#bi straight wallpaper
xxcalicofemmexx · 7 months
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bi straight wallpapers!
Bi Straight: Someone who identifies as bi and straight. An intentionally vague term, for a broad umbrella that community can gather under. Mostly used by multigender, genderfluid, and otherwise nonbinary individuals, though it is not a closed label. Also known as bi het.
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tholiabentz · 1 year
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Trans, bi, gay, straight, whatever. Gwen Stacy will always be just so lovable 💗 Prints & Time-limited wallpapers: linktr.ee/Tholia  
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follows-the-bees · 9 days
Changing Channels analysis (cause this episode is so good!)
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Let's first talk about Dean and how he relates to TV — and how that also relates to his sexuality!
Near the beginning we see Dean, mouth open, straight on staring at a dramatic medical show. From a character analysis, we see a couple things. Television has shaped so much of Dean's life and how he relates to it and uses it to relate to other people.
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Dean uses these tv references to relate to others. But sometimes he tries to hide his viewing habits. During this scene, Dean tries to play off watching the show as a fluke, but even before the facade is lifted later on, he mentions: "I think it's based on a book," this tells us that Dean knows more about this show than he's letting on.
Later on, when Dr. Sexy makes his appearance, Dean is starstruck: blushing, first afraid to look him in the eye. He doesn't seem as fixated on the female doctor, the one notably in the elevator in the first scene. In fact, that character is obsessed with Sam.
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It is Dr. Sexy Dean is obsessed with, the one where Dean can't put up the facade, who looks down blushing and sees that his shoes are not his usual sexy cowboy boots. For many people, this is one of the loudest Dean being bi episodes.
Moving on to a slightly related note: Cas
This episode is only a few after Free To Be You and Me and The End. If we take into account Dean and Cas' friendship by the time CC aired, Dean and Cas have become better friends. They worked a case together spending a lot of time together. Then Dean saw Cas in another world follow him to the end — a su*cide mission. And he realizes not only what Cas would do for him but his feelings about Cas may be deeper than he originally thought.
Throughout this entire episode he worries about Cas. He brings up Cas many times, worried about where he is. (At least 3 times it's brought up) And near the end, when they figure out who the trickster really is, one of the first things Dean does is threaten Gabriel to bring Cas back.
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Dean was worried about losing Cas. He had to experience it in The End and I don't think he was ready to lose him again.
During the Japanese game show, the host also calls Cas "pretty boy angel" leading to a series of facial expressions on Dean's face. These expressions can be read as Dean realizing that Cas is pretty. Another example of both Dean's bisexuality and his feelings about Cas. Cas is also part of the reason Dean figures out who the trickster really is.
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When Cas comes back for the second time and the trickster shows up, the trickster shows his cards. Cas says "if it is the trickster," then Gabe recognizing Castiel, and being so adamant about the apocalypse, Dean figures it out. I love this moment because sometimes SPN capitalizes on making Dean dumb for laughs, but this is a moment of Dean's brilliance. Also notable is that Gabriel is aware of who Castiel is. Castiel was not a worker bee angel, he led a garrison, he was tasked with getting the righteous man out of Hell. Gabriel and Cas are one of the few angels to fall and choose humanity over angels.
I wouldn't be me if I didn't mention the amazing cinematography that SPN can have. Angel fire shots are always so pretty and can cast a sinister light on the subject. This episode goes from a light-hearted sitcom to once of the biggest reveals of the season.
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The light wallpaper and bright lights turn into a dark and dreary wet pipe factory matching the tones of the reveal. Sam and Dean were not aware of their roles in the apocalypse fully until this episode. They knew that Dean started the seals and Sam releasing Lucifer, but not about being vessels. Out of a sense of guilt and duty, the boys are trying to stop the apocalypse in their own way. But now they have this heavy weight on them, not only are they vessels but their fate is for one of them to kill the other. Even with this knowledge, Dean says no, they won't kill each other. Their siblingship is strong here even after the short break up of a few episodes here.
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While CC starts off as a fun romp, when we look deeper, it is full of great character analysis of the TFW. I love it.
Original post here
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redbeanbunsworld-if · 2 years
Introduction - Tears of Tianchao
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Interactive fiction - Tears of Tianchao
DEMO / Patreon / Discord
Latest update: June 30, 2024
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After a decade from your home nation of Tianchao, you become Xiaowei Mao in the army involved in the intranational civil war called "DaiZai-Yige." You are sent by the Emperor of Zhongguog to another emperor to restore an ancient power from the late god Heibao. Your mission: kill the Holder of the Mark of Heibao. When caught in an unplanned, "attempted" assassination of the prince, you are thrown into a fight for life and death, traversing through the treacheries of civil war, betrayal, and honor. What was a simple assassination had only turned more sinister. Met in the face of human trafficking, political agendas, and with no one to trust, you uncover the untold lies of those involved in the fight. Will you be able to survive the wrath of the Holder of the Mark of Heibao till you earn his trust, or will you fall into the pits of death?
Tears of Tianchao is an ongoing interactive fiction with over 161,000+ words (excluding code) with tons of flavor text, 5 distinct personalities, and 6 ROs to choose from. Following the war as a Xiaowei, a high-positioned commander of an army and influential court official, every decision you make holds weight, and nothing is as it seems.
This is an 18+ interactive fiction containing graphic violence, gray morality, abuse, drugs, sexual content, and many more triggering content. Please proceed with caution and read the trigger/content warnings in the start menu of the game. Thank you.
Choose to be a female or male Xiaowei.
Have any sexuality: gay, lesbian, straight, ace, or bi
Choose to romance the elites of the the war or share an unforgettable friendship.
Navigate between two sides of a civil war and use wits to satisfy both sides in favor of the one you choose: Empire and Rebel
Subdue the prince's suspicion or face the consequences.
Master martial arts, keen perception, and charisma to influence major decisions.
Gather information and learn about the nation of eternal spring, Tianchao, and deal with the corruption that plagues the dying land.
Character list
List of short stories and drabbles
Available Patreon Content
1. Ji Qiangxin HD Wallpaper + Art
2. Mo Ge HD Art
3. Luo Ying HD Art
4. Ji Shenglian HD Art
5. Ji Qiangxin thirst trap (SFW&NSFW) HD Art
6. Interactive Short Story: As the Green Willow Wilts
7. Interactive Short Story: Little Mandarin Minds
Lore Compilation
The Clearance
Song of Liberty
Crimson Festival
The Mark of Heibao
Massacre of Desert
(Click the link above)
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RO Main Portraits (full portrait list under each RO)
Ji Qiangxin (he/him)
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[only romanceable with an mmc + special route available if fmc (not romance)]
character profile
character official portrait/art
Known as: Heibao prince; exiled low-born; The Jian of XueHua
"This was not spoken by this prince as of yet, but before you leave, know this: betray me once, and not even Ji Yang-Guang can save your throat."
As the current holder of the Mark of Heibao, Ji Qiangxin was the next crown prince of Tianchao before his uncle took the throne. Fueled by his thirst for vengeance and the prosperity of his nation, the cold and intimidating prince believes that the imperial family of Tianchao must fall, and nothing will get in his way. He will use all means, even killing, if that is what it takes to restore peace, and that includes you—a Xiaowei sent as an assassin of Zhongguog. No one can temper the burning iron heart, and he never believes any can.
Ji Shenglian (she/her)
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Character profile
character official portrait/art
[only romanceable with an fmc]
Known as: Lotus Princess; Grand Keeper of the South
"As the only princess of Tianchao, I have a duty, but sometimes, I do wonder if my birth was a mistake, just as Zhongguog and the current imperial family believe."
Benevolent and strikingly beautiful, Ji Shenglian is the only living princess with the blood of the imperial family in both Zhongguog and Tianchao. As the head magician of the rebel forces, she plays an integral role in war in secrecy, and foes tremble under her powerful manipulation of soul energy. Under the guise of the lychee eyes and delicate smile, she holds a fervent spirit and utmost loyalty to her brother, but even behind the shadows of him, a most humane and sincere desire burns brights.
Wu Shen (he/him)
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character profile
character official art/portrait
Known as: Green snake; Peddler
"Yeah, I don't give a shit as long as I'm payed. If that prince can pay, that's all. Hmm? Don't I feel guilty for ditching others? Hahaha! You sure are funny."
Snarky and charming with skills of disguise, Wu Shen uses his looks and slippery tricks to get what he wants. Being the main spy of the rebel forces, he knows all the right places and people, and every dirty secret never escapes his ears. With a great lust for money and luxuries, he will willingly betray others if the price is right, but when he truly opens his heart, not even the world is enough for him to sacrifice those that he loves.
Fu Xiuying (she/her)
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character profile
Character official portrait/art
Known as: Pinnacle lady; woman with the golden tongue
"Do I really look that sly? Hehe, you haven't see the worst. Or...do you want to see it? I may be intelligent and elegant, but don't let it fool you, little fox."
Bold like a cat with a spiked tongue, Fu Xiuying is a woman of little words but many schemes. Born into a famed clan of scholars and poets, her skills in politics are unrivalled more so after serving as the handmaiden of the current empress. She keeps her friends close, and her enemies at her fingertips. As the main intelligence gatherer of the rebellion, she is fiercely loyal to her nation and wishes to see a better world. Outside, she appears to be as lovely as a flower, but under her elegant nature, a beast lies dormant.
Mo Ge (he/him)
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character profile
character art/official portrait
Known as: Scholar of a thousand years; Favored of Highest
"It's been too long, old friend. You've grown, just as I did, and we're no longer kids. I hope to form a diplomatic relationship, no matter what our past was."
Upright and soft-hearted, Mo Ge is the tutor of the imperial prince of the current family. Well-spoken and skilled in all areas of philosophy, science, and arts, he is one of the most skilled man in the history of Tianchao, and the youngest to be an imperial tutor and imperial secretary. People around him comment about the dried mandarin peels he carries in a small box. He is diplomatic and kind, and he is willing to sacrifice himself for the one he loves most.
Luo Ying (she/her)
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[only romanceacble with an mmc]
character profile
Character official portrait/art
Known as: Scorpion Courtesan; Lady Misfortune
"So you are the Xiaowei. I don't know what I expected, but aren't you a bit too stupid to be one? I heard that that Xiaowei Mao was smart, but if so, how come you don't know me?"
Uncouth, violent, and rude. Hostile towards anyone, and unforgiving to enemies, she relishes to see them in pain. Despite all this, she is a vulnerable spirit. Easily flustered, a classic tsundere, and a bit heartless with words, she easily falls for candid people and lets her guard down when faced with such pure, unfiltered person.
(Demo: 19th October 2022)
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zmediaoutlet · 1 year
Always genuinely surprises me when people don't take death of the author into account. Kripke may have said Sam's a horndog but unless it's in the show then his opinion is like a cow's. It's moo. (Happily for me, there's some textual evidence to draw on that make the horndog read pretty firm ground to stand on.) Actors and writers and showrunners and the key grip can all say "oh this scene totally means this," but unless it's actually on screen then it's interpretable. (Shit, it's interpretable even if it is on screen -- is the character lying? Is it implied in an expression or a gesture but not flatly stated? What are the filmic and generic conventions being used to indicate what interpretation we're intended to take from scene x? Is it then contravened by scene y? etc etc.)
Granted, this is sometimes how you end up with people investigating the wallpaper to prove that such-and-such character is totally bi, but I prefer that to someone going "well, the actor said he was straight, soooo?" The actor is perfectly entitled to his opinion, but to be honest he can keep it to himself. The text holds the answer, not some guy getting paid for hugs. Though I'm sure they're very nice hugs.
