#but each of them thinks the other two are being stupid and they themself are making complete sense
fortjester · 5 months
in other news, my joey claire fic is now 4.2k words long, whoot whoot
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obssessivethorn · 4 months
More Yuu Headcanons
Here are some more TWST headcanons of our favorite little shrimpy prefect that I pulled from the depths of my mind which needed to be freed. This mainly builds off of my first Yuu hc, so take a look at that if you'd like!
[Yuu Makes Constant References No One Else Gets]
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Yuu humming/singing Two of Hearts if they’re in a relationship w/ Ace or just hanging out with him as a friend
Yuu refers to the cast as handsome as a casual fact and is surprised when most of them are confused/surprised/flustered by this 
“What? The guys in this school are handsome. That’s kinda just a fact.” 
Yuu being nostalgic on their Birthday 
Deuce: “I bet your family’s celebrating your birthday even if you’re not there.”
Yuu: (hopeful) “yeah. Or, who knows, this could be a whole Narnia situation and no time has passed there at all.”
Ace: “Narnia?”
Yuu: (somber) “oh, just some popular story back home. Maybe I’ll tell you guys some time.”
Ace and Deuce always wanting to hear about stories from Yuu’s home world but being too scared that it will make them sad 
Fem!Yuu being really excited to meet Deuce’s mom because they’ve been surrounded by  only guys at an all boys school for months 
Bonus: Dylla absolutely adores fem!Yuu and is more than willing to help fashion some more feminine clothing for Yuu if they ever wanted.
Bonus +1: fem!Yuu wanting to meet the cast’s moms and sisters whenever the boys mention them.
Bonus +2: All the boys’ families just accepting Yuu as their child regardless of whether they’ve met or not simply because of how often the boys talk about them 
Yuu getting really giddy and excited when they’re able to travel to a new place in twisted wonderland other than Sage’s Island (i.e. cast’s hometowns, etc.)
Yuu asking Crewel for help whenever/if they want to dye their hair 
Based on a voiceline, Crewel canonically bleaches half his hair white and maintains that to keep with his style (the dedication of that man is inspiring)
The moment Yuu realizes they’ve fallen too far down the rabbit hole and are now attached to everyone in twisted wonderland, meaning their leaving will hurt more and more with each passing day. 
The feeling of being incredibly torn between their previous life they were forced to abandon, years of work they had put in to reach the goals they wanted to accomplish, and the new friends, experiences, and opportunities before them in this new world. So they push the feeling down further with each day. Force themself to ignore the inevitable. 
They don’t want to think about the idea of who will take care of Grim when they’re gone? Or how Ace will get his assignments done if they’re not there to force him to do it. Or or who will calm deuce down enough before he gets into a fight and ruins his goal of being a perfect honor student? 
Who will be there if someone else overblots?
This one I kinda stole from Private Thoughts of a Moray Eel by @mochinomnoms, but I love the idea of Yuu, Ace, and Deuce being so close and completely comfortable with each other. I mean, they’ve gone through literal life or death situations together from the start, so it makes sense that they would be closer than most. 
But not just the closeness we see in game with them being a main friend group who always hangs out. But close physically, in the sense that there are few boundaries left between the three. 
For a few examples, I like the idea that the three will commonly be seen cuddling together or leaning on one another when they’re lounging in the courtyard or around Heartslabyul/Ramshackle. 
Ace often times has his arm around the shoulders of Yuu or Deuce. Sometimes leaning in to whisper something stupid or gossipy in their ear. 
Yuu has taken to giving the Adeuce duo kisses on their foreheads and cheeks as thanks or as a goodbye when they head back to Ramshackle with Grim. 
Deuce grew a habit of holding Yuu or Ace’s hand when he gets ticked off by some oaf he wants to punch. The two will respond by giving his hand a squeeze or rubbing a comforting thumb across the back of his hand. It’s a silent thing, no one outright acknowledges it, because it’s become such a common practice for the three. 
Another habit Deuce has developed is that he’ll face-plant directly into the lap of whoever is sitting down after a long day. The first time he did it, it was Yuu’s lap and it spooked them so much they accidentally threw their phone at Ace’s face. Deuce felt horrible after that, but after some reassurance, he started doing it more often. Albet, making sure the landing was softer than the first time. 
In response to Deuce planting his face on their thighs, Ace and Yuu both took to immediately playing with his hair and massaging his scalp with their free hand. 
Yuu’s way of asking for comfort when they're stressed or scared (which they will always refuse to admit, they swear, they just need them as a human shield! It’s just for defense!) is by hugging one of the two around their torso and ducking their head into the crook of their neck to hide their face. Most times, the hug from the back so whoever they’re hugging can’t see what they’re feeling. But they of course still love hugging from the front because the two will always respond by immediately wrapping their arms around Yuu and rubbing their back. 
Because of this slightly abnormal friendship, (I failed to describe the abnormal part here but I can always write more) there have of course been some rumors started about them being in a romantic relationship. Are they polygamous? Are Ace and Deuce fighting over Yuu in an epic and dramatic love triangle? Is Yuu playing both of the boys? Are there hidden feelings between the three they all refuse to talk about? 
While most of the school and some of their friends wonder this, the trio completely ignores it. As if the rumors don’t exist at all. When asked about their relationship or if anything being said is true, all three of them look at each other, shrug, and say completely different things. 
Jack: So, are you guys in a relationship?  Epel: Yeah, you’re all awfully close for just friends.  Sebek: Please, the details of their relationship have nothing to do with us! But if you three are romantically involved in a relationship with each other then I will support you entirely as long as it does not affect my lord.  Ortho: Well, let’s hear them out first, are you three dating each other?  Ace, Deuce, and Yuu: *tangled in a cuddle pile on Ramshackle’s couch with Grim asleep on the arm of the couch next to them* [simultaneously] Ace: Maybe. Deuce: No? why? Yuu: Only on Tuesdays. 
The main part taken from Private Thoughts of a Moray Eel is the idea where Ace and Yuu visit Deuce’s home one summer and Deuce’s mom Dylla immediately believes the three are an adorable couple. 
Regardless of whether they are, aren’t, or are secretly pining, Dylla would decide in that moment that she had two new children she would die for. (Whether through adoption or as an in-law, should secretly hopes she can have Yuu as her child) 
AdeuceYuu is probably my favorite ship in all of Twst but this concept of them being physically affectionate and comfortable with each other transcends simply being a romantic headcanon and something I personally believe to be true as platonic and any other relationship dynamic you can imagine. Because let’s be honest, all three of them need comfort from others after going through so many overblots. And who better to comfort you than the ones who stood beside you through most of those experiences.  
Yuu being seen by the cast as a very passive and soft-spoken individual who couldn’t hurt a fly even if they tried. Only, the projected image of the protag they’ve come to accept is shattered when they witness Yuu tearing a random student a new one after said student had pushed them over the edge after a very stressful day. (Separate HC post for that concept coming soon) 
Yuu, who stood against beasts, overblots, and literal titans and gods, being too scared to ask for extra ketchup in Mostro Lounge. 
Additionally, Yuu who lives with a direbeast, being afraid of squirrels (don’t ask me why, this just feels correct, so we’re going with it)
The first idea that got me to start writing twst headcanons: Yuu having a very different way of speaking in Twisted Wonderland than they do back home. Because many of the references and slang they typically use in everyday speech doesn’t make sense to anyone but them in TW, they talk less and have a very plain way of speaking compared to most people their age. Here’s how I imagine this specific scenario goes:
When hanging out with Adeuce and Grim one day, Ace brings up (jokingly) how boring the prefect sounds when speaking. 
Yuu makes a comment about how they speak very differently from how they do back home.
This piques Ace and Deuce’s interest. 
While Deuce is more reluctant to ask, Ace begins asking questions and hounding Yuu for examples and for them to say things in ways they normally would. Deuce and Grim eventually join in on the barrage of questions. 
Finally, and a little hesitantly, Yuu decided to give them one day where they talk in the way they normally would back home. 
In this case, that means a lot of references, stupid internet jokes, and generational slang.
While the majority of it goes over the heads of Yuu’s friends, prompting more questions than it does answer, it’s still a day in which they see a whole new side of Yuu. One that’s evidently more relaxed and natural for the beloved prefect. 
It’s a confusing day for most, listening to Yuu speak as if they’ve lost their mind and started spewing nonsense, but it also became one of the highlights of the school year for the cast.
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I have plenty more headcanons i can rip from the crevices of my mind, so if you would like to see more let me know! I love thinking of these silly little moments and dynamics and overall making the main character feel a little more real and personal for myself and hopefully others.
@thisisafish123 (you asked to be tagged for a part 2, not exactly sure if this counts for you but I hope you enjoy!)
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hxney-lemcn · 7 months
Cloud Nine — Rayne Ames x gn! reader
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summery: reader finds themself not only friends, but falling for the mysterious stoic Divine Visionary. Lucky for reader, Rayne seems to be falling for them as well.
tw: anxiety, breakdowns, but also tooth rotting fluff, hurt/comfort
a/n: I FINALLY FINISHED IT!!! WOOOO! And I'm so proud of this too!
wc: 3.2k
Master List
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You didn’t exactly know what your relationship with Rayne was. It seemed that you had managed to wiggle your way into his soft spot, but that didn’t mean he treated you much differently. He’d watch your every movement and it felt like he was judging you (he was actually just admiring you but he would never admit that). He’d pick apart the faults in your projects or homework (he just wanted to make sure you got a good score). He’d pick apart whomever you’d find yourself fawning over (they were never good enough for you and he didn’t want to see you hurt).
You weren’t even sure how you ended up in this…friendship? You had a basis. It had to be due to the fact that you both ended up in the same set of classes together. Study of magical creatures. You were completely enraptured with animals and insects alike (more so animals, but you found some insects quite interesting). Rayne had a similar interest…though his fascination was more narrowed to a specific animal. You had only found out about his obsession with rabbits when you had been scratched by a creature your class had been tasked to observe. Rayne had handed you a magical handkerchief that he said would heal your wound…it’s pattern being bunnies. 
You bit your lip to stop a smile from spreading over your lips at that. The stoic heart throb of Easton Magic Academy was a bunny lover. That moment had humanized him to you. It showed that he wasn’t just some powerful prodigy that only cared about his own agenda, he had a heart that he hid from the world. He told you to keep it, but you ended up washing it and giving it back to him at a later date. It was nice of him, but it felt wrong taking something from a stranger. 
Well he wasn’t much of a stranger after that, since the next project for your class had been raising an animal of your choosing with a partner. It was to teach you about the importance of development in animals and how their environment can dictate their personalities. To your utter surprise, Rayne had claimed you as his partner for the project, not even allowing you a word in the matter. You weren’t too pressed about it though because you didn’t really know anyone else in the class. The two of you worked together quite well. You weren’t as annoying as Rayne had thought you’d be, and he wasn’t as rude as you thought he’d be. 
You found yourself walking down the hallways with Rayne by your side. You found yourself sharing lunch with each other. You found yourself studying with him in your free time or going to his dorm to check in on what you dubbed, your child (bunny) from your previous project. You had even acquainted yourself with his roommate and best friend Max Land! 
