#but I gotta say the fact that this one did not catch on fire makes me want to get another one from the company directly
tj-crochets · 4 months
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So the good news is whatever safety measures are part of my computer charger worked! The bad news is it is no longer a functional charger. It’s a little too melted to work
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luvv4j4ybe11 · 6 months
✫彡𝑴𝒚 𝑹𝒆𝒄𝒌𝒍𝒆𝒔𝒔 𝑴𝒖𝒏𝒕𝒙𝒕𝒂𝒕𝒆ミ★
✧ 𝑵𝒆𝒕𝒆𝒚𝒂𝒎 𝒙 𝑭𝒆𝒎𝑯𝒖𝒎𝒂𝒏!𝑹𝒆𝒂𝒅𝒆𝒓
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✧ 𝑺𝒖𝒎𝒎𝒂𝒓𝒚~ 𝒀𝒐𝒖 𝒅𝒐 𝒔𝒐𝒎𝒆𝒕𝒉𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝒓𝒆𝒄𝒌𝒍𝒆𝒔𝒔 𝒅𝒖𝒓𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝒂𝒏 𝑹𝑫𝑨 𝒓𝒂𝒊𝒅 𝒕𝒉𝒂𝒕 𝒎𝒂𝒌𝒆𝒔 𝒕𝒆𝒚𝒂𝒎 𝒎𝒂𝒅, 𝒔𝒐 𝒚𝒐𝒖 𝒈𝒖𝒚𝒔 𝒆𝒏𝒅 𝒖𝒑 𝒂𝒓𝒈𝒖𝒊𝒏𝒈, 𝒃𝒖𝒕 𝒚𝒐𝒖 𝒈𝒖𝒚𝒔 𝒎𝒂𝒌𝒆 𝒖𝒑 𝒊𝒏 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒆𝒏𝒅.
✧ 𝑾𝒂𝒓𝒏𝒊𝒏𝒈𝒔~ 𝑴𝒐𝒔𝒕𝒍𝒚 𝒂𝒏𝒈𝒔𝒕/𝒇𝒍𝒖𝒇𝒇, 𝒄𝒖𝒓𝒔𝒊𝒏𝒈, 𝒓𝒆𝒂𝒅𝒆𝒓 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝒕𝒆𝒚𝒂𝒎 𝒈𝒆𝒕 𝒊𝒏𝒕𝒐 𝒂𝒏 𝒂𝒓𝒈𝒖𝒆𝒎𝒆𝒏𝒕, 𝒓𝒆𝒂𝒅𝒆𝒓 𝒄𝒓𝒊𝒆𝒔 𝒂 𝒍𝒊𝒍 𝒃𝒊𝒕, 𝒕𝒆𝒚𝒂𝒎 𝒊𝒔 𝒑𝒓𝒐𝒕𝒆𝒄𝒕𝒊𝒗𝒆 𝒐𝒗𝒆𝒓 𝒓𝒆𝒂𝒅𝒆𝒓, 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝑰 𝒕𝒉𝒊𝒏𝒌 𝒕𝒉𝒂𝒕𝒔 𝒊𝒕, 𝒍𝒎𝒌 𝒊𝒇 𝑰 𝒎𝒊𝒔𝒔𝒆𝒅 𝒂𝒏𝒚𝒕𝒉𝒊𝒏𝒈. 𝑬𝒏𝒋𝒐𝒚<3
✧ 𝑻𝒓𝒂𝒏𝒔𝒍𝒂𝒕𝒊𝒐𝒏𝒔~ “𝑰𝒐𝒏𝒂𝒓“ - “𝑹𝒊𝒅𝒆𝒓𝒔 𝑴𝒂𝒔𝒌“, “𝒀𝒂𝒘𝒏𝒆“ - “𝑩𝒆𝒍𝒐𝒗𝒆𝒅“, “𝑺𝒓𝒂𝒏𝒆, 𝑴𝒂’𝒚𝒂𝒘𝒏𝒕𝒖𝒕𝒔𝒊̀𝒑“ - 𝒀𝒆𝒔, 𝒎𝒚 𝒍𝒊𝒕𝒕𝒍𝒆 𝒍𝒐𝒗𝒆𝒅 𝒐𝒏𝒆? ,
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You and your party were taking out ships left and right, yipping and cheering whenever they successfully came crashing to the ground.
There was one ship in particular though, the one that lead all of the other ones, so of course it was bigger than all of the over ships you took down.
You could do it, you know you could do it. You know you’re capable of showing the sky people that they fucked with the wrong clan.
So you did.
You flew around the ship, searching for its weak spot. And once you did, you loaded up your bow and fired right at it. But it wasn’t enough.
Without thinking, you jump onto the ship, telling your ikran to stay close to you, but also stay hidden. Once you get onto the ship, you take out all of the soldiers who were firing the guns on top of the ship, robbing them of their grenades and weapons.
After the area is clear, you take the pins out of the grenades and throw them into the engines and into the broken window of the ship, leaping off of the ship once your job is done.
That’s when a feeling of panic rushes through your mate, neteyam. Automatically looking in your direction to see you falling mid-air, instinctively making him drop everything to catch you before you hit the ground. “Y/N!!” He calls, but the loudness of the raid around you being too loud for you to catch onto it.
Right as he calls for you though, he hears your call for you ikran, and seconds later he sees that you’ve safely (for the most part) made it through. A wave of relief hits him, but also anger.
How could you be so reckless? What were you thinking? What if your ikran didn’t come for you? What if-
“Bro! Come on! We’ve gotta go!” Lo’ak shouts, snapping neteyam back to reality.
Oh were you going to get an ear full once neteyam had you.
✫彡 ミ★
You and your party all dismount your ikrans, all checking on each other before going to check on everyone else. You walk around anxiously, nerves building the more you couldn’t find your mate.
But once you catch a glimpse of him, your ears perk up and tail sway excitedly, speed walking over to him to make sure he’s alright. Before you approach him though, lo’ak steps in front of you, hands up as if he was holding you away from Neteyam. “I’d be careful if I were you, tey is really pissed off right now and I’m almost positive you have something to do with it.” He warns, tone sarcastic yet serious. You turn your head to the side, confusion painting your features, “What are you talking about, Lo’ak?” All you get in response is a smart-ass, “Bro, really?” Which makes you stare at him, annoyance clear in your face. “Yes, really! What are you-“ “Y/n.” You freeze at the sound of Neteyams voice, knowing that he only sounds like that when he’s really pissed off about something. And the fact that you were what pissed him off made you feel like shit. Lo’ak gives you a look of sympathy before walking off to join kiri and spider. Leaving you to deal with your mate.
“Neteyam?..”you say tenderly,but he doesn’t answer. He just stares down at you with anger apparent in his face, tail swishing back in forth in irritation. Before you can open your mouth to say anything else, he grabs your wrist firmly, tugging you into the direction of your shared hut.
“What the fuck were you thinking? Pulling some reckless shit like that? Do you realize what could’ve happened to you?” All of his questions were rhetorical and angry, but regardless you answered anyway. Knowing exactly what he was talking about.
“Reckless? You wanna talk about half the shit you and lo’ak were doing? But when I do something that’ll benefit, our people, it’s a problem?” You retort, slamming your bow back on its stand and throwing your ionar on the wooden table.
“What me and lo’ak were doing doesn’t even compare to what you were doing! That shit you pulled was extremely dangerous and stupid. And why would you even think to do anything like that by yourself when you know your party is right behind you?” He shouts, taking off his own ionar and placing it on the same table you put yours on.
“Really, teyam? I’m more than capable of handling a mission by myself. Of course I appreciate that my party being there but I don’t need them to hold my hand through the whole raid. I’m not a fucking child!” You shout at your mate, officially pissed off because of his attitude.
“You sure as hell acted like one though!, why would you ever think of doing something like that? You could’ve been killed.” He uses his hands to punctuate each of his words, one of the signs that told you he was pissed off and serious about what he was talking about.
“But I wasn’t! Because I know what the fuck I’m doing!”you quip, ears pressed tightly to your skull and tail swishing angrily behind you. He just scoffed walking towards you to lift up your arm, revealing a deep gash from your bicep to your wrist, the sight makes you wince, the pain now hitting you quickly.
“Do you? Because if that was the case then this wouldn’t be here.” His tone is like a dagger in your heart, making you feel as if you’re a burden because of your choice. Your expression softens slightly, ears twitching with every breath he takes and tail swaying low to the ground.
He places your arm back to your side, putting his hand on your lower back and guiding you to the bed and tilting his head towards it, silently ordering for you to sit down.
You obey quickly, wincing when the feathers of your loincloth rub against the cut. You watch neteyam walk over to the corner of your hut to grab the white first aid box that his dad gave him, along with a bunch of other medical supplies and salves, making you anxiously play with the thigh bracelet he made you.
He crouches down infront of you, opening his palm towards you gesturing for you to give him your arm, and willingly, you do.
He cleans the wound gently, even though he was still mad he still treated you like the most precious thing on pandora. It made your heart throb. Knowing that he loves you so unconditionally.
“Teyam..” you say softly, all you get in response is just a glance, one that told you to be careful with whatever you were going to say next. “I’m..i’m sorry. I shouldn’t have been so reckless and make you worry about me. It was wrong of me to put myself in a position that I knew wasn’t safe, and I knew that would irritate you because I put my life on the line to save our people.” You admitted genuinely, tail swaying anxiously as you awaited his response.
He continued cleaning your wound, humming quietly in response to your apology as he reached into the kit to grab some gauze and a bandage. Your brows turned down and lips pouted outwards when you didn’t get a response from him, a shallow ache spreading across your chest as he still remained silent.
Unbeknownst to you though, he was holding back the urge to both continue yelling at you and hold you close to him while praising you for apologizing to him so quickly. He mumbled a quiet, “hold this,” as he placed your fingers over the gauze, reaching beside him to grab the bandage to start wrapping it around your arm.
While doing so he glanced at you slightly, taking in the almost sad puppy dog look on your face that made his heart twinge in a way that made him sigh softly, accepting the fact that he can’t stay silent forever.
“Yawne,” you’ve never been more happier to hear his voice, subconsciously sitting up straighter to listen to what he has to say, “I know you’re sorry. And I forgive you, but I swear to ewya if you do one more thing that endangers you or your safety, I’ll chain you to the bed so you can never leave this hut again. Understand?” His tone was stern and clear, yet you still giggled at the imagery of him literally chasing you down to chain you down to the bed like a wild animal. “Yes, sir,” you say with a teasing smirk, one that made him giggle quietly as he cupped the side of your face lovingly. Planting a much needed kiss on your plush lips before making his last final touches on your wound.
“Thank you, teyam, I appreciate it.” You added once he stepped away from you to place everything back into the first-aid kit, he turned his head toward you and said a soft “of course, babygirl,” in response as he walked over to the makeshift shelf to place the small box onto.
You sway your feet anxiously as you notice the slight hints of irritation in his body; tail swaying high and slowly, and his shoulders were slightly raised. Your hands placed themselves back onto your thigh bracelet as you watched him reorganize a couple of fallen things on the table norm gave you a while back. Nerves swirl through you as you mentally prepare yourself to ask him a simple question.
“Srane, Ma’ yawntutsyìp?”
You inhale deeply before looking down at your hands that were fiddling with the beads of your braclet, exhaling as you finally say, “are you still mad at me?..” you hated how needy and sheepish your voice sounded, but that was the least of your concerns right now.
His brows furrowed at the question; in both sadness because of your tone and confusion, because how could he ever stay mad at his girl?. “Babygirl, come here.” He beckons, making you almost immediately walk over to him.
He lifts you up by your waist swiftly and places you onto the table infront of him, standing in between your legs and cupping your face with his big hands. “I could never stay mad at you. Not even for a day I couldn’t. Even if I was, you know it’d talk to you immediately about it, right?” He questions, to which you respond with a quiet ‘yes’
“and you know I’d never, ever let you feel like you can’t talk to me about anything, right?”
“Good. I don’t want my girl to worry about little things like that. You’re the best thing that’s ever happen to me, and I’d never treat you as if you weren’t. I may get mad at you for the reckless things you do, but that anger is all from my concern for you and your safety. Nothing could ever compare to how severely I love and care for you, yawntutsìp.”
You nod in response to his words as tears of joy and sadness spill down your soft cheeks, the reassuring words being exactly what you needed to calm your nerves.“I love you so much, ma’teyam. So so much.” You mutter through your sniffles as you wrap your dainty hands around his wrist to kiss the inside of his hands.
A small giggle comes from him at the gesture, leaning in to kiss your temple, whispering a sweet “I love you too, babygirl,” to you before kissing your lips gingerly.
You hum in satisfaction when you feel his lips on yours, the sound of it making him laugh against your lips causing you do the same before he broke the kiss to pull you into necessary hug. Instinctively making you cling to his bulky frame as if he’d disappear the second you let go.
Without breaking the hug, he picks you up and walks over to the bed, laying down as gently as he could without pulling you off of him.
Once you both get comfortable, content purrs leave you both. “You have to admit though, it was pretty badass right?” You question, a heavy sigh leaving his lips before he answers, letting out a defeated, “yeah..yeah it was, babygirl.”
You chuckled softly at his response, letting a snarky “yeah, I know it was,” to fall from your mouth before letting the wave of sleep finally hit you. The sounds of your beloved mates steady, sleepy breathes lulling you into a deeper sleep.
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𝑨/𝑵~ yet another fic that’s been sitting in my drafts for months😭 this is an idea I’ve had for a minute, so I hope you guys enjoy it!! After I’m done writing all my ideas for the avatar fandoms I’m gonna start posting more fics for the cod fandom (mostly the mw2 and mw3 side of the cod fandom) bc that’s what I have the most motivation to write for. So if you’d wanna be added to the taglist for that lmk! Stay safe and stay hydrated, babies. I love you guys endlessly.
