#because like. all of the ''perfect decepticons'' from the Other One's universe were like that
sphnyspinspin · 3 days
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Meet my Magnificence Reforged AU Connie!
Though Scorponok only ever referred to her as Experiment: A9-2416 (usually in Decepticon dialect).
Her story is that Scorponok created her as an experiment to see what would happen if an organic was able to produce a set of chemicals that are deemed somewhat powerful, yet common, by organic standards but emphasized to a certain degree with the help of Cybertronian technology. Entirely inspired by the mere Earth-Human conceptual myth known as the—
Indomitable Human Spirit.
What Scorponok was able to take away from eight years of properly caring for the experiment is that these chemicals that fuel basic organic functioning can be utilized exponentially to a degree where a full grown one of these things could even rival some of Cybertron’s strongest warriors. Maybe even the galaxy’s toughest warriors wouldn’t be able to stand a chance.
It became labeled as Adrenalineregon.
(dope naming skills I know)
It turned out to be some crazy-powerful stuff once injected into a strong enough specimen.
Now why would Scorponok need to make something like this? Power? Recognition? Fun? All of the above honestly. But it’s also because in this Alternate Universe the Decepticons won the war for Cybertron, and Megatron has already built his perfect Decepticon Army to conquer the rest of the known universe, and he and the Grand Architect thought their Army of Tarn clones needed a little more pep-in-their-step.
You heard me. TARN. CLONE. ARMY.
(this isn’t a specifically cyberverse based timeline I just took the tarn army as inspo)
But what they didn’t expect was for the Tarn clones to go insane and turn on each other when being on mere drops of Adrenalineregon. Resulting in a mass extinction of Tarn Clones, with too many bodies to count, therefore being dropped on top of Scorpnok’s planet sized lab to remind him of the consequences of his actions.
EX: A9-2416 was, at the time, forever curious about the outside world, since she’s never been above the expansive laboratory planet’s surface. It always felt as if some unseen beings were trying to lead her to her escape every day since as long as she can remember. Small sign after small sign, guiding her to even bigger signs that kept getting her closer and closer to the way out. Of course, Scorponok always stopped her from getting too close.
A9-2416 always hated the amount of gruesome tests she had to do afterwards as punishment for misbehaving.
Until on her ninth birthday, A9-2416 finally made it to the exit, and Scorponok got exceptionally pissed off so much that in self-defense A9-2416 grabbed the nearest cannon she knew how to operate and blasted it through his spark. She cried a lot that day.
BUT HEY! Her life didn’t stay too depressing for long, because soon after she committed her very first act of murder, she became good buddies with the little voices in the walls that have been apparently guiding her throughout her life!
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(lol I’m nowhere near finished with every Lost Bot design, I just wanted to finish these couple few and make this post for the AU)
They’ve been trapped on Scorponok’s Lab-planet-tory (im so funny) for decades along with the other Botbots who remained in hiding. But this clan was the only one brave enough to get anywhere near Scorponok’s main stomping grounds. What they didn’t expect to find was some weird sentient purple meat-potato in a makeshift industrial cradle. Turns out it was just a baby. And that baby turned out to be A9-2416. Who soon became known as Connie.
After A9-2416 escaped the inner dwellings of the lab and joined the Lost Bots on their little side quests up on the surface, she later changed her name to Constance, hence her more well-known nickname being Connie. The name change was suggested by her Botbot friends who knew a bit about Earth human culture and used their knowledge to help Connie have the most happy and carefree life that she could ask for.
Also the TEG Lost Light crew is there because I’m still obsessed with that fic 👍✨
@deepfriedhopesanddreams @viewer-of-many @celestite-caroline @asmoteeth @novafire-is-thinking @dragonsgirl572 @autistic-fool-with-ideas @mysticfoxdesigns @hyp3rfixation-h3ll
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The more I think about it actually, I'm starting to think that no, ROTB Scourge's mask isn't a mask, it honestly might've been part of his face
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in1-nutshell · 6 months
I want to request for Buddy to be a Shatter glass Megatron long lost twin but has the original Megatron personality, i understand if you don't want to tho.
Ooooh! Haven't done one of these before! My knowledge of the Shattered Glass universe is a bit rusty, but I think this ended up pretty good for the knowledge. I did only 3 mechs this time around since these were the best I knew. Let me know if this isn't what you wanted.
Hope you enjoy!
Con’s reaction to Megatron’s twin with OG Megatron’s personality
SFW, familial, platonic, Cybertronian/ Bot reader
He loves Twin really.
But sometimes he worries about his more… physical side. It’s a bit rougher than what he’d like it, but its perfect for the battle ahead.
“We need a plan!”--Starscream
“Anyone have any ideas?”--Megatron
Twin raising his servo.
“One that doesn’t involve with a frontal attack.”--Megatron
Twin lowers his servo.
Without a doubt Twin is one of the best fighters in his army. An excellent strategist on most days. But sometimes when things get a little too heated, the lines tend to blur.
Twin raising their mace over Sideswipe helm.
“Wait! Stop! He’s on our side!”--Megatron
“And how do you know that?”--Twin
“I was left for dead by the Autobots. I gave you the attack plans yesterday?!”--Sideswipe
“Oh… Now I remember. Sorry Sideswipe, please let me help you back to the medbay.”--Twin
“… Spinister and Bombshell aren’t going to like this.”--Sideswipe
“… I know…” –Twin
Which leads to a question many Decepticons had asked.
Why wasn’t Twin second in Command?
It was a simple answer. He didn’t want to be second in Command. He was a soldier and would follow Megatron and his superiors into battle without hesitation.
Megatron misses the days when they would just listen to Twins poetry and manifestos about the corrupt government. A part of him which was now buried under years of pain and suffering from this blasted war.
He is glad that his twin remained loyal to the Decepticon cause and did not move to the power hungry Autobot side.
Megatron has had multiple spark attacks as Twin will fight any of his greatest enemies on sight. No joke.
“It’s over Megatron. Time to meet your—”—Optimus Prime
“Stay back!”--Megatron
“Finally, a real fight.”--Optimus
They both met when the war was starting. Megatron himself gave him the introduction, which was interesting.
“Starscream, this is Twin, he is my brother.”--Megatron
“Well hello to you too. I look forward in working with you and the others.”—Starscream
“Likewise, Starscream.”--Twin
Despite some clash in morals and personality, the two worked well. Starscream had told him many tales of him and Skyfire before the war had happened. Twin is protective of Starscream after hearing how Starscream was nearly captured. It is on sight if Twin ever sees Skyfire.
“Skyfire, please reconsider!”--Starscream
“Enough traitor!”--Skyfire
“You’re the traitor!”--Starscream
Yes, they do argue, but it never escalates too much. Twin protects his friend.
They met through Megatron on a tour of their new base.
“Soundwave, this is my brother.”--Megatron
“Oh, Hi there! It’s nice to meet you! Wow you too look a like but I’m getting a different vibe from you than Megatron. How was the say? Looks like a cinnamon roll but could kill you? No, looks like they can kill you but is a cinnamon roll. Oh—I’m rambling again. Sorry about that, sometimes I do—”--Soundwave
Inside Twin’s helm
‘I’m going to befriend this mech so hard.’
He still doesn’t know if this was a good idea or not. Twin knows things just as quickly as Megatron because they are so close.
Twin sometimes looks after the cassettes if Soundwave needs to be somewhere else.
It’s rare but it happens.
“Hey, I’m bac—What happened here?”--Soundwave
Twin laying down with the mini’s napping all over his frame.
“This is how I die… leave me here.”--Twin
Like Starscream, soundwave has told twin about Blaster. And like Skyfire, it is on sight for Blaster.
Twin is fiercely protectively over his friends.
“Its current time you second class scum!”--Blaster
“That’s what you think!”--Soundwave
“That’s what I know. You ain’t got no cassettes and you’re weapons jammed. What else do—”--Blaster
“I’m outta here!”--Blaster
“Hey now, we’ve talked about the deep breathing exercises. Come on 1,2,3..”--Soundwave
“… 4,5,6…”--Twin
He does agree too much with the levels of violence Twin can get to, and there have been arguments about this. It usually gets resolved quickly though.
Faster than the others fight.
Has accidentally read his thoughts on the inner poet inside. Soundwave actively tries to get Twin to pick back the hobby. They sometimes share their hobbies on slower days.
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The Secret of the Primacy AU:
How does Optimus feel about the fact that Rachet says Jack is a lot like Orion, the father he never got to meet.
Like does it feel better to know there’s more people like his sire in the universe or terrible because he’s lying to Jack and taking advantage of his naivety, the same way people had done to his sire?
*Cracks knuckles* Angst time.
The moment Ratchet opened his mouth and said that Jack was a lot like Orion Pax, something snapped to attention in Optimus, something he had long since buried under centuries of guilt and solemn duty. For the first time since the vorn he discovered the truth of his creation, Optimus felt an intense desire to please, to be loved, and to know his Sire. He nearly dropped what he was doing right then and there as soon as he received word of what Ratchet had said.
Optimus immediately began to pay intense attention to Jack, his immature spark desperate for some understanding into who his father really was. He kept his observations quiet, usually using cameras to watch the human child from his quarters to make it seem like he wasn't as fixated as he really was. And then after careful planning, he would subtly ask things of Jack, asking him seemingly innocent questions all for the sake of sating his own desire. It was never anything that would warrant attention from the team, he made sure of that. His questions tended to lean toward asking about preferences or hypotheticals which he hid under the guise of wanting to help should Jack need it.
Optimus: Do you read much Jack?
Jack: Sometimes? I mainly read for school and occasionally for fun. Why do you ask?
Optimus: I have noticed you tend to take longer to complete certain aspects of your school work, and I wanted to offer aid in case you were struggling.
Jack: Ah, I see... I appreciate the offer but I don't need any help Optimus.
Optimus: Very well.
As time passed Optimus's fixation only grew worse, he wanted to know everything about this boy who was supposedly so much like his Sire. He started digging for any and all available information using Jack's files, by talking to June, by questioning the other children, and even by pushing Jack into new situations to see how he would react. His fixation quickly grew to become hazardous for Jack as Optimus's feelings on the matter became more and more mixed.
For one, he became incredibly protective of Jack, to the point of disregarding nearly everything else in favor of protecting the boy should he require it. If Jack was so much like his Sire, then he needed to be cared for, kept pure, untainted. Optimus refused to allow such a innocent being to be used by anyone, leading him to side eye June, the children, and even the team when they spoke with so much as a hint of demand in their voices. He even started praying for forgiveness as he himself used Jack by asking questions underhandedly to sate his own desire to understand and be loved. He knew he was a failure, he failed his Sire long ago, he would not fail Jack too.
Beneath his warped desire to protect and love, Optimus could feel his fascination turn into a twisted from of mixed anger and intrigue. Why was it that now, after millennia he finally got the chance to meet someone like his Sire and he could do nothing to act? Why did this pitiful organic being have to be so pure, so perfect, so much like the father he lost? Why did this child get to live when his father had to die all so that a pathetic parasite like himself could be born? Optimus could tell his thoughts were toxic, but he couldn't stop them. He wanted Jack to feel the pain of loss, to understand just how blessed he was to simply live and be loved. More than once he contemplated not acting the next time Jack and the children encountered Decepticons, if only just to see what Jack would do. But he always pushed those dark thoughts down. He was the Prime, he wasn't allowed to feel such things.
