#before punching Asian child'
ausetkmt · 1 year
A baby-faced 14-year-old boy has been accused of trying to murder a black teenager by attempting to drown him in a Cape Cod pond. 
John Sheeran appeared at a court just outside Boston on Monday over the July incident, which allegedly saw him hurl racist slurs at his unnamed victim - and even call the teen 'George Floyd' during the drowning attempts. 
He wore a navy suit, shirt and tie. Despite prosecutors' calls for Sheeran to remain in custody, a judge released him with a tag and ordered him to remain at his father's home.  
The victim told law enforcement Sheeran started throwing rocks at him and calling him racial slurs after he showed up at Goose Pond on Cape Cod. Sheeran then threatened to beat up the victim, it is alleged.
The victim couldn't swim, so he wore a life jacket in the water. Despite the vest, Sheeran attempted to pull him under the water multiple times to the point that victim was no longer able to breathe, it is alleged. 
In July, Sheeran allegedly attempted to drown a black teen in Goose Pond (pictured) in Chatham, Massachusetts
The victim told police that the accused 'held on to my life jacket and pulled me underwater and back up about four-to-five times ... while doing it water got into my mouth and nose and I could not breathe.'
Afterwards, the victim said Sheeran began calling him 'George Floyd' while kicking him and pulling him beneath the water. 
The victim said he was screaming he couldn't breathe, which was when the suspect and another teenager at the scene 'started laughing and called me George Floyd.'
He continued crying for help as the two teens continued to pull him under the water. Eventually, bystanders arrived to help and the victim was saved. The other alleged attacker hasn't been identified - and it is unclear if Sheeran knew his alleged victim prior to the attack.
Prosecutors allege just several hours later, Sheeran punched an Asian child in the face. That child has not been identified. 
Sheeran was charged with attempted murder and a civil rights violation in connection to the case.
In court on Monday, baby-faced Sheeran was led into the room with his hands cuffed in front of him.
His mop of brown hair turned downward as he took a seat before the judge. He wore a blue suit and striped tie.
Over objections from prosecutors, Sheeran was released to home confinement in Chatham. His release includes wearing a GPS monitoring device that will confine him to his father's home. He is also required to continue reporting to juvenile probation.
Prosecutors argued Sheeran should remain in jail, calling him a danger to the community.
The victim said Sheeran began calling him George Floyd as he screamed that he couldn't breathe. Floyd infamously told officers that he couldn't breathe before he died during an altercation with Minneapolis cops in 2020
Sheeran was released to his father's custody. Earlier this summer, he had moved to Florida with his mother as his parents went through a divorce
The suspect allegedly began the criminal interaction by throwing rocks at the victim and calling him racial slurs
'Mr. Sheeran can’t be out in the community because whether it’s three o’clock in the afternoon at a pond with his friends where he should be able to behave or 8:15 at night when he runs into another child, he punches that kid,' said Assistant District Attorney Eileen Moriarty in court.
'He’s a violent child, we’ve heard no mitigating factors, this violence is unfortunately targeted towards children of other races, children that don’t look like him,' she added.
At the time of the incident, Sheeran had just moved to Florida with his mother, as his parents went through a divorce, according to prosecutors.
The teen will now be required to stay in Chatham with his father as the court case continues.
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avalordream · 4 months
Prompt: Imagine you get isekaied in Our Life. Only thing is that you wake up as a child and remember everything. You can only save at this point but you can still access the save and load menu and see your previous runs.
Meanwhile your precious neighbor is slowly becoming self aware, getting deja vu with every passing second- as if this has all happened before...
A/N: A few days after I posted this- a few other thoughts came to mind- SO HERE IS MY ATTEMPT AT VOCALIZING THEM
You’re keenly aware of how small and tiny you are the moment you wake up. 
For the first few days, you started to acclimate to…the family home. 
It wasn’t YOUR family though. It never was. It was MC’s. Not your’s.
You could project all you wanted onto MC but it was never your family or your life to experience. It was theirs.
Even so, you quickly found yourself missing the life you were used to. More specifically:
The cuisine.
It was hard not to draw suspicion to the fact that you were craving different food genres aside from Mom’s Pamela’s mac and cheese and cheeseburgers. 
Ma’s Noelani’s Hawaiian food helped quite a bit to hold you over as you started to ponder over how to approach it.
Kind of hard to bring it up to your MC’s parents that you wanted Asian/Middle eastern/Indian/Pakistani/Mexican/etc food when there was none of that for miles around
For the time being, you had to quietly hint and nudge their thoughts into that direction but not enough to make them suspicious. Noelani obviously had her suspicions about Cove getting into the house from Step 2-3 but never brought it up once. From what you could tell, she was scary observant
Another issue was how clumsy your new body was.
Your mind might be able to remember how to do everyday tasks like writing and such but this tiny body didn’t have the muscle memory to match it
Much to Liz’s dismay, you spent quite a bit of your time forcing your hands and legs to train to do things your adult body could do in a snap
Time wise- technology was a huge sucker punch. It made you feel bad for taking your own devices for granted. 
That being said, self learning everything was going to be hard without a phone or computer on hand, especially knowing that you’d have to go through the cursed education system all over again- but most likely much harder
There had to be a reason older folk complained about it, right?...
Your MC’s birthday was the same as your own, just that the birth year is 1997. That being said, the current year was 2006… Funny. You were only two in 2006…
Back to self learning, you tried to practice what you considered basic math long after everyone had fallen asleep
Usually, your day was filled with entertaining Shiloh and Liz, playing in the park or going along with whatever Liz said. Judging by the giant for sale sign across the street and the date, you figured out that you got isekaied roughly at least a month or two before Cove and Mr. Holden would move in. 
Who knew how that would go now that you weren’t subjected to just three choices?
Even after playing around, your body was exhausted and your baby mind was just as pooped out.
The first few days you would wake up early as children do and tried doing your math and remembering as much as you could at that time
Yeah, Liz nearly gave you a heart attack after she barged in and you had to play it off as you scribbling absolute nonsense cause you were bored
After that near collision, you changed your prep time to being at night. Sure, you woke up to Liz shaking you and not getting enough sleep in the morning, but you needed to refresh your memory the best you could
You couldn’t do it every night though and did your best to keep some sort of schedule so you wouldn’t forget - and worry your MC’s moms
They noticed the first few times of how sleepy you’d be when you’d wake up later than usual - granted if Liz didn’t wake you up - and a few nights after, you nearly got caught right in the middle of your review.
Pam was more sneaky than Noelani, so you should’ve seen this coming- but even so, you had everything spread out on your rug when you just barely heard her footsteps come to your MC’s door
You had enough time to shove everything underneath your bed - your room was messy enough but better safe than sorry - and quickly dive under the covers before you heard your door open with the softest of clicks
She was around for a good while before you heard the door close again but you didn’t relax until you were sure her footsteps went back to the master bedroom
After that, you were much more careful about how long you spent studying and when. You haven’t been caught since.
Occasionally, you’d have to sneak in your MC’s parent’s room to grab any books that you needed. Good thing Noelani was a book nerd.
You did have to be careful about your self learning- you didn’t want them getting any suspicions that their kid was suddenly…different out of nowhere.
You had no idea what MC was like as a kid before the events of Our Life so you tried your best to piece together what you could 
Speaking of, there were a bunch of things you quickly realized about Our Life, one of which is that game didn’t go over nearly everything that MC went through, let alone before Cove came or others that it only touched on briefly
For example, the tourists that came and went every year happened to be close friends of Pamela’s from her time in university, hence why they were so friendly to you and Liz in particular. 
It was also why they knew how to… handle your ever changing moods. At least-
That’s what it looked like to them.
To you- it was because you had to battle MC’s initial responses to these scenarios.
Go figure, this body still had its fair share of emotions inside of it, leaving you to figure out if this sharp pang of fear or worry was your own or not.
It left you second guessing everything you did, especially when you’d be up at night, studying and practicing your writing
It seriously irked you, knowing your writing was sloppy even though you knew this body couldn’t help it. It didn’t make seeing your scrappy writing less frustrating though
Despite how much you tried to hide how YOU felt, not MC, Noelani still picked up on the small shifts in your behavior. 
One of these being the irritation you harbored for your writing. 
Speaking of emotions, you found your body easily overwhelmed by any stronger ones- your own irritation making you cry- an alien feeling and one that took even you by surprise.
Worse part? The first time happened was in front of Noelani when she tried to help you practice your penmanship
Naturally, she tried to comfort you MC by trying to console you, saying it’d be better with practice and wiping away your tears but no matter how YOU tried, the tears wouldn’t stop flowing
It wasn’t until much later that you realized that MC’s tiny self had their own limits and by pushing those adult feelings and expectations that YOU had onto it sent it into a messy overdrive.
After that, you had learned to slow down- the world wasn’t ending…even if it felt like it.
The nail in the coffin for you that made YOU cry. Not MC’s body: Your dreams started to resemble parts of your life. 
You’d dream that you were back at your desk job or filling out mundane paperwork but no matter how boring it’d be, it was YOUR life.
