#atkins diet book
Using diet, specifically low carb/ketogenic diets, to help treat mental health issues
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We are in the midst of a global mental health crisis, and mental illnesses are on the rise. But what causes mental illness? And why are mental health problems so hard to treat? Drawing on decades of research, Harvard psychiatrist Dr. Chris Palmer outlines a revolutionary new understanding that for the first time unites our existing knowledge about mental illness within a single framework: Mental disorders are metabolic disorders of the brain.  Brain Energy explains this new understanding of mental illness in detail, from symptoms and risk factors to what is happening in brain cells. Palmer also sheds light on the new treatment pathways this theory opens up—which apply to all mental disorders, including anxiety, depression, ADHD, alcoholism, eating disorders, bipolar disorder, autism, and even schizophrenia. Brain Energy pairs cutting-edge science with practical advice and strategies to help people reclaim their mental health. This groundbreaking book reveals: 
Why classifying mental disorders as “separate” conditions is misleading
The clear connections between mental illness and disorders linked to metabolism, including diabetes, heart attacks, strokes, pain disorders, obesity, Alzheimer’s disease, and epilepsy
The link between metabolism and every factor known to play a role in mental health, including genetics, inflammation, hormones, neurotransmitters, sleep, stress, and trauma
The evidence that current mental health treatments, including both medications and therapies, likely work by affecting metabolism
New treatments available today that readers can use to promote long-term healing
Palmer puts together the pieces of the mental illness puzzle to provide answers and offer hope. Brain Energy will transform the field of mental health, and the lives of countless people around the world.
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hackoftheyear · 3 months
what is the diet industry supposed to be? asking in good faith i just don’t know what anyone means on this site
same with junk food industry- is that just mcdonalds etc? like my countries “ethnic food” is technically a form of junk food too, but it’s not really an “industry” for example.
Generally people mean things like diet plans you buy in a program or book (south beach, Atkins, etc, yes I’m old I know these aren’t trendy anymore lol), meal replacement shakes like slim fast, or pills/supplements like “fat burners” and weight loss teas etc. This has been applied to the existence is medications like Ozempic but I will argue that it’s only diet culture when medication is used to lose weight and nothing more (most people do not understand “weight loss” medications aka injectable glutides)
Junk food industry means yeah like McDonald’s Burger King etc as well as candy, chips/crisps, soda, any company that produces highly palatable food that’s low in nutritional value basically. They have groups that represent them I guess you could say like the American Beverage Association. Which has paid influencers mostly “momfluencers” and nutrition girlies to advertise sugar and diet soda as a harmless part of a healthy diet. The influencers do not have to say who is paying them to say what they just have to put #ad which I think is hashtag insidious
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kintsugibody · 6 days
i wanna get an atkins recipe book for the sugar free recipes but a couple years ago i was ragging on my mom for following a diet created by a guy who died of a heart attack while practicing what he preached.... she's gonna get my ass if she sees me checking that book out
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elisamaza · 13 days
i am LOSING my shit
i'm watching Mickey Atkins react to claims that Dr. Mike is fatphobic and after he read a comment stating that "capitalism thrives on people, especially women, feeling inadequate and needing to buy something, either diet books/coaching/gym memberships/new clothes to show off that 'bikini body'"
dr mike responds "i don't wanna blame this on capitalism, i kinda wanna blame it on rogue marketing"
i fucking HOLLERED. what in the goddamn FUCK are you talking about
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king-of-bottoms · 9 months
always fascinates me what is considered pseudoscience and how many people dont know that it is pseudoscience and how it being pseudoscience doesn't inherently mean its not real or doesn't work, but rather that scientists cannot consistently prove it works
chiropractics is a pseudoscience
psychoanalysis is pseudoscience
dream analysis is pseudoscience
acupressure is pseudoscience
atkins diet is pseudoscience
carnivore diet is pseudoscience
and so is keto diet (unless used to treat a very specific type of epilepsy)
fasting is also a pseudoscience. and i thought it was just a religious thing! well, not that fasting. they mean fasting as a method of dieting is not proven scientifically
MINIMUM PARKING REQUIREMENTS is a pseudoscience. that one just makes me laugh. the science for discovering the minimum parking requirement for a particular building is pseudoscience... hilarious. its just funny to me.