𝑻𝒂𝒈𝒍𝒊𝒔𝒕: @tallulah477 , @hotdsworld , @plooto , @blue-slxt , @itchaboi-itchyboy , @xylianasblog , @etherial-moon-blog , @criticallybella , @professional-yapper , @rivatar , @aperiraa
(𝑰𝒇 𝒚𝒐𝒖'𝒅 𝒍𝒊𝒌𝒆 𝒕𝒐 𝒃𝒆 𝒂𝒅𝒅𝒆𝒅 𝒐𝒓 𝒓𝒆𝒎𝒐𝒗𝒆𝒅 𝒕𝒐 𝒎𝒚 𝒈𝒆𝒏𝒆𝒓𝒂𝒍 𝒕𝒂𝒈𝒍𝒊𝒔𝒕, 𝒑𝒍𝒆𝒂𝒔𝒆 𝒍𝒎𝒌 𝒃𝒚 𝒄𝒐𝒎𝒎𝒆𝒏𝒕𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝒃𝒆𝒍𝒐𝒘 𝒕𝒉𝒊𝒔 𝒑𝒐𝒔𝒕! 𝑨𝒏𝒅 𝒊𝒇 𝒚𝒐𝒖𝒓 @ 𝒊𝒔𝒏'𝒕 𝒘𝒐𝒓𝒌𝒊𝒏𝒈, 𝒑𝒍𝒆𝒂𝒔𝒆 𝒄𝒉𝒆𝒄𝒌 𝒚𝒐𝒖𝒓 𝒔𝒆𝒕𝒕𝒊𝒏𝒈𝒔💕)
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twst-rose-prisms · 5 months
How do you think TWST boys (the ones below 170 cm like Riddle, Kalim, Epel etc.) would act like around s/o who's insanely tall? I keep reading fics that go like "he put your head on his shoulder" even though I'm almost a feet taller than him and I just end wondering how that's possible. (I'm 17 and is 6'5)
Hi hi~ First of all, thank you for your request anon! Sorry if you have to wait long enough cuz I was a bit busy with school 😭 Anyhow, I hope you like this because I put a lot of braincells into it hehe (also anon you're so tall, like literally a head taller than me-)
Twst boys with a partner that's a lot taller than them
Characters: Epel, Lilia, Riddle, Kalim x Reader Genre: Fluff Warnings: None!
- I feel like he would be conscious of how he looks and his height but doesn't act too worked up over it, so if his partner is hella tall then he probably won't be bothered much unless they tease him about it. However if his partner is both tall and physically strong then he'll be very impressed at their strength instead! Probably asking things like what's their training methods or things like how to improve your muscles, etc. - He probably thinks it's a bit troublesome that he gotta look up to you every time you two are chatting, but as long as there's no teasing at him then he won't pay attention to that much, he won't admit he's secretly jealous of your height though... Okay, he will be, just a little bit, but afterward he just thinks about how cool you are when you always appear a head taller than most people in school and how it's so easy to spot you among the crowd. He seriously wants to be cool like you! - Don't treat him like he's a small, frail boy who needs help every time, that's the top thing on the "Absolute no" list for Epel. Even when you have an advantage in height, so what? He won't let that be a thing for you to make fun of him! In fact, it just gets him even more fired up to work himself better so he can catch up to you quickly! He has a lot of room to grow and he definitely won't give up either. - He definitely boasts about how cool his partner is or how tall they are to others with a proud look on his face. He is lucky for sure to have such an amazing partner like you, no one would ever be able to look down on you (in both ways) and that's what he loves to see! You're so strong and cool... sorry, did he already say that? Well he couldn't help it, you really are in his eyes! - He gonna insist on carrying you a lot of times even though you told him it's not necessary, but he would ask things like "Are you underestimating me?" with one of those "polite smiles" of his just to get you to give up or mess around, and he always success every time he did that. Much to your surprise, he actually might be able to lift you up! And that surprise looks on your face is exactly what he wants, just because you're a head taller doesn't mean he can't be a man around you! He would look super smug about it as he ended up teasing you a bit about this or bringing it up occasionally to see your reaction. He can be a bit of a prankster as a treat~
🦇 Lilia
- Despite being fairly short, I think Lilia never gets bothered in the slightest mainly because he can teleport or float in the air like a bat he is. So even if his partner is insanely tall, he can just float up to their eye level with ease and even use their shoulders for leaning support. (he's just being the silly he is yknow) - But he would be fairly impressed for sure with how tall you're as you easily stand out in the crowd with your head above others or how easily it is to spot you. He thinks it's cool how humans can be so tall but also so short, it's really fascinating for a fae like him! - He can easily take books from the highest shelf or reach out for that one apple hanging on the tree, but sometimes, this guy would start acting like the tease he is and ask you to get it for him. "But you can just float?" "Hoho, but I'm feeling like walking today though~" and just land on the ground so casually like the prankster he is... as you just sigh and get the thing he requested with ease while the fae chuckles in the background. - He loves surprises, so don't question it if he suddenly floats up and kisses you out of nowhere when you expect it the least. That look of pure shock on your face is just priceless for him, peace and quiet is not an option if you're Lilia's partner no matter how tall you're. He definitely lives long enough to seen and talk to people that are as tall or even taller than you, so he knows how to handle it perfectly or even startle them back. - He also loves messing around, so he'll just appears out of nowhere, his body upside down as you got so startled you nearly froze when your eyes meet each other, and he laughs, like a lot. He just loves it when he can throw you off with such remarks and randomness, just because you're a head taller doesn't mean he can't scare you~ - You can try and surprise him back, maybe when he was being a bit too absorbed into chatting with you about something and you lean in, face inches away from his as both of you just stare at each other for a good second before you lean away and ask him to continue. Believe it or not, Lilia was thrilled at that attempt he ended up laughing like an idiot for a good minute, oh silly you, do that again next time! He'll only end up fascinated by you even more if you act like that, so surprising yet so exciting~
🌹 Riddle
- He's very conscious of his height and could easily get angry or irritated at the slight mention of it, so I think he would feel even more conscious if his partner is a head taller than him. He always wanted to be the cool, reliable type of boyfriend in his partner's eyes, but to think now they're the taller one, a head taller even... He is not bothered at all. Not at all! - But that doesn't stop him from wanting his partner to depend on him too, considering he's still an honor student and a housewarden, he'll try to look past the height difference between you two and act like a reliable boyfriend and offer to help you out whether with your study or other things. He knows having a tall height has an advantage like be able to reach for high shelves easily, and whenever you do so, he just tries to not get flustered over it and thanks you properly... Don't worry, he's just being a bit shy~ - He hopes that his partner, being insanely tall, doesn't make fun of his height or mention it too often. He'll try to let it slide if you bring it up in a way that doesn't sound irritating to him, he might easily get upset but he always tries his best to not get unreasonably angry at you, that's the last thing he wants after all. - Whenever you two sit next to each other and when he can easily reach your face better, he will take it as a chance to appear more "boyfriend-like" to you... not that he already isn't one, but sometimes he can't help but wish he could reach your face easier so he can kiss them or cup your face better. Occasionally, he would even lend his shoulder for you to lean on too, not only does he feel like he's doing a good job being your partner but also feels taller too somewhat... That's a secret he'll never tell you though. If only he could be as tall as you... but rest assured, he still has more room to grow. (Or at least that's what he likes to believe) - You can be a bit of a tease by leaning down and randomly giving him a kiss, he'll be as red as his hair with those gray eyes looking all shocked! He probably scolds you to not do that so suddenly the next time but don't worry, he's not mad at all~
- He's probably the one that's the most unbothered in this list since he doesn't care for things like height or appearance in general, but he'll definitely be impressed at how tall his partner is and shows it outwardly, he never holds back when it comes to compliments! - Though I think he'll love having a tall partner too as he can ask them to help him reach high shelves or just be able to spot them so easily in the crowd is enough to make him happy! Just imagine a cheery and bright Kalim running towards you from miles away while waving at you with the way your head pops up in a crowd, that would definitely bring a smile to your face for sure!! - He also isn't too conscious of his height or think too much about it, he is pretty carefree overall so it won't be at the top of his head! However, due to your height difference it would be a bit troublesome when he wants to kiss you but he can't... so he came up with a solution to jump up for that! And don't underestimate him, he's good at jumping despite his short height! (As he bounces up the air and you just so happen to lean down, both of your heads collide... Jamil questioned why both of you got a bump with a worrying look but neither of you explained it truthfully which only raised his suspicion even further... Don't tell him okay?) - Piggyback ride? Piggyback ride! Because of your insanely tall height, you definitely can lift him up and he is excited to say the least! He loves being carried around! So whenever he can wrap his arms around you as you carry him and run around the campus, he'll have a really big, happy grin on his face. Either that or you two do a jump challenge of whoever can reach that tree branch better (even though you know it's a surefire win for you) and the winner gets a free coconut juice! Kalim definitely tried his best to win every time despite his short height, and even when he lost he never appeared sad and the total opposite instead, he just has so much fun being around someone cool like you! - He also loves carrying others too, and he would also do the same to you despite your insane height. Similar to Epel, although you keep telling him it's fine but how can you say no after he give you that cute grin full of sunshine... so you just so happen to say yes, and as enthusiastic as he is, he quickly swoops you up off the ground, see, he definitely can carry you with ease! ...And it doesn't last for long as you both fall over to the ground. He felt bad for dropping you like that and quickly apologize before giving you a big grin and a cheek kiss as an apology gift, so cheeky and adorable of him~
Fun fact: Did you know Ruggie escaped this post with a clutch? He's 171cm, just 1cm away from being in this list~
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tootiecakes234 · 10 months
The Bet (Part 3)
Warnings: smut, MDNI
Katsuki’s POV
Day 2:
When I fell asleep last night she was on one side of the bed and I was on the other. I did that on purpose cuz it sucks waking up with my dick hard and pressed against her. Having to peel myself away with no satisfaction.
So imagine my surprise when I wake up in the exact position I was trying to avoid. I think i might’ve been rutting against her before I woke cuz I’m leaking precum and tucked between her thighs. Fuck me.
I have patrol early this morning, so I force myself to get up take a very long, very cold shower. This bet was kicking my ass. The fact that I couldn’t fuck her only made me want to do it more.
I was so thankful for work today because at least it gave me a distraction.
I got dressed, made myself a quick breakfast and headed out.
I was on patrol with one of my sidekicks this morning. She was really capable and I trusted her so it was more so that I was supervising and teaching instead of taking lead. It was pretty slow for a Sunday actually.
Everything was going so smoothly until I suddenly get a text on my personal phone. I knew it was from Y/N before I even pulled it out because she had taken my phone and given herself her own special ringtone.
I open the message and almost drop and shatter my goddamn phone.
“Mr. Bakugo, are you ok??”, my side kick was looking at me like I was crazy. I could feel the flush from my toes up to the top of my damn head.
“ ‘m fine. Stay sharp and holler if you need me. I gotta make a call”, I said starting to walk away.
I heard her call out a “yessir”
The phone rang one time before she answered my call.
“Hey Katsuki. What’s up?”, she had the nerve to ask that like she didn’t know why I was calling her!
“Y/N…. You’ve lost your goddamn mind. I’m at work! Saving lives! And you’re sending me nudes!!”, I was scream yelling because there were people walking by.
“Are you saying you don’t like them? I got all dolled up for you and it took a lot of work to get an angle where you could see…. Everything.”, her voice had dropped down to this sultry tone.
My cock was starting to harden. She’s stepped up her game.
“Ha you’re good. You caught me off guard with this. And yea I like the picture… any angle that shows that pretty pussy of mine is a good angle.”
“Mmmm I’m glad you like it. I wanted to brighten up your day.”
“You think you’re so smart huh? You’re playing with fire sweet girl. You’re gonna end up with a burn mark on your ass”, my voice had dropped a few octaves.
“Don’t threaten me with a good time Kats.”
“Not a fucking threat princess, it’s a promise… coming. Hey I’ve gotta go. Don’t forget about that reservation tonight. Love ya.” Then I cut the line. I had to get back to work.
I can’t let her win. I won’t let her distract me any further. I can’t believe she had the nerve to call me the devil. She was in for it whenever I got home.
The rest of my day at work flew by. I was there later than I expected because I was catching up on paperwork, so I was rushing to get home in time to change before our reservations.
I got home and Y/N wasn’t in the front room. I just know this woman isn’t still getting ready. I was already rushing and she’s had all day to be prepared for this. I pushed open the door to our room and before me was picture out of a fucking wet dream.
If I died and this was the last thing I saw, I’d die happy. It took her calling my name rather loudly maybe more than once before I snapped out of it.
“What?? What did you say?”
“I said you’ve gotta hurry and change or we are going to be late”, she said and she was sporting the cockiest smirk I’ve ever seen on her face.
“That’s what you’re wearing?”, I asked her just to clarify.
This woman had on a red dress, my favorite color. Her boobs were perched high in her chest and that dress looked like it was made just for her. She also had on these strappy, black heels that wrapped up her calves. Her hair was pinned up and she had on this red lipstick that matched that dress perfectly.
Fuck me. I think she was trying to kill me.
“This old thing…. I figured I’d finally pull it out of the closet.”
“Y/N I know all your clothes. This dress is new.”
“Whoops, you’ve caught me in a lie…I hung out with Mina today and we stumbled across this. I thought you might like it”, the shit eating grin on her face was the only thing keeping me from sinking to my knees right then and there. I was not going to give her the satisfaction of caving now.
“Yea it looks nice enough”, I huffed at her, “I’m gonna hurry up and get ready so we can leave.”
I walked past her and smelled her. She was also wearing my favorite sent of hers. She pulled out all the big guns. She thinks tonight going to be the night she gets me.
Well she’s got another thing coming.
But first… another cold shower. I’m only human.
While I was getting ready, I remembered that she loves seeing me in a button up and apparently white brings out my eyes or some shit. So I put on a white button up, black jeans and a pair of black tennis shoes she’d bought me for my birthday. I threw on my gold chain and a couple rings on my fingers. I’ll be damned if I’m gonna be the only one foaming at the mouth.
I walk out of the room and she’s sitting at the bar with her back to me.
“You ready to go?”
She turned around to look at me and she thought I didn’t see the way her eyes glossed a little and her breath hitched. She tried to hurry and cover it with a small smile on her lips. She hopped down out of her seat and grabbed her purse, which must go with her outfit because lord knows she doesn’t need it.
