#btw the stats i put in this are accurate
tw/ heavy talks of homophobia
"Hey, looking good, where are you heading?" Sirius commented as James walked into his living room. Sirius came round to help Regulus with something he needed to do for work. Sirius and Regulus are surrounded by books, contracts and general mess as James uses the mirror above the fireplace to take off his jellewery, leaving it on the mantlepiece in-front of him.
"Oh my cousins getting married, i'm leaving soon,"
"Soon, it's barely ten am!" Sirius exclaimed.
"Indian weddings are like all day events,"
So, James hadn't been looking forward for this wedding. It wasn't that he didn't like his extended family, he does. He gets on alright with them. His parents were going to be there, and he gets on well with his cousin, the one getting married. It's just... some of the older members of his family.
He's avoided telling Regulus about it for a particular reason
"A wedding? Why didn't you tell me, I haven't prepared anything, when do you leave?" Regulus asked, taking his nose out of a book.
"My parents are picking me up in roughly half an hour..." James was really trying to avoid this conversation.
"You haven't mentioned this to me, how long have you known about this?" Sirius asked. despite the length Regulus and Sirius has lived at the Potters, they never really met much of James' extended family. A lot of them don't live in England, and the ones who do, don't speak great English. James has always been able to communicate to them, as English wasn't his first language. It wasn't even his second. Barely his third... But his parents thought it might be for the best they don't meet. So they only ever met a handful of them, majority of being on his dad's side. Regulus nor Sirius ever asked about it.
The point was that, Regulus and Sirius didn't know his family very well. If they went to this wedding, they would be completely out of place, and James isn't sure how much they'd enjoy it. He isn't sure he's going to enjoy it.
"I want to say a month, I haven't really been thinking about it," James said loosely as he walked out the room briefly, coming back in with his sherwani, the jacket which went with his outfit.
"A month? Why haven't you told me... what can I do with twenty minutes?" James and Regulus had been to weddings together before, if they ever have a plus one on an invite, it's always them.
Which is what the issue lies in...
"Yeah, that's why I haven't told you... you're not exactly coming," James said, knowing that would be better than umming and erring.
"What? Why?" Regulus didn't sound hurt or offended, he sounded confused.
"Cause I didn't get a plus one on my invite," James started to button up his sherwani, as he leaned against the arm chair facing the couch which Sirius and Regulus were on. Work completely forgotten.
"Oh..." is all Regulus said.
"Why didn't you get a plus one? Has no one else got a plus one?" Sirius pushed.
"No, Indian weddings don't really work like that..." James didn't want to have this conversation, he just wanted today to be over with. "I called my cousin about it but they said it was final, I asked about that and they people did, but it didn't 'work out' for me... I don't plan on staying that long anyway, so I just left it at that,"
"Well, you should have pushed it, surely if you explained that you wanted your boyfriend there they would understand," Sirius pushed, sitting on the edge of the couch now.
"I... kind of don't" James said, immediately back tracking when regulus does pull an offended look, "It's not you, I would love you to be there it's just..."
"It's just what, James? Why don't you want me there?" Regulus spat, filling the air with tension.
"It's my extended family... they don't... love the fact I'm gay," James admitted and the air radiating of Regulus cooled, "It's just... my family is very religious, which you guys know from my parents but they also come from apart of the world which is still living with out of date ideologies... gay marriage isn't even legal there yet, and only in the past five years have being gay been decriminalized..."
Horror and shock paint Sirius and Regulus' face as James speaks.
"I've never intended for them to know, it was easier that way, especially as they didn't love my way of live before... not being a doctor or following down an academic job, so every time I saw them it was a lot 'why you not a doctor yet?' or being compared to my cousins, which is normal in Asian families, I mean my dad's parents are Vitaminise, along with all their family, so it's disappointment from both ends, you know,"
James took a deep breath, letting them catch up.
"If you never told them, how did they find out?" Sirius asked innocently.
"Because my mum told my aunt, and it spread like wildfire... she told her a couple of months after I came out to her, you remember how long it took for my parents to get comfortable with it... they're fine with it now... but I know my extended family, and now every event since has been filled with weird looks, side comments and my Nani asking me 'when will I meet a fine lady'... just worded differently in Urdu..."
"So they didn't give you a plus one because..." Regulus started, but James finished Regulus' sentence.
"Because they didn't want me bringing a man as a date to the wedding? Yeah... it's a sort of tell not show sort of thing in my family... I'm the only open gay person in my family, and I didn't even come out on my terms... the point is you wouldn't have a good time at this wedding, homophobic family members and large get togethers don't mix well, and you don't have to be subjected to that, as I said before I don't plan on staying long,"
As James finished speaking, there was a honk from a parked gold Honda from outside their house.
"If they're being horrible to you about this, you shouldn't go James... that's unfair on you," Sirius said, as James slid on his sandals.
"It's fine, my parents want me to go, plus being a first cousin makes me in the bridal party for the groom, I'm my cousins best man... the wedding doesn't even started till one pm, I have four hours of mehndi and meeting my cousins soon to be in laws ahead of before the ceremony even begins... it'll make it worse if I don't go,"
Regulus nods, Sirius has a look of defiance on his face but James ignores it.
"Well, come home as soon if they're making you uncomfortable,"
James plants a strong kiss on Regulus' lips and leaves for the longest wedding of his life.
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ventique18 · 1 year
Just because Diasomnia does a lot of training doesn't automatically mean their lore-accurate bodies would look like bodybuilders btw lmao. Huge muscles aren't achieved just by training; they also need extremely specific diet and lifestyle.
Lilia will most likely not have trained and raised them that way, as being "too thick" will severely hinder their speed and reaction time. They are trained to be knights. This means their priority is in well-rounded stats rather than just power. If anything, they're likely to have the an ice climber body type, as that also puts heavy importance on endurance which is important for a knight on duty. If you've watched survival shows featuring physical prowess of different professions, you'll know that ice climbers despite their "thin looking body" are absolute well-rounded monsters.
So yeah, us asking for a bit of accurate muscles for the Diasomnia characters aren't us asking them to look like the rock or whatever LOL! We're looking for practical muscles, which they did well in the PE illustrations but unfortunately disappeared everywhere else. 🤣
Note that I am not physical training expert in any way, but I do know a bit of common knowledge when it comes to muscles. At least, enough not to claim that training = automatic powerlifting body 🤣
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lichapologist · 5 months
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Please accept a 15 minute sketch of my homebrew HORUS DANTALION - the entire concept is based on Heavenly/Celestial Spheres, Theory of Spherical Motion, and Musica Universalis. I put a lot of research into this mech to make it as accurate as possible to the material I was pulling from.
If you’d like to look at the stat sheet for the DANTALION - if you do look at it, thank you btw, and find any editing errors/suggestions, please let me know! I’m always open to suggestions :)
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ilaiyayaya · 10 months
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:) I really like this game.
Tbf that playtime is wildly inflated because I like keeping games open while I'm not actually playing them, but nonetheless this game is really good and one of the most fun games I've played in a long time. (the actual game I'm talking about btw is Touhou: Artificial Dream in Arcadia but the title is too long and awkward sounding to naturally fit it into a sentence without it sounding weird)
I used to really like Megaten, and then I stopped really liking Megaten, because I realized that I really didn't like 90% of the Megaten games I had played and that in reality I just happened to really like that other 10%. I have not played any kind of SMT game in years, I had pretty much completely lost interest in the series after playing multiple games back to back that I fucking hated and getting disillusioned with a few of the games that I had enjoyed. But now I kinda want to try it again, at the very least SMT 1 and 2, because I never played those to begin with and this game is such a blatant copy of those games in every way, and I mean that in a good way, a very very good way. This is one of the most passionate indie games I have ever seen, it is so incredibly clear that the creator of this game is such a massive fan of both SMT and Touhou, like it just bleeds love, it so accurately captures the essence of what makes SMT enjoyable while still feeling unique. It's super impressive how well this game replicates the style of SMT 1, the pixel art, the music, even down to the design of dungeon layouts, it's all so uniquely SMT despite this not being an SMT game and also being developed by a single person who has never worked on an SMT game in their life.
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Unlike with SMT, I know comparably little about Touhou, I've never finished any of the games, and I can only name a handful of characters. Playing this game with so little knowledge of the series it's based in, you would think would be a detriment, but in reality I think it made it a lot more fun, everything came off as new and interesting, and it's a surprisingly good entry-point to Touhou. I think a monster collecting RPG is possibly the best genre to put a series with hundreds of named characters in if you want to really quickly learn and remember most of those characters. Before playing this I could not name a single location within the Touhou universe, but now I know the differences between Hell, Old Hell, the Animal Realm (a location within Hell), and Makai (NOT Hell, but is filled with demons). Even without having a deep knowledge of Touhou myself, it's very obvious that the creator does, as I was playing I did some research into some of the characters that I thought looked interesting, and there is such a variety of allusions to Touhou as a whole, from forgotten mid-bosses from the 1st PC-98 game, to characters that have only appeared in obscure one-off doujin works. It's not a very dialogue heavy game but what is there displays so much personality, a lot of small lines are used really well to convey a lot about certain characters, and even things like movesets and stats sometimes feel like they tell a bit about that character's personality, or play into their visual design.
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I almost completely forgot to mention the bullet hell negotiation minigames that are used to capture sleepers, which is odd because it's actually one of favorite parts of the game, I absolutely loved these short little shmup segments. Every single sleeper has their own bullet hell style that's unique to them, and these too say a lot about the characters they're associated with, like for example when you try to catch Yukari, she wants you dead, filling your screen with bullets and lasers, but then a character like Koishi doesn't really throw much at you.
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There's so many memorable little moments in this game that I love, and I have little enough concern for cohesive writing that I just kinda wanna talk about a few of them. I really like how they often pair up encounters in areas with characters that are associated with each other, like for example whenever you encounter Joon, she'll always be alongside Shion because they're sisters, and there are a lot of cases of that, and I think that's really neat.
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By far the lowest point of the entire game, and the only time I can really say I thoroughly was not enjoying myself was the teleporter maze in the Moon Palace. I don't know why, but every SMT game feels the need to include at least 1 overly long and tedious teleporter maze, the one in this game isn't nearly as bad as anything in actual SMT, but I still spent at least 2 hours mapping out the entire room, and I am comedically bad at navigation in video games, so it got really frustrating.
