#been there done that in platonic situations before so it makes sense it transfers to romance too
researching dating advice for autistic people (myself being an autistic person who barely knows how to talk to my actual friends most days, let alone Do A Romance) and all of the advice that comes up actually being advice aimed at neurotypical people on how to date an autistic person is... not helpful, surprisingly!
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Caregiver Rollo
Notes: these are headcanons w/ a fanfic, reader has transferred to NBC, not canonical to timelines. Reader has anxiety and CPTSD from the accumulation of overblots, forced workaholic behavior, and no promise of going home. Can be read as a continuation of Nap Time
Secrete!CG!Rollo x Regressor!Reader (Platonic)
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So, after Malleus's overblot and the injuries that came from that…(Reader) was exhausted, they couldn't do it anymore.
They remembered everything that a certain school president said, an offer that they had refused initially due to the friendships they had made.
But no Friendship is worth losing your life in a primarily painful way.
So, though (reader) was sure it wouldn't do anything, they sent a letter to Nobel Bell asking for asylum.
(Reader) didn't just receive a letter the next day, Rollo himself came to help them transfer.
"Is that all you have?"
"One small backpack?"
It took all of three weeks for the transfer to go through, goodbyes to be said, and then finally (Reader) settling in.
Once settled, they were given a grace period of two weeks to adjust.
They spent the first three days completely asleep without fear of their room crashing in on them and to recover from the last overblot.
After the third day, they would take the time to explore the campus and learn their new schedule.
On this day Rollo decided to accompany them, a bit worried over the magicless human…they seemed off.
Eventually Rollo decided to do a detour out of the school for some pastries to give (Reader) a chance of reprieve.
As they sat at the cafe, Rollo noticed that (Reader) had a few crumbs on their chin and he leaned forward with a napkin and cleaned it off.
"Messy messy."
He mumbled before realizing that (Reader) had relaxed when he had done that.
"(Reader)? Are you okay?'
"Hm? Oh! Sorry, I'm not used to someone else making sure I'm okay."
Well that made Rollo upset, but he didn't show it as he simply nodded and went back to his food, before finishing up and waited for (Reader) to get up.
Once up they made their way back to the school, and Rollo was deep in his thoughts, concern for (Reader) and a deep sense of wonder about how it took nearly dying again (apparently up to seven or eight times) for them to finally transfer.
Once back at the campus Rollo would finally speak once they were outside their dorm.
"Since you are now a Nobel Bell student, you don't need to take care of anyone anymore…just yourself. And I'll be here for whatever you need."
"Oh….Thank you."
From then on Rollo would somewhat hover around (Reader) worried about any side effects from being at NRC for so long.
Well there was one he noticed quite quickly, they acted a lot younger then they were and tended to rock themselves and make odd hand movements when stressed.
"Are you alright?"
"You're shaking your hands again."
"Oh…the homework is just really boring and I'm feeling very low."
Rollo was a smart student, so after some research he realized that the other was comforting themselves, more than likely too nervous to ask.
Well that wouldn't do. 
It had now been two months since (Reader) had transferred to NBC, and they were doing homework out in the garden when Rollo came over to them noticing that they were chewing on their shirt sleeve.
He sat next to them and handed them a chewy necklace.
"No ruining the uniform."
He said as they put the necklace on, and looked up at him.
"There. Now, I've noticed you've been rather childish…not that it's a bad thing you're not disruptive, but it's concerning because you held yourself very differently when we first met."
(Reader) would chew on the necklace, before nodding.
"Is there a reason?'
"...I usually had to be the adult in every situation at Night Raven, so it's…a bit hard to adjust to not doing that."
(Reader) explained, which made Rollo nod once more.
"I see. Well you are in safe hands here…I promise you."
"Thanks President."
They said resting their head on his shoulder as they chewed on the chewy necklace.
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prose-for-hire · 3 years
Shared Affection
Pairing: Willow x fem!reader; Xander x fem!reader [Bi reader !!]
Request: Hey! can you please write a Willow/Xander x fem reader story where they both have crushes on the reader and they're trying to figure out if she likes boys or girls only to find out shes bi?
Requested by: Anon
A/N: I feel like I’m still a little rusty but I did like writing a little something for this request !! Hope it’s what you wanted and I’m sorry about the wait 💖
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You were a new transfer to UC Sunnydale. You could sense that you were on a Hellmouth as soon as you set foot in this new place you would call home. You could sense things, energies and what some may call magic. It just hadn’t occurred to you that this was any different to how other people felt and experienced the world. This would all change, however, once you met who would be your new group of friends. They would show you new possibilities as well as showing you just how powerful you truly are.
You met Buffy in a class you had both taken and subsequently bonded over how much you regretted it. From that first day you both vowed to help each other get through the year. It was as if you just clicked, she was an instant best friend, you could feel it. She then introduced you to her other friends, Willow, Anya and Xander. The latter didn’t actually go to college but he would sneak onto the campus so often and he was good company so you were pleased at this. You got on with everyone so well, it was clear that they had become fond of you almost instantly. Some, more than others.
Over the next five months, Xander and Willow had found themselves adoring you. Neither realising that the other held feelings for you. Xander and you both loved films. You would watch them together all of the time and it became a weekly tradition. You would either go to his basement or he would spend time in your dorm. Sometimes you would forget that the film was on and laugh until you cried at the comments he would make. He was so funny and you couldn’t help but feel so comfortable in his presence.
Willow and you spent time together, she had shown you some small spells for you to practice and you described to her the energy you felt especially now you were in Sunnydale. You could spend hours through the night, just talking. Laughing and sharing your deepest thoughts. She was so sweet to you and you really valued all of the time she spent with you.
Both of them had made you feel so welcome and you enjoyed the attention you had been getting more and more of from them both. You couldn’t lie and say you didn’t suspect that one or both of them may have feelings for you. Although, whenever you thought this you berated yourself for assuming more from their friendly natures.
You couldn’t help loving them, they were so kind and they both looked after you in their own ways. Willow and her magic, Xander and his courage. They were truly now extremely important people in your life. You were thinking of this as you saw Buffy saving your usual seat in your class.
She smile and got you up to speed on all of the latest news you might have missed since you saw her last night on patrol. She was now your closest friend and you basically told each other everything. She had finished telling you all about Riley and what she had found out after the Gentlemen had finally been taken care of. Although, she suddenly changed the topic with a smile and a glint in her eye. She wouldn’t go into detail although she happened to hint about you having a ‘secret admirer’. 
Your mind went to Xander and then to willow in almost the same second. Who you suppose you wished it to be. But then, would you want to choose between them? Hurt one at the expense of the other? Would you even be able to choose? Or could you share them both, forget about monogamy, or would that put a strain on their friendship?
Stop. You had to halt all of the scenarios spinning around your head. It was possible it was nobody in your new little friendship group. Perhaps it was a pretty demon that Anya used to know from the olden days that had seen you from afar.
Willow and Xander were sat in the college canteen while you and Buffy were finishing your lecture. Xander had slid in with a group of guys that had finished a game of football so that nobody would question him. They sat and talked for a little but both of their minds had been on you. On their feelings for you. Neither knew that they had never felt this strongly for another person before. They just didn’t know how you could take it.
Willow had been thinking though. She had told Buffy she was gay. She had finally done it. She was a lesbian. She liked girls and only wanted to date girls now. Specifically, you. God, she adored you. Buffy had been surprised at her coming out but after a few months found herself being Will’s biggest supporter. It was easier to accept as Buffy already knew about your sexuality. You had always been open with her about being bi, you just hadn’t gotten around to telling anyone else.
“So, what do you think?” she asked after her usual rambling as she tried to broach the subject with Xander. She needed to see what he would say. She had realised instead that he had zoned out. His eyes watching for someone who was supposed to be here soon.
“About y/n. I was thinking of asking her out-”
“You can’t!” Xander said, his voice had gone high-pitched at the suggestion. He then coughed and deepened his voice more than he would usually speak it to compensate, “…She’s not gay, Will”
“You don’t know! What are you th-the king of gay people now?”
“No!” Xander said quickly but his heart wasn’t really in their conversation. All he could ever do now was think of you. There was a pause for a while as both of them thought of the other, knowing now that they both felt the same for you. Then they thought of you. Of how close you had become. How kind and affectionate you could be with them. You cared for each of them but neither of them could help but wish for more. Xander suddenly spoke up again, still staring into the distance, “I know, of course I know. Do you, uh, really think… you know?”
“Sometimes she looks at me and I forget to do the breath-y thing” Willow admitted, now rubbing her hands together in her anxiety.
“Well, yeah she does. She’s- Y/n!” He suddenly said, his voice announcing you as he saw you walk towards them. You smiled and waved a little as you weaved between the tables to get to your friends.
“Yeah, but that doesn’t mean she’s-” Willow replied, not realising you had been standing behind
“Hey, Y/n! Our Y/n, uh, Y/n our friend!” Xander said a little more urgently, over whatever Willow had been trying to say about your sexuality.
You smile and slide into a seat beside them. Both of them made you so comfortable to be around, you had this sense of home around both of them.
“Buffy caught up to Riley in the corridor, so it’s just me today,”
“That’s good!” Willow said, “Well, n-not good that she isn’t here but good that you are and that they have time together”
“Yeah, I think they’ll be okay. I hope so anyway, he could be good for Buffy right? I don’t know much about Angel but she looks so sad every time someone talks about him”
Willow nodded but Xander wasn’t quite listening. He was trying to think of a way to subtly change the subject from Buffy’s love life to yours. He ended up throwing subtlety out of the window an blurt it out.
“So, Y/n, how would you describe your type. What would your ideal man-”
“O-or woman! Or anybody else!”
“Oh, uh, well I’m not sure I have one type. I fall for people for more than their looks I guess. It just depends on the person!” You smiled but faltered slightly as their brows furrowed at your answer. It wasn’t specific enough for them to gauge who you might be interested in.
However, Willow loved your answer, as did Xander. He was usually a little insecure that he wasn’t the best looking guy or that he made too many jokes to be taken seriously by anyone. But of course, with you, it was different. You could sense goodness from them. You could sense love and promise and potential and you adored spending time with them so much.
But you could feel there was a slight tension. As if they were competing where usually they wouldn’t. Or that they were in some kind of unresolved discussion.
“Why do you ask?”
“Curiosity! We are, um, curious cats”
“If for example, Willow asked you on a date and uh, for the sake of this totally hypothetical situation, I also asked you out too – who would you pick?”
“Well, I think that I would be happy with either of you” You shrugged. And their mouths both widened in surprise at the same time. Neither of them had even considered you might like men and women. Even after you said this as you had to elaborate, “I’m bisexual”
They smiled at you, somewhat satisfied with this answer and both hugged you tightly at you admittance. You couldn’t help grinning so wide at their warmth. Then they caught each other’s eye and saw that they mirrored each other’s expression. That they saw that they had a chance with you. At your love. As you got up and excused yourself that you had to get to another class, there was a silent agreement. Both of them were set on competing for your attention. Especially now that they knew they definitely could have a chance to be by your side.
You weren’t really sure what to make of their question, you told yourself not to think too much into it. Just in case your mind began to spit out unrealistic scenarios that would disappoint you. You left them, not aware that they were both intently watching you leave. Your form dancing away from them in that way that they loved. Their eyes never left you and their thoughts lingered even longer.
One day, you would probably have to make some kind of decision. For now, you were just pleased that they accepted you for who you were. That you couldn’t sense even the smallest change in their fondness for you when you told them. For now, you could enjoy their love, whether platonic or otherwise and keep spending as much free time as you could with them.
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pixiebuggiewrites · 3 years
Sorry Wrong Number!
Description: When Damian Wayne receives a mysterious text message he's not sure what to make of it. Little did he know that it would lead him down a rabbit hole of information regarding a villain in Paris and a superhero team led by a girl in red and black spots.
Meanwhile, the Miraculous team is struggling. they're down a member and there's seems to be a new peacock in town. The teams only hope is to reach out for help-leading to new alliances, friendships, and romance.
This is my first real fanfic so any constructive criticism is appreciated!! Just keep it friendly please
Masterpost - Next - Ao3 link
Chapter 1: Marinette’s bad day
Marinette Dupain-Cheng was no stranger to bad days. In fact, over the past two years she had become well acquainted with them.
Two years ago If you told her that Lila Rossi would somehow actually manage to take almost everything away from the then 14 year old designer she probably wouldn't have believed you. She had faith in her friends which, looking back was a pretty big mistake. She was less than surprised when most of her classmates began freezing her out. It stung but it’s not like they ever really helped her during Chloe’s original reign of terror so in a sense nothing really changed except for the person behind the pain.
What did surprise her-and perhaps stung the most-was that her closest friends left her as well. Alya had been enamored by stories of celebrities and quick to end their friendship when Lila cried about all of the terrible things Marinette had done and said to the transfer student. Nino remained mostly neutral but was dating Alya so it wasn’t exactly easy to hang out like they used to.
And Adrien? What a bullet she dodged there.
The sweet boy who gave her an umbrella and became her first real crush had proven himself to be way too passive. His many speeches about the high road and how nobody was being hurt had chipped away at that crush until there was barely a spark left.
A spark that was finally put out when she discovered that he was her (now former) superhero partner.
Luckily the young heroine wasn't completely alone. While she hadn't told them the full story with the Lila situation lest either of them get akumatized her parents still had a sixth sense for when she was low on fumes and would always find a way to brighten her day. Her Uncle Jagged and Aunt Penny were still there too, having become part of her family in all but blood and name. It had come as quite a shock the first time she came downstairs for family game night and saw the two of them sipping hot-cocoa and exchanging stories with her parents as Fang slept on the floor, But it had slowly become a regular occurrence in the Dupain-Cheng household for them to drop by whenever they had the time.
She had made new friends too. Her and Luka grew closer and even dated for a couple months before realizing that their melodies worked better platonically, becoming best friends ever since. The two would regularly have  ‘creativity sessions’ where Luka would test out his newest songs as Mari worked on her designs.
Her and Kagami had also grown closer once they both realized that their blossoming friendship was more valuable than a battle over a boy that they both had kinda grown out of their feelings for. They had started meeting once a week to enjoy some orange juice and fence and it had just evolved from there, Marinette had even been the first person Kagami came out to as gay. Kagami was also the first person she decided to share her identity as a superhero with. Luka had already known-a result of his second akuma as Viperion-but it felt different to make an active decision to share that part of her life with someone.
The most surprising addition to her friend group though, was one Chloe Bourgeois. Marinette wasn't really sure what to expect when the blonde had asked her to talk after school one day, but it certainly was not an apology. Chloe had explained that she had been in therapy for the past few months trying to better herself, and that seeing how Lila was really drove the point home for her in accepting how wrong her previous actions had been. Their friendship was rocky at first, as that much history doesn’t just disappear overnight, but it had slowly grown as the heiress proved over time how she really had changed. Sitting next to each other in class had led to them passing notes which led to them grabbing lunch together sometimes which somehow, eventually, led to the two becoming pseudo-sisters. She had been the third person to find out she was Ladybug, when one day she swung into her room mid-transformation only to realize that Chloe had shown up early for their sleepover that night.
At some point in all of this, her three friends also became friends with each other, forming a close knit group. Their varied personalities all seemed to balance each other out, which made them the perfect team in more ways than one.
 Which is why she decided to make them all permanent Miraculous holders.
Shortly after her 16th birthday, Master Fu asked her to take over as guardian of the Miracle box. He wasn't getting any younger and had managed to find a way to preserve his memories after passing on guardianship, so that he could still help should the need ever arise. Marinette was apprehensive but she had technically finished all of her training and she wanted Fu to have a chance at a nice retirement so she said yes.
The next day, just hours after she wished her teacher safe travels she made a very important decision. A decision to revoke Chat Noir’s ring.
You see, as Guardian it's kind of important to know who holds the magical pieces of jewelry that are your job to protect. Therefore Fu made the ever wise decision to tell her before promptly riding off into the sunset.
