#both of them are happy go lucky yet serious when needed
qalrey · 1 year
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They would be best friends!
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wonbriiize · 8 months
riize as boyfriends pt. 1
pt 2. is here
✧₊⁺ shotaro
the type of boyfriend who would wake you up with kisses
he yearns for a deep & meaningful relationship
would make you film cute dance tiktoks with him ˃̵ᴗ˂̵
he would notice when you’re feeling sad and would do his best to make you feel better
like, he would buy your favorite flowers and surprise you with them
or he would call you over to his place and surprise you with your favorite movie & snacks
it’s important to him for you guys to talk about your feelings, desires, goals etc. openly
if conflict happens, he’d rather sit down and talk it out because he goes crazy thinking about you guys being on bad terms
he is so so so supportive !! whatever you want to do, he will stand behind you, he will always have your back no matter what ♡ ̆̈
shotaro is usually very happy but when he sees that you‘re having a bad day, his mood goes down too. like, you hate the world right now? good, so does he !! you want to cry a river? well, he will cry along with you !!
✧₊⁺ eunseok
would pull up behind you and put his arm around your waist to hold you close to him
especially in social gatherings, it’s his sign to show everyone that you’re only his
he stares at you for the longest time and when you ask what’s up he just straight up says ‘i love you’ with the most serious tone ever
it makes him smile when you get shy after he does this, he just loves watching your reaction to it
the type of boyfriend who would have a pic of you in his wallet
when people would ask him ‘who‘s this’, he would softly smile and say ‘my favorite person’
likes to try out new things on your dates
for example going to places you’ve never been to, or doing fun activities that both of you haven’t tried yet
loves teasing you, in every way possible
would sneak up next to you in bed and watch you sleep with admiring eyes because he loves how peaceful you appear (*◡*♡)
✧₊⁺ sungchan
the type of boyfriend who would wake you up in the morning to go out for a walk
would make you breakfast as well
like when you’re on your period, he’d want you to rest in your bed and bring the breakfast to you (づ๑•ᴗ•๑)づ♡
honestly, he’s the type to ask ‘where’s my hug at?’
when you’d hug him, he’d wrap his arms around you so tightly that you fear he’s going to break your bones
he‘d rest his chin on your head and tease you with pushing it down
you like to scare him so sometimes when he does that, you act like he actually hurt you
he would get so concerned, step back and look at you with the most beautiful and apologetic eyes you’d ever seen
sungchan would keep saying sorry even when you tell him you were just joking, because if he’d actually hurt you, he‘d never be able to forgive himself
you‘d have to kiss him to silence him and assure him that everything is fine, and after the kiss, sungchan would have the biggest smile on his face, his eyes looking down at you with the most loving gaze ♡ ´・ᴗ・ `♡
✧₊⁺ wonbin
sends you good morning and good night messages
if he‘s out shopping and sees something that he thinks you’d like or it reminds him of you, he’d buy it right away
he‘s such a scaredy cat but he’d act so tough to look cool in front of you
like, if you guys would go to a horror escape room, he would secretly be shitting his pants everytime your attention wouldn’t be on him
but the second your eyes wander back to him, he’d act like this is the most easiest thing ever
when something creepy would happen in the escape room, he’d try to put all his fear aside and protect you
but you’re a bit better with horror stuff than him, so he actually ends up being the one who needs protection, like he’d hide behind you
also, for your birthday, he’d sing your favorite song for you while playing the guitar
everytime you wouldn’t be looking at him, he would be staring at you, telling himself how lucky he is that he gets to be with you ˃̶̤⌄˂̶̤
when the two of you watch a movie together, he enjoys resting his head on your shoulder and fiddling with your shirt as well as kissing you unexpectedly •ᴗ•♡
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cod-dump · 7 months
Nikpricegraves thoughts, special delivery!
Nik getting more grey in his hair, and neither Price or Graves wants to bring it up, because they don't know how Nik feels about it. They dom't want to make him feel self-conscious.
So they wait. And Nik finally brings it up, very casually (fronting like hell) musing aloud that he might color the grey so people don't think their evac pilot is too old.
And maaaaybe Price and Graves wanted their responses to be a liiiittle more restrained, a little more level-headed. But they weren't.
Price: You are not TOUCHING that silver--
Graves: Like HELL you're--absolutely not!
Price: Anyone lucky enough to have you picking him up has no right to complain about that!
Graves: And it's sexy as hell anyway!
Price: Exactly, you're fuckin gorgeous.
Nik: ... Thank you?
Nik was a very confident man. He was sure of himself, comfortable in his own skin and almost never doubted himself. But seeing the thin stripes of silver in his hair… he wasn’t too confident on it. The reality of him being old was setting in and he wasn’t very happy about it.
Nik never gave the thought of him getting old much thought considering he didn’t think he would get this far, especially not with his constant flirting with death. He never thought about how he would feel about growing grey, and now that it was here, highlighting his temples? Nik felt his heart squeeze, uncertainty making his chest tight.
Worse part was that neither his husband or boyfriend had mentioned anything about the grey, which just added to his uncertainty about it. He’s caught them whispering about it, both immediately cutting themselves off upon noticing him. He’s caught them staring, again no comments about it. Nik knows they had noticed it, of course they did. They notice everything new or different about him, most of the time even before he’s noticed it.
He didn’t like their silence and was choosing to assume the worst. But he kept quiet, just like how they were choosing to stay quiet. The topic of greying hair wouldn’t come up until one night while they ate dinner. He couldn’t help but stare at their own hair, how he would’ve noticed if John had started to grey (surprising he hadn’t by this point). The silver would’ve been noticeable amongst his dark brown hair, within his beard. It would be undeniably attractive.
Phil greying would been less noticeable considering his golden hair. There would’ve needed to be quite a few grey hairs before it was obvious and even then it would blend nicely with the gold strands. It would add to the American’s charm. Both would carry silver has crowns yet… Nik couldn’t determine that about himself. Couldn’t see himself with it, even as it took residence within his hair.
“I think I need to start investing in hair dye.”
The speed in which Phil turned his head to look at him made Nik fear he would break his neck. John just froze mid bite, eyes looking up to stare at him. Nik kept his usual level of smug confidence about him even though he wasn’t feeling anything remotely similar. Phil swallows his food, taking a deep swig of his water before he glares at him.
“Over my dead body.”
Nik blinked in surprise, his facade cracking.
“Nik, my love, if you do that you’d break my heart,” John added, staring intensely at him.
Nik looked between his partners before he cleared his throat, “Right-“
“Nikky, I’m serious,” Phil said firmly, “That silver is so fucking hot and if you dye it I’ll probably cry.”
“I second that,” John said very seriously.
Nik couldn’t help but laugh at their seriousness. Phil stood and walked behind him fingers going into his hair which of course caused Nik to lean back and practically melt. John stood as well and walked over.
“Should’ve known something was up when you hadn’t said anything. Big, bad Nikolai, insecure over some grey hairs.”
Nik huffs, closing his eyes as Phil continued to play with his hair, “I am not insecure.”
“You just said you wanted to dye it.”
Nik huffs, he could hear Phil’s smirk. He mustered up an unamused frown, which was immediately chased away by a well placed kiss from John. Nik was choosing to be annoyed in order to hide how relieved he felt about their approval. The two would probably pry that confession out of him later when it wouldn’t add onto their smugness over his unusual lack of confidence.
“You might want to prepare for when we return from leave, the boys are definitely going to say something when they notice.”
Nik snorts, “If they have a problem with their transport getting grey then they can cry about it.”
“Cry and complain, with bad jokes on the side.”
By the time they returned from leave, Nik would regain his rock solid confidence. And some jokes of his own because what is an old man without his jokes?
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yuri-is-online · 9 months
Host With the Most (Vil Schoenheit x Yuu)
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notes: they/them used for Yuu, in this house we love Vil Schoenheit and his pursuit of aesthetic beauty, Vil is very touchy with Yuu because he likes them, Yuu is a wee bit oblivious. Also happy New Year! Ha this took me too long to write. If you wish to see more of me, consider looking at my masterlist.
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"As the default 'owner' of the Mansion it makes the most sense for Yuu to help me." Vil's voice has that firm air of finality to it that thunders through the air with the same force as Leona's roar or Malleus's storms. Speaking of Leona, he seems to be frightfully amused by this cute little attempt at imitation, and you have absolutely no desire to see them cat fight.
"Just what help do you need exactly? I'm not really the best choice for an understudy." You try your best to keep any trace of tiredness out of your voice, but you really should know better than to lie to Vil by now. He ignores his argument and cups your face in his hands to get a better look at your skin, pursing his lips ever so slightly to try and avoid a full frown.
"You really need to have more faith in yourself." The scolding is serious but the genuine affection in his gaze as you involuntarily chase his touch as he takes back his hands is real. "And to get more sleep. With enough practice you could be more than worthy, but lucky for us both that's not what I had in mind."
"Awww beta fish already claimed little shrimpy? Laaame." Floyd blows a raspberry and you stick out your tongue when Vil looks away.
"No chasing shromps for you." That cheers him up. You think.
"Stay!" Crewel seems to have regained a bit of his fire. "Ramshackle is Yuu's home, so having them work alongside Schoenheit will allow them to keep an eye on all you puppies and make sure you aren't destroying their living space."
"You have no need to worry yourself over such a thing Professor." Rook cheerfully says.
"Yeah! We're good house guests." Laughs Ortho.
"... Schoenheit perhaps you would like to take Yuu to look over costumes and explain your plans while I have some words with my third and fourteenth reasons?" Vil does not need Crewel to tell him twice.
"We aren't planning on using any rooms you or Grim do regularly, though Rook and Floyd did have ideas for the attic." Vil immediately starts talking shop as soon as you leave the classroom. "Guests are going to walk though the house on a marked tour, and I'll be playing host for part of the show."
"A ghost host?" You expect to be reprimanded but Vil winks.
"In my first script the host had an assistant, but Ortho suggested he be placed in charge of screen mapping and projection so we didn't need to make as many adjustments to your dorm." Vil sounds just as proud of Ortho as Idia would be if he was telling the story. It fills your heart with warmth. "Thanks to that suggestion I get to have you stick with me for the rest of the week." And just like that the warmth floods up to your ears, damn that professional training for letting Vil say... things. Yes just things, you are reading into friendly banter too much. The way your breath hitches at the gentle ghost of his touch across your back as he guides you through the door he opens is natural, you just aren't used to Vil's touchiness yet.
