#avenge him Allen.
theauthorityvol1 · 11 months
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you monsters.
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ishomoogoo · 9 months
you know what i'd like to read rn?
a timkon fic (any rating really) where they wind up in the marvel universe and they just MENACE the avengers
you know what? bart can be there too (in whatever kind of way shipping wise), as a treat.
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fandomnerd9602 · 15 days
Hug Your Besties
Fem!Peter Parker x Stark!Reader
For @supercorpdanbeau
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Petra Parker was feeling on top of the world. She was number one in her academic career, the star player on the academic decathlon team, in second place was her boyfriend Flash Thompson, and she was an Avenger.
Well part time Avenger, as you would so eloquently tell her. You were her best superhero friend, the son of Tony Stark; codename - the Iron Knight.
True it was challenging sometimes and yes she did have to reschedule a date or two. But Petra was on top of the world.
How funny that can change. Petra was on her way to class when she saw something that shattered her whole demeanor. She turned a corner to find Flash Thompson making out with Petra’s blonde haired rival Liz Allen.
“Flash?!” Petra found herself practically screaming.
“Petra? It’s not what it looks like” Flash tried to cover.
“It looks like you’re checking tonsils with Liz” Petra turned around and tried to walk away, her heart was torn between angry beyond all belief and just flat out heartbreak.
“I have needs, Parker!” He tried to shout down the hallway towards the young web slinger.
Petra’s eyes were blurring with tears. So many that she didn’t notice the moment she ran into you.
“Yo webhead,” you chuckled, “where’s the fire?”
It was then that you noticed her tears. “Petra? What happened?! Who hurt you?!” You tried to get answers but you didn’t get any. She just ran down the hall and out the front door of the school.
Flash came running down the hallway. He stopped in front of you. Liz was mere feet behind him, smug and sure of herself. You put two and two together
“Have you seen Petra?” Flash tried to ask.
“Come near my best friend again and I’ll make sure your mother’s fired from her job” you shove him away.
“My mother doesn’t work for you,” he argued back.
You hold up your phone with a confirmation of your purchase of her company, “she does now.” And with that you turn and run after your pal, leaving Flash stone faced silent.
You flew all over the city. You couldn’t locate Petra. She wasn’t at the Empire State or the bodega or the top of the school.
You knew there was one last place. You called up Aunt May for confirmation. Petra had swung all the way home and crawled into her bed.
You flew by Stan’s Pizzeria and picked up her favorite pizza before flying off to her apartment.
Aunt May opened the door and gave you a sad smile. “She’s in her room, (Y/N). Thanks for coming over.”
You crept into Petra’s room, her sobs were loud and her porcelain face was red from all the crying.
“Hey bestie,” you whispered as you approached her.
“Hey” she replied halfheartedly. “I’m an idiot”
“How?” You join her on her bed.
“How could I ever believe that superstar Flash Thompson would ever date me? Probably just wanted me to give it to him”
“Full disclosure, guys can be jerks like that” you set the pizza before her.
“Not all guys” she gives you a weak smile, “thanks for the pizza”
You give her a side hug. Petra just about melts into your arms, little sobs escape her lips.
“Didn’t you have a date with Wanda?” She looks at you worried.
“I told her we’d have to delay a little. Besides she still needs to show Vision how to cook. Guy’s a walking Google app and he can’t cook to save his life”
Petra giggles and takes a bite of her delectable pizza treat. She rests against your chest and you wrap your arms around her.
Petra Parker is the incredible Spider Girl. But she’s also your best friend, partner and little did you know - future love of your life.
But as she looked on at the two of you, Aunt May knew. She knew in an instant.
Tags: @lifespectator @multi-fandom-enjoyer @supercorpdanbeau @scarletquake-n7 @henkermen @pinklawyerwinnerzonk @ma1egamer @family-house-of-m @dudesweet17 @jacenradio7 @julieromanoff
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delicatebarness · 4 months
The Avengers Bunch | Avengers Assemble (Ikea's Version) #002
Summary: You buy new furniture for your bedroom, apparently building a bookcase isn't in your agent skillset.
Warning: DIY. Fluff.
Word Count: 834
Series Masterlist | Tips
A/N: Requests are open for this series. Anything domestic and homey you want to see happen in the compound? Let me know. - B
Tags: Let me know if you want to be tagged in future parts.
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Optimism drove your determination as you admired the neatly arranged boxes that arrived today from Ikea. Assembling a bookcase seemed like a simple task when you finally decided to make the purchase. Little did you know, the so-called straightforward process was about to turn into confusion and frustration in a matter of minutes. 
You emptied the contents of the boxes onto your bedroom floor. Step one is to organize the pieces. Done. Step two, follow the instructions. Simple enough, you thought to yourself. You were wrong.
Hours had passed, and a task that should have taken half an hour at the most has now turned into three and a half… you found yourself surrounded by a jumble of wood and tiny screws. You swore you could hear each piece mocking and laughing at your attempts at assembly. Cursing under your breath, you noticed sweat forming on your forehead. 
Just then, your bedroom door creaked open, and in walked Bucky. Your colleague, bedroom neighbor, and the most attractive man you had laid eyes on. His smile illuminated the now dimly lit room, you couldn’t help but release a sigh of relief at the sight of him.
“Hey there, trouble,” he teased, his eyes wandering around your room, they twinkled with amusement as he took in the chaos before him. “Need a hand?” 
You chuckled nervously having realized just how comedic the scene must look. “I might have bitten off more than I can chew,” you admitted, gesturing to the pile of unassembled wood.
Bucky made his way over, his confidence contrasted with your frazzled state. He knelt beside you, you watched the features of his face contour as he examined the pieces and instructions. 
“Lucky for you, I happen to be somewhat of a DIY guru,” he quipped, a smirk tugged at his lips as he looked back at you. 
Together, you made a start on the assembly, your laughter mingling with the sound of clinking screws and the odd muttered curse… mainly coming from you. Bucky’s hand occasionally brushed against yours as you passed each other screws, hammers, and Allen wrenches. 
As the last screw tightened and the final shelf slid into position, a sense of victory washed over the two of you. Stepping back, you admired your handiwork. Okay, you admired Bucky’s handiwork. You looked back at each other, your eyes lingered on each other just a little longer. 
“I couldn’t have done it without you,” you murmured, your voice soft and filled with gratitude.
Bucky grinned, and his hand reached up to push a stray hair behind your ear. “Anytime you need a hand, remember mine's Vibranium,” he replied, his tone laced with a slight hint of flirtation that sent shivers down your spine. 
Great, you thought to yourself, now you’re thinking about his hand. 
Bucky began to get ready to leave, “Well, I guess my work here is done, I’ll let you enjoy your new piece of art in peace,” he said, his smile evident as he turned towards the door. 
But before he left, a thought struck you. “Wait,” you rushed, causing him to pause mid-step and turn back to face you.
“What is it?” He asked, his eyes darting around the room, his instinct to look for danger.
You hesitated for a moment, gathering your thoughts before speaking. “I just realized I have all these books,” you gestured towards the boxes of books piled on your bed. “And now, I have to figure out how to arrange them and some of the shelves,” your tone started to sound more sheepish as you dropped his gaze. “Some of the shelves are quite high.”
Bucky shook his head at you, his eyes once again filled with amusement. Before you could finish forming words to ask for his help, he had already sprung into action. He effortlessly gathered books and started arranging them into alphabetic order. 
Before you knew it, the books were neatly arranged. You admired Bucky as he stood back with a satisfied smile. “There you go,” he said, gesturing to the small plant he added to one of the shelves. “All done.” 
You couldn’t help but smile back, feeling a warmth spread through you at his kindness. It still amazes you that people saw this man as a monster. 
“Thank you,” you said softly, you took a moment to build the courage to stay what you wanted to. “Would you like to stay for a bit longer? Maybe we could order some pizza and I could show you another 90s movie?” 
To your relief, Bucky’s smile widened, “I’d love to,” he replied, his tone sincere. 
And as you settled on your bed, you enjoyed your pizza and movie together. The glow of your laptop casts soft shadows against your walls and the air is filled with the scent of cheese and tomato sauce. You both laughed at the same parts, you may have cried at one part, but, throughout the whole film, his arm was wrapped securely around you.