aromatherapy is a pseudoscience. this makes sense to me but also doesnt. i know a good smell calms me down or invigorates me or whatever. thats not fake. it really fucking works... but it doesnt like cure any illness so its pseudoscience... but like, its really not. because it is proven to work for the most basic things like relaxation, helping people fall asleep, helping people become energized, even declogging sinuses ya know? funny how if its pseudoscience in one way (ie aromatherapy doesnt treat autism) then its always pseudoscience
i mean a lot of asian medicine is pseudoscience which seems partially racist to me but maybe it really is bunk and they should get over that. like we also say Freud is pseudoscientific and i wish more therapists would get on that bandwagon.
magnet therapy is pseudoscience. its also a recommended treatment for medication-resistant bipolar. whomp whomp whooooomp...
reflexology is a pseudoscience. which is that thing where if you have say a migraine or tension headache, you can touch your chin or ear in a certain spot to relieve it. i mean that shit works for me, albeit temporarily, but its a pseudoscience! wow!
EMDR therapy is pseudoscientific. that thing that everyone was pushing to help ptsd is fake! amazing! i'm not as surprised by this one but i am mainly surprised it garnered so much hype
this one really gets me... this next one
body memory is pseudoscientific. if you are mentally ill or in the mental health field, you have probably heard of the book/phrase 'the body keeps the score'. well, no, it doesnt. thats pseudoscience!
MBTI is a pseudoscience. it really is just another pointless quiz. might as well be more interesting and say who your kins are.
subliminals are a pseudoscience. that also surprises me, as i thought they were proven to work as well. but i guess 'subliminal' is like hidden from plain sight, so just having a person eating a burger in the background of a cartoon is too obvious to be considered subliminal
i mostly listed ones that a person might not realize is pseudoscience as that is what interests me the most. just in case you are wondering why flat earthers arent mentioned... i am hoping it is obviously pseudoscience to whoever reads this.
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040494 · 1 year
Losing weight is a common goal for many people, but it's not always easy to achieve. There are many diets, supplements, and exercise routines out there, but not all of them are effective or healthy. In this book, we will explore the top efficient and fast ways to lose weight in 2023.
Chapter 1: Intermittent Fasting
Intermittent fasting is a popular weight loss method that involves cycling between periods of fasting and eating. This approach can be very effective because it promotes fat burning and reduces calorie intake. There are several different ways to do intermittent fasting, including the 16/8 method, where you fast for 16 hours and eat during an 8-hour window, and the 5: 2 method, where you eat normally for five days and restrict calories to 500-600 for two days.
Chapter 2: High-Intensity Interval Training
High-intensity interval training (HIIT) is a type of exercise that involves short bursts of intense activity followed by brief periods of rest. This approach can be very effective for weight loss because it burns more calories in a shorter amount of time than traditional cardio workouts. HIIT can be done with a variety of exercises, including running, cycling, and strength training.
Chapter 3: Low-Carb Diets
Low-carb diets have been popular for decades, and they continue to be effective for weight loss. This approach involves reducing your intake of carbohydrates and replacing them with protein and healthy fats. This can help you feel fuller for longer and reduce cravings for sugary and processed foods. Popular low-carb diets include the ketogenic diet and the Atkins diet.
Chapter 4: Mindful Eating
Mindful eating is a practice that involves paying attention to your food and your body hunger and fullness signals. This approach can be very effective for weight loss because it helps you tune in to your body needs and avoid overeating. To practice mindful eating, try to eat without distractions, savor your food, and stop eating when you feel satisfied.
Chapter 5: Get Enough Sleep
Getting enough sleep is crucial for weight loss because it helps regulate your hormones and metabolism. Lack of sleep can lead to increased appetite, cravings for unhealthy foods, and decreased energy levels. Aim for 7-9 hours of sleep each night to support your weight loss goals
Do you want to learn the BEST WAY to loss weight fast? Go here
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prathimahospitals · 1 year
Proper Diet helps to reduce Fits ? Explained by Dr. Snigdha Komakula - Neurologist at Prathima Hospitals, KPHB
Ketogenic diet and Modified Atkins diet helps fits children to reduce symptoms : Ketogenic Diet - The ketogenic diet involves consuming a very low amount of carbohydrates and replacing them with fat to help your body burn fat for energy. Modified Atkins diet - The modified Atkins diet is a less restrictive variation of the ketogenic diet. This diet is started on an outpatient basis without a fast, allows unlimited protein and fat, and does not restrict calories or fluids. Recent studies have shown good efficacy and tolerability of this diet in refractory epilepsy. In this review, we discuss the use of the modified Atkins diet in refractory epilepsy.
