#because at least with kids? kids can be sweet. they can be annoying as hell! but ultimately
steddie-as-they-come · 11 months
Steve's pinning his polaroids up on his wall when his new roommate walks in.
Steve's immediate thought is oh, I'm gonna hate this guy.
Shaggy hair, leather jacket, rings glinting off his fingers, electric guitar slung over his back. Hot as hell, but compared to Steve's polos and perfectly coiffed hair, they could not be more different.
The guy looks like he had the same thought. His shoulders slump as he takes in Steve's appearance.
A man comes in behind his roommate, toting a suitcase full of clothes. "Oh, are you Eddie's roommate?" he says to Steve, who shakes himself out of his thoughts.
"Yes, I am." he says politely. "I'm Steve Harrington."
The man sets down the suitcase. "Wayne Munson." he offers, shaking Steve's hand. "I'm Eddie's uncle."
He nudges Eddie forward, who lets out an almost inaudible groan. "Eddie." he says snippily, shaking Steve's hand.
This'll be a fun year, Steve thinks.
They don't talk. Steve didn't think he was going to be best friends with whoever he got saddled with, but he thought they could at least be civil to each other. Their room is split down the middle. Eddie's half is absolutely covered in posters and music and cutouts of magazines. Steve's is...almost as blank as his room back home.
He misses the shitheads.
No one can ever tell them that. They'll get even more insufferable.
Once or twice, when Steve comes back from a class, he'll catch Eddie peering at Steve's pictures, but he’ll jump away before Steve can call him out on it. It's awful. Steve misses Robin.
It takes him a horribly long amount of time to stop flinching awake at every little sound. He'd stored his nailbat under his bed, out of sight of Eddie, but every time someone yells in the hallway or shouts in the room next door, Steve startles awake, already grabbing his bat. Luckily, Eddie sleeps like the dead, because Steve's not sure he'd be able to explain the weapon without breaking his NDA.
It's three A.M., early November, when there's a knock on their door. Steve isn't asleep yet, so he stands and answers it.
Eight people pile in, talking in hushed whispers. They slam into him, knocking him over.
In the middle of the hug, Steve counts his kids. It's Dustin, nestled against his side, then Lucas, El, and Will under his arm, Max draped over his back, Erica leaning into his shoulder, and Mike on the very outskirts of the group. He pulls them all in tighter, and they all yelp and squawk at him.
"Let us go, Steve!" Erica says, annoyed.
"Nope." Steve says. "You came to find me at three in the morning, you can tolerate a hug."
"Shoo, move." another voice says, and all the kids part like the sea. Robin pushes her way through the group and hugs him tightly. "I don't know how you do it." she says to Steve. "Driving all these nerds around, it's exhausting."
He buries his face in her hair. "Missed you, Robbie." he mumbles.
She leans her head against his. "Missed you too, dingus."
Steve pulls back. "You got your license!"
"I did!" Robin jingles her keys happily.
Eddie sits up, and everyone in the room freezes. "Wha's happenin'?" he slurs sleepily. Then he registers all the people in the room. "Whoa, what the fuck?"
Steve stands up, brushing himself off. "I'm sorry, man, I didn't know they were coming." He shoots a glare at the group, who looks appropriately cowed. Minus Dustin. Steve can now see whose idea this was.
Eddie swings out of bed. "No, it's- wait, are these the kids from your polaroids?"
"Yeah," Steve says. "Dustin, Mike, Lucas, Will, El, Max, Erica, and this is my best friend Robin."
"Awww, you have polaroids of us?" Max teases over his shoulder. "That's sweet."
Steve reaches behind him and tussles her hair, shoving her gently. "Shut up, shithead."
"Your room is cool." Mike says. "Not Steve's side. But this part is cool!"
Steve glares at Mike, but Eddie grins big. "Thanks! I'm Eddie Munson." He shakes Mike's hand.
"Is that a DnD poster?" Will says. "That's amazing!"
"It certainly is!" Eddie says. "I used to DM back in high school. Played a bit too."
The nerdier section of the group reacts appropriately, oohing and ahhing, while Max and Erica just roll their eyes and nudge each other.
Steve hesitates. “I know these guys don’t really do anything on Saturday afternoons, and I think they’ve been wanting to start another campaign. Would you mind if they come up, maybe every weekend, and you can…” he doesn’t know enough about DnD “…run a game for them?”
Eddie looks amused. “You mean DM a campaign?”
“Yeah, that.” It’s an olive branch that Steve’s offering.
Eddie takes it. “Well, how can I turn that down? Sheepies of the Harrington flock, how would you like to join a new campaign?”
“I’ll keep the rest of you occupied,” Steve mutters as the guys (and El) start talking excitedly. “Max, Rob, you guys wanna find the closest arcade and set some new high scores?”
“Only one person will be setting high scores.” Max says, gesturing to herself, but she looks excited at the prospect.
Steve lets Eddie and the kids talk for a couple more minutes, then claps his hands. “Okay, it is three in the morning and I have a nine A.M. class tomorrow SO! I have enough blankets for all of you to sleep on the floor if Eddie doesn’t mind-“ Eddie shrugs. “Or Rob can drive you back home.”
Steve looks around and Robin is already in his bed, cuddled up like the blanket hog she is. “Okay, well, sleepover here it is then.”
He whisks out his ungodly amount of throw blankets (courtesy of Joyce’s knitting spree) and the kids get together in their usual movie-night-at-Steve’s cuddle position.
Will’s got his head on Mike’s shoulder, Lucas next to Mike, Max leaning on Lucas, El’s head in Max’s lap and her legs thrown over Dustin’s lap, and Erica with her back against Dustin’s shoulder. Sometimes Robin and Steve are wedged into the pile somewhere, but just as often they’re tangled up under six different blankets across the room, which is why Steve whispers “Scoot over, dumbass,” as he climbs into bed next to Robin.
Eddie watches them assume their positions with an expression of what could be awe on his face. “When I saw those pictures,” he whispered, “I thought they were like your siblings? Or maybe old pictures of your friends. I didn’t think you were a soccer mom.”
Steve glares at him, but unlike earlier in the year, there’s no heat behind it. “Hope you like coparenting then, because these guys need to be watched 24/7 or they’ll run off and start the apocalypse.”
Eddie laughs like it’s a joke. To him it is. He hops back into bed. “Goodnight, weird little family.”
The kids murmur a collective sleepy goodnight, and Steve shuts his eyes.
It’s the most relaxed he’s felt since he moved in.
part two!
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sh1-n0bu · 9 months
can i request something?? can you do modern relationship with scara??
✿ 𝒊𝒕’𝒔 𝒏𝒐𝒕 𝒍𝒊𝒌𝒆 𝑰 𝒍𝒊𝒌𝒆 𝒚𝒐𝒖! ✿
characters: modern!scaramouche x nb!reader
warnings: modern au!!!, fluff, crack, my poor attempt at humor, scara has a bad relationship with his moms, written with high school au in mind, scara being bad at feelings, headcannon format, raiden shogun goes as raiden shino since shogun is a title rather than a name and all…
notes: when that one song u used to religiously listen to when u were younger and cringier suddenly comes rushing back in for a fic idea
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oh dear gods, where do we even begin with this one?
tsundere to the max and we all know, his moms knows it, you know it, the entire school knows it, even the online friends he plays games with knows it
which explains on how you knew that scaramouche had a crush on you the moment he started showing small signs of it. waaaaayyyy before he even understood his own emotions and feelings and came to terms with it
safe to say, he is super easy to read. like, a motherfuckin open book that’s full of illustrations made for kids. at least, that’s how it feels to you anyways
has a bad relationship with both of his mothers and his older sister but at least he tolerates his older sister better than his mothers, which is a good thing. at least he has someone to turn to when something goes wrong
him, his mom ei and his older sister are carbon copies of each other alongside his aunt. the first time you went over to scara’s place to prepare for an upcoming exam, you almost got whiplash from just how many similar purple people were there
like… low-key concerning with how you easily mistook his mom ei with his aunt or his older sister with his mom ei
safe to say you made a fool out of yourself for the first few meetings with his family
his other mom, miko, is very… eccentric to say the least. teasing, sly, quick-witted, charming and charismatic. you and scara joke around that miko was a fox or a demon in her former life
his older sister, shino, is quite the sweetheart one the other hand. quiet, reserved, socially awkward and friendly if you go over how her normal face looks so emotionless and dead. reminds you of a soldier or a puppet with how shino is so willing to fulfill ei’s wishes or words to the T
his aunt, baal, is an absolute sweetheart. the ultimate sweetheart actually. such a sweet woman she is with her soft words, warm smiles and motherly affections. she offered you a hand-made cookie when you were about to leave simply because you were scara’s friend!
yes, you cried to the amount of kindness and scara made fun of you for it
you would never peg someone as mean, introverted and arrogant as scaramouche to be friends with the popular, soccer kid from school did ya’? well you are wrong because scara and childe are best friends!!! as childe claims
the ginger-head made a bet with scaramouche saying that you two’s friendship won’t last. cue scaramouche and his over competitive ass coming over and latching himself to you to make sure that your friendship would last
AKA childe’s plan to make scaramouche realize his feelings and come to terms with it has officially started!
likes to occasionally play video games such as wuthering waves, minecraft, resident evil, silent hill etc etc. hates first person shooter games cuz it’s so not his style and he hates the annoying boys that he comes across during the game
will never say it nor mention it but sometimes he plays those ‘using not a single part of your brain’ type of games like playing as dentists or doctors. hell, he even likes to play dress up games from time to time. he just loves the aesthetics and the different designs of the clothes, itches that inner aesthetic lover part of him. but he will NEVER mention it or be caught playing it. scaramouche would rather die
something tells me that his music taste would be more leaning into electronic or scene music. odetari, 6arelyhuman, kets4eki — you name it. sometimes, enjoys those gentle and soothing sounding anime openings too
he has sanrio plushies. more specifically, hello kitty ones
had an obsession with the cute white cat growing up and he never grew out of it
the moment he first found out that you like plushies or pink things or sanrio related things, he knew he gotta gift you anonymous sanrio gifts on your birthday or on special occasions. it was his early stages of courting you
he aint fooling anyone
takes his relationship slow since he has some big trust issues yet also attachment issues. pick a struggle tbh
had a panic attack after he officially, finally, after years of crushing on you, like literally acting like your boyfriend years later when he asked you out on a date because woohoo!! he asked you for a date \(^ヮ^)/\(^ヮ^)/ but also shit, what type of a first date would you like ლಠ益ಠ)ლლಠ益ಠ)ლ
yeah, he had to do something he hated the most. ask his moms and sister for advice
after a lot of talk, discussions, secretly stalking your social profiles or you in general to see what you would like, scaramouche decided to take you out for an arcade date
you two had fun, he was glad you had fun, played bunch of different games together and even managed to win a cute matching plushies and keychains!! kuromi for him and melody for you. he was so glad that you liked it but he won’t say it out loud
walked you home after your first date, to your front door and bid you good night and “hope you had fun tonight, idiot” chu!! on your cheek before making a mad dash back home
the type of boyfriend who would lovingly bully you
“why the fuck are you wearing that? it’s making your stupid face look cuter than normal”
“who in their right mind would choose the green one? yellow looks better on you. no, the soft pastel one, not the bright one you idiot”
“you wanna die? who said i was ever gonna stop loving you after you turn into a roach? i’m gonna keep you in a special glass case until you change back dumbass”
yeah… just say you love them already, scara
your contact name on his phone is literally my idiot٩(╬ʘ益ʘ╬)۶
would lovingly call you names as he leaves soft kisses on your face
“you’re a fucking idiot but it’s fine, you’re my idiot”
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hwanchaesong · 4 months
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☞🍹Fourth Drink: A soulless, non-empathic, and unloving man emerging from a hurricane cocktail. Isn't it nice to tempt him? 🍸
🎧: The Weeknd - Heartless
wc: 1.3k
genre & warnings: fluff (surprisingly), angst, cursing, dreamies appearance, college setting, tutor reader x rich kid haechan, bullying, tsun tsun confession, implied enemies to lovers, etc etc
a/n: this is a part of The After Hours Bar series. if y'all want, you can read the other album inspired fics of other groups here.
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You sigh and look at your wrist watch, annoyance bubbling up and you can't fight the need to punch the man that is supposed to meet you here in the library.
It's been two hours since the designated meeting time, and he's late. Too late and you're wasting your time waiting for him to arrive.
Just then, a commotion was heard at the front of the library, hushed whispers and a door being shut rather harshly confused you. But no worries, the perpetrator showed himself within a few seconds.
"Hello, miss." he mumbles dismissively, sitting in front of you without much care while he chews his gum loudly.
"Haechan." he cuts you off, leaning onto the table with his arms sprawled over it, "That name is reserved only for my friends."
You roll your eyes at his rudeness, "Well then, Haechan. Let me tell you that you are two hours late and I think it's only good manners for you to apologize for it."
He laughs mockingly, pointing at himself like he couldn't believe that someone is telling him what to do.
"Me? Apologize?" he asks, gritting his teeth, "Do you know who I am?"