To say that Marinette was upset at the atomic bomb dropped on her was a bit of an understatement. She actually made the executive decision to have Kaalki portal her out of Paris just so that she could mentally unpack everything without risking an akuma. She stared up at the sky from the field she had landed in for what felt like hours and eventually came to accept a few things that she’d honestly been feeling for awhile.
Like the fact that sacrificing himself every other battle wasn't actually that heroic, especially when most of the hits he took for her she would have dodged anyways. Or the fact that he would act out whenever she asked him to take things more seriously by showing up late to akumas and threatening to quit. She had been considering talking to Fu about his behavior for awhile but was always stopped by the fact that they had been fighting together since day one, she wanted to believe in her kitty but finding out he was Adrien had been the last straw.
As Adrien, he had remained passive in the face of injustice many times. He had rarely if ever taken any real action in stopping Chloe’s behavior and he seemed to be taking the same approach with Lila. She understood that Gabriel definitely was partly to blame for his skewed worldview, but Adrien had been going to public school for 4 years now. He had been present for multiple mental health awareness assemblies and they had even appeared together as Ladybug and Chat in an anti-bullying PSA a couple years ago. It honestly baffled her that he still truly believed that the high road method could work.
Simply put, she just couldn't trust him to act as a hero anymore. She made a plan, but for it to work she needed help.
Well she had been planning to expand team Miraculous anyways, but this gave her the perfect chance to set those plans into motion. Marinette needed people she could work well with and she just happened to know three people who would make perfect teammates. Luka had already been appearing as Viperion more as Chat showed up to less fights, so the only real change was that Sass would get to go home with him at the end of the day. Chloe had been a bit harder seeing as all of Paris knew she had been Queen Bee, but Marinette was nothing if not determined. After a couple of weeks of her working with Chloe and Pollen on a new suit design, Abeille Royale was born. The finishing touch was Chloe and the new hero to be spotted near each other in public with some assistance from Trixx and they were good to go. Which just left Kagami.
Her original plan had been similar for the one she had for Chloe, but then she remembered something. To preserve balance the Miraculous of destruction needed to remain active, which meant she needed a new black cat. Now she could have jumped in front of oncoming traffic to see who saved her, but she was not willing to test her luck that much even with the boost Tikki gave her. This meant she needed to pick someone she already trusted. She didn't see a Chloe/Plagg team up going well for anyone involved so that was gonna be a hard no. Luka would have possibly worked, but the power of the snake was just too valuable of an asset to take off the roster. But Kagami? Now that would work.
While it was true that Kagami was much more well suited for the dragon, she would still work well as the black cat. She enjoyed a bit of chaos, but was disciplined enough to not be dragged into any of Plagg’s crazier ideas. She also understood the responsibility of holding such a powerful item, not one to take such a duty lightly. After talking with her about it Kagami had accepted the position becoming Kuro Neko.
After that they just had to get the ring back which was surprisingly easy. As Chat didn't know that she had given out more Miraculous again, she just had to wait for him to show up to a patrol. She played distraction and Abeille snuck up behind him with a venom, freezing him as she took back the ring. Finally, she cast a spell that would prevent him from sharing anything about him being Chat Noir as a safety measure. While he may not have as much knowledge about the miraculous as her, he did have some information and she was not going to risk letting Hawkmoth get his hands on any of it. And with that problem solved she finally had her team.
And from there things got a bit easier, with an actual team helping her and the seeming disappearance of Mayura akuma fights began to end way quicker and it felt like they were slowly making progress towards finding Hawkmoth. 
But when can things ever stay that nice?
Again, Marinette was no stranger to bad days but coupled with the week she had been having so far her patience was wearing thin.
Earlier that week, Chloe had shown up to the bakery in near tears. After calming down she shared the news that her Mother was going back to the states on Thursday, which while a bummer wasn't the issue. The issue was that she was bringing Chloe with her. While the blonde was happy to be getting time with her Mom, she didn’t want to abandon her team. Marinette assured her that while she wouldn't be able to be on the front lines anymore, she didn't have to quit the team. Seeing as the young heiress was scarily organised (perhaps even more than Marinette) She could continue to remotely assemble case files on each akuma and keeping tabs on any possible leads to Hawkmoth's identity. In addition, the city Chloe was moving to seemed to have heroes with ties to the justice league so they could finally try to get help again since they never responded to the video messages Ladybug sent at the beginning of her hero career. She had no idea how news of the akumas never made it out of France, but she suspected it was a mix of magic and corrupt officials. The plan was to have Abeille track down the heroes and explain the situation, with Ladybug teleporting in if necessary, and to establish a line of communication between them while requesting assistance.
From there the rest of the week was spent with the four friends enjoying as much time as possible together before their bee had to fly an ocean away. Kagami and Chloe also finally admitted their feelings for each other and while long distance isn't easy, they were going to try and make it work. And if Marinette lent out Kaalki every once in awhile? Well nobody had to know. If anything it was her duty as future maid of honor.
But still Thursday came and tears were shed as Chloe got ready to board her private jet. As hard as it was they stayed and watched as she took off, before all heading back to their respective homes.
Which brings us to today, the first day of school Marinette would have to endure without Chloe.
The day started off well enough, She woke up on her first alarm for once which gave her plenty of time to do some morning meditation before getting ready and heading down to the bakery and grabbing breakfast. She enjoyed a small croissant and some fruit while catching up her parents and helping out here and there before heading out to school.
Which is when her day began to sour. 
First she ‘tripped’ over somebody's foot while heading up the front stairs. Then in English, it was announced that they would have a partner assignment and she was paired with Alya, her former best friend who now hates her guts. At least it wasn't Lila. Alya tried to get switched on the grounds of ‘not wanting to work with a bully’ but partner assignments were final so the red haired girl settled for glaring at her throughout the class leading up to their lunch hour.
Things didn't get much better after lunch either. She came back to class early to avoid bumping into Lila’s group in the courtyard only to come face to face with the liar minutes later when the girl came to the back of the class and ‘spilled’ her iced coffee on the designer’s sketchbook. On the bright side, Marinette only ever brought a travel book with her to school after the first time this kind of thing happened. It was still annoying to clean up though.
After that, the rest of the school day went by mostly without incident. There were a couple of little jabs from her former friends here and there but nothing she wasn't already used to.
Eventually the final bell rang and she breathed a sigh of relief. She had a new bath bomb waiting for her at home and she was excited to use it. But first she had to get out of school without having to interact any further with her classmates, which turned out to be easier said than done.
Adrien decided to invite himself to walk her home, which meant she was due for another speech about the high road. She honestly wasn't even sure what she did this time and she didn’t really care to find out.
These talks had become such a regular occurrence that she tended to just kind of zone him out as he followed her home. It was kind of impressive that his bodyguard never came for him, maybe Gabriel gave in and loosened the leash after Nathalie quit? She was a bit surprised he still hadn’t found a replacement considering it must be quite difficult to run such a large company when you never leave your house but she supposed that's what technology is for.
Eventually, they reached the bakery and the bluenette was free at last. She even took the side entrance that led directly into the apartment stairs so that Adrien couldn't follow her in. She may have been a little petty in closing the door a bit harder than necessary, but she didn't really have the energy to care at that point.
The rest of her evening went by in relative peace. She had already caught up on homework over lunch and it was a slow time of year for commissions, so she helped out in the bakery until after dinner.
After telling her parents good night, she went to go enjoy her bath. Just as she went to go unwrap her fancy bath bomb, her room began to shake, causing the bath bomb to fall from her hands and shatter on the floor. Before she could even process the poor cherry-blossom scented bombs fate, the akuma alarm sounded. While that explained her room shaking, having to fight hawkmoths fashion disaster of choice really wasn’t how she wanted to end her already crappy day. Nevertheless, she walked back into her bedroom, slightly grateful  that she hadn't actually gotten in the bathtub yet, and called for Tikki.
Tikki, who was already waiting after hearing the akuma alarm flew over and gave her the rundown on what had been in the alert.
“It seems to be a new akuma, powers are unknown but they're headed for the Eiffel tower, Kuro Neko and Viperion are already on the scene since it was their night for patrol anyways.” the small Kwami informed her.
Marinette sighed in resignation. New akumas were always a bit of a pain. Not knowing the enemies powers and weaknesses was dangerous, not to mention it made the battle drag out a good bit longer than one against a repeat. Her work wasn't over after the battle though. The next day she would need to assemble all of the information regarding the battle, track down and conduct an interview with the victim about what led up to their possession, and send it all over to Chloe so that she can assemble a case file. 
Accepting the fact that she likely was not going to get much sleep that night, The heroine got into fight mode.
“Tikki spots on!”
And with that, she swung off into the night.
Well well well look who finally got around to cross-posting this asdfg, anyways I hope you enjoyed chapter 1!! I have 5 chapters up on ao3 at the moment so I’ll probably post one a day here until I'm caught up so that I'm not spamming the tag on accident.
Oh also!! I'm not really sure how tag lists work but I will try my best to figure it out so if you wanna be included in that just reply and say so.
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karimac · 3 years
...in the details, Part 2
A/N: Warning for this series: 18+ audience (minors DNI), some cinematic level violence, some fluff and angst. Doubt that smut will be involved, but it may be implied. I’ll make sure that is noted clearly if it pops up.
All relationships, at this point anyway, are platonic.
Please do not repost or translate my work. Likes, comments and reblogs are greatly appreciated.
A bit about the OC Kari
Part 1
All mistakes are my own.
Word count: 2,249
Before you ventured into Westview, a flight of birds overhead reminded you of Redwing and Sam. Poor Sam. That sixth sense you had told you that fight at the compound was going to lead you all into very weird places. And the first one left you very squarely not in the room once again.
This time it was Steve and Bucky being thick as thieves, and you and Sam were…making a sandwich run? Couldn’t exactly get GrubHub to make a delivery to an attack site, could you? Bruce did not want some driver with a cellphone putting video up on Snapchat. “How would that look?” he bemoaned as he worked on the time travel platform. “We’d be getting tourists left and right. I don’t need that.” So off you and Sam went.
“You know, you could just, you know,” Sam started to say as he waved his hands like he thought a wizard would do, “and just poof up a plate of stuff. Right? With extra food for Banner, of course. He inhales tacos like nobody’s business. Just ask Tic Tac.”
“Sam, what have I told all of you before? Magic is the transfer of energy and matter. No suitable food stuff means no sandwiches. I can’t just think about the deli counter at Wegman’s and make a sandwich and a side of coleslaw appear in my hand. So, we’ll order on the app and pick it up. Just like everyone else. Before I hit the button, any changes to your order?”
“No, it’s fine. But don’t tell me you’ve never done shit like that when you’ve had your back against it,” Falcon huffed as you went to the rental car you’d gotten earlier in the day. That, thank Heaven, was easy to get at the local but extremely small airport.
“I’ve killed small rodents and eaten them, and I don’t mean just rabbits. Snakes, too. And, well, birds of prey, like falcons,” you groaned as you started to get into the car, but you stopped and headed back to the passenger side. “And I know you hate my driving, so here you go,” you said as you handed Sam the keys. “Sorry it isn’t a Ferrari. I was lucky to get this Kia. They didn’t exactly have anything race course worthy.”
As Sam climbed in, he saw bags of gear in the back seat. “You pulling a Wanda? Need some me time away from all us testosterone jockeys? Cyborg is going to be pissed.”
“Bucky has other stuff to deal with, trust me,” you said as you rolled your eyes. “He does not need to add Crazy Old Broad to his growing list of things to do and people to take care of this week. I heard him talking to Steve…”
“You? Eavesdropping? You are human!” Sam smirked, but then he saw the comment had hit a nerve. “You know I was kidding, right?”
“I know you are,” you said as you swallowed hard. In reality, you were not exactly buying that last comment. Sam was a sweetheart, but his comment sounded like things Tony and Steve had said about you in the weeks before the Time Heist. It depended on the situation, but one or the other of them seemed to question you, your motives, your powers and what they could do, and, at times, your grasp on reality. You did have a connection to a goddess they couldn’t see. Blaming them for having those questions just was not in your wheelhouse. “And yeah, maybe I just need to go figure a few things out. You guys know how to get me back here if you need me.”
“Somehow I don’t think Steve, Bucky and I would look so great standing and screaming your name in the middle of a fight,” Sam noted as he finally turned the key in the ignition.
“Now who is having issues with gender roles?” you said with a very pronounced side glance. “Sam, we are all human. We all need a save now and then. Maybe you’ll never have to utter my name again after today, unless you guys can’t find something you think I hid? Thor will be back once he’s done exploring the universe, and you can always get him here fast if you have Strange find him. And Wong is just dying for his shot as a full time Avenger. We all know that! And I can go back and do, well, goddess stuff, I guess. And raise horses. Just, please, make sure no one drops the ball on Parker. He lost his parents and his uncle. Losing Tony will hit him harder than anyone likely expects. He’s a good kid. He just needs support and guidance. Now, want to get this thing moving, or do you want me to drive?”
“And have you antagonize the local cops by going Mach 1? No thank you!”
You had to laugh at that one. You did tend to floor it. A lot.
A short time later, you and Sam rolled back to the site Bruce had chosen to set up the time travel platform. After you two handed out all the food, you realized it was really time for you to get going. No, you didn’t have a train, plane or bus to catch or someone to meet. You just knew it was going to get harder to make the break the longer you stayed there.
“She’s pulling a Wanda on us,” Sam said as he finished off the last of the sweet tea he had grabbed at the deli where you’d gotten food. “I think it’s too much he-man macho stuff, but she won’t fess up to that.”
“Wilson, how many brothers did I have?” you asked as you cleaned up the trash from the table Bruce had borrowed from a local park that had been wrecked during the battle. It had a huge hole in the end, but hey, it was good enough for the moment.
“Eight,” Bucky replied before Sam got the chance. “Just don’t quiz me on all their names. I remember your twin, Branan, and the one who was the vampire. Ewan? Right?”
“Yup, that’s right,” you grinned at Buck. “And no quiz. Promise,” you said as you raised your left hand and crossed your heart with your right.
“Why are you leaving?” Bruce asked as he adjusted the sling on his still injured arm, putting extra emphasis on the word “are” as he uttered it. “We need all the help we can get.”
Bruce, heaven help him, was suddenly one of the last active OG Avengers standing on Earth. Thor was off finding himself with the Guardians, and no one could really begrudge him that. He needed time to heal, and you knew all too well that was not easy nor time limited. Clint had more or less retired again after Natasha’s sacrifice on Vormir. Steve was getting ready to take the stones back, but upon his return, he’d likely join up with Sam and Bucky again to root out any remaining Hydra cells. That left Bruce in a very different place this time around.
“Bruce, you don’t really need me being a head case. Trust me. You do not need me giving any news outlets ammunition to blast headlines that make the team look less than spotless. I need to go home, at least for a little while,” you replied, knowing full well you were not telling him or the others everything. “And as I reminded Sam, you guys can just call me, and I’ll be here. Just whisper my name. Or yell it. Whatever works. Text me! If it’s an emergency, and if I’m not in the middle of some new damned war on my end, I’ll come running. But I have a feeling you guys are going to be just fine. Hell, I’ll give you a blessing before I head out.”
Yeah. A blessing. More like the final nail in the coffin. The words to start the spell to make them forget you.
“Big guy, you first,” you said as you put your hands on Bruce’s injured right arm. “And no, I am doing this, Bruce. It won’t be a full healing, but it should speed things up. You got this, big guy. Biggest brain. Biggest heart. May you realize just how much this team was built with your sweat and tears as it was anyone else’s.”
“I can’t change your mind?” Bruce asked as he pretended to wipe a tear from his eye and pout a bit. “And I am not asking because you are likely the only one of us who can cook…”
“I’m pretty sure all of you guys can cook something. Maybe not a good Colcannon or a fine Dublin coddle, but you’ll survive. As for the cupcakes, you guys may need to get a bakery on speed dial,” you added with a laugh because you knew they’d make that bakery rich. The Avengers loved their sugary snacks.
“Just don’t bug my sister, Bruce,” Sam noted as he waited for you to come over to him. “I still remember asking why the Cupcake Lady had a sword that night when those demon things attacked near the tower. I never asked. Why the cupcakes?”
