#but grief isnt fair
captainimprobable · 2 years
I have one thing left from my ex. A few months ago, I took all her gifts, all her love letters, all her jewelry, and I threw it in the garbage,  I’m never getting those things back, and that’s okay, because I don’t want them.  We broke up over a year ago, I don’t need those things.  And now there’s nothing left. Except for this stuffed bunny. She gave it to me on our second date.  She met me at the train with flowers, and I remember thinking about how nobody had ever bought me flowers before.  We had a picnic in the park, played cards, hung out with her best friends, and she gave me the bunny. It’s been two years since that date.  I don’t love her.  I don’t miss her.  But I don’t know what to do about this stupid fucking bunny. I could throw it out.  I could give it away.  But it’s my last connection to the first person I ever fell in love with.   There were so many red flags, but tonight I’m just thinking about the green ones.  The time she stayed up all night sitting on her bathroom floor while I hugged the toilet seat trying not to puke, telling me funny stories to distract me. The night she wrapped me in a blanket, sat me on her lap, and pointed out constellations I had never even heard of.  I had no idea she was breaking up with me just a few weeks later. The time she told me she loved me.  How wide her eyes were, how scared she looked, how I screamed and threw down my bag and kissed her, and she thought she did something wrong until I sat her down and smiled at her.   How I told her I loved her a few days later outside of a truly disgusting subway station. She loved pokemon, and hair dye, and piercings, and for one summer we had a whole apartment to ourselves in Florida for a week, and it was like a dream. It’s been over a year since I last saw her.  She’s had a girlfriend since then.  She’s changed her hair.  I hear she moved apartments and got a new job. I shaved my head.  I’ve gained 30 pounds.  I’ve got a new job too.  I’ve been on dozens and dozens of dates.   We are not the same people we used to be. But I still have this bunny.  This stupid fucking bunny that sits in the corner on the floor of my room that I can’t bear to throw out because I have nothing left of her.  And all I feel when I look at it is anger.  But there’s a part of me, a small part of me, that remembers what falling in love for the first time was like. And even though she forced me out of love, even though it’s been over and will be over forever, even though I’m grateful I’ll never see her again, even though we are completely different people from two years ago, from the day she gave me the toy, I can’t ever forget what it felt like to feel as loved as I did when she gave it to me. And I don’t know if I’ll ever feel that way again. So for now, the stupid fucking bunny sits on the floor collecting dust.  I’ll probably throw it out soon.  I might rip it to pieces for the catharsis.  But until that day, it’s going to sit there, and it’s going to watch me become a person she would never recognize. And that’s going to have to be okay.
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ok the imp demon c!tommy head canon makes so much more sense to me now omg
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source: https://genies.fandom.com/wiki/Imp#:~:text=Originating%20from%20Germanic%20folklore%2C%20the,as%20attendants%20of%20the%20gods.
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adamarks · 24 days
So hard to go into the princess bride and see ppl not understanding the point of the framing narrative in the book
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professorjirt · 2 months
not to be bitter about the Durins again but it will never stop pissing me off to a burning degree that in the movies Kíli dies off in a little corner with no one but one elf he met two days ago around, and she’s nerfed to the point she’s utterly helpless until RIGHT AFTER he’s killed. It feels so bullshit and unfulfilling. I remember me and a friend were huge fans of the Durins (her even more than me) as well as the little Kíli and Tauriel side story back when the movies came out, and we watched it in theatres and she literally said she would never watch that scene again bc it disappointed her so badly. She skips it to this day. Bc why the fuck did they have Kíli die for an elf he barely knew (I like Tauriel but it is true— they’ve known each other for maybe two or three days total) over the family he ran out into battle to defend, the family he set out on the quest with and the family that he was so proud of. Why was he not with his brother, or trying to defend his uncle who was still very much alive and in danger? Tauriel literally just serves to get Kíli killed in that scene, bc they nerf her (CAPTAIN OF THE GUARD. Even against a tough orc she should be holding her own) but have Legolas out there holding his own, and it is nowhere NEAR as emotionally devestating as the single sentence we’re given in the book of how Kíli and Fíli went down defending their uncle. I can almost excuse the change in how Fíli dies bc it does hold emotional weight, but Kíli’s death going from the devotion of family even to his own doom into dying for an elf he has puppy love for while being totally cut off from the other dwarves fucking killed the scene for me. And there isn’t really even a good payoff for Tauriel afterward either. We just leave her there regretting she ever loved him. It hurts me so damn much, and not least of which is because for every video someone does as a tribute to Thorin and his nephews, it always takes a sharp left turn into Tauriel watching Kíli die all by himself and it doesn’t even feel related to the other’s deaths. I think it would have felt much more like the best of both if they’d kept Kíli dying defending his family, and then have Tauriel come to him as he’s dying. But that’s not what happened. It fucking sucks. I promise I do like the movies but I will stand hard by saying that it’s weakest writing is the latter half of the second and the former half of the third movie. It only really picks up to consistently good scenes at Thorin’s battle with Azog in my opinion. Sorry for another brief hater moment but man. Man.
