#because like. what if I’m just told it’s dehydration again?
deadsetobsessions · 7 months
As the girl who came up with the Triplet! Tim AU PLEASSEEEEE continue it!!!!! I NEED to see Bruce who thought he had one robin finding out he actually has three separate completely different ones
I gotchu lmfao I think I’ll get to Bruce later? I’m really happy you liked it omg like that idea is so good
Their plan was perfect! It would have been perfect, had it not been for Dick Grayson and his nosy face!
Batman might not have known his identity, but Dick Grayson did. He promised to keep it from Batman, but Tim hadn’t exactly thought about his secret identity when he showed up to harass the man into being Robin again.
And now, they’re paying for it.
Tim leaned back and crossed his arms as he watched Dick cradle his head in his hands, looking half a short breath away from a mental breakdown.
“Are you telling me… there’s three of you?”
“Yes, Dick.” Tim sighed, having answered this exact question ten times in the past two minutes.
Dick lifted his head, wide eyes looking a little feverish… no, looking a little manic.
“Tim. Your name is Tim, right? I’m not-”
“Yes, my name is Tim. Technically, so are the others. But the one here with us is Lionel.”
“No, wait, Tim, you understand how this is- insane, right? It’s not even remotely in the realm of mentally healthy.” Dick paused. “Wait, are you skipping school right now?!?”
“Has anyone ever told you your priorities are screwed up, Dick?” Lionel-Tim walked back into the room, hands full of snacks and, most importantly, Dick’s emergency marshmallow bag. Dick turned to Lionel, eyes full of guilt, and grabbed the bag of marshmallows like a dehydrated man in the middle of a desert who’s only couple of feet away from an oasis that he’s been looking for for days.
“Oh my god. I’ve had three younger brothers and I thought they were all the same kid!” Dick wailed, grabbing a handful of marshmallows and stress cramming it into his mouth. Tim threw him a disgusted look.
“To be fair, we made sure to train to act like each other from a really early age,” Tim said, snatching the bag of chips that Lionel chucked at his head. His snack laden triplet plonked himself on the plush spinning chair, shoving a hand inside the bag of gummy worms and cramming it down his throat as he spun around.
“I can’t believe I’ve never even checked up on you at your place!! If I did, I would have noticed it way earlier!”
“Probably not,” Lionel mumbled through his mouthful of colorful gummy worms. “You only caught us because Tim got beat half to death by an edgy crime lord teenager.”
Dick hunched into himself, a myriad of complicated emotions- largely, guilt and fury and heartbreak- wormed its way past his face. Tim glared and threw a chip at his triplet.
“It’s fine, Dick. Lionel’s just being an asshole. We’re taking care of it. Revenge prank.” Tim explained.
“He wouldn’t have caught us and you know it.” Lionel grumbled.
“I’ll help.” Dick mumbled dejectedly.
“You’ll have to get in line, Wing,” Tim went back to his laptop. “My thirds got first dibs, and I’m not planning on staying still either. I’m gonna mess with Jason’s slush funds.”
“He’s got a stash of cash locked up in the fourth safe house, but that’s not interesting. Look!” Lionel proudly displayed a duffle bag- from where he got it from, Dick had no clue- and unzipped it to show batteries, lightbulbs, and random bits and bobs.
“What is that?” Dick asked.
“That’s the second lightbulb in his bathroom light! This is the left battery in his TV remote! And this is half of his back up boot laces. I took all of his 10 mm sockets! And the specialized socket he got for his bike! And this,” Lionel grinned, lifting up a piece of fabric. “Is his pillow case!”
“Niceee.” Tim whistled. He tossed a piece of tech at Lionel. “Sneak back into his house and put that in between his pillows. It’ll keep both sides uncomfortably warm.”
“Fuck yeah!”
“Is… this revenge for almost killing you?” Dick asked.
“It’s either this or complete and total financial ruin, social death, and then actual death.” Tim tapped away at his laptop.
“You’re kind of scary, you know that?”
“We know!” Lionel chirped.
“Base, come in.”
“Base,” Tim quickly replied, laser focused on Archy’s call. Lionel and Dick quieted.
“Hood’s lurking outside the school like a creep,” Archy muttered into the comm, papers rustling behind him.
Dick tensed, upset making itself visible once more.
“You still have the container I gave you this morning in your pocket?”
Tim smirked in a way that made Dick suddenly have a horrible need to shake and lecture him on the moralities of not becoming a villain. “It’s glitter. Purple and pinks.”
“Godspeed, Archy!” Lionel chirped again, sounding slightly more demented.
A moment of silence before-
“Oof!” A puff. “Oh, no! I’m so sorry, mister!”
On the other end of the comm, the gruff voice of a beefy teenager spluttered, “What- why do you- egh- my mouth! The glitter went into- pleh, pleh! What the fuck, kid?!”
“I’m so sorry! It was supposed to be for a project! I worked so hard to mix the colors right! Wait, stay still, mister! I’ll help!”
Archy, eyes wide and innocent, patted some more glitter onto the vigilante.
“No, stop! Stop! You’re getting it on my bike!”
“It’s a pretty color- oh hey, this is open-”
“No! That’s the fuel tank!”
“Oh! Whoops! Sorry!”
As chaos spread on the other side of the comms, Tim and Lionel burst into cackles. Dick choked on the marshmallows, helplessly shaking with laughter.
Lionel whacked at Dick’s back, hysterically giggling.
“That’s- that’s Archy?”
“Archy pretending to be Lionel pretending to be me yeah. I hope he got glitter in the fuel tank.” Tim grinned.
“Want me to patrol tonight to see if he got the glitter out of his bike?”
Lionel jabbed his pointy elbows onto Dick’s shoulders. “Absolutely. Distract him, too! I gotta mess with his safe houses. He’ll never feel comfortable in a safe house ever again.”
“Don’t go overboard, Lionel.” Tim looked up. “But also, I changed his WiFi passwords to 123456, so do with that what you will.”
Lionel grinned. Dick mustered up a smile in response, pushing the guilt away. He had a lot to make up to his little brothers, and if terrorizing Jason was how he was going to accomplish that… well, Dick’s not feeling too nice about Jason right now.
Batman squinted suspiciously at a humming Nightwing.
“Something happen?” He managed to ask.
“Hm? Oh, no, I got some nice pictures.”
“…I see.”
Batman, regardless of what his history might suggest, knew how to pick his battles. This? This thing that brought Nightwing’s murder smile? This was one battle he was willing to walk away from.
“Hey, B, you ever think about adopting more kids?”
Batman choked and promptly grappled away. Nightwing cackled.
“You can’t escape the question!”
Batman ran faster.
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lordprettyflackotara · 3 months
WhoGoesThere? || Eyeless Jack || Part three
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SMUT MINORS DNI 18+. tw: virginity loss, praise, breeding kink, possessive kink¿ if you squint, a tiny bit of blood related to the virginity loss. this is the fluffiest smut you guys are ever gonna get from me. enjoy ;)
Jack wasn’t quite sure what to do with you.
He wasn’t even sure how humans functioned on a traditional schedule. He was used to being mostly nocturnal, not worried about water intake. He only ate when he was absolutely hungry and couldn’t stand it anymore. But he knew humans preferred a regular sleeping cycle and eating habits. So, he did what he thought was best. He sprinted to the mansion, digging into the stash of the proxies food. He returned with a clean set of clothes, ones from his personal closet. A pair of basketball shorts and hoodie wasn’t ideal, but at least you wouldn’t be tempting him by wearing that short dress.
Jack proudly stood in front of his findings, several water bottles and a box of cereal sitting on the kitchen counter. It wasn’t long before you trailed out of the bedroom, your hair tangled and makeup smudged. Your head was pounding, your body feeling sluggish. “Remind me to never drink again,” You said. Jack grabbed a bottle of water, extending it to you. “This’ll help,” He told you. You took the bottle of water, unscrewing the cap and chugging it quickly. Jack nervously glanced at the two remaining water bottles. Yeah, he should’ve accounted for your dehydration. He had forgotten how much alcohol dehydrates a traditional human system.
“So, about last night.”
Jack looked at you, watching as you went to uncomb your matted hair with your fingers.
“I was serious about what I said you know,” You continued. Jack furrowed his eyebrows unsurely. You pulled your dress down, adjusting the fallen strap on your shoulder, “I want you to take my virginity.”
Jack stood there, shifting his weight on either foot. “I’m not opposed, I just don’t quite understand why?” Jack answered. You had truly puzzled him. Why would a magnificent creature like you suggest in mating with someone like him? “Well, you’re tall, smart, and quite honestly you’re extremely attractive,” You confessed. Jack thought about your words, your compliments making his heart throb. “You don’t even know what I look like,” Jack said bluntly. No matter how much he wanted to be in between your thighs, he didn’t want to scar such a life changing event for you because of his rough exterior. Nonchalantly you grabbed the box of fruit loops, walking over to the fridge.
“I wouldn’t open that if I were you,” Jack warned. Sure, the cabin had a slim possibility of having electricity. But based on previous tenants there was no guessing how much rotten food had complied in that refrigerator. “Do you not have milk?” You asked. Jack could’ve face palmed if you weren’t standing before him. He cleared his throat, trying to ignore how embarrassed he felt. “Um no I do not. Sorry. But I got you a change of clothes,” Jack replied. He held his clothes out to you, happy that you took them. They were going to be massive on you, but they’d fit somehow and that’s all that mattered to him.
“Thank you,” You said. You immediately went to take off your dress, Jack quick to turn around. You were so relaxed around him, he couldn’t understand it. Surely you didn’t know who he was or what he was. Or all of the terrible things he had done. You didn’t deserve to lose something so precious to a monster like him. “I don’t care what you look like. I know what I want,” You declared. You slid on his hoodie and shorts, gently grabbing his shoulder to guide him to turn around. Jack sighed. He couldn’t deny that your scent was intoxicating. Nor could he deny how badly he craved to hear your voice. The mere thought of you squirming and whimpering beneath him sent him in a frenzy.
He straightened his shoulders. He could feel his stomach rumbling. If he was going to allow this to happen, he needed to be sure he ate first. Otherwise you’d become the main meal. “I’ll make you a deal. Meet me here tonight. I’ll make the bedroom inhabitable. You can have some more time to think about if this is what you truly want,” Jack offered. It also gave him time to have a full stomach before allowing himself to be in the same room as you. You nodded, eating a handful of cereal. “If you change your mind, don’t come. It won’t hurt my feelings,” Jack lied. Even if you did change your mind, he hoped you would come provide him with company.
You stood on your tippy toes, ruffling his chestnut hair, “You’re cute Jack. I’ll see you tonight.”
With those words hanging in the air you left the cabin, cereal box in hand. You left Jack in wonder, watching as you strolled back to civilization.
To say Jack was nervous was an understatement. If he had participated in intercourse before it was long before his rebirth. He knew how it worked, of course. He was going to be a doctor after all, once upon a time. He knew the human body, male and female, inside and out. To prepare himself he watched lots of traditional porn, attempting to understand what made a female feel good. Unfortunately for him, Ben’s old school VHS tapes provided nothing educational nor entertaining. So instead he spent the day preparing the cabin. Thankfully due to Slenderman’s ancient ways he was able to grab many long cream colored candles.
He was displeased to discover the cabin did not have electricity, but the dim lighting provided him with a little bit of ease. Maybe his appearance wouldn’t be astoundingly off putting in a room like that. Jack ensured the bedding was clean, this time bringing toiletry items that might be suitable for a female. Shampoo, conditioner, body wash, toothbrush and paste. Jane would not be happy once she discovered her secret stash of hygiene products would be tampered with. But to Jack, it was between her and robbing a gas station. That was sure to ruin his plans for the evening.
Jack showered himself, pleased that the cabin did have running water. He scrubbed every inch of his being, his stomach full. To make himself feel better he didn’t kill his last victim, he simply stole what was needed and was on his way. He brushed his teeth until his gums bled. He was trying his hardest to appear appealing, even if he was disgusted with himself everytime he looked in the mirror. The sun fell from the sky faster than Jack wanted it to. He anxiously sat in the living room, awaiting your arrival. What if you got lost? It wasn’t exactly safe to let you travel here on your own.
His leg bounced up and down, a sigh of relief escaping his lips once he heard a knock on the door. Jack sprang up from his seat, his heart thudding with nervousness. He opened the door, your doe eyes staring up at him. “Hi Jack,” You greeted softly. Jack swallowed, the faint taste of mint toothpaste still prominent on his tongue. “Hi. Um, come in,” He gestured awkwardly. He led you to the bedroom, unsurely stuffing his hands in his hoodie pocket. Why was this so difficult? He pushed open the door, the dozens of candles softly illuminating the room. You stared at the gesture in awe, giving him a soft smile. You walked over to the bed, sitting on the side.
“Come here Jack,” You instructed. Jack was completely at your disposal. You had meant for him to sit beside you, the demon instead lowering himself to his knees in front of you. “You need to see what I look like before we do this. I need you to be sure,” Jack choked out. You opened your legs, your feet planted on either side Jacks nervous body. “You’re practically shaking Jack. Relax,” You whispered. You slowly pulled down his hood, the demon gulping as you gently pushed the mask upwards. His lips and nose looked normal to you, your heart picking up the pace once you took the mask all of the way off. You and Jack stared back at each other. Black ooze dripped down his eye sockets, empty holes replacing where his eyes should’ve been. Jack stared right back at you, his face full of visible nervousness and anticipation.
He blinked, studying your face. You said nothing, your face empty of an expression. He could hear your heart racing, a sure sign you found him revolting. Jacks breath hitched as you brushed some of his hair away from his forehead. Your fingertips were gentle against his ash gray skin. Slowly and unsurely you cupped Jacks cheek into your hand, studying him. You touched him as if he were made of glass. You felt tongue tied, the thoughts running through your head far from appropriate. “This is why they call you EJ?” You guessed. Jack nodded shyly, his cheeks flushing with heat. This was a terrible idea. This was beyond stupid. It was then you lifted his chin, bringing your lips to his.
Jacks breath hitched as he struggled to comprehend what was happening. He kissed you back, your lips warm and soft against his. “You are the most enchanting creature i’ve ever had the pleasure of meeting. And if i’m being blunt, I want you to fuck me now,” You whispered. Jack was on you in an instant, climbing on top of the bed. He tried to contain himself, his lips moving against yours quickly and desperately. “I have to warn you. I can be a bit.. rough. It’s my nature,” Jack panted. He was hovering above you, staring down at the angelic sight that was you beneath him. “Well since we’re giving warnings, i’ve never done anything beyond making out,” You confessed. Jack was sure his cheeks were scarlett red. He could tell you felt just as flushed, a pink tint visible on your cheeks.
“You’ve never um, played with yourself?” Jack asked. You shook your head. “I’ve um, tried it’s just never felt right. If that makes sense,” You answered honestly. Jack nodded, leaning back and shoving his hoodie over his shoulders. He tossed it aside. You were so small beneath him. Was this safe? Was this ethical? His mind rattled with questions, before he finally leaned back down over you. “Just tell me what feels good, alright? Are you sure about this?” Jack asked again. He searched your face for any sign of hesitation, surprised to see he found none.
“Jack, please.”
Your plea ignited a small inside of him, his hands roaming your body. They grabbed the hem of your shirt, tossing it over your body and side. He reattached his lips to yours, his lips moving desperately as he squeezed your flesh teasingly. His large hands landed on your breast, tenderly groping them. A small groan escaped your lips, his eager ones swallowing it whole. He strayed away from your lips, tenderly pressing kisses down the side of your face to your neck. You wrapped your arms around him, your heart racing even faster as he kissed down your chest. He stopped at your chest. “Lean forward for me,” Jack murmured. You sat up, allowing him to unclasp your bra and toss it aside.
He swallowed as he lowered himself to your exposed breath, taking your left nipple into his mouth. He was pleasantly surprised to hear your whimpers, one of your hands embedding itself in his hair. You tugged at his locs, quite embarrassed at the noises you were making. “Fuck, Jack,” You whined. He released your nipple with a pop, the sensitive bud hardening under the cool night air. He took it between his fingers, attaching his mouth to your right one. You were squirming underneath him, your hips involuntarily bucking upwards. Teasingly he grazed your nipple with his sharp teeth, a jagged moan escaping your throat. He released it with a pop, giving you a cocky smirk. “That feel good?” He asked. You nodded profusely, looking at him.
His cock was throbbing in his pants, his outline visible to you even with the dim lighting. “How i-is that gonna fit?” You stumbled out. Jack was already massive in comparison to you. And that didn’t include factoring in the size of his cock. “I’ll make it fit. Just need to loosen you up first,” Jack cooed. He laced his fingers with the hem of your skirt and panties, pulling them downwards. He guided you to spread your legs, your eyes screwed shut in embarrassment. “Such a pretty pussy,” Jack praised. He lowered himself in between your thighs, running a finger up and down your slick. “And so wet. All for me?” Jack purred. His large hands kept your thighs pried apart, a sly grin spreading across his lips. Jack had never thought much of having three tongues. He never saw a use for them. Nor did he have any idea what to do with them, until Ben made a few crude jokes.
Looking back he was disgusted, but now as your core throbbed to be touched, he’d have to remember to thank Ben for the idea. He used the first one to lick up your folds, your hands immediately reattaching themselves to his hair. Teasingly he brought the second one to your entrance, slowly pushing it inside. He felt your thighs shudder for a moment, your walls spasming around his tongue. He used the first one to toy with your clit, flicking the bud as quickly as possible. He listened to your body intently, allowing you to adjust before curling his tongue upwards. Your hips lifted off of the bed, his firm hands securing you into place. “Fucking, fuck!” You moaned. You threw your head back, Jack groaning into your cunt as he pushed in his second tongue.
