#both of them smiling so warmly when they remember this day is HAUNTING ME. SO.
felixcatton · 2 years
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"Even in memory she will find this moment unbearably intense, and she's aware of this now, while it's happening. She has never believed herself fit to be loved by any person. But now she has a new life, of which this is the first moment." - Normal People, Sally Rooney
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heretic-altias · 1 year
FFXIVWrite Day 18 - A Fish Out of Water
As good of an Altais prompt this is, I've touched on her general out place feelings multiple times already so I decided to go back to Kito's early time on the First a little more with this one.
Don’t know my characters? Here’s a basic breakdown to help you out!
Kito could not sleep. Others would be quick to blame the unnatural light slipping through the cracks in his window shutters even in the middle of the night. But Kito knew the real reason.
It was too quiet.
Not in a way anyone else would understand. It had nothing to do with the actual sounds of the city. It was all in Kito’s head. Most people were used to silence accompanying their thoughts. Once, long ago, he would have even been grateful for it himself.
But Kito’s bond with Twintania had given them something unique. A constant sense of each others’ presence, feelings, and thoughts that was hard to explain in words. Their souls were connected, their minds shared one space for two identities. It was never silent in Kito’s mind. Even when they pulled as far apart as possible, Twintania’s emotions were always there on the edge of his mind. The ancient wyrms idle thoughts tended to drift slower than his own, the dragons’ different sense of time showing in her very thoughts. Kito had taken comfort in slowing down his own racing thoughts by matching the pace of his mind to hers.
Now though, his thoughts ran free without restraint. And there were so many of them with everything going on. He had been dragged off to an entirely different world, disconnected from Twintania by the distance across the rift, and his brother was here too somehow. Kito had expected the Scions. Not his insane brother Kotah.
Except Kotah wasn’t insane anymore? If that could be believed anyway. He and the Exarch both insisted he wasn’t like that after spending a couple years on the First. Kito found it hard to believe.
“Can’t sleep?” a voice interrupted Kito’s thoughts, causing him to yelp and fall out of bed in alarm.
Once he freed himself from the tangle of blankets that had come down with him, Kito was finally able to look up to see Ardbert watching him.
“Are you going to haunt me when I sleep every night?” Kito demanded with a hiss.
“You didn’t look very asleep to me. You had the look of a man lost in thought” Ardbert pointed out.
“My thoughts are a little lonely these days, is all” Kito admitted, climbing to his feet and remaking the bed.
“Ah yes, you share them all with that dragon don’t you?” Ardbert nodded as he remembered.
“Can you just leave me alone to sleep now?” Kito demanded.
“What’s really bugging you? I can’t do much these days, but I at least can listen” Ardbert tried again.
“Everything, alright? I’ve been dropped into an entirely different world, and for some reason of all the accidental summons the Exarch managed to pick up my crazy evil brother and everyone insists he isn’t evil anymore! And somehow Twintania was left behind despite him being here! The Exarch thinks she only wasn’t brought here because he was targeting a human, but that doesn’t make it any easier to deal with this mess”
“I think I get it. Not all of it, but some of it I get. I was in the same situation when I traveled to your world. Everything was strange and unfamiliar. Had my home not been threatened, I might have enjoyed the adventure. I think all of us would have if we had the chance to” 
“Yeah, that I get. It’s exciting. I think I’d be more excited about this if it hadn’t come with a thousand problems” Kito sighed in agreement.
“Try to enjoy the journey anyway if you can. It’s what we adventurers do after all” Ardbert suggested.
“I plan to try. There were some interesting flowers I wanted to collect, so I might as well start with that. Are you able to leave me to sleep now? I do have a lot to do in the morning you know” Kito smiled.
“I’ll try not to haunt you in your sleep too much in the future” Ardbert agreed warmly.
Kito turned to adjust the bed one final time and when he glanced back over Ardbert was gone.
What a strange situation he was in. On a new world, being haunted by a ghost. 
Ardbert was probably right to suggest looking at it as an adventure. If Kito could slip the extra circumstances to the back of his mind a little more, he might just enjoy this visit to another world.
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sanya-prose · 1 year
The Alterations: Chapter Two
Nedzu listened to the tapes and watched the videos. The girl was talented and skilled in what she did. Ah, such a waste it would be if she were to remain Tartarus. "Who did you kill?" Aizawa hissed from the recorder.
        "My father and that horrid doctor of his." 
        "You said you weren't a liar."
        "I'm not."
        "You were speaking in the present. tense. when referring to your father."
        Shigrarki Takara sighed and spoke slowly. "We have so many Quirks nowadays. Each more powerful per every generation. Sooner or later, we'll have Quirks that can rival the atomic bomb in lethality."
​​​​​​        "Get to the point, Shigaraki"
        "Remember that little boy I told All Might of? The one who apologized for surviving birth, despite what the doctors said? My father managed to gain the respect and fear of those sorts of people. Not just the sociopaths and psychopaths. No, he managed to gain the respect and near absolute loyalty from those society deemed villainous from the word 'Go', the downtrodden, the abandoned, the abused and used.' Shigaraki's voice softened to a whisper yet remain sharp and clear as she left a haunting idea in the heads of all who listen in: "With how powerful Quirks are getting, who's to say there aren't Quirks that can bring back those from the grave."
        A horrible thought.
        "Say what you will, but my father is a cautious man. He knew how Quirks work, better than any of the current day."
        Nedzu paused the tape. He didn't need to hear anymore.
        A sigh wheezed out of his wary lungs, and he looked at the exhausted forms of the UA teachers. All Might, in particular, seemed to be going through the five stages of grief on loop. "What is going to happen to Shigaraki-san?" Midnight asked, frowning.
        Vlad King scoffed. "What's there to think about? She admitted to a willingness toward murder. She should be sent to Tartarus!"
        "She's a child, Vlad King," All Might said. "If what she said is true, she's done what I could not more times than she should've needed to."
        "A child willing to kill is no child at all!"
        Nedzu clasped his hands in front of him. "That won't be happening regardless. The Commission has decided to place her care in our hands as a student. When she's off school grounds, she'll be under the watch of Hawks." Hawks, the loyal pawn of the Commission, was both a guardian and a potential executioner for Shigaraki Takara. Nedzu wasn't under any illusion that he won't cut the girl down should she step out of line or the Commission decide her to be a liability. With how sharp the child, there was no doubt she'll know as well. Vlad King and Eraserhead scowled at the development. Nedzu pulled a sheet of paper from a file and slid it forward toward Eraserhead. He grimaced as he picked it up, detailing Shigaraki Takara's placement in Class 1-A.
"Brother, I'm fine. They haven't done anything to me nor would they dare to do so."
        Tomura glowered at the hologram of his sister sat in front of him. She was dressed in the same clothes as when she allowed that Eraser bastard to wrap her in his gear and pin her down. Her hood pulled down to reveal a pure face of ambition. She smiled warmly at him while her new pet toyed with her long white hair. "Those stupid heroes better have not."
        "Stupid they may be, but some of them have potential," his sister chuckled. "Eraserhead, especially. Unlike All Might, he remained on alert and wary. Though I did expect him to visit me the day after my first interrogation to return his quirk. All Might... He's a work in progress."
        "Curious did some research on that. The idiot Eraser not coming to visit you, I mean. Apparently, they did some tests to see whether or not you were lying." Stupid if you asked him. Why would she lie of something that big? That detective guy even confirmed it, yet that useless Commission dared to think his sister a liar. Maybe they should break Lady Nagant out. Sure, his sister could just destroy all evidence of him killing the Commission, but that'd be too much of a hassle for her. Lady Nagant already shot one useless Commission member; what's one or maybe ten dozen more? "Of course, they found everything you said was proven true. It was like he never had a quirk to begin with. That toe bone thing was still there but his genetics were ever so slightly different. Anyway, fuck that, how long are you just gonna sit there?"
        Takara smirked. "Patience, Brother. Should they give an unsatisfactory answer, I'll simply turn back till they change the answer."
        "Have they done that already?"
        "About five times. Fingers cross that this time they'll come back with the news I'm hoping for." She leaned forward, resting her elbows on her knees. "Anyway, let's move past that, and move onto more important developments: Has All Might made contact with the Midoriya boy yet?"
        He shook his head.
        Midoriya... He remembered the first he heard the name. Takara was so small back then and had the biggest eyes. It was like he was staring into two pools of galaxies that saw the darkness within him—that whispered of the pleasure he found killing his old man and the fading itch to do so again—embracing him regardless of what they found. She had smiled at him as he beat his previous high score. You and Midoriya would get along really well, big brother, she had said. He asked her who that was. They never left the bar and only had Oboro and a few of the patrons for company. None were called Midoriya. Had she somehow sneaked out and met someone?
        She handed him drawing. It had a little boy with a messy mop of green hair, kind like a broccoli, and freckles. A friend some day.
        Around her fifteenth birthday, they actually bumped into the boy on one of their patrols. They were glancing around for anyone who looked particularly suicidal or murder happy. She'd decided to forgo her usual appearance and went for something decade older than her actual age, acting as his older sister. In a manner of speaking, she was, but that was only if you looked into the micro-details. He was... something. A bumbling, stuttering mess with twigs for arms and legs. He could see why All Might would choose him in the end to be the next User; at the same time, why? The kid's confidence could meet the Earth's core with how low it was and he'd apologize to it for disturbing the darn thing, his mouth ran like a racecar motor when talking of heroes and their abilities (all without noticing), and he was so emotional that just Takara wishing him luck in being a hero, even after being informed of his Quirkless status, he ended up sobbing a river stream into creation.
        "Ok, it should be in a few days when they'll have their meeting," Takara said. "Now, enough chit chat. The day is turning into night and a guard should be coming soon with something to eat. Tomorrow, we'll likely have new results."
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antidotesprout · 2 years
Sprout, your Siren Submas piece did this. You are a wonderful genius.
The rumors of sirens were what drew her and her Vulpix out to the pier on this cold autumn night. She had made sure to dress warmly, and brought a coat for her Vulpix as well.
The rumors intrigued her quite a bit. After all, it wasn't every day a city was haunted by melodies.
Sure enough, one was playing as she sat down on her knees on the wooden pier. Her eyes scanned the water carefully, fingers twitching as her nails began to sharpen.
Suddenly, a white hand reached up and grabbed her arm. She reacted quickly and scratched at it, pulling back the second it let go.
"I wouldn't try that again." She warned.
The water stirred for a moment as two heads popped up, one black and one white. Both had silver hair.
"You managed to wound me." The white one spoke.
He pulled his arm up, revealing a wound that was dripping with crimson blood. Her mouth watered at the sight, but she shook her head and fixed him with an apologetic look.
"My apologies. However, I wouldn't have done it if you hadn't grabbed me." She spoke, crossing her arms as her Vulpix yipped at the white siren scornfully.
"I must apologize as well. We saw you earlier, and I remembered specifically telling him not to grab at you if you came here." The black one spoke, glaring at the white one.
"Hey!" He whined, turning and pouting at her when she laughed.
"Goodness, you two are certainly something!" She exclaimed, grinning with her sharp teeth.
When she heard nothing from them, she opened her eyes. Sure enough , they were looking at her in an odd way.
"Just what exactly are you?" The white one asked bluntly.
"Emmet!" The black one hissed, hitting his brother on the back of his head.
"It was just a question, Ingo!" 'Emmet' whined.
She stored the names away, certain that she'd use them even after all of this.
"Well, Emmet." She spoke up, causing the two to look at her once more.
She let her glamor fall, revealing the ears that stood proud on her head, the tail that twitched behind her, and the paws that let her stand in the place of her feet.
"I'm a fox spirit." She snickered, standing up and placing a hand on her waist.
"A fox spirit?" Ingo echoed while Emmet's face lit up.
"Are you the one that's lowering the crime rate in the city?" He asked, eyes glimmering.
"Indeed I am. People like that just make me sick." She hissed, relaxing as her Vulpix leaned against her.
"Pardon me for asking, but were you involved in the deaths of the poachers that we found on our hunt?" Ingo asked, tilting his head.
"Oh, yes," her face flushed as she bowed, "I'm sorry. I lost track of their van after I made it swerve off the road. I didn't realize that we were so close to the ocean."
The two looked at each other before looking back at her. Or, to be more precise, her Vulpix.
"And this little one?" Emmet asked, swimming closer and cooing as the tiny red kit hid behind her.
"Vixie? Well," she reached down and covered the kit's ears, confusing them, "her mom, a Ninetales, was in really bad shape thanks to those poachers. By the time I had gotten to their cage, she wasn't even able to lift her head. I promised her that I'd look after Vixie in her place."
She looked up when she heard sniffling, ears twitching when she saw it was Emmet. Ingo was trying to console him, which made her smile.
She looked up as the sun started to rise, quickly throwing her glamor back on. She picked up Vixie and bowed.
"It's been nice talking to you, but the sun is coming up. You need to go before you're spotted, yes?" She asked.
The brothers realized that she was right and waved to her as they swam away. The last thing they heard?
"By the way, my name is Inoko! I hope we can talk more!"
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AHHHHHHHHHHHH that's so cute 💖💖💖💖💖
So glad my lil drawing could inspire you!!!
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Kaz Brekker x fem! Reader - Staying
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(Gif not mine)
A/n: im screaming because I watched the first episode of Shadow and bone and AHHHHHH!!!!!! So I'm providing you with this!!! (Requests are open)
Warnings: Angst, Sad Kaz, death, fluff, I think that's it? You have been warned!
Summary: Kaz see's something happen to you and thinks the worst
(This is Kaz's pov)
Kaz shouldn't have fell. Not for her, she deserved so much better. He should have stopped himself.
He remembers the first time he sees her; blood all over her dress, knives in her hands, dead bodies littered around her.
But her skin looked like silk, her hair was let loose flowing with the wind, and her eyes. Oh her eyes looked like the sun and the stars in the sky combined.
She was beautiful.
He closed his eyes breathing in a shuttering breath. She is gone. He needed to remind himself of that, that she wasn't here anymore. She wasn't here to try and make him smile. She wasn't here to hold his hand with the gloves or without. She wasn't here to be with him anymore.
Tears stinged his eyes and threaten to burst, but he needed to close himself off. To not feel anything anymore.
Kaz Brekker has a lot of regrets.
He used to regret spending time with her, he used to tell himself to push her away. To let her go.
He wished he hadn't let her go on the mission.
He got up from his desk, don't think about her. She's not real. She's not real. She's dead. She's not-
"I'm back."
He whipped his head around to where the girl, no woman sat.
"Come to haunt me." He grumbles and turns his head back towards his papers, still standing.
His legs feel weak with longing, and his bad leg hurts a bit more than it should. His head feels like a bowling ball and his mind is worse. Surprisingly there's a wound from the last mission that he hadn't stitched up, but he's still waiting to meet her in death. Kaz knows the wound will get infected and eventually kill him.
Or the lack of sleep will.
Y/n or just his imagination quirks her head to the side and studies him, a concerned expression takes over her dazzling features.
"Are you okay?" The figment of his imagination asks. Oh it sounds like her though melodious voice, and it would be just like Y/n to be worried over a barrel boss.
"Do I look like it?" He snaps at her. He remembers trying to push her away with dirtyhands. Now he wished he hadn't snapped at her, even if it was a figment of his imagination.
"Sorry." Kaz apologizes to the dead girl.
Y/n frowns and comes up to him, he takes a step back. She takes a couple of more steps forward as he keeps on limping backwards. It's like a dance now one wants to show.
They keep this up till his back hits the wall and there's only about an inch of space in between them.
Kaz can't breath, she's so close to him but she'll disappear as soon as he touches her. Even if it was fake he didn't want her to leave.
Silence overcomes the room like placing a blanket on a child. It engulfs them both, warmly suffocating them both making them enable to say a word.
"Your not real." He finally manages to choke out.
Y/n's eyes widen and she seems to have an understanding of something. She was always quick to know what his plans were, they were like different but yet the same people.
"I'm here." She whispers, and her face leans into his, but their bodies not yet touching.
Her breath fans out upon his face, but it couldn't be real. He saw her dead body hit the earth like a sack of kruge.
"Your dead." He retorts. She flinches hard, like the words physically burn her.
"I just got knocked out Kaz, and I had a couple of wounds. I had to go with Nina to help stitch me up and rest for a couple of days."
Her face his just a mere millimetre from his and their bodies finally touch as Y/n presses herself up to him.
"I was worried when you didn't come check on me." She mutters, he almost doesn't hear it she says it so quiet.
She connects there lips together and he knows. She's there.
He pulls her impossibly closer by warping his arms around her waist, her hands go to his raven hair and she tugs a bit.
An audible moan tears through his lips into her mouth and Kaz can feel her smile.
The universe was bending to their will, it must have been for he had never felt so powerful and vulnerable at the same time. In this moment he knew he would never push her away again.
Their lips break apart but their bodies are still untangled together.
He buries his head in her shoulder and he for the first time since he was nine years old he openly sobs.
The cries are small and terribly beautiful. But they shake Kaz's very soul to the bone.
"Your alive, your alive." He breaths her in, still holding onto her waist never wanting to let her go.
She lifts his head and wips his tears away. She takes his hand and leads him to the bed.
"I won't leave you. Ever." The girl whispers as they lay together.
They just stay there, wrapped up into each other doing nothing else because - they weren't there yet. But they would be, one day.
"Promise me something." Y/n says as she turns to face him.
Kaz only nodes but holds her tighter to him.
"Try not to push me away again okay? I just can't go another day knowing the person I love-" She throws her hands over her mouth and tries to wiggle out of his grip.
"I love you too." He whispers in her ear, bringing her closer to him again. He know's the words will only ever me hers.
Y/n shoves her head into his chest, she let her hands go to his sides then her face turned into one of confusion.
"Kaz!" She says getting up out of his bed.
"You have a wound!" He grins guiltily and gets up after her.
"Stitch it up?"
A string of curses rung through the slat that night, and let me tell you. No one had ever talked like that. (And this was the barrel).
Words 1038
All rights go to Leigh Bardugo, Netflix and you! I just own the plot!
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takuyakistall · 2 years
three wishes among the glittering light
— commission for @aulilyu 💞
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i. a little bashfulness can say a thousand words you refuse to say.
"Hmm, a wish?" Ace scratched the back of his head, letting out a small yawn as the gentle light of the setting sun tinted his face while his classmates left the classroom one by one – their footsteps and chatter gradually disappearing. He put aside his books and cast his pen aside, sighing, "did you really have to ask me such a big question just when my brain got wrung dry by Professor Trein?"
"I don't think it's a hard question. You can just tell me what you have in mind. But can you be quick? I have to ask Yuulis about their wish too before it's too late."
"...Yuulis too? Damn, now you're making me curious about what this is all about. But nevermind that, my wish is probably…" He rubbed his chin slightly as if deep in thought. "I dunno, maybe something like having your and Yuulis' wishes granted."
Despite his nonchalant tone, Deuce couldn't tell whether his face was just tinted by the setting sun or if he was just embarrassed by saying such a thing. Ace shook his head as if shaking off the embarrassment his bashful expression held – "Anyways! I gave you my answer – off you go now."
"Your wish is surprisingly selfless… I thought you were going to wish for something different like a new pair of shoes or maybe some pocket money."
