#both r lgbt
two contestants stand before me…
Who will be America’s next Top Top-Surgeon
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not-gray-politics · 4 months
Hey btw I see a lot of well-meaning people use "you can't change your gender" interchangeably with "you can't control your gender" and I wanna say that while you may not mean to, by saying that you are in fact erasing the existence of genderfluid people and it kinda sucks
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teadrop-12 · 1 year
I think dat Dhey r each others honeys,,,
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cringeshoes · 2 years
Plus u cud quite litrlly tell how enamored wildberry is by chip. Not even necessarily romantically. That guy fr is being 'this lil man is kinda neat actually' and buyz him food. "Sure, sure." He said, while smiling, looking at his impromptu comrade buy a toy dog. "I just don't like high places." He said again while smiling, as hes booking them both a table for 2 to eat together instead bc chip cudnt bring his wolf 2 the climb. Guyz.
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203y · 1 year
before u suck his dick clean off sloppy style for taking appropriate termination of employment action against a hired artist for drawing sick shit might i remind everyone scott fnaf cawthon donated fat stacks to people like trump, mcconnell, gabbard and a slew of other conservative candidates seeking to annihilate lgbt people via legislature so just tuck that lil nugget of knowledge somewhere as u post memes of praise over the news
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mystic-moonbow · 4 days
i think me n my brother r like the biggest Cody haters lol
like hes lowkey (highkey) weiiiiird he carries Gwens bra in his pocket! n thats why we dont like him 😭
​i know it was consensually given away but bro why r u carrying the bra of a girl u arent even dating in ur pocket? and showing it off on international tv 😭
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orcelito · 1 year
So weird being nonbinary / genderfluid bc I think about my attraction to men & it's in a gay way. Then I think about my attraction to women & it's in a gay way. I'm like multi-track drifting at this point. And I am both bisexual and gay. Hope this helps.
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nishibai · 9 months
whenever a popular-ish artist or other cool person likes/rbs something of mine i literally just freeze and stare at my screen with my jaw dropped eyes wide
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awek-s-archived · 1 year
by the way qi.x’s fans are called qtz bc cuties......
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imaginarymen · 1 year
Queer thoughts
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ryderdire · 2 years
I wish all the queerphobic people in my highshcool a very stop
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malewifespike · 2 years
like not to sound paranoid but seeing that there was another gay bar shooting (Oslo london) rly just confirms the anxiety I’ve been having about being in lgbt spaces throughout my europe trip. we went to a well known gay club in Milan last night and my friend and I were actively anxious about potential danger being in that space. hate it here
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jaspynonikki · 2 months
currently experiencing the purest form of queer joy ever. i met my first LGBTQIA ally irl in my art courses today, her brother is trans, she themsellves r a demigirl, her friend is also an ally, and i havent felt more accepted. not even at my home- and, putting those amazing stuff aside, she and their friend r so fuckin cool. they r both fluent in english, share the same interests as me!!! first time meeting someone like me I-R-L. im just. im so happy rn
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rottin6 · 5 months
do u like women or penis
woman with penis
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pronoun-checks · 1 year
ayyyy can i get a pronoun check??
name: r
pronouns: she/her, they/them, he/him, xey/xem/xeir/xemself
stuff i like: falafel wraps, boba, all sorts of animals, eurovision, the grishaverse, call my agent (on netflix), my dog
Sure thing!
This is R. Have you met her before? She likes falafel wraps and boba, which I think also sound good. They said they like all sorts of animals, and I wonder if they have a favourite animal? He also likes the grishaverse, and I’m not sure what that is. Xey watch Call My Agent, which sounds neat. Xey also like xeir dog, and I wonder what xeir dog’s name is? I hope R has a wonderful rest of his day/night!
This is R. Have you met her before? She likes falafel wraps and boba, which I think also sound good. She said she likes all sorts of animals, and I wonder if she has a favourite animal? She also likes the grishaverse, and I’m not sure what that is. She watches Call My Agent, which sounds neat. She also likes her dog, and I wonder what her dog’s name is? I hope R has a wonderful rest of her day/night!
