#because like I said it just hasn't caught up yet with the yeah we don't need to have all the disorders we got the answers we needed
Extremely incoherent tired ramble I think mostly about what the heck does empathy mean and I can't have npd right (<- doesn't remember if he actually confirmed you can't be high empathy and have npd or just got confused by something but still probably just being mentally ill in unrelated ways)
why do narcissist memes need to be so relatable like I'm high empathy unless I've gravely misunderstood what empathy is? I think that's gotta be one I don't have right ?? my brain is just still disorder hoarder mode because it still hasn't realized we already got the validation of knowing we're genuinely messed up that we were craving years ago (which was mainly "yes you're plural actually no like legit you're not making those guys up and yeah no that stuff was trauma you are not just mysteriously messed up without trauma there was definitely trauma what part of being terrified every single night for most of your childhood did you think was not traumatic") what was I talking about uh empathy is like just interpreting information to the best of your ability and then feeling things based on that interpretation like it can be incorrect just like you can read words wrong and react to what you think you read and like empathy makes you feel what you interpret other people as feeling to some extent right? and it's like analogies and metaphors in how it requires you to map one situation onto another in order to interpret it and lacking knowledge about one of them will make it much harder to understand just like I don't understand what it means to not understand metaphors to the point of struggling to communicate without the use of analogies in case that wasn't obvious but that's what empathy is right like it's not telepathy it's just interpreting and reacting to information?? I have that I can interpret information and then I react like just now I thought what if a child was sad for some reason and I almost cried bc hypothetical child is sad and that's incompatible with the thing isn't it someone who's better at humans than me please explain good night
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orchidbreezefc · 5 months
ok. years have passed and we've had some distance, so i'm finally gonna take the leap of faith that tma fandom is finally ready to hear me on this. let's talk about tannins.
161 was the first tma episode i heard on early release, and i felt the bit where martin declines wine and cites tannins was pretty obvious in its implications. cool, got it, say no more.
imagine my surprise when i was one of maybe three people i saw read between the lines there, in a fandom famous for red stringing--a fandom that immediately caught the much less obvious thread of ignition sources in the same episode. i'll spell it out: alcohol is an issue for martin.
maybe it just felt obvious because addiction is a pet issue for me--as it is for jonny, who has said everything he writes is filtered through a lens of addiction. i don't know if that's due to his own experience or a loved one's, and i won't speculate; i also don't know if martin personally struggled with drinking or just avoids it for fear he would, but alcohol would fit what we know of his family. his dad walking out and his mum spiralling into bitter wallowing and verbal abuse? i'd bet one or both of them drank, yeah.
on a basic level martin tries to decline alcohol, and that alone should have raised eyebrows given what we know of martin and, again, a fandom that dissects everything. we already knew martin "K" blackwood lied about his personal life and his family in particular, especially pre-canon, which is when this flashback took place. i was shocked that everyone took his flimsy excuse at face value with no further questions.
and the excuse is flimsy. martin turns down wine by--nervously--exclaiming tannins are "a proven headache trigger!" which sounds like trivia from a magazine cover and not the words of someone who actually has headaches--and it hasn't come up before or since. jon, confused, points out that tea, a drink martin consumes to a degree that is memetic both in- and out-of-universe, also contains tannins, and martin squawks a panicked, "what?!"
if tannins are enough of a concern for martin that he knew they're in wine and so avoids it, why didn't he know they're in his drink of choice? why does he still drink tea at the time of canon, and why doesn't he struggle with constant headaches from consuming 'a proven headache trigger' day in and day out? why, indeed, would someone avoid wine and not tea?
when sasha insists martin drink he caves and agrees to 'just a drop'. i imagine him pouring it in a plant, which admittedly he could have done if tannins really were the issue. i will say that i, for one, would be less likely to falsely agree to something that makes me physically ill than to a private issue that i'd rather not be pressed on any further. this scene also establishes martin's birthday was an ice cream party instead of the more traditional visit to a pub.
also, this scene was in the first episode of the final season, as one of three flashbacks that could have been to any pre-canon event in the archives. prime narrative real estate. not really time one would waste on establishing the important character context that martin has... headaches. which never comes up before or after, even regarding the week he spent in spiral town. but you know what is pretty crucial character background...?
it felt like a no-brainer, and yet all i saw was h/c fluff about jon attending to martin's headaches. and i hate feeling bitter about disability representation. i want folks with chronic headaches to feel seen and have fluffy escapist fantasies. i don't want to be mad about people portraying a character with a disability. but, guys? you got the wrong disability. jonny sent a clear message, and it went over fandom's head.
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stormberry-12 · 2 months
faceless // P5: quite the opposite. ~ charles leclerc x reader
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pairing: charles leclerc x fem!driver!reader
includes/authors notes: language, lack of equal rights/ gender equality, readers an unknown figure in the races, fem!reader's gender assumed as male, use of "y/n".
Bold Italics are the past.
Normal Italics are thoughts.
summary: "There is a new mysterious driver on the grid. Nobody knows who he is, the only thing we know is that he races for Red Bull with the number 66. Other drivers call him the faceless driver for none have ever seen his face or heard him speak. The faceless driver is a legend in the making and even giving Lewis Hamilton and Max Verstappen a run for their money…”
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"Oh my god!" you mumbled, showing Charles your screen.
"Shit, have you talked to him yet?" 
"No!" you cried, "What do I do?"
"Well, answer it." Charles rolled his eyes.
"Don't sass me." you scoffed, ignoring the soft grin on your boyfriend's face. You picked up the phone on the last ring and brought it to your ear. "Hello?"
"Put it on speakerphone! Put it on speakerphone! Put it on speakerph-" Charles whispered frantically, like a teenage girl gossiping at a sleepover. He finally shut up when you kicked him in the knee, putting the team principal of Red Bull on speaker phone and laying it down on the tile floor.
"-e need to discuss what happened today. I'm sure you've seen some of what's been going on, on social media-" Chistian's voice echoed off the walls.
"Yes," you replied, stealing a glance at Charles who had his legs crossed, hands folded in his lap, staring intently at the phone sitting between you.
"Why is your voice so loud?" Christian questioned.
"Uhm- I'm just in my bathroom" you squeaked.
"Okay... I'm just going to get to the point," Christian sighed. "People only really caught a glimpse of your eyes. We could play this off that they have made a mistake, your identity hasn't been confirmed by us or Formula 1 yet-"
Charles sneezed and you winced, Christian was silent for only a moment, before speaking again with a tone of annoyance, "Hello Charles."
"Hi how are yo-"
"Miss L/N, we will need you to post on social media denying the rumors, and our team will as well. Hopefully, things can go back to normal shortly-"
"About that," you said cutting him off. "I no longer feel the need to keep my identity private anymore. I was hoping to speak to you about it before all of this happened."
"What are you talking about?" by the tone in Christian's voice he didn't seem too pleased about how the call was going. Especially after realizing he was on speakerphone in your bathroom, with Charles sniffling from allergies in the background. You had to admit, this was not the most professional way you had ever answered a call from your boss before.
"I would like to disclose my identity," you repeated curtly and you swore you could see Charles smile out of the corner of your eye.
"If you're worried about people not believing us Y/n I promise you it will all work out. I can hire an actor to do your press, while you stay behind the wheel,"
"No thanks,"
"Those are the only options I have for you Miss L/n,"
"And why is that?" you snapped.
"Because you're a woman," there was no hesitancy to his voice whatsoever.
Because you're a woman.
That made your blood boil. How dare he.
"How dare you," you hissed, Charles had stopped tapping his finger against his knee, staring at you with wide eyes. "We're done Mr. Horner, thank you for your time,"
"What do you mean done?" 
Buddy could not take a hint, "I quit."
Before he could respond you frantically hit 'end call' and slapped a hand over your mouth. You had just quit your dream position at Red Bull Racing. 
Wait, no. It wasn't your dream position anymore. You reminded yourself, working in a sexist environment with no credit where credit was due was not a dream position. You took a deep breath and looked at Charles, he had a content look on his face.
"Oh shit, I just quit my job," you gasped.
"Hell yeah, you did," Charles said pleased, standing up, "C'mon we got to get going,"
"What do you mean?"
"The driver's dinner,"
Right. You had totally forgotten, that was why Yuki and Pierre were carpooling.
"Well, technically I'm not a driver anymore," you mumbled.
"Who cares, everyone expects you to be there,"
"Yep, go get changed," he tucked a piece of hair behind your ear and walked out, a ping lit up your phone.
Charlie ❤ has added you to 'GRID BUDDIESSS'
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The car was quiet, trees flashed by as you and Charles made your way to the restaurant. You sighed removing your gaze from the window to look over at Charles, he looked tense.
"Charles?" you squeaked.
"Mmm?" he hummed, eyes staying on the road.
"I need to apologize." you continued, he finally glanced your way and met your gaze, "I was a shit girlfriend, a shit person, and I don't deserve you, you have every right to be mad and never forgive me-"
"Please stop," he cut you off, "You are not shit. You are amazing and I love you more than life itself. I'm not mad at you. I just need you to understand that it still feels weird for me."
"I understand," you whispered.
"And I'm sorry too, I shouldn't have yelled."
It was silent for a few moments, and you felt your eyes well up, quickly dabbing them dry with your sleeve, "I should have told you."
"It's okay, I completely understand your reasoning-"
"You are the person I trust the most, know that okay?" you looked back at him. "Not Redbull, not Horner, not Lando."
He pulled into a parking stall and cut the engine. He turned to you with a small smile, "That means a lot,"
"I love you," you gave him a small kiss.
"I love you too," he responded, eyes shifting down, "How are you feeling, wrist okay?"
"All good,"
"Good, let's go,"
You both went to open your doors, "You know for someone who drives for a living you're terrible at parking," you sighed, trying to avoid hitting the lamppost with the door. You saw him flip you off in the mirror.
"PARKOUR!" you exclaimed, swinging yourself out of the car, using the lampost to guide you.
"Okay, Micheal Scott." he quipped.
"It's Britney bitch-" Charles cackled, grabbing your hand as you walked through the parking lot, swinging it between the two of you like a child.
"Y/N! Wait up!" a voice called from behind you. You turned over your shoulder to face Max Verstappen in his ever-so-plain outfit of skinny jeans and a black t-shirt. At least it wasn't team kit. Charles squeezed your hand before continuing into the restaurant, leaving you with Max.
"Hey Max," You gave him a small smile, knowing where this was going. You hadn't talked to your own teammate about your driving status yet.
"Look, I just wanted to apologize for the crash the other day and-"
"It's okay Max, it was just racing don't worry about it,"
"No, no it's not just that." Max rushed, "I need to apologize for the crash and also for being such a shit teammate."
"You weren't a shit teammate Max," you chuckled lightly, "We never met as teammates."
"I get that, but I still was a shit person. I complained about you to Christian when I knew you were in earshot and I messed with your gear to try to throw you off." He rubbed the back of his neck and sighed.
You recalled all the times you heard Max protest about you to Christian and when you sat outside your driver's room crying because you got locked out, having to pull a Spiderman in the alleyway.
"That was you?" you scoffed, words coming out harsher than intended.
"Y-yeah," He mumbled awkwardly, he shifted his feet beneath him.
"Why?" you asked carefully.
"To be honest, I was a bit jealous." Max started, "I guess I wished I was you. I've always hated all the media and PR of the sport, I think it's stupid. I envied the way you got to just put on the helmet, ignore the media, and do some good fucking racing. I'm so sorry that I ever put you in a hard position,"
That made a whole lot of sense actually. "For what it's worth, being a ghost was not all it's cut out to be. And I should thank you honestly," You explained how if you hadn't been locked out, you wouldn't have bumped into Lando and got some sense knocked into your head. 
