#auror longbottom
crrrybaby-ao3 · 5 days
Chapter 12 is out.
Where Draco Malfoy Gets Stoned Enough to Reconsider All His Life Choices. 🫠
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jerichojemini · 5 months
Narcissa x Alice (Nobleflower)
I saw a Ruby Cruz gif and it inspired me when I should be asleep.
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“It’s me Narcissa,” Alice made her presents known after she entered the room of requirements.
“How was quidditch practice,” Narcissa asked, tending to her notes at the desk?
“It went well until I collided with a tree,” Alice admitted, though she’d rather not. But the evidence was all on her face.
“What,” Narcissa looked up, gasping when she saw Alice face covered with bruises and cuts.
“Go sit on the bed, I’ll grab a first aid kit,” Narcissa ordered, getting up from the desk.
“Cissa, it’s a few cuts I’ll be fine,” Alice argued.
“Sit,” Narcissa commanded.
“Fine,” Alice sighed dragging her feet as she walked to the bed.
“But just so you know I’d rather be cuddling with my girlfriend,” Alice yelled, making sure Narcissa heard her all the way across the room.
“You can cuddle with me later, darling,” Narcissa said, as she walked back over to Alice.
“It’s really nothing to worry about, I’ve been through worse, my flower,” Alice gave a small smile.
“That makes me concerned,” Narcissa responded, setting the kit on the bed next to Alice and opening it up.
“Please just leave it alone,” Alice begged.
“No, now hold still,” Narcissa spoke, opening up some kind of healing ointment.
Narcissa perfectly manicured hand reached its way up to Alice’s face.
“Narcissa, it’s just a few cuts,” Alice said, swatting away Narcissa hands.
“Stop it, this isn’t just a few cuts,” Narcissa grabbed her face to keep it still.
“Leave it, they will heal on their own,” Alice tried to get away but it was no use. Narcissa had a tight grip on her face. Not to the point where it hurt but just tight enough so Alice couldn’t escape.
“They will leave scars,” Narcissa sighed.
Alice smirked. “Chicks dig scars.”
Narcissa turned Alice’s face upward so she could look directly in her eyes.
“This chick doesn’t like them,” her voice was low but her tone was clear.
Alice smiled, licking her lips Asher face turned bright red.
“That was insanely hot,” Alice grabbed her waist pulling Narcissa on top of her.
Narcissa indulged her for a second allowing Alice to give her kiss on her neck. Alice’s rough lips colliding with Narcissa soft skin did feel good.
“Stop it,” Narcissa smiled.
“I think I prefer this much better,” Alice smiled, before kissing Narcissa.
Alice could feel the pain from her busted lip as Narcissa lips mashed to hers. But it was worth it, every time she kissed her she felt at home. Like there wasn’t an impending war and she wouldn’t have to break up with Narcissa at the end of the year so she could marry some snob. It was safe and warm and worth all the pain in the world.
“Stop, not until I’ve healed all your wounds,” Narcissa pulled away, standing back up to continue working on her girlfriend’s face.
“You wound me,” Alice sighed.
“Just another wound for me to heal,” Narcissa said, with a straight face.
Alice could help but laugh.
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capriddle · 4 months
It may be a common and obvious headcanon but I'm sure that it was Bellatrix who had the idea of ​​going to the Longobottoms to torture them. I think she had low expectations but at least she could vent about traitors.
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ladiesofhpfest · 1 year
The Auror's Wife by @midnightstargazer
Our first fic of the week is here and it's a heartbreaker brought to you by the talented @midnightstargazer!
Summary: People often forgot that Alice was an Auror in her own right, not just an Auror’s wife. Five times she corrected them + one time someone else did.
What's to love: Girlboss Alice Longbottom is an Auror, and don't you forget it. She's strong, ready to fight, and even readier to stand up for herself. She's not going to let anyone forget that she's worked hard to achieve her position, whether it's a coworker, the Minister of Magic, or her torturers. It's canon compliant, get ready for some FEELS.
Thank you MidnightStargazer!
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floxdeloscolores · 1 year
Alice meeting Dorcas and Marlene for the first time in the Auror Office - 1976
It was a small office, Alice mused, for being the only one assigned to the Aurors in the whole of the Ministry. No more than ten desks and no more than five people occupied it presently, working through stacks of parchment furiously. It was quiet, too. 
She supposed she had gotten too used to the rough and readiness of Auror training, and what waited for her after completion had been underwhelming to say the least. Her male counterparts did not seem to be having the same issue, she thought with annoyance, and she looked at the stars on the wall that told of the location of all the Aurors. Gideon was having his fair share of action in North Chippandsawn, it looked like. That lucky git.
Alice Forescue was only able to return to her work for a short moment before Alastor Moody burst through the door, sporting his newly acquired eye-patch and looking as irate as usual. 
“Fortescue,” he barked, and Alice rose to her feet immediately. “New staff - get training.”
He left swiftly, revealing two young women that had been standing behind him the entire time. Alice eyed them with interest.
Witches, Alice mused. Finally.
“Dorcas Meadowes,” said the one in yellow robes, extending her hand to Alice. Her long hair was braided against her scalp, and she flashed Alice, the much shorter witch (for Dorcas was rather tall and lanky), a confident smile. 
“Alice Fortescue. Welcome to the Auror Office.”
The other witch thanked her. She had glossy, dark hair and a short, curvy frame. Her eyes were adorned with spidery eyelashes. “Marlene McKinnon, nice to meet you.”
“This place is buzzing,” Dorcas said flatly, taking in the dead silence. A fly droned past. 
“Yes, I wish for a moment’s peace everyday!” Alice replied. 
Marlene laughed. “Always a good thing, right? Wouldn't wish for us to have more crimes to investigate.”
“Oh, but there are plenty,” Alice said, and getsured for them to take a seat by her desk, “however I’m afraid none of the missions have been deemed as quite right for, er, someone like me to take.”
Dorcas looked affronted. “Surely not because you’re a witch?”
Alice snorted into her cup of tea. “What else, if not?”
“Maybe you’re just an awful Auror!” Marlene said, making the joke clear by wiggling her eyebrows.
“That absolute dickhead,” Dorcas remarked, instead, although she laughed at Marlene’s jest. She looked at the door where Moody had left. “Should’ve known it was too quiet, everybody’s out having all the fun!”
“Quite right,” Alice noted, her eyes glistening. She liked these girls. “What year did you graduate? I don’t remember you two from Hogwarts.”
“Almost two years ago - we’ve been training for one, of course. We were in Hufflepuff, mind you, Miss Head Girl, so that’s probably why,” Marlene explained.
Alice smiled in earnest now. She was two years their senior, then. 
“Ah yes, my golden years. You lucky ducks saw me in my prime.”
“Bloody good Head Girl, too - took no prisoners with the Slytherins, or anyone naughty for that matter,” Dorcas said.
“Well it’s all gone down hill, m’afraid - I’m no queen of the castle here.”
Dorcas whistled, saddened by the fact. She could remember being fifteen, observing the Gryffindor witch hotly lecture Ackley Nott in the corridors, a young but abysmal cretin, reducing him to embarrassed tears with her words alone. Alice had always seemed so respected and valued by the teachers at Hogwarts - it was a slap in the face to find her bored out of her mind in a barren room in the Ministry.
