#but also he's not exactly a human 😅
🎬 What was the very first scene or image that popped into your head before you ever wrote a word for your OC?
😎 Pick one thing about your OC and describe it in detail. (their smile, their eyes, the way they walk, their voice, etc.)
For whichever OCs you want to talk about. :)
Thank you for the ask! From this ask game.
🎬 What was the very first scene or image that popped into your head before you ever wrote a word for your OC?
Now the problem is, for most I cannot remember that anymore. They were chars in the game before I started writing, and... it's been like a decade.
Fun fact: Cedric, for example, did not pop into my head before I ever wrote a word. I literally hadn't planned further ahead than getting them out through the sewers, and he just happened while writing :D
😎 Pick one thing about your OC and describe it in detail. (their smile, their eyes, the way they walk, their voice, etc.)
I knew someone would send this, and I knew I'd hate it. I barely know how my chars look, and then it's because I made a picture in game. I do not imagine them at all, ever. Not their voices. Nothing else.
So, another fun fact (that's loosely related to the first question): Caldyn came from the moment I saw in the character generation how one of the default headpiece options for necromancers - Wraith Masque - blended in with the green of the skin option to make it look like his eyes were white. The game's very own lore was a great inspiration for how that could have happened, too!
In the story now, they are completely white - because they are not eyes. His eyes are gone, and what's there now is kind of some planty scar tissue without pigments.
He is, for the lack of a better word in my brain right now, in denial about it. A part of him, being a healer and all, must know something's not right, but he never thought about it.
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onlylove4louis · 12 days
Louis finds Armand BORING... and not because he's not Lestat. Not exactly
This is another one of those things I keep randomly thinking about. Just musings. Also, this one really shouldn't be too deep and definitely no intense, emotional dramatics 😅
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Now, the take that Louis finds Armand "boring" because Armand is not Lestat. Who I like to call; a category 5 hurricane. Definitely isn't wrong, it goes hand in hand with this one... it's just that, as everything else in this show/series, I think it's more nuanced then just that. To really get to it, I want to point out one of the fundamental differences between Lestat & Armand, as people and/or as Vampires. And then contrast (that's not the right word), with Louis. Lets start with Louis though, because I mean come on.
Louis always comes first
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Louis de Pointe du Lac, as well all should know by now, is seen as and regarded as; the most HUMAN Vampire. -- interjection real quick: I don't mean he is human, because he's not. He's still very much a Vampire. He's not any less of a Vampire, than the rest. Alot of people tend to sort of confuse that. It's just that, in comparison to OTHER Vampires, he's more human. Even Claudia didn't regard him as her own "kind", because he's too human -- He has a very human heart, he gravitates and clearly feels more comfortable, more at home... with/around humans. He relates more to humans. And while he doesn't really seem to actually like the individual human much, because he is a Vampire, and they are "food". He clearly loves humanity as a whole. Because humans and humanity = life. Louis is attracted to, desires, and ultimately THRIVES... when he's surrounded by life. He always is drawn to being as close to life, and the living, as he possibly can get. And interesting enough, even while its one of the main things about him that sets him apart from other Vampires, and has him mocked, ridiculed and ultimately outcast by them (for being other)... it's also one of the main reasons, why Vampires, particularly the more predatory ones. Are so drawn to him. He draws Vampires to him, like humans do.
Which now leads me to, Lestat
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Lestat, even as a Vampire pulses with LIFE. It just comes out of him. And it's one of the main reasons, why he too feels so at home among humans and humanity. It's why he too thrives in an environment, filled with life. For those of you who don't know that, or somehow don't see it, yet. Just wait, you will 😉 It's why he's able to blend/fit in so well with humans, and why he desires too... Even though he is better at being a Vampire, than most. So just like Louis, it's also one of the main things about him that draws other Vampires (like Armand) to him.
Now Armand, is so very NOT human. He's so far removed from humanity, from "life". And honestly not all together by choice. But other than certain things that have been done to him, and forced on him, that have shaped him into this... He is also just so OLD, as a Vampire. Therefore hasn't been a human and hasn't lived among humans for so long... The point of that being, he's not "alive". There is no humanity in Armand, there is no life or living in/with Armand. There is only death. There is only stagnation.
And there-in lies, why Louis finds Armand boring, especially in contrast to Lestat. Lestat gives off life, he breathes life. Lestat lives and surrounds himself (and Louis) with life; passion, music, art, etc. Armand, does not... All the way down to just having hobbies, he mocks and basically scoffs at the very idea of a Vampire having a 'hobby'. He has no aptitude or interest in music or art, has no interest in the human world as a whole. He barely tolerates and ultimately just humors Louis' humanity, and Louis' thirst for life. But like you do a child. You think it's cute, amusing even but you only engage with it for their benefit. Armand, to Louis is like a statue, or a painting. Static, cold, lifeless. Unmoving.
And the thing is, he was bored with Armand in Paris, he was clearly bored with Armand in San Fransisco, which came to a head:
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And he's bored with Armand in Dubai.
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In Paris, Louis had no interest in his theatre, he had no interest in his coven. He got nothing from their massacre level 'hunt parties'. Everything Armand was, everything he stood for, everything he surrounded himself by was boring to Louis. Because it was lifeless. It ultimately made a mockery of life, brought death to life, and remained wholly separate from life. To both Louis AND Lestat, it was stifling, suffocating... boring. In San Fran, Louis was having the time of his life with Daniel Molloy, for 8+hrs, while we come to find out that Armand was... sitting at home "picking LINT off the SoFa" Louis was climbing the walls, feeling suffocated by Armand. Not because he was controlling or anything like that, but because he was "beige". He was stifling in his stagnation. In Dubai, "the Vampire is BORED". He's bored with death, he's bored in his coffin/tomb. He's bored with the cold, hard stone, and white clinical lights. Beige, whites and blacks. So far above and therefore removed from, the human world. Removed from life.
In Nola, with Lestat, Louis world & life, looked like this:
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So much color, art, always music. Warm, soft lights as well as lots of wood, soft fabrics and nature, etc. So it's not Armand himself he's "bored" of, it's death, it's the static, stilted, stagnate existence. And it's not exactly Lestat he's comparing him too, or he's missing (which he is, again the take is not wrong at all), but it's passion and art and music, and growth... it's life. Which is why, when Daniel helps free Louis from Armand, for good. He immediately goes back to color, and art. He goes "home" and brings back... life.