Watch Full Video on Youtube : 🎥:: https://youtu.be/x7ZQac-kU2Q
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For more details: 📞:: 733 733 6600 | 040 4345 4345 🌐:: www.prathimahospitals.com
#fits #diet #limitaionsoffits #fitstreatment #fitsdiet #epilepsy #syndrome #Epilepsysyndrome #Children #epilepsyinchildren #Epilepsysymptoms #developmentaldelays #epilepsyspecialists #epilepsysyndromefactors #healthcareroutine #healthcaretips #prathimahospitals #ph #awarness #hospitals #kukatpally #neurophysician #doctor
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Weight loss tips
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Most people who read my articles and e-books know me as a science guy who likes to quote studies and apply
 research to everyday problems such as weight loss, bodybuilding, and other health/fitness related topics. However, sometimes you have to step back from the science and look at the big picture to help bring people back into focus, so they can see the forest for the trees, so to speak.
For most people reading this article, finding an effective diet that works most of the time must seem as complicated as nuclear physics. It's not, but there are a bewildering number of choices for diets out there. High fat or no fat? High carbohydrate or no carbohydrate? Low protein or high protein? To make matters worse, there are a million variations and combinations to the above diet scenarios to add to the confusion. It seems endless and causes many people to throw up their hands in frustration and give up. In this article I will attempt to change all that.
There are some general guidelines, rules of thumb, and ways of viewing a diet program that will allow you to decide, once and for all, if it's the right diet for you. You may not always like what I have to say, and you should be under no illusions this is another quick fix, "lose 100 lbs. in 20 days," guide of some sort. However, if you are sick and tired of being confused, tired of taking the weight off only to put it back on, and tired of wondering how to take the first steps to deciding the right diet for you that will result in permanent weight loss, then this is the article that could change your life...
Does your diet pass "The Test"?
What is the number one reason diets fail long term; above all else? The number one reason is...drum roll...a lack of long term compliance. The numbers don't lie; the vast majority of people who lose weight will regain it - and often exceed what they lost. You knew that already didn't you?
Yet, what are you doing to avoid it? Here's another reality check: virtually any diet you pick which follows the basic concept of "burning" more calories then you consume - the well accepted "calories in calories out" mantra - will cause you to lose weight. To some degree, they all work: Atkins-style, no carb diets, low fat high carb diets, all manner of fad diets - it simply does not matter in the short term.
If your goal is to lose some weight quickly, then pick one and follow it. I guarantee you will lose some weight. Studies generally find any of the commercial weight loss diets will get approximately the same amount of weight off after 6 months to a year. For example, a recent study found the Atkins' Diet, Slim-Fast plan, Weight Watchers Pure Points program, and Rosemary Conley's Eat Yourself Slim diet, were all equally
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mxpijon · 2 years
The Starch Solution: Eat the Foods You Love, Regain Your Health, and Lose the Weight for Good! - John A. McDougall
EPUB & PDF Ebook The Starch Solution: Eat the Foods You Love, Regain Your Health, and Lose the Weight for Good! | EBOOK ONLINE DOWNLOAD
by John A. McDougall.
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Download Link : DOWNLOAD The Starch Solution: Eat the Foods You Love, Regain Your Health, and Lose the Weight for Good!
Read More : READ The Starch Solution: Eat the Foods You Love, Regain Your Health, and Lose the Weight for Good!
Ebook PDF The Starch Solution: Eat the Foods You Love, Regain Your Health, and Lose the Weight for Good! | EBOOK ONLINE DOWNLOAD Hello Book lovers, If you want to download free Ebook, you are in the right place to download Ebook. Ebook The Starch Solution: Eat the Foods You Love, Regain Your Health, and Lose the Weight for Good! EBOOK ONLINE DOWNLOAD in English is available for free here, Click on the download LINK below to download Ebook The Starch Solution: Eat the Foods You Love, Regain Your Health, and Lose the Weight for Good! 2020 PDF Download in English by John A. McDougall (Author).