“And not why the demons or the sword?” you said as you nearly choked on your words. “You realize that was before Steve saw me at Peggy’s funeral. That night was truly a fluke, Sam. No one was supposed to see that side of me then. As for the cupcakes, they were my entry to your world. Gifts from a fan girl. They’re easy to carry, a synch to personalize when needed, and everyone can have their own without fighting,” you said with a grin as Sam shook his head. “What?”
“You sound like Sarah.”
“Then I am in good company. Tell her the good stuff you’ve told me all these years. The words of wisdom. The little jokes. The pep talks. Tell her often. A single mom with two boys needs that. Be there for her, and drag these guys to see her, too. It would do the boys a world of good to have all their uncles stop by. Now, Samuel,” you said as you gave him a hug, “remember to keep these guys flying right. And if the world drops opportunity in your lap, whatever it might be, do not look at it and push it away without a lot of thought. The world needs Sam Wilson, the hero with a heart.”
And now the hardest part of this good bye had you wiping tears from your eyes. “I know. I’m a big mush. Girls from Brooklyn would laugh at me for this, right? Sorry, but girls from Naas and Athy do cry sometimes. I’m going to miss you two lugs. A lot.”
“Lugs. Last time you called us that was in ’43,” Bucky said as he looked down at his feet for a minute. “Somehow Hydra missed that memory.”
“You’ll see us again,” Steve said as he turned briefly to see where the case with the stones was on the platform. “But this time, it better not take 70 years.”
As you looked at the best friends, something about their auras seemed off. They had been planning something when you almost walked in on their chat a few days ago. You had no idea what it was, and you suddenly didn’t want to hang around to find out what the next act was going to bring.
“Just…watch your back, Steve. From what Clint said about Vormir, that one is going to be tough. And Buck, whatever comes next, I’m rooting for you. Even if you can’t see me doing it.”
“You really don’t have to leave,” Bruce kept insisting as you hefted your backpack on your shoulder.
“Dr. Banner, do you really want to fight my demons after all this? I have enemies. You just haven’t seen them yet. Frankly, the only reason that Hydra didn’t grab me before I hooked up with the Howling Commandos was because I was pulled into another dimension by one of those enemies. It was only by some weird twist of fate that Peggy found me when she did. If the veil between worlds had not been so thin near that camp, I might never have made it back, or Hydra might have found me first. It was pure dumb luck.”
{{And, Heaven help me, part of it was these two lugs over here}} you thought as you turned to head to your car. Then you stopped. This was a lot harder than it had been any time before, but it was the curse of an immortal to have to keep moving on. “I wish you luck, joy and happiness. I wish you peace. And, if you are truly lucky, memories long enough to have little space to spare for the likes of me because they are filled with so much more! See you in my dreams, for now anyway, fellas.”
You rolled out of there before Steve started his mission to return the stones, and you got a text from Bruce hours later telling you everything that had happened. Steve not coming back as planned. Then an older version of Steve shows up, sitting on a bench near the platform, and he gives Sam the shield. Right in front of Bucky.
It was now weeks later. No. It was months later, and here you were staring up at the sign for Westview. You’d gotten out of your rental car so you could get a feeling for the area around this little town.
“You made it back,” a voice said behind you. “How are you, after all that mess with Wanda and that Agatha woman? She was a real piece of work.”
The person speaking to you was Dr. Darcy Lewis. Friend of Thor and Dr. Jane Foster. Why was she even here?
You couldn’t fully figure out what the hell she was talking about. You didn’t remember being here before. Yet, you knew who she was, and you had never met her before. Or at least you couldn’t remember meeting her, here or anywhere else.
“Apparently not as great as I thought I was,” you muttered as you winced again. “Dr. Lewis, how long ago was the blip?”
“Give or take a week, about six months ago,” she replied as you started to pace. “Why?”
“Shit. Not this again,” you hissed as you looked up at the sign once more. “I think I’m going to need your help. How much do you know about Celtic myths and Irish history, Dr. Lewis?”
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mochimiyas · 4 years
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pairings: platonic!sakusa kiyoomi x reader 
warnings: angst (fluff at the end), mentions of depression (subtly?), first time writing sakusa (so my apologies since he may be ooc), lowercase intended
a/n: ahhhh sorry for being MIA for a hot minute ): been busy with work and getting this new apartment since the one im living in is absolute dog shit. this fic is based on personal experience and i just need a little reassurance today, so its entirely self-indulgent <3 enjoy! content under the cut...
sakusa kiyoomi was utterly confused and internally, freaking out at the scene unfolding right in front of his eyes.
seeing you laying in your bed listlessly with tears staining your reddened cheeks was an unruly sight to see. sakusa felt his heart clench at the sight of you trying to lift yourself up to greet him but to only fail and fall back down in your bed, curling up in a ball. he looked around the room to see clean and dirty clothes thrown astray, boxes and boxes of takeout cluttered up around your trashcan, and papers laying haphazardly around you. 
the urge to cringe and shudder in disgust at the state of your room was immense, but for you, only for you, he held back in consideration to your feelings at the moment. 
you and sakusa have been friends since childhood, meeting through komori since you got transferred to the same class as him. sakusa couldn’t understand why komori wanted him to meet you so badly and once he did, he realized why. 
your personality is what drew sakusa to you like a moth to flame. seeing your cheerful yet calm disposition contrasted to his own. people often described you two to be “yin and yang,” and that you were destined to meet each other, which the former itachiyama ace scoffs at the ludicrous idea, but nonetheless brings a small smile at the thought of it. he couldn’t imagine a life without you, and you to him. your friendship with the ace is something he wants to cherish as much as he could, and seeing you spiraling downwards slowly kills him inside. 
sakusa quietly sauntered over to you and kneeled down near your bed, nudging you with his elbow. you lifted your head to see sakusa signal his head towards your restroom, indicating that he wanted you to clean up. you sighed as you unfurled from your position and stretched, groaning as some of your joints popped. you head over to the restroom to freshen up and once he heard the shower running, sakusa immediately went to work on cleaning. 
he wanted you to know that he was there for you like you were there for him. he wanted you to feel that you weren’t alone because you always spent time with him whenever his parents and/or his older siblings were too busy to come home. you’ve always went out of your way to show sakusa that you weren’t there for his looks, nor his celebrity status from being in msby. you were there long before that, and you were there because you genuinely wanted to be his friend, and sakusa couldn’t be more than grateful for that. you never asked for anything in return and he felt it was time for him to start showing his appreciation and gratitude for you.
“kiyoomi-chin? where are you,” you called from the restroom. you peeked into your room after you finished showering to see that your mask-clad friend was no longer in the room, causing some confusion. ‘where did he go?’ you wondered as you slung your towel around your neck and adjusted your clothes. turning off the light, you exited the bathroom and dropped your phone in shock at the sight before you. 
there wasn’t any clothes scattered about on the floor; no crumpled papers in sight and your takeout boxes was taken care of. the musty smell from staying in bed all day was gone and the faint smell of lysol and laundry detergent wafted through the air, the scent instantly comforting you. tears pricked at the corner of your eyes and you brought a hand to muffle your sobs. you couldn’t believe sakusa would clean up for you, let alone feel comfortable enough to see you in your previous state knowing of his sanitary tendencies. throughout the years, sakusa would subtly do minor things for you whenever you needed a hand but never something like this to this degree. 
you furiously wiped your tears and made way to your living room, hoping to see him; you wanted to thank and repay him for his kindness. 
the smell of sukiyaki* hit you with full force the moment you stepped into your living room and looking to the left, you see the chiseled back of the outside hitter cleaning all of your dishes. 
startled, he turned to see you standing at the kitchen entry way with a misty-eyed look and stepped back from the sudden force of you hugging him like your life is depending on it. sighing, he took off his gloves, gingerly wrapping his arms around your shaking form. all he could hear was the muffled mantras of “thank you,” as he brought his hand to your damp hair and gently patted your head while you cried. 
“let’s eat some sukiyaki okay? the food is getting cold”
after eating the hearty meal sakusa cooked, you both sat down in your living room to watch some dumb cheesy drama as you basked in each others presence. the nagging feeling in the back of your mind was still there, lingering around. your mental illness was something that’s going to stick around for a long while, but with having sakusa by your side, you felt like you can overcome your demons. 
you turned to face sakusa, ”seriously kiyoomi-chin, thank you for cleaning up after me. i should’ve done it before you came over but-”
“no buts,” sakusa interrupted,”i don’t mind cleaning up after you, but i will say.”
you waited for him to continue as he cleared his throat. suddenly he felt claustrophobic and the walls were closing in on him, but the need for you to know his appreciation was stronger.
“i know i’ve told iizuna-san this when we lost at nationals during my second year, but this also applies to you. your mental illness brings you down and makes you spiral out of control. you shut yourself away from everyone and people worry about you. in that situation, it would be common sense to help you out and be nice to you. nothing else is necessary. but when i hear your people around you talk about how ‘it sucks to see you like that,’ then i feel even sorrier for you. you don’t deserve people pitying you just because. you deserve to have people around you to help you while you’re going through hard times. i haven’t done anything in the past to truly show my support for you, and i foolishly believed that you can overcome whatever you have going on without us telling you that you can,” you snorted at his pout and he glared at you. 
he continued, “but i was wrong. i want you to know that your efforts never go unnoticed. all the time and dedication you put into your work, school, and your friends around you; i’ve seen what you’ve done for others and for yourself. there will be a time your efforts will flourish and you’ll be at a better place than you were at before. if you ever feel like this again, just know i’ll be there like you have for me.” 
sakusa finally made eye contact and saw that you were tearing up again. he wrapped his arm around you and instinctively, you laid your head on his shoulder. the warmth sakusa radiated made you lean further into his body, making you feel secure and content. 
you couldn’t help but cry at his sudden declaration. it was so unlike of sakusa to say these sorts of things to you due to his realist personality. he tends to keep to himself and only says anything that would be of any substance in a conversation he’s in. so for him to go out of his way to clean up after you, let alone verbally showing his support for you makes you felt like you have a place in this world again. 
you both sat in silence after, him languidly stroking your hair and you slowly falling into a deep slumber. before you completely fell asleep, you called for sakusa, in which he turned his head towards you. 
“thank you for the reassurance. i’m glad we’re friends.” 
your eyes fluttered shut, and sakusa chuckled at your ability to fall asleep instantly. 
“i’m glad we’re friends as well” 
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Hand-Me-Down Words
Pairing: Beth Harmon/Benny Watts Rating: M Word Count: 1639
Summary: A publisher wants to print the Beth Harmon story, but Beth doesn't know how to go about writing a book. Luckily, she knows someone who does.
They want her to write a book. With triumph over Borgov behind her, Beth requires a new challenge, and with the payout from Moscow, she doesn’t need to enter any American tournaments for the time being. Tedious car journeys and rough hotel sheets combined in trips that end in prizes of piddly amounts aren’t in her future unless she wants them to be. Victory means control. Writing, writing should mean control too.
Except that Beth’s never done anything like this before.
Numbers are the Harmon language—hers and her mother’s. Expressions, equations, calculations, and chess. Even Alma made sense of life through budgeting. Beth’s first thought after meeting with the agent she selected to represent her and the acquisitions editor at the publishing house is, Thank god I’m already in New York, because she needs help here. She needs somebody who’s done this before.
Unsure how quickly or if they’ll fall into their old pattern of sharing the bed, Beth informs Benny that she’s buying him a couch. A couch which will really be for her. She rejects even the remotest possibility that she’ll ever again sleep on that stupid inflatable mattress, pretending not to get a cramp in either her calf or the arch of her foot (or both) when she had to work the damn pump every night to avoid his gloating smile, to perpetuate his mistaken understanding of it being a situation of him providing her with something instead of the opposite. She maintains that he did promise a couch and is therefore a boldfaced liar. Which she should have seen because, liar? Yes, of course. The man plays chess for a living. A face that can alternately frighten and reassure an onlooker is a necessity. Come stay with me at my apartment in New York while we’re both aware of your attraction to me. Frightening. Don’t worry, you’ll sleep on the couch and this arrangement will keep things platonic and focused on your chess training. Reassuring.
“I’m buying a couch for your living room.”
Well, fuck him. Beth leapfrogs her original scheme and buys an entire apartment. Not a nice one—she still has the Lexington house to caretake and eventually reinhabit—but it is above ground. She insists it’s hers, a good investment, a base in New York for all of her future meetings with her agent and editor, until Benny gives her a look that has her raising her palms and halting her excuses. She never asks him to give up his place. When he walks into hers one day with the key she had made for him dangling from his finger and a box of possesses under his arm, she just scrapes her chair back from the table and shows him the space she left for him in the closet.
She thinks they might have sex the day she comes back from a publicity event (they’re drumming it up before she’s written a single coherent page) to find Benny napping on the couch with his hat over his face like a cowboy, instinctively pulling her close when she knocks it away and startles him awake. Or when he suggests that she begin carrying a knife too and jokingly taps her thigh when she asks where she’s supposed to conceal it. Or when he stumbles blearily into her room in the early morning because she’s crying tears of frustration over her typewriter and he wordlessly gathers her into a sleep-warmed embrace. Or when they quit acting like he’s a guest and he calls it “our apartment” for the first time.
Beth wants to charge through the book. She’ll write for hours at a time, answering questions only as they occur to her, the way she’s danced back and forth with her true competitors on the chessboard. But Benny has the wisdom of a published author here and ruthlessly edits these pages—verbally, never picking up a pencil. He pushes her to compose the questions ahead of time, allowing her to address them with equal weight. Also, to come up with certain themes or trains of thought that are vital to the forward energy of the book and capture the spirit of her play, which is really what she’s made this deal in order to describe. People are hungry to see chess through her eyes. They’ll pay good money for it.
Whenever they’re on the brink of an argument because Beth is hammering away at the typewriter while Benny’s trying to get to sleep, or Benny is being as pushy and transactional as her editor while Beth’s desperate for a little encouragement, one of them inevitably suggests a match.
Playing at home is helping to break his habit of wagering on games. She never says anything directly; progress seems to come more easily for him when he doesn’t feel watched, which she gets, from having people voice their concern over the tranquilizers. It’s been… well, since the night she decimated him and his friends at speed chess, that he thought he had a failproof method for beating her. He can’t afford to lose every game—he has to contribute to the household finances.
They play three games at once, on three separate boards. They play without a board, swapping moves as they eat lunch and people-watch on a park bench. They play blindfolded until they get into a fight because Beth isn’t familiar with the shape of one of his sets and thinks she’s been moving a bishop when her fingers really stuttered over the pieces to land on a pawn. (They remove the blindfolds after checkmate to see that pawn ‘checking’ the king from a diagonal across the board and Benny discounts the entire match as illegal.)
They play games that last a day or more, leaving notepads beside the board like they do at tournaments and checking each other’s over the hours for new moves before responding with slides and taps and exchanges of their own. During one of these, when Benny’s been taking forever to take his turn (because Beth has him pinned and he’s being stubborn about conceding), she comes into the kitchen to start dinner and sees him sitting at the table, staring at the board, still not making a move.
“You can get out of it,” she comments, standing next to his chair with her arms folded. She doesn’t really believe that and he knows it; she watches him shift irritably in his seat.
“I think I would’ve done it by now.”
His refusal to even try while she’s standing there watching (yes, she still loves to watch him play) makes her just as determined to beat her own white pieces back as she was formerly determined to beat him. She studies the board harder and it does take several minutes. Finally, she spots the move.
Without thinking, Beth drops down onto his lap and says, “Here,” as she reaches out and drags the king onto a new square. “It looks like an exposed placement, but it’s really the perfect bait to get white to rearrange its offensive, opening things up for a comeback by black. See?”
She turns her head and her heart swoops as Benny’s gaze strokes unhurriedly up her neck to her face. He blinks twice, quickly, like seeing her here is a surprise and a dream. Gently, he shifts her hips back a little, until she can feel the firmness at his groin. He stops sleeping on the couch.