I know I praised the dialogue quite a bit, and it is generally pretty good, but there are a lot of times where it's humor can be kinda hit or miss. There are a lot of memes in this game, and occasionally they actually are pretty funny and do work, but more often than not they feel kinda forced. Like a decent portion of the achievement names are memes, and those are fine, but like, some of the inclusions in game are really out of place.
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When I initially reached the end of the main game I was honestly kind of disappointed, the final boss wasn't really great, the 1st phase was against a clone of yourself and it was really bad, it kinda just felt like an RNG-fest, and the follow up fight against Yukari was fine but it kinda just existed, I don't have much to say about it. The stuff after the final boss however, is fantastic, the entire post-game takes place in Makai and it adds an extra 6 or 7 hours of gameplay with by far the best dungeons in the entire game. I love the aesthetics of Makai, all of the characters that appear in the location, the gimmicks of each of the dungeons, the music, it's all the best the game has to offer. The real peak of the post-game, and really of the game as a whole however, is the final boss against Shinki, it is a long, brutally difficult fight, but it is so satisfying to learn it's patterns and consistently counter every move she makes. The whole gimmick of the fight is that Shinki only has 1 weakness at a time, and that weakness changes every few turns, and on the turn that she changes weakness she also gives herself max buffs in everything, and max debuffs your entire party in everything. She also has 25,000 health, which means that it is a very long fight, my successful attempt took nearly 20 minutes, but that gives you a lot of time to learn and perfect a pattern of moves to make each turn, and after a while you start to notice a sort of cycle occurring between each weakness swap so she becomes more predictable and thus it becomes a much more manageable endurance test. I am not capable of conveying with text how much enjoyment and satisfaction I felt when I started understanding that fight, and especially when I finally beat it. It is now genuinely one of my top gamer moments of all time.
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This is actually one of my favorite games now, it's so good.
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untraceable-ace · 2 years
Almost 2 hours late to the live react shitpost party bc I was dying my hair while watching it when it started but anyways
Under the cut bc it both contains spoilers for the m9 reunion p2 and also because it’s really fucking long lmao
They’re kicking these guys asses holy shit
wtf is going on with Kingsley btw like pardon?????
See my question is if Ukotoa is in the process of being released while they’re fighting or if he’s still locked away rn bc like
If he’s not in the process of being released waIT
Oh god creepy snakes moving in tandem i love snakes but not like this
Run boy run byeeee
fshshshsh the giant just knocked over in the center of the set is so funny to me
fr hes just
Oh wait worm???
Not Ukoatoa??
Caleb my god you are a noodly wizard why would you try to intimidate a betrayer god
LMAO A 17???
“That’s me” jester my beloved
Cmon cmon NO
eight whyyy
Uh ohhhh
Which one which one
Is he just flexing w that ring of telepathy or did that have a purpose
Oh Jester <3
“You just got this body” LMAO
First an accidental pact with an ancient evil sea deity then a pledge to essentially mother nature and now a betrayer god woooooh
Wait this guy hates Melora does that mean Fjord can’t connect with her anymore?
LMAO the face
Oh not another cursed sword
i think its a cursed sword
Them putting up his stat card has me concerned uh oh
LMAO “thanks I hate it”
Ooooh a rapier fancy
its official I love Kingsley
“Martial our forces” HMMM??
Darktow who is in darktow hold up
OHHH RIGHT plank king
Cant go back there
Fantasy DMs jfeoghehgaio;ewhaoge
syphilis gang
DAMN that was one efficient sending
You can just hear the agony in his voice ijodfsihjogiho
If anyone’s a glorified librarian its caleb idk what you mean beau
Charcuterie board
Mamas house has more tiddies followed by “That’s a good point” is fueling me
Winds in the east
mist comin in
something is brewin
about to begin
“I know all languages” jfc how many do you know now????
Im still wondering about that monkey yall what was that about
my original thought was that it was Artagan but it was so antagonistic idk
“We were probably a huge pain in your ass like a year ago” yeah sounds about accurate to what I know
I like her too jester she’s fun
risk esseks life cmon cmon cmon I NEED TO HEAR HIS VOICE AAUUUAUUGH
damn wrong elf
fshshshsh hermit elf
WOW thats a lot of potions
break to wash out hair dye hold up
before i leave
haha charcuterie board
ok now brb
Okay hair’s done back to reacting
“Okay so you don’t blow yourself up” mood
Wtf is that rod??? Bc we all know he probably wouldve made it amber if he could
Fuckin dope move though omg
dainty sip of sherry in the midle of abttle from a flask i love it
holy noises followed by the camera panning to a glowing silouette of a dick on the floor
i mean ik two are illusions but DAMN
Dude I’m not sure Kingsley’s had one bad move this entire two-shot like wtf
soooo AC is 21? I think?
wait do different parts have different ACs?
Stab the eye, stab the eye, stab the eye, stab the e-
Gently give a slice to an eyeball muah
so eyeball AC is 27> (or equal to 27)
There has been an assault, far as i can tell sam is being a shit again
New tatoo?? Chainbreaker
Ohoho oh nvm rip yasha’s dope ass thunderclap
won wound
Ooooh the big bad demigod can be frightened damn
aw damn rip spell
new form who dis
Half of this live react is just me repeating one liners i found particularly funny oops
Oh nvm?? Dunamancy spell lives????
Well ok its alive just half damage
Boy Veth I would love to see you try
“I can dodge gravity” can you????
Rip Beau taken out of the game bc piss
OooUuUhfhdbdjfe I love the lighting change for going under water
Cmon pls pls pls work seal that bitch away
Uh oh my boys gonna get the bends good call w the far step tbh
Actually bad call that’s too fast a pressure difference
Ayo Travis w the accurate bends rep
Ugh I love Caleb’s level 17 art sm
Well damn Melora!!!! Queen shit tbh
I hope “keep that just for me” means he swallowed it again
Dicks and Other Things
The Molly Look™️
Promptly steal I love him
DAMN Kingsley’s on some king shit
That was so fucking good oh my god
stimmed so hard at the end that my limbs started to actually cramp lmao
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poisonouspastels · 3 years
Found out that someone on Etsy decided to take multiple jabs at me in their own custom Inscryption cards listing... ouch. (Nothing against the person btw, and anyone can make custom Inscryption cards ofc! But like,,, u didn’t need to be taking advantage of my absence AND poke fun at my business. :/ )
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noneatnonedotcom · 3 years
in a universe where the great war destroyed every kingdom and caused a collapse of civilization you play as one of the five remaining peoples of remnant as you seek to (re) forge a kingdom that can stand the test of the grimm tide
Vale: led by Ruby Rose
ruby's kingdom of vale focuses on light cavalry and ranged. her own special abilites as a general are
SILVER EYED WARRIOR: grimm are weakened greatly within her aura and can even be outright destroyed if the differance in power between her and them is great enough
OPTIMISTIC HEROISM: lower unhappiness in area's controlled by ruby means that there's less Grimm to fight overall meaning lower garisons and more money spent on the main armies
unique units
Wood Runners: long bowmen with added range and melee combat stats equal to melee infantry. light armor means that you should keep them in cover though as well as being a juicy target for cavalry. added range over most normal archers and better armor piecing with their arrows makes them a powerful, unit that can last in melee as well specializing in Anti heavy infantry
Dire corgis: large war dogs with aura unlocked. look like giant corgis because they are giant corgis. great for running off ranged units and light cav. weak to spears, though their aura lets them hang around in combat longer than most would think. they do rely on the charge bonus though and can't be controlled once they're let off the leash. can be called back to their handlers though to be repositioned
FOCUS OF CAMPAIGN: ruby's main focus is to retake the cities and villages of vale that were lost to the grimm tide. your main strategy should be to build up on patch while the rest of vale falls to the grimm before striking out. your main advantage is against the grimm not people after all. and your added happyness means that you can spend more on your armies to put in your frontlines rather than worrying about protecting your rear (ruby's got a great rear guys) your main rival will be
UNITED TRIBES OF VALE: led by Yang Xiao-Long
yang's all about shock infantry and charge bonuses. using them to break the morale of enemy armies her special abilities are
HOT STUFF: human morale lowers around her and buildings catch fire in her aura when she's in combat. she's too hot to handle
PROBABLY WASN'T IMPORTANT ANYWAYS: still recruits units and receives money from buildings that are burned down. though at a slightly reduced rate
Bandits: replaces mob, cheap units that gain charge bonus when next to another bandit unit. burn down buildings when nearby. no formations though and can't brace for charges so avoid cav. low morale, they're bandits they're not sticking around when shit goes south
berzerkers: shock infantry, cause dread in enemies lowering morale. chance of going berserk which makes them unbreakable but uncontrollable may even attack allies if they're the closest unit. REALLY FUCKING STRONG ON THE ATTACK! weak to ranged
yang's campaign is all about uniting vale as a tributary state to the tribe. you can recruit units from burned down buildings and still get money so spread like a wildfire and try to show your baby sis that it's safer under your protection. be aware that grimm are gonna be a huge problem for you so keep some bandits as a garrison in every village to deal with grimm.