“Yup let’s hit it hot stuff”
“Wait”, I walked over to her and wrapped one of my arms around her waist and my other hand reached to tip her face up toward me. “Wanna kiss you, don’t wanna fuck up your makeup.”
“One kiss won’t ruin my makeup”, she said all soft and breathy.
“Mmmm it will the way I want to do it.”, I pulled away from her enough to grab her hand and bring her knuckles up to my lips. I kissed each individual knuckle before kissing her wrist and pressing a few more up the length of her forearm. I locked eyes with her once more, “ let’s go princess, we are running late.”
I interlocked our fingers and guided her out to the car. I opened her door and help her buckle up before walking to the other side and hopping in.
Payback time.
For some reason I don’t understand, y/n told me she thinks it’s so hot when I turn my whole body around when I back up. I have a back up camera but you bet your sweet ass tonight, I was turning around and flexing slightly while doing so.
On the drive there a slid my hand over her thigh, which I always did, but tonight I might’ve placed it a little higher than usual.
“Katsuki, can you cut it out?”, she said as she placed her hand over mine and stopped the slow circles I was drawing with my thumb.
“Cut what out baby,” I said glancing over at her.
“We both know what you’re doing.”, she was clenching her jaw as well as slightly squeezing her thighs. She glanced down at my hand like she was trying to send me a message.
Oblivious was the best way to go here, “is my hand bothering you? You’ve never complained about it before.”
“Yea probably cuz it wasn’t resting 2 cm away from my vagina.”
“Haha, yea I am kinda close aren’t I? I can feel the heat coming off of it and I’m sure if I slid those 2 cm I could feel how wet you are too.” Right after I finish saying it I slid my hand up and let me pinky rub lightly over her panties and look there. Drenched. She winced like she was in pain.
“Kat!” She said my voice on a moan. Fuck, she was so sensitive.
“Sorry, my hand slipped cuz of that pothole”, I whispered.
“There was no freaking pothole. You’re such an ass”, she tried to grab my hand and take it off her thigh, but this only made me dig a little deeper and press a little harder up against her.
By this point we were pulling up to the restaurant. Lucky her.
When we got out of the car, her panties were soaked and I had to rearrange myself to even be able to walk inside this place.
By this point we were both miserable and unsatisfied. This bet is such bullshit. Whose bright idea was it to do this?
We were at one of our favorite restaurants. When I made the reservation I made it for a booth in the back because this place tended to be really crowded and I didn’t want to be spotted.
We got seated and the conversation started to flow.
“Mina said that she thinks Sero has a secret girlfriend. Has he said anything to you about it?”
“No and even if he did why would I tell you. It’d be a secret for a reason. The two of you are the biggest goss-” I almost fucking choked on my own spit.
“Are you ok Kat? What’s wrong?”, she looked at me like she was genuinely concerned for my well being and not like she just almost caused my death.
She had taken off one of her shoes and her foot was now pressed up against my inner thigh. Before I have time to respond, our waiter is back at our table taking our orders.
The entire time he’s there, she’s gently stroking her foot up and down and at what point it brushes up against my cock and I fumble over my words.
The waiter just laughs it off like I’m just some idiot having a stroke and when I look over at y/n she has the nerve to be laughing too.
When he finally leaves she takes her foot back and continues on like nothing happened.
“I’m gonna run to the bathroom. Brb.” She said as she started getting up.
I just nodded my head at her. I needed time to get my shit together. This is not going well. I have to get a handle on this situation and fast, but she came back to fast. I didn’t have time to prepare anything.
The rest of dinner went off without any problems though. Maybe she was struggling just as bad as me. Maybe we were going to call it for tonight.
Wishful thinking.
While we are outside, waiting for the valet to pull the car up, y/n comes up real close to me slides something into my pants pocket. When she pulls back there’s a smirk on her lips.
“What the fuck is that?” And all she does is shrug at me.
When I reach down and start pulling it out, I realize very quickly that it’s her panties. Her damp panties.
“ Y/n when did you take these off?”, my voice came out like I was growling. My self restraint is hanging on by a thread.
“When I went to the bathroom earlier.” She then came up to me wrapped her arms around my neck and kissed me.
My hands automatically grab at her ass because that’s what they’ve been wanting to do all night.
She could be a siren. I could actually know for a fact that she is a siren and at this point I’d happily walk my dumbass into the ocean and let her drown me.
I feel like I’m in a trance and the only thing that breaks it is the valet driver clearing his throat to get our attention.
The drive home is quiet. I don’t attempt to tease her any further because if I put my hands on her again I know I won’t stop. I’ve gotta try and get home. Lock myself in my office. That’s my game plan.
Tell her I have some work to do and just stay in there until she’s asleep because I’m at my breaking point.
Initially the plans going great. We get in the house, I hurry up and change, and then head to my office.
Done. Easy. I survived another day and tomorrow she’ll have work so it can’t possibly be this bad.
That is until I hear a little knock on my office door.
“Come in.”
“Hey, how long are you going to be working?”, she asked.
She’d changed too, into an oversized tshirt and she had her little fuzzy slippers on. Fucking adorable.
“‘M not sure. I’ve got a few things I need to get done tonight. Why are you still up?”
She walks over to me looks at me expectantly. I push my chair back from my desk enough for her to slide into my lap.
“Are you miserable too? This bet is stupid and I’ve been hot and bothered all day.”, she was mumbling against the side of my head.
“You went out of your way today to make sure I was miserable you heathen. My dick has been at least half hard since I woke and blue balls doesn’t even begin to describe the shit I’m going through.”
She has the nerve to chuckle at that but it wasn’t a damn joke.
“Is that why you’re in here pretending to work? Cuz you don’t wanna come to bed with me?”
“Y/n I-“ her lips cut me off. She moved so fast. She went from sitting on one leg to straddling me. I could feel her tits pressed up against and with the way her pussy was radiating heat against my sweats, I could tell she had no panties on.
She was grinding down against me and her tongue was in my mouth.
The next thing I know one of my hands has slipped past her shirt in the back and is rubbing her wetness around. And do I fucking mean wet. I’m sure there’s a big ass spot on the front of my pants. The other hand is tweaking her nipples. She’s a whimpering mess now and I’m panting like I just finished running a marathon.
“K-kit Kat…we have to stop”
“Say it… say it and let me fuck you. You know you want it.”, I started pressing sloppy kisses all up and down her neck and I was running slow circles around her clit, “say it.”
She’s right there, on the brink. I can tell it’s on the tip of her tongue and right when I think she’s going to actually do it, shes jumping off my lap like I’m on fire.
“What? Where the hell are you going?”, I was so sure this was it. I could taste the victory on my tongue.
“I-I’m g-going to bed.” She was trying to get her breathing under control just like I was.
She started making her way out of this office. She was really going to leave like this.
What the actual fuck?
“Please” I didnt comprehend until after I said it that I had already sunk to my knees. The word flew out of my mouth as soon as I saw her hand on the door handle.
I’d fucking lost.
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 4
*my first trying to write in someone else’s pov… so don’t be mean.
Also I got carried away and I know this is super duper long.
There will be a part 4 with the smut. It will be be back to readers POV.
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just-a-sewer-goblin · 4 months
Bartender!Kyle x gn!reader Part 2 babyyyyyy Not proofread so probably horrible. Sorry. Just wanted to get this out there as quickly as possible. I hope you have half as much fun reading as I had writing. Part 1 | COD Masterlist | Part 3
He's not waiting for you to return. He's not looking at the door everytime it opens the next few days. He's absolutely not hoping to see you again. Nope nopedy nope. He did not suddenly grow obsessed with you. He -
The door opens and his head whips around to look at who's coming in and he can feel himself straightening up, when he realizes that it is in fact you. You and some friends it seems.
You're all chattering amongst yourself and occupie a table in the corner. Kyle isn't sure who he has to thank for your return because his bar surely isn't the most popular with regular people and there's prettier spots out there, but he's not gonna complain.
He wipes his hands on a towel, swings it over his shoulder and approaches your table. Suddenly he's happy that his bar is so small and cozy that he can manage it alone.
"What can I get for you?"
One of your friends pats your shoulder after whatever they said to you and the two of them, a dude and a girl, order their stuff. Your eyes stay glued to the table and your friend orders for you.
He wonders what's up with that. You look.... down?
Shame, he would have loved to get a glimpse of your lovely eyes.
When he's behind the bar again, making your drinks he glances at you. Your friend goes to pat you on the shoulder again and you scowl.
Down and angry too? Maybe he can help with that.
He decides to double the amount of your drink and then approaches the table while balancing a tray with your drinks.
As he gets closer he can hear your voice, angry and frustrated.
"... improper language with a customer!? Can you believe it? That fuckwart had it coming, I swear. They should be grateful I got rid of that scum for them. But nooooo, 'You're fired' it is."
You let your head fall to the table in frustration and Kyle is being torn between feeling bad for you and being enamoured by the way you talk.
He never knew he could be attracted to the way someone talks. But your voice is utterly captivating and you have a particular way of pronouncing words, that just draws him in.
He silently puts the drinks on the table, putting yours before you. When you notice the amount in the glass you look up at him in surprise.
"Uh, I ordered a regular?", you question.
He smiles in response. "It's on the house. Noticed you didn't seem to be having the best day. Enjoy, dove."
When he turns around he can hear the girl squeal.
"Did you hear that!? He called you dove!? Oh my god! He was totally flirting with you."
"He's so cute too!", the guy adds knowingly smirking at you.
Then Kyle's too far away to catch more of the conversation. Shame, he would have loved hearing your response. But he's satisfied with the knowledge that your friends will definitely nudge you in his direction.
He's pretty sure everyone in the bar is too drunk to notice him paying special attention to your table and you're too busy moping about losing your job to notice him dropping by way more often that he'd need to.
It's honestly no ones business. He needs to check on his little dove.
He's coming by to ask if you need another drink once more when he hears you say: "Just gotta find another café to serve at."
Like a knight in shining armour Kyle is there.
"Sorry for eavesdropping but... I'm currently managing this bar alone and I could really use some help. So if you're interested in a job, maybe I've got the one for you.", he offers.
He smiles brightly and warmly at you and you gape up at him.
"Holy shit! That's awesome.", you say and immediately slap your hand over your mouth. Then you rush to say: "I can control my language, I promise!"
That makes him laugh and you grin up at him awkwardly until he makes you speechless once more.
"Oh, you can run your mouth here all you want. The customers won't care and I'm just happy to hear your pretty voice."
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thezombieprostitute · 19 days
Unwanted - Part 3
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Summary: Your life is no longer yours. You've been forced into becoming a different species of human. Bought and paid for, what can you do but follow orders and obey your Alpha?
Warnings: Allusions to surgery, human trafficking, kidnapping; Angst; Depression; Suicidal thoughts. Let me know if I missed any!
A/N: Reader is described as big & tall, is female. No other descriptors required.
Part 2
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Unfortunately, upon landing, you found it was another empty promise from Ari. Instead of a meet and greet, like you expected, you were escorted into what looked like an interrogation room, but slightly less scary. Ari sends Johnny to get you some water while he sets up a recorder and notebook.
"We need to get some information from you," he tells you flatly. "You have inside knowledge of Hansen and Kemp's operation that we can use to save others. So please tell me everything that happened. Spare no detail." You give him a pained look and he sighs. "I know you've been through a lot, and not just today. But this information could save a lot of other lives from having to go through what you did. Or at least save them from being tortured to death by the process."
"For someone who smells like fire you can be ice cold," you snap at him.
"I'm trying to save people," he growls.
"By fucking things up for others," you snarl. "I was kidnapped off the street, a bag thrown over my head, by the man you called Hansen. I know because I recognized his voice earlier today. He had a lot of not-so-nice things to say about me and my body. But that's nothing compared to what happened when he gave me to Dr. Kemp. It was operation after operation after operation. My body didn't always have time to heal between them! I was in pain all the time! I was crying for someone, anyone to come help me and I'd just get laughed at by him! I couldn't breathe, couldn't stop hurting, couldn't...I couldn't..." you collapse into a ball on the floor, gently rocking and holding yourself like you did in your cell. Your world turns dark as you pass out.
You wake up wrapped in the arms of a woman with red hair and green eyes. Her scent makes you think of a river, slowly, but successfully, changing the environment around it by always moving. It's oddly comforting, but that could also be the fact that you're being held. In the background you're vaguely aware of a shouting match.
You try to lift your head to get a better sense of things but the woman gently places her palm on your forehead, "it's okay. You've been through a lot. More than you should have. Just get some rest for now."
"Who are you?"
"I'm Nat," she smiles. "I'm the lead Omega, for lack of a better term. I'm responsible for all the Omegas in the community, yourself included. You were supposed to be brought directly to me but apparently Ari didn't want to wait for you to catch your breath before pushing you too far." She looks towards the shouting match and you can hear a small growl in her voice. "Thankfully Johnny let us know what was going on and Steve, my Alpha, and the Pack Alpha, is putting Ari in his place."
"I think I understood what you're saying..."
She smiles at you again, "don't worry. We'll get you properly taken care of and the social aspects can be learned later. Right now, we gotta focus on your well-being. Do you think you can stand up? Walk with me to the kitchen area? If not, we can either keep laying here or I can get someone to carry you there."
You snort, "no one can carry me so easily." She makes a noise and shrugs her shoulders in a way that indicates it might not be so clear cut. "Do I actually have a choice in this?"
"Of course you do," she affirms. "You will always have a say in what happens to you."
Tears start pouring again, "I think I just want to be held for a while longer. If that's okay."
"I wouldn't have offered if it wasn't okay," she assures as she gives you a gentle squeeze.
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Part 2
Tagging: @alicedopey; @delicatebarness; @icefrozendeadlyqueen; @lokislady82; @peyton-warren; @ronearoundblindly; @startcarvingdarling
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missyandthemisfits · 5 months
Tokyo Rev x Pretty Feet 👣
"Kiss It Better." - 1
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Your Tokyo Rev crush accidentally steps on your foot and you decide to get bold and tell them to "Kiss it better."