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corruption-exe · 2 years
Keeptober 2022
Prompt 4 combined with 5: Human AU and Headcanon (moodboards with explanations) @keeptober
i'm a bit late, hehe, but here is what I've been working on! i've gotten a story too, but it's coming a bit later
disclaimer: none of the pictures are mine! i just found them on pinterest.
side note: i've added posts from various socials that i think they'd have
Sophie Foster-Ruewen
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she/he/they | bi and genderfluid | her older sister, jolie, lives in LA with her girlfriend, vertina, and boyfriend, brant | amy is in a boarding school somewhere in texas | he is a literature nerd and spews references all the time | lowkey loves sharing music with their friends | when she was 12, his dog, iggy, was recued by them when iggy was left wounded from a dog fight | was that one person who'd usually stay in from recess | good thing she did bc he'd tear you apart if you taught them the rules | coffee addict | works at starbucks, but doesn't romanticize it | 'SLEEP IS FOR THE WEAK' -sophie to her parents when he had pulled an all-nighter to study | phone case is clear with photos of their friends on the back | no password | home screen is the nicest photo they have of their friends | trades musicals with tam | loves hadestown | wants to tear his friends apart when they visit starbucks just to watch her make coffee | buys "guy" jeans because of *pockets* | favorite order is a caramel frappe | their parents own a farm and they visit the farm each summer | learned how to wrangle animals from a young age | still clumsiest of the group smh | really bad at chem |
Marella Redek
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fi/fire/they/them | poly lesbian, gender undecided | gay disaster tm | type of person to have obvious gay panics | secretly writes fanfic | subtle fan | self-projects on characters too many times | fi's dad left when fi was a kid and fi got raised by fire's aunt and her wives bc fi's mom died of heartbreak | not afraid to voice their opinions | has tiktok, but is stuck on the straight side no matter how hard fi accentuates their fruitiness | has the most chaotic photos of fi's friends | keeps photos, videos, and voice recordings as blackmail | if you ever reach their phone, you'll need to go through facial, thumb, and password | only few can go through it | you insulted princess purryfins? expect something of yours to be burnt tomorrow | magnet for other queers | there's always an element of gay in their outfit | the one that gets the sweetest thing on the menu | if you tell fi to chug, fi will chug | works at mcdonalds | 'my name's jared i'm nineteen and i never learned how to fucking read' - marella to people when fi first introduces themself | convinced tam, keefe, fitz, maruca, stina, and lloyd to make a band and got hired as their manager | the name of the band is the unmanageables | depending on lighting, their hair can look blonde, strawberry blonde, or brown |
Linh Alenefar-Endal
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she/they | transfem lesbian | divorced parents | she and tam got adopted by tiergan and prentice because they got kicked out by their dad when they came out as trans | definitely didn't adopt tam's deadname | adopted princess purryfins to spite tam | claims that princess purryfins loves you when her cat hates you | in retaliation to princess purryfins, tam got a dog and named it sir barks a lot | joke's on him. the dog is the sweetest | wears a lot of jewelry | gives sentimental gifts | will passive-aggressively leave something she doesn't like on your bed if they're mad at you | really good at disguising anger if you're a stranger | don't get her demeanor wrong. she can strangle you, but won't | really strong swimmer and is always in the top 3 in meets | will sneak out at 3 am just to get ice cream | hides in every possible space | hates the fact that they only have a lock and home screen bc she has too many photos that would be good wallpapers | lock screen is her friends and home screen is her family | don't tell her i told you this, but wylie is her favorite brother | loves wicked | orders the fun drinks | curses much more than you think | 'what do you mean this isn't my juice? *checks label* oh fuck, it isn't my juice!' -linh to wylie about a cleaning product | works at dq |
Biana Vacker-Sonden
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ae/aer/they/them (she/her sometimes if ae's feeling it) | ae, surprisingly, has no insta; ae thinks it's too toxic | loves aer step-parent, so ae took cer last name | takes too many selfies; with or without other people, it doesn't matter to aer, but it does to aer phone's storage | ae has too many scrunchies and hair ties | ae loves holding the fact that ae is in ap math over fitz's head although they're shorter than him | heels give ae such gender | loves six: the musical | favors aesthetic things and aer room is too aesthetically pleasing | aer room is messy 50% of the time bc ae's always reorganizing the aesthetic | aer outfits always match aer room's aesthetic | y'know is that vine where a baby had smudged makeup? that's aer fave | that one pjo fangirltm that was "not like other girls" at 12 | had a pinterest board for edits, but it's abandoned and nO THAT NEVER HAPPENED- | only stina, marella, and maruca know abt it | you can bet that whatever drink ae orders has to match aer outfit | strongest of the group | encourages body positivity | birthmarks | 'no, she's beautiful, you misogynistic bitch' -biana to quan song at some point | costume designer for school stuff | loudest laugh in a nice way | most rings make aer itchy | works at starbucks, but in a different branch |
Tam Alenefar-Endal
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he/they | transmasc and pan | surprisingly a theater nerd | usually in the backstage crew, but he occasionally gets a role | belts really well | linh has caught him humming 'how bad can i be?' from the lorax on more than one occasion (you can pry the tamcler out of my cold, dead hands) | favorite musical is hamilton | secretly a romantic person | won't admit it, but they love his friends | bed full of squishies | sir barks a lot loves licking his face | intro to musical theater was hadestown | forced to learn violin as a song, but learned piano on his own accord | will silently murder you with his eyes if you hurt his friends or family emotionally or physically | will eat anything if distracted | doesn't usually curse | backgrounds are skeletons | his password is dansemacabre | has the best song recs | don't insult his music taste unless you wanted to die | has the most diverse music taste | orders lattes | a sign of trust is insulting you in your face | salty as fuck | 'DO YOU MEAN TO TELL ME THAT YOU PUT SHAMPOO IN YOUR MOUTH?!' - tam to keefe after leaving tam's house | prettiest laugh, but rarely laughs | will passive aggressively play a rock song on the piano to prove you wrong |
Keefe Heslege
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he/it | the dogs are actually theirs | fitz sent those messages. dw, it's capri sun he's talking abt | he's good at art and decorated the cake itself | bi disaster | that one guy that you'd rarely see in fancy clothes, but would look good in them | he doesn't stress-bake; he stress paints like lily | jokes about hating his cousins, but defends them bc someone else but him dares to insult his cousins?! | its ears turn red instead of blushing, but his hair covers it | if you make it blush enough, pink shows on his cheeks | listens to cody fry | has 1000 blankets, but huddles for warmth | fre shavocado | paint splatters for phone case and bgs | password is hunky hair | chaotic tiktok all the way | has tried straightok once, but regretted it | lily knows too much, so it treats fae like a goddess | emoji addict | caramel drinks all the way | 'what do you mean by you're not supposed to stick that up your secret tunnel?' - keefe about a period pad | has a nice voice, but abuses it | gives you a cold stare if it's mad at you | works at subway | it's goal is to make tam laugh | will do anything on a dare |
Fitz Vacker-Sonden
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he/him on thin ice | gay awakening was ironically prince eric and aladdin | was sheltered a lot as a kid, so he rarely watched movies and shows other kids did | his favorite movie is 'in a heartbeat' | he kins zuko from atla | the gay that can't do math | history nerd | 'no i won't help you with your homework' | he can do basic math like addition, subtraction, etc., | human embodiment of gifted kid burnout | very basic room scheme | he wasn't a very creative kid, so that's why he has a red dragon and border collie that are both named mr. snuggles | cried when they watched inside out | not the prince of the group lol | dies of cuteness bc of the smallest cute thing | face recognition and photos of the gang | type of person to walk into a starbucks and order a black coffee for the "taste" when he just wants to impress a certain someone | 'I'm gonna pretend that I didn't see you eat that' - fitz to sophie about a tube of marshmallow disguised in a toothpaste tube | plays the guitar | most illegible handwriting |
Dex Dizznee
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he/xe | had an obvious crush on fitz, but sophie was oblivious to it | self-taught himself coding | his family is middle class, but his grandparents are loaded | best friends with biana and they enjoy berating fitz for being in ap math | fitz bashes on xem for not understanding history in turn | ap science, math, and computer class are his best subjects | a natural cuddler | can, will, and does approach you from behind to hug | best hugs | won't give you candy from xor share, but will give you your own pack | has a lot of respect for his mother and treats her right bc she pushed out three human beings within the span of a few minutes | always makes time for family | best movie and show recs, but xe is very casual abt it and you have to pay attention to the way he says something | cried in mulan 2 when xe thought shang died (no, I'm not self-projecting, haha. why do you think that, hehe?) | don't insult iced coffee in xor presence or your phone will be hacked in the morning | 'wait, weren't we supposed to explode something?' - dex abt a reenactment for a history project | became the producer of the band | works part time at his parents' pharmacy |
Maruca Chebota
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she/they | second tallest of the group | book nerd | second to learn how to drive | has two moms and a cat named cupcake | favorite subjects are math and english | rarely watches shows | the one on booktok | wants to be a makeup artist when they grow up | really good at math, but not enough to be in ap math | sleepwalker and midnight snacker | will greet you good morning no matter how late she has to stay | bi poly, but boys are out of the question | gone when sweets are in the problem | will read anything if bored | babytalk? never heard of it | has philosophical debates with babies | katara kinnie | has been to the most countries | buys the foamiest shit on the menu | 'don't touch me. I'm eating' - a sleepy maruca who was very obviously not eating | sends memes as replies | gif addict | plays the bass | the band has music like truslow | buys those door mats that have a pun on them | most productive when they're sleepy | nicest handwriting | works at burger king | meows back at cats |
Stina Heks
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they/she | they used to live with her grandparents on a farm until she was 8 | her parents married young, so she was given to her maternal grandparents until they settled in | they're really good with horses and has one named sugarcube | nonbinary lesbian | cried when she had to leave sugarcube | they still visit the farm once or twice a month | can't leave the house without cuffing her jeans | binge watches shows and movies | earphones with cords; nothing else | phone case is minimal with cow pattern | lock and home screens are always the same, but it changes a lot | cried at the kitchen table doing math | likes heathers: the musical and the movie | likes bitter and sour things, but not bc of spite | ironically, they don't really give good show recs | snapchat photos as bgs | thumbprint | isn't the sasser; is the sassed | 'you mean to tell me that we forGOT TAM AT THE GAS STATION?!' - a sleep-deprived stina on a road trip | scariest when she hasn't had their morning coffee | coffee with two sugars, creamers, and a huge whip of cream | plays the electric guitar | gets sentimental when they're sleepy |
Wylie Endal-Alenefar
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he/they | he sends the slap picture a lot | adopted himself as the older brother of the group | he plays the drums and when they're home from college, he has duets with tam, who can play piano, and linh, who plays violin | he majors in history and literature | aro-spec and gay | was the first person the twins came out to | cyrah and prentice only got married and had him because of societal and cyrah's parental pressure | when cyrah's parents died, they divorced on good terms | cyrah is a good mom, but she's running a business, so wylie is left with his dad a lot | wylie has nearly no posts on his social platforms bc he only got it to look at the posts of the twins and his friends | when he's left to babysit the twins, they're chill with his younger sibs bc | he's usually the designated driver for his college friends | mom friend | helps the twins with homework | is still approached by relatives who changed their diapers | overachiever | works at a library | 'so you're telling me that your cat did all this?' - wylie grumping to linh about one of his sweaters | practically adopts a freshman called glimmer at college |
(+ my ocs)
London Ethiopia-Sonden
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she/cer | step-sister of biana and fitz through livvy | not the bio child of livvy, but she was adopted by quinlin and livvy when cer (abusive) parents were sent to jail for child abuse | livvy and quinlin might not have gotten along, but they were good parents | livvy married della and quinlin married alden, so she comes with biana and fitz when it's their dad's turn with them | is the most disastrous gay of the group | added ce/cer to cer pronouns at 13 | genderqueer lesbian | different nail colors each month | customizes cer own sneakers | her best friend, xaden, used to date her bc their parents wanted it, but they broke up when cer parents were arrested; wlw and mlm solidarity | has a pride flag with a middle finger and the words 'fuck homophobes' as cer home screen with a passive-aggressive message on her lock screen | WILL judge you for having too many textures in an outfit | 'you're not coming to my tea party? betHANY, I MADE BISCUITS' - london to lloyd when he got lost on his way to cer birthday party | will be personally offended if you judge anything she's wearing | orders an iced drink; as far as anyone's known cer, she hasn't bought the same thing twice | queen of gay panics. marella, move over | has a yt channel, but only a few people know of it. rants about cer life in videos |
