung." Taehyung steps up beside Namjoon, who is now staring out the large window behind the desk and down onto the gardens below, and when his hand rests on the leader's arm, you note that his fingers are still speckled with blood from the stand off earlier.
When he speaks again, the deep timbre of his voice shakes slightly, as if he's still so pissed off that he can hardly control himself. "Those sons of bitches almost touched her. If we hadn't been here-"
You wince at his choice of words, because he's right. Without them, you would have been left to an incredibly dark fate at the hands of the two intruders.
"I'm with Jungkook." Yoongi finally speaks up once more, and he stands from the corner, laying his now sparkling gun aside, as he approaches Namjoon and Taehyung, still silhouetted against the window. He heaves a sigh and glances in your direction, before addressing Namjoon seriously. "She needs to be able to protect herself. God forbid, there's another time, but if there is, we can't just leave her defenseless."
You can tell that Namjoon does not take the older man's opinion lightly, and you can visibly see him weighing his hyung's words before his shoulders slump in defeat, and he lets out a tired sigh. "All right."
He strides across the room again and crouches down in front of where you sit once more, long legs folded beneath his body, as his eyes meet yours in a firm gaze. He reaches out to take your chin in his hand, in a much gentler, much more loving grip than the man had used earlier, and his lips purse into a serious, stern line, before he intones quietly, eyes soft, "It's time to teach you a few things, darling."
The first thing you can think when Jin leads you into the armory and you see all the weapons lining the walls is holy shit.
The second thing is how have you never noticed how many different guns the men you love have at their disposal?
"So, you've got your assaults, your machines," Jin gestures to each rack of guns as you pass by on your tour, Jungkook trailing along behind the two of you, sometimes running loving fingers up certain weapons as you walk by. "Pistols, handguns, snipers, rocket launchers-"
"Have you guys used all of these guns?" You ask, mouth agape, as you glance around the huge room full of deadly weapons.
"No way." Jungkook shakes his head, bounding up to stand beside you, as he slings an arm around your shoulders and gives you a deceivingly innocent bunny smile, as if he's not talking about guns that kill people. "Some of these are specialized. We have to hire professionals for those."
"Aren't you professionals?" You question curiously, grinning slightly as Jungkook laughs at your query.
"Okay. Eventually, you can pick what feels most comfortable for you, princess." Jin reappears from another smaller room, cocking and loading a small handgun into his palm, as he approaches you and Jungkook. "However, we're going to start small for now."
He offers the gun to you, and you hesitate only a moment, before reaching out and taking the gun from him. The metal feels cold against your palm, as you fingering the gun, trying to get used to the weight.
A low whistle sounds from the entrance of the room, and you glance up as Taehyung enters, eyes scanning the racks of guns almost fondly, as he states lightly, "Look at all the pretties."
Jin sighs from beside you, rolling his eyes, though you catch the hint of a smile, before his expression becomes neutral again. "Can you please stop talking about assault rifles the same way you talk about shoes, Kim Taehyung?"
Taehyung smirks and winks at you, eyebrow cocked cheekily, as he reaches your side and throws his arms around you and Jungkook's shoulders. "C'mon hyung, lighten up. You know our girl's gonna be a natural." He chucks you playfully under the chin. "Right, sweetheart?"
You shrug, still trying to get used the feeling of the gun in the palm of your hand. "I dunno. I hope so?"
Jin takes your hand in his and leans over to press a kiss to the side of your forehead. "I'd believe him if I were you. He's uncannily good at predicting what other people are good at."
Taehyung grins at the praise. "Yeah! Like I can tell you that I predict that Jungkookie is gonna be shit at Fortnite when we play later tonight."
"Hey." Jungkook leans around you to try and catch Taehyung with his fist as the older boy laughs.
"All right, all right." Jin berates them lightly, though you can tell he's trying not to grin at the younger boys antics. He waves toward you and the gun you still hold in your hand. "Let's get (Y/N) to the shooting range then."
Taehyung slings his arm once more around your shoulders as you all follow Jin toward the range. "Trust me, sweetheart." He offers you the hint of a soft smile and squeezes your fingers between his own. "You're gonna get so good, next time those bastards try anything, they won't know what hit them before you blow their brains out."
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cozykozume · 3 years
Gaslighting on a Friday Night
Scumbag Kenma x Drunk College!f reader 
Warnings: Heavy noncon, Heavy dubcon, Gaslighting, alcohol use, creampie, name calling, slight praise kink, choking, dacryphilia, degradation, humiliation, hair pulling, coercion, emotional manipulation, blackmail, Mean Kenma
WC: 2617
If you think I missed a trigger warning, please let me know so I can get it updated! This is for a CollegeAU! collab. 
Thank you to @sightoru​ and @anarchicmartyr​ for letting me be a part of it!
It was your first time going out to a college party with your friends since the semester had started. So many shots, one too many drinks and the inability to say no to your friends is what had your head heavy and eyes tired. Kenma sees everything, always paying attention to those around him. Your stumbling and careless smiles are what drew Kenma in, which is unfortunate for you...
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“One shot, two shots, three shots, four. Five shots, six shots, let's do more!”
This was the motto of tonight’s party, and you had no intention of disappointing your friends. 
Each of you had a row of shots in front of you, throwing them back while the crowd around you chanted. By the 4th shot, you could feel the muscles in your face loosening up, a goofy smile plastered across your face. 
The 6th shot had to be the worst though, the burn of tequila creeping up the back of your face and behind your eyes. You could feel the heat as your eyes teared up and you fought back your gag reflex. This was the first night out with your friends since you had started college, and there was no way you were going to be that girl. You swore to yourself that you were not going to be the girl that cried, threw up, or caused a scene. 
In through your nose, out through your mouth. You say to yourself, blinking slowly as your head behinds to feel heavy. You can hear the yelling, laughing and music in the background but it really does feel like you are underwater at this point. 
“Y/n! Get over here! We haven’t even started taking pictures yet!” You smile, turning to walk over to them before stumbling on your own feet.
“Fuckkk!” You laugh, reaching out to grab a hold of someone’s arm. Your fingers lock onto someone’s hand, unsure of who it belonged to. You look up, a pair of tired golden eyes staring down at you. You give him a loose smile, dragging your body closer to him. He, on the other hand, just peers down, an expressionless face watching your every move. 
“Whoops...Sorryyyy!” You yell out over the music, standing on your toes to get closer to his ear. He once again watches you, his eyes trailing up and down your tightly clothed body. He nods his head, taking your hand and passing it over to your friend as she reaches out for you. “Sorry about her! It’s her first time at a party like this and she clearly hasn’t learned the ropes yet!” 
The man that you had grabbed looks at your friend and then back to you, nodding his head. “It’s fine!” He says, his voice barely able to be heard over the music. 
Your friend drags you away, laughing as you are thrown into the group of girls and the photo taking begins. Unknown to you or your friends, that would not be the last time you see those golden eyes up close. 
You should have stopped after that 6th shot. You really should have. But of course, peer pressure is a real thing and you fell victim to it. Drinks, shots and even a joint or two had been passed your way during the night and even if you wanted to, you had no way to really say no. 
Your eyes felt heavy, head lolling from side to side as you walk toward the stairs in an attempt to have a quiet moment. Once again, your feet become hard to move and you stumble forward, grabbing onto someone's arm as they walk by. You look up, once again met by golden eyes peering down at you. You smile, pulling yourself closer to him once again. “Hi! Thank you!” You slur, your grip on his arm tightening as the joints in your body become loose. 
He gives you a small smile, sliding his arm around your waist. “It’s no problem. Where are you going?” He asks, his low voice directly in your ear. You giggle, the heat from his breath tickling your skin. “Uhh I was going to try and find somewhere to sit!” You say a little too loudly, your face now pressed against his neck. He nods his head, slowly walking the two of you up each stair and toward the hall of closed doors. 
You both stumble your way down the hall, your mouth babbling about this and that as he guides you into a room. Once the door opens, he softly pushes you inside, closing and locking the door behind you. As he turns around, you are laying back on the bed, your legs hanging off the edge as you attempt to kick your shoes off. 
He walks over to you, kneeling by the edge of the bed and picking up your foot. He slowly unzips your boot, letting it fall to the floor before switching to the other side. 
“Y/n...my name is y/n” You mumble, trying your best to prop yourself up and look down at him. 
“Kenma.” He says, his eyes dancing up and down your relaxed body. “Do you need water?” He asks, his voice quiet and steady. You flop back down, nodding your head as he stands up. You close your eyes, humming along to the song you can faintly hear playing from down stairs. Your consciousness fades out along with the ending of the song, losing the battle you had been having with your eyes. 
You feel something wet against your lips, moving your head side to side as you try to pry your eyes open. “You asked for water. Drink it.” Kenma says, a slight annoyance in his voice as he cradles your head in his lap. You finally manage to open one eye, looking up at him as he lifts your head and tilts a bottle of water against your lips. 
You open your mouth, the cold water slowly drizzling down your throat. You had not realized how thirsty you actually were until now. You sit up more, grabbing the bottle from his hand and chugging it. You can feel him chuckle as you gulp down more water, the chilled liquid settling in your alcohol filled stomach. 
“Mmm thank you…” You whisper as you finish the bottle and flop back down. Kenma drags his thumb along your bottom lip, wiping away the stray water droplets. He grunts in response, lightly tapping your cheek. “Hey stay awake and move a little.” He says, tugging your body further up on the bed towards the pillows. You groan, moving your legs onto the bed and shimming up with his help until you are laid correctly in bed. You sigh, turning onto your side as your head settles into the pillow. 
Kenma slides in behind you, his hand softly massaging your hip as his body pushes against yours. Thinking nothing of it, you close your eyes, too drunk at that moment to care that a guy you hardly knew was cuddling up to you. As you close your eyes again, letting sleep take over your body you feel Kenma’s hand shimmy it’s way into the waistband of your leggings. You groan softly, your mind telling you that this is definitely not okay, but your body reacting almost immediately. 
You try to scoot forward, weakly pushing at his hand as he continues further into your pants. You feel his other arm push under your body, and pull you back to him until his chest is flush on your back. 
“Shhhh...You want this...Just lay back and relax.” He whispers in your ear, his teeth softly grazing your ear. 
Even in your drunk state, you knew that you should not be doing it. This should not be happening. You didn’t know this man behind you and your friends did not know where you were. Although you knew this information, your body did not seem to care. As his fingers finally find your core, a soft sign escapes your lips. You can feel his chest as he laughs softly, his fingers moving more confidently. “Your body is telling me everything I need to know. Don’t worry kitten, I’ll make you feel real good.” He whispers as his middle fingers finally connect with your clit. 
A shiver engulfs your body as electric shocks shoot from the tips of your toes to the top of your head. You shake your head, grabbing at Kenma’s wrist as his fingers begin making small tight circles around your sensitive button. “Please don’t. I really don’t wan-” Your words catch in your throat as he slips one finger inside you, his lips and tongue dancing across your neck. A small moan escapes you, your eyes squeezing shut. 
“God you’re so fucking tight…”He whispers against your neck, his finger slowly dipping in and out of your wet hole. Between the alcohol, lack of sleep and now the finger slowly fucking you, your head felt heavy and foggy. Kenma slips another finger inside you, the slight stretch bringing you back to reality. Quiet moans and sighs leave your body as your hips start to move in rhythm with his hand. “See. I told you that I was going to make you feel good.” He says. 
You shake your head, panting as you get closer and closer to your release. You didn’t want this, You didn’t know him and honestly you’d told yourself that you were going to wait before jumping into bed with someone in college. Yet here you are, in college, once of the first parties you’ve ever been to, drunk and in bed with a stranger. Your eyes start to tear up as your first orgasm rips through your whole body. 
As your body relaxes, you feel the tugging at your leggings. Before your brain can fully register what is happening, your bottoms are pulled down to your knees. You try to twist around to face Kenma, but he moves quicker. Pushing you onto your stomach, he grabs a pillow and folds it in half, sticking it under your hips. “Listen, I just got you off but now it’s my turn.” He says, a hushed whisper in your ear has his body hovers over yours from behind. 
You can feel the warm head of his cock probing your pussy, teasing and dipping in just slightly. “Kenma...Please don’t do this..” You whisper, turning your head the best you can to look at him. “I won’t tell anyone about this so far but please…” You trail off, trying your best to plead and reason with him. 
“And what would you even tell people? I got drunk, followed a guy upstairs, got off on his fingers and then what?” He laughs, slowly sinking his cock inside you. “I’m pretty sure people would believe you were asking for it...I mean you really were. I saw the way you were looking at me, and if you really didn’t want it, why would you get this wet just from my fingers?”
He grunts as he bottoms out inside you, his breath tickling the back of your neck as his body pushes you into the mattress. You cry out as the air from your lungs is pushed out of you too soon, the stretch of his cock causing you to wiggle around beneath him. 
His lips once again find their way to your neck, sucking and biting bruises into your warmed skin. You open your mouth, begging Kenma to stop as his paces begins to pick up. “Pleas-” Your voice is cut short as he shoves two of his fingers down your throat, your gag reflex reacting quickly. “Shhh…” He whispers into your neck, his hips lazily pumping into you. Your eyes close as your body finally wins, your mind being broken down thrust by thrust. You feel yourself clench around his cock, pulling a deep groan from his lips. 
“Fuck you’re such a dirty fucking whore. Your little pussy sucking me in and begging me to fill it up.” He grunts, his hips now moving faster and harder against you. The weight that was pushing you into the bed disappears as Kenma sits up on his knees, pulling your ass flush against him by your hips. You spread your legs wider as your back arches, pushing your hips back to meet his thrusts. You feel his hand connect with the back of your head, his fingers intertwining with your hair. He yanks your head back, his other hand wrapping around your neck. 
The grip on your neck tightens, black spots dancing across your vision. His hips jackhammer against you as your gummy walls pulse, sucking him deeper and deeper each time. His small grunts turn into soft whines and low moaning as he chases his high. “Cum around my cock princess. Cum all over this thick cock.” He says, his voice breathy and low. 
As your mind tries to reason with you, your body takes the lead. You feel your hand moving down the front of your body in search of that last little push you needed. Your fingers connect with your swollen clit causing your body to buck forward into your hand. You push against it harder, a shiver raking through your body as your legs begin to tremble. 
“Fuck, Fuck, Fuck!” You moan out, tears streaming down your face as every muscle in your body convulses. The gushing sounds flood the room as Kemna pounds into you, extending your high even longer. 
As the over-stimulation kicks in you try to inch further from him, begging him to stop as your whole body shakes and convulses against him. His once constant pounding falls out of rhythm, loud, sloppy, desperate humps into your overused hole pushing you towards another orgasm. You look back at him, tears and black eye makeup smeared across your face. You open your mouth, trying to speak out to him but all you could muster was a string of jumbled words and cries.   
He grabs your face, pulling you closer to plunge his tongue into your mouth. His seemingly inexperienced lips match the desperation in his thrusts as he finally tips over the edge. Kenma moans into your mouth, driving his cock as far as he can into your aching cunt before collapsing on top of you, once again pinning you flat against the bed. You push your face into the bed, shaking your head as you feel his cum dripping out and onto the pillow beneath you. 
Kenma pulls out as you relax into the bed, your head finally clearing up as you take in the situation. Before you can move to pull your pants up you see flashes, whipping your head around as he snaps another picture. “Ya know, gotta make sure I document this well. Don’t want you to start twisting the story around tomorrow.” He says, smiling at your photo through his phone as he snaps away. 
You pull your knees up to your chest, trying your best to cover your naked body as Kenma tucks himself back into his pants. He wipes his forehead on his shirt as he starts texting on his phone. “You’re good right?” He says over his shoulder, already reaching for the door handle. You let out a sob, trying to come to grasps with what happened less than 10 minutes ago. As he pulls the door open, you see a shadow of a tall man outside. Kenma laughs, gesturing over to you before you see a black head of hair peek around the edge of the door. 
You hear a loud laugh before the door shuts and you’re stuck in this room with another man you did not know. 
“Hey sweetheart, my friend Kenma just told me how much you helped him out, so I was thinking maybe you’d help me out too?” He says, his voice dripping with condescending sweetness as his fingers quickly work his belt buckle. You shake your head, your mind telling you to run but your body already responding to his towering body.
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britishassistant · 3 years
The Villainous Paranoiac Has Visitors
You’re a fool.
A blind, tunnel-visioned, desperate fool.
There’s no one you can blame for this mess but yourself.
You were moronic enough to think that a promise would’ve been enough to stop Grim from going after more overblot stones.
And now where are you?
Lying in a bed in the infirmary, bandages and gauze wrapped around you from your collarbone to your chin, because the one creature in this fucked up magic world that you were stupid enough to trust unconditionally tried to rip out your throat over a rock.
Your neck aches. You’re so tired it feels like you can barely even move. Your head is a weird weight of white noise, making it hard to think about anything other than your current predicament and how you should’ve seen it coming a mile away. How you should’ve stopped it.
Maybe—maybe it was because you’d made him hold out too long. Maybe that’s it. Maybe you were wrong to make him swear not to eat any more, and him lashing out at you over Vil-senpai’s stone was just-just temptation that had been pushed too far. Why weren’t you looking after him more closely anyway? You’re his supervisor, you’re supposed to make sure Grim doesn’t get into trouble, you should’ve noticed he was gone sooner. Then maybe this whole mess wouldn’t have happened. And it’s not like Grim wasn’t working hard to uphold your deal, you were the one who wasn’t meeting his efforts halfway. After all, he hadn’t eaten anything after Jamil-senpai’s overblot, had he?
Had he?
No stone ever turned up after Jamil-senpai’s overblot.
And you were so out of it that night, riding out the aftereffects of the overblot’s venom and the anti-venom warring in your system.
Grim could’ve easily left during the night and eaten it, and so long as you never asked, never pressed him about it, you’d have been none the wiser.
And you didn’t ask. You just trusted him.
You’re a fool. A pathetic, misguided, twisted, worthless fool.
Your family was right about you.
You would grind the heels of your hands into your eyes, but even lifting your arms towards your face feels like more effort than you can spare right now. Luckily it takes no effort to stare up at the ceiling and just hate yourself for your stupidity.
You’d have thought you would have learned that trusting people is an awful idea already. Hopefully this will finally get the message through your thick skull—
You tilt your head and blink up at Deuce. He grins, blindingly bright. “Guys, he’s awake!”
You weakly smile back, ruthlessly squashing the urge to correct him.
Epel pushes the divider back as he rounds it, pretty face worried. “Prefect, how are you feeling? Nurse Kamac said you lost a lot of blood.”
“M okay.” You mumble back, your tongue feeling thick and sluggish in your mouth.
“What the hell happened to you, Prefect?” Deuce moves to pull up a chair and sit down next to you, shooting you doubtful looks. “Was it an attack by another overblot or something? Some kind of monster? Did you get jumped by some punks from RSA?”
You wonder what you should tell them. You know that all you have to do is tell him the truth, say the word, and they’ll all be off after Grim like a group of hunting dogs, just like when you used to ask Ace and Deuce to help you catch him back at the start of the school year.
But Grim might get hurt. Or he might hurt them.
Can you put them through that?
Ace collides with the foot of the bed, interrupting your internal debate, eyes wide and panting. “Guys, bad news. Crewel’s outside asking for us, he looks pissed.”
Deuce and Epel stiffen in tandem, darting nervous glances towards the door like the potions and alchemy teacher will burst in at any moment. “What’d you do?!” Deuce hisses.
“How’d you know it wasn’t you, ass?!” Ace protests. “Seriously, we can’t keep him waiting! I think he’s even madder than the time Grim turned his coat pink and green.”
All four of you shudder collectively.
Epel grabs Deuce’s arm, squaring his shoulders. “We just gotta—need to see what Professor Crewel wants right? It may not even be us he’s piss—irritated at. Just gotta man up and face him.”
Deuce nods, even though he looks like he really, really doesn’t want to. He and Ace follow Epel away from your bed and towards the infirmary exit. You loll your head back onto your pillows and resume your staring at the ceiling.
“But Ace, no one’s...?”
“What the—?!”
There’s a bang as the infirmary doors slam shut.
You look over in time to see Ace slide a mop through the door handles, and drag a chair over to prop under them. He then points his magic pen at it all and a padlocked chain loops itself around the whole affair and clicks shut. You can hear Deuce and Epel hammering on the other side, demanding he open up.
