#but I still wanna share my work cause I'm really trying to focus on the 'holy shit two cakes!' mentality
fiepige · 1 year
Hey I just wanted to let you know that your comments on crying wolf have done SO MUCH for me over the past weeks. Seriously I go back and reread them at least once a day and they're such a delight every time. I oftentimes feel like my writing is subpar and not up to scratch when compared to other authors (terrible habit, I know, but one that's hard to kick) and your comments reassure me that at least I'm doing something right! I've also never attempted anything like crying wolf before - I never really got into writing action or violence but I'm being self-indulgent right now anyway because I figured if I enjoyed reading and watching it then I should have a crack at making some for myself. And as with most things, it takes a while to really get the hang of it (and I'm bad at accepting that I might be bad at something).
This is just a really long-winded way of saying thank you for your comments. Readers like you really encourage and motivate us to keep chugging along <3
(This is candyfloss-esophagus btw. If you hadn't realised by now lol)
Hey thank you so much for sending this message! I'm honestly just sitting here like:
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Your writing is amazing and it makes me so happy to hear that my comments mean so much to you! Idk how to explain it but reading your fic just makes me feel so many great emotions!
I've been thinking about chapter 3 all day and I get this great bubbly feeling in my chest whenever I think about it? Idk how to describe it, but it just makes me feel incedibly good whenever I think about it? Does that make sense? Probably not but I don't know how else to articulate it ^^'
(Also that last line hits me so hard every time! I'm stil NOT over it!!!)
Like Idk I haven't read a lot of fics that had such a big impact on me emotionally (in a good way!) so I really want to do what I can to support you in return!
(Seriously I love how you write, your way with words is so creative and it really sets the scenes so well! Like I can just FEEL the tone of the scenes when I read them)
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shradsmanifestt · 3 months
Ok I wanna manifest something, what should I do?
I'm guessing this post would be helpful for a lot of you. I receive a lot of dms everyday and even more asks and I really can't keep up with it, so I'm hoping this would answer a lot of y'alls questions.
You want something. You know the law of assumption and you want to manifest it into your life. What do you do?
First get clear on exactly what you want. When I say this I mean clear in every way. For eg if you're manifesting an sp and a relationship is what you want then don't try to manifest the lil steps - like getting a dm from him or removing a 3p or anything like that. What do you want? A relationship? Alright then that is what you're gonna manifest. Nope I don't care if you history with him and he doesn't want you anymore. I don' care if he doesn't even know you exist, CAUSE IT DOESN'T FUCKING MATTER ANYWAYS. A relationship right? So yea let's just focus on that rn.
Since I'm a robotic affirming girly that will be my approach to manifesting this desire. Now if I want a relationship I'd keep my affirmation quite simple ___ and I are in a relationship, He is the best boyfriend ever, he loves me so much he cannot live without me.
If you want him obsessed then stuff like - is so obsessed with me, He needs me , He wants me etc etc. It really doesn't matter what affirmation you use as long as it implies that you already have what you want. So no need for questions like but is this working and all.
Now the thing to note here is - Stop treating manifestation like a process. The minute you decided it is yours , IT IS YOURS. Unless you go back to the old story. Just saturate your mind with affirmations so as to let it sink in the fact that yes it is yours and nothing can change that. Stop treating your 3d as validation for your desires. You don't need to see it in the 3d in the very next minute for you to know it is yours, why? because if you can imagine it/desire it, that is the very proof that it is yours. If it was impossible to manifest you wouldn't be able to imagine it. So sky's really not even the limit at this point. Stop fussing, stop complaining and just put in the work. When you affirm, don't affirm to try to get it or to make it conform in your 3d. NOPE. You aren't affirming out of lack or bullshit. You are affirming to remind yourself that yes it is already done. You are making your mind familiar to the new story that you have chosen for yourself. And that is literally all that you need to do. It is as simple as that. Don't overthink it, Don't complicate it. You have what it takes, just affirm and persist. No matter what.
What if things take a turn for the worse while you're affirming? IT STILL DOESN'T FUCKING MATTER. You persist anyways. You persist till it conforms. You don't check the 3d to see if it has come , you just know it is done. When it conforms you'll know obviously without checking right??
Yep this right here is all what you need to know. Also I won't be replying to any dms on here. If your asks aren't being answered then it would be because I don't feel comfortable sharing those/your views are very different from mine/I don't know much about those topics and I only preach about what I know.
Hope that helps!
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misc-obeyme · 4 months
Okay back on my human!au ideas. I'm gonna do a compilation post or something because the others are just rambles and they aren't exactly easy to find... I don't even have it in the masterlist anywhere... mostly 'cause these are just ideas that I have no idea what I'm gonna do with. asldfj anyway! Feel free to use them if you feel so inclined!
(For reference: Beel, Belphie, Satan, & Asmo, more Asmo & Mammon - you can also check the tag #misc human au)
Okay so I've talked about all the brothers except for Lucifer and Levi, but here's what I'm thinking.
Basically, I can't really imagine any of the brothers living fully alone, so while Beel & Belphie are both living on the farm (though possibly in different buildings) and Satan & Asmo are sharing a place in the city (probably in one side of a duplex because I think an apartment would be too small for them lol), I've decided the three older brothers live together, too.
BUT. Levi is a marine biologist. He has his own boat for research purposes (his research is likely also funded by the university where Satan teaches) and sometimes he goes out on his boat for weeks at a time. His main focus for his research is whales or maybe manatees or something, but everybody knows he's secretly trying to find evidence of sea serpents.
Still completely obsessed with anime & manga, I don't think you could ever take the otaku out of Levi lol. So when he goes out on his boat, he brings piles of manga and anime to catch up on while he's out there.
He has a lot of high tech equipment on his boat that he's especially good at maintaining. Other researchers often ask him for help with this.
When he's home, he spends his time holed up in his room playing video games, occasionally emerging for food and what have you. He also spends a decent amount of time working through what he learned on his expeditions and writing research papers good enough to continue getting grants. Satan helps with those, taking Levi's data and making it sound good. Sometimes Belphie helps out too.
All the other brothers seek out Levi when they need help with tech and sometimes he takes them out on his boat for rides or even if they just wanna get away for a couple days. Belphie especially likes to do this because you get some amazing views of the stars out on the ocean.
Lucifer owns a vineyard. It's not far from Beel's farm, but unlike Beel Lucifer doesn't live there. His house is in the city proper and as mentioned, he shares it with Levi and Mammon.
Lucifer spends a lot of time at the vineyard, though, perfecting the various methods of wine production to create a superior product. He's the real money maker of this family. While everybody else makes money from their various jobs, Lucifer's personal wine label makes the most. We all know that Lucifer would take care of all of his brothers if any of them needed anything. He gives them money regularly and doesn't ask for it back.
Human!Lucifer is much softer than demon!Lucifer in general. There is some angsty family history that I will write about in a different post, but basically he's been through a lot. Basically raised all his brothers himself and they mean everything to him. He isn't about to let them stumble through life because they didn't have enough money. Especially not if he has it to give them.
He's more indulgent, probably middle aged, tired. He was perhaps more intense when he was younger, but he's mellowed out at this point.
He and Mammon are both very business minded, so together they kinda keep everybody else on track. They help with the business side of Beel's farm, allowing Beel to focus on things like crop quality. And if for some reason Levi or Belphie don't get the funds they need from the university, Lucifer and Mammon come up with ways to supplement their income. Satan does all right as a professor and Asmo is a successful therapist, so they don't need as much help. But they will come to their older brothers for advice. Together, Lucifer and Mammon are especially good at helping their brothers plan for retirement lol. They're like, listen we know you're young and don't care, but you gotta start saving with that 401k!!
Lucifer thinks Mammon is a little too wild with his fancy cars, but he also admits that Mammon is good at what he does. Levi worries Lucifer when he's locked up in his room for too long or when he's gone on his boat for too long without checking in.
Lucifer is proud of Satan and Asmo, how they're doing well on their own together, how successful and well balanced they both turned out. He worries a little bit about Belphie, spending a lot of time alone staring at the stars, but he's also aware that Belphie is doing what he loves. Lucifer is also proud of Beel for pursuing something as difficult as farming.
I still like the idea of MC being the only non human in this scenario lol. The one pink sheep on Beel's farm. But of course there could be a situation in which they all meet an MC character...
Buuuut I also think I'm getting ahead of myself. We still got the tragic family backstory and the side characters to consider.
Anyway, this is just me rambling about my thoughts. More likely to come 'cause I can't stop thinking about them.
