#but he actually teaches him how to properly take care of animals cos no way is he letting neglect happen to puppies
tired-biscuit · 1 year
I don’t know if you’re still in a fluffy moods butttttt kibas reaction to y/n naming their soon to be born son after him (kiba jr!!) there’s absolutely no way he’d be able to hide his emotions. He’d feel all the feels. He may even shed a tear or two 🥹
omg yes, him trying to blink away the tears, like looking up towards the ceiling and sniffling a little cos he's trying so hard not to show what a softie he is when it comes to family. his heart is so much bigger than he tends to show and he just gets so emotional over things concerning his wife and kids :(
imagine as the years go by and the kid grows a bit older, you call out their name and they both do the same little head tilt as they look at you hdhshdhshsgs IT'D BE SO CUTE!!
also, imo if he had a son, the lil' guy would be his perfect copy by the time he grows older. right down to the way he walks and smiles, the temper and all sorts of little mannerisms would be stolen like that, so the name wouldn't be the only thing they'd have in common. he'd look up to his dad so much!!
i also think the kid would even be really happy when his friends would start using the same nickname that his dad has. like his best friend starts calling him 'ki 2.0' or something like that at some point, and it's just pure joy and kiba notices it and is over the moon too hahahshhags <3
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twistedtavern · 1 year
What if we tossed a very soft and motherly MC into Ramshackle with all the swap boys??
Swap AU time! Everybody gets in on this!!
Swap!Grim: Can you be hench-human if he is also human...? Has a whole rivalry arc with you where everyone just thinks you're the housewarden of Ramshackle and he tries getting the title from you, but eventually grows more and more tsundere until he just lets you run things and love on him. Also you're head cook of Ramshackle, no ifs ands or buts.
Swap!Yuu: Thanks whatever god exists in Wonderland for your presence. Such a tired kitty cat, needs all the help and love they can get. Flops on your lap from time to time and asks for pats
Swap!Riddle: At first tries to be his usual self, but the instant you show him genuine affection, he's a GONER. Cries a little when you hold him and pat his head or help him with his strict influencer schedule and probably lets you get away with quite a lot.
Swap!Cater: Oh lord, he needs that love and support. He's pretty much been Cinderella all his life, please give him some assistance with whatever someone else has been asking him to do for them. He said no pickles
Swap!Trey: You're his role model, and goodness he's gonna need you helping him. He tries to get you to teach him so much stuff about how to properly care for others, and he follows you around like a lost little puppy dog. Really wants to help you with things, too. Something too high or too heavy? Big excitable himbo is here to help! Don't worry, he'll keep his teasing to a minimum.
Swap!Deuce: Tries to butter you up for treats and affection and you know it. A mama's boy through and through. You're very patient and loving, but you have nerves, and he IS on them. Frequently. Pouts to you all the time when something doesn't go right.
Swap!Ace: This absolute H*rry P*tter npc ass boy can go suck a DI beat himself over the head with his textbooks. Just because you're all soft and sweet doesn't mean he's nice to you.
Swap!Leona: Single father of entire dorm desperately needs a co-parent, he will actively pay you. Agree to help him take care of his pack and you'll immediately be compensated with the wholehearted respect and adoration of about 400+ huge animal jocks. Completely respects your hustle as the parent/therapist of all of NRC and will actually defend you if he hears someone talking shit.
Swap!Ruggie: Tries to swindle food and love off you, but if he ever sees that you're getting attached, he might start showing his appreciation a little. Maybe will do you a couple favors, as long as he can shrug it off as being solely in his own interests.
Swap!Jack: Is not a good puppy. Try to wake him up early so he can go to school on time and he'll hate you. Regular mean teenager, needs a scolding. Or a chancla to the tail if you can run fast.
Swap!Azul: Get in the (unisex) maid outfit NOW. You are being employed, do not resist. Your vibes are impeccable, and must be utilized to boost morale for maximum benefits. Also likes to squeeze you because he thinks you're soft and warm, hope you like being the boss's favorite! And also the rapidly changing environment (and moods)! Buff octopus, collecting sweetie pies for snuggles like pokemon, and that includes you.
Swap!Floyd: Ah yes, his favorite teasing subject. He chooses to be a menace in the most affectionate way possible. Will do random (unasked) favors for you and expect lots of love in return. He's like a loan shark, but for hugs and pats.
