#because literally what is lifestyle about it. i go to work. make stuff. eat and sleep. call my family on the phone.
senadimell · 2 years
over here loving the asexual lifestyle
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suzukiblu · 11 months
NaNoWriMo day three; obligatory sugar daddy Tim/sugar baby Kon AU.
Still, Kon's been taking care of himself this long, Tim guesses, so maybe . . .
No. No, this is definitely fucked-up and a terrible idea.
But he has no idea what he should do about it. What he even could do about it.
Kon finishes a whole order of cinnamon bread and is eyeing the next one before they even get back to base. Tim doesn't say anything about it because he's apparently been living on laboratory cafeteria food all this time, but does make him carry the highly precarious stack of food in. In his defense, "precarious stacks" are basically what TTK is made for, and also it'll hopefully distract Kon from potentially feeling weird about getting paid for or eating "too much" or just whatever.
Tim is going to burn Cadmus to the ground and stock up on kryptonite and a whole lot of explosives, but he's going to do it in the least Kon-upsetting way possible. Plus his supervillain timeline is a long-term plan too, and Kon should be eating things that aren't cafeteria food right now. And also not working for and living in a shady lab. And also–
"Shit, do we have any cups left?" Kon asks, looking around with a frown.
"Top of the fridge," Tim says, both because it's his job to know as much information as possible and because he's trying to avoid stressing himself out any worse. Stress is not productive. It's not going to fix the problem. Kon doesn't even want him to fix this problem.
"Cool," Kon says, then thumps the stack of pizza boxes down on the table and goes right for the cinnamon bread again, flipping the box open as he heads off to, presumably, retrieve the cups. Tim is entirely unsurprised and has no illusions that he'll be getting any of it himself.
He arranges the pizza boxes and everything else they ordered a little more accessibly on the table, trying not to obsess over the problem of Kon's current lifestyle. He's living in a lab getting by on cafeteria food and not getting properly compensated for doing a dangerous job and doesn't know Superman has a secret identity and is never, ever anything but "Superboy" himself. He doesn't have another identity to hide inside or fall back on or just take a break in. Didn't even have a real name until just recently, and that real name isn't anything he can use outside of still being Superboy.
Tim can't imagine never being able to take off Robin, but Kon probably can't imagine ever having to take off Superboy.
Tim doesn't even know what that would feel like.
Kon comes back with the cups, tosses them on the table, and stuffs another chunk of the already half-gone cinnamon bread into his mouth. Tim is starting to doubt the quality of that cafeteria even more than he reflexively did.
He opens the Zesti and pours them both a cup, and Kon looks oddly–not surprised, exactly? But a little puzzled, almost, watching Tim fill a cup for him.
"I can pour my own drink, Rob, geez," he snorts.
"I had it open already," Tim replies with a carefully dismissive shrug, screwing the lid back on the two-liter. Kon huffs, but picks up a cup and takes a drink.
"Sure, whatever," he says. "This is so much pizza, man. Think we can get through it all or should we call in Imp for backup?"
"If we do that, we're not getting any of it," Tim points out dryly.
"Okay, good point," Kon says. "Guess that's why you're the one in charge here, Wonder Boy."
"I had to get my qualifications from somewhere," Tim says, sparing him a wry smile. Kon sniggers, then rips off another chunk of the cinnamon bread and holds the mostly-empty rest of the box out to him. Tim blinks, a little surprised, but takes the last piece. "Thanks."
Note to self: Kon really likes cinnamon. Or icing, maybe. Or both.
Actually, that thought makes Tim feel a little flustered over Kon giving him the last piece of the cinnamon bread, given how thoroughly he destroyed the rest of it. Which is stupid, since he also hogged the rest of it and could've shared way more than just the last piece, the asshole.
Tim is absolutely still flustered anyway, though.
Yeah, he has it embarrassingly bad.
"Sure, man," Kon says, flashing him a grin. Tim swears to himself that this bastard can never, ever know how cute that grin makes him. If Kon knew he had a crush on him, he would be absolutely insufferable about it. Insufferable and smug.
Or, possibly, uncomfortable and freaked out. Or worse, angry and hateful. But Tim would rather not assume the absolute worst of an ally who almost counts as a friend, to whatever extent he can count anyone who hasn't seen his actual face before as a friend.
Both more and less than the guys at school, probably.
Tim's not sure what that actually says about his life these days.
But Kon . . . Tim doesn't really think Kon would be an asshole about it, if he knew Tim wasn't entirely straight. He's never really said anything to give him that impression.
He'd definitely be unbearable, though, so Tim will be taking the secret of this particular inadvisable crush to his grave, please and thank you.
They both sit down at the table–well, Tim sits, Kon more sprawls, and looks unfortunately attractive doing it–and grab a couple slices apiece and then crack open the wings. Kon eats much faster than Tim, who deliberately takes his time about it. Technically, avoiding getting pizza grease and barbecue sauce on his gloves is reason enough to do that, which is what he's going to point out if Kon comments on it, but obviously he's doing it to make sure Kon gets to eat as much as he wants.
Seriously. Cafeteria food for every meal. And not from a private school or fancy company's cafeteria; from an underground cloning lab with, again, incredibly dubious ethics.
Tim really can't imagine Cadmus is all that committed to food safety and quality, given all the human rights violations they've committed in just their day-to-day operations–to say nothing of any special projects like Kon.
Maybe Tim should release all their classified files onto the internet and just let whatever happens to them as a result happen.
. . . no, no, nobody needs any random weirdos on the dark web reverse-engineering any Kryptonian DNA or anything. Which they definitely would. Hell, just the front page of Reddit and a few YouTube comments would probably be enough to do it, and then somebody'd try to actually go and produce it "just to see".
Though it's still tempting, honestly.
Extremely tempting.
"Are you going to be here next weekend?" Tim says once Kon's mauled his way through a good dozen wings and four slices of pizza with very little sign of slowing down, and Kon stuffs most of another slice into his mouth with an easy shrug. He still looks cute even with terrible table manners, Tim notes resignedly. How is that possible? Why is that even a thing?
Kon is so goddamn annoying that way.
"Probably, yeah," Kon says around a mouthful of pizza before shoving the rest of the slice into his mouth. Tim watches in vague revulsion, wondering how he still finds him cute.
Gross, definitely, but still cute all the same.
"I mean, unless Cadmus needs me for something, anyway," Kon amends as he gets himself another slice. "Sometimes there's emergencies and shit, you know how it is."
"Definitely," Tim agrees, though "and shit" doesn't really cover Gotham-level disasters, as a descriptor. Still gets the point across, so whatever. "I'll be here, barring Gotham."
"You mean barring Batman," Kon snorts, rolling his eyes, and Tim feels a very weird way about the fact that Kon doesn't have a Batman in his life. Well–doesn't have a Bruce in his life, more like.
Or a Jack Drake.
