#but due to the choices they make suddenly their worlds are very different
starrylayle · 8 months
marauders v.s. slytherin skittles (ft. the valkyries + snape)
With the rise of the 'slytherin skittles' in the fandom (even tho half of them are in ravenclaw but whatevs) -- I've been trying to figure out why I don't like it, despite enjoying the dynamics presented. And I think I've finally figured out why.
It all goes back to the Sirius / Regulus dynamic. I feel like their relationship is depicted as angsty and such but I love it when they are estranged. Yes, they're brothers and they go to the same school, but they are worlds apart. And i like when their friend groups and dynamics reflect that. Regulus, who's stayed with his family and supports their causes (yes I know he gets redeemed eventually but boy used to worship voldy) -- has access to the high pure-blood society and its perks. But one thing he does not have, is the friendship his brother shares with his mates. Reg tells himself that he doesn't care, that he doesn't envy his brother and his friends, but it is one of the things being in this pureblood fascism cult can't offer -- true friendship. That's why, despite my issues with 'choices' by messermoon, I really like how they depicted the dynamic between Regulus and his friends -- like yes Reg had friends but not in the same way Sirius had. And it adds a layer to the loneliness Reg feels, which i feel is a core part of his character. He's surrounded by people that on the outside my appear as friends, but really he's just very lonely.
On another note, i hc both brothers as gay, and love the differences in how they would be presented. Sirius, after finally getting over his internalised homophobia, is free to love and make out with whomever he wants. While Reg, aware of this part of himself hates it, and denies himself this luxury, only getting off (with barty, mayhaps, who is in a similar position) every now and then. Maybe he also has a burning desire for James (if ur into jegulus) but he doesn't ever do anything abt it, coz he feels like he can't.
As for Dorcas Meadows, I picture her in the year above the marauders (so two years above Reg) and not really having any friends at all. Not because she can't make any, but because she simply doesn't want to (my characterisation of her is heavily inspired by rollercoasterwords' version of her in 'the hand that feeds'. She ofc grows close to marlene when they start dating but never really gets close to marlene's other friends. She may or may not have a begrudging relationship with Pandora tho (but only because she provides her weed ofc!!) .
In a way, I kind of like when the houses represent certain themes, like gryffindor v.s. slytherin, freedom v.s tradition, friends v.s. 'co-workers'. Yes i know the fandom likes to depict the houses as more of a personality based system -- which i'm sure that's why jkr intended -- but really i think the houses represent more of values and beliefs. (Which is also why i think the houses should have been destroyed, united or changed at the end of HP DH coz the status quo as it is, is not healthy, but i digress).
Oh and as for the valkyries -- have nothing against their friendship. Lily deserves to have her own set of friends besides James and snape. just think they wouldn't give themselves a name like the marauders did coz they think its cringe, but I can see it coming up and them immediately shutting it down out of embarrassment.
i think this an analysis of snape and his relationship with lily compared to the other slytherins would be interesting as well, and how the interactions and dynamics differ. And canonically, snape and regulus would make more sense than reg and dorcas so if anything snape should be a part of these 'slytherin skittles' lmaoo.
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kalki-tarot · 10 months
Your first Kiss with them 🎧🍷💕
Pick a picture, my beautiful souls ♡
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Pictures are taken from Pinterest.
This may not resonate with everyone. I'll use tarot and my own intuition so take what resonates and leave the rest. Don't force anything and this is just for entertainment purposes. This reading will be very specific </3
Do not steal/copy my work. Strict action(s) would be taken against you.
More pick a pile readings !
Pile 1
Death, the devil, 7 swords, 10 pentacles, the sun, ace of swords, 9 wands, 4 pentacles, queen of swords (bottom of deck)
Right off the bat, pile 1. I sense you fear intimacy or being close with anyone in general. Maybe due to past experiences? Someone maybe forced you in the past or took advantage of you. I'm really sorry if that happened to you. So, now you've developed a fear of getting so close or vulnerable with anyone.
Pile 2 also has messages for you.
Your first kiss will happen after you've let go of certain fears. You may hesitate at first, but of course, it'll happen with your consent. You may get flashes of the past but you'll stand strong and let them kiss you or vice versa. This kiss will mark a new beginning as it'll signify the fears finally leaving your soul & mind.
The kiss will feel soft and fresh, like a warm summer breeze. It'll make you both happy. You'll feel content and comfortable while it happens. You will feel as you're in your power, finally. The kiss will be smooth. It can happen during the day or under the sunlight. I'm even getting a beach for some of you. It'll be overall fantastic as per your choice.
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Pile 2
Death rx, page of cups, the star, 9 wands, 2 swords, six of cups, the world, 10 swords rx (bottom of deck)
This feels like a fantasy! The kiss will happen just like the way you imagine it lol. Statight outta your dreams. It'll be wet and sloppy, can use lots of tounge play(?) Idk guys I'm not experienced in these kinda things 💀😭 but It'll definitely give you butterflies in the stomach.
This will be memorable kiss, even after some years you'll still remember every bit of the detail and be nostalgic about it. This can happen outside or even at a place that's far away from your home. Like while traveling or something?
You may be combating an inevitable change while this happens. Like there's a message for you to change, change the way you've been doing things all the time. Change the way you think. Don't resist change.
Let's come back to the moment of yours, the kiss will be very romantic and emotional . A little bit playful also. I'm getting biting the lips and teasing a lot. This feels like a long kiss. This will take place at a place where there aren't many people around.
It will help you release negative thoughts and feelings you've been holding all this time. So good luck with that!
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Pile 3
10 cups, strength, 9 wands, the fool, 4 swords, 5 swords, page of pentacles, 2 of wands.
Cute! Your first kiss may take place in a garden or a forest where you went to travel or camp or smth. I feel like the kiss will be initiated by the feminine energy in the connection. The kiss will make you feel young and vibrant. Your heart will race a lot. It may happen on a risky place like in the public or where someone can watch or catch you.
But the feelings would be so intense and magical. You'll be drawn towards eachother like magnets. I see a height difference between you guys.
You may have a fight before this happens, and suddenly the overwhelming feelings take over and you guys kiss. You both will literally surrender yourselves to one another. Very intimate and passionate energy.
This moment will be shocking or unexpected but you'll definitely like it!
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lostwarllock · 2 months
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Incoherent screeching off in the distance—
below the cut is my rambling list of comparisons between sokeefe and merthur in an attempt to explain my otherworldly love for both ships to myself
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Sokeefe and merthur
Foster and Merlin:
—very powerful, have stronger abilities than those like them
—born into a destiny/role (that places an unbelievably heavy burden on their shoulders and impacts every choice they make) that correlates with their abilities
—do not/did not know their biological father
—have at least two father figures
—almost die on a daily basis
—sometimes choose to be selfish, when it comes to the one they care about, even though it may oppose their beliefs of their role
—struggle with authority figures
—tendency to suddenly run out of the room without explaining anything to anyone
—confide in their soulmate in an attempt to convince their soulmate to confide in them
—have a mentor that doesn’t really help, just presents impossible decisions that put their lives at risk but fulfill their role
—a best friend that kissed them
—in love with a blonde (lots of banter all around, but has many serious moments and conversations)
—would literally do ANYTHING for their blonde
—black cat energy
—no matter how much planning and precautions they take, or using their abilities, someone close to them manages to get hurt or die
—adopted by someone very protective, but who eventually understands that some dangers are necessary for their destiny
—at some point temporarily lost their powers
—basically immortal since they live indefinitely
—go into dangerous situations because “they have to” and it’s up to them to solve everything
—know how to keep a secret for over a decade
—the sibling of someone they are close to is evil
—fell in horse poop
—ridden a magical flying creature
—eyes that are recognizable
—in serious need of a good night’s sleep
—came from relatively poor places and moved to basically a castle
—had to leave their previous home due to their abilities
—has caused a few explosions
—known by a special name that corresponds to their powers and destiny
—left a mother back home
—generally a tired/serious/lighthearted personality but also have the incredible ability to be the sassiest being on earth and not care what an authority figure would think
—have a group of friends who try so hard to die with them/for them
—so so loving and loyal that it hurts them
—gold in their eyes
—dress pretty plain
—were treated as different/an outcast in their original home
—has committed all the felonies
—their best friend is treated poorly because of their status
—very good at escaping/sneaking around, but NOT at lying
—are the reason that a very rare magical creature could be born
—constantly worked to the bone
—have like a brown haired person but it ended up not working out
—traumatic things have happened by bodies of water
—get endlessly bullied/teased by their blonde soulmate
—never ending worry for the safety of their soulmate
—have the uncanny ability to reassure their blonde that they aren’t a horrible person through the power of their pep talks
—take any chance to disapprove of the blonde’s parent
—forehead touch their blonde soulmate after a earth-shattering moment that has been built up to for the whole series
—drink poison/something that could kill them with their blonde in the general vicinity
—started out pretty happy and young, to a point years later where they make more depressing, dangerous choices due to their rapidly decreasing amount of hope in the world
—is incredibly devastated that their blonde has to go through an inevitable, painful experience as part of their destiny, and does everything to stop it, but fails
—they wait for them to wake up
Keefe and Arthur:
—blonde (and beautiful blue eyes)
—has worn a crown on their head and sat in a throne because of their parent
—parent raises them to play a certain role, though continually states they are not ready for it, and they must learn to make the hard decisions in order to be truly prepared
—incredibly self-sacrificing and has to play the hero because somehow they think everything is their fault and it’s their responsibility to fix it, even if it was the fault of their parent
—under the false impression that they are needed to protect their soulmate who is actually doing all the protecting
—their parent went through some sort of treatment in order to have them
—their parent has murdered a few times at least
—grew up with very little love and affection from their tyrannical/oppressive parent, but it was to “make them strong” and prepare them for their role
—their father, specifically, has a cold, stony exterior but claims he loves them in a convoluted way no one could understand
—confide in their soulmate and show their true worries and fears that they would never tell anyone else
—their natural beauty makes everyone fall in love with them
—trained in order to defeat their enemies
—their father married someone akin to a troll
—had a sibling figure who turned out evil
—very emotionally aware/deep but only reveal it at certain times, so they cover it up with a confident, teasing appearance
—also almost die on a daily basis, usually in the company of their soulmate
—believes their soulmate is incredibly brave, maybe even the bravest person they’ve ever met
—will go against their parent because they know what it right
—think their soulmate is mysterious and hiding something
—show their affection for their soulmate through touch and meaningful looks
—their soulmate is very protective of them but they don’t think it’s necessary
—thought their parent was dead, but woohoo, they came back to haunt you (one literally, the other figuratively)
—they find so much joy in making the life of their soulmate miserable
—grew up with luxurious circumstances, very rich
—pretty unaware of the details of their destiny, but couldn’t care less
—tendency to make rash, reckless decisions but sometimes their soulmate talks them out of it
—loves the idea of running away
—is sunshine incarnate with an undertone of depression
—still cares about parent even though they are a horrible person (shows their undying loyalty and innocence)
—their uncanny empathy lets them know when their soulmate hasn’t smiled in the past three days, but they couldn’t notice that someone close to them was working for the enemy for a LONG time
—been drugged by/because of parent
—always knows when something is wrong with the soulmate and tries to comfort them, even when they don’t know the whole story
—always the first to defend their soulmate from accusations or talk them out of a situation
—have a blonde mother who they never truly knew
—can sometimes be so stupid, but other times they’re the smartest person in the room
—tease their soulmate about liking other people, even when that person is definitely not anyone to worry about
—no issue challenging their father
—whenever they try to sneak away or do something on their own, their soulmate is already there
—would actually die for their soulmate infinite times over, even if it’s not explicitly stated, and always attempt to take the blow for them
—their soulmate stayed with them all the while they were going through their inevitable, painful destiny that forever changed them
—got stabbed/slashed in the gut
—been betrayed by someone they thought they could trust (over and over)
—very open-minded (relative to those around them) and most would disagree with their beliefs that you should be with the one you love and not someone based on stupid rules set by tradition and authority
—has been carried by their soulmate because they were hurt
—comment on how their soulmate is worried all the time
—the last thing they see as they succumb to their destiny is their soulmate holding them in a sense as they say “stay with me”
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satoru-is-the-way · 2 years
Avatar! Rick Quaritch x Na'vi Reader 
"Given Enough "
Series Master list
Tag list: @anyzandy   @kneelingforvillains @dioriez @mylovelyreblogs @dinobae-replyacc @the-wanderer-2022 @zootsutra @voodoogoul
Let me know if you want to be on the tag list.
Chapter 1 - The Invader
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Colonel Rick Quaritch shamefully tucked his tail and flew off. His mission to kill Jake Sully failed drastically. Now it's just him flying out into the wilderness of Pandora. His body is weak and needs to rest. Rick landed on a nearby plot of floating land,' Ayram alusìng' as Na'vi called them. However, this was not the Hallelujah Mountains. Quaritch had no clue where exactly he was. He grunts, removing his Queue from the Ikran. He slides off the mountain banshee’s back boots landing on the ground beneath him. The Colonel glanced around for any natives lurking in the trees or behind the bushes around him. The cost seemed clear enough to let his guard down. Little did he know a female Na'vi had been monitoring him long before he entered her tribe's domain. 
(Y/n) (L/n), the clan leader's firstborn. Her people were known as the Kamimaljuyú. The air tribe. They lived in the Ayram alsuìng and built their home there. Humans learned very little about their kind. Due to the terrain, it served as a natural shield against the sky people. Their technology did not last beyond a few miles before rendering them completely useless. The Kamimaljuyú made minimal contact with Sky people and preferred to keep it as such.
(E/c) orbs gradually examined the Avatar before her. She caught subtle differences between her people and the lab-grown organism. Their Avatar features included:  eyebrows, a pronounced nose, a stout physique, one extra finger, and a toe. Their entire race intrigued (Y/n). How did it make sense to leave their dying world only to bring their problems here? Humans would not change their way of life. Not even to save their race. They rather force their ways on others while avoiding the real problem. She could not allow him to stay here much longer. (Y/n) feared Quaritch might bring others. The Kamimaljuyú knew about the sky people’s return but had no involvement in such a meaningless slaughter. They were after the mighty Jake Sully, not her people.
Her chest rose and fell, soaking in the air around her. With a graceful hand, she retrieved an arrow from her quiver. (Y/n) placed the string between the nock before pulling back. Her accuracy could rival any hunter in their village because she never missed. Everything around her accounted for; the distance, position, and wind speed. She let go firing her poisoned lace weapon. Suddenly a gust of wind hit the trajectory changed. Her eyes widen as the arrow lands right at the Colonel’s boots. She then felt a strong presence, Eywa. Maybe the path for this Avatar is not death. The great mother is never wrong. 
Quaritch leaped up glancing in the direction the arrow came from. “Come on out. I might go easy on you.” He growled despite not being in the physical condition to fight. (Y/n) rolled her eyes before slowly emerging from the nearby bush. Her arrow is out as a precaution. 
“You look ready to collapse at any moment now, demon.” Her ears go back hissing as a warning. “I take it you couldn't handle the Na'vi as you thought? You may have an Avatar body but your skills and technology are no match for our spirit." 
Quaritch looked over the native female. He could not deny she was beautiful. The Colonel normally had no attraction to women of their race but. Her eyes, face, lips, and hair all came together perfectly. "You-you." He stutters before collapsing. The last thing he saw is (Y/n) rushing over to his body before everything went black. 
Quaritch had no idea how long he was out. He woke up surrounded by thousands of Navi. He hissed looking frantically for a way you. However, he is bound and helpless. What choice did he have? Why did she not kill him? What did they want? He instantly could tell the leaders apart from the other Navi. ‘Oh, shit’ He thought realizing the pretty native woman is not just anyone. It was their daughter. How lucky could he get? It brought flashbacks of Jake Sully meeting Neytiri. Perhaps he could use this to his advantage. If Jake became one of them perhaps he could? Seduce the princess into falling in love. Oldest trick in the book. A mission he would be willing to extend if that meant killing the whole Sully family while Jake watched.
“Why have you come back to Pandora after Toruk Makto sent you flying back?”
“We come back in peace. Not all of us agree with what happened to the people all those years ago. Earth wants to make admins.” He looked down with sorrow as the lies spilled off his tongue. “I had gotten caught in a nasty fight with the water tribe. I tried to explain but they did not want to listen.” Quaritch looked up directly into (Y/n)’s eyes. 
“How can I trust the sky people? The last time ended in bloodshed for both sides.”
“I will do anything.” 
“Father…” He glanced at his daughter. Originally Cualli held great anger when (Y/n) returned from her hunt with this demon tied to her Ikran. That anger changed as (Y/n) told him Eywa gave her a sign not to kill the Avatar. “Yuum, leti' impidió ti' le flecha perforara u puksi'ik'al. In wojel ba'ax Eywa Ma'atech u equivoca.Yaan jump'éel plan ti'. In wojel jach jaaj.” (Father, she stopped the arrow from piercing his heart. I know Eywa is never wrong. She has a plan for him. I know it to be true). Quaritch listens closely not understanding this language. He knew about the Kamimaljuyú. They were one of the largest tribes on Pandora and preferred to stay isolated from the other Navi. It was mentioned in books their numbers are greater than the stars in the sky.
The people chatted amongst themselves. They had a right to be scared for the sky people. Other clans had not been so lucky with the alien invaders. Eywa had blessed them all this time. Now his daughter has brought the invader right into their home. His wife, Inez, placed a hand on the wounded Avatar's chest closing her eyes. The Navi went silent waiting for her judgment. “We have avoided war for over 30 years. We kept the sky people at a distance. Eywa has blessed us with protection. Now the great mother has given my daughter a sign. This Avatar has great spirits around him. Evil and good alike battling over his heart. Eywa now brings him here for reasons we do not know. In time she will guide us to find his path, his destiny.” Her voice traveled loud and certain of her communication with Eywa. (Y/n) sighed in relief he would not be harmed as of now. Cualli stepped up raising his staff. The crowd bowed down waiting for his final verdict. With a gesture (Y/n) walked to her father kneeling down.
“My daughter has been spoken to by Eywa. Told to spare his life for now. As we wait for his purpose my daughter will take on the responsibility of tending to his invader. He could be a threat or an ally. We have yet to learn his heart. Eywa sets everyone on two paths. It is his choice of which path to take. Rise, my daughter.” He spoke. (Y/n) rose to her feet ears back. She is left in charge of this man? “You are going to show him our ways. Teach him right and wrong. Then I will pass judgment on him. If he passes the test he will be welcomed as one of us. If not you will kill him yourself. Do you both accept?” 
Quaritch held back his smirk,” I accept.”
(Y/n) sighed deeply,”Je'el in wóotik” (I accept.)
“Then go your time starts now,” Cualli announced
“ Ma' in falles waal.” (Do not fail me, daughter.) Inez whispered already knowing this will not work and (Y/n) will once more disgrace their family. (Y/n) nods looking at Quaritch.
“Follow me.” She instructed as the villagers went back to their daily tasks. She huffed once arriving at the edge of their first village. “You will have to wear our clothes, eat our food, and learn our language.” (Y/n) growled.
“I am not going to run around in one of those thongs or whatever you call them” He adds. Without warning (Y/n) pulls her knife out cutting his shirt. “You will change for this role. You will have to make accommodations or else my father will kill you.” She looked over him. “No boots, no guns, no shirt, but your pants can be cut short enough to still allow for mobility. We are air people there is still forest on our land. So we know how to climb the trees, and swing on the vines, and you will also need to learn our language.” 
Quaritch sighed taking his cut shirt off. He kicked his muddy boots off and growled cutting his pants mid-thigh length. He did not like this one bit.  “Is that better for you Princess?”
“Don’t call me that!” She hissed tail slapping him. “You are going to fail…Eywa sees something in you and I do not know why. It’s getting late supper will be soon then I will show you where you will rest.”
“With you, I hope.” He smirks moving closer to (Y/n). She growled and turned away with a sway in her walk. The Colonel knew this is going to be fun. 
Chapter 2
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Hot take but I think what we saw in chapter 13 was necessary.
I don't think a lot of people realize how important it is for Araki to portray what he did, even if it extremely difficult to take in. Let me explain.
Araki has discussed about topics like racial and class disparity through both Steel Ball Run and Jojolion, but JOJOLands is different because the discussions are now very direct. We had Chapter 1 open up with police brutality and Chapter 13 open with intense bullying; both acts were committed by people of higher social standing/power and seemingly White (or white passing) and both are harming a dark-skinned queer individual. Not only that, remember that Hawai'i is an island stolen and colonized by the US and many indigenous individuals who were supposed to live and maintain kapu are being forced to endure housing problems, loss of culture, etc. due to gentrification and exploitation of its lands. 2020 was when we saw global protest towards the deaths of George Floyd and Breonna Taylor due to police brutality, which has spread as far as Japan in terms of demonstrations and rallies. Araki has made it clear that he tries to take real world experience into his writing, and this is no different. He is also no stranger to portraying law enforcement throughout his parts without glorifying or downplaying their behavior.