"some of you may die... but I don't really give a shit about you" - Yang to the bandits probably
vale is a mix of American and French culture. so yeah kinda like Louisiana plantations but with more anime
Vaccuo: led by Jaune Arc
jaune specializes in pike infantry with heavy armor and heavy knights on horseback. he's set up to be a slugger with his special abilities
AURA AMP: allied units in jaune's aura slowly recover health and have increased stats (including armor)
SCION OF HEROES: the effects of chivalry are doubled and you gain it faster.
shining knights: heavy knights with aura and mounts also in aura and armor. fuck you, fuck the guy behind you, and fuck the guy behind him I'm coming through. very expensive high morale and capabilities
rainbow guard: heavy pike infantry that proudly protect the standard of the arc family. give extra morale to those around them. fuck you they're not breaking. if there's even one guy left they're still fighting.
jaune's campaign is centered around taking control of the deserts and jungles of vaccuo from your origins in the mountains and hill country of the arc territories.
vaccuo's culture is like Scotland mixed with the middle east. fiercely independent people with a very strong sense of honor. also fuck you they'd rather die then be seen as a coward so you'd better just fucking kill them all. AND FUCK TAXES! so jaune has his work cut out for him, but he's in it for the long haul
pyrrha's all about personal combat and single entity units
INVINCIBLE GIRL: pyrrha herself is fucking busted and everyone wants to be like her. single entity units like huntsmen or companions are stronger and get more XP from battles
AN OFFER THEY CAN'T REFUSE: if pyrrha has more military power than someone they have improved relations with her. peacefully annexing people is possible this way. though this can cause a problem if you expand too fast
pyrrha's guard: heavy spear infantry made in the image of spartans. slow but they decimate cav outlast ranged and out fight most over infantry. but they are fucking slow and hate being flanked where their phalanx will not work.
nora and ren: two unit entity, stealth shock is the name of the game ren sneaks them in close to anything even grimm. nora deals a fuck ton of damage all at once that can't be blocked by armor and shatters units. you only get one though sorry the world isn't ready for two noras
while sino/Greco/Roman culture makes martial ability the most important, however, only champions and highly expensive units can be trained. your low-level fighters (I.e most of your army) will have to be mercenaries. still with enough champions, you can take on most things so that's good
SCHNEE DUST COMPANY led by Weiss Schnee
atlas is all about dust weapons. a necessity because of but funded by Weiss's special abilities
COMPANY MEN: units require less upkeep cost
WEISSY: she's kinda a bitch, -50 to all diplomatic relations -75 to faunas factions
WEISS GUARD: dust rifle units, slow to reload but longer range than normal dust muskets. dust round in general deal moral damage greater than almost any other units in the game (only yang's berzerkers and blake's beast-men scare people more)
BIG GUNS: 24LBS rifled field guns. or cannons rather for those who don't know the difference. fire straight and have an effective range of 1500 feet. highly accurate and with enough kick to drop even the largest of grimm
atlas and the SDC by extension are based on German and Russian culture (mainly german now that the nobles are gone) and have their main campaign focused on dealing with internal divisions and grimm. their cheaper units lends themselves to using dust arms rather than melee but bare in mind they suck in melee as a result. still, weiss is of the opinion that if you can kill your enemies from the comfort of your home and simply bombard them into submission or dust, why wouldn't you?
Menagerie led by Blake belladonna
menagerie must toe the line between animal and man, utilizing special abilities like
SAVAGE REPUTATION: the effects of dread are doubled and you gain dread faster
CUNNING HUNTERS: blake has bonuses to stats and the stats of her army while ambushing or attacking at night. doing both will make the bonuses stack
white fang infantry: can deploy anywhere light armor but use spears so cav has a hard time with them
NINJA: can deploy anywhere, inspire dread, use grenades flung from slings. capable of vanishing or using smoke bombs to lower enemy stats in melee for a short time
menagerie is a mix between Australian and Polynesian cultures but they are relatively new on the world stage. having been granted the island of menagerie in the brief time before the collapse of vale after the great war. the fuanas population outside of menagerie is very low as a result of the collapse and you have to ask yourself "what will you do to ensure the survival of your people?"
menagerie is a mix between Australian and Polynesian cultures but they are relatively new on the world stage. having been granted the island of menagerie in the brief time before the collapse of vale after the great war. the funas population outside of menagerie is very low as a result of the collapse and you have to ask yourself "what will you do to ensure the survival of your people?"
chivalry: is a meter in the game, doing honorable actions increases chivalry. making formal declarations of war and waiting a turn to attack, not doing night battles, honoring alliances and calls to arms. generally making combat harder for yourself will be seen as chivalrous. the higher your chivalry the bigger bonus you will have to morale in battles and to diplomatic interactions.
dread: dread is the opposite of chivalry and is gained by doing unchivalrous actions. it will cause the enemy to start with lower moral and cause everyone (including yourself) to lose moral more quickly. this can be really helpful against strong enemies that have better weapons than you. it will also cause diplomatic relations to be harder. using dust muskets or cannons will cause dread but only in small amounts the more you use them the more dread you'll cause
post-campaign content
finishing your kingdom will open up international diplomacy and will allow you to start a campaign in another kingdom. each with different results based on the person you're playing
jaune can marry the ruler of another kingdom giving him their special abilities (jaune can only get dust muskets and cannons after he marries Weiss btw)
Pyrrha may offer protection to the others and gains their general unit for her own army
yang may extort tribute from them and treat them as the tributaries she had before gaining access to their unique units. ruby may offer bonds of friendship and do the same
blake may create embassies and get faunas versions of each unit (they can fight at night) as well as improve her chivalric reputation with each campaign (basically lets you gain the bonuses of dread without the negatives)
and Weiss may open up branch offices and have each character as a leader under her (you basically play the official campaign as the character you choose but with access to Weiss's abilities and units now as well)
you may only do one campaign at a time. so if you're jaune you have to subjugate yang and ruby in vale before you can try to marry weiss. you gotta finish what you started before you move on basically
on each map, there's an ancient grimm. this is a massive single-unit entity and has an army of grimm backing it. defeating this grimm will grant you a major bonus to happiness and prevent further grimm from showing up later.
single unit entities are very powerful but get weaker as their health goes down. their health will recover with time though
if you finish every campaign as a single character you unlock the grimm tide. salem has taken notice of you and wants you gone before ozma has a chance to bring you to his side. grimm will spawn every turn based on the unhappiness of cities in every kingdom you will wage a war all over the world against the grimm and try to hold on as unique and powerful generals lead hords of powerful grimm to attack you. these hords will even be supplemented by the grimm attracted to your unhappiness to keep your pops happy!
if you beat every general salem herself will come to take you out. she has an unending army that will constantly get reinforcement from offscreen every time you kill off a unit and she's a capable commander in her own right with powerful magic that will prevent you from camping too much (she's out of practice so she can only cast a spell every once in a while, be sure to move when you see the strange glow) if you can manage to get your character to her through her army you'll win and defeat her once and for all
@weatherman667 don't know if you play total war but had an idea for total war rwby and wanted to know your thoughts on the various kingdoms as lead by the main characters.
anyone else who sees this and has suggestions go nuts with it. it's just a bit of fun at the end of the day. how would you incorporate a character? what would their unique units be?
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makeste · 4 years
BnHA Chapter 292: You Say Jeans
Previously on BnHA: Horikoshi was all “well anyway here’s that Touya reveal I foreshadowed like a million years ago, viva la 2020.” Dabi was all “hello world, I’ve killed 30 people and today I’m going to explain to you all why” before he proceeded to explain ABSOLUTELY NOTHING but everyone was so distracted by his tale of child abuse and hero conspiracies that they didn’t much seem to notice. Can’t Ya See-Kun’s Shark Friend was all “IS THIS THE END OF HERO SOCIETY AS WE KNOW IT”, and Horikoshi was all “STAY TUNED”, and then Dabi set himself on fire and leaped off of Machia’s back like the chaotic evil, I-just-bleached-all-my-brain-cells weird little fire man he is, ready to burn everyone to crispy bits before they could even react properly to his whole big revenge speech. Fortunately he did not succeed on account of THE RETURN OF THE JING, THE JOAT, BEST FUCKING JEANIST, back from the dead by popular demand in what critics are calling “the best fucking comeback since Jesus himself.”
Today on BnHA: Best Jeanist snatches up Machia and the rest of the League with his fiber steel cables before you can say “more like BEAST JEANIST amirite.” Dabi gets all worked up and lights Hadou on fire which is a real JERK MOVE, and is all “THIS RIGHT HERE IS ALSO ENDEAVOR’S FAULT”, which, NOT SUPER CONVINCED ON THAT, BUT OKAY. Anyway so then he burns up all the cables holding him which is crazeballs btw, and then he and Shouto start fighting, and so basically the whole thing is a literal hot mess and we’ll see how that goes. Meanwhile Tomura wakes up and summons some Noumus, and poor Jeanist has to deal with those on top of the still-attempting-to-rampage Gigantomachia, and everyone else is all “we can’t help you on account of we’re all half dead”, and so it’s looking really bad. And then -- and I can’t stress enough how much I don’t even have the faintest idea how to segue into this next part -- the chapter ends with Mirio!?! just sort of POPPING UP OUT OF THE GROUND all, “SURPRISE, BITCH”, and it literally was so surprising that I am still just kind of speechless. WELL-PLAYED, I GUESS, lol wtf.
lol okay so the first page in the RHA scan is just the “three musketeers” movie promo image that we all already saw a few days ago. but it does confirm that (a) it is indeed a movie, and (b) that it’s set for a summer 2021 release! how exciting
okay so now back to our special Dabi edition of Making a Murderer
“ray of hope” oh hell yes. SAVE US MR. JEANIST
I guess he had a TV in his private hero jet or something?
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gotta say, “dammit Dabi” does not even remotely sound like Authentic Best Jeanist Dialogue to me though. gonna need Caleb to see to this. well but what do you guys think? does Best Jeanist curse?? I personally feel like he’s one of those guys who NEVER EVER swears no matter what, except under the most hilariously trifling circumstances. like he’s eating an avocado one day and he accidentally stains the cuffs of his beloved jostume green and he’s all “FUCK”
btw how fucking rich is Best Jeanist though that he has his own fucking plane? the thought just suddenly occurred to me, you know? like even Endeavor, whose agency has its own on-site luxury apartment suites for all of his interns, still drives around in a dinky little car that Bakugou has declared to be too small. which, I guess we know why he felt that way now, seeing as the guy he previously interned with apparently gets around in Jeans Force One
anyway so back to the part where Jeanist shows up to save the day!! YEAH JEANIST WOOOOO
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lmao we just saw Gigantomachia take out like a hundred guys not ten chapters ago. and Best Jeanist shows up and takes him down in like two seconds. HOW DO YOU LIKE THEM APPLES LEAGUE OF VILLAINS. BET YOU’RE WISHING YOU’D TAKEN HIS QUIRK NOW, AFO. GET FUCKED YOU OLD SPUD
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I legit almost thought that was Tomura for a second. you two look so alike now with the white hair and the crazy eyes
meanwhile, Shouto is still crying and it’s a lot to take, you guys. lotta feels
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ffff come on Jeanist you better do something awesome again here, the mood of the chapter is starting to slip now
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ffff now Spinner is trying to wake Tomura back up. nah, how’s about we not do that
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fucking son of a... fffkfkff... someone please reassure me that fire isn’t Hadou’s weakness. someone. anyone. also could someone please dial an ambulance and send them to Horikoshi’s house. but not just yet. first I’m gonna need you to wait about fifteen minutes or so while I take care of some things
well all right then, Dabi. so you wanna go on then and explain to us all how this, too, is somehow Endeavor’s fault?
