#bad friend derek hale
sapphireginger · 1 year
Title: Me & My Broken Heart - Chapter #5
When Stiles’s eyes widened and a smile formed, Eli let out a breath he didn’t know he was holding. He hated how guilty his dad felt and figured that even if he was only fifteen going on sixteen, he could keep reminding his dad that he wasn’t alone anymore, that they had each other now. He could keep reminding his dad that he wasn’t the one at fault, neither of them was. It was like Aunt Mal said, the fault alone lied with Derek Hale, and he was the past, but this was the future.
“Great minds think alike,” Stiles said. “Those are my absolute favorite, my guilty pleasure.”
Eli couldn’t help but smile. “Yeah? That’s legit dad. I bet we have even more in common and we have lots of road to cover all of those things.”
Square Filled: Rekindled Love
Fandom: Teen Wolf
Warnings: None
Rating: Mature
Pairing: Steo [Stiles Stilinski + Theo Raeken]
Full AO3 Link
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Eli sought out Malia and told her what he overheard in the diner. The female coyote was furious, her own control slipping slightly, and she wished that she could raise her cousin from the dead just to kill him again. She sent Eli to see Jordan and then shifted to go after Stiles. His was a scent she would never forget, and it was easy to trace him to his old haunt.
Stiles was sitting on the outcrop, overlooking Beacon Hills, the silence calming him and the distance from a place of pain easing the tightness in his chest. He was drawing in a sketchpad when Malia softly padded over to him. He smiled softly without looking up, sensing who it was. “Hello, Mal,” he said softly. 
Malia pressed her nose against his stomach and then nuzzled her muzzle against his knee. When he finally looked at her, she gave him a toothy grin. 
The amber eyed man snorted and petted her with a gentle smile. “I should’ve known you’d find me.” Something in his expression shifted and Malia whined softly, her tongue flicking at the salty streaks forming on his cheeks. “Can I—”
He wasn’t even able to ask, but he didn’t have to as she already knew what he was asking for and quickly rested her head over his shoulder so he could bury his face in her fur coat. His arms wrapped around her and even if Malia could have said something she wouldn’t have. She kept silent as Stiles shook with silent sobs. 
The coyote had never seen her friend so broken down and it filled her with disdain once more for her cousin, but Derek was gone now and never again would he be able to hurt Stiles. So, she just let Stiles hold onto her and relaxed in the silence that she, like Stiles, found soothing.
✶ ✦ ⟡ ♥︎ ⟡ ✦ ✶
After what might’ve been minutes, or hours later, Stiles pulled back and averted his gaze as Malia shifted back. “Hey, Mischief,” she said after slipping on a pair of shorts and a tank top. 
“Hey, Maleficent,” he replied with a small grin at their usage of childhood nicknames.
“So…” Malia said and trailed off. “What do you say to you and Theo joining Jordan and myself for dinner?”
Stiles hesitated once more. “Will Eli be there?”
Malia nodded that he would and watched Stiles’s expression closely, glad she did, or she would’ve missed the longing look of hope. “My cousin was an asshole and is lucky I didn’t kill him first.”
“You sound like Theo,” Stiles said, wiping at his face, snorting when Malia made a face at the comparison. Stiles chewed his lip and fidgeted. “Does he want me there?”
“Are you serious?” Malia asked. “Of course, he wants you there, idiot.” The insult was said fondly and he knew that. So, Stiles didn’t take offense to it. “Stiles you’re his dad and no matter what Derek said or did, that won’t change. You won’t know unless you try.”
Knowing she was right, Stiles drew on his courage reserves and agreed, asking her to text him the address and a time before parting ways for the evening. 
✶ ✦ ⟡ ♥︎ ⟡ ✦ ✶
Saturday night came and Eli was anxious, pacing back and forth in the living room. 
Malia smiled at him. “You’re so much like your dad.”
Eli froze on the spot, spinning to face her and looked at the woman, searching her face for sincerity. “I am? Really?”
“Really, pup. It’s going to be okay.”
“How can you say that? Da—Derek lied to me and now my actual dad probably hates me. I lost nearly two decades of time with him all because of a lie. It was a lie, all of it and I was stupid enough to believe it.”