As a mutual of mine (who themselves identify as a black GNC individual based in US) has put it, those who identify or even appear as Black while identifying as trans-femme or women are subjected to some of the worse kinds of oppression possible in America. Queer women of Color are one of the most susceptible to sexual violence-- especially when they are young, and the darkness of their skin really plays into it. This is transmisogynoir; it is a hard pill to swallow and acknowledge, even if it feels excessive, and its a multilayer of oppression that connects a person's racial identity, gender, and sexuality as targets of discrimination. It's the fact that one is POC, a woman, AND queer that makes one a target--- not just one or the other. You can’t turn a blind eye to this because it happen constantly throughout America's history and American society even today, but you can't simply water it down or downplay it. In fact, many victims of transmisogynoir have no choice but to downplay their experiences because of their Black identities or because they appear too dark to be taken seriously; when they, especially if they are Black, try to hold people in power accountable, these individuals are suddenly labeled aggressive, indignant, etc. and they are further discriminated for attempting to speak up. Dragona downplaying the bullying isn't them just trying to avoid further conflict but a reflection of how many who were in similar situations like Dragona are forced to simply forgive and forget the trauma they have to endure. To downplay it ourselves is reinforcing the narrative that individuals like Dragona in real life should remain silent and endure their harassment rather than rightfully protect themselves and others from it.
Another thing to add is that the way Japan portrays and treats the LGBTQ community, particularly the trans community. In Japan, the process to legally change your gender is complicated and requires a lot of steps that include, but not limited to, being diagnosed with gender identity disorder, proving you have no kids/guardianships, and sterilization. This causes a lot of individuals to be forced to quickly transition as a means of getting their gender recognized, which takes away the time to let them explore at their own pace, and this is due to how the process can lead to hindering career and life opportunities that wouldn't be hindered had they already transitioned or stayed closeted. Many Japanese trans individuals unable to go through the process quickly either remain closeted or move away from Japan to transition at their own pace. So, as a result, the trans community and its struggles is not as noticed compared to outside of Japan. Another thing to add is that the trans community in Japanese media is often portrayed as comedic relief or a gag. Oftentimes, the trans character or character who diverts from gender conformity (i.e cross-dressing, acting more flamboyant) is the butt of the jokes. Some thing to note is that, when Dragona was first introduced, a lot of people thought that Araki put Dragona in simply for comedic purposes. I had people joke about how Dragona is just there because they believed Araki is trolling. Not only that, the racial issues that Japan has often results in jokes towards non-Japanese individuals in media, especially if they are of darker skin color.
So, Araki putting Dragona in these difficult situations is also meant to subvert expectations that his Japanese, and possibly Western, audience may be expecting. The expectation was to laugh and toss Dragona aside as a single-dimensional character, but Araki instead forced us to face the trauma through Dragona's experience head-on. We are made aware of Dragona's situation, how real and difficult the struggle is, and we end up emphasizing with it rather than laughing at it. Through this, we get a glimpse into real life experiences of trans POCs without it being downplayed and have it show how Dragona is a fleshed-out character with importance to the series. As some have put it, this chapter proved that Dragona isn't just a side character but arguably a complex individual on the same level of importance as Jodio. I don't think it would have been easy to have the same impact if another approach was taken.
While talking to others who identify as trans and/or GNC about their thoughts on the chapter, I was told by many of them that, while Dragona's experience hits close to home and was hard to digest, they appreciate seeing it being expressed and hope it will help other people understand their struggles. One noted how the introduction of Smooth Operators with the backstory as empowering, seeing the Stand as a symbol of surviving the trauma that comes with trans discrimination. I do find this a bit telling with how many people online who are against Araki's portrayal barely mention what trans/GNC people have said about it.
My main concern, as well as what I see people have rightfully critiqued, is the excessive trauma reinforcing the fetishization and violent voyeurism towards trans individuals; it also reinforces the problematic narrative that dysmorphia can only happen as a result of trauma and the trans experience can only be full of pain. There's also the issue that Dragona's experience also happened while they were under age and their harassment is similar to that of Lucy. It's a common trope in Western media to put marginalized people into these situations while upping the ante simply for clicks and pleasure, and even worse when the character portrayed is a minor. As I reiterate, it is a very uncomfortable chapter to read and I don't find it enjoyable at the slightest. Just because I understand why it is necessary doesn't mean I condone the approach done. I also understand Araki as a Japanese man can only relate and portray a queer American's experience to an extent. But, at the same time, the exposure was necessary because it gives us the awareness and a voice to trans people that is lacking within media even today. We need to be aware and acknowledge what our BIPOC trans community goes through as a means of being better humans--- and especially our younger community members. We need to make our society safer for them so they can thrive and have the respect they deserve. Oftentimes, that starts with how they are portrayed and how their experiences are portrayed. While it is still a journey and not every representation will be perfect, we can't simply toss it aside and bash those who try to show something realistic just because it is uncomfortable.
I only hope that Araki wrote Dragona and these scenes as a result of doing extensive research and reaching out to actual POC queer individuals, particularly transfemmes/women, to understand their experiences and have their blessings to use their words to shape Dragona. I feel like that would show that Araki was serious about discussing these issues through his characters rather than simply using Dragona's traumatic experience it for entertainment. I have higher expectations for Araki now, knowing that it may not be the last time he shows a character experience harassment and possibly have Dragona be harassed again, so I will keep my eyes open for this.
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Shinrei Tantei Yakumo Another Files - The Dead’s Wish - file 03
Shinrei Tantei Yakumo novel translation
Another Files - The Dead’s Wish
( file 01 | file 02 ) file 03 - the spirit's wish
- 1
- With full concentration, Sakamoto Eiji stared intently at his editing work across the computer screen.
He was in the movie circle’s room at the clubroom building. It had been a tradition of the movie circle Eiji was in to showcase the film they made in the campus festival.
This time, Eiji as a fourth year student had been appointed as the director and was producing a horror film. The story told of a group of men and women—four people in total—who had gone to an abandoned hospital for a test of courage and had accidentally encountered something not of this world. It had been filmed through a camera held by one of the cast members to give the composition a documentary feel.
Although some had mockingly pointed out that similar works had existed before, Eiji didn’t think that was the case. This was his own original work. He too acknowledged that there had been films with a similar format. However, Eiji hadn’t come up with his idea from watching those. Hence, those people had no reason to mock or complain about it. Besides, Eiji felt very confident about his work this time.
He hadn’t secured a job and would likely end up unemployed once he graduated from the university. His friends would have been panicking in such a situation, but Eiji was different. He was confident that his work would win if showcased at the student film festival. If that were the case, surely film companies wouldn’t turn their backs on Eiji. He would be entrusted to direct a major film and his name would rise to fame.
Afterwards, it wouldn’t be so bad if he were to get caught in a romantic encounter with a popular actress. As Eiji was smiling to himself, his junior, Daichi, who was assisting his editing said, “Feels like something strange got caught on camera just now.”
Daichi was a third year student, but he hadn’t joined the movie circle right as he entered the university. He had only become a member roughly half a year prior. Apparently he had been aiming for film-related jobs, so he wanted to obtain some kind of award or achievement in the movie circle.
No new students had joined the circle this year, so Daichi became the target of being ordered around. “What something?” Eiji asked back as he glanced behind at Daichi.
“I think I saw some kind of noise...” “It’s just your imagination.”
A mere dogsbody like you shouldn’t talk so much, Eiji swore in silence before resuming his editing. The monitor flashed a scene of four people—the men and women as they arrived at the hospital—walking as they gleefully conversed with one another. 
Even so, only three people had been captured by the camera. The other person had been holding the camera to record his friends. A warm scene unfitting for a horror film, but this would only add to the richness of the film.
It would help intensify the terrors that they were about to experience. Ssshhh.
Noise suddenly appeared on the monitor. Eiji rewound the video slightly to examine the scene once again.
A noise was indeed present. “What is this?”
Clicking his tongue, Eiji momentarily paused the video. The footage was now unusable because of this noise. He had no choice but to do a retake. But if he were to do that now, the film wouldn’t make it in time for the campus festival.
“So there was noise after all,” said Daichi arrogantly. “You weren’t talking about this scene earlier, though?”
“Well, that’s true...” ”Geez.”
Eiji grew annoyed, but a brilliant idea suddenly appeared in his mind. He didn’t have to retake the scene. Simply treat this noise as intentional. Pretend that the camera hadn’t functioned properly due to a spiritual presence.
“This isn’t so bad,” said Eiji. Daichi tilted his head dumbfoundedly. “What isn’t?”
“So, it’s as if we purposely added the noise to add to the film’s atmosphere,” Eiji explained. The presence of the noise would make the film more real, adding to its terrifying feel. He could add more noise into other scenes as well.
Who would’ve thought he could come up with something like this. He really was a genius after all. Yet after hearing his explanation, Daichi still didn’t fully understand and his dumbfounded look remained.
That was just the person he was. After all, he had joined the circle solely to get achievements. He couldn’t see the potential like Eiji could. If people like him grew in numbers, perhaps the term Yutori Seidai[1] would be used more commonly.
Eiji gave up elaborating any further and went back to editing. However, as he watched the subsequent footage, Eiji couldn’t believe his eyes.
His monitor became pitch black, before repeatedly playing a scene he didn’t remember shooting. It wasn’t shot at a hospital either, but instead showed a railway crossing that seemed to be one near the campus.
“W-what is this…?” said Eiji unknowingly. “I wonder what...” asked Daichi, tilting his head.
“I don’t recall shooting any footage like this. What’s the scene after this?” urged Eiji. “E-even if you ask me, I don’t know,” said Daichi fearfully.
Had someone shot this footage and overwritten his own? What a horrible joke. All his hard work had turned to dust. “Hey, do something!” Eiji yelled, when the lights suddenly went out.
“What? What happened?” Even the computer monitor was shut off. Perhaps the fuse had gone out.
“Daichi, go check it out.” What awful timing at a crucial time like this. How incredibly annoying.
“Y-yes,” answered Daichi before tripping on something with an ‘ouch’ as he walked away. Amidst the darkness, the phone on the table began to vibrate from an incoming call.
The screen displayed ‘restricted’. Although suspicious, Eiji answered the call.
“Hello?” Clanging sounds could be heard from the other side of the call, together with the alarm sound signifying a train crossing.
“Hello? Who is this?” called Eiji. Suddenly, the sounds of the train crossing stopped.
<H…help me…> The terrifying voice that came out of nowhere made Eiji reflexively throw his phone away.
It had been a woman’s whimper. Eiji held his breath and looked at his phone that had fallen on the floor. He had no intention in the slightest to pick it up.
He hoped the lights would come back soon, but there was no sign of that happening. As time passed, his anxiety grew ever increasingly, and his heart wouldn’t calm down.
Eiji put all his concentration into his trembling throat and yelled, “Oi! Daichi! How is it?” Yet there was no answer.
What is he doing? Eiji converted his fear into anger towards Daichi to hold himself together.
But—the next second, something touched his nape. Something cold.
I mustn’t look—he should’ve thought, but for some reason, Eiji turned his head as if drawn by something. An eerily pale hand with prominent, dark veins.
It was that of a woman. The hand curled around his neck.
“Stop! S-stop it!” Eiji screamed through tears. The hand violently strangled his neck with no mercy. Until Eiji finally couldn’t let out a sound anymore.
His vision blurred— Between his wavering consciousness, Eiji could hear the voice of a woman.
Help me. -
2 -
“A cursed video?” said Haruka in surprise. She thought it was some kind of joke as the choice of words made it sound like the title of a horror film. However, Fujimoto Asami, who sat across from her, didn’t look like she was joking.
Her widened eyes signified the terrified look on her face. Haruka was swallowed by the intensity of it, the chatter of the bustling cafeteria as lunch hour approached felt like they were drifting away.
“That’s right. It has to be a cursed video,” said Asami again, gritting her teeth. Asami, a student from the same seminar as Haruka, had reached out to her to discuss something.
As the campus festival drew near, Haruka had thought it was probably to discuss romance or the like, so she had casually agreed. Yet, the words that had come out of Asami’s mouth had been entirely unexpected to her.
“I’m saying, it has to be a cursed video. Right?” said Asami, turning to the female student sitting beside her. It was Haruka’s first time meeting her. She was Asami’s friend, Natsuki. Since earlier, Natsuki had kept looking down and had a gloomy aura completely opposite of Asami.
In confusion, Natsuki responded, “Y-yes. I think so as well.” The two seemed convinced, but Haruka still didn’t understand.
“What do you mean by that?” asked Haruka. “This—”
Asami took out a transparent plastic box from her bag. Inside was some kind of DVD or Blu-ray disc. “What’s this?”
“I'm telling you, this is the cursed video,” said Asami, annoyed. “Ah, I see,” replied Haruka vaguely.
“What’s with that anticlimactic reaction?” said Asami with an exasperated tone, but it couldn’t be helped that Haruka reacted that way. She couldn’t immediately believe the existence of a cursed video, and besides, she didn’t understand what Asami was trying to get across.
Even so, Asami was normally a composed person. To become impatient and irritable like this, something serious had to have happened. “Could you please explain what’s actually going on?” Haruka asked Asami in a pleading tone.
Asami seemed to have realised that she had jumped into things. She then drew a long breath and said, “Actually, there’s an upperclassman in my circle called Sakamoto-san…” “What circle are you in?”
“The movie circle.” “Eh?” blurted Haruka in surprise.
“Do you really have to be that surprised?” asked Asami, and Haruka hurriedly shook her head. Haruka had misunderstood for a second. Asami was a member of the movie circle. While Yakumo was a member of the Movie Research Circle.
The university was filled with circles and associations that shared similar names. She had heard before that there were even five different snowboarding circles. “Sorry. So, what does the movie circle do?”
“We produce films.” “I see.”
If their activities were producing films instead of watching and critiquing them, then their circle was vastly different from the Movie Research Circle where Yakumo was. Well, Haruka wasn’t certain whether Yakumo even watched films, let alone critiqued them. “Then, recently we’ve been shooting a film to be showcased at the campus festival.”
“Amazing. Is Asami directing?” “No. The director is the upperclassman I mentioned earlier, Sakamoto-san. I merely helped with the audio recording and made some appearances in the film.”
“You’re in the film!?” “There’s no need to talk about that,” Asami immediately responded, sounding irritated.
Indeed, Haruka was getting sidetracked. “Apologies, please continue.” “Anyway, when we examined the footage we shot, something strange was captured on camera.”
“Something strange?” “Yes. I can’t put it into words very well, but it was really terrifying...”
“Terrifying?” “From what I heard, Sakamoto-san first saw it while editing. Afterwards, the lights suddenly went out and a female ghost appeared...”
Listening to the story thus far, Haruka finally understood what Asami wanted to discuss. For some reason, rumours had gone around that Haruka was knowledgeable about the supernatural.
Thanks to that, people had often approached her to consult about anything spiritual. Asami had to be one of them as well. It was true that Haruka had experienced a number of spiritual phenomena and had been a witness to the closure of those incidents. However, that was about as far as her involvement had gone.
The true person behind the closure of said cases was Saitou Yakumo. She had tried to clarify many times, but in the end they would always say, “In that case, Haruka, please ask for that person’s help.”
She could simply refuse them, but Haruka was weak to being pleaded to and it had become a bad habit of hers. In the end, she’d easily make promises to them. “Sakamoto-san became terrified and stopped coming to the circle ever since. Other members had mixed reactions, but the other day we decided to actually watch this DVD—” Asami continued her story with no regard for Haruka’s feelings.
“Uh-huh.” “Then—strange images that were never recorded appeared. That wouldn’t be a problem by itself, but the lights suddenly went out and everything became pitch black…and afterwards...” said Asami, giving a pause.
While it was mere seconds in reality, Haruka felt like it lasted for eternity. “In the room, a female ghost...” said Asami, covering her face with both hands.
She must be recalling that very scene. In that position, what sounded like sobs could be heard from Asami. The weather wasn’t cold, yet her body was shivering slightly.
It must’ve been a terrifying experience for her. “Are you alright?” consoled Haruka, placing a hand on Asami’s shoulder.
“This has to be a cursed video. I’m begging…please help me...” Asami lowered her hands and gazed towards Haruka.
Her eyes were wet from the tears that welled out of fear. Haruka turned to look at Natsuki. She looked terrified as well.
Yakumo wouldn’t be pleased, but Haruka wouldn’t be so cruel as to abandon them, having been met with such expressions. -
3 -
“Yakumo-kun, this is terrible, terrible—” Haruka roughly opened the door to the Movie Research Circle clubroom.
“What are you, Hachibee?” said Yakumo. He sat on his usual spot with a displeased look and stared at Haruka with languid eyes, as if freshly awakened. “Hachibee?” Haruka asked in return.
Yakumo ran a hand through his tangled hair and let out a long sigh. “The character that appeared in the period drama Mitokoumon. One that made a ruckus saying ‘terrible, terrible’ whilst bringing about trouble.” “Aah.”
Having mentioned that, such a character probably did exist. “You bring nothing but trouble and are good for nothing; truly just like Hachibee.”
“Ugh,” Haruka groaned. Though annoyed, it was true that she was good for nothing, so she couldn’t deny that fact.
“Stop getting into unnecessary trouble, quickly get rid of it,” said Yakumo, swaying his hand as if shooing her away. “Even if you say that…”
Lethargically, Haruka sat on the chair in front of Yakumo. She couldn't simply ignore Asami and her friend just like that.
“Besides, you’re getting in too much trouble recently.” “It’s not like I enjoy getting myself involved in trouble.”
“I don’t think that was the case.” “Eh?”
“This is the third time this week, you know. Impossible for this much trouble to come on its own if it wasn’t for you gathering them.” Yakumo lifted three of his fingers and aimed it at Haruka.
It was true that Haruka had brought in quite the amount of trouble recently. If Yakumo were to run a business as a detective specialising in spiritual cases, then she would have become a reliable assistant bringing in new cases. Unfortunately, Yakumo was merely a university student.
His displeasure over being brought two, three cases a week was perfectly understandable. Haruka understood that, but it was in her character not to sit still and ignore others in struggle.
“At least listen to the story first, can’t you?” Haruka observed Yakumo’s face.
Yakumo withdrew his body backwards as if evading her and clicked his tongue. While a little forceful, Haruka took that as an agreement and began explaining.
“There’s a cursed video—” said Haruka. Yakumo instantly shook his head from disbelief. “Are you stupid?”
“Why am I suddenly getting called stupid?” “This isn’t a horror movie, do you really think something as suspicious as a cursed video truly existed?”
Yakumo’s reaction couldn’t be helped. Haruka didn’t believe it at first either. But— “This is true. Watching this video would make a ghost appear. My friend became terrified at the thought that something might happen after...” Haruka placed the encased DVD lent by Asami on the table.
After glaring at the aforementioned DVD as if spotting a cockroach, Yakumo threw a condescending look at Haruka. “Have you watched the contents of this DVD?”
“Not yet,” Haruka shook her head. She came here right after hearing Asami’s story, so there was no way she had already watched it.
“So it isn’t confirmed whether a ghost would truly appear upon watching this.” “That is true…”
“If you haven’t confirmed it, then you shouldn’t have been able to conclude its certainty.” “Well, I guess so...”
“Even if the ghost were to appear as we watched it, we don’t know what kind of curse it is.” “What do you mean?” Haruka tilted her head.
“You don’t even know such a thing?” “Yeah.”
“Turns out the word stupid isn’t even enough to describe you,” Propping his chin with one hand, Yakumo threw a condescending gaze at Haruka. Even being looked at in such a manner wouldn’t make her understand what she did not.
“What are you trying to say?” “Has anyone who saw the ghost met with any danger?”
“That…” Apparently the upperclassman named Sakamoto had stopped coming to the circle, but that was all. She hadn’t heard of anything else.
“Nothing happened, yet they believed this video was cursed? Don’t you think they were rushing to that conclusion?” Yakumo was right.
The ghost had merely appeared and nothing else had happened. “But, if we waited for something to actually happen, wouldn’t it be too late?”
Putting off handling certain issues may only cause the situation to become more serious. Such an example would be stalker murder cases that happened as of late.
Haruka often heard of devastating cases in which the victim had already made a report to the police, yet the police had taken no action, getting the victim killed in the end. As Haruka made that argument, Yakumo’s expression grew visibly displeased.
“You’re trying to say this ghost might curse someone to death, is that it?” said Yakumo, his tone full of hostility. “Perhaps something like that will happen.”
“All this time, what have you seen?” asked Yakumo, clicking his tongue. “What do you mean?”
“Ghosts cursing humans to death? It’s impossible,” Yakumo firmly denied. That was true.
Panic had made Haruka forget an important point. Although currently concealed with a black contact lens, Yakumo’s left eye was actually a bright shade of red.
It wasn’t just red in colour, the eye allowed him to see the spirits of the dead—in other words, ghosts. Yakumo had solved a myriad of spiritual cases by putting that ability into use. Yakumo, who had always been able to see ghosts, defined them as clusters of feelings of people who had passed, according to his own experience.
Because of that, he didn’t think ghosts were capable of exerting physical influence. Ghosts cursing humans to their deaths was something that could never possibly happen.
Even though Haruka had witnessed that fact firsthand, she had gotten shaken from having seen Asami so deeply frightened. “So this isn’t a cursed video?”
“It would be right to think that way.” Yakumo folded his arms and nodded firmly.
He must’ve been trying to say not to overreact just because a ghost had appeared. Coming from Yakumo’s perspective who had always been able to see ghosts, it wasn’t hard to see why he would think so. “But…in that case, what should be done?”