oh I see, you’ve decided that since he’s responsible for “creating” you, everyone you hurt and kill is in truth really being hurt and killed by him! well now, that sure is convenient as fuck I guess
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(ETA: that’s a nice effect with the panel sides getting all warped by Dabi’s quirk though, just noticed that.)
amazing how quickly you used up that sympathy card my guy. Shouto please kick his ass, I’m fucking done lol, you can all sort out the rest in therapy later
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“if the number one suffers a total loss here, this country will fall to pieces” well okay, real talk though, I think the “country falling to pieces” part is pretty much unavoidable at this juncture. you all are just gonna have to try your best to pick up those pieces after the fact and see what you can do with them. if I were you I’d be less worried about the number one’s reputation and more concerned with the half-dozen child soldier interns who are still on the field and very much at risk of being burned to death should you suffer that “total loss.” please try to keep it together here for them
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I really thought RockLockRock was gonna come into play here. USE YOUR QUIRK TO LOCK THE ROPES IN PLACE YOU DIP!! if he seriously just sits there and does nothing when his quirk could be the deciding factor I am cancelling his useless ass cute kid or no cute kid shfkjdls
(ETA: is he even there?? did he and Manual just hightail it out of there?? “well good luck, children.”)
also, we’ll put this aside for now to perhaps speculate about later, but what’s with Tomura remembering his dad’s house yet again in that far right panel?? and being itchy again?? I still have yet to fully work out the psychological mechanisms at work as far as his itchiness goes, so I’ll admit this is intriguing to me. it seemed like it was connected to his decay quirk, but then why is it acting up again now. what is this lol
yuh oh
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forgot about these guys. looks like these heroes aren’t having such a fun time
oh fucksticks
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excuse me ma’am but I don’t like this. you do know that my kids are all there, right. all burnt and impaled and broken-boned and the like. well except for Iida. he’s fine still. BUT THAT DOESN’T MEAN I FEEL LIKE WATCHING HIM GET TORN APART BY FOUR HIGH ENDS, WTF
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god fucking... okay look. Horikoshi. you win, okay!? congratulations, you win, this is your show and we’re all just sitting here at your mercy. fine. go ahead and just kill off everyone ever, then!! what am I even gonna do about it. stop reading?? fuck
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this whole thing really went from zero to fucked before I could even blink huh. I really thought this was gonna be a turning point chapter for the heroes. shows what I know I guess??
meanwhile this motherfucker is just SCREAMING
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ngl, if I wasn’t currently terrified on account of things suddenly taking such a drastic turn for the worse, this would be the coolest fucking thing I’ve ever seen. Jeanist my man, I hype you up like it’s my job because you are the greatest fucking meme character in the history of time, but make no mistake, you are also highkey WORTH ALL THE HYPE AND THEN SOME
seriously, though. don’t fucking mind him you guys, he’s just standing here in the coolest pose of all time taking on Gigantomachia all alone with one fucking lung because the substance pumping through his veins is COLD-BLOODED LIQUID DENIM, and DENIM FEELS NO FEAR
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Best Jeanist really needs to get his own theme song. -- oh my god I just finally thought of a title for this post. lmao and it’s the dumbest thing. omg
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which one do you think is the Mario and which is the Luigi. well, but I mean, Dabi clearly thinks that he’s the Luigi though and that’s why he’s so mad. nobody wants to be Luigi. what a life
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BUT OF COURSE. THAT WOULD MAKE IT ALL WORTHWHILE, holy shit. okay I’m just gonna go ahead and say it, Dabi is a piece of work. I really thought this arc would make him more sympathetic at long last, but it seems like it’s doing just the opposite?? this is like an anti-redemption arc. I don’t relish the thought of venturing into the fandom tags once I finish reading this lol
(ETA: well folks, I’ve done it. and actually it was pretty interesting because there are apparently like ten different things that people are mad about, and so it’s like. each post is a new adventure lmao.)
so Shouto is all “BRUH HAVE YOU COMPLETELY LOST IT” and Dabi is all “YES”, basically? like, he says he’s completely lost his feeling for anything. omg. but you were so sweet. how does that even happen
“finally I can kill you” okay for real what the heck is your damage bro?? can we not. I like Shouto just the way he is, un-killed
oh shit and now the Noumus are here
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cue Bakugou diving in to save his mentor, STAB WOUNDS BE DAMNED!! actually it would make more sense for it to be Iida, but if Kacchan is really fixin’ to go full Shounen Dumbass here then he might as well go all out, y’know
-- unless of course, Deku decides to activate another quirk??
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(ETA: okay look, all the love in the world to the brave scanlators who take time out of their lives to translate the leaks every week just so we can read the chapter a couple of days early like the addicts we are. that said, translating Mirio’s signature “POWER!!” -- which was already written in English in the original scan -- to “POG-CHAMP” is just a whole new level of wtfuckery from them lmao. is the Lida person back at it again?? amazing.)
hot damn. Tintin really saw the writing on the wall with the impending Dabi Discourse and was all “NOT SO FAST” lmao. “HERE’S A BRAND NEW THING FOR YOU ALL TO DISCOURSE ABOUT” MIRIO YOU WILD CHILD. YOU GLORIOUS THUG
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reineyday · 4 years
bnha characters as volleyball players (au headcanons)
i have never in my life played volleyball outside of gym class and the occasional beach jaunt, so this is all based off of what i learned from haikyuu LOL
anyways, this started as tags from this fanart by @syblatortue​ of deku, kacchan, kiri, sero, iida and shouto as vball players, and then it got away from me so if you wanna read 2.9k worth of headcanons about powerhouse athletics high school UA then go ahead and press “read more” :)
deku's the calculating setter like kenma and he fanboys over stats from the international to the national to the high school
kacchan used to make fun of him and look down on him bc he used to think too much on court to move properly, and as a kid kacchan used to think that it was spiking or bust so he always gave deku grief and bullied him over being slow and weak
in middle school kacchan was a starter since first year and eventually became the ace but deku was always second string setter
his athleticism was nothing to write home about but he was just good enough to make the bench
in their middle school tournament their starting setter got injured and deku had to step in to set for a match for the first time ever
powerhouse volleyball high school coach yagi toshinori is watching and he sees all the aborted plans in deku's setting choices
he sees the gutsy sets that miss and the one successful dump he did that threw everyone off-guard (even deku himself), and yagi remembers what it was like to be hungry for volleyball seeing the look in this kid's eyes and he recognizes the brain on him
their team loses there though bc the fact is that deku wasnt athletic enough to do it and kacchan is yelling and deku's crying
but yagi approaches deku (who freaks out bc all might is THE legendary vball player of their country, and the nation was SHOOK when after getting severely injured by a malicious spike in the wrong place he chose to coach high school vball, even if the school was a powerhouse school and also his alma mater lol)
but anyways deku babbles and fanboys even through his tears and says he got into UA but he's not sure he can make the vball team, and yagi says he sees the potential in deku's plays and if he trains hard every. single. day. from now until the tryouts at UA, he might make at least the bench
(cue montage)
kacchan is angry to see deku at tryouts and fuckn RAGING when deku more or less keeps up bc deku got buff since their last high school match
unfortunately for kacchan he is actually the one most familiar with deku's playing since they trained together in middle school too, and he almost pops a blood vessel just thinking it but ever since deku started actually being able to get to the ball in time, vball has been more fun ‘cuz the things deku ends up doing are fucking batshit crazy and his sets are begrudgingly his favourite to hit
deku sets right where kacchan can just hit the ball as violently as he can, and it sounds like a bomb goes off when the spike hits the ground
(kacchan also obviously has the best serves and he mixes it up with the power ones like his ap shots, or floaters when he's strategic; he knows how to read the opposing team and either wait or serve really fast and serves up high to blind them like his flashbomb explosions, and he’s really arrogant about his serves but at least he can back it up as per classic kacchan)
anyways they become a really intimidating duo, apart but especially together, because despite the way deku still occasionally cowers from kacchan’s rage and kacchan is often yelling and antagonizing deku, they can read each other really smoothly on court and they match each other really easily, and they both go for the really gutsy shit no one else would think to try (like samu and tsumu going for the freak quick with samu setting kind of gutsy)
kacchan is also antagonizing af and calls the other team extras lol
but yeah, those two along with renown olympic vball player todoroki enji's son shouto are the three most intimidating first years at UA
enji has a very aggressive playing style and where he targets people on the opposing team specifically to make them sweat, makes them feel like he’s hot on their heels even from the other side of the net, always glaring, always strong
shouto hates it and hates the way his dad made him train day in and day out just because he had a good reaction time and instincts for the ball when he was young
fuyumi and natsuo were slow as kids and got immediately dismissed bc of it bc to enji if they werent athletic enough for the ideal vball playing style as children then theyd never be athletic enough to beat all might’s vball career and metrics in the future
touya was fast enough but he overtrained and strained his knees and then continued straining them to play anyways till they were permanently damaged, and by the time he graduated middle school, his doctor put him on orders to never ever ever do anything that might be overly strenuous for his knees ever again
anyways, shouto plays very cool and detached, like even when he spikes the ball right into your face you’ll feel like he wasn’t looking; he’s a middle blocker like suna, stays calm but uses his whole body
deku eventually convinces him that playing with fire every once in a while, especially when he spikes, can be a good thing because at the end of the day, his dad may have taught him the tricks but it’s shouto himself who’s playing, and so it’s not his dad’s style, it’s his own
also the spikes just aren’t as good or as psychologically effective if shouto’s not 100p IN it when he goes to spike one of deku’s demanding sets
and im gonna say shouto is ambidextrous but more comfortable with his left hand in this volleyball au because shouto’s left side is his fire side, and it’s more parallel to the character to make his more aggressive spiking hand his left one but still have him be able to use his left hand for spikes too (it’s also SO stressful for opponents bc angles)
also yes he does indeed only play with his right hand (his ice side) when he gets into UA, and is initially very hellbent on proving to his father that he can become a pro vball player without being as aggressive as enji on court and without using his more dominant hand, the hand that his dad’s been focusing on whenever they trained at home, the hand he’s spent hours and hours spiking and serving with since he was like five years old
one day deku notices shouto’s writing with his left hand and then connects the dots and sort of badgers him into spiking one of his sets with his left hand too and then yeah shouto tells him his life story and deku manages to emotionally coerce him into being okay with his left-handed spikes
(shouto also feels better about it when deku points out the left-handed angles thing)
so yeah that’s the big three scary first year starters: calculating and gutsy deku, who occasionally makes plays so gutsy he’s at risk of twisting one of his limbs in a very scary way (he’s always bruised in weird ass places from volleyball); raging, aggressive but also cunning kacchan, who is undoubtedly the loudest on any court he’s on, and ambidextrous hot and cold shouto, who does a pretty solid general defense with little holes but has scary aggressive spikes
btw shouto’s got a fanclub and they call him the volleyball prince
also at one point they totally play a practice match against shiketsu and UA loses bc inasa starts antagonizing shouto for being exactly like his father (inasa asked for enji’s autograph after a match once when he was a kid and got rudely blown off) and shouto gets offended and starts targeting inasa and then they get outplayed (it was a close match though ‘cuz both of them couldnt get their heads out of their asses and both their teams were suffering as a result)
alrighty, the other players in that fanart lmao!