#lotr#the hobbit#sons of durin#thorin oakenshield#kili#fili#kili and fili#(their last name isn’t Durin but I’m tempted to tag it as such since I see a lot of people use that.#though to be fair what other character is named Kíli or Fíli out there lmao)#I fucking LIKE TAURIEL. but she is not more important than his family. like she is a crush he has but UR BROTHER JUST DIED MAN.#UR UNCLE IS ABOUT TO. IM SORRY BUT TAURIEL SHOULD BE ABLE TO HANDLE HERSELF AGAINST A SINGLE GODDAMN ORC.#ISNT SHE A GENERAL??#PLEASE. it hurts so bad. and they have the GALL to remind us abt Dís w the stone afterward. like family was at all involved#in how Kíli died beyond what sent him up the stairs. I don’t even think his last thoughts were portrayed as his family in the movie.#it looks like all he’s thinking about is Tauriel. not the fact that his mother will never see him again. not that he failed his uncle.#not even that he didn’t get to avenge his brother.#then Thranduil comes in and it feels awful bc she doesn’t seem to get any payoff for her character.#and this is a personal nitpick but the dialogue there just. it doesn’t end satisfyingly.#the ‘because it was real’ like never felt impactful to me. it actually felt kind of cheesy?? Tauriel’s lines actually have weight to them#and then Legolas movie bombs that scene too and we just. forget about Tauriel over there VERY LIKELY dying from elven grief#’go talk to the 12 year old in the north. for some reason he’s already called Strider’#and Kíli’s body is RIGHT THERE. they’re doing nostalgia bait and MCU level ‘ohh this guy’ shit RIGHT AFTER THE DURIN’S DIE
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sourtails · 10 months
grief is such a weird emotion because I'll be going about my business and then suddenly I'm crying so hard I can't breathe
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orcelito · 6 months
Having lost my cat, my uncle, my great grandmother, my grandma's best friend (& one of the people who helped raise me), AND my dad all within the span of 9 months,
I have little sympathy for people who use deaths as an excuse to be an asshole. I get it, it sucks. Get the fuck over it. Your grief is not an excuse to treat others like shit. What the fuck.
#speculation nation#this isnt anything personal. im just reacting to a post that kind of pissed me off.#to be fair i was never close with my great grandmother so im not particularly broken up about that one#but it's still yet another death in the family within such a short period of time.#my cat is on this list bc he was the first one and it majorly fucked me up. so yeah it deserves to be here.#the others. well. my grandma's best friend makes me sad but at least she was getting up in years#my uncle and dad though. especially my dad. yea those have fucked me up the most.#im never gonna be the same after experiencing all of this in such short succession.#it sucks in a major way. and things are still continuously tumultuous.#but you dont see me lording it over people and using it as an excuse to be an asshole.#maybe i make people uncomfortable with how casually i mention it. but like whatever. it's simply my truth.#that's still just like. me just talking about what ive been up to. that kind of thing.#idk acting like someone needs to be treated with the most tender of touches after experiencing a major death#to the point where you cant even tell them when theyre being a manipulative little asshole?#i dont fucking think so!#yeah okay all grief hits different but ive pulled myself up by the bootstraps and kept my head on straight#even after i experienced death after death after death after death after Fucking Death#whats your excuse? youre Sad? we all fucking are. thats just life.#it's horrible and awful and it sucks that we have to live with this but you CANT let that affect how you treat other people!!!!!#and here i am making my own post venting about it instead of replying to the aita post that sparked this#bc the person the post was about just made me so angry to hear about.#but i am... a reasonable adult who separates themselves from situations before reacting in anger...#and so im making a tumblr post to get the emotions out instead of getting emotional at random strangers lol#anyways i actually had a pretty good day today. but in the way of grief. the smallest things can trigger moods sometimes.#but i am letting the emotions flow... here they are... i have expressed them... and i shall now release them... amen...#negative/#i guess lol. i sure did rant enough for it.
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crookedkingdom · 2 years
i miss my brother so much
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satoruphilia · 9 months
Stronger Than The Strongest? Gojo x Reader
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tags: somewhat canon au, reader is a sorcerer, geto doesnt go insane, reader's curse is pretty much yuta's, tooth rotting fluff, not proofread, no smut, fair date, gojo is head over heels, featuring the smiths
A/N: I have 4 hours to fuck around before I need to get to work, wish me luck
2.2k words ON THE DOT!
Being a student sorceror was something you never expected. Finding friends along the way, and even a boyfriend? Unheard of. But here you were, you had a main friend group with Gojo Satoru, the strongest, Geto Suguru, your best friend, and Shoko Ieri, the only sense of the group. She had some medical technique you didnt understand, resulting in her dreams to become a doctor. Geto's and Gojo's were the most powerful. Your cursed technique was a little more complicated than theirs, you didn't even know if it was a cursed technique or luck. Before the Jujutsu world, you were on the streets with one friend, Rika. Until one day, you found her dead. The grief of the incident transformed her into a Curse. She was basically attached to you, she came out when you requested. When she came out, her strength was comparable to Sukuna, king of curses. But you also had trouble controlling her.
You, Geto and Gojo were sent on a mission, which instantly soured your mood. Gojo was so self absorbed and inlove with himself. How the hell did Suguru put up with him? He was a spoiled sheltered boy, you knew how the world rolled, just didn't know how he hadn't been bitch slaped yet (an; im sorry gojo) atleast you had geto with you aswell.
"Y/N! After this, let's go get candy, im hungry!" You rolled your eyes, continuing your walk to an abandoned middle school. There were reports of a Grade 1 curse killing off the kids. While they fucked around, you were focused on analyzing the situation. Would Rika be necessary or could you let them deal with it? You were tired anyway.
You and Geto made the decision to let Gojo handle the curse after you found it. Given his strength, he could handle it. As Gojo muttered something about showing off due to his audience, you took one of Geto's cigerettes and lit it. Throughout a battle, the curse unexpectedly doubled, and then those two doubled. Four curses were now aimed at him. His strategy faltered, raising an eyebrow between the two of you.
Gojo Satoru was struggling, huh. Not something you planned to see in this lifetime. He grunted, falling onto his back after another blow. Did that idiot seriously turn off infinity to show off? "Rika," you said coolly. A dark curse appeared behind you, before going after the duplicates.
Geto laughed and threw his arm over Gojo's shoulder, "You're a dumbass." All he did was roll his eyes.
"I had it under control, y/n just wanted to impress me, right?" This had Geto roaring in laughter. You were walking beside the two, drinking a bottle of water, even more tired than when you came.
"Can't believe you already lost your title," He teased, "The strongest isnt the strongest anymore" Gojo rolled his eyes and laughed it off, but observing him closely, something was different. Fear? Hurt? Did he just get humbled? It was fascinating. They ran off to some candy shop, and that was the end of it.