And then lastly, Optimus's long suppressed need for love and affection rose to the surface. He was in actuality only a little older than Bumblebee, logically he knew it made sense to still desire the love of a Caretaker. But he was the Prime, not only that but none knew his real age or identity. He wasn't allowed to receive affection like that, not even from Ratchet, the mech he saw as an adopted Sire of sorts. Still that didn't stop him from finding himself looking to Jack after every completed mission or victorious battle, searching for any and all recondition. The most he ever got was a thumbs up or "you're back", and for a while it was enough, but soon his mixed emotions grew out of control, resulting in more and more dangerous situations for Jack.
Optimus: We can have the human children sneak through the vents and disarm the security systems in the building. Their size would make them perfect for the job.
Ratchet: We are not sending children into a military base!
Optimus: Why not? We can ground bridge them in and out again before so much as one shot is fired.
Ratchet: Optimus have you lost your mind!? We are supposed to protect the children, not toss them into harm's way for our benefit!
The team started to catch on to his behavior after a few months of Optimus's actions around the children growing more and more concerning. They saw his near predatory stares, they saw how he would purposefully be slow to act when the children required aid, and they started to notice more and more of the deeper meaning behind his quiet queries. Only an educated Cybertronian acquainted with the high castes would be able to notice it, but once the team looked hard enough, they could understand the subtle intent hidden behind every single one of Optimus's words. It was an underhanded tactic, but they quickly came to realize that the emotional intent in Optimus's words were a concerning mix of anger, protectiveness, and desire. It took them a while, but they eventually found his focus to be on Jack and Jack alone.
But why? Why was he so focused on Jack? And why did he seem to be on the brink of snapping every single time he spoke to the human boy? The team had no idea. But what they did know was that until they could figure out just what Optimus was trying to gain, Jack needed to be kept away. And so quietly they created an elaborate lie that Jack had some non-lethal ailment and needed to be kept home for a few weeks to recover. Jack was not pleased with the development but he was also glad to be out of base. He may not have been able to sense what the team did in Optimus, but he was still human, and humans have been hardwired since their early days to sense danger. He could feel the increasing sense of danger every time Optimus came near with an inquiry or a simple greeting. For the sake of the ploy Miko and Rafael were also told to stay quiet and return to base less often just to see what the heck was going on.
It soon became painfully obvious that Optimus was fixated on Jack, mainly due to his constant unsettled behavior without the boy in base. He became fidgety, quicker to anger, and constantly on edge. It was more than concerning, at that point it was downright frightening. A Prime's interest has never ended well in the past. Every single time a Prime has become fixated to such a degree they have fallen into some form of madness. The only way to help Optimus get over his fixation and stop him from falling was to find the source if his interest before it was too late.
And sooner or later after Jack's continual absence, the usual dormant sparkling nature of Optimus would start to rear its head. More prone to anger, irrational behavior, and to seek validation, it became painfully obvious that Optimus had latched onto Jack as some form of support system. But once again the question came up, that being why? Why Jack? Why was he so important for Optimus to fixate on his so deeply?
The team would get their answer at some point after a breakdown on Optimus's part. He would at some point rage, falling into a maddened ramble about how he needed to protect and understand Jack because he couldn't afford to fail. That would lead to questions and eventually the truth of Optimus's origins would start to slip out if his previous behavior when without his memories was disregarded as Matrix induced confusion.
Optimus: He must be protected! I can't fail again!
Ratchet: What in the pits does that mean!? Optimus speak to me! Explain!
Optimus: I can't! I can't! It will ruin everything!
Ratchet: You can and you will! Now explain why you are acting like this around Jack!
Optimus: Sire died because of me! I failed him! He should have lived! I should have died! I can't let Jack die too!
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sillyromance · 9 months
Hello!!!! I read the pred hcs you made for some transformers and I really loved them…I was wondering if you had more? I’d love to hear more about TFP Ratch or TFE Bee…but honestly I’ll take any character you’d like to elaborate on. Those were SO cute 🥺
Good day, dear anonymous!
I'm really happy you like my post - thank you very much for your kind words!!! Unfortunately, I don't have any more ideas about Ratchet and Bee for now... But as soon as I get some, I will definitely post them!
And at this time, here I have predcanons for other transformers from different universes. Hope you will enjoy!
P. S: I'm really sorry for my long silence - sometimes school takes too much of my time...
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Always confident and calm ninja seems to be quite easy-going at the first glance, but the more you watch him the better you see that in reality he prefers being all by himself, and it demands time to earn his respect and affection. So, like Ultra Magnus, he would be very picky about who he would let inside of his fueltank. However, as far as he warms up to someone, he gets unbelievably chilly about swallowing his beloved team pal down. Need a place to rest? Feel scared or upset? Lonely? Just get in. He doesn't see any point in long ceremonies; his movements are slow and gentle, however it doesn't take much time for Jacky to push you down his throat with a satisfied hum. At the same moment, the part of the process he would adore is tasting; unusual, exotic human flavours would make his processor just buzz in bliss! Sometimes he would take his time a little, carefully, methodically licking a person in his mouth from head to toe, rolling and tickling them with a tip of his tongue, optics closed and lips smiling joyfully. Only when there is no dry spot on the human's body, he would title his helm back and let them slide further into his core. Wheeljack would never be shy to speak to his friends after they got in his fueltank; often he is watched by puzzled eyes of comrades while he's running around his business and talking to someone they can't actually see or hear. But he doesn't pay much attention on their reaction anyways...
As an addition: Wheeljack finds vore a perfect chance to take Mico with him and Bulkhead on missions without Ultra Magnus noticing anything. And he always manages to set her free right at the time when no one is able to see it. So, Magnus is repeatedly driven mad by this small, innocent tricks, although he admits human child's help is quite useful from time to time.
TFE (Earthspark)
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This mech with difficult, sarcastic, but secretly soft character would be a shy and nervous kind. He would be quite concerned about his tiny friend's safety; when it comes to gulping them down, the 'con is too afraid that he can accidentally hurt them if something goes wrong. And he is sure it will go wrong because he is too used to failings... Moreover: it's really hard to win his trust because of everything he has been through. That way, it would be not a simple task to convince this ex-decepticon that vore is actually a good thing. However, if you manage to go over with all the obstacles, he will be the most careful and wholesome pred ever. And once he completely understands there is no danger - an obsessively willing one. He wants to keep his human companion as close as possible, warm and protected from everything and everyone (especially Megatron). He can get a little teasy in attempt to see how you blush and smile - recognition of his human's pleasure makes his spark sing of happiness; but usually he would just coo at you softly, give you a light kiss in the forehead and then his smooth lips would slowly, but demandingly pull you into his salivating mouth. As a person with PTSD he always needs to have absolute control over the situation, something unexpected (abrupt movements, screams, loud laugh, sudden rough squeezing of his insides) extremely freaks him out; so, you better let Starscream take the lead and stay still. After his darling reached their destination, he would try to move less, not wishing to cause any problems to them. He would curl up in a tight ball, hugging his middle with both arms and stroking it happily, and speak to them softly until he and his prey both fall asleep.
As an addition: sometimes he have panic attacks and feel deep enxiety, so some reassuring weight inside of him would be required.
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This autobot is a tough guy which is quite strict to others as well as to himself. So, you shouldn't expect him being a sweetheart. Although the alien samurai never forgets about humans' fragility, his tiny friends are barely treated softly most of the time because they are members of their team like others; they have responsibilities and have to work on their best without excuses or privileges. He doesn't accept extreme sensitivity in anyone; in order to that, he can often hurt his little partner's feelings. I think in this case, vore for him would be a way to apologize for being rude and to show that his friend can trust him; putting them deep inside of his body, close to his spark would mean that whatever offensive things he says sometimes, he is always there for his precious comrades. Of course, his is a QUITE protective pred; if Drift understands that his companion isn't able to defend themselves, he will simply grab little one in a second and shove them into his mouth - such straight forward actions committed without any explanation can be shocking for a prey, but, unfortunately, they should just live with it; he won't change anyways. If you're his close friend or a lover, then perhaps he will go slightly easier on you; at least, he will be definitely more gentle and caring every time he is bound to send you down his fueltank.
However good control Drift has over his emotions, he isn't able to deny that he likes the entire process. When there is an opportunity, he loves examining his sensations; presence of a small life hiding in his very core has a comforting and relaxing influence on him, especially because of his protective instincts. These are the points why he wouldn't hurry to set his human friend free (not like they would be unhappy about it though). The samurai wouldn't tell anyone about where his partner is once they got tucked into his "stomach" (even to the minicons) because in Drift's opinion it could be shameful for both included; that way, when he is around others you can imagine that he has forgotten about you at all. It's not true. And the fact that even during the hardest battles he will keep you fine inside no matter the cost perfectly proves it. But he would pay attention on you openly only in private, far away from the team. Then he would lay one servo on his waist, caressing it delicately, and finally ask softly if you are OK in there. Afterwards, perhaps there would be a long philosophical discussion till the evening, when he would let you out to look at a beautiful sunset from his shoulder.
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cosmicswritings · 11 months
Saw your thing for writing requests, please just ignore if that's off the table!
Starscream or OP in any universe gets the other to genuinely laugh.
Okay, I think I have the perfect post war idea for that. I’m going to do TFP (it was hard to find which universe but oh well). Actually, you’re lucky because I’m going to also make and IDW version of this prompt because an idea LITERALLY just popped into my head. I’ll tag you in both <3. 
Also this fic was so fun to do thank you so much!!
Eventually, Starscream knew he’d have to contact Cybertron to let them know that their prized pet had gotten loose. 
Most people thought that Optimus had perished when he’d jumped into the Well of Sparks, and in his own exile so did Starscream. He wasn’t too upset at that at all actually, in fact, that was the one thing he could celebrate while on the run from the predacons and the rest of Cybertron in general.
Yet, Prima worked in many ways because living in his humble cave on an energon-filled, yet desolate planet systems away from Cybertron, he did not expect a confused, clueless and very much alive Optimus Prime to find him.
That had happened a month or so ago, and Starscream could not shake him off. Optimus - or Orion - was clearly lost. Starscream had thought to kill him at first, or even send him to bounty hunters for some energon rations or something but…little by little, he had a change of spark. He didn’t know what it was about clueless Optimus that made him less prone to violence or at least want to change his ways.
Truth be told, that answer was simple. Starscream was lonely, and he’d lost everything.
Everywhere he went, people looked upon him with disgust and hatred. Not that he didn’t deserve some of it, but it hurt. Especially when he had, during the conclusion of the war attempted to change and defect from the Decepticon cause. No one believed him, and the Autobots had treated him poorly because of it.
That said, as clueless as Orion Pax (or Optimus) was, he didn’t look at Starscream like he was a monster.
He looked at him like he was a savior and perhaps, one of the most beautiful things he’d ever seen. And that is why Starscream could not bring himself to harm him. He knew eventually Optimus’s memories would return, or that someone would come for him, but until then, he could indulge in the new friend he’d made. 