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vtoriacore · 2 years
Crying sobbing and weeping till either Cater or Che'nya gives me a kissy
✧ cherry magic
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note: you caught me in a cater mood, but tbf che'nya was a close contender. i might write something for him when i'm in the mood if you ever wanna req the skrunkly ever again hehe. (bonus points if it involves giving him ear scritches cause he reminds me of my cat who suspiciously acts just like him lmao)
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"Cater. Cater~ CATER. Cay-kun! Cray-cay. These will start getting worse if you don't pay attention to me," you pouted at the red-head situated across from you who surprisingly, was actually doing the school work he was assiged. Probably forced to by Riddle, but doing school work nonetheless. 
But of course, you being you, had wanted to do something a little different and were not about to give up on your quest to get the attention of your dear Cater.
"This is so unfair, you always distract me when I have to do important stuff [Name]~" Cater sighed out, emerald green eyes no longer being able to focus on anything other than you. He is aware it's a bad idea to get tempted now, but then again, he also is very aware he will not regret this later.
"Ha, victory once more!" you grinned, standing up to walk over to where your boyfriend was sitting and trying to solve some boring old math equations.
"Hm? So what exactly do you need? It's usually me battling for your attention y'know. Which by the way, Ace and Deuce don't deserve!" with a playful wink, Cater scoots over so you can sit down beside him, fully abandoning his previous task.
"Oh you know, I want the usual. A kiss, which by the way, I deserve!" you mirrored his speech, noticing the slight crimson hue settling on his freckled face.
"Way to catch me off guard hun!" you giggled at the response before drawing a bit closer, eyes full of mirth and watching the boys' composure crumble further. For someone so extroverted and confident, he really was easy to fluster, huh? 
"You should've expected it really, I always ask for the same thing," you took Carter's face in between your hands, heartbeat speeding up at the genuine smile spreading on his face.
"Everything feels new when it's with you though, so my point still stands~" voice hushed, the read-head placed one of his own hands on your own before using the other to settle at the back of your head. Wasting almost no time, he drew in closer until you could feel his lips pressed up against your own, cherry chapstick invading all your senses.
After a few seconds, which felt like more than just that, he pulled away and gazed into your eyes; you swear nobody has ever regarded you in such a loving manner.
"Who knew you could be so romantic?" you could barely breathe with how flustered you felt at both the proximity and his actions.
"Cherry chapstick magic hun, that one Magicam post recommendation was so right," your lover had fully drawn back, covering his mouth with his hand as he observed your expression with giddiness.
"Well, you better share it with me because it worked wonders," you relaxed into the seat with a laugh, desperately trying to will the blush on your face away as Cater used his free hand to hold yours all the while gazing at your happy form.
He really should've been paying attention to the work, but how could he when the attention he had wanted from you was right there for him to grab?
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hiraeth-witch-11 · 1 year
Oneshot? TBD. Maybe I'll use this storyline to practice writing smut.
Warnings: possession, Billy Russo
Word Count: 800ish
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“This is not how I expected being possessed to go. Not that I ever gave it a whole lotta thought, but if I did, this wouldn’t be it.” You stare into the mirror, watching as the black clears from your eyes.
You’re tellin’ me, the demon grumbles.
“Hey, this is on you. I didn’t ask to be possessed.”
I tried to possess literally anyone else. It didn’t work.
“It’s not my fault you have performance anxiety, dude.”
I’ll have you know my performance is just fine. Or it would be if I had my own body.
“Why don’t you just leave and go back to hell? Start all over again.”
I am not goin’ back to hell. I just need some time to figure this out, is all.
“Well you’re in my head and I don’t know how well we’re gonna work out, considering you sound like a guy and I’ve got tits and all that.”
I noticed. The bastard sounded smug about it.
“Hey! Keep your eyes to yourself!”
I can’t help what you see, princess.
“Don’t call me that, asshole. I have a name.”
You haven’t told me your name. How am I supposed to know?
“Oh, my bad.” You tell him your name and he repeats it to himself.
I’m William Russo, but you can call me Billy.
“I would say it’s nice to meet you Billy, but it really isn’t. I’m going to have to ask you politely to leave. Please.”
Not gonna happen, sweetheart.
“Don’t call me that either. If you won’t leave on your own, I’m going to have to make you leave.”
The demon-Billy chuckles in your mind. Go for it, baby. 
“Jesus H. Roosevelt Christ! Enough with the pets names and wipe the smug look of your nonexistent face. I’m a quick learner- well maybe not that quick- but I’m not stupid and I’ll figure out how to exorcize you if it’s the last thing I do!”
I guess I’ll be here for a while then. How long do you humans live these days?
“I’ll figure it out. I will, Billy. Just wait and see.”
Okay, darlin’. I believe you.
“That’s still a pet name. We need to come to some sort of agreement on all this otherwise we’re gonna drive each other crazy.”
Speak for yourself. I’m already insane.
“That is not reassuring to hear at all, William.”
Just bein’ honest. What’d you have in mind?
“Uh I haven’t thought that far. Gimme a second.” You take your time and think. If Billy can see what you see and feel what you feel, this could get awkward fast. How could you go to work if he was constantly chattering?
I do not ‘chatter’.
“You could hear me thinking?” You ask with a start.
Every word.
“Can you please not do that?”
I’ll do my best, doll. No promises.
“Okay, so we need to have some ground rules with this. I gotta work and it’s gonna get distracting if you’re in here causing problems. And who the fuck even says doll anymore?.”
I’ll try not to distract you at work, but I’m not gonna be silent for 8 hours-
“12 hours. Most of my shifts are longer than 8 hours.”
Shit. Yeah, no I won’t be silent for that long. I’ll get bored and you don’t wanna deal with me while I'm bored.
“I don’t want to deal with you at all,” you complain.
What’s next?
“You can’t look when I’m showering or getting dressed or doing anything like that.”
I can’t really help what you see.
“Are we like completely sharing all my senses?”
Mmm not completely. I gotta focus to get past sight and hearing.
“At least that’s something. I guess I’m showering and changing with my eyes closed from now on.”
I’ve been in hell for God knows how long and you’re gonna deny me the first good view I’ve had in years? 
“Don’t be a pervert.”
I prefer the term ‘lecher’.
“That really isn’t much better, Russo.”
I may be a demon, but I’m still a man.
This is why I’m gay, you think to yourself.
You’re gay? I can work with that. We both like women, we got somethin’ to talk about now.
“I am not talking about women with you, Russo. Look, I’m exhausted and I want to go to sleep. This whole possession thing has been draining.”
Fine by me.
“Glad I have your permission, William,” you say sarcastically as you shuck your clothes, eyes squeezed shut. You slip on your pjs and practically sink into your mattress.
This is a real comfy bed. Much better than what I had back when I was human.
“Thanks, now please stop talking and let me sleep.”
Good night, love.
“I’m not your ‘love’.” 
Good night, William. 
I wonder if I’ll be able to watch your dreams. 
“Oh my God just please shut up!”
Let me know if you want to be added to or removed from a taglist. Feedback is the spice of life, any and all thoughts are welcome.
Billy Russo Taglist: @snowkestrel, happydeanpotter
Everything Taglist: @kayhi808,
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justsomestoicguy · 1 month
Close Call
"You had a quirk like that??"
I'm in absolute shock.
"Yeah. And God, does it make kissing sooo annoying," Nishiyama sighs, crossing her hands.
I know who Nishiyama is, of course.
Not just because I unknowingly made her faint during P.E. (sorry, Nishiyama-san!)
She's Hikari's best friend. Why wouldn't I know her?
But what I didn't know was the terrifying quirk she had!
It sends shivers up my spine to even think about her knowing everything about me.
So I'm apologetically but absolutely grateful Nishiyama passed out instead of getting anything out of my mind. (no offense, Nishiyama-san!)
And I think I know what caused her to faint.
My past life.
My guess is that her brain's engineered to soak in a person's life story, not stories.
She can handle absorbing multiple people's memories, but not someone who holds twice the regular amount.
But Nishiyama doesn't know that. So she keeps looking at me with those curious plum eyes, and I know the question that's coming before she even opens her mouth. 
"So, Aka-tin," she starts, leaning in, "what's the deal with your quirk? I know I've seen it in action before but I wanna know more about it."
Hikari perks up beside her. "Ooh, give us a demo, give us a demo!" she beams. 
"But don't just do objects again, please? I wanna see you use your quirk on yourself this time. It's been a while, y'know?"
I scratch the back of my neck, trying to play it cool. "Uh, sure, why not?" 