While you forgot about it, Gojo drove himself crazy. He knew what Geto said was a joke, 80% of what he said was a joke. Now he was obsessing over it. Not even the fact that he struggled, but how nonchalant you were about saving his ass. You still had a cigerette in hand the whole time. The way you effortlessly wielded your cursed techniques, the grace in your movements, and the fire in your eyes ignited something within Gojo. As the minutes ticked by, Gojo found himself unable to focus on anything else. His mind drifted to you. You became more than just a lady to him. He started to stare at you in class, always trying to study with you without Geto, taking note of your beauty. That was another thing that drove him crazy. He knew you were conventually attractive, but now you were so much more.
"That was hilarious," he greeted, a playful glint in his eyes. "You correcting Yaga-sensei. The class was wild!"
You chuckled. "He was making himself look stupid, so yeah."
He chuckled in return, rubbing the back of his head. "You still need help with Math? Im an expert." Where did he learn that from? Geto, who he wouldn't shut up to. Of course, he never shut up, but he was always asking Geto about you. You and Geto were closer friends, considering he was a respectable person unlike Gojo. You two occasionally skated and smoked together, and Gojo was not jealous at all. Even after Geto told him you were like his little sister.
As the conversation continued, Gojo found himself hanging onto your every word, genuinely intrigued by your words. He laughed at your jokes, listened intently to your stories, and even found reasons to touch on shared interests. It wasn't long before he realized that his feelings were evolving beyond a mere admiration for you.
In the following days, Gojo's interactions with you became more intentional. He'd join you for lunch, initiate conversations about non-jujutsu related topics, and even offer his assistance in training. When he found out how much you loved music, he made a playlist for when you two hung out. All your favorites were in there, and he sprinkled in a few love songs by your favorite singers. His once carefree demeanor seemed to soften in your presence, and there were moments when his gaze lingered just a bit longer, his eyes betraying a depth of feeling.
Eyes dont lie, something you've learned throughout your youth. So you hyperfixated on it when talking to people. Thats how you saw through people's bullshit, especially guys who just wanted you for your body. Initially, you assumed Gojo was trying to get in your pants. but now its been 3 months since that mission. 3 months since he's changed his attitude around you. And around a month since you started falling for him aswell.
It wasn't until a quiet evening in the school library that you realized your feelings. He found you reading with your headphones in, smiling as he took a seat next to you. "I love the smiths," You flinched, looking up at him and pulling one headphone to the side.
"I said I love the smiths," It took a second, then you smiled, realizing it could be heard from outside. You paused your song, taking them off. "You know, listening to music that loud can make you go deaf."
"Then together we'd make the Helen Keller duo, huh?" He snorted. You laughed aswell. The joke wouldn't be funny anywhere else, but with him, everything seemed to be downright hilarious.
"I'm not blind, my vision is so good I can wear a blindfold and still see perfectly," The conversation dissolved into nonsense. Music, studying, whats new, cats, even the upcoming summer break. Eventually he brought up your curse, interrogating it's ability. "So why does she do everything you say?"
"We have a deal. If I give her energy, she will do as I say. It's like Aki Hayakawa's ability, if you've ever seen-"
"Chainsaw Man!!" He exclaimed, making you smile wider. "I literally love that anime, I binged it at a sleepover with Suguru," Once again, the conversation dissolved into useless stuff. Eventually, it was brought back to Suguru. "Are you secretly crushing on my Sugu?" You snorted.
"He's like my brother."
"Ohh, so you're crushing on me!" You felt a heat on your cheeks, but rolled your eyes.
"That'd be pointless, you have other girls waiting on you." His smile nearly faltered.
"You can't blame them, Im the hottest on campus."
"You know, I don't think I see Sugu as a brother anymore," You said with a smirk. He groaned before gagging.
"Im hotter than him, thats why I have a roster," This time, you gagged.
"thats so cringe. How do you explain him dating Kaelyn then?" He rolled his eyes, changing the subject again. It must be like 1 in the morning now, and he offered to walk you to your dorm. Your comment on him having other girls stuck with him. You were smart, had the highest grades in most of your classes and you were an expert on analyzing. Why couldn't you see his feelings for you? And why was he feeling like a middle school boy, why was it so hard to talk to you? Were you seriously stronger than him?
Gojo, normally the master of composed nonchalance, found himself stumbling over his words. "Y/n," You looked at him. He knew he was obvious, considering Suguru and Shoko always asked him if he had asked you out already. Suguru even told him it was obvious to everyone except for him and you, then calling you two idiots. "You should come to the fair with me tomorrow, I'll pick you up." You smiled brightly, reached the door to your dorm.
"Alright, text me the time. Bye Gojo."
"huh, you still wont call me Satoru," He whined.
"Bye, Satoru"
If he wasnt head over heels already he was now.
Four knocks hit your door the next evening. You opened the door for him after fixing your hair for the 32nd time. He looked you up and down, a pink tint growing on his cheeks. "Your outfit is beautiful." Even in its simplicity, beauty can be found. You donned a red tube top, black jacket and bootcut jeans. He wore black jeans and a white tee.
At the fair, you two had tons of fun running around. Geto also came, he brought Kaelyn, who kept calling this a double date. They eventually ran off, leaving you and Gojo alone. You challenged him to one of the games, both wanting the cute cat plushie. He of course won, but decided to give you the plushie. You kept it sticking out of your purse slightly, as if it were Elle Woods and her chihuahua. Your cheeks were sore from smiling and talking so much. It grew dark, meaning it was a busy time for the fair. You didn't think much of it, hell, you weren't even analyzing the crowd so see if anyone had bad intentions. You were so focused on Gojo.