Presently, Starscream found himself sitting against one of the trees outside of their cave. Truth be told, they did not spend that much time in their cave; it was where Starscream hid. However, given they were the only ones on the planet, being outside suited Starscream more. He was used to living in the woods like this, being beneath the trees and in nature. During his self banishment, he’d found himself there before and it was a comforting setting to him.
There was a datapad in his hand, a book downloaded from an Earthling database. As much as he hated to admit it, Starscream loved Earth books and stories. 
In the distance there were heavy footsteps heard growing closer and closer. Starscream retained his calm demeanor, as he already knew who the mech was approaching him.  
“Starscream,” The voice was soft, yet filled with excitement and curiosity. “I know it’s going to be another cold night, so I found some firewood. I can regulate heat much easier than you can…you on the other hand…”
He stepped in front of Starscream, who was still leaned against the tree. He hadn’t faced him yet.
“Or, you can just sit next to me and warm me. You are a big, loveable hunk of metal, we don’t need fire to stay–”
At that moment, Optimus had fully made it in front Starscream, still holding large tree trunks in his arms. Starscream’s optics made contact with Orion’s yet, his vocalizer paused as he attempted to speak. A breathless noise came from the depths of his audio system that eventually, burst into laughter. 
Orion tilted his head in confusion.
“Is something funny, Starscream?” He asked quietly. 
“You–your head–our audials!” Starscream stood and practically ran over to him. “Were you rolling in a meadow?” Somehow, some way, when searching for fire wood, Optimus had accumulated a rather large amount of flowers upon his head. He was more than likely pushing through some trees as he did so, and did not even realize that he had grown a sort of crown of flowers. 
Orion smiled rather bashfully and inclined slightly as Starscream approached him, messing with the makeshift flower crown on his head. “You are many things Orion Pax, but you manage to get more an every day.” He still chuckled as he spoke. Never in his millions of years did he expect to see Optimus Prime with flowers on his head. Somehow though, it seemed fitting. 
“Cute, is that a human term?” Optimus asked, confused.
Starscream chuckled. “Yes…yes it is. Ahh there, now you look better.”
Optimus smiled, dropping the pile of fire wood and taking just a flower or two from his audials and somehow placing them upon Starscream’s head, fashioning them tightly.
“Now Starscream, we both look ‘cute’.” Orion said, gaining more confidence.
Starscream smiled, feeling that familiar rush of energon flush his facial chasms. He hated to admit that after all this time, he started to grow feelings for Orion Pax. Well, maybe it wasn’t such a bad thing.
Hope you enjoyed and as always, requests are open! I loved writing this!!
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gritsandbrits · 1 year
The Reason You Suck Speech ~ Sentinel Prime Edition.
After being fed up with the way Optimus Prime gets treated by his so-called friend, GritsandBrits finally reads Sentinel the riot act. Sentinel Prime Bashing, Optimus Defense Club. Warning for any Sentinel stans this is very negative towards him and tbh he needed that.
Tv Tropes: Someone delivers a speech to another character on all the reasons why that other character sucks or is a horrible person. There are several contexts in which this can happen.
In this context, it's giving 10yo me the chance to finally say what she wanted to say about Sentinel. He may have gotten off easy in canon but we aren't in canon are we? 
Okay. I have had enough of you badmouthing Optimus! Now I'm not saying he's perfect - who gives a damn! Perfection is boring and the way I see it trying to achieve it only leads to more problems! And I have never seen a more clear example than you Sentinel Prime! You like to rub everyone else's failures in their faces yet do nothing to help them grow. You strut around like Primus's given gift to the universe expecting people to like you yet barely have a good word to say about anyone. Even the few bots who do give a damn about you you treat with contempt.
The show may have let you off the hook then but it's been over for twelve years now and nothing is holding me back from calling you out. Even years later I'm still mad no one actually called out you for being an asshole, save for that one time Optimus told you to take your attitude and stuff it. That part made me laugh. And deserved.
You went around making everyone feel bad about themselves. You nearly put your own team in danger when you bribed Decepticons, said an ageist statement towards your boss In the Almanac, and would've endangered both planets has that fourth season been made! All the hurt you caused you got away with it... Not this time! Nobody ever talked to you like that? Good. Perk up those antennae I got more. 
You are part of one of the most powerful defenders in the universe. You are a candidate for what is the most powerful position on your planet. You're like almost royalty to your people yet here you are acting like you part of a school clique talking shit about people behind their backs. Ever since you came to earth you been carping and sniping at Optimus more than usual. For what? Because he's a college dropout? Or is it because he made something of himself with being a dropout and without you! Him being happy ticks you off, so you gotta cling on to what little control you have left by undermining his work. Bad enough he had to drop his things to bail you out and having to waste precious time and energy foolin' up with you!
His job was to maintain the space bridges not be your personal lapdog! Just because he's a janitor doesn't give you the right to make messes for him on purpose. It's basic courtesy. Then again, you wouldn't understand courtesy if it hit you in the chin!
It's not just the way you treat Optimus it's also how you treat everyone else. You make fun of Bee and Bulkhead, they told me about how you were at boot camp by the way. You pick on Jazz and the Twins for expressing interest in our planet. You even had the gall to insult Prowl's memory when he was the one who gave his life to save Earth AND your world! If not for him you wouldn't be here now bullying the way you do. 
Yeah I said it! You're a bully! A prime bully who throws tantrums when he doesn't get his way. Who likes to make everyone else miserable! Who bullied his way into positions of power! We're all happy and content with our lives with all its faults and follies and fun and freakiness. Even you with your lack of courtesy, we still accept you, so why can't you accept us? Do you have to destroy everyone to make your life worthwhile? The worse part is you don't own up or express remorse. Rather, you blame other people for suffering the consequences of YOUR actions!
You complained about Optimus lying to you about Miss Spider, well what about the other times he told you the truth? When he warned you about the Decepticons' presence on Earth, or Wasp's innocence, or organics not being a threat, all you said was: you're lying, I don't believe you, you're just a dropout, arrest them all! Not a 'let's settle down and figure this out together', nope! Just straight up threatened them with prison! He tries to be honest with you but you refuse to hear him out! 
You complain about a lack of communication but how can we when you go around insulting everyone! The rare times you do speak positively it always come out so backhanded, like you have to point out something negative no matter how inconsequential it is. Everyone's forced to walk on eggshells around you. Why? Because we know you got a negative remark loaded on your tongue. That and you like to brag. Loose lips sink ships as they say.
And back on lying, honey he never lied to you. If anything he was protecting you! He didn't want to hurt the both of you so he had to make a hard decision at the cost of his own wellbeing. When you did learn the truth, instead showing the poor thing a bit of compassion, you tell her that she was better off dead! What is that to say about someone? Especially someone who was your girlfriend? 
She probably didn't have much of a choice, and you know good and well how slick Megatron is! But besides that, you were hurt yes, but you have the time to seek closure. Instead you denied your ex a chance to heal from her traumas. You continue using Optimus's own trauma against him.
You plot and scheme to further your ambitions not caring who gets hurt. You try to inflict trauma on every organic on this Earth. Tell me, are we really a threat? Or are you just venting your anger over not being told about Blackarachnia? Given your past behavior I would not be surprised if it ends up being the latter. 
That's another thing every time you faced with a difficult situation you immediately lash out. Optimus has been your biggest victim. When it's not dumping your the responsibility on him, it's sneering or picking on him. You ever stopped to think how Optimus might've felt? The guilt he feels over not saving her? The fear that someone could hurt her, or that she might hurt innocent beings. How he has to shoulder not just his own grief but yours as well. How he has to deal with your hatred. 
You say you don't haye him yet that doesn't stop you from treating him like a tool. Do you ask him how he feels? Did you offer him comfort in his time of need? Or are you the only one ever allowed to feel sad? Maybe you can learn his side of the story if you bothered to give him a chance! You claim it's too late for apologies but the thing is, that's not a reason for you treating everyone like junk. When others make mistakes they at least try to fix them, or move on and take steps to do better in the future. Even if it's not verbal, there's other ways to apologize and grow. 
You could've worked with Detroit. You could stop calling Optimus that awful name. You could've open you heart - excuse me - your SPARK to others and learn about our planet. Sure you can't change the past but that don't mean you can work on yourself now. Everyone even in the fandom been nothing but patient and kind to you, and you returned it with spite. You can't fathom being happy with yourself so you hafta drag everyone down with you. 
But yet Despite all the garbage you hurl at Optimus you know he never spoke badly about you? Sure an exasperated sigh here and there but never slander. He never went out of his way to hurt your career, hell he gave up his future for you! Yet you still treat him like a threat to the point of attacking his teammates to get at him. All the harm you've inflicted on him, he still helps you out! He could've left you at the mercy of Headmaster but helped you get your body back. He could've let you get killed or hurt but he comes to your aid like a real friend should. He saw something worth salvaging.
Are you willing to toss all that away for temporary catharsis? 
You let one tragic mistake sour your worldview so you project that onto others. They make a mistake you don't give them grace. You don't give it yourself. You expect everyone else to think and act exactly like you, selfish and mean, yet you see the opposite. Bee and Bulkhead try new things and has hobbies. Jazz plays our music, Ratchet studies our medicine, Prowl loved our wildlife, and Optimus loves everyone. Even you, you hateful self-centered jerk. He cares so much about you though I can't see what it is that makes you worth saving. 
Every day they go out to help the city not expecting to be rewarded or even thanked, but because it's the right thing to do. Meanwhile you're just standing around huffing and puffing, refusing to lend a hand. Stubbornly clinging on to that cynical mindset that being flawed is inherently evil and that nobody can be good. We fought things bigger than you, yet you treat us like a bunch of idiots who don't know anything no it's you who don't know anything! But even those aren't a good enough reason to carry on acting like that.
Your whole life has been challenged, and now that everyone seen you for the sad, scared soul you truly are, they stopped entertaining you. You lied to yourself, you're stuck with that lie and nobody is around for you to dump your frustrations on.  You can't keep living off lies you know. You can't force everyone else to live in them either.
Now I know what I just said won't get you to change your mind and honestly, I've stopped waiting for you to have an epiphany a long time ago. It's clear you're content with the path you're going down but you will have to walk it alone. The rest of us will continue to enjoy ourselves. We'll love our flaws and freaky grossness. You? You be all alone with only your crown for company. It's sad it has to be that way. But I hope you take it as the time to reflect on the choices you've made and will make. That when you do eventually become the Primer Prime, those choices had better be worth it. 
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destroyer-of-aglets · 10 months
Arise, Sonus Prime (1: The Matrix Flame)
When he first witnessed the evils brought about by the Primacy and the Senate, Soundwave swore he would never serve a Prime. Now, after Optimus Prime's death, he believes finally has a chance to end the Primacy for good- but Primus works in mysterious and irritating ways, and He's been looking everywhere for someone willing to bear such a mighty burden...
(Contains death and dubiously death-seeking behavior.)
Ratchet had been friends with Optimus Prime long enough to know the prophecy by spark. That one day, an Autobot would rise from their ranks, and use the power of the Matrix of Leadership to light their darkest hour. Optimus had believed the story with his whole spark; not surprising, considering that spark was directly connected to the Matrix in question. Ratchet had his doubts, though. Especially now.
