#being able to storytell in such a way that the reader feels something is a skill!! it is a Skill and not an accident or a moral failing.
starflungwaddledee · 7 months
Hey got a question, is it normal for your heartbeat to beat rapidly wherever you look at really tense or angsty scenes?
It's Just a question I had in mind
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putting these together because they're clearly related. i admit these have me a little bit stumped, but i'll take this in good faith and do my best! under the cut because of length.
topics include: physiological reactions to fiction, emotional reactions/empathy of creators, and finally addressing the unspoken question present in asks like this.
"is it normal to have a physiological reaction (heart beat, jitters, excitement, sadness, etc) to fiction"
absolutely! i cannot overstate how common it is to have reactions of any wide variety to fiction. the whole point of storytelling is to make you feel things! the reactions you have, their intensity, and the specific media or genre you'll have those reactions to will vary person to person. in regards to angst in particular, like i've said on this topic before: reactions will vary. some people might get excited, others might get sad, others might feel it like a gut punch but in a really good and cathartic way. none of these are better or worse or more normal or more abnormal than the other.
"do i as a creator have an emotional reaction to the work i'm creating?"
i personally do, sure. i was actually quite explicit in the tags of the comic that came right before this ask that i found it hard to draw, because seeing kirby so sad was emotionally pulverising to me. do all creators? no. do i feel a strong emotional reaction to all scenes? no. or all types of content creation? no. for me, prose is actually much easier to tackle than illustration; i can write trauma and suffering and psychological devastation until the cows come home, but drawing it is a different matter. consuming the work of others is different again. and this is different for everybody. am i somehow morally better or more empathetic than an artist that doesn't struggle to draw characters sad? hell no! being able to represent- in fiction- a strong emotion generally requires that you empathise with or at least understand that emotion. sometimes creators actually have to be able to turn this off to be able to create the content we make; the way we turn off strict adherence to reality in order to write fantasy. if we couldn't do this, content across the board- art, movies, novels- would be flattened to nothing but the cheeriest and most mediocre parts of our day to day lives. no fun monsters (because those aren't real). no challenges to rise above (because those make us sad). no characters who have different experiences to us (because how could we imagine or feel for that). and it would be okay for like... twenty minutes of all books containing 'the sun was shining and i woke up on time and had a yummy breakfast', but then it would suck, sorry. conflict and imagination are the root of content.
"it's just a question I had in mind".
a way to think about this might be; would you ask these questions about genres that aren't angst? would you ask "is it normal to be happy when these characters finally reunite" or "is it normal to feel resolution in response to a happy ending" or "is it normal to feel excitement when a character has their cool hero moment". perhaps it's because your reaction to angst is something you construe as negative, but if you wouldn't doubt your reactions to cheerful content, then there's no reason to doubt the reactions you have to angst either; these are just reactions! fiction is designed to make us feel things, but what you feel will be up to you. no one feeling or response is better or worse than any others.
lastly, i feel like there is an unspoken question here that i don't like.
and maybe you didn't intend it. i'm going to extend that grace to you, and because you seem to need reassurance about this (though i will not be reassuring about this further. i do not like reassurance seeking from strangers and this is a boundary i am setting right now), this is not an attack or even a criticism. your questions are fine if they are coming from a place of curiosity and- i simply assume- that these are new or difficult concepts to you that you have yet to have explored or explained.
but on the good faith assumption you didn't intend it, and wouldn't want to do this again (especially if you message other creators), i think you should be aware.
because it sounds like this: "do the people who make sad/angsty/dark content care at all or are you heartless to the suffering (of these characters). is angst/dark content made by bad people?" i felt it the previous time i got a question like this too when it explicitly stated "you seem like a nice person", as if being a nice person was in contrast with what i was creating.
please. we are just people. the relative light or darkness of the content you make says absolutely nothing about your morals, your real life attitudes, or your ability to be an empath.
someone making cute animal art could be a school yard bully. someone writing a complex sci-fi warhorror fic could be the most altruistic and compassionate soul in the world.
in my experience, creators are some of the most empathetic people i have ever met, and many of them know their craft intimately. these are people capable of stepping into the shoes of others as easily as breathing. of sitting down at their work station every day and finding inside themselves a way to answer "how would this really feel?" so clearly and honestly that they can put it onto the paper for you to feel it too.
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wolfiesmoon · 7 months
A rare ingredient
Inumaki x gn!reader
sometimes only being able to say onigiri ingredients gets a little tough on our boy :(
@kairiscorner just tagging you since you wanted to read this!!
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The upside of having a crush is, well... everything good that comes along with having a crush. Your smile is the most beautiful thing ever to him. He feels oddly happy most of the time and especially happy when you're by his side. He wants to share everything with you, every minute detail of his life.
The issue is, however, that you've only transferred to Jujutsu High recently and can't understand anything he says. Unlike his other classmates who reply with "thanks" and a grateful smile to "spicy cod roe" as is intended, you simply give him a confused smile every time.
And that doesn't even cover the fact that he doesn't have any words to describe his love for you. He wouldn't have them even if he were able to talk normally like everyone else.
"Kelp." he greeted you, waving.
"Ah, hello!" you inferred that he was greeting you, waving back to him. He swears you look better every day and help but gaze upon your amazing face.
He is eternally grateful for the uniform that covers the lower part of his face, because he doesn't think he would have gotten away with blushing so much around you otherwise.
Normally he would surprise you by sneaking up on you from behind but after you told him that freaks you out he stopped. You're the one person he's willing to make that exception for. Maki isn't as lucky, unfortunately.
"...Tuna mayo." he never knows what to tell you, and considering his limited vocabulary, that would be kind of hard to do anyways. It's fair to say that you do most of the talking when alone with him.
"Uhhh, I met up with my non-sorcerer friends today." you always assume the role of storyteller with Toge. He's a good listener. Though you don't know why he always insists on staying by your side.
"I didn't tell them what I've been up to, of course. They wouldn't believe it anyways. But aside from that, we went to our favourite café that we frequented all the time in middle school." you smiled fondly at the memories that flooded your mind at that moment.
"Salmon." he wants to be invited to that café, too. Prefferably just the two of you. On a date.
You smiled awkwardly at him, nodding. You never know what in the world he's trying to tell you so you just "smile and wave" most of the time.
He furrowed his brows slightly, then looked off, seemingly thinking really hard about something. You raised an eyebrow in question.
"...Prawns." ("...I love you.")
His eyes met yours, and your eyes slightly widened. Did it finally get through to you?! Did you somehow understand his little confession?!
"You've never used that one before..." your expression returned to normal, still smiling at him, atlhough a bit intrigued by the rare ingredient now.
"By the way, are you alright? You're making a weird face." you moved closer to him, inspecting the upper half of his face.
"Caviar." he covered his face with his hands.
You're going to be the death of him.
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jazzylovegood · 3 months
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Poly! Straw Hats x reader basically. These are just an idea for smth bigger.
I imagine being a part of the Straw Hats is difficult for the heart. Especially when they are all ATTRACTIVE.
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You will just be sitting there trying to snack on a tangerine just for Luffy to come up in front of you flashing the biggest puppy dog eyes ever. You will mention the fact that there are literal plants on board growing them and he will hit you with a:
"Yeah, but yours looks so much better."
How would you possibly be able to deny your adorable captain? You were going to hand the orange to him, but he ends up laying down on your lap. Eyes closed, mouth wide open waiting for you to feed it to him. This happens a lot and at the end he always pats your head or just stays there chilling.
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You wanted to help Sanji in the kitchen since you have always been interested in his work. You are trying your best to pay attention, but it is really hard to when he is staring over your shoulder whispering directions in your ear.
Every time you mess something up his hands come to your arms and gentle move them the correct way.
"There you go. Yeah, just like that, beautiful."
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It is rare for Nami to make you feel this way since unlike the others she gives space, but when it is just girls being girls and she is running her hands through your hair helping you wash it, while scratching to make your scalp feel better. Your heart pounds.
She even helps you braid your hair (she learnt it from the Fishman). It would be very intimate and while you are trying not to explode, she will be just talking about her day and how one of the boys annoyed her.
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Usopp is an incredible storyteller he always has a group gathered around interested in a good Pirate's life. It's not how cute he is when telling the stories that ends up pulling at your heart strings. It is the he talks about you during the stories.
His use of words such as: beautiful, strong, smart, kind.
That just end up making the crowd fantasize about being friends with you and how cool you must be in battle. It is like Usopp's way of praising you.
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For Zoro I would like to imagine that in the live action they kept his goofy ass personality. You would be looking over a document or map making sure everything is still in check only for his big body to block the sunlight. He would be bending down looking over your shoulder and pointing to stuff on it asking questions in your ear.
He has no sense of personal space. He just never really sees anything wrong with any of his behavior.
Pulling you towards him by your waist, dropping an arm around your shoulder, moving you out of the way by effortlessly lifting you up by the hips, using your body to lean against when he is sitting. It is too much for your heart to handle.
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can i contribute? foxboy childe and wolfboy diluc with a catgirl reader. wolfboy diluc being a bit jealous that childe's fox dna is a tad bit better when it comes to breeding you... but he'll force it.
YEAHHHHHH THIS IS THE GOOD SHIT!! ur dna naturally works better with one another but diluc is a determined man and must prove he's better than that stupid fox harbinger >:( hehe this is just over 3k words and also my 100th post!! eat up!!
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contains: foxboy childe, wolfboy diluc, female reader, chubby reader, slight spoilers for diluc and childe's backgrounds
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to mate was one of the most sacred actions amongst hybrids. it was a symbolism of true trust and love. there was nothing more special than bearing the kittens of another to you and it was often something you fantasized about when lounging in the sunshine. you'd let golden rays warm your skin and ears while your brain was lost in the thoughts of finally being loved and fully filled. one day you'd have the perfect mate, you were sure of it. but for now you simply appreciated the small pleasures of sunshine, fish, and your close friends.
it was always easiest to make friends with those genetically closer to you so, it was no surprise that as a kitten yourself, you befriended the fox down the street. the climate of Snezhnaya was beyond freezing but somehow that bright ginger boy was always able to make you feel warm and safe. perhaps it was his glowing personality or the way his ears always twitched in the same fashion as yours. regardless, he was always your very best friend. he was mild as a boy only to grow into a man more bold and fearless. you always justified it as part of his DNA when people asked as they didn't need to know the reality of his situation. despite the poor hand he was given, he always shone more brilliantly than any sunray that could ever hit your skin. Ajax was always the star you'd follow home and the beams of light you'd bask in. he was and is the most special person to you.
and so, making the move to Mondstadt was the most difficult moment of your life. you knew with his rank amongst the Fatui you'd never be truly leaving him behind yet it stung all the same. you were leaving the place with his life and younger years written all over it. where his energy and desires had sunk into the earth only to reverberate through your bones on the days you missed him most. here you wouldn't have the same comfort. you could take every gift he ever gave you and every item of clothing he sacrificed into your possession but nothing came close to being where his everything once was. you mourned for those feelings. alas, making this move was necessary for you. Snezhnaya was never a land where creatives such as yourself could thrive. the constant and sometimes mindless monotony of the people striving to create the best of the best technology in between freezing off limbs and fishing could no longer serve your mental any good. with everyday passing there you only found your mindset getting worse and no matter how hard you scraped up the bits of Ajax nothing, not even him, could fix you. Mondstadt was the place you needed to be. it was a land of bards, poets, and storytellers. it was the land of freedom. you needed to be somewhere that valued your talents and inclinations towards the arts. through letters and visit he made to help you pack Ajax assured you this was the right choice. he assured you he'd come visit and that he'd have some men looking out for you. even past distance and through slivers of breath he would keep you safe.
as things turn out, he was right, Mondstadt was the place you needed to be. with flat and warm planes of rock to bathe in the sun, ponds and lakes full of fish, other creatives, people that were always kind, and a rather large community already established of cat hybrids you finally felt like you belonged somewhere that didn't require you to be coddled in the arms of Ajax. home was no longer just a person but a place as well. metaphorically, you had two houses. one in Mondstadt and one with Ajax. sure, one was certainly closer to your heart than the other but to feel belonging was knew and welcome. making friends was easier here too. the Kätzlein family had practically adopted you the moment you arrived and Diona was pretty much your little sister. occasionally you had to wrangle her out of clawing patrons to death but otherwise she followed you like a small shadow. a cute small shadow. you ended up with a rather large circle of both acquaintances and close friends all of which Diona offered up unfiltered opinions about from her interactions with them. she didn't have a positive impression of most of the adults, with good reason, but you always took her word to heart. drunk words are sober thoughts, no?
regardless, it was only natural that you'd be introduced to the Cat's Tails' competitor and wine tycoon Diluc. you had initially thought he was socially distant and perhaps slightly judgmental but it didn't take long for you to deduce that wasn't the truth. through other residents and friends you learned Diluc was simply reserved and no longer as good with people as he used to be. it was almost strange to find out he functioned the direct opposite of Ajax but his mild nature was almost refreshing compared to all the other strong personalities of Mondstadt. much to Dionas chagrin he quickly earned the spot of your second best friend in the city. he's easy to be around and always treated you with a gentle nature you didn't often see. the wolf ears atop his head and blood flowing through his body had initially intimidated you but he was never the aggressive beast you associated wolves with. he would always scratch your ears if you did his, buy the nicest fish he could find to serve you, and create drinks in your likeness. all of the drinks were sweet and served with some floral on top; it was cute to say the least. you spent plenty of time around his manor particularly in his office while he worked. the window behind his desk was always ajar and had the curtains pulled back which made it a perfect place to lie around. Diluc even went through the effort of pulling some blankets and cushions together for a little nest you could curl up in and enjoy the warmth in. the silence was always comfortable and only accented by his pen scratching on paper or birds chirping. occasionally conversation would form usually when he'd ask if you needed a drink or food but for the most part you'd let him work without distraction. you loved the little nest and perhaps you got a bit too attached to it as when your first heat in Mondstadt hit that's exactly where you were.
