irondadfics · 1 month
#fic find #mcu #marvel cinematic universe #steve Roger’s #natasha romanoff #sam Wilson #wanda maximoff #tony stark #peter Parker #irondad and spiderson #tony stark acting as Peter Parker’s parental figure #peter Parker needs a hug #kidnapped Tony stark #canon divergence #on hiatus #discontinued?  Hi there! I’ve been looking for a fic set after the film captain america:civil war where Tony stark gets kidnapped, and the rogues, minus ant man and bucky try to help find him despite being in hiding. And I can’t remember who brings him in, but either Rhodes or Natasha bring in spider-man to help the search. Wilson, at first, is like “hell no that is an infant” and Peter gets super rambly yet sincere and gives a passionate speech, essentially, and now he is aboard! More bonding happens between them and spidey, and by the time they find Tony in a bunker, he’s basically on their team entirely- however Tony was actively escaping, and when they walked up to the massive vault door spider-man hears AC/DC and gets weepy like “Mr stark!!!” And straight up busts the door down and goes tearing thru the facility before the rest can stop him. Cue emotional reunion, where he rips off his mask, shocked pikachu face, and Sam is just like “holy shit he really is an infant”.
sorry for the wait. Could this possibly be your fic?
Everybody's Fine by Fluencca
Every time Tony comes-to he gasps, like a drowning man desperate for air. There are shadows, and moving shapes that won’t come into focus, and soft hands that roughly shove pills into his mouth and then hold it shut, crushing his nose until he swallows. He does, but the hands never let up. * Tony and Steve have been taken from opposite sides of the world, and Peter, Rhodey and Happy team up with Sam and Nat to find their missing friends. People meet Peter for the first time, Peter meets them, fun times are had by all. Except, well, Tony. And Steve, probably.
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themculibrary · 1 year
For the anon who asked about the time travel fic with a lot of people, it could be 'Never odd or even' by memoriaeterna on ao3. I haven't read too far into it but the tags seem to check out.
Never odd or even (ao3) - memoriaeterna T, 80k
Summary: Time. Space. Reality. It’s more than a linear path. When faced with the impossible, magic does the unthinkable. Now bearing the words of their worst enemies and greatest allies as the markers in pursuit of three different ends, the question is whether they can accomplish what they came back for without jeopardizing each other?
Or: A group of time travelers unintentionally ending up in the same past to fix three separate future problems is a recipe for disaster.
Thank you!
- Tori
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stxar-pvnk · 5 months
I generally want Peter to one day be on a mission with the other avengers,
He's met them, just an awkward introduction.
Anyways it's a hydra base takeover gone wrong.
They shoot down tony, he's struggling to breathe and all he can see and watch his mentee just go fucking crazy.
Tony's on the verge of death and he just hears
"instant kill mode. Karen mute."
In such a voice that even Natasha freezes up watching the 15 year old kid that they have watched eagerly eat pancakes and blabber on about science terms they can hardly understand. But a hit to tonys heart, near his arc reactor and the boy is feral
You think the winter soldier compares to Peter?
No. The winter soldier handles with precision. Needed killing.
Peter? No. He goes for the kill willingly. Like a red widow spider Peter's handling with aggression.
Blood, cries and everything going everywhere, the instant kill mode falls away and Peters still punching his way through,
His mask torn through, shot in the leg and arm and he's kicking through the doors smashing agents heads in the walls.
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narniansteel · 9 months
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My Roman empire is that time this 13 year old girl threw an arrow so hard it went through a man's armor and into his chest 🙂
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wheredidhiseyebrowsgo · 3 months
Can I get some steter with morally dubious Stiles?
You sure can! @kevaaronday made this list.
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A Darkness Follows by havok2cat (9/9 | 41,994 | Explicit | Steter) Stiles serves his community service at Beacon Hills Memorial Hospital. He's assigned to a mysterious patient and finds himself quickly becoming obsessed.
