#black fenrir
thewapolls · 1 year
The WILD ARMS Hero Tourney: SECOND DIVISION - Match 11 of 12
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mostlycatsmostly · 9 months
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Merry Christmas to those who celebrate! (Even naughty boys that try to knock over the tree). 🎄🐈‍⬛
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starrylayle · 6 months
To all those shippers that depict Sirius as a self-absorbed, short, fem twink with a flare for dramatics -- and Remus as a tall, angry, buff, dom werewolf daddy -- go ahead, it's a fully rounded dynamic! You're actually shipping Gilderoy Lockhart x Fenrir Greyback though! Remember to tag correctly folks! Hope this helps 🥰 🥰 
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my4ththerapist · 1 month
*whispers* how are deatheaters supposed to properly represent nazis if; canonically, goblins are supposed to represent Jewish ppl and wearwolves are supposed to represent gay men
edit: never said the deatheaters weren't fascists, didn't think I had too clarify that considering I specifically only mentioned nazism, and all yous were saying the fascist movement isn't specific to nazism.
also didn't think id have to write an essay about every effected group targeted by the nazis, mf pleaseeeee this was a two second Tumblr post, just because I didn't list off every victim, does not mean that I am not aware of them, drawing attention to one inconsistency doesn't mean I am neglecting everything else, such a chronically online take, pls touch grass
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goga-je-pieroga · 10 months
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New template, enjoy!
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iloveratmen · 1 month
remus after telling dumbledore that greybacks pack was PLANNING an attack and no one did anything
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lulublack90 · 2 months
Prompt 12 - Recovery
@wolfstarmicrofic July 12, word count 983
First part
So here it is as promised the second part to prompt 9 - hurt/comfort. There may be a third part 😅
He was nestled between Remus’s legs, leaning his back onto Remus’s chest, a thick, warm blanket covering him and Remus’s long, strong arms wrapped around him, holding him tight as if he might disappear at any moment. They were sitting as close to the fire as they could get without getting burned. 
The next full moon was close, and he could feel the wolf’s magic thrumming through his veins. He couldn’t understand how the rest of the pack wasn’t feeling as antsy.
“We’re just used to it,” One of the others said. Marcus, Sirius thought his name was.
“How did you know what I was thinking?” Sirius squirmed uncomfortably against Remus. After all the times his mother had forced her way into his mind to see what he’d been thinking and feeling, he had a huge aversion to anyone poking around in there. 
“It’s a wolf thing, we tend to block each other’s thoughts, but you’re screaming yours,” Marcus laughed loudly. “Believe me, I do not want to be in your head,” Marcus screwed up his face. Remus leaned his head forward and whispered into his ear. 
“Pretend there’s a wall around your mind. Yes, exactly like when you tried to block your mother out.”
“Wow, he got that quick. I can barely hear you now, it’s just a hum.” Marcus grinned at him.
Sirius let his head fall back against Remus, the warmth from his body, the blanket and the fire, lulling his tired body to sleep. 
He woke up on his side with Remus still wrapped around him. They were out in the open, the morning light waking the birds in the trees. He wiggled his body, testing his wounds. He felt great. He sat up, Remus’s arms dropping from his body and pulled up his top. The wounds that had been scabbing and red yesterday were now healed pink scars. Whatever they’d done to him yesterday had worked miracles. 
“Looks like the suppressant is out of your system,” Remus said from where he’d been sleeping. “Those claw marks should have looked like that weeks ago,” He added, tracing the marks on Sirius’s skin with his fingertips like Sirius had done to him so many times before. “I’m so sorry,” Remus had tears in his eyes, his jaw quivering as he tried to apologise. Sirius immediately lay back down, facing Remus and hugged him tight. 
“It’s not your fault. We’re together now and that’s all that matters.” He peppered kisses on every bit of skin he could reach. He brushed the tears away from Remus’s cheeks and held him tighter. This had always been Remus’s biggest fear, that he’d turn someone or worse, while in his wolf form. 
He found it strange that no one had disturbed them. Yesterday there were close to thirty people in the clearing. He spotted a few shadows winding through the trees and realised that they were giving them their space. He snuggled closer to Remus and savoured the time they had together. 
