#attitude that clashes with their cute appearance?
redenne-moon · 2 years
I already knew I liked Grusha’s design, but after battling him just now… 100% my brand. Husband material. Could see him becoming the kind of character I fixate on for drawing and rp 😆
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seventeenreasonswhy · 1 month
Same Team! A YJH Office Romance Pt. 1
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Idol!Jeonghan x ProductionStaff!Reader
You’re serious about your job, but not as serious as Yoon Jeonghan is about flirting.
Part 1: ~2k words, Part 2
Series Content: slooowwwwww burn, fluff!, cute flirting!, will-they-won’t-they vibes!, tension!!, office crushes, office romance, appearances by all of the members, reader is shy and gets flustered easily!, jeonghan is jeonghan-ing!
My Masterlist
Author’s Note: This is just Part 1! Not sure how long this series is going to be, but I promise there will be smut eventually lol! I just got into the head of this MC and wanted to create a tense, flirty coworker dynamic with Yoon Jeonghan, the prettiest man alive! Also, I should mention that the representation of Koreans in this chapter is completely fictional and in now way representative of how actual Korean people feel about foreign coworkers! It’s a little K-Drama “ice queen” trope, sorry! I hope you enjoy! 😊
If you had known there was going to be so much paperwork involved, you would have just printed and signed everything ahead of time. But they had mentioned that the in-person onboarding was required.
“Sign here,” the onboarding representative pointed to various lines for your signature.
Payment, discretion, benefits... the contract was airtight.
That’s the K-Pop industry for you, you thought as you diligently scanned through each line. You could feel the other new hires at the onboarding getting restless.
“Sorry,” you said to the room, “I’m kind of slow at reading Korean.” You could practically smell the mixture of surprise and annoyance coming from the others seated around the long conference table. If you were being honest, you knew that your Korean was pretty good. (Not that you’d ever admit it out loud!)
“Wow, you speak pretty well,” the onboarding representative said.
“Thank you,” you smiled politely.
“Is she pretty, too?” you heard the woman seated across from you mutter to the woman on her right, eliciting a soft giggle. You caught her eye for a moment, smiling, but she looked away quickly.
You had to remember that small gestures you considered normal in the States might come off as rude or overly familiar. You focused again on the contract in front of you, trying not to mind whether you were the last one to finish signing.
“Once everyone is done signing everything, we’ll take you on a tour of the building, and we’ll end the day by swinging by the practice room and meeting the members.” The onboarding representative clapped his hands cheerfully, and everyone stood, bowing and shaking each other’s hands as they left the room. You were selected to go with the second tour group, with the two women seated across from you and another young man. You were all new “executive production staff” and would be sharing a four-desk cubicle.
“Nice to meet you, I’m Y/N,” you said, bowing politely to your new colleagues. They greeted you politely, if a little stiffly. The two women seemed to know each other already and were sticking together. The young guy was typing rapidly into a messaging app on his phone.
“Um,” one of the women said in a timid voice, directed at you.
“...Yes?” you asked as politely and as gently as possible.
“Where are you from?” The other woman asked more boldly. You noted that she didn’t use polite speech.
“I grew up in <hometown>, in the U.S.,” you answered politely, deciding to ignore this woman’s attitude.
“What are you doing here? Don’t they have plenty of production jobs in the States?” she asked in English.
Ah, she’s gonna be a tough nut to crack. You anticipated some culture-clashing and were prepared to answer any questions or handle any tension that might arise. You wanted to be prepared, so you had done your best to study the culture before moving, talking to friends whose parents were from Korea and reading books about Korean history and social norms. And by watching (probably too many) TikToks. But, you had focused most of your energy on learning the language.
But the fact still remained: you were the outsider here.
“Fluent English speakers are in high demand, after all,” you tried to answer as smoothly as you could in English.
“Jiyeon-shi,” the woman’s friend gently hit her arm, her tone both amused and chiding. The woman, “Jiyeon,” just stared at you, her expression smug.
“Well, don’t expect to turn Korean just because you got a job here and use our skincare routine,” she said, her words laced with venom. Ah, she’s speaking Korean again, you noted.
“I would never presume such a thing. I look forward to working with you,” you bowed deeply. Kwon Jiyeon scoffed just before the four of you were guided toward the office floor.
“This is where you’ll be working,” the tour guide, a young woman wearing a face mask and glasses, gestured to a partitioned-off space in a sea of similar cubicles. “You’ll likely not spend much time at your desk, but please make yourselves comfortable.” She directed you and the others to the staff kitchen, the lounge, the row of conference rooms that needed to be booked at least two days in advance, the company cafeteria, the courtyard on the roof, the editing bays, and finally, you were at the practice rooms.
“This is where various groups and their performance coaches and choreographers can be found,” the tour guide said. You could feel the bass of a song pulsating through the walls and could see tight groups of dancers practicing in the mirror through the small windows in the doors to the spacious, sprung-floored rooms.
You were assigned to exclusively work with the group SEVENTEEN, probably the number one K-Pop group in the world at the moment. You felt unbelievably lucky to have gotten the gig. You were fully expecting to work with idols who hadn’t even debuted yet, but the interviewer was so impressed with your experience in the American music industry—and the way you picked up the language quickly—that he felt it would be a waste of your talent to send you to a group that could disband in a couple of years.
“Okay, it looks like they’re about to take a break,” the tour guide said before facing the four of you. “Listen, the members are very polite and kind, but please respect their privacy and their position at all times. This is meant to be a formal meeting, so please remember to be professional.”
Interesting warning, you thought. You figured there had probably been incidents with staff in the past. You could imagine. There was a lot asked of the idols in this industry. Not to mention they were all gorgeous. You hoped they wouldn’t be uncomfortable working with you. Jiyeon and her friend (“Daein” you learned) were visibly flustered. You averted your eyes, trying to focus on your breathing. I can’t get nervous, you thought, these are going to be my colleagues.
The tour guide opened the door, and the four of you filed into the studio. The atmosphere was rowdier than you expected, and more crowded.
So many people around just for a dance rehearsal? Or is it just open studio time?
There were a group of girls, one in a folding chair, the others sitting or stretching on the floor nearby, facing away from the mirrors. A group of guys on the far end of the studio, some of them even snacking, some of them talking to each other or into a camera, held by some other young person wearing a face mask. All the while, music was playing at the far end of the studio, and there they were.
Well, some of them.
You felt your stomach flip.
Well, you couldn’t imagine not reacting to them, right? They were famous. And... you didn’t know how to describe it. Standing there, next to this wary Jiyeon and her follower, Daein, and the other young guy on your tour whose name you already forgot... and the nice tour guide, and the staff in the corner she was talking to...
Somehow they all just disappeared, and you were watching the group of men in the middle of the hard studio floor, dancing in perfect sync to the music.
So this is what it’s like to be in the presence of real celebrities, was all you could think.
Your heart was pounding like crazy. You could tell that your face was probably beet red. You tried to breath.
They’re ...boys, really—you told yourself. You’d learned that age was important in Korea. You’d also learned that you were a year older than the group’s oldest member.
Seungcheol, you remembered. That was his name.
... A pretty name.
You couldn’t take your eyes off of their dancing, until suddenly the music died down.
“What, what!”
“Why are we stopping?”
A flurry of protests came from these men (—boys), and the tour guide clapped her hands together.
“We apologize for the interruption,” she bowed to the group, now paying attention to her—and facing in the direction of where you’d entered the studio, facing the four of you.
“We’d like to take just a quick moment to introduce you to these four new executive production staff that will be working with you from today. They are the sharpest and most creative candidates, and some are even coming from overseas. Please let me introduce...” she gestured to each of us, gave us a moment to bow, and tell these ... men ... that we looked forward to working hard together.
You realized there were only eight of them standing there in front of you. It didn’t feel real. ...Aren’t there thirteen of them? you wondered.
And then, as if summoned, three more of them appeared from the other side of the long room—the boys who you’d seen talking into a camera. You involuntarily caught eyes with one of them, briefly. He bowed slightly, his kind eyes crinkling.
Cute... you thought involuntarily, quickly averting your eyes and bowing slightly.
You recognized him. “Joshua.” His Korean name was “Hong Jisoo.” You wondered what to call him... You’d both lived in America, right? “Joshua” was fine, right?
“And this is Y/N, coming to us from the United States,” the tour guide said. You snapped out of it, turning to the members and bowing quickly, unable to look at them directly to see their reactions.
“It’s nice to meet all of you!”
Fuck, I sound so nervous. What the hell...
“Nice to meet you!”
“Thank you for being here!”
“Whoa, you’re American!”
“Do you speak Korean?”
“Really? Wow!”
“Wait, you know Korean?”
“We go to America all the time.”
Again, a flurry of words flew from the crowd of boys. You don’t really realize until you’re in front of this many people, but 13 is a lot... you continued to stare nowhere in particular, just avoiding their faces. But even judging by their feet, there were still only 11 of them.
As Jiyeon and the young man—who had finally put his phone away—bowed shyly and exchanged some words with a couple of the members... from what you could tell... That one must be “Hoshi”... a surprisingly average-height man with bleached blonde hair and a baggy hoodie on, speaking politely with Jiyeon, who was covering half of her face with her hand.
“Nice to meet you.” A velvety voice came from right next to you, and you jumped a little in spite of yourself before turning to face the most angelic looking man you’d ever seen in your life—grinning softly and staring right at you. You managed just a fraction of a second of eye contact before averting your gaze, positive that your face was flushed and Yoon Jeonghan could absolutely tell.
“Nice to meet you.” You bowed, suddenly conscious of every tiny gesture you were making, wondering if you shouldn’t have worn your hair down—if a ponytail or a bun would have looked more polished, or maybe you chose the wrong outfit, the wrong shoes...
“Thank you for your work,” another voice came from next to Jeonghan, and you turned and bowed. It was Seungcheol, the leader. He looked spectacular up close. They all did. It was like they weren’t even real. You couldn’t believe that real people could look so stunning, just casually.
Jeonghan and Seungcheol joined the other members, and everyone exchanged greetings before gradually returning to practice.
You couldn’t help but look at him again. He was so beautiful. You’d never seen someone like him before. Your heart was hammering in your chest. You didn’t even care how red your face probably was. How he had such a beautiful face, and a slight build... but he looked so strong at the same time. You glanced in his direction before the tour guide rounded you up again to leave for the day. 
But he was already looking right at you.
It was too unbelievable for you to look away...
“Welcome,” he mouthed at you, smiling as you were led out of the room—completely speechless.
Your eyes stayed locked until you were out of sight.
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mehiwilldoitlater · 6 months
Smoker vs Crocodile
Fight over Y/N
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We can say that this clash started mostly for Crocodile entertainment, only to be excalated in the current aggravated and pretty much shit situation that these two could have led you into.
Let's be clear on one side: if Smoker could have avoided you this mess, he would have. It's not your fault, but this is mostly a quarrel between two stubborn men who just happened to fall for the same girl in different circumstances.
When Smoker met you, the first thing that he felt was an urge to secure you and protect you from every possible danger that this world could offer. You were so nice, naive, and gentle, always ready to see the good in everyone and a possible justification for every bad action. Despite his grumpyness and his scolding, he found these traits of yours something rare that needed to be secured. You were a simple civilian, the first victim of a pirate, and of course he felt like it was his duty to arrest them and make sure that no harm came to you! And you are always so gentle and caring for him, never complaining about his attitude or his own remarks, always ready to listen to his troubles. He didn't deserve such a nice and caring little thing like you.
And, besides, he felt like it was his own fault that the warlord had his eyes on you.
Crocodile never knew about the infatuation of the Marine on you, but when his minions toild him about a Smoker significant other, he felt like a good option to finally put a leash on the Mad Dog. AH! His face when he saw him not so far from your place of work, chatting with you in such a calm demeanor that he could have fooled everyone. But Smoker knew better—that glim that appeared in his eyes once he noticed the dagger that his own eyes were throwing towards the pirate.
Awww, the brave Marine was afraid that the pirate could steal his precious little angel. Adorable...
He wanted to scare you enough to finally make that soldier sit down and cooperate, but he started to grow on you. You were such an interesting creature, believing that the system was for poor pirates who genuinely wanted to change and work for good people.
How cute...
If Smoker sees your purity as something that needs to be protected, Crocodile wants nothing more than to tear it apart, strip you of it, and devour you. But now he wants more; he wants you completely, taking you away from the grasp of that man who has now devoted his cause to you.
Every time that smoker sees a new gift from that monster on you, he feels an urge to rip it into thousand pieces or make it a new weapon to use against him. Crocodiles love putting new jewelry on your neck and collars to show their possessiveness towards you, a small and fragile girl now between two mighty contestants.
And no matter your pleas, neither of them wants to even consider surrender.
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beabnormal24 · 7 months
Hi! For the shipping asks: 👅 💖 💔 (if you want to!)