Now, the damned picky-choosy artifact seemed content to bring the Autobots their darkest hour yet. Optimus Prime was dead- buried beneath a collapsing power station in the middle of a raging battle, he bled out before anyone could even start digging. The frame they pulled out would have been unidentifiable, if not for the fragging Matrix of Leadership shining and shimmering away without a care in the universe. But, the Autobots were tough. Optimus’ passing hurt like nothing else, but at the same time, his memory gave them strength. They didn’t fall into despair quite yet.
Prowl took charge after Optimus died. He’d been organizing the fight against the Decepticons while the command team tried to find the mech who would become the next Prime. And then? Then, the Autobots started to despair.
Because apparently, the Matrix of Leadership- the Conduit of Primus, the Wisdom of the Primes, the Chooser of the Chosen One, et cetera- was completely slagging unpleasable!
Prowl and Jazz tried first, but it rejected them. Then Blaster tried and failed. Then Ratchet, then Ironhide, then Red Alert, and so on, and so on…
The Ark’s crew were a perceptive bunch, and they spread rumors and gossip at lightspeed. So when each and every Autobot on the ship was brought before the Matrix and rejected, they were quick to cotton on to the truth. Or, one of several ‘truth-inspired’ ideas.
The religious types thought that Primus had forsaken them; Mirage was positively morose as he spun poems about how the war had made their people unsalvageable. More hopeful Autobots, like Bumblebee, took the situation as a sign to adapt; the Primacy had never been perfect, they reasoned, maybe it was time to transition to a democracy or something. The commanders were all left floundering. Leading the Autobots through depression and despair was always Optimus’ job.
Ratchet, for his part, took to wandering the halls near the Matrix’s new holding chamber, deep inside the Ark. He made a circuit around the chamber, again and again and again, and he would wait for an Autobot to come and grieve in person. He wasn’t Optimus; he couldn’t make any grand speeches to soothe the sparks of the masses. But he could offer them an ear or a shoulder or something. That’s what Optimus would have done, at least in spirit.
That made it hurt less, for him.
--- --- ---
Defenses at the Ark had never been weaker. Grieving Autobots slunk through the halls at a technosnail’s pace, giving more attention to shadows in their sparks than shadows in the halls. Those not occupied with lackluster ‘patrols’ or other duties sequestered themselves in habsuites or kept each other company in common rooms, speaking in hushed tones about this or that.
Soundwave moved through all of them carefully, more driven than ever before. He’d be caught eventually, of course. The Autobots- especially grieving and angry Autobots- wouldn’t let him complete this mission and escape alive. That was… fine, really. A worthy sacrifice.
Primus, but he missed his symbiotes. Any one of them could infiltrate the Ark in ways Soundwave himself could only dream of. But the war had taken so much. The battle that had claimed Optimus Prime had also claimed Laserbeak, Soundwave’s last surviving family. As his grief slowly ebbed away, however, Soundwave saw this opportunity for what it was.
The Matrix of Leadership had yet to choose a new Prime. The Autobots it had sequestered away, deep in the Ark with no bearer.
No defender.
This was Soundwave’s chance to destroy the accursed artifact that had caused so much pain and suffering for the Cybertronian people. He could rid Cybertron of the Primacy, now and forever; finally making good on the oath he had sworn to the Decepticons so many years ago.
Even now, you believe the Primes to be evil?
Soundwave shook his helm as he moved deeper into the ship, trying to clear himself of his second thoughts. The Primes were evil; either by intention or ignorance, the Primes had done more harm to Cybertron than good. Even Optimus Prime, who claimed to hold the freedom of all sentient beings in high regard, waged war to defend a system that would strip that freedom from his own people.
And does Megatron defend the freedom of his own people?
Soundwave was venting hard, now. He was growing closer to where he knew the Matrix to be held, and the temperature in the Ark only seemed to climb and climb. Yes,he pushed back at his own mutinous thoughts. Soundwave did not always agree with Megatron’s interpretation of the Decepticon cause, but his writings were almost single-handedly responsible for starting the Decepticon movement. He had to believe in his own writings. He had to. 
Soundwave cursed to himself as he nearly bumbled into an Autobot. He was letting the turmoil in his processor distract him. It was normal to have second thoughts on such a blatantly suicidal mission, but really. He was supposed to be a professional. 
You would put your spark on the line for this mission? 
Soundwave fought to stay standing as another blast of almighty heat washed over him. He knew the forward decks of the Ark got hot- it was lodged into an active volcano after all- but didn’t the Autobots have heat shielding on their ships? Or air conditioning? Soundwave was fully willing to die for this, but he thought it would be at the hands of an Autobot, not overheating.
He needed to get to the Matrix before he succumbed. The idea beat through his spark and brain with sublime intention. Get to the Matrix. Get to the Matrix.
His own life would be such a small price to pay in comparison. His symbiotes were all dead now. He had no one who needed his protection, no one who really needed him alive like they did. He could die confident in the knowledge that he had prevented another generation of Cybertronians from falling to such a corrupt system. They would be free- free from functionism and the caste system and everything else- in a way they never had been before. 
The Decepticons would honor him for this, he knew. Megatron would honor this sacrifice. Even the Autobots would grow to understand why he did this, in time. Once the Primacy was truly gone, and they held the power to shape their own future, they would understand.
You would sacrifice your life for the freedom of your people.
What? Where had that thought come from?
It was true, Soundwave supposed- that was exactly what he was doing. But the thought… resonated strangely, in a way he couldn’t really describe. 
The temperature was culprit number one. Overheating had a way of sneaking up on you, or so Soundwave had heard. He pinged his sensor net for a more accurate temperature analysis.
Ambient Temperature: 33°C, it provided dutifully, Systems temperature: Nominal.
That didn’t make any sense. Or, actually, it made perfect sense; that’s about how hot the front of the Ark would be on any other day. The Autobots’ human allies often whined about it, but it was perfectly comfortable to the average Cybertronian.
So why did Soundwave feel as if he was going to melt?
You would work to correct the evils of the past.
Soundwave didn’t realize he had reached his destination until the brilliant light of the Matrix burst through the open doorway, consuming everything before him. 
Belatedly, he realized he wasn’t having second thoughts.
You would claim all Cybertronians as your people.
Because these weren’t his thoughts at all.
He should have destroyed it. That’s what he came here for. But the Matrix pulled him in, yanked him forward, and the thought of destroying it was… inconceivable. The security measures Soundwave had developed painstaking plans to breach and circumvent slid away and deactivated, like they were never there. 
Soundwave reached for the Matrix of Leadership. To claim it, or to destroy it? He didn’t know, couldn’t tell.
Nearby, someone was shouting. He couldn’t tell who or why.
You would be perfect.
And Soundwave was consumed by the heat.
--- --- ---
More chapters are up right now on AO3! Tell me if you want more here on tumblr, also.
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TWST Characters in Transformers Universe
Combined the two current hyperfixations let's goooo~ References the caste system from IDW, the constructed cold racism and things like mnenosurgery and empurata
Ace: The classic young, reckless Autobot who wants nothing more then to kick Decepticon tailpipe. Didn't actually experience the caste system bullshit; he was born just before the Decepticons did their war crimes and fully declared war. As a result, has no fucking idea what everyone is talking about by 'functionism' and joined the Autobots because 'we're the good guys right' Fucking obsessed with Earth media, probs participates in street racing and a fucking menace
Deuce: Just like Ace, was born just before the Decepticons broke everything the Geneva convention stood for. Tragically got stuck in the wrong crowd, bring influenced by Decepticons who didn't fight for freedom, but rather for sport. They rubbed off of Deuce and he joined the ranks, but he's a good bot at spark; upon realising what he had done was wrong, he joined the Autobots. Sometimes regrets that decision because Primus dammit he really wants to punch Ace and not get in trouble for it, cause opposite sides and shit
Riddle: Now this fucker experienced the caste system all right. Having been led his entire life believing that the Senate was right, he's a stick in the mud. Any stoicism he had was furthered by the trauma of war, where he aligns Autobot, agreeing with the belief that your alt mode defines your purpose in life and fighting against the bots who oppose that belief; the Depcepticons. He gets better though, and sticks by the Autobots now because he knows it's the right thing to do
Leona: Though Leona recognised that Cybertronian society was not all perfect and wanted to help his peers, he was constructed cold, his artificial spark similar to that of the forged Farena, leading people to call them brothers. Alas, CC racism, Farena having a far more better alt mode and Farena already being an extremely important bot made the Senate deem Leona worthless. Leona tried for a long time to fight the system, wearing the Decepticon insignia (not never officially joining), he began to realize that war altered the Decpeticons ideals, making them no longer fight for freedom, and the hope he once had shattered, depression hitting him like a freight train. He's taken to Earth due to their great recharging spots, and is only really close to Ruggie, his only friend from the Decepticon days. Opens up eventually, and though he's not wiping off the badge anytime soon, he promises to keep fellow beast mode Cybertronian Jack safe from all of the shit the war has to offer
Rook: What the fuck is there to say honestly. Rook was an outlier, able to instantly to identify someone's coordinates, whether they were friend or foe, and hunt them down without the need of technological assistance. One could call him neutral, for he only makes temporary trucks with either Bot or Con if he thinks that it'll give him a close optic view of something truly 'beautiful', but his loyalty isn't to either cause. Rather, it's too a person; the imfamous Vil Schoenheit. People mistake him for a member of the DJD due to his vibes and who can blame them
Jamil: Oh dear. Forged right next to Kalim, Kalim's robot form made of ancient Cybertronian jewels and a great alt mode, Jamil's entire life was paved for him. His personal servant, he grew to despise the bot he was forced to serve, even more so at the fact that Kalim wasn't like the Senate; his spark was pure and he approached the world with an optimistic glee. Jamil wished to fight for the Depcepticons, but was too afraid to go against his master at the time. When Kalim joined the Autobots, he dragged Jamil with him, who witnessed numerous Autobots join just so they could show the Decepticons their 'proper place' as slaves and other horrifying concepts, and bots with truly kind Sparks that deserved to live a life untainted by war. Slowly growing more and more cynical, one day he lost it, denouncing the Autobots. The next time Kalim saw him, Jamil bore the Decpeticon insignia.
Ortho: He was once a kind soul, who learned the Cybertronian way by a far more anxious bot; Idia, growing close enough to act like brothers. Once. Tragically, he encountered an empurata'd, vengeful spark who acted like the infamous Sparkeaters, being brutally beaten to death, Idia watching as a medic failed to come in time and his plating turned grey. In his grief, Idia stole a constructed cold protoform, altered the frame and created his own artificial Spark to be in Ortho's likeness, leading to the creation of the new Ortho Shroud. Though officially neutral like his brother, Ortho has become good friends with many Autobots, being an unofficial member of them.
Lilia: One of the first vocal Decepticon supporters, he strongly believed in freedom and wanted to fight for his fellow bots. Tragically, the war trauma fucked him up really bad, and realized that the Decepticons had changed their goal from freedom to tyranny under a different name. He dissapeared mysteriously, believed to have died a legendary death in combat, rumours going on to say he could defeat the DJD without breaking a sweat and numerous other great claims. In truth, he abandoned the Decepticons, taking refuge on Earth, in unofficial custody of the kids he found and has sworn on his spark he'll keep them away from the horrors of war.