Malia shook her head and went over to him. She cupped his face, making sure he was looking at her. “You were a child, still are a child and the fault lies with Derek Hale alone. I’m sure, when the time is right, Stiles will answer your questions. He and Theo should be here soon.”
Eli nodded, taking deep breaths to calm himself. He scrunched up his nose as Malia let go and pouted when she ruffled his hair. Then, he voiced a question, something he had been curious about. “Who is Theo, Aunt Mal?”
Jordan popped his head into the room and quirked a brow at his wife, the hellhound wondering just how his mate planned to answer that question. 
When it seemed that she wouldn’t give an answer and had no idea whether or not she should attempt to offer one at all, Jordan stepped in. “Theo is a childhood friend of your dad’s. At one point, we believe there was more between them but after Stiles left, we don't really know what became of whatever was going on with them nor what became of Theo himself.”
“What about now?” Eli asked.
Malia shrugged. “Now? We have no idea. I mean, Theo was the one to call and get him here and I thought getting Stiles to return here to Beacon Hills would be an impossible feat but somehow Theo managed it. I wouldn’t be surprised if there’s more to them than we ever knew but it’s not our place to speculate and I know in time we’ll learn the truth.”
Jordan kissed her cheek and gestured to the stairs. “Wash up for supper, Eli. Your dad will be here soon.”
“Yes, Uncle Jordy,” Eli said. He waited until Jordan disappeared back into the kitchen before turning to face his aunt again. “Do you promise that my dad doesn’t hate me? Do you promise that he never will?”
Malia shook her head and pulled Eli into a hug. “Stiles doesn’t hate anyone. You’d have to hurt someone he loves for him to even come close to hating you. He’s here and he loves you. It won’t be easy but you’re his kid. That’s what matters most. You’ll have time now. I promise.”
✶ ✦ ⟡ ♥︎ ⟡ ✦ ✶
When Stiles and Theo arrived, it was just half past six in the evening. Both father and son were nervous but with Theo’s support Stiles knocked on the door and with Malia’s support Eli stood his ground when Jordan opened the door to usher in their guests. 
As soon as Eli laid eyes on his dad, he ignored everyone and everything else. Nothing else mattered and everything but his father faded to white noise becoming background and trivial. Eli trusted his instincts and once Theo had taken the bottle of wine from Stiles; Eli threw himself at the amber eyed man. The young were keened and whined as tears poured down his cheeks. “Ojciec!” he whimpered.
For a moment, Stiles was shocked, rooted to the spot. He had not expected such an embrace to occur nor to hear the Polish moniker roll off of his son’s tongue so easily but almost instantly, something inside him clicked into place.  Stiles wrapped his arms around his son and held him tightly, his eyes brimming with tears. He hadn’t held his son since the boy, the teen, was a newborn. Now, here he was embracing his fifteen year old son and though they had lost so much time, all that mattered was they were together now. 
As Eli continued to whimper, Stiles couldn't help the chittering sound he made to soothe the—his—young cub. “Shh. It’s okay, mały wilk. I’m here.”
“It’s not fair,” Eli whispered against his father’s chest. “I’ve lived my entire life without knowing you, fifteen years without knowing my dad. It’s not fucking fair!”
“Language,” Stiles chastened, his voice cracking with how reminiscent the scolding was to his own father. “Fifteen years is a long time, kiddo, but it is not forever. We have time now.” When Eli stilled in his arms, Stiles quickly amended his statement. “That is if you want that?”
“I want it!” Eli said adamantly, pressing his face harder against his dad’s sturdy chest, anchoring himself to the beat of Stiles’s heart, to the scent of family, pack and dad. 
“Then you shall have all the time that is within my power to give you.”
Ei looked up at his dad, his eyes shimmering with unshed tears. There was a twinkle of hope in them, and he offered a watery smile. “Do you promise?”
Stiles nodded and gave a watery smile of his own. “I promise,” he said, whispering the vow against the top of his son’s forehead, burning his nose in the chocolate curls almost identical to his own. He was holding, hugging, and embracing his son. His son. His. 