"Listen," you moistened your lips, his eyes flicking down to the action to which you actively ignored, "I do not care who you are. But I care about the money that your parents are paying me and that I have to create satisfying results for it."
Haechan was dumbfounded to say the least, never has he been spoken to like that before.
He is the son of a famous model and a fashion designer. Most people would want to be with him or want to be him. People would worship the floor he walked on. Thus, he does not know how to act in such a situation where a person is not.. enamored with him.
You dropped the stack of books, notes and copies of worksheets in front of him, faking a sweet smile, "Let's start."
Insufferable. Annoying. Over the top.
That is how you two describe each other to your friends.
You hated him with passion. He must have some kind of god complex because how on earth is he managing to think of himself as a person that all people should respect and bow down to?
The only thing that you're thankful for, is that he's a fast learner. He is easy to teach once he puts his mind into it. (you have to call his parents so they can threaten him every time he acts like a stubborn child, and he says that it's a low blow even for you.)
The boy is not stupid, just someone who doesn't take studying seriously. Probably because he thinks that his future is already secured, knowing that he comes from a well-off family.
And you're breathing in relief the moment you realize that you won't be tutoring him anymore for the next semester.
Haechan, on the other hand, chatters about your preposterous attitude. The way you don't fear or ogle at him. Oh, he absolutely hates it whenever you mock him too. Rolling your eyes, whispering a snide remark, smirking at him rather condescendingly.
The smirk is given only during special occasions, and that is when you see the results of his assessments.
High marks and almost perfect, which means that your methods of teaching are effective.
As much as it kills him on the inside, he does admit that you're one hell of a good tutor. And maybe.. just maybe, you aren't that bad to spend some time with.
"Hyuck, you're not coming with us today?" Mark asked Haechan who was leaving the classroom in a haste, "We have no exams coming up."
"No," Haechan showed the test paper to his friends, the piece of paper hanging between his thumb and index finger, "I have to submit this to my tutor."
"So, you're not attending the party?" Chenle now inquires, looking at the older male with judging eyes.
Haechan sighs, waving them off, "I'll follow." then he takes his leave, trudging to the library where you usually stay at the end of classes.
His circle of friends look at each other with knowing smiles on their faces. Choosing to gossip about their troublemaker friend before leaving.
"I thought that guy's heart doesn't function properly. What a pleasant surprise." Jaemin laughs, slinging his bag over his shoulder.
"It's refreshing to see him like that though." the youngest, Jisung, comments on the uncanny situation at hand.
Jeno intervenes, pushing them all towards the door, "I haven't seen the guy with other girls ever since he met his tutor. What's her name again?"
"Y/N? L/N Y/N, I think?" Mark answers, remembering that one time when Haechan accidentally spilled your name when he was drunk, rambling about how your pretty face doesn't match your shitty manners.
"Well, I'm happy." Renjun mumbles, "I'm happy that he's down bad for Y/N. Finally, I have something that I can tease him for."
The rest agreed, all of them cackling at the joke but they can't deny the fact that he is truly, utterly, pathetically down bad for you.
Haechan did not see you at your usual spot, deciding to find you in the library space, thinking that maybe you're out there finding a book or something.
Then he hears your voice, but there are others as well. Leaning closer to the shelves, his inner nosy ass eavesdrops at the ongoing conversation.
"We're telling you, Y/N. Leave our Hyuck alone!" one of the girls shoves you, making you stumble a bit but you held your ground against them.
This has been happening for a while now. Crazy fan girls who want to get in his pants harassing you for the sole reason of being jealous simply because you get to spend more time with him.
You scoff, "And who are you to tell me what to do?"
"Do you not know who I am?" she screeches, his high-pitched tone makes you cringe.
"Yeah. No. Who are you again?" you say sassily, and you chuckle at her mortified expression.
"You bitch!" she was about to grab your hair, but luckily, your knight in shining armor comes in to save the day.. or you.
"I suggest you do not land your filthy hands on her, or else." he steps in front of you, voice low and his glare is dangerous.
"Donghyuck! But.. but she started it!"
"Yena, stop playing the fucking victim. Do you want me to actually tell people this stunt and possibly ruin your non-existent reputation?" Haechan announces, keen on making her leave as soon as possible.
The girl has gone rigid, mouth agape, and before she could say a word in, Haechan speaks again.
"Now, get out of my sight. You're making my eyes hurt. And stop calling me by my given name, we’re not even close." he throws an arm over your shoulder, guiding you out of the awkward situation and leaving the teary, humiliated girl in the aisle of shelves.
"Haechan, what are you doing?" you raised a brow, removing his arm and facing him properly.
He then smirks, showing you his test paper with a perfect score. Your eyes widen, a bright grin appears on your lips, heart swelling with pride and joy.
"Oh my god! You've actually done it." you praised him in a hush voice, clapping your hands quietly. "Congratulations Hae-"
"Donghyuck. Or Hyuck, please call me that from now on." he interjects and you were surprised for the third time that day.
"But why?" you asked, blinking at him in pure confusion.
"Because I said so." he side eyes you, scratching his neck and avoiding eye contact, "Also, you're coming with me to the mall."
Haechan groans at your never-ending whys.
"Because we're attending a party, you will be my date. No objections allowed. So, you're coming with me to the mall and we will shop for a matching outfit."
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@sunghoonsgfreal @yeosayang @mystverse @shakalakaboomboo
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withahappyrefrain · 2 years
So I've thought a lot about how big an asshole jake would be if he introduced bob to his soulmate but I've only just considered how much would change if bob introduced jake to his... checkmate bagman
I love this idea so much. This can also be seen as a follow up to He's All That!
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"All I'm saying, Baby on Board," Jake continued as he racked up the pool balls, "Is that it's the least you can do, considering that if it weren't for me, you'd still be single."
"And all I'm saying bagman is thanks again for your help and you'll get a shoutout in the ceremony," Bob sighed before taking another sip of his water. With the way Jake was bothering him, he was debating switching to beer.
"Jacob Floyd has a great ring to it and would be a wonderful way to honor the man responsible for your future children."
"All you did was tell her his name and that Bob was single," Mickey retorted, shaking his head as he grabbed a nearby pool stick.
"Summarizing what I did as merely telling her his name is insulting beyond belief. I sold Bob to Luna. Without me, she wouldn't have gone looking for him," Jake scoffed.
Unfortunately the woman of the hour was not here to confirm or deny if Jake was telling the truth or making up shit as he went along.
"And without us, he wouldn't have had those three shots to give him enough courage to continue talking to her," Bradley countered.
"Nor would I had bumped into her because you took my glasses," Bob muttered, rolling his eyes.
"Besides, Bradley Floyd sounds way better," He remarked, ignoring the scoff from Jake.
"Wait, why do you get a kid named after you?" Mickey chimed in.
"All I'm saying, is that you'd much rather start your kid off right by giving them my name than Bradshaw's."
"Why, you little-"
"Bob has to propose to her first before there are any kids to name!" Phoenix chimed in, pressing her beer bottle to her temple, hoping it would somehow take her away from all these idiots.
"He's working on it!" Bob had revealed earlier that he finally picked up the ring for her, which was what prompted this whole conversation.
"Working on what?" A sweet, lithe voice promptly caused everyone to shut up. Everyone, except Bob ironically.
"Hey darlin'! Where's your friend?" Bob asked before placing a kiss on his girlfriend's cheek.
"She's on her way! I was going to wait outside for her, but wanted to say hi first," She paused, a sweet smile overtaking her face, "Hi Robby."
"Hi Luna," Bob giggled before planting a kiss on her lips that was so sweet, the nearby squad groaned.
"They're so stupidly cute," Phoenix muttered.
"I'm going to go wait for her," Luna was about to turn when she stopped, her eyes meeting Jake's, "You ready Bagman?"
Jake scoffed to cover his confusion, "Ready for what?"
She giggled, the bridge of her nose creasing as she smiled, making it impossible to be annoyed with her, "To meet your future wife!"
And with that she left, practically skipping out of the bar.
"Floyd, what the hell is she talking about?" Jake asked, turning his full attention to the bespectacled WSO, one had an uncharacteristic smirk on his face.
"We're not going to name our kid after you. Instead, we're going to introduce you to your future wife." Bob was pretty confident for once, not at all shaken by having all eyes on him.
"I'm sorry?" was all Jake could find himself saying.
"Don't worry Bagman, you'll love her. She's perfect for you."
"Floyd, no offense-"
"Offense already taken."
"But your idea of the perfect woman is a bit different from mine."
It wasn't. In fact, it was pretty similar. But Bob knew Jake wasn't ready for that conversation yet.
"Yeah Bob, you sure this girl is right for Hangman?" Phoenix lowered her voice, "You really want to subject her to Bagman? How bad is she?"
"She's perfect for Bagman," Bob assured her, not that if convinced Nat-or anyone else. Certainly not Jake.
"Whatever baby on board," Jake scoffed, "Just know that when she comes crying to you, all heartbroken that she's not....."
His voice trailed off as his eyes fully took in the sight of the sun dress-clad figure that was now next to Luna at the bar.
"She's not the what?" Javy asked, nudging Jake.
Javy received no response, as Jake was too mesmerized by how fucking adorable you were when you pushed your glasses up the bridge of your nose.
He could see that you were listening to Luna intently as she pointed out people in the dagger squad.
When your eyes met his, Jake swore he could feel the Earth stop moving.
"The future Mrs. Seresin," He said with a dreamy sigh, causing Bradley and Natasha to wonder if somehow an alien had taken over his body. Because that would make more sense the other alternative.
Jake all but shoved the pool stick to Javy, his eyes focused on you. The smile and small wave you sent his way caused Jake to nearly trip over his feet.
"Where the hell are you going, the game isn't finished," Mickey called out to no avail.
"I'm going to meet my future wife," Jake said, annoyed that he even had to explain it because wasn't it obvious?
The squad watched in wonder (except for Bob, who still had a smug look on his face) as Jake made his way over to you and Luna.
"Bob, this girl seems sweet. You sure you want to subject her to Bagman?" Bradley asked, legitimate concern in his eyes.
Bob shrugged, "She teaches seventh grade. She'll be able to put Bagman in his place just fine. See?"
The group watched as you handed Jake several bottles of beer to hold. Jake was more than happy to oblige, staring at you with what could only be described as heart eyes.
Luna skipped ahead, giving the squad a thumbs up as she sat down next to Bob.
"How's it going darlin'?" Bob asked before pressing a light but sweet kiss to her cheek.
"Bagman tried to kiss her on the wrist and she lectured him about how it's not the 1950s," Luna giggled while everyone else stared at her in shock.
Everyone except for Bob.
"He apologized profusely. That's also why he offered to carry the drinks."
"Has he ever held anyone's drinks besides his own?" Mickey asked.
"Better question, has he ever apologized within five minutes of offending someone?" Bradley countered.
"He sure as fuck hasn't," Natasha's eyes widened at the sight of Jake fucking Seresin offering the crook of his arm to you. After staring at the gesture long enough to make him sweat, you hooked your arm around his, letting him lead you back to everyone.
"Bob, what the fuck did you do?" Reuben asked.
"He just needed someone to soften the edges!" Luna explained. Natasha was about to scoff at the mere idea of Hangman being soft.
But then she saw how gentle Jake was when he offered you his stool and handed you a beer. The smile he had on his face was just that, uncharacteristically soft.
Maybe Bob and his lady were onto something.
"Hey Bagman!" Bob called out.
"Yeah?" Jake turned around, trying his best hide his annoyance at Bob interrupting the conversation he was having with you.
"Robert Seresin has a great ring to it."
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mobbu-min · 2 years
☆ bragging rights ☆
(ft. the vice housewardens + ruggie)
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After reading this fic where reader brags about the dorm leaders, could I request a version with the vice dorm leaders? And maybe the first years in the future? requested by anon PLEASE!! I LOVE YOUR FIC ABOUT BRAGGING THE DORMLEADER SIMPING RANT TO THE FIRST YEARS SHSBSJS MAKES ME ALL FLUFF 😭 Could you perhaps one day make the vice dorm vers, please?? no pressure of course— i just need all those fluff making me giggling at midnight on my bed because of the fluff its so CUTE!! requested by anon This https://at.tumblr.com/mobbu-min/request-what-if-the-dorm-leaders-had-an-so/qt4e3a02k8z8 this right here was the cutest shit I've ever read. If it's not too much to ask of you, is it alright if we had a version with the Vice Dorm Leaders? Jamil's either gon be smug as fuck or shocked. requested by anon
a/n i decided to put Ortho in the first year part which is probably going to be posted tomorrow tbh
tw cursing and reader is horny for a lot of them
want more? here is part one: bragging rights
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Trey + Ace/Deuce <3
⋆ Ace can understand why you’d brag about Trey. I mean it’s Trey Clover. Literally the most husband material of the husbands. He’s good looking, can bake, smells nice, cleans well, can bake, is good with kids (at least what Ace has heard), is perfect at dealing with Riddle. Did he mention that Trey can bake? Anyways, Ace actually doesn’t have anything bad to say. Sure you’re annoying and Ace can’t seem to look Trey in the eyes after all the filth that comes out of your mouth. He can’t delete the memory of you ogling Trey while he was bending down to get something out of the oven and drooling, ‘man, what I would do to get a bite out of that ass’. He legit considered drowning his eardrums in bleach, yuck.