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Manjiro 'Mikey' Sano
"Oh dang, sorry 'bout that (Name)-chi!"
His apology is playful and his grin is shit eating and for a moment you have to wonder if Mikey did that on purpose-
Feeling playful yourself, and uncharacteristically bold, you hold up the 'injured' foot, bracing your back on a nearby wall
"Kiss it better."
He stops smiling - stops everything
Just...stands there with his mouth slightly agape with an unreadable expression 
You start to sweat
"J-just kidding-,"
Before you can say another word, he's down on one knee, lips on your exposed toes (damn you sandals), eyes never once leaving yours
An embarrassed blush finds your face and neck and he grins 
"I gotta say, I kinda like you bossing me around, (Name)-chi~"
You stand dumbfounded as he starts down the road still recovering from the fact your long-time crush, THE Mikey, just kissed YOUR mf toes-
Ken 'Draken' Ryūguji
"Oh man, sorry (Name)- I didn't hurt you, did I?" 
Actually moves to inspect your foot - he's a big dude and he knows it
Just then, something came over you
You knew full well Emma had a crush on him too. That said, he hadn't yet explicitly accepted or rejected anyone yet, so-
"Kiss it better...?" 
By this time, your foot is hiked up and there's an uncharacteristic, almost unseen blush on his face
"I- what the Hell, (Name)? Where did that even come from?"
You couldn't help but laugh 
Oh well. Maybe next time.
This nervous energy was enough for now.
Keisuke Baji 
"Shit, my bad! You okay?" 
He jumps back, crouching down to inspect it
Keisuke was so damn hot and the fact that he was this caring (though he'd often try to hide it) was even more attractive-
"You should," he perks up and you waver a bit, "Um... kiss it better."
His face is as hot as yours as he looks down then back up to you 
You practically scream, pulling your foot away- or trying to anyway 
"Wait! I...I didn't think you'd actually do it!"
"Then why the Hell did you ask?!"
"I-I dunno!"
It was, in fact, the weirdest confession of feelings ever.
Chifuyu Matsuno 
"Holy crap, I am so sorry, (Name)!"
He tries his best to keep his cool in most situations- totally freaks out about this minor incident 
Fingers are already caressing your calf, successfully assessing the damage and tickling you
You heart flutters at the sight of it all and your words tumble out faster than your brain can catch them-
"Kiss it better?"
Thankfully, you'd asked the question innocent enough. That didn't make the situation any less awkward tho-
"I-I mean...at least let me buy you dinner first...,"
He trails off on that last part but you definitely heard that one, loud and freaking clear-
"There's a ramen shop up the road!"
He stands upright, bright eyed and determined 
"Yea? Let's do it."
Another moment passes
"...Do you really want me to kiss your feet?"
His hand finds the back of his neck and he looks away with a blush identical to yours
"I- let's just pencil that, okay?"
Takashi Mitsuya 
"Oh- my apologies. Did I hurt you?" 
Ever the gentleman, ever the kindhearted cutie, he's sweetly glancing down at your painted toes, fingers lightly brushing against your arm in apology 
Oh Mitsuya~
"Kiss it better."
Annnd you said something stupid without thinking again...
Awesome job, (Name)
"I'm sorry?"
"Uh-," Sweats
Sweats profusely 
He smirks like the sly fox he is
"Well, now. Didn't take you for that kind of person, (Name)."
You take this as a form of encouragement 
"I'm full of surprises, Mitsuya."
Holy crap, are we flirting rn? 
He chuckles lightly 
"I look forward to discovering each and every one of them."
Your face is on fire...again
Hakkai Shiba
 "Fuck- I'm sorry, (Name)!"
He's got some pretty big feet and he knows that so he's lowkey (highkey) freaking out about it
Better respond quick, the longer you take to respond, the more anxious he gets-
"S'ok. Or... it will be when you kiss it better."
Pauses his haphazard inspection - partially because his breath hitches in his throat
What now? 
"I um...well, if you think it'll help, I don't mind..."
You almost don't wanna fess up to teasing him cause you dunno what you were expecting, but it definitely wasn't that
"I was joking, but now I actually kind of want you to?"
Laughter ensues and honestly it's all either of you can manage at the moment, totally embarrassed 
Nahoya 'Smiley' Kawata 
"Whoops! Hey watch it, would ya, (Name)?"
This bitch-
"You are so damn rude sometimes like...what the actual fuck, Smiley?"
-Is what you said, but you were still pretty into it somehow 
He laughs, but does a subtle double take
"You're okay though, right?"
"No...I might need you to Kiss it better..."
He hums momentarily 
"Wow, (Name)- that's pretty kinky."
You're instantly regretting ever uttering
"I seriously can't stand you...," 
"Well, I didn't say no~"He sings
You sure knew how to pick 'em 
Exhausting, he is
Souya 'Angry' Kawata
" Oh my god- I'm sorry! I'm so sorry! I didn't see your foot, I should have watched where I was stepping-,"
 Apologies profusely 
Full on nurse mode- breaks out the mini-first aid that he carries around (cause let's face it his brother and friends are walking disasters) and gets to work immediately-
It is... so endearing and yet so unnecessary at the same time 
You allow him to finish and thank him with a smile, almost feeling bad for the teasing about to ensue-
"Could you Kiss it better, Souya? Please?"
Freezes in place
Fingers are twitching around your foot
Face is beet red
Oh yea, the sight was definitely worth it
You laugh, placing a hand on his shoulder
"I'm sorry, I couldn't help it! You're just so cute when you're flustered! Thank you for the bandaids!"
He proceeds to bury his face in his hands, trying and failing to make himself as small as humanly possible, still crouched 
You promised him you wouldn't tease as much on one condition; a date.
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mikhailwrites · 11 months
The fire in your eyes / Ghost x Soap
Kinktober #19 - Uniforms
Military Parades. Everyone hates them. Instead of doing something useful and productive, you need to dress up and march in front of staring crowds. Nobody cares if it’s so hot the road is melting or so cold your eyes are freezing over. However, there might be a silver lining to this one: Johnny fucking MacTavish proudly displaying his Scottish heritage.
I'm writing this at 3AM, terribly sorry if it's even less coherent and has even more mistakes than usual. Btw did you know SAS has its own tartan? Well, now you do.
The door to the rec room opens, Ghost immediately checks them. And has to look away and back again. As if to make sure he’s truly seeing... that. Johnny. In a kilt. Not just the kilt, in fact, the whole getup.
Gaz whistles, eyeing the other Sergeant. “Looking sharp, mate! Got a date? Some pretty bird to impress?”
“Damn right, I do,” Johnny smirks as he momentarily looks at Simon. Oh, he likes to play with fire. But he does look sharp, Gaz is right about that. “But we gotta address the elephant in the room. Ghost in a uniform? What did you bribe him with? And the chest candy, too? Had to be expensive.”
“That would be classified, Sergeant,” Price appears out of nowhere, rivalling Ghost’s namesake. “I hope you boys are ready to make a good impression today.”
“Yes, sir!” they answer him in unison. They don’t have to like parades, but they all understand why they must be at their best.
It all goes smoothly; they’ve rehearsed it, after all, for countless hours. Even the weather takes pity on them and graces the parade with an overcast and reasonable temperature. They march, they do the show, people are applauding, a few are shouting some profanities as if a good portion of the parade doesn’t have a near-death experience. As if they didn’t hear the whistle of a bullet flying way too close to their head.
Ghost keeps his mind carefully clear. He performs as is expected of him, enjoys the fleeting moments he gets to see Johnny and tries not to count passing minutes. Then there’s a hymn, another march, and, yes, finally, they’re free. He needs a drink, as do the rest of One-Four-One. Drink, and then he gets out of the uniform. Every time he catches a glimpse of himself, he startles a bit until his brain catches up. God, he hates this.
As Simon nears the pub they had earlier agreed to meet, there is an unusual amount of noise and ruckus coming from inside—the sound of breaking glass and splintering wood, shouts and thuds. Ghost tags Price standing a little out of the way, leaning against the wall and smoking one of his usual cigars.
“Someone already managed to start a fight?” Simon asks as he comes closer, mildly impressed.
“Uh-huh,” Price nods. “We did.”
Ghost blinks a few times. Alright, he didn’t see that coming. “What happened?”
“Someone insulted Soap’s kilt and, if I got it right, even went as far as to say something about his mother. And you don’t just insult SAS soldier’s mum, do you?” Price asks a wholly rhetorical question. Ghost only nods, but then he looks around the deserted street.
“So, why aren’t you inside?”
“Plausible deniability. If I go there, I’ll have to clean up the mess and employ some disciplinary measures. You know the drill.”
“Want me to sort it out, sir?”
“Please do.”
That’s the only permission Ghost needs. He takes off the jacket, handing it to Price. He might not like it, but he sure as hell doesn’t want to get his measurements taken again for a new one.
It’s an absolute chaos inside. Luckily, Ghost thrives in chaos. He sweeps the pub from left to right, taking a quick and rough account of the situation. Gaz is to his right; two men are holding him up as the third takes a swing at him. It’s not a bad punch, Gaz’s head jerks to the side, blood from the split lip dripping on his uniform. As the assailant prepares for another swing, Ghost intervenes. This is his teammate right here, the man who’s saved Ghost’s life on numerous occasions.
Ghost moves quickly, sliding behind the man’s back and grabbing him by the collar, slamming him into the overturned table. The two blokes holding Gaz up look at Ghost, then at each other. There’s a hint of recognition. They let Gaz go immediately and try to charge Ghost, both of them at the same time. Not a bad thinking.
Ghost dodges one fist aimed at his stomach and trips the man. The other one lands a hit on Ghost’s kidneys. It hurts, but he’s used to pain. However, before Ghost can react, Gaz is there, kneeing the bloke in the stomach before sucker-punching him. Okay, that’s one-half of the job done.
“Where’s Soap?” Ghost barks out loud enough to be heard over the racket.
Gaz looks around. Numerous fights are going on, as is expected. There’s tension and rivalry between the military branches and the units. This sort of gathering is a powder keg. “I don’t…,” Gaz starts, trying to find their other Sergeant. “Oh….”
Ghost follows Gaz’s gaze, and… yeah. Oh.
Soap is lying on the ground, one guy’s neck held between his thighs while simultaneously doing a proper fist-assisted dentistry on another bloke who’s struggling to crawl away. Johnny looks like a rabid dog.
“You gonna need help with him?” Gaz asks, not making even a single move.
“Nah, get out of here, Price is waiting outside,” Ghost shakes his head, loosening his tie, unbuttoning the cuffs of his shirt and tucking the sleeves up.
First, he frees the half-choked bloke before he kicks him further from Johnny. Then he grabs Soap and forces him to his knees, thus letting go of the second guy in the process. Ghost quickly glances at their uniform. Royal Marines. Of course. Ghost almost wants to kick them some more.
Instead, he does the reasonable thing worthy of an officer. He takes Soap and, much to the Sergeant’s protests drags him away. Soap is loud, cursing Ghost in that incomprehensible language of his, but even he isn’t so out of it as to hit Ghost, who also happens to be his commanding officer as well as a partner of sorts.
Ghost pretends not to notice and appreciate the searing heat in Soap’s blue eyes. Johnny doesn’t lose his shit nearly as often as many would think, yet when it does happen, it’s an absolute masterclass of carnage. And Ghost loves it. However, he can’t be thinking with his prick right now. They need to get out before someone with actual power shows up.
The ride back to Hereford is a short and quiet one. They stop at a petrol station and get some ice. Gaz is nursing his split lip and bruised jaw, Soap is pressing a handful of ice on the back of his head, where he claims someone hit him with a chair. He’s bleeding from the shallow cut on his forehead, and his left eye is beginning to swell. He got a thorough beating, but Ghost can’t help but think that he didn’t really save Soap. If anything, he saved those two poor bastards Soap was beating up. The Sergeant would probably eat them alive if someone didn’t stop him.
They get out of the car, Ghost immediately grabbing Soap and dragging him away. Price sighs, and Gaz chuckles.
Ghost is leading them to the barracks, to his room. The door closes, lock clicks in place. Johnny is dirty, bruised and bloody; his uniform is ripped in several places, too. He’s a damn mess, but Ghost has always had some seriously crossed wires. He’s been hard in his trousers for a while, and there’s no way he’s waiting a minute more to do something about it.
“Uh… Listen, LT, I’m sor…,” Soap doesn’t get to finish his apology before Ghost is on him, damn near devouring his mouth while his hand clutches at Soap’s thigh over the thick layers of tartan. Johnny lets out a slightly exasperated laugh as he backs up and falls onto the bed. Ghost follows, never allowing more than an inch of space between them. The new position allows him to reach under the kilt finally. He kneads at Soap’s bare thigh, remembering that he nearly choked a man with it. Fuck!
Ghost quickly undoes his belt and shucks his trousers down under his arse. “Lube,” he growls at Soap because the Sergeant is closer to the nightstand. Johnny does as he’s told, fishing out the bottle and handing it over with the same practised move as if he would hand Ghost a magazine.
“Prep?” Ghost asks, clipped and right down to the business.
“Fuck it, want you in me thirty minutes ago,” Johnny smirks. The fire in his eyes is back now. He didn’t get to rip the Marines apart, but now he might get that anger channelled in a different way.
“Wanted to be in you the moment I saw you in the morning,” Ghost retorts.
“You tell me the sweetest things, Simon. Hurry up!” Soap smiles, licking his lips as he watches Ghost fumble with the lube.
It burns a bit at first, then it hurts a bit more, but Soap is no virgin. Ghost is holding back a great deal, trying to go reasonably slow. Soap groans, but instead of pulling away or making any attempt to stop Ghost, he nudges him closer, whining as he forces himself to take more. Ghost is mesmerised, completely lost in him.
Johnny writhes under him, unable to stay still. Ghost’s prick halfway in is both too much and not enough, and it’s frustrating. Finally, he makes up his mind, hooks his legs behind Ghost’s back and demonstrates just how much strength there really is in his legs.