“Ace?” You struggle to sit up, your throat aching. “What—”
“Shh, sh, easy, we gotta be quick.” He darts over you, helping you to sit up and pulling up the pillows behind you to lean back against. “Do you need me to get your shirt for you?”
“W-what?” Your brain is still struggling to catch up.
Ace gestures impatiently to your chest.
You look down.
You look back up at Ace, cold sweat drenching you.
Please no. Not him too.
Ace reaches into his jacket pocket and pulls something out—!
He holds up your binder. “Figured Kamac might not have let you keep it. It hurts your ribs, right?”
Wait. What?
“H-how...?” You stutter, fumbling with the buttons at your collar.
He shoots you a look. “I basically carried you back here from Dwarf Mines. It was easy to tell something was up when Kamac wouldn’t let me or Deuce stay in the room while you were getting patched up. Plus this was kinda dangling out your back pocket when you came out”
Well. That’s. That’s...
“Look are we doing this or not?!” Ace hisses, shooting a nervous glance back at the door where Deuce and Epel’s voices are being joined by others and growing louder. You think you hear Kalim-senpai’s twittering, Vil-senpai barking orders, and Jamil-senpai’s drawl.
You begin working on your buttons with newfound determination.
Ace helps you get your head through the top hole of the binder without pulling on the bandages around your neck too much.
You struggle your arms through the arm holes, and then shrug the hospital pajama shirt back on. He’s already done over half the buttons by the time you’ve recovered from your discombobulation.
“Feel okay? Not hurting your breathing or anything?” You nod, still disoriented. “Okay, let’s just get you back under the covers, and then I’ll let in the circus.”
There’s another metallic clang from the door and a cry of pain that sounds worryingly like Ashengrotto-senpai.
“W-why?” You rasp, an odd swooping feeling catapulting in your stomach, like you’ve just jumped off the bleachers again. “Why would you...?”
Ace heaves a sigh and gives you a look normally reserved for Deuce and Grim. “Because you’re my friend, you little dumbass. Getting something like this for you isn’t a big deal or anything.”
You gape at him so hard it feels like your eyes are burning.
Something inside you feels impossibly, uncontrollably warm.
Turns out getting a lump in your throat really hurts when you’re recovering from having it slashed open.
“Aw, jeez, what’s with the waterworks?!” Ace leans over you, ungloved hand swiping at the tears on your cheeks. “C’mon Yuu, if they get back in here and see you crying, you know Deuce’ll kill me.”
“Good. ‘S a-all your fault. I won’t f-forgive you until you give me a hug, you big jerk.” You sniffle, opening your arms and holding them out.
He huffs a laugh, before following your orders. “You’re a tyrant, ya know that? You’re as bad as Vil-senpai and Dorm Head Riddle.”
“I’m worse than they could ever be.” You mumble, hiding your burning eyes in his shoulder. “Don’t you forget it.”
“Oi, you better not be wiping your nose on my jacket!” He tries to shrug you off gently. He still hasn’t stopped hugging you though. “Get your snot and tears offa me!”
You cling onto him tighter, unable to stop giggling even as a few hysterical tears slip down your cheeks. “Suffer.”
“Tyrant.” He fakes an exasperated groan, but you can feel him chuckling along with you.
There’s not many things you can think of that would ruin this moment.
“King’s Roar.”
...Being bathed in sand as the doors to the infirmary disintegrate certainly wasn’t one you had in mind, though it does the trick well enough.
Lucky you had Ace hugging you to act as a human shield for the worst of it.
He sputters once the deluge has subsided, shaking his head and rudely dumping the excess sand into your lap. “Ugh, senpai, what the hell?! Would it have killed you to wait one minute?!”
“You take too long.” Leona-senpai shrugs, pocketing his magic pen again and sauntering in to stretch out on the empty bunk next to you. “These guys wouldn’t stop whining until I did something.”
Deuce rushes over to your bedside with Epel and Kalim close behind him, kneeling down next to you. “Prefect, are you okay?! What’d he do to you?!”
“His eyes are all red an’ swollen!” Epel points out before you can say anything. “Ace, you bas—”
“Epel.” Vil-senpai stalks in, looking much better since you last saw him at VDC. Healthier, somehow. “But yes, Potato #1, what exactly were you playing at, locking everyone out like that?”
Ace stammers under Vil-senpai’s cold glare, so you take pity on him, clearing your throat weakly. “Ace just didn’t want any witnesses to him fussing over me. He’s allergic to showing kindness, after all.”
For some reason, being able to say that and have Ace elbow you playfully makes you feel...buoyant, somehow.
Everyone stares at you. The weight of their disbelief is heavy.
Kalim places his hands over yours. “Yuu, you don’t have to be afraid to tell us the truth! You’re among friends here!”
“Oi!” Ace protests.
“Who’re you calling ‘friend’?” Leona-senpai interjects, because he’s still a huge bag of dicks.
Ashengrotto-senpai has his magic pen in its cane form and is leaning on it heavily, limping. “I wouldn’t worry Kalim-san. I’m sure whatever the Prefect experienced can’t be worse than having a cauldron drop on you.”
Deuce inches closer to hide behind you and Epel sheepishly.
“Technically Azul, it was rebounded onto you off the doors of the infirmary.” Jade-senpai interjects cheerfully, switching a bouquet from one hand to the other. “Though I’m sure Spade-san would be glad to reimburse us for damages through labor if necessary~”
Deuce lets out a squeak.
“Eeeeh~~ Crab-chan, were you doing something naaauughty with Shrimy all alone in here~?” Floyd-senpai drapes himself over Ace’s shoulders, arms looping around him. “No faaaaaiiir, I wanna play too~~”
Ace stiffens, face growing to match his hair as Floyd-senpai’s arms begin to tighten. “J-Jamil-senpai—!”
Jamil-senpai cruelly ignores him. “Kalim, make sure you’ve still got your magic pen when we leave. The Prefect might try to add to his collection.”
You shoot him a look. “When are you going to let that go?”
He sits on the end of your bed and smiles sweetly at you. “When you stop making a nuisance of yourself by sticking your nose where it doesn’t belong, Prefect.”
You try to dissect that statement, then give up and settle for attempting to kick him off the bed. You only end up depositing more sand into your lap under the covers.
He laughs at you, because for all his talk about reputation, Jamil-senpai is also a huge bag of dicks.
The dust and sand irritates your nose and throat, making you cough hard. It’s not as bad as it was after Vil-senpai’s overblot, but you feel the warning tugs on your weakened lungs and torn throat. You gratefully accept the glass of water Epel hands you, gulping it down.
The sand around you gently shifts and seeps out from under and on top of your covers as you swallow, pooling into a large pile at your bedside.
Leona-senpai’s tail flickers as he tucks his magic pen back away and pretends to be sleeping again.
Deuce begins to fret over you, taking the empty cup from your hands and ineffectually trying to fluff your pillows. You let him hover as Ace rolls his eyes and playfully ribs at him for his mother-henning.
Jade-senpai places the bouquet in a small vase on the table next to you with Vil-senpai and Epel fussing over the arrangement every time Floyd-senpai delights in deliberately poking the flowers out of alignment.
Kalim-senpai promises to bring you a carpet next time, maybe even an elephant if you want, much to Jamil-senpai’s dismay. Ashengrotto-senpai begins trying to negotiate for even more presents.
Leona-senpai half-heartedly growls at everyone to shut up and let him sleep.
You’re a fool if you think trusting these people will turn out any better than trusting Grim did.
But somehow, you feel like you’d rather be a fool and enjoy the warmth blooming in your chest right now rather than anything else.
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untaemedqueen · 4 years
I’m The King, I’m The Boss (M)
OT7 x Reader ; Yoongi x Reader
WordCount: 6.2k
Genre: Smut, Fluff
Warnings: Cunnilingus, Fellatio, Impreg Kink, Daddy Kink, Dom!Yoongi, Dom!Namjoon, Sub!Jeongguk, Switch!Reader, Degradation (slut, whore, cum whore, cum slut), Cock Slapping, Bondage, Edging, Begging, Praise, Squirting, Choking, Face Fucking, Cum Swallowing, Hand Job, Spanking, Fingering, Multiple Orgasms, Forced Orgasms, Over Stimulation, Anal Sex, Cream Pie, Reader Is An Easel For Cum
A/N: I want to give a shout out to the bae @xjoonchildx​ for hyping me up while writing this as well as making a grave mistake that still is making me laugh hours after doing so. I really love her and I love that she read this for my dumb ass <3 Welp. Enjoy this!
Based in the world of: Fated To Love You
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Waiting in bed for your husband is one of the most painstaking tasks in all of history. Only on Tuesdays do you wait with bated breath for when he would walk through the door. You don't know how much more television you could watch before you go crazy. He hadn't texted, hadn't called and you knew very well why. He had been on set all day for his new mixtape, you didn't want to disturb him but you were lonely even with four of your husband's home. You whine loudly before your phone buzzes at the end of your ridiculously large bed.
2:36 Yoongs: Baby girl. Daddy misses you. (Picture Attached)
Your eyes widen, holding the phone closer to your face before opening the picture. 
"Oh my God." You mumble before narrowing your eyes at the picture. There your husband was in all his glory with long blonde hair, half tied up fastened by a manggeon with a scar running from just above his eyebrow to below his cheekbone. You feel your mouth go dry before choking on your own spit. How was he this fucking hot? It's almost cruel. You stare at the picture, tilting your head before opening your mouth. 
Your eyes glaze over the whole picture, the brilliantly flashy hanbok he’s wearing all the way down to the gold chain he adorns around his neck before looking at his sharp, feral like gaze. You can feel your panties getting wet just from this one picture and you lay back on the bed before your phone vibrates once more. 
2:40 Yoongs: King Min got your tongue, baby girl? He isn’t as lenient as Daddy is.
You swallow thickly before holding your phone over your face typing out to your husband. 
2:41 You: You come home without that look and you’re sleeping in your own bed.
You could practically hear his rickety laughter and it makes you smile. You open the picture back up before whistling. “Min Yoongi you’re hot as fuck.” 
2:46 Yoongs: Yes ma’am. (Picture Attached)
You bite your bottom lip before opening the picture. You gasp loudly and drop the phone before your head lolls back. “What happened?” Hoseok asks, peeking into your room before raising an eyebrow.
Clearing your throat you shake your head before smiling gently at your husband. “Nothing. I’m okay.” He furrowed his eyebrow at your small voice. “Okay then. Both of the babies are asleep. I’m going to bed. Goodnight, baby. I love you.”
“Love you too.” You murmur before picking your phone back up and widening your eyes at the picture. Yoongi sits on the throne of the set, hard cock in hand with his bottom lip purchased between his teeth. Hands fan at your face before you’re zooming into the picture to focus on his cock. Long and hard, you can see a shimmer at the head of his cock signifying precum pooling at his slit. Your pussy clenches around nothing and you lick at your lips wanting to feel the weight of him on your tongue. Rose colored veins fleck the length and you groan gently as your hand reaches down past your stomach. Your hand nestles at the apex of your thighs before running your fingers over your folds. Your mouth opens slightly, tongue pressing against the back of your two front teeth before your phone vibrates again.
2:53 Yoongs: No touching yourself baby girl. You know, I’ll know if you do.
2:53 Yoongs: Love you babe. 
You throw your phone across your large bed before kicking your legs out with a whine. Fuck you, Min Yoongi.
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Why is the night so fucking long? You tried to stay awake but after it hit five o'clock in the morning you just couldn't stay awake any longer. It isn't until a hand wraps around your bare waist that you get pulled from your sweet slumber. You stir gently, feeling soft lips press against your skin before whining gently. "Yoongs?" Your voice is laced with sleep as you mumble your question.
"At your service." You hear his voice reply, as you turn onto your back. His finger trailing over the skin of your stomach before coming face to face with your newly scarred husband. Long flowing blonde hair falls in rivets over his shoulders before he winks down at you. "Daddy." You mutter out happily, hand lifting to the fake scar on his face before he catches your wrist with his hand. He tsks gently, before kissing the palm of your hand. 
"Did Daddy say you could touch him?" He whispers above you. You take in the rich looking kings hanbok he wears before shaking your head slightly. "No, Daddy. I'm sorry." He hums before dropping your wrists and raising his eyebrow. 
Sitting up you look past him to the two other men in the room before your mouth opens confused. "Babe. What's on your face
?" You ask your other husband as Jin smiles at you.
"A beard. You don't like it?" He asks, gingerly pressing his crooked fingers to his face. You smile warmly at him before Yoongi's hands raise to your face. He turns your head to look at him before raising an eyebrow. "Who's in charge of your slutty little cunt tonight?" He asks you calmly. The scar looks really fucking good on your husband.
Exuding dominance and hardened eyes you bow your head slightly at his stare. "You, Daddy. I'm sorry." You whisper as Jeongguk steps behind you before tying your hair up in a high ponytail like Yoongi likes it. 
"Good girl." He praises before running his thumb over your cheek. He looks gorgeous as the morning sunrise highlights his features in the orange tinted room.
"You had to wait a long time for me, hmm? I'm sorry." He murmurs before his thumb runs over your bottom lip. Your breath catches in your throat as his fingers trail down your bare chest. "I missed you, Noona." Jeongguk whispers in your ear before wrinkling his nose. 
Yoongi's warm fingertips drift over your nipples, watching them harden under his gaze. "Fuck." He curses before locking eyes with yours. 
Something about him with this long scar makes his eyes seem so much more feral. Like his eyes hone in on you and only you. "I had a talk with the boys and it seems like your cunt is mine to impregnate this time." He whispers against the shell of your ear before kissing down your soft skin.
It wasn't too long ago you had Jeongguk's baby and you hadn't really discussed who the next husband to have a baby was. "Go get the other guys, hyung." Yoongi instructs before pushing you down onto the bed. 
There was a hierarchy in this family that could not be ignored. Yoongi and Namjoon were in fact the top of the hierarchy in the bedroom. "Why don't you spread your little slut legs for our Guk? He loves to eat your pretty cunt." With a whimper your legs open for the youngest as he kneels between your thighs.
He looks up at you for confirmation before smiling gently. You nod to him before looking at your scarred husband. His eyes roam over your body, bottom lip finding purchase between his teeth as Jeongguk bows down. "You're such a pretty little cum whore. I was thinking about fucking a baby into you all day long." Yoongi mumbles before pressing a kiss to your lips.
The kiss was heated, his lips pressing hard against yours as he relays all of his passionate wanting from earlier. You feel a gentle suckle at your clit earning a gasp to let his tongue explore your mouth. His warm, wet appendage runs over yours as he flicks at your hard nipples with his thumbs. "What? I have to go to the studio so-" Hoseok's whine is cut off as he steps foot into the bedroom. 
"Oh fuck." He murmurs as Yoongi grabs your wrists hauling them over your head. Breaking the kiss, he licks at your bottom lip. His pupils blow out as he stares down at your face. "Get me the handcuffs, Seok." He calls his best friend before pressing your hands into the mattress above you. 
“You taste so sweet Noona.” You hear from below as Jeongguk runs a flat lick up your pussy lips. His lips suck sweetly at the folds and you moan gently as Yoongi sits up taller. “That’s it, baby girl. Moan for the little man eating your pussy so well.” Yoongi murmurs before kissing down your chest. His perfect lips suckle petals of reds and purples as you writhe underneath the both of them. Your eyes flutter shut as Guk prods at your entrance with his tongue. “Thank you.” You hear Yoongi murmurs before the telltale sounds of metal clanking against metal resound throughout your ears. The cool metal is placed around your wrists holding them both in place before Yoongi instructs Guk to stop. 
“Up the bed.” He instructs you and you push the balls of your feet up the mattress until your hands can comfortably lean against the headboard. “Grip.” He mumbles before suckling once at your nipple. Gripping the bar with shaky hands he attaches the pair of handcuffs to the headboard with a wry smirk. 
He notices how your thighs press together, your now swollen pussy dying for attention and he gives a gentle chuckle that makes your cheeks burn with embarrassment. He was always so good at exuding his dominance without even trying. “Eyes on me, baby girl.” Yoongi mumbles as you feel the familiar hands of Hoseok roaming over your sides. 
Your eyes open, attention wavering as Jimin and Taehyung enter the room with mussed hair and bleary eyes. Your husband's eyes narrow at you before slapping the sensitive skin of your thighs. “Listen to me, or you’re going to get it.” You hear a sharp inhale of breath at the doorway and you try your best to focus on the scarred man as he pinches your nipple roughly. 
Your moans ricochet off the walls as he licks at his lips. “Spread her legs.” He instructs and your legs are splayed within a matter of seconds. Your cunt twitches and aches with fervent need as he brushes his long blonde hair over his shoulders. “Come look at our wifes slutty cunt.” He tells them before his hand dips down your stomach. His fingers making a V motion before opening your pussy lips for the six other men to lewdly stare at your swollen sex. He runs his middle finger over your core, gathering your arousal before rubbing sweet circles on your clit.
“Such a pretty little slut, isn’t she?” You whimper at his words as Jeongguk rubs comforting strokes with his thumb over your ankle. “Tell the boys what you want.” Yoongi whispers before kissing down the marked column of your neck.
“I want Daddy to fuck me.” You whisper, earning a smile at your neck. 
“Fuck.” Jin curses before pawing at his pants. 
“That’s all you want? You just want me to split you with my cock? That’s it?” Yoongi asks before rubbing harder circles against your clit. Moaning gently, your head lolls back as he sits up. “I want Daddy to put a baby inside me. Fuck me real good and get me pregnant with his baby.” 
Yoongi hums at your words before pulling down his pants. The rest of the men in the room groan loudly at you writhe with anticipation on the mattress. His erect cock springing out and darkening the black robes he wears with his precum. The head of his cock is an angry red, begging to be touched and your mouth goes dry as a trail of precum lazily traipses down his thick length. “You’re a little cum slut aren’t you?” He tilts his head at the question, fisting his cock in one hand as he pumps at his length. 
You whimper, neck craning as he pulls farther away from you knowing how torturous this must be. A firm hand comes to your inner thigh, the sting making you gasp as your eyes squeeze shut. “When I ask you a question, I expect an answer. You ungrateful whore.” 
Pinching your nipple harshly, he raises his eyebrows at you. The long scar highlighting his expectant look as your eyes open to his. “I’m sorry, Daddy. I’m your little cum slut.” His cock visibly twitches at your words and you whimper feeling your arousal begin to drip down to the bed. The air is cool and yet, it does nothing to calm your heated cunt. “Yes, you are.” He murmurs before straddling your body. 
“Since you’re a little brat. You’ll have to wait for Daddy’s cock in your needy little cunt until I give it to you.” He trails the head of his cock against your cheek, coating your face in his precum before slapping your lips with the head. You mewl gently, lips opening begging to taste him. His hand comes to your ponytail, tugging harshly as a feral smile forms on his lips. “Open up, slut.” He commands before you hear the shifting of clothes around the bed to watch you suck him. 
Yoongi was always good at this, always able to keep your attention away from the six others in the room like he was the only one there. Opening your lips wider, you run your tongue in a circular motion around the head earning a gentle sigh from your husband above you. “That’s it.” He whispers before taking off the robes he adorns. His pale chest coming into view as his blonde hair flows over his chest covering his dark nipples. 
His cock is heavy on your tongue, the musky taste of his precum makes you whine as you struggle against the hands on your ankles to close your legs for relief. Another comforting swipe comes from Guk as Yoongi thrusts into your mouth. “You’re Daddy’s little cocksleeve aren’t you, baby girl?” He asks through gritted teeth as he runs his thumb over your precum soaked cheek. You whimper in response, your gag reflex activating as he thrusts harshly into your mouth.
“Look how well she takes cock, fuck.” Namjoon murmurs before pulling his cock out of his briefs. Tears stream down your cheeks as you run your tongue over the base of his cock. You can feel him growing thicker, his gentle groans letting you know he’s close for you.
“Hyung can I touch her? Please? Her pussy is so swollen for it.” Jeongguk asks quietly as he runs his fingers over your calf. Your eyes lock with Yoongi's, throat muscles swallowing to take more of him as he curses underneath his breath. Pulling on your ponytail harder, he fucks his cock into your mouth quicker. His thigh muscles shake above you as he moans your name. 
“Fuck, you suck my cock so well, baby girl. You’re such a good little whore.” His eyes close and you try to pull your legs closed once more dying for relief as Namjoon runs his thumbs over your nipples. Spittle and precum dribble down your chin as Yoongi moans loudly above you. He’s close and you can feel your clit beginning to throb with almost unbearable need as Hoseok grips your ankle tighter to keep your legs apart. “Hyung?” Jeongguk asks quietly, earning a slap on his shoulder from Jimin.