Better to keep the focus on what they already know. I don't want to dive into the whole reincarnation mess. Not like this, at least.
I walk over to our classroom's whiteboard—which seems as good a place as any to do this—and place my palm flat against it.
The familiar sensation washes over me as I activate my quirk. The surface seems to ripple under my hand, and I feel that pull, like slipping into a different layer of reality.
The girls watch, leaning forward with anticipation, as my form flattens against the whiteboard. 
I become part of the surface; a two-dimensional plane turned three-dimensional world. I turn to face them, raising a hand in a little wave. 
From their perspective, it probably looks like I'm some kind of hyper-realistic living drawing.
Inside, it's an endless, quiet void. I've never really gotten used to how strange it feels. Like being submerged in clear water, but without the wetness or pressure. 
I can see out, though, and I catch Hikari grinning while Nishiyama leans in closer, squinting at me like I'm some freaky social experiment.
I move around a bit, tracing the edges of the board. It's always weird, feeling like I'm gliding through nothingness but knowing I'm just skimming the surface from their perspective. 
I can see their lips moving, probably chatting about how strange this all is, but I can't hear them. 
Sound doesn't carry into this space, but I can still catch their laughter through the glassy barrier separating our worlds.
Huh. Maybe I should learn how to lip-read.
Soon enough, I pop back out near the bottom corner of the board, rematerializing as the dimensions snap back into place. 
The whole thing barely took a minute, but it's enough to remind me how bizarre my quirk is.
"So cool!" Hikari claps, eyes shining with excitement. "It's like you're part of a comic strip!"
Nishiyama nods, still looking a bit puzzled. "Yeah, but like… how did my quirk not work on you? Usually, I get everything from just a lick, but I got nothing and blacked out instead."
I shrug, trying to come up with something believable. "Maybe it's because my quirk's kinda like a shield? Like, I become part of the surface, so maybe it messes with how your quirk works."
It's a total lie, but it's not like I can just go and tell her: "Oh, that silly thing? No, my quirk isn't what saved me from your power, Nishiyama-san, but rather the fact that I'm a reincarnator!"
Yeah, right.
The fact that I've lived before, in a different world, with a different life, isn't exactly something I'm eager to share.
Hikari nods thoughtfully, accepting my explanation without question. "Yeah, that makes sense. I guess everyone's quirk has its own kinks, huh?"
"Totally," Nishiyama agrees, though she still looks a tad more skeptical than Hikari. "Still, it's kinda cool that your quirk does that. You'd make a killer spy, Aka-tin!"
I laugh, trying to brush off the comment. "Or a really good escape artist."
Maybe one day, I'll tell them the whole truth. But not today. Today, I'm just Ran, the guy with the odd quirk.
And to me, that's more than enough.
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Chapter 1
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likesunsetorange · 7 months
I’m a e2l fan so I want anything you could give us about it like characters likes /dislikes ? Small snippet (sorry Im so excited for this fic I’m asking for alot :,(no pressure though <3)
love you hope you’re doing good
hiii! you're so sweet, ily2! i'm mostly good! a little stressed bc school but i'm keeping it pushing haha
and you're not asking for a lot!! i've actually been talking a lot about this au with a few of my moots lately so i've been itching to share about it so honestly go crazy with asking about it!!! since i haven't gotten as many asks about this au i guess i'll make this ask kind of long and just kind of dump some of the stuff from my notes into it? and i have a tiny snippet i can share too!
so i'll just go on a long ass tangent below lol
okay, so first thing about this au, the one thing i really want to emphasize (without spoiling) is the whole thing about this au is that their breakup reason is important, but also that nobody in particular is at fault. sometimes life just happens, and things happen, and sometimes you just need to take a step back and re-evaluate yourself, your goals, and what you really want! it's about coming back together and choosing that person in the end because you realize not being with them is worse than whatever drove y'all apart!
tbh a lot of this au is partially inspired by my own breakup & how the experience of me getting over it! i was in my early 20s for the first time being single after being in a relationship since i was a teenager and i was like woah wtf idk how to be single/without a partner. so that's a big focus of that! learning how to find yourself and realign your goals and all that!
but we can get into the characters now!
definitely is a bit more obvious about missing mikasa, but tries to act like he doesnt (he has her highlight still up lol, not doing a good job at it)
mostly just works a lot while they're not together
after they breakup, mikasa moves out of their apartment, so he's stuck seeing all their stuff all the time
the first time they see each other its messy, they get into a big fight lol, they aren't allowed to hang out together lol
but he realizes pretty fast that he regrets the breakup, but he sees that mikasa seems to be doing okay, so he wouldn't wanna intrude on that
he gets armin in the breakup basically (mostly bc he sees armin more, but armin still talks to mikasa, just not as much as he does to eren obvi)
he picks up some of mikasa's hobbies bc he misses her so much lol he's down horrendous
at the very least does miss mikasa at least as a friend
after their breakup, because she's kind of trying to spite eren, she starts going out a lot to cope—her "hot girl era" essentially lol
she definitely starts prioritizing herself a lot more, and spends more time with her friends and figuring out what she wants outside of eren
but she definitely misses eren, she's just better at hiding it lol
she partially thinks he just doesn't want anything to do with her anymore (a lot of this is just them being fucking idiots lol), and she basically doesn't try to stalk him or see what he's up to bc she doesn't wanna know out of her own peace of mind
she has very bad flight anxiety so when they fly to italy, she lowkey kind of hopes that eren doesn't change his flight (he does bc he has to do something not even to be petty), and she has a very terrible flight experience and all she wishes is that eren were there
and here's a little snippet! this takes place the day after they break up!! sorry for rambling LOl but hope you enjoyed my little tangent! :)
“Damn, Mikasa,” Gabi called out from behind her, only causing Mikasa to turn around. “We didn’t know you went out on weeknights.” 
Gabi, one of the college freshmen who worked at the gallery, had a tendency to say whatever was on her mind, never bothering to filter herself. Even if Mikasa had grown rather close to her since she started working at the gallery in August, sometimes she wished Gabi would just shut up.
Mikasa scoffed, confused as to what even prompted her to say that. “What are you talking about, Gabi? And don’t cuss so loud, especially where guests can hear you.”
“Your eyes, they’re all red. Not to mention how bad your bags are,” she said, pointing to her eyes. “Seems like someone was a victim of Sunday Funday.”
Mikasa lifted a finger to touch her eye—still puffy, but from tears, rather than drinking.
“Gabi, you’re not supposed to say stuff like that—it’s rude,” Falco chimed in.
“Hey, it’s not my fault she can’t handle her alcohol,” she shrugged, turning back toward Mikasa. “It’s okay, Mikasa, the prettiest girls are always the biggest lightweights. But anyway, are you feeling okay? Does our favorite party girl need some Tylenol? A Liquid IV, maybe? Even a Gatorade?”
Was she supposed to answer honestly? Tell them that she had spent the entirety of her night crying because she and her boyfriend had broken up. That she was sure that the cops almost got called by their neighbors from how loud they were yelling at one another? That Sasha couldn’t even understand her when she called, telling her she needed somewhere to stay because she stormed out of their apartment, not even giving Eren the chance to finish his sentence, somewhere after one of them had uttered the words, “We shouldn’t be together anymore?”
She had been doing so well, pushing the thoughts to the back of her head, trying to get through the entirety of her shift without thinking about everything—about him. She only had an hour left in her shift, but all of her efforts had been to no avail.
It was as if the wind had been knocked out of her, she suddenly lost the ability to breathe, and she felt all the blood drain from her face.
We aren’t together. We aren’t together. We aren’t together. The words playing in her mind on loop.
“Hey, Mikasa. Are you okay?” Falco asked, his eyes flooding with concern as he looked over Mikasa’s current state.
“I think I’m gonna be sick,” she said quickly, before running off to the bathroom.
But maybe just this once, Mikasa was lucky for Gabi’s inability to shut her mouth—at least being hungover was a good enough cover for sobbing her eyes out in the bathroom.
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egg-emperor · 1 year
Thoughts on the idea of eggman doing horribly vile shit but still wanting to be seen as in the right for it, like “oh I’m not making them slaves it’s protective robot skin haha”
Feel like it could be an interesting twist on his char, kinda got some of those vibes from the park in colors, the full corporate speak and like, trying to make this obviously evil plan look not evil, feel like there’s a lot to be done there
I love love looove it, that's what I was expressing a desire to share more concepts of just the other day. I have some I've been meaning to share but my favorite part is when he finally drops the act and shows his true colors and mocks them for it like a cold hearted bastard so I focus on that most lol. I do wanna delve into the build up more though.