So why didn’t you fully think of yourself as his friend? Well…Rayne had a tendency to send mixed messages. On one hand, he’d walk you to your class, and on the other, you wouldn’t see him for a week straight. Of course you knew he wasn’t going to be as present this year, as he had been donned a divine visionary, but he couldn’t warn you about an upcoming mission or task? It stung when you’d either found out from Max when he asked you to take care of the bunny or when Rayne would just mysteriously vanish off the face of the Earth.
But at the end of the day, you still considered Rayne to be your friend. He wasn’t perfect, but you still cared for him and in his unique ways, he cared for you.
One time that he let his feelings shine through was at this moment.
“Are you stupid?” Rayne asked, eyes squinting at you.
You pouted at his bluntness, “But I wanna pet it!” 
Today in your class you were going over rare creatures, at the moment, going over Bunyip’s. It was a beast that was only found in lakes, rivers, or other bodies of freshwater. They were dangerous as their diet was apparently indiscriminate about what their prey was, but you got hooked on their appearance. Perhaps most people would be horrified or put off (particularly by the fact that no one has seen one enough to give a description), but when you heard that it was sometimes described to look like a seal or swimming dog you were caught in a strange love. 
“There’s not even enough evidence that it exists,” Rayne countered. “And if it did, it would kill you without mercy.”
“That’s okay,” You shrugged. “As long as I can claim I got to pet it.”
“You can’t claim anything if you’re dead,” Rayne huffed, but you had learned to read his emotion through his eyes, and they held a slight glimmer of amusement at the moment. 
You paused, as you weren’t sure how to rebuttal that. So instead you crossed your arms with a pout. Moments like these became more abundant the closer you two got. The stoic Rayne Ames became…well still stoic, but he seemed to become more comfortable in your presence. Awkward pauses in your conversations became far and few inbetween, banter started to become natural between you both. Maybe you dramatized yourself a bit, but that seemed to make it easier for him to tease you (in his own slightly condescending way).
Although the moment that you realized his feelings for you ran deeper for you than you realized happened when you were having a terrible day. You woke up annoyed, no particular reason for it, you just felt like it was going to be a rough morning. Of course, how you perceive the day is going to lead to its outcome. You skipped breakfast, not feeling hungry, only to become ravenous in your first period. Your teacher handed back your previous tests and you didn’t do as well as you thought you had. As the teacher went over ways to better scores for the next test, it felt like they were aiming every word at you. When lunch rolled around, it was hard to hide your sour mood in front of Rayne and Max, but it didn’t seem to matter as the two seemed to completely ignore you, only worsening said mood. You knew it was irrational, they weren’t doing anything wrong, maybe you were hiding your feelings better than you thought, but it felt like maybe they just didn’t care.
So you continued on, not even trying to hide scowl on your face. You felt invisible, so why try? You had finally snapped as someone accidentally spilled ink on your paper that you had nearly finished. You felt your eyes well up with stressful tears threatening to fall down your face. You quickly gathered your things, waving off the person as they apologized. You didn’t care that the class had only started ten minutes ago, you were done. The day was almost over anyways, no harm in skipping your last class. You booked it out of the class, ignoring the stares of your peers and the way your teacher looked at you worriedly. You tried your hardest to stop the tears, but it was no use as they started spilling the second you crossed the door frame of your class. Keeping your head down, you rubbed at your eyes as you walked down the halls towards your dorm. 
So caught up in your torment, you had forgotten that you shared your last class with Rayne. In your mind, it didn’t matter, yes he was your friend but you knew how seriously he takes his schooling seriously. So when you were suddenly pulled into an empty classroom by said Divine Visionary, you were surprised. Not only surprised, but you felt ashamed. You hid your face as pathetic sobs left your lips. You continued to rub at your face, trying to halt the never ending stream of tears. God this was so embarrassing! You didn’t want him to see you like this, it felt like it ruined how you wanted him to see you. 
Rayne on the other hand felt out of his depth. Emotion’s were something he tried to stay away from. That was until it came to you. You had unknowingly shown him the good in feelings, not just the bad he was used to. In fact, you were so good at making things seem brighter, he had failed to consider that the bad affected you just like it does to everyone. Seeing you sob your heart out didn’t sit well with him, hearing your distressed cries felt wrong. You were always happy, cheerful, a shining smile on your face as you shared something you found fascinating. With all the bad in the world you always managed to find something good, and you shared that with whoever would listen. 
“I’m sorry,” You apologized, still hiding yourself from the stoic man standing across from you. “I’m sorry, I’m sorry.”
Rayne’s heart broke, even in a pained state, you still apologized. For what? He wasn’t sure, but he had a gut feeling it was because you didn’t want him to see your own pain. Rayne racked his brain for what to do, but seeing you in such a state made it feel blank, like all knowledge had vanished from him completely. In what he lacked with emotional knowledge, he knew even less in comforting or touch. He was completely out of his element, but he refused to just stand on the sidelines and watch you suffer on your own.
You felt yourself pause as you felt a hand rest on your head. Peeking up through your fingers, you watched in slight wonder as Rayne awkwardly patted your head. Tears were still falling down your cheeks, but your breathing started to even and your sobs diminished. You had been so flabbergasted by Rayne’s actions that he had managed to shock you out of your previous hysteria. 
You felt yourself warm at the gesture, how he went out of his comfort zone to try and comfort you. It was awkward, sure, but it meant everything to you. And against your own wishes, you felt more tears start to fall, this time due to how intense all your emotions felt at the moment. You had never felt so grateful towards someone, so much care and love. Out of your better judgment, you jumped at Rayne, squeezing him tightly as you cried into him. His arms froze awkwardly at his sides, unsure if this meant you were happy or still sad. The way your hands scrunched his robe, or how you squeezed him like your life depended on him. He felt his face warm, unused to such a notion. Slowly and awkwardly, he put his arms around you.
That moment had changed things between you both. You had become a lot more affectionate towards Rayne (though you kept that for either if you two were alone or just small things in public). At first Rayne didn’t know how to react, he thought you were warm before, but now you were like a sun shining down on him. He was even more befuddled as your special treatment only seemed to be aimed at him. Unknown to him, he had become warmer towards you as well. After that incident, he kept a sharper eye on you, wanting to make sure you never cry like that again. You found it odd at first when trinkets would show up randomly. Sometimes it was items with your favorite animal as the pattern, other times it was trinkets with bunnies as the pattern. Which was a dead give away that it was Rayne who was giving the items. 
You both had become pining idiots, much to Max’s amusement. He hadn’t expected to ever see his roommate fall for someone else in such a way. Yes, he knew that deep down Rayne was a softie, but he couldn’t imagine his friend to be in a romantic relationship. Even so, Max was overjoyed at the events unfolding before him. He would watch with a grin as you offered parts of your lunch to the spilt colored haired man, or how in return Rayne would slip an animal keychain in your bag. 
It was amusing for a certain period…but he started to slowly lose hope that either of you would try to take it further. You both were in a comfortable spot in your relationship, so why rock the boat? Even Finn couldn’t deny that his brother might’ve found himself a true companion, a fact that made him happy. All in all, no one could deny the chemistry between you both. Not even you could find a way to wave it off as friendly. You certainly felt a love deeper than you’d like to admit towards the Sword Cane, and it was hard for you to brush off how much he seemed to care for you as well. 
You found yourself in a conundrum. You had never been in a situation like this before. Where you had feelings for someone and the person actually seemed to reciprocate. But as always, you managed to find a problem. Was Rayne looking for a relationship? He was busy as ever as a Divine Visionary, and that didn’t seem like it was going to slow down. Could it even work? Maybe it was for the best if you two just stayed friends. While Rayne on the other hand never expected to feel like this for anyone. He hadn’t expected to fall for anyone, it wasn’t in his plans for the future, nor would it benefit him in his goal to make the world a better place for orphans. Yet now, when he thought of the future, it seemed bleak if you weren’t by his side. 
Both of your paths seemed like it was going to stray. You wanted to become a wildlife expert of some kind, while he already had his career. A Divine Visionary and a scientist, how would it work out? (Yes, you were both so in love with each other y’all are already thinking that far ahead). 
Yes, Max found your pining amusing, but he also started to get tired of how hopeless you both were. You both clearly cared for the other deeply, it was time for one of you to push things further. So, Max decided to talk to you first, as you seemed to be the easier of the two to push things forward. What he hadn’t expected was how deep your anxiety ran. He could only sit there sweating as you continued to rant a seemingly never ending list of possible problems that might happen. 
“What about tomorrow?” Max asked, cutting you off before you could go further into how you may both be trapped in a loveless marriage.
“What?” You asked, unsure what he meant by that.”
“If you both were together, what do you think would happen tomorrow,” Max clarified, brown eyes filled with warmth. 
You paused, not having thought of that, “Uhm…I guess what it's like now.”
Max smiled, “So why shouldn’t you confess?”
You stammered, heart beating erratically at the anxiety that filled you, “Be-because what if it goes wrong?”
With a sigh he retaliated, “And what if it doesn’t? You have to just take it a day at a time.”
Pausing once more, you realized the anxiety you tried to work on before had overtaken you. You had a problem with overthinking the future, you had even sought help to combat it. They had told you the same thing: ‘it’s not healthy to obsess over the future like that. Just take it a day at a time’. Thinking over the situation once more, you groaned. 
“Your right,” You grumbled, head falling onto your arms. 
Instead of teasing you like he normally would, Max only smiled at you gently. You were a friend of his after all, and everyone struggles with something. You really cherished Max, especially when he helped you come up with a plan to confess. 
There you stood, just as planned, Rayne was alone in the dorm. Max had left so you two would have privacy. Gathering all of your courage, you knock on the prefect’s door. Your heart felt like it was slamming against your chest. You couldn’t help but feel ridiculous. You were holding a bunny plushie, face feeling aflame. The door opened, Rayne’s stoic face, though it seemed like his eyes slightly lit up when he realized it was you. He let you in, as it wasn’t unusual for you to visit. Your eyes landed on your shared pet rabbit, it hopped towards you and you couldn’t stop yourself to lean down and pet it. Rayne watched on, trying to ignore how his heart skipped a beat at the sight. He found you as cute as a bunny, but he wasn’t sure how to express that. 
Standing back up, you inhaled a deep breath. A serious look fell across your face, but it was hard for Rayne to take you too seriously as you now not only held a rabbit plush, but your pet rabbit. 
“I really like you and I think we should date,” You stated, holding the plushie out towards Rayne. 
He stared at you, his brain felt like it was short circuited. You both stood there, watching the other, warmth overtaking the both of you. Suddenly, your serious face turned into one of horror. Had you really just confessed like that? You felt your face flame up, shoulders rising to hide you. That was close to how you had first asked someone to become your friend (they did become friends with you, but didn’t let you live down how awkwardly you asked). That was when you had vowed to never ask someone to be your friend, every time it was someone making friends with you. So why had you trusted yourself to confess? 
“I-I mean, uh,” You stumbled, eyes darting around to try and salvage it.
“Okay,” Rayne finally spoke, accepting the bunny plush. You had managed to leave him speechless, but he quickly snapped back, ending your fumbling. 