Yoongi pulls your head closer to him, your nose nestling against his pubic bone as he uses your throat as a cock sleeve. “Touch her.” He mutters before continuing to thrust into your mouth. You feel fingers brush against your inner thighs, the gentle touch driving you insane as you moan against the heavy weight of Yoongi’s cock. His bare chest heaves as his arm muscles begin to shake, you could feel his cock beginning to throb in your throat. Jeongguk’s fingers make contact with your sodden cunt, raking his fingers over your swollen folds. Moaning loudly, your eyes roll back as Taehyung sits on the bed beside you whispering words of praise in your ear. “You’re such a good little cum slut, so fucking willing.” Yoongi mumbles before pulling his cock from your mouth and gripping the base to respite his orgasm. 
Wiping your chin of spittle he bends down to give you a gentle kiss before climbing off of you. “Daddy please, it hurts.” You whine to him as Jimin kneels beside you on the bed. His head bowing down to suckle at your breast before Yoongi's fingers are in his hair. “Did you ask permission to touch her?” He asks the younger man as he tugs at his hair. Jimin winces before shaking his head and sitting on the balls of his feet. 
“Your slutty little cunt hurts? Hmm?” Yoongi asks you as Jeongguk rubs small circles on to your clit. You sigh gently, grateful for the attention before nodding up at him. Your hands pull at the handcuffs, feeling utterly trapped beneath him as he begins to smirk above you. “Make her cum.” He instructs Guk before kissing you deeply, your precum tainted tongue colliding with his as you mewl into his mouth. 
“Fuck, she’s such a good girl.” Taehyung whispers before placing wet kisses on your heated skin. Your body is heightened with all the attention, all of their touches feeling euphoric as Jeongguk prods at your needy pussy with his middle finger. “Fuck!” You whine into Yoongi’s mouth as he bites your bottom lip harshly. The sting makes you groan as your head lolls back. 
“You’re so beautiful, baby girl.” Your scarred husband mumbles before uncuffing your hands from the headboard. Reaching your hands forward, your hands run over his pale chest. Fingertips pressing against the small, undefined abs of his stomach as Guk flicks at your swollen nub. You moan his name loudly, his eyes fluttering shut as he whimpers at your taste.
Entering a finger inside of you, your thighs shake as you lock eyes with Yoongi. “You like that? You like how Guk fingers your needy little pussy? Hmm?” You nod as he adds another finger, expertly curling them to the spongy bundle of nerves within your channel. 
“Yes, Daddy. Fuck! Feels so good.” He hums, fingers dipping between your thighs as Jeongguk pulls away to make way for the older man's fingers. “You’re going to be a good girl and take my cum deep in your pussy? Get nice and pregnant for us?” He asks gently, his eyes softening with a loving gaze. 
You nod to him as Jeongguk begins to curl his fingers faster against your spot. Your breath hitches, moans rolling off of your tongue as your eyes flutter shut. “That’s it baby. Cum for us. Cum like the little whore you are for your audience.” Yoongi commands.
Hoseok’s lips begin to trail up your leg as he grips you tighter, the soft plushiness adding to your arousal as an invisible band begins to tighten within you. Toes curling, your back bows off the bed as Jeongguk pumps his fingers in faster. You could hear him whimpering, wanting to please you as best as he could. “Can I?” Taehyung asks Yoongi as he hovers over your breast, his hot breath fanning over your skin as you moan out. 
You don’t hear the affirmation but his lips are wrapped around your nipple within seconds, tongue flicking at the hardened nub as he tugs on the sensitive skin with his lips. “Daddy!” You whine as he intertwines your fingers. His free hand runs his hard cock over your other breast as Jeongguk’s lips attach back to your clit. Pumping his length gently, he watches your body convulse beneath him begging to let go as you reach the precipice of your pleasure.
“You want to cum now, baby girl?” He asks quietly as Namjoon tugs at your ponytail gently. “Yes, Daddy please! Want to cum for you so badly!” You manage to whine as Guk’s teeth gently scrape over your bundle of nerves. 
“Then cum.” As if he willed it, your orgasm hits. A galaxy of stars paint the back of your eyelids as you moan loudly. You can feel the gush of cum leave you as your ears begin to ring. Tears of pleasure streak down your cheek as Jeongguk pulls away from your pulsing core. Pumping his fingers in and out slowly as all seven of your husbands watch you ride out your high. “Thank you for cumming on me, Noona.” Jeongguk whispers before pulling away. 
“Fuck, that’s so hot.” Hoseok comments as his eyes fall to the soaked bed sheets. Yoongi smirks finding his place between your thighs as he runs his cock through the folds of your cunt. His eyes widening with mischief as he taps the head of his cock to your over stimulated clit. You whine gently, eyes on his face as he pushes his blonde hair off of his shoulders. Jimin wipes your tear streaked cheeks before placing a gentle kiss at your temple as Yoongi teases your entrance. “Ready, baby girl? Ready to take my child?” 
Whimpering you nod as Jimin pulls you up only to lay you over his body. His fingers brush at your marked throat before looking up at the older man. All eyes are on him as he prods at your tight ring of muscle, not a word is uttered as you both gasp gently. The stretch is wide, his cock spreading you open. You grip at Jimin’s thighs on either side of you, head lolling back to his chest as Yoongi enters you slowly. “Fuck, you have such a tight little cunt.” He whispers, his hands hooking behind your knees as he pushes them up to your chest. 
“Feels good?” Taehyung asks as he pulls down his boxers. Yoongi curses gently, ignoring his question as he stills within you. With each ragged breath you could feel the head of his cock rubbing against your cervix folds and you whimper for more. Wiggling your hips as Jimin shushes you kissing the shell of your ear. “Behave.” Yoongi commands you as he runs his hands over your calves. 
Your pussy finally relaxes around his intrusion as Taehyung grabs your wrist. “Stroke my cock.” He instructs you. There was always an exception for Taehyung, he didn’t have to follow any of Yoongi’s rules and he constantly said so. He was the only that introduced you to all of them in the first place. Yoongi pulls out of you slowly, your velvet walls deliciously dragged by the bulbous head of his cock and your breath hitches in your throat as he groans. His eyes flutter shut before thrusting back in harshly. Your body convulses, mouth dropping open as Jimin puts his hands to your knees at your chest keeping you in place. 
“You’re so fucking wet. Christ.” Yoongi mumbles, his voice dropping an octave before swallowing thickly. He finds his pace quickly, head lolling back as his eyebrows furrow. His body begins to grace a sheen of sweat as he curses loudly. Your hand begins to stutter on Taehyung’s cock as your body is consumed with white-hot pleasure, your limbs tingling with euphoric sensation as you whine.
“You’re such a good girl, letting me fuck your fertile little cunt. Gonna fuck you full and get you nice and round with my baby. Fuck!” He curses as your toes begin to curl. The sounds of your sodden cunt being battered resound throughout the room as Jin kneels on the bed beside Joon, his cock in hand as he watches the sight before him.
“Want your baby so badly, please Daddy.” You whimper as Jimin’s plush lips traipse down your neck, plucking at your delicate skin. It’s then that Yoongi angles your hips higher, bottom lip tucking between his teeth as each thrust of his thick cock drags against your golden spot within you. Your body sings with praise, thigh muscles shaking with pleasure as you gasp loudly. You could hear your heartbeat in your ears, your mouth babbling nonsense. 
“Look how fucked out our little slut is, begging me for my baby.” Yoongi mumbles outwardly, his eyes enraptured as your breasts heave with every thrust. “Daddy, fuck! Feels so good.” 
“Yeah? You like that? You like Daddy’s big cock fucking your little pussy right open? Tell the boys how much you love Daddy’s cock.” He whispers before pressing his chest to your legs. 
His thrusts become harder, impelling you with a quickness that knocks the wind from your lungs. “Play with her nipples. She likes that.” Yoongi tells Jimin as his blonde sideburns begin to stick with sweat to his face. 
The younger man's deft fingers pinch and roll your nipples as you grasp harder at Taehyung’s cock earning a loud gasp from him. “Keep going, princess. I’m going to cum.” Taehyung tells you as Yoongi lets up on his thrusts for you to concentrate. His thrusts are deep still, your cunt clenching at his cock as Taehyung’s precum streams over your knuckles.
“Just like that, fuck. So close.” Taehyung whispers as Yoongi grabs your ankles placing them over his shoulders. You can feel his large cock throbbing in your hand as Jimin pinches at your nipple roughly. “Noona looks so pretty fucked out.” Jeongguk whispers as his lips trail over your stomach. 
“Fucking right.” Namjoon mumbles as Taehyung gasps loudly, his body leaning over yours before cumming on your chest. The men collectively groan before Yoongi picks up his pace once more, your eyes rolling back into your head as he fucks you for all he’s worth. Small curses resound throughout the room before hearing a high pitched baby whine making Yoongi stop. His head jerks towards the door as Taehyung pulls up his boxers. 
“I got it.” Taehyung presses a gentle kiss to your lips before standing up and heading out of the room. Yoongi runs his hand over your cheek before Hoseok takes Taehyung’s place. Pulling down his pajama pants, his erect cock springs out. Precum smearing against his golden toned stomach as he gives you a wide smile. 
“Keep going.” You tell Yoongi as Jimin plucks at your nipples again. 
“Guk!” Taehyung calls out and the youngest jumps up without a second thought. His lips press to your forehead before he is out the door to take care of your son. Yoongi resumes his thrusts, his hands running over your smooth legs as you whimper his name.
“Daddy, fuck your cock feels so good.” You moan out as he begins to pick up the pace once more. He can feel his balls begin to tighten, as he runs his hands over your sides. “Look at how pretty she looks getting pumped full of cock.” Joon announces to the group as he tugs at your ponytail.
“Oh Christ, she just got so tight.” Your scarred husband moans quietly as Jin’s fingers dip between your thighs to rub at your clit. Yoongi’s tongue licks at his lips, his blown out irises on yours as you whimper loudly. 
Namjoon clamps a hand over your mouth as you moan, his lips centimetres away from your ear. “You’re going to disturb the babies. Keep your little cum slut mouth shut.” He murmurs as Yoongi fucks you harder as if to prove a point. Your hands grip harder at Jimin’s legs, your cunt beginning to pulse around Yoongi’s cock as he gently moans your name. 
“Shit, you’re going to cum aren’t you baby girl?” Your mouth has gone dry, words not even processing as you nod to your husband. 
“Wait until Daddy cums first, baby. I’m so close.” You whine as Jin rubs harder circles on your clit. Your hips lift as you meet every thrust. The band within you tightens and you grit your teeth hoping to hang on to your sanity as Yoongi lowly groans. His cock throbs within you, his head lolling back as he grips on to your hips. “Fuck, take my cum. Get pregnant for me.” He mumbles almost incoherently before stilling within you. Ropes of warm cum, paint your walls as he gasps loudly. 
The feeling of his warm seed along with the skilled pinch of your clit from Jin has you falling over the edge as Jimin kisses down your neck slowly. You cry out loudly against Namjoon’s hand, tears of pleasure streaming down your face as Hoseok runs his hard cock over your breast. “Fuck!” Yoongi curses as he wipes at his forehead before pulling out of you gently. 
“Come here.” He commands as he lays down beside Jimin, his cock still hard as white globs of cum run down his length. Hoseok groans loudly as your pussy begins to weep the excessive amounts of cum. You sit up, feeling boneless as you straddle Yoongi’s body. “We’re not done here. Sit on my cock.” He tells you as Jimin wipes at your cum covered chest with his boxers. His erect cock in hand as Namjoon situates himself behind you. 
Sliding back down on his cock, both of your mouths open as his head lolls back. “Fuck, your cunt is so messy, baby.” He whispers as hands run over the globes of your ass squeezing roughly. Moaning loudly at the feeling your face buries into Yoongi’s neck. You hear a cap open and you wonder to yourself for a second where Namjoon could have possibly produced the bottle of lube from but the question is wiped from your brain as Yoongi thrusts up into your cum filled cunt. 
With a whimper you prop your ass up higher for your husband behind you. His fingers run over your puckered muscles, the lube feeling cool against your heated skin as you sigh gently. Yoongi’s hand dips between your bodies, rubbing at your clit as Joon prods the head of his cock against your asshole. Your body relaxes as he begins to inch his way inside of you, both you and Yoongi moaning loudly from his intrusion. “Fuck! Her pussy gets so tight!” Yoongi curses as he rubs quicker circles on your bundle of nerves. With a gentle grunt, Namjoon stills inside of you letting your muscles adjust to him.
Hoseok tugs at your ponytail pulling your head up from Yoongi’s neck as he pulls your face to look at his erect cock. His hand finds its way to the back of your neck before pulling you closer to him. “Open up, babe.” He mumbles to you, your body shifts and both of the men inside you gasp gently at the movement. “Fuck. What a good little cum slut we have.” Joon mumbles as your lips part for Hoseok’s cock. Your tongue runs a flat lick over his dusky rose veins before swirling your tongue around the head. 
“That’s it baby. I can’t wait to watch you suck cock with my baby inside you. Nice big belly on display while you fuck a cock into your mouth.” Yoongi mumbles as he pinches your clit. Your body jolts at the touch, pussy creaming with his cum as you buck yourself backwards for them. The collective groan of all three men is like music to your ears as Joon begins to thrust slowly within you. Whimpering around Hoseok’s cock, you swallow diligently as he thrusts into your face. Your nose nestling against the soft hairs of his pubic bone as Yoongi begins to thrust upwards matching Namjoon’s pace. You begin to drool around Seok’s length, feeling so full of cock and cum as Joon pulls your ponytail. “Choke the pretty little slut.” He tells Yoongi who in turn wraps his hand around your neck. You whine loudly, eyes rolling back as he applies the perfect amount of pressure. Your cunt clenches around both of their cocks, as Hoseok begins to roughly fuck your face. 
“God, you’re so fucking hot, baby. Such a good girl taking all these cocks at once.” Yoongi praises you as your body begins to push back against each thrust. “Fuck, she feels so good. I’m not going to last.” Namjoon mumbles as he cards his fingers through his hair. You whine as your nipples as pinched and rolled on either side of you by Jimin and Jin. The taste of Hoseok’s precum, musky and sweet send you into overdrive. Your body singing with unrelenting pleasure as you buck back faster, the fervent need of feeling full taking over your senses. 
“Oh, fuck! Good girl, baby!” Yoongi calls out as his eyes screw shut. 
“Her pussy is so messy with hyung’s cum.” Jimin comments as he pumps furiously at his cock. Your head begins to swim, tears brimming over your cheeks as you gag on Hoseok’s length. You could feel him beginning to pulse on your tongue as he groans through gritted teeth. It’s astounding how you could even keep yourself up at this point but the praise and the pleasure make it all worth your while. 
“Fuck. Fuck!” Your husband curses from behind you as his thrusts become deeper. His hand tugging harder at your ponytail as he begins to pulsate within you. “That’s it baby. Fuck, you’re doing so good. Gonna get my baby inside your fertile little cunt.” Yoongi praises once more as Hoseok moans your name with a yelp.
“Swallow it, fuck Y/N! Swallow it all.” Hoseok demands as his cock stills within you. Cum painting your mouth and throat as a shiver runs up his spine. You whimper at the taste, swallowing it as he pulls out of your mouth. Hoseok places a breathless kiss against your forehead before your body is falling onto Yoongi’s. “Good girl.” He whispers in your ear as you buck yourself back with the last bit of strength you have. 
Yoongi lets go of your throat to run his hands over your sides, his mouth opening with a loud moan as Namjoon stills within you. You feel the heat of his cum spread within your ass and you grip onto Yoongi's shoulders as he pulls out of you slowly. “You look so pretty stuffed to the brim with cum.” Namjoon says as Yoongi thrusts up to you as kiss him slowly. 
“I love you.” He whispers before spanking your ass, earning a reddened handprint as you moan his name. “I love you too. Fuck!” You mutter against his lips as you feel something warm paint your back.
Turning your head, Jimin breathlessly winks at you before sitting on the balls of his feet. “Up.” Yoongi mumbles to you and you listen without another thought. Your thighs shake, enervated as he sits up with you. Rubbing at your clit, your eyes scrunch up as you feel him will your next orgasm. “Daddy, it’s too much.” You whine to him, with every thrust you feel his cock thickening, the bulbous head pulsating as he mumbles your name like a prayer. 
“Just one more, baby girl. Gotta make sure you take my baby. I want to see you swollen with my child. Nice milky tits ready to mother my baby so well.” He murmurs as his lips drift over your marked chest. Your pussy clenches at his words, head beginning to fog with pleasure. Jimin’s lips attach to your nipple, his tongue flicking in time with Yoongi’s thrusts and you fall over the edge without warning. Your pussy convulsing over Yoongi’s as Jimin holds you up. “Oh fuck, you’re so amazing!” Yoongi curses before stilling within you. His head lolls back as he orgasms for the second time. His warm spreads within you and you lay down on his chest with a small whimper as he kisses your temple. 
“God. Thank you baby, this was amazing.” He whispers in your ear, you hum to him as a tired smile spreads on your lips. 
“I love you Daddy.” You murmur as Jimin cleans your back. 
“I love you too. Let’s go clean you up.” He murmurs before pressing his lips to yours. You feel a tug on your hand and your head turns to Jin as he pumps his cock furiously. “Open your mouth, swallow me.” He begs you and you can only oblige as you ogle the red tip. Swirling your tongue around the head, you dip down only a few times before his hand hooks to the back of your neck. With a whimper, his plush bottom lip tucked between his teeth as he spills his seed down your throat. 
Yoongi runs a hand over your cum filled womb before sitting up and kissing you gently. “Okay. Let’s get you cleaned up. I need coffee and to hold my kids before I pass out for twenty four hours.” He whispers before pulling at the manggeon that is situated on his head. With a giggle you help him take off the blonde wig before kissing at the fake scar on his eye.
“I’m surprised that it didn't fall off your head while you were fucking.” Jin tells him as Yoongi stands up wrapping your legs around his waist. 
“I’m surprised your fake beard hairs didn’t get stuck to our wife’s tits.” Yoongi retorts, making you laugh as you press your face into his neck. Walking to the bathroom, Yoongi kisses the side of your head before running a hand over your back. “I love you so much, you know that don’t you babe?” He asks quietly, kicking the door open with his foot.
“I love you too.” You reply before looking at the red string tattoo on your finger. Always fated. Always seven.
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Bobby’s Play Date Part 1
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The pandemic is keeping Tom idling in London by himself. One positive is that wearing the mask helps him avoid recognition, allowing him to wander in the park with his dog, Bobby. On one of their walks, Bobby becomes smitten with a dog named Lulu and Tom is equally enchanted by her human. Can the Hiddleston men manage to find a way to see the lovely ladies again?
Tom Hiddleston/OFC
Rated M - Pandemic, Fluff, Quarantine, Masks, Adorable Puppies, Meet Cute, Second Part May (will) Contain Smut
@yespolkadotkitty @just-the-hiddles @hopelessromanticspoonie @wine-and-whines @arch-venus25 @caffiend-queen @devilish–doll @enchantedbyhiddles @hiddlesholic @i-do-not-fangirl-i-fanwoman @kellatron55 @ladyoftheteaandblood @latent-thoughts @gorgeous1974 @maryxglz @myoxisbroken @nuggsmum @nildespirandum @pedeka @redfoxwritesstuff @sinfully-lustful-darling @vodka-and-some-sass @wrathkitty @kingtwhiddleston @wolfsmom1 @poetic-fiasco @shiningloki @dangertoozmanykids101 @bookworm-christina @thecutestlittlebunbunfairy @amwolowicz @delightfulheartdream @frostbitten-written @what-a-flammable-heart @tom-hlover @nonsensicalobsessions @myraiswack @loki-yoursaviourishere, from-hel-i-with-love, @sweetsigyn, @fictiondoesitbetter, @ms-cellanies @evieplease @viviennes-tears @turniptitaness @cynic-spirit​
It was months into the pandemic that had ground the world to a halt. Tom desperately hoped things would go back to normal soon, and that a vaccine would be found to help more people from getting sick and dying. There were, of course, many changes to the world at the moment that Tom was not pleased with. Being unable to work, for instance, or travel to visit his sisters was both frustrating and depressing. One change, however, he had to admit he was not completely adverse to.