kirishimaaaaa my dude my bro, super solid libero, always pumps up the team, and his defense is unbreakable! will receive even the scariest, most powerful spikes and smile cheerfully through it; will always insist that you’re manly for playing with everything you have and never letting fear get in the way of going for it
his middle school had a huge and scary substitute gym teacher who didn’t have mercy and spiked hard right to the faces of the students, and kiri really wanted to run forward to receive the spike and yell about how unfair this teacher was but he froze because the spike seemed unforgiving and if he received it wrong, what if his nose broke? what if he fell and broke something from the impact? mina didnt pause though and she received the spike and told off their substitute teacher and then reported it to their homeroom teacher and it was so manly of her, he promised himself he would never hesitate just bc of a scary spike again
btw mina’s all-around athletic and could probably make it onto the girls vball team but she’s probably on the UA dance team (UA is a powerhouse school for many sports, and theyre famous for their athletics department bc they often hire (former) pro-athletes to teach and coach)
iida comes from a family of sprint runners and he’s the one they trust for the most running; he’s their first year decoy and he’s fast af for such a big guy, and he often also provides extra block support from zooming left and right
also enjoys helping out the managers and corralling his team into being good students; he’d offer to tutor kirishima but kiri seems to have fun trying to be friends with bakugou lol; he makes it known that he’s there if kiri wants some extra patience to go along with his studies though
sero guess blocks so accurately people like to say that he’s got tape coming from his elbows, bringing the ball straight to his arms so that he can block; actually he’s pretty known for having weirdly accurate control bumping the ball back from places other than his hands (esp his elbows though), like he’s just so aware of his body, and he uses everything he can to keep the ball off the ground so he’s good at general defense
some other people i wanna mention:
aizawa’s their supervising teacher and the first year homeroom teacher (he gets to hear bakugou explode both first thing in the morning AND right at the end of the day, oh joy); all might just coaches ‘cuz he does other former pro stuff during class time, so he somehow ended up in charge of the volleyball club after the previous teacher stopped being able to
he never went pro but he’s a black belt mixed martial artist, and he still does those parent-child karate classes with hitoshi (who is now close to black belt and on the demo team, since they’ve been doing this since hitoshi was like five) and eri (who just got her yellow belt! aizawa is soft)
only hizashi, nemuri, oboro and his kids know this but he’s also REALLY good at doing aerial silk and he looks graceful af when he does it
hitoshi started kinda learning aerial silk when hizashi took him to a rock climbing place that had the silks on the ceiling (dont at me, there’s a place EXACTLY like this where i used to live lmao) and found out they offer classes there, and hizashi laughed and said “yknow your dad is pro at those right”
ochako is their first year manager, and when everyone is confused about kacchan continuing to call deku something so mean, she talks about how the nickname is cute and gives off the impression that he’s trying his best and when deku grins and blushes and seems to be happy with it, the whole team starts calling him deku with the same intentions and fondness behind it
every time other people hear UA calling their starting setter “deku” theyre so confused
nejire is the third year manager leaving and she does gymnastics and dance outside of school
mirio is the ace and his thing is that he is very strong and very precise, and he moves like he phases through the other players
tamaki is a middle blocker that can adapt all kinds of playing strategies pretty fast as long as he’s got time to digest them and decent food in his stomach—he’s a great decoy ‘cuz his spikes are hard and he’s pretty fast too, and while he prefers read blocking, there are a few times he guess blocks and it’s accurate af and kinda scary honestly
tamaki and mirio are also pretty fearsome ‘cuz people start off scared of mirio’s power spikes and serves (btw his goal is to spike a million service aces LOL), and then tamaki kind of surprises them ‘cuz he seems to be able to just? do everything??? (and theyre extra surprised bc no doubt he’ll be talking himself down and doubting himself before the match and the opponents will think like “oh good he’s mentally weak” and he kind of is but also holy shit??? we got blocked AGAIN???) and so they sort of only keep a peripheral eye on mirio while they start focusing on tamaki, and then all of a sudden mirio’s not where you thought he was and how’d he get there so fast and there other players in the way??? and then mirio spikes one in
this isn’t really related to anything else but you BET mirio can bend low and do insanely accurate bump receives from pretty close to the ground like! his thighs and knees are legend
we don’t really know any second year bnha students, but i’d like to think their starting team isn’t just first years, so i’d say like… hm or mb tamaki is starting setter (all the stuff about adapting and easily digesting strategies still applies, as well as his flexible skillset, it just now includes setting) and mirio is his ace, but all might puts deku in a lot more than you’d expect a bench player to be subbed in not only ‘cuz it shakes up the other team to see such a meek-looking kid do these gutsy-ass sets, but also bc it’s good for tamaki’s mental health that he feels like he’s got a really great setter right there supporting him as well, even though he knows (objectively) that he can hold the fort on his own
so yeah, id say tamaki and mirio for sure starters (mirio is captain), kirishima’s a starter (he’s always been really good, he just used to get a little scared off in matches sometimes, but since the thing with mina, he’s been really gunning for it, and also conveniently their last really good libero graduated the year before and they didn’t really have a good backup), shouto’s a starter (he’s lowkey mad about it bc it feels like he’s fulfilling his dad’s legacy and he doesnt want to be), and probably two second years, that feels fair
bakugou’s benched bc his temper’s still a little too unwieldy for the court (much to his dismay), sero’s still patching up holes in his defense, and deku could stand to watch other people’s playing styles, but u bet theyre all fearsome af when theyre on court: deku seems to be the only one that seems to be able to bring out shouto’s terrifying spikes for now; after their first qualifiers, rumours fly around the vball circuit about his angry pinch server that’s so mad he’s not a regular, he takes it all out on his serves and rip the team that has to try and receive them
well okay, so bakugou is the only that i can qualify as actually fearsome bc even when he’s being intimidating sero is a pretty chill dude, and deku looks too nice to really be scary so the opponents usually arent scared until he starts playing and then for them it’s just this internal monologue of “what the fuck? what the FUCK???”
and sero, while chill, is the type to be aggressively cheerful and grin really wide after he blocks and gives you, the opponent, really supportive feedback that sort of still offends you but in a way you cant refute because every word he said was nice and his demeanour was nice too and yet? you kinda wanna strangle him??? and then he laughs winsomely and blocks your next spike too (like, “awh i noticed you have a tendency to follow here when xyz happens, but better luck next time right? that’s usually a pretty good play”)
and of COURSE their school banner says “plus ultra”
ANYWAYS i went OFF lmao i can’t believe i really wrote 2.9k of headcanons for this
i have waaaay more ideas about what the rest of the class and other characters are up to in this au that is powerhouse athletics high school UA so if for some reason you got all the way to the end then thank you and please interact if you wanna talk more about it!!!
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arpwrites · 5 years
arpu, how can we connect to our intuition? i know some say "meditate" but my mind is not calm and my butt itches most of the time. i cant stay still
this is actually perfect timing because I’m feeling the same way so helping you is also going to help myself 🌞✊🏽divine timing fr ✨
okay the goal is to get your mind to stop double checking every thought you have. we’re wired to check the veracity of our thoughts and discard ‘nonsense’ that comes from ‘nowhere.’ the subconscious mind kills it before we’re even aware of it. it goes back to the renaissance/age of reason where the scientific method (that was developed largely by muslim/arab scholars btw!) was heralded and factuality became an important component of clear, rational, logical, good thinking. it’s what you’re taught in school now and what is prized in technological societies.
so, we need to let the brain know it’s okay (and encouraged!) to have thoughts where the source of origin is unimportant. fun story: I accidentally did this when I read Einstein didn’t remember anything that could be looked up. this integrated itself into my worldview very deeply very quickly and I found myself remembering only interesting things without remembering or caring what the source was. didn’t help when I couldn’t pull stats out of my ass while arguing with someone, but did wonders for my intuition.
we can do this through repetitive activities where conscious thinking becomes irrelevant and/or you assign importance to ‘nonsense’ thoughts. this is the core of meditation too if you think about it – its about focusing on a single thing and acknowledging thoughts but not involving yourself in them. these activities will calm your mind in a similar way to meditation and also help your restless ass lol
morning pages!!  I personally do this and I love it, it’s helped me grow immensely, I highly recommend it. when you write down every single thing in your head and just empty it out without stopping to consider its worthiness, you are telling your brain every thought is equally important and more of the subconscious intuition comes through to the surface.
random associations!!!!! let your mind wander
play this game with your friend!
pacing! I do this a lot, there’s an origin story if you’re interested lol but the main idea is this: put on music you’ve never heard before and walk really fast and/or run till you can’t think bc you’re barely able to breathe. focus on the music and let your mind wander and go wherever the music takes it. soon thoughts that are completely unrelated will pop up and though they really are nonsense in the beginning, keep encouraging it and u can tell when they eventually have truth to them
dancing! focus on nothing but the music and go crazy. doesn’t matter what kind but fast paced usually works better. don’t think about how to dance, think about it as the music controlling your body! you stop thinking and in that space, u can listen to the under-thoughts that usually go unnoticed
tbh, any activity u enjoy that takes up a lot of your focus + peripheral wandering thoughts. gardening! cutting 1000 stickers by hand! copying a textbook so u study and develop your intuition at the same time! there’s a lot of ways to integrate it into your daily life once u know what it feels like. this is pseudo meditation too btw. 
