#but also i feel like if your only brush with a narrative is a scene clip
eclipsecrowned · 11 months
me trying to be a welcoming person in a fandom space vs feeling like a little gatekeeping would solve damn near every problem in a specific fandom actually.
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dailyadventureprompts · 7 months
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Tableskills: Making a Game of It
Recently I learned a bit of an unspoken truth that I'd brushed up against in my many years of being a dungeonmaster that I'd never seen put into words before: If you want to liven up whatever's going on in your adventure, figure out a way to engage the players in some kind of game. It's simultaneously the best way to provide a roadblock while making your player's victories feel earned.
This might seem redundant, since you're already playing d&d but give a moment of thought to exactly what portions of d&d are gamified. Once you learn your way around the system, it becomes apparent that D&D really only has three modes of play:
Pure roleplay/storytelling, driven by whatever feels best for the narrative. Which is not technically a game, nor should it (IMO) be gamified.
Tactical combat with a robust rules system, the most gamelike aspect.
A mostly light weight skills based system for overcoming challenges that sits between the two in terms of complexity.
The problem is that there's quite a lot of things that happen in d&d that don't fall neatly into these three systems, the best example being exploration which was supposed to be a "pillar" of gameplay but somehow got lost along the way . This is a glaring omission given how much of the core fantasy of the game (not to mention fantasy in general) is the thrill of discovery, contrasted with the rigours of travelling to/through wondrous locations. How empty is it to have your party play out the fantasy of being on a magical odyssey or delving the unknown when you end up handwaving any actual travel because base d&d doesn't provide a satisfying framework for going from A to B besides skillchecks and random encounters (shameless plug for my own exploration system and the dungeon design framework that goes with it).
The secret sauce that's made d&d and other ttrpgs so enduring is how they fuse the dramatic conventions of storytelling with the dynamics of play. The combat system gives weight and risk to those epic confrontations, and because the players can both get good at combat and are at risk of losing it lets them engage with the moment to moment action far more than pure narration or a single skill roll ever could.
I'm not saying that we need to go as in depth as combat for every gamified narrative beat (the more light weight the better IMO) but having a toolbox full of minigames we can draw upon gives us something to fall back on when we're doing our prep, or when we need to improvise. I've found having this arsenal at hand as imortant as my ability to make memorable NPCs on the fly or rework vital plothooks the party would otherwise miss.
What I'd encourage you as a DM to do is to start building a list of light weight setups/minigames for situations you often find yourself encountering: chase scenes, drinking contests, fair games, anything you think would be useful. Either make them yourself or source them from somewhere on the web, pack your DM binder full of them as needed. While not all players are utterly thrilled by combat, everyone likes having some structured game time thrown in there along with the freeform storytelling and jokes about how that one NPC's name sounds like a sex act.
A quick minigame is likewise a great way to give structure to a session when your party ends up taking a shortcut around your prepared material. Oh they didn't take that monster hunter contract in the sewers and instead want to follow up on rumours about a local caravan? The wagon hands are playing a marble game while their boss negotiates with some local mercahnts, offering to let the party play while they wait. The heroes want to sail out to the island dungeon you don't have prepped yet? Well it looks like the navigator has gone on a bit of a bender, and the party not only need to track them down but also piece together where they left the charts from their drunken remembrances as a form of a logic puzzle.
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tex-now · 30 days
Chameleon is the most ableist episode in all of Miraculous Ladybug holy fucking shit
this is all gonna be pre season 4 jsyk
Also serious note here, my words are not gospel. I myself am not physically disabled nor do I have severe enough disabilities that it requires specific accommodations. If anyone who has any experience with this has any input they want to add or wants to correct me on anything, you are more than welcome to.
Okay let's go
Immediately off to a bad start, Marinette is upset that she has to sit in the back because she doesn't want Lila to sit next to Adrien and no, this is not because she wasn't talked to about it beforehand, because when Adrien offered to sit in the back in her place Marinette adamantly refused.
And since Marinette really was causing such an unnecessary ruckus, (ill be momentarily ignoring that Lila was lying) she was making Lila feel bad for needing accommodations. Which is super fucked up of her. And also i distinctly remember Lila cuddling up to Adrien which made Marinette angrier but that's not in the transcript so take this with a grain of salt.
Okayyy the dreaded lunch scene. I have a lot of problems with this scene so I'll do the biggest one first: The fact that the narrative states that Lila is in any way benefiting from having a disability.
People carrying her lunch trays, getting her food, making sure she doesn't have to lift a finger because of her sprained wrist and treating it like shes benefiting from it is like. Atrocious on so many levels. Not only does it state that Lila is benefiting from having a disability but it also frames making accommodations for people with disabilities as being "used" in some way, which is why disabled people don't usually get the accommodations they need because they don't get "special privileges" or the people who should be accomodating them "refuse to play favorites." Horrible thing to teach children.
And then. The napkin scene. I'm gonna say it. Marinette is the fucking worst in this episode. She is being actively ableist here, assuming that since she had one bad experience with Lila being a liar, that she's lying about everything, including having a disability, which leads to her to try and "prove" that Lila is lying. Which is super fucked up.
She throws the napkin at her in order to prove that she's lying about having a sprained wrist, and since she doesn't like Lila this is an entirely okay thing to do ig/s. The reason why this scene in particular upsets me so much is because stuff like this happens in real life all the fucking time, and people have suffered because of it.
Neurodivergent and disabled people have to fight for accommodations or to be taken seriously, by literally everyone around them while neurotypical or able bodied people constantly brush them off or interrogate them in order to prove that they are disabled, and having the main character do someting like that and end up having her be framed in the right (eventually) is abelist as fuck.
The bathroom scene is also incredibly gross to me. Marinette corners Lila in the bathroom and LITERALLY SAYS (paraphrased) "I don't have the proof for it, but I know you're lying about your disability because you lied about being friends with a celebrity so therefore I get to be ableist as fuck towards you >:(" I don't think I have to explain why that's ableist.
Okay. The elephant in the room. Lila IS faking her disabilities. She IS pretending to have them in order to benefit off of other people. This is the biggest problem in the entire episode.
The narrative itself supports the idea that
1. People benefit from having disabilities
2. Attempting to "prove" that someone doesn't have a disability is okay
3. Making accommodations for people with disabilities is "using" the accommodating party in any way
4. Being ableist is okay as long as you're right in the end
And that is hammered in by this scene in particular. Marinette is being egregiously abelist throughout the entire episode and IS being the bad guy here but since the writer's need to make her NOT look like the bad guy turns out she's right Lila is faking everything and is evil lol/s
Its not just the characters themselves that are being ableist, the writing itself is so ableist that it is literally imbedded into the story of this episode and is essential in order for it to work at all. Which is a huge writing failure on the writer's part.
Okay I think I'm done. Is this coherent at all
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thecountesstribe · 2 months
House of The Dragon 2x8 Spoilers and Review.
This is gonna be a rant but I'm still putting a spoiler warning cause some people were waiting for the entire season to drop before they watched. I was spoiled during the week and I'm mad as hell about it. Yes we all know it's fuck book canon atp but at least make sure the story flows and make actual sense.
The finale was mid. I felt like there were a lot of things missing and it was kinda confirmed. We're gonna have to wait 2 long years and knowing season 3 is about to just be the assassinations of characters because season 2 didn't really do anything, nothing moved story wise except the death of Jaehaerys, the sowing of the dragons seeds and the death of one of the realest women in Westeros. It was just glorified fanfiction and most definitely not the good kind.
I'm begging Ryan and Sara to please read or at least have someone else read the source material before they get back in that writers room.
Lucerys, Visenya and Jaehaerys deaths were supposed to haunt the narrative for the entirety of the season, how they could fumble it so bad that it just feels like a drop of water on your hands while washing it is beyond me. Blood and Cheese felt insignificant as fuck considering it was also a major event that led to the destruction and death of one of the most prominent houses in Westeros, majority of the Targaryen's lineage and the death of most of the dragons. I should've known when they started promoting the 2nd season as Alicent vs Rhaenyra instead of Rhaenyra vs Aegon II, y'know the usurper, that it was gonna be some bullshit. The other major events in the second season, Rhaenys' death also felt brushed aside. This is why the show needs to be at least 12-14 episodes. Abolish the 8-10 episodes shit.
I'm gonna get hate for this but could they please let this Rhaenicent relationship go! For the love of everything that is holy, let it go. Season 1 focused on them, fine. Season 2 you gave them a reunion, crazy but okay. There was literally no reason for a second reunion. Sure the scenes were beautiful, shout-out to the actors but let it go. The plot already felt cheapened when they chalked up the dance to one big misunderstanding. Which is crazy considering, Otto and the small council literally had this entire plan set in motion since Rhaenyra was named heir and even a little before. I need Ryan to understand that sometimes friendships just end. Sometimes your friends cross the lines one too many times and you just need to let them go. Alicent overstepped and crossed the lines with Rhaenyra it was downright disrespectful for Rhaenyra to even be in her presence at all tbh. This is the same woman who made her life a living hell, raised her children to be vile, hateful, spiteful little shits towards their own sister and her children, embarrassed her and tormented her in court, started and participated in the rumors and smear campaign about Rhaenyra's character and children, essentially ran her out of her own home, lied about the death of her father and the news didn't come from her or the council immediately but after and that's only because they were holding her former mil hostage and she got away. Alicent knew Viserys was addled and delirious and out of his mind when he was rambling about the conqueror's dream (she didn't know about the prophecy but still), so nothing he said was supposed to be taken seriously and just because he said “Aegon” she decided to be spiteful/hateful and usurp the throne knowing it would've hurt Rhaenyra. I don't know why people gloss over this fact either. Aegon said it himself, his father had years to name him heir and he remained steadfast to Rhaenyra's claim. Aemond said it again this season, the small council and his mother plotted to usurp the throne. What more was there to talk about? The only talking that should've been happening is Rhaenyra signing her and the council's execution warrants for treason. This all started because Rhaenyra omitted the truth about who took her virginity btw. She didn't lie, she never slept with Daemon in that brothel. Not to mention that Alicent son also killed her child!! Let it go!
