#boku no imagine this stories
yandere-sins · 1 year
How would yandere Deku react to the reader not talking to him and ignoring him after kidnapping her but silently crying in the night in private
Thanks for the request ♥
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♡ Deku is very forgiving in the beginning. Even though he hoped you’d be more excited upon seeing your new home that he decorated with so much love, he understands you need to get used to it. He tries to show you all the things he got for you and how he chose them to make you happy, but you ignore it all, which tugs at his heartstrings. Nevertheless, after elaborately showing you the softness of all the pillows, how to turn on the fairy lights, and all the games and books he already sorted neatly into shelves for you, he finally gets to a point where he grows quiet. Deku waits for you to do anything, but when your only reaction is to eventually take a seat somewhere, he takes it as a sign that you are unhappy.
♡ Bringing you additional things to sweeten the deal for you also fails miserably, and you seem to draw back even more. A gut feeling tells him he’s not doing a very good job, no matter how much he tries to appease you. If your new room isn’t to your liking, Deku decides to show you his devotion in other ways. Procuring your favorite foods, he puts in a movie he knows will make you laugh before beckoning you to the couch, patting the space next to him. No reaction. You can’t see his hand turning into a fist from behind the backrest. Still, his expression turns a little less empathetic every second that passes.
♡ Still, he tries to laugh it off as you being shy, maybe a little awkward. He gets it. Deku tells you all about how nervous and awkward he felt around you when you were getting to know each other as well. How this situation is new for him, too, and how he gets you—truly! However, him standing up and walking over to you doesn’t have a very calming effect on you either, your breath hitching and body tensing as you try to scurry away, even when he kneels before you, assuring you that you have nothing to worry about and everything will be fine now that you two are together.
♡ His hands are on your thighs, fingers greedily digging into your body as you watch him restrain himself from driving his palms up and down your legs. Deku keeps telling you that you have nothing to be shy about and that he feels the same way as you, but you two have all the time in the world, so you don’t need to rush into anything. His body is betraying his words, however, his touch is too curious, eyes darting to places that you don’t want him to look at, and his tongue wetting his lips as if he’s hoping to use them on you soon. Nothing is assuring about the way he undresses you with his gaze or the cracking of his voice whenever he speaks. You are prey in a trap, and he’s the predator barely able to wait for the moment to bite. But when he climbs onto the bed after you, grabbing your ankle, wrist, and waist, lifting you against him, and carrying you over to the couch, there’s hardly anything you can do against him.
♡ The only victory you get is the subtle distance between you two as you scoot to the side farthest away on the couch from him, turning your head whenever he offers to feed you. It’s hard to resist the food that you usually drool over, and he sees the effort it takes you not to eat, not understanding why. Everything you don’t take from Deku, he eats himself to show you it’s not dangerous, babbling on and on about how glad he is that you two get to spend this time together. When your eyes do glance back at him, all you see is the wired smile on his face, the subtle twitching of irritation in his expression, but it all fades into relieved and soft features when your eyes lock for a moment, Deku still hoping you’ll get back to your usual self when you see everything is okay, but feeling slighted the second you go back to ignoring and shunning him.
♡ After the day you two had, he’s ready to tug in for the night, leaving to shower and telling you he’ll be back, but he is taking longer than planned. Everything is not going how he thought it would. Aside from the irritation of feeling unappreciated in his efforts and desperate for you to open up and accept him like he always dreamed he would, he goes through a wide range of emotions that he can’t even justify in himself yet. Fear, anger, sadness, but so, so much love for you at the same time, it threatens to burst out. He ponders his thoughts for a long time, washing himself with the same products you use before returning to your room, not any wiser. As he reaches the door to your room, he comes to an abrupt halt, hearing sounds from it that he didn’t expect—crying.
♡ Deku’s heart breaks. He’s been trying so hard to make this a memorable first day. To make everything to your liking and beyond, and he failed. There’s no greater disappointment than being the disappointment, and the thought is eating him alive. He opens the door swiftly, ready to apologize and swear he’ll do better tomorrow, but the moment he steps in, the words are caught in his throat, and your crying turns into silence, making things awkward again between you two. Instead of declaring his devotion verbally, Deku decides that maybe it’s best if he doesn’t. Perhaps it helps to show you with actions, rather than words, comforting you with his warmth and affection. Spooning you from behind, you try to move away, give him space—which he chuckles at, you’re so adorable—but wherever you go, he follows until you are pressed to the cold wall, his arm around you, pulling you back so you wouldn’t have to be cold all night. Your body fits so perfectly against his, it’s agonizing, but he’ll endure and hold you until you fall asleep in his arms, safe and comfortable. And tomorrow, he’ll do it all again until you finally understand how well he means. How much he loves you and would do for you. How just one touch of yours, one word even, would make Deku put the world at your feet.
♡ One thing’s for sure: It was only a matter of time until one of you would break. You might be able to ignore him for a long time, but Deku... No matter how much he tries to be patient, Deku can’t stand being ignored for that long. You were both bombs, but his fuse was already lit by him finally acting on his desires. And when he explodes... well. You won’t like the carnage he’ll leave behind in his wake.
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waywardchaos3 · 2 days
MHA Fantasy AU Barbarian/Dragon Prince Katsuki Bakugo x Reader Story Idea
Really considering on writing this when I have the time.
Tell me what you guys think!