The one YOU were used to and familiar with
You’d always feel so relieved to be back where you were supposed to, whether you were happy with that life or not
It was that feeling of having all your choices in your hand and being in control of where you wanted to go, if that made sense.
Nobody made those choices for you except well…you.
Only to have that feeling of familiarity ripped away once you registered Liz waking you up to play while “Ma and Mom snooze the day away!”
You just want to go home…
To YOUR home…
-> Part 1.5 <- ⊹ ‧₊˚ Isekai Self Aware Taglist: @lilqi @annoying-mary ˚₊‧ ⊹
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imustbenuts · 1 month
ouggh could you please elaborate on your criticism of brave Alfonse ...I like hearing your thoughts (⁠人⁠ ⁠•͈⁠ᴗ⁠•͈⁠)
alright. so this is just a messy sloppy thought vomit essay again im so sorry in advance.
and i am salty overall about this.
in 2 words: traditional conservatism
in many many words:
ALFONSE. OPEN UP YOUR WAY CARVE YOUR OWN PATH WHAT ARE YOU DOINGGGGGG IF YOU ARE SAYING HE HAS POTENTIAL JUST. FUCKING. COMMIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YOU COWARDS! HAAAAAAAAAAAUGHHHHHHHHHHHHG learn from your dad's ruling policy yes but don't become your dad and carve for the affection you cannot have jfc
gustav is. objectively speaking, not a good father in the emotional growth department. I've mentioned and maintained by him looking like an Asian tiger parent from my pov. even if he does lay out proper foundations and maybe good hc adjacent policy for country ruling, his approach of parenting is questionable at best.
I get him operating under pressure and sickness with a limited time left to raise his son in a manner befitting of the throne but like. All sink and no swim? No proper explicit guidance? You can't just be "I want my child to meet expectations and dispense no love", that's just straight up neglect my guy. hes very much the 2 faced proud big important parent person.
realistic, but yuck.
i dont think they even have a father son moment probably ever. Henriette and Gustav have a more functional relationship bc they actually dated and had proper human interaction, but it's likely given cultural asian and high expectations context irl, his kids were treated more like objects and successors. Despite everything he might have felt and expressed behind the scenes. again, the affection is not expressed and conveyed directly enough to his kids, and alfonse being his successor means. alfonse has major daddy issues and anxiety about succeeding the throne.
So now, brave alfonse, having lost this dad and understandably craving for fatherly affection and going through it in the plot, is. you know. in the process of redefining himself. arguably is always, but now, its either he's the successor of, King Gustav the Great II or The Next King of Askr. his role as with many many other of his type are to be a signifier of a new era. thats the whole point of successors!
hes even all "ILL OPEN THE WAY". implying that something before wasnt working out and a new path must be blasted open for a better future. thats the whole theme.
But the effect of Alfonse donning his fathers armor in this case is not respect, it reeks of insecurity! again, does alfonse know his father as Gustav The Person to a reasonable degreee? if by that we mean a neglecful parent but a decent king, okay. but why is there a need to repeat this cycle by wearing from head to toe, from body language to skill 1:1 of his dad. howis this a good thing...
dude. what the hell is intsys doing. do i need to call their parents or what the hell is this conservative traditional filial pathetic nonsense. what the hell happened to all of the other fire emblems who are 5 steps more progressive than this
(granted i do find FE to be very conservative on the whole now that ive stewed in the pot of it all but thats a me thing. it could also be dependant on the writer but idk them well enough to know who does what)
and heres my ideal fucking scenario, right. not very hard. id argue just picking up gustav's mantle OR axe and then working it into a new outfit that is explicit alfonse's would be miles better and what i would want. a signifier that alfonse the character knows himself and wants to walk his own path while honoring the good parts of gustav and discarding the bad.
not this. reanimation method of almost wanting to wear his fathers' skin. as if he cant move on and stand on his feet. as if hes unsure. as if they dont want him to commit (at least not yet bc we gonna milk FEH for as much as we can). despite. all the things that have been happening.
instead of rolling with the punches the armor feels like him not doing that. it might have been an easy alt to decide on, but character wise, i dislike it a lot.
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Generational trauma apart, the sheer essence of toxicity present within parents is just amusing. While they have every right to feel burdened by society and expectations tossed at them, there lies no reason for them to manhandle the illogical stress and the surface pressure they, themselves bring upon themselves. One of the worst things they can do is to turn those expectations into habits that they endorse upon their child. Demanding the child, at whatever age, lives like a "better replica" of them.
This is where the issue lies, if you couldn't take the pressure, why should I? Rather, how could you want your child to suffer through the same, just so it turns into a product you can then boast about? Its acts like these that make me feel as if having a child isn't my cup of tea any way, let alone whatever other desi person expectation there is.
I don't know if a desi culture thing or an overall Asian quality, but with all that pressure and forced trauma comes the ability to pick favourites; the lap dog and the punching bag. The best part is, to be the punching bag, you don't need physical abuse, you'll receive a monthly package of toxic; gut-wrenching dialogues thrown at you, your dreams and aspirations made fun of in front strangers, your likes be dismissed because you are irrelevant, back handed hints about how you aren't the favourite and best of all a daily dose of snarky comments reminding you of your past mistakes/failures.
As a bonus, sometimes, you may even be reminded about how they worry more about your other sibling(s), and not you- not because they don't love you, everyone already knows you aren't their favourite, it's just that they've trained you so well, they know you'll have a series of anxiety attacks and a possible nervous breakdown before taking any decision. Since they gave the others the choice of free will, which they use, while you are a failed project, a bag they can stuff their hopeless dreams into.
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You know, while watching My School President, it was one of the most pleasant surprises in a long long while. But one thing I truly did NOT expect was to develop such an attachment to Tinn.
I've loved watching these two boys fall in love, pine and help each other through the ups and downs of school, but I don't think I ever expected just HOW MUCH I would relate to Tinn. And this was legit 2 episodes in. (This post was written after ep8 and before ep9, for reference)
So following is a bit of a long-ish post on why Tinn is my favourite character in MSP and a bit on why his behaviour in the latest episode isn't that surprising to me and was, a while in the making, i feel.
At the risk of being overly personal and sappy on main, I would do SO much to just hug those two boys.
Also it's gonna be a bit of a long one, so strap in.
Spoilers till Ep 8 of My School President
Tinn, i was surprised to see had a very similar upbringing to mine. Like him, I am also an only child. Like him, I also have a strict mom, who is ALSO a teacher and a surgeon dad, who, despite not wanting to, was not able to be with me as much when I was younger because of his work, just like Tinn's dad, who is a writer.
Looking at the initial few episodes of MSP, it's pretty clear that both of Tinn's parents, while loving him so much, had to sometimes give up on time with tinn for their work. (It's something that i think is very common when both parents are working, or writing, as with Tinn's dad) And that Tinn loves his parents a lot.
Not to speculate on Tinn's upbringing, but based on my own experiences, and that scene around Tinn's birthday (spectacled nobi tinn is so CUTE, I just wanna punch his cheeks, my baby) it's a bit obvious that it's not the first time he's had to wait alone due to his mom and dad being busy. You have his mom being apologetic due to unexpectedly being called into a work dinner, her asking to celebrate with his dad, who himself is away at a book signing so, not exactly available himself (on his son's birthday too!).
You might call it a reach, but I don't know, it's something I feel isn't wrong.
If he was immature and spoiled, he might have been petulant and whining and complaining about how no one is wanting to celebrate HIS birthday with him. But he doesn't. He just accepts it. He smiles when his mom offers to let him come to work dinner, refusing with a smile so that his mom doesn't worry about him. He says (with a smile that doesn't reach his eyes) that he'll celebrate with his friend. Maybe this scene was to show that Tinn is mature, doesn't worry his parents and independent, maybe it was just a reason for Tinn to be sad before meeting Gun, i don't know man, I'm not the scriptwriter.
And inferring from the phone call with Tiwson, we can see that he IS sad that his parents can't celebrate with him. He KNOWS in his heart that it's ok, they love him, and sometimes life can just get in the way of things you want and you can't celebrate all your birthdays the way you want. But still, he's still a boy, and can't help but feel sad.
Maybe it's that resigned acceptance you see on his face and the call to Tiwson, where he fakes being ok since he doesn't want to inconvenience Tiw to come celebrate his birthday because he's already at home. Even though he's actually feeling a bit sad and lonely. And he knows that if he asked Tiwson, he would've come just because his friend asked him to. Just because he's feeling alone doesn't mean he should inconvenience people, that's what i think Tinn feels.
(I have a feeling the reason I've felt so attached to this scene at Gun's mom's shop is because I've BEEN in this situation way more times than I can count. And way to go when you write a whole ass ramble based on like just 1 minute of a drama)
When you see as you're growing up that your parents are super busy, and / or your parent(s) is very strict, especially with regards to academics (Tinn's mom is a very typical asian mum, in that regard), you grow up with the desire to keep your parents happy by becoming one less source of stress to them.