Tom loved his fans. They were usually polite, often intelligent, and had donated millions in his name to charities. He often said that he couldn’t consider himself an actor without an audience, and he meant it. It was just that there were times when he wanted to enjoy a little anonymity. Particularly when health advisories suggested a six foot distance between people, Tom was relieved to be able to slip on a plain black mask along with his baseball cap and sunglasses and blend in with the other people wandering about on errands.
He was enjoying just such a stroll now despite the warmth, grateful for the ability to hide in plain sight. Bobby frisked happily on his lead, chasing after imaginary prey as they ambled aimlessly down the winding path. It was a lovely, sunny day, but fear was keeping many people at home and they had the park largely to themselves.
When they reached a bend, Bobby began barking excitedly and pulled Tom along, his human chuckling as he was dragged by his furry companion. The reason for Bobber’s excitement soon became apparent. Sitting on a bench placed beside a scenic little river was a woman in a flowered mask, holding the lead of a small, gold and white shih tzu dog in a ridiculous pink and white checked dress.
Tom had to take a firm hold as Bobby frantically tried to go over and meet the smaller dog, who had begun barking herself as they rounded the bend. Her fluffy head, complete with bow to keep the hair from her eyes, perked up, and she began jumping up and down in a little dance. Bobby calmed down a bit as he felt Tom’s pressure on his lead, but his tongue still lolled out of his mouth in a dopey smile.
“Steady,” Tom commanded, feeling embarrassed as Bobby continued to hover as close as allowed to the silly looking strange dog. “I’m sorry, I promise he is completely friendly.”
“It’s okay, so is she,” the woman replied, smiling with her eyes even though he could not see her mouth behind her mask. “You know, she’s usually quite shy, but she seems to like him! May I pet him?”
“Please, and thanks for asking.”
Letting the lead out a bit, Tom watched as the woman reached down to give Bobby a good pet, complimenting him on being a handsome boy. Her fluff of a pup had advanced timidly, and she and Bobby commenced sniffing and circling each other with obvious enjoyment.
“Wow, I have never seen her respond like that to a strange dog!” the woman laughed.
As she spoke, Bobby rolled onto his back and waved his paws in the air with a complete lack of dignity.
“Safe to say he is rather taken as well,” Tom chuckled. “Absolutely shameless! Mind if I have a seat? It seems a shame to deprive them.”
He gestured to the bench next to hers, wanting to keep a safe distance and indicate he respected her space, and the woman nodded. She was dressed much more simply than her dog, he noticed. Black leggings and long rose colored tee shirt, a pair of keds. Apparently, she got all of her whimsy out on her pup.
“What’s his name?” she asked, watching as the dogs frolicked with each other.
“Bobby,” he supplied. “I’m Tom.”
“I’m Leia, and that ridiculous creature is Lulu.”
“Like the princess?” he couldn’t help but ask with a chuckle.
“General,” she answered without missing a beat. “It’s what happens when you are born during the release of a cultural phenomenon. Pity all of the little girls out there now being named Daenerys or Gamora.”
Tom held his breath for a moment. If she was a Marvel fan, then did he have to worry about her recognizing him? Fortunately, she seemed more interested in the game of tag their companions were playing, and he let himself relax.
“There’s a dog run about half a mile from here,” he suggested after a few minutes of companionable silence. “It’s actually where we were headed.”
“I know, but Lulu is so skittish,” Leia sighed. “She just huddles in a little ball when the bigger dogs come near her.”
“She seems fine with Bobbers.”
“I know! Your adorable boy is some sort of sorcerer! It makes me so happy to see her playing with another dog!”
“I have to ask…”
“The dress?” she guessed; voice wry.
“She’s a rescue. When I got her, she was a pathetic, bedraggled little thing that had been there for ages. It was winter, and the first times I took her out I had to put a coat on her. After that, she started equating dressing with going out, and would get so excited every time I took a coat or sweater out for her. When the weather warmed up, I realized that I missed the way she would jump up and literally throw herself into whatever I had picked out for her to wear. It’s completely silly, I know, but it makes her happy, and she just looks so cute!”
Tom’s heart melted a little as he listened to her explain. Yes, the dog looked silly, but it was such a sweet reason that suddenly the little dress transformed into a symbol of kindness rather than an eccentricity.
“She does look adorable,” he said.
A beeping noise had him drawing his phone from his pocked, and he was surprised at the time. He had to get back home soon for a virtual session with his trainer. Oddly, he found himself reluctant to go. It had been so long since he had just spent time with another person, it had felt good just to sit in her presence and relax.
“I’m afraid I have to get going. But Bobby and I usually walk this way around lunch time,” he blurted out, lying through his teeth. “Hopefully we will run into you lovely ladies again. So that the dogs can play.”
He was more grateful for the mask than ever, as it hopefully hid the blush he could feel coloring his face. Once more her vivid eyes sparkled and she stood up too, twisting around with him as they attempted to untangle the leashes.
“I’m sure Lulu would love that!” she told him, picking up the golden dog as she whined and tried to follow after her new friend. “We’ll see you around, Tom. Bobby.”
With a jaunty step he let his long legs take him away, looking forward to tomorrow already.
It rained the next two days. Not just a soft drizzle but am early summer storm that made the idea of a pleasant walk a fantasy. Tom and Bobby both resented the weather, and it was a toss up which of them was more disagreeable as they were forced to stay indoors.
When the sun shone on the third day, Tom immediately cancelled all of his afternoon plans. He had waited patiently, he told himself, he was not going to let this day go to waste. It was for Bobby’s sake, after all. The pup deserved a nice day out after being shut up inside.
They left home mid-morning, Tom unable to sit still any longer. He couldn’t say why exactly he was so keen on meeting Leia and her silly dog again, but he had been able to think of nothing else during his enforced isolation. Perhaps it was simply the novelty of meeting someone new who didn’t instantly faun over him or act nervous and shy. She treated him as though he were just an ordinary guy walking his dog in the park; which of course was what he was!
He arrived at the benches where they had met earlier that week, but they were empty. It was still early, so they made a circuit of the nearby trails. His eyes always alert for their new friends. They passed a few other people walking their pets, but both Tom and Bobby were uninterested beyond a nod hello and brief sniff. The Hiddleston men were both to focused on finding particular companions.
It was, as it had been before, Bobby who first discovered their presence. As they were walking through a more secluded, twisting section of the park, the dog’s ears pricked up and he began barking in excitement. Tail wagging frantically, Bobby yanked on the lead and pulled Tom along behind him as he took off around a curve. A high pitched yip sounded from the direction he headed.
“Well hello there!” Leia greeted him, leaning down to scratch Bobby’s head as he and Lulu danced around each other. “We were hoping to run into you boys again!”
“Eh heh heh,” Tom laughed, dancing around to keep his leash from entangling too badly with hers. “Obviously Bobby here was looking forward to that as well! As was I.”
“Well then, I am so happy you found us.”
He felt absurdly pleased as they fell into step beside each other. The two dogs were happy to walk along, darting back and forth in play as they went.
“Were you going anywhere in particular?” Leia asked casually.
“Oh, just wandering about,” Tom answered, not wanting to admit that they had been on a mission to hunt down the ladies.
“Well then, we can wander together.”
As the dogs played, Tom and Leia chatted happily. He learned that she was an aspiring writer working on edits to her first novel, and a tour guide, specializing in guiding small groups around literary sights in London as a way to earn money.
“Of course, it’s hard to be a tour guide with no tourists,” she sighed. “You would think it would give me more time to write, but its hard to focus. Anyway, I talk too much. What about you?”
“Oh, I’m on furlough,” he shrugged, staying vague. “Just loafing about the house, annoying Bobby. So what is your novel about?”
He managed to direct the conversation back to her, even though she avoided the subject of her book. Instead, she brought up some of the more interesting places she had brought tourists. Tom, a proud Londoner, had been to many of them, and they happily discussed the more interesting locations. She seemed impressed that he had read books by most of the authors they discussed and was quite ready with a line or two from memory. In turn, Tom loved how expressive she became when describing the joy people experienced finding themselves walking in the footsteps of their favorite fictional characters.
By the time Leia announced that she and Lulu needed to head home, (Tom thought he detected regret in her voice) he was surprised to realize that they had been talking for almost two hours. It was the most pleasant afternoon he had passed in some time.
After that, Tom and Bobby spent every afternoon in the park. At first, they managed to “stumble” upon their companions most days. The days they did not were frustrating for both of them and usually ended with them barking at each other. After a few run-ins with Leia and Lulu however, Tom took the plunge and asked if they would like to make their daily meetups official. Leia seemed pleased, but with the caveat that some days she did need to stay home and write when she was struck by the rare inspiration. Tom deflated momentarily, thinking she was looking for an out, until she offered to text him an let him know if they would be absent. He happily gave her his cell phone number and took hers in return, letting her know that she should feel free to text anytime and then feeling like an idiot the minute the words left his mouth.
Over the next two weeks they met all but three days – two because of her writing and one when the skies once more conspired to thwart him. Their conversations ranged from literature to films to favorite places to travel. Leia sometimes teased him about his obvious upper class life style, jetting about to Viet Nam, Hawaii, Australia… but that was the closest his celebrity status ever came to being brought up. He would occasionally feel a stab of guilt over keeping that part of himself from her, it felt dishonest to lie by omission, but he was enjoying being just Tom, and didn’t want to spoil it.
Tom started taking more care in his appearance as the days went on. Gone were the torn running shorts and frayed t-shirts, and in their place were his slim fitting dark jeans and more presentable tops. If those tops also stretched a bit tight across his chest to better show off his muscles, well, he had worked hard enough to achieve them! He made some attempt to style his untamable locks as well, experimenting with different products until he found something that made the curls less crunchy. If he was remembering Leia’s off hand comment about how she liked his natural curls no one else needed to know that.
On the one month anniversary of meeting them in the park, Tom paced nervously back and forth near their favorite bench as he waited for them to arrive. He had a proposition for Leia and hoped desperately that she would say yes. When Bobby started frisking about he knew that he would see her walking Lulu, and spun around to see her come towards them.
“Sorry I’m late!” she smiled with her eyes. “This one managed to hide my house keys, and it took half an hour to track them down to her stash under the sofa.”
Lulu looked unrepentant as she pranced around Bobby, and Tom chuckled good naturedly. He gestured to the bench and sat after Leia, leaning back and stretching out his legs.
“No worries, honestly,” he assured her. “I am just delighted you are here now.”
“You are the perfect gentleman.”
“All lies, I assure you,” he waited for a moment, wanting to sound casual, and then launched into it unable to delay any longer. “I was wondering… The park is lovely, of course, but I thought it might be nice – for Lulu and Bobby – if they had a bit more freedom to run about. Lulu being afraid of the dog run, she has no opportunity to be off leash, and that can’t be too fun for our furry companions.”
“They seem to be having a good time to me,” Leia laughed, looking at where the dogs were investigating a small pile of leaves by the side of the trail. “But what did you have in mind?”
“Well, you see, our house has an enclosed back yard. Not huge, mind you, but large enough they would be able to chase to their hearts content without fearing larger beasts. I thought that perhaps you and Lulu might want to come over this Friday evening for dinner. There’s a testing sight not far from here. We could each get swabbed to make sure we are uncontagious. My bubble is only my Mum and Bobbers, and from what you’ve told me yours isn’t much bigger. It should be reasonably safe for you to come. I could make us dinner, and we could eat outside. If you would be comfortable with it, that is.”
He tried to look calm, but inside Tom was a riot of nerves as he waited for her answer. Leia’s brow crinkled in thought, and she glanced again to where the dogs were once more hopping back  and forth across the path.
“I can’t do Friday,” she told him, and his heart fell.
“Oh, alright then. It was just an idea.”
“Friday is my virtual book club,” she went on, talking over him. “Would Saturday work?”
“Saturday would be perfect!” he beamed.
“Great! I’ll go to the clinic for a test tomorrow then. Would you like me to bring anything?”
“Just Lulu and a healthy appetite.”
“Excellent! Now what do you say we walk over to the little waterfall?”
Tom practically floated through the rest of their walk. He had enjoyed getting to know her so much, but he wanted to spend more than an hour or two at a time with her. Dinner would give them a chance to really relax. Plus, he was dying to see her mouth. After a month of imagining her smile he wanted to know if what he had in his mind was anywhere close to reality. She would see his full face too, but if she hadn’t recognized him by now it was doubtful she would from the lower half of his face.
His confidence dipped a bit when they returned home. Looking around, Tom began to panic. Between photos of him in his full Loki regalia to a group picture with the cast of Skull island, there were far too many give aways of his fame. She might not recognize him, but you would have to like on another planet not to know who Sam Jackson was!
Tom spent the next few days rearranging his home. His awards, normally discreetly placed in a cabinet in his living room on the insistence of his mother, were moved to a back shelf in his office closet. The set photos from a decade plus of filming were shoved under his bed and various pieces of memorabilia were secreted away in the spare bedroom. By the time he was done his guilt had increased but he was fairly confident that all trace of his career had been tucked away safely.
“Well, Bobbers, let’s hope we don’t blow this,” he sighed, adjusting the bandana he had bought to go around the dog’s neck. Bobby whined slightly and Tom grinned. “None of that, you want to look good for your date. She has a fondness for clothing, after all.”
Bobby gave him a look that said he clearly knew Lulu was not the one Tom was trying to impress with his new fashion statement, but Tom cheerfully ignored it. Tonight was going to be a wonderful night.
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ill-skillsgard · 3 years
I need Faust and Faith's reunion after he's done touring 👉👈 No pressure or anything. I just miss them a lot!
I always miss Fausty boy! I have some other prompts I wanted to incorporate into this one, but it was getting too long. I hope you enjoy!
Warning: 18+ mentions of public sex, mature language, anti-religious overtones, mentions of blood, violence, death, and drug use.
Summary: Faith goes to her first black metal show and asks Faust about the black circle.
- Not based on Lords of Chaos. I use Faust!Valter’s likeness only as inspiration.
Read more Faust x Faith here [x]
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The duelling guitars screeched through twin stacks of speakers and filled the auditorium with malfeasance. Faith had never witnessed such a carnal reaction. As she watched from the side stage, the crowd below opened into a whirling pit of black-clad showgoers, pushing, jumping and banging against each other. The drums kicked into a blistering rhythm, and her attention turned toward the man she barely recognized with white and black makeup painting his face like the ghost of a demon.
Faust punished his drumkit with expert precision, his arms blurring in the chaos of their first song. His black hair swung as he banged his head without missing a beat. Horned and studded limbs spilled over the metal barricade, tongues lolled, and eyes lit with blissful fury. The singer's growls seemed to rise from the depths of hell, a monster shrieking at its thralls for more destruction.
Even with earplugs in, Faith felt the music blowing back in waves, shaking the column of her throat and turning her brain to mush. She dared slip one plug out to hear the true volume and quickly stuffed it back in when the intensity struck.
During the ambient interludes between songs, the crowd roared still. A few hundred people raised their hands, praising the men on stage. It reminded her of church, how they would let their eyes roll back, chanting the hymns and facing their palms skyward. This was no church she had ever set foot inside. The walls were painted black, the floor sticky from spilled beer, and its congregation made her gathering's displays of loyalty seem demure. The air reeked of salty skin and malt embedded in the paint from nights like this.
Faith saw people wearing shirts with Faust's band logo on the front, and a burst of pride warmed her belly. Though she was remarkably out of place, there was an odd sense of welcome. She could run headfirst into the crowd and get swallowed up and spit out like anyone else.
When they finished their set, Faust retired his drumsticks to a holder, chugged an entire bottle of beer and took a brief bow to the crowd before walking off stage. Faith bounced as he approached and scooped her off the floor, smearing her face with paint from around his mouth. When he set her down, his lips were partially visible through the now grey muck.
"How was it?" Faust asked.
"You guys are amazing. That's was so cool, babe!"
"Ah, you're just saying that."
"No, really! I can't believe how crazy they went for you!"
Faust sneered playfully, though their reception had been one for the books. "Probably 'cause half the crowd are friends of ours."
"Doesn't matter. You still kicked ass."
Faust's smile was unbreakable from a show well played and seeing his girlfriend waiting for him at the side of the stage. He led her to the green room as stagehands and managers nodded them through and let her dab the corpse paint off her face in the bathroom. Faust sopped up the sweat in his hair with a towel and changed his stage clothes before Faith returned. His bandmates soon joined them, and the chatter was unintelligible. People from other bands came in to talk and congratulate the young group on their first cross-country tour, and soon the back was filled with people hanging VIP badges from their pockets.
Faust pulled Faith from the bedlam before the room grew too hot. They made their way to the main floor and the rows of merchandise tables. Faith couldn't help but feel privileged to have access to the other side of the tables where Faust told her she could stash her coat and purse while a lineup of fans waited to purchase t-shirts and albums. Admirers pulled Faust away several times to take photos and shake hands. Faith watched in awe as people took turns posing with her boyfriend, who stayed looking stoic in his half-melted face paint. Her boyfriend. People from all walks of life wanted proof they'd met him, asking him to sign album covers and tour posters.
When Faust broke away from the clamour of excited metal fans, he took Faith's hand and pulled her through the crowd to a stairwell guarded by security. He flashed his tour badge, and the guard permitted them to the balcony where a few other musicians sat in a less crowded area.
"Come on, let's go outside. I need a fucking smoke," Faust said.
They went through a set of metal doors to an outdoor balcony where two men leaned against the railing, passing a joint and chatting. One spotted Faust, and a smile cracked over his face.
"Hey, Faust. Great show, man. We watched from the balcony. You guys were fucking killer," the man passed the joint to the drummer.
He hauled a significant bout of smoke into his lungs, then expelled it into the night air, handing it back with a nod.
The man refused. "Pass it to the lady."
"She's good," Faust said.
"I'll take a hit," Faith countered.
Faust glanced at her, brow raised high. "You sure?" He chuckled.
"Yes. I'll be fine."
Faust handed her the joint and turned to his fellow musicians. "Thanks. Glad you guys enjoyed the set."
As Faith inhaled, the other man turned to her and offered his hand to shake. "Hey, I'm Janne."
"Faith," she mouthed around a lungful of searing smoke.
"This is Yosh," Janne gestured at the man who'd initially offered Faust the joint. "Good to meet you."
"Is this your girlfriend, Fausty?"
"Yeah. She's my girl."
"Aw, that's cute. Didn't take you for the relationship type, to be honest. You like this scary son of a bitch?" Yosh asked.
Faith giggled as she looked up at the towering man dressed in black while he lit a cigarette. "He's not that scary. At least not to me," said Faith.
"Good man to have by your side at a show. You might get trampled down there."
"This is actually my first show."
Yosh choked on a hit and coughed, "really? And you came to a black metal show? That's ballsy."
"Well, it's not really my thing, but I wanted to see them play. I came from out of town just to be here tonight," Faith said proudly.
"Oh, right. You guys are from the green belt, right? Or should I say, the black circle?" Janne tittered.
Faust's eyes grew stony. "No. I'm not part of that shit. Bunch of fucking posers."
"We were just talking about the church fire there a couple weeks ago. You guys are known for that, aren't you?"
"I don't know. Guess so," Faust shrugged.
"They said there was a body found after they put out the fire, and it was nailed to some pieces of wood...like a cross or something. Can you believe that shit? How metal is that?"
Faith swallowed. She had heard the news break the day after the fire before they announced the unidentified body and after Faust had surprised her at the bus stop. They had prayed about it in church the following week and set up a collection to bulldoze the wreckage and reconstruct the chapel even bigger than before. Her mother was so stricken from the news that Faith had to spend a night at her parents' house consoling her while her father bad-mouthed the city's youth.
Bunch of heathen Satan-worshippers in this town. If I'd have known how disgusting some of these people are, I'd have never moved us out here.
Faith, her sisters and their mother all huddled on the sofa watching reruns of Full House while Stan stood hard-backed at the front window, peering out every few minutes as if the culprit might attack them next.
Oh, Stan, you don't know who did it. You can't point the finger when the police haven't even updated the community. Give the embers a chanced to cool. Besides, it's places like these that need the most help. We'll raise the money. I just hope to God they catch the people who did this.
All Faith could think about as she ate her sundae next to her sister was what she was doing the night after the fire. While the fire department was busy putting out the flames across town, she was pressed against a brick wall getting fucked by one of the heathen Satan-worshippers her father despised. She tried not to connect dots that had no business forming any kind of picture. Faust's appearance had been a coincidence.