“They’re all sexist prigs, then,” Marlene said, “There was a time when witches ruled supreme! Now we’ve been reduced to - what’s this - sorting out paperwork?”
“That’s Disappearance files, so it’s not all totally useless,” Alice remarked. 
“Blimey, are they really?”
Alice nodded at Dorcas. “Yes, I’m in charge of updating them. I’m not too shabby with a wand though, and I think I would be put to better use in a more practical sense. But alas, my behind is glued to this chair, apparently.”
“You must be an expert on these cases after all that reading,” Dorcas noted.
“Oh, no one knows more about them than I do, I can guarantee it,” Alice confirmed. 
“And you’re not out on the field?” Marlene asked, looking hopeless. 
The blonde witch sighed as a reply. “I reckon Moody is asking me to show you two the ropes so you’ll join my efforts. We’ll have a ball of a time,” she added, pointing at her stack of files with a sarcastic wink.
“There’s no way we are letting the men get away with this,” Dorcas exclaimed. “There’s a dark wizard on the horizon! Or is this place also burying its head in the sand?”
“You two have come hungry, I see!” Alice chuckled. She remembered the days of dewy eyes and big dreams so clearly. Fresh out of training and seeing the utter lack of work for her, she decided to enlist in further duel and wand training to buy herself time and experience. She was now quick, alert, responsive, fearless - the perfect young Auror the Wizarding World most definitely needed at its disposal. That phase had completely finished some months back, however, and she found herself in the same predicament as last time. Alice felt so disillusioned, she almost could not find it within herself to fight back this time round. 
“I can’t sit here and watch this all happen!” Dorcas repeated, aghast.
“Dory,” Marlene said, “maybe we should wait until our second week until we start a revolt, yeah?”
Alice watched the two young women silently for a moment. Sod it.
“Tell you what,” Alice started, and her two new colleagues stared at her with curiosity, “why don’t I go through the cases with you, show you around the office, and then we can think of how to finally get our foot in the door? Well, out of the door,” she said, sitting down at her desk.
“How so?”
Dorcas looked excited, and Marlene leaned forward in her chair. This made Alice smile. There seemed to be hope after all.
“I think you’re quite right, Dorcas, we can’t let the men get away with this. I can wipe all their eyebrows with one flick of my wand, and they’ve been underestimating me for far too long. Let’s see what we can do for these disappearance cases, shall we?”
Dorcas and Marlene pushed their chairs forward eagerly, and nodded as they made a grab for some parchment and quills.
“Aye aye, Miss Head Girl,” Dorcas sang.
Ah yes, witches in the Auror Department had been long overdue indeed.
AUTHOR'S NOTES: excerpt from my story 'Wild Children'. This is the start of how Alice proves her value as an Auror, and becomes one of Moody's best (and most treasured, though he only admits it through growls).
Flox Polimon
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marvelomadness06 · 2 years
To Frank Longbottom, falling in love is like forgetting anything else exists. It’s like watching sunlight and shadows dance across your fingers, marvelling at the simplicity and intrigue of it all. It’s waking up an hour early for practice just so you can eat with them at breakfast. It’s the way you hold onto the things that you hold dear, even if it causes you the worst pain plausible to do so.
To Frank Longbottom, falling in love is like flying.
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whats-inyour-head · 2 years
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I was the only Auror present, in the battle of Hogwarts, I did everything to protect my family and my home.
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iamnmbr3 · 6 months
Things Draco Malfoy has Done in the Muggle World During His Postwar Probation
Attempted to order from a menu by speaking to it
Almost breached the Statute of Secrecy due to mistaking someone using clap-on-clap-off lights for a muggleborn using wandless magic
Got into a heated argument with the actors in a commercial because he thought the people in the tv were talking to him
Refused to walk in front of a car for fear of bumping into the invisible animals that obviously pull it
Panicked and responded "I have no idea what you're talking about" when asked what the "magic word" is
Complained that his telephone is broken because it periodically emits a loud ringing sound for no apparent reason
Run into Harry Potter unexpectedly in a pub, dropped everything he was holding, and automatically caught it with wandless magic without thinking, thus breaching the Statute of Secrecy in front of 47 muggles and the most famous Auror in Britain
Run into Harry Potter again in the same pub, thanked him for getting him out of those misuse of magic charges and apologized (again) for all of the more unpleasant bits of their history
Accidentally on purpose run into Harry Potter yet again in the same pub to find out why he comes to muggle London so often and how he's doing and to let him know that he's not remotely interested in whether the rumors in the Daily Prophet that he's split up with Ginny Weasley are true (they are)
Met Harry Potter in a pub for drinks to chat about old times except not the sad bits at least until they've had a few
Taken his muggle friends out to a pub that he definitely chose at random but which coincidentally Harry Potter also happens to be walking into so they might as well all sit down together
Had to admit that he may have mentioned him a few times when Harry is shocked to discover that all of Draco's muggle friends seemingly know his name despite the fact that he isn't famous in the muggle world
Met Harry and Harry's friends for drinks and somehow actually had a good time and not been vengefully poisoned by Ron Weasley or cursed by Hermione Granger or stabbed by Neville Longbottom or anything else dreadful
Had to explain to several bemused people that when Luna Lovegood says that they used to live together she doesn't mean they were involved romantically
Invited Harry Potter back to his flat and proudly shown him that he now knows how to make a telephone stop ringing (you just lift it up for a moment and then slam it back down and that fixes it) and then told him off for laughing
Visited Harry Potter at his flat, also in muggle London though protected by the Fidelius Charm for extra privacy, met a very small and excitable owl and had a protracted but good natured argument about which of them was actually better at Quidditch (because obviously if Draco had had a Firebolt he would have won every match)
Got his wand back and immediately transfigured everything in his flat just because he can and because it feels so good to use magic again and then cast Rictusempra on Harry because clearly Draco is the superior dueler and also because he likes the sound of Harry's laugh
Kissed Harry Potter.
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hp-hcs · 9 months
violent stalker mattheo riddle.... each guy and girl readers ever spoken to? damn wdym they showed up beaten up the next day and they dont even know who did it ????
i feel like he'd also get violent with reader and ykw .... im so insane id let him beat me bloody .
"i'm doing this because you're not listening to me, sweetheart. how else am i supposed to show you that trying to leave me is what you shouldn't do?"
hey uh, future requesters: giving me a line of dialogue or smth to build around means i’ll finish your request WAY faster. tysm anon 😭
requests open
prometheus — yandere! insane! stalker! mattheo riddle x gn! reader
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wow! there’s a fuck ton of really fucking dark violence, murder, torture, manipulation, abduction, and horrific domestic abuse in this! please be careful if you choose to read this!
1.5k words!
i jokingly took a sociopathy test with a couple of friends earlier today and i scored like really high so uh dunno how to feel about that
“Am I…am I in trouble or something, Professor…?”
Professor McGonagall’s lips thinned and she looked at you over the rim of her glasses. She folded her hands together neatly where they rested on her desk before speaking. “Not for now, no. Relax a bit, dear. The law states that you’re innocent until proven guilty.”
“That’s not- that doesn’t really make me less nervous.”
The professor opened her mouth to speak again when a chime alerted her to an incoming floo call.
With a wave of her wand, the flames flared green and a genial-looking man stepped out of the fireplace. He brushed soot off of his robes and grinned brightly as soon as he caught sight of the professor.