⋆ Same as Ace, but he gets so flustered everytime you say anything remotely dirty. But anyways, Deuce actually really loves the way you talk so highly and lovingly of Trey. Like yeah, it’s a little much and kinda makes Deuce feel like a third wheel despite the fact Trey is very much not present, but Deuce can’t help but want someone that would talk about him so highly as well. Also, he knows that Trey would take wonderful care of you and that’s all he could ask for. 
⋆ Trey is both shocked and happy. He’s pretty much used to people overlooking him because let's be honest, out of everyone in the dorm (hell probably the school), he’s the most normal one out there. But knowing that you’re willing to talk anyone’s ears off just about him makes him chuckle. You sure are something else, huh? Well, Trey doesn’t mind, actually he’ll probably show up at Ramshackle with your favorite sweet and show you what these hands can do~
He’s going to give you a massage, nasties
Ruggie + Jack <3
⋆ A respecter of his elders, Jack feels a sense of pride when you talk so highly of Ruggie. Though at first, he mistakes it as admiration and respect just like Jack feels for Ruggie, but something about the way your eyes light up and cheeks brighten quickly gives him another impression. Listen, Jack adores you and wants what's best for, however, that doesn’t mean Jacks wants to listen to your hour long rants about Ruggie. Again, Jack’s a chill guy, so he’ll water his plants and do other chores while you trail after him like a little duckling. It’s cute really
⋆Ruggle like ‘are they talking about me? You’re joking, nu-uh….oh shit!’ He gets so smug about it. His tail literally wags back and forth so fast he considers taping it to his side. Ruggie definitely wasn’t expecting it, because one, you hang out with a ton of cool people, and two, Ruggie is constantly messing with you (affectionately ofc). He definitely sees your relationship in a new light. Maybe he wouldn’t mind sharing some food sometime, just a thought.
Jade + Grim <3
⋆ Grim is so fuckin scared. He doesn’t know if it’s for you, or for him, all he knows is that he’s running for the hills anytime he sees that tall ass fucker. Like literally, you just had to choose the scariest person ever to simp for huh? You know that tiktok sound where it’s all like “Shut the fuck up! I’m so fuckin scared rn!”, yeah that’s Grim. Always on the verge of shitting himself or fighting Jade. Grim has not known peace.
⋆Jade is pleasantly surprised. Originally, he’s all like ‘I can totally get something out of this’ but eventually you wormed your way into his heart. Does he protest? No, because you’re genuinely the most interesting creature he’s ever met. Jade considers you one the most precious pearls in the world. So knowing you consider him a worth enough person to brag about makes him beyond happy. However, don’t expect that this relieves you of his teasing, because he finds this a perfect opportunity to amp it up.
Jamil + Grim <3
⋆ There’s two things that run through Grim mind when you ‘shockingly’ confess that you have the hots for Jamil. One, didn’t he literally kidnap us?! And two, hell yeah! Food! Grim walks a thin line between wanting to be mad at Jamil for what he did during winter break and falling in love with him instead, because damn, when Grim heard the saying ‘the way to a man’s heart is through his stomach’ he didn’t realize how true it was until Jamil became a recurring face in his life. 
⋆ Jamil is both shocked and smug. Like, he expected you to fall for Kalim, because he has money and is emotionally available. But! The fact that you didn’t fall for Kalim makes him 100x more smug! Like for once, Jamil beats Kalim and doesn’t have to a) feel burdened by it or 2) feel guilty. So it's a win-win situation! Jamil is calculating and observant, so he decided to go a safe route and cook you all your favorite food as a confession. And damn, he did not expect you to cry and wipe your boogers all over your sleeve because you were so happy. Maybe he can get used to it.
Rook + Epel <3
⋆ You really know how to choose ‘em huh? Epel is literally at his wit's end. All you talk about is Rook and all Rook talks about is you. And both you have a very weird and honestly, freaky, way of saying how much you love each other. Out of the two, Epel would much rather listen to Rook, because at least Epel doesn’t understand a word that comes out of his baguette loving mouth. But you? Epel swears that once he gets home he’s going to get his meemaw to wash out all the filthy things you said about Rook and what you wanted him to do to you. He realizes he’d much rather listen to Vil nag him. Just give the poor boy a break!
⋆ Okay okay okay, he’s known since the beginning. He knows it all! It’s so fuckin creepy, but damn does that make things ten times easier. Rook is instantly sweeping you off your feet and into bed to make all the things you said come true. He’s a gentleman, what can he say? Rook loves that you like to brag about him, it’s just so beautiful knowing that you both want each other. He can just explode at the thought. 
And he does…please interpret that however you like…
Lilia + Sebek <3
⋆ YOU TRULY ARE STUBBORN HUMAN!??!?!? Sebek is so fucking stingy about it. Like damn, okay you damn overgrown cucumber! Be stingy! Like that’s not going to stop you from getting laid. Does Sebek care though? No! Because he’s mean! Or more like, he doesn’t understand. But that's beside the point! Sebek will not let you get close to Lilia, not in his presence! What if you want to consume his mind and eat his brains?! Sebek can’t even imagine! Will fight you anytime and anywhere! Name the place, and he swears your ass is grass!
⋆ Okay, but alternatively, Sebek is a lot like how he was with Malleus and is all like ‘Yeah! Master Lilia is truly amazing! Human, you might actually be smart!’ and you’re just there with the widest grin because Sebek is your way to getting what you want(that being getting your guts rearranged). And everytime you come to him with the weirdest questions, Sebek merely bats his eyes and answers it without a second thought. Like ‘Of course, it’s big! It’s huge actually! Ginormous!...Eh, Human!? Why do you look ill?...Human, I haven't the slightest idea of what you could be referring to, but I was talking about his generosity. What else could there be that’s as big as his heart and wisdom?...tch, you better not get My Great Lord ill!”
⋆ Oh! How scandalous! You’re making him blush! Don’t you know it’s rude to make an old man’s heart want to burst? Literally cackles and gives you a big ass kiss. The things you do to this old man, like damn, he feels young again. Lilia is actually so funny about it because he wants to see you duel it out with Sebek for his hand, how lovely would that be? But also wants to whisk you away so you both can ‘game’ instead. Ugh, so many choices. Maybe he’ll let you both fight, so he can kiss your boo-boo’s away. How romantic!
Sebek do not question why I'm wobbling out of lilia’s room. Memories were made last night!
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knyontop · 1 month
bowers gang hcs?
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Ft: Henry bowers, Patrick hocksetter, Victor criss, Belch huggins.
Tw: dark stuff remember its the bowers gang!!!
・Henry is the most aggressive and just mean😭
・you give him one wrong look and your already a target for him.
・depending on how much he hates you is how far he will go.
・He deff has some doggys!!!!
・hes a dog person confirmed ^_^
・he has two dogs, both are German shepherds (cant think of any names so just make them up..)
・hes had sex with like five girls, maybe even more. But they dont mean anything to him he just needs a good fuck every once in a while.
・he mostly goes for nasty bitches (thats all there is in darry) but if hes lucky there will be one sweet, innocent girl he can corrupt. (He has a thing for the innocent ones)
・Henrys favorite color is red im confirming it :3
・he stays out late so he doesn’t have to go home to his shit dad, he hangs with his friends but he also likes his alone time.
・when he was younger i just know he loved trucks😭
・a truck is definitely his dream car💪🏻💪🏻
・Henry doesn’t like loud children and he doesn’t like crowds because its so annoying trying to get through and its loud as hell.
・he is not scared to get into a little kids face and tell them to shut up and if they really push it he might slap em’ on the head.
・i feel like when he was younger he definitely wanted a sibling he wanted a younger sibling to hang out with and make into like a mini him just someone he could protect and hang with. (He still kinda does)
・anger issues, daddy issues, asshole issues, what do you expect?
・henry bowers getting therapy when??
・bro looks at himself in the mirror and just admires himself bc he knows hes hot😭
・i would like to say hes pretty good at skateboarding like i just have an image of him when he was younger with his little crew and there just skating☹️☹️
・but he thinks he doesn’t have time for it anymore, only on rare occasions he does it. (Vic still skates often tho)
・but yeah henry bowers is pretty fire🔥🔥
・the most sadistic and cruel like we all know that.
・bro is just born this way no sad backstory nothing😭
・I imagine that its just him and his mom, and his mom is a sweet angel while hes just the devil.
・his dad left after he killed his little brother, and Patricks okay with that. Never like his old man anyways.
・he has some type of caring for his mom I mean like deep deep inside somewhere you will find a little care.
・he does not care about your race or sexuality at all like the only thing he will care about is if your a girl because he believes that men are better than woman.
・little patrick was like, “MOM GET BACK IN THE KITCHEN!”
・complete menace smh.
・but yeah he doesn’t care he just calls you slurs and stuff because he loves humiliating people😭 the rush he feels it gives him a feeling of what its like to even feel something.
・he doesn’t have a favorite color, he thinks thats stupid and childish. Like who gives a fuck? (I DO☹️)
・no filter. Speaks his mind.
・”Fucking whore.”
・evilest laugh EVER.
・”if i laugh during a fight run” ah💀
・deep deep down he has a soft spot for his little gang and his mom, deep, deep, deeeeeep down.
・he wants to feel things he just doesn’t, so, feeling that rush of excitement or sexual energy or desire helps him feel emotions and he doesn’t care if its bad at least hes feeling it!
・hes the smartest like he got those straight A’s in elementary🙏🏻🙏🏻
・i just know hes a cat person like he holds in a coo when hes those little furballs☹️
・has two siblings >3< a little brother and a little sister!!!
・and hes a pretty decent big bro to.
・took them to the park, helps his little sister tie her shoes, but just bc there his little siblings doesn’t mean hes not afraid to get rough with them. Hes in the bowers gang for a reason.
・hes like the stereotypical bully, pinning people down shoving them a little bit maybe a little beat dowm mocking and teasing his victims.
・never to far ig…
・Victor’s favorite color is green, yeah pretty obvious ik ik☹️☹️
・he cuts his own hair!!! Hes pretty smart when hes not being a asshole.
・i feel like if he wasn’t a bully he would have so much potential.
・buttt anywho he has old note books that he used to journal in when he was younger he thinks its stupid now that hes older. (I promise its not)
・he likes making Henry proud because i mean hes his leader why wouldn’t he want to please him?
・he grew up in a srict household, when he was 8 he realized rules are stupid.
・they are all little shits omds.
・he used to want to be a cop but look where he is nowwww..
・funfact: hes pretty good with kids sense he has little siblings, he just doesn’t have a lot of patience.
・most empathetic, his actor even said he was more human than the others he was not as evil as the others.
・i feel like hes a 100% mamas boy he hates his dad, his parents split up so he takes care of his mom behind the scenes.
・he has one little sister which she is the exact opposite of him like literally shes just a sweet little bundle of joy with her taller and bigger intimidating older brother next to her with his arms crossed.
・might be a better older brother than vic ngl😪
・now im not saying hes gentle or nice hes still an asshole hes not a good person im just saying hes nicer than the others.
・he intimates kids, shoves them around, never anything as bad as henry gets with his strength.
・Belch likes to make people intimidated, he feels strong. He feels good.
・belch is a dog person but he thinks cats are okay, but definitely a dog person.
・hes got a little pug <\3
・which he keeps his pug ten yards away from patrick because that pug is his baby.
・to any of patricks fat jokes hes like “Im big boned asshole!”
・close enough welcome back eric cartman.
・I feel like his favorite color would be blue or orange.