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arcadia345 · 1 year
Astro notes💋🥀
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Just my observations :)🔞
♡ Scorpio mercury or degree is the definition of elephant in the room, it’s like they try their best to make you uncomfortable with their words , on the brighter side I love how deep their minds are
♡Saturn in the 6th/2nd could go a long time without eating and not even notice
♡ One of my friends had a baby today(Aries moon) and she’s already threatening people not to play with her child💀 cute tho
♡ I feel like the only Libra placement that doesn’t try to be likable is Libra moons, their personality is so lovely for the most part☺️ I’ve only met men with this placement and WHEW they are sooooooo charming🥴
♡ I’ve noticed guys with Venus conjunct their sun can come off a little ✨ even if they’re not they’re just in touch with their feminine side. Also guys with Venus conjunct moon could have this energy as well just more subtle
♡ Aquarius in 7th will always give black sheep energy, no matter how “popular” they are it’s always something that differentiates them from everyone else, could be known for doing questionable things
♡ Taurus season I see lots of people getting lip piercings but lots of new tats and piercings in general
♡ 11th house has to do with hopes and dreams, mars is your passion and drive, having mars in 11th synastry with someone with someone could mean having fantasy’s about them,being fwb, or being friends with someone but wanting to be more. Me and my friend both have this synastry and the tension is HIGH especially with her Jupiter conjunction to my mars🥴
♡It’s not surprise Saturn babies look soo good in slicked back hairstyles since it rules hair and restrictions
♡Also they weren’t joking when they said prominent Saturn placements could make you a pothead😳 I thought I was a smoker but whew they SMOKE 💨
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♡ Aries moon moms are so PUSHY. They’re always trying to dictate your emotions like your not your own human then get insecure when you cut contact with them. And she never takes your emotions seriously till you act out of character, It’s like she never wants you to rest so draining. Also they can be intimidating/scary in a way especially from the stories the Aries moon child shares about them😅 did they lie tho?
♡ Scorpio moons could also resonate but I feel like with Aries moms(sidereal Pisces moon)there’s a innocence to it like they truly don’t recognize their toxic traits until you confront them about it but with Scorpio moon’s mom (sidereal Libra moon) they KNOW exactly what they’re doing when they manipulate. And other people could easily alter ur mother’s perception of you, very wishywashy. They type to be jealous of their kids especially if they have a daughter
♡ Chiron in 12th could get accused of things they didn’t do allll the time , it gets to a point where they don’t even try to defend themselves anymore cause it’s like no one listens why waste your energy 😭 a good example is Micheal Jackson
♡ Gemini moon children have moms that don’t hold back🥴 very blunt especially with some Aries energy added
♡ I giggle every time I remember Park Jimin has a Gemini moon I just know he has the best comebacks and inside jokes😂 (Jimin if you’re seeing this let’s be friends plz😆)
♡ I’ve noticed with Virgo moons children may see one parent more fit to be a parent than the other at some point in their life. Doesn’t mean the other is a shitty parent or anything but if they had to decide to live with one of them they’ll already know who😹
♡ Also Virgo placements why do y’all constantly complain about something you could easily solve? I see this more in undeveloped Virgo placements
♡ Leo moon children could have mothers that are selfish in one way or another, wheither it be their time, money, or love
♡Jupiter in 3rd (natal and transit) what is home? I’ve been to so many places in my city that I didn’t know existed, I also got a 🍕 delivery job so I’m on the go all the time, but since my natal Jupiter is in my 8th it’s kinda a darker transit for me- I literally hit and ran two people in counting 😭 (I’m not even a bad driver they happened on the same week!🙄) communication especially over the phone has been vile omg the amount of times I’ve been cussed out by strangers otp is crazy. Also I’ve lost old friends /gained new one
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That’s all for now💋
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kanmom51 · 1 month
Please help 😅 I think there is something or some conversation l have missed in JIKOOK’s timeline. Something about our Jimin getting so upset that he left the members and went home to heal from some trauma caused by V & Jk ?? The next we heard about him was when he was hospitalised suffering from covid?? Please fill in the blanks for me if you know any deets.. l would be grateful. No pressure though😂🫶🏽
Idk what fan fiction this is from, but WOW.
JM healing from trauma caused by V and JK?
The next was when he was hospitalized with covid?
Bull bloody shit is what I can tell you.
But let's look at the timeline why don't we?
At least what we know of it.
JM was hospitalized end of January 2022. Not because of covid but because of his appendix, and when in hospital tested positive for covid.
This followed the group going on a break after their 4 concerts in LA in November 2021.
Last time we had all three together was in their live on 28 November 2021. That was a chaotic super happy live. Only bullying I can think of, jokingly, would be Tae constantly mentioning brand names he wasn't supposed to, lol.
You can find many links to posts I wrote about that live here:
Then JK and JM returned to Korea with Jin. Just the three of them. They were supposed to go into quarantine as they returned, separately, as the government rules stated, and yet JK waited for JM at the airport upon their arrival thinking that they will be sharing a car only for the two to be separated.
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There is absolutely, and I repeat absolutely NOTHING to show that there was anything wrong between JM and JK at that place and time!!!
JM and JK were fine, and there was no bullying going on from Tae and JK. What AO3 fanfic is that even?
As for the stupidity I've been hearing of since Ep. 3 of Are you sure? JK and V bullying JM, like wtf is wrong with people?
Every time I think people have reached the limit of being the worst they just prove that they can surpass themselves.
I think people lack basic ideas of human interactions if they claim that the playfulness we saw in that episode can be called bullying. If that's bullying then every single time those three played throughout the years would also be. These are 3 young men who grew up together and at times roughhouse. Like men do.
I've kind of lost hope in trying to explain to these people, who love to see JM as a victim, and therefore think they are his knights in shining armour, that JM is a grown ass man who knows exactly how to put both JK and Tae in their places if he wanted to!!! He's got the physical strength to do so, not to mention the personality too. He's known to have done both, when he wanted. And here's the news flash. Maybe he didn't want to! JM knows how to be assertive. Being such a nice human being doesn't make him a weak human being. I think that many of those that claim to love him and want to protect him either don't know him at all or want him to be weak so they can show up as his great protectors against the big bad JK, whom they would love to get rid of, cause he's just not good enough for JM, in their warped reality. Perhaps because they want JM for themselves.
JK is the person that JM loves most in this world.
The person that stood by JM's side and supported him when he was going through the turmoil he was experiencing during the pandemic.
The person that JM wanted to go on these trips with and came up with the idea to create this show so that they can go on these trips together.
The person that he flew from Korea to NY to be with for his solo debut.
The person that he can't stop talking about and bringing up in conversations that have really nothing to do with him, like during the Minimoni album exchange.
The man he chose to write a song for and write these lines to:
Baby, don't leave Just stay by my side, yeah To you, who see me bigger than what my little self is (to you) So that I can give as much as I’ve received (oh-oh) So that I can keep my word (oh-oh) Don't worry, just stay by my side, yeah (Yeah) We don’t know what the future holds (holds, yeah) And that’s scary and makes us afraid (oh-oh) But don’t forget that we’re always together (don't forget)
The person he chose to enlist with and be with for the 18 months of their military service, even though it meant a more difficult placement, even though it would raise eyebrows and questions marks seeing that the two are the first ever idols, both in their late 20s to do this!!