As most wrong theories are by PotatoYoghurt
(46/46 | 35,150 | Explicit | Stetopher) The world takes everything from Stiles.
Stiles decides to take it back.
Null & Void by skargasm (18/18 | 28,762 | Explicit | Steter) In a world full of the supernatural and superpowers, everyone eagerly awaits their 18th birthday to ‘receive’ their gift. On his 18th birthday, Stiles Stilinski comes into his powers and finds out in the most horrific way possible that his gift is more of a curse – one unguarded touch, and he absorbs both a person’s gift andtheir life-force. 
Determined to keep his friends and family safe, he moves away from his home and takes a job with the government, taking away the gifts of those who would abuse them. As one of the most powerful – and potentially dangerous – people in the world, Void feels completely alone. 
Peter Hale’s gift is incredibly prized – mainly because no one is allowed to openly discuss what their gift is. Working within the P.A.C.K. bureau, he keeps his family safe and does the world a service. No-one’s gift can touch him, and he is one of the very few who can tell what someone’s gift is from one simple touch. 
So what does he do with this ruthless but attractive new partner who refuses to let Peter touch him?
To Court a (Oblivious) Werewolf by StilesIsMySpiritAnimal (5/5 | 25,437 | Explicit | Steter) There was no mistaking that this was the Spark.
He walked with a lethal grace, hands in his pockets and head tilted down slightly. His entire body had a soft glow to it.
Three bodies moved in unison to flank him, and they walked the remaining distance to the pack.
As if sensing his perusal, the boy looked up, right at Peter, his whiskey-colored eyes flashing in the sun.
Oh. Peter briefly wondered if the young man hid his face for safety, or because every ‘wolf within ten miles would be looking to court him.
Perhaps by Triskuit (1/1 | 7,168 | Explicit | Steter) Stiles and Peter run into each other when attempting to kill the same people. They get together and go a-murderin'.
“Should we be comparing lists or something?”
There was an amused snort. “Perhaps.”
They stood around awkwardly for a few moments and then Stiles went to get a closer look at the thoroughly shredded Body Formerly Known As Todd.
“You’re not going to ask?” the werewolf blurted.
There was surprise and incredulity in his voice. And was that a hint of disappointment? Stiles bet he had a whole spiel prepared. He smirked.
“About what? You’re a guy who turns into a wolf-bear creature. And? Do you have another trick up your sleeve? Some fascinating hobby?”
The werewolf erupted into a full-body laugh, mouth open and eyes sparkling — Stiles was close enough now to see that they were blue — and he was pleased to elicit such a response. He wanted to hear that sound again. 
Aconite is Forever by threedices (1/1 | 5,636 | Teen | Steter) Magic helps Stiles find his soulmate. Knowing Peter exists is a comfort after his mother's death.
While magic doesn't stop the Hale fire it allows Stiles to bring Peter back when he thinks sacrificing himself for Stiles is a good idea (the fool).
Too Good to be True by stellewrites (1/1 | 5,256 | Teen | Steter) “This is a big fucking job, Ali,” Stiles said tiredly as he looked over the blueprints for the banks. “I’ll be doing you more than a favour if I do this. It’s peak time for tourists, so that means that cops are going to be more alert than usual. We won’t have much time.” 
“So, you’re in?” She confirmed. 
“Yeah, I’m in,” he said
“Who the fuck actually robs a bank in Las Vegas?” Peter murmured, feeling hysterical when he saw the masked group spread around the bank. 
Peter's on holiday with his friends in Las Vegas when he gets caught up in a bank robbery. One of the robbers has really pretty eyes - not that Peter noticed…
To Captivate a Killer by Noxnthea (1/1 | 2,000 | Teen | Steter) “The problem is that I’m not sure whether I want to kill him or kiss him.”
There’s silence from the Sheriff’s end of the spell before his father says, “Really, Stiles?” 
Stiles has accepted a contract to assassinate the Hale prince. It’s not panning out quite like he expected.