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bakugoushotwife · 11 months
kinktober day twenty-one: impact play kink
>>> this right here is my girl dinner. i need him so so so so so so so so so so so so bad like PLEASE bakugou when you see this baby come home the kids miss you 😢
>>> starring: katsuki bakugou x curvy!f!reader >>>cw: fwb to lovers, impact play through spankings, choking, holding your head down, multiple rounds, breeding, one pregnancy comment, jealous katsuki, degradation, praise. >>>wc: 3k >>> event masterlist
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you were the most annoying person he’s ever met, and that’s saying something. he would willingly dethrone even himself to crown you the biggest bitch in the entire world. maybe it was because you were a foreign exchange pro-hero sent to mingle and visit for relations between japan and your home country—though you’ve far overstayed your welcome. maybe it was because your quirk seemed to give you some air of importance like you were just as good if not better than everyone else, but either way, you were intolerable—at least he tried to pretend you were.
everyone else was eating you up though, as always. kirishima was dumb enough to follow you around with heart eyes, shouto knew how to play it cool enough—but bakugou knew he was vying for your attention. even shinsou and monoma gathered around to gawk at the way your hero uniform clings to your body like a second skin. they should all be embarrassed. you’re assigned to work at his agency anyway—there was no point in sweet talking you. you belong to him. at least, at work—and he hated it.
it was a special layer of hell to have you at his side. you were bossy, bubbly, and absolutely brilliant. your body was irritatingly perfect. his suit was tight too, you know, and raging boners as he carts around his guest was hardly his ideal patrol. you’re unafraid of getting your hands dirty and you’re even less afraid of him—which he lov—enjoys very much. you match his mouth and have never once backed down, which is probably why he’s so perplexed and fascinated and for the lack of better word—or maybe just the right one—obsessed with you.
you’re smart enough to know it, too. you smile extra big when you bring him breakfast every morning and you perch at the edge of his desk just to hear him grumble at you. you let him kiss you and feel your body, but you don’t let him call you his. you aggravate him on purpose, enjoying the way his eye twitches and his nose scrunches before he starts tearing you a new one. you know very well the effect you have on katsuki bakugou, so why do you toy with him like this instead of just ending his suffering?? why do you let your fan club follow you around in his agency when you could be sitting in his lap making out with him in between mountains of paperwork like usual—but no, you’re being way too flirty with kirishima for his liking.
all well and good, they know better than to touch you—at least he thought they did. but clearly monoma has no idea what lengths bakugou will go to to prove that despite your airy behavior—you’re his and his alone.
as soon as he sees monoma’s arm wrap around your waist, he’s standing in front of you, arms folded over his broad chest and arched eyebrow nearly lost between the spiky tufts of ash blonde hanging over his forehead. he’s waiting for you to denounce the behavior—not because he needs you to, but because he wants to see just how far your brattiness goes. you smile at him with those heart eyes, but ultimately choose to say, “hi dynamight. did you need something?”
oh goddamn, he’s fuming. apparently your brattiness knows no bounds. he can feel the steam pouring out of his ears as he grabs onto your wrist, nodding. “yeah—need my bratty little skank in my office right now.”
“ooh somebody’s madddd.” you giggle, though the other heroes seem surprised that he spoke to you that way. all it does is make your pussy tingle—you’re truly shameless and just as annoying as he claims you are. “don’t worry boys, it’s a loving pet name, i promise.”
he doesn’t let you explain further, deciding he isn’t going to chance you misbehaving. he lifts you up with ease, slinging you over his shoulder like a sack of laundry. the gesture gives you butterflies—by no means are you petite, yet he throws you around like you weigh next to nothing.
you dangle over his back, waving goodbye to all the hopeful toys you’ve used as a means to this end—to drive him so crazy he just has to claim you in front of everyone. and thank god this worked.
see katsuki may act like you’re the problem, but he’s no saint. he has women bowing at his feet now that he’s a six foot four two hundred and fifty pound top of the leaderboards pro-hero—not that he gives them the time of day. the problem is, he wants to be private, or in other words, a secret. you’re not down with that. the paparazzi follow you regardless, what difference does it make if the world knows? it only gives you the right to crush those rude bitches that went to school with bakugou that try to sing their praises now. fans are fans—you hate the other sidekicks and heroes and friends that eye him right in front of you—all because no one knows that you’re a thing.
so if that’s how he wanted to play, you’d make sure you won.
though winning is subjective, and bakugou clearly thinks he’s coming out on top. he stomps to the elevators with you hanging off of him like an accessory, but his anger still bubbles over his face. he grimaces at his peers, his firm grip on your ass should be enough to send a message but he won’t be done there. no, he won’t stop until your screaming is bouncing off every wall of his agency or until he has to pay fines for noise violations and workplace harassment. he won’t stop until you’re broken of your behavior.
the elevator doors aren’t open all the way before he’s sliding out of them, grumbling about your behavior.
“are ya fuckin’ dumb, princess?” he shakes his head, palming your ass. “wh’kinda man ya think i am? just gonna let my bitch flirt with some fuckin’ extras in front of my face? you must not know me very well.”
“big talk, hot shot.” you huff, your voice vibrating a little with each heavy step he took towards his office. you repress your giddiness. “finally change your mind? you want people to know i’m yours now, huh?”
you’re clever. he’ll have to give you that. in his rage, he hadn’t noticed that he all but confirmed those workplace rumors—that this will leak to tmz in a few hours anyway and all his moping and sneaking and stewing over you was pointless. because in the end he is a beast of nature, and can’t handle anyone having even a fraction of what’s his. this is as close as they’ll ever get, he thinks to himself as he shoves you over his desk—not patient enough to fiddle with the zipper of your hero costume. he is a strong enough man to pull it apart though, shredding it to pieces and grunting in approval of your nakedness before him.
“yeah smartass, i changed my mind. gonna make sure everyone knows yer mine.” he groans, so many ideas of how to get you wailing and declaring your love for him rush to his mind. you’re biting your lip already, hoping he has you bent over like this for a reason. you hear his gauntlets clank together on the ground, and you wiggle your behind in the air excitedly.
“don’t threaten me with a good time, daddy..” you giggle, throwing that out to help your case. he knows you’re still bratty, not nearly worn down enough to be his babbling baby girl just yet. he smirks anyways, clever all on his own. his eyes focus on those perfect globes of your ass jiggling before him. you love his hands on you, warmed with his quirk with just enough spark and pressure to turn you to mush in just a few minutes. coincidentally enough he loves turning your ass into a custom painting of his own doing—and you get so noisy when he spanks you, that it’s clearly the best option.
“i’m not threatening, skank.” he pops your ass once, just a touch of warmth to your skin. you jolt forward, humming at the pleasant buzz. “tryin’ to get me all worked up in front of my friends?”
“oh they’re your friends now? i thought they were just extras.” you taunt, stretching your arms out in front of you to lay your face against the cool wood of his desk. his hand grows warmer and a little harder as it hits your ass in the same spot as before, a matching one falling to your other cheek within a second. it makes you squeal out a bit in glee, the sting was addictive.
“both, depending on how i feel—mouthy brat.” he huffs, though he is admittedly amused. he relishes your sweet little moans as he smacks your skin in rapid succession, his hands steadying their heat with each collision. as he smacks harder, your skin broken and bruised in the shape of his hand—you still moan in pleasure, getting louder the harsher he got. “this is all my little whore wanted hah? not’ta be able to sid’down all day?” he chuffs happily, giving you three more harsh smacks in a row, all to the same spot. you’re whining at the top of your lungs, making him smile successfully.
“mhm! yes daddy—jus’ wanted your attention~” you purr, his ownership of you bouncing off the walls and hopefully echoing downstairs to those shitty betas who put their hands all over you—kirishima would be dealt with separately.
his hands are so hot and blistering, the force enough to physically ripple your fat cheeks. it makes tears spring to your eyes and you shake your head in submission, throwing in the towel as your skin welts up before his lidded eyes. he slides warm fingers between your legs, swiping at your cunt. he cackles at the slick dribbling down his fingers when he pulls away.
“soaked. geezus, just from fuckin’ whoopin’ ya.” he licks his teeth, thinking of all the ways he could take you against his desk, but decides to start with a little reprieve for you. his suit is peeled back effortlessly, curved hard on gathering all the slick that littered your thighs and dripped from your pretty hole. “ain’t even gotta finger ya open, bet my greedy princess has been plannin’ this all day, hah?”
you can’t restrain your confirming giggle, your head already in the clouds just from his handling. it was moderately embarrassing how easy it was for him to work you up, but he supposed that was some sort of payback for how easily you consume his every waking thought—and some of the sleeping ones too.
he chuckles, kicking your legs a little wider so he can take you just like this. you gasp in excitement, smiling greedily as his tip catches on your clit before dipping to your entrance and back again. he played your game, so you could play his and beg like he wants you to.
“stop teasin’ me daddy.” you pout, tossing him that soft stare over your shoulder—the very same one that makes his heart stop each and every time. it will never get old, clearly. “please…been wet for you all day.” you bat your lashes.
fuck, you’re getting it. he puts his hand on the back of your neck and pushes your face to the desk, slipping his girth in your puckering hole without any ceremony. his other hand wraps under your hip to keep you from collapsing as you squeeze down and adjust to him like it’s the first time you’ve ever experienced his length splitting you open. you gasp for breath, straight hot fire melting into a tingling warmth requiring all your concentration.
“oh what’s a matter brat? goin’ quiet on me.” he grins his satisfaction, drilling into you without remorse. you feel him bumping against your womb, tearing at that entrance that he shouldn’t have access to. it hurts, he’s drilling you into jelly and you can only grab at the desk in a vain effort to ground yourself.
on command, your voice returns to you. you cry out your pained pleasure, nails scraping at the desk as every drag of his cockhead against your cervix had you tearing up. you can’t form words, and he doesn’t care. it’s too delicious—you’re too fucking tight for him to control himself, there’s just no way he could hold himself back when you’re so loud and absolutely drenched just to make all this easier on him. he angles one of your legs up on the desk, turning his curved shaft towards your spongy relief. your moans are even sweeter, heat flooding every sense in a mixture of something natural and something influenced by your lover’s quirk.
“yes! yesyesyes ohmygod yes daddy!” you scream, your throat ached from the sheer power behind it, your pretty little pussy kept fluttering around him as it stretches to fit him.
“better not cum. yer gonna hold it.” he commands, smacking some of that tender skin from earlier. you nearly fold at the impact, you whimper at the outrageous demand, shaking your head quickly to tell him you couldn’t possibly hold this back—the way he abuses your cunt was too intense to control your response. “if you cum—“
you can’t listen. it was all his fault anyway—fucking you like that and expecting you to be able to do anything but cream all over him.
“dumb brat.” he sighs, eyes fixated on your drooling hole leaving a pretty white ring of your essence along his shaft and coating his dark pubes. he shoves some of the extra shit off his desk, shoving you all the way on it once it’s barren. he puts you on your back like you’re a doll to position—holding your legs straight in his massive hands. you wince when your ass contacts the cold wood, “ya coulda got off easy—you just keep makin’ it hard on yerself.”
you mewl as he pins your hips to the surface below, his palms splayed across your abdomen—making every poke of his rod feel that much more intense. you grip his forearms; you were nearly crying already—then katsuki moves his hand to your clit, using the heel of his palm to send you into overstimulated jerks. “now you better learn to fuckin’ listen ‘r i’m cummin’ in that trashcan beside ya.” he snorts.
you cry out at the threat, nodding your understanding. what an evil thing to say—he knows you feel that much more complete after getting his load—like he’s giving you all his love and trust without him having to say a thing at all. you can’t let him take away your favorite part, so you clench your thighs and try to think about anything other than the beautiful ridges of his cock sliding in you like you’re nothing but a sleeve for him to use. you try, but his raspy grunts and groans in your ear keep you wailing and clawing at him desperately.
“can’t hold it daddy—too good! too much, pleasepleaseplease~” you cry, eyes screwed shut tight in pleasure as your body bounces around him with every devious pump of his cock. you feel so good to him, every clamp of your walls has him wondering how he hadn’t busted all up in your shit anyway.
“fine. now.” he orders, feeling the rush of your release and his control over you all in the same moment. it’s exhilarating, and you’re so picture perfect that he’s filling you up seconds later, his threat earlier as empty as they come. this was his pussy, and he would fuck it stupid and full and then send you back downstairs to your stupid fan club.
he stays hard, fucking into you relentlessly. hearing your sopping wet cunt squelch from being so full of his load combined with your elicit high pitched moans kept him thrusting like he hadn’t just reached one end.
“think you were getting off that easy, my little skank princess?” he mocks, dragging your limp body to the edge of the desk to give him full control of your hips. “i wanna hear how loud you can go. gonna fill this greedy little cunt up again.”
you nod, feeling his length shove everything deeper—cum so far down you’re sure you’re pregnant already. you wail your sensitivity, a mess of babbles and broken sobs. even as spent as you are, your gorgeous face twisted with satisfaction and your lips still called for him so perfectly. his hand finds it’s way to your throat, curses rolling past his own curved lips at the sputtering breaths you take as your moans turn to squeals. it doesn’t take much more than that, his second spurt just as heavy as his first. he uses his grip on your hips to hold you still, your legs a shaking mess as you went numb a while ago. he stills in you, chest heaving from all his hard work, but he watches you with a satisfied grin.
“gotta set a clothes you can wear. can’t clean up that pussy though—gotta show that off before we go home for round three.” he grunts, kissing your jawline roughly—saving your lips for last. he’s tender here, holding your face in his hands like he’s holding a delicate flower. “want them to see ya all fucked out. ‘s the only way they ever will. ‘m feelin’ generous.”
you struggle for your breath, rolling your eyes at him. you don’t mind the notion—you don’t care if pictures show up in the magazines the next day. all you care about is being his—and winning. though, it’s plenty safe to say you did
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sunflowerxthoughts · 2 years
Just the two of us- Eddie Munson x reader
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Summary: Eddie has a girlfriend. Hellfire hates her, Dustin is not sure yet. What happens when they take the teasing a little too far?
a/n: I made the boys a bit too mean in this one but anything for the plot I guess. I had a bad day so here's some angst.
TW: Bullying, the guys being mean. Angst :(
Eddie and Y/N's relationship had been new for the both of them and the rest of group. It was hard adjusting. Suddenly there was a girl sitting with them. Suddenly there's someone watching Hellfire. The crowd of drunks now has a girl in them too. And they don't like the change.