Malia, Jordan and Theo gave them privacy, slipping into the kitchen to gather the food and dishes they would need. They had originally planned on eating at the dining room table but with how Eli refused to move from his place at Stiles’s side, clinging to his dad as if the man might disappear should he let go, they eventually moved everything to the living room. None of them minded where they ate, only caring that they all ate together. 
As Jordan and Malia took to the kitchen to clean up and wash dishes, Stiles finally relaxed, his eyes meeting Theo’s over a now sleeping Eli’s head. ‘Thank you,’ he mouthed.
Theo smiled, his cheeks pinking. ‘You’re welcome,’ he mouthed back.
✶ ✦ ⟡ ♥︎ ⟡ ✦ ✶
Three Weeks Later:
With the jeep packed and all the papers in order, Stiles bid Malia and Jordan goodbye. Theo had disappeared sometime after saying early the night before after saying goodbye and giving Stiles a bittersweet kiss. It hurt to feel abandoned again, but Stiles had his son to look after now. 
Speaking of—“Eli?”
“Over here, dad!” 
Stiles glanced over at the jeep and smiled. Said son was in the front seat, rifling through a wooden box, one of many they discovered while collecting Eli’s things from Derek’s house. Each of the wooden boxes held dozens of letters. It appeared that Derek had kept all the letters Stiles had sent over the years. The awe on Eli’s face upon seeing them, and the tears slipping down his cheeks, made rage flood through Stiles, on his son’s behalf. 
The fact that Derek kept every letter Stiles sent, kept every scrap of correspondence but had them hidden them from Eli made no sense. Why would Derek have kept them in the first place? The amber eyed man was grateful he never missed a chance to write to his son. Even if he never got them until now, at least Eli had proof that his dad loved him, has always loved him and always would love him. 
Still, Stiles was angry and felt betrayed by the alpha, especially when he learned that all of Derek’s promises were false and empty. At least Stiles could be grateful that the alpha wolf didn’t destroy the letters. Now Eli could see the proof with his own eyes instead of having to take Stiles’s word for it. Stiles was content with the knowledge that his son would now know for the rest of his life just how much his ojciec loved him, always had and always would.
The two were on the road by nine am and the Leaving Beacon Hills sign hit their rearview mirror around nine fifteen am. Stiles felt the tightness in his chest fading with every mile they put between themselves and that accursed town that had so deeply wounded them both.
Over the course of a couple hours, they talked, they talked a lot about anything and everything. Eli had so many questions for his dad and Stiles did his best to answer each and every one of them. The one he didn't know how to answer came around noon when they had stopped for gas. Stiles put the car in park and turned it off, but before he could get out, Eli asked said question and the question threw him off balance. “Dad? Are you in love with Theo?”
Stiles was frozen, unsure but he knew the answer even if he believed that he would never see Theo again. So, with a sad smile and a single tear slipping down his cheek, he nodded and cleared his throat. “Yes. I was in love with him before I had you and I guess once I fell, I never stopped loving him.”
He quickly got out of the car, unaware of his son’s gaze flitting between him and the backseat. He started to pump the gas and pulled out his wallet. “What kind of snacks would you like?” Stiles asked, feeling his gut churn with shame and guilt that he had no idea what his son loved to eat. 
Eli could sense his dad’s uncertainty as well as scent the rising guilt and shame. “How about Reese’s?”
When Stiles’s eyes widened and a smile formed, Eli let out a breath he didn’t know he was holding. He hated how guilty his dad felt and figured that even if he was only fifteen going on sixteen, he could keep reminding his dad that he wasn’t alone anymore, that they had each other now. He could keep reminding his dad that he wasn’t the one at fault, neither of them was. It was like Aunt Mal said, the fault alone lied with Derek Hale, and he was the past, but this was the future.
“Great minds think alike,” Stiles said. “Those are my absolute favorite, my guilty pleasure.”
Eli couldn’t help but smile. “Yeah? That’s legit dad. I bet we have even more in common and we have lots of road to cover all of those things.”