You blinked with wide eyes, “Wait, really?” Yes, it was hard to deny how well you both got along, how you both treated the other like they were special, but you hadn’t actually expected him to say yes. Maybe he would let you down nicely, saying he wasn’t ready for a relationship, or that he just wanted to stay friends, but you weren’t going to complain. 
Rayne nodded in response, “I…like you too.” 
“Cool,” You nodded, unsure how to continue. Like stated before, you hadn’t expected it to get this far. You pet the rabbit in your arms, trying to calm your racing mind. What do people do after becoming a couple? It didn’t help that Rayne had just continued to stare at you, making your heart race faster. 
Once again, Rayne patted your head awkwardly. Yeah, it seemed like you both had to figure out what to do.
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remember-the-fanfics · 7 months
My writing is off because I had a sugar rush starting and then it went everywhere it wasn't planned to go but I went with it
◇Set before the pilot only because Alastor would kill the man before he came inside because he lacked any manners.♧
(Y/n) was arguing with someone who didn't actually wanted to work while under contract, usually would happen in their own territory but the sinner had sought them out while at the hotel.
(Y/n) and Angel Dust was sitting in the lounge, talking about their day until a sinner rushed in, loudly requested to get out of their contract. (Y/n) quickly try to deescalate the situation.
"Look if you want out, join the hotel to better yourself-."
"I ain't doing this rainbow fruity bullshit! You're working me to hard, I want out!"
"You, exactly Timothy Johnson, work less than 32 a week. That's around 6 hour a day for a five day week because you get the weekend off." Said (Y/n), getting stern.
"I just wanted the housin' and free shit."
"You knew what you signed, Timothy. I gave you multiple times to say no, you and I both set up the time for you to work. You have an easy job!"
"Customers are assholes, they ain't being respectful to me!" He said, lying which (Y/n) knew the moment he spoke. The young overlord made sure customer services wasn't a nightmare it was on Earth, sinners that live in (Y/n)'s territory knew to be respectful to each other because (Y/n) would know if someone wasn't.
"Respect goes both ways, Timothy. I know you never worked customer service before but you should atleast know not to try and fight a kid." (Y/n) said, who sat up straight. "I've already have alot of complaints, 5 from that incident alone, I could move you some other job..?"
"I want out of our deal, I don't wanna work for you." Said Timothy crossing his arms, not letting go of the topic.
"I cannot, you still have four years left." (Y/n) said, tired of arguing with the man infront of someone. "It haven't even a month..."
"You said you had a free trail-!"
"The first week was it and You said you were fine then! I checked up on you every two days, making sure everything was fine and it was."
"(Y/n), maybe you should just let him go. He seems like a waste anyway." Said Angel Dust. "He doesn't want your free shit so just drop him."
"N-no! That shit is still mine!" Said Timothy.
"It will be when the contract is over." Said (Y/n). "I made all of this very clear during the whole thing. I explained it and let you read it over before you signed anything." They stood up looking confused at Timothy.
"I must of skimmed over some parts." He said nervously. "I just wanted a place to sleep! Not dealing with a kid, who thinks that they can boss adults around."
"Nothing is for free, you either join the hotel and better yourself or stay under contract." Said (Y/n) before Angel Dust tried to ask.
"What will make him stay at the hotel-."
"Quiet, addict!" Interrupted Timothy pointing at Angel Dust. "No one cares what you say."
"Speak to him like again and no one will ever hear you say anything again." Said (Y/n) before Timothy decided to dig himself a deeper hole with a stupid idea.
"Oh. You actually care for the idiots at the dusty ass shack?" Said Timothy laughing. "I can't believe that!"
(Y/n) just glared at the sinner, they had feeling where this would go if they didn't do anything.
"Listen." They said in a voice they don't usually use, getting closer to Timothy, becoming taller."If you don't leave and go find a hole to die in, I will personally hand your soul off to someone who would find good use for it and it will not be easy like what I've been letting you do."
They were invading his personal space, Timothy swore he saw them everywhere afterwards.
"Understand? Then leave."
With a meek nod of approval, Timothy bolted away. After (Y/n) returned to normal, dusted themself off.
"I keep forgetting that you're actually an Overlord." Said Angel Dust after collecting himself from what (Y/n) just did.
"Yea- uh. Yeah, ugh that voice messes with my throat to much. But I'm sorry that happen infront of you usually sinners would wait till I get back to pester me." Said (Y/n) sitting back down.
"5 dollars he pissed himself."
"You're on."
Timothy will return for vengeance later (tomorrow) also lore on how you died because I need to write it.
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I think we Khan do it if we try (dp x dc)
Danny’s well-deserved Sunday of rest was interrupted by the sound of their doorbell ringing throughout the house. With barely a mumble, Danny cracked an eye open, observed it was much too early to be awake, and burrowed back in the covers.
He was brutally ripped away from sleep once again when the stupid doorbell rang again. With a groan, Danny rolled to the side as his brain slowly started to churn again. And with it, he slowly remembered that both Jazz and their parents had said they’d be out for the morning, which meant he was the only one home.
The doorbell rang for the third time, and Danny gave up the idea of out-stubborning whoever was at the front door. Through much effort, he managed to drag himself to the front door, and slam the door open on two older teenager/young adults, with one of them his hand raised and poised to ring a fourth time, and the other holding onto the guy’s wrist. Both of them, their eyes wide in surprise.
“Who’s it?” Danny yawned out as he leaned against the doorframe.
“Is this the residence of Madeleine Walker?” One of the guys asked, while looking suspiciously around as if he wasn’t expecting a positive answer.
“Yeah. Who’re you,” Danny mumbled, as he fought to keep his eyes open. 
“I’m Bruce and I want to learn all that I can from Master Walker,” The other guy, with the darker hair said. 
“Doctor,” Danny corrected as he rubbed at his eyes, his brain feeling like it was working through molasses. “And it’s Fenton.”
The lighter haired guy took over smoothly with a smirk towards the other guy, who’s jaw tightened in a way that couldn’t have been comfortable. “Anton,” he introduced himself, “I’ve come to seek Dr. Fenton’s guidance as I have done with masters of the craft from all over the world.”
Danny squinted as he struggled to make sense of the string of words coming out of the guy’s mouth. “What, so you guys are, like, exchange students?”
The lighter-haired guy opened his mouth, only to be elbowed in the gut by the darker-haired dude, but Danny was too busy trying to remember if there had been any talk of an exchange student recently. He knew his parents had considered it and even applied, but the house hadn’t passed muster for the committee’s criteria, which fair enough. Maybe they’d reconsidered? Danny sighed. Whatever, it was too early for this.
“Alright,” the halfa said. The room his parents had set up was still ready and they had applied. It wouldn’t be too surprising if his parents had forgotten to inform Jazz and him of the newcomers, or just forgotten about them altogether. “Alright come in.”
“And don’t forget to take off your shoes,” Danny added as he led them into the house, “mom hates when we walk on the carpets with them on.”
With his back to the two man, Danny missed the alarmed look they gave each other. “Mom?” He could hear one of them whisper to themself.
Weeks later, Danny would come to regret that decision with every fiber of his being.
“Mo-om, the exchange students are fighting again!”
“Leave them be, Jazz,”
“But mom, they’re blocking the way to the bathroom!”
Danny clenched his eyes shut as he tried to stuff his ears harder. 
Still better than the time he’d caught them both half-naked and wrestling on their front lawn like a couple of insane people.
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Write twins better in three easy steps!
I meet so many people who act so stupid about this to my face, and I basically never see a set of identical twins that are well written in fiction, so here's a couple tips about identical twins. Mostly as a reference for writing them, but also so you can tell people to stop acting like an asshole to any twins you might know IRL.
Identical twins are two separate people.
Not one brain in two bodies
Not a hivemind that can read each other's thoughts
They don't speak in unison all the time (but might answer together if you address them as a collective and not an individual)
If they date they don't share the same partner
Can't be counted as one person for the sake of entry admission, airplane seating, employment, school tuition, or voting
Have their own names, even, and would prefer you use them instead of calling them both by the same collective name
I am eternally mad about We-Go from Kim Possible
Identical twins don't struggle telling themselves apart from each other. Your difficulty telling them apart is not something they have ever experienced themselves.
They understand the difference between looking at themself in the mirror and looking at their twin.
Yes, even as a young child.
No, they didn't have to learn the difference between a mirror and their sibling.
They never believe their twin to be themself.
They don't struggle to see themself as their own person.
They don't feel like they're looking at their own face all the time.
They don't have constant thoughts about how their sibling looks similar to themself.
The scene from The Parent Trap where one "twin" says 'OMG why do you look just like me??' just isn't realistic
Identical twins are, as a rule, not trying to actively deceive you and are sick of people assuming that.
Your difficulty in telling them apart does not mean they are trying intentionally to trick you or make you mess up
They also aren't trying to scare you or murder you and they won't like you if you tell them you're afraid of them
Dating a twin doesnt mean you're going to be parent-trapped (and if you can't tell your partner apart from their sibling, that's not a good look on you)
Some twins just go with the assumptions everyone else is making about them already and play into the stereotype, especially as kids
Literally every fictional pair of identical twins are tricksters already. Come up with something original.
Twins can still be compelling characters without leaning on these tropes
Writing a compelling pair of identical twins doesn't have to be hard if you either write them like other siblings, or understand that the stereotypes that circulate in fiction are some of the biggest issues they struggle against. Here are some good examples of compelling twin plots that I can think of, though not all of these characters are twins or identical:
Mabel's fear at the end of Gravity Falls that growing up meant that her brother would grow apart from her
Stanley Pines struggling to measure up to his parent's favoritism of his brother throughout childhood, but still dedicating his adult life to getting him back when he went missing
Ty Lee running away to join the circus so she could have an identity outside of her parents' curated "matched set" of siblings in AtLA
Vash and Knives in Trigun '99 experiencing the same childhood traumas and interpreting them differently, coming away from them with opposing ideologies in adulthood
Hikaru and Kaoru's trauma over being told they were interchangeable and their desire to find someone who would treat them as individuals in Ouran High School Host Club
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ev3rgreenxtrees · 9 months
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,,Tattoo’’- C.S.
back to masterlist
synopsis: Chris and his girlfriend, Evelyn, are dared by Chris’ brothers Matt and Chris to get ‘matching’ tattoos, as punishment for loosing a challenge for their video.
pairing: Chris Sturniolo X Evelyn (she/her)
warnings: cussing, dirty jokes, suggestive content, getting a tattoo.
“No fucking way we lost ALL of those!” Chris’ jaw drops as he looks at his girlfriend, Evelyn, in shock.
“Well, you did! So now we get to choose your punishment!” Nick said, letting out a fake evil laugh.
They were in teams for a youtube video, Matt and his girlfriend- Layla- and Nick with Larray.
“Bitchhh i just got an idea!!” Larray giggled as he pulled all four of them in a huddle, Chris and Evelyn giving each other worried looks.
The couple heard a few giggles from the group, before they broke apart.
“Okay, so,” Layla started. “you have two options. one, you get ‘matching’ tattoos. they could be something small and simple, or something that doesn’t even really go together- like a sun and a moon. that way, the tattoos even work by themself. two, you guys take us all on a all expenses paid trip to the Bahamas AND a cruise. Meaning, you’d pay for the plane tickets, hotel rooms, food, cruise tickets, everything.” Layla smirked. “So, which is it?” she asked.