Lloyd Vixen
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he/him but thinking of they/hir and ey/em | thought he was aroace at first, but he realized he was gay when he saw liam hemsworth | lily loves bashing on him for having a crush on kovu from the lion king 2 | curses the most | best actor; like, you wouldn't be able to tell if he were really crying or not | would sit in the trunk if there were no seats available | absolutely gone for london's best friend | actually, all of my light-skinned ocs have ears that turn red | lily has the subtlest obvious panics, lloyd has the you wouldn't tell gay panics | orders the sweetest and overcaffeinated drinks | darkest humor | adhd by truslow is his fave song | he and fitz rarely get the arm rests bc they're cis | 'move, i'm gay' - lloyd to xaden as an attempt to flirt although he knows that both of them swing that way | shit at art, but he makes up for it by playing the drums really well | definitely doesn't do things to make him seem hotter to the guy he likes. definitely | he and keefe have matching earrings | meanwhile, he has matching necklaces with lily | has a working doorbell, but claims it's broken so they have to yell | lily knows how to cry on cue, but lloyd can hold back crying |
Lily Vixen
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casual she/faer | chaotic lesbian | forms an immediate bond with tam and marella | has the most subtle gay panics that fade into obvious ones when the cause is gone | like faer cousin, she blushes through her ears | for her 16th birthday, london gave fae customized sneakers | out of all the people in the friend group, she's the one that pesters sophie at work | stubbornest gay you've ever met | rarely takes selfies; her phone storage has memes, photos of her friends, photos she wants to save, etc., | her phone case is a pop-it | has the lesbian flag as a lock screen with the words sappho in cursive | bonus points: her password is sappho | vent art for all her emotions | there's even an artwork for faer gay attacks; that's why they're contained so well | while she bothers sophie at their work, she orders chocolate frappes | matching bracelets with london. definitely a "no homo" move | can pull off a really elaborate prank, but won't | owns the most rings and always has a matching set on her hands | shortest of the group and marella loves holding fi's 2 inches over faer head | only cries in private | 'do you ever wonder if trees feel sad that they can't walk?' - a sleep drunk lily | acts drunk when sleepy |
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posebean · 1 year
Niki, Mao, Arisa and Yujiro for the ask game >:3
lisi i love u /p but theese are SOOO obvious JSGSHJSHS
Sexuality Headcanon: gay
Gender Headcanon: trans m <3 mimi's art lives rent-free in my mind
A ship I have with said character: RINKY. do u even need to ask (rinniki)
A BROTP I have with said character:
also in general his silly little friendship with hiiro. its kinda funny. hiiro: tell me what nii-san was like niki: no he would kill me . the omurice thing is really funny too i think niki would make hiiro omurice however much he wants
A random headcanon: he doodles on his recipes :3 theyre not like perfect but theyre cute little chibis
General Opinion over said character:
oh silly little guy full of self-deprecation hidden behind all smiles and an attitude of always being happy oh how you always don't want to be abother and therefore keep all your problems to yourself. please open your eyes there are people that want to help you and love you and theres also one that wants to marry you
Sexuality Headcanon: bi~
Gender Headcanon: cis
A ship I have with said character: rtmo / mort
A BROTP I have with said character:
trickstar!!!!! theyre all sillies... also him and shinobu/the rest of stuco theyre all fun
A random headcanon: mnjgh i dont think about him often... maybe ritsu steals his phone often and changes his wallpaper to a picture of ritsu LOL
General Opinion over said character:
unfortunate kinsignment 😔 feeling it rn feeling my inner maa-kun as i take on responsibility after responsibility because i dont like fomo and i cant say no
Sexuality Headcanon: straight
Gender Headcanon: cis
A ship I have with said character: shibarisa<3333
A BROTP I have with said character: hina!!! besties frfrfr .
non-canon u know it has to be w/yujiro sobbing crying wheres our kitty people interactionsssss
A random headcanon: she has a narumi sena wall in her room and spends more time trying to figure out what to wear to a meet and greet with sena than what to wear on a date with ken
General Opinion over said character: THE LOVE OF MY LIFE. i love her. she's so inspiring and aaagah her fashion sense is so cute. i hope she and ken stay happy 4 the rest of their lives they r stupid and in love
Sexuality Headcanon: gay
Gender Headcanon: male or trans m fine with either
A ship I have with said character: aiyuu 🫶
A BROTP I have with said character: hmmm megu? that one event was really cute where megu helped him design that. disastrous outfit LOL
A random headcanon: cats gravitate towards him . he can just be walking and they follow him
General Opinion over said character: sopping wet kitty how i adore you
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popculturebuffet · 2 years
Watchmen Issue By Issue #11 (Of 12): Look On My Works Ye Mighty.... (Comissioned by WeirdKev27)
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Hello all you beautiful mystery men. It's almost midnight as my yearlong issuesodic look at Watchmen is almost done. It's been a long ride through bdsm costumes, pirate comics, far less blue penis than I had steeled myself for, the mighty red planet arakko, right wing conspiracy theories, television teleportation and more. But we're at the end.
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Yeah I thought we'd finished all the spotlight, more experimental issues. But turns out I remembered things wrong. See I thought the big climactic battle with Adrian was this issue, but turns out it STARTS here and ends next issue. Instead since we now know he's the mastermind one question remains
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Okay two question remains.. the other is simply; Why? And going in KNOWING Adrian did it and why I can say over this years Moore left plenty of clues. Like I said it is obvious by the end.. but even early on there are subtle hints it's him. The biggest we'll get to but lucky for me, this issue threads us through all of it. So join me under the cut as he walks us through everything..and how he did it all 35 minutes ago.
We open with him musing for a while. I will admit it took a few readings to get past the
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Stage of my analysis and to what he was getting at: that when you look at the bigger picture, past the media white noise, what's going on, when you see everything.. you can see where it's headed. I think at least. It's mostly because that's why Adrian did all this. He saw what was coming.. and it's why he had to.
Outside Dan dan the wallpaper man makes a n intresting case to ice shack: Adrian.. isn't planning like a man whose trying to end the world. He's optimistc a future will happen… so it brings to question what's his end game then? Why take away the world's saftey net and plunge it this close to the brink?
Before we get to that i'm going to go ahead and deal with the subplot for this issue. We see newstand guy, and see what happens around him. Specifically two characters we've seen before, a top not named Josephine and her partner. And her partner, tired of Jo's radicalizm (it was her idea to put the poster up), and breaking down a bi tboth wants ot break up and wants to be straight. This leads to a fight.. and a very noble moment from someone we haven't seen in a while for Malcom is back.
Unsurprisingly his wife wants to reconcile wanting to make up before the apolocylpse. This.. quickly falls apart as said wife.. is still a costco sized box of awful and entitlement. When Malcom understandably wants to help jo not get beaten and possibly assaulted by her ex, his wife… tell shim to stop solving other peoples problems and blah blah blah
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This.. does have a valid point. It shows.. what people are when you strip away everything and the world itself starts to end. Some break from who they really are and become violent, some show their true ass and refuse to help, and some like captain asshole police man stop by to stop a random fight despite far worse things happening
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So it shows who Malcom truly is that out of all these people, all who we've seen before the only one trying to stop help a mostly innocent person, to help change things, and ot break up a fight with police brutality or simply stand and do nothing.. is Malcom. That despite Rorshach claming he was just doing it for the book or for himself.. that Rorshach was wrong.
It sadly shows though.. that Adrian was right.. but for that.. we have to back up a bit. Adrian calls some of his science people who worked on his plan to his atrium for a drink. And while he does.. we begin his backstory….
Adrian was born into privlage, having wealthy parents of average intelligence. Adrian was born a genius, suppressing said gifts as our society often encourages us to and when they died when he was only 17, Adrian was left wanting for nothing.. yet wanting for nothing he burned with an urge to do everything. Unlike many with riches who yearn to do things just because they have money, Adrian yearned to do more but like many, found only someone he could relate to in history, Alexander the Great. A fellow young person who seemingly conquered and did everything. He admired him and followed his journey since you know rich white guy with tons of money. He may have better ideas in mind but he still can't resist a fancy vacation.
It's through it he realizes the tragedy of Alexander.. that he left things having died early of infection at 33 not having united the world nor left an empire that could exist without him. A legacy that truly mattered. So adrian vowed to return and set about on his own legacy inspired by egypt as alexander was: to conquer mankinds ills rather than it's peoples.
Meanwhile our two riders finally finish approaching and enter the weird atrium where adrian just filled it with snow and killed all those people he was talking to. They enter and Dan is still conflicted: Adrian's always been such a peachy guy. How do they play this? Shouldn't they try talking? Rorshach's plan is naturally
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And it's another of those rare times he's actually right. Probably using em all up. IT's fine to find out WHY adrian caused an apocalypse, but maybe figure that out after they make sure they can stop it.
That said their attempt to stop him is sadly futile. Hilarious and entirely impressive for Adrian, but futile.
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I love this scene so much. It's adrian treating two of his only friends trying to subdue him with the same gravity as if they came in and threw their coats on the ground and tracked snow in. There's a good reason for that, as he'll ironically explain shortly, but even the fight is a minor inconvenience. He breaks Shach's arm with no effort, and reflects Dan's attack with even less. He defeats two people we've seen tear through crooks like tissue paper and in Shach's case stare down and taken town crooks bigger, stronger and far more connected than him with what he had on hand in what had to be a minute at most.. then politiley asks them what their doing. He even starts explaining his backstory to them again, picking up where he left off, having clearly PLANNED to continue his speech to his former comrades.
It's the supervillian equilvent of playing the last few rounds of a game of mario party when you know already if you've won or lost and nothing you do will change that: You don't want to go thorugh the motions of the rest of the turns, but you have to to get the rewards for it.
So Adrian continues: he tried crime fighting.. but was soon dispelled of the notion all of society's evils were in it's criminals by one man: Edward Blake. When trying to find out where the Hooded Justice , the first mystery man, disappeared to, he found blake and they ended up fighting as Blake "thoguht he was a crimnal" code for "teach the brat a lesson". Adrian lost in the short term, realzing Blake might be involved.. and there's nothing he can do.
It's a brilliant take on one of the most common criticsms of superheroes: that for all they can do… they can only change so much by fighting crime. Is doing all you can and putting your faith in humanity to do the right thing and get better, to simply catch us when we fall, enough? It's a question that's been asked and disected endlessly in superhero comics and that's at the heart of this story: what can a masked man really DO for society. How car can dressing up in neat outfits and punching people go. Watchmen isn't the only work to ask this question: Around the same time we got Squadron Supreme from Marvel (another work on my ever mounting pile of things I can review) which asked the question what if the Justice League just straight up took over the world for it's greater good? Why haven't the supermen taken over and fixed this? Why do they whisper back no? To me the answer is simple: because ultimately if mankind succeeds or fails.. is on us. Someone in a costume shoudln't be the arbiter of good and evil. if they can help us stop being self destructive asses, great, but despite claims by some otherwise they arent' meant to stifle or babysit us, but to inspire us. To show what a person can do, powered or not, when they simply try. Superman put it best at the end of the first arc of JLA:
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To me superheroes are there to inspire, do what change they can, and let humanity progress on it's own. They can fight for social change, openly protest shit like homophibia or actively fight the fights the normal man dosen't have the power to. But trying to take over the world or even just shift it.. isn't in their hands. It's as shown with Alexander the great in this very comic: it's creating a utopia that just can't live without him and one that would be paved in blood. If superman just said "put down your weapons and listen to me" it woudln't create peace. it'd just create people trying to kill superman, as we saw with Jon being a living nuke detergent. Adrian does smartly not make it bank entirely on him.. but what he has to do to get us to stop is truly horrifying. It's a question we'll get into more time but a simple one: is it worth millions of lives, as we'll see this takes, to save all of them? Was their a better way? Again.. more next time.. but it's the fact there are no easy answers that make this comic what it is.