"Hey! Just what exactly do you think of me? I can be serious when I want to. 'Sides, you guys are…" He coughed out, "nevermind that. You can go now and find Yuulis. I remember them mentioning they'd be at the greenhouse at this hour."
"Hmm… I'll get that answer out of you next time. Be glad I'm pressed for time!"
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ii. like a fleeting memory among many others
"A wish?" Dusk. The cold breeze caressed Yuulis' cheeks, their hair swaying along with the breeze. They tucked a strand behind their air as they stared at the scenery beyond the glass and set down the pot they were previously holding, dusting off the remaining remnants of dirt on their uniform before facing Deuce with a pondering expression. "Unlike Grim, I want to live a peaceful and quiet life. But, more importantly, what's this for?"
"Eh?" Deuce blinked as if he wasn't expecting that question and got engrossed in their starting line for their wish. He had a sheepish expression and let out a nervous laugh, ruffling his hair a bit before answering. "Just a little something. It's nothing bad, don't worry about it!"
"Well… if you say so. Do you still want to hear my wish?"
"If you'd let me listen."
Yuulis stared back at the scenery, the sun had completely set and tinted them a dark hue of blue that was oddly fitting for this moment. They sucked in a breath, “I want to live as myself and let the wind take me wherever it blows."
“Where I'm headed to – isn’t really any concern to me… And when it's time for me to go, I want to vanish into thin air like a bubble and fade away from everyone's memories like some sort of dream."
What do you mean?
The thought shattered everything else that was on Deuce's mind as if cruel reality dropped a brick over his head. He refused to think of anything related to Yuulis going somewhere else – or whatever that meant. Death? Leaving Twisted Wonderland? Or was it something else entirely? That was something he refused to think about. As it was only going to haunt him terribly for all time. He sucked in a breath, his heartbeat picking up the pace and he felt like he was suffocating —
Yuulis grabbed his hand and gave it a gentle squeeze. A comfort that Deuce wished that he wouldn't have to let go of one day. He squeezed their hand slightly, and he wondered what kind of pitiful expression he was making at that moment for Yuulis to smile at him so warmly like that with the sun set completely.
“Of course by the time that happens, both you and Ace would probably be old grandpas that I'd have to babysit,” they laughed, and Deuce couldn't tell if the tremble he felt in his hands came from him or from them. But most of all – he was given a temporary peace of the hell Yuulis made him taste. A temporary peace that he'll savour as long as he's allowed to stay blissfully ignorant.
"Yeah… you're right. You'd become our personal babysitter at that time… Wait a second, wouldn't you be a wrinkly old mess too?"
"Nu-uh, I'll always retain my youth unlike you two."
"Ain't that just unfair?"
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iii. i found the stars in your eyes.
The water was cold. Deuce shivered upon the first step into the water – the small boat rocking gently along the waves just as Deuce boarded it with a slight huff. The moonlight was there to guide him to where he wanted to be as he paddled on slowly. Deuce stared into the dark waters of the sea, a disappointed expression written all over his face. "Am I too early?"
He stood up shakily on the boat, trying to scout for what he was looking for before looking up at the sky – a thousand stars were watching him in the moonlit night. They shined like jewels placed in the dark canvas called space. His breath got taken away, wondering if shooting stars would visit him this year yet again. But perhaps that was wishful thinking on his part.
The stars were shining so brightly – and Deuce finally looked down on the sea, the luminescent glow giving off a shimmering effect. Sea glitter, something that looked so magical in the dead of the night. He dipped his hand slightly into the cold water, feeling the glitter gloss over his hand as he mumbled to himself. "This is good… Let's do this."
He grabbed three lanterns resembling flowers, lighting up a small flicker of flame within it with his magic and watched it give off a warm glow. The warm tone of the flower lantern was in contrast to the deep aqua blue of the sea glitter – but perhaps that was what made it all the more magical. This was an event his grandmother used to tell him about – on the day when the sea glimmers like jewels, set a lantern and make a wish for it to be heard by the stars watching over.
He set one into the sea, watching it flow where the waves take it. "For Ace… Let his wish be granted." He smiled gently as they watched it go further
He set another one into the sea, "For Yuulis… may their wish be heard." He recalled their wish a few moments ago, and couldn't help but hesitate. Nonetheless, the lantern floated away like a bubble waiting to pop.
Finally, he lit up the final lantern. Staring up at the stars, thinking of all the wishes he wanted to be granted. He took a deep breath, "And if this is as far as we can go, I hope we can be together as long as time allows us. Let this time we spend together last for a lifetime and more."
He set it gently into the water as if he was handling something extremely fragile – the stars were reflected in his eyes when he looked up as if to plead to whatever higher being was up there in charge of fate. And if this is as far as they can go, he won’t forsake the path he took with them.
And if they reach the end
Just hold on tight
We will reach for the stars.
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slutsofren · 3 years
Ok that is perfectly fine! Look forward to a ton of requests now ;) I’ll just start with a few ideas😊
Request - after plot of high lady, Rhys and reader go flying together (not sure if Rhys is carrying reader or not🤷‍♀️) and them having some mate-bonding time by themselves🥺🥰
Maybe some ‘don’t you dare jump off there’
& ‘I knew you’d catch me’ + love from them💗
content warnings: light cursing, a bit of panick/insecurity, mostly a feel-good one-shot.
notes: this was so incredible to write, im so beyond grateful to have taken this request, it was genuinely so much fun!! can't wait to get to the rest of them!!
word count: 1,116
read on ao3 / high lady masterlist
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Somewhere in the Illyrian mountains, Rhysand and you were enjoying the snow. For the first time in many years you could do that and you weren't about to take it for granted. You both walked, hand in hand, admiring the scenery.
It was winter, and with winter comes snow. When the temperatures would drop, you had often feared for survival as a human, providing for Feyre’s family. Now that you no longer have to fight for warmth while sharing a bed with two others, fight for security, fight to be fed the next day- you feel happy. Content even.
Rhysand held your hand warmly as he led you to a small overlook that was positioned rather high in the air, his wings proudly displayed despite him winnowing you both here. They were beautiful to see but even more beautiful to touch, a gesture he was more than willing to allow you to do.
Especially in the bedroom.
He brought you out here to practice flying again, something Azriel had worked tirelessly with you before the war that now had no longer became an immediate priority. Between him, Cassian, and Rhysand, they were determined to get your wings to work as flawlessly and naturally as theirs. They did everything they could to make the movements as ingrained into your subconscious, into your muscle memory.
“You should see how elegant you look,” your mate says lightly. He angled himself towards you, admiring the fine Illyrian flying leathers you donned.
Rolling your eyes, you're practically tempted to roll a ball of snow in your palms to throw at him. “I'm freezing out here, Rhysand.”
“I can certainly warm you up,” Rhys teases, raising a brow suggestively, eyeing you up and down.
You give an unladylike snort while shaking your head, a hint of a smile growing. Remembering why you and Rhysand are there, you look out at the steppes before you. The morning sun was just filtering above the horizon, a beautiful sight.
“Do you think I'll ever get a solid grasp on flying,” you ask nearly melancholy. You survived the war in the way you did, fighting for your life, fighting to protect those you loved. The nightmares were endless. There were many nights you'd be woken in a harsh sweat, hearing the haunting echoes of dying screams, smelling the coppery tang of blood in the air. All phantoms.
With your hand still clasped in his, he squeezed it tightly, wordlessly showing his affection. “Of course you will. You did not grow up Illyrian as the rest of us did, with these lessons deep-rooted in your youth. It will come to you in time.”
Together the two of you stood there on that middle peak of the mountain, just taking it all in. The rising sun, the glistening snow, and all that was in between.
Suddenly in a flash of inky darkness, Rhysand winnowed the two of you to the highest summit, somewhere far deeper in the Night Court wilderness than you've ever been.
Your braided hair whipped in the wind and you were positive if Rhysand wasn't providing you the warmth you needed to feel comfortable in this environment. Huffing out a breath, you saw the cloud of white escape from your lips. “What are we doing this high up, Rhys?”
“Let's play a game, beloved,” Rhysand smirked. The small smile was full of mischief, full of playfulness. He was up to something and it made you narrow your eyes at him.
Instead of falling in your hands like putty, Rhysand does something unexpected.
He let go of your hand and nearly instantaneously your fingers felt the bite of the cold wind from being this high in the sky. He takes one step back, and another, a few more until he is just one small tiny step away from taking a long tumble off the side of this mountain.
Eyes locked on his feet, your heart was racing, momentarily panicked by just how close he was to falling. “Rhys- what are you doing?” You were tense, your voice laced with worry.
Flicking your gaze up to his eyes, you couldn't miss that bastardized glint of naughtiness that flecked against the violet there. “You are going to fly.”
“I don't like this,” you say grimly.
He shrugged. The Illyrian leathers he wore creaked a little at the gesture. Rhysand looked over his shoulder, looked over the clouds, over the territory the two of you ruled together. “We all do things we don't like.”
Clicking the little clues together, your eyes widen. “Don't you dare jump off there!”
A wicked laugh escaped him as he pushed himself off the cliff, tumbling so fast to the ground so far below. “Rhys!”
You ran without thinking, heart thundering. Eyes wide, you watched as he continued to fall, refusing to use his wings to stop his descent. “Fuck,” you curse as you jump after him.
Following him, you angled your body to make that distance between you and your mate smaller faster. You screamed as your body impacted his just as a raging burn scarred across your back. Panicked, you thought you had been attacked and screamed again in pain. The two of you tumbled for just a few moments until you were rightened once more. Looking at Rhysand, his eyes were wild and full of proud delight.
“You did it!”
It was then and only then did you come to realize that the two of you had no longer been falling. In fact, you were flying.
Holy shit, you were flying!
Still laughing, his violet eyes were sparking with pride, watching your wings beat as if they had always known how to. “I knew you’d catch me.”
The two of you stayed like that for a moment, pure disbelief rammed in your chest. This was incredible! You felt like air personified, so unlike winnowing. It was only then that you felt your back ache and your eyes went wide. Your wings faltered, making your back spasm, “Rhys-!”
You yelped as your wings disappeared but your mate caught you perfectly. “Don’t think I would ever let you fall, beloved.”
“Please, you were so heavy my arms and my wings gave up,” you laughed.
“Come on, let’s get home,” he groaned. “Before you bruise my pride.”
Mirthful laughter emitted from you as you nuzzled your face into that crook of his neck, feeling his warmth through the leathers. “I love you, Rhys.”
“As I you,” he said your name with a light kiss on your shoulder.
Darkness swallowed the two of you as he winnowed you far away in the wake of a new accomplishment, a victory well deserving of praise and adoration.
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originalpinkranger · 3 years
Love in a Roller Coaster - GSR
Oh man did that last scene inspire me! It was so apropos for this ship. A roller coaster is the BEST kind of metaphor for them so I decided to act on it. Enjoy.
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Love in a Roller Coaster
GSR - PG13
As soon as the words left his lips, she knew exactly what she was going to do. The idea stewed around her head for a while, thinking about how she was going to surprise him, but she got side tracked trying to locate Hodges.
After they found Hodges (and put away Wix), they went back to their hotel room, had a drink, made love and laid naked next to each other in the comfortable silence.
Sara spoke first.
“Today was…a lot.” Grissom leaned down to kiss her hair and nod.
“Mmm. Yes. It was. Are you okay?”
She nuzzled his chest. “Yeah, just trying to come down from it all I guess.”
She laced her fingers with his against his torso.
“That’s natural. The adrenaline is still running. In more ways than one.”
He chuckled and she smiled. He sparked her memory.
Then she remembered.
She leapt up from the bed and Grissom looked at her, startled.
“Honey are you okay?”
Sara felt around the floor for her pants.
“Yes. I just remembered something. Dress warmly and I’ll meet you at the door in 10.”
Grissom furrowed his eyebrows at his wife. What was that about not keeping secrets…?
He figured he’d humor her and rolled out of bed and got dressed, grabbing his warm coat as she acquiesced.
Driving in comfortable silence, the sounds of Joni Mitchell softly playing in the background, a small smile spread across her lips.
As soon as he said he hadn’t ridden his favorite roller coaster in a while, she began to put her plan into action. He had come here for her; from his comfort, his safe space, so she wanted to make the last few days of their time in Vegas unforgettable. The irony wasn’t lost on her. She did the same for him all those years ago.
Looking out the window as they drove by, so many memories flooded her mind. Some
bad, some good, some fleeting, some not. A few of the good ones made their way through her mind.
Specifically when he asked her to marry him the first time. At that point in her life, he was the one bright shining moment amongst the darkness.
Sara curled her fingers around his on the console and Grissom looked over at her, a small smile tugging at her lips, the memory lingering in her mind.
“Where are we going?” His words brought her out of her thoughts.
She glanced over at him and shrugged her shoulder. “Surprise. You’ll just have to wait.”
Grissom huffed in his seat. “You know that I can’t hide secrets from you anymore.”
Now her grin grew bigger and she looked at him while they stopped at a light.
“Yeah, but I can.” She pursed her lips at him.
She squeezed his hand tighter and turned closer towards their destination. The rest of the drive in silence. (Mostly Grissom wracking his brain trying to figure out where she was taking him).
“Honey, I-“
As she pulled in to the parking lot, his eyes widened like a 10 year old boy.
“You didn’t…”
She turned off the car and looked at him and nodded with her smile still evident on her face, pursing her lips again.
“Oh, but I did.”
“I know I didn’t have to, but I figured it was something we both needed. Besides, we won’t be in Vegas much longer so we have to hit our old haunts while we’re still here and make it worth while.”
Grissom stared at his wife in amazement. She truly was everything he ever imagined she would be and he was such an idiot for wasting a good portion of his life pushing her away for so long.
He brought their intertwined hands up to his lips to kiss her hand.
“You’re amazing.”
She shrugged her shoulder, “I know.” They both laughed and made their way into the park.
As they made their way to the coaster, Sara’s stomach started to flip flop. She couldn’t remember the last time she had ridden a roller coaster. High school? College? All she knew was that she had promised her husband this so she couldn’t chicken out. Her heart started beating faster and her adrenaline began to pump again for the second time that day. She took a couple of deep breaths. Grissom heard her exhaling.
“You okay honey?” He furrowed his brow and squeezed her hand.
“What? Yeah I’m fine.” She gave him a fake smile.
“We don’t have to do this if you don’t want to.”
“No, no. I’m fine. It’s just been a while since I’ve been on a roller coaster.”
Grissom smiled at her, “Don’t worry darlin. I’ll be there every step of the way holding your hand.”
Sara smiled at him and snuggled closer as they made their way to the coaster entrance.
After they made their way through the gate, they found the perfect spot down front (it has the best view of Vegas) and settled in. Grissom reached over and grabbed her hand and she squeezed tight. (Her adrenaline began to kicked in again)
The coaster started to move slowly and all of a sudden, a gentle peace overcame her. The light chill in the air, the lights of the strip shining brightly around them and most importantly, the man she’d loved her whole life by her side. She looked up to the sky to see it clear and the stars shone bright above them.
Clear and bright. A metaphor for how her life is now. Much, much better than it used to be. She wouldn’t have traded it for anything.
She looked over at Gil and smiled brightly. She sensed he could feel her staring and he looked over at her, a matching grin on his face, hands intertwined. Her love for him was evident on her face and her heart swelled. She felt like a giddy teenager again. So many stops and starts all lead to this moment.
She didn’t want it to end. There was only one thing that could make it better. She leaned in slow and he met her in the middle, kissing him softly.
The lights of the strip reflected on them like fireworks and Sara’s face suddenly felt warm against the cool air.
Every piece of the last few months stopped right there. They were here together and that’s all that mattered. They broke away slowly and her love for him didn’t leave her face. As they started to drop, she let go.
The coaster metaphor wasn’t lost on her. It was much like their lives and how they got here. The ups and downs. The twists and turns. And it all started (and ended) in Vegas. The perfect bookend.
When they reached the bottom, Sara felt content. Grissom looked over at her.
“How do you feel?” His smile reached his eyes.
She looked over at him, “Like King Kong on cocaine.”
They both belly laughed then. Grissom walked around and helped ease her out of the coaster and planted another kiss on her lips. This time slow and languid.
“What was that about coasters releasing epinephrine?” She smiled and whispered against his lips.
“Let’s get outta here.” He smiled back at her and took her hand, leading them out of the gate and back to the car.
Of all the bad Vegas gave them, it gave them a lot of good too. It gave them each other. Always and forever. Twists and turns, sudden drops, and blissful peace throughout it. Their own special roller coaster.
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sin-of-sloth-my-ass · 4 years
The Fallen Fairy Pt.3
A/N: it’s a bit on the shorter side, but I oh well, what can you do 🤷‍♀️. Thank you all so much for the support! I any of you want to request something, don’t hesitate to hit me up! There is one more part coming up after this 
Warnings: spoilers
genre: a bit of fluff, a bit of angst?
Previous ~ Next
It was in a mere second. If you had blinked you would for sure have missed it.
Zeldoris appeared by your side, placing his arm around your waist and disappeared with you, all the while heaving a smirk on his face and not breaking eye contact with Meliodas.
"(Y/N)!" You could hear Meliodas and King scream at the same time before disappearing from the spot you just stood in the Boarhead.
"Fancy seeing you hear" you teased as you turned to face the all too familiar demon in front of you.
"Don't sound too excited to see me" he rolled his eyes at your attitude.
You smiled warmly at him as tears started to form in the corner of your eyes "I've missed you"
Your arms were quickly wrapped around his torso while your head was laying in the crook of his neck. His hand instinctively wrapped around your waist while the other was tangled in your hair, pulling you closer to him.
It was a moment you both had longed for so many years, never knowing how much you needed it until now.
You suddenly felt him stiffen under your embrace, making you tilt your head back with a worried look on your face "Zel?"
"Your wings" he mumbled, making you cast a look over your shoulder at where your once beautiful golden wings were.
You smiled sadly at him, placing your finger under his chin to averse his eyes back to yours "it's okay, it happened years ago. I've learned how to live without them now"
"you could've died" "but I didn’t"
You laid your hand on his cheek while staring into his eyes with as much adoration as you could muster "I promised we'd meet again, didn't I? You know I never break my promises"
You two stayed there for a couple of minutes, basking in each other's presence, love basically radiating from you two. Zeldris usual scowl made way for a warm smile. His eyes held nothing but love as he started at the woman in front of him. It was a sight only you got to see, and you wouldn't have it any other way.
"Come. I want to show something." He broke the silence as he placed an arm around your back while the other one was placed underneath your knees, lifting you up gently. Your arms linked behind his neck, and before you knew it, you were soaring high above the clouds.
The wind that blew through your hair as the clouds passes you by was a feeling you'd thought you'd never experience again. 
You cradled closer in his embrace "thank you" it was merely a whisper, but he heard it loud and clear. "That's not even what I wanted to show you, my love"
The sudden presence of powerful and ominous auras flooded your senses as you stood face to face with some of the ten commandments. Zeldris placed you softly back on the ground, but stayed close as a warning to his teammates. 
Your eyes trailed each and every one of them, recognizing some, while other faces you had never seen before. Your gaze halted on one of the ten commandments in particular. His body was covered in tentacles, but his presence screamed familiarity.