And being an only child can get lonely at times. Combine that with a strict mother, who is a bit too controlling over their child, and consistently expects the best from their child, you get yourself a kid who tries to show themselves as mature for their age and is a bit more independent than the parents would think. Also a pretty good liar and good at hiding their true emotions as well. Added if you're an introvert, you become a bit socially awkward and have a hard time making real friends.
(Personal experience talking here)
Plus from what I've seen so far about Tinn's parents, it's obvious that out of the two, it's Tinn's dad who is the more emotionally supportive one in the family. During that dinner scene in Ep 2, we can see that it's Tinn's dad who seems more open with his emotions, and Tinn is very cautious when talking about the music club (which his mother doesn't seem to like) to his mother. He mostly goes along with what his mother says, trying to not rock the boat as one does.
When you have that kind of strict parent(s) growing up, especially if you're a single child and have all of the focus of your parents, is that you become a bit reliant on your parent(s) making your decisions for you and you don't push boundaries and just go about life doing what's expected of you.
You become someone who constantly tries to please the strict parent, because you're afraid of them being disappointed in you. Because sometimes you're more scared of disappointing your parents than actually making them angry.
You more often than not, are seen as the 'golden child' who has ideal behaviour at school, and in studies and extra-curriculars. It's what expected of you and it's not like it's difficult to do so, why rock the boat unnecessarily?
And then when you start discovering that your own wishes and desires and priorities are different from your parent's (which more than often happens, because you are not your parents) and it's something that they might not like or even disapprove of.
That realisation makes you scared because you know you can't show what your true feelings and opinions on stuff because it's NOT what is expected of you. Then you double down on showing the perfect you that everyone likes (especially authority figures and teachers) and hide your imperfections.
That's where the people pleasing part of you comes into play. But inside you might be getting more frustrated and angry.
And then you get into your emo phase
Back to where you're wondering that what has this long winded tangent to do with Tinn.
Now, nobi-tinn, aka Tinn in first year, a bit of a resigned to being the perfect kid who never complains, meets Gun when he's all sad about his birthday.
Gun, who's all cute and handsome faced kid with a bright smile who just sets down a treat in front of you without you knowing who he is and why did he just do that.
Then he introduces himself and it's someone from your own class. And he's entranced by his cute little smile. And a bit gobsmacked as well because 'oh my he's cute' is running through that boy's head on loop.
Then his mother comes in and Gun is like oh, I'm just being friendly so that i can mooch off him and his work. That makes Tinn a little bit disappointed, because he thought maybe Gun wanted to be friends with him for real, but he just wants to be friends to 'borrow' stuff from you. Still he's pleased at atleast SOMEONE cares. Plus it helps that the boy IS cute so he's like, eh, whatever.
But then Gun goes up and is like if you're feeling lonely people, here's a song we can share. And you can see that Tinn is surprised, oh he's a singer?
Then this cute boy he just met busts out a song that RESONATES so much with him and he's like OH. OH HELL. I LIKE HIM. OH NOOOOOOO
Cut to Tinn's trying to get closer to him. But FAILING. MISERABLY. CONSTANTLY.
Poor guy even decide to clean up, change his look and try to confess at the Hot wave contest but only to be thwarted by a damn fight breaking out, which leads to Gun not hearing what was said.
Then both of them are in their final year of high school and Tinn, to his shock discovers that his mom DISAPPROVES of the music club (understandable, since they caused that huge fight, plus all those near fire and probable noise complaints), the place which Gun is an integral part of and where he thrives. And to his horror, wants to shut it down, which is like the last thing Tinn wants because then there's NO way Gun will even like you as a friend, much less have a crush on him. Poor guy, can't catch a break in his romantic life.
He's now stuck on how to help his crush without letting anyone know that he's helping him (because it's NOT what is expected of you)
Then Tiwson gives the idea that become the school president and prevent the club from shutting down. That way Gun might even be impressed by all that Tinn did to help him. Tinn does that. Becomes the School Council President. You're like ok, now the club is safe.
But then Tinn discovers that not only does your crush NOT remember him, but he actually HATES him.
We all know how it all then follows as we can see in the show. You have Tinn defying the school rules, manipulating folk music competitions, offering help anonymously online, ensuring the band actually has instruments to play on, giving him your own DAD'S PRIZED GUITAR (I have a feeling this might play a role in a future episode), lying to your own parents about what you're doing MULTIPLE TIMES and basically giving Gun as leniency as much as possible to help him save his club and actually win the hot wave so that you can actually confess.
All the while going all Elsa in front of him with conceal, don't feel mode because from what Tinn knows Gun hates him and won't accept his help if he knew. PLUS he's realising his mom's probable disapproval and disappointment in his actions. But Tinn has decided that it's time to stand up for what he wants to do and not what his parents want, for what seems like the first time in his life.
Awww Tinn is entering his rebellious phase, all so as to let Gun's dreams come true and let him be happy. Because don't forget, Tinn actually never ever pressurised Gun into liking him back or ever actually let him know just HOW much Tinn has done for him behind the scenes.
Then Tinn and Gun start becoming closer and closer and then they realise he actually reciprocates Tinn's feelings!!! YAY HALLELUJAH 🎉🎉🎉 But you two still can't date because of a stupid arbitrary rule that was put there because your previous club leader was a jealous man so they decide to shamelessly flirt with each other for now and stay somewhere in between mutual pining to secretly dating.
Meanwhile, adulthood and deciding on career is approaching and Tinn's mom decides that Tinn should be a doctor because it's a stable field. (which, personally, i think is bs. It's just the plain old insistence of wanting your kids to be a doctor, a lawyer ir an engineer that is drilled onto an asian parent's heads)
Tinn himself is very unclear about what to take in the future, understandably because this is something your parents can't decide for you. Plus while being with Gun and helping him, Tinn is gradually coming out of under his mother's thumb and letting himself feel what he wants to feel and have his own opinions. He is becoming a bit more rebellious and liking making decisions for himself.
So while Tinn doesn't necessarily want to become a doctor, he's not exactly protesting against it and is still unsure if he really wants to become one, and WHY. (I personally would love if Tinn did NOT become a doctor, or even if he does, atleast makes that choice with his own free will. Becoming a doctor requires a LOT of personal motivation, and being forced into being one is just damaging to one's mental health. This is speaking as someone who has just become a doctor herself a while back)
Then he realises that he wants to become a doctor to take care of his loved ones (admirable and a lofty goal tinn) after taking care of Gun's mom.
At the beginning of ep 8, we have Tinn talking to his mom to get permission for the club to stay over at nights for a week. Then his mom asks if he's started studying for an exam that is coming up in a month and he says he hasn't (I'm the same Tinn 😮‍💨🤜🏻🤛🏻)
But then we get Tinn standing up to his mom to get permission to stay overnight, with some crafty manipulation on his part to get her to agree. If you look carefully, his mom is confused about why Tinn is being this insistent about helping the music club. His mom has had that look before too, at the beginning of the show when he's asking to go in her place during the folk music festival.
And looking at it from Tinn's mom's perspective, Gun and his club are more of a nuisance than anything. And she probably is wary that they might drag Tinn to the wrong path. We as viewers know that is profoundly incorrect, but his mom doesn't.
And then we have Tinn and Gun hiding from his mom in the pool and then using the lousiest excuse I've EVER heard (Tinn you weren't even trying my boy). Can someone please tell me that does it actually abruptly rain out of nowhere in Thailand and then it stops just as abruptly??
Like the only reason Tinn's mom seemed to buy that excuse is that she hasn't caught him lying to her before. Also why do I have a feeling that she really some bias against the band kids? Because why only offer the towel to Tinn when both Tinn AND GUN are soaked????
Then we find out that Tinn's mom has arranged for him to meet with a doctor from the college Tinn might be applying for later who's having a seminar in his school. This is in order to have Tinn give a favorable impression to the doctor.
Contrary to what many were thinking, it's JUST an introduction, not an actual interview or anything. It's kind of like a mom showing off her kid to another so as to improve Tinn's chances of getting in.
One thing I noticed about Tinn while he was being told this was just how uncomfortable he looked. I'm still not clear myself whether it was because he was gonna miss being able to watch Gun perform openly (something he's been wanting to for YEARS at this point) or that he was benefiting from being the principal's son and getting this advantage over his peers who were as interested as him in that field. I personally like to believe it's a mixture of the two, with the former being a larger reason than the latter.
Moving on to the late night school ground heart to heart, you can see just how affected Tinn was by Gun's confession of gaining strength from performing in front of the people he loves. Especially since he knew that he couldn't actually go and watch him. We as audience and Gun could tell that just how sad he was at not being able to attend.
Then we had the wonderful piece of Gun deciding that it was FINE and both of them deserved to go after their dreams and encouraged Tinn to work hard towards his dreams, like Tinn encouraged Gun to do.
Now what follows is a bit of speculation, but not unnecessarily untrue, i think.
But what Gun doesn't know that the only reason Tinn even WANTS to become a doctor on the first place is in some way to take care of Gun and his own parents and Gun's mom.