"Have you already thought out the costumes?" You remove yourself from his side and try to place some distance between yourself and your feelings by looking over the fist set of clothes Crewel has laid out in this empty classroom, completely missing the brief flicker of disappointment Vil refuses to contain.
"I provided Professor Crewel some concept sketches and my script, but we still have some sizing adjustments to make..." Vil's voice trails off and you turn back in concern. Yet he does not seem distracted at all when you do, he simply proceeds with his thoughts evenly. "I hope you don't mind, but the costume I have in mind for you is raven themed, so you might end up looking a bit like our dear Headmage."
"Oh please no." You groan and Vil laughs.
"Just the bit." He moves to your side, directing your attention towards an admittedly sleek tunic like outfit with a hood and feathers embroidered down the cape. "Go ahead and try it on, I'll wait out here to look it over." As you turn to do just that you find his face close to yours, the typical intensity of his stares and danger of this specific smile suggesting something other than his usual ire. "And make sure to tell me if it's comfortable," he gently tips your chin up to look at him with a slender finger, it's as if he means to kiss you with how he tilts his head "you will be standing next to me for the whole night, I can't have my partner falling down from something as simple as fatigue."
Oh there is no need to worry over that when he is more than able to be the death of you on his own.
The better part of your next three weeks is spent practicing the haunt and slowly loosing your sanity. You don't actually have any lines, or much of anything to do other than follow Vil around really, but that meant you had to spend more time around him. More time around those casual touches and compliments that have invaded your friendship since your trip to the underworld, battering your imagination in directions you had long since tried to convince yourself was forbidden. Vil is beautiful, and his confidence of it strangely not off putting to your foolish heart. But Vil had been clear, he was affectionate to all of his friends in private and no amount of skirting the boundary-
though it was all him, if you could only realize how he is trying so desperately to initiate that he is starting to come unglued
-would make your desire for his love anything less than a pipe dream. A dream made substantially worse by how you did know just enough about what one of his kisses would feel like to fantasize about tasting him on your lips. Not that you could see them from your position at the back of the test group, clammy hands fidgeting with the prop lantern you carry, but his slicked back hair and strategically rumpled suit are so ingrained in your dreams at this point you're sure you know what he looks like.
As if you are the only one tortured by fantasies, as if he did not design that cape specifically to see you in it. As if-
"Horntoads and lizards, fiddle and strum. Please answer the role by beating a drum!" Cater's head begins to "levitate" up off the table as he chants in a show of theatrics that's still impressive even if this is the 999th time you've seen it; Ortho's projection mapping coupled with Cater's willingness to improvise had blended into a really unique act. Something a Scarabia freshmen seems to really agree with you because he immediately starts screaming and flailing around in a way that has you deeply concerned for your poor dorm's safety. You take a deep breath to steady yourself, trying to examine the idiot's body language to determine if he was a threat or not. A decision that's made for you as soon as he goes for his magic pen and you note, perhaps too late, that maybe you should make your guests surrender them before going through the haunt.
"Excuse me." You make sure your cowl is lowered as you gently try to tug his hand away from his pocket and are rewarded with an easily dodged slap. "Well now you're just embarrassing both of us."
"Just what do you think it is you are doing foolish mortal." You swear you saw Vil walk forward, but your brain refuses to register his movements as soon as he opens his voice. "It seems you would prefer to take my way out after all." It's silly, being impressed with a professional actor staying in character, but then it must be equally silly to go a bit jelly legged at seeing Vil drawn up to his full height and radiating confidence. The student whimpers and you again reach for his hand, acting the good spirit gently tugging him away from the grip of the damned souls of the mansion.
"C'mon now, no need to be shy." The student lets you lead him away mutely, clearly disappointed in himself.
"And I will see you all a little later." Vil bows, disappearing from the group as they flow into the dancers and he immediately drops his practiced face and begins making his way to his next scene. He has faith in you, so he is not surprised to see you waiting, cowl once again up and swinging your lantern to amuse yourself in a manner that would be cute if he wasn't so worried. "Yuu," Vil does not love how forceful his tone is for the way it makes you jump but the emotions running about in his chest keep him from softening it "are you alright?"
"Just peachy." You try a chipper tone but choke as Vil once again reaches to touch you. He cups your face in his hands like it is precious, examines it careful and runs his perfect fingers along your arms to examine your hands in what feels dangerously close to an excuse to hold them. "Dumbass," he purses his lips "sorry, po-ta-to thought Cater had actually lost his head because of Riddle or something. I made sure to hand him over to Crewel and suggested we take the guest's magic pens to make sure if they do freak out no spells get fired off."
"In hindsight that seems like a rather obvious precaution." Vil exhales, letting out the disappointment and intakes a prideful, teasing look to his eyes as he continues to focus on you. You swallow thickly, how many times has he said what he's about to in these past few weeks? "You're doing an excellent job, I knew I picked the right person to partner with." You look down at your hands, Vil still hasn't let them go. It hurts somewhat, more than nearly being slapped.
"You don't have to say things like that just to make me feel better." You cough and Vil frowns.
"I don't give compliments for the sake of ego you know." He lets go of one of your hand to run his thumb over your quivering lip, staring deeply at the tears you had not noticed until he moves to dry them as if he can erase them from time with sheer will alone. "When I say something to you about how grateful I am to have met you, that I admire you, when I say I find things about you to be beautiful and that I want you to stand beside me, I mean every word."
"If you say things like that I'm going to start thinking you mean something different when you call me your partner." You try to joke and for some reason this is what makes him falter.
"... wasn't that obvious?" Vil, beautiful Vil, has a genuinely surprised look on his face. As if he was not the one who had said he was affectionate to his friends specifically... as if he had expected you to notice how much longer he spent kissing you than Rook or Epel and divine his romantic intent from the way his hand sought yours alone. Perhaps he had thought you had more courage than you did, or perhaps, you think to yourself with some relief, there are some things Vil just doesn't quite know how to say because he is so used to having to prove himself worthy of saying them in the first place.
"Are you sure you want this?" You ask because you feel like you have to, but what you are really trying to ask is if you are allowed to want this, to want him.
"Dangerously so." He rests his forehead against yours, a contented sigh worming its way past his lips at the lack of ambiguity in the way your fingers finally thread through his. "I only have so much time left to keep you to myself you know? When the school year ends I'll have to make excuses to more than just a handful of classmates for why I deserve to be alone with you, without sparking any comments." You had considered that of course, let it fuel your doubts and even still now it flickers slightly in your mind.
"I don't want to take the coward's way out." You say and Vil's eyes betray momentary shock. "I don't want to keep ignoring my feelings."
"Then we are in agreement, my dearest partner." Vil draws you impossibly close and presses one kiss to your forehead to his joy and your rancor before he dips you to give the kiss you really want. "I don't think I could ignore you if I tried."
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Welcome, foolish mortals, to this haunted taglist: @nothingfuninthislife
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yurinaa-world · 1 year
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𝒞𝒽𝒶𝓇𝒶𝒸𝓉𝑒𝓇𝓈: Trigun Stampede and Honkai Star rail men x Gentral-neutral Reader
𝒮𝓎𝓃𝑜𝓅𝓈𝒾𝓈: Shower them in kisses
𝒲𝒶𝓇𝓃𝒾𝓃𝑔𝓈: fluff, spelling mistakes
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𝒯𝓇𝒾𝑔𝓊𝓃 𝒮𝓉𝒶𝓂𝓅𝑒𝒹𝑒
Vash: Oh, he's utterly red in the face just from the kiss you placed on the side of his lips. What a cute expression he was making—his eyes all big and his mouth open completely—and as soon as you kiss his hands, you can see him squealing with pure happiness, watching every kiss you place on him.
Nicholas: When you finally kiss him on the lips after kissing his entire face, he’s not going to let you pull away; he wants more than just a peck—a real kiss. You could taste tobacco on his lips from how much he smokes, making your head spin before pulling back. Seeing your face all red and panting for air, he couldn’t help but smirk.
Millions knives: when you kissed his hands before going further up to his neck Before you get to kiss him, he just can't be patient anymore, grabbing the back of your head and roughly smashing his lips onto yours. What breath do you need? Well, you can wait; even when you try to pull back for air, he won’t budge. Once he’s done, you're gasping for air while he looks down at you with a small smirk planted on his lips.
Legato: With permission, he’ll allow you to do so, yet he looks quite tense with every kiss you place on his lips. You don’t blame him; he’s never been the type to ever do anything physical with that he doesn’t like getting into, like interwinding your fingers with his as you kiss his knuckle while staring at him to see if his blank expression had changed.
Livio: has such a sweet smile on his face, with a little bit of blush on his cheeks. While you kiss him, he does the same, wrapping his arms around you and showering you in kisses instead, while you both giggle with happiness. Before he starts kissing your lips over and over again, he can't help it; he just wants to kiss you over and over again.
𝐻𝑜𝓃𝓀𝒶𝒾 𝒮𝓉𝒶𝓇 𝑅𝒶𝒾𝓁
Dan Heng: It’s so cute of his ears to light up red and avert his eyes away from you even when you just kissed his face. Oh,  now you can't resist the urge to tease him about it and how he tries to deny it but just keeps on going. Oh, you’ll definitely be the death of him for sure.
Welt Yang: He loves it, those soft kisses on his cheek, especially the best when he’s tired and just feeling down. You push his bangs up and kiss him on the forehead as he has a small smile on his lips. It makes his day a thousand times better. He's always saying, "What could he do without you by his side?
Arlan: You see his face burn up; he is usually serious and professional. How can you blame him? He has such a big soft spot for you that even just a couple of kisses can make him melt onto the floor!
Gepard: Another one that gets flustered easily by you; don’t blame him; he’s just never had a romantic relationship with anyone before, so he’s not used to it. It doesn't matter how many times you do it, he still can't get used to it, and his heart starts to race, aww maybe you should do this more often.
Sampo: He'll be the one teasing you. It seems that you just can't keep your hands off of him; he loves it whenever you decide to wear lipstick, especially a red or pink color. Those marks you left all over his face, hands, and neck gave him a feeling he couldn't even explain but that he just loved.