I'll tell you who did this... It's that damned black circle. They've done it before, and they'll do it again.
Faust waved a hand in front of Faith's face, and she flinched from her reveries. "Babe? You there?"
"Oh, sorry," she laughed. "Kind of zoned out."
"Wanna head back inside?"
Faith didn't realize she was shivering until Faust rubbed her upper arms. "Sure. Yeah, let's do that."
"One puff of a joint, and you're on another planet, huh? Good seeing you Janne, Yosh... We should tour again."
"Yeah, man. As soon as possible. We're always on the road. We'd love to have you out for as many gigs as you guys can handle."
Faust nodded and clasped hands with both men before urging Faith along with a palm on her bottom. Once they made it inside, he snuck his fingers under her skirt and pinched her hard enough to give her a jolt but not to hurt.
"What? No one's looking. Hey, you wanna check out our tour bus?"
Faith went to the balcony railing and saw the next band setting up their gear. She pointed below and turned to Faust. "Won't we miss the next band?"
"You actually wanna stay and watch?"
"Uh, yeah! This is my first show. I wanna see all the bands."
"All right. We can stay up here or go to the floor. But I'm warning you, it can get ruthless down there."
"I want to go down. It looks fun."
"Then we have to go now. We'll try to get right up front where you won't get swallowed in a circle pit."
"Really?" Faith gasped. "Like, right up front at the barricade?"
"Sure, why not? If you want the full experience. I'll stand right behind you and make sure crowd-surfers don't land on your head. Then after, I'll show you the bus, and...I dunno...Probably fuck."
"Oh my goodness, Faust. Yeah, right!"
"I'm serious. I'd fuck you right here if there weren't people around."
Emboldened by his suggestion, Faith whirled around and stared up at him with her brows lowered. "What's all this about the black circle?"
Faust scoffed. "What are you talking about?"
"I've heard it mentioned before and that you're part of it. I just wanna know. Is it some kind of gang?"
"Do I look like I'm in a fucking gang? No. It's just some dumb shit they made up in high school."
"They as in your friends?"
"It's stupid and means nothing."
Faith stood in place. "Well, they're saying that church burned down because of your friends. Aren't you afraid someone might ask you questions?"
"I'm not afraid of shit because I've been on tour this whole time."
"What did I tell you about the twenty questions? Now, do you wanna go watch the show or do you wanna keep talking about irrelevant shit?"
Dissatisfied with his response, Faith clammed up and followed Faust to the main floor. They wriggled through the tightening crowd and got upfront before the lights lowered, and a gust of smoke covered the stage. Ominous chanting heralded in a band dressed in black hoods. Faith watched, awestruck, but in the back of her mind, thoughts of the black circle fermented, giving off a foul smell she couldn't ignore.
After the headlining band opened with pyrotechnics and the frontman tossing a skull of pig's blood over the crowd, Faust took Faith around back, where the tour buses formed a barrier between the street and the venue. He led her inside and turned on the light to reveal the interior in a state of disarray. Beer bottles overflowed in the sink, ramen noodle wrappers littered the floor, and spiked leather decorum hung over seats and tables. There was a shredded porn magazine, its contents pinned to the wall and drawn over with a black marker, breasts shooting fire and snakes slithering out of places that made Faith blush.
"Sorry about the smell. Touring always has a distinct odour of unwashed balls and puke."
Faith tried not to touch any surface until Faust showed her to the back lounge area, where they sat and looked at each other in prolonged silence. Faith reined in a smile while her boyfriend sat back and studied her face.
"I'm glad you came. Sorry that it's probably more chaotic than you expected."
"It's okay. I'm having fun."
"You sure? I know it's not really your scene."
"You're my scene," Faith said.
He reached for her hand. Faith thought he meant to hold her, but he tugged her closer instead, straddling her over his lap. His hands came up under her skirt and over her ass while they kissed. Faust pulled away as she rocked her hips forth and placed his hands on her hips.
"So, how's school?"
"You're really asking me about school when we haven't seen each other in weeks?"
"What? Is there something else you wanna do?"
"I think you know what I want."
"Yeah, but I want you to say it."
Faith peered down the hall, past the bunks, toward the front of the bus. "What if someone comes in?"
"Not like my band hasn't walked in on you sucking my cock before."
"Oh my gosh, don't remind me."
Faust darkened, pulled air through his teeth. "Did you miss me?"
"Of course, I missed you. How is that even a question?"
He tilted his hips up and let Faith drop when he relaxed. She tugged his shirt up to appreciate the trail of hair leading down from his navel.
"What did you miss the most?"
"Your big, throbbing heart," Faith giggled. "I missed cuddling with you and going on walks together. Waking up with you beside me. Your cooking."
Faust pulled her down for a hug. "All right, all right. I get it. You wanna fuck, just not in the bus."
"Do your bandmates fuck girls in here?"
Laughter burst from his mouth as he rocked Faith back and forth. "They fucking wish."
The couple chuckled until another silence proceeded. Faith saw the fiery look in Faust's eyes, the appetite for her body that never tapered, his joy from having her there on his tour bus. Yet, all Faith saw was a building on fire, flames flickering behind his green stare. She smothered the thoughts with a kiss Faust took for permission to explore under her skirt again. Maybe she could kill her suspicions by reminding herself how much he loved her, the lengths he would go to protect her.
Voices yelled outside the bus, distracting Faith but not Faust, who rolled beneath her hips, oblivious to the arousal shooting through his groin.
"Yeah, come on, baby. Pull my cock out and sit on it for me. It'll be quick."
"Faust!" Someone shouted outside of the bus.
Faith pushed on his chest and perked toward the sound.
"Where the fuck is that asshole? First, he fucks off for an entire day, loses his phone, makes us cancel a show, and now the prick can't be dicked to help load out because his bitch is here? Getting real fucking sick of the bullshit, Ola."
"Mordy, chill out, man."
The bus door opened, followed by a waft of cigarette smoke. Boot tread hammered across the floor, and Mordy swayed through to the back, scoffing when he saw Faust with his girlfriend perched on his lap.
"You wanna take apart your drumkit, or are you just gonna let it sit in the way of everyone's gear? Oh, sorry, should have known you were too busy to be fucking bothered."
Faust lifted Faith off his thighs, and she bounced on the sofa as he shot up and stared Mordy down. The bass player didn't flinch.
"What? What're you gonna do, Faust? Punch me out? Good thing it's our last show. Wouldn't want your personal business getting in the way of the biggest tour of our fucking lives so far."
"You don't know shit, so I suggest you shut your mouth."
"No, I'm not gonna shut my mouth. Someone has to stand up to you, and none of these pussies will. Go load out your fucking gear, man!"
Faust smelled whiskey on Mordy's breath. He was far too sober to start a fight with the bass player and nodded, shouldering past him. Mordy crashed into the wall and cursed as the drummer stomped off the bus, leaving Faith fidgeting with the edge of her skirt and unsure if she should follow. Mordy scoffed at her and exited the bus after Faust, shouting until she no longer heard him.
When Faust returned, Faith stood up and wrang her wrists. "Should I leave?"
"We're both leaving," Faust muttered as he tore open the zipper on his backpack and scrounged up his clothes and stage effects to stuff inside. He ducked into the small fridge and took four bottles of beer, sticking two in the holders of his bag and pocketing the other two inside his leather jacket.
"Come on. We're out of here."
"But, neither of us have a car, and we're far from home," Faith said.
"Call a cab."
Outside of the bus, guitar cases and boxes of merch waited for loading. Faust opened a tote, wrenched open a steel moneybox and took some of the cash inside. He found Faith's coat and purse and passed them to her before kicking a hole into the plastic container. Mordy and Ola noticed this as Faust walked away with Faith in tow.
"Hey, asshole! What do you think you're doing? You can't just fucking take off with the merch money!"
Faust turned around, grabbed his crotch and flipped them off. "Suck my dick, fuckbags. Find a new drummer."
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bibliophilea · 3 years
Just a Flesh Wound - Ch. 2
Sorry for the wait on this chapter! I’m not sure when I’ll get to the next chapter, but I do intend to phinish this phic!
For @littlebadger.
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Danny's not doing so well.
It took Tucker, Sam, and Danny four hours to catch those cat-snake-ghost things — tassel-whatsits, he'll have to ask Sam what they're called later — and everything would have been fine if Valerie hadn't butted in, screaming about vengeance and death and whatnot.
Now, three hours later, Danny still hasn't managed to shake Valerie off his tail, and Tucker knows he must be tiring. None of them have gotten a break in seven hours, and it'll only take one slip up before Danny's got a hole in him they can't patch up, or Valerie takes him to her secret lair to do who knows what, or turns him over to Vlad, or—
Don't think about that.
"Remind me again why I can't just shoot at her, Tucker?" Sam growls. She's got Danny and Valerie in her scope, but her finger is very pointedly not on the trigger of the ecto-bazooka.
Tucker lists off his fingers. "One, because you might hit Danny. You're good, but not that good. Two, because you might hit Valerie, and Danny wouldn't like that. Three, because you'll blow our cover, which could blow his secret identity, and who knows how she'll react to that. Four, because—"
Sam sighs in frustration. "Alright, alright, I get it, Tuck."
"Hey, you asked." He raises an eyebrow.
"I know. It's just—" she growls. "I hate that we can't do anything! We can't even direct him to safety because she keeps getting in the way! She's going to hurt him if we can't get her off his tail or distract her or something!"
Sam throws her hands in the air, then flinches as one of Valerie's shots goes wide, hitting the parking garage across the street behind them. Dust kicks up from the impact, and it rumbles ominously. She's lucky that building's condemned, Tucker thinks, and the road workers are on break — otherwise she might hurt someone when it collapses—
"Or something," Tucker mutters, before grabbing his binoculars and searching the sky for Danny and Valerie. He catches sight of them as Valerie shoots again, this one barely missing Danny and hitting the condemned parking garage again. It kicks up dust and debris, clouding his vision before Danny darts away again.
"What did you say, Tuck?" Sam asks.
"Or something! I've got an or something!" Tucker exclaims, dropping the binoculars so they hang from his neck. He fiddles with the Fenton phone in his ear, switching it from listen to talk and listen.
"Danny, we need to collapse the building."
"What?!" Two different voices ring out — Sam's beside him, and Danny's in his ear.
"Dudes, just trust me! We collapse the building, kick up a ton of dust you can hide in—"
"Then you can transform and stay invisible while we point Valerie away from you — Tucker, you're a genius!" Sam declares.
"But guys there's — there's people in there and — ah! Shit! — we can't just—"
"Dude, chill. It's the parking garage on the corner. The building's condemned. Just fly low so Valerie shoots at the base. We'll help take it down!" Tucker turns to Sam. "You ready to use that bazooka?"
Sam's grin is feral. "I thought you'd never ask!"
Danny doesn't speak, but he dives down to street level, goading Valerie into following him behind the condemned building with a stuck out tongue. Tucker runs along the street, Sam close behind, taking a good look at the condemned parking garage for the first time. There are no glass windows save for the four corners that hold the stairs and elevators. Most of those windows are gone, now — destroyed by ghosts or by ghost hunters or by kids looking to throw rocks at something that would break without consequence. It doesn't matter now — the building itself is half collapsed, huge chunks of concrete taken out of it as if from an explosion, leaving the broken steel rods within bare. What remains could collapse at any moment, and no one save the dead dares tread there.
He's glad the building is half-collapsed already — it makes finding the main supports keeping the rest of it up that much easier. He's so glad he took that engineering class.
"See that pillar over there?" Tucker asks, pointing into the collapsed side of the parking garage. "Take that one out first."
"On it," Sam says, readying the ecto-bazooka. With careful aim, she fires. The green-tinted ammo sails through the air, exploding against the pillar with a blast louder than a firework. The parking garage rumbles, and some of the lower floors cave inwards. As the greenish smoke clears, they see that half the concrete on the support is gone, the support itself bent inwards.
Sam's grin widens, and Tucker feels himself grinning with her. After hours of fruitless brainstorming, they can finally help Danny escape Valerie's rage!
Together, they destroy more supports, Tucker guesstimating which ones would help the building cave inwards, Sam expertly taking them out one by one. Tucker hears Danny's taunts and Valerie's screams of rage in his ears, and the sounds of impact and rumbles of the parking garage when Valerie's shots hit the building. Dust begins to fill the air. And the parking garage slowly, surely, begins to topple inwards.
Tucker has never seen a building collapse before. Not in person. He expected the dust and the noise, but he never expected there to be so much of it. He turns away as the dust comes billowing towards them — rips the Fenton phone from his ear as it emits a burst of feedback from the collapsing building and curls over himself — feels Sam yank him behind a concrete barrier and they huddle together, unable to see anything beyond the dust or hear anything beyond their less than controlled demolition—
"—can't hide forever, ghost!"
Tucker doesn't know how long it's been —two minutes? Five? Ten? — when he hears Valerie's voice over the buzzing in his ears. That's not good. Valerie should be gone by now. Danny can disappear and fly as a human, but not for long, especially after seven hours of non-stop fighting. He stands up from behind the concrete barrier, and sees Sam do the same out of the corner of his eye.
"He went that way!" Sam shouts and points.
"Inviso-Bill stole my PDA!" Tucker shouts.
Valerie pauses in the air, turning to look at them. "What?"
"Ph— Inviso-Bill stole Tucker's PDA!" Sam shouts.
"He went that way!" Tucker shouts and points.
Valerie shakes her head, growling in frustration, and points at Sam. "You. Uh, citizen. Just tell me where he went."
Sam nods, covering Tucker's mouth. Tucker resists the urge to lick her hand. "He went that way." She points down the street. "Towards the beach."
Tucker pulls Sam's hand away from his mouth.
"And he stole my PDA! My poor Jessica!" He throws his face into his hands, lamenting the loss of his PDA. He remembers when Technus stole and took over his poor PDA, and he sniffles a little. Every good lie has a kernel of truth, he's learned. And it's more important than ever that he sells this lie.
"Ugh, whatever, Fo— uh, citizen, who I definitely don't know. Um. Thanks for the tip." And then Valerie flies away, down the street at first, but steadily rising until she clears the rooftops. She then changes her bearing, disappearing behind the library.
"Man, I thought she'd never leave."
Tucker and Sam jump. They look down to see Danny sitting between them, slumped against the concrete barrier. He looks wiped. His eyes are closed, head lolling against the barrier. One leg is bent, foot resting against the curb. The other is outstretched, slightly elevated onto the sidewalk. His hair, skin, and clothes are stained gray with dust — if it weren't for the sweat beading down his face, Tucker would say he looks like a ghost. Not an Amity Park ghost — rather, a ghost from one of the movies. Quiet. Unmoving. Dead.
Then Danny opens his eyes. Piercing blue reflects the sky above, before turning to Tucker and Sam. He smiles lightly, and then raises his arms. "Help me up?"
Tucker and Sam grab his arms, heaving him up to a standing position. He sways for a moment — then the leg that was outstretched buckles, and he leans hard into Tucker with a grunt.
"Woah, dude, take it easy," Tucker says, adjusting himself so he can take on Danny's weight.
"I'm fine, Tuck. It's just—" he hisses as he gingerly places his foot on the ground, leaning further into Tucker. "Just a flesh wound."
Tucker sighs. "I know, man. But we still gotta check it out." He takes a careful step with Danny onto the sidewalk. "Sam, any luck getting a ride?"
Sam nods, typing into her phone. "I'm texting Mahira — she might ask questions, but more importantly, she won't tell mom and dad."
"Cool." Tucker's about to say something else when a soft snore snuffs against his ear. He looks down to see Danny, leaning his full weight against Tucker, eyes closed and nose snoring in his ear. Tucker smirks softly, rolling his eyes, then adjusts the way he's holding Danny, scooping his friend up bridal style. Danny would never let him carry him like this were he awake. Asleep as he is, he snuggles into Tucker's sweater, pressing his cheek to Tucker's chest. Tucker's smirk softens into a smile.
When did Danny get so light?
He walks slowly, taking his time, letting Sam walk ahead of him as he stares down at his best friend. He's still covered in dust, his hair matted with it. Bruises have begun to form on his arms and face, and are peeking out from beneath his shirt. Between the tassel-whatsits and Valerie, today has done a number on him; and it's barely noon. Despite this, his face is more peaceful than Tucker's seen in a long time. Free of tension around his eyes, free of the constant frown that normally burdens his face. Danny deserves this, Tucker thinks.
Tucker looks up to see Sam holding up her camera, a smirk on her face.
"Hey!" Tucker shouts, but then stops himself when Danny stirs.
"Shush, you," Sam sings out, turning back around. "You don't want to wake him up!"
"No fair!" Tucker whines, only just loud enough for Sam to hear. Sam chuckles and smiles back at Tucker, then runs ahead to the corner where the SUV is waiting. That must be Mahira.
Tucker picks up the pace, but only just, careful not to wake Danny. He lets Sam answer Mahira's questions; he figures Sam'll fill him in on her excuses later.
He looks down again at Danny, and can't help the small smile as Danny snores against him.
Sleep well, buddy.
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marvel-and-mischief · 4 years
Monkshood & Anemone
Part of my Floriography Series
Pairing: Ezra x GN!Reader   Words: 3900 Warnings: descriptions of an infected wound, threats of death/murder, attempted murder, force labour (reader is in a tricky situation), needles, descriptions of blood, death, reader kills someone in self defence, reader isn't a good person but they're not bad either Synopsis: You're a healer stranded on a moon with no way out of your situation. There's hope when Ezra and Cee cross your path.
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Monkshood: danger ahead Anemone: sickness
Five months you had been forced into this. Five months of treating people you would, quite frankly, prefer to see dead. Five months of patching up bandits and thieves, your skills the only thing keeping you from being killed and thrown onto the rapidly growing compost heap at the edge of the forest.
You didn’t intend to step foot on this moon, but your pod had experienced engine failure and the closest planet was too far to safely land on, so this had been your only choice. You had crash landed, tumbling out of the broken door, landing awkwardly and breaking your big toe. You had been found a few days later and dragged to the leader of a pack of bandits, a guy named Taron, that seemed to be in charge of this side of the moon. He’d been impressed with your makeshift toe splint and admired how well you were healing, quickly putting you to work in the medic tents.
It was never quiet in these tents. Minor injuries usually, shoulders dislocated or fingers broken in fights, quick fixes that had you sending them back out in a matter of minutes. Some screamed bloody murder when you sewed up their stab wounds, but you had been here long enough that they trusted you now, you worked quickly and efficiently so they swore though the pain and gave you a pat on the back on their way out of the tent as thank you.
Those touches made you shudder, they were too familiar, friendly but also not, a dark reminder that there was a thin line that if crossed would see you strung up in a heartbeat. But you bit your tongue and played the long game; you would get off this moon when the opportunity struck. Though somedays you wondered if that day would ever come.
So you made preparations for that day. You were allowed to go foraging with a chaperone once a week, gathering plants and herbs that you could find in the forest for medicines. Most of what you found was useless, some plants could be used for soothing burns or treating bug bites but then you found the monkshood hidden in a damp part of the forest. The purple petals stood out amongst the greens and browns but that wasn’t what caught your attention. You knew the roots of the flower could be used as a poison. And as long as nobody else knew that, then you had your way out, you just had to choose your moment wisely.
You were tying off the stitch in someones hand when a man was thrown through the flaps of the tent, landing at your feet with a cry of agony. You jumped out of the way just as he was about to roll onto your feet and you looked up to see one of the bandits, a large guy who usually did the heavy lifting in this place, holding onto the arm of a young girl.
“Taron needs these two healthy and put to work quickly,” he grunted, shaking the girl in his hand and making her squeal.
“I’ll do what I can,” you assured him, pushing out a forced smile before crouching down to the man on the floor who was only half conscious, “leave them both with me,” you eyed the girl who wore an angry scowl, trying to hide any indication that she had been crying behind a feisty spirit.
“If she runs, it’s on your head,” the brute pointed his dirty, meaty finger in your direction and left the tent with a huff.
“I need you to help me get him onto a cot,” you spoke gently to the girl as you gripped the mans arm. The girl nodded and immediately wrapped her arms around the mans waist and it was then you noticed he had no right arm to balance his weight between the two of you. With careful steps you manoeuvred him onto a cot in the corner of the tent.