I'm gonna reiterate this point but we didn't need to spend all that time with Daemon in Harrenhal and his hallucinations. That should've taken 3 episodes top and then they could've had him work on his relationships with his family instead. Especially his daughters. The only thing I liked coming out of the Daemon hallucinations is the prophecy. DAENERYS STORMBORN TARGARYEN IS THE “PRINCE” WHO WAS FUCKIN PROMISED!! NOT THAT BUM JON SNOW. Fuckin finally. We could lay the discourse to rest. GRRM could've posted it on a billboard for the entire world to see and it still would've had the select few that will insist on Jon being the one who the prophecy was talking about. The events in the show and the book supported this btw so I don't even know what the argument was about but let's lay it to rest now. Although show wise it doesn't fuckin matter either way because D&D fucked the last seasons but book lore wise this is what GRRM intended or intends. Still waiting on the next book! The term “prince” was gender neutral. And everybody celebrates. Daemon swearing allegiance to his Queen, as he fuckin should. Raising the army in her name as he should. He's got voices in his head now apparently. Also he has a new friend in Alys, good for him.
Aemond did what he was supposed to do this season. He's still an unhinged psychopath, absolutely no one is surprised. No complaints on my end. I need him to keep his grubby hands to himself though. Helaena gave him his death notice and rubbed in the fact that nobody gave a damn about him in the end, she did that for me.
Criston even though I hate to admit it, same thing. He's still a woman hating piece of shit though and I want him dead immediately. We didn't need all those alicole sex scenes though. We got it, they were fuckin, kudos.
Larys and the small council did what was also expected.
Aegon is still fried. Now he's apparently heading to Essos. He wants to usurp the moniker “Realm's delight” too and to that I say absolutely tf not. That is reserved for pretty women only. Aegon has officially been castrated!! That was for all the women in the realm. It's what he deserved. I don't believe for one second that Sunfyre is dead. I think that'll be a swerve.
I wished we focused on Helaena more though. Her grief was explored a little more than Rhaenyra's but it was also brushed aside. Why? That would've been important to her characterization. Also why did they have Helaena astral project into Daemon's dream? She was so cool as well, like that man didn't have a hand in the death of her son.... You can't make this shit up. The scene was essentially “you killed my kid cool but since you're so good at killing could you get my brother next?” I'm convinced they are doing this shit on purpose. Why do they keep making the female characters in the show this peace seeking, docile beings when they were just as and even more chaotic than their male counterparts (with reason might I add). The men just do the most unhinged shit for glory and in the name of war sake and the women gotta be the peacekeepers even though they're the most wronged.
Alicent's character didn't deserve half the screentime she got because if you cut her scenes in half the majority of them contributed nothing to the moving along of the plot. Absolutely nothing. We already had limited time as is.
Baela and Rhaena I am so sorry you have incompetent people telling your side of the story. Sure they got more lines this season and that's a stretch but they're lacking characterization as well. Ryan and Sara scrapped the Nettles plot, okay (that was fuckin stupid). Nettles had a major role to play. Gave her story to Rhaena in the last two episodes and we still didn't even see her claim Sheepstealer. It's up in the air. Also one of the princesses of the Realm managed to escape and you mean to tell me nobody is looking for her? She just fucked off and that's it. Yeah okay. Also I hated how they wrote her relationship with Jeyne. She was so kind to her in the books and Rhaena actually had a story in the books when she went to stay with her. Sure she would've been living her princess core era life but it's what she deserves. It would've helped flesh out her character as well, led to her hatching Morning and her life after the dance.
Baela lost the majority of her characterization as well even though she's inherently more fleshed out than Rhaena. Baela was chaotic as hell in the books. They swapped her personality in a sort of way with Jace, although he does have a temper (and rightfully so. They did kill his little brother and sister and he seems like the only one who cares) but Baela is supposed to be more unhinged than him. We only caught a few glimpses of her book personality and that's it. Again why are they writing the female characters as these docile, peace seeking beings? They also completely brushed aside their grief concerning their brother/betrothed, sister, mother and grandmother. I'm tired. We kinda got something for Baela in her grief but it was the bare minimum and it was barely mentioned again. Rhaenys was a parent to those girls (more than Daemon at least) and she got a fuck all remembrance. We totally should've gotten even better Jace and Baela's relationship development. We got her being more of his support system though they were each other's. Baela's feelings weren't explored more besides her hating her dad. Unless they're planning to explore it more in season 3 but well y'know 💔. Her telling Jace to stop pouting though and him insisting he's not even though he totally was🤣🤣😭😭. She gathered him and rightfully so. Also their unspoken conversation during the dinner scene with the dragonseeds. Peak wife and husband behavior. I hope we don't have to mourn for what could've been more than we will already be doing.
Rhaenyra character this season was all over the place. They only stick to what her character was from season 1 in episode one and then after that it was like she did a 180. She was destroyed by the grief of her son, daughter and father. They completely forgot that and had her doing the stupidest stuff. She had one of her biggest supporters die as well and it was just cast aside. Development wise we got to see her more open. I'll give them that. They also brushed aside her grief. It felt like Lucerys didn't matter to her in some instances. I have a feeling they're gonna go down the “mad Targaryen” role for her as well. If a woman has to be in power then she has to go crazy. That's what that cult Rhaenyra vibes is giving. I'm not tripping, you guys see it too right? I touched on the second reunion between her and Alicent but her whacking her this last episode was satisfying. I don't trust Alicent's plan and Rhaenyra knows and hopefully she sticks to it. She knows that she has to kill Aegon now. A son for a son. This is who I wanted to see this season. It's like she got back her personality traits in the last episode. She still needs to work on her standing as queen. She had that bum Ulf disrespecting her at the table and she needed to have his tongue expeditiously. Mysaria and her are doomed yuri confirmed. Mysaria has her ear but is only telling her what she wants to hear and that is going to be her downfall. I still can't figure out her angle though but we'll see in season 3. She inadvertently hurt Jace again when she chose Addam to go to Harrenhal. It's like one step forward and then 3 steps back with them. I'm hurt knowing the possible outcome of this situation. Daemon and her reunion were good. I like how she didn't fall back into his arms. Stand on business and continue to stand on business Rhaenyra.
Corlys grief was brushed aside. He didn't really do anything this season besides deny his sons, lie to his wife in his last moments and try to make his legitimate granddaughter heir after laughing off the idea of making his other legitimate granddaughter heir. His ship is finally fixed though. “The Queen Who Never Was ” is the new name of it. I had tears in my eyes, I could admit it. I'm not ashamed. Everything that he's doing now he's doing it for Rhaenys. 😭😭😭😭😭😭 Why did he wait so freaking long to honor her properly though 💔. There is no denying he loved his wife, he just could've loved her better. I'm glad Alyn dragged his ass for being a deadbeat though. Gave his ass a reality check he so richly deserved. He hurt those boys and he deserved to know. Imagine your father could've made your life easier but he decided to be a coward while favoring his other children, a tongue lashing would've been the least he got, I would've fought him. They're on to meet the triarchy though.
Jacaerys character was developed stellar this season. He didn't have plenty of screentime and he was mugging down for most of it but the rage, the grief, the despair was all palpable. He lost a part of his soul in Lucerys and it was there for everybody to see. He didn't get anything to do until the later half but when he got to go he did. I said it before and I'll say it again I love his and Baela's relationship. Him resting his hand in her lap after her scolding and her gently massaging it. Yeah those are real lovers. His beef with Ulf is so personal to me. Like yes threaten that uncouth vermin some more. Really reminded me of his fathers there. It's crazy though how Addam and Jace parallel each other though. Two of the best boys in Westeros that deserve the absolute world. Fate was unkind to them both as well.💔
Shout-out Simon Strong. One of my favorite characters this season along with lil Oscar. I love how he didn't let that traitorous snake Alfred slide. He let his queen know immediately. I love a loyal diva.
Tyland and the triarchy were funny though. Who would've thought I could've shown a Lannister besides Cersei love?!
I'm wrapping up this rant cause it's already so long-winded. The show is only slated for 4 seasons though btw. LMFAO.
Until next time folks. Take care of yourselves in the meantime.
Until season 3 folks.