Jing Yuan: How sweet you are to him! He’s so lucky to be blessed with you as his lover, and having that stupid smile that he always has on his face, he wants to chuckle while you do your thing; it gives a feeling of almost bliss. Oh, what shall he do with you?
Blade: He smirks at you. How cute you are to kiss him all over so innocently and sweetly. He’ll just cup your chin and pull you into a kiss, and bite your bottom lip, and your eyes widen. How cute you are with such surprised expressions! Oh well, keep on going; finish what you started. Oh, are you blushing now?
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idyat · 8 months
Overprotective Sanford x reader
They'll never hurt you again
Requested on Wattpad
Summary: The AAHW has captured you. That will not stand with your lover.
WARNINGS: Violent threats, torture, murder, lots of gore in general
...What time was it? You couldn't know inside your empty, dark, sealed of from the world room. Your ennemies had got you, the chances of you dying in terrible agony were at an all time high. Lucky for you though, they wanted to try and get some information out of you first.
"So, are you gonna talk?" The ATP soldat in front of you asked. But there was no way you were saying anything. Ever.
"Oooh playing tough huh? If you love staying quiet so much maybe you'd like to have your throat ripped out?" They threatened, pointing a knife towards said throat.
You couldn't do anything to fight either. Your arms, your legs, even your torso were strapped to a very uncomfortable chair. Judging by the look, it was electric too.
While you were dwelling on your thoughts, the soldat got a call through their earbud.
"Huh? Yeah don't worry I'm not actually killing them. Might cut the bitches tongue though. You guys do your jobs and make sure absolutely no one's breaking in okay? Okay."
They were probably serious about the tongue thing. Your body was already covered in cuts, burns and bruises.
But you knew your condition wouldn't last long. You knew he would just need to know about what was going on to bring hell upon these assholes and their base. Which is why, even through the pain you managed to smile.
"Oh? You're smiling now?" Your captor had focused back on you.
"What's making you so happy huh? Is there something funny going on on the wall?" They were baby-talking you and turned around to this time look at the wall in front of you with stupid movements. Idiot, they're only embarrassing themselves even more.
You suddenly got punched in the face real hard.
"Are you enjoying this, huh?! You like being hurt or do you like being annoying, you stupid brat?!" They continued to hit you as they yelled.
"Maybe you'll enjoy the stretchers even more then, you useless fu-"
The building's alarm suddenly went off. Filling every room with a flickering red light and ear-splitting ring.
"What the-" The soldat got once again interrupted, this time by the sound and sight of explosions, screams, and guts flying out not far from your own placement.
"Fuck fuck fuck fuck!" You smiled even more at their panic.
Both of you knew that motherfucker was already dead.
One last explosion of your interrogation rooms door, and their body was already getting hooked from across the room, right before it was their heads turn to get crushed onto the ground. And when I say crushed I mean crushed. Brain and eye flying out and everything.
It would almost gross you out if you weren't concentrated on the hunk responsible for the carnage. Well, "hunk". At the moment all he was was terrifying. Blood and shadows covering his face with only the light of his sunglasses perceivable as he wiped out everyone in his way with horrid shrieks of agony.
He looked up before bolting towards you. Your heart almost stopped until you felt your face being grabbed and restraints being torn as if they were mere paper.
"Oh god, Honey are you alright?! Holy shit, what did they do to you..."
You could almost see the darkness fading away as he worringly yelled if you were okay.
"I'm definitely better now that you're here." You smiled, still panting from the pain and recent beating.
He finally destroyed all the straps connecting you to the chair before grabbing you and tightly, yet gently, hugging you.
"I'm sorry...I'm so sorry...I took so long just look at what they did to my sweetheart..." Sanford's voice was trembling as he scanned over your wounds to make sure none needed urgent attention. It was quite funny honestly, to see such a murderous and sadistic man turn so nurturing within a few seconds, all for his lover. It's a very strong contrast for one person.
"Hey, Love, it's okay! You saved me in the end, isn't it all that matters?"
You gave him a kiss. "No buts Honey. It's all over now. Let's just go home."
He nodded before picking you up bridal style. No way he was going to let the love of his life walk with legs injured like that. He also took the time to get to the entrance (or to blow up a hole in the nearest wall) to comfort you and made sure you were ok physically and mentally. You were the one who just got kidnapped and tortured, there's no way he's the only one getting reassured!
You two eventually made it outside. To which your boyfriend suddenly stopped.
"...Uuh...I got here all by myself...Could you call Deimos to come pick us up?"
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aaizawashouta · 3 months
It’s your weekend, but today is important. He's a good father, your ex is, and deserves to celebrate his day with his children. Waving from the car, you blow a kiss to your two boys before driving home. There’s a father at home who is also being celebrated. He just doesn’t know it yet. 
He’s sleeping still, he came home late from patrol. Even those are far and few in between anymore. Eri sits at the counter practically vibrating with excitement. Giggles bubble out of you both, finger pressing against your lips to remind her that this is a surprise — quiet. 
With pulled out pans, and needed ingredients, you set out to make a grand Father’s Day breakfast. Pancakes, bacon, and eggs. Putting the coffee on a timer, knowing that Shouta will be awake soon. Spotify is playing softly in the background; loud enough for your hips to move to the beat and to mouth along to the lyrics. It’s the best and only way to cook. Especially when you’ve got a little Eri copying your every move. You’re in the middle of stirring the batter when the overhead light to the kitchen flicks on instead of only the dimmer lights hanging over the island. Jumping, you turn quickly on your heel, hand pressed tightly over your chest to see Shouta leaning against the fridge with a raised brow.
“Why are you awake?” You ask after a small moment, turning back to the stove.
“Haven’t slept.”
“Why is that?”
“Oh, I don’t know. Because someone wasn’t asleep in our bed last night.” You freeze at his words, a rush of heat spreading over your face. You gasp when a light tug comes from behind you, pulling at the shirt you have on. “This is mine, by the way.”
“I always wear your shirts to bed, Sho,” you reply with a side eye. Rolling your shoulders before looking up at him fully. “We had a good night last night.”
“I bet. The boys were passed out in the living room and you were snoring snuggled up with this one.” 
Eri giggles with his attention. Quick fingers lightly digging into her sides. It’s moments like these that you wish you could pause. How far the little girl that lights up your home has come. Watching the love of your life thrive in being a parent, a husband. Going above and beyond your wildest dreams. You and your boys are so lucky. There isn’t more that you could ask for.  
You shake your head focusing on flipping the pancakes. You give him a stern look when he moves beside you to help cook. That’s Eri’s job — this was her idea and you don’t want anything to take away from that. From the look of it, though, it seems she’s just as happy having him with you as you are. You watch him, discreetly as you can, watch his hands as they crack open eggs over the heating pan.
“So what’s the occasion,” Shouta begins, lips pulling up at the corner, telling you that you’ve been caught in the act. “The boys aren’t here, I’m not forgetting someone’s birthday am I?”
“Are you serious?”
Shouta’s smile is so smug, it makes the heat dip low, burning as your thighs clench. You groan and turn from him, pulling two pancakes off the pan. You eye the stack doing a quick estimate. He bumps into you, getting your attention back.
“You could have woken me up, you know.”
“It’s fine, sweet girl. By the time I realized you and Eri were snuggled together like a bug in a rug.”
You smile. “She likes me for some reason.”
Shouta doesn’t say anything. You continue on in silence, breakfast getting done a lot quicker than you had anticipated. The coffee maker turns on just in time.
You grab a plate, filling it full while your husband fills two mugs of coffee. Pushing him with your hip, you nod towards the table. Your cheeks heat when he kisses you. He calls for Eri, who somehow disappeared in all the cooking. You can hear the tv from the living room now that you aren’t sucked up in Shouta’s orbit. Shouta shakes his head at your triumphant smile as he pours Eri a glass of juice and settles her at the table next to him. 
His hand squeezes you as you set the plates down in front of them. Eri giving a quick thank you before diving into her food. Pancakes, whip cream and strawberries don’t stand a chance against her. Shouta’s hand travels up your thigh when you finally sit, your own stomach rumbling with hunger. Your foot nudges Eri’s chair and her eyes widen, fork full of food shoved into her mouth. 
“Happy Father’s Day!” It comes out sloppy, mumbled, but heartfelt all the same. 
Shouta just smiles. 
You kiss his cheek, his stubble scratching at your skin. “Happy Father’s Day. You really are so cool, Eraserhead.”
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aziraphales-library · 9 months
Hi! Hope you are doing fine :) The second season has only aired and I imagine it will be months and months before this one gets answered, but I think my question will still be relevant and possibly will get more answers by the time we all stop hurting so much.
So, I've seen the post about how naive we all were about ineffable husbands figuring their shit out immediately after notapocalypse (or like AT ALL) and how used we are to all the difficulties being settled off-screen or ignored and rushing to happy parts. And as we see in season 2 this is not the case at all, and all their trauma/habit of not talking to each other and whatever else really needs to be resolved before any happy ending is possible. What fics can you recommend about Hard Work Being Done with happy results (canon-compliant to either first or both seasons)?
Hello. Here are some canon compliant fics in which communication and effort happen...
Locked In by RepQueen15 (T)
After four weeks of Crowley crying and moping over Aziraphale, Maggie and Nina had started scheming. He’d registered it all, the cleared throats and the hints about ‘helping revamp the cafe soon.’ Crowley cursed himself for not waking the fuck up from his stupor and getting them to stop. He knew it was over. He knew. He’d given it all he’d got. And Aziraphale had forgiven him. He’d fucking forgiven Crowley. Fuck Maggie and Nina. They did this. ‘This’ being locked in the cafe. Locked inside the walls of ‘Give Me Coffee Or Give Me Death,’ with him. Aziraphale. God-fucking-damn he hated his life. * Or: Crowley and Aziraphale get trapped together and have to have a Serious Talk About Their Relationship.
on one wounded wing by shoebox_addict (T)
“I'm done with Heaven,” said Aziraphale, with conviction. He’d had a long time to think this through, he knew where he stood now. “I'm on our side.” “You've said that before.”