He has indeed done it in various official media already like X, Archie, games, and promo material and I absolutely loved every instance of it. But since I'm a game canon guy primarily I'm just gonna focus on that for this reply, though in the future I'm probably going to share what I liked about the cases even outside them because I appreciate it in many places.
I love how one of the things about how he likes to take things that are generally considered childish like toys, theme parks, carnivals, circuses, etc and has his own twisted fucked up spin on it is how it can also be used to lure people in with the bright colors and usually perceived innocence of it. The times Eggman has played into it is interesting.
With Eggmanland in Unleashed, he was upfront about the hell on earth that it was to Sonic because he knew he wouldn't have believed his trickery, plus he takes pride in the fact. He enjoyed teasing him with the "If you have any complaints, come deliver them to me in person. If you can, that is!" to emphasize that it was the theme park of horror >:)
Plus the atmosphere was a lot darker so despite the neon colors, it probably wouldn't have fooled anyone Sonic or not. But he still had the Eggshop be a thing where horrible sawdust and motor oil tasting food was sold to make it horrible and unpleasant for his sadistic amusement, so maybe he would've hoped to trick people regardless?
We don't get to know for sure there but in Colors he wants lots of visitors and he really had to do some immense trickery make sure it seemed innocent and appealing enough to get them to use a space elevator to travel all the way up there lol. It's a lot more colorful and fun looking than the more dark and polluted looking Eggmanland from afar.
So for the Interstellar Park, the trickery is both in its design and his words with how he pretended it was a happy wonderland of fun with nothing to do with any evil plot or premeditated misdeeds. What I love is how once you've gotten all the way up there in space, you're fucked. You'll get messed up and killed one way or another.
In his PAs when you're actually inside, the act is dropped quick. He lies about some of it being safer than it looks but for the most part? All his lines are brutally honest about how messed up it really is, with the Wisps he harmed, blatantly acknowledges the dangers of the rides and planets, and how they can cause death, horror, and fear.
I love how sadistic he is in the PAs and his morbid humor that reveals how truly sick he is and that this park was created for anything but pure innocent reasons. He intended for the rides to be deadly and food to be bad and finds it very amusing. He probably loves the idea of these tricked people coming in and quickly becoming horrified and afraid.
But it still looks so colorful and fun from afar! It's so beautiful and with the joys he promises, how could you not want to go? So while it works to lure people in, it can also give its true horrors even more impact when visitors expect something nice but the dangerous disturbing and terrifying reality is revealed and I'm sure that's very appealing to him too.
So you get this funny combination of him both trying to deceive you but then quickly becoming brutally honest as soon as you're successfully trapped in it. This is exactly what happened in the SPINGEAR ride too, where he was immediately like "haha sike you're actually in for a terrible time!" as soon as the ride began and was loving it.
But I think the idea of him playing the long game with his trickery and deceit is interesting too. We've mostly only seen cases where it's a lot quicker like that but he's set up well for him to do an elaborate scheme of dragging it out for longer and the impact would hit extra hard after all that time too, which he'd definitely enjoy and mock after.
The Eggman Empire propaganda Sonic Forces promo video was cool because Eggman was trying to convince people the world being a dark polluted hellscape is actually a good thing, which reflects his twisted idea of a "perfect" world shaped his image, where he has the power of the control and the sadistic enjoyment of the harsh conditions.
Then because people obviously need the clean air to live, he tries to trick them into thinking robotomy is a wonderful helpful treatment for it. That never needing to eat, sleep, or think again is a good thing and that they'll love it. When really it's a trick to get them to submit to him, have control over them and strip them of their freedom and free will.
But there's an eerie glimpse at how he really knows none of this right with how he says love is mandatory. Once he's tricked them and they've submitted and given up their freedom and will, he can use them as he pleases and keep them controlled and brainwashed but if they do realize how fucked up it is there's no going back, they're trapped in it now.
I'd really like to see more of that, where he tries to tell people the vile things he does are genuinely great, for their own good, are nice and selfless of him and genuinely beneficial for them. Where he manages to manipulate so well to the point of mass delusion and brainwashing with people that follow him believing he's doing something the right thing.
It's good to be a mindless slave under his control, never having to think for yourself again! Trapping living beings in robots improves upon nature and is better and more beneficial than natural! The deadly attractions are what real fun and excitement really is! The brutal sadistic punishments if they fall out of line is for their own good! There's no meaning to life if it isn't to serve him and the world is better under his control!
And the idea of people actually believing that in the Sonic universe and following him is interesting to think about. Even though it bothers me when people do it in real life and believe his lies and think he actually has good intentions but I mean hey, they give me an example of what it'd be like at least. Eggman really is a good actor, props to him! XD
I have a few ideas I'd like to share in the future. Showing love, care, and false acts of kindness to trick and manipulate, or not even hiding his vile actions but managing to convince people it's good or that the end justifies the means, and have them falling for it and he sees how far he can take it makes it especially impactful and devastating.
Delusion, deceit, manipulation, and gaslighting in general is very fascinating to me after years of experiencing it and I've always wanted to understand it from the perpetrator's perspective and portray it as dark and disturbing as it really is. It's always been interesting for me to explore in Eggman too, from when he's manipulating specific characters to the masses. I've actually been researching big cases of mass delusion in history again lately so this is timely.
Pulling people into the empire with the lie that it's something great that will benefit everyone but their leader has much darker intentions and the true final outcome will benefit only himself, but he strings them along on a lie, brainwashes them, and has control though mind games and trickery is fascinating and thrillingly devious.
Then slowly or abruptly realizing it's a lie and the impact when it all comes crashing down and Eggman spits and laughs in their face and mocks them for having a heart and wanting to see good in him/believing and having hope in good coming from it. It emphasizes his coldness and cruelty and how much of a threat he is even to the mind.
And if that happens he'll try to shut down their doubts and lie more to keep them deluded because he knows just what they want to hear and promises them they'll get it. So if they don't believe it's right, the ends justify the means. And if that doesn't work, he'll threaten them to keep them in so they can't leave, or have them dealt with.
But he's so good at taking advantage of people's vulnerabilities, saying what they want to hear, and embedding lies so deeply into their minds to warp reality into what he wants them to believe that sometimes they may be too far gone and never see the truth. And he takes it to the darkest places, using them all up and harming them and they die in vain.
Every outcome has the potential to be very fascinating, entertaining, and impactful!
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minerwarfare-suzuya · 3 months
Parting Ways
I've decided I'm going to stop supporting the thegoldfiles blog after how much time has passed since my last post on Mobox87 and Miles.
Before I do go over why I'm no longer going to morally support the blog in anything that they need a hand on.
I would want to start off in defense for them on these claims as a last thing to have from me. ⬇️
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On May 20th Cagney went on a Hiatus after receiving backlash for talking about Piaojun in response to an anonymous user seemingly to badmouth them.
I wanna Clarify that Cagney does not think Piaojun is a bad person at all. They consider them a great artist with a focus on enjoying William x Renata pairing. Clearly shown in the translation of their first sentence.
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What I can understand from where the angry mob started attacking them is when they started pointing out that they considered the drawings between William x Renata romanticizing their abuse when clearly it's shown to not be the case with Piaojun displaying her art.
Plus, when she does display abuse in her art it's barely projected much but it still remains true with the FNAF Affinity story. Either way, Piaojun has her own interpretation of pairing.
Besides that a statement that still remains true is that Piaojun supports Mobox87 which I can understand why that is looked down upon by them but again they're still young. I wouldn't put them accountable for it.
Anyways, I did reach out to Piaojun about this and they suggested to never bring them up on the blog.
In my opinion, I agree that you should keep questions like that out of the blog and usually that's what I do or I'll just tell people to shut up.
Now then!-
Let's talk about why I'm parting ways with the gang after being a formal ally that supported their causes by reblogging posts, giving opinions and statements, and offering evidence whenever I could do so.
Well as of recently I've been mostly talking about Arion the kid/Blue's Journey to bring awareness onto this blog as a way to support Red Radiant, including many other victims alike.
It's been a rather serious situation to go over and I've been trying to get this well known for anyone out there to share the truth and clear the names of victims who have been impersonated into being falsely accused of harassment.
So, you would think that hitting up Cagney to help out would work well under the circumstances that Red Radiant, Andikai, JR-Verse and many others are going through.