Ghost gasps and moans, Soap whines, arching his back off the bed, struggling to take a breath for a few seconds. “Christ, Johnny,” Simon wheezes, struggling to control himself and the situation. Scratch that; he doesn’t control the situation at all. Soap does, especially once he adjusts and simply uses Ghost to take what he needs.
Simon doesn’t mind. He would be willing to give this man anything he could desire. Anything at all. Simon would cut out his own cold, cold heart and gift it to him. He would burn down the world. For now, it seems that his cock will suffice.
Soap, for the lack of better words, fucks himself on it, and the kilt, rumpled and tucked up, leaves exactly nothing to the imagination. Johnny shivers as the glistening glans of his hardon rubs against the wool, but Ghost does nothing to help him.
If he did, it would’ve been over way too quickly. Instead, he leverages Soap’s hips, changing the angle significantly. Soap yelps before hissing an ecstatic “Yes!” Soon enough, more words follow. Please and harder are especially frequent, and Ghost does give it to him.
Snapping his hips forward at a punishing pace, he gets a lovely gasp each time he bottoms out. Johnny is clawing at the sheets with one hand and at Ghost’s forearm with the other. Come morning, he will probably look like a wild cat mauled him.
It’s a sweet kind of pain. Johnny will feel him for a few days; it’s only fair Ghost will, too. Simon feels the tension build up inside him; his thrusts are slower but firmer, forcing a breath out of Soap, who looks like half of his mind is wandering elsewhere. Eyes hooded, mouth hanging open, face slack in that special way only a good shag can do.
“’M close,” Ghost warns. Or maybe it’s a promise, what with the way Johnny’s legs hold him tighter, trying to force him deeper. Simon blindly searches around until he finds the lube, pouring a little into his palm before he grips Johnny’s neglected prick. It’s hot and hard, velvety, with prominent veins that make Ghost’s mouth water as he remembers how it feels in his mouth, on the tip of his tongue. How Johnny tastes, how his hand in Simon’s hair feels. Simon cries out, a broken sound of utter relief, as he pumps into Soap with each pulse that wrecks his body, coming inside him for what feels like an eternity but is mere seconds.
His hand slacks, but Soap covers it, tightens the grip and continues to fuck into Simon’s fist with quick, erratic thrusts. He’s close, his breathing ragged, his brow furrowed with desperation and concentration. Simon moans as Soap rides his oversensitive cock.
Even in his post-orgasmic state, Ghost feels the faint rush of excitement as he watches Soap coming undone and, a few seconds later, actually coming, soiling his uniform, jacket, kilt, shirt, all of it. Ghost lets them both breathe for a few seconds before Johnny lets go of his hand; Simon, in turn, let’s go of Johnny’s cock, and brings his hand to his mouth. Johnny makes a small, helpless noise as he watches Ghost lick the cum off his fingers and palm.
Simon collapses on the bed next to Johnny, exhaustion catching up to him quickly.
“You’re beautiful,” Simon whispers, unable to stop himself.
Soap stares at him for a moment before he snorts. “Aye, damn right I am, what with the black eye, all bloodied and bruised.
“You’re prettiest when you’re bloodied and bruised. And angry, I like you angry,” Ghost continues, his filter completely fried. Johnny would probably tease him about it later, but for now, he can say whatever he wants.
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deconstructthesoup · 10 months
Analyzing "The Web I Spin For You"
Okay, so... THIS FUCKING SONG is one of the most interesting and compelling songs in the Nightmare Time saga, and nobody ever talks about it---unless they're praising Mariah's voice, which is something you should be doing regardless. Outside of "The Summoning," this is the only song sung by one of the gods of the Black & White, and unlike "The Summoning," which is just vibes, villain chaos, and dealing out some Faustian bargains with the NPMD gang, this song actually provides lore. It shows us a deeper look into Webby's psyche and motivations, something that the Lords in Black have yet to be gifted. It gives us a hint as to how brothers and sister split apart... and I think it might be our very first---and so far, only---look into the parent of these eldritch beings.
Okay, let's start.
"Why do you haunt me like a ghost? / You're supposed to love me the most"
Right off the bat, we have emotional depth. Webby is singing about someone who has hurt her, someone who was supposed to love her but instead used her and continues to haunt her life. Who is this person, and what did they do?
"Got me in the spell you cast / The iris of your eye is black / Weren't you the one to watch my back / Unlike the witches you summon?"
This is where it ties into the episode, with "witches you summon." You get the clear sense that Webby is talking about a family member---maybe her brothers, but it has to be one in particular, and it doesn't really feel like she's talking about Wiggly... if nothing more than the fact that his irises are very clearly not black, at least if the doll is anything to go by.
"Have you noticed that my trust has turned / You may have taught me, but now I've learned / Gotta catch you before I'm burned / In the web I spin for you"
Now, here is where it starts to make sense. I think this song is about the father of the Lords in Black and Webby---someone who taught them how to be gods of chaos. Maybe once upon a time, Webby believed in what her father was teaching her, maybe he even kept the truth secret from her, but she grew up, saw through it, decided that she didn't want to participate in the evil, and left.
At this point in the song, the phrase "the web I spin for you" seems to refer to something Webby made for her family's benefit, and based on the lyrics, it eventually became a curse for her. I saw someone mention the theory that Webby created the split timeline... and you know what? Maybe that is the web she made. A blessing, because nothing is ever permanent and nobody ever truly dies, but a curse, because she watches her brothers succeed again and again, and even when she wins, there's no guarantee that the people she helped will be happy. In fact, the episode this comes from has the only ending in the Hatchetfield universe---nobody dies, Hannah makes it out with Miss Holloway's help, Lex and Ethan get out of jail. And honestly... it hits harder that way, because I think there's enough evidence to suggest that The Witch In The Web is in the same timeline as Nightmare Time 2. And we all know how that ended.
"You used to keep me at your side / (Have you given that up? Have you given that up? Have you given that up?) / I suppose you'd have me empathize"
The way I'm interpreting it now, this could add fuel to the fire as to why the LiB resent Webby. Maybe back when she still believed in her family, she was her father's favorite. But something happened---maybe nothing more than the fact that she was kind---that changed all that. In the very next line, she says that the person she's singing about stabbed her in the back. Maybe she was lied to, maybe she was betrayed---whatever the reason, this could be why she left.
"Have you noticed that my trust has turned / You may have taught me, but now I've learned / I'll enjoy it as I watch you squirm / In the web I spin for you"
Here is where "the web I spin for you" shifts from being something Webby made to help to something she made to trap. The web she made---maybe it's the timeline, maybe it's something else---benefits nobody, but especially not the people who hurt her. She doesn't trust them anymore, so she's turned her web into something that can hurt them back.
"What's the point of giving love and trust for / I thought it something that was worth the fight for / And now I wonder what I worked so hard for / I even thought that I could give my life for you"
God. Damn. There's so much I can say, but the first thing that comes to mind is... poor Webby. Based on these lyrics alone, she has been hurt, she's been betrayed, she's likely been lied to or mislead about the purpose of what she was doing, and it's a miracle that she's still her loving and caring self. And speaking of which...
"I was the only one that loved and cared for / Have you noticed that I have it in for / As I grew older that I have no need for / The web I spin for you"
This one is actually pretty straightforward, and it lends credence to the theory that Webby truly is the only Queen in White---the only good entity in her family. The next line could either indicate that she's grown to the point where she's too powerful for the web she made, or she's outright rejecting her family and the purpose they gave her---either way, it's still cool.
"If I'm-a trust, I'm gonna trust in me / You may have taught me, but I'm now learning / All this time, I've been untangling / The web I spin for you"
And THIS RIGHT HERE is where the "gotta take it back, take it back" refrain all throughout the song makes sense. Webby is now attempting to undo her actions, now that she knows that she can't trust her family and that she's learning on her own. She's untangling the web she made, and in doing so, turning the tide.
"No doubt that if I drop dead / You'll find me tangled up / In the web I spin for you"
Full disclosure---I always have to look up those last two lyrics to know what they are, and they're very bone-chilling. My only thought to what this might mean is that... Webby's saying that the web she made might kill her. And she's either trying to guilt the person she's singing to, or she's furious at the fact that they made her create such a thing, and... yeah. I don't know what's more hard-hitting.
ANYWAYS, this song is supremely underrated
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aimlesspixel · 4 months
I want to try and write a isat fanfic continuation so for now a first step on their new journey. Please give me your thoughts so I can improve!
The sun is warm, the smell of a fresh summers day wafts over, the darkless shades covering the field as your family walks alongside you. What a time to be alive huh? Vaugaurd is saved, you're free of the time loop, and your travels are picking back. The party back in Dormont was a good way to celebrate and you're glad for the downtime you got before setting off again with everyone.
Isabeau - "Madame, thanks again for getting the supplies we needed together yesterday." Odile - "It wasn't any trouble especially since they gave us so much as thanks for saving them."
They probably gave us a bit too much if you're being honest but it's nice that you won't have to worry about stocking back up for a while. You notice Mirabelle shooting you a glance and walk over.
Siffrin - "Something wrong?" Mirabelle - "N-no. I just wanted to see how you were feeling is all."
It has only been a few days since you managed to finally escape the time loop but after talking with everyone and expreiencing real days again you're feeling a lot better.
Siffrin - "I'm great honestly."
She glares at you for a moment as if trying to see through any lies you might have told before relaxing and smiling gently.
Mirabelle - "I'm glad, make sure to talk to me if you do start feeling bad, you promised after all." Siffrin - "I promise I won't leaf you hanging Mira." A slight smirk appears on her face. "Good."
Bonnie is as full of energy as ever. Actually they may have a more than before since you're all on your way to reunite them with their recently unfrozen older sister. What was her name again something with an N you're sure… Nico… Niel… Nille yes that was it Nille. The forest is finally coming into view which means you're about a sixth of the way to the next town. A pretty good pace if you all keep this up it'll only take a month to get to Bambouche.
It's pretty dark out now you've set up camp for the evening in a little clearing along the path. Bonnie's cooking up stew for everyone tonight. You sit on a log with Isabeau on your right as you eat.
Isabeau - "O-Oh Sif!"
He seems a little startled maybe you should have asked him but oh well he did just confess to you so he should at least be able to handle this much.
Isabeau - "H-how umm… how do you like the stew?"
It's a nice stew; hearty, warm, and delicious the spices compliment the meat well. "It's pretty tasty in fact I guess you could say…"
He looks at you with anticipation written all over his face. "that it's pretty stewpendous!"
He erupts into laughter - "YEAH YOU COULD HAHAHA!"
You catch Mirabelle giggling and Bonnie doing a small fist pump out of the corner of your eye. You enjoy the stew with everyone around the fire enjoying some light conversation. Finishing up you set your plate aside and Isa looks at you.
Isabeau - "Say Sif?"
He holds his hand out to you, you take it in kind and hear Mirabelle sqeak a little as you do.
"I was wondering… do you want a hat? I mean as your new clothing designer I've gotta know what my client needs so I wanted see if you need a new one seeing as we couldn't find yours even after talking to the head housemaiden."
Oh yeah now that he mentions it you have been missing it these last few days, it's kind of nice and kind of annoying not having it so it's a bit of a tough call you don't need it but it'd be useful too. You know whay if you're this torn you should ask Isa to make you a new one and just wear it as feels right. "I did wish for you to so... please do Mr.Amazing-funny-buff-clothmaster-Isabeau."
His cheeks turn a few shades darker "I'll make them the best you could ask for!" Even if it was the worst you'd seen you'd still wear them if Isabeau made them.
Odile sounding slightly exasperated - "Enough with the flirting you two. Clean your plates so we can all get some sleep."
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Full focus
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In working out like a maniac for at least 1 hour a day before going to bed, Carmy had found his solace.
He hadn't completely conquered his insomnia, but his sleep patterns had improved considerably since he'd collapsed into bed after a hot shower and an intense and painful workout session that always left him aching all over and sweating like a sinner in church. Every muscle burned like hell and every joint felt like a death threat after working out to the point where exhaustion was just a fogbank his body would trespass in a state of welcome mindlessness. Like a zombie. The only reminiscence of life he felt after the fact was the blood rushing through his veins and the pain coursing through his limbs.
Needless to say, he wasn’t expecting company when in the middle of his third set of Russian twists he had to let go of his beloved kettlebell, get up, and jogg to the door.
His sweaty face and messy hair framing it, his labored breathing that made his voice sound different, sexier, his old football jersey that he had cut shorter because he had partially burnt it trying to put out a fire a few years prior and now showed his perfect V-lines and sometimes even his bellybutton, his dick printed grey sweatpants that also showcased his perfect V-lines, his incredibly blue eyes showing surprise and also satisfaction, all of it was what Sydney saw as soon as he opened the door. And she had to remind herself to breathe after taking it all in.
"Hey there!"
"Hi, hello!"
"Come on in… What’s going on?"
"You forgot these."
She handed him a manila envelope that contained forms he had to fill out, sign, and submit the next day, well in a few hours actually, first thing in the morning.
"Natalie was furious so I thou-"
"So you saved the day, as usual…"
"Well, when you put it that way…"
"Sorry for the mess, Syd… I wasn’t expecting…"
"Oh, no no, don’t be. I gotta go now anyway, it’s almost midnight so…"
"Oh that’s not what I meant, please stay, give me a sec, and I’ll take a quick shower and drive you home. K?"
"No, it’s OK. I’ll catch a cab if I miss the train. Don’t sweat it. Well, too late for that, but, it’s fine. No worries. I mean. It’s cool, it’s fine, it’s-"
She was ranting, her speech rate had skyrocketed.
"This late? Good luck with that… No way! Lemme give you a ride, it’s the least I can do. Just… just help yourself in the kitchen and I’ll be right back. OK? Make yourself at home. Give me 5 minutes!"
"Um… OK. OK…"
Before jumping in the shower he speedily picked up his “toys” and put the kettlebell, the dumbells, the push-up bars, and the cast iron disc away as he casually tried to make conversation:
"So.. who… who let you in?"
"Your neighbor, the one with the little brown dog that looks like a squirrel."
"Oh, Mr. Washington! Yeah, he told me once you reminded him of his daughter."
"Yeah! He just told me that too. Shouted that at me, actually."