"Why did you bring her here?" Realization struck your face as you heard those words come out of his mouth. It was a voice you would recognize anywhere.
You dropped to your knee, with your eyes cast to the ground "My king, I am terribly sorry for I have failed you"
Gloxinia was shocked at your sudden antics, but a heartwarming smile quickly replaced his shocked demeanor. Even after all these years, you were still as loyal as ever "stand up, (Y/N). That not how you great your best friend, now is it?"
"But, my King-" you stopped yourself as your eyes met his unimpressed ones, remembering the hatred he and King shared as you called them that.
"Stop calling me that, I am no longer the Fairy King after all" Gloxinia unwound Basquias from around him, stretching his wings out in the progress, as he walked towards you to help you stand up again. It was only then that he took notice of the lack of yours.
You smiled sadly as you noticed the shift in mood while he looked at where your wings used to be "I guess that makes two of us, as I am no longer fairy as well"
"What happened?" he asked, his gaze shifting from the space behind you to your eyes. 
"I see it as a punishment for letting you down since death was not an option" Gloxinia's eyes narrowed at your explanation, not out of anger for you, but out of anger for himself. Anger for not protecting you, but mostly anger that he got too caught up in his own emotions that he didn't even realize he left you, his best friend, behind in the progress. 
"What about the current King? Why didn’t he stop it?"
"If it weren't for him, I would've bled out" you defended him as you recollected your memories from that gruesome night. The ground was soaked in the blood of your comrades as bloodcurdling screams filled your ears. It still haunted your dreams to this day.
"As much as I love this sappy reunion, I must ask, my dear brother, why did you bring her here?" Estarossa asked Zeldris as he looked you up and down.
Zeldris took a step forward and wrapped an arm protectively around you, pulling you closely into his side and shielding you away from the prying eyes of his brother "I told you before. It's none of your business"
"How troublesome. You did it to get under Meliodas skin, didn't you?" Gloxinia asked, amusement clearly evident in his voice "you know he's going to come after her. They were friends before you two knew each other after all"
"We don't have to worry about him showing up anytime soon. He looked pretty beaten up when I snatched (Y/N) back" Zeldris said as he let go of you and looked out over the land that stretched before him.
As on cue an immense powerful presence was detected by all of you. It was without a doubt Meliodas, but it felt like his power had been multiplied by ten.
"You were saying?" Estarossa chuckled as he laid back down with his hands behind his head. His body was filled with anticipation for the encounter that was bound to happen.
"Meliodas wouldn't be so reckless to come here just for me" you spoke up, making everyone's eyes fixate back on to you.
"What makes you say that?" Gloxinia asked.
"The current Fairy King doesn't even see me fit to accompany him on his travels. If he doesn't even care, what makes you think Meliodas would?" You explained.
Oh how you had been wrong.
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Broken, battered, and beautiful-chapter 2
if you haven’t go check out chapter 1
 “Oh hi.” even in the privacy of her own home elain was clothed in a fine dress made of satin, the color of sunflowers with a high neckline. Gwyn tried to muster up embarrassment for her own plain outfit that most definitely could have been mistaken for sleep wear, but she couldn’t find the energy to care.  
“Hello, um I wanted to come by to say thank you for the other day.” Gwyn felt awkward and uncomfortable, this female had done nothing to wrong her and yet it was difficult to let the protective and territorial instincts go. Azriel was not hers, it was a mantra she replayed in her mind over and over. The words a double edge sword encouraging her to move on with a torturous truth. 
“It’s no worry, I never would have left you on the ground at night” elain smiled warmly, “and besides nesta would have my head if something had happened to you.” gwyn gave her a tight smile, the most she could force herself to manage. 
They stood in an unpleasant silence, the only sound being the soft anxious tapping of gwyns hand on her thigh, a nervous tick she had yet to break. thankfully after a couple dreadfully long seconds elain spoke, “would you like to come in?” 
Gwyn let out a sigh of relief and gave a slight nod of her head. She then followed Elain into her home. As Gwyn's eyes roamed the place she felt as if she had stepped into the spring court, or what it used to look like, she supposed from what Feyre had told her about its current state. 
Elain must have noticed her curious glance at the windows stretching from ceiling to floor with the sun blazing through them, “when I was looking for an apartment I wanted as much sunlight as possible,” she paused to reposition one of her many many plants. “For me” she paused once again, taking in the almost overwhelming amount of blossoms. “And the flowers. In case you haven’t noticed, I have a slight obsession with greenery.” 
“Slight is a modest term.” gwyn noted. She laughed. The sound was sweet and full and covered the room in a joy that could not be masked. Gwyn wished she could say she couldn’t remember the last time she laughed like that, but she had. Darkness coated the once joyous memorie, infecting it with anger and malice. Pain was soon to follow but Gwyn shoved it down, pressing a lid on her emotions, better to feel nothing at all then the heartbreak of what she had lost.
Elain quickly picked up a few scattered papers on her table and pulled out a seat for gwyn. “Would you like some tea? Emerie gave me a few samples but I haven’t had the chance to try them yet.” 
“I would recommend the strawberry green tea, personally I think it’s her best, though most of them are… editable.” 
She raised an eyebrow “most?”
“Well for Emerie's sake I’ll let you form your own opinions but between you and me, I’d keep a safe distance from the lemon ginger.” 
Elain looked amused. “I will keep that in mind.” 
gwyn watched as elain made the tea quietly humming to herself. She set down the cup in front of her, “one strawberry green tea.” Gwyn gave a nod of gratitude before quickly realizing that that was a poor response. God had she lost her manners along with her dignity. 
“Thank you.” 
Once again silence fell over them, the conversation they had both known gwyn had come for hung in the air, hovering, waiting for a moment to strike. But Gwyn had made a promise to Catrin, a promise to her found sisters, and a promise to herself that she would be brave. 
“What happened between you and azriel?” she blurted. Elain took a deep breath before answering, everything about her expression and posture, unsurprised by the question. 
“In order to really understand, I would have to start from the beginning. Are you positive you want to hear the truth?”
No. yes. No.  She did not want to hear, she desperately did not want to hear but she had to know. “Yes.” 
Elain nodded, “It’s been about four years since I became fae and the subject still isn’t my-favorite, but four years ago I was engaged to a man named grayson. Looking back he was truly dreadful and a little bit of a tool. But I was in love, or.” Elain’s cheeks flushed slightly. “what I thought was love. He truly hated the fae and when I became the one thing he hated more than he loved me, his love quickly became fear and his fear fueled his hatred. I was dependent on others, in more ways than one. And with my world being literally and figuratively turned upside down, the one person who was supposed to love and support me through it all, abandoned me without hesitation. Although the argument could be made that I was coddled my entire life and this was a much needed wake up call.” Elain paused, letting out a shaky breath. 
“If this is too difficult for you we can stop.” As much as Gwyn needed to hear this story she would not force Elain to relive her trauma. 
“I owe it to you and to my sister to avoid bad blood between us and if telling you this story is what it takes, then that is the least I can do.” She took a sip of her tea. “Now I knew I had just lost who I thought was the love of my life and then I was forced into the hands of another.” 
Her stepbrother, she thought. “Lucien.” 
“Yes,” elain smiled fondly. “He was my breaking point. All I wanted was to collapse into myself, to pretend that I was still human. But with him I couldn't. He was a walking reminder of everything I hated about myself. The only thing that haunted me more than him was my own reflection. I thought that if I avoided him I could ignore the magnetic pull that drew me to him.” She looked down and bit her lip. “Denial was a personal favorite of mine.” 
Gwyn raised her eyebrows. “I can tell.” she watched as color flooded her cheeks and Gwyn's lips twitched. 
“But it was proving to be a little more difficult than I had expected. And then there was this dark, attractive male who seemed to be intrigued by me. He was kind and he was there so I forced myself to believe I had genuine feelings for him, that I desperately wanted him.” Gwyn's stomach lurched but she forced it down. “He was a perfect distraction, there were these small moments where our fingers would brush or I would find him looking at me as if he desired me. I needed so badly to believe that this was what I wanted and yet I felt nothing. I thought that becoming fae had broken me. I made up my mind that if I kissed him, the feeling I craved would come. So at solstice, when I knew there was no way for him to avoid me, I gave myself an opening and waited until after dinner to give him his gift. He gave me a necklace and kissed my neck. We were moments away from, well you know, when he left very suddenly. I was confused and a little bit hurt and I still felt nothing. So I followed him, and well” elain let out a bitter laugh. “Let's just say Azriel said some rude things.” 
Gwyn’s face was one of constant shock as elain told her the shadowsinger’s conversation with the high lord of the night court. “The only thing he could say about you was Three Brothers, Three Sisters?!?”. 
“He thought he was entitled to you because his brothers were mated to your sisters?!? Even though you had a mate??” 
“And you guys were so not on the same page, you guys weren’t even in the same gods damn book.” 
She laughed. “I guess that’s what happens when you don’t communicate.” Gwyn's thoughts were a cage of her own making, one she couldn’t escape. She was outraged on behalf of elain, how dare azriel make some sort of claim on her, she was not a toy to be passed around. But she couldn’t help but think first Mor than Elain, what the hell was she to him? Had it all been a game of pretty words and sweet lies? Was she just one of many? 
“Anyway, I decided that the distraction wasn’t worth putting myself through whatever was going on with him so I gave him back the necklace. I assume that he saw you sometime that night or in the next few days because I saw you with the necklace a couple weeks later. I know that I did not have the right to be upset considering I gave it back but, for me, it confirmed that my decision was the right one.” 
Azriel had, in fact, come to her that night Gwyn thought back to solstice 2 years ago. It was the first time she had been alone with him, It was the first time she'd been alone with any male since.
 “Azriel and I barely spoke or interacted since solstice when a couple weeks ago, when I was shopping in town I saw him so drunk he could barely walk. I’d seen him with you a couple times and it seemed like he had changed so I went to go help him and he tried to kiss me. I slapped him and walked away. The next day he came by my apartment and begged me not to tell you. I told him I owe him nothing and closed the door in his face.”. She didn’t owe Gwyn anything either and yet she still defended her. “I then told Nesta what had happened and asked her to tell you.” elain took another sip of tea. “I thought it would have been better if it came from her.” 
Gwyn watched elain, even doing something as mundane as drinking her tea, in this house, she looked more peaceful and in her element as she had ever seen her. Gwyn was also positive this was the most she had ever heard her talk and despite a part of her still wanting to rip her head off, she was grateful for the female and she was sympathetic for what she had gone through, and she was embarrassed for not seeing this side of azriel. 
“I’m sorry.” 
A puzzled look graced elain’s face. “What for?”
“For what you went through, for whatever part I played in your pain.” she chuckled at that. 
“You did nothing wrong, besides if anyone should be apologizing it should be me.” 
Gwyn snorted. “That’s ridiculous.”
“How about it should be azriel apologizing to the both of us.”
elain looked out the window. “Oh speaking of solstice, I have to do my gift shopping.” she glanced at Gwyn, something in her gaze she couldn’t detect, maybe pity, maybe spite from an old grudge, maybe it was genuine, maybe a mix. Whatever it was made her ask, “would you like to come with me?”
And even if it was pity or spite, even if all elain saw was a broken toy in need of saving, she said “yes.”
tagging: @stars-and-scripts  @valkygwyn @em---r @whereisvaughan @purplecherrypie @lattristantketchup @bookish-isha @meher-sumedha @jennysofoldstone @ratabrasileira 
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alicemitch09writes · 3 years
look, i know i’m an asshole but at least i’m trying
“Look at that, isn’t he amazing?” the blond boy yells, pointing at the TV on display, showing one of those heroes in work.
“Uwah, All Might’s so cool!”
(E/c) eyes followed the boys’ gazes, watching a big hulking figure power through villains.
She could only nod, half-heartedly, keeping her eyes on the screen, listening to the two boys go on about how amazing he was.
Booming laughter sounded off from the screen, the two boys anticipating as the hero turned to the camera. “I am here!”
And then, the boys went wild – gesticulating wildly, words of admiration leaving their lips, eyes twinkling with amazement. Honestly, it was easy to like someone as big and prominent as All Might.
But in a world ruled by quirks, and your perception of them tainted at an early age, it was difficult to really set yourself on where you stood.
“Isn’t he the coolest, (Nickname?)” green eyes turned to the (h/c) girl.
“Uh, yeah…” came the girl’s reply, rather dull and lacking in the same energy as the two boys.
“That was a weak reply, (Name)!” the blond boy turned to her, a bit offended. “You should be crying out like me and Deku! All Might’s the coolest!”
Chancing a look at the said hero on screen, she shrugged, unsure how to reply to that. “I mean, I guess he is.”
Both boys froze at their friend’s lack of admiration for their favorite hero.
“Sorry I’m not like you guys.”
“T-That’s okay, (Nickname).” The green-haired boy says, voice shaky and his eyes sheen with tears he’s fighting off, smiling warmly at her.
“Hey, that doesn’t mean I don’t like him, though. He’s just not my favorite hero.”
The blond boy’s carmine eyes widen at that, the three kids began to walk home together once the show was over.
“Then, who is your favorite?”
“Hm…I guess I prefer the quiet heroes, I guess?” she nods, mind thinking of policemen, teachers, cooks, train staff, and fishermen. “Ones that don’t really stand out but are cooler in other ways.”
“Ah, there’s this one hero I heard about from Kyoto!” Izuku tells her. “He has a healing quirk, but he’s also really good at martial arts and carries a cool staff with him.”
“That’s Merlin!” the girl gushes excitedly, her walking having a bit of a jump. “The Wandering Hero: Merlin! He’s so cool! I think my grandpa mentioned him before, having trained in our dojo when he was still in training. Ma says he was the prettiest looking man next to Pa. And Pa says his quirk’s extra cool if you get to see it in person!”
(E/c) eyes sparkled the more she gushed about this hero of hers, one he’s never heard of because of his rather elusive nature as a hero.
“That sounds amazing, (Nickname)! I wish my family could have known All Might as well!” the green-haired boy’s tiny fists shook with excitement, sharing her enthusiasm.
“Tch, All Might’s still better. Just wait ‘til I become a hero, (Name)…” muttered the blond, hands in his pockets. “Then you’ll see that I’m definitely the best outta the rest.”
She narrowed her eyes at him, looking at her friend in disbelief. Then mischief.
Getting behind him, she kicks the backs of his knees, causing him to topple to the ground face first.
“Ah, Kacchan!”
“What the hell was that for, (Name)!?”
“That was so lame of you, Katsuki!” laughed the girl, sticking her tongue out as she grabbed the green-haired boy’s hand and proceeded to run ahead of him.
Angered the boy rushes to his knees, cheeks definitely not flushed, and gives the two a chase. “HAH!? WHO’RE YOU CALLING LAME!?”
Three little kids ran down the streets, laughing in their wake.
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Traditions in Japan were rather a thing that made the country quite known to the outside world, as many adhered to certain types of customs.
And as per family tradition, certain family never fails to hand over ochugen gifts to the people in your lives.
A (h/c) girl was headed off to the Bakugou’s first, a box full of fresh harvest from her grandpa’s garden. Coincidentally, it also happened to be Izuku’s birthday and she got him special tickets to that superhero exhibit. To commemorate, she had even worn an All Might shirt!
Reaching the Bakugou’s, she put down the Midoriya’s box, before reaching for the doorbell. Someone yelled inside, followed by explosive remarks, which was something she’s rather used to.
Patiently waiting, she felt a buzz, taking her phone out of her shorts pocket, smiling when she saw a text from the birthday boy, feeling the excitement through his text.
The door clicked open, her smile still in place as she furiously texted Izuku back. As she pressed reply, she then pocketed her phone and readily met a pair of carmine eyes.
Except, the owner of said eyes came from the last person she cared for, smile flattening.
For a second there was surprise in his features, softening slightly as his usual scowl set in. His eyes took in her form, the box, then at the ridiculous shirt she had on. “What the fuck are you wear-“
Behind him, a voice called out. “(Name)-chan!”
It was Auntie Mitsuki.
Smile finding its way back, a rather polite one at that, the teen greeted her back. “Hiya, Auntie!”
Shouldering her son aside, receiving a snarky reply she didn’t bother with, the Bakugou matriarch’s eyes shined at the sight of the young teen. “Look at you, growing up so fast to be this cute!” unable to help herself, she reached over to pinch the younger girl’s cheeks before swallowing her into her arms for a hug. Releasing the girl, her carmine eyes then focused and shined at the items in her hand. “Ah, Shihan really has the neatest harvest every summer, thanks for these!”
“We most graciously bestow our gratitude to you, oh great Bakugou Mitsuki!” the teen implored, rather dramatically, earning a laugh between the two, like a running gag.
Bakugou could only watch, quite amazed at their relationship.
“Oi brat, get this will ya?” snapped his mother over her shoulder.
“Don’t tell me what to do, hag!” screamed the blond back, carefully taking the box from her hands.
Their eyes met briefly before she easily slid them away to focus on his mom, an instantaneous reaction.
“You seem dolled up, (Name)-chan. Got a date?”
Humming, she tilted her head to the side. “You could say that,” at that, Bakugou nearly stumbled in his step but she didn’t notice. “it’s Izuku’s birthday today and I’m just having a birthday date with him in a while!”
At the mentioned of Deku, Bakugou froze in his step, looking over his shoulder to take in her attire once more – a gaudy All Might shirt tucked into some simple denim shorts, then some sneakers.
“Aw, ain’t that cute. Oi, Katsuki, why aren’t you with them!?”
Caught, he burst out a reply. “HAH? Why the hell would I spend time with those extras?” his words got the best of him before he could control himself, her brows knitting together, pain flashing through (e/c) eyes for a quick second. He instantly regretted opening his stupid mouth.
“Anyways," he couldn't help notice the slight strain in her voice, feeling his heart drop "I just came to drop by our ochugen gifts. Thank you again for all your help, Auntie.” Grabbing the Midoriya’s gift box from the ground, the teen worked on a smile. “Please tell Uncle Masaru I said hi!” And with that, she was gone.
Both blonds watch the young girl walk away before the door closed. Without a word, Mitsuki walked back in, giving a quick smack to her son’s head before disappearing into the kitchen.
Her hit was rather soft, reprimanding.
Something unpleasant filled his gut as he dropped the gift box on the dining room table and headed off to his room, pained (e/c) eyes haunting him.
You always hurt the ones you love.
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Does it feel weird to feel close to someone you haven’t spoken to in years? That there’s always been this sort of connection between the two of you that instantly links you together even after days, months, years of zero contact?
Well, that’s how Bakugou Katsuki feels towards Yuroichi (Name).
Ever since they were kids and he was introduced to (Name), she was all he cared about. Well, there was Deku, but he was second on his list.
(Name) had always been special for him.
But then, things changed.
Since being paired up with Deku for his practical exam, he was unsettled. Well, he’s been unsettled for a lot of things for lots of reasons. But basically, what he’s been unsettled about with Deku was (Name).
While he remembered wimpy Deku trailing behind him, there was always (Name) ready to drag him away or be beside him. Where there was Deku, (Name) was sure to follow. They were like a combo; one was never without the other. He hated it.
Deku had no fucking quirk, was weak, small, a shitty nerd, yet he had the fucking gall to stand up and try to be a hero. With that, (Name) shifted her attention and adoration to him and him alone.
