#because it’s bigger and better equipped
waugh-bao · 2 years
#I’m such a bad person#so most days I use the gym at my university#rather than the one in my apartment building#because it’s bigger and better equipped#depending upon the time of day you go#the clientele can skew pretty elderly#(which is great. people of all ages should totally feel comfortable working out)#I think it’s mostly retired professors and that sort of thing#picture a lot of older/old men strolling on a treadmill in chinos and a sweater and you’ve got the picture#anyway#the way the treadmills are positioned#you can see pretty easily what the person next to you is watching#if they have their phone on the holder#well today when I was running the guy walking on the treadmill next to me (probably in his 70s) kept staring at me#I couldn’t figure out why#and then I realized he was glancing between my phone and me#(I’m in my early 20s and look like a first year undergrad)#because I was watching an old Dave Brubeck performance#I don’t think he was trying to be judgmental or anything he was just confused#but I’m used to getting confused looks at jazz clubs and baroque concerts and stuff#(I once had a man tell me at a Gilad Atmoz show in London. ‘I would have invited you to sit with me b/c you were all alone. but I thought#you were probably waiting for your dad or your boyfriend.’)#so I decided to mess with him a little#and started going backwards in time/obscurity with what I was watching/listening to#until I had 3 miles and was ready to get off and I was watching Baby Dodds drumming in the 1920s#the guy looked like his eyes were going to fall out of his head#gonna say the life lesson here is that I shouldn’t be allowed around the public in any capacity#not the stones#me stuff
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im convinced that people who actually want to live in cities and dont see the environmental and emotional trauma their inflicting on themselves by enabling those places to continue to grow have just the most severe brain damage
#saw a post that made me mad talking about slow living being Bad (in ways im not gonna write in tags and end up in thos spaces by accident)#but like......dropping a hut on a vacant lot and growing some veg and chickens is not nearly as#detrimental or colonizing as sprawling cities#also like who the fuck WANTS to live in a concrete jungle when trees and grass exist#yall are fucking sickos to lump wanting to be educated on herbal medicine and growing food and SPACE AWAY FROM LOUD NEIGHBORS#in with like trd wife and trf bullshit#cottagecore on twitter houses those type but like.....you know farms exist outside of northamerica too right#and some of us are better equipped for famr labour than retail?#i see more people complain about cottagecore as an aesthetic than is actually has issues tbh#but maybe i just mind my own business and actually know what living on a farm entails#my body gave out on me but i literally used to work on a horse farm#i know how much work chickens are#anyway people really will complain about anything and fail to realize that their own lifestyle is a much bigger problem than some strawman#they created in their heads just because they saw one tradwife on instagram living on a homestead with her 8 children and cheating husband#sorry i dont want to contribute to mental illnesses and pollution by living in the city??#farm whether hobby or just partially self sustaining doesnt equal root of all evil#some of us are just better equipt to tend to the sheep in the scottish highlands were our ancestors started#and besides id rather see semi delusional tradwives stsrting homesteads than all that same 'vacant' land go to more housing developments#anyway tho#all this because some bad faith take someone had because someone had the audacity to talk about their experiences with transmisogyny#(which i still think is a dumb concept cause called a spade a spade its transphobia) and wasnt a transfemme#im begging yall to stop talking over transmasc and afab people#youre not more important because you identify as a woman stop giving yourselves victim complexes and shutting down important conversations
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nightingale-prompts · 27 days
How to Raise Your BatBoy
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Dick sighed into his cup of coffee. This is not what he wanted to see when he woke up in the morning. That and the giant bat wing covering his face this morning.
Danny was getting bigger. Not physically but his bat features are changing. The teen was getting better at changing shape. His ears are sharper ending in slight points, his fingers are more clawlike, and he has grown a thick ringed collar of white fur around his neck. Thankfully that's as far as his transformation can go right now. Danny has learned to pick and choose what traits he wants.
Danny has claimed Dick's gymnastic equipment as his. The aerial equipment is now used as roosts for Danny to hang off of and nap. But that hasn't stopped him from sleeping on top of Dick like an overgrown cat.
Bat wings expel a lot of heat as blood circulates through the thin skin which cools the blood in hot environments that they are native to. So to regulate their temperature they rest together to conserve heat. That's probably why Danny decided to grow the fur collar and sleep on top of Dick.
And why is Dick so frustrated? Because he's fighting for his goddamn life in this house. His cute aggression is barely contained. He wants to squish the kid's cheeks and ruffle his hair all the time.
Dick would be going over case files while Danny watches tv on the floor and Dick will feel the insatiable NEED to go bother him.
That damn fuzzy neck fur calls to him like a cat picking up a kitten.
Danny chirps! He fucking chirps! Like a baby bird!
Dick is trying so hard to be normal but if you had an adorable and clingy batboy you'd do the same.
Dick wants to tell the world about his batboy.
And he does. When he's Nightwing he will not shut up about how much he adores his sidekick. God forbid Robin is visiting, Dick will cry while taking hundreds of pictures of them together.
Damian doesn't like Batboy at all. At least that's what he says. He's just jealous that Batboy has bat wings. Damian warms up to him after they go out gliding together and get to study his wings.
It however goes downhill when they go on a misadventure and Batboy took a bite out of Scarecrow. Batboy had an immunity to fear toxins, instead, it overstimulated him. He ended up lounging at Scarecrow when he taunted Damian as the boy was paralyzed by the gas. When Damian was able to get back on his feet he found Batboy sobbing with his mouth covered in blood.
"Im sorry. I didn't. I didn't mean to-" His wings shielded him from sight.
Scarecrow was alive but the two sets of puncture wounds on his neck and the claw marks were not doing him any favors. The bite seemed to render him immobile at least for now. A symptom of a bat bite was paralysis.
Damian notified the others. Bruce and Dick got there first. Both adults were thankful they were okay but there was a disagreement.
"Nightwing you don't even know what the boy is. He could have killed Scarecrow. We don't know what he's capable of yet. He lost control." Batman stated firmly looking at the blood-stained teen that clung to Nightwing.
"He was protecting Damian. He didn't want to do that." Nightwing pulled Batboy behind him.
"It doesn't matter what he wanted to do. What will you do if he loses control and actually kills someone next time?" Bruce crossed his arms.
"All of us are capable of losing control and killing. I did it and you never came down on me like this. You are a hypocrite. You think he's a monster because he's not human." Nightwing was not going to let Batman point a finger at his son like this. He killed Joker once and he had don it out of rage and hate, not even to protect someone else.
"What I'm saying is that he isnt human. We don't don't know how he can be affected. We don't know his weaknesses. What if someone else figures out what fear toxin does to him and turns him into a weapon? Will his guilt be enough to stop him or will it destroy him? Do you want him to become like Man-Bat? Do you want to put your son in danger?" Batman didn't give in to Nightwing's taunt and stated his view firmly.
"We're leaving." Nightwing picked up the shrinking Batboy and made his escape but not before hugging Robin goodbye.
Nightwing had to move quickly. He could feel Danny getting smaller with every step.
This happened sometimes. Danny would sometimes retreat inwards when he was stressed. He changed to become as vulnerable as he felt.
When they got home Danny looked to be just 3 years old.
"Its okay baby bat. Not one is going to hurt you. I promised remember?" Dick held the chind aginst his chest.
"I'm so sorry. It's all my fault." Danny said between gasping breaths trying not to cry. His small wings wrapped around Dick's shoulders
"No, its not. You did the right thing no matter what Batman says. I'm proud of you."Dick said stroking Danny's black-streaked white locks.
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(*Does a silly jig*)
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maiko-san · 7 months
Catnap + Dogday x Reader ( Part 5 )
<<< Part 4 , Part 6 >>>
Relationship : Fluff
Warning : ⚠️ Mention of blood / gore, human experiments ⚠️
Plot : You were sleeping until you woke up and realised you weren't in the infirmary anymore
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Catnap has made his decision, he decides to pay you a visit. Even if it is just a mere minute.
This is the only time he disobeyed The Prototype, surely his god would understand, right?
He had pleaded The Prototype to spare you out of all humans in the facility.
The Prototype accepted it but he won't assure about your survival during the massacre. Whatever happens to you will be Catnap's responsibility.
How about he convince you to join him? To be in the team and follow The Prototype?
It makes Catnap feel happy at the thought of the person he loves joining the team.
Just you and him, might even Dogday if he ever joined the group.
Wait...What if you refuse? Surely you wouldn't, right? If you refuse then he will force you. Yeah, definitely because he wants you safe.
Even it means dragging you down to the deepest and darkest of the Playtime Co, just to keep you safe.
As soon Catnap reaches the infirmary, he peeks his head in the room only to find it empty.
You weren't in the room, where could you have gone to? Then, his nose picks up a familiar scent.
No...it cannot be.
His pupils dilate as he quickly crawls through the vents and makes his way towards the laboratory.
You hear voices around you which causes you to wake up.
All you see was the white ceiling instead of the colourful ones, you tried to move your body but you couldn't.
"You're finally awake"
You turn your head to the source and see one of the higher ups, a man in lab coat. You've seen him before but where...?
If you remember correctly, you've seen him in the organisation chart and also on the papers you always work on.
"Dr. Sawyer...?"
"Oh, so you know me... interesting"
In his hand, he held a clipboard. He jotted something on the paper before looking down on you.
You are confused.
What's happening?
Where are you? What is this place? Why are you....here?
"I'm sure you have a lot of questions on your mind. You are in the Bigger Body Initiative programming room"
"Bigger...Body Initiative?"
"We've been monitoring you for quite a long time, now. It's quite hard to find someone that is compatible with our program. We have finally found a suitable host for our newest mascot, you are...perfect"
"Host...m-mascot? W-what are you saying?!"
You have to escape. If you stay you will never know what they will do to you!
Then, the metal doors before you open and came in a doll....