Adrian first started to think it might be worth it. with his work feeling hollow.. and then changing entirely with the crimebusters meeting. That's the smoking gun, the big clue that it's him, that was lying there the whole time: the image of him consulting that burned map after Eddie made an ass of himself.. and the simple line "Somebody's gotta save the world" While Captain Metropolis was ENTIRELY wrong about what the world needed saving from, he was right; The world needs saving…
And the ills Adrian saw… were ones VERY horrifying and very real at the time: two superpowers who both KNEW the risk of nuclear armageddon, both having a finger on the trigger.. but neither trusting each other enough to take it off. Money being spent more and more on war, the enviroment downsliding. IN many ways it's issues we still face: money going to war instead of to help people, the enviroment dying because of human greed… it was all too much and still is.
So adrian started studying and puts all the pieces of this plan together: every last one was carefully constructed and every one fits into the story flawlessly: Moore and Gibbons thought this out to the last second and this comes off as the plan of a mad genius, a man sunken to doing awful things in the face of survivial.. just like our character from the tails of the black freighter.. but where as the captain there is screaming, lost to his savagery, adrian keeps a mask of sanity as he describes how he willingly gave people cancer to help break jon, too unpredictable to allow into the plan. And that's not even the worst thing he plans to do for this... we'll get to that but when "giving innocent people cancer to frame someone because he's a slight bother to your plans" isn't the worst thing about it, you know your plan is just a little absolutely fucked.
As for The Comedian, it was simply him being the wrong place at the wrong time: After coming back from a mission he saw the boat, assumed it was drugs or something and followed it to the island.. and found out Adrians plan: to construct a fake alien invasion, a giant monsterous squid. It's why he needed artists AND scientests and why a comic book man was among them: the scientests were to make this actually happen, the artists were to design this thing to perfectly be plausable but as fantastical as needed. Sure it was an implusable .. but as another fictional genius once said "once you elminate the impossible, whatever remains, no matter who imporbable, must be the truth". Humanity won't stop fighting it's wars.. so it needed an enemy that was both impossible but also something it couldn't ignore.
As for how it was teleportation: John had made it possible.. but him having to make electric cars was another clue: it couldn't work on people , so the squid would be sent , and via stuff it was programmed with with a trigger, to explode it's clone human brain and create a psychic shockwave leveling half of new york. In an instant humanity would have a new threat to level against, peace within our time would be acomplished.
It's why Adrian feels Blake went mad: he was made obsolete, a man of war in an era of peace. And it's left vauge… did Blake break down to Moloch because he'd be left obsolete.. or because even for a guy as horrible as blake the idea of millions of people dying at once, and in a way he coudln't prevent without speeding up war further, was just too much. That even someone as monsterous as Blake.. coudl see how wrong this was yet how he coudln't do anything about it. It's a great bit of subtly.
As for the other stray pieces those are simple: Rorshach was framed because he was getting too close, and the assasination was faked to throw suspecion of adrian and use Rorshach's narritive for his own good. It's likely, though not outright said, Adrian knew Dan would latch onto it and thus come to confront him.. but that it stalled them both enough. For you see, when Dan confronts Adrian prepared to stop his plan before he hurts anyone…. we get one of the most iconic, crushing, and amazing lines in any work of fiction ever. I stand FIRMLY behind that statment: it's simply one line, one panel, but in one panel it deconstructs the villianous monologue and utterly changes how this climax is going to play out… our heroes came in expecting to be able to stop this, that Adrian was simply monologing. But as I hinted at earlier, he was going through the motions.. and he'd already won the game 35 minutes ago
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It's a simple line but one that just shakes you. He has won.. and seconds after we see how as all these people we followed throughout the entire comic, all these every day people from the far right newspaper man to the psychatrist…
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And that's where we'll leave it. There is an interview portion.. but frankly this ending is too impactful. Adrian has won, just about every character who isn't on mars or in antartica is dead, the question we'll answer next month when the clock hits midnight and this story ends.. is "What Now?"
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ultrainfinitepit · 2 years
oo.. I feel like at that size it could go either way? I like the idea of the new one, but the current one also straight (haha) up already looks good and doesn't need to be improved at all. hm. neither would be a disappointing outcome at all. Sliiight marginal preference to the 2nd one still though? Or more specifically, a pin with bi as the highlight instead of the entire wallpaper (not necessarily as a preference over it, just as something I personally want to possess more of atm + I like your pin designs), a description which the 2nd one fits, regardless of whether it's that exact palette composition.
Which is less "this is better" and more "I am seeking something specific which this is, but tbh I'd be happy with the other one too anyways" which is maybe less helpful
Got it, thanks again for the feedback Anon :))
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polhclever · 2 years
Beyblade launcher
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Beyblade launcher driver#
Beyblade launcher full#
Beyblade launcher portable#
Wings have a sturdy frame and measure 15"x13" with soft elastic straps, La nostra pluriennale esperienza in diversi paesi e la produzione di scritte in diverse lingue è confermata dalle reazioni positive e dall’entusiasmo dei nostri clienti, Electrical specifications include Push-Pull (HTL) output driver.
Beyblade launcher driver#
The difference between an average driver and a great driver is those who can control speed and those who cannot, OctagonStar LM8UU Linear Bearing Ball Bushing for 3D Printer(6PCS): Industrial & Scientific. Beyblade Burst Starter B-117 Drain Fafnir 8 Nt Beyblades Mit Launcher FSL DE, The Size Mark On The shoes is Chinese Size Number. These cool stickers are waterproof, Types of bags:Shoulder & Crossbody Bags, Decal Size: 19"W x 23"H when applied as shown. Kempston 304411 Corner Bead Bit, so a runner feels no pain from sharp rocks, Scratch-resistant:inside with soft padding. Heel measures approximately 3 inches", Bonyak Jewelry 18 Inch Rhodium Plated Necklace w/ 6mm Light Blue September Birth Month Stone Beads and Saint Petronille Charm: Clothing. CYMA CM701 VSR-10 Bolt Action Spring Powered Airsoft Sniper Rifleįor wearing years still bright as new as long as the proper maintenance, no any harm to your baby's skin.Juego de medidores del colector HVAC A/C Ideal para R12 R22 R134a R404A.
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Beyblade launcher full#
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0 notes
rainbowshade03 · 2 years
Starry Mspec Gay Wallpapers!
Staright Gay/Straightcian/Pastel
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Bi Gay/Pastel
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Pan Gay/Pastel
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Ply Gay/Pastel
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Omni Gay/Pastel
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26 notes · View notes
dinos-edits · 3 years
Hello there,I was wondering if you could do a Nagito,Chiaki and Hajime wallpaper[Idk what size should it be but you can decide on that and oh man I'm a nervous wreck rn]
Of course! I went with more of a pastel theme that ended up in the bisexual colors-
Let me know if you'd like anything changed!
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Size: 707x1512
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mypoisonedvine · 2 years
𝐝𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐬 𝐮𝐩 🎀 louis ives x reader
𝐬𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲 🎀 taking out the shy boy from the opera takes an unexpected turn, in the best possible way
𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭 🎀 9.4k
𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬 🎀 smut (18+ only; penetration, oral sex m receiving), crossdressing/genderbending, louis uses primarily he/him pronouns but is still a genderqueer icon, reader is also gnc (and implied bi), feminization kink, praise kink, shy insecure babby louis is babby, slight d/s dynamic (with subby!louis and dom!reader, obviously)
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Louis sighed as he leaned back against the wall, resting the back of his head on the ornate wallpaper with his hands stuffed into his suit pockets. 
It was only his first time at the opera, but he liked it much more than he thought he would; so much so that he was a bit anxious for intermission to end so he could get back to it.
Waiting for Henry to finish in the men’s room was, obviously, pretty boring.  Louis resorted to people-watching in the lobby to pass the time— mostly it was much older people… in fact it was exclusively much older people.  He liked the way they were dressed though: tuxedos, evening gowns, silk shawls and gloves.
His posture straightened when he saw you, for a number of reasons (three, exactly).  One, you were significantly closer to his age than anyone else here.  Two, you were a pretty girl, in his personal opinion.  And three, you were wearing a tailored three-piece suit and tie.  Not the overly-curvy cut of a woman’s suit, not a blazer and slacks, this was a straight, slim, two-button jacket and the whole ordeal; even black leather oxford flats of a clearly masculine variety.  He’d never seen a girl in a suit like that, he had to squint to look at your face and make sure he hadn’t just mistaken a more feminine man for a woman— but no, the makeup on your face and the feminine curve of your body (which couldn’t even be suppressed by men’s clothing) made it pretty clear you were at least some amount of female.  He was impressed; he was intrigued… he was even a little intimidated.
And in a way he hadn’t expected at all, he was attracted to you.  Not that being attracted to pretty girls was some kind of massive undertaking, but this was more than that.  He was used to the natural draw to a good-looking woman, and to the odd jealousy he felt when he saw a woman wearing something that he wished he could.  This was obviously more the reverse: he could wear suits, he was wearing one now, and somehow you seemed a lot more comfortable in yours than he felt in his.  In the least perverted way possible, he imagined what kind of undergarments you might have on under that— a lacy bra, pink panties, nylons?  Maybe something more practical?  What a dream it would be to have something like those on under his suit… 
You suddenly glanced his way, and he was so mesmerized by your eyes that he forgot to look away just a few seconds too late.  Staring intently down at the floor as if there was anything to look at there, his heart started to beat a little faster as he saw you approaching in his peripheral.
His attempts to act nonchalant, even ignorant, to your presence were… pitiful.  He started up and off to the side, as if the corner of the ceiling bore anything of note.  You stopped just in front of him, giving him an expectant smirk as he, finally, met your gaze— acting as if he just now noticed you.
“Hey,” you greeted.  “What were you staring for?”
“Oh—” he choked, “well, uh—”
“Don’t be scared,” you soothed, “I don’t bite, except when asked nicely.”
“Um,” he stalled, thrown by your slight innuendo.  At least, he thought it might be an innuendo based on the sparkle in your eyes, but he was only tangential aware that biting could be a sexual reference.  Do people really do that?  Does she really do that?  “Why are you wearing a suit?” he finally found the courage to ask aloud.
“Do you have a problem with me wearing a suit?” you returned.
“N-no, but, I just can’t see why you’d want to,” he explained.  “They’re not especially comfortable.  A dress seems more… breathable.”
“For the legs, sure, if it’s a ballgown— but the torso?  Way too tight,” you grimaced, “you can feel it on you all the time.  Makes it hard to relax.”
He took a mental note of that for later, a detail to help him accurately imagine how it would feel to wear one.  You can feel it on you all the time… like a hug!  That would be so nice…
“Suits are more fun,” you announced.  “I think I look good in them.”
I think you look beautiful in them.  “Do people look at you differently when you wear that?” he asked.
“Yeah, I pretend not to notice the rude ones,” you shrugged.  “And every once in a while I get the attention of somebody cute, who may or may not stare at me from across the room creepily.”
Louis cleared his throat when he realized you were talking about him.  You called him cute!  That’s what that was, right?  But you also called him creepy.  So he wasn’t sure what to think.  “I’m sorry,” he stuttered out, but he was smiling a bit from the compliment, which he worried made his apology less sincere.
“It’s alright, I didn’t mind,” you offered, and just as the conversation was really getting interesting, Henry suddenly appeared from the washroom; Louis tried not to show his disappointment so obviously on his face.
“Oh!” Henry smiled as he looked between you and Louis standing in front of each other.  “I see you’ve met a lesbian,” he said to Louis.
Louis’ eyes went wide and he opened his mouth to chide Henry for his inappropriateness, but you jumped in first.  “I’m not a lesbian, actually,” you corrected, “just progressive.”
Henry spitefully crossed his arms.  “What’s the difference?”