“Minerva! Lovely to see you again. I’m afraid Quincy isn’t going to make it. Corbett is sick, poor thing, so he’s staying home with him today,” the man gushed, evidently quite close with the professor.
“Oh, send them both my well wishes, Hez, dear. Anyway, this is the student you asked to see, Y/n L/n,” she motioned towards you.
The man gave you a cheery grin—far too cheerful for this early in the morning—and held out his hand for you to shake. “A pleasure to meet you, Mx. L/n. I’m Auror Hezekiah Ackerly. I’d just like to ask you a few questions if that’s alright?”
You dubiously shook his outstretched hand, a bit put off by his bright grin that never seemed to dim. “Sure.”
“Wonderful!” the Auror pulled the second office guest chair closer and sat down across from you. “Let’s get the easy questions out of the way. Do you have many friends? Or maybe a small, close-knit group of people you regularly hang out with?”
Your eyebrows furrowed. The fuck kind of question was this?
“Uh, I guess a close-knit group?”
Auror Ackerly summoned a notebook and quill, writing quickly. “Who belongs to this group?”
Seriously, this felt more like being at a psychiatrist’s office than being questioned by a government official.
“Er, Harry Potter, Ron Weasley, and Hermione Granger? And sometimes Neville Longbottom and Luna Lovegood?”
Seriously, what was going on?
“And do you have any…romantic relationships? Any troubles or issues there?”
Your eyes narrow. “What’re you playing at?”
“Cormac McLaggen was found dead in the Forbidden Forest this morning,” Professor McGonagall cut to the chase, interrupting Auror Ackerly. “You were the last known person to have spoken to him, and several of your peers attest that they heard an argument break out between the two of you last night after dinner.”
Your eyebrows shot up and your jaw dropped. “Dead? Wh- how?”
“That’s what we at the Ministry would like to know,” Auror Ackerly interjected smoothly. “You’re not in trouble, Mx. L/n, but I am here to escort you to the Ministry for questioning.”
Your jaw dropped.
They thought you did this?
You sat at a table, alone in some room deep inside the Ministry building.
You huffed, folding yet another paper crane from the stack of sticky notes Ackerly had oh-so-thoughtfully left for you after your interrogation.
You set the finished bird on the table, the small pile of origami cranes you’ve made while waiting slowly getting larger.
Peeling off another sticky note, you started folding another when a nice-looking man in well-pressed robes entered the barren room and stopped in front of your table. He looked down at you with mild bafflement.
“L/n, I presume?”
“That’d be me,” you mumbled, adding your newest crane to the pile.
The man smiled gently before waving a hand over your paper birds and enchanting them to fly.
You tried to hide your awe as you look up at the cranes that floated and soared around the room.
The man smiled at your reaction. “It’s quite nice to finally meet you, Mx. L/n. You’ve been the topic of many a discussion today.”
“I’d imagine so, yes,” you said dryly. “Not many teenagers accused of murder coming through the department, huh?”
He grinned. “Not really, no.”
The man pulled out the other chair at the table, sitting down across from you and rifling through the thick manila folder he held.
“Are you here to interrogate me some more?” You asked suspiciously. “Ask Ackerly, man. I already told him everything I know.”
He laughed. “No, I’m not here to interrogate you. I’m your lawyer, Mx. L/n.”
You blink. “I don’t have a lawyer. My family can’t afford that.”
“You always have the right to an attorney, Mx. L/n,” he said kindly as he held out his hand to you. “Octavian Foxglove, Esquire.”
“Y/n L/n, but you already knew that,” you greet, shaking his hand.
He smiled again.
He was a very smiley man.
He laid out the manila folder and turned it around on the table so that you would be able to see it.
The first paper on top was a copy of your school records, with a bright red PRIMARY SUSPECT stamped over the top of your picture.
You grimaced.
Your lawyer nodded sympathetically. “There’s a photo underneath that page, by the way. Supposedly the last photo we have of McLaggen still alive and, uh…it’s not looking great for you, in all honesty.”
You moved your school records page aside, finding a standard moving photograph paperclipped to the inside of the file.
It showed, quite clearly, you speaking with Cormac McLaggen in a hallway. Picture-Cormac angrily threw his arms up in the air and silently yelled at picture-you, while your body language in the photo loudly screamed ‘furious & upset’.
He was right. It wasn’t a great look.
“And there’s only one thing I need you to- oh, where is it?” He dug through the inside pockets of his robes, procuring a pen. “Aha! The next page has a simple contract. I just need a signature stating that you either accept me as your public defender, or would like to request someone else from the Ministry to handle your case.”
You nod, flipping the page to the contract he indicated. Mr. Foxglove smiled again and held the pen out to you.
As soon as your fingers made contact with the pen, you vanished.
You stumbled blindly, almost falling to the floor before a hand caught your elbow and steadied you.
“Easy, careful.”
You whirled around, surprised to see a different man in Mr. Foxglove’s clothes. He held his hands up in a non-threatening manner.
“Woah- slow down, kid. You’re fine.”
“Who the hell are you?”
“I’m- was your lawyer,” he shrugged and smiled. “Augustus Rookwood, at your service.”
It dawned on you. “It was a portkey,” you breathed. “The pen. It was a portkey, wasn’t it?”
“Clever kid,” he sounded impressed. “Now c’mon. The boss wants to see you.”
You followed the man without complaint; half out of curiosity, half out of the knowledge that Augustus Rookwood was an Azkaban escapee charged with at least forty counts of first degree murder.
Pretty simple choice.
It looked like you were in a wealthy aristocrat’s house. Er, mansion, more accurately. The hallway you were walking down was old and stuffy and dusty, and the overall aura of Dark magic that permeated the very air of the house sent shivers down your spine.
Rookwood led you down a flight of rickety stairs to the first floor, and then down a narrow hallway and into a study, where he left you without another word.
The study itself was old. Everything was coated in a thick layer of dust except for the pristine and polished bureau right in the center.
(Obviously, ‘the boss’ was sitting at this desk.)
((Villains tend to be predictable like that.))
However, you were surprised to see that ‘the boss’ was-
He looked up at the sound of your voice, a wide grin spreading across his face as he hurriedly got up from his desk.
“Y/n, darling, hello!” He gushed, practically skipping over towards you before pulling you into a very uncomfortable hug. “Sweetheart- oh, I’m so glad you’ve made it here safely! Rookwood really is my only competent assistant; I must be sure to give him a raise.”
You froze up at the unexpected hug, your arms remaining stiffly by your sides. He let go after a moment, but remained just a bit too close for comfort.
“Hopefully the Ministry didn’t give you too hard of a time,” he rubbed the back of his neck with a guilty grin. “I promise Ackerly’s a good man. When he’s, y’know, in control of his own body.”
Your eyes widen and you take a step back. “What?”
“Just a little Imperius, darling, no worries. Did you like your gift?”
You blinked, thrown off by his rapid changes in subjects. “Uh- gift?”
He smiled proudly. “McLaggen? He won’t bother you anymore, see?”
All the color drained from your face.
“You killed Cormac?”
He nods, grinning. “Uh-huh. I heard what McLaggen said to you last night in the hall, and I don’t like when other people look at what’s mine.”
“Yours?” You repeat, your lip curling in disgust. “You’d better not be referring to me.”
Mattheo paused, looking at you in confusion. “What else would I be talking about?”