you felt warmer than usual and couldn't stay still. it felt like your bones were vibrating in your body and your thoughts could only shuffle between Ajax and Diluc. you knew Diluc had mentioned some sort of meeting this afternoon he wanted you to be present for but it was hard to focus on the future when you were just so hot all over. initially you thought perhaps you were just not used to the summers in Mondstadt as Snezhnaya was so cold all year round. as your thoughts continued to cycle heat continued to pool in your lower stomach and between your legs. it was only when Diluc grunted and spun around to face you that you realized you were indeed going into heat. the low noise from him spurred a whine from your throat as you looked up to meet his indecipherable gaze. perhaps he felt conflicted over the situation, it was a tough one to be in for a hybrid that's so domineering by nature. weakly, you rose to your feet to excuse yourself from the room and manor but you're actions were interrupted by a familiar and desirable smell. a quick knock hit the door before it swung open. you would've recognized those ears and eyes anywhere in Teyvet; Ajax. so this was why Diluc had insisted you stick around for this meeting. he was thinly aware of your connection to the harbinger but you doubt he knew the true depth of your relationship. crossing the room to behind the desk Ajax wrapped you in his arms and close to his comforting body. a long and needy sigh left your lips as he squeezed you closely, hands rubbing your arms and back in soothing motions. he must've picked up your presence and heat faster than even Diluc based on the rushed movements. rarely did Ajax allow himself to purr but his head rested upon yours with calming vibrations coming from his throat. Diluc cleared his throat. your face stayed planted into the chest against you but you could feel the rotation of Ajax's head atop yours. the sound he made was irritated, followed by a snippy 'what?' and glare. the tension in the room had you feeling hotter by the second. unconsciously you had began grinding against the thigh conveniently placed between your legs. the friction felt overwhelmingly good. you'd never felt touch like this before and never from another person and it was good. one large hand grabbed your plush hip and pushed you harder against his thigh leaving you keening and needy for more. surely you wouldn't be tortured this way for much longer?
another hand grabbed you by the waist and pried you from the grip of Ajax. the whole world seemed to spin momentarily before you were placed on Dilucs lap, face now in his neck. one of his hand steadied you by your waist as the other slipped between your thighs to give you more of what you really needed. briefly you noticed his gloves were no longer on his hands. two of his fingers gathered globs of slick dripping out from your cunt while the other moved under your dress to push all of the fabric up above your chest. Ajax moved behind you to fondle your plump breasts and grind his length between your shoulder blades. the room felt stuffy as it filled with the musk of both the fox and wolf you were sandwiched between. embarrassingly, the combination of so much stimulation had you crying and your cunt drooled impossibly more onto the fingers playing with it as you came undone for the first time that afternoon. growls and grunts echoed around you while four hands greedily began shedding clothing from all bodies. even when bare and on full display you still felt your flesh burning. a flush was present across your face, ears, and shoulders and cooler hands rubbed over the areas softly cooing sweet nothings about your beauty. you did indeed look beyond that of a goddess with eyes lidded and limbs trembling. spit leaked from the corner of your mouth only for Ajax to lean over and lick it up before connecting your lips properly. you found yourself being pulled further into Diluc's frame as he propped you up gently to his chest with hips angled to take his sizable cock. the tip was red and leaking with the knot already partially swollen at the base. you could tell he was thick based on the way it slid and grinded between your folds so deliciously. Ajax massaged your ass cheeks from behind you. he pushed your hips back just a bit further to spread you open and spit straight onto your pussy. the moisture wasn't needed at all but the action alone was beyond erotic and had you mumbling for more through slurs and whines. both men softly assured you you'd get what you needed. from below you, Diluc began pushing his hips up and cock into you. if it weren't for your heat you'd certainly be crying from the stretch but it only added to your stimulation as you whimpered and shivered from the delicious pain. Ajax had placed his cock between your ass cheeks while slowly pumping it between them with small grunts as he ran a hand through your hair softly. the other was planted firmly on your left thigh to stabilize your form. if you didn't have three hands holding you up, you surely would have crumbled by now. once the squishy knot touched your hole the relief you felt was immense and had tears dripping from your eyes. finally, you'd get fucked and filled. Diluc set a steady pace as praise flew out of his mouth about just how good you felt and how happy he was to fuck your sweet cunt finally. small confessions of nights spent jerking himself to the thought of your squishy thighs littered his speech and only served to arouse you further. lost in the pleasurable feeling of his cock you cried when you felt his movement hault.
"please," you whimpered pathetically, "please don' stop. need more, s'not enough...." one set of hands smoothed over your flesh softly as the other spread your pussy lips further before wiggling a finger in alongside the cock already stuffing you full. an affirmative hum came from both of them before you felt another tip rub your cunt right on top of the one already inside. panic didn't even pass through your skull as a second thick and long dick stretched you open; painfully so. you sobbed pitifully at the feeling but you were so so very full. could you really complain? and you were taking them both so sweetly! as the two began to thrust at opposite intervals you were never left empty. one fat cock was always brushing the spots you needed most while your gooey cunt coated them both so pretty. Diluc's office chair would surely be left a mess once you were done by all of the slick fluids dripping onto it. both knots were fully swollen at this point and begging to be pushed into you properly. Ajax reached one hand down and around your tummy to rub quick circles at your clit. only a couple flicks of his wrist had you squirting and shaking over both of the men. with eyes rolled back in your head and vision blurred you sobbed and whimpered at the stimulation before biting down on Diluc's shoulder to muffle yourself the slightest bit. you'd never felt so good in your life so it was hard not to cry out so loudly. you had two huge cocks fucking into your guts so who could really blame you? the pounding continued from stuttering hips and through low grunts and growls. with such pleasure still rolling in waves you didn't even notice when Diluc raised a foot to kick Ajax away before sinking his knot deep into your cunt. his seed began to flow and fill your womb so full. you could hear upset and disgruntled noises but were too focused on finally being pumped up and pretty by a big knot still so deep inside you. one of Diluc's hands came up to cradle your head and plant a kiss to your forehead and lips with the softest smile you'd ever seen across his features.
"you'll be full of my pups soon enough, my love," he murmured sweetly. your tummy did flips at the knowledge that you'd finally been bred as your tail was lightly swishing behind you at the thought of being plump with such perfect pups from a perfect father. the loving moment was, of course, interrupted.
"not if i've got anything to do with it! that was a cruel move, mutt. bear in mind you may have filled her but she's certainly not designated as your mate yet. she's mine so back off, yeah?" if he could do it without hurting you, Ajax surely would've ripped the knot out of you and scraped your insides of the seed currently painting them white and full.
"we'll see what happens, harbinger." from behind you, Ajax snarled. he pulled on his disheveled clothing before throwing his jacket over your naked form and leaning to sit back on Diluc's desk.
"we've got a meeting to conduct still. i'll be taking her home once that pathetic knot of yours has gone down," you could practically feel the anger seeping from his form. "her home is with me, not you. you're like a replacement given to a kid when their favourite toy breaks except i'm not broken. i will be taking her back and you can cope with that you dog." Diluc scoffed with amusement in response but Ajax was serious.
perhaps your pounding wasn't going to stop here. <3
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hanasnx · 1 year
❝ how he learned to kiss. ❞
── aotc!anakin skywalker x reader
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MINORS DNI 18+ WORD COUNT: 5k SUMMARY: coaxing anakin to spill the story on how he got so good at kissing as a virgin before he even met you, he relays a story of his youth. NOTES: i had to make up a girl name so this character isnt in star wars and her only significance is for the sake of storytelling im so sorry if it offends u. this is still an x reader mainly WARNINGS: everyone aged up, f!reader, slight corruption kink from reader, established relationship, no smut but explicit content— allusion to blowjob, f!c persistence, slight friendship toxicity— being young they’re still navigating vulnerable sexual conversations and dont realize how their actions can impact the other which means there’s a teeny baby amount of angst, allusions to other sexual acts but no actual explicit work, implied smut at the end between reader & anakin
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You sighed into the kiss, your arms wrapped lazily around ANAKIN SKYWALKER's neck. He pressed your back further into the counter, his passion shining through in his impatience to access your mouth with his tongue. When you allow it, and he slides his against yours in a pleasing way, you involuntarily whimper. Something about Anakin and his talented mouth never failed to relax you after it riled you up. Your head tilted, deepening the kiss, one of Anakin’s hands moved from your waist to the back of your head, refusing to let you back up so he could explore your mouth fully.
You made a noise, and he clutched you with fervor for a second, slacking to give you air to breathe. When he detached a string of saliva connected your lips, and you panted. The Jedi trailed his mouth down your jaw to your neck in open mouthed kisses. The tingles soothed you, lulling your head as he made out with your favorite spot there, drawing sweet sounds from you.
“Ani, how’d you get to be so good at this?” you purred, eyes falling shut. The back of your head still cradled in his large hand as he lovingly caressed your skin with his lips and tongue, able to feel your pulse.
“Hm?” he hummed against you, vibrating you. It sent chills down your spine, so limp it was a mystery how he was holding you up.
“I love kissing you, you’ve always been good at it,” you replied, breathlessly explaining in between hisses of pleasure when his teeth graze you.
“That’s what you want to talk about right now?” his tone betrayed amusement, his warm breath washing over you as he spoke. He lapped the red marks he left in his wake.
“We haven’t talked about who we’ve been with before, and I know you said you were a virgin when we first… um,”
“Had intercourse,” he finished for you, and it sucked the romance out of it.
“Yes,” you responded in haste, hoping to keep the momentum going. “You were still really good at kissing then, I can only assume you had—“ His hand on your waist had traveled up to palm your breast, at the same time biting into your shoulder. The pain mixed with pleasure made you keen, interrupting your own sentence.
Once more, Anakin ended it for you, “Practice?”
You nod the best you can. As soon as you’d pondered the question, that’s what you could think about, instead of responding to your lover’s advances. Arrested in mid motion, Anakin remains where you leave him when you push off him, and hop up onto the counter. “I wanna hear about the practice you’ve had.” You clasped your hands in your lap, grinning at him. Even sitting up on the counter he was about as tall as you.
Anakin slacked, furrowing his brows as he met your gaze. “Right now?” he confirmed again.
“Yeah, I’m curious,” It was an innocent curiosity, and you could postpone escalating these events until after his story. “C’mon, I wanna know,”
He shifted his weight to one hip, resting his fists against the edge of the counter to cage you in as his eyes searched his surroundings, jogging his own memory.
Now, Anakin wasn’t proud of what he’d done in his past. A sort of gray area to him, and one he rarely reminisced on because of an air of shame. If he’d had it his way, he wouldn’t have kissed anyone at all before you. It was in his nature to desire to save every bit of himself for you, like he did with his virginity. However, you were no guarantee to him, and he’d happened upon you by chance. If only he’d known he’d meet you, he never would’ve strayed from his path of devotion. Faithfulness was an unspoken rule for him, regardless of you and his “friends with benefits” relationship, his commitment to you was unwavering.
“My first kiss came as a surprise,” he said under his breath, like it was a secret. His eyes did not meet yours until he spoke again, “There was a young lady, alone, who’d gotten mixed up with someone in lower Coruscant, if I believe correctly.” You listened intently, hand coming to toy with the ends of your hair to fidget. “I don’t remember exactly how it happened, I only remember scaring her opponent off. I was young, and without Master Kenobi, and had been there merely to pick up some restored scripts when I passed by her. She kissed me as a thank you,” He moistened his lips. “It was hurried— a peck. I didn’t even know her name, I don’t remember what she looked like. It was long before you and I met.” Anakin waited for you to react, to tell him he was wrong for it.
Before you even responded, you couldn’t help but swoon over how cute it must’ve been. You’d met Anakin when he was this tall, gangly, sandy-blond haired boy. Awkward for the most part, an innocence that you didn’t realize was virginity ‘til later. He had that padawan rat-tail you wanted to tug to annoy him. You could only imagine that was the boy that was kissed when he saved the stranger. Only when you were reintroduced to Anakin had he grown his hair out a bit, matured and gave off a powerful aura of intensity. That’s when the two of you had started this journey together.
“That’s nice, right? Did you not want to be kissed?” you questioned, and your nonchalance on the matter made him rethink his ashamed mindset on it. He idled, and your hand came to brush his curls from his face.
“It was fine. Perhaps it was an accident, maybe she aimed for my cheek and I turned. I don’t recall.”
“So you felt neutral about it,” you stated, ensuring that nothing was forced upon him.
“It was a surprise,” he reiterated. “However, the act did instill me with a certain confidence.”
That came as no shock to you, and you broke out into a grin. “Oh, yeah?”
That newfound confidence had gone straight to Anakin’s head. Now aware that he registered as a sexual being to others, he wanted to drag reactions out of them. To be the center of attention, to be the cause of someone else’s awakening, to make someone feel special. Growing up alongside Obi Wan— whose charming nature did more for him than most— meant Anakin could see how his Master received things in response to his flirtatiousness. It was a skill Anakin now desired to learn.
The pure padawan experimented with those around him. At the temple, Anakin had noticed a group of girls (younger than him by only a couple years) staring at him, and he realized this to be an opportunity for him. He smiled good-naturedly, nodded, and offered a minute wave. It caused the girls to shyly look away and giggle amongst themselves, covering their blushing faces. To witness the effect he had on his admirers, was a reaction he became addicted to.
He was not the smoothest by any means, but he found that acting on his impulses went surprisingly well. Being completely virtuous meant he had limits to what he knew to do, but he noted that he was far more successful with positive reactions with underclassmen. He adored the attention. Especially if his reputation grew as someone who knew more than he actually did. How could he believe it was wrong if his master called on the skill so casually in conversation? To flatter was second nature for Obi Wan Kenobi.
And so it was for his padawan searching for what he so desperately craved. Validation.
This personification of a confident, experienced, charming scoundrel was a character Anakin quickly fell into. He clawed at the chance to come off as arrogant and in charge. Like a landslide, Anakin had broken away from the “odd, and coddled boy under the private tutelage of his Master”, spoken about behind his back for being brought to the Jedi Order as an exception and did not attend standard Academy. He felt like he fit in.
Largely, he avoided his own age group but after practicing with the classes under him, he’d moved on to the girls his age in the temple.
There was one in particular, Vella Torpoli, who was his same age. They’d known of each other, worked on certain missions together as fellow peacekeepers and padawans. Her master and his often paired together, and Vella was so invasive as is— she was the perfect candidate.
It began small, a joke here, a glance there. However, she remained convictionless, and Anakin sought to capture her attention in an undivided way. Subtleties would do him no good, especially because he was unskilled in them. During the basic training remotes test, Anakin circled her as she worked, and made his intentions known. “Lookin’ pretty good out there, Torp,” The affectionate nickname was disliked by Vella, but she ignored it.
“Always do, Skywalker,” she replied curtly, spinning her saber behind her back to deflect a shot from a stray remote. Anakin had to admit, she made these sessions look easy.
“You think you could handle a real challenge?” he questioned, stopping to stand outside of the circle and she faced him.
“What? Like you?” she scoffed, and remained on guard against her floating opponents.
“Oh, no,” Anakin bowed his head with a chuckle. Using what he knew of Vella against her, he appealed to her ego. “You couldn’t handle a guy like me, Torp,” He gazed at her through his brows, gauging her reaction. Judging from the way she jutted her chin, tongued the inside of her cheek as she deflected blasts… he’d been successful.
The thought of dragging the young Anakin Skywalker to the broom closet crossed Vella’s mind as she fought off the last of her bots. Wary to celebrate yet, he patiently listened for her response.
“Couldn’t I?”