Swap!Jade: Please let him lay on your lap and be petted while he rambles about his mushrooms. He will cry if you do AND if you don't, one is just better crying than the other. If you give him anything related to mushrooms or tell him something you found out about them on your own, he will love you forever and ever. Will try to get you good deals on whatever Azul has decided to put the Mostro brand toward at the moment, but will get very shy when asked about it.
Swap!Kalim: Is suspicious of you at first, who ISN'T he suspicious of, but he warms up to you faster than most, and eventually you'll be on his "protect at all costs" list. He adores you, really. Being in your presence gives him a rare feeling of safety and peace, and he can't possibly thank you enough for that. Kalim finds boundless comfort in you. Anything you need, you come to him.
Swap!Jamil: Though at first a little wary, after saving (or cowering with) him from the terror that is a stray kitchen spider, he puts his trust in you. You two do chores and gossip together all the time, and Jamil finds that being around you makes his cheer less of a front to cope and instead much more genuine. His smiles are a lot softer and laughter comes so much easier, he just finds that life can actually be pleasant for once.
Swap!Vil: Snatched. Completely and utterly snatched. Some people call kidnapping "surprise adoption", but this is entirely reversed. He will hold you hostage and force you to sign up for adopting him. He will do everything short of overtly harassing you for affection. You WILL get Rook'd. If you're the type of person to say "I can fix him", it's already too late. He has you in his clutches.
Swap!Rook: You are the sole semblance of comfort in this poor jungle boy's world. He looks at you like a dog in an ASPCA ad. Rook will come up to you like a baby deer whose lost its family. If you express interest in helping him get back to his natural habitat Savanaclaw, he will forever hear angel choirs when you enter his field of vision. You're the only one he willingly lets give affection to him. He loves you so much
Swap!Epel: Ah yes, tsundere time. He'll try to bully you, keyword try, and fail miserably. He showed up on your doorstep with some expensive apple-scented beauty products as """a much needed way to improve yourself so nothing further can be said""" aka an apology. He tries his best to befriend (which he denies) and "improve" you. I sincerely hope you have a lot of tolerance for this.
Swap!Idia: More reverse adoption, here we go. He sees you, gets a read on your personality, and just plops you down in front of Ortho. If you do manage to befriend the baby, you will 100% befriend the robot soon after. He tries to accommodate you, and learn from how you treat others and Ortho. If there's ever something you want to know more about, he's your bot!
Swap!Ortho: Oh this baby needs a loving parent. This poor little boy will cling to you with all he has. You're the only one other than Idia he lets into his room, because you're also the only one who doesn't really spook him. It's like having a nervous cat, but with a 16 year old gamer.
Swap!Malleus: INTO THE CUDDLE HOARD WITH YOU, CHILD OF MAN. REJOICE. Instantaneous adoption the MINUTE you show him some gentleness, you are now a member of Diasomnia. Despite how loud and self-aggrandizing he is, he is very, very gentle with you. Treats you like glass all the time and wants you to rely on him (not like he doesn't do that already with the guard squad). Did he adopt you, or did he want you to adopt him? Either way, he takes a lot of comfort in the moments where you just lay him down and shower him in affection, it makes the world around him feel less fragile and claustrophobic. He likes to curl up next to you and make himself feel small.
Swap!Lilia: OUGH. Your shared vibes, UNMATCHED. UNPARALLELED. WITHOUT EQUAL. Casts a 500m calming effect on any living entity in range. Holy shit. The softness. The love. The cozy home feel. Just you two being in the same room starts repairing the tears in reality and fixes tragic backstories, not to mention when you start a chill conversation or share stories together.
Swap!Silver: By nature, he's just a goofy prankster, but he treats you nicely like his father. His various tricks tend to be funny for the both of you or even downright helpful, and he likes to show off his tricks for you. The most harm he'll ever do is give you a good spook by showing up out of nowhere. He might pester you more than Lilia though, because he can count on you being awake! Certified little scamp.
Swap!Sebek: Your vibes have been approved, have a nice day. He's chill and you vibe together, maybe wander around campus a bit, all in all no notes.
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lunawritesaa · 3 years
Hey!! I have been kinda reading through your fluff posts and well I must say I like them a lot! Sooo I decided to request Miles, Raymond, & Simon as well parents kinda of like uhhh for example how’d they take care of their toddler when their s/o as more work then usual? Not sure if you have done a post like this but either continue the good work! :))
awww i am so glad to hear that you like my stuff! i hope you enjoy this and thank you for requesting <3
-> miles edgeworth
Miles, for someone who is so awkward around children, is an absolutely amazing father. He is calm, levelheaded, and seemingly always knows how to deal with your kids.