I've said this once I've said this a thousand times. People need to go live their lives and stop looking for drama where it doesn't exist in JM and JK's life.
They are together.
They are good.
Even if they are idols and public figures.
Even if they are two gorgeous young men who happen to love each other and are, god forbid, in a queer relationship.
Even if being in a queer relationship in their industry and society is frowned upon.
All those don't mean that their relationship isn't just a normal stable long term relationship with everything that such a loving relationship entails, including the struggles.
Enough with trying to insert drama where there is none.
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Jealous Pino headcanons
(also note that I got this picture from Kkyos, please check them out!! Their lies of p stuff is great!!)
~ This new emotion would all but stagger him the first time he feels it. Perhaps a stalker appears a little too taken by you someday, loitering around you and filling your ears with sweet words and compliments.
Pino would find himself feeling irritated by this. His brow would knit and his eyes glare hard at whoever has your attention like this. He won't interfere, merely hovering close to you and staring cold daggers into the person. He'll make sure you're safe and ok, watching this person and eyeing them to make sure they don't make you uncomfortable.
~ Just him getting all tense when they hug you. Eyeing their hands that roam casually over your waist/back/shoulders. Still, he won't interfere- however you may notice his fists clenching a little, the sound of his legion hand clicking subtly.
~ Maybe later once you've departed from the stalker, he pulls you into a safe secluded alleyway and just eagerly tugs you into his arms, hugging you tightly to the point you feel your feet leave the ground and your lungs squeeze from the air leaving them.
His hands roam and settle on your waist, exactly where the stalker had touched you, and it's like he's trying to rub the ghosting presence of their touch off you. Like he's trying to erase it with his own hands.
Pino will simply stand there with you in his arms till he's satisfied, his nose ghosting over your hairline a little before he places you back down on your feet- looking you over once more. With his palms gently cradling the curves of your arms, he'll pull away and lead you back to the hotel- your hand clasped firmly yet carefully in his human hand, meanwhile you're just a flustered and confused mess.
~ He'd start to confront new feelings of
Insecurity. As a being not quite human nor puppet, he's always never given it much thought other than appreciating the strength he possesses to come out on top in battle. At first, he had felt a sense of pride whenever you marveled at his legion arm- impressed by its mechanic and strength. It was strong. He was strong, and he felt pride in knowing you saw him as that. Your protector.
However now you'll notice him start to be more and more hesitant of touching you with his legion arm, the steel intricate carved hand that would once gently curl within your own fingers in a kind embrace would now rarely even grace you with its touch. He'd be more adamant with touching you with his more 'human' hand, wanting to feel more belonging with you.
~ Pino would start having thoughts that would spiral whenever he thought too much about it. He's just a puppet. He's cold and made of parts, whilst you're warm and made of flesh and soul. Whatever could he give you that real man could...
~ Please just hold his face and assure him that he's more than just a puppet. He's your best friend and protector, as you are to him. That he so incredibly precious to you, and that you wouldn't want anyone else that isn't him. Poor pino would get all droopy eyed and puppy-like, finally embracing you with both of his arms and hiding his face into your stomach as you rub the nape of his neck and his scalp.
~ Once you've communicated everything and he's found peace, it is too tempting to tease him.
~ "You're a little possessive, you know that?" You'd giggle playfully, ruffling his fluffy locks of hair a little.
~ Pino would grunt softly, but not pull away- instead nuzzling his face closer into you and tightening his grip, only proving your point 😅
~ He knows he still has lots to learn when it comes to emotions and what makes him feel, but as long as he has your guiding and reassuring words, Pino feels like he could do anything <3
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cloudberriesforaqueen · 2 months
Frohana Birthday Parties! 🎂
The birthday parties were always one of my favorite plots from the storybooks. I'm glad all of them got one!
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Olaf, of course, had a summer party! After many "failed" attempts, that is. You know how animes have a mandatory "beach episode"? I guess this is Frozen's version of that 🤭 (Well, depending on which storybook you read...)
This story also had some of my most favorite illustrations of the Frohana too! It's always a treat to see them decorated with flowers.
"It's my birthday?" Olaf grinned, "That must be why it's been the best day ever!" Aaaw 🥹
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It was also very sweet to see the kinds gifts the Frohana planned to give Sven. I like it when Olaf uses the snowflakes from his flurry as a plot device. R.I.P. Olaf's flurry. And, of course, Sven gets a... carrot cake! 😆
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For young Kristoff, he got to celebrate his first "human" birthday party with the Trolls! He says he's never been to one, so they wanted to "surprise" him (with his knowledge lol). Little Kristoff saying he doesn't know when his real birthday is because he doesn't have a family to keep track of it was... 🥺
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Elsa's was very interesting. She already knew Anna would be planning for her (because it takes one to know one! And also 'cause the Frohana wasnt very discreet either). So, like the introvert that she is, she sort of "dreaded" the party all day as she finished her daily royal duties. She thought they had planned a huge party with a reindeer-sized cake and invited five hundred guests (her words, not mine!) To her surprise, they threw a "quiet little party with family and friends"—exactly what Elsa wanted! 😁
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Little Anna's was my favorite! It was also nice seeing a young Anna with messy bed hair too. Some things never change. Come to think of it, her birthday is probably one of the most celebrated events in the storybooks—Not to mention, Frozen Fever! I think there's also another birthday of hers where Elsa creates a winter wonderland for Anna in the castle? Correct me if I'm wrong 😅
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Important guests from neighboring kingdoms were invited, so Anna acted as formal and as proper as she could to please her parents. Every single time she thought she messed up, Agnarr and Iduna played along to reassure her it's okay 🥹
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That night, Elsa, of course, showed her what a "real party" looked like without the pressure of acting formal! ♡
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Olaf's pet rock, Rocky— probably the one Elsa and the Earth Giants gave him during a solo visit to the Enchanted Forest! I love his complete 180° where he treats Rocky like an actual living being all day and then he ends with a "Rocky's just a rock, remember?" 😭
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ghost-bxrd · 7 months
So with Fae!Dick, we all know that Bruce is just… not gonna say anything bc of his own mental health, but do you think the other batkids notice anything once they come along?
On one hand, I think someone would have to notice. If not Jason, then Tim, Steph, Barbara, or Damian bc, well, they’re BATS. They literally have been trained to notice things.
On the other hand, though, I think it would be HILARIOUS if they just attributed Dick’s Fae nature to him just being weird. Like, completely unaware he isn’t human. Maybe not entirely realistic but I think it leaves for some interesting comedic moments 😅
Honestly at one point I think it all devolves into plausible deniability. 😭😂
Jason is the first to notice something amiss, obviously. But he joins Bruce in pretending it‘s just Dick‘s general weirdness. After all, as long as the dog just howls once in a while it’s not necessarily a wolf, right? And Dick, after the initial hang up and trying to kill him a little, is sweet as a summer‘s day to him and viciously protective to boot. Galas and all the rich people there that used to treat Jason like a circus animal aren’t a problem anymore because Dick always swoops in like a bat out of hell and distracts the creepy old ladies with a charming smile until they walk away with vacant eyes. It‘s all pretty funny. And very weird. But hey, Jason gets a laugh out of it and that secretive little grin from Dick so whatever.