“What happened?” you asked, beginning to strip away the mans outer suit. His head was lolling from side to side, pained noises escaping him as he drifted in and out of consciousness.
“He was stabbed, can you save him?” The girl was clearly panicked as she hovered over your shoulder and watched everything you did to her… dad? Friend? You couldn’t make out what their relationship was.
“And what about the arm?”
“I did my best.”
You had pulled his suit down to his waist, revealing a black long sleeved shirt. You grabbed a pair of scissors from a box next to the cot and cut away the shirt. You saw the stab wound immediately, infected and seeping yellow pus and blood in equal measure. You took a peak at the stump where his arm once was and gave an impressive nod. The bandaging was neat and there was nothing leaking through it so you left it alone in favor of the more pressing issue.
“On the other side of the tent is a pump, fill a tinpot with water and grab some cloths on your way back,” the girl went to work instantly whilst you collected the instruments you needed from around the room. The man was sleeping now but his breathing was ragged and you knew you only had a small amount of time before he became feverish.
You set to work cleaning needles and scalpels before washing the wound out with the water that was handed to you. The girl was at your side, so close you could hear her breathing as you starting to clear the wound of infection.
“What are your names?”
“Cee and Ezra,” she whispered, eyes never leaving your hands as they worked.
“Is he your dad?”
“No, he’s just looking after me.”
“Seems as though it’s the other way round,” you chuckled softly, and you saw Cee smile as she agreed.
Ezra had been sleeping until you began stitching the wound up, the sharp needle entering his sensitive skin making him jolt in surprise as he mumbled unintelligible words.
“Can you hear me Ezra?”
“The…pod. Need to get to… the pod…”
You frowned as you tried to make out his words. You noticed Cee freeze up beside you.
“Shush Ezra, go back to sleep,” Cee urged insistently, placing her hand over his mouth until he fell back to sleep. You eyed her curiously as you tried to squash down the spark of hope threatening to leap out of your chest. They had a pod? Had you just found your way out of this forsaken place? Cee cleared her throat and refused to meet your eye.
“Did you crash land here?”
“He doesn’t know what he’s saying,” Cee’s voice was stern and you worried if you tried to push it she would go into flight or fight mode so stayed quiet.
You’d waited five months for your opportunity to leave, you could be patient a little longer.
You had fallen asleep on the other side of the tent shortly afterwards, the excitement of the new arrivals and the prospect of freedom leaving you lethargic. You heard voices as you came to, one you had come to know as Cee’s and the other much deeper, a mans voice you assumed was Ezra, though he sounded stronger than he had in his delirious state.
“…if we stay, we will surely perish in this hole…”
“…not strong enough, you were stabbed…”
“…no further than the edge of the forest…”
Making out their conversation was difficult but you got the gist of it; they wanted to leave, and they had the means to do so.
The vial of monkshood felt heavy in your boot as you planned your next move. You could kill Ezra and force Cee to take you to their pod, one less person was less of a logistical problem for you, especially as he was still recovering from a stab wound. But Cee seemed close to him, she would fight you and maybe make a big enough fuss that you wouldn’t get to the pod with disruption. The only other option you could see was to threaten one or both of their lives and force them into working as a team with you. You’d saved Ezra’s life after all, you’d already proved yourself an invaluable team member.
You began to make your presence known, sitting up from your cot and stretching your arms over your head with a loud yawn. They silenced themselves immediately and watched you carefully as you threw them a friendly smile. Ezra was sitting up in bed, Cee sat on a crate next to him.
“I see you’re awake Ezra,” you greeted him, bending down to untie and tie your shoelace up. In the shadow of the cot you were able to slip out the vial of monkshood from the heel of your boot and conceal it in the sleeve of your sweater as you stood and made you way over to them.
“I have been told that you are my saviour,” Ezra spoke fluidly, not a hint of pain in his voice as he watched you move closer. They were both being cautious of you, you couldn’t blame them with the knowledge of what you were about to do. You felt guilty as Ezra held out his hand for a shake, his lips lopsided in a smile. In a world of scoundrels and thieves and no-gooders he was the first man, the first person, to show you kindness in the months you’d been on this moon and now you were going to give him a reason to mistrust you.
You shook his hand quickly and turned your back on him where a trolley sat filled with various empty pots and jars of pickled plants. You needed to focus and breathe, and remember that this was life or death. Your one shot at freedom, you were putting your trust in these strangers to get you out of here.
“It’s my job to help people, nothing to thank me for,” you turned around to face them, a forced smile planted on your lips. You took a syringe and punched it into the top of the vial and proceeded to pull out the liquid you had made.
“And what, may I ask, is that you’re going there?” Ezra asked, his heart rate spiking as he eyed the needle in your hand.
“Just a little something,” you began, pushing the sharp needle into the tubing of the rudimentary drip you had created to administer fluids to Ezra’s dehydrated state.
“Yes, but what does it do?” Ezra’s tone had take on a dangerous edge as he began to, rightly, suspect that you were up to something. You swallowed and paused with a finger on the plunger, meeting Ezra with the most confident stare you could muster with your heart beating uncomfortably fast in your chest.
“This syringe contains enough poison to kill you within the hour, there’s no antidote,. Now I know you have a pod somewhere, I need you to tell me where it is.”
On the other side of the cot Cee took a step back, ready to launch herself over Ezra to attack you but he shot her a look to stop her. There was a curious glint in his eye and a dark quirk of his lip suggested that there was a part of him that was enjoying this. He was impressed by your show of desperation, the lengths you would go to in order to escape your situation. He nodded slowly, staring at the syringe in your hand.
“If you kill me, you will never leave. You will die alone, amongst the worst of humanity, is that what you want?”
You clenched your jaw, his calmness was irritating you and despite being the one in a position to kill him, you felt like Ezra was in full control.
“Do you enjoy playing with your life, Ezra?” You raised an eyebrow questioningly.
“I have stared death in the face more times than I would like,” Ezra stated calmly and shifted so he was leaning into your space, “you are a healer not a killer, so why don’t we disperse of these unpleasantries and we can talk like adults.”
“I don’t trust you enough to do that,” you admitted, managing to keep your voice from wobbling as you felt your guarded walls start to crumble. This was not going to plan and now you didn’t know what to do. You kept a shaky hand on the syringe, careful not to accidentally push the liquid into the tubing that connected to Ezra’s vein. You noticed Cee eyeing the flaps of the tent and decided to lean away from Ezra and concentrate on her instead.
“Those guards outside? They don’t care if you live or die, they’ll use your corpses as fertiliser,” you stated, an underlying warning not to alert anyone to the situation. It seemed to do more than frighten the girl though, it also made Ezra blink for the first time, a frown creasing his brow.
“Clever girl,” Ezra muttered, realising you could bring the guards to have them dispatched and you would be safe. Still trapped on this moon, but Ezra and Cee had a little more to lose than you did. “I will make a deal with you, if that’s what you wish.”
You nodded, pulling the needle out of the tubing a fraction to show you would keep your word.
“Keep Cee and I alive and we will get you safe passage off this moon,” Ezra promised, just as the flaps of the tent were thrown open and the heavy set man that had brought your new acquaintances to you earlier stepped in.
“Will he live?”
You subtly pulled out the syringe and held it behind your back, out of view of the bandit.
“He’s delirious from the infection in his wound, but I think he will make a full recovery in a couple of days.”
The bandit grunted something under his breath and left, allowing you to finally breathe a sigh of relief.
“We have two days to come up with a plan,” you sighed, anxious at the thought. Ezra nodded in understanding, already formulating a plan in his head.
It was less of a plan and more ‘this is the only option we have if we don’t want to get caught’. You had told Ezra about the guards stationed at the front and the back of the medic tent, the one side faced the fire pits that kept people warm and the final side was where the unlit, densely populated forest stood tall, and that was your only way out. If you could get through the forest and up the ridge Ezra and Cee had been found on, they would be able to find the path back to their pod.
You enacted your plan the following night. The tent was crudely held down by nothing more than metal spikes hammered into wet soil that made up this moon. It had taken you no time at all to shimmy a few nails up with your scissors and create an opening big enough for you all to fit through.
You gave Ezra one last check over, eyeing the bandage that peaked through the arm of his shirt and the wound you knew sat above his ribs that he was protecting with his remaining arm.
“Your concern warms my heart, but I promise I will not let anything hold me back from getting us out of here,” Ezra assured you. You realised at that moment that you weren’t worried about him holding you back from your escape, instead you were concerned with his health. You had grown to care for him the past day, amongst monitoring his health and concocting plans. Maybe it was his never-ending charm, or maybe you just couldn’t remember the last time you had genuinely cared for someone you had taken care of. Either way it scared you to think you could be falling for a man you’d threatened to kill the same day you met.
You turned away and popped your head under the tent to see nothing but trees and darkness. You crawled your way through the mud and held the flaps open for Cee and Ezra to do the same.
Entering the forest was dangerous for many reasons. You couldn’t risk lighting a torch because you would be seen by the bandits from a distance, so you had to navigate fallen trees and curled up roots that had broken up through the ground in the dark. It was slow progress for an hour or so, walking in silence, suffocating in the tense atmosphere that sat between the three of you. Cee stuck to Ezra’s side, an arm around his waist to keep him steady. You walked in front of them, pointing out trip hazards the best you could without making any loud noises.
Getting to the other end of the forest was the hardest part so you were relieved when you reached the ridge that went up the hill and hung over a deep cavern that dropped down for miles.
“This is where they found you?” you whispered, eyeing the long drop that would surely see you dead if you were to fall.
“We followed the ridge round until we got here,” Cee answered, and you tore your eyes away from the drop to see Ezra’s face scrunched up in pain. You picked out a small pill from your back pocket and held it up to his mouth. He jerked away on instinct, you couldn’t blame him after your previous antics.
“It’s for the pain.” The glow of the stars above you illuminated the sincerity in your eyes, the concern shown in the crinkle of your brow and he knew you were telling the truth. He opened his mouth enough for you to slip in the pill.
“We should go,” Cee nodded to the hill that would lead to their pod and for the first time that night you allowed yourself to hope.
The climb was gradual but you felt it in your thighs. You hoped the pill was starting to work on Ezra but he kept silent except for a few grunts in an effort to keep climbing. You had taken to holding onto the crook his arm, with Cee on his other side. You were hardly touching his elbow, an unspoken promise that you would help if he needed it but he was a stubborn man, though not prideful enough to shake you off.
You reached the top of the hill and there, maybe two hundred feet away, was the pod. It was barely big enough to fit the three of you but it would have to do. It was caked in dirt and dust, flecks of mud were splashed all the way up to the top indicating that it had been a bumpy landing for Cee and Ezra.
You felt Ezra huff out a laugh as he spotted it but the mood was disturbed when you were suddenly thrown forward, hitting the ground face first. You heard Cee’s scream of surprise and Ezra’s shout of your name as you struggled to breathe underneath the heavy body landing on top of you. You tried to push yourself up off the floor and twist around onto your back but it was no use. There was a scuffle behind you and for a second the weight on top of you let off enough for you to wriggle your arm into your side pocket and grab the scissors you had shoved in there.
Ezra gave a shout of frustration and then the weight was boring down on you once more, but with a firm grip on your scissors you thrust your hand blindly over your shoulder, the blades piercing flesh before you pulled them away to see blood covering your hand and scissors. You quickly shoved the assailant off you with all you could muster, the adrenaline definitely helping more than your strength, and you saw it was a bandit who had followed you from the base. He clutched the side of his neck, blood spurting through his fingers as he struggled to clamp down on the wound.
Cee was helping Ezra to his feet but he was more concerned with you as he stumbled over to gently pry the blood covered scissors out of your hands. You were staring at the bandit, watching as he gurgled around a throat full of blood, slowly dying out next to you.
“Sweet thing, I hope you can recover quickly because we need to get to our pod now,” with fingers pressed to your cheek Ezra softly turned your head to face him and away from the dying man. His voice was firm but not unkind, exactly what you needed to come back to yourself and realise he was right, you needed to leave, who knows how many more bandits were coming your way.
You nodded and stood to your feet, gripping onto Ezra’s arm as you moved towards the pod. Freedom seemed a lot further away than it did before the bandit attacked you.
As soon as you reached the pod door Cee unlatched the bolts and you both helped Ezra up the steps and inside.
It was bright once the lights were switched on, the room small just as it looked from the outside. Ezra reached out for your hand from his seat at the controls and pulled you to sit next to him.
“It must be a shock, to take your first life,” Ezra began, reaching for a strap by your hip to pull over your lap. You took the hint and buckled yourself in as you listened to him.
“I cannot remember mine, and that is why I speak to you now. Do not ever forget it.”
You frowned at him, not understanding what he was saying.
“Don’t make the mistake I have. To forget your first kill is to forget how it feels to kill.”
You felt the thrum of the engine as Cee started up the pod, bringing it to life to get you off this moon once and for all.
“The difference between a good person and a bad person is the bad person forgets the fear and the pain that comes with taking a life.”
You took a deep breath, the first real breath of hope in months and looked into the eyes of your new companion. He looked so tired, dark skin around his eyes and a permanent frown etched into his features.
“Have you forgotten?”
Ezra expected the question, giving you a dejected smile in reply.
Your stomach dropped as it does when you are lifted into the air, and you sat back in your seat as the pod shook with the effort.
“I’m just happy to get out of here,” you smiled, it didn’t quite meet your eyes but it wasn’t false. You were relieved to be finding someplace better than where you’d been. A sadness lingered, and probably would for some time. You were leaving this moon a different person and you would have to learn to live with that, but you could do so knowing you were with two people you could see becoming friends with; Ezra would be the reminder of the darkness within you and Cee would be the hope for a brighter future.
Permanent tag list: @autumnleaves1991-blog @phoenixhalliwell @computeringturtle @anu-simps @bts17army
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missturtleduck · 4 years
The Girls of Ba Sing Se - (Sokka x f!Reader) Pt. 6
Part Five│Part Seven
“You let me nearly be eaten, Toph!”
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She didn’t know how she ended up on Sokka’s chest, but Y/N wasn’t complaining.
It had been a few days since Azula administered psychological warfare on the Avatar and friends when she deprived them all of sleep, and so far, the days had been uneventful. The group had gone through the usual motions; travel for a while, make camp, eat, train, and sleep. One achievement Y/N was especially proud of, however, was training Qin to not eat Momo – Qin being the twenty-foot-long mongoose lizard that had refused to leave Y/N alone.
“I can’t believe you’re keeping it!” Katara had said, eyeing the creature warily, Momo clinging onto her by her loopies.
“But, Katara,” Y/N had whined, “We let you keep Sokka!”
Sokka was not amused.
Sleep, however, was a priority after they were deprived. With little to do when they made camp, Sokka and Y/N often made the most of it – the basking warmth of the sun and the cool shade from overhanging trees – with naps throughout the day. Perhaps that was how she ended up with her head on Sokka’s chest, ear over his heart, soothed by its steady thumping. How his hand ended up in her hair was another question entirely to Y/N, but she assumed it was probably the same for him; they had just moved in their sleep.
Just as Y/N was about to drift back into lazy slumber, Sokka yelped, shooting up and knocking her off of his chest. As she was about to shout at him, the anger caught in her throat, bubbling into laughter when she saw the mess in front of her.
Qin had her head on Sokka’s legs, pinning him down, her tail thumping like a dog – something she had likely learned from Momo. Her laughter developed into raucous cackling as Qin’s head slid up to rest on his chest, Sokka flailing his arms miserably in an attempt to get her off. Betrayal crossed his face as he watched Y/N double over in pure glee.
“Y/N!” He croaked, not appreciating the reptile nuzzling against him. “Get your dragon off of me!”
Still giggling, Y/N clapped her hand, Qin’s head snapping around to identify the noise. Clambering off of the poor boy, trampling him along the way, the lizard waited excitedly in front of her. Her tail had the strength of an earthbender’s tremor, enough to break ribs or send a soldier flying. Y/N though it was adorable, like when Kuai would wag his stub of a tail in excitement at the littlest thing. She missed Kuai.
“Qin,” Y/N said, catching her breath from giggling, “Qin is not a dragon. She’s a mongoose lizard.”
Sokka narrowed his eyes. “She’s probably spying for the Fire Nation.”
“Oh yeah?” She challenged, resting her chin on top of Qin’s head. “Qin, are you a Fire Nation spy?”
The reptile took its great tongue and licked its own eye, letting it loll dumbly after. Y/N gestured to the docile creature as if to say proof enough.
“That is exactly what a Fire Nation spy would say.”
Y/N didn’t think she had ever laughed so hard in her life. Taking a seat in front of the campfire, which had lit very easily, she began boiling tea over the flames. Sokka sat opposite her, a goofy frown on his face as he grumbled to himself. To add to insult, Qin seemed completely unaffected, learning nothing about personal space as she curled her tail around Sokka’s midriff as she basked in the sun.
Comically, the three raised their heads to look eastwards as a great crack resounded through the mountain range. Aang was learning to earthbend, Y/N knew this much, but was it honestly that loud?
“I have an excellent idea!”
Y/N raised an eyebrow at her friend across the fire, whose hands gestured so wildly that his tea flew out of his cup. “I hope it’s not crying over spilt tea.”
“Hardy har har,” He blanched, sticking his tongue out. “No, we should train Qin to hunt!”
On cue, the reptile raised her head to look at Sokka, eyes glazed over with glee. Looking at the dopey animal, Y/N doubted it had the mental capability to catch an animal. Chase an animal? Qin could do that for miles? Have the depth perception and overall smarts to catch it? A firebender had more chance surviving in the North Pole.
“If you want to help train Qin, we’ll train Qin.”
With those words, Sokka tightened his wolf tail and wrapped his forearms ready for a hunting trip. Slinging her staff over her back, Y/N finished her tea, smothering the flames. She had a feeling that today was going to be very amusing.
To start with, Sokka held seal jerky under Qin’s nose, talking to her lowly as if he were bartering with a stall vendor. Surprising Y/N, Qin seemed interested. She knew that mongoose lizards were omnivorous, but she couldn’t imagine any animal wanting to snack on, let alone take a whiff of, dried seal jerky. Maybe she was just projecting; she wasn’t overly fond of the food as Sokka was, though he seemed fond of any food put on his plate.
Qin’s tail hit the floor in enthusiasm, a clear sign she smelt something similar. Sure, she was no shirshu, but she still had a keen enough nose to do what Sokka needed – well, wanted.
Following her nose, Qin moved swiftly, running ahead of Y/N and Sokka until she was nearly out of sight. Skidding to a halt, the lizard looked over the edge of the canyon, eyes trained to one spot. Obviously, she had found something. It was Sokka who got there first, less wary of the rocky edge than Y/N. He pumped his fist in the air, whooping something about an easy lunch.
That was until Qin startled, knocking him over the canyon edge.
“Sokka!” Y/N screamed, tripping over herself to look over the edge.
He looked up from the rocky crevice he was trapped in, a goofy grin on his face. “Aw, you care.”
“Shut up,” She muttered, sliding down the rock face with relative ease, Qin not far behind. “I was only upset because if you died like that, Katara would never let Qin stay.”
“Uh huh, and that’s why you screamed my name.”
Flushing red, she stared pointedly away from the boy, focusing her attention on her new favourite reptile, who was struggling to descend as easily. It took a few moments for the blood to return to normal in her face, so she thought it was safe to look at Sokka again. She was wrong. He was still grinning at her from his trap, eyebrows raised. She suddenly had a very vivid image of a fair game she used to play at festivals involving a large stick and a hole hopping gopher – and she already had the big stick, or staff.
“You’re very cocky for a boy stuck between a rock and a hard place,” Y/N quipped, taking a seat next to Sokka on the ground.
Sokka barked out a laugh. “And you’re very funny today!”
Y/N, cupping her face in her hands, pouted. “I’m always funny. Speaking of...”
Stifling a giggle, Y/N pointed past Sokka’s right side at Qin. She had managed to make it down the cliff face, and even found what she was hunting. Rather than having the baby animal between her jaws, she was playing with it, watching it chase her hand.
“You know, when I trained Qin to not rip Momo in half, I think she’s just applied it to all tiny creatures,” Y/N mused, “Kinda cute, really.”
He hummed in agreement, sounding almost dreamy. “Yeah, she is.”
The place he had managed to get stuck, though snug, had some beautiful surroundings. Naturally, the canyon was home to many different flora types, but the trees that had weathered such harsh conditions were phenomenally beautiful. Somehow the leaves seemed to shine with a green more brilliant than the uniforms of earthbending soldiers, or even the emerald adornments of noblewomen’s robes. It was shockingly quiet, bar the occasional bird call, each one new and more exotic than the last.