“We sure do,” Stiles replied with a wistful and hopeful smile. “Well, guilty pleasure Reese’s Penrith butter cups coming up for one father and one son. Could you keep an eye on the pump for me please?”
“Aye aye, Captain,” Eli quipped with a salute. He beamed, his chest puffing out with pride when his dad laughed, and he watched as Stiles went inside to get them some snacks.
As soon as he was out of sight, there was a shuffling sound coming from under a blanket in the backseat. Suddenly, a nose popped out from the pile of fabric and Eli chuckled, snorting softly as he booped the black nose. “Let’s hope he doesn’t get too pissed at us. He still loves you, you know?”
The nose retreated under the blanket once more and Eli heard the creature whimper. “You love him too. I know you do. So, now’s your chance. Don’t let yourself live with never knowing. Rejection is better than regret.”
There was a bit more shuffling and then the whimpering turned to sighing as the blankets shifted to the side and a man slipped out of the car. Eli turned his attention to the box of letters once more, and tuned out the conversation that was sure to come as soon as Stiles saw just who had accompanied them.
✶ ✦ ⟡ ♥︎ ⟡ ✦ ✶
When Stiles returned, he nearly dropped everything, his mouth hanging open and his eyes wide in shock. Theo was leaning against the side of the jeep, keeping an eye on the gas pump that was filling the tank. “Th-Theo?” he said softly, his hands shaking slightly, his grip turning painfully tight on the handles of the plastic bags. 
“Hey beautiful,” Theo says, blue eyes meeting amber eyes and a smile quirking on the coyote’s lips.
Stiles set the snacks down and threw his arms around Theo. “I thought–” he mumbled, his breath hitching as he buried his nose in Theo’s throat. He drank in the scent of the man he loved with every fiber of his being, thinking he had to be dreaming. “I thought you—I thought that—How are you—What are—I just—”
“I know,” Theo whispered and wrapped his arms around Stiles, kissing the man’s forehead. “I wanted to come but I didn’t want to push. You just reunited with your son and—”
“Our son,” Stiles cut in, halting Theo's words with a firm kiss, his tone one that said he wouldn’t budge.
Theo cleared his throat softly, emotional at the easy way Stiles once again stated such a thing as fact. “You just reunited with our son, and I didn’t want to get in the way of that reunion.”
“How are you here?”
Theo gestured to Eli who was smiling fondly at the two men. “Ask the little mischief.”
Stiles’s breath hitched and he looked to his son for an explanation. “Eli?”
Eli fidgeted and sighed. “Derek lied. I know that now. Plus, you love Theo, and he loves you. It’s obvious and anyone who doesn't realize it is just blind.” He shrugged, trying to seem nonchalant. “Besides, it’s the least I could do after all the awful things I’ve said and done over the years in regard to you.” 
It made Stiles’s heart swell with pride and love. “Thank you, Eli.”
“You’re welcome, Ojciec. Oh! Also, it’s a plus to have my Papcio coming too.”
Stiles nearly choked on his own spit and the action elicited a snicker from both Theo and Eli. “How did—”
Eli smirked, very reminiscent of Theo and tapped his nose. “Werefox, Ojciec.”
“Right. Of course.” Stiles glanced at the backseat and tilted his head. “Have you been in there, been in Roscoe, this whole time?”
Theo blushed and nodded, shrugging one shoulder. “Yeah. Well, Eli came to find me and snuck me in. It was easier to fit in my full shift form anyway. Coming with you was what I wanted, and I wasn’t going to turn down the opportunity. I would and always will follow you anywhere and everywhere for the rest of my life. I’m never leaving you again.”
“Are you staying with us then?” Stiles asked, hope blooming in his chest, but Theo left him once. Who's to say he wouldn’t leave again?
Warm hands cupped Stiles’s jaw, the gesture one of reassurance almost as if Theo knew exactly what Stiles was thinking. Stiles wouldn't be surprised if the coyote knew. Theo had always known Stiles’s mind nearly as well as Stiles did. 
So, as Theo rested their foreheads together, Stiles let himself believe the coyote’s next words, his next promise, to be true. “I never should have left you or abandoned you and I am sorry for what I did, but I’m here now and you’re never getting rid of me.”