Speaking of being focused on Gojo, he gradually become more and more irritated. You stopped him, having to yell over top the people, asking whats wrong. He tried to play it off, then you realized his head was probably so overwhelmed with how many people were there. You took his hand and walked around, finding a spot behind a hot dog machine. He sat down, groaning and rubbing his temples. "Too many people..." You sat next to him, closer than friends should be. You held his hand, waiting for his migraine to calm down. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to ruin this," Your eyebrow raised, surprised to hear him apologize sincerly.
"Dont, you didn't ruin anything." After a minute, he looked at you, the proximity sending red to his cheeks.
"Suguru was right," You eyebrows furrowed in confusion. "Youre stronger than me," His gazed set on your eyes, then your lips. "Can I kiss you?" You only smiled, leaning closer.
"Yeah," You weren't sure who closed the distance, neither of you were, but your lips were pressed against his. You pulled away, before leaning back in. You'd been waiting for god knows how long. When you pulled away this time, his hand rested on yours again. "I'm not stronger than you, Satoru."
"Theres a million definitions to strength. I can't describe it, but you are stronger than me. As a person." You understood what he meant. You talked about nothing and yet everything, still sitting behind the truck, the noise of people dying down.
"Its about 9:00pm, people are starting to leave. Do you want to ride the ferris wheel?" He smiled, taking your hand and standing up, helping you up after.
"Of course," when you two left, Geto and Kaelyn saw you holding hands and squealed like little kids. They started on who bet what, making Satoru laugh. You were right earlier, there were a lot less people. 'Nobody Gets Me' was playing faintly in the background.
How am I supposed to tell you?
I dont wanna see you with anyone but me
On the ferris wheel, he had one arm wrapped around your shoulder, his other hand holding yours.
Nobody gets me like you
How am I supposed to let you go
You looked into the stars, mesmerized by their beauty. Satoru stared at you, just like you stared into the stars. He could get lost in you. Satoru wasn't a man who had plans for the future. He knew he would have to be a sorceror, and he'd die being one. He was okay with that on the terms that he wouldn't be bored, and he'd have a really fucking cool death. Now that had changed, all he wanted to do was grow old with you. He was okay dying of sickness or age, as long as you were by his side.
Only like myself when Im with you
Nobody gets me, you do
part 2???
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Im still thinking about bbh i cant help it. He wasnt going to bring skeppy onto the island. He was hoping that he’d get skeppy, but he was going to stick to his guns and leave the extra player up to islander vote. can you imagine? thats how much he loves them. thats how much he wants to be fair to them. he was going to let them choose, even when they all expected him to force skeppy onto the island, but he was going to let them choose. And it means that, for his current arc, he’s not grieving the loss of skeppy. he already knew there was a chance he wouldnt get him. Maybe that chance didnt become real until he actually lost, but it was never a guarantee that he’d get his skeppy.
bad is falling apart from the Stressors of the island and he is desperately trying not to. skeppy is his comfort blanket. skeppy is the reminder that, whatever happens here, bad cannot lose everything. Its not grief. Its “im not okay. I need help. he isnt here to help me, but if i pretend he is, maybe he can help me through it anyway.” maybe if skeppy where there, he’d know how to fix it. maybe if skeppy where there, bad wouldnt be falling apart at all.
just. he’s not okay. he asked Foolish for a hug. he spends so much time alone. he spends so much time with the eggs. when theyre gone, the skeppies will still be there. he misses him, and he loves the islanders so much he was going to give them the choice, and he cant ask them for help in any way that they can understand. he’s helping himself the only way he knows how- by clinging to his skeppy. and its still not enough
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shiemori-writes · 2 years
Can I request about them doing pocky stuff,almost kiss each other but MC just stop right there?(About Ace,Deuce,Riddle and Idia)
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"Hey hey! Wanna do the pocky challenge?"
—In which MC decides to do the pocky challenge~
CHARACTERS: Riddle, Ace, Deuce, Idia
INCLUDES: gender-neutral reader, sfw, fluff
notes: trying a different format! honestly im rlly indecisive 😞 nayways, enjoy reader! hope this request was to your liking~ also i made dif endings based on the characs, hope thats ok! Also whoa i just found out it was pocky day today lol since my country doesnt celebrate it hehe- its a bit late since its prob not gonna be pocky day when i post this but student things😞
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"...The WHAT!?!?"
Okay he didnt mean to yell, he really didnt, but seriously mc do you know how inappropriate this is all the sudden?!
His cheeks flushed, were you really trying to fluster him? Good cuz it's working, and he hates it
He's pretty aware of the challenge since he sees Cater scrolling through some once in awhile, and it makes his head spin
It was pretty cute watching him go through the 5 stages of grief just from your question alone
though you'd never say that, you'd rather not get collared right now hehe
If it was anyone else he would have collared them immediately for making such ridiculous requests but...If it was you, he supposed he could be a bit lenient, but- just this once okay!
He sighed, I mean, it wouldn't hurt, right? He supposed you deserved to be indulged every once in a while, after all he always did have a soft spot for you (not that he'd ever admit that)
His face felt hot as you explained the rules, listening intently while nodding, his cheeks flushed
"I don't see the appeal of this challenge..." he muttered under his breath, but decided to accept your challenge nonetheless, after all, he isnt one to lose, and judging by your teasing grin right now, he'd have to win. (also he may or may not wanted a kiss)
Shakily taking the pocky from his hand he bit a piece, watching you do the same
His heart was doing backflips with how closer and closer you were getting
Your face was barely an inch away from him, and it was making him crazy
You leaned in closer, deciding to tease him, just a bit
His eyes widened, closing his eyes as he anticipated for a kiss when—
"I win Riddle~!" you declared, grinning at your victory while Riddle just stares at you in disbelief
D-did you just?!
He looked away from you, crossing his arms as he shakily replied
"Th-that wasnt fair!"
Really, he"ll get you back for this, but for now..He'll just enjoy the look of adoration you give him and your laughter.
It was his favorite sight to see, afterall.