Judging from Asami’s terrified state, she probably wouldn’t be convinced even if Haruka tried to explain. “That isn’t my problem,” said Yakumo without a care.
Against such indifference, Haruka had nothing to reply. She wasn’t confident about it, but there seemed to be no other option than to explain things to Asami. -
4 -
Having been kicked from Yakumo’s room, Haruka tried to contact Asami. However, only the dialling tone could be heard; no one was picking up, nor was there any reply from the answering machine.
She had no choice but to leave a message with the subject of wanting to discuss the spiritual phenomenon. After sending the message, a thought came to her mind.
She might not be Yakumo, but she wouldn’t be able to explain things to Asami without knowing the contents of this DVD. Haruka decided to pay a visit to the campus library.
In the library there were booths with DVD players in them. She planned to watch it there. Haruka could’ve just watched it at home, but Asami might get in touch with her, so it would be better for her to stay around the campus area. Furthermore, while Yakumo had said there wasn’t any curse, she still didn’t want to watch it alone in an enclosed room.
There had to be other people in the library, so she didn’t need to be scared. Luckily, a booth in the corner was unoccupied.
Haruka sat on the chair within the booth. The monitor was a mere seventeen inches, but that shouldn’t be a problem as she just wanted to check the contents. Haruka plugged the earphones into her ears and placed the DVD on the tray before pressing the play button.
The first image displayed was of the students preparing for their shoot in the vicinity of an abandoned building. A man who appeared to be the director spewed out instructions one after another with an arrogant tone. This person had to be the movie circle’s upperclassman, Sakamoto.
Haruka spotted Asami’s figure in the middle of reading the script. Moments later, the scene changed.
This one captured a man and two women, one Asami and the other Natsuki. “Ready, action!” said a man’s voice who was probably Sakamoto’s.
Along with that, Asami, Natsuki, and the man began to walk whilst conversing. The hand holding the camera followed after them. The image was shaky and difficult to watch, to the point that it made Haruka feel nauseous.
“W-what on earth?!” shouted Asami in surprise as she pointed at the stained walls of the hospital. Her acting couldn’t remotely be considered good, even if to put it nicely.
“What? What is it?!” The man holding the camera responded, and ran towards the spot Asami had pointed to zoom in closer. A cursed straw doll laid there, its body punctured with a long nail.
The group screamed in unison. Haruka was merely watching the footage, yet her head hurt for some reason.
Apparently the concept of the story had been that one of the four people happened to be filming with a camera on his hand. However, their acting had been way too obvious, rendering it unentertaining to watch. On top of that, the zoom in had been too intentional and over exaggerated that Haruka ended up laughing.
Perhaps the footage had been shaken on purpose to make it feel more realistic. Even so, the shaking had been over the top as if shot whilst riding a jet coaster, that any viewer would be nauseous. Haruka was relieved at the fact that she was watching with a small monitor. If it had been a large one, she might not be able to stand watching it.
More importantly, she felt like she had watched a similar film before. A horror film with a documentary style just like this one had gained popularity a while back, and it was as if this film was trying to copy it.
Haruka wanted to click the pause button, but she shook her head and reconsidered. She wasn’t watching to enjoy the film’s content. Rather, she did so to confirm the spiritual phenomenon.
Afterwards, Haruka regained her focus and a few scenes continued with a similar pattern. As she began to think the film was going to end just like that, noise suddenly appeared on the monitor.
Straightening her back, Haruka intently watched the monitor. The noise gradually spread larger, until the monitor eventually hissed like a sandstorm.
Moments as she thought the display would remain in that state, the noise vanished. A railway crossing appeared on the monitor.
Clang, clang— Sounds of the railway crossing echoed through.
The flashing red light warning the incoming train stirred up her anxiety. The railway crossing scene continued for some time before the monitor suddenly went black.
Haruka thought the film was over, but that wasn’t it. The blackness slowly thinned out over time.
Not long after, something emerged amidst the darkness. A human figure.
It seemed to be a woman dressed in white. The woman laid in a place that looked like a coffin.
She had a youthful appearance. Her eyes were closed, unmoving. While she had a thin layer of makeup on, one could tell she was extremely pale underneath.
Is she dead? As Haruka questioned that fact, the scene changed once more.
This time it depicted a street. People came and went throughout the nighttime crowd. What is this?
The scene switched yet again, now displaying the same railway crossing as earlier. Clang, clang—sounded the alarm.
Alongside the flashing warning light, a woman’s face appeared on and off across the entire monitor. The monitor returned to black.
Is it over? Haruka thought before a voice could be heard. “Help me...”
At the sound of a woman’s hoarse voice, something cold ran through Haruka’s back.  “Hyaa!” yelped Haruka as she stood up. The earphones on her ears slipped out and fell.
Her heartbeat went through the roof. Sweat dribbled on her forehead, and she struggled to breathe.
Haruka understood then. It wasn’t surprising that Asami had declared this to be a cursed video upon watching, as it was indeed that terrifying. Even so—
No ghost had appeared as Asami had claimed. Maybe they had been mistaken after all?
As Haruka was about to take the DVD out of the tray, something cold touched her nape. It was different from the wind. Almost like something was actually touching her.
Haruka wanted to turn around when a voice could be heard in her ear. “Please...stop it already...”
Haruka briefly thought the voice came from the DVD. However, her earphones had come off when she had stood up earlier. She glanced at her surroundings, but there was no one in sight.
Was that a ghost just now? Confused and scared, Haruka could only stand still in place.
- 5
- Haruka returned home with a heavy heart.
She couldn’t get the video she had just watched out of her thoughts. Its contents were incomprehensible, but that only made it plague her mind further.
After seeing the video, she had tried to contact Yakumo, yet her call hadn’t gone through. She had also tried to visit the Movie Research Circle clubroom, but Yakumo hadn’t been there. Even if they had met, chances were she’d only be treated as a troublemaker and chased away. Despite that, Haruka was certain her fears would’ve diminished by speaking to Yakumo.
By hearing a logical explanation, her thoughts would become organised, and just by talking to Yakumo, her feelings would grow lighter. How miraculous, even though she was convinced she would only be mocked upon.
There was no use having those thoughts now. She would visit Yakumo again tomorrow and ask him to watch this video footage. If Yakumo were to declare that she had been mistaken, she would be relieved.
Haruka headed for the bathroom for a change of atmosphere. After taking a shower and a hot bath, that scene would surely leave her mind. Unfortunately, her expectations were entirely wrong.
While washing her hair, she felt a hand reaching for her from behind. Even whilst submerged in the tub, she ended up sensing a person’s reflection on the mirror.
Being inside a cramped, closed area while defenceless made her anxious. In the end, Haruka escaped and ran out of the bathroom.
And even as she was drying her hair after a change of clothes, she was constantly worrying about her back. Asami must have felt the same.
Haruka turned the television to a louder volume than usual. She had just sat down on the bed when her phone rang. It was from Asami—
“Hello?” As soon as she picked up the call, Haruka could hear Asami’s gut-wrenching cries. <Help me!>
“What’s wrong?” <It really was a curse after all. Haruka, please do something!>
Asami’s voice was clearly trembling from fear. “Hold on. Keep yourself together. What happened?”
<Sakamoto-san...he...> “What about him?”
<H-he disappeared!> said Asami between sobs. “Disappeared? What do you mean?”
If Haruka were to panic herself, she wouldn’t be able to grasp the situation. She tried her best to question her calmly. <I’m telling you, Sakamoto-san disappeared,> said Asami restlessly.
“He wasn’t locking himself in his room out of fear of ghosts?” Asami had explained so at first.
<That was what I thought. But I was wrong. We went to his place together earlier, yet his house was unlocked...then, we couldn’t find him anywhere...> “Maybe he was just away for the moment?”
<His wallet and phone were left inside the room!> If that were the case, rather than being away, people would be led to believe that he had disappeared.
Not only had his door been unlocked, his phone and wallet had been left inside the room; however clumsy a person could be, it was abnormal. Despite that, it felt exaggerated to claim that he had disappeared due to a curse solely based on this much information.
“Perhaps he was only out for a short while and would come back soon?” suggested Haruka, but even she felt she was pushing that theory. Unsurprisingly, Asami denied in an instant. <That’s not it!>
“But…” <We waited for an hour in his room, but he never returned!>
Things were only getting stranger. “Then, police...”
<I had the same thought initially, that’s why I went home first. But it’s right there!> “What is?”
<That ghost. It stood in front of my house and stared intently across my window. Sakamoto-san must’ve been dragged by that ghost as well,> said Asami hurriedly. It appeared that Asami had panicked because the ghost had appeared in front of her house after Sakamoto’s disappearance.
She must’ve thought that she was about to be taken away next. “Anyway, contact the police first. I’ll quickly head over there too,” Haruka briefly said before she ended the call, put a jacket on, and left the house.
She knew she couldn’t do much even by going there. Nevertheless, she could at least calm Asami down. Besides, rather than trembling by herself at a time like this, her feelings should improve with the company of another.
The last time Haruka had visited Asami’s place had nearly been a year ago. Even so, she still roughly remembered the location. Her body shivered from the cold night air as she rushed towards Asami’s place.
Asami’s apartment was situated in the inner parts of a quiet road. The structure was rather old and while it used an automatic lock, the building had no security cameras. Haruka pressed the doorbell to Asami’s place through the intercom at the building’s entrance.
Yet there was no answer. Strange.
Haruka contacted Asami with her phone. Somehow, a cell phone ring could be heard from within the bushes in front of the apartment. What’s the meaning of this?
Haruka approached the bushes to find that a phone was dropped there. Once Haruka ended her call, the ringing of the phone within the bushes stopped as well. This is Asami’s phone.
Haruka crouched to pick it up. She recognised the model. There was no mistaking it, it belonged to Asami.
That meant something had happened to Asami. Haruka stood dumbfounded when something suddenly touched her nape. The cold sensation froze her back.
I mustn’t look. She repeated that sentence over and over in her mind, yet her body moved on her own.
Slowly, she turned to see the face of a deathly pale woman standing there. The same woman from the cursed video. “Aaah!” Haruka screamed as she fell to a sitting position, and the woman disappeared as if melting into the darkness.
There was no mistaking it anymore, the video was indeed cursed. Haruka gathered all her concentration on her trembling hands to contact Yakumo on her phone.
The dialling tone felt like an eternity. <What business do you have calling this late into the night?>
His tone was annoyed and displeased, yet tears of relief welled in Haruka’s eyes. “Yakumo-kun. Please, help me—” said Haruka, forcing out her voice.
- 6
- Haruka stood in front of the apartment entrance and stared emptily in the direction of Asami's room.
Afterwards, Yakumo had asked her to contact Gotou. Gotou was a police detective from the Unsolved Cases Special Investigations Division. One of the few people who knew about Yakumo’s ability, his assistance had contributed to the resolution of many cases.
Right now, Gotou and his partner Ishii were in the middle of investigating Asami’s room. Haruka hoped she had gotten worried over nothing and Asami would come out whilst saying, “What is it?”
However, the phone that had fallen in the bushes made that outcome unlikely. “Are you alright?” a voice suddenly spoke.
Haruka turned to find Yakumo there. Yakumo ran a hand through his messy head of hair with an annoyed look on his face, yet Haruka felt relieved from the bottom of her heart simply by seeing the face of the approaching man.
So much, that she felt like hugging Yakumo and sobbing to her heart’s content. Yet if she were to do that, she felt that Yakumo would mock her relentlessly, calling her ‘disgusting’ among other insults, so Haruka simply nodded. “Yes,”
“Tell me what happened,” said Yakumo with an unusually serious expression. Could it be that he regretted not properly listening to Haruka’s story earlier that day?
Truthfully, Haruka felt remorseful as well. She hadn’t fully believed Asami when she had all that talk about a cursed video. As a result, she hadn’t been too insistent in asking Yakumo for help.
Either way, there was no point to continue wallowing in regret. Haruka explained in detail all that she knew, including the contents of the DVD.
When she was finished, Yakumo reached for his chin and mumbled, “I see.” “Did you get anything?” asked Haruka.
Yakumo immediately frowned. “You keep saying that as your second sentence.” “Because...”
“Didn’t I always tell you not to rush into conclusions?” Precisely as he said.
Yakumo had emphasised that countless times. Haruka reflected on herself as well, but having little understanding of the situation had always made her anxious. “Could this really be the curse of the video…?” said Haruka without realising.
Oh no—Haruka thought as soon as the words left her mouth. Yakumo had just said not to rush into conclusions. And yet, Yakumo’s words weren’t what she expected.
“In a way, perhaps it could be considered a curse.” “What do you mean?” replied Haruka when Gotou and Ishii emerged from the apartment building entrance.
“Hey,” greeted Gotou as he casually waved his hand. Meanwhile, Ishii ran towards them like an excited puppy whilst calling out, “Haruka-chan—”
And then fell. “What are you even doing?” said Gotou, lightly bumping Ishii’s head before approaching.
Ishii patted his knees before following his superior. “So, how was it?” asked Yakumo.
“It was nothing.” “That doesn’t answer my question.”
“You’re noisy.” “Isn’t Gotou-san the one being noisy?”
“What did you say?!” As Yakumo and Gotou began their usual bickering, Ishii hurriedly mediated to stop them.
“You should just be quiet,” cursed Gotou, letting out his emotions on Ishii by landing a punch on his head. This too had been a routine for them.
Haruka felt relieved, but they wouldn’t make any progress by quarrelling here. “What about Asami?” asked Haruka again.
“About that...” said Gotou, stroking the thin layer of beard on his face. “She wasn’t in the room.” “N-no way…”
It took everything from Haruka not to break down at that moment. “Were there any signs of her room being ransacked?” Yakumo asked Gotou.
“None. Her room was neat. Furthermore, the door was unlocked and the lights were still on.” “Is that so...” murmured Yakumo, his gaze trailing into the air.
“Was Asami perhaps taken away by someone?” The situation was overly strange for her to have simply gone outside. Harika didn’t want to believe it either, but she presented it as a possibility.
“The circumstances are unusual, but I think that possibility is unlikely,” interrupted Ishii. “How so?”
“Haruka-chan, from your story earlier, she was terrified, right?” “Yes.”
“If that were the case, she should’ve locked the door.” “Maybe the culprit has a duplicate of the key.”
“Even so, if she was terrified, she should’ve had the door chain lock attached as well.” “Fair point.”
“There were no signs of damage on the chain lock, so we can conclude that she had opened the door out of her own will,” Ishii seamlessly explained as he adjusted his silver framed glasses with the tip of his finger. Haruka understood what Ishii was trying to say. Despite that, she still couldn’t accept it.
“But wouldn’t it be strange for Asami to leave without locking the door? The lights were on too, right?” “Well, yes. That was the case...”
“Besides, her phone fell in the bushes. That is clearly strange,” Ishii began to panic. “That’s true...”
He made a gesture of wiping his sweat. “Could this be the work of a ghost?” asked Haruka.
Ishii’s face instantly grew tense. “G-ghost?” “Yes. Maybe the ghost took away Asa—”
“That’s impossible,” Yakumo denied before Haruka could finish her sentence. Haruka knew what Yakumo was about to say.
Yakumo defined ghosts as clusters of emotions of the dead, incapable of exerting physical influence on the living. From Yakumo’s perspective, there was no way a ghost could have abducted a human.
Even so, Haruka hadn’t brought up that idea without consideration. She had suspected a certain possibility.
“But it’s possible that the ghost could’ve possessed Asami and led her somewhere outside of her own will, right?” So far, Haruka had witnessed a number of people getting possessed by ghosts.
Whilst possessed, their bodies would be manipulated beyond their will and they might act in unexpected ways. If this phenomenon had been a possession, it would explain the strangeness of the current situation.
What does Yakumo-kun think about this? Haruka turned towards Yakumo.
“I can’t deny that as a possibility,” said Yakumo, showing his approval for the time being. And yet, he seemed to be considering something else in his mind— -
7 -
“Would it really be alright for us to watch it?” asked Haruka reluctantly. The next day, Yakumo told Haruka that he wanted to see the cursed video. Hence, they went to the booth at the library together.
“Why are you asking that?” Yakumo gave his usual unenergetic look towards Haruka.
Why? Well, that’s— “Because, you might get cursed from watching it…”
“You’re still saying that nonsense?” “Nonsense...”
“This isn’t a horror film, there’s no way we’d be cursed just by watching a video.” “But, Asami’s whereabouts are still unknown...”
To this point, Asami was yet to be found. Apparently Gotou and Ishii were conducting a search, so she could only wait and leave it in their hands. Even so, if Asami’s disappearance had something to do with this video’s curse, they would likely have a hard time finding Asami.
“As for that, you yourself stated a different possibility last night, didn’t you. Have you forgotten?” He was referring to Asami going someplace else beyond her will due to being possessed.
Of course Haruka remembered. However— “That’s just one possibility...”
“I know. That’s why I need to watch the video to confirm a few things,” said Yakumo, ending their conversation. He popped open the DVD player tray and placed the disc there. The sight of the DVD being swallowed by the tray accompanied by mechanical noises felt terrifying to Haruka.
The play button was pressed and the video began. “This is utterly terrible...” said Yakumo, mixed in between sighs as soon as the scene started.
“Terrible in what way?” Haruka tried to ask casually. “The composition’s all over the place. They intended to make it feel like a documentary, but the footage was shaking excessively.”
“That’s true.” “Not to mention despite being university students, their acting was pathetic. The dialogue was hopeless. Like this, you’d be better off watching a broadcast test footage.”
Yakumo’s opinion was harsh, but Haruka had no intention of blaming him. That was because Haruka shared more or less the same opinion.
The monitor momentarily displayed some noise before the problematic scene appeared. An image of the railway crossing, the warning light that flashed red in unison with the clanging sound.
The scene then transitioned to the corpse-like woman’s face, then the bustling city at night, before returning to the railway crossing scene. As the monitor turned to black, a woman’s voice saying “Help me...” could be heard.
The video was undoubtedly terrifying no matter how many times one watched it. Once, Haruka had watched a French short film titled An Andalusian Dog.
The film had no clear storyline, mainly displaying a series of shocking, mysterious imagery. Ants crowding on the palm of one’s hand, an eyeball being sliced with a straight razor, a severed hand being poked around with a stick. Similar to when she had watched that film, her entire body felt uncomfortable right now.
After watching it once, Haruka thought they were finally done with, yet Yakumo replayed the same part over and over again instead. Perhaps he had discovered something.
“I see—” muttered Yakumo after they had finished watching the video. He placed a hand on his pointed chin. His face remained composed as usual.
“How is it?” asked Haruka, expressing the mysterious feeling wallowing within her. “A decent video.”
“Yes?” Yakumo’s reply was far beyond what Haruka had expected, throwing her off in confusion.
“I’m saying, it looked significantly more polished than the one made by the movie circle members.” “Polished?”
“That’s right. The composition was great, even the colours were well put together. Whoever produced it had a keen sense for this sort of thing. Most importantly, the video had a powerful message.” Yakumo repeatedly nodded in approval.
His manner of speech was as if appraising a work of art. From Haruka’s perspective, the composition and colours of the film had been extremely terrifying.
Even so, if the intention was to make the audience feel that way, then the video had succeeded in that regard. At the very least, the array of footage carried more appeal than ones Sakamoto and the rest had taken.
However— “There was a message?”
To Haruka, the video merely seemed like putting pieces of different scenes together. “There was. A very powerful one at that.”
“I don’t think there was though…” “That’s because you didn’t watch it properly.”
“I watched it properly, though,” replied Haruka in annoyance. When she had watched it for the first time, there were parts that had left her shocked, but this time around she had been watching more closely.
“If you did, you should’ve known, right?” “I’m asking because I don’t,” Haruka kicked the floor out of frustration.
“To think that you’d gotten accepted in this university with that level of concentration.” “Thank you for the wonderful praise. Rather than that, tell me then, what sort of message was in that video?”
“See it for yourself,” said Yakumo curtly, before removing the DVD from the tray and handing it over to Haruka. Yakumo must have implied for Haruka to keep rewatching the film until she finally understood.
Obviously, Haruka didn’t dare to do that. “No way,” Haruka firmly refused despite accepting the DVD handed over by Yakumo.
“To think you could be my assistant, being like that.” “I never intended to be your assistant. Besides, if I’m your assistant, I should be getting my share as well,” highlighted Haruka.
Yakumo flashed a smile. “What kind of reason is that?” “What do you mean?”
Haruka didn’t feel like she had said anything strange. “You wanted a share, but how much was the reward for this request in the first place?”
“That’s...” “Thanks to you, I’m practically forced to work all the time. Save the talk about rewards and the like for when you’ve managed to find a request that actually pays.”
Precisely. The majority of requests Haruka brought over to Yakumo had no compensation in return.
“Isn’t it fine? After all, it’s not like you’re running a business as a private detective.” “Exactly. I’m merely a university student. That’s why you’re only troubling me by bringing in problems like this.“
“S-sorry...” Haruka could only apologise. Yakumo had a point. Continuously bringing in requests that gave nothing in return wasn’t an example to be followed.
“Well, anyway. Rather than that, let’s go—” said Yakumo as he stood up and ruffled his dishevelled hair. “Go? Where to?”