An angel doll with a pair of wings and a golden halo on top of her head, the doll is very beautiful like an angel as it is.
"All the children needed now is an angel to protect them, guide them and help the Playtime Co flourish. Your personality will become handy and guide the children to a better future for the company"
Every word he's saying, you don't like it one bit....
Dr. Sawyer leaves the room, saying you should get accustomed to the doll first.
You begin tugging on the belt on your wrist but they are too tight. You stare up at the ceiling above you.
You cannot escape....
You don't have anything on you to help you escape.
You slowly take in your surroundings, there is a table next to you full of operating equipment, which makes you pale.
Are they going to dissect you and sell your organs?!
Hell no!
"Help! Please!"
You cried out for help, though your voice fell into deaf ears. Tears start pouring out from your eyes, is this how you will die?
Plap, plap, plap.
Your ears pick up a pitter patter on the floor, you look down only to see a plush version of Catnap staring up at you with its beady black eyes.
Did...the plush just....moved?
Then, it tilts its head causing you to flinch in surprise.
The plush begins to climb on the table and hops on to you, you begin to panic and close your eyes, waiting for the pain to come.
The straps on your wrists were loose and you open your eyes to see Catnap plush gnawing on the leather strap on your ankle.
Freeing you.
With your hands free, you quickly unstrap the belt on your other leg and hop off the bed. You walk over to the door but it won't open.
You begin to look around and notice a vent but it's high up, you can't reach it even if you climb on the table.
What are you going to do?!
You feel a soft tap on your ankle and you look down to see Plushnap, nudging your leg before pointing up at the vent.
You told it you can't reach it.
Then, Plushnap does a throwing motion before holding out its tail and stretches it with its paws.
It doesn't take you long to know what it was thinking.
Now, you hold Plushnap with your strong hand as the toy wraps its tail tightly around your wrist.
"Are you ready, buddy?"
You give your best swing and throw Plushnap towards the vent as it tail stretches like a rope, the toy grabs hold on to the vent door as you begin to tug on its tail.
The vent door snaps open as you watch Plushnap crawl into the ventilation system, before you know it. You feel yourself being hoisted up.
How can a plush pull a full grown adult?!
Once you enter the vent, you feel arms dragging you and your face slams into rough fur.
That smells like lavender.
"Star....are you alright?"
You pull yourself off from the tight embrace and meet face to face with Catnap.
Before you could question him, he bites the back of your gown, holding you like you are a kitten and begins to crawl fast through the vents. ( you were so close to slip out of the hospital gown since it's just a piece of thin cloth )
"Catnap! W-what's happening and what is this place?!"
"....Not now, must.....get you... somewhere safe...stay quiet or...they'll hear us .."
Even though Catnap crawls through the vents fast, he doesn't make too much noise thanks to his soft paws and being lightweight unlike the other smiling critters. He was built to be silent so he doesn't wake up the sleeping orphans while he does his patrols in the night.
You look through the gap of the vent doors to see people in lab coats.
Who are these people? You know they have a science department but....these people are.....different.
Then, your eyes widen when you pass a vent door. You see a dissected body of a child....
Your hand slaps your mouth, you were horrified at the sight. Next to the dissected body is a bloody toy that has organs in it.
Are they...putting human organs into toys?
What kind of madness is this?
Are they...no, are they using the orphans for sick experiments?!
All the sudden, the alarm went off.
"Did they know?!"
"Containment has been breached. Experiment 1006 has breached containment. All personnel please evacuate immediately and go towards the nearest evacuation centre, this is not a drill. I repeat, this is not a drill"
Catnap then tosses you over his shoulder as you wrap your arms around his neck.
The feline slams his paw on the vent door and jumps down on the ground.
You see people running around and being attacked by....the toys.
Your eyes widen in horror at the sight of the toys biting and clawing onto the scientists, tearing and pulling on their skin. You could see flesh and muscles, even bones!
There's so much....blood.
Suddenly, something covers your face and it was a mask. You try to pry it off but something doesn't let you do so.
"Must...wear mask..."
Catnap said into your ears, you see a thick cloud of red smoke coming out from his mouth and it begins to fill the entire hallway.
Some of the scientists begin to drop down after they inhale the red smoke. You watch as the toys begin to bite down on their motionless body like a pack of hungry hyenas.
You were breathing heavily at the horrific sight, the small toys had come to life and kills everyone.
You can hear bloodcurdling screams in the distance, some were calling for help.
Catnap's eyes look at your form, he can see your pale face through the mask and your entire body shaking like a leaf. He has to do something, he didn't expect it happen now.
Maybe ...using the red smoke on you could help you...just a little whiff.
He can manipulate your dream, yeah. He makes sure that everything was a nightmare.
Yes, he will do it.
You feel the mask loosen and the smell of the red smoke begins to enter your airway. Then, you start to feel drowsy and the next thing you know.
Everything turns black.
A/n : I'm sorry for not updating for a long time, I had a writer's block for the past days. I apologise for that 😭. I know this is a short chapter and I will do better next time, I hope this stupid a** writer's block goes away soon.
For those who send me asks, I will answer them soon.
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ishiplove · 2 years
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dcxdpdabbles · 8 months
God, I love the Cave Boy series. Will the batfam manage to find him after he dips. Will they ever find out about his powers. So many questions
Danny stays underground for days.
He doesn't know the exact time frame because he only goes to the surface to grab supplies. He makes sure to only fully emerge when there is no light out.
It was a bigger risk to be caught by the Waynes, who only operated in the dark, but it ensured fewer eyewitnesses were around. Danny Kane was still a very hot celebrity for taking down the Joker- he would be surrounded by a mob of fans if he walked down the street.
He moved his ship into a deeper cave by phasing the large metal and all his equipment through solid rock, which was not easy. It was a miracle he found a little pocket to set up shop.
Danny thinks the little pocket- surrounded by stone with no opening at all, was formed after a cave-in at one point. It was large enough to work on his ship and had just enough space to set up a sleeping bag and a tent for rest.
He rarely uses that space nowadays.
Danny had stolen from a camping store- taking with him an entire box of lanterns that he placed strategically around his space. They threw light to the large four walls of stone- making him feel trapped inside a midevil dungeon, and somehow, it also made him think incredulity alone.
That was the worst part of this whole change of scenery. He doesn't want to admit it, but he got used to Wayne Manor and the colorful characters there.
He hadn't even done anything besides lay around but he missed the sound of people. Even before Bruce had found him, Danny would see people often as he wandered around gathering a sense of the city.
Now, he was genuinely suffocating alone. He didn't feel the loss often, but there were times when it felt like being hit by a truck.
It's when his own ice powers reach into his bones, causing his teeth to clatter and curl up into a smaller ball on the cave ground, that Danny misses the Manor the most. He stole food from the stores- but without any way to cook or heat it up, it's limited to the packed food.
Sometimes, while eating packs of dried fruit, he thinks longingly of Alfred's warm meals. Then he remembers how they looked at him when his lies got so out of hand that they believed Bruce's parents lived in his world and he could suppress the longing to return.
Danny has made leaps and bounds on building his ship since he no longer pretends to be Brucie. He no longer filled the hours with nonsense, only being awake to work or stealing what he needed to continue working.
Unlike before, Danny had developed a tunnel version of finishing his project. He no longer wanted to give himself time to ensure everything was fine.
He just wanted to go home.
He's gotten better at wielding using his own ghost laser, and now his ship had its full body. It was missing seats, a window, and even a steering program that actually turned when he wanted- but he was getting closer and closer every day.
All the small technology pieces he stole from the Waynes were on one side- ripped apart for the needed parts. He would spend hours carefully opening everything to check what he could use and what he could melt down to repurpose.
Danny carefully pulls out some small wires from the electric candle he took from the Wayne Dinner table when his vision blurs. He takes a moment to blink rapidly, trying to let the sudden burst of lightheadedness pass him.
Sadly, it was only a few seconds before he crumbled to the hard ground. He gasps, the cold coming back tenfold, and he can do nothing but lay there and pray the pain passes.
Danny hadn't felt this weak since his ice core first developed. Even the first Ghostly Wail hadn't made his limbs feel this heavy.
He knows he has been pushing himself too far lately- barely eating or sleeping- but Danny can't risk any wasted second. He saw the resources the Bats have.
It was only a matter of time before they found him- even if they would need to drill through the solid stone for hours to reach him- and he didn't want to face them after the guilt of lying to them was slowly eating him alive.
He had kept the Wayne at arm's length the entire time, living under the pretense of being Bruce Wayne's counterpart. He told himself he wanted nothing to do with their nightly battle against evil- and he didn't!- and that he could care less if they treated him as family.
He took everything they gave him without hesitation, telling himself they were fools for letting anyone in and stealing from them. Danny thought it would not matter as he would finish his ship and be flying home long before they realized he wasn't Bruce.
Until they stop treating him so warmly after killing the Joker. Danny wasn't sorry about it, but suddenly, he was a stranger in a crowd to them.
Danny had no right to be upset. He lied. He didn't want to be Brucie to them and had actively made Tim look bad by being as Unproactive as possible, going along with changed narratives of his world.
Danny had used the Waynes.
Yes, he did so, believing they were a cult or an evil madman, but he learned that wasn't the case early on. He could have ended the lie at any moment, but he didn't because he figured it would be harmless.
Then he realized that Bruce's parents were killed in front of him- the story wasn't hard to find when he actually bothered to look into the Waynes at a local high school library after hours.
Not only did he find the horrific story, but he found out that almost all the Waynes had a tragic story. Dick's parents were murdered in an accident that wasn't an accident at all.
Tim's parents were killed by a madman with boomerangs. Jason's father died in prison, and his mother overdosed before Bruce took him in. Duke's parents were patients with no working mind because of the Joker (Danny should have made his death last longer).
