#beserk imagine
Three Connected Souls -
Part 1: Two Souls
Griffith x Oc x Guts
Just a quick warning! This series will have smut, sexual @ssault and the alluding of it, cursing, toxic/controlling behaviors, obsessions/possessiveness, non-con, blood, and violence.
Warning for this chapter: SLIGHT VIOLENCE
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"Little princess, where have you gone? Princess Daphne! Why must you make everything so difficult for me?!"
A lady with black hair ran through the halls in search of the young girl who watched the lady from above the second floor. The woman seemed close to yanking out all her hair out of frustration with the child she lost. The missing young girl had light brown hair that was braided up and soft hazel eyes that followed the women as she searched the halls. The girl remained silent and bent down to hide her small figure from the woman while her hands gripped the poles of the balcony.
Once the woman was out of her eyesight, she stood up and walked towards the stairs. She slipped off her heels that looked rather plain. As a matter of fact, so was her dress. It was mainly white and yellow and had no special patterns or a single jewel rested upon it. She might have been able to pass as a maid. Daphne was never one to wear expensive dresses as in her mind there were "better ways for money to be spent" given the midlands' current state. Most ten year old princesses and nobles didn't have the same mindset as Daphne, which would explain why her father spoils her rotten in any way he could.
The princess ran down the steps, pattering her feet on the cold material with a stern face. She was upsets, very upset nonetheless. One thing Daphne hated most in the world was when promises were broken. While running through the halls, she held her dress slightly up to allow more movement for her small legs. Her hazel eyes were set on a large door engraved with golden designs. There, her father, the king, and his loyal commanders often discussed war and political issues. These were most important for the survival of Mindland, but Daphne did not care. She was a child, after all, and her mind was set on bursting into the doors demanding for her father to take her to the festival the towns people had every year on the same day. It was clear that Daphne could be mature at times, but she still acted like a child on other occasions.
This festival wasn't just any kind of festival, not to the princess. It was a festival that was meant to ask for the King and Midland to be blessed with good fortune during these hard times. People sell all kinds of sweets, dress in costumes, dance, and sing, but the princess's favorite time of the festival was when they lit the fireworks. Sure, she could watch that from the balcony of her room, but it was more fun to watch in person and see the common people smile. She could see that the festival was a few times people seemed to forget about the death and fighting outside the walls. It also helped her to forget.
Before the princess had the chance to create further rumors about her unladylike manners, a young boy emerged from the room. He had long white hair and blue eyes and was dressed like a nobel's son, though he was far from it. Rather, a playmate for the young princess who made a first good impression in front of the King when he was found roaming around in the courtyard. No one knew how he got in, but he did. He was described to look quite rugged, and he was skin and bones. He managed to avoid alerting any guards that interested the King. The man always enjoyed being surprised by people who proved to be of some use and so this young boy that came from the war room, was a boy full of undoutable potential, but potential isn't always enough to reach your dreams, your desires so at what cost would someone like this chose to pay?
"Griffith!" Daphne waved one of her hands up to catch his attention.
Daphne was fond of Griffith without a doubt. He never spoke behind her back like other children and adults did. He was someone who made her feel safe, and she felt that he was the only one in this castle she could share her secrets with. Of course, she was a girl so it was safe to say she had a bit of a crush on him as most young girls did when they met him, but in the eyes of adults the princess was merely happy to have someone to play with. The boy's eyes pierced the princess, but without any malicious intent. He always had that look in his eyes, like he was always chasing after something he couldn't quite reach. The smile that came after suited his face, Daphne felt the room brighten with his presence and brought a soft red hue to her cheeks as he closed the door softly, behind him.
"Princess Daphne, what brings you here?"
"A-ah, is my father inside?" Griffith's smile widened at her shyness. Griffith knew of the princess's feelings towards him. If he had to, he'd use those feelings for his own use. They belonged to him in his eyes to begin with.
"I'm afraid he is busy, princess. I do hope you do not plan to create a big ruckus. I wouldn't want you to get in trouble," Griffth walked closer to Daphne, who was pouting her lips.
"Father promised we'd attend the festival like we always do."
"I don't think that will be possible this year, princess. Your father won't be finished anytime soon." Griffith's eyes traveled down to Daphne's feet to see her barefoot were missing then to the heels in her hand.