The other wolves were polite and didn’t ask many questions over the next couple of days, though Sirius was sure they were holding back. Sirius was dying to ask what was going to happen to him, but with Remus there, he guessed it wouldn’t be bad. He’d spotted Greyback a few times, but the pack leader hadn’t approached him, so he kept his distance.
The night of the full moon came. He stuck close to Remus, nervous of being with so many wolves. This would be his first time not alone in a tiny stone dungeon. The aches had started with the sunrise, and he had a ridiculous amount of energy. He ended up changing into Padfoot and racing around the camp to tire himself out. Apparently, some of the others quite enjoyed watching him and chased after him around the grass and between the trees. They were quick, but he was quicker. He finally flopped down next to Remus, panting and needing to catch his breath. 
Soon the sun began to set and the wolves gathered. Sirius and Remus followed the others into the wood away from the camp. They’d all stripped to preserve their clothes. Sirius had felt a bit self-conscious at first, but seeing the others not caring, he decided to just go with it.
It hurt like he knew it would. His body was torn apart and reformed to make way for the wolf fighting to be free, but once it was over he had Moony and the other wolves checking on him and making sure he was alright. 
It was the first time his wolf was free. He lifted his head and relished the feeling of the wind in his fur and the scents of the forest. Moony and Marcus’s wolf had to keep redirecting him when he strayed too far from the others, but there were so many interesting things in the forest that he simply had to discover. 
He woke up in the camp exhausted. He forced his eyes open and found Remus watching him. 
“You tired, sweetheart?” Remus asked, smirking at him. Sirius groaned and let his protesting eyelids shut. Remus chuckled at him. “Don’t worry, my love. You were determined to go on an adventure. Marcus and I spent the entire night herding you.” He stroked Sirius’s hair out of his face. “You sleep, sweetheart. I think you need it. I’ll get you up in a bit.” Remus kissed his forehead and left him to sleep. 
Turning into a werewolf was a scary thing. The recovery from the transformation and staying up all night was a lot, but so far, Sirius was just glad he could be with Remus and that he wasn’t alone. He had no idea what Voldemort had planned for him, but he was sure now that he’d had his first moon with the pack, he was about to find out.
Next part
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ffb6c1lover · 2 years
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moutainrusing · 3 months
282 words, @wolfstarmicrofic
Remus closed his eyes as Sirius covered every inch of his face with lip gloss kisses, smiling at the stickiness left behind, how Sirius softly peeled his lips away only to press them upon the next place, moist and cool, sweet-smelling and fresh, colouring Remus in like he was his piece of art. His skin tingled, and he never wanted to wash away Sirius’s lip gloss remnants, the way he’d sparkle beneath Sirius’s touch, the way they so clearly matched, the way the gloss gently glued them together.
Sirius was wearing a cool, calming one, with a light floral scent, like a small, slow-budding flower. Remus couldn’t remember any of the names, but Sirius loved his collection of glosses, and rather than wear them for colour, Sirius wore them for flavour, so that when he kissed Remus, Remus would know how Sirius was feeling. Today he was feeling relaxed.
Good. They hadn’t been relaxed for so, so long…
But then the scent changed. Bloody, bruising, iron red. Anger. Honestly, Remus couldn’t blame Sirius for being angry. Because now it wasn’t Sirius kissing him.
The kisses became harsher, teeth scraping against his cheeks, digging until they were pushing against his cheek bones, and then there was a blubbery, beastly tongue, and it wasn’t Sirius’s, because Remus wasn’t at home. He was in a forest, on a mattress of animal pelts, and above him, Greyback was growling.
“Wake up, Lupin.”
Remus opened his eyes and gave the hideous man he was spying on a wry smile. Greyback returned it, before turning to bully the next werewolf.
So Remus closed his eyes again, and let imaginary Sirius feather light, lip gloss kisses over his skin.
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diana-andraste · 5 months
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The Binding of Fenris, Dorothy Hardy, 1909
Fenrir, bound by the gods in H.A. (Hélène Adeline) Guerber's Myths of the Norsemen from the Eddas and Sagas
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celestialseawitch-ff · 2 months
Under the Moon
Harry tugged on the thick iron cuff around his ankle. 
“Come on. Come on. Come on.”