The idea is that reader is a princess who's father (the king) has made an arrangement for you to marry Katsuki as an arranged marriage for protection.
You had never met Katsuki in your life, but you had heard many rumors about him being a brutal brute who raids villages and kills innocent people anywhere he goes.
You of course have no other choice but go through with it for the good of the kingdom.
Before the wedding your father sends you to the fire lands to get acquainted with your to be husband for a few months.
Over the 3 months that you spend getting to know him, the two of you don't really get along too well, but you get him to cooperate with you since the two of you have to go through with this marriage, and the 2 of you end up falling in love in the time before the wedding!
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mishy-mashy · 4 months
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slurpyboii · 2 months
That ended exactly how I expected it to and, as expected, I am entirely neutral on it. Wasn't a satisfying ending or a super hype ending or anything like that, literally just the ending that may as well have happened. Not a single thing surprised me that whole conclusion, it felt unfortunately predictable. You can tell he's excited for it's end though so I'm happy for Horikoshi regardless, hope he can get proper rest now.
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yanderelionwrites · 1 year
Bitter (Yandere!Katsuki Bakugo x Reader)
Ok this one's sad I won't lie 😭 Just a random drabble idea I wanted to flesh out
Katsuki's starting to regret stealing you away...
Content Warning: yandere, kidnapping, broken reader, mentioned forced feeding, mentioned punishment
Word Count: 529
“Oi, dinner’s ready.”
Katsuki placed his and yours plates onto the dining table. He had prepared your favorite tonight, and despite how much effort he put into it, he knew that it wasn’t going to fix anything. It felt like nothing was going to fix the state you were in.
Looking up towards your direction, he watched as you sat on the couch listlessly, staring off into the black void that was the blank TV screen. A dull, empty look swirled within your eyes, all light having been zapped out of you. It’s been like this for over a month now, and it bothered the fuck out of him. Nothing he tried would get you to speak to him or even function like you normally do. It was a whole struggle even just to get you to eat. Sometimes you'd do it willingly, other times Katsuki would have to force feed you. He hoped that it wouldn’t be one of those nights.
He sighed, hating the way a lump was starting to form in his throat. Why couldn’t you just go back to how you were? The stupid and lovable you that he fell in love with, not this shell that was sitting in his living room. Was it that awful to be with him? Sure, he could be gruff. And loud. And sometimes sadistic. But he can try to be softer, anything to just get you to look at him again, whether that be with hatred or with love.
Katsuki made his way over to you, plate in hand. He gently set it atop your lap and sat down next to you.
“Food’s gonna get cold if you just keep sitting there. C’mon, you need to eat.”
You made no move to pick up the fork, however. Just continuing to stare into space. Katsuki remembers when you used to throw the food he’d prepared for you onto the ground, sometimes at him, screaming to let you go and how much of a monster he was for holding you here against your will. This always led to a yelling match, ending with you having to endure whatever punishment Katsuki decided to dish out.
Maybe he shouldn’t have shouted at you so much. Maybe he shouldn’t have punished you for even the most minor of offenses. Maybe then you wouldn’t be acting like you were now. But regretting what he did wasn’t going to change anything. What mattered was the present, and how he would treat you from now on.
Katsuki gripped his pant legs as his eyebrows furrowed together. He was just about to pick up the fork himself when, miraculously, you beat him to it. Slowly, and with little bites, you began to eat the food prepared for you. Katsuki visibly relaxed and watched you nibble away at your dinner, glad that he wasn’t going to have to feed you himself. You still looked soulless, but at least you were complying.
He was determined to get the light back in your eyes soon, but for now, Katsuki would have to deal with the consequences of stealing you away and keeping you with him for his own selfish desires.
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starlit-stories · 2 years
30 Second Read... Aizawa
Fandom: My Hero Academia
Pairings: Aizawa Shouta x GN!Reader
Notes: Well it’s been a hot minuet hasn’t it? The lot of us have been pretty busy with irl things and Mod Cia and I have been pretty preoccupied with other projects. Sorry for the wait! -Mod Kay
BNH || MHA M.list || Main M.list
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It was one of those nights. You just couldn't sleep, or rather stay asleep. Feeling both physically and mentally tired. Tossing and turning. Shifting the blankets off and on. Adjusting your pillow. Nothing seemed to work.
Bleary eyes stare blankly at the empty space in your bed. With a sigh you force your tired body up, stumbling only a few times as you make your way to your boyfriend's office.
The lights were off but the dimmed glow from his work computer illuminated his perpetually tired face. One hand typing slowly at his keyboard while the other sat snugly around his mug. More than likely filled with your strongest caffeine blend.
His gaze trailed to you as you approached. "One of those nights?" The only response you could muster was a tired nod. "I still have more work to complete but you know your welcome to stay here." He turned his chair as he spoke, offering you a place in his lap. Not wasting a second more you’re curled up against him. Both hands found places to loosely clutch at his shirt while your face found its place against his neck.
Once you were settled he shifted his seat to reface his computer. Though now his hand abandoned its place on his mug to run soothing circles over your lower back. His warmth and steady heartbeat finally helped lull you to sleep. Your last shreds of consciousness catching the soft press of lips against the crown of your head.
"Sleep well, my love."