Anakin couldn’t believe that worked, smiling to himself as Vella pushed him into a supply closet and locked the door from the inside. He let her take the lead, since she was so comfortable in doing so. Fisting her hands in his robes, she tugged him to her, meeting their lips in heated contact.
Vella had a soft spot for Anakin, one that flared up when he finally decided to flirt with her. A solely physical attraction that could now be satisfied since he’d given her an opportunity to.
Anakin didn’t think he’d get this far. To the best of his ability, he matched her passion, but his lips were stiff from inexperience, and didn’t mold to hers in a satisfying way. Gently, his large hands gripped the bare skin of her shoulders between her sleeves and her collar to remove her. The action lit a fire in her, the impatience setting in. “What? What’s wrong?” she asked breathlessly, leaning into him as if to chase him.
“I’ve never done this before.”
Her hazy gaze focused, “What do you mean?”
“I’ve never really… kissed before.” It was dim in this room, but he could see her expression shift.
It caught her off guard, but now that she had kissed him she could see what he meant. Her grip on him loosened, and she stood back on the heels of her feet. “But you seem so…” she started but ended her own protest. Anakin was a guy that talked a big game, but apparently couldn’t back it up. So his reputation of being promiscuous was merely hot air, and Vella had a sneaking suspicion he was the source of it all. It made her scoff with pity. “You know, I could teach you,”
“Would you?” his tone conveyed pleasant surprise and Vella shrugged.
“Sure. I’m not above charity work.”
“Very funny.”
“Alright, come here,” Obediently, Anakin took a step closer, their chests inches away from each other. “Cup my face.” Hands that Vella has always admired, come up. Warm palms set against the corners of her jaw, thumbs stroking her cheek bones. She felt like they could wrap around her entire head if he tried to. She gulped at the thought, his tender grasp was intimate and it short circuited her brain. Almost forgetting she was supposed to teach him, “Lean down,” His nose brushed hers, finding his footing. Tentatively, his plump lips met hers, and as to not overwhelm him she refrained from introducing him to tongue. It was soft, and she tilted her head, sighing in content.
His trepidation did well for him, allowing him to take his time and to gain a feel for it instead of diving in headfirst. Her hands slid up from his chest to his shoulders, wrapping her arms loosely around his neck and pressing their lips further together. After the pleasant tingles of novelty faded, she wanted to take the lead. However, the need to see what he was capable of given the floor outweighed it. When he detached to breathe, he placed a peck against her panting mouth, displaying his impatience. As if to remind himself where she was in the dark, his thumb traced the outline of her bottom lip and he moistened his own lips, returning to hers with fervor. One of his arms wrapped around her waist, arching her into him, desiring her closer.
Vella was a stranger to kissing without deepening it, and it was a refreshing change to know this wasn’t escalating. What may be boring for her though, is all new to Anakin, and it was intriguing to be his personal playground to safely explore his sexuality in something as innocent as kissing for minutes.
When Vella was unable to take it any longer, she cut it short, but promised him they’d be able to continue this another time. Like a sort of kissing class.
Anakin didn’t get any feedback, but he was already over-analyzing his approach. It became an attainable skill, something he could win at. He practiced for his next time. He started checking his teeth in the mirror, and freshening his breath regularly. Kissing the back of his hand to try to emulate what she receives when their lips touch.
His disbelief that she had entertained him had erased, and he dialed up his flirtatious nature with her in order to guarantee himself another kissing lesson sooner than she expected. It had been mere days since their last encounter in the supply closet.
But here she was, back inside that closet, and she got ahead of herself. She pulled him flush against her, caging her between him and the wall. It was no help at all to assuage the fire within her, she needed more from him.
If it was anyone else she was teaching to kiss other than Anakin Skywalker, she’d be put off by how eager he was to learn more. Absorbing every change like a sponge and giving it back to her.
Vella hung on his noise of surprise when her curious tongue peaked out to draw along his bottom lip. He stiffened under her touch, but she persisted. Hesitantly, he parted his lips, as if intimidated by this next step. For the most part, he allowed her to explore his mouth. His muscle was dead in his mouth, hiding in the back of his throat as if afraid to do something wrong. Adorably uncharacteristic of him, Vella smirked against him, and pressed on. Coaxing him to play with her by gentle strokes, his tongue relaxed against hers, and curiously it reached out.
“Mhm,” she encouraged
He learned that when she hummed in approval, it meant he’d done something she liked.
That endowed confidence quickly faded as soon as it’d arrived. As always, Anakin got ahead of himself, poking his tongue through her lips unceremoniously and probing her unsuspecting mouth. Vella pulled back in surprise, separating from him to meet his wide-eyed gaze. “Uh-uh, Skywalker, what the hell was that?”
“Was that not good?” he asked, genuinely.
“Obviously not. Look, there’s a time and place to be forceful, but this isn’t it. You dialed up the heat out of nowhere! We’ve got to build to that but…” as she spoke, she realized his mistake only came from a place of enthusiasm, and she’d have to show him how to be gentle. She sighed. “… just not in this session. Let’s save it for later, yeah? For now, go slow.” Her arms encircling his neck tightened as she moved back in to rejoin him.
Going slow was by far Anakin’s biggest struggle. If it wasn’t hard, fast, and strong, Anakin’s tongue was dead in the water or too tense to be pleasurable. Even as he clumsily ventured into her mouth, he’d want to taste all the wrong things. He’d run his tip across her teeth, try to feel the back of her throat, and if she tried to slide her tongue against his to meld, he’d freeze up. She might as well be sucking on a glass bottle. Not to mention none of the previous acts listed were any sort of pleasurable to her. They were about as enjoyable as teaching Younglings to fence— constantly scolding technique and execution until she was blue in the face.
Vella noticed however, what he lacked in experience and decency, he made up for in passion and in perseverance. Most would probably have been too embarrassed to keep going or to continue kissing sessions at all. Skywalker, as hard headed and foolhardy as ever, pursued his goal relentlessly, tackling the challenge with the same fervor he approached with everything. It was admirable to say the least.
Not only that, but Vella had begun to look forward to their sessions, especially after he’d shown such improvement in tongue kissing.
Once he’d unlocked it, it was something he incorporated faithfully. It added a heat to their sessions, feverishly exploring each other’s mouths until he was pushing her up against the wall, an arm snaking around her to press her to him. The act had her breathless, feeling his rigid muscle underneath his robes. She tilted her head, deepening their access to each other, and emitted a sound of confusion when he broke their contact, planting a chaste kiss on her lips as if he couldn’t wait to restore it after he spoke. “I want you to suck on it.” his plump lips murmured against hers.
Vella’s mind traveled immediately somewhere else, glancing down at where their torsos met. Bewildered as to how he jumped to that conclusion, but somehow not against it— Regardless, it was too soon, and she inhaled to tell him her answer when he beat her to it. “My tongue, I mean,” he added. She was taken aback at her shameful mistake, relieved he didn’t know how softly she would’ve rejected the option of giving him oral, with the promise she’d be open to it in the future.
However, it wasn’t something she’d done before. Unfamiliar with sucking on a tongue, and inexperienced with the sensation of it let alone doing it to someone else.
But there was something adventurous that stirred within her when she was with Anakin, and even though she had no idea where he got that idea, she agreed to it anyway. When they reconnected, she felt his tongue plunge into her mouth, lapping at it, and she latched on like she would his dick. Lips enclosed over it, sucking it gently further into her mouth.
The sound she drew from him was sinful. Low voice caressing her ears, sending chills down her spine. It spurred her on, bobbing her head as if she really were giving him oral, her own tongue toying with the tip of his. His moan made her eyes flutter, surprised at her reaction. Being pressed together so tightly, she didn’t realize she was instinctually wiggling her hips, seeking out friction to satisfy a burn between her legs, caused by Anakin’s sultry noises.
Once he noticed, it snapped him out of it, breaking their kiss, connected by a string of spit as they panted.
“I think we should stop here.” he said.
Vella couldn’t believe that she did that. She and Anakin had known each other forever, grown up alongside one another, and worked together as padawans. She shouldn’t be feeling this way about someone like that.
To work out her frustrations, she spent a lot of time training, working through her yearning for him by beating the sandbag to a pulp. Hearing the girls behind her talk about how Anakin Skywalker had smiled at them today made Vella fight harder. Though, there was some sick satisfaction that she was the one kissing Anakin in a closet the other day and not them. It shouldn’t be so pleasurable to be close to someone so sought after. Ever since he’d grown up in those few months away from Coruscant, spending time in the Outer Rim studying with Master Kenobi. When he had come back, he looked like a completely different person. Sprouted like a tree for one thing, towering over her. A dreamy smile that made her go weak in the knees, his voice lowered. He’d grown into himself, even if he was a little gangly. Vella had always had a thing for skinny guys.
The sandbag swayed to a halt, and she braced on it. It wasn’t like she couldn’t ignore her physical wants, it was nothing to get upset over. Teaching him how to kiss was supposed to be fun, so that's what it all was. Fun. Innocent fun.
However it didn’t feel so innocent when he grabbed her face like he did, cradling her head as he interlocked their lips in something so passionate as a dance. He’d improved his technique in such a short time it weakened Vella’s knees, clutching the front of his robes to keep herself afloat. Their noses brushed as he deepened it, his hand feeling large and heavy when it splayed against the small of her back, kissing their hips together. That pooling heat was back again, and she steeled herself from moving against him to chase such casual sensations.
“You’re so good at this,” Anakin murmured against her lips, and it only worsened her condition. She scraped her nails up the scanty curls at the nape of his neck, earning a graveled, rumbling hum— shivering her. His hold on her was so tender, yet urgent, as if she could break in his hands if he squeezed too hard. Never in her life had she been treated so kindly, and the warmth of her cheeks increased. Her hesitant step back hinted what she wanted, and Anakin obliged, closing in and caging her against the wall. When the movement of her head was too limited to angle up at him, he tilted it to the side for her, trailing feverish open mouthed kisses from her jawline to her neck. As if unable to ignore leaving his signature, he bit into the delicate skin. Involuntarily, she whimpered— At first, it humiliated her, wondering if he’d react shyly the way he did last time. Cut off their session short because his instructor was too into it. To her captivation, impossibly he pinned her further to the wall this time by his hips. It was instinctual, and it gave her the courage to invite him to take things to the next step. While he sucked on her pulse point, periodically running over it with his tongue, Vella opened up her robes a little, allowing her chest to breathe, to expose generous cleavage.
Anakin, consumed in his ministrations, arched her into him by handling her waist, unabated as she spoke his name, “Anakin— Ani,” Her hand ventured further into his hair, pinching it in between her fingers to send tingles down his spine. “You can move down,” Her phrasing a statement as to not betray her most obvious willingness to beg.
He was content where he was, but once he processed her words, he pulled back, looking at her in the dark since his eyes had adjusted to the dim light shining through the crease under the door. His silence solicited her elaboration, and sheepishly she gestured downwards to direct his attention.
Unfortunately, his reaction was difficult to read. She’d hoped he’d attack her with the same avarice, adopt that hungry glint in his eyes as he devoured what she offered him— especially something so sacred. Perhaps she should’ve anticipated his trepidation. All of this was still new to him, and she had moved too fast. Her mouth gaped as she thought of what to say, drawing breath to apologize.
“I don’t want to.” Anakin responded, easily, as if he vaulted no obstacles to make up his virgin mind. Once again, rejection stung. Vella blinked hard, because fabricating an explanation for this was unfathomable after she’d been embarrassed.
She fixed her robes, and wordlessly exited the closet.
Weren’t boys supposed to be eager for this sort of thing? She remembered how sporadic he acted during their first lessons. Shit at it as he was, he soaked up everything like a sponge and thanked her for it. Here she professed more, but he simply “didn’t want to.” Obstinate, impressionless he was scared of it— she’d seen him scared, he wasn’t scared. Did he really not want her?
This incident was not so readily recoverable. Territory she hadn’t traversed was all too unnerving to navigate, and there wasn’t anyone to confide in. Usually, she’d confide in Anakin, but that was not an option.
“Torp,” A recognizable, feathery voice broke through the din of the temple outside this empty training room. Vella kept her back turned, unraveling the wrappings from her knuckles.
“What do you want, Skywalker?”
“You’ve been avoiding me, and I wanted to know if we were still on for tonight.” he sounded so timid, it guilted her.
“Is that what you want?” Her reply proved itself to be in a word… stern.
“Yes, but why have you been avoiding me?”
Vella wished this conversation was over so she could return to her self pitying. She rounded on him, “Do you find me intimidating?” Some might mistake the question for rhetorical, or derisive. But Anakin knew her. There was vulnerability in her narrowed eyes. “Do I disgust you? Did I do something wrong?” Everything she heard about boys felt turned upside down. Was she not desirable?
Anakin was not good at this part of friendship. The emotional conversations never came easy to him despite his gift in reading people. “You didn’t do something wrong. You left before you told me how you felt though, perhaps you shouldn’t be so quick to retreat.” Was that constructive criticism enough to suffice so they could go back to being friends? He was uncomfortable.
Vella swallowed her pride because he was right. “Is there a reason you don’t want to go further with me? Are you scared?”
Anakin answered honestly, shaking his head and flashing a glance at her shoes. “No. I just don’t want to. You told me you’d teach me how to kiss, that’s all I’m interested in doing.”
So kiss they did. Kissing sessions that left Vella hot and bothered and alone. It didn’t make sense to her how Anakin could leave them so cool-headed, as if he hadn’t thrown her for a breakneck loop and called it a day. Where she’d have a wet spot, Anakin would be flaccid. It was frustrating, and the emotion bubbled inside her towards the ends of these sessions because where she’d want to grind, straddle, ask for his helping hand in between her legs, sit directly on his dick— she wasn’t allowed to. In the middle of their latest escapade, Anakin sensed her desperation in how she clung onto him, and kissed him hard. To the point where it’d be harsh if Anakin wasn’t into pain.
“You think these are still a good idea? Can’t help but feel you’re starting to resent me.”
Was Vella imagining things or was this boy grinning against her lips? “Quit it, Skywalker, aren’t you having fun?” she taunted, attempting to veil her feelings for him with quips and carelessness. In that case, Anakin stooped, picking her up by her thighs. Obediently, they locked around his waist and she gazed at him with wide glossy eyes as he merely met that gaze with sultry half lids, placing a chaste kiss against her lips.
“My neck was starting to hurt,” he drawled, knowing that was not a sexy line and she scoldingly patted his shoulder. He snickered.
“Fuck off,” she told him, reconnecting their lips throwing her arms around his neck.
“So… you guys never…” you trailed off, allowing Anakin to put the pieces together himself.
He merely smiled at you dreamily. “Nope. She wanted to, asked me a bunch, but I didn’t like her like that.”
“You don’t have to like each other to fuck.”