Grunting with effort, Sokka shimmied himself up in the crack, propping himself up with his arms.
Y/N frowned. “Should I go find Toph?”
“No!” He exclaimed, startling her. “No. Just keep me company?”
Her frown quickly dissolved into a small smile. Wordlessly, she sunk to his level, unpinning her hair and laying on the dusty ground. The sky was nice at least, serenely blue against the earth tones of the canyon.
“Is the sky as pretty here as it is in the South?” Y/N asked, tilting her head to catch a glimpse of Sokka.
“Oh, way prettier,” He said, his tone completely confident. “You know how blue the sky is right now? In the South Pole, it kinda meshes with the ice, like an ocean of sky.”
Y/N snorted. “Oh, so you’re a poet now.”
“Hey!” He pouted. “You asked! And I would know what that was like, considering I’m the only one from my village who can captain a ship.”
“A ship!”
“Well, more like a boat.”
“A boat?”
“A very small fishing canoe.”
The pair dissolved into laughter, Sokka shifting so that he didn’t slip down entirely.
“You live in the South Pole though,” Y/N said, brows furrowing in confusion. “Isn’t fishing your livelihood?”
“Not just fishing.” Sokka’s tone shifted, becoming more serious as he eyes glossed over with something very different from the glee it had just been. “My dad and his partner, Bato, would know how to captain proper ships. Most the men from my village knew how to work on a boat.”
Y/N sat up, propping her chin up on her palm. “You’re the only man in your village?”
“You’re looking at him!” He joked, though his heart didn’t seem in it. “The best captain, warrior, and overall guy you’ll find.”
She looked at him, her eyes sad, her smile even sadder. Silent, she put her hand over his, looking at him in the eyes. They stayed like that for a moment until he cleared his throat, his face red and uncomfortable.
“What about you then?” Sokka asked, staring up at her with what she could only describe as puppy dog eyes. “You’re my friend and I know nearly nothing about you.”
Spirits, help me.
“I don’t know what to tell you.”
“Do you have parents?”
“A mother,” She nodded, her face softening ever so slightly. “She lives in Ba Sing Se, actually. It was where I was heading when Lao had his tantrum.”
“Is she pretty like you?” He said, head tilted in curiosity.
“Sokka, you best not be going after my mum,” Y/N scoffed, hiding how pink she was turning. “No, I’m her spitting image, apparently. Brown eyes and what not, y’know? I didn’t, however, pick up her affinity for earthbending. I don’t really know what she’s doing since she sent me away.”
Sokka scowled, a silent question.
“I guess she though Ba Sing Se wasn’t safe anymore,” She shrugged. “That, or she finally got sick of me.”
“No offence to your mother,” Sokka began, eyes wide in ready defence, “But I don’t understand how anyone could get sick of you.”
Y/N eyes widened to the size of the moon, Sokka’s face falling as it happened. He was opening his mouth, she realised, but honestly Y/N was far too distracted by the saber-tooth moose-lion leering over the pair. Qin realised too, hackles raised as she nudged the baby back towards its mother. With Qin stalking to Y/N’s side, she realised that Sokka had no idea what was about to attack them. Gently, she pulled her bō staff out, holding it low down but ready to strike.
“Don’t tell me,” Sokka deadpanned. “Foo Foo Cuddlypoops’ mum has finally come to pick him up.”
“You called it Foo Foo Cuddlypoops?” Y/N hissed, placing a hand on Qin’s nose, anxious she was about to pounce.
Before Y/N could make a rash decision – she was going between charging the beast, kidnapping its kid and running as fast as possible, or likely following Qin to stop her killing herself – Aang came into the clearing. Trying to prevent a very messy accident, Y/N gestured subtly to Sokka, something along the lines of use your magical Avatar superpowers and get Sokka out of this mess.
Aang smiled panicked, replying with something like I can’t earthbend, what do you want me to do?!
With the still growling moose-lion, Sokka looked between the two like watching two teams in a sports game. “Hello? Sokka here! Still stuck!”
Startled, the moose-lion charged, and they reacted fast. Scooping up the baby, Y/N grabbed onto Qin and began to run. Maybe if she was watching the ensuing chaos, she would have laughed at how the baby seemed content with the wind hitting its face, looking at its mother unfazed by the distance between them. It took all of her willpower not to scream the entire way; death by moose-lion was not going to be written in her obituary, not if she had any say in it. Then the path ran out. Another cliff edge, another chasm to fall into. Climbing off of her mount, Y/N dropped her staff, holding the baby in one hand and doing the one thing she could think of.
She ignited.
Holding the flame near the baby, Y/N held back grimacing tears as it squealed in fear, but it was enough. The mother, seemingly unbothered about trampling Y/N and Qin, whined desperately, snarling and spitting up a vicious storm. Slowly, she put the baby to the floor, letting it run from them. As the mother tended to her child, she looked up briefly, as if considering whether she could get away with brutally killing the firebender. One look at the flame, and they bolted.
Extinguishing the fire swiftly, Y/N exhaled a sigh of relief, the nausea in her stomach – that she hadn’t been aware of until she had stood still – dissipating. Keeling over, she heaved herself onto Qin, letting the reptile run her back to her friends.
“Oh, hi Y/N.”
Toph was grinning atop a stone pillar. Had she been there the entire time?
“I can’t believe you watched that happen and didn’t do anything!” Sokka shouted, Aang sharing the sentiment with a scowl.
“Pssh, the Avatar learns better under pressure.”
Y/N eyes widened as she saw red, opening her mouth to speak; no words came out as she covered her mouth, trying not to be sick. “I was nearly eaten by a moose-lion.”
“You’re being dramatic- “
“You let me nearly be eaten, Toph!”
“Nearly is the key word there!”
Baffled, Y/N stared at her friend. Somewhat hysterically, she cracked up into laughter, clutching onto Qin for support. She laughed and laughed until Sokka approached her, holding her up by her arm.
“I am not making dinner tonight.”
TAGLIST: @lunariasilver​ @maragreene​
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talkfastromance4 · 4 years
Lost Without You-- Calum Hood oneshot
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Copyright talkfastromance4 © All works is intellectual property of the author. All rights reserved. Any redistribution or reproduction or any part or all contents in any form is prohibited. You may not, without written expression and consent from the author, distribute works amongst other social media platforms
A/N: based off of Fly By Midnight’s new song Lost Without You. Give it a listen as  some of the lyrics are incorporated in the piece! 
Warnings: angst, moody and broody
Word count: 2,577
donate to my ko-fi here :)
Enjoy! :)
• • • •
Calum is a man of deception; the Houdini of keeping his six-year relationship hidden from the media sharks’ eyes. He’s the mastermind of averting their invasive questions of why he hasn’t found a special someone yet, what’s the hold-up, to the attention of this awesome bass riff he’s been working on. It’s not that he was ashamed of you or your love, he wanted at least one part of his life to stay private.
Part of his deception is keeping his lips sealed. He’s perfected the silent-yet-observant role of the band, only speaking when he deems it necessary and if it’s related to the band, Duke, or their music while simultaneously he was having a full conversation with you on his phone about how all the planets share the same sun.
For six years, your relationship worked amazingly well. He adored your compassion for his dream, always referring to you as his biggest fan which always made you laugh. It’s been six years of late-night calls, paragraphs shared of how much you meant to each other filled with promises of the adventures you’d have when you’re reunited again. It’s been endless voice notes of a new song he wrote, memories upon memories printed on polaroid’s and saved in a lot of albums on your phone.
For six years it worked until it didn’t.
Complacency became very apparent and the feeling of being stuck in one place crept up your neck and whispered in your ear while your friends were getting engaged left and right. While out and about you felt jealous of other couples who could freely kiss one another. Seeing the guys and their girlfriends cuddle while you were all out dinner left a burning hole in your heart while Calum was three seats away.
For six years it did work, but the comfortable bubble you were in for so long suddenly became uncomfortable and claustrophobic. It was a long break up that left you both teary eyed, your makeup cleaned off from the salt in your tears, and your voices hoarse from talking. You tried talking it through, but the only solution seemed to be taking a break.
A break from your best friend of six years, a break from a love so genuine.
It’s been six months since that miserable night where half his heart was taken and Calum doesn’t want to be by himself these days, he doesn’t want to think of himself this way without you. But he has been thinking about it, every second, every day. He’s been thinking of you constantly.
And you’ve been thinking of him too. Recently you’ve been seeing a new guy, someone from the gym you go to who has shown interest multiple times. He’s the opposite of Calum, so you thought you’d give it a try. Something different, something new.
“Why’d you decide to give me a chance now? I’m glad you did, don’t get me wrong, but I’m curious,” Matt asks while you’re out for coffee.
“I haven’t been alone since I was eighteen,” you confess. You felt a release as you finally opened about your relationship with Calum, leaving his name anonymous so Matt wouldn’t blab to the press you were dating a member of 5 Seconds of Summer.
Your heart burst open of your whole relationship, six years of memories, love, a friendship set on fire, finally released into the open.
“Then why did it end?” Matt asks while he walked you up to your door. You hadn’t realized you talked about your relationship for the whole date, how pathetic is that?
Instead of answering him, you pulled him in for a kiss that traveled to your bedroom. Opening up about Calum opened your sadness of the breakup as well. The whole time you were with Matt, you compared him to Calum in your mind. His fingers were clumsy while Calum’s were sure and precise, years and years of bass playing under his belt did wonders. His hair was thin between your fingers while Calum’s was thick and fluffy. Matt’s movements were jerky while Calum’s were fluid as water.
When it was over, you rolled over to gaze out the window, tears brimming your eyes because for the first time in six months, you felt lost without Calum. There’s another body where he used to be, and you can’t stand the thought. Thoughts of Calum left you awake until Matt kissed you goodbye and left.
Calum’s over at Michael’s, he’s on his fifth white claw and he feels the alcoholic bubbles taking effect. In his impaired state, he pulls out his phone and scrolls to your text conversation, six years’ worth of conversation still held in his phone’s memory.
Him: I miss you when it hurts
Knowing you won’t reply but hoping that you do, he stumbles to the hammock. With one foot on the earth he sways from side to side staring at the stars through the trees. He’s wondering if all those stars have been in the sky since your relationship started when his phone does the two-toned ding reserved only for you.
Excited and nervous all at once, he almost falls out of the hammock reaching for his phone that falls between the netting of the hammock. Cursing under his breath he stretches until his fingers grab hold of the device, the light of the screen illuminates his face.
Her: I’m sleeping in your shirts
His heart skips a beat, his mouth goes dry just imagining you in his shirts. He hasn’t seen his sensation shirt in two years because you stole it and claimed it yours. Every couple months he’d get it back so that it would end up smelling like him and you’d steal it all over again. He loved seeing you walk around your place in nothing but his shirts, he loved the way your ass peeked out from the hem.
Him: but seeing you would make it worse
He impatiently waits while your gray bubbles pulsate on his screen. Then they stop and then your pretty face is on his screen followed by your ringtone. Surprised, he nearly drops his phone again before answering.
“Hello?” he asks breathlessly.
“Can we still talk on the phone sometimes?” you ask.
Calum falls out of the hammock this time because he hasn’t heard your voice in so long. Six years he’s been hearing your voice in his head, on his phone, in his ear while you whisper dirty things. Six months without your voice has been hell and hearing it now, it’s like he’s at the gates of heaven.
“Of course, we can,” he finally responds climbing back into the hammock. He licks his lips. “How are you? Are you okay?”
“Yeah…I’m okay,” you respond softly. He knows every nuance of your voice; he can tell you’re telling him the half-truth. “Are you okay?”
“I’m better now.”
Over the next several weeks, you’ve been talking on the phone more frequently. You’re still seeing Matt every now and then, just to give you something to do and hopefully not think of Calum. That’s damn near impossible.
You’re on the phone with Calum while you’re sitting out on your balcony watching the sun go down. Both of you haven’t said a word in about five minutes, but hearing his breathing makes it feel like he’s right there with you. The two of you always had comfortable silences of enjoying each other’s presence.
“Can we be the exes that still stay friends?” he asks.
Your feet slam to the floor that were perched on the railing at his question. It filled you with butterflies.
“I’d like that, Calum. I’ve missed my best friend,” you admit shyly.
“He’s missed you, too.”
Matt spent the night and after your morning coffee, you laid on the floor staring at your ceiling fan as it rotates. The cool air blows on your skin and it reminds you of all the times you and Calum would lay on the floor or the grass, heads next to each other, as you talked about random things. Matt found you like that and asked what you were doing.
“Come lay with me, let’s talk,” you say reaching for his hand.
You feel his hesitancy as he lays next to you.
“What do we talk about?” he mumbles in confusion.
“Anything. Don’t you think it’s weird that Mars has the same sun we do?”
“No,” he snorts.
Suddenly, your door opens and with a rush of panic you sit up expecting to see Calum thinking that it’s him. Part of you wants him to see Matt and the other part of you wishes Matt weren’t in the picture at all. Crestfallen, it’s one of Matt’s friends who came by to pick up a video game he had. Matt leaves you on the floor and you send a text to Calum asking him about Mars and the sun.
He replies quickly with how that fact still blows his mind and you smile.
Ten months have gone by and Calum is pacing back and forth in his kitchen. Duke is following his motions, tongue lolling out and panting while the rest of the band follow the dad and dog duo. You’re coming over for the first time. For the first time since the breakup he’s going to see you and it has his stomach reeling.
“Why are you freaking out so much?” Michael asks.
“Because, it’s been so long! It could either go really well or end horribly,” Calum huffs continuing to move back and forth.
“Will you stop pacing?” Ashton demands, “you’re making me dizzy. It won’t end horribly. You’re already broken up.”
That stops Calum instantly. He glares at his best friend for his blunt remark, Michael and Luke share the same look.
“What?! I’m not wrong! What could be worse than that?”
“We’ve only started being friends again…she could decide she doesn’t even want that,” Calum sighs leaning against the counter. Duke sits at his feet.
“You’ve been friends for six years…yeah, you were also a couple, but I don’t understand how you can just stop being friends with that much history,” Ashton shrugs.
“Yeah, you don’t understand,” Calum shakes his head. Only you and he know where your relationship stands. He’d give you the moon if he could, lasso it and all that like from that movie you love so much.
The doorbell rings and Calum stands up stick straight, he breaks into a cold sweat. Michael offers to get it and when he returns, it’s only Andy and Sarah. At every doorbell Calum waits for you to walk through his door again but is met with disappointment when it’s another party guest.
Feeling defeated he collapses onto the couch, swiping through apps on his phone while the party blurs around him. Duke hops up and lays in his lap.
“Hey guys. Where’s Calum?”
Upon hearing your voice, Calum and Duke both perk up with Duke bounding off his lap and running to wherever your voice came from. Calum stands slowly, hearing your sweet words to Duke as he rounds the corner. Seeing you after all this time is like he can finally breathe again. You’re giving Duke kisses and Calum notices that your hair is different, the new cut and style takes him by surprise but you’re beautiful as ever.
Then your eyes lift to his and he swears he felt the planets align within him. When you smile it’s like he’s seeing the sun for the first time.
“Hey, you made it,” he says gruffly then mentally slaps himself. He should have said something cooler, more riveting but you smile all the same and stand up.
“Hi. Yeah, I did. I wouldn’t miss it.”
After grabbing you a drink he ushers you to a quiet corner where he awkwardly asks for a hug. You share a timid embrace, but it still feels like home. He wants to hold you forever but reluctantly lets go so you can catch up some more.
For the whole night you stay in that spot, unless he left to refresh your drinks, or you grabbed a snack that you shared on the same plate. As the last people left, you and Calum were left alone on the couch, the lights dimmed, and the music changed to something more chill.
“I thought you would’ve brought Matt with you,” Calum says. The other guy’s name leaves a bitter taste in his mouth and his next sentence tastes like bile. “I want to meet him.”
“I thought about it,” you sigh leaning your head against the couch. Your head presses against Calum’s arm that’s slung over the back and he sucks in a breath at the contact. “But it’s not working with him.”
“No? Why’s that?” he tries to sound polite.
You stare at him for a long time, taking in his dark eyes, the slight curl at the ends of his hair, his tattoos peeking from his shirt and the three moles you’ve always loved to kiss.
“I’m lost without you,” you confess.
He stares back for a beat.
“You’re lost without me?”
“These ten months have been so hard. I think about you all the time, I can’t tell you how many times I’ve wanted to come over and beg for you to take me back. But I hurt you. I know I did. I hated that night we broke up; it was one of the worst nights of my life. But why would you want me back after I threw in the towel because I was feeling affection deprived? That’s not fair. And then when you texted me…I felt so happy. This whole thing was stupid, and I understand if you don’t want—”
Calum silences you by pressing his lips to yours. You kiss back eagerly, welcoming the comfort of his soft lips against your own, your fingers immediately flying into his hair. His own hand cups your face, you melt at the warmth of his skin and a chill runs through you when his tongue slips between your lips. The world stops, the music drifts away as you kiss your best friend, your soulmate after so many days apart.
The kiss leaves you both breathless and gasping for air as you break apart, but you don’t move far, his forehead rests on yours. You caress the back of his neck while his thumb caresses your cheek.
“I’ve been lost without you, too, cupcake,” he mumbles and your heart rushes at his nickname for you. “I was nervous as shit before you came, I didn’t think you were going to.”
“I almost didn’t come,” you chuckle, “I kept imagining I’d see you with some new girl hanging off you.”
“The only girl I need is you.”
You’re kissing him again, then ask on his lips, “Maybe we should--?”
“Baby, we should start again,” he finishes for you. “We’re both different now. We’ll be different, we’ll…we won’t hide this time. You’ve been a part of my life for so long, you held my childhood that I didn’t want to let go of yet.”
“It’s not letting go, it’s moving forward,” you trace his eyebrows then poke each one of his small moles that you love because they’re like stars.
“Move forward with me?” he asks, nudging his nose against yours kissing you again. You nod against him as he pushes you onto the couch. Your love lost was found again.
• • • •
Taglist: @galcalirwin​ @cashtonasff5sos @thecurlsofgod​ @myloverboyash​ @rotten-kandy​ @tea4sykes​ @jannimoeller3​ @loveroflrh​ @iovehemmings​ @cxddlyash​ @princesslrh​ @here-for-the-uproars @katiaw2​ @g-l-pierce​ @fairyintheglass​ @gosh-im-short​ @banditocth @dezzym17 @koalacal​ @lukeisbaby​ @spicycal​ @mysticalhood​ @notinthesameguey​ @wastedheartcth​ @atlcalm​ @itjustkindahappenedreally​ @calumance​ @babylon-corgis​ @thew0rldneedsmcreycghurt​ @lanternlover2​ @istaywithmyjonas​ @calteahood​ @sarcastically-defensive17​ @another-lonely-heart​  @calumhoodaf​ @frontmanash​ @philthepegacorn​ @mantlereid​ @lukedorkyhemmings​ @addietagglikesbands​ @kikixfandoms @sanrioluke​ @mayve-hems​ @morguelth @haikucal​ @thatscooibaby​ @meghanrose05​ @idontneedanyone​ @dinosaursandsocks​ @cassie-sos​ @suchalonelysunflower​ @burstintocolor​ @zhangyixingxing1​ @dead-and-golden​ @mymindwide​ @everyscarisahealingplace​
**if your url has a strike through it’s because your blog didn’t show up as a tag! :(
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lillupon · 3 years
Doctor!Mingyu x Pilot!Wonwoo
Some Doctor!Mingyu & Pilot!Wonwoo smut inspired by the devastatingly hot clip simsminwon on twitter posted earlier this week (*/ω\)
This oneshot is also available on twitter
Mingyu stands and opens the door for his last patient of the day. She bows and says, "Thank you, Dr. Kim."
"Of course. Give me a call or shoot me an email if you have any questions or concerns," he tells her. She thanks him again. Then, handbag clutched under her arm, she leaves.
Quiet descends once the front door closes after her. There are no other noises save for the burbling of the fish tank in the waiting room. Mingyu is left alone in his clinic. He sent Chan, his secretary, home an hour ago, assuring the boy that he would be able to lock up on his own. Mingyu's in no rush to get home tonight. There's no one waiting for him at home, so he may as well wait out the traffic in the comfort of his office. He had to skip lunch this afternoon because he was behind schedule; he'll have a late lunch before he leaves, and pick up dinner on the way home.