"He’s hard of hearing…"
"Yup. I’ll just wait here. OK?"
Syd sat down in the living room and texted his dad to let him know why she was running late and to reassure him that Carmy was going to drive her home soon.
"K, as you wish, I’ll be right back."
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The more she went through his books the more she found herself wanting to ask him about what he had learned from each of them.
She wanted to know it all, what recipes had he already tried, which ones he didn’t like, where had he purchased that other book that was so hard to get, etc.
The pile of books by the window also served as an impromptu coffee table on top of which a little black ashtray was on display. She found that so endearing, so very “Carmy.”
She ran her index finger along the edge of that ashtray and could see him standing there by the window, smoking a cigarette, thinking about the restaurant, about Michael, about a recipe maybe… Did he ever think about her? She wondered. Her finger was still on the edge of the ashtray, tracing circle after circle, then venturing inside the receptacle to play with the ashes, drawing more circles in there. Sydney was deep in thought by then and had completely forgotten about the books, she was now only thinking about Carmy. 
In a state of semi-trance, she unknowingly got to the shelves on the wall and started inspecting each of the items there. Her curious mind was having a field day.
This red hard-cover sketchbook caught her attention and she couldn't help it, she had to know what kind of Sistine Chapel-level drawings with shading and all Carmy had come up with, so she opened it. 
If she momentarily forgot how to breathe earlier when her EC opened the door looking like a Greek God of testosterone, stamina, and cross-fit, covered in sweat, what she saw in that sketchbook straight out made her forget how to maintain a proper brain function altogether.
Each page, dozens of them, showed a different expression of her face, a different hairstyle of her braids, and a different design of her headscarves. A flawless variation of her. She was all over those pages. The resemblance was uncanny. She was beautiful on that paper, she was like enhanced but not to the point of not looking like herself, her essence was captured perfectly and she couldn’t help but be mesmerized by her own features.
That’s when Carmy showed up behind her.
She didn’t even have to ask. 
He started explaining himself immediately. He stuttered his way through that explanation as his cheeks started to burn and his mouth began to feel dry.
Her surprise didn’t allow her to close her mouth. She kept it open all along, while Carmy tried to talk his way out of that predicament.
He kinda did by saying that he always drew portraits of people and that he didn’t think they were any good so that’s why he hadn’t shown her those yet, but that if she liked them she could keep them.
After a few more moments of silent blinking, Syd, while still flabbergasted, finally managed to shut her mouth, compose herself, swallow, and then form a short sentence:
"Um… thanks."
Carmy tried to fake calm. He wanted to sound as if he had everything under control and nonchalantly said:
"So you like them?"
"Wanna keep them?"
"I wanna frame them."
"Oh well… OK, thanks, I guess…"
"You are sooo talented, Carmy. These are… great, I’m—I’m in awe! I don’t know what to say, really…"
"Thank you."
"How did you-"
"I see you every day Syd."
"So… you didn’t take any pics or anything like that? I mean, I never posed for these…"
"Nope, just… I thought of you… that’s all."
"You wanted my full focus, didn’t you? Well, there you have it."
He smiled sheepishly.
"I’d say…"
They both laughed on the way to the car.
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That ride was awkward. The tension in the car was palpable. They couldn’t hold each other’s gazes. They would just steal a look at each other now and then, at a red light mostly… Then the tension continued to build up and they kept trying to ignore it and act as if nothing happened. Syd was holding on to that red sketchbook for dear life, she held it firmly against her chest like a shield.
When he pulled to the curve in front of her house, he looked at her intendedly, but couldn’t say a word. He was still too nervous and too embarrassed. His cover had been blown.
He had been caught red-handed, loving her.
His cover was up in the air like a fucking zeppelin.
Loving the memory of her.
His cover was now a satellite orbiting around Earth.
Loving the very thought of her.
He was sure she knew that by now. She was too smart to not have figured it out.
Syd looked at him and this time she was able to hold his eyes for a moment, then she stuttered something along the lines of: “Thanks for the ride” and got out of that car as fast as she could.
The walk to her door felt endless. Torturous even.
She wanted to go back in her tracks and kiss the genius out of him but she kept walking.
When she heard him drive away Sydney felt equally sad and relieved.
As soon as she got in bed she started going over the drawings again, and she was still so blown away by them that she couldn’t get any sleep that night.
She twisted and turned and her mind kept playing tricks on her. She pictured him alone, at his place, smoking a cigarette by the window, maybe wearing sweatpants, perhaps *only* those grey sweatpants that looked so hot on him, surrounded by his amazing books and thinking of her, drawing her perfectly by heart.
Her heart was all of a sudden a wild horse.
She wanted to call him up, wake him up, listen to his voice, and ask him about each drawing. She wanted him to walk her through each of those masterpieces. She wanted him to tell her why he did that, the truth this time around, not the PR version. She wanted... him.
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6:00 AM Sydney was on her way to The Bear, still wired up, with the image of her own charcoal face firebranded on her brain and her every thought circling back to Carmy.
6:40 AM She was already at work, going through her to-do list, which included a lot of things that Carm usually did because he had to run that errand downtown, that morning.
9:07 AM Carmy walked through the front door of the restaurant and went straight to the office trying to avoid Sydney.
9:08 AM Syd was in the office telling him they needed to talk and do it elsewhere because Natalie was on the way.
9:08 AM Carmy was kicking himself on the inside.
9:10 AM They were outside, in the back alley, trying to sound like 2 adults having a serious yet friendly conversation about art.
9:11 AM They were making out. No, they were obscenely sucking face. Syd’s tongue was deep in his mouth and his hands were on her back pulling her closer.
9:20 AM They were still making out in the back alley, now her back was pressed against the wall, her hands were in his hair and his mouth was exploring hers as if his life depended on it, they were running out of oxygen, but that didn’t stop them, they continued locking mouths for a moment longer.
9:21 AM They finally broke the kiss to catch a breath, now their eyes were locked, they were panting, and they were nowhere finished. He went for her neck. Then back to her lips, she did the same. His hands on her waist, keeping her pinned to the wall, pressing himself against her. Her hands all over his back, trying to learn it by touch, like blind people learn to recognize faces with their hands.
9:22 AM Tina went out the back door carrying a huge trashbag, quickly made her way to the container, and dropped it there. She only saw them when she turned around and headed back to the restaurant. At that point, her spidey senses told her *something* was up, but Carm and Syd tried their best to look like 2 innocent people who happened to just be chit-chatting about the weather. Tina decided to play it cool and shot: “Morning!” Then promptly left them to it.
9:23 AM Syd and Carmy were back in the kitchen, pretending to fully focus on the tasks at hand. Not looking at each other. Still feeling their lips on one another. Still trying to control their respective heart rates.
11:08 PM Syd was on his couch, he was on top of her, he was all over her, inside her. She was grabbing his ass and urging him deeper as she sank her teeth into his shoulder and commanded him to fuck her.
11:29 PM Carmy was smoking a cigarette by the window, in his white boxers, using the ashtray he kept on top of his pile of books and looking at her, basking in her naked beauty, memorizing it. Syd was still on the sofa, lying on her side and resting her head on her hand, looking at him, enjoying the view as well. Their full focus: On each other, only this time around none of them were trying to hide it.
:The 💋 end:
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You can find more fics like this one by me on AO3.
Thanks for reading!
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Something exactly like this
Pairing: Hobie Brown x Fem!Reader
Warnings: Cursing, police brutality.
Words: 1401
Chapter 2: Have a good one, punk.
Taglist: @lavnderluv @xoxobabe
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I got up early, walked to the nearest police station and practically impose that they brought the police officer that hit me without a reason. I managed to get to his superior, explained the situation, placed the evidence and the badge number I memorized. He apologized for the inconvenient, but he refused to make justice on the officer, though I wasn't expecting him to, really, I'm not that naive. I just wanted to be in peace with it.
A good night sleep and two days off work worked like a charm! Due to the bullet wound I couldn't move very swiftly, so I sent my boss photos when it was fresh and bleeding so he would leave me alone for a while, blood makes him sick, talk about an opportunity well taken.
The cut was closed but it still hurt a lot, not enough for me to complain much about it, but if I looked too much at it or stepped too harshly, boy it stung.
"Welcome to Shot's, what can I get you?" I tried to keep myself as calm as I could, but every word that came out of my mouth seemed to catch on fire in the air.
"Y/n dearie, you seem...pissed" my manager approached me attempting a soothing attitude, "Just a bad couple of days, sir, I'll try to swallow it" he shook his head, "With that wound, even I would be in an awful mood, just try to take it as easy as you can, and would you call Jess? She's late again" I sighed, she's an usual at being late, so it was normal for her to send me a message with a lame excuse, all because she fell asleep or her boyfriend is banging her.
"Sorry sorry, so so sorry Y/n" she rushed through the back entrance, collided against the counter, and attempted to hug me but I stepped away, "I heard the manager say you were injured in the raid, I'm sorry honey" That's all she had to say?
"Busy" I whispered and continued pouring coffee for an old lady, when I was finished she corned me at the restocking, "But how are ya'? How did it go with Hobie?" She had the face of a puppy after given it a treat, "You mean after you fucking bailed on me and left me alone? Been better, but what do you mean?" She was stunned, "Wait you guys seriously didn't do shit? That was the whole meaning of the setup!" I was flabbergasted, not precisely anger, but I felt lied to and inclined to punch her in the face.
"The what?" I asked and she immediately regret her words, "Well I thought you could use a boyfriend, and what more cool than someone completely opposite from you?" I wanted to slap the ton of makeup off of her face.
"You mean you wanted me to date an anarchist, crazy enough to go to a raid, who puts his life in danger over the cause every day, fucked up, probably drug user, punk?" In all honesty, he didn't look half as bad, but still not the point.
"Fact number one, everything right but he doesn't do drugs" at least that's a point to his favor, "And two, yes he's a punk, but a kind hearted one, I've known him for a long while now, gotta trust my gut" Now she was going to get the slap for sure.
"Either way, I'm not that desperate, if I wanted to find a guy, I would've already done it" internal slay because it was true, but I was too much of a package to handle.
"You should consider hanging out with Hobie, you two would make a hell of a match" I sighed, she was insisting far too much, "Not intrested, and you're overselling it" thank whatever in existence the manager appeared, "Y/n dear, when you can, I need those boxes to the back, just put them by the trash can" I nodded.
A last glance to Jess's sorry face made me ease my temper, at least she didn't do it with bad intentions, she's just a horrible matchmaker.
I dropped the boxes by accident. When trying to take them all without bending the knee, some ended up further away from my reach, and to top it off my shoe slipped and my bandaged knee hit the concrete. By sheer luck I avoided screaming in pain, my pulse went down to the injured area.
"Need help?" I looked up and it's no other than Spiderpunk, upside down, while holding one of the boxes that went away, "Stalking much?" I smiled, "What is it with you and greetings? Hey there Spider-Punk, how's it hangin'?" He left the box with the others and stretched his hand for me to take.
"Literally hanging, it seems" I sassed him back while standing up, luckly he was so strong. "Now where is it?" He inclined his head towards mine, "What are you talking about?" I scoffed, taking a second to think, and then it hit me. "Well, I saved you from hard work" this man should be a comedian, "Bullshit, but nice try" he snaped his fingers like when a cartoon couldn't do something, "Worth it".
"But you know? It's true, how are you, punk?" I swear I could sense his smile, "Good, how's the leg?" I shrugged, "It would hurt if I tried to kick someone's ass, so you got away, for now" I got closer, just to tease him out, but it backfired, "I would love, to see you try lil' darling".
He was so close I could feel his breath coming out of the mask. I laughed, maybe because he was way more sassy than I anticipated, or embarrassment. The sound of angry customers brought my atention to the door, and I knew it was time to go.
"Have a nice day, punk" I walked a few steps away when he somehow got landed and got enough seconds to grab my hand, "Thought we could chat or somethin', but luck forbid we have a decent encounter right?" He snickered, "Some of us have actual jobs, ya know?" I noticed, he wasn't letting go, but me neither.
"Then" he got closer, his chest inches from me "Some other time?" His fingers got a better grip of my hand, not quite tight, but firm.
"I leave at eight, and curfew starts at ten, you work it around those hours" at ten precisely, the police start the patroll, and they shoot or grab whatever that moves that isn't uniformed.
"Fuck curfew, pigs can suck my arse" I honesty believed him, "Sure, but I won't risk a beating and getting myself violated in the slammer, not all of us have super powers to get away" and all that trouble for his deviant ass? Maybe...
"Yeah, so can I stop at yours?" Why his grip got tighter? And why he's so warm?! Help. I'll be the envy of the groupies that love this guy, like Jess.
But will it be too much of a risk?
"Don't know if I should let an anarchist, the number one enemy of police and the government, inside my house" also wouldn't like to find out what would they do to me if they catch me with such a celebrity.
"I'll bring some crisps then" oh well, what the hell then.
"I'll leave my window open" where did that even come form, that came out way more flirty than intended! Fuck!
I tried to get away but he still had my hand, "You still owe me a kiss" is he serious?
"I don't think I was in certain death just now"
"Does it have to?" He asks. I mean does it have to be certain death? Hope not.
"You act as if you needed it" he got closer, was that even posible? "Jus' like to settle that debt" he placed his hand on a safe area of my waist, putting no pressure into it.
I hunmed and let go of his hand, "Then I'll keep owing you" reaching for the door I heard him ask, "Why's that?" I smiled, already on the other side of the door.
"So you keep it as an excuse" And what an exit, I was actually so proud of myself, but my embarrassment got over me and my face started to heat up.
Damn that masked man!
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pumpkinhrat · 1 year
Martin nearly drops his glass of wine in his lap when the notification pops up. A bit does splash over the lip of the glass and nearly ruins his freshly folded laundry, but he can’t bring himself to care. The message blinks at him from his phone screen: Tinder (now) – Somebody Super Liked you! Find out who.