It isn't Tinn's dream to be a doctor, it is his mom's. It's just something that he's going along with because he doesn't exactly hate the thought of being a doctor. Tinn's dream, atleast for the moment is to be at Gun's side, help HIM achieve his dream of winning the hot wave and be his boyfriend, in that order.
On that note, if Tinn you ever want to become a doctor, I think being a pediatrician would suit you a lot (as suggested by my lovely friend @sarahandtheninjas and i agree with them)
While, he might have gotten a good reason why to want to pursue medicine, his priority is still Gun and passing his school.
And his priority at that moment is watching Gun perform because he wants to provide Gun that support during such an important time of his life. Tinn has enough confidence in himself that he knows he can get in medical school by himself without any prior introductions from his mother. (I don't know how exactly do you even get in medical school in Thailand so if anyone could provide some information, that would be highly appreciated!!)
Plus i believe that Tinn is beginning to chafe from his mother's constant hovering. It comes from a place of love, but i think it would feel very annoying when you're a teen. Like when they both were rehearsing answers to give to the doctor, (which by the way were super generic and expected answers, exactly the ones they would look for, but still boring) you could see that Tinn could NOT CARE LESS about that *stupid* doctor and just wants to see Gun perform.
So in a fit of extreme bravery (seriously, it takes guts to talk back to your mom, especially if she's as strict with Tinn as I think she might be) he says sorry to mom and runs away to the Hot Wave.
Then that absolutely LOVELY conversation between TinnGun follows where Tinn reveals that that introduction wasn't actually that necessary and what's the use of becoming a doctor of he can't take care of the ones he loves.
Also Tinn, becoming a doctor means accepting that you might not being able to spend a lot of time with your family and loved ones, especially if you go into something like emergency medicine or surgery or ob-gyn or even medicine, especially during your specialisation years. I SHOULD KNOW, I'm not only a child of a surgeon, but a doctor in my own right.
(Also, dropping the love word so early Tinn???? That's pretty gosh darn brave of you my boy, but seriously Tinn, do not decide to become a doctor on a whim)
All of those actually reading till this point I love you all so much 😘😘
And after all of that, what I am personally looking forward to in the future episodes is how exactly does Tinn's late stage rebellion play out, because I have a feeling that his mom might be shaping up to be the final boss.
And thanks a LOT for reading
(I might edit this post later after all the episodes are over to add more thoughts and add some screenshots, maybe)
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droughtofapathy · 5 months
Suffs: Broadway and off-Broadway
Changes I Liked:
The tighter story. The off-Broadway version was good, but the pacing often felt chaotic and scattered. They shaved fifteen minutes off the runtime, and it needed that trim. Though perhaps not so much...
More of Carrie Chapman Catt and Mollie Haye's rumored romance weaved throughout the show. It's now pretty implicitly clear they're involved. They get a kiss. I love it.
Grace McLean in a short grey wig looking like a soft butch lesbian.
Emily Skinner as Alva Belmont/Phoebe Burn. I loved Aisha de Haas, and I loved the wink-wink, nudge-nudge of the "every grassroots movement needs a rich white broad," line. But I love Emily Skinner and I'm so glad she's back on Broadway and gets to strut around in big hats and furs. She doesn't get to do much, but she's doing great ensemble work.
Hannah Cruz is great as Inez Milholland, so I guess I can accept we lost one Asian featured player.
Changes I'm Still Not Sure Of:
Per above, we got Kim Blanck as Ruza Wenclawska, the role Hannah Cruz played before. I'm not sure I fully like the new interpretation. Hannah really set the bar. And hey, an Asian featured player.
I know they had to cut for time. I get why these moments were cut. But there were moments off-Broadway that gave nod to the non-white movements. During the March, there was a Chinese mother who brought her baby. "...your audacious Chinese mother marching so you could be free..." was a line that split me wide open. I'm not Chinese, but I'm a different kind of Asian, and just having that sort-of representation was wonderful. Off-Broadway also had the character Nina Otero-Warren give a rousing speech "your vote counts, your vote matters, use your power, get out and vote," in both English and Spanish, and I loved that. I know they cut because they couldn't delve deeper, but still.
The ensemble is smaller. The big group numbers feel quieter. I think a lot of the lost bite comes from losing this sheer presence on stage. The ensemble numbers also cut certain actors like Grace McLean from playing other suffragists, so the numbers are even thinner now.
I get why they cut it, but I really liked the punch of "I Wasn't There," a song about how the 19th Amendment was signed, but there's no actual documentation of the day itself. No photo-ops, no throng of reporters, and none of the women who worked tirelessly to shake hands and witness the signing. It was like this slap in the face.
There's a new song about Alice contemplating a life with a husband and child to illustrate all she was willing to give up in the name of the cause, and that's all well and good, but I don't care.
Speeding up the pacing meant losing some of the building tension. Suddenly it's the march, and suddenly it's all over, and suddenly we're--and it goes on like that. I'd have been fine taking back an extra five minutes to just stay in one of the big moments.
Most of the vaudeville type numbers were cut. Makes sense. Solid choice. But it does mean musically the songs are less diverse. The vaudeville numbers were also big ensemble pieces that filled the space.
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piyangg · 2 years
(Will update over time)
Basic Info
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Name : Yang Rubis
Nickname(s): Yah, Pip, Cursed Child, Slytherin Squib, Curse Breaker, Hero of Hogwarts, Giggles, and Pencil.
Birthday: May 23
Ethnicity: Filipino
Race: Asian
Nationality : (Dual Citizenship) British and Filipino
Sexuality: Pansexual
Pronouns: She/Her
Gender: Female
First language : Surigaonon
Tagalog (kinda, she can understand and pick up a few words)
English (UK)
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Hair: On the scalp from dark chocolate brown to vibrant red tips (magical hair)
Eyes : Dark brown
Teeth : little fang-like teeth on her right
Weight : 102 lbs.
Height :
- 1st year : 4’10 ft.
- 6th year : 5’0 ft.
Scent : Birch Bark Extract Herbal Essence and paint
Magic Tattoo : her right shoulder
Style : Either the clothes provided by Hogwarts or her casual yellow hoodie and black sweatpants. She chooses not to buy other clothes, because she hates spending money.
- Although the summer before her 6th year, she began to buy more clothes with the persuasion of her friend, Penny Haywood.
Here’s the IRL version.
Personality and Traits
Positive :
- Her adaptability and resourcefulness are her dominant traits.
- She’s open-minded and willing to listen from multiple perspectives
- She’ll rarely hate people, at most she’ll get annoyed with some people.
- A bit oblivious when it comes to people saying sarcastic/patronizing/backhanded comments.
- Doesn’t get offended easily.
- Finds insulting someone on purpose difficult, and usually does it unintentionally.
- Good at keeping secrets
- She’s good at white lies and lying by omission
- She’s usually a bright and giggly person, even being nicknamed by one of her teachers as “Giggles”.
- Has fighting reflexes, for example :
1. If startled, her reflexes would be to throw a punch or kick.
2. She'a a heavy sleeper, and if disturbed in sleep, she will throw punches and kicks
Negative (?) :
- She started off pretty naïve
- She has a hard time memorizing words and learns best with visual representation.
- She spaces out often, missing key details in conversations sometimes if not repeated.
- She doesn’t talk with long sentences because she can get a bit tongue-tied, but she does have a lot that she wants to say. So through letters and text messages, she’s a bit chatty.
- She doesn’t know how to control her voice level sometimes and may either be way too quiet for anyone to hear or yell without realizing it.
- Downside to being a giggly person is that she may laugh at inappropriate times, like funerals for example.
- She can be overly self-critical
- She can come off as paranoid, but she’s just cautious
- due to frequently losing objects, moving a lot from a young age, and witnessing the death of a friend and multiple family members, she finds it difficult to get attached to someone or something. 
- She doesn’t necessarily hate compliments and praises, but she doesn’t know how to take it well without awkwardly laughing
- Avoids confrontation, which she’s slowly working on.
- She can be a tad bit too greedy with her money and avoids using it as much as possible.
Hobbies :
- Training / Working out
- Dancing
- Pranking “annoying” people
- Drawing
- Cooking
Likes :
- Flying and Care of Magical Creatures class
- Being outside
- Exploring
- Drawing
- Dancing
- Singing
- Filipino snacks
- Romance, comedy, and mystery genre
- Pretty clothes (although she can't wear them herself even if she wanted to, because it shows off skin)
Dislikes :
- History of Magic class
- Being confined in a small space
- Skintight clothes
- Most clay stop motion animations but not all. (it just creeps her out)
- Shows/Movies with no comedy
- Cucumber
- Apples
- Icing
- Spicy food ( She has a sensitive tongue)
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alexissmithz · 8 months
I wanna kms
I am a 17 year old girl from south east Asia. Y’all might have known how strict Asians are. Anyways my story isn’t just about that. I don’t know why am I sharing my story here but I guess maybe because I don’t think I will be around much longer so…I guess I wanna leave behind something at least. 