The only ones that didn't seem to be Cass and Damian, but he knew it was likely due to Bruce not wanting the public to learn that they came from abusive households- he figured that much out by their reactions.
Even Alfred had a history of PTSD from his time in the army. There was an article about a scandal when Bruce had actually been a child- apparently, someone had thought to release firecrackers under the servant's table, and Alfred had panicked. People had mocked him about it for months.
Everyone had a reason to be a villain, yet they all had opened their home to him and been nothing but kind. They were good, and they treated him like family.
Danny felt sick with himself, for being so self-centered he never bothered to really get to know them. And now he never could.
A few tears rolled down his face as his vision started to blur out more and more.
No use crying over it now, Fenton. Though the haze of exhaustion doesn't let him get up from the floor, he thinks bitterly.
He'll rest for a little bit, then get back to work. Only for a few minutes/
Danny doesn't notice his body has shifted in his Ghist side, slowly redirecting his energy to his core, so that his healing could help overcome the unknown days.
He is not aware his heartbeat stops at the same time.
"I can't hear him anymore!" A young boy screams, pressing his ear against a stone. Horror clouds his voice as he turns to stare at another boy. "His heartbeat....it's not...."
"We must make haste! Breakthrough now!" The other boy snaps.
"But that might cause the cave to fall on top of him." The other rubs his hands together nervously. "I think we may be too late to save-"
"Every second we waste is a second that Brucie gets closer to death!" His company growls savagely, though the tears in his eyes make him less scary. "We have to at least bring his body home- we-I can't- he needs to be buried properly."
Not even a second passed before the other boy threw his shoulders back, yanking out his phone and pressing a speed dial two.
His father picks up two rings. "Jon?"
"Dad! We found Brucie! He was stuck in a cave underneath the tunnels leading to Gotham Cemetry. Can you come help me get him out?"
"I'll be right there."
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iwaasfairy · 3 months
a quick little smt smt because kenma has been on my mind since I watched the movIEEEE I loVE HIM O WANT hIM ♡♡
tw twincest, implied past underage content
“Don���t let the twins run off together without supervision,” your mom used to tell your aunt if she’d babysit. ‘Babysit’ as in lighten the load of two sneaky, restless pre-teens on your very overworked parents. Your brother was quiet, and shy around everyone that he didn’t know well, but he was always a force with you. One who knew what he wanted, and would get you to play along as long as you’d let him.
They’re up to no good, she’d pet your head with affection, but brows furrowed with something other. Aunts, cousins, family friends. Always said it with a certain look at you both, before leaning in to whisper— and you guess back then they knew something you didn’t.
Kenma probably knew. He just didn’t care you never did, because even with the added surveillance of older cousins he’d still find a way to dash off with your hand in his. Giggling and panting where you’d snuggle together in the alley behind the woodshed, or ducked into the pantry under the stairs to whisper and let him show you all kinds of things. Usually it was just the next enemy on his beat up Gameboy, or some cards he traded with Kuroo, or even a new trick with the ball. Sometimes it was something else, hand over your mouth when he told you to keep quiet.
“Your teacher told me a certain pair of twins always skip out on classes together,” your dad chastises over dinner one night after a big volleybal match. “Wonder which twins he could possibly be referring to.” This time it was the back room behind the gym equipment— only hastily cleaned up before the teachers stormed in. Can’t help it, a slight smile starts pulling at your lips.
You almost laugh when Kenma kicks your foot under the table, as your spoon clings too hard against the porcelain plates. “Just because Kenma does stupid boy stuff that will get him in trouble—” Your father’s thin glasses are down his nose as he looks at just you, interrupting your opened mouth to point your way, “doesn’t mean you have to join him. I really expect better from you kids.”
He acts like you’re supposed to know better. Maybe he should wonder if Kenma’s just convincing. It’s a simple and quick answer, he is. From the way Kenma slurps his soup, staring you down across the table under thick, playful lashes, you learn that apparently it’s more acceptable for boys to act mischievous. “Sorry, dad.” Big brother sighs.
Kenma’s feet grab yours to pull it up onto his chair, then plays with your toes so that you have to hold the giggle from breaking out in between the sharp breathing through your nose. “Sorry, daddy.” You parrot when he doesn’t let up, biting your lip at the way he pushes his thumb in.
Your dad is none the wiser, and just sighs. “You’re the older brother, Kenma. I want you to take care of your sister, not lead her astray.”
He does though, you want to say. Just maybe not in the way they’d like to see him care.
It’s only natural that you follow your big brother, your other half, across Tokyo after graduation. Into a bigger apartment where he can stream— when he asks it under hushed whispers trailing fingers down your arm. Of course you say yes.
It’s how you find yourself with your head on his lap, letting his long, skinny fingers trail through your hair as he sinks deeper into the couch. “D’you want some Thai too? I have to work at three so we can’t go out yet. That’s okay by you, right?” He’s so pretty from here, looks down at you with those sharp, calculating eyes with a softness reserved for just you.
“I’ll eat what you eat, nii nii,” you yawn, and also lift your upper half a bit more to press kisses to his hard cock, lick up the bead of glistening precum there. You’ll do whatever your twin wants you to do. You’ll do what you’ve always done.
Taking his cock into your mouth makes him let out the prettiest mumble, pushing up into your soft lips a little more as he agrees. “I know.” You let your head be pushes down as you hollow your cheeks around him, and choke just a little before you reach his pubes- pushing into the back of your throat. It’s hot, and he tastes so good. “I don’t need anyone else. Y’know that?”
“Mhm,” you’re nodding while pulling back, instead going to suck on his balls with an eager tongue. His cock twitches to get back to you. And the coy smile on your face as you look up from his lap makes him groan, holding the phone away from his mouth for a few seconds to watch you. “Guess we shouldn’t have been let off without supervision, huh?”
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stelladess · 13 days
A detail that I really like with this specific Ifrit outfit:
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The fuel canisters:
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They are two small ones. Compare to her original outfit:
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These canisters are HUGE in comparison.
Firstly, her new outfit of course looks more casual, walking around with huge fuel canisters for her flamethrower would be weird.... but I think there is a bigger reason, since logically she would only bring the canisters when already bringing her flamethrower.... she does not need the big canisters anymore, why? Because she is actually using her head and trying to hold back to not cause any unnecessary destruction. We also see her just hitting people with her weapon or bare hands in Lone trail when more convenient. She is a lot more skilled of a fighter by now and therefore does not need to spam flames everywhere anymore, so she opts for lighter equipment for more convenient carrying.
Which also fits with how she has mellowed out and learned to better deal with her issues, and grown to be a more responsible person (I highly recommend reading her oprecs btw).
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aknolan · 2 years
You know, in all the posts I've seen about how great Leverage is (which are the posts that got me to watch the show!) there's one part of it that doesn't really come up. They take down the bad guys, and that's really cool, and the characters are incredible, and that's also really cool.
What gets me the most though? Is the jobs where they make things better.
The jobs where they do still take down the bad guys, give them their due, stop the harm. But they also make things better.
Sometimes it's small things, like the Tap Out Job where the guy they help gets to run the boxing club going forward, keep his people safe. The checks they sometimes give at the end of an episode, with a suggestion of what to use it for, fall into this theme.
Slightly bigger, you get things like the Underground Job where the mine will have proper safety equipment now and an owner who will keep it that way. Or the Blue Line Job, which comes with a show of solidarity between the guys that fight each other on the ice - but not when it could kill one of them. Not once they know. And now they'll make sure no one faces that risk again.
On a personal level, there's the Carnival Job, where a father ends up connecting with his daughter again by the end.
And then there's the episode that got me thinking about this.
The Gimme A K Street Job.
For once, they're doing a (mostly) legal job. And the end goal is simple: get laws into place so teenage girls won't get hurt from the lack of safety regulations.
And they do it.
And going forward, no more teenage girls are going to break their bones because they landed on a mat that doesn't give anything except the illusion of protection.
Leverage is different from the typical crime solving show because of the robin hood angle, sure. But it's also different because every now and then, they don't just catch the bad guy. Every now and then, they make things better.
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redflagshipwriter · 3 months
Halfa Cass Chapter 7 part 1/2
“I see,” said Alfie, hands full of breakfast dishes. “When can I expect you to return home, Miss Cassandra?” Calm. Composed. She followed at his back with the empty water and juice pitchers.
She hummed, doing math in her head. 90 minutes on a fast bike, unknown time there, 90 minutes back. “Dinner?” Cass guessed. “Will message again at 3 with updated estimate.” She put the pitchers down beside the sink silently.
Alfie gave a brisk nod at that sensible plan. Approval. “Very well, Miss. Please drive carefully.” He paused. “And do not forget hydration and your sunscreen.”
“Love you too,” she said, and went to put on the sunscreen. Then she was a whirlwind to get ready. Athletic undersuit, first. Pullover mask in the back, a long hood design that hooked back in on itself. Convenient! Gloves in black jeans pockets. Ankle boots, good for kicking and for driving. 
Cass put her flying suit in her student backpack and put her hands on her hips. She looked around. Room? Clean enough. Equipment? Packed. Reasonable projection of needs? Cass crinkled up her brow and made her best judgment. Probably minimal. Combat not expected, companion powerful. 
“Jacket,” Cass muttered to herself, sudden realization! She darted across the house to get it. The green jacket was important. It was a talisman. It was representative. It was a civilian flying suit that reminded her she was powerful and beautiful. 
When she had it on, she went back for her student back bag and then left from the upper level garage. Black bike, nondescript. Mid range price. 
Cass paused astride the bike, feet firmly planted on either side on the crunchy white gravel of their long driveway. She unzipped the front left pocket and withdrew her phone. To Marvel, she said,
🦇 🏍️ ⬆️ == 1.5 h ⌚ 
Then she opened a new message to Batdad. She didn’t want him to worry. So she said,
💕 👋🏼  🏍️ 
The last person to get a message was Stephanie, who was not flying because she was still in medical schooling. Cass sent,
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Just because it was funny. It would make Stephanie laugh.