“To investigate, obviously.” Eyes filled with mockery, Yakumo’s gaze stung.
Haruka questioned what she had done to deserve such a condescending look. Haruka knew they were going to investigate, but where? In the end, she didn’t complain.
Yakumo was finally willing to take action. There was no benefit in ruining his mood. -
8 -
Haruka and Yakumo went to the campus cafeteria. Earlier, they had visited the movie circle and asked Natsuki’s help to gather the people who had watched the video at the cafeteria.
Aside from Natsuki, two guys called Seiichi and Daichi came to attend the meeting. Seiichi was the other person who had appeared in the video alongside Asami and Natsuki. Meanwhile, Daichi was the assistant director who had been with Sakamoto when Sakamoto had been editing the video.
The person who had been recording with the camera was someone named Kentarou, but they hadn’t been able to contact him. Normally they wouldn’t have been bothered, but with the current situation, that fact turned increasingly worrisome.
“Apologies for troubling you all to come over.” As everyone else sat around the table, Yakumo was the sole person standing, speaking as he cast a gaze across everyone.
All eyes on the table were directed towards Yakumo. Who are you? That same question repeatedly surfaced and subsided. Yakumo, as if sensing that fact, smiled before he continued. “The truth is, I have ties with people from the temple, so I’m fairly knowledgeable about supernatural related incidents. Perhaps I could be of help to all of you for this case,” he said politely.
To Haruka, who was more familiar with Yakumo, that mannerism was clearly unnatural. Yet with it he seemed to have gained the trust of those who had only just met him. “Is it true that Sakamoto and Fujimoto’s whereabouts are unknown?” Seiichi was the first to open his mouth.
“Indeed. It is true that the two are unreachable as of now,” answered Yakumo carefully. “That’s why I’ve been saying I hated the idea,” added Seiichi, sounding fed up.
“About what exactly?” Yakumo continued the question without breaking his smile.
“The hospital that was our shooting location. There have always been rumours that there’s something there.” “By something, were you referring to ghosts?”
“Yes. Apparently the hospital director there used to be a maniac who performed human experimentation. The entire thing had been exposed and the hospital went bankrupt in the end.” “Is that so,” Yakumo responded in agreement, but Haruka knew for certain—deep inside, Yakumo didn’t believe it.
Haruka too felt suspicious about Seiichi’s story. Secretly performed human experimentation was a downright ridiculous story. Even if that had been true, then it should’ve become a major news story, yet she didn’t recall hearing such kind of news.
It was more likely an urban legend one would often find in a city or area. “Such a terrifying scene even appeared in the footage we shot; truly awful.”
Seiichi’s face was as if implying this was the end of the world. “Who chose the shooting location?” asked Yakumo, and Daichi raised his hand slightly.
“You were the one who chose it?” Seiichi threw a blaming look at Daichi. “No, not like that. Sakamoto-san asked me to look for places for the shooting location, so I gave him several options. And that place was among the options I proposed—” Daichi explained before dropping his gaze.
Perhaps he felt responsible. However, if Sakamoto had been the one who made the final decision, he shouldn’t have to feel so guilty. Piecing their stories together so far—putting aside the part about human experimentation—the problem seemed to lie on the abandoned hospital that had been chosen as the shooting location, and thus the cursed video had emerged.
Even without human experimentation in the equation, hospitals were places where many people had passed away. It wouldn’t be strange for spiritual phenomena to occur while shooting footage in such a location.
“Was there nothing strange during the shooting?” asked Yakumo. The three exchanged glances and nodded.
Haruka sensed something was off here. Such a video had emerged as a result. It would be strange for nothing to have happened during the shoot.
“By the way, who was the first to review the resulting footage?” asked Yakumo. Daichi raised his hand once again. “I was present when Sakamoto-san was editing, and I suppose that was the first time that we saw the footage.”
“From what I heard, Sakamoto-san had seen a ghost then. Did you see one as well?” “No. The lights had gone out, so I went outside as I thought the fuse had blown. That was when I heard Sakamoto-san scream…”
“That means, you didn’t see it?” “I didn’t see it very clearly. But...I think there was a woman standing there when I returned to the clubroom.”
He didn’t firmly state that he had seen one, but he had seen something that could possibly be a ghost. “I see. Then, did you see one?” said Yakumo, facing Seiichi. 
“I didn’t…” Seiichi frowned. “Did you watch the video alone?”
“No. Sakamoto told me that he wanted me to watch it. So I watched it with Sakamoto.” “Did the ghost appear then?”
“No. The video was terrifying, but that was all.” Seiichi didn’t look too scared, but it might have been because he hadn’t seen the ghost.
“How about you?” asked Yakumo, this time turning towards Natsuki. “I also…didn’t see any ghosts.”
“You watched the footage, right?” “Yes.”
“Who did you watch it with?” “With Asami, just the two of us,” replied Natsuki, and Yakumo made a face as if surprised by it.
Rather than a spontaneous reaction, Yakumo seemed to have displayed that look on purpose to add emphasis. “Didn’t Asami-san see a ghost?” said Yakumo, asking Haruka for clarification.
“That was what I heard,” replied Haruka. Yakumo nodded in satisfaction at Haruka’s reply and faced Natsuki once more. “Why was Asami the only one who saw a ghost?”
“About that...Asami had watched it ahead of me. Sakamoto-san had passed the video to her…Then, because there had been a strange scene, Asami had said she wanted to watch it with me.” In other words, it was possible that the ghost had appeared while Asami was watching alone, yet when she had watched it with Natsuki afterwards, nothing had appeared. Asami had seen a ghost, yet Natsuki hadn’t.
The story made sense, but— Natsuki was clearly behaving strangely.
She was tense, as if afraid of something. “Was your story the truth?” asked Yakumo, folding his arms while narrowing his eyes.
“Yes,” replied Natsuki before lowering her head. Haruka thought Yakumo would pressure Natsuki with more questions, yet unexpectedly, Yakumo easily backed off and simply responded, “I see.”
Was Natsuki’s unnatural behaviour merely Haruka’s own misconception? While Haruka was deep in her thoughts, Yakumo spoke. “The information you all gave is incredibly helpful—” before directly walking out of the cafeteria.
Even though he had claimed he might be of help. The people he had left behind after his half baked effort became dumbfounded. Haruka intended to leave after giving a polite thank you in Yakumo’s stead, but Seiichi called out to her.
“So, what should we do now?” Well, it was natural for them to think that way.
“If we manage to discover something, I’ll reach out to you all.” “Do you know how to contact us?”
That… “Ah, right. Natsuki-san, could we exchange phone numbers?” said Haruka to Natsuki, and once they had exchanged their contact information, Haruka then chased after Yakumo.
- 9
- “So, have you found something?”
Haruka expressed her question as she finally managed to catch up to Yakumo after having left the cafeteria. Yakumo glanced at Haruka. “The big picture, pretty much,” said Yakumo nonchalantly.
“What do you know so far?” “I can’t say for now.”
Yakumo often responded like this. It wasn’t to purposely mess around nor to appear cool. Yakumo merely didn’t want to say anything unnecessary before acquiring concrete evidence.
That way, he tried not to create assumptions. “Just a hint wouldn’t hurt, right?”
“This isn’t a quiz show.” “Well, that’s true.”
“Even if this was a quiz, I’m fairly certain you wouldn’t be able to solve it with your abilities.” A ruthless comment, as usual.
“Yes, yes, I’m dumb after all.” “So you are aware.”
“Ugh!” Haruka felt her anger boiling, yet she would only be reciprocated a hundred times over if she tried to get back at him. 
“Well, if you listened to their stories, you’d understand that there were certain rules in place,” said Yakumo, spreading his arms jokingly. “Rules...”
“Yes. All of them watched that cursed video. Yet some saw a ghost and some didn’t. Think about why that was the case. You should arrive at the answer.” Sakamoto and Asami had seen a ghost. While Daichi had seen something that had seemed like a ghost—his response had been vague.
On the other hand, Seiichi and Natsuki hadn’t seen a ghost. Then, Sakamoto and Asami, who had seen a ghost, had gone missing.
As Yakumo had pointed out, there appeared to be some sort of rule. Even so, Haruka couldn’t grasp what that rule was no matter how hard she tried to think. Before long, they had reached the Movie Research Circle clubroom where Yakumo stayed.
They opened the door to find Gotou and Ishii inside. “Gotou-san. Ishii-san. What’s the matter?” Haruka exclaimed.
Gotou, who had been chewing on his cigarette, asked back. “You’re asking what’s the matter?” Hearing that, Haruka realised the stupidity of her question.
Last night, she had contacted Gotou and Ishii and had requested their assistance to investigate Asami and Sakamoto. “Sorry. I reflexively...”
“Don’t worry about it. I’m happy just being able to meet Haruka-chan like this,” said Ishii to Haruka, puffing his chest. Gotou jabbed him immediately. “Stop grinning.”
”Whatever you say, but could you stop trespassing into people’s rooms without permission? Not exactly the sort of thing the police should have done,” said Yakumo lazily as he sat down on his usual chair. “Ha? We’re investigating your request, you know! Besides, what trespassing? The one who didn’t lock the door was at fault!” stressed Gotou, slamming his fists on the table with every emphasis of his words.
“What a messed up reason. Gotou-san’s thought process has become like a criminal’s.” ���What did you say?!” Gotou stood up while raising his shoulders.
“Now, now,” Ishii tried to calm him down, only to get hit on the head. “Also, smoking is prohibited on these premises,” said Yakumo, pointing at Gotou’s cigarette.
After all it took for Ishii to stop Gotou, Yakumo nonchalantly said something that could raise Gotou’s anger all over again. Well, that sort of thing was typical of Yakumo. Gotou clicked his tongue. “I didn’t light it up,” he said, putting away his cigarette.
“So—did you two find out anything?” Yakumo spoke after everyone was seated and the situation had settled down. Haruka thought Gotou would explain, but apparently he felt it was troublesome and gave a sign towards Ishii with a gesture from his chin. Ishii responded, “Y-yes,” and hurriedly took out his notes before he began.
“Sakamoto Eiji-san and Fujimoto Asami-san’s status are still unknown. We’ve explained the situation to their parents and requested them to fill up a missing person report to be handed over to us,” Ishii said lightly. Haruka’s feelings grew heavy upon hearing the words ’missing person report’.
Those words were proof that the situation had gotten serious. “Are there any leads?”
“As of now, we don’t have any notable information from witnesses. If only there were security cameras, we could have investigated from there. Unfortunately, neither Sakamoto-san and Fujimoto-san’s premises had any security cameras installed.” “Is that so...” said Haruka in disappointment.
If they had footage from security cameras, perhaps they would have an easier time finding leads to Asami and Sakamoto’s whereabouts. “What about fingerprints?” asked Yakumo, propping his chin on one hand.
“We’ve gathered those, but the two seemed to have friends over frequently, so it was difficult to identify ones belonging to them...” Ishii adjusted his silver-framed glasses with the tip of his finger.
Even if they had lived alone, if their friends had gone in and out often, it wouldn’t be surprising for fingerprints not belonging to the resident to be discovered. “Did the two of them ever get into some kind of trouble?” Yakumo asked a completely different question.
“We’ve questioned a number of people, but there’s still little information, so we haven’t discovered anything of the sorts...” “In the end, you didn’t manage to find anything, huh,” said Yakumo, stretching his body.
Ishii lowered his head and spoke. “Apologies.” To Haruka, it wasn’t necessary for Ishii to apologise over that. But it couldn't be helped as Ishii had a habit of apologising.
“Then, what about your end?” Gotou asked Yakumo whilst leaning over. Yakumo grinned boldly in return. “Well, I more or less know the overall picture,” he said calmly.
“What did you say? Explain at once!” Gotou exclaimed, his voice loud as if urging Yakumo. “I can hear you without you yelling like that,” Yakumo plugged his ears with his fingers, signalling that Gotou was noisy.
“Enough nonsense, quickly say it.” “I refuse.”
“W-What?” “I’m saying I don’t want to.”
“You little—what kind of attitude is that? After all we did because you asked for our help!” An infuriated Gotou grasped onto Yakumo’s shirt collar.
Despite that, Yakumo’s eyes remain composed and unfaltering. “Ishii-san, please arrest this person for charges of threat and violence.”
The conversation was suddenly thrown at Ishii, leaving him dumbfounded. “No, that...” he uttered in confusion. “Just try me if you dare!” yelled Gotou.
“Why are you being so arrogant?” “What?”
“Besides, it’s the police’s duty to maintain public safety. Yet you were acting like I owe you by asking for help?” “Ugh...”
Gotou seemed to have run out of words against Yakumo’s logically sound argument. And yet, refusing to admit defeat, he cursed, “Shut up,” and released Yakumo. Irritated, Gotou reflexively reached out for his box of cigarettes, but Yakumo immediately said, “No smoking,” and he halted his movement.
“Enough with the banter. Let’s get to the main topic,” said Yakumo, clapping his hand together. Haruka felt the atmosphere in the room tense up immediately. Gotou and Ishii seemed to feel the same way; the two stared at Yakumo with a stiffened expression.
After a pause, Yakumo turned to Haruka, “Take that out—” “That is what?”
Even if suddenly told like that, she didn’t know what it meant. “You really are an imbecile.”
“What does that mean?” “Go look it up in a dictionary if you want to know.”
“Ugh.” “I’m talking about the cursed video.” said Yakumo in disbelief.
Why can’t you just mention the item directly in the first place—thought Haruka in displeasure whilst taking out the DVD from her bag. “What is this?” asked Gotou.
“I told you about it yesterday, right? This is the aforementioned cursed video.” As soon as Yakumo said that, Ishii instantly screamed, “Eeek!” jumping out of his chair.
The next second, Gotou jabbed him and yelled, “Shut up!” causing Ishii to return to his chair dejectedly. “What did you say this was?” asked Gotou, picking up said DVD and observing it closely.
“A woman’s face appeared around the second half of this video. She might have passed away from an accident or the like. I’d like for you to try and identify that woman.” So that was how it was.
If they managed to discover the ghost’s identity, they’d be able to crack the mystery of this case. “Easy for you to say. How long do you think it takes to identify a person based on face alone?”
Gotou’s argument was spot on. To identify a person just by their face was extremely difficult to do.
“There is other information as well. It’s likely that she died near a railway crossing.” “Railway crossing?”
Gotou, who hadn’t watched the video, didn’t understand. Meanwhile, Haruka knew what he meant. In that video, the scene of a railway crossing repeatedly played. It appeared that the woman had tried to hint at the location of her death through that scene.
“Also, that woman’s name is Kana.” “Eh?” Haruka stood up in surprise.
How could Yakumo have known the name of the woman in that video? Her name shouldn’t have appeared anywhere. Haruka questioned that fact, yet Yakumo simply gave her a vague answer, “You’ll find out soon enough.”
Perhaps Yakumo had seen through the whole truth at this point, yet on the other hand, Haruka felt the mystery had only gone deeper. “What are we going to do after this?” Haruka asked Yakumo after Gotou and Ishii had gone home.
Sakamoto and Asami’s whereabouts were still unknown, and Haruka couldn’t even see any lead towards solving the case. Were the video truly imbued by a power of some sort, then Haruka who had watched it could fall into harm as well.
She had only just realised the fact and the thought made her shiver. “Actually, I intended to do this after further investigation, but we don’t have time.”
“What do you mean?” “Exactly as said. If things are left as they are, the two missing people might die.”
Haruka held her breath at the unexpected words coming from Yakumo. “C-can’t we prevent that from happening?”
“We’re making a move to prevent it, aren’t we?” “Ah, right...”
“That’s why, there’s something I want you to do,” said Yakumo, his lips forming a smile. Yet his eyes weren’t laughing at all.
Haruka felt an awfully terrible premonition— -
10 -
Haruka returned to the campus cafeteria. As she sat on one table, a woman approached her with hesitant steps.
It was Natsuki. Their meeting was no coincidence.
More precisely, Haruka had contacted her asking to meet. “Sorry for the suddenness,” said Haruka as she stood up.
“Not at all,” Natsuki replied weakly. Since their first meeting, Haruka had the impression that Natsuki was an incredibly fragile and seemingly unhappy woman.
Haruka ushered Natsuki to take a seat before returning to her own. “So, what do you want to talk about?” said Natsuki.
She appeared anxious, glancing at her surroundings several times. As if she didn’t want to be seen together with Haruka. “Truth is, I wanted to ask you about the cursed video.”
“I’ve told you what I know.” Natsuki’s voice became weaker than before.
Yakumo had requested Haruka to hear the story from Natsuki one more time. And it appeared that Yakumo’s calculation in choosing Natsuki as a target hadn’t been mistaken. “It’s nothing serious. I just wanted to confirm something,” said Haruka in a fabricated cheerful tone.
“About what?” said Natsuki, staring at Haruka. Natsuki gave her approval, but Haruka could clearly tell that she didn’t want Haruka to ask questions that pry too deeply.
Haruka felt sorry for her, but she couldn’t back down. “Natsuki-san, could it be that you actually know the identity of the woman in the video?”
As soon as Haruka said that, Natsuki’s face turned glum. Bingo!
So Yakumo’s prediction was right. “I don’t know,” Natsuki shook her head.
“Really?” “Yes.”
“That woman’s name is Kana-san. So? Do you remember now?” Haruka observed Natsuki’s face.
“How did you know Kana’s name?” Natsuki’s eyes widened as if they were about to pop out. As it turned out, she wasn’t very good at lying. Her words just now were the same as admitting that she knew about her.
“So you do know her. Right?” Haruka emphasised the fact. Natsuki lowered her head without answering and went silent for some time.
She seemed to be putting her thoughts together as to how she should respond. Or she could be firming her resolve to say what she knew. Natsuki lifted her face and firmly said, “I don’t know.”
Her expression was filled with determination, as if her weak impression from earlier had been a mere illusion. “Eh?”
“I’m saying, I don’t know,” said Natsuki once more. “But you know her name.”
“My friend has the same name, so I thought you were talking about that friend of mine earlier, but I was mistaken.” Haruka didn’t know what had changed Natsuki, but her resolve was unwavering to the point that there was no room to break through.
“But...” “Is that all you wanted to talk about?” asked Natsuki.
“Ah, that...” Natsuki’s reaction had been utterly unexpected, Haruka had trouble answering.
“In that case, I’m going now,” said Natsuki firmly before she stood up and walked away. Haruka could only watch her in silence.
Just what sort of transformation had occurred within Natsuki? Why did she act hardened all of a sudden? Haruka tried to find a reason, but she couldn’t find one. As if something that she had nearly managed to grasp had slipped through the cracks of her hand.
Amidst her confusion, her phone rang. It was Yakumo—
“Hello?” <How was it?> asked Yakumo directly.
“It didn’t work out...” said Haruka, disappointed. <Did she say she didn’t know?>
“Yes. But there’s no mistaking that she knows something. I tried to pry further, but she immediately rejected it...” Haruka thought she was about to get scolded by Yakumo for failing to gain information.
To her surprise, Yakumo said, <I thought as much,> as if he had known the outcome from the start. Haruka felt dissatisfied as it was like she was being played with on the palm of Yakumo’s hands.
“Hey, did you know from the start that Natsuki-san would refuse to answer the question?” <I had thought that such an outcome was a possibility.>
To Haruka, Yakumo seemed to be making excuses to evade the question. Yakumo must be the type that wouldn’t get discovered even if he were to cheat. Well, not that Haruka knew whether Yakumo was the type to cheat—
“So, what now?” <I’d like for you to contact someone. Afterwards, we’ll meet up.>
The person he wanted to contact must be Makoto, a newspaper journalist. During the previous case, intel from Makoto had been the key to resolve the mystery. This time too, that had to be the case. “Who should I contact, and for what?” asked Haruka, and Yakumo elaborated his plan.
“Why do we have to do something like that?” said Haruka, unable to hide her surprise upon hearing Yakumo’s explanation. Even so, Yakumo dodged it with his favourite line, <You’ll find out soon enough—>
Haruka felt dissatisfied over a number of things, but Yakumo wouldn’t say a word even if Haruka cornered him with questions. Haruka could only respond with, “Understood.”
Yakumo hung up the call after briefly stating the location and timing of their meetup. Haruka’s back grew heavy.
As the person who brought this problem in the first place, she was in no position to complain. Still, she didn’t like being toyed around like this. However, would they be able to find Sakamoto and Asami’s whereabouts with this? While questioning that fact, Haruka stood up from her chair.
- 11
- “Woah...” Haruka reflexively exclaimed at the sight of the building.
This was the abandoned hospital that had become the shooting location. It was situated at the base of a small mountain, with no other buildings surrounding it. The building had four stories, with a portion of the walls already crumbled down, and the window panes broken. Its condition was comparable to buildings in war torn locations that she had seen in the news.
Could it be that the cursed video had something to do with what had unfolded in this place—if one were to think that, the building would appear like it was emanating a dark aura. According to Seiichi, there had long since been rumours about this place being haunted.
Putting aside whether the whole thing about human experimentation had been true, something had to have happened here. This was a place no human should enter. And yet, they had made this place their shooting location. As a result, the cursed video was born; it made sense to think about it that way. Why did Yakumo ask them to gather at a place like this? Not to mention after contacting that person—
“Yakumo-kun,” Haruka called out as she set foot in an area covered by weeds. However, there was no reply.