It's not like Eddie was spending all of his time with her. He tried to balance it as much as he could. But of course he was so smitten with her he couldn't help but want to spend more time with the literal girl of his dreams.
Dustin... Dustin secretly liked her. She was sweet, he liked having a healthy relationship he could look up to when it came to his own girl and most importantly, Y/N had never judged them. And that was great in his books, but the pressure to dislike her was making him rethink the whole thing.
And now, of course it seems like the most awkward thing in the world. Eddie is late for lunch and everyone is in their usual seats. Only the table is completely silent and she is starting to overthink if she even belongs there. The teasing she could handle, the silence was cutting through her like a knife.
"So" she starts, looking up from her lunch. "Um Eddie is late."
"We can see that, thanks." Mike replies coldly.
"Tough crowd, okay." She whispers to herself.
She eats her lunch in silence, Dustin wants to smack Mike into oblivion until Gareth speaks, and all hell breaks.
"Why are you sitting here then?"
"Sorry?" She asks surprised. Sure Gareth hadn't been nice to her, but this was a little harsher than ususal.
"I asked why are you sitting here. Eddie is not here and the only reason you are welcome is because he is now dragging you by his side all the time. It's annoying."
"Gareth mayb-" Dustin can't even speak before Mike cuts him off.
"It really is, what did Eddie see in you anyway?" She starts to tear up then. No matter how tough you are, sometimes people just break when you have so many kids absolutely destroying you for no reason. "All you do is sit around all clingy, I'm surprised he has not broken up with you yet."
"We're all waiting for the moment he realises you are not good enough and he stops waiting his time and our time on you." Jeff adds. "We don't have a DM anymore, we have a lovesick puppy who you somehow have tricked to like you. Good job, but it won't work with us."
"Guys you are being mean!" Dustin tries to stop them while she gathers all of her stuff in her bag. "She has done nothing to us."
"Can it, Dustin." Gareth says, "You aren't welcome here, grab your stuff and just go, do whatever you do when you aren't clinging to Eddie."
"You know what?" She starts, holding back tears. "Fine. I'll go break up with Eddie right now. See how you face him when you take one thing he actually enjoys and throw it down the drain because you are selfish little boys who deal with being bullied by bullying others. You are now at the same level as Carver. Congratulations boys, you've made it. I hope you are happy."
She's out of there before they can answer and Dustin is following behind her trying to stop what is going to be a huge fight for everyone involved. When he sees them talk, he knows it might be too late.
"Y/N wait don't! Don't break up with him please."
"I'm sorry Eds, it's for the best. Maybe we're just not meant for each other. It's okay."
Dustin's heart breaks right then and there and so does Eddie's. She doesn't dare mention what happened because she wants him to at least have someone there. Eddie really does value his friends.
She is out there and heading home before either of them really take in what had just happened. Dustin doesn't really know what to say. But the guilt eats him alive when you don't show up in school for the rest of the week and cancels everything. He thinks he is going to explode, but even risking losing his friends, he knows he has to talk to him.
"Eddie can we talk?"
"Not right now."
"It's about Y/N"
That sparks Eddie's curiosity and his whole body language changes. He perks up but he just gets sadder.
"It wasn't for the best Eddie, it was because of them."
"The guys..."
Eddie sees red. He sets up an emergency meeting and it's a bloodbath. He yells, he cries and he doesn't break anything only because it's school property and he doesn't have the money to pay for it. And after all is said and done. Eddie is fucking ready to climb outside her window.
The knocks startle her from her little pit of despair and ice cream. She knows it can only be Eddie and she doesn't know if she is ready to face him, but she does. Because after all, she'd do everything for him.
"I love you" He says as soon as she opens the window and he falls to his knees.
"I'm in love with you and I couldn't care less about what they think of you. The only time I haven't felt like a failure outside of Hellfire is with you. And maybe I'm shit at expressing my emotions but everytime you hold my hand my heart just races and when I go to sleep I just want to wake up to see you again. Because for some reason you have decided I get to love you and I'm so, so in love with you."
"Eddie they're your friends-"
"And best believed I yelled at them. You are so nice to them, they had no right to be that mean to you. You make me happy and they should be happy about it."
"I'm not clingy?"
"Please I'd take you anywhere with me if I could."
"I'm not annoying'"
"If you are annoying, what would that make me?"
"My boyfriend, if you'll have me again."
"I'll be your boyfriend anyway you are. I don't care. And you are not annoying." He smiles and grabs her by the waist. "Now" He kisses her. "That's better. How about we put on a movie and forget about the world for a bit. We can deal with everything later."
"Just the two of us?"
"Until the end of the world, baby."
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icemorgan10 · 5 months
I will personally be driving to the desert and letting the scarabs take me
Cause god the bad kids are good people like just so fucking good
Ruz legitimately just taking stress tokens for his friends to just help them out
Fabien going out of his way to clear the air with Gertie so her and Kristen could be happy together cause you know he couldn’t give less of a shit about this girl but is willing to set aside his pride to make his friend happy
Adaine not even having to think about it before going to save Ruben from grix even if he was trying to get them to do drugs and in turn get in massive trouble only a few hours earlier.
Fig offering to be a paladin of Cassandra not cause she find herself devoted to doubt but because she knows it’s important to Kristen and will do anything to help
Fabian opening up his house to everyone not just the cool or popular kids for all then events he has but to everyone even the unpopular freshman kids just so they can enjoy it too
Kristen helping buddy dawn t. Not hesitating to reach for her revivify gems to bring him back even though just like hes told her she’s going to hell and has been less the kind to her. But she shees herself in him in all the wrong and despite how annoying he is she want the best for him or at least for him to have a chance to get better.
Gorgug willing to let go his rage towards porter and trying to see the bright side of his teachings even when porter had been cruel him not just the whole school year, but since he started going to aguefort because yeah in the end it did work out and he grew from it. And just choosing to let it go in give him good rating in his teacher evaluation
Fig seeing a god of rage and conquest the monster Lydia fought to contain and the the supposed bbeg of the season not for what her worshipers have made her but who she was. Not even knowing if she could truely help fight still wrote a song for this forgotten version of the goddess of justice making her best song of all time. Seeing the conviction and protection behind the rage and corruption and going out of her way to always reach out to that version of Ankarna.
Kisten going out of her way to try to help Bobby dawn. Despite him being nothing but cruel to her, despite him trying to get her kicked out of the school and being a prejudice bastard you could tell she wanted to help him and all cause he was genuinely worried about his grandson.
And so so many more. like damn for “bad kids” they’re all so fucking sweet and kind hearted I wanna cry.
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izuhan · 2 years
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coming home exhausted︱stray kids (maknae line)
pairing: boyfried!skz x gn!reader ︱ genre: fluff, comfort slight hurt ︱warning: a little suggestive, grammar mistakes, not proofread, FELIXDFJIGEFJKDGFJKG
a/n: idk if i made these long or what but it might not be like the hyung line part but i hope you still enjoy this! i might have not been possessed by whatever that was at that time, I tried my best hhehe
— no matter what anyone says about it, (affectionately) annoying you with pictures of him whining with text below, middle, or above will be a sure tactic to put you off work and head home early.
— with the immense amount of “I'M LONELY COME HOME” texts, voice messages, and annoyingly adorable photos do concern others, hell, even him. after sending them with a huff, cheeks puffing cutely in his hoodie—different scenarios come and bother his mind.
— whether that might be you scolding him to prohibiting stuff to happen he will space out with a blush-- not hearing the door clicking open, bags on the floor making a thud, keys clashing against one another, and a han spacing out, and you, slumping against him.
— he has this adorable habit of spacing out and blocking the world but himself. you love it because you could do almost everything as you let him stare at the ceiling or you, we are talking about wide-eyed han, face blank and almost like a cat preparing for an attack and han? he just jolts, the first resort either to hug you and tell you about his wild thoughts, or run to you and hug you while he tells you about his wild thoughts. (mostly animal wild thoughts, yes, of course.)
— however, without a glimpse of his thoughts being of you, you sneak and flopped atop of him. you melt, he's warm, you’re home, you think to yourself. you smile and softly sigh, no energy to say anything other than a sweet “hi ji,”
— seungmin once said “y/n’s voice he can hear, ours vanish.” it’s true. your voice will break through the trains of his thoughts. he practiced not to react violently, and he’s glad he did.
— his heart would leap a mile, his brain processing the sight of your eyes gently shut, your arms lying beside him, and your body close to his. every beat of his heart tells him to haul closer, or at least press a little harder by embracing you gently, eyes closing shut with the biggest smile he’d ever made today.
— han would feel his heart ache when he pulled your face even closer to his as you do the same, smile crumbling away as tears race down your cheeks. his own producing tears at the corner of his eyes, he sat up suddenly, the couch didn’t have enough space for the both of you and the last thing han wanted at this moment was to hurt you even one bit. 
— so he would carry you again, wrap your arms around his neck, and your legs around his waist. you would repeatedly slur “i love you, i love you, i love you, i love you, i love you,” on the way, he would burst into a fit of beautiful laughter, carefully taking care of your clothes, kissing your temple and your hair, arms up, the shirt he's wearing slipping off his body.
— “it got warm with my temperature, that would calm you right?” another kiss on your arm, raising up and down as the shirt settles, “i love you,”
“not the right answer, baby. geez, they did a number on you huh?” and another set of kissing on your tears-stained cheeks, and eyes. “i'm not liking how they're treating you there,”
“i can manage, there's still a little left to work on, but i can manage,”
“can't convince me, you sound like a broken record. i hate it.”
— han would shut you up with more kisses and would let you do anything to him in that state of yours. let you pinch and play with his cheeks until it feels numb, play with his hair until sleep hits you while he hums to the tracks he’s working on, hitting two birds with one stone. you lay flat on his chest or he lay flat on your chest, or on your side, watching over his baby either falling asleep or enjoying his presence. after all, you deserve it-- everything nice and lovely.
— you know he plays games right after he’s done with work and you’re still not home, though you know he times his games to be sure he’s done by the time you arrive to enjoy the luxury of the night. and so, he wouldn’t notice your late text of overtime and coming home late, right? No.
— he loves you, he has said that multiple times you need an earful of his love confession, and you two would cry over it after one is uncertain of another’s love and affection. 
— but today, you wish he wouldn’t love you as much because knowing your lover and how he could be upset with a slight change of plans you two agreed upon--coming home late, expecting him to be in his room playing computer games could be a relief.
— but there he was, arms crossed, a look which translates to trouble. “i saw your messages. you took another co-worker’s shift, and the reason was that you’re free and reliable?” he’s sitting on the sofa, the frown on his face could never be good to be something different. 
— neither of you is fond of fighting, either resolve it as quickly as you could or sleep next to each other with a heart shattered and hollow. “you’ve been doing too much already, haven't you noticed? you don't talk to anyone anymore.”
— felix would never be afraid of talking ill to the world you both live in if it were to be treating you like shit for these past few weeks. “even i don’t get to hear your voice often, all you do is work,” uncontrollably, he puffs his cheeks a bit, a childish act he and han shares.
— and you laugh, raw and hot tears as your breath hitch for a moment and fall on your knees. you feel sorry for him, and for yourself. you don’t even have anything to prove yet here you are, so miserable and pathetic and so exhausted troubling your only escape from reality. you simply couldn’t notice felix holding you as you fell.
— “s-sorry lix, forgive me—” but because he is your escape and he’s much more aware of it than you are, he cries with you. truly, what you’ve heard about humans crying easily being disguised as angels can apply to him; how can he be so precious?
— and despite his being upset he carries you to bed with him, hovering on your body seeking his warmth and weight which he doesn’t give yet. what he gives is a sight of his many ways of conveying his love, “drink up first bub, then let's cuddle.”
— you want to break into tears again, waste the water he put in the effort to deliver to you just so your waterworks breaks down because you love him too much and he loves you too. “such a crybaby, I'll lock you up with me for a while yeah? i can’t let you beat yourself up like this, bub.” you gulped everything, smiling and bopping his nose. “sounds scary, lixie.” he pouts, kissing your lips and guiding your head back to the pillows, caressing your head as he smiles between the kiss.
— “maybe it is, but i want you to be healthy and happy, if you're unable to do so by yourself, let me have this opportunity and make you achieve those in my ways.” he kisses you again, pressing his weight against yours, studying your many expressions before settling down beside you, holding you dearly.
— and of course, you would let him, why wouldn’t you?
— coming home for seungmin is a reward and an end-of-the-day kind of thing where nights or midnights could be in between memorable and barely memorable, or a blur. he does his usual routine while you do yours. no one interrupts anyone, all could be heard were the sounds of the water running, bottles opening, grunts, groans, and subtle satisfied moans after a long day-- before a silence would ensue once both are done and gazes would meet, twin hearts calm before starting beating rapidly.
— you could say he prefers silent nights, away from the noise of the world, and create one with you.
— as much as he likes silence when the home is without you, he can't meet your gaze and race to the bed, or lovingly smile and hold your hand.
— and on those nights he felt alone, he dwells on things he should do before bed while you expect him to sleep before you. how dare you think of that?