Series Masterlist
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ju-nebugg · 2 months
a complete (and ever-evolving) list of the many titles of mr. henley whispers
because Henry Shields is a genius and all of this deserves to be documented
Henley Whispers
aka the Turbulent Wind
aka the Storm Before the Calm
aka Lithe Spirit
aka Lord of the Prance
aka Bowfingerer
aka the Bark Knight
aka Work Hard Fae Hard
aka Coyote Handsome
aka Tree Weird
aka the Gorse Whisperer
aka the Arrow-ma Therapist
aka Aragorn-al Activity
aka Quiver Phoenix
aka Jack of All Trades, Master of All Trades
aka Tree Willy
aka Dave Fern
aka Soft-Core Faun-ography
aka Forest Whitaker
aka Notorious Tree-IG
aka Mr. Yumnus
aka Ranger Danger
aka Lust of Wind
aka Parry Hotter
aka Pollen Farrell
aka The Wood, The Bard and the Smugly
aka the Longest Bard
aka Daft Skunk
aka Brodo Swaggins
aka Dismay in a Ranger
aka Harriet Shrubman
aka Jeffrey Archer
aka Fen Diagram
aka Look Who’s Tolkien
aka Fennel May Care
aka the Grass Samurai
aka Chloro-Phil Spector
aka Woody Allen
aka Thelonius Trunk
aka the Moss Adjuster
the ✨ rhymes ✨:
human ranger, damage dealer, story weaver, owl deceiver
human ranger, goblin killer, pale ale swiller, dream journal filler
human ranger, rabble rouser, full of heart, devoid of trouser
human ranger, hidden stranger, friend of danger, dark avenger
human ranger, expert juggler, against the chains which bind us struggler
human ranger, loot stringer, shameless swinger, on da funk bringer
human ranger, check bouncer, espresso mispronouncer 
human ranger, rule flouter, truth spouter, earthworm doubter
human ranger, poker player, that which others won’t say sayer
human ranger, trendsetter, otter petter, in-joke getter
human ranger, blame dodger, advertising for a lodger
human ranger, cheeky chancer, always-on-the-off-beat dancer
human ranger, truth spinner, under-7s judo winner
human ranger, time waster, different brands of water taster
human ranger, hog roaster, subtle boaster, party ghoster 
human ranger, crystal healer, your-layers-like-an-onion peeler
human ranger, hell raiser, into-the-abyss gazer
human ranger, lithe linguist, sensual astrologist
human ranger, bugbear wrestler, established-societal-norm questioner
human ranger, tune hummer, every-known-fear overcomer
human ranger, knowledge gleaner, has the grass that’s always greener
human ranger, deer consumer, vole beguiler, badger groomer
human ranger, havoc wreaker, noted after dinner speaker
human ranger, cattle roper, inter-species interloper
human ranger, prey pouncer, fearless fighter, local counselor
deer stalker, fox glover, the one you’re with lover
black run skier, caged bird freer, the-change-you-want-to-see-in-the-world be-er
human ranger, eldritch blaster, surreptitious podcaster
human ranger, villain injurer, power broker, serial milliner
human ranger, wild reaver, what-a-tangled-web-we-weaver
human ranger, seed sower, flower goer, the-distance goer
human ranger, head turner, butter churner, bridge burner
human ranger, shameless liar, rule defier, hair dyer
human ranger, misbehav-er, always-against-the-grain shaver
human ranger, beast enrager, strong orator, up-upstager
human ranger, owlbear slayer, soothsayer, the-field player
human ranger, quick-quip punner, villain stunner, long-con runner
human ranger, heedless cur, own-job-interview saboteur
human ranger, of-wind guster, no-one truster, goat buster
he believes that any bird singing in the forest is doing it specifically for him (and birds don’t sing when he’s not there)
he trims his pubic hair into the word “shazam”
he keeps a dream journal (but if he has a nightmare, he ignores it and makes up something nice)
he writes really bad poetry (short, broken sentences, “rupi kaur style”)
he’s been using Ghoul’s Gruel as anti-aging cream (it doesn’t work)
his spirit animal is himself
he pronounces espresso like “ethpretho”
he has a bad feeling about worms in general
he howls at the moon
he pretends to understand all inside jokes
he’s very concerned about the mortgage repayments on his house
he always dances on the off beat in order to stand out in the club
he’s the reigning champion of the under-7s judo competition in his local area
he can tell the difference between brands of water (and he has very strong opinions about them)
he leaves parties without telling people and then comes back in disguise to talk about the fact that he left
he uses healing crystals
he gazes into the abyss until it gazes back because he wants the attention
he uses “sensual astrology” to try and seduce people
he has every known fear (the exposure therapy backfired)
he shaves (against the grain) with a sword (your hair doesn’t grow in hell. he does it anyway.)
he always has the greenest grass (he steals any grass he sees that’s greener than his own)
he runs a grooming business for badgers (“what does he get in return from the badgers?” “…friends”)
he’s an accomplished after-dinner speaker
he tried to hibernate with badgers and they kicked him out
he majored in drawing in sand with sticks
he’s a bed wetter
he always bets all in when playing poker
he is a leading member of the “pithy council” (it’s just him and a ferret getting together to recite pithy sayings)
he will love the one YOU’RE with (aka sleep with your wife)
when someone asks him a difficult question, he turns and runs
he thinks he’s been leaving episodes of a podcast called “whispers on the air” in various rocks and twigs on their journey, but he doesn’t have the spell for it so he’s just been talking to inanimate objects
he has an unhealthy obsession with hats
he sleeps in a web
he invented a kind of long distance running called long distance fleeing (26 miles = safety)
he burns every bridge he crosses
henley (a natural blonde) dyes his hair blonde (his natural hair color) so people will think he has grays because he’s older and more mature than he really is
he must always be upstaging someone
he has an inexplicable hatred of goats and, similarly, an inexplicable love of sea turtles
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gatorbites-imagines · 2 years
Masterlist 1
Emoji Guide
Dark themes = 🖤
Smut = ❤️
Find masterlist 2 here
-Steve Rogers
An understanding between artists
Steve is in love with the male reader and outed
Police officer Steve Rogers x male reader
-Bucky Barnes
Werewolf Bucky x vampire male reader
“Can you please come get me?” drabble
“You’re gonna be okay, baby, just breathe. It’s all going to be fine.” Drabble
Bucky Barnes with a male reader who has a prosthetic arm
Bucky Barnes with a male reader who likes pastel and sanrio
-Poly Stucky
Relaxing on a snowy morning part 1
A snowy evening (Relaxing on a snowy morning part 2)
Party of one, two, three? (ftm reader) part 1
Party of one, two, three? (ftm reader) part 2
Poly Stucky x shapeshifter male reader who turns into a wolf pup
-Tony Stark
Tony Stark x Ftm teen reader
Tony Stark x top rival male reader
-Loki Laufeyson
Loki x Tank/Healer male reader
-Moon Knight (Marc, Steven and Jake)
Marc and Steven being comforted by the reader after being yelled at
Shower fun with Marc❤️
Khonshu x ftm reader
Steven Grant x Monster/Non human male reader
Sub Jake Lockley x Dom male reader (scent and Collar)❤️
Jake Lockley x ftm reader❤️
Sub Jake Lockey x Dom reader, Alleyway❤️
Moonboys with male reader who says the safeword
Moonboys x ftm reader who was harrassed for being gay and trans
Moonboys with a flirty male reader and how he flusters them
Moonboys with a tall and buff male reader
Steven Grant venting to his boyfriend
Nine realm headcanons
Bucky and Loki x Oblivious male reader
Avengers forgetting about your anniversary
Marvel x Eldritch horror male reader
Marvel Characters reacting to reader suprise hugging them
-Dick Grayson
Dick Grayson x male reader meeting at a gala part 1
Dick Grayson x Male reader meeting at a gala part 2
Dick Grayson x male reader, undercover❤️
Dick Grayson x ftm reader who is dysphoric
Dick Grayson x Possesive dom male reader❤️
Dick Grayson x former circus performer male reader
Dick Grayson nsfw alphabet❤️
Dick Grayson with a ftm reader whos been deadnamed and misgendered on purpose
Dick Grayson being brought into subspace by the reader with sparring❤️(ish?)
-Jason Todd
Sub Jason Todd x Dom Older vigilante male reader❤️
Sub Jason Todd x Dom Older vigilante male reader part 2❤️
Sub Jason Todd x Dom male reader, desperate for each others touch❤️
Jason Todd nsfw alphabet❤️
Jason Todd being insecure about his appearence with an artist reader
Jason having flashbacks as the reader stitches him up
Jason with a male reader whos older and is like his sugar daddy ❤️
-Tim Drake
Tim Drake trying to flirt with a Tiefling reader but he has no idea how
-Damian Wayne
Damian Wayne and speedster male reader who he hates but starts to like
-Bruce Wayne
Bruce Wayne nsfw alphabet❤️
Klarion x young justice hero male reader
-Edward Nashton/The Riddler (2022)
Reader comforts Edward when hes working
Edward and the reader are obsessed with each other
Edward x male reader whos a huge romantic
Reader tries to figure out who the Riddler is part 1
Reader tries to figure out who the Riddler is part 2🖤
Top Edward x Bottom male reader, who met at Arkham❤️
-Bruce Wayne/Batman (2022)
Bruce x Male reader who is big and intimidating, but a softy
Bruce x Detective male reader
Sub Bruce x dom male reader❤️
-Hal Jordan
Hal Jordan nsfw alphabet❤️
Ftm Hal Jordan with a Ftm reader ❤️
Hal Jordan with subspace, edging under a weighted blanket ❤️
Hal Jordan and the reader having enough of him putting himself down ❤️
-Barry Allen
Barry Allen nsfw alphabet❤️
-Wally West
Bottom Wally West x Top Kryptonian male reader❤️
-Clark Kent
Clark Kent nsfw alphabet❤️
yandere Clark Kent nsfw alphabet ❤️
-Conner Kent/Kon-el
Conner Kent/Kon-el with a ftm reader
Conner Kent/Kon-el nsfw alphabet ❤️
Conner Kent/Kon-el loving the readers scent and stealing their hoodies
Conner Kent/Kon-el x kryptonian male reader ❤️
Conner kent/Kon-el cuddling with the reader for the first time
Kaldur'ahm x alien male reader
Joker x ftm reader
Ledger!Joker taking care of the sick reader
Batson headcanons
Batsons x ftm reader
Batsons x Himbo ftm reader
Batfam x Unlucky male reader part 1
Batfam x Unlucky male reader part 2
Batfam x Unlucky male reader part 3
Batman/fam being determined to adopt a criminal/vigilante reader
Batboys throwing eachother around as bonding
DC characters and what kind of yandere i think they would be
Batsons with an autistic reader who mirrors them
The Boys
-Homelander/John Gillman
Homelander being spanked by dom reader ❤️
Fight Club
-Tyler Durden and the Narrator
The Narrator is extremely in love with the male reader who also catches Tylers attention
-Billy Lenz
Billy Lenz x male reader headcanons
-Poly Ghostface
