#blackberry honey crystal
climbdraws · 21 days
Im going through my baking/cooking arc right now and I am enjoying seeing your baked goods. I tried making a blackberry pie a while ago but it didn't turn out well, but I'm gonna try doing other things with my spare blackberries.
make the oat bars they're calling to you
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hearthandheathenry · 8 months
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All About Imbolc
Imbolc, also known as Imbolg, celebrated on February 1st, marks the halfway point between the winter solstice and the spring equinox in early Ireland and Scotland, and also signified the beginning of the first signs of spring after all the harsh winter days. Originally a pagan holdiay in pre-Christian times, there is little in writing about the historic traditions and customs, although many historians believe it revolved around the Celtic Goddess Brigid, lambing season, and cleansing due to observed ancient poetry.
Brigid is a Goddess and daughter of the father-God of Ireland, Dagda. She is associated with quite a few things depending on the sources, but universally associated with wisdom and poetry. Other associations of hers are blacksmithing, protection, domesticated animals, childbirth, fire, and healing. She was also known as a protector of the home and the family.
Once Christianity arose, it is believed that the Goddess was syncretized with the Irish Saint Brigid by Christian monks due to the many overlapping associations. This caused Imbolc to quickly turn into St. Brigids Day and the next day into Candlemas with the rising Christian popularity, enmeshing the holiday associations together.
Today, many people have mixed the traditions and melded many associations from both religious and cultural history to celebrate their own unique way. Common ways to celebrate are making a Brigid's Cross, welcoming Brigid into the home, having a feast in her honor, cleaning the home and oneself, visiting a holy well, and in some parts of the world they still hold festivals and processions carrying a representation of Brigid. Many pagans nowadays are using associations of hers and their connection with nature to create their own ways to celebrate, however, and you can absolutely celebrate however you feel called to do so.
Imbolc Associations:
Colors - white, gold or yellow, green, and blue
Food - milk, butter, cheese, seeds and grains, breads, herbs, blackberries, oat porridge, wild onion and garlic, honey
Animals - sheep and lambs, swans, cows, burrowing and hibernating animals
Items - candles, corn dolls, Brigid's cross, fires, snowdrops and white flowers, crocuses and daffodils, flower crowns
Crystals - amethyst, garnet, ruby, quartz, bloodstone
Other - lactation, birth, feasting, farm preparation, cleansing and cleaning, the sun, poetry and creative endevours, smithing, water
Ways To Celebrate Imbolc:
make a Brigid's cross
light candles
have a feast
bake bread
plan your spring garden
leave an offering for Brigid
make a corn doll
craft a flower crown
clean your home
take a cleansing bath
make something out of metal
have a bonfire
look for the first signs of spring
make your own butter or cheese
do divination work and seek wisdom
write a poem
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names-for-alters · 7 months
Hello one and all, alters and headmates! I am Charlie! I like to make lists! I also hoard names! Are you looking for a name? GREAT! You can send an ask and request a specific aesthetic or origin of name, or you can look at my list!
With that said…
…Cracks knuckles…
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Findo Tach Tails Flicker Tracer Kat Iris Blu Brick Arlo Sammy Artie Finn Stein Aleksandr Vora Olive Luna Nyx Cyrus Qrow Orian Cello Onyx Skye Grim Opal Dawn Azure Fish Bones Poppy Bronze Eggs Sparky Specs Snickers Trout Navi Bingo Chili Bandit Stripe Busker Socks Brandy Frisky Winston Lucky Chucky Bently Judo Rusty Max Honey Indie Calypso Striker Merle Moxxie Vex Ant Bugger Bee Spider Tails Hook Indigo Amber Coco Coral Scarlet Ivory Jade Ruby Emerald Chuck Loden Copper Hamelin Neo Shepard Cinnamon Visor Macalister Soul Hack Hiccup Flynn Rider Astrid Jay Raven Robyn Bolt Dagger Viper Tracer Cornwall Flock Sapphire Crystal Ghost Mochi Trick Catra Rose Raven Flip Chani Racket Red Crimson Dragon Runt Scotch Tellie Gator Croc Crow Goat Duck Creeper Kuma Jet Jeep Draco Poppy Sombra Raine Squish Spike Blaze Ender Drake Sandy MK PJ DJ CJ MJ King Creak Shadow Clay Dusty Miles Dart Willow Antonius Husk Moth Cypher Jin Yin Yang Daisy Gray / Grey Alistair Halo Angel Cake Fennec Fox Null Lull Bastion Lucky Sun Star Cosmo Tweety Vox Nerys Sonic Bark Birch Oak Cherry Blossom Peaches Velvet Shell Coffee Valley Fang Moot Redpath Pudding X V Jr Ether Fig Trunk Joy Frogger Snowflake Snowball Snow Jumper Racket Flare Vendetta Loonie Coin Six Eleven Tropica Stelina Mojave Ink Sud Fender Zero Pollen Wysteria Page Ozias Rex Tortch Buck Nickel Stripe Lynch Tramp Wolf Pup Tank Jhariah Kharma Zenith Sparrow Prism Lemon Mune Lamb Pyke Diamond Parker Graves Fizz Nugget Melody Tink Blight Fangless Ambress Vulture Eclipse Luka Bangle Constance Constantine Sommar Babble Clank Bobble Chipper Aidan Slate Tin Twire Zephyr Silver Misty Faunus Atlas Birdie Brook Cedar Chip Coal Daisy Ember Faye Fate Fern Flint Harmony Helios Ivy Junx Kit Lyria Phoebe Piper Lady Beacon Elos Rumble Ida Cross Zed Scootie Smidge Clauger Happy Sonny Hath Soldier River Song Clawtor Videl Legen Onen Chunk Reid Pop Cobra Cash Clover Saris Volante Donna Belladonna Gale Chopper Morphias Vidia Loft Kape Levi Licker Howl Dustin Newt Creek Breezy Polaris Blight Archer Sirius Warren Dream Goon Cookie Ranger Amity Jericho Viggo Besko Asra Alice Olaf Mossfeld Issic Missy Rascal Creasy Nonya Hex Pita Miguel Manuel Rayburn Daisy Dash Lucky Becky Steele Cylo Featherstone Kingston Netherfield Reacher Saltburn Quick Rubble Dust Brimstone Humble Ado Grover Norvanos Leshy Blade Cooper Calcium
Pierre Rosemary
Kikos Wathel
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serene-faerie · 26 days
Doriathrim (plus Beren and Túrin) as Aesthetics
Thingol— towering pine trees, fireflies, a sharp jawline, stern yet gentle eyes, baroque architecture, glittering caves, majestic stags, hands as strong and firm as stone, sweet pomegranates, red wine and roasted meat, neat handwriting, the smell of pine, a melodic baritone voice, kohl-lined eyes that make them sharper, a raised eyebrow to convey displeasure and anger, silver jewelry, neatly-combed hair, diamonds, hunting boots, hugs that linger, well-loved books with folded pages, loving one’s family, autumn leaves, wolves howling at night, tall grass, a great waterfall, graceful postures, roasted game meat, white horses, flowing robes, piercing gazes, soft humming, classical music, unyielding morals, the color of the sky at dusk.