He used the two to curl upwards, brushing against your g spot. Your thighs attempted to squeezed around his head, an unfamiliar knot forming in your stomach. Jack’s tongues were relentless, prodding and toying with you as he pleased. He couldn’t get enough of your taste, your arousal sending him into a frenzy. The sinful noises that left your lips bounced off of the cabin walls, your thighs beginning to tremble. “Oh fuck! I’m gonna cum, Jack please make me cum, Jack!” You groaned, creaming around his tongues. Your juices tasted divine, the demon eagerly lapping at your slick. He slowly emerged from your thighs, his lips and chin covered in your juices. He was quite comfortable in between your thighs and he did not anticipate on going anywhere. Slowly he brought his thick fingers to your entrance, shoving two inside of you.
You whined in pain, grabbing at his wrist. He leaned forward, bringing himself close to your ear. “Shhh it’s okay. You can do it. Such a good girl,” He praised. His breath was hot against your skin, his thumb beginning to circle your overstimulated clit. You swallowed, pulling him closer. His fingers repeated the same action, brushing upwards on your g spot. He began to do a scissoring motion, stretching you out as much as possible. Your painful whimpers turned into loud moans. “Thats it. Look at you, taking my fingers so well,” Jack purred. You grabbed onto his wrist, your other hand gripping a handful of the sheets. “Awe what’s this? Do you want me to stop?” Jack teased.
You were a babbling mess. “N-no just need to hang o-on to something,” You rambled, stumbling over each word. Jack could hear your heart pounding, the sound music to his ears. His fingers were relentless as he finger fucked you, satisfied with you withering below him. “Awe is someone close for me? You wanna be a good girl and cum for me?” Jack asked. You propped yourself up on your elbows, meeting his gaze. “Wanna b-be good. Wanna cum,” You say. Jack leaned forward, cupping your face with his other hand. “Open your mouth,” He grunted. You did as instructed, his thumb entering your mouth. You immediately sucked it the best you could, the feeling only making Jack harder.
“Oh you dirty girl. Cum for me. Cum for me all over my fucking fingers,” Jack growled. You were in a trance, your legs shaking as you came all over his fingers. Your tongue swirled around his tongue, a sigh escaping your lips as he removed his fingers from your cunt. Jack began to fiddle with his belt, removing his thumb from your mouth. “Are you sure about this?” Jack asked again. His cock sprang out from his boxers, his shaft much longer than you had ever seen in porn before. “Jack… please,” You whispered. Jack couldn’t deny you any longer, his own primal urges overshadowing any reservations he might’ve had. He leaned forward, lacing his fingers with yours. With the other hand he brushed his tip up and down your slick, trying to gather as much lubrication as possible. His gaze met yours. “Are you ready?” Jack asked you. You babbled in agreement, squeezing his hand.
Jack buried himself in the crook of your neck, slowly shoving himself inside of you. You whined in pain, your walls squeezing his cock so tight he wasn’t sure if he was going to be able to go further. “It’s okay. I got you. It’s alright,” Jack cooed in your ear. He pressed kisses against your neck, slowly sinking in further. It was then Jack could smell the faintest scent of blood, causing him to look down. A thin ring of the crimson paint covered his cock, his shaft not all the way in yet. Jack slithered his spare hand to your clit, rubbing slow and purposeful circles around the bud. He could feel your body start to relax. “You’re doing so good for me,” He mumbled into your skin. It wasn’t long before he was able to fully bottom out.
You both were panting, the gears in Jacks head turning. He had never fucked anyone or anything since he had became a demon. He had never allowed himself to give in to the hormonal urges. Yet, as he was balls deep into your cunt, it was like a switch in him flicked. Unintentionally Jack was rough with everything he handled. He knew he had to be careful with you, but his mind was screaming at him to give in. He slowly began to move, grunting into your neck. Your painful whines turned into pleasurable groans the more he moved, your sounds giving him more motivation. The more he fucked you, the more his body demanded to breed you. It demanded for him to deem you as his mate.
He leaned back, grabbing your legs and throwing them over his shoulders. Jack was fucking you as deeply as he could, your mewls sending waves of satisfaction over him. “Such a good little thing. Taking me like this,” He panted. His cock abused your cunt as he pleased, your legs beginning to shake. “You’re fucking milking me. It’s like you’re begging me to cum inside of you,” Jack groaned. He could feel your gushy walls fluttering around him, causing him to smirk. “Oh I see. You’d like that wouldn’t you? To carry my little demon spawn?” He chuckled darkly. You were a babbling mess, your body’s reaction telling him everything he needed to know.
“Never would’ve taken you for the type into breeding,” Jack muttered to himself. He continued to snap his hips into yours, holding your legs proudly over his shoulders as he fucked you into the mattress. “This cunt is mine, do you understand? Ryan doesnt matter. He can fuck you all he wants but you’ll always be thinking of me, won’t you?” Jack rambled. His possessiveness was making a grand appearance, the demon having a hard time keeping it together. You babbled an agreement, your mouth hanging open as he slammed into you. “Be a good little girl for me and cum on my cock. Go on,” Jack huffed. With another circle from his fingers your body shook under his, creaming on the demons cock. Your heart was racing so loudly it was all Jack could hear, the sound sending him over the edge.
He panted as he set your legs down, his seed down deep and buried into your womb. You were spent, your vision hazy and body exhausted. Jack slowly pulled out of you, watching your body tremble slightly. You were in no state to take care of yourself, the demon picking you up instinctively. He walked you over to the bathroom, guiding you to stand on the cold marble floor. “You need to pee,” He ordered. You raised your eyebrows, your face going with an afterglow. “Thats the last thing I expected you to say to me after that,” You chuckled. Jack raised his eyebrows, “What? It’s necessary to prevent future issues.”
You playfully rolled your eyes. You gently shoved him towards the door. “Get out so I can pee,” You say. He stood in the hallway, allowing you to shut the door for some privacy. Why you were insistent upon privacy to urinate after he had just fucked you senseless, Jack didn’t know. But what he did know, was that he wanted to fuck you again and again and again.
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synthetickitsune · 14 days
Jeonghan (SVT) | Heat fluff | 0.8k | gn!reader A/N: straight up not having a good time wtf are these temperatures
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Whoever said that it’s easier to bear hardships when you’re sharing them with someone is a liar. 
The unnatural heat is already torturous to handle. You’re melting, most likely dehydrated with how much you sweat, and sleeping is impossible when it feels like you’re boiling alive. You’re grumpy, tired, and probably hungry too. Not like you have any appetite in this weather.
Not a good time, made worse by none other than your boyfriend.
Jeonghan huffs and groans in a way that makes it sound more like a whine. He’s thrown the blankets off the bed, he’d remove the pillows too if you didn’t promptly pull them to your side of the bed. He keeps squirming, tossing and turning. Honestly if you didn’t know any better, you’d think he’s on his deathbed writhing in agony instead of trying to nap.
“Hannie, just settle down,” you sigh, then you do it again when your boyfriend turns into a starfish and shoos you to the very edge of the bed.
“I can’t sleep at all,” he complains, his bleary eyes looking at you like you have a solution, “I can’t keep my eyes closed, I just keep thinking.”
You run a hand through his sweaty hair. Sleep usually came easily to him. When it doesn’t, well, he can always cuddle up to you for distraction. Unfortunately, the conditions today do not allow for prolonged physical contact.
“I’m sorry, maybe some music would help? ASMR?” you suggest, although you’re not hopeful. He shakes his head with a resigned - and dramatic - huff.
“Maybe,” he licks his lips, trailing off for a second before looking at you again, “Maybe if I was alone?”
His eyes seem dull in the dim light of the room, pleading and so so tired. It’s not the first time and it’s not gonna be the last time he asked you to leave the bedroom without saying it outright. 
“Of course, honey,” you hum, quickly pecking his forehead, “I’ll be around if you need me.”
“I always need you,” he murmurs.
You give up on sleep entirely after fifteen minutes of the same, if not worse, disgusting sleepless uncomfortableness in the spare bedroom and accept that nothing will help you now. Maybe if you went out for a walk to get some ice cream the apartment would feel less like an oven in comparison.
So that’s what you do. You can’t say it really helped, though. 
The apartment is still too hot, and now too quiet as well, so you hope Jeonghan at least is getting the rest he deserves.
You walk into the kitchen and are just putting the ice cream into the freezer, hoping to enjoy it when he wakes up, when you get the scare of your life. You’re bent over, making space for the box when suddenly a weight drops down on your back and you scream.
You almost headbutt the culprit, backing yourself against the freezer and the fridge as Jeonghan looks at you just as caught off guard and with a pout on his face.
“What the fuck,” you breathe out, hand over your chest, “Do you want me to die?”
“Where did you go? You told me you’ll be here if I need you,” he grumbles right back at you.
“And did you need me?” you quirk a brow at him.
“Yes!” he insists, pursuing his lips more, “You weren’t there when I needed you to tell me you’re not mad that I kicked you out of the bedroom and aren’t leaving me.”
You roll your eyes. “You know I’m not.”
“What if I didn’t know today,” he closes the distance between you, only enough that he can rest his forehead on your shoulder without your bodies touching.
“Should I go get you some sleeping pills? You’re so out of it,” you tease, rubbing his back for a few seconds.
“No but you can tell me you got my favorite,” he motions towards the still open freezer and box of ice cream barely balanced on top of the open shelf.
“Of course I did,” you reassure him and he finally lets you finish the task, “Did you get any sleep?”
“No, I felt bad because the other bedroom gets the most sunlight,” he gives you a small smile, “And then you went out and I felt worse.”
You coo at your boyfriend. He pulls you close, hugging you just for a short few seconds in which you manage to kiss his cheek.
“You’re so silly, you know I don’t mind. And it’s not like any room is better or worse right now,” you shrug. He doesn’t seem too convinced but nods anyway.
The only thing you can do, as much as you both hate it, is wait. Wait for the ice cream to freeze again. Wait for the cooler temperatures of the night. Nothing is really entertaining when clothes stick to your body and you’re both tired. 
But at least you can brave this hand in hand. Maybe that’s what it means to handle misery better with company.
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hugsandchaos · 7 months
Seeing Double
Part One, Part Two, Part Three
Summary: A ghost who looks a lot like Phantom comes to him in search of protection, and their newest member instantly agrees. He calls her his little sister, and sooner or later, Phantom also might end up with a new brother.
*bangs pots and pans together* @vixen-uchiha, @starlightcat04, @blueliac, @lenacraft, @admiralwidow, @fuckingfaraway, @little-apricot-orchard, @sithlordchimchnga, @buymeanewlaptopty, @deeterzz, @jaylaxyart99, @phant0mc1d3, @idiosolcrasy, @dehydrated-bread, @randomenglishmajor, @mushroomymoss, @skylernightmare, @rubber-ducky-your-the-one, @confusedshades, @that-random-fangirl, @impulsiveasshole, FINAL ROUND OF JUICE, GRAB YOUR CUPS!!!
“And that’s why I have... complicated feelings about Danielle being here.” Conner finished. Black Canary sat across from him and was leaned forward a little to listen. It felt good to finally get something like this off his chest.”It’s not anything against Danielle specifically. If it’s the safest place for her like Phantom says, then she can stay as long as she needs. It’s...” He trailed off, not knowing how to put the reason into words.
Luckily, Black Canary knew what he was implying by what he had already told her.”You also want Superman to be there for you like Phantom is for Danielle.” She said. Conner clenched his hand into a fist, but only for a second. She was right. He silently nodded.
“It’s not just that, either. Sometimes I want to be included in their sibling activities. I want to hang out with them. Not Superman. Not as often as before, at least.” He added. He thought himself pretty rude for thinking that. He wasn’t nearly as close to Phantom as Danielle. He wasn’t related to him in hardly any way, and they only recently started hanging out the way friends did.
And yet here he was, wanting to be part of their little group.
Black Canary seemed only a little bit surprised by this.”You want to be their brother?” She asked.
Conner shouldn’t have been taken aback by the suggestion when he began thinking about it. Yes, he wanted to be close with both of them the way they are with each other. Yes, he wanted to protect them both. And yes, there was a small part of Conner that wanted to be able to look to Phantom for help.”I... I think so. If that’s what it would mean.” He said. He’s heard of people calling others they’ve fought many battles with “brothers in arms” and those who are simply close to one another their brothers as well, regardless of wether or not they’ve survived fights together.
Canary smiled a little bit and nodded for him to continue.
“But what am I supposed to do about this? I’ve been mostly ignoring it because they have a bond with each other that I don’t have. I can’t just butt in on it.” Conner said. He wasn’t wrong, and Canary knew that. Then again, she also knew something that would make that feeling disappear.
However, she knew that it wasn’t her place to say it.
Around thirty minutes later, Black Canary now sat across the from Phantom, who was floating above the recliner instead of sitting in it. She had only very recently been able to make a small breakthrough with the ghostly teenager. Since his arrival, he’s been trying to avoid opening up with almost anything she’s tried to talk with him about, but soon after Danielle came, he finally opened up a little. Maybe it was the fact that someone he was more familiar with was there with him. Or perhaps it was because of the very thing he’d mentioned during their last session.
Phantom was alternating between eye contact and staring at the floor.”You mentioned something last time. About Conner.” She said.
“I’m worried about him. The others have their families, but...” He trailed off. He opened and closed his mouth a few times while he struggled to find the right words. This was pretty common during these sessions, and Canary knew to be patient.”Can I be mean for a second? Say something I probably shouldn’t?” He asked.
Canary nodded.”Nothing leaves this room.” She assured him.
Phantom looked her in the eyes.”Superman is a coward.” He said bluntly.
Canary was taken aback by his choice of words, but didn’t let it show and remained silent for him to explain.”He has a clone, practically a literal son, but he refuses to see him almost as anything but non-sentient. Why? Is it because he’s too much of a coward to step up? Why won’t he at least apologize for what he said last visit and admit he was wrong!” He said.
Phantom’s tone and volume had raised up, which sounded like the start of a rant. He rolled his eyes as if disgusted.”He’s acting like a deadbeat with the way he does his best to ignore Conner’s existence! Seriously, the way he treats him almost makes me want to...”
Canary raised an eyebrow slightly. The ghostly teen let out a sigh.”This is gonna sound weird, but it makes me want to have Conner as my little brother so he doesn’t have to feel the way he does. But I can’t treat him like a child and just make him leave the room whenever he comes.” He said.
Canary nodded in agreement.”That’s may be true, but your motive is in the right place. It’s incredibly kind of you to be so worried about your friend that you’d be willing to become something of a new role model or guardian for him. Especially since he’s older than you.” She said.
Phantom lifted a hand and shook it side to side.”Eh, only biologically. Definitely not chronologically.” He said.
Conner and Phantom were talking about their day when Wally had come in to tell them, specifically Conner, that Superman was coming in a few hours. Phantom’s reaction was immediate; zipping out of the room through the wall and vanishing. He came back a second later with an important to ask Conner.
It was a task that’d keep him busy from having to interact with Superman, which he really wanted at the time. All he had to do was watch Danielle and prevent his original from even seeing her.
And so here he was, doing a simple dog puzzle with Danielle in his bedroom.
Conner finished sorting the edge pieces from the rest and picked up a corner piece.”So you’ve never been to the ghost zone before?” He asked.
Danielle shook her head and held an edge piece near the corner piece to see if it would match.”No, Phantom says my core’s too weak to survive going through the portal. He says he’s working on a solution to fix that, though. “Even if it’s just for one trip,” he said.” She explained. The piece was incompatible, so she moved it to the size. She picked up another one. That one fit. The young ghost picked up another edge piece. Conner let out a small hum and helped her search for other pieces.
He had found it infuriating to discover that he was practically half of what Superman was in terms of superpowers, but Danielle didn’t seem too angry about being not as strong as her brother. Maybe it was because he was so nice and encouraging to her.”You’re lucky to have a brother like Phantom.” Conner said. Danielle nodded in agreement and looked up at him.
She knew by now that he was also a clone like her and had so many questions, but stopped when he started to get upset a few weeks ago. He didn’t know if anyone explained the situation to her yet.”Don’t you have a family?” She asked. Conner remained quiet.
Rejection from the very person that’s practically the reason you’re alive hurt a lot. He kept his anger under control, though. At least, he tried. If she had asked this months ago, he might’ve yelled at her or something. Now he was better at controlling himself until he could hit something, but he still wanted so badly to just explode. To hit something and shatter it to a point beyond repair. But he couldn’t. Not here. Conner shook his head.
Danielle frowned a little, but then she suddenly sat up. A big smile appeared on her face.”What if you were my second brother?” She asked.
Conner paused. He’d been pushing the developing want to become her and Phantom’s brother. He strongly believed that it wasn’t right to intrude on their relationship as siblings, especially when he wouldn’t exactly be the best brother with the anger issues he’s working on. He glanced over at Danielle with a very shocked look.
She was smiling at him so hopefully. Conner almost didn’t want to say no. Scratch that, he didn’t want to say no at all. And even if he did, would he be able to resist that pleading look?“That would be nice.” He finally said. Danielle took in what was probably the most dramatic gasp he’d ever heard and practically lunged at him for a hug.
She opened her mouth, but all that came out was a bunch of static and pings. Conner soon smiled and hugged back.”You know I can’t understand you, right?” He asked.
“Oh, right! Sorry. But this is the best!! Now I have two brothers, and one of them is a clone like me!!” She cheered, switching back to English.
Suddenly, Phantom’s head poked up through the floor, startling the both of them.”He’s gone. What’s this I hear about a new brother?” He asked. Danielle let go of Conner as Phantom floated up and smiled.