Then she was off.
Cass pulled her black bat hood down when she found the right area. It was day. Many stares that she loftily ignored. The meeting spot wasn’t Gotham or Fawcett. The laughing magician was in dingy small town, smoking and drinking. Captain Marvel found him first and hauled him out, friendly arm over shoulder. Cass crouched on the roof of nextdoor building to silently peer down, batting a little for the comfort factor of bat things. He was still big-man Marvel-lie, but with new clothes. Happy face with torn jeans and t-shirt. She squinted. Same Marvel shoes. Hmm. No budget, Cass decided. If any budget, better shoes.
Constantine blinked up at Captain Marvel, dazed from alcohol but interested in big handsome man. “Where are you taking me, prettyboy?” He slurred. He was a mess. He reached up and cupped Marvel’s face.
Cass moved. 
Constantine noticed her rapid approach and stumbled upright. Eyes sharp, intelligent. Then: dismay. “Fuck,” he said. Very unhappy. Genuine dislike. “A bat. Which one are you?” Disdain. 
Cass frowned. “Hands off,” she demanded. She crossed her arms. “He’s baby.”
“What?” Marvel said, sounding distressed. Ah. He didn’t know that she knew.
“Really?” Constantine said, wrinkling his face up and looking between her and Marvel pointedly. Because he was a foolish little man who didn’t understand facts that walked into his life. “A nightmare like you pulled this bloke? Fuck my life.”
Yes. A nightmare. Your nightmare.
Cass stretched her mask mouth wider so the teeth would stretch and pull even bigger. She leered at him with all her scariness. He looked like he wished she would leave. Wondered if he made good decision. Regret. Regret. I run my big damn mouth.
“Hey!” Marvel rallied, totally missing the body language interplay. “She’s not a nightmare! Black Bat is very kind and smart.” He put his hands on his hips, which happily meant he had to stop supporting middle-aged wizard weight.
Constantine said some curses under his voice that she didn’t know. He fished around in his pocket and pulled out a packet of cigarettes. The rattling from inside told Cass: three cigarettes. No metal, no secret hidden weapon unless it closely resembled cigarette shape. Maintain wariness. He lit it on fire with his fingers.
What? No lighter? Cass saw no lighter.
While Cass was busy frowning about that the wizard turned on his heel. “Toodles,” he said, and then Marvel grabbed him. 
“Wait! We need your professional help.”
“Do I look like I’m working?” Grungy wizard demanded. He waved a hand up and down his body, showing off his sleeveless tank top and tight pants. 
“Yes.” Black Bat took a couple steps closer. She knew this. “You were working. You’re not so intoxicated. You were running a scam for funding. You need money?” She kept anything out of her tone that could sound like judgment, leaving it cold and empty. No-nonsense. “I pay for consultation.”
Grungy wizard paused, looking her up and down. He took a drag on his cigarette. Stinky wizard. He blew it out at Marvel, RUDE wizard. “Really?” He was dubious. “Where’s the catch?” Stinky wizard scrunkled his face at her. “Usually it’s all ‘you owe it to the world, it’s for the good of humanity, don’t you have any decency?” with you people.
Cass rolled her eyes. “Can we cut the-” her eyes darted to Marvel. “Bullshit?” she finished, because it was the right word even if there were little ears present. “One thousand dollars American.”
Captain Marvel looked at her, eyes wide. Shocked. Envy. Small.
Oh. She hid her sudden bad feeling. 
“...Make it one and a half thousand, Bird, that’s a love,” oozed the Stinky Wizardman. He didn’t expect, but-
“Fine.” Cass said briskly. She didn’t want to spend a lot of time on money. She pulled out her wallet and withdrew one hundred dollar bills until she had 15. The Wizard cursed jealousy and ran a hand through his hair. Marvel was fascinated. Hmm. She held it out.
The wizard wanted it. He looked. He really wanted it. But: wary. No trust. Can’t trust a bat.
She let out a disgusted sigh. Black Bat shook the bills at him impatiently. “My Black Bat fund,” she said, in a tone that meant ‘do you have a brain that thinks thoughts?’ She continued, “For my use in-suit. Obviously real money. Obviously non-consecutive legal tender.” Duh.
“Okie Dokie!” Marvel said cheerfully. “We’re back on track.”
The wizard snatched it and stuffed it in his back pocket, hungry dog, don’t take it from me, I need it. “Let’s not talk here. I have a hotel room.” 
‘Did the stinkyman invite Marvel-baby to his hotel?’
Cass cut the wizard a death look.
He coughed and avoided looking at her. 
That was a yes. “You’re a bad judge of people,” she told the wizard, voice full of disdain. “Yes. Let’s go.” She pointedly moved in between him and Marvel-baby. 
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haykawas · 1 year
summary : you have five days to ask your hot tattooed boss out. better make it count.
word count : 3.6K. tags : tattoo shop owner!suguru, modern au, pining, workplace AU, fem!reader, very domestic, fluff (?), satoru being annoying.
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It was still very early in the morning. Just a few cars were driving by, and most of the curtains were still drawn. The only sounds you could hear came from the soft pitter-patter of the rain crashing against the pavement.
You wiped a droplet that had caught on your eyelash, inhaling the fresh air of October.
You loved fall.
Vivid colors were beginning to paint the trees and foliage everywhere, and people had already started decorating their houses for Halloween, setting the mood for the whole city. Another advantage was that almost every morning, you got to warm your cold hands around some hot cocoa.
You grinned as you took a sip of your drink, the warm beverage burning your throat, and you let out a pleased hum of satisfaction at the feeling. Your umbrella shielded you from the rain almost entirely, even though a few drops still managed to reach you. But you didn’t mind that, at all. In fact, it soothed you. So much, that you could feel your eyelids becoming heavy.
You shook your head to wake up from your daze. Today, you actually had some work waiting for you at the shop, and you couldn’t afford to fall behind it, or become distracted. At all. Be it by the soothing sounds of the rain, or by your stupidly handsome boss and coworker.
You pushed the door of the shop open, shaking your umbrella before putting it down to dry. You expected to find the parlor still dark and quiet, but you were surprised by the sight when your eyes caught onto Satoru.
Satoru. Here. Before you.
You had to be dreaming.
It wasn’t that Satoru was a heavy sleeper, no. In fact, he was actually often – always? – up very early, but he absolutely never arrived before you did. Despite being an early riser, he almost came to work late every morning for some reason, and you simply blamed the fact he’d always been peculiar as far as you’d known him. That or maybe he’d gotten involved into some shady operations, but again, it was none of your business.
It must’ve helped that he was the most talented tattoo artist you’d ever met – the best of his generation, you’d often heard people say. And Suguru’s best friend, too. 
As you approached him, you couldn’t suppress the smirk that crept onto your lips, “Gojo Satoru, here already? Thought I was seeing a ghost. Did you get lost on your way to your secret underground lair?”
Satoru laughed, wiggling his brows at you, “You wish I’d tell you, uh?” You couldn’t help but snort.
“Yeah, right, just wanted to know what you were up to. You think because you’re friends with the boss you get to slack off, loser?”
Satoru feigned indignation, one hand hovering over his heart, “I’ll have you know I’m a very busy man!”
“And to what do I owe the please of your company then, Mister busy man?” You said, trying to keep yourself from laughing at his face.
“Does there always have to be a reason?” He lifted a brow, hands on his hips.
“Suguru asked me.” He grumbled as your smile grew even bigger. “But I won’t be around all day, just came in earlier to get more work done.”
“Oh?” Your eyes found his, curious, “Any reason why?”
“He needs some help with personal stuff, I think? So I’m dropping by. And since he won’t be coming in to work today, I volunteered to take in his shift. Aren’t I just perfect?”
“He didn’t give you a choice, did he?”
“Nope!”  Your friend exclaimed, and you watched him walk away to prepare the shop for opening.
However, your smile quickly faded and you found yourself lost in thought. Was there a particular reason why Suguru wouldn’t show up at work today? You observed your friend for a moment, a faint smile on your lips as you saw him struggling to set up all the work equipment for the day, wondering if you would even dare ask him about his best friend’s whereabouts.
Of course, such a question wouldn’t have been abnormal at all if you’d asked literally anyone else. But this was Satoru. The same Satoru that had always teased you relentlessly about your love life since you’d met in college. The very same Satoru who’d caught you, not so long ago, daydreaming while intently looking at his best friend. You remembered it like it was yesterday, the knowing smile he’d made when your eyes had met after you had averted your gaze from Suguru.
And since then, it’d been hell. He just wouldn’t let it go. While he hadn’t addressed the matter directly with you, he’d been dropping constant hints, which you’d vehemently denied.
But this had been your mistake, denying it. Because even if carefree, Satoru was far from stupid, and he must have realized that you’d never gone to such lengths to deny a supposed crush before.
And yet, he’d teased you more than once, and not only with your former college aquaintances, but also with Choso, your coworker – the same Choso you’d always considered like your own brother, the mere thought of the two of you together making you uneasy.
He must have felt your persistent glare on him, because Satoru stopped what he’d been doing and turned to you, hands on his hips.
“Spit it out, I know you’ve been dying to ask.” He said, breaking the silence.
Your eyes widened, and you felt your cheeks burn. Why did he have to be so observant? You sighed, breaking eye contact, unable to withstand his piercing blue gaze. He knew you far too well now, so much that it had become dangerous.
“You know, secrets have a way of gnawing at you and you’ve never been good at hiding things from me! So,” He dragged out, slowly approaching you, “what’s up?”
You rolled your eyes, “You’re making a big deal out of nothing, again. Just thinking about Suguru, he usually, like, never misses a day.” You immediately cursed at yourself for saying it that way, and admitting you were literally thinking about your boss, his best friend.