“No,” Anakin agreed with a shrug, “but for me I couldn’t imagine being with anyone else but you.” He lifted your conjoined hands, brandishing his lips against your knuckles as he held your gaze. The realization hit you, and your lips stretched.
“No…” You narrowed your eyes. “You mean to tell me you’d met me by then?”
“Towards the tail-end, yeah,” His strong hands found your waist, lifting you off the counter effortlessly to set you back down in front of him, reveling in your starstruck expression. “You were the one that made me realize I was interested in sex at all.” As if to emphasize that point, he met your mouth with his, parting your lips impatiently so he could return to tracing every corner of your mouth with his tongue, intent on finishing what he started before recounting the story.
You had one last question, pulling back from his heartfelt and hardened notions and he sighed. “You know, you paint yourself as quite the hero here.” You patted his chest, “Did Vella give you reports? How did you know everything she was thinking?”
Anakin, hellbent on shutting you up or talking about this while he was inside you, he tossed the answer back at you before scooping you up into his arms. “Well, you asked for an explanation, and I thought you deserved a good story.”
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silentcryracha · 11 months
❍ ‗ What type of songs Skz would write about you ‗ ❍
Pairings : Stray Kids x reader
Genre/warnings : headcanons, possible use of swear words, mentions of intimacy, mentions of sad feelings and breakups
Summary : What type of songs I think Stray Kids members would write about their relationships
Word count : 1.7k
A/n : these are general headcanons that are described more in a technical way than a fictional one, so yeah
ps: There could be errors. Do NOT repost on other socials. Leave feedback if you feel like it, otherwise enjoy! ♡︎
Chan ‗ ❍
Holy trinity: agsty, fun, horny
Chan seems like the man who would gain inspiration from strong feelings that he may experience.
The man has range and is talented af so of course he'd be able to write anything, BUT
My idea is that he'd be more inclined to write about angsty feelings ranging from sadness, maybe regret. He wouldn't specifically write about you or describe you as a person or your features, those are for him only to appreciate, or in this case, to miss. I think he'd write down his feelings, whether it's plain sadness and longing, or something stronger like regret, or unspoken things.
But he could also be really inspired by the thrill and 'primal' feeling that comes with the start of a relationship, or even a little earlier when it's the 'chasing' moment before getting together. He'd write about how he's absolutely whipped and stupid in love for you, but in the 'fun' way, not in the 'sad' way.
Both the angst and the fun could (and probably would) be mixed with some horniness, absolutely. He could write about how mad you make him and how fucking desperate he is for a taste of you. Again, this could be applied in a more fun and lighthearted song, like a honeymoon phase, or to a darker more 'toxic' context.
Minho ‗ ❍
A delicate story about romance in all its shades
I feel like Minho would keep the lyrics very vague, but still mainly focus on the other person, more than write about this own feelings. While Chan seems more the type to write a 'letter' type of lyrics, I think Minho would be more of a 'storyteller'.
He'd probably write more chill lyrics, never being raunchy or explicit, but could very well imply intimacy in a more subtle way. In a poetic way, if you will.
I do think that he'd give his best with romantic songs, though. He may not look like it at first glance, but Lee Minho is a romantic and you will not change my mind.
I could see him writing lyrics with a lot of artistic/literature/media influence. Which ties back with the whole 'storyteller' thing. They wouldn't be overly complex as in words choice though, they'll need to be simple and delicate with a perfect melody to accompany them. Maybe some technical or production related tricks (like the 'suspense' at the end of limbo)
The same exact style would apply for more angsty or sad songs. I find him similar to Chan in this aspect in the sense that he'd write about sad, depressing and heart wrenching feelings more than angry or vengeful ones. He'd also probably do it in a 'therapeutic' way, like writing down the last chapter of a story that will be finally be closed and locked away in his memories.
He could also write some more 'fun' songs but I think that they wouldn't be necessarily about romantic relationships. But who knows?
Changbin ‗ ❍
About you, about me, about us
Changbin is another master in the craft of composing and writing, which means that he'd be able to switch povs pretty easily in whatever story he wanted to tell, or even change the style of the narration itself.
He could write about any topic he wanted to be honest, and his rapping and freestyling abilities are probably a big help in that sense, but let's focus on romance now.
Bin looks like someone who cherishes a lot his personal life and feelings, which is why it would be harder to find lyrics in which he directly puts himself as the narrator. But it does happen sometimes, and it's usually a cry for help. May be a pleading to someone that left him, an apology to someone he hurt.
Usually though I feel like he's more the one to pick a specific feeling/situation and elaborate on it. Might be a specific argument, the way that a breakup happened, the mistakes that led to said breakup. In this case he would write openly, like he wants the person in question to hear him out through his music.
His lyrics wouldn't be adorned with pretty words or poetic comparisons, but only with real and raw feelings that will pull at your heartstrings for how honest they sound.
Hyunjin ‗ ❍
Straight out of a literature piece
Hyunjin *say it with me*, is a romantic. Yes, that's the key to understanding him, pretty much.
He is a lover, through and through. A lover of art, beauty, emotions, memories, of love itself. This is why I think that any lyrics that he may write will be almost like a dance of words, melodies, instruments, and feelings. He wants to put his feelings down because they overwhelm him.
With each of his songs he seems like he wants to curate every aspect to the T, almost as if he was creating his own little work of art. He wants it to be evocative, to make you feel what he does, and will do it with different tools such as poetical lyrics, a particular choice of instruments, and even the tone of his voice.
Ironically, I think that the more he'd have to 'hide', the more complex and embellished the lyrics would be. He could do a song with quite simple but direct lyrics, and sing it in an energetic way, almost desperate way, like he can't wait to shout out to the person he loves. Almost like a movie/book scene in which the love interest finally confesses their love.
The thing with Hyunjin seems to be that he enjoys writing about angsty feelings. Something that could be a problem of communication within the relationship, or confusion by getting mixed signals from someone, or again with a dangerous attraction for someone who isn't right for him but still manages to 'lull' him into this toxic relationship.
In both cases I think that he'd use a lot of artistic or maybe visually eliciting comparisons in his lyrics, playing with words and the emotions that those elicit in people.
Jisung ‗ ❍
Let it out, angsty boy
I really feel like Han writes when he doesn't find any other way out, so whatever it is it's likely to be explosive.
He's gonna write lyrics that scream how much he's wrapped around your finger, how your love is essentially all he needs to live and that you could do whatever you wanted with him because he's yours. Would be very smart in writing a whole story about it, mentioning mundane things and then ranging to use metaphors and abstract comparisons to let his explosive emotions through.
I feel like he could write out of frustration too, which would bring lyrics with a different tone to them. Whatever he feels must and will be reflected in the song. If the sentiment is cold, sharp and toxic, the producing part of the song will reflect that as much as his own intonation. If it was a cry for help, a prayer almost, you'd be able to feel it through the melody and the whole structure of the song, not only the lyrics.
He's another one who desperately wants and needs for his music to be honest and to elicit the same feelings that he felt while producing it in complete detail, similar to Hyunjin.
Felix ‗ ❍
A lot of feelings and honesty
Felix has range in what he writes, but what I noticed mostly in the projects that he's been part of, is that he uses his voice a lot to set the tone of the song.
Whatever are the lyrics, his extremely adaptable voice with automatically make you understand what he was going for 'emotion' wise. This also applies to the choice of the instrumentals.
I feel like he could be writing about more romantic and wholesome feelings, in this case with lyrics that sound really clean, pure and almost dreamy, but still simple.
But he could also be writing about more gloomy feelings, mainly of sadness and 'mourning', and would probably treat the narrative as something that is already in the past but with which he still has to let go completely. His main goal I think is honesty, which is why the lyrics would be quite simple but hurt where they should.
Seungmin ‗ ❍
Dreamy and emotional
I feel like he's truly someone that could make a listener go 'Oh, so he is in love LOVE' while listening to one of his songs.
The things that would inspire Seungmin the most while writing is the feeling of being in love. He'd probably be quite poetic, dreamy and transfer these vibes to the lyrics and music as well. His voice too, which is adaptable and very expressive.
He's also someone who tries to give a 'narrator' vibe to his songs, almost like he was telling a story that had a beginning and and end. He can write about pretty much anything if it has to do with love. Unrequited love, longing for someone, looking back on your shared happy memories with a hint of sadness. He is also someone who is quite honest and wants the song to represent his feelings in an almost 'dreamy' way.
Jeongin ‗ ❍
Delicate, warm and comforting
Jeongin is someone who seems more comfortable writing about delicate feelings, whether they're positive or negative. A delicate love, almost like a first love, or on the other end a sad ending to that same love.
They lyrics would be quite easy, not overly complex and aim to be as honest as they can in eliciting the same feelings that the writer felt as they thought them out. But there would be a factor of comfort and relatability to them that would pull at your heartstrings.
His voice can also be quite expressive and he knows is, which is why the intonation along with the instrumentals would be fundamental, even more than the words themselves maybe.
He'd like to take a specific feeling and make a song about it, it doesn't necessarily need to be a whole story, moral, or context. He just wants to be able to express his feelings as clearly as possible, without necessarily giving it a background. I feel like those actual moments would be very precious to him and would want to keep them private in his memory.
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imabeautifulbutterfly · 2 months
Congrats on the followers, Mimi! You deserve every single one for being such a sweetheart and a great storyteller! 🧡
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Time to spin the wheel for Echo... Looks like it's landed on 21 and 34! 😀
Hello love @eclec-tech
Thank you for spinning the wheel.
I hope you enjoy this Echo fic, I wrote with a F!reader. Love oo.
Warnings: Anxiety, not understanding feelings, pushing someone away, confrontation, confessions of feelings (somewhat), clueless Echo, I think that's it. Let me know if I missing any.
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Echo laid against his bunk as his mind drifted back to the briefing they had; they were going to be leaving for the Citadel in a day and a half. It bothered him that you’d be coming. Not that he didn’t think you could handle yourself. He’d seen you plenty of times on the battlefield able to handle some pretty narrow escapes. No, what bothered him was the high chance of either of you dying and you still thinking he hated you. 
He’s not even sure when that notion first popped into your head, if it was something he said or did; or maybe a rumour you heard? 
Fives always told him that he was being too critical of you, could that be what made you think he didn’t like you? He rubbed his forehead as he let out another sigh. 
“UGH! Just go talk to her already,” Fives leaned over his bunk and berated Echo, “if you keep sighing like that you’ll have to deal with me, and my irritation.”
“It’s not like I don’t want to talk to her…”
“Then what’s the problem. Walk up to her and say, ‘Baby, I don’t hate you. I love you.’ Then pull her into a tight hug and kiss her. End of discussion, moving onwards.”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about, I don’t love her.”
“Right, and I���m not the best looking vod in the GAR.” Fives rolled his eyes, focusing back on his brother and narrowing his eyes at him, “Either go talk to her now or I’ll make sure it take forever for you to fall asleep and stay that way.”
Echo closed his eyes and let out another sigh, “Okay, okay. I’ll go.” He stood from his bunk and stepped out into the hallway only to feel the cool breeze against his legs. He looked down shaking his head, walking back in to put on some pants over his boxers. Now that he was somewhat decent, he headed back out and made it to your room. 
He took a breath and knocked on the door. The moment you opened it, you stole his breath away. You were in a long sleeve shirt and shorts, somehow with the messy hair you had an almost ethereal look, like you were floating in zero gravity. He shook his head, “Um, sorry to disturb you.”
“What do you want, Echo? It’s late and we have to get up early to train for the mission.”
“I couldn’t stop thinking about you.”
You looked taken aback by that statement, your head even shifted further away from him, “Excuse me?”
“What I mean is…” he let out a sigh rubbing his forehead, Maker! Why was it always so difficult to talk to you? “Could I come in?” He looked at you with pleading eyes.
“I don’t …” your voice trailed off as you looked at him.
As you took in his expression, you couldn’t help wonder why he was at your door. You simply nodded and moved out of his way, as he walked in keeping his hands behind his back. He turned to look at you, trying to ignore how cozy and comfortable your quarters felt compared to the barracks he had been used to living in. 
“You know, for being someone you hate, I’m sure on your mind a lot.” 
You stated, annoyed that your sleep was being stolen away by Echo. After all, it had been no secret to you, how Echo disliked you. He always avoided talking to you or being around you. The times he did talk, it was less of a conversation and more of blunted statements thrown at you, like he couldn’t wait to get away from you. You never knew exactly what it was you did to cause him to dislike you so vehemently, and frankly you learned to deal with it, because regardless of how he felt about you, you respected and admired him. He was good at his job, and if he wasn’t so prickly, you could’ve even imagined you two being friends. 
At least according to Fives, he believed you two could be the best of friends, as he felt compelled to tell you over and over again. 
Echo let out a sigh as he rubbed his forehead again, “That’s actually why I came to talk to you.”
“Because I’m on your mind a lot?” You asked confused.
“No … yes … well, somewhat. What I mean is…” he cleared his throat, “I … I haven’t exactly been the nicest to you, and I know I’ve been pushing your buttons and your patience.” He stood a little taller, he was proud he’d been able to say this much. “I guess what I’m trying to say is sorry. I wanted to clear the air before we headed to the Citadel. General Skywalker was pretty adamant about how dangerous this mission could be, and I don’t want to go in knowing there’s issues between us.”
You rubbed your eyes as you slowly moved your hands through your hair, “Why do you dislike me?”
“Well, it’s not that I dislike you… really. It’s just …” he let out a sigh as he rubbed the back of his neck, “I just don’t know how to act around you. Every time I’m near you, my heart feels like it’s going to jump out of my chest, my stomach feels queasy and nervous, like I’m about to enter a battle. My hands feel like there’s ice running through them, and I can’t help but pay attention to everything you do. It’s overwhelming.”
You tried to fight the smile that wanted to fight through, “I see. Then maybe we should get to know each other better.”
Echo looked shocked, “Are you sure that’s wise? I mean after what I put you through?”
“Echo, are you sorry about that?”
“Of course.”
“Do you want us to be friends?”
His cheeks tinted, “Yes”
“Then, I don’t care. I’m not leaving you to wallow, especially since as you said you find it overwhelming to be around me, the best thing to do then is to spend more time with me. Wouldn’t you agree?”
He nodded smiling, “I guess you have a point.”
“I do. Now seeing as I’m more awake feel like joining me in the caf for a late night caf or tea?”
“Sure, I’d like that.”
Main Master List   |  Star Wars Fic Roulette
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ghelgheli · 6 months
17! but also using the opportunity of the ask game to get to know more about the effortless worldbuilding in sff :)
from the end-of-year book ask
17: Did any books surprise you with how good they were?
I think Three Body Problem is the only one meeting this condition this year so I'll have no trouble staying on topic :> but I'm gonna specifically talk about "hard" SF as I conceive of it—I haven't read any analysis so this may just be a jumble of improvised thoughts.