Melian— clear night skies, knowing smiles, the silver light of a waxing moon, braided dark hair, a clear and crystalline voice, elegant harp music, deep-pink jewels, soft hands, flowing gowns, loving gazes, kisses on the forehead, motherly hugs, laughter that sounds like music, white wine, moonflowers, the smell of earth after rain, forest walks, bird watching, dark eyes filled with ancient wisdom, a gentle spring breeze, the pink skies of dawn, romantic paintings, lavender flowers, always knowing what to say, birds in the trees, a flowing river, a graceful doe, blackberries, whispered singing, eyes crinkling with joy, ever present sorrow.
Beren— golden sunlight, forest bathing, leather boots, sword-calloused hands that touch gently, long, tousled brown hair, hardened yet sorrowful eyes, smiles as warm as summer, green cloaks, the smell of amber and cloves, sleeping beneath trees, hearty laughter, falling in love at first sight, a courageous spirit, a rough but warm voice, promising to protect those he loves, loving despite losing everyone dear, patching up injuries, lingering touches, dancing among the flowers, wild berries, fiery sunsets, warm hugs, brown bears, scarred muscles, hand kisses, vows to protect, the coming of summer, forest meadows, reverent whispers of love, admiring gazes, sweet wine, campfires.
Lúthien— starry skies, soft skin, long and loose dark hair, flower crowns, carefree smiles, eyes full of starlight, a voice like crystal, laughter as warm as summer nights, blue gowns, bare feet, ballet dancing, rosy lips, nightingales in the trees, shimmering purple eyeshadow, loving with one’s whole heart, jasmine flowers, red cherries, the smell of lilacs, the loving warmth of spring, sparkling jewels, meadows in the springtime, gentle hand-holding, butterfly kisses, elderflower cordial, sleeping amidst flowers, breaking out of the shell, soft singing, summer storms, april showers, a light in the darkness, a courageous heart, the pale blue morning skies.
Dior— dark, tousled hair, bright eyes, sparkly jewelry, a rugged elegance, a young fawn, mischievous smiles, blue jays, close bonds with family, witty comebacks, blueberries, sharp teeth dripping with blood, righteous fury, defending one’s home to the death, childhood lullabies, swimming in rivers, stargazing, crackling fires, the smell of musk, challenging death head-on, gleaming swords, blood moons, silver rings on each finger, collecting rain in cupped palms, raspberry tea, cicadas buzzing at dusk, the warm caress of a late spring breeze, thunderstorms, flashes of lightning, violent winds.
Nimloth— flushed cheeks, long silver hair, eyes with a gleam both faint and fierce, cunning smiles, loving fiercely, flower garlands, green gowns, careful hands, the new moon, emerald jewelry, golden earrings, bathing in forest rivers, protecting family with one’s life, sharp blades, a mother bear, white flowers, floral tea, strawberries, thrushes, holly leaves, blood upon one’s cheeks, torn dresses, the cool air of dawn, honey cakes, killing one’s enemy at the cost of one’s life, embroidered sheets, cherry-red lipstick, no regrets, victory in death, dying with a smile upon one’s face.
Elwing— white seagulls, wavy dark hair, eyes that are hardened by grief and pain, glowing gems, blue ocean waves, collecting seashells, waters glittering with starlight, a quiet, firm voice, hands that tremble ever so slightly, thick blankets, a gentle sea breeze, gazing out at the sea, warm honey tea, bread and apricot jam, candlelight by the bed, fingertips stained with ink, counting the stars, a worn plush toy, white feathers, a heart burdened with sorrow, finding joy in the smallest things, whispered lullabies to oneself, the pale blue dawn, the smell of the sea, jewelry of silver and pearls, beachside walks with one’s family.
Daeron— wooden flutes, bookshelves with worn books, cursive handwriting, candlelight upon desks, quiet ambient music, a light, clear voice, quiet humming to oneself, a cool autumn breeze, falling asleep at a desk, a crown of leaves, seasonal poetry, flowing rivers, soft hair, lush green grass, pining silently, wandering the earth, living in solitude, the passing of spring, songwriting, warm tea with spices, trying to do what is right, loving one’s home, loyalty to one’s lord, eloquent fingers, singing at parties, knowing exactly what to say at the right time, midsummer nights.
Beleg— hair in a ponytail, feather-tipped arrows, fingerless gloves, keen eyes, silent footsteps, kind smiles, brotherly hugs, deer hunting, sleeping under trees, silver bracelets, cherishing the bonds of friendship, frost upon tree branches, the chill of winter, brown owls, icicles from rooftops, morning mist in the trees, roasted game meat, thick scarves, falling snow, frozen waters, rainy nights, thunderclouds, forgiving, tragic poetry, suppressing one’s emotions, polished hunting boots, bird calls, carvings in tree trunks, loving someone for their flaws, kisses on hands, goodbye kisses, lips stained with blood.
Mablung— sharpened knives, a silent hunter, worn leather boots, even-tempered, always trying to keep a level head, a calming voice, sad smiles, making tea for others, late night hunting trips, strong hands, caverns that echo, light-footedness, elegant yet broken spears, always being the bearer of bad news, giving advice that is never listened to, windswept hair, the smell of bergamot and ginger, a heart weighed by sadness, bittersweet farewells, the thick morning fog, black ravens, mud upon one's cheeks, riverside walks, horse riding through forests, respect and love for one's superiors, fighting to defend one's home.
Túrin— long dark hair, turbulent scowls, sharp eyes full of righteous anger and pain, alcohol, poor decisions, black tea, bedtime stories, tiny smiles, laughter that is scarcely heard, carving wooden animals with a knife, clothes stained with blood, heart racing with adrenaline, lightning, the rumbling of thunder, a hoarse and deep voice, solitude, abandoned cities, shattered mirrors, unyielding stubbornness and pride, words that can cut deep, quick to anger, loving deeply, passionate about justice, running barefoot across the grass, wilted flowers, withered trees, lucid dreaming, dark colors, restlessness, heavy boots, hooded capes, gleaming black swords, tears of anger and bitterness, cloudy skies.
Nellas— robins, three-leafed clovers, tall grass, sleeping in the trees, daisies, red apples, messy braids, short and loose dresses, walking barefoot, freckled cheeks, eyes as warm as the sun, feeding the squirrels, uncaring of anyone's opinions, loving the woodland creatures, the countryside, herds of deer, clusters of poppies, playing hide-and-seek in the forest, folklore stories of animals that speak, dirt under fingernails, crisp air, muddy feet, stargazing from the tallest trees, shy smiles, red foxes, red maple trees, rosy cheeks, a cute button nose, quiet observation, dried leaves in tangled hair, hushed whispers, secret giggles.