"Princess, why aren't you wearing your heels. The floor is cold. What if you were to get sick." Griffith bent down onto one of his knees and held his hand up for Daphne to hand him one of her shoes. She furrowed her brow and hid the shoes behind her back.
"Griffith, are you my friend?" The boy stared at her slightly confused.
"Yes, of course, princess."
"Then, from now on, stop calling me princess. It just Daphne."
"And stop acting like you're some servant. You shouldn't do this for anyone, not even me. I can take care of myself," the girl sat the two shoes down, then slipped her feet in one by one while holding her dress up for a better view. She held her hands on her hips and held her head slightly up.
"See, this is nothing."
Griffith chuckled while he stood back up. Daphne felt her cheeks burn up worse than it did before. With him being so close to her, she never noticed the slight difference in their height.
"You're right, my mistake. From now on, I won't coddle you as mush. I'm sure you already deal with that enough from everyone, but if there is anything you ever need from me, I'll always be there for you, Daphne."
Things like this were the reason Daphne was so close to Griffith. She couldn't see a life without him. Anyone else would have told the princess they couldn't do what Griffith because of the difference in their 'class'. A large smile grew on Daphne's face, and without thinking, she wrapped her arms around his waist. Griffith patted the innocent young girl's hair and rested his head a top of hers. He fond himself getting more use to the girl. He promised the moment he met her that she would br nothing more than a pawn for his dream and while that steal might the case, he was getting attached to the girl to the point he'd do anything to keep her at his side. He never met someone so unselfish, unlike himself. Her uncle would have been furious at the sight. He never liked Griffith. He always saw him as another one of his problems to deal with.
The young children could hear someone yelling from the distance. Griffith took the princess's hand, and they both shared a thought together, and without saying a single word, they ran out to the garden.
"It's so pretty, Griffith." Daphne admired the wooden bracelet that was delicately carved and carefully tied around her wrist. Daphne and Griffith wore hoods as they walked the streets.
"It doesn't compare to your jewelry collection, but I'm glad you enjoy it." His fingers grazed her cheeks softly, having the same smile he always had when looking at her.
"I'm glad you carry that with you. It suits you," Daphne pointed to the sword hidden in the scabbard on his hip.
"Does it not scare you?"
"Why would it when your the one who's wearing it? The only people who should worry about you with that sword are the evil people in this world. Besides, you've been training a lot lately. I'm sure your an expert and... soon you could... possibly teach me to use one some day."
"I could have sworn your father said no," he spoke with an amused smile knowing Daphne's intent with the subject.
"My father is an overprotective old man who doesn't understand that I'm growing up. You never know when I'll need to use one, and it's better to be safe than sorry," the princess continued, "I should know how to protect myself. What if you are not around? Would you really trust my life with just anyone?" Griffith spoke his head, the same smile remaining.
"I suppose I wouldn't."
The two swiftly moved their heads to the direction of the noise, and there they saw the beautiful fireworks that lit the sky. Along came from cheers and praise from the townsfolk. Daphne found it fascinating that someone found a way to light the sky with festive colors. It seemed like something that would take up a lot of time to create, but she could never grew tired of watching them. She grabbed a hold of Griffith's arm and rested her head on his shoulder, keeping her eyes on the fireworks.
"Do you remember what you told me when we first met? About you having a dream?"
"I do," Griffith responded as his eyes went from the fireworks to the castle in the distance.
"What is your dream?"
"What I want...." he paused for a long second before breathing out a soft sigh. "That's a secret, little princess."
"Ha? Friends are supposed to share secrets with each other. You know all of mine."
"Mm, I'll tell you one day when the time is right, so don't pout."
"You promise to tell me?" Her eyes stared up at him wanting reassurance.
"I promise. Just be patient. Haven't you heard that patience is-"
"Key? Yeah, yeah. I've heard this all before. You're starting to sound like my father now. I think it was time for you to stop joining them in that war room. You might end up becoming like him,"
"I'd could never. I fear you might grow tired of me," he gently poked her nose. Happiness smeared all over her face from his touch.
"And what about you, Daphne? What are your dreams?" He asked curiously.
"....I want to help the people of Midland in any way I can, but as of now, I can not do that as I know too little," Griffith flinched slightly at her words. Most girls her age would speak of marriage, having a family, or keeping family content. Yet the princess is more concerned for others rather than herself.
"I will become Queen no matter what. I will learn until my brain hurts, I'll even be willing to ride into battle so everyone knows how serious I am. People are always worried about the next time their families eat or what war will take their children away from them," The princess pulled away from Griffith and held a fist to her heart. "When I become Queen, it will be the last thing they have to worry about."