Tim I headcanon has Dick all figured out within a month of officially meeting him (the opposite of this would be Tim never figuring it out which is also kinda funny and just attributing it to his circus past or something) and is veeery cautious about interacting with Dick for a time. It makes Dick kind of sad and Tim can only withstand the puppy eyes so long until he caves.
Steph just kinda shrugs and accepts Dick‘s strangeness at face value. It ain’t hurting her so why should she bother? Dick is cool. She likes Dick. End of story, thank you and good day. And yeah, fine, some of his habits are downright weird and everything but who is she to judge? And he‘s always down to cause mischief with her which is?? Super cool???? Even the more devious pranks she can bribe him into joining by handing him a jar of fresh honey or hand picked fruit!! Anybody trying to say shit about Dick lands them on her hit list, period.
Cass is Cass. Nobody can fool her. She may not know what Dick is, but she‘s painfully aware he‘s other. Most wildlife treats him like bees would their queen, there‘s always the scent of pines and rain following him. Dick‘s body language says ‘playful-content-happy’ but his eyes say ‘dark-dangerous-predator’. It’s all very conflicting; a study of contradictions. Cass learns to go by what his body language says and quickly finds a kindred spirit in Dick, who somehow always seems to know exactly what she tries to express but has trouble translating into words.
I headcanon Damian grew up with folklore so while his first theory may not be “fae” he definitely has Dick down as something other than human. Which means he must be powerful. Which means Damian must keep himself in Dick’s good graces in the hopes of making the creature teach him how to be powerful in turn. And, well, the kid grew up with a grandad that regularly takes dips in a magical swimming pool. I don’t think there’s much that can genuinely shock him lol.
Duke is… well, he’s the sensible one so of course he’s the first one to actually ask questions. And then proceeds to go nearly insane because??? Nobody seems to?? Care???? That Dick just rotated his head a full 360°???? Or that the manor sure af isn’t supposed to??? Randomly add hallways???? Or that there’s a whole ass SWAMP that appeared in the basement overnight???? Or a door that leads straight into the forest?????? Duke very nearly nopes the hell out because that’s too much even for him. But finally, finally someone takes pity on him (I headcanon it’s Cass) and she doesn’t explain anything per se, she just kind of… shows Duke. Shows him around the manor, introduces him to twisting halls and strange rooms, takes him to where Dick is lounging with the rest of the family, purring like a content cat. And Duke still doesn’t understand, not completely, but Dick smiles at him with too many, too sharp teeth and tugs him into the huge cuddle pile and?? Are those feathers on his neck?? No, he must have imagined it. Anyway, Duke thinks he can handle this… strangeness, if it scores him a family like this. It’s Gotham, right? Weirder things happen here on the daily.
Omg this turned into a whole ass essay I’m so sorry 😰😅😭✨
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jujutsusimp · 4 months
Biggest misconceptions I had on JJK
So before I went full nerd into JJK reading the wiki and debating in the fandom, I watched the anime like a normal person and I had several misconceptions.
Recently, I was reading the JJK official characters book and it reminded me some of them so here we are!
I thought Sukuna was a Curse Spirit before becoming a relic (or more exactly a Sorcerer turned into a Curse at his death like Naoya), but nop, he was just a Curse user, aka a human... To my defense THE MAN HAS FOUR ARMS AND A BELLY MOUTH.
I thought Tsumiki was Toji's daughter (and he was an asshole for only thinking about Megumi lmao). But nop, it's Megumi's sister by alliance, she is not blood related to Toji (although, I am not sure this is explained in the manga really?)
I thought Choso and the other Cursed wombs were "asleep" during their time as relics, but we see them sort of talking in chap 259 it's dreadful. 😭 I am also wondering if Sukuna was a bit conscious during his time as a relic, as Gege says in the character's book "He is a master of killing time who spent thousand years spacing out." Like did the man really get bored stiff during all this time, no wonder he was excited to kill people again 😂
I don't know why I imagined Toji was a heavy drinker but apparently he hates alcohol because he can't get drunk. On the other hand I didn't see Nanami drinking since he is so responsible but he drinks a lot apparently. When you think about it, it's logical, salary man have a culture of drinking after work in Japan, it's just totally not a thing here so I missed it. Also, not a misconception but the fact Gojo can't hold it's liquor is hilarious and cute.
I really believe that Utahime liked Gojo and was just being a tsundere with him, but apparently she really, sincerely, hates him and I was fooled by Gojo who can't imagine someone not liking him lmao.
I tought Gege had a heart
Am I the only one? 😅 What are yours? I feel like I am missing some big ones 🤔
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suqueenaryomen · 1 month
Sukuna Ryomen’s Title Name or Real Name?
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Just a Thought (What if):
Many people claim that Sukuna Ryomen is just a title because it’s supposedly written in the manga. But could it be that we’ve misunderstood it again, just like we’ve seen happen often lately in Jujutsu Kaisen (especially due to those annoying mistranslations)? After all, this wouldn’t be anything new!
Gege Akutami was inspired by the name Sukuna Ryomen from mythology, right? It would be a shame if that name were to just disappear. We’ve become so accustomed to it, and we all agree that it fits the character well. Since Sukuna Ryomen is a real figure from mythology and Gege Akutami deliberately chose this name, could Sukuna Ryomen be a real name and not just a designation?
In the story, Sukuna Ryomen is described as a powerful and terrifying demon or spirit with two faces and four arms. So far, Jujutsu Kaisen points exactly in that direction. His appearance shows no human or normal features, which perfectly match his description. So I see nothing inconsistent with his appearance in JJK.
Why did Gege choose this name? He could have chosen another character that doesn’t bear this name if it supposedly wasn’t that important, right?
If Sukuna Ryomen suddenly got a different name and we had to get used to it, the whole story would somehow lose its value. The name Sukuna would be practically destroyed! It might feel strange because it wouldn’t fit the original character and the JJK story as well anymore, or because the other characters would suddenly address him by a different name. 😅 (How would that even sound?) I don’t want to know. XD 🤣
I’ve also noticed that Gege Akutami never directly says, but rather hints at whether Sukuna is human. The author himself questions this and ponders whether Sukuna is even human instead of confirming it directly. It feels like he wants to encourage us to speculate. Maybe Gege Akutami is deliberately avoiding giving a direct answer so that we question it, or because he can’t reveal too much!
Well, Gege must know what he’s doing…
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We Are Ep.14: Part 1/3
Hello!!! =D
Welcome back to my crack posts!