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His ego just inflated by tenfolds what have you done /j
No but he's actually really thrilled, after all, his bestfriend, his bestie, his partner-in-crime wants to do this cute challenge? With him?? Haha you must be so smitten with him!
^ Is what he tells himself but hes actually giggling on the inside like a little schoolgirl dont let that teasing grin fool you
He knew that often the challenge end in the two winning by kissing, so he was really smug about it
Ohoho sweet mc, you were just oh so in love with him werent you?
^ You threatened to do it with someone else when u got fed up with his smugness so he stopped a bit (he wants that kiss after all)
Anyways for him you didn't really need to explain the rules since compared to Riddle hes a little (a lot) more aware of the challenge, which brings us to the current predicament
Him happily taking the end of the pocky stick while waiting for you to do the same
When you did take a bite he started getting a bit (alot) flustered when you got closer and closer..and..
....Seriously prefect!! hes supposed to be teasing YOU not the other way around!! You're stealing his thunder y'know!!!
He decided he needs to be more bold if he wants the last laugh so he holds your chin with his finger as he went closer until..
Smooch! ♡︎
He closed the distance between you, not even hiding the smile that was forming in his face while doing so, time seemed to slow down, as cliche as it sounded, being greted with the sweet taste of your lips on his, a sweet short peck
A kiss was stolen that day, not that any of you were complaining to be honest, it was pure bliss (and rlly sweet too, literally.)
"Heh! guess this means I win (name)~ What's the prize? Your heart?" he joked and you punched him playfully
"don't ask for something you already have, idiot"
He really couldnt wipe the smile of his face that day
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"H-huh??? Really- ah alright!!"
Now ... What was that challenge again-?
He was pretty thrilled to be able to spend some quality time with you since you both were pretty busy that week (he misses u a lot) so without thinking much about it he accepted the offer but..
Cue flustered boy #2 oh boy here we go
W-well he supposes...No- he cant back out now!! Alright mc he'll do the challenge and you'll have the time of your life he swears!
He doesn't really care much about winning, honestly as long as he gets to see you laugh its enough for him :)
Sweet boiyo <3
The smile you sent his way has his head spinning
The challenge hasn't even started yet and his hearts already beating like crazy
You decided to take initiative and grabbed your pocky stick and hummed for him to do the same
He nervously bit the end of the pocky stick, a look of determination on his face as he got closer, until—
....He bit too hard on the stick DAMN IT-
YOUVE MESSED UP DEUCE is what he tells himself until he heard you giggling quietly to yourself, eventually the giggling turned into full blown laughter
He pouted, mc its not funny :(
You patted his back in reassurance because oh god that was so cute pls Deuce its okay
"It's okay Deuce! we can always have another round!"
He swears he wont mess up this time!
You grab another stick and both bit the ends, both laughing quietly at your muffled teasing on who'll win this time
He didn't notice how close you've gotten until he could feel the hot fanning of your breath on his cheek
He felt his face heat up, (it really did not help that he had a major crush on you)
startled by the sudden closeness of the two of you, closing his eyes instinctively when you went closer, just about to kiss when you stopped
You bit the stick in half, humming in victory while Deuce just kinda 🧍 kinda stands there awkwardly
"O-oh..Yep! you won prefect..good job- ahaha.."
He tried and failed to hide the embarrassment evident in his voice, avoiding your gaze while he tried to calm his heartbeat
Expect a very shy Deuce for the rest of the day, and mayhaps a conffesion too? hehe..
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It was a peaceful evening (cough 11pm) And you just decided to oh-so-graciously ruin said peace with your fits of giggles in the room, he didnt pay much mind to bc he was doing quests but then you just had to ask that question..
Congrats! you broke him /h
ok but like getting asked to do such a "normie" challenge out of the sudden?? Really mc he expected better from you...He did not pause his game for this mc smh..
^ Hes lying hes in denial hes rlly flustered
His heartbeat highkey skyrocketted off the roof (so much so ortho was vv concerned cuz, is he dying???)
Turns out he isnt!!..Not yet anyways! he feels like passing out <3 (just like me fr)
He'd sputter out numerous snarky complaints through it all saying that there's no point and he's not a normie yk yk but he rlly cant deny you when you keep hugging him like that...dear lord youre gonna be the death of him someday, he swears.
Anyways, he's another one who rlly doesnt need you to explain the rules since yk hes a weeb, man knows everything /hj COUGH
Which now brings us here to the present, Idia pausing his game and shakily bringing his face to the stick, jumping slightly at any movement, hair flaming pink and- oh god why were you getting closer mc, no- sTOP
You decided to tease him a bit and go the closest you can manage, (barely 1 inch away from his face now)
Yep hes gonna die annndd-
"Hehehe,! guess I'm the pro gamer now huh Idia? I win~!"
K.O! MC used tease, it was very effective! -10000 hp
He burried his face in your neck in a desperate attempt to get you to stop cooing at his blushy state..mc pls his heart cant take this
Expect him to get you back the next time you play a game mc.. For now he's just gonna..sit there and try to endure your teasings
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petewentzisblack1312 · 9 months
If you haven't done so already, I would love to hear you elaborate on You're Crashing and how it relates to the Fred Hampton Jr trial? My knowledge of him and the trial starts with your header text and google isn't exactly forthcoming on the climate of public opinion at the time it was actually happening. Also I just want to hear your thoughts since I heard it from you first, if that's ok
no problem. take what i say with a grain of salt, as im not american, so this isnt my history directly. additionally, this was before my time.
after the beating of rodney king at the hands of police, and the acquital of 3 of the 4 officers responsible, there were riots. the 1992 los angeles riots to be precise. these riots sprang up amid a backdrop of tension between black american and korean communities, and during these riots, a korean menswear store was firebombed. fred hampton jr, son of civil rights activist and martyr fred hampton, was found guilty for this, with the main piece of evidence i believe being that there were blisters on his hands. he and his supporters maintain his innocence for this event. many people, particularly black political activists, believe that his guilty verdict was mostly because he continued his fathers legacy in fighting for racial justice in america.