Oropher— tall oak trees, loose silver hair, a heart full of unending grief, glittering deep green robes, memorial shrines carved in stone, rosemary and heather, climbing vines, the smell of incense, loves the forest, anger that quietly simmers, a piercing glare to silence unwanted chatter, firm but gentle hands, the sound of rushing rivers, only trusting those who have earned it, quills dipped in ink, leather-bound journals, a compelling voice, silvery light, vast, old-growth forests, black bears, always keeping promises, grey-blue eyes, a mind haunted by memory, reluctant alliances, firm and unwavering principles, late night reading, being slow to forgive, tales of the past, bitter nostalgia, night skies fading into dawn.
Thranduil— a crown of oak leaves and woodland flowers, sweet and fruity wine, tall and dark forests, the crisp chill of early winter, high ceilings, a gleaming sword with a golden hilt, a silver necklace with white jewels, autumn berries, family hunting trips, joyous feasts late into the night, loving the forest through all the seasons, rings of silver and gold, silver eyeshadow, sharp eyeliner that enhances one's eyes, pale straight hair, a heart weighed with bittersweet melancholy, gently rocking a baby's cradle, long hours in the library, a marvellous deer, shimmering eyeshadow, disdain shown through raised eyebrows, the smell of autumn leaves, silk robes, stories about the forests and the stars, befriending the woodland creatures, loving those who are lost.
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jiubilant · 3 months
ft. @zurin's character, casair
“It purports,” says the Headmaster of the Bards’ College, raising a classical brow, “to be the oldest teahouse in the City of Stone.”
“So does that one,” says the Archmage of Winterhold, nodding across the street. “And that one. And the, the one on Temple Way, remember, with all the trellises—”
“Please come in, messeri,” cries the girl sweeping the hearth, “or you’ll let out the cat—Pangur, no!”
They scramble to shut the door, of course. Then, of course, they have no choice but to let the girl take their cloaks hostage, to be ushered to the corner table with the charming brass lamp, and to murmur amused greetings at the house’s proprietor: a venerable gib-cat, puddled half-asleep by the fire, who blinks at them without moving a paw.
“Let out the cat,” mutters Viarmo when the girl—who knows her own cleverness, judging by her smile—has hurried out of earshot for their cups. He gestures with theatrical indignation to the hearth. “Beast didn’t even deign to roll over.”
He brushes his bright velvet doublet as if ridding it of fur. The Archmage smiles.
Whatever’s sprung up between them over the past month, he thinks, will likely end today. He’s leaving the City of Stone tomorrow—for his ice fortress, as Vjar’s put it. He’s missed it, his College: the blinding ice, the air that crystallizes in the lungs, the cold, clean vastness of the sea. The seals bawling at gulls. The gulls squalling at seals. His wonder-workers shuffling about with wind-flushed faces, blowing on their hands, stamping the snow from their boots in the entrance-hall.
But he’ll miss Markarth, too, against his better judgment—
“You won’t regret choosing the Juniper Tree,” chirps the girl, bustling back with teacups and tray. “They serve dishwater on Temple Way. Pilgrims can’t tell the difference, you know. Melze!”
She rattles out the teapot and an array of brimming bowls: honey, sugar-shavings, blackberries cooked in syrup. A silver ewer of warm milk. A carafe of cool water, and a carafe of hot. The Archmage watches with growing surprise and delight; Viarmo watches with amusement, rearranging the bowls when it looks as though the girl will run out of table.
“Melze?” he asks, catching a desperate teacup without turning a hair. The man is nine-tenths pomade.
“Tea in the dwarven style,” says the Archmage, smiling. A memory he’d thought lost returns to him: himself in a melzeruhn with his father and sister, holding his cup with both hands, sitting on two cushions in order to see over the table. “It was popular in Narsis when I was a scrib. You fix it up yourself. I didn’t know it ever crossed the Velothis—”
“This was a dwarven city, once,” says the girl with a dimpled smile. “It’s our house blend, messere, so it may surprise you.”
He suspects that it will. He hasn’t had melze in two hundred years.
“Let me,” he says when Viarmo reaches for the teapot to pour. Then, against his better judgment: “I ought to know by now what you like.”
Nothing ventured, he thinks a little desperately in the silence that follows. The big beringed hand pauses in the steam. Above it, Viarmo gives him a long, leonine look.
“Yes,” he concedes at last, nudging the teapot across the table. Their fingers almost brush. “Will I see you at that colloquium, come spring?”
* * *
The House of Dibella’s conservationist, after several minutes of scholarly rumination on her pen, rubs her face and looks up from her précis. The Juniper Tree is crowded this afternoon, she thinks with dry surprise; apart from herself, she counts two customers.
“Cottia,” she calls in the Reachling tongue of their mothers, reaching across the table for her cup: tart juniper tea, not the Nchuand brew that charms the lowlanders. “I’d like something else to chew on, please—”
“Bannuc!” her cousin announces, and drops a wedge of the hot, fluffy barley-cake on the conservationist’s notes. Then she drops herself into the adjacent chair, her eyes twinkling with the promise of some mischief. “Fresh from the stone. Do you think they’re rich, Casair?”
The glittering old gentlemen at the corner table, absorbed in a lively Haafing conversation about lausavísur, seem in no danger of understanding them. Casair counts their gleaming rings and raises her eyebrows. “Why?”
“They didn’t ask the price of the tea service.” Cottia grins like that cat. “Should I charge them double?”
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too-hot-to-hoot · 4 months
You've decided to visit the magical ice cream shop down the street. Which flavor do you pick?
Eye of the Desert: Sparkling golden ice cream with the texture of fine powdery sand, served in a beautifully filagreed silver tureen studded with emeralds. If you look closely, you can see swirls of "sand" rising above the sunlit dunes. It tastes mildly sweet and slightly pepper with an undertone of exotic flowers and fresh fruit. At the bottom of the bowl is a single azure stone the color of a cloudless sky. Every time you ask it a simple yes or no question, it flickers: bright gold for yes, black for no, white/gray for unsure. It is never wrong. After the sun sets, it crumbles to dust.
Sweet Schadenfreude. Fluffy vanilla bean ice cream as soft as a cloud, served in a fine crystal bowl in the shape of a heart. The ice cream is drizzled with dark, decadent honey in which tiny red crystals are suspended. The vanilla tastes normal, but the honey is FIREY HOT. Like, ghost pepper hot. It's almost painful to eat (depending on your spice tolerance) even with the ice cream, but if you finish it, you may whisper the name of the person you hate the most into the empty crystal. They will be stung by a swarm of magical crystal bees.