Honestly, he didn’t mind that they were quirkless – they honestly just got in the way.
Still, it fucking hurts that (Name) wouldn’t bother looking his way or even saying a word to him. Fuck, even Deku would acknowledge him even if it were outta fear!
Bullying probably made sense to keep her distance, especially since he loved targeting weak quirkless like Deku and her. But to be on the receiving end of those angry eyes, it made him weak. It may have enforced and asserted his dominance in middle school, but to her, it was a disgusting power play.
He may not be close with her compared to when they were younger, but he’s always kept an eye out for her (and Deku, shut up). He knows that she’s an expert martial artist, bagging and winning several competitions and tournaments, was the pride of the school and her family dojo, sleeps a lot during classes, and sometimes, the older kids would pick on her because they knew she was tough.
(However, after that one time in middle school, she stopped with the fighting and worked on a clean slate.)
She never befriended anyone without a quirk lightly, the majority of her friends either were quirkless or had a really minor, insignificant quirk. She didn’t seem to care nor mind. However, Deku remained her closest companion.
He’d see her a lot – in hallways, in class, on the way home, but he never got to be with her.
Nonchalant, lax, yet kind and sweet to others, but to him, she was forcibly polite and civil.
Those adoring, reassuring, warm (e/c) eyes were reserved for that one shitty nerd.
He hated to admit it, but he craved for her attention, yearned for her approval, and desperately lingered on the fact that they were childhood friends, so he’s obliged to keep a relationship, even when now they’re barely acquaintances.
On his middle school graduation, while he was surrounded by his so-called friends and his parents, his eyes easily caught on two people laughing amongst themselves.
Just seeing them, laughing together with cherry blossoms fluttering to paint an idyllic image, suddenly made him feel extremely lonely. His hold on his diploma slackened, fingers and foot twitching, eyes taking his childhood acquaintances in.
Graduating top of his class, with a bright future set for UA High School. He should be excited, right? Ecstatic even at what he’s gained? Yet why does it feel so lacking?
Carmine eyes began to soften, especially at the smaller of the two. Realization dawned unto him, the occasion was rather bittersweet for (Name), as it was nearing a year since she lost her parents and she couldn’t share the joyous occasion with them. Thankfully, she had her grandfather with her, then Auntie Inko, and Deku.
But not him.
Irked, he left before his mom could find them, no doubt, to use the opportunity to snag a photo of the three.
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Nothing hurts more than to realize that the one person – he swore to protect, to keep by his side, had completely shunned him.
At first, they were inseparable. But as the years passed, they drifted apart.
The day (Name) punched him was a literal awakening, a prologue really. It got him worked up. Then the Sludge Incident happened. Her parents died. The light in those (e/c) eyes weren’t as bright as before, even when she got a part-time job.
He knew he was wrong; he won’t deny that (but he won’t say it out loud either), but he won’t ever hide from it either.
After getting into UA, he felt her punch even more at the introduction of his classmates with quirks, as she aptly put it “better and flashier” compared to his.
That stung, hurting his ego.
Damn, the top was a challenge.
But he wasn’t backing down, damn it.
So, what is he was a proud asshole? He had every reason to be! He had compensated with his talents, smarts, and versatility.
Still, to be called out on having a shitty personality boosted only by the fact that he had a strong quirk could do a number to him.
When it came to matters of the heart, he sucked in that aspect.
(h/c) locks, framing a pretty face with (e/c) eyes, they always, always, always manage to catch him off-guard.
Unbeknownst to the green-haired nerd, whenever he opened his big mouth to his friends in 1-A, he’d hope there was something about (Name), no matter how small or insignificant. They even texted.
Pride would always win over him whenever Deku would openly talk about (Name) – Bakugou would pretend to be uninterested, looking out the window while he was actually taking in the nerd’s words like a starved man, he was the only source of news he had because for the first time in their life, (Name) was not there with them. It sucked. (She was very clear on steering away from heroics or people who had a quirk, despite having one herself)
The days were lonelier and duller without her. Deku’s ramblings were something – slightly comforting, but don’t tell him that, but it just missed that one figure next to him.
For all his bravado, just the mere mention of Yoruichi (Name) made him weak. Wait, scratch that, (Name) was a strong person by herself, he did not make him weak, shut up. Hesitate, yeah, that’s the word, she made him falter, hesitate. Whatever.
Thankfully, none of his idiotic ragtag of friends keyed in on that. Save for Deku.
Deku, who’d always known. Deku, that sharp fucking nerd who always tried to be the goody-two-shoes and goaded him to talk to her.
Like fuck he’d talk to him about (Name), fucking no way. He’d rather have his nails done with half-and-half bastard than to have a heart-to-heart talk with fucking Deku.
Still, there was just one thing he was sure of about Deku, one thing he’ll never admit to anyone – or even him, out loud: compared between the two, Deku was always the bigger person. He was kinder, gentler, better.
A part of him would forever be jealous of the fact that Deku had been there for her when he couldn’t. Deku had access to parts of (Name) he was barred from. Deku was protective of her. Deku had (Name).
And as for him? Well, he was probably good as a dead fuck to her.
The punch still stung.
Nothing hurts more than to realize that you never had a chance, to begin with.
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From: (Name) Yuroichi
To: Bakugou Katsuki
I’m glad you’re safe.
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A day after Kamino…
For once, the Bakugou household was at peace, a day after his kidnapping. The day before, there was screaming, yelling, crying from both parentals that probably had dried off for today. At least for the first few minutes of the day.
The doorbell rang, Katsuki called out to get it, desperate for a bit of distraction from the silence around him.
He opened the door then froze, breath hitching. Two breaths, actually.
Carmine met (e/c).
For once, indifference was not the expression set on her face that he was looking at, but a softened expression. So incredibly soft.
An image of a younger her suddenly came to mind, back to when they first met each other.
“Katsu- “stopping, her lips pinched together, a small frown setting in, not ready to say his name just yet.
Hurt flashed in his eyes, desperately taking her in.
When he was kidnapped, first of all, he was annoyed as fuck, but most of all, he was scared. The League of Villains had him by the neck, literally, immobilized him, just to lure out All Might. And the thing that kept him grounded was her, (Name). The memory of her soft expression after they’d washed the dishes, comforting silence between them, that burnt mark on her neck, her telling him to have fun at summer camp. Her text message.
Remembering her presence at his doorstep, his eyes caught hold of the item in her hand – ochugen gifts, he uncharacteristically gestured at it.
“My mom’s not home, so…” his words came out lamely, weakly. So, unlike him.
But she was so lost in her head that she could only nod.
Gently, he reached for the box, their fingers brushing against each other lightly.
Something fluttered in his chest, wildly and tightly. Summer seemed to have come quickly as he was beginning to sweat, the smell of burnt sugar bleeding through.
Head still hung low, he took it as her parting, something in his chest twisting painfully, and he slowly turned on his back.
(Before he headed back in, instincts – maybe, or her heart forced her to, she grabbed hold on the back of his shirt, stopping him, and pressed her head between his shoulder blades, taking in his scent.)
Bakugou didn’t move, feeling her shaking hands balling into fists, as though to ground herself.
“I…I know I said this already, but still, I want you to know,” her voice was shaky, but she continued to speak, taking a deep breath. “I’m so glad you’re safe.” The thing in his chest continued to flutter wildly, threatening to come out. “And I’m so sorry this happened to you.”
Silence followed, likening to a pregnant pause, there was more she wanted to say, but the fear of having your feelings get the best of you seemed off-setting in the given situation, so she settled for that.
Before another word was said, she hurriedly grabbed the Midoriya’s box and clumsily left, completely red in the face.
He watched her leave over his shoulder, she almost ran into the gate, fumbling with the box as she headed to the Midoriya’s.
Suddenly, he felt lighter. The punch no longer hurt, leaving a bruise in its wake. This was the beginning of progress with her, it was something. Proud as he is, Bakugou’s never one to admit his mistakes, but for her, he’ll try.
If anything, she was right about everything she thought about him. Especially the part that he was lame.
masterlist • eight
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tinaotaku · 4 years
Yandere muzan x blood breather pillar?
Note: thank you for asking! Please, enjoy!
You cutely gazed at Muzan, not knowing that he is the King of Demons. You never saw this kind of man. With red eyes and black hair, he is just like a character in a novel you read last night. You tilted your head and pouted, ‘How can this man be so handsome?’ 
Muzan almost let a laugh out from reading your mind. He knows that he is handsome, that’s for sure, but he didn’t expect to see the strongest pillar in history fell under his charms. That just made him feel so happy and curious as to what kind of tactics do you have under your sleeves. He smirked and looked into your beautiful eyes. 
“Is there something wrong with my face, beautiful lady?” He asked politely yet mischievously. Your cheeks quickly become shades of red before you looked somewhere else. “No, thank you... sir”
Muzan chuckled before patting your head. “Do you have something on your mind, little lamb?” He asked again. 
This time, your eyes widened. “Little lamb?!” You shrieked, making lots of customers turned their heads in your direction. That statement hurt your pride for a bit. 
The strongest pillar in the century was called a little lamb?! Do you look that weak?
You huffed, “Well then, it seems like this ‘little lamb’ has to go and find another place to eat! Goodbye, good sir,” You lost the appetite to eat in this cozy restaurant because a handsome man has to go and ruined that up. While you left the restaurant, Muzan keeps looking at your back. He was more than intrigued than before. Muzan left the restaurant without any word, then proceed to follow you. 
You coldly glared at one of the demons you encountered in the forest. Such a weakling demon should not mess with you! You scoffed and slashed his head in one quick motion. The demon quickly turned into a speck of dust, leaving you with nothing to see. 
You sighed, knowing someone has been following you and watching your actions. You have 2 options, whether to ‘erase’ their memory or leave them be. You don’t have time to do this because you have other things to do, so you left the forest alone. 
Muzan chuckled darkly. He saw you and your breathing technique, and that amazes him. Moreover, this is your breathing technique, the Blood Breather. Muzan surely has no reset over this, but no problem, he can put his responsibilities asides and stalk you for the time being. Oh, I’m sure he didn’t mind it~
The Blood Breather Hashira is one of a kind. The girl who wears a smile on her face can be cold-blooded when the time has come. No one dared to mess with her even Zenitsu is quite shy when meeting her. 
No one in the demon realm knew about her existence. All of the Demons who met her will meet their ends. She was known to have a very deep grudge against the demons. Having her backgrounds hidden pretty well makes them ( the Demon Slayer Corps) hard to understand her.
She is like Shinobu, but more real  After she went back, she was greeted by excited Tanjiro and Inosuke. Both of them are holding a plate of steaming Gyoza, her favorite food in this entire world. “Welcome back, (L/n)-san! We made this with Aoi’s help-”
She gasped and quickly ran into them. “Is this for me? Oh, thank you so much!” She gave them light kisses around their faces while Zenitsu is fuming with jealousy. She quickly grabs a pair of chopstick and put one of the Gyoza on her mouth. The Blood Breather Hashira is surrounded by happiness in just one small food. 
Yeah, she has 2 different personalities at different times which can be very confusing. 
The next day, she invited the Kamaboko Squad into a small mission which is just to kill some demons in a haunted forest. The Squad accept her offer and set on a journey. Zenitsu and Inosuke keep on making some ruckus while Tanjiro accompanies her with various topics. She didn’t mind their loudness or enthusiasm, she loved it.
“How about we camp here tonight? It seems like we got pretty close to the heart of the forest,” You suggested, putting some of your stuff down. Zenitsu suddenly screamed in happiness, making you and Inosuke jumped. 
“Nezuko-chan is here! Zenuko-chan~~~” Zenitsu said, chasing Nezuko in a circular motion as soon as she goes out of her box. You smiled at their childishness and remembered how nice your life is before everything started to crumble in just one night. You just remembered your younger brother’s smile turned into-
“(L/n)-san, me and Nezuko are going to the North. Can you take care of Zenitsu and Inosuke for a while?” Tanjiro voiced snapped you out for a bit. You looked into his worried eyes before smiling. “Of course, my sweetheart. Please be safe and take care of your sister,” 
Those are your last words for the siblings. You looked to Inosuke and Zenitsu and smiled warmly. “I’m going to the South. Take care now,” 
Those are your last words for the cute Pikachu and the angry Peppa Pig. Oh, how you wished to give them more touching words than that advice. Because everything starts to blur, ever since you met the man with Black Hair and Red Eyes with blood pouring from his hands. 
You knew it’s Tanjiro’s blood from the smell. You also realized that he licked his bloody lips, which you can guess that he killed Tanjiro and ate him. You made the wrong decision by trying to hurt him in any way. 
Sadly, you failed. 
And, of course, the Kamaboko Squad were killed in the hands of demons while you were kept as a lab rat for Muzan’s experiment. The man you thought was charming turned out to be a wolf in sheep’s clothing.
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shinygoldstar · 3 years
since @risayume opened this can of worms i think it's safe enough for me to drop this. been itching to write this for so longgg. pls don’t torch me haha
mild gaslighting (frankly this could get a lot darker but let’s not open that can of worms yet)
'Maddie'/Vlad (kinda)
rather light hearted on the surface
Maddie's life is simple. Wake up, greet her sleepy dear, cook some breakfast for both of them- despite his insistence that she let the hired cooks make their meals, Maddie knows Vlad prefers her cooking the most. She hummed idly, sprinkling some salt and pepper on the eggs, carefully controlling the heat to ensure the eggs are done just right. Perfect. She turned off the stove and scooped the eggs onto the plates. The toaster pinged at that moment, perfectly timed as usual. She arranged everything then took it to their usual breakfast table on the patio. Moments later, her sweet dear arrived, yawning and still in his PJ's. "Maddie dear, you don't need to cook for me. Just your presence with me each morning is more than I could ever wish for. Let the cooks do their jobs." he smiled happily.
"You work hard all day while I idle away at home. I just wish I could do something to help you dear. If cooking breakfast for you makes you happy then I'd certainly do it for you." she smiled. And she meant it.
Maddie hummed. For as long as she can remember, Vlad had always been there for her. Re-teaching her how to walk, to speak, to read. He did so much for her after she had an accident that cost her all her memories. Patiently waiting for her to relearn everything while juggling his full-time job. He said it's not too much of a bother and she believes him. But she also wishes there's some way she can repay him.
"You hum a very pretty melody." Vlad commented. She blushed; she had forgotten that he's still here. "Would you- if you don't mind, do you want to hum along while I play the piano tonight?" Vlad asked hopefully. She nodded in agreement. Anything for Vlad.
Soon enough Vlad had to leave for work. As much as he tries to delay it to spend more time with her, she knows his job needs his attention. She doesn't mind, much. But their house is quiet without him. The staff don't like to interact with her, mostly keeping to themselves and making themselves scarce. She never saw who did her laundry. The house is always clean but she never saw the cleaners.
She was reading a book in Vlad’s study when someone appeared out of nowhere. It was hard to see the person, there’s some sort of glow that makes her blurs her sight but she can vaguely see the person’s white messy hair and their black bodysuit. She asked.
“Who are you?”
It has been several months since Vlad last launched some nefarious plan. Ever since Vlad reentered the Fentons’ lives, he had always been at best, a constant burr to their lives. Irritating and difficult to remove. Several months of silence is too long in Danny’s opinion. Ghost Zone seems normal so Vlad must be plotting something big. It’s time to visit the old fruitloop.
The trip went surprisingly easy as Danny quietly slipped through Vlad’s house. The hallways were empty, devoid of people. Almost like a haunted house. Perhaps it is, Danny thought wryly. He thought he felt a faint trickle of his ghost sense but no mist emerged from his breath.
He breezed through the rooms until he found one study room warmly lit with one presence in it. He barged into the room, “Hey Fruitloop! I know you’ve been cooking up some new nefarious plans! Why don’t we just skip straight to the fight can call it don-?” then he saw the room’s occupant, “Mo-Maddie?” he yelped out in surprise, dropping out of the air.
Mo-Maddie blinked and squinted at him for a moment, then asked, “Who are you?”
Danny flipped back into the air, “What you do mean ‘Who are you’? It’s me- uh your friendly neighbor Phantom? Ring any bells?”
Maddie mumbled the name to herself, “Phantom, Phantom, Phantom… No, sorry.” She looked up, “I don’t remember that name. Sorry if I don’t recognize you. Have we met before? And how are you floating midair? Is this a new invention?”
Danny... is confounded. What is she doing here? In Vlad’s house of all places? Wasn’t she at home this morning? And what’s with the questions?
Brushing aside her strange questions for later, he asked “M-Maddie? What are you doing here? Shouldn’t you be at Fenton Works?”
She replied confusedly, “What is ‘Fenton Works’?
Danny is even more confused. “That’s where you live?”
Maddie frowned, “But I live here? Is this Fenton Works?”
Danny facepalmed at the absurdity, “This is ridiculous…” he muttered into his hand. “How about I take you back to Fenton Works and maybe you’ll recognize it?” Not waiting for a reply, he swooped towards her, catching her in his arms and flew out of Vlad’s house.
Maddie disagreed strongly with the treatment. “I did not consent to this. Take me home Phantom.” She demanded. Vlad’s house grew smaller behind them. A tiny dot of white in the middle of everything green.
Phantom replied, “I am!”
“That’s not the right direction!” she huffed out, “And how are you flying?”
“I’m pretty sure I’m better at directions than you in the sky Maddie!” he retorted back with humor. Maddie’s patience is wearing thin. Whatever good intentions this strange Phantom has, he’s not getting her point.
“You just took me from my house Phantom!” she told him bluntly, “Take me back! Or I swear I’ll bite!”
Danny is taken aback by his mom's attitude.
“I didn't want to do this but I’ve got no choice.” Danny said quietly and attempts to overshadow her. However, he is interrupted by a screech. Recognizing the screech, Danny immediately ducked, dropping lower in the air and rolling to the side while holding tight onto his mom. He turned to look above him. Yup, the three vultures are here, all in their green feathery glory.
The one on the left, Danny never caught their name, stated their demand, “Return the lady to us, Phantom.”
Danny ignored the birds and flew faster, or as fast as he can while holding his precious cargo. But outnumbered 3 to 1, a lucky strike from one of the birds left him open to the other two birds and Danny soon had to retreat without his mom. Danny flew back home at twice the previous speed to get reinforcements.
Birds were chirping softly. Quiet burbles of running water. The sun’s rays warm and comfortable. Maddie snuggled into her bed. Something shifted beneath her. Maddie blearily blinked her eyes open.
“Oh sorry, did I wake you up?” It was Vlad. Maddie blinked several times to clear the fog in her head. They were in the back garden, the fountain burbling away quietly in the center of the garden. She shifted up to sit on the bench next to Vlad. She looked up at the sky, it seems like it’s late afternoon now. Then she remembered.
“A young man came into the house. I think he flew. I asked him how is he flying and he tried to take me away. I told him to take me back home but he said he’s taking me home.”
“That’s a very bizarre dream you have dear.” Vlad commented, amusedly.
“It felt so real. I think it’s real.” She murmured.
“Dreams often do.” he hummed contentedly.
They sat contentedly watching the sun’s rays grow thinner and shadows grow longer. This idyllic world. It feels so small now.