Oooh, good one. i love answering asks.
1. 👅 (ship that you find most sexy)
I mean, Charlos, of course. I guess I don’t even need to explain myself on this one, but I guess I’ll do it anyway. I will say that in my personal opinion Carlos is the sexiest, in the sense that he has that sinuosity in his movements and that elegance and finesse in his gestures that just makes him incredibily sexy.
If you want to look at it in a figurative way, I see Carlos like Matthew Macfadyen in Pride and Prejudice, so hot in his austerity.
And Charles? Prettiest boy ever, so delicate but also clumsy and silly and sexy in that completely self conscious and self confident and effortless way that attractive people who are constantly giggling their asses off are. He’s the epitome of babygirlism and sassiness, but you should not doubt him - which is exactly what Carlos never does.
Figurative example? Jonathan Bailey as Tim Laughlin in Fellow Travelers during the ‘50-‘60s episodes.
Together? Sexiest ship alive.
2. 💖 (Ship that needs more love)
Since I am deeply undecided, I’ll offer two options.
First one, George Russell and Max Verstappen, also known as Gax. Why, do you say?
Their dynamics would be incredible, apart from the entire obvious enemies to lovers mechanism, let’s spend some time talking about their characterisation - because you all know how much I like that.
George, your next door British boy, curses in lower case and says Blimey and Crikey like it’s normal. He cares about his looks and his appearance. He’s thirsty for competition, neat, honest, proper, terribly impatient although he tries his very best to not let it show.
Now, Max? Curses in bold, replaces Hello and Hi with Shit and Fuck. Doesn’t care about his appearance as much as he cares about his own cats. He’s thirsty for competition, neat, honest, proper, terribly impatient and he lets it show.
Conclusion: they’re basically the same person, just in different fonts, similar in their dissimilarities.
One is Calibra Light, the other is Calibra Bold, and they’ll clash their horns against each other like angry deers, but then they’ll notice how good they actually look together, how good they work together, how good they match and boom…
No chances for anyone else, two puzzle pieces completing each other.
Uh, I might write something about that.
Anyway, second one? Alexander Albon and Logan Sargeant. And tell me if I even need to explain myself on this one.
They are the ship, they have everything!
Logan blushing furiously and falling for Alex’s teasing and looking at him longingly and smiling like a lovesick fool whenever Alex gives him attention or jokes about his obsession with America. He’s so enamoured with Alex that he even started copying some of his attitudes, because he’s that in love.
But let’s be clear, Alex is falling just as hard, because Logan is so cute and he likes the way there’s someone who actually looks up at him - not only figuratively, lol, because Nicholas is tall - and he blushes in such a cute shade of red when he calls him Logie Bear.
Alex might be a little bit obsessed with him.
I need to write about them.
3. 💔 (ship that makes you sad)
I honestly don’t know how to answer this one, I guess it is based on personal interpretation.
I would probably say that the one that makes me a little bit sad is Dando.
Ironic, you may say, but let’s think about it for a second.
They started to bloom a little late, because Lando was still attached to Carlos and Daniel isn’t as careful around boundaries as he should be in certain situations, and although Lando has clearly grown into an overconfident young man that we love to see thriving, he does initially still need some limits - like Carlos and Oscar had religiously respected.
But then they had bloomed, they started getting along like a house on fire. People do not realise how hard it actually is to become so close in such contexts without having any strings from before - like Alex and George or Charles and Pierre or Oscar and Logan and so on.
Lando went to his house in Perth, voluntarily, just to spend time with him and do crazy stuff on his farm and have the time of his life with someone that is ten years older than him.
But they get along so well that who does even care about age differences?
But just as they started to really develop through their relationship, shit happened and they got separated.
I’m really glad they still bloomed - sharing clothes like in Monaco and sharing jet rides and visiting each other and going to dinners together and stuff - but it does make me a little sad the thought that, in some twisted way, things still tried to put themselves through their building affection.
It also makes me sad the fact that, because of all of that, they didn’t get to shine as bright as they deserved.
That’s it, hope you liked my answers and please Ant let me know about yours, too! 🩷🩷
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lifmera · 7 months
Helloooo 🖤
If its still possible, could I get a matchup for Hazbin?
I use she/pronouns and identify as bisexual (so feel free to go wild lolol)
Personality wise, I can appear very serious and reserved until I grow close with people. Then my boisterous (and not always appropriate) sense of humour comes out. I've been told by some that I'm quite witty, but I doubt how much of that is true.
I live life in the fast lane and am drawn to hustle and bustle. Some of my favourite things include musical theatre, Japanese cuisine, and the feeling of London after the sun sets.
In a relationship, I think the most important thing for me is chemistry. I need someone sharp, yet teasing to keep me engaged, through flirty and sometimes intellectual conversation.
Tysmmmm xoxo
Of course Hun!!! 🩷🩷
Req are always open!! 💞 i debated her or vaggie…
I’ve decided to pair you with …. VELVETTE
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- I think she would want you as a model at first! with your serious look.
-She’d probably tease you like she did with Carmilla, but more jokingly.
- When Velvette got to know your personality I definitely think you guys would become so close so fast.
- You both would LOVE to do crazy shit together, as long as you do it together too!!
- Velvette seems like she would hate musical theatre at first, but when she watches a show, she ends up falling in love with it and you guys would go on cute dates to the theatre!!
- If you like London Sunsets, So does she! You guys would go on cute picnic dates together. 🩷
- Velvette seems like the type of girl to eat anything you give her, so she’d enjoy any dates to a dinner, especially wanted to join in on choosing some fashion!
- I think you guys would have a lot of chemistry, especially because she would like to keep you on your toes, and definitely flirtatious after a while!
- I also think Velvette would enjoy your witty attitude! It matches hers, and though you guys may clash at times, she definitely likes that you could stand up for yourself. (She thinks its hot.)
And thank YOU for the request hun!! 💘 i hope you enjoyed it!!
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leggerefiore · 10 months
This seems like a perfect time for this ask: S/O, Inka and Emma playing with their spiders together. A little Joltik love fest. Cute kids and cute bugs!
cw: Emmet being a dad, fluff
Emmet was quite fond of gifting perfect IV arachnids to those in his life that he loved. Of course, that meant his spouse and children were unlikely to be without one. In fact, he went out of his way to breed a shiny one for you as a gift that acted more as a proposal gift than your engagement ring did. He staged up for many days, working to breed similarly for the girls. In the end, each of you had a Joltik that would probably cost a decent amount from any normal breeder.
Your daughters were instantly in love with the little electric bugs, proving furthermore that they were their father's children. Emma seemed more fond of using her Joltik as a pet, decorating it and cuddling with it more than battling with it. Inka, on the other hand, well, it became quite a scene seeing the girl challenge her father first thing after getting it and him destroying her in battle. She was not exactly happy with him, and neither were you. He insisted it was preparing her for real battles, though. You did not think so when she was crying into your shoulder about the loss. It did not destroy her urge to battle, though, if the calls from her school about bad recess etiquette were anything to go off.
You sighed as the sun shone down on the open field pleasantly. Emma was laid out on the blanket with her Joltik sitting on her head, almost like a decoration. It had a silken black ribbon tied around it and appeared like a piece of her outfit. She was staring at her phone with a bored expression. You guessed she was not much for a family outings. It was understandable, you supposed. Her sister was quite busy trying to defeat their father after all.
Inka stood opposed to her father, who only was using his Galvantula in a single battle against her. Despite using an unevolved pokemon, she was actually managing to keep him on his toes. It was strange seeing how similar their movements and attitudes were as they clashed. Poor Galvantula seemed mortified to be nearly defeated by one of her many younger siblings. Emma perked up at the sight, putting down her phone to watch the two with you.
Inka pointed forward as her Joltik bounced into the air to let out a strong electric attack. Galvantula took the hit and fell back, letting out a cry. Emmet stood mortified for a moment and stared at his now fainted pokemon. Calling back the poor thing into her pokeball, he turned his attention to Inka. You and Emma observed curiously as he planned his next move.
Inka let out a scream when he rushed over to pick her up, spinning the poor girl around while giggling. Emma gasped at your side and stumbled forward, clearly wanting to join in on the affection. As she approached and pulled on the end of his shirt, he stopped and picked her up too. You smiled at the sight of the two girls being spun around. Emmet could clearly support at least one hundred twenty pounds. He placed the down with one last laugh and crashed into the grass.
Both girls looked at each other.
“Emma, fight me,” Inka demanded, hands going to her hips as her Joltik hopped onto her shoulder. The older twin tilted her head in reply.
“No,” she said plainly. You could see Emmet frown in response. Emma was not too fond of battling with her Joltik. To her, it was a cute friend, not a battle companion. Inka whined, but you intervened.
“Why don't you two just play with your Joltiks?” you offered, placing a hand on Inka's shoulder, “Bonding is just as important as training. Your papa lets his Galvantula cling to him often.” Emmet nodded in support of your statement. The younger girl frowned but agreed. All four of you ended back on the blanket with food out. Inka easily fed her Joltik a battery, while Emma's squeaked nearby for its own. The older twin pulled out one from her father's pocket to feed hers, who squeaked again in contentment. Emmet observed them with a big grin. You sighed as your own whined for food, its purple eyes staring up at you desperately.
Your husband let out a giggle as he pulled out another battery to feed the little thing. It eagerly ate. The girls stared at your Joltik for a moment before Emma spoke. “Why is it purple?” she tilted her head, “It's… brighter than ours.” Emmet sighed. Breeding two shiny, perfect IV Joltiks for his daughters had proved too much, unfortunately.
“They're shiny,” you picked up the bug to show them. They observed it closely. Inka even dared a few pokes at the bug. When she rubbed its back, it let out a small purr-like sound, and she gasped. “Your dad got in trouble with the local governing bodies for breeding so many Joltiks to get them,” you explained. Emmet faked offence beside you. Elesa had been pretty angry about the sheer amount of Joltiks he had bred for your own to emerge.
They both turned to look at him. He just shrugged. “… They're like… another sister,” Inka chimed in, “Emma, they're your big sister. You have to do what they say.” The older twin glared at her younger counterpart. Her expression reminded you too much of Ingo's own towards Emmet.  You could only laugh at their intense discussion about whether the Joltik counted as their sibling while you leaned your head on Emmet's shoulder. His arm came around your own as you both just enjoyed the sight of your children bickering and playing.
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blessed-curse · 2 years
Romantic And Solemn.
♥︎ Claire & MC clash.
Thick Irish Accent.
"Stop and listen to me for a sec!"
"Get de foehck ooeht o' me way!"
"Who are ye to stahp me?"
"I-I'm just... just someone looking for redemption..."
"Dahn't make me laoehgh! Do ye know what 'e ded? Do ye!?
Let ask ye dis [mester/mess] redemption seeker..."
"If i was to kell everyahne ye ever cahnsidered to be impahrtant in yooehr life, everyahne dat's ever meant anythin even sahmethin to you. Right now."
"Maybe den i'd stahp and take de time to lesten to ye."
"Because den maybe... maybe den ye wooehld 'ave sahme idea, sahme semblance as to 'ow i feel."
You look at her solemnly, with a small tired smile.
"That's an interesting proposal..... But I'm afraid your 12 millenia to late... Because... everyone I ever loved... has already been killed."
English Version with slight Irish Accent.
"Stop and listen to me for a sec!"
"Get de fuck out of my way!"
"Who are ye to stop me!?"
"I-I'm just... just someone looking for redemption..."
"Redemption!? Don't make me laugh! Do ye know what he ded? Do ye!?"
"Let ask you this [mister/miss] Redemption Seeker..."
"If I was to kill everyone ye ever considered to be important in your life, everyone dat's ever meant anythin, even something to ye. Right now."
"Maybe then I'd stop and take the time to listen to ye."
"Because den maybe... maybe then ye would have some idea, some semblance as to how I feel."
You look at her solemnly, with a small tired smile.
"That's an interesting proposal..... But I'm afraid your 12 millenia to late... Because everyone I ever loved has already been killed."
♥︎ MC & Ryan
Ryan holds you by the shoulder as he looks at you seriously and says, "Look you can wallow in self-pity and guilt..."
"Or you can stand above it."
"Strive for better, stop living in the present, stop being held back by the past, and live for the future."
"Plus... that self-pity attitude is kind of cramping my style." A small smile tugs at the corner of his lips.
♥︎ MC & Sophie
As she hugs you from behind and her breath runs along your back, she says just above a whisper, "You can hide it from everyone else but you can't hide it from me."
"I've seen those kind of eyes before, ...and I know what they do to people... I should know best... so whatever is eating you up on the inside..."
"DON'T LET IT WIN!!!" She shouts to the world as tears begin to prick in her voice.
".....And if you need a-... a listening ear I–I'm always up for it. After all- you can count on me, since that is what friends are for, right?"