“Can Conner be our new brother?” She asked. Phantom’s eyes widened a bit. He glanced over at Conner, who shrugged.
Why did he shrug? That was stupid.
Phantom glanced between him and Danielle, then smiled.”Sure, why not?” He said. Danielle threw her arms into the air and cheered. Phantom floated over to Conner and gave him a hug.”Guess you’re stuck with us now.” He said, then laughed.
Conner didn’t really get it. He said that like it was a bad thing.
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justmeinadaze · 6 months
Secret Underneath Part 3 (Steddie X Plus Size Reader)
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A/N: A lot of this came from the rough week I had and desperately needing Daddy <3
Warnings: Warnings: Sugar Daddies Steve and Eddie/ Baby Fem Plus Size Reader, SMUT, toys (triple stimulation ;) ), dirty talk, nothing too rough just passionate. ANGST, reader has a bad day and needs help feeling better, mentions of her ex (brief mentions of him hurting her and being verbally abusive during their relationship; comments on her weight but its brief), boys mention their fathers as well as touching on their own ex.
Word Count: 5367
You were having a terrible fucking day. 
One of the other teachers you weren’t fond of danced all over your last nerve as if it was her mission. You forgot your lunch because you had rushed out of your apartment late due to not hearing your alarm because you tossed and turned all night. Your AC broke around midnight and by 2am you were covered in sweat. Every time you called your landlord, you were either placed on hold or the line disconnected.
All you wanted to do when you got home was curl up in bed but as soon as you walked through the door you were immediately met with blistering heat. 
Usually you could handle all this, all be it with a bit more snark than normal but you didn’t want to. All of your energy was drained and the only thing your mind could muster was the need to throw things against the wall like a toddler.
You debated on calling them. So far the guys had just given you money willingly after every meeting but you had yet to ask them for anything. Oddly with them, you didn’t want them to feel used. Maybe because of what they told you about previous relationships doing just that or maybe it was because you genuinely enjoyed their company. 
Finally giving in to your brain, you reached for your phone and dialed the number they give you. 
“Hey, honey.”, Steve practically sings as his voice floats through. “How was your day? I was just about to call you.”
“D-D-Daddy…”, you cry, unable to stop the tears as they flow. 
“What’s wrong, baby?”, he asked, his tone changing to that authoritative one that made you feel safe. You told him what happened and how your day had progressively got worse. You could hear him moving around on the other line before the sound of a ding from an elevator caught your attention. 
“Are y-you at work? Fuck, I’m so sorry—”
“No, hey, don’t be sorry. I was going to leave early anyway. I just got ahold of Eddie and he’s going to meet me at your place. Do you feel comfortable sending us your address?” His heart breaks as he listens to you cry harder, his protective, dominate side now fully in the driver’s seat. “Baby girl, everything’s ok. I promise we’re going to get everything taken care of.”
After texting him your address, you wait by the open window as you fan your face and as soon as you hear the knock you run to let them in. The rockstar doesn’t even hesitate as he takes you in his arms. 
“Jesus, sweetheart, you are covered in sweat. Are you okay?” Your gaze kept shifting between him and the mogul as his fingers rapidly moved against the screen on his phone. “Hey, look at me, Y/N. How are you feeling? You’re not dizzy or dehydrated right?”
“No, Daddy. I’m sorry if I bothered you both. I didn’t know who else to call and I’m so exhausted—”
“Baby. Baby, breathe. It’s ok. Don’t ever be afraid to call us or ask for help, alright?”
Someone new knocks on your door, startling you but not them as Steve heads that way. 
“Ed, why don’t you get a bath going for her? Nothing too hot though.”
“Yes, sir.”, he salutes making you smile. “Boy talkin’ to me like he’s my Daddy. Come on, pretty girl, let’s let Stevie do his thing.”
In the middle of your bath, the AC abruptly clicked on and you sighed in relief. By the time Eddie had you in a long, oversized shirt and brushing your hair, you were completely at ease. 
“Ok, honey, I hired some of the best people to come fix your unit so it won’t break again for a long while. I also called your landlord and threatened to sue him into oblivion…so your next couple of months are free.”, Steve grins as a he takes a seat on the edge of the bed in front of you. “At some point, doesn’t have to be now or even this month, I would like to talk with you about getting you a new place. You shouldn’t have to argue before someone fucking comes to fix your necessities. I mean YOU pay THEM—”
“Steven, you’re doing that thing again.”, the metalhead chuckles as he places the brush on your nightstand. 
“Fuck. I’m sorry, Y/N. I just hate the idea of you struggling. You deserve all the good things.”
“Speaking of good things, what would you like to eat, babe? Harrington here said you had forgotten your lunch today. We want to make sure you’re fed and full.”
Your head hung as you silently stared into the mattress. 
“Y/N, sweetie.”, Steve coos as he lifts your chin. “It’s ok that you called. You weren’t bothering us and we’re happy to help.”
“I know you said people in the past used you for your money. I don’t want you to think that’s all I want. I DO like you.”
Eddie lightly tugs your hair, tilting your head back so he could kiss your lips. 
“We like you to.”
“This apartment really isn’t that bad, you know.”
“Baby, I just gave you a bath in that closet you call a bathroom and that’s coming from a man who grew up in a trailer.”
“I didn’t know that.”
As you lean back into his bare chest, a pleasant sigh leaves his lips and you rest your forehead on his cheek. 
“I don’t talk about that side of my life. I mean of course people find out but…”
“We grew up in a small town so people gossip.”
“That’s how you two met? Growing up?”
Both men grow silent and you promptly hang your head before crawling out of Eddie’s embrace to head for the kitchen. They follow and as soon as they enter the room, you throw a menu onto the counter.
“I like their pizza and beer special. Don’t worry, Steve, we can get you like a Voss water or something.”, you grin as he tilts his head and you stick out your tongue. 
“I feel challenged. Why do you think I can’t keep up with you and rockstar here?”
“I think you just answered your own question.”, Eddie joked as he leaned over the counter to look over the food options with you. 
“Ok…3, 2, 1, GO!”
As soon as the metalhead gives the go ahead, you and Steve puncture the beer can with a knife and hastily chug back it’s contents. You were the first to finish, throwing your hands in the air as the other man trails behind. 
“Jesus, I’m rusty.”
“Yeah, sure pretty boy. Whatever helps you sleep at night.”, you sass as you lean forward to grab another slice of pizza. 
“So this is like your go to stress reliever? Sitting on the floor eating cheap pizza and beer while listening to crap music?”
“First off, rude. My music isn’t crap. Secondly, yeah. During the colder months I’ll put up Christmas lights and just lay here watching the snow fall. I love this city. It’s so beautiful.”
“Were you born here?”
“No, I’m from the south. I moved here because my boyfriend got a job and I wanted to be near him. Obviously, that didn’t end well.”, you chuckle as you take a sip of your drink.
“The asshole that hurt you?”, Eddie growls, his own protective nature slowly creeping in when you nod. “Was he always like that?”
“Verbally he could be a dick but he never got physical like that before. After we moved here it just got progressively worse. He’d say things under his breath or give me back handed compliments. Fucker could dish it out but never take it.
‘You know for how much weight you’ve gained, that dress actually looks pretty good on you.’
‘Aw, gee, thanks. You know, not many men can pull of jeans that tight but with a penis as small as yours I guess you don’t have to worry.’”
Both men laughed making you smile before it tapers off and they glance towards each other. 
“My father was a fucker to. He got in trouble with the law a lot and ended up in prison back home in Indiana. I grew up with my uncle in that trailer I mentioned.”
“What about your mom?”
Eddie sighed as he propped himself up on his elbow. 
“She died when I was really little. She, um, she was a good woman.”
Nodding, you decide not to pry further as you lean back against Steve’s stomach who was also on his side on his elbow.
“MY dad could verbally be a dick like your ex. He made comments like that all the time especially when I was in high school. I was surprised he let me take over his company. My mother isn’t a bad person, she just…I don’t know…her priorities are all out of whack.”
“I’m so sorry you guys experienced that. I actually get along with my parents and I hate being so far away from them.”
“Why didn’t you move back after you two broke up?”, the metalhead asked.
“My job. I love teaching here and I love those kids. They are all so smart and sassy, I love it.”, you giggle. 
Your eyes shift towards the window as you pleasantly exhale, closing your eyes as Steve’s fingers absently began playing with your hair. 
“When did you two decide to do this whole Daddy/Baby thing?”
“We’ve always enjoyed everything that comes along with being a Daddy and not just sexually. Perfect example, seeing your face light up when I told you I took care of everything with the apartment. I like seeing you happy.”
“I mean the same applies in bed to.”, Eddie chuckles. “We like seeing you unravel and tremble because of us. Why did you decide to do this?”
“I’ve always preferred more dominate men who could take control. I didn’t realize they would be so hard to find.”, you smile. “Maybe I was looking in the wrong age bracket. I needed two OLD MEN.”, you tease as the rockstar bites his lip across from you to stifle a laugh. “I’ve never cared about the money aspect that comes along with it.”
As they nod, you take both men in as they continue to relax. Because of the heat Eddie had removed his shirt so you could see how low his jeans really were as his blue boxers peaked out above the waistband. His hair was perfectly fluffed out, just barely resting on the top part of his smooth back. Any time you tried to run your fingers through it, he always made a joke about how tangled it was but you didn’t care especially when his eyes would close and he would hum lightly in pleasure when you did. 
Steve had showed up in his suit and you had yet to see him in anything else but at least in this moment he seemed relaxed. The first time you were with them, he appeared agitated which Eddie had explained it was because the mogul didn’t want you to feel used after your ordeal. The couple of times after, he constantly displayed an air of confidence which wasn’t abnormal with Daddies you met but in this moment when he put that wall down…he was adorable. Even his hair relaxed as the product began to fade, allowing it to move every which way. 
“You both are handsome.”
They had been in the middle of conversation you didn’t realize they were having until you blurted your statement making them pause as they turned to grin your way.
“Thank you.”, Eddie laughed, air hissing through his teeth. “I think it’s time to take away the booze, Stevie.”
“Pfft I’m not that drunk.”, you giggle. “Trust me, you’ll know when I am. I can be mean.” Both men chuckle and make mocking facial expressions as you playfully glare. “I know you don’t want to tell me what happened with your last Baby but… she’s a fucking idiot for not keeping you two around.”
You don’t see but their features falter for a moment before Steve finally collects himself. 
“You’re technically our first Baby.” Your eyes widen in shock and amusement as he nods before popping open another can of beer. “I know. Plot twist, huh?”
“Obviously we talked to other ones on that site but you were the only one that intrigued us and the first we’ve ever met with. Like Harrington said, we like the aspects of being a Daddy which includes taking care of the girl we care about. Individually and together…it just got exhausting after a while jumping from one date to the next trying to figure out their motives. At least this way…there’s some order to it. Another reason we like you is because you ARE up front.”
“So… your last girlfriend must have really hurt you then…if you decided to give up that scene to this.” They glance your way at your comment as a sad sounding sigh escapes you and you pull your knees under your chin. “I’m sorry.”
“Y/N, can we ask for one more favor?”, Steve asks in a serious tone that makes you face him.
“Yeah, Daddy, of course.”
“Have you googled us yet? Or did any kind of snooping?” Both men exhale in relief when you say no. “You wouldn’t lie to us right, baby girl?”
“No, I wouldn’t lie. I wanted to but you wanted privacy. I respect that. Plus, I’d rather you tell me things than for me to read it.”
“Good…good girl.” Eddie praises as you blush. “Can we keep it that way?”
“Yes, Daddy, I promise.”
“What’s going on over there, pretty girl? Why are you all shy all of the sudden?”, he teases eliciting a small squeal as you duck your head into your arms. 
“I’m just glad you two came over. I really needed this.”
“Yeah, honey? Is there anything else we can do for you?”
“Actually…”, you sing. “I got a new toy the other day. Would you like to see it?” After they nod, both men watch you rise to your feet and excitedly run towards your bedroom. When you return, you hastily open the box it came in and produce a pink vibrator for them to see. “I figured since I have two Daddies now I can use this if you both are away. This part is like the normal vibrators you see everywhere but this end here goes into my behind and this little part up here plays with my clit.”
“Have you tried it out yet?”
“No, Daddy.”, you answer Eddie’s question shaking your head. 
“Well, why don’t you, baby? Give it whirl and tell us how it feels.”, Steve instructs in a husky tone that has you biting your bottom lip. 
Tossing aside your comfy clothes, you sit naked before them as your eyes suddenly fleet between each man. 
“May I lean against one of you?” 
You can’t help but laugh when both men turn to each other and without any hesitation or prior conversation begin to play rock, paper, scissors. The metalhead wins, throwing his hands victoriously in the air as his friend rolls his eyes before lifting his body and crawling towards you to place himself behind you. Melting into his touch, you lean your head back onto his shoulder and kiss his cheek as he tilts down to kiss your neck. 
His beautiful large hands softly run up the back of your thighs and hooks them behind your knees making you giggle like a little kid as he pries your legs open. They watch with eager eyes as you squeeze a small amount of lube into your palm and your breath hitches slightly as you lather it between your cheeks. 
Eddie army crawls forward till he’s a few inches in front of your cunt, sighing as he lays his head on his forearm. 
“Fuck, you smell so good.”
Smirking, you glance down to make sure the toy is positioned properly before focusing as you insert all the pieces in their respective places. Your body tenses a bit as you lean your head back and close your eyes. 
“Everything ok, honey?”, Steve whispers.
“Y-Yeah. Fuck… just feels a bit…different.”
“For something about the size of a regular vibrator, it really blocks my view.”, the rockstar whines making you pout. “No, shit, hey. I didn’t mean that as a bad thing.” Quickly pushing up onto his palms, his fingers grip your chin, and tilt you so he can kiss your lips. “As long as I can see your face and hear those pretty sounds coming out of your mouth that’s all I care about.”
As he starts to pull away from you to lay back down, your free hand shoots out to grab his shoulder. 
“Wait…Can you…stay this close to me to. Please, Daddy.”
A shaky breath escapes Eddie at your needy tone before hastily collecting himself and clearing his throat as he tilts back to sit his heels.
“Yeah, baby, yeah. Of course, I can do that for you.”
After pressing the little button, the toy comes to life and your groan instantly hits their ears.
“How does it feel, pretty girl?”
You barely register Steve’s question as your body lights up with every kind of sensation, your mouth falling open as a soft uh falls through. 
“He asked you something, sweetheart.”
“Hey. Can you open your eyes and look at me?”, Eddie asks as the other man’s lips gently peck between your shoulder and neck. “Y/N, open your eyes.”
At his firmer tone you do what he commands, mewling loudly when you notice his hand had slid down his pants so he could ease the ache of his cock pressing almost painfully against the denim. 
“Good, good girl. Don’t…fuck, you’re so fucking sexy…don’t take them off me.”
Steve’s mouth grazed your ear and his low, husky whispers had you trembling against him. 
“There you go, baby girl. Make yourself cum. You deserve it after the long day you had. After you make yourself cum, your Daddies are going to take care of you, honey. We’ll fuck you till that little brain goes quiet. Fuck, I can hear how wet you are. Makes me so fucking hard.”
Your eyes rolled back as the coil snapped and you pushed back against him as you came. 
“No, hey, no, baby. Don’t run from it.”, Eddie lightly scolded as he grabbed the end of the toy and continued pumping inside of you at a rigorous pace. 
“Fuck, fuck, fuck. Daddy, please.”, you begged as you pushed at his hand.
After delicately removing the toy, he tossed it out of the way, collecting you in his arms, and positioning you so you were straddling his waist. 
“You have to take off your pants.”, you breathily giggle when you feel the cold metal of the button on his jeans against your puffy lips. The rockstar’s eyelids flutter as he grunts in frustration and his arm grips your body to him as he uses his free hand to sloppily push them down his thighs. “Baby, you can let me go to take them off. I’m not going anywhere.”
“Damn right you’re not. You’re ours, princess. Fuck.” As you clung to his neck hovering over his lips, his eyes remained on your face as you slowly sunk down onto his cock. “Can you say that for me? Tell me who you belong to?”
“Mmm—I belong to Daddy. Oh my…so deep.”
“I know, baby, I know. There you go, that’s it. Just ride my dick just like that.”
His palms held the meat of your behind as he guided your movements while you bounced on top of him. Eddie’s gaze never faltered as he continued to take in every little movement that twitched along your features. Every time your bodies connected; your eyebrows scrunched in pleasure. When his length would roughly hit that sensitive spot inside you; your mouth fell open as you panted against his lips.
His favorite part was when either of you moved at a faster pace, you pulled him as close to you as you could. He loved feeling your needy hands pushing against his back to bring him to your chest or when your head fell against his shoulder as your fingers ran through his tangled mess of hair. 
If he could be this close to you all the time he would. 
“Fuck, Y/N.”, he practically growled as he lifted you up and placed you on your back underneath him. His lips roughly kissed yours as he rolled his lower half into your own. “You feel so fucking good. I need you to cum, pretty girl. Please.”
Your eyes opened at the word as his closed in focus, that little crease in his forehead as he thrust at a quicker pace had you swooning as you reached up to cup his cheek. A small smirk flickered across his mouth as he did the same; his thumb absently caressing your cheek. 
“Just like that, Daddy. I’m gonna cum. W-Will you cum with me?”
After nodding, the sound of skin hitting skin filled the room till it was replaced with your whimpers and his grunts as the coil snapped and you both came. 
Steve had been patiently waiting as he watched you both together, stroking his cock as your beautiful moans filled his ears. He desperately needed you but he knew how to wait; you’d be his soon enough. 
After removing all of his clothes, he tossed them to the side, wanting to feel every part of your skin against him this time. As Eddie backed away, the mogul beamed down at you as he took his place. 