“Hmm? Yes Maddie?”
“What’s Fenton Works?” Vlad’s breath hitched.
His reply is carefully neutral, “Fenton Works? That’s an odd name. I don’t think I recognize it. Don’t worry about it, okay? Just let it go. It’s just a weird dream. I don't think you're relapsing back into coma but I can call the doctor if you want to recheck?"
"I- no, it’s fine Vlad. It's probably just a weird dream." She smiled weakly.
No. It’s not just a weird dream. She slightly shifted her arm to hide the small scratch she received from one of the birds. She knew heard Vlad's breath hitch when she asked. Fenton Works meant something to him. It wasn't just a dream.
Original prompt: Vlad clones Maddie and elopes with her. (Alternatively a fic where Maddie doesn't recall anything about the outside world and we wonder why until it's revealed that she's a clone)
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stubbychaos · 4 years
Ori Kebiin and Saviin’ika
Chapter 8 of Saviin’ika
Part 1|Part 2|Part 3|Part 4|Part 5|Part 6|Part 7
Pairing: Paz Vizsla x Nurse!Reader
Summary: Paz takes you to the covert after your long day, despite you not being accepted by everyone in the tribe yet. Though you are content to finally be away from a toxic environment, Paz wants his vengeance towards those who have hurt you.
Rating: M
Word Count: 13,000 (I kinda got carried away)
Warnings: Brief mentions of psychological abuse and manipulation, as well as the aftermath of the attempted sexual assault from last chapter. Again, there’s mentions of blood, but not nearly as graphic as the last chapter!
Translations will all be at the end since there’s so many this chapter. I separated the actual dialogue from the typical nicknames and such. The title, however, translates to “Big Blue and Little Violet” :)
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You have no idea how you manage the strength to walk on your feet after the day you’ve had, but you think Paz’s hand firmly pressed to the small of your back gives you the motivation to be stronger.
Though the dread still lingers like a dark rain cloud over your frantic heart as Paz leads you to your home to grab a change of clothes, you’re certain that the Mandalorian would not let anything happen to you should your father be awake. His thumb moves in firm little circles against the thick material of his cape that’s shielding your body from any wandering eyes and even though you can’t get the memory of slaying the Trandoshan out of your mind, you feel slightly better now that your warrior had cleaned as much of the blood away from your skin as he possibly could.
Out of sight, but never out of mind, you resentfully realize as you slowly approach the worn down hut you’ve lived in for your entire life and find the thought of living anywhere else strange, but certainly not disheartening in the slightest. Paz gently urges you behind him as he leads you inside the building, his leather-clad fingers firmly wrapped around your wrist and you can’t help but to smile weakly at his diligence and insistence on keeping you safe from anymore danger.
Much to your relief, you hear your father’s snores from the other room, most likely blacked out on alcohol or his drug of choice and you hastily lead Paz into your tiny room, only letting go of his hand so you can sift through the wooden crate where you keep what little clothes and garments you own.
“Cyare,” Paz whispers the nickname, perhaps remembering that your abuser sleeps in the room down the hall; he makes sure to keep his voice down as he gathers some of your toiletries and carefully situates them in a small canvas bag, “Where we are going, it is deep underground--it is much colder--do you have anything warmer to wear?”
You blink and manage to find a large cable knit sweater that you haven’t worn in such a long time, along with a thicker pair of leggings and some clean undergarments; you freeze when the Mandalorian speaks again.
“And something to sleep in?”
Heat floods your cheeks and earlobes and you nervously move to tuck a lock of hair behind your ear, growing even more embarrassed when you realize the strands are matted to your neck with blood, “Am I staying the night there?”
You find a thin-sleeved, satin night gown that falls a few inches above your knees and you slowly rise to turn and face Paz, noticing the tension in his shoulders as he stares at you through the safety of his visor. You’ve never once questioned his loyalty to the creed by asking what he looks like underneath the helmet, but you suddenly find yourself jealous that he is able to conceal his features upon feeling nervous or shy. He reaches out to gently stroke your jaw, helmet tilting to the side as you hold your clean clothes tightly to your chest; he is silent as he collects the fabric from your tight hold and places it in the canvas bag.
“You would not be turned away after the day you’ve had,” He reassures you, cupping his hand to the side of your neck, “I am hoping they will let you stay permanently once they meet you.”
Your heart swells and you nod a little, your heart pumping furiously in your chest at the thought of spending the night with him again, let alone the rest of your days.
“Thank you,” You fiddle nervously with your large sweater as he continues to stare at you, “I… I will change now.”
“Then I won’t look,” He hums, sounding slightly amused as he turns his back to you, “Unless you wish for me to see you, little nurse?”
An intense heat spreads throughout your face as you let his cape fall from your shoulders and you begin to remove your boots. You remember the way the Trandoshan’s grimy hands had found the hem of your dress and you drop your head in shame as you peel away your undergarments and replace them with fresh ones. You feel sick and ashamed that it had nearly gotten to the point where he had taken advantage of you and you want to tell Paz exactly what had happened, but the feeling of your attacker’s hands on your torso leaves you feeling raw and vulnerable.
You’re embarrassed.
“I fear you would not like what you would see.”
The Mandalorian’s helmet moves in a jolting gesture, though he makes sure not to completely turn his head towards you and your heart thrums frantically when you realize it must be out of respect for your own wishes. You’re hasty to cover your chest with a clean bralette and you feel as though your cheeks are on fire when you replace your shorts with fresh undergarments and thick leggings, all while keeping your eyes on the back of his helmet.
“You are beautiful, cyare,” Paz softly reminds you, his baritone as low and quiet as his modulator will allow him, “I don’t like seeing you bruised and hurt, but it does not take away from your beauty. I do not think I could go through all of your pain without any armor; it must be difficult to bare your scars for all to see.”
You think it to be the most heartfelt compliment he could give you--informing you that he believes your strength and endurance to be up to his standards--and you smile warmly at the back of his helmet.
“Okay,” You eventually murmur as you tug the large sweater over your head, the cozy fabric fitting you similarly to a short, loose dress, “I’m ready.”
The Mandalorian turns to face you just as you’re grabbing his cape that you had neatly placed on the foot of your bed; his helmet tilts to the side as he watches you hug the material close to your chest. Thinking he doesn’t need the warm fabric yet, you hold onto it tightly as you follow him out your room, tensing a little when you’re met with utter silence, rather than your father’s typical loud snores. Paz must notice it too, because you watch as his hand immediately moves to the blaster sheathed against his hip; your heart pounds wildly in your chest as the two of you make it up the two stairs leading out of the hut.
Before you even realize what’s going on, Paz immediately whips around and draws a blaster within a fraction of a second, carefully pushing you behind him; you’re confused, until you hear a familiar voice that you’re certain will forever haunt you, even if you never see him again.
“Where do you think you’re going, little one?” You tilt your head to the side so you can see your father staggering towards you and Paz, “You decide to fucking not show up to one of your shifts and thought I would be okay with it? Then you bring him here? After everything I told you? Are you really that fucking stupid or do I need to--?”
You snap before the Mandalorian does.
For the third time in the last twenty-four hours--you absolutely snap.
“I have had one of the longest, roughest days of my life, so don’t you dare make me feel bad for not showing up to work or bringing him here!” You step to the side and put yourself in front of Paz, though he still keeps his blaster pointed on the drunk man who poses no real threat to the warrior, “I have been working every day for you for the last decade and never once have you ever thanked me for the time I put in--for all that I have done for you and working for free! You never once thanked me for all the tears and blood I have shed for you at the expense of your own hands and I am exhausted.”
Your father--Maker, does he look stunned by your outburst--and you’re certain that if Paz wasn’t there, he would have struck you the moment you raised your voice, but his eyes widen and his mouth drops open as he regards you. You think of the Trandoshan and the bounty hunter and how both of them had caused you such rage, fear, and desperation and you suddenly find it easier to argue with your only living blood.
You don’t even notice the way Paz tenses behind you when your father staggers forward, nearly tripping over his own feet and you suddenly feel embarrassed for the kind of torment you have let this pathetic man inflict upon you. You’re shaking with the trauma from such a horrific day as you step a little closer to him, speaking through clenched teeth at the man who’s made your life a living hell for as long as you can remember.
After killing the Trandoshan, you think you’re not fazed by anything, let alone your father’s clumsy anger.
“You have put me through so much pain and so much agony--so much torture--Maker, do you have a heart at all? Do you even realize what you’ve done to me? How much you’ve scarred my body and my mind?!” You force yourself not to cry, thinking he doesn’t deserve a single tear from you when he’s stolen so many in your life, “I am supposed to be your daughter, not your slave, and I won’t let you treat me as such anymore!”
Your chest is heaving wildly as he simply stares at you in shock, probably not even aware you were capable of storing such hatred and fury in your tender heart.
"I have never hated anyone as much as I hate you," You seethe, speaking through clenched teeth as you watch the way your words sober him, his back straightening a little "I hope you feel a fraction of the same loneliness and pain you have made me feel after I leave this awful place; I hope it haunts you everyday until you finally die."
Your father’s eyes widen and you’re certain he is shocked at the courage you have somehow obtained within a single day, though it still does not stop him from continuing to berate you
“And what would you do when he grows tired of you?” He sneers, though you simply shake your head, remembering how your warrior had declared his love for you and you force yourself to remember the devotion in his deep baritone, “You think those monsters would actually take you in as one of their own? You think this savage could genuinely love someone like you? Someone so weak and useless? They’ll use you and simply throw you away, just like anyone else would.”
You hear Paz snarl behind you, no doubt shaking with rage and a desire for wrath against your father, but you offer your last living relative a weak smile and nod a little, thinking of everything your warrior has done for you in the last few months and the happiness he’s given you. Perhaps you’re not as naive as you once thought--now so used to the horrors of such a cruel planet--and you’re certain that if this huge warrior insists his love for you, he must not be lying.
“I am not weak nor useless and I now know that,” You insist fiercely, and even though your voice trembles, you feel the words deep down in your bones--in your soul--and you step closer to the man whose unfocused gaze is currently switching between you and Paz frantically, “I am far stronger than you have ever led me to believe and I will not let you tear down me, nor the only man who has ever built me up. Even if I am not accepted, I will find a way to make a life for myself because anywhere is better than this hell.”
His angry expression cracks as soon as he realizes he no longer has any control over your inhibitions or choices and you know what’s about to happen--the manipulative words he’s about to spew.
“Y-You can’t leave me!” He doesn’t sound angry, but more so frantic at the thought of no longer having control over you, and he pleadingly holds out his careless hands, “You are my only family I have left.”
Though you feel a twinge of pain in your heart at how distraught he suddenly sounds, you turn your head to peer at Paz over your shoulder, who now has his blaster lowered. His helmet tilts to the side a little when he sees the conflict etched on your features and you think he must be incredulous that you even have to think about this--choosing between him or your father--but he simply gives you a curt nod and you turn back to your father.
“You said it yourself--” You whisper, backing away from his stumbling form before he can reach you, “You have no daughter, nor do I have a father.”
As soon as you see the look of despair melt into something more intense, something you’re so acclimated with--that anger, that intense fury--you immediately know you’ve made the right choice. Feeling flustered and slightly overwhelmed, you hastily turn around and storm past the usually talkative Mandalorian that has grown deathly silent and still as his Beskar gaze follows your small form that’s still clutching his cape close to your chest.
“Don’t forget that promise, you useless bitch! I’ll make you both fucking suffer,” He spits, instantly making you freeze and though dread crawls up your spine, you slowly turn to find Paz charging towards the much smaller, more feeble man with great furiosity that you’ve never seen from him, “Fucking Manda--”
You watch with wide eyes as your warrior immediately wraps his fingers around your newly estranged father’s neck and you are quick to make your way towards the two men when Paz effortlessly shoves him up against the outside of the hut with enough force to crack the outside of the little building. Your father claws desperately at the hand that has him pinned to the building, his feet an inch or two off the ground and you freeze when you hear the anger and pain in Paz’s modulated voice.
“You are lucky the little nurse has a tender heart and doesn’t wish for me to end your sorry existence, because I would have gladly had your lifeless body at her feet the moment I first saw you mistreat her,” Paz easily inches him higher off the ground, not seeming all too worried about his comfort as he squeezes his hand tighter around the struggling man’s esophagus, “You have caused her enough pain to last a lifetime and I will not watch you hurt her anymore with your words or hands.”
Your father’s mouth is wide open as he gasps and flops wildly like a fish on land when Paz finally drops him and you can tell it’s taking everything out of him to not cause the older man further damage as he wheezes violently at the warrior’s feet. You think you should feel sorry for your father, but instead you feel embarrassed that you have let someone so pathetic and greedy push you around for such a long time.
“He’s going to get tired of you and leave, you ungrateful bitch!” The older man speaks through loud gasps for air, choking and heaving on his own spit, “Everyone always does, you know you’re nothing--”
You should stop Paz--you know you should stop him as he lifts his boot, only to send a mighty kick to your father’s ribs and you hear a loud crack that you are all too familiar with, though you don’t cringe or turn away from it.
You’re far too acquainted with the sound to be disgusted by it and you think it to be painfully ironic that he is now in a position that you’ve been in so many times because of him.
“Useless, huh? Have fun tending your own wounds without her help,” Paz scoffs, listening to the injured man wheeze frantically, biting back whimpers as he clutches his side, “You ever try anything with her or even think about coming for me, I’ll cut your hands off and let someone else in tribe deal with you, hu’tuun. They would not show you the same mercy that I have and I would not mind seeing what kind of pain they would show you.”
You watch with wide eyes as he slowly turns around, tight fists instantly unfurling as he sees your shocked expression, though he is quick to carefully grab your elbow and lead you away from the man who is still gasping for deep breaths of air. The bright glimmer of moonlight kissing his visor as he turns to peer down at you every now and then has you growing curious and slightly worried at the sharp, jittery motions.
“Paz, are you--?”
“I am sorry you had to see me like that,” He makes haste to apologize and you shake your head a little as he leads you further away from your broken home, “I do not want you to think of me as cruel, but the way he speaks to you and treats you… I wanted to kill him, cyare.”
“After today, I don’t think I could ever believe you to be cruel,” You whisper with a light shudder, feeling the way his fingertips immediately slide down the inside of your forearm before they’re weaving through the valleys of your fingers in a firm hold; you think of the Trandoshan and bounty hunter and shake your head again, “I… I have seen what cruel men are capable of and I would never think you to be like them.”
“When we get to the covert, will you tell me what happened to you today--what he did to you?” Paz sounds so restrained and full of anger and sadness as he thinks of someone he’s considered to be a brother hunting you down and hurting you so horrifically, “If it is too hard to speak of it, I won’t push you.”
You swallow the lump in your throat and exhale deeply as he takes you further outside the village, “I do not know if I have the strength to talk about it yet.”
“Okay,” Paz nods sharply, even though you can tell that this is all killing him slowly and he so desperately wants to know what the hell happened, “Okay, cyare.”
You smile softly at him being so understanding of the delicate situation and tiredly press your cheek against his bicep as he leads you to the people that are supposedly excited for your arrival. You think Paz must be exaggerating about his tribe’s eagerness to meet you and there’s a sick feeling growing in your stomach as you think of their bounty hunter and how he was most likely one of the Mandalorians who didn’t want you at the covert.
“Are you okay?” He asks after a few minutes of silence as you both slowly trudge through the village, though you think he only walks slow for you and your injuries, “That couldn’t have been an easy thing for you to stand up to him like that.”
“I… I don’t really know how to feel,” You whisper, your fingers curling tightly around his as you try to gather your thoughts into one cohesive statement to sum up your feelings, “I am sad, but my chest feels lighter. I have never talked back to him like that, but I do not regret what I said.”
“That takes a lot of courage,” Paz consoles with a deep hum, giving your hand a gentle squeeze and as he tilts his helmet a little lower and to the side, you like to picture him smiling down at you--whatever his smile may look like, though you’re certain it must be a kind, warm one, “It takes strength to stand up to someone that has hurt and manipulated you that badly, cyare, and you should feel only pride for acting so bravely.”
You smile and nod a little, knowing that someday you will truly believe his words, but for now you simply remain silent and focus on the firm hold he has on your hand. You hesitate and tense up when he moves to lead you down a dark alleyway that seems to go on for a mile; it’s so dark that you can’t even see where it ends and you move to take a step backwards as you think of the Trandoshan.
“It’s okay,” Paz reassures you, seeming to notice and understand your tension, “It’s… It’s been a long day, I get it, but I won’t let anything else happen to you. You’ve got me, cyare--always.”
You tug your hand out of his and squeeze the crook of his elbow as he leads you into the darkness of the alleyway. Despite not being able to make out anything, you feel how unwavering and sure the warrior is as he easily strides down the alleyway and it’s not until he scoops a thick curtain to the side that he turns on the little flashlight attached to the side of his helmet. You’re surprised to find a small set of stairs that leads down into a dark tunnel and you let him guide the way, trusting him enough to know he’s taking you somewhere safe.
“Careful,” Paz says softly as you slowly make your way down the winding staircase that takes the two of you further underground, “I know how clumsy you can be--or what was it you said when I took you to the hot springs the first time? The only thing graceful about you are your hands?”
You huff and try to shrug off the flirty remark, shaking your head as you carefully trail behind him, "You are not as smooth as you think, Paz."
He turns his helmet to gaze at you, nearly blinding you with the flashlight, all while continuing to descend the staircase and you hear him chuckle, "You’re lucky I am wearing my gloves, I know how hot your ears and cheeks get when you get all shy around me, little nurse.”
“I am sunburned,” You inform him with a scoff as he turns to face forward upon meeting the bottom of the staircase; you unfurl his cape to wrap it around your shoulders as it begins to grow colder, “I think most of my skin is pretty warm right now.”
He hums and you think he’s tense as you wrap both hands around his bicep as you two venture further into the underground tunnels; you remember the heavy weight of the Trandoshan’s body draped over your weak one as the heat from harsh sun rays beat down on you for hours on end. He doesn’t know anything that’s happened to you in the last day and you’re not sure if you should tell him, somewhat fearing for the bounty hunter’s life at the thought of Paz’s anger upon finding out you had been forced to take a life.
That the Trandoshan had touched you--that he’d nearly taken off your dress.
You don’t even realize how hard you’re clinging onto Paz’s bicep, forcing yourself to remember that you hadn’t been violated in such an intense way and that you were currently safe with your Mandalorian.
“We are almost there,” Paz reassures you, though you think it only brings you more anxiety and fear as he calmly leads you to his tribe, not seeming fazed or nervous in the slightest, “You will be loved by them as a little sister, please do not worry. I will take care of the bounty hunter.”
You simply nod as you let him guide you through what feels like endless tunnels and turns and you wonder how he could possibly know his way through such an intense maze of dark stone. You think of all the times he’s made his way through the tunnels just to see you and your heart swells as you glance up at his scuffed up helmet with admiration, thinking that he must see something in you to make such a winding journey so many times.
“Stay behind me, please,” Paz gently orders, responding quietly to your wide-eyed expression after he nudges you behind his big frame, “Just for a minute.”
He turns a corner just as an unfamiliar voice speaks up and you instantly perk up at the sound of a small, innocent voice; they sound younger than you and you’re not sure why, but that brings you great comfort immediately.