— but of course, that was only his mind speaking to him before he would grab his journal, writing ‘again, my love is late. i await for y/n’s gaze and presence yet again. i feel greedy. this is the worst.’
— and his manifestation of your arrival would soon come through when you're summoned right in front of him.
— his hands tremble at the sight of his lover, who always greets him with a smile, reaching for his hand—you look awful as ever. swollen eyes accompanied by darkened eye bags, lips trembling, and nose runny and red. “y/n—”
— it will always be a shock to see you in such an exhausted state and it drives him crazy to think you’ll let yourself descend like this. it’s immoderate, but he did stay calm and collected to avoid panicking you furthermore.
— seungmin would ease you down with his voice and his embrace, purposely making you fall in his arms and kissing your forehead gently. he would carry you to the bedroom now that your gazes have met, and rather than hearing your apology, he focuses on how you’re breathing.
— “you can’t go anywhere tomorrow, you need to stay here and rest,” and you wouldn’t protest his idea because you know better than do that since he will give you a reason to stay and unable to go anywhere other than stay in his arms.
— you would lace your fingers together, taking your time drinking in yourself some of seungmin’s cute expressions because he’s remaining still, not wanting to disturb what you’re doing as he flutters himself. it tugs at his heart violently, hopeless at how lovely you look whilst exhausted, “thank you for taking care of me, i love you,” weakly, you would catch his lips on yours, and almost immediately, though still reminding himself you’re exhausted, he would give in, taking the lead as he puts you on his clothes.
— you love to giggle after kisses, and he loves every second of it he does it himself as well. “i love you too,” and a kiss would end your night, recharged by seungmin’s everlasting love.
— i.n’s youth-ness comes out when it comes to you. his friends tease him about wanting to go home with you when there’s always a chance to like some high school romance. nevertheless, he doesn’t care.
— he loves waiting for you because he knows you’ll hurry up and meet him where you agreed upon. above all else, your figure getting closer to him while you wave and call for him was always adorable it makes his heart warmer than on summer nights.
— there is an ulterior motive for sometimes spotting a hotel or a spontaneous trip to a hot spring or a shopping spree or simply stopping at some shop to buy anything. always and always, when you’re done with your work and stick to his side to go home, he would always and always, wants to spend those moments filled with nothing but the loveliness of your relationship, if that makes sense. he wants to be able to see sides of you he hasn’t seen before and show you the sides of him he’s ready to show. he wants to be able to hold hands freely, steal kisses till you’re flustered and red, until you’ve reach home.
— there are times you were late, but no worries, you still arrive though slightly more tired and his plan to walk around a park and swing would vanish for another night.
— tonight was quite the same, though a bit different-- you arrived 4 hours late.
— obviously, he was a bit upset but worry overshadowed everything once he has you in his arms then to a cab, then to your shared apartment.
— all happened too fast because he saw your face fighting the urge to cry.
— and he was right... and still upset.
— you would not cry to him. you ate and left to shower. and he hates it. how you’re avoiding him just because you could lash out and say things you don’t mean.
— “y/n, let’s take a bath together.” he doesn’t mind whether your face twists in confusion or how your exhausted face heats up to a beet-red color, he didn’t mind your protest when he carried you, pressing your head close to his heart. “let me take care of you, okay?” you wouldn’t have the heart to counter him, just no.
— the bath would be prepared at the right temperature in silence and a bit of conversation to conversation only to fall in silence once more. he would attempt another conversation but stopped midway to splash water on your face. 
— “now you can disguise your tears,”
— he would distance himself, creating room for your legs and... for you to come to him. it seems unfair on both ends. you need comfort, yet here he is acting horribly. “i’m not one of them to have you lie to me and pretend you’re alright.”
— yet his plan to have you come to him soon shatters as your tears began to betray you, your eyes set and seeking for him. your hands looking for his in panic. plan butchered, i.n would immediately embrace you in the bathtub, paying no mind to the water out on the floor. “so—sorry...”
— his heart aches, seeing you like this but would make up for it with his body pressing against yours, holding you so dear and close. as you cry nonstop, he would too. apologizing and promising to take care of you and react appropriately next time.
— your heart would soon warm-up against the cold water, and you could sleep in this position you’re in. though you wouldn’t want to, though i.n’s grip on your waist were gentle and loose, you would want to stay awake.
— “is it alright to tell me what happened?” he would ask, feather-light kisses on your shoulders. it continues until almost every part of your body would be covered in his traces, and would still go on in bed, where, again, he wishes for you to stay with him the next day to which, obviously, you agree. you can never say no to him.
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neptuneunworthy · 24 days
Pairing: Astarion x GN!Durge
Synopsis: It is so early in your adventures, you've yet to even infiltrate the goblin camp and save The Grove; there are so many things you don't know about your companions...and so many things they don't know about you. At least you don't go around and bite people awake however, like certain bloodthirsty rogues.
Word count: 3k
Warnings: Violence, Blood, Injury
Rating: Teen and up audiences
Stars always shine brightest when away from the hustle and bustle of the large cities like Baldur’s Gate or Neverwinter. The sky is not scarily illuminated by a gross cacophony of embers aching for more. It is when they shine so bright, when they twinkle just perfectly, that hope is born.
You were born without Hope. 
You were created without Hope.
This is not an odd thought, though as quickly as you register it not to be odd you also register you are unaware of how you know this fact about yourself. How can you be so sure? Because, if you were honest, you cannot for the life of you recall anything.
His smile is small and gentle as the boy crouches beside you with a ladybug on his finger, a leather-bound journal loosely folded in his lap. He’s small, like you, and just a kid, also like you. Though he could not be more different than you.
“What’s your name?” Your voice is squeaky, yet cracks from dehydration clawing its way up your throat.
The boy looks at you with a grin and worried eyes. Very few have looked at you before like that. Then again, you’re only eight years old.
Your hands tightened around the thin linen, wringing it out a last time as your name was shouted by a certain wizard. Of course this likely meant supper was ready, hells even all the way out here by the lake you could smell the sweet aroma of spiced and juiced meat; the burning wood mixing with the scent in a way that made you truly realize you had been starving
You tossed the tunic over a rock with the other clothing and armour to dry and dust the mixture of sand and dirt from your legs, before turning on your heel and going to join the others. Their voices had already begun to mix with each other in chatter around the fire, Gale the loudest of them as he explained in detail what part of Faerun he would be feeding everyone tonight. 
Of course, only Wyll and Karlach seemed interested. Maybe that wasn’t wholly true. Lae’zel was interested, after all she was a woman of respect and even admitted Gale’s cooking to be “suitable.” However, she still will voice her very loud complaints against Faerun and it’s cooking even so.
Gale didn’t seem to mind, though in your humble opinion you think that’s just because he’s a mixture of too kind, but also Lae’zel even finding his cooking “suitable” should be considered a victory.
You took your seat next to Shadowheart, admittedly she was the person you had found yourself the most comfortable around thus far. That was putting it lightly of course. But she was open and honest about her loss of memories, though she seemed to understand exactly why. Whereas you were not aware of anything. Save for certain…feelings when it comes to violence.
Still, there was a nice and quiet camaraderie formed over this; though you opted to not mention to her or anyone much about certain urges. Save for when you first inquired most everyone about them and they all gave you unsatisfactory answers.
You still had yet to confess it was you who killed Alfira. Though there was plenty of time to say as such, right? After all, the whole past day was spent fighting goblins at a windmill and spiders before you resume your trek toward the goblin camp once more. You were just busy and focused on other things that didn’t include confessing maiming an annoying bard only after just meeting her.
Has it truly only been five days so far?
Everyone was such chums already.
Well, save for…
“It seems our white-haired friend has disappeared off to gods knows where again,” you mumbled. You weren’t an idiot, you had seen him stalk off the past few nights. “Where do you think he’s gone to?”
Shadowheart hummed in thought, biting down on a tender piece of pork before sipping from her goblet. “I pray somewhere won’t require me to heal him again. ”
She followed this by also side-eyeing yourself, which resulted in a quiet chuckle from you. It would be correct that both the pale elf and yourself had already made a pattern of needing frequent healing from her after battles.
“I mean it,” Shadowheart continued, though there was an ounce of teasing in her tone, “you would think for someone as sneaky as him he would be able to dodge out of harm's way. I suppose I should be glad he doesn’t beg me to heal him like you do--”
“-I do not beg-”
“-and instead he feigns ignorance to his wounds. Acting all annoyed and like a cornered cat when I manage to finally cast a spell on him. You can be thankful but him? You would think he would at least try to be cooperative since he is on a team…”
Her words now had taken a turn to actual complaining, which you listened to, and even admittedly agreed with. 
You looked down at the food, picking at it with your fingers. “I think he shows thanks in uncanny ways. He’s disarmed more traps and swiped more gold for us than any of us ever could--not without being caught or killed at least.”
As you ate, finally, she seemed to ponder these words. Even if you agreed with her rant over the man, you had to be tactful and give him the benefit of the doubt as much as you have given her. Hells, as much as you have given everyone else. There is a part of you that calls you stupid for it, a tremor in your hand wishing to claw its way around your companions throats. 
However, if you are to survive, if you are to hopefully eventually understand that supposed butler , then you need to ensure everyone gets along. 
“You may be correct Tav,” she said after taking another sip of wine (which had been stolen from The Grove), “but it would be nice to feel recognized.”
You understood, though for several reasons that felt lost to you. So you simply agreed with a nod. Recognition could mean a lot of things to both of you, but that was the unspoken truth in the statement, wasn’t it?
People eventually returned to their tents, save for yourself and Gale, whom you had offered your help to when it came to cleanup. He appreciated the offer. Despite your reservations about Gale, mostly as he insulted your knowledge as a fellow wizard…and perhaps guilt (why do you feel guilt?) from almost ripping and eating his arm unbeknownst to him, you find his companionship affable. 
It’s a type of acquaintanceship you can appreciate because you both can prattle on about the arcane to someone who actually understands it. 
“A shame Astarion did not make it to dinner tonight,” Gale bemoaned as he changed the topic away from cantrips. “I set a portion aside from him and everything.”
You eye’d at the plate of sauteed pork, likely a bit cold by now.
“I can wait for him. Make sure he gets it.”
Gale looked at you with a soft smile. “Truly that would be wonderful. I must admit I have grown a bit worried about our friend. At first I thought it was maybe my food smelled as foul as the Owlbears nest, but I have not seen the roguish man eat anything thus far.”
“I promise you he will eat your very delish and not putrid smelling meal.”
That gained a chuckle from both him and yourself, but you additionally also said, “I will finish up here. You already have done more than enough in cooking the whole camp a delicious meal, go get some rest.”
He placed a hand on your shoulder and gave a squeeze, “thank you, Tav.”
This is what Shadowheart means by wishing people (Astarion) said thank you, or that people (also Astarion) gave proper recognition where proper recognition is due.
You understand that the elf is probably just a very secretive person, which made sense considering his role in your camp after all. Honestly, you were pretty certain that he simply reads his books as he dines lavishly in the woods by himself with whatever tasty foods he swiped during the day. He is here for the reason everyone else is, and that’s to find out more about the pesky parasites burrowed in your brains.
Which perhaps is why Shadowheart is right; he needs to be more cooperative with the group. Though you can also understand the reasoning for keeping distance.
You cleaned off the plates from everyone else, leaving the one for Astarion untouched. Scratch, the dog that you had met crying over his dead owner, seemed more than happy to eat and lick any crumbs or residue left on the plates before you washed them by the lake. At least before he made his rounds to everyone’s tents; a ritual the dog performed each night to decide whose tent he shall sleep in.
When you settled back down by the now dwindling fire, you leaned back on the palm of your hands and looked up to the sky, taking it all in as you waited for the man of the hour to return. The stars did shine bright. They winked and kissed at you from afar. Whispering soft nothings in their twinkles and glimmers. A feeling swells in your chest as you look up at them. A profound loneliness overtaking your being. It didn’t feel right to be sitting here under the sky with the dim fire all alone. 
Obviously you weren’t actually alone. You had the aforementioned tadpoles to make sure of that. But it was different. You could feel yourself actually begin to relax as you looked at the gleaming night sky, but at the same time your chest swelled for something your mind believes was once real. Yet you had no name to place it to. No person to place it toward.
You slumped down onto the bedroll, one spare you brought out so you hadn’t been waiting patiently on the hard dirt ground, and laid on your back. Your hands rested over your stomach, your chest rising and falling gently, as your eyes stayed trained up above. 
It was horrible to miss something you didn’t know. 
Against your better judgement, and your word to Gale, you felt the mistress of sleep had called as your eyelids had grown heavy, and they had begun to shut. 
You had caught yourself, your eyes opening wide and body slightly jumping awake. Of course, you were thankful. Because for some odd reason your luck had kicked in, and you now lay face to face with Astarion loomed over you, his mouth slightly ajar. 
It took a lot for you to not cast thunderwave and send him flying, but his own surprise drew him back instantly, an unusual look of horror painting his face like he was a child being caught.
Even despite the fact he pulled back, your instincts send you standing up and engulfing your hand in flames as you glare at him.