It's kind of a sad thought, to be honest, though it probably makes the vigilante work a lot easier.
"Barring Batman," Tim agrees again, smiling wryly. "You realize you have a boss too now, right?"
"I could still be Superboy if I quit Cadmus, though," Kon says, which is a valid point, if not quite the one Tim was trying to make. "No way Batman wouldn't flip shit if you kept being Robin out from under his big black cape."
"Well, historically that hasn't always gone so well," Tim says, taking a sip of his Zesti. Kon tilts his head, looking curious.
"Wait, you've actually done that before?" he asks. "Seriously?"
"There's been other Robins, you know," Tim reminds him, wry again. Kon blinks.
"More than one?" he asks. "I thought it was just you and that Nightwing dude. Who else?"
It occurs to Tim, very suddenly, that Kon not only wasn't a superhero when Jason was Robin, he didn't even exist when Jason was Robin. He wouldn't have heard anything when it happened, even in rumors, and it's not like many people talk about Jason now, even in the community. At least not anywhere that Tim's ever heard, anyway.
Admittedly, that might be survivorship bias, all things considered.
"My immediate predecessor," Tim says carefully, taking another sip. "After Nightwing and before me. He's–not active anymore."
"Dead or just maimed?" Kon assumes. Tim doesn't bother wondering why "retired" doesn't occur to him as an option.
It's Kon. Of course "retired" wouldn't occur to him.
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tacomicyuri · 17 days
copypasting stuff here…
THINKING ABT…tacomic, when shes getting domesticated and actually gets served a proper meal she only eats a tiny bit, mic asks why and taco says she needs to save it so that she doesnt starve. mic reminds her she has access to a bunch of food now, and she can eat what she wants! but this sorta backfires because when she gets comfortable eating more, taco binge eats to the point where she gets sick, but she getd the hang of it eventually, the first time taco got hiccups in over a decade because she hadnt eaten that fast before was super surprising for her, but she was so cute so mic held her as she protested her hiccups, “my body is DEFYING ME! lay low you horrid hiccups!”
this is Wonderful. Yees it would totally take taco a bit to get used to not having to scavenge in the forest. I think her getting used to it and then just eating a ton is great, like yeah what has she been living off of She needs this after going so long outside. I think people don’t talk about her literally living in the woods enough.. she’s like a real life warrior cat who after mic takes her to hotel oj becomes a kittypet (a bit begrudgingly) and then gets suuper used to the lifestyle and though she still thinks of her life in the woods she feels a lot more comforted in this home Why am I comparing her to warrior cats sorry wc is on the brain currently. Yeah I find domesticated tacomic really interesting because taco has a lot to get used to, but now she’s in a safer environment and has a better chance to reflect on herself and make amends. She slowly gets better and works on herself with mic by her side helping her adjust and rooting her on. I think they deserve to truly be happy together even if they might not ever reach that true state, taco’s still improving and still needs work on her morals and her ways of living and thinking before her and mic can actually see eye to eye. And that takes a while. The final breaking point that made mic choose to leave was because taco broke an agreement that went against mic’s morals, but she did it because she thought this one little slip up wouldn’t matter because she gave mic what she Thought she truly wanted, praise and attention. She read her diary in the beginning, she knew how she felt about herself and others and how she wanted to be Seen, just not in the way taco put upon her. She did it with the thought mic would just forgive her, and maybe even be appreciative of her, but she wasn’t thinking about what mic Truly wants, she’s pushing a bit of herself upon mic’s wants. In her head she was doing the right thing, but in reality she wasn’t quite seeing what mic actually had wanted. Mic wanted to be Heard, and taco went against the one thing mic told her not to, in doing so she wasn’t listening to her. That makes me so ill. She really was expecting mic to be Happy about what she had did, because of what it brought to mic, but then she leaves and taco gets to really think about how her choices and morals do have consequences and not everything will go the way she thinks in her head, or through her reasoning. I wonder what would’ve happened if taco chose to actually listen to what mic had wanted in that moment, but I guess she was a bit too full of herself and her abilities and thought in giving what she thought mic wanted to her on a silver platter it could make them closer, stronger, a tighter bond. Then their entire existing bond got cracked by her going against her word and shattered upon mic breaking ties. I wouldn’t say it’s shattered beyond repair, taco just has to think a bit more about others thoughts
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blush-bblushing · 3 months
Uhh first time writing for tumblr in awhile
Blush blush guys headcanons! (Pt1)
Cw: none. All fluff!
Characters: nimh, volks, kelby, eli
Hc's under the cut
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Due to his heart condition I think he grew up afraid to do anything fun. By that I mean he avoided scary movies, rollerblading, most theme park rides, etc. He still had fun in his own way. But as an adult, he tries to test what he can/cannot do. For example: going rollerblading with marshmallow/mc. Sure, he may need to rest every 5 or so minutes. And that's ok. He still gets to experience something new. All while doing it with someone he trusts.
He has a habit of holding his hands when nervous. Like when he's feeling anxious, he'll rub his thumb on his palm. It became a habit because his family did that for him as a kid. Sometimes he'll do it to marshmallow to when they hold hands. Regardless of if they're nervous or not.
When shopping for clothes, blankets, or anything with fabric, he has to check the fabrics texture. Nimh can be jumpy at times. And sometimes certain fabrics feel like a spider touching him if he forgets the texture. So to avoid that scare, he'll lean towards softer fabrics. Obviously, not everything he has is soft. It's just the majority for his sake
This is a lot more simple- I firmly believe he watched shows like strawberry shortcake, Teddy ruxpin, bear in the big blue house, etc. All of these shows are still a comfort to this day. If he feels particularly anxious he'll watch an episode or two to calm down.
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Volks is pretty good at braiding hair. During childhood, he would play with his mom's hair. Mainly stemming from boredom. This eventually led to his mother showing him how to braid. To this day, he can do multiple braid styles. His personal favorite is a fish tail braid.
Obviously he isn't a touchy person. However, if the stars align, he'll rest his head on marshmallows' shoulder. Or even rarer: he'll hug marshmallow from behind. Just don't bring attention to it. Or else he'll quickly jump up and stop. It's not an issue he has with his partner. Simply Volks trying to be more affectionate.
When he first became a wolf, Volks accepted his fate. He didn't ignore the existential horror of the situation. He just didn't care too much about it. It gave him the freedom to act in ways he couldn't before. To elaborate on this: he has a lot of self enforced "rules" for himself. Like societal expectations but with stuff he made up. After the whole wolf & marshmallow thing, he has far less of these. (Men will literally become an animal instead of going to therapy/j)
With it being revealed in his coffee date that he sometimes sings: he likes laufey. Her music makes him feel comfortable with the idea of being soft. If one were to catch him washing the dishes alone (and with his phone on), he'll be singing "from the start". He knows most of her songs by heart.