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mitsua · 9 months
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𝑴𝒚 𝒌𝒊𝒍𝒍𝒆𝒓 & 𝒎𝒚 𝒔𝒂𝒗𝒊𝒐𝒖𝒓 | 𝐸𝑝. 12 𝑆𝑜 𝑦𝑜𝑢 𝑑𝑖𝑑
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Warnings: may contain bad grammar and spelling mistakes, mentions of anxiety & panick attacks
Series: Boku No Hero Academia Pairing: Y/n ✕ Sero Hanta
Y/n's . . . GN! Words' count: 0.98k
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You felt many emotions and are sure you discovered new ones as you were going on with your life at the heroes' school. Getting into better habits with friends was a good and helpful way to progress.
They all were very understanding whenever you felt pressured to do something, remembered something bad or were about to have an episode; they'd be comprehensive and kind.
Specifically a certain guy who's been trying to give his best in class and out of it to repair his mistakes with you. Of course you've put your part on this aspect as well, been working on your emotions has helped you to understand and clear your mind easily, telling what you think with a little more confidence to the ones you trust.
A guy with great and contagious positivity, unbreakable spirit, and most importantly, a noble heart. Now you were sure of it. More than ever. He's been attentive and perceptive of any way you were feeling or little actions you initiated to recover and congratulated you or a bad old one to help you overcome it.
Finally, second year's summer vacations were here. Everyone said their goodbyes at the closing ceremony, packed their things and went home, however, a few hours later the group's chat was filled with tons of messages wishing great vacations, some even planning and inviting to parties or simple reunions in their houses.
You didn't have much to do than keep yourself training daily for about an hour to do not lose the condition you made throughout the school year, so you accepted a few of those offers, one of those being written in a private message by Sero, asking you if you wanted to hang out in the town next weekend's Sunday, followed by a cute and funny sticker.
After a calm week spent in your house and going out a few times, Sunday came over, with that, as agreed, you and Hanta met at the entrance of a coffee shop to start with your evening.
You noticed he seemed a little bit odd and tried to ask about it, just as he does to you when you look off every now and then. Gently, shaking his shoulder as he paced out once again in the spawn of ten minutes. Yes, not common of him.
"Are you sure it's nothing? Doesn't seem like it. . ."
"Yeah, no, I'm sorry, just thinking how something will go." He smiled brushing it off.
After spending an hour or so in the shop, you went out to have a walk around the business making the town feel livid with warm lamps and happy people going in and out. The sunset alarming the birds to go to their nests to rest for the next day, chirpings and the beating of their little wings.
Before reaching a bench next to the grand water fountain in the middle of the plaza.
"Y/n, I‐I don't know if, if it is the right time, so please stop me if you don't want to. . ." 'Could it be what you think it could be?'
"I, I've tried my best this months ever since I got to talk to you again posterior the battle we had, I told you everything I felt and now I want to ask for a second chance." He got quiet for a second as if waiting your word to stop him from going further, but as seconds passed and you looked at him expectant, he started getting half nervous, half confident.
"You've been so merciful and still affectionate towards me, you have the best laugh I've heard, the prettiest, the most loving and considerate, gracious person I've known, you're all that and a super-size bag of chips." This made you laugh, from cuteness of his red face and the last compliment he gave.
"Heh, and I'm the happiest knowing I've gotten a chance to even be your friend again and all those days speaking, sharing our interests as the first time but with new topics and more deeper things, sharing them so comfortably made me know why I loved you that first time and got to love you even more, which I know it's possible because of all the great things you are and the greater things I know you'll be capable of becoming."
He took your hands in his and put on his best smile, which caused his eyes to close a bit, with little nervousness here and there, but still he looked wonderful to you, the man you fell in love for the first time and got to love him twice and even more, just as he said about you.
"So I wanted to know if you'd like to be my partner? . . . A-Again?" He added jokingly.
You gently removed one of your hands to lovingly caress Sero's cheek. "Sero, you've showed your changes, helped get through with mine's as well, I met you all over again and I became attached to you once more. Which I do not regret, I'm grateful for it too, because just as this second chance of being friends was because I agreed, I've got to thank you because you were the one who asked." You smiled and noticed his eyes turning a little calmer and his shoulders relax. "Thus, demostrating your courage, unbreakable spirit and noble heart. Sero, I, I would really love to be your partner."
He did not shout suddenly as you'd normally see in him when he passed an exam or when you gifted him an orange juice box for lunch. He stood still, his eyes speaking for him instead, glassy, a tear fell but he kept on looking at you. After seconds of processing your answer, he hugged you.
Oh, how you missed that. Oh, how you thanked you got to feel it once more, from today, for an enternity more.
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All of this series' writings' rights reserved © 2023 Mitsua. (Credit to the respective owners of the tagged anime character.) ⌇ my navigation!
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mettywiththenotes · 1 year
Tomura and Izuku once had a whole chapter dedicated to them interacting and personally I think Hori should give them another one. This would surely kill me, cause me to cry and scream and need 3 to 5 months to recover, but sacrifices have to be made. Give me the skrunklies. This is no longer an option
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racke7 · 1 year
Villain Izuku
Reading through the “Villain Izuku”-tag is so weird.
Like, you have a bunch of different approaches:
“The League were the good guys actually” (UwU they’re just misunderstood)
“Society was mean to me, so that means it’s fine if I murder thousands of innocents”
“Izuku is a Super Mastermind and all the crazies among the Villains are totally fine with following his orders, since he gives them Results and would never betray them because he’s so smart and cool”
“The useless quirkless kid with no value was kidnapped by the Villains and forced to do Villain-things (instead of them just... you know, recruiting an obviously-useful Villain), but he secretly wants to be a Hero“
“Morally grey means that I can tell everyone that they suck, and they still have to be nice to me, because I’m so cool”
And having a bunch of different types is great, but like... I’m sorry, what?