Martin stares blankly at it until the screen starts to go dark. A Super Like. A Super Like? It’s been a week since Martin opened the account and he’s barely had 5 matches in the time since. He’s not even really sure what a Super Like is besides the fact that Tinder keeps trying to make him buy them. Did someone pay to match with him? Martin’s pulse quickens and before he can talk himself out of it, he’s typing in his passcode and pulling up the app. Immediately, a profile pops up with a bright blue star under the scowling face of–
Jonathan Sims.
Martin freezes, the skin of his neck prickling suddenly. What… He takes a furtive look around his flat, suddenly and bizarrely self conscious, as if someone’s gonna pop up beside him to judge his every reaction – ridiculous. Utterly ridiculous. He takes a large swallow of wine.
Martin’s first instinct upon discovering that his boss Super Liked him on Tinder of all places is, of course, to deny, deny, deny that it’s really happening. Because, really, imagining dour, dry Jon sitting down to set up an online dating profile after scoffing at Tim’s own profile so hard that he’d set himself into a coughing fit is unbelievable. It doesn’t help Martin’s denial, however, that the third picture on Jon’s account is one of Tim and Sasha crowding beside him at a bar. It also doesn’t help that Martin remembers that night very clearly and knows for certain that after Sasha had taken that selfie of the three of them, Tim had insisted on a photo with Martin as well. (“Gotta have documentation that I actually managed to drag all three of you out at once!” he remembers Tim shouting in his ear.)
Martin clicks through the rest of the profile with a deliberate sort of detachment, though his cheeks warm against his will. It’s not his fault that every previously unseen photo of his stuffy, starched shirt boss in jeans and a flannel ignites a new wash of fire down his back. The blue Super Like star continuing to glow merrily under each photo doesn’t help, either.
Martin mindlessly scrolls down a bit further and encounters the description he’d missed while scouring Jon’s photo album. The bio reads: ‘Stressed, depressed, well dressed. Put the bi in bibliophile. Looking for someone to raise a cat with.’ Martin’s attention catches on the second line, specifically the word ‘bi’. He knows that Jon had dated at least one woman before but he never wanted to assume anything about his preferences. It’s nice to know, he supposes, as his traitorous body sends another wash of elated heat down his back.
This is bad. Very, very bad. Jon had been alluring enough when he’d been Marin’s mean, unfairly hot boss who’d occasionally dress him down in a way that made his hands tingle. Cold, strict, and gloriously, mercifully unattainable. It’s been a few years since those rocky beginnings, though. Now, Jon has settled into his gig as Head Archivist and the spiky walls of his glaringly obvious inferiority complex have disappeared entirely. He still snaps and snipes, of course, but that’s to be expected no matter how close you are to Jonathan Sims.
This, unfortunately, means that Martin’s… interest (he refuses to say ‘infatuation’ as Tim had) in Jon has taken a bit more of a realistic turn. In the past year or so, Jon has turned into something of a friend, which is incredible on its own but also has disastrous implications for Martin’s ability to maintain his self control. And this? This is bad.
The wine (a thank you gift from Jon for hosting his birthday party at his flat the year prior) sits warm and soft in Martin’s belly as his thumb hovers over the swipe right and left options. Nothing about this makes a lick of sense, but Martin’s imagination never really needs much to go on in order to find the most ridiculous course of action and convince him to act on it.
He downs the rest of his glass in one go and swipes his thumb to the right. Who needs self control?
“And what, exactly, do you mean by concerned?”
Sasha cringes slightly at Jon’s sharp tone but Tim just slings an arm around his neck, snatching his phone and the offending Tinder account away from him. “Oh come on Boss Man, you know we worry! We’re just looking out for you! Consider it a favor.”
“A favor.” His tone is so dry that even Tim grimaces but he quickly recovers.
“Yeah! You were just whingeing about how terrible company Sash and I make on a night out, always running off for a bit of fun and leaving you by your lonesome. We thought we’d solicit you some company!”
“Must you phrase it that way? It sounds as if you’re hiring me an escort.” Jon gripes without much bite, crossing his arms where he leans against Sasha’s desk. Tim grins at him so widely he rolls his eyes and looks away. “So, what, you want to find someone for me to interact with while the two of you go off to- to do whatever it is you do? I’m just supposed to stay behind and rendezvous with some stranger?”
“Well,” Sasha says slowly. Jon turns his imperious look on her. “We tried to encourage you to, um, rendezvous with someone at the bar when the two of us break off but you didn’t seem to like that idea either.”
Jon puffs out an exasperated little sigh that is honestly endearing as fuck and levels a flat look at Sasha. “You know perfectly well that that is not something I’m–”
“That’s not what I meant,” she cuts in quickly. “It’s perfectly possible to make friends at bars even if you’re not looking for anything else.”
“Maybe for some people,” he mutters, looking away, and Sasha’s heart squeezes much in the way that had made her start this entire endeavor. She opens her mouth to explain just this but Tim beats her to the punch.
“That’s kinda the point, Boss Man. We know you aren’t particularly comfortable having full blown conversations with strangers, so we thought this would be is a great solution! Match with a few people, see who fits the best, then you can meet the ones who you think you’d actually survive socializing with.” Jon takes a breath and Tim quickly barrels on. “Aaaand if you don’t find anyone who meets that bar, then no harm done! Just delete the app and you’ll never have to think about it again.” He gently pushes the phone across Sasha’s desk toward Jon, the app open to the ‘matches’ page.
Jon stares down at it with clear disdain before eyeing them both doubtfully. “I appreciate the effort,” he starts carefully and Sasha has to bite her tongue to resist interrupting. “But isn’t this an entirely unnecessary endeavor? It’s not as if we go out all that often, anyway. Everyone’s far too busy to agree on nights to go out, and Martin hasn’t been able to attend in months.”
“Well, y’know, that’s also kind of the point, Boss Man,” Tim says. He yanks out a chair and sits on it backward beside Sasha so they’re both looking up at Jon. He taps his phone pointedly. “We want you to get out there, mingle with other people now that Martin’s lost his weekends to his mom and Sash and I are dipping into territory you’re not as comfortable with–”
“You two do know I am capable of hearing the word sex without bursting into flame, yes?”
“–and, hey, we get it, you’re not the most social guy. But everyone needs a little bit of time with a friend or partner. We don’t want you to miss out on that because our little quartet has encountered a few scheduling conflicts.”
Jon stares at them, a look Sasha does not like filling his eyes, and his lips thin slightly. “You think I’m lonely.” He says the word with such a tone of accusation that Sasha cringes again.
“We don’t think you’re lonely,” she corrects quickly. “We just think you’d benefit from new social connections now that we’re less available.”
“And we still wanna go out,” Tim adds. “As often as we can. We just want–”
“Me to have more options than just you three, yes, I understand the premise.” He turns his attention back to Tim’s phone and gingerly pokes through the app, huffing and making more Jon Noises. Precious. After an excruciating amount of time, he heaves a gigantic sigh. “I suppose it won’t hurt to- to test it out. See if your theory holds any weight.” He sounds reluctant but Tim and Sasha share an excited glance, Sasha giving an endeared little nose scrunch at the wording. What an utterly Jon thing to say. “It has– It’s been a while since Georgie, so I believe now is as good a time as any to ‘get back out there’. I hadn’t thought there’d be anyone particularly interesting on apps like these but…” He trails off as he clicks through one of his matches’ profiles and Sasha just barely catches a glimpse of a foggy silhouette on a mountain.
“We handpicked a few people that we thought you might gel with,” she cuts in quickly, before Jon can expand on his ‘but’ and shut the whole thing down. “The one you’re looking at right now is Tim’s favorite, though I think he’s a bit boring.” Tim makes an affronted noise but Jon just hums, scrolling slowly through the profile’s long winded description.
“Yes, quite,” he says, clearly not paying any attention to what she’s saying. Tim grins at her.
‘Told ya so!’ He mouths and Sasha gives him the finger under her desk.
“Well, whaddya say, Boss?” Tim asks after another few minutes, which Jon spends entirely on Martin’s profile. “Shall I get you all logged in on your phone so you can start chatting him up? Or am I gonna lose my phone entirely to you and this ‘Martin’?” Jon looks up at Tim, surprised, then back down at the phone.
“Oh, right, yes, this is–“ He fumbles to return the phone to Tim, as if looking through it hadn’t been the entire point of the account, and pulls out his own phone. “I’ll just take over from you now, shall I? It is, ah, apparently my account, after all.”
He says the last bit with no small amount of pointed wryness but Sasha ignores their squabbling, leaning back in her chair triumphantly. Another successful mission in order to expand Jon’s little world, this one possibly the most satisfying. She glows a little with the feeling of a job well done.
After all, what could possibly go wrong?
[Here is the previous part] --- [next part]
UPDATE: You can read the whole story by JJanuaryRain on AO3! Go give them lots of love -> "all's fair in love & tinder"
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obae-me · 2 years
The Demons Inside - Part 4
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Part 1 (Lucifer)     Part 2 (Mammon)    Part 3 (Levi)
Description: Satan’s part of the request  “The brothers reacting to an MC crying suddenly in front of them and then trying to act as if nothing happened”
Word Count: 2152
Warning: This segment mentions bullying. As Always, Read Safely. 
“No, of course I don’t.” Satan rolled his eyes a bit at the thought, moving on with his in-depth conversation with another fellow book-lover. They both stood in the halls, standing by one of the many arched windows that looked down into one of RAD’s courtyards. “Of course, the plot had promise, but the ending was terrible. You can’t build this amazing world only to rip it out from under the reader and say it was all a lie. It’s a cheap and unimaginative tactic by writers to fix their loopholes by claiming the rules don’t matter since they didn't exist in the first place.” He could talk about this for hours, and although he sounded frustrated, he was fully enjoying himself. Sometimes there’s a certain kind of pleasure in finding something to hate. 
Speaking of hate, a certain raucous noise down the hall behind him was driving him mad. That hate wasn’t very pleasurable. He was trying to have a cleverly held debate about a popular piece of literature, why can’t he have this in peace? However, he simply ignored it, keeping that irritation in anger held deep within him. Nothing he couldn’t control. 
Then there was laughter followed by some shouting. Nothing unusual in a school of demons. Satan just pushed it aside, preparing to talk about the importance of following through with one’s motifs. Then the demon Satan was having this discussion with looked off to the side, their eyes following something. “Isn’t that the human staying with you?” They asked. 
Satan’s head quickly whipped around, able to catch them running down the hall past him, trying to hide the tears streaming down their cheeks as they ducked into the nearest empty classroom, the door slamming shut. Satan glared down the hall, but the demons that he thought had been there earlier were gone. “We’ll continue this at a later time, yeah?” With a raised palm, he parted ways with his fellow bibliophile and headed towards where MC had run off to. He grabbed the door and attempted to open it. They had locked it. Rattling the door violently didn’t seem to do any good either. He really didn’t need to get in trouble breaking a door down but…Just as soon as he threw all his weight into his shoulder to break the door down, of course it swung open. He stumbled, almost falling but feeling two arms supporting him, keeping him from making a complete fool of himself at least. 
“Whoa, where’s the fire at huh?” 
Satan regained his footing, straightening himself to look MC curiously. They weren’t crying. In fact, they had an amused smile on their face. If he didn’t have full confidence in his memory he probably would’ve assumed nothing was wrong. MC did have a redness to their eyes. “What’s going on?” 
They frowned a bit, giving a shrug. “What do you mean?” 
“You ran in here crying and locked yourself in.” Satan couldn’t help but scowl a little, but it was out of concern. 
Throughout the building, a low haunting bell could be heard thrumming through the hallways. “Oh no, I’m going to be late for my next class,” they fretted, ignoring Satan’s statement completely. “I gotta go, I’ll see you later!” 
“MC!” He called, but they were already gone, dashing to their next subject before he could stop them. Normally he would pursue something like this…but perhaps he’d bring it up again at home where they might feel safe enough to answer honestly. Maybe it wasn’t even that serious…but Satan had a bad feeling forming in the back of his mind…
Satan hadn't seen them for the rest of the day. Didn't pass them in the halls, didn't see them walk home, and didn't even see them at dinner that night. None of his brothers had seen them either, all suddenly worried about the human when Satan asked. No one had seen anything out of the ordinary. MC was likely in their room. He'd have to go check on them, both for curiosity's sake and just for peace of mind. 
Towards the end of the night, he came across their door. Before he knocked, he could’ve sworn he heard more sniffling coming from inside the closed room. Something deep within him started to burn, but he didn’t want to assume anything, even though he had his suspicions that something had happened at RAD and someone else was to blame for MC feeling this way. “Don’t react till you have the facts,” Satan whispered to himself, taking a breath and knocking calmly on MC’s door. Of course, the sound inside stopped, light footsteps approaching before the door swung open. Once more, Satan was a little frustrated to see that they appeared fine, grinning at the sight of him. 
“What’s up?” They asked. 
“Can I come in?” MC hesitated for a moment at his request, but eventually moved aside to let him in. Satan felt a bit of relief. He was trusted enough for this at least. He found a spot to sit, waiting for MC to shut the door. “I wanted to ask you something.” 
He could see it in their eyes, a little bit of fear and disappointment, but they simply hummed, sitting on their bed. “Sure, what is it?” 
Wondering what better angle to approach this at, he gave himself a moment to think. Just a general question, nothing accusatory or demanding. He knew from learning about mysteries and interrogations that everyone does want to talk, so it’s best to ask questions that allow them to share information on their own terms. “I wanted to know how school was for you today. Did you make it to your class on time?” 
The human looked away from him, a frown flickering over their face. “It was alright. I was a few minutes late. The professor wasn’t happy but didn’t say anything about it.” 
Simple and fairly straightforward answers, alright…What else to ask? Perhaps a suggestion. “If you want I can accompany you to class to make sure you’re not late.”
That seemed to strike a chord. They quickly shook their head, denying his suggestion too quickly to be normal. “No, it’s alright. I just lost track of time today. It’s not usually a problem.” 
Time to press! “Something distracted you?” Hopefully that wasn’t too obvious. He didn’t want them to shut down completely. 
All of a sudden, he felt a wave of irritation from them. They folded their arms, the body language one usually uses when they block themselves off from others. “Can you just get to the point of why you’re here? I know what it’s like when you start to interrogate me. I’m not a suspect in one of your crime novels.” 