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Ugh. He's underrated. So these are to give his fans some food.
As a result of his active lifestyle, Kelby doesn't play videogames. He's tried them a few times. He sadly doesn't see the appeal.... except for one. Marshmallow showed him animal crossing. And if you've played it, you'd know there's a whole subset of characters who work out. Since he first played it, he'll occasionally ask Marshmallow to check on them. He wants to encourage his digital workout buddies :]
He doesn't have nuch of a wardrobe. It's mainly sport uniforms and hoodies. As a joke I like to think that any exceptions to this wardrobe were either 1) "forced" (asked him to try the clothes on) upon by marshmallow or 2) he realized that the event he's going to wouldn't appreciate him wearing a basketball uniform.
Kelby didn't always work out. In early childhood he did typical kid stuff. Eat a bunch of candy, watch TV, etc. Until he got around 8 years old. When he thought it'd be fun to try out his dads workout equipment. After a few days, he was caught lifting his dad's 5lbs weights. Since then his parents encouraged his efforts. And he's been athletic ever since! He still appreciates dessert or binge watching a TV show about once or twice a week. To treat himself after some hard work.
There's memes about guys using 10 in one shower products. One would think Kelby is the same. Surprisingly enough, he isn't. He takes special care of his hygiene. Hair thickening shampoo & conditioner and fancy shower gels are only a couple of examples. He doesn't like the assumption that he only cares about working out. Self care involves everything about the body. Not only the aesthetics of it.
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Had a massive vocaloid phase. (They call it a phase but he literally has a couple miku figures in his room. They bought the newest figure only a year before marshmallow came) he and Marshmallow have already planned on visiting miku Expo. So long as they bring back the holograms.
Because of how varied Eli's fashion sense is, he will occasionally chose to wear something nobody expects. One day, they wore an outfit similar to poe's. Most of the other guys' reactions consisted of "who are you and what have you done with Eli?!" (Poor guy only wanted to dress up :[ ) luckily, since then, the others have gotten used to it. Some of them even encourage it if it helps them express themselves better.
As most know, he doesn't I love you much. That doesn't mean he can't show genuine affection. Say hypothetically marshmallow were to have a bad day. They'd come home to not only some new clothes in their room, but also their favorite food and a comfort movie/show/videogame on the TV. From experience, Eli finds gestures like this to be more meaningful. Proof that someone does genuinely care. And that all their words aren't superficial.
And for the final headcanon of this post: Eli always has some sort of makeup product or accessory to share. You never know when a style emergency may happen! Someone who cares for their looks (like he does) is bound to worry about others. You need a hairtie? Gotchu. Never wore makeup before but wanna try? Already have the bag out. A seam tripped in your favorite shirt? Somehow a sewing kit is ready??? They have your back in nearly anything your style may struggle with
That's all for now. If I remember to do so later, I'll share the ones I have for the other guys. Hope this was at least entertaining to read
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I need more mike faist fics in my life so your doing God's work
I was wondering if u could possibly do a fic with an singer/actress!reader who is finally able to come to mikes house due to having a day off, maybe she surprises him while he's still in bed or something (you can literally take it in any direction u want, whatever your heart desires😁😁)
I see you and I hear you and I am obsessed with singer!reader
I imagine she’s on tour; during the first leg, Mike was able to follow her around for at least parts of it. Cheering her on from VIP, watching amongst her friends, and the two would be spotted exploring the cities together the day before or after shows. Which would of course begin to spark rumors and curiosity online. I feel like they got together before Mike was crowned white boy of the month/challengers era so he isn’t recognized by all the fans but everyone is still curious if they’re dating or just friends. 
Unfortunately, he couldn’t keep up the groupie lifestyle for the second leg. And the two are now in a long term relationship, for the time being. But they've been calling every night, and texting all day, and counting down the minutes until they can see each other again. 
Which is how we get here. She has a slightly longer break between shows, let’s say four or five days instead of one or two. There obviously isn’t a question of how she should spend it. As soon as she gets off the plane (and grabs breakfast of course), she’s heading for his place. Even though it’s early in the morning, she can’t contain her excitement; she’s just pounding on his door. Annoyed by the rude awakening, Mike’s stomping out of bed and to the front door because who is knocking like this before 9:00 a.m. But once he opens the door and sees it’s her, he’d just get so giddy. She could not pass up her chance to surprise him and see the look on his face. 
They spend the morning in his apartment, eating their bagels and drinking the overpriced coffee she loves. And for a few hours, they just talk and talk as if it’s been years instead of months. Later in the day, they venture out for a museum date. Mike and her would be holding hands the whole time, whispering about the exhibits to each other, filling up that red iphone with photos. She’d have on just the right outfit for the occasion, praise her stylist, and together they’d look right out of a pinterest board. In fact, these two would end up on pinterest boards because Miss Singer Songwriter cannot go anywhere without a sneaky photo being taken. I imagine some candid pictures would end up online and would begin the conversation of “who is that with her?” and “so those two definitely are dating”. But then some fan in particular would ask her for a photo, which Mike would take. In recounting the story to the internet, it would pseudo-confirm that the pair was such. She would be much more offline during this break than when she’s alone on tour, so she wouldn’t see any of this until she’s back on the road. They can just bask in each other's company for the next few days. They’d go to dinner and her favorite bookstore. But what she’d cherish most was just being at home with him. She may not have said it to him, but he was really the only person who could make her feel normal. 
That wasn’t super long but I may keep writing within this storyline if people want. Also I’m not sure if people prefer third or second person for reader insert stuff so lmk what yall like.
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differenteagletragedy · 10 months
i love love love! the poly hcs so much! i always imagine cove and mc to be able to communicate without saying much/anything (i.e just looking at each other) cause they’ve known each other for so long. and i just think it’s funny to imagine, in a poly relationship, a troublemaker mc and cove just looking at each other all 👀😏 (probably about to cause trouble) and derek and baxter just being like “oh no, they’re back it again” skdjsjjxdj
anyway could we maybe get some more poly hcs or something 👉👈 it could be general hcs or something more specific (i.e moving into a house, adopting a pet, someone’s sick, possible group weddings???, a baby(s)???, etc), or just a random assortment, idk but i’m here for it all! 🥺 literally thank you so much for your service to the olba fans, your blog has been feeding me skdjsjsjdn
I think MC and Cove would be like that too! They have a special bond, no matter what. I'm glad you liked those specific ones though, I was nervous about it! Here's a few more :) -- When you move to a house, you have at least one nosy neighbor who is desperate to figure out what's going on. Baxter mows the lawn and he's out in his special little outfit tending to the garden and then Derek is outside too, working on the roof or building some new addition, so maybe they're together. But then Cove comes out and eats stuff that Baxter hands him from the garden, so maybe they're the couple. But Cove also helps Derek build stuff? And you're there too with your skills and hobbies? What does it all mean?