"I'm not really planning on getting into it"
"Though I've heard a little bit about it, and considering he impersonates people that call him out, neither of us mods would really want to take that risk"
"You've already done a good job with it from what I've seen though, but we don't really wanna get involved into the sort of stuff involving him"
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Of course, they didn't wanna talk about Arion instead they wanted to reblog my other post because it's convenient enough for them to talk about Mobox87 and Miles.
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Upsetting as this was to be confronted with the fact they didn't wanna help. I had to convince them by getting AndiKai and Red Radiant to talk with Cagney in a group chat on Discord. (Keeping Discord names and pfp censored for safety reasons)
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We didn't get a reblog to get notice for it until May 19.
And a follow up on May 20th
After those posts were made. Nothing about Arion was mentioned or reblogged to discuss the controversy. Instead they went on a hiatus after being chewed out for talking about Piaojun.
Now of course, I already talked about thegoldfiles blog not wanting to talk about this "important topic" on my "A Scam and A Spiteful Client?" at the very bottom and upon doing so. It triggered Cagney to respond to me on discord in our private chat.
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I chose not to respond at all because
I was busy dealing with the Arion drama and still am.
I don't wanna deal with Cagney nor apologize because it's the truth and I think that it should be acknowledged.
I think the decision has already been made final once I was kicked out of the private community.
I don't give a FUCK if you're mad
Don't expect me to get involved in your "shenanigans" at all! I stick my neck out for you when there are topics to discuss on thegoldfiles blog especially if you need support in tight situations but when I need the favor in return. You don't want to commit to it unless it's in your interest or you're just too much of a pussy to take it on.
Though I should've expected much from them considering that you had made a deal with Miles to never bring up stuff he's done on the blog and wanted me to delete my post when I called him out for harassing an artist on DeviantArt awhile back.
And the same thing happened when Cagney didn't want me to post about his grooming on "Miles ownership drama timeline, part 6".
To further confirm this is all true. It's been mentioned in this post of me responding to Cagney's anonymous submissions defending Miles ⬇️
"But now let me back track for a moment about that deal that Miles claimed has been promised. Apparently Cagney was told to keep Miles off as a topic and not be mentioned on the Moboxcritique blog."
Yeah, y'know if I was Miles under that situation then I would totally be mad as well because I would've felt backstabbed. Though again you're making a deal with one of the mods for the critic blog against Mobox87 and her supporters.
The fuck did he expect was going to happen when he pays her constantly for OCs?
Honestly Miles should know better but he doesn't. Like seriously don't ever come back to say your sorry and start doing shit to someone behind people's backs.
Man, fuck it don't even interact with the critics or Kevonica at all. Considering that you'll be staying on Tumblr still.
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Anyways, I'm just done. I've held back long enough and I'm already tired. If anyone should be mad it's me and anyone else expecting more integrity out of Cagney running the blog.
If you're expecting anything new out of the thegoldfiles blog.
It's either going to be criticism or discussing about
Mobox87's recent activity on posting new pages to her comics that continue in with the same themes that people are aware of.
Mobox87's latest YouTube video which was uploaded for a school assignment and made within a week.
Responding to submissions about previous Mobox87 work that's been reviewed or overlooked.
Being reminded of posted artwork that Mobox87 made back then because someone asked.
Something about Namygaga.
Responding to this post.
Basically what I'm saying is that there's nothing news worthy that will be posted unless it's lost media of Mobox87's work brought back up and saved in the archives since everything that's been shared against Mobox87 has been put into the archives, as well as expressed. Or any further updates on that unfinished FON game.
I think with clear indication is that the blog is running out of things to say or just doesn't wanna commit to talking about other serious topics.
So, It's whatever at this point and I'm not going to help out or support the thegoldfiles blog when needed.
I'll be doing my own thing as usual. Good luck to them I guess.
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I'll see you all in the next post.
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hihopelessromantics · 11 months
Hiya!!! Here's the WIPs I'm interested to hear more about, feel free to not answer if you don't wanna talk about these ones, or feel free to choose which ones you talk about ^^
Demon Essay (I'm very curious about this one)
Half blind meli
Gelda and Zeldris Angst
The "Demon Essay" is something I started writing before the Demon Realm Arc in 4kota came out, before I started reading it in fact, and it's inspired by one of zorria's posts and kind of an exploration and 'defense' anaylsis of what we've seen from the demon clan. Big focus on Zeldris and antics from cursed by light. I'd love to send it to you and hear your thoughts, if you want!
2. I am very intrigued by my mutuals' angst aus especially the ones where Meliodas has more siblings. Half-blind Meliodas au is Balin's, and I thought the exteme gore and themes of it all might make for something really fun to work on during the spooky season.
ohhh LMAO should tag balin when I'm talking about its au: @gh0stofyesterday
Unfortunately a shitton happened since I first thought of my senario for this (ow) but it's is still in the works. My spinoff premise, basically, is about how his older sister's restless soul has - unbeknowst to the current her - kept cycling through a sort of 'unfair cosmic punishment' (as she'd call it) of reincarnations. She's lonely, she's angry, and she just can't seem to escape the repetition of loneliness and unfullfilment- 'cause she has no catalyst to help her get the help she needs to make a change for herself. And no therapist. Until, a couple loops through, she meets Meliodas again. Doesn't recognize him of course. Will she be able to connect with her brother? Will she even try? Can she? Tune in on: balin please help me make sure I didn't kidnap your character and play puppet with her incorrectly to find out!
And here's, uh, an excerpt:
The first time she ever looked at his sullen face, the burning rage in his eyes could level a mountain. Yes. Both of them. The exposed medical disaster that was his right eye barely moved as he tracked her movements, her wide lopsided smile, the tilt of her head, and the way she clasped her hands together as she told him “Welcome!” and motioned for him to sit beside her in the tent. 
“I don’t know how to work with any of this shit,” he told her matter-of-factly, indicating her display of medical equipment. She’d only set it out arranged like this so it looked like someone was living and doing something worthwhile in here, but that was too pathetic to explain, so she just did the usual act of nodding like yes, she meant to do this, and “offering encouragement” instead of “retaliating to every little change in the atmosphere.” That curse rolled off his tongue as if he was mocking a dumb word in another language he was being forced to use and she didn’t appreciate it, not when the only thing they gave her to represent her expertise and profession was a flimsy banner saying ‘me-decal recruitment’ and they sent in this man with a sword slung across his back as a candidate. 
“Not everyone has the skillset right off the bat-” oh, he didn’t seem encouraged by that at all. Toned-down confrontation it was. “Woah. Could you stop . . . radiating, hostile energy? Could we talk about that, by any chance?” “What do you know about me?”
“Excuse me, I asked you a question.”
3. The Geldris is inspired by what I feel is a severe lack of vampire Gelda antics and nicknamed affectionally as the "blood-drinking fic." The first is from Zeldris's perspective and involves one of his 'secret' shenanigans / errand master antics from the Holy War Era and is supposed to include a second "aftermath" part with some demon bros bonding. The second, is, uh . . . idk what to write for that yet! ideas welcome. I'm thinking a domestic scene.
Wrote a little metaphor - poem for when Gelda drinks his blood:
He tasted like wild berries and trampled leaves 
quick snacks between sprints
one old seasoned bird snatched on a flight 
  That kind of quickly devoured game which took weeks of stalking
And a piece of the juiciest fruit handed down with love.
 Like someone who cared for others before he cared for himself. He tasted like her.
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quackitysdrugdealer · 2 years
As some people may know i'm going to start writing one shots so i made a list of promts feel free to use these i can do other promts and things this is just ideas but there are some things i won't do like smut i will let you know if i'm uncomfortable with your request and explain that i'm uncomfortable with that and if you send in a request i'm a small account so i can pretty much guarantee that i'll get your request done within 27 hours lol but for now enjoy my promts!
1 "Aw, look at you!"
"Stop touching me."
"I'm sorry, I wasn't trying to annoy you; you're just so cute."
2 "Do you even realize how cute you are?"
"Oh yes, I'm adorable. I'm a fucking delight."
3 "I just can't get over the fact that you said yes."
(while gazing at their ring) "Believe it, baby. I said yes over a year ago."
"I know... but still."
4"I've never met anyone that makes me feel the way you do."
"Yes but in the best possible way."
5"Stop touching me."
"But I wanna cuddle!"
"Oh, well then why didn't you just say so. C'mere."
6"Do you know who's the best person in the world?"
"No, me but only because you make me the best person."
7"I want to be better for you."
8 "I want to deserve you and I never will unless I become a better person."
9 "I still can't believe you love me."
"Better believe it, baby."
10 "I'm crazy about you."