Satan did feel a bit of guilt at that. He didn’t mean it to come off that way, he was simply trying to use what he knew in books to communicate correctly. But he supposed MC was right. This wasn’t a book. “I want to know what happened today. Why were you crying?” 
They shrugged, one of their hands gripping the fabric of their sleeve tightly, protectively. “It was nothing. Why are you so worried about it?” 
Satan slowly got to his feet. “Because it’s not normal. You usually don’t have a problem talking to me, which makes me even more suspicious that something is wrong.” He took a few steps towards them calmly, going to put a supportive hand on their shoulder. “Talk to-” As soon as his hand rested on them, they flinched, face squeezing into a wince as they pulled back from him. A jolt ran through him. No, please. Had he really hurt them? He cursed, quickly apologizing as he sat on the bed beside them. “Can I take a look at it? I’m so sorry, I didn’t mean to hurt you.” 
At hearing those words, MC stared at him, eyes turning glossy. They placed their face in their hands as they began to cry again. “You didn’t do anything,” they responded between their sobs. “It wasn’t you.” 
Satan wasn’t sure what was worse, the idea that he accidently hurt him, or the realization that his theory was right, and someone else purposefully did. “Can I see?” He asked again, refraining from doing anything till he got confirmation. They nodded, and with a gentle hand, he pushed back a little bit of the fabric around their shoulder. A bruise had formed, an ugly darkened blotch. Who did it? Who did it? Who did it? His mind was racing, but he kept it together. “Why didn’t you say anything?” 
“Because I didn’t want to.” 
He was struggling to hold onto his anger. “Why not? If you told me, I could’ve taken care of it for you! Doesn’t it make you angry?” 
“I’m furious!” They suddenly shouted, raising their head, their puffy eyes filled with burning rage as well as tears. “That’s the problem! I’m so…” They were shaking, their mind abuzz with emotion. “So mad. Mad at those demons for pushing me around like we’re back in freaking middle school, mad at the professor who saw it who told me to ‘not provoke them or risk making things worse’, but mostly mad at myself! Every time I want to say something, I get so upset my mind goes blank! I want to punch them! I want to scream!” They clutched their head like they were in pain, which they were. He knew all too well what that pain was like. He should’ve known. He should’ve seen it. 
“Then scream.” As they looked at him a bit blankly, he reached around them to grab their pillow, placing it in their hands. He swallowed his own emotional lump in his throat to scoot closer to them, putting his hand on their back. “As loud as you can. Go for it.” 
They seemed doubtful for a moment, probably never having the opportunity to do something like this before, having to keep it all together. Then they raised the pillow to their face, screaming so loudly their voice was cracking, their feet stomping into the floor and one of their hands pounding at their knees as everything that had been building up was released in one explosion. When it was over, Satan rubbed circles between their shoulder blades, reminding them to breathe. Last thing they needed right now was to pass out. They then let their cushion fall to the floor, visibly exhausted. Numbed. 
“Feel any better?” He wondered. 
“Now I just have a headache,” they wheezed, pressing a palm to their forehead. 
“That usually happens, yeah.” He sympathized, wishing he could simply take their anger from them. “How long has this been happening?” 
They brought their hands in their lap, touching the pads of their fingers and their palms as a sort of distraction. “Just a few days. It’s mostly just been taunting. I didn’t tell anyone because…I wanted to take care of it myself. You always handle things so eloquently…I wanted to do that.” They took a shuddering breath. “I came up with so many different things to say, so many smart comebacks, but when it came down to it, I couldn’t say those things at all. I was just so…angry. Today I finally lost it, told one of the demons to shove it…so they decided to shove me…I wanted to prove so badly that I’m not just this weak and stupid human.” 
“You’re not,” Satan announced sternly, but then addressed them softly. “Look at me.” They turned their head and he cupped their face in his hands, drying off the spots that were still damp with his thumbs. “You’re not weak or stupid. I’ve had centuries learning how to handle my wrath. Centuries. And still sometimes I go speechless with anger. Does that make me stupid?” He waited till they shook their head. “Am I weak just because I don’t punch anyone who makes me angry?” Again, he waited till they silently responded. “Exactly.” He allowed his touch to fall, hoping they were taking his words to heart. “Talking to someone is always the hardest part.” He spoke from experience, still someone who struggled to open up to others. “And I’m not saying your anger isn’t valid, because it is. You deserve to be angry, every bit of it.” 
“So what do I do about it?” 
“Well, the first part is done. You talked to me about it.” He rested his hand on the bed beside him, MC’s hand brushing up against it. “Now we can figure the next part out together. I won’t make you take the high road, but if you want to forgive and forget, you can, and I’ll make sure they stop messing with you…but if you want to know what I would do, I can help you make a plan. I’ll teach you how to cleverly ensure people never make you angry again.”
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thezombieprostitute · 4 months
A Change is Coming
💐Send a whole bouquet!💐Write a surprise drabble or create a moodboard for them. 
This is an idea I had floating around and I don’t know if I’ll ever get to use it on a full fic so I will dress it up in daisies for you, dearest Zombie. Hoping it isn't too dark or bloody.
Warnings: Injury and Blood.
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You never thought you’d be a runner. How often did you see those people in their short shorts and loose tanks, toned legs and sweaty foreheads, bouncing with their earbuds in, arms pumping, knees lifting. You could never be one of them... 
Well, now you are. It’s a change. A big change. One long-needed. One made out of fear and panic. 
You have to get healthier. You have to try. You’re starting to feel your age, really, you feel beyond it.  
You tried other things. Yoga was too slow and breathy. Weight-training a bit too heavy and too much. And the gym in general sent you running with sore muscles and no less self-esteem issues. 
Running. Rather, jogging. You’re starting off easy. A slow pace through the trail. You don’t need to worry about the gym bros and their judgment or the girls in their tight leggings filming for Tiktok. It’s just you and nature and oof, your knees! 
Two weeks now. That’s an achievement. Sort of. Two weeks but you gotta keep it up. No time to start patting yourself on the back until you see results. 
Your breath is harried and burning. Your fitbit buzzes at you, slow down. You ease up as you come up and incline. Your thighs are on fire. You wait until you reach another dip before you speed up again. Your heart pumps hotly and you feel that odd calm that comes at your peak. You feel almost good. You feel-- 
Something catches your ankle. Something you couldn’t see as you kept your eyes six feet ahead. At first, the pain doesn’t occur to you, not as you’re sent stumbling forward, crashing, arms flailing as you land on the leaf-strewn trail.  
You lay on your stomach, panting. You groan and roll over, sitting up as you spot the obstruction that tripped you up. A wire tied across the path. It can’t be a coincidence. It’s a trap. 
You look down at your ankle, the one that met the wire. You nearly scream as you see the gash and how your foot hangs to one side. Then you feel it. Your adrenaline courses but cannot numb the agony that creeps up from your injured leg. You hardly feel the scrapes all over your arms and knees as you stare at the torn flesh. 
You babble dumbly. What do you do? How do you get out of here? You’re too afraid to move. Oh god. What’s happened to you? Why you? 
Your hands shake as you hold them before you in shock. You hear a rustle of leaves and the wire slackens. You blink and stair as a man walks across the path, winding it up around his hand. He turns to face you as he unhooks it from the other side. 
He tuts as he comes closer, looming over you. He wears a hoodie and a beanie, a dark stubbly beard across his jaw and cheeks, his blue eyes the only bright thing about him. He tilts his head and squat before you as he examines your ankle with a suck of his teeth. 
“Yikes, that really did a number on you,” he comments, “won’t be walking this one off.” 
You whimper, terrified. He’s unfazed by the sight of your blood. In fact, he’s not bothered at all by the scene before him. By the way he holds the wire, you know he set it up. 
He looks you in the face and tilts his head, “you’re not the one I wanted...” he pulls the knapsack off his shoulder and tucks away the wire inside, “but you’ll do.” 
He swings the bag over his back and moves over you. You cower as he bends to hook his arms under yours. He braces you, the smell of the forest clinging to him. 
“Now, you wanna keep your weight off the right foot, so work with me,” he girds, “you’ll be better off if you do everything I say.” 
You shudder and suck in air as he makes you stand. Your toe hits the ground and jars your ankle. You yelp and cling to him out of instinct. 
“Keep that foot up, sweetheart,” he warns as he turns to stretch his arm across your back, “we got a long way to go.” 
Thanks so much for this, Roo! I really appreciate it!
Is it bad that my first thought is "he's selling me to Kemp!" 😅
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Kemp has to back out of the chase for a while, too familiar to too many people. So he hires a few people to do his hunting for him. He doesn't care how they get the girls so long as the girls are alive and pretty.
So Curtis relies on his trapper skills. He finds his prey, gets her usual routine figured out, and sets his trap. But he catches you instead. Pretty enough, Curtis thinks. Can still get my payday.
The trek back to his truck is, of course, slow and painful. You vomit at least once from the pain. Sitting in the truck doesn't help much, either. At least he's got some medical supplies there and starts treating the ankle though you throw up again from the pain.
By the time you get to your destination much of the shock has worn off and the tears are flowing. He helps you limp inside. You know you should scream, try to fight, something, anything but with how casually he treats your pain you get the impression he could make it so much worse without care.
When you're sitting down again, your captor calls out for someone named Kemp. Kemp walks in, sees you and says, "I said 'pretty' girls, Curtis. I'm not buying this one."
"She's pretty enough for your clients. You can always sell her parts with someone else's photo."
"I have a reputation to keep amongst my clients. One hint that they're not getting what they ordered I could be ruined."
"Fine, just pay me half but you're keeping her."
Kemp considers you. "She does seem rather docile. Maybe I could find another use for her besides meat."
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Should the story continue? 😆
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nalu-gifs · 2 years
His Favorite Person
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Stray drops fall here and there, a warning from the thick gray clouds above to seek shelter. The dreary day does not hamper Natsu’s good spirits, however; it is but an invitation to spend a cozy day inside with his favorite person. Contained within a bag slung over his shoulder is an assortment of fresh vegetables, as well as some fish he’d caught just that morning. He plans to commandeer Lucy’s kitchen and whip up some fish stew for them to enjoy together. The dragon slayer grins to himself, bounding up the cobblestone path toward the rear window of the familiar apartment. He stops short when he hears Lucy’s voice from within.
 “—am I supposed to do, Mom? I can’t get the idea out of my head, no matter how hard I try.”
 The vulnerable timbre of her voice catches Natsu off guard. He leans forward just enough to peer through the open window and finds Lucy sitting on the edge of her bed, back to the window, clutching the framed photo of her mother that she always keeps on her bookshelf.
 “It’s stupid, right? I mean, we’re friends. And guild mates. If he were interested in me, you know…romantically, wouldn’t he have said so by now? Or shown it in some way? I mean, he’s seen me in some pretty hot outfits. And he’s had plenty of opportunities to…I don’t know. Make a move? I guess I probably shut him down a lot in the beginning. I had no idea how I would wind up feeling about him. Is it possible I shut him down too much, and he moved on from the possibility of being in a relationship with me?”
 Natsu’s hand tightens around the strap on his shoulder. Lucy has a crush on someone in Fairy Tail? An uncomfortable feeling settles in his stomach. He’s not quite sure what causes it—maybe the fact that he and Lucy share everything with each other, but she had not once breathed a word of this to him.
 The rain begins to fall a little more steadily.
 “Who knows. Maybe he’s interested in someone else? Or maybe he’s not into the idea at all. Either way, I can’t talk to him about it. I don’t want to mess up our friendship. There’s no way he feels the same way about me as I feel about him. Can you imagine if he knew I liked him?”
 Natsu knows he shouldn’t be eavesdropping, but his limbs keep him frozen in place. If he listens just a little longer, maybe he will learn who this wizard is that she has a crush on. He’s not sure what he’ll do with that information, but it’s a start, anyway. He has a sudden intense urge to uncover this secret of hers.
 “No, I’ve gotta keep this to myself. It’s better this way. His feelings won’t change.” She pauses, and Natsu watches her clutch the frame against her chest. “But…I don’t think mine will, either. How do I…what do I do, Mom? Won’t it hurt to keep up the pretense of a friendship, when deep down, I want something more?” She heaves something between a groan and a sigh. “Gods…why did I have to fall for Natsu?”
 The dragon slayer blinks. …M-Me? ME?!
 The sack of ingredients falls to the wet path, forgotten in light of this revelation. Natsu has only one objective as he clambers across the windowsill and plops down atop Lucy’s bed. The celestial wizard shrieks at his abrupt and unexpected appearance and flings herself to the floor, but Natsu stares at her with furrowed brow and all the solemnity he can muster.
 “I wanna make sure I heard you right,” he says; “you did say my name, right?”
 Her face is crimson. “Wh-What are you doing here?!” she sputters. “W-Were you…listening to me just now?”
 Natsu leans over the side of the bed, palms pressed into its edge, and continues to lock his gaze upon her face, studying every tiny shift in her expression. “Let me get this straight: you like me, but you think I don’t like you?”
 Lucy opens and closes her mouth like a fish, but no words come out. Her face seems to be growing redder by the second, and her eyes shift to the side.
 Natsu’s heart begins to pound in his chest. So he had heard her right. The fire wizard slides off the bed to meet her on the floor. Lucy hides her face behind her hands, but Natsu reaches up and takes them in his own. “Lucy…” he begins, but he’s unsure of what to say. Maybe that’s just the thing. Maybe it isn’t words he needs to convince her she’s wrong.
 Giving her hands a tight squeeze, his heart now racing uncontrollably and his stomach in knots, Natsu leans forward and presses a kiss into her lips. She doesn’t recoil, or slap him, or tell him off. She merely flinches then leans into the gesture.
 When he pulls back, she is staring at him with wide, glossy eyes. For a long moment they stare into each other’s eyes, each of them at a complete loss for words. The rain outside falls steadily now, a gentle and encouraging soundtrack to their unanticipated but mutual confession. At last, a smile breaks across Lucy’s lips, then Natsu’s.
 They share a giggle.
( @uniquedolphin​ <3)
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