Just Calm Down by SnakePit1995 (1/1 | 1,085 | Gen | Steter) Stiles putting wards on Peter's apartment was easily the best decision he ever made. They worked perfectly and saved them time and time again. The intent wards were an everlasting argument but Stiles was never going to take them down. 
The intent wards don't let Peter into the apartment when he's angry and Stiles finds it endlessly entertaining.
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acidpixiery · 1 year
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Sighs happily
I love the direction my coloring is going tbh, I’ve never been super confident with using colors but now idk I just kinda feel like I’m going in the direction I wanted with it ig??? Idk I’m happy with it
so yeah idk I hope you guys like it and idk it’s my first time drawing Olive so it’s not great at all but y’know 💀
reblogging is highly appreciated
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ramen8008 · 5 days
Tony: You've been stabbed. We have to go to medbay
Peter: it's fine I've been stabbed loads of times. I know when it's serious and this is just a scratch
Tony: ...
Peter: ... oh
Tony: yes "oh" what do you mean you e been stabbed "loads of times"?!?
Peter: you know that sounded a lot more reassuring in my head
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youryurigoddess · 6 months
On love and sacrifices
There’s so much more to this scapegoating business and big sacrifices referenced in the Good Omens narrative than the literal goats. And they’re only getting bigger, louder, final.
But let’s take it slow and start with the beginning, quite literally — i.e., with the Good Omens 2 title sequence. As we follow Aziraphale and Crowley on their journey, the universe warps and their usual left and right side positioning switches during the magic show (not accidentally an act of trust and sacrifice required both from the angel and the demon). They stay so throughout the next scene, which is their little dance in the air, and after they seemingly get settled on the A. Z. Fell and Co.’s roof and back to normal, the flipped sky in the background suggests that something’s not quite right yet. In the central part of the shot looms a large, humanlike shadow of the Elephant Trunk Nebula.
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The nebula is a part of a constellation called Cepheus, after an Ethiopian king from the Greek mythology who agreed to sacrifice his only daughter in order to appease the gods and end a local calamity started by her mother and his wife, Cassiopeia (talk about generational responsibility). With time and a delightfully ironic twist of fate, the name of said daughter, Andromeda, became more famous than that of her father. Although she was chained up to a rock and offered to the sea serpent Cetus, the girl was spotted by the warrior Perseus, casually flying over the sea — either on the back of the Pegasus or thanks to a pair of winged sandals — after his victory over Medusa. He fell in love on the spot, defeated the serpent (with the help of a magical sword or Medusa’s severed head, depending on the varying sources), and freed the princess. That’s not exactly where their story ends, but we won’t be getting into the rest here.
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Not surprisingly, Neil has mentioned two parallel child sacrifice stories from the biblical context back in August. The first is one of the big ones — The Binding of Isaac. God's command to sacrifice Isaac, his only son, was a test of Abraham's faith. The angel of the Lord intervenes and provides a ram to be sacrificed in the boy’s place.
The second one isn’t nearly as popular, but you might have heard a variant of it in fairy tales or as the Law of Surprise invoked in The Witcher saga. In exchange for Israel’s victory over its enemies in battle, Jephthah had rashly promised God to repay the debt with the first thing seen on his return back home. The victorious warrior didn’t suspect to see his only child moving innocently "to meet him with timbrels and with dances" though. In horror, Jephthah covered his eyes with his cloak, but to no avail: ultimately, he was forced to honor his vow to God, and the girl was sacrificed. As grisly as it might look like in the Old Master’s paintings, it’s important to remember that human sacrifices weren’t limited to physical offerings only — Jephthah’s daughter might have been offered to God in the sense of officially shunning her family and dedicating her life to service instead, probably sequestered in a temple somewhere.
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Interestingly, the main character of a big chunk of the Bible and the reason for the Second Coming happens to be THE most influential child sacrifice in the modern history. You know, a certain 33-year-old carpenter sent by his Heavenly Father to die on a cross for the sins of the mankind? Someone better call Aubrey Thyme ASAP.