I won’t say I am an amazing or a perfect person. I have my own flaws and I was immature asf a few years back. So please treat my story with a little kindness. I was born a pretty weak child, cuz my mom didn’t really get much for herself when she was pregnant with me. Her marriage is quite unhappy, though they try their best to never let it show in public. Before I was born dad put his own family wayyyy before mom, theirs was an arranged marriage. After I was born I guess dad fell in love with his daughter and began to be around a lot more. My mom left her job when I was born to take care of me. As I grew up, she began to be pretty strict, about my behaviour, clothing and especially studies. I was ok with it because I honestly didn’t understand much and cried it out. If I did any mistakes as a child in academics I would get severely punished and scolded, they did not beat me much. Both mom and dad. Dad sometimes used to lock me in a room if I could not get the (Bengali) alphabets right, even after he taught me so many times, I was only 2-3. I joined school when I was 4 and when I did no body treated me with kindness. Teachers made me sit at the last apparently because I was dark and not of a high caste. Then when I topped in class 1 after some rough teaching by mom things changed. Skip to class 5, I had a best friend who suddenly told me she didn’t wanna be friends anymore. I was young, it broke me. Skip to 7th grade, a boy who liked me for 2 years began dating me. He broke up with me 2 weeks after, and immediately began to date my prettiest friend. Then again I had a bf who…fell for my best friend who he used to sit with. I never trusted girls as friends after that. I changed school in 8th grade because I was also bullied physically and mentally by boys in 7th grade which included my exes. They touched me inappropriately as well. Then lockdown began and I was confined in home for the whole 8th and 9th grade. I was depressed, a lot mostly because my family situation wasn’t great either. My parents fight verbally a lot for minor reasons and it takes a toll on me. They treat me as the trauma dump and the punching bag (again not physically). It exhausts me but I still loved them. I wanted to die countless times but couldn’t for my mom. She left her job twice. She tells me all these sacrifices she did for me almost everyday. They almost divorced once but I begged and begged and kept them together. Anyways my parents are wayyyy overpossessive. I never go to school or tuition alone, even now I have never stepped out of the house alone. I don’t have my own phone or social media. I am pretty introverted so I can’t make friends easily either. After like 3 years I had made a best friend- a boy. I trusted him with everything, loved him as much as my parents. My teachers thought we were dating, so did my parents, I defended him in front of everyone. He was my home but…when he got a gf he…cut me off. His gf is super insecure which I understand in long distance relationships but….he didn’t even fight for me after all I had been through for him….happened only a few weeks ago and the pain is still raw. 
Times like this I don’t get the support of my parents because they think I should be studying and not thinking of stuff like this. If I tell then, they are gonna taunt me about it for a year. Whenever I do something wrong, have mood swings, my mom is like- this is why you don’t have friends. It hurts…so much. When they discovered my scar filled arm they were horrified about what peo would think- and not why I was in such pain. What am I expecting? My own mom told me to d*e, that I was a curse in her life. She made me feel like this a lot. Cold treatment etc etc go on a lot. Still I loved her. Still I loved dad too even though he never stood up for me and always supported my mom in scolding me. I topped last year in 10th grade boards too (98%) but that isn’t enough I guess. Anyways today….i was telling mom about every one who went to the school excursion and tuition picnic. They never let me go to stuff like this because yeah they are quite overprotective. So today by mistake I told her…yeah I didn’t get to go cuz you guys won’t let me. And you know what she said? 
“I wish you were born an ORPHAN in your next life, since you wanna be free”
It broke me and whatever was left of my heart. My mother, a mother is telling me…that I should be an…orphan??? Is this the woman I had been living for?? 
Suddenly I lost all the reason of my life. I had been used and thrown aside all my life. I had always been the second option, the backup plan. My own parents treated me like a trophy child and I still loved them. I have no other relatives to turn to. My best friend who promised he would never leave me like the others did leave me. My own mother…tell me where did I go wrong? All my life I had been kind and helpful, and was never ever mean, I assure you. So why? Why did it happen to me? Why always?? Why me??? So AITAH for wanting to just k*ll myself as soon as possible ? Because honestly I am exhausted….
Edit : Some things I missed- I had one last bf in sophomore (10th). He used to drink and smoke. Even though I told him not to. He was me, my ex best friend’s common friend. One day I suggested for a break cuz of exams and how crazy controlling and jealous he was. He drunk a lot and began to spew shit like me and my bff had an affair behind his back etc etc a lot of bad stuff. Instead of leaving my bff like he did I left my bf for doing this to his own gf and best friend.
I know my mom loves me a lot but- it’s toxic. Maybe because of how she is. But she is very controlling, abt my clothes, behaviour, who I talk to. She checks all messages regularly and is quite emotionally abusive. I tried to understand, but I am tired of not being understood.
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kustas · 2 years
Please feel free to ignore this if you don’t want to go into it hahaha, but as an FMA agnostic I saw that comment and had to ask: what’s your take on the series?? Have a great day!
I read it twice, once when I was in middle school, and then rather recently! My take is that while I understand why it is popular it's an overrated series that suffers from serious issues.
As a kid? I loved it. I've always been into science and fantasy worldbuilding and old timey stories with fights, so it was my shit. I had just discovered manga and was obsessed and even tried to copy the art style. I was especially fond of the parts about the ishbalan civilization as well as the chimeras, probably early signs of my still ongoing interests in ancient west asian archeology and uncanny valley furries. It's a story that importantly, while having a target audience of teenagers and catering to that, doesn't take its audience for idiots and offers, compared to other stories, more emotional punch due to that, with topics of life and death, and a story with a lot of traumatized characters.
Rewatching it as an adult, I'm just...not into magic anime battles anymore. I also am not keen on the art style nowadays, I get the charm but the chibi stuff is unbearable to me and a lot of characters are too samey for my liking, especially women. My one good surprise was learning about the gender neutrality of Envy as a character, a design I always liked as a child - but when I originally read the series I had known nothing of it because the character had been translated to male.
The huge elephant in the room however, is how it deals with its sensitive topics. A lot of what I will say are criticism you could forward to many popular series, yes, I know, but FMA is constantly hailed in "progressive" fandom spheres for diversity which upon reread shocked me. Politically, FMA talks about topics with serious IRL ties and does not have a stance I like on them. Most of the plot revolves around a cast of military who went to war before the story and exterminated a people there, who are fantasy-styled west asian and make up the majority of brown characters you see in the series. While the manga isn't afraid to say genocide bad or show the consequences it also makes you sympathize for the soldiers who carried it out because...they feel bad? Which is just not something I can agree with. In the modern times of the series it leads to uncomfortable discussions of fantasyworld racism that aren't my place to talk about. When the plot ends, it's a good ending for those soldiers, the only change is that you learn some anime evil was behind it all, and the "bad evil man for killing the actors in genocide of his people" gets redeemed quick but not in a way I agree with either. There's also the theme of disability which the series does touch on in a way that I cannot say much negative about, but on the other hand (no pun intended) do not feel is worth hailing as much as I have seen by fans. Last thing I see people hail it for is female characters and while yes, the series is not plagued by the usual misogynistic (if not pedophile) type of fan service anime usually has, that bar is underground... The main characters remain all male with the exception of one girl who's not really there and ends up a love interest. There's some cool female side characters but they remain just that. It's scraps & I am happy to find better elsewhere.
TLDR: Tumblr regularly rightfully tears a new one to avatar the last Airbender for how it handled colonialism, genocide and portraying fantasy cultures heavily based on real world ones, so why has FMA constantly slipped through that net, with a fanbase who is incapable of handling criticism?
TLDR 2: Honenheim's character and backstory remain to this day my favorite thing about FMA can we take this guy to a better manga
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ask-sienna · 1 year
Look upon the skies and seas And there among the wind and breeze The dazzled specks of sparkling stars Will sing to you of tales afar
Brief Background Summary:
Sienna is an orphan that showed up on the foot steps of a church one day. The church took her in and raised her as their own, with hopes that she will become a nun. All Sienna knew in life was the Lord, the church and that strange sensation that pulls her every time she looked up at the stars. For eleven years of her life she dedicated herself to the services of the church with all her heart, helping those in need. Everyone loved her for she was a joyful spirit always willing to help, always willing to share. It wasn’t until her eleventh birthday that it all changed. 
Let’s just say the church was less than ecstatic about her new found magical abilities. She might have died if it weren’t for Professor Fig, who had saved her before the chaos. 
She arrived in Hogwarts days before the ceremony, with nothing but the cloths on her back. Much of her school material is either second-hand or donations, but Professor Fig was nice enough to buy her her wand. When she was old enough, she picked up a side gig at the Three Broomsticks and would do odd jobs here and there to earn extra galleons.
Now lay her final year at Hogwarts, how will this unfold? You tell me…
(Full background story in the making – Read it here when it’s ready)
Pronouns: She/Her
Appearance: Asian female with navy blue eyes and white hair and if you stare into her eyes long enough, it looks like the galaxy is swirling within. She’s on the petite side, but don’t mess with her cause she packs a punch (from all the laundry and heavy lifting done back at the church).