Izuku is a molotov-cocktail of suppressed rage, and I can easily see him getting in trouble with the law simply because he used lethal force against someone he shouldn’t have (because he considered them a threat, and other people disagreed).
I could see him growing heavily disillusioned with the Hero Industry, and the way that they’re “enforcing the status-quo”, up until he finally snaps and tries to force a revolution.
I can even see him becoming a Vigilante pre-UA, and using enough violence that he falls into the category of “Villain who attacks Villains” rather than being referred to as a “Vigilante”.
Or have him try to reach out to help people through internet-forums until he accidentally creates an organization that’s technically-illegal, and he defends it to the death on behalf of how it lets him help people.
But like... those two sets of “Villain Izuku” don’t have a lot of overlap, do they?
The League is an organization led by an egocentric man-child, and funded by a sadistic monster who thinks that human experimentation is actually totally okay (since he’s the one doing it).
Izuku buckling to the pressure of society and deciding to murder innocents (for the lolz), rather than drag society kicking and screaming through a revolution (with some unfortunate innocent casualties)? Lame.
Setting up Izuku to be BBC’s Moriarty? That kind of character-story was doomed from the start (because it doesn’t make any fucking sense), and trying to follow in BBC’s deranged footsteps isn’t really a good look.
Kidnapping a quirkless kid because they won’t be missed? Sure. Forcing them to do “Villainy”? Nah. Quirkless kids are worthless (everyone knows that) just recruit someone with a properly Villainous-quirk instead. If you just want to write whump, have them rescue him from some kind of sadistic cage-match set-up instead, at least that would give the Villains a good motive to traumatize him (nobody would bet on the quirkless kid, but holy shit look at the violent little bastard go).
And “morally grey means that I’m just better than you people”? Ugh. I get that trying to write an “and our hero swoops in and saves the day”-fic is difficult to do when the problem is a societal one instead of someone trying to punch people in the face, but geez.
It’s just... I really don’t understand this fandom sometimes.
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Prompt: TamaNeji; Vampire!Tamaki using his vampiric senses to listen to Frankenstein Monster!Nejire's heartbeat
Oh hell yassss! A fellow TamaNeji fan! Can do! A bit short but hope my glass angels like this!
TamaNeji- A Pretty Heart
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“Alriiiiggght~!” Mirio, the hyperactive werewolf howled. His bright blonde tail wagging with anticipation as his two dear friends followed close behind him. The tall monster was about to enter the staff lounge when the lady over the PA requested his presence at All Might’s office.
“I’ll see you two in a snap!” He ruffed like a energetic puppy, opening the door with a smile so wide, it could rival the Cheshire Cat’s. Mirio hopped in and closed the door, a spring in his step as if he just won the lottery. Nejire, the werewolf’s dear friend, laughed heartily as her hand clutched the wrist of the werewolf’s childhood best friend, Tamaki.
Tamaki was in a moment he didn’t want to be. Hot-faced and embarrassed, the girl he was developing a crush on was holding his hand willingly. Sure, she had to drag him to follow, though, his brief retaliation against being there for Mirio was only because he didn’t have the gut to stand besides her. She is so beautiful and he is so… well… Tamaki
Nejire cheerfully turned around to the vampire when she was certain they were alone, no more Mirio to lead the infamous group to wherever he see fit. “Hey! Whilst Mirio finishes up whatever he’s doing, do you wanna go hang out at the cafeteria together? We got a while until the bell rings!” Nejire suggested in her unbreaking excitable tone, already with her mind made up as she begun walking forward, her lively colourful eyes waiting for Tamaki to respond.
Tamaki nodded, being practically yanked off his own two feet with his face burning hotter than the sun, when Nejire yelped out in happiness and dragged him away from the closed office door.
Like the whole trip to the cafeteria was a simple blur to his undead eyes, Tamaki was sat down besides Nejire at a empty lunch table, facing the wave of unrecognisable first and second year students. She didn’t grab anything of the food for either of them, clearly she just wanted to chat, kill time with a good discussion.
Nejire especially wanted to chat with him being that she didn’t get the chance to often. Tamaki is a very timid entity of a vampire, hiding in the shadows and only coming out by his own will at very late hours, Nejire almost never got to see the guy she was interested in
A guy who’s a lot different than most guys! Kind, considerate, loyal. He had all the traits Nejire adored, she always loved her men gentle! With a calming whistle escaping her plump lips, Nejire decided she’d try break the slight awkward silence but Tamaki was faster, much faster. His mind was riddled with one question, though, he was afraid she’d call him out for it. But he couldn’t keep his mouth shut anymore
“H-Hado” The vampire’s voice was silky smooth, it made Nejire feel as her own stitching were forming into love hearts. She openly loved everything about Tamaki, she didn’t keep it a secret from anybody who was interested to hear her out, including Mirio. She spoke about Tamaki to her best friend, Yuyu all the time. It was simply adorable!