Stern when he needs to be, and loving all the same.
He's always very prepared, too. There is not a situation that he hasn't thought of a solution too should it arise. He always has whatever you or your kid needs, even if you forgot it.
He'll always have back ups on back ups. It's a trait that he's had his entire life (being prepared) that easily carries over into being a parent.
That being said, if you're not around there is literally nothing for you to worry about because Miles is more than ready. He knows what he's doing!
He's a very hands on parent so there's not a thing he doesn't know about in regards to being on his own with your kid.
Almost guaranteed that you will come home to Miles and your kid passed out on the couch with some children's book not too far away.
-> raymond shields
Raymond is a certified, cool fun dad. Dad jokes galore with this one.
It's honestly like he's waited his whole life to be a dad because he falls into the role so easily. He just knows what to do and how to act around kids. It's adorable.
He struggles to be tough on your kids because they literally have him wrapped around their finger. He can't say no to them because they're too damn precious.
They want ice cream? All they have to do is give him a look and a cute pouty face and he is on his way to buy them some.
If you need him to watch the kids while you work, no problem! He's got this under control!! He is more than ready to handle the kids on his own.
..and by that I mean you'll come home to some chaos. Nothing that can't be fixed! But like your kids are covered in marker and Raymond has stuff sticking out of his hair.
It's an adorable sight, despite the mess.
-> simon blackquill
Simon is an interesting parent. Definitely a huge softie for your kids, but its just funny to see his stoic "twisted samurai" absolutely melt for your kids.
In all honestly, he seems like the kind of parent that most would assume to be the strict one. And in actuality he is the troublemaker and likes goofing off with the kids.
Like you are trying to prevent your kids from hitting each other with sticks or something. And then Simon comes up and is like "if you're going to fight each other, do it properly" and then teaches them some swordsmanship.
Always ready to watch the kids if you need him too! It's no problem at all, work piled up and he knows that. He is more than prepared to watch them.
Plus he's got his co-parent: Taka. Taka is always keeping a watchful eye on your children too.
I feel like he's also the parent to get REALLY into kids shows. He's forced to watch them because his kids do but then BAM he's invested.
But he also shows them a few cartoons or animes that he personally enjoys too. Kid friendly, of course.
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oathofoaksart · 3 years
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bio under the cut!
Name: Taylor Martinez 
A.K.A: Yellow Jacket; Munch, Munchie, Jacket, YJ
Age: 16 [S2], 18 [S3]
Gender: Transgender Male 
Orientation: Homoromantic Homosexual
 Race: Metahuman 
Ethnicity: Afro-Latinx, Black-Colombian
Location: Dakota City, Michigan
Hometown: Dakota City, Michigan 
 Skin: Dark Tan, warm undertones 
Hair: Black 
Eyes: Dark brown; glow fully yellow while actively using metagene 
Height: 5’10
Build: Lean with sinewy muscles
Distinctions: Has a large collection of hoodies and jackets, specifically of shonen anime merch. 
Parents: Gloria Martinez and Jamal Winston, Danielle Seymore [step-mother] 
Siblings: Tori Winston [younger half-sister] 
Friends: Virgil “Static” Hawkins, Jacklyn “Ferro” Ericson @generalfandomsofthefreak, Raquel “Rocket” Irving, Eduardo “El Dorado” Dorado Jr., Jaime “Blue Beetle III” Reyes, Karen “Bumblebee” Beecher, Malcolm “Guardian III” Duncan, Asami “Sam” Koizumi, Tye Longshadow, Roy “Arsenal” Harper, Tatsuo “Irezumi” Sumioka [@Triskata], Bart “Kid Flash II” Allen, Gi “Riot/Geode” Flores [OC], Shizuka “Oni” Amachi [OC], Tim “Robin III” Drake, Forager “Fred Bugg”, Violet “Halo” Harper, Brion “Geoforce” Markov
Partner/s: Richie “Gear” Foley [ev.]