Handsome Devil part 1 (slasher male reader)🖤
Handsome devil part 2 (slasher male reader)🖤
Poly ghostface x himbo reader part 1
Poly ghostface x himbo reader part 2
Poly ghostface x autistic male reader
Poly ghsotface with a reader whos in denial about their sexuality
Poly ghostface x metalhead reader with a personality similar to Stu
Poly ghostface x reader whos fascinated by gore and blood
-Brahms Heelshire
Brahms Heelshire x protective male reader
Brahms Heelshire being comforted by male reader
Cuddling Brahms after a rough day
-Michael Myers
Michael Myers x himbo reader
Yandere Corey Cunningham and Michael Myers x male reader
Michael Myers with a voice kink ❤️
-Thomas Hewitt
Thomas Hewitt sfw alphabet
-Corey Cunningham
Corey Cunningham x slasher male reader who replaces Michael 🖤
Yandere Corey Cunningham and Michael Myers x male reader
Corey Cunningham comforting an overstimulated reader
Slashers x male reader who is insecure about their thighs
Slashers with an s/o who vapes
Slashers and a weirdly strong male reader who keeps beating them
Slashers being given a flowercrown
Michael Myers and Brahms Heelshire with petplay
Jason Voorhees and Pyramid head with violent hide and seek
Jason Voorhees, Michael Myers and Pyramid head Proposing
Dead by Daylight
-Evan Macmillan (The Trapper)
Evan Macmillan sfw and nsfw alphabet❤️
Frank Morrison and Danny “Jed Olsen” Johsen with a s/o whos built like a brick house
Evan Macmillan, Jason Voorhees and Bubba sawyer bottoming for the first time
Star Wars
-Din Djarin
Din x Tall tanker male reader who is secretly a softy
Din Djarin x Flirty bounty hunter male reader
Din Djarin x Stoic male reader
Din Djarin nsfw alphabet❤️
-Poly Bobadin
-Anakin Skywalker
Anakin skywalker x ftm reader
Padawan Anakin Skywalker x Touchy male reader
Anakin comforting reader who was tortured and has night terrors
Anakin x Jedi male reader who is Plo Koons padawan
Sub Anakin x Dom male reader who is scared of intimacy, plus handcuffs❤️
Anakin with a ftm reader who has dysphoria
Padawan Anakin and a father figure male reader who falls in love with Shmi
-Luke Skywalker
Luke Skywalker x Shapeshifter male reader
Clonetroopers x ftm reader
Anakin, Darth Vader, Obi wan and Cody, overall headcanons
Deaged star wars ocs
-Montgomery Gator
Vending Machine Mechanic
Monty x tiny male reader
How the security breach cast would help the reader instead of freddy
Security breach cast x animatronic male reader
Harry Potter
-George Weasley
George Weasley x slythering male reader
Solo Leveling
-Sung Jin Woo
Sung Jin Woo x childhood friend male reader
One punch man
Saitama and Genos relationship headcanons
Guzma with a stoic reader who has a centiskortch
Team star bosses with a reader who is the leader and a psychic type user
Rick and Morty
-Rick Sanchez
Rick Sanchez (C-137) being flirted with
Rick Sanchez (C-137) with a ftm reader with autism
Call of Duty
-Simon “Ghost” Riley
Ghost with a short male reader who is underestimated because of his height
Ghost with knifeplay ❤️
Ghost with knifeplay part 2 (theres actually no knives in this one)
Ghost with a reader whos bigger and scarier than himself
Call of Duty characters being fucked while being interrogated ❤️
Alejandro, Soap and König with a tall feminine male reader
Ghost and Soap with a himbo reader who is submissive and breedable ❤️
John, Alejandro,Gaz and König finding their partner asleep with animals.
Soap, Ghost, Rudy and König with a partner on the autism spectrum who copies their accent
Rudy, Alejandro and Price as biology teachers
Rudy, Alejandro and Price with an s/o whos a biology teacher
141 with a male reader who owns a huge wolf
Alejandro, Rudy and Soap with a flirty reader who speaks multiple languages
Ghost and König with a big chested male reader
Call of duty characters with a reader whos tongue tied and fumbles to speak
How the team reacts to ghost having a husband with colored hair and stretched ears
Ghost, Price, Alejandro, König, Gaz and Rudy with a male reader with long hair
141 with an older reader who still moves like a 20 year old they gush over
Cod characters with a male reader who has thick thighs and stretch marks
Cod characters reacting to meeting Prices husband
Cod characters with a male reader with a very low spice tolerance
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wanderingmind867 · 1 month
Quicksilver is much better than The Flash. At least in the 60s Avengers comics he is. Once Steve Englehart gets to him he gets pretty bad, but at least he always has a personality! Pietro is hot tempered and protective of his sister! That's a good personality! What does Barry Allen have for a personality? Scientist who runs fast? That's not a personality DC, that's a power and a job. That's the equivalent of cardboard. And I suppose can't judge (most of my characters in my childhood writings were equally flat), but come on!
Also, aethestic sense is Quicksilver's game. Greens, Blues, Silvers and Turquoises. Those are some great colours, some wonderful ones. The Flash deals in Red and Yellow. And Red is fine, but I hate yellow! Bright, neon yellows give me heartaches. So reverse flash and kid flash have some horrible tastes in fashion. The Flash himself is tolerable, but he can't match Quicksilver in aethestic.
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Goth Boss (8)
Warning: Bit of Angst, Fluff
summary: Tony stark x daughter goth reader. The avengers find out that Tony has a secret teenage daughter and make tony ask her to visit. But when they meet her the avengers find out why she was kept secret. ( could Bucky and Steve he terrified of how y/n looks since they are from a different time and seeing a goth girl for the first time scares them) (tony has a strained relationship with y/n as she grew up without him and he kept her secret)
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7 | Part 8
Tony sighed as he basically melted into the couch, letting all the tension leave his body. She sat in her chair across from him watching him as he went through all his emotions and sunk further into his skin.
"What happened?"
"Why do you think something happened?"
"Because you called me for an emergency session at 9 a.m., and you look like you haven't slept. So tell me, what happened?" She said, clicking her pen.
"My daughter tried to commit suicide"
She couldn't help but flinch." Is she alright? Is she in the hospital?" she waited with bated breath for his answers.
"When she turned 14, she tried to hang herself, and on her 15 birthday, she overdosed, and at 16, she slit her wrist... Every year on her birthday, she tries to kill herself." As much as the scratching of her pen on her pad annoyed him, he ignored it. "I... Thought she would do it again this year. I was scared. So I went over there and I stayed outside just in case... This morning I watched her skip to school with her boyfriend."
Ms. Allen did all she could to not rub her hand over her face or sigh. This man was dumping a lot on her fortunately she was trained for this shit. So she put on her best face and got to work.
"You didn't know about any of this until recently, did you?"
"I'm about to ask that question you don't like"
"I know"
"How does all this make you feel?"
He groaned.
"We should do something," Peter said as he sat down joining the group with his lunch.
"Like what? And for what?" MJ asked looking at him suspiciously as she at her carrots.
"I don't know. Because (Y/n)'s 17, and we should celebrate that in some way." Now, everyone at the table was side-eyeing him. " Not a party, of course, but something. A dinner, a trip somewhere fun, anything you want to do. To celebrate you and have fun. I want to do something for you."
"Do we have to?" She groaned
"We should"
"Why do I feel like I don't actually get a say in if this happens or not?""
"You don't," MJ stated, already knowing Peter's intent.
"I just want you to have good memories about your 17th. Can we please make some?"
(Y/n) sighed she had given in to Peter long before he pleased. While she didn't want to parade herself, she did want to spend some time with her Boyfriend and their friends. She did wish to make some good memories. At least one good memory surrounds this time.
And if it was with Peter, the better.
"What should we do then? And not a party"
"You don't have enough friends for a party," MJ burnt her without looking up from her lunch.
"I need new friends"
"As long as you're dating him, you're stuck with us."
"Damn, " (Y/n) said, " It's a sacrifice I'm willing to make"
"What's got your interest?" Lilly asked as she watched May text away. They were sitting in a cafe. Lilly had taken the day off for ... reasons(although they survived the night, she was still worried), and May had joined her. They were running errands and taking care of themselves.
"Peter wants to do something for (y/n) but doesn't know what"
"Like a date?" Now Lilly was interested. What mother didn't meddle in their child's love life.
"No, he wants to do something for her ...day. But doesn't know what. He's asking for ideas"
"When she was younger she used to dance, she loved it... How about he takes her to a ballet show? I can get tickets and then afterward we can all go to dinner."
"Really, are you sure?"
Any other time, she'd say no. It was far too expensive and luxurious for her family but ... (Y/n) deserved luxury even if it was just this once. She deserved it. All of it.
"Of course"
"Ballet tickets and dinner. Sounds a bit expensive"
One thing Stark was good for was money. Despite not being around, that man never missed a payment and often gave extra, and that was saying something as Lilly never asked for payment, and they never went to court. Hell, Tony's name wasn't even on the birth certificate.
Lilly never used the money he set to them; she was tempted at moments, but she never actually used it. In saying that, she had more than enough money sitting in the back of her closet for this. And maybe some new dresses too.
It was time she put his money to use.
"She deserves it."
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bumble66 · 9 months
Chris Evans' potential boyfriends (allegedly based on blind item gossip!)
September 15th. 2023. Only a few days after Chris Evan's alleged wedding, a blind item appeared on CrazyDaysAndNights dot net.
It is about an A/A-list actor who is sometimes a super hero:
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A lot of people in the comment section argued that this is about Jeremy Renner. I wondered why and so I did some research about him. On Datalounge dot com and on the forum called LipstickAlley, they argue that he is a gay man who faked the custody dispute with his "ex". It is alleged that she was his surrogate and both wanted to be in the news to get more fame (Shameful!).