“Never?” Stiles breathed.
“Never, little fox.”
Their lips brushed and they kissed as if they had all the time in the world. However, it didn't last long as Eli started laughing, sounding so much like Stiles when he did and then honked the horn. “Get in losers. We’re going home.”
With a smile and matching red cheeks, both men climbed back into the jeep, Theo taking shotgun now that Eli loved to the backseat surrounded by piles of letters. With them all settled the small family of three did indeed start driving home. 
They were all three a little broken in their own way, but together as a family, as a pack, the broken hearts, broken spirits and the darkness would be mended with time, love and by the strength of their pack bonds. 
The strings of golden light connecting all of them to each, reflected in the fox spark’s eyes, though if you looked at Stiles head on, you would think it was a trick of the light of the setting sun. That was okay though. 
Such things weren’t for you to see. They were for them, for their family, and for their pack. The bonds were for Stiles and Eli Stilinski and for Theo Raeken. All three of them were ready for and eager to see what the future held for their small pack, their small family of three. There would still be tears, there’d still be pain but so long as they had each other there would be no more me and my broken heart.  
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jadezdominion · 3 months
Stiles: I KNOW you’re not delulu enough to think you’re smarter than my husband is. *snarls*
Scott: I KNOW I’m smarter! If not, I couldn’t have become True Alpha. Deaton said so.
Derek: *sighs in exasperation*
Stiles: Scott, the only “big” word you know is ephemeral and you had to study it for a week.
Scott: Yeah, well… I have claws.
Stiles, looking unimpressed: You know what? Final straw, McCall. Take yourself and that room temperature IQ of yours out of our home. Oh, and don’t come back.
Derek: Thank you for defending me, baby. I’ve tried for a year with him.
Stiles: *begins a fluent convo in Greek with Derek while flipping off Scott* Pánta agápi mou. (Always my love)
Isaac watching amused: Alithinó álfa kólo mou! (True Alpha my ass!)
Stiles, cooing: Aaww pup, you’re doing so well with lessons!
Isaac: *blushing* Thanks Mom.
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559 notes · View notes
Rewatching this scene. Would love to point out that Derek is not only the one yelling Stiles name when he sees Stiles is about to put himself in danger, but he is also the one who starts walking back (closer to the giant fkn beast chasing them) to keep Stiles out of danger. Not Scott. Scott stays at the door like he doesn’t even care about Stiles at all. Sterek 4 life
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wheredidhiseyebrowsgo · 3 months
Hi there! Thank you so much for your amazing blog. Really appreciate the time you put into this.
Do you know of any sterek fics where Scott is a bad friend and he does not get redeemed? He faces some real consequences for his choices?
Thanks so much!
I think so, @riverwood87!
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Thunderstorms & Polish Lullabies by Whispering_Merely
(1/1 I 10,057 I Teen)
Boyd is there, hovering over his claws, Isaac looks devastated, Jennifer looks bewildered and concerned and horrified, Kali looks smug, the twins are carefully keeping their faces blank but they're playing along, and- Gods, he's really going to be forced to do this, isn't he? Pack, his Pack, the make-shift family he'd all but accidentally gathered is going to die by his hand, and even if it's forced, it'll still be his fault, for wanting them, for needing them, for biting them.
Loving them.
He wants to close his eyes but he owes Boyd more than that.
And then, abruptly, in this saturated technicolor still-picture moment of chaos and violence- the eye of the storm- the door to the loft crashes open. With the water and the metal and the force of it, the sound is almost guttural, and far too loud- even Kali seems startled.
[Or, the one where Stiles time-travels just in time to save Boyd and Derek from the Alphas, and manages to heal everyone, including himself, just a little in the process.]
Stop Crossing Oceans by greenleaf
(1/1 I 11,654 I Mature)
“There are no absolutes, Scott! No hard rights or hard wrongs! The world doesn’t fucking work that way and we can’t afford to think like that, because people are going to die! We signed up for that the moment we got involved with all this!”
“We? We?” Scott hisses. “Don’t you think you? Don’t forget that you’re the one who dragged us into that forest the night it all started, Stiles. So if it’s anyone’s fault, it’s yours.”