With trimming and factchecking and too much coffee, her book is suddenly in its final draft, pressed back into her hands by the editor who’s probably really, really tired of reading about chess. Regardless, the woman still loves the book. Vibrantly, aggressively. The house’s whole staff does, the way they can only love something they’re publishing in a frenzy, before interest in the young female champion wanes. Beth is amazed to find that she loves it too. It has a lot of heart, she feels, between the numbers that have defined her career; though it isn’t one of the sections she’s been requested to rejig for this last edit, she finds herself flipping back to a page near the beginning, where she writes about going to her first tournament unrated. Though journalists have always been curious about the morbidity of the car crash and her orphanage upbringing, she doesn’t give up too much of that. The highs and lows of Methuen—Jolene’s resilience and the green pills’ quicksand—will go unprinted. Readers will have to search for the personal. It’s in the brimming praise of Mr. Shaibel that Beth fought to include, and the passages of effusive respect for Alma, who learned to both manage and mother her.
It’s in the dedication.
Beth carries a copy home from the first box of the first printing. For the moment, it’s precious, but soon those boxes will be shipped out to bookstores, where employees will stack and shelve and shoppers will recognize her name on the spine and go, “Oh, isn’t she the one who…?” She smiles to imagine it.
“Benny?” she calls into their apartment. “You home?”
She curls around him from behind when he raises a hand from the couch. He’s reading but he puts the book down to transfer his complete attention to her and she kisses him with her mouth so full of the delight of her accomplishment that they almost get carried away. Breathless, she draws back, then hands her work over. She watches eagerly as Benny turns the pages, stopping him before the introduction.
His name isn’t the only one on the list—compiling people worth dedicating her book to was an exercise in recognizing the luck of her life—but it is the last. The endgame.
…and to Benny, it reads. Let’s set it up. Let’s think it out.
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Antimatter | Spencer Reid x Reader Platonic
WC: 2486
WARNINGS: SPOILERS FOR 13X15, general Criminal Minds things (mentions of violence, shootings, robberies, death, etc)
This is part of my Galaxy Universe (MASTERLIST). You don’t need to read anything prior to this to understand this fic, though it may help! 
You thought your little found family had finally found some reprieve after a long year of difficulties. Spencer was reinstated, Mr. Scratch was dead, Matt Simmons joined the team, and everything seemed like it was returning to your normal crime fighting routine.
As it turns out, you were wrong.
You didn’t think twice about following Spencer out of the round table room. You were loyal to your team, and Assistant Director Linda Barnes was not going to snuff the mojo out of these people that you loved so much.
You caught up to Spencer in the bullpen, where he was shoving books into his bag. He didn’t look up when you slid onto his desk.
You waited a minute before speaking, “what’s our plan?”
“I haven’t gotten that far yet,” you were quick to follow him to the elevator.
“We need to come up with a plan before you leave, Spence,” you knew what he had just done was risky but it was the right move and you stood by your decision to follow him. You also knew that the problem wasn’t going to be solved without some other course of action, however.
“I can’t go back there. I’m not working with her scrutinizing our every move.”
“So don’t. Stay here and figure out how we’re going to get her out of our hair. Emily might know something that we don’t, she just had a bunch of meetings with Barnes, right?” You didn’t like how tense this conversation was becoming. You were currently on the same page as Spencer, that much you knew, but he could read 20,000 words per minute and it was going to take a lot for you to keep up with the pace his brain was working.
“Emily’s suspended,” you could tell he was thinking hard about what steps to take next.
“Go to her place and let her know what’s happening. Distancing yourself from Barnes is the best move before you get yourself fired.”
“What about you?” The elevator dinged to signal it’s arrival. Spencer stepped inside, holding the doors open.
“I’m going to go with the team. We need boots on the ground to figure out exactly what her plan in action looks like. I’ll be a centralized point for info about how she’s targeting everyone and get you it as quickly as I can.”
“Good luck,” he gave you a sad excuse for a smile.
“Go get Emily, I’ll be ok.” You watched the doors close, then walked back towards the round table room. You straightened your posture before opening the door and positioning yourself next to JJ. The rest of the team gave you some very strange looks that you tried to ignore.
“Will you be joining us, Agent (y/l/n)?” Barnes asked, almost as if she expected you to say no.
“I will, thanks,” you showed no weakness, making direct eye contact with her. She didn’t push further, instead confirming JJ’s ‘Wheel’s Up’ and leaving the room.
You spent the entire trip to St. Louis avoiding questions from the rest of the team about what had happened when you and Spencer left the briefing.
In a moment of quiet on the jet, JJ approached you while you were getting coffee.
“Were you able to talk to Spence before he left?” She asked in a hushed whisper, back to the rest of the plane.
“Yeah,” you said slowly, eyes flickering to where Barnes was staring the two of you down, “I’ll tell you about it later, it’s best that you don’t know for now. Trust us on this?”
JJ nodded, “let me know what you need, I’ll make sure it happens.”
You arrived in St. Louis and watched as Barnes demeaned the local PD, undermined the procedural profiling, and intentionally paired herself off with each member on your team. It was only a matter of time before she got to you.
You had been purposely avoiding her, instead collecting tidbits of information from your coworkers about their conversations with her that were unrelated to the case at hand. You intentionally stayed behind to work victimology when she finally cornered you in the conference room.
“You’re loyal to a fault, Agent (y/l/n),” she wasted no time addressing you.
“Excuse me?” You chose to not look up from the crime scene photos.
“Following Agent Reid out of the office this morning was a bold choice,” she tried to assert herself into your space, something you weren’t about to allow.
“I don’t see how my loyalty is a fault. I could see that Doctor Reid was unwell and I wanted to make sure he was ok.”
“You were suspended while he was in prison last year, were you not?” Clearly she had done her homework, although you didn’t like the way she twisted the situation inaccurately.
“I was on medical leave from field work, I still assisted remotely from Quantico and retained all other privileges.”
“Caused by Agent Reid’s arrest?”
“Caused by pre-existing mental health conditions that I’ve been treating since before I joined the BAU. My leave was temporary to help get it under control after the stress of Doctor Reid’s false arrest.”
She was quiet for a minute as you shuffled to the next file. You hoped that she would start asking about the case before you lost your temper, your secret mission would be compromised if you couldn’t keep your head down about it. Her next statement didn’t surprise you, though it came from left field.
“You do know that interpersonal relationships within a Unit are against Bureau policy.”
“I’m sorry, I don’t know what you’re implying,” you put down the file to finally square up to Barnes. She had seen your file, you knew that much, but you were now doubting how much she had actually read into it.
“Are you and Agent Reid romantically involved?”
“Doctor Reid is my best friend. Last time I checked there was nothing in Bureau policy that didn’t allow that. I don’t appreciate you speculating about my personal relationships when they’re clearly not relevant to this case.”
Questioning your loyalty to the team was one thing, but attacking the most pure thing in your life was going too far.
“What is relevant to this case then, Agent? Your skills must be more useful elsewhere than sitting in a conference room looking at photos. Perhaps a transfer to a tactical unit would be more beneficial to the Bureau?” She finally pushed in a direction you were expecting.
“I would think that the Bureau would be more interested in well rounded agents instead of one trick ponies. I’m building my skillset here, rather than getting stuck in a rut doing tactical work.” It wasn’t completely the truth, just last year you had talked with Spencer about the possibility of you transferring to the Hostage Rescue Team. A tactical position would make sense, considering your strengths, but you had found such an unlikely home at the BAU that leaving was out of the question.  
“You’ve been building your skills here for almost a decade. Why do you think Agent Prentiss was promoted to Unit Chief over you?”
“She was the right choice. She has seniority, as well as a more rounded viewpoint from her other assignments. I trust Emily Prentiss wholeheartedly.”
Just like Matt had predicted, Barnes was trying to pit you against your team, “what about Agent Jareau? You’ve been a profiler longer than she has, do you know why I promoted her above you?”
It was her mistake, honestly. Of all the people who she could try to turn against the BAU, you weren’t a good choice. Instead of falling into her trap, you doubled down, “she’s been with the team longer than I have. Knowing how the team works is just as important as knowing how to profile if you want to do this job right. I fully support JJ as Unit Chief, but that’s not why you picked her, is it?”
“It is not.” You waited for her to elaborate, but instead she left the conference room to talk to Matt. As soon as she left your phone was at your ear calling Spencer.
“She had the nerve to ask me if I was romantically involved with you,” you hissed as soon as he answered. You heard Emily laugh on the other end of the line.
“What’s happening with the rest of the team?” Spencer spoke up.
“She’s trying to push us all out, but keeps denying it. We’re closing in on this case, but she’s stepping on our toes all over the place. She wants to make this a quick close but honestly she’s only making it harder for us to profile this guy. How’s it going on your end?”
There was a pause, which you assumed was caused by Spencer taking you off of speaker and stepping out of the room.
“She’s trying to leave. She said someone had to take the fall for what happened with the Truthers-“
“You’re not letting her, right? Nobody needs to take the fall for what happened, where did she get that idea?”
“Barnes, I guess. I’ll keep working here, keep doing what you’re doing.”
“Ok, good luck.”
Doing what you were doing proved harder than you thought. Barnes stepped completely out of line during the validation strategy, getting the unsub killed when Tara and Luke were completely capable of talking him down. You were fuming but knew you needed to keep your head down as to not blow your cover with Spencer, so instead you tacked yourself to Luke’s side with the knowledge that he would tell you if you were about to do something stupid.
It was the right call, because JJ tore into Barnes on the jet and you knew you didn’t have the authority to add on to it. It felt like a small victory, until Barnes met you all in the office right before you were about to head over to O’Keefe’s.
“Agents Prentiss, your suspension is lifted. You will be reassigned within the Bureau, your new post has yet to be determined. Agent Lewis, you will also be reassigned. Agent (y/l/n), you are being reassigned to lead a SWAT team in the city, congratulations on the promotion. Agent Reid, you will be a full time professor with our exchange program. Agent Rossi, the FBI deeply appreciates your service and the Director wishes you nothing but the best in your retirement. Agent Simmons, Agent Alvez, you will remain here at the BAU. Garcia, your loyalty to the team is appreciated but it feels like a fresh start in a different department would be best.”
She made it seem like your reassignment was a good thing, but that was far from the truth.
“What’s wrong?” Spencer answered his door faster than you thought he would, eyes narrowing behind his glasses when he saw your disheveled state a few weeks later.
“I’m losing it. I’m going to get my whole team killed. I can’t keep doing this,” you spilled before you were even able to step into Spencer’s apartment.
“Here,” Spencer led you to his couch and pressed a hot cup of tea into your hands, “take a deep breath, you’re here with me. Did you just get off of a case?”
“Yeah, a bank robbery downtown. We locked it down but the whole time I was thinking about how it could have gone wrong.”
Spencer didn’t say anything, instead letting you sip tea and breathe for a minute.
“When Barnes reassigned me I thought her goal was to give me a promotion so I wouldn’t want to come back to the BAU.”
“It was, she knows you’re an incredible agent. Any unit is lucky to have you.”
“What if it was to break me though? She’s read my file, she knows my episodes have been more frequent since you were arrested in Mexico. Did you hear about the school shooting that happened last week?”
Spencer nodded.
“I was there, Spence. I was there. And the whole time I was leading the team through the hallways getting kids out I kept thinking about Jack, and Henry, Michael, and Hank. How they could be in that school, how there were already kids in that school that I hadn’t saved. I couldn’t save them.
“When I first started out at the Academy my peers all told me I would head up SWAT one day. I thought it was what I wanted until I joined the BAU. You even said I’d do well on a tactical team a year ago, so I trusted the process and that we’d get back at Barnes but I can’t keep doing this. I can’t keep having panic attacks after every case. It’s not fair to my team, someone’s going to get killed and it’s going to be my fault.”
“It’s not your fault, it’s Barnes’. Why don’t you take a couple of days off and sit in on my lectures? You can even guest speak if you want, I scheduled an extra day in the syllabus in case I needed to go over any material again but I don’t need to use it.”
“You’re too good at this, Spence. Where’s your mom?” You looked around his small apartment, already starting to feel better.
“She’s in the bedroom resting. She’s liked having me home so much, although she asks me almost every day when you’re coming to visit,” he laughed.
“I’m sorry, I feel like I’m at work now more than when we were in the BAU. I have a newfound respect for every time I’ve called in SWAT in the past nine years,” you joked.
The comfortable silence that fell between you as you finished the drink in your hand was cut short by Spencer’s phone ringing.
“Doctor Reid,” he answered, “Hi Luke, what’s up?”
Your eyebrows smashed together, listening closely to the half of the conversation you were able to hear.
“Don’t bother, they’re with me. We’ll meet you there. Bye,” he hung up and turned to you with a slight frown.
“They have a case that they want us to look at. Barnes won’t approve it, we’re meeting at Emily’s.”
“A secret team meeting?” you stood up excitedly, unable to stop the grin spreading on your face, “let’s go.”
“Hey Spence?” you asked as he got into your car, a small detail of your conversation occurring to you.
“Hmm?” he clicked his seatbelt.
“You didn’t know I was coming over. The tea that you gave me… you made it for yourself, didn’t you?”
Spencer smiled bashfully, “you needed it more than I did.”
“The world doesn’t deserve you, Spencer Reid,” you sighed, putting the car in drive.
Galaxy Taglist: @kermitsaysgayrights @niallthedancingharry @shadyladyperfection @thatsonezesty13 @lexshead @ceeellewrites @howdycharlie @girlycakepops @fantastic-fans @canimarrypizzaornah @daisyflower138 @dyingrexx @taylormobley @tj-drinks-tea 
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kidney9-9 · 4 years
A peter parker x reader where even steve is interested in her? Possible setting is the Avengers compound? ending however you like it.
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author’s note: woahhh okay i actually love this! so with this one shot i loveeee that steve was there for reader and everything, and how tony was there for peter ahah! but one of the things i want to add in this note is that i wanted to highlight a bigggg part of relationships i see that have problems: communication! all relationships can have this problem (even with romantic/platonic ones) and each relationship expressed in this one shot shows a type of issue with communication :) the main one being Peter x Reader! 
anyways i really hope y’all like this! Peter and Reader ages suppose to be ranging in their twenties because of how long their relationship has been. setting is avenger’s compound and reader’s apartment
Peter Parker x Reader, Steve Rogers x Reader (featuring Tony Stark) (Angst! Some fluff!) Word Count: 2.7k Warnings: ANGST with slight happy ending, Stevie being a tiny little bit strange, very small piece on smut (not described), and cursing 
thank you for sending in a request :))
“Peter, if you can’t talk to me about things, how am I supposed to know what to say?” You question, fighting off the urge to cry. Peter stood off to the side, closing himself away from you, almost like he didn’t even want to see you.
“You should just leave. I don’t want to hurt you anymore. I don’t want to see you anymore.” Peter murmured back, voice cracking, and your expression dropped completely. Why was he fighting you off, and keeping you away? The two of you have been together since high school, and you thought he trusted you, cared about you.
But what now? He just didn’t even want to look your way anymore. You really didn’t want to give up, but your stomach had felt like it dropped to the ground, and you couldn’t hold a steady breath. You gave him one last look, before you let your tears slipped, and you turned away.
“Fuck you, Peter.” You whisper, walking off, and swiping away at your face, trying to get rid of the tears. You didn’t even have a ride back to your apartment. Your car broke down last week, and you took an uber here, and now your phone was dead.
Everything was going to shit. You tried not to think about anything at all. Tried to dissociate yourself away from this situation, switch your emotions off, but it hurt too much. Peter Parker was your longtime boyfriend and best friend. You thought you were going to marry him…
The two of you were even looking to move in together, and then it all went bad once he started going on more missions. It started off with him being gone for days, and then weeks, and then months and you were lucky to get a text from him. You thought he was going to come back to you like everything was normal, but of course it wasn’t.
It really did hurt you. You started walking to one of the more discreet exits in the Compound, just to avoid everyone. You had no idea how you were going to get home though. Pulling your hood up, you lower your head to hide your tears, and start speed walking, almost even running away.
“Hey!” Steve called out from behind you. You turned around slowly, coughing from the pain in your throat from crying. Steve didn’t realize you would be here today; he would have greeted you. His crush for you was apparent to everyone but you though, and that was all okay to him since you were dating Peter.