You scoff in shock, shaking your head. “Yeah, nope, I’m out.”
You turned around without further preamble, marching out of the room and towards the front door that you’d passed earlier. Mattheo laughed and followed you out of the study at a leisurely pace, seemingly unworried.
“Where are you going to go, darling? As far as the general public is concerned, you’re on the run after brutally murdering a classmate. You’re Wanted with a capital W, sweetheart.”
“I’ll figure it out,” you snarled, storming towards the front door.
“Y/n…” He warned, drawing his wand and pointing it at you. “Get back here. Now.”
“Fuck off.” You spat over your shoulder, not sparing him another glance.
That was clearly not the thing to say. As if in slow motion, you heard a dreaded word fall from his lips.
You were struck with pain that was so overwhelming, so blinding, so agonizing, that you were sure you were going to die.
You were only half aware that you’d fallen to the floor at some point as wave after wave of unbearable pain crashed over you. You could feel your bones creaking and grinding together, your skin splitting apart only to knit itself back together just to be torn apart again, like you were some fucked up wixen version of fucking Prometheus.
You were only vaguely aware that you were speaking, pleading. Pleading not for the Unforgivable to be lifted, but for him to just end it, end you, entirely.
“K-kill me! Kill m-me…please!” You begged, blood trailing down from the corner of your mouth and smeared across your chin. You must’ve bit your tongue hard for it to bleed like that, and the sting from that wound while you speak is just too overwhelming when combined with the pain from the Cruciatus Curse.
Then all at once, it stops.
You gasp for air, your entire body trembling and numb as you lay sprawled across the floor like a marionette with its strings cut.
Mattheo kneeled down by your side and cupped your face in his hands with a kind of tender gentleness that felt deeply wrong coming from him.
“See, I’m doing this because you’re not listening to me, sweetheart. How else am I supposed to show you that trying to leave me is what you shouldn’t do?” He cooed softly, gently wiping the blood from your chin with the sleeve of his shirt.
You flinched back at his touch. Your body—still wracked with uncontrollable quivers and trembles—tried in vain to crawl away from him.
“Oh no, honey- hey, honey- I promise it’s all over, okay? You were so so good for me. But you see now that you’ve got to stay with me, right?”
Your jaw quivered and your still-stinging tongue felt thick in your mouth, yet you managed to spit vicious hatred towards him.
“G-go to hell.”
A flurry of emotions crossed his face: surprise, anger, guilt, and disappointment; all of which were topped by the underlying aura of pure sadistic glee that exuded from him.
“Oh? Do you need another lesson or two before you learn?” He sighed and shook his head patronizingly. “Very well then, darling. Crucio!”
taglist! @gayaristocrat @slytherinboysappreciation @lemonaderiddle @h-------n @yournogoodalone @knave-hearts @schaebickel @lexacantsleep @big-brother-problems @darkcharmx @cyberbl4de @amandajonhsson @megannxn @catz-80 @ghostiesen @fruityfrog505 @coysa @fruitypebblesstuff @mildlyuninformative @glittervame @cayaevans1 @lizeylavender @cloudydaysinmydreams @ironickarkatlover @ahead-fullofdreams @tachyon-girl @jaythes1mp @lovelyfandomqueen @ashisgreedy @mothermah3m @siuspider @ineedtogetalife11 @cherry-berry-ollie @cherriosxfish @a-hopeless-romantics-blog @fallingblackveils @ldrsog @linde0s @ghost-tyr @booksouflette @h0treader @maraudersforlife2005 @ahano @miah-macaroni @whatislifes-stuff @iara-ximena17 @goth-blackcat @dutifullyfuturisticwizard @docackerman @mizu-mc @tiacordelia02 @mingyuethesimp @luvlli @dracoshusband @verychaoticgay @thathogwartsjedi @lisbethpisbeth @remusily @daliah-xxo @rainy-darling @corinneeagles @sle1epy @averys-place @shibble @i-love-sirius-black7 @azu-202029 @artemismckinnon @lostboychimera @yukimaniac @annegrey
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lulublack90 · 8 months
Prompt 7 - Star
@jegulus-microfic February 7 Word count 743
ok this wasn't meant to be another multi-prompt story but here we are 🤣
CW- someone is tortured but it's not described but you know it's going on.
First part
Sirius had blindfolded him once they’d cleared the building. He could feel Sirius’s face still close to his. 
“We’re going to apparate in a second. Are you going to behave, or do I have to stun you?” Sirius growled into his ear. Regulus tried to twist his head away from his brother.
“Stunning it is.” Sirius sighed before Regulus felt a spell hit him, and then…
“Did you have to do that, Sirius?” James huffed as he rearranged Regulus’s limp body on his shoulders. 
“If he messed around, he would have splinched himself, and you might have as well. This was easier.” Sirius shrugged at James as he explained. “Come on, Mad-Eye will want to question him.” Sirius held his hand out to James, and they disapparated to their designated safe house. 
Regulus’s body felt stiff like he’d fallen asleep sitting up. Slowly, he cracked his eyes open. He was in a dark room, possibly a cellar. He wasn’t sure. If magic was being used, he could be anywhere. 
He tried to move and found he was strapped tightly to a wooden chair. 
“Ah, so you’re finally awake?” A gruff, gravely voice said from the shadows. Alastor Moody moved so he was just visible in the low light. 
Regulus supposed it was meant to be an intimidation tactic, but it wasn’t strong enough to work on him. The Auror clearly hadn’t asked Sirius for input, as he’d know that after dealing with Walburga Black, nothing these silly little men could do would get to him. 
“Hmmm, braver than you look, hey, Black? Let’s see how brave the lionhearted star really is.” He raised his wand, pointing it directly at Regulus’s chest, and all Regulus could think was this man was an idiot. The Regulus star wasn’t lionhearted. It was the heart of the lion, and as it was, his heart belonged to only one lion, a Gryffindor lion. 
He used thoughts of James to get him through the waves of torture Moody was about to perform.
Above them, in the kitchen, James and Sirius paced. Frank Longbottom had his wand on them, and they had been warned that if they tried to get into the cellar, he’d stun the pair without hesitating. So they paced. 
James flinched at every scream, and Sirius ranted and raved about how torture wouldn’t work on him because Walburga had made it her life’s mission to torture her sons until they could endure anything. 
“Just talk to him like I said to. He’s a twat, but he’ll talk more if you don’t piss him off with spells first.” He bellowed at the door.
James couldn’t speak at all. Every cry emitted from Regulus broke a piece of him. If he’d have thought even for a second that the Order would do this to him, he’d have taken him and run. 
Eventually, it went silent, and familiar clunking footsteps pounded up the stairs. The door to the cellar opened, and Mad-Eye walked out, looking tired and not at all satisfied. James and Sirius went to step around him, but he shot his arm out, blocking them. 
“Oh, no, you don’t,” He growled at them. “No one is to go near the prisoner.” 
“What the fuck Mad-Eye?!” Sirius cried as he tried in vain to get around him. 
“He’s not talking yet. But don’t you worry, he will.”
“No, he won’t! I’ve already told you, Moody, you won’t break him like that. All you’ve done is piss him off. He’ll never say a word to you now. Let us try. I know we can get through to him. He’ll talk to James and I. Please let us try.” By the end of his tirade, Sirius was pleading with the older wizard. James was glad Sirius had taken over. He was in no fit state to fight Mad-Eye. 