“The difference is I like dick,” you explained; Louis was a little stunned by your bluntness, but amused by the way it threw Henry off of his game.  “Maybe not exclusively, but…”
“Hmph!” Henry coughed disbelievingly.
“In fact, I was just about to ask your friend out for a coffee sometime,” you informed him, making Louis’ throat suddenly dry.
“I was… just about to do the same,” he bluffed.
Henry rolled his eyes and started to leave, mumbling a few gripes about ‘what’s this world come to?’ and ‘women don’t even wear women’s clothing anymore’, before turning back and looking at Louis with a furrowed brow— like he’d expected the young gentleman to follow him without question.  “Come along, Louis,” he instructed.
“I… I’ll join you when I’m finished with my conversation,” Louis replied, puffing his chest up just a bit.  Henry was obviously frustrated by Louis standing up to him, and Louis hated that all of this was happening in front of you.  A tense silence passed, and when Louis didn’t relent, Henry scoffed and continued on— finally.  “I’m… sorry about him,” Louis sighed, looking at you again.  “He’s a bit old-fashioned.”
“I get the impression that you are, too,” you noticed, and he was impressed by your perception.
“Well, I suppose that I am, yes,” he agreed, “but more just aesthetically.  He can be irritatingly conservative, even concerningly reductive at times.  I’m sorry that he called you a lesbian.”
“Oh, it’s not insulting to me,” you assured, “and I’ve been accused of much less accurate things.  And, I mean, basically everybody’s parents are irritatingly conservative.”
Louis was confused by the non-sequitur until he realized the nature of your assumption.  “Oh!  Henry isn’t my father, actually,” he corrected, “my parents, um… they’ve actually passed away.”
“Oh, I’m so sorry,” you sighed.  
“It’s alright, that was a long time ago,” he shrugged.  “Anyway, Henry is just my roommate.  And maybe a bit of a mentor— he’s taking me to the opera, I’d never been to one before.”
“What do you think?” you asked.
“It’s amazing,” he beamed.  “The performances and the atmosphere— and I don’t know if getting asked out by pretty girls during intermission is normal, but… I like that part, too.”
You smiled and, right on cue, the lights dimmed and brightened a few times.  
“Guess we should go back to our seats,” Louis decided, looking up at the chandeliers for a moment until they’d returned to normal.
“Not before I get your phone number,” you reminded him.
“Right, uh—” he stammered, not sure how to transfer this information until you simply handed him your cellphone with the ‘new contact’ screen open.  Yes, that seems like a good way to go about this…
His thumbs were a little shaky as he tried to select the numbers on the tiny keyboard, and he had to go back more than a few times to correct mistakes.  However, thankfully, he managed to get it in eventually and hand the device back to you with a smile.
“Alright, I’ll call you later,” you smiled, glancing down at the screen for a second, “Louis.”
Oh goodness, you’d just learned his name from the contact— he’d been so flustered, he forgot to introduce himself.  And he didn’t know your name, either.  But he didn’t need to; he returned to his seat for the second act feeling like he was floating on a cloud because you were going to call him.  And you were going to ask him out for coffee, apparently.  This night couldn’t get any better.
He was probably overdressed for a coffee date.  But you’d called him cute last time he wore a suit, so he was wearing a suit again if just to chase that high.
He’d arrived unreasonably early and already gotten through a latte— he was probably going to drink too much coffee and end up all jumpy and anxious.  Actually, he was pretty jumpy and anxious without any coffee at all.  So, more coffee couldn’t hurt too much.
Fifteen minutes before you were due to arrive, he was already looking at the door every time the bell chimed, watching business people come in with briefcases and laptops, couples and friends laughing together.  He thought maybe he should go to the bathroom before you got here, but then, what if you came in while he was in the bathroom and didn’t see him so you simply left?  Yes, perhaps best to just wait.
Ten minutes before, and he was trying not to bounce his leg while he sat, but he kept doing it without noticing and then suddenly noticing and having to stop himself.  He stirred his coffee for no good reason.
Five minutes before, he looked at the door when the bell chimed, like he always did, even though he knew it wasn’t you— and then it was you, finally.  His heart skipped a beat when he saw you: you were wearing a dress, a green one with buttons down the front.  He was amazed, and envious, that you could look so good in men’s or women’s clothing.  Not only that, but the dress had a vintage sort of look to it, and he could just imagine how good the two of you would look together.  People on the street and in this cafe were going to see you with him and know that you were on a date… it was thrilling to picture.
He stood up, catching your attention as you smiled at him.  Nodding, he grabbed your chair and pulled it out for you until you were close enough to sit down.  “Thank you,” you smiled as he pushed it in for you as well before returning to his own seat, “so chivalrous.”
“Well, I try,” he hummed.  
Over your first cup of coffee and his third, he learned so much more about you— your family and what it was like to grow up with them, what brought you to New York and what you hoped to accomplish here, your favorite pastimes, your pet peeves…
He tried not to overshare about himself, even though you pressed to know more.  I’m just not as interesting as you, he insisted, but you weren’t so easily dissuaded.  Really, he was just afraid that if he started talking too much about himself, he’d say too much and say the wrong thing and you’d look at him in that way people did when he said the wrong thing.  Really, Louis didn’t like opening up to people very much at all.  Maybe part of the reason he got along with Henry so well is that Henry was far too self-absorbed to ask anything too personal about Louis, preventing Louis from sharing the wrong secret and getting that dreaded glare.
When the coffees were depleted, Louis wondered if it was time to go back to his apartment.  He didn’t want this to ever end, but he also didn’t want to keep you here longer than you wanted, which were two obviously-opposing goals.
“Maybe I should get back home soon,” he announced aloud, hoping that that ‘maybe’ would leave room for you to say he could stay longer.  But he also braced for the possibility that you would tell him he should go, and that this would be the end of your first date.  Instead, you said something he didn’t expect.
“Do you mind if I walk with you?” you asked.
He felt his face warming slightly, and hoped you couldn’t see it if he was getting flushed.  “I should be the one walking you home,” he noticed.
“Don’t overthink it,” you winked, and he decided that for possibly the first time in his life, he was going to take that advice and not overthink it.  Or at least, he was going to try not to.
Hands stuffed in his pockets, Louis followed by your side as the two of you strolled along.  The conversation continued, though it drifted away from personal matters and onto books and stories; you seemed impressed that he was a former assistant professor of English, not focusing too much on the former part like most people did.  (He was just relieved that you didn’t ask why he’d been let go.)
This was normally a rather long walk, but talking with you made it go by in a blink— in fact, he was even a bit disappointed when he realized you were standing right in front of his building.
"This is me," he informed you as he gestured to the aging brownstone.
"Oh," you smiled, craning your neck to look up at the building.
"That's my window," he pointed upwards.
"Seems like you have a nice view," you noticed.
"Not as nice as the view I have now," he offered as he looked at you, and you playfully rolled your eyes.
"Wow, that's cheesy," you grinned.  "Embarrassingly effective, but cheesy.  Can I come up?"
It took him a second to realize you were asking to be invited into his apartment.  Slightly overwhelmed but not quite stupid enough to let this opportunity pass, he nodded and you followed him to the steps as he opened the front door for you.
A sizable stair-climb later, he guided you into Henry's foyer.
"It's a bit cluttered, but, that's all my roommate's stuff," Louis explained as you stepped inside and looked around.
"He has an eclectic taste," you stated the obvious.
“I sleep in this little spare room here,” he continued, opening the door to it, only to find he’d left it in total disarray with a pair of boxers crumpled on the floor; he made a dash to throw everything out of the way and half-make-up his bed, but you appeared behind him and snorted out a little laugh.  “I, uh, didn’t know you were going to come up,” he defended himself.
“But were you hoping that I would?” you asked, and honestly, he hadn’t even thought that far ahead.
“Yes,” he lied.  Not that he hadn’t hoped you’d come into the apartment someday; it was just that he was really just trying to survive one thing at a time, and a coffee date was challenge enough for him.  Now you were here and he’d barely managed to make his room presentable and—
He felt your hand on the back of his neck, and when he turned to look at you, you were already moving in to kiss him.  Even though he was flustered by your forwardness, he gladly met you halfway and kissed you back.  You tasted like spearmint chapstick and root beer— and most of all you tasted like you, and he heard himself just barely hum under his breath as he moved his lips with yours.  It was sudden, and unexpected, but still perfect, even though he’d wished he had the confidence to kiss you first.  He wanted to be romantic about it, and gentlemanly, so he planned to not even try to kiss you on the lips until the end of the second date; the plan for tonight was just a kiss on the cheek after he dropped you off at your door.  This was… not the plan.  Not that he was complaining.  But he was a little confused.
Your hands rested on his shoulders as you breathed slowly through the kiss, tilting your head slightly.  He knew it was weird, but he kept opening his eyes to look at you.  You just looked so beautiful like this, so up-close with your eyes shut gently while you kissed him.  He realized that his hands were still hovering around you, and he hesitantly lowered them to rest on your waist— though he still kept the pressure incredibly light, in case grabbing you too hard would be inappropriate.  He heard you let out the smallest sigh and it made his heart swell.
Carefully, your tongue started to prod at his lips, and his heart started to race as he let you deepen the kiss and move your tongue alongside his.
As your hands started to move, slowly, down his chest through his blazer, he felt his own grip on your waist tighten.  The fabric of your dress was so soft and delicate— so were your lips, and your tongue was gentle and sweet and exploring his mouth in a way that made his knees a little weak.
The kiss was suddenly a little hungrier, a little rougher, a little more desperate; both of you were breathing heavily, and when he instinctively pulled you closer, he heard (and felt) you moan.  “Louis,” you gasped into the air between his mouth and yours, and he couldn’t help but let out a small whimper at how perfect his name sounded when you said it like that.
His heartbeat raced even faster as he felt his trousers getting tighter.  The realization that he was getting hard made him instantly anxious— maybe it was okay to get a boner right now, maybe that was where this was going… and yet, that idea somehow made it even worse.  All at once, the self-hating fears flooded his mind.  What if I can’t do it right?  I don’t know how to do this— I can’t do this.  She’s going to know something’s wrong with me, something is so horribly wrong with me…
Breaking the kiss, he stumbled back suddenly.  You started to follow him for a second, but stopped.  “Are you okay?” you asked.
“I think I should walk you back to your apartment,” he decided suddenly, and you looked at him with confusion.
“Okay…” you agreed awkwardly.  “Did I do something to upset you?  I’m sorry if I did, I promise that I didn’t mean to.”
“I just,” he began, starting over again.  “It’s not you.  It’s just that— I don’t know how far you wanted this to go, but Henry says I’m not allowed to have sex in the apartment,” he explained, twisting his fingers in his hands.  
“Your landlord decides if you're permitted to have sex?” you asked incredulously, raising your eyebrows.
“He is also my roommate, so, he has some say in it…”
“Listen, Louis— if the first date is too soon for you, that’s fine,” you assured.  
“Well, that’s part of it,” he admitted.  “I don’t want to take things too fast.  I’m… trying to be a gentleman.”
You smiled slightly, stepping closer to him.  “Oh, Louis, you don’t have to worry about that,” you purred.  “You’ve been so sweet and respectful, it’s been wonderful… but to be entirely honest—”
He swallowed thickly as you got close enough to rest your hand on his lapel, looking up at him through your lashes.  You were so pretty he didn’t know what to do with himself, and the look you were giving him could only be described as ravenous.
“— ever since I saw you, looking at me from across the ballroom, dressed up in your suit looking like the perfect gentleman,” you continued, clutching his jacket suddenly, “I’ve been thinking about all the very disrespectful things you could do to me.”