“Are you ok, honey?”
He chuckled softly at your lopsided grin as you reached up for him to bring his lips to yours.
“Yeah, I’m ok. I want you.”
“I like hearing you say that. Can you say it again?” 
“I want you, Daddy. I need you.”
Falling onto his side next to you, he guided you to do the same with your chest against his and one of his arms under your head. 
“I just want to be really close to you, Y/N.”, he murmured as his large palm slid down your spine, over your ass, and along your thigh as he lifted it over his hip. Steve only released you long enough to guide his cock inside of you before placing it against your back near the base of your neck. “Fuck, baby, still so wet. Did Daddy make you feel good?”
“So good—mmm—I’ve never…”
“Never what? Tell me.”, he instructions as he continues doing little but deep thrusts into your core.
“No one’s ever fucked me like this…at this angle…”
He can’t help but lightly laugh making you sigh as you smile and lean your forehead onto his.
“We told you, baby girl. You’re with men now. We know how to take care of a beautiful woman like you.”
As he finds a steady, firm rhythm, you feel like you’re going to melt into a million tiny pieces as he stretched you open. Steve’s palm continued to roam your skin as his other remains firmly positioned behind your head, keeping your face as close to his as possible feeling your pussy clench every time he moans into your mouth. 
“That’s it—fuck—just hold on to me, Y/N. Don’t let go.”
You didn’t even realize you said it but they both heard as it fell from your lips. Feeling his pace falter, he pounds into you hard and fast trying to get you over the edge before he cums. Tears streak your face as you tremble against him and while your cunt quivers around his cock he warms your insides as he spills inside of you. 
“Fuck…fuck, fuck, fuck…”, Steve pants as he lifts your head and pushes back the hair sticking to your face. “Are you alright?”
A wide toothy smile greets him as you tilt back and giggle. 
“Yeah, baby. That was perfect.”
“Come on, sweetheart. Let’s get you into a quick shower.”
“Nooooooo, Daddy.”, you whine making Eddie laugh as he jumps to his feet in only his boxers. 
“Come on, ya big baby.”
He starts to tug on your arm like he’ll drag you if he has to causing your smile to grow as you rise to your feet and let him lead you to your bathroom. After putting on his own boxers, Steve trailed behind taking in the things around him. 
Even though the majority of people had music on their phones, you had a small shelf filled with records and a record player. Along your walls were pictures of you with different people he assumed to be your family and friends. As he entered your bedroom, there was a bookshelf filled with reading material and he couldn’t help but smile when he notices a book hanging out that pertained to his business. 
You were trying to learn and understand; he appreciated that. 
What he didn’t like was when he placed the book back down a picture that was nestled in the back binding tumbled out. 
It was you with another man’s arm wrapped around your shoulders. 
Steve heard your laugh as you and his friend exited the bathroom and he held it up in your direction. 
“Where did you get that?”, you asked as your face fell.
“It fell out of this book here.”
Your eyes closed as you sighed, taking the book from his hand and placing it on your dresser. 
“I didn’t know it was in there.”, you mumbled. 
“So you could hide it?”, Eddie asked with a tone filled of accusation. “Who the fuck is this?”
You try to control your anger as you watch the rockstar snatch it from the mogul’s hand as the other man stares at you waiting for an answer. 
“My ex.”
“Yeah, that’s going to require some more explaining.”
“He let me borrow the book. Look, it’s not what you think! I asked a friend to ask him for it. I didn’t even think the asshole would put his fucking picture in there. I don’t even know why he’d do that.”
“To manipulate you and make you miss him.”, Steve growled. “Why are you taking anything from him at all?”
“Can we talk about this later, please? I’m so tired.”
“No, we can’t, Y/N. This is the second time this man is popping up suddenly and after what happened the first time I don’t like it.”
“What part? The part where I still went on a date with him or the part where he assaulted me?”
“Does it matter?!”, Eddie yelled. “Both were fucking awful. Nobody should be putting their hands on you and you are ours. We’ve made that very fucking clear!”
“And it’s crystal clear to me, Eddie. I don’t want to have anything to do with him!”, you scream, grabbing the image and tearing it up. “I try to avoid him as much I can but it’s hard! Fuck, this day sucks so much.”
“Why is it hard, Y/N?”
Folding your arms, you feel your heart start to break as you prepare for the worst. 
“Because we work together! That’s how we met. We went to school together back home and when he got a job here in New York I followed him. He suggested I apply to and to my surprise I was hired to!” You shrug as you wipe the tears that began to fall. “I thought we were going to be together forever. I was a fucking idiot.”
Taking a seat on your bed, your head hangs but after a few seconds the mattress dips on either side of you as Eddie pushes your hair behind your ear so he can see your face. 
“Usually, he just ignores me until he wants something…like last time… Since I started seeing you, now I ignore him and according to idle gossip it bothers him.”, you explain as you roll your eyes at the end. 
“Why didn’t you say anything?”, Steve inquires. 
“Why don’t you about your last girl?”, you snap. 
As he exhales in frustration, Eddie rises angerly off the bed and stomps into your living before coming back with his phone in his hand. Falling to his knees in front of you, he flashes you the screen but when you try to take it from him he pulls it back. 
“Gina Frost, daughter of 90s film star, suing guitarist and business tycoon for palimony.”
Your gaze shifts up to meet his with confusion. 
“H-How have I never…”
“Our lawyer managed to put a lock on our information and we don’t actually go into a court or anything. Not yet anyway…”, he sighs. 
“Can she…I mean…palimony is for a couple not a—”
“Yeah we know.”, Steve cuts you off a bit harshly. “Add that twist into the knife she stabbed into our backs.”
“I’m so sorry. I really am… I didn’t tell you about my ex because I felt stupid and I thought…maybe you wouldn’t want to be with me anymore if I told you. I swear, Steve, Eddie, I don’t have feelings for him. I like you two. I mean I know this is just a…I don’t know…a thing right now but I do enjoy talking to you. I feel safe with you and even though we can’t put a specific label on it I at least consider you my friends. You know…my old man friends that fuck me from time to time.”
They both laugh at your joke causing you to smile as you relish the sound. 
“We felt the same.”, Eddie responds first, guiding you against your pillows as he follows and climbs in beside you. “She took advantage of us and it took us forever to even catch on. We like you to...”
“Very much.”, Steve added as he curled up beside you as well. “We’re not that old, ya brat.”
You giggle as they pull you closer to their sides. 
“Are you safe? From him, I mean?”
“Yeah, he won’t do anything while we’re at work and if he did I would knock him out. That’s what happened last time. He yanked on my blouse and I turned around to punch him. He told people in the school he got in a bar fight defending a girl.”
“Jesus Christ. What a dick.”, the rockstar chuckles. 
“Thank you both for coming over. I really need this…needed you.”
That makes them softly smile as you slowly begin to drift off to sleep. Eddie’s eyes scan his friend’s demeanor as he absently plays with your hair. 
“Steve Harrington, whatever you’re thinking about doing, you can’t.”
“I don’t like him being in the same building with her. What if he hurts her again?”
“She said he won’t. Ah, ah.”, he tuts as the mogul starts to argue. “Don’t get me wrong. I don’t like it either but… that’s not part of our deal. We have to trust her. Unless she asks us to deal with him, we shouldn’t bringing that kind of attention our way.”
“Eddie, I don’t care about that kind of attention. Fuck Gina and fucking popular opinion.”, he growls. “What if…what if we can’t get to her or what if he does something worse… She said he changed after they moved. It just makes me nervous especially with us going out of town soon. I want to know she’s ok.”
“She’s a strong girl and if she needs anything she’ll tell us. We can’t control her like that. We aren’t those kind of men… we aren’t our dads.”
Steve glances his way, exhaling as he reaches over to pat his best friend’s arm. 
“You’re a good dude, Munson.”
“Aw.”, Eddie coos. “Thank you. You’re not so bad yourself, Harrington.”
@aol19 @paradisepoisons  @paleidiot @dashingdeb16
@lilaclazer @joannamuns9n @thwippyparker @emotionaldreamer
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wosoragebaiter69 · 8 months
that’s enough
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barça femeni x teen!reader, alexia putellas x fem!reader
request: here
A/N: this is a mess. the plot is like when ur writing an english essay and you let your subconscious mind write it so it ends up splitting into three topics with no context.
TW: throwing up, coarse language
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Last night, I went out again. It isn’t unusual for me and if I get caught it gets me in trouble with Alexia. I’m not even doing anything bad most of the time, just driving around to take the pressure away. What I don’t factor in this time is the fact that we have an early morning session and a late night session. So if hell was a day, this is it.
First, we have a video session discussing tactics. Which is at 7am, then at 6pm we have a field session. Of course when I wasn’t there when Alexia woke up she immediately called me.
“Where are you? Where’s your car and why aren’t you in the house?” She questions clearly annoyed.
“Relax Alexia, I went out on a little drive, I’ll be there for the video session don’t worry.” She’s about to say more but I hang up. I know I won’t hear the end of this but there can’t be too much harm.
Turns out there can be.
I walk inside the room with my mcdonald’s coffee, I’m not the last person there but Alexia is in the room and shoots daggers at me. I shrug my shoulders, moving to sit next to Ingrid.
“Alexia is really mad, what did you do this time?” She asks, looking at me with a slight smirk.
“I went for a drive to clear my mind. I guess it’s illegal to do that now. I got a coffee though.” She wrinkles her face in disgust.
“Out of all the places to get coffee, you choose the worst one? Honestly kid, please find some place better. Staring at that makes me physically sick.” I roll my eyes.
“I was in a hurry and they call it fast food for a reason. Imagine if I was late? I’m already in trouble.” She nods her head in understanding.
“So, any plans for today or are you going to play Hogwarts Legacy all day.”
“I’m going to watch a movie.” I reply.
“The whole day?” She questions confused.
“Well… I never said I was seeing the movie IN Spain.” She sighs pinching the bridge between her nose.
“That’s not a good idea. Why would you do that?”
“Because I hate subtitles and I don’t want the movie to be in Spanish.” I shrug.
“That’s… a good point. If Alexia finds out you’ve left the country again she’s gonna lose it so have fun and make sure not to tell her you told me.” I nod.
“Will do my friend.” I’ve left the country before, one time to Germany where I accidentally met Georgia Stanway and got drunk with her. And the other time was at the UK in which I got into some nasty fights against some sad Arsenal fans. Like yes I was taunting them but no reason to attack me. I won in the end, obviously.
So if Alexia finds out I’ve left again she will be so mad. I focus my attention to the screen in front of us and listen in on what whatever Jona has to say.
- - - - -
After the session, I quickly make my way out of the room and into my car. I’m almost gone but Alexia is right behind me and she bangs on the window. I groan pulling it down.
“Hi Aleeee.”
“Don’t you ‘Hi Ale.’ me. Where have you been and how long? Do not lie to me.” I sigh.
“I went out on a drive around town, it’s so pretty at night, so excuse me if I want to look at it. Now if you must know. I’m on a tight schedule so, may you please move so I can move?” I ask, she reluctantly agrees and steps back allowing me to drive off to the airport.
(this is rlly fast paced but you can imagine whatever movie you want during the time skip)
- - - - -
It’s currently 5pm, I’ve been out all day the flights were only 2 hours and they were cheap. I don’t know why the others think of this stuff. Maybe I’m just Australian though.
I notice my stomach feels off, but it’s probably because I’m dehydrated and haven’t eaten a proper meal all day. Only a large popcorn and 2 packets of skittles.
I arrive at the grounds just in time and walk in with Sandra. I walk over to my area and get changed into the kit, before walking out onto the field with Lucy.
“You alright mate? You’re pale.” She states.
“I’m good, little tired is all.” I can tell she doesn’t believe me but we walk on.
The session is gruelling, high intensity and does not do anything to help what I’m feeling. Alexia has been pushing me harder than anyone else which is annoying and I low-key want to fall to the ground. That would only result in more laps though.
The 1.5 hour session ends, we have dinner which lasts half an hour than another 45 minutes in the gym. Both of which I am not excited for.
I can’t even think of anything when it happens, I feel bile rise up my throat and I just know that I should’ve eaten a proper meal. I make it into the bathroom in the nick of time, spilling my guts into the bowl. Someone is in here holding my tied back hair but I can’t be bothered to find who.
When I finally stop gagging, I flush the toilet and lean against the wall staring in front of me to find Keira.
“You feel any better or do you want to stay here.” She asks, resting her hand on my cheek. I shrug my shoulders as she sighs.
The door opens again and it’s Lucy.
“Oh, there you guys are. What happened?” Lucy turns to Keira.
“I was walking by the bathrooms and heard someone gagging and here she was throwing up.” She nods her head and I go to stand up.
“NO! No, you are not doing that. What if you throw up again? I’m going to get Alexia. Right now.” Lucy says sternly.
“Nooo, get Ingrid instead? Please Lucy.”
“Fine.” She walks out leaving Keira and I alone again.
“Mind telling me what lead to this moment?” I nod, explaining the staying up all night to not eating any proper food.
“That’ll do it. Can’t believe you just got on a flight to London.”
“It’s not even that long, it’s a great way to spend time. It’s like you saying a 45 minute drive is long. That’s how long it takes for me to get to school when I’m in Australia.” She shakes her head.
“Aussies sense of time is so out of whack I’m telling ya!” The door is opened again as Ingrid and Lucy make their way inside.
Ingrid sighs, “What are we going to do with you huh?” I laugh.
“Come on, let’s get you to the medics and then you can go home. I’ll drive your car and before you say anything we will be telling Alexia.” I nod, knowing there’s no escape.
We get to the medical room and Alexia is already there, talking about her knee with one of the physios. She looks over in question, Ingrid pushes me forward while Keira explains everything to the doctor. Who explains for me to eat a proper meal and drink some actual water. Before going to bed to get actual sleep.
Alexia is fuming, muttering many curse words and dragging me out of there. We get our stuff and give my keys to Mapi who nods at the plan of getting my car back home.
- - - - -
We walk through the door and Alexia guides me to the couch.
“I have had enough of this. We need to set some rules ok? You are 16 in a foreign country, you can’t go around to other countries when you fucking feel like it. I don’t care if you didn’t do anything bad but I can’t have you out of this city without me. Got it? As for the night driving, we’ll set a curfew and I expect you to be back by a certain time and you won’t be able to leave until a certain time. I told your parents I’d watch out for you but you are seriously making it hard for me to live up to that.”
“Sorry Ale.” She shakes her head.
“I’m not doing this with you right now. I’m going to make you a proper meal, you will drink 1 litre of water then you are heading straight to bed. No phone, no xbox, nothing until I deem you can be trusted. Am I clear?” I nod, feeling like I was 12 again.
“You might think this is excessive but I care about you. I want you to be safe, I need you to be safe. So please, make it easier for both of us.” Shes pleading now and it makes me feel bad, tears brim at the edge of my eyes and she sits down next to me.
“Amorcita, don’t cry. Por favor.” She rubs my thigh.
“I’m sorry Ale, I didn’t mean to. The night drives just lessen my anxiety about some things, you know. Like therapy.”
“I know, but you can speak to me about it any time if you feel you’re spiraling. Anyone on the team. Don’t do stupid things to get us to notice. Just talk I’m always here.” I sob into her arms, I can feel all the anger she has fade.
“Thanks, this means so much. Again I’m sorry.” She shakes her head.
“Don’t be, but I would like to know why you travelled to England to watch a movie, don’t you hate England?” This has me laughing.
“I mean… I do but in Spain it’s either gonna be in Spanish or have subtitles and I wanted it in English without.” She laughs softly.
“Of course, now how do you feel about Chicken Burgers for dinner? With potato gems.” I nod my head. She gets up and walks into the Kitchen starting to make the food.
Maybe I can start trying, and maybe I am truly cared about more than I thought. This team 🫶.
A/N: I LOVE SICKFICS I HAD TO. if you see any sickfic requested, i probs requested it lol
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kdogreads · 11 months
Richie Jermovich who takes you places you like but complains the whole time. Richie who lends you his jacket and then chastises you for wearing a dress in Chicago winter. Richie who asks youyou every day if you’ve eaten, because he knows you haven’t and he’ll cook for you, but he’s gonna be grumpy about it. Richie who secretly loves the little ways you need him!!!
“Here’s your water. God knows you’d be dehydrated if I didn’t bring it to you”
“Why do you even buy yourself clothes if all you wear are mine, babe?”
This man lives and breathes to take care of you, even if he acts like it’s such a drag.
SMUTTY BELOW HERE (minors go away) 🤭🌶️🥵
And my personal fav, “You need me to make you feel good, huh? Need Daddy to fill you up just right?”
Richie is such a giver it���s not even funny. Like when he sees you in that little skimpy dress in the winter (the one he told you not to wear bc you’d be cold, then gave you his jacket anyway) and he’s trying to find any excuse to pull you away and just devour your pussy.
I’m talking push you up against the bathroom door, throw your leg over his shoulder and go fucking wild until you’re shaking and knees buckling and biting your own hand to keep from crying out.
“This is what you wanted, right? Wanted me to punish you for dressing like a little slut in front of everyone? Fuckin’ take it then, baby. Don’t squirm, now, come on.”
I mean 🥵🥵🥵
But then once you’re back out with your friends (and holding onto his arm for dear life), he is the same sweet, thoughtful Richie you love so much.
“You know I didn’t mean that, right? I mean, don’t get me wrong, baby, you look fuckin’ sexy as hell, but I don’t think you’re a slut. You know that right?”
And you tell him you know and you love him and he wraps his big strong arms around your waist and pulls you to his chest. Kisses all over your face and your neck and your shoulders, only to be met with groans and complaints.