overthink!!!!!!!!!! I loved doing this as I drove to uni every day lol. i’m not saying to distract yourself while driving! safety is most important!! but after the 100th time I drove the same route, I became a pro at it and my lizard brain took over. it didn’t need my thinking brain to drive. so I thought and thought uncontrollably and my thoughts got more nonsensical and irrelevant and there was no connection and like I said before, they were ridiculous at first. just my fears coming through. but then they started having truth to them and I started getting information about the universe and our purpose etc. etc. I think I had the most breakthrough intuitions while I was in that daze. I could predict things really accurately, it was spooky. I recommend this but its a double edged sword bc overthinking doesn’t help have a happy, healthy life. use it as a stepping stone and don’t! drive!! while u do it. pace instead or pour it into a private tumblr.
also! give importance to these random associations/thoughts! document them or record them however you can. write them down, text it to yourself. this tells your brain they’re valuable and encourages their production
dream journal!! do it first thing as soon as u wake up. and within a week or so you can reliably remember a loooooot of what happens and it also helps lucid dreaming actually. since dreams are nonsense anyway, repeated action tells the brain to encourage these types of thoughts and voila! intuition developed in daily life!
you have to Want it! your intentions create another layer of under-wiring in your brain that grows stronger with use and influences the overall synaptic network esp. the parts that control which thoughts are important and not. so start being curious! let things like trying to make predictions and having super powers take up space in your brain! try and guess things before they happen or guess what random strangers are about to do or predict the score you’ll get on a test. the more you do it, the more u tell your brain this is an Important Activity and then it builds the required ‘code’ to make that function run better. you’ll be completely off in the beginning but then slowly your success rate will climb.
like anything in life, you’ll get a lot better with practice. even if what i’m saying sounds like nonsense rn, try it a few times and you’ll see what I mean. btw, you don’t have to stick to a single method!! switch them around, everything counts as +1. you aren’t starting from zero with every new technique.
these should be enough for you to get a head start! if none of them work, let me know a bit about yourself and I can probably come up with more methods custom made for you~
also, this old post I wrote about meditation might help 🌞
good luck!!!!! hope you have as much fun as I did discovering your spiritual side 🌝💖
edit – special anon message for you: For meditation anon: There's a common misconception that meditation requires you to "quiet your mind" and disallow it to wonder, but really, it's more about getting into a flow state where you allow your thoughts to come and go with ease. It's mindfulness more than anything imo, acknowledging the thoughts but bringing yourself to a point where you aren't questioning/over-analyzing and thus reacting emotionally to them (like you ordinarily would throughout the day). It's okay to get distracted by your external environment or physical sensations, because you definitely WILL as a beginner, and still at times even if you're more advanced. It all comes down to practice, and the point is to train your mind, so any time you lose focus - Don't let it discourage you. Let it be a teacher of sorts. Refocus and try again. As you progress, you'll be less likely to get out of focus. Sitting isn't for everyone, definitely try things Arp mentioned, like walking!
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thebibliomancer · 4 years
Dark Crystal Age of Resistance Tactics liveblog pt 1
Because, for some reason, there was a game made to tie into the show. And it was a tactics rpg, like Final Fantasy Tactics or Final Fantasy Tactics A2 Grimoire of the Rift.
Moving characters around in a map, hitting each other in the head with magic and sword. A job system where you can get advanced jobs by learning certain combos of jobs. Y’know.
This is a really weird choice for a Dark Crystal Age of Resistance game. Because its trying to represent the plot of the show in the game. So Deet and Brea’s side of the plot gets represented in the combat system of move around on a map and hit things.
If the game was less tied to the show plot, maybe it could work. The idea of a bunch of gelfling banding together to age of resist the Skeksis does lend itself to a combat-y system.
But they handle it weeeeeeird.
The game starts with the Aughra big conference call to all of the protagonists and Seladon, dropping players right several episodes into the story with no context for anything.
But I guess as a tie-in game its figured that only a big ol dark crystal nerd would even buy this game. Side-eyeing at me, I am.
Because the game starts at the Aughra conference call, the plot before then is represented as Dreamfast Memories.
And the first mission is
Dreamfast Memory: The Darkening
"Something has turned the gentle Nurlocs savage! Deet must speak to the Sanctuary Tree to learn more."
The mission starts with Deet going to feed a single nurloc unit. The nurloc attacks her and then runs off.
In game engine cutscenes sure are a thing.
Then the Sanctuary Tree starts explaining game mechanics like the turn order graphic from off-screen. The most useful tree.
I thought Deet was going to have to beat a nurloc to death, which feels pretty out of character but you just get another nurloc named Keet to beat the enemy nurloc half to death and then it runs off. That’s.... better?
And after Deet makes a grand journey of traveling across one entire screen, the Sanctuary Tree commands Deet to rally the gelfling clans.
I feel like if you have the time to explain game mechanics, you have the time to shout them from across the level map.
I at least got 60 pearls out of this, somewhow somewhere.
Mission 2 Dreamfast Memory: Catch that Arathim
Now we’re at the castle with Rian and Mira.
So you know that part where they saw an arathim and chased it? How about instead of that, Rian and Mira fight some arathim hatchlings. Gonna beat up some babies =|
In fairness, ones an adult.
After you beat two, the last one runs off to keep on the plot rails. Mira flies off after it to also keep on the rails.
Rewards: Woo, I won a Rian. A tattered cape. A chain shirt. And 60 pearls. Where are these pearls coming from?
There’s a cutscene of Rian watching Mira getting crystal gooped. The art style for the cut scenes are actually good. Mostly. Skeksis look good. The gelflings can look fairly uncanny.
Which is source accurate?
Woo, party management menu. My only part is Rian...
I know its rpg tradition but Rian was a guard working in the castle and the son of the captain. How is it that he’s wielding a rusty sword and isn’t wearing any clothes?
The rusty sword has no stats! Dammit Rian! Too busy dreamfasting and flirting to have a real sword!
Putting this boy in a shirt and buying him a training sword, stg.
3rd mission: Dreamfast Memory: Escape from the Castle
Did I go shopping in the middle of my escape? Did I just throw some pearls (pearls are the money btw) and steal a training sword from the armory?
Truly game mechanics make mysteries.
I also used some money I earned from Deet’s memory to buy a sword for Rian. MYSTERIES.
Anyway. Gurjin is a bro. This is known from the show but its still true.
Gurjin: ‘The skeksis are saying you killed Mira’
Rian: ‘I didn’t tho’
Gurjin: ‘I believe you.’
AND HELLO newcomers Breg the Scout and Alyadon the Mender who are also here and who also believe in Rian!
I don’t know how to feel about Rian beating fellow gelflings to death in his effort to escape being falsely accused of murdering his fellow gelfling. Hopefully they’ll run like the nurloc did.
Breg: ‘I’m going with Rian! None of this seems right.’ You’re smarter than most of the tv canon characters, Breg.
JESUS gelflings know how to throw fireballs!
Alyadon: ‘I’m with Rian too. The Skeksis lied to us!’
I’m fascinated by these two extras.
those dueling swords are BIGGER than a gelfling
He has 500 HP and a move called Execute. Chamberlain, pls
Anyway. Gurjin ded.
Reasonably, the game is making me start the level over because a reality with a dead Gurjin isn’t worth it.
Chamberlain after killing poor, sweet Alyadon: “Challenging Skeksis is foolish”
Chamberlain after Rian steps into the glowing square that indicates the exit: “Please, Gelfling, we are friends. Do not be foolish. Pleeease.”
Guy can turn on a dime.
Gurjin: -hits Chamberlain with sword-
Chamberlain: =(
Aw, sweet. I got Alyadon and Breg as rewards for getting Alyadon killed while Rian ran for the enemy’s gate is down. Also a bunch of pearls. And Rian learned to shove people. This is a good day except for the part where Gurjin got arrested for hitting the Chamberlain repeatedly.
You know, the game is doing decently at building up the Skeksis as something of a figure of terror from a game perspective. They’re huge tough blocks of hp with BS moves and I’m a low level gelfling. I’m terrified of running into these guys in levels now.
Considering Rian has to convince the Gelflings to go up against the Skeksis who are like the PresidentPopes of their society, thats a good misgiving to have.
Hm. Alyadon is using a fallen branch as a magic staff. Sure. And Breg is using a dull blade. Both of which are the basicest of basic equipment with no stats.
The fallen branch at least gets you MP for smacking people. Which sure is a way for something to work.
Anyway, that’s the first three missions. More later maybe. For the limited audience that’s interested in the Dark Crystal Age of Resistance Tactics trpg tie-in video game to the Dark Crystal Age of Resistance Netflix prequel series.
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zani-is-a-stan · 5 years
suzani watches the Sherlock unaired pilot
-       This version of John looks way more old and way more dad
-       That close shot on the gun tell the viewer that John is suicidal
-       The dark silhouette of the cupid statue kind of stands out. Given how the cinematography and shot framing is a lot sloppier in this version, I don’t think this is intentional. But if it was intentional, this would be a signal to the viewer that this is a love story.
-       Mmm, pass on both Anderson’s beard and this way of introducing the concept of a Sherlock
-       This title & credits sequence is so dated
-       Anderson with no inflection is boring
-       Dinner with wine is not a great place for John to be saying he’s broke
We meet Sherlock & Molly
-       We start to see the beginnings of the geometric and precise framing that are the signature of the show in that one shot of Molly behind the glass
-       Its nice to see that Molly’s character required almost no adjustment between the two versions. Given that she was the first character original to the show instead of the books, it’s nice to see that she stuck the landing so perfectly
-       It’s starting to be really obvious how loose the editing is. There’s a lot of dead air at the beginning and end of every shot before each cut. Much better in the final version.
The lab
-       This version of Sherlock seems a lot more accurate to the book Sherlock from Study in Scarlet than the series ultimately ended up being. He’s softer, more interested in interacting with other people than the antisocial, high functioning ASD (where’s the fic that explores that?) twanging brain haver he is in the first episode of season 1
-       I want to read a take on Sherlock that discusses him as having ASD and interprets the violin playing and the mystery solving as his stimming techniques
-       The camera shots in this scene are really starting to stand out as very different from the show. It’s not just the editing which is kind of thoughtless – these shots are poorly composed and poorly planned. I don’t think it would stand out so much if the final version of the show didn’t make so many deliberate and stylized decisions regarding with the shots and editing.