 Description Book: 
From Atkins to Dukan, fear of the almighty carb has taken over the diet industry for the past few decades?even the mere mention of a starch-heavy food is enough to trigger an avalanche of shame and longing. But the truth is, carbs are not the enemy. Now, bestselling author John A. McDougall, MD, and his kitchen-savvy wife, Mary, prove that a starch-rich diet can actually help readers lose weight, prevent a variety of ills, and even cure common diseases. By fueling the body primarily with carbohydrates rather than proteins and fats, readers will feel satisfied, boost energy, and look and feel their best.Including a 7-Day Sure-Start Plan, helpful weekly menu planner, and nearly 100 delicious, affordable recipes, The Starch Solution is a groundbreaking program that will help readers shed pounds, improve their health, save money, and change their lives.
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emma-guide · 2 years
The Ultimate Keto Meal Plan: A Review
My friend Lisa told me I should try the The Ultimate Keto Meal Plan, saying that it had great recipes and that it’d help me stick to the ketogenic diet even if I wasn’t that committed to it. I bought it and tried out her recommendations, and I have to say that she was right! This book covers everything from what foods to buy at the grocery store to which brands of almond milk work best on the keto diet. It also has great recipes for keto-friendly breakfasts, lunches, and dinners, plus snacks and desserts too! Definitely worth checking out!
The keto diet is a high-fat, low-carbohydrate diet that has gained popularity over the years as an effective way to lose weight. The goal of the keto diet is to put your body in a state of ketosis so that it can burn fat for fuel instead of carbohydrates. The ultimate keto meal plan review will take you through a step-by-step guide on how to begin this diet and provide you with a list of recipes you can try.
The first thing you need to do when starting the ketogenic diet is go into full ketosis. This means restricting your carbohydrate intake to about 20 grams per day or less for 3 or 4 days so that your body enters into this metabolic state.
What is the Keto Diet? The keto diet is a high-fat, low-carbohydrate diet that shares many similarities with the Atkins and low-carb diets. The goal of the keto diet is to get your body into a state of ketosis, which means using fat as fuel instead of carbohydrates. On the keto diet, you cut out all grains, legumes, sugar and most dairy. Unlike Atkins or other low-carb diets, you don't have to count calories on this one.
The Pros and Cons of the Keto Diet The keto diet is a very low-carb, high-fat diet that shares many similarities with the Atkins and low-carb diets. The goal of the keto diet is to force your body into a metabolic state called ketosis. Ketosis occurs when there isn't enough glucose available for energy, so the body turns to fat as an alternative energy source. When this happens, fats are broken down in the liver and turned into molecules called ketones. Ketones are then used for fuel throughout the body, including the brain. Essentially, by cutting out most carbs from your daily food intake, you're allowing your body to switch over from a sugar burner to a fat burner. This can result in quick weight loss because you'll start burning through those stored fats.
The Keto Diet Meal Plan
The Ketogenic Diet, or keto for short, is a diet plan that focuses on low-carb and high-fat foods with moderate protein. The keto diet is the ultimate keto meal plan because it has an extremely low glycemic index rating which means it can help you lose weight by regulating your blood sugar levels. Other benefits of the keto diet are that it helps with some neurological disorders and reduces hunger.
The keto diet is a way of eating that is high in fat, moderate in protein and low in carbs. The goal is to shift the body's metabolism away from carbohydrates and towards fat and ketones for fuel. The Keto Diet includes foods like fatty meats, oils, eggs, nuts, butter and cheese. When it comes to vegetables, the only green vegetables you can eat are those that grow above ground such as broccoli or spinach or leafy greens (in small amounts). You can also enjoy some low carb fruit like avocado but not too much because it has a lot of carbs.
Conclusion The keto diet is one of the hottest diets at the moment. It's also known as a low-carb, high-fat diet. The keto diet is based on burning fat instead of carbohydrates for energy and has been proven to be successful in rapid weight loss and other health benefits. Although it can be difficult to stick to a strict keto diet, there are many meal plans available that make it easier to follow a keto lifestyle while still maintaining variety. The ultimate keto meal plan review is an example of this type of plan. This meal plan has five simple steps that are designed with simplicity in mind while still providing variety and flexibility so you don't get bored with your food choices.