It was getting darker in the forest now. The moon would be out soon.
Of all the ways to go, massacred by Fenrir Greyback hadn't really been on the list. Dementors had been higher up on the list. Actually, Seamus’ explosive magic during transfiguration class was higher than the famous werewolf.
Fenrir Greyback was a ghost story. He was the boogeyman under Remus Lupin's bed. He wasn’t supposed to be an actual threat to Harry. That honour was still tightly held by Voldemort.
Harry closed his eyes and sighed. 
The Death Eaters had come out of nowhere while he was at the park. He spent most of his summer there before being forced to return to the Dursleys. When he was younger, lingering around the house meant he'd get locked up under the stairs or forced to do labour. Now that he was older, loitering tended to get him beat with a belt. He could still feel the lashings healing on his back from his uncle's latest temper tantrum.
The Death Eaters pounced before Harry even knew they were there. One moment he was sitting alone in a park and the next thing he knew, he was wandless and unconscious on the floor of an unknown forest. 
Voldemort stayed only long enough to gloat.
“I want you to suffer,” he told Harry. “The way you have made me suffer for years.”
“Fuck you, Riddle,” Harry spat back.
Voldemort smiled coldly. “Let's see how much fight you have left in you when Greyback is done with you.”
Harry's eyes widened.
Voldemort's smile widened. “Oh yes,” he seethed as he bent down so they were eyelevel. “You've heard the stories, I'm sure. More wolf than man. Our furry cannibal is going to eat you piece by piece. He's special among wolves. He retains his human mentality and control without the Wolfsbane potion. He's assured me he'll make it a long, horrible process. You will live until just before dawn breaks. And then,” he clenched his fingers into a fist and Harry flinched, “he'll eat your heart out.”
“I thought you wanted to kill me.”
“My mind has finally settled since the restoration potion. The prophecy will shatter once you die. That's all that matters. Then the only one who can stop me is Dumbledore and he will be dead by the end of the year.”
“You can't beat the Headmaster.”
“I already have. He fell for a dark curse I cast as a young boy. It's poetic really. He was always so terrified of me as a boy. Now my youth will be his death.”
“Just let me go,” Harry pleaded quietly.
“You're the final piece, Harry. But how about this. If the prophecy is destroyed before you die, I'll let you live.”
“The prophecy was shattered during the battle.”
“Oh? Well, I suppose you'll die then.”
The Dark Lord stood and strode away. Harry closed his eyes and bit his tongue on the desperate pleas that bubbled up inside of him. They would fall on deaf ears. Voldemort had no pity. 
The air cracked with magic as he disapparated and Harry was alone.
He opened his eyes and glared at the metal cuff on his ankle. His skin was raw underneath and starting to bleed. His fingers had begun bleeding from tugging at the rough metal ages ago. Tears stained his cheeks.
He had never felt so hopeless. 
“Please,” he cried. 
His eyes fell shut and he prayed to every god and deity he could think of. The Weasleys worshipped a goddess, he knew. He thought it was a prank at first, but Hermione had looked unsurprised and curious at the revelation. He knew she'd read up on it. He wished he had too. 
“Please,” he begged into the forest as night began to fall. “Please. Please. I don't want to die.”
Not like this, came the unbidden thought. Because of course he was going to die. Probably soon. Probably painfully.
But not like this.
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mostlycatsmostly · 4 months
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Portrait of a Mostly Good Boy
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keepmyh3art · 22 days
// the bite // a remus lupin post (rip my threads)
“pain can work from the outside in, i mean that sometimes what you see is pain. pain in its cruelest, purest form. without drugs or sleep or even shock or coma to dull it for you.
you see it and you take it in. and then it's you.
you’re the host to a long white worm that gnaws and eats, growing, filling your intestines until finally you cough one morning and up comes the blind pale head of the thing sliding from your mouth like a second tongue.”
remus does not remember the moment greyback's teeth made contact with his skin, but he remembers how it felt.
it felt as if he was split in two, and in a way he was. his life was his but it became someone else's. the before, and the after.
his room was destroyed and later on he found it fitting, he could never be a kid again, not after greyback.
are they one and the same? he tasted remus' blood and decided it too sweet to not taint. his skin too clean to not ruin.
what to do with the hunger deep in his stomach, the urge to be the monster he forced him to be.
the jealousy that stung his heart every time he saw a kid who was not forced to grow up too fast, that did not know just how bad life could get.
remus hates himself because for a moment, for less than a second, he comtemplates biting them. he wants to watch as someone else’s life falls through the cracks of desperation.
he is just a child, and he is not cruel. he is bitter as the night was when he was bit. because he was not even given a chance at life. what did he do? what did he do to deserve that?
perhaps greyback knew something he didn't, maybe he was always meant to be cursed.