Misc.: Augustus “Icon” Freeman, Jefferson “Black Lightning” Pierce, Ivan “Ebon” Evans, See-More, the HIVE 5, the Meta-Breed gang, the Blood Syndicate
Affiliations: The Team, Taos Metateen Youth Center, The Titans [ev.], S.T.A.R Labs [formally] 
Personality Type: ESTP-A [Assertive Entrepreneur] 
Temperament: Choleric-Sanguine 
Alignment: Chaotic Good 
Passionate | Social | Upfront | Risk-prone | Defiant 
 Smart-mouthed, openly opinionated, and with an apparent lack of volume, Munch quickly cements himself as the class clown in any group. He enjoys living in the moment, a truly free spirit with an infectious energy. He is the textbook extrovert, finding himself to be bored out of his mind if not sharing with others, leading him to have quite the large group of friends and acquaintances. He’s notorious for poking fun at anything and anyone, but has no problem sincerely apologizing once he realizes he might have taken something too far. 
As a hero, Munch takes after his namesake, the Yellow Jacket wasp. Quick, nimble, and particularly aggressive, Jacket revels in the comic book hero lifestyle of kicking butts and taking names. His energy blasts aren’t his only weapons, he has as much fun slinging insults and burns as he does physically taking someone down. He certainly enjoys the attention of being a hero in a celebrity sense, but Jacket sees his role as a chance to inspire others to fight the good fight in any capacity. 
Hot-blooded as he is, Munch struggles with controlling his emotions. He can be easily frustrated, especially when things aren’t as straight-foward as he is, and blisteringly fierce when angered. It takes an ungodly amount of coaxing to get him to let go of past grudges due to his tendency of being bullheaded. 
Metahuman Biology: Metahumans by standard are more durable than humans. While not by much, Jacket exhibits increased strength, speed, reflexes and resilience. 
Plasma Manipulation: Jacket’s metagene allows him to create, shape, and otherwise manipulate plasma matter
Plasma “Stingers”: By shooting short blasts of plasma energy, Yellow Jacket creates his signature “stingers,” the potency of said stingers can vary from shocks to explosions. 
Variants include plasma beams and large spheres, but they currently require more concentration and stamina to use
He can also use his stingers to push him off surfaces as a kind of super-jump and can sustain limited flight mobility
Plasma Shields: Jacket can create small shields, enough to deflect low to medium powered attacks. Large shields require significant effort to shape and contain, once he’s made one, he’s stuck sustaining it. 
Flight Belt: Jacket can fly thanks to the inertia belt made by his mentor Icon, based off Rocket’s Inertia belt. Since it was not made of the same material as the original belt, it allows only for flight and a decent powered body aura. 
Goggles: Jacket’s goggles feature different kinds of vision including: Telescopic, Microscopic, Infrared, and X-Ray
 Weaknesses and Limitations
Energy Stamina: Jacket stands the risk of overexerting himself if he pushes his plasma control too far. The reason why he tends to stick with short blasts is because they take much less energy to conjure. Attacks such as beams, energy spheres, and large defensive shields can potentially wear him down to unconsciousness if the strain is too much.  
High Metabolism: Similar to that of a speedster; Jacket’s plasma energy tears through his calorie reservoir. He needs a rather high end amount of food to sustain himself properly or else his energy suffers. 
16-year-old Jamal Winston and Gloria Martinez figured trying to force their relationship made having to take care of their newborn far more painful than it had to be and called it quits. They continued co-parenting with both opting to drop-out of high school, Gloria a fulltime mother and Jamal picking up a fulltime job. Eventually the two managed to assuage any resentment towards each other and made steps toward genuine friendship, both turning out to be equally dedicated and loving parents. 
Taylor, named Clara at the time, enjoyed school. Not so much the actual studying as the playtime and socializing, but he was a bright student. In middle school he discovered a love for track and kept at it when he entered high school. Taylor was doing well, but struggled with his self-esteem in connection with fitting in with girls. He’d always been masculine and known a tomboy for nearly all of his childhood. His parents never had a problem with that, but he was picked at by other family members. It wasn’t until high school where Taylor discovered himself as trans, which both gave him answers he’d been looking for and terrified him as he had no idea how to go about this with his family. 
The topic of LGBTQ+ matters rarely passed through his household with his mother or with his father and step-mother. None of them openly expressed homo or transphobia, but Taylor had met enough extended family anti-LGBTQ+ and that stopped him from broaching the subject. Still he began looking into subtle ways to get a "head-start" on transitioning, including buying a binder and teaching himself natural voice changes. 