-- FOUR PLAYER MARIO KART. Baxter got Derek a Switch for his birthday, Cove got some games and you got enough controllers for everybody. Derek is the best. Cove may or may not stay up late for a bit after you get the new setup so he can hold his own in the game.
-- Really just a lot of Baxter having visions for the house, Derek executing them, and Cove being a big boy who can help lift stuff and help out wherever he's needed.
-- You and Baxter bake cakes for the birthdays. It's your special thing.
-- Everybody has to go skinny dipping at least once and that's final.
-- Derek wants a dog. Baxter wants a cat. Cove has his fish. It is a conundrum. But Derek does his research and finds a breed that will fit in well with your lifestyle that is also known to be good with cats so that everyone can be happy.
-- Baxter is fine if his cat is a jerk though, he thinks it's funny.
-- You have to keep an eye on Baxter though because he might start "finding" cats.
Baxter, holding a stray like it is the most precious treasure on earth (it is): The poor thing was all alone and frightened, what would you have had me do?
Cove, cat-proofing his fish tank again: Literally anything else.
-- Derek pumps the gas. If you have to do it, then he failed.
-- If you're all together, Cove will run inside the station while Derek pumps for snacks. Memorizing everyone's favorite snacks is one of Cove's love languages.
Baxter: I don't want anything, Cove.
Cove: Ok. *comes back a few minutes later with sour gummies, hands them to Baxter*
-- If you all decide to get married, like if everybody loves everybody like that, then Baxter is going to have a lot of feelings about it, obviously.
-- What would probably make the most sense is for you and Cove to get legally married and then for Derek and Baxter to get legally married as well. You and Cove go way back, and Derek and Baxter have a special bond as well.
-- But you can't have weddings for these, it'll just be a paper deal to cover everyone. The actual wedding has to be a ceremony with all four of you. Baxter would feel very strongly about this, so that no one is excluded, and so this is how it'll have to go.
-- Baxter plans it too, of course. Derek does everything he can to help, he keeps asking Baxter what he can do. That boy would bake the cake if Baxter asked him (Xavier will make the cake, don't worry). Meanwhile, Cove is like "Yay, wedding!"
-- Another thing is that I think Thanksgiving would be important for this lil gang. Baxter likes it because it's the Fall Holiday, and fall is his favorite. He cooks, too -- it might take him a few years, but he's going to get the hang of that turkey, don't worry. Derek likes the thought of everyone being thankful, it makes him feel cozy. Cove likes to eat. It's a good time!
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hasufin · 2 days
On not hitting your hand with a hammer
Something I'd really like for most doctors to understand: if you're prescribing lifestyle changes to your patients you're... well, you're being kinda dumb. Also arrogant and extremely disrespectful.
See, you've gotta meet people where they're at. And part of that is recognizing that there are reasons for where they are which exist outside of your exam room.
Are you concluding that your patient doesn't get enough sleep? I assure you, they have spent time crying because they didn't get enough sleep. Literally in tears. Because nobody says "Oh, I will not get enough sleep on purpose and spend all day in a brain fog with poor emotional regulation. It's awesome!"
Telling them they're overweight and need to eat less? Have you engaged with "this is the only way I can keep awake and focused in my job which does not even vaguely match my natural sleep cycle"? How about "I tried the diet regimen you suggested, and after a year of always being hungry, cranky, and miserable I quit torturing myself for a number."?
They need to spend an hour a day stretching/doing cardio/&c.? In their copious free time? The stuff which doesn't exist?
Oh, you were going to suggest making time? Why didn't anyone in the history of ever think about that? Sure, just gonna stop by the time Store to buy some time threads and weave up some more time. Gonna get right on that!
Telling someone this new pain or constant headache is just allergies or a minor lifestyle thing? Do you have an explanation for why this wasn't a problem in the past? When everything was the same except for this new issue? No? Then why do you think this issues suddenly started becoming a problem now?
Consider first, that most patients are living as healthy a lifestyle as they realistically can. That unless you can prescribe a 26-hour day or a $100,000/year salary, the rest of what you're saying is meaningless jabbering.
And second, be aware that the vast majority of the time when you tell your patients to make a lifestyle change and sit back, confident in a Job Well Done, what actually happened is that they tried to do what you said, it didn't work, and they gave up. Because you've as good as told them you're not going to provide them any help and this is just How It Is Now. If they're lucky, someday down the road they'll find a real doctor who can help them, but that's not you.
Stop "prescribing" lifestyle changes and start listening to patients.
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harvesti · 1 month
Hello! What would your advice be for someone who is moving out and has to now feed themselves.
I don’t really like cooking and I don’t have the best relationship with food, but I really want to be able to effectively manage cooking/planning etc when I move out next month
Thank youu🩷🩷
I think it's important to reframe the idea around cooking, not as something akin to a hobby that you need to like in order to do, but instead something more like doing laundry or knowing how to read and write. it's a survival skill, and though a lot of people treat it as a passion or a lifestyle, it's more basic than that. knowing how to cook is not really optional, since depending on others (restaurants, family members, food industry) for food is unhealthy and sooo expensive!
for beginners, I recommend knowing like three meals that you can eat over and over, and watch multiple recipes of them until you understand what works and what doesn't, what you want to replicate and what you don't. look up stuff like "how to hold a knife", "how to cut this food", "how to store that food" (how to properly store in particular is something we overlook that makes us lose a lot fo food and money), just look up literally all steps, and watch people doing it. look for pros as well as amateurs. Youtube is an amazing culinary tool, I learned almost all I know there.
and then, my god, practice. repeat. you'll make the same recipe so many times before you find it delicious. it takes time and repetition. if you do it and dislike it, look it up. find out why it didn't turn out the way you wanted and what you have to do for it to happen. I swear, there's not much you won't find online about food.
farmer's markets and specialty stores are your best friends, because they have people who understand produce and ingredients. ask clerks about stuff you don't know, and be curious, try out a lot of things, experiment. don't buy stuff in bulk, don't buy more frozen ingredients than fresh, don't buy pre-mixed anything. always go shopping with a list and stick to the list. I don't particular like making extra servings to have remains on the day after, but if you don't have a lot of time, surely do that, but don't make food that will last more than two nights.
it's easier than it seems, you just have to approach it as a skill you need to learn, something that takes time, practice and effort to get right. but it's soooo rewarding!
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thegongoozlerreacts · 10 months
Dead Plate (Part 1)
hello!! its been a while since ive posted but here i am!!! so this game is Dead Plate created by STUDIO INVESTIGRAVE
i had played one of their games before, Elevator Hitch, and i really really enjoyed it! so im very excited for this new game that theyve released
though, this game is probably really different from Elevator Hitch, because that game was a visual novel type of game while this one has restaurant tycoon gameplay
still, im very excited
i hope i can get all the endings today (but probably not) as always, spoilers under the cut!