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t00thpasteface · 6 months
hey! i was just curious if i could use your art in an artist study? i looked over your faq and i didn't see any mention of it so i just wanted to ask. it's okay if the answer is now, no pressure :)
(⁠ ⁠ꈍ⁠ᴗ⁠ꈍ⁠) sure, if you credit me! i would be incredibly flattered!!
now that being said, i would also like to share with you some artists whose work i've enjoyed doing studies of! i find it's very useful to "follow the money" with artists you like, and go along the chain of inspiration to see how ideas and styles can change from person to person.
vincent van gogh is my BIGGEST inspiration in terms of color and composition! his unique style of brush work is what he's best known for, but i recommend looking at his works holistically too, and seeing where the eye is led and how he plays with light, color, and mood. if you want to go further, he was very inspired not only by prior impressionists, but also by japanese ukiyo-e artwork— try comparing "starry night" to "great wave off kanagawa" and seeing the similarities in the grand, sweeping movements they convey.
i'm sure i've said this a million times, but genndy tartakovsky has probably my favorite cartoonist style. it's at its peak in samurai jack— opinions are mixed about the narrative quality of season 5, but if nothing else, the art direction is absolutely jawdropping. one of my favorite scenes is the bit in the tomb, where jack is hiding in a sarcophagus, because the music and visuals are paying homage to a scene at the climax of "the good the bad and the ugly"!
in a totally different direction from those two... i'm a huge fan of gil elvgren's pinup girls! i've had a few different pinup calendars over the years, and at the end of the year, i like to cut up the pages individually for mini posters— i've covered pretty much all my available wall space in his illustrations. i love it when artists don't feel the need to sacrifice expressiveness for realism; his girls are SO DARN CUTE and they all look like they're having so much whimsical, cartoonish, flirty fun!
here's a post where i talk about more inspirations!
here's a post listing some other tumblr artists i like!
i'm also just very heavily inspired by 50s-60s print illustration... things like advertisements, "clip art" (which you had to physically clip out of a book and paste onto the page), and of course, tv cartoons. one big trend i love with that "googie" art style is how incredibly limited the palettes were, and how efficient the economy of line was. as much as i love the bold, blocky, dynamic shapes of styles like tartakovsky, who takes insp
also, please remember i'm entirely self taught and am NOT an expert, so just be aware of that if you see any weird stylistic choices in my work... i admire the work of a lot of professionally trained artists, but that doesn't mean i have any training or real right to go around teaching people stuff. i'm just some guy from a big crazy family full of artists, only some of whom went to school for it.
okay, that got way longer than i meant it to, SORRY! here's a pic of my cat Carmen as a thanks for reading this far ^_^
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hollow-keys · 4 months
One of the things I'm- well, not disappointed by it's to be expected- annoyed by is X-Men '97's portrayal of Morph as a queer character. Morph is an AMAB nonbinary person who likes men (AMAB being important here because liking men will be interpreted as gay regardless of how Morph sees their gender). We were explicitly told before the show aired that they're nonbinary, but the only proof we get of that in series is two blink and you'll miss it, easily ignored and brushed off scenes where Cyclops and Rogue respectively refer to Morph with they/them in two episodes.
And to be honest, it feels like baiting when we get nothing else. It's Loki all over again where the creators say "you're gonna get representation!!!" in interviews that only more dedicated fans will see but resign actual canonical confirmation to something easily missed.
The justification for this is, of course, that the show is set in 1997, of course they aren't more explicit because of the social circumstances! But nonbinary people existed back then and there were people who were aware they were nonbinary and made communities to talk with each other. There were activists who were openly genderqueer. There's even at least one case I know of of a nonbinary character being in 90's comics. Though not positive representation, in Ghost Rider 2099 #10 [pub. 1994], Ghost Rider refers to a side character with ze/hir pronouns.
And it's not like Morph doesn't know they're queer. They're out! Why else would Rogue and Cyclops refer to them as they openly and in public? And how? If they're not more explicitly queer because "It's the 90's" then what's with the period atypical acceptance from their teammates?
Even if they went with the "Morph doesn't know" route, people who don't know they're nonbinary or have the words to describe themselves still have trans experiences like dysphoria and a feeling of wrongness about their gender which can be explored even if your character is an egg (not a literal egg ☠️, a trans person who hasn't realised they're trans).
For example: Morph primarily goes by their codename to the point where their civilian name isn't even mentioned. There could have been a scene where someone called them their male civvie name and they get uncomfortable and say they prefer Morph, their gender neutral hero name. And when asked why, they could just be confused and defensive because they wouldn't have the words to describe dysphoria.
They could even set up a realisation arc with Morph experiencing dysphoria, but not knowing what it is or why they feel that way, and then meeting nonbinary people next season when the X-Men are time travelling and going "Oh. That's me."
But we get none of that! We don't get out and proud, no/low transphobia representation or subtle, historically accurate representation of a closeted trans person in an even less accepting time. We get the historical inaccuracy of option A and the understatedness of option B for the most minimal attempt at rep possible, which boils down to just two headscratchingly anachronistic uses of they/them pronouns. Truly the worst of both worlds.
And on their feelings for Logan, that wasn't said before the show aired afaik and was just part of the narrative, so it wasn't baiting, but it was relegated to subtext that could also be interpreted as non-queer. So much so that it had to be confirmed by the writer on twitter when it should have been clear cut in the show.
Why didn't we get more content about that? If they can fit an entire love triangle around Rogue, Remy and Magneto, why couldn't we get more about Morph's feelings for Logan? Why didn't we get them pining for a friend who'll probably never return their affection, them worrying over how he'd react if he found out? That kinda thing. There was an entire plot point where characters were faced with their fears, would that not have been a good opportunity for Morph to be faced with theirs over being realised as queer?
Honestly there were shows and comics actually made in the 90's that were bolder with queer rep. I don't know the behind the scenes situation or how much the showrunners had to fight for this, but regardless of who made the decisions, it's still cowardly and frankly not enough in 2024.
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prince-liest · 6 months
I… oh my god. So much. Has happened. Bear… bear with me. This time i KNow its gonna be a long one. First of all, oh my GOD. THERE WAS NO BAD NEWS IN UR LAST ANSWER. HOLY SHIT. I see how i read into ur previous answer, that val is the only dumper, but yes what you described is EXACTLY the same flavor as what I was describing. It also works SO MUCH BETTER, OH MY GOD! “Vox managing to be the one to break things off at any given point in time hinges on him being able to frame his rationale as "anger" rather than "upset," the latter of which just gets brushed under the carpet of Emotions That Are Not Taken Seriously. [...] anything that makes him feel vulnerable or, ah, let's deliberately and pointedly use the word hysterical, is a pre-existing internal struggle that Valentino knows how to manipulate to his advantage. [and vox does not break up with val when he feels as such]” PRINCE IM RIPPING MY FUCKING HAIR OUT!!!!!!!!!!!! THTAS. THATS EXACTLY WHAT TF IM TALKING ABOUT. You just clarified that extra layer of “oh my god this is fucking perfect.’ also. ALSO. them getting back together being sappy makeup sex…. Oh my god. Oh my dear god. If it wasnt clear, i am a Heathen for voxval, too. If you ever feel inspired to write a voxval fic i promise you my firstborn. 
OHHHHHH  MY GOD IM SO HAPPY MY RAMBLINGS HELPED YOU WITH THE FIC!!!!!! TBH IVE RARELY BEEN THIS OVERJOYED. LIKE I COULDNT STOP GRINNING AND GIGGLING WHEN I SAW IT. FUCKKKKK. Also im fucking cackling that my actual impact was bringing vox to severe distress instead of a more angry and annoyed disposition. Like yeah,,.. Im here to make you suffer, baby. LOVE YOU VOX! 
Im gonna leave my thoughts for actual fic for another ask bc… yeah. I will spare you. - 🌓
Do NOT spare me, I enjoy these immensely. >:) Proof:
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Very genuinely, I had kinda been squinting at the actual scene in question with dissatisfaction for a hot minute, so I was very pleased when your ask made it click to me what the fuck felt so wrong about it. So thank you!
Staticmoth is definitely percolating in my brain and I want to write something for them because, like you, I am also indeed deeply invested in them (they are my favorite ship very much alongside radiostatic, which is probably not obvious given I haven't written anything actively centered around them - but they're like the fucked up, evil version of MHA erasermic for me in this fandom because they Must be present in the narrative and also I love them). I haven't had any specific ideas good enough to turn into a fic yet, but I might just mash them all together at some point or, y'know. Go the Good Olde [insert wanking hand motion here] route!
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I feel like the reason there's such a disconnect between a lot of pro/anti accs has to do with how people go about their critique of the work. There is a difference between a critique against a character (i.e., how we chose to justify that character given the explanation/information given in world) and a critique against the choices that are made during the writing process (i.e. introspection into the problems that are caused via the writing). When we critique a character because of decisions the character makes we a crafting a analytical profile about why we surmise a character does something. When we critique the characterization, then we are critiquing the decision the writer is making.
So - a critique against the logical set up of a scene or dynamic is a testament of a writer's skill. Like - when we critique the logic of Rhysand's dynamic with Amarantha that has nothing to do with Rhysand's in world characterization. I think the entire premise of the beginning of WAR is also a plot point that is less a testament of Feyre's character and more a statement on SJM's skill as a writer.
Of course, there are issues that occupy both of these spaces - where the writer's bias operates in a way that is inseparable from the issue in world. In this - its more about how the author interjects information that is contradictory or addling to the narrative of the story. These are moments where the telling conflicts with the showing - and the only way the narrative (the character's in world) distinguishes what information we should extract from the events is by a character straight up telling us how we should feel or what we should take away. The Illyrian/CoN/SC situation starts off as a technical problem but becomes a character problem (the character's consistently begin to parrot actual justifications for why these issues are still ongoing or the story wants us to take away something that conflicts with what we're shown). Rhys's dynamic UTM starts off as just a technical issues (issue of skill) and becomes a character problem for the reason I said above. It's like when you're in lab and you make up data and then write a narrative to justify your false results. Or when you try to cheat your numbers to justify a hypothesis. And a lot of the problems in TAR onwards start as just technical issues that you ignore and they become character issues for the exact reason above. Like - Tamlin's abuse and the hypocritical elements is easy enough to ignore in MAF and maybe even WAR, but it becomes a real problem in SF when the story is trying to sustain a storylines that literally contradicts and justifies behavior it spent the last three books reiterating is bad. It becomes a character issue when the characters enable and justify that behavior (consistently - as it does w/ rhys). And bc ACoTAR is a series that has a hard time removing itself from SJM's honest to God ideologies a lot of issues that we could have brushed off as technical issues often become character issues.