Personality: Sienna is a gigantic cinnamon roll— sweet, bubbly little thing that’s quite clueless of a lot of social cues and what not. She’s quick to learn and has an undying thirst for knowledge, it’s a wonder she wasn’t put into Ravenclaw. But alas, she is a Hufflepuff through and through. Mostly a goodie two shoe that gets dragged into trouble by her friends hehe.
Interesting facts: Sienna is my DnD character (a twilight cleric star caller) that I imported into the HL universe. She has an affinity for the stars and a special ability that allows her clairvoyance, much like a Seer. The only difference is that it requires a lot of prep work and is not as spontaneous and unstable as seering abilities. Notably, her favourite subjects are Astronomy and Divination, though she does love Herbology, Potions and Magical Creatures. She's definitely good friends with Amit.
Rules of Engagement:
I do not condone violence and bullying in any way, shape or form. If you have a problem with it, do not engage.
This is strictly a Minors Do Not Interact Zone. However, should you need someone to just chat with, l'm more than happy to do so.
There are some content such as rape, child abuse, domestic violence, etc. that will not fly with me. If you are into such things, this is not your turf. Ask if you're unsure.
With that note, there ARE a lot of things I can fly with, but please let me know in advance. Please don’t throw me into the deep end without notice :)
If I'm uncomfortable with anything, I will let you know, I only wish to expect the same, respectfully. Let’s communicate :)
We're here to have fun, so please don't cause real drama or strife. I'm not here for it and neither should you.
I'll add more should I deem necessary, in the mean time, I can't wait to create memories with you :)
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boyakishantrinity · 11 months
"You say that like it's my job to maintain that shit."
Lifting the panel, a smile on his face as he danced around her. Skimping legs, arms trailing as they followed the beat.
"It's not your job per say, but I wouldn't recommend ignoring that."
Tossing her a wink, he stepped back talking to her before his new partner could hear.
"And it's not really my thing... Hello darling, care for a dance?"
Twirling her in his arms, lifting her up as he placed her back down. Holding her into his arms as they walked together before moving with the beat.
"And what happens if it goes wrong?"
Flinching at nothing, her partner returned a smile as he spun her into another man's arms. Twitching as he vanished into the crowd. The DJ catching a coin as he got a drink.
"So? I've made the distraction, party's started leaving..."
He paused, a thump barely echoing from the beating of the bass speakers. Flipping his hat onto his head, the man began vanishing into the crowd.
He popped out the grate, wincing as he slipped into the store room. Ears perking, he dropped to the ground. Turning his back as he muttered to himself.
"stupid grate. Why'd they make the hole so bloody-"
"excuse me-"
Turning, the Asian looked to the woman. A white dress, flowing form and an aloof stare. It shifted to questioning.
"Weren't you downstairs?"
Looking blankly at her, his mind racing for an answer.
"Yeah? Had my fun, now I'm doing work."
"... Uh huh. And what would that be?"
"Vent trapping."
"... Excuse me?"
He motioned at his clothing, dark everything and then to the empty pouch on his side.
"This place has some very powerful VIPs, some moron had me redo all the damn vents. Do you know how hard it is to check thumbtacks-"
"there's no way that's actually your job."
"... Yeah, it's not. I'm actually. Hey who's that?"
Looking around her, the woman turning before the bag covered her head. Cracking her collarbone, he leaned her against the wall. Placing the bottle in her hand, undoing several buttons before leaving a note on the ground.
I'm not sorry
She'd been thrown out the room, the large man lumbering towards her as he kicked the sword aside.
"Stupid child-"
A knife flew, hitting the doorframe as she reared back another hand.
"More to the left..."
Ripping the knife out, throwing it into her foot causing her to wince.
Someone slipped down the hall, the whistle of moving limbs, the slicing of wind as the man growled.
"Out of tricks-"
Smacking the large VIP on the head, the mop's noodles whipping his face as she hissed at him.
"I- had it."
"... Your foot- WOAH."
He swerved, ducking the punch and catching it in his left hand as he twist his wrist.
"... W-"
"-hat is going on??"
He sneezed, the large man snorting as he began to tic off.
"... does he had Tourette's?"
"I think so-"
"Get- Caw -back here"
"... Ph?"
The man's shoulder pulled back, with a scowl he forced himself to stand still.
Reaching for the lizard girl, his hand being pushed as the man quipped.
Jerking, head twitching as he swung the pole around his neck. The staff slamming through his vocal cords as he suddenly jerked.
"... That worked?"
Moving up, arms reaching back for a moment as he glared at them.
"Get- Caw! -back here!"
Shouting, the words being lost as he quickly began to suppress his ticks. Grasping his neck as he carefully tried to pry the staff out. Holding out one hand as he looked to her.
Magic string ripped the knife out her hand, flicking the knife she bopped her head with the flat end of the weapon.
"Hey- Quiche! -you."
Coughing, she looked to him.
"... That didn't- oh right."
Realising her non lethal nature, she raised the silenced pistol from the girl's hip.
"Nighty night!"
With a smile, gun aimed at his head as she held the firearm.
"... You people are am-"
0 notes
ecargmura · 1 year
Delicious Party Precure Episode 2 Review - Officially Teaming Up
I feel bad for Rosemary. Imagine being stuck in a foreign planet with no way back and on top of that, you have to rely on a child in middle school to help you defeat the enemies and search for the Recipe Bon and Recipeppis. It’s understandable that he is trying to be a reasonable adult and not get a child like her into danger because of him. He gets stressed out and behaves a bit out of his usual character because of this. This reminds me a lot of how Cure Sky didn’t want Cure Prism to be in fights because she was afraid she’d get hurt before realizing that they need to work together to make things work. That was pretty much this episode in a nutshell. Though,  Rosemary looks like a fit adult, why can’t he just punch or kick Ubauzo or Gentlu if he lost his abilities to use his powers? Throwing hands is much better than not doing anything at all.
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I like learning a lot about the Cookingdom. The CooKing is a bit eccentric while the CooQueen is calmer and the info dump of the two. I think they work well together as they both know the ins and outs of the gadgets and lore from their kingdom. Sometimes, in animes, rulers turn out to be some of the most incompetent people and out right useless. Fortunately, these two don’t seem to be the case. Rosemary possesses a Delicious Stone, which is what CooKingdom’s knights possess; he is seemingly a knight of that kingdom and a high-ranking one at that too.
Regarding the Bundoru Gang, I think the boss seems to be someone from the CooKingdom as it seems that people from that world are the only ones aware of what Precures are. I have two guesses on who the boss might be: either that Fennel guy introduced or the master Rosemary briefly mentioned. I have no idea who this master is, but hopefully he’ll be introduced later on. Why I think Fennel might be the Bundoru boss is that his voice is deep. If you touch a deep voiced person’s voice, it’ll become even deeper…right? Anyways, what I’ve learned from Persona 4 is that the culprit is always the person you least expect to be the killer, but it makes sense; they have to not be the main character too.
In terms of the other characters that are not Rosemary, Yui’s a nice girl who decides to help Rosemary out with his quest to search for the Recipe Bon and save the Recipeppis. I do feel like she sort of accepted it thoughtlessly, but given how she’s someone who loves helping others, as shown by the flashback of her with the stray cat she once helped, it makes sense why she’d do this. She loves food and helping others, so it’s a double win for her.  I feel bad for Takumi who got left behind after the whole Ubauzo incident in the first episode and then got forgotten by Yui who suddenly remembered him after realizing she left him behind; on top of that, Yui then pleads him to take in this strange man she just met into his family’s guest house. Like, girl, do you not have any sense of stranger danger? Though, I do wonder about Rosemary asking if he had met Takumi somewhere. Given that Takumi is definitely the caped guy in the intro, there might be a connection there? The Bundoru Gang is just the Bundoru Gang.
I think the stand out character for this episode is Akiho Nagomi, Yui’s mother. I think she’s really sweet. I can tell Yui grew up as a loving girl because her mother trusts and respects her. I can see that she trusts her when Yui asks if she could take care of Kome-Kome. While most Asian moms would freak out if their child had brought in a strange animal, Akiho is calm and composed despite wondering if Kome-Kome is a dog or a cat. I love the fact that she knows how capable Yui is as she says “I believe you can do it.” I think the fact that she’s the only character interested in Rosemary’s beauty tips was both cute and funny.
I also really like the comedy. I feel bad for the brown haired girl. She’s been in comedic moments when it came to food. She got knocked over while on a ramen delivery and was in the Omurice shop during Gentlu’s attack in the previous episode and this episode, she was just eating karaage and then Gentlu attacks. I think my favorite comedic moment was Rosemary’s expression when Yui just casually shows up in the Delicious Field after the Heart Cure Watch guided her to his location. CooKingdom’s technology sure is advanced.
Anyways, now that Yui and Rosemary have decided to cooperate, where will this story head off? How long will it take for the other Precures to join Yui? From the preview, it seems that the girl who will become the blue Precure will be formally introduced next episode after her small appearances in the previous and this episodes. What are your thoughts on this episode?