Start Your Own Weight Loss Journey Today (copy below url and paste in new tab) https://tinyurl.com/TheUltimateKetoMealPlan2023
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anikrasi · 2 years
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feel-fit-123 · 2 years
3 Easy Portion Control Habits To Start Using Today
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Portion control is probably one of the least favorite topics to think about when trying to lose weight. Images of scales, measuring cups and spoons, and countless hours weighing and remembering how much of what food you ate springs to mind when the words 'portion control' are uttered.
Yet it doesn't have to be that way, or that hard. There are a few simple tricks to portion control that, when practiced consistently on a daily basis, yield weight loss results.
1) Divide and conquer: This trick is the easiest and can be practiced anywhere with any menu, whether you are in a restaurant, visiting a friend's house, or at home. Look at your plate when it is empty and divide it in half. The top half should be filled with vegetables or a combination of fruit and vegetables. Fresh tossed iceberg lettuce salad along a side of steaming broccoli. Bright carrots sitting next to a lovely serving of green beans. Sliced sweet strawberries nestled up against a mound of dark leafy greens. You get the idea. The top half of your plate should always reflect a combination of foods that are fruits and vegetables, or just all vegetables.
The lower half of your plate should be split into two sides: one side is the protein. Chicken, beef, fish, or beans should occupy this portion of your plate. The other side should play host to a carbohydrate, preferably complex: brown rice, a slice of pumpernickel bread, or maybe a serving of whole grain pasta (without any cream or butter-based sauce). And that's really all there is to it! Portion control without heavy thinking, no matter what is being served.
 2) Smaller is better: Another easy tip is one of the oldest dieting tricks in the book - a smaller plate. When you fill up your (smaller) plate with the ratio of vegetables, fruits, carbs, and protein mentioned above, you will trick your mind into thinking that you really are indulging - your eyes can't see any empty space on the plate, so this meal is going to be satisfying!
3) Work it to get it: Don't bring the serving dishes to the table. Studies show that when you have to get up from the table to get another helping of food from the stove or kitchen counter, chances are you won't. Overeating is reduced, and in turn, so is your total caloric intake for that meal. Do that for every meal and your total daily calories will be reduced, aiding in your weight loss. So keep those pots, pans and dishes of food away from the table and on the kitchen counter. Your waistline will thank you for it!
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tonkienjoy · 2 years
Fitday carb counter
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Per day maximum.) On Atkins or a similar diet, make sure your fat percentage is high - the initial, or corrective, phase of the Atkins diet is technically high-fat, not high-protein. (With Atkins, for instance, that’s 20g carbs If you’re not overeating but are still not losing, go back to the strictest initial phase of your eating plan for a couple of weeks. The trick is knowing what’s going into your body.Ĥ. Eating too many calories can interfere with any weight loss plan as can eating tooįew, which throws your body into starvation mode and slow metabolism. Or, you can keep a simple written food diary and use a carb or calorie counter.
Many software programs are available that will do this for you. Calculate and track your average intake of calories, fat, carbs and protein. Try lowering carbs, raising carbs (Surprise! Sometimes eating too few carbs can cause metabolic slowdowns!), upping fat or increasing fiber.ģ. (You’ll find ideas for anĮlimination strategy later in this article.) 2.
Try removing a potential offending food or drink from your diet for a full week or two to see if it could be the culprit. What stalls one person may not hinder the next. Examine carefully everything you are eating and drinking. If you haven’t lost weight or inches for more than four weeks, are exercising and are not yet at your goal, then, yes, you very well may have entered a dreaded diet “plateau” or “stall.” It’s really a stall. (The book Protein Power, by doctors Michael and Mary Dan Eades, contains an easy and accurate formula to If you must obsess over numbers, focus more on bodyįat percentage and clothing size than on actual number of pounds lost. Low carb dieters commonly lose inches even when the scale doesn’t move, and sometimes the most noticeable changes are in their clothing sizes. May be building muscle tissue! Muscle tissue is more dense than fat, so while it may make you heavier, it takes up a whole lot less space (and looks a lot better on you). Weighing in weekly is a better way to determine actual progress. (Women: Don’t bother stressing over your weight during the 10 days surrounding your menstrualĬycle.) Daily weight can fluctuate by several pounds due to such variables as salt intake and water retention. To determine if you are maintaining, losing or actually stalling, compare your average weekly weights.