“Go on, Mad-Eye, it won’t hurt to let them have a crack at him.” Frank offered as he tried to defuse the situation and get the head Auror to see reason.
The grizzled wizard grunted something incoherent but nodded before he stomped out of the kitchen. They all understood he meant that James and Sirius could go down to Regulus.  
James stared at the cellar door. He felt sick at the thought that whatever had happened to Regulus was his fault if he hadn’t picked him up. None of this would have happened. 
He put his hand on the doorknob and turned it.    
Next part
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saintsenara · 1 year
You mentioned fanon turning barty crouch jr. into an uninteresting character. I don't know much about what the new fanon characterisation has really done with him, but I'm curious for your thoughts on why he's a canonically interesting character. I agree that he is, but it sounds like you might have some interesting thoughts on it that are already fleshed out.
thank you for the ask, @jamesunderwater, and i'm sorry for taking so long to drag myself around to answering this.
as you may have gathered if you’ve read my views on jegulus or wolfstar, the common fanon interpretation of marauders-era characters and i don’t really get on.
this is not a new development - me and goofy fanon sirius have been beefing for over a decade at this point, i fear - but our enmity has taken on a new form since [roughly] 2020, when the emergence of what we might call the modern marauders subfandom brought with it a whole series of expectations about characters, ships, personalities, and appearances in first war stories which - let me state my position immediately - have absolutely nothing to do with the characters as they are in canon.
i could talk about sirius or regulus or james or snape or lupin until the cows come home - as, i’m sure, could many of us - but i also dislike the expectations the marauders subfandom has around its supporting cast. these characters - who largely fall under the categories of women, slytherins, or both - have names that we might recognise from canon, but they are - to all intents and purposes - original characters.
to do some marauders fan defending, i do understand the rationale behind this. hogwarts is a school, and it needs to be filled with the sort of incidental characters that lightning-era writers can pull from the canon text [shoutout to ernie macmillan, the mvp]. if you’re writing about lily, then she needs friends - why not have them be alice, marlene, dorcas, emmeline, pandora etc.?
[well, because dumbledore isn’t running a child army. it makes no sense for the entire order of the phoenix to be in the same school year - and the idea that alice is probably around ten years older than lily, that pandora is around the same age as narcissa malfoy and isn’t a pureblood, and that marlene, dorcas, and emmeline are hard-nosed ministry bitches in their fifties who can have mad-eye moody quaking with just a look is something which can be prised from my cold, dead hands.]
and if you’re writing about the epic highs and lows of high-school football going to school during a sectarian conflict, then you need some antagonists. which is to say, you need some slytherins.
the issue i have is that the three key slytherins who seem to have been elevated to principal cast in the marauders pantheon - regulus black, barty crouch jr., and evan rosier - get what can only be called the smol bean treatment. that is, that three teenagers who all canonically join a terror organisation are turned into soft and tiny babies who thought lord voldemort was just feeling silly when he said, "my aim is the eradication of the muggleborn population through violent means."
and even fics which do acknowledge that the three willingly become terrorists often go out of their way to provide justifications for this which don’t contextualise their decision [something which is important - you can’t write about snape becoming a death eater without acknowledging the way that poverty, loneliness, and a sense of hopelessness make someone an easy target of radicalisation] but which minimise it. sometimes, their violence is turned into romantic vengeance - i’ve seen a fair amount of suggestions that barty goes to torture the longbottoms because frank was the auror who killed evan. sometimes, authors imply - or even outright state - that there’s no need to see these boys as aspiring villains: voldemort is right; the class system is good and should be maintained; and purebloods [usually james, sirius, regulus, barty, evan and maybe a token woman or two] should stick together while the half-breeds and the mudbloods go hang.
this - like all aristocracy wank in this fandom - annoys me enough with regulus and evan. but it’s particularly grating when it comes to barty crouch jr. because - unlike evan, who is literally just a name in the text, and regulus, who isn’t much more - he actually has a canon personality.
and it’s fascinating. indeed, i would even go so far as to say that barty crouch jr. is the greatest villain in the harry potter series.
[my apologies to lord voldemort.]
after all, even though he’s been imprisoned under the imperius curse for over a decade, barty is still so lucid and powerful that he is able to:
produce magic capable of tricking the goblet of fire, which is treated by all the adult characters involved as unprecedented.
pull off a year-long impersonation of a man whom dumbledore evidently knows extremely well without being clocked until his mission has been successful, even though his opportunities to observe the real moody can have been virtually non-existent. he is in character within seconds of his ambush on moody’s home - after the intruder-alert dustbins are set off - and is able to persuade ministry personnel who can be presumed to have met moody personally [including both amos diggory and arthur weasley, who appear to know him not only personally, but well] that he is the real deal. he maintains his performance even under close scrutiny from the teaching colleagues he has to interact with daily at hogwarts, despite the fact that he presumably can’t get a great deal out of the real moody, since he’s having to be kept deliberately weak and docile under the imperius curse.
manipulate multiple people into become accessories to his crimes, without ever being suspected of doing so. with the hindsight of knowing who he is, the first defence against the dark arts lesson in goblet of fire, in which "moody" deliberately distresses neville by using the cruciatus curse directly in front of him, before swooping in to be the person to cheer him up so that he can plant information which will help harry win the triwizard tournament and deliver him to voldemort, is chilling. he just gets unlucky that harry has the biggest martyr complex in human history.
commit murder on hogwarts’ grounds without ever being suspected of wrongdoing.
execute lord voldemort’s plan to kidnap harry and use him in his resurrection ritual flawlessly. the plan itself may be convoluted - but dark lords are allowed to have a flair for the dramatic, as a treat - but, crucially, it works, and barty succeeds in every respect.
but, i concede, we’re talking about the adult barty here. perhaps he was once a sweetheart who went unfortunately off the rails after his father sent him to prison and then - in effect - drugged him for years. that wouldn’t be a ridiculous suggestion.
except for the fact that - canonically - the teen barty was just as clever, sly, manipulative, and - above all - ardent in his support for voldemort as his adult self.
at his trial in the early 1980s, young barty gives the performance of a lifetime. he screams, he shakes, he looks terrified of the dementors, he is pale and weak and harmless-looking, he begs his mother to help him, he pleads with his father for mercy, he maintains his innocence as he's dragged off to his cell. he gives off the impression of simply having been in the wrong place at the wrong time so well that harry is almost certain that his conviction is illegitimate. so too, it is implied, is dumbledore.
indeed, barty plays the part of the wrongfully imprisoned so well that - as canon tells us - he not only influences public opinion to be broadly in favour of his probable innocence [or, at least, his diminished culpability - sirius suggests that the widespread view was that he was probably there, but that he only ended up involved in what was clearly bellatrix’s idea because of his father’s failure to relate to him properly], but also changes public opinion against the government’s anti-death-eater strategy entirely.
following his imprisonment, his father - a man who never met an extrajudicial punishment he didn’t like, and whose ruthless approach to dealing with the death eaters in the first war [such as his use of internment for suspected terrorists and his order to aurors to shoot to kill] was, we are told, enormously popular with the wizarding public - is forced to resign in disgrace from his role as head of the department of magical law enforcement. crouch sr. is quietly shuffled off into a boring bureaucratic position, his ambitions to be minister in tatters, and his only way forward to free his son from the prison cell where he is languishing for the crime he very literally did.