"Right," Max chuckled at your story, though he still seemed upset with himself. "You are very talented Y/n,"
"I appreciate it Max, you as well, and for what it's worth we would have made a good team." you smiled.
"Yeah, we still will don't worry!" he smiled back, "Once you're back in the car next season, it'll be so fun-"
"Oh, no Max," you winced, feeling a pang of sadness in your gut, "I don't have a job next year, I was talking to Christian and we didn't have the same vision... so I decided to resign."
"Wait... s-so you're not racing at all?" Max stuttered in disbelief.
"No." you sighed.
"Shit," he looked sorry all over again.
"Don't worry about it Max, honestly. Let's go eat." you said curtly, gesturing over your shoulder at the restaurant. "Come on!" You bumped his shoulder and started walking. You tried to ignore the aching feeling at the thought of not racing.
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The drivers had started to gather around a large table, only a few missing from the grid. You scanned the room as you walked in, Max trailing behind. Charles sat near the middle, his jacket reserving the seat beside him. To his left, you could see Lando, Daniel, Carlos, Pierre, and Yuki settling into their seats. To his right, Oscar and Fernando were making sophisticated small talk with the Mercedes boys.
Well, there is clearly a fun side of the table.
You stood there momentarily, getting lost in the bustle of people around you.
"Mate, don't forget about that video I have of you, and I just want to be clear- shut the fuck up -I will not hesitate to hit that post button," Lando warned, snapping at Danny when he attempted to open his mouth and interrupt him.
"Yikes, that's some aggressive language from little Lando Norris," Max quipped walking past them.
"Shut the fuck up Maximus,"
"Eh, excuse me-" Max sassed back, earning a grin from Lando.
"Guys, be nice!" Carlos scolded, "Nando! How are you doing on those Taylor Swift tickets?"
You shook your head in amusement and rounded the table over to Charles, bopping Lando on the head as you passed him.
"Y/NNN!!!" he sang, making Daniel and the others grin and wave at you. People continued to greet you and Max as you sat in your respective chairs.
The dinner was amazing and for the first time in a long time, you felt at ease, just listening to the other driver's banter. Lando also mentioned that he was leaving Ferrari and rejoining Mclaren at the start of next season. Everyone nodded in approval, cracking jokes that he missed Zac Brown breaking his ribs. You don't think you have ever seen Oscar Piastri more excited in his life. It was going smoothly until the question about race seats came around to you.
"So, Y/n you will race with RedBull again next year?" Fernando asked politely, and you saw Max and Charles tense in your peripherals.
"No, um- I won't be racing next year," you explained softly, feeling the vibes in the room suddenly shift. It was so quiet you would hear a pin drop. Even Yuki and Pierre had stopped bickering at the news.
"Shit," Lewis sighed. You could feel Charls's hand find your thigh, reassuring you.
"What?!" Lando squeaked and you looked over at him with a sad smile.
"It's okay, honestly. It wasn't meant to be and I've accepted that, guess I'm just not sure what I'll do now, racing is the only thing I'm really got at..."
"Well, you're really good at keeping secrets, maybe you should be an undercovah spy!" Daniel exclaimed, trying to lighten the mood and compliment you but it came out as a jab. Pierre slapped a hand over his mouth to stifle a laugh and Lando was looking at his plate, trying not to make eye contact with anyone. The rest of the drivers stared at him in shock before looking over at you to see your reaction.
"Sorry, that sounded bad-" Danny panicked, suddenly embarassed.
You just grinned, happy to change the subject, "Maybe I should huh?"
Lando let out a high-pitched laugh at Danny, that he had clearly been trying to hold in, hiding his face in his hands. The rest of dinner went on without a hitch.
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"Where are we going?" you asked Charles breathlessly. He dragged you all the way through the paddock only stopping once the two of you had reached the Ferrari garage. "Charlie seriously, what the hell?"
"Shh, just trust me," you looked at him once again, catching a glint in his eyes that you knew all too well. What was he up to?
You slipped through the tight corridors at the back of the garage, bumping into Charles's team principal in passing.
"Ah! Just who I was looking for-" He exclaimed to your boyfriend, "Come."
"Charles, I'll just meet you in your driver's room?" you said, pointing further down the hallway. Knowing he would probably want to speak with Fred privately before the season started in a few weeks.
"Non, come in," he slipped an arm around your waist, tugging you into his boss's office with him.
"Charles!" you hissed.
"Y/n." he replied nonchalantly, sitting in front of Fred's desk.
"Y/n! Have a seat," Fred gestured to the chair next to Charles, sitting in his own seat. You looked across at your boyfriend who just smirked at you.
What now?
"As I understand from Charles you have no seat next year," Fred started. You nodded, saying nothing.
Fred looked at Charles and then continued, "And I believe you also know that Lando is going back to Mclaren, so we have an open seat!" he smiled at you.
"Congrats," you sighed.
"Y/n!" Charles laughed, looking at you with wide eyes.
"Sorry, maybe it's the accent," Fred laughed along with Charles, "I'm offering you a job Miss L/n."
Oh my god.
"Oh my god!!" you grinned, "Thank you so much! I don't know what to say-"
"You don't need to decide anything yet, I've heard there are a few other teams who want to give you an offer as well," Fred explained. "But I had to reach you first, can't ignore talent like yours,"
You and Charles thanked him once again and you asked Fred a few questions, though you were sure you would have many more when the season started. Then you exited his office, jumping into Charles's arms, he spun you around expressing how excited he was. You both knew there was no way you wouldn't be taking the seat with Ferrari. The day seemed it couldn't get any better, and yet there was still one person you needed to see.
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You ignored the pointed glances as you walked through the RedBull motorhome, it felt familiar yet strange walking through these halls without a helmet on.
Why were you actually nervous to see Ricky again?
Out of everyone at RedBull, he was probably the one you felt closest with, yet you had never talked with him face to face. When you knocked on the open door of his office, you could tell he felt nervous too as he looked up to meet your gaze.
Boxes had been piled up on his desk and all the photos of his family that used to line the walls had been taken down. He was being let go.
He watched your gaze scanning around the room and cleared his throat, "Don't worry about it kid, I'm not sure RedBull was the right fit for me anyway,"
You smiled at him, "Me either,"
He studied your face for a long moment, "You know, I honestly had no idea who I was working with. The driver I pictured under the helmet was way off... in the best way possible," you laughed.
"Aww Ricky..." you felt your eyes tear up, stumbling over to hug him.
"You are the kindest, funniest, most talented racer I've worked for. I can't wait to see how far you'll go, Ferrari is lucky to have you," he whispered.
You pulled back to stare at him in shock, "H-how did you-"
He chuckled, "I got eyes and ears everywhere kid,"
You grinned, rocking back and forth on your heels with anticipation, "Well, you ruined part one of my big news-" He smiled and raised an eyebrow at you. "Look, I don't know what you have planned for next year but, I've already talked to Fred. I could really use a good race engineer if you're up for it,"
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Come on y/n! 
 You could feel the car beneath you hum as you broke smoothly into the corner, speeding up once again on the straight. Repeating these movements over and over like clockwork, as you did laps around the track, maintaining your position in first.
"How you doing out there y/n?"
"Brilliant Ricky!" you replied. And you really were, after you signed with Ferrari the rest of the grid was quick to congratulate you, and so were the fans. You smiled to yourself, you were happy and confident in yourself and your job. Feeling a small sense of pride in being no longer faceless.
"Go kick some ass kid,"
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previous chapter // back to masterlist
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phantomwitch16 · 7 months
Hazbin Hotel Theory: Lilith
I had never posted about Hazbin Hotel before, but I came across a theory about Lilith that I wanted to discuss. I’ve only seen clips, so correct me if I'm wrong. So, anyone who hasn't watched anything or hasn't caught up yet, WARNING: SPOILER ZONE.
At this point, everyone is quite aware of the Lilith/ Eve Theory, where Lilith left or was kidnapped by Eve to explain her disappearance for most of the show and what she was doing in Heaven. I think the theory has some promise, but some things don’t feel quite right.
In the episode where Lucifer first appears, we learn that Lilith and Lucifer seem to have split years ago. We don't know how long ago or the circumstances of the separation, with it pretty much up in the air.
It could be possible that Lucifer’s depression could've gotten in the way of their relationship (similar to his relationship with Charlie), causing some friction. This obviously would give Lilith a lot of responsibility, likely to raise Charlie and inspire the denizens of Hell by herself. We don't know much about what Lucifer does most of the time other than making ducks, keeping Lulu World running and wallowing in his depression.
I don't think that they split up, at least I don’t think that’s the whole story. There have been some odd details regarding Lilith and a few other people within the series that do add to the theory. While it's possible things might have changed during the development of the series, Viv has previously stated that Lilith and Lucifer were a very lovey-dovey couple and I doubt that she would change it. While I think their relationship would have its faults, obviously with their history and trauma, yeah, that was going to happen, but not the stereotypically 'my partner hates me' bs.
Even if they had split up, I doubt that Lilith would have just up and left Charlie without saying anything.
But anyway, since her appearance on the beach with Lute, there have been several theories about Lilith and whether she would be an antagonist or the main one. I disagree, but given how she's been pretty much a mystery for most of the series, with not much being said about her, it’s understandable most would come to this conclusion. But I doubt Lilith would be because Lilith was the one to instil Charlie to help the denizens of Hell so for her to come to disrupt her progress with the Hotel.
This obviously leads to the Lilith/Eve Theory people have come up with by what people have seen and picked apart from the show and the cards that people received before it aired. Now people who have watched the show and been on Twiiter/X or any other social media probs already know the theory, but I'll spell it out for those who don't.
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Just before the show aired, people received cards on each character and a few select items in the series. Of these characters was Lilith, but there was something off with it. Instead of seeing a revamp of her original design in the pilot, it's just a close up with her face shadowed.
The image above has Lilith or who we think is Lilith sitting with her hand over her lips and a shadow over her face, only showing a sinister smile. The one thing strikes me about it was the was almost like she know that we know there was something wrong with the image and was telling us to be quiet.
So far in the show, we've only seen her in the portraits that are decorated around the hotel and in Lucifer's ducky workshop. She makes a brief appearance in Charlie’s flashbacks where we don’t even see her face, though this is largely because the attention was focused on Charlie and Lucifer. Here it shows that even her look has remained largely consistent since the pilot.
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What truly defines Lilith design is her long wavy hair. But despite it, there is something different about it in the card. It's very long, obviously but as it gets closer to her face, it starts to look more uneven. Or jagged.
But what grabs the attention in the card is the smile. It looks very sharp and angular, very different to the smile that she has in the portraits and in her depiction on the storybook in the first episode.
But we've already seen it somewhere. Just not on Lilith.
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Obviously, this isn't a new take. This is a very popular take that nearly everyone has heard.
I like to think that with the reveal, we will get a more factual retelling of what happened when Lilith and Lucifer rather than what came out of the story book Charlie was reading, likely something her mother made for her when she was growing up. Mainly what happened to Eve as they cleverly avoided it. While we don't know if they're going to tackle it, it's likely that they will discuss Eve's life after eating the fruit and her very long life. I think that while Adam was sent to heaven to become one of the exterminators, Eve became one of the first original sinners sent to Hell.
There are several ways they could handle it with it's possible the Eve is starting a little bit of chaos using the knowledge Lilith and Lucifer gave her. With Lilith attempting to stop her alongside Lute and the rest of Heaven.
For what reason? She could've taken up a new identity after death. that identity being called Roo. Or more specifically, the Root of All Evil.