“Ohhh, so that’s what it was about?” He replied, his eyes twinkling with mischief, but he made absolutely no comment. Well, that was new. And concerning.
He shrugged, “He didn’t tell me much.”
“But if you’re that curious, I’m heading to his place right after my shift. Sooo,” He dragged out, feigning nonchalance, but side-eyeing you at the same time. “You could tag along.”
You blinked at the proposal. You? At Suguru’s house, uninvited? When you could be home relaxing instead of freaking out for intruding on his private space? Yeah, sure, like you would agree. However, before you could voice your refusal, Satoru beat you to it.
“He could use your help.”
Oh. Oh, that fucker knew how to play his cards just right.
“Fine, I’ll go.” And before Satoru could jump on you to choke you with one of his infamous bear hugs – they were more like headlocks, really –, you lifted a finger to add one condition, “But only if I don’t fall behind on my appointments!”
Satoru rolled his eyes, waving you off, “Sure, yeah, whatever you say!”
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You now stood in front of Suguru’s apartment, cursing the day you’d decided to befriend the white-haired menace that was your friend.
You considered going back, but the door opened before you had the chance to say a single word, revealing a very disheveled Suguru. Your mouth fell open in surprise, eyes briefly meeting Suguru’s dark orbs before he redirected them towards his friend, who was already whining, making comments about him being some kind of sorcerer, because how could he possibly have known they’d be here?
“You stomp like crazy, man. I’d have to be deaf not to know.” He grumbled. Satoru stuck his tongue out at him, showing no signs of remorse, and Suguru flipped him off.
“Hey, manners! I brought a guest!” He exclaimed, his arms still around your shoulders as he squeezed you against him to make your presence known. 
Suguru immediately redirected his attention toward you, his scowl transforming into a small knowing smile.
“I can see that.” His eyes lingered on you, before he redirected his attention to Satoru, “And to what do I owe the honor?”
His friend groaned in annoyance, “Quit the formalities and just let us in!” He said, immediately pushing Suguru aside to barge into his flat. “Don’t you know letting guests wait outside is rude?”
“You’re not a guest. Who called you in, already?”
“You did! Shoko told me you also wanted me to bring you stuff. And because I’m such an amazing friend, I’m here! There,” Satoru tossed him the folders he’d brought from work, Suguru catching them effortlessly.
He sighed, figuring out the issue. “I specifically asked Shoko to do it because I knew for a fact you were gonna come here and give me a headache.”
The white-haired man lifted his hands in surrender, “Promise I’ll be on my best behavior!” Before disappearing into his friend’s house.
You silently cursed at your friend for leaving you there alone with his best friend, especially so when you turned your head towards him only to find him already eyeing you up with a slightly amused smirk, enjoying your slight – and very noticeable – discomfort.
“You wanna come in?” He asked as he made space for you. You nodded and stepped into the apartment, brushing against Suguru who still lingered in the doorway.
You observed his place, eyes going over his wooden furniture, and found yourself pleasantly surprised by the warmth it seemed to exude. It was certainly very different from the modern and somewhat cold feel of Satoru’s apartment, which you’d visited several times before.
“You like it?”
“I do, it’s very…warm. And personal.”
He laughed deeply, “I do spend most of my time here, and Satoru’s there very often. It had to be.”
You hummed, smiling at him in understanding.
“So what made you skip work today, boss?” You lift a brow with a teasing smile, finally asking the million-dollar question.
“Ah, please don’t remind me. I keep thinking about the things I’m gonna have to take care of when I get back.” He sighed. “But I’ve been feeling sick since last night, figured I’d stay home like a recluse instead of contaminating you all.”
“Well, until you two showed up.”
“Hey! I had to, Satoru practically dragged me here!” You exclaimed, and he snorted at your apparent distress, not thinking for a second that you’d just lied to his face. Satoru had asked you once, and you’d said yes. He didn’t even have to convince you. 
“I know how he can be, I’m not blaming you!” He chuckled fondly, envisioning perfectly how Satoru must have dragged you here against your will like he’d always done with him.
“But just so you know,” He continued, “you don’t have to go all this way for me because I’m your boss, hm? They’re gonna think I’m taking advantage of you outside your hours.” He teased with a grin, and you had to advert your eyes from the blinding sight that he was.
“It’s not like that, really. You’re a friend of Satoru’s, so you’re not just my boss.” You said without thinking, and Suguru hummed in approval. “Besides, I figured you’d need some help with stuff. And I’m not sure Satoru’s the one for the task. Where the hell did he go?” 
“Help?” He cocked his head, as he thought about it, ignoring your question. He knew where his best friend was, either sleeping or rummaging through his games and making a mess in his bedroom, as usual. It must have looked innocent to some, but the dark-haired man knew his friend had been up to something, for the past few days. And he had to find out what it was.
“Well, now that you’re asking, I was just about to start on dinner before you two barged in. Care to help out?”
As the sun dipped below the horizon, casting a warm orange glow across Suguru’s cozy kitchen, you found yourself standing beside him, listening to his voice as he gave you advice on how he liked to prep his ingredients. 
“So, what’s on the menu tonight, Chef?” You joked, trying to break the tension that seemed to hang in the air. You two weren’t used to be alone without Satoru as an intermediary, and it couldn’t be more obvious.
Suguru cleared his throat, his voice deeper than usual, slightly hoarse from the sickness. “Hm, was thinking of making my famous stir-fry,” he replied, “can you gather the ingredients?”
“Yes, Chef!” You grinned, and he chuckled at your enthusiasm. He leaned against the counter, a soft smile on his lips as he watched you bustling about, gathering all the utensils you’d need to make dinner. You quickly turned to ask him where he kept the rice, and caught him following your every move, his eyes half-lidded. You heart skipped a beat, and you immediately turned back around, forgetting what you were about to ask him.
He was sick. You had to get it back together.
Shaking your head, you opened the cupboard to grab the salt, but sighed when your eyes found it, perched on the cabinet’s top shelf. You tiptoed, convinced you could retrieve it on your own, but the cabinet was strangely positioned in a rather elevated spot.
“Here.” Suguru’s sweet and deep voice suddenly reached your ears, his warm breath tickling the back of your neck. You could feel his solid body against yours as he stretched to grab what you’d been trying to, and you swore you could feel his abs pressing against your back even through his loose-fitting shirt. His fingers brushed against yours as he took hold of the item.
As soon as he put it down on the counter, you smoothly pushed him away and put distance between the two of you, accusatively pointing at the cupboard.
“What the hell is it so high for anyway? Do you live with giants?” 
He laughed, “Well, in a way. Me and Satoru could be considered giants.”
“Right.” You shook your head, pushing yourself to get back to the task at hand to avoid thinking about what had just happened. Your hands began chopping the vegetables, the rhythmic sound of the knife against the cutting board filling the room. 
The scent of garlic and ginger filled the kitchen, and you smiled as you inhaled the pleasant scent. You couldn’t help but sneak a glance at Suguru, and you wish you hadn’t. He seemed lost in thought, his dark hair was slightly tousled, and his cheeks were slightly flushed, a combination of his illness and the warmth of the kitchen. 
The man sighed as his hair got in the way yet again. He hadn’t found the time to trim it recently, and it had gotten quite long.
He paused for a moment, rinsing his hands before his fingers deftly started to gather his long dark hair. With a practiced grace that was so common with him, he pulled his hair back, securing it in a loose and messy ponytail. He sighed in annoyance as some strands were too short to be kept in place, blowing air to get them out of his eyes. His eyes found yours as he seemed to notice your sudden silence, strands of silky hair framing his face, accentuating the sharp angles of his jaw and elegant curve of his neck.
He gave you a shy smile, surprised you’d caught him in what had strangely felt like such an intimate moment to witness, and averted his eyes to the rice that’d been fizzling in the frying pan. After hard work came comfort, and you both sat down to savor the delicious meal you’d prepared – well, Suguru had done most of it, you’d mainly chopped the vegetables and fetched the ingredients, really –.
Suguru watched you intently as he waited for you to taste his famous dish. His eyes crinkled in amusement and he couldn’t help but let out a soft laugh as you let out an involuntary moan of pleasure at the taste.
“This is fucking incredible, Suguru!” You managed to say between bites, cheeks full, “I can’t believe how good this tastes! Why the hell didn’t I know how good of a cook you were?” You exclaimed.
His lips curled into a proud smile at your praise, “Glad you like it. I wasn’t always that good, you know? I used to burn pasta.”
“Pasta?” You deadpaned, eyes wide. “How come you’re so good, then?”
He grinned, “Had to fend for myself since I was very young. Practice makes perfect, right?”
Oh. Your heart ached as you considered the implications of his words. At the end of the day, you didn’t know that much about him, and the fact he might have had a difficult childhood would have never crossed your mind if he hadn’t made allusions to it. You nodded, not really knowing what to respond, but not really keen on delving deeper into the issue.
You weren’t close, there was no need for him to tell you about his past struggles when you were only sharing a meal.
You proceeded to talk about your respective days, you telling him about the peculiar clients that had come in today, and him intently listening to you for the most part. He’d also told you about the documents Satoru had brought him, which you’d been curious about, and happened to be sketches he’d started and wanted to touch up before tomorrow morning.
You smiled as you watched him talk, nodding slightly whenever he would speak about something that demanded an immediate reaction. You couldn't believe how comfortable you'd gotten with him. Sure, there were still moments where you felt embarrassed, after all, he was a new acquaintance you still hadn't gotten used to. However, he had this talent that was so unbelievably his, the skill to put anyone at ease with just a few words.
He might have looked intimidating to a lot of people, with his fully tattooed arms, many piercings and dark eyes, but this image of him completely crumbled the moment he opened his mouth. He was a smooth talker, luring people in and charming them effortlessly.