Something lasts forever by Aidaran (T)
After Aziraphale leaves, Crowley is left to drink himself to death and be just as miserable as he can be. Lucky for him, Nina doesn't have patience for drunk demons in his shop, and Maggie is always willing to give a helping hand. Or, How Give me Coffee or Give me Death became an unexpected embassy for hell and heaven forces to gather, so certain ground rules had to be set. ------- "Still taking care of him?" Maggie said softly as Crowley exhaled with annoyance and reclined his back on her counter. "I want to prove him wrong. Some things do last forever. I want him to come back and see they do." “And then what?” He looked confused for a second. Truth was, he wasn’t letting himself think too much about what would happen when the angel returned. If he returned. He’d been avoiding that pain for millenia and wasn’t going to start allowing it to creep in. “Well, haven’t got my plan that far yet.”
Love sought is good, but given unsought is better by elf_on_the_shelf (T)
Armageddon came and went and Crowley is trying his hardest to get whatever it was that he had hoped and dreamed for millennia to have with Aziraphale going. Unfortunately for him, the angel is not there yet. Unfortunately for both of them, Crowley, despite him being a darn optimist, really can't wait any longer. This is a fic that explores all of their inner turmoil and means to address as much as it can of their past trauma. It's a fic about healing old wounds and the both of them getting to be better supernatural entities all on their own before they try their hand at any type of relationship. Or: Crowley gets therapy by means of tough love. Aziraphale has a long - and I do mean long - talk with himself.
wartimes by ffonippop (G)
Crowley decides he's gotten too sentimental in his time on Earth. He fucks off to Canis Major to listen to angry, scorned, and bitter songs, adamantly avoiding break-up ones for his health and sanity, but Aziraphale, the bastard, invites him back to the bookshop for a post-breakup debrief. Much like the constellation Crowley's chosen to sulk at, Crowley is just a kicked puppy who can't refuse a beck and call. Still, he doesn't make it easy.
Sunlight or Demise by verovex (T) Anathema had once said she couldn’t see Adam’s aura, and it should’ve been more of a red flag, but the reality was it had just been so large she couldn’t see it for what it was. For Crowley, it was the same thing with trying to see reciprocation from Aziraphale. * The enormity of love was, by all accounts, indecipherable. Aziraphale had known what love felt like in this world. At least, he thought he understood it. He felt it all around him. He always had. Sometimes, it was stronger in particular places than in others. But, there was something blurred about it all if you looked too close. He’d realized that Heaven never felt like this, yet it’s where you were taught that it should exist. Aziraphale had started to wonder. He couldn’t decide when the thought first came around that perhaps the love he felt had actually been what was sifting between him and Crowley. At some point, it was easier to be humbled by the complacency of what they’d always been showing each other than outright admitting it for what it was. But that wasn't enough anymore.
- Mod D
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oh-saints · 1 year
Alphabet nfsw Rúben dias
you ask nicely and therefore you shall receive, dearest <3
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please dni if you're not 18 yet! i really wouldn't if i were you bcs even i felt so hot as i wrote this lololol
(request is still open & you can drop them here)
A for after care
while rúben is such a sweet and caring boyfriend off the sheets, he’s insanely a beast on the sheet so it doesn’t come off a surprise to you that he leaves behind the cum he shot into you to dry. in his opinion, nothing’s sexier than waking up to that sight.
B for body part
rúben loves his hands and probably envies the organ because they can reach places where his tongue and nose and lips cannot. he loves to see and ignites a lot of your body reactions from his touches—your squirms, your arches, your shivers—so it comes naturally for him to love every inch of your body. although if he has to pick, he’s definitely a boob person.
C for cum
as exhibited under point A above, nothing is sweeter than the sensation of him being engulfed by your insides like a lover’s hug after a long seperation, therefore his favourite place to shoot his cum is inside of you.
D for dirty secret
you always wear something that’s easy for his hands to do as he pleases with you—open back dresses, skirts with slits, no bra, thongs…—and it pleases rúben to no end knowing you’re always ready for him.
E for experience
you’d like to think rúben is much more experienced than you but it turns out he only knows as far as things he like to do. it’s kind of a knowledge sharing between you two sometimes.
F for favourite position
while missionary cannot be replaced whatsoever for how much he loves to see your most honest expressions, he cannot eliminate some other risqué positions either. no, not the doggy style kind of thing but more like standing or when he carries you off from one place to another because he can slide into you much more easier and deeper that way.
G for goofy (e.g. are they always serious in bedroom or are they not?)
between the two of you, you’re much more relaxed in terms of personality. so most of the time, it’s more like a session where he shuts your mouth to get on with it.
H for hair
do we need to go through this? like, have you seen him with his shirt off? he definitely takes a good care of himself, which includes leaving his happy trail unshaved because you like it so much every time he lifts of his shirt.
I for intimacy
he takes things seriously, sex is no exception. he thinks the sensual activity is actually important because it’s the only one that can bring you two closest without space in between you. and sex with rúben is heaven on earth for you because he always takes a good care of you, like he always does off the sheet.
J for jack-off
he’s not a big fan of doing his own work because you ruined his perspective of hand and blow jobs for him. damn it.
K for kink
he’s silently into breath play but never pulling off more than slight pressure into your neck. he’s not a sadist to begin with, but you’re not complaining because it’s always so hot to hear the words he breathes onto your ears while he’s holding you still by the neck.
L for location
depends on the mood, to be honest. if either of you is aiming for comfort zone, then it’s definitely your room or the big, plushy sofa in the living room. but if it’s the otherwise, then it can be anywhere that’s stable enough to hold both of you—I mean, look at the (literal) size of that guy. the kitchen island’s lucky they’re made of marbles.
though, deep down, rúben holds a soft spot to the floor-length window of your vanity.
M for motivation
when his girlfriend looks like you, rúben doesn’t need to find a motivation to initiate sex. but there’s always something about you lifting your shirt off your head as you walk into your closet…
N for no (as in what turn him off or something he’d most likely reject)
anything that makes your uncomfortable, period.
that, and anything that requires him to show you off to people while doing sex.
O for oral
while you taste absolutely divine, he prefers to receiving heads from you because he loves seeing the glint in your eyes as you feel powerful going down on him. as a bonus, he likes to hear your grunts and see your determination as you try to fit all of him inside your mouth, wanting to please him like a good girl you are.
P for pace
despite claiming he’s not a sadistic earlier, he loves torturing you by going in and out of you super slow, taking in the sight of your pussy swallowing his girth good and feeling his bulge on your lower stomach underneath his palms, while he sees you losing your sanity bits by bits.
Q for quickie
it’s not often rúben loses his head but there was one occurrence where he came with you for your bridesmaid fitting and you looked so good in that dress that it drove him wild. because he certainly couldn’t rip the dress out of you this second, he chose to fuck you wordlessly in the VIP fitting room like there wasn’t any staffs waiting beyond the curtain. you’d never come so fast in your life that day.
R for risk
living up to his reputation of man of routine, it’s mostly you that hints or coaxes him to try somethings with you. who is he to say no anyway, as long as it’s not something that crosses his line?
S for stamina
do not ask about this thing to a man who runs back and forth on a pitch for a full 90-minute. you even have to hire your own professional trainer to keep up with his energy, or else you’d only last for an hour before passing out without giving back pleasures to rúben.
T for toys
your bunny vibrator was actually your only best friend, until you met rúben. but being a good boyfriend, he likes to indulge your friends, always, and that includes the rubber bunny. you’re certainly not complaining when it makes your orgasm intensifies from both the sensation of rúben’s balls slamming against your skin and the vibrating machine combined.
U for unfair (e.g. how much they like to tease?)
going this far, it’s pretty safe for us to conclude that he loves to tease you endlessly. if not, he wouldn’t have kept the happy trail unshaven or asked you to leave your underwear behind during one christmas dinner with his family. and once in a while, you’d love him to get a taste of his own medicine because you know that a sexually frustrated rúben dias is the best side of rúben you can ask for.
V for volume
his voice is naturally deep so whenever he grunts dirty words while you sink down on him, the vibration reaches your clit and brings you closer to the edge faster than you’d like. but he’s more on the silent type because he likes to hear your moans and whines and gasps.
W for wild card (a random headcanon)
rúben’s most memorable moment of you two having sex was that one summer night on your vacation, both of your heads dizzy from the fizz drunk but enough to push rúben to—at first—tease you by peeling off the black sundress you were wearing, the pads of his fingers kissing your skin as light as his lips peppering down kisses on the trail of his fingers. your broken gasps fuelled his adrenaline more as he caressed your clit with a hand, while the other slithering upwards to the direction of your neck. your hot breaths steamed off against the mirror in front of you as you felt his large hands going from your belly button, to your ribs, to the middle of your ample breasts, until they settled well on your collarbone. you could feel your right boob folded nicely but carnally in the inside of your elbow, and you had never experienced something so sexily raw.
X for xray
I’m sure even we all recognise the size of his delicious cock ghosting over his pants on several of his steamy photoshoots. yes, we’re talking about the nike underwear one.
Y for yearning (i.e. how high is their sex drive?)
not that high, compared to normal people. once or twice in a month due to your busy schedules, but it’s always worth the mornings you’re being reprimanded by your boss.
Z for zzz (i.e. how quickly they’ll fall asleep afterwards)
going back to the exhibition under point A, rúben isn’t one to fall asleep fast because it’s always a cuddle session after a damn good sex for you both. but between the two of you, of course you fall asleep faster (cue point S) and when he’s in the mood, he stays awake longer so he can wipe off all the dirt of your body so you can sleep comfortably.
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hi mar! i hope it's okay to send an ask your way. i have two questions for you as a human person in the hp fanfic/fandom arena if you want to answer. you do not have to and i apologize now if i'm being annoying or bothering you!
(1) what drew you to the jegulus pairing? what is appealing about it to you that makes you want to write it? (this is a genuine question with zero judgement or snark. i am new-ish to fanfic writing and i am genuinely curious as i'm not too familiar with this pairing!)
(2) can you recommend a good started mauraders fic that is not all the young dudes cause that is so many words i don't feel ready for lol
thank you for taking the time to read this and i hope again i have not been a bother!
Hellooo bonjour of course, I love a good ask, and your questions are so cool and I really want to answer them <3, so you're absolutely welcome!
(1) what drew me to the jegulus pairing? what is appealing about it to me that makes me want to write it?