SF, being "speculative" fiction, of course has to take on the problem of speculating and of presenting things that don't (and perhaps cannot) happen. On average this is accomplished thru a healthy combination of scientific grounding and good-natured handwaving: I drop a few sentences about "quantum entanglement" and you go along with my ansible, or you tell me about "positronic circuits" and I agree that you can make a brain with them. This is the compact that makes SF work because you fundamentally cannot expect speculation without, well, ceding ground on reality.
But at least a subset of SF readers are of the kind to really want to grok how it is that this or that scientific feature of the world works or may come about. Every contraption and novel technology is like a puzzle to be riddled out. This is the place where speculation becomes sincere mechanical prediction, and it's why I love hard SF.
This subset of readers can be matched to a subgenre of writers who commit fully to filling in as many blanks in their technological, biological, etc. speculation as possible. The rows of astronomical data can't be left vague—tell me what frequency of light we're dealing with here—xenobiology isn't taken for granted—what is the neurology of your aliens??—and so on. The dots are connected, the rest of the owl is drawn for real, the image is made crisp. Like fireworks for the reader's brain.
When this kind of worldbuilding is executed well imo it looks effortless. Looks, not is, because behind every explanation of near-c travel is hours of research into at least special relativity and time dilation, along with calculations by-hand. Behind every account of an exoplanet's atmosphere is probably a few papers perused on the subject and several articles on scientific american. Peter Watts, in the note at the end of Blindsight, includes a fucking bibliography of a hundred or so references as well as thank-yous to many an academic he split handles of liquor with. And this is only the visible fragment of what has to be a library of knowledge accumulated both passively and actively to make a speculated world feel as concretely plausible as possible.
None of this is necessary for good SF. The aforementioned compact means any author can opt out of this commitment at any time. But it's what it takes to make tightly-written hard SF, where your conceptual hands are kept diligently at your side, waving an idea through maybe once every five chapters when you have no other choice.
So anyway, Three Body Problem is a tour de force in doing this and doing it cleanly. It uses a storytelling device a lot of hard SF employs to make it work: rather than stuffing dense exposition into narration (at which point, just read the source papers) it deploys a cast of characters who more than anything else, really know their shit. We get exposition trickle-fed through experts who are trying, along with us, to make sense of their novel environments and unfamiliar technologies using their knowledge of the present limits of human understanding. This is what Watts does in Blindsight too, by the way: a claustrophobic ship crewed by technical specialists makes first contact, so everyone has something encyclopedic to say about everything and it's only natural.
What astounded me about Cixin Liu's writing is that he made it work just when I least thought he would be able to. I was sure I was being shown things completely inexplicable and necessarily supernatural until he went and explained them in plain terms; better yet, he explained them in ways that made so much sense in retrospect that I was kicking myself for not seeing the answer. This has exactly the flavour of a good puzzle.
The trade-off hard SF makes is that you are often limited in the metaphorical/thematic work you can do through your speculation. I think the contrast between "calendrical science" in Yoon Ha Lee's Machineries of Empire series and Asimov's "psychohistory" illustrates this well.
Yoon Ha Lee has mathematical training, and calendrical science is a speculative field consisting of theorems, conjectures, proofs, etc. in the language of mathematics that stand in for cultural hegemony and power projection. This makes for a great operationalization of soft power: space is filled and distorted by the quantifiable effects of whatever regime is dominant there (the "calendar" here being synecdoche for culture writ large). But obviously he can't fill in the blanks of how a calendar causes spacetime distortions that specifically make one side's weapons more effective, or provide certain formations with shielding effects. This is, I guess, semi-hard (lol) SF—you can see how it's supposed to work, but it's clear that it just won't. What you get in return is pretty politically interesting storytelling.
Psychohistory is the converse: a deterministic-enough lovechild of economics and sociology explained in the Foundation series as using all the familiar methods of linear algebra and differential equations together with unfamiliar innovations of just how to quantify human behaviour in order to make reliable predictions. There are entire chapters dedicated to explaining the conceptual nuance that went into developing psychohistory ("the hand on thigh principle" from prelude to foundation is just about how the theory resolves divergence by reducing insignificant terms to zero) and an entire book to exploring one of its limitations. It's fascinating to read. But you also get little narrative depth out of it, because hard SF, even when done well, is not guaranteed to make a story thematically interesting or politically compelling. This is the Three Body Problem problem too: its political commitments are threadbare and unserious because that's just not what it's about. I couldn't recommend it on those terms, but that's not what I like so much about it. I will say the conceptualization goes a little off the rails in the final chapters, but I think most SF authors were in some kind of string theory inspired fugue state at the time.
What I would love to see (and I'm sure exists) is hard SF that also has interesting politics. Unfortunately that's an intersection of two already-narrow intersections.
ty for ask✨🐐
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andypantsx3 · 8 months
copying this into its own orig post & deleting the other so i can turn off reblogs to be safe
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it's time to whip this bad boy back out.
apologies for momentarily disrupting the funsies vibes i like to maintain on this blog. i will ask that no one reblog this because i don't want to get into anything big and idk how this take will go over. but i am feeling slightly disillusioned with some of the x reader writer culture on tumblr as of late!!
i understand we are all playing in the same sandbox and it's inevitable that we're going to want to play with the same ideas, and we absolutely should be able to because that's how tropes become known and loved and spread and that's just like, how culture works overall.
but one thing that is really getting to me is the growing number of plagiarism & "paraplagiarist" incidents i'm seeing. (fyi i'm not talking about me here, luckily nothing has happened to me personally as of late).
like flagrant plagiarism is bad enough and i hate how often we are seeing it these days. but what i think of as "paraplagiarism" also really grinds my gears. it's where people take the same ideas and don't just put their own spin on it with a nod to the original author, but like, replicate most or all of the fic with minor rephrasings such that it is technically different but eerily similar. and then don't even credit the original author!!
(and i don't just mean like one or two lines or whatever because i know we all get inspired at the line-level as well. but when it's prevalent in large, obvious chunks or interspersed consistently throughout the fic idk it just feels different, you know??)
i think that goes beyond just being "inspired" by something and really toes the line into behavior that i'm uncomfy with.
idk if it's just like, well-intentioned people who are unfamiliar with the appropriate boundaries of storytelling or if it's some sort of deliberate behavior. but either way i hate seeing how discouraging it is to the fic authors i know and love who worked hard on their stuff.
and i don't understand how or why it is satisfying for the people who do it because they must know on some level that's not their work. not at the piece's core, anyway.
i just wonder why it's so prevalent and why people do it!! and idk if anyone else is as fussed by this as i am but it really makes me wanna slink off and disappear out of the community sometimes.
i just wish we as a community would be more intentional about crediting the people who helped or inspired us. because it literally costs nothing, not even your pride. and i wish we would be more intentional about telling our own stories in our own voice instead of trying to replicate what other people are doing.
idk!! just feeling some type of way today i guess!! please ignore me if this doesn't resonate with your own experience, i just needed to vent!! inevitably any opinion will ruffle feathers but i'm not trying to invite discourse onto the blog. just trying to work out my feelings, i guess!
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itsclydebitches · 11 months
for all that it's very clear RWBY took influence from a lot of anime, the writers sure don't seem to have learned much of anything from it. i'm watching the redub of the classic sailor moon anime right now, and it's insane to me how much better this thirty-year-old anime packed with filler was at things like character arcs and believably redeeming villains and having a main character that is at once childish and yet a great leader who, when the chips are down, could talk some of the worst evils in the universe down from their plans.
if anyone could talk salem out of her plans for world annihilation by just being able to love her, it's usagi tsukino.
Right? Man, I'd pay for a high-budget, animated version of that crossover lol.
That's one of the big arguments of the Why RWBY is Disappointing vid though, using Cowboy Beebop as an example, if I remember correctly. There's no doubt that RWBY has been influenced by a number of classic series, but deliberately mimicking something that worked in another show doesn't guarantee success, particularly if you don't understand why it worked in the first place. I'm constantly emphasizing that stories are whole products made up of a thousand smaller pieces, like a puzzle or a patchwork quilt, and simply slapping one piece down because it looks good in another story isn't enough. You have to carefully build everything around that piece so that it fits into the unified whole. Continuity, world building, characterization, setup... RWBY is very good at throwing out those "cool" moments, but it does none of the work ahead of time (or, just as often, after the fact) to make those moments satisfying outside of the initial adrenaline rush of watching.
Plus, RWBY is over-crowded nowadays. Characters, mysteries, real world issues, and those "cool" ideas have populated like bunnies until, I think, it's easy for a lot of fans to just get swept up in the spectacle of it all. The simpler your story is, the less there is to hide behind, which is why I think a lot of manga like Sailor Moon still rings true 30+ years later. If you do right by your core concepts and prove to the reader (often subconsciously) that your storytelling skills are strong, it will resonate even after new generations have different expectations in their media, or these ideas have become "cliche" in wake of that initial popularity. If we go with a food comparison (always my favorite lol) Sailor Moon makes me think of something like good home cooking. Looking at it now it's simple, it's straightforward, it has some technical flaws, but the comparatively low number of ingredients have all been treated stunningly well and there is an insane amount of love poured into the dish. Meanwhile, later seasons of RWBY feel like a semi-successful restaurant serving a special so long it took the server a week to fully memorize it, rattling off an absurd number of ingredients and fancy techniques used until you're not even sure what the dish is supposed to be anymore. Some diners go, "Wow, what an amazing, clearly high-end dish! And they've included this super rare ingredient which means it must be good." Meanwhile, others are going, "... Honestly, that sounds like Too Much. I'd have preferred a simple, well-done pasta." And all the while the restaurant—which is pretty big and popular now, garnering a lot of critical attention—is trying to pass this complicated, fancy-for-the-sake-of-fancy dish off as the product of a humble, mom-and-pop establishment. No, you used to serve that kind of food: simple, technically flawed in a lot of ways, but with so much love poured into the dish that most diners didn't care. Now people suspect that your chefs are miserable and we definitely know they're overworked, so even if that insane dish would have tasted great to certain pallets, it was doomed before it even left the kitchen.
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I'm tired of the "this series is awful" aftg readers feel the need to preface with before they admit they love it. I admit I used to do this, mostly because I felt i would be deemed cringe for very sincerely enjoying the more "out there" aspects of the series (fake sport, japanese mafia, andrew's meds).
I think the series, by virtue of being self published, is naturally going to be very unconventional. I've seen people complain that there isn't really a beginning, middle & end and that is true. the structure is odd and for three-act-structure enjoyers it might actually even be unsettling. but I think it's disingenuous to say there isn't a story because the story is the emotional journey of it's characters. the author pays little regard to respecting conventional story structure because the plot is just a vehicle through which the characters self-actualize. like, yeah, in most books, the climax would be in the last third of the book. yeah, in the king's men it's at the midpoint. yeah, some readers are going to call this "bad writing".
but I don't think that just because some people are going to think it's bad (particularly bad faith readers) it's enough for you to preface your love of the series with "I know it's bad! I'm obsessed with it tho." it isn't! I genuinely don't think these books are bad. I think there are fair criticisms to be made, but why is the line in regards to what a reader should be willing to accept drawn at a fictional sport? I think if you approach aftg the way you would approach a fantasy novel (i.e. willing to move past crazy concepts because that's the structure of this world and this world isn't our world) rather than nitpicking things that are functionality fantastical, you'll be able to look past all the unorthodox storytelling to realize that you like these books for a reason. and the reason is that they're good.
the writing is polished (not just for a self published novel imo), the characters are otherworldly yet have complex emotional arcs that are consistent with their characterization, the plot is absolutely fucking bonkers but within the framework of the world it functions as a driving force for the characters to make choices and grow. that's a good book from where I'm standing. aftg asks a lot of the reader but I don't think that is necessarily a bad thing.
I think people need to learn to stand for their opinions regardless of what "critics" will say. maybe this preemptive need to assert that you know aftg is bad but you love it anyways is a result of not wanting to seem cringe, wanting to seem in on the joke, idk? but really, I think it does more harm to constantly deride something you love, just because you want to make sure people know you know it's bad before they get the chance to tell you it's bad. you should respect yourself as a reader. anyways I love aftg and genuinely think they're good books!
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rascal-xo · 1 year
Electric | Russell Adler x Reader |
Summary: After a night of post mission winding down, you find Russell on the roof.
Warnings: smoking, kissing
Word Count: 1075
A/N: Requests are open :)
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It wasn’t often that you and the team were able to have a relaxing night in at the end of a mission. Things were usually chaotic and rushed to be able to get back to Langley as soon as humanly possible. But this time around Frank decided everyone could use a couple drinks and just be ‘normal’ people for once.
You had been apart the team for a good amount of time now but while you were still the ‘Kid’ of the bunch as Frank liked to call you, the bond was tight between the team whenever the universe decided to bring you together for a mission. So here you were, sitting back on a loveseat laughing at the Sgt’s storytelling.
Mason, who was normally reserved, seemed to be enjoying himself immensely, half sitting on the armrest of the couch, hearing Franks words.
“So you’re saying you’re not a lightweight?” You tease, entertaining him farther.
Frank chuckles and takes a swig of his drink. "Oh no sweetheart, not me. But Mason here thought he could take on the whole bar one time after 3 pints” he says, grinning mischievously.
Mason shakes his head, but you can tell he's enjoying it. "I wasn't trying to start a fight," he says defensively.
"But you did end up getting us kicked out," Frank adds, laughing.
Mason shakes his head. "I don't even remember what happened. That was a long time ago."
Frank continues the story, recounting how they stumbled out of the bar and into the street, still arguing about who would have won in a fight. You can't help but laugh at the mental image of the two of them, drunk and bickering like an old married couple.
“Hey I think that place isn’t too far from here.” Frank says, raising an eyebrow.
“They definitely remember you, Woods.” You can almost hear the gears turning in the Sgt’s head. “Don’t get any ideas.” But of course with his charm, one thing leads to another and he’s actually able to convince stone cold Mason to get up.
“You comin, Kid?” Wood stops to ask, grabbing his keys from the table.
“Oh no, you two have fun. I’m calling it a night boys.” You answer, raising to stretch your arms. The pair of them go into the night leaving you with your thoughts.
Sleep is unheard of in your mind lately, never showing up most nights. You’re far too used to it at this point to do anything about it.
You decide to go up to the roof of the safe house to get some fresh air and clear your head. Putting down your drink, you slip on your shoes and head towards the back stairs. When you make it outside, you feel the cool night air hit your face, and you take a deep breath, feeling your lungs expand with cold air
You suddenly stop in your tracks, when you see Adler across the roof leaning against the railing. Smoke moves from his cigarette with the wind and You hesitate for a moment, wondering if you should go back inside or approach him.