[as an aside, i do think that we are supposed to read bellatrix as the ringleader of the torture of the longbottoms. but, all too often, that gets reduced to her doing everything while rodolphus, rabastan, and barty just stand there gormlessly. they were clearly performing the curses too!]
now, barty’s unusual cunning can - of course - be explained by narrative reasons. the text needs to conceal that he’s the villain [since, as with philosopher’s stone, it wants to imply that the dark lord’s faithful servant at hogwarts is snape] until the very end - and this naturally requires dumbledore to not think too hard about whether his good judy alastor is behaving even more strangely than usual.
the text also needs to suggest that he's innocent in order to properly stick the landing on the narrative role of his father - barty crouch sr. as with dolores umbridge in order of the phoenix, crouch sr. exists to show harry [and the reader] that the rot in the wizarding world was not caused by - and will not stop with the defeat of - voldemort. his ruthlessness and inflexibility, his lack of respect for due process, his astonishingly cruel treatment of winky [brutal beyond even the standard way in which wizards abuse their enslaved elves] all serve to teach harry that the anti-voldemort cause can become just as easily corrupted as the disillusioned young men in voldemort’s orbit. the suggestion that crouch sent his own son to azkaban without good reason, simply because he would not deviate from his beliefs, is an important lesson to harry about what "justice" actually means.
but, despite this, barty is also able to pull off his deception because he’s spectacularly talented. it’s not all just narrative.
and his talents are caused by characteristics which aren’t good or bad in and of themselves. he’s clearly very intelligent [he got twelve owls, the series’ benchmark for genius]. he’s hyper-observant, creative, adaptable, good under pressure, and possessed of nerves of steel. he shares these traits with other villains in the series - voldemort above all - but he also shares them with plenty of the heroes. harry, for one.
which is to say that all of his personality traits could be put to non-criminal uses. but - as with harry, who is capable of being quite sinister when he wants to be [for example, when he manipulates slughorn into giving up the horcrux memory] - they would give a non-criminal barty an edge. and this doesn’t seem to be present in his standard fanon persona - as sweet and goofy as all marauders-era men - to any great extent.
finally, there is another aspect of barty’s character which is absent from his fanon version - that he clearly has some sort of childhood trauma, but that this does not excuse any of what he does.
even though crouch sr. is right to send him to azkaban, he was clearly also a cold and distant father, who had absolutely no idea how to relate to his son.
[as another aside, this emotional negligence is bad enough without it needing to be written as having been accompanied by extreme physical and/or sexual abuse. there seems to be a real tendency in fanfiction - not only in marauders-era stuff, although the exaggeration of orion and walburga black into despotic villains is one example of this - to make childhood misery "worse", in order to justify a character’s later actions.]
voldemort demonstrably uses barty’s terrible relationship with crouch sr. [and his absolutely flagrant daddy kink] to groom him into taking the dark mark [not least because there’s otherwise no explanation for why he cheerfully informs him that he too is named after his dad], which he may very well end up taking when he’s still at school. my reading is that he’s recruited to inform on his father - since voldemort would undoubtedly wish to keep the head of the department of magical law enforcement under constant surveillance - and that this is why the dark lord pays him the attention he is so obviously lacking.
but, as with snape and regulus and draco malfoy and all the other young death eaters, barty also colludes in his own radicalisation. voldemort is a master at ensnaring recruits, sure, but he’s also a busy man. he only bothers to make the effort because the clever, creative, cunning, manipulative young man - who wishes to avenge himself on the father who never paid him attention [sound familiar?] - he finds before him is very much determined to become a spectacular part of his terrorist organisation. and stories which feature him owe it to him to give him that dark complexity of character
show the series’ best villain some respect.
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starlingflight · 5 months
WIP Wednesday
Tagging @lanaturnergetup @merlinsbudgiesmugglers @ginnyw-potter
No set word limits, just share a snippet, if you feel like it!
From my canon-divergent fake dating WIP (this is pre-fake dating arrangement):
“It's my department, Potter,” Robards said sharply. “I know everything that happens here… which is how I know that Weasley and Longbottom left twenty minutes ago, and that you should be with them.”
“I'm going in a minute. I'm just finishing some paperwork.”
Truthfully, this wasn't the first time Robards had kicked him out of the office, but usually such an occurrence only happened very late in the evening, when even the maintenance staff were ready to leave and were waiting on Harry to do so to be able to lock up.
“That can wait until Monday,” Robards said, unmistakable dismissal in his tone. “It's Friday night, Potter – you're young, and your friends are at the pub, for the sake of my sanity, go and join them… better yet, go and find some beautiful young witch and –”
The door flew open before Robards could finish, not that it mattered; Harry knew exactly where that particular rant had been going – everyone; his friends, his boss, the press, was obsessed with Harry's love life. The only person who wasn't, the only person who he wished did have an opinion on the subject, was currently strolling breezily through his office door.
Ginny didn't falter upon seeing the Head of the Auror Department seated in front of Harry's desk. On the contrary, she flicked her long, vivid hair confidently over her shoulder and painted a bright smile on her face. “Auror Robards,” she inclined her head in greeting. “Apologies for the intrusion, but I've been sent on a rescue mission – one simply doesn't refuse orders from Hermione Granger.”
Harry's eyes darted to Robards. He almost fell out of his chair upon discovering his usually surly expression replaced with an amused smile, the kind that only Ginny could bring forth. “I should think not, Miss Weasley. I take it you're here to extract, Potter?”
“Those are my instructions,” Ginny nodded, her smile was bright enough that it didn't matter Harry hadn't gotten around to lighting the lamps yet. “If you can spare him?”
“Take him,” Robards said, waving vaguely in Harry's direction as though he was an old piece of furniture that had become more of an inconvenience than an item of use. “He's yours.”
If only that were true.
Ginny was still grinning. She waggled her eyebrows at Harry over Robards’ shoulder. “Quill away please, Potter.”
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solitaire-sol · 5 months
Marauders Fandom Vent Post
CW: The following is anti-Regulus, anti-Barty Crouch Jr, anti-Slytherin Skittles, anti-Death Eater whitewashing, and a little general ranting about canon vs non-canon.
I should be finishing my Moonchaser Week fics but I made the mistake of browsing around and wow wow wow there are some truly terrible takes and I kind of really hate it.
"Regulus was abused and--" Really? Was he? Because all the info we get on him in canon is that he was Orion and Walburga's 'golden boy,' probably after Sirius started getting rebellious, definitely not reason enough to be Voldy's No. 1 Cheerleader until he was personally offended by the pursuit of immortality/mistreatment of Reg's house-elf. Just because ten billion fics follow-the-leader'd a handful of Big Fics where Sirius and Regulus were regularly Crucio'd on the daily from early childhood (and were still somehow functional when it landed Neville's parents, two adult and experienced Aurors, in the madhouse) does not make it canon. REGULUS WAS NOT A POOR ABUSED KITTEN AGAHGAHGAH
Oh, and speaking of the Longbottoms: "There's no proof Barty Jr really tortured anyone and he probably didn't even do anything at school so we don't know--"
Yeah, I guess that's fair. I mean, he was a dyed-in-the-wool Deatheater and was sent with two known murder-y/torture-y Deatheaters specifically to "take care" of the Longbottoms, who were as mentioned tortured into madness, but maybe Barty Jr was just sent along to take minutes or serve tea or something! No-one desperate to avoid Hell Prison might try to avoid it by saying they were innocent of the thing they did! We should believe the fascist fanboy who hangs out with other murderous and torturous fascist fanpeople.