Part 2, Part 3
Ep 14 ruined me, just so y'all know. I'm honestly scared for what the next episode will do to me. Anyways, I hope you enjoy!
Warning: long, long post 😊😅 (also divided into three parts this time because I wanted to screenshot the whole damn thing, but this is next best)
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I did not expect Q to be the one to stand up for Phum, but I wasn't really surprised after the last ep. Previously, he'd be the first one to go up in arms, but he's starting to understand maybe everything isn't that straightforward, and despite his friends meddling in his own relationship, he wants to leave Peem alone.
Conclusion: he's a very good friend.
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Of course. I should've known something like this would come up 😭
Of course they've taken baths together.
I love this friendship so much.
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You again. 😶 I swear to the gods, this guy will give me high blood pressure or something. Please please just leave Peem, alone. Learn to take a 'no' and mantain social distancing.
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Peem... you're too kind for your own good. (I get it though)
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You have no right to say that, especially without knowing the full story. But I'm feeling kind, so you're still a (mostly) decent human to me. Try not to ruin that impression. And never, ever again say anything to my babie Phum. Ever.
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Oh my gods my heart broke for Tan 🥺 Here he was, probably never having dated after he fell for Fang, so knowing that Fang had dated even after whatever they went through must be so painful to him.
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Just like we see Tan waving away Fang's insecurities every time, Fang does the very same for Tan.
I love them. <33
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They're both so whipped-
Fai: I didn't see anything 👀😗 (we all know she's fangirling so hard inside)
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Fai is me, I am Fai.
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No but, Phum, are you sure Peem staring at you for a long time won't make your heart race?
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Whipped. They're both so goddamn whipped. *sighs fondly*
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The horns I'm dying 😭😂
Phum wasn't even surprised 😭👍🏼
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Okay, not the best impromptu band performance/concert I've seen, but this is Thai BL, and they need some music and at least like 10 scenes with some band to pass whatever standard of approval, so I'll let it slide. Also, I'm terribly fond of these idiots. <3
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They're besties for a reason hehe
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You're asking the question, but are you ready for the answer?
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I have already gone crazy over this too many times, I really don't have the energy anymore.
Peem is definitely winning Best Non-Confession Confession of the Year Award.
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Are we still talking about the painting, or...?
Honestly though, when he was saying this I got actual flashbacks of Phum kicking the ball into his painting and how their relationship developed from there till where they are right now.
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He named it "Happy" because it's all the things that make him happy. 😶
I had to pause here to take a deep breath so I didn't break out in tears two eps in a row.
Also, taken together, they are a story in 3 pics.
I'm just gonna go sob in the corner.
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When faced with that smile and that "na, Peem, na" how could he ever deny Phum anything 😭
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Textbook definition of a blushing boy who just became boyfriends with his crush the boy he loves. <3
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No, he thinks he's a babygirl and rightfully so.
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THIS HUG. That's it. That's all I have to say. I have no words for how this made me feel, and will make me feel for the rest of the forseeable future.
I end Part 1 here. Part 2 and 3 will be out tomorrow (because they are quite a bit long and I have Thoughts about them that I need to write in detail)!
If you've gotten this far, thank you so much for reading!! 😊
Here, have a taco 🌮
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tizeline · 2 months
Hi! So. I’ve been reading your Sep Au, (IVE BEEN FANNING OVER IT LIKE CRAZY YOU HAVE NO IDEA, ahem) and have a bit of a small question. (Side note, this is sort of a ramble of possibilities and questions so bare with me 😅)
Big Mama. Does she ever interact with Draxum or the turtles? (Not including Donnie yet haha) Knowing her and Draxum, they don’t really get along, BUT she might have made a deal at some point with Draxum and let’s say he might’ve sent the boys to collect it at some point or just overall do her a favor or something like that, what do they think of her?
Do they hate her or have mutual respect for what she does? I mean it is said that she doesn’t really like humans as much and she does run a pretty successful business with her Battle Nexus.
Speaking of Big Mama too, Venus.
Do the boys ever end up meeting her early on with Draxum? Or is it similar to the canon version of how they met. (The recent comic)
Anyways, feel free to answer but if you already have feel free to ignore this ask. Have a nice day (or night) and remember to drink water and get some sleep! 👍🏼
I'm so glad you like the AU! :D
So Draxum is very aware that Big Mama can and will kidnap his sons and put them in the Battle Nexus if she gets the chance considering how capable fighters they are. And GOD FORBID she finds out that they're related to LOU JITSU, that's just asking for trouble! Point is, Draxum makes sure to keep the turtles far away from her because he knows how dangerous she can be. They do, on occasion, conduct some business (like with that mystic train in the season 1 finale) so it's possible the turtles have met Big Mama on those occasions. But Draxum never sends them to do any business with her on their own, he's always the one doing the negotiating and the turtles will at most only accompany him.
Big Mama is essentially a mafia boss, and she's well known to be manipulative and shady, so the turtles don't exactly have the highest opinion of her. They don't hate her really, but they also don't like her. They definitely don't trust her.
But when it comes to the secret siblings, I was never planning on including them in the AU, and as excited as the Big Mama's Assistant face-reveal made me, I'm not planning on changing my mind on that. So uh. Venus or Frida or Jennika or whoever don't exist in this particular AU lol. I feel a bit bad about it because, again, I relaly like Mystery Sister even if we barely know anything about her. But I've been constructing this story around her or any other secret siblings not existing, so I'd have to change too much of the current story to make them fit into the narrative and like ughhhh. So sorry, no Mystery Sister :/
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myysaints · 1 year
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YUKI TSUNODA x f!gf!reader
⌗︙・ summary — yuki tries to soft-launch your relationship at the miami GP, but things don't exactly go according to plan...
genre — social media au
notes — apologies for the delayed upload, school has been a bitch to deal with 😭 i basically only had time to work on this in between exams and projects, hence why it's set around the miami gp (because that's when i started working on it fghafhsd). also i'm STILL MAD that yuki was out of points solely because of that (imo) undeserved penalty in barcelona... but... sigh. anyways here's the awaited yuki fic, hope u enjoy!
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Liked by yukitsunoda0511, yourusername, pierregasly, and 2,213,914 others
🏷  yukitsunoda0511
alphataurif1  Miami dump with Yuki and a certain someone special 😉🤫
view all 824,001 comments
yourusername  the third pic my gosh 😭 your hair!!!
yukitsunoda0511  😅❤️ alphataurif1  Windswept Yuki is the best Yuki!
tripodgasly  when we said feed us crumbs we didn’t mean literally 😭😭😭 GIVE US MOREEEEE!!!!!
chuckeleclerc  that height difference omlllllll cant believe yuki actually found someone shorter than him LOL
alexalbono  HELP THAT WAS SO UNCALLED FOR 💀💀 chuckeleclerc  NO IT WAS A COMPLIMENT 😭 theyre super cute 🫶🫶
yourusername  wow this guy’s gorgeous, is he single by any chance?
yukitsunoda0511  Nope 😂😂 I love my girlfriend ☺️ yourusername  blushing screaming throwing up rn yukiiifan22  omg??