"Yeah, you're crazy alright."
11"Kiss me!"
"Oh, I was kidding! Stop pouting like that."
12 "You're my favorite!"
"You married me, so I really hope I'm your favorite."
13 "Have you ever thought about leaving me?"
"I'd be a fool to ever want to leave you."
14 "You are the best."
"Not nearly as best as you!"
"That made no sense."
"Only because you don't understand how incredible you are."
"No, that just grammatically didn't make sense."
15 "Quit being a grammar junkie!"
"Why don't you come over here and make me?" (😘😉)
16 #11 “I’m tired” “I can see that babe” “Sleep with me?” “mhm”
17 “Kiss me?”
18 “You are my home, you have been since we met”
19 “Hi sweetheart” “Hi babe” “Is that my shirt?” “No”
20“Die” “Bet” “wait- babe no stop”
21“Hello lovely” “Hi <character name>”
22 “I've to go” “Noooo please” “Sorry love”
23“God I love you”
24 “Happy Birthday”
25: "i'm pregnant"
26: " you know i only let you touch me"
27: " there's no other person for me i swear"
28: dancing in the rain
29 "dance with me?"
30: person a shares persons Bs secrets with the there friends and they break up
31 They're drunk and you're carrying them to their room, when they unexpectedly say how much they love you, causing you to drop them on the floor
32 They end the phone call with an accidental ''love you'', leaving you flustered
33 Confessing before being separated for an uncertain period of time
34 Asking them how your name + their surname would sound like (or/and vice versa)
35 Accidentally confessing while laughing over something
36 Saying "I love you" while they're sleeping/unconscious/in coma. You know well that they can't hear you, but a small part of you hopes they did
37 Always giving each other yellow roses for valentine's day, when one day you see that you've got red roses instead
38 Tears drench your cheeks as you confess. The last thing you hear before dying is them screaming your name
39 Confessing at the same place where they first met
40 Scolding them for doing something stupid, wondering "why did I have to fall for you" and not realising that you just said that out loud
41:“You saved me, let me save you”
42: “You can’t save me and then walk out”
43: “ Focus on me please”
44: “You deserve better” “And you need more”
45: “Babe it’s not what it looks like” “Yeah? then what is it?”
46: “How are you in the wrong if you’re the only one putting in the effort to make it work?”
47: “Sometimes giving up is easier my love”
48: “How many times do we have to hurt each other before realising we’re no good at this”
49: “So what that’s it?” “Yeah it is, this relationship is one sided and I’m tired okay”
50: “Can you hold me while I go?”
51:hot chocolate and cuddles
52: person b gets hypothermia
53: breakfast in bed
54: holding there child for the first time
55: walking in on person a cuddling there baby
56: person a and b break up and 3 year's later person a finds person b with a child there child
57: Braiding eachothers hair
58: dieing before you can admit there feelings
59:dancing in the light of the fridge
60: dyeing eachothers hair
61: person a has autism
62: doing face masks together
63: one of them getting shot and almost dieing
64: person b has adhd and person a notices that there fidgety so the grab there hand
65: person a being a Assassin and is supposed to kill person b but they can't and make it there lifes mission to protect person b
66: movie night!!
67: (requester chose's a song for the oneshot to be based off of)
68: person a thinks there house is haunted but it's just person b being annoying
69: meeting the parents for the first time
70: person a finding out they need glasses and realizing how long there visions been so blurry and they thought it was normal and freaking out beacuse they can finally see person b clearly and thinking there beautiful
71: photographer meets artists
72: " we've GOT to stop meeting like this"
"You kidnapped me idiot"
" but your not a kid?"
" oh my gosh you are a idiot"
73 " murder wasn't on today's agenda"
"It's not on anyones"
" no it's on mine, just not untill next Thursday"
74: " did you have to hit me with a corpses leg? Was that really necessary?"
"Necessary. No. Hilarious, yes"
Brother's best friend!au
enemies to lovers!au
Friends to lovers!au
Love letters!au
Famous brother!au
Time travel!au
Ghost and human!au
Suicidal x therapist!au(not romancing being Suicidal please if you feel this way talk to someone even if it's just a little or about your day it will help and dms always open)
Student x teacher!au(both of age)
Demigod x mortal!au
Beast friends brother!au
Transfer student!au
Dark academy!au
Different sides in a war!au
Polor opposites!au
I hate everyone in the world but you!au
Fake dating!au
Grumpy x sunshine!au
Cowarker romance!au
And again these are just ideas you can thinknof your own if you want to
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troutfur · 11 months
Cloudtail/Swiftpaw/Brightpaw, and the tension caused when Cloudtail becomes a warrior and the others don't.
Bright/Cloud/Swift(/Thorn?) is one I've been trying to figure out for a while in terms of what their pfurr dynamic would be like. Because I've already committed to Lionheart/Frostfur/Tigerclaw/Goldenflower. Which means that rather than first cousins Bright and Swift would be raised as myempfurr, father siblings. Although from a legal perspective, so to speak, they'd stop being so when Frostfur declares her two litters were sired by Lionheart, therefore stripping Tigerclaw AND Goldenflower from the pipfurr, father, role.
(Is she telling the truth? Maybe. Maybe not. I won't tell you either way, but if you wanna feel free to speculate.)
I've also been mulling over the specifics of the chronology of births of the three litters born from that particular pfurr before it falls apart. I have the order down, I believe, Brackenfur + Cinderheart -> Swiftpaw + Lynxkit -> Brightheart + Thornclaw. But I still struggle to really conceptualize what would be the ideal age difference between them and the timeframe during which they are born for it to be a) believable, and b) keeping mostly to canon.
Maybe I shouldn't sweat that detail too much but when writing young characters, as WC tends to focus on, I find it particularly important to have a clear idea of development stage and relative maturity. Hence why the brainstorming/pre-planning section of my docs very often has a timeline plotting births and relevant life milestones of key characters relative to plot beats.
Anyway not too much of this is going to be super relevant to the one-shot because these are meant to be very quick-and-dirty, mostly a means to train discipline and get the writing muscles working, but I still wanted to get my thoughts out. (Not to mention writing all this prologue is excellent for procrastrinating!)
(Wanna see me ramble a whole bunch before getting to your damn prompt? Check out my guidelines and submit one. I'm taking submissions all November long. I have enough to last me the month but I always appreciate having more than needed so I can have my pick. Plus we are rather lacking in the female-character centric prompts I wanted to do more of, so ya know. If you want a higher chance of getting chosen.)
“Swift,” Brightpaw said, reaching a paw out to his shoulder from her place in their shared nest. “I’m sure it’s nothing like what you are imagining. Cloudtail is a warrior now. It’s only appropriate of him to not interact with us the way he used to.”
“When has he cared one bit about what’s proper?” he retorted. “When have we for that matter?”
Brightpaw’s ears burned. It was true that she wasn’t supposed to sleep on a nest with anyone other than Thornpaw’s. It could be tolerated if it was a close myem, a sibling, who was close in age but it’d been a long time since the two had stopped being myempfurr in the eyes of Clan customs. And from there to have done so not only with him but with another tom that were they all warriors would be considered a suitable sire for her kits.
“This is more serious,” Brightpaw continued to insist. “Can you imagine the kind of scandal it’d be? Especially with the kind of history Cloudtail has? You’d want him to risk all of that just for us?”
“It’s no excuse to leave us forgotten like crowfood,” Swiftpaw snarled. “Besides, not only is he Bluestar’s newest darling, you’re forgetting we’re older than him, that everyone knows just how much of an unfair promotion that was, that we are just as skilled and just as strong, if not more! Anyone who took issue would be better off picking the thorns out of their nest.”
“Swift!” Brightheart scolded. “You know the Clan is not going to be like that. Not towards him, especially. Just let it go. When we’re warriors he can just court us and it’ll all be like nothing happened.”
“And when exactly is that going to be, Brightpaw?” Swiftpaw challenged. “A moon? A season? A year? Do you really expect us to just sit here idly by until the situation with Bluestar blows over? Do you think that while he has us forgotten and thrown to the wayside he is not going to be getting to know his fellow warriors? That he may not have fully forgotten us?”
“Oh, now you’re just assuming the worst possible outcome without any real proof,” Brightpaw complained.
“You said it yourself, possible outcome,” Swiftpaw retorted. “With what’s been happening do you really think that the worst one won’t be the one happening? How many times does it have to happen before you realize? How many times before you take it to heart?”
Brightpaw went silent.