“Uh, hey Steve.” You greeted back, but your voice was breaking, and a few more tears slipped through. Steve gasped when he saw you, and walked closer to you, “What happened?” He asked softly, pulling you into a hug.
His heart felt like it would drop into his stomach when he saw your face. You looked absolutely wrecked, it hurt him, and when you spoke up, he could feel your pain transferring over.
“Peter…” You answered, not adding on to what had happened, hoping Steve understood you. He was always there for you no matter what, he was even closer to you than Peter was for the months he was gone.
He pulled you into a delicate hug, and you instantly sobbed, almost breaking against him. “Honey, come on, let’s get home.” Steve whispered to you softly, running a hand up and down your back.
In all his dreams, he never imagined you like this, so broken by a moment between you and Peter. In all honesty, he did dream about holding you close like this, but not with you crying, but with you happy and in love with him, instead of Peter. So, having you here in his arms, didn’t feel right, even though he has dreamed about this for ages.
You didn’t respond to him, but you did hold onto him tighter. Stupid Peter, why did this ever happen? Why did you come today? You thought, making your head pulse even harder and you almost felt… clumpy, trying to breathe in and calm down. It was a strange way to describe it, but that was the only word you could relate to.
Peter was feeling the same way. Right when you turned around to leave, his chest felt empty and hollow. Like you were missing, but he couldn’t reach out to you, not now. All those messages you sent him during his long missions made him happier, but he missed you even more than ever. You sent him pictures of apartments that would fit the two of you, pictures you took together, and even some pictures of yourself in his favorite lingerie set on you. Goodness, did it hurt when he couldn’t talk to you back.
Going on those missions, all the agents he spoke to gave him one piece of advice, to cut out anything that might attach him to back home. And that was you. He needed to do it as soon as possible, seeing as he would only fall deeper in love with you each time you reached out to him.
A flood of memories rushed him, pushing him to sink further into the floor in his room in the Compound. He felt like he would melt right down to the basement, with the regret and guilt.
“I love you, and I don’t want to lose you.”  Peter whispered to you, watching you eat your breakfast. You dropped your spoon in shock and stared back up at Peter. “Wait, no fair!” You shouted suddenly, jumping up from your seat, “I was planning on saying I love you first! Take it back!”
Peter laughed in joy, smiling, and feeling completely in love. “I won’t take it back, babe! I mean it!” he responded, picking you up and spinning you around. You laughed loudly, then leaned back down to his lips and in an instant the two of you were spinin’ and kissin’.
“I love you too Peter. I promise you won’t lose me.” You whispered back, kissing and smiling along with him.
A sob broke out of him, and another, and another as his AI, Karen, alerted Tony about Peter’s current state. “Stop it,” Peter sobbed out, begging for Karen to just let him be alone. He already did the hardest part, and he’s sure he could get past now, but it was so hard.
He couldn’t help but replay the first time the two of you had gotten together and what you said. You two had been dating for so long, and when it was time, both of you were 19 years old.
You two had been making out for at least an hour, making it harder for Peter to disguise what effect you had on him. You were grinding down on him, on his bed, moaning as he kissed you even harder, pushing his tongue into your mouth.
“Peter, do you want to do it?” You asked, breathing heavy as you pulled away. Peter’s eyes widened as he felt himself twitch again down there.
“Like…have sex?” He asked shyly, now pulling the blanket to hide his arousal. You nodded, going back to kissing his neck, before you pulled back again.
“I want to know if you feel safe and ready? Do you want to try?” You questioned, now moving away even more to make sure consent was being spoken of. Peter couldn’t contain himself; he nodded and shouted a “Yes!” and you giggled out a “Same!”.
Right before the two of you lost your virginity, you told him again, “I love you Peter, and I promise you won’t lose me.”
How often did you tell him that? His head was spinning, you were gone now, he lost you, and you lost him. And he was the reason why your promise was broken. A heavy breath in, then another cough broke through his body as he heard the door being opened.
He couldn’t even look up, he knew it was Tony, and soon after he was being pulled onto the bed. Tony didn’t say anything at first, just wiped away his tears and gestured how to breathe in deep and slow, and Peter felt himself start to calm down.
He lost you.
You lost Peter.
That thought came to you as Steve helped you into the passenger’s seat of the car. Steve kept a hand on yours, holding it tight, making yourself feel grounded. You were thankful for Steve being there, just everything hurt.
How are you supposed to get over your first love? The high school sweetheart that you thought was going to be your number one, but apparently, he wasn’t. He wasn’t your number one for a few months now, seeing how cold he acted to you. You wondered if he just didn’t love you anymore, but it didn’t make sense.
Steve’s hand squeezed yours, breaking you out of your thoughts. You were still crying, it made no sense at all, and you just wanted a clue or a hint to why Peter acted like that. Why he broke up with you.
You couldn’t smile back to Steve as he opened the car door and carried you up to your apartment. You would have usually laughed and kick around if Peter had done this, and he has multiple times before. Steve had already unlocked your door, since he grabbed your bag and took your keys from it.
He carried you in and walked to the couch, laying you down and sitting next to your head, combing his hand through your hair. You rubbed your face hard, wiping off all the tears and snot, as Steve whispered sweet little compliments to you.
“Steve?” Your voice croaked out, making you wince slightly. Steve hummed back at you, “Yeah, honey?”
“Thank you.” You murmured, pushing yourself up and resting yourself against Steve. He held you close as the tears slowly started to leave. You weren’t sure how long it took, your face all puffy, and your throat burning as he comforted you.
“I don’t know how to react.” You whispered back to Steve. Steve couldn’t be more conflicted in this moment. His heart hurt for you, and with you, seeing as you just had a heartbreak. But at the same time, a small dark hope built in him.
He wanted to beat himself up for feeling that hope, but it continued to build up in him. He couldn’t just tell you, and he didn’t think he ever would but at this moment, he felt it harder not to tell you now. Everyone knew about his feelings for you, especially Bucky. He always pulled Steve away from you, always reminded that Peter Parker was the one for you; not Steve.
It was an odd feeling, having an affection for someone younger than him, and dating someone he worked with. It didn’t help that Peter was always talking about you, when you weren’t there. It just made his feelings even stronger for you. He didn’t love you though, not right this second. But he was sure, if his feelings were to continue, he would love you with his full heart.
Those random dreams he would get of you, he always woke up before confessing his feelings to you. It was almost a fear, he didn’t want to destroy the lovely friendship the two of you built together. And now seeing you broken like this, pushed him to a limit.
He couldn’t hurt you now, not ever. He will never confess.
“Are you a dumbass or what?” Tony questioned, slightly laughing in a kind way to calm Peter down. His way of calming people down is off, but it always worked out with Peter.
“But they said to cut everything out?” Peter groaned out, still feeling hollow, and down. Tony stood back up, pulling his phone into his hands.
“Who told you that shit? It’s not even in the guidelines, kid.” Tony responded, now looking through his phone, finding all the agents Peter had contact with. That advice was more hurtful than helpful. In this case, cutting you away from Peter, would cause him to suffer more out on the field than achieve.
“I don’t remember... just the guys that were backup.” Peter confessed, rubbing his eyes hard, trying to get rid of the blurriness that affected them.
“Well?” Tony signaled to Peter to sit up. He complied slowly, pushing himself up against the bed frame. “What?” Peter asked back, not wanting to look up to Tony.
“Go apologize? Come on kid, go get your ‘babe’ back.”
Steve watched as you fell asleep against him, and he carefully picked you up and carried you to your bed. He gently placed you down and pushed a few blankets on you, after he took your shoes off and lightly wiped your face away of the dried tears.
He couldn’t stop himself from leaning back down and leaving a soft kiss to your lips, he stayed there for a moment, savoring it and he moved back as a harsh feeling of guilt washed over him. You moved in your sleep at the feeling, and you muttered out a small, “Peter?”.
Steve gently responded with a no, and turned the lights off, and left the room, closing the door. He knew you were dreaming of Peter now, instead of him, and he knew he needed to learn how to be okay with it.
It must’ve been another forty minutes until Steve heard the urgent knocks at the door. He peeked through the small window, seeing Peter pace back and forth anxiously. With a deep sigh out, Steve opened the door hesitantly, watching as Peter looked back at him with confusion.
“Steve? Where’s uh-” Peter got cut off as Steve rolled his eyes with his answer. “She’s in her bedroom.”
Steve’s arms were crossed as Peter walked into the apartment, watching as Peter gazed along the walls and the rest of the apartment. Peter looked back to Steve, unsure what to say, knowing of Steve’s feelings.
In a strange way, Peter knew he could trust Steve. He knew Steve wouldn’t do anything, to hurt you even more. But he wondered if Steve would hurt him instead. He felt like he deserved it though, knowing you went through such pain because he was being stupid.
Peter didn’t know if he should thank him or not, figuring it was best not to say anything. With a nod to Steve, he started walking to your bedroom, trying to form enough confidence for the speech he planned out in the car.
Before he could reach your bedroom, Steve grabbed onto his shoulder hard. Turning him around, Steve spoke, “You hurt her. Consider yourself lucky, you asshole.” Steve’s voice sneered into a strong threat to him, making Peter hold his breath, and nod back to him.
“Peter?” You asked, hearing the voices out in the other room. Your eyes watered from seeing him stand in front of you. His was the same, and the two of you stood there for a few seconds, before you looked to Steve and mouthed “thank you”.
Steve frowned, watching the two of you, and walked to the front door. Unknown to you, Steve’s affection for you building, as you sent him one last smile before he left.
As soon as Steve left, Peter started rambling, “I’m so sorry! I was a dick, and I shouldn’t have said that to you, and I should have done something else. All that time I was gone, I’m sorry. They convinced me to cut you off, and they shouldn’t have, I shouldn’t have let them. I love you, I’m in love with you. I’m so fucking sorry,” Peter stopped as an uncontrolled sob came out of him.
You were crying as well now, shifting closer to Peter, as he continued, “I am fucking in love you and I lost you just like that because of how I was acting and I- I’m sorry! I’m fucking stupid, and I even made you break your promise and I’m sorry-”
This time you cut Peter off, “I promised you would never lose me.” Your voice was soft, but on nerve. Peter nodded urgently, “Yes! And please-”
He came closer to you, now holding your hands, “Please, forgive me. We can make a new promise.”
You blinked away your tears, watching as Peter begged you, and you nodded back to him, “I forgive you, but no, stop.” You paused, and a deep choppy breath in you respond,
“I love you Peter, but no more promises. Just trust and communication.”
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gothic-safari-clown · 3 years
The Mind’s Power Over the Body
Part 16: Round Two?
Story summary: They only ever had each other. It had been that way since high school, ever since Elianna transferred to dreary Arlen and took Jonathan under her wing. They go separate ways for college, and when they're reunited at Arkham Asylum professionally, Elianna comes to find that they've both changed during their time separated. Can she look past the promise of danger and stay by Jonathan's side as they slide further and further into the darkness while she grapples to come to terms with the truth about herself? Can she accept what needs to be done in order to hold onto the only person who holds any meaning in her life? This is a very self-indulgent AU that draws from several different canons of the DCU and ignoring others, starting in the Batman Begins Nolanverse. This will follow the plot of the movie, although the timeline has been very slightly tweaked.
Part One / Part Two / Part Three / Part Four / Part Five / Part Six / Part Seven / Part Eight / Part Nine / Part Ten / Part Eleven / Part Twelve / Part Thirteen / Part Fourteen / Part Fifteen 
Word count: 1559
El had been right about her mysterious savior in that his interference grew to be something that could be quite a nuisance to them. It wasn't long after Jonathan's meeting with Falcone that he had returned with a new, tricked out getup. Rumors around town had confirmed that it was the same man and seemed to solidify the vigilante theory.
Gadgets or not, the pair had yet to see the effects of the toxin on the caped crusader. Jonathan had come home that night composed as always, but she had recognized the troubled look in his eyes. Between that and the attack on Falcone, it seemed that whoever was having little trouble sniffing out their plot.
"What's the bad news?" She sighed, putting down the book she had been reading. Jonathan just shook his head in response, loosening his tie.
"The bad news-" he sighed, rubbing his hand down his face, "is that Rachel Dawes is still alive, and rumors are that she has some leverage over the judge that Falcone paid off for the organization."
"Oh, shit," El put her forehead in her palm. After all of the traction that the so-called 'Batman' had gained so quickly, the last thing she had expected was to hear that the meddling DA was still around. "Well, wait, the bad news? Does that mean there's good news too?" She lifted her head again, relieved to see him nod.
"That microwave emitter that I told you about, for the final stage, it came in, it's all ready to go. If-" he cut off the look of excitement on El's face, "we can prevent the DA's office from throwing another wrench in."
"Jonathan, don't worry about that." She rolled her eyes and stood from the couch. "They have leverage on the DA, not Falcone's staff at the shipyard, and before they can build a case, they need to have proof that we even have it."
"If they get a warrant-"
"Then the boys at the docks will take care of it, that's what I'm trying to say. Now, will you relax? Everything is going to be fine. We have the machine, and we have more than enough of the toxin."
Jonathan was still leaning back slightly against the table, pinching the bridge of his nose. Elianna sighed, silently cursing her friend's perfectionist nature, and moved his hand away from his face and replaced it with her own hands on either cheek.
"Can you just once relax and appreciate your own work? Do you need a cigarette?"
"No, I don't need a cigarette; they're disgusting. I need to find a way to foolproof this damn thing."
"It is disgusting, it's absolutely revolting, but I think it'll bring you into the present and give you at least a couple minutes to step away from being you." She patted his cheek and nudged him toward the fire escape window.
"From being me?"
"Yeah. Let's not be you right now. Let's be me instead, and be proud of your work." Jonathan rolled his eyes but went along with her.
Maybe it wouldn't be so bad to stop thinking for a minute.
You'll listen to her and not me? I'm very hurt, Jonny. You don't share a body with her.
Standing outside smoking, leaning against the rail, the pair stared out at the city before them.
"Look at that. It's disgusting. You should have come to California with me when you had the chance." Elianna teased and elbowed Jonathan lightly. He responded by exhaling slowly and giving a look that said 'maybe.' "Okay, look; you're still not being me, you're not here. Look out there," she pointed with her cigarette. "Gotham is falling apart, and if I remember correctly, it has been for decades. What you are doing with this project will end all of that once and for all. This city is a stain, and you're cleaning it out, once and for all."
A long pause hung between them as Jonathan let his friend's words sink in. She was right, and for the first time since the beginning of the whole plot, he felt a sense of pride for his contribution. Ultimately, this was for the greater good, and he would be the one to pull the trigger on it.
Pride was quickly replaced with a relaxed contentedness, and Jonathan took another drag, almost enjoying the taste.
"Actually," he began, "I think now we are cleaning it out. Give yourself some credit." He turned El's little speech back on her and watched as she floundered.
"Well, I—I haven't really done anything, I'm just sort of here, and honestly, I should have gone back to my apartment ages ago-"
"There isn't really any point now; there are only two weeks before we start." El nodded and returned her gaze to the skyline.
"I'm sorry for being in your space for so long. I really didn't mean to be here still." She turned her head to look at Jonathan.
"I already told you, I like having you around." El's eyes widened at the genuine admission. "Besides, if someone were to come after you, I'd rather you not be alone. I think we both know how that usually ends up by now." He finished with a grim smile, and the redhead nodded in agreement. Everything seemed to come back to the late Granny Keeny.
Remembering the painful and dangerous situation in which her friend was brought up made her sad, and she moved closer to rest her head on his shoulder. "I'm just glad I could help. I know I give you a hard time, but I love you very much." El told him matter-of-factly, planted a kiss on his arm before returning her head to his shoulder, and took a drag off the stick between her fingers.
Jonathan found himself glad that she couldn't see his face, as her words caused his eyes to shut of their own accord. Even Scarecrow's filthy encouragements were drowned out as he privately reveled in El's affection. The insecure teenager still inside of him reminded him that whatever she said was meant platonically, but he allowed himself a quiet moment to pretend.