Something inside Stiles cracks, so strong and so deep that he practically hears it.
Bring my heart to heel by Heyokaooohshiny
(30/? I 126,991 I Explicit)
Derek Hale leaves Stiles bereft after a one-night stand. After exposing his heart to the older man, someone he trusted intrinsically to at least remain friends, Stiles finds himself unintentionally abandoned by the last person with which he had any hope. With nothing left to lose Stiles uses the cover of a school trip to run away from the pack. He finds out soon after that Derek left him with more than just painful memories. He meets a witch who becomes a much needed friend.
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There are a few things I will always believe about Teen Wolf
Scott was not the main character.
Scott was not a good friend.
Stiles deserved way more credit for everything he did.
Sterek is real.
Calling Scott ‘Scoot’ and adopting Eli while throwing out the rest of the movie are the two funniest things this fandom has ever done.
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Okay so we all know the fics where stiles is kicked out of the pack or the ones where he kind of just becomes part of Derek’s pack after the torture incident really just Scott being a bad friend
Anyway just imagine how funny that shit looks from an outside view like imagine being his classmate and living like across the road from him just being confused why someone who was previously wanted for murder is practically living at the stilinski house or like a person who is known to be dead(Peter) one day just walking out of stiles house or like witnessing Erica Boyd and Isaac sticking to stiles and constantly like touching him at school or like one day this person like overhears one of the pack or Liam calling him mum or whatever
Like I feel like it would be so funny to read just the utter confusion and like I have got to find out what the fuck is happening of that
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jocollins · 6 months
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Teen Wolf (TV) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Derek Hale/Stiles Stilinski, Derek Hale & Stiles Stilinski Characters: Stiles Stilinski, Derek Hale Additional Tags: Bad Friend Scott McCall (Teen Wolf), Good Nogitsune (Teen Wolf), Mental Health Issues, Mental Breakdown, Implied/Referenced Sexual Harassment, Love, Friendship/Love, getting better, Working Out Issues, Tyler's idea about Sterek scene, at the end, I Don't Even Know, don't know what to tag, Angst, Angst with a Happy Ending, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Hurt/Comfort Summary:
Sometimes you just love someone more than they will love you. But maybe, just maybe, you haven’t met the right person to love you. aka Stiles is never anyone’s first choice but Derek changes that.
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dropofbittersea · 8 months
Look, Derek is the worst. Everyone knows that. Their fearless leader is a total and complete failwolf.
Which means the rest of them? Are kind of the worst too. They’re a ramshackle, slap dashed, sorry excuse for a pack that’s about a half second away from getting one of them killed. And this is a problem, because Stiles would really like to survive high school. Thanks.
Still, nobody deserves what Derek has gone through. Nobody.
And it’s about time somebody told him that.
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Chapter 3 is out!
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finally, chapter 3 is out!
It took me longer than expected to correct this (maybe because i hadded like 2K words to it while correcting it... anyway!) but i still made it work!
lemme know what you think of the story so far in the comments if you'd like, it'd be my pleasure to read about y'all opinions!✨
and thank y'all for sticking around to read it, hope you'll like it!🫂
and if you missed the other two chapters, you can find them here⬇️
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whimsicalmeerkat · 7 months
devil don’t take a break - teen wolf - ch 10
On AO3
Derek's pretty sure he knows now how Stiles walked directly to him in the preserve. He knew Stiles was here at the bus lot without any need for scent or enhanced hearing. He knew blocks away. What he doesn't know is what to make of the new connection.
Derek and Stiles both try to figure out what is up with their new connection and Derek’s mouth gets him in trouble.
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kimmycup · 9 days
Prpblematic 💖 side of Teen Wolf fandom, do you guys have any nice discord servers? Something accepting of all ships, Steter, Sterek, Stydia, whatever, something where one can talk dark fic without people looking at your weird but also fluff, yknow... Just a normal fandom olds reasonable people kind of server?
Cause if you do. I'm looking for one.