Flowers' Friend. Served in a small wooden pail, the ice cream on top is bright green, smells and tastes like dandelion heads, and makes birdlike chirps every time you scoop up a spoonful. The bottom is spongey browny bites that feel like sunwarmed earth. Little candy flowers are sprinkled on top, and they turn their heads in the direction of the sun. After you've finished eating, a hedgehog follows you around all day, giving you little gifts from the forest like acorns and mushrooms.
Snow Moon. Served in a glossy black cup made from volcanic glass, the ice cream is deathly cold, so cold you shiver just being near it. Its texture is slippery and flows like mercury, but the ice cream itself is oddly heavy, as if you could feel the immense weight of a black hole on the tip of your spoon. It's so shiny and reflective it would almost be blinding in full sun, but even in the darkness it glimmers coldly like the light of distant stars. It tastes like blackberries in milk. Eating it grants you the ability to travel through mirrors for the next 24 hours.
The Artist's Delight. This ice cream is served in an antique china tea cup. Written on the side is the signature of your favorite arist or writer. The pink, violet, and turquose ice cream is buttery soft with a matte finish, making it look more like paint pigments than food. It has the pattern of a butterfly's wing that always maintains its crisp black outlines no matter how much you eat. It tastes like rosewater or dark chocolate and orange rind, depending on your mood. If you eat it, the next time you sit down to create, a butterfly will whisper in your ear, giving you the most amazing and fantastical ideas for art and stories you've ever heard.
The Dark Embrace. This ice cream is served out of the brainpan of an edible human skull made out of dark chocolate and dusted with a a strange, silvery pigment. The ice cream is blood red and viscous but carries a surprisingly pleasant warm, spicy-sweet scent. It tastes like raspberry cheesecake, and you can see dark, sinister shapes cavorting about in the dripping red confection, like misshapen skeletons and dancing devils with black wings. if you listen closely you can almost hear an eerie melody playing...
What does it do? You'll just have to eat and find out!
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cordeliahrose · 2 years
Lucifer is a Latin word coming from the words lux, meaning light, and fero, meaning to bear or to carry. Literally translating to light-bearer.
Lucifer as a Roman Deity
Lucifer has had many faces throughout history. One of these being the Roman deity of the morning star, or Venus, considered the male equivalent of the goddess Venus. He is attributed to being the god of enlightenment and illumination. Lucifer is often depicted carrying a torch, and said to be equal in beauty to the goddess Venus. Due to being the morning star, I can also see Lucifer being associated with war as well. Especially considering his association with learning and knowledge, as well as that Venus also historically had war epithets. 
In the Greek pantheon, they separate the morning star and the evening star into two seperate deities, being Phosphorus/Eosphorus and Hesperos. Eosphorus meaning “dawn-bringer”, and Phosphorus meaning “The bearer of light”. Phosphorus and Hesperos are the sons of Eos, Goddess of dawn, and Astraios, God of dusk. Phosphorus is the father of the Hesperides, nymphs of the evening time and light of the sunset.
Lucifer in Abrahamic Religions
Historically, Lucifer was never mentioned in the Bible at all. His name being associated to Christianity nowadays is due to a mistranslation of a poem about a fallen king. However, he is a big part of Christian culture now, and there are myths associated with him. 
Lucifer was said to be the most beautiful and intelligent of God’s angels. He was God’s right hand. Until he defied God. There are many different versions of the fall of Lucifer. 
One version of this story says that Lucifer became overly prideful of himself, his beauty, intelligence, power, that he thought himself worthy of being worshipped equal to God. Because of this, God cast him out of heaven.
Another version is that Lucifer was jealous of Jesus Christ. He gathered the angels and brought forward the idea of worshipping him instead of Jesus. Some of the angels sided with Lucifer, while others did not. There was a meeting between God, Lucifer, and all of the angels in which God said that their rebellion was unforgivable. There was a war between the two sides, but ultimately God and his angels won. Lucifer and the angels who followed him were banished from heaven.
Lucifer in Modern Witchcraft
In more modern witchcraft, there is a tradition which states that Diana, queen of witches, created Lucifer when she split herself into two pieces, darkness and light. She kept the darkness for herself, and Lucifer kept the light. Lucifer and Diana also have a child, Aradia. In this tradition, Lucifer is seen as the god of light, and masculine energy. One of the most influential sources for this tradition is The Gospel of the Witches by Charles Godfrey Leland.
Lucifer in Demonolatry
In demonolatry, Lucifer has many titles. Prince, King, Emperor, Lord. Lucifer is a demon of transformation, enlightenment, awakening, self-discovery, self-empowerment, and more. He is usually attributed to the element of air, and also pride.
Lucifer’s Associations
Anything with the * symbol next to it means that it is my own UPG.
Corvids (crows, ravens)
Blue, especially pale blue*
Clear quartz
I am aware that copper isn’t a crystal. 
Black pepper
Spicy peppers*
The number 7*
Spring equinox
Autumn equinox*
Spicy foods*
Sweet things, especially baked goods
Juices, especially apple or grape
Devotional Acts
Shadow work
Learn about the sciences or the arts
Create art of any kind
Face your fears
Learn about any of his associated animals
Magical workings, especially those that fall under his sphere of influence
Learning in general
Developing  your psychic abilities and spiritual senses (the clairs)
Spiritual progression
Anything marked with the symbol * means that it is my own UPG
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moondrunkteen · 2 months
The Blackest Sea, Nyx
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Color: Black and Silver
Elements: Air
Tarot Cards🎴: The High Priestess, The Strength and The 5 of Swords
Food🥛: Moon Creme, Black Tea and Dark Chocolate
Herbs🍯: Comfrey, Honeysuckle, Lavender, Mugwort, Patchouli, Primrose and Vervain
Animals🦉: Crows or just any black animal
Crystals🌔:Selenite, Sunstone, Moonstone, Black Tourmaline and Quartz or just any Star shaped Cyrstal
Incense🫐: Blackcurrant, Vanilla Musk, Blackberry, Sage, Pine and Honey
Devotional Acts
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- Go on a night walk and stargaze on Monday
- Drink Black Tea/Black with Moon Creme after taking a bath/shower with only the light of black candles/dim lightin of any kind
- Keep a nighttime journal
- Write Poetry about the Night
- Wear Silver Jewelry and a Veiling or Scarfs
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(the Lore Olympus Nyx is the closet design to how I see Nyx)
Nyx, the goddess of the night, was one of the primordial gods who emerged at the beginning of time. She was born from Chaos and gave birth to Light and Day after coupling with Darkness. Additionally, she was believed to have spawned a group of dark spirits, including the Fates, Sleep, Death, Strife, and Pain. In ancient art, Nyx was often depicted as a winged goddess or charioteer, sometimes crowned with a veil of dark mists representing the substance of the night. The Moon and stars are symbols associated with Nyx, representing her influence over darkness and the universe. Nyx is linked to the void, the primal, infinite emptiness from which she emerged and is considered the source of all things. She is often associated with infinity, reflecting her limitless wisdom and knowledge, and is also seen as a goddess of destruction and ruin. In some mythologies, Nyx is believed to have given birth to Zeus and the other Olympians and to be their caretaker and protector.