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Liked by yukitsunoda0511, danielricciardo, pierregasly, and 832 others
yourusername  in miamiiiiii with my boyyyyyy 🫶 honestly it was a miracle that i got yuki in the water after daniel’s little stunt…
view all 52 comments
yourbestfriend  looking HAWTTT 🔥 my favourite f1 wag confirmed #teamyukiy/n
yourusername  thank god my account is still private because you’re embarrassing asf 🙄 yourbestfriend  you know you love me
danielricciardo  Should’ve been there to see his face when I pushed him in!
yourusername  he was grumbling the whole way home, trust me, i know yukitsunoda0511  I was not grumbling… danielricciardo  All in good fun mate 😂 Get revenge on the track next year, how’s that sound? yukitsunoda0511  Looking forward 👍  
pierregasly  stay away from my boyfriend >:(
yourusername  homie hopper… go chat up estie bestie u traitor estebanocon  Hey, I don’t want him either! 😂😂 pierregasly  Rude 😒
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Liked by pierregasly and 218,334 others
f1wagupdates  Submitted by anon ❤️ It appears that Yuki Tsunoda has been having a fruitful break in between the Miami and Imola Grand Prix! The Japanese driver was spotted walking hand in hand with what appears to be his girlfriend, two days after his 23rd birthday and five days after revealing his relationship on the official Formula 1 YouTube channel. Little is known about the Alpha Tauri driver’s lover, but we do know that their height difference is adorable 🥰
view all 58,219 comments
tifosi5516  liked by pierre gasly LOL
pierregasly  💔
carlo55ainzfan  LMFAOOOO ariana what are you doing here???
estiebestieee  STOPPPP their height difference is actually everything… short and shorter my HEARTTTT
mickyschumacher  yuki actually looks tall for once HAHAHA
formulaonefanatic  and NO ONE has her @ ??? seriously????
landonando  yuki talking about going public then literally no one knows who she is FGHFDSHGF sirhamilgoat  leave them alone smh, yuki has talked about how he likes to keep his personal life private formulafire  if he talked about going public in his post race interview… what else do they expect ??? sirhamilgoat  yall could just treat them like human beings?? we aren’t entitled to anything from them...
pierregasly uploaded to their story.                                              12s
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[caption: Double dinner date 🍝🥂 with francisca.cgomes yukitsunoda0511 yourusername]
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Twitter was sent into a frenzy on Sunday, as AlphaTauri driver Yuki Tsunoda sneakily revealed during his post-race interview that his previously-unknown beau was in attendance at the Miami GP!
Tsunoda has been notoriously quiet about his private life, leaving fans stunned at the seemingly out-of-nowhere revelation. The Internet quickly began to scour for the unknown woman online, however with what little information they had, quickly turned up empty. Though, the commotion evidently attracted the attention of the team at AlphaTauri themselves. On Monday, their official Instagram account uploaded a post commemorating the weekend, in which Tsunoda’s girlfriend was also featured.
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(Credits: yourusername on Instagram)
Eagle-eyed fans may have noted that both Yuki Tsunoda and the AlphaTauri Instagram account were both cheekily interacting with a private account. Soon, rumours were flying that this account was indeed run by Tsunoda’s girlfriend. As seen above, a quick look reveals that numerous Formula 1 drivers including Pierre Gasly, Lando Norris, Daniel Ricciardo, and Tsunoda himself, are following the account.
Some were not so convinced, however. Fans were also quick to question the account’s authenticity, with some expressing doubts on whether the account owner was even the alleged girlfriend herself.  However, these rumours were soon revealed to be true. On Tuesday, the account – which had previously been private with little over 300 followers – mysteriously became public. Fans immediately flocked to the account, taking to Twitter and Instagram to report their findings. With her most recent post being a dedication to her boyfriend and her time “in miamiiiiii with my boyyyyyy”, there is little doubt that the account’s owner – whom we can now confirm is Y/N L/N – is in fact the Japanese driver’s girlfriend!
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(Credits: yourusername on Instagram)
The reason for the account’s sudden change in privacy is unknown, though some theorise that the account was hacked, perhaps by an extremely dedicated fan. Daily Mail has reached out to Tsunoda, AlphaTauri, and Y/N L/N herself for comment.
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Liked by yukitsunoda0511, pierregasly, alphataurif1, and 1,202,901 others
yourusername  all the rumours are true 🤫
view all 500,401 comments
muppetlando  mother and father. PARENTS!
francisca.cgomes  can’t wait for another double date with you two!
yourusername  same!!! but we’ll have to confiscate pierre’s phone first 🤭🤭 pierregasly  😳😂
yukitsunoda0511  My girl 🫶
yukitsunoda0511  The prettiest always 😊
yukitsunoda0511  素敵 (Lovely)
yukitsunoda0511  Can’t take my eyes off you
pierregasly  I think we get the point mate lewishamilton  Lay off the guy, he’s in love!            Liked by yukitsunoda0511, yourusername
yukitsunda0511  愛してる ❤️ (I love you)
yourusername  forever & always ❤️
© myysaints
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thetxtdevil · 2 months
ok this might be a dumb request but ughh please bear with me bc I had this dream of it and oof it was hot ✨️😂 ok so yeonjun being lucifer, the big devil man finds out he has a soul mate, who is yn, and he like commands her to give him all of her and live with him in the underworld and during their sexy time she said yes 😅 it was spicy! But yeah I'd appreciate it in your writing style lol
This gives me Hades and Persephone vibes, love this idea.
also this has some religious themes so be aware!
Yeonjun is a king, an evil barbarian that rules the hells, feeds off people’s fears of one day ending up in his kingdom being his faithful servant. Standing on a porch of his crumbling castle, he looks over the fiery fields finding the screams... boring. Yeonjun needed something, was it blood? revenge? no, it was sex! His blood curdles more than usual thinking about taking time for the devil himself. He had all the supplies and people to please him but he wanted something more.
Thats when he decides to travel up to the mortal world. Amongst the transportation, dark hues of red changes to earthy browns then Yeonjun is hit with the aching brightness of God's creation, the sun. Yeonjun's burgundy skin turns tan, his crisp hair into raven black silk, black eyes turn into softer brown ones, and his usual exposed body was covered by a black suit. It was time, time to find his soulmate.
Walking around the town he was transported to he finds humans entertaining, and weirdly crime increases since he's been there. Yeonjun laughs at the innocent people being controlled by evil something they're not used to so they end up doing a poor job of stealing a car, throwing rocks that miss, being caught in their lies. Yeonjun's attention from the dreadful sight was caught when he sees you. You were dressed in all black just like him standing in front of a church. He watches closely to your expression, it was full of disgust. Yeonjun was surprised, a beautiful angelic women like you in distaste looking at such a holy thing.