But Taylor was publicly outed during a family get-together, when a few of his younger cousins rifled through his belongings and brought with them the attention of Taylor’s uncle. When the situation turned into an all out yelling match and nearly physical, Taylor ran off. It would be the last anyone would see him for the months to come. 
While wandering around Dakota City, Taylor was abducted by the Reach and experimented on, the stress and torture he endured all the while activated his dormant metagene. He was eventually rescued by a team of young heroes while deep in the Western Pacific Reach mobile base, recognizing a past classmate, Virgil Hawkins. The two stuck close out of familiarity as they were eventually shifted over to S.T.A.R. Labs in Taos. 
They spent a month or so under the eye of Dr. David Wilcox, building resentment over being treated as lab rats alongside Tye Longshadow, Eduardo Dorado Jr., Asami Koizumi, and Nathaniel Tyron. It was during this time that Taylor’s commonly used nickname of ‘Munch’ came about because of his extreme appetite due to his metagene and at that point Taylor hadn’t chosen his name yet. The group, sans Nathaniel, then came to agree their stay at S.T.A.R was over and escaped. 
Their party was joined in by Jacklyn Ericson, unknown to them a hero known as Ferro and Team member, and were soon approached by Lex Luthor who offered them security in exchange for favors against the Reach. Little under two weeks later, the gang were fighting their way through the heart of the Warworld to rescue the captured heroes caught in stasis. Munch was on board with Nightwing’s invitation onto the Team, he’d always looked up to the Justice League and heroics called to him, but left with the others at seeing Arsenal’s dismissal despite him leading the rescue. 
Munch wouldn’t involve himself with heroes until their group until the League reached out to Jacklyn; they needed as many hands on deck. The Reach had activated field disruptors around the world which would eventually tear Earth to shreds if not shut down; Munch was paired off with Rocket to shut down the disruptor in Chile. Munch couldn’t hide his joy at being paired with Rocket, he’d been a fan of hers ever since she started off in Dakota City as Icon’s protégé. The two got on well and Rocket extended another invitation onto the Team stating their hometown could do with another hero, this time Munch accepted. 
He would take on the mantle Yellow Jacket and when Rocket’s former mentor Icon returned to Earth, was taken under his wing as a mentee. He and Virgil, who had also accepted the invitation onto the Team as Static, became the new generation of heroes in Dakota City. 
Just in time too, as from the shadows rise a threat spreading across the city’s metayouth, the Metabreed. 
Munch does eventually make it back to his parents, who have been been running themselves ragged organizing search parties for him. 
Because of his color scheme and insect motif, Jacket tends to be confused as Bumblebee’s protégé instead of Icon’s. Not that it’s cause for insult, but Karen and Munch note they wouldn’t make good partners. 
Munch comes to find out of another super in the family, although not of the heroic kind. His step-cousin is member of the H.I.V.E 5, See-More. 
He enjoys various shonen anime, occasionally reading the manga if he likes the anime enough, his favorite being the Dragon Ball franchise. He makes a nod towards this during the escape at S.T.A.R when Virgil asked him if he could blast open the door. When Munch’s first few blasts don’t cut it, he tries a larger beam in the only way he knows how, via Kamehameha.
Yellow Jacket has become very active on social media and has a notable following, much to Icon’s annoyance. 
Munch has recently taken up being a peer counselor at S.T.A.R Taos alongside Ed Jr.
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jiminrings · 4 years
Hello hello 🥺 I miss Hobi nd I just wanted to request a drabble piece with him as a teacher and your also a teacher and somehow??some students??? Ship you two??? And the next thing you know, they're trying to get you two together and oh boy...chaos ensues :') there's no pressure 🤗🤗 stay safe Hannah! 💞💞
base line
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pairing: hoseok x y/n
wordcount: 3k
glimpse: hoseok swears that you’re intolerable, but maybe that’s just because you don’t greet him good morning like you usually do :D // gif isn’t mine!!
notes: my first hobi drabble!!! thank u for requesting and waiting babie!!! this threw me back to when i was in preschool and one of my earliest memories ever was me being a teacher’s pet and being able to read straightly and coherently :D (i am a mess now hee-hee)
you love your job
you shouldn’t even call it a job if you’re genuinely enjoying what you do, right??