Has he not reached yet? Yakumo was logical when it came to solving the mystery of a case, yet for all else, he was rather lenient, including when it came to time. Well, that was typical of Yakumo, you could even say it was part of his charm.
Even so, Haruka felt uncomfortable having to wait alone at a place like this. Haruka continued walking and as she arrived at the hospital entrance, she shouted once more, “Hey! Yakumo-kun! You’re not here yet?”
As she thought, still no reply. I have no choice but to wait.
Just as she had that thought, she felt like she saw something move behind the entrance door. That wasn’t all, she also sensed that someone was watching her. Haruka then peered inside.
No light shone through and it was pitch black. Almost as if the opposite end was connected to another world. She briefly tried to adjust her eyes, yet nothing but darkness could be seen.
Perhaps I was mistaken. Haruka exhaled and turned her back to the entrance door.
The cursed video seemed to have caused her to overreact. She needed to calm herself down a little. Haruka tried to take long, deep breaths, but it didn’t help rid her of her restlessness.
Suddenly, footsteps could be heard on the ground. Haruka’s shoulders jolted and she wanted to turn. Unfortunately for her, something was pulled over her head at that instant.
It appeared to be some kind of cloth bag. What?
She wanted to take it off, yet her hands were already restrained behind her back. “L-let go!” Haruka yelled with all her might. Mind-numbing fear invaded her, destroying her sense of reasoning. With great struggle, she twisted her body in an attempt to escape the hands that had captured her.
However, it was futile. Her opponent was much stronger and just like that, she was dragged away.
“Help me! Yakumo-kun!” Haruka screamed in desperation. Perhaps she was already dragged all the way into the hospital building. If this continued, she would get dragged somewhere where her screams wouldn’t be heard.
Haruka resisted once again, but the more she did, her muscles grew exhausted and she ran out of strength. Her legs could no longer hold and she ended up being carried while dragged away. Something dark gradually spread within Haruka’s heart. It was probably despair.
Please! Yakumo-kun! Haruka could only pray.
Unfortunately, her prayers weren’t answered. As they descended something that felt like a ramp, she finally felt the hand that had been restraining her release.
Just as she thought that she was freed at last, Haruka was shoved, falling towards the concrete floor reeking of dust. With great difficulty, Haruka tried to crawl to her escape, but her hair was yanked and she was dragged once again.
Her hands were pulled behind her, tied with something that seemed to be a rope. At this stage, she couldn’t make an escape anymore.
It’s impossible now, she thought. Instinctively, her tear glands came loose and tears began to fall.
Never would she have dreamed that one day she’d be tied up like this without knowing anything. Am I going to be killed? If only I had known, I would’ve done many more things. There are people I wanted to see. Things I wanted to talk about.
Yakumo-kun. Haruka called out to that name in her heart.
“That’s enough.” The voice of salvation.
The voice Haruka had been waiting for from the depths of her heart. Yakumo’s voice.
The person who had tied Haruka up went and ran. “Gotou-san! Ishii-san! Don’t let that person escape!” yelled Yakumo.
“Wait!” “Let go! Damn it!”
“Stop resisting!” Groans and brawling noises could be heard.
Haruka, whose face was covered by a cloth bag, had no clue on what was going on. Moments later, with the sound of Gotou screaming, “Take this!” the atmosphere went silent.
“Are you alright?” Yakumo’s voice whispered.
Slowly, Haruka straightened her body and nodded. Then, the bag covering her face was removed. What came to her sight was Yakumo’s face.
“This isn’t a dream, right…?” said Haruka with a sob. Yakumo’s lips formed a little smile and replied, “Yes.”
If only she wasn’t tied up, perhaps Haruka would already be hugging Yakumo by now. “I wanted to come earlier, but ended up being rather late. I’m sorry.” Yakumo said in an unusually gentle voice as he placed a hand on Haruka’s head.
That gesture made Haruka’s heart, once closed up and frozen from fear, overtaken with relief that her tears began to flow once more. I was able to meet Yakumo.
“I’m going to untie the rope now,” said Yakumo before turning to Haruka’s back and removing the rope. Once her hands were freed, Haruka immediately felt fatigue all over her body. She finally had a chance to examine her surroundings.
Haruka turned to find people she recognised, Gotou and Ishii. They were standing at a distance from each other. On the bottom of their feet, a man was lying down with a bleeding nose. He must have gotten punched by Gotou.
There was no mistaking it, that person had to be the one who had assaulted Haruka. Haruka recognised the man’s face. He was—
“That’s right. He’s the mastermind behind this case,” said Yakumo, as if reading Haruka’s thoughts. -
12 -
“What’s the meaning of this?” Haruka approached Yakumo as she stood up.
Lying there was Daichi, a member of the movie circle that they had met at the campus cafeteria. Truth to be told, Haruka didn’t know much about him. Hence, she didn’t understand why he had attacked her at all. On top of that, Yakumo had said he was the mastermind of this case. In other words, not just the cursed video, he also had an involvement in Sakamoto and Asami’s disappearance.
“To explain that, we first need to clarify who the person in the cursed video was.” Yakumo slowly walked and stopped in front of Daichi.
Looking at Daichi from above, his gaze was incredibly cold that it scared Haruka, who was merely a witness. “Who?” asked Haruka.
Yakumo turned towards Ishii and said in a low voice, “Please.” Ishii nodded firmly before turning to Haruka.
“The woman in that video was Sawaki Kana-san.” Hearing the name, Haruka turned in Yakumo’s direction.
Kana had been the name of the woman Yakumo had requested for Ishii and Gotou to investigate. The question that had been on her mind back then resurfaced. “How did you know her name?”
“I told you, didn’t I? The video had a powerful message,” said Yakumo as if the answer was obvious, yet Haruka didn’t understand at all. Haruka emphasised that fact, and Yakumo sighed with an exaggerated gesture of disbelief before saying, “There was a noise that frequently appeared in that video, right?”
“Yes.” “You wouldn’t be able to tell from watching it casually, but with closer inspection, whenever the noise appeared, a set of letters briefly flashed on screen.”
Haruka didn’t realise that at all. Now that she thought about it, Yakumo had inspected the video several times. As it turned out, he had done so to confirm the letters that had flashed on screen.
“So the letters that appeared spelled Kana?” “Yes. Simply put, it was subliminal stimuli capable of engaging with one’s subconsciousness.”
“Is that so…” Yakumo must have felt something was off after watching it once. Hence, he had it replayed several times and had managed to discover the hidden letters.
“Kana-san passed away in the fall of last year,” interrupted Ishii. “Passed away...”
Haruka could imagine that was the case from the flow of the conversation, but upon being presented by the reality of it, her head began to hurt. Ishii took out his memo and began reading, “The cause of death was alcohol poisoning. Someone made a report of a woman lying on the street, but when the ambulance came she was pronounced dead on the scene.”
“How could that be…?” “That day, Kana-san attended her campus circle meeting and drank. Afterwards, the other circle members wanted to go for a second round, but Kana-san chose to go home. However, she collapsed on the way,” said Ishii with a pensive look on his face.
“Is that so...” “She collapsed alone on an empty street, so she wasn’t discovered in time. A really tragic accident.”
“I’ve said this many times, but the video had a powerful message—” said Yakumo calmly. “The railway crossing, alarm sounds, red warning lights. All of these indicated the location where Kana-san had passed.” “I see...”
“Besides that, Kana-san’s name was embedded through subliminal stimuli, and an image of her body was displayed. These carried a message: remember her death.” So that was how it was.
When Haruka had seen it for the first time, she merely thought it had been a series of terrifying images, but the video turned out to have a clear message. She understood that now, yet at the same time, something didn’t make sense to her.
“Don’t tell me, the video wasn’t cursed, but deliberately made by someone?” asked Haruka, to which Yakumo responded with a nod. “That’s right. The person who made it was none other than—him.”
Yakumo pointed at Daichi who was lying on the ground. “Why?” Haruka couldn’t understand why Daichi would do such a thing.
“Out of revenge,” said Yakumo, closing his eyes solemnly. “Revenge?”
“Yes. It’s a possibility that he and Kana-san were lovers.” Yakumo looked at Daichi once again.
“How do you know that?” “I said it was a possibility. Nothing more than my own assumption. Well, not that I don’t have any basis for it. According to Gotou-san’s investigation, they both came from the same high school. Perhaps they had been in a relationship since way back.”
“But, just based on that…” “Of course, I couldn’t draw a conclusion just based on that. However, if their relationship weren’t that close, he wouldn’t have gone as far as planning an entire act of revenge, right?” said Yakumo smoothly.
He had a look on his face as if he had known everything, yet Haruka still didn’t understand. “How could making that video become an act of revenge?”
“Not just the video. He was also the one who abducted Sakamoto-san and Fujimoto-san.” “Why did he abduct them?” asked Haruka.
Yakumo shuffled his hair in annoyance. “I think it’s about time that you speak for yourself. You’ve woken up, right?” said Yakumo, and Daichi slowly stood up. He didn’t try to run nor resist.
Perhaps he had already given up. “What…tragic accident….?” Daichi spoke, forcing his voice out.
The hoarseness in his voice, as if at the edge between life and death, carried with them an intense feeling of vengeance. “Eh?”
“Kana was murdered,” Daichi opened his eyes wide and stared at Haruka. His eyes glinted like that of a ferocious beast intimidating its opponent.
“But, just now...” As Haruka said that, Daichi immediately cut her off, “Wrong! Kana couldn’t drink alcohol. Yet Sakamoto and the others forced Kana to drink during the campus festival afterparty. In the end, they went for a second round and abandoned Kana, so heavily drunk that she couldn’t walk by herself, all alone.”
“T-that’s…” Haruka reflexively covered her mouth with her hand. She had often heard stories of university students getting drunk and even developing alcohol poisoning.
If those involved had drank out of their own volition, they had it coming for themselves. But it would be a much bigger problem if it had happened out of being forced to drink. New regulations have been made recently, and establishments also began having signs recommending not to drink too much in a short period of time and not to force oneself to drink.
Despite those efforts, it didn’t mean that instances of people drinking excessive amounts of alcohol become completely eradicated. Had Kana been one such victim?
Besides, if she really had been abandoned after being forced to drink, that would have been the same as murder, as Daichi had claimed. By law, the offenders should have been prosecuted for charges of causing death by negligence in duty of care.
“Kana was passionate about film and wanted to work in the film industry later on. And those people...took her dream away…” said Daichi. Tears dripped from his eyes. Judging from his reaction, Yakumo’s prediction seemed to be on the mark. Daichi and Kana had a special relationship going on.
Regardless of what sort of relationship, the two must have thought that their time together would continue on forever. Yet one day, their dreams were destroyed without warning—
“That night, amidst her drifting consciousness, Kana called me. I couldn’t decipher what she was saying at all because the railway crossing sounds were incredibly noisy. I asked her where she was, but she didn’t answer…Carrying my phone with me, I frantically searched everywhere I could. But I couldn’t find her...all the while I could hear Kana’s breaths getting weaker and weaker. Do you know how helpless I felt, unable to do anything as I listened to Kana’s final moments before she died?” spilled Daichi as he wailed. Sobbing, shoulders trembling, he wept without wiping away his tears.
Haruka was at a loss for words. She couldn’t find anything to say to Daichi.
“Please tell me one thing,” said Yakumo, watching the crying Daichi from above. Daichi looked up with tear filled eyes.
“What made you choose to go on such a roundabout method like this?“ Yakumo’s question made sense.
Why had Daichi gone about shooting a cursed video with a message, then had it shown to Sakamoto and the rest? “I wanted them to remember Kana, reflect on themselves, and suffer because of it...” Daichi dropped his shoulders listlessly.
So that was how it was. Daichi’s goal was to make them feel remorse by reminding them of their actions through that video.
And yet— “If so, why did you abduct Sakamoto-san and Asami?” asked Haruka.
Daichi’s actions contradicted his words. “Those people still didn’t remember anything even after watching that video. They acted as if those things never happened. So...” Daichi curled his fists tightly.
Hearing his words, Haruka recalled the time when Asami had first approached her to discuss this case. Asami had been terrified and had felt creeped out, but she hadn’t realised the hidden message within the video.
If she had realised it, then she shouldn’t have discussed it with Haruka. While the problem lied in Daichi who wanted to seek revenge, when thinking about Sakamoto and Asami who refused to look back even though someone had died because of their actions…Haruka grew chills until her back froze.
Could humans really become so indifferent towards other people as to reach such a point? Haruka felt like she would never be able to comprehend it.
Even so— “Even if that were the case, I still think it’s wrong for you to kill them,” stressed Haruka.
Yakumo shook his head in disbelief. “Don’t go on killing them on your own,” he said. However, from the flow of the conversation, Haruka felt it was understandable for her to interpret things that way.
“So, where are they?” asked Yakumo. Daichi pointed at a metal door across the corridor.
“Gotou-san,” called Yakumo, and Gotou replied, “On it,” before moving to remove the plank holding the door and forcefully opening it. Lying there were Sakamoto and Asami.
The two were in a state of being restrained; both were tied up with ropes with their mouths gagged up. Their bodies weren’t moving and their condition appeared concerning. Gotou quickly came closer to check on them.
“It’s alright. They’re merely passed out,” said Gotou, lifting his thumb. Haruka felt relieved, but on the other hand, she didn’t understand.
“Why did you lock them up in a place like this?” “You wanted them to understand—don’t you?” Yakumo glanced at Daichi, and Daichi nodded.
“Wanted them to understand?” “Yes. He wanted them to know how it feels like awaiting death in the darkness, all alone, unable to move their bodies.”
“Is that so—” Haruka bit her lips and hung her head.
Daichi’s actions were unforgivable, but that didn’t mean Haruka couldn’t understand his feelings of wanting the two to experience Kana’s suffering even if just a bit. “There is one thing I have to tell you,” said Yakumo to Daichi in a formal tone.
“Eh?” With a surprised look on his face, Daichi turned towards Yakumo. “Ishii-san,” Yakumo gave a sign to Ishii to take something out, and Ishii took out an IC recorder from his pocket.
Yakumo took the IC recorder from Ishii and handed it to Daichi. Daichi was left dumbfounded.
Yakumo began to explain, “There was a strange audio interweaving with the noise in that video. This is the result of extracting that audio with the help of a mixer.” Confused, Daichi pressed the play button on the IC recorder.
Amidst the static noise akin to pouring rain, a woman’s voice could be heard. <Daichi. Please...stop it already.>
Haruka remembered that voice. The same voice she had heard when she had watched the cursed video in the library.
“This is Kana-san’s wish.” “I…” Daichi’s voice choked.
“There’s one more message from Kana-san. Don’t forget about me, okay?—was what she said.” As soon as Yakumo finished his sentence, Daichi wept as he clutched the IC recorder. The sound of his cries felt like they could chip at the spirits of anyone who heard it.
- 13
- Haruka stood in front of the abandoned hospital, watching as a patrol car and an ambulance drove away.
The patrol car took Daichi with them. While the ambulance carried Sakamoto and Asami who had been rescued. Luckily, while their conditions were weakened, their lives weren’t threatened.
With this, it’s all over, Haruka thought, before realising there were more things left unanswered. “Hey, how did you know to suspect Daichi-san?”
She had no idea since when had Yakumo begun suspecting Daichi. “Simple enough. When Sakamoto-san and Fujimoto-san were abducted, their doors were unlocked. Why was that so?”
“Why?” “Because they had opened it willingly. Someone they knew came to visit, so they opened the door and invited the person inside.”
“What do you mean?” “When Fujimoto-san called you that night, she was shaken because of the ghost problem and Sakamoto-san’s disappearance. She must have had her guard up, so strangers or other people unaware of the situation wouldn’t be allowed inside.”
“I see. Meanwhile, Daichi-san was in the same circle and knew about the spiritual phenomenon.” “Pretty much. Well, not that I had known from the start that he was the culprit, but I had already suspected that the culprit had to be someone from within the circle. That was the reason why I had them gathered at that time.”
He must have been referring to their gathering in the campus cafeteria. “So, Daichi-san was acting suspicious by then?”
“That’s right. When talking about whether he had seen a ghost or not, his answer was vague. Said answer was only told after he had deliberated what kind of answer would be able to fool us.” So that was how it was.
Haruka was nearly convinced, but there was something else she didn’t understand. “So the ghost was Kana-san after all?”
“No.” “But Sakamoto-san and Asami saw a ghost.”
“Someone else was pretending to be a ghost.” “Pretending to be a ghost?”
“Don’t you know?” “I don’t know at all,” said Haruka firmly.
“Don’t boast about something like that,” scolded Yakumo. “Who did I ask you to deliver a message to?” “Natsuki-san.”
Before going to the abandoned hospital, she had sent a message to Natsuki per Yakumo’s instructions, saying, <We found a clue that may lead to Sakamoto-san and Asami’s whereabouts, so we’re heading to the location where the video was shot.> “As a result, he attacked you.”
“By that, you mean…” “Yes. He and Natsuki-san were working together.”
“Why?” “We better ask the person directly. You’re there, right?” Yakumo called.
Natsuki slowly walked out from behind the hospital building. Her face was pale and she looked exhausted. “We were friends...” said Natsuki weakly.
“Natsuki-san.” “Kana was my closest friend. I too attended the same event that night. Sakamoto-san and Asami forced Kana to drink sake…I saw it happen, yet I couldn’t stop them...”
Natsuki closed her eyes shut in frustration. The anger building up within her seemed to be directed at herself.
“Even when we were about to go for a second round, I wanted to go home with Kana because I saw that she couldn’t stand properly anymore, yet Sakamoto-san insisted on leaving her be, and we left her...” “Don’t blame yourself like that,” said Haruka, placing her hand on Natsuki’s shoulder.
“How can I not blame myself? That was why, to redeem myself, I told Daichi-kun the truth.” “Afterwards, the two of you orchestrated this plan,” said Yakumo, and Natsuki nodded in return.
Haruka understood the gist of the events that had followed without further explanation. The ghost that had shown itself to Sakamoto and Asami had been Natsuki pretending to be one. With those methods, they had tried to remind Sakamoto and Asami about their mistakes.
Natsuki, who had panicked after seeing the message from Haruka, had discussed it with Daichi. Daichi had then attacked Haruka to prevent their plans from getting discovered. They hadn’t intended to kill, but perhaps they had wanted to lock Haruka in the same place until Sakamoto and Asami repented.
“What are you going to do after this?” asked Yakumo. Natsuki lifted her face. She had a refreshing expression, as if all her doubts had vanished.
“I was wrong. This method will never be able to redeem my mistake. Of course, I’m going to confess about what I have done, and about the events of that day to the police.” “If that’s the conclusion you’ve reached—” said Yakumo.
Natsuki bowed deeply to Yakumo before walking away. This time, everything is truly over—or so Haruka thought, but she reconsidered.
To Daichi nor Natsuki, nothing was over yet. Haruka, too, as someone who had been involved, needed to witness this case to the end. That was how she felt. Yakumo slowly walked away.
Haruka followed after him when a question suddenly appeared in her mind. “Hey. Why did Kana-san call Daichi-san on the brink of her death?”
Her life had been in danger. Why hadn’t she thought of calling an ambulance? “When humans realise they’re at death’s door, they may have the desire to be rescued, but at the same time, they wish to rely on those dear to them.”
“I suppose you’re right...” Even when she had been attacked by Daichi, within her heart, Haruka hadn’t been thinking about contacting the police nor an ambulance, instead seeking help from someone else.
Her face heated up at the memory. “What are you spacing out for? Come on, let’s go.”
Disregarding Haruka’s feelings, Yakumo briskly walked away. “Wait for me!”
Haruka could only bury her feelings and ran after Yakumo. -
Translation Notes [1] Yutori Seidai (ゆとり世代)’Laid back generation’, a term to describe the Japanese people who went to elementary and middle school between the 1980s and early 2000s, in which the education at that time focused on creative development and self learning, such that the generation was claimed to be less competitive.
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helshollowhalls · 1 year
I have some thoughts. On Mysta's graduation. And the current state of Nijisanji in general.
At the end of the day, I am not surprised. I expected someone else to graduate first, hell I even expected Niji to keep more of an iron grip on their money makers aka Luxiem in order to milk them for more cash, but I digress.
Mysta is graduating and it only goes to show that their 'money first, talent... third? last?' approach comes back to bite them in the arse. This might be the potential wakeup call for everyone who has yet to realize that the entire English branch of Nijisanji is crumbling away in record time because of the absolutely abysmal talent management and treatment of the livers.
I refrained from speculating who would be the next ones to graduate after Nina - simply because I will leave that job to the anonymous leakers on the site/platform that shall not be named here. Apparently Shu and Vox were brought up as the potential next people to graduate (this is according to a recent Depressed Nousagi stream but he didn't show any screenshots so take that with a massive bucket of salt.) Mysta was allegedly also mentioned down the line, but he seemingly wasn't the first choice.
Honestly, if you think about it the entirety of Luxiem must be so done mentally. They didn't know what to expect when they signed up to become Nijisanji's first male English-speaking Vtuber group. They waltz onto the scene, explode in popularity all over the world out of nowhere basically and suddenly they're Niji EN's favorite child. The company is milking them for all they have because OH BOI do they rake in the cash - not to mention from a target audience that was completely ignored before in the EN corporate sphere - female viewers.