His eyes went wide.  He was certainly out of his depth now— if you were looking for a dominant man, someone to ravish you, he was going to be totally useless.  Of course he couldn’t give you what you wanted, he should’ve known better, he should’ve never even agreed to go out with you when it would only end in disappointment for both of you.  You wanted a real man and he was just—
“Hey,” you soothed, apparently noticing the panic on his face, “don’t freak out.  Nothing has to happen tonight.  But, I’m sort of out on a limb here…”
“I’m sorry,” he sighed, “it’s not that I’m not attracted to you.  It’s just that I want this to be perfect— you deserve nothing less.  You deserve flowers, and candles, and not this tiny awful apartment when Henry could come back at any moment— or come back after and make some horrible comment about how it smells in here…"
You laughed, and he stopped his ramble to sigh slightly.
“I just think it might be better if we get to know each other a little better first,” he concluded.  I just think I should give you a chance to realize I’m not what you think I am, so you can save yourself the trouble, he wished he could say honestly.
“Wow,” you nodded, “I know I pegged you as a little conservative but… this is new.”
“Please, don’t take it personally,” he began, but you shook your head reassuringly.
“No, I mean, it’s kinda nice,” you clarified.  “I think there should be more guys like you out there— you know, traditional.  You’re a dying breed.”
Guys like me, huh? Louis thought to himself, resisting the urge to laugh.  If only you knew.
But you didn’t know, which was how he wanted things to stay— he didn’t want anyone to know.
In the last month, Louis had made two Herculean accomplishments: one, he’d managed to survive four more dates with you, with such success that each ended with the promise of another; two, he’d managed to keep your libido at bay in a month of dating.  You never seemed disappointed, and by now you’d made it clear that you were waiting for him to make the first move when he felt he was ready.  The problem was, he couldn’t imagine how he was ever going to be ready for you to see him without all his clothes, his image, his pretense.  He had this strange feeling that if you saw him naked, you’d see right through him, see everything about himself that he locked deep down and far away.  And he’d rather just keep making out than go further and lose you for good.
“I’m seriously gonna run out of vases, Lou,” you sighed with a smile once you’d opened your door, finding him waiting to pick you up with yet-another small bouquet of flowers.  “And my house is turning into a plant mausoleum!”
“Next time, I’ll just bring you a new vase, then,” Louis offered, and you laughed; he loved your laugh, and when he was around, he heard it surprisingly often.  You told him before that girls laugh at a guy’s jokes if they’re attracted to him, whether or not he’s funny; Louis didn’t care if you really thought he was funny, or just thought he was attractive— both were higher praise than he ever expected from someone as both as you.
“I’m not ready to go yet, sorry,” you apologized, walking quickly around the apartment as he followed you into your bedroom.  “I can’t decide what to wear.”
“You look good in anything,” he insisted, sitting down on the side of your bed.
“Well, I wanna feel good too, and it’s so cold out,” you explained.  “You can wait out here and I’ll be dressed in a second, alright?”
He nodded, and you smiled as you disappeared into your walk-in closet and shut the door.
Twiddling his thumbs, Louis entertained himself by looking around your bedroom; he’d been in here before, so he recognized some familiar objects and noticed the new trinkets lying around.  There was a necklace on your bedside table, and a lone sock on the floor—
His breath caught slightly when he saw some clothes strewn over the corner of the bed, some you must have been trying on earlier while trying to pick what to wear.  Of course, it wasn’t just momentarily-worn clothes that got his attention… it was the bra.  Purple lace, thin straps, and a little silver heart charm dangling from between the cups; Louis was all but salivating looking at it, imagining how nice it would be to wear…
“How’s it going in there?” Louis asked you through the door.  “No rush or anything, our reservation isn’t until 7…”
“This dress has, like, a billion buttons,” you replied, “it’ll be a while, sorry… I can get you some water or something?”
“No no, it’s fine,” he assured, and he felt his heart begin to race as he wondered if he would have enough time just to hold it for a moment and see how it felt.
Glancing from the garment to your closet door and back a few times, he gave in— he hopped from the side of the bed over to the end, glancing over his shoulder at the closet door one more time before picking up the bra.  He sighed slightly as soon as he touched it, feeling the details of the lace under his fingertips.  There was a long vanity mirror propped up against the wall, and he chewed his lip nervously as he looked into it.  He was there in the reflection, in his suit with his hair slicked back, and he had one of those moments where he was surprised to see himself.  He wasn’t ever sure what he expected to see in these moments, but it wasn’t the young gentleman he was looking at now.
He held up the bra to his chest, over his jacket and shirt, but it wasn’t really doing much for him with all these clothes in the way.  He longed to see that lavender lace on his bare skin, he wanted to feel it under his shirt, he wanted to be pretty… pretty like you.
You’d look amazing in a bra like this, he was sure.  He’d had thoughts of that nature late at night, staving off his physical interest in you in order to keep chaste lest you see the confusion he was hiding under his clothes.  He’d imagined looking at you, touching you, being with you in a way his instability made impossible for the time being.  In that moment, he couldn’t decide if he’d rather see you in something like this, or ditch you entirely and wear it himself.  
See, that was exactly why he felt he wasn’t ready to take things further with you.  He barely had any idea who he was, let alone how to be the person you wanted.  The man you wanted.  Louis was pretty sure he was a man— at least, most of the time— but he clearly wasn’t much of one, sitting here now with your bra held up to his chest.
He dropped it into his lap with a sigh.  This little adventure hadn’t been very satisfying like he thought it would; he just needed a little more…
Before he even really had the thought, he watched himself in the mirror as a shaky hand started to reach up and unbutton his shirt.  As he wondered if he was really going to do this, he slipped off his jacket and set it aside and before he knew it, his shirt was off too.
She said her dress had a billion buttons— I’ll be quick, I’ll only wear it for a second— he told himself, rushing to get this over with quickly.  Maybe this would be enough to hold him over for a while; maybe he could do this, get it out of his system, and take you out tonight feeling much more normal and much less tempted to look at your clothes as you sat across the dinner table from him and wonder if he could wear them as well as you do.
Shirtless, he tried not to linger his gaze too long on his body— he didn’t care for it much, too lean to be masculine and too straight to be feminine— as he slipped the straps of the bra up to his shoulders.  It was awkward, reaching around to try to clasp the back, but he eventually figured out how to do it and managed to get all three hooks latched (though, unbeknownst to him, one was latched on a different row than the others).
Adjusting it again now that it was clasped, he sighed and looked at his reflection again.  It looked good— it felt good— but it didn’t look or feel quite… right.  There were cups that he had nothing to fill, and the straps crossed over his broad and bony shoulders that were nothing like your smooth and delicate ones; the only part he really liked was the silver heart charm that dangled over his sternum… he toyed with it between a finger and thumb and smiled to himself, thinking that it was sort of like wearing a bra and jewelry at the same time.  
No, it wasn’t perfect, but it was still nice, and he reached up to tuck a longer strand of his hair behind his ear— it wasn’t quite long enough, so it fell forward into his face again, but he had already forgotten that again as he turned slightly to try to see how it looked in the back.  
It was right about then that the door behind him opened, and in that reflection he saw you staring out at him wide-eyed and open-mouthed.
He whipped around, blood pumping and eyes already starting to water as he fought to try to get off the bra, but obviously it was far too late.  “Oh!  I was just— I wasn’t— this isn’t—” he began and restarted several explanations, never settling on one for long.
“Louis,” you breathed, “it’s… it’s alright.”
“I didn’t mean to— wait,” he choked.  “Alright?”
“Yes,” you agreed, stepping into the room with all the hesitance of one approaching a startled deer or something, “you can slow down, and just… tell me what’s going on.”
“I… I don’t know that I can,” he sighed, arms shaking a little where they self-consciously crossed his bra-clad chest.  “I can’t explain it.”
“Well, maybe you can just start by telling me if you’re gay,” you suggested, “and that’s fine, I wouldn’t have a problem with that— except that, well, the problem that we probably couldn’t date anymore.  But I would understand, of course.  I’d be a little hurt if I was always just your beard, but—”
“I’m… not gay,” he interrupted.  “I don’t have an interest in men… I like women, I’m fascinated by women, it’s just…”
“Sometimes you want to be one?” you wondered, finishing for him.  “Are you, maybe, one?”
He glanced away.  “I’m not sure.  I don’t think so.”
"You just wanna look like one?"
"Something like that," he breathed. "You're just so pretty and— I wish I was pretty.  Soft, and smooth, like you."
“Louis,” you cooed sympathetically, reaching up to touch his face, “you are pretty.  And soft.  I love that about you— I think it’s sexy.”
“Oh, uh—” he choked, but thankfully you interrupted him because he’d started talking before he knew what to say.
“Did you… start seeing me, because you wanted to wear my clothes?” you asked nervously.
“No!  No, this has nothing to do with how I feel about you,” he assured.  “This is just about how I feel about myself.”
“And how do you feel, now?” you pressed.
“Well, a little terrified,” he admitted, “and… and sort of pretty…”
“You are,” you agreed, and he started blinking rapidly, reaching up to cover the side of his face with his hand.
“Oh… really?” he mumbled.
“Yes, of course,” you insisted.  “It’s just, I wish you would’ve asked first, because— well, you’re sort of stretching it out.”
“Oh, I’m sorry,” he mumbled, starting to try to peel your bra off hastily.
“No no,” you cooed, stepping up and stopping him with hands delicately placed on his shoulders.  You reached around his back and undid the clasp for him, and he reached forward to let you slide the straps down his arms.  “Now we can go find you one that fits.”
He sighed and let his eyes fall shut as you lightly swiped the brush over his cheek; it turned a little more peachy with each go of it, and you moved to the other when the color threatened to overpower his skin tone.
“What’s next after this?” he asked.
“Mascara,” you replied, voice sort of lilted as you focused on your work.
“Isn’t that uncomfortable to put on?”
“Well, you get used to it,” you shrugged.
“I think I will,” he agreed with a little smile.
“Your lashes are already really long,” you noticed, “this is really just to make them a little darker.”
“Right, okay…”
He managed to get through the mascara without his eyes squinting or watering, so his lashes stayed intact as you moved on to the finishing touch.  Already you could see that he was getting excited, even quietly confident if still characteristically shy.  Your heart hurt to imagine that he’d been hiding this from you for so long, apparently thinking you might actually reject him over something so trivial.
“Alright, which color do you want?” you asked as you held up three different lip glosses for him to choose from.  You could tell just in the way that his eyes moved quickly over the tubes that he was hesitating.  He lifted his hand but stopped for a second.  “Whichever one you’d like,” you encouraged softly.
That seemed to give him the courage to reach up and tap his fingertip on the baby pink one with the gold glitter; you smiled and set the other two down before unscrewing the cap.
“Hold your mouth open just a bit,” you encouraged, making the expression you wanted him to so he could copy it.  When he relaxed his lips just right, you ran the doefoot applicator over the bottom one first.  “Oh, this color’s pretty on you,” you noticed, and you saw him struggle not to smile since he knew he was supposed to stay still while you applied the gloss.  It was rather sheer, but with just enough color to really bring the whole thing together, especially with the blush which matched it well.  “Okay, go like this,” you instructed as you pressed your lips together, and he copied you again.  You moved the product around on his top lip just to make sure it covered all the right places, and finally you sighed as you felt your work was done.
You stood up and stepped back, and his eyes went a little wide as he straightened up; you could imagine he felt kind of strange and vulnerable being examined like this.  He hadn’t even seen himself yet and here you were staring at him, but it was only because you were feeling rather proud of yourself.  You kept the look subtle, not wanting to make him look gaudy or dramatic— he had so much natural beauty already, you just wanted to accentuate it slightly.  He didn’t need foundation at all with such even skin, so you’d just put a little concealer under his eyes to brighten them up; and then it was just brown eyeliner and a clear gel for the brows (maybe someday you could talk him into tweezing them a bit but you knew that was a hard sell) before the finishing touches.
“Louis, you look great,” you beamed.  “Not to brag or anything, but I’m sort of a genius.”
“Can I see?” he asked nervously, and you grabbed a hand mirror to give him as you sat by his side on the bed again.  He found the angle to examine his face, and for a second or two you really couldn’t tell what he thought because his expression stayed blank.  You could tell, finally, that he was happy by the way his fingers traced over the edge of the mirror while he gazed at himself.