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Roo is someone that's been known for since 2019 and someone Viv is excited to introduce since she first drew her, calling her a looming threat amongst the series. Hints of her appearance have been placed throughout the pilot on the tower and on the show. I believe that Lilith, Lute and Eve are working together with Heaven to track down Roo to destroy her hold on Earth or to prevent her from doing something to Hell, Heaven and Earth.
It's also likely that she is the demon Alastor is chained to. Why her specifically and not Lilith? Besides the timeline matching, there is very little opportunity for them to meet. Even though Alastor has made a big name for himself in the Pride Ring, Lucifer has not heard of him, so why would Lilith? But that just might be a Lucifer thing, they probably could've met after one of Lilith's shows or something.
Knowing Alastor as a person, he would've been in a very desperate situation, or maybe he was too cocky like with Adam and picked a fight with her, thinking that she was some random Overlord or low ranking demon who knocked him down and stole his soul. With her having control over him, then he is willing to do anything to get out of their agreement. Whether its to play around and isolate the princess of Hell from her support network, to make her hopes and dreams crumble to dust.
It could be possible Lilith left Charlie and Lucifer to focus on Roo, with it likely that Lucifer knows what's she's up to and tries to shield her from what's happening. But as the hotel gets more popular, Roo's attention is directed to it, thus putting Charlie and all three realms in danger. Lilith would come to Charlie, try to sugarcoat it as best as possible before revealing Roo as a threat. Then when she comes there, Alastor betrays them, but as he is free, has a change of heart and attempts to help.
That's what i think anyway.
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warblogs17282 · 3 months
Another argument I don't understand from the helluva boss 'critical' crowd is the 'they're uwufying/coddling Stolas' argument.
I've most likely covered this in the 'both sides fucked up' post I've made before but I want to challenge the claim more head on this time.
Like Stolas is a character with multiple flaws that he needs to work on and has been brought to the forefront quite a bit, a few examples of these are the alcoholism (rehab has been stated to exist in hell twice now, so that's most likely gonna become a plot point at some point in the show), the subconscious racism/classism (the harvest moon festival is a major example of that), we know Blitz is in the right when he calls Stolas out for it in apology tour in the first few minutes of the episode because that's literally the point, how is Stolas supposed to just magically undo 25 years of the learned racism/classism starting from as early as we know, 10 years old, that shit takes time, Stolas is not at that point where he's self aware enough to realise how much he hurt Blitz with those behaviours, with the self aware part being stated in the description of the apology tour video. They explicitly brought attention to Stolas' flaws regarding the racism/classism thing so it'd be shit writing for Vivzie to not bring it attention again in the near future, they've established it as a flaw Stolas has so he's gonna have to learn to undo that during the show.
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Also, in the trailer there's a line that very much tells us that Stolas is gonna have to face and learn from his problems face on. 'You never loved mother, and you don't love me, you love him.' The wording on it makes it very clear it's being spoken to Stolas, and as much as Stolas tries to give Octavia a normal life as Stolas loves Octavia so much, it just gave Octavia all the reason to believe that Stolas never loved Stella and her, because all Octavia knows up at this point is that Stolas cheated on Stella with a to her, random imp, which in her viewpoint, would confirm that the love was never there for Stella and her, leading to her villainising Stolas because of it. Octavia knows none of the abuse Stella inflicted upon Stolas. Plus, as much as Stolas tries to be an active part of Octavia's life as a father, he still fails at it. The main proof of this being in seeing stars, the phone call where Stolas was getting really intense arguing with Stella, pushing Octavia to the sideline as a result. 'Why does he hate her more than he loves me.' This scene just shows truly how Octavia feels about Stolas right now, and it plays in perfectly to the line in the trailer, so while that scene does show Octavia that Stolas does care about him, she still doesn't really sense much of the love Stolas has for Octavia, with most of it in Octavia's prespective getting replaced by Stolas being forgetful about her needs and such, instead getting caught up in his own problems too much to tend to Octavia's needs, which deeply hurts Octavia inside. Just like Loona said, Stolas just messes up, Octavia can't really see that a whole lot yet however. 'You know I haven't taught you spells like this yet.' This line just really shows that Stolas keeps getting caught up in his own things that again, Octavia's needs get put on the sideline or just forgotten about until it's too late, which hurts her deeply. It shows that the things that Octavia should've been taught at that point hasn't been taught to her yet for that reason, the arrangement with Blitz and the messy divorce to be specific.
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These two reasons are proof that the argument that they're gonna keep coddling Stolas and that he's not gonna learn from his character flaws and just stay the same way he is currently, is entirely bullshit.
I wrote much more about that than I expected, man I take helluva boss much more seriously than I thought, guess it just resonates with me.
For anyone seeing this now, Vivzie just basically confirmed that Stolas' flaws will be addressed
'Everything we are noticing about the plot that hasn’t been addressed, will be. Just BE PATIENT'
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f4iry-bell · 1 month
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pairing: jameson hawthorne x gf!reader
summary: reader gets jealous when her bf jameson is distant and a bit close with the hawthorne heiress.
warning: angsty
tagging: @clarissaweasley-10 (let me know if you want to be in jameson taglist)
a/n: gray's version
word count: 896
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It was always Jameson and you ever since you two were kids, it has always been Jameson and you. Maybe it was because how alike you were and yet so different, you two were just perfect for eachother, even though it took Jameson years to build up the courage to confess his feelings for you, you always felt his love, it was impossible to not feel it. He showed it in every way he possibly could, gifts, words, midnight rendezvous, intimacy, touch. But lately, you felt the distance. You understand why because his grandfather died and he's grieving, Jameson grieves in his own way, he doesn't like talking about it, he does it quietly without letting anyone know. You understood that gave him his space even though you wished that he would just come to you.
But your anxiety only rose when the new Hawthorne Heiress moved in and things were getting worse. Jameson barely texted you or called you, you tried to go to Hawthorne House but the security didn't let you, you tried calling him which went straight to voicemail. Weeks after everything you see the news that says your boyfriend was photographed with the new heiress driving fast. It was your thing, yours and Jameson’s. It hurts you, you trusted Jameson, he would never cheat on you. But what if he caught feelings for her? 
You looked at her pictures, she's pretty. Quite similar to you actually, so she is his type exactly. You tried not to think negatively and thought of all the moments you shared with Jameson but it only made it worse because what if it all goes to nothing?
He hasn't called, texted. you can't see him. He was grieving, he had needed space, away from everyone, including you but except her? The hurt turned into anger.
You were done being treated like this, he never treated you this way. And you hate it. You texted him to meet you but of course you got no response from him. You texted Nash, his older brother, to tell the security guards to let you in. 
Once you were inside Hawthorne House you went straight to Jameson’s wing but couldn't find him you texted Nash again asking where he is, Nash said try the library.
To your luck you found him in the first library, not alone. 
“Y/n.” He called your name when he noticed you, the two of them were sitting away from each other but yet you can't think of the worst.
“We need to talk.” You demanded.
“Not now.” He said.
“It'll only take a few minutes.” Your anger only grew more when you heard Avery speak.
“It's fine, go talk.” She said, She's probably a nice girl, nicer than you maybe.
“Y/n, we're busy.”  Jameson said.
“Okay. I'll do the talking, I will only take a minute. I want to break up. No, we are done. I'll let you go back to whatever it is.” You were quick to tune around and storm off but Jameson caught up with you quicker. He kept calling your name but you didn't stop which made him grab your arm gently a turn you towards him.
“What the hell was that?” He asked.
“I thought you were busy.” You didn't answer his question.
“Don't play with me now.”
“I'm not. And yes, I am serious. We're over, yeah go back to your new girlfriend.” You said and tried to wiggle your arm out of his gentle yet firm grip.
“What is this? You think…? Seriously? You really think that low about me?” He sounded hurt.
“I know you won't cheat. But nothing can stop you from having feelings or losing feelings.” You told him.
“Are you delusional? Why would I even!” 
“I don't know, Jameson! Maybe because you haven't spoken to me for weeks and didn't answer my calls or texts, I thought you wanted space but of course you had to find you driving at night with her! If you have lost feelings, at least have the courage to tell me and break it off. So don't call me delusional!” You yelled.
“Y/n, no. You got it all wrong, it is not like that. Me and Avery, we are nothing like that.”
“Don't lie to me, I won't blame you, she's pretty and everything. You got bored of me and now you need someone new. I understand, I guess. Now please let my arm go.” You sniffed.
“Babe, no. I am so sorry for not answering your texts or calls. It was because” he sighed. “My grandfather is a sick man and he gave us one last sick game and the game revolves around Avery.”
He explained everything.
“You could have told me.” You said.
“I didn't want you to get involved in this, it has gotten so serious.”
“And you have no reason to be jealous of Avery. We both just want to solve this puzzle, okay?” His hand holding your arm ran up to your face, thumb caressing your cheeks.
“I wasn't jealous.”
“Oh yeah?”
He chuckled. “Whatever you say, babe. Are we still over?”
“If you keep making fun of me, then yes.”
“I'll try not to. I still don't want you to get involved in this but if you really want to then you can help us with the game.”
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dreamypqulson · 1 year
— my only sunshine
summary: you’ve been struggling in silence but it hasn’t gone unnoticed.
pairing: cordelia goode x reader
warnings: depression, anxiety, self-harm (pretty detailed, be careful)
word count: 2700
venting again lol
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Your leg shaking up and down was becoming excessive. You could see the girls next to you becoming annoyed, but you hardly realized that you were doing it. Tears pooled in your eyes and it burned so badly to hold them in. Why does Cordelia have to look at me so much? Why can't she just glance over me like everyone else and let me wallow away in the corner?
Everyone knew that you were Cordelia's special girl. You didn't think it had anything to do with your powers, she just liked you. And you liked her. But that was it; you were both too afraid to acknowledge it. What she wasn’t aware of was your history with mental health, which you tried so hard to conceal from her.
You don't think you were doing a very good job hiding it this time. How could you hide the fact that you don't want to live anymore?
Everyone knew you looked terrible lately. Madison had even pointed it out. Your eyes were dark, and hollow, and you just didn't look like yourself. Madison said you were just a freak that was too caught up in your studies to barely allow yourself some time to sleep, but Cordelia knew that wasn't true. Matter of fact, it was the complete opposite.
Cordelia dismissed yet another class that had completely gone through one ear and out the other. Spacing out is the one time that you actually feel safe and you so happen to be the best at it during class.
Everyone rushed out. You were a little slower because you were so exhausted and picking up your books felt like you were ripping open the cuts on your wrist. You thought you could feel like blood dripping down, but it might've just been your anxiety freaking you out.
"Oh, y/n, could you stay for a minute, love," Cordelia asked when you were by the doorway, ever so sweet but you still bit the inside of your mouth until you could taste blood.
You spun slowly on your heels. You loved Cordelia but you didn't want to stay. You were terrified of confrontation and you just wanted to throw yourself into your bed again.
You didn't respond and kept a great distance between you and Cordelia. She was so warm, she was your comfort, and you ached to have her hold you, but you just wanted the darkness right now.
She still walked closer towards you and you almost started to cry from the nerves. You started scratching at your band-aid covered wrists. You don't know why you do that when your nervous, it just feels good in the moment.
She looked down at your arms, then back up at you. Does she know? Did your sleeve rise when you went to reach for something? "Relax, honey. You're not in trouble. I just want to check on you."
"I'm fine," it came out weak.
She raised an eyebrow at you and gave you that look. Anyone could tell that you weren't okay, it was just a matter of who would be there for you when you fall apart.
Your bottom lip started to tremble. A clear indication that you were ready to break down. Cordelia just watched, letting you control yourself before she made you explode completely.
"How about we take a walk outside, around the house, and get some fresh air, yeah?" You nodded and you were suddenly following her out the door. Anything someone says to you hasn't really been processing in your head. You truly just feel like a leaf being blown in every direction.