Griffith held his head down as he stared at the ground with wide eyes. This was something he truly didn't expect her to hear. He knew the kind heart she held, but he didn't think she had that much kindness. In a way... she was reminding him of himself. The princess didn't stop there. She continued to talk further about her dreams, but the more she talked, the more Griffith zoned out into his own thoughts. How could he ever let someone like her go? She was exactly like him, no... maybe even better... different? The mere thought of it brought a devilish smile to his face that was covered by his long hair.
"You are truly delightful, Daphne,"
The princess turned towards Griffith who was mumbling. "What was that-" before she could finish her question she felt a strong force push her down.
"Hey, can't you see!" Daphne yelled at the perpetrator who had a scrunched up face. He was a young boy who had short hair that stuck up. His hair almost reminded her of a raven. He had a noticeable scar on his nose and he seemed to have the look of someone who knew not a single bit of happiness. Oddly, he held a sword on his back that seemed way too big for someone his size and height.
"Daphne! Are you okay? Are you hurt?" Griffith touched the young girl's face as he scanned her body. "You should be aware of your surroundings. You could have easily hurt her." Griffith stared up at the rough looking boy who seemed to care less as he searched his surroundings.
"Maybe next time she shouldn't be in the way," he spoke coldly before running through the crowd. Daphne was stunned to see the boy run off without even apologizing and she couldn't stand how rude he was towards them.
"I'm going to kill that jerk!" Daphne stood onto her feet and began her chase as Griffith started his after to princess.
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lemonadehtwooh · 2 months
"The Uncorrupting Light"
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Do you see my vision
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who-u-calling-pinhead · 10 months
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Have this random image I had in my gallery for God knows how long
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hissterical-nyaan · 1 year
I can't figure out whether to cry or feel happy after seeing inside out
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diejager · 9 months
ive always been meaning to ask this- but has big brother! simon ever tried to convince his little sister to... well, quit the military? or like find ways to get her out? i kinda imagine him going beserk when his lil sis gets critically hurt in any way
Cw: injury, protective Ghost, gunshot wound, blood, canon-typical violence, tell me if I missed any.
He wasn’t against you being in the air force, you were a medic, often in the safety of your field hospital or behind them in missions. He figured that the safest place for you would be beside him where he could physically protect you from any kind of harm. How could he protect you if you’re miles away? How could he prevent you from having your heart broken if he wasn’t there to prevent it from the start and stop the bastard who took it in the first place? How could he care for you if he was countries away, being flown across oceans to fight someone else’s battle?
He was sure he’d be able to protect you at all cost, doing his best to ensure your safety and livelihood in the Task Force and as his field medic. He made sure that he did everything right —until he watch you crumble behind him, curling into yourself with panicked breaths as you held your abdomen. He was confused, unable to grasp at the situation until he caught red bleeding into your fatigues, dripping down your gloves from the pressure you put on your open wound. He dropped everything to rush you to safety, behind the line of safety and back on a help for a medevac.
He watched you being wheeled away from him on a stretcher, your panting and groaning figure, abdomen blooming red and face pinched in a wince, pulled away from him with great reluctance. He stuck around, lumbering in the hall while you were in operation to take the bullet out, biting his nail and ripping his hair off until he was told to sit down by his Captain and join the rest of his team in the waiting area while you were out.
Despite being promised that the chances of your survival was at a hundred percent, Simon couldn’t eat or sleep, he spent the night in your hospital room, eyes wide open and exhausted. He was frantic when you woke up, blinking away the exhaustion and pain killers in your blood, and he relaxed, lost all the tension in his body when you smiled at him. He took two weeks of leave to care for you, watching you while you recovered from your wound.
This attack had clicked something in his mind, it made him hover over you, a lingering shadow of worry and protectiveness. He worried that if you continued on following him, coming back to the Task Force and joining them on missions, you’d risk dying. It scared him. His paranoia conjuring up images where he would come home to a cold and silent place, desolate and lacking life. He couldn’t bear to live in a world devoid of you, missing your bright light that made his heart beat, that insured that he continued on living and breathing. You were the reason he bothered living after all the shit he survived.