“Norac bid nusujii, ori kebiin?” A high-pitched, feminine voice has you feeling curious and despite Paz’s words, you poke your head to gaze past his bicep. Instantly, a forest green helmet with that notorious t-shaped visor whips to the side to stare at you and the smaller Mandalorian is quick to stand up from where she had been perched on a stone ledge next to the large, round entrance leading into the covert. You blink at the scuffed up teal armor that the female Mandalorian dons and you think the sapphire color of her gauntlets to be beautiful and less intimidating compared to the bounty hunter’s armor.
“Cuyir ibic gar orikih baar'ur, ba’vodu Paz?”
You think she must be asking Paz a question by the incline of her tone and he immediately turns to find you gazing intensely at the guard; letting out with a crackly sigh, Paz gives her a single sharp nod, “‘Lek.”
She lets an amused hum slip past her modulator and steps a little closer, “Ni copad at haa'taylir kaysh.”
Paz turns a little to place a big hand on the small of your back, kindly urging you forward and you hear the colorful Mandalorian let out with a small chuckle when you speak quietly in a shy voice, “The colors of your armor are pretty--blue is one of my favorite colors.”
“Oh, I’m sure it is.”
You immediately understand the meaning of her playful words when Paz offers her some sort of admonishment in his deep voice, speaking in his native tongue, “Gar liser't chayaikir kaysh guuror ibic.”
“Sorry, sorry,” The woman chuckles a little, helmet cocking to the side as she places a leather hand on her hip, “Thank you for the compliment, though I do not think I have ever heard someone refer to a Mandalorian as being pretty; most people would spit on us the first chance they got,” 
She still sounds amused as she props her sharp Beskar staff up against the stone wall, holding out a hand for you to shake; you smile weakly at the greeting and grasp her hand lightly, noticing her firm grip right away. She stands a few inches taller than you and even though she is probably the least intimidating Mandalorian you’ve met so far, you don’t doubt her strength.
“I do not think that those who would choose to spit on you would last very long.”
“Ni guuror kaysh,” The colorful Mandalorian giggles, her head tilting to the side as she peers down at you, “Cuyir gar orikih baar’ur ratiin ibic pel?”
“Elek,” Paz huffs a little and nods, sounding proud as he quickly answers her question, “Yes, ever since the day I first saw her.”
Your cheeks burn at what they could possibly be saying about you, though you don’t wish to cause any disrespect and politely continue to firmly shake the colorful Mandalorian’s hand as she giggles a little louder at his answer.
“I am Imalia,” She finally introduces herself and you’re surprised to actually hear excitement in her smooth, modulated voice as she continues to shake your hand; you’re even more surprised that she would so willingly give you her name, “Everyone calls me Ima though; I am one of the guards that protects the entrance this late at night since we’ve been having more and more close calls with outsiders lately.”
You blink as her leather-clad palm slips from yours and you nervously wring your fingers together, not knowing what to do with your own hands, “My name is--”
“Oh, we all know who you are, vod’ika,” She interrupts with another giggle and confusion fills you when you hear Paz let out with an exasperated sigh; your heart warms when you remember that he had told you ‘vod’ika’ meant little sister,  “Our heavy-infantry warrior hasn’t shut up about you since he first saw you--always rambling on about his ‘mesh’la saviin’ika’ and how pretty your flowers are and how kind you are and how he wants riduurok with you someday. We all thought he was making you up until he brought home your flowers one day.”
“Ori Kebiin bal Saviin’ika,” She tilts her head to the side, amused by her own words and you hear Paz groan from behind you, “How cute.”
You grow even shyer at her teasing voice, “What does... that mean? R-Riduurok?”
“Oh, y’know,” Ima says it like it’s the most obvious thing in the world, flippantly waving a gloved hand around, “When two people agree to--”
“It means Imalia is a teenager who likes to gossip too much and is far too nosy for her own good,” Paz quickly deflects, resting a large hand over the slope of your shoulder and you think he almost sounds stressed out and worried as the colorful Mandalorian shrugs halfheartedly, “Is the armorer at the forge, Mal?” 
The way he seems so comfortable speaking with the younger warrior immediately makes you smile softly and you wonder if he’s this way with all the younger Mandalorians.
“I need to speak with her--it’s urgent.”
Imalia tilts her head to the side and you feel small underneath her intimidating gaze, despite the fact that she’s apparently younger than you; she must be inspecting you closely and you suddenly wish you had the opportunity to take a shower before leaving your house. You can still feel all the dried blood matted to your scalp and crusted into your hairline and you’re certain Ima must see it as well.
“Tion'jor an te tal?” Ima questions in a much quieter tone and you flinch severely when her hand moves to touch one of your braids, though she is quick to pull her hand away, turning sharply to gaze up at Paz instead; her voice sounds much graver and sadder when she speaks again, “Vaii cuyir te sarad gar rucuyir cyau'kuyc at dinuir kaysh? Cuyir te baar'ur shupur'yc?”
“It’s a long story,” He says in Basic, something you’re grateful for as the colorful Mandalorian, slowly takes her seat back on the stone ledge, grabbing her long spear once more as Paz continues, “It’s all Djarin’s fault. He came after her because of the vulptex.”
“That damn bounty hunter--no wonder why he was so tense when he came back earlier,” Ima sighs, shaking her head as though this is a common occurrence within the tribe and your heart sinks to the pit of your stomach, “I’m surprised he’s even alive still; I’m starting to think he has only one brain cell left.”
“Not for much longer,” Paz huffs, fingers twitching against the thick fabric of your long sweater and you let him guide you through the large entrance into another tunnel, “The runt is dead the moment I see his sorry ass.”
The teenager doesn’t seem all the fazed by Paz’s foreboding words, watching as you two venture further into the enclave, “I don’t doubt it.”
You turn your head over your shoulder to catch one last glimpse at Ima’s beautiful green helmet, “It was nice meeting you, Ima.”
“You as well, saviin’ika,” You can hear the smile in her modulated voice, warm and syrupy sweet, and your heart melts at her next words, “I look forward to seeing more of you, rather than hearing it from ori kebiin’s annoying mouth.”
Despite the long day you’ve experienced and everything that’s happened with your father, you smile tiredly at her and face forward as Paz lets out with another annoyed sigh, grumbling something so low that you can’t make it out from underneath his helmet. 
He continues straight down the dim tunnel that is barely lit and your eyes widen as he leads you through another rounded entrance that has some sort of huge insignia welded to the top; you think it almost resembles a Mandalorian helmet with horns coming out the side and you make a mental note to ask Paz about it later.
Paz hums thoughtfully as he inspects his surroundings, looking for something--or someone--in particular; you take in your surroundings curiously, detaching yourself from the distracted Mandalorian to make your way over to a little workbench that seems to have discarded scraps of metal. Not wanting to be rude by touching someone else’s belongings, you simply observe all the scuffed and rusted Beskar, though something in particular catches your attention.
You force yourself not to reach out to touch the little pendant that resembles the one welded above the entrance of the forge, though something about the faded purple horns intrigue you more than you’d like to admit
“I thought we agreed not to take in your nurse until we got our bounty hunter’s vote,” A smooth, demure voice instantly startles you and you quickly turn around to come face to face with a Mandalorian who is slowly and surely entering the armory, her gaze fixated on you in an intense manner, “It is not like you to go against my word, Paz. Do you understand that you have put the tribe at risk?”
You eye the thick furs draped along her shoulders, along with the beautiful glimmer of her golden helmet; you think the richness of the gold contrasting against the deep maroon of the rest of her armor is stunning and immediately, you think she must be the leader of the covert. Though she lacks in height, just like you, she makes up for it with a powerful aura of quiet strength and leadership and you immediately admire her. 
Though you’re terribly nervous, you’ve never wanted to make such a good first impression with someone and you shakily speak up before Paz can, his helmet jolting to the side to gaze at you with what you’re certain is surprise.
It seems as though you’ve been doing that a lot lately--surprising everyone, including yourself.
“He wanted to wait as well,” You inform her, awkwardly skittering forward when she pulls out a chair for you to sit on, seeming to understand your exhaustion after a long day, “I… I was brought here because of the circumstances of today.”
“And what were the circumstances, little one?” She questions smoothly, her voice like rich velvet through her vocoder as she grabs a small metal mug from a shelf and a teapot that must already be filled with hot water; immediately, Paz starts to speak in an angered tone, but she is quick and calm to interrupt his hasty words as she pours hot water over a bundle of herbs, “I believe I asked your nurse, warrior, not you.”
“Thank you,” You whisper your gratitude when she makes her way back to you and kindly places a steaming mug filled with something that smells simultaneously sweet and spicy, “I haven’t had a warm drink in a while.”
“I know,” She informs you and your eyes widen in fear at the thought of Paz telling everyone in the covert about your father; anger fills you just for the tiniest moment before the armorer is squashing your worries like a bug beneath her boot, “I know only of what our heavy-infantry warrior has informed us about you, though he has spoken nothing of your personal life or family. It is unfortunate that you do not wear our helmet, little nurse, for it is quite easy to read the pain and suffering in your eyes. You may be younger than I, but you have lived a lifetime already, have you not?”
Your nostrils flare as you struggle to swallow the lump in your throat when you realize the wisdom this woman possesses, “I have felt enough pity for one lifetime as well, I do not wish to feel it anymore from myself or anyone else.”
She glances up at Paz, who has his arms crossed over his chest as he watches you closely, before her gaze is once again fixated on you taking a tentative sip of the flavorful tea; she cocks her head to the side, as if intrigued, and you hope that you are making a decent impression, “Very well. Tell me of the circumstances that have led you here today, little one.”
So, you do.
Paz pulls up a tiny chair that creaks underneath his weight and sits off to the side as you reluctantly relay the story of you and the bounty hunter--how you had willingly taken that blaster shot to save your vulptex, how you had been forced to cauterize your wound, how many times you tried to mention Paz’s name, though the hunter refused to listen. You think it’s taking everything out of Paz to not immediately go searching for his fellow Mandalorian, but he remains seated, his visor fixed on you and his fingers curled into tight fists atop his armored thighs. 
As soon as you mention the speeder and the barren lands, you see Paz straightening up, his breath hitching in his throat as you speak of the deal with the Trandoshan and how the bounty hunter hadn’t hesitated to trade you in for a pouch of credits.
How you had begged the hunter not to hand you over because the Trandoshan only held cruel intentions towards you.
Somehow, you manage not to cry the entire time, but as soon as you speak of the vibroblade Paz had given you--how you were barely able to keep a good grip on the handle because of how bloody your hand was--tears spring to your eyes. You squeeze the hot mug between your hands firmly, trying your hardest to take comfort in the warmth it brings your cold body.
Against your better judgment, you decide to leave the Trandoshan’s intentions as far away from the story as you possibly can, not wanting to inform Paz of how close he’d been to slipping his hands underneath your dress.
You know that would be the one detail of your story that would leave him completely unhinged.
You squeeze your eyes shut just as you maneuver around the painful topic, “Throat wounds are usually the most deadly and I… I didn’t have a choice. I wasn’t strong enough to fight him off of me and I had to take his life. I cannot stop thinking of the noises he made when I--and he was choking on his own blood and it got all over me and I never had to--”
“Ner cyare,” Paz’s voice sounds thick with emotion as you stare down at your lap in shame, not noticing the way the armorer is still gazing intensely at you, “I didn’t know you had to... Maker, that’s where all the blood came from?”
“You did what you must to survive in such a cruel place,” The armorer seems to have better words to say than Paz and you think he must be caught in an intense war of anger towards his brother or sadness because you had lost a piece of yourself, “Though I can only imagine the turmoil one so innocent would be going through after experiencing something so traumatic. Please, continue if you can.”
You’re not sure how you manage to speak with how shaky you’ve become, but surrounded by two powerful warriors, you want to be stronger, “I-I immediately went into shock because there was so much blood--Maker, there was so much blood--and I just froze and he fell forward on top of me. I was too weak at the moment to push him off and I passed out in the sun. When I woke up hours later, my skin was burning but I was able to get the Trandoshan off of me finally.”
You find it difficult to look at either one of them, so your gaze flickers up to the little horns on the armorer’s helmet as you take another sip of tea before continuing, “I… I passed out again; I don’t know why I was so tired, but when I woke up again, it was night time and the bounty hunter had come back for me and was taking Paz’s blade from my hand. He asked me who I got the weapon from and as soon as I said Paz, I could tell he regretted everything.”
The armorer speaks after Paz lets out an infuriated growl, standing up to his most intimidating size, though the female Mandalorian feels no sort of fear as she speaks only to you, “And do you truly feel as though our bounty hunter felt sorry for what he did to you?”
You sit up a little straighter and stare right into her visor, thinking hard about your response before answering out loud, though you can tell Paz is seething and vibrating with rage.
“I think he felt sorry for hurting someone who was precious to Paz, but not that I was protecting something I considered dear to me,” You inform her in an earnest, hushed tone, making her cock her helmet to the side a little, “I think he was just a man doing his job as a bounty hunter, but he was also cruel to me. When I tried to tell him that I knew Paz, he would make me be quiet and told me that whatever I had to say did not matter.”
You swallow the lump in your throat and quickly brush away the tears at your lashes as you continue, “He almost made me believe the stories that my parents used to tell me of Mandalorians, but I know Paz enough to know the stories aren’t true. I’ve only known Imalia--Ima--for a few minutes, but she treated me kindly and I do not wish to believe that everyone in your tribe could be so cruel, especially when you and her have shown me respect.”
“And how have I shown you respect when all I’ve done is given you the opportunity to tell me your story, little one?”
“I think that is one of the kindest ways you can treat another--to allow them to speak up for themselves without judging them,” Warmth spreads through your cheeks and ears as you take another sip of your sweet, spicy tea and you gaze shyly at the armorer, “I know my voice shakes when I am scared or angry and that I cry more than I probably should, but you and Paz and even Ima have shown me more respect than anyone else I’ve met in the last decade. Even if I was not accepted, I am grateful to see that love and kindness has lived underneath this cruel village for so long.”
The armorer stares at you in an unwavering manner and you fear the worst when she slowly turns her helmet to gaze up at Paz, who’s still staring intently at you, and she almost sounds amused as she turns to you once again, “It seems as though our heavy-infantry warrior was correct when he informed us all that it is impossible to dislike you.”
“I only wish to treat others the same way I would like to be treated,” You smile at the thought of your grouchy Mandalorian giving you such high praise about you to his family and you curl your fingers against your knees, “I apologize that this is the way I was introduced to you--all bloody and still shaken up.”
Her head tilts to the side in a curious manner, “Our tribe’s bounty hunter was careless and hurt you, yet you are the one apologizing?”
“It was my fault for--”
“Do not feel sorry or at fault for this, cyare,” Paz insists and you finally look up at him as he speaks through clenched teeth, “Where is Djarin, ner alor? I will have him begging for forgiveness at her feet the second I see him--I want him to suffer for what he did to her!”
The armorer lets out with a tired sigh and she shakes her helmet a little as you timidly finish off your tea, watching the altercation take place over the rim of your mug, “Our bounty hunter is currently asleep in his quarters, just as you two should be.”
Paz refuses to back down and you fear that he’s actually going to kill his fellow Mandalorian as his deep baritone grows louder and more infuriated, “I want to kill him, I don’t care that he is currently resting. He is a coward and--”
“Your little healer is exhausted and afraid,” The armorer reminds him firmly, standing up to her full height and you realize her true power when Paz recoils a little, “She is in a new place, surrounded by people she has never met and it has been a long day for her. Would you be so cruel and selfish to deny her relaxation after witnessing such trauma? The nurse is about to fall out of her chair, and yet you only wish to seek violence when she has already seen too much of it in her lifetime.”
“I didn’t--” Paz’s helmet jolts a little as he gazes intensely at you, though you offer him a weak, tired smile, “I am sorry, ner cyare, I was not thinking properly.”
“It’s okay,” You shake your head a little as you slowly stand, your hand traveling to the cauterized wound at your hip; and Paz is instantly at your side when you keel over a little bit in pain, “Although it would be nice to um, to maybe get all of this blood out of my hair?”
“Negotiations for the nurse’s future with the tribe will continue tomorrow,” The armorer stands tall, somehow exuding more power and grace than your blue warrior, “In the meantime, she will recover and rest for as long as she requires.”
“Th-Thank you,” Paz gently presses his hand to the small of your back as you offer your gratitude to the tribe’s matriarch, “For everything.”
She simply offers you a curt nod and watches as Paz dutifully takes you to his private quarters. 
The enclave is a lot quieter than you would have expected and you think they must have some sort of system when it comes to training and sleeping; you have so many questions, but you don’t want to sound too nosy, so you remain silent during the small journey. Your eyelids feel incredibly heavy as he quietly guides you and you pray the Mandalorian doesn’t think too differently after hearing your story--that he doesn’t see you to be any less of yourself for being forced to steal someone’s life.
He’s still tense as he wraps an arm around your waist to help you descend another staircase leading even deeper into the enclave and you hate that you are a part of the reason why he’s so angry and upset. You hate his moody silence, knowing that he’s normally so talkative with you and could probably carry a conversation with himself if it meant you had his full interest.
Tiredly, you make it your own little mission to distract him from his inner turmoil and gently grab his yellow gauntlet once the two of you make it to the bottom of the staircase. His helmet jolts to the side to gaze down at you as you hold his forearm to your stomach, your fingers barely grazing the slim barrel attached to the top of his gauntlet.
You smile up at his visor, whispering out a meek little, ‘I love you.’
Instantly, he stops walking to lean down to press his forehead against yours and warmth settles over your heart similarly to the way his cape around your cold frame brings you comfort and security.
Immediately, he relaxes his tense muscles and lets out a deep sigh, “I love you too, cyare.”
You observe your dark surroundings closely as he leads you past what seems to be several different alcoves that you assume must be the living quarters for other Mandalorians, the entrances to them covered by thick black fabric. You’re surprised when he guides you past them and around a corner where there’s a stone door straight at the end of the corridor; you wonder if he has a bigger room than everyone else because of his status or ranking within the tribe, though you think it rude to ask and simply follow him into his dimly lit quarters.
You’re surprised to find that it’s far bigger than your little hut and you take in all the new surroundings with curiosity.
You keep your hands clasped tightly together, feeling awkward as you watch the warrior calmly make his way to a huge chest on the floor at the foot of his massive bed, seeming utterly relaxed as he begins to remove his big gauntlets and black gloves. placing them inside the large chest. You almost think he’s forgotten about you until he stands up again and purposely wanders back to you, immediately intertwining his fingers through yours and giving your hand a gentle tug.
“You must be dying for a shower,” He sighs softly, leading you further into his private quarters and through a small alcove protected by black drapes; your cheeks burn hotter than coals when you think of how easy it would be for him to easily invade your privacy, though you know him to be a respectful man, “The water doesn’t always get the warmest, but I’m sure it will be nicer than whatever you had at your home.”
You perk up when you see the big shower and dozens of little holes in the ceiling where the water must fall from, “We had a sonic shower at the infirmary. I’ve never used a real one with actual water.”