A “Not again with you two, fuckin’ gross,” from Carmy
A “Jesus, Richie, we get it!” from Fak
And a strangely sweet, “Richie loves his woman, so let him love her anywhere he pleases,” from Ebra
Of course, Richie high-fives Ebra for his comment and throws his hands up in surrender, contentedly keeping one arm around your waist and another waving wildly to tell whatever story he’s going on about now.
He’s a grump and a hypocrite and an attention-seeker, but you love him for everything that he is 🫶❤️🥰
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4pfsukuna · 5 months
What about sukuna trying to make reader jealous but readers not fucking with it and gets mad instead or something🤔
Jealous? My facecard dont decline!
Heres something for  Heian era because i wasnt sure what time period you wanted but if you submit this request again I’m more than happy to do a modern day plus smut if you’d like💖 i had so much fun with this!
Waking up in a full nelson at the sound of “wake your stupid ass up” is the last thing Sukuna expects…. Like ever. The grip has him ready to pass back out and the only thing keeping him awake is the fact THRILL that it's you. Now you may be wondering:
“what did he do to make you so mad?”
Discussing fabrics with the seamstress was taking longer than it was supposed to but you didn't mind. not only were you the it girl and material girl of the land you were Sukunas girlfriend meaning you could have anything you want. New wardrobe? Yours. Blood of your enemies? You could have their blood and their enemies blood.
It seemed the only thing you couldn't have was alone time to be a baddie. As the seamstress opened up the jewelry box revealing 3 new sets of gold hoop earrings, 5 gold bracelets, an assortment of anklets and necklaces to match it with the different silk fabrics you grin happily when all of a sudden you hear this agitating sound.
“You’ve been at it for hours with this shit” Sukuna growls, walking in for the fourth time scaring the other woman and finally pissing you off. She doesn’t do her best work when she's terrified because her hands begin to shake.
“Would you fuck off” you hiss at your boyfriend completely annoyed at his pestering antics and the way he just cant take no for an answer. And it wasn’t even that you told him no to anything, it was more so that you just wanted to indulge in yourself, it takes time to be a bad bitch.
He was equally annoyed with you as well, truth be told for several reasons. He had no idea what kind of sorcery you’d done to have him this hooked. He knew you were nearly as powerful as him with the ability to summon any snake any size and that your body contained every snake venom known (and unknown) to man. The way your eyes would focus on him when he spoke taking in every word as if it was water and you were dehydrated, the way you reach for him in your sleep and God forbid he leaves bed to finish up work(gossip with uraume) you'd storm down stairs and plop in his lap demanding to be held falling asleep the minute he holds you. Or your lips? The way you smiled at him as he cupped your chin to guide his tip—
“No!” He snaps annoyed he has to fight an inanimate object for your attention and he leans forward causing something neither of you expect it happens to fast.
Your hands grab the back of his head locking into his hair yanking so he's now eye level with you, a dark look in your eyes as your tounge grazes your lips before you can say anything his intensity matches yours.
You expect it because how dare you embarrass him in front of lower levels like this?!
His hand wraps around your neck and soon it's a power battle as it usually is with an underlying sexual tension that keeps things flowing between you, the temperature of the room dropping 20 degrees on your behalf and quickly raising 21 on his. 
Petty king.
You drop your hand not wanting to fight with him and knowing deep down he didn’t either. But how dare you defy the great sukuna.
“By the time i'm done with my meeting i expect you to be done with this” he seethes making sure to set fire to all the plants as he walks past them. How dramatic!
Sighing knowing that was his way of inviting you to the meeting you turn back to the woman sending her a look of reassurance to continue.
Walking down the bare marble halls the only sound of distant footsteps and chatter as you listen to uraume who fills you in on the gossip. You gasp with a wide eyed expression stopping to face them.
“And they were bunkmates” and your jaw nearly hit the ground at the tea. The servants were so messy you wanted to see if Sukuna knew anything about it and if anything would stop your fued it would be gossip.
Urauma glances behind you, their smile falling completely off their face replaced by nervousness before bringing it back but it was already too late.  It's when they try to guide you back to where you had already come from that you get suspicious and turn around seeing Sukuna with one of the servant girls pinned to the wall, his large tattooed arm above her head as he talks.
You almost laugh at the display and at Uraume trying to get his attention, instead you link arms with your boyfriend's bestie and continue to walk past them.
“He couldn't make me jealous even if he tried! I sit on this man's face nearly every night, he buys me everything I want and besides do you see what i look like? My body was crafted! My face was sculpted i cant be jealous when i look like this” you arrogantly spit loud enough for all 3 of them to hear and a slither of you feels bad for the poor girl she had mearly been roped into this and Sukuna feels his heart swell with pride, you were his fucking girl.
But he sees a challenge, he's still a man nonetheless and being a man comes with doing stupidness you couldn't explain.
Like having another woman on his arm at a dinner he hosted with Curses he somewhat respected and neighboring estates just to show off. He was arrogant you'll give him that, and you were livid.
Watching him flaunt this ditsy little flat bodied bimbo around was pissing you off not cause you were jealous but because you were the one that should be meeting all of his allies. You were the one who’s power matched theirs, even rivaled it. You could feel your human eyes turn to snake eyes as your anger rose and roared through you.
It was disrespectful and downright embarrassing! Not only did people not know your status and who you were to him, not only did it make you feel lower than the Queen you actually were not only did you look like a complete fool having Sukunas initial on the gold beads that decorated your butt length braided ponytail but she had the audacity to smile at you as if she won.
He let another woman take your place, let another woman feel like she was above you. He let another woman sit on YOUR throne that is his lap and you can feel yourself losing your composure faster than you ever have.
You want to react in this very moment cause a scene hell even release some of your snakes but you couldn't imagine looking as dramatic and childish as Sukuna did earlier! That wasn't very it girl material of you. Instead you look over at Uraume finishing your glass of Sake, there was no point in wasting it, before shoving it in their hands and disappearing. 
Sukuna would never try no shit like this again.
Uraume sends a pointed look at Sukuna who instantly dismisses the servant smirking outwardly at your silent anger, a nerve wracking thought of if he pushed entirely too hard as the silhouette of you leaving replays in his mind. Were those his initials in your braid. He instantly feels disgusted and wants everyone to leave while he talks to you but swallows the thought.
He was Sukuna Ryomen, the king of curses, the king of doing whatever he wanted and nobody could stop him or tell him otherwise. So he parties, drinks and continues the night without a hitch until the sky is at its darkest and he bids a good night showering and laying in his empty bed. 
He spends about an hour tossing and turning unable to sleep not knowing where you are and pissed you aren’t in bed with him.
It's when he finally dozes off at the beginning of a dream playing that he thinks he feels the tips of your fingers in his back trailing over his broad shoulders and all four arms.
“Wake your stupid ass up” he hears before there's a vice-like grip on his neck pushing against his windpipe. He struggles for a little bit to breathe as your wrist digs into his pressure points.
“Y/N!” He shouts your name yet you only grip tighter and he doesn't even fight to get you off just shocked at your murder attempt.
“No dont fucking Y/N me! You tried to make me jealous and only pissed me off! Do I look like some weak willed bitch to you? Do you not see what i look like and you think you can make ME jealous, my king im offended! and the fucking audacity to try” you snap squeezing tighter and his hands come up to grip your arms.
 “Ryomen If you ever treat me like im not your girlfriend… your fucking queen ill poison you, have you an inch from your life and take over your thrown as i watch you die” you whisper the last part in his ear sending a chill down his spine before your grip loosens completely arms unsnaking.
Climbing under the covers you make yourself comfortable before turning on your side instantly falling asleep the minute your head hits the pillow. 
You miss the way your boyfriend holds his neck in disbelief with slight arousal and a tad bit of fear. You were fearless yet angry enough to not only threaten him but attempt to kill him? It’s when he hears your soft snores that actually sounds more like a snake hiss that he knows you're actually asleep.
Not only did you just pull that stunt but you had the audacity to sleep peacefully knowing he wouldn’t kill you. Not even a sliver of fear in your body. It’s like you were testing him! 
He may have been a sick man because he loved every second of it, he doesn’t test his luck by wrapping any of his arms around you, instead just lays close enough to still feel your body heat until you roll over wrapping an arm and leg possesively around him. 
He grins for a woman nearly a foot shorter than him, you may have the biggest ego in the room. 
“Wait, she tried to kill you in your sleep, threatened to kill you once you woke up and you’re shopping for wedding rings right now?” Uraume asks and this is one of the only times Sukuna had baffled them with his madness. Uraume never questioned Sukuna, it wouldn’t make sense to and that’s how it was easy being his most loyal and right hand but this… this was different.
“Yeah, any woman that bold is made for me!” Sukuna grins looking over the rings trying to find the biggest, brightest, most sinister looking ring.
“You think after yesterday's events consisting of making her jealous and ignoring her you should propose?” Uraume stated in that pestering ‘duh jackass’ voice that would usually have sukuna second guessing.
“What? No, she rode my face this morning until she blacked out again and I sent her to the next land over shopping for whatever her heart desires then set up a hair appointment with a stylist from her homeland.” Sukuna picks up a ring with a blood diamond circled by red rubies that matched the red of his eyes. He was sure the ring could be used as an anchor… you’d love it.
“Your highness for the cost of that ring we may have to take over a small village to not have this affect our funds” Uraume advises making small notes of villages near by in other peoples territory knowing Sukuna would start a war if it meant funding his queens lifestyle.
“A village is too small i want kamiro territory, ill kill him and anybody that decides to follow him. I don’t like the way he smells anyway” Sukuna shrugs, picking up a matching bracelet for you.
“You two have more drama than the servants”
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I'm not sleeping on the floor
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summary: when you go on a mission with the famous Black Widow, who you think hates you, there appears to be some trouble with the hotel booking, one that ends in the truth being revealed.  
pairing: Natasha x teen avengers reader
warnings: none I think
genre: fluff
words: 1695
a/n: I remember reading a fic of a Natasha x reader where the hotel only had one bed and I enjoyed it so much I wanted to read more of them, but of course I could find none so I decided to write one myself :)   (if you know any fics with this concept, please tag them in the comments)
You do not have my permission to repost, copy or translate my work 
 |——————————— ⴵ ———————————|
You sighed deeply while you sat in the car at the gas station, waiting for Natasha to finish up and continue your drive to the hotel. It was late, and both of you were tired. You knew Natasha must be mentally exhausted, always feeling as if she didn’t like you that much. At first you thought it was because you were still a teenager, but now you were convinced she just didn’t like you. 
You, however, looked up to her, and when Fury made you the offer to join the Avengers you were excited to meet her. When you did, your excitement soon faded, noticing how cold she was towards you. You were heartbroken, but soon learned that staying out of her way was the best way to go. 
And so, on most days in the compound you avoided her. When she came into the training room, you’d leave, and when you came into the kitchen she’d do the same. 
It wasn’t what you hoped for, but you thought it worked to not make her upset. That changed however, when Fury decided that the next mission was perfect for the two of you to complete, going undercover as mother and daughter at an expensive party clearly meant only for the rich. You didn’t exactly come from a rich family, and you felt very out of place during the whole evening.
You didn’t think Natasha noticed, she herself looked right where she belonged, as if she was made for this kind of life. Just another thing that made the two of you different. 
Your train of thought was interrupted when the car door opened, Natasha getting in and handing you a bottle of water. You gave her a quiet ‘thank you’ and took a few sips, clearly dehydrated from being at the party too long.
“It’s about a two hour drive to the nearest hotel,” she told you, typing in some navigation in the car. “Would you like some music?” Natasha asked as she turned to you. You didn’t dare look at her, deciding to just stare at your feet. “Sure,” you told her. 
Natasha gave a hmm of acknowledgement before putting on some music, making the rest of the car ride a lot less awkward than the previous hour had been.
Once you arrived at the hotel, Natasha told you to grab your bag and follow her inside. You followed her instructions like a lost puppy, not wanting to do anything that might make Natasha mad. Once inside the hotel, Natasha walked up to the desk, asking for a room for her and her daughter. She was smart, not letting the roles you were giving fall away just yet. 
The lady at the desk smiled sweetly, typed something into her computer and then handed Natasha a key. Natasha walked back to you, motioning to the elevator. You followed her once again.
When you made it to your room, and you walked through the door, you realized there was only one bed. Something you saw Natasha wasn’t really happy with either. “Just so you know, I’m not sleeping on the floor,” she told you, settling her stuff against a wall. 
You nodded, settling your own stuff on a chair. You didn’t want to pick a side on the bed, worried Natasha would end up with a side she’d be uncomfortable with. “You can shower first,” you told her. Natasha gave a sound that resembled a ‘thanks’ before disappearing into the bathroom, leaving you alone in the empty room. 
You could hear the shower run, and the fact you didn’t have to sleep alone comforted you in a way that was hard to describe, even if it was with a person you were sure didn’t like you. You settled on sitting on the floor, grabbing your sketchbook from your bag and busying yourself with some sketching. 
Once Natasha came out, you slipped into the bathroom, wanting to shower and get into bed as quickly as possible. 
You showered quickly, getting rid of all the dirt before drying off and putting on some comfortable clothes. You walked back into the room, seeing Natasha had already settled on her side of the bed, book in her hand. She looked at you when you reentered the room, closing her book and setting it on her bedside table.
She had picked the side of the bed closest to the door. Maybe a habit of hers, you thought. So she could run out of the room the fastest. 
You walked to your bag, grabbing your favorite stuffed animal from it before settling into bed, as far away from Natasha you could manage. It was bad enough you had to sleep in the dark. All be damned if you had to sleep without your stuffed animal as well. 
You felt Natasha’s eyes on you, eyeing you as you kept your stuffed animal close. You thought she was judging you for still sleeping with one, not realizing she was simply concerned. 
You crawled under the covers, making sure Natasha had all the space she needed. This, of course, didn’t go unnoticed by the redhead, but she decided not to comment on it. 
When you joined the Avengers she didn’t agree with it at all. She told Fury she found you way too young, not even being a legal adult yet. Fury dismissed her, saying you were a perfect person. She was upset when Fury didn’t agree with her, and when she met you she was hesitant. When she saw you for the first time, her heart simply broke. You looked so young, and in your eyes she could see the world hadn’t been kind to you. 
You greeted her with a smile though, one Natasha found herself being unable to return. You were just a child. How could Fury possibly ever send you on a mission. How could he ask you to risk your life for something you probably didn’t even understand yet. After she met you, she was avoiding you, not wanting to face the reality of the fact you were risking your life in their team. When she saw you train it reminded her of the Red Room, feeling as though she was no better when she let you join the Avengers. 
Little did she know that you took this behavior as resentment towards you. And so, you started avoiding her, sensing that you made the Russian uncomfortable.  You didn’t want to be in her way, so you stayed out of it. You avoided her, and Natasha simply thought you learned about her past and were afraid of her. She decided to avoid you too, not wanting to scare you or make you uncomfortable. 
And so, the cycle began. Both of you avoided the other for months, until this mission was called. Natasha was excited she got to work with you one on one, but she was worried you wouldn’t like it. 
She sensed your uncomfortable feeling throughout the whole party, hating herself for not knowing what to do about it. When she saw the one bed she was simply afraid she’d make you more uncomfortable. She decided to sleep closest to the door so she could protect you if anything were to happen, something you picked up wrongly as well.
When she saw your stuffed animal, her heart simply broke. It was just another realization for her about how young you really were. You weren’t supposed to do these kinds of missions yet. 
“Goodnight,” she told you, turning the lights off. l
The room was completely dark, scaring you in a way you couldn’t really explain. You never liked the dark, but after your father would lock you up in that dark room every time he got sick of you, you feared it more than anything else. 
You whimpered slightly, hoping Natasha didn’t notice. Of course she did, but she didn’t let you know that. You clutched your stuffed animal closer to your body. You were terrified, feeling as though you were back in that little room. Natasha, nor any of the other Avengers knew about your past. Together with Fury you decided to keep it a secret, thinking it was better that way.
You shivered, pulling the blanket a little higher up. 
“Are you okay?” you heard a voice from beside you. Your head whipped around, your mind completely leaving the hotel room and you got stuck inside your own head. 
“It’s okay, it’s just me,” Natasha said, sitting up a little. “You’re safe,” you looked at her with fear for a few seconds, before you realised where you were. Your body relaxed a little, the blanket not held so tight anymore. 
“Do you not like the dark?” Natasha asked you carefully. You slowly shook your head, scared you might make her upset. “We can keep a light on, or I could hold you… maybe…” Natasha continued unsure. She still thought you were afraid of her, and didn’t want to overstep.
“Why would you help me? You don’t even like me…” you told her, looking down at your stuffed animal. 
Natasha frowned. Was that really what you thought of her? “What do you mean?” she asked you confused. “You walk away when I’m training, you don’t even look at me, and you always seem to be mad at me,” you told her slowly, still not looking at her.
“I thought you were afraid of me…” Natasha said softly. You looked at her now, eyes a little wide. “Afraid of you? No. I admired you. I just figured you didn’t like me so I kept my distance,” you explained to her. Natasha smiled at you. “I didn’t agree with Fury for placing you on the team because you’re so young. It has nothing to do with you, or the person you are,” Natasha explained, shuffling a little closer.
“Come here.” She opened her arms, letting you shuffle into them. “I’ll protect you, I promise,” she said as she held her arms around you, giving you a secure and safe feeling.
“Thank you,” you whispered, closing your eyes. “Anytime kid,” Natasha replied as she let her own eyes close, falling asleep peacefully. 
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ladykailitha · 3 months
Sweet Home Indiana Part 9
Only one more chapter to go and that's the happily ever after.