This is R. Have you met them before? They like falafel wraps and boba, which I think also sound good. They said they like all sorts of animals, and I wonder if they have a favourite animal? They also like the grishaverse, and I’m not sure what that is. They watch Call My Agent, which sounds neat. They also their xeir dog, and I wonder what their dog’s name is? I hope R has a wonderful rest of their day/night!
This is R. Have you met him before? He likes falafel wraps and boba, which I think also sound good. He said he likes all sorts of animals, and I wonder if he have a favourite animal? He also likes the grishaverse, and I’m not sure what that is. He watches Call My Agent, which sounds neat. He also likes his dog, and I wonder what his dog’s name is? I hope R has a wonderful rest of his day/night!
This is R. Have you met xem before? Xey like falafel wraps and boba, which I think also sound good. Xey said xey like all sorts of animals, and I wonder if xey have a favourite animal? Xey also like the grishaverse, and I’m not sure what that is. Xey watch Call My Agent, which sounds neat. Xey also like xeir dog, and I wonder what xeir dog’s name is? I hope R has a wonderful rest of xeir day/night!
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crtter · 11 months
I’ve been seeing some people getting a bit confused and getting some stuff wrong in the comments of that one post telling the story about the creator of Neopets throwing a hissy fit (Hissi fit lol) over people disliking his idea of a game “that’s just like Neopets but with crypto” and I don’t want to add anything to it to not bother the OP but Neopets has been a hyperfixation of mine since I was 13 and I physically can’t stop myself from going “Um, ackshually ☝️🤓” so I’m gonna do it in my own post. Here’s what happened:
The guy who got super pissed off and started badmouthing Neopets users, ending his tirade with a selfie of him giving Neopets users the finger, Adam Powell, did create Neopets, yes, but he doesn’t own it anymore since it was sold to Viacom in 2005. He has been involved in a few game ventures since but they haven’t been very successful.
His idea wasn’t to “implement NFTs in Neopets”, he’s developing (or planning to) another game that’ll apparently be free to play with some extra paid features, and said features would be paid in some sort of cryptocurrency.
Sadly, the parent company of Neopets, JumpStart, already tried to implement NFTs by partnering with Metaverse back in 2021, with disastrous results, both in the eyes of Neopets players (who hated the idea because NFTs are a scam and terrible for the environment and all) and in the eyes of NFT bros (because the NFTs in question were VERY overpriced given their poor quality and made using stolen assets from Neopets fan sites). The project is apparently still underway but it’s hugely unpopular and tweets made by the official Neopets Metaverse account mostly only gets engagement from NFT bots, if they get any at all.
Back to Adam. He apparently thought people would be “excited about his new game because of the Neopets Metaverse thing”, without knowing how much the fanbase hated the whole thing, and tried to peddle it in the Discord server of the r/Neopets subreddit, a subreddit that has always been VERY vocal against the Neopets NFTs. And well. You can guess how much people weren’t interested in his game. Then, just to make matters worse, people went on the Discord server of his game and saw that it was badly moderated and chock full of homophobic comments made by cryptobros.
Adam gets pissed off at people disliking his game idea and not taking kindly to his comments that “they just don’t understand what crypto is about” and goes on an angry tirade, saying stuff such as how much he wished he never made Neopets because the fanbase sucks, saying he’s going to buy it back just to destroy it and ending in the aforementioned middle finger selfie, all while people clowned on him like crazy. This ended in him getting banned from the Discord server AND from the r/Neopets subreddit. He then started trying to defend himself and demanding to be unbanned in… the comment thread of a news article relating the incident in the Neopets fan site Jellyneo. Last time I checked he was still at it.
He blamed his outburst on “having drunk alcohol while on Sertraline” and has said he wasn’t aware of the homophobic comments in his server and claimed that he doesn’t have anything against LGBT+ people, but he has also made it very clear he doesn’t think he’s in the wrong and won’t apologize for anything.
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