I'm saying this all to say that often, when we make critiques about the writing (meaning - our framework for analysis exists outside of the explanation/information we are given in the story. We understand the reasoning given we just don't think its a valid reason) we get these response that tries to mix the in-world justifications (that we're already said we don't agree with) with cherry-picked irl justifications. Like - if I say I don't believe in God, and then someone says 'God is real - just look at these passage in the holy book' - that's not an actual response to my question, especially if I've already establish that I have issues with the canon.
And the pro debates are often running in circles bc they justify behavior bc the story tells them too, and they only apply real-world standards where its comfortable. It's easy to see Tamlin as abusive bc there's literally a big red sign that says ABUSE every time he's on the page. But its harder for many to acknowledge those same traits when its in a character they actually like. So then its easier to fall back on the book's explanation and not the real world one.
This is the same case with the intervention scene, where the beloved characters actions are abusive and illegal by our standards (tough love interventions have been proven to be oftentime uneffective and often results in relapse) - and even by the book's standard (Feyre literally acknowledges the HoW as a place unequipped for her sister's healing). So the only solace those fans have is to use the justification the book immediately gives, but also ignore the other books bc even they don't support it. It's just selective reading. 'Real world' justification can only go so far with that side - and its not on their side most times, but it is for antis. So it devolves into these semantic arguments. That's why when the criticism is valid they say these books are 'fairy porn that we shouldn't care about,' buuuuut when they want to make a point it becomes 'important,' 'relevant,' and 'problematic if you say xyz' Chose a framework and stick with it.
I'm just so tired of having these conversations and then someone throwing the book at my hand to "justify" why my critique is 'wrong' when the ENTIRE premise of the critique is that I think the writing decision is wrong.
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Nah, your mention of the teacup scene was honestly perfect, because, just like P-Z it just feels so weird, and just kinda pointless/disjointed. Heckers, even the people I know who LIKE the story of totk, did not seem to like the teacup scene. Also, if I can throw in: It felt like a scene that, in its idea, should have been in the DLC. Maybe actually focus on just Sonia and Rauru as people, instead of the weird "talking around the bush, your powers don't work, Link, and the other piddly talk." Like in the botw DLC, the focus was more on a "slice of life" peek into the Champion's life. It's such a waste of main-story content, and literally established nothing new. Heck, I actually hate that scene because it's just such a lazy way for Rauru to find out who Link is, and then later tell Ganondorf about Link. Additionally, while we're talking about disappoint scenes/bad writing. Zelda's "I didn't remember anything from being a Dragon." It was such a bad cop-out, and it annoyed me to no end. They didn't need to mention it, leave it up to the player to interpret if Zelda remembers, and what she might have remembered or forgotten. The way it gets dropped is also like a hard rock. Riju: "So how was it?" Zelda: "Lol idk, don't remember." It's weird how you can put Botw-Zelda's sacrifice against Totk-Zelda's sacrifice, and Botw she just sacrificed a lot more, even though Totk really plays up the severity of the "Sacrificing yourself to become a dragon"-thing, only for it to just be the most overhyped McGuffin to get Zelda back into her time.
Hey, thanks for the follow-up!
Yeah, agreed. I have talked extensively about the dragon problem somewhere??? I'll try to find it. Here! Which is basically that even if I agree the dragon thing is super cool and powerful and visually jawdropping and emotionally something, it's... kind of not a lot of what it claims to be.
But in addition to that, you made me think of something else by having this comment; there are multiple times during voiced cutscenes specifically where lines are used (I say used because every voiced line costs *so much money* so producers will always beg you to keep them to a minimum) to reassure the player that nothing truly bad is happening.
The thing with Zelda telling you she doesn't remember her time as a dragon is a great example, but there are many more. The first time I actively noticed it was during the Sealing cutscene where Rauru dives in to put his hand in Ganondorf's uhh tender heart (and he steals his magic? I wish something was actually done with that it could have been great if Rauru was corrupting himself voluntarily or something), and there is a whole dialogue where Ganondorf goes "hahaha thousands of years will pass in the blink of an eye", which could be a way to just brush off Rauru's actions as negligeable, but could also be a way to minimize the toll of time taken on both of them the same way it did for Zelda, especially since they semi-turn to stone immediately after. There are a lot of dialogue bits that feel like they are here for damage control and reassure us that the nice things are nice and the bad things are bad (a lot of the gerudo Sage dialogue also reads like that to me as well).
But yes, in general, it is a game that is incredibly averse to consequences, which does a lot of harm to its narrative tension in my opinion.
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willemdafinky · 6 months
I have completed Spider-Man 2 twice now and I have very conflicting feelings on the game’s story, mostly towards its Venom/Symbiote storyline. On my first playthrough my problem was how little screen time and characterization Venom had in the story despite all the build up and prioritizing him over anything else and while I still have a problem with that aspect of the story, upon my second playthrough I realized that my real biggest issue with the narrative is Peter’s time in the black suit and being corrupted by the Symbiote. I felt it was rushed and forced but I didn’t have any deeper and meaningful critiques of it…that is until I looked back on other adaptations of the Black Suit storyline and a review of Spider-Man 2 by Youtuber Dorito God which I recommend watching that made it click as to why Peter and the Black Suit doesn’t work.
Insomniac's Peter Parker is the nicest version of the character.
An aspect of Peter Parker that I feel has been downplayed in many adaptations is that he was, at many points, a jerk. He had an incredibly short temper, tends to be cocky for the worst, and outright selfish at points. This does not inherently mean he was unlikable, I actually believe this makes him more interesting and even sympathetic. His negative traits aren’t there just because but are present of numerous factors, most of them because of his double life as Spider-Man. The sheer responsibility that is required of being Spider-Man would naturally cause high level of stress which as we all know can easily lead into losing your cool: not to mention other elements such as J Jonah Jameson’s constant slander of his name which influenced his public perception amongst New York, the grief and guilt of losing loved ones such as Uncle Ben, his struggles of keeping good relationships due to wanting to keep his identity a secret out of fear of his loved ones getting hurt, and how this all started when he was 16 it is completely understandable that Peter can be frankly a jerk.
I don’t think Peter Parker’s defining characteristic is a jerkass who underneath is a good person but I feel that his jerkiness is an important factor of the character that doesn’t get much attention in adaptations outside of Peter B Parker in the Spider-Verse movies. That being said, I would be arguing in bad faith if I said this has been completely left out of Spider-Man adaptations: Sam Raimi’s Spider-Man trilogy, The Amazing Spider-Man duology, and even the MCU have this aspect of Peter’s personality intact. In the Raimi Trilogy Peter is shown to be a very flawed boyfriend to Mary Jane with Spider-Man 3 being the most prominent example where he just doesn’t understand Mary Jane’s own struggles and subconsciously brushes them off not just because of his own struggles but also from the outright celebration he is getting from New York as Spider-Man. The Amazing Spider-Man duology gave Peter a new motivation for becoming Spider-Man as originally purely being revenge only to later take up the role of hero, not to mention also breaking a dying man’s promise of staying away from Gwen. The MCU had Peter initially refuse to help Norman and the other inter dimensional visitors despite the fact that it was his fault they were brought to the MCU and it’s only because of Aunt May that he does try to help.
Now, I have to ask a question: can you honestly name a scene with Insomniac’s Peter where he has any of these traits? I genuinely can’t think of one. Spider-Man 2 tries with the boss fight against Scream where while under the Symbiote, Mary Jane tells Peter how much he made her feel like she was nothing more than emotional support for his struggles while not doing anything for her and I don’t think that lines up with how Peter was written in the game. Peter is very supportive of Mary Jane throughout the story for her job and does listen to her when she vents about it so this interaction where the story suggests otherwise in the Scream boss fight doesn’t work for me. Peter in these games is just a really nice guy, does this mean he doesn’t have moments where he crosses his limit? No of course not, the climax against Otto disproves but that’s more of an example of the “pissing off the good guy is a bad move” trope than Peter’s more abrasive side. I don’t think this inherently means that Insomniac Peter is a bad character, I very much liked him in the first game and Miles Morales after and one of my other favorite versions of the character is the one from the 90s cartoon who is also a kinder interpretation of Peter Parker. So what is my problem?
I don’t think this overly nice version of Peter Parker works with the Black Suit story. Ever since the 90s cartoon, every version of the Black Suit story has the Symbiote amplifies Peter’s more negatives traits (most notably his temper) and we’ve established that Peter doesn’t have of any these traits so seeing him lash out at other characters and being more aggressive feels extremely out of character and not in the way that I think the writers intended.