She couldn’t help but swoon at the sound of him saying her name, rather he stuttered it out or not! Nejire pulled herself together as quick as possible when she noticed how Tamaki watched her every move from underneath his long dark purple bangs. Clearing her throat, she spoke
“Heya to you too, Amajiki! You okay?” Nejire wondered, tapping her stitched fingers on the table interested, her head tilted like she was a curious little puppy. Tamaki simply loved her reactions to everything, so cute and so eager. She oozed life for a undead being, he couldn’t help but adore her, though, he wouldn’t say that to anybody
“May… may I… f-feel your… heartbeat?” Tamaki blurted out with a mixture of speed and hesitation, cheeks bright rosy red from extreme embarrassment. He truly never asked anybody beyond his family if he could sense their heartbeat, mainly because such a act was a sign of affection for vampires.
Nejire was silent for a few seconds with widened eyes, before she begun laughing wholeheartedly, winking playfully and holding her hand out for Tamaki as he stared at, his heart rising rapidly out of nervousness. Her laughter fizzled out at the feeling of his clawed hands eventually fondling her somewhat cold skin, grazing over the silver stitching that connected her hand to her forearm
“Of course you can! We’re friends after all! Go for it!” Nejire couldn’t bring herself to stop smiling at the sight before her, the normally timid vampire keep his eyes focused on her hand. Such bravery astounded her, he was willing to do this in front of all the first and second-years. She felt pride for him!
The all-too-familiar tingling sensation kicked in, rushing through his bloodstream as his vampiric senses worked to locate her heartbeat. It seemed to not exist at first, his grip got a bit firmer and that’s all it took!
Tamaki suspected the frankenmonster’s heartbeat would be heavy and faint, but it was fast and gentle. Blowing his expectations out of the water, his eyes sparkled with shock at the rhythmic beats purring against his palms as Nejire giggled softer at his reaction. It was fascinating, a entity brought to life by raw electricity sprung with so much more life then she was given
Tamaki didn’t let go, his fingers tapped her soft skin to make sure his senses kept a firm hold of her heartbeat, making Nejire’s face burn red. She was thankful her semi-sentient limbs couldn’t detach themselves as she didn’t want this to end. He sat quietly and listened to her heartbeat with closed eyes, it was truly electric, small sparks ran around and shocked at her heartbeat occasionally, keeping it pumping. She felt like a princess being admired by her prince for each and every second.
“Thank you…” Tamaki expressed his gratitude in a barely hearable tone after minutes of this new built aura fuming around the two, lifting his head back up and reluctantly letting go of the hand he liked the feel of. So soft and small, it was caged in his. The cute difference made the checklist of reasons why he liked Nejire grow
“Oh no, please! Don’t thank me! You can do whatever you like! We are—“ Nejire purred happily, flinging her arms up to cup together by her chest. But the silver stitching on one of her hands came undone and the small limb went flying over her head. Nejire gasped, turning to see her hand-less forearm then smiled back at Tamaki a bit embarrassed. “Sorry! I’m always losing myself!”
Tamaki didn’t speak, he quickly picked up her attached hand again and pressed it against his forehead. Nejire held her breath briefly, stopping silently for a few seconds, her hand-less forearm tapping on her skirt-decorated thigh eagerly. The vampire lifted himself up once again and his eyes told her he had good news. He knew exactly where the limb had scurried off to, thanks to his senses effectively copying the feel of her electric heartbeat.
“It’s crawling down the hallway besides us, it seems to be trying to make it’s way over to Class 1-A” Tamaki remarked in a tone a bit more stronger than of the usual, Nejire swore her eyes would pop out and scurry away too. She couldn’t sense her own limbs when they detached, she just had to do a lucky catch. How amazing! Vampires are so different from Frankenmonsters like herself!
“You can— how, wow, it’s— how did you do that?” Nejire asked surprised and interested, waving her free arm in front of him frantically, thankfully, it didn’t come undone as well. “It’s… well… just a another thing Vampires can do” Tamaki answered a bit timid, his common self returning in that moment as his mind kept replaying the few minutes he got to listen to Nejire’s beautiful heartbeat, a beautiful heartbeat for a beautiful girl.
“Ah! That’s sooo cool! I wish I could do that!” Nejire harped with excitement and slight envy clashing, grabbing Tamaki’s hand and standing up with that signature lively spring in her step. She hopped on her feet, not pulling the vampire to his own yet
“Will you help me, Tami, pleeease?” Nejire begged in a rather cute pitched voice, her big blue eyes forming into puppydog eyes as Tamaki’s face flustered red. He knew he couldn’t say no to Nejire under any circumstance, so he wordlessly nodded after a few seconds of deep thought. Signalling a victory yelp from the excitable Frankenmonster as she begun dragging him to the exit-door
As the cafeteria disappeared from sight, Tamaki eventually smiled at nothing as he thought about her words intently, following her with half-focus. Even if it was cute, he didn’t want her to be a vampire, he was so glad she was a unique monster, something rare like the Frankenstein entities
Well. This is gonna be quite the ride, searching for that mischievous little hand
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decarbry · 2 years
OK, so, this might just be my brain not picking up on printed sarcasm, but do you really not like Aizawa, Mic and Eri? Logically, I know you're writing an entire comic about Mic and Aizawa--which makes me think that statement was sarcasm--but I know people sometimes do comics around commissions, so I wasn't sure. (Forgive me if that was printed sarcasm and I was very wrong/dumb for asking.)
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skylar19737 · 2 years
Take Care - Katsuki Bakugou
Warnings: Heavy angst, cursing, sad/soft baku, character death, illness, fainting.