"But Barty Jr was under the Imperious by his father! He was abused so--"
Yes, because his father stupidly broke his son out of Hell Prison as his wife's dying wish, tried to hide said son and couldn't control him because Barty Jr was a Voldy fanboy who kept trying to rejoin/restart their little Dark Magic gang! I'm not defending Barty Sr, he made a lot of very poor decisions throughout, but he Imperious'd Barty Jr to keep him from wandering off and doing Death Eater things like, oh, torturing and murdering Muggles and Muggleborns! There's no indication that Barty Jr was Imperius'd or cursed or abused or anything worse than having an emotionally distant workaholic father before he went into Azkaban, and there are lots of kids with emotionally distant parents who don't join hate armies and try to resume said activities after, again, his dying mother sacrificed herself for his freedom. Shockingly, Barty Jr is actually terrible!
I know, I know, it's fandom, do whatever you want, but I just don't understand this bizarre dual-vision myopia. Either canon doesn't matter, you can do what you want and ignore whatever's in the books, in which case why bother citing canon events at all? Or canon does matter, in which case your wildly speculative and sometimes outright incorrect 'facts' should at least be acknowledged as exactly that, rather than stretching the intended meaning of the phrase 'it could happen' so far that it snaps! Why are people so desperate to whitewash these murderous fanatics, they aren't even actually hot, their fans have decided they're hot and therefore should be whitewashed and I don't understanddddddd
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floxdeloscolores · 1 year
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How I imagine Marlene McKinnon
(in my story Wild Children)
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hpdrizzle · 1 day
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🌦️ It's time! REVEALS ARE HERE! 🌦️
Don't let the tornado of excellent works blow you away! We had 28 works submitted this year, by fest regulars and new participants alike!
A rainstorm of thanks for everyone who participated this year, and to all of you who followed along and showered our creators in kudos and comments. 🌈🌧️
Please enjoy the works below 💜
~ Your Drizzle Mods (@nanneramma, @patriceavril, @sleepstxtic, @uncannycerulean, @lumosatnight)
☔ These Silhouettes on Us [Fic, T, 6427], by @rainjulyx
💧Pairing: Draco Malfoy/Harry Potter 💧Summary: A fateful total lunar eclipse, the blood moon, befell London's sky. This heralded event led Harry's meandering path to cross with a ghost of his past—one that he's been trying his best to forget. “The blood moon brings luck,” they said. And this eclipse could be Harry's awaited turning point. At the moment the moon turned blood red, his blood burned bright.
☔ Rainy Day Adventure [Art, G, Digital], by @mugsdontlie
💧Pairing: Neville Longbottom & Trevor 💧Summary: Young Neville and his toad Trevor on a rainy day adventure in the pond.
☔ there's always been a rainbow [Fic, M, 3403], by DrPansyParkinson
💧Pairing: Pansy Parkinson/Neville Longbottom 💧Summary: Neville Longbottom has one last assignment to finish before we leaves the DMLE and starts teaching at Hogwarts. Unspeakable Pansy Parkinson is annoyed he's leaving her behind. ...and that's before the flooding starts.
☔ His Whole Life [Fic, T, 3958], by @hey-flynn
💧Pairing: Marcus Flint/Oliver Wood 💧Summary: Marcus and Oliver retell the stories of when they fell in love to their grandchildren.
☔ up above us [Fic, G, 5166], by @poljupci
💧Pairing: Ron Weasley & Harry Potter 💧Summary: They're in the woods. They're alone. They're hungry and desperate and all out of plans for what to do next. It's then that Ron decides that the only logical solution would be to retrieve an ace from up his sleeve - a secret he's never shared (and never plans to share) with anyone. It's unorthodox and ridiculous and not the kind of tool he'd usually like to rely upon, but it's not like any of them have any better ideas. So he waits until he has some semblance of privacy and, for the first time in his life, puts all his cards on faith showing him the way. Or: There are some things they don't teach you in Divination.
☔ Hero on the Plains [Fic, T, 1815], by @maraudersaffair
💧Pairing: Draco Malfoy/Harry Potter 💧Summary: A tornado is headed straight for their home, but Harry knows exactly what to do. cue the Home Depot theme song
☔ the fires [Fic, T, 1971], by @dracopetal
💧Pairing: Luna Lovegood/Ginny Weasley 💧Summary: They had been running from the fires for days now, and it was just the two of them left.
☔ Hot Girl Summer [Fic, T, 5494], by @sailtomarina
💧Pairing: Hermione Granger/Charlie Weasley, Hermione Granger/Fred Weasley, Hermione Granger/Percy Weasley 💧Summary: With the war now over and a summer heatwave in full force, the last thing anybody wants to do is worry about what the future holds. What about Quidditch and a birthday barbecue at the Burrow, instead? Or, Hermione finds herself the willing eye candy of not one, not two, but three eligible Weasleys? How can a girl choose? Why should she have to?
☔ A Cumulus Condition [Fic, T, 11934], by orolin
💧Pairing: Pansy Parkinson/Ron Weasley 💧Summary: Pansy likes nothing more than teasing Ron, her Auror partner of the last few years. But when a joke shop invention of George’s leaves everyone able to see Pansy’s true emotions, to her horror everyone can now see that she quite enjoys it when Ron teases her back. Or; and alternative title: Cloudy With a Chance of Cock
☔ Come in With The Rain [Art, G, Digital], by @legendrarry
💧Pairing: Draco Malfoy/Harry Potter 💧Summary: ”I'll leave my window open /'Cause I'm too tired at night to call your name / Just know I'm right here hoping /That you'll come in with the rain…” Or, Draco sits beside his window and tries to understand just who was hurting more; the London sky that wouldn’t stop crying, or his own broken heart?.
☔ tenderness of the wind [Fic, T, 1867], by @girl-with-goats
💧Pairing: Harry Potter/Tom Riddle 💧Summary: Harry is an ethereal being of wind that only manifests physically during a heavy downpour near magically potent places—specifically, in the Forbidden Forest. That's how Tom finds him.
☔ 2 Weeks on a Desert Island [Fic, T, 10342], by vitruvian8008
💧Pairing: Lily Luna Potter/Scorpius Malfoy, Lily Luna Potter/Blaise Zabini, Teddy Lupin/Victoire Weasley 💧Summary: Lily Luna Potter was excited for her voyage to Slytherin Kingdom. But that soon turns into a nightmare as they end up stranded on a desert island. With the sun blazing down on her, Lily’s life is about to change.
☔ Water Music by Goddess47 - a Podfic [Podfic, G, 34:16], by @cailynwrites
💧Pairing: Harry Potter/Severus Snape 💧Summary: Severus keeps hearing piano music...
☔ A Tale of SeasANAL Relief [Fic, E, 8383], by @minimindi
💧Pairing: Firenze/Ron Weasley 💧Summary: “Firenze, I want you to understand something so please look at me,” Ron waited until Firenze looked him in the eyes again then continued. “I am the Keeper of Keys and the Gamekeeper for Hogwarts. My entire job is accomplished outside. The irony of this situation is not lost on me. I will do anything to be rid of these allergies,” Ronald said with as much confidence as he could muster. How bad could this magical cure be? OR Ronald and Firenze bang away Ronald's allergies and find love in the process.