But before you can make a decision he seems to sense a presence. “Sorry, I took your spot.” He says without turning around, somehow already knowing that’s it’s you at the stairs.
You shake your head, a small smile forming on your lips. "It's fine, I can share," you say, making your way over to him.
You lean against the railing next to him, looking out over the city. For a few moments, there's silence between you, the only sounds being the occasional car driving by and Adler taking a drag from his cigarette.
You look over to the rare sight of Russell without his aviators. Even in the dark his features stand out more than ever. The scar running down from his forehead to his chin is prominent even in the dead of night. “How’d you know this was my spot?” You ask, not looking away.
His hand rests on his opposite arm, and without lifting it he points down to an area by the trees. “Because that’s mine” He glances at you, and for a moment, you catch a glimpse of something in his eyes - something vulnerable. But just as quickly as it appeared, it's gone, and he's back to his usual stoic self.
When you were first recruited, you were assigned to be Adler’s shadow. Since you hadn’t had much black ops experience, he was your mentor. You learned a lot from him, both about the job and about how to keep a cool head.
But there was always something about him that was hard to read. You never pushed too hard or at all for that matter, not wanting to cross a line. But standing here next to him, closer than you have been before there is a certain tension floating around the atmosphere.
He’s no longer leaning against the railing. As the tension between you and Adler grows, you suddenly stand straighter and turn to face him.
There's a moment of hesitation as you look into his eyes, unsure of what to do next. But then, without thinking, you reach out and softly take the cigarette from between his lips, taking a drag from it yourself.
He watches you intently, his eyes never leaving yours, as you exhale the smoke into the night air. You don’t realize you’ve moved closer to him until can feel the heat of his body next to yours .
You don't know what's come over you, but something about the moment feels electric.
Adler's hand moves up to your cheek, his touch warm against your skin. You lean into it, and there's a sense of calm that washes over you. For the first time in a long time, you feel like you can let your guard down.
Without a word, he leans in and presses his lips to yours, his kiss gentle yet earning. You respond after a few seconds, taking in the feeling of it all.
His hands move to the small of your back to pull you closer to him and you wrap your arms around his neck, his cigarette still between your fingers, now forgotten.
When you finally break the kiss, you look up at Adler, his eyes now dark but nonetheless visible under the moonlight.
You don't know what later holds for Russell and you, but in this moment, you don’t want to stop.
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bonesashesglass · 1 year
Okay, I don’t know how many people are going to see this but I really want to talk about this. I want to start out by saying that I love comics, and normally I try to keep this blog positive, but Tom Taylor’s writing in the current Nightwing and Titans run has really been bugging me.
I know a lot of people on this site have already talked about this, but I want to discuss why I think his writing is poor and harmful to the character.
This is a page from Batman Year 3, where Dick Grayson finds out the man who killed his parents was let out of jail:
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At this point, Alfred had been trying to get the chance to tell Dick until he saw it on the computer himself. It’s one line of dialogue, but you can feel the shock and the panic the moment he finds out. He’s scared. Alfred isn’t even on the page and you can feel how his heart goes out to Dick. There’s so much tension and emotion in this panel, and the fact that Zucco was let out of jail was never said, the reader just knows based on the context and character reactions.
Compare this to the same incident in Nightwing #99:
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There’s nothing. There’s no emotion, no substance, no soul, no heart. Reading this is like watching to actors just read lines off of a page. Dick barely even has a reaction, the man who murdered his parents was let out of jail and he’s making quips. I feel absolutely nothing looking at this page, and that’s a problem. Storytelling is supposed to get the reader to feel like they are a part of the story, the audience should feel what the character is feeling, or at least be able to tell when the character is feeling something. Here, there is nothing. The dialogue feels like it was written by a robot, the characters feel like pod people pretending to be human.
I’m not saying that I want some world ending events or super emotionally devastating arcs for Nightwing, I think after the last few years Nightwing does need a lighter, more day in the life feel for a while, but even lighter stories need to be emotionally engaging, and this isn’t.
Tom Taylor has made a lot of creative choices that I don’t necessarily like (giving him a random long list sister, for one, and the whole thing with Olivia) but that doesn’t bother me as much because it’s a case of the audience just not liking a story, as opposed to the story being objectively bad.
I can think of a million other examples like this where he has introduced a concept that should have deeply affected Nightwing, but were executed in a way that made the characters and the audience feel nothing. (Him and Barbara getting together, finding a long lost sister, getting superpowers, fostering a daughter).
I want to bring this up because it looks like Tom Taylor is getting more and more control at DC because people keep buying his issues. Presumedly, because of the lighter, fan-servicy feel. But this writing is objectively bad. If he’s going to be writing more titles he needs to make his stories more emotionally engaging, and to do that, he needs to stop telling instead of showing.
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sublimecatgalaxy · 2 years
Hiii, how are u? Hope you are doing well! I was wondering if you would like to write an imagine where Eddie is doing a dirty talk with the reader. Thank u <3
I'm not doing too well but I went wild with this in a fit of sadness so I hope you enjoy!
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He's always been an amazing storyteller.
Eddie Munson has a way with words like no one else, always causing havoc and triggering an uprising in Hellfire Club and in our small conservative town. His stories are typically that of monsters and wizards, of the mythical world, the improvised words making him well known as our best local dungeon master.
I could listen to him go on for hours from the corner of the room- my throne as Eddie so charmingly calls it- when I would stay late to listen to his stories, watching the boys sit on the edge of their seats as they wait for the next biggest plot hole or twist. He's so passionate about keeping his audience eager and on the edge of their seats and it's what I love most about him.
I would be lying if I said that I'm not curious as to how his way with words translates into the bedroom which is a completely inappropriate thought for me, his best friend of almost nine years, to have. But I would hear the stories from Robin about the stories she's heard about him, that his theatrical personality does not drop when he's in bed with someone.
"Do I have something on my face or am I just that handsome?" Eddie teases, snapping me out of my thirsty thoughts and I stutter, shaking my head with a coy laugh.
"Sorry, I zoned out." Reaching up, I rub a hand over my face, slapping myself internally at the realization that he was just watching me watch him, zoned out, thinking about his own dirty mind. But it's so much more than just his words that I'm curious about- his fingers. The way that they curl around the guitar neck and pluck at the strings- fuck- it almost makes me jealous that I'm not on his lap being touched so delicately; like his most prized possession.
"You seem out of it today." He pouts, tilting his head at me and he sits up, laying his guitar down beside him before inching towards me. His knees bump with mine as I continue tossing the tennis ball in my hands towards the ceiling.
"I'm fine, just have a lot on my mind apparently."
"Anything you need to get off your chest? Like a bra maybe?" Rolling my eyes, I reach over to pinch him, hating when he messes with me when I'm deep in thought.
"I guess I'm just curious." I huff, tossing the ball his way and he's quick to catch it before flipping over onto his stomach beside me. He looks up at me with a pointed look, brows pulled together and he waits patiently for me to go on.
I could never ask him what I actually want to ask him, could I?
"But, as the saying goes, 'curiosity killed the cat' so I'm not sure if I should ask." I chuckle, curling up on my side as I look down at him with a shy smile, his eyes widening eagerly.
"Oh, now I'm definitely interested." He chuckles, placing his fists under his chin and he playfully kicks his legs back and forth. "Come on, tell me." He pokes and I sigh, playing with the strings on his hoodie in front of me. He's my best friend, I'm supposed to be able to ask him anything, to confide in him no matter what, right?
"Do you, like, talk to girls during sex?" His brows skyrocket in a teasing glance at my question, his lips fanning out into a shocked, toothy grin and I huff. "Forget it, you're just gonna taunt me-"
"No, no, no!" He's quick on his feet, preventing me from standing up from the bed, pushing me back onto the bed before I can run away. My back hits his mattress with a 'oof', watching him crawl back down onto the bed to sit between my parted knees. "Do I talk to girls during- I mean, sure. I talk pretty much 24/7." He laughs with a simple shrug, pulling a giggle from me.
"I mean- god, I feel so embarrassed asking this- you're obviously a good story teller but I guess I'm just wondering, uh-"
"Are you asking if I'm good at dirty talkin' the ladies?" He cuts me off with a teasing gasp, his hands settling on my thighs and he rests his chin on my knee. "Y/n Y/L/N, are you thinking of me in an impure way?" My hands immediately reach up to cover my face and he laughs loudly, clapping his hands in triumph.
"Shut up." I mumble against my hands, shaking my head with an anxious laugh.
"Okay, we're doing this. We're finally having the mutual sex talk, huh?" He pulls my hands away from my face, revealing my flustered expression and he just laughs, tugging me up to sit in front of him. "C'mon it's me. Your best friend."
"I just have questions, I guess. We don't talk about this stuff." I chuckle bashfully, reaching forward to smack his chest.
"Okay, then let me answer your question." He waves my nerves off, clicking his tongue and he ponders for a moment, eyes trailing over the bare expanse of my thighs. "My talents with words definitely do come in handy with women." He explains vaguely but I'm itching to know more for my own selfish reasons, biting at the inside of my cheek.
"I wouldn't know. All of the guys I've been with are quick to just call me a 'whore' and think it's attractive and finish within three seconds." My eyes roll, my back hitting his headboard as I relax as much as I can into the conversation, hoping to pull any information from him that I can.
"Seriously? Well that's fucking lame." He pouts, his cheek resting on my knee. "I mean, that's a real downer. Here I was thinking you were regularly getting dicked down by men who knew what they were doing." He teases, sending a wink my way and I look away from him with an uncomfortable giggle. I guess I can take it another step, huh?
"I guess I've never seen the importance behind dirty talk. That's why I was curious to know if it works for you. If other girls benefit from it." Sucking my lip between my teeth, he pauses, a hint of mischief passing through his gaze.
"I could, uh, I dunno, give you a sample?" His words come off more as a question than an offer, his brows pulling together as my heart leaps eagerly in my chest.
"Why don't you just, like, walk me through. Like if I was a girl that you were hooking up with, what would you say?" He nods, playing with the edge of my shorts, distracting himself from the tension that's now taken hold of the room.
"Well, I guess it depends. Different strokes for different folks, literally." He chuckles, his voice deepening and his eyes darkening as he glances down at me. "I typically ask if they like what I'm doing, whether if it's just kissing them or touching their thighs. I think a lot of guys fuck up and skip foreplay but it's fun for me." My thighs clench at his words, my tummy fluttering with butterflies as my mind wanders. It's the fact that he likes pleasuring women that gets me- warming them up before hand, wanting nothing more than them to feel good. "Then as it gets more heated I'll start asking them questions-"
"Like what?" I interrupt, the words coming out faster than I control, my hand reaching up to cover my lips and he scoffs a laugh.
"You want me to dirty talk you- fine, come here." He tugs me into his lap, my thighs resting on either sides of his and my hands hover over his shoulders, taken completely off guard. "You like when I manhandle you?" He asks, his nose brushing against mine and I gasp against his lips, reminding myself that he's proving a point, that he doesn't actually mean it- this is him proving himself, I asked for this. "Use your words." His hands soothe up and down my thighs, thumbs dipping under the material of my shorts.
"Y-yes." I mutter, my mouth suddenly dry as my chest presses against his, the line that was previously there between best friends and lovers somehow blurring even more.
"You wanted this, hmm? For me to take control- to take you? To talk to you, touch you, like no one else has?" I nod, my eyes fluttering shut out of shame. "Could've just asked me. But you like when I do the talking, obviously." He teases with his normal laugh, calming my nerves a bit as my hands finally rest on his shoulders. "I wonder how wet I can get you just by talking to you like this. Maybe I could even make you cum while you circle those cute hips against me." My hips do as he says almost immediately, dragging against his as a shallow whimper escapes my lips. "Wow, you're responsive." He laughs mockingly, degrading almost, and his hands travel, gripping my hips to help drag me against him. "Didn't know you felt this way about me sweetheart. What else do you think about?" He takes my shuddered silence as defiance, pressing a simple kiss to my cheek. "Do you think about my fingers, my rings? I see you looking at them all the time." I groan embarrassingly loud, frustrated tears pricking my eyes at his words that are filled with lust.
"Eddie." I whine, fingers threading through his hair and I give the curls a tug.
"What? You want me to stop?" He laughs menacingly, only helping my hips rock against his and I love the feeling of him hard as can be beneath me. "No, of course you don't. So needy, pining for your best friend." His lips skim against the shell of my ear, my body trembling and shivering against his. "Tell me what you want." It takes a few moments to think of the right words, my brain a puddle of mush from all of his teasing.
"Wanna see what else your mouth can do besides talk."
-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o- Taglist: @bubblebuttwade @rafelover2405 @leslienjazzy @sorceresss @grxnde-dwt @alex–awesome–22 @bunnietoof @niyamar1e @serialghost @plantlungs @geniusohn @akaliltimmytim @lilaalouuxx @xshariex @elliotsbeigeguitar @elle4404 @lelieja @srhxpci @joselyn001 @taysirene @spinkspanther @thedivineuphoria @peter-maximoffs @tsukishimawhore @poohkie90 @szlaco @distantsighs @nstyles4299 @wolflover384 @givemefoodandlovesstuff @vane28282 @yeswhatever33 @amirrahfranson @vvaalleennttiinna @f-mu @yaspillz @jeyramarie @skylievin@abbybarnes17 @jointherebellion215 @visiondaddy @steezysimfinds @its-ya-gay-boi-luigi @crunchytoenailsyum@glizzymcguirex @beth123lg @melovesmut @rafecameronswhore @ariianelle @write-from-the-heart @vampviolets@haylee-e@popehaywardssecretgf @honee-chai-tea @lokiandbuckywife @smoke-and-fire @officiallyunofficialperson@heyaitsklaudia@rosepetalsparks @bluetreecloud20 @scenesofobx @double-shot-of-tequila @1dluver13xx @colbysbrocks @iamasimpingh0e @smoke-and-fire386 @loveshineslikethesky @id-3-kbro @diorsitgirl @errorfound101-allideasburnedout @neverwillknowme18 @ellyskey @taylors-folk @loversjoy @myaloveee @thyris-is @lagataprrr @aaaaslaaaan @minjix @luvrosee
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tamelee · 10 months
Hi, Tamelee❤, I absolutely adore your art and your analysis.
Do you think Kakashi's choice of words regarding Sakura's feelings towards Sasuke "She's hurting from loving you" is a forshadowing? Is there any chance that both Sasuke and Naruto are fully aware that Naruto's "I hurt whenever you hurt" is a shonen-appropriate version of ILY? And in general,to which extent do you think Naruto is aware about the nature of his feelings for Sasuke post-vote2?