Bakugou x Gn!Reader
WC: 0.6K
Summary: You and Bakugou have been dating for a few months now, but you still haven't told him about the sickness that has been in your family for generations. Yet, that sickness is the exact reason why the rest of your family is gone. Though you're only sixteen, the symptoms are starting to appear one by one after each passing day. Bakugou always wondered why you never opened up to him, but that day would soon come.
(All creds to the artist.)
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You jump out of your bed, falling onto the floor to three loud bangs on your door. "Oi, Dumbass! Wake up, or you're gonna make us late!" He said, waiting at the door. "Hold on! Let me get dressed!" You said, urgently putting on your school uniform before unlocking your door face to face with your favorite ash blonde: Katsuki Bakugou. You both walk out, hands and fingers interlocked. It was only a few minutes before you began to have a hard time breathing and started to gasp for air, holding onto his shirt with one hand and the other over your chest. "Y/n? Y/n, this isn't funny. The hell's wrong with you?!" He says, kneeling down to pick you up. "I'm taking you to the hospital. Just please stay with me... okay?" Your mouth opened to speak, but nothing besides a quiet hiccup escaped. He sighed at the lack of response from you. A few seconds later, you black out.
<<<Time Skip>>>
You slowly flutter your eyes open. Almost immediately, you feel something slightly shifted on your arm. You look down and see Bakugou with his head down. "Katsuki? Are you awake?" You hear him sniffling. "Y/n?" "Hey there." He stands up to sit on the bed fully. Then, he pulls your delicate body into his, wrapping you in the tightest embrace you ever received from him. Your eyes soften at the affection. "Are you okay? Please be okay..." You hug him back and start to play with his hair. " Katsuki, I'm going to be honest, I'm anything but." You feel him tense up after you said that. "Y/n, I know you've been hiding something from me. And I know it has something to do with this. Tell me. Now." You sigh as he pulls away from you, the salty liquid welling up in the corner of his eyes just seconds away from overflowing . "It's a sickness that has been passed down and killed off my entire family... I'm the only one left. I'm honestly surprised I lived this long compared to everyone else. Realistically, I only have a day or two left. I wish we had more time together. There's still so many things I wanted to experience with you, so many things you made me feel I didn't believe was possible. I dont want you to be sad when i die, okay? Live your life, find someone new... I'm sorry for not telling you-" You're interrupted by a soft and meaningful kiss. You pull away to see him crying. "I don't want to loose you…. I love you so damn much." He says, sobbing now as you pull his head onto your chest. "I love you too, Katsuki.… I-" You fall on your back gasping again. "Y/n, Y/n! Not now, please!" He yells, trying to keep you awake. As he's about to call for a doctor, until he sees your puples dilate and go glossy, as you're no longer breathing. You died in his arms.
<<<A few weeks later>>>
"Hey, teddybear, I brought some of your favorite flowers. I miss you….. a lot. I promise I won't ever forget about you." He sets the flowers down by your gravestone and starts to walk away. "Take care, TeddyBear."
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greyfix · 9 months
Commissions and Requests
Hey guys, i'm taking requests and commissions i'm finishing up school and i think i'm going to be having lots of time to write, please send in some ideas. I'm also interested in collaboration if anyone is willing.
You can contact me here, Instagram (@greyfixx), E-Mail ([email protected]), and you can find everything you'll want on my linktree.
Can't wait to see what you guys will suggest.
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writing-bakugo · 2 years
Nostalgia ~ Sero Hanta
Find the previous chapter here!
The Club
Sero slid on a pair of black boots and tossed his leather jacket over his shoulder on his way out. Kirishima and Todoroki were picking him up for their night out. Todoroki sat in the passenger seat while Kirishima drove the red truck.
    "I'm excited to see Nishiharu," Todoroki quietly said. "I haven't seen her in a while."
    "Yeah," Sero mindlessly drummed on his thigh.
    They pulled into the club just as Kaminari's yellow Nissan parked. The idiot hopped out of the car in a burnt orange button down and skinny jeans. He tossed his keys at the valet before jogging around to open the door.
    Out walked Nishiharu and Sero gulped. Her tiny waist was scrunched by a black belt and a maroon dress with large bishop sleeves draped over her shoulders. The dress was floor-length and her gloved hands gladly grabbed Kaminari's. Photographer's snapped shots of her and Kaminari when Nishiharu whispered in his ear.
    He laughed.
    "You good, man?" Kirishima asked.
    Sero nodded and hopped out of the car. He followed Todoroki into the club while Kirishima hung back to wait for a valet. They immediately saw their group forming: Yuki perched on Bakugo's knee, Mina waved ferociously at Sero, and Kaminari with a hand on Nishiharu's waist.
    Sero gulped.
    "Whoa, Fried Ice!" Nishiharu gasped when her eyes landed on Todoroki. "When'd you get that tall?"
    Todoroki smiled politely. "I don't know, Nishiharu. How long are you in Japan?"
    Sero watched the two interact with a scrunched up nose. He didn't realize they were that well acquainted with each other. Behind them, Yuki whispered to Bakugo.
    "Oh yeah, Copy and Paste," Bakugo interrupted. "There's a spot open at Dynamighty."
    What? Sero wondered. Yuki caught his eye and she gave a slight nod. Sero's shoulders drooped when he realized Yuki had read his emotions.
    "I already turned it down four times, Bomber."