“what! thats not fair!” chris pouted. the boy had money, but he sure as hell doesn’t want to waste it all on a trip. He also has no tattoos, and being honest, he didnt really have any desire to get one.
“yes it is! you lost bitch!” Larray laughed, and Chris groaned.
Evelyn already had a few tattoos, like Matt, Nick, and Larray, so she was definitely leaning more towards the tattoo option.
“Chris, how ‘bout we just do the tattoo? something badass, or small; so you wont regret it? Its WAY cheaper than a trip to the Bahamas alone.” Chris rolled his eyes.
“I don’t have much of a choice, do I?” he shook his head, and the group cheered.
“well, there you have it! Chris and Ev will be getting tattoos! maybe that will be next weeks vlog. Hell, maybe even me and Matt will get one.” Nick shrugged.
“YOU REALLY WANNA GET MATCHING TATTOOS?!” Evelyn yelled, grabbing Chris’ arm in excitement.
“Yeah, yeah.. i guess. i swear though, im not doing anything stupid. no cringey shit.” Chris fake gagged, and Evelyn rolled her eyes.
“oh, shut up you big baby. Ill go look for some ideas! Layla, Larray, come with me!” Evelyn rushed off to somewhere else in the house, Larray and Layla following close behind.
“hey! im gay too y’know!” Nick called out after them, but shrugged and walked over to the camera.
“fuck.” Chris grumbled as he sat on the couch.
“whats up?” Matt asked his younger brother as he sat next to him.
“what do you thinks up, matt. I have to get a tattoo,” Chris sighed. “man, that shits gonna hurt so bad, and i really dont wanna do it.” Chris whined, putting his head in his hands. Being honest, the pain was the least of his worries. What if Evelyn ever dumps him? Every time he would look at the tattoo, he’d be reminded of her. But he couldn’t say that.
“hey, its no big deal.” Matt reassured his brother, placing his hand on his back. “They dont hurt bad, i promise. Ev won’t pick anything you wont like, and i doubt she’d pick something big, so you wont have to be there for long. and hey, we can make the appointment, and if you really dont wanna do this, we can cancel it. i dont think the fans will be upset.” Matt nodded, and chris sat up.
“yeah, your right. ill be okay. thanks, matt.” Chris nodded up at his brother, who flashed him a smile and walked over to Nick with the camera.
Chris heard his and Matt’s girlfriends squealing, and Larry chuckling. God, Evelyn warmed his heart so much. He wouldn’t say it, but he loves her. They’ve been dating for only a few months, maybe five or six, and Matt and Layla have been dating for around seven or eight months.
“Chris!” The brown haired boy heard his girlfriend yell, as the three of them bursted out of the hallway.
“hm?” Chris looked up at her.
“Whats wrong, baby?” Her smile quickly faded and her eyebrows furrowed, as she sat next to him. She placed her hand on his leg, and he looked at her.
He made eye contact with her, and leaned in for a small kiss.
“Oh. Was that all, silly?” Evelyn giggled. Chris shook his head and wrapped both arms around Evelyn, as he pulled her into him.
“your my everything,” he spoke. “I think i love you, Ev..” he looked at the girl who’s head was on his chest.
“really..?” she asked, as chris held his breath. He nodded. “Oh my god, chris!! I love you too!” she laughed and pulled him into a loving kiss. Their lips moved in sync before Chris pulled away.
“I’m glad,” he smiled, his face red, as he placed his forehead against Evelyn’s.
The whole house cheered and laughed, congratulating the two as if they just got proposed.
“See, Ev! I told you!” Layla jumped, rushing over to give her best friend a hug.
“Yeah, yeah!” Evelyn rolled her eyes and got off of her boyfriend.
“Proud of you, man.” Matt nodded at his younger brother, as they did their ‘secret’ handshake.
“thanks.” Chris smiled, and Evelyn whipped back around.
“Wait! I forgot to show you the tattoo!” Evelyn quickly sat back down beside Chris, as he wrapped his arm around her waist, pulling her closer. “What do you think about these ones?” She asked, showing him her phone.
The image was of spiders, seemingly black widows.
“holy fuck! Those are dope!” Chris laughed, grabbing the phone to show nick and matt, who were standing behind the couch.
“Thats sick!” Nick laughed, pointing at the phone.
“See, man, told ya she wouldn’t pick somethin’ ya didn’t like.” Matt shrugged, and Chris glared at him.
“ready?” the tattooist asked as she held the needle close to a worried Chris, his girlfriends’ hand in his. She had already gotten hers done, along with the rest of the group getting tiny ones, Chris being the last one left.
“mhm,” he nodded, as he felt the needle touch his skin. “ow ow ow-“ he squeezed Evelyn’s hand, as she kissed it gently.
“you’re doing great, baby.” She reassured him, as nick held the camera aiming at him.
“mhm..” he grunted.
“bet thats what he sounds like in bed,” Larray joked, as Chris and Evelyn gasped.
“Larray!” Evelyn yelled, and everyone, besides chris, laughed. He found it funny as fuck, he was just too occupied by the needle poking in and out of his skin.
About twenty minutes into the tattoo, chris spoke up again.
“it doesn’t hurt bad anymore,” he sighed, as he slowly let go of Evelyn’s hand. Matt and Layla were talking, and Nick and Larray were, so Evelyn just patiently waited by her boyfriends side.
“see?” Evelyn joked, and chris mocked her.
“yeah, yeah. whatever.” he scolded.
The group waited for around an hour, and Chris’ tattoo was finally done.
He slowly stood up, and admired it in the mirror.
“This looks sick as fuck,” he smiled, pulling Evelyn by his side so he could see the matching tattoos.
He pulled out his phone, and snapped a picture.
“this ones’ goin on the photo dump,” he said as he gently kissed Evelyn’s shoulder.
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Enneagram of Personality - but yanderes!
click me for the google docs version of this
made this entirely for fun. i'm not a psychologist or anything... just really obsessed with the enneagram and yanderes.
referenced enneagram user guide and advanced personality's enneagram wiki for making this as i based this system on the actual enneagram types. the regular enneatype (and tritype) is probably (exceptions likely!) the same as the "yandere type" but this is how each enneatype would behave as a "yandere."
i put way too much effort into this.
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Type One: The Perfector
1 wants to mold their darling. 1 will make strict demands of their darling and often have some kind of set of “rules” for them, even if it is not externalized. Feels most responsible for their darling’s behavior as though they are their misbehaving pet. Very possessive in a watchful way. High standards for Darling, will explode on them if they don’t live up to expectations. Feels entitled to Darling, similar possessiveness to 8, but it is self-righteous in 1 rather than protective in 8. Similar to 8 in forcing Darling’s dependence on them, but 2 is self-sacrificial while 8 is dominant. Similar to 2 in thinking "I CAN FIX THEM!" but 1 is more behavior-correcting, 2 more emotional comfort.
Sees their darling as someone flawed who needs to be corrected and controlled.
Most strict, demanding type. Most likely to kidnap their darling.
Trigger: Darling “misbehaving” and failing to meet their standards—or even worse, if 1 makes the mistake themself.
Type Two: The Savior
2 wants to save their darling. 2 will suffocatingly devote all of their being to them and thus suffocate them with affection. If they see their darling relying on another person, they snap. They ensure that their darling depends on them the most. Likely to create problems for darling just to solve them and be the “hero”. Very possessive in a needy way. Goes to great lengths for their darling but has internal resentment for Darling if they are not appreciated enough that will cause them to snap one day if not managed. Similar to 1 in thinking "I CAN FIX THEM!" but 2 is more emotional comfort, 1 more behavior-correcting.
Sees their darling as helpless. “Poor thing!”
Most self-sacrificial, manipulative type. Most likely to isolate Darling.
Trigger: Darling failing to appreciate 2, seeing someone else as more helpful. Someone else being nice to Darling will enrage 2.
Type Three: The Performer
3 wants to feel valued by their darling. 3 will accomplish major tasks in order to wow their darling and push their own feelings aside in order to achieve success and bolster their image. 3 makes offerings to their darling. Desires to make their darling proud of them. 3 wants to be seen as the “perfect couple” with their darling. Would probably get stupid matching couple pajamas and all that.
Sees their darling as a reflection of their success, a “trophy wife/husband.” Also sees Darling as inferior to them.
Most competitive, dedicated type. Very highly image-conscious, more obviously than 2 or 4. Likely to collar their darling, like, literally make them wear a collar. Likely to sabotage Darling’s success so they can be “better” and more “important” than Darling, keeping their attention.
Trigger: Darling seeing them as inadequate; rejection or failure or Darling overshadowing their own success.
Type Four: The Soulmate
4 wants to be the most important person to their darling. 4 will do anything for their darling to keep them from leaving them and often base their entire self-worth and identity on their darling. They are incredibly envious of others and set off by even the smallest actions that could suggest their darling thinks someone is more interesting.  Thinks that Darling is the only one to ever “understand them.” Daydreams a lot, similar to 5 and 9. Mostly quiet resentment to others but expresses it more than 5 or 9. Often appears like 2 but 4 wants Darling to rescue them rather than them rescuing Darling like a 2 (exceptions possible). Likely to guilt-trip or “sui-bait” darling but not intentionally like other types—they just feel too strongly.
Sees their darling as their “true love” or soulmate, a missing piece to fill a void inside 4.
Most emotional, sensitive type. Most delusional type. Most jealous, envious type (of course, because 4’s Passion/Sin is Envy).
Trigger: Darling overlooking them (not being “the favorite”) or misunderstanding them. Also Darling showing interest in anyone else.
Type Five: The Stalker
5 wants to understand their darling. 5 will watch from afar and seems to “take notes” on everything about their darling. They are incredibly observant and analyze everything about their darling, but are often too anxious to act and get truly close with Darling.  Resentful to everyone in Darling’s life but unlikely to act on it. Daydreams a lot, similarly to 4 and 9.
Sees their darling as fascinating.
Most observant, avoidant type. Type that stalks Darling the most. Type with the most quiet hatred.
Trigger: Infringement on their interest with Darling
Type Six: The Watchdog
6 wants to feel a loyal, secure connection with their darling. 6 is very paranoid. They see Darling as the only source of safety and stability in their lives. They constantly test their Darling’s loyalty and are likely to make other people ask their darling questions or play tricks on them to see if they’re truly loyal. Constantly on the lookout for rejection or disloyalty. They are very insecure in their relationship with Darling. Goes to extreme measures to keep Darling close, such as manipulation (very likely to guilt-trip them or “sui-bait”) or threatening other people.
Sees their darling as a protective source, most trustworthy.
Most clingy, suspicious type. Type that will become most enraged by cheating. Archetypal “murdering everyone he’s ever looked at” yandere.
Trigger: Darling betraying them, even if it is only perceived that way. 
Type Seven: The Thrillseeker
7 wants to live an exciting, happy life with their darling. 7 thinks that their darling is the key to happiness and fulfillment in their life. Very madly in love type, puppy love-esque. Overwhelming need for love from Darling. Sick with optimism and blinds self to see only the good side of Darling and love. Daydreams excessively about love. Idealizes and tolerates Darling so much that it becomes detrimental to self. Overly trusting. Loves dates and adventures with Darling.