it is a known fact explicitly stated by the band that youre crashing but youre no wave is inspired by this trial (this is pre release, so the song names are different). this is demonstrated through the narrative told by the lyrics. the story ended before it began. the DA didnt need to give his closing argument, because the jury already believed it from the narrative spun on the news. 'everyones looking for relief/a bidding war for an old flame's grief' the old flame in this case being his father, from whom he picked up the torch. you could pay to close the case like a casket, because whats inside it is messy, and no one wants to see the dirty guts of the truth. the jury is stacked. the witnesses are well paid (too well dressed for the witness stand). the song heavily, heavily implies over and over, that this is not a fair trial, and that there is a foregone conclusion.
i feel as though its easy to argue this song is out of place, but personally, while its VERY on the nose and not really all that subtle (and i like that about it, dont get it twisted), i think it fits into the theme. i mentioned a while back that 'be clearly aware of the stars and infinity on high. then life seems most enchanted after all' refers, in the context of its association with this album, to the stars in hollywood. ioh is about media narratives first and foremost. its about fame, and celebrity, and painting a perfect picture, one that sells well. its all about the artifice ('style your wake for fashion magazines' 'i only think in the form of crunching numbers in hotel room collectong Page Six lovers' '"we need umbrellas on the inside" get me just right.') and in this case, it shifts its focus from media and celebrity into media and politics. which i find really really interesting.
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sinteez · 3 months
Part 2 - Seonghwa x Reader
Part 2
Seonghwas pov:
Just another normal day for seonghwa as he just swims around the whole kingdom trying to find ways to go up to shore but he always got caught by his fathers guards and right now hes currently on the way back to his father with the guards swimming behind him.
Guard 1: “ sir we found your son trying to get to shore again.”
Guard 2: “ we brought him too you so you can punish him.”
Seonghwas father arose from his throne and sighed dissapointedly “ son you know not to go to the shore” seonghwas father said to seonghwa with the hit of boredom in his voice as he was used to this every single day. “But father this isnt fair i deserve my freedom out of the kingdom too not just here!” seonghwa replied annoyed that he has no freedom outside of the kingdom but this was the final straw for his father as his father hit his trident down on the floor making a big bang. I will not have what happened to your mother also happen to you!” seonghwas father screamed louly making seonghwa look at him rolling his eyes “you say this every time father and im tired of this im tired of this kingdom and im also tired of you repeating yourself!” seonghwa shouted as he swam away quickly too quick for even the two guards to  capture him
As seonghwa swam to the surface he jumped out of the water changing into his human form with a big smile and taking in the air. Seonghwa loved being above the surface somehow it felt like he was at home but seonghwas smile immediately dropped as he heard a yell, looking over seonghwa noticed that the person that saw him was infact a hunter with all of the gear that he had so seonghwa got up right away and ran so fast until he saw a cabin with the doors slightly opened so he ran into there and looked behind him checking that the person didnt follow. Suddenly seonghwa felt a tap pn his shoulders making him gasp and turn around looking at a cute girl staring at him making him chuckle deeply “hey” seonghwa said to the girl infront of him. 
y/n pov:
You listened to the mans voice infront of you soon snapping out of your trance and now glaring at the man “ who the hell are you and what are you doing in my bedroom” you asked him sternly raising a brow at the man making seonghwa sigh and look behind him and at you again “well… i was getting chased by someone and i ran here because … well it looked safe” seonghwa said puffing out  his cheeks a little. You walked towards him trying to get a better look at the stranger in your room, you gasped as the gills shining under the light of the moon, you knew this was bound to be bad news but something inside you was screaming to help him. You knew this was something that was going to cause more grief than you wished for but the look on his face showed you something different, he seemed truly scared. “Youve been running away for too long havent you?” you questioned, your arm grazing over his and guiding him to sit on the chair by the balcony door. “I know we just met, but it seems we have something in common, you want to live a normal life, safely.. And i want out of this hunter life” you explained hoping not to scare him away. “I am just tired, I understand.. I have always been hunted, it seems your folks have got it out for us” Seonghwa explained to you.  “Yeah i could say the same for you, your kind killed my mother” you said sending a snarl his way.
“My kind, you think i really want this life, if that was the case youd be dead right now.”he spat at you, venom lacing on his tongue.
“You couldnt hurt a fly could you? You havent got the guts to do it” Seonghwa said.
“Want to bet, this could end badly you know right, i have blood on my hands already i wouldnt mind adding some more” you spat. “Oh sorry it seems we dont even know each others name, id like to know who im about to add to my list before ending their life” you spoke, a little break in your voice as you watched his face contorted in fear. His whole body stiffening as he watched the anger spill from your body.
“S-Seonghwa” he shakily said getting up slowly and walking towards the door. “I-im sorry” he spoke before standing out on the balcony looking at the horizon. You felt your heartbreak as he spoke, following him outside you rested your hand on his back. “No im the one that should apologise, how about we restart” you spoke holding out your hand and smiling at him. “Im y/n” you said shaking his hand and looking out at the view.
“Its beautiful isnt it” you spoke your mind travelling along the horizon as you both looked out. “I wish sometimes i could swap places, it would be nice to just have a life where i could wash away the sins that i have caused, i never meant to hurt anyone seonghwa” you spoke letting a tear fall down your cheek. You had never spoken so openly about your struggles before but something about his aura gave you comfort, you let yourself open up like a faucet, all your years of pent up emotions now flooding to the surface. - TO BE CONTINUED -
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the-s1lly-corner · 9 months
Yeahhhh good to see TADC requests are back up! Hope you’re feeling a lot better with everything going on! Also belated Merry Christmas?