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chitaayakuqing · 16 days
If Lupin x Sirius is called Wolfstar, then any combination of Lupin, Bill, and Greyback should be called Wolfwolf (all three being, of course, Wolfwolfwolf)
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goga-je-pieroga · 10 months
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Blank template: @DayanaraSmithersArt on Pinterest
Meme: by me
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chocfrog-enjoyer · 1 month
Name-play and symbolism in Harry Potter
Sirius Black: Dog Black the black dog ( Sirius is a star in the Canis Major // Big Dog //constellation, the star is commonly known as the “Dog Star” ). A dog is a man’s best friend ( unlike Peter, the rat, who ratted his friends out )
Remus Lupin: basically just Wolf Wolf ( Remus - roman hero raised by wolves. In Latin lupus means “wolf”, and lupinus “wolf-like” )
Rubeus Hagrid: In Greek Mythology, Hagrid Rubes is a giant who is banished from Mt. Olympus by Zeus and has to take care of animals. Hagrid is expelled from Hogwarts and becomes the groundskeeper- later on he starts teaching Care of Magical Creatures.
Sybille Trelawney: Said to be a descendant of the legendary Cassandra, in Greek mythology Cassandra was a woman with the ability to foresee future and a curse, that no one believed her prophecies. Here’s my post on why Sybill isn’t a fraud.
Xenophilous Lovegood: Xenophilius's name comes from two Greek words: Xenos "strange" and -Phile "love" -> one who loves the strange
Bellatrix Lestrange: Bellatrix means “female warrior” in Latin. She was one of Voldemorts most fierce and loyal followers.
Nymphadora Tonks: Nymphadora translates as "Gift of the Nymphs.” A "nymph," in Greek mythology, refers to "a member of group of female 'spirits' found in different types of nature.” They had the ability to transform/shapeshift" They are further classified by where they were found. In Latin, “nympha” translates to “bride, mistress. young woman” referencing the fact that Remus married Tonks, who’s 13 years younger than him.
Minerva McGonnagal: In Roman Mythology Minerva was the goddess of wisdom, war, art, schools, justice and commerce.
Dolores Umbridge: The word umbrage means offence or annoyance, and the Spanish name Dolores has its roots in the Latin word "dolor," which translates to "pain" or "sorrow."
Fenrir Greyback: Fenrir is a monstrous wolf in Norse mythology. Fenrir represents the forces of evil and chaos.
Gilderoy Lockhart: The Levels of Processing model, created by Fergus I. M. Craik and Robert S. Lockhart in 1972, describes memory recall of stimuli as a function of the depth of mental processing.
Merope Gaunt: In Greek mythology Merope is one of the seven Pleiades, daughter of Atlas and Pleione. Merope is the faintest of the stars because she was the only of the Pleiades to have married a mortal. One myth says that she hid her face in shame because she had an affair with a mortal man. ( Replace mortal with muggle and we have Merope Gaunt )
Lucius Malfoy: Lucius deriving from Latin words, meaning light/bright/to shine. “Mal foy” means “bad faith” in French. Draco is latin for “serpent/dragon”
Lily Evans ( later Potter ) and Petunia Evans ( later Dursley ): Lilies are often associated with purity, renewal and transience, and Petunias symbolize anger and resentment
Alastor Moody: Alastor, an epithet of the Greek God Zeus, according to Hesychius of Alexandria and the Etymologicum Magnum, which described him as the avenger of evil deeds, specifically familial bloodshed.
Quirinus Quirrell: In Augustan Rome, Quirinus was an epithet of Janus, as Janus Quirinus. Janus is the god of beginnings, gates, transitions, time, duality, doorways, passages, frames, and endings. He is usually depicted as having two faces.
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