Sees their darling as their ultimate source of joy.
Most “love at first sight” type. Hopeless romantic, in the rose-colored glasses way. Noncommittal due to being restless rather than 4’s noncommittal traits due to being fragile. One of the most clingy types. Loves love the most. Most gullible type.
Trigger: Darling limiting them or making them upset; terrified by Darling setting up boundaries. Also triggered by Darling spending time with other people.
Type Eight: The Dominant
8 wants to protect and dominate their darling. 8 sees their darling as an extension of themself and ensures that no one else has power over them. Similar to 3 in that they want everyone to know their Darling is theirs. Probably refers to Darling in possessive terms like “my [Darling].” Similar to 6 in paranoia about not trusting others with Darling, but it is more controlling in 8 versus distrustful in 6. Due to their own fear of being vulnerable, they force Darling to become vulnerable to them in order to have power. Will probably try to isolate their darling. Similar to 2 in forcing Darling’s dependence on them, but 8 is dominant while 2 is self-sacrificial.
Sees their darling as their vulnerable “toy.”
Most possessive, aggressive type. Most likely to “mark their territory”. Most likely to become violent.
Trigger: Darling or others questioning their authority; enraged if Darling tries to become independent or questions them.
Type Nine: The Lapdog
9 wants to merge their life with their darling and live in harmony. 9 avoids conflict at all costs, greatest fear of losing their darling. Suppress their own needs not out of viewing them as lesser like 2 or an interference like 3, but due to fear of conflict. Fear of negative change expressed as a fear of any change as it becomes more unhealthy into the comfort zone. Seeks fulfillment with Darling’s contentment but does not fully engage and avoids making any decisions themself. Hides in a comfort zone. Daydreams a lot, similarly to 4 and 5. Quiet resentment like 5, but it is more passive-aggressive in 9. Likely to guilt-trip Darling, on purpose or not.
Sees their darling as a “safe person.”
Most submissive, passive type. Most passive-aggressive type. Most subtle manipulation.
Trigger: Darling being upset with them.
thanks for reading :3 i may edit this some more later...? but please reblog, i'd like to see what people think of this!!
quiz assessment is here if you want to try it.
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crybaby-magic · 1 month
Trouble Maker
Lloyd x reader
contains:jealousy,angst-ish,fluff,choking,oral,um smut,semi not really edited
this request is long overdue lmao
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As tech support you did thinks like help Nya or jay with machinery,help Zane or Pixal with there software,give the ninja intel that could help them with a mission.This also included watching there every move thanks to borg putting in cameras everywhere in ninjago you can easily keep up with them and give them directions.
Your other job was seeing who they save or defeat.You make sure to put it in a file to see who’s more prone to danger or how the ninja can defeat a certain criminal easier.It made your life much easier.Though lately your starting to hate this file.Mainly the one with civilians.You set it up so you can see how much the ninja saved someone; tiring yes, beneficial to them also yes,annoying you definitely yes.
over that past couple of months there’s been this girl who kept getting in dangerous predicaments.At this point you think it intentionally because she only insisted on the green ninja saving her even going as far as pushing the other ninja or having a complete breakdown of its not the green ninja.
Today just happened to be another day with her putting herself in a silly situation and demanding the green ninja save her.Watching him jump to her rescue the bashful praise from her after it was slowly driving you to insanity.What kills you the most is when you point it out he just brushes you off.
“Tch,honestly i’m tired of this Tiblit take care of coms i’m going to my room.”you had stated as you slowly got up leaving the computer to your fox familiar.
Wandering down the hall you continue to think about the situation.Lloyd tends to be dense to the point it gets him in stupid or dangerous situations.For example trusting a serpentine….that didn’t end well.You would think he’d learn but at this point you think he just likes the attention.
You pause at your door for a moment ‘Attention’ you thought then suddenly you came up with a wonderful idea.You hurried into your room to plan out this wonderful idea.
You could see it in lloyds eyes, the annoyance directed towards you.Though you weren’t paying him any mind as y’all were in the check out.You two were supposed to grab some groceries for zane but the trip soon turned into you getting hit on by the cashier at the register.After the transaction(and the guy giving you his number) you and lloyd headed out with him huffing.
Honestly you would feel bad seeing as you been doing this for the past two weeks but at the same time him being annoyed is so funny especially when he pouts like a toddler.Sighing to yourself as you to wander back to the monastery you wonder if you should just stop seeing as he's still hasn’t confronted you.After a long travel of him staring daggers in you head and you acting oblivious you wander into your room to nap knowing you'll have to pull an allnighter to catch up on a couple documents.Stripping yourself of clothing to lay in your cool bed.As soon as your body made contact you felt your eyes heavily close.
Through you semi consciousness you felt weight on your bed along with the shuffling of the blanket that lifted a bit from you body letting the cool air prick at your exposed skin.choosing to ignore it knowing who it is you turn your body to face away from him to go back to sleep.
That dream was short lived when you were force onto your back eye forcing themself awake to see green to red eyes before you.Lloyd breathing is very harsh like you'd even say you see faint fog coming out with each breath.You slowly grow nervous about his behavior feeling sweat bead start to form you stutter out “W-what’s wrong lloyd?” All that followed was his eyes glinting towards you.you opened your mouth to say something only for him to shove his fingers down your throat gagging you.
Clenching your legs by impulse to soothe the aching that awakened in your nether regions.Your hand grab at his hand that currently assaulting your mouth.Lloyds mouth proceed to attack you body in bites and hickies.At some point he wanders farther down your chest his unattended arm gripped at your bra in a moment of shock he ripped it off your body.The impact mad you whine out in protest.His fingers moved out of your mouth letting you gasp for breath only for his hand to hold you throats.Shaking gulping you looked at his face that had a smirk and eyes that fully went red.You tried to make noise only for his hand to tighten up.”What? You wanted to say something to me?I don’t know why when you've been ignoring me for the past two weeks” he said with a cheeky tone that soon lead to gruff laugher “You don’t get to complain you did this to yourself”
You breathing slowly started to pick up either from excitement or fear.Your breath hitched when you felt him tearing your underwear off.While distracted his mouth slotted against yours fighting for dominance that you quickly lost.Your legs soon started to shift again to tame the heated feeling in between your legs.Lloyd quickly gripped your thighs separating them with force.You whined out at the cool air touching you fully exposed body.He released your mouth and moved lower to your slit.
His hot breath made you squirm with anticipation.Your eyes widened immensely at his hot long tongue that started to make out with your pussy.Your hands reaction was grabbing at his hair thought it did make him grunt it didn’t deter him from stopping.Your mind blanked out once his thumb started to mess with your clit.You soon started to moan out louder when his tongue intruded your insides.Your walls started tightening up around it while you impulsive grinded on his face to the best of your abilities in attempt to reach your climax that so close.
You nearly cried as soon as lloyd removed his mouth off of your edging you from your climax.He moved his face towards your mouth shoving his tongue against yourself letting you taste yourself.All while not noticing that he had pulled out his dick and tapped it on your clit.He rubbed against you collecting your juice to lubricate his dick.He grasps at your thighs spreading them wider while slowly entering you.You didn’t know whether to move with him or pull away from him.
The pain was there but it only made you much wetter as it was also pleasurable.He moved his thumb back to start messing with your clit again to add more stimulation.At some point his thick length made it to the base.He pause to let you adjust.While he was semi quietly groaning you were whimpering from the constant throbbing of his dick against your walls.His hands grasp at your waist slowly lifting you up.At instinct you wrap your arms around his neck slightly grasping at his hair in the process.
Lloyd subtly starts moving his hips, gaining speed as he goes.As he moves he leans his head next to yours nuzzling into your neck as he vigorously thrust into you.he lets go of one of your legs and pushes the one he still had his hands on closer toward your chest.He starts to fondle you breast while sucking on you neck and chest area once again.
The squelchy from the constant pounding is dizzying to hear plus y'all's moans combined made you tighten up.Your nails started to scratch at his back as you writhe from the pleasure.You soon felt that coil start to tighten making you moan out louder.He groaned at the sudden tightening of your walls.At this point you were just babbling random things while he took pleasure in utterly destroying you mentally and physically.
He speedup seeing as yall both were wreaking that peak.The coil tightening until if finally burst.You came to the point your mind blanked into white.He soon follow pouring his seed deep into your walls.Once yall paused for a moment he slowly pulled himself out letting his seed fall out of you.You sighed out heavily.Lloyd fell onto his back panting he used the last of his energy to pull you onto him.
It was quite after yall had caught your breaths.Lloyd gently rubbed you back while looking at the ceiling.Glazing your eyes up at him you made a giggling noise “Pfft you could have just told me you were pent up!”
Lloyd just glared at you unimpressed.He pinched one of your face cheeks and started pulling it back and forth putting you in discomfort. “You’re a brat,you know that right?!” he said in a monotone voice.You tried to say something along the lines of “im sorry” but struggled against your face being pulled.
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yooitsyorick · 10 months
The Division Book from Today's Short! (Featuring some very rushed doodles from me)
At the beginning of this story are two symbols: addition and subtraction. For the longest time, that’s the only thing numbers knew. I’m not exactly sure how the numeral species took so long to discover anything outside of these two symbols. Maybe they were content with what they had discovered already – Maybe they were just stupid.
Anyway, back to the story at hand. Actually, no. We need to go a bit deeper here, I think. First graders learn about multiplication and division. How were they just unable to figure this out? It’s really not that hard. I’m just being honest here. Why should anyone be interested in this “tale” when it’s predicated on such an unbelievable premise? An entire population of sentient, powerful beings and not a single one of them could come up with an array? They’re literally numbers for crying out loud! I just feel like they could’ve figured this out earlier, I guess.
Whatever, quick recap, the numbers only know about addition and subtraction for a long while. They had a lot of fun adding into each other and all that. They really liked it.
Multiplication, which is really just doing addition multiple times in a row, (Think about it, four multiplied by three is just adding four together three times. Isn’t that cool), was discovered shortly after. There were some problems with it, and there are still problems with it. A lot of numbers don’t really mess with multiplication anymore. Every single time they try to, something ends up going wrong. It’s not fun! Addition is fun. Well, I find it quite boring, but they find it fun.
Division, however, stayed a mystery for the longest time. Which it bears repeating, is absolutely unbelievable. Division is literally just opposite multiplication.
Remember when I said multiplication is just addition multiple times in a row? Well, division is just subtraction multiple times in a row. Again, shocking that it took them so long to figure this out. I can imagine the moment now.
A lot of the time, the stupid people among us tend to have the best ideas. A lot of great ideas are unsaid just because they sound stupid. Like, imagine being all smart and educated in the 1500s and suggesting the idea of electricity. Oh, wow, magic beams from the sky can power gigantic and complex machines? Get out of here, man. But that’s actually how it works!
So I don’t really know what happened, but we can probably guess that someone stupid – 9 or 7 – brought up the idea of “reverse multiplication.” I’m not sure. Maybe those two weren’t even alive, I’m not exactly sure why I was the one chosen to pen this history into the annals of time. I really do not know a single thing about what actually happened.