♥︎ MC & Evelyn
As she strokes your hair gently,... almost motherly.
"Oh, my dear bunny... here's a word of advice for you."
"There are two types of guilt. One, a type of guilt that Swallows us whole into a perpetual never-ending whirlpool of misery and pain, that drowns us until we are nothing more than a useless ragdoll. Floating in an endless Ocean of misery and dread of our own making."
A kind smile appears on her cold, yet gentle face, "Or two, we can use our guilt to build a fire. Even if it's only one ember at a time. As long as we keep that fire going and refuse to let the cold in when it comes knocking. We can use those embers to stoke the flames of forgiveness and change."
Suddenly a roguish grin graces her lips, as she continues to twirl your hair in her one hand.
"After all such a beautiful face definitely doesn't deserve such sad eyes, you're ruinning such a cute portrait."
♥︎ MC & Nathan
"Guess what!"
"Just because we build up walls around our hearts we close ourselves off to the world, or to those offering a helping hand doesn't mean you should."
A genuine smile falls upon his lips, as he says in the silkest voice ever, "After all... you were there for me in my darkest hour. So I'll be there for yours, through Fire and Ice for all the good and the bad."
♥︎ MC & Ethan
"When life hits harder than usual or when we stumble and fall in our way we're bound to pick up a few scars and heartaches."
He smiles as he stares off into the unknown and continues,
"In the Japanese art of kinsugi broken pottery pieces are repaired with gold. This unique and beautiful art highlights the cracks and scars rather than trying to hide them and this is to represent that we are beautiful because we're broken."
He looks at you with the brightest of smiles, "What an awesome perspective, don't you think? Anyways where was I? ...Oh yes! The bad days make the good days sweeter and failures are opportunities to grow. And if you've ever had the thought just because you're broken you can never be loved or beautiful..."
He then turns serious, but his voice carries none of the harshness.
"I hope you know that's a straight up lie. To be human is to broken, and to be broken is to be unique. And to be unique... well it's to be beautiful." As he looks at you deep into your eyes as his turn soft and longing...
♥︎ MC & Kina
"We don’t recover from grief, and that’s—Okay."
A tired yet knowing smile graces her tired face.
"It's okay to cry, it's okay to say I messed up, it's okay to ask for help."
"So what I'm saying is... if you need a shoulder to cry on I'll be there for you. All you all have to do is ask." She smiles at you with the smile of a thousand loving angels.
♥︎ MC & Liam
"Look here I'm gonna give your piece of advice my old pops gave me, that I should've taken before he passed."
He then looks you dead in the eyes as he holds your face between his hands.
"Guilt is created from our past actions and the longer we continue to linger in the present trying to forget our guilt, our regrets, our actions. The sooner it's delivered to us whether we like it or not."
A small sliver of sadness flickers in the corner of his eyes, as he continues with a wistful smile.
"Tragically in the form of immeasurable suffering and pain."
"But guess what!"
"As long as we have someone we can lean on whether they be friend... or something more... just know... that you're not alone."
"So in the end what I'm trying to get at is... I'm here for you... if you need me." He then looks at you lovingly.
"Look I know the world can be cruel an unforgiving place filled with Darkness that whispers and eats away at us."
"But let me say this, no matter what you did, no matter who you were, that's in the past."
"And there's nothing you or I can do to change that. But you and I live in the now. And that's why I believe everybody deserves a happy ending. Even you. So don't let this be the end."
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uc-beepboop · 2 years
Hi more brainrot lots of words feel free to read or nah. You can do whatever I just wanted somewhere to dump my thoughts and, perhaps, someone else wanted to ask and give me their two cents. Cuz I kinda throw shade at my beloved D&D podcast, but not with the intention of actual criticism, just of what occurred during arc 9.
I had this idea of writing this fanfic one shot of (Arc 9 of UC incoming) Juniper Erydis and Julian Crimeboy meeting but now I’m faced with this problem.
As mentioned in the verbal component, Gus mentioned that when he played Julian and Grace played Juniper they ran up against this issue that ultimately the two characters just were NOT compatible with each other.
Essentially: Julian wants autonomy, to be seen as someone who is capable, NOT a babied 11 year old child. Juniper wants to have a child that she can act as a protector, even as she recognizes that she’s not a good mother, she desperately wants to be a mother for Julian. That means she enjoys Julian for his cute 11 year old appearance and his child-like attitude. Well, Julian hated that.
During the arc, there were a couple of clashes between the two characters due to the reasons I typed up.
Now how does that relate to my brainrot?
I literally don’t know how to write these characters pre-arc. I don’t know their dynamic, and even as I listens to the pre- arc 9 one shot, it was still hard to piece together this happy Julian and Juniper dynamic.
Right now my way of dealing with this is to write an extremely traumatized Julian and a less confident (in regards to dealing with Julian) Juniper. But dang, that’s not the dynamic that these two characters should have held for like 5 years. I wanted to go explore something that occurred on the side like a little one shot, but I never can find a way to resolve it well enough so that it fits into that episode 1 interaction between the two characters.
Anyways yeah after I’m done with my like 4k long fic of arc 6 I’ll get to something else eventually! Highlight on eventually!
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kimbap-r0ll · 2 years
I saw that mitsuri ask some one requested and that was adorable so I was think maybe a obanai like reader who's cold to most people, has a pet snake and wears a mask etc with the dormleader <3
Hello! Sorry this is so late, like this was in my inbox for a long time ;-;. I've been getting busier now, but here it is!
Dorm leaders with Obanai!reader
He doesn't mind if you act cold to most people, at least you're direct when you need to be.
Riddle is a bit concerned with you having a pet snake wrapped around you all the time. As long as it doesn't cause a disruption however he doesn't care
Thinks of your mask as a style choice, and honestly he wouldn't mind if you had it on or not. If you ever decide to show your full appearance, he'll be happy too.
Overall I don't think he would see you as being anyone that annoys him. You two might be the two scariest people in the campus together haha, a total power-couple!
He's fine with you being cold to others, but if you happen to use your sharp tongue on him when he's not feeling it, he might corner you to a wall and ask you to say it nicer (it's scary, plz don't push him to this). Of course, he usually isn't like that, and instead he just nods casually to whatever you said.
Having a snake around your neck does concern him a bit. He knows that you can't be safe with that around your neck, but if it makes you feel better, so be it.
He doesn't mind the mask and he'll respect your choice of having it on. He won't ask if he can see your full appearance until you decide to show him.
Similar to Riddle, he's pretty chill with you. Some people might wonder how Leona and you match because they think Leona would clash with you, but to him you're just a very calm vibe. He likes it that way.
He doesn't like it when you're too direct to him. Sometimes the truth hurts ;-;. But he does like it when you're cold to others or you're super clear about what you want to say. He might make you second-in-charge with the Mostro Lounge because you can get most of the Octavinelle students in line so fast.
He's really worried about you having a snake around you. Sure, you seemed completely fine with having it with you, but he's a bit scared haha.
With your mask, he doesn't mind. He understands if you're sensitive to showing your full appearance, especially because he has insecurities himself. He'll respect your decisions, but if you do show him your full appearance he'll just fall in love even more.
Thinks of you as someone to admire, absolutely a boss. But overall, he's pretty chill with you, and you two scare the newer students in NRC haha.
The one that won't take your cold attitude very well. He knows you don't hate him, but he can't help feel a bit hurt when you say things super directly.
But the snake? He doesn't mind at all! He's seen people with exotic pets before, and he wants Jamil to see your snake. By the way, Jamil loves it.
He might ask about your full appearance one day, but he respects your decision if you don't show it to him at that moment. He wants you to be comfortable with him, and he'll support you. If you do show your full appearance, he just beams with a "wow, you're so cute!"
He loves you for who you are, as scary or as adorable as you are. Kalim definitely thinks that you're someone to admire, but he also likes to take you on flights on his magic carpet haha.
He likes that you have a sharp tongue. The two of you are so direct to each other some people wonder if you two are bickering. Mostly, you two are just conversing but it just sounds scary.
He does worry about you having a snake with you at all times. He tells you that it might choke you to death, but you have to reassure him that you'll be fine. He won't touch the snake.
He will tell you that if you keep a mask on all the time, it irritate your skin. He tells you to remember taking care of your skin by taking the mask off on certain occasions. He respects your decision to show him or not, but know that if you do show him your full appearance, he smiles warmly and just comments how charming you are.
Overall you two are an absolute power couple together. The poor first years who cross you two will be in for the most scary scolding of their lifetimes.
Thinks that you're way too direct, but at least you protect him from people when he needs it. You scare others away, and you know what? If that works for the best for both of you, so be it.
Thinks that having a snake with you is super cool, though he would be scared to pet it. He asks you how you found yourself with the snake, and he's just super interested overall. Though he's techy, he likes learning about your interests and likes/dislikes.
He totally gets your decision to wear a mask to hide your appearance. Just know that if you do show him your full appearance, he blushes super hard and has a hard time maintaining eye-contact. He mutters out how cute you are.
Overall he might think that you look a lot like someone he knows from an anime, but he still thinks that you're an amazing person. He admires you for who you are.
He doesn't mind if you happen to have a sharp tongue. He'll find ways to fluster you on accident, and he likes watching you blush.
He doesn't mind if you have a snake with you either. Similar to Idia, he'll ask you how you and your pet met each other and what kinds of things you like to do with them. He will attempt to pet it!
Malleus will respect you wearing a mask. He wants you to be comfortable with him and feel safe. If you do show him your full appearance though, know that it will catch him off-guard but he'll go back to smiling warmly and saying you look beautiful.
The fae prince thinks that you're just so adorable to him, no matter how cold you may seem. He just likes how you get flustered to light teasing. Also, the whole school thinks you two are a power couple.
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whiskehorange · 3 years
Hi! Me again. Could you please write some headcanons or a scenario with Bubba, Thomas or ghostface (Billy or Stu) with a male s/o that does random sweet, cute stuff. Like he sees their tired so he gently holds their face and press soft kisses to their forhead/nose; will randomly kiss them on the cheek and or hold their hand. I love your work and I hope you have a wonderful day you absolutely amazingly beautiful human!❣️
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Bubba is a bashful sucker for any physical attention you give him and most of the time can't contain his excitement around you anyways. There are a lot of times that Bubba vocally and physically stims to release all of that energy from your kisses
While he isn't picky about the contact, Bubba eagerly enjoys hand holding. It's the easiest and more convenient way that he knows to show his affection towards you and to receive it. He's a simple man
Actively searched for you throughout the day for contact and soothing words. With how chaotic it is with all of his brothers Bubba is brought down a lot and isn't quite sure how to handle it so he always comes looking for you! You have the best way of soothing and showing him how much you love and care for him
It is hard for him to get work done when he requires your touch but it's something he's willing to work with. Bubba finds himself scurrying across the house from task to you to task throughout the entire day
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Thomas is quite similar to Bubba in regards to being very overwhelmed with the nature of his household and just exactly how to release his emotions throughout the day. Thomas often finds himself exceptionally depressed and no way to let it out until you came along
He appreciates everything you do for and to him with every ounce of his being and refuses to let you think that he doesn't appreciate you. While his affection is a bit different than yours, he is still learning
Kisses are his kryptonite. There isn't a lot of affection that he receives that actually make his brain shut down completely, but kisses will do it, especially to his face. He's self-conscious and nervous but you reassure him that you love him no matter what
Routinely sits down every hour or so with you on his lap so that you can give him kisses and pamper his tired hands and body. You're his little, scary bodyguard and masseuse
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Enjoys the superiority he gets whenever you gentle give him affection. It's a power and an ego booster depending on his mood but especially if it's in public. Billy is subtle about how to responds to your touch but he does enjoy it
He's possessive over your touch and can grow very grouchy if gone too long without it. While he isn't very vocal about wanting your touch again you can tell by his mood and stance when he's in need or just needy. He get's what he wants
Playing with his fingers and kissing his knuckles as he converses if a soft spot for him. Making sure to relay this affection by running his thumb along your skin and using his other hand to squeeze you gently as you do so
Your demeanors clash in a good way while in public. Your soft appearances and his stoic, sturdy posture as he walks alongside his boyfriend. You're the little ray of sunshine that has an odd amount of physical control over him to keep him sane for the time being
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Unlike Billy, Stu is heavy on the PDA when it comes to your relationship. Any amount of soft affection you give him through the day is met back with 10x force and effectiveness. Stu thrives off of this attention and doesn't settle for anything less
It's expected of you at this point for comfort and touch no matter the circumstances or environment and he makes that very apparent, you know he isn't very quite about what he wants
A competition breaks out every time no matter if you meant it to or not and he's set out to win. Stu adores your cutesy attitude and makes sure to compliment on how handsome you look coddling him. Go on, wipe that red off of your cheeks and give him a phat kiss
Any sort of kiss is a go to with Stu but that doesn't make him any less handy. Especially when you mindlessly play with his hair and kiss the top of his ears, it's an easy way to knock him into a deep sleep if he happens to be getting on your nerves
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londonrih · 3 years
I agree with your take on Chris! The way he spoke and treated Lucy when he first met her shouldn’t be ignored and isn’t comparable to Tim who was a broken man in S1. That behaviour from Chris was established for a reason in my opinion and I definitely think it’s going to come up again and they’ll clash over a case. It’ll probably be tied to the social justice sl they’re going for with Lucy. Just because he was nice in one episode doesn’t mean he’ll stay that way.