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darkstarofchaos · 4 months
Alien Breeding Experiment? (Sending on anon because I can’t send from my nsfw alt—I wrote half a Quint Breeding Fic and posted it to enthusiasticinformedfragging because I gave up on writing it, so that title definitely intrigues me…)
Alien Breeding Experiment can be summed up as "A bunch of TFs are abducted by alien conservationists who have decide Cybertronians are endangered and they need to save the species".
The inspiration comes from a novel I read as a teen (The Cage by Megan Shepard) and the TF fic, The Mechanoid Preserve by Fianna9 and gatekat. In the former, a group of teenagers are taken by aliens for a zoo, and the latter has a premise fairly similar to mine, from what I remember (full disclosure, the fic lost me halfway through). One of the points I've taken from The Cage is the idea that the aliens are telepathic and don't consider non-telepathic races sentient, but unlike The Cage, there's also a language barrier. And no cross-species romance. The Mechanoid Preserve, as far as I remember, has no real similarity to mine apart from the concept and a couple main characters.
Anyway, the main plotline in my story follows a mixed group of Autobots and Decepticons as they figure out what's going on and try to communicate with or escape from their captors. The aliens don't actually know how Cybertronians reproduce (hence the "experiment" part), so they're trying to pair off the captives by frametype. Which is fine for pairs like Prowl and Bluestreak or Starscream and Thundercracker, but not so much for cross-faction pairs like Optimus and Motormaster.
Meanwhile, the Autobots and Decepticons are trying to find their missing bots, but things aren't moving fast enough for Skywarp and the Stunticons who weren't captured, so they abduct Skyfire and set off to find their missing teammates themselves. Shenannigans ensue.
A lot of my stories are in a rough drafted state, but this is one I have a semi-complete first chapter for. Snippet under the cut:
A muffled crash sounded from somewhere nearby. Prowl jumped, uncurling enough to stare around himself once more. Nothing had changed inside his prison. Whatever - or whoever - had made that noise must have been outside. Was it at all possible that the Autobots had come for him?
Yes. Of course it was possible. But with no other sounds to suggest a battle, it grew less likely by the second. Prowl couldn’t help checking his comms, though, praying that they hadn’t been disabled.
They responded immediately, as though nothing was wrong. He choked back a sob of relief and ran a scan for active frequencies, not caring who they belonged to. Autobots, humans, it didn’t matter as long as he got out of here.
He found one. A deep, stern voice came over the connection, and Prowl shuddered as a wave of hot shame joined his nausea.
::-no time for senseless violence,:: Optimus was saying.
::I think this is the perfect time for violence,:: a different voice snarled. Not an Autobot. Motormaster. Prowl hadn’t even noticed he’d landed on a universal frequency, though given the circumstances, a Decepticon on an Autobot frequency might have been the least of his worries.
Optimus started to say something else, but Blaster’s voice interrupted. ::Hold that thought, Prime. We have another caller on the line.:: A momentary pause followed his words, then he added, ::Hey, Prowl. You with us?::
“I… Yes. I’m here,” Prowl managed. His words were edged with static, possibly from whatever had knocked him out. Hopefully it concealed the worst of his distress. He sat up slowly, fighting to compose himself, and asked, “What’s happening?”
::That’s an excellent question.:: Starscream’s voice was tight and angry. But he barely finished his sentence before yet another bot chimed in.
::It was aliens!:: Red Alert said. ::Someone came and took us right off the battlefield!::
::Will you shut up about aliens?:: Motormaster snapped.
Optimus sighed, the sound almost an impatient growl. ::Prowl. What’s the last thing you remember?::
That was not a question Prowl wanted to answer, even for himself. But he cast his thoughts back, sifting through hazy, corrupted memory files. “There was a battle,” he said slowly. “We were protecting… some human thing?”
::Speak for yourself,:: Starscream muttered. Optimus sighed again. ::What else?::
“That’s everything,” Prowl admitted. “Prime… What’s going on?”
::That’s what we’re trying to figure out,:: Optimus said. He sounded disappointed, and Prowl’s tanks gave another unpleasant lurch. He hated that tone.
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transingthoseformers · 8 months
Opinion but au where Cyberverse Tarn doesn't immediately die but instead we pretend he was the villain for an entire season
I like Cyberverse Tarn because his differences from mtmte Tarn can be explained. After all, mtmte Tarn was a carefully trained and rebuilt weapon with his own division and history, and thus his relation to Megatron was so much more personal.
Cyberverse Tarn, though? To Megatron X, he was just another one of the mass produced Perfect Decepticons. Tarn selected his name during his introduction in the episode, he gave us our exposition on what was going on with the PDs. Tarn wasn't around for what started the war, he didn't know what Megatron X was like before all the other decepticons in their universe were scrapped and X started making PDs instead. In the episode Tarn is doing the same as the other perfect decepticons were doing, fighting for dominance: but he saw an opportunity in using the base universe (sure we'll call it that) mecha, and he fucking took it. For the first time in his life he saw an opportunity for control and he took it, and morality certainly wasn't on his mind.
While I think that mtmte Tarn would flip the fuck out at the comparison between him and the pre-war regime Megs fought against, Cyberverse Tarn didn't give a fuck.
Cyberverse Tarn turned out fucked up like mtmte Tarn did, but in such a different way that it's cool. Because imagine what would've happened if he stuck around longer, having the other PDs at his beck and call.
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in1-nutshell · 3 months
Hello! I am SOO sorry that I have been cramping you with asks, so feel as free as you can be to push this one alll the way back, or deny it, I am not desperate at all. I just want to type this before I forget this. So after the Megatron with a daughter who was his opposite post, I, too, am in love with this opposite personality daughter series. Like just all of our favourite men as fathers of daughters with individual personalities of themselves but also more or less all resonated their fathers one way or another, or someone they knew! I LOVE IT! And I realized how this formed a perfect trilogy now.
So I am real curious. What if the three daughters exist in the same universe? And, may or may not interact? (would we need individual names for them all? Or Buddy 1 and 2 and 3 like Spider-Man: No Way Home and no one questions it?)
I've actually been thinking about continuing the 'daughter with different personality' thing. Maybe in the future you'll see more!
Originally the plan was to have all the Buddy's to be in the same universe, but I ended up scrapping the idea and decided to create separate universes for each one (unless the plot tells me otherwise :))
When I saw the Spiderman part my mind went to this.
Tumblr media
(Who knows for the future)
Hope you enjoy!
Optimus Prime, Ratchet, and Megatron's daughters meeting each other for the first time.
SFW, Platonic, Familial, groundbridge and relic shenanigans, Cybertronain reader
In TFP Rats universe.
Buddy was just minding her own business cleaning and wiping down her father’s tools.
It’s a nice day on base.
There was low Decepticon activity for the past few days, the children were playing their games, Bulkhead and Smokescreen were trying to get Bumblebee and Arcee to play Lob with them, Ultra Magnus and Optimus were reviewing plans for something, and her father, Ratchet, was with Wheeljack looking at a new relic they found in the Artic.
“It’s not another scraplet trap, right?”--Raf
“Nope! Completely checked it with the scanner. We should be good now.”--Buddy
“We ‘should’ be good?”--Bulkhead
“There is always a percentage of things blowing up, I’m not counting that out.”--Buddy
Without warning, the relic whirled to life jumping and shaking onto the floor.
Everyone jumped and backed away from the whirling sound it made. Bright light came out of it as the shaking intensified. The noise was loud enough to get everyone to come to the main room.
The machine scanned the closest bot, Buddy, and opened a portal, shooting out tons of air.
The children nearly flew back, but thanks to Ultra Magnus and Optimus, they were caught before they flew off the ledge.
“Hey Ratchet! What’s it doing?!”--Bulkhead
“Oh, it’s putting on a rock concert. OBVIOUSLY, I DON’T KNOW!”--Ratchet
Machine whirls louder.
“Buddy! Hide behind the med slab!”--Wheeljack
Buddy already behind the slab, clutching onto dear life.
“With all due respect, WHAT DO YOU THINK I’M DOING?!”--Buddy
Meanwhile in megs dimension
Buddy calmly walking down the halls of the Nemesis with some data pads.
“Hmm… wonder why they need so many data pads…”--Buddy
Sudden portal pops up on the wall next to them.
“What in the—”--Buddy
Portal starts sucking her in.
Portal sucks Buddy in leaving the discarded data pads sprawled in the middle of the hallway.
In op dimension
Buddy is resting her arm on the handrail while talking with Miko.
“How’s the playlist going?”--Miko
“Haven’t been working too much on it. Patrol has been up my tailpipe lately. Do you have any more recommendations?”--Buddy
“Yeah! How about—”—Miko
A sudden portal opens.
“Umm, I don’t remember Ratchet opening up a groundbridge.”--Miko
Buddy grabbing a grenade from her subspace.
“That’s because he hasn’t!”--Buddy
Buddy chucks a grenade at the portal.
Nothing happens to the portal.
“What!”—Miko and Buddy
The portal starts sucking them in.
Buddy grabs Miko as she starts to get dragged in, pounds a hole in the ledge and places her in there.
“Buddy? Buddy what are you—”--Miko
Buddy groans as she tries to keep her footing but gets sucked in and the portal closes.
In Rats dimension
Two figures pop out of the portal and slam into Ratchet’s daughter.
The portal closes.
The two figures groaned.
Op Buddy sits up rubbing her helm.
Meg Buddy sliding off the med slab and onto the floor on her back.
“Urgh… my aching helm…”—Megs Buddy
Rat Buddy gently massaging her helm before looking at the two strangers.
“Who are you?”—Rat Buddy
Op Buddy looks at the others.
“Who are you?!”—Op Buddy
Meg Buddy looking at all the Autobots in the area.
“WHERE AM I?!”—Meg Buddy
Optimus carefully approaches the younglings.
Megs Buddy quickly moves back while the other two just stare widely.
“Yes?”—All Buddy’s
All Buddy’s turn around and point at each other.
“Your name is Buddy! I’m Buddy!”—All Buddy’s
Meg Buddy standing up pacing a bit.
“Maybe this is some alternate universe…I always thought something like this was possible from what he said… It’s the only logical explanation for this…”—Megs Buddy
“That seems to check out. Which explains why Dad hasn’t started giving me the ‘speech’ again.”—Op Buddy
“… Oh, this is going to be fun.”—Op Buddy
“This is not going to be fun…”—Meg Buddy
Everyone is confused.
Come to find the relic would scan someone and find ‘alternatives’ of them. It could mean alternative of the bot or by their names.
To avoid confusion the Buddy’s are labeled.
Op’s Buddy would be known as Buddy 1.
Rats Buddy would be known as Buddy 2.
Megs Buddy would be known as Buddy 3.
“How come she’s Buddy 1? Why not our Buddy? She was hear before you guys showed up.”--Miko
“Cause I’m older and cooler.”—Buddy 1
“Yeah right.”--Miko
“Don’t believe me Miko? Watch this.”—Buddy 1
Buddy 1 transforms into a monster truck.
“I take it back! That’s so cool! Can I ride you!?”--Miko
“Of course!”—Buddy 1
“Miko no!”--Bulkhead
“Miko yes!”--Miko
“Then why is our Buddy number two?”--Raf
“Because I’m the second oldest. Three is the youngest one here.”—Buddy 2
“Guess it makes sense. You she is kind a smaller than you two.”--Jack
“Hey! I’m a minicon! Of course, I’m smaller than everyone here!”—Buddy 3
“You’re a minicon?”--Arcee
Buddy 3 shrinks back a bit at Arcee’s gaze nodding.