Okay so, the amplification of negative emotions doesn’t work but maybe they went through a different approach. Maybe in this version the Symbiote instead brings out the host’s intrusive thoughts and inner frustrations, like they did with Mary Jane. The story suggests this: first in the Spider-Men fight where Peter hints that he has a sense of insecurity in his role as Spider-Man because of how good Miles is in the role, that he might not be needed anymore and how the Symbiote is the only way he could keep and be greater. Second when Miles and Martin Li go into Peter’s subconscious it is outward stated that Peter supposedly may secretly want to kill his foes just so he could end the cycle, which the Symbiote feeds on. This all sounds great, what’s the problem?
Neither of these are even hinted at beforehand. Peter never shows any resentment towards Miles, not helped by how little screen presence Miles has in the story but that’s its own can of worms, and there is nothing to suggest that Peter even entertained the idea of defeating his rogues gallery permanently. So there is nothing in this story that gives any reason as to why Peter acts the way he does while under the Symbiote. Now this might sound weird for me to say since “isn’t that what the Symbiote does” but hear me out:
Harry does not act anywhere similar to Peter when he is using the Symbiote. His personality is the same which gives the idea that perhaps in this continuity the Symbiote might not have the same negative energy it does in most adaptations and is more like in the original comics where its only negative thing is that it takes control over the host while they’re asleep. But I don’t think that was ever the intention, it always felt like that the Symbiote is supposed to be what it usually is in most adaptations. So why was Peter affected by it but Harry wasn't?
There’s also the problem that Peter himself never has the big moment of realizing what the Symbiote is doing to him, he doesn’t have his own self reflection. Compare to other adaptations:
•The 90s cartoon: He almost kills Shocker after the latter had already given up and even after he stops, the Symbiote still tries to kill Shocker.
•Spider-Man 3: Him slapping Mary Jane is the moment where Peter finally sees that he had changed for the worst.
•The Spectacular Spider-Man: Getting called out by Flash Thompson for how he’s been treating his friend is what plants the doubts in Peter’s head that something might be wrong with the Symbiote which only gets confirmed when it tries to convince him that they don’t need anyone.
In Spider-Man 2, we don’t get that. I don’t consider Miles telling Peter that the Symbiote is changing him to be a moment of self realization, it doesn’t work for me. I never got the idea that in this game Peter did something so awful, an action that he wouldn’t act out doing, that would break him free from the hold the Symbiote hivemind has on him and to be better. I don’t get that.
Combine all that and you have what has ended up being one of my least favorite versions of the Black Suit storyline, even more than Spider-Man 3. Note that I hate Spider-Man 3, it’s my least favorite of the Spider-Man movies not counting the Sonyverse movies, but with that I can see how it could work with that version of Peter. Spider-Man 2’s version of the story doesn’t work fundamentally to me because of their Peter unless you change Peter’s characterization, the narrative or how the Symbiote works.
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saltysplayt00ns · 11 months
Author Weaseling their narratives.
I want to state this now before it leaves my brain, just a small penny of thought. After pages are uploaded and the Author not using a script. He will IMMEDITALTY try to cover up the holes and fix it the next pages or so. Then messes up continuity along those lines.
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Yes, cause that's better to wait it out then do anything at all. Ranach and Avanti can sneak in the territory during the night and wait to slaughter EACH AND EVERY ONE OF THEM. The territory of meteor is vast with minimum eyes, they can't keep watch for 24/7 simultaneously. Like for one, When the Avanti beast came into Home and everyone questioned why he didn't just kill the meteor tribe?? Kiq. made pages to answer the question to the audience, literally Him telling the audience why something is not logically going or going against what doesn't make sense - ya feel me??
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I would think knowing a family member dying, would pushed you to make sure your other family member is over their safe, you literally stated it to Rhovanion of them being an oppressive tribe and dangerous group. When Everyone questioned Why Roamer didn't go help Ronja and save her from a inbreeding, oppressing, Sexual assaulting, tribe instead of going swimming and hanging out in midnight guard. Kique had to make an excuse for it.
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CH. 13 PG 807 & 809 - Yes, let us give more justification for the tribe to easily state the capitol ' meteor is killing members left and right again' to have the matriarch to annihilate them on the spot. Good idea guys. Have majority of the Tribes' who hates meteor with tangible proof and track record to put more endangerment over Ronja's pups. I might as well left the group after that with Javo, Galti and Alva.
Another is when Roamer murdered bear dog and when people got hurt about that he tried to justify it and praise the Garystu characters. more so having Ronja not do anything cause Roamer literally been disobedient the moment he got separated from the pack and followed two strangers the beginning of Home. Also stopped people from commenting cause he didn't like people pointing it out. He did it before of killing dogs or shunning hem to Justify they are BAD , they are the VILLAINS when they're anything but that. Jonna. Kargo before his death. Fairikh. Ruan. Aira etc. Let me remind you that kique doesn't have a script, and when he does it's by volunteers before he burns the bridges with them and then back to square one again. He has a Patreon that the pages are ahead of the public, so he can produce pages to cover tracks before they present to the public. He already probably doing one now or has not made the pages to Justify the ' Golden ' Lioness to give a starting couple a child without consent. It's already bad when you have to prove what's morally wrong to be right or worse to romanticized it. What's sad the hybrid cubs will be brushed off.
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CH. 12 PG 738 & 739
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CH. 11 PG 607 & 608
Ronja's kids have been on the way-side and we have only have scenes when Roamer needs comfort involving when Rogio is NOT there or Ronja is involved to do parenting. If this is supposed to be just a slice of life type of comic, I would like to see something that pertains it and not dragged stupidity, and teenage drama on fully grown adults. Diarko now in the mix will be forgotten, cause his purpose was to save Rogio and Kargo. Now to be a child to 3 dogs that are NOT FIT TO BE PARENTS, NOR METEOR and he already has a mother. The author probably already has a page to Have his mother who has a high distrust of dogs and practically everyone else, leaving their only cub to a bunch of strangers. I don't need to look at the blur page of patreon to know he already has one, the repetitive pattern of evidence is on the Public pages on it's own will suffice. She's literally going to a decent tribe in the beaches so why not bring her son with him??!! where she knows they're Safe?? like that's not how mothers and maternity instincts work. The only reason Diarko stays is because the author wants his toxic, soon to be Poly to have a kid around and have them look good, a means to look like saints. It's very obvious its going to be poly, there is too many signs to show it and Rogio is that much of a possessive, manipulative prick to have Roamer and Kargo under his paws.
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He did it to Ranach,
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CH. 7 PG 293 & CH. 9 356 - Yeah, its all Kargos fault despite Ferah and Rogio was there and kept the secret too. Plus Ferah is the one to start it , but since Kargo had a heart to be honest, he gets the short end of the stick and labeled a bastard. He did to Roamer...
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Trust me y'all there's a lot more of these of Ronja seeking Rogio for mostly everything. I guess Vandi, Kargo and Ferah don't hold much weight. Soon it'll be the Larpdog of Whispervale, cause Ronja can't think for herself as a leader. ...and Ronja might as well make Rogio a Leader cause she's laying it on him for everything even to the voice of reason. He's literally a Garystu with plot amour. How does everyone not know anything but Rogio does? I rather trust Vandi and Vigr over Rogio - heck take Shiverfall Eopi.Could easily take the trip their and bring Diarko along so he can visit his mother and not be forgotten.
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Shiverfall tribe is BIGGER then meteor, meteor literally did Nothing - NOTHING to show it's a safe place to be. Ronja, Roamer, Rogio, Kargo should know that, The mother is Blind - BLIND!! FOR PETE'S SAKE and it makes me so damn upset that she can't see it and the tribe is not going to tell her and put her only son in danger with a falling tribe. Because everyone is going to be happy and ' d'awww' of Diarko staying with the OTP3.
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Akleja already is also forgotten and just in the background in silence without knowing much of who they are as an individual, except they are Vandi's X Fuss's pup and were the first pup to be born free which should be a VERY BIG THING. You need more then just putting traits in Wiki cause a lot of the traits don't correlate to the Webcomic. He probably already doing and did pages to not make Feaf look bad and answer why Zahira and Raimos didn't have the kids. ----- He has done it countless times and has edited pages to Justify them under people's noses and they don't bat an eye of it.
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bonefall · 2 years
So, what are your opinions on Moth Flight? I feel like it's very important that she's got ADHD, and gets very babied by her clan. But when I was reading Moth Flight's vision, she felt kind of underdeveloped and mostly just moving where the plot takes her or where Micah takes her. She loses a lot of what makes her interesting when Micah enters the scene and then she has kittens and she's either all Micah or All Kittens. Also, it feels like her choice as the end has absolutely no basis. I also feel like the development of what we might recognize as medicine cats and Windclan and even the culture of the clans itself was brushed over for border arguments and freaking Clear Sky's nonsense. I know you're changing the ending, but are you changin what Mothflight's Vision focuses on?
I think it's sad that Moth Flight's ADHD is so clung to. I think it's a sign of the piss poor treatment of neurodivergency in canon that the mere idea such an awful character maybe having ADHD is important.
Because that's always the thing that comes up about her. Absentminded traits that were sort-of present at the beginning of Moth Flight's vision, during a time in her life when she was having Slate's kittens foisted on her, and would rather be doing the things that actually interest her
(actual interests such as getting Rocky addicted to catmint)
What DOESN'T come up is how she acts in every other appearance, every other moment of her SE, where her personality isn't 'underdeveloped,' it's vindictive. She's condescending towards Acorn Fur, she's catty towards Slate, and cruel to Leafpool even going so far as to want to send her to CAT HELL for breaking her shitty rule!