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However I do not believe that this blind item is about Jeremy because he isn't a "sometime superhero". But you know who is? Our lovely Chris. He was the "Human Torch" in the Fantasitc Four. 4 years later he was "Steve Rogers aka Captain America" and 3 years after that, he replaced Tim Allen as "Buzz Lightyear". So yeah. he is a "sometime superhero" but these days I'm not so sure about the A-list status anymore...
Anyway, I had that thought on why it could be Chris after one person in the comment section gave the following hints:
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As this person points out, EntyLawyer who wrote this blind item above, has Hollywood insider knowledge. As a result Enty knew what we from #TeamPR have already concluded: Based on immigration law, a legal marriage was not possible. It is fake. So despite the fact that the blind item appeared days after Chris' alleged wedding, his (PR) girlfriend is after all just a "girlfriend" and not a wife. So this blind item could still apply to Chris.
Based on what the commenter Eenid in the screenshot above implies... Chris, which this blind item is allegedly about, has a "long-time boyfriend he also pays as an employee"...
Possible Boyfriend #1: Mark Kassen
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Picture Source: https://archive.ph/e9EPA In this picture you can see that he looks very friendly, soft, fem and adorable. I bet that if he were the possible boyfriend, he'd treat Chris with care and kindness.
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Picture Source: https://archive.ph/lpCTK
In 2017, Chris and Mark have both started the political online platform called "A Starting Point". So is he Chris' employee? In this cute picture of them, you can see that he already has way more chemistry with Mark than with his PR wife from "GO Portugal!"
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Picture source: https://archive.ph/7yiGn
However, they have already known each other since 2011 when they both starred in the movie Puncture. It adds up with that the person said above. That "A Starting Point" was not their first "joint endeavour" ... ... ...
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Picture Source: https://archive.ph/4cxrn
Chris and Mark don't just hang out when it comes to business related stuff. They also hang out privately. Here you can see them both with Chris' brother Scott who is also gay. This was confirmed by Chris when he outed him publicly:
See link: https://archive.is/rFnVI https://www.koimoi.com/hollywood-news/when-captain-america-chris-evans-outed-his-gay-brother-scott-publicly-when-he-was-19-received-a-lot-of-flak-from-his-friends-who-said-i-cant-believe-you-did-that/ My thoughts: On the pictures you can see that every time Mark is around Chris, he seems very happy. Even if it turns out that they are not a secret couple, I hope they will continue to have a lot of fun together... ... ... Possible Boyfriend #2: Joshua Martin Peck (No, not the guy from Drake & Josh)
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Picture Source: https://marvelcinematicuniverse.fandom.com/wiki/Joshua_Peck According to the "Marvel Cinematic Universe Wiki" he was Chris Evans' assistent in "Captain America: The Winter Soldier", "Captain America: Civil War", "Avengers: Infinity War", "Avengers: Endgame", "The Iceman", "Snowpiercer" and "knives Out". See link: https://archive.ph/4BYQg Like the blind item from Enty Lawyer mentioned, he could also be the "long-time boyfriend" Chris also pays as an employee. I think that because on the Lipstick Alley Forum, there have been interesting revelations about the relationship Chris and he have:
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A person on LSA said that when Chris had an interview in 2019, he said that Josh was basically his roommate and was living in the family home with Chris Evans' mother Lisa...
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In the October 2023 GQ interview, Chris said that he loves to smoke weed. It explains why he needs botox these days. It was also the same interview that had several sentences about leaves, autumn, his beloved dog Dodger, while his PR wife was only mentioned twice. That he "had her for a while" (I think at this point his team still wasn't sure how the PR relationship timeline between those two should look like) and that she reads "energies". So based on that interview, his love for weed exceeds that of the love he (allegedly) has for his alleged wife. So that Josh is a professional weed smoker is therefore probably something Chris really likes. As the user above says... Chris' and Josh's situation could be similar to the one Leonardo Dicaprio and Lukas Haas have (https://www.dailymail.co.uk/tvshowbiz/article-4864460/Leonardo-DiCaprio-giggles-chased-Lukas-Haas.html)
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(BTW: It is public knowledge where he lives but I still didn't feel comfortable to just screenshot it so I removed the name of the town in case you wonder what the pink bars are) A user who is in contact with someone who lives in Chris' Town said that Josh walks Chris' dog Dodger when Chris is away for work in LA and no one ever saw his PR wife from Portugal. There are also other people on X who often claim that neighbours never saw a wedding and that the weather conditions were horrible on that day.
Dodger is Chris' love of his life:
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When he was already allegedly dating the PR bride from Portugal, Chris said that Dodger was his long-term partner (No I won't name him as possible bf #3 EW). It demonstrates two things: 1. This PR crap ain't real and 2. That he trusts Josh to take care of Dodger is just heart-warming. I don't think every person is allowed to walk the dawg!
Josh is also not just the personal assistent of Chris when it comes to several of his movies (I wonder now what he is assisting him with...), he also took and probably still takes care of his instagram/social media (Chris has anxiety and therefore doesn't like reading mean comments).
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Yes, Chris is very open about his anxiety to the point where he needed a back rub from Scarlet Johanson after a press conference. It is uplifting knowing that Josh shields him from people's opinions online. He is basically Chris' own personal Captain America x3
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Source: https://twitter.com/miss_LulaMae/status/1465814040471646216 BONUS BOYFRIEND #3: Sebastian Stan I don't think the blind item refers to him because he isn't employed by Chris but he is still a notable mention. Remember my first post here? One of the info I quoted was from the datalounge thread called: "Chris Evans and Sebastian Stan, did they have a thing?" See link: https://archive.ph/gxXkr
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In this thread a user implied that they knew Chris and that he is ashamed of being bi. Some people on datalounge argued that this is the reason why he publicly outed his brother Scott. Because a lot of people assume that if one brother is gay, the other can't be. I encountered this argument too when sharing my arguments regarding Chris' PR relationship with others online. They responded to me that Scott is the gay brother. They really thought that that means that no one else in the family can be gay anymore! Chris you cunning imp! Smart move.
Chris and Sebastian Stan were both marvel stars. Sebastian is the winter soldier... I think... Sorry I actually only like the A-lister gossip. Not the movies. I have barely watched any of them... but I like Guardians of the Galaxy with that gay racoon! Even the general public noticed that he never has great chemistry with his female co-stars:
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But when it comes to Sebastian...
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"best friends" When it comes to Sebastian and Chris, many people claim they had a thing because of this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jNHk1PDU1jQ
This youtube video has some interesting comments. I mean the comments which mention the following time stamps in this video:
9:23 5:51 3:37 SUMMARY: What I explained isn't too far off. A Hollywood insider named ShellyT20 said the following stuff she knows from friends that are in contact with A-list celebrities:
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Also another gay/bi rumor I found about Chris Evans on LSA during his marvel days:
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A lot of people will probably be angry at me for exposing Chris this way but first of all, I only summarize all his gay/bi rumors other people mention. It's not me who wrote all these comments in these gossip forums. Use the search bar of datalounge and LSA to find these specific comments and try to debunk them there yourselves. #DontShootTheMessenger. Also, if it weren't for Hollywood being so homophobic, demanding of bi and gay men to present themselves as stable, heterosexual family men + marriage + children, unless they want to lose their A-list career, I wouldn't have to point all of that stuff out.
Don't let yourself get fooled! How can the industry claim to be pro-lgbt, putting all these fictional lgbt characters in movies, while real life homosexuals are put in their place? And if they refuse, they will be denied A-list movie roles. As buzzfeed journalist Edwin Jusino claimed, Chris and his "wife" are PR. Most likely for Netflix because they debuted their relationship when the second season of her Warrior Nun Show started. Awkward btw but when there are so many gullible people who eat all this crap up without questioning it... how much can I actually blame Hollywood here? Source: https://archive.is/YZlQG
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Also message to #TeamPR: Remember who also said for over a decade now that he wants marriage and kids? Toothy Tile. What has happened in regards to that? ZERO. I guess it is the same for Chris. Marvel told him to say this traditional stuff so that the general public thinks he is a regular guy who wants to be monogamous but that's just not how most A-listers act. I recommend watching the movie "Eyes Wide Shut". These parties are for real. Here on my blog, I provided evidence that you, #TeamPR, want to see him married with wife and kids. MAAAYBE your gender expectation, that you have for men, you hating the fact that they are bachelors and like to sleep around... Maybe that is the exact reason why these A-list guys have to go through this crap?
See it for yourselves. This is what some of you say:
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(Sorry but that just sounds like sexist men who say they want to see women barefoot in the kitchen)
But then you say: - "Waaah Waaah I don't like this PR. Why does he have to pretend to be married??? waaah waaaah"
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Well, and this is also a message to Hollywood and his team. Chris does not look well at all. I don't want to mock his looks but he looks like he aged a decade since this PR started. He looked like death during the ASP video two or three weeks ago. Even Kevin Costner looked better after his divorce! So can we finally stop with this outdated nonsense? Everything above and on my blog in general is alleged based on the screenshots and links provided. I merely comment on what people publicly claim about Chris Evans and his sexuality. You might think this is immoral but so are lavender marriages.