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ind1etrash-blog · 6 years
CORONARY DISEASE in Women Atkins Diet
FAQS: Atkins Diet Study
A report released in the Journal of the American Medical Association discovered that patients lost more excess weight on the Atkins diet plan than on other well-known diets.
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What did the experts study?
Researchers compared 4 different weight loss diet plans for their influence on weight reduction, cholesterol amounts, percentage of surplus fat, waist-hip ratio, fasting insulin and glucose levels, and blood pressure. Overweight and obese ladies were randomly assigned to follow the Atkins diet, the Zone diet, LEARN, or the Ornish diet. All women received weekly instruction for two weeks and were then followed for an additional ten months. What did the researchers conclude? Overweight and obese women assigned to follow the Atkins diet lost more weight and experienced more favorable effects (lower cholesterol and lower triglycerides) at 12 months than women on the other diets. Does this mean that the Atkins diet is the best way for me to lose weight and lower my cholesterol? Although the information found in the study is interesting, there are a number of points to bear in mind: Twelve months is a very short-term study. When you are looking at an ultimate healthy life time weight and for the benefits of lowering cholesterol and decreasing risk of heart disease, an extended study amount of at least 24 months would be preferable. Earlier studies of the Atkins diet have demonstrated that as time passes, the Atkins diet is definitely forget about effective for long-term weight loss than additional diets.
keto diet
One research revealed that although after six months those about the Atkins diet offers lost more excess weight, after 12 weeks there was no factor in weight reduction. Adherence to both Atkins and a typical low fat diet plan was poor and drop out prices in both diet organizations were high. A scholarly research comparing Atkins with the Area diet, Weight Watchers, and the Ornish diet discovered that all of the diets reduced bodyweight and many cardiac risk factors modestly. However , overall diet plan adherence was low. Those who did stick with their diet more effectively, no matter what the diet was, had greater weight loss and cardiac risk factor reductions. What’s the bottom line? We need longer-term studies, greater than 2 years, to truly evaluate the effect of diet on weight and cardiac risk factors. We need to move away from focusing on the short-term, quick results “ diet ” and move toward a healthy eating pattern, for example, the Mediterranean-eating pattern.
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A Mediterranean diet includes more plant-based foods, plenty of fruits and vegetables, lean protein, modest amounts of healthy fat, and low fat dairy. Traditional Mediterranean dietary patterns have been shown to reduce the risk of cardiac disease and many other chronic diseases.
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ericleo108 · 5 years
Video Journal 02/13/20 - Published 108
Hey, welcome to the Journal for Thursday, February 13th, 2020 “Published 108.” 
My name is Eric Leo, I’m a sociologist, social psychologist, philosopher, author, and hip-hop artist and this is my journal where I talk about myself and my philosophy! 
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108 Book
I published my book. I have received copies and everything looks good. You can buy “108 The Story of Discovering Earth’s Consciousness” online through my publisher at Author House. Thank you for your support. I wish I had money to invest in promoting it but I don’t. I’m going to try and send some copies to select people and promote it to other blogs.
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Moving, Diet, and Exercise
I moved into my own apartment at the beginning of January. I am much happier. My mother helped me get settled, afford basic necessities, and some work out equipment. She bought me a Bowflex 5.1 work-out bench and 552 series select-tech dumbbells. I work out 4-5 days per week. 
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On February 12th I weighed 242.4 pounds, so I’ve lost about 8 pounds since December 30th, 2019 when I weighed 250 pounds. I’ve lost less weight than I expected but I’ve been working out so I’ve probably been gaining muscle and muscle weighs more than fat. I just started taking measurements of my chest, stomach, and butt to make sure I’m making progress. I know I’ve been making progress because my pants fit better.