Anyway, let’s just say all the numbers were just sitting around, having a lot of fun, and playing on the seesaw, 9 walks in after a visit to the local multiplication symbol. She has a weird thought in her head, and she confidently brings up the idea of division. She’s laughed at and made to feel very, very dumb. Little did they all know, however, that the idea of division is very, very real. It had just been forgotten about. More on that later.
The division symbol is theorised to be extremely powerful, giving its leftward user the power to split themselves into multiple parts. The amount of parts the leftward number splits into is equivalent to the value of the rightward number in the equation.
The graphic below displays the basic capabilities of the division symbol. 16 being four multiplied by four can get divided by 4 into four four. These fours are all 16, just split up in between four different bodies. They all act like 16 and share 16’s colours. This is because these four 4’s are 16. 16 has disappeared due to splitting themself up. Imagine if you were split into four identical bodies – that’s what ended [up] happening in it. Only in the graphic, of course. 16 is kind of a scaredy-cat, so I don’t think they would be keen to split themselves up like this. Which is frankly weird to me, I think of it the same way I think of people who chicken out of riding roller coasters. Like, you stand there for an hour and a half and watch thousands of people stream in and out of the coaster. Not a single person dies. When’s the last time you saw someone fly out of their roller coaster seat? It doesn’t happen! So, what is there to be afraid of? Do you think you’re special or something? You’re not. You’ll survive. Roller coasters are fun. Why are you robbing yourself of the experience?
Sorry about that rant, this book wasn’t really the place for it. I think I could just delete it, but, um, I really don’t feel like it. I got commissioned to write like at least 200 pages of this thing, and I’m kind of already running out of ideas. You saw it yourself, a couple dozen pages ago I went into a 2 page lecture about the history of devilled eggs. I literally just copied that from Wikipedia. I’m starting to think I’m not being paid for my writing ability, but just because someone was too lazy to do what I’m doing right now. Insane! This thing should be like a pamphlet at most.
Whatever, I should probably get back to the topic at hand. The division symbol is very powerful because it allows the user to split themselves up. This is beneficial for manual labour and especially fighting.
Imagine how much you could get done in a day if there was a clone of you around. That’s like, a basic sitcom plotline. It’s relatable! The numbers, lucky as they are, get to live in a reality where this is possible. You need to lift up a really heavy, wide object? Just divide yourself in two. Of course, you’d have to find 2 in order to divide yourself by them. That’s really the only downside of the symbol. A lot of the smaller numbers don’t like being “used” for division. They have their own lives!
But yeah, division is, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very powerful
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Those who ruled the numeric realm at the time were not pleased with the existence of the division symbol. You know how people say when you’re alone you’re weak, and when you’re united you stand. Well, yeah, extrapolate that concept to this. Do you think those who enjoy power over a population of powerful numbers like the idea of them splitting themselves into a million little equally-powerful pieces? No!
So those in power really did not like the division symbol at all. Like, they really, really did not like it. Like when you walk by a group in public and they start reciting jokes you swear you saw online six years ago to each other. Like, are you that unoriginal? You think you can impress your friends by stealing other people’s jokes? They aren’t even that good of jokes! It’s just sad, honestly. Just show them the joke on your phone, or something like that.
It just really grinds my gears, honestly. So I can really imagine how it feels to be whoever ruled the land of the numbers [was]. I don’t really think it was justified; in fact, it was kind of evil, honestly. But like, if I happened to have dominion over those idiots? Yeah, I probably would want to get rid of the self-destruct button they randomly found and learned how to use. Especially if there are 2 other self-destruct buttons out there for them to use. I say 2 because subtraction is kind of useless. Like… It doesn’t really help anyone. Multiplication and addition are pretty cool though!
So, yeah, one night the numbers were having fun, partying, and just generally enjoying themselves – as numbers are known to do. They generally liked to hang out around the division symbol, actually. They really liked it! It was probably one of their favourite things in the world. Of course, everyone had their own personal favourite thing. 9’s favourite thing was his sunglasses, the real retro ones. They had a rainbow gradient instead of a desert gradient. Doesn’t that sound cool? Meh. I don’t need your approval anyway. Who cares. 8’s favourite thing is when all of the other numbers are quiet. What a weirdo.
So the numbers partied all night. They sang songs and danced around. Blah blah blah. At the dead of night, the last number finally decided to go to bed. Numbers sleep, by the way. I don’t think they really need to? I’ll be honest I know almost nothing about these things. They’re kind of useless? They’re also annoying.
While they were asleep, however, the evil ruler of the realm took the division symbol and removed it from its place! It’s a pretty heavy symbol, so I’m actually kind of amazed that a group of people were able to just pick it up like that. As you’ll see later, 2 is also able to just pick it up on their own. Isn’t that insane? Like, 2, let me know your workout regimen or something. I could use a tip or two. Haha, two, 2.
Ok back on track for real, now BFDI season 1 is the best season. Like, by a mile! It’s just so whimsical and fun and awesome. My favourite episode was episode 6, The Power of Three. What’s up with 3 anyway? Why aren't they in these things? We’re all thinking it, right? This is meta, lol.
For real this time, let’s get back on track. The numbers woke up the next morning to find their precious division symbol gone! All that remained was the discoloured patch of grass that lay under the symbol for so many years.
The numbers were shocked and horrified by the division symbol being taken. 9 cried for like, three days straight, I think. It would’ve been cute if it wasn’t so pathetic. Like, you’re an adult, man. Either way, it was still a tragedy, though. The symbol meant a lot to these freaks! And now it was gone! The fun was over! They got over it quite quickly, though. Like, I’m not kidding, they all forgot about it the literal next day. It was like it never existed. Isn’t that just crazy? These things are so weird, man. Like. Gosh. Just crazy.
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Leading spots where experts think the division symbol might be hidden. It’s not clear why they think these spots have the most potential. But they’re experts! So listen to ‘em. Also, look, map! Go obsess over what this map means or something if that’s what you’re interested in. Go wild!
Why am I still writing this. How many pages are even left! Blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah.
The typography on those “blahs” is really, really ugly. So I’m going to stop using them to fill space. The numbers embarked on an epic search for the division symbol, but were a little too stupid to end up finding it. Who would’ve guessed! This is partly why I said they just forgot about it earlier. They tried searching for it, got lost, and instantly gave up! What losers! Can’t commit to the simplest of tasks.
If I remember this correctly, 7, the genius he is, started climbing a tree to get a good vantage point. The only problem with that idea, though, was that the tree had like eight different hornet nests on them. He turned as red as 3! Because of the stings, of course. He was pretty embarrassed too, though. He tried really hard to play it off, making excuses. He said something about how the redness came from getting a sunburn… Which, like, isn’t that much less embarrassing than getting stung by thousands of hornets?
Imagine the contempt you feel whenever you see someone walking around with an ugly full-body sunburn. Like, what an idiot. You couldn’t take the basic precautions to avoid this? You couldn’t put in the 10 minutes of work it would’ve taken you to drive to the local pharmacy and buy a can of sunscreen? It’s so easy! And yet, here this dope is, fully sunburnt. Whatever, I went on a tangent again. What do you think the person who commissioned me to write this is going to think when they check my work. My guess is they’ll just see that there’s a lot of words and instantly give it their seal of approval. If you’re reading this, that is exactly what happened. There is almost zero to be actually gained from reading this book. I’ve gone on the same tirade about how little I care like 50 times now. In fact; all of this is just copied and pasted from 10 pages earlier. That last sentence was too! I’ve reused this same passage about three times now, I’m gonna do it again, too. I’m out of ideas.
Anyway, the numbers stopped searching pretty much immediately. I think Eight maybe looked for a day or two more, but he eventually gave up too. He tried to do this thing where he’d split up into four different grey 2’s… It was low-key a little weird but some people seemed to like it. I just made all of that up.
Last paragraph on this page, better make it count. Lalalalalalalala. Uhhh… Yeah I can’t make this one count. There’s really nothing to talk about with “The Search.” There literally basically wasn’t one. There’s no way anyone is reading this far down. Whatever. Bye.
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Demon Courting Rituals
I don´t I have to warn for anything but my usual stupidity, also those are just my Headcanons that I came up with on the go without that much thought this somehow managed to get 800+ words
depending on the Demon it could be a very bloody affair or relatively normal things
most common things during Courting for different types of Demons are
Pride: they usually try to show of in front of the being of their choosing regarding various skills they learned through their life time
the better they are the more willing to show of they are, various Pride Demons are also know to subtly bring up their best skills to show of in front of their Love interest without appearing to desperate for them, they are still Pride Demons after all
Greed: they usually try to either find the most valuable things to gift to their Love interest or they making something truly impressive for them with the wealth and valuables they have now
if a Greed Demon fall in love with another Greed Demon making something themselves out of the most expensive things they could get their hands on usually guarantees the other Greed Demon to accept
but anyone else might not immediately get the gesture and thinks the Greed Demon might just try to show off their wealth, I mean it is but it´s more to show their Love interest how much they have to offer for them
Envy: their Courting habits are rather interesting considering a lot of the time you can´t tell if they truly are interested in their Love interest or just want either whatever the Love interest has or to be the Love interest, in rare cases two or more of these factors could also apply
they also tend to do things or give their love interest gifts with the intent to make others envious of the Love interest, this can sometimes result in mixed reactions even among other Envy Demons
because the Love interest sometimes doesn´t know the true intent behind the Demons actions, though rarely it sometimes happened that actions taken to make the person envious was taken as a Courting sign
Wrath: a lot of their Courting involves physical violence, which also a big reason why a lot of Love interest will think the Wrath Demon despises them despite the Wrath Demon just expressing their feelings in their own specific way
the also tend to gift their Love interest trophies they got from fights, this could range from them showing of scars to them gifting their Love interest the Heart of a Rival, this could be a general Rival or just another unfortunate being which fell in love with the same person as the Wrath Demon
Lust: they mostly try to show of… well to not make it 18+ let´s just say a big part of their courting is showing how much Stamina and Endurance they have
but they also try to show of in other ways for example seduction is also a big part of it as well as surprisingly Dancing with their Love interest
Lust Demons also tend to spend a lot of time with their Love interest just existing in close proximity, this is usually cuddling or just sitting close with each other unless the Love interest show displeasure at the close proximity they then will keep as much distance as they want
Gluttony: Gluttony Demons are known to give a lot of food to their Love interest, which might cause some troubles between the recipient when they aren´t a fellow Gluttony Demon and the Gluttony Demon that chose them, in those cases it will end with the Gluttony Demon sulking because they think they got reject and a lot of times they don´t think about the fact that most non-Gluttony are physically incapable of eating so much
even when they aren´t good the majority of Gluttony Demons will cook all of the food for their love interest themself, this is generally because they not only want to show of their skills but also their ability to hold themself back for their Loved one
Sloth: they usually try their best to give their Love interest the best sleep they ever had
this includes getting them the comfiest bedding, sleep wear and various magical items which are said to better ones sleep quality and of course those who are able to will even alter their Love interests dreams to better their sleep in case they have troubles with constant Nightmares or in some cases even attempt to stop unwanted Sleep paralysis from happening
Royal Demons also tend to give their love interests really expensive gifts to impress them and show of their standing, this usually happens no matter what Sin they are most strongly associated with alongside their normal Courting Habits
despite all of this the above mentioned methods don´t always occur during a Demons courting they are all still different Demons with different personalities and likes as well as dislikes and it isn´t guaranteed that a Demon will even follow those
during newer times and even more so after the success of the Exchange program some Demons adopted similar habits as shown in Humans and in incredibly rare cases even Angels
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not-5-rats · 4 months
What if Sugarboo and Charlie knew each other when they were younger and so when Chapter 3 happens shit is weird
I like to think at first neither of them would recognise the other, but as soon as they asked his name Boo recognised who it was. They made hints towards their history and didn't intend on conforming their suspicions but when they found themself unable to sleep thay night they decided to confront Charlie.