If it’s not much, could I request a scenario for Kinger? If I didn’t misread or anything, I don’t think it was written anywhere that I have to specify requests. Hopefully so cuz I don’t have something in mind other than angst. Also cuz you said that you sometimes have trouble coming up with ideas for certain characters, so u can imagine pretty much everything so it’s not restricting. If you want me to specify, tell me!
Thanks! ^^
General Kinger x Reader Angst stuff!
wooooo definitely weird sitting at my computer again; typing on it while i wait for the oven to preheat because admin craves pizza eheheheheheh uhuhuh!! hope this isnt too bad! its probably going to take a while to get back into the swing of answering requests + writing for TADC, even if its only been like a week most of this ended up being about kingers grief over queenie/queener LMAO was originally going to have this be multiple things but i got too sucked deep into the grief idea
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i think we should get the obvious out of the way, but kinger has a problem with zoning out and mixing things up; oftentimes leading to him becoming distressed or frightened. regardless of if youre his friend or partner, youre going to need to exercise a fair amount of patience, especially in the beginning if you want to build some level of trust between the two of you
as for romantic stuff, i dont think he ever truly will fall out of love with queenie/queener, its like how widows never truly stop loving their partners after theyve passed. you try not to think about the idea that he would still be with queenie if she hadnt abstracted... you try not to let it get to you but it still rears its head in, you know?
does notice that something is up with you but you wont open up about it because you feel so horrible about being jealous over a woman who isnt even around anymore in a way that she can likely never come back... which leads to kinger becoming more worried for you over time as you keep trying to shut everything down
imagine it leads to a blow up and you just break down or even lash out because you feel so disgusted with yourself and kinger is just standing there in shock unsure of what to do
very tricky situation, because theres so many factors to take into account. the abstraction, kingers grief, your wellbeing and self worth, things like that
as much as i want to say that kinger would be all over you trying to make it better, because he doesnt want you to abstract, i think that the best course of action would be for you guys to spend a few hours apart at the bare minimum.. whether thats what ends up happening is debatable
or even worse, you abstract in the process of your breakdown, leaving kinger with two lost partners
not totally related, but i like to think kinger leaves flowers and the like at queenies door.. as often as he can.. maybe sometimes he stays at her door talking about how his day went and how everyone else is doing... i think he would do the same for you if you abstracted, too, regardless of if you guys dated or not
unrelated to the reader but i like to think kinger and gangle have a grandpa/granddaughter relationship and he tells her about queenie and tells her about his abstracted wife and
he gets misty eyed
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ken's whole story is built in [insecurity and loneliness] that funnels into [anger] which turns into [GRIEF guilt and even more anger] which makes him the prime suspect to be used but also makes him , like , fundamentally mentally weak , leads him down an even LONELIER path, leads him towards cruelty , and the turning point in his story is actually like. he describes it, verbally, as realizing in his moment of healing that his parents loved him. like going through life feeling completely abandoned by a better-than-you brother who was also suffering under their parents' negligence towards their kids' emotional stability, feeling abandoned by your parents, and then that brother dies and you are still left standing in his shadow, its just even bigger now, its full of grief, and youre full of grief, and you dont know what to do other than to just stare empty-eyed at his closed casket
and all you thought before was i hate you, i want you to dissapear and now you want to take it all back, because did i do this? did i wish this into existence? this isnt what i wanted. this isnt what i meant.i was nine years old and angry and sad and alone but i never wanted you to dissapear. not for real.and now your room is just your room, and you get an email, and someone wants to help you :-). except no he fuckign doesnt he just gives you a place to relinquish all that anger, and it builds, and youre still alone but youre convincing yourself now you have control over that. you step into your brothers shoes. youre better than him now. youre finally how tall he was when he died. your parents seem so happy to have their boy back. they dont realize they never got him; they just lost the kid they had left. you are a husk made from guilt and grief and you fill it with anger until its exploding from every part of you. you no longer know who you are, but the news decides youre ken ichijouji, boy genius and soccer star! so you go with that. eventually you find your way to your escape. a new world. and you get to decide who you are in this game; you get to pick your destiny, you get all the control. theres no consequences for not smiling at the camera, here. and youre alone, and the world is weak, and theres something itching in your mind; something telling you what to build and how to build it, and you never know your control isnt actually your own. you never get to know. you play the game how you want to. its your world. its not your parents, its not your brothers, its yours, this is yours and you are going to fucking rule it!!!!!
ken is very much like , hurt-people-hurt-people but the thing is that, in the real world hes trying very very hard to be NORMAL and NICE and GOOD even while hes bubbling with rage and hatred and wants to be left alone, he smiles for all the cameras everyone is putting in his face, taking his anger out in secret and only when nobody is watching, because hes aware of consequences but in the digital world there is no consequences. its a game, after all! then there's other players and at first it's kinda fun, having an enemy in your game, but then theyre not playing fair, then theyre in your way, its getting annoying, and its not fun anymore. and the worse you feel online, the worse you feel offline, and hes pissed, and everyone wants everything from him, and one day he throws it all down and decides fuck this and ken ichijouji runs away. the ichijouji family loses their second and final son. (this is their turning point, too. they realize maybe osamu was never happy, before he died. maybe they pushed ken into the same box. they bury their faces in their hands and just pray they havent completely lost their chance to try)
ken- the kaiser- is having a really Really Bad Fucking Time. hes not even having fun anymore he just wants to be in control of something, he wants the chance to be a winner, and theres other players and theyre in the way. and then. well, shit. and then they win. Doesn't that suck? It’s the first time you’ve failed at something in years. i like him. i like the digimon kaiser. thats just a little kid hes up playing games in this bitch. its shown he actually really, really loved and admired his brother, and i feel like this and his persona as the kaiser are involved. he literally resembles so much of his brother even in his persona as someone who rules the world isnt it crazy how you resemble your prodigy brother no matter where you go or what you do because without him there youre the only one who could possibly fill the space. ken is nobody, but everyone loved osamu. why not be osamu? even if you dont realize it!!!