It was nice out, slightly chilly with a breeze, but it did not seem to snap you from your state of mind. It was quiet for a minute before Cordelia began talking to you again. You knew she was trying to distract you from your thoughts, but it's not really want you want right now.
"So what have you been up to, missy? Are you still writing?" She looked over at you, gently smiling. She loved reading all of your work, but it had been a few weeks since she had. She's been a little bit busy and you've been locking yourself in your room.
"Yeah, a little bit, I guess." It was a complete lie, but your didn't feel like getting into the fact that you could hardly bring yourself to even get out of bed, let alone write.
She wanted to have a full conversation with you, but you weren't having it. She just became silent as you both finished the walk around the building. She always takes you to walk around the city with her, but she had an inkling that you weren't going to want to leave the property.
Cordelia didn't want to let you go yet. She had a bad feeling and she knew something just wasn't right with you. She felt uneasy. But she couldn't hold you back when you told her you had to go study. You would never pass up hanging out with Cordelia to study, and she knew that, but she just let you go.
When you got to your room, it was all messy. Had you had the energy to keep it as tidy as you always did then maybe your anger levels wouldn't have increased when you walked in. You decided to ignore it and step over the pile of clothes and make your way into the bathroom.
There, you dug through your drawer, looking for the blade that you kept hidden in the back. It was the one place that nobody could accidentally stumble upon it.
You sat down on the closed toilet lid and pulled up your left sleeve. Ripping off the bandaids had not even hurt as much as they should, you didn’t even flinch. You began cutting any free skin on your inner arms that you could. You hated that there wasn't that much room anymore due to all the other cuts, but you just couldn't seem to stop.
Sometimes it made you feel crazy but it mostly made you get some release. You knew you should at least try to stop with summer approaching but getting clean is never your top priority in the moment. Not when your arms start aching for more.
You just sit there with a blank face and watch as drops of blood start pooling at the thin lines and then you start dabbing it away with a tissue and apply some pressure.
Your heart absolutely drops when you hear a knock on your bathroom door. You weren’t expecting a visitor at your room, but living in this busy house, you never really get alone time.
"Y/n, it's me darling. Dinners ready." How could you have been so in your head that you lost track of time. You hardly even had an appetite but you knew that Cordelia was already having suspicions about you. You just had to act like everything was alright.
"Okay I'll be right down." Instead of wrapping your arm up, you simply just ran it under water for a moment and then pulled your sleeve down. It definitely stung, but you were starting to enjoy it.
When you walked out of the bathroom, Cordelia was waiting on your bed for you. You were expecting her to already be downstairs with the other girls, but she clearly had other plans.
"You're always neat, sweetie. What's going on with you?" You shrugged again, and soon, you thought, she's going to forget what your voice even sounds like. You began to walk out your room, and you can hear her shuffling behind you before she finally catches up. "Not in the mood to talk today?"
You'd rather Cordelia just hold you and whisper sweet nothings in your ear without expecting an answer. But at the moment, she's completely worried and just wants you to open up. "Not really, Cordelia."
She lets you slide again, but she can't take her eyes off of you all throughout dinner. She's sitting at the head of the table and you're at the first seat next to her. When you reach for your plate, she notices something that she wishes she didn't. She wishes it wasn't even there.
Your sleeve slides up, only slightly, and she can see smeared crimson on your wrist. Her heart sink and she has to swallow down the lump in her throat. After that, she cannot even look at you, or anyone for that matter, for the rest of dinner. She wasn't angry or embarrassed of you. Just so, so upset over the fact that her girl was hurting so badly.
Dinner finishes fairly fast. You notice there's not much chatter, and it must be from Cordelia's lack of interest in any of the conversation. You start worry that you hurt her feelings. She's always catching up with you and the girls - mostly you - during dinner, but today she hadn't even said a word.
"Y/n, meet me in my room please," Cordelia says, and it sounds almost cold compared to her typical soft voice. She walks away and heads towards her bedroom and your heart completely sinks. You fidget with the hem of your shirt and make way towards her room.
The door is ajar and by the time you're there, Cordelia is sitting on her bed in tears. This is it; she's going to kick you out.
"Cordelia?" You say and gather her attention back to you. She quickly wipes away her tears like you weren't supposed to see that, but there's no hiding her red, puffy eyes.
"Sit down please," she hardly looks you in the eyes. It's terrifying.
"I—" you attempt to argue. She has no part in that.
"Just sit down, y/n."
You sit beside her and it's so close that you bunch up your sleeve in your hand. You're consistently terrified of it rising. "Show me your arm."
"Show me, y/n. I know what's going on. I know that you are hurting yourself."
You hug your arm closer to your body and can feel the sting like it's mocking you. Tears are instantly sprung to your eyes and it's clear that this situation isn't just a big misunderstanding.
"No! Leave me alone, Cordelia. What is wrong with you? Why would I ever do that." But you do do it and those words hurt so much. You wouldn't ever be so harsh to Cordelia, but you're not in the right mental state right now.
Cordelia's crying again and all you can think about is cutting up your arm for making her feel like that. You need to hurt yourself to pay for the faults you're causing and Cordelia can see right through that.
Her voice is very quiet and desperate as she speaks, "Baby, please. Please let me help you, I can't just pretend that it's not going on. I care about you too much."
This completely causes you to break down. You never had someone truly care about you. This is something that you've been yearning for forever.
You melt into Cordelia's body and she hugs you tightly, as if she let go, all of the pieces of you would just shatter everywhere. You can feel her tears start leaking through onto your shirt and you know she feels it too. "Please, y/n," she whispers, "I love you. Let me in, it's just me, it's only Cordelia."
You finally pull back and wipe away your tears. It doesn't stop another fresh batch of warm tears to roll down your face. You don't want to keep hiding this anymore. You need help. You need someone. You need her.
You take a deep breath and tug up your sleeve. You can't even bare to look at her face. Ashamed, and embarrassed, and scared. But you hear a sharp intake of breath from her. The bleeding from the cuts before dinner only made it look far worse on your fucked up skin.
"Oh, my baby," she sniffles and grabs your arm, gently. Your heart is too heavy. She's trying so hard to be strong for you. "Why," she looks up at you with watery eyes, waiting for an honest answer.
"Everything's just too much, Delia. I don't want to be me anymore. I hate being me, I hate living!" You started sobbing again and the crack in your voice doesn't go unnoticed. This is new and weird and you don't like it. You don't want to talk about yourself anymore. You can see her heart breaking in half from your words.
"My little sunshine...do you know I love you? I love the person that you say you hate so much." You don't have anything to say to that. Cordelia loves you. And you don't know how, but she does. You don't know how this whole could have any room for the broken half of you. “I couldn’t live without seeing your pretty smile and listening to you ramble to me about all the little things you love. So if you hate living so much, then let me love it for the both of us until you learn to.”
It’s silent for a couple moments that pass by until she looks back down at your arm again. It's a bloody mess and you don't want her to look anymore but she's still holding on. "Can I clean it? Can I do that for you?"
You nod and then you're being walked to her bathroom. It's bigger than yours and the entire room smells like her lavender shampoo that you always love taking in when she hugs you. She helps you to sit up on the counter. Your arm feels heavy from all the attention being on it but she so carefully cleans away the blood and it makes you feel a little bit better.
She covers it with bandaids. Not because she is disgusted by it. She's not at all. She just doesn't want anything infecting the fresh ones.
When she’s done, she lifts your arm up to her lips and, so delicately, kisses the covered cuts. A few tears start rolling down your face again. You’re too emotional for this. “Delia…”
“I love you,” she looks back up to you. Her words are so clear and genuine. “Come to me. I don’t care where we are or what time it is. Come to me whenever you feel like this.” You nod, your bottom lip trembling. She reaches her hand up and brushes her thumb over your lips. “It’s not going to be easy but i’m going to help you. We can make a plan and safe alternatives, anything that’ll help.”
She leans in and kisses your forehead, slow and light and your heart beats a little bit faster. “I love you too, Cordelia,” you croak out and she gives you that little smile.
“Come on, my little sunshine, let’s get some rest, hm?” She grabs your hand and brings you to her own bed. You’ve never slept with Cordelia before but it all feels natural. You lay your head on her chest and her arms wrap around your body. For once, you feel a sliver of happiness that you’ve been deprived of for so long.
The room is silent besides her soft breaths and the sound of cars rushing by. You finally break that silence after a few minutes.
“Hm?” She peaks down a you and a small smile is present on her face again.
“Why do you always call me your little sunshine?” You say it with a slight giggle in your voice. You love all the nicknames she has for you, but this one stands out and makes your heart warm.
“Because, sweetie, I was in a very similar situation as you. But then you came into my life and suddenly there was light again.”
You looked up at her and bite your lip. You could’ve never imagined a woman like her feeling as terrible as you do. She’s too…perfect. But maybe, suddenly, you won’t feel so ashamed of your emotions anymore. You lean forward and place your sweet lips on hers. Just for a moment, for the first time in your life, you see a bit of sunlight shine through the cracks of your eyelids.
taglist: @loverofallthingssarah @goodeday2u @lanawinters-ily @strawberryshorttcakkee @sapphicforsarahh @ahsfan05 @stayevildarling @isle-of-earle @cordithatgurl @mistysswampmud @billiedeansbitch @billiedeanspearls @cigaretteology @favoriteredhead @lovingsarah @cordeliass @citizenoftheworld-stuff-blog @multi-royalty-main
message me or send an ask to be added to my taglist!
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thepixelelf · 8 months
do u know nct?? if so, jung jaehyun and cupid au?!!! if not then au where wonwoo is a regular dude and also the subject of a Prophecy against his best wishes? idk i hope these are fun!!!
I genuinely don't think I could characterize jung jaehyun if I tried... but I can do reluctant Normal Guy wonwoo!! I hope you like it :]
[mr chosen one] It's been three weeks and six days since Wonwoo met the most annoying person in the world. Three weeks and six days since Wonwoo's been able to relax. Three weeks and six days of your constant pestering.
You call yourself the oracle. Whatever the hell that means.
All Wonwoo knows is that you showed up at his workplace out of nowhere as the "social media manager". Why would a company that sells Tupperware need a social media manager? Wonwoo still doesn't know. He's pretty sure you just wormed your way in to complete your life's mission-- annoying the shit out of him.
The first day, you'd leaned into his cubicle and whispered, "Hey. You're Jeon Wonwoo, right?"
And when he hesitantly nodded, wondering how the hell you already knew his name since he was one hundred percent sure he'd have nothing to do with the company's social media, you beamed.
Smiled so bright he thought he might go blind, and said, "I knew I'd find you."
Ever since that first day, you've been telling him over and over again how he's supposed to save the world.
Step number 1: find the king -- whoever that is -- in the heart of the fire.
You haven't told him who the hell "the king" is because apparently, you don't even know. And the whole "heart of the fire" thing is fuzzy to you as well, even though you're the one who said that out loud in the first place.
Step number 2: behead the king.
Yeah. Sure.
"And where am I supposed to get the sword for that?" he asked you nonchalantly a week into your nonsense, his eyes not leaving the spreadsheet he was working on. "Amazon?"
You just shrugged. "You can get anything on Amazon."
Step number 3: bear the crown under the weight of stars.
Whatever that means.
"You can't just say no," you asserted two weeks in. "This is your fate."
"I'm good, thanks." Wonwoo poured himself a mediocre black coffee in the break room, where he'd gone in the hopes of avoiding you. He didn't offer you any.
You crossed your arms. "The world is at stake."
"If the whole world is about to explode, I'm pretty sure you've got the wrong guy."
Almost four weeks of this weirdness, and maybe Wonwoo should've gone to HR by now, but it sounds a little trivial, even to him.