Yes, it's annoying that her kits come up so often when she's completely dropped her interest in herbs, or in serious situations where the kittens can wait, but I feel like a lot of people focus on that and look right past her absolutely spiteful behavior towards the idea that Slate can help her back now.
She refuses help for the problem of babysitting her kittens, CONVINCED there's something special about her children, only to then divide them up between the Clans when Acorn Fur mentions the idea of having kids.
Is it coincidence that the father would be Red Claw, the cat Moth Flight blames for Micah's death?
I'd say she's actually quite developed!! She's consistent, in fact! She's horrible! She's spiteful, self-absorbed, and disconnected from reality. I can't stand her. I can't stand anything about her.
Most of all I can't stand how the narrative treats her as correct for these things. All book long she has trouble getting cats to listen to her for things that ACTUALLY MATTER, like collecting herbs and treating patients, only for her big climactic narrative moment to be... the 5-page-long StarClan pileup on poor Acorn Fur, trying to birth the dumbest rule in the entire series, turning the same smug condescension she's dealt with ALL BOOK onto someone who's done nothing wrong.
SO in short! I've gutted her! I've gutted her like a fish! Completely different circumstances for the vow, completely different personality!
I am not sure if ADHD fits into it anymore, or if there would be a point where I'd really be able to display her having it all story long (outside of how all of my rewritten characters end up a bit ADHAutistic because they come out of my ADHAutistic brain) But there will be lots of other characters who have ADHD specifically. I don't skimp on that one.
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sasubaeuchithot · 1 year
what do you think about sakura? i've always been very conflicted or even indifferent to her. i feel like i've either wanted to really like her, but she falls short on every expectation, or i've wanted to really hate her, but she's too bland even for that. i've seen one half of the fandom raise her on a pedestal that i feel she doesn't deserve and the other make her absolute rubbish and that you're supposed to loathe with all your heart.
when it comes to naruto and sasuke, i do think both of them have love for sakura (even sasuke, even though it seems almost blasphemy to say this out loud), as both of them have love as their core characteristic, especially sasuke. i think sakura loves them both too, but i also think she's shallow in her feelings but is capable of reflecting on them. but i also think, often giggling to myself, that she's a smelly sweaty nervous girl when it comes to sasuke and it takes time to grow out of it.
all in all i think people in this fandom often seem to forget nuance and context when talking about her.
i enjoy you writing her, because she has dimension and she's capable of self reflection, but you don't put her on a pedestal.
sorry for the rant, i need other things to think about than my life right now. hope you're doing good and beating your writer's block with a stick!
sakura is very complicated for me. as a character, she enrages me- but not because of her actual personality. it's important when watching any form of fictional media to remember that these are characters, characters who were created by a real person to try to tell a story. all of her unlikable flaws for me all stem from the fact that she was created specifically for the male characters around her. even as early as her character introduction, which was the first plot device we are ever given to paint the rivalry between naruto and sasuke; we are introduced to sakura by naruto proclaiming he has a crush on her, only to see her brush him off and shallowly fangirl over sasuke. this continues throughout the entirety of the story in ways you don't necessarily notice at first, but become glaringly obvious the more you understand the misogyny in kishimoto's writing.
in the beginning of the land of waves arc, kakashi has all three students practicing tree climbing. Sakura, we see, excels at this. this seems great for a female character, right??? look, she's better than her two male teammates!! except that when you take into account that that is basically the one of the like. two times in the entire story we ever see her do better than either Sasuke or Naruto. this moment does more than just fall short due to never being supported again in the narrative once you realize that in actuality, kishimoto wrote her to have excelled so well at controlling her chakra because he wanted to write her out of the scene. that is literally the only reason he wrote her being adept in that moment. he needed naruto and sasuke to bond over training, and he didn't want sakura to be a part of the sentiment. narratively in his mind, she couldn't be! her entire existence was about the OPPOSITE; she was created to show the divide between the other two, so she can't be there to assist in showing their bond.
this is also where the concept of "Sakura is useless" comes from. her character was not created to showcase the world building of ninjutsu, nor was she meant to be the one saving the day. kakashi's character was about worldbuilding; he is the teacher-character who dialog dumps all of the information about how this ninja world operates. and at the beginning, saving the day was largely sasuke's job- to display the incapabilities and shortcomings of naruto- and then that moved onto Naruto's job- to show how far the protagonist has worked and to push the story forward. sakura's purpose of being the representation of how sasuke is Wanted and naruto is Unwanted does not fit in battle, so she is sidelined. for the entire first part of the story, she doesn't even have a jutsu she specializes in!!!! in a show about ninjas!!!!!!!! she is never allowed to display her own adeptness, because it would get in the way of her male counterparts' story. and then in an effort to keep her character relevant later on (and to placate fans I'm sure), kishimoto decides to make her. a fucking medic. a caregiver.
the misogyny of it angers me. she's the main female in your story, and her sole purpose is to support male characters both within the narrative and on the paper. but if i choose to watch/read the story as most other viewers do, devoid of my knowledge of writing fiction, I start to like her come Shippuden. i love the balance she has between her strength and her feminity. i love loud, determined women who show their gentleness selectively. i love her "headstrong combined with arm strong" (I'm quoting myself lmaoooo). but i despise how ALL of that disappears around Sasuke. it's so hard to focus on what I do like about her when kishi takes every opportunity he can to display the fact that she is very much Written By A Man™.
one super frustrating challenge that i had was the fact that I had to start out sakura's character in my own fanfiction complying with these awful character traits for her. my goal of kizuna hikari was to have everyone as canonically in-character as possible- which includes inheriting sakura's misogynistic character purpose. but i refused to keep her that way. so her character arc for me was shedding off her male-centric character traits. it took the whole fucking fic to undo kishi's work lmaoooo. i had to really gnaw away at her dependency on Sasuke, which involved keeping her narrative unfortunately still centered around him. but now i feel like now I'll actually be able to write her as her OWN character for the sequel, thank fucking god.
what you said about Naruto and Sasuke loving her is so true, and I see it the same way. their core character traits are both about loving deeply and intensely, so it's difficult for me to see either of them NOT caring about her. Sasuke at his heart is gentle and kind, rude as he can outwardly be. he naturally craves love. Sakura for sure is delusional, and a lot of her infatuation with Sasuke is rose-tinted, but I don't think ALL of it is. she does care for and love Sasuke- she's just lost in her own fantasy with it.
i really enjoyed writing her finally coming to terms with her delusions, realizing what parts of Sasuke she had been glamorizing and finally seeing him for himself. from where I've left off with her at the end of the povs, she did not fall out of love with him even though she came to terms with sasuke and naruto's relationship, which tells me that I think that she does harbor real love for him in canon. i can't wait to expand on her in the sequel and see how that develops.
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bonesandthebees · 11 months
Guess who’s awake again. It’s me. And I just want to repeat how good you are at foreshadowing and setting up the pieces. Like Jack pushing Tommy had been building for a while as this quiet annoyance and snidy remarks, but I didn’t realise what was going to happen until [In the corner of his eye, Wilbur noticed Jack lean over to whisper something in Niki’s ear. She nodded once, her face unreadable.]. This was the point where everything clicked into place and I had to pause to come scream in you inbox. Because this is the moment the plan forms in their heads, before that they were just kinda hoping Tommy’s lungs would kill him in that passive, “I’m not going to kill him, but I’m also not going out of my way to save his life, let alone risk my own while doing it” kinda way.
And it’s so obvious what they’re about to do and Wilbur is completely blindsided by it because he’s been so focused on Tommy the entire time that he either missed all the signs or didn’t care to interpret them. And it’s just, the narrative has been quietly building towards this for quiet some time, but I didn’t realise this was how it was going to end until the last ask I sent before chapter 27 when your “Niki will remember that” line suddenly snapped into place with actual canon. But it was always going to end this way. It’s the only way it could have ended.
Also, congratulations, Bee! You are now 4/4 on getting very close to killing major characters, but having everything turn out okayish in the end. And reading Wilbur’s breakdown was so much fun even though I’d already figured out what was going to happen. Just another thing to show what an amazing writer you are. It didn’t feel too drawn out if you knew, but it’s still long enough to make it plausible and let it have that emotional weight.
I’m skipping over the Priest and Schlatt, but I’ll get to those in the proper analysis. Just know that when Schlatt showed up I realised that we had only had 2/3 of the major scene and it hit me like a train. I really did get everything I wanted out of this chapter. Also, you managed to make me feel bad for Schlatt for 0.5 before I remember that he is an asshole who still could have tried. So good job.
I’ll probably write the analysis in my notes like I did with Stars and send them in in batches. So you’ll probably get those in a few days, because I’m about to dissect this entire chapter like a surgeon.
aaa thank you spruce!! god yeah I've been building up to jack murdering tommy for a WHILE. it's been something I just wanted to leave in the background to brew, reminding the readers that yeah, jack and niki have held this grudge for a while. it never went away. and sure they weren't actively planning to murder him, but if the opportunity arose they were certainly going to take it.
niki will remember that :) yeah that was funny to me
and yes wilbur doesn't notice because he's so focused on so many other things! it's incredibly obvious to us as the readers but he just doesn't realize. not to mention, despite knowing that tommy did it to jack first and knowing how pissed both he and niki are about it, and knowing that niki and jack have the same kind of friendship he and tommy have, he never REALLY thought that niki would do something like that. jack? maybe yeah. but niki? his niki? his closest friend besides tommy? it just wasn't something he ever seriously considered. she wouldn't hurt him like that. she's niki.
god you're right I really do nearly/do kill a major character at the end of every long fic of mine. oops. didn't mean for that to be a theme.