Yeonjun glides closer to you, "Disliking the view?" you chuckle at the man's question.
"Uhh yeah, is it that obvious?" you stop to look at the man and fall embarrassed, he was devilishly handsome.
"I was never one for God's good deeds and begging for them." You quirk an eyebrow at the man's comment. "I'm Yeonjun, what brings you to this sickening church?" he asks but already knows why when you shake his hand, he saw your uncle arrive in hell not too long ago.
"My family member died and well, I don't have a good background in the church"
"That makes two of us" Yeonjun's smiles warms your heart, slight flutter fills your stomach when you see a hint of his fangs from the toothy grin.
This is the girl, this is his soulmate, now how to make her to go to hell with Yeonjun, he's going to have to figure that one out in his own terms.
The cold air envelopes the town as the sun fades away and the night is in full bloom. After the funeral, you spent the rest of the day doing errands but sulking about not asking out the beautiful man.
You twist and turn in your bed not being able to sleep, but you must have drifted off when you lift your head to see a shadowy figure. The moon's rays in your room usually shine cool blues but right now the room was illuminating red. The color takes over your vision in a haze suddenly feeling hot. Paying no mind at the sleep paralysis demon you start to take off your clothes stopping yourself from getting overheated.
You look over at the shadow once more too comfortable with its presence, "What, are you an incubus or something?"
A dark chuckle escapes the shadow making you shiver, "Oh y/n you know exactly what to say."
Yeonjun gets closer to your area of vision, crawling on the bed to hover over you. You lost all common sense, you felt no reason to ask how he got in your house, you didn't stop his hand from caressing your naked skin, you even failed to care that he was undressed this whole time. His feature were so close to yours, admiring his seductive eyes, the curve of his cheeks, his plump lips that were so close to yours. You try to lean in for a kiss but he backs away.
"Before you can have me, you have to give me all of you and live with me in the underworld for eternity."
Conflicted, you stop for a moment, giving up your whole life for a man you just met? You weighed the pros and cons but the longer you let the devil wait the more you mind begins to fog. His hands explored your body, lightly pinching your nipples, digging into the plush flesh of your thighs, lips turning into bites against your neck. You have forgotten your place on earth, Yeonjun wasn't heaven he was lustful hell that you fully have given into.
Yeonjun relaxes your body down into your sheets kissing you passionately. You open your eyes to look at him again only to find that your weren't in your room anymore, you were in hell. Blackened cobblestone walls surround you, with arched windows that look down to a world like looked like you were inside lava.
Looking back at Yeonjun his tan skin was now red, cheek bones heightened, forehead adorned with long sharp horns. You accepted you fate with your soulmate as you wrap your hand around his big cock lining it along your wet aching hole. "For eternity." The devil smiles pushing into you, deliciously stretching you while biting deep into your collarbone as a sign of claim.
A nuisance,
TxT's Devil
taglist: @inkigayocamman, @naoristerling
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phoenix-bleh · 6 months
Can I please have part 2 of this masterpiece? When the two were arguing, the little boy woke up feeling that someone was holding him in his arms. He looked at Pure vanilla Cookie in surprise when he was still holding him in his arms and on the other The little boy thought that everything was a dream, but when he rubbed his eyes, he wanted to run away, but the boy was held in his soft embrace and before the little boy wanted to scream out of fright, Pure Vanilla Cookie told the boy: "Don't worry, everything is fine, I just saw that you were very tired, child, and I put you down carefully Do you want want to be in my world, child?" the little boy couldn't answer as Pure Vanilla Cookie entered the phone they were immediately greeted by all the cookies happy to see their little baker boy. But this was also found out by the cookies of darkness and the dark enchantress Cookie told Licorice Liver to steal this boy. When all the cookies were gone in the evening, Pure Vanilla Cookie took him to his vanilla castle and asked the boy; "Well, how do you like it here, child?"
Boy: "Yes, I really like it here!" He answers with a very charming smile. But then the boy became noticeably sad and asked Pure Vanilla Cookie, "I miss my family and my friends very much, can I please come home?" Pure Vanilla Cookie stopped walking, took the little boy in his arms, hugged and looked at the child, he said, "I'm sorry, child, but I can't do this" (Actually Pure Vanilla Cookie knew how to get him back, but did not want to part with this cute boy) "Okay, child, let's go, you need to rest after today" Meanwhile: By the night when everyone fell asleep, Licorice cookies quietly sneaked into the boy's room and stole it. When Licorice Cookies looked at the boy, he smiled at his cute sleepy face and said: "Aren't you a cute baker? Hehe, I hope that the Dark Enchantress Cookie will be pleased with me," And he disappeared into the place with the boy in his hands.
(Well, it turned out to be long again, I just have a lot of inspiration for something 😅 I hope you like my idea of 2 parts! ^^ and I will be very happy if you write this sequel! ^^)
And I hope that you are doing well on this day, and I will be happy to know that you do not overdo it and take care of your health! ^^
 Self aware CRK x child! reader
part 1 if you wanna read :p
They did add extra too the request so this one gonna be pretty long so get ready^^
You woke up to the sound of yelling. You slowly lifted your eyes and your vision cleared up to see two people- people? They didn’t look like the normal humans you see everyday. The one with the big hat and yellow cape looked at you. “Oh dear, you're awake.” he said, guilty for waking you up. What you were most confused about was that there were two people in your room. You thought this was a dream so you rubbed your eyes but that didn’t do anything. They looked exactly like the cookies in your game. “You’re from the game that I play….” You said out loud. 
You were actually scared your little child mind couldn’t process what was going on. You were about to scream in terror until the blonde one placed a finger on lips making shushing noises to tell you to be quiet, which worked. “No need to worry little one, I saw that you weren’t in bed properly and wanted to help you.” he explained to you. Now you were curious, did he come out of your phone?? “Wait! You're Pure Vanilla Cookie from the game! Did you come out of my phone? How is that possible?” Pure Vanilla thought for a bit then smiled at you. “Would you like to come with me and find out?” You being a child you didn’t think much about his offer and just wanted to satisfy your curiosity so you nodded vigorously. 
He softly laughed at your childish act and picked you up and brought you over to your phone on the desk. “You might wanna hold on.” You nodded at him and he did something with his hand above your phone. You were then flashed by an extremely bright light so you shut your eyes and held onto what you assume was Pure Vanilla. When you opened your eyes again you were greeted by the entrance of the Vanilla Kingdom. Pure Vanilla then placed you on the ground and held your hand and led you to the gates and into the Kingdom. You gasped at everything you saw. Everything was so pretty and looked like a fairytale world.
He showed you around and introduced you to the cookies who lived in the kingdom. Everyone was so happy to meet you and you were too. What you didn’t notice was Dark Enchantress Cookie and her followers watching you from afar. She found interest in you and started planning on how to capture. 