“If Cloudtail will leave us forgotten, so be it, we will too,” Swiftpaw declared. “And if both of us want to stay as empf we need to do something. Something that will prove beyong anyone’s doubts that we are ready, that Bluestar’s judgement was warped, that we can do something to turn this Clan around.”
“What do you even want us to do?” Brightpaw asked.
The whiplash in what he was saying was just palpable. Wouldn’t he more than anyone be aware that even with a hundred assessments passed it ultimately rested in Bluestar whether or not to promote them? Wouldn’t he understand deeply that a cat set in his ways like her be would be unlikely to listen to his concerns? Wasn’t he the one wanting to sever from her ‘newest darling’ as he put it?
“We need to fight those dogs,” Swiftpaw declared.
Brightpaw’s eyes opened and she rose to her feet to stand in front of her empf. “No.” She stomped a foot down for emphasis. “No, no, and no. I’m not going to be agreeing to this. You’ve just got to forget this idea. Even with an expertly organized patrol this would be a risky mission but as an apprentice to put on this--”
“Brightpaw do we have another choice?” Swiftpaw challenged. “We’re practically warriors and we need to act like it. Moreso with such a paralyzed leadership over us. If a brat like Cloudtail can just strut around with respect by putting the shallowest act, imagine what we could obtain by actually doing an act of service to the warrior code.”
Brightpaw once again went silent and Swiftpaw rubbed across her neck in reassurance. “You’re more capable than you give yourself credit for, Brightpaw. Let’s prove that to everyone.”
It was a conversation that was forever burned into Brightheart’s memory.
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painacony · 7 months
a lot of you don't know about my thread of kagihira as carly rae jepsen songs so here it is
i imagined specific scenarios for some of these but feel free to imagine what you want. you only need to listen with a kagihira mindset for the intended experience
au where hirano doesnt love kagi back but he accepts to date kagi with no strings attached (the one)
Truth is I never thought of us together You're just a friend of mine We should know better This can't last forever Kiss me one more time Romance is fine, pour me some wine Tell me it's just for the fun of it Far from your eyes, hard to deny when I don't want love, don't want none of it
2. au where the daily touching doesnt work and kagi ultimately gets rejected by hirano and he's not over it (party for one)
If you didn't know that you were right for me Then there's nothing I can say Tried to call you out to spend some time to see But somebody's in your way Tried to let it go and say I'm over you I'm not over you But I'm trying
3. au where hirano realizes he likes kagi back but is afraid to lose focus on his studies so he ignores it (happy not knowing)
All our friends that I know They've been trying to set us up together I lie, I lie I say somebody else would suit you better But I'll only go so far I don't have the energy To risk a broken heart When you're already killing me But if there's something between you and me Baby, I have no time for it I'm happy not knowing
4. in which hirano falls first (now that i found you)
Waking up next to you, every morning How did we get this far? It came without a warning And in the night time, you tell me your whole life You and me get too real, but all I feel is alright
5. au where kagi lies about dating hirano to get an admirer off his back (body language)
I think I'm in trouble, I can't see the end I call you my lover, you call me your friend I'm keeping it secret, yeah, even from you I call you my lover Oh, what can I do?
6. in which hirano realizes he wants kagi after kagi has already moved on (gimmie love)
I know I said that I'm too scared to try But I still think about you, think about you And I can't lie I like the feeling, how you make me shy I share my secrets and I will not hide I know that one could be two, one could be two
7. i only know this is kagi's pov (felt this way)
But I can't take much more of your hesitating Both our hands speak for us and complicate it My home is your body, how can I stay away? And if my love's too strong for you, walk away But I can't make this wrong when I see your face My home is your body, how can I stay away?
8. hirano falling in love arc (this is what they say)
And when you hear me calling your name It's always different, never the same And every morning, when I wake you up Sugar, you won't need a cup You got me feeling confident, yeah This is what they say Falling in love is supposed to feel like
9. kagiura being down bad (summer love)
I just live for the feeling Dance to the feeling Wait for the feeling of you I was down for the first night And I'm down for a second try When you touch me, I wanna fly I'm so down for you all the time
10. in which they sort the whole thing out (let's sort the whole thing out)
What it feels like when I'm next to you It's a soft touch that I read in to Was it just me? Did you linger for too long? But it's alright if it's on your mind 'Cause it's all I'm thinking all the time
11. post-graduation established relationship kghr / kagi's pov (sideways)
Oh, now I smile at strangers I'm that annoying type Who don't care if there's traffic 'Cause I've got plans tonight, oh Later we'll meet at your place Later we'll be together Ever since you said that you were mine Everything's going my way
12. this one is just 100% kagicore (i really like you)
Who gave you eyes like that? Said you could keep them I don't know how to act Or if I should be leaving I'm running out of time Going out of my mind I need to tell you something Yeah, I need to tell you something, yeah! I really, really, really, really, really, really like you And I want you, do you want me, do you want me, too?
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system-of-a-feather · 7 months
Thank you for your long and thoughtful response to the ask I sent in earlier. ; w; (I'm the one who sent the super long ask in asking about late stage recovery.)
It's really reassuring to me that there can still be that sense of supporting one another. I couldn't quite put it into words before, but I think that and knowing we've got each other's backs and we can always count on that, is the thing that most scares me to think about the possibility of losing. I wasn't sure that could still exist if we were ever to fuse. I don't wanna emotion dump in your inbox so I'll leave it at that lol but when you were talking about that part I was like... yeah, that's what I most needed to know. I needed to know that our ability to express care for each other when it's needed wouldn't be lost. So the possibility of fusion someday, doesn't feel as scary anymore -- even if it's not the direction we currently want to go.
Yeah no I totally get it cause that was one of the largest things that terrified me about fusion as well. Growing up we really never had a single adult or family member in our life around to console or care for us and through a lot of therapy and work, our system became very much a family first and foremost that we've learned to realize that we have always had in spite our "real physical" family having not been there. By the time we were developing pretty reliable communication, I began really forgetting that my biological family was my ""actual family"" as I always thought of my parts as my dad, siblings, etc whenever topics like that came up and I'd always have to double take say at the idea that "I don't have a brother". (We only have two sisters, but our system has so many parts that feel like brothers to me so whenever I think about that I'm like 'tf i have like 40 brothers') So the idea of no longer being chronically separate parts scared me shitless cause - for the first time in my life - I felt I had a family and so it was really fucking hard to fathom final fusion without coming to this idea that I'd have to feel alone again.
And cause we were raised feeling very alone in our family for most of our life that was an extremely stressful and triggering feeling after having FINALLY earned and recovered a sense of companionship and belonging with the 'people' that have always been with my my whole life that I had just not been able to be fully aware of and in full acknowledgement of.
And of course, I'm not saying that "YOU WILL LOOSE IT" cause obviously *motions to previous post* it's really hasn't turned out that way - just really saying that its such a real and understandable fear to have. In the moment its kind of like imagining a color that doesn't exist and so you try to imagine it with what you know and its just... hard to put together until you start to get closer to that place in time and life.
But yeah, I will say with a full gut and 100% confidence upon all parts, never once - no matter how little I focus on the parts and just look at the whole or identify as a whole singular person - do I ever feel alone or like my parts that I love and care dearly for that love and care dearly for me are ever NOT here. Never once have I ever felt like I was on my own or that I didn't have anyone internally there to protect, care, support, or love me. Even in the most "zoomed out" whole moments, I never for a second loose that warm, caring intimate relationship I've had with all the parts.
And in the case of "I" - "I" means that it is something that every part agrees on in regards to every other part they've interacted with. Riku, Chunn, XIV, Ray, Lucille, Aderis, Evaline, Aya, Eva, Iris etc etc. Most of the times when I say "I" as Fei, its because it is just something I know is a system wide shared consensus and thing we agree on.
It kinda just sometimes feels like a really big big big group hug or like us all bundling up in a really cozy tent or those little rainbow parachute games they used to play in elementary school where everyone just goes under the parachute
It's honestly a really good time. I've had zero regrets and honestly lately, like the past like week straight, I've been mostly just choosing to mainly be in a state of Fei just so I can enjoy life transitions a little better as a whole and keep a wider view on how to meet our system's needs best cause for those sorts of decisions and all, having a wide lens on life and existence helps a lot more.
That said, I can still grab anyone and everyone and go "YOU - YOUR TURN" and what not (which we do for brief periods here or there, particularly in favorites activites like writing / drawing / DnD making with Riku and exercising with XIV and walks with Chunn)
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navree · 2 years
Hey, hope you’ve been good!