In a lot of things the boys weren't given any choice. Jazz On The Clock? The first ever second unit song in Niji EN ever and it was released even before their anniversary. With Luxiem being the fourth EN wave in total it felt a little counterintuitive - Wouldn't they start another potential wave of unit songs with LazuLight, their first wave? Well, now that Light Me Up is out and Pomu talked about the entire fiasco of LazuLight basically fighting management tooth and nail to be allowed a second unit song, I think most of us can guess how things are going at Anycolor. And in case you're not entirely convinced, just look at the amount of Luxiem merch Niji has put out compared to any other EN wave.
It's not just JotC, but their anniversary/irl Japan meetup stream as well. That stream was something that personally really rubbed me the wrong way because it felt very inauthentic. It felt like the five of them were just shoved into a room at the Niji HQ to play Smash and do some batsus while the executives and managers proceeded to lock the doors and breath down their necks for the entirety of the stream. The stream had a very different feel to it - Comparing it to other Luxiem collab streams or even other anniversary streams. Management didn't consider it necessary to order Obsydia or Ethyria to Japan and record their anniversary streams at the Niji HQ - Well, that would be because none of them make the company as much sweet sweet cash as Luxiem - Closest would maybe be Selen. And even she has been public about the management fuck-ups - I am talking about her outfit design contest here, of course.
But back to Luxiem. I don't follow them as closely as I used to in the beginning, infact I am only subscribed to Shu out of the five, so let's start from here.
The entire wave collectively tweeted very salty and sarcastic remarks about the official announcement of the EN 3D Live Concert being "postponed due to COVID" earlier this year. But out of all of them, it seemingly hit Shu the hardest. I noticed that he was streaming less and less, infact he still isn't streaming as much as he used to.
Ike... oh boi, where do I even begin. Judging from his spontaneous irl hangout with Vox recently and the amount of projects he has been involved in as a vocal mixer, not to mention his two recent songs of which one is an original, this man seems to be working 30 hours a day and is stressed to the max.
Mysta made his personal situation and his ongoing burnout/lack of goals to work towards very clear in his graduation announcement stream, so I won't go into detail.
Vox has also been streaming less frequently. During the course of his employment at Nijisanji he got diagnosed with ADHD and PTSD (I believe), started therapy and medication, had a panic attack during an ASMR stream, started new projects and also some personal issues in his private life to deal with.
I have to be honest about Luca - I don't really know anything about what is going on with him apart from the fact that he planned to move again and got a puppy.
In conclusion, I could see reasons for anyone of them graduating anytime soon. Management isn't treating them well - Management isn't treating anyone in EN well, it seems - and at some point that fact doesn't warrant staying with the company anymore. Plus, money isn't really an issue for any of them at this point I assume - Especially Vox and Mysta. Both of them have enough money to fulfill their potential aspirations as indies or under another agency or manager.
Infact, apart from a couple of livers I can see anyone graduating next because of how Nijisanji handles things.
Some may argue that it all started going downhill when they kicked Yugo or when Zaion got terminated - Regardless of what you think, at the end of the day, the entire branch is seemingly falling apart right in front of us and Nijisanji's reputation is tanking, especially with the English-speaking fanbase, while Hololive idly sits by and watches the drama unfold.
The consequences of Mysta leaving and the message it sends about Nijisanji and how they treat their livers can't be understated.
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vodika-vibes · 9 months
A Different Kind of Happily Ever After
Summary: Seven years after you're exiled from your home world due to the actions of other people, you've made a good life for yourself. You have a new name, a new family, and you don't think about the world you were forced to leave behind. Until, suddenly, you no longer have a choice.
Pairing: Pre-Commander Wolffe x F!Reader (Named Winter)
Word Count: 3069
Warnings: Reader is/was Snow White. Reader now goes by the name Winter.
Tagging: @trixie2023 @n0vqni
A/N: This will probably have several other parts, since I like the idea behind it.
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Your hands shake as you clutch your fine leather book to your chest. This is your book. The book you were assigned when you were an infant. The book that determined what your name was and what path you were destined to walk in life. 
Your grip tightens around the book, and you absently trace the apple etched onto the front of the book as you try to settle your nerves.
You don’t understand.
It makes no sense.
You followed your book to the letter. 
You suffered. You were hunted. You allowed your step-mother to poison you. You met your Prince Charming and he saved you from your eternal slumber-
And yet-
And yet.
The door to the room you’ve been locked in for hours finally opens, and you shudder as the Lorekeeper walks in. He gazes at you through darkened eyes, and you duck your head to try and avoid his judgemental gaze.
You haven’t done anything wrong!
“My apologies for keeping you waiting, while I looked into this fiasco.” The Lorekeeper seems to glide across the room and settles in the chair across from where you are sitting. “I’m sure you must be confused and frightened.”
“Yes sir,” You whisper, but you can’t help but notice that he hasn’t used your name once since he entered the room.
The man nods, “Then let me begin with what I know.” He folds his hands on his desk, “You took a bite of a poisoned apple, as your story dictates, and fell into an enchanted slumber. Prince Charming came and woke you up, as his story goes. Is this correct?”
You nod mutely.
“Very good. The problem comes in after that. You were meant to go with Prince Charming to his kingdom, where you and he would marry and have your happily ever after. However, Prince Charming broke his story, and instead elected to abandon you in the forest.”
Your knuckles are white, with how tightly you’re holding onto your book. “That’s also correct.” You say finally, after the silence in the room becomes deafening.
“Prince Charming has since married another woman and has claimed that he is her Prince Charming,” The Lorekeeper leans back in his chair, “And after some digging, it appears that he is correct. Which begs the question, what happens to you?”
You lift your gaze, and can feel any color in your face drain at the look on the Lorekeepers face, “Sir?”
“You are no longer Snow White. You don’t have a story,” He almost sounds apologetic, though his eyes are colder than ice, “Which means that you cannot stay here.”
Panic seizes you, “What! But this is my home!”
“Enough.” He doesn’t raise his voice, but you flinch back as though he just brandished a blade at you, “This is not a negotiation. You cannot remain here without a book.”
“But…what will happen to me? Where will I go?” You ask.
“I have made arrangements for a shuttle to bring you to the station above the planet, and I have also made arrangements for you to get a one way flight to Coruscant.”
“We live a blessed life here,” The Lorekeeper interrupts, “Untroubled by the horrors of the galaxy, and I freely admit that our education is lacking. So you will spend a month on a space station catching up on everything you need to know about the larger galaxy-”
You surge to your feet, “I’m 14!” You shout, “I’m still legally a minor everywhere! You can’t-”
The Lorekeeper turns to look at you, and your words die on your tongue, “I have been generous up until this point, Nameless one.” He says quietly, “Raise your voice to me again, and you won’t be leaving my office.”
You fall back into your seat, and the Lorekeeper nods. He circles his desk and rips your book from your hands, before he tosses it into the fireplace. The thin pages of the book cut your fingers open, and you stare at the blood welling up on the tips of your fingers.
“You will need a new name, you are no longer Snow White.” The Lorekeeper continues as if he hadn’t just threatened you, “My attendants will be with you shortly to deal with the appearance problem-”
“...appearance problem?”
“Snow White has skin as white as snow, hair the color of ebony, and lips the color of an apple.” The Lorekeeper says emotionlessly, “You are no longer Snow White, so you can’t look like that anymore. You needn’t worry. It’s a painless procedure.”
“How am I supposed to survive on my own?” You ask.
The Lorekeeper stares at you as his office door opens and three figures glide in. “That is no longer my concern.” He turns to the figures, which you suddenly realize truly are formless. They look like walking dolls, with no hair or discernible features at all. “Take her. Give her some control over her appearance, but ensure that she no longer looks like Snow White.”
The figures bow, and you’re ushered out of the room before you really know what’s happening.
They sweep you into a clean room, and silently strap you to a hospital bed. And no matter how hard you try, you’re unable to pull yourself free. The figures inject you with something, and the last thing you remember before you slip into merciful, blissful darkness, and the faceless figures looming over you.
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“There you are!”
You look up from where you’re crouching in a flower bed, and glance at one of your many coworkers. This specific coworker, a Nautolan who is in charge of ensuring that the water is safe to use on the plants, is a friend. His name is Zakon, and you and he were raised in the same Foster home until you both aged out of the system.
“Hey, Zak.” You reply, “Something wrong?”
“Yes! That absolute hag of a woman, Karien, brought in apple turnovers for her Name day, even though she knows that you’re allergic.” Zak rages.
You roll your eyes, “You know as well as I do that I don’t eat things that other people bring in for that very reason. It’s nothing to be upset about.”
“I’m still upset.” Zak replies.
“You’re so sensitive, brother mine.” You say with a laugh, as you straighten and brush the dirt off of your hands, “Anyway, have you heard from mom recently?”
“Yeah. She wanted to know if I was going to come to little Jay’s birthday party. I told her it depends on if I have to work or not.” Zak replies, “I’m guessing she asked you too?”
“Yeah. I told her I wouldn’t be going. I was slated to be a tour guide for a local elementary school on that day.” You flash a wry smile, “Needless to say, mom was not thrilled about that.”
“I’m not sure why she wants you there at all. No offense, Winter, but you’re not exactly her favorite child.” Zak grins, “Probably because you named yourself a season and didn’t let mom name you.”
“Okay, look-” You say as you set your hands on your hips, “Summer and Autumn are proper names, who says Winter can’t be a name too?” And then you fold your arms, “Besides, I wasn’t about to let anyone else name me, what if they decide to take my name back?”
“Girl, you have issues. Names aren’t like name day presents, they can’t be taken back.” Zak says dryly. It’s a conversation the pair of you have had many times, and it’s something that you’ve never been able to agree on.
“You do realize that Name Day presents aren’t supposed to be taken back, right? Like, that’s only something our foster parents do.” You point out, “Also, that plant you’re about to lean against will give you a rash if you touch it.”
Zak swears and jumps off the stone wall, “Why didn’t you warn me?!”
“I just did.” You roll your eyes, “Relax, you didn’t touch it.”
“But I might have!”
You roll your eyes again.
It’s been seven years since the day you were exiled from your home. And you like to think that you’ve adjusted nicely to life in the wider galaxy. You have a family and you have friends, and you even managed to go to college and get a degree.
You have a nice job, working at the Botanical garden on Coruscant, and you get paid very well for your time and effort. 
Of course, not everything is perfect.
You found out, only after you left home, that you developed a severe allergy to apples. Severe enough, in fact, that the first time your foster mother made an apple pie, you ended up in the ICU for three days while the doctors tried to save your life.
And, of course, there’s the fact that even after seven years, you still get surprised when you look at yourself in the mirror. The Lorekeeper’s attendants hadn’t changed as much as you feared they might have. Well, your face is the same shape, at least.
Really, all they did was darken your skin several shades away from the alabaster that you were born with, and lighten your hair from black to dark brown.
It could have been so much worse.
Maybe if you keep repeating that to yourself, you’ll someday believe it.
“-llooo? Coruscant to Winter!”
You smack Zak’s hand away from your face as he pokes your cheek, “Why are you touching me?”
“You zoned out to Lala Land, I was just trying to return you to the real world.” Zak replies with a grin.
“You mean the real world where we have a Chancellor who’s been leading for a lot longer than his term limit and the fact that we’re at war? That real world?”
“Wow, you’re such a downer sometimes.”
“Mm. Love democracy. Especially when it’s fake democracy-” You say lazily.
“Wait, aren’t you from a Monarchy?”
“We’re not talking about me. But yes, I am.” You glare at him, “But that’s a stupid way to govern too.”
“Aww,” Zak squishes your cheeks with his hands, “You’re such an adorable little anarchist.”
You swat his hands away, “Don’t you have work to do?”
“Yep. I need to go and check the water levels near the water plants,” Zak says cheerfully, “Do you?”
You scowl at him, “There’s some kind of parasite eating some of the Nubian plants, so I need to go to the lab and talk to the scientists.”
“Mm, your job is so fun,” Zak says as he makes a face. “Parasites.”
You bump him with your shoulder, “Go away, Zak.”
He laughs and turns towards the water exhibits, “Oh! I almost forgot!” He says a moment later, “Kam wants to know if you’re coming to dinner this weekend? He’s making some sort of fish dinner.”
“Yeah, I’ll be there.” You call back.
“Awesome! Kam will be thrilled! I swear, he likes you more than me.”
You scoff, “Please, he married you. I’m just the only sibling you have who isn’t homophobic.”
Zak grins, “I’ll get them to chill out eventually.”
You shake your head with a sigh, “So you say, Zak. So you say.” You wave and take the narrow path that leads to the lab. You push the door open, and walk the familiar halls until you reach one of the scientists.
“What’s wrong?” The woman asks without looking up from her microscope.
“There’s some kind of parasite attacking Nubian plants.” You reply as you set a sample container on the table, “Just the Nubian plants, though. It’s not touching any of the other plants in the same area.”
“Hm…” The scientist takes the bottle and looks at it, “Strange. I’ll take a look, reach out to our counterparts on Naboo, they might have an answer. Thanks.”
“Yeah, just let me know what needs to be done.” But the woman isn’t paying attention to you anymore. You shake your head and leave the lab as quickly as you arrived.
With that done, and with nothing else on your schedule for another few hours, you decide to leave the botanical gardens to grab your lunch. There’s a nice little deli not far from the gardens that has the best sandwiches, and they’re not super expensive either. 
So you clock out, and leave out the side entrance to make the short walk to the deli. And, since it’s a nice day, you also consider eating your lunch outside at the deli, rather than bringing it back to work.
As you approach the deli, you make a face when you see how busy it is, but since you have time, you decide to just stand in line behind a Kel Dor Jedi and one of the clones from the GAR.
You feel for the clones. All of them.
Having your whole life planned out from the moment you’re born is twisted and wrong.
It took you a long time to come to terms with that.
You wish you could do something to help them, but…well, it’s not like you’re a soldier or a politician. You’re a botanist. And no botanist has ever saved anyone.
Hell, you weren’t even able to save yourself.
And while you’ve come to accept that there’s nothing shameful about needing to be saved, it doesn’t do anything to help the clones.
So, while you burn with the injustice and unfairness of the lives of the clones, you say nothing. 
You’re vaguely aware of the Jedi and his Commander chatting quietly, but you aren’t really listening to them until you hear a familiar name.
“I’ve never heard of the planet Castus,” The clone says, a frown on his face, “What do you know about it, General?”
“Not much, I’m afraid.” The Jedi replies, “Castus isn’t a Republic world, but it’s not a Separatist world either. As I understand it, they are vehemently insular.”
“And yet someone from Castus reached out to the Order?”
“Just so. They want a member of the order to visit the planet to help with something-”
“You’ll never be allowed to land,” You interrupt without meaning to, and your face heats when two pairs of eyes turn towards you, but you continue anyway, “On Castus. You’ll never be allowed to land.”
“They requested aid-” The Jedi says in a very soothing voice.
“The Lorekeeper would never.” You say bluntly, “And only the Lorekeeper is allowed to communicate with the outside.”
“The person who contacted the Jedi did not claim to be this Lorekeeper.”
“Then whoever they are is trying to set you up.” You absently twist some hair between your fingers, “Outsiders are forbidden from entering Castus. You’ll ruin too many stories.” You didn’t mean to sound bitter about that, but really, you can’t help it.
“And how would you know anything about Castus if outsiders aren’t allowed?” The Clone asks as he turns to face you fully. His armor is white and gray, and he has a cybernetic eye. He’s handsome in spite of the scar on his face.
“Because I was exiled from Castus when I was 14.”
The Jedi turned to you fully this time, “Forgive me, but what crime could a child of 14 have committed to deserve exile?”
You shrug, uncomfortable, “My story ended up broken because of someone else involved in my story. And because of that I lost my name, my title, my home, and my appearance.” You pause, “The Lorekeeper made arrangements for me to get a very quick education on the station around the planet, and he paid for a one way ticket here, but after that I was on my own.”
“You were a kid.” The Jedi says with a frown.
“Yeah. It took less than an hour for the authorities to realize that I was an abandoned kid, and I was shoved into Foster care immediately.” You shrug again, “Anyway. Someone’s trying to set you up. The Lorekeeper definitely didn’t call you.”
The two men share a look, and then the Jedi turns back to you, “My name is Plo Koon, and this is my Commander, Wolffe. What’s your name, my dear?”
“Oh, ah…I’m Winter.”
“Winter? Like the season?” Wolffe asks.
You scowl at him, “Wolf, like the animal?”
He blinks at you, surprised, and then a smirk lifts the corner of his lips, “I thought nat borns had normal names.”
“If people can be named Summer and Autumn then I can definitely be called Winter!”
Plo clears his throat, “Children, please behave.” 
“Sorry, General.” Wolffe says sheepishly as he rubs the back of his neck.
“Yeah, I wasn’t trying to pick a fight.” You say.
“It’s quite alright,” He smiles at the pair of you, and you get the feeling that something about the situation is amusing him, “Miss Winter, would you be willing to come to the Jedi Temple and tell us about Castus?”
“Er…If you want?” You push your hand through your hair, “I mean, I have to go back to work in a couple of hours-”
“I’m sure I can make arrangements with your boss to steal you for the rest of the day,” Master Koon says peacefully, “With your permission?”
“Oh, uh…well if you think it’s important.” You say slowly, “But I’m not sure how much help I’m going to be.”
“Well, right now we know nothing about Castus, so any information is better than walking in blind.” Wolffe points out.
“Just so, Commander.” Master Koon says warmly, “I need to make a few calls to get this started. Commander, feel free to order as much as you like-”
“I can’t ask you to pay for me, General-”
“Then I’ll pay for you.” You interject smoothly, “I’m starving and I make enough to pay for us both.”
Wolffe stares at you, and then he sighs, “Fine. If you really want to pay for me, then I suppose I can’t argue.”
“No, you can’t.” You lightly push him back into line, and you’re vaguely aware of Master Koon chuckling behind you as he steps out of the deli, already pulling his comm out of his pocket.
And as anxious as you are, you never wanted to think about Castus again, or to tell anyone about the life you lived while on Castus, you know that you’ll do it because it’s important. 
After all, you said that you wanted to help the clones, right?
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darkcandy-starfait · 6 months
Theory: Ralsei is a Titan (or at least a Neo darkner)
Hey so. this theory and analysis has been long over due, I'm so sorry but I kept forgetting and getting sidetracked with school work.
Okay so many people have noticed how weird Ralsei is, he's honestly a whole can of worms on his own without considering every theory being made about him.
But I have had this particular theory in my for like almost a whole fucking year, so let me propose a weirder one: Ralsei is a titan.
What do I mean by that? Honestly, I kind of only half way know what that means, since this is more of crack theory but here are my points
We all know that Ralsei looks different between the first two chapters. But a few people have pointed out that Ralsei's transformation from chapter 1 to chapter 2 is rather strange, as the two look very different. Toby has said that Ralsei looking different was a recent choice made during development.
He first starts out as this black, fluffy figure in a ratty looking robe, with his hands mostly obscured, and a hat. but after he takes off the hat, he suddenly looks very different: white fur, and more boss monster like. in chapter 2 we see his robes are neater looking and his arms are visible with black sleeves.
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I find this bizarre, because it's such a drastic change. Looking at his two forms side by side, it almost looks like two different characters. Like, taking off a hat should not change your form like that, even if it might be dark world logic.
Ralsei is also shown to disappear when he's downed in battles. Susie, Kris and Noelle all have sprites of them kneeling or collapsed on the ground when their hp reaches 0. But ralsei just... turns into a pile of his clothes, in both forms. Almost like he's made of nothing??
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Ralsei also seems seems just show up in dark worlds without Kris or Susie bringing him there in his supposed object form. Other darkners like Rouxls and Lancer are physical objects (both of them are playing cards), and need to be carried in Kris' pocket to the Cyber World. Kris has to physically take all the objects from rooms and bring them back to the supply closet.
Since we still only have two chapters at the moment, what object Ralsei actually is in the light world is currently a mystery. Some say he could Kris' red horned headband (personal favourite of mine), or even the missing green crayon in the Dreemurr house.
I even theorised that he might be Kris' mysterious knife they always seem to have on them, which is why he's always in the dark world shortly after Kris and Susie arrive there. But we never see Kris' knife in their inventory anywhere, unless Kris is just. materialising the knife out of thin air???
This still doesn't change to fact that Ralsei, if he did have an light world object equivalent, would have to be carried around like every other darkner in order to travel to other dark worlds. But he doesn't. He just... shows up in Cyber World to help Susie and Kris without any explanation other than "I felt a dark presence."
Most interestingly, he later explains that darkners who don't belong in other dark worlds will turn to stone. All the Card Castle characters in the Cyber World turn to stone in chapter 2, but Ralsei doesn't. He does say that Castle Town's fountain is made of pure darkness, so that's why all darkners can live there.
Ralsei being Castle Town's ruler helps him in this case, and the fact that a piece of text in Toby's concepts for Ralsei's manual says that Ralsei's form is made from Castle Town's fountain. Makes sense that a being made from pure darkness would be able to live in every dark world. But here's another question I have.