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handsofred · 1 year
Reading on AO3
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply Category: M/M Fandom: teen wolf - Fandom Relationship: Derek Hale/Stiles Stilinski Characters: Scott McCall (Teen Wolf), Stiles Stilinski, Jackson Whittemore, Lydia Martin, Allison Argent, Chris Argent, Peter Hale, Talia Hale, Cora Hale, Melissa McCall, Sheriff Stilinski (Teen Wolf), Isaac Lahey Additional Tags: Time Travel, Fix It, Bad Friend Scott McCall (Teen Wolf), Pack Beta Derek Hale, Everyone Is Alive, Redemption, BAMF Stiles Stilinski, Mates Derek Hale/Stiles Stilinski, from Scott's point of view
Scott shakes his head as he stares towards Stiles. He doesn’t recognise the person in front of him anymore, doesn’t understand why he would lie so much and so hard. Donovan wasn’t the monster that Stiles was trying to make him out to be. He had listened to Theo’s accounts of what happened, had seen the scene for himself before sending Theo off home and it sounded and looked like it made so much more sense…after all, why would Donovan want to go after Stiles of all people.
He was nothing, a nobody.
Turning, Scott left Stiles standing there in the rain, the fat drops sliding down over his skin as he walked away, ignoring the shouts and begs that came from the teenager behind him.
It was Stiles’ fault.
Everything that had happened over the past few years, now that Scott thought about it, it all led back to Stiles. Every bad thing that has happened to him, every time he has gotten in to trouble, Stiles was right there by his side, guiding him through the motions which led to each downfall and scolding.
Afterall, it was Stiles’ fault that he had been bitten by Peter Hale in the first place. He had been the one to drag him out in to those woods that night, he had been the one who dragged him through the darkness and the trees until they came across Laura’s body. It was Stiles’ fault that Allison and so many others were dead now, cut down in their prime, stopped before they could live their lives to the fullest. He and Allison could’ve found so much happiness together, could’ve gone on to grow old together and have kids one day maybe.
It was all Stiles’ fault.
And now there has been another death, another unnecessary death at the hands of the person he had once called his brother. And Scott couldn’t deal with it anymore, he couldn’t deal with the human that had brought so much pain and misery to his life. As he moved through the street and back to his bike, his mind was full of things he could change before they landed on the one thing that he had remembered Deaton mentioning in passing. A way to go back and change things in the past. Deaton had mentioned that it was dangerous to cast, that time travel could be a fickle thing to play around with. He hadn’t had any good stories of people who have been known to meddle with the past but Scott didn’t care. He had decided on it by the time he started the engine up.
He would go back in time and stop Stiles.
Read on AO3
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jadezdominion · 3 months
Derek: I think you should leave.
Scott: WHY?
Derek: You made Stiles smell sad.
Scott: WTF?
Stiles: It’s ok Derek, I’m fine.
Derek: You’re not and he’s the reason why. Get lost McCall. Take your little huntress with you.
Scott: Dude I’m sorry I haven’t called you all month, I’ve been busy with Allison.
Derek: I guarantee you that I’ve kept him quite busy. OUT!
Stiles: Thank you, Alpha.
Derek: EVERY BODY OUT! Stiles and I will be busy for the rest of the weekend.
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tea-time-with-a · 1 year
I have somehow become a part of both the TW and TMR fandoms in a week. I don't know how, all I know is that Dylan O'brien is hot, and I ship him with equally hot men. #Sterek and #Newtmas for Life.
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wheredidhiseyebrowsgo · 3 months
For the ask "
Stiles was really hurt but the pack didn't realise and kicked him out and they were really shitty mostly. But Danny found Stiles and he and Aiden and Ethan like helped Stiles alot. Stiles was also a Spark/Mage and Danny a witch and there was like puppy pile cuddling in Stiles bed where Aiden and Ethan took Stiles pain and Sheriff Stilinski saw and was like "....okay wtf" and the wolfs and Danny were like "uhm no homo". I think it is 'can't rely on me' by littleredridinghunter. I don't remember that last scene (it's a long fic) but the rest fits
Thank you @nerdherderette!