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Movie Review | Mortal Kombat (Anderson, 1995)
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I wouldn’t call this a childhood favourite by any means, but it was certainly one I saw a bunch of times as a kid and not since, so that fact that was on Tubi and threatening to leave in a few days was good enough reason to give it a rewatch after all these years. One scene that I more or less remembered was the one where Johnny Cage punches Goro in the… you know… and the chase and fight that ensues. And the reason I remembered this was not just the scene itself but that, seeing it as a child on a CRT television of not extravagant size and likely at the mercy of poor reception, I’d imagined at the time that I’d actually seen Goro’s … you know… flailing about during the chase scene. And that after seeing the movie, when I drew a little doodle of Goro, I sketched out his… you know… And I don’t remember if I drew this doodle at school or at home, but let me tell ya, whoever saw it was NOT happy! Anyway, that’s my little trip down memory lane.
As for the movie, I suspect a lot of this comes from the source material, which I’m only vaguely familiar with (I’ve played some of the games at arcades and family friends’ houses, but never owned any myself), but the tournament plot and trio of heroes with an Asian lead seem greatly indebted to Enter the Dragon. There’s some logic behind this calculation, as Enter the Dragon was tasked with selling the concept of martial arts cinema to American audiences, so it would make some sense to use its template when trying to sell the concept of video game movies, which had only been around for a few years prior. I will say that I appreciated that, unlike some of the movies that followed where Hong Kong stars tried to cross over, the movie actually lets Robin Shou be charismatic and funny. I suspect because he wasn’t a big star and didn’t have any major baggage, there was no need to try to package him into anything specific. I also appreciate that the other heroes, Linden Ashby (the aforementioned puncher of Goro in the… you know…) and Bridgette Wilson actually hold their own in the action sequences, which was not true of at least one of the heroes in Enter the Dragon (John Saxon, I love ya, but c’mon), and that Ashby gets to be a doofus in exactly the right measure to allow for self deprecation and humour but not undermine the movie with self awareness. There is a baseline of respect you ought to pay the material here and I think this movie pulls it off. And you round out the cast with Christopher Lambert, who kinda nails the subtly exotic qualities of his character, and Cary-Hiroyuki Tagawa, who plays the role with a good deal of menace. Also, for some reason I got real excited when I recognized Peter Jason, despite the fact that the movies I remembered him most clearly from, Trick or Treats and Texas Lightning, are not good. Sometimes “hey, it’s that guy” provides a certain frisson.
I will say that while I liked looking at the outdoor scenes, because there are temples and vines and greenery and sand and sun and what have you, I did not like looking at the indoor scenes, which are lit in strong, kind of dark colours calibrated to a level I found unpleasant on the eyes. For some reason, there’s a lot of maroon in this movie, which did not make for a pleasurable viewing experience. That being said, despite the wonky CGI, this is shot on film and there are actual sets so maybe I shouldn’t complain so much. I will also note that unlike pretty much every other Paul W. S. Anderson movie I’ve seen, the action scenes here actually work as action and not inert, self contained exercises in framing and movement. Sure, you can feel that some of the scenes feel like Shou is moving at half speed so the American stuntmen can keep up (or at least it does if you’ve seen Tiger Cage II… what a movie *chef’s kiss*). But unlike Anderson’s other movies, where ridiculously overpowered heroes engage in totally arbitrary back and forths before the confrontation is resolved in the lamest possible way, the action scenes here evoke a sense of actual struggle for the heroes and as a result, some semblance of progression. The movie on the whole plays like slick, energetic hackwork (take a shot every time a variation of the awesome techno theme comes on the soundtrack), but Anderson, like Zack Snyder, seemingly turned out his most enjoyable movie before he really developed a distinct style.
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starburstman · 3 years
Sing Headcanons
This one is gonna be kinda long
- so as humans I hc that Rosita and Ash are latina (however Rositas kids don't speak spanish), Meena is black, Johnny is British Pakistani, Nooshy is East Asian, Gunter is European, Buster is aboriginal and Eddies family is also black
- It’s a fact that Elephants tread really lightly so sometimes, Meena will walk in behind someone and they may not notice at first. It’s basically this scene from the office (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x03V4cTXNF4&ab_channel=mbalallo)
- Rosita was a total BAMF. She was basically Maeve Wiley. Total overachiever and total badass in highschool (wouldn’t hesitate to light some dudes car on fire if he was a jerk)
- Eddie and Ash love buzzfeed unsolved so basically, they forced the gang to go to a haunted house/famous haunted site and whilst everyone was close to crying they were acting like they were on the show
Eddie: DON’T TRY IT DEMONS (brings out water gun filled with holy water)
- Meenas mom and Rosita are best friends. THEY ARE LITERALLY MAUREEN AND JEAN FROM SEX EDUCATION (search them up they are the best). Big Daddy (Marcus) was a bit reluctant around them at first but now he goes with them to a book club every week.
- Norman was this nerd and Rosita was weirdly overprotective of him at first and BOOM they developed feelings for eachother
- Nooshy quickly became friends with everyone BUT ASH AND HER GO OFF THE RAILS
Ash: YES
Meena: *crying* I am going to have a heartattack
- Surprisingly, Nooshy is a great cook and helps Meena when she bakes (besties T-T)
- JOHNNY AND NOOSHYS FRIENDSHIP IS SO GOOD BUT ALSO KINDA VIOLENT?? She shoves him, fake punches him, almost choked him once
- Alfonso goes by he/they pronouns, also HE IS A MAN THAT WAS WRITTEN BY A WOMAN. Breaking down Toxic Masculinity one day at a time. Very sweet to Meena but Ash and Johnny would never give him a break
- HUMAN! Alfonso had alot of sisters so naturally he knows how to do hair and paint nails really well :D
- they truly began trusting him and liking him when he calmed Meena down from a panic attack before a show started (because sadly anxiety doesn’t go away after a few performances)
- Buster is quite a picky eater but he uses eucalyptus to get high XD He also genuinely believes he can do PARKOUR, but has ended up with almost broken bones on multiple occasions
- Outside of music, alot of the characters have hobbies. Meena can rollerskate amazing, Johnny writes poetry, Nooshy can cook and did gymnastics as a kid, Rosita is a tinkerer at heart and Porshia did alot of ballet dancing
- Ash loves crafts. She is extremely creative as she knows how to sew and design, and she love to sketch and paint. She has made bracelets for alfonso and Meena, and even stuff for Porsha
- For Meena’s father, I headcanon that he was a pretty awful dad, putting down Meena and her mother and basically stuffing a load of trauma into the girl until her mother and him divorced. In this scenario he contributed to her anxiety surrounding singing and putting herself out there
- The humor of the “teens” (including Porsha and Nooshy) is broken af
“Watch your elbow!”
“Watch your lifespan”
- Ash has 3 sisters, shes the middle child and has a rocky relationship with her parents. Mainly due to lack of attention and their dislike in her new lifestyle
- Meena has serious scary punching skills but only Johnny and Ash know this. Once Lance and this creeper friend of his came to bother Ash. Needless to say, the situation ended in black eyes, bruises and Johnny holding a very furious Meena back.
- Meena is very strong guys, she can lift many people.
- Darius and Meena become besties outside of rehearsals. Their best friend dynamic is basically this photo:
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- Gunter gives best hugs and he can really tone down the ecstatic behaviour if someone is in trouble. He used to be really insecure about everything but he has learnt to accept himself 
- Rosita and Gunter be besties in and outside of rehearsals. Rosita has considered walking Gunter around on a leash multiple times however based on the way he will sprint to every single store on the block. 