His breath hitches and he steps back, shoulders and neck arching while he throws his hands up. His eyes are wide and feral. Shadowheart was right. He does act like a cat always trapped in a corner. This time though, he actually was.
“No—no it’s not what it looks like, I swear!” His voice is fill of an uncanny desperation for what you once thought to be a dashing rogue. “I wasn’t going to hurt you! I just needed…well, blood.”
You felt a pit in your stomach as you damned yourself for not recognizing this sooner. How stupid and oblivious had you been? Really? It should have been clear as day with his overly sharp canines and the scarring on his neck. You should have been able to smell it; the blood. Yet Astarion had’t smelled of anything rotten and iron. He smelled of—no that didn’t quite matter.
You gritted your teeth and spat, “I can’t believe I didn’t see it—we even found the boar * you * snacked on!” 
“It’s not what you think!” His hands fall down slightly with an almost sad and hesitant tone in his voice, “I’m not some monster . I feed on animals…boars, dear, kobolds—whatever I can get. I’m…just too slow right now—too weak.”
His gaze fell on you, almost pleading. “If I could just have a little blood, I could think clearer. Fight better. Please.”
“Why didn’t you tell me?”
“At best I was sure you’d say no. More likely, you’d ram a stake through my ribs. No…I needed you to trust me.” He lowered his voice and leaned forward. “And you can trust me.”
You frowned, quiet as you studied him. Your hands shook at your sides, your head thumping; urging you to—
“You tried to bite me. How can I trust you?”
“Because we don’t have a choice! Not if we’re going to save ourselves from these worms. I need you alive. You need me strong.”
He took a breath, sighing and stepping toward you slightly. “Please. Only a taste, I swear. I’ll be well, you’ll be fine, and everything can go back to normal.”
Normal. What a load of crap. Even if you understood what he meant by it…though he was right. Astarion had been one of the best in terms of fighting and safely manoeuvring the party through traps. He was a natural born killer, with instincts not unlike your own. You needed him, the whole party did; and now he needed you and the beautiful scarlet that pumped through your veins.
You close your eyes and take a deep breath, then let your shoulders relax finally, willing The Urges deep down.
“Fine.” Your eyes meet his own, “but not a drop more than you need.”
He seemed stunned by this response, not that you blame him, you are sure if you had been in his shoes you would have fully expected—and embraced—a stake to the gushing heart.
“Really? I—of course.” A charming but warm smile fell on his lips, “not one drop more.” His eyes then fell down to the makeshift cot on the ground before falling back on you, “let’s make ourselves comfortable, shall we?”
You hesitate, just for a moment, before nodding and slowly sitting back down. You look back up at Astarion now, who lowered himself over you as you then slid your back against the cot—head comfortable on the pillow. 
Astarion is quick to bite into your neck, your body immediately tenses; knees folding up and hands gripping onto the sides of his loose poet shirt. It’s searing, it hurts, just for a moment. Then it’s just surprise at the feeling of your own blood being sucked out of you that keeps you held tightly onto him.
There is something familiar about someone so dangerous being so close, hands on either side of your head. Was pain and blood involved as well? 
Your brain fogs at the thought, and you only realize it’s from the pure dizziness you are being to feel. You are reeling now. Shaky breaths leaving your mouth as your hands press against his abdomen. He doesn’t move. So a moment later you try again. “Stop! It’s—it’s too much-“ your voice is small but pleading; something hates how pathetic you sound.
Thankfully, Astarion is quick to stop, and he pulls away, licking his blood stained lips and wiping gently at his chin with his thumb. “That—that was amazing. My mind is finally clear. I feel strong—I feel…happy!”
He peers at you, before quickly then helps you sit up, and you almost immediately lean your head into his shoulder. He tenses, but you pay no mind to this. Your breathing is shallow; mind still reeling from moments prior. 
“I—“ you chuckle weakly, “—I look forward to seeing you fight.”
Astarion is quiet as he brings the plate of now-cold food close, careful to not move you except to force it close. A clear sign that you should eat. That he is suggesting as such.
“Shouldn’t take so long. So many people need killing.” He hums as you finally pull your head back, and slowly begin to devour the plate. 
Your hands rip apart the meat, it’s cold by now, but you don’t mind it that much; though it’s tougher, the spices from Gale still make it a worthy meal. Astarion watches you, you can feel his gaze still on your neck, though truly all you can think about is the pork as your jaw clamps down on it. A part of you knows you  have chomped down onto much more sturdy meat before; flesh, maybe? 
Would that make you a hypocrite for your judgement of Astarion just moments ago?
You wipe your mouth on the back of your hand, grease and grime painting your skin while you finally catch your breath. Sated. Dizzy still, even a bit cold, but sated . Your eyes fall back on him, his gaze doesn’t reach your eyes; he’s hungry still. There is something tempting about offering more blood to him. Just offering more to him.
“Now,” he says in his usual sing-song voice, now rising to his feet, “if you’ll excuse me. You’re invigorating, but I need something more…filling.” He doesn’t offer you any help as he turns on the heel of his foot to leave. Though, he does hesitate, just for a moment before slightly turning his head toward you.
“This is a gift, you know, I won’t forget it.”
You bring your hand up to your neck, wobbling slightly when you stand; from both the wet feeling on your neck and his face just before he left, you understand he is a messy eater. Similar to yourself. As he disappears into the woods, you can’t help but wonder if he will devour the next creature with such greed. You dislike how you can relate.
Perhaps Shadowheart’s comment about Astarion acting like a cornered cat makes more sense now. If you were a vampire, or perhaps a monster in a similar fashion, you think that you would view the world as your enemy; trust no one, even clerics. Who are you kidding? Especially clerics.
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They grow up so fast: Teenage Luke Headcanons
I can't get out of my head Luke going through a teenage angst faze while in the exchange program and making it everyone's problem. Clearly, demons and angels don't age at the same rate as humans, but if I can blindly have baby Satan, I can have teen Luke.
The program takes place over four years. So sit with me for a minute and think about how everyone would react to sweet, annoying, and adorable 10-year-old Luke turning into a goblin of a 14-year-old!
------------- <3.<3.<3.<3.<3. ------------- <3.<3.<3.<3.<3. -------------
All the brothers (mostly Mams, Satan, and Luci) wondering when the hell did the Chihuahua get so tall. He can look Belphie in the eyes!
What do you mean he's still growing, Simone! He's already too tall!
MC having an uno reverse with Luke. He's now tall enough to use them as an armrest.
Luke is also at the stage where teens think the stuff they like or idealized as a kid is cringe. Being Micheal's assistant angel is the worst thing in the world because Michael is the lamest angel in the Celestial Releam.
He starts bad-mouthing Michael every time he comes back from a check-in. It throws everyone off the first time it happens. Simeon and Solomon questioned if Luke was cursed.
Luke also tries to like baking less since it's now lame due to Michael liking sweets so much.
He fails, he can't say no to Barbatos, Simoen, or MC asking him to bake with them. Plus he really does love baking. He's slowly learning how to make it his own thing, and not doing it to impress Michael.
Luke's envy really comes out as a teen. As a 10-year-old his outburst could be perceived as aww he's just a kid. But now he can get pushy and mean, like when the others try to take MC away. That's his best friend, and MC is spending time with me!
He's not above using his blessing to keep those nasty demons away.
The strangest and most agita-inducing thing to come out of Teen Luke is him and Mammon getting along. Barbots and Simone now know why Lucifer went gray so quickly.
Don't get me wrong, Mammon still teases Luke 24-7. It is this job as his adoptive older brother.
Luke now openly wants to hang out with Mammon, and they cause so much trouble together. Pranks, staying out past curfew, a classic Mammon scheme here and there.
Luke has definitely been strung up from the chandelier at least once. And he defiantly learned his lesson to be way more sneaky.
Luke making friends his own age! Just a weird bunch of young dorky demons and angles running around causing chaos. They are helping unite the realm but at the cost of every adult's sanity.
Luke is the cool one out of his friend group because he goes to RAD and hangs out with the future king and the seven lords!
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I need y'all to be so normal about this but I'm writing a GoYu Bakery AU (first two chapters are up on AO3) and I'm just. SO proud of how I wrote Gojo's dramatic gay ass realizing he has a crush on a college kid in this scene in chp3.
The realization was slow. It actually hit him just as he was midway through saying hello to Megumi as he returned to the office. Gojo froze, words dying in his throat, as his brain began to frantically analyze his own behavior over the past six months. He’d been so sure that he was only going to the cafe for the food, and for the way no one fawned over him, that he’d completely missed the fact that he was only happy after a visit if he got to speak to Yuji.
He had not been going for the food. He’d been going for the baker.
Gojo let out a string of vicious cursing, calling himself a dozen kinds of idiot, and just barely caught himself in time to set the slice of lemon meringue pie he’d brought for Megumi down gently, so as not to ruin it, instead of throwing it at his poor assistant.
“Megumi,” Gojo said in ominous tones, “I am the fucking stupidest man on the planet.”
“Yes, I knew that,” Megumi agreed. “What did you do this time?”
Gojo began to pace the waiting room, running his hands through his hair. “Okay. So. You know how I’m shit at explaining what I want from other people in regards to things like relationships and sex?”
“Yes. Tanaka still wants you back.”
“Tanaka can wait. Well, it appears I am also shit at explaining to myself what I want. Because I thought I just really liked the food at Lucky Pond, and the atmosphere, and how nobody treats me differently there. It’s a novelty. Nothing more. Except.” He spun on his toes sharply, feeling like a prophet of doom, realizing that he had well and truly fucked up. “It’s not just that the food’s exquisite and the atmosphere’s comfortable. It’s the fact that fucking Itadori Yuji works there.”
Megumi blinked mildly. Then his eyes widened in shock, and he blurted, “He’s over a decade younger than you!”
“Exactly!” Gojo exploded, throwing his hands in the air. “He’s a baby, barely nineteen! But he’s adorable and sweet and talented and kind and just stupid enough to be endearing but still intuitive enough to be fun to talk to and I want to be the kind of man worthy of his attention so bad that it’s pathetic!” He collapsed in a chair, flinging his arm over his eyes. “Megumi. As your mentor, I beg of you to kill me, throw my corpse in the ocean, and make everyone think I retired to Malaysia.”
“Absolutely not. Fake your death like a normal person.” Megumi shoved the pie aside and started typing aggressively on his computer. “I’m emailing Nanami. He can take over all business with Lucky Pond while you get over Itadori. Fucking hell… at least you realized this before he fell in love with you.”
“He’d never,” Gojo said gloomily. “I overheard him talking to Jupei last week about his celebrity crushes—he likes women. Tall, curvy women with butts and boobs. Not dudes with no meat on their bones.”
“Sensei, are you… are you actually moping?” Megumi demanded incredulously. “Because a guy ten years younger than you is straight and into curvy women?!���
“Oh, god.” Gojo covered his face with his hands. “I’m fucked. I’m so fucked. I’ll fake my death. Nanami can run the business himself, it’s fine. I’ll run away to America and change my name. Should I dye my hair brown or red?”
“Neither. Blond is pretty common in America, right? Blond and blue eyes? You’ll fit right in with the rest of them, annoying as you are.”
"Fuck you. Blond it is."
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captain-mj · 1 year
I JUST READ THE BOY FIC AND OMG YOU SHOULD TOTALLY MAKE LIKE A HORROR CAMP RELATED ONE. like a rlly sweet one like they could be camp counselors yk?? <333 or just like camp counselors?
Hell yeah! I'd love to! So there's this webcomic where Jason Voorhees becomes a camp counselor made by Janie Lee and I took a little inspiration with the general vibe. 10/10 recommend that series because it's amazing. Mentions of trauma for several characters but it's not taking seriously
So it's hopefully clear but I know I can be a little subtle with subtext, so each of the characters are loosely based on a horror villain. It'll be fun to see if you guys can figure it out!
Ghost pulled the third kid out of the lake that day, silently patting their back to help them get all of the water.
"You alright?"
They nodded and coughed up a little more water before settling down. "Thank you so much, Ghost sir!"
Ghost patted their head and watched them run off to their friends. He looked around and saw Alejandro and Rudy talking. They were talking to each and clearly not watching the damn kids.
He waved and they waved back and he flipped them off.
Alejandro grinned. His perfect hair and perfect teeth.
He got on Ghost's nerves.
Especially because Alejandro was the person to wake them up every morning.
They shared a cabin with Alex and by all accounts, they were all early risers, but Alejandro was different.
This morning, and every morning, he woke them up at 4:30 in the morning as he took a shower, iced (what even is that? Is it like an ice bath? Icing a cake?) his face, and then used tons of product in his hair to define each curl.
Ghost and Alex made a deal to kill him every morning after being dragged out of their private rooms. 
Alejandro had laughed and pulled them out of bed to fucking exercise. They'd do fucking pushups and planks and Alex would always use his missing leg as an excuse to get out of squats. Ghost would glare at him and grumpily continue to do whatever he had been challenged to do. He almost always beat Alejandro which surprisingly never made the man angry. Alejandro would just smile and say he’d beat him next time. 