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separation in time
https://archiveofourown.org/works/56652007 by webss312 It was dark. Peter couldn’t see anything, nor move his limbs; this was feeling a lot more like a kidnapping than an arrest. It was only when he heard the sloshing of water against metal that it fully hit him, and the accompanying fear sunk icy claws into his heart. He was being taken to the Raft. — Tony Stark hoped that with the split of the Avengers and half of the team on the run, the Accords would fizzle out. Unfortunately, the opposite happened, and the committee decided to expand the Accords even more to encompass all enhanced vigilantes, no matter their level of involvement (read: Spider-Man). One of the proposed laws would involve unmasking and regulating all such individuals, with one exception: a signing member of the Accords could elect to sponsor them, at the risk of their own reputation if things went sideways. So Tony signed for Spider-Man. The kid had solid morals. What could possibly go wrong? Answer: Peter gets involved with alien tech, splits open a Staten Island ferry, crashes Tony’s plane into Coney Island, and gets thrown into a max security prison in the middle of the ocean. In that order. Tony has to see Steve Rogers' face again much sooner than he anticipated. Words: 10210, Chapters: 1/13, Language: English Fandoms: Marvel Cinematic Universe, The Avengers (Marvel Movies), Spider-Man - All Media Types, Spider-Man (Tom Holland Movies) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Categories: F/M, Gen Characters: Peter Parker, Tony Stark, Steve Rogers, Natasha Romanov (Marvel), James "Bucky" Barnes, Sam Wilson (Marvel), Clint Barton, Pepper Potts, James "Rhodey" Rhodes, Happy Hogan, Friday (Marvel), Karen (Spider-Man: Homecoming), Thaddeus Ross, Michelle Jones (Marvel), Ned Leeds, Aunt May Parker (Marvel), Academic Decathlon Team Members (Spider-Man: Homecoming) Relationships: Peter Parker & Tony Stark, Steve Rogers & Tony Stark, Michelle Jones & Ned Leeds & Peter Parker, Aunt May Parker & Peter Parker, Avengers Team Members & Peter Parker, Pepper Potts & Tony Stark, Peter Parker & Steve Rogers, Peter Parker & Natasha Romanov Additional Tags: Sokovia Accords, The Raft Prison (Marvel), No character bashing, BAMF Peter Parker, (he takes like two chapters to get there but it develops), Canon Divergence - Movie: Spider-Man: Homecoming (2017), Fix-It for Movie: Captain America: Civil War (2016), Smart Peter Parker, Emotional/Psychological Abuse, no worse than canon-typical Raft stuff but it's definitely a big plot point, Dehumanization, Emotional Manipulation, Minor Character Death, (of a Raft OC), Steve Rogers & Tony Stark Friendship, Legal Discussions, Spider-Man Identity Reveal, Warning: Thaddeus Ross, Sensory Deprivation, Human Experimentation, medical ethics, Aunt May Parker & Tony Stark Coparenting Peter Parker, Tony Stark Acting as Peter Parker's Parental Figure, POV Alternating, Peter Parker Whump, Good Friend Ned Leeds, Minor Michelle Jones/Peter Parker, Minor Liz Allen/Peter Parker, BAMF Aunt May Parker (Marvel), Teen Peter Parker read it on AO3 at https://archiveofourown.org/works/56652007
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opticblasting · 2 years
greatest team uniform ever. no contest.
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Guardians of the Galaxy variants by Marvel Stormbreakers
[ID: A variant cover for Avengers Beyond #3 by Chris Allen featuring the Guardians of the Galaxy - specifically the team from the 2008 run by Dan Abnett and Andy Lanning. They are all shoruded in shadows. From left to right, we can see Phyla-Vell, Drax the Destoryer, Gamora, Star-Lord, Rocket Racoon and Adam Warlock. Phyla is in her red suit and black cloak. Drax is shirtless, with red marks around his eyes clearly visible. Gamora is wearing a red and black version of her costume from the time, which consists of a dress that comes down from her shoulders and wraps into a skull belt, with a cut through the center and the sides, along with black and red thigh high pants. Star-Lord is in his 2008 costume, with the symbol of the guardians on his chest, big red gloves and guns. He is also wearing his helmet. In front of him, Rocket Racoon is wearing a helmet for breathing, has a big gun, and is wearing the same costume as Star-Lord. To their right is Adam Warlock, who is wearing a similar red and black costume.]
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Round 2 is over! Let's recap:
A Bracket, Day One: Easy Pete crushed Santiago's post-presidential assassination aspirations in a landslide; Red Lucy avenged Maj. Elizabeth Kieran's incredibly close Round 1 loss by similarly crushing the poll's most pathetic man, Beagle, in a victory for feminism; Old Ben climbed further in the ranks with a close win over Manny Vargas*; and Ranger Ghost sailed into Round 3 over Tommy Torini.
A Bracket, Day Two: Heartthrob Harland desecrated Pvt. Kowalski in the round's first of several dramatic upsets; the #TRASHSWEEP continued well apace by laying waste to Pacer; Swank and his big ol' eyes saw a win over old Ranger Andy; and the love for 10 of Spades carried him to victory over his fellow NCR soldier Maj. Knight*.
A Bracket, Day Three: The Hadrian Gang unfortunately could not survive against the high-seed monster, Fantastic; Rotface gave Boxcars a tip: get eliminated from the tournament; the Garret Twins made a smear on the sidewalk out of bubbly Brotherhood initiate Melissa Watkins; and Ignacio Rivas's* good nature wasn't enough to take down Trudy from Goodsprings.
A Bracket, Day Four: Fan-favorite Keely utterly crucified houndmaster Antony, which has knocked every member of Caesar's Legion who isn't a slave from the tournament completely; Mr. RADical successfully just laid there while Jimmy* from Casa Madrid couldn't impress; Regis from the Great Khans just barely eked out the W to make Cliff Briscoe extinct; and Mick & Ralph pulled an overnight upset against Old Lady Gibson to punch their ticket.
B Bracket, Day One: Daisy Whitman blew up Raquel; Ringo wrecked Ramos; preliminary fave Angela Williams pulled off an astonishing upset against number two seed Oliver Swanick; and Allen Marks' victory over Crandon & Jules goes to show that the corpses keep winning.
B Bracket, Day Two: Beatrix Russell ate Chomps Lewis; Emily Ortal left Pvt. Kyle Edwards in the radioactive dust; The Lonesome Drifter drifted easily into Round 3 over Michael Angelo & Kate; and Siri beat Malcolm Holmes but not without a surprising amount of turnout for the cap-collecting good samaritan.
B Bracket, Day Three: No-Bark Noonan opened up the all-Khans bracket by kicking Oscar Velasco out of the tournament; Jessup & McMurphy successfully defeated a frail and sickly child; Melissa Lewis succeeded where her father had failed the day before with a victory over Cannibal Johnson; Doctor Usanagi proves that STEM is more valuable than an English degree by giving Jerry the Punk another beating.
B Bracket, Day Four: Big Beard & Little Beard trounce the Gundersons, probably because Heck was the only one with a beard; Chris Haversam throws Meyers back in the clink; Mister Holdout couldn't hold out against Sarah Weintraub; and finally, in the single most massive (624 votes) and close (tied as late midnight with 500 votes) and polarizing (just check the notes) match-up in the entire tournament so far, Calamity the ghoul pulled an upset over Cpl. Betsy*, who's probably dealing with her loss in therapy. Hopefully Dr. Usanagi doesn't bring up her own win.
*Happy Pride Month, losers! The first round of June and literally every canonically queer character (except for Red Lucy, bisexual [edit: and Sarah Weintraub, also bisexual!]) got voted out, and that's hilarious. Funniest possible thing that could have happened on here, the gay and transgender website, during the gay and transgender month, in a tournament for the gay and transgender video game. (Beatrix Russell and Old Ben might also be exceptions, but it's minor; I only can't remember if you can sleep with them as the same sex or not when they're working at the Atomic Wrangler, but even then they may just be gay4pay. Not that there's anything wrong with that!)
You can see all of the Round 2 polls here, and the tournament bracket has been updated so that you can get a preview of the matches yet to come in Round 3. Voting will pause for a bit while I prepare graphics and bracket posts, so use this downtime to mourn the fallen, celebrate the risen, and submit designated cheerleader endorsements for your favorite remaining characters in their upcoming rounds. It's only going to get more tense from here!
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longitudinalwaveme · 1 year
So ummm… do you think you can do the other Rogue’s personality and fighting style?
You have done Golden Glider or the Original Trickster ( James Jesse). I’m having a bit of trouble with writing them. So I’d thought maybe I should do some practicing by doing a few short stories. Fixing anything I get wrong as I go along.😅
Golden Glider (Lisa Snart): The Golden Glider, alias Lisa Snart, is somewhat difficult to explain insofar as her character has changed rather significantly over time. Lisa was originally very hard-edged and quite scary; more recent writers tend to make her a lot softer and nicer than she ever was under her creator, Cary Bates (who is, for my money, still the best Golden Glider writer to date, even though the last major story he wrote for her was published in the 1980s).
Lisa is, of course, the younger sister of Leonard Snart (alias Captain Cold). She appears to be about five to seven years younger than he is, and they shared the same rough upbringing under their violent alcoholic father. The two of them were extremely close as children and still have a fair amount of affection for one another as adults (one of the few modern additions to Lisa's character that I do like), but their relationship has become somewhat strained due to a variety of situational factors, including the fact that Leonard left Lisa behind with their father when he ran away from home (as he'd already started hanging out with a crowd he thought would be dangerous for her). Despite this, and her father's abuse, Lisa managed to become am Olympic-level figure skater. She toured the country with the Futura Ice Skating company and seemed to be very successful.
However, she was still connected to the underworld, and to the Rogues, through her devoted long-term boyfriend: Roscoe Dillon, better known as The Top. The comics don't go into great detail regarding how they met, but he somehow became her personal, private figure-skating coach (he taught her how to spin in ways not possible outside of comic books) and from that they became a very devoted couple. Roscoe actually followed her around the country in disguise and attended many of her skating performances. There's no indication that he ever involved Lisa in his life of crime before his death, which occurred as the result of the Flash's super speed clashing with his newly-acquired mental powers and giving him brain damage. Though Flash (specifically, Barry Allen) hadn't meant to kill Roscoe, he had inadvertently caused his death, and Lisa swore revenge, becoming the Golden Glider in order to punish the Flash for killing her lover. This fact is probably the single most important key to understanding the Golden Glider.