    "And I'll ask another four," Bakugo snickered and wrapped his arms tightly around Yuki. "Some people around here miss you."
    "Oh my gosh!" Mina squealed. "If you worked in Japan, then we could totally hit up all the bars in Tokyo, Rin!"
    Nishiharu laughed. "I'm not Hanta. That doesn't sound fun at all."
    "Oh come on!" Mina whined. "Sero can tag along! I'm sure you'd love that!"
    Sero must've imagined it. The way Nishiharu stood up a little bit straighter and hid behind her hand. "I work in Gotham, okay?"
    "Speaking of Gotham," Todoroki interrogated, "are you okay?"
    "Why wouldn't I be?"
    "Eight months ago?"
    Yuki grabbed Bakugo's arm tightly and a hiss poured out of her lips. Sero glanced between Nishiharu and Yuki and couldn't deny the flaming eyes that bore into Todoroki.
    "Not much." Sero had to strain to hear her over the heavy music. "I got hurt, was in the hospital, healed up, now I'm here to celebrate Bakugo and Tanaka! Not a big deal. How's that going, guys?"
    Bakugo helped Yuki stand. She beamed prouder than any smile when she said, "great! Are you guys ready for a week of absolute relaxation and..." the smile wilted when Kirishima approached the group. Kirishima stared at Yuki like she was an off-limits dessert.
    "I'm so ready!" Nishiharu cheered. "Let me tell ya, when I found out you guys were married I was so sad I missed it and then just to find out literally everyone missed it? Ha! You guys are goals."
    Kirishima nodded along with a smile plastered across his lips. Nishiharu grabbed Todoroki and pulled him to the dance floor and Bakugo couldn't help but mock the icy-hot hero when Todoroki bobbed awkwardly.
    But Nishiharu? She was as elegant as a cherry blossom on a tree and as majestic as a phoenix when she danced. Perfectly. She danced absolutely perfectly and laughed with that heart-shaped mouth of hers.
    And it killed Sero that she hadn't acknowledged him other than to talk about his clubbing habits.
Find the next chapter here!
That's a wrap today! Find my My Hero Academia Masterlist here for some more light reading!
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demodraws0606 · 8 months
What Cyberpunk DeadBoy Means and What it's Potentially Foreshadowing (aka very complicated analysis that makes a lot of sense and could happen depending on how colorpalet is feeling while writing the story)
Now I'm seeing so many people like running around wondering what this event could mean for the future for multiple reasons and like I've made like one post throwing my hat into the ring.
I've been frustrated with people's unwillingness to realise that this comm is prob foreshadowing because this is not the first time Colorpalet has hidden foreshadowing into comms weither subtely or not
Exemple's being :
-Akito's second comm foreshadowing his third event
-Lower's cover art literally foreshadowing what would happen to Mafuyu's phone in her event
-88 vocals being emurui and nenekasa foreshadowing the kind of dynamic the disbandement arc had with nenekasa wanting to move forward with emurui being scared of isolation
-Probably way better exemples that I forgot
I've seen people make Some assumptions which I don't agree with but there is one thing I think is true
There is 100 pourcent gonna be struggle between corporation/reality and WxS.
Purely because that's been WxS's entire theme since the beginning. They constantly bash you over the head with the theme of compromising with reality and the importance of dreams. In fact the pick of Maiki-P is not at all surprising as he basically has the same message WxS has just... well harsher.
The Big thing people have ignored however is by focusing on the lyrics, they've ignored something that's personally to me even more telling and that's the line distribution
We know for a fact colorpalet loves to mess around with line distribution, weither it's to make characters say lines that fit them or to kind of foreshadow their headspace.
Now something Big happens with the line distribution of Cyberpunk Deadboy that i've seen NO ONE notice and that's in the last chorus (that and also Tsukasa's lines which people have pointed out but it works less on it's own which is why I'm gonna analyse his lines afterwards).
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This is the only time the chorus is like that, the others have a much more even distribution.
In fact the distribution choice makes it look like the rest of WxS is Talking to Rui.
It's even more evident considering the lines they chose to make WxS sing compared to only just Rui
Emu/Tsukasa/Nene saying kimi (you)
Rui saying boku (i)
Which honestly makes me think this is colorpalet foreshadowing some kind of issue reguarding specifically Rui. Remember Emu's second event ? The story of Rilley whose imagination was crippled by the industry to the point where he didn't really have any artistic vision until Emu's grandpa helped him.
In fact remember how the flashback that showcases that has Rilley working on a film
Now we get to Tsukasa's line which have been pointed out to be kind of sus but it's not just his lines.
Tsukasa refuses to sing with Rui (unless it's a line they all sing together but i consider those exceptions). In fact pretty much everyone has a duo line with each other except those two.
In fact in the section where Rui has duo lines with everybody, Tsukasa is the only one he doesnt sing with and the visuals make it clear that it's something that we're supposed to find strange
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And then we of course have Tsukasa's solo lines
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Tsukasa is the only one that say "fuzakeruna" outside of Rui (of course ignoring entire group WxS lines) and i've seen some people pointed out how it sounds like he's saying it in response to Rui's lines. Which I agree with.
Then we got his big boy solo lines
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These lines will make more sense with my theory/analysis but right now if we go with the idea that WxS in the last chorus were speaking to Rui and Tsukasa in this comm refuses to sing with Rui then this implies those lines are Tsukasa speaking to Rui.