I'm so glad you enjoyed that though. the main reason for tommy's brush with death was more about wilbur being forced to confront and make a decision both about his own faith and tommy's. he forcibly pulls tommy away from his goddess, while also finally shouting everything he's wanted to shout at his own goddess. he's truly done after this.
HA YEAH you think things are over and then boom schlatt appears and you realize oh yeah bee said there were 3 scenes she was excited for :) I'm very glad you got the conflicting feelings of feeling bad for him for a second before remembering what a dick he is
i'm soooo excited to hear all your thoughts spruce
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the-monkey-ruler · 1 year
Even in games like HIB do mention buddha like its as simple as that
Hell if they don’t want to literally names dropped him, they could have alluded d to him by saying his tittle like “the enlightened one.”
Its the dissonance that makes lmk stands out more so than the others jttw adaptations. Especially when we the audience doesn’t know IF swk is a buddha here. (He might be a bodhisavtta but since they have yet to name dropped guanyin, i dont think they will)
Jttw as whole does balance these two religions and able to showcased them as is. The refusal to allude other religions besides daoism just raised eyes on lmk n their decisions in this aspect. (Esp when swk IS the victorious fighting buddha and great sage equal to heaven. The way that characters goes out their way to avoid saying his actual name or his better well known tittles is bit weird. Esp when it very important to his character moreso than being the monkey king ever was)
like imagine building up to this title that you ever accomplished in life only to never be refer to that bc they see your first job ever first and the rest never to be acknowledged.
Like hell buddha and swk does have a connection here that in lmk seem to be nonexistent to uphold the narrative of JE is bad!! (When that just a poor dude in head management of a corporation.) it a questionable decision esp it seem like recon (bc lmk did mention buddha in like s1 and the usual narrative of how havoc on heaven goes. Like swk being trap in the furnace.)
His lmk character feels like hes just another flanderized goku. Hes just a messed of a character once you look past his goofiness and compare him to others swk. He does not uphold well—for this to be known as westerners first introduction to xiyouji (apart from OSP) it just sad that he could not be as complex as he should have been.(he can be something other than goofy-other than traumatized mess but he can do so good as much he had harmed)
Its kinda sad for being a protector of children, he had ended up being portrayed as irresponsible n a threat(bc of his various blunders)
Rip swk pissing in buddha fingers scene. You shall be missed
I think they could have done a lot with Lego Monkie Kid Wukong if they have given him the time he needed. They have a strong foundation of a plot to show Wukong has a mentor role but it looked like they rather a sacrifice character building for drama and shock value...
I’m not sure if he does have his other titles but considering I saw someone say that the “Great Sage” title was a reference to Xiyouji rather than that being his name… insane really. Like... just now knowing that is his NAME!
I'm not trying to bank on LMK on teaching people about Xiyouji like it's not meant for that... but at the same point, it's crazy to me to think that a Xiyouji piece of media is making 'references' to the original media despite it being in the same universe where everything happened like... of course it's going to reference the original source material. It is literally canon in the story that it happened.
And yeah them brushing off Wukong is also a monk and a Buddha... it's more strange than anything cause he is immortal... and the rest of the pilgrims should have also been immortal so I hope they touch why THAT isn't the case but... I feel like there are just going to be a lot of plotholes left unanswered for 'the reader's interpretation.' Like why did Wukong go on the journey if it wasn't his redemption arc for him to finally see that he had gone too far? Or why have the Jade Emperor defeat him when it just shows that it was about strength and not about ideologies? Again I've seen bad guy Jade Emperorbefore and here it looks like they are trying for a 'there is more going on' angle but... idk... just so many things that are not being played out or being far too rushed to be really fleshed out.
Which I feel like is the show's biggest weakness with Wukong. They are so busy rushing the plot they never give time to flesh him or even other characters out. He isn't the one that suffers from that which is a shame cause the show does have a lot of charming characters too!
I don’t know… I like the show but I think I'm going to just enjoy that I can and hopefully... things might get better this time... but maybe I just got to accept that they are never going to give their own characters the development or time they need.
A real shame.
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constantvariations · 1 year
I cannot believe I’m awake when the episode drops holy shit. I’m also drunk af bc it’s my weekend off so I might not be as sharp as I’m usually am (not) but guess we’ll see lol. Also the devil works hard but pirates work harder. Bless them yardee hars yo ho
Post Ep: uhh I genuintely dunno what to say here :/ MKEK fucked over literally the only aspect of v9 i liked so i guess imma rot or smth idk
Genuinely funny (by which I mean what the absolute fuck) that the warning does not, in fact, warn the viewer of fucking anything. Reminds me of the conversation in Criminal Minds where the unit receives a bomb threat and have to wait for it to explode because sending out a general bomb alert would halt the entirety of the country in a panic. Wasn’t there a tiktok about this exact thing? One that went liek “TRIGGER WARNIGN! TRIGGER WARNING!“ but never told you wh at the warning was? Feels like this shit
Back at it again with this pov shit? With the hentai panting? Why is it always with the hentai panting???
“Why did you shout at everyone like that?” Sometimes it’s hard to remember that Little is supposed to be like... a child? I guess? in the Wonderland spectrum of things, so them not knowing what a mental breakdown looks like is both in character and entirely unhelpful in the narrative, considering how easily Ruby brushes off the inquiry
This is probably the most tolerant Ruby’s voice acting has been in the last many seasons. It’s not high and nasally enough to scrape my skull!
Not gonna lie, having Ruby finally break down against the shittiest of tree textures is so fucking funny I can’t take this seriously. It looks like she’s wailing into a painted wall
“If you’re going to stay with me, you’re going to end up dead, too.” Ruby, the only dead people that you supposedly gave a shit about are Penny and Pyrrha. You don’t know about Clover or Ironwood, you definitely didn’t give a shit about that Forrest guy from V7, and it’s still up in the air if you know about Penny 2.0. You haven’t even mentioned Qrow, your father, or the rest of ORNJ, so what the fuck are you referencing here? Your mother, whom you only started being compromised about 2 seasons ago? Big fuckety whoop, no one cares
Ohhhh noooo not the shithead mouse character being saddddd and left behinddddd whateverr shall we doooooo
Aight what’s with the butterfly thing. If it’s supposed to symbolize Summer Rose in some way, it was never foreshadowed and only the barest of threads (butterflies being pollinators of flowers) would connect this shit. There’s a difference between subtlety and bullshit
Uhhhh did Ruby stumble into a casino house of Neo? Is this Neo backstory we’re getting into? Honestly, that’s way more intriguing than anything our heroes have going on
Why did they have to drag Roman into Maya? Didn’t they do him dirty enough by having him be eaten by a stupid grimm? Is this even the same voice actor? It’s not as... sultry
Holy shit the animation of Roman jumpin on the table is sending me into the fuckign statosphere fucking hlep
Can’t even have a normal transformation animation between scythe to snipe it’s gotta be a spinny bullshit thing ugh. Take me back to episode 1 I miss that shit
Who is voicing Roman there’s no way this is the original VA Imma strnagle this bithc
“But we all remember how that ended.” Is this based on actual events or what Neo has interpreted? This entire scene has been nothing but bullshit so far, and not even the fun kind that Roman used to produce
“You still blame me for what happened to Torchwick?” Bitch what the absolute fuck makes you think that? What clues could you possibly have that Neo blames you specifically when there are so many random people at this table? It’s not like you’ve ever claimed to be responsible for any of these peoples’ deaths, so why is this the fucking conclusion you make? Other than having writer’s clairvoyance of course
Okay, despite not knowing at the moment what it means, I do like the detail of Roman not stepping on the teacup before but once shit gets real he demolishes it. Still don’t like how ugly he is though. Leave my dead gay son alone
I don’t know if I’ve said it before but I fucking HATE the eyeshadow on the character in Maya. Why is Neo’s fucking mint green? She’s NEO-FUCKING-POLITIAN WHY IS THERE FUCKING GREEN IN HER GODDAMN COLOR PALLETE WHEN IT’S FUCKIN WHITE BROWN AND PINK
“I’m going to enjoy watching you break.” Does Neo not have any sort of contact via her clones or whatever? Did she not see how helpless Ruby was last episode to her Jabber? Because it was very heavily implied she knew when that one turned into her before shattering. Neo didn’t have to do shit to make Ruby break, her so called friends were doing that better than Neo ever could Also, the smiles on everyone’s faces as they say this is 100% me when I write my characters going through some fucked up shit. Neo should’ve gone into theater and literally none of this would have happened lmao
It’s uhhhhhh kinda telling that Yang is the first to stop and bitch about Ruby’s behavior. “How could she jsut run off like that?” damn it’s like your sister knew you ddidn’t give hafl a flying fuck about her and dipped Yang OHMYGOD YANG BEING PISSED THAT RUBY DIDN’T TALK TO THEM I’M FUCKING WHEEZING Girl you were so busy being buried in the pussy you didn’t notice your own sister having a full ass breakdown. I do not feel sorry for you “She could’ve just talked to us” like you talked to her after you lost your arm? Oh, wait, YOU DIDN’T FUCKING DO THAT YANG. You literally told her to LEAVE YOU ALONE. Ain’t that a bitch, huh
“We say things like ‘we believe and you’ and ‘we can count on you’” holy shit this is smth I would expect from the yt exercise gurus I watch after work shifts not from my close personal friends this is so fuckign funny
“It’s not like we’re asking her to be perfect” well mf did you ever, idk, COMMUNICATE THAT. Because, lmee tell you as someone who WAS expected to be perfect at all times, that shit be damaging as fuck. I can’t even let typos happen in funny instances without a voice in my head screaming to fix them
Oh great we get the generic meandering vocals during a pvp platform fight. Do they write these lines knowing they’ll be translated into a game soon? There’s no way “I was the best and brightest Beacon had to offer” comes off naturally otherwise
Ruby literally clambered onto the only structure in the room for defense? Girl at this point you are asking to die lmao
“Just like you were too late to save me at the Vytal festival.” Bitch that literally didn’t matter shit since you came back in V7. You’re literally wearing your V7/8 outfit. Shut the absolute fuck up you fucking waste of potential and hair space goddamn
“Can you imagine what it’s like to be failed time and time again by someone who meant the world to you” oh like Oz? The guy you demonized for the last few seasons? The guy who was roasted alive by his wife after she butchered their FOUR FUCKIGN CHILDREN?