And you couldn’t deny it. The fact Suguru wasn’t only a skilled chef, but also a vision of breathtaking allure. And you wondered how someone like this could ever reciprocate the feelings you harbored deep inside.
After the meal, you moved to the living room, settling onto the sofa. The warmth from the kitchen and the contented feeling brought by the dinner you two had just had enveloped you as you continued your conversation. 
As he talked, you couldn’t help but notice a few strands of Suguru’s long hair escaping from his ponytail, falling gracefully across his forehead.
You spoke up, feeling brave, “You know,” he immediately gave you his undivided attention, and you felt slightly shy under his gaze, “If you’re finding your hair bothersome, I could help you with it. Maybe trim it a bit?”
“Oh.” He said, voice tinged with surprise at your question, and at the fact you’d noticed his annoyance. “You’d do that?” 
“Yeah, it’s no big deal.” You approached him on your knees so you could get a good look at him, skimming your fingers through the strands of dark hair framing his face, as you thought about how you could arrange it, “I’m used to your type of hair, shouldn’t be too difficult.”
The man cleared his throat, turning his head to the side to avoid your gaze, “Alright, well, I’ll consider it and let you know then. Thanks.”
You nodded, but then your brows furrowed and you bolted from your seat, “Be right back!”
He saw you leave for the bathroom, lips parted in confusion. When you reappeared with a wet towel and a sheepish smile, he couldn’t stop but let out a snort as he understood what you’d been up to.
“Hey, don’t laugh! I know I’m a guest but you’re still sick.” You rolled your eyes in feigned annoyance, but the amused smile on your lips was betraying you. “Your cheeks are so red, I can’t believe I just noticed.” Then, you proceeded to delicately cover his forehead with the cold towel, making sure you weren’t covering his eyes. You observed his features up close, and you noticed that he was struggling to stay awake, his long lashes fluttering with exhaustion.
 “You should lie down a bit.” 
Suguru was about to protest, but a yawn escaped him, resigning him to accept his fate and lie down for a while. “Just a minute, alright? Then I’ll walk you back home.” You nodded, knowing you had to go home very soon, the fact you'd stayed more than a few minutes at your boss's house already shocking to you.
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bonus –
Your eyes fluttered open, and for a moment, you were disoriented. The soft glow of the morning sun was beginning to filter through the curtains, but you weren’t on your bed. And as your senses slowly returned, you realized you were not alone.
Panic welled up inside of you as everything came rushing back to you when you took in the sight of Suguru sleeping beside you, his messy hair out of the ponytail he’d put them in a few hours ago, the string lost somewhere on the ground, while his limbs were sprawled out on the couch. His soft snore was making his chest rise and fall, his shirt rising up to his middle.
You didn’t have time for that. 
You bit your lip, searching for your phone in a hurry, making sure you weren’t making any noise in fear the man would somehow wake up, silently freaking out as the situation dawned on you. 
you where the fuck r u ???
satoru i’m home?? where r u
you .
satoru oh fuck DONT TELL ME oh my god
you  …
you why didnt you wake me up when you went home . wth satoru
satoru oh man that’s rich im telling shoko right now
you do it and i’ll kill you
satoru too late
satoru by the way i actually didn’t wake you up cuz sugu’s an insomniac never does whole nights so thx!<3
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AN : I SAID LET THEM COOKKKKK ok back to the topic. god. this was twice as long as the first piece of this series (and i actually kinda struggled with this one? i'll have you know i'm a master at writing angst but fluff isn't really my forte - if you can call this fluff). kinda sweet suguru here cuz he's sick and all (and i couldnt already rush things), but expect him back on his feet and SMUG as hell in the next pieces ;) sooo yeah, hope yall liked it! also, not proofread yet, i'll come around to fix mistakes but it's 1:40 am here and i have class tomorrow so goodnight
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raccoonscupoftea · 3 months
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🎮 Relationship Headcanons
Timeskip!Kenma X Gametester!F!Y/n
Summary: What's it like to live and be together with the famous Kodzuken.
Warnings: SFW, kuroo is drunk, possible grammar mistakes,
Both of you have separate gaming rooms. While Kenma's is more high tech and RGB, yours is more cozy and cute.
Whenever Kenma buys new equipment he makes sure to buy you something new as well.
He buys a new microphone, you get a new set of keycaps. He buys a new graphics card, you also get the same graphics card. Which is the newest one on the market.
When it's streaming time and no dinner was cooked yet, he'll always order some takeout and asks you want you want.
When you're at the Company for a Developer meeting, he will then text you. Telling you what he will order and asking if you want the usual. And when you're home, dinners already there or the delivery arrives at the same time as you.
When you're home, at 2:45pm you walk over to his streaming room, sit down at his lap and then then you two decide on what to eat.
It usually takes less than 15 minutes to decide and order, but when it takes a little longer, kenma will still start the stream at 3pm.
Viewers eat up the little crumbs they'll get from you, whenever you're in Kodzuken's stream. They'll get feral if it's you being affectionate and lovely to your boyfriend.
These little gremlins love you to bits. If moderators see someone talking shit about you, they'll get banned immediately.
When ever there's a game being tested by you and you think kenma would like to play it, you'll hint him towards a new game, but not saying what exactly it is.
Most of the time you'll work from home since your gaming Pc is better than the one at work and whenever you'll play the game, kenma is then strictly prohibited to enter your room without texting you first.
You both have separate laptops, but most of the time you'll use Kenma's. His password is a chipher out of his and your name with the day you two started dating.
When he's streaming, you either sit in your own room or in his room, playing on his laptop.
When he's not streaming, you two either play a game together while cuddling or just cuddling.
Despite having a spacious kitchen, kenma never did a cooking stream always telling an excuse on how messed up everything will be.
Both of you can cook, but none of you have the energy to put in the effort it takes to cook and clean afterwards.
Of course kenma and you have a shared bedroom, but it's only used to sleep and store clothes in.
Either you chill in Kenma's streaming room, or sometimes the both of you sit in your gaming room.
There's no living room
When guests are coming over, they'll sit in Kenma's room since it slightly bigger.
Only when Kuro or other close old pals are coming over, then they'll always crash into your room first.
When Kenma wants to stream and Kuroo and co. are still visiting then they head over to your room. If you're there or not.
When you're coming home from work and friends are over, most of the time you all head over to the kitchen to sit and drink a few glasses of wine together.
Most of the time it's going to be a completed chaos, but ever since the Kuroo incident, one always tries to stay sober to keep everyone in line.
The Kuroo incident was because Kuroo, who would have thought, was drunk and crashed into Kenma's stream.
The viewers enjoyed it as Kuroo was talking about the old days, like a grandparent.
This incident was also the reasons why kuro is called grandpa by the viewers. You first allowed kuroo to talk all he wanted but as he was about to reveal something truly embarrassing, you then rushed over to him, grabbed his collar and yelled "That's enough grandpa, we had enough of your nostalgic trip. Go sleep on my couch!"
That's the reason why one stays sober, also to bring home the friends who can't sleep over.
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esoteriamaya · 7 months
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From Left (Pile 1, 3) Right (Pile 2, 4) Middle (Pile 5)
Psychic Tarot - Heartache & Loss + Sacrifice + Self-Master
Heart Oracle - Balance + Joy & Stability + Choose Your Battles + Sadness & Isolation
A lot of this pain you have transmutes itself into laughter, joy, and appreciation for life itself. A lot of people adore you and enjoy being around you because you heal them with just being who you are. You guys may of had a childhood that separated you from others. You could of been bullied, or felt like an outcast in some way. Some of you could have also dealt with depression or some sort of heartbreak that made you who you are today. You are a beacon of joy to others and without you a lot of people wouldn't have been able to see the light. When you feel like you're hiding there is always something that forces you back into the spotlight. You are like the sun and you've been brought here to show people what its like to live in your power, your truth and exploring the gifts God gave you. A lot of people who are depressed themselves, carrying pain and trauma will see your light and we'll see that there truly is hope in this world. You remind people that giving up is not an option, and you yourself get up everyday trying to make the world a better place to exist. So if no one ever told you thanks for all you've done, all you've been for them. I'll say it for you. You're efforts have not been unnoticed, and in due time you will see that the healing work you've put in will be another persons story that gets them out of bed. I'm not joking.
You're made for so much more, and you know it. Allow your vibe, your presence to be the journey. You don't have to do anything more. Just being yourself in this world is enough.
God bless you.
Psychic Oracle - Truth (Sideways) + Firm Foundation.
Heart Oracle - Seek the Truth + Win or Lose + Master + Victory & Success + Daydreams & Decisions (Sideways).
You guys are a big deal in the astral realms. You guys have an infinite connection to the spirit realm but through out life you guys weren't sure how to build that relationship with the divine. Some of you are a bit stubborn, hard headed, and even a bit arrogant. But it takes time to surrender to the divine. It takes patience, practice and diligence to agree with your life's purpose. With that being said, a lot your gifts are calling you to be an influencer in some way. Yes, I said it. You're called into the spotlight, but in a way that benefits the community and society as a whole. You guys are starlight with this alien consciousness that deserves to be noticed by the masses. People can't get their grip on you, and that's okay. Your purpose is equipped for bigger things, big magic I call it. Your called to be at the top love, do what you will with that. You came here already knowing what's within, I apologize if anyone or anything convinced you otherwise. You'll have that on your road to success. They'll never get why it was them who had to wait for the success they looked for, craved even. But you, never showed despair or an angst for not getting what you wanted. It was simply just not your time. Divine purpose is in letting the brain connect to the physical realm and find things to create during that time. You have big dreams kid, so let your voice, your mind, and your presence be the movement. Everyone will open their hands in order to help you guide the way to the Kingdom of Heaven. Influential Order. Dynamics Changing. Opening Doors To New Paths. There Is One Way, And It's Yours.
Take this time to learn yourself, you have more gifts and abilities than you know.