Mingyu sighs. Scuffs the floor with a petulant kick of his foot. Wonwoo was supposed to arrive home two days ago, but adverse weather conditions delayed the flight, turning what should have been a ten-day absence into a two-week one. He should be used to it by now--they've been together for three years--but part of him still aches for Wonwoo when he's gone. Part of him still worries, even though he knows the odds of anything bad happening is infinitesimally small.
Mingyu heats up beef bulgogi in the microwave and then takes his meal back to his office. A few mouse clicks later, he pulls up the medical research articles he had bookmarked: a bit of light reading while he eats.
A spoonful of rice is halfway to his mouth when he hears the front door opening. He wonders if it's a patient who left something behind. He sets aside his food to go greet the visitor. When he opens the door to his room, he comes face-to-face with Wonwoo, who is still dressed in uniform, though sans hat.
For a brief second, Mingyu can do nothing but gape. The only sound that escapes his mouth is a, "Wha--?"
A smile breaks across Wonwoo's face. "Hey, you."
Wonwoo's voice jolts him out of his stupor. He cups Wonwoo's neck and swoops forward to kiss him. Their lips meet in an off-centered smash and it's perfect and everything Mingyu has been missing for the past two weeks. Wonwoo laughs breathlessly against him, lips curving into a grin that has their teeth clacking together.
Mingyu parts. Keeps his hand on Wonwoo's neck--needs to be touching. "I thought you weren't supposed to be back until Thursday."  As he speaks, he strokes a thumb absentmindedly over Wonwoo's throat.
"Same here," Wonwoo says. He tips his chin up, inviting Mingyu's touch. "There were no more delays after the blizzard, if you can believe it."
Mingyu leans in to rest their foreheads together. "I'm glad you're okay," he whispers.
"M-hm. Was just a little cold. That's about it," Wonwoo tells him, voice quiet. His breath puffs over Mingyu's lips. "Wish you could have been there to keep me warm."
Their mouths find each other again. Wonwoo's arms go to wind around his shoulders. Mingyu wraps an arm around Wonwoo's narrow waist, pulling him close so that their bodies are pressed flush together. Wonwoo moans softly, angling his head so that they can deepen their kisses.
Yeah, he would have kept Wonwoo warm on those snowstorming days. Would have stripped them both naked, blanketed himself over Wonwoo for some skin-to-skin contact. Nothing like a bit of SSC for heat exchange and thermal control. In perfect contrast to Wonwoo's perpetual cold, Mingyu runs hot as a furnace. Even now, he feels heat sliding down his spine, pooling low in his gut. Wonwoo's tongue ignites a flame between his loins, fuels the fire with his soft and sweet moans. His trousers are starting to grow tight, and he can feel Wonwoo's arousal nudge against him in response.
Wonwoo's arching into him, trying to force them impossibly closer together. Mingyu runs both palms down the seductive curve of Wonwoo's back, lower still. He grasps Wonwoo's asscheeks in his hands. Fingers digging in, he grinds their hips together.
Wonwoo breaks away with a gasp. Mingyu doesn't miss a beat, dragging his lips along the angle of Wonwoo's jaw, mouthing hot and wet down the pale column of his throat. Inhaling the scent of him.
"Gyu," Wonwoo moans shakily. "Oh, Gyu. Want you inside me..."
Mingyu groans. Doesn't need to be asked twice--wants to be inside Wonwoo as badly as Wonwoo wants to be filled. After one more hard kiss, he pulls away to root through the cabinets for a tube of lubricating jelly. He's shaking with his desire, over-eager hands knocking over bottles and containers and instruments in his search.
By the time he turns around, Wonwoo has already discarded his belt and is unzipping his trousers. Mingyu shuts the door to his office and crowds Wonwoo against it; his nose finds the hollow of Wonwoo's throat, while his hand helps to shove down Wonwoo's pants the rest of the way.
Wonwoo turns around to brace his forearms against the door. Gets on his tiptoes and sticks his ass out. The muscles of his hamstrings flex and release beautifully, quivering with the effort of holding himself taut.
Mingyu preps Wonwoo hastily, slicked-up fingers opening Wonwoo's hole to make way for his cock. Usually, he likes to take his time doing this, likes to see the slow but sure way that Wonwoo loses control from his fingers alone. But they've both been apart for too long, and his want makes him impatient. Wonwoo, is too, judging by his moans. Normally, it takes a little more work on Mingyu's part to draw those kinds of sounds out of Wonwoo.
Maybe he loves it. Maybe he can't resist teasing Wonwoo a little, just to hear him whine. Mingyu rubs the tip of his cock over that needy hole, pressing in the tip to give Wonwoo a taste, only to withdraw.
"Gyu, if you don't fuck me now, I-I'm going to--" Wonwoo tries to threaten, only the effect of it is ruined by how wrecked he sounds, and the fact that he can't finish his sentence.
It's so cute.
All of it is so cute, Mingyu thinks he might die: the way Wonwoo tries to push his hips back; the way his hole squeezes and clings to Mingyu's cock, unwilling to let him slip free; the little growls of frustration.
It's only been a handful of seconds, but at this point, Mingyu's starting to feel like he's been a bit mean. His baby wants it so much. Mingyu has been denying himself, too.
The noise Wonwoo makes as Mingyu sheathes himself is one of utter bliss and satisfaction. A groan shudders out of Mingyu as the hot clutch of Wonwoo's inner walls pulsate around him.
Mingyu plasters himself to Wonwoo's back and rasps into his ear, "So tight, baby. You feel so good." He wraps a forearm around Wonwoo's chest, like a crossbar locking him in place. With one hand braced on the wall as support, he begins to rock his hips with short and shallow thrusts.
"Oh, Gyu, ohhh," Wonwoo sighs, letting his head loll back onto Mingyu's shoulder. "Mmm... Deeper, baby."
Mingyu shifts to get an arm under Wonwoo's thigh, hiking it up. Wonwoo keeps himself balanced by planting a forearm on the door. He twists his torso, winding his other arm around Mingyu's shoulder. The change in position allows them to face each other, while also offering Mingyu better access. The next time he presses forward, his cock reaches the deepest parts of Wonwoo.
The effect is instantaneous: Wonwoo moans, long and low. His lashes flutter.
Goddamn--the way Wonwoo looks at him, brows drawn together with pleasure, eyes smouldering and half-lidded, lips parting on a moan... It gets to a guy's head. Makes him feel like the only man in the world. He wonders if he looks at Wonwoo the same way. Probably. That's how all of their friends knew they were crushing on each other, even before they had realised it themselves.
A surge of feeling rises in his chest. He can't resist leaning in for a kiss, which Wonwoo returns with equal passion. The roll of his hips turns slow but just as deep as they exchange kisses. Already, his gut is starting to clench with his impending orgasm. His balls are drawing in tight to his body. In his defense, he's barely touched himself since Wonwoo left, knowing that his release would be all the sweeter if he waited.
Wonwoo pulls away with a gasp. He braces both forearms on the door. Lets his head hang between his shoulders. Mingyu snaps his hips forward, forceful, and is rewarded with a cry.
"Yeah, yeah, yeah," Wonwoo chants. His words stutter on a moan every time Mingyu thrusts into him. "Ooh, just like that, Gyu." The cadence of his breathing quickens, voice going high when he moans Mingyu's name. He's close.
So Mingyu does exactly what Wonwoo tells him to do: keeps fucking into the tight heat of Wonwoo's body with short and sharp thrusts that have Wonwoo's fingers fruitlessly scrabbling for purchase on the wooden door.
"Gyu," Wonwoo gasps out. He's growing tighter around Mingyu's cock.
"Gonna come, baby?" Mingyu grits out. He'll never get over how hot it is that Wonwoo can come without a single touch to his cock; a good dicking from Mingyu is all he needs.
Wonwoo barely manages an, "Oh, fuck--" and then his cock is shooting off, streaks of white landing in stripes over the door; his insides clamp down rhythmically, spurring Mingyu's own orgasm to a crest.
Mingyu shoves his face into Wonwoo's shoulder, muffling his groan there. His cock twitches as he empties himself inside Wonwoo. The aftershocks of his orgasm shake through him. His hips jerk of their own accord, once, twice.
They are quiet, save for their panting as they catch their breaths. Mingyu slips out of Wonwoo. For a moment, nothing: Wonwoo's hole contracts around empty air. And then Mingyu's release starts to slide out of him.
They lie down on the examination table, curled towards each other like parentheses. Trading languid kisses in silence. Mingyu loses track of time. Wonwoo has that sort of effect on him.
It might be minutes or an hour later when Wonwoo nudges Mingyu onto his back. Wonwoo pushes himself to seated, gets a thigh over Mingyu's hips in a straddle. His slender cock stands straight at attention, the tip of it wet with fluids. He's smiling, impish.
Mingyu swallows. "Insatiable minx," he whispers.
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imjustthemechanic · 3 years
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The Price of a Soul
Part 1/? - Agent Russel Part 2/? - The Letter Part 3/? - Miss Lake Part 4/? - The Stewardess Part 5/? - An Assassination Part 6/? - Fallout Part 7/? - Face to Face Part 8/? - Deals, Details, and Other Devils Part 9/? - Baggage Part 10/? - Private Funding
Howard, of course, is all for this plan.
Howard Stark’s hours were unpredictable at best.  Sometimes he was awake for days on end working on a pet project, running on coffee, cigarettes, and whiskey until he simply ran out of steam and collapsed.  Sometimes he’d been overseas for too long and had not yet reset his internal clock, so that he was up all night and slept all day.  Sometimes he napped in strange places like a lazy cat.  Peggy had no idea what to expect when she rang his bell in the morning.
The first thing she heard was the barking, followed by a yelp from Mr. Jarvis and a cry of, “Anna!  Would you please contain this beast?”  Some scuffling and more barking followed, and then the door opened.  Whatever had just happened, it didn’t stop Mr. Jarvis from looking as tidy and composed as ever when he opened the door.
“Agent Carter, good morning,” he said cheerfully.  “What can we do for you today?”
Behind him, Anna Jarvis was kneeling on the floor in her dressing gown, cooing Hungarian endearments to the animal Peggy assumed was called a ‘Bernese mountain dog’ not because it came from the Swiss Alps but because it was simply a mountain of dog.  Its tongue was lolling out and its eyes closed in bliss.
“Good morning, Mr. Jarvis,” said Peggy.  “I was wondering if Howard were out of bed yet.”
“He’s in the backyard, nursing a hangover by the swimming pool,” said Mr. Jarvis.  “I’m sure he’ll be delighted to see you.”
Peggy stepped inside and nodded to Anna and the dog.  “Good morning, Anna.  Zoltan.”
“Lovely to see you, Peggy,” Anna said, fondling the dog’s red and black ears.  “Sorry I’m not dressed.  I just have to get this fellow his breakfast.”
“It’s quite all right,” Peggy assured her.  “I don’t know how long I’m likely to be here, anyway.”
Behind the house, Howard was sprawled across a chaise under the canopy, wearing his brocade bathrobe, a pair of sunglasses, and probably nothing else.  Jarvis picked up a discarded newspaper and laid it discreetly over his employer’s lap before touching his shoulder to wake him.  “Mr. Stark?”
“Huh?” Howard twitched.
“Agent Carter is here.”
“Oh.”  Howard’s head tilted back again.  “I guess there’s no chance of telling her to come back later?”
“I don’t do later, Howard,” said Peggy.  Jarvis pulled up a chair for her, and she sat down across from Howard.  “I need a favour… in fact, Daniel and I both need a favour.”
“Is this the part where you remind me again that you kept my ass out of jail?” he asked.
“It is.”
“All right.”  Howard made an effort to sit up and look slightly more presentable – at least as much as a man could when there was only yesterday’s Examiner to preserve his modesty.  “What’s going on?”
Peggy had spent a good deal of time in her bath the previous evening thinking over exactly how she was going to present this idea.  “I’m sure you remember the time you had me steal back a vial of Steve Roger’s blood for you under the pretense that it was a superweapon.”
“Technically, it could be, in the wrong hands,” said Howard.  “But I definitely remember where you hit me.  Did you find it?” he asked, peering over his sunglasses with bloodshot eyes.
Howard did not know that Peggy had thrown the vial in the East River, and she was not about to tell him.  “No.  But before I tell you what I did find, I need you to assure me of your honourable intentions.  If some piece of Captain Rogers or his property were to turn up, what would you do about it?”
“Depends on what it is,” said Howard, “but if it were his body I’d throw him the hero’s funeral he deserves, and if it’s the shield I’d build him a monument out of it.”
Peggy leaned closer.  “You swear?” she asked.
“Cross my heart,” he said.  “What have you found?”
“A set of coordinates.  Seventy-four, forty-seven, thirty-five.  Ninety-five, twenty-five, three.”
She could almost see the gears in Howard’s head turning as he placed them.  “That’s… that’s further north than we ever looked… way up in the sea ice.”  He started to get up, then grabbed at his newspaper.  Peggy politely turned her head while he fixed his robe.  “I’ve got a map here somewhere…”
“I know,” she said, getting up to follow him inside.  “I already looked.”
In the library, the atlas Peggy had used was still sitting out on a table.  Howard quickly found the same page, and the same point.  “Cornwallis Island.”
“Daniel and I aren’t sure the tip is trustworthy,” Peggy explained, “so we need this to be discreet, no taxpayer money.  I’m on medical leave for the occasion.”
“Of course.  Not a word,” said Howard.  “Just you and me and a few of the locals to carry stuff.  There might not be anything visible on the surface anymore.”
“No?” Peggy asked.  “Our source described the crash in some detail, as if they were there when it happened, and seemed to think there would still be parts of the plane caught on the rocks of the island.”
“Yeah, but sea ice isn’t static,” Howard said.  “It moves around, and snow builds up and doesn’t melt.  If the wreck’s in the ice it’ll be torn apart, very slowly, and will eventually melt out the bottom and fall onto the sea floor.  The ice up there isn’t transparent, either, it’s yards thick and full of cracks and bubbles.  We need a way to see what’s under it.”
“And you happen to have just the thing?” Peggy guessed.
Howard nodded eagerly.  “I’ve been working on it on and off for a while now… an ice-penetrating sonar.  The big problem was keeping the sound of the plane itself from interfering, but the last month or so I’ve actually had your buddy Dr. Wilkes up there troubleshooting on it.  He’s a great guy for acoustics.  His work on the vibration frequencies of the Zero Matter…”
“Is it ready for testing?”  After knowing him for nearly ten years, Peggy was an expert at gently encouraging Howard to stay on topic.
“Yes!  That’s why we moved it to my hangar in upstate New York,” Howard said.  “Closer to the ice, less shipping hassle than getting it to Alaska.  It’s installed on one of my planes there.”
“So we can simply fly it up to Canada and take a look,” said Peggy.  That would cut down on their search time enormously, if they didn’t have to trek across the ice for days on end.  “Wonderful.  But as I said, we can’t have any fanfare.  Absolute secrecy is best.”
Howard pouted.  “You don’t think I can keep a secret, Peg?” he asked.
“You do tend to get over-excited,” she said.  “And we know, by the way, that there are more of those Russian girls in the country, so you’re not even allowed to hint at it over drinks.  How soon can you be ready to go?”
“I can be ready to go right now,” Howard replied.  “It depends on if Jason’s got the thing ready in New York.  I’ll give him a call right away.”  He checked his watch.  “Yeah, he’ll be up by now.”
“I should hope so,” Peggy said.  “Dr. Wilkes tends to be far more regular in his hours than you.  But don’t tell him over the phone where we’re going,” she added.  “Treat it as just another test flight.  You never know who might be listening in.”
“You can count on me, Peg.  After all… you did keep my ass out of jail.”  Howard grinned at her.
“Thank you, Howard.”  She smiled back.  “I’ll head home and pack a bag.”  That wouldn’t take long.  Peggy knew how to travel light.
As she was heading back to the front door, she met Mr. Jarvis coming the other way.  “Agent Carter?” he said.  “Are you leaving?”
“Yes, I’m afraid I have a lot to do today,” she said.  “I can’t stay for tea.”
“I wasn’t about to ask you to, but I’ve just taken a phone call from Chief Sousa,” Mr. Jarvis said.  “He was unable to say why, but he would like you to stop by the SSR offices as soon as possible.”
He probably wanted to know how her conversation with Howard had gone, Peggy thought, though it was strange that he’d called rather than waiting for her to contact him.  “I’ll do so on my way home.  Thank you, Mr. Jarvis.  Give my best to Anna, would you?”
“I shall.  Will we see you again soon?”
“I certainly hope so,” Peggy said.
She probably could have done more to warn Howard how unlikely they were to find anything up there, Peggy thought as she drove back to the office, but for the moment it was probably best to let him ride the initial wave of enthusiasm.  The whole story could wait for their flight back to New York and the subsequent journey to the Northwest Territories.  Howard and Jason’s sonar, though… that was exactly what they needed!  If this were indeed some sort of trap, there was no way the Soviets would be expecting them to fly over at a height rather than hiking out from the island.  If there were something there, they’d be able to get at least an idea of it without so much as setting foot on the ice.  Then if it appeared dangerous, they could contact Daniel and ask for further suggestions.
“Afternoon, Rose,” said Peggy cheerfully as she entered the reception area.  Rose was sitting at her desk, tiredly watching a trio of midgets in matching sequined costumes perform an acrobatic routine.
Rose did not smile back.  “Oh, you got Mr. Auerbach’s message?” she said.
“I did,” Peggy nodded.  “He’s upstairs?”
“Yes.  So is Mr. Masters.”
Peggy’s spirits, which had been high on her drive over, sank straight through the floor.  It wasn’t that there was no reason for him to be here – Peggy could think of half a dozen things he might have decided to stick his unwelcome fingers into – it was that whatever he wanted was always at odds with whatever Peggy was trying to accomplish.  Daniel had rung her at Howard’s because he was trying to warn her.
She took a deep breath, stood up straight, and nodded.  “I’ll head right up.”
Peggy stepped into Daniel’s office with her head held high and determination in her step.  Daniel himself was not there.  Vernon Masters, however, was.  He was sitting in Daniel’s chair, where Peggy had sat for her interview with Lake as Agent Russel, waiting for her.
“Carter,” he said.
“Mr. Masters,” Peggy replied.
“Care to explain how another Soviet spy got into the country undetected and killed one of our most important political prisoners while you were a dozen feet away?”
He certainly did get straight to the point, didn’t he?  “It is my understanding that Miss Lake drilled through the glass of the cell window and shot Dr. Zola using a police revolver with a home-made suppressor,” she replied.
“While you stood right next door and did nothing.”
“Our best information at the time suggested that Miss Lake was here for Underwood and Fenhoff,” said Peggy.  “I was acting on that.  We had no reason to think Dr. Zola was in any danger.”
“You sure didn’t try to protect him,” said Masters.
“We did our best to keep the entire prison secure,” Peggy said.  “Perhaps you ought to question the people in charge of the Sing Sing Correctional Facility, rather than me.”
Masters sat up.  “I’m going to be straight with you, Carter,” he said.  “We sent an FBI agent to investigate your potential involvement in Underwood’s escape – he was drugged and robbed by a colleague of hers, who then went on to kill Zola right under your nose.  You understand why this doesn’t look good for you.”
“I do,” said Peggy, keeping her body language as neutral as possible.  Since Masters’ last visit she’d been telling herself not to worry about him because he had nothing on her… but now events were conspiring against her.  The situation he described could easily make Peggy look like a traitor to somebody sufficiently paranoid… or at least incompetent.  He couldn’t possibly have any real evidence, though, because if he did he’d be having her arrested.  His ‘case’, if it could be called that, must be entirely circumstantial.
“I’m going to have a full investigation look into your conduct, Carter,” said Masters.  “If you haven’t done anything, you have nothing to fear, but you’re suspended from duty as of now.”
“As it happens, I’m already on medical leave,” she said.  “Chief Sousa insisted I take time off to recover from the chemical Miss Lake attacked me with.  Apparently Dr. Mroczek in New York worries there might be permanent damage to my lungs.”
“From what you’ve said about these Russian girls you should be grateful she didn’t shoot you,” said Masters.  He stood up from Daniel’s chair.  “I’ll be checking in.”
“I’m sure you will,” said Peggy, wondering what he would think when she left the country… and how he would fit it into his personal conspiracy theory when she came back.
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