The only solution coming to mind was to have you retire, convince you to get out of it while you were still breathing. Perhaps keeping you grounded on land, acting as a doctor rather than a combat medic would be safer if you still wanted to work —if Simon wanted to be able to keep you within his grasp. He’d have to run it past Price first, see what his thought were on his and your situation.
Taglist: @sae1kie @yeoldedumbslut @bvxygriimes @distracteddragoness @konigsblog @havoc973 @im-making-an-effort @daisychainsinknots @0alk0msan @danielle143 @dont-mind-me-just-existing-sadly @tuttifuckinfruttifriday @kaelysia @notspiders @velvetsoulweaver @petwifed @aldis-nuts @randominstake
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asinglegrainofsandv2 · 8 months
Stormbringer spoilers
I think verlaine and chuuyas relationship is fucking insane
Imagine you are chuuya, right? And this guy shows up, murders all your friends and calls himself your big brother only because he isn’t human and believes you were created the same way he was and he wants you to join him so he isn’t lonely anymore. (especially since a year ago you killed his partner because he tried to take your power Twice) So then you go on this two day long journey trying to save the other people your self-proclaimed brother wants to kill only to find out the partial-truth about your creation and at the end of those horrible 2/3 days your entire organization has to work together to fight him or else he will kill the boss as a final resort to get to you. But instead of him accomplishing his goal, he goes beserk and he speaks to you begging you to save him and gives you some of his memories that show hes actually a very sad guy so you also go crazy and unleash a whole ass Kaiju battle in the suburbs. And at the end of the fucking day, he doesn’t actually die but lives in the basement of your organization with only half his powers (that were given to him by the ghost of his partner whom you killed) and has the same rank as you and he trains the assassins of the organization.
Not to mention that that is a VERY SIMPLIFIED explanation.
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Bianca lives au
If bianca lives I want her to somehow or the other be there for nico, as the over protective older sister
Examples include,
the battle of manhattan/the final battle, and Nico arrives with the skeleton army, and the 3 gods, and bianca is just like, "well little brother you may be 12 now, but you'll always be my little brother"
When Nico revives Hazel ( in this au, he is trying to revive his mother), bianca and hazel talk, (hazel is 2 years older than bianca and 4 years older than nico), they debate who is actually older, but eventually they just bond over making fun of nico for being the younger brother
For the labyrinth thing, in this version nico is just outcasted and/or ostracised by the camp so he runs away and is found by Minos, it follows a similar plot as the actual book, but this nico is not bitter, he just thought minos was a genuinely nice/helpful ghost and was helping him, but when bianca finds out minos manipulated nico she goes beserk (nico is still the ghost king tho),
after the tartarus and Jar incident, she is mad at the 7 (minus hazel) for ever doubting her brother
then when nico almost fades after the athena parthenos incident, she's mad at reyna + the seven, but does eventually forgive them, but not forget
and after he jumps into tartarus a second time, she doesn't even know who to be mad at, she's just mad at both of them
Now, I'm imagining everytime she wants to find Nico she digs her hand into a shadow and pulls out nico
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specialagentlokitty · 2 years
Wednesday/Enid x reader - a monster
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I would be just fine for any plots for that Ghoul!Reader x Wednesday/Wenclair one. I havent thought of bringing tokyo ghoul into the fold and now im just imagining scenarios. But reader being secretive about being a ghoul and nevermore sourcing reader with human flesh just for them to live and not become beserk - @tundra1029 💜
You were dancing a little to the music flowing through your dorms as you were tidying things away that you had scattered about during the week.
Humming along to the music, you grabbed some clothes and jumped over the chair to your bed, folding them away as you used your kagune to grab some more clothes from across the room and set them on your bed.
There was a loud knock on your door and you jumped, putting your kagune away, you checked yourself in the mirror by the door, red eyes fading to normal as you blinked.
Once you were sure everything looked normal you opened the door and beamed at the duo who stood on the other side.
“Hey! Come on in!”
They walked in and looked around at the bomb site of a room.
“This is ridiculous you’re never in here.” Wednesday sighed.
“I know, but I was cleaning.” You grinned sheepishly.
“Cleaning it throwing stuff?” Enid chuckled.
You laughed a little bit, rubbing the back of your neck with a small grin as you struggled and went back to folding your clothes.
Wednesday started to organise your desk while Enid helped you put your clothes away.
“We’re going to the cafe for dinner, are you coming?” Enid asked.
Gulping a little bit, you glanced at her before turning away and shaking your head a little bit.