The Golden Glider is, quite frankly, one of the most formidable villains Flash has ever faced. She's intelligent, driven, determined, and utterly ruthless in her pursuit of revenge on the man she blames for the death of her lover. In her attempts to gain her revenge on Barry, she targeted his wife, Iris, and his parents, Nora and Henry Allen (this was before the backstory retcon that had Nora murdered by Reverse-Flash when Barry was a kid), and she was also able to deduce Barry's true identity, making her the first of the Rogues to pull off this hat trick. In her first appearance, Barry actually went so far as to compare her to "Batman--the avenger!", and the description is quite apt. Golden Glider is absolutely brilliant, and she's completely single-minded in her quest to make Barry Allen pay for the wrongs she believes he has done her. She was more than willing to allow Barry to kill her in order to obtain her revenge, and she at no point shows any fear of anyone. In her mind, she has nothing left to lose, and that makes her extremely dangerous. Lisa is not nice, and she is not in any way soft. When angered, she is cruel, vindictive, and cold-blooded, and this is what many modern writers seem to get wrong about her.
That being said, she does have a softer side. As mentioned, she is absolutely devoted to Roscoe, her boyfriend, and the two of them have a shockingly healthy and happy relationship (given that both of them are rather unstable supervillains). The two of them dote on each other and have a completely equal partnership, and neither of them ever expresses any doubt as to the loyalty and faithfulness of the other. Further, Lisa is generally fairly polite and friendly to those who don't provoke her wrath---notably, she was very fond of Wally West in spite of his relationship to Barry Allen. When Barry died, so did her hatred of the Flash, and the two of them actually worked quite well together on more than one occasion. And, of course, later writers (especially Geoff Johns) have made her close to her older brother Leonard as well.
Leonard and Lisa's relationship is, however, complicated by a few factors. Aside from his abandonment of her as a girl (which he clearly harbors a ton of guilt over), Leonard has mixed feelings about Lisa being a part of the Rogues. He doesn't really seem to want her involved in a life of crime (notably, in her very first appearance he tried to dissuade her from becoming a criminal), and on some level he also was reluctant to let a woman, any woman, into his boys' club. However, the single biggest issue between the siblings is Roscoe. Captain Cold hates the Top with a burning passion (and vice versa), and, since the two of them seemed to get along fairly well in their earliest team-ups together, this mutual dislike seems to stem from the fact that Roscoe started dating Leonard's little sister. Add in the fact that Roscoe sees Leonard as an uncultured boor and Leonard sees Roscoe as a stuck-up snob, and you have a recipe for constant conflict. We usually don't get to see much fallout from this (usually because one or both of the lovers have been dead for large portions of their canonical history), but if you're going to have Lisa, Len, and Roscoe in a story together, the tension between the three of them is going to be a major factor.
In addition to all of the above, Lisa is a very beautiful woman, and she knows it. She loves jewelry, makeup, and fancy clothes, and she is also very fond of attention from men (she is, in fact, a bit of a flirt). She's had a number of boyfriends (although only when Roscoe is dead), and she is quite willing to comment on the attractiveness of other men even when Roscoe is alive. (Roscoe, for his part, is utterly unbothered by this.)
Finally, it is worth noting that Len's perspective on Lisa is perhaps a bit skewed (something that is relevant given the fact that we often hear about her from his perspective). He sees her as being a lot sweeter, more innocent, and more passive than she really is, and I find that a lot of writers fall into the trap of taking this view of her as well. It makes sense for Len, who's probably always going to see his little sister through rose-tinted glasses, but there's a lot more to Lisa than being his sweet little sister (especially since she's nastier and scarier than he is!)
The Golden Glider's main gadgets are her ice skates. These gimmicked skates constantly produce sheets of ice that let her effectively skate through the air, and, as a champion figure skater, she is able to use them to great effect. (Captain Cold was the one who built them, though why he did this is a bit unclear. Maybe they were a birthday present for her?) Golden Glider is a ruthless and aggressive combatant, and, since weaponizing figure skating is an unconventional tactic to say the least, most opponents don't really know quite how to handle her. Golden Glider also invented her own series of jewel gadgets, which can do all sorts of things, including hypnotizing people, inducing illnesses, causing pain, and firing like ballistic weaponry. Like her brother and boyfriend, she has quite the inventive streak. She also frequently uses Rosoce's weaponized tops, and she seems to handle them every bit as well as he does. Finally, she is apparently a skilled lip-reader.
In the New 52, Lisa gained the ability to astral project and lost all of her tech-based weaponry. This is an interesting powerset in its own right, and wouldn't be at all incompatible with classic Lisa, but it is a relatively new thing and seems to have been at least partially phased out in recent times. The New 52 was also what gave us her relationship with the Mirror Master (Sam Scudder), which I like to pretend never happened since it was basically just a worse version of her relationship with the Top. That being said, a bit of flirting between Sam and Lisa would be perfectly all right (it's well within character for them both).
When working as part of a team, Lisa is a bit of a wild card. While she and Roscoe complimented each other perfectly, and she works well with Len, she's frequently pursuing her own agenda, and if the goals of the group come into conflict with it, she will chase her goal and abandon the group. Her tendency towards rage can also make her short-sighted and potentially unreliable. Still, she is a powerful asset to the team, and she can certainly work well with the other Rogues when she chooses to do so.
As a last bit of writing advice, it's important to note that Lisa had no criminal record prior to becoming the Golden Glider. She did not commit crimes with Roscoe before his (first) death, and she likewise didn't commit crimes alongside Len. Traditionally, neither one of them influenced her choice to become a villain at all, and the subsequent additions to the lore that suggest that Captain Cold substantially influenced her decision to become a criminal weaken the character (at least in my opinion).
Trickster I (James Jesse): The first Trickster, James Jesse (real name Giovanni Giuseppi) was the son of Italian tight rope walkers who traveled the country as the part of the very creatively-named Big Circus. (Different versions of his origin differ regarding what his parents were like, though the most recent version, which makes them outright abusive, is not the backstory I prefer for him.) He wanted to be a part of their act, but he was afraid of heights (or perhaps more accurately, of falling). To this end, he built himself a pair of shoes that used compressed air jets to let him walk on air. Now assured that he would never fall, he became the highlight of his family's tightrope act. He also loved to read, and was especially fond of books about his "reverse namesake" Jesse James...something that would inspire him when he grew bored of the circus and decided to seek out bigger thrills. Jesse James had robbed trains. James Jesse would do him one better and rob planes...as the Trickster!
James (as he generally calls himself) is a charming con-man with a silver tongue and the humor of an eight-year-old. He's energetic, cheerful, and always eager to put on a show or face a challenge. He isn't interested in money, or power, or revenge. What James craves is the excitement of matching wits with the Flash; the delight of outsmarting others; and the joys of generally being a mischievous scamp. As he himself puts it, he's "not a mean man", and has no interest in seriously hurting anyone; in his mind, crime is simply a grand game, and his general high spirits are a reflection of this. He's also one of the most moral and least malevolent Flash villains, and is one of the few to have never killed anyone in any capacity. Perhaps unsurprisingly, then, he is close friends with the now-reformed Rogue Pied Piper, and has himself reformed several times (partly out of fear for his immortal soul---he outsmarted the demon Neron twice)!
In spite of his apparent childishness, James is extremely intelligent. He's the best con artist in the DC Universe (he's outplayed Catwoman, no small feat), and he's very good at reading people. Further, he's an skilled inventor, having created a huge number of trick gadgets, including, but not limited to, boxing gloves, sneezing powder, itching powder, yo-yos, dart guns, hand puppets, rocking horses, surfboards, and rocket-powered tricycles. He uses these gadgets to do...well...pretty much whatever he feels like. Sometimes, he robs banks. Other times, he outwits mobsters, sends them to prison, and then donates their ill-gotten loot to charity. As his nome de guerre perhaps implies, you never quite know what you're going to get from the Trickster. Even his closest allies always have to be on their toes around him.
James also has a son, an eleven-year-old boy named Billy Hong, who has only made one appearance (in the Rogues: New Year's Evil). Billy is the conduit for a huge amount of godly power and is also an important religious figure in the fictional DC country of Zhutan. How James and Billy's mother, Mindy Hong, met each other and produced Billy isn't entirely clear, but I suspect that it may have happened while James was still with the circus. James and Mindy have a surprisingly good relationship with one another, and James would likely be quite fond of Billy, who inherited more than a little of his father's cleverness.
James is not, however, particularly fond of his successor, Axel Walker, who stole his gear and declared himself the new Trickster without James' permission. James does not like this more violent, less clever pretender to his title and has made that fact abundantly clear. James is also substantially more experienced than Axel and defeated him quite handily in their only proper fight. That being said, if you wanted to have them both as Rogues at the same time, there would be ways to work around their mutual hostility to one another (especially since Axel, on some level, does seem to have some respect for James' work and legacy).
James is a very sly, clever combatant. He's very good at getting his opponents to turn their own strength against themselves, and his wide variety of trick gadgets are quite formidable. His airwalker shoes also usually give him the advantage of the metaphorical high ground and enable him to launch attacks from directions that the Rogues' opponents might not be expecting. Further, they make him very difficult for most enemies to close in on, allowing him to stay at a distance from stronger opponents. That being said, if someone does manage to close that distance, James is usually put at a disadvantage, due to a noticeable glass jaw (he really can't take a punch)---but he may also use this apparent weakness as a ploy to disorient his opponents.