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the-habitat-ring · 6 months
The (Real) Stardew Valley Farm Update
Okay, so I meant to post way more about this, but the past year involved a truly inhumane number of medical appointments including driving an hour away 2-3 times a week all summer, so . . . not a lot of time for gardening and not much energy for posting. Fingers crossed that this year goes better!
To refresh, I'm trying to grow everything from Stardew Valley in our yard, with substitutions as needed, preferably with Midwest USA native plants. 2021 and 2022 can be found here, with my original plans for what I was going to do for 2023 and 2024.
2021: Additions/Corrections
Starfruit - Native wood sorrel (thanks to @alienskyler1 for teaching me that they were related!)
Cave Carrot - Queen Ann’s Lace, AKA wild carrot (also plenty of cultivated carrots)
2023: What Actually Happened
Garlic - Native wild garlic
Wild Horseradish - Not wild, contained in a raised bed on concrete because I don't want it to get too wild (also a mint containment system!)
Hops - Teamaker hops which is good for tea. It struggled in the summer so maybe tea this year?
Winter Root - I went with hopniss, aka groundnuts, a native vine with tubers you dig up in winter
Fiddlehead Fern - Native hayscented fern
Poppy - Native wood poppy
The ferns and poppies were planted in the fall, so hopefully they come up well this spring!
2024: The Plan
Blue Jazz - Native Ozark Bluestar (one of my winter sowing seeds)
Apricot Tree - Native passionflower vine, known as wild apricot (winter sowing)
Sunflower - Winter sowing two native sunflowers, and will hopefully be growing some massive non-native ones as well
Summer Spangle - Native prairie lily (winter sowing)
Palm Tree/Coconut - Native palm sedge. I'll grow this from seed once it warms up
Pineapple - White strawberries (pineberries)
Oak Tree - Native dwarf chinquapin oak (it's been shockingly hard to get my hands on one)
Sweet Pea
Hot Pepper
Ancient Fruit - Native Aronia (they're blueish and have lots of antioxidants so you live to be ancient)
We'll see how it goes!
Planned for 2025 and Beyond:
Red Cabbage
Artichoke - Native Jerusalem artichokes
Cactus Fruit - Native prickly pear cactus
Bok Choy
Holly - Native winterberry holly
Crystal Fruit - Honey berries, which produce fruit earlier than anything else
Mushrooms - I'm just gonna ignore varieties and try some plugs or similar
Still trying to figure out doable substitutes for these
Qi Fruit - Very creepy
Taro Root - I would have to plant it in pots
Snow Yam
Mahogany Tree
Peach Tree
Pomegranate Tree - I could try Russian pomegranates?
I'll try to do a better job this year keeping everyone updated. It's been such a fun project and I'm so glad I decided to go for it!
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middletone · 5 months
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Introduction Post
Spring – Year 1: Week 1 - Week 2 - Week 3 - Week 4
Summer – Year 1: Week 1- Week 2 - Week 3 - Week 4
Current Goals:
Fast-track Blue Chickens
Fishing Level 10
Weekly Summary: Leander has taken the first steps towards becoming a part of the Pelican Town community! Having heard rumors of Shane’s chicken husbandry skills, our farmer is attempting to befriend possibly the only person in town to actively avoid having friends. Very rude; we just want to talk about chickens!
Leander has found solace in fishing. He prefers fishing at the dock in front of Willy’s shop, but will sometimes move to one of the small islands of the mountain lake. The Fiberglass Rod was a much needed purchase. The mines do instill a growing need for adventure, however…
Having met with the Wizard and “partaken” of his brew, Leander’s magics have begun to reawaken; enough that the Fae saw it within their good graces to bless our first crops. A fruitful first week back at Aurora Fields.
Daily summary & donation checklists under the cut; mod list in the Introduction post.
Day 01:
Beginner chickens are Honey (white) & Biscuit (brown)
Cleared some of the farm
Collected enough wood for 2 chests
Bought and planted: 1 Parsnip, 1 Cauliflower, 1 Kale, 1 Green Bean, 1 Blue Jazz, 1 Tulip, 3 Potatoes
Said “Hi” to everyone excluding Alex, Willy, & the Wizard - Not bad!
Found all possible Spring Foragables - Great start!
Dug up a Rusty Spoon and spoke with Gunther about the museum
Hit Foraging Level 1
Day 02:
Forgot to pet the chickens; continue to be mad I can’t pet them while they’re sleeping
Got word from Willy & went to the beach for our first fishing rod
Dropped a chest in front of Willy’s shop & fished until 5pm; treasure: iron ore, frozen geodes
Found Glass Shards on the beach - Serious safety hazard!
Said “Hi” to Willy & Alex
Gifted a daffodil to Linus for the ‘Making Friends’ quest
Cleared some of the farm before heading to bed
Hit Fishing Levels 1 & 2
Day 03:
Caught all rain fish except the Shad
Fenced off a portion of the Coop area for the blue chewy grass to spread without being eaten
Chickens fully grown - Got our first eggs!
Gifted Shane an egg; Operation Fast-track Blue Chickens is a go!
Purchased a Fiberglass Rod & Bait from Willy’s Shop
Spent the day fishing; treasure: iron ore, geode, Aquamarine
Cleared some of the farm before heading to bed
Hit Fishing Levels 3 & 4
Got Fisherman achievement
Day 04:
Spent the day fishing
Gave Pam a Joja Cola to rub on her sore nose - ?
Egg for Shane
Did some foraging before bed
Hit Fishing Level 5 - Chose Fisher perk
Day 05:
Adopted our first cat, Steve “Captain America” Rogers
Cleared some of the farm towards the southern exit
Completed the Rat Problem & Mine cut scenes
Dropped a chest in the mine by the elevator for future use
Dropped a chest in front of the Community Center & moved items in preparation for first round of donations - Reminds me of stacking bugs/fish outside Blather’s while the museum upgrades in ACNH lol
Spent the day fishing
Day 06:
Got high with the wizard and made first round of donations to the Community Center
Gave Sam a Flounder that he wanted for unspecified reasons
Spent the day fishing
Cleared some of the farm before heading to bed
Received a visit from the Fairy!