“Sorry, but I have a meeting with Weems.”
“Didn’t you have one last month?” Wednesday asked.
“Yeah, but I have to have one every month since my outburst last year.” You pouted a little.
You sighed and turned around to face Wednesday, sitting on the bed you fiddled with the hem of your hoodie as you looked up at her.
Enid smiled and sat next to you, placing a hand on your shoulder and gave it a small squeeze.
“(Y/N) has uncontrollable anger issues, even the smallest things can set them off.”
You nodded your head.
“Yeah, so Weems is teaching me how to keep it under control, and she does regular check ups on me.”
Wednesday nodded her head and went back to what she whole doing while you simply carried on with your cleaning.
As evening drew closer, you watched them all leave before you made your way over to the principals office and lightly knocked on the door.
She announced for you to come in and you make sure the door was closed behind you.
“Good evening (Y/N).”
“Hey Weems, sorry I’m late.”
“That’s fine, come, sit.”
You did and she offered you a cup of coffee which you happily accepted and sipped at as she reviewed your grades and the progress you were making.
This part of the meeting didn’t take very long, it was just standard things she had to go through to make sure everything was on track.
“We’ve got some more food for you, but I’m sorry you’ll have to have to make this last. The CCG are in town and we can’t get you anymore.”
“That’s fine, I can stretch this out for a few months, I may have to drop some classes during that time though.”
“That’s fine, we can get you your work to your dorm, and keep everyone away from you.”
“What about Wednesday and Enid? They come by every single day.”
“We’ll tell them that you’ve gone to visit your family for personal reasons, everything will be taken care of you haven’t a need for worry.”
You sighed, running your hand through your hair as you shook your head at her.
“Weems we both know keeping me here during that time is a bad idea, you saw what I did last year.”
“Trust me, I remember.”
Weems rolled up her sleeve to show the ugly scar on her arm, clear that someone had taken a chunk out of her skin.
She then rolled her sleeve back down.
“As a ghoul the need to eat will drive me into a pure animalistic impulse, there won’t be a single thought in me and I’m scared of that.” You sighed.
Weems got up and walked over, placing her hand on your shoulder.
“I won’t let that happen okay? We’ll get you everything you need until the CCG leave (Y/N). Ghoul or not, you are still a student of Nevermore and I protect my students.”
You nodded your head and accepted the package she had given to you and stuffed it into your bag before quickly zipping it up.
“The moment I feel out of control I’m leaving the school.”
“As long as you return.”
You nodded and rushed back to your room.
You didn’t have long until they got back, so you ate a small bit and ignored your stomach crying out for more and you unlocked your fridge and stuffed it in there.
Then you washed the plate you used and washed your face.
You loved your friends but you couldn’t ever let them find out what you were
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slushrottweiler · 1 year
Random angsty thought related to Withers 2 big abilities.
What if; in order to bring someone back, instead of gold the asking person had to give up something quintessential about themselves; and ended up having to pick a new class. Gosh can you imagine the angst, especially the romanced companions.
Astarian; heartbroken that his 'songbird', a talented bard, gave up their voice to bring him back. Now they have to muddle through being a sorcerer.
Karlach, God she'll never forgive herself, if her peaceful druid lover, gave up their inner beast, and now has to struggle and study under the steep learning curve all wizards face.
Shadowheart's calming monk giving up their inner peace, filling themselves with rage as a Beserk Barbarian, just to see her again.
Lae'zel is disgusted and affronted. The Paladin shed been falling for, their strength and resolve utterly diminished, now forced to skulk in the dark as a rogue.
Yeah... that's some tasty angst potential
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yuri-is-online · 4 months
Yo I just found your old dnd yuurollfellgrimgiddle post and here's how I imagine the dynamics:
Rollo and Yuu are in the "will they won't they" stage where they're clearly in love but something is holding them back and giddle is trying so hard to get them together. Fellow is also trying because he want giddle to be happy but honestly he just finds this whole thing funny if not slightly inconvenient.
Here's the thing though: they're already together. Rollo is just super private with his relationships and Yuu just thinks that everyone already knows about their relationship status and just thinks giddle is trying to get them some alone time to go on a date or something like a good little partner in crime.
Fellow has somehow been roped into the strangest qpr with rollyuu you've ever seen. You would swear he hates being in this party from the way he acts around his partner's but then you see Rollo and yuu sitting on a couch holding hands and fellows just. On Yuus lap. Just counting his madol and squinting at it like it will someone be more if he counts it again. He is the pathetic skrunkly straight man to Rollo and yuus comedy act and he's also secretly an entire circus right along with them.