Lot of talking in this chapter. Steve and Eddie, Eddie and Chrissy, Steve and Chrissy, back to Eddie and Steve. But we get to the most brilliant idea Eddie has had since choosing to marry Steve.
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8
The drive back to the hotel wasn’t a long one, but it still felt like it had passed by in a single instant.
When he pulled into the parking lot he was surprised to see Steve leaning against one of the pillars to the covered valet parking, smoking a cigarette. His feet were crossed at the ankle and his free hand was holding tightly to the arm that held his cigarette. His head was down, but Eddie could his hair wasn’t styled and his clothes were rumpled.
He got out his rental in a hurry and tried not to run up to Steve so it was this weird loping walk/jog thing.
“Baby?” Eddie called, leaning his head down to try and look him in the eyes.
His already broken heart shattered into dust when Steve raised his head. His eyes were red and swollen, his face blotchy with tears, and his expression was shuttered.
“Hey, sweetheart,” he cooed, cupping Steve’s cheek. “What are you doing here?” If Eddie was the cause of another shop closing, he was going to start crying, right there in the parking lot, dignity be damned. “What about the bakery?”
“Robin is taking care of it,” he murmured, “she called in Claudia to help out, the shop’s fine.”
Eddie heart sank further. “But you aren’t. Why don’t we go up to my room and we’ll talk about it, okay?” When Steve didn’t say anything, Eddie backtracked. “Or we can go somewhere else if you prefer.”
Steve shook his head. “No, no. You’re hotel room is fine.”
Eddie wrapped his arms around him and led him to his room. He sat Steve down on the one armchair in the room and poured a glass of water. He got out two capsules of ibuprofen and handed both to Steve.
“Drink up, Stevie,” he gently implored. “Don’t want you getting a migraine because you’re dehydrated.”
Steve nodded and did as he was told. Once he was done, he handed the cup back to Eddie who set it on the table.
“I was making snickerdoodles and started crying and couldn’t stop,” Steve murmured. “I know I’ve been awful to you all week and I’m starting to feel like that stupid Einstein quote or whatever about being crazy.”
Eddie chuckled and ran his fingers through Steve’s hair. “Crazy is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result?”
Steve nodded and then leaned into Eddie’s touch. “I’ve missed you so much, Eds.”
Eddie knelt in front of him and kissed his forehead. Steve let out a shuddering breath as the sobs threatened to choke him.
“What did you do to me that I didn’t deserve, Stevie?” Eddie whispered. “I left you, kept running when I could have come home, demanded a divorce, came to town and shook up your life and was just going to blow out of it again, never to be seen again? After all that, what did you do to me that wasn’t in self-defense?”
Steve let out another shuddering breath. “Kevin is just a pool buddy. We aren’t dating. I haven’t dated since before you. I couldn’t. You’re everything to me and I don’t know what I did to make you hate me.”
Eddie frowned at the name before he realized it was the guy he saw flirting with Steve his first night in town.
“I don’t hate you, baby,” he murmured. “I never hated you. I was so scared that I would be stuck in this hick town my whole life. I wanted to see the world. I wanted to meet new people, but I never stopped loving you.”
“But Chrissy?” Steve asked, tears slipping down his cheeks. Eddie right there with him with his own tears.
“She needs a visa to stay in America,” Eddie said his voice shaking with each word he forced past his lips, “and if we don’t get married by a certain date, they’ll ship her off back to Barbados. She’s my Robin, Stevie. She’s my Robin.”
Steve’s eyes went wide as he gasped. There wasn’t anything in the world that he wouldn’t do for Robin, even a lavender marriage if that’s what it would take to keep her safe.
Steve threw himself at Eddie and pulled him in for a big hug. “Oh, sunshine,” he breathed. “That’s horrible. Of course you need to marry her, to keep her safe. I’m sorry you’ve been carrying this around like a millstone around your neck.”
“I’m sorry, Stevie,” Eddie wailed. “I am so sorry.”
They slunk to the floor in a crumpled heap as they cried together.
Later they would get on the bed and just hold each other. But for now, they cried in each other’s arms and held on for dear life.
Eddie woke up for the first time in years feeling well rested and comfortable. His phone was also blasting “Hot Blooded Woman” as loud as possible.
He rolled over to grab his phone but was met with a warm body and face full of honey colored hair.
Eddie smiled and stretched over Steve to grab his phone.
“‘Ello?” he muttered, trying to keep his voice down.
“Eddie!” Chrissy shrieked. “I’ve been calling for the last ten minutes! Why didn’t you pick up?”
Eddie pulled his phone from his ear and stuck a finger in it to clear it out. “Chrissy, not so loud.”
“Well, I’m sorry if I’m freaking out that you weren’t answering your phone, Edward,” she huffed.
Eddie slid out of the bed and grabbed the room key on his way out of the hotel room. “I was sleeping, Christine. I’ve had a very emotionally wrought day and was exhausted.”
There was silence on the line for a moment or two before he got a very chastised, “Oh.”
“I’m sorry, Ed,” she murmured. “I was having my own freak out and completely forgot about yours. That was fucked up, I’m really, really sorry.”
Eddie sighed and leaned against the door. “It is what it is. Why were you calling?”
“Um...” she hedged. “It doesn’t sound so dire in weight of your shit, so...”
He chuckled and shook his head. “Now you’ve got to tell me.”
“So, um...” she hedged a little more, “I called the bakery to see if I could talk to Steve and see if we could work out custody of you or whatever, but he was busy.”
“Yes!” Chrissy hissed. “Wait! How did you know?”
“Steve came to the hotel to see me,” Eddie explained, “and told me he had been making snickerdoodles when it just came over him that he just had to see me.”
“Cute,” she said and Eddie could see her tilt her head to the side in his mind, something she’d picked up from him. “Anyway! I’ll talk more about that in a minute. I need to freak out.”
Eddie shook his head fondly. “Continue.”
“So this really cute sounding girl picked up and wouldn’t let me talk to him because apparently their giant stand mixer eats phones!” Chrissy explained.
“Let me guess, you’re freaking out about the cute sounding girl?” he murmured.
“Is–is she Steve’s girlfriend?” she asked shyly.
Eddie burst out laughing. He laughed so hard that Steve opened the door and looked down at him. “You okay there, Eds?”
He nodded, pursing his lips together. “Would please explain to Chrissy that Robin isn’t your girlfriend, please? Please?”
Steve rolled his eyes but took the phone from Eddie’s grasp.
“Hi, Chrissy?” he greeted.
“You must be Steve!” she chirped happily. “Nice to meet you at long last!”
“Likewise,” he said fondly. “Robin Buckley is my partner in a lot of things, but as a staunch lesbian, she isn’t anything but my platonic soulmate.”
He pulled the phone from his ear as she shrieked. Eddie looked up at him with the biggest grin and made grabby hands for his phone. Steve handed it back.
“Oh my god!” Chrissy cried. “If I wasn’t set to marry you, I propose in a heart beat!”
“I never took you for a U-haul lesbian,” he teased her.
Suddenly everyone stopped stock still.
“Oh shit,” Eddie said scrambling to his feet. “That’s it!”
“I’m calling Robin!” Steve cried, diving back into the hotel room.
“Get on a plane, darlin’,” Eddie told Chrissy. “I think we just solved all our problems.”
“Eddie...” Chrissy breathed. “Do you think this will work? What if she says no?”
“She won’t,” he reassured her. “And even if she doesn’t agree today, she will once she meets you face to face.”
“This is insane, Ed,” she muttered. “I don’t know.”
“Babe,” Eddie breathed. “Jeff is already out here for his parents’ wedding anniversary. Brian lives in Indy, and I bet I could convince Gare to be on a flight faster than you can book your own flight. You’ve already told the immigration lady that you were coming down here to the wedding anyway.”
She sighed and took a deep breath. “Okay, but now I’m freaking out for a different reason.”
Eddie laughed. “Because now you’ve got meet the pretty girl on the phone?”
“And is she?” Chrissy asked. “Is she pretty?”
Eddie went searching through his phone for the pictures he took during his week here and found a good one of Robin and Steve at the bar. He sent it to her.
“Stevie is hottie on the right,” he told her, “and Robin is cutie on the left.”
There was silence on the line for a few moments before Chrissy breathed. “Right, two things. One, I think you’re an even bigger asshole for leaving that behind, by the way.”
Eddie bobbed his head side to side. “Yeah, that’s fair.”
“And two holy fuck,” she hissed. “I would go down on my knees begging her to marry me even if my immigration status wasn’t the fucking sword of Damocles hanging over my head, right now.”
“Someone packing her bags yet?” he teased her.
“Look, babe,” Chrissy said seriously. “I was already packing my bags to meet your scaly white ass out there in Bumfuck, Indiana, it’s just going to be a more enjoyable experience is all.”
“See you soon, Chris.”
“I’ll message you my flight details as soon as I get them.”
“Right-o,” he said and hung up.
The door to the hotel room opened up again and Steve leaned against the doorframe.
“Robin thinks it’s a great idea,” he said softly. “One of her schools was already out there in Washington, so this makes the choice easier. Plus, this means she won’t be alone in the city like she thought she would be.”
Eddie got to his feet and put his arms around Steve’s waist. “This only clears up seventy percent of the problem.”
Steve frowned and tilted his head to the side. “What do you mean?”
Eddie cupped his jaw tenderly. “I still have a life out in Seattle. I want to be here with you, but there is so much to do before that could happen.”
Steve draped his arms around Eddie’s neck loosely. “I know that, Eds. I wasn’t expecting a miracle cure. So the only thing I need to hear from you is that no matter how far apart we are, that you’ll still love me.”
Eddie pulled him in for a hug and they stood there, half in the hotel room and half in the hall, just taking comfort in each other.
“I promise you this, Stevie,” he whispered in his ear, “that I will move heaven and earth to find my back to you. Something I should have done a long time ago.”
Steve shook his head. “No, I think we both needed to grow up before we could properly be together.”
Eddie let out a contented sigh. “Yeah, I think you’re right.”
Steve pulled him back inside the hotel room and Eddie closed the door behind him.
Part 10
1- @rozzieroos @itsall-taken @redfreckledwolf @ravenfrog @zerokrox-blog
2- @gregre369 ​@a-little-unsteddie @chaosgremlinmunson @messrs-weasley @goodolefashionedloverboi
3- @val-from-lawrence @carlyv @wonderland-girl143-blog @irregular-child @mac-attack19
4- @bookbinderbitch @bookworm0690 @anne-bennett-cosplayer @yikes-a-bee @awkwardgravity1
5- @littlewildflowerkitten @genderless-spoon @dragonmama76 @ellietheasexylibrarian @thedragonsaunt
6- @useless-nb-bisexual @disrespectedgoatman @counting-dollars-counting-stars @tinyplanet95
7- @blackpanzy @amazing-spiderkeys @oldpinghai @raisedbylibrarians @kultiras
8- @swimmingbirdrunningrock @steddie-as-they-go @captain--low @micheledawn1975 @thespaceantwhowrites
9- @blondie1006 @stripey82 @w1ll0wtr33 @mcenziehughes
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verstappentime · 1 month
haven't shared anything new in a bit so here's the start of a maxiel bit where max was actually just hormonal in hungary and that's why he was cranky.
(tw: there's like a brief description of max puking here, apologies.)
max has to tell medical, because he’s afraid if something is really wrong, he might bleed out or something.
the medic says he’s fine, presses all over his abdomen and checks for tenderness and all that. they suggest he go to a real doctor, and tell him deciding to race was really stupid. he snaps something about how he knows that, thanks.
he’e still shaking when he walks back, has been since GP told him he crashed hard enough to alert medical.
he can’t pay attention to the debrief, can only think about the little app on his phone telling him the baby is the size of a tadpole or whatever. he thinks it would make him feel better to look at it, to remember how much cushioning they have in there, but he hasn’t got his phone back yet.
they keep asking him questions; he just nods or shakes his head, all of that simmering anger from before gone as fast as it came. just fucking hormones again, probably.
he has to leave the debrief to go throw up. he’s almost too late realizing the anxiety has turned into real illness.
he nearly knocks his chair over, pressing a hand to his chest like he can stem the burning as he fumbles to get out of the room. it always starts with a roll of nausea, then acid reflux, then. yeah.
he’s managed to go the whole day, the whole race, thank god, without this happening. he probably should have appreciated it more while he could, because he’s currently regurgitating all the water he had after the race and cold sweating and he might as well die here.
he’s embarrassed enough by the whole fucking day, by how mad he got at GP, at how the things he said must have cut hannah. and now he’s– now this is happening, and someone is probably going to come look for him, because he made it obvious what was happening. or, worse, tell daniel to look for him, and then he’ll have to make up some dumb story and get caught, because he’s an awful liar.
there’s a knock on the door. “max.” it’s brad, not daniel. at least he’s won something.
he coughs, chest heaving. the worst of it may be over. “present,” he says, voice scratchy. his throat is starting to get raw after the past week of what he is really trying not to let himself call morning sickness, because he’s in denial, which is fine as long as he’s self-aware about it, and also because it’s not just the morning, just whatever fucking time his body decides it will be.
“can i open the door? i have gatorade for you.”
“yeah, go ahead.” he really doesn’t want anyone to see him sitting on the fucking bathroom floor, but his head is throbbing now, and he’s really not trying to make anything worse.
brad doesn’t look phased, at least. he crouches down and hands max an orange gatorade. he’s got two more tucked under his arm. “you look rough, man.”
max a tiny sip. he’s glad it’s something with sugar. water tastes fucking awful the past few days. “thanks,” he mumbles.
“you looked bad yesterday, too,” brad says, conversational.
he knows he did. he was nauseous and moody and exhausted. he yelled at GP about the fucking rain. “thank you for the concern.”
brad rolls his eyes and points to the gatorade, “drink the rest of that. how dehydrated do you feel?”
“i’ll drink it.” max rubs his forehead. he doesn’t want an IV or anything. they made him do that last time he was sick after a race. he takes a long sip; it actually tastes alright. “see? i’m drinking it.”
brad gives him a look, like i’m watching you. “going to tell me what’s going on?”
max closes his eyes, letting the back of his head thunk against the wall. he doesn’t know why he can’t be one of those people with no symptoms. he hasn’t told anyone, didn’t want to until he made it through this weekend. he wanted to tell victoria first, cry down the phone and let her tell him what to do. fuck.
“what does it look like?” it doesn’t even sound mean. he’s too tired to make it mean, and his voice cracks, even though he really, really didn’t want it to. “could you just– can you get daniel, actually?”
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dehydrated-turtle · 26 days
Tumblr media
//warnings// 16+, mdni
//contents// Jason Todd x Transmasc Reader, Blowjob, blood, stitches
//synopsis// Jason Todd comes home from a particularly bad patrol, bleeding onto your apartment floor. You have to stitch him up because he never listens to you but well, you love him what can you say? - wc: 1.2k
//on ao3//
Blood, blood, blood, and more blood. It's dripping slowly onto the wood panels of your bedroom floor from the clearly open wound on Jason’s side. The viscous and extremely pigmented liquid rolls down his abdomen, blending in with the blacks and dark reds of his suit but still visible, and the huge gash, exposing his skin to the cool wind coming in from the window he left open in your apartment. 
“Hey…” he says weakly before collapsing onto the floor. 
“Oh Jesus Christ, Jason.” You say, annoyed because he never listens to you. You told him last time he passed out on your floor, he has to protect himself better and stop being so reckless while on patrol or he’s going to get himself killed. You roll him over and pry off his jacket and kevlar before peeling off his under armour shirt that's been coated in blood. You struggle to pull his arms out while he’s unconscious due to how heavy they are but you do nonetheless.
Once you throw his blood ridden suit into a pile on the floor, you get out the first aid kit and some damp towels from the bathroom to clean him up. As you are gently dabbing the skin around the wound clean, Jason regains consciousness with a groggy groan rumbling in his throat. 
“Shhh, stay down, I’m cleaning you up.” you say, pushing his shoulder back down to the floor, his head landed with a soft thud and another croak of pain. “Ok, I’ve got to put some peroxide on it now, stay still.” 
“I can handle it, I’m fINE–” he grips your free arm then repositions to your hand. He squeezes hard as he hisses at the sharp sting. You clean the wound efficiently so he doesn’t have to be in pain for so long before taking out the stitch kit from the bin full of first aid. “Do I really need the stitches?” Jason said with obvious worry in his voice, he’s never liked getting stitches, being afraid of needles and all. 
“Yes, Jay, this is really bad… I’m sorry.” 
“No, no it’s ok, you gotta do what you gotta do.” he looks up at the ceiling and takes a deep breath before nodding, signalling to go on with it. “Just get it over with.” 
After thoroughly sterilizing, you take the curved needle and the thick thread and start to sew his flesh together, guiding him through it while he whimpers on the ground. Something so special about him being so vulnerable with you like this, it makes your heart swell. As soon as you tie off the last stitch, you pat it again with the peroxide just to get rid of any excess blood and bacteria then put a bandage over top. 
“There, that should do it, just be careful not to pop a stitch. Do I need to get out the tiger balm or are you good?” You say helping Jason off the floor and onto the bed. 
“Oh that would be great, I think I pulled my everything.” He chuckled, then instantly regretting it, gripping his side and keeling over in pain followed by some soft profanities. 
“I’ll get you some water too while I’m at it, don’t wanna get dehydrated.” You remark before leaving the room then quickly coming back with a cold water bottle and a pot of tiger balm. You walk over to the dresser and pull out a pair of PJ pants and a sweater, you put all the items on the bedside table then start to help Jason take his pants off, something you have done many a time before, you are no stranger to the Red Hood’s belt buckle but this time was less heated, you just wanted to get him comfortable. 
“Boxers on or no?” 