Hey, HR, my coworker keeps telling me I'm part of a world-saving prophecy and is convinced I need to go on a journey. I want either for them to be fired, or a couple weeks off so I can go save the world. Thanks.
Yeah, no. Instead, Wonwoo just braces himself for another day of your pestering.
...Which doesn't happen.
At the halfway point of the first peaceful lunch break Wonwoo's had in weeks, he realizes he hasn't even caught a glimpse of you all morning. He revels in that feeling for a bit, almost embarrassingly gleeful to sit in silence and eat his cup-a-noodles.
Then the afternoon goes by, and you've still yet to meet your annoyance quota for the day.
Wonwoo is happy. Yes. This is good news.
You've finally gotten over your delusions, and he won't have to deal with you anymore.
He's poking his head in Seungkwan's cubicle before he realizes he's doing it.
"Oh, them?" Seungkwan says when Wonwoo asks about you. "They left. They told big boss man we had no reason to employ a social media manager in the first place and got themselves transferred to a sister company."
Wonwoo blinks. "What?"
"Shouldn't you already know? You guys were hanging out like every day."
After that, Wonwoo walks back to his desk in silence. Awkward silence.
Why doesn't he like the silence?
When he sits down, there's a yellow sticky note on his keyboard, which he swears wasn't there when he left.
He wouldn't recognize your handwriting, but he knows it has to be yours.
Fine. I'll behead the king myself.
Wonwoo pinches the note between his fingers, and he remembers the conversation he had with you just the day before.
"It sounds dangerous," he said, focusing on the photocopier in front of him.
"Oh, it will be." You were leaned against the doorjamb. Always close by. "You'll be dodging death at every curve in the road."
"Delightful. I think I'll sit this one out."
The note gets crumpled in Wonwoo's fist. He grabs his coat and takes swift steps toward the elevators.
"Where are you going?" Seungkwan calls out when he sees Wonwoo practically run past his cubicle.
Wonwoo presses the down button before he rethinks and moves to the doors to the stairwell. He yells back, "I have no idea!"
He really doesn't.
But you said all that stuff about fate-- if it's really meant to be him that saves the world...
His footsteps, in whichever direction, will take him to you. Through fate or whatever.
At least, he really, really hopes so.
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heluvschibi · 2 months
Day 1
Cursing, death,
ೄྀ _-🐽🐰-_ೄྀ
Today is Changbin's birthday, you were honestly a very forgetful person, most of the time you would be spacing out thinking about what to eat for dinner, but now all you have to do is get to dinner on time.
Changbin said we will be having a date on his birthday at this restaurant, you've been wanting to go to for some time.
But you weren't paying attention, like always... You swear the light was green, so you decided to go.
ೄྀ _-🐽🐰-_ೄྀ
You woke up, upside down, head spinning, pain everywhere, you saw your phone and tried to reach it but it was to far, you heard people screaming outside making your ears ring even more, "C-Changbin..." You weakly said, trying to reach to call him, or someone.
You gave up and decided to unbuckle your seatbelt which was also jammed, "Fuck..." You coughed the smell of gasoline filled your scenes... That's when you immediately started to panic, what if the car was leaking gas, what if the car was on fire, what if a smoker was by and threw there cigarette on the ground, you started to panic but you couldn't move that well, being stuck to the seat by a jammed seatbelt and a air bag which is slowly deflating.
"Hello!? C-can anyone hear me?" You voice wasn't heard.
.ೄྀ _-🐽🐰-_ೄྀ
"Where is she..." Changbin tapped his finger on the wheel for the 100th time, he checked his phone for the time and she was supposed to be here, you were supposed to be here, he then decided to call you, but it said your phone was off.
Then he got a call from Chan who seemed worried, "Changbin are you okay?"
"Yeah why wouldn't I be?"
Chan sighed, "Good, there was a driver who just ran a red light on the street you drove on just down the road..."
"That doesn't matter to me right now... Have you heard from y/n? She hasn't called yet, she said she was... Down... The road.."
Horror spread across hos face, "C-chan... Can you-?"
"I sent you a link."
Changbin went to chats and clicked on it, there was now a traffic jam, and there was a fire by two cars, one car was pinned in by a truck and a building, flipped. He got a good look and saw it looked exactly like your car.
"C-chan... Y-you... You don't think that y/n r-right?"
"Cmon man, don't say stuff like that..."
He immediately drove out of the parking lot of the restaurant and drove until he was met with, the traffic jam, he immediately ran past people who got out of their cars to be met with police officers asking him and others to stay back while a fire engine comes.
"D-did you get everyone out!?" Changbin shouted.
"There is still a victim in the car over their, but they were non responsive... There is nothing we can do we don't have the tools. " The female officer pointes to the grey car, that looked like y/n's car, although the license plate is upside down and messes up its still easy to decipher... And it's was y/n's.
Changbin immediately pushed passed the police officers "Y/n!?" He shouted as he ran, officers shouting for him to stop, and it's not safe.
He got closer and the smell of gasoline was strong, your car smelled the worst, he reached closer but a police officer caught up with him dragging him away as he shouted, "No, my girl friend is still stuck on there! You have to save her!"
"There's nothing we can do until fire and rescue come-"
"It smells like gas over there! It's a ticking time bomb! It's gonna explode any-"
And just like that, the ticking time bomb has been exploded, they were pushed back by the power of it, hiding behind a car.
Changbin then looked over to see your car, burnt from the explosion.
His breath was caught in his throat, he felt his eyes fill with tears, his whole body felt numb because his legs gave out and he felt back where he was hiding behind, he then let out the most gut wrenching screaming, he started crying hysterically, the tears never ending.
ೄྀ _-🐽🐰-_ೄྀ
Day 1 done
It's okay if the first one is bad right? I don't know why but I've been OVERLY eepy for like days, but I've been getting good rest... Am I dying? —Chibi
I'll edit the stories at the end of angst week
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slvttysstuff · 9 months
REBOUND chapter 4
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Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Warning: mention of blood, jealous jay, grammatical errors
Summary: months after shelly and jay broke up he found himself in a relationship with you while he hasn't moved on yet from his past lover (shelly)
The tournament had already started once again, and here you are, along with Dom getting the medical team aid the two of you after having a incident while racing with those douchebags, you're maybe confused on how we got into an accident, to make the story short, those scorpion screw played us dirty
They took advantage of Dom and I while we're racing inside that tunnel, dom's tire got punctured resulting of him and I falling together
" Hey! To your left! " Vinny and I yelled, " huh? " Dom muttered but was too late when the guy in black helmet and gray hoodie puncture Dom's tires resulting of Dom falling and landing forward, I was at Dom's back so I don't have the time to react or to dodge him making my bike bump into his and just like what happens to him, it happens to me also, landing on my poor face
" Y/n! Dom! " I heard my team yelled worried, I slowly sat up and looked at them blood dripping in my head and cheeks " don't worry a-about us! Just focus and go!! " I yelled
" hey y/n I'm sorry it's my fault that you also got into this too " Dom said while the medics were putting some ointment on our wounds, I chuckled at him " don't be an idiot, it's fine it's part of the race " I chuckled
I hissed when I felt the ointment on my wound " luckily it was just a wounds and a few scratches nothing too worst " the medic explained to us " but I still recommend the two of you to take a rest " and after that they left, we were there alone sitting
" do you think they'll beat them up? " Dom asked looking at me, I looked back at him, his face caught me off guard I tried to suppress my laugh, his looks right now is very funny the bandage all over his face he looks like a mummy " of-ofcourse " I answered bitting the inside of my cheeks looking away
" what happen exactly between you and jay? " Dom continue, I knew it, not long they'll start asking me what really happened between me and jay and all I have to do is to answer it " I think you all notice it already " i said looking at down at my legs " notice what? "
" the reason why we broke up, I thought it was already obvious" I said " I think I know,but I'm not sure if I'm right..." he was hesitant " was it because of shelly? " Dom asked, I let out a small smile, he got it right
" yeah " I shortly answered before sighing, hearing her name makes me heart clench " jay hasn't moved on from her yet " I explained " he's still attached to her " I continued, tears were starting to fall from my eyes as I looked up not wanting it to fall
Dom looked at me with pitiful eyes, " I'm sorry you have to go through with that, I know jay's reason wasn't valid, he just got attached to shelly too much, but trust me y/n jay loves you.." Dom said, I looked at him and was about to say something when
" DOM!! ARE YOU ALRIGHT?!!? " yuna yelled as she pushed the crowds and went to us, Dom's face quickly change as he acted as if he was hurt
" y-yuna! It hurts so bad! " He complains like a child, I looked at him with ' wtf bro' look as I saw how he quickly changes when it comes to yuna, of course that's because he likes her, I looked away not wanting witness their cheesiness especially Dom
" Team Scorpion at the lead and it doesn't look like team hummingbird can catch up! " The spectator announced as Dom and Yun grew worried but I have my faith in them especially minu, he was the one who planned all of this, he was the brain of our team
" There are no rules this time and we have to race with those asshats, which means it will be more dangerous " minu explained, he looks at me " y/n I think it's the best if you won't participate this round first, it's too dangerous" minu said but I shook my head
" no, I'll participate, I don't care if it's dangerous" I disagree on what minu said, the others gave me worried looks but I ignored them
" y/n I think you should listen to min- "
" jay i meant what I said, This is my decision, if something happens to me it's my fault" I glared at him making him shut up, he just sighed
" a-anyways, I was thinking..." Minu started
" let's say jay sprints early alright? If you do that no doubt they'll come after you first and take you out so..." Minu paused as he thinking some strategy " I want you two to shake things up a little at the beginning" minu said looking at Dom and Vinny
" in the meantime me, jay and y/n we'll stay at the back and pace ourselves, and at the last course I'll start sprinting and break their tempo then jay that's when you sprint "minu said " I'll stay at the back of Dom and try to block them- "
" It's too dangerous " jay once again interrupt my words, I closed my eyes inhaling the air " I don't care! If it's dangerous or not! If it's for winning the team then I have to do it " I argue with jay once again he looks at me " we can win this without you putting your life in danger, you knew they would play dirty on us" jay said keeping his calmness on my stubbornness " I know what I am doing! Stop treating me like a god damn elementary kid! " I yelled " I'm not, I'm just tell- "
" jay enough, I think Y/n's right, Dom needs someone who'll block the enemy, and even if it went wrong, we can still continue our plan " minu said
" why are you agreeing in putting her in the red- "
" why don't you let y/n decide for her self? She's not a puppet that you can control anytime you want." Vinny interrupted looking coldly at jay it was clear that he was irritated to the black haired boy " guys I think it's not the right time to argue, let's just hope nothing will happen and just focus on the race okay? " Dom said trying to cool down the argument that was already boiling up
" Hey y/n " someone called making me look who it was, " y-yeah Yuna? " I answered " we were calling you 5 times, are you alright? " Yuna asked completely worried, I nodded at her " I'm fine Yuna thank you " I said giving her a small smile
" 800m To the finish line! We're almost at the end of the race and team hummingbird is speeding up like crazy!! " The spectator announced
I stood up and went to the crowds to watch, minu was doing his strategy,
" Mini Yoon from hummingbird just went solo from his group! " The spectator said, minu went solo as he caught up with those fuckers, taking the lead once again, after sometime jay started sprinting leading the race all the way, cheers and applause can be heard after jay takes the lead
" AND FOR THIS ROUND! TEAM HUMMINGBIRD WON!! With 4.76 seconds lead!! " the spectator announced, a faint smile formed from my lips after hearing the announce of winners, I went back to the place where Dom and yuna are and sat back " I told you they will win " I said to Dom grinning at him, we went to were June is,
his arms were still injured thats why he didn't get to participate the match, then there we saw the three of them walking on our way " good work guys " June congratulate " I shit my pants " Dom said while doing a thumbs up, I laugh at his comment " You did a good wor-
" how's your wounds? What did the medics say about it?" Jay suddenly went to me and start checking on my wounds that were already bandage
" i-its fine, a few scratches they say, but I'm fine " I stutter looking away as he was looking down at me, worried was evident on his looks, I noticed the others giving us the looks making me uncomfortable, I moved away " so! Minu! Your strategy really worked! " I said trying to light up the mood " yeah it does " minu said as he scratch the back of his neck
" remember what you said to us before? " June asked as minu looked at him, confused
" when you told us you weren't Gonna practice with us anymore, I mean when you said you're just a third wheel to our team " June explained, minu looked at us as if he already remembered what June said
" oh that was.." minu started
"minu you are, our teams brain " June finally said as I nodded in agreement to what June said
" huh? What? Burain? "Dom who's confused to what had June said asked as he also asked yuna
" oh..thats ridiculous" minu said scratching his head while Mia was cheering for him
" Y/n what burain? It sounds dope " don mumbled to me and yuna, yuna poke Dom's forehead " he's talking about this " yuna answered but Dom was still confused, his reaction makes me laugh
" listen guys " minu called making our attention turn to him " I got something to tell you all " minu started " I've been meaning to tell you this guys" minu continued as he slowly took Mia's hands holding it " we're dating " minu announced but none of us reacted cause it was completely obvious except for Dom and june who's utterly in shocked, even though they haven't told us yet, they were already obvious
i noticed the two of them blushing " we already know! " I chuckled I went in front of them holding their hands that was already holding into each other " I gave you my blessings " I muttered like an old lady making the others laugh except for jay and Vinny who's looking at me
" the fuck you doing idiot you look like am old lady giving blessings to married couple " Vinny called as I looked at him glaring, I let go of their hands " congrats! " I said smiling at them
" how did you guys find out we haven't even told you yet " minu said " it was completely obvious" yuna explain as minu and Mia laughed
" so do you guys wanna hang out at my house? I'll cook or we can order something! " I suggested, Dom immediately agreed " I'm on it! Let's take a house tour at her house " Dom suggested as the others agree as well
as we started to head out and Dom's bodyguards were waiting for us, Dom told them that we will head to my house
" hey Dom are you alright? You fall really hard earlier" June said as he sat on the car " I'm fine it's just a few scratches " Dom said assuring us the he was alright..