Circling back to Aziraphale, he could be also seen as a representative of the concept of filial piety, since Eden willing to personally take a Fall not only for the humanity’s collective or individual transgressions, but the shortcomings of his Ineffable Parental Figure as well. Our favorite angel angel always fights for what is right and good, sure, but why would that be even a thing if God was truly omniscient, omnipresent, and omnipotent?
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If Aziraphale’s medal is anything to go by, it looks like we might get an answer from the way it’s introducing another mythological narrative into the game, that is the story of Daedalus and Icarus. The most absorbing thing about this is the stark contrast to the recurring child sacrifice references for S3 mentioned in this post — Daedalus isn’t a father who wanted to sacrifice his son, it was his attempt to save him from imprisonment that ultimately drove Icarus to his death. The boy ignored his father’s explicit instructions, committing the grave and culturally universal sin of disobedience to one's parents that simply couldn’t go unpunished, one way or another.
But Icarus’s transgression could be seen both as high-flying ambition and striving for personal accomplishment as well as humanitarian sacrifice for knowledge and humanity’s advancement in general.
Similarly to a certain angel who left everything for what superficially seems like a work promotion, but is the ultimate act of love — both for his demon and the children they have been protecting and nurturing together for six thousand years. From the very Beginning, his white wings have been shielding everything he holds dear in this world.
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sgnarl · 4 months
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pencil drawings i found in my old highschool binder... i was filled with such whimsy
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ironspidersblog · 2 months
Natasha may be dead and Peter may be forgotten TO YOU.
TO ME, she’s teaching him how to spar and he’s showing off his spider senses
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irondadfics · 1 month
Hi! I’m looking for a fic where Pepper and Tony blipedand when they’re gone Peter took care of Morgan and the SI while they were gone. Idk if it was happy or Rhodey but apparently Peter would have Morgan bouncing on his leg and textbooks laid out and like 3 Holoscreens and it really reminded them of Tony.
hello! This is for you!
Anything For You by jarynw02
Tony and Pepper are both blipped, leaving their newborn daughter behind. When they return, they learn what happened in their absence.
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themculibrary · 1 year
Hello so uh I've been going crazy for over a week now cause I was searching for this fic that I wanted to finish reading. I forgot the name of the fic and don't know the name of the author. I also didn't bookmarked it. Anyway, it's a Fix-it. So, a lot of people (Loki, Peter, Tony, Wanda, Stephen, and more I think) time travelled back before Infinity War, though they came from different timelines. That's all I know about the fic so far.
Okay, I'm not sure if this is the fic, but is it this one?
Z to A (ao3) - memoriaeterna wanda/vision, pepper/tony T, 88k
Summary: The moment of disorientation was nothing compared to the next thing he saw. He was standing in the midst of an airport, looking directly at a girl with the familiar red leather coat. The mutual recognition was instant. Leipzig.   Or, Peter and Wanda sent back in time to stop the inevitable. Good news: they are not alone. Bad news: who and from when.
- Tori
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stxar-pvnk · 6 months
Being around Tony stark can take a toll on you, some have to toughen up their skin to endure Tonys remarks, some just drift away from him, not wanting to deal with it.
But Peter?
No he's adapted.
Every snarky remark, and name Peter would be told, he just came back even stronger
"did you seriously forget to do your homework? Again? Don't you have enhanced..everything?"
"Mr stark, If we wanna talk irresponsible, let's talk about the time it seemingly crossed your mind to tell your loved ones you were dying because of the shrapnel in your chest." Peter snarked back
Tony stood frozen, his jaw dropped.
"well..fuck." Tony mumbled trying to contain l laughter at how sudden Peter came up with something like that.
Or another time.