(A/n: Using my SB insert name for this when names are like unavoidable)
Charlie was sat out on the stairs, Boo had tried to get some sleep but there was so much going on they just had to have some clarity. Even if it was something as simple as knowing that this person was really him! So they stood up, shifted hair out of their eyes and went out to the stairs.
That's when they saw him again, Charlie sat on the stairs just staring down at the many floors beneath them. He hadn't heard the door open and Boo was kind of relieved. They could hear him murmering to himself as they slowly approached, being careful to avoid the odd stains which littered the floor
"So this is what you've been up to huh Charlie?" they settled down onto the stairs beside him causing Charlie to jump slightly and shuffle away from them timidly.
"Huh? Em yeah, I guess so? I'm sorry I don't want any trouble, definitely not with...you?" He was glancing from Boo back to the abyss below, like he was scared to look for too long, but it was clear he recognised them. Where from? He couldn't quite tell yet.
"Hm can't say I expected you, of all people, to go down this route" they shrugged before crossing their arms and leaning back against the handrails "then again you always were full of surprises weren't you?"
Charlie paused, he knew that voice, he knew this person. Wait. Realisation hit him. His mouth fell open as the words caught in his throat
"Jayden?! That you?...shit em didn't expect to see you here- you seem to be doing...well?" They smiled at his suprise "I'd say I'm doing pretty good yeah, looks like you've had better times though" Boo chuckled expecting Charlie to do the same, he didn't, his gaze fell back onto the abyss below them "Hey no need to be ashamed man" noticing the expression on his face Boo hurriedly spoke again "so you got involved with some shitty stuff, that sucks, you did some shitty things whilst involved with shitty people, that also sucks" They smiled, gently putting a hand on Charlie's shoulder as they continued "but you're a sweet guy Charlie, and just because you've made some stupid choices it doesn't mean you're any less of a good guy"
Yet this didn't seem to comfort him, "Jay, I appreciate it, I really do. But some of the stuff I've done, the stuff I've done to...those two. I'm not a good guy Jay, I got myself into all this and now I don't think I can ever get out again. I'm real sor-" he was cut of by Boo shaking roughly his shoulder
"Dude, listen to me" they had turned to face him, it was clear they were annoyed. But it wasn't because of what Charlie had done in the tiem they'd been apart it, no it was because he genuinely believe they would be mad about that kind of thing "you ain't got anything to apologise for, nothing to apologise to me for at least. Yeah I know you've been a dick at points, an absolute asswipe from what I've heard but you're able to be so much more than that! You're better than all this Charlie, even if you never saw it, I saw it and...Casper saw it too"
They both fell silent, just staring at each other. It had been hard when Casper left, hard for both of them. And in their struggle to cope with the loss of one of their closest friends they ended up drifting away from each other. They still cared about each other, all this time later, a friendship like theirs was hard to forget. All the things they had done together, the secrets they shared, it meant alot to both of them.
"You can get out of this mess Charlie" their voice was hushed but they may as well have yelled, the silence surrounding them magnifying any little sound "and if you need some help doing so...I've got your back, even now, you were my best friend and I'm still here if you need me"
There was silence once more, but a different kind of silence. It was more comfortable, the point had finally gotten through, Boo wasn't angry at Charlie for what he had done. They still cared about him just as much as when they were kids. The two sat there, just staring down at the many floors below enjoying the memories they had from the simple (well simpler) times of their childhood. The three of them, Charlie, Boo and Casper driving their families mad by getting themselves caught up in any trouble they could. Sleepovers that ended up lasting days, once even weeks. The forests/fields they explored, the flowers they planted and watched grow, the paint that permanently stained their clothes, all those stupid memories that they held so dear. They remembered the stairs just behind their school, they used to sit there for hours on end simply talking about anything they could think of and now on these stairs, in this building those memories were mirrored...only a part was missing. They both knew it, yet it didn't bother them, they were happy having found each other again and who knows maybe one day one of them could find Cas again (how wild would that be)
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macncheesytoes · 4 months
Romanced companions reacting to Sole saying ‘i wish we could stay here forever’
sorry i haven’t posted much recently, i’m in the middle of exams and havent had buch motication to do anything. put it under cause its so long. ANYWAY, hope you all enjoy :)
CAIT: They were both sitting next to each other, on the roof of one of the houses in sanctuary. The sun was sinking below the horizon; oranges and pinks sailing across the twighlight sky. The bottles in their hands clinked against each other as Sole moved in closer to her.
This was as good as it was ever going to get, Sole realised, the residual warmth from the setting sun calming the two beyond anything either had experienced in the Commonwealth.
´You know, I wish we could stay here forever,’ Sole murmured, moving even closer into their girlfriend, resting their head on her soldier.
Cait turned to look at Sole, almost in disbelief that someone like Sole could ever love her. The more she thought about it, the more she started to agree with her partner. This was the happiest she had been in a while.
´Yeah,’ was the reply, ‘Me too.’
CURIE: Curie was working on some experiment or other, like usual; Sole watching from the other side of the room. Equipment that Sole had scavenged for their partner was strewn across the table, and Curie hadn’t looked at Sole in a good half an hour. She hadn’t said anything in even longer.
Sole was surprisingly okay with it. It meant that they could work on plans for The Castle’s new artillery defences that they had been meaning to get done for ages.
It struck them then that this was what they loved most about being with Curie: the way they were able to do their own things in complete, yet comfortable silence.
It was quite daunting to break that silence, but a whisper of ‘I could stay like this forever,’ was all that was needed for Curie to break into a smile.
‘Yes, I think so too.’
DANSE: Danse and Sole were having a slow afternoon, one of the first that Danse has had. The pair were working on their power armour, so Danse couldn’t complain.
It was a relatively cool day, but the nature of the work they were doing meant they were both getting hot and sweaty. Sole was haphazardly covering the armour peices with a new lick of paint, and Danse was adding some extra modifications to his.
They stayed there working in comfortable silence, until the Sole was finished. Looking over at their boyfriend, Sole realised that they could spend all their days like this. Screw the brotherhood, screw the stupid Minutemen for all they care, this was all they needed.
Their feet started moving before they knew it, and suddenly they were behind Danse, their arms wrapped around their his sturdy frame.
‘I could stay like this forever,’ they said into his neck.
Danse turned around in Sole’s grasp, and captured their lips in a kiss.
‘I think I could too’ he said with a smile.
HANCOCK: Hancock was sprawled out on his favourite sofa in the statehouse, still spaced out with the high that was lingering from hours earlier. Sole was next to him, curled under his arm, even higher than their partner - if that was possible.
Jet inhalers were strewn across the table across from the pair. Ever since Hancock and Sole had first confessed their feelings, they had been passing their days much like this.
Sole lifted their head from Hancock’s shoulder, and settled themself onto his lap. The world started to spin; Sole buried himself into their boyfriend. His torso was sturdy, and arms began to snake themselves around Sole’s torso, holding them close.
A murmur escaped Sole’s mouth, losing itself in Hancock’s old coat.
‘What’s that?’ he asked, curiosity taking over.
‘I could stay like this forever,’ was the reply.
A smile broke istelf over the ghoul’s face.
‘We can do that quite easily, sweetheart.’
MACCREADY: The sun was setting over the commonwealth, sending pastels rippling over the sky. MacCready and Sole had just settled themselves down for rhe night; a small fire burning in front of the pair, cooking their food for the night.
Sole glanced over at the man on the opposite side of the fire. Busy working on cleaning his rifle, the fire lit up MacCready’s face in warm orange hues that practically made Sole melt.
Without warning, Sole stood up and moved himself next to their boyfriend. Mac looked up at Sole, the fire reflecting in his eyes turning the steely blue irises to flickering reds.
Mac brought his hand up to Sole’s cheek before kissing them softly. He turned back to the fire, but not before putting his arm around Sole and bringing them closer.
There was a few minutes of comfortable silence before Sole whispered: ‘I could stay like this forever’.
MacCready only smiled, seemingly very impressed with himself.
PIPER: The pair were sat in comfortable silence in the Publick Occurrances office. Piper was working on her newest article, resulting in a few questions every so often, like ‘How do you spell amnesiac?’ or ‘What does garish mean?’
Sole was working on some plans for the Minutemen, something that Preston had asked them to do far too long ago, when they realised that this was the happiest they had been since they left the vault. Living here in Diamond City wasn’t as safe Sanctuary pre-war, but it was pretty much made up for due to the intrepid reporter sat on the other side of the table.
Sole stood up to move behind Piper, and slink their arms around her from behind.
The words ‘I could stay like this forever,’ were whispered into the back of Piper’s neck.
‘We can give it a damn good shot, Blue’ replied Piper, a smile breaking out over her face.
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quazardrawing · 4 months
Now for Emmett's stars as part of my 'Ingo reunites with his pokemon' Eelektross and Archeops!
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[ Image description: Ingo, pictured from the waist up holds Eelektross who is warped around him twice in one hand and has Archeops who sits on his shoulder, flaps her wings and nuzzling her face on his cheek. Ingo is almost not visible under these Pokémon, regardless all three are smiling ]
Fun fact is Eelektross is about 2 seconds before squeezing the stuffing out of Ingo, benefits of being a almost boneless eel I guess
More headcanons below the readmore
- Eelektross is named Third Rail, I've already mentioned that Chandelure and Eelektross were traded between Emmett and Ingo, as they caught the two thinking they would match the twin dragons typing but ended up liking the other more, but that means that it was baby Ingo that named them!