Grim swears he's the boss. Apparently they are under poor management because the boss is easily swayed by tuna.
Giddle is the menace child and the actual boss because he's the only one everyone actually listens to. He knows this very well.
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S.LKEUJBG;KDUTBHG the magic pipe... I Barbarian Yuu can have the ability to make anything a weapon just like Lancelot Beserker.
RolloYuu being already together but not mentioning it is cute but not exactly what I had in mind? Rollo is a Law Domain Cleric, and he worships Erathis the goddess of civilization, she isn't the biggest fan of barbarians who tend to live in the wilds as nomads. Rollo's attraction to and desire for Yuu is something he feels great shame for, but he finds their rage towards those who hurt the party to be holy and purifying. His goddess values community and the desire to protect it, does that not make Yuu pure? Are they not the very image of holiness when they're covered in filth and blood, voice cracked with their screams as they reach to check him over as if he isn't the healer and armored with more than some scrappy cloth. And don't even get him started on Fellow, he's little more than a common thief and huckster but there's a gentleness to the way he cares for Gidel and now Grim. He'd be a genuinely good father, and is a strong family unit, found or otherwise no matter how it looks, not also sacred to Erathis?
Fellow doesn't so much find this inconvenient as he does sad. He and Yuu are both very worried about Rollo, Yuu always has been but the longer Fellow stays with this party he "hates" the more he's able to pick up on the little things troubling his "friends." Fellow and Yuu have long talks about how best to help Rollo, what they'd like to do if they ever make it big (Fellow does the accounting, he's got a little cottage picked out that he wants to move Gidel before it's too late for him to actually go to school), and debating over strategy for the next job they agreed to take on. He doesn't fully realize when that little house he keeps thinking about has Rollo, Yuu, and Grim in it too but he sort of just rolls with it and doesn't fully think to complain about it. I'm not the biggest fan of poly stuff so I'm not the greatest with thinking about dynamics??? But in my mind they all sort of dance around each other until Rollo accepts his feelings and brings them all together. It's not a super noticeable difference to outsiders, but Gidel and Grim both see that you are more relaxed and less tense now. They immediately start playing you guys off each other when trying to get what they want.
Gidel and Grim have a secret alliance. Grim thinks he's the boss. Gidel knows that he's the boss. No critiques there.
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quitealotofsodapop · 5 months
Why do I get the feeling they'll try to bring Nez Ha's friends along with them for the LBD thing? They're reptiles, cold ain't good for them, and since they're tagging along they'll have to be put in the know about Nez Ha being a god
I can imagine in the ice-cold corruption that LBD brings, many reptilian'/amphipious demons would be forced to flee Megapolis to more arid/warm climates, something thats kinda hard since the inland areas of china get super cold at night.
I can imagine a situation during "Smarty Kid" where instead of the Goldfish Demon just being a huckster/obstacle for MK to overcome, he's more of a legitimate conman whos charging the clothes off people's backs to get them safe passage to the Gobi/Central Asian deserts away from LBD's influence
Cue Nezha encoutnering a caravan of his schoolmates and their families, and going beserk on the goldfish demon for taking advantage of people in a crisis. Nezha is a protector god above all else, and you know he'd rat the goldfish out to Guanyin. The demon families are uber thankful for his and the gang's help.
Nezha's friends likely don't have powers of their own, but they are amazing cheerleaders for the guy. He has nightly video-phone calls with them while on the journey - sadly he could not risk taking them on the mission, no matter how much they wanted to go.
They also tease tf out of him when they call in and see a certain beautiful east sea dragon-prince relaxing next to him >:3
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weenwrites · 2 years
About the Scarlet Witch!Reader, imagine she heard the discussions from the Autobots about her chaos magic powers could lead to destructions and Reader will turn mad with power (which is completely the opposite, she's stable as she can be and kind and generous) and they should "keep an eye of her" in case she'll go crazy and in need to keep on lock her up, which made her feel more outcast from them as much she's outcast from society which depressed her more. One day, in a terrible battle between them and the Decepticons, she "sacrifice" to save them and everyone believe she died with it (but secretly gets away from them in complete isolation from everyone, both humans and Autbots, living in a farm or something), How Team Prime (Op, Ratchet, Ultra Magnus, Bee...your choice) will react of her death and their guilt ?