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canirove · 9 months
In The Name of Love | Chapter 5
Previous chapter | Next chapter
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"Stop texting him, Valeria."
"I wasn't."
"Sure" Silvia says, rolling her eyes. "Besides, isn't he playing tonight?"
"He is, but the game hasn't started yet. I sent him a good luck text and was just checking if he had seen it." But he hadn't. It was still unread, like all the other texts I've sent him during the past couple of days. "I'm such an idiot, Silvia."
"Yes, you are" she says. 
"This was supposed to be just sex, something fun. You yourself said it. Why has it gotten so… complicated?"
"Love works in mysterious ways" she shrugs.
"I don't love him" I laugh.
"But you've definitely caught feelings. And so has he."
"Valeria, Silvia!" Marc says as he walks towards us. "Thank you very much for coming."
"Of course" she smiles. "And congratulations."
"Thank you" Marc says. "Are you alright, Valeria?"
"You look a bit… worried. Stunning, but worried. Do you have trouble with a kid or something?"
"Ha!" I snort. "Sorry, sorry. But yes, something like that."
"I'm sure you'll be able to fix it" Marc smiles.
"Let's hope so."
"Marc! There you are!" 
"Oh, hello, love" he says, wrapping his arm around Isabel's waist. "I was just talking with Valeria and Silvia."
"Hello" Isabel says with her usual fake smile while looking at me from head to toe. "Nice dress, Valeria."
"Thank you."
"It looks expensive. How can a public school teacher like you afford it? Did you find a sugar daddy or something?" she laughs.
"You are so funny" I say, trying really hard not to roll my eyes and tell her that she is the one who found one. Because Marc comes from a very wealthy family and is currently working for one of the most important banks in the country. Meanwhile, she tries to become an influencer. Though so far, not even the cheapest brands have wanted to work with her. 
"How is Pau doing?" Marc asks Silvia, trying to change the topic of conversation.
"Oh, he's great. Currently in England working on some new piece for the car or something. He tells me but I always forget" she says.
"Isn't that supposed to be super secret? He works for one of the most important Formula 1 teams."
"Yeah, but he knows that when he talks about those things I don't pay attention because I don't understand a word, so it's ok" she shrugs. 
"What about you, Valeria? Have you finally found a boyfriend? You are the only one from our group who still is single" Isabel says with a twisted smile.
"I'm actually seeing someone."
"Are you?" she laughs. "Who?"
"Oh, c'mon, Valeria. You don't have to lie if you are still alone. It's sad, but it's ok."
"Isa…" Marc says.
"What?" she replies with an innocent smile.
"I'm gonna go get myself a drink" I say after counting to ten to stop me from punching her in front of everyone. 
"Oh, don't run away, Valeria. Tell us his name at least!"
"Congratulations on your engagement, Isabel. And I'm sorry, Marc."
"Sorry?" he asks with a confused look.
"Bye" I say, hearing Isabel calling me pathetic as I walk away.
"Val… Val, hey…" someone says, touching my shoulder. "Valeria!"
"Fuck!" I yell, quickly standing up and tripping with my dress.
"Careful" Pedri says, his arms around me. "What are you doing here?"
"I wanted to talk with you."
"And the engagement party?" 
"I got tired of the bride bullying me as if we were still in high school and I left" I shrug. "Besides, the party sucked."
"How long have you been waiting here?" he asks, moving his hands up and down my arms. "You are freezing cold, Val."
"I don't know" I shrug again. "I left when the second half was starting, sat down to wait for you because my feet were killing me, and then I think I kind of fell asleep."
"While sitting on my front door?"
"Yeah" I shrug. It looks like that's the only thing I can do. 
"Come, let's get you inside. I don't want you to get sick."
"Thank you. But shouldn't you close your car or something? Maybe park it properly?" I chuckle. 
"I probably should, yes" he smiles, making my heart skip a beat. I had missed his smile so much… 
"Here" Pedri says, giving me some clothes. "It isn't a Barça tracksuit, don't look at me like that."
"Sorry" I shrug for the millionth time. 
"Do you want me to leave while you get changed?"
"You've seen everything there is to see. And I think I need help with the zipper" I say, turning around.
"Ok" he says, moving behind me. "Done."
"Oh, thank you" I mutter. I didn't feel his fingers on my back. He didn't touch me. He… he's fucking done with me.
"Do you want a coffee or something to get you warm?" 
"I'm fine" I say while I get changed. 
"So… what did you want to talk about?" he says, sitting down on the sofa as far away from me as he can.
"I… I wanted to apologize. I should have told you about Marc."
"You should have, yes."
"I'm sorry." 
"Why didn't you tell me?" he says after a few seconds in silence.
"I forgot."
"I did. I already told you that you make me forget about what I don't want to think about, that when I'm with you I forget about everything else."
"Wait a second. The night we met… Were you trying to forget about him?"
"Kind of."
"Kinf of?"
"They had just announced their engagement and I was…"
"Jealous?" Pedri asks, arching an eyebrow.
"No, no. It wasn't like that. I was… Angry. At them, but mostly at myself."
"What do you mean?"
"It doesn't matter."
"Yes, it does matter, Val. Because I need to know why you've been with me. I need to know if I'm just something to make you forget, a pastime, someone you get to fuck and that's it. I want to know if I'm being used."
"I'm not using you, Pedri."
"Then why can't you be honest with me? Why can't you open up? Is it because I am a kid like you always say? Because I won't be able to understand it?"
"That's one of the reasons, yes" I say, my eyes focused on a loose thread on the sweatshirt he has let me borrow.
"And the others?"
"It's complicated."
"Dear Lord, Valeria" he says, getting up from the sofa and starting to walk around the room. "Why can't you just say it?"
"Because I'm afraid, ok?" I say, raising my voice.
"Afraid? Afraid of what?"
"Of everything!" I'm afraid of what I've started to feel for you, of opening my heart again, of being hurt, of what being with you means, of what people will think, of the hate and backlash, of losing you. But instead of saying all that, I just start crying. 
"What kind of explanation is that?"
"The only one I can give you right now" I sob. 
"Well, that isn't enough."
"Where… where are you going?" I ask when I see him leave.
"To bed, I'm shattered after today's game. You must be happy that we lost."
"I didn't check the result. But I'm sorry."
"Sure" he snorts. "Anyway, you can sleep in one of the guest rooms, I don't want you calling for a car this late at night, it can be dangerous."
"Thank you."
"But don't be here when I wake up."
"What? Pedri, I…"
"Good night, Valeria" he says, finally walking away.
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ginjithewanderer · 2 years
[Tetora Nagumo] What I Like 4☆ — The Back of a Man Among Men
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Writer: Nishioka Maiko || Season: Winter Character appearances: Tetora, Arashi
"What about you, Tetora-kun? Have you found anything you like yet?"
Translation under the cut
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Tetora: Hmhmhmm…♪ I’m back~
Arashi: Oh? Tetora-kun, welcome back.
Arashi: Are you done with work already? You're back surprisingly early. Didn't you say you might be late? I thought for sure that you wouldn’t be back until late at night.
Tetora: Ossu. That's what I thought, too, but I got done earlier than I expected~
Arashi: I see. Well, I'm glad you got done without any troub—
Arashi: Kyaah!
Tetora: Woah!? Wh-what's wrong? You startled me just yelling all of a sudden, y'know?
Arashi: Tetora-kun, this is bad! Your ear! Your earlobe!
Tetora: Huh?
Arashi: Your earlobe is bleeding!
Tetora: Hm…?
Tetora: Ah, it really is. My piercing hasn't healed all the way yet, so I guess it might be bleeding because my earring got caught on my clothes or something.
Arashi: Uh-uh. You can't just wipe it off so casually like that! What if it gets infected!?
Arashi: Okay. Come here. I'll give you a hot soak.
Tetora: H-'hot soak'…? What's that? It sounds kinda like 'hot soup' in English, so I guess it's something yummy?
Arashi: Nope. A hot soak is when you use warm salt water on the affected area to help it heal better.
Arashi: Piercings are delicate, so you can't use regular disinfectants.
Arashi: Don't worry, this won't hurt. Come on, come here and sit still.
Tetora: Ossu. I'll take you up on that, then.
Arashi: Dab, dab…And, there.
Arashi: Oh? This earring…It's not the one you usually wear, is it?
Tetora: Ah, yeah. Today's work was kinda formal, so I wore this clear one that isn't really visible from a distance.
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Tetora: I wonder if this piercing is even worth it for me if it’ll keep getting caught in my clothes~. It probably started bleeding because it got caught on something in a weird way.
Arashi: Hmm, that is strange. I wonder if it keeps getting caught on things because you’re not used to it yet.
Arashi: You can’t take the earring out until it heals up, though, or the hole will close up…
Arashi: I know. How about we go shopping for new ones the next time we’re free? I’ve been meaning to look for some small ones for myself, too.
Arashi: I can recommend you a shop, but would you be okay with that?
Tetora: Oh. Can I? If it’s one you recommend, I wanna go, too!
Arashi: That’s decided, then ♪ Let’s go out the next time we’re free.
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Arashi: Kyaah ♪ All of them are so cute. With this many choices, I’ll never be able to decide.
Arashi: Oh, well~. Even though there are so many cute things, I want to save money this month…They’re all so tempting.
Arashi: Ah, I can’t get distracted and have fun on my own like this. I’m not here to shop for myself today.