WHY is Castle Town's fountain made of pure darkness? How did it get this way? Is it because the fountain has maybe been around longer, while others like Card Kingdom and Cyber World were created only recently? What makes a fountain pure darkness?
Well here we bring up some interesting lore from Queen in chapter 2. Queen says that she needs a lightner to help spread more darkness, by literally opening a dark fountain inside a dark world. In the Giga Queen fight, she calls it a Neo Fountain.
Berdly almost makes this a reality, only to be stopped by Ralsei, who suddenly drops the lore about the Roaring.
The Roaring is a prophecy of a sort of apocalyptic event, where opening more dark fountains and fountains within fountains could cause mass destruction. Giant beings known as Titans will form from all the fountains, and will cover the world in darkness, turning darkners to stone and leaving humans to fend for themselves.
Ralsei speaks of this like its either a prophecy that was passed down to him, or something he even witnessed first hand. Maybe that's why he has no subjects in Castle Town. But I want to go back to everything I've said here about Ralsei, the most important ones bolded.
• is able to change forms by the drop of a hat (haha)
• is supposedly made of pure darkness like Castle Town's fountain
• fades into nothing when he's downed in battles
• can travel between dark worlds without being brought physically in the light world
• doesn't turn to stone when in other dark worlds while many other darkners do
• knows about a catastrophic event where more fountains are made and giant beasts made from darkness ravage the land
That last part. When I remembered that Ralsei said that the titans are formed from dark fountains, and that Ralsei is a darkner of pure darkness... well that got me thinking: What if Ralsei is a young titan? His first form in chapter 1 could be closer to his true titan form, and he might be taking a new form in chapter 2 to appeal more to lightners.
(Side note Ralsei taking the form of a boss monster, the species that Kris' family is, is another can of worms I have to save when I talk about their connections.)
What if Ralsei is a product of a Neo fountain being created? What if he's the last remnant of a time when there were more fountains, when the sky was black with terror, and the land cracked with fear.
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Like, NEO fountains are even talked about more in the Spamton Sweepstakes. When you play this puzzle on the website, and click the 3rd option on the bottom row, you are brought to a sprite of a chair.
We all know the chair, but the phrase in the window of this page definitely seems seems be hinting at the creation of Neo fountains.
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What if that's Ralsei's deal. Even if he isn't a titan, what if he's some kind of Neo darkner? What if he's more darkner than darkners in general?
Honestly I'm fully prepared for this theory to be steam rolled over when the next two chapters drop, but it was fun and interesting to write nontheless! I'm interested to see if anyone else has their own theory about this or if you even had the same thoughts?
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verbotenlove33 · 3 days
Are you aware of the accusations against Alfhess?
Let me make it very clear again that I was NOT aware of the accusations, and as I once again explained I was ABSENT from Twitter for close to a year due to it’s high levels of drama and toxicity. I was on there for 30 minutes the other night and did reach out to my old “friends” just to see what was going on there in the Fandom. AGAIN what I was explaining is that I knew this individual at a time when I was struggling and deeply suicidal YEARS AGO and he showed me nothing but kindness and support through a dark period in my life when I had no friends or anyone to talk to about my romantic feelings with AH. He never showed me rejection and hate like several people in this community do. Calling me a pedo over a situation I have absolutely NO FUCKING CLUE about is absolutely INSANE. What is also INSANE is who the hell is literally STALKING me and saw like a 5 minute convo before I decided to immediately leave Twitter again? Also who is twisting my words when I said I was NOT DENYING that the accusations were true??? I DON’T KNOW because I literally WASN'T THERE and don’t wish to ever go back to that cesspool and go through a years worth of posts to see everything that has occurred in Reichtwt since my absence. Look I just wanted to start sharing my PHOTOGRAPHS and Adi knowledge with y’all but clearly I’ll not be permitted to do that due to all the hatred towards me. I have also made it clear that I am functioning socially on the level of about a 12 year old due to being on the spectrum and also almost dying from encephalitis as a child. My arrested development makes it IMPOSSIBLE for me to grasp all these social nuances going on and it makes me realize I need to stay off social media for my own health and safety. ALSO I never denied that Eva Braun was “groomed” and again I explained that concept was new to me and I appreciated being taught and informed about that and I don’t know how me being naive about the evil in the world suddenly means I SUPPORT it? That logic doesn’t make any sense to me whatsoever. Unfortunately nothing makes any sense to me anymore. But y’all believe what you want. I deal with being ostracized in the real world which certainly isn’t a choice. On here it is, and shame on me this time for thinking things would actually be any different. I know I’m not a smart person but I’m a good person, and I’m not going to be gaslighted anymore into believing otherwise.
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davey-in-a-minivan · 5 months
Second Star to the left Pasithea Au??? 👀👀👀👀
okay there are actually three permutations that @munchiezxx and i discussed (listed in increasing order of my fondness for them!)--
scoutminder jane, scout sophie:
personalitywise, this one feels most obvious--sophie's got that intrepid explorer air, and jane WOULD be over-particular and stressed if she had to try to watch over sophie in a situation where she has almost no actual influence!
remember that part in pasithea season 1 where jane admits she doesn't mind hearing sophie's stories about other planets bc they're probably the closest she'll come to seeing new worlds herself? scout sophie lovingly describing her planet for the sake of jane, who they both assume will never see it, is born from that same wistfulness
like bell, scoutminder jane ONE HUNDRED PERCENT has a "criminal due to decisions of conscience" past that she drops no hints of and sophie is too self-absorbed to prod until something happens
a very funny situation made possible by this set up is that moreau is jane's on-station nemesis that she complains to sophie about and sophie's like "um are you're sure they're not flirting?? *i* think they're wildly attracted to you and it's pissing them off. you should flirt back" and jane's like "you're insane" and sophie, who finds the saga wildly entertaining, is like "jane pleeeease, im stuck on this nowhere planet, i can't start drama myself, you have to do it on my behalf, i'll literally coach you" except then one day jane gets on the radio and says "um. something very lgbt just happened between me and moreau" and sophie's like 👁👁 wait a minute (<- suddenly super jealous and BLINDSIDED by the feeling bc she literally spent weeks egging jane into this)
sometimes sophie crosses a line and jane gives her the cold shoulder, refusing to talk about anything non mission related, and sophie resorts to narrating stupid choices she's "going" to make until jane can't take any more and is like "i know you know that putting your fork in the outlet won't fix it, stop that" and sophie (who was bluffing about the fork AND the broken outlet) is like well okay fine :) 2. scoutminder sophie, scout jane:
my backstory thought here is maybe instead of jane getting thrown in prison for the ssttl-verse equivalent of the rowley conspiracy, she was "invited" to become a planetary scout
sophie would probably have an ideological faith in the institution of the scouting office (which she works for as scoutminder) that gets broken down over the course of the story
jane would freely rearrange mission priorities and modify equipment to suit her and sophie's like "for the love of god there is protocol to follow." and does jane listen? no <3
jane asks sophie to slip hieronymus cheng novels into her data download packages and sometimes she reads them out loud and sophie insists she's only half-listening and doesn't care about the plot. which is true she doesn't care about the plot!! but she loves to hear jane's voice :')
sophie also asks jane to describe her planet sometimes but she's trying so hard to picture jane, not the planet... she's like "what's the light like? is your hair up or down?"
my favorite aspect of THIS scenario is i think sophie would just wildly overshare abt her life to fill in gaps in conversation so she tells jane waaaay too much abt her love life on the station at first "for jane's entertainment" because "it's not like she's got much else going on", and then one day jane's like huh sophie hasn't told me about any of her hookups in excruciating detail recently, thank god (this is because sophie is pining horribly)
3. scoutminder jane (again), scouts sophie and george:
this one is notably different from scenario (1) bc in that one, scout sophie fills a gwen hartley-ish role; in this one she's mikhail
from sophie's pov: she finds out her planet is inhabited by a sentient species (the others!!!) and realizes that in order to protect them & humanity from each other, she has to fake her death and stay here alone. (i don't remember the name of mikhail's alien lover but THAT'S OMIKRON)
from jane's pov: sophie gets weirder and weirder over calls until jane hears another voice in the background and goes cold bc it sounds just like evelyn. and then sophie's like "yeah i need you to tell everyone i'm dead and leave me here alone with no company except my ghosts and the undead replica of the guy we both loved!!! and you have to be the only one who knows what happened to me while everyone else mourns me!!!"
meanwhile jane and moreau are having their whole haters-to-soulmates arc over the radio (remember how moreau names the egoran corpse in their closet and insists jane treat her with respect?? they would sooo anthropomorphize their bot and then condescendingly explain to it why jane is wrong during arguments)
also moreau's a xenobiologist and i just think they deserve to have a field day investigating the weird vines on their planet and jane listens to a thirty minute monologue abt the vines' growth behaviors and is like "wait why is this so endearing"
jane gets in trouble for insubordination on the station bc of course she does and moreau finally gets josephine to track down information abt jane's background, finds out abt [rowley conspiracy equivalent] and is like "oh shit. that actually makes me like her even better. shit she can't go to PRISON abt this"
i do think coordinating a long distance jailbreak by calling in favors from random ppl who are fond of jane (anders? david alegros?) is something moreau is capable of AND likely to do
so jane escapes to moreau's planet, they finally meet in person, and then sophie turns up out of fucking NOWHERE to find jane bc while moreau's been having their ssttl 'express your newly recognized feelings for your erstwhile scoutminder by breaking them out of jail and bringing them to your planet' plotline, sophie was having her pasithea s3 'i need to convince the aliens to give me a ride home' plotline
now all three of them are on a planet together and it's GOING to cause problems!! but the fun kind!!!
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lady-october · 6 months
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Pairing : Oli Sykes x Female Assistant Genre : Romance, Smut (18+ Only) Previous Chapters : 1-12 on Archive of Our Own
Story Content : 18+, Smut, Drama, Choking, Power dynamics, Romance, Dom/Sub, Sadism/Masochism, Mentions of addiction & self harm, Degradation, Praise kink, Exhibitionism, Breath play, Dirty talk.
Summary :
“Don’t you see what a dangerous game you’re playing? Why did you have to look so fucking delicious tonight, I couldn’t stop undressing you in my mind, thinking of all the twisted things I want to do to you.” She had only worked on the touring team for three weeks, but her mind had been hijacked by dirty thoughts of a man she barely even talked to. Sure, he was very attractive, but were there other reasons she was so uncontrollably drawn to him? This is a filthy story of pain, self discovery, and love.
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Chapter 13: Everything is so fucked
Chapter title is lyrics from "Teardrops"
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If there was ever a time for the ground to open up beneath my feet and put me out of my misery, it would be now.
Suddenly it was like the band members were taking turns trying to charm me, coming up with any excuse to get my attention, with Mat – the drummer of the group – coming on the strongest by a longshot, having effectively gotten me alone within a couple of hours after getting back on the bus.
We were both down on our knees, rummaging through some luggage next to his bunk as the bus gently swayed from driving along the straight desert motorway. He proclaimed he’d lost his best pair of earplugs that was necessary for the night due to Lee’s obnoxious snoring, which in turn had resulted in a heated argument about who snores the most. Once that settled down he’d casually yelled after me to help him look for them as he was already stalking up the stairs.
I really wasn’t used to this type of attention from men. Besides Oli, I’d only been approached maybe a handful of times – and that includes the creep at last night's party. I always just assumed men didn’t find me too attractive, but now I’m starting to think that maybe it had more to do with how I presented myself to the world. Being as chronically shy as I am, I mostly tried to hide myself, attempting to get as little attention as possible with my wardrobe choices. But since joining the tour – since everything that happened with my ex, and since trying to get out of my shell a bit more, I’ve essentially worn less and less each week, revealing more of my body than I had ever done before.
I knew it had successfully gotten Oli’s attention, but it turns out the others had apparently enjoyed the view as well. And while I was actually quite flattered, I was having enough of a hard time juggling Oli and all the confusing things he was making me feel. The last thing I needed right now was Mat having me go on a wild goose chase for some earplugs I wasn’t sure were missing in the first place.
After a couple minutes looking through the luggage with him, I fished out the second pair of earplugs I’d found, “What about these?”
His eyes lit up, and the warmest smile I’d ever seen on him emerged on his face.
“Bloody brilliant, love. We’d be lost without you.” He said in a low voice, his eyes meeting mine as he took them off of me. I noticed the lust lingering there, despite it being very subdued. Much like Oli, it turns out Mat was also a charmer, just a completely different flavour. Where Oli was passionate and deep, like an ocean and its all-consuming and unpredictable waves, Mat carried an earthy warmth to him. He seemed solid, reliable, in a way that made you feel like you’d known him your whole life.
I gave him a bashful smile before I started packing his luggage back up, but the bus swayed unexpectedly and I fell straight into his lap with a yelp, knocking him into the bunk opposite us from the impact. I held onto him, trying to prevent us from sliding further down the walkway, but he immediately grabbed me by the shoulders and pushed me off of him.
“Bloody hell, you alright?” He asked, looking genuinely worried while helping us both back onto our knees – as if falling on him could have somehow injured me, then removed his hands from me completely.
“Shouldn’t I be asking you that? I just knocked you over.” I said with a laugh.
He laughed, “I don’t want to be too forward with you, love.”
Realisation hit; he thought being so physically close to me, having touched me or accidentally felt my body against his, might have been inappropriate in some way – despite it not even having been his fault.
It was both endearing and ironic, considering he’d just made up losing his earplugs to get me alone. I couldn’t help but laugh as well.
“Not too forward? You’ve worked awfully hard to get me alone you know.”
My words slipped out of me before I had a chance to think about what I was saying – or how I was saying it. The flirtatious mood I’d just been in while texting Oli had clearly not worn off yet, and in combination with how relaxed I felt in Mat’s down to earth presence, I had let my guard down entirely, causing me to speak without my usual filter; causing me to sound incredibly flirty.
Panic set in as I saw Mat’s face shift to reveal more of the subdued lust that was emitting off of him, “That obvious, huh?”
Kicking myself mentally, I fumbled for words, not sure how to get myself out of the situation I had so foolishly put myself in. When I failed to produce a response, Mat pulled himself up, holding onto the top bunk as the bus continued to sway gently, then offered me a helping hand. Stunned, I simply took it and let him help me up. 
But to my surprise he didn’t let go of my hand once I was standing.
I swallowed, my panic growing further, having me contemplate awkwardly making a run for the stairs, but Mat spoke before my brain had a chance to get itself out of the stunlock.
“You like Meg Myers, right?”
Another wave of shock washed over me; my first day on the tour Mat had asked me what music I was into, I’d blurted out Meg Myers in a rush as I was busy attempting to check off everything on Liam’s tasklist. 
I couldn’t believe he remembered.
“Y-yes.” I answered, as it was the only response I could find while my fingers still rested in Mat’s warm and calloused hand.
“Well I know tomorrow’s schedule is unusually chaotic, but we’ve planned to spend some time with the opening bands after the gig. Just backstage of course, so about as informal as it gets,” He started, his sunny smile reappearing on his lips, this time laced with a suggestiveness that made me feel a blush creep up my face, “Would be lovely to spend some time with you then… Cause I gave Meg Myers a listen and I have to say I’m really enjoying what I’ve heard so far, both lyrically and musically she’s pretty impressive. Maybe we could talk about other music you like, or just get to know each other a little better in general.”
As he watched me with questioning eyes, having essentially just asked me out on a date, I was struggling to not visibly hyperventilate. Not only was I the reason he didn’t know what was going on between me and Oli, but I had also just unintentionally led him on by very obviously flirting with him.
It felt incredibly cruel to turn him down now, but I knew I had to.
I opened my mouth to speak, to let him down as gently as I possibly could, but he brought my hand up to his lips and gave it a chaste kiss, “I’ll save a seat next to me, love.”
Throwing me one last smile, he let go of my hand and began taking strides towards the stairs. I wanted to tell him to stop, to let him know I wasn’t up for anything he was suggesting, but he had disappeared before my tangled mind had sorted itself out.
I was left standing in front of Mat’s open luggage, wondering how today had turned itself so completely upside down, so very quickly.
Trying not to cry out of frustration, I put away Mat’s luggage in a rush and started descending the stairs. 
I couldn’t even make eye contact with Oli as I made a bee-line for the front of the bus; I decided that it was best if I spent the rest of the evening up front with Liam, where, hopefully, no one else would attempt to ask me out on a date.
As soon as I collapsed into the seat next to him he flooded me with apologies,
“Listen, Alice. I’m so sorry for asking about the nap thing at the diner, I had no clue it would spark such questions, but it was entirely too risky of me regardless.”
“Don’t worry about it, it’s not your fault – they apparently already knew.” I said, feeling a nearly hysterical laughter trying to push its way up my throat.
“Wait, seriously?”
“Oh and Mat just asked me on a date.”
“What!?” Liam’s eyes went wide as saucers.
As I filled him in on all the details I was struck with such an overwhelming sense of dread that for a short moment I considered simply quitting this job and flying back home to England on the next available flight. The thought of spiralling down into suicidal misery and rotting in bed all day somehow felt more appealing than the prospect of these lies and broken hearts.
But as soon as I finished talking, Liam said something that snapped me out of it enough to at least consider my options further before throwing in the towel on the mess I’d created.
“Fucking hell, Alice... At least your life isn’t boring.”
While he had said it with pity in his heart, I couldn’t help but feel some hope. Because while my life was a complete disaster at the moment, I had, at the very least, managed to break free from the zombie-like state I’d been trapped in for the past 11 years.
When Liam parked up for the night I waited up front until everyone had gone upstairs. It wasn’t until the noises died down that I readied myself for bed and gingerly made my way up the steps to the second floor.
As soon as I pulled the privacy curtain on my bunk shut, I picked up my phone, knowing I had to fill Oli in on the events.
“Alice: Mat asked me to hangout with him tomorrow after the concert.”
I cringed as I had intentionally avoided the word ‘date’, but I knew the same point still came across. 
His response came quickly.
“Oli: What did you say?”
“Alice: He didn’t give me a chance to respond.”
“Oli: Are you interested in him?”
Another quick response, followed up by an immediate reminder of the deal we struck earlier.
“Oli: Remember, no lying.”
His question made me feel uneasy, because the truth is someone like Mat used to be the exact type of guy I would find attractive. I would easily get crushes on guys that were charming in similar ways, or came across as laid back and down to earth. It didn’t help that he was the spitting image of a guy I used to have a work crush a couple of years ago. 
It also didn’t help that he reminded me a fair bit of my ex. Or at least who he was in the beginning of our relationship, before things started to go down hill – before he changed. So I can’t help but feel like I could have enjoyed spending time with Mat, if it wasn’t for a certain someone who had taken me by storm, making me question what my type is at all anymore.
I took a deep breath, trying to think of a way to respond while both being honest, and trying to cause as little unnecessary jealousy as possible.
“Alice: I’m not sure he’s my type anymore.”
There was a longer pause between responses this time, causing me to tense up.
“Oli: Is your type by any chance a 3.8, singer from Sheffield?”
The tension left my body. Despite the knot in my stomach feeling like I was leading him on, some light-hearted flirting was a nice change of pace to our previously serious conversation. Plus it was hard to fight the urge to flirt with him, it just came so naturally.
“Alice: You know you’re a 10.”
“Oli: Is that so? We should go together perfectly then.”
I internally kicked myself as I felt the panic starting to grow again. It was just light-hearted flirting after all – something I had welcomed with open arms, and so willingly joined in on just a second ago. Yet the overwhelming sense of pressure I felt at his words was undeniable.
I knew I had to take some time to search within myself, to at least attempt to organise the chaos inside me and figure out what I need to do going forward with Oli. So I shoved the phone under my pillow, closed my eyes, and took a deep breath.
Some time passed as I tried to centre myself, and the sounds of soft snoring could be heard all around me alongside the wind from the outside. 
As I laid there trying to imagine different outcomes with Oli, and how they all made me feel, I continuously felt myself reaching for the mark on my wrist that he had so lovely kissed earlier today. The more times it happened, the more pressure was building inside me. I could feel a lump grow in my throat filled with trapped emotions that I didn’t know how to draw out without falling apart.
A vibration sounded from beneath my pillow.
“Oli: Night, love.”
It was such a short message, nothing special at all really, yet the emotions that rushed through my body at the sight of it left me with an intense urge to have him here with me in my bunk, holding me as I slept.
I have feelings for him.
My heart began to race at the thought. I didn’t want to allow myself to slip back into panic and run away from my emotions again, instead I gently touched the idea, allowing myself to warm up to the thought, knowing I don’t have time to run away anymore.
But all I could feel was deep, deep discomfort.
Sure, I was terrified, but it was more than that. Something a lot larger and complicated that yanked me in so many different directions I thought my limbs would be torn straight off. 
Oli had stirred up so much in me, made me question things about myself, but there was one thing he had instilled in me with complete certainty; there are islands of undiscovered territory within my mind, soul, and heart – I feel incomplete, floating somewhere in the void, not quite tangible or actualized.
Should I really be with anyone at all when I understand this little about myself?
The thought of pursuing something – anything beyond what we were currently doing, made me feel a similar dread to the notion of never talking to him again. So what do you even do with that knowledge? How am I supposed to do anything but suspend myself in this state forever, to simply let myself enjoy him as long as I could before reaching whatever breaking point that was necessary to push me out of it.