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i know its literally just the title screen BUT it looks very classy
also the music? its a bop like yo BellKalengar is the composer and sound designer and like yo!! amazing job its literally just the title screen and im amazed already LMFAO
alright then lets begin
lolol i like the way they named the buttons for doing the tutorial, skipping the tutorial or just leaving the game on auto progress time to show up at 5 am then
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the art is really cute these characters are really cute too esp the protag
i know its just the tutorial but i am very nervous LOL doing service jobs make me nervous (even tho this is only a fictional one)
bro protag why did u skim the interview thing 😭 is that why u've had 28 jobs in 7 years 💀
ooh interesting the cooks have an order in which they cook meals i need to remember that
wow so theres a lot to do huh theres seating the customers, taking their orders, bringing those orders to the kitchen, serving the food, going to the cash register to take their payments, cleaning up the tables AND throwing out the trash its a lot more than i was expecting,,,, lol good luck to me i guess
so like fun fact im actually not that good at playing games LOL esp this kind of game where theres like people and they have like a happy meter kind of thing going on i wonder if any of the endings will be tied to how well we do during the work day ?? probably
also can i just say that the music is really good i like the kinda jazzy (is that the right word??) vibes going on
it makes me less nervous about serving customers since its very chill LOL
there is a right answer and i have no idea what it is im gonna lose my mind please. ok well lets pick an answer
im gonna go 'no' since the restaurant has a strict menu that changes daily right? so maybe they wouldnt do to-go boxes or ordering ahead and stuff (RIGHT???)
oh phew ok i picked the right one
LOL the banter between the protag and the tutorial guy (i dont know his name)
??? what the hell this customer just left right as i got the food bro 😭😭 have some patience damn this aint a fast food place
now i have to throw away this perfectly good meal (sorry cooks)
oh no now the real game is starting uhh aight alright then lets go
ok so that was like only three customers, i did pretty well but the day's not over yet shdajhsdsakhj i feel like a disaster n it was only three customers LMAO
oh it was only 3 customers for day 1 nice (i got jumpscared by the sound effect for the day ending LFMAO)
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ooh green onion rolls,,, it looks good damn now i want to eat LOL
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the music for this area is pretty chill tho
the window has a horrible view its just another building
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oho? she? who???
bro dont leave the dishes for later thats sooo gross
i am appalled at the protag's lifestyle i cant even
so he has not finished writing lyrics and love letters for this girl he mentioned earlier the game is not revealing her name and im wondering why hmm its very sus
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sorry im laughing so hard??? its mostly empty except for some cans and the fucking green onion rolls im cackling?? they look so out of place in this fridge LMFAO
bro how are you so bad at cooking that you burnt food in the microwave??? what are you doing???
wait. is his bed the couch???? bro i feel so bad for this guy
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he biked through the rain,,,,, and he thought doing it fast would dry him,,, in the rain,,,,, im starting to understand why he somehow managed to burn cereal
he doesnt own an umbrella
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aww this is cute thanks boss
he LIVES here??? wow damn his apartment is upstairs thats very cool
LOL protag keep ur mouth shut
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day 2 here we go
SHIT HELP I TOOK TOO LONG ONE OF THE CUSTOMERS LEFT NOOO im restarting jkdsljlds its a good thing i saved
ahh i did way better this time but the day ended right as i was about to take out the trash LOL
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oooh those look tasty too
oops ok so like i started day 3 right
well i was like 'i'll take out the trash before serving any customers' so that i can just easily clean up the tables right
uhh but then suddenly this happened ??? so like protag dropped the bag and cut their finger and the boss is having an odd reaction to the sight of blood methinks
bro he just slapped him then was like 'oh dw someone else will clean it up' hello???? you just slapped ???? me ???
ok then moving on to the rest of the day i guess??
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kinda weird looking but it still looks appetizing (the magic of art LOL)
oh shit theres a magazine ?? oops im gonna go back and read through previous ones oh nevermind its just the same one lmao
ohhh so this is where i buy items ok aight
and this catalogue is how our protag knew about the job for a waiter it also has an interview with our boss (Chef Vincent Charbonneau, i finally know his name) about the low number of employees i was wondering why we were the only waiter in the restaurant and i guess thats why
ok i bought the rollerskates cuz i need to be faster for the customers
oh and u can interact w the telephone to call 'her' but she doesnt pick up oof
sorry what is happening right now
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what is that weird squelching sound?!?!?
BRO?? WTF WAS THAT ??? so like his body felt itchy, pressed Z to scratch and then suddenly lines were all over his body and then knives came out and i am so very confused
i think that was just a dream but what a weird nightmare
i guess onto day 4 then ?? at least i have my sick new rollerskates now
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ooh that looks tasty
man i think im too slow cuz the timer always runs out while one more customer is still around lmfao, oh well
oh shit another nightmare
ohh so i can only equip one item at a time hmmm well since i bought the watch anyways i guess i'll use it
PFFT A CUSTOMER LEFT SORRY LADY,, she was waiting to be seated but i was preoccupied with serving food oopsies
restarting the day then
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the nightmare hmm is the protag's name Rody since thats what it says on the label
ok im just gonna use the rollerskates this time
restarting again,,,,
should i just let it go? probably but im not going to
ok well youve not seen it but i have restarted day 5 soo many times and i am hungry so,,, here's where i'll leave it for today
even though i am struggling and getting frustrated, im really enjoying the game so far! i wish i wasnt so terrible at playing it so i could see more of the story LOL
like what is up with the boss? who is this girl that the protag likes so much? what is up with his weird nightmares??? and will i ever be able to finish day 5 ?????
tune in next time LOL byebyeee
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itsbaconbits · 5 days
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Some sketch studies with the TNT Twins! Can you tell I’m obsessed? No? That’s alright, you’ll learn.
This is really fun pose practice, and like uh… consistency for the design. If that makes sense. Idk
And lots of Donnie interactions because Donnie is baby and my favorite so he will just be anywhere and everywhere and ya'll just have to deal with it.
Some additional information under the cut if you’re interested! Lots of it is just random train of thought about the characters, so bear with me, haha.
More on Raphael:
Raphael’s mode of invention is typically in mechanics. He really enjoys woodworking and metalworking. Definitely lives the "duct-tape can fix anything" lifestyle. Has a ‘workshop’ instead of a lab. Builds and crafts a lot of destructive things, but he also enjoys making gifts for his brothers. Only when he sees the need for it- and never when asked to. Knows some tech/coding for the bare basics of it, as it relates to mechanical engineering. But doesn’t enjoy the computer stuff as much as he likes the hands-on work part. Also has knowledge of some 3D modeling programs, which he and Donnie bond over 3D forms.