The blue warrior stares at you for a few moments before shaking his head a little; he digs through your small canvas bag, pulling out the jars that contain your hair products, as well as your bar of soap. You watch with curiosity as he opens the glass door the shower and places your stuff on a small shelf next to his own belongings and it finally hits you that you are actually at his covert with him and not your measly little hut with a man who hates you.
Paz twists a metal knob a few times around, causing a soft whirring noise, followed by fat droplets of water to fall from the holes in the ceiling and your eyes widen a little at the sight.
“Take as long as you want,” He gently orders in a cool rasp, stroking your bruised cheek with the utmost care and immediately, you turn your head to kiss his palm, earning you a little sigh from him, “I’ll go get some food for you while you shower.”
He turns to leave you alone, but your curiosity gets the better of you and you awkwardly speak up in his native tongue, “Ori kebiin--”
Immediately, the Mandalorian freezes, his back facing you as you speak the strange words that the guard had spoken earlier, “That’s what Ima said, right? I know you told me that saviin’ika means violet and I heard her say that, but what does ori kebiin mean? Is it your title in the tribe?”
“I--It’s just--” Paz seems to hesitate for a few moments before you hear him let out with a frustrated groan, “It is what many of the younger ones in the tribe refer to me as; it means big blue. When I told you that saviin’ika only meant violet, I lied to you, cyare. Saviin means violet, but ‘ika means little.”
“Big blue and little violet?” You murmur, cheeks burning more intensely than any severe sunburn could possibly inflict on you as the warmth spreads to the tip of your ears, “That’s what she was so--”
“It’s nothing,” He huffs a little and rolls his head a little, the joints in his neck cracking from the tension that comes with a long day, "The younger ones in the tribe keep teasing me about you because they know they can get away with it."
You nod and quietly ask him one last question before he can leave, "Where is my vulptex? You said she was here, right?"
Paz chuckles a little as you frantically voice your concerns aloud, now that the two of you are safe and alone, "She is most likely in the nursery with the little ones. She has been fed and taken care of all day, cyare, please do not worry about anyone other than yourself right now. I’ll be out there if you need anything, just call if you need help."
You smile and give him one last 'thank you’ as he leaves you to wash yourself. Slowly and tiredly, you peel your clothes from your bruised and bloodied body and excitedly make your way into the shower.
A gasp nearly leaves you upon feeling the warm water gently pelt against your skin and you smile a little as you tilt your head backwards and let the water loosen the dried blood from your hair. A content sigh escapes you as you remove your metal cuffs from the tails of your braids and you place them on a little stone shelf next to yours’ and Paz's toiletries before getting to work on gently washing your mane, taking your time to make sure all the blood is removed.
You do everything in your power to not pay attention to the pink swirl of water that runs around the big drain in daunting circles. 
Instead, you focus on the scent of your comforting floral shampoo or the spicy, woodsy scent of your warrior’s toiletries as you curiously bring the bar of soap to your nose to smell it.
You're not sure how long you're under the warm spray of water, your eyelids threatening to slip shut, but eventually, you're finally clean and ridden of any proof that you've stolen a life. Reluctantly, you shut the water off and step out onto a furry mat, grabbing a towel that's neatly folded next to your canvas bag. As you dry yourself, making sure not to jostle your injured hip too much, you realize just how much better you already feel now that you're clean.
It’s only once you’ve put on your nightgown that you risk a glance at the little mirror that hangs above the sink and immediately freeze. You look exhausted, you realize as you stare at your wide-eyed expression with sadness and defeat, your eyes filled with the same kind of intense emotion that would be in a young warrior’s eyes upon coming back from war. Hastily, you turn your attention to your hair, carefully combing out all the knots with the comb that Paz had dutifully tucked into the canvas bag for you.
When you brush through your hair for what must be the hundredth time, you realize you’re only delaying the inevitable--him seeing your arms and the rest of your body so exposed in your nightgown, along with all the scars and welts displayed across parts of your arms and shoulders that he’s never seen before.
‘He is a warrior,’ You remind yourself fiercely, nervously tucking a wet lock of hair behind the curve of your ear as you muster up the courage to sweep the thick curtain to the side, ‘He is used to scars and he’s told you countless times that he doesn’t mind them.’
Your nerves are at an all time high as you spot your Mandalorian in the tiny kitchenette in his private quarters, setting a wooden bowl down onto the table and you tiredly smile as he places a small spoon next to it.
“Thank you for letting me use your shower.”
Paz turns around and freezes upon meeting your gaze with his black visor; you can feel water dripping onto the thin satin material of your dress, as well as down your neck and you blink with curiosity as he remains glued to his spot in front of the little table that you realize is next to a stone furnace. He’s holding a bowl with steam dancing along the surface and your mouth instinctively waters when you catch a whiff of all the spices and unfamiliar scents of the savory meal. Behind him, you see a small piece of bread and another bowl filled with vibrant fresh fruit and you feel your heart clench at the mere thought of eating something sweet.
“You don’t have to keep thanking me for everything,” He kindly informs you, pulling out a chair as an invitation to sit down as he sets the bowl on the table, “It is... nice to see you looking more like your normal self already.”
You smile warmly at him and take a seat as the Mandalorian begins to disarm his heavy weapons and equipment, placing them in a safe spot near his massive bed where they are readily accessible, should danger dare threaten him. You nervously fiddle with the wet ends of your clean hair as your knee bounces frantically, watching him as he begins to slowly remove his armor, starting with his pauldrons as he carefully places them in that large chest at the foot of his bed.
His helmet turns and he immediately notices your hesitation to eat the food he’s laid out for you, “You... You can help yourself, cyare. I have already eaten and I can tell you’re hungry.”
You politely murmur a quiet ‘thank you’, not noticing the way his shoulders drop a little as you finally pick up the spoon to eat, your stomach growling more intensely than a rabid beast. Tucking a leg underneath yourself, you tentatively blow on the steaming spoonful of delicious looking stew before bringing it to your mouth and before you can fully register all the different spices, your taste buds explode.
Paz nearly chuckles upon watching your eyes slowly close as you experience all the different flavors for the first time, “I’m going to shower while you eat.”
“Mhm,” You simply hum, barely aware of him shaking his head in an amused manner as you practically ignore him, focusing only on the well-seasoned stew as he makes his way to the refresher. 
You’re slightly sad when your spoon inevitably scrapes the bottom of the wooden dish, but excitement fills you when you remember the bowl of fruit that had been left for you. The berry you pick up is a deep shade of purple and covered in white streaks and you slowly let it slip between your lips, your shoulders falling when you bite into the berry, causing tart juice to explode in your mouth.
You’re not sure how long you must be savoring the fruit for, but eventually, your Mandalorian exits the refresher, completely ridden of all the padding and armor and his visor instantly seeks you out; you’re in the process of licking juice off your finger when your eyes dart upwards to find him standing only a few feet away from you. 
Immediately you freeze, eyes wide as he walks around with his scarred torso completely bared to you, his black sleep pants slung low on his hips and you find it nearly impossible to look away from the rich brown skin that he’s choosing to expose to you for the first time. The muscles of his shoulders and arms are more defined than his soft chest and stomach and you think he must carry most of his strength in those powerful arms, what with being his tribe’s heavy-infantry warrior.
You’re grateful that he’s not touching your cheeks or ears, that way he can’t truly tell how flustered you are. Instead, he dutifully retrieves an extra fur that’s folded in one of the drawers off to the side, only turning to meet your gaze once he’s done covering his mattress in the warm material.
He must take your wide-eyed expression the wrong way, because he almost sounds afraid when he quietly speaks up, “What? You do not wish to see me like this? Are you uncomfortable?”
Immediately, you abandon your fruit and stand up to approach him, “I think you are beautiful, Paz.”
He scoffs a little, but accepts a warm embrace from you as you rest your cheek against his sternum and hook your arms underneath his armpits so you can lay your hands atop his defined shoulder blades. Instantly, his arms are wrapped tightly around your own shoulders and he holds you close to his warm chest where you can feel his heart thumping against your ear like a beacon of power and strength.
“That is my line,” He murmurs, and your lips stretch into a tired smile against his soft skin, the dark curls loosely splayed along his chest are coarse as they tickle your cheek, though you don’t mind at all, “Besides, I thought you once said you would not dare to feed my ego anymore than you already have.”
You close your eyes, taking comfort in the deep rumbling of his chest and voice as you feel his heart thrum powerfully and frantically against your eardrum, “Something makes me think your ego is not as massive as I once thought it to be.”
He scoffs, but simply holds you close to him and you can’t remember the last time you’ve felt such comforting skin on skin contact like this; his huge arms simultaneously acting as a heater and a shield. He hums when you let out a relieved sigh, your warm breath fanning across his sternum as he shivers a little and brings a hand up to gently rub the back of your head, not caring that your hair is still dripping wet and getting onto his own chest.
“Sweetheart,” His chest rumbles as he speaks and your eyes flicker up to meet his visor, “We are both exhausted, it is time for us to rest, I think. Besides, I would much rather hold you like this in my bed.”
You smile and nod a little, watching as he stands tall and moves to turn off all the lights in the dim room. Hesitantly, you make your way underneath the thick furs that are draped on top of the mattress and as you let your head rest on top of a soft pillow, you fear that you will simply sink right through it, as you’ve never rested on something so pliable. Once it’s pitch black in the room and you feel the weight of his warm body dipping in the mattress next to you, you turn over onto your side to face him, despite not being able to see him in the slightest.
Immediately, your mind goes into overdrive as you think of what you’re supposed to do--what he expects from you--and you nearly jump when you feel the gentle weight of his palm carefully resting on top of your sunburnt cheek, his thumb tenderly stroking the tail of your brow. You’re not sure if you should move closer to him or what you should do with your hands as he moves the tiniest bit closer to you. Thinking of the Trandoshan and how you'd been pinned underneath his lifeless body for so long, you suddenly crave to feel his heartbeat and you scoot closer to the man that feels more like a furnace.
He doesn't say a word as he moves so he's on his back and lifts a big arm above his head, patiently waiting as you find a comfortable position to rest your head. Finally, after a few awkward seconds of the two of you fumbling around in the dark, your head finds its home on his chest, your cheek pressed against a thick, raised scar and you close your eyes with a soft smile. His arm comes down from above his head to hold you closer to him, his other hand moving to continue its previous ministrations on your cheeks and lips as you rest your palm above his heart.
You’re half asleep when you feel a crooked finger press up against the underside of your jaw, guiding your head upwards slightly and you gasp when you feel something warm and plush kiss the top of your hair.
You’re utterly unfamiliar with the sensation of being kissed, but when you feel the same pressure against your forehead, followed by an unmodulated sigh and warm breath fanning across your face, you realize the warrior has broken part of his sacred code.
He took his helmet off for you.
“P-Paz, you--” Your voice trembles and you feel his lips quirk into a smile against the brow he’s currently kissing before he moves to the bridge of your nose, “Your helmet!”
“What about it, sweetheart?”
You feel at a loss for words at the sound of his unfiltered voice and he lets out with a small chuckle at your intense reaction, humming softly against your skin as he squeezes you a little tighter.
“Can you see my face?” He questions softly against the apple of your cheek, and you shiver at the sound of his smooth baritone in the raw; when you answer him with a weak little ‘no’, he continues with amusement evident in his unfiltered voice, “Then I have not brought dishonor to my tribe or you.”
“Are you sure?”
He huffs out a small chuckle against the tip of your nose and you smile at how different his laughter sounds without his helmet--much lighter and less crackly--and you cling onto his warm voice as he firmly rubs the stress away from your shoulders and cradles your jaw with his other hand. After being handled so roughly and grossly by the Trandoshan, his tender hands fill your aching heart with love and relief; your eyelids slowly slip shut when you feel him move his torso a little off the bed so he can kiss your chin.
“I am positive, sweet nurse.”
Shyly, you lift your hand from his chest and rest it on the side of his neck as he lightly nuzzles his nose into the damp hair that’s just a little above the tip of your ear, seeming to feel no shame as he inhales the scent of your shampoo and conditioner.
You shiver when he presses another kiss into your hair and you speak up as your hand slowly inches up his neck, feeling all the little scars and veins that are prominent, along with the way his Adam’s apple shifts up and down when you graze past it, “Am I allowed to touch your face?”
He hums and moves his head to kiss all the areas on your face that he previously missed--the corners of your eyes, the spot between your brows, as well as the sides of your nose--but he ultimately decides to venture to the corner of your lips, “You may do whatever you wish to me.”
Your face grows hot as he captures your earlobe between his thumb and index finger, a large grin spreading across his lips when he feels the intense warmth on the pad of his fingers, and you shyly continue your ascent up to his face. The first thing you feel is a coarse beard and you nearly jump away from him when the wiry hair tickles and scratches against your sensitive palms; it feels neatly trimmed, cropped just a few inches underneath his smooth cheekbones and you think he must take great care to not slack with his daily hygiene or grooming.
Before you can make it to his nose, the massive warrior sighs against the corner of your lips and speaks in the most wistful tone you think you’ve ever heard--
“May I kiss you properly now, cyare?”
You freeze, completely caught off guard by his words as you hesitantly lift your head from his chest, aiming your gaze in the direction where you think his eyes must be as he reluctantly drops his head back against the pillow. His fingers tense along your sore shoulder blade and you fear that he must feel that he’s done something wrong because of your hesitation, but as you manage to turn and move until your chest is pressed against his, you shyly explore his plump lips with your fingertips.
Curiosity gets the better of you at the thought of exploring his lips with yours and you lower your head and use your hands to guide your lips to his in the darkness of his room.
Immediately, you soften against him, your palms cradling his scratchy cheeks as you shyly kiss him and you're surprised at how warm and soft his lips are against yours.
You can’t help but to grin a little at the deep groan he lets out when he seems to realize that you’re actually kissing him.
Tilting your head a little to the side, you find it easier to kiss him the way you wish and you feel Paz completely relax underneath the tiny weight of your body as you fully press your lips against his, the side of your nose lightly bumping against his. You can smell the minty scent of his own shampoo mixed with the woodsiness of his body wash and you think it intoxicates you as he reaches up to cup the back of your head to keep you from straying too far from his tender lips. 
A small whimper escapes you when his teeth graze your bottom lip and you feel lighter and bereft of all thought when you reluctantly pull away from each other, feeling like a night sky without her moon and you can’t stop yourself from stealing another kiss, earning another soft noise from the surprised man. 
Your heart pounds a little faster when you feel his hand dip down to your waist to carefully hike you further up his body so he doesn’t have to lift his head as much and you smile as you bring your hands up to cup his scruffy cheeks; as your thumbs graze his cheekbones, you’re delighted to find that they are just as warm as your own. You’re practically laying on top of him, though he doesn’t seem to mind the weight of your body in the slightest as he holds you close to him.
Paz makes a small humming noise as he gently rubs a large hand up and down your back, continuing to kiss the corners of your lips and cheeks with fervor even when you pull away for air; you close your eyes in bliss, unfamiliar with the affection, but also basking in his warmth--his love.
“Ni kar'tayli gar darasuum.”
He whispers the unfamiliar words several times against your warm skin and you think he must be telling you the sweetest words, what with how quiet and soft he’s grown underneath you and your curiosity immediately gets the better of you.
“What does that mean?” 
“In Mando’a, it means ‘I hold you in my heart forever’,” He explains, teeth grazing your sensitive jawline before moving upwards to steal another kiss from your grinning lips, “It is our way of telling another that we love them.”
You think it sounds far more beautiful than those other simple three words but you let the warrior kiss your lips as many times as he wishes, thinking that perhaps he’s never been this intimate with another. Also because you’ve never been showered with such affection and you think receiving it from Paz is one of the most beautiful phenomenons you’ve ever experienced.
"Your lips still taste like fruit," He informs you as his lips graze your jawline before moving to your ear, "I wonder if the rest of you tastes so sweet."
The gruffness of his tone combined with the way his teeth gently nip at your lobe has you feeling as though you're going to pass out or spontaneously combust. Shyly, you tuck your head firmly underneath his chin, your sunburned cheeks feeling even hotter as the warrior's chest rumbles with a deep laugh.
“I think you only wished to have me here so you can torment me,” You whisper against his bare neck, earning another chuckle from your Mandalorian as he continues to rub your spine in a comforting manner, “I don’t think I mind this kind of torment though. I would not mind having this every night, if you and your people were so kind to allow it.”
“They will,” He murmurs, squeezing you tighter to him, “Please, cyare, rest your eyes. You have had a long day, but you are safe with me now.”
You breathe a sigh of relief and contentment as your eyelids slowly slip shut, exhaustion overtaking your body as he continues to gently press tender kisses to your cheeks and brows until you fall into a strange sleep where you can’t tell what’s real and what’s not. You have nightmares of the Trandoshan’s body pinned against yours, as well as sweet dreams of spending the rest of your days underneath such tender care of your Mandalorian.
You’re in a strange limbo of intense nightmares and delightful dreams, but Paz seems to wake up whenever you whimper or let out with a small cry, reminding you in a hushed whisper that you are somewhere safe with him, rather than the infirmary or your hut. It’s not until you feel him stroking the tail of your brow that you fully fall into a peaceful sleep with visions of blue Beskar and strong arms.
You barely wake up with a quiet whimper hours later when you feel him lightly shuffling your body off of his before speaking in a soft, raspy whisper, “I must leave now for negotiations, cyare. You stay here and rest, okay? I shouldn’t be too long.”
“M’kay,” You blearily hum, nuzzling your face into the pillow that smells like Paz and you’re only slightly aware of the way he gives you one last kiss against your brow before he leaves you to put his armor and helmet on and begin his duties for the day.
You don’t sleep for too much longer, finding that Paz has taken all the warmth with him, even with the plush, thick fur that covers your body. You stare up at the ceiling for a few until you hear the covert slowly come alive, metal scraping against metal and loud shouts in an alien language followed by ringing laughter. Feeling slightly lazy and useless, you decisively get out of the comfortable, massive bed and make your way into the refresher, preparing yourself for what you think might be a long, strange day.
It feels bizarre seeing your hair without its flowers and a part of you wonders if Paz still has the flowers you gave him; perhaps you would still be able to plant them and grow some more, you ponder hopefully.
After you finish your typical morning routine, choosing to leave your hair without your usual braids, you throw on your leggings and sweater before cautiously poking your head out the door. You’re surprised to find the corridor empty and slowly leave Paz’s quarters, despite his insistence on you resting.
Curiosity has you nervously wringing your hands together as you make it to the staircase that Paz had led you down the previous night, and you jump a little upon hearing loud cheering and the shrill sound of metal clanging and scraping against each other. After finally making it up the stairs, you tentatively head in the direction that the ruckus is coming from.
It’s not until you hear Paz’s infuriated baritone of a voice that you make haste to the armory, barely remembering how to get there. Eventually, you round a corner and nearly freeze upon seeing several armored Mandalorians surrounding what appears to be some sort of altercation in front of the forge and you immediately sigh when you see a blue helmet right in the center of it. 
You spot Ima, who seems to stand out from the others with her bright armor and you perk up a little as you approach her.
“Ima,” You say her name just loud enough for her to hear over the a loud shriek of metal being scraped, successfully gaining her attention as she turns to face you, “What’s going on?”