I started biking on my budget Peloton. I started out at 10 minutes per day and it was hard. I increased it by 5 minutes every week. Now I’m up to 30 minutes on the bike on days I work out. I put on a playlist of the late shows from the previous night and watch them while I ride. I have a pretty good system down. It keeps me motivated and gives me structure but is also why I don’t work out on Sundays and Mondays because there was no late show the previous night. I’ve been drinking my GFuel every morning as a pre-workout.
After I get done with the bike I do a muscle group of weight lifting like chest, back, shoulders, legs, or arms. I’ve been keeping myself sore. I had an issue with my right arm feeling pain but I stretched my peck and got a check-up at physical therapy and all has been well. All systems are a go. 
I used to exercise like crazy in high school and college and was, what most would consider, ripped. I still have a lot of the muscle underneath all my fat and I plan to get back to being ripped. I hope to get a chin-up bar and gravity boots to do pull-ups and inverted sit-ups after I get below 200 lbs… like I also used to do back in the day.
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I’m on Atkins or a ketogenic diet, it has been a lot better for my acid reflux. I keep a calorie deficit on my diet while staying in ketosis. I’ll cheat with carbs every other weekend. I try not to cheat on calories. I don’t count calories like I used too back in 2017 although I guestimate often. I probably get around 1000-1500 calories per day, burn 3-500 calories working out with 50-60 grams of protein, which I understand is less protein than recommended. My biggest concern is getting enough protein for my workouts and to maintain muscle mass as I lose weight. I stay in ketosis so my body burns fat and not muscle. I do intermittent-fasting and only eat between 1 and 9 pm, usually. I eat a lot of nuts, cheese, pickles, greens, carrots, protein powder, eggs, chicken, and diet pop.
Stem Cells 
I recently saw Joe Rogan’s podcast #1066 about stem cells. I didn’t know it could be used to cure autoimmune diseases. I also didn’t know it could be used to regrow tissue like in tendons. 
I personally got excited when I heard about the capabilities of stem cells. In 2010 I had a scope on my knee for a multi-lateral meniscus tear.  It hurts most days by the end of the day. So I looked into getting an injection of my stem cells to regrow my meniscus and it’s not covered by medicare because it’s not yet approved by the FDA. I can’t afford the 5-7 thousand dollars it would cost to get the procedure. I’m disappointed in America but hope it will be approved and available within the next couple of years. 
Living On Disability
I look forward to having a conversation with the nurses that work at St. Joseph Community Mental Health when I get my shot each month. I still don’t have Hulu, I can’t afford it yet. I plan on canceling my audible subscription this month to save some money. They’ll pull me back in eventually with another free trial like they always do. 
My credit score dropped 12 points from 807 to 795 since December 20th, 2019 because I have a couple of hundred dollars on my credit card after buying that GFuel, audio interface, and moving expenses. Like I explored in the last journal when you only live on several hundred dollars a month and can’t make much extra money it’s hard to afford much. I have been utilizing the local food bank to save money on groceries. I’m on a spending freeze until I get it paid off. I’m focused on paying off the balance. This means spending little to no money on gas. I really want my credit score above 800 again. 
I can’t smoke weed in my apartment without being evicted so I’ve basically quit after years of daily smoking. I only smoke with friends away from my apartment now; usually about every other weekend. Apparently, I can have a cat if I want one though. 
Make America Think Harder
I want to vote for Bernie Sanders as long as he wins the primary and it seems like he will. My second choice is tied for Yang or Warren but I would be happy with Buttigieg. I’m not a fan of Trump, although I respect the president, I will be voting for whatever Democrat wins the primary. Besides being with Emma Watson, there’s nothing I want more than Bernie to win the primary and election.
It’s worth mentioning I support term limits for congress and the supreme court. They should have to live with the laws they enact in the private and public sectors whichever they choose to pursue after their term. I also think they should be paid retirement wages from social security and have the same healthcare from social security just like everybody else. If they want to improve their standing while in office, they have to do it for everybody. 
The last journal I said I wanted to be a professor. I am also thinking about being a real estate broker or agent, get my real estate license, and also build wealth through real estate investing. It will probably take me a year or two for me to get where I want to be health-wise and solidify what I want to do. Both being a professor or real estate guru has been an appealing career for me for a while. I would be happy with either or both and could still pursue being an author and hip-hop artist.
In Conclusion
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