“Uhh, nah take ‘em off, don’t want my balls being strangled all night.” He gave you a soft smile with those kind eyes that only a select few saw, so thankful that you were one of them. So you hooked your fingers underneath his pants’ and boxer’s waistband and shuffled them down his thighs, soft dick resting between them. You sneak a peek at it before making eye contact with Jason and give him a smile. He smiles back with his eyes wide and innocent, all the while he’s growing slowly against the skin of his legs. You can hear his breath quicken while you spread his ankles apart and see that his cock jumped while still growing steadily. You make your way up the bed to sit yourself in between his legs, taking his mostly hard cock in your hand and pumping it slowly while massaging his thighs and hips lightly with your free hand. He lets out a soft moan, closing his eyes briefly and laying his head back on the headboard. 
You lean forward to place a light kiss on his head before licking a purposeful stripe up the length of his cock before taking his head all the way into your mouth, swirling your tongue. Your cunt clenched as he whimpered ever so slightly but just enough for you to hear. One of his large calloused hands reaches down to move your hair out of your face, his lazy eyes meet yours, looking so innocent for such a crude act, he loves it. His hand made its way to the back of your neck, making his cock go deeper into your throat which almost made you gag but you successfully kept it in. 
Jason never took his eyes off of you, saliva leaking around your lips and onto his balls, he couldn’t peel his eyes away from that sight, it’s almost physically impossible. “Fuck, honey… I’m gonna cum.” he whispers, thinking you’re going to pull off so he can wait until he’s buried in your heat, but you don’t, you just keep going, sucking him down and looking him in the eye, almost begging for him to cum in your mouth with just a glance. His breath hitched as his cock twitched against the roof of your mouth before a string of profanities pour out of his mouth and white rivers pour out of his tip. Your mouth slowly filled with his semen, hot, sticky and just the perfect amount of salty. Jason whimpers as you pull off his cock with a pop and a smile on your face as you swallow all he spilled into your mouth. 
“Feeling any better?” you ask with a cheeky tone. 
“Mm, so much better, thank you my beautiful boy. I almost forgot about the ginormous gash on my abdomen.” You lean down to kiss his happy trail all the way up to his sternum before resting your head on his chest with a heaving sigh,wrapping your arms gently around his torso, being careful of said gash. “Don’t get too comfortable, honey, I’ve gotta put my pants on still.” 
“Oh, I forgot about that, oops.” You say, getting up off of him and taking the PJ pants you got out for him before. “Here, put 'em on.” You throw them onto his chest with a chuckle while he got up. You jump onto the bed where he was while he puts on his pants then snuggles into you, crawling back onto the bed. 
“I love you, my prince.” He whispered into your collarbone while leaving peppered bruises along it. 
“I love you too, Jay. Now get some rest, it’s the only way you’re going to heal properly.” 
“Jeez, you sound like alfred.” 
“G’night, honey.”
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missaengg · 21 days
A Fishie on a Hike
Pairing: Rafayel x Reader/MC Tags: Fluff and Humor, slight crack?, silly, cute Word Count: 874 Rafayel asks to exercise with you so you decide to take him on a hike. What could possibly go wrong? ao3 link here
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Rafayel: I still don’t understand why we have to do this.
This was the fifth time…
Rafayel: The sun is scorching hot. I’m dehydrating. Look, I’m turning into jerky over here!
Me: You said you wanted to exercise with me so we’re exercising.
Rafayel: Yes, but I thought we were going to go to the beach, not a hike! Somewhere with water so I don’t dry out like I am right now.
I spin around and glare at him. Rafayel shrinks back, but puffs out his chest and crosses his arms.
Me: Rafayel, it is not that hot. There is plenty of shade. You drank an entire gallon of water, most of our water if I might add. And it’s only been twenty minutes.
Rafayel: Tch.. I thought you were supposed to protect me as a bodyguard.
Me: From bodily harm, not the elements!
Rafayel: The elements are causing me bodily harm! Hence, you are not doing your job!
I groan. It is way too early to be doing this. This is the last time I plan to exercise with him, even if he begged.
Me: Would you like to turn back then? We can just turn around and go back to the car.
Rafayel: No.
Breathe… just breathe me. Violence is not the answer.
Rafayel: The sun is getting to me.
Breathe… count to ten. One… Two… Three… Four…
Rafayel: Look at this! I’m turning pink. I think I’m burning.
Fuck it. I march over to Rafayel and grab him by the ear hauling him to his feet.
Me: I’m making the decision. We’re going home.
Rafayel: Ow, ow, ow! You’re abusing me!
Me: This is not abuse. You haven’t even seen abuse yet.
I drag him down the trail from which we came. 
Rafayel: Okay, okay, I’m sorry!
I let go of him. I raise an eyebrow and shrug my shoulders indicating for him to continue. Rafayel rubs at his ear.
Rafayel: Geez, I said I’m sorry already.
I sigh and turn around again to continue back to the car.
Me: You can walk home.
Rafayel catches up to me and blocks me from walking any further.
Rafayel: What is your problem?
My mouth drops open at his question, and I stare at him incredulously. Me: What is my problem!? Rafayel, I picked you up at 6am to bring you on this hike that YOU asked for because YOU wanted to exercise with me, and all you’ve done since we got here was complain and drink all our water–
Rafayel: –almost all our water–
Me: –I even researched a bunch of trails, and I chose this one because there’s supposed to be a really pretty waterfall at the end of it–
Rafayel: –what do you mean a waterfall–
Me: –and I even made sure it wasn’t too long because I know you don’t like anything too strenuous–
Rafayel: –babe, wait–
Me: –and I packed us a picnic lunch with all your favorite finger foods, which I had to wake up at 4am to make–
Rafayel: –you made a picnic lunch– 
Me: –because there’s an area that overlooks the water–
Rafayel: –BABE STOP.
I finally shut up, panting from the barrage of words that I had vomited. Rafayel leans down to level his eyes to mine.
Rafayel: You packed me a picnic lunch?
Me: Yeah. You said you’d been feeling pent up in the studio so I wanted to take you somewhere scenic to eat yummy food and relax.
Rafayel: I’m sorry…
He says this tenderly, and I can feel my anger subsiding. I sigh. I can’t stay angry at him for too long when he looks at me with those adorably sad puppy eyes.
Rafayel: I want to go to the waterfall.
Me: I appreciate that, but we can’t.
Rafayel: Why not? I won’t say a negative word. 
Me: Because… 
I place both my hands on his cheeks and bring my face in closer.
Me: …you drank all our water.
Rafayel: Almost all our water.
We look into each other’s eyes and then break into laughter. I remove my hands, but Rafayel catches them and kisses me. I feel my cheeks burn when he pulls away.
Me: Raf…
Rafayel: I want to eat your picnic.
Me: I told you, we can’t–
Rafayel: Not at the waterfall. In bed. Right now.
Me: …What? Rafayel: Like, right now.
He picks me up and tosses me over his shoulder in a fireman’s carry.  Rafayel: It took us like twenty minutes to get here? I’ll get us back to the car in ten.
I open my mouth to protest, but quickly close it. After waking up at 4am, getting carried back to the car and lounging in bed doesn’t sound too bad. Stifling a giggle, I press my lips to his cheek, which immediately turn red. I love it when he blushes. Clearing my throat, I whisper into his ear.
Me: If we get back in ten, we can spend all day in bed, doing whatever you want.
The flush on Rafayels face deepens, and my body shakes in silent laughter. He begins to sprint with me still over his shoulders. 
I guess his wish to exercise with me is a success after all.
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bonesxbows · 3 months
Ring of Fire (Cooper Howard x Reader)
You and Cooper are heading to collect a bounty, but it's a lot farther away than you anticipated. He's used to the sun but your pristine and non-irriated skin isn't. Heat stroke is imminent and could end up killing you if Cooper doesn't intervene.
(WARNINGS) - descriptions of heat stroke - descriptions of severe sunburns - descriptions of dehydration
The show reignited my fallout obsession but Cooper's character is so goddamn hard to write in a sorta romantic way since we mostly see him being an ass to everyone after the bombs. I still tried my best so hopefully it comes across okay. I think I also got the hang of his accent the more I wrote for this too
Anyway, I wrote this during a heat wave when I was miserable and needed some comfort lol so if you're reading this I hope it can bring you a little bit of comfort too. Comments and reblogs are greatly appreciated :)
Whoever said California was a pleasant heat sure as hell hadn’t walked through the desert after a nuclear fallout. Everything burned; the sand, the sun, the air, your legs, your nose. It was unbearable and if it hadn’t been over the promise of a large stack of caps at the end of the road you would have given up a long time ago. 
“If I see one more dried-up lakebed I’m gonna fucking lose it.” You mumbled, rubbing the sand from your eyes again. 
“Quit your complainin’, we’re almost there. An’ I told ya to stop doin’ that.” Cooper swatted at your arms, making you put them back down at your sides again. You scoffed but obeyed his directions. 
“I’m never gonna make it there if I can’t see where the fuck I’m going.” 
“Maybe, but you sure as shit ain’t gonna see nothin’ never again if your eye gets infected. Your body don’ have enough moisture to keep your eyes slick with the way you keep yappin’ your mouth off and wastin’ it.” He retorted back, his face snarled up into his usual scowl. You didn't say anything more for a good long while, not because of his fancy way of telling you to shut up but because talking was starting to become more and more physically taxing on you the farther along you went. There was nothing but more sand, more heat, and more nothingness for as far as you could see across the horizon. Every step added another weight to your head, making it feel like it was stopped up with cotton that weighed a million pounds and banged against the inside of your skull like a war drum. Your body felt like mush and your clothes felt twice as heavy. But you kept going, trudging behind your cowboy, using him as a guide through the pain. 
That is until you started to see three of him. And what was that whinnying sound you kept hearing coming from? Plus you swore there was a herd of something chasing the two of you what with all the stomping hooves you were hearing too, but every time you turned around there was nothing but sand dunes and the outline of destroyed L.A. on the horizon. 
“Wait. I…I think I need to take a break. In the shade preferably.” you stopped and told him after gunfire was added to the list of sounds you were hearing in the distance. One more step and you were sure you were going to end up with a mouth full of sand. 
“We don’ got time for pit stops sweetheart, keep movin’,” he replied back, still keeping his pace forward, not realizing you had stopped completely. Or just not caring. He wouldn’t leave you behind, not for long at least, but he still wasn’t listening. 
“Cooper fucking listen to me this time,” you shouted, hoping to catch his attention. You succeeded, as soon as his real name fell from your lips he made a dead stop in his tracks. “Please,” you added in a softer voice. You hadn’t meant to shout at him but your body was so overwhelmed and you were tired of being ignored. He tilted his face towards the sky and let out the most audible annoyed sigh you had ever heard from him before finally turning around to face you. 
“Alright, I’m sorry for pushin’ ya, just not so loud next time ‘kay? I don’ need the whole goddamn wasteland knowin’ my name.” he said as he walked back towards you. “Well, you’re still standin’ so that’s a good sign. What’s the matter?” you were used to his gruff exterior by now but you were just grateful he was finally taking you seriously. 
“I…I’m not sure? My head hurts so fucking much and I keep hearing things…I think. My skin feels like it's on fire and I-”
“Heat stroke. Goddamnit.” He cut you off, not even listening for you to list any more symptoms out loud. He sounded pissed, but you had learned by now that his angry voice and his overprotective voice were kinda one and the same. 
“...Heat what now?” you asked, but he never quelled your confusion. Instead he focused on scanning your surroundings. There wasn't much, there usually never was anyway, but he must've found something in the distance that would work for what he had planned. 
“Hm, that’ll do,” he said, more so to himself than to you. You weren’t really listening anyway, that whinnying sound was back and it was taking every ounce of energy you had left just to stay standing upright. He turned back to you and said…something, but you couldn't make out any of it. His lips were moving, sure, but all you could hear was muffled static as if you were underwater. Your face must have had a look of confusion plastered on it because it didn’t take long for him to figure out you were unresponsive, the way you just stared at him and blinked also didn’t help. 
He approached you and started to pull the sleeves of your jacket off, peeling the leather from your sticky sweaty skin off entirely. You stood there and let him, you may have been hearing things and had all the energy of a newborn sloth, but you could still recognize Cooper, and you trusted him more than anyone else. If he thought your jacket needed to come off then you trusted he had a good reason for doing so, even if the wind was starting to feel extremely cold on your exposed moist skin. 
He tried to talk to you again but you just continued to stare at him, watching his mouth move but none of the words making it to your ears. He shook his head and threw your jacket over his shoulder, grabbing one of your wrists and looping it over his back as he grabbed you under your arms and started to half drag you forward towards whatever makeshift shelter he had found. You tried to help, tried to get your legs to move with his, but it felt impossible. At some point, your head began to droop and your temple bashed into his shoulder, making you cry out in pain. He stopped to assess the damage, no doubt cursing you for being so clumsy even though you still couldn't hear him. He tucked a loose strand of your hair behind your ear and kissed your forehead where it had made impact with him before placing his hat on top of your head and continuing onward. The new barrier between the unforgiving sun and your dried-up eyes was a small relief to your unbearable discomfort, one you cherished every second of before your vision went dark for good this time. 
When you opened your eyes again you were thankfully in the shade this time, your skin still felt like it was on fire but at least the sun wasn't continuously beating on it now. You were sitting on the ground propped up against the side of a half-destroyed barn and you dug your fingertips into the sand, grasping for the cooler sand that usually lay a layer deeper than the surface, an old trick Cooper had taught you. 
The memory of that lesson in your mind had you spring up, frantically trying to find your cowboy again. Your jacket was still missing, and his hat was still on your head, but you couldn’t see him anywhere. You wanted to get up, you even tried to, but your limbs felt like jello and you discovered your toes and fingertips were numb. You tried again anyway, kicking at the sand with your feet to find purchase and clawing at the rotting barn boards to pry yourself upwards. 
“Hey, now it took a lotta effort to get you here, don’ tell me you wanna leave already.” You heard his voice and stopped, watching him as he came through one of the broken doorways into the barn, his spurs clicking behind him with every step. 
You blinked, making sure it was really him this time and not something else you were imagining again. But there he was; scorpion belt buckle, cowboy boots, saddle bags and all. He dropped what he was carrying next to the doorway, where you saw your jacket lying on the ground, and then came to sit in front of you, grunting as he knelt down and made himself comfortable. 
“Feelin' better?” he asked. You went to answer but then immediately felt just how dry your throat was. You coughed and tried to lick your lips, but your tongue felt like sandpaper against the already rough skin. You had never experienced a dried-up tongue before and you never wanted to again, it felt like a worm had crawled into your mouth and nested behind your teeth. Cooper was already prepared through and placed a can of water into your hands, already punctured with his knife. 
“Here. Small sips though, ‘kay?” he told you. You nodded, disappointingly understanding him even though you wanted to guzzle the whole can down right then and there. But you did as he told you, taking a slow and small sip, relishing the feeling of the liquid making its way down your throat and easing the pain a little. You tried to lick your lips again, this time succeeding in wetting the crusted-up skin. 
“How bad is it?” you croaked out, vaguely remembering what he had said earlier. Heat stroke, whatever that was, felt like one of the worst things to ever happen to you.
“Well, you’re still alive, despite losin’ consciousness and being fried up like an iguana on a stick from that there sun. I don’ think I’ve ever seen you with such a tan.” he smirked, poking fun at the lack of time you spent outside before meeting him. It wasn’t your fault life was safer inside a city and behind four walls of a shack, but still, it amused him to remind you of your sheltered past every chance he got. You rolled your eyes, grateful that you were at least still alive. 
“Will it scar? Or peel off like your skin did?” you asked, not sure which possibility you hated most. 
“Whaddaya mean?” he tilted his head at your question, confused. 
“You know, the burns.” you showed him your bright red and blistered forearms as emphasis to what you were talking about. You could only assume your face looked just as bad. He couldn’t help but laugh a little at your question, which only agitated you. “I’m being serious here!” you barked. You creased your brow, which you realized immediately was a huge mistake as the tension on the freshly raw skin caused fireworks to explode in your head and flames to shoot across your skin. You winced from the pain and that got him to stop chuckling. 
“Sorry sweetheart, no, neither is gonna happen. You might lose some skin, but not in the way you're thinkin’. It’s just a sunburn, not like you got attacked with a flamethrower. You’ll be fine.” he explained finally. You couldn’t help but sigh in relief, although you still weren’t sure what this so-called “sunburn” was and how it was different from a regular burn. But you knew he wouldn’t lie to you, so you believed him. 
“So what now? We still got at least a day’s walk to town.” with your emergent questions out of the way your mind turned right back to business. Caps were on the line and you were itching to claim them, despite the discomfort traveling imposed on you in your current state. He liked that about you, your desire for caps and the willingness to chase after them with him, though he would rather bite a radroach raw than tell you that to your face. 
“Now? Now we stay put for a while, at least til those burns heal up some. Ain’t no bit of leather and an ol’ beat-up hat gonna protect you enough from the sun if we try to continue on. Right now the only thing I need you to worry ‘bout is finishin’ that water that’s still in your hands.” he leaned back against the opposite wall from you, kicking his legs out and propping his head up with his hands. 
“But-” you tried to rebuttal his decision but he cut you off again before you could. 
“Nah uh, don’ even think about arguin’ here. We even try walkin’ and you’ll collapse again ‘fore we even make it a mile. Best to just stay here and try again once you’re not so dehydrated and redder than a tomato. Few days rest won’t hurt nothin’.” 
“Yeah maybe except our profits,” you told him, quicker this time so he couldn’t interrupt you again. 