Buddy 1 made the Team guess who her father was, bets were on the table and ready to be thrown. Buddy 1 managed to get Buddy 3 to get in on the guessing part. Buddy 3 guaranteed that no one would guess her creator.
A part of her didn’t want them to know either.
“All right we are ready.”--Miko
“Wow so soon?”—Buddy 3
“Too soon if you asked me.”—Buddy 1
“We’ve narrowed down three bots for each. If we win, 1 needs to take me out dune bashing in her alt mode.”--Miko
“I can stand by that.”—Buddy 1
“And if you don’t guess right?”—Buddy 2
“You’ll have to tell us.”--Miko
“…”—Buddy 3
“Lets get started!”--Miko
“Okay these ones are for Buddy 1.”--Smokescreen
“Got it, lets hear them.”—Buddy 1
“First one… Wheeljack!”--Miko
Buddy 1 laughing at the response.
“HAHAHAHA, Sorry, its just, just that Jackie here is more like my Uncle. Definitely not my dad.”—Buddy 1
“All righty then… Bulkhead!”--Miko
Buddy starts laughing at that one too.
“Nope! Bulks also like my Uncle!”—Buddy 1
“The last one… Smokescreen!”—Miko
Buddy is now on the floor laughing her tanks and near crying.
“…I’ll take that as a no then…”--Raf
Buddy finally stops laughing.
“You lose.”—Buddy 1
“Got that. Now spill it! Who’s your Dad?!”--Miko
Buddy stands up rather stoically.
“One shall stand, one shall fall.”—Buddy 1
Everyone stares at Optimus, who looks equally as surprised.
“Your—your Boss Bots kid!? How!?”--Miko
“A question everyone has been asking since we met.”—Buddy 1
Miko turns to Buddy 3.
She hoped that they would have forgotten her, but alas here she was.
“Your turn!”--Miko
Buddy 3 nervously sits next to Prime and Ratchet
“First one… Arcee!”--Miko
Buddy 3 looking terrified.
“NO! I mean no.”--Buddy 3
“How about… Ultra Magnus!”--Miko
Buddy shakes her helm while looking at Magnus.
“Sorry try again.”—Buddy 3
“Okay… Optimus!”--Miko
Buddy 1 looks at Buddy 3.
“Are we siblings!?”—Buddy 1
“I mean aren’t we all in a way?”—Buddy 3
“Sorry, the answer is no.”—Buddy 3
“Dang it!”--Miko
“Then who is your Dad?”--Raf
“…Megatron…”—Buddy 3
Buddy shrinks back at the sudden movements.
Buddy 1 and Buddy 2 immediately stand by Buddy 3
“Hold it now. Just because 3 dad is Bucket head, no offense.”—Buddy 1
“None taken.”—Buddy 3
“Doesn’t mean she’s bad. Right?”—Buddy 2
“No, no I’m not.”—Buddy 3
“Really and how can you prove it?”--Arcee
“Arcee—”—Buddy 2
“Well think about this. If I was truly bad, why haven’t I hurt you.”—Buddy 3
“Because your short?”--Smokescreen
“… Okay that one’s asking for it… but beside the point, I could have easily hurt the kids, yet I haven’t. I could have attacked or given any other hint that I had malicious intentions. But I haven’t, have I?”—Buddy 3
“I stand by 3.”—Buddy 1
“And I stand with 1 and 3.”—Buddy 2
“I will stand by her as well.”--Optimus
“Prime!”—Most of the team
“Prime?”—Buddy 3
“She is our guest and so is 1. We must treat them with the respect they deserve.”--Optimus
“…Thank you Prime.”—Buddy 3
After the confrontation a little more research is done on the machine.
Thanks to Buddy 3’s expert decoding skills, she was able to read the full effects of the machine as well as how to reverse it.
The good news was that the effects were reversable.
The bad news was that the machine needed time to recuperate before usage again.
The Buddy’s decided to kill time by hanging out with each other and the team in the meantime.
Aka shenanigan time.
1 tries to start a conversation with her alternate family especially with Prime.
She is curious to see if there are any differences between her father and her alternative father.
“You always did have a thing for the Halls, didn’t you?”—Buddy 1
“The Halls of Iacon was where I worked.”--Optimus
“You mean, where Orion worked.”—Buddy 1
“Sorry, but I see Orion and Optimus as two separate bots sometimes.”—Buddy 1
“It is understandable.”--Optimus
3 tended to stay with 2 for the most part.
2 was a soft soul and was quiet for the most part.
2 did entertain 3 with the occasional story here and there.
Buddy 2 and 3 talking to each other near the med bay.
“What do you think they’re talking about?”--Smokescreen
“Beep boop bep bop boop. (Probably about medical stuff.)”--Bumblebee
“Yeah, probably.”--Smokescreen
“So, then Arcee raised her blasters at the wannabe Cybertronians and started blasting.”—Buddy 2
Buddy 3 listening intently.
1 likes to place 2 and 3 on her shoulders.
1 being the tallest and bulkiest of the Buddy’s could support the weight, not that they did weigh anything to her.
The other two Buddy’s liked feeling tall.
“Hey! Hey! Look at this!”—Buddy 1
Buddy 1 supporting Buddy 2 on her shoulders while Buddy 3 was on top.
“We are Buddy Supreme!”—Buddy 2
Buddy 1 has a bright smile on her face.
Buddy 2 has a wobbly smile trying not to laugh while carrying 3.
Buddy 3 is just staring in amazement.
“So, this is what it’s like to be tall… this is nice.”—Buddy 3
Soon it was time for them to leave.
3 really doesn’t want to leave her new friends behind.
She certainly doesn’t want to go back to the dark halls of the Nemesis.
But this pleasant experience was soon to be the spark to ignite the flame for peace between the two fractions again.
She was going to do everything she could to end this war with peace.
Whether Megatron liked it or not.
“It was lovely seeing you all and knowing there are alternative versions of myself out there. I hope we meet again on much pleasanter terms in the future.”—Buddy 3
“Same goes to you 3!”—Buddy 1 and 2
Buddy 3 walks through the portal.
A flash of purple shines before returning to its natural color.
“It’s your turn kid—”--Wheeljack
“SEE YA!”—Buddy 1
Buddy 1 back flips into the portal before a flash of blue shines.
The portal turns off and all is still.
“…Well, wasn’t that an eventful Wednesday afternoon?”—Buddy
In megs universe
Buddy bounces off the wall of the Nemesis.
“For once I’d wish for a smooth landing…”--Buddy
Buddy looks up to see Soundwave.
Buddy waves.
“Hey Soundwave.”--Buddy
Soundwave starts walking forward.
“Sorry about the data pads—”--Buddy
Soundwave is in front of Buddy.
“I swear I meant to go straight to the room when—”--Buddy
Soundwave gets down on his knees and pulls Buddy in a tight hug.
Buddy freezes for a moment before hugging back.
None say anything, just holding onto each other in one of the empty halls of the Nemesis.
In op universe
Buddy gets thrown at Bumblebee and Smokescreen.
“BEEP! (BUDDY!)”--Bumblebee
Both bots hugging Buddy’s sides tightly.
“We heard from Miko that you go sucked into some groundbridge or something!”--Smokescreen
Buddy patting both bots helms.
Bumblebee digs his helm further in Buddy’s neck cables whirling in concern and relief.
“Boy, do I have a story to tell you guys. But let’s wait till everyone gets here, I can’t wait to see Doc bot’s reaction to his daughter.”--Buddy
“HIS WHAT!?”—Smokescreen and Bumblebee
“MY WHAT!”--Ratchet
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My Ace Flag & Decepticon Symbol Buttons (2023)
Credit for Transformers goes to Hasbro & Takara
[Note: Don’t Reblog Without Permission...] 
[Edit On March 26, 2023: had to edit this....and also replace the word “badges with buttons”.......well I guess they were more like Button-Badges to me....]
I want to say that my plan was to still keep to not posting anything until a few days later, and there is a reason why I decided that, it’s just someone had made me unhappy, it just seem they were doing something on purpose despite me pointing out some important facts.....plus I am going to think over what to do about it, anyway a part of me wants to post a drawing I did of Blitzwing from TFA, that has to do with a Fan Headcanon about him, but maybe I will wait a few more days before I post it.....I think this will be the only post for today, and I will try to keep from posting else until maybe a few days later in this month or until maybe somewhere around April.     
I had to take a picture of the buttons that I had made,
well the Ace Flag Button one, was made on August 25, 2021...
while the Decepticon Symbol Button was made on March 21, 2023...
if I find the right colors, I can try using the colors Lavender/Violet, Light Turquoise, White, Ice Blue and Blue-Gray for the Aroaceflux Flag in Button form.
still not sure if many will even use it though, and I guess it’s fine if it’s just me that ends up using it for now.
so yeah, I drew a Decepticon Symbol on Paper, colored it and put it in a Button.....so that is my Decepticon Button, it might not be 100% perfect.
but it’s like, wanting to support the True Decepticon Cause, and not the whole bad stuff that some Decepticons have done that really has nothing to do with the real cause....
I am starting to think that Rose Quartz and Megatron have more in common than I had originally thought, and Megatron may have been part of the Council but took the form of Megatron or at first a Mech with no name until given the name “Megatron”, and he learned the dark truth, that while the Toxic-Rich that would become Autobots lived with out a care, there were others who are suffering, and it might be weird, but what if it turn out that Megatron was originally a Femme who was named after Solus Prime, like his original name was Solus and even as both Megatron and Solus, he tried to get the Council to listen but they always ignored both Megatron and Solus (who they had no clue were one in the same...) and I guess that is a weird theory, but it be interesting if it turned out to be true.....that would be a big plot twist.          
to take the picture of the two, I had to wear those buttons and then once I got the pictures taken, I started to do some editing and resizing of them a little and removing some parts that had to do with the shirt...
I know that not all Autobots are Bad, but they still have some Bad ones in their ranks, and even clueless ones who offline a Vehicon without a second thought.....yeah we are suppose to see the Autobots as the good guys, but the Autobots aren’t really 100% the good guys, because of their stupid corrupt caste system....
"Decepticons Get It Done, But Crystal Gems Do It Better."
(referencing the song "Brunettes Do It Better" by Kidforce.)
yeah I’m weird enough to view Steven Universe and Transformers having some similarities, at least Steven was able to finally get through to White, Yellow and Blue....
I think I will make a button that has to do with Steven Universe, next.
maybe not right now, but sometime I will...
so the Decepticon Button in this, is like a Honorary Type Thing....
like siding with the Decepticons who are still on the right path and fighting for the true cause, and not the whole conquering or destroying thing...
anyway when I do make some other buttons, I can post them on here sometime.......but it will have to be a long wait, so it can’t be this month.
so yeah in a Fan way, this Defective Earth Angel is becoming a Honorary Decepticon (even if it isn’t canon and is like more fan like.), but still like some of the Good Guy Autobots, but still know that half of the time, it will be the Autobots who will be in the wrong some percent of the time, same as the Decepticons....
anyway this time for sure, this will be it until a few days or so...and this will be the only post for today as well.
and yeah, when I can and if I can find the right color pencils and crayons to use, I will make a Aroaceflux Button that matches the new design I had posted some days ago...  