Raph is still very energetic, passionate, and easily angered. Definitely the most sporty out of the four of them. He also loves motorcycles (of course), and is working on his own custom bike. Other projects he is working on include: shield for Donnie’s back, ‘artillery camera’ (he refuses to expand on the meaning of this), lair defense mechanisms/traps, and a custom gaming controller for Leo. All in various stages. It’s hard for him to focus on only one thing at a time. And he enjoys tearing things apart almost more than putting them together, which often causes problems. 
Keeps his Sai on hand and finds them useful for tearing things apart when ‘on the job’. Although he has been reprimanded for doing so. Might also be working on a Swiss-army knife of sorts but with Kunai and Sai. Still a work in progress. If given the opportunity, he will drop the Sai and simply go ham with his fists.
Aside from his personality, I also just want to point out that the edge of his shell is meant to represent a cog-wheel. Because of the type of materials he works with. And I think it's clever. Raph's design is probably my favorite out of the four, which is saying a lot. Because I love all of them. But I'm just really super happy with how Raph's design came out, and like... how well it fits this character. It just turned out better than I could have imagined it. One of those magical moments, you know?
More on Michelangelo:
Mikey is a huge fan of skateboarding, but that’s as sporty as he gets really. Also a huge animal fan. He’s always finding stray creatures to bring home and nurse back to health. He is also a huge prankster, in the best and worst ways. Likes to keep his family guessing. Acts all secretive on purpose just to confuse and or piss people off (Most specifically, Leo). Psychological warfare is the name of the game for Mikey.
He likes throwing tags around the city, but he only really has his own signature perfected. He wouldn’t call himself an artist. He just learns the basics of things to get done what he wants to do. If he did delve into art, he would probably stick with paints and spray. Loves food and eating, although his brothers would say he has terrible taste. (Think shaggy vibes.)
This kid would literally do anything for his brothers. He pretends not to notice, but he can pick up on vibes pretty well. Knows when others are lying, sad, happy, etc. Which is part of what makes him a great leader. He uses those skills to his advantage to persuade people- a true face man. Nothing really gets under his skin but he is insecure about ONE thing: the markings on the back of his head. Which look like eyes or huge warts. Always wears his mask to cover them. Or a beanie if his mask isn’t available. Often finds funny/silly ways to cover his head if in a scenario without his hats. He’s pretty desperate to keep it hidden.
Mikey still uses the Nunchaku as his favored weapon. He is fast on his feet, but very loosey-goosey with everything. It makes his moves extremely hard to predict, which he likes. And, despite his casual demeanor, he has spent a lot of focus and dedication to the craft. So he’s really proud of his skill. Plus, it’s fun to confuse and startle people when he pulls them out and pretends like he doesn’t know what he’s doing.
On Mikey's design, I am in love with the colors. Covering up the spots on his head was very intentional, but it really is kind of a shame. Because I love how the green spots pop. But I used that same green for Donnie's design to keep things cohesive. I really love the pattern for male Baele Four-Eyed turtles. A sick lil' guy, really.
More on the TNT Twins:
I want to make a separate post for their dynamic specifically, since I don't have my ideas drawn out just yet. But my immediately thoughts where "Dan and Arin from GameGrumps". So you can expect that the next post about these two will reference that. Obviously Mikey embodies Dan and Raph embodies Arin. It's going to be fantastic.
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Book Review: The Binge code
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So I am mid read on this book, and I thought I would like to share a little because I am sick. I need a pleasant distraction from work today. But, I'm on my lunch break and so fear not, I am logged out.
The Binge Code by Allison C Kerr. " 7 unconventional keys to end and binge eating and lose excess weight."
Part 2 is where you break free from the binge traps so I am going to start there, although she didn't.
What are the binge traps? Although the book does go into detail, I will list them off here very quickly for you.
The diet trap
the yo yo blood sugar trap.
The nutritional deficiency trap
The habit trap
The food rules trap
The false friend trap
The inner critic trap.
So I am through about half of those and I would have to say that this book is worth a read, especially if you feel like this is an issue for you, or especially if you have been dieting for a while.
The one thing that has been most glaringly obvious to me is I've been on this weight loss journey for a couple of years now is the first 3:
The diet trap is that "diets" are short-term, restrictive things that we embark on when we feel like we need to lose weight. We ignore hunger pangs because we are trying to change our eating style, and that blunts our normal hunger cues.
The yoyo thing is where your blood sugar is all over the place.
The nutritional deficiency trap is where you aren't getting the proper nutrients, which makes your body keep asking for food, even if you have already eaten because it doesn't have the right combonation of stuff.
I can understand how these are traps. Yet, I also consider myself to be "dieting," so how do I do I make this congruent to myself?
I have read a lot at this point, and I am working on a full view perspective.
I know from my behavioral science class that your body is also going to ask for food whenever it sees food. Literally, it is how we are made because never ever has food and food like products been so abundant.
You have to know that is happening in your body to make a reasonable decision for where YOU are in your day, journey, etc. Ask yourself: When was the last time you ate? What was it? A junky snack or a real substantial meal? Do you need a meal? What is being offered?
This is a very nuanced topic, which is why a lot of people deal with it and why so many people are overweight.
Why do we have such an obesity epidemic?
People are positing as scientific fact that dieting causes people to overeat. It does certainly cause certain psychological things that happen. Most diets use some kind of tool to cause a calorie deficit. One way or another a diets whole goal is to cause a deficit so that you lose weight.
If the diet is super restrictive in some way, it can cause us to have hangups or to hyperfocus on what we are missing. Basically, it is reverse psychology.
The real key is to develop a lifestyle that is balanced enough that we can avoid those traps.
Part of the key might be to just utilize your common sense. If you are getting serious binge urges, you may need to ask yourself if it is valid. Is your body just really asking for food/fuel?
If so, plan and prepare a well-balanced, reasonably protioned meal with proteins, carbs, veggies, and fats. Eat it and wait an hour. How do you feel now?
If you feel like you are hitting the blood sugar trap, up your protein and cut the junk in half, and add a veggie to everything.
Although I consider myself to be "dieting," I am working towards building a lifestyle that will be sustainable over time. I don't want to rebound and pack on the pounds after giving away all my fat clothes.
Ultimately, your lifestyle will be who you become. Which I think is why I am trying to focus on habits over time that are easy to remember and habituate. Mile Monday, 5k Friday, Sunday Bike club. Races & activities.
I am always focusing on overcoming my particular hurdles so that my lifestyle will be in balance. Activity and rest. Sports and Academic. Food and fasting, in balance.