(P.S, you can add IF Team Prime's reactions IF they EVER heard that she's alive somewhere FAR away from them. would they want to reach her again or....?)
Optimus treats them as he would any of the other humans, but he does keep a mental note of Ratchet's (and possibly the government's) concerns about them in mind. But so long as they don't do anything that goes against his morals—or just anything harmful in general, he won't see them as any threat.
When he witnesses them die, he goes beserk. He burns though vehicons faster than they can be deployed, and the Decepticons are forced to withdraw before they lose too many soldiers. Their death affects him like the rest of his team, but it's a bit less noticeable than the others. But when he learns they faked their death, he's... Confused, perplexed, upset—he feels a lot of things. He doesn't understand why they would fake their death, and of course he's upset that they did that in the first place. But that doesn't mean that he's not relieved to hear that they're alright.
While Optimus would like to talk to them, it's difficult for him to find the time to. But depending on whether or not they were someone who concerned the government, he may let agent Fowler know they're alive.
Ratchet's the one who primarily feels as if they're a threat here. He's seen just how twisted and corrupt one can become as a result of power—just look at Megatron for example. However, he doubts that someone as powerful as they are can be contained by any high-tech prison. They can only be contained by something that can rival their own power, which is something that neither the autobots or decepticons. However... They do seem mentally stable and in control of their own powers, so with time his concerns diminish.
But when it comes to their "death"... Even knowing that they're gone—permanently gone—he still feels as if something's off. He knows they're powerful, so surely something like that "sacrifice" wouldn't be enough to kill them. So when he discovers that they're actually alive, a whole surge of emotions rush through him. Anger, relief, confusion, betrayal, and sadness (to which he feels even more upset after learning the reason why they did this.)
Ratchet wouldn't seek them out, he's got mixed feelings about it, and he thinks that leaving them alone would be for the best, given the current situation (ahem, the war).
Although they're really dangerous, Bumblebee doesn't treat them like they're a ticking time bomb. But of course he does understand that they could potentially become a threat to the team, the kids, and everyone else, and he keeps that in mind, but that doesn't affect how he treats them. He treats them like a normal person, albeit someone who's strong and can take care of themselves just fine—but still a normal person. And he'll continue to do this so long as they're both friends.
When he witnesses them die, he feels worse than distraught. It's clear that their death really got to him with the way his doorwings droop. He genuinely believes they're permanently gone, but the instant he learns they're actually alive he's... Got mixed feelings. On one hand he's really happy and relieved they're alive, and he wants to hug them, but on the other... They faked their death and they never said anything about it. They continued living their life even though they left so many people hurt by their death! He has no idea what he feels specifically, but one thing's for sure, he doesn't think he can forgive them for this. They'll still be friends—that is, if they'd want to be—but he can't forgive them for faking their death.
Bee wouldn't be sure on whether or not he should reach out. On one hand, they faked their death for a reason, perhaps he should just leave them alone? On the other hand he wants to talk about what they did. So, if he can find them, and if he has the time, he'd come by. But if they don't want to talk, he'll leave.
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tokillamockingbird427 · 4 months
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first of all happy pri(de mon)th
second of all I posted this on my blog but no one saw it so alas here I am
chronically online logan and kick who are close enough in age but occupy completely different spaces on the Internet. kick is into top 20 most DANGEROUS PLACES, looking for ghosts at 3 AM and he does know the skibidi toilet lore. he's not gonna use it for anything but it's up there. and logan is participating in fandom discourse on forums and telling people to kys over it (hesh finds out and logan is in tears begging him to not tell elias) (little does logan know hesh is an anime fan and can't blow his cover) he likes dbz and the typical shounen stuff but likes slice of life animes more than he cares too admit bcs they usually have an animal side characters. he also had a "concerning shojo" phase I will not elaborate and he likes horror as an adult but doesn't watch it often bcs he doesn't wanna scare logan (logans fine hesh is just babying him)
-angel :] decided to go non anon
Kick 100% used Randonautica at some point. (That one "Random locations" app that blew up a while back.) Also 100% watched those "Exploring abandoned mall at 3AM! (WE GOT CHASED OUT!!)" vids that were popular before then. (Shout out to anyone who watched Sam and Colby.) Kick knows the lore but doesn't use it for good or evil; Simply possesses it.