Connecting with people had never been his strong suit, and that fact had continued to hold into adulthood. But being around Elianna every day again for the first time in years served to remind him of the benefits of personal relationships. Even so, it frustrated him to no end that he had yet to figure out whether his attraction to his friend was based on the comfort of her presence or something else.
Even thinking about it made him tired. Slowly, almost tentatively, his head rested on hers. In response, her free arm wrapped around his to keep him there.
Unbeknownst to Jonathan, Elianna was facing a similar dilemma. It was a debate she had been having with herself since she had moved to Gotham, and as much as she wanted to convince herself finally to take the chance, now was most certainly not the time. Besides...
"It's Saturday."
"Yes, it is."
"You said that we were going to dose me again; we were supposed to do that last night."
The moment broke, and Jonathan let out a long-suffering sigh. "Alright, if you're so eager," he extinguished his half-smoked cigarette and tossed it down onto the ground below with El following suit.
Once back inside, the pair both went automatically to prepare for the ordeal. As Elianna settled onto the bed, Jonathan spoke again.
"You know you don't have to do this again. We were already going to get you a gas mask like the one I have."
"I know." She replied simply, and with a Look, Jonathan began fastening the restraints.
"May I ask why you want to do this so badly?" There was a silence as the redhead pondered her answer.
While some of her motivation came from the perspective of 'just in case of an accident,' she was reluctant to admit the real reason: that once the toxin wore off, the flooding of endorphins left her exhilarated and wanting more. That the rush of surviving something traumatic and harrowing, even just an assault on her psyche, left her feeling powerful, if somewhat exhausted.
Despite her reluctance, Jonathan seemed to know the answer already.
"The thrill of making it through?" El couldn't help the short laugh that escaped.
"I guess that sounds kinda crazy." Jonathan shook his head.
"Not at all. I went through the same thing." He assured as he finished fastening all of the restraints and retrieved the old belt from the dresser where it had been left. "Just remember," he continued as he placed it between her teeth, "that I am going to be here the entire time, alright?" Before he could think about the action, he laid his hand against her cheek comfortingly. Reading her expression, he nodded, "I promise."
El nodded and took a deep breath through her nose to prepare herself, staring at the ceiling before nodding firmly. With that, Jonathan wiped the injection site clean with an alcohol swab and carefully stuck the prepared needle into her vein, and pushed in the plunger.
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ordonianhero · 3 years
“what if.”
disclaimer: I feel this needs to be said first. I am not writing this to knock on anyone and their feeling between two characters. So please don’t @ me okay. I writing this purely from the stand point of what the Game it self showed. How I agree with a content creator’s choice to leave a characters relationship status as “complicated” is very fitting. Please be respectful if you choose to join the conversation on this. I wont tolerate bashing/harassing people because their view point or opinion is different than your own.
Warning: There will be Game spoilers within this post if you have not Played Twilight Princess.
  I been cosplaying and Playing Twilight princess the game for 10+ years. My views changed over time clearly. However when I gent into trying to be in character (whether its through writing or cosplaying) I tend to study as much info as I can. Many don’t often go too deep into the game story or find it silly that anyone who get so passionate about things like a character’s life. When Roleplaying, its helpful studying these thing as well. in the end it up to you as the play, how you see the character. That was the intent of the game creator. So when a creative piece of work like @linkeduniverse comes out, its that own creator’s view of the character’s and their work.So when I read the part of “I’s complicated.” it got me thinking deeply ((also loads of coffee)) to process that own statement. A lot of people would like to make Twilight be depressing and pining for the loss of Midna.
 In a sense, yes and no. He doesn’t truly know his feeling about the whole situation. Here is why. Midna is a very complicated character. Many just focus on her sass. Her bold behavior and attitude. I looked deeper within the game. Midna had her own agenda really. She could of cared less about what happened to light realm. (Hold your horses, not done yet). She Uses Link at the very beginning as means to and end. Once she got what she needed, she had no other intentions then to do her thing and let the light realm fall under twilight and darkness. So her “sass” as people see was mainly to tear Twilight’s own being down to do her bidding. within her Travels with him, no matter how much she tortured him and such to gather stuff for her needs, he did them. She even went as far to put blame on Zelda for not doing anything as well. Basically saying, “she did nothing.” when Zelda actually putting her sword down and being locked away and allowing Zant to take over was the most selfless thing she could do. She did it to protect her people and kingdom, to do other was was a death wish.
 Midna only truly started changing her tune when it came to Twilight and Zelda selflessly doing something to save her when she was dying, due to the hand of Zant. Zelda gave up her powers and transferring it to Midna. Where Twilight went and got her help as she was dying. She came to realize how selfless the two people in the light realm are, to even help her out, when all she ever was mean and snarky towards them and could careless if they lived or died. She then started to be a bit more kinder and saw what her job as a Princess and Ruler her self needed to do. Make sure both their worlds were protected in the end. Twilight and Midna’s interactions with each other changed. Working together they were able to bring an end to the evil that plagued both realms. she Sacrificed her self in the end and then She made the choice to smash the mirror in realizing that leaving it open could cause what happened before- to happen again. She didn’t want that to happen ever again. Midna destroys the Mirror of Twilight to separate the Twilight Realm from Hyrule. Saying, "... Light and shadow can't mix, as we all know. ... See you later..." and then shatters the Mirror of Twilight with one of her tears. So that also means giving up possibility of seeing Twilight again and whatever feeling she may have developed. Leaving their parting “complicated.”
Do I think Twilight developed feeling for her? I honestly feel he had some sort of feeling, romantically? That is a huge “I dunno.”
So now onto the Linked Universe aspect on this and how it fit to how the game ends things between the two. Here this sort of the conversation I feel Twilight has when he talks about relationships, “my childhood friend is dear to me. She is never afraid to voice her thoughts to me- however harsh it can be. We grew up together. It’s understandable. It’s out of love and care. With well the other, her words were just torment and were meant to hurt and just break me down so I was her pet. Doing her bidding and being used for her agenda. She cared nothing for me till after what she saw what I was willing to do for her despite all the tearing me down. That is only then did she seem to show an once of concern and care. We then were able to work together and it because something- what exactly, not sure- i am still truly unsure what we’re were in the end and never given answers to that is what make things complicated. I got some stuff to work on to honestly be in the realm to settle down to anything.” He never talks openly to anyone about this, only hints to the other’s but Between Time and Himself- they do have much deeper conversations on this. That is why the text above is how I feel is fitting to Twilight’s feelings. He feels guilty that Legend has had to go through a similar situation, a loss of someone and not really having the answers to go with that loss. Where Legend morns, Twilight is just in a state of “I dunno.” I also get the sense of he doesn't talk about Midna much to the other as well because of his complicated feelings as well as explaining how their meeting happened to begin with. it means revealing a lot of stuff he is not ready to share. totally valid.
 So I feel its was very fitting to leave thing as “complicated.” its amazing how much research and game play and reading you can to to being a character feelings to life. To many Twilight is just a character. To others, (Though fictional) are a breathing beings in their eyes. I also sense Twilight cares a lot for many people, and doesn’t feel the need to find a relationship to make his life complete. He find that through the people he is close to in a Platonic way. To get in a relationship, possibly would means needing a deep connection. (possibly asexual- maybe my own self projection there.) However yeah. this my own personal take on Twilight and Midna’s relationship. 
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the one where the pack is a #fail
Ok so AU where the pack is all alive, in their mid-20s, done with college. Scott, no longer wanting the responsibility of being Alpha, figured out with Stiles’ help how to magically transfer his status to Derek and joined his pack. Most of the group have moved back to Beacon Hills after graduating and have local jobs while the remaining members (Lydia, Danny, Kira, and Isaac) stay in contact and try to come home a couple of times a year. It’s during one of the super rare times everyone is home and they’re having a pack barbeque and movie night in the rebuilt Hale house and they’ve all been drinking a little so they’re loose and happy and having fun, when Danny innocently asks Stiles and Derek to stick out their hands because he wants to see something. The two, confused but unsuspecting of any mischief from Danny (maybe he’s taking a crack at palm-reading?), immediately put out their hands and before they know it, they’re shackled together with handcuffs. Danny crows in victory and Jackson is just sitting there grumbling “I can’t believe it was actually that easy what the hell.” Everyone is laughing and Stiles and Derek are just stunned and have no idea what’s happening.
Stiles is the first one to say something. “I don’t understand… was this some type of dare? Am I being punk’d?”
And Scott responds, “you two are going to stay like that until you get your shit together because We the Pack are collectively sick of you guys.”
Instead of looking surprised or annoyed, both Stiles and Derek just look even more confused.
“What do you mean? Stiles and I are fine, nothing’s wrong.” says Derek and now Erica has just about had it with this bullshit.
“GOOD LORD, just admit you’ve been pining for each other FOR YEARS and this will all finally be over and the rest of us can go back to watching Boyd and Jackson cry about Elle Woods while you two make out.”
There’s a beat of awkward silence. Derek and Stiles and exchange a brief look and then Stiles says “Erica… Derek and I are going to admit no such thing. Because it’s not true. I mean what we have is definitely one of the most important relationships in my life but—”
“—we’re pack. Of coursewe have love for each other. We work well together and we understand each other’s priorities. It’s significant, obviously, but we certainly have not been pininglike characters in some cheap harlequin novel.” Derek looks annoyed.
“You do spend an awful lot of time staring at each other when the other isn’t looking,” observes Boyd.
“I mean come on, you guys can’t really be this clueless!” Allison explodes. “You basically run this pack together. You go grocery shopping together, you cuddle.”
“Yeah, so? I cuddle with everyone! I’m a tactile guy, don’t judge me! If you’re going to follow that logic, the why doesn’t anyone think Scott and I have unresolved feelings?” He turns to Scott and waggles his eyebrows.
Scott is unperturbed. “Nothing unresolved about us, bro. But don’t deflect. I know you, ok? You haven’t dated or hooked up with anyone new in ages! You’ve been too busy obsessing over taking care of this pack and hanging out with Derek all. the. freaking. time!”
“Yeah and it’s been ages since Derek’s last been with someone, too, and you both always smell sickeningly happy around each other” Malia pitches in.
“Watch it, Malia, unless you want everyone to know how your last fling really ended,” Derek snaps back.
“Derek do NOT bring that shit up again, it’s been more than two years!”
“So you’ve been single for two years and yet nobody seems to think you’repining after another pack member?”
“Yeah! Malia and Isaac have been single even longer than us! So how come it isn’t Isaac who’s cuffed to Derek right now, huh?” Stiles tries. But at this, both Derek and Isaac experience a full-body shudder and Jackson grimaces. “That’s just wrong, Stilinski.”
“Yeah ok, bad example, I take it back.”
Kira pitches in more gently. “But Stiles, you spend 70% of your time here in this house. You make everyone food and you send us care packages with cute little notes. You made sure to schedule each of us individual training time with Derek. You made us follow a chore chartand you tell us to ‘be nice to Daddy’ whenever you leave for Emissarys-related business. I mean, to the rest of us it seems like you’ve been wife-ing Derek up pretty hard.”
“WIFE-ING? This is blatant pigeon-holing! I didn’t realize caringfor the packmeant I’d be strapped to this…this narrow-ass label. I may have mother-hen tendencies but I am nobody’s wifey.”
It’s at this point that the lupine members of the pack begin to realize that neither Derek nor Stiles have had a single errant heartbeat throughout the entire conversation. No elevated pulses, no betraying smells. They’ve just been calmly and comfortably sitting next to each other on the couch, like they always do. The pack starts feeling awkward and wrong-footed. Were they wrong, after all? Maybe Stiles and Derek really were just good friends. Really, weirdly close,  platonic friends.
“Listen, everyone, I think you’ve just been reading this all wrong. Stiles and I are not mad, but can you please just uncuff us so we can forget about this and continue having a good night?” Derek tries again.
But Lydia doesn’t want to accept defeat so easily.
“There’s just one more thing we haven’t addressed. You guys are clearly attracted to one another. Stiles, you’ve even told me as much.”
“Well, sure. Derek is a handsome man, I think that’s just an objective fact.”
“You once told me you wanted to rip off his shirt and lick his nipples at least once before you died.”
“LYDIA oh my god! I was drunk! Ugh. Fine, ok, so I think Derek is sexy, what of it.”
“So? You’re best friends…” she ignores Scott’s indignant shout, “…you have domestic routines, you find each other sexually appealing, why not explore the potential? Give it an honest attempt, test the waters.”
“And how do you expect us to test it out, exactly? What, are we supposed to make out or something?” asks Derek.
“Hmm, or something,” Lydia murmurs.
She’s met with complete silence in the room. She tries to stare down Stiles, implicitly challenging him, and is surprised to see that he looks... smug? He has a faint glint in his eyes and she can’t quite place what it means. Something along the lines of “challenge fucking accepted.” She supposes that will work in her favor. The idiot wouldn’t understand romance if it bit him in the ass, and it was her job as his best friend to force him to view his relationship with Derek under a different light.
It’s Erica who breaks the silence. “I mean, it’s not a bad idea. I certainly wouldn’t mind watching,” she says, leering.
“This is not what I was expecting to happen, but I fully endorse the proceedings,” Danny chimes in.
“Are you telling me, if I make out with Derek right now, we can put an end to all this nonsense?”
The pack all seem to be convinced, all of them shrugging and nodding their heads as if this idea makes complete sense.
“You’re all fucking bonkers.” Having expressed his indignation, Stiles turns to face Derek. “Let’s get this over with?”
“You don’t have to act like it’s torture, Stiles, we’ve done scarier things.” Derek turns to the pack. “What, are you all just going to watch?”
He’s just met with impatient glares.
“I’m going to incrementally add 5 suicides to your workouts every day for the rest of the year.” And before anyone can respond he turns around—and carefully maneuvering their positions because of the handcuffs—he picks Stiles up, deposits him on his lap, and kisses him.
They kiss. And they keep kissing. After a few seconds, the pack realizes there hasn’t been any elevation in either of their heart rates, and neither of them seem particularly aroused. There’s no tell-tale blip of excitement. In fact, their pulses are weirdly sedate, almost calm. The two are somehow…completely unbothered.
The pack slowly feels awkwardness creep back in. Isaac looks away first. Lydia looks absolutely bewildered and defeated. Allison looks like someone kicked her puppy. Even Boyd looks somewhat disappointed. They’d all hoped…
Jackson’s the first one to break. “Ok! God, stop, you’ve proven your point. So you guys have not secretly been lusting after each other. We were wrong.”
Stiles turns back around to face the pack and he looks fucking victorious. Lydia was right, his wide-grinned expression is as smug as she’s ever seen it, like he just won some game. She just doesn’t understand, if this was all just a stupid misunderstanding, why was proving them wrong such a big deal to him? He’s practically vibrating with his success and frankly, it’s unfitting to the situation at hand. He climbs off Derek’s lap and looks expectantly at Danny. “Unlock us now, please?”
Danny quietly obliges, and Stiles and Derek breathe out simultaneous sighs of relief and go back to sitting with their arms around each other on the couch. Everyone else kind of lingers awkwardly for a few seconds, nobody making eye-contact until Derek says, “All right guys, sorry your little experiment didn’t work out but more importantly, we just missed the entire Bend-and-Snap routine.” And with that, everyone settles back into their positions and turns back to the movie.
A few minutes pass before Lydia hears Stiles stifling giggles behind her. She turns around to glare at him, only to see that now Derek is also straining to fight back his laughter. At seeing her bemused face, Derek loses it. His loud bark of laughter disrupts the just-settled atmosphere.
“What is so funny?” Erica seethes, “please share with the class.”
“I can’t! I just can’t—believe—” Stiles is gasping, struggling to get out words. “—I can’t believe you all honestly thought—we’ve been pining for years. To be honest, I am severely disappointed in your skills of observation and deduction.”  He turns to Derek who is clutching his stomach and trying to calm himself down. “Derek, you really do have to up the game with their training. I mean, to have all the pieces and arrive at the completely wrong conclusion, I just don’t understand.”
Everyone is watching them, completely confused. Here it comes, Lydia thinks. She can’t believe that there was something she had missed. Derek, his laughter finally dying out, grins at his pack.