James works well with the other Rogues on heists, and his cleverness is a huge asset to the group. However, his ever-changing loyalties and his mischievous sense of humor mean that he can't always be relied upon to follow through on what his allies want him to do. Trickster by name and trickster by nature, James is always working his own angle---and woe betide anyone who forgets that.
It's also worth noting that comic James is neither a homicidal mass murderer (as seen in the two live-action Flash TV shows) nor suffering from psychosis (as seen in the Justice League cartoon). He's weird and flamboyant, but he's not particularly malevolent, and he doesn't suffer from any obvious mental illnesses.
The Top (Roscoe Dillon): The Top, alias Roscoe Dillon, is one of the most powerful and dangerous of the Rogues. His backstory is a bit hard to piece together thanks to limited information, but from what we can tell, he was a rather odd little boy who absolutely loved tops and played with them frequently. His parents were evidently cold and demanding, insisting that he honor the family name and demanding that he be perfect---or as near to it as he could get. Roscoe, of course, could not meet these demands, and seems to have been, to some extent, rejected by his parents because of this. Also not helping matters was a rather serious mental illness that was brewing in the wings. Comic books are notoriously bad at properly representing mental illness of any kind, and Roscoe is no exception, but if properly written he would probably suffer from a particularly severe case of Bipolar 1 disorder (as this is the closest match to the symptoms we see him canonically display).
What happened next is hard for me to work out. Roscoe is very intelligent, wants to be seen as educated and well-bred, and seems likely to have come from a much wealthier background than most of the other Rogues, but we do know that he was arrested at least twice prior to becoming the Top, and in one story he claimed that the streets of Brooklyn hadn't educated him well enough for him to run as president. (That particular story wrote the Top quite badly, so I'm inclined to discount that line, but the two arrests before he becomes the Top are harder to reconcile with the general sense I have of him being from an upper-class background---though admittedly, we don't know exactly what those arrests were for.) Regardless, at some point in his early adulthood, he suffered from what seems to have been an especially intense manic episode and properly began his costumed criminal career as the Top. He created a whole slew of weaponized tops, taught himself to spin in circles at super speed, and then went out to commit crimes. After some early success, he built an atomic grenade (which also spun like a top), and told the entire world that he would blow up half the globe with his grenade if he wasn't made king of the world. Roscoe himself, of course, would be safe on the other side of the planet when the bomb went off. (You can see why I question his sanity in this story....) Luckily, the Flash stopped this insane scheme of his, and after this he generally stuck to robberies (like the other Rogues).
At some point, he met and fell in love with Lisa (teaching her his spinning techniques in the process), and the two began a long romance that would extend beyond his first death. Ironically, this death occurred as the result of Roscoe's burgeoning mental powers. His newfound telekinesis (activated by all that spinning he taught himself to do, which allegedly increased his brainpower) did not react well to the Flash's super speed, and the backlash killed him, though not before he set up a bunch of bombs with which he intended to blow up Central City, a plot that was foiled by the joint effort of the Flash and the other Rogues, who didn't particularly want their home city to be blown to smithereens. Roscoe is far too fond of explosives.
But he wouldn't be gone for long. Roscoe, as it turned out, had also developed the power to return from the dead by possessing the bodies of the recently deceased, a trick he would pull several times (the most notable case of which occurred when he possessed the body of Barry's father, Henry Allen, whose heart had briefly stopped in a car crash). He would also have several more manic and depressive episodes, one of which was severe enough to induce long-lasting psychosis that took years to recover from. But recover he did, and he then attempted to wrest control of the Rogues from Captain Cold. This failed, and Cold executed him, but he's since spun his way out of the grave yet again.
With that very long and complicated backstory out of the way, we can now turn to Roscoe's actual personality. Roscoe is, not to put too fine a point on it, very difficult to get along with. He's arrogant, standoffish, ambitious, power-hungry, dismissive of others, and a bit of a snob. He looks down on the other Rogues as being unsophisticated and uneducated, and this naturally serves to make him rather unpopular with them. That being said, these traits do seem to wax and wane over time; he was actually very polite and friendly towards the other Rogues when he first joined the group, and it seems that his coldness towards them didn't come to the fore until after he started dating Lisa. This, in turn, caused friction with Len, and, combined with their vastly different personalities and life experiences, led to the mutual disdain the two men have for one another.
However, Roscoe displays none of these qualities with Lisa, his beloved girlfriend. With her he is polite, supportive, affectionate, loyal, and seemingly dazzled by her charms. He doesn't seem threatened by her potentially wandering eye or her many other boyfriends, and he is perfectly happy to have her working alongside him as an apparently equal partner-in-crime. In fact, she seems to be the only person in the world with whom he has successfully maintained a healthy relationship. Just how he managed this feat is beyond me, but Roscoe is actually an ideal boyfriend as far a supervillains go. It's also noteworthy that he seems to have very little interest in women other than Lisa (especially given the skirt-chasing habits of the other male Rogues); he has a one-track mind when it comes to romance and it's entirely focused on her.
The only thing that comes close to matching Lisa in Roscoe's affections are his beloved tops. His interest in tops is so intense, and so all-pervasive, that both @gorogues and I interpret it as an autistic special interest. He has been fascinated with them since childhood, reads and researches about them as an adult, builds hundreds of weaponized tops to aid him in his crimes, plays with them in prison, and literally dresses himself like a giant top. The word "top" also pervades his language; the number of stupid top puns he's made over the years is frankly astounding. The man loves tops.
This leads me into a not-strictly-canon but nevertheless important aspect of Roscoe's behavior. @gorogues and I are both on the autism spectrum, and, as the mention of his top fascination as a special interest suggests, we believe that Roscoe makes a lot of sense if you read him as being autistic. Indeed, in my fanfics I explicitly write him that way. It would explain his deep love of tops, his general awkwardness and utter inability to read social cues, his somewhat depressing habit of driving away the people he wants to be friends with because of his inability to understand how he's frustrating them, his rather odd speech patterns, and even his ability to spin himself as effectively as he does (some autistic people have a very high tolerance to dizziness, which would explain why he's so good at it). He isn't usually depicted as being sensitive to sensory stimulus such as lights or sound, but I often write him as being sensitive to noise and being rather touch-shy around most people. Similarly, he hasn't canonically been shown to engage in much stimming, but I do sometimes write him as rocking when stressed, and @gorogues usually portrays his spinning as a calming mechanism as well.
We also try to write his "comic book crazy" mental illness as bipolar 1 disorder (again, as noted above); researching the symptoms of that disorder might well be helpful in writing Roscoe in the midst of one of his episodes, which are so severe as to sometimes cause psychosis. (Both manic and depressive episodes can become psychotic.) It's also a good idea to write Roscoe at his most sympathetic when he's actively in the middle of one of his episodes, as this helps avoid the unfortunate implication that his mental illness is responsible for his criminality. Roscoe is not a good person....but he would be just as mentally ill if he had never become a criminal.
Roscoe is extremely intelligent, and, like many of the Rogues, is a talented inventor. He has created an enormous number of weaponized tops (blacklight tops, machine-gun tops, black-out tops, paralyzing tops, explosive tops, bolo tops, streamer-shooting tops, image-producing tops, sonic tops, and many more), and he was also somehow able to build a top-shaped satellite, stuff it full of money, and get it into orbit. He also appears to be well-read and is at least highly self-educated (which he will brag about to anyone who will listen, and anyone who won't).
Roscoe is apparently something of a wine connoisseur (a fact of which he is immensely proud), and I think we can assume that he, unlike the other Rogues, generally doesn't drink too much beer, as it doesn't fit with his upper-class attitude and ambitions. He also likes to discuss literature, and, in doing so, was able to form something of a bond with the equally bookish Weather Wizard (Marco "Mark" Mardon). He desperately wants to be seen as sophisticated, and it's probably no coincidence that his diction has become increasingly formal as he has become more ambitious and distanced from his fellow Rogues. He is one of the few Rogues who is probably unlikely to use slang or much improper grammar, and his florid speech patterns rub Captain Cold the wrong way.
The Top is a formidable opponent. In addition to his many weaponized tops, he is also a metahuman (the only consistent one amongst the Rogues). He has the ability to spin at speeds so high that he can outpace the Flash and deflect bullets, and, more dangerously still, he has impressive mental powers. His telekinesis is powerful enough to ripe spires off of buildings and levitate huge chunks of Earth, and, as if that wasn't enough, he also has the ability to induce vertigo in his opponents. With enough effort, he even has a limited ability to control and manipulate the minds of others (though since this power has only ever been used to justify a really stupid retcon, I generally downplay this particular ability substantially when I write him). Roscoe is, in short, overwhelmingly powerful, and, while his arrogance is a notable weakness, he is a very tough nut to crack---especially since he can also return from the dead.
The Top's ability to work in groups is variable. If he's mentally stable and not in a snit about anything, he is an incredibly powerful and useful member of the Rogues. He can work well with the group---the problem is that he often doesn't. He's notorious for offending his teammates, and equally notorious for deciding that he should take over the Rogues himself (in spite of the fact that he isn't particularly well-suited for leadership). This, naturally, can severely hamper the Rogues' ability to get things done. About the only person he can consistently be counted upon to work well with is his beloved Lisa, who is totally exempt from his usual arrogance and general inability to get along with people.
It's also worth noting that Roscoe, to some extent, prefers to work alone. In his mind, it's because he's better than everyone around him and is better off without them dragging him down, but in actuality, it's because he's frustrated by his inability to get along with the other Rogues and largely completely confused as to why they don't like him. It's rather lonely at the top.
Thanks for the ask! I hope this helps!