“How do you feel?” you asked him softly, leaning in a little closer so you could see his reflection over his shoulder.
“Um, well,” he mumbled, “I think you did a nice job.”
“That’s not what I asked,” you noticed.
“I feel… beautiful,” he decided.
“You are beautiful,” you assured, and you caught his stare moving to your face before he set the mirror aside and looked down into his lap.  “How do you feel in your new outfit?” 
“I wouldn’t call it an outfit,” he chuckled awkwardly.  “I mean, I couldn’t wear this out…”
Well, no, that isn’t the point of a lace bralette-and-panty set.  “You could wear it under something,” you suggested, “and nobody would know.  Except for you and I, if you told me.”
“Oh…” he breathed, and you spared a glance down to his panties and noticed them a little more… full, than usual, and couldn’t help but smile to yourself.  The conversations you’d had about this with him had left it somewhat ambiguous if the desire to crossdress was sexual for Louis.  It seemed like it was something that could be a bit of both, which made sense considering you absolutely had days where you hoped to dress in a way that would attract sexual attention, and other days where you wanted to look nice for much more personal reasons.  Really, it seemed as normal to you as anything, even if Louis was so fearful of it.  Maybe it was conquering his fear and quenching his desire all at once that was arousing him.
“Can I ask you an important, personal question?” you asked, and Louis nodded.  “Are you a boy, or a girl?  Right now, specifically.  Neither or both are also acceptable answers, of course…”
“I’m… a boy,” he decided, “still.  I just feel nice being a boy that sort of looks like a girl.”
“You should feel nice,” you agreed with a proud hum.  “You’re a very pretty boy.”
He cleared his throat and you could see him getting flushed even with the blusher on.
“You’re gorgeous,” you continued.
“Oh, well, I don’t know about that…” he trailed off.
“I do,” you insisted.  “You’re the most beautiful boy I’ve ever seen… and this brassiere looks so nice on you!”  Trailing your hand down over his neck and collarbone, you traced the tip of your finger around the lace crossing his chest.  “Do you know what this is for, Lou?”
He shook his head.  You lowered your voice.
“It’s to cover your tits,” you explained, and you could see the shiver run up his spine.  You smiled proudly, moving to trace your fingers over the hardening nipples just barely obscured by the pink lace.  “Are your tits sensitive?”
“Y-yes,” he stammered, sighing and letting his head fall back slightly; his lips, parted for a whimpered moan, looked so delicious with that gloss on them.
“Then say it,” you encouraged.
“My… my tits,” he gasped it out, “are so sensitive… touch them more, please…”
You took your hands and splayed them out to grab handfuls of his chest, and he moaned out loud, finally.  “Good boy,” you breathed, “make all those pretty noises for me, it’s supposed to feel good.”
“Feels really good,” he agreed in a sigh.  “It feels really good when you play with them like that…”
“You want me to do it some more?” 
He nodded, and you chuckled.
“Mm, you know you need to be a good boy and say it out loud,” you purred.
“Play with my tits more,” he panted, “please?  And… and maybe you could kiss me?”
You were getting desperate, too; all you could do was nod breathlessly as you used your free hand to hold his face and kiss him— and he’d never kissed you like this before, it was always so innocent and chaste before (at least at the start).  And that was sexy in its own way, but this?  Whining into it, opening his mouth wide right away and letting you push your tongue between his lips?  Sticky and sweet from the lip gloss, hungry and sloppy?  It was fucking perfect.
He chased you for more when you pulled back, you had to hold his shoulders to keep him from following you (even though you wouldn’t have minded kissing him longer, especially when you saw how gorgeous he looked wearing that heavy-lidded, open-mouthed stare).
“Oops,” you grinned as you saw the way the lip gloss had smeared.  “I messed up your makeup… but you look even prettier like this.  You look so needy and cute… and a little slutty.”
He swallowed thickly and glanced down, and when you followed his gaze, you saw why.
“Your cock doesn’t fit in your panties anymore,” you noticed with a prideful smirk.  His erection had burst right out of it and was red and leaking at the tip, flexing independently against his stomach.  “Do you want me to touch it, Lou?” 
He blurted it out before you’d even really finished your question: “Please.”
A choked moan fell from his lips as you wrapped your hand around his cock and began to stroke slowly— he started to buck up into your palm already, desperate for more.  You’d imagined Louis would be the eager type, but this was better than you ever could’ve hoped for.
“O-oh, wow,” he breathed, watching your hand move over his cock, “your hand feels nice…”
“Mhm?” you encouraged, focusing for a second on the tip to spread the precum there.  “Oh, you’re getting a little wet, honey…”
“Hng,” he groaned, eyes falling shut as he leaned his head back, “keep going, please, please—”
“Shh, I’m gonna keep going, don’t worry,” you cooed, guiding him to lay back on the bed; damn, he looked good spread out on your sheets, just like you’d wanted him since you first saw him.
Leaning in, you kissed down his neck, making a detour along his chest to pull the bralette aside and tease his nipple with the tip of your tongue.  He moaned loudly when you did that, squirming underneath you.
"That's my good boy," you praised, "make those pretty noises for me while I suck your tits.  You need to teach me how to make you feel good, so tell me when you like what I'm doing."
You wrapped your lips around his nipple and suckled harder, carefully letting your teeth graze over the delicate bud.
"Ohh, like that," he blurted out, "I like that— please don't stop."
You smiled and did it again, feeling him shiver and rock his hips up into your hand again.  Moving across his chest to the other nipple, you teased it through the lace for just a second before pulling the fabric out of the way and sucking again; you soaked in the sound of his panting turning into whines, and even bit down just ever-so-slightly harder until he yelped for a second.  You soothed him with a wide lick over the dusty-pink nipple, starting to slowly kiss your way down his stomach.
He lifted his head up to watch you go down, but it must’ve been realizing what you were doing that made him drop his head back down with a groan.  “Oh,” he sighed, and you smiled as you kept going.
When you (finally) sucked his cock, he moaned louder than you'd ever heard him do anything before, and you just had to stop to tease him.  "You like the way I eat you out?" you noticed, and he whined at the way you described what you were doing to him.  
“Yes— don’t stop, please, p-put it in your mouth again…” he begged.  You met his gaze as you wrapped your lips around the head of his cock, bobbing your head and hand together until you found your rhythm.
You wouldn’t mind doing this all night if he kept making such lovely noises, but as they grew louder and louder, you realized he probably couldn’t take much more; you noticed him gripping your sheets in his fists and wondered if he was already trying to hold himself back.
Releasing your mouth off of him with a pop!, you sat up straight and started to get your own clothes off.  “Oh,” he sighed as he watched you, and you smiled a bit as you watched his eyes trail over every inch of skin as you exposed it.
“Were you thinking about this?” you wondered.  “Those nights you kissed me for a while and then left because you’re a gentleman— did you go home and think about this?”
Breathing quickly through his mouth, eyes following your body, he nodded.
“Did you touch yourself?”
He nodded again.
“You did?  I did too,” you purred proudly, stripped to nothing and suddenly straddling his hips.  “And— be honest— after you did that, did you feel bad?  You wondered if something was wrong with you, thought you might be a pervert or something?”
After swallowing thickly, he nodded one more time.
You leaned down and brushed some hair aside that had fallen into his face.  “Sweetie,” you cooed, “you don’t need to feel bad.  You’re not bad, and there’s nothing wrong with you.  Actually, you’re so good.”
“Really?” he breathed, and this time, you nodded.  You gave him a quick, soft kiss on the lips, and then another on his cheek.
"If you'll let me, I'd like to make love to you," you whispered into his ear, seeing him sigh shakily and nod.  "Say it out loud so I know for sure."
"Please make love to me," he whispered.
Sitting up straight again, you looked down at him proudly.  He looked like he was wondering what he should do, if this was alright, and you did your best to soothe him.  "Just lay back, baby, I'm gonna do all the work," you grinned.  "You can be my pillow princess."
You chuckled as his cock flexed in your hand.
"Is that what you are, you're my princess?  You look like one with your pretty pink bra on,” you winked.  “Pull it down for me, show me your little tits…”
His whole face was turning pink enough to match the bralette as he hooked a finger into each triangle of lace and pulled it aside to put his chest on display for you.
“Good boy,” you sighed as you guided his cock to your entrance and slowly sank down.
The shock of the feeling made him let go of his bra and grab tight onto your hips, holding you still for a second, as if he couldn’t take it yet if you moved at all; that thought was so wonderfully filthy that you felt your insides flex of their own accord.
"Oh my god, Louis," you gasped, "you feel so good inside me… your cock feels so good."
He simply whined through his teeth, gripping your hips tighter.  The mascara-coated lashes were especially obvious when he shut his eyes tight, which he did for just a second before his face went slack when you finally started to move, a louder groan falling from candy-pink lips.  He whispered your name, tinted with awe, and you grinned proudly.
"You're so deep," you groaned.  "Do you feel how deep you are?  Oh fuck, I can barely take it…"
"I-I'm not hurting you, right?" he breathed, and you smiled as he opened his eyes to look at you with gentle concern.
"Oh, sweet boy," you cooed as you stroked his cheek for a moment, "no— you're making me feel so good… you're so good, Louis."
He sighed, like he enjoyed hearing that, but like he also finally believed you.
"Tell me how you like it, Louis," you encouraged, "tell me how to move to make you feel good."
He hesitated for just a second before he grabbed your hips and started to guide them in slow circles, making you both moan lowly.  "Like this," he breathed.
"Fuck, it feels good for me, too," you smiled.  "Will you come if I keep doing this?"
"Yeah," he sighed, and you moved your hips just a little bit faster.  "Yeah, I… I'll come…"
Leaning down and resting your arms at either side of his shoulders, you kissed his neck as you rode him, loving how desperate his moans became as you did it.  From then on it was all about trying to make him louder and louder, doing whatever you could to hear that sweet voice break as he cried out from pleasure.  He was so beautifully sensitive…
His eyes rolled back when you teased his nipples while he was inside you.  "Oh, my god," he moaned.
"Does that feel good, baby?" you hummed.  "It feels good to have your little titties played with while I ride your cock?"
"F-fuck," he grunted.
"I asked you a question, princess."
"Yes!  Yes it feels good," he sobbed.  "It feels so good, please don't stop— fuck!"
“You’re close, huh, baby?” you noticed in a quiet voice, and he bit his lip as he nodded.  “Are you trying not to come right now?”  He nodded again; poor thing.
“I— I don’t want it to be over,” he explained shakily.
“Mm, I know,” you cooed sympathetically, “but I wanna feel you come, okay?  I wanna see how pretty you are when you come.”
He hissed in a breath through his teeth, eyes shut tight, fingers digging into your hips again.
“Can you do that for me?” you pressed.  “Can you be my good princess and come for me?”
He nodded, and you smiled.
"Come inside me, Louis," you encouraged, "it's okay, go ahead."
Instantly, he made a choked sort of noise and you felt his hips move up to bury himself completely inside you; his mouth fell open and you felt his cock pulsing, pumps of come filling you.  With a contented sigh, you relaxed a bit on top of him.  You admired how good he looked with his makeup a bit disturbed from the sweat he’d worked up, panting as he blinked his eyes open and stared up at the ceiling, each rise and fall of his chest making the bralette shift slightly over his skin.
Eventually, you rolled off of him, and you smiled when a slightly-sweaty hand reached out to hold yours.  “Was it dressing like this and wearing the makeup that turned you on?” you wondered aloud.
“Well, that was part of it,” he admitted, without looking back at you, which you figured made it easier to respond honestly, “but really it was just all the attention you were giving me…”
You smiled and bit your lip slightly.  “Baby, you don’t need to wear a bra and put on makeup to get my attention… you’re always pretty, dressed up or not.”
He met your gaze then, and smiled back at you bashfully.
“See, that’s the prettiest thing you can wear: that smile,” you cooed, and he looked away as he smiled even wider.
“Stop,” he whined, but in that cutesy way that just made you want to compliment him more.  You held his face so he couldn’t squirm away when you gave him a kiss on the cheek.