Arashi: What about you, Tetora-kun? Have you found anything you like yet?
Tetora: U~myu. Let me think…Ah, these are nice and simple.
Tetora: I like this kinda thing, but I don’t know how fashionable they are…
Tetora: I don’t really have much of a fashion sense. That’s why I wanna hear your opinion. What do you think of these?
Arashi: Hey. You don’t need to worry about every little thing like that. After all, the most important part of fashion is wearing what you like!
Arashi: Besides, it’s not like you don’t have a good fashion sense. These earrings are nice, aren’t they? I think they’ll suit you.
Tetora: You think so? If they have your seal of approval, I’ll get them~♪ That said, which ones do you like, Narukami-senpai?
Arashi: Me? Well—
Arashi: I like these, and earrings like these are nice, too…Ah, these! I like these ones. Mmm, it’s too bad I can’t buy them. I’ll have to come back when I have some more money.
Arashi: Oh, well, that’s okay. Our main goal today was to get you some earrings. We did achieve that.
Tetora: Ossu. I’ll go pay for these, then!
Arashi: Okaaay, see you in a bit. I’ll go look around that clothing store over there. Please do call out to me once you’re done.
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Arashi: I’m so glad you could find something you like.
Tetora: Ossu! It’s just as I’d expect from a store you like. All the accessories there were designed really well. It was really neat.
Tetora: I wanna go there again. Thank you so much!
Arashi: Hehe. Just hearing you say that makes it feel worth recommending it to you.
Tetora: —Also, here.
Arashi: Huh? What’s this package?
Tetora: It’s thanks for today. I’m sorry it’s so small.
Arashi: Huh!? You don’t need to thank me, though!
Arashi: But…thank you. I’m glad. Is it okay if I open it?
Tetora: Of course!
Arashi: —Oh, my! These are the earrings I liked from that store! When did you…
Tetora: Heheh. I’m not great at giving presents, so I wasn’t sure what would be good enough as thanks, but…
Tetora: Obviously, you’d want to give anyone something they’d like, right? That’s why I didn’t buy anything beforehand. I just quietly did my research and bought these earlier.
Arashi: …You’re amazing, Tetora-kun.
Tetora: Huh? Did you say something, Narukami-senpai?
Tetora: Ah! Are these not good enough as a thank you!?
Arashi: Nope. Not at all. I’m really happy with these. Thank you so much. I’ll treasure them ♪
Tetora: I’m really glad you like them! Let’s go home, then.
Arashi: (Mm~…And I thought you were still just a cute junior. I really look forward to what the future holds for you…♪)
Tetora: ? Narukami-senpai, what’s wrong~? You almost got left behind, y’know~?
Arashi: Yeah, yeah. I’m coming, Tetora-kun!
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You don’t have to write this if you don’t want to, but there’s an idea that has been on my mind lately and I just need to get it out there and share it with someone. Lately I’ve been thinking about a whumpee sitting in the passenger seat of caretaker’s car, being driven home after caretaker picked them up from the bar. Under the influence of alcohol, whumpee starts casually rambling about the fucked up shit that whumper did to them, all of which caretaker was completely unaware of. Whumpee wasn’t normally the type to open up to them. Caretaker is horrified, while whumpee is too drunk to even notice caretaker’s stunned reaction.
CW: References to domestic violence, drug use, derogatory self-talk, Kauri being a Drunk Mess. Takes place early after Kauri starts coming to the safehouse.
"I said, 'Oh my God, look at that face,'" Kauri sings, voice husky and cracking, boneless against the passenger seat. "You look like my next mistake-"
"Annnnnnd we're not listening to this," Jake interrupts, leaning forward to switch from the random dance-pop playlist to his own personal one. Kauri's glimmering smile fades into an overwrought pout in response.
"Boo. You have the worst taste in music."
"I do not. I just don't want to listen to you drunk-sing Taylor Swift, that's all. Not again. Last time you cried."
"Excuse me, Jakob Stanton, that was a private performance and you should be glad I didn't make you pay for the concert of the century." Kauri kicks his dirty Vans up on Jake's clean dash, crossing his legs at the ankles. He drops his right hand down to pull the little lever on the side of his seat, the back falling backwards until he's nearly lying down. "Not my fault I get carried away with emotions."
"Ever tried not doing that?"
"Yeah." Kauri smiles again. Jake pretends not to glance sidelong to watch his eyes move, like he can see the stars right through the roof of Jake's car. There's a hickey on Kauri's neck, bruising in the shape of teeth and tongue. Might be lipstick smudged on an earlobe. Kauri's own mouth seems too red in the dark, yellowed under the occasional streetlight.
It isn't the answer Jake expects. "What?"
"Course I tried. You think I let this pretty face be ruined by all those ugly tears before? It's in my training, you know. No tears unless he wants them, no screams he doesn't demand, nothing left that he didn't pay for. He wants a gorgeous face, not some asshole who feels things and has opinions."
Jake falls quiet. His music seems incongruous now, clashing with Kauri's soft voice. He takes a turn, driving out of downtown where he'd found Kauri giggling outside yet another bar, dancing with a group of people who looked just as wounded as he does.
He isn't as good as Kauri is at knowing, but he thought at least two of them probably had barcodes hidden underneath jewelry and long sleeves, too.
Romantics run away often, it's in Jake's literature. But they struggle once they're out. They don't know how to make a living. They tend to shoplift because no one showed them how to pay, they can't get a job anyway even when they know what to do. They get treated like shit and taken advantage of... and they go back. They're bad at hiding, at blending in. They get caught, or they go back.
"There's a lot in you that nobody made but you." Jake wishes he was better at this. He's still kind of new at it, and Kauri hasn't been coming around that long. He still has some bandages under his shirt, covering the fresh scar on his collarbone.
"Therein, Jakob, lies the problem." Kauri intones the sentence like a professor delivering a lecture. "Mr. Owen hated all those parts, because none of them were in the person I was supposed to be."
Jake tries not to grind his teeth too obviously. Mr. Owen. Fucking asshole.
"I tried not to feel things that I wasn't supposed to. I was great it, too, for a while. Even better at lying once the feelings showed up anyway. But that wasn't enough, because it was a lie and we both knew it. Love is just lying, for us. To ourselves. To the owners. To everyone. We don't really mean it. We don't know how."
Jake licks at his lips. They sit at a stoplight, and he wishes he'd told Nat to get Kauri instead. Or had told Kauri no, figure it out, it's late and Jake doesn't want to be doing this.
But Kauri called, and he came.
It's a bad habit he can't let himself get into, or he'll be who Kauri always calls on nights like this.
He hopes so, anyway.
"We lie." Kauri's voice is a haze, fog rolling in off the bay. Kauri sounds the way someone looks when they're far enough away that every edge has softened. "We manipulate, we steal, we plead and flatter and fuck like rabbits. And there's absolutely nothing underneath."
"Kaur, you know that isn't true-"
"Every time there was," Kauri continues, as if Jake hadn't spoken, "He hurt me, and then he put me back in my box."
The light finally turns green, and Jake presses down on the gas. "Your box?"
"My delivery box. He kept it, set it up against the wall. When I couldn't be empty enough for him, when he remembered it was all just the two of us lying to each other, he would put me back in it. In the dark... all by myself." Kauri blinks rapidly, and Jake sees streetlight gleam, dim and yellow, off the tears escaping the corner of his eye to soak saltwater into his hair, just above his ear. "Can't feel anything. Can't see anything. Can't hear anything. He'd leave me for hours. One time for-... for over a day. Once he even moved it around like he was sending me b-back."
"Holy fuck."
Jake thinks about that.
He thinks about the way Kauri flinches away from small spaces, sleeps outside because the doors don't lock when there aren't any.
"Jesus," He whispers.
Kauri doesn't seem to notice.
"I just got so tired of pretending I didn't feel it when he hit me," Kauri says, holding his hands up, looking at his own palms. The leather bracelet that hides his barcode looks like handcuffs at this angle, in what passes for light at midnight under nothing but tree canopies lining residential streets. "I couldn't keep it up and he couldn't keep remembering I'm not ever going to suddenly become Vincent fucking Shield, even if he killed me. And... and he was gonna kill me sooner or later, right? After the choking started, the..." He touches his collarbone over his shirt. "He was going to, soon. And nobody would care."
Jake swallows, hard. "That's not-"
"I almost didn't even care anymore, either."
There's no way to respond to that.
He just listens.
"I got so tired of being empty. I couldn't lie to him any longer. Couldn't keep lying to me, either. I'm a failure, a broken pet. I wanted to tell the truth. Just the one time, I wanted to tell the truth without being put in the box, Jake. I wanted to say that I could hate him more than I loved him. I wanted to get to hate him at all. But there's... there's a problem with that."
"Is there?"
What the fuck else can he say?
"Yeah." Kauri digs a hand into his pocket. He swallows something before Jake can stop him. Maybe it's just Tylenol to hold off the hangover. Maybe. Probably not. Kauri'd smile swims, uneasy and seeming oddly seasick. "The problem... is that the truth isn't what I want it to be."
"I am empty, Jake. I got away from him and there isn't anything in here. They're right. I'm not even a person. Just a face and a cock. Just the cold and the walls and... and the box."
"That's not true-"
"It's okay." Kauri, absurdly, lays a hand on his arm to soothe him. "It's okay. I don't even mean it. I'm just rambling, Jake. None of it means anything. I am so drunk, just ignore me, yeah? Just talking shit, that's all." He suddenly smiles, bright as any star, and jerks his seat back upright. "Hey, can we go to Burger King? I want some fries."
The sudden swerve of mood feels like driving right off a cliff but finding yourself suddenly flying a plane.
"What? It's twelve-thirty in the morning-"
"Drive-thru is open til one. Come on, Jake, please?" Kauri's eyes are absurdly wide, too blue.
Jake groans. "Yeah, fine."
Kauri claps his hands together with glee, half-lunging to grab Jake's mp3 player. "You're my favorite person on earth, Jake. Now, where is the list with the pretty orangey looking background color..."
Kauri keeps his eyes carefully unfocused so he won't read the letters. The guitar starts up for the first song in the list, and Kauri grins. Whatever he swallowed is already starting to work on him, pupils wide, wiping out so much of the gorgeous blue.
This time, Jake doesn't stop him from singing along.
@finder-of-rings  @endless-whump  @arlin-always-writing  @thefancydoughnut  @newandfiguringitout  @doveotions  @pretty-face-breaker  @gonna-feel-that-tomorrow  @boxboysandotherwhump  @oops-its-whump  @cubeswhump  @burtlederp  @whump-tr0pes  @autophagay  @whumptywhumpdump  @whumpiary  @orchidscript  @outofangband  @eatyourdamnpears  @hackles-up  @grizzlie70  @mylifeisonthebookshelf  @keeper-of-all-the-random-things
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sage-nebula · 2 years
I'm having more Frontiers thoughts. Putting them under a cut for spoilers.
I'm thinking about how worried Sonic was for Tails during the Chaos Island segment—how caught off-guard he was by the revelation that Tails broke down after he thought Infinite had killed Sonic, and how he flat out says, "Tails, you're worrying me" when this is brought up. I'm thinking about how even though he shot down the idea that Tails was a burden immediately with a bit of gentle snark, and how the mere idea that Tails wasn't good enough made him borderline mad (both in the side story where he says "oh whatEVER, some creepy cyber copy hasn't seen you in action", and in the main story cutscene where he has a bit of impatience when he's recalling Tails' feats of heroism), he also did his absolute best to tell Tails, seriously and earnestly, just how much he (Sonic) believes in him. And I'm thinking about how, in the cutscene where Tails announces his desire to go his own way, Sonic both a.) opens the cutscene by asking Tails if he's feeling better, b.) must've had some kind of look on his face for Tails to ask if it was okay for him to go on his own, and c.) looked so sad when he said that it would take some getting used to. And also, how he made so sure to keep calling Tails "partner" for the remainder of the game, emphasizing how he supports Tails' decision, and also sees him as an equal.