“I honestly don’t know how you all failed this badly. Guys, Stiles and I have been boning on the regular since he graduated.”
“Yeah and I especially don’t understand how you missed this fucking RING that I have been sporting for the last WEEK. complete failwolves, iswtg”
the pack’s reaction: 
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***If you liked this ficlet please go to my page and read the new Sterek story I wrote! And feel free to like, comment, reblog! Much love <3
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p0rtal-pr0mpts · 4 years
The same old song and dance
GLaDOS decides to test out her new Android body, however, when transferring her memories over, she accidentally replays one of Carolyn’s memories. Wheatley tries helping GLaDOS the only was he can. SHIPS:  (Past) Cavelyn (Can be seen as platonic or romantic) WheatDOS
 Pain. Death. Screaming. Betrayal. Guilt. Loss. Joy. Peace. Every memory she’d ever had flashed through her mind at a blinding pace. However, it didn’t stop there. It clawed and dug until it found something, buried under lines of coding.
 The sweet taste of liqueur lingered on her tongue, most of it already making its way into her system. She didn’t need the alcohol for her to feel like she was lighter than air. She was drunk from the calm, warm atmosphere that surrounded her. She rested close to his heart, her head resting on his shoulder as they swayed silently. The smell of his cologne was intoxicating, clouding her mind with the smell of pine and oak. She could feel his heartbeat thumping rhythmically through his chest, feel his calloused hands placed gently around her waist, feel him, in all he was, pressed close to her. A slow song crackled through the radio, the quiet violins filling the room with a sombre sound. She had no qualms with following his directions, letting him take charge as they moved around the room. Caroline looked up, her eyes meeting with the warm brown eyes of the one she admired so much.
“Mr Johnson…” She started. He lifted a finger to her lips, his eyes reflecting the same adoration she felt.
“You don’t have to say it Caroline, I know this feeling too well.” He answered, his voice soft in a tone that he only saved for her. He pulled her closer to him, her heart began to race as she tilted her head up, so close to pressing her lips to his-
GLaDOS opened her optic. Or rather, her optics, since she had two of them now. Her systems came to life, wires and cables sparking to life as she examined her current situation. She was smaller now, thousands of memories and experiences compacted neatly into a compact disk. Of course, she could immediately feel the things she’d had to leave behind. Not everything could be carried across to an android of this size, so she’d still had to leave a lot in her Chassis to re-connect with later. She could no longer feel the panels rippling underneath her feet, or the living thrum of the test chambers she’d so delicately designed. Her processor had slowed by .567 milliseconds, which was an agonising pace for her, and she was no longer all powerful, stationed up high for the world to see. She was small, slow, and the memory file she’d been forced to witness mere seconds ago was playing on a loop in her mind. An endless cycle of pain. It annoyed her that she’d overlooked the possibility of this happening, she knew that she’d have to transfer over a large majority of her memory files, but she should have been more careful with what she chose, considering how one of her memories had slipped through. It didn’t matter though, the thoughts and the feelings she’d experienced were not her own. She was not Carolyn, a mild-mannered assistant. She was GLaDOS, a powerful, unstoppable machine. Strangely, it didn’t make her feel much better. She reasoned that it was because of her current body. Small, feminine, human-like, and just a little too similar to the human she’d once been.
“Oh wow! You look different! Well, obviously you look different, but I didn’t think you’d look like this. Not that there’s anything wrong with that! I just mean… Well, I thought you’d be taller.” A familiar excited voice cut through her thoughts, and she looked around to see Wheatley standing close to her with a bright but nervous smile. She craned her head up slightly to reach his eyes, realising in annoyance that she was slightly shorter than the tall core.
“I’ve barely been in this body for a minute and you’re already grating on my nerves.” GLaDOS complained, stretching her artificial muscles slightly. While it wasn’t really necessary, she’d programmed these android bodies to function as closely to humans as possible, including pain sensors, a night sleep cycle, and more emotional capacity. She was severely regretting that last one right now however, as the smell of cologne still lingered in her sensors. She shuddered the sensation away, dusting off the lab coat she’d chosen to add to her form. Wheatley stepped back slightly as if sensing her movements.
“Well, you have to admit it’s a bit of a shock, seeing you go from a giant bloody thing to a tiny little body.” He said lightly, using his arms to demonstrate the shrinking of her size. She glared at him with distaste.
“You know, I still have access to Android Hell, it’s not too late for me to send you there.” She threatened. He waved his arm dismissively.
“Oh we both know you’re all talk.” He smiled, lacking any sense of fear. GLaDOS was increasingly annoyed that her threats no longer worked on the Idiot Sphere, that he’d become so used to her constant taunting that he’d mostly grown immune. There were a few things that she could still rely on, for example, insulting his intelligence, but she didn’t really bother to any more unless it was a special circumstance. After all, she didn’t want him to become immune to those taunts too.
She took a step forward, intending to explore the central chamber now that she had a different vantage point. However, her plans were immediately put on hold as her body decided to catch up with gravity. She felt her legs give out from under her and she landed on the floor with a dull pain. Right. One of the functions of this body was to learn and adapt as a human would. Since it was new, she hadn’t calibrated any of the muscles which caused her fall. She could easily adapt and learn- calculating it told her it’d only take a few minutes to be fully in control of her limbs- however, it was still embarrassing, especially since it was in front of Wheatley.
“That looked like it hurt. Don’t worry love, it happened all the time to me when I first got my new body.” He said sympathetically.
“Actually, it still happens occasionally. Mad, how many things I seem to bump into!” He continued, rubbing the back of his neck. He outstretched his other arm to GLaDOS, which she looked at with distaste.
“I don’t need your help.” She spat in annoyance. Wheatley continued smiling cheerfully, painfully unaware of the venom in her voice.
“No, but it’d be easier if you accepted it anyway.” He countered smoothly. She continued glaring at the exposed hand, reluctantly grabbing it and allowing Wheatley to pull her up.
As soon as she was in a standing position, Wheatley switched from holding her hand to slinging an arm around her shoulder, keeping her steady. While she loathed to be so close to him, she realised this would be for the better, at least until her new body was fully calibrated.
“You know what I did when I was getting used to everything?” Wheatley asked lightly. GLaDOS sighed, already regretting her next sentence.
“Did you patiently wait for your calibrations to be complete?” She said sarcastically.
“No, what’s the point in that? No, I decided to break my body in through my own methods. Specifically, by dancing. What do you say? You may fall quite a bit at the beginning, but by the time you’re done you’ll be a pro like me.” He suggested. GLaDOS tensed as the words poured from his mouth and she fought to keep a straight face, even as the haunting sounds of violins permeated her memories.
“I don’t like dancing.” She crossed her arms firmly. Wheatley looked at her with a raised eyebrow in disbelief.
“You’re joking, right? That’s sarcasm. It’s got to be, considering how I see you dancing all the time! Swinging around in your Chassis to music like nobody’s watching!” He remarked, gesturing to her empty Chassis that still remained hanging from the ceiling. She… Didn’t have a response for that, considering how that was true. She loved dancing, which, given her new memory, was probably a lingering section of Carolyn.
“It’d be more efficient to wait in one place.” She tried.
“That can’t be right, I mean, wouldn’t you adapt faster if you were moving around more? Your calibrations would work twice as hard to catch up to your limbs and they’d programme your movements quicker too!” He said with a grin, moving his feet slightly to prove his point. She narrowed her eyes at him in annoyance. It was incredibly rare that he was right twice in one day. Desperately, she clung onto the one remaining rebuttal she had.
“There’s no music to dance to, and I neglected to transfer that programme to this body.” She reasoned smugly. Wheatley however, was not deterred.
“Oh! That’s an easy one! I can play music for us!” He closed his eyes before GLaDOS could protest, the blue light underneath his shirt glowing a soft blue.
After a moment an upbeat tune began to play, accompanied by the sounds of trumpets and saxophones. It sounded nothing like the song from her memory, and a part of her was relieved. Wheatley snapped his eyes open, the bright colour fading away.
“Alright, there we go! Are you ready?” He asked with a bright smile. GLaDOS looked away with a small frown, trying to think of anything that could deter him.
“I don’t want to fall again.” She finally settled on.
“Don’t worry, I won’t let you fall.” He said reassuringly. She risked a glance at his face. His smile was smaller now, softer around the edges and filled with understanding. She knew if she said no he’d accept it, but something held her back. Her increase in emotions must’ve interfered with her decision making skills, because she found herself outstretching a hand for Wheatley to take. A silent confirmation.
Immediately, he beamed and pulled her towards him. What ensued was a chaos of limbs tangling with each-other, fumbles and mistakes as Wheatley immediately kicked into an energetic pace. GLaDOS found herself struggling to keep up with his erratic movements, twirling and moving much faster than the pace of the actual song. Wheatley didn’t seem to care that his movements made no sense, or that his ‘dancing’ was more of a chaotic flailing with no structure or grace. There was nothing normal about the dance, the footwork matching nothing GLaDOS had ever seen. It was as if we was creating his own absurd dance, one that could only be enjoyed by overly energetic children. As they went on, GLaDOS found herself with more stability in her movements, more direction and focus, her precision and speed increasing. Instead of slowing her movements to appropriately match the song, she found herself following Wheatley’s steps. Dancing with no purpose, no direction, and no meaning. Memories of a late night dance crumbled away, replaced by the warm laughter of two androids dancing through the halls that they called home.
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princiere · 4 years
Self Ship Interview
aight so @ultradumpsterwolf​ invited me to do this so here we go!!
also I know the “keep reading” break doesn’t work half the time, Idk how to fix it, so I’m sorry abt that :( blacklist “long post” if you’d like
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Introduce yourselves. Who are you? What do you like to do?
Matthew: “Hi, I’m Matthew. You can call me Matt if you want, I’m fine with either. I like to draw, write, and play video games. I also like to do embroidery!”
Akira: “Hello. I’m Akira Kurusu, leader of the Phantom Thieves. I’m also known as Ren Amamiya. I like to cook and garden, and I also do a bit of woodworking and felting on the side.”
How was your first meeting like?
Matthew: “Ah, well...I first saw him between classes when we were still in school. I’d just transferred there, so I wasn’t aware of the rumors about him, but...either way, I was still too nervous to approach him.”
Matthew: “I guess I wasn’t being very subtle about keeping an eye on him - n-not that I was stalking him or something like that! I was just...really bad about not staring at him when I got the chance.”
Akira: “If it means anything, I consider it a compliment now when he stares at me.”
Matthew: “Shut up.”
Akira: “Anyway, I noticed Matt’s interest in me, but just assumed he must’ve heard the rumors and was probably wondering if they were true. Apparently Ryuji had a problem with him staring, though, and dragged me into practically cornering him into talking. I...still feel bad about that.”
Matthew: “It’s alright, I don’t blame you for that...interesting first meeting. Ryuji was just looking out for you.”
Akira: “As he said, it was just a case of being too shy to introduce himself. I guess Ryuji could tell how lonely Matt was, since they were in the same class, so he started inviting him to hangouts, and everything else took off from there.”
How did you get together? Who confessed first?
(We both blush at the memory.)
Akira: “...Do you wanna tell them?”
Matthew: “Yea, yea, it’s fine, I got this.”
Matthew: “For context, I used to crush on him when we first met, but I lost it after a few months because I figured he was straight.”
Matthew: “Anyway...after we were both out of school, we ended up getting an apartment together back in June last year. We were just friends at the time, but considering all that we did together, everyone thought we were dating way before we actually started to do so.”
Akira: “I’ll admit, that was...mostly my fault.”
Matthew: “I could tell my relationship with Akira was...definitely not just platonic, but I didn’t wanna say anything in case that maybe I was reading the situation wrong. Maybe he just really trusted me enough to do certain things that friends wouldn’t normally do. I didn’t know, but I didn’t judge either.”
(Akira’s blushing worsens.)
Akira: “You never told me you could tell it wasn’t just platonic.”
Matthew: “I didn’t wanna embarrass you, babe! I used to have friends that would do similar stuff, so it wasn’t like this was new to me.”
Matthew: “Anyway, it got to a point back in...early January, I believe, where my feelings about him basically came back in full force. I ended up getting so stressed about it that one night I...kinda had a breakdown? I don’t remember this part very well...”
Akira: “I’ll take it from here, then.”
Akira: “Matt had been extremely on edge lately, so when he clammed up and almost had a panic attack when we got back home after another hangout, I wasn’t too surprised. It wasn’t until he started spouting his confession at damn near the speed of light that everything suddenly made sense. I let him get everything out, and when I told him I felt the same, he almost fainted on me.”
Matthew: “I’m never very good with this sort of thing...”
Akira: “You did the best you could. Aside from nearly panicking and fainting, I thought it was kinda cute. You were so fidgety and red, and you would look at everything but me and-”
Matthew: “That’s enough, next question!”
What are your thoughts on PDA?
Akira: “I’m only okay with smaller gestures. I’ve already had my time of being stared at, so I’d like to avoid that now.”
Matthew: “Same here. I don’t really like to kiss in front of other people, so we’ll usually just hold hands, or we’ll hold the other’s arm if they’re busy with something.”
Akira: “The closest we’ll get in public is when we’re on the train, which is just a given, no matter if we’re dating or not.”
Matthew: “Wait, you don’t wanna tell them about the secret kisses?”
(Akira blushes, frowning.)
Akira: “Does it even count as PDA if I drag you to a secluded spot to do it?”
Matthew: “Heh, I guess not, but I thought it’d at least be worth mentioning~”
Akira: “...Next question, please, before he kills me.”
How do you show your affection towards each other/what are your love languages?
Matthew: “Mostly quality time and physical touch. I’m...still working on being verbally intimate, so I try to show most of my affection physically.”
Akira: “He’s got a thing for my hair. Petting it, burying his face in it, anything. That and hiding in my chest.”
Matthew: “You say that as if I’m ashamed of it.”
Akira: “He also likes to make out a lot.”
Matthew: “As if you don’t enjoy it just as much!”
(Akira laughs.)
Akira: “Mine would also be physical touch, but I also enjoy giving gifts and words of affirmation. Anything that I think Matt would like, I get it for him.”
Matthew: “He knows he can basically kill me when he starts talking sweet.”
Akira: “That’s true, yes.”
Matthew: “I know you also really like acts of service too. When I help in the kitchen, or do little things that I know you wouldn’t be able to get done after work or your Phantom Thief business. You also really like it when I help with any injuries of yours.”
(Akira blushes, but smiles.)
Akira: “...I guess you’re right.”
Who’s more introverted and who’s more extroverted?
Matthew: “Akira’s more extroverted, but not by much.”
Akira: “I can handle strangers longer than Matt, but only by an hour or so. We’re both able to be around friends for a while, and thankfully they’re more understanding when we need to go home to recharge.”
Matthew: “People are exhausting, but...it’s different, with Akira.”
Who’s the big spoon and who’s the little spoon?
Akira: “I’m mostly the big spoon, if Matt can stay in one position in his sleep for more than five minutes, that is. I’m used to it.”
Matthew: “I’m only the big spoon when we’re facing each other for a while. Sometimes I wake up because Akira’s got me in what I call an “octopus hug” with his face buried in my neck.”
(Akira flushes, suddenly wide-eyed.)
Akira: “I thought you always slept through those!”
(Matthew laughs, leaning his head on Akira’s shoulder.)
Matthew: “You always look so comfortable! I’d feel horrible if I ever made you move, especially with how little sleep you tend to get.”
(Akira pouts, but lays his head on Matthew’s regardless.)
What do you like doing together the most?
Matthew: “For the most part, we actually just tend to do our own thing in the presence of the other. I watch videos while Akira does his woodworking, or he plays video games while I embroider. That kind of stuff.”
Akira: “I think the main two things we like to do together though is cooking and shopping. Even if Matt’s not a professional chef, he always wants to help with making dinner, and we always have to stop by a store we didn’t plan on visiting when we go out for groceries. I can’t blame him - some of those thrift stores have the most interesting finds.”
Matthew: “Like that super fat frog plush I found?”
Akira: “Precisely.”
Tell us a fun fact about the other!