I just finished reading your HOTD fics and I wanted to say that I really enjoy your writing. Spring’s End is my favorite, but Gods In Godless Times was a fun read (I’m weak for modern aus, like, if you have any modern au Green thoughts/headcanons-whether they’re related to your au or not-pls share, cause I’ll eat them up).
Would That They Were Not was also a good read. I really liked that Alicent was the one who ordered the dragons to burn Jahaerys’s body per the Targ tradition. And Aegon’s grief was 🤌
Thanks :)
Anon this was so nice to wake up to thank you so much!!!! You're so sweet, I'm glad you liked it all so much, these were all actually quite fun to write and I'm really happy that people are taking the time to let me know that they enjoy the, I really really really appreciate it.
Making Alicent be the one to burn Jaehaerys's body was very intentional of me, mostly because I always wanna refute the idea that her kids aren't "true Targs" just because of her, and to also show how close knit the entire family is and how that extends even to the dragon bonds, that they'll listen to her in that moment because of what she means to their riders. Aegon's grief was particularly gut wrenching to write, but I really wanted to sell just what an unexpected evil it was that happened to him give Aemond an extra gut punch to see his older brother so affected by the consequences of his (unintentional) actions.
I won't say too much because I do have a lot of chapters planned for Gods in Godless Times where I'm dumping most of these headcanons, and I do fully intend to get back to this fic, it's just that right now I'm taking two science classes (and I'm not scientifically inclined) as well as working on submitting applications to transfer into a four year college, which is taking up a lot of my free time. And I've also got a few one shot drafts for some other fandoms (mostly TMA and W359) that have been languishing for a while that I'm trying to finish and send off into the world.
But with all that being said, some headcanons include: -Daeron is a chaos gremlin of a kid. He's the youngest of four (five, technically if you count Rhaenyra) and this is a high pressure lifestyle, but also just personality wise he's bouncing off the walls and causing problems on purpose and being a lil whippersnapper, but still precious. -Aegon isn't entirely sure if he finds Alys really cool or still creepy (and yes I've aged her way the hell down but in the real world you cannot have a teenager in a relationship with a woman in her late thirties/early forties, you just can't, so that's why she's instead Helaena's friend and therefore her age instead) -Helaena was actually pretty chill when Aemond and Alys started dating, she likes that her lil brother is coming out of his shell and she thinks Alys is neat too anyway -Helaena is still Otto's favorite grandkid, and he Will go to town on any teachers who try and say she should focus more during school -Alicent isn't necessarily a typical PTA mom because a) idk if they've got that in the UK and b) the family position doesn't necessarily give her an opportunity for it, but she's still incredibly involved not just in the kids' personal lives but also in their schooling -Daemon is a family friend who is incredibly close to Viserys and practically grew up with him and who's one of those "honorary uncle" types, rather than Viserys's out and out brother -Viserys isn't infirm, just constantly sick due to age and bad health but still capable of having a job (not sure if I've mentioned this yet but Viserys is both a lord/peer as well as the current President of the Supreme Court in the UK) -Spoilers for the next chapter but the Starks are a prominent American political family and the Northerners are mostly American politicos/East Coast wealth, to parallel how the North in Westeros is far away and culturally removed from most of the country -The general conceit of this world is that certain elements of Westeros are in our world, things like the Free Cities being cities in Western Europe (Myr and Lys for me are specifically in France) and Dorne being some kind of wine country à la Napa or Bordeaux -Helaena wants to study biology and engineering, bugs aren't just a special interest for her but she's genuinely interested in how they and most stuff works -Aemond did, in fact, lose an eye in an accident involving his Strong nephews (it will be discussed) and he does have a lot of issues about it, though he's being slowly convinced by his family and Alys to maybe see someone about it -Rhaenyra is incredibly more distant in this, she's got her own family and the relationship was irreparably fractured almost worse than it was in the show after Aemond's accident -Aemond cannot cook. Helaena is passable. Aegon is actually very good cook -Helaena tries out all possible new hairstyles on Aemond, it's almost rare to see him with his hair loose rather than in some elaborate do Helaena was trying out -Aemond still has his long silky hair in this. People who give Aemond short hair in their modern aus are cowards I said what I said -All the Greens dragons are cats. Sunfyre and Dreamfyre and Tessarion are just normal cats, Vhagar is an old alley cat Aemond picked up at a shelter (it will be elaborated on) and who is incredibly protective of and fiercely cuddly for him and him only -Obviously, but the Greens have a much better and extremely more tight knit relationship in this than they do in show canon. They're incredibly ride or die for each other
Also this counts for the modern AU but is also true of basically all my Greens fics, the Green kids refer to Alicent almost exclusively as "momma", no matter what age or level of maturity.
And for anyone curious:
Spring's End: an Alicent centric fic written after episode 2 exploring Alicent's state of mind in the lead up to her wedding with Viserys and how she struggles to adapt to her new role as queen to be and Viserys's future wife/mother of his children. Warnings for Alicent's spiraling mental health, implied child abuse/CSA/grooming (Alicent is FIFTEEN and Paddy filmed this while in his fifties with Viserys's age unconfirmed she's a child I hate Viserys so much)
Mea Maxima Culpa: ficlet from Aemond's perspective set immediately after episode 10 as he tells the Small Council what happened at Storm's End.
Would That They Were Not: speculative fic on how the show might adapt Blood and Cheese and its immediate aftermath, Aemond and Alicent centric and told from their perspective, and as always, Greens sympathetic. Warnings for child death and spoilers for what's going to be a pretty big plot in season 2 if you haven't read the book and don't know what Blood and Cheese is.
Gods In Godless Times: multi chapter fic of unconnected stories about the Dance-era Targaryens in a modern AU, specifically modern day UK where the Targaryens are a longstanding noble family and Viserys is both a peer of the realm and the current President of the Supreme Court and most of the noble houses of Westeros are media moguls, Fortune 500 companies, politicians, and other upper echelons of society. Primarily focused on the Greens kids, but is planned to have chapter stories focusing on adults, "allies" of the Greens, and some members of Team Blacks and their "allies" as well.
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loremonster · 2 years
Things that happened with me in the last decade I didn't fuckin expect
Writing for the Batman fandom -> realize I'm a pansexual disaster who had a repressed crush on their best friend since gradeschool and that's why I was always trying to play matchmaker for him cause I wanted someone to love him the way I would have
Writing for the South Park fandom -> realize I'm nonbinary but didn't have the language to describe it even 5 years ago because my parents were conservative assfucks who tried to Just Not Talk About It even tho MY MOM IS THE MANLIEST MOTHERFUCKER I KNOW like 24 pack of beer let's go cut down a tree and set up a bonfire to cook over with a cast iron skillet, but LITERALLY cannot focus indoors long enough to cook an egg because OH SOMETHING OUTSIDE NEEDS TO BE DONE ( she has caused 2 fires ) and GLEEFULLY recounts whenever she's called Sir instead of maam or miss
Still Writing For The South Park Fandom -> Meet enough other autistic folks that I share life experiences with that I begin to seriously consider I may have been misdiagnosed as a kiddo as ADHD
STILL Writing For The South Park Fandom -> Fully accept I Need Help with my mental and physical health and recommit to the overwhelming process of dealing with the health system, including persuing gender affirming care once I got back to WA
Get overwhelmed when lockdown happens
Stop in the middle of an unfinished holiday special because dear god lockdown was hell and financial difficulty had forced hubby and I to move onto base where the national anthem played EVERY DAY at dawn and dusk ( a ritual known as Colors ) that IT IS EXPECTED FOR CIVILIANS TO STOP WHAT THEY ARE DOING, FACE THE NEAREST SPEAKER OR FLAG, AND REMAIN STILL UNTIL ITS OVER, but no one tells you that. Ever. If you're driving, you're expected to pull over with emergency flashers and wait until the anthem is over. Again, you are not TOLD this, and base police will come after you for it and threaten to revoke your base privileges; meaning RENDER YOU HOMELESS if you live on base.
I suddenly got REALLY interested in cults
Learned way too damn much about the Alt Right, as well as the older hate movements they grew from
Started Writing And Drawing In The Fallout Space -> Realize I'm a socialist and Holy Shit All The Things My Parents Told Me About History And Politics Was A Gigantic Crock of Shit They Got Sold In The 50's And Never Fact Checked
Burnt Out In The Fallout Space -> wow I really need to do more yoga if I'm gonna draw that much, stretching is important folks pls take breaks for the love of all that is good and holy
Lost My Routine From Burnout -> hoooooooly shit I'm Autistic how the fuck did I not realize this????????
That's where I'm at, lol
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