At the end of the day Pure Vanilla took you to the castle. He asked you how your day was and you happily told him how much fun you had today. However you started to miss your home and your family so you asked him if he could take you back home. He stopped and looked down at you. He bent down to your height and took you into his arms “I’m sorry little one but I’m afraid I can’t take you back, I don’t know how to take someone back to your world.” Huh? But then how did he get to your world in the first place.
You didn’t question it as you started to cry. Pure Vanilla noticed this and whipped your tears and rubbed your head. “Don’t cry child, everything will be ok, how about we get you to bed and figure out what to do tomorrow ok?” You looked to the side and only slightly nodded. He picked you up and walked through the castle. He took you to a spare bedroom and placed you on the bed. He tucked you in and stoked your head.
“Get some rest now, ok? You had a long day today” He stayed until you fell asleep. Once you did he got up and left the room, closing your door quietly. Truth was he did know how to get you back home but didn’t tell since he didn’t want you leaving just yet. He found interest in you and wanted to take care of you more properly and decided he wanted to be your new parental figure.
It was the middle of the night and everyone in the castle was asleep. Unfortunately someone broke into your room and saw you asleep. It was Black Licorice Cookie, he was informed by Dark Enchantress Cookie to go and get you and bring you back to her.
He loomed over your sleeping figure and poked your cheek. He does admit you were a pretty kid. He picked you up carefully not to wake you up and took you with him back to Dark Enchantress Cookie.
You opened your eyes slightly and noticed you weren’t where you were supposed to be. You lifted your head and realized you were being carried around a completely different place. The hallways were dark and you guessed that this was Dark Enchantress place if you remember from the game. The person noticed that you were awake and brought you in front of him. It was Black Licorice Cookie. “Hey you’re supposed to be asleep!” You looked at him and tried to think of some way for him to put you down “I need to use the restroom!” you blurted out. He widened his eyes and immediately placed you down on to the floor and pointed down the hallway. “Oh! It’s down the hallway to the left.”
You nodded and then ran off. Once you turned the corner and ran to go find the exit. You didn’t really need to use the restroom but you're surprised he believed you and left you to go find it. You eventually found the exit and left the building and ran into the woods. You got into Beast Yeast somehow (for the sake of the story the locations are close to each other-) You found yourself in front of the silver tree. There was a crack in the tree and you looked closely to see Shadow Milk Cookie. He noticed you too and was happy to see you again.
“Heh nice to see you again kid, what are you doing here?” You told him your story on how you got captured by someone who was planning on bringing you to someone else. You then asked him why he was in a tree. He told his story and how he got imprisoned. He put some lies in it to make it seem that he was innocent and it wasn't fair that he was here. You believed him and agreed with him when he said it was unfair. Shadow Milk Cookie then grinned and thought of something.
“Hey kid, you think you can help me get out of here.”
In the morning Pure Vanilla went to go check on you. He was shocked when he saw that you weren't in your. He looked around the room to see if you were hiding somewhere but he couldn’t see you anywhere. He started panicking and ran out the room to see if he could find you in the castle. Maybe you woke up early and wanted to explore without him knowing. He started freaking out even more when he couldn’t find you. His last place to look was outside the castle and into the village. You couldn’t have gotten far, you're just a kid. He ran into Gingerbrave and his friends and they asked him why he looked so worried. He explained how he lost you and that he couldn’t find you anywhere. Gingerbrave got worried too and offered to help find you. Pure Vanilla was grateful and was hoping they would find you quickly and that you weren’t in any danger. 
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gemini-sensei · 1 year
I'm laughing but also very interested. I just got done watching one of the interviews Xolo did talking about the beetle. He was talking about how it can make any kind of weapon it wants, things we don't even know about, it can literally make anything it wants to.
Does this mean…it can make sex toys???🫣🤭
Idk honestly 😅 I wanna say no since it is an alien military weapon and "anything" probably means some intergalactic vaporizer or something like that. And the Scarab has no need for sex or pleasure, like it has very few needs that need to be met and sexual pleasure isn't one of them. So I imagine it has no need to even have the knowledge about sex toys.
But that's just the logical part of my brain.
The fun and naughty part of my brain says that in order to keep Jaime in good spirits and healthy, pleasuing him and his partner with these "toys" should suffice. Especially when Jaime or Khaji Da need to rest and recharge. It can make a simple but obviously much better toy for Reader to use or Jaime use on her 😉
Like if Jaime is too tired to do a lot and, ahem, can't keep it up, Khaji can just make a sleek and pretty dildo appear on the armor over his crotch and she can sit on it and ride it to her heart's desire; giving Jaime a show whilst keeping him rested and happy - bc he'd feel so bad of he came once and couldn't please Reader like she deserves, so this is obviously the solution.
Khaji observes what toys Reader has and replicates them, but makes them 10x better. Omg it making a dildo in the exact length and girth of Jaime's dick 🤤😩 and making it vibrate in her cunt while massaging her clit. I think Khaji would learn a lot about human pleasure from Jaime and Reader, and know exactly what gets them going and what gets them off.
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Random blurb in middle of the night, sorry. But what if Male Mc was a half demon, and better yet a prince? From a kingdom bigger and more powerful than the Devildom! Sorry, like I said, blurb I had in the middle of the night, you don't need to do it if you don't want to
[A/n: Ooo Royalty. Thank you for requesting]
Summary:You're not only half demon, but a prince from a large and stronger kingdom than devildom
Type:Hcs: Diavolo X M!MC: Lucifer X M!MC: Barbatos X M!MC
Version:One master
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He was very surprised when he found out
But it got him thinking. Why hide it?
Not only did you hide the fact you were half demon, but also the fact you were a prince
He was honestly impressed, and he did exactly what you hid it for
He changed, he started treating you more respectfully, and he started getting on his brothers more around you, just completely changing how he was around you
He didn't understand why you didn't like it, and even if you did bring it up, he'd still act the same way, just more subtle
He was so excited, but also a little upset you didn't tell him before
He would ask a lot of questions about well, everything
Your kingdom, about being half demon, your king, etc
He'd also understand why you hid the prince part, he seen how Lucifer changed around you, and he made sure he wouldn't change himself around you
He does wonder what would happen if you two got married. Would you and him become king? Or would only him become king? There's a lot of questions
But eventually, he pushed all the questions away
He wouldn't be surprised
He already knew he had heard from your king that you'd be there as an exchange student
That's why he treated you like he treated Diavolo
Even when he did "find out" he wouldn't be surprised what so ever, even if he didn't know
You didn't act like a human or a regular human, and you had a touch of royalty to your personality
Your walk, the way you talk, the way you eat and drink, the way you slightly hesitate at doors, you're too used to someone opening it for you
[A/n:I hope this is alright 😅, and Lucifer wasn't originally gonna be in this, but I just subconsciously wrote him in. I hope you enjoyed]
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