God Bless.
PsychIc Oracle - Accelerated Motion + Movement, Choices, Decisions + Passion Ignited
Heart Oracle - Dreams Coming True + New Vitality + Crown Chakra
There's power in your name. Your voice holds energy that can't be mistaken as weak. You have abundance written all over you, yet you still don't see your purpose. What makes you love your life and what is meant for you. A beautiful life. A world meant to be enjoyed and embarked on with full autonomy and free of the judgement of others. There are times where you wonder what roads to take, but there are none. It's just you, living, breathing, succeeding and just being in love. You have 'no purpose' to fulfill. Your purpose is to just be in enjoyment of the world and to view the stars as a magical infinity where all your dreams can come true. You have to learn that not everything is about you in this lifetime, that your world isn't like others. So don't make it out to be. You're blessed in areas that others work hard to get. Please remember that you're a goddess, a god, a king or queen or whatever you choose to label yourself as. You don't have to work hard in this life, let me remind you, you came here to succeed NATURALLY.. That is a gift. You're honored in past lives and this one you're honored in this one. You just have to make way for yourself to receive. Be open to the divine and what its promised you. Just take time being seen for all that you are, and watch how things come for you with ease and grace. No distress. Just practice gratitude in this life, thats literally you're calling. Special Presence. Love & Life. Appreciation Of The Stars. The Most High Watches Over You. Joy In Your Flesh. Being Present For The Moment. Enjoying Wonders Beneath The Soil. A Garden Awaiting To Bloom.
God Bless.
Heart Oracle - Spiritual Union + Balance + Master
Bonus Reading: New Vitality
A love from the Gods. Creators of the Promise Land. The adams and the eve. The Apple & The Tree. The Great Awakening. A spiritual love that surpasses time. A love worth dreaming and waiting for. Your higher-selves needed this. So you could show the world what is true. There is a billion stars in the horizon, but yet you two showed the world that the universe lives in you.Theres so many realities one could take, yet this is the one for you. You've been called, chosen for this. Your calling is connected to your romantic lover. Its graced with protection, love, grace, connection, authenticity and a reality that no one knew was possible.
The energy is felt across thousands, and this love is worth a million times more than that. You'll be protected in spaces that are deserving to see you and come in contact with you guys grace. Always remember to keep quiet about your union as some people's evil eye can try to infect itself into you guys love. Not all has to be private, but again, not many souls can view this perfect union. You are God's Angels on Earth.
You are connected to a higher love, a union that meets pass social standards and beliefs. God Bless.
Psychic Oracle - Firm Foundation + Memories Of Love + Stand Your Ground
Heart Oracle - Shine + Hope + Heal
A God Or Goddess that's been called to be on stage in some sort. Artistic abilities are strongest when you show them to people. You might be a leo or have leo placements. You might have 5th house placements. You might have neither. Either way, you have a destiny that makes you shine like one, thats for sure. You have been given the grace to keep these efforts flowing. Sure the humble beginnings made you feel like this was going no where, and there could of been weight you were holding that kept you beneath waters. You have to give yourself time to see yourself in that light again, thats ok. Feelings of being ungrounded might of been common in the past, but now you are more aware of your talents than ever before. And that counts for something. You've been given the green light to be a star since birth. You didn't know at the time, but at some point it became apparent. Give yourself time to grow in your talents and gifts. The stage is awaiting your gracious gifts. We really get a kick out of it. Also the number 17 in tarot is significant. 17 came up twice for you and its a simple of hope and making a wish come true. You can have the world if you asked, don't forget it. Always be you in a world that tells you otherwise. If you ever felt scared of your own gifts, now is the time to cast out that vibration. You're meant to be seen in all your glory. Remember it.
Unique talents will be what gives you the greatest joy & its what keeps you feeling alive.
Ase! God Bless.
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The Only One Worth Posing For
Pairing: Matthew Gray Gubler x Female!Reader
Word Count: ~1.1k
Warnings: fluff
Summary: You're a famous photographer so you often get invited to red carpet events. Your best friend is an actor, and you've taken tons of pictures of him. The only problem is that he only poses for your camera.
Square Filled: ​“yeah, you’re cold. I’m giving you my jacket” for @spencerreidbingo
Author’s Note: any and all comments are appreciated <3
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Camera? Check. Extra lenses? Check. Press pass? Check. Supply bag? Check. Gorgeous pink dress you got just for this event? Check. You check the time on your phone to make sure you’re not running late, which you’re not. Your best friend should already be at the movie premier for his new movie, and you’re one of the photographers on the red carpet.
You’re a famous photographer that takes pictures of celebrities for events like movie premiers, the Met Gala, award shows, etc. Your career started in high school when you took almost all of the pictures for the yearbooks. Then, you took pictures of your friend’s graduation pictures and got paid less than one hundred dollars for it. Once in college, you took a lot of photography classes that allowed you to hone your skills and become better.
Someone saw your pictures on your college website and loved them so they got in contact with you, and that’s how you got your first job at a magazine. It took about a decade to get to where you are now and you couldn’t be happier. Along the way, you’ve met and hung out with a ton of celebrities including your best friend. You two met back when you were the photographer for the magazine, and you’ve been inseparable ever since.
Speaking of the devil, he texts you just as you are leaving the apartment.
Are you on your way?
just leaving now! be there soon xx
I can’t wait to see you :)
The message brings a smile to your face. He never fails to lift your spirits no matter how you’re feeling. He sent for a car to take you to the movie premier instead of you taking your own. When you get there, the place is packed with press, fans, and cars carrying celebrities. 
“Thank you,” you smile at the driver and get out.
You head to the booth to check in and present your press pass to her. She confirms you’re on the list before letting you inside the area where the press is located. You set your bag on the ground and take out your favorite lens to use in times like these, the kind of lens that allows you to zoom in clearly even from where you are. The more popular you got, the more expensive equipment you bought.
You got here at the right time because celebrities show up not long after you get set up. Much like everyone here, you call their names in hopes they pose for your camera. You get a lot of good shots of very iconic celebrities like Johnny Depp, Jennifer Lopez, Morgan Freeman, Julia Roberts, and Sandra Bullock. The movie did so much press to make sure it is the most popular movie which is why so many celebrities are here.
You look to the left and see your best friend walk down the red carpet with a huge smile on his face. Matthew Gray Gubler. A man of many tricks. A man who never fails to make you smile. He looks past every person who calls out his name until he finds your camera. His eyes light up and begins posing for your camera and your camera only.
“Matthew! Look over here!” one of them says but he ignores them,
‘Stop it’, you mouth to him and his smile only gets bigger. What did you expect? He always does this whenever you’re in the crowd with a camera. He only cares about you and your career. If you can get good pictures of him, then you can sell them for a lot of money. People around you are frustrated with you and him but you don’t care about them.
Matthew leaves the red carpet and joins the group of celebrities who are hanging outside before they can go inside the theater. There are only a few more celebrities to capture, then you’re packing up your things. Apart from being part of the press, Matthew invited you as his plus one.
“Are you serious with Matthew?” one of the other photographers says.
“Sorry. Maybe next time,” you shrug.
You bring your case back to the town car that is still waiting for you, and you toss your press pass into the backseat. There is no reason for you to have two outfits when you can wear your red carpet outside as one of the press. You walk back over to the same booth and check in as a guest. She gives you your guest pass and you make your way into the area where all the celebrities are.
“I’m gonna slap that motherfucker when I see him,” you joke to yourself.
“Y/N! It’s so good to see you!” Shemar Moore smiles when he sees you.
“Shemar! I thought you were still filming S.W.A.T.,” you grin and hug him.
“I couldn’t miss this premier.”
“Where is Matthew?”
“Last I saw him was by the entrance to the theater.”
“Great. I’ll see you inside.” You leave his side and go find your best friend. He’s talking to one of the younger and newer kid stars, and you slink up to his side. “Excuse me. Mind if I borrow him for a second?”
“Sure. Congratulations.”
You pull him to the side and away from everyone for some semi-privacy.
“What the hell was that back there?”
“What?” he laughs.
“You can’t keep posing for my camera only.”
“You tell me this every time, and what do I keep telling you?” 
“Mine is the only one worth posing for.”
“See? It’s law at this point.”
He leans in and kisses you quickly. You two have been testing the waters for a romantic relationship for the last couple of weeks. It’s been going well because you’re taking it at your own speed without the public knowing. 
“You’re gonna piss off the other photographers.”
“I don’t care.”
He pulls you in and kisses you much deeper this time. You only allow two minutes to yourselves before you pull away from him. Goosebumps litter your arms and you shiver slightly under his gaze.
“You’re shivering. Are you cold?”
“That’s not why I’m shivering,” you say and shiver again.
“Yeah, you’re cold. I’m giving you my jacket.”
He sheds his jacket and slings it over your shoulder to provide you with warmth. He slides his hand into yours and pulls you toward the entrance to the theater.
“Let’s go watch this movie. Afterward, you’re gonna let me take you home.”
“We live together,” you giggle.
“Even better.”
“You’re a dork.”
“Only for you,” he winks and kisses your cheek.
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Follow my library blog @aqueenslibrary​​​​​​ where I reblog all my stories, so you can put notifications on there without the extra stuff :)
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https-lvesick · 21 days
[ 03 ] thanks spiderman, the useless partner ever!
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[summary] toronto has never been so chaotic, but things are working out since the spiders appeared to save the citizens. spiderman and silk are the city's biggest saviours and they count on them to keep them safe, even the police. but, aside from their big responsibilities, they’re just teenagers, trying to be themselves and keep their grades good, trying to have a social life and maybe a love life as successful as their superhero life. but… what’s easier to tell? that you have a crush on your best friend or that you’re a mutant superhero?
[ ♡ ] there are written portions with 1294 words!