- SEXUALITY HEADCANONS:  (Btw these are my headcanons so if you don't agree its fine!) Nooshy and Johnny are bi, Meena is pan (don’t tell me this girl isn’t she has pan panic every single day), Buster and Eddie are dating, Gunter is gay and nonbinary, Porsha and Ash are lesbians (she was still in the closet when she dated Lance)
- Porshia and Ash used to fight all the time at first (because Porsha was still pretty snobbish and Ash hated that) so Ash would always use Meena to gain height over her (I HAVE THE HIGH GROUND) They became friends later on through a theater accident
- People have a hard time scaring Meena, because she can hear them from a mile away but when she does get scared, she lets out a small trumpet
- HUMAN!! Meena is amazing at doing hair (she kinda needs to be)
- Ash refuses to sleep because she will work on her songs for hours, often having to be dragged to her bed by one of her friends and they need to monitor her so she doesn’t go back to work. She hogs the blanket tho
- Ash and Johnny share an apartment and Meena is coming over for sleepovers 24/7
- Porshia struggled for a long time after her dad went to jail. It was really hard on her
- Johnny = constantly bullied by his friends (they still love him)
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rarepears · 2 years
Masterpost [Jan 2022]
Jan 2022
Luke Skywalker Mistaken to Be Anakin Skywalker’s Biological Father
Boyfriend Gojo Cheats for Desserts
Star Wars Would See Jinwoo Clearing Gates (AKA Planets) As Genocide
Sung Jinwoo Needs a Snake Summon for Reasons, every fandom needs a snake au
Aizen (Bleach) Raises Xanxus (Khr)
Krell (Star Wars) And Harry Potter Cursed Ideas
sung jinwoo was a idol before he awakened the second time
sung jinwoo x jjk crossover where jinwoo adopts megumi
gaara of tatooine au
Single Parent! Endeavor Can Asexually Reproduce
Tsuna (Khr) Is a Fish
Enji X Rei X Toji (JJK) threesome 
beru adopting (stealing) megumi follow up
Obi-wan Time Travels and Gets a Promotion
Shadow Summons During the Holiday Season
CULTIVATORS MEET JEDI (Scum Villain Meets Star Wars)
Kakashi X Aizawa in mha with kakashi being a catboy
Beru the Ant (Solo Leveling) And Aunt Beru (Star Wars)
Gotham Thinks Batman Is a Asian Twink Named Sung Jinwoo
Star Wars Porn Industry
Sung Jinwoo Accidentally Steals the Star Wars Clone Army
SVSSS Omegaverse With Shen Jiu X Shen Yuan
Toushirou (bleach) X Gojo (jjk)
Obi-wan X Sheev Palpatine With Time Travel
Sung Jinwoo (Solo Leveling) X CC-1010 Fox (Star Wars Clone Wars)
Musical Chairs Ghoul Style
SOlo Leveling but Jinwoo Is a Cat
The Jedi Order would LOVE Poison Ivy n SITH!OBI-WAN X JASTER MEREEL
Poison Ivy in Star Wars
Shen Yuan the PIWD Xianxia Vlogger post and follow up
Fix It Where Anakin Is the Crazy Tooka Lady (General)
Fumikage Tokoyami’s Father Is Sung Jinwoo
shen jiu's fellow streetrat becomes a general au
Yoda Is a Free House Elf (Star Wars X Harry Potter Crossover)
Sung Jinwoo Vacations in SVSSSIdeas, Ideas 10-12, 13-15, 16-19, 20-23
Tsuna is actually a parrot, not a child like iemitsu incorrectly believes
SUNG JINWOO CAN ALSO REVIVE PLANTSBeru (Solo Leveling) x Tianlang-jun (SVSSS) AU
If aizawa transmigrated as shen qingqiu…
Antares X Bakugou pairing where Bakugou cooks the most fucking delicious spicy food that single-handily convinces Antares to not destroy the Earth
Liu qingge x shen jiu au - in which lqg gets married to sj by the liu family unknowingly
Anakin and sensory deprivation mediation?
Sung Jinwoo is a cat au: Original post
Twice’s quirk is far too powerful in bnha
Shen jiu and his army of shadow summon bodyguards
Sung Jinwoo, the Last Line of Defense Against… Luo Binghe?(SOLO LEVELING X SVSSS)
Mace windu x jinwoo (solo leveling)
Shen Yuan xZhuzhi Lang
Jedi and Sith have encountered Rulers and Monarchs and both mistake them to be manifestation of the Force/Dark side of the Force
The names of hero!Touya’s hero moves
Combine the Chancellor Antares AU with Arranged Marriage AU to get.... this
Combining arranged marriage au with cat au to get Monarch of Destruction coming to earth to marry a cat
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five-rivers · 3 years
If you're taking prompt what if Inko was the daughter of AfO and Izuku still gets OfA later. But he has fire breath like his dead beat dad thanks to his grandfather. Teach him for running out on his baby girl.
It had taken long enough that his minions were in need of a serious reprimand, but finally Midoriya Hisashi was sprawled on the ground at All for One's feet. He was suitably beaten, bound, and blindfolded, but alive, as requested.
"Hello, Hisashi. I suppose you didn't think you'd ever see me again." He used the man's first name, because he didn't care to associate his daughter's surname with this sniveling waste of space, even if he had legally adopted it at their farce of a wedding.
Hisashi froze. A whisper of smoke leaked past his lips.
"I wonder, do you even recognize my voice?"
"Shi- Shigaraki..."
"Oh, very good!" All for One clapped his hands in a show of false cheer. "So! You remember your father-in-law, but not your wife? Not your son?"
"I- I-"
"Because amnesia is the only acceptable excuse I can think of for abandoning them and trying to move all the way to Hokkaido. Unless you'd like to try a different one." All for One paused, and the silence stretched out before him, thin and brittle, much like Hisashi's bones. "I'm waiting."
"It- it isn't my fault," whined the man. "And I- I was always going to send money back. I just- I just can't live there anymore. I- Shouldn't you be pleased about this? You hated me and Inko get-"
All for One kicked Hisashi sharply. "Don't even say her name. I did hate your sham of a marriage. But as long as it made her happy, I put up with it."
Hisashi wheezed, more smoke filling the air of the disused underground parking garage they were meeting in.
"Speak clearly," demanded All for One.
"It- the boy. He's quirkless. I could- couldn't stay, with everyone knowing."
"Oh?" said All for One, voice suddenly silky smooth. He bent over and put his hand on top of Hisashi's head. "Well, lucky for you, that's something I can fix."
All for One dropped Hisashi on one of Garaki's carefully polished operating tables. "Make him into something interesting," he ordered, and Garaki scrambled to examine his new materials.
Meanwhile, All for One took a seat in one of Garaki's rolling chair. "I simply don't understand it," he said. "Who leaves their family just because they had a quirkless child? Unbelievable."
Of course, All for One had seen similar things many times before in his long life and knew they happened very well. He simply failed to understand. With his brother, even when he'd actively been trying to dismantle his empire... Destroying other people made sense, but family was special.
"He should be pleased by this outcome, really. Izuku won't be quirkless for much longer."
"You- you're giving him a quirk, my lord?"
"Yes," said All for One. "This fool's quirk, to be precise. And perhaps his grandmother's. I'll miss it, of course, but to be honest, I don't really use it the way it should be."
"But," said Garaki, "my lord, I've already diagnosed the boy as quirkless."
"Then you'll just have to practice your groveling for when you apologize to them." He paused. "Surely you aren't concerned about the medical reputation of a throwaway identity?"
"Not at all, my lord," said Garaki in a way that indicated extreme dissatisfaction.
All for One ignored him.
"Kacchan! Kacchan! Guess what? Guess what?"
"Go away, nerd!"
Izuku was undeterred. "I got my quirk!"
Kacchan scowled mightily. "No you didn't! You were dig-dag-dignoz-" The frown became mightier. "The doctor said you were quirkless, stupid deku!"
"The doctor was wrong! Watch! Watch!" He puckered his lips and a small tongue of flame emerged from between them. "And that's not it!" He pointed at a stunned Kacchan and a small gust of wind ruffled his hair. "I can do that, too! Mama said it's just like gramma's!"
"That's- you- You're still not better than me!"
"I know!" said Izuku, cheerfully.
"Hm, I don't know," said another one of the students watching, "Deku can do two things, and Bakugo just explodes..."
Bakugo's shriek of rage was audible throughout the entire preschool.
"Two quirks, Dad? Two? TWO? After everything you drilled into my head about how dangerous it was to give people multiple quirks? What were you thinking?" demanded Inko.
"Hardly anyone dies from just two quirks," said All for One, "and he retained the family adaptation for accepting multiple quirks, the risk was-"
"Not. Yours. To. Take." Inko punctuated each word with a jab to the chest, then sat down heavily in the nearest chair. "I hope you understand. I am furious with you."
"Inko, princess-"
Inko held up her hand. "No. If I see Izuku with another quirk, I will kill you. Do you understand? No warning, no third chances. If you're a threat to my son, you're dead."
"Perfectly," said All for One, choosing not to mention the longevity quirks all three of them had.
Watching illegally obtained footage of his grandson's entrance exam was and excellent way to unwind after a long and stressful day of being unspeakably evil.
Right up until the part where Izuku destroyed a giant robot by punching it to bits.
The heartrate monitor he was attached to unhelpfully informed him that his had skyrocketed. He had never told Inko about One for All. The entrance exam had taken place hours ago.
"Kurogiri!" he called. "Kurogiri?"
No response.
"Hello, Dad."
Izuku's acceptance into UA was marred by news of his grandfather's sudden death. He had been getting older, but he always sounded so full of life when they talked on the phone.
After the service, Izuku lingered by the grave. He reached into his jacket pocket and took out a small booklet, a copy of a vintage comic his grandfather had gotten him into. He put it down by the headstone.
"I was always too embarrassed to tell you this," he said, softly, "but the real reason I started to want to be a hero... it wasn't that old All Might video. It was this." He tapped the cover of the comic. "The way the hero never gave up..." Izuku sniffed. "It was just really inspiring." He wiped tears away from his face. "I'll make you proud. I promise. I'll be the best hero there ever was!"
In America, a woman named Morticia Roll paused. Her rather niche quirk was the ability to know who would be spinning in their graves the most, if people were able to spin in their graves.
Most of the time, that honor belonged to some random European dude. But Shigaraki Hiroshi sounded Asian... She shrugged and went back to her gardening. Whatever was happening, it wasn't any of her business.
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