I’m going to check out some stuff on here while listening to Dark Horse by Katy Perry.  and I will try to keep myself from posting anything else up until a few more days this month or until April...
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Firearm Safety
This happened because no one stopped me.
Rating: General Continuity: IDW1 Relationship: Megatron/Prowl Characters: Megatron & Prowl Warnings: Arranged marriage Notes: They're both aroace for the purposes of this fic.
Summary: In which Prowl decides the perfect place for a gun is the gun safe. That gun is Megatron.
Crossposting: In a reblog
Fic under cut.
Punching in the combination to the apartment’s gun safe, Prowl knew he ought not do this. While not technically illegal, it would have been highly frowned upon if anyone started asking questions. That didn’t bother him terribly much, especially given who it was exactly he had in his hand. He had already started work on a grand lie to tell if need be, but with his processor so overworked from lack of recharge, he had yet to finish it. He hadn’t gotten past the weak opener that Megatron was last seen preparing to go on a fishing trip. That wouldn’t have flown on its own. He needed more and his processor was too fried to come up with anything better.
Megatron didn’t even like fishing.
Grasped tightly by a small inhibitor claw, Megatron snoozed peacefully, unaware of what was coming.
It was his own fault for brazenly choosing to sleep in his tiny alt-mode anyway.
All Prowl had to do was pick him up out of the drawer he liked recharging in, slap the claw on, and throw him in. The universe would be far safer for it, but more importantly, Prowl wouldn’t have to hear him snoring.
How did a handgun even snore in the first place? What was there to snore with? And, worst of all, why did he sound like a broken chainsaw?
How was Prowl expected to get any sleep like this? Was this some ploy to drive him slowly insane via recharge deprivation? For the past couple of months, he’d been struggling to focus on some of his projects at the office; his optics kept fritzing out while going over reports, making reading and analysis an absolute chore.
Nevertheless, he had gotten this far. All that was left was to throw him in and close the safe. Easy. Then it would be done.
In an ideal situation, Megatron would come to his senses and change his habits—or at least see a medic about that Primus-forsaken snoring—but in a worst case scenario where he didn’t repent and slowly starved in the safe, Prowl could live with the consequences. Either way, Prowl would win: no snoring.
Besides, the blasters and other weapons in the safe were useless to someone with no hands and Megatron wouldn’t be transforming with that inhibitor claw clamped in place.
“Prowl, there’s been a change in the peace treaty negotiations.”
He could still hear Optimus’ words several months ago in his processor. The fatal words that preceded the news that he was to be given to the Decepticons via a political union. A fancy exchange of hostages. Sure, Starscream had been exchanged the other way, but he didn’t care about Starscream’s opinions and comfort. At least Optimus was a kind, caring mech… who didn’t snore.
Prowl had been handed over to Megatron before the proverbial ink had even dried. At least the bastard had kept his filthy—metaphorically, as he had noticed the warlord washed his hands regularly and surprisingly often—murderous hands to himself.
The other upside was that Prowl’s new posting in Kaon as Chief of Security did allow him to throw himself into his work, helping wrangle the rowdy Cons into a semblance of order. It was easier than he had expected, but it appeared that they had already become accustomed to a rather heavy-handed bureaucracy.
It hadn’t been that bad of a deal, all the things considered. The only real cost had been Prowl’s dignity, what little of it he had after the War, and having to live in the same apartment as Megatron. They had separate rooms, ignored one another amicably when they were both home, and he’d been allowed to come and go as he pleased. They really only had to coordinate for filing taxes and the rare shared public appearance where they awkwardly stood next to each other without actually touching. In fact, holding Megatron in his hand like this was the most physical contact they had ever had that hadn’t been part of wartime combat or an accidental brush of elbows.
It could have been much worse, a point driven home whenever Prowl saw Starscream enthusiastically hanging onto Prime’s arm for photo ops.
All in all, Prowl thought, staring down at the slumbering pistol in his hand, it hadn’t been nearly as terrible as he’d originally expected. Megatron minded his own business, spending almost all of his time at home either reading or cleaning their already well-organized apartment. Luckily, neither of them cared for small talk. The most communicating that happened was Megatron occasionally cursing about being rained on and that wasn’t even directed at Prowl. The only moments of conflict had been when Prowl had first arrived and immediately protested the expectation of intimacy, an expectation apparently unique to Prowl. Megatron had simply pointed to the room that had clearly been meant for Prowl and promptly stalked off, muttering something under his breath about “filthy-minded Autobots.”
That lack of conflict had probably been what had lulled Megatron into a false sense of security that he would be safe to sleep in an unlocked drawer, padded with cushions and gun-case foam for barrel support.
Prowl swore under his breath and slammed the safe shut, Megatron still in his hand. The pistol jerked awake with a shout in the security officer’s grasp, unable to really move beyond twitching.
“What’s happening‽ Prowl!”
Ah, yes, waking up functionally paralyzed would probably be quite shocking. Oh well, no rush on turning the warlord loose. He’d live.
“Release me this instant!”
As much as Prowl hated to admit it, Megatron hadn’t really earned “starving alone in a dark box,” at least not as far as being a conjunx was concerned. Not yet. Maybe later. They’d see how the first anniversary went. Neither of them really wanted nor needed affection, so Prowl really had no cause to say he was being treated with undue frigidity.
However, war crimes, for which, in Prowl’s expert opinion, Megatron did deserve getting tossed in the box, were problems that they had been forbidden from addressing, per the treaty. He sighed, reaching out with his free hand to lightly pat the weapon’s muzzle.
“You snore like a jackhammer,” he said, making sure that he kept a note of exhausted boredom in his voice. “It’s stopping me from recharging and beginning to affect my work.”
“Excuse me?”
“So, unless you’d like to go on a fishing trip, I’d suggest you mitigate that somehow. Sound canceling foam. Remove your vocalizer. Check your muzzle for partial blockages, I don’t know, but you’re driving me binary.”
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Spotlight: Ties That Bind
This one’s a doozy folks! If you missed the last spotlight you can go read it here, but strap in for The Ties That Bind, an absolutely brilliant take on humanformers. It’s hosted here at @tiesthatbind-tf​ created by @artsy-hobbitses​!
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Q) Give us a run down of your cont! What's it about, what's it called, what's it like?
Ties That Bind is a humanformers-based original continuity which is part Science Fiction and part Alternate History where the invasion of Quintessons and introduction of their technology to Earth in 1920 sets the world and humankind on a completely different trajectory. The active narrative spans a period from 1920 to 2070, covering the First and Second Quintesson Wars, the interplanetary Antillan War (leading to the creation of Unicron on Mars) and the Great War which involves the Autobots, Decepticons and Functionist stalwarts, and how it affects the characters.
The cast is pretty sprawling and the narrative is mostly centred around human drama with bits of humor interspaced and a dash of horror (mostly centred around how the previous government often chose to utilize the technology left behind from the Quintesson Wars to create new systems of oppression, which affected many of the characters, in the name of worldwide rebuilding efforts).
Q) What characters take the lead here? Any personal favorites?
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I will admit to this continuity being very much heavy on the relationship between Old Bastards  Optimus Prime and Megatron, which is given considerable weight as they were best friends who had known each other since childhood and were deeply intrinsic to each other’s growths as individuals, which makes it all the worse when guilt and betrayal enter the party. Despite being captains in two corners of this battle, there’s a part of them that just cannot let go of their pasts together and they need to reconcile with how this will affect their agenda (Megatron) and how they lead their team (Optimus) who don’t necessarily share their history.
Other characters with significant development include:
Starscream, a Cold Construct in a toxic working relationship with Megatron with whom he is hiding a dark secret, who struggles to balance the underhanded viciousness he believes he needs to gain power and his innate desire from his Senate days to make the world a better place. 
Windblade, a Camien native who fights her government’s apathy concerning the situation on Earth which they see as unsalvageable compared to their more Utopian society. 
Prowl, a Cold Construct raised from childhood to be a cop in a police state, who finds out that he was brainwashed several times  to ensure his obedience and efficacy as a government asset and is now working to reclaim some semblance of the humanity he was never allowed to feel and figure out how much of him is who he really is and how much is programming.
Hound, a sheltered Beastman who joined the fight to ensure that Beastmen the world over would have the same rights he did in his homeland of Shetland Isle, but is forcefully stripped of his humanity and faced with his animal side during the war and has to relearn what personhood means amid his trauma.
Q) Is there a bigger point to this, like a theme or some catharsis? Or is it just fluffy fun?
God with the amount of time I spent sleepless trying to figure out how the logistics of this or the semantics of that were supposed to work in universe, I cannot for the life of me say it’s fluffy fun, but I can’t exactly say it hasn’t been pretty engaging either!
There’s elements of war being messy for everyone involved where there doesn’t seem to be a clear line between friend and foe at times, but I think for most part it prescribes to  Jean-Jacques Rousseau’s belief that people are inherently good, but are corrupted by the evils of society. Despite its dark themes (Including but not limited to child abuse, torture, illegal experimenation  and brainwashing), love and friendships do prevail, kindness does beget kindness, found families are made, even the smallest actions matter, and things do get better because there are people on both sides who genuinely want to, and strive to make it better.
With Cold Constructs and Beastmen, it also delves heavily into what it means to be human; to have agency and personhood.
There’s also a strong undercurrent of taking responsibility for one’s actions, even if they were made with the best of intentions (Avoidance of this is what eats up Starscream and Megatron from the inside, and what Starscream eventually embraces).
Q) How long have you been working on it?
There’s two answers to this!
I’ve had a Humanformers-related universe going all the way back to 2007 around the time the first Bayformers came out---basically I had a choice between learning to draw cars or draw people (I was an anthro artist back then) and I immediately chose people.
The 2007 draft however had no worldbuilding or connective storylines and was mostly a fun little venture into character design and practice which were actually instrumental to me experimenting and learning how to draw humans properly.
I left the fandom for about a decade and when I came back to it in late 2020 around September via the War for Cybertron series on Netflix, I immediately got hooked on the 2005 IDW comics I missed out on and wanted to get around to updating my old designs as well find a way to translate several of the concepts I wanted to explore in a human sense, so the 2020 update became its own full-fledged original continuity with detailed worldbuilding and history.
You can see the artistic evolution of several characters from their original incarnation below!
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Q) It’s incredible to see your artistic improvement too! Give us a behind-the-scenes look! Show us a secret ;))
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Say hello to my workspace! I’ve been working exclusively on the Ipad Pro since late 2016, which is fantastic because I can basically whip up concepts and sketches on the go anywhere. Nowhere is too out of bounds to work on TTB!
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Also, do enjoy this sneak peek at true!form Rung, whose synthezoid human body took years to perfect.
Q) YESSSSS alright I must admit this is one of my favorite Rungs, and certainly my fave within TTB. Amazing. Phew, anyway. Where did you draw inspiration from? What canons, what other fiction, what parts of real life?