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takaraphoenix · 2 years
The Rogues have a code.
That much probably most people know, they even had it on the TV show.
The thing is, the code shifts throughout the different Flash runs and also depending on what writer is in charge.
Originally, the code was very simple, very straight forward. Three rules.
1. Don’t kill. 2. No drugs. 3. The score comes first.
It’s so simple and I genuinely love, love, love it. No killing, just theft. Good. No drugs; no dealing with them, no taking them yourselves because you gotta be clear-headed to do the job. Double good. The score comes first. That doesn’t mean nothing else matters, it actually means that you can’t let yourself be distracted by personal feelings like revenge.
Quite frankly, the last rule is the first one the writers kicked out. The Rogues get written very revenge driven for a while. But they amend it by adding another rule and honestly that’s okay, I love that rule.
4. The Rogues take care of their own.
Meaning they avenge each other’s death, but also that they break each other out of prison. It’s basically the foundation of “The Rogues are a Found Family” and that’s my favorite aspect about the Rogues so this rule is important to me.
The next rule to be kicked out is the first rule though. Because for reasons I genuinely can not grasp, the writers wanted the Rogues to be murderers.
They didn’t have to be. There’s enough other villains going around, killing people without a second thought. The Rogues, as a group, could have literally just remained thieves. It would actually also make so much more sense in the larger continuity of things, for them.
But no, rule number one changes into “Only kill if it’s either you or them” - which is fair enough, society at large does have that rule too, it’s known as “self defense”. And then it turns into “Don’t kill speedsters”.
So we’ve reached the point this post is really about. It’s about how the Rogues have an honor code. And how cool that actually makes them. And how the writers continuously fuck that up by rewriting the honor code and stripping the Rogues off their honor to the point of having them murder a child in cold blood.
The Rogues kill Bart Allen. Not even in the heat of battle. He’s walking away from them and they shoot him in the back. Mark Mardon, Leonard Snart and Mick Rory murder a freaking kid.
I’m not entirely sure how age works in the DC universe just yet, seeing as Bart is a grown I would guess 19 year old-ish guy by now but none of the Rogues have aged a day. The youth keep growing; Teen Titans and Young Justice all become adults, but the adults kind of all remain the same age.
Either way, to the Rogues, Bart Allen is a child. They even make a show of pointing that out before they kill him, noticing that this is not the last Flash or the original Flash, that this is a kid.
And still, with the “threat” of prison - just prison, nothing more serious than that - the Rogues murder Bart Allen and I’m sorry but that’s the most OoC thing I have ever read in all of the Flash issues and runs so far.
The Rogues, who played games with Barry Allen. They never wanted to kill him, they even say so themselves in canon. That they always expect Barry to outrun them. It’s a game to them, trying to outwit but not murder the Flash.
And the Rogues and Wally West? They’re friends. They have barbecues pool-side with each other in their civil attire, Wally attended Lenny’s retirement party.
But Bart Allen, the youngest Flash, him... they just... murder. Because they don’t want to go to prison. When going to prison and breaking out again is literally just what they do, all the fucking time.
The way the writers backtracked on the Rogues’ honor code and kept writing them more and more murderous and with less and less morals, to make them - I don’t know - more edgy or whatever is so frustrating.
Because if I wanted villains without remorse or care who just murder for the fun of it, I would be reading fucking Batman comics.
I am, however, specifically reading Flash comics because I want the colorful thieves who steal but also save the city if push comes to shove, the thieves with a heart of gold who don’t kill but all have the capacity for redemption in themselves as shown in canon repeatedly in the past.
This is... the worst character assassination I’ve ever witnessed in DC and I’ve seen some serious nonsense at this point.
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c-h-pictures · 2 months
3, 12, 15, 23, 29, 37, 46, 61, 71, 98
For Baizhu and Junfeng, I hope it's not too much, feel free to choose only some of them!
OC Relationship ask game
3. What is their love language?
Baizhu's is actions, he gets very attached. Junfeng's is also actions, but not acts of affection, things he does to make Bai's life easier.
12. What is something their S/O does that makes them flustered?
Junfeng always gets flustered when Baizhu transforms between his two main appearances, either Baizhu -> White Snake or White Snake -> Baizhu.
Baizhu gets flustered whenever Junfeng picks him up, provided he is conscious enough to process it happening.
15. How do they comfort one another when the other is upset?
Baizhu will play with Junfeng's hair, tying it up or braiding it, just sitting with Junfeng more than anything else, and let him talk out what the issue is.
Junfeng will hug Baizhu until he no longer wants it, whispering words of comfort in his ear.
23. Who said "I love you" first?
29. What's an insecurity they hold about their relationship?
Baizhu is yet to be open about his life with Junfeng and they both worry what that may lead to. Baizhu is worried Junfeng will leave him over the lying, but can't bring himself to admit any of it. Junfeng is worried Baizhu will eat himself up over whatever he's hiding.
37. Who is more likely to avenge their S/O if they were hurt or killed?
46. If they were ever in a life or death situation, who risks their life?
Baizhu. Perfect for Junfeng being the most likely to avenge.
61. How would they describe their S/O in one word?
Junfeng would describe Baizhu as "adorable", Baizhu would describe Junfeng as "dear".
71. If someone were to insult their S/O, how would the other handle it?
Baizhu would attach himself to Junfeng and glare. Junfeng would just point out he's Baizhu's husband.
98. Who would burn the world down for who?
Baizhu would burn everything for Junfeng.
40. What is a song that reminds you of the OCs' relationship?
Somewhere Only We Know - Lily Allen cover
(I thought of it when I was answering for Huichen and Black Water.)
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Hello. I'm very new to DC as in I only got into it as of April of this year and it started the animated YJ side then moved into the comics. I don’t know a lot and I'm really confused about somethings. I do plan on reading the comics but for now that just seems really intimidating so I'm sticking with fics. I really am loving Sunshine Falling but I want to know about Thad and Preston bc they haven't shown up in the show and I'm so new I don't know where to look. Are they canon characters?
I know I keep saying how much I am stunned when people (comic fans) say they don't know who Thad is and then I remember you gotta start somewhere. While the Young Justice animation is excellent, it is an entire alternative universe to the comics in it's own world with it's own history and thus everything you have seen should be taken with some caution.
Thad and Preston are canon comic characters.
Preston Lindsay
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Preston is one of Bart's best civilian friends and he shows up in issue #1 and is a reoccurring character throughout the majority of Bart's series.
He's a great friend to Bart and accepts him for who he is and thinks he's the coolest even if one of the first thoughts he had about him was that he was a JERK.
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He gets over the chilliness very quickly.
We learn throughout the comics that he is an aspiring director, he loves films and he makes movies in his free time sometimes coopting his friends in his projects. He also LOVES comics and is partial to After-Life Avenger.
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He's supposed to have BROWN eyes, ignore the fucking blue eyes istg.
Preston also becomes Bart's very first 'big case' where Bart had to choose to do the right thing over protecting his own secret identity. Preston is a battered child and the whole story unfolding around that can be read in issue #6 (probably one of the BEST issues in all of Impulse imho).
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Bart saw Preston being abused in his home as Impulse, not as Bart Allen, so when he was prepared to report it he would essentially have to out himself. Bart chose (obviously) to help his friend rather than keep quiet to preserve his identity.
Preston and Bart grew VERY close after this issue.
Some other highlights from Preston include;
The time he got "shot" by toxic waste dumpers and he thought it was the coolest thing.
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"One of those guys shot me? Oh, boy!" Then Bart's soul just departs his body in guilt.
Preston also thinks Bart's mom is hot, which is, y'know, a requirement for all future hero boyfriends that are bisexual.
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Speaking of being bi... He thinks Bart is really cool and is the BEST if you know what I mean...
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"He's really great!"
Preston is 10/10 a GREAT civilian friend and I miss him dearly.
Thaddeus Thawne
To read him at his best and most interesting read Impulse issues #51-#53 and the entire Mercury Falling arc #62-#66.
Thad's history with Bart is complicated. Thus far in the comics he is firmly on the side of villain/nemesis (and an extremely successful one). Regardless of no matter how much he should have had redemption, or how much one was already set up.
He's a clone of Bart and fulfills the "evil twin" trope. He was created first and foremost to be a weapon and an agent of misery to fuel nihilistic spite and hatred. It's complicated, and the short-hand version of it is the Thawne line is entrenched in a one-sided blood feud with the Allen line for overall petty comic reasons that are justifiable to them.
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Thad had no say in this and did not even know there was another option... Until the Mercury Falling arc where he got a taste of something he never had while impersonating Bart... love.
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Thad in particular bonded with Helen and described her as "so full of warmth" and as a person who loved him, and as someone who he genuinely liked. Thad also felt love from Max and was strongly swayed away from his "task" just by experiencing their love as well as Bart's friends' love.
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"Condemning those who condemned him to this and solitary single-minded existence!" - That alone was the launch into a redemption arc, but no we can't have fucking nice things.
In a perfect world Thad would have come back. Max would be willing to accept to him back and he did offer to take him in when he learned that Thad had been impersonating Bart all along. There would be a little tension, some acclimating, and an entire issue could center around Bart and Thad finally trusting each other after mutually sucking to communicate or something.
We... did not get this.
His interest and character development plummets after Mercury Falling, and his highlights afterwards include successfully murdering Bart, and then suffering a fate worse than death via Wally who took all his speed and turned him into a living statue reminding everyone that the Flash Family is more like the Flash Mafia and you don't fuck with them.
So that is a rundown of these two and where to read about them Preston is in so many issues it's hard to pinpoint single issues but Thad's "run" is easier to single in on.
I am so very glad you enjoyed them in my fic.
They are going to be just fine together.
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