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Can't rely on me by Littleredridinghunter
(12/12 I 116,206 I Not Rated i Sterek)
The pack let him down, that's not really a surprise lately.
When Danny finds Stiles nearly bleeding to death the next day it's the start of a beautiful friendship.
Can the pack make amends before it's too late? Will Stiles ever forgive them for not being there for him when he needed them the most?
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sapphireginger · 1 year
Free to Be Alive
It was only lunch, lunch which they’d had had every day like clockwork. Everyone was chatting and talking before the entire student body went dead silent. Stiles stood staring at Scott with a look no one had ever seen directed at Scott. They had always been ScottandStiles.
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Scott didn’t realize how much and how quickly he and Stiles were drifting apart. Ever since 10th grade when Allison arrived, a divide occurred, although Stiles never blamed Allison for Scott's actions.
It was subtle at first, with Stiles no longer being seen attached at the hip with Scott. They were worlds apart at school despite being in the same classroom day in and day out. After a few months, Stiles didn't seem as talkative anymore, worrying even Mr. Harris, whom everyone knew had a strong dislike for the Stilinski kid.
Then Stiles started hanging out with Boyd, Erica, and Isaac. Not only did he change who he hung out with but Stiles started laughing and talking a lot more. This was good for Stiles but it didn't alleviate the odd suffocating blanket that seemed to encase the school. It was the end of Junior year when the fight happened, when things finally came to a head.
It was only lunch, lunch which they’d had had every day like clockwork. Everyone was chatting and talking before the entire student body went dead silent. Stiles stood staring at Scott with a look no one had ever seen directed at Scott. They had always been ScottandStiles.
“Shove your head back up your ass, McCall. That’s where it's been for the past two years!”
Scott gaped at him and snarled. “What the hell, Stiles?!”
Stiles shook his head and sent his former best friend a cold look that made everyone shiver. “Stay the hell away from me. You’re on your own now. If you pass, great. If you fail it’s whatever. I’m done giving my all and getting nothing in return. Go bury your cock in whatever warm hole that calls to you. I’m not your friend anymore and sometimes…” he trailed off and swallowed thickly. “Sometimes I wonder if we ever truly were friends.”
With that, Stiles left the cafeteria with his three new friends in tow.
By the time senior year rolled around, Stiles looked completely different. Rumors spread that he had become a part of the gang that Derek Hale ran. Everyone was talking about Stilinski’s leather jacket that now matched with the other four.
Obviously, this caused Scott to worry after Allison had pointed out just how different Stiles was now.
Scott confronted his former friend, but he failed to make any headway. So, he confronted the three other students that Stiles had been hanging out with. Erica laughed at his attempts and just pushed past him.
Seeing that he was getting nowhere, Scott decided he’d have to talk to Stiles if he wanted answers. However, when he got out of his last class and went in search of Stiles, Scott saw him climbing into a sleek black Camaro with his three new friends and…
Scott’s eyes bugged out and he glared as his best friend—former best friend—kissed Derek Hale's cheek. He watched as Derek turned to catch Stiles’s lips in a deeper kiss, both of them grinning as the three in the back smiled and nudged at their shoulders.
What the hell was going on? Scott was so confused but he couldn’t do more than stand on the sidewalk, frozen as he watched the five of them drive off.
Even being idly aware that Allison had come to stand beside him couldn’t rouse Scott from his realization that the chapter of his life that included Stiles was well and truly over. The hardest part was that that had been true for a long time but he had been blind to it.
Now that he saw, he knew there was no salvaging what was. He couldn’t remember the last time Stiles had smiled like that around him. In fact, the last time Scott saw Stiles smile so carefree, content and happy was before his mother died.
Allison offered him a sad smile and was about to encourage him not to give up but Scott shook his head. He kissed her cheek, laced their fingers together and headed to his motorbike. He was finally accepting that Stiles and he would no longer be as entwined as they had once been, nor as close and Stiles was happy now. Perhaps, this was for the best and it was time to let go.
Sure, Stiles had moved on, but Scott had moved in first and it would be hypocritical of him to object to the happiness that his former best friend had finally found. They were free to be alive and live the lives they wanted. That was all that mattered now.
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