#blue justice
guerrillasofdestiny · 10 months
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livingfastandfree · 2 months
This place is so confining; confining compared to the expanse of the entire earth at his disposal, that is. Running is still the only thing that eases his mind and helps him to forget his current situation. So he runs.
Amidst one these runs, the burst of wind following him comes into contact with a random passerby. He skids to a stop just as a comic book flies toward him, making contact with his face. He stumbles back into the previous person. Pulling the comic off his face—vision now returned to him—he turns to hand it back to the rightful owner.
"Hey, I think you dropped this..."
...Now, in Sonic's last adventure, he traveled to a strange world—not at all dissimilar to his current situation, funny that—where he met people who shared the same face, and even voice, as his friends, but who were all the same not them.
...Still, when his eyes open, the sight before him is the exact opposite of what he could ever hope to expect.
He blinks (almost dropping the comic book in the process).
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enbywrestlingfan · 2 years
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Minoru Suzuki vs. Yuji Nagata - NJPW G1 Climax 2005 (08/06/2005)
You'd be hard pressed to find a bad match from these two - let alone when they met in a tournament like the G1 Climax.
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amoirsetpacis · 3 months
[ RACE ! ]
[ x. ]
Alright-- so maybe it wasn't the best idea to wander out as far as he had. But Vash had been worried about his friends; with no way to contact them, he'd had no way of making sure they're alright. HIs body has been through a lot-- the cold is just one more thing. Even the feathers aren't all that foreign to him, despite the change in colour.
The wind picking up sends snowflakes spiraling along with it though, and visibility drops so much so fast that even his sharp senses can't see more than a few feet in front of him. The best idea would be to turn around and find his way back home for now-- but he's already come this far out, and the falling snow has already covered any footprints that had been left in his wake. There's hardly any way to tell north from south either, not with everything blurred so thoroughly.
Shivers wrack through protective layers, making the dark plumage that had slowly sprout4ed forth from him quiver even mote than it already was from the force of the wind. His body doesn't run as hot as it once had-- but even if it did, he'd still probably be in a similar state.
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Above the sound of wind and snow, it's hard to even hear anything else-- let along hurried footsteps.
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ultimatelifefcrm · 3 months
💭 + flowers
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"They serve their purpose." They were also quite pretty...
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bluestbadger · 4 months
sure, the three day trial system & guilty until proven innocent mindset of the courts in ace attorney prove japanifornia is a total police state, but i think the most damning thing is the total blue badger takeover. blue badger merch, blue badger at concerts, blue badger theme park, there’s a blue badger family, all of it copaganda. and you know the worst part? i love the blue badger so much. he’s so silly. i am not immune to propaganda even from the ace attorney universe
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"Yagami Light as a youtuber would probably plagiarise" WRONG Yagami Light is insanely intelligent and looks down on literally every single other human person, he would rather stab himself in the eye than using the works of someone else - someone who can't be anything but beneath him. Pre-Death Note youtuber!Light would make long-ass videos about Everything Wrong With Society with completely unhinged takes about how xyz small innocuous thing is responsible for gang violence with numbers* to back it up.
"Light would plagiarise" get the fuck out of here.
*numbers which he completely twists to his own bias - without even knowing it because he thinks way too highly of himself
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melonnabar · 7 months
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The gang!!
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posting this with absolutely no context
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arttuff · 6 months
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lock him up forever.
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izooks · 3 months
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Is there equal justice under the law?
If he is found guilty of any of the 90 charges against him and doesn’t spend a day in jail then the system is corrupt.
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livingfastandfree · 1 month
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"Hey, it's you again!" Sonic holds up a hand in greeting and as a signal for the other come over. The two haven't really talked much, but he could admit that he was really interested in any differences between the two, aside from the physical ones--if there are any, that is. But considering it's another him, it's a safe bet to assume that he's probably dying to participate in this whole "Spirale Games" thingy.
"Have ya heard about this competition? Sounds pretty exciting, don't it?" Sonic sports a cocky grin as he chuckles. "I could solo this easy, but it's more fun when you work together, dontcha think? So, whaddya say we team up and show everyone how awesome we really are?"
After a moment, Sonic furrows his brow in thought as he scratches his head. "Hm... But just the two of us isn't much of a 'team', is it? D'ya know anyone who'd be willing to join us?"
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incorrectbatfam · 10 months
Jaime, a Texan: I've never seen snow before. Can someone describe it to me?
Tim, a Gothamite: Smells like water.
Jaime: Wow, it's like I'm there.
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bluemizuu · 7 months
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A Fixed Number of Paths
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slithymomerath · 1 year
“I am typing these words as June 2003 surges with Pride. What year is it now, as you read them? What has been won; what has been lost? I can’t see from here; I can’t predict. But I know this: You are experiencing the impact of what we in the movement take a stand on and fight for today. The present and past are the trajectory of the future. But the arc of history does not bend towards justice automatically—as the great Abolitionist Frederick Douglass observed, without struggle there is no progress . . .”
- Leslie Feinberg
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This is it women, if you don’t get out to vote for Democrats you lose everything.
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