“Come on, you’re gonna wanna wash that makeup off so it doesn’t get on the pillowcases— or break you out,” you explained, sitting up, “and we could both use a shower after that…”
But you ended up electing for a bath, rather than a shower, which you found more comfortable to share.  You washed his face with a washcloth, then helped him lean back into the water to wet his hair so you could lather some shampoo into it.  He looked so relaxed as you massaged his scalp and carefully poured the water over his head; he even laid his head on your chest at one point and nearly dozed off, until you reminded him the water was getting cool and you’d need to get out and dry off soon.
You didn’t remember deciding to go to sleep, you just woke up the next morning with Louis in your bed, cuddled up close to you even while fast asleep.  You smiled as you examined his peaceful expression, realizing how exhausting it must’ve been for him to try to always play the part of a ‘normal’ guy.  This was the first time you saw him truly relaxed— he was always thinking when you were with him, you’d been trying to get him to loosen up and act natural, and he’d tell you that he was being natural, but he was lying.  You knew there was more under the surface… of course, you hadn’t known it was this, specifically.  But you felt pretty lucky because of all the things it could be, it ended up being so innocuous— and, if you were being totally honest, you thought it was sort of hot, too.  Not in a fetishizing sort of way, because it wasn’t specifically Louis’ complicated gender discovery that turned you on in itself… it was seeing him accept something about himself, seeing him more comfortable and more open, seeing him give in to desire even when you knew he was more than a little fearful of being different.
And he really did look good in the makeup; you could only take so much credit for that.
He had no idea this was an option: that he could find someone who accepted and embraced the things about himself he still didn't understand entirely; that you could take on a more dominant role with such gentleness, and relieve him of that pressure to be the perfect gentleman.
He still got to play the part, though; he picked you up from your apartment in his suit, with flowers for you, and you smiled and kissed him on the cheek.  He held your hand and gave you his jacket if you got chilly.  But when he needed it most, you took charge and he simply followed your lead.
After a while, he became brave enough to kiss you first much more, to touch you without asking explicit permission, even to ask you to help him put on makeup or pick out something new to wear.  He learned to accept being a little spoiled by you, and stopped getting worried that you were doing too much of the work— because you insisted that you enjoyed it.
Over time, he came to appreciate that feeling beautiful actually had a lot less to do with women’s underwear and getting made up with your borrowed cosmetics.  He felt most beautiful when he wasn’t wearing anything and you just told him that you thought he was perfect (which he still couldn’t quite believe, but he was trying); it wasn’t a matter of the way he looked anymore— it was the way you looked at him.
So, yes, he could still wear a suit out into the city and not feel horribly out of place; he could put on pretty underwear with you and not worry if he was a woman or a man or neither or both.  Most impressively, he could be with you and not convince himself that any day now, you would figure out what he ‘really’ was and leave him.  You did so much more than see him, you discovered him, and you always seemed to like what you found.  Crazy enough, Louis himself was starting to like it, too.
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turnaboutedits · 3 years
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hiii i'm mod maya, i use they/it/love/gore. this is my new edit blog (not specifically for kin, but ppl who are kin can always request!). you can find more info about what i can make and other stuff about me under the cut :]
can i get a promo perhaps?
@sunnys-headspace-full-of-edits @fairytalefragments @doki-doki-edits @froggykinz @sarv-editz @twisted-lies @ultimate-kins @kaedxll @www-knot-com @hexedits @ideal2d @cookierunkindom and anyone else who wants to!
: ̗̀ ᨳ abt me ;
hi! im mod maya but you can also call me blue. im a minor and i use they/them, it/its, love/loves, and gore/gores pronouns. im neurodivergent, an osdd system host, and i edit for fun. my f/o list can be found here!
: ̗̀ ᨳ rules ;
ALL REQS ARE SELECTIVE. i delete any requests i dont want to do. if you want to know if your req was denied or if i just didnt get it/havent completed it, youre always free to ask. credit is required for use of all of my edits. feel free to ask if i'd be willing to do an unlisted source. please specify if your request is for a fictive or d/a so i can put a 'no kin tags' note. also, if you send an ask off anon or give me an account to tag, you can request no one else puts kin tags on your req. do not request things for the sources attack on titan, boyfriend to death, camp camp, country humans, family guy, hetalia, killing stalking, nekopara, south park, the arcana, vivziepop media, yandere simulator, yarichin bitch club, lore olympus, personas/egos/real people, the dre/am s/mp or similar sources, or hamilton the musical. do not request anything including any form of abuse (animals included), body horror, rape, incest, pedophilia, sexualized age regression, suicide, or self harm. if you want to have a higher chance of me accepting your request please be polite (say please or thank you)
: ̗̀ ᨳ i offer ;
; icons (shaped/pride/reply/etc included) ; gif icons ; moodboards ; aesthetics ; stimboards ; wallpapers ; sprite edits ; messy layouts ; kin positivity ; neopronouns
: ̗̀ ᨳ sources ;
; ace attorney ; cookie run ; danganronpa (thh, sdr2, ndrv3, udg) ; friday night funkin (+ mods) ; omori ; doki doki literature club ; splatoon (both games) ; cucumber quest ; undertale/deltarune ; portal (both games) ; otherkin/non-media things
: ̗̀ ᨳ blacklist ;
weirdcore. liminalcore. cis/transmasc chihiro. ult. imposter. soudam. sonia x kazuichi. bandaid. nanamiki. chihiro x mondo. tenko, mahiru, or hiyoko x men. danganronpa antags x women. junko ships. celefumi. leon x sayaka. togafuka. woh ships (dgr). agent 3 x agent 4. callie x men. callie x marie. pearl x anyone but marina and vice versa. dedf1sh x anyone but agent 8 and vice versa (splatoon). mommy meanest x anyone but daddy dearest and vice versa. skid and pump x anyone (fnf). miles edgeworth x women. maya fey x men. phoenix x maya or mia (ace attorney). milk cookie. typing out a long bl is kinda exhausting so basically i have the right to reject any requests i get
: ̗̀ ᨳ dni if ;
... you identify as (a): homophobe, terf/swerf, transmed, radfem, pedo/map/nomap/pear, pro-shipper/anti-anti, nazi, fujoshi or fudanshi, trump supporter, anti-lgbtq+, yandere, exclusionist, super straight/gay/bi/etc, mspec lesbian/gay, anti-vaxxer, endogenic system ... you support: pro-shippers / anti-antis, incest, pedophilia, necrophilia, yanderes, people who fetishize gay relationships (fujoshis/fudanshis), mspec lesbians or gays, endogenic systems, racism / racist people, abuse of any kind, problematic creators (knowingly), autism speaks, the dre/am s/mp or any of its members, ninjamuffin99, omocat ... you: knowingly erase canon lgbtq+ labels, ignore or deny canon queercoding, misgender trans/non-binary or trans-coded characters, don’t consume media critically, believe queer is a slur, are anti blm/acab or other racial justice movements, actively participate in most discourse or are primarily a discourse blog, support or interact with scftd/ll
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1337wtfomgbbq · 3 years
For all you people that say pie makes Dean bi, and him don't liking germs makes him bi and the cucumber water makes him bi. And the plaid colors, and the lighting and the lamp. Let me tell you something. Something about my dad.
Hell nah, she's gonna talk about her dad. But bear with me fandom with obvious daddy issues.
My dad, ever since I can remember, has had my mom paint his toe nails. His favorite color for that is a deep red.
He loves dishware and bedding with pretty flower patterns. He loves spending long amounts of time in those departments of furniture stores.
He taught me how to get good grades for managing my school foulders. I will never forget how he helped me on a project folder in primary school, always telling me to watch for the dog ears.
Also, my mom sometimes works saturdays (for years even sundays), while my dad has the weekend off, so he cleans the house.
He also had big input in the wallpaper they chose when redoing the bathroom and kitchen. The flowery wallpaper.
Though he still refuses to hold my purse when we're out in public and I ask him to hold it for a moment.
The point I'm trying to make is the following: all of these little quirks don't make my dad bi, he is as straight as they come.
Just because my dad used to have shoulder long hair that he bleached blond doesn't mean he is bi. Men are allowed to have "feminine" quirks like this without it having to remove any of their masculinity or their sexuality.
Dean can have a man crush on Dr Sexy, that doesn't mean he's bi. But him stating he "doesn't swing that way" and his numerous affairs, trysts and relationships with women surely make him straight.
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beebubb · 3 years
Will's first time at the slender mansion
It was will's dream to be in the slender mansion but he was scared the first time he was there.
He wanted to make a good impression obviously so he always tried to be serious and mature
Many assume that just because the pastas work for slenderman that they are all serious and mature for everything which is completely fucking wrong
Will was also scared to even talk about crushes like teens usually did sense like yall Know, he's bi, so he's had crushes on guys and girls
Which brings to mention, many assume that every pasta is straight. Which is COMPLETELY wrong.
Also another thing many assume, is that they all "stick to their gender roles" so pretty much that girls do "girl things" and that guys do "guy things" which is ALSO completely wrong. There is no such thing as "guy things" or "girl things" in the mansion. Everyone is free to do the things they like
But even if all these assumptions were wrong, will thought they were true, so he was really shy and embarrassed to talk about himself
So when many of the pastas started to prove these assumptions wrong, he was surprised and relieved
Nina: OMG are you wearing eyeliner?!? It's so cool!
Will: !! N-no no! Haha! Wait... Cool?
Nina: yeah! I've always wanted to do my eyeliner like that! Maybe you could show me sometime!
Will: o-oh! Yeah sure!
Will liked to do things like wear eyeliner, paint his nails, and self care things like face masks and stuff like that. But again, he thought that the pastas would criticize him
But again, they proved him wrong
Jane: guys, you wanna have a spa day?!
Nina, clockwork, sherry, amelie, and amari: yeah!
Jane: let's go then! I got a new exfoliator and got face masks! I was thinking on getting manicures too!
Nina: ah that sounds amazing! My face could really use a mask!
Will: ......
*everyone got up*
Sherry: hey will, do you wanna join us?
Will: ! Oh um... I wouldn't want to intrude...
Clockwork: what? No way!
Jane: it's fine! Toby has spa days with us all the time!
Will: ! Wait, really?
Sherry: yeah come on!
Will: oh o-ok then!
That's when will started enjoying spa days
Will: *getting a manicure from jane*
Nina: your hands are so pretty! When you're done can I pick your nail color?! I think pink or purple would look pretty!
Will: can i try purple?
Nina: yeah!!
Amelie: your skin is so beautiful!
Jane: yeah! Have you ever wore any face masks before?
Will: a few times heh!
The other pastas proved the assumptions wrong too
Jeff: so how do you like the mansion so far?
Will: it's pretty cool!
Jeff: like anyone yet?
Will: ! U-um I kinda like amari
Jeff: nice, I heard you also liked this guy named frankie
Will: !!!! *seemed panicked*
Jeff: that's cool, my bro liu likes EJ.
Will: ! Oh um... I didn't know there were guys here that likes guys!
Jeff: yeah pretty much everyone here likes guys and girls, except Jane, she's gay
Will: oh
Jeff: hope you didn't get your hopes up with her! Haha!
Will: oh, no! Haha!
Another thing that will was embarrassed to talk about was his inner fanboy for anime
Ben, sherry, and nina were the ones to show he wasn't alone
Ben: *looked at will's phone* cool wallpaper
Will: ! You think it's cool?
Ben: yeah! Do you like anime?
Will: um kinda....
Nina: that's so cool! Which is your favorite?! I looove death note!!! L is so cute!!! Ahhhh and misa is so cute too!
Sherry: have you seen kiss him not me?! It's so good!!
Will: i um.... I like Ouran high school host club....
Ben, sherry, and nina: !!! Us too!!!!
Ben: do you happen to like.... Hatsune miku by any chance?
Will: i do!
Ben: holy shit!!! Let me show you my figurine and poster collection!!
So basically, will fits right in
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