“See for yourself,” She sounds slightly amused and you allow her to place a hand on your shoulder, urging you between her and another huge Mandalorian that barely cocks his helmet to look down at you, “Your ori kebiin verd is fighting for your honor, though I don’t think Djarin is putting up much of a fight.”
You gasp upon seeing the bounty hunter from the previous day crumbled to the ground on his knees, Paz’s hand curled into the thick material of his cowl to hold him up properly.
“How many credits did you deem her life worthy of?!” Paz roars and you instantly freeze, thinking you’ve never heard him this infuriated, even towards your father, “Tell me you fucking hu’tuun! Tell me how many credits you were given in exchange for an innocent, precious life!”
“Five hundred,” The bounty hunter rasps, sounding weak and terribly injured underneath all the Beskar and your instincts have you stepping forward, though Ima is quick to ground you in place with a hand on your shoulder; she simply shakes her head when you peer up at her.
“Five--you gave her away for five hundred credits?!” You feel frozen as Paz forces him to his feet and drags him over to the forge that is now activated, “You only did it because you thought she would be an easy target, didn’t you, Djarin?”
The bounty hunter grunts when Paz forcefully pushes him backwards, slamming his head against the outer rim of the forge before wrapping his fingers around the injured man’s neck and holding his shiny helmet close to the intense flames.
You immediately voice your fears to Ima, who seems unfazed, as though this is a common occurrence, “Is Paz going to actually kill him?”
“Nah, this happens all the--” She stops mid sentence upon hearing the bounty hunter’s grunts and groans from the intense, suffocating heat that’s trapped underneath his helmet, though Paz makes no move to let him go, “Actually, he might go through with it this time. If not, Djarin’s definitely going to wish he was dead.”
“What?” Paz scoffs when the bounty hunter begins to thrash a little harder against the warrior’s unwavering grip, the heat most likely becoming more unbearable, “Can’t handle a little heat, vod? I’m sure you’re crying under that damn helmet more than she cried when you forced her to cauterize her own fucking wound.”
“I didn’t--” The bounty hunter sounds like he’s trying to disguise his excruciating pain and you feel your shoulders tense up to your earlobes, hating that you feel sympathy for the man who attempted to trade your life away for such a small price.
“Do you know how many times she tried to tell you?” Paz’s voice drops to a terrifying growl, the noise crackly and you wonder what’s currently going through his mind, “Do you know what she already had to deal with every damn day and you--” Tears fill your eyes at the pain in his next words, “You know what she means to me and you made her too scared to even look at me, hu’tuun. I almost lost her because of my own brother!”
You fear that the bounty hunter has passed out when he doesn’t respond, his body growing limp underneath Paz’s grip, but the warrior continues, “Why don’t I help you with that heat problem, Djarin? Bet you could use a little fresh air.”
You gasp when a large hand moves to the chin of the bounty hunter’s shiny helmet, his fingers curling underneath the lip and you immediately understand what he wants to do.
“You’re going to look her in eyes when you beg for forgiveness at her feet, Din Djarin.”
Translations *this is for all the dialogue between Imalia and Paz*
norac bid Nusujii, ori kebiin=back so soon, big blue?
cuyir ibic gar orikih baar'ur, ba’vodu?=is this your tiny medic, uncle?
Elek=yes (Lek is more casual, like ‘yeah’)
Ni copad at haa'taylir kaysh=I want to see her
Gar liser't chayaikir kaysh guuror ibic=You can't tease her like this
Ni guuror kaysh=i like her
cuyir gar orikih baar’ur ratiin ibic pel=Is your tiny medic always this soft?
tion'jor an te tal?=why all the blood?
vaii cuyir te sarad gar rucuyir cyau'kuyc at dinuir kaysh?=where is the flower you were excited to give her?
cuyir te baar'ur shupur'yc?= is the medic injured?
ner alor=my leader
Then there’s the usual words for nicknames and such:
Saviin’ika=Little violet
Cyare=Beloved, loved, popular
Author’s note: Thank you all so much for the kind, supportive words on the last chapter!! Like, literally everyone has been so sweet and so supportive despite me being more inactive than usual and it seriously means the world to me?? Like I said before, I’m so excited to have more time to be active on here and interact with you all much more!! I love you all so much, hope you’re having a wonderful day, and I hope you enjoy this chapter as much as I enjoyed writing it <33
Taglist: @parabatai-winchester @auty-ren @theocatkov @oloreaa @talesfromtheguild  @blindedbyyourgrace17 @datmando @dartheldur @miscellaneous-mando @karpasia @ben-is-a-hoe @the-feckless-wonder @whatababeleia @maybege @aeryntheofficial @corrupt-fvcker @lackofhonor @phoenixhalliwell @crazy-kat-in-the-hat @roxypeanut @mandolovian @honestlystop @teaofpeach @macabrefaerie @acynicalcat @spaghetti-666 @readsalot73 @lanatheawesome @absurdthirst @anakinsittinginsand @yes-music-is-my-religion​ @tangledlove27 @justrunamok @peqchynero​ @haloangel391​ @honestlystop​ @cryptkeepersoul​ @haloangel391​ @awhiskeywithawinchester *As always, if I missed anyone, please let me know ASAP!! 
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loonyluna · 4 years
some hedric + rose being a cutie
Harry didn't think he was a violent person. 
But at that moment, he had to restrain himself from walking over to his longtime friend and roommate, with whom he got along fine most of the time, and beat him up. The muggle way.
For what you may ask? Well that answer was simple, not that Harry would ever admit it to himself or anyone else. That he was jealous. Jealous of the way Seamus kept making Cedric laugh and jealous of the way his hand kept lingering on his shoulder. For Merlin’s sake did he not have a boyfriend? Then why was he so handsy with other men?
Harry tightened his grip on his 2nd(read 5th) glass of firewhiskey.
He had no right to be jealous, because after all he was the one who decided they needed a break.
He took a long sip of his drink before a voice broke his thoughts.
“Hullo Harry, enjoying yourself this evening?” Ginny the owner chirped.
He grunted something in return.
Ginny stared at him before following his gaze towards the two laughing men and chuckled.
“Oh Harold, how in Merlin’s name are you an auror? Cause last time i checked you were supposed to pay attention to things.”
“What do you mean?” Harry questioned, confused.
“I mean you and Cedric of course! Both of you are obviously still in love with each other. I might be aromantic but I'm not blind.” she said like it was the most obvious thing in the world.
Harry started to deny it but Ginny interrupted him. 
“Do you even remember why you two even broke up?”     
Does he remember- of course he does. They both- no he thought that they needed some space. Cedric had been against it at first but reluctantly agreed.
“You thought it'd be for the best if you two took a break. Why? Merlin knows, you think differently than us normal folk. Anyways my point is that you should get him back because you love him and he makes you happy. And after the shitshow you went through you deserve some happiness.” Ginny finished, quite proud of herself.
“Wow Ginny i don't know what to say-,” Harry started but was promptly cut off.
“You don't have to say anything, just go get your boy. Oh godric is that luna and neville behind the curtains? I've got to cockblock them again. Bye Harry! Don’t be an idiot! Aw, I love being the mom friend.”
And with that the redhead practically skipped away.
Harry started thinking again now that he was alone. 
Was he still in love with Cedric? Probably but did Cedric love him as well? Was he really that oblivious? Also probably. 
His thoughts were disrupted when raucous laughter could be heard from the direction of Seamus and his ex-boyfriend, who (according to Ginny) he was still in love with, which was proved when Harry decided to walk over there.
Cedric was saying something but stopped when he caught the green eyes walking over to him. 
“Hi.” he breathed out.
Harry was about to reply before a flurry of red hair ran towards the ex-hufflepuff and jumped into his arms, shrieking “uncle Cedric”.
“Merlin, she runs so fast.” came in Ron Weasley panting. “You okay? Mate?”
“Yeah i'm fine, besides i missed my rosie too.”
“You wouldn't have to if Daddy and Mummy let me come visit you and uncle Harry.” The little girl crossed her arms and glared at her father.
The comment about Harry and Cedric laid a thick layer of awkwardness over the group.
“So Ron, where is my best friend?” asked Harry, trying to lighten the mood.
“You little shit-,” Ron started but was swiftly cut off by his daughter reprimanding him about how she’d lost count of how many coins he needed to put into the swear jar.
“You’re hermione’s daughter alright,she saw astoria malfoy on the way here and all of us were going to go talk to her, but this one-” Ron pointed at the girl in Cedric’s arms,accusingly “-saw you guys and ran.”
“Well is it my fault i hadn't seen Uncle cedric in ages?” 
“Oh will you stop bringing that up!”
“You're so bloody stubborn you know that?”
“I’m your daughter!”
“Ok ok, i think that's enough.” Cedric cut off the squabbling father daughter duo, chuckling. 
Harry’s heart tightened at the sight, it was like they had been back at one of their weekly game nights with the granger-weasleys.
But it wasn't, they hadn't had one of those in quite some time, hence rose’s tantrum.
Rose adored Cedric so much, Harry didn't have the heart to tell her that Uncle Harry and Uncle Cedric were not living together anymore, that's why she hadn't been able to visit the both of them.
“So how have all of you been?” Harry asked that question to everyone, but it was more directed to the brunette that had been haunting his thoughts.
Before he could answer however, two women dressed in heavy blazers entered the store, chatting away animatedly about some obnoxious book written by some Lockhart fellow. Lockhart. Hmmm, the name sounded quite familiar.
Harry whispered a quiet “Thank God,” to Hermione and Astoria Malfoy, who had five year old Scorpius Malfoy clinging to her skirts. Harry reckoned he was about the same age as Rosie.
Hermione, who seemed to finally have noticed her husband and best friend, loudly exclaimed and went over to hug Harry and smiled warmly at Cedric. People who were already whispering began whispering even louder at the arrival of the Minister of Magic.
“Mommy! Mommy! Daddy won’t stop swearing and-” Rose began excitedly, but her voice faltered as her eyes dropped to meet the little blonde boy’s. A bright red flush spread across her cheeks as she whispered a soft greeting to him.
“Hi ‘pius and Mrs.Malfoy,” she almost murmured. 
Harry was taken aback, to say the least. His boisterous, talkative, loud niece was quiet? He was so surprised he almost forgot about Cedric and failed to notice the deafening silence that had befallen the group; but then again, this was Harry we were talking about.
Everyone stared expectantly at Scorpius, who had shrunken down so much into his coat that a little more and he’d disappear. 
“Hi Rosie,” he stated loudly, then cringed at his own voice, as if he had not meant for it to be so loud.
Now Harry was completely and fully befuddled, and at the look on everyone’s faces, so were they. His Rosie didn’t let anyone except her parents, Harry, Ginny and Cedric call her Rosie. She’d correct anyone else who called her that, politely of course, she was Hermione's daughter after all.
“Hey Astoria, how are you doing?” Ron asked her, breaking the silence. “Where's malfoy? The male one.” Scorpius looked at him expectantly. “The older male one.”
“Oh he just had to stop by flourish and blotts, don't worry Ron your husband will be here soon enough.” she replied with a sly smile.
Ron turned red and looked at Hermione in protest, but she merely smiled, “oh don't worry Ronald, Astoria and I know all about your affair.”
“Oi mate! I thought I was the only secret husband you had without Hermione's knowledge.” Harry teased his best friend, who had now gone from embarrassing red to angry red.
“But I thought Uncle Cedric was your husband?” 
Harry loved his niece very much, but at that moment he felt that Ginny should have made the inn a child-free zone after that one time a party had rampaged the entire inn.
“Rosie, what were you going to ask me?” Hermione quickly asked her daughter, trying to cover up the question. 
“Oh!” the young girl regained her previous enthusiasm. “Could i please spend the night with Uncle Cedric and Uncle Harry? Pleaseeeee. I haven't seen them in so long. Uncle Harry, could I please?”
Harry started to say some half baked excuse but was beaten by the man holding her.
“Some other day, maybe sweetheart?”
Rose looked disappointed, Cedric had never said no to her. Harry could see that his niece was quite hurt.
“Oh,” she said softly, “that's okay i suppose.”
Harry could tell Cedric’s heart broke at her tone. And even more so, when she slid down from his arms.
“Mummy, Mrs. Malfoy, can me and ‘pius go on an a-a-adventure?”
“Scorpius and I.” her mother corrected. “And sure my love, just stay close.”
The young girl’s eyes lit up again and she took the shy boy’s hand and dragged him along her, almost bumping into the latter’s father.
“So how much are we betting that Ron and Draco are going to become in-laws?” Seamus offered.
This seemed to do the trick in reducing any awkwardness that had lingered in the little party. Everyone was laughing, except for Ron of course, who looked ready to murder someone, preferbly Seamus, Harry would help him with that, he decided.
“Where is the Weasel spawn taking my young, still innocent son?” draco malfoy demanded, resting his hand behind his wife’s back.
“Draco, don't be rude.” Astoria reprimanded her husband. “They're just exploring.”
“Fine but if anything happens to him, i will hex Weasley.” 
“Draco, you're overreacting, nothing is going-”
A crash turned the group’s(and almost everyone in the inn) attention, away from their previous conversations. 
Rose and Scorpius were covered in punch, the bowl was overturned between them, the former was smiling sheepishly and the latter looked like he was about to cry.
It didn't take a genius to find out what had happened.
The four parents rushed to their children’s sides, as Seamus walked away, laughing and muttering something about “never having kids”, leaving Harry completely alone with Cedric(Harry wondered if Ginny put Rose up to this).
“I’m sorry.” said Harry just as Cedric started, “I miss you.”
The two of them stared at each other for a few seconds, the atmosphere crackling with electricity before both of them lunged at each other.
Harry let out a sigh as his mouth met his lover’s. 
He had missed this.
His fingers found his way to Cedric’s hair, pulling and deepening the kiss, before-
“Now can i stay with Uncle Cedric and Harry?” 
The two broke apart seeing they had an audience now. And while Cedric looked embarrassed, Harry couldn't care less.
“Let's get married.” he blurted out before thinking.
“What,right now?”
“Well not right now now, but yeah.”
“Harry, you're not thinking straight.”
“No, I'm sorry Cedric, saying we needed a break was probably one of my stupidest ideas. I love you so much and I'm sorry I ever doubted that.”
“I love you too, Harry.” Cedric smiled softly.
“Does that mean you will say yes?”
“Yes Harry! Are u really that-” but Harry cut his boyfriend off by kissing him soundly.
“Can ‘pius and I be the flowergirls?”
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hayakohaaku · 3 years
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traitor | levi ackerman x reader
there was nothing more that levi loved than coming home to the arms of the girl who seemed more like home than well- home. nothing more welcoming than her sweet voice greeting him as he enters the premises of the four walls they both filled with love and compassion. he chuckles as his love rushes to give him a hug after a long day at work. “how was work, my love?” she asks as she helps him remove his gear and equipment, something that she had grown used to doing everyday for him once he arrives.
“tiring,” levi bluntly answers as he lets his arms envelope her figure. she does nothing but giggle at how clingy he was. she felt good knowing no one else has access to this side of him. her vulnerable, sweet, and loving levi. hers and all hers to keep and adore. “you smell of smoke, darling,” he just knows that her nose was now scrunched up even though he couldn’t see it. it must be because of the smoke guns they fired today for the small expedition they had. knowing she doesn’t like the smell, levi lets go of his lover and ruffles her soft hair to which she groaned and to which he smiled in amusement.
“i’ll take a shower first, alright?” she nods obediently.
and as levi strips himself off of the dirty clothing that was on him the whole day, he couldn’t help but think of his lover. his sweet sweet girl. he knows he had been lacking but nonetheless, she always understood. she always made up for the missing part he sometimes finds himself having a hard time to provide. what he would give to live a peaceful life with her outside the walls without any need of safety. what he would give to wipe out all off the monstrosity that there is to keep her safe. all for her.
she never asked for much. but he knew that if she did, he would be willing to give her the world. everything that he could give, he would. every damn thing to keep that smile on that face. everything to keep that pure and innocent soul untainted. everything to keep her safe and sound, unharmed.
the running water calmed him down from all the thoughts that his mind was oh so willingly alright to succumb to.
but then again, the same running water brought him back to reality. he got out of his bathroom only to find his home cold. no warm homecooked dinner. no sweet woman waiting for him to sit in the vanity so she could dry his hair that only she was allowed to touch. no sweet singing or humming. no sound of her fingers slowly turning the page of the book she was reading. no trace of her.
he came home to a cold home once more. and like the usual routine that he has grown accustomed to for the past year, he slept after taking a shower. even when he closed his eyes, he could see her face. even in his dreams, her voice haunted him. waking up every day was exceptionally hard for levi knowing she just was not there anymore.
she just was not his anymore.
it was the same old routine for him since last year. today they had another expedition. and he somehow found himself hating it over the past few months. he hated it because expeditions meant days or even a week long of not seeing her. he watched as members bid possibly their last farewell to the ones they loved.
“tch, what a waste of time,” he hissed. “let them be, levi. they’re not as reliable as you. they might not make it alive so they might as well make the most of it,” hange smiled as she got on her horse.
levi didn’t really think that bidding goodbye is a waste of time. because if it was, then he wished he wasted more time than what was intended.
“here,” hange handed him a single tulip that she had found. levi stared at it before taking it.
he looked back and remembered how he was just like the people he was looking right at.
“when will you be back?” she whispered as she layed beside him in bed. his eyes were now closed and his head laid on her chest as she played with his raven hair. “a few days time,” he murmured. “try to come back without any wounds this time, please,” his eyes opened at her words. she truly did hate it whenever he got hurt. no one could ever touch a single strand on his head or give him even the smallest scratch.
“i will,” he promises. “stay up for a little longer with me, will you? i’ll miss you,” god, how she loved him.
“take care, darling,” she gives him a peck on the lips. “i’ve got to go, love,” levi whispers into the hug he was giving her. looking at his comrades and erwin who was now calling him over. “alright. keep yourself safe please,” he nods before walking away from her and onto his horse. he leans over her direction once more to see her smiling warmly while waving her hand subtly. he gives her a reassuring nod before facing forward as the gates open for their deathly exit.
he makes it back alive once more like he promised and like how everyone else expected. he had once more fulfilled his duty of protecting his people. there was nothing more he wanted than to see her waiting by the gates for his arrival once more. his heart fills with slight sadness when he saw she wasn’t anywhere to be found. she never once missed his arrival. he dismissed it for now as he still has to go over the details of the expedition with erwin and other important men of higher status.
after the meeting, he was getting ready to go home when suddenly, a soldier comes up to him. “corporal levi, sir.” he gives a salute and levi looks at him with confusion. “corporal. your wife, sir,” his ears perks up at the mention of his lover, excited to know her whereabouts.
“she has passed, sir.”
he had dropped the documents he was holding. his knees felt like giving up. was this some sort of joke? the soldier explained how she was found in the premises of their home with a few stabs on her chest. it had been a robbery and she fought back causing the suspect to stab her in order for the break-in to not be disrupted.
“hange,” he called out to which she responded by humming.
“it’s not— a waste of time,” he says.
it’s not a waste of time and if given the chance, he would’ve said his goodbyes longer or if possible, stayed at home with her to avoid permanent goodbyes.
for the last time, he looks back at the soldiers bidding their farewells.
and in the back of his mind,
“for some time in my life, i too had someone to say goodbye and hope to come home to.”
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