Once he made breakfast, Alex and Ghost would change their mind about killing him. Alex was the only one that drank coffee, Ghost preferred tea, but the smell was nice and inviting enough. It reminded him of being home, but in a good way. 
Then they’d get everyone up at 8 am sharp and they’d handle the kiddos. 
Ghost liked kids just fine. Honestly they were a bit annoying but he didn’t want anyone to get hurt and other people didn’t really seem interested in watching them so he did it. He put on his mask every morning and acted like a human being for a few hours until the kiddos went to bed and the other counselors would buddy up and talk to each other like friends. 
Being friends with your coworkers? That was loser behavior. 
Ghost ignored that his only friend was his little brother. 
Gaz talked about the podcast he was listening to with Ghost. Well. More talked at Ghost as he didn’t really contribute. 
“Doesn’t it feel… manipulative? Listening to these people talk about these murders.”
Gaz shrugged. “Maybe. But it’s… interesting.”
“In a ‘you want to do something similar’ or ‘gets you off’ way?”
Gaz laughed. “No. Just… how they are you know? How they get caught. The small mistakes. The way they could so cruelly kill those people. It’s just… Don’t know. It’s horrific but addicting.”
Ghost didn’t understand but nodded all the same. 
Sometimes, he thought it would be nice to sit with them. The fire looked nice at least. 
Alex knew exactly how to toast marshmallows. He had this secret technique to get them just right to be smushed but not enough for it to taste burnt. It was how he lured Ghost to them, using s’mores as a form of bait. 
Ghost ate one, perched on a log, prepared to sprint. 
“Riley, we’re going to be working together all summer, man. You can relax around us.” Gaz said with a smile. “You might even like us!”
Ghost grimaced and pulled his mask back down. “Doubtful. I don’t do friends. And I prefer Ghost.”
Soap smiled and lightly tapped his foot against the log Ghost was perched on. “I see. Well, Ghost. What’s with the mask?”
Ghost shrugged. “I just… like wearing it.”
“That’s an understatement. You came out of your room wearing it. Is it like Roach? Got scars under there?” Alejandro asked, arm around Rodolfo who looked less than amused by the whole situation. 
Roach hit Alejandro and checked that his mask was on properly. According to what Ghost had heard, he had some rather severe burns. Poor guy. He had some gorgeous brown eyes and tons of fluffy blond hair that could be seen over the mask. Alejandro clearly didn’t strike a nerve, which was good, but he didn’t look very happy. 
Ghost slowly waved before signing. “What’s another name for a sleeping bag?”
Roach tilted his head questioningly. No one else seemed to know what Ghost was signing, though they watched his hands. 
“A nap sack.” 
Roach laughed. And so did Soap. 
Ghost glanced at him, watching him cover his mouth. Soap looked away. 
He then stretched and took another s’more from Alex. He had undone part of his shirt that exposed his chest a little. It made Ghost’s stomach feel funny. 
Gaz smiled. “Let’s play truth or dare. No gross stuff though. Keep it PG-13.”
Ghost reluctantly relaxed. “Okay. Sure.” He’d pick all dares. Easy.
They started up.
He learned quickly that picking dares was not a good idea when Alejandro had Alex slip his shirt off. They all looked at him. There was some scarring along his stomach from a fire that had raged. 
Weird how many slashers had brushes with fire. 
But he was fit and rather hot. Ghost glanced away and realized there was no universe where he could so easily strip himself of his clothing. His body had scars, but it was nothing like Alex who had lost his brother to one or Roach whose school had burned down with almost everyone in it. 
No. No one died in the events that scarred Ghost. And he knew if they looked at him, they’d immediately realize they were purposefully inflicted by both Ghost and others. It wasn’t something he wanted anybody to know about. So he had to make a decision. 
“Ghost.” Soap smiled. “Truth or Dare?”
“What’s the farthest you’ve ever gone with someone?” 
Ghost froze, staring. “That’s not PG-13.”
“Oh, so you’ve had sex?” Gaz pointed out, the pretense of being clean gone. 
Ghost hesitated just long enough for them to pounce. 
“You’re a virgin??” Alejandro asked, almost scandalized at the thought. “You’re 6’4, built and mysterious as hell. How are you fucking that up?”
Alex defended him. “Maybe he’s just shy!”
Soap translated for Roach. “Or saving himself for marriage. Gary, personally I don’t think that’s it.”
Ghost stood up. “I’ll be leaving now.”
Rodolfo hummed. “Is it religious? Or just never found the opportunity?”
“I’ve already answered my question.”
Soap tsked. “Actually, you haven’t. You just said it’s not PG-13. So… until you answer the question, we can ask whatever we want.”
Gaz nodded. “Those are the rules.”
Ghost squirmed. “We counting nonconsensually?”
That ruined the vibe really fast.
“Oh!” Soap covered his mouth, looking horrified. “I’m so sorry.” 
Ghost shrugged. “If it’s just consensual, I held hands. Once.” 
Roach planted his head in his hands, shaking his head. 
Somehow, Alejandro and Gaz got the game going again. Ghost picked dares after that and they all had the politeness to not make him or Roach do anything salacious. Sometimes, they’d ask Roach or dare him to do something dirty and he’d grab his cross and freeze. He always did it, letting Soap translate for him so everyone could understand him. 
As the night started to wind down, Roach ended up next to Ghost, both of them on the same log. Soap was doing something with the other guys and they both noticed the other person glancing at him. They quickly looked away again. 
Ghost had never felt uncomfortable with his sexuality. He liked men. Simple as that. But attraction was not something he liked acknowledging. Some people were attractive and it made Ghost nervous and sometimes he did find himself wishing for easy camaraderie and beautiful blues eyes to be…
Oh yikes. 
He was imagining Soap. 
Ghost was glad it was one of the single guys so he didn’t feel like an ass but it had to be that one?? 
Roach glanced at him and looked flustered. “I don’t really get the big deal either.”
Ghost nodded and tried to look stoic. He felt flustered and anxious though. His mask luckily kept him looking fine. “I just think there’s better things we can be doing. Like our jobs.”
Roach smiled. Ghost could tell by the way his eyes crinkled. “Yeah. Exactly.” 
They started to talk and Ghost found he was easy conversation. Before long, it reached midnight and as much as everyone would’ve loved staying up, they did have work in the morning. 
Alejandro and Alex walked on either side of Ghost. 
“By non-consensual…”
“Alex, I’ll rip your head from your fucking body.”
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I'm so glad I found your account! You guys are very talented <33
I know canonically Mortdecai isn't, uh, amazing with kids but what if a Marigold members daughter started hanging around the building (like Ivy did when she was younger) and she reminded Mortdecai of one of his sisters (Esthers moodiness or Roses cheeriness)? I'd love some headcanons about the scenario^^
I wasn't going to write this until later but I absolutely had to jump ahead of schedule and write this because it nagged at my mind almost all week. You even started an AU for the other mods and I, anon. This little idea is so tasty and adfghfgferhrj
You are the biggest brain and I hope you don't mind that me and Iphiko (and maybe even Rory!) had a little taste of this drink ourselves first. Different bottle, don't worry, we haven't touched any of what's in your hand right now
Also thank you so much for your kind words! I'm really glad you guys are enjoying these things (as if the inbox flooding wasn't proof enough), it makes us Lackadaisy Moonshiners so happy and gives me an excuse to keep writing. You're all awesome!
At first, it almost stings. He still remembers Ivy, after all; her wandering around following Viktor or whoever caught her eye whenever she could. It was cute. Adorable, even.
But Mordecai seems to be the target of this little beast's attention. And no amount of waving her off, gently pushing her away with his foot or annoyed threats will get her to pick someone else.
The Savoys are enamored with the little bugger. Serafine started calling her "Bébé Couteau" (Baby Knife) after being allowed to teach her some knife tricks (why Asa let them put a knife in the hands of a kitten, Mordecai will never know) and Nico picked up the habit of startling the little girl by picking her up and spinning with her...Which slowly evolved into throwing her across the bloody bar into Serafine's arms after an accident that resulted in the kitten getting yeeted by a distracted Nico (apparently she loved it (and to Serafine's credit, she ran like Hell to catch her); so it's not exactly safe but it's okay??)
Several speakeasy attendees mistake her to be Mordecai's kitten since she's always hanging around him (and especially so if she's a Tuxedo cat). It probably doesn't help that he loudly objects to the twins throwing the kitten back and forth like a football and has even ripped her out of their arms once or twice
They also (correctly) assume that he calls the shots when it comes to her. If she's making trouble or is heading somewhere that she shouldn't be, someone has to work up the courage to tell that ferocious shadow of Asa's. It's him, the queen cat that looks like she's constantly considering stabbing you or the heartthrob at the bar vicious son of a bitch who always looks like he knows that he's better than you
It's an unspoken rule between the three that Mordecai's word is law when it comes to the kitten. He hates this and is sure that they just use this as another excuse to tease him.
Asa scares the Hell out of the poor little thing. He tried greeting her once and she burst into tears and ran to Mordecai so he could protect her. The twins thought this was hysterical: the kitten adores the ground Mordecai walks on, laughs at Serafine's threats and thinks Nico throwing her at a soft target as hard as he can is the bee's knees; but Asa Sweet-the big fat cat with the softest features out of all of them-scares the living daylights out of her.
Mordecai thinks the kitten has a good judge of character sometimes. If it wasn't for her love of the chaotic duo he'd say that out loud
They brought the kitten along to a "meeting" once when she were sick with a fever. She cried when Mordecai left the car and Serafine refused to leave until she was comforted or at least sleeping, so (after some arguing and sweet-talking) Mordecai went back for her. When he didn't leave the vehicle for a few minutes, the Savoys went on without him.
They came back to find him reading a book, the kitten snuggled up against his side and sound asleep tucked under his coat and arm. The soft look in Morde's eye told Nico that maybe this wasn't the time to be teasing him.
This didn't stop Serafine. Mordecai hasn't heard the end of that event. (Asa also gave him some Hell for leaving the twins to do the dirty work, but Serafine and Nico shut him down pretty quickly-they found whatever crate he wanted, no witnesses are around to tell the tale, the job was done just fine and the kitten needed him more than they did. Shut up, Mr. Sweet.)
Whoever's daughter the kitten is, they'd better learn to deal with Mordecai becoming her guardian angel of death. If she doesn't have a parent and just wandered in somehow, she's gonna end up with something better: an aunt that'll teach her to kill and how to stay strong, an uncle that'll toss her around like a hot potato and teach her to be fearless and another uncle that'll pretend to not care for her until someone looks at her the wrong way.
Mordecai, Serafine and Nico. Probably the worst-fitting cats to be any kind of parental figures, yet ones that will guard a mutually-adopted kitten until their final breaths-whether they'll admit to it or not.
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rpgchoices · 1 year
wtf so the entire time you are in a relationship with astarion he is quietly waiting for you to get sick of him while desperately savoring every moment with you? that's deeply depressing
What? Do you mean the one where you ask him to just be friends?
No, I specifically chose the worst answers.
Basically at one point you meet a Drow who will ask you to let Astarion bite her, because it has been her fantasy since she was a kid. Astarion immediately refuses and the scene can go in two ways.
In both ways, during the aftermath, he will tell you that his master made him sleep with a bunch of people to lure them in, and that he does not feel anything when he has sex. He also tells you that he slept with you for protection, so basically he seduced and used sex so you would protect him.
The actual bite scene can go two ways:
You tell him to do it. Astarion will end up breaking with you, after, I am pretty sure. There are some options where you can still stay together, I think, if you apologize a lot. In one of the options, you can ask him about sex and if you ask twice (basically pushing him to have sex with you), he will because that is what you require of him. After, he will wake up next to you and say that for the first time instead of feeling "nothing" he feels something like disgust, during sex. If you probe and ask him why the hell he said yes if he did not want, he admist that he didn't know how to say no, but now he does. This leads to him breaking up with you and a very bad outcome (when you speak with him again he is annoyed at you, and he never goes back to the nice "Hello, my friend/my sweet").
You ask him why he doesn't want to do it/you tell the drow Astarion is his own man and he said no. This is the good outcome, as long as you do not push him for sex.
In the good outcome (the second one), the camp conversations goes like this:
Astarion thanks you for not pushing him, he talks about his past, and how basically he is not comfortable with sex. IF you pick the option "I did it because I hoped you would sleep with me", Astarion sleeps with you and then breaks up with you because you forced him to have sex.
Another bad option here is breaking up with him because you cannot have sex with him, to which he says something like "Ah, yes given I have nothing to offer you because sex is the only thing I am good for."
If you pick only good options he will admit that he started to feel something for you, which was unexpected, even if at the beginning he seduced you for protection. At this point you can break up with him ("maybe you need a friend, not a lover") to which he approves and you break up amicably. OR, you can continue the relationship (the choices are "We can stay together and we do not need sex to do that", Hugging him, saying you accept him as he is, or showing him your mind and your feelings).
Astarion does not want sex (or at least he is not comfortable having sex now). You can stay with him in the relationship because he has grown to feel something for you. But as long as you do not push him for sex.
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