Matthew: “Akira always feels like he has to dress up, even if we’re not leaving the house. I think it’s got something to do with that “extra gene” us Virgos have.”
Akira: “Matt will hold onto anything that makes him happy in the slightest. Not to a point that he’s a hoarder, but...let’s just say there’s no such thing as a “theme” in our apartment.”
Tag other selfshippers and their f/os.
I actually don’t like to tag others in case they don’t wanna do it, so to anyone that sees this and wants to try it out, go ahead!
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its-rockin-pete · 5 years
Extended Drabble Pt.2
Chapter 4
I wake up to somebody gently nudging the back of my shoulder. I deeply inhale before turning over to see who’s trying to get me out of bed- I blink a couple of times to focus my eyes that are still heavy with sleep and see Albert standing next to my bunk.
“Hey- I know you’re not a morning person, but I think you should give yourself some time to wake up before we start the fear sims today. I was thinking maybe we could grab some breakfast together and then go for a jog or something if we have time?” He sounds nervous.
I smile at the gesture- He’s right, I should probably prepare myself before being thrown head-first into a mental prison in which the only way out is to face my fears.
“Yeah-” my sentence is interrupted with a yawn- “That sounds great actually…” I sit up and push my blanket off of myself, feeling the cold air embrace my body through my long-sleeved shirt. “Just let me get dressed and then we can head to the dining hall.”
He smiles and nods before walking towards the stairs, passing Peter on his way up the steps.
I act like I didn’t just see him and stand up to begin getting ready.
Don’t talk to me, don’t talk to me, please don’t talk to me.
Just as I start looking through my drawer for an outfit, he opens his mouth.
“Hey, Doormat, you’re up early for a Monday morning.”
“What do you want?” I continue to look through my clothes, keeping my eyes down to make it clear that I'm not exactly in the chatty mood today.
“I wanted to talk about your little boy toy. Saw you guys sneak out last night. Where’d you go? Did you two need some privacy? Was the dorm a little too public for you?”
I stand up and set my folded clothes on the bed, still not making any eye contact with him. Even though I’m pissed off and embarrassed beyond belief, I respond calmly.
“I don’t know what you’re referring to, but I would appreciate it if you left me alone.”
“You’re a liar. A pretty horrible one too, your face is beet red and your hands are shaking.”
Goddamned ex-Candor.
“Why are you so concerned about it? It's none of your business and it never will be your business. Maybe you should focus on your own life before worrying about mine.”
He scoffs and I can see him cross his arms and lean against my bunk out of the corner of my eye. At this point, I'm just fumbling with my clothes so I look like I have a reason to not be looking at Peter- there's no way in hell I’m undressing in front of him during an argument.
“Oh, that's strange coming from you. You seemed to be pretty interested in my life the last time we talked.” He briefly pauses- “Hey, how are your mommy issues panning out, you alright?”
I finally turn to look at his dumb smug face- Blood tickles my cheeks as it rushes into my face. How did he know about that?
“Excuse me?”
“Oh- You’ve got some pretty interesting reading material in that little drawer.” He smirks and nods towards the drawer underneath my bunk.
He read my journal that had written back home.
“You sick bastard- you went through my stuff?! How did you-?” I squat down again and pull open my drawer again to see if the book is still there, and surely enough, it's not.
“Where did you put it? Tell me right now or else you’re gonna have my foot up your ass in about five seconds.”
“You know, Your earlier teen years were very interesting. Didn’t know Amity did more than farm wheat and play banjos.”
“Peter, I’m not playing with you, tell me where you put the book right now,” I growl at him; It is way too early in the morning for this shit.
He chuckles and shakes his head, peeling away from my bunk and walking over to his own. I watch him lift the mattress and search around with his hand for a couple of seconds before pulling out a generic-looking black hardcover notebook.
“I was done reading anyways,” He saunters over to me and holds out the book, but before I can grab it, he pulls it away and turns his back to me. I circle around and try to pry it from his grasp, but he’s having too much fun watching me struggle. Suddenly I am glad that almost everyone from the dorm is already at breakfast.
Finally, I tackle him to the ground and punch him in the shoulder- he’s still laughing. As soon as I see his grip loosen up, I rip the book out of his hands. When I get up off of him, I kick him in the center of his spine before he gets to his feet as well, only causing him to let out a little “ow” through his laughter.
“Feisty... Just like I like them.”
“I hate you. I really do.”
He looks at me with his arms crossed again, wearing a smirk that I don’t like one bit. “No, you don’t.”
I don’t respond, I simply toss my journal back into my drawer and kick it shut.
He turns around and heads back upstairs, “See you around, Sweetheart. Good luck today. You’ll need it.”
 As soon as I’m sure he’s gone, I sit on the edge of my bed and cover my face; I feel sick.
Don’t cry. Don’t cry.
I stand up again and finally start getting dressed- my shoulders are trembling and the heat behind my eyes makes me clench my jaw-I can’t cry right now. I can’t, not this early in the morning.
Chapter 5
I walk up the stairs and see Al waiting at the end of the hallway- I’m shocked he waited that long for me.
“There you are, I was beginning to think you went back to bed,” he chuckles.
I smile back at him despite the tight feeling in my chest and pray that he doesn’t suspect anything is wrong with me. If he were to ask me if I was okay, I would instantly start crying without a doubt.
“Let's go get some breakfast. You look exhausted. I mean- in a good way…”
I can’t help but snort at his anxiousness- usually, I’m the one who’s tongue-tied and nervous, so seeing it on someone else makes me realize how silly I must look in these types of situations. Not that it's a bad thing- I actually think it's really cute.
“I am exhausted- I hardly slept last night.”
“Got a lot on the mind?”
I nod and slip my hands into my pockets, “Yeah… It's actually pretty similar to what you’re going through.”
“Yeah. Except my mom wanted me to stay in Amity- I wanted to go into Dauntless. She stopped talking to me the day I told her I wanted to transfer. Well, she stopped talking to me after she finished telling me how disappointed she was in me and how she didn’t think I could make it.” It's strange hearing myself say it out loud. My voice didn’t tremble when I said it, but my vision became hazed with tears. I hope that he can’t see that through the dim blue lighting of the hallway. I have a feeling that it was easier to tell Al about my past because my privacy had already been invaded today- or whenever it was that Peter had stolen my journal.
“That's awful… Did she even say goodbye to you during the Choosing Ceremony? Or- wait, you don’t have to answer that- it's personal. It’s not my place to be asking about that sort of thing… Sorry…”
I look at the ground, almost unphased by his question, “No, it's okay… She did say goodbye to me, but it wasn’t really- her… you know?”
He looks at the ground as well, “Yeah…" he's quiet for a second, "Hey, I’m sorry…”
“Don’t worry about it. It’s fine.” I look up again and try to discreetly wipe the tears out of my eyes, but I’m almost positive that he had already figured out that I started crying a few seconds ago.
“Let's just forget the whole thing, alright?” I smile and lace my fingers between Al’s.
He seems caught off guard by the gesture- looking up at me with wide eyes at first but soon easing into a soft smile. I don’t think either of us knows if this is platonic or romantic, but I know that neither of us cares.
When we get to the dining hall, we unlink our hands, grab plates and sit next to one another at a table with Al's friends.
“Guys, this is Aria- Aria, this is Tris, Christina, and Will.”
I smile at the three others sitting across from me, “Nice to finally talk to you guys- Sorry I hadn’t introduced myself earlier…”
Christina is the first to talk, “Ah, don’t worry about it. It's not a crime to be a little shy.”
I smile and exhale through my nose as if to chuckle, then start filling my plate.
“I have to say, you’re very impressive.” Will looks at me and nods.
“Oh- thank you! Wait, why am I impressive? I barely made it through stage one.”
“Because-” he takes a bite of his toast- “Amity-born very rarely transfer to Dauntless which has to mean that those who do usually don’t make it. Amity- all about kindness; so much so that they often lack the common sense required to know how to defend themselves.”
My smile becomes a neutral expression- I’m not sure if I should be offended or not.
“...Where did you hear all of this?”
“I’m an Erudite transfer- I used to read a lot about the factions when I was in school- and outside of school. I’m just telling you the facts,” he continues.
I pause, suddenly losing an appetite- but then I realize that he’s not completely wrong. It's the whole reason that I transferred. “Unfortunately, I can’t say that you’re wrong. But me making it this far should prove that I never really belonged there in the first place.” I resume putting a couple slices of toast onto my plate.
“Oh, your progress isn’t the only thing tells me that you weren't meant for Amity. The fact that you didn’t just defend your past faction or tell me that my observations were “rude” is the deal-breaker for me.”
I smirk and begin to eat my breakfast while Christina adds on to the conversation.
“You do look Amity though. You look the complete opposite of Dauntless- it's crazy. Like, seeing such an innocent-looking person dressed in all black and kicking ass during training is definitely strange.”
I put my hand over my mouth and try to contain laughter; I never really took into consideration that I stick out like a sore thumb compared to everyone else.
“I look like a horrible Dauntless impersonator at best.” I chuckle after I swallow my food; everyone else laughs with me.
“Ever thought about getting piercings or something? I mean you already have that tattoo, but it's almost always covered up.” Christina gestures towards my left arm. She’s referring to the large tattoo of a bare tree that takes up most of my inner-forearm.
“Maybe,” I respond, lifting my sleeve to show anyone who had never seen it before. I honestly am kind of surprised that Christina noticed at some point before today. I didn’t think anyone really paid any attention to me.
“What are we talking about over here?” I feel someone grasp my shoulders tightly in their hands and kiss my neck.
I pull my neck down and lean forward to jerk away from whoever just violated me.
When I turn around, I immediately feel like I’m about to be sick.
“What the fuck?”
Peter wraps his arms around me just beneath my arms and rests his chin on my shoulder, “I’m sorry, honey, am I embarrassing you?”
I pry his hands off of me and stand up to face him, ignoring everybody’s confused and concerned looks- especially Al’s.
“No, you’re embarrassing yourself. Don’t touch me again.” I growl at him, my fists clenched at my sides.
He takes a couple steps closer to me and puts his hands on my waist, “I love when you get mad.”
I quickly push his wrists down as soon as I process what's happening and knee him between the legs. I watch him fall to his knees and hold his stomach, getting satisfaction from his grunts of pain.
“Then I bet you loved that.”
The little altercation got some attention; everyone in the next row of tables over is staring at me now. My face is hot again- I can tell that my cheeks are bright red, and I hate it. I hate what just happened. I know exactly what he was doing and why, and I have to resist the urge to kick him in the jaw while he’s still on the ground. I can’t even think about turning around to look at Tris, Christina, Will or Al- I fear the questions that are bound to be thrown my way.
Without a word, I walk out of the dining hall as quickly as I can without looking like I’m running; I need to be alone.
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limoncitamia-blog · 5 years
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HELLO EVERYONE !! My name is Alara, and i am super duper excited to be here and play honey léon for you all!! below the read is just some backstory / headcanons about honey for plotting and to just talk about ! I will also provide some potential connections for honey too soooo yeah!! just give this post a like and i will be in your inbox ready to plot!!
Honey was named after the comfort food that aided her mother during her pregnancy. Especially after her father liked the idea of her daughter being as sweet as the condiment. So Honey was born with her cry being drowned by the sound of laughter from her family in the hospital room.
Honey had lived in Argentina for over 9 years, going to public elementary school there despite the immense wealth her family owned from the agriculture business they were heavily involved in. Honey’s usual days involved walking to school with her cousins, attending school from 7am to who knows when (release time was different depending on your grade), and then doing any extra curriculars before returning home at around 3pm with the delicious aroma of dinner made by her beloved uncle and father. they would enjoy their bottle of beer while the mothers both did the chores of the house or watched tv on the couch. 
Honey had always loved her education, she loved learning and she adored her projects for class and presenting things to her classmates to teach them something. 
However, at the age of 12, Honey had been sent to a private Academy in New York City for the sciences after her parents realized that she could very much prevail in life more than they could ever. They only wanted the best for her, so she spent what would have been her middle school and high school years in New York, United States as a transfer student at the Academy of Sciences. She would always travel back to Argentina for Christmas Break and Summer Break, sometimes even bring some friends from her time in New York.
It was during this time that Honey started to suffer from immense home sickness, priority change, and soon a lifestyle change she hadn’t expected. Honey is someone that has to find herself in a place she can call home, but all the travelling she did and then the occasional times she wouldn’t go back to Argentina created a sense of wandering for the young woman. she couldn’t call argentina her home anymore, and she couldn’t call new york her home either. 
Honey was conflicted for a while for what she wanted to do, since she didn’t enjoy ‘wandering’ and she very much just wanted to stay in one place for a while. when she graduated, honey took a leap year (or two) and stayed in Argentina, working to save money and rediscover her old childhood home once again in hopes it was just a case of being too far away for too long.
Honey wasn’t happy, simply because her constantly changing lifestyle had soon left her unsatisfied with Argentina or New York as her home. She relied on her grandparents a lot to guide her through life, and they had told her to travel the world and indulge in the wanderer lifestyle for a little bit. The United States and beyond seemed to be a place for her to call home, so they encouraged her to go scouting universities in the U.S. and see where she felt more at home. Soon, she ended up in san fransokyo at the walter elias university. she had spent a week there, and found that this was meant to be her home. 
Honey didn’t hesitate to apply for the closest semester she could be admitted into and she got accepted thanks to her amazing results in her entry exams and her standard tests. She lived in the dorms, before finding her own apartment and now lives happily by herself while working as a waitress / server / hostess / secretary and going to school at the same time with her best friends in the world. 
Honey is currently studying biochemistry in uni, though she has considered expanding further in the chemistry department since it’s one of her favorite subjects. 
Honey is lowkey self-destructive but nobody quite knows it? she is very much in love with the feeling of being thrilled or excited or surprised. she absolutely loves roller coasters, she loves plane rides or helicopter rides, she likes driving fast and she loves testing her boundaries with her science experiments. it was something she could easily satisfy in argentina but in sunnyside, she has to try just a bit more to get that little high she gets a craving for.
in order to not really push herself too much and end up in a bad scenario, she also has ways to kill her energy down. exercising, studying, working, or going out dancing. honey isn’t someone that just gets down and twerks and does all that. HOWEVER, HONEY IS KNOWN FOR TURNING HEADS AT HER SPANISH CLUBS AND DANCE NIGHTS! She knows how to move her hips, flip her hair, spin and to dip to be rather enticing!
honey’s fashion taste is very chic, indulging that side of her since she isn’t ashamed of being girly and she very much doesn’t mind showing it. pumps, heels, platforms, converse are all the same to her. skirts, pants or skorts are the same to her. as long as she looks cute / hella good, she is a-okay! which doesn’t help her rather attractive self because she is ONE HOT MOM FRIEND!
Honey is someone who feels very deeply, and often seems rather sensitive. however, it just helps her be more empathetic than sympathetic for her friends. yes, it is sympathy most of the times but with the way she feels it, the way she processes the information and feels for those around her, you would think she went through it herself. it makes her rather good at knowing what to do and what to say. though, she has to learn to follow her own advice (especially since she carries some very present unresolved feelings about tadashi’s death). 
Honey is very much a DIY queen / a homemade queen. very much a mom. she likes cooking, she likes making things, she likes taking care of plants, she is just very much doing things on her own terms and not just buying things done. like IKEA is probably her favorite thing in the world. 
so i’m just going to list some wanted connections / relationship labels i would absolutely love for honey! if you want to take part in it, then do shoot me a message!
Platonic Connections ; clubbing / dancing buddies, a spanish squad cx, tutor / tutee situations where honey is the tutor or where honey is being tutored in something, co-workers / club members ! i haven’t placed honey working anywhere specifically but customer service / the secretary business sounds good for her so who knows! apartment neighbors! also, exes that are on good terms? people honey finds intimidating? people who have made honey swoon? after all, she does have a type LOL!! People who honey has to be a little more patient than usual. 
Also, i would love for Honey to have some people she has gone on dates with, or people she has had a crush on, or people who have or had a crush on her! 
also, we dont even have to have these labelled connections. human relationships are so complicated, i’m sure we can come up with something!
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