"Peter, let me get you some new shoes." Tony pleaded
Peter sucked on his lollipop and squinted at Tony
"what? No why." Peter asked seemingly shocked
"because they're ratty. And old. And they look like they're gonna fall off or disintegrate at any given time." Tony answered crossing his arms
"why do you even keep them around?" The older one asked completely confused
"your ratty, old and likely to be on your death bed in a few years, why do we keep you around?" Peter snarked back raising an eyebrow.
Rhodey who was just passing through to grab some coffee was howling with laughter doubling over to clutch his stomach.
Sometimes it's not even directed at Tony.
"how do we even know we can trust the kid, he's unreliable" Sams eyes narrowed his voice harsh, but Steve nodded anyways
"I agree with Sam, recruiting a child would be very irresponsible."
Peter who was swinging on his chair, now paying attention in the meeting with the avengers turns to Steve and sam
"oh lord.." Tony muttered as rhodey tried to hide the smug, fond look on his face
"dude, you are 2 times my age, stop complaining and just admit that being an old man is getting to you, plus I can hear your knees snap like glow sticks when you crouch down. it's gross. Also who in this room has 1. A weird bird suit, and 2. Doesn't." Peter finished crossing his arms mirroring Tony. Alot.
"did I just get insulted by a toddler." Sam muttered
Peter is a sassy kid.
Peter is Tony's sassy kid.
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evadewilson · 28 days
guys, pals, friends, lieblings, if you see this post PLEASE drop your favourite spideypool tropes/fic things in the tags or comments PRETTY PLEASE
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wheredidhiseyebrowsgo · 8 months
Oh god, oh my, it's finally happening !! Sorry, I've been waiting for two months to send an ask. First of all, love the blog and everything about it !! I've read the majority of fics recommended here and couldn't be more grateful 🖤
Anyway, fangirling aside. Do you by any chance have some preferably mature or explicit fics where Stiles hasn't really returned from being the Nogitsune, even if it's dead, and everyone is afraid of him, except for Derek. Or an AU where Stiles is feared for one or another reason and again only Derek isn't, but is instead extremely drawn to it. Idk, just something with Stiles being badass or straight up kind of vile, but gets soft when Derek gets under his skin. Sigh, I think I'm confusing myself at this point. But yeah, pretty much that.
Thank you in advance!! And once again, this blog cures my depression fr fr ☀️
I think I found some.
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Only human by orphan_account
(1/1 I 195 I Not Rated I No Pairing)
The nogitsune is still inside stiles and he had enough
Synthesize by angeryeva
(3/? I 3,820 I Teen I No Pairing)
When Derek Hale brings a dying girl to the Nemeton, a certain fly absorbs enough pain to escape from its glass jar confinement. Finally free, it goes looking for a new body to inhabit, and finds a grieving boy whose mother has just died from frontotemporal dementia.
What the Nogitsune didn't expect, though, was Stiles being a Spark.
Stiles and the Nogitsune merge into one being, and tries to navigate Scott's adventures while struggling not to succumb to the hunger for chaos, strife and pain.
Not a Redo by Raven_is_blue 
(1/1 I 3,876 I General I Steter)
They used to be a couple. For years they had no contact with each other, certain that the other had forgotten and moved on. But when chance causes them to meet, they get a second chance. Stiles as a temporary emissary and Peter as himself. Will they? Will the not?
Shadow and Flame by pixieblade
(1/1 I 3,111 I Teen I Sterek)
“Get. Away. From. Him.” The teen said harshly. Derek watched bemusedly as Stiles stalked across the loft. His wooden bat dragging along behind him. It made a scratchthumpscrape sound that was almost mesmerizing.
View the World in Gray by Pickosita5
(1/1 I 3,128 I Teen I No Pairing)
“How does that saying go again? Absolute power corrupts absolutely?” – Stiles learns to live with the fox in his head.
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rosieburrito · 4 months
Based off a chapter from an oh so amazing fanfiction called Death Before Inaction by hppjmxrgosg on ao3 (and here)
Cross posted on TikTok where there’s more relevant text accompanying the audio
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