“I ain’t riskin’ you over a pile of caps. We’ll make due either way,” he said before closing his eyes, marking the conversation officially over by him. You didn't have a reply anyway, it was rare for him to mention how he felt about you aloud, and each time he did you were left speechless. You stared down at the water can in your hands, tracing your finger gently over the raw edges of steel where his knife had cut through it for you. The metal had been bent back inside the can a little, almost as if someone had shoved a finger through the hole and pushed it back, smoothing out the outer edges where your lips had touched the can. Something in you had a suspicion that if you checked Cooper’s glove you would find scratch marks that would match the size of the hole perfectly. 
Your eyes flicked to him. You weren't sure if he was legitimately asleep or not, but his eyes were still closed and he hadn’t moved an inch. He always talked to you more like an old friend rather than a lover, yet you were pretty sure you were the only person he showed any amount of kindness to. Suddenly his hat felt a little heavier on top of your head as you sat there and pondered where your relationship with him stood. 
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gyumibear · 1 year
💖 create a sim(p)! — 25: rough
synopsis — after stupidly claiming on stream that you’ve been dating popular youtuber choi beomgyu in secret after accidentally creating an identically looking sim, you beg him not to reveal your lie to the public when it goes viral. weirdly, he agrees and you two begin to fool the public. can your lie become the truth or will it eventually catch up with you?
prev / masterlist / next
warnings — swearing + heavy angst, bad coping mechanisms, yn's not thinking things through. allusions to “suicide”, but there’s no suicide. (wc: ~1.4k)
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It was like time had stopped.
Your eyes were glued to the screen in front of you, the blue light reflected in your eyes. Long had the screen gone black, evidence of the ended stream in front of you. You could vaguely feel Yeonjun’s presence next to you, but the ringing in your ears subjected you to only be able to stare forward. 
Why. Why? Why?!
Beomgyu. Why would he- why? It was so hard to fathom; what could he have been thinking? Did he really think everything would be fixed after that? That everything wouldn’t fall apart even more than it already had?! Now, you were off even worse than before.
He was selfish.
So unbelievably selfish. Because he couldn’t ‘keep up the charade.’ No. He wasn’t selfish. He was a fucking liar. A manipulator. Going out of his way to make sure that everything would leave him looking like the victim. The way he worded the stream, blaming everything on you. The fake dating had been your idea, yes, but he was just as involved! He didn’t have to agree! He could’ve fucking said no! No, he only sold you out because… Because… Because?
You didn’t know.
“Hey…” Warmth enveloped your torso, Yeonjun’s strong, assuring arms wrapping around you. “Come on, let’s go to the kitchen.”
You just let him drag you along, not having the mental capacity to fight back.
He released you when you plopped into the barstool of the hotel’s island counter. Crossing behind the other side of the island, he reached into the fridge to find something. You didn’t know what. You weren’t exactly focused on the black-haired model in front of you. You were too occupied calling Beomgyu every negative adjective conceivable in your head.
A crisp bottle of water slid in front of you, your eyes unfocused on its shape.
“You should drink this. Tears cause dehydration, you know…” Yeonjun spoke softly from somewhere in the room.
You were crying? You hadn’t noticed.
“I’m really sorry, Yn…” He kept speaking, barely making it past the ringing. “He’s so… Stupid.”
Stupid was an understatement.
“How bad is it?” Your own strained voice.
“How bad is what?”
“The backlash… Am I trending?”
“I don’t know… Don’t worry about that right now.”
“What am I supposed to worry about then, Jun? My career… Shit, what am I supposed to do to fix it? Everyone thinks I’m a liar. A user.”
“Not everyone.” Arms again around your body, you nuzzled your back into his chest. “We can fix this.”
“We?” You asked. “Jun, you don’t have to help me. We barely know each other.”
“That doesn’t matter. You’re my friend… And this is sort of my fault.”
No. It wasn’t anyone’s fault but Beomgyu’s.
“If I hadn’t gotten so close to you–”
“Can we talk about something else… I just– My head is pounding.”
A lie. You currently felt nothing. But, you didn’t want Yeonjun to have to dwell on feelings that were not his fault. Nobody was to blame for this, but Beomgyu. He was the problem. He was the cause.
“Drink your water.” He scolded you lightly, “I told you tears cause dehydration…”
“We came straight here.” Soobin stepped into view before your vision became obscured.
Kai threw himself at you, his familiar hold making you tear up once again. He squeezed you firmly, but not enough to hurt. Just enough to comfort. He murmured apologies, ones he shouldn’t be making, holding you as you’d disappear into the ground if he let go of you just for a second. You had a feeling he’d be mother-henning you for the next few days if he wasn’t stopped. 
You didn’t think you’d argue against that. Not right now anyway.
“Thank you for taking care of her.”
“You don’t have to thank me for that,” Yeonjun responded in kind, “You must be Soobin.”
Soobin nodded, pointing slightly in your direction. “And that’s Kai.” 
When Kai finally let you breathe, you pulled back enough to see that his eyes were red. Probably matching yours. But his face wasn’t streaked with tears, not like yours. That led you to the conclusion that he probably hadn’t slept since the stream came out. Oh, Kai…
“Ning, have you slept?” 
“No. How could I?” He pursed his lips before speaking again. This time not to you. “What do we do?”
“We go home,” Soobin shrugged. “We kick that… We kick him out. Then you and Yn get some rest.”
You and Kai nodded solemnly, both not wanting to argue.
“I hate to ask, but can I come? I feel like I and Beomgyu have a lot to talk about.”
“Mm.. ‘s up to you.” Soobin shrugged again. “As long as he gets out of my house.”
You felt like the next few hours might take some years off your life.
He was a coward. That was what your mind told you when the four of you had made it to your front door. The house was intact, doors locked securely. But… There was a sticky note, most likely from your room, left right dab smack in the middle of the door. It read: I’m sorry. I took all my stuff and I got a motel. I know you don’t want to speak with me, that’s okay. I’ll be going home soon anyway.
“Well, that’s that I guess.” Yeonjun broke the silence, all of you turning to look at him.
“Maybe it’s better off this way.” Soobin turned to unlock the door for you all. “I don’t think anyone was really ready for a confrontation.”
You stumbled into the apartment behind him, Kai and Yeonjun taking up the rear. Everything inside was normal too. Nothing out of place or taken, not that you thought he would steal. However, you thought bitterly to yourself, you thought Beomgyu wouldn’t do a lot of things. Clearly, this time of you getting to know him was a waste. God, you had the worst case of judgment sometimes.
“So what now?”
The boys started chatting, trying to figure out the next move. You tried your best to listen along, but you just… couldn’t. The longer you stood there, the more your mind was being made up. Soon, you excused yourself from the circle, complaining of a headache. ‘Just going to lie down.’ You spoke. Their worried eyes bore into your back as you disappeared into your room.
You were going to crumple into your bed, but your tired eyes noticed something first. A letter. It was laid neatly on your bed, words written almost neatly, but also as if whoever had written them was rushed. You were going to ignore it, but you knew your curiosity would win. It was a human thing.
You picked it up, letting your eyes glide over the words. Face neutral, your eyes took in every word but widened over time as an indescribable rage filled you. You got to the last line of the letter, letting you know who had written you this bullshit of a final letter. ‘Love, Beomgyu.’ 
You crumpled it into a ball, throwing it into a corner of your room. Full of shit. He was full of shit. How could you have ever thought he could’ve really meant something to you? He was nothing.
And soon, /you’d/ be nothing too.
You made your way over to your computer, typing in the website for your streams. Scrolling until you found what you were looking for, your eyes bore into your screen. It was like time was moving slowly again, as your conscious tried desperately to get you to stop before making the worst decision of your life. But, you were determined to finish this. 
You had to. You couldn’t back down. You clicked your mouse once, mind made up.
The recording light lit up, letting you know you were now live.
As your chat filled, you heard an audible sound of confusion come from your living room. You forgot Kai had your streaming notifications on. You had to move quicker than he could get to you. You ran to the door, locking it before your friends could come to stop you. 
You could hear the banger from the door. You could hear them. Soobin loudly asking what you were doing. Kai begging you to open the door. Yeonjun pleading that you stop recording and come out the door. You couldn’t let them stop you. Not this time. You knew you might regret this, but soon /you/ wouldn’t be around to care.
“Hi.” You spoke bluntly into the camera. “Welcome to DigitalGirl’s final stream.”
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a/n — so... how y'all doing? *sips tea* um, i’m not exactly good at writing super angsty stuff, but i hope y’all still enjoyed! anyways, what do y’all think the letter said? and what do you think yn’s gonna do/say in her “final” stream? lmk!
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© GYUMIBEAR. do not repost, modify or translate my work onto other social media sites.  
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celiamae99 · 11 months
JJ Maybank x Reader
Warnings: angst, swearing, talk about anxiety, depression, and mental illness, talk about self harm, almost self harming, physical and mental abuse, mature themes
Mature readers ONLY. 18+. I will check profiles periodically and will block minors bc this post is MA!
John B was mad. He was mad at JJ and he was mad at you. When he agreed to his baby sister (by 2 minutes) dating his person, he never thought it would result in fights this alarming. Sarah stood next to him, your best friend. Your person. While Sarah was yours, JJ was his. And it was awful to watch their favorite people be in this much pain. They were watching the fight like a tennis match.
“Would you just admit that you have a hero complex and the need to save everybody?” You screamed at him. They were standing in the kitchen, arguing again about JJ taking the bike and being reckless again.
“I’m trying to save you! And John B! And Kie, Sarah, Pope. Don’t you get that?” JJ screamed back at you. “And if that means getting hurt, or even killed, I’ll do that! I’ll do that for you guys because I love you.”
Tears streamed out of your eyes, running fast down your cheeks. “But what about me?” You demanded. “What do I do when you get wrapped up in something that so messed up that you can’t come back from it? That John B and I can’t fix for you. What if you do? What do I do then?” You yelled at him.
JJ and John B stared at you as you screamed. “Huh?” You screamed after a minute. “Answer me!” You screamed, shoving JJ back. JJ, mind going quickly into fight or flight mode, shoved your hands away, causing your wrist to twist and crack. John B quickly stepped in between you guys, preventing anything from happening further.
“Don’t do this guys!” John B yelled at you both, eyes ablaze.
You froze for two seconds. You shoved JJ. You’re sweet JJ, who loved you so much he was willing to sacrifice himself so that you would be okay. The JJ who’s dad was a dick to him, beat the crap out of him every chance he got; verbally abused him because he did have anybody else to take his crap out on. You shoved him. Instinctively you pulled your wrist to your chest.
“I - I -” You stumbled over your words. Trying to find the right ones to apologize, but JJ ran out the back door of the house before you could say anything.
“I have to go after him, make sure that he doesn’t -”
You nodded. Sarah coming up next to you as you fell into her arms sobbing as you tried to wrap your mind around what had happened.
You spent the whole day in your room. Once you stopped sobbing, Sarah took you to your room and you climbed into your bed, holding the stuffed animal JJ had won for you when you were 10 and staring at the wall. Sarah didn’t try to talk to you, she just sat with you until John B got back. You heard mumblings of their conversation but didn’t try to understand what you couldn’t hear. Your mind was reeling.
Sarah made you eat a banana and drink water. She said the potassium would be needed and that you couldn’t get dehydrated.
Later that evening, John B came into your room and sat down on your bed. “We’re having a fire tonight, just our people. Kie, Sarah, Pope, me.” He didn’t say JJ. “JJ’s at work, said he has a car to fix up, he’ll probably show up late.” He continued on. “You need to get out of this room.” He deadpanned. “I’ll carry you out if I have to.”
You knew he was right. So after five minutes, you got out of bed, threw your hair in a very messy bun and an old maroon sweatshirt of JJ’s and grey sweatpants.
You walked into the living room and saw Sarah talking quietly with John B. When you entered room, they quickly turned their conversation to you.
“You look like shit,” she told you, scanning you from head to toe.
You rolled your eyes. “She definitely knows how to charm you, Big Bear.”
“She sure does.” You had been calling John B Big Bear for your whole life, and he in return called you Baby Bear.
“You need tequila,” Sarah decided after a minute.
“Yes I do.” You nodded in agreement. John B rolled his eyes and sighed. Tequila and you had never been good friends unless you were sad, and in which case, meant that you tried to drown your sorrows with tequila.
You had grabbed your bottle of tequila, favorite blanket, phone, and crocs before heading out to join the rest of the gang. Once you got there, you settled yourself on the long that you usually shared with JJ.
Kie and Pope were together and so we’re John B and Sarah. They were talking about a double date they were going on tomorrow, which left you to look out at the water and your mind wander.
After everybody had gotten a little buzzed and or a little high, you went into your dark and twisty place. How could you have shoved JJ? After everything that his father had done to him, you did that? How could you guys come back from this? What if he left you?
You always knew you weren’t good enough for JJ. You thought it all the time. Even when JJ tried to reassure you, there was still the nagging thought in the back of your mind, telling you that you weren’t enough. JJ was so much better than you, and he could have anybody he wanted, so why did he settle on you? You weren’t special. You weren’t smart and kind like Pope, you weren’t chill and relaxed like Kiara, you weren’t overly ambitious and hopeful like John B, you weren’t witty or gentle like Sarah, you weren’t feisty or adventurous like JJ. There wasn’t anything that made you special, you thought.
The grounding exercises that your therapist gave you hardly worked anymore. You were too out of touch with your body to understand what you needed. You teared up. You blinked ferociously, refusing to cry. You had done enough of that today.
“Hey,” Sarah said plopping down next you and stealing half your blanket. You leaned in to her, sighing deeply. “You’re not allowed to go dark and twisty on me and not tell me.” You rolled your eyes. Sarah knew you better than pretty much anybody did, besides maybe JJ. She knew your thoughts were eating you alive.
“Do you think he’ll show?” You ask quietly, picking at your phone case anxiously.
“If he doesn’t, then he’ll have to deal with the wrath of me, and I don’t think he wants that.
“Sarah,” I whispered. “I was - I mean - I -” You stumbled over your words again, blinking faster than before as a few tears betrayed you. You’re breathing quickened. You were spiraling.
“Hey, hey, hey,” she kneeled in front of you as you let out a sob. “It’s JJ, Y/N/N. It’s not like it’s some dumb turon or Kook, it’s JJ.” She smiled at you, keeping her voice gentle, trying to calm you down.
You put your head in your hands and continued to cry, trying hard to catch your breath, but nothing worked. Sarah’s words weren’t registering in your brain. You could barely making out John B calling JJ and telling him to come over because of your anxiety, but you couldn’t find it in you to tell him to stop. You shook Sarah off you before you took off running towards the house. You needed to be alone.
You shut the door to the bathroom, hand over your mouth trying to stifle the sobs. You glanced around the bathroom trying to focus on something solid when your eyes landed on the razor.
You zeroed in. You hadn’t done anything in months. Before you and JJ were together. Sarah had caught you and made you start therapy. JJ and John B knew, and so did Pope but you didn’t talk about it a lot. There were bigger problems to worry about.
But the therapy wasn’t working. You weren’t going anymore. The pain was still there. Deep, caught in your chest. The numbness of cutting would take away the pain. It would stop. You inched towards the razor. Just one cut, you thought. It wouldn’t affect much and it would take away the pain, even if it was just for a few seconds. Nobody would ever know. You grabbed the razor. You didn’t hear the knocking on the door. You inched the razor towards your wrist and screamed when the door banged open and JJ caught you.
Both your eyes widened. You opened and closed your mouth repeatedly. Trying to make words, but for the third time today, the English language failed you.
“Y/N,” JJ said sternly. “Give it to me.”
You shook your head rapidly. “I need it to stop, JJ.” You said fast and quietly. “I just need to turn everything off.” JJ stepped forward. You gripped the razor tighter. “I just need it to all stop. Just for a minute.” You cried, chest starting to heave again.
“Sweetheart, this is not how you make it stop. If it stops, it doesn’t start again. It’s an addiction to you. And it’s not going to make it better, it’s only going to get worse. It may seem like a short term solution, but long term you know it will only cause you more pain.” You knew he was right. JJ was always right when it came to stuff like this. “Baby, I’m going to grab it now.” He took it gently from your hand and threw it into the sink. He grabbed you just in time as your legs gave out. You let out guy wrenching sobs.
Once you had calmed down from your episode, you lied back down on your bed staring at the wall. JJ was back in the living room talking with John B and Sarah. After a little while, he slipped back into the bedroom and slid in next to you.
“We need to talk.” Those four words made you shoot up. You knew those words. You had used them on JJ when you had made the decision to split up for a few months a year ago.
“JJ,” you croaked. You didn’t want this. You couldn’t handle him leaving you right now.
“Just listen to me, okay?” He grabbed your hand. “We’re not in the same place right now.” He said gently, his whole gut, heart, and brain hating this, but he knew it was right. For both of you. “You’re so anxious, all the time. Anytime JB and I go to do something you panic until we’re back. If you go with, you panic until it’s done. You pushed me today babe. I’m not saying I didn’t deserve it, because I did. I needed a reality check, but babe, we need help.” He took a deep breath, his heart breaking. “And we need to do that apart, I need to do that apart.”
Tears welded up in your eyes again. This wasn’t happening. This could not be happening.
“JJ, please.”
“I’m not saying we break up, I’m saying let’s take a few months and -”
“Months?” You cried out. You didn’t want to be apart from him for more than a day, let alone months.
“Y/N. We need this okay? You need time to figure stuff out, I need time to figure stuff out. I’m not saying we break up -”
“It sounds like we are!”
“We just need time, okay? Talk to your therapist, work on you. We’ll go from there, okay? But for now, we need space.”
And with that, JJ left, taking your heart with him as he made his was to the couch, where he’d be spending most of his nights.
Pt. 2 coming!!!
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