I really connected with Regulus, because how can a character with such good intentions fuck up so bad? He's a really interesting character with a lot of flaws, yet you can't help but feel kind of sorry for him? I think it's interesting that we know so little, but what we know is full of contradictions? Homeboy supposedly proudly took the Mark but then tried to destroy the horcruxes? What makes a person do such a 180? It kind of forces us to think about what makes a person turn to evil, and what are the levers of evil (family pressure, depression, not feeling like a worthy cause, etc...). And James spoke to me because he's kind of sensible and easily hurt and I visualize him as having a very deep and rich inner life, kind of like Regulus. When he gets hurt, he'll try to get over it, he'll be confrontational, he'll forgive... but he won't really forget? I don't really write James as a happy-go-lucky guy, I tend to give him a more serious vibe, but I like how many characterizations you can find of him!
The both of them are really similar, they just externalize it differently. They both want to be loved for who they are, both are misunderstood as being either always mean or always happy, and both are tired of being put into boxes. They can be themselves with each other, put all the ugly and unlovable parts on display...and still find ways to be loved by each other.
Obviously they're fake characters that don't exist, this is just my interpretation of them and why I like writing/reading them.
I like the idea that someone unlovable can be loved, despite. Maybe it gives me hope.
(2) can I recommend a good starter marauders fic?
I have never read all the young dudes, so you're not alone.
I think my first advice is, you don't have to read the popular fics. There are a few I have read, a few I haven't, but just because everyone raves about it doesn't mean it'll hit for you, so give yourself the freedom to pick and choose your own adventures.
I'm going to go on a little tangent here, but ao3 really is an archive, and every damn day I find gems that have less than 10K hits, sometimes less than 10 comments, that are the bees' knees.
I urge you to just go in ao3 and dig, my friend. Pull your ao3 tags and go on a rampage. Try all the tags you think would interest you.
Don't only trust the comments or the hits. Low or high hit/low comment means nothing. One of my fav fanfic ever sits at a cool 40K hits from 2017 and I believe God wrote it, I can't imagine a human out there in the world wrote this stuff.
My point is every single comment/hit is deserved, and you have "popular fics" that are fantastic and got a lot of love (and deserve them), and unknown fics that are fantastic and deserve a lot of love (and you're gonna need to dig to find them).
My advice is: search tags, start reading chapter 1, see if you feel it. Either click out, or enjoy your meal. Take chances. My god, the things you'll find.
That being said, here are a few recommendations that I really enjoyed, from different registers, so you can have a little pick and see if anything tickles your fancy:
ladies and gentlemen, this is your captain speaking by inthesquare  and really any fics by @aboutnavi. The way she writes tickles a part of my brain that I really just--*sighs in love*. Ladies and Gentlemen is a fic she wrote for me, but I got to know her through : living in border lines (one of my absolutely favorite fics for no reason that I can pinpoint, just that it hits and I cried a lot). I recommend living in border lines to anyone with a pulse. It's sad and depressing, and it just takes 4k to get you there. But it's like, beautiful? ALSO in the ether, there is a website by her made me sob but in a positive, lovely way. She really said, I'm going to write something the way no one has ever written anything before, and did that.
Cat and Mouse by MissAmericanBi. I'm friends with @hihimissamericanbi but I can say without bias that this fic rewired my brain chemistry. I was blushing and I think Celine has 36 pics of me in shock as I read it. O.O. It's smut. There's a cat. Her Regulus won my heart. 10/10 reading experience.
It's a question of where, not when by Idontthinkthats_pumpkinjuice realllllyyyy took me there. I don't know there's something about the CONCEPT that I just thought was really cool and fun and original. It has become a sort of comfort fic for me. It's so weird, I love it.
Tarte Tatin by veryinnovative (@veryinnovative) I started reading this when I was in Japan and I was experimenting with strange and wonderful food, and the story sucked me in. I've never watched the media it was inspired by, but the fic is chef's kiss.
Choices by MesserMoon (@sophsicle) was the fic that dragged me kicking and screaming into the fandom. It's not really fun, nor happy (but it has light-hearted moment. Like, they really try to be happy you know?). I loved everything about it. All their fics are great--just know you'll suffer reading most, but you'll be happy about it.
quite like us by alarainai was the fic that dragged me out of the deep dark hole Choices put me in. It's fun, it's fluffy, it's cute, it healed me. All their fics are great if you want to be happy and have a good time and look at life and think "Thank god I'm alive".
The Mystery of the Pears by sonwar. I'm currently reading this one, and I've been having a lovely time.
If I had to recommend one fic to read from my collection, it would be Le Mange Dieu et le Dévoreur de Mondes. I think you can really tell from the writing how much fun green and I had writing this. I'm extremely proud of what we did there, enough that we both got the name tattooed on our bodies last summer (don't do that. We both have lots of tattoos so we weren't bothered, but don't do that. don't tattoo fic names on your body. It's madness)
Anyway, I urge you not to take these as the gospel truth. It can be a starting point, but there are thousands of amazing writers out there with fics updating, or completed, just waiting for you to find them. I'm mostly writing, so I haven't read any fics from the Marauders fandom in a while. I don't know what's been thrown out there in the past few months, I'm sure there are so many gems!
Enjoy your adventure!
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gotyouanyway · 5 months
time lord ocs info post
ok this is a LOT of info and doesn't even cover it entirely but here's the main details about my little trio of time lord ocs :)
some of the canon details might be a little off - i haven't listened to all of gallifrey: time war yet and i'm pretty sure i nudged some facts around to make everything fit but don't worry about it <3
caldinsedravin (caldin) 3rd regeneration (f, m, m) - ex cia agent - prydonian
hollustallamanta (hollus) 1st regeneration (f) - ex guardsman - prydonian
kilicoversonterast (kilic, kilico to friends and family) 2nd regeneration (m, ?) - genetic engineer - arcalian
- become best friends through constantly being put in weird situations together
- eventually they become known for being an inseparable trio, nicknamed gallifreyan equivalent of “XYZ” as a group like cartesian coordinates. caldin is x, hollus is y, kilic is z. they hate it but privately consider themselves lucky it wasn’t something more mean
- graduated a few years before the civil war
pre/early time war
- caldin went into the cia, hollus into the chancellery guard, kilic became a teacher at the academy
- hollus and caldin got together romantically toward the end of their academy days, slowly get more serious over the years after they graduate
- they all have individual adventures for a bit (caldin regenerates) but all stay friends
- time war starts
- kilic is drafted into project revenant, gets obsessed with it and starts experimenting on himself
- when the chancellery guard is dissolved, hollus wants to run rather than be forced into the idu
- eventually she convinces caldin to go with her
- caldin wants to bring kilic with them, so they go to get him but he’s not having it at all
- they fight badly. caldin pulls a staser and goes to shoot kilic. at the same time, kilic grabs the staser and caldin’s arm, causing the blast to go through them both and intensify/kick back. they’re both badly hurt and regenerate
- kilic regenerates into the same body because of their experimentation, but it's messed up
house era
- hollus takes caldin and runs. they can’t get any kind of off-planet transport so they just flee the capitol
- they go through it for a while. they aren’t important enough to be hunted down, but if they ran into conscription officers or anything they’d be taken back in and punished
- eventually they find a House (unnamed rn) that looks abandoned and they take shelter there. the house is a little senile
- they find 2 children/loomlings/whatever you want to call them. all the adults were conscripted, the older children were taken away, but these two hid (sidan and linara. they’re a whole other story, lots going on there)
- eventually more kids join them from other houses/from the house’s loom. hollus and caldin are kind of stuck taking care of them and it’s dangerous and insane. see my post about broken looms for a little more detail but they need their own post tbh
- kilico stays in the capitol working for rassilon and the war council. the others are always trying to convince them to come join them and they won’t do it. but they can’t just leave them out there to suffer either, so they help with supplies and evading conscription etc. at great personal risk and not always unselfishly. they want hollus and caldin to come back to the capitol where they can keep them safe. they want them to stop being childish and running away. they want them to be back together and happy again. etc.