I'm thinking about all of that, but also about how Sonic . . . is probably still worried about Tails, and probably will continue to be worried (even if he tries not to think about it) until they see each other again.
I don't think he's worried about Tails' physical safety. Sonic was being honest when he said that he knows that Tails is capable of and has done amazing things. He believes in Tails' capabilities, 100%, and although of course there will always be some degree of concern in the vein of "if you got in over your head and got seriously hurt or killed I'd be beside myself", he knows that Tails is smart and fast and can handle himself in most situations. He wasn't lying when he said all that in-game.
But I do think that he is worried about Tails' emotional state, and I don't think he's wrong to be. Tails says that he's feeling better when Sonic asks him, and says that the situation gave him clarity. He then says that he's decided to go on his own, because he can't grow if he's always falling back on Sonic (paraphrase). Now, again, Sonic already sees Tails as a hero. But Tails doesn't see himself as a hero. The culmination of Tails' story wasn't him suddenly having more confidence in himself, but rather, him finding the courage and resolve to do something about that. Sonic insisted on calling him "partner" because I think he was trying to hasten that process along—maybe even pseudo-convince Tails that this solo journey to prove himself isn't necessary, because he's already proven himself, he's already Sonic's partner-in-crime and equal. But it didn't work, Tails didn't take the hint. Because Tails doesn't believe in himself, not yet. And I think Sonic knows that, and I think it's going to continue to worry him.
I especially feel this way because of the final cutscene with the group. Tails says, "You're gonna hardly recognize me when we see each other again!" and Sonic gives him this kind of like, "yeah okay" raised eyebrow little smirk, but . . . while I'm sure what his expression was meant to convey is that he'll recognize Tails anytime, anywhere, no matter what, at the same time that has to be a kind of . . . worrying thing, to hear your little brother say. Again, Tails wants to change himself. He's leaving not just to find his confidence and independence (which again, Sonic does genuinely support), but because right now, he feels as if he's not good enough. He feels that the person he is right now is embarrassing, insufficient, not on par with Sonic and the others. Tails is only eight, but he holds himself to much higher standards. The fact that Sonic says, "it's okay to still need help sometimes, that's part of growing up" doesn't work for Tails, because he's not willing to take the time to grow up. He doesn't need to grow up, he needs to be grown, right now.
And that's . . . worrying! That's a worrying mindset to have! Tails has the courage and resolve to go out and work on himself, and in a way that's great. But his motivation for wanting to do so is that he resents himself for not being able to do more to help Sonic in the past. He's holding a grudge against himself, he dislikes who he is, at least in terms of what he's capable of accomplishing, and his reactions and responses to danger. Tails' arc didn't culminate in him learning to appreciate himself, but instead deciding that he can change and he will change. And he's going off into the world, alone, to try to accomplish that, because he feels like he's failing if he asks someone for help. If he does get into real danger, will he call Sonic? Odds are likely the answer to that question is "no." I don't think he'd say that—I think if Sonic says "call me if you need anything" Tails will say "I will" but he'll be thinking I won't need anything though so it's fine, and if he did need something, well, he can't grow if he's relying on Sonic, right? So no, he won't call.
Again, I don't think Sonic is really too worried about Tails' physical safety. He 100% believes in Tails' capabilities. But Tails' emotional state is another matter altogether, and I do think that will continue to worry Sonic, when Sonic allows himself to think about it.
Man. I'm really interested to see where the next game takes this.
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pendragon-writes · 2 years
𝒜 𝒩𝑒𝓌 𝒫𝑒𝓇𝓈𝑜𝓃
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Aged up!Daimian Wayne x Male!Reader
Requested: Yes
Tw: Typical Dc Violence, blood
Tags: M!Reader is the son of Harley and Ivy, Could be seen as platonic but is hinted toward romantic
Damian wasn't one for love, while all of his brothers and his own father were known for some sort of love Damian was sure that love wasn't meant for him, he always wanted some sort of love and while he was just a teenager and had time he felt as though he was craving it more than ever. He wasn't the only one who craved the feeling of love.
See Damian was used to weird, growing up with assassins, having a loving family full of crime fighters, and meeting meta-humans and aliens alike. But this was a new weird for him. He'd never seen someone walk two hyenas in Gotham in the middle of the night, and certainly not during patrol. "Look, Mom and Ma want me to walk you two but I can't if you keep trying to bite people!" The hooded person yelled. The hyenas howled in protest but a giant 'plant'? He wasn't too sure, Screetched at them silencing them for good. While the hooded figure didn't seem like a threat per se it did pique his interest.
He jumped down to where the hooded figure was and was immediately getting growled at by the two hyenas, the hooded figure swiftly turned around and threw a dagger at him but due to his training, he dogged the dagger. "Oh, it's just you, when my hyenas were growling I was assuming it was because of a threat," The hooded figure responded. This ticked him off immensely but he did his best not to show it, while he wasn't a threat to civilians the tone the other used sounded as though they were mocking him. Unfortunately, the poor lighting didn't let him see the person's face. "What's your name?" He questioned. "Now why should I tell you that? Just because you wear a Halloween costume and punch bad guys doesn't mean I can just tell you my name now," they responded, in a sickeningly sweet tone, a tone that was familiar yet he couldn't put a name on it just yet.
"What I can tell you Robin, is that we will see each other more often from the looks of it." "What do you mean by that?" He questioned. "I think we both know what I mean." "TT, No, I don't think we do," he argued. "Well, in that case, it's your problem, and hey as much as I enjoyed our talk if I don't get home soon my moms are gonna burn down Gotham looking for me, oh and it seems you have a call." Just as that was said he started hearing a call come through the coms.
It's been a while since that last encounter, while he hasn't met your mother's personally he had a feeling he knew who they were. If the obvious fashion statement and fighting style had anything to say about it or the fact that just now he caught you talking to a plant. "Who's a good Cleopatra, you are yes you are!" While he didn't reveal his identity to you he wasn't wearing the rest of his suit like he normally would, sticking with just the mask. "Oh, Robin! Meet Cleopatra, my African Strangler." his friend introduced. The plant started snapping a bit but soon calmed down. "Did you want to go to that vegan place you were telling me about today?" "Yeah actually, I'd like that."
"So, you ever plan on telling me your actual name? I mean we've known each other for what a year and a half." Damian asked. "Hm, only if you share yours. I mean hasn't our whole friendship been about secret identities." "True, but me sharing my name is a bigger deal." "I guess, but equal trust right?" "I can respect that." "How about I introduce myself first in order to honor that. My name is Damian." "Nice to meet you, Damian, I'm Y/n."
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xerith-42 · 9 months
Garrance Week Day Three! Matchmaker/Heartbreaker
Went for the Matchmaker because I've already given these two enough heartbreak (and there's always more where that came from)
My Street, during that one Christmas Party in Season 1 (I refuse to rewatch the episodes this event comes from so if I get something wrong, I didn't)
Laurance wasn't always the biggest fan of Christmas Parties. He could be, but his preference was more for something casual. Something smaller. That's what this party was advertised to him as, just him and his friends having a nice chill holiday party. But things were never that simple on My Street.
Despite nothing being on fire (yet) it felt like it was. Katelyn was chasing down Nana, who was chasing down Irena, who was racing towards her room to avoid the mistletoe in her roommates hands. Dante, Cadenza and Nicole were catching up, while Aaron sulked on his own without anyone bothering him. Whoever else they had invited were all socializing on their own, leaving Laurance alone in the entry way to their kitchen, a mug of hot chocolate in his hands.
Well, he wasn't alone for long.
"Some party, huh?" Garroth said rather awkwardly as he stood next to Laurance. He looked really cute in that sweater-- Dammit Laurance now is not the time for gay thoughts!
"Sure is," He shot back. "It's nice to see everyone getting along."
"NANA PUT THE MISTLETOE DOWN OR SO HELP ME!!" Katelyn screamed, followed by the sound of something crashing to the floor.
"Perfect timing." Garroth snorted, before he started actually laughing. And Irene help Laurance that goofy chuckle was the cutest thing he had ever heard in his entire life.
"What is she even trying to do?"
"Ship people. Again."
"She hasn't given that up yet?"
"Some people never grow up." Garroth glanced over at Laurance as he took a sip of his drink and... Yeah Laurance looked really pretty leaning against the wall like this. His hair always got longer in the winter and it looked so perfect tied in a low ponytail. Garroth didn't often let himself admire someone like this, but with Laurance's soft expression and warm eyes staring back at him it was nearly impossible.
The moment was broken by Nana dashing through the doorway in between them, jumping up and slapping the doorway above them, before she took off again. Katelyn chased after her, managing to catch the girl and tackling her onto the couch.
"That's not necessarily a bad thing," Garroth said reminiscently. "At least they still know how to have fun."
"I guess that's true," Laurance agreed as he leaned over to the table to set his empty mug down. As he took his previous spot, his eyes drifted up to where Nana had smacked the wall and sure enough, there was a bundle of mistletoe tied off with a red and gold ribbon hanging above them.
"Hey, Garroth." Garroth's head perked up, before following Laurance's hand that pointed above them. His expression fell slightly as he realized the situation they were in. A faint squeal broke his concentration, but before he could glare at Nana, his eyes caught Laurance's. Why did they look so serious?
"I can't believe her," Garroth muttered, crossing his arms over his chest.
"We don't have to, if you really don't want to." Laurance took the mug from Garroth's hands a little too tenderly, setting it aside and stepping closer to the man in a way that he became all Garroth could focus on. The rest of the world fell away as he stared into the beautiful blue eyes of the man he was rapidly falling in love with. This silly little crush on his roommate was far too quickly becoming something more at just the promise of one little kiss.
"T-Tradition is tradition, right? Why not?"
Laurance stepped even closer, putting a careful hand on Garroth's cheek. He tried in vain to ignore Nana's squealing, which became even harder when he heard Cadenza join her.
"Might as well give them a good show, right?" Garroth nodded hesitantly. That's all Laurance needed.
Within a second the gap between the two was closed, their lips finding one another in a second that lasted lifetimes. Laurance's lips were so soft, so inviting, and he kissed with so much love. Too much for just a kiss under the mistletoe. Garroth's were a little more chapped, but they had the sort of rough kindness Laurance loved about the man so much. Garroth uncrossed his arms and put his hands on Laurance's hips, bringing him closer. Anything to make this last longer.
When Laurance finally broke the kiss, neither one moved for a moment. They just stared at one another. Sparks.
The moment was finally broken by the sound of Nana screaming loud enough it hurt nearly everyone in the room.
"OH MY IREEENEEEE!! MY SHIIIIP!!" Nana squealed, kicking her legs excitedly.
"They're so cute together!!" Cadenza agreed.
"Don't encourage them," Katelyn jeered.
"Garroth, you can let go any time you know," Laurance teased quietly, drawing his attention to the man still very much in his arms. "Not that I'm complaining."
"My ears are," Garroth shot back. Yet he still didn't let go. it felt right to have Laurance in his arms.
"Maybe we should... take this somewhere else?"
"I feel like Irena wouldn't be too happy about that."
"Considering the way Nana gets around her and Aaron, I think she'll understand."
"Then let's go." Garroth finally dropped his hand from Laurance's hips, and his face felt cold as Laurance's hand did the same. But the entire world felt a whole lot warmer when their hands met one another and their fingers interlocked. Maybe this holiday party wasn't a total bust.
I love gay people, I wish they were real
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