- When Ingo and Emmett went apartment/ house shopping two of their important factors were having water/ pond access for Third Rail and ground access for their ground and rock types, I personally headcanon that they retrofit a old unused werehouse/ train yard on the harbor, which gives them not only plenty of room for all their larger Pokémon but also has a local battling ring (more of a feild of dirt but still rated for 'will not destroy the local buildings' ) This is pretty normal since Professional battlers are known to be space hogs (due to having a full team of 6 all of whom need enough room to live comfortable and since each different typing has different needs) Luckily if you make it big in the Pokémon battling scene you get pretty rich, and being the Subway Bosses they are pretty much rolling in it (not that they do much with it besides reinvest it into the subway system, or help out other regions public transit )
- Third Rail does have a special always filled kiddie pool indoors, the funniest use for which is as a dramatic feinting couch for Third Rail only, Third Rail is also very protective of the pool, mostly because they have caught some of the other Pokémon either drinking () out of it or risnsing off the stupid amount of dirt (Excadrill) that gets on them off into the pool making it pretty dirty or full of crumbs, Third Rail will shock anyone who enters the pool if they see them, but will allow Ingo and Emmett to put their feet in to cool off if they ask first (both because they will clean the water after and because Third Rail loves them)
- Third Rail also prefers They/Them pronouns, why? They insist having no gender helps them slip into tighter spaces and smaller holes, which is something Third Rail prides themself in, Which is wierd seem they do not need any help with this as they have a clear advantage when compared to any of Ingo and Emmett's other Pokémon due to having no exoskeleton (Haxorus, Crustle, Durant ) and having less bones than even mammalian Pokémon ( Gurdurr, Excadrill ) due to being inspired by the lamprey or leach, which I imagine makes they a bit like an vampire octopus
- Third Rail and Archeops love flying up into small holes together and sticking themselves in them, they insist that this is an important Hide and Seek tactic, (it is not) dispite hide and seek not being played at all between the trainer's and/or Pokémon (due to the drastic size difference between the Pokémon) it either frustrates or amuses their trainers depending on how long it takes to find the two when inevitably fall sleep and stop responding to calls
- Archeops is named Express! He wasn't part of Ingo and Emmett original team plan but was found as a fossil when they were digging out the battle subway tunnels, Emmett maintains that it was Fate and that the original Archeops wanted to join the battle subway and Express was destined to joined the team. This also makes Express the baby of the group since he is by far the youngest, although he wasn't the last to join the team, that was a trade
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sorcerous-caress · 9 months
Picture this:
An adventuring party that consists of all non-human party members. They’re all capable at their respective classes but they also often but heads with each other over the most ridiculous of things. The only thing that keeps them from falling apart really is their leader and party mediator who makes sires no goes too far. They all admire their leader but the thing that bothers them is… well they have no idea what they look like other than their general silhouette. Their leader is never seen without having their entire body covered and they alway have a mask on too.
The others have bets over what their leader is ranging from fey to changling to demigod. Someone suggested maybe human before they all laughed at that suggestion after all their leader went up against owlbears like they were nothing there was no way.
After some time, the party goes looking for their leader cause dinner was ready at their camp. They catch their leader, by a small lake, in the middle of disrobing only to reveal a human who was practically the walking definition of the word ‘PRETTY’.
The human leader goes about bathing themself without care while the rest of the party secretly watches them lather and rub over every curve of their body. The party members’ heads now all filled with images of their leader’s naked body, their human leader’s naked body.
Their leader who they have also told repeatedly in passing how much they’d love to fuck a human like they were sex doll. There was no way they could ever tell their leader that they knew. Who knows that they’d do, leave? Hell no. Better to make the leader become the team’s new secret maturbation material then have them leave.
We must have been part of the same hivemind in a past life anon, this is fucking delicious.
Especially the last part. No like I adore the idea that humans are discussed amongst other races when they think no human is nearby.
Maybe they're even respectful to humans when they're in human cities and act totally normal, but on the road when it's just them with each other, they start making inappropriate comments.
The tieflings mentioning how they'd love to fuck a human stupid, it doesn't even seen that hard to do with their already small brains.
The half-orc comment on how the human race are practically just fleshlights as they are, making them even more useless and stupid would just ruin the fun of hearing them beg for more.
You, the cloaked human leader, just walk silently amidst the group as the conversation spirals.
The two elves in the back are quietly having their own hushed conversion amongst themselves. At first, you think they're not even paying attention to the conversation, but then some of their words slip louder than other and you hear bits and pieces.
How one human can never be enough, you need at least 3 or 4 to fully be satisfied. It's too sad that humans get too emotional and jealous to allow themselves to be shared like how they were meant to be. The other elf agrees and adds how important it is to train that stubbornness out of them, make them docile and submissive, a collar and some fitting clothes really do wonders in showing them their rightful place.
And those people are your team who you've been leading for a long while now, the "heros" that most human cities celebrated and sang praises about. You wonder if they always thought this way, had these conversations when out of earshot.
You attempt not to draw attention to yourself, let them talk it out. Your dwarf companion, who you've been secretly looking up to for a while, nudges you and asks why are you so quiet.
You say you're just...not used to conversations like these before.
He stops, looks at you still, then laughs.
Saying he fully understands, he too was very repressed during his stay in a human city. How such a tease these humans tend to be without being aware of it, how each time one wandered into his smith shop and curiously admired his handworks, he imagined bending them over the counter and letting them keep the forged weapon as a gift.
You just nod.
The dragonborn leans closer to you, their big arm wrapping around your covered shoulders as they whispered against your mask as if sharing a little secret.
Calling you leader, promising to take you to a very lovely pleasure house that has the most beautiful of humans. It's a spot they frequent and the humans there know how to take two or more people at the same time, they can be surprisingly flexible even with their full and slutty bodies.
The conversation trails off there as the githyanki in the party barks at them to stop bothering their leader and wasting time, that they should be on gaurd since they are travelling through the woods.
"Besides," the Githyanki says, "you can't be sure that no humans are around here"
"Relax, the closest human settlement is days away." The gnome finally speaks as they put their map away.
"And their kind is known to stray and wander far," The Githyanki replies, "I can still smell their filthy scent, it's fogging my mind and making me more agitated. How can a whole race just walk around smelling like they're begging to be bred."
You force yourself to keep walking, to not give out any hint or even a twitch.
But yeah, you get the idea, just absolutely the most filthy locker room talk. The more time the leader spends with the party, the more your companions open up about their filthy fantasies about humanity.
How tight they feel, how smooth their insides are. Both the Tiefling and dragonborn remark how they love the feeling of their soft insides against the ridges and pumps on their cocks. how the scales brush against the human insides with each move and plunge.
The drow women comments on how their men make much more fun toys than drow men, how they're so full of themselves and their big egos that she loves breaking. Riding them until their cute little penis starts hurting then making the human eat out their own cum out of her.
Maybe one high elf secretly admits to liking being dominated by humans. How they get lost in their own head a lot, humiliating the elf and holding their arms behind their back as they fuck them. How they taunt the elf for lusting after the humankind and how disappointed Corellon must be in them.
The dwarf admits that he likes to be gentle, rewarding with the cute humans and praising them. Teaching them all the ways they can please him and how to suck him off like an eager puppy. Remarking how humans tend to be the most fast of learners.
Suddenly standing up, your moving cuts the conversation around the campfire short.
You say that you're going to have a bath in the nearby lake, wishing them a nice mean and leaving immediately.
Unaware to the fact it was the githyanki's turn to scout the area around the campfire. Oblivious to how the drow guy followed after you in the shadows when no one was paying attention.
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princelylove · 10 months
i am slowly getting more and more annoyed with mr zeppeli himself i ate my fingers as i read your response to my ask AJAJHSUSH. thank you so much your highness i am burning my whole house rn.
actually, which yanderes do you think would be the most ANNOYING. like, not violent or anything but just plain annoying. the kind of people that make you wanna tear your hair out or commit a slow and painful murder.
(inspired heavily by narancia because i have a feeling he would be the most annoying little shit to deal with)
-🌸 anon
What an adorable thing you are. Don’t bite too hard, it’ll hinder your ability to compliment me. 
Oh, God. Most annoying to me, personally? Not in any order in particular, I feel as if this one would change depending on my mood:
Bruno hovers too much, and he tends to both infantilize and put a lot of responsibility on his darling. He expects his darling to parent Narancia but won’t let them handle a knife by themself. I’m doing a character study on him right now, so that’s all I’ll say, but just know that he is God’s punishment for whatever you did in a past life to deserve him.
Narancia is annoying- he’s a young guy who never got taught how to deep clean, spends his free time on his pull up bar, expects you to cook for him since he’s literally never been tasked with it, whines when you try to get up and go to the bathroom in the middle of your six hours minimum long cuddling session, doesn’t know how to properly take care of an entire human being so just throws junk food at you and hopes you don’t starve, the list goes on. He loves you, he really does, he just doesn’t know what he’s doing. For someone as prissy as myself, I would die the first day. He doesn’t understand why I put those rollers in my hair- he just watched me straighten it, doesn’t that cancel out??? That’s stupid, oh, and another thing, what’s the point of owning five different versions of the same color of nail polish? It’s all red! Just have one, that isn’t crazy expensive! On top of Narancia being the worst roommate ever- he’s very irritable, and doesn’t really have a problem pulling a knife on you to get what he wants. He’s not as quick to snap as people think, but that doesn’t mean he won’t. Show signs of liking something more than him and he’ll maul it. 
It’s hard to set Cioccolata and Secco away from each other, they’re basically inseparable, but Cioccolata is capable of using logic, and Secco is not. If you’re on the ground in pain, obviously you’re going to have a hard time answering the little puppy’s questions. Secco doesn’t understand why you won’t play with him- he’s shoving his toy right in front of you, are you blind?? Play! With! Him! Throw it, play tug of war, SOMETHING, COME ON. There’s an interesting dynamic depending on who exactly you’re intended for- Cioccolata, Secco, or both. Let’s just talk about Secco alone, since Cioccolata isn’t annoying, he’s just a bit too affectionate sometimes. Secco’s forgetful, rude, jumps to conclusions, and you don’t even know what he looks like since he’s always wearing that bitch suit-esque thing. He nudges you to throw his toy- he probably thinks of you as human rather than another dog, and doesn’t understand why you aren’t behaving like Cioccolata does. If you were Cioccolata’s darling alone, or a shared darling, he’d probably think of you as another dog. But he was here first, so he’s got dibs on the good dog bed, AND cioccolata’s lap. As if you’d want that. Secco begs and begs and begs for you to give him as much attention as you possibly can- and somehow, you’re never doing it right. It’s like talking to a child who has surpassed the ‘Why?’ stage and has moved on to greater conquests- annoying you so badly that you ask Cioccolata if it’s fine to have a sip of his ‘not for dogs’ drink. Or two. Or three. Or the entire bottle. 
Rohan doesn’t ever shut the fuck up. He quite literally always has something to say, despite wanting to “observe.” He read an article this morning, let’s go visit the place it mentioned even though it’s a three hour train ride and supposed to rain for the rest of the week. He always wants to go explore- even when he promised that you could both stay home today and do something you want to do. It doesn’t make sense to Rohan- why wouldn’t you want to go see what the world has to offer? Probably because this is the fourth temple he’s wanted to visit this week and you don’t feel like going up two hundred stairs. (If his darling cannot walk, he makes sure it’s accessible beforehand. You’re not getting out of coming with him.) Rohan’s big on healthy living, and he feels a sense of superiority for eating right, and working out very consistently. He wants his darling to be perfectly well as well- how can he push you to your limits if you’re not at your best? You’d probably sleep better if he stopped talking for three hours past his initial ‘goodnight.’ 
Hazamada… is… he’s certainly a character! The literal only reason why he isn’t forcing himself upon his darling is because he’s too much of a coward- and that’s not my interpretation, that’s canon. His hobbies include bullying kittens and small animals, not showering, collecting manga, stalking idols, and tennis! Isn’t that nice, he does sports, he’s only a basement dweller half of the time. It isn’t even somewhat attractive when he tries to get it on with his darling, he’s like a dog humping your leg. He’s the type to call you a stupid bitch because you politely suggested he should wear deodorant before he hits on you. He’s canonically an exhibitionist- imagine sitting in class and looking over to check the clock and he’s just staring back at you while adjusting his pants. I’d switch schools. 
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