Hit Fishing Level 6 & Foraging Level 2
Day 07:
Learned Stir Fry recipe
Bought a Red Mushroom from the Traveling Cart
Gave Lewis a Daffodil for his birthday
Bought & planted 8 Potatoes; purchased the first pack upgrade
Spent the day fishing; treasure: Skeletal Tail
Cleared some of the farm before heading to bed
Found & read Mining Monthly; gained mining XP
Hit Farming Level 1 & Mining Level 1; got Mother Catch achievement
Community Center - Crafts Room 1/6:
4/4 Spring Foraging: Wild Horseradish, Daffodil, Leek, Spring Onion
0/3 Summer Foraging: Grape, Spice Berry, Sweet Pea
0/4 Fall Foraging: Common Mushroom, Wild Plum, Hazelnut, Blackberry
0/4 Winter Foraging: Crystal Fruit, Snow Yam, Crocus, Holly
0/5 Exotic Foraging: Coconut, Cactus Fruit, Cave Carrot, Red Mushroom, Purple Mushroom, Maple Syrup, Oak Resin, Pine Tar, Morel
0/3 Forest: Moss (10), Fiber (200), Maple Seed (10)
Community Center - Pantry 1/6:
4/4 Spring Crops: Parsnip, Green Bean, Cauliflower, Potato
0/4 Summer Crops: Hot Pepper, Blueberry, Melon, Summer Squash
0/4 Fall Crops: Corn, Eggplant, Pumpkin, Yam
0/1 Rare Crops: Ancient Fruit, Sweet Gem Berry
2/4 Garden: Tulip, Summer Spangle, Fairy Rose, Blue Jazz, Sunflower
0/4 Brewer’s: Mead, Wine, Juice, Pale Ale, Green Tea
Community Center - Fish Tank 0/6:
1/4 River Fish: Sunfish, Catfish, Shad, Tiger Trout
3/4 Lake Fish: Largemouth Bass, Carp, Bullhead, Sturgeon
1/4 Ocean Fish: Sardine, Tuna, Red Snapper, Tilapia
2/3 Night Fishing: Walleye, Bream, Eel
2/5 Crab Pot: Lobster, Crayfish, Crab, Cockle, Mussel, Shrimp, Snail, Periwinkle, Oyster, Clam
0/2 Master Fisher’s: Lava Eel, Scorpion Carp, Octopus, Blobfish
Community Center - Boiler Room 0/3:
0/4 Geologist’s: Quartz, Earth Crystal, Frozen Tear, Fire Quartz
0/5 Treasure Hunter’s: Amethyst, Topaz, Emerald, Diamond, Ruby, Aquamarine
0/3 Engineer’s: Iridium Ore, Battery Pack, Refined Quartz (5)
Museum - Artifacts 1/42:
Dwarf Scroll I, Dwarf Scroll II, Dwarf Scroll III, Dwarf Scroll IV, Chipped Amphora, Arrowhead, Ancient Doll, Elvish Jewelry, Chewing Stick, Ornamental Fan, Dinosaur Egg, Rare Disc, Ancient Sword, Rusty Spoon, Rusty Spur, Rusty Cog, Chicken Statue, Ancient Seed, Prehistoric Tool, Dried Starfish, Anchor, Glass Shards, Bone Flute, Prehistoric Handaxe, Dwarvish Helm, Dwarf Gadget, Ancient Drum, Golden Mask, Golden Relic, Strange Doll, Prehistoric Scapula, Prehistoric Tibia, Prehistoric Skull, Skeletal Hand, Prehistoric Rib, Prehistoric Vertebra, Skeletal Tail, Nautilus Fossil, Amphibian Fossil, Palm Fossil, Trilobite
Museum – Minerals 0/53:
Emerald, Aquamarine, Ruby, Amethyst, Topaz, Jade, Diamond, Prismatic Shard, Quartz, Fire Quartz, Frozen Tear, Earth Crystal, Alamite, Bixite, Baryte, Aerinite, Calcite, Dolomite, Esperite, Fluorapatite, Geminite, Helvite, Jamborite, Jagoite, Kyanite, Lunarite, Malachite, Neptunite, Lemon Stone, Nekoite, Orpiment, Petrified Slime, Thunder Egg, Pyrite, Ocean Stone, Ghost Crystal, Tigerseye, Jasper, Opal, Fire Opal, Celestine, Marble, Sandstone, Granite, Basalt, Limestone, Soapstone, Hematite, Mudstone, Obsidian, Slate, Fairy Stone, Star Shards
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star--nymph · 13 days
how does eurydice cope with feeling ill? what foods does she eat? does she have a set routine like, how does she get comfortable and feel better?
Ask me a question pwease!
how does eurydice cope with feeling ill?
Eurydice copes with sickness with technical correctness, in that she does what she's supposed to. She makes her medicines, drinks her teas, isolates when she can, studies her symptoms and side effects. Much like with other people though, Eurydice has no concept of bed side care or self care, and tries to power through. If she believes she can walk, then she walks, even if she's drenched in sweat and swaying side by side. It goes hand in hand with the idea that she doesn't trust anyone to take care of her besides maybe three people before the Conclave: her deceased grandmother, her sister Melia, and Keeper Deshanna. Her grandmother was really the only person she ever felt truly cared for and she's been dead since she was about four. Melia and Deshanna tried but you try forcing an elf who has climbed a tree and is clinging to the trunk. Eventually, you give up and wait for her to pass out. (this isn't to say the clan wouldn't have cared for Eurydice if she was sick--the strangest member of the clan or not, she's still apart of the clan and they will have her live) The Inquisition was different for various reasons but most of them was that the Inner Circle did genuinely care about Eury's well being and Eurydice was just not used to that. She bristles against it most of the time like a hart with a wounded knee shoving itself into a small corner to get away from a helping hand. She doesn't take well to fussing or coddling, so I suspect as much as she loves Josephine and Varric, the only people she allows to help her are Vivienne (who just has her lay down in her lounge and has things brought to her) and Cullen who just doesn't take no for an answer. He's lucky she finds his fussing cute because sometimes when he starts acting like she invalid, she wants to claw his face off and using magic to throw him outside.
what foods does she eat?
Eurydice enjoys light foods; fruits, greens, nuts, produces made from halla milk. She's always been a picker eater and I think flavors and textures can overwhelm her. Her favorite foods are, of course, peaches and blackberries--if you give her anything with those things in it, she'll gobble it down. She can eat meats, she really has no dietary problems with it, she just doesn't usually like it much. If you give her a roasted leg of lamb, she'll eat it because it's food but it's not her first choice on her plate. She does also like traditional dalish breads and treats. Clan Lavellan has a special recipe for 'sweet beatles' which is exactly what it does like--beetles that are dipped in honey and brown sugar crystals. It's crunchy and sweet, she used to pop them into her mouth as a kid when she listened to stories told by the Clan's Storyteller.
does she have a set routine like, how does she get comfortable and feel better?
Oh! I have this written down somewhere actually! She has a very detailed one she has for Skyhold specifically and if it's broken, it can ruin her whole day.
Wake up (if she slept at all, anyway) at first morning bell.