core traits across regenerations: hot headed, deeply emotional, self interested/internally focused (as in, only cares about themselves and loved ones, doesn’t pay much attention to society in general)
caldin 1 (academy & cia)
-bright, sarcastic, playful
-overly ambitious, competitive, arrogant
-loyal to her friends but doesn’t always treat them super great
-recruited by the cia more for her disposition and potential than her skill or intelligence, but did really well in training
-regenerates on her first field mission when an enemy operative attacks her
caldin 2 (pre/early time war - cia)
-serious, compassionate, tense
-still ambitious, but less tolerant of navigating fair competition and existing power structures. makes him frustrated and eventually, unwilling to even play the game once the time war messes everything up
-barks at authority but doesn’t bite
-terrified of regeneration
-regenerates due to staser feedback when shooting kilic
caldin 3 (house era)
-funny (both intentionally and not), cautious, old soul
-no filter, no patience for small annoyances, but more mature and rational than he’s ever been where it really matters
-tired, hurt, scared, but keeping it together and trying to make the best of things
-just wants his loved ones with him and for the fighting to stop and the kids to live (against all odds, he’s pretty good with the kids. not great, but pretty good)
-almost won’t even look at kilic. fight on sight. but needs the help they’re giving and misses them so bad
-extremely grouchy about the house but protects it like a housekeeper
-the struggler
core traits: analytical, bloodthirsty, insecure in herself as an individual (needs a group to thrive)
-meticulous, straightforward, level headed
-really into weapons and weapon maintenance as well as the technical aspects of combat
-bit autistic in general
-not a peacekeeper but gives the impression of being at the eye of the caldin/kilico storm
-challenges authority but in a respectful bargaining way that gets her what she wants
(pre/early time war - chancellery guard)
-the guard becomes her life and she loves it
-quickly promoted to commander
-really discovers her love of combat here and feels good having healthy safe outlets for it (not something she actively recognizes about herself but true)
-everyone’s favourite trainer because she’s honest about extreme violence and knows everything about stasers. plus she’s pretty. the new recruits all fall in love with her
-most of her squadron sided with romana during the civil war they were like blood bonded brothers and all that. except for the ones she lost (either to picking sides or to the virus or to death or whatever) which hurt so bad she never even processed it oops
-loyal to the guard (her friends) over gallifrey so when the guard is disbanded she splits immediately
(house era)
-still the same but colder. getting emotionally closed off. lonely without her comrades
-finds herself wanting to either cling to caldin or push him away depending on the day, but he’s sort of immune to it (doesn’t take it personally, doesn’t overreact to her moods)
-feels guilty about how much she still secretly enjoys combat even though it’s real and dangerous now (same as she felt during the civil war but so much worse because of how many innocents are involved now, + it's worse without the buffer of a dozen other bloodthirsty guardsmen surrounding her at all times)
-struggling to develop some kind of maternal instinct toward the kids but it’s not going great. would still do anything for them but it’s all very weird for her
-also grouchy about the house. would throttle it if she could find out which part was the neck
core traits: obsessive, curious, “i can fix everything if i try hard enough”
kilic 1 (academy)
-flippant, brainy, head in the clouds
-cares about studies and about his eventual place in time lord society way more than the others (stuffy old professor in the making, but not yet yknow)
-obsessed with the biology of regeneration. weird about it. gets the group to play eighth man bound
-stumbles into opportunities rather than having any idea of how to navigate time lord society, but it works
-often feels like he and hollus are babysitting caldin. hollus would say she’s not babysitting anyone she’s just watching the show
-a little jealous of his friends, he thinks they’re cooler than him, but doesn’t actually want to be like them. just wants to also be cool (they are all equally cool/uncool in reality he’s just got self esteem issues)
-constantly fighting with caldin but when they’re not fighting they’re inseparable
(pre/early time war)
-genetic engineer specializing in regeneration
-professor at the academy, not really through choice but because that’s the best way to get research grants and assistants
-doesn’t care that much about his students or their education, but does have a soft spot for the much younger ones and the ones who get all excited about regeneration biology like he does
-has sort of a cult following of students who are obsessed with him in a ‘this guy is so insane it’s funny let’s study him’ way but he doesn’t know about it and never finds out
-occasionally gets caught up in petty prof drama and has a good time with it (caldin’s influence)
-when the war starts and the academy is shut down, he’s drafted into project revenant and gets freakishly obsessed with it
-he’s scared of the war and thinks this will keep everyone he loves alive and safe
-personally supervises resurrections and is working on augmenting regeneration
-starts going wild with experiments and does them on himself when willing volunteers run out (he’d never get unethical enough to experiment on anyone against their will, at least)
-regenerates when shot by caldin, but into the same body because of self experimentation
kilic 2 (house era)
-regeneration induced identity issues. same body, same mind, but still regenerated. entire personality shifted to the left, intensified, came back wrong. gave them gender issues too (many such cases)
-still working on proj. rev. after the dalek attack but everything is going crazy everything is broken the vibes are twisted now that the project has moved and half the people on it are dead or resurrected
-questioning loyalty due to everything falling apart and the identity issues
-really trying to have everything both ways. keeps helping caldin and hollus evade capture on purpose, wants to go with them, wants them to come back, wants them captured, wants them safe and happy in their new home
-increasingly wants to run away and go live with them but can’t let go of the project. despite everything they still think revenant is the only way they’re all going to survive the war
-even if they did decide to flee, they don’t think hollus and caldin would take them in and they’re probably right
i forgot there was a hollis in gallifrey s4 when i made my hollus so we're just ignoring that. that guy wasn't anything anyway
idk what's meant to have become of proj. rev. after the dalek invasion but based on narvin saying they might resurrect his dad later on, i'm assuming they sort of tried to keep it going. idk.
they do have other friends and relationships besides each other. but you know how it is.
i didn't reference it much in the post for clarity but they used their academy nicknames a lot in the academy and occasionally after to tease each other. they also use them when delivering coded messages between the house and the capitol. they are xyz :)
made picrews of them <3
caldin 1, 2, 3
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linkemon · 1 year
Showing affection headcanons 2
Friendly reminder that English is not my first language. You can check my Masterlists both in English and Polish here.
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✧ Clingy with the need of attention - this is the first thing that comes to your mind when you think about him.
✧ He has a tendency to act like a child. He is everywhere and needs attention.
Have you seen what is happening in the market? No? You both have to go there now!
Were you watching me doing that trick? Well, see it now!
Are you listening to me at all? That day...
If he has your attention, he feels loved. Therefore, he gets jealous. More for show than for real but guys around you should be aware because he'll give stare at them or he'll just grab your hand and take you away without explanation.
✧ Venti likes to use the wind to pick you up. He'll make your hair look bad in a funny way or lift your skirt for if you wear it (within the limits of decency of course, almost...).
✧ He will sing for you any time of the day or night. Whether it's a private concert or a drunken shanty at Angel's Share, he'll take out his lyre and charm you and others present with his voice.
✧ He often takes you to the big tree in Windrise. Then he gets more serious and instead of quick kisses, before you expect it, he lays his head on your shoulder, reminiscing about older times. Then he also honestly talks about how much he appreciates you and what you have changed in his life.
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✧ Master of remembering details. The little things you shared with him, even long ago, turn into something special. Whether it's a gift or a place you wanted to see.
✧ His way of showing affection is to support and care for you. If you're having a bad day at a restaurant, he'll always gently ask how you're feeling. If you want to tell him, he'll listen, if not, he's got plenty of stories to distract you from your problems. Traditionally, he will make tea and then cover you with a blanket and you will sit together.
✧ Zhongli is a person who is used to showing affection more in private than in public but if you like walking around the city hand in hand, he doesn't mind.
✧ He loves to cuddle. You always feel safe in his arms.
✧ When you offered to comb his hair, he agreed and he must admit that he liked it a lot more than he thought. Now he often lets you do it or braid it.
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✧ If he's happy, his tail starts wagging. This is especially common with you. You can easily tell his emotions by his ears. Ever since a rumor spread among his people that his ears were lucky, you started petting them for fun. Embarrassed, he admitted that he liked it very much.
✧ Since the war in Inazuma ended, you have more time for each other. He especially appreciates being with you. Even if it's just paperwork, he doesn't mind. However, he especially encourages you to climb with him. He will always check the equipment several times and whether you are well fastened. He wants to be sure of your safety.
✧ He often brings you small gifts. Especially shells from the beach or pearls from Watatsumi. At some point it occurred to him that you probably had many of them before, after all, you lived on this island since childhood. He flattened his ears and started promising bringing something else but you assured him that the presents were beautiful and made a necklace out of them. Several people have complained that it looks childish but you don't care.
✧ You are a hero in his eyes since you learned how to cleverly save him from Yae Miko's clutches. The first time he yelled that you were so gorgeous he could kiss you. When you said you may do it, he got so embarrassed that you didn't bring it up again. He's not ready for it yet.
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Barbara Pegg
✧ If there's one thing you can be sure of, it's that Barbara will let you know that she loves you. Even if she gets embarrassed sometimes, she is so open that the words I love you are not a problem for her.
✧ Dressing your wounds is also an expression of affection for her. She will always help you when you have an accident or monsters attack you around Mondstadt. Barbara likes to apply bandages and tie mini bows on them. She also used to draw hearts on your cast.
✧ She loves to give you goodbye kisses on the cheek. You, on the other hand, love kissing her forehead. She considers it a very tender and caring gesture.
✧ She composed some love songs for you. You happened to find them by accident in her things. She's only sung one for you so far because she says the rest aren't finished. You have to wait until your birthday.
✧ Whether or not you believe in Barbatos she prays to him for your health and prosperity in all matters.
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mags-writes · 1 year
Sunlight || Part IV
Summary: frank gives you a call
Series Warnings: canon typical violence, canon typical swearing, first time writing x reader, no use of y/n, no beta readers we die like ray nadeem
Pairing: frank castle x fem!reader
Authors Note: lotta violence in this one ladies
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Frank knew your number by heart. Call him old-fashioned but he couldn't shake the habit of learning numbers by heart instead of just saving them to his contacts and forgetting about them.
He was trying his hardest to control his breathing as he typed in the numbers on his phone's keypad. Trying to stop the shaking in his hands as he brought it up to his ear. He listened, for what felt like forever as it rang.
Were you taking too long to answer? Or did it just feel like thousands of years passed instead of seconds?
The ringing stopped
"Hey, Frankie."
"Hey." He cleared his throat, his voice scratchy and rough from worry. "Hey, sweetheart. You goin' grocery shoppin' today, right?"
There was a seconds pause.
"Uh, yeah, yeah. I just left the apartment. Why? You want something specific for dinner?"
"I need you to stop." He said, his voice low and he hoped to god that you'd hear how serious he was being. "Don't go back to the apartment. Somethin's happened and it's not safe. You remember that support group I told you about?"
"Uh... The one with Curtis, right? Your friend from the military?"
"Yeah, yeah that one. Go there. Right now. You hear me? No stops." He ordered, and if that didn't work he was more than happy to resort to begging.
"I'm going to pick something up on the way."
"No. Listen to me, doll, you come straight here."
"You listen to me. I know how serious the situation is, okay? I'm going to make one stop and then I'll head over. It's on the way and I'll be twenty minutes tops. I'm not arguing with you, baby, twenty minutes. I'll be there."
Before he could reply the dial tone rang out. Shocked, he pulled the phone back to check that, yeah, you had absolutely just hung up on him.
"Uh," Laughed Amy, drawing his attention from his phone to the girl. "You didn't say she was your girlfriend."
"She's not my girlfriend." He defended, walking back over to the large group.
"Yet." Commented Dinah, raising her eyebrows.
"Well," Matt spoke up with a hint of a smirk. "She just called him 'baby' so, the finish line's in sight."
What Matt had said to you before he left put you on edge and you were lucky for it. In the months that you had been doing his grocery runs, you'd felt completely at ease out in public. Well, as at ease one could feel in Hell's Kitchen that is.
If he didn't have that talk with you then you wouldn't have been checking your surroundings like you were used to before coming to this dimension. You wouldn't have noticed someone following you.
You decide to take this guy on a journey. Walking to the poorer parts of the city that don't have security cameras on or in the old buildings and walking into one that, upon prior research, you knew had hardly anyone in there. The second you were in the lobby you ran for the old elevator, hoping and praying to a god you no longer believed in that you'd get in before your tail caught up to you. That you would make it up to whatever floor you decide to click on to lose him.
Luck was not on your side.
He walked in just as the doors opened for you and you both stepped into the elevator.
You clicked the button for the third floor.
He did nothing.
You both sat in silence for a second or two when he turned to face you. Adrenaline shot straight through you at the dead look in his eyes. And as per usual, when faced with these situations, you couldn't help but open your mouth to let the nerves out.