The apartment
-       The extrapolation of john’s family based on the phone became much cleaner in the aired version
-       Comic sans! I mean, mrs Hudson is better than that.
-       Mrs Hudson definitely checked out john’s butt …
-       “can I just ask … what is your street?” this was very good, if repetitive
-       Sherlock needs an assistant? This sherlock has a need for human connection that the other one doesn’t – and he has a lava lamp.
-       Ugh the apartment at 221B baker st looks so much more vintage in this setup. Not a fan.
-       This sherlock definitely cares more about what other people think than the final version.
-       Mrs Hudson is a much softer, premade character in this version. I like the final version better. She seems stronger that way.
The cab ride
-       So boring. Such greenscreen. Wow.
-       not just the greenscreen. the difference in the shooting and finishing of this sequence in the pilot and the aired episode is so incredibly improved that you can hardly believe there were part of the same thing.
-       Sherlock has a far too human response to john’s compliments and more doubt in how accurate his deductions are
The crime scene
-       Im glad they changed sally’s outfit, and smoothed out sherlock’s taunting of her and Anderson’s affair. Ugh I wish they’d kept sally around. This show needed more normie/casual sherlock opponents. Lack of closeups in this scene do it no favors
-       They cut the Rache/Rachel clue. And btw, I do love how this was inverted from the book presentation in the show.
-       “no, there are two women and three men lying dead, keep talking and there will be more” – this sherlock prioritizes people over mystery solving, and that’s a little more humanizing as well.
-       When he’s deconstructing the scene around the woman in pink, there’s a switch in sherlock’s voice when he’s off camera. I’m wondering if maybe that’s a stat actor reading the script for some reason, or if they recorded the dialogue and the camera angles at the same time and forgot to switch when they were editing that shot? Makes sense given how messy the editing is throughout the pilot.
-       “do you know you do that out loud?” “sorry, I’ll shut up” “No, don’t worry, it’s fine” (pleased smile) --- this exchange is so accurate to book Sherlock and Holmes
-       This is not the same sally as the first episode. I had to check because I have a little bit of face blindness and there weren’t any closeups, but it’s definitely not her. Interesting how the actress who ultimately played her changed the inflection but brought very little new to the blocking.
a bit inbetween and the pink case
-       No Mycroft, hmm. Don’t care for it. It added a lot with a really nice red herring feel.
-       John returns to his place for absolutely no reason narratively.
-       I don’t care for the red herring moment where john looks at the pink case and wonders if sally was right and talks out loud about it.
-       The end exchange of this scene is awesome and should have stayed. “Donovan said you get off on this.” “And I said danger and here you are.” “DAMNIT!” It’s very funny, and it’s a fun spar between the two rather than the ultimate resigned tolerance that series John seems to settle into by season 2.
do you have a girlfriend? a boyfriend?
-       Sherlock not eating is a brilliant touch, I think that should have been there.
-       This version of the girlfriend boyfriend conversation is far more successful than the aired version, although I prefer the setting in the aired version. It’s flirtier, and the “Everything else is transport” line carries implications I prefer to the one we saw on on the official version.
-       Sherlock knowing the cab thing ahead of time really lowers the stakes.
-       Angelo and the headless nun thing is fucking beautiful. (although angelo is a bit of an upstager) But, the change in the plot to the John running and leaving the cane behind in the final version is much more relevant to the story.
-       Ok, so the cabbie drugging Sherlock did show us that John is smart in his own right (we never got enough of that), but it showed us Sherlock fucking up in a way that is inconsistent with the show version of that character. For us to buy that Sherlock is other level super genius instead of just very smart, he can’t make this kind of mistake. If he can’t make a mistake, then John can’t prove his own intelligence. I do think it was a good idea to put the police back in his apartment now, as it gives us more interesting and fun things about those characters, and the ultimate build to the cab ride and the incorporation of modern technology really contributed to the modernizing of the adaption.
which pill
-       WHOA that cabbie did just very much threaten to molest or rape Sherlock. Although if there were no women or gay men on the script team, I can totally see the writers not realizing that this line had that connotation.
-       And this version requires a lot more explaining of plotholes with dialogue in a way that is avoided in the final verion. This is unquestionably good, because there’s nothing more graceless in filmed stories than having plot explained with words, especially by a villain.
-       Taking the pills out of the bottle looks silly.
-       Final version cabbie is better. More self-satified and mean.
-       “Either way, you’re wasted as a cabbie” is a way better line in the final.
-       Taking him out of the apartment and away from the police phone call was A+ the right choice.
-       Everyone know the best cops scream “Who is firing, who is firing?” when someone fires a shot.
i’ve got a blanket
-       Sherlock saying “Yeah, maybe he beat me, but he’s dead” is a far shot from the man who shook a dying man and demanded to know if he was right or not. Again, this Sherlock is far more human and far less computer.
-       That bit with mrs Hudson at the end was unnecessarily mean, I’m glad they cut it
-       “I’m his Doctor.” – this lines should have stayed forever.
Overall thoughts
Ok, so overall changes between the pilot and the aired first episode. Plot was a lot more polished. They scrubbed every trace of human need from Sherlock, which I think was a good choice, at least for the beginning of the show. His literal only love is his own abilities as the show airs, which leaves him with a very interesting and exploitable weakness – his arrogance, where as pilot Sherlock doesn’t seem to care all that much when he makes a mistake. We did lose a couple of scenes that had a lot of good chemistry in them, but I think the plot was much improved overall for the changes. The change of Sherlock from being casually mean to people like Anderson to swatting away an irritating fly is very successful. The focus of Sherlock’s relationship with Lestrade seems of a higher priority than Watsons a little bit, so I’m glad that changed. The lead up to John shooting the cabbie was much better in the final
Honestly the pilot doesn’t look like a pilot as much as it looks like a proof of concept piece. The budget was obviously smaller: that’s why they reused the same restaurant set, it’s why the final confrontation took place in the apartment rather than a second location, that’s why the effects are missing or budgety, that’s why the editing was low-end. This as a pilot was sold on the impact of the actors and the bones of the script, not on any of the look that would ultimately make the show what it was. The color work between the first and second version of this alone was amazing.   I also think that the hair change in Sherlock was an excellent choice. It offsets BC’s face/head structure in a way that plays into the strangeness of the character in a much better way. Similarly, the coat and scarf that he wears in the series do exist in the pilot, but aren’t really a signature of Sherlock’s on-screen shape design in the same way.
I think the only thing I would’ve kept is the inflection, delivery & read on the girlfriend boyfriend scene, and the return of the “I said danger and here you are” exchange.
There’s a lot of talk about Sherlock’s sexuality and what was cannon in the books. TV Sherlock they seem to be confused about (Belgravia as an episode left me really confused about what statement the writers were trying to make there, which implies that they’re either not completely sure either, or they’re too straight to understand what they’re doing). In the books, Holmes chooses not to have romantic relationship because it stops his brain from working clearly – it’s a deliberate choice based on the Victorian concept of sex (and women, because they are clearly only sex objects) diminishing the capacity for clear thought and mental performance. This is not the same as him being asexual or aromantic as we not aro/ace people understand the concept in 2019.
Based on the scene as it airs, the girlfriend/boyfriend scene would leave me with the opinion that Sherlock is not just asexual but also aromantic. Possibly one of these by choice rather than nature. Based as how the scene plays out in the unaired pilot, I would think that Sherlock is celibate and also attracted to John, more likely gay than bisexual. (There was quite a bit of smoldering going on in the Sherlock to John direction.)
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It's all about balance, not every prediction comes to fruition. I always try to be informed and well-researched when putting together these card previews, and most of the time, I'm pretty damn accurate. However, I don't get everything right and I'm willing to be accountable for what I miss on.· · Anyone can toot their own horn when they're right, it takes some stones to address the errors.· · When I miss, it is not something that can be chalked up to an anecdotal error, it's in (digital) print on a public medium. Which, btw, thank you to everyone who checks the articles at MileHighSports.com/MMA out!· · Nothing in the fight game is 100%. Because of this, my analysis will never be 100% accurate, but I promise that I will continue to give my best effort to provide the best analysis that I can offer.· · #cftpg #themmaplug #milehighsports #accountability #fight #fightgame #fightnight #fights #analysis #analytics #stats #statistics #odds #ufconespn #colorado #denver #coloradomma #news #oped #denversbest #denverartist #denvercreatives #mma #ufc (at The Peanut Gallery) https://www.instagram.com/p/CBy4thAAGUK/?igshid=gg6vrvizbvdh
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gendevblog · 7 years
Skate & Date update + Saturday Fright info
​Hey everyone! It's been quite a while hasn't it?
Now that most of my college application stuff is out of the way and I'm not sick and what not I'm working on Skate and Date again! I'm getting help from my game design teacher(s) and because of that I'm reprogramming some things within the game like the way beats are detected. The way I had it before with timers wasn't accurate enough so I'm using timesamples which is causing me to do a lot of math;;;
On the bright side!! I'm close to getting it to work 100% and once I do I have these other plans programming wise for the game like:
Having a settings screen for the volumes and difficulties
Have freeplay mode and story mode
Have the ability to save( which may only be available in the standalone version but we'll see)
Possibly have a new game mechanic​ in the game?
Have a stats screen ( so it's possible to get a perfect in the song)
Having a time limit to fill the meter
I'm gonna take a break on the programming part of this and focus on finishing up animations today!! Probably gonna stream tonight at around 9pm EST on twitch >> https://www.twitch.tv/gensuta​
Throughout the week I'm gonna put the rhythm part all together and the week after I'm going to mainly focus on the story. I want to complete one thing at a time so I don't drive myself crazy trying to figure out what to do.
Oh yeah btw, remember how I talked about the twine monster rpg thing.( It’s called Saturday Fright) I had people playtest it and I’m gonna like edit it because the writing needs to be better so yeahhhh. Anyway that's all for now. I'll post again next week with progress! Hope everyone's week is going ~splendid~
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junker-town · 5 years
The 9 dumbest mistakes from NFL Week 12, ranked
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Photo by Amy Lemus/NurPhoto via Getty Images
Almost everyone was sluggish in an ugly week in the NFL. But no one screwed up worse than Jason Garrett (again).
No one really wants to work hard this week. Thanksgiving — a perfect holiday that marries football, food, family, and online shopping — is mere days away. We are all just skating until Wednesday afternoon gets here and we peace out a few hours early to try to beat the traffic (spoiler: we will not).