Either stays in bed or wanders the room for a while to think about what she needs to do for the day (or talking to Cullen, depending on whether or not she’s with him that morning)
Do paperwork or check her research notes from last night.
Drink something. Stuff a piece of fruit in her mouth.
Get dressed.
Deliver any work, letters, codex, or information to Josephine. Has a cup of tea if Josie requires more time to speak to her.
Visit stables and start early morning grooming/takes her mounts out for a ride.
Daily War Meeting/Missioning Briefing. 
Visits either Vivienne, Dorian, or Solas to discuss spell work or spars with Cassandra (depends on the day)
Visits garden. 
Visits Cullen promptly at Noon and takes their daily walk together (even if the routine is busted, this usually never changes. She made a point to prioritize this every day for both her and Cullen's benefit, mostly because this is also the time where she reminds him to eat).
Enters her workshop so study, experiment, or work on projects.
Has afternoon tea with Vivienne (also a permanent fixture that can not and will not be changed) occasionally joined by Leliana, Dorian, and/or Bull. 
Enters undercroft to either speak to Dagna, Harritt, or work on her own crafting.
Visits stables again for afternoon grooming/feeding.
Has dinner (either with Blackwall at stable, in the tavern with Bull, Sera, Dorian, and Varric, or with Cullen).
Goes to Cullen’s tower.
Nightly walk promptly at 9pm (with or without Cullen) (another permanent routine).
Either returns to Cullen’s tower to spend the night with him or returns to her quarters.
Breaks out her jewelry making supplies and works on her bracelets.
Reads in bed or goes to sleep (depends on whether Cullen’s there or not because, again, has a set time for him to be in bed by, which is no later than 1:00 am).
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List of all SDV and SDV:E (Stardew Valley: Expanded) Giftable Items
Cave Carrot
Large Egg
Large Milk
Green Bean
Fiddlehead Fern
Hot Pepper
Red Cabbage
Ostrich Egg
Pale Ale
Void Egg
Duck Mayonnaise
Void Mayonnaise
Copper Bar
Silver Bar
Gold Bar
Iridium Bar
Refined Quartz
Copper Ore
Silver Ore
Gold Ore
Iridium Ore
Nautilus Shell
Summer Shell
Spice Berry
Sea Urchin
Spring Onion
Sweet Pea
Common Mushroom
Wild Plum
Winter Root
Crystal Fruit
Snow Yam
Sweet Gem Berry
Red Mushroom
Purple Mushroom
Goat Cheese
Truffle Oil
Coffee Bean
Goat Milk
Large Goat Milk
Duck Egg
Duck Feather
Lucky Rabbit’s Foot
Aged Roe
Ancient Fruit
Summer Spangle
Fairy Rose
Blue Jazz
Green Tea
Bug Meat
Maple Syrup
Oak Resin
Pine Tar
Bat Wing
Rusty Blade
Swirl Stone
Solar Essence
Void Essence
Void Pebble
Void Shard
Void Soul
Dinosaur Mayonnaise
Squid Ink
Tea Leaves
Taro Root
Cinder Shard
Magma Cap
Bone Fragment
Radioactive Ore
Radioactive Bar
Ancient Fiber
Dried Sand Dollar
Ferngill Primrose
Golden Ocean Flower
Green Mushroom
Four-Leaf Clover
Monster Fruit
Monster Mushroom
Mushroom Colony
Poison Mushroom
Red Baneberry
Salal Berry
Slime Berry
Sports Drink
Stamina Capsule
Void Root
Winter Star Ross
Dewdrop Berry
Aged Blue Moon Wine
Blue Moon Wine
Aegis Elixir
Armor Elixir
Barbarian Elixir
Gravity Elixir
Haste Exilir
Hero Elixir
Lightning Elixir
Largemouth Bass
Smallmouth Bass
Rainbow Trout
Red Snapper
Red Mullet
Green Algae
Super Seacucumber
Ghost Carp
White Algae
Stone Fish
Lava Eel
Scorpion Carp
Midnight Carp
Mutant Carp
Tiger Trout
Void Salmon
Midnight Squid
Blue Discus
Baby Lunaloo
Bull Trout
Dulse Seaweed
Grass Carp
King Salmon
Meteor Carp
Radioactive Bass
Razor Trout
Sea Sponge
Shiny Lunaloo
Snatcher Worm
Torpedo Trout
Void Eel
Water Grub
Dwarf Scroll 1
Dwarf Scroll 2
Dwarf Scroll 3
Dwarf Scroll 4
Chipped Amphora
Ancient Doll
Elvish Jewelry
Chewing Stick
Ornamental Fan
Dinosaur Egg
Rare Disc
Ancient Sword
Rusty Spoon
Rusty Spur
Rusty Cog
Chicken Statue
Ancient Seed
Prehistoric Tool
Dried Starfish
Glass Shards
Bone Flute
Prehistoric Handaxe
Dwarvish Helm
Dwarf Gadget
Ancient Drum
Golden Mask
Golden Relic
Strange Doll
Strange Doll
Prehistoric Scapula
Prehistoric Tibia
Prehistoric Skull
Skeletal Hand
Prehistoric Rib
Prehistoric Vertebrae
Skeletal Tail
Nautilus Shell
Amphibian Fossil
Palm Fossil
Prismatic Shard
Fire Quartz
Frozen Tear
Earth Crystal
Lemon Stone
Petrified Slime
Thunder Egg
Ocean Stone
Ghost Crystal
Tiger’s Eye
Fire Opal
Fairy Stone
Star Shards
Fried Egg
Cheese Cauliflower
Baked Fish
Parsnip Soup
Vegetable Medley
Complete Breakfast
Fried Calimari
Strange Bun
Lucky Lunch
Fried Mushrooms
Bean Hotpot
Glazed Yams
Carp Surprise
Salmon Dinner
Fish Taco
Crispy Bass
Pepper Poppers
Tom Kha Soup
Trout Soup
Chocolate Cake
Pink Cake
Rhubarb Pie
Spicy Eel
Maki Roll
Red Plate
Eggplant Parmesan
Rice Pudding
Ice Cream
Bluberry Tart
Autumn’s Bounty
Pumpkin Soup
Super Meal
Cranberry Sauce
Farmer’s Lunch
Survival Burger
Dish’O’The Sea
Miner’s Treat
Roots Platter
Triple Shot Espresso
Seafoam Pudding
Algae Soup
Pale Broth
Plum Pudding
Artichoke Dip
Stir Fry
Roasted Hazelnuts
Pumpkin Pie
Radish Salad
Fruit Salad
Blackberry Cobbler
Cranberry Candy
Fiddlehead Risotto
Poppyseed Muffin
Fish Stew
Lobster Bisque
Maple Bar
Crab Cakes
Shrimp Cocktail
Ginger Ale
Banana Pudding
Mango Sticky Rice
Tropical Curry
Squid Ink Ravioli
Mushroom Berry Rice
Big Bark Burger
Flower Cookie
Frog Legs
Glazed Butterfish
Grampleton Orange Chicken
Mixed Berry Pie
Baked Berry Oatmeal
Void Delight
Void Salmon Sushi
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moocha-muses · 11 months
Happy Friday the 13th!