FANDOM DISCOURSE..... real. "Don't tell dad!!!" "You swatted someone because they said your otp wasn't canon." "IT'S FANDOM, THE POINT IS TO MAKE SHIT UP.... Also you're way too familiar with saying "otp" David." "Uh..." *nervous sweating* (Hesh should have never showed his brother how to find someone's address.)
Hesh "Anime Lover" headcanoners RISE!!! "shounen" Oh I know this mf watched Nauruto. (QUICK IMAGINE HESH NAURUTO RUNNING!!!) Young David was just covering all his bases dw dw. I think even alongside everything else he'd really enjoy the big ones like The Vinland Saga and Beserk. He is Guts fr fr. (Fun fact: I aspire write Logan like Thorfinn is written. Not that I've read a lot; But what I've seen seems very promising.)
(At some point Logan and Hesh got into an anonymous back and forth on a fandom they intersected on and neither of them know it was each other to this day.)
Off anon pog
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randomspagetti · 1 year
[Swap Au] (because I've lost control of my life)
I didn't try on the souljam bc I'm sick of drawing that thing istg
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TW: DISSOCIATION/this au is a bit darker than my usual stuff, not too much but look out for yourself
You can pretty much tell what this au is about by the title but anyways:
Choco: I want to get this sword!
Cacao: No. I'm not letting you go out and get killed on a wild goose chase. Lemme.
[Tl;dr Cacao gets the sword, and while the soul jam is able to protect him from the curse, the curse starts seeping into it. (I've been making a lot of soul jam Aus recently 👀) ]
He notices that he's been more easily agitated, his mind has been being corrupted, and just generally stuff involving his beserk form (curse au who?) at an unprecedented amount, all while the sword is being inspected for any issues by researchers in the citadel for any issues. Realizing he's becoming more and more dangerous, and things might reach a boiling point, he runs away in the dead of night. Leading him eventually to the COD, but at that point the curse infecting his soul jam has corrupted enough of him to be unable to refuse their offer.
In this Au he's kinda unhinged but also silent, the voices in his head and the pain and regret surrounding him make it hard for him to think. DE despite some sorrow for her old friend is able to use this, because he doesn't have the mental capacity to deny any requests of bl00dshed. He's pretty much kinda dissociated from his actions. This all leads to the beginning of fights, attempts to help him, and issues at PV Kingdom.
His hair was slightly matted from his time in the woods, so DE had to cut it, along with that he's mostly wearing what he had under his usual clothes, but I'd imagine hed get something new later (like choco). He also got a bit of a gradient on his hair ^^ and some corruption on his face.
[some random disc stuff I wanted to include ^^]
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shinjisdone · 11 months
A brainrot thought
ok, I know the scene where Thorfinn went AAAAAAH and charged down to duel Thorkell over ASKELADD'S life but
that is perfect...yandere, but also regular, canon behaviour for Thorfinn
Him charging down to save YOU and duel for you life when Thorkell took you hostage or smth
going FERAL over what they could possibly do to you, ESPECIALLY if you are female and just;;;; straight up going for the kill
how dare any of them. He IS going to kill them. Kill every last one of them!
Its a typical knight in shining armor and damsel in distress situation...but so much more twisted
These are VIKINGS. Barbaric men that know no love but just fame and pleasure. Thorfinn, just a kid in their eyes, going beserk over some other kid. Challening THE Thorkell the Tall over...you.
And he wins. He slaughters down ANYONE who gets in his way, yells at anyone touching you WHILE HE DUELS and EVEN AFTER THE DUEL HE DOES NOT STOP BUT STABS AND SLAYS AND SLAYS. He is killing his way over to you and as the men watch in horror as the bloodied boy ceases his spree and instead...gently wraps you in his arms, the rage in his face gone and nothing but relief left.
Still, his eyes are empty. And his body drenched in blood.
He seems so caring and gentle nevertheless as he holds your shaking form.
Literally not gonna happen since Askeladd has to be saved but JUST IMAGINE
@luopenis , @jinsecho , @mitsureigen
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galaxythreads · 1 year
i think they should have based Hela's color pallet off of purple. not just because it would have given Loki back green, but mostly because purple is the color that only royalty were allowed to wear in the middle ages, thus visually giving her a right to the throne. AND it would have looked cool, which is always important. just like. can you imagine? All her magic is purple?? Like keep everything the same, just give her a purple cape and make the Beserkers purple.
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