I felt the sting of unshed tears behind my eyes.
I have feelings for him.
The shaking took hold of me as the floodgates opened involuntarily, sobbing as quietly as I could, hoping the sounds around me would drown me out as I wept, and I wouldn’t wake anyone.
Another vibration.
“Oli: Do you want me to come lay with you?”
I couldn’t help it, the tears came stronger at his thoughtful message, causing more shaking, and more subtle sounds to escape me. 
I guess I hadn’t been as quiet as I’d hoped.
Suddenly I could hear the rustle of fabrics, and the subtle sounds of footsteps coming towards me. Then the curtain of my bunk was silently, ever so gently, pulled back to reveal the silhouette of a kneeling man, the man I apparently had feelings for, only the moonlight spilling in from the skylight letting me see hints of his sympathetic features. Wordlessly he leaned in, reaching out to wipe away some of my tears, caressing my cheek with such tenderness it threatened to unleash the restraints I had put on my crying, and made the lump in my throat grow infinitely more painful as I had to work overtime to push it down. Regardless of the pain, I couldn’t help but lean into his caress, the gesture filling me with such comfort despite coming from the reason I was crying in the first place.
My acceptance of his touch was all it took, he gestured for me to move over so he could slip in next to me. As soon as I did he carefully nestled me into his chest, holding me tight as I silently wept into his t-shirt in the cramped space of the bunk.
The longer I bathed in his scent, in his warmth, and the comforting sound of his steady heartbeat beneath my head, the more consumed with guilt I became.
I felt horrible for accepting his comfort. It wasn’t right, not with the realisations I just had.
One of the hands that had been holding onto me, let go in order to pull the curtain shut, making it seem like he intended to stay.
“You shouldn’t sleep here.” I whispered as softly as I could.
“I won’t. I’ll leave in a bit.” He replied, the whisper barely audible, his breath tickling the hair on top of my head.
The tears continued to stream from my eyes, soaking his shirt. I should tell him to leave now, I shouldn’t allow myself to steal this moment. But my heart wanted him to stay so desperately I couldn’t bring myself to get rid of him.
All I could do was apologise.
“I’m sorry.”
He didn’t respond, he just held me tighter, causing me to feel both infinitely better and worse all at once. I was so fed up with crying, I’d been crying more the past week than I had in years.
Some time passed and my tears finally came to a stop. I was so worn out from all the emotions, from all the guilt, that I just let myself relish the sensation of his hands on me, caressing me slowly, holding me close. How his body so effortlessly, so perfectly moulded to mine... I didn’t want the night to end.
But all things come to an end.
I must have nodded off, because before I knew it I was startled awake by the source of my comfort moving; Oli had opened the curtain and was attempting to untangle himself from me.
Without thinking I grabbed for him, not wanting him to leave, not wanting the emptiness to replace him.
My vision must have adjusted to the darkness because I could make out his features so much clearer now. He wore a similar expression to the one that had caused me to run away in fear in the storage room that night in the arena; filled to the brim with deep sadness and longing – an expression that clearly only surfaced when shrouded in darkness.
But I felt no fear this time.
“Stay.” I mouthed against my better judgement.
The confusion on him was obvious.
He studied my face for a long, thoughtful moment, then shook his head. I was hit with a pang of disappointment, but I wasn’t about to push him, especially when I didn’t know his reasons for wanting to leave. He gave my forehead a soft kiss, then slipped away.
The emptiness that followed was as hollow and cold as I’d expected it to be, leaving my night full of broken sleep and anxious thoughts of tomorrow.
... Subscribe to the story on Ao3 for future updates
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nomsfaultau · 3 months
well i had a tumblr error so I'm going to copy and paste the ask
wlwdwtys asked:
(Potentially) Daily ask №4
Tommy edition!
How did he become a collected? You don't gotta say if it's way too major spoilers
If he was given the opportunity to get rid of the Red permanently, would he? What if that meant that some random child in the world got the Red instead? Would his choice change?
How old is he?
His opinion on SCP 053? That one 3 year old girl physical contact with whom causes the person to become aggressive towards her but die moments after harming her, from a heart attack? She's kind of the opposite to his powers, isn't she?
BOOM I have brought a golden bracelet that allows to turn the red on and off at will. With just the intention to, basically. Now he can hug whoever he wants with little repercussions. Also, eat your vegetables, Tommy Innit.
Not spoilers at all. Tommy and Philza’s first encounter consisted initially of Philza threatening to caramelize him till he was but naught a stain upon the earth all shuddered to remember etc etc. In Phil’s defense he thought the phone call was a hostage negotiation for his teleported mentee. After reunion with The Blade, Philza’s opinion about the summoning thing was that it was a power not in good hands, given teen Tommy was a twit, but at least non malicious ones. He figured it was best to be on good terms with Tommy given The Blade’s safety was on the line. Tommy naturally had a whole normal life going on and wasn’t exactly going to drop it to be with them 24/7, which Phil thought reasonable despite his security problem. Tommy started visiting them and bringing food (and his mum at first, who wasn’t pleased her kid was hanging around with homeless men but also recognized they had experience with powers that she couldn’t help Tommy with). Tommy was in desperate need of any sort of guidance given he was grappling with suddenly not being human anymore. Poor idiot thought he was in a different genre and mistook the anomalies for a band of superpowered vigilantes. The trio tried to tone everything down for him, make life on the run seem thrilling and not deadly, hide the bodies before he came to visit, etc. Everything just seems safer and lighter when Tommy was around. Philza became fond of the bright eyed ball of energy, and after months realized ‘oh muffin I want to Collect him.’ At which point Wilbur and The Blade traded money in the background. It was more efficient that way anyway, since The Blade wouldn’t be summoned if Tommy was safe so might as well protect him. Not sure what his long term plan was since mother innit would’ve had his hide if he suggested Tommy take up being a homeless nomad instead of going to college, but the Foundation captured Tommy before anything so I suppose it doesn’t matter much. Tommy’s initial reaction to being asked about Collection was “huh? But I already have a dad.”
Tommy would get rid of his Red in a heartbeat. It’s a curse to him, a large source of his trauma, and the reason the Foundation oppresses him. If someone else would get it… he’d still give it up. He’s not above selfishness. And honestly it still might be a better outcome since the new person wouldn’t be traumatized by their own power in a way that makes it far more dangerous and difficult to live with. Frankly if it wasn’t a trigger for him Tommy could very well touch people just fine since its effects are proportional to his panic.
Now that is a spoiler. But he was captured when in the late 15 area, and had a party with Tubbo and Rosalind for his 17th while in the Foundation. They were guessing tho, since it’s hard to keep track of time and so it didn’t really take place on the 10th of April, if I’m remembering Tommy’s birthday right. And since the clues are in Fault and at least a few commenters have figured it out: Tommy is actually 21, and everyone was in the Foundation for 5 years. The Blade is the only one who knows this due to his infrequent escapes. Due to a lack of typical developmental milestones such as graduation, moving out of his parents house (in a normal and safe way), etc Tommy still acts like a teenager. People well into adult hood like Rosalind, Rhodes, etc register him as a kid because of that immaturity. Philza doesn’t judge mortal ages well, Wilbur has no frame of reference and is always taller even when Tommy grows, and everyone is teeny tiny to The Blade. Tubbo was initially pretty shocked given how tall Tommy is, but Rhodes skewed the frame of reference. Plus, then Tommy opened his mouth.
In his role as a research tool, it’s possible Tommy’s encountered her, since the Foundation would want to know if she has powers outside of the touch thing. When ordered not to touch the kid, he laughed humorously. Likely he dripped some Red on her and then sat in the corner while the kid attacked the D-class. He was grateful about the heart attack part, far easier for them to just drop dead rather than watch a baby try to rip em apart. He’d probably try to comfort her after, and would have some degree of success given a scene where he calmed a hysterical Jasmine (5) and the number of instances helping Tubbo through the trauma of the Foundation. It’s helped but the fact 053 isn’t really affected by the attacks, but he would lose points for inadvertently suggesting some of his own ill advised coping mechanisms or convictions. I don’t think her anomalous affect would target him while the Red was active, so he might draw little pictures on the floor for her with Red while janitors took care of the body.
Tubbo has to carry around Tommy for days since he’s in full koala bear mode. They don’t mind but also they don’t have very high stamina due to how many bees they’ve lost. Wilbur would also get a lot of physical affection, and for once wouldn’t be a cagey tsundere about it. There’d be hesitation at first, of course, still instinctively demuring from contact and holding himself back, but that would fade into only subconscious, infrequent moments Tommy would be almost always touching someone, an arm slung over shoulders, a hand hooked in the crook of an elbow, leaning and pressing and starving.
He’d never turn it back on.
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iamnmbr3 · 2 months
How do you think drarry’s dynamic would be if Draco came into a creature inheritance such as a veela or werewolf?
So I enjoy veela!draco for the crack potential but personally I'm not as into it in a serious manner (though now that I said that I'll probably find a super serious veela!draco fic and end up staying up till 3 am reading it and then crying at the ending and then have to totally eat my words). I love the idea of werewolf!draco though and am actually working on an 8th year drarry fic where post book 7 Manor sequence Voldemort let Greyback bite Draco and Draco's hiding his status due to 1) shame and 2) between his last name and his Dark Mark he's already shunned and pretty much unemployable and this would only make it worse and 3) now that he didn't report it when he was supposed to he's committed a crime which could violate the terms of his parole. (And of course Harry immediately notices he's acting off and decides to investigate. Eventually drarry happens).
I really like the idea of Draco, who has all these internalized blood purest ideas suddenly having to deal with something that, according to that world view, gives him "corrupted" blood. While I think postwar he would have realized a lot of the bigotry he grew up with is wrong, those internalized ideas wouldn't go away overnight. And especially in the case of becoming a werewolf himself, the self hatred that he was already dealing with due to his alignment with Voldemort would get magnified, so since those bigoted ideas would be directed at himself he probably wouldn't feel the same need to question or reconsider them the way he would ideas about communities he's not a part of.
PLUS, Draco's exposure to werewolves included having Greyback and his pack hanging around his house. So I think he would feel even more negatively about werewolves than he did in his younger years and believe that everything he had ever been told about them being vicious and violent monsters had been proven totally true. I think he'd be terrified of becoming like that and also kind of feel he deserves it.
Harry, who spent a lot of time around Lupin obviously has a very different view of werewolves so I think once Harry found out about Draco's condition there'd be a lot of push and pull. I think Harry would probably be frustrated and maybe a bit surprised at first that becoming a werewolf actually didn't make Draco realize that werewolves are just regular people. I think there'd be a lot of back and forth with Draco struggling to get over his internalized prejudice and self hatred. I think Harry not really caring and being much more concerned with the bad choices Draco made, rather than what happens to him now on the full moon, would help him learn to accept himself and live with his condition. I think ultimately he would get to a point where he could realize that Greyback was brutal and violent because that's who he was - just like there are brutal and violent people who AREN'T werewolves - rather than specifically because of his condition. I think his internalized feelings of shame would be something he'd spend year and year struggling with though.
Conversely, I think Harry would be forced to confront a lot of the systemic problems in wizarding society and the way that affects werewolves and also be forced to confront the fact that Lupin repressed a lot of part of himself to make himself more "acceptable" in mainstream wizarding society. I really like the idea of Harry realizing that he doesn't know some stuff about werewolves. Given that Bill, who isn't even a full werewolf, apparently craves very rare meat now - and not just at full moons - I always headcanoned that werewolves actually have some wolfish characteristics all the time, like wanting to eat raw meat, but that Lupin represses all that to act more "human" and that's part of why he looks so unhealthy all the time but Greyback doesn't. I think Harry should have to deal with the fact that this is a very life changing condition and also deal with the fact that werewolves are so shunned that most of them chose to back Voldemort int he hopes of things getting even marginally better.
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senjutsunade · 3 months
|| We all know that Tsunade was completely left to her lonesome once her brother, grandmother and Dan passed. Unable to count on the support of her friends and teammates, she was forced to leave the village with Shizune in tow. Writing prompt on Tsuna-chan's support system when she returned to the village and how she deals with the difficulties of being the Godaime and reworking the leaf's flimsy medical structure. ^^
Note: You and CI just love giving me the hard tasks, don't you? This will make my arms hurt AGAIN! Be glad I adore you both as much as I do - on days you don't deserve it. u-u'' I'll incorporate a bunch of my headcanons we discussed in this too. I will do this in two parts though. I will work on the second part - reworking the medical structure as a separate post.
Godaime's Support System Head Canons
Returning to Konoha, Tsunade felt a profound sense of displacement. The village she had once known, the streets she had walked, were now a blend of familiarity and alienation. The buildings had changed, the faces were different, and the few that she did recognize were either children she had once known, now adults, or people who had aged so much they were barely recognizable. Twenty-five years away from Konoha had left a significant gap, one that was starkly apparent as she took on the mantle of Hokage.
Being the Godaime Hokage was a struggle. She is suddenly in the role of Hokage in a village where generations are used to seeing Sarutobi Hiruzen as the Hokage - apart from the short sparkly Namikaze interlude (then stupid flake went and died and probably cursed Tsunade with his dying breath to become the godaime). She was an enigma to the villagers—a line in the history books, known but not known. They had no choice but to accept her leadership, but trust was a different matter. The first few months were challenging. She felt unfit, an impostor in the role she had chosen. She had chosen to stop running, even though it is in her very nature to do so. But that was where her loyalty to Konoha really shone - though her instinct screamed at her to leave and never look back, she stays. All her loss and pain still has done little to stifle the love for her home.
Support comes to her in the form of Shizune - ever loyal and the caretaker. Their relationship, though, was fraught with underlying tension. Shizune had always been the responsible one, the caretaker, despite being younger. She had seen Tsunade's brokenness, even when Tsunade tried to hide it. This created a deep sense of guilt in Tsunade. Though their love for each other was deep, their relationship never became one of true confidants. Tsunade, lost in her own head, believed she was protecting Shizune from her darkness, not realizing she was doing more harm than good. Shizune wanted to help Tsunade get back on her feet, but Tsunade, due to her pain and guilt remained blind to Shizune's strength, and kept her at a distance, unconsciously denying Shizune the chance to get closer. This strained their relationship, creating a painful distance despite their closeness. It was Tsunade's biggest failure. Despite all these underlaying issues between their relationship, on their return to Konoha, Shizune became a constant source of support and helped streamline Tsuande's administration in a manner that had the system up and running smoothly in a matter of days.
Jiraiya, the fool, could read Tsunade like an open book. He saw her struggles and stayed in the village during those first few weeks, lending his silent strength. She would never admit it—her ego wouldn't allow it—but she deeply appreciated his presence. The Sannin had always been a team, against the world, and having one of her teammates by her side was a comfort as she navigated this new chapter of her life.
Next to join the circle was Kakashi. Seeing Kakashi was jarring for Tsunade. Adult Kakashi looked so much like Sakumo that it was almost painful, yet hard to connect with the sullen, glaring toddler she remembered. The toddler she had spent a number of afternoons with after Sakumo's passing and the one whose memory had haunted her many a time over the years once she left Konoha - his being the last face she saw before she left (how many loved ones had she disappointed by now?). Over time, they struck the oddest friendship (*), loss and bitter experiences acting as the bridge between the two separate generations; kindred spirits who came to rely on each other. Kakashi started filling in the gaps the absence of Jiraiya and Orochimaru had left. This friendship was an integral part of Konoha starting to feel like home again. Kakashi quickly became her right-hand man, his reputation in ANBU and among the jonin turning the tide in her favor. His loyalty was unfaltering, making him a central figure in her support circle.
Inoichi Yamanaka(**) was another key figure in her support network. As her third-cousin(**), their relationship had roots in their shared past and their mutual connection to Minato(**). When she returned, they picked up their relationship easily. Inoichi, along with Shikaku and Choza, formed a bond with Tsunade during a mission when their sensei was injured(***). Shikaku, with his respect for Tsunade's skills and beliefs, was the natural choice for Jonin Commander, a position he held with distinction.
With Kakashi as her right hand, Shikaku as her left, and Shizune managing both administration and the hospital, Tsunade's inner circle was complete. Kakashi and Shikaku's advice equipped her to handle the village's disastrous state, while Shizune's unwavering support helped her stay grounded.
An unexpected addition to this dynamic was Shikamaru. From their first meeting, there was a sense of understanding between them. Shikamaru's brilliance and strategic mind made him a valuable consultant. His involvement allowed Tsunade to influence the younger generation, reinforcing her belief in the Will of Fire.
Note: This is her inner most circle. In time she develops strong relationships with other jonin and chunin, like Anko (who she had known before leaving Koniha so it was was another shock - which became a migraine once she learned exactly how unhinged and at times annoyingly clingy the kunoichi is), Izumo, Kotetsu, Genma, Iruka, and Asuma.
* Headcanon shared with @konohagakurekakashi.
** Headcanon: Tsunade is cousins with Inoichi and Minato, with Tsunade having a Yamanaka mother and Minato having a Yamanaka grandmother. Due to their age and similar ideas, Minato and Inoichi are rather close growing up. The two genin often end up bugging Tsunade because Minato has developed a fascination with fuinjutsu. This is a headcanon I share with @minaa-munch.
*** Headcanon: During a mission, the Ino-Shika-Cho trio's sensei was injured and needed a few months to recover. During those months, the trio was placed under Tsunade's temporary supervision. Her devil-may-care attitude and wit (the looks certainly helped—as obvious by his words when he declares her the world's most beautiful woman on her return to Konoha) led to Shikaku developing a crush on her, much to Inoichi and Minato's horror ("She's our cousin!!!").
Inspired by: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/6698337/1/Regrets
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salarta · 3 months
I Saw The TV Glow Thoughts
So I saw the movie, and I wanna talk about several things within it. I'm gonna put it under a cut because spoilers are involved.
I thought it was a great movie, though I don't think it'll have the same impact on streaming.
The whole scene of Mr Melancholy speaking to Owen is a prime example. It feels very encompassing when it's on a huge screen taking up your attention, vs on a smaller screen when you can easily just look at your phone or get distracted. I LOVED the effect on his face. But yeah, "you won't even know you're dying" hits hard.
By the end, it very much feels like one of those popular 90s episodes where the main characters are tormented by a monster of the week that tries to convince them their actual reality is pure fiction and they're just "crazy." Except, in this case the movie all takes place from the perspective of the characters inside the fake reality.
I've seen mostly comparisons between Pink Opaque and BtVS. I can see that, both due to the director's comments and certain elements. But honestly, I feel Charmed is a better comparison point. The Pink Opaque focuses on two young girls who use the astral plane to communicate, and involves fighting demons, both of which do apply to both shows. But it's the implied sisterhood aspect, paired with the astral plane, that feels very Charmed in nature. The power of the pink opaque feels very much like it fits power of three.
More importantly, Owen's dad refers to Pink Opaque as a "show for girls." That attitude more closely mirrors Charmed because of its protagonists all being female, and very strong girl power emphasis of the show.
Then there's the fact Pink Opaque comes on during a "young adult" block even though it's talked about as being "for kids," yet the show comes on too late for kids to actually watch. And somehow lasts 5 seasons like that. That was the first indication to me something wasn't quite right.
I think just how different Pink Opaque is on streaming makes very clear that Owen's in the midnight realm. Aside from simply how cheesy it is by that point, if it was really that cheesy originally, why would it be on at 10:30 PM instead of during the day like with Power Rangers. The Mr Melancholy game at the arcade goes further into this matter by suddenly making it more "childish."
Now, within this whole framework, with Pink Opaque being the real world and Owen being one of its characters, Owen's midnight realm circumstances work perfectly both to keep the character trapped in the realm and to show division with Maddy. Maddy's two years older and a white lesbian, while Owen's trapped in the realm presenting as a black man. You get the effect of this on their relationship when Maddy starts out calling him a "baby" for being two years younger than her, and later with Maddy feeling she needed to make clear she's a lesbian.
Along with this, it helps get across to the audience how difficult it can be to "escape" the pressures of masculinity. How Owen feels the need to sneak around with "girly" interests and connections. Never considers asking to stay over at Maddy's. Also Owen cleaning off the pink ghost drawn on his neck. We know he loves the show, so that decision must come from fear of public stigma if people saw it on him. It's very much a "I'm wiping away this power of mine, this thing that gives me life, from public view so I can fit in" case.
Fred Durst is also someone I would not have expected starring in this. Yet he was a perfect choice for the character he played. He's one of several people who had a pop culture masculine image out there in the 90s, so it fits for Owen to have that affecting him.
Oh, and I very much saw the AYAOTD reference for what it was.
Wrapping up, I can understand the point of the ending after seeing commentary by the director. It's a very valuable ending and I certainly wouldn't say it should "change" in any way from the director's vision. However, I will say that I didn't get the impression the director intended while viewing. "This is gonna be a process Owen needs to go through, it's gonna take time" is something that makes sense once explained. Taken as-is, it ended up feeling like Owen saw the truth but then decided to run away from it again, like Owen has no hope of breaking free of the midnight realm. It felt like a very "if that's not enough for Owen to change, nothing will make it happen" situation.
That's all I have at the moment. Again, good movie!
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