What's up my favorite meat hives? It's once again October and the ghosts inside me want to share their beautiful, terrible words with you so I'm opening up the prompt box again for #hallowpoems.
If you want your very own set of hastily organized letters, just send me a word or a phrase! It doesn't have to be spooky; I think we got really good results with 'marshmallow' last year.
Here's the first poem for @dunne-ias, who asked me to write about boxes:
Liz found the box buried under a pile of unworn clothes and unwrapped presents, deep in the back of her mother's closet. "Oh, that was "that's -a distracted smudge of lipstick, purple as a blackberry, a head tilted like a bird's- "wasn't that aunt Vivienne's?" Liz has never heard of any such person as her great aunt Vivienne. There is nothing here she can confirm or deny. Vivienne may be ephemeral. She might be a feverish imagining of Liz's mother, who invents cover ups for the way she buys things no one needs, and promptly loses them. But the box is real. It's large, and solid, and covered in musty white leather, and now it smells of forgotten clothes. The mother bestows it generously upon her daughter -is it really hers to give away?- with all the pomp of a queen granting largess. Liz, -the supplicant- kneels before it in her jeans and messy braid and works out the latch. Inside is- -water stained purple-pink silk, curling away from the wood in spots where the ancient glue has evaporated, the unwholesome smell of old metal- -a glittering swarm. Mom's chin digs into her shoulder as she peers in, pronounces: "Cheap costume junk. It's all yours, baby." The box opens up like a butterfly's wings, a dizzying array of smaller, silk-lined little nests. This long one has a dragon fly with crystal wings, and this one has a little golden bee, and there's a spider in that box, with rubies for eyes. Not real rubies. Obviously. Whatever they make the fake ones from. Little drops of artificial red, congealed like blood. Liz won't anyone else near the box. Her sister swaps the placement of a spider and bee, each in the other's cell, and Liz screams, wordlessly, motionlessly, for what feels like hours, until someone puts them back. She goes to the craft store to buy bags of glittery little rhinestones, and shakes a portion delicately into each little box. "Feeding time." She must come back, in secret, to remove them. Because they always disappear. How does she make the delicate, glittering cobwebs that appear in the cell of spider? Where does she get the sparkling, almost absolutely clear substance that fills up the boxes of the little golden bees? -it tastes like honey- -and glass- Liz keeps that box on her dresser for years. For years. Until her mouth is surrounded by wrinkles and her hair has gone very gray. And when she breaks her leg one spring, no one will go out and buy her bags of cheap costume rhinestones. They find her one morning, in front of the window. With a small red mark on her palm, and jeweled wasp lying near her throat. The white box closes its butterfly wings, and settles back into the closet.
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renatmus · 2 years
Stardew Crafting Material Guide
I love Stardew Valley with a passion, and I'm currently playing multiple saves; however my main save has the goal of achieving 100% perfection.
So, here's where the sanity thing comes in: I'm currently making a spreadsheet for every perfection goal, and I want to list out every ingredient needed for the DIY recipes, and how many you need.
The problem here is that there's no easily accessible list, that I can find, that has the information I need in the way I want it written. So I'm making one myself.
Here's the list, as accurate as I could get, for singleplayer SDV in update 1.5:
778 wood 760 stone 279 fiber 220 slime 208 hardwood 128 bone fragment 95 coal 83 solar essence 81 sap 51 void essence 49 iron bar 44 bug meat 40 bat wing 30 gold bar 28 copper ore 25 refined quartz 18 copper bar 17 iridium bar 10 frozen tear 9 clay 7 pine tar 7 battery pack 5 iridium ore 4 gold ore 4 iron ore 3 coral 3 diamond 2 oak resin 2 radioactive bar 2 radioactive ore 1 acorn 1 ancient seed 1 aquamarine 1 blackberry 1 chanterelle 1 cinder shard 1 clam 1 cloth 1 common mushroom 1 crocus 1 crystal fruit 1 daffodil 1 dandelion 1 dragon tooth 1 dwarf gadget 1 earth crystal 1 fairy rose 1 fire quartz 1 fish 1 garlic 1 ginger 1 grape 1 hazelnut 1 honey 1 jazz seeds 1 leek 1 maple seed 1 maple syrup 1 marble 1 mixed seeds 1 morel 1 oil 1 pine cone 1 poppy seeds 1 prismatic shard 1 pumpkin 1 purple mushroom 1 red mushroom 1 snow yam 1 spangle seeds 1 spice berry 1 sweet pea 1 torch 1 truffle oil 1 tulip bulb 1 wild horseradish 1 wild plum 1 winter root
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tears-of-amber · 1 year
Tumblr media
Correspondences: Evil, Charisma, Charms, Revenge, Deceit, Chaos, Power, Travel (to other evil dimensions), Manipulation, Sexuality, Carnal Pleasure, Authority, & Temptation.
Herbs/Plants: Devil’s Trumpet (datura), Nightshade, Bleeding Hearts, Blackberries (often associated with the devil), Adder’s Tongue (Dogtooth Violet), Apple Tree, Red Roses, & Bloodroot.
Crystals: Garnet, Bloodstone, Obsidian, Pyrite, Labradorite, Black Tourmaline, Honey Calcite, & Optical Calcite
Element: Spirit or Fire
Celestial Bodies: Pluto & Mars
Symbols: Upside-Down Cross, Upside-Down Pentacle, Snakes, Anatomical Hearts, Goats, & Apples
Numbers: 666
Scents: Apple, Cinnamon, Musk
Candle Colors: Red, Black, Silver, & Gold
Magic Types: Baneful Workings, Glamours, Astral Travel, Cleverness, Lust (Sexuality), Temptation, Authority, Confidence, Gathering Power, Deceit, Integrating Your Shadow Side, Embracing Your Darker Sides In General, Banishing, Counter Magic To Witchcraft Sent Your Way, Destruction, Endings, & Obscuring Or Changing Reality Or Appearances.  
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dilirebas · 9 months
my favourite things of 2023
favourite dramas and shows: succession season 4, the glory, the bionic life, unchained love, my journey to you, cunk on earth
favourite singers/artists: lana del rey, li ronghao, lexie liu, mc hotdog, a si
favourite lip colours: clio crystal glam tint in 04 pale plum, romand juicy lasting tint in 19 almond rose, clinique almost lipstick in black honey
favourite skincare products: melano cc deep day care uv milk, purito oat-in calming gel cream, torriden dive-in serum, mary & may idebenone and blackberry complex
favourite foods: hotpot, pad kee mao, katsu curry
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