Hi @lilasskickergrimes !! thankyou so much! 💕 I apologize for this being so late. This post went into a different direction at first and then it was sitting in my drafts for a long time >.< sorry!! Hope you're doing well 🥹
Very long post, 🍵
Was Kakashi’s “she’s hurting from loving you” about Sakura to Sasuke basically Kishimoto telling the reader that if hurting because of the other person means they love them, then that is the same for Naruto and Sasuke? Since they hurt for each other, do they then love each other too? I mean, in a way, Kakashi's words can be used as another clue. It came up before and with other characters too (Sai), but I believe with anything- context matters. 
Oh, Sakura was hurting alright, but why was she hurt? 
Why was Sasuke? Or Naruto? 
Kishimoto often uses parallels, but I feel like some don’t realize that a parallel doesn’t mean something is the same thing. That’s why storytellers use alternate timelines or universes to explain a parallel, but it is in the name, right? “Alternate”. They go in the same direction and are similar in nature but never touch. A comparison of sorts. That’s why it always matters why a parallel is linked to the alternate element and why it never touches- thus is different. 
So, Kishimoto has shown what he values in romantic relationships for which he writes before. Like Dan/Tsunade, Minato/Kushina or even in earlier works like ‘Mario’. He always was able to convey a romantic relationship well if he chose to do so and if it was his intention. The same sorta clues are shown in earlier chapters where Naruto projects onto Sakura as she explains why she likes Sasuke and then he says that he understands her (pain) very well. A shonen-appropriate version (in your words) of “I completely understand how you feel Sakura, because if that's what it means, then I like Sasuke too and I feel the same way”. It is enhanced in the way he visualizes his art and message that Sakura is used as a tool (red herring) in order to mislead and yet have enough surface-level ammunition against criticism to make it seem like its otherwise. Unfortunately, those were the circumstances, but we wouldn’t have the story we do now if it weren’t for this.. 
However, Sakura hurting for “loving” Sasuke is not the same as Naruto and Sasuke hurting for the other. Kakashi even literally said that Sakura was hurting because she wanted to save Sasuke and she wanted him by his side.
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Which means, Sakura is hurting because of selfish reasons. (Kishimoto’s words.) It is always about her and her wishes or what she thinks is best for another character without bothering to understand them first. (Note Naruto's expression as well.)
Sakura can’t hurt because of Sasuke.
Sasuke, apart from him and Sakura being teammates, never bothered with her and legitimately during the War couldn’t give a f- whether she lived or died. He didn’t have a personal bond with her, she was just part of team 7 and one he broke off the same way as everyone else excluding Naruto. She was never special nor precious as an individual. He reacted only to her intention of wanting to stab him in the back after she lied and had to knock her annoying ass out twice so she would stop following him because she selfishly thinks for some reason she’s more important to Sasuke, Naruto or even her team and the Shinobi world in general than she really is. But that is part of her character arc. Wanting to be included and then go beyond that so people will look at her back as she is insecure about the contrast between herself and Naruto/Sasuke, not just in terms of ability, but also the strength of their bond as said right before VotE2 where she points out what she lacks compared to Naruto. That she isn’t on equal terms in regard to Sasuke. Where she stops believing in both Naruto and Sasuke which she said she would after the bridge-scene, but then, yet again tries to interfere...
I mean... I have to give it to her, Sakura also does not give up when it comes to this. 
That’s why Sakura fans, the very hardcore ones, that see Sasuke as some price that only belongs to her, blame him for her pain. They favor Sakura and her selfish wish and want Sasuke to repent and live a life full of guilt and regret for all he’s done to her. For all the pain he has caused their favorite character even though that’s totally unbefitting to all that happened. Which is kind of why that scene with Kakashi is mostly criticized because he sounds like an irrational fan. (I don’t believe that’s exactly why that was put there, but alas.) Her pain is her own. And as much as people dislike Kakashi defending her, I understand why Kishimoto put it there, especially amidst all the contrast and especially because it was placed right before VotE2 and it continued with a talk about love/hate with the Hermit. What usually is the ending of a story, is where Naruto and Sasuke’s journey still only begins... really.. considering the entire Shinobi world and what they were supposed to do :/ 
Sakura doesn’t know or understand anything about Sasuke that’s why she also can’t hurt for him. 
She didn’t even try. And when Sakura did pick up on things here and there, she never bothered questioning those words like Naruto did and just went with the general narrative that Sasuke is a mindless criminal or that he’s changed for the worst. Therefore she stopped believing in him, his intentions and abandoned this version of Sasuke she didn’t like. She even had the time during the time-skip to do some research (as she did) as she had access to Tsunade’s notes, yet never, ever, once bothered to learn more about Sasuke to see if she could understand him. She only learned that Itachi is the one he wants to kill which was used as a moment to show that “she was going to do this whole thing with Naruto together” (and then failed multiple times). Like?? 
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And also thought then it was okay to deliver Naruto to Akatsuki knowing he was a target if it meant “getting close to Sasuke-kun”. 
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Tbf, Naruto deliberately kept her in the dark about certain information and didn’t want to wait for her, hence his reactions when he finds out Sakura knows a few details too. Even later when Sakura asks him when Akatsuki started targeting him, he’s not fully honest.
When Sai later says that Naruto is also hurting because of Sakura, (for a different post) there is some truth to that as part of Naruto’s fear is letting people down. 
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That was the pain of the promise. It had nothing to do with Naruto wanting to keep it for her sake.
Sakura reacted very fake while ignoring Naruto completely who was bandaged all over, when she visited him after VotE1 to hear about Sasuke. Not a "hey Naruto how are you doing?" was heard or anything, but guilt tripping him in regards to the promise making even Shikamaru angry because he understood the hell Naruto went through.
Naruto didn’t take that well as you can see throughout the story. Maybe it looked that way at the moment because he’s somewhat of a people pleaser and hides his emotions well and he reacted with that Naruto-confidence, but it certainly did damage to their.... uh, friendship? Camaraderie? But that’s a different pain, yes? It stems from Naruto’s own character which made her treatment towards him worse just like Sakura’s insecurities and fantasies about romance aren’t Sasuke’s fault. At all. But because of it, they do clash, sometimes more subtle than other times.
I guess it was okay to Naruto as long as she could keep up. In times where she did, sorta help. But Sakura didn’t keep up, made her own resolve to get rid off the thing in her life that hurt her because she couldn’t stand seeing it, therefore tried to kill Sasuke and didn’t bother to understand, question or rely again on Naruto because she thought for some reason she was important enough to get through to him. Or rather lie to him as she did with Naruto. She failed what? 4?? 5??? times? Embarrassing. It just hurt her too much to not see that ideal image of Sasuke. That’s not love.
All those misconceptions that she holds hurt her too because it doesn’t reflect that ideal image she has of herself or Sasuke because her fantasy romance doesn’t exist. Not even Jun Esaka, her number one fan, can make it believable. Not even the sequel shows how rewarded Sakura was because even if "she got Sasuke", she never got his heart. She never received that love from him, but she can fake it.
Her ideal Sasuke is the one that stays by her side because otherwise she’d “just be as lonely as Sasuke was after the genocide of his family/clan” 👀 even though she made fun of orphans and then was willing to throw away her own friends and family even after Sasuke defended Naruto, all for this fantasy. She’d be willing to make light of Sasuke’s trauma by not giving a shit about her bonds as long as she would be together with him. It is the Sasuke she hopes that admits thinks of her in his heart as she preached about before VotE2, one she hopes she can be relevant enough to save even though she was never able to reach him. She didn’t go through some character assassination, it was always like this. The contrast was deliberate. Naruto said to her and Kakashi that after Pain’s attack, he understood why his words during VotE1 didn’t reach Sasuke. That’s because Naruto went through growth and development. Sakura never cared to find out and her plea is completely irrelevant and focussed on herself. And watch this!! We have a cover of Chapter 231 “a special power” with Naruto where the side text says:
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“I won’t look away. I won’t give up. I am fighting for you.” 
Which is about Sasuke as this is a Chapter during VotE1.. and then the very next Chapter is Sakura with these words:
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“Straight ahead. I think. I wish. I believe. I am.” 
Naruto faces what's coming but Sakura is stuck in this me-me-me fantasy. Come on!!!! If anyone doesn’t think any of Kishimoto’s author-narration is deliberate either then I dunno man. This is back-to-back contrast. All the other covers around them look different. There is a lot more of this but the point is, Sakura’s always been the same. Her pain is based on lies for which people blame Kishimoto it to be bad writing even though this is just her character. And that’s not me hating on Sakura, that’s just what it is. If anyone’s going to blame something, blame her lack of development, but that’s not always bad writing if it was a choice that Kishimoto made with a purpose... her selfish love was contrasting to Naruto for a reason. I hope the day exist where people can accept at least that. 
It is okay to not like how an author portrayed a character, but don’t blame it on something else when it is a consistent thing, lol. She constantly wants to try and prove herself in a way that would make Naruto and Sasuke (even Tsunade by making fun of her age or her oh-so-dear-friend-Ino that she ditched) less, by putting them down or wanting them to look at her back out of insecurity. She wants to keep up, yet portrays herself as better- ...then fails. Badly. So of course, Sakura is hurt. But no one is to blame but herself and its completely based on her own persistence to be relevant. 
Sasuke and Naruto share a history of similar pain even though they’re very different, opposites even. 
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Before that, Sasuke yells at Naruto that he doesn’t understand what it means to lose bonds with the people who are precious to you. And that is true.
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But Naruto is scared, confused and about to lose Sasuke. As well as losing Sasuke to Orochimaru whom Naruto very much knows that he wants Sasuke’s body only (as he learned during his fight with Kimimaro too). And Sasuke, to Naruto is a precious bond as established in LoW who also just admitted that Naruto is his closest friend! Not only have they shared secret smiles before they even talked to each other, but Sasuke already sacrificed his own goals twice for Naruto and his body moved on its own to protect him and cushion his falls. Sasuke showed his vulnerable self (what he calls a weakness) to Naruto by showing he cared more about him than his own life. Hence them being so awkward with each other after LoW. Next to Iruka it is the first bond he’s ever had and it’s more than just a bond. Of course he fights so f- hard and would not give up even he didn't quite understand what it meant. Sasuke understands what Naruto means here though as his third tomoe awakens at the thought of breaking that bond with Naruto. Because it hurts. 
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Kishimoto spends 8(!!!!!!!!!!) pages visualizing how much Sasuke is in pain because of this and then some more. I want everyone to know how absolute insane that is. Not panels, PAGES. 
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Then, in order to avoid breaking that bond "on a whim" (okay Sasuke), Sasuke sets a resolve to gain power his own way by sacrificing years of his life to go to a man that only wants him for his body because of the resentment towards his brother, but mainly because he couldn’t kill Naruto. And the only way you can do something like going to Orochimaru willingly, knowing what his intentions are even if you’re afraid... is the Shinobi way, to kill your emotions as much as possible (at least not show them which is different, yay to subtext), but when it came to Naruto... Sasuke couldn’t get rid of his emotions and feelings. The only way to break off that bond, his past completely was by getting rid of all of Naruto. All he had left was Naruto. (Sakura who?) And no matter what he said afterwards, his actions speak louder than words. Throughout the story, despite his front, Sasuke is in a lot of pain. 
Naruto spends majority of part 2, ‘pining for Sasuke’, which hehe yes, but it’s way more than that, right? 
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Naruto fought tooth and nail to hold onto his bond with Sasuke and when he was fed information about Sasuke having changed and him just being a mindless criminal, he fought against that too. He constantly questioned whether things were true and didn’t just blindly trusted the people that told them things as Naruto rightfully already doesn’t trust people that well, but despite his limited view, he trusted Sasuke. He never once abandoned him regardless of anything. No matter what he heard or saw, he knew what he felt and he knew that Sasuke would be able to look in his heart (bumping fists through fighting) where his resolve lied which completely contrasts Sakura’s. Naruto wanted to bear Sasuke’s burden together and if it came to it, die. To not be Jinchuriki or Uchiha, to not be pained with the burdens or see Sasuke hurt by them because of it..
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Pain is a large chunk of that understanding between them that ultimately mutually happens as Sasuke says:
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.. that they’ll now be able to share the pain in each other’s hearts. Among many other things. That not only did they look inside each other’s hearts, they accepted it all. That Sasuke too will open up to Naruto’s pain, that he accepted him fully, including their shared feelings. And with that, hope and dreams. Naruto and Sasuke in this kind of future where they are Ninja and peace is not certain, will most likely stumble upon conflict but then willingly hurt for the other as they share their burdens since they are able to live and work towards a future they both wished for in a way that doesn’t include self-sacrifice or people-pleasing. That was part of the promise of this chapter.... 
Naruto and Sasuke. 
Not Sakura who decided on her own while lying to everyone to bear the Shinobi burden to kill the one she thinks she loves but doesn't believe in and painted as a changed-for-the-worst criminal because it is too painful for her. Then got brushed off with a brotherly forehead-poke. Wtf. Like actually? Lmao. 
"And in general,to which extent do you think Naruto is aware about the nature of his feelings for Sasuke post-vote2?"
Naruto is very aware of his own feelings and it is for sure love. But what else can you say about it with an open-end (699) like that? I'm genuinely not sure but I feel like any more than what we got would've been perfect for a blank period story 🥲
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9-1-1 Season 6 - Constructive Criticisms #5
Continuity Errors and Forced Narratives
Continuity and narratives are extremely important in storytelling because use of them allows listeners, readers and viewers of any form of media, i.e., an album, a book or a TV show, to logically follow the story the creator wants to tell.  It allows those who are consuming it, to connect the dots and they don’t have to worry about if they’ll be able to understand where the characters in a book or on a TV show are going.
Continuity is defined as “the unbroken and consistent existence or operation of something over a period of time” while narrative is defined as “a spoken or written account of connected events; a story” (Dictionary.com).  The definitions of continuity and narrative clearly illustrate how they should work together to make stories consistent and connected.  When creators of a form of media use them consistently, the stories they’re attempting to tell have meaning and the listener, reader or the viewer can follow it without feeling like they’ve missed something and for those who stop consuming it for a while, when they return to pick up where they left off, the story still makes sense.
Prior to seasons 5 and 6, the creators of 9-1-1 did an awesome job of maintaining the show’s continuity while allowing the narrative to organically develop for their main characters. Characters were allowed to grow and move on to the next phase of their lives without the audience wondering what the actual Frick Frack was going on.  It’s unfortunate but that hasn’t been the case lately since most storylines contained continuity errors and narratives were forced to produce a preconceived and/or a prescribed ending.  It almost seems like an end result was created prior to storylines being written and it was very noticeable in season 6.  The truth is it shouldn’t be difficult for viewers of a TV show to follow the narrative that was established for a main character but that’s been the case with 9-1-1 for the past two seasons and it was very apparent during season 6.