thats all a big part in why he claims he doesnt know himself after it all goes down this kid has no clue who he is. only wormmon does. quite literally only wormmon knows who he is. who he was before it all went to shit. who he was while it happened. only wormmon was ever there for him. and he treated wormmon like shit, for so long. how do you ever forgive yourself for that? wormmon tells him he's kind. he really is. under all that anger and guilt and never ending sadness, hes kind and hes just lonely. and so ken turns his life around. IT MEANS SO MUCH TO ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! NOBODYGETS IT NOBODY UNDERSTANDS HIM LIKEI DO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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ask #2 what head canons do you have about Tom and Mary's relationship
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Okay okay so i need to acknowledge how feral I am about these two. Also i sorta checked out after the show shoved Mary and skinny chad number 7ish down the aisle (Is his name Henry or something??? the race car driver whatever, fuck him 😆)
(I still dont understand how they expect me to believe that the love of her life dies in a devastating car accident but she would willingly re-marry a race car driver. brain does not compute)
I digress. I think Tom and she develope this insanely deep emotional bond in that first year without their spouses as a result of their shared grief. They each married for love at a time when few others of their social group would have had the chance to do so (Tom is extra isolated on account of he isnt yet accepted into that social group). I think they really heavily depend on eachother in the beginning. someone else who just gets that grief. and also was close to the spouse who died so it's two sides of a coin. they gravitate towards the one other person they feel fully understands them and they help the other A. remember the love who died and B (more in Mary's case) remember what kind of person that love inspired them to be.
And i headcanon that by the time they might be ready for romance again theyve fallen into this inexplicable deep emotional entanglement with the other. it would be incredibly hard to find something more fulfilling. at the same time, transforming that connection into romance would probably be terrifying (would the other want that? would it be a betrayal of Matthew and Sybil to move on together) oodles of grief there.
I think Tom actually goes to Boston at all because he realizes whats happening and it scares him. on the one hand he thinks it isnt fair to mary to hold her back from a romance. on the other hes not quite sure if he could ever move on from Sybil. (And of course be comes back because he cant bear to be away from Mary and figures he can find a way to control the attraction. maybe by committing himself to helping her find new love.)
Which is about where what I headcanon and what the show does diverge. I cant wrap by head around her marrying skinny man number 7. i just cant. Husband material is right there at the breakfast table with her. Why would she go for Henry when she already has Tom?
I also think theyre good for eachother okay! they encourage and empower eachother. She helps him navigate the code switching he needs to do to be a part of the peerage. he helps her find her way out of the constricting box the peerage has always pressured her to conform to. Him being estate agent opens the door for her to take control over it. theirs is a partnership. running the whole thing together. beause he respects her opinion and welcomes her to the table as an equal, it effectively gives her the control over her home shes always felt like she cant have due to her sex.
So in my headcanon she either dumps skinny man or has an unhappy marriage to skinny man that prompts Tom and she to have a conversation about what they really want. And then they would get together And i could frankly read stories about them getting together foreverrr.
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thisdreamplace · 9 months
i get confused when people say you shouldn’t mix loass and non dualism because i feel like loass cannot be operated as a conscious and consistent practice without nd? why are people acting like it’s blasphemy to recognize how nd facilitates loass? is it that people are understanding loass as ego-based? nd ≠ loass, but to me loass IS nd actioned into a creative practice? help 😫
youre so real for this anon <3
i say, this is why we have to be able to think for ourselves and not just listen to everything people say online. lol bc... youre like... not wrong (and i know a lot of people aint gonna like me for saying that lmfao)
but i remember when nd started to gain popularity and how some accs were SWEARRRRINNNG it has nothing to do w loa and how dare anyone confuse the two. and im just sitting there reading like o___O but theyre literally interwined. and i get why people would want to totally seperate the two, bc no one ever says it, but i think loa scarred/traumatized a lot of us.
its like when everyone first switched from loattraction to loassumption and were like ewww theyre not the same thing dont get them confused !! but it was bc 90% of people at the time had been failed by loattraction and felt like loass was the solution they had been looking for lol and yet, they are the same in ending, different in practice. teaching the same point, in different ways. two different paths with the same destination. nd is like this.
nondualism skips to what the point of loass is, which a lot of people dont see bc they associate loass with manifesting ur desires and that is the ~mainstream~ idea of it. but it is a popular misunderstanding. anyone who has mastered loass has simultaneously succeeded in what nd teaches. with an actual understanding of what loass is, it was never about getting ur desires. it was always about reaching "the promise"... however, people tend to focus much more on the manifesting part, which isnt a problem in loass. its a problem in the people who decided to teach loass. but that was kinda the point. if it werent for knowing about being able to get ur desires, a lot of people wouldnt have listened. but it brought us here, and nd gets to focus on the actual point. the promise. the thing is that manifesting desires has been grossly focused on, and skews the point of loass. lol
the thing is, nd focuses on the end "goal" entirely, so they seem to be different to people who have a mainstream understanding of loass. and there's also semantics, which is entirely fair. for some people, the way loass is explained doesnt click but nd does. and thats why it can make sense to group it seperately, bc they are taught differently. however, once again, you have two different routes leading to the same destination. its not that complicated, but for some reason ppl like to complicate it by calling it a whole new thing. theyre all so delicately intertwined though, and i think thats great. bc we're all different people and we will respond and understand things differently.
so many different roads, simply to lead us back to who we truly are, to wake up from this dream and experience the true self.
so yeah, youre right. and this is why you should learn to trust yourself. :)
"this place is a dream, only a sleeper considers it real. then death comes like dawn, and you wake up laughing at what you thought was your grief." -- rumi
felt like it was relevant to place that here, as that is the exact quote that inspired the name of my blog so many years ago. and rumi is no loass guru, nor nd teacher. and yet, and yet. it just goes to show how interconnected this all is, because of the fact that it all comes from the same source conciousness. <3
xo 🕊🫧
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