Yes, Tim was an ass I will admit, but he has his reasons, like you said—he was broken because if so many things. Chris was just trying to make Lucy look bad like she doesn’t know how to do her job or something, there’s a difference.
What Chris did shouldn’t be ignored! It shouldn’t whether he has a cute appearance or not—his attitude towards Lucy made him extremely unattractive.
The way he was introduced—there’s definitely a reason. Most likely he’ll be like this next episode since we do see him in like 20 million episodes.
But because he’s cute it’s not a problem. 🤷🏾‍♀️
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emmarzhere · 3 years
3am AU time: Sanders Sides Swap!!
Once again I can’t sleep due to my brain insisting it’s much more important to write down these ideas for a Light and Dark side swap AU than sleep, so 3AM TUMBLR RAMBLE IT IS BABYYYY!!!
So I wanted to try using traits already existing in each character to make their inverses, rather than just swapping traits or completely changing the character’s core values, and these are my initial late night ideas:
(Note: I saved this as a draft and revisited it in the morning / afternoon to make sure it all actually made sense and to add to it with a fresh mind)
(Extra note: I accidentally lost all my additions and the entirety of Patton’s and Virgil’s descriptions by refreshing the page, so it’ll now be written out again in a less formatted way. DAMN YOU TUMBLRRRR!!!!!!)
My initial reaction was to make Roman “Pride”, and extend on his egocentric nature (like what is done with many Dark!Roman interpretations), however five minutes of laying in bed thinking about it later I found a trait I felt fit him better: Delusion.
This Roman could still be very much “Netflix kids and family”, living and trying to make Thomas live in a fantasy land where everything is always fine and dandy. This insistence of only seeing things through his figurative or not so figurative rose tinted glasses makes this Roman very naive and hard to get through to, and while on the surface appears very appealing to Thomas (when they first meet Thomas doesn’t understand why Roman counts as a dark side) can be very dangerous if Thomas leans too much into his ways of escaping reality, aka making Thomas a delusional person. The best part of this choice of trait for Roman is that I can still tie in his ego; delusions can be fuel people’s egos, and also to protect them from harsh realities, hence why Delusional works as a role for Roman.
While normally I see Dark Side Roman designed to be an evil prince or king, I decided to go for a more glamorous look which I think fitted my version more: Roman would wear a pristine black and red suit consisting of a red waistcoat, tie and trousers, a black button up shirt and black or red heeled boots. I also wanted his design to link to the white peacock (a rare type caused by a genetic mutation), so I topped off the outfit with either a vintage white shawl or a Cruella style coat (leaning towards Cruella because we know Roman and Disney!) with white peacock feathers attached (still trying to decide if I want Roman to have decorated the feathers with red and black accents or not), and a pair of literal rose tinted glasses to hide his white peacock eyes - pale blue with a glassy look to them which always gives the impression that he is far away, even when he’s not.
Finally his sword is replaced with a grandiose black walking stick with silver details, along with the handle being a silver peacock head (note: possibly detachable from the cane to reveal a silver knife?). I chose this as weapons like these in fiction are often used to appear innocent, only to reveal a hidden depth of skill and character; a description which I think applies well to Delusional Roman.
Extra note: Delusional Roman gets snappy, angry, or even threatening when people try to break him out of or correct him on his delusional ways, though he will often try to slip deeper into his fantasies than actually deal with emotional confrontations.
Extra extra note: Roman is incredibly jealous of his brother as he can’t understand why he’s been accepted despite Roman being the one who creates such wonderfully perfect worlds for Thomas to escape off into! He’s also jealous of how his brother doesn’t care what others think of his work and doesn’t seek validation from the others, not that Roman would ever admit that he does either of those things.
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So the 3 main aspects of Patton I felt would work best for a Dark Side are his destructive selflessness, his overly strong morale compass and how he encompasses many of Thomas’ more negative feelings.
I couldn’t decide whether to officially label him as “Denial” or “Repression”, but either way he holds a similar role: he represses his / Thomas’ negative feelings, as well as tries to push Thomas to do the morally right thing (as he still represents Morality, just not as his main trait) which almost always is the selfless option. It’s almost impossible to convince this Patton that his viewpoint is not necessarily the correct choice (he’s in denial that he as Morality can ever be in the wrong), and he becomes hostile when his views are continuously challenged.
The light sides see Patton as the main holder and cause of Thomas’ negative feelings (eg. makes Thomas act selfless and do things for others until he’s burnt out and depressed), and when Thomas is feeling these negative feelings Patton experiences them but more strongly to the point where the others have to force him out of bed (usually Logan) and take care of him until he and Thomas get out of the depressive slump. However once he’s out he will deny that he was the problem and begin pushing Thomas down the self-destructive path again.
While this Patton will deny his depression and many negative feelings, he is still not as upbeat as Happy-Pappy-Pal-Canon-Patton, matching more with how the side acts in more serious moments such as at the end of SvS redux. He will smile and comfort others, but laughter and puns are rarely seen.
Another thing about this dark side Patton is that he is very manipulative (a trait shifted from Janus to Patton), even if he doesn’t believe himself to be. He uses his role as “morale compass” to invalidate other’s opinions if they clash with his, and often emotionally hurts the sides he gets close to by caring for them and performing selfless acts for them to show his love (eg. makes breakfast for the other Darks sides every morning, goes out of his way to learn more about their interests so that they can have someone to talk to them about) followed by him simplifying complex morale dilemmas in a way that makes it appear that his option is the only correct one, making the others feel bad about their differing viewpoints (a bit like how Roman felt invalidated and morally wrong throughout SvSR as his views didn’t line up with Patton’s).
This Patton wears a worn out pale blue shirt with a fraying black jumper over the top, leaving only the collar of the shirt visible. He has frog features too; with blots of green skin scattered all over his body, slightly webbed hands and he croaks! The splodges grow larger the more emotion Patton represses. He also really doesnt like his frog features as they don’t align with the perfect image of himself that Patton has in his head, so he tries to cover them up as much as possible with his black jumper, pale blue gloves (leather ones as he tried woollen ones and his frog skin made them go sticky) and baggy trousers, although there isn’t much he can do to hide the blots on his face or his brown frog eyes....
(He’s also constantly worn out as frog-pops has no clue what self-care even means)
Extra note: Patton goes through a sort of alternate character development to canon Patton, where as he begins to be accepted by some of the Light Sides and Thomas they discuss how he doesn’t just represent Thomas’ negative feelings, but all of his feelings; a lot of them are just also accidentally repressed alongside the “bad” feelings. As time goes on Patton becomes more cheerful and goofy, even dropping the occasional dad joke, although never quite to the levels of canon Patton.
Extra extra note: The happier this Patton is, the less faded the blues on his clothes become (much like Virgil’s eyeshadow), until at moments of peak happiness his gloves and shirt are canon Patton blue (eg. when Thomas is with Nico, or when Janus and Thomas first accepted him). Cute blue embroidered designs also form on his black jumper at peak happiness, such as butterflies, simple cats, pawprints and frogs.
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So Logan is the only side I have decided to leave with the same official trait title: Logic, although he also has the orange trait Anger within him. He will also be taking the place of Virgil as the Dark Side who is prematurely accepted.
However Logan here is still different from canon Logan: he represses and denies his emotions even more than canon due to the other dark sides attitudes towards him (Delusional Roman in particular does not appreciate the truth bombs and logical reasoning the calculator watch drops), leading to more angry outbursts / orange showing through. This makes Logan a horribly unstable side, with him appearing completely apathetic to any sort of feeling for an undetermined period of time until he next reaches his limit and has an explosion of rage - he holds both Logic and Anger/Orange in him here, but the anger shows through a lot more due to his circumstances.
His clothes are always shredded and falling apart due to him tearing them when he’s angry + the rage can come out like an explosion that wrecks everything in his surrounding area, including the clothes on him. He sticks to plain black t shirts and trousers to start with as he claims he doesn’t see the point in putting effort into an outfit as he has no desire to please others.
However when Thomas starts making videos Logan can’t help but show up from time to time. He is unsure why as he could not care less what Thomas or the idiotic “Light Sides” think of him, though he figures while he’s there he might as well educate the buffoons so they can reach more informed, educated conclusions to their constant dilemmas.
At first the Lights don’t take his presence well, and more times than one he’d leave towards the end of an episode to explode in the privacy of his room. But surprisingly they eventually start listening to him, considering his inputs, and Logan leaves filming shoots satisfied, even popping into the Light Side’s area occasionally outside of filming days to talk to them.
However Logan notices a pattern as time goes on: the more he’s around the Light Sides, the less he goes Orange. He tests it by spending a week only hanging with the Lights and finds that his anger barely built up at all. Logan quickly reaches the conclusion that his orange trait isn’t actually uncontrollable, it’s how the others treated him that made it so hard to act civil. That is what leads to Logan hating the Dark Sides (much like canon Virgil does) and finally joining the lights.
Soon after being accepted Logan has an outfit change, where he goes from his burnt, tattered rags to his canon outfit, as he finally feels stable and appreciated enough to trust himself in not ruining a nice new Logic outfit. From then on his journey is about accepting that he has feelings and learning that they’re valid.
Extra note: Logan’s worst fear is the idea of going Orange in front of Thomas or the Light Sides - he finally has people who listen to him and if they see his orange side it might scare them off or they’ll lose any respect for him they had. Worst of all they could get hurt…
Extra extra note: Neither Thomas or any of the Light Sides apart from Janus are aware that Logan holds the Orange trait, believing that he only ever was Logic, just more apathetic to start with (and they actually all buy his reasoning of his old outfit being trashed due to him not caring enough about appearances to fix it, to Janus’s dismay but not disbelief - a bunch of himbos, the lot of them!).
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Virgil still represents the “Fight or Flight” response in this AU, just without the excess Anxiety. His official title would be “Instinct”, and he would be more confident than canon Virgil. The decrease in anxiety would also make him better at making rational decisions, though he would still freak out and make not-so-great choices in stressful situations.
Rather than a spider, I decided to link this Virgil more strongly with a cat, with heightened senses, lightning reflexes and eyes that reflect light much like a cats. These additions also match with his change of aesthetic from patchwork emo to fantasy vigilante mixed with bright purple punk, plus the addition of purple eyeshadow applied actually correctly. I made this choice as both canon and this Virgil see themselves as a protector of Thomas, yet Virgil is still slightly more morally grey than the other 2 Light Sides (sort of like canon Logan) hence a darker design. Plus is it really Virgil at all if he doesn’t spend his free time listening to MCR?
Virgil also takes the role of canon Roman when it comes to Patton being accepted: he initially falls strongly for Patton’s caring qualities, with the Dark side helping sooth his anxious moments and suggesting that Thomas make other non-selfish options that don’t make Virgil feel as anxious as some of Janus’ options. So for Patton’s first few conflicts Virgil sticks up for him, claiming he’s not all bad. Then he witnesses how Patton’s selfless choices affect Thomas and realises he’s been manipulated; there was no reason to go all the way with Patton’s choice and hurt Thomas, yet Patton had convinced him that it was either his way or the wrong way, no compromises available.
So by the time Patton reveals his name Virgil really dislikes him and makes a snarky remark in which Patton replies with a jab at how he didn’t realise being Thomas’ protector meant that you could be as evil as you wanted with none of the consequences. Virgil’s equivalent line to Roman’s hero one could be something like “Don’t you trust me?” or “I thought I was your best friend?” - then again Roman’s hero line does work with this version of Virgil.
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This was one of the easiest traits to decide: with a lot of his more manipulative and deceitful traits being distributed between Patton and Roman, Janus is officially titled “Self-Preservation”, and while he doesn’t claim the father role like Patton does, he is still very much seen as a parental figure and guiding light for Thomas and the lights. He tries to be warm and welcoming to the Light sides (part of his role is to take care of Thomas, hence taking care of the parts that make Thomas), and they naturally gather around him as he gives off a safe aura.
However he is not quite as kind to the Darks - he still has the role of managing what truths Thomas can handle, so he controls which sides stay hidden from him. The darks being revealed tends to be down to him slipping up or the side finding a way around his defences more than by him deciding Thomas is ready to meet them, and each time it happens he beats himself up over it and tries to work harder to not let it happen again. The problem he doesn’t realise is that the slip ups tend to happen in the first place due to him overworking himself to make the others / Thomas happy - he doesn’t quite perform the self-care he preaches about.