"Are we about to fuck?" You asked, throwing him completely off guard, tilting his head with a frown and staring at you for another second. "No? I'm the only one getting those vibes?"
When he pulled his arm back, taking his jacket with him you got a glimpse of the gun at his waist that he was reaching for. Without hesitation and before he could get a hold of it, you stepped back and put all your driving force into a practiced front kick to his stomach. He doubled over, groaning in pain and surprise as you straightened back up again. You didn't give him time to recover, bringing your fists up into a boxing stance and quickly striking out at his eye socket in a hit that would have made Jack Murdock whoop with pride. When his head went flying back with the force of your hit you struck out again at his exposed neck making him let out a gargled groan.
The door dinged to signal it was about to open and you gave one more swift kick to his ribs before bolting out the doors. Running as fast as you could down the hall and turning the corner. You went into a squat, fumbling for the bag at your side to try and grab a hold of your phone that always sunk to the bottom when you needed it most. You didn't hear your tail walk down the hall, your blood pumping in your ears and adrenaline making your hands shake. Or was it the blossoming bruises on your knuckles making them shake?
Right as you felt your phone, your head was yanked to the side by your hair making you yell out in pain. He brought you up to stand intending to hold his gun to your head but instead, you used a move that you learned from those women's self-defense classes you and other Karen had attended last year. Taking hold of the gun, moving it to the side so he couldn't hit you, hand underneath his wrist to take advantage of the joint, and then apply pressure, yanking the gun from his grasp within a second of him pulling it on you. You used the butt of it to hit him across the face before throwing it out the window, going back to your boxing stance Jack Murdock taught you back when you were six.
This time you let him recover. If this mother fucker was going to try and kill you then you'd let him have a fair fight. Let him get a taste of you.
He struck out, hitting you square in the front teeth and you felt your lip split from a ring he was wearing. You barely flinched. Letting the adrenaline really take over and shake off the hit. You hit him this time, a few times and quicker than lightning, quicker than him. You got in a few kicks, one of which he caught, bringing his elbow down onto your thigh making you grunt out in pain. Bringing you in close was a mistake though, now you had free reign on his face and you didn't stop until he let you go and pushed you away. If someone were to walk in on this fight right at this moment then they'd say the stumbling man bleeding from his face was losing, not the woman perked up and light on her feet.
He hit again and you easily blocked, taking on the hit and striking his ribs again before backing off. He wasn't ready for a fight today, and you could tell by how tired he was already. When you went to hit again, getting in close he got there first. Hitting your cheekbone felt like it sent a shockwave through your head. It left a ringing noise going through your head and you backed off, letting him have that. You felt blood drip down your face and you suddenly got angry. You decided the fight was over now. Whether he liked it or not.
You checked your surroundings, seeing that you had him backed up to the window you threw his gun from. You went to make it seem like you were pulling your arm back for an exaggerated punch that Jack Murdock told you to never do and when he hunched over to dodge it you instead shifted your weight and did another powerful front kick to his exposed chest. He teetered back, hitting the window, and went straight through the thin, non-regulated planed glass.
You took a breath. Letting your arms hang loose.
Then you remembered.
You were on the third floor.
And you just kicked a man out the window.
You scrambled for the elevator, running again as fast as you could down the hall and hitting the button so hard you were surprised it didn't break. When you made it outside, you rounded the corner to a shadowed alleyway, checking all angles for a lone security camera that might be around and finding nothing. You came to a stop in front of the heaped pile of man that was previously intent on killing you a few minutes prior. Realising he must've landed right on his head.
You're brought out of your staring when your phone rings.
"Hey, Frankie." You're still lightly panting from the adrenaline, the fight, and the running and you hope to god he can't hear it.
"Hey," He clears his throat. "Hey, sweetheart. You goin' grocery shoppin' today, right?"
There was a seconds pause.
That's what you were doing today.
"Uh, yeah, yeah. I just left the apartment." You lied, looking around in case someone walked by. "Why? You want something specific for dinner?"
"I need you to stop." You frown, going back to looking at the man and panicking that Frank somehow knew this had happened. "Don't go back to the apartment. Somethin's happened and it's not safe. You remember that support group I told you about?"
"Uh..." Oh, thank god. You take a second to get your thoughts together. "The one with Curtis, right? Your friend from the military?"
"Yeah, yeah that one. Go there. Right now. You hear me? No stops."
"I'm going to pick something up on the way." You decide out loud, completely disregarding what he just said.
"No. Listen to me, doll, you come straight here."
"You listen to me." You emphasised, not taking his overprotective bullshit. "I know how serious the situation is, okay? I'm going to make one stop and then I'll head over. It's on the way and I'll be twenty minutes tops. I'm not arguing with you, baby, twenty minutes. I'll be there."
Then you hung up on him.
Nope. Not taking his overprotective bullshit. Not even a little bit.
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seventeenlovesthree · 3 months
What I absolutely love about the relationship that has developed between Per and Chris - is how well it fits into the former's profile.
Per's bromances are special - because he himself still belongs to the generation of players who claim to (mostly) strictly separate professional from private relationships. This is something you could also witness with Arne Friedrich, who used to say that he didn't "have many football related friendships" while he was still active. They definitely both shared that collected, almost cool demeanour towards the business, with a serious yet opinionated attitude, which may have been one of the reasons why they clicked so well back in 2010, where they supported each other through waves of external criticism.
The fun part here is, they both claimed that they would proooobably not stick around after their careers - and yet, that's exactly what they did. Because words and actions aren't always congruent - especially when you went through personal development cycles like they did. Aaaaaand because loyal people attract other loyal people and usually cannot get out of their skin when they feel appreciated and like they can actually make a change.
I could probably write a whole novel on how I perceive Per's relationship behaviour to team mates and colleagues, as there are countless examples, from Clemens Fritz at Werder to Laurent Koscielny at Arsenal (and some others which we won't mention by name here, because they unfortunately turned out to be bad apples in some way or another). I'll still try to keep this briefly and get to the point as quickly as I can:
Like I said, he is mostly serious and keeps a certain professional distance, he's opinionated, analytical, witty and can lash out if he needs to - but there is also the other side of him. The one he probably still cannot fully calculate very well - and that is his immense physicality. It's basically one of his primary love languages (aside from very blunt words of reassurance, something he, for example, shares with Thomas Müller).
Per Mertesacker is someone who values hard work, humility, discipline and loyalty - and if you fulfill these criterias, he will let you *feel* if he likes you. It's why he vibed so well with Benedikt Höwedes and the aforementioned Arne Friedrich; it's why Lukas Podolski had become his closest companion during their shared Arsenal days. The way he talked about them AND showed his physicality (constant hugs, no sense of personal space, hands on shoulders) showed nothing but respect, adoration and affection.
With Poldi, you also had the element of him being some kind of happy-go-lucky goofball that pulled Per out of his seriousness every now and then - he was a complementary force that allowed Per to let out his own goofy, silly side as well.
And this is also why Per and Chris are such a perfect match - not only do they share the analytical approach, are down to earth, loyal and witty... But they still have this complementary vibe going on. Just looking at them, you would think they are basically twins (especially in height) separated at birth. But despite the fact that they are still both incredibly opionated, they have a different approach. Per is letting out the full extent of "wise old man dadness" (including the dad jokes), he's the serious one who may even seem a bit cold and harsh due to it (which is, again, something I feel he and Arne have in common). And then there's Chris with that youthful loud mouth, the boy is from my generation and it shows that there is an age different - but by being his refreshingly open self, he isn't just speaking his mind, giving a voice to what a lot of people think... No, he also has a glimpse of that goofy spirit that enables Per to go with or against it in a playful way. It's very different from Poldi's spirit - but not any less effective.
People have speculated there is "beef" going on between them, but really, judging by the amount of physical closeness, hugs, arms around shoulders, singing the anthem, eating ice cream, playing sport, having playful banter... You can tell that Per "loves" Chris back - who has no issues saying that out loud. Honestly, Chris has that interesting history of being ridiculously vocal when it comes to reassuring others (Leon Goretzka and various Gladbach players come to mind), so it's not surprising that his loving attitude attracted Per as well. You can simply tell that he's impressed by him - and Chris giving him starstruck eyes on a regular basis probably contributed to it as well.
Long story short; I love them.
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She’s a mom!
“She’s a bit distant..why?”
“Maybe we love bombed her!? I hope not.” Suma gave a teary eyed expression while Tengen walked in with Hina but |Name| only gave a pained smile.
“I’m sorry- I’ve been forever grateful but…I feel like I’ve been lying. So I wish to speak with you all. This may come as a surprise but I’m a woman of virtue so hearing the news, I hope it doesn’t deteriorate your feelings for me.”
“Of course not Angel! What makes you believe that!?” The now retired geisha could only give a knowing stare before looking saddened, “I have two little boys. A mischievous one and one who well…he’s always smiling but he’s so sweet natured. And so serious when it comes to his shop.” She looks down. “I had to send them away to a good school for the sake of their safety.”
“I’ve grown to miss them.” The woman looks outside, I’m not sad but I just wonder how their beautiful faces would look when they realize I’m blessed once more.” Tengen had a look of awe, Makio was shocked to say the least while Suma cried tears of joy.
“That’s so sweet |Name|! You’re such a good mother.”
A giggle leaves her lips, “I’m so happy you think so! I just want them to meet their new parents-“ |Name| stops when Tengen and the girls all had teary eyes resting on them.
“I’m a dad? That’s so…flashy…|Name| we would be honored to welcome them in our flamboyant home!” The girls cheer, “Lord Tengen thank you!”
Laughter fills the room: oh how lucky she felt. When will she meet them, she’ll never know. But one thing is for sure. |Name| knew she’d meet her mischievous one soon.
A boy playing the flute hops amongst the fences, twirling around while giggling mischievously before he came to a stop. “Oh! Heheh!” He jumps down then follows an unsuspecting victim, it was none other than Tanjiro: the male had felt a presence but. It was so quiet, so nimble he took a quick glance but none avail.
As he heads to demon slayer Corp he felt legs hop on his back then a loud “ALLYYOOP!!” A boy ran ahead. He was probably no age higher than him but he still wore scruffy clothes and odd shoes, “He-HEY! Come back!”
“Nah uh! I’m here to see mom. Know where she’s at.” The male stares at him. He wore an odd looking straw hat but his eyes, pure beautiful brown. So innocent yet mischief would lie deep within, “Um I’m Tanjiro.. you are?”