Okay I can’t put my finger on it, but the animation of Pyrrha going around her staff to kick Ruby is really fucking weird. Maybe because it seems like her spear is merely resting on the ground instead of impaling it? (My current MC had a similar move so this is important to me lmao)
While I do appreciate the line of “have you stopped to consider if you’re doing more harm than good” coming from Ironwood, it’s not really Ironwood saying it, is it? How the absolute FUCK would Neo know this? Was she witness to what was happening, did she figure it out with context clues, or is this another case of writer clairvoyance?
While I guess it is within canon rights to have Neo know that Oscar is Oz’s new host, I’m very much confused about this particular course of action [turning Ozpin into Oscar] from Neo. When it was her vs Cinder,  Neo just tried to annihilate her, but with Ruby she wants to be Jigsaw??? MKEK learn character consistency I am BEGGING
Listen... I know Ruby is in an emotionally compromised state, and that in any other scenario this would be intensely heart-breaking, but with how contrived this entire scene is, I cannot give half a flying fuck about Ruby’s mental state because it’s too damn funny how easily she falls into Neo’s lap. You walked into this giant ass casino, can’t you just walk out? We ain’t seen you try yet, so either you (and the writers) are too stupid to think of it, or it was shuffled off screen, neither of which are a good look babe. Especially when that damned mouse is in the wings for SOME goddamn reason. Probably the next fucking deus ex mouse
Okay, so Neo offering the tea makes it seem like that’s a path to the Ascension that everyone’s so gung-ho about, which makes me question why the paper pleasers needed to have a whole ass suicide dam-break to ascend if all they needed was some leaf-tea. I also think I’m putting more thought into this than the fucking writers, which, honestly, is par for the course
WAIT WHOA HOLD UP that was some geometric shit hitting Neo into the fucking next generation. Everything in Wonderland is ~whimsy and frolic~ not Square (tm) so wtf is going on
Goddammit again with this pov shit? Whoever suggested it in the group orgy should be drug out to the street and shot
CURIOUS!!! THE ONLY BITCH THAT MATTERS TO ME even if he is ugly as sin
“(Ruby) I don’t want to be me anymore” well aint that just more gasoline to my theory that Ruby’s gonna try to sacrifice herself to the tree No joke, if RT (and for any dumbass who needs clarification, CRWBY is 100% RT property) tries to imply in any goddamn way that sacrifice is the only way to achieve happiness (especially when it comes to other people’s happiness) I will come to each of their houses and shred their shoes, their paintings, and dismantle their ovens
Altho, no joke, I would much rather prefer Curious as our MC instead simply because they are curious and would potentially be able to ask questions about the world that our actual mains would take for granted, like idk wtf is dust and where does it come from? (Mainly stemming from my hc that dust is the remains of human souls that grimm devour but can’t actually process. Like... how else are you gonna reconcile the dust that made Adam ((the original biblical man)) with the dust of Remnant?)
Oh wow so we’re actually going for the take that the cat was evil the whole time? Is that what we’re doing? No nuance about a creature merely curious about a world outside its own? We’re going full fucking body snatcher?
I absolutely HATE this take on the Curious Cat. MKEK. Give me your addresses so I can beat your asses in the nearest Dennys parking lot. I think you sorely need some lessons in humility. Suck my entire asshole
Is Little really fucking hurt by being slung .2 feet from a tail whip? Fucking really?
And now Neo and Curious are fighting over Ruby’s fate. Someone bring back the forced love triangle of Hunger Games (which was forced by the publishers NOT the writer btw) instead of this shit before I throw myself into a lava pit because honesty it this is far shittier than HG
Wtf are Ruby’s fingers bloodied from? Wielding Crescent Rose for .2 seconds? Girl you have been handling this weapon for fucking years, but spinning it around a couple of times makes her bleed? Bitch play Paganini’s 24 Caprices then say how your fingers feel (For clarification purposes, I only know this because I’m writing characters who know how to play the violin, not because I know violin myself despite how much I fucking want to. V from DMC5 has me in a fucking chokehold lemme tell you-*dies*)
“I need to know why my makers left me here.” This makes me think that the Wonderland was structured by the shitheel gods of light and dark. Perhaps the cat was one of their compromises, which is why they’re such a wildcard? But that would make so many questions about the purpose of Wonderland itself and we all know that MKEK can’t be bothered with things like worldbuilding or nuance or anything remotely resembling intelligence (also I read once that black scelera ((the white part of the eye)) is a sign of pure truth/desire so honestly this is incredibly intriguing even though I know it won’t end in anything satisfactory)
The cup sliding into frame after Ruby’s frantic eyes is literally so fucking funny how do they expect to take me seriously when the framing has the subtlety of a drunk elephant?
Ohmygod the way JWBY ran into the room like PS2 characters I’m fucking wheeazing
Ohmygod this is literally the most flaccid way to force a person into your perspective. Like... Ruby got kicked around a little bit after venturing into an OBVIOUSLY NOT GOOD PLACE and then decides to drink the airport jungle juice right as she’s about to be rescued and not ONE FUCKING CHARACTER WITH RANGED ARSENAL SHOOTS THE MUG OUT OF HER HAND
Honestly there are times where it really hits me how RWBY is a show about plot that isn’t plot instead of characters, and it’s moments like these where I’m like “damn, these people are acting to the script instead of their character huh” Like... it would’ve been something profound if the tea drinking had happened moments prior to their arrival instead of “hey watch me drink this fuckin tea while I reflect in your stupid eyeball instead of you doing literally anything about it despite that the supposed fact that you fucking raised me YANG, so watch me drop into this fuckkin hole I guess”
At the very least I guess the writers realized that Neo’s sole purpose was offing Ruby because... Roman was in her vicinity when he died???
Okay, Curious fixating on Neo is one BILLION percent more interesting than anything jrwby has going on. Once again, fuck this main storyline bullshit and give Curious their own damn show
Also, nlg, the facct that Curious is Geometric rather than Organic in terms of design (squares vs spirals for the at home group) is super fucking cool and I desperately need an entire goddamn story abt them pronto. I would absolutely love to see how they interact with Remnant and if they’d be able to have their weird ass powers in the dimension of mortals. That is so much more interesting than literally anything our main crew has proposed in literally years, especially since these dumb mfs aint ever talked about whether or not its okay to kill a whole ass human being for their cause (and faunus are human beings. Fuck off if you think that some shtity tail or ears makes you not a whole ass person)
These mfs cannot let the bee train go for a single second can they? These bitches gotta be hit inot the sam efukcin wall while Weiss gets left all alone. Yknow. Like her family let her be for th emost part. Glad to see that RT’s priority is rainbow capitialism instead of genuine storytelling
Well that is a hentai trope I did not expert to see today. Though the fact that it’s Neo does not surprises me at fuckign all. Mmmm love me some fcking body possession. Great job Rt on making on your female characters be absolutely consumed by a foreign entity that surely isn’t a fucking metaphor for antyhign yknow the fucking facehuggers were’nt a metaphor for shit didnt yha know????
May I say to MKEK, absolutely fuck you for makign the cat an undeniable villain. Can you guys not handle even an iota of moral greyness? Can you not conceive of the idea of a situation that is not merely good vs evil? I ask you to look at the world today, and tell me that evil arises merely because it can rather than as a symptom of a society that refuses to care for all its citizens. Can you not idealize a person who, when pressed to their absolute brink, will take upon violence to ensure that the seeds they sow will bring sustenance to those who come later? For fuck’s sake I’ll take a person who idealizes themselves for morally grey reasons other than what the fuck ever these dipshits are trying to sell to me
Wow aint it so spectaculaar that Curious invaded the one person who wasn’t important to the writers plot adn now our heroes can now kill her without any iota of guilt? Aint that fucking nifty? Aint that fuckign grand? And not even a fucking thought extended to teh idea tha Crurius wanted to see the outside world. THat was their main reason for helping the siblings right? Because Alyx promised them that she would bring him to Remnant? But taht whole plotline is gone because it’s jsut TOO SPICY FOLKS. Can’t have anything interesting in our show about FAIRTYTALES whene we’re in a FAIRTYTALE LAND
Honestly, fuck you MKEK, fuck you RT, fuck you any god that ever alloweed existence to happen. THis is fucking bullshit
It was only through looking up the info on the internet that I learned that Roman Torchwick’s og VA died of colon cancer prior to this volume (2022). Mr Kametz, I hope you rest well and know that your expertise was greatly appreciated. May you know peace in the beyond
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