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TTB was initially conceived as a faithful retelling of the IDW 2005 narrative before it was transformed into its own continuity and as such, it borrows heavily from concepts and mirrored plot lines introduced in that run! I chose to have the series inspired off it specifically for the amount of history and worldbuilding it introduced to the franchise.
Anime like Gunslinger Girl and Beastars inspired the depictions of Cold Constructs, especially the more harrowing aspects of their upbringing as government assets instead of children, and Beastmen (Beastformers) in TTB.
I haven’t depicted the world itself in my art all too much, but the architecture from Tiger and Bunny, which has sort of a futuristic Art Deco feel to it, is what you’d usually see in major cities. There is an in-universe reason for that---with a Point Of Divergence set in 1920 followed by 25 years (an entire generation) of progress basically being kicked to the curb due to the Quintesson wars, mankind was basically in a time-locked bubble until the end of the wars, and by then their heroes were 1920s-style rebellion leaders, which lead to 1920s fashion (especially among the Manual Working Class---Megatron, Jazz and Optimus all rock 1920s fashion at some point of their lives) and architecture being celebrated and retained as sort of a reminder of how things were before The Invasion. This anime’s background design is also where I adopted the tiered system TTB’s major metropolises are often built on (with each tier being designated to a different working class) from.
The main artistic style itself is a love letter to 90s cartoons, in particular Gargoyles’ deep and drama-driven character narratives and designs as well as The Centurions’ take on body armor logistics.
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I also take inspiration, especially armor-wise, from the characters’ given heritage and background. As an example, Hotrod who is depicted as Irish has the flames on his armor done up with Celtic knots. Welsh aristocrat Mirage’s armor bears olden knight-style filigree and has his Autobot logo designed as a coat of arms. Indonesian Soundwave’s armor and Decepticon logo takes cues from Batik and Wayang Kulit while their mask is based off the Barong.
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Q) They are absolutely gorgeous! Show off something you're really proud of, a particular favorite part of your cont.
The worldbuilding in general! Most Humanformers I’ve seen tend to treat it like a fun exercise which it is and is definitely valid, but I found myself wanting a full-fledged world to lose myself in and I sought to try and make that world myself by drafting a detailed history and timeline of events which would affect ongoing narratives, having indepth worldbuilding to include almost all societal aspects of the universe and  expanding on the concept of Beastmen and Cold Constructs existing in a human setting.
I’m not so secretly proud of the research and diversity included to make the cast look like the multicultural, globally-based team that they were meant to be instead of being locked to a single region! My original draft from 2007 was, to put it simply, quite culturally monolithic and I wanted to improve on that aspect with TTB.
I’m also proud that I’ve kept to it this far! I’m a notoriously flaky person jumping from one idea/fandom to another and to have kept at this continuity for the better part of ten months is honestly a personal feat.
Art-wise, this scene depicting a young Megatron working alongside Terminus and Impactor (cameo by @weapon-up-wallflower​‘s OC Missit!)  is definitely one of my favorites since it helps build up the world they live in and plays to familial bonds and comfort found in one another despite their less than ideal circumstances.
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Q) Everything has come together so beautifully, you absolutely should be proud. What other fan canons do you love and why? Would you like to see them interviewed?
I am dying to hear more from @iscaredspider​’s Sparkpulse continuity! Her designs are MIND-BLOWINGLY GORGEOUS and I want to hear more about what inspired her to work on it!
Q) [wails and squirms away in the mortifying ordeal of being known but in a very flattered way] I WILL SOMEDAY I PROMISE aflghsdjg thank you QwQ
Well that was fantastic, Oni, thank you muchly! A magnificent continuity with so much to look forward to! Coming up next is another personal fave of mine, the first inspiration for SNAP, so stick around...
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primergon · 3 years
KINDA ANGSTY SCENARIO REQUEST: how would the tfp bots or cons (or both if you can) be at raising their child after loosing their human conjux, how would the loss affect them and the way they take care of the kid(s)? (sorry for any grammar mistakes, English is not my first language)
A/N: Thank you for sending this in Anon! Don't worry about your english, it's really good ! I'm going to the Autobots for your ask and if a lot of people enjoy this then I'll make a part two with the Decepticons! I hope that's alright <3
1. Whether it was under the influence of the matrix or not, Optimus had always wanted a sparkling. There were stories of how the matrix encourages its bearer to create life, a survival instinct crafted by the old gods to ensure that the Cybertronian race persevered. Yet even when he was still an archivist, Orion had always wanted to raise a bitlet. Therefore, even if he grieves over the loss of his conjunx, he was still the doting father. Even if Optimus was constantly torn between his responsibilities as both a leader and a father, he always seemed to make time for both. He would teach them the alphabet and read them bedtime stories, and Optimus was an expert in balancing discipline and encouragement since he used to take young soldiers under his wing. There was a familiar ache against his spark when he realizes the baby had inherited their carrier's optic colour. Whenever the sparkling cries at night, he would scoop them up in his arms gently. Cooing and rocking the little bitlet until they fall asleep. Whenever things get too difficult for Optimus, he would always look up to wonder if his conjunx is watching them. It warms his spark to know that his little sparkling will grow up just to be like their carrier. It gives him all the more reason to win this war.
2. Your death change Bumblebee. Even after the war ended and he had his voice back, it was as if the light inside him had dimmed. He turned quiet and mostly kept to himself. If it wasn't for the little sparkling you both had together, Bumblebee wouldn't have healed properly. He pushed himself to continue for your bitlet's sake, always striving to be the best father. He often seeks Optimus for advice, and when he wasn't there, Arcee and Bulkhead were more than happy to help out. Even Ultra Magnus is open to giving the Scout advice. The war sometimes makes people forget just how young Bumblebee was. He was old enough to have children of course, but he was way too young to be widowed. And so he and his sparkling learned from one another, and parenthood was a different kind of challenge for him. But the moment the baby wraps their little hand around his finger, Bumblebee knew that all the sleepless nights were worth it. He just wished you were here to see the little sparkling fall asleep against his arm.
3. Bulkhead didn't hide his grief. He would openly talk about you to his sparkling, trying to hold back tears as he remembered all the good memories you shared. He was an excellent father, even if he sometimes doubts it. Wheeljack would often remind him that he's doing amazing, even offering to babysit the bitlet while Bulkhead gets some rest. The wrecker often gets angry at the world for being unfair, for taking you away from him, from your baby. Going as far as to punch holes into the metal walls of the base. Yet, the gentle giant made sure his sparkling would never see that side of him. Always affectionate and attentive to the bitlet that reminds him so much of you. Miko would let the bitlet sit on her lap, playing with her while Bulkhead watches nearby. He often visits your grave with the baby, talking to you as if you were there to listen - and Bulkhead knows, somewhere up there, you were listening.
4. Angry. Arcee was upset, frustrated and so very angry. The world keeps on taking and taking from her. It broke her heart to know that her bitlet would grow up in such a cruel world. Yet, the moment she looks into their eyes and sees a reflection of you in them, Arcee made a promise to make sure that no hurt will ever come to her sparkling. It's funny how she used to tease June for being a helicopter mom because Arcee is no different. She's protective, sometimes too protective of the baby. Always worrying every five minutes even after Ratchet had ordered her to get some sleep. She doesn't trust anyone outside of team Prime with her child, and even if they wanted to hold the baby she would have to be close to keep watch. Jack would often watch over them, entertaining the gibberish coming out of their mouth. It warms her spark to know that even under all that loss, she still has love left inside of her. And she swore to give it all to the sparkling in her arms. Not a day goes by without her thinking of you.
5. Even if it wasn't his fault, Ratchet couldn't stop blaming himself for it. The memory of your death playing over and over again in his processor. It made him feel unworthy of the baby in his arms. He doesn't show his grief, but underneath that exterior, Ratchet was crushed. There was a multitude of emotions overwhelming him, sadness, regret, worry, anger, pain - so much pain. The hurt only goes away when the baby laughs. That gave him the push to pull himself together. Ratchet is naturally idealistic, he sets high standards for himself to cope with your absence. He became preoccupied with taking care of the baby, and if he wasn't, he was reading on how to become the ' best father.' Optimus has to constantly remind him that we cannot create the perfect parent out of a test tube. Every mistake made Ratchet feel ashamed, yet he accepted the fact that parenthood was all about learning. He wasn't religious, but Primus does the old mech feel blessed to have the baby in his arms.
6.Smokescreen still couldn't fully accept your death, stuck within this loop of bargaining and denial. It pained everyone around him to see Smokescreen so torn. The only thing that kept him grounded was the Sparkling. He loves how they remind him to stay cheerful, giving him hope even when he can barely smile. He remains optimistic for your baby's sake, knowing he still has so much to learn about being a sire. Smokescreen wasn't a perfect parent, mistakes naturally occur, but what makes him a great parent is that he tries to be better. He was maturing into a better person because of his child, achieving the best version of himself through fatherhood. Eventually, he knows he should move on from the grief, but just because Smokescreen decided to accept your death for the sake of your child doesn't mean he forgot about you. He knows that you'll always be in his spark. He wonders if you're proud of him.
7.Being a father was not something Wheeljack had predicted for himself. He had always seen himself as a lone mech, never grounded to one place. It was just heartbreaking to see that when he finally decided to build a home with you, the universe had other plans. Wheeljack guarded his emotions and kept to himself because he doesn't want to get hurt, so your death made him withdrew even more. He was angry at himself. Yet when he held the sparkling in his arms, Wheeljack realized that they needed him more than ever. He doubts he'll make a good father, but Team Prime was more than willing to help him. Bulkhead gave him a lot of pointers on how to care for the baby, even Ultra Magnus had offered some advice. Fatherhood helped him heal and at the same time, it made him realize that he still has a home. As reckless as Wheeljack was he's protective towards his baby. He only begins to cut himself some slack when Arcee compared him to Ultra Magnus. Wheeljack knew children were different from assembling ships. There was no manual. He struggled a lot, but through time and a lot of patience, he was happy to see that his sparkling grew into a mini version of himself. They remind him so much of you and Wheeljack wished you were there to see him now.
8.Ultra Magnus lives a life of fighting. Even before the war, he was already part of the military. As the leader of the Wreckers and the Autobot's second in command, Ultra Magnus has to make sure he has nothing to lose. He cannot afford any kind of liability that would hold him back. Therefore, when he lost you, he couldn't help but beat himself up for it. He feels responsible for putting you in such a dangerous position, even if your death had nothing to do with him. A common misconception is that Ultra Magnus doesn't feel, but in reality, he feels too much to the point where your death pushed him into drinking. Ultra Magnus has a hard time allowing himself grief, so once he does, he loses control for the first time in his life. The main reason he sobered up was that he knew he had a child to look after. He was attentive and observant, always providing for the sparkling whenever it cries or gets hungry. Yet, a baby is nowhere near one of his subordinates. Even if he's aware of this, he sometimes still finds himself stuck in difficult situations. The commander has a hard time asking for help, but thankfully those around him were more than willing to help out. Ultra Magnus was a strict parent. He often grows too protective of his child. The thought of losing someone after you was unbearable. However, with a little reminder here and there, Ultra Magnus had managed to raise a wonderful child. Ultra Magnus would often take a look at the holo-picture of you he keeps in his subspace and feel proud. He was happy to see that his child took after their carrier.
A/N : I hope this was what you wanted Anon <3
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