That pre-holiday restlessness extends to the football field, apparently. Many teams, players, coaches, and officials looked entirely unenthused to be working this Sunday, because it showed in ugly game after ugly game.
Week 12 was summed up most accurately by the Patriots’ 13-9 win over the Cowboys. What should have been an exciting matchup between two of the most popular (and hated) teams in the NFL turned into a rain-soaked slopfest. The offense was at a minimum, the only real highlight came via a blocked punt, the refs decided to call two BS tripping penalties that confused everyone, and Jason Garrett’s decision-making might’ve earned himself a one-way ticket to New York.
(Oops, we might’ve spoiled the top spot on this week’s rankings. What can we say? We’re ready for Thanksgiving too.)
On that note, here’s a lazy bit of transition to bring you the nine dumbest mistakes from Week 12:
9. Mike Glennon fumbled twice in three snaps during garbage time
The Raiders got blown out by the Jets 34-3, and things got so bad that head coach Jon Gruden surrendered in the third quarter when he benched Derek Carr. That’s when backup Mike Glennon came into the game and promptly fumbled two times ... in the first three snaps:
Raiders QB Mike Glennon has trouble with the snap pic.twitter.com/FKsQkqPC2B
— Main Team (@MainTeamSports) November 24, 2019
Glennon stayed in for the rest of the game. He completed 4 of 7 passes for just 20 yards. His longest of five drives gained just 15 yards. He led the Raiders to exactly zero points. That’s the peak Mike Glennon experience right there.
8. The Packers keep going backward returning punts
Nothing much went right for the Packers in a 37-8 loss to the 49ers, especially on offense. The 49ers’ pass rush bullied the Green Bay offensive line. Aaron Rodgers was sacked five times, fumbled once, and put up a Blake Bortles-like stat line.
But don’t let that distract you from how bad their punt return game has been. Tremon Smith returned two punts for a grand total of -3 yards. That’s not great, but it’s even worse when you realize it’s been that way the entire season:
UPDATE: The Packers now have NEGATIVE 11 punt return yards on the ENTIRE SEASON.
— Matt Schneidman (@mattschneidman) November 25, 2019
The Packers are approaching historically inept levels with their punt return game. The 1965 Cardinals own the record for fewest punt returns yards in a season with 27, which is at least, y’know, a positive number.
So is the number of punt return yards Trevor Davis has with the Raiders this season: 108. The Packers traded him to Oakland in September, btw.
7. This terrible Mitchell Trubisky throw resulted in a pick, naturally
It hadn’t been a great week for Trubisky — season, really, but let’s just focus on this week. He was benched late in a loss to the Rams in Week 11, supposedly because of the hip injury he’s dealing with, even if everyone believes it was because he was stinking it up on the field.
Still, Trubisky mostly played better Sunday against the Giants. The Bears were up 19-7 in the fourth quarter and had a chance to add to their lead. That’s when he reverted back to his worst form and chucked the ball downfield right into the hands of Julian Love.
Julian Love!!! Guy had a rough week in his personal life. Getting his first real reps this week and his first NFL interception!! pic.twitter.com/9DKp2gYaIc
— Bobby Skinner (@BobbySkinner_) November 24, 2019
The Bears’ defense saved Trubisky and didn’t let the Giants score off of this turnover, at least. But it was his second pick of the game — the first came in the red zone — and the kind of terribly ill-advised throw that makes it easy to start picturing any number of veteran quarterbacks in a Bears uniform next season.
6. A Raiders stop turned into a Jets TD due to an awful roughing penalty
Oakland forced the Jets into a third-and-16 from the Raiders’ 20-yard line after Maxx Crosby picked up a clutch sack of Sam Darnold — or so the team thought. But Maurice Hurst’s dogged pursuit of the New York quarterback was ruled too violent for the back judge, even though nothing about his clean-up tackle seemed excessive.
One of the worst roughing the passer calls you’ll see. Probably cost Raiders four points. pic.twitter.com/Bu59Zd9Epd
— Dan Hanzus (@DanHanzus) November 24, 2019
Jon Gruden, uh, was not happy to say the least!
I think Jon Gruden said “Happy Thanksgiving”. pic.twitter.com/gKWRLirNB7
— Ryan Field (@RyanFieldABC) November 24, 2019
Instead of third-and-long, the Jets were treated to first-and-goal from the 4-yard line. One play later, Darnold scampered into the end zone to give his team a 10-3 lead.
5. Cam Jordan gave a Panthers’ drive new life with a stupid punch
The Saints got off to a 14-0 start early against Carolina, but the Panthers fought their way back throughout the second quarter to close that gap — and they can thank Jordan for six of those points.
Demario Davis had wrapped up quarterback Kyle Allen for the Saints’ second straight sack, bringing up what should have been fourth-and-long with a little more than three minutes left in the first half. But as officials whistled the play dead, Jordan swarmed Allen and decked him with a punch/shiver combination that connected with the Panther’s facemask and sent him to the turf.
Cameron Jordan tried to punch the ball out after the whistle and smashed Kyle Allen in the face instead, which is frowned upon pic.twitter.com/QQycxKnExJ
— Christian D'Andrea (@TrainIsland) November 24, 2019
This post-whistle forearm strike led to an easy unnecessary roughness call from the back judge. Rather than punting on fourth-and-26, Carolina was gifted a new set of downs. The Panthers then drove 56 yards to score a touchdown as time expired in the first half, cutting what could have been a 24-9 New Orleans lead down to 17-15.
Jordan would take to Twitter afterward to claim responsibility for his mistake shortly after the game.
Sheesh! Gotta hear that whistle... was trying to punch the ball out and make a big play ended up costing my defense... that’s on me gotta hear that whistle...
— cameron jordan (@camjordan94) November 24, 2019
He’s lucky it didn’t cost them the win because ...
4. The Panthers couldn’t get the ball in the end zone late AGAIN
For the third time this season, Carolina couldn’t score late in the red zone when it needed to. With just over two minutes left, it looked as if Kyle Allen was about to lead a game-winning touchdown drive. After Ron Rivera won a defensive pass interference challenge (AGAINST THE SAINTS), the Carolina offense had first-and-goal from the New Orleans 3-yard line.
Then the Panthers’ offense went backward, and lost 7 yards in three plays:
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Coming out of the two-minute warning, Panthers kicker Joey Slye missed a 28-yarder, which allowed the Saints to counter with a game-winning field goal of their own to win it.
The worst part about this? This is now the third time the Panthers have lost a game late because they couldn’t score in the red zone. During losses to the Bucs and Packers this year, Christian McCaffrey was stopped short of the goal line.
3. Carson Wentz forgot how to throw a football
The Eagles had a chance to take an early 7-0 lead over the visiting Seahawks when Wentz dropped back on third-and-9 from the Seattle 10-yard line. Tailback Miles Sanders had darted out toward the sideline, and a soft toss would give him the chance to find the end zone and make a statement that the two-point home underdog wouldn’t be easily dismissed.
Instead, Wentz made a very different statement, one he’s made entirely too often this season.
Carson What? pic.twitter.com/22r9hkIijX
— Sean Wagner-McGough (@seanjwagner) November 24, 2019
Wentz threw a pass straight out of junior high gym class, missing Sanders by roughly five yards. The Eagles settled for a 28-yard field goal moments later.
2. Russell Wilson topped Carson Wentz with an even worse miss
The throw by Wentz to Sanders was bad, but that one wasn’t a guaranteed touchdown. The Eagles running back was going to evade a Seahawks defender or two to get into the end zone.
Wilson’s overthrow of Jacob Hollister in the end zone was way worse.
Third and goal, Wilson runs out the pocket and throws a duck to a wide-open Jacob Hollister.#Eagles got lucky. pic.twitter.com/QFAdylacRv
— DIE-HARD Fans (@Eaglesfans9) November 24, 2019
There’s a real chance Wilson wins the NFL MVP award and his ability to avoid the Eagles’ pass rush at the beginning of the play was a perfect example why. Lobbing a ball way over Hollister’s head and out of the back of the end zone isn’t going to help his résumé, though.
Rather than taking a double-digit lead in the second quarter, the Seahawks had to settle for a chip-shot field goal to go up 10-3.
1. Jason Garrett coached his way out of a possible upset win over the Patriots
Neither Dallas nor New England could generate much offense on a cold, rainy, and windy afternoon in Foxborough. That weather, combined with the Patriots’ suffocating defense, put a premium on points for Dak Prescott and the Cowboys. And this idea, apparently, terrified Jason Garrett.
Or, in other words:
Jason Garrett is such a chicken shit.
— David Fucillo (@davidfucillo) November 25, 2019
The Cowboys’ head coach opted for a field goal on fourth-and-7 from the Patriots’ 11, cutting a 13-6 New England lead to 13-9 with six minutes to play and reducing Dallas’ burden from needing a touchdown in the final minutes of the game to ... needing a touchdown in the final minutes of the game.
So why not go for it? If they had failed to convert, then the Patriots would’ve gotten the ball deep in their own territory and Dallas could’ve relied on its defense to force a punt.
Instead, the Cowboys didn’t touch the ball again until there was 2:38 left on the clock and they had to start from their own 8-yard line. Dallas’ day came to an unsurprising end when its ensuing drive gained just 17 yards (thanks in part to a questionable tripping call) before a turnover on downs.
Garrett’s decision ensured the Cowboys only lost by four points and not seven. It also left Jerry Jones frustrated. At this rate, maybe Garrett will be coaching the Giants next season after all.
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perhaps i should have been more specific. i'm really into fandom stats (i.e. shipping, etc), and i've mostly been referencing the "asoiaf & related"-type tags to get a bigger picture of the fandom as a whole. however i noticed that there are big gaps in shipping and general fandom trends between those tags of a general got ones. thus i'm wondering which would be more accurate, if there are certain tags used more than others in this regard, etc. thank you for putting up with me btw. :)
this is on ao3? or all over the place?
the thing that’s going to be tricky also is matters of time.  got has routinely had updates for the past 6 years.  the last time there was a new book was 6 years ago, and so you’ll have folks who are still making book content (i am) but also folks who’ll have gone on and done other things.
especially when it comes to content creation i don’t know if there’s an accurate way to indicate how many people based on how much is made.  still a cool project to try and tackle tho :D
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