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bisluthq · 18 days
right like I think saying its just moderation is a bit insane bc for an actor or a singer their image (and therefore their bodies) is literally their job and more than anyone they have a disgusting amount of resources to put into it. like its not moderation its private chefs that are following a plan prepared by a nutritionist and a endocrinologist, maybe even with appetite supressants in the middle who knows. it's a workout plan carefully designed to that person's objective and time slot.
and that /=/ an ED by the way!! That’s a separate conversation. But like moderation and a normal active lifestyle won’t generally speaking have you looking like celebs. Vast majority of people who have “incredible” bodies, I’m talking about normies with less resources not even people who worry about this professionally, have been for a consult or two with nutritionists at least and do some calorie counting/have some kind of dietary plan in place and have been for personal training etc and work hard on it. You can absolutely be in “decent” shape just through moderation and normal levels of activity but as I say, unless you’re a teenager, you’re unlikely to have a body that people say like “oh wow that person has a great body” about. (I also hate this because it’s not like you get bad or good bodies yk, all bodies are good bodies, but you all know what I mean and I’m not sure how to phrase it otherwise). Also many celeb “good body” bodies can’t and won’t be achieved even with a few consults with a nutritionist and a plan and like weekly personal trainings lol. It’s just not realistic. Because as you say, for a lot of them that’s very much their job and they have the time and the resources to do that, whereas if you’ve got a normal job and a family and shit you have to do day to day that’s not super realistic. It’s fairly realistic to do some exercise and to eat mostly nutrient dense meals and if you’ve got disposable income then you can absolutely go for regular personal trainings and get a dietary plan drawn up that’s suited to you from a nutritionist and you’ll likely look great but that’s still not gonna have you looking like Jen Aniston in your 50s lol. And tbf a lot of people DON’T have that disposable income or the time required to do even that stuff. In which case like all you can do is stay relatively active and try eat things that make you feel good and don’t have you developing health issues from lol.
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queenimmadolla · 22 days
I know we have never met but I want to say that I’m so proud of you! Sometimes having an escape whether it be writing or for me, reading it can save lives. Having an escape is important and does help to cope sometimes. I’m so happy you’re in a better place and please don’t feel pressure to write if you don’t want too! Live your life! And I’ll be here whenever you choose to write next! ❤️
I’m smiling so hard right now, very teary but a good teary! Thank you so much. I know I complain about this place (and relish in what it used to be but I think most came see why I go back to that wonderful summer) but I really did and still do have a love for it.
It sparked a lot of things in me, I NEVER used to write this much, never even thought i could really, and it was such an outlet. If i could have provided anyone a fraction of what I got from writing, with my writing, then I am so satisfied with the time i spent here. I can’t ever give Eddie up, though. Even when i leave tumblr one day, i can’t really leave Eddie. My relationship with his character is just healthier now. Before, I would literally not eat, or eat very poorly (I have Crohn’s so I was always triggering flares), avoid going out into the world more than necessary, ruin my sleep schedule, and just generally isolate myself. All so I could have more time to write when I wasn’t working myself to death, just wanted to lose myself in him and Hawkins. Showers were taken at odd hours and not even remotely enjoyed, friends were ignored, it was just me, my google docs, and Eddie.
But it kept me alive during a very hard time in my life when I didn’t want to be, so I have zero regrets. It’s crazy how comfort characters can do that, cause he kept me going for so long and then that damn Lisa Frankenstein movie brought me back to life when it almost stopped being enough and now I live more so in the real world. And I’m taking better care of myself, making time for real world things, which sadly leaves me with a small chunk of time to write. I haven’t lost the passion entirely, just lost some time to feel all that passion because i have a fuck ton of WIPs and like maybe 2-3 (4 if I’m lucky) hours to write a day and like half of that time is spent trying to figure out what fic/idea I’m gonna work on and how to word somebody’s body movement in a paragraph or something, lol.
It’s nice to rejoin the world, just bittersweet to acknowledge I can’t drop as much as before now that I’ve reclaimed my hot girl lifestyle. That being said, i can’t wait until my next drop is ready. I’ve been so tempted to just rage post something as is and go since I’ve been getting stuck and teetering on decisions, but they have to be just freaking right for you guys, and i know you’re gonna love it. Sorry about yapping, I’m also high and feeling good about a lot of stuff.
Hope all is well in your corner of the world 🩷
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hazel2468 · 2 years
Ok I gotta bitch about something real quick here.
So, good news first- got a diagnosis. PCOS. I had a feeling (and several of my friend are now correct), but it's good to have a solid "Yeah, this is what's going on here".
But anyway. Kvetch time.
So, my endo is pretty great. She offered to hook me up with their gender specialist, so I might be getting the ball rolling on that soon, which is exciting and terrifying. But we had a call and went over everything. More good news- my levels look great. Everything is normal and my thyroid levels are, quote, "beautiful". But we started talking about PCOS, talked a little bit about HRT. And then she brought up diet stuff, which I imagine is standard.
But what annoyed me was that she was talking about how to adjust what I eat because of "health risks". And so I asked her to clarify for me- is there anything in my labs of concern? And she said no- everything looks fine and dandy. I asked if there is any indication that I should be making any kind of serious changes based on my labs. Again, no. Everything looks good.
So... The only "issue" there is my weight.
My levels are good. I've been in a bit of an experimental "what can I eat that won't upset the void where my gallbladder used to be?" phase, but overall I've been eating the same as I have for years. I did tell her I wanted to work out more and, now that I'm fucking finally fixing my sleep schedule I might actually be able to make time to lift in the mornings.
But what annoyed me was that all of that stuff- good stuff- eating in a way that doesn't upset my intestines, working out more because fuck it I wanna be a strong theydy, the fact that my labs are not only normal but look great... All of it just falls before the fact that I am fat. All of it.
And to be clear, I'm not pissed at my doctor, specifically. I'm pissed because all of it seems so standard. It's the "this is the PCOS spiel" kind of thing- the general stuff that you say. And the annoying thing is that, apparently (and I was already well aware of this but it always sucks to be reminded), it doesn't actually matter what my habits are, what I eat, if I work out or not, how my labs look, at least in the eyes of the general medical standards.
No, what matters is that I am fat, and therefore I am unhealthy and need to change everything- even though literally everything else speaks to the contrary.
And what's even MORE annoying is that... I have PCOS. I have hypothyroid. Those are BOTH conditions that cause weight gain. Those are both conditions that make losing weight even harder than it already fucking is for most people.
So the fact that the medical standards for diagnosing someone with PCOS involve looking at their BMI and determining that they need to change their whole lifestyle solely based on how they look- not on their actual habits, not on their ACTUAL LAB RESULTS, but their weight?
IDK that just annoys me. It pisses me off. It put a damper on the whole "You have an answer finally AND also you're doing really well health wise.... OH but you're fat and so we need to lecture you about your diet and exercise and imply that the reason you should do those things is to lose weight."