I’m still not quite sure where I want to go with Janus’ outfit: the initial thought was to put him in a more Patton inspired attire, however this is still Janus, and he is still a theatrical boi. I ended up settling for a mainly cottage-core aesthetic with a flowy long sleeve yellow shirt made out of a light fabric, brown trousers and an overly large sunhat. He also drapes himself in bright patterned shawls and wraps (still predominantly yellow in colour) as while he doesn’t look as snake-like as he canonically does he still has certain snake traits, such as a weakness to the cold and a yellow tint to his left eye.
However snake features do begin to form later on into the AU as Thomas’ views on Lights and Darks alter over time: he begins to realise that despite how it appears Janus is not always in the right, such as how if it hadn’t been for mistakes Thomas would never have met the Darks and learnt to grow as a person - in fact if Self-Preservation got the say in everything he would likely do little growing whatsoever. He and in turn the other Lights begin to find Janus too stifling until SvSR happens where under the stress Janus becomes a true snake boi. The scales and proper snake eye don’t fade afterwards due to Thomas’ subconscious change in perspective, and while it is a big new insecurity at first over time Janus learns to accept these new changes to himself and the Mindscape, and begins adding a touch of darker mystical aesthetic to his look (slightly fantasy fortune teller based) to match his new look better - although cottage-core remains his go to!!
Extra note: In this AU Janus is definitely the side that would most likely be seen going around the Mindscape in a dress (Roman would also wear dresses on occasion but mainly only within his daydreams in the Imagination); he is all about taking care of yourself, and that includes wearing what makes you happy! Though I’m still kind of tempted to put him in a dress full time...
Extra extra note: while Janus is very much the “adult figure” in the Light Mindscape, he still has his goofy moments like in canon - in general he is more relaxed and jokey with the others...though he’s still a sarcastic shet.
(I struggled finding images that matched at all with the ideas in my head, so take these as very vague links to the actual design)
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Oh boy, Remus is a fun one...
So now that Roman is the twin known by a different title (like how canon Remus is referred to as “Intrusive Thoughts”), Remus now has claim to the Creativity role!! However Remus isn’t going to do a 180 personality wise - he’s still going to be a chaotic gremlin, just with a light side twist.
His design is purposely all over the place: his aesthetic is mainly pirate based with a long sleeve pirate shirt, loose black trousers and heeled black and silver pirate boots, alongside a dark green pirate jacket and slightly brighter bandana. However he has other seemingly random elements thrown in there, such as a white and green hero cape (fuck what Edna says) coming off the back of the coat, and random colourful potions in the green belt under his coat alongside a knight’s sword. This mismatched look is due to the type of imagination Remus provides: while he still represents and creates intrusive thoughts, he also creates adventure stories and life goals/dreams for Thomas, hence takes a form that has mixed elements from Thomas’ self-inserts and protagonists for said stories. While he personally loves his messy design (do you know how much fun can be had with magic potions, swords, tentacles, and a day in the Imagination? Remus sure does), it does cause some arguments between him and Logan over how illogical him and his ideas are (like canon Roman and Logan).
Roman makes this Remus....uncomfortable. Not necessarily because of his ideas (those are just dull and vomit-worthy in his opinion), but because of how he can’t separate dreams and reality - while Remus loves coming up with Imaginative stories for Thomas and setting slightly outlandish goals for the future, he has a level of awareness that Roman lacks in how he knows Thomas won’t ACTUALLY end up being a morally grey pirate travelling the seas to claim back the magical pendant of octopus powers (unless...). He’s also uneasy with how easily Thomas can fall for Roman’s delusions of grandeur and romance, in fact it opens up quite a major insecurity on how despite being the “good” twin his brother seems to succeed more as the creative role, eg. how Thomas will come up with a dream future career path, husband and even car in a matter of seconds yet Remus has to slave and hone in on decent ideas for weeks to reach his own standard.
This leads to another thing about Remus: while he doesn’t care what others think of his ideas (the trait I mentioned earlier that Roman was jealous of) he hold a high standard to himself and gets extremely happy when he perfects an idea. Besides he still wants his ideas to actually be used by Thomas as them being dismissed for not being good enough does hurt (a bit like how Remus got frustrated in the recent episode with how his “good” intrusive creations were being torn apart by Logan’s methods).
Extra note: The fact that Thomas doesn’t like or appreciate some of his darker ideas / intrusive thoughts doesn’t bother Remus too much as he tends to put less effort into them as he knows they won’t be liked - he just can’t help that they pop into his head and he has to get them out - repression is bad after all! However maybe there can be some episode drama about Remus wanting to be less stifled and have Thomas at least consider some of his more mature themes that he thinks would be good to expand upon.
Extra extra note: Just assuring the fact that Remus not caring what the others think about his work does not correlate with him not caring about the others. He loves his fellow Light Sides and Thomas - he’s just confident in his own craft and while appreciates advice and improvements from the others (he and Logan have a field day on creating biologically accurate gore together) he also is aware that HE is Creativity, and he understands his craft better than the others.
Extra extra EXTRA note: Wasn’t really sure how to put it in there but Remus still represents Thomas’ lust. Do with that what you want.
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So all these changes to the sides....of course it has it’s effects on character!Thomas! However I’m getting REALLY tired now so this will be done in bullet points:
Not as Disney-centric as canon/real Thomas.
Has less issues with Anxiety, and more issues dealing with Depression
His morals start off a bit more flexible than canon due to always having we-live-in-a-society Janus as his guide
Still has intrusive thoughts, but not as debilitating with the lower levels of anxiety and the much better relationship with Remus.
Still overworks himself trying to help others (nice one Patton!)
Might have a different career due to Roman being more out the frame - maybe goes into writing instead with Remus’ more diverse form of creativity.
Does explore more diverse creative ideas and darker themes, but still out of habit sometimes puts down possibly good ideas as on surface level they appear too morally wrong.
However could possibly be in a non-creative career, and his major longing for a new career path could be what allows Roman through for the first time.
Less dad jokes but still incredibly goofy with both Remus and Janus being more present.
I think I’m going to wrap up there for now! I may make some art for this at some point, but I also want other’s opinions and ideas for this AU.
If you made it this far, thanks for reading!!
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eijiroukiriot · 3 years
can you tell me about harutaka? i honestly am interested now bc i have no idea what it is but it being your second favorite anime ship makes it sound pretty promising :D
harutaka is a ship from the kagerou project which is a vocaloid-song-series-turned-novel-series-turned-manga-turned-anime and so on and so on. the actual plot is mostly focused on a group of kids who call themselves the mekakushi dan (blindfold gang) who each have a superpower (called an "eye ability") and are stuck in a time loop that repeats every august 15th, but the main appeal of the series is the tangled web of relationships between the characters, and the songs (and chapters, etc) that focus on their relationships and histories and how those brought them to where they are today
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harutaka is the ship between kokonose haruka and enomoto takane! their meeting is mostly explained in the song yuukei yesterday - basically, takane is a high school student with narcolepsy and a bad attitude who's always found it hard to make friends, since people tend to avoid her. to accommodate her during classes, her school puts her in a handicap class with just one other student - haruka, whose chronic illness has always made it hard for him to live a normal life, but who wants nothing more than to make friends, starting with takane. they're sort of opposites in that way. takane finds haruka's cheerful demeanor and relentless interest in her annoying - ideally, she'd like nothing to do with him.
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UNFORTUNATELY FOR HER they both fall for each other basically as soon as they meet. the cherry on the cake is that they're dumb little teenagers who have never BEEN in love before (not to mention all the clashing feelings about having someone care about you unconditionally for the first time) so they deal with it in about the blushiest, dorkiest, most teenage way possible - haruka points his dumb cute face at haruka and she turns red and yells at him and he laughs all shy. it's a very tsundere/sweetboy romance at its core but i think the extra layers of getting to be very happy and feel normal and welcome for once in your life make this one on the surface alone
HOWEVER...you might notice that these characters don't appear to be in the lineup of the rest of the dan in the image above...except they are! just not quite as themselves. this is a bit that fits into the larger story of kagepro so it's going to sound a little strange on its own, but basically, their teacher was a part of this experiment studying the origin of the time loop they're stuck in - dealing with the supernatural powers that you gain once you're stuck in it. they don't know that he's been treating them as subjects this whole time, but going back a little into the high school romance side of things...right as the two of them are reaching the peak of their pining phase, one afternoon in class, haruka has a stroke - but to takane, it just looks like he's sleeping, and ignoring her, so she gets mad and goes home. later that day, when she finds out what happened, she realizes that this might be her last chance to tell haruka how she felt, and sprints to the hospital...except she never makes it there. when she collapses on the way, the proctors of the experiment find her, and separate her body from her consciousness, turning her into a (not quite artificial) a.i. that gets uploaded into the protagonist's computer. meanwhile, at the hospital, haruka is being offered everything he's ever wanted - a brand new body, with no weakness or illness...and no memories or emotions, either. he protests against it crying that he just wants to see takane, but it's not up to him in the end.
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in their new forms, the two go by ene (enomoto takane) and konoha (kokonose haruka) - a cyber girl and robot boy. this is how they're stuck for the bulk of the story - everything that happens before this is a backstory that you only find out once you've seen both of them in action in their new lives!! and in their new lives, ene can't STAND konoha. takane really devotes herself to the role of ene, so even the people who she knew in her "past" life don't realize it's her...but it's the fact that konoha has no idea who she is that really hurts. imagine that every day you're tortured by the fact that you never got to tell the person you loved how you felt and now you're in this weird scary situation and you have no idea what's going to happen or if you'll ever get to be yourself again, and then he appears, but he doesn't look like he did or act like he did and even though you're painfully aware that it's him, he doesn't know it's you or even remember you or anything you did together...and you can't even let people know what you're feeling because you're stuck in this new identity!! through being in the dan together ene is forced to spend a lot of time with konoha but she refuses to address him by name (calling him "mr. imposter" instead which just sounds like an amongis joke now but is very emotional within the context of canon)
i really could go on and on and on about the very real angsty teenage emotions that go into this ship and the themes of love and loss but i've already gone on long enough - it's a combination of the actual dynamic and the goofy will-they-or-won't-they and the hardcore emotional story that has kept me on this train for all these years. i started shipping these two in MIDDLE SCHOOL!! and even now the fact that once the time loop is broken and august ends they get to have their happy ending and be together makes me think that wow. love is real and worth fighting for.
mekakucity actors is a bad anime and i definitely don't recommend it if you're trying to consume an easy-to-understand version of the kagerou project, but i will leave you with the anime version of yuukei yesterday because it's basically the only canon content we get of harutaka (and friends...i would explain shinaya but that's a whole nother post). thank you for letting me ramble! :)
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shihalyfie · 3 years
Daisuke’s characterization in V-Tamer is actually out of character
This is a post rather different from the usual content I do for this blog, and to be honest, I’m a bit hesitant about it, since it’s hard not to make it sound like some kind of scathingly critical negativity about the relevant chapter. It’s not intended that way -- V-Tamer’s crossover chapter with 02 lies firmly in “Bandai-commissioned spinoff” territory with what was most likely very little input from the anime staff, and with these kinds of things, right hand very rarely talks to left hand, and you see it in things like Tag Tamers having major contradictions with the anime despite how ostensibly important it is to 02′s story. Izawa and Yabuno were busy with V-Tamer production, and it’s very likely Toei and Bandai only provided them with very scant details of 02′s base premise (especially since the chapter itself doesn’t refer to any major 02 plot details besides XV-mon’s and Magnamon’s existence). I really do not blame them for not necessarily having thorough awareness of Daisuke and his character arc (especially since he himself is a rather deceptive character), and having to make a lot of assumptions while writing.
In the end, I decided to write this due to personal request from an acquaintance, who pointed out that there are a lot of people out there who like to claim things like "Daisuke got more character development in this single chapter than he did in 02 itself” (which is another manifestation of the constantly repeated fanbase mantra that Daisuke was lacking in that department when he really wasn’t). The thing is, this chapter’s interpretation of Daisuke is so far removed from the character he was even at the start of 02 that this “development” only works by artificially engineering a conflict that shouldn’t have even happened with Daisuke in the first place.
Again: This is not something meant to criticize this chapter as something bad (personally, I do think it’s rather entertaining in its own way) as much as, simply, out of character is still out of character, and I'm mainly just writing this in the hopes of making a case that this version of Daisuke should not be reflected back on the original series.
(Screenshots below are from the DH translation of V-Tamer, and PositronCannon’s 02 subs.)