My fifth set of “constructive criticisms” regarding continuity and forced narratives are included below the cut. Please note criticizing a TV show is NOT a bad thing especially since TV critics have been doing it for decades. Constructive criticisms are designed to help make something better and they are VERY different from negativity. A person can offer criticisms about a form of entertainment they spend their time watching and not be negative about it the same way two people can agree to disagree on a topic. Just because one person liked the season, they shouldn’t expect others to feel the way they do because everyone has their own opinions.  Simply put, two people can have different opinions about 9-1-1 and those opinions can COEXIST since they are not mutually exclusive.
If reading criticisms about the TV show 9-1-1 upsets you, then don’t read below the cut.            
                 Warning! ⚠️“Constructive Criticisms” Ahead!⚠️
To illustrate the way storylines were mishandled in season 6, this post has been divided into two sections, i.e., continuity errors and forced narratives.
Continuity Errors
Based on the way storylines were written and executed in season 6, it appears several things which happened prior to season 4 either didn’t exist or was changed for some unknown reason.  The season was riddled with continuity errors that go all the way back to season 1 for multiple main characters.
In season 1, Bobby talked to his priest after tough calls but in 6x9 a “fictitious sponsor” named Wendell was introduced for him and the flashbacks included in 6x12 showed Bobby talking to Wendell about his sobriety during season 1.  Those flashbacks made it seem like Wendell had been around since season 1 even though he wasn’t.  This was a big continuity error that retold some of the most important parts of Bobby’s story especially the part about his sobriety and the way he felt about his life in the earlier seasons.
In 1x3 Chimney almost died after a rebar went through his skull and Hen told him that she tried to reach his father in Korea but she couldn’t contact him and she figured it had something to do with the difference in time zones.  He almost died again in 2x12 after Doug stabbed him but there weren’t any sightings of Mr. Sang Han even though it was the second time Chimney almost died.  But in 6x10, all Albert had to do was remind Sang he is a grandfather to Jee-Yun for him to come running to L.A. after taking a 17-hour flight from Korea.  He even brought his wife who’s Albert’s mother with him.  His presence was a continuity error since he didn’t come to the U.S. any other time when his oldest son was injured.
In 2x2, Jeff (the kid Hen, Bobby and Chimney freed during the earthquake) was brought back in 6x18 but the importance of his presence was unknown for any viewers who didn’t or haven’t watched episodes 2x1 - 2x3.  It was bad writing to not let Bobby verbally admit who Jeff was when he saw him and they should have let Jeff say he was “Paying it Forward” by helping Bobby be freed from the rubble after the bridge collapse.
In 2x5 Nathaniel told Hen and Karen he would follow their lead regarding his introduction to Denny but in season 6, the agreement he made with them was completely forgotten and ignored.  It was a huge continuity error and it was a forced narrative.
In 2x5 Maddie had already dealt with a crazy co-worker who was upset with her after she told Josh how the “perfect dispatcher” was hanging up on callers, therefore her storyline in 6x5 was kind of ridiculous.  She should have been more aware around Noah especially since she was experiencing trust issues with Magda the nanny she hired.  After everything she experienced with the woman in 2x5, Maddie should have protected her password during her interactions with a new trainee. Let’s be real, when someone works with any form of technology that requires a password to access a company’s systems, they’re trained on password protection during their first day of employment, they’re required to sign a technology agreement and updated copies of that agreement are included in the employee handbook.  This was a continuity error because her story with Noah should have been connected to her story from 2x5.
In 2x6 Hen said she became a paramedic because she was shot when she was 16 years old and the paramedics who were dispatched to the scene, saved her life but that wasn’t mentioned AT ALL in 6x6 when she gave up her dream of becoming a doctor.  This was a continuity error of epic proportions and it was a missed opportunity to connect her reason for staying with the 118 after she dropped out of medical school.
In 3x7, Athena was suspended for solving the murder of her first fiancé because she wasn’t supposed to be involved in the investigation.  But that fact was completely forgotten during 6B since she participated in undercover work to help Bobby solve Wendell’s murder. She used police resources to do it while she was off the clock but she wasn’t reprimanded for any of it. Therefore, the Wendell storyline lacked continuity when compared to the way her storyline in Athena Begins ended and it made her suspension for her actions seem redundant.
In 3x9, Karen told Stacy Mullins, the woman Hen introduced as the reason why she became a paramedic (another continuity error that conflicts with what Hen said in 2x6 and 6x6) while they were at the spa, she spent 45 minutes in the wrong bar after a blind date stood her up but then Hen came in and they met.  Karen’s comment to Stacy was a continuity error and it conflicted with the story that was told in 6x6 about the way Hen and Karen met because Chimney was shown to be the one who set them up so they could meet each other.  It’s like the show took pieces of their story and didn’t commit to giving them a flawless meeting during their flashback when all they had to do was REWATCH episode 3x9 to remember Hen came into the bar instead of her being already inside sitting down when Karen showed up.  It was a simple error that could have easily been corrected and it wouldn’t have taken a lot to fix it but for some reason it was overlooked.
In 3x10, Buck told Bobby he was one of the most important people in his life, if not the most important and if something happened to him, he didn’t know what he would do.  But in 6x11, there was NO mention of this by Bobby when Buck was in a coma even though Bobby could have said it to Athena while they were sitting in Buck’s hospital room.  It was a continuity error and another missed opportunity to establish Bobby’s role in Buck’s life but there sure was time to shoehorn the Buckley parents into the episode so Margaret could buy Buck a couch at the end.
In 4x4, Margaret said she wasn’t good with seeing her children in the hospital but she seemed completely fine with it in 6x11 after Buck got struck by lightning. This was another continuity error because the audience never saw how she overcame her fear of seeing her children in the hospital especially since she never visited Buck or Maddie when they were in the hospital in previous seasons.
Forced Narratives
It appears the showrunner wanted to completely rewrite parts of the first three seasons and there weren’t any main cast members spared from her ability to FORCE NARRATIVES.  Instead of allowing narratives to organically develop, it seems like she had A LOT of preconceived ideas regarding where she wanted their storylines to go and she didn’t care if she had to force the narratives to achieve her goal.
Prior to season 6, the narratives were consistent and they made the main characters’ storylines feel meaningful. Two examples of emotional and meaningful storylines included in season 5 were Eddie’s PTSD and Maddie’s PPD.  Both of their storylines could easily be followed starting in season 4 and they continued until both of them had received the help and therapy they needed in 5B.
Eddie being shot in 4x13 led to his panic attacks in 5x1-5x3 which then led to him quitting the 118 in 5x10.  Then he had a mental breakdown in 5x13 and all of his actions made sense because his storyline followed the narrative.  Also, Maddie’s PPD started in 4x3 when she was worried about ending up like her parents and by the end of 4x14, she admitted to Chimney she didn’t feel ok. After she dropped Jee-Yun off at the firehouse in 5x3, her actions made sense to the audience because the narrative could still be followed all the way through to 5x12 when her full story was told.
The narrative for almost all of the main characters could barely be followed in season 6 because a lot of them were forced.  Not only were they forced in 6A and 6B but some were forced in season 5 too. It almost seemed like the storylines were backed into or they were written in a way to make them fit an idea someone had instead of allowing them to naturally happen.
The items listed below are examples of possible “ideas” the showrunner had prior to the planning stages of each episode which includes the way she wanted particular storylines to end.  Episodes were executed in a way that made it seem like the writers were trying to figure out what was happening since these “ideas” went completely against main characters’ storylines/arcs that were established during previous seasons.
Disclaimer:  The conversations below are illustrations not facts regarding the possible conversations that took place during the developmental stage of an episode.  They’re included to illustrate the forced narratives that were present in seasons 5 and 6. If any similarities exist regarding whether these events actually occurred, it’s unintentional.  
Season 5
Showrunner: “I want Taylor in Eddie’s house having dinner with Buck, Eddie and Chris. Make it happen.”
Writers who remembered previous seasons: “Eddie hates Taylor… he always has.  So how do you suppose we do that?”
Showrunner: “Make him get use to the idea of her the same way I want the audience to get use to her.”
Writers: Speechless!
Showrunner: “I want Buck and Taylor to break up… not because he’s unhappy with her but I want him to cheat on her and for her to get mad at him so I’m going to search for an actress to add to the already extremely large main cast who he can flirt with while he’s on the job and Eddie’s working as the LAFD updates man.”
Writers: Still speechless!
Season 6
Showrunner: “I want Buck to have a baby and I don’t care how just make it happen.”
Writers: “Buck’s never said he wanted to have a baby, hence the reason why he didn’t get any of his exes pregnant.  His loft doesn’t work with this scenario and he’s already a second dad to Chris.”  
Showrunner: “I want him to be a sperm donor and I don’t want him to talk to anyone about it either.  Well… he can talk to Hen but I don’t want her to use any of her medical school knowledge to help him understand how not masturbating won’t prevent his sperm from dying. Also, I want him and her to make jokes about him not doing it for four weeks.”
Writers: Speechless yet again!
Showrunner: “I want Maddie and Chimney to buy a house even though they can’t afford it.”
Writers’ suggestions: “Can’t they just move to a bigger apartment?”
Showrunner: “No, I want them in a house, so they’ll have to borrow money from someone.”
After a few seconds of loud silence.
Showrunner: “Oh, you know what… since I want the Buckley parents to come back and I don’t care how they return, let Maddie and Chimney borrow the money they need from Margaret and Phillip so they’ll make an unnecessary trip to L.A.   That way they can see their new house and they’ll be there when Buck gets struck by lightning”.
Writers: Listening to the loud tension in the room.
Showrunner: “I know Buck told Taylor he was tired of making the same mistakes when he broke up with her, I mean of course I remember it since I wrote the scene… but write a death doula into the scene in 6x15 so she can use her position to help people accept death to her advantage then she can date him.  I want it to be similar to the egregious way Dr. Wells took advantage of him in 1x2 and the way Chase Mackey used him during the lawsuit in 3x4 so he could get paid.”
Writers: Looking at each other in disbelief while crickets chirp outside of the window.
Showrunner: “I don’t want Bobby to get the AA counseling he needs because I want him to be on the verge of a relapse.  How can we do that?”
Writers who remembered the events from season 1: “Bobby’s sponsor was never introduced because he would confess to his priest and have weekly counseling sessions with him.  How are we supposed to do this?”
Showrunner: “Oh… since hurting a priest is bad, I know we can’t do that. Hmm… I want to write a sponsor into 6x9 even though he was never introduced to the audience.  I want Bobby to “realize” Buck’s his found son while Buck’s in the hospital and I want May and Athena to play instrumental roles in that.  I don’t really care how you do it just get it done.”
Writers who remembered 2x16 “Bobby Begins Again”: “Uh… Bobby lost his whole family before he moved to L.A. so, wouldn’t it make more sense to include that as part of the storyline instead of creating a new character no one has ever heard of or seen?”
Showrunner: “No, because I don’t want it to make sense.”
Writers: Looking at each other in disbelief.
Showrunner: “I want Chimney’s dad to be in L.A. so he can have dinner with the Buckleys at their new house.  I haven’t figured out why yet but make that happen so Mr. Han can make an egregious comment about a man raising another man’s child.”
Writers: “Chimney’s been hurt and almost died multiple times over the last six seasons so wouldn’t Mr. Han showing up now seem unrealistic?”
Showrunner: “Maybe but it doesn’t matter because I want him to be the one to make that statement.”
Showrunner: “I want Buck to use his math skills in a poker game.”
Writers: “That’s not the game that works with card counting, it’s actually Blackjack.”
Showrunner: “Well, I want Captain Mehta and Chief Williams there even though I don’t want Buck and Eddie to talk about the shooting or anything else.  I just want them dressed up and sitting around a table together and that’s why Poker will work better.  I want the audience to wonder if Buck and Eddie are on an actual date but I don’t want them to admit they are on a date.”
Writers: “Why can’t Buck and Eddie just go to Las Vegas and play Blackjack like Rain Man and his brother did in the movie “Rain Main”?  I mean that’s what you’re trying to imitate, right?”
Showrunner: Owlishly blinks at them.
Showrunner: “I want Eddie to start dating again so make his Tia Pepa act like his mother Helena and have her pressure him into it and make Eddie misunderstand a comment from Bobby so he’ll think the first woman he sees after their conversation is it for him.  Make it happen.”
Writers: “Tia Pepa hasn’t been around that much since season 2.  She wasn’t in season 3, she was only in season 4 in 4x14 at Eddie’s homecoming party and the last time she was there was in 5x17 for Ramon’s retirement party.  This doesn’t make any sense and the audience probably won’t like it.  Also, who’s Eddie supposed to date when he just went on a date with Buck?”
Showrunner: “They’ll be fine and so will Eddie.  Also, I don’t want Buck and Eddie to admit they were on a date.  Make it happen.”
Showrunner: “I want Eddie and Chris to have a picnic in front of Shannon’s grave.”
Writers: “Why? They’ve never done that before.”
Showrunner: “I want to turn Shannon into a likeable character and make it seem like her and Eddie were high school sweethearts who were the perfect match. It’s the only way he’ll find the magic again I want the audience to believe he had with her.”
Writers who remembered 2x10: “Uh… that’s not accurate.  They argued all the time and Eddie told her he didn’t know if he could trust her.”
Writers who remembered 2x17: “Yeah and the letter she wrote Chris said she didn’t want to be a mom.”
Showrunner: “I don’t care about that.  Make it happen.”
Showrunner: “I want Buck to be 30 years old even though he was 29 in 4x5.  How can we do that?”
Writers: “It doesn’t make sense to retcon a character’s age.  The audience will remember him saying he was 29 years old.”
Showrunner: “It’ll be fine because no one will remember and you know what else, I want Eddie’s and Shannon’s ages lowered too even though Eddie was introduced as Buck’s elder in 2x1.  He should be 33 or 34 this season but let’s make him 30 and I don’t care how you do it.”
Writers: Looking at each other in disbelief.
The instances above illustrate there’s a possibility the show has been operating from a backwards perspective for the past two seasons with regards to storyline completion.  Therefore, it begs the question, has the show been back peddling into characters’ storylines instead of allowing them to develop organically the way they were done in the past?  Based on the way storylines/arcs and emergencies played out in season 6, it’s certainly possible.  A lot of viewers have expressed how things felt off in season 5 and that sentiment only continued throughout season 6 with all the continuity errors and forced narratives that were included in it.  Hopefully season 7 will get back to the basics and allow the characters as well as their storylines to organically evolve instead of them being created as an end result prior to the storylines being written.
These are my criticisms regarding the continuity errors and forced narratives for season 6 and “Constructive Criticisms” #6 will be posted on Monday, June 26, 2023.
I have a total of 15 CANON “Constructive Criticisms” (10 remaining) and my goal is to have all of them posted by Monday, August 28, 2023.  The topics are being posted in a specific order that begins with the overall issues for season 6 so they can be referenced within the posts about individual characters and ships that will follow them.
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