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finniestoncrane · 1 year
first time requesting hi !! i know this isn't your usual writing request but i am starving for more of your ocs so could i please get some mark and connie content ? tell me about how they'd pursue a love interest and how they'd act in a relationship >:) and yeah we've already seen how mark flirts but i am absolutely rabid for him so MORE MORE MORE
ok ok yep absolutely!! in light of recent events in the newest chapter of my long fic i am more than happy to go wild about mark because he is my babygirl ;-;
connie's pretty easy to answer for. she only has one love interest, and that is eddie. she has lust interests, but they really don't go any further than her staring and screaming internally at people she thinks are pretty (ivy, johnny charisma, jack ryder... she's me). her plan of action with eddie was to stick around long enough that he just got used to her, and she imagines she succeeded. in reality, he loves her dearly and didn't need to "get used" to her, he liked having her around from the start, even if he was hesitant to admit it ;-;
he's a pretty confident guy, i think it comes with the line of work. no one wants a hesitant goon
he flirts with everyone. constantly. he doesn't even realise he's doing it, he just has that kind of face and charm that makes everyone assume he's into them
but the key to knowing if he's genuinely interested in you is nicknames
like he'd almost immediately give anyone he was into a petname/nickname
also verbal flirting is like second nature to him, but physical flirtation is 100% reserved for people he is into
if he's holding your hand, or grabbing your waist to pull you closer, or hugging you, or placing his hand on your lower back then he's smitten
if he's really trying to amp it up, he'll let himself be 'cringe' in front of you
no one apart from the people he's slept with know that he plays guitar, because they're only ones he'll serenade (so cheesy, but impossible to hate)
pursuing a love interest
he can be a little bit relentless, because his usual method of letting someone know he's into them is spending a lot of time with them whenever possible
so even if he's not asking you on a date outright, you'll be asked out for walks or drinks or lunch or anything pretty regularly
saying that though, he lets things happen naturally
he's not really a dater, explicitly
like, you're not going to feel awkward at a romantic dinner or pressured in the back row of the cinema
it's just hanging out as friends until he catches you off guard with a slight grin, followed by a kiss that he made you lean into before you even knew what was happening
in a relationship
it's either a positive or a negative, depending what you're preferences are, but it's sort of just an intimate friendship
he's not a hugely romantic guy, being in a relationship is an extension of dating and nothing more. like there's just the addition of exclusivity and regular sex
he's not particular about rules or norms, he'll have you move in with him pretty quickly
he's also easy to be around. he's tidy, fairly organised, and he's a good listener
but he's not going to propose to you, that's for losers. who needs to pay money to make their relationship official? no thank you
he's also extremely comfortable with his lifestyle and where he is right now, so that might get stale if you're looking for literal adventure
if you're just looking for fun and someone a bit exciting who is also dependable and not too risky, he's perfect
bonus sex headcanons
he's not hugely adventurous sexually, although he's not vanilla either. like he will finger you in a public place, but he's not into any specific kinks beyond lingerie, spanking and maybe a teensy bit of daddy stuff
he is hung though, and he knows how to use what god (me) gifted him with
like we're talking 8 inches of uncut meat babe, and he's super good with it. gentle and careful, but rough if you want him to be
he also eats pussy/ass super sloppy
and he's very vocal
he's super whiny when he cums, and despite the fact that during sex he's all grunting and growling, he moans like a soprano at the climax
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My pathophysiology textbook follows a pretty standard pattern in each chapter. Module 1 is The Topic, module 2 is What Happens When The Topic Gets Fucked Up, then module three is Clinical Models of The Topic. Each clinical model also follows a pattern, where is goes over the pathophysiology of the disease, the clinical manifestations of the disease, the diagnostic process, and treatment.
One of the chapters for this week is altered nutrition, so module 1 talked about macro/micronutrients and how digestion and absorption works, and module 2 talked about undernutrition, malabsorption, allergies, and overnutrition. In the clinical models, along with things like a.norexi.a nervosa, iron deficient a.nemia, and p.henyketonuria, they talked about o.besity. And I thought it was wild how they managed to call o.besity a disease while not giving anything to show how it's a disease.
As expected, they called it a concerning epidemic yada yada, and then in the pathophysiology section they basically explained the mechanisms of fat storage and said that ob.esity is a complex multifactorial condition where genetics influence 1/3, neurohormonal messages and hormones play a major role, and lifestyle factors (they talked about socioeconomic status and environmental factors involved, which was nice ig bc I 100% expected it to be just "these people eat too much"...). Which, yeah, that's how fat storage works and what influences it, but that doesn't tell me anything about how it's a disease. Compare that to anemia, where they talked about how iron is requires for hemoglobin synthesis and electron transport, and how deficiency is more common in people who menstruate (the book confuses female/woman, so they say women, but whatever) because of blood loss, and how a lack of iron directly leads to chronic hypoxia resulting in lack of function of organs like the heart and skin and brain and such. For o.besity, other than "people are fat," they give nothing for how this constitutes a disease.
Then in the clinical manifestations, they say "excess body fat" (wow), and then talk about comorbidities, some of which I know from other class research projects have been shown to have no statistically significant correlation to weight (joint issues). While these may be influenced by being fat, none of these are inherent aspects of being fat the way hypoxia is an inherent aspect of anemia. You can be class 3 o.bese and never have any of these problems. You cannot be clinically anemic and not eventually experience hypoxia (anemia has slow onset symptoms as tissues go longer without adequate oxygen, so you can be diagnosed without symptoms if it gets caught early or isn't clinically significant). That's like saying being female is a disease because there's a correlation between autoimmune conditions and the female sex, thereby making autoimmunity a comorbidity of being female. Like, you can say being female is a risk factor to developing autoimmunity, and you can say being fat is a risk factor to developing these conditions, but it's weird to say it's a disease on its own.
The diagnostic criteria talked about BMI uncritically and talked about diagnosing the comorbidities, which, whatever. We knew they had nothing to say about being fat itself. Then in the frickin treatment section, after having the whole conversation about all the different factors that go into being fat and how complex of a condition it is with multiple etiologies, they talk about drugs that suppress appetite, and diet and exercise as a treatment. (Along with chopping off your frickin stomach and all that fun stuff). Aside from the fact that diet and exercise doesn't result in long-term weight loss and that short term weight loss results in more long -term regain and that weight yoyoing has stronger frickin correlations to all the comorbidities than weight-maintained o.besity does, they literally said that lack of diet and exercise is a small part of weight determination and then said "well if you diet and exercise you'll stop being fat 🤪✌️."
Like, not only did they directly contradict themselves, but they have given me no reason to think o.besity should be considered a disease. The one thing that they could have expanded upon was that adipocytes modulate pro-inflammatory cytokines (they promote inflammation), but they didn't talk about it beyond one sentence, so I don't know how that impacts body systems. Does it trigger inflammation? Are fat people in a perpetual state of immune response? Does it damage nearby tissues? How so? Does it increase the response-ability of the immune system, leading to increased risk of overreaction? Does it increase stress signals like cortisol, leading to the whole cascade of damage that cortisol is known to cause? We'll never fucking know because the only concrete potential evidence of the damage ob.esity might cause was part of one sentence.
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