“Mmm Mom calls me her little Trickster so call me Trick! Hehe trick or treat little Tanjiro.”
“Ah! Who’s mom?”
“My mom!”
The boy had to think through this, “Your mom?” He stood there then he flinches when Zenitsu screams loudly and Inosuke kicks him.
“Guys! There’s this boy-“ Tanjiro looks over and the boy had left. “Ah- AHH???”
“Mommaaaaa!!” His raspy voice caught a few ears but when he cleared his throat a playful childish voice soon erupts after.
“Um. Little one what are you doing here?” This time Shinobu had found him, “Woah, you’re not momma but I like your spirit.”
The boy walks over and takes a good look at Kocho. “Hmm but you’re super scary. Momma always has a pleasant energy. She was a geisha after all.”
“Oh! You’re looking for |Name|? One of Tengen’s, wives?”
“Mommas Married!? WOWIE!” He ran ahead but soon ran back. “Where’s mom?” She points to the north then explains where to go after.
Continuing forward Trick heads towards the house, calling his mother to which she perks at the sound of his voice. “Is that my little one?”
“Hm? Angel?” Tengen gets up, hearing his voice too. “Is that one of your kids?” She immediately ran down the road. “Ah! My precious one!”
“My sweet precious Niko!” He rams into her, giggling loudly while she lifts his hat and places mini kisses amongst his face. “Mommaaaa! Noooo I need to impress my new moms and dad!”
“Oh you already impress them already my sweet face.” They both head to the house. She shows him to the man and women.
Hina gasps, “He’s.”
Makio’s eyes go wide. “So.”
“FLASHY!!!” Tengen laughs.
“And cute.” Suma immediately hugs Niko who just blushes before giggling sweetly. “Hehe. Flashy! That’s so cool! I wish to be flashy just like my family!”
“You’ll always be flashy sweetface. Now…why do I see you here and not at school?”
“Well- I graduated! And I decided to travel, with brother..he sells some weird masks to avoid them demons. I carry wisteria and plant them amongst people’s houses. Though they’re super rare so…I’m not sure how I got them.” Indeed they are, it even shocked |Name| while Tengen wore a prideful grin. “This kid gets it! Save lives before they even need savin!”
“He always was the trickster. I’m so proud. Where’s he at?”
“Mm…” Niko was a bit hesitant but he shrugged. “We split up. The masks he had were more wanted in areas where these scary demons roamed. I’m pretty sure he could handle himself because of the wisteria flowers but I hope he’s okay.” |Name| sighs.
“He’s definitely alright…wait till he comes home..”
“Why do you say that?”
“Before I adopted his brother he came from a family that kept demon remains as a trophy. That’s what the masks are made of and he also uses them and their powers to fend them off. Sadly I’m more worried about him getting caught up in something correlated to Muzan.”
“Hm, smart, flashy but also very dangerous. I’m guessing his old family got carried away.” |Name| nods while Niko starts playing with Makio a bit.
Later that evening
|Name| awaited for her eldest to come home, it was shocking but to see her eldest, grown and still wearing that same smile. To match his beautiful hazel eyes, it brought tears to her eyes. The man sets his bag down then he walks over.
“Hm?” She caresses his face, “Hello dear.” The man hugs her close. “Everyone meet my eldest. Though he’s more independent than Niko he goes by a name.”
“Call me Merchant. I’m quite pleased that you took my mother from the district, she needs to see the beautiful world for what it is.” |Name| and merchant shared the same giggle which made everyone watch them in pure adoration.
“And you say they’re adopted, you sure?”
“One hundred percent. My precious merchant here happily lived and went to college with his brother. Whom he does not like.”
Merchant backs away when Niko started crab dancing near him, then the two suddenly move away and back before he attacks Niko with a stick. “Back Niko! Back I say!”
|Name| sighs, “I’m just happy you all get to meet them before they must venture off again.”
Though they didn’t want to, Niko and Merchant eventually did leave. Not after spending time with their new family and merchant showed the demon parts as promised, even trying to bargain with Tengen which |Name| shut down instantly.
The look of pure side eye was actually making the merchant feel nervous. Never let a black woman side eye you as he wishes to say, “Niko what do you do besides travel.”
“Make friends, most of them all depend as to how they handle my music…but I’m to much of a trickster. That’s how mom adopted me. She loves my tricks!” The male then hugs |Name| one last time. “I’ll miss ya.” Merchant leans into the hug as well before everyone joined in.
A family group hug, that’s something they plan to cherish during their journey. |Name| waves as they walk ahead, hand in hand before the distance finally took over their forms. “My precious little ones.”
Things went back to as they were but |Name| was jubilant, eager to cook, dance for them. She even found a new style, “Guess she just needed to see her kiddos. Wonder why they left rather than stay.”
“Based on what I researched. Merchant’s people in terms of masks and demon parts take their jobs very seriously. Stopping means no money, and they’re mainly merchants who wish to sell and spread their riches to help others. Now Niko….from what I recall he’s based off a culture within the forest? They’re very sweet, he’s just like any teen and child. Mischievous but very pure and smart.”
“Thank you Hina, they’re both as flashy as they are amazing. |Name| is a lucky lady.”
“That’s why ya married her Lord Tengen!” He nods pridefully, “She’s to good for us.” They all start to hug |Name| while she was busy searching for warmth so, win win.
But she did fall asleep not to long after. “Well how can we move? She’s asleep!”
“Darn it..welp I ain’t movin.” Tengen and the girls waited until she woke up, to which failed and they all laid together.
Sound asleep.
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heretherebedork · 1 year
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Asuka in a doorway but it's not with Shu and so he can open the door, he can let himself in, he can pout and push and go over the top because both Minato and Shin are safe for him. He knows he can't push them away and lose them. So he opens the door, the steps in, he stares at them. He is hurting but he is still freer with them than he ever can be with Shu.
He breaks the line, enters their space, without hesitation. And he wants to be able to do that with Shu, we've seen that again and again, that he wants to be able to share his space and his love... but he is so afraid of losing Shu that he never does.
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Asuka's hurt versus the shock of both Shin and Minato is perfect. Because he was comic a moment ago and now he's shrunk so throughly that it's almost shocking. Because that's how much he hurts.
(Also because Shin knows that Shu is talking about loving Asuka and has asked him advice about that in his relationships. Shin knows that Shu loves Asuka and has just started to realize those feelings so of course he's even more confused. How could Shu recognize those feelings and leave Asuka feeling like this? That is entirely foreign to Shin.)
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This is why I love Asuka so much. He can go from being the saddest most serious young man to over the top insistence because that's just how he tries to cope. He hates being serious. He runs to Minato and Shin and he makes a big show but the quietness, the pain, the seriousness, seeps in more and more. He's so much smaller when he's letting himself hurt.
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Insert more about how Asuka pushes them apart and steps into their space and changes everything going on between them but also how much he can do that with them while he can't even begin to get closer to Shu or push him for answers or affection.
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More doorways! But this time he isn't alone. This time, Shin and Minato are there with Asuka. He's being listened to, he's being believed, he's getting to actually communicate his fears.
(I really want to point out that Shin and Asuka are on the same side of the table and that the table is between Shin and Minato. Shin and Asuka are the young one struggling with uncommunicative and insecure and unsure older partners while Minato represents the relationship Asuka wishes he had with Shu but is still struggling with what Shin wants and needs.)
But also, Asuka is just struggling so much and he doesn't have anyone else to turn to. Minato is his most trusted adult.
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And this just hurts. Because Asuka has been trying to feel lucky for so long. He's been trying not to worry. He's been trying to be happy with what Shu can give hum. But he's aching. He's lonelier in this relationship than he ever was outside of it and yet all he hears if that he should be happy that Shu will even look at him, would even take this chance. Minato says to feel special but all Asuka feels is alone.
This is alone emblematic about how Minato thinks in relationship, honestly, and it's fascinating. The value in the relationship being about someone taking a chance on you rather than communication and making your partner feel wanted and loved... this is something Minato is constantly overcoming but automatically leans back into it when giving advice.
(Also, Asuka is so tiny when Minato tells him he should feel special. Tiny and tired.)
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And he doesn't know why. Asuka has no idea what's going on or why and he's just... hurting. He's hurting and aching and he's trying to talk about it but he can't tell the person who's hurting him not just because he's being ignored but also because he's constantly afraid to tell Shu anything that might push him away. And now he doesn't know what he's done and it's still happening.
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Teeny tiny boy not getting any useful advice from anyone, honestly. He's trying so hard but there's no one around him who can help because they've got their own issues.
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Again and again, we get more of these quiet moments where Asuka admits that he's struggling without also going over the top... but struggles so much and a moment later he's up and big and taking up space and quick to fight because what else is he supposed? This is hard, this hurts, he doesn't want to hurt.
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Absolutely emotionally destroyed for both of them and how they could really, really use each other as a good friend but neither of them knows how to communicate with each other. At least Shin is better at communicating with Minato than Asuka is with Shu but the both of them have so much in common and could so easily be supporting each other instead of fighting.
(But also more about how a relationship looks on the outside versus how it feels on the inside and how Minato and Shin's relationship is, despite their issues, a lot healthier and more open than Asuka and Shu's is.)
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Ongoingly, tiny sad Asuka is hurting me but also just about my favorite boy. He's struggling and so he studies because he can't sleep. And having Shin see him like this? See him struggling and quiet and small and that's when Shin helps him, when Shin stays with him.
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This boy. I am really, really starting to wonder what's going to happen when they talk. Because Asuka is absolutely desperate and so hurt and he's trying so hard all the time. Asuka really has been putting all the effort into their relationship up until this point and now he's suddenly trapped on the outside with no idea what he did and no idea how to change it.
This is why I'm worried about their talk. Because Shu is going to have to both talk and listen and they've both struggled with that so much. Will Shu genuinely believe Asuka? Will Asuka find the words that make sense? Will Shu actually be straightforward? Will they figure out what's going on?
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I had to end on this because it's so sweet and it shows that none of them are alone and none of them will let someone be alone. For all that Shin is frustrated with Asuka on a regular basis... he saw him in and pain and he stayed with him, he studied with him, until they both fell asleep.
No one is alone. No needs to be alone. Being together is better than being alone.
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