[content] canon violence (i tried my best), mentions of injuries and blood
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it was nearly midnight and you were on top of a building, waiting for your partner. you knew spiderman was a little clumsy and, definitely, couldn't get on time, but this was getting out of control. it was the fifth time in the week and you couldn't even make it to wednesday yet.
maybe some of the men in your life weren't the reliable type. first mark, now spiderman. perhaps you should just quit and let them do things by themselves.
"where are you?" you mumble to yourself, checking the time on the gadget on your suit.
suddenly, you hear a loud noise and the other spider is there, right beside you. you couldn't see his expressions because of his mask fully covering his face, but he could see yours and he could tell you were beyond annoyed.
"i'm sorry, i got caught up with something." he reasoned, embarrassed.
"yeah, you said that the other... twenty times before. how can i even count on you if you act this way? seriously, like why are you all the same?" you blurt out, making the hero raise his hands.
"'you all'?" the spiderman asks, confused.
"men. you better make it on time the next time, or else, you can forget we're partners." you say, before jumping off the building, swinging on your webs.
the boy scratches his nape. he knows better than to make silk angry, but what to do? he got entertained texting giselle, it was not like it was his fault (it totally was). he sighs before following you.
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watching the news, which was showing another angle of what was happening, you notice something different in that gang. their weapons, it wasn't the usual pistols and rifles, they were somehow bigger and would, probably, cause even more damage.
again, you were waiting for the spiderman, but you couldn't wait anymore. the police were preparing to enter the jewellery store and you couldn't let that happen, not when they'd fight against that equipment.
apparently, there were no hostages, only the criminals inside the building and the police outside, but there were citizens around.
"silk, do you have any plan?" one of the police officers asks you when you jump in front of them.
"not really, but tell your people to stay away for now. lemme do it." you ask, making your way to the jewellery store.
"but you're alone. where's the spiderman?" he asks concerned.
"busy with... other things." the sentence sounds way bitter than you anticipated. "i'm telling you to let me do it. did you see what they have? those weapons are far from normal and you can't compete with that. i'll handle it and when i need your people, i'm calling you." he nods and orders the others through the walkie-talkie.
you make your way inside the building in the most silent manner possible. "nings, can you see?" you ask the girl through your ear-in.
"yes. the problem is... they're turning everything off, you need to be quick." she warns.
"fine, just tell me where they are and if you can see how their weapons are to maybe search it up..."
"i'm already doing it and uh... they're in five. two of them are in the main room, plundering, and the other two are making sure there is no one there to interrupt them, on the second floor." she says and could hear the typing sounds of her keyboard, probably searching up the weapons.
"and the last one? weren't they in five?" you whisper, entering the main room, climbing the ceiling, watching two of the criminals.
"the last one is waiting for them in their van, apparently. well, that's what the idiots on the second floor are discussing about." she sighs.
you remain on the ceiling, studying the options. "tell me, nings, are the others distracted?" you ask, watching the two men beneath you too focused on getting the most valuable items possible.
"i guess..." she says, noticing another two cameras being turned off. "but they are quick, so you need to be quicker."
you shoot two webs on both men's faces, blinding them for a moment, so you can jump and kick them. the first thing you did was disarm them, so they could have no chance. they tried to fight back, but the first one got a punch in his face and the second, a kick on his stomach, making him fall on top of the glass showcase, shattering into pieces.
"y/n, are you fine? i can't see much." ningning asks, concerned.
"totally fine." that's when you hear a power load. thanks to your spider senses, you dodged it, but you were worried about getting shot. the big hole in the wall told too much.
you glued the two criminals that were knocked out on the floor and started the fight with the other two. the bigger one was trying to shoot you with a pistol, while the other tried to close combat. you shot some webs to his face to blind him for a while and take care of the one who was trying to literally kill you.
"what the... fuck?" you notice something weird in that pistol. it wasn't shooting bullets, it was shooting some kind of... needle?
"what?" at this point ningning was eating up her whole hand. it was new to her not to watch your every move. she made a mental note to add a camera on your suit later.
"it's shooting needles!" you see the sadist smile on the criminal's face and that just boosts your ego.
you dodge his every shot and finally reach him, punching the man so hard you break his nose and he passes out. you make sure to glue him to the floor too.
"hey, silk!" you hear a calling and turn around, but you're not too fast to dodge this shot.
the load that hits you is so strong that makes you fly and hit your back to the wall, almost losing your consciousness. and the man wasn't prepared to use that kind of weapon, since it was too much even for him.
"y/n!" hearing the loud noise, ningning feels her heart racing even more.
"tell the police to enter." you say, weak and she complies immediately.
you stand up, legs wobbling, and take a good look at the weapons. you also take a needle to know what kind of material is there. you see the police officers coming and one of them comes to you.
"i'm fine, don't worry. just get these weapons to a secure place and tell detective kevin moon about it, he'll know what to do." you instruct him and he nods. you could feel your mouth dry, you looked at your stomach and you could see not only blood staining most of your suit, but also a hole in it, showing your skin.
as soon as that is explained, you get out of there quickly.
"y/n, you need to tell me if you're fine. i can't let you swing around the city if you're seriously injured." she says in a stern voice.
"i'm fine, nings. imma call you when i get home." you say and turn off the call. you felt weak and dizzy, but still, you walked out of the building, having to face those people. the citizens, the reporters and more police officers. the camera flashes were blinding you, making your head hurt even more. you tried your best to remain on your feet, but you knew you couldn't. that's when you try to swing. you shoot a web to the top of a building to get out of the people's attention, but you can't go too far.
you just fall there, weak, and close your eyes, passing out.
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[author's note] things are getting complicated here huh and ning's right FUCK U SPIDERMAN the less reliable partner ever bruh also it wasn't proofread, imma do it later, so if u notice any typos or inaccuracies im sorry 😭😭
[taglist] @winwintea @lucuslavigne @cheolcam @dreamwithlost @spiderm444rk @byeonwooseokabs @nosungluv @docilismo @chenlesfavorite @nanaxwi @superbbananananana @cosmic-marauder @xyzsiissnnsnsjs @joyzluvr @yewshi @morkiee
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i LOVE LOVE LOVE your idea of post-bad end cassie sticking around to try fixing everything and befriending the ruined robots SOB. Do you have any headcanons for them in this setting?
oh boi DO I (post-bad end brainrot post here)
M.X.E.S and Helpi are BOTH sassy little bitches. They bicker at each other over things a lot like two geeky nerds. Unfortunately Cassie has to watch them bickering be it through the vanni mask or the implant. Sometimes either one or both of them ramble over something code/technology based to Cassie, essentially making her their "debuggy ducky".
They collect the Freddy-talk to make sure the Mimic can't use it again to trick Cassie again or trick future victims so easily with it. Cassie also claims Gregory's forgotten Glam Freddy backpack for herself for better inventory (and maybe anything useful inside if there's anything.) Finder's keepers, bitch.
After finding a blue spray paint can (many cans are seen abandoned through, having been used for the graffiti stuff,) Cassie uses it to paint Prototype Glamrock Freddy's endo claws blue, to match his casing hands a little. It's not much but boy does that make him feel fabulous! She does the same for Roxy's claws after finding a green one.
They find an usable old stroller to carry Monty. He's lowkey embarrassed, but he certainly prefers this accommodation over having to drag and crawl himself everywhere.
On their quest to reactivate the security nodes they all also keep on the look out for anything that could be used to fix one of them a little bit (like a spare arm for Chica or spare eye(s) for Roxy, things to help them fix Bonnie, anything that could help any of them.)
Speaking of, Chica donated one of her eyes to Roxy. One eye is better than none.
All the robots are equipped with some medical knowledge in case they had an emergency with patrons back in the PizzaPlex glory, especially the Daycare Attendant/Eclipse. They all try to help patch Cassie up from injuries caused by the elevator drop.
The mini Music Men follow Cassie like ducklings. They're also great at finding any goods due to fitting through cramped nookies and crannies and locate things the others wouldn't be able to reach due to being bigger.
Helpi and M.X.E.S seeing that Monty shrine through Cassie's point of view: "IS THAT MONTY'S FUCKING LEGS-"
You can bet they stop for a bit to play the Chica's Feeding Frenzy and Monty's Gator Golf arcades. They either take turns or gather around Cassie to watch her play and cheer her on it. Listen they all went through a LOT, they NEED a little harmless reprieve!
Roxy, Monty and Chica definitely still hold resentment towards Gregory for what he did against them in the past. They're also even madder at him now on Cassie's behalf after learning he sent the elevator plummeting down with her inside and trapping her, an indignation the others also share because "wtf bro what kind of friend does that shit???" The Daycare Attendant is mostly salty because Gregory's a RULE-BREAKER and his ass is still BANNED.
By the way, it doesn't really matter whether it was the real Gregory who betrayed Cassie or the Mimic putting up an act again. As far as they're all concerned, it was the real Gregory.
They pick up and collect plushies that are still in good condition (except ones that are child nodes in M.X.E.S' security, those only get hidden better.) Prototype Glamrock Freddy loves tucking a few plushies into his hatch, they feel soft inside! A few also get put inside Monty's stroller with him.
Despite M.X.E.S' hostility at Cassie back at the beginning, after understanding better why she was doing what she was doing, and watching her trying her hardest and giving it her all to make things better, it learned to hold a huge respect for the girl. The one thing M.X.E.S and Helpi agree with despite their bickering.
M.X.E.S: You're such a sassy little shit! Helpi: Hey don't cuss! The kid can see it through the mask/implant! M.X.E.S: M.X.E.S: OH FUCK, I FORGOR! Helpi: YOU DID IT AGAIN-! Bonnie: Hey kiddo, you okay? Cassie: Huh? Roxy: Yeah, you looked spaced out. Cassie: Oh, yeah I'm okay. M.X.E.S. just said "fuck". The entire squad in the real world: HE WHAT-
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