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The issue here is that the whole plot of the chapter itself is based on the idea that Daisuke is the kind of person who likes fighting for the sake of fighting, and has an impulsive urge to charge in aggressively to the point of even looking down on his friends for denying him. Certainly, on the surface, it does seem to match up with Daisuke still having difficulties adjusting to these new kids being his friends at the beginning of the series, and generally having an abrasive, rough-around-the-edges personality, but...
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The above screenshots are from 02 episode 7, which is a very early episode -- one that clearly takes place before Magnamon’s appearances in Hurricane Touchdown and 02 episode 20-21, and XV-mon’s appearance in 02 episode 22 -- and one that’s still part of Daisuke’s early bout of “shallow” episodes, in which he’s still instinctively lashing out at Takeru due to his perception of having something going on with Hikari. And while he does initially lash out at them for wanting to turn back, the moment everyone else makes a good case for them turning back (especially when their own Digimon run out of energy), he -- rather easily -- grits his teeth and actually calls the retreat himself.
On top of the fact that Daisuke is very capable of pulling back when he practically understands it’s necessary (even if he hates it), some important points need to be made about his behavior here: Daisuke does not push forward on fighting because he likes fighting and attacking things, but because he practically wants to see the Dark Tower destroyed (and the Dark Tower is causing problems for everyone everywhere right now). He hates the Kaiser, and wants to fight everyone under him, because he’s hurting others. Only one episode later, Daisuke vocalizes that he’s even okay with losing a soccer game as long as he gets to play someone who’s inspired kids all over the country and enjoy the match.
The other problem is that it actually implies that Daisuke would be able to do anything without his friends’ approval. Despite Daisuke’s ostensibly rough surface demeanor, he gets strung along easily. It is absurdly easy to shut him down or override his opinions just by being assertive enough. There’s a very good reason why he’s been described as “prevented from doing much in the first half”. Daisuke spends the first half of the series largely unable to make his own decisions because his friends keep making them for him, and part of his character development involves him becoming able to actually put his foot down and do what he wants when it’s something he cares about, which is something that very much does not set in until the second half.
In addition, the implication that Daisuke would be actively belligerent to the point of having the priority of “destroying enemies” instead of “helping others” is very contrary to the whole point of his character arc:
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In 02 episode 20, the first time Daisuke does truly put his foot down against the wishes of the others in the group, it’s because seeing Chimeramon destroy so many things hurt him that badly that he hates sitting around and doing nothing. Again: Daisuke is a person who does things because he cares about and wants to protect others, not because he necessarily likes fighting. It’s also important that he makes this statement that he’ll go in “even alone” -- he does not look down on the others or show distaste for them for choosing to recuse, because they’re understandably exhausted, but simply says that he’s frustrated at the idea of giving up this one chance, and doesn’t want to squander it. (It’s also consistent with the way he treats the mortified Ken in 02 episode 48 -- he reminds him that Jogress won’t work if Ken’s not feeling up to it, and says that he’ll do it alone if he has to because something has to be done.)
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And speaking of Ken, this trait of Daisuke’s is why that whole character arc of him reaching out to Ken works in the first place! Because, again, Daisuke hated the Kaiser because he was doing horrible things. The moment the Kaiser stopped doing horrible things, Daisuke didn’t feel up to kicking him while he was down, actually urged him to do the first thing he could do to make amends -- “go home” -- and ultimately chose to reach out to him because he thinks in terms of moving on and creating positive things, not for destruction for the sake of destruction. Because Ken seemed to not be hurting anyone anymore, and he’s actually doing something to help, so why not believe in him and let him help?
Again: with the exception of episode 48 (which is just reinforcing something from before), all of these episodes are before XV-mon’s first appearance in 02 episode 22. Daisuke had always been this kind of positive and supportive person from day one; those traits had just not been very easily visible because he was still trying to deal with his initial awkwardness and being rather rough around the edges, but they’re still traits he’d always fundamentally had.
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The chapter continues with Daisuke actually looking down on his other friends and protesting angrily against them trying to pull him back. Beyond the fact that (as stated above) the anime’s portrayal of Daisuke would make him very unwilling to fight back against opposition at this point of the series, the idea he’d actually be condescending about his friends is a little...hmm. Because, again, in 02 episode 7:
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Daisuke does momentarily lash out at Iori and Takeru in a moment of emotional compromise when he’s stressed over Hikari getting trapped in the Digital World, but he actually takes it back. Incredibly quickly. He apologizes to Iori, and decides to not let Takeru put the blame on himself, even though his emotionally-compromised moment had initially gotten him to instinctively try to pin it on him. (Which is important because, yes, even when Daisuke’s inclined to lash out at Takeru for his perceived existing relationship with Hikari and be jealous of him, he still cares about Takeru himself to the point he doesn’t want him to load himself with the guilt.)
Daisuke’s brashness is portrayed during this early part of 02 as him very, very badly needing validation. This means that going out of his way to push aside the people he calls friends would be the last thing he wants to do, because he actually wants their approval, and for them to like him, and therefore he’s willing to apologize quickly and try to make amends because he plays badly with actual confrontation.
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While this line isn’t quite off, it does rather clash with the way Daisuke actually portrays himself, which is that he doesn’t really have this much of an ego. The literal translation of this line is that he calls himself “your cute little junior”, but even the more liberal translation used here doesn’t quite work with Daisuke’s character, since it’s not implied at any point that Daisuke thinks Taichi actually cares about him back the way he adores Taichi.
Again, Daisuke is an extremely deferential person who craves validation, and this is especially in the case of Taichi, who arguably is the one who creates the easiest mood shift in Daisuke for the early parts of the series. Whenever Taichi is nearby, Daisuke immediately becomes deferential and respects literally everything he does.
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Observe Daisuke’s very resigned and very deferential facial expressions and attitude in 02 episodes 8 and 10, whenever it comes to Taichi (and note that the third screenshot here also comes from a situation where Daisuke wanted to advocate for pushing forward instead of retreating; it was that easy for Taichi to shut him down). For all it’s worth, Daisuke’s never really shown to have a lot of pride in himself (beyond the occasional joke), and it’s heavily implied that he sees Taichi as so amazing that he’s not even remotely in his league. That’s why it’s such a big deal that Daisuke puts his foot down and protests against what Taichi wants them to do in 02 episode 39, and it’s not even rudely or aggressively (he still uses polite Japanese!) as much as just firmly “I have a friend and I need to help him, I’m sorry.”
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During the chapter, Daisuke claims that he doesn’t want to go back and meet his friends, because he doesn’t think they care about him, but, well, again: Daisuke is someone who craves approval. It’s somewhat understandable that he’d maybe have some degree of insecurity that they don’t like him as much as he wants them to, but the series by this point (remember, we’re talking episode 22, given XV-mon’s appearance) makes it very clear that Daisuke is well aware that his friends like him this much, and he has no real grudges against them.
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This is one of the reasons it’s so important that 02 had so many scenes of the kids just...bantering in the computer room, or having tons of “free time off hours” that had nothing to do with Digimon fights, because although Daisuke is brash and rough around the edges, otherwise, the group of friends here get along perfectly fine. Once the stress of fighting is removed, these kids are part of each others’ social circle and love hanging out for the sake of hanging out, and even someone as dense as Daisuke should know very well that they do at least like him this much.
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And, more importantly, whatever Daisuke might think about what his friends think of him, he himself likes them a lot. He cares about them a lot. Even all the way back in 02 episode 10 and 11, with Miyako and Takeru (whom he ostensibly banters and gets touchy with a lot), he still makes it clear he likes what Miyako’s doing and wants to check on her (without prompting), and later, when he gets in a fight with Takeru, he blames himself for not understanding Takeru’s feelings instead of feeling inclined to blame it on him. (In fact, this so-called hostility with Takeru is really overblown here, because there’s no reason Daisuke should think everyone takes Takeru’s side; when they did get in a fight in 02 episode 11, everyone was more concerned about getting them to calm down than they were about taking sides, because both of them did have a very reasonable position.)
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And while Daisuke getting set off by the Takeru and Hikari issue might have been in-character at one point, it’s not for him at this point in the series, because 02 episode 22, the very episode that introduces XV-mon, has him take a completely different view of the situation:
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Daisuke had already gotten over a lot of it by this point. The last time he shows any indication of Takeru and Hikari having ~something going on~ to the point he suspects Takeru of being an obstacle is all the way back in episode 17, which oh-so-coincidentally happens to be the same episode where he later learns about the truth of his seniors’ great adventure in 1999, and therefore receives the full context of why Takeru and Hikari knew each other beforehand (which they had been absolutely terrible at elucidating for 17 episodes). By the time we get to this epsode, Daisuke does not hold anything against Takeru himself, and he doesn’t even accuse them of having a thing, just moping that they “get along so well”. He’s not angry about it, he’s sad about it, and it’s heavily implied that he’s really just sad about being third-wheeled more than anything.
It’s also important to realize that this is long past the point where Daisuke would have shown any outright hostility towards Takeru at all. At worst, he maybe scoffs “do whatever you want!”, or ends up a little sad that they’re leaving him out, but he ends up putting this on himself more than he ever lashes out at others about it anymore. The grudge against Takeru had already gone long under the bridge, by this point Takeru is just a friend that he likes reasonably well and is sad to be third wheeled by, and it’s only 13 more episodes before he’ll stop bringing his crush on Hikari into the issue for the rest of the series.
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And, remember, Daisuke has always been someone who does things “because other people are being hurt”. He’s not actually that selfish! Whenever people are really in trouble, he goes in to help them -- remember, back in 02 episode 8, he was crushed because Ken turned out to be the Kaiser, and someone indirectly trampling on the dreams of all the soccer-playing kids in the country. Had this been Daisuke from the anime, he probably would have immediately wanted to go back the moment he realized there are people in need and hurt left behind, regardless of his own feelings on his relationship with his friends.
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The rest of the chapter is fairly on-the-nose, with Daisuke managing to create a “miracle” through the power of his feelings by remembering what it meant for Taichi to give him his goggles, and for managing to connect to his friends despite them being trapped, with Daisuke and Taichi eventually parting on good terms and Daisuke even getting the honor of doing the victory dance with him. This is why I want to emphasize (I’ll say this in bold) that I do not think this is a “bad” chapter just because it’s not compliant with Daisuke’s anime characterization. Given what the chapter sets out to accomplish, setting up a story of someone who feels neglected by his friends and eventually decides to reach out to them with his own feelings, it’s thematically solid and well-plotted out as a story, and the crossover and thought experiment of how Daisuke would react to an alternate version of Taichi is very entertaining. Plus, Izawa’s writing and Yabuno’s art is charming, and it’s lovely to see the 02 kids in this style.
It’s just, well, the entire premise of this chapter relies on a conflict generated by Daisuke being a character he is very much not. And, again, it’s not something that I can really criticize Izawa and Yabuno for; Daisuke’s quite the deceptive character, and it really doesn’t seem like Toei and Bandai gave them a lot to work with, especially since this chapter only works within a very narrow range of 02′s timeline, between 02 episodes 22 and 25, when V-mon can evolve to Adult but Ken hasn’t formally joined the team yet. (And in fact, I’d generally apply this sort of caveat to things relevant to Daisuke that come from the Bandai side instead of Toei side; too many things out there seem to only really be working with the base details of “Taichi’s junior who has a crush on Hikari” with no regard to the actual nuances of his character.) Personally, it seems that Izawa and Yabuno did their best with what they had to work with, and they even made it a fun chapter while they were at it! -- so I would simply say that it’s probably best to enjoy this chapter without thinking about the lack of canon compliance too hard, but also not to judge the actual anime version of Daisuke too much by this portrayal.
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smoochi-dazai · 4 years
can i request a fluffy dazai x reader,, where dazai & reader celebrate after a successful mission or something,, and they go to a bar to drink,, and reader is actually the type of person who gets drunk really fast so dazai needs to take care of them and reader ends up confessing to dazai. reader is like,, flirty + giggly drunk. bonus if dazai teases them about it next morning hehe,, ty in advance!!
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✿ “ Love & Champaign ” ✿
—> Bungo Stray Dogs, Dazai Osamu | Reader
—> Sweet | Oneshot
—> Description | after one too many drinks for the celebration, you find yourself in a daze while staring at Dazai. Slurred flirts lead to a confession, will you handle the embarrassment? 
—> Little note | not gonna lie, this is like my... my favourite so far.i got carried away tonight haha. 3.8k words! HhhH I got too distracted by cuteness, it’s almost 2am. I started this at 10pm I think. Please enjoy! Sorry if it’s a mess 💕 came from the heart and I never plan ahead for this stuff haha. I just write it as it flows from my soul. 
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Shifting her weight, the women of familiarity sat comfortably next to Dazai on a tall wooden stool. Her beautiful eyes seemed to grasp onto his heart as she held an angelic appearance. That far off look in her dilated pupils due to the dim lighting, a thoughtless expression purely in her eyes alone- he found it unimaginably attractive. Observing each small detail from the flush on her cheeks to the strands of hair framing her face perfectly.