☔ In his Element [Fic, G, 3318], by @viridianrynn
💧Pairing: Neville Longbottom & Trevor the Toad 💧Summary: When a massive spring storm engulfs the castle, everyone retreats to the Hogwarts castle to escape the rain--everyone but one Neville Longbottom and his trusty toad Trevor, who instead set out to their favourite local haunt - a pond. This is a light little story on the friendship that binds Neville and his familiar together and their shared enjoyment of nature.
☔ No One Ever Died From a Little Rain [Fic, T, 2286], by @dancingsparks
💧Pairing: Harry Potter/Draco Malfoy 💧Summary: This has gone on long enough. We will get Potter and Malfoy together. Once and for all.
☔ (I've Got) Sunshine on a Cloudy Day [Fic, T, 20233], by Kendra_Storm
💧Pairing: Neville Longbottom/Blaise Zabini 💧Summary: When a magical pandemic rages across the Wizarding World, Neville is enlisted by the Minister for Magic, Hermione Granger, to grow a rare plant that just might be the cure. The only problem is that the plant is extremely temperamental and requires very specific weather conditions to grow. Fortunately, there is an Unspeakable whose speciality is weather magic. Unfortunately, that Unspeakable is Blaise Zabini.
☔ a little deluge [Fic, T, 1591], by OrangeScript
💧Pairing: Hermione Granger/Fred Weasley 💧Summary: a misunderstanding leads to a kiss in the rain
☔ The Bite [Fic, T, 7225], by @nightfalltwen
💧Pairing: Gregory Goyle/Hermione Granger 💧Summary: There is an uptick of werewolf bites and Gregory Goyle is a victim of one. Hermione brings him wolfsbane to get him through the transformations and a friendship develops.
☔ by august, he was mine [Fic, G, 2908], by @panicissharp
💧Pairing: Harry Potter/Draco Malfoy 💧Summary: It starts with an umbrella. Or, well, actually, it starts at Hogwarts.
☔ Downpour [Art, G, Digital], by @saijordison
💧Pairing: Harry Potter/Draco Malfoy 💧Summary: This art goes along with today's second work, Pleuvoir, Vouloir, l’Espoir. Prompt: Harry and Draco are babysitting Teddy when a magical storm passes through, rendering all magic useless. The two have to take care of Teddy the muggle way.
☔ Pleuvoir, Vouloir, l'Espoir [Fic, T, 20282], by skotini
💧Pairing: Harry Potter/Draco Malfoy 💧Summary: Harry thought he’d just be looking after Teddy for the afternoon. Having Draco Malfoy as his co-babysitter was NOT what Harry had signed up for – especially when there’s a freak magical storm, a rain-soaked Malfoy, and more French than Harry can handle.
☔ A Rainbow in My Sky [Fic, T, 22862], by @blackseatwenty
💧Pairing: Harry Potter/Severus Snape 💧Summary: Suddenly, the bowl spun, the insides glowed, and it emitted a burst of magic. A pair of vivid green eyes materialised inside the silver interior. "Hello," a slightly high-pitched male voice said. Severus choked back a gasp, released the bowl and stumbled backwards, his long black hair falling over his face. "Ow." The eyes darted left and right around the bowl's lips. "Why did you drop me? That hurt." Severus pointed his wand, "You teenage imbeciles have gone too far!" “Hey, why are you shouting and pointing that stick at me?” The bowl shook on the ground, and the blue lights pulsed. Green eyes suddenly rose like floating lights, eying their surroundings. "Are you my companion? My name is Harry; it's nice to meet you!"
☔ Birthday Rain [Fic, G, 2755], by @magikfish
💧Pairing: Scorpius Malfoy/Albus Severus Potter 💧Summary: It's Albus Potter's dreaded 15th birthday party, and all he wants is for he and Scorpius to just be left alone.
☔ Split In Half Will Have To Do [Fic, T, 2755], by @strawberrybasilsorbet
💧Pairing: Amy Benson/Original Male Character, Amy Benson & Dennis Bishop, Amy Benson & Tom Riddle 💧Summary: Amy has spent her entire adult life chasing clear skies.
☔ The Pleasure's in Walking Through [Fic, E, 7739], by @nanneramma
💧Pairing: Ginny Weasley/Hermione Granger 💧Summary: Sometimes summers felt like melting. This one did, especially when Hermione visited.
☔ A Line-storm Song [Fic, E, 12626], by @dodgerkedavra
💧Pairing: Draco Malfoy/Harry Potter 💧Summary: Harry holds it together for five years after the war. Well—he sort of holds it together. Then his Auror partner Pansy Parkinson says it’s going to rain.
☔ Worth the hike [Fic, T, 1587], by @patriceavril
💧Pairing: Sirius Black/Mary Macdonald 💧Summary: “I don’t want to go back to taking exams and…” She let the uncertainty of the future trail off into the crash of the waterfall. “Well, we could just stay here, but we’ll run out of cigarettes,” Sirius said.
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Do you think Neville was planned?
Was Harry a surprise?
Yeah and yes!
From the timeline/what we are told about these characters parents, James and Lily were incredibly young, while Alice and Frank were older and at least established in the Aurors.
James and Lily died at 21 with a 15/16 month old baby. They basically got married right out of Hogwarts at 18/19 and then bam! Lily is pregnant with Harry??? That is not on purpose, no way is that not an accident. The films did us so dirty by aging up all of the Marauders just to have Alan Rickman (RIP) be Snape🤮 It would’ve been so much more impactful to have James and Lily be fresh faced 20yo children, like they are barely older than Harry when he walks into the forest in DH and it would’ve been so shocking. The biggest tragedy about James and Lily is not their death, it’s their youth in death. 21 is so young, and no 21yo fighting in a war is thinking about having children, even if they are married. Having Harry was such a choice for James and Lily, and it was because they had hope that the war would end soon and they could have more than what the last few years their lives ended up being. They died in hiding, trusting a friend they shouldn’t have, and getting news through coded letters. James and Lily did not plan Harry, he was their best mistake.
Alice and Frank planned Neville! This is something I’ve always stood by because we know they were older. It takes 3 years of training to become an Auror, and when we hear about the Longbottoms they are known and established in the community, that means they either made some big arrests when they first came into the department OR they had been there for a while. The idea that the Order was literally the Marauders and some of their friends is fucking stupid. The Order was made up of many different people of VARIOUS AGES (I’m so sick and tired of this idea that everyone was close in age in the Order). Just because we know a little more about the younger members of both Orders doesn’t mean all of the Orders were young. That being said, Frank and Alice, at their youngest would’ve been 27/28 when they got pregnant with Neville. They were established and in a loving relationship, they were older and married, and while it may have seemed stupid to try and have a baby, they were friends with people who were actively having children. They would’ve know Arthur, they knew Edgar Bones and his young family, they would see James and Lily struggle to decide to have Harry. Neville was planned, or at least a more happy accident than Harry ever was.
But both of these boys, no matter how you want to argue it, were so loved and welcomed by their parents. Accident or not, planned or not, Harry Potter and Neville Longbottom were born a day apart and grew up to be friends despite the consequences of putting them together, McGonagall couldn’t have been more proud of them.
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