And this is where the insanity begins because people have pointed out a concerning trend with Ruikasa that I know some people use for shipping fuel but for me kinda feels more so like foreshadowing.
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IGNORING all the ARG ass weirdness of the Fixer 2dmv, this choice to switch Ruikasa's colors have to mean something in my opinion outside of just wholesome shipping influence especially considering the two songs they do this are less than jovial.
What this kind of color switching signifies to me is that, Ruikasa somehow are/or will switch places.
And with that let me bring back Tsukasa's lines
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These lines stand out because Tsukasa before remembering his dreams was extremely shallow only doing things for fame and probably the money that would come with it.
Now if you think about everything I've layed out I think you can gain a pretty clear picture.
Of Rui falling into the trap Rilley did, becoming jaded and losing the true motivation of his dream (or at least starting to have doubts). Becoming stuck with the struggle of managing dreams and reality.
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Rui's costume even has a mask which can be a metaphor for his artistic voice and individuality being silenced .
Which now you get into the line distribution where WxS is implied to be talking to Rui.
And you get to Tsukasa, who is refusing to sing with Rui and in fact seems to be arguing with Rui if we really want to overthink it. In fact almost switching their roles from the main story.
Because Tsukasa has grown now and how else to show that growth than to switch Rui and Tsukasa's perspectives/roles.
Now how this would happen really depends since there are multiple ways they can go about it with the time they have.
There is obviously mystery dude dude (who i know now is sakaki) who still gives me bad vibes. However there is actually two way they can make mystery dude trigger this sort of plot :
-Mystery dude is malicious and actively manipulates/confronts Rui to make him rethink his worldview
-Mystery dude isn't malicious but instead is just jaded/has been through a lot of industry bullshit which ends up rubbing off on Rui accidentally
But you can even just not have mystery dude involved with this at all (which i doubt but still) because you know what loose plotpoint is still lingering over WxS, fucking Asahi
Rui still has not talked about Asahi to WxS, in fact Curtain Call ends on an explicit cliffhanger which is never really emotionally concluded (at least in Rui's own events, technically the arc ender did but there are still a lot of loose threads from that arc). Why would Colorpalet make Asahi come back after Rui graduates, they could've just had him disappear into the sunset but instead they hint at his potential comeback.
Unless Rui will be forced to again confront similar feelings he did during Curtain Call this time with possibly an added layer of whatever happens during WxS's freelance arc.
Anyways yeah this is overly complicated but then again colorpalet is not being easy with us so...yeah.
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buttercupshands · 3 months
New MHUI LoV event stuff
first of all - if you follow the news on the new characters even a little - a new UR Shigaraki Tomura came out today (16th of June) he came with a LoV event as they usually do and this one is basically a filler for the time before Star and Stripe arc happened but after Tomura got his mix-match outfit of his own and AFO's choices
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and while it is Tomura-centric event it's heavy on stuff with Spinner. He's basically like a second main character of this short thing
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The filler answers question on what was LoV doing while Izuku left UA and it uses manga side material as help, because it was stated that Skeptic helped LoV to get new clothes for the Final arc as well as weapons.
A story of event is basically "someone tries to rob us we neew to stop them" while Spinner is questioning if they are really dealing with Tomura anymore, with some interesting localization choises Spinner noticed the Ore vs. Boku thing while Tomura was talking
As it is a turn for a short event we get like 3 parts with Tomura easily defeating the guys who tried to rob that one place
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And it's nothing really if you don't count the way Tomura speaks which is really creepy to hear his gaming words while he's also clearly doesn't understand anything anymore what made Tomura Tomura
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It's basically what if those chapters before Star and Stripe made Tomura lose it were a story on their own with Tomura still unsure on who he is, but LoV is literally there and they talk about it more than we ever saw them in the manga for... reasons that manga doesn't have filler. At all.
At least not with LoV involved
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At the end of it while Spinner is still concerned it all ends with AFOmura or whatever this guy should be called at that point of the story stops questioning it and just agrees with Spinner's question
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If you're a manga reader it's worse than just a talk
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It also has an interesting point, but sadly as it's a pre-Star and Stripe arc Tomura anything he says doesn't really matter as much
Everything else are basically details, I recommend this event tho, it's not that hard to get all of the story, it's worth having in the MHUI archives
As for other things, more or less harmless - there's an event SR Memory with Toga and Machia and a cards set, the same one Tomura had mostly in the anime
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Recruit is standart with a UR Memory for the new character and a SR Memory which is helpful in the event
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As for the less neutral stuff I got into the event as soon as I noticed it began and the first thing was to go into the recruit for the new Tomura
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got him right away so it was fun and with this my Tomura collection is once again is one off, his first UR is still absent on my account, but 5 characters make a team
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Didn't have a motivation to play the event with SR Tomura as my game had an error with dialogue, but I got him at least
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Tried playing with him while clearing the event, he has a new battle star animation, battle end animation and of course his own ult animation
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He's fun to play with, and that actually got me back into MHA as I was slowly losing my will to still do anything connected to it aside from this game
A small thing that I found interesting was that his recruit voiceline is Tomura's speech from back in 222
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Interesting choice as none of old ones had something connected to this chapter
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Other than that his Base talks are the same and his reactions in Trust menu are the same too
As usual MHUI LoV events are the best in delivering events with stories that belong in canon and it's easy to imagine them there
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