That woman is you.
The same very person who was invited by none other then Dazai himself to have a drink together, a celebration for a hard task full day at work.
“ So, How come you ordered an extra glass of champagne? ” You inquired, “ Did you invite someone to come drink with us? ”
Glancing to your right, the bartender was the first to gently set the glass half-full of rather expensive wine on the counter you sat at. He was friendly, much older than you or Dazai by appearance. Without a word, he set yours and Dazais glass’s down before leaving you two on your own.
“ It’s for a friend, he won’t be showing up tonight. ” Dazai muttered softly.
“ If he won’t be here, then how come you bought the drink? ” You pushed on for some kind of answer to satisfy the curiosity, looking away from the mysterious drink. Your eyes now focused on Dazai, he held a faint smile while staring at his glass of alcohol. Eyes downcast, appearing to be lost in his thoughts.
As his lips part, Dazai lets out a gentle sigh. Opening his mouth more to find words to reach you, nothing came out. Shutting it again, Dazai raised his hand to the glass, however— instead of picking it up to taste the alcoholic drink, a slight chime echoed through the bar from Dazai flicking the glass once. The spherical ice began to bob up and down in the glass, vibrations from the clash gave him a familiar sense of nostalgia.
Finally, he spoke up.
“ Odasaku. He, Ango and I would often meet here to talk. Those days are long gone now, however. ”
Something in Dazais tone seemed off, you were all too aware of his masks to hide the scars of his past. It was tough, you knew it was— not only for him but you as well. Whenever you’d try to convince him to vent his pain, he’d laugh it off and ask what you were talking about.
Something about those situations always made you hurt, the feeling of uselessness would grasp your heart. Making it almost hard to breathe, the feeling of being unable to help Dazai when his eyes held so much pain he’d try to hideaway. It wasn’t healthy— you wanted to help him but never found yourself capable of doing.
Staying silent, the two of you seemed more distant than ever. In an attempt to clear the atmosphere, you thought of a silly idea that may help. Sliding your drink closer to Odasakus, you found yourself tap the two glasses against each other. As a form of cheers to Odasaku even though he wasn’t quite there to see. The sound of two glasses made Dazai lift his head, staring at you in slight confusion and bewilderment.
“ Cheers,” You exclaim in a hushed tone, “ I never got to meet you. But from all the stories I hear from Dazai, you were a brilliant man. ”
Speechless, Dazai’s gaze leaves your back as soon as you begin to turn around. His own flush of blush began to sink into his skin, thinking over your odd interaction with his past friend. Lifting his drink, a warm smile met his lips.
“ Hey, how about a toast? ” Dazais voice caught your attention, lifting your glass to his.
“ Sure, what’ll it be for this time? ” Assuming it’ll be for your hard day of work at the detective's agency, it somehow didn’t surprise you with what he had said next.
“ To the Stray Dogs. ”
Dazais features held an enchanting smile, cheeks rose while a faint flush could be spotted. Not enough to notice unless you’re close, along with the lighting it was hard to point out. He seemed to genuinely be enjoying himself, just you— him and don’t forget Odasaku.
“ Before we do that, give me a second. ”
You seemed to confuse Dazai more by the minute, yet it seemed to amuse him the more you did so. It wasn’t common for something to surprise that man. It gave him a refreshing chill.
Still holding up your glass, you carefully reach over for Odasakus as well. Lifting it, both hands were now full. Your smile looked ridiculous at this point from the amount of sheer joy. It started to hurt honestly, but you didn’t mind at all. Preparing to have a toast, both glasses were held high for Dazai to join you on the toast in celebration. After a moment of silence, Dazai pushed his glass forward in the air. Hearing the clatter between three glasses, more nostalgia hit him.
“ To the stray dogs! ” / “ To the stray dogs. ” You both say in unison.
Mismatching smiles were viable as you set Odasakus drink back down before downing yours a little too quickly. Meanwhile, Dazai takes a small sip of his, feeling the burning sensation of beer rush down his system.
Both Dazai and you were always pretty close friends within the agency, maybe it was because you somehow tolerated his nonsense without having to smack him. He didn’t find you that interesting from afar, yet now he can never get that side glanced look out of his head from before. You were something he adored, something he found as a sort of coping mechanism from the pain he truly felt within his hollow heart. He never saw you as something similar to him, you were full of life, a flame that never seemed to falter or be brushed away by the gusts of wind.
A deadly nightshade in his system that refused to leave—no matter his aggression, you were always at his side. He’d push you away, he’d raise his voice and tell you how wrong you are when you make absurd accusations of who he really is. Little did you know, they were all true. Or were you aware? Was that why you never seemed dazed by his harsh words? Either way, he knew you both wouldn’t have the chance to get any closer. Always being caught up in work was a struggle, you were just like the rest of the agency. Just a stranger to him deep down— why did the idea make his heart clench? Was his body telling himself another story then he had thought? Truth be told, he couldn’t tell what his feelings for you had been.
“ Hey... Osamu? ”
The thought of falling in love with you was odd. But at the same time, just the idea made butterflies swell up within his stomach. You were incredibly strange, but so was he.
“ Osamu~ ” You whined while leaning closer to him, scooting your stool closer and closer without him noticing. Was he that out of it?
Finally snapping out of it, the feeling of warmth brushing against his skin caught him at a somewhat vulnerable point. Gazing to the source of heat, he came to the realization you were calling his name. But not just any name, not your usual ‘Dazai’ it was his first name that escaped your plump lips. A giant pout was adorned in your features as you lean closer to his face. He lifted a hand to the part where your breath hit his neck, feeling the hairs stand.
“ Hey, stop ignoring me- Osamu! ”
As his eyes met with hers, she started giggling. Leaning away from the bandaged man known as Dazai, she smiles childishly. Both legs swing back and forth.
“ Have I ever told you how beautiful your eyes are? They’re like yummy chocolate...” You chant to yourself and him. “ You’re so handsome~ I’m almost jealous! ”
This was not common for you to be so straight forward, and going by the sudden change in attitude Dazai could only assume you’d already gotten yourself drunk. Sighing deeply, he could only pray you wouldn’t be as much of a handful as Chūya had on his off days.
Speaking of which, either you got drunk abnormally quick— or he was a little too trapped in his thoughts.
Observing your every motion, Dazai put his drink to side calmly. Never once losing his composure, an amused smirk makes his way to his lips. Oh, how he’s going to enjoy teasing you in the morning— he can only wonder how many embarrassing things he could make you say tonight.
“ Thank you, I think you’re rather beautiful yourself. ” Dazai said, the smile remaining in place which only seemed to encourage your flirts unexpectedly.
“ You say that to every girl, ” You mutter, leaning closer to him again while squinting your eyes. Feeling a little light-headed, or did you feel heavier? You couldn’t tell. “ Your smirking is ever hotter... nngh, you’re so perfect~ how do women complain about you so much. If you value that double suicide thingy, doesn’t that just mean your that much more committed? To end everything with them? ”
Dazai decided to reply with a small hum, lifting his glass and taking a sip of his leftover drink. Yours meanwhile had been empty to awhile, how did you manage to get drunk over a single glass? Or did you get another without his eyes catching you? Frankly, he didn’t care, amused with the scenario at play. Something caught his attention though, you’d always disagree with his requests for a lover's suicide while sober. But now you’re complaining about other women not wanting to do it. Does this mean you actually wouldn’t mind going to such extreme lengths with him? God, he was in for a lot tonight. He could tell.
“ You always have a cute smile, you’re talented as hell— ” your speech was replaced with a small fit of giggles, tears escaping your eyes which mildly concerned him for a moment, “ You never fail to make laugh... when I cry, you’re there for me through it all. Maybe your ability is right, you aren’t human! ”
A small laugh escapes Dazais throat at your slurred nonsense, Dazai then enlightens you on his thoughts.
“ If I’m not human,” Dazai began, shifting his body to look at your questioningly, an eyebrow lifted while the other furrowed. “ ...then what would I be, Belladonna?”
“ An angel! ”
Did he hear you right? Was he, the ex-port mafia member— titled as an angel in disguise?
You almost seemed in awe at your own words, making it twice as amusing for him. Before he could even speak, you interrupted his thoughts again.
“ Osamu? Am I allowed to be in love with an angel? Can a human fall for an angel without consequence... will you leave me behind to go to heaven by yourself? ” You questioned him in an unsure whisper, fatigue showing more than the bright red flush coating your cheeks. Those half-lidded eyes gave you away, but you seemed to still manage to keep your consciousness.
Dazai takes a moment to grasp what your spiral of words meant, was this a form of confession? Did you feel that way about him, or were they meaningless drunk words? Surely they had to be, but something about your saddened eyes ... Dazai thought of it plenty of times and found himself really picking his words carefully.
“ I’m not any kind of angel, but I’m sure you’ll find an angel to love you someday. My true nature is nothing but evil, Belladonna. I’m sorry, I can’t be your angel— even if I want too...” Dazai apologized with a more sadden tone, smiling slightly as he brushed his hand through your messy hair.
Both your stools were sat so close, you practically could lean against him safely without falling. And that’s exactly what you found yourself doing.
“ But even Lucifer was once an angel... why can’t you be mine—Osamu, if you can’t be my angel... then... ” Lifting your head off his shoulder, your lazy hands lift to cup his face.
“ Be my handsome- my.. partner in crime, my own Lucifer. ” You mutter close to his ear, something about your tone was somewhat alluring and even seductive. Shutting your eyes tightly while leaning in, your noses brushed against each other, then as you tilted your head you brush your lips against his as if asking for some kind of permission- there was hesitation for a split second. Only for your lips to connect with his forcefully, that’s what sealed the deal. Would he pull away? You desperately held onto him, though your grasp was rather weak due to alcohol in your system.
An abnormal feeling in his heart appeared again, it began to pound in his ears faster by the second— even skipping a couple of beats. What was this? Why did he feel this way, he didn’t deserve it- so why did God bless him with you. Was there a god? If he agreed, would you be willing to go to depths of hell with him, just for some silly love? No, it was more than that for you. You had genuine feelings for him, you cared for the suicidal maniac. His eyes remain open during the kiss, feeling a presence behind you. That’s when he saw a distant light at the door of Lupins bar. There stood Odasaku, smiling at him.
Was this right? Odasaku once said Dazai would never find something to fill that void in his heart. Yet his heart felt like it could burst at any second, tears began to brim his eyes while Odasakus blurry image faded. As the first tear slides down Dazais cheek, he wrapped both arms around your waist, shutting his eyes during the kiss to enjoy you. Pressing your body closer with his than ever before, the kiss deepened. It was so incredibly sloppy, but it was perfect for all its imperfections.
Even if his demons were to ever return, Dazai would protect you just as Odasaku did for him. Odasaku saved Dazai from imaginable darkness in the Mafia, even if it put him through pain- he’s met so many kinder people in the light. Meeting a new world, a world more beautiful and full of colour,
Odasaku standing there almost felt as it’s own congratulations, not to only his hard work- but he was proud of Dazai. The tears pour uncontrollably while the kiss lasted for almost a whole minute. Both pulling away, they panted together- taking each other’s breath away completely. Pulling you into his chest, Dazai combed back your hair, allowing you to rest against him for a while in blissful silence.
He couldn’t let you see him tear up like this. All he cared about now, was his pure happiness. The idea of his lonely days being brushed away now swept away with the wind. He knew this won’t cure his pain, and it hurt to remember. So all he tried to do was forget that pain for a minute, allowing you to take over his mind.
He loves you.
And now that he understood the feelings were mutual? Dazai could maybe learn to be himself more often with you around.
After a while of his deep thoughts, Dazais bandaged arm around your waist relaxed. While your body fell limp against him, you were knocked out cold. Smiling to himself, Dazai looked at the bartender's familiar smile- it was the same person who worked there from ages ago.
Taking you out for a drink wasn’t a mistake after all, though the idea of Kunikida getting pissed with you two because you’ll probably have a pretty bad hangover in the morning at work is gonna be troublesome. Guess it’s an excuse to stay home with you.
“ I’ll be your Lucifer, as long as you continue being my beautiful Belladonna. ” Smiling gently to himself, Dazai began to lift you off of him. Slipping off the stool, he changed your position. One arm was beneath your knees while the other hoisted up to your back. Holding you close to his chest, he thanked the bartender and left the bar. Three glasses were left behind on the table.
In the morning, you woke up feeling sick to your stomach. A pounding heartbeat was left ringing in your head as you sat up in your bed, when did you ever return home? Struggling to remember what happened in the bar with Dazai, you throw your legs off your bed. Lifting yourself, you began to stumble. Suddenly a buzz came from your phone, tripping over your own feet you fall into your bed again. Groaning tiredly, you felt so weak right now. What in the world? How much did you drink last night to get like this... oh yeah- the phone. Lazily throwing your hand up onto your bedside table, you search for your phone. Only for someone else to take it from you. Lifting your head from the mattress, your eyes widen at the sight of a shirtless Dazai. Feeling self-conscious you then realize you were wearing next to nothing either. Suddenly your face bursts into flames, becoming a stuttering mess.
“ Dazai- w-we didn’t do anything bad last night did we? ” You blurted out, he took notice of your embarrassment and smiles innocently.
“ Of course not, we just came to your house and I helped you strip to sleep easier~ your body is incredibly hot if I do say so myself, Belladonna. Shame you hide it all the time. ”
“ You’re one to talk Dazai, always covered in b- wait... you stripped me?! ” more flush coated your cheeks, picking up a pillow— you threaten to throw it at Dazai. Almost I’m que, your head suddenly began to pound again, throwing the pillow at his feet instead.
Concerned, Dazai rushed out of the room to get you some water. Returning to the room to find you holding your mouth and stomach while hunching over, he could only worry more while crouching down. Lifting your head gently, he held the glass of water to your lips.
“ Drink it slowly,” he instructed almost like a parent or some boyfriend, worried about your health. He guessed the teasing must be saved for later, your health is a priority to him. Unless...
Following the orders, you grasp the cup in his hand while he still assisted with a simple task. It was rather endearing, who knew Dazai could be so gentle. The water went down smoothly, feeling a little clearer in the head at least. But then suddenly you felt it begin to come back up- dashing out of your room you find your bathroom.
Dazai chases after you, finding you hunched over the Toilet gagging. It wasn’t an attractive scene, in the slightest. But he found himself smile- remembering last night.
Kneeling to your height, his hand gently caressed your back. Soothing you slightly as you confuse to gag- he remained at your side through it all. As your system felt clearer it finally ended, lifting your head from the toilet bowl, you flush the toilet. Staring nervously back at Dazai, “ I’m sorry you have to see me like this, I hope I wasn’t a handful last night. I hardly remember anything, what I do know is it gave me a massive headache though. ” You curse out loud, head refusing to give you any mercy.
“ It’s alright, I know it’s rough the first couple drinks. ” Dazai smiles, it was so sincere you couldn’t help but question what lightened his mood so much. You weren't complaining though, it made your heart flutter. “ Not only that, but you said some pretty bold things while you were drunk~ ”
Oh god. You knew it was coming- the bastard was prepared to tease you for how long now?... oh sweet god.
Dramatically throwing his arms around him, he began to wiggle.
“ You’re so handsome~ oh you’re perfect Osamu~!” He teased, enjoying how embarrassed you got. “ Be my Lucifer! You muttered in my ear, ah~ Belladonna your way with words made my heart soar. ”
“ Shut up, there is no way I said all of that to you. ”
“ Playing denial now are we, my sweet Belladonna?~ want me to continue? ” Dazai challenged, it was all playful but it still had you fuming with frustration and embarrassment.
“ Do I even have a choice? ” You frown, feeling defeated. And while you complain, the small awkward smile and blush gave away your true emotions.
“ This time, you do. ”
To your surprise, his words took you a moment to understand. Looking at him disbelief, you saw a playful smirk- that smirk was way too damn attractive yet the dangerous intent was terrifying.
“ Just kidding~ how could I let a chance like this pass up? ”
Knew it.
“ Though, I do have a question. ” Dazais tone suddenly becomes more serious, no longer as playfully and happy-go-lucky as before. Leaving you confused, until he lifted you off the ground. Pulling you into a hug, you could feel his breath against your ear.
“ If all you said is true, would you commit a lover's suicide with me someday? ” The question seemed a little too silly but a part of you couldn’t turn it down at this very moment, maybe because of how serious he seemed while saying it.
“ Maybe?... ” You whisper back weakly, unsure of yourself.
“ Let me rephrase,” Dazais grasp on you became stronger until he pushed you away a little, just enough for you to be face to face. Holding your shoulders, his arms snake around your waist instead in a split second- eyes staring deeply into yours.
“ Will you be mine? ”
In reality, he was just repeating what you had told him many times during that drunken state, but the fact he was the one to ask you out here in your home? You could faint again. Nodding with a small smile, you tried to hold back a stupid goofy grin. With that response, Dazai holds you close to him, his arms felt so secure- you couldn’t help but relax under his touch.
You two finally were official, and you were both finally happy. He found his reason to live and even received Odasakus approval. But it wouldn’t end at that, oh no.
“ You know this isn’t saving you from my teasing, yes? ” Dazai chuckles, sending shivers down your spine while expecting only the best of the worst for your fate. You were defeated, but the happiness distracted you from the cruelty of his future teasing.
“ I wouldn’t have it any other way, Dork. ”
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Tags : @i-am-a-bastard @writing-for-me-at-this-point @soukokuwu 
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emsartwork · 4 years
i forgot to add: how do design ????!?!??????
So I’m not expert but this is how I think of character design! (also sry if you were asking about clothing/outfit design thats a little different)
under the cut because this is long im so sorry
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So in my opinion there are three really important aspects for character design!
AESTHETIC: obviously everybody’s aesthetic is different, but this is more about what vibe the character has, what makes them THEM design wise. 
INTENTION: who is the character supposed to be? this can range from their personality, their back story, their occupation, or their role in the story, but the design need to fit that intention.
COHESION: does the design go well together? or do certain aspects clash too much? obviously you can have disjointed parts of a character design, and if those serve a purpose then thats fine, but if its so disjointed its distracting from the character as a whole you might need to tweak things. 
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AESTHETIC: the contrasting part of the design (white flowers in dark hair, dark trim on dress, and dark shoes) provide interest to the eye. The mixing of round and sharp shapes also keeps the design from feeling “boring” even though its relatively simple. 
INTENTION: so what role would this little doodle character have? according to her design elements, shes cute and friendly with her round shapes (bouncy balls, babies, etc), but could have a sharp/fast/active or even dangerous edge to her with the triangles (arrows, knives etc). of course the design doesn’t limit her possible roles. She could be a bubbly younger sister who teases the older protagonist, or maybe she’s the villain hiding in plain sight. the shape this character design doesn’t really have is squares(think bricks and rocks), which communicates that she might not be really strong, steady, or reliable. 
COHESION: repeating the curves across her whole design builds cohesion, it communicates that “yes, these are all part of the same character”, it also allows the eye to “rest” on a familiar shape or line. 
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(Boku no Hero Academia) so both of these characters are super heroes, but have vastly different design elements. so lets analyze them.
OCHAKO(the pink one) is all rounds, with a few pointed shapes in hair mostly, but a little on her costume as well. Her personality is cute, bubbly, and friendly which perfectly suits her soft and bouncy design. Howevre she also has a very slight edge to her, which is seen her determination and drive to improve herself over the course of the anime. 
KIRISHIMA(the red one) at first glance, seems to be super pointy!! shapes that are usually seen on villains or really dangerous characters, but while he IS sharp(literally sometimes) and sometimes aggressive, he is also made of squares, which perfectly suits his loyal “i gotchu bro” attitude towards most of the other characters in the anime.  
ISSUE AREAS: so the only problems i have with Ochako and Kirishima’s designs is that their costumes each have one area that clashes a little too much for my taste. With Ochako, the belt over the color blocking stripes down her crotch are......questionable taste wise. I think the design would be better if the pink chest ended above the belt in a shallow v. not only would this mirror the triangle aspects of her hair, it would fit the belt outline, and continue the trend her costume has of being “grounded” or “heavy”. Kirishima has those.... gears??? around his shoulders??? and while the gear teeth are technically squares, the gear shape itself is a circle, which is a shape that isn’t present anywhere else in his design. I think changing the gears to something similar to his boots or his mask/headgear would create a more cohesive design(also the gears just look hard to move in)
These two characters are presented as individuals so their costumes don’t have to match at all even though they are still seen as “connected” because of the art style for the face, hair, and body. 
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In a group giving the outfits cohesive motifs is an easy way to present a strong team image! In Yuki Yuna is a Hero, the girls all have colored lines(usually princess seam placement), armor or fabric hip accents, covered arms, and similar flower shapes in their hair. The Aesthetic of each girl is strong in a monochrome signature color, but not over whelming as the black+white connects them even in color so they aren’t out of place. 
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Speaking of color! if your characters are all similar looking (like same body for all of them) you can communicate their personality and aesthetic just with color! (only gonna talk about a few of the ponies) Pinkie Pie (the really pink one) is energetic and playful, so her color scheme is a variation of the primary colors(happy, child like), and have one of the more saturated colors(high energy, intense) of these characters in a large quantity. Apple Jack (the orange one) is a down to earth farm girl, and her color palette is accordingly, mostly earth tones, its also warm analogous colors, which makes her appear un-complicated and warm personality wise. the pop of red is a nice touch to add interest, but notice that its uses sparingly in her cutie mark and tail accessory. Rarity on the other hand is elegant and fussy, her high contrast scheme of white and dark blue/purples gives her more visual interest and is something that makes her appear more “complex” in addition to the gradient thats included in her hair. the colors are also all cool colors, bringing to mind cool glass or water which both have connotations of grace and beauty.
however all the characters here are unified by their colors being on the pastel side, which is also important for a cohesive cast.
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another, short, note on color; making the color/line/shading of your figure different from the background can help them stand out, this is used ESPECIALLY in children’s media, but can be applied to any illustration or animation as needed.
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Color can also help your characters “read” quickly on screen, the powerpuff girls are a prime example, of having a distinct color blocking and silhouette. even the color blobs at the top and my crappy hand silhouettes STILL read as the characters despite being broken down into abstract elements. I also really enjoy the thick outline in the powerpuff girls, it really makes the characters pop to the foreground even though they have pretty simple designs and are often in a colorful setting.
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Also, for a lot of animation, silhouette is INCREDIBLY important for your characters, some designers sketch silhouettes and then design the particulars its so important to nail the shape. These examples from Coraline are some of my favorites (though Laika wins in my heart every time no matter what lmao) because the simple shapes are SO CLEAR and indicative of the character, you literally don’t need to have watched the movie to know these are each different characters with different personalities and roles. 
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silhouette can also help tell the story. In Kubo and the two strings (another Laika film) the above three characters are sisters. One has chosen to leave her home in the heavens to live on earth, and the other two stay in their roles as “heavenly” warriors. This is even shown through their designs, the two sisters are weighted on top and their cloaks don’t even touch the ground, while the first woman has trailing, heavy sleeves, hair, and robes all grounding her and emphasizing her connection with the earth.
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another example of shape/silhouette reflecting the story, In The Croods, the family of cavemen are for the most part very top heavy, with large torsos and arms, usually in a more hunched over position, while the newcomer, Guy, is bottom heavy with thin arms and stands more upright. In the plot, the family represents the old ways, the strength and rules that have helped them survive, they look like very stereotypical “cavemen”, while Guy resembles the modern man, and appropriately is associated with new ideas and forward thinking.
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MORE SHAPES, in DC super hero girls each girl has a distinct personality emulated by her shape language. Zatana is dramatic curves and edges, Super girl is hard, straight edges against curves, giving her a solid muscular shape. Wonder Woman, though also strong, is taller and leaner, lending to a confident leader type. Green Lantern is slim, her lines all flow into each other giving her a go with the flow look. Bumble Bee is, of course, tiny, but her boots and gauntlets add weight and strength to her otherwise small frame. Batgirl is lanky and has a lot of pointed style lines, reminding the viewer of a skinny cat (ironic what with cat woman i know) or weasel which mirrors her preferred “sneaky” crime fighting style.  (also yes this was just an excuse for me to gush abt how much i love the dcshg designs shut up)
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so in my opinion, Cartoon Saloon’s The Secret of Kells is PERFECT in aesthetic, intention, and cohesion. Kells focuses very strongly on creating silhouette WITHIN the larger figure shape via color and line, most of the characters pictured here have no neck, the one who does, Brendan, is the main character and the use of negative space that cuts into his shape is used to draw attention to him. Kells is also very strongly inspired by Medieval Illuminated manuscripts (namely, the book of kells lmao). The characters still manage to stand out against outrageously detailed backgrounds via their simple shapes and strong color blocking. 
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Aisling, a secondary but very important character, is not human, and has a totally different shape language from the rest of the characters. She is thin and pointy, while most of the others are round or square. Aisling also has the most negative space making up her silhouette, compare the triangles made by her arms and legs in the above picture to the figures in the first image where everybody’s body is self contained with no negative space. She is also very different color wise, very pale and cool colored, as opposed to the warm saturated colors of the human characters. (yes this was another excuse to gush abt one of my fave pieces of media deal with it)
hopefully that wasn’t too rambley and actually helps? if yall have more specific design questions lemma know lol
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