there’s just some days that you feel like you’re going to sit down the puzzle-matted floor in the middle of the class, tuck your head in between your knees, and sCREAM then yeet yourself out to the corridor
ok but listen
you really do!!
you studied for this!! you have a degree!!! you have a license!!! being a preschool teacher has been the career path you’ve always wanted to take!!
you like being around kids in general and taking care of them and teaching them!!
your age gap with your older brother isn’t exactly small and that meant that growing up, you had to keep up with him!!
because FUCK coloring books and building blocks :-) let me read your textbooks :-) i can’t read but i wOuld like to pretend and bond with u
jin has kids of his own and since it’s only the two of you, that automatically meant that you’re the favorite aunt!! well because after all you are the only one
you’re young and you’re hip and you watch animated shows still!! you can resOnate with them!!!
seokjin can’t make his two-year old eat his steamed carrots but YOU can!!
aha you have now established power <3
but ya know,,,
being a teacher is different from being an aunt!! it’e worlds apart because not everything that applies to your nephews and nieces, also applies to other kids necessarily
obviously you can’t treat every kid to the park once they master their ABCs and can grip a pencil properly
you’re just exhausted ok!! it doesn’t make you love your job any less
it’s just as simple as that
wait actually no
there is ONE more hiccup in your job and at this point, the thought of it plagues your mind beyond your place of work
not it
h i m
jung hoseok — your co-teacher!!
your co-teacher that helps you in handling a batch of fifteen preschool kids for hours, two batches a day, five days a week
hoseok whose hair smells like vanilla and flowers and is never not wearing an article of beaded jewelry and has the good voice that could make three to five year olds listen
.,.,. hoseok.,.,.,. who isn’t yours.,.,.,
and hoseok.,.,., who probably hates you.,.
you’re not trying to make a reach but you FEEL it,,,, you feel it in your knees and your spleen that oh god your co-teacher probably resents you and just tolerates you to not make the kids worry :((
it doesn’t certainly help too that uhm
... you may have a tiny crush on hoseok
maybe you really do like him or oR!!
or maybe you just see him practically like everyday and you find yourself paying more attention to him and finding details that you normally wouldn’t find for any other person besides him but-
“good morning, hoseok!!”
you mostly make french toast every morning because:
a) you’d probably eat it as often as you could until you could no longer look at it anymore and practically barf at even the mention of it
b) baby it’s EASY
c) you can make it as a batch and that way you won’t have to wake up every morning to cook for yourself
d) tastes immaculatE whether warm or cold
e) jungkook gave you his recipe after nagging him everyday for a month <3
you knew how to make it in the first place but uh well,,,.,,
jungkook is jin’s regular babysitter for his kids and he’s very organized although you won’t admit that
he’s carefree but like disciplined at the same time y’know
like YES eunji you can take a sip of my orange juice that ur appa told me not to give you BUT you need to drink one whole sippy cup of water okay??? say yes uncle goo
and he’d also have snacktimes and he’d make his own and french toast is one of them
one time you came over and babysitted with jungkook and u snuck out a piece from eunji’s bowl and wow
every time you came over you’d make him cook and he’s all??? 
“y/n are you SURE eunji told you she wants two bowls of french toast?? to herself?? are you sURE???”
lmao he’s figured it out late that it was you who kept eating the french toast because he peeked at the bowl and then??? eunji’s mouth doesn’t bite THAT big?? 
not unless a toddler’s mandible is already that big and he’s been wrong all along 
so the french toast?? yeah you put it in your cute tupperware with the cute waterproof stickers in the lid
one loaf is to four squares and two of those are for hoseok :D
minor problem tho
he doesn’t take up your offer :((
maybe it’s just yOU who’s the problem at this point because you tried bringing other food and ?? he just shakes his head no and gives you a curt smile
every morning, you greet him!!
“good morning, hobi!!”
you call him that because that’s what jimin and namjoon call him since they’re your co-teachers!!!
... although maybe it’s just for friends of his only...... a-and well maybe you aren’t his friend
.... aha anywAys!!
you leveled it up a notch and switch up your greetings
“good morning handsome!!” or like “heeeeey cutie!!” or maybe even “hi sunshine!!!”
you: :D
him: :|
every afternoon, you ask him if he wants anything from the vending machine in the faculty room
every month, the principal gives tHREE bottomless cards to the best-performing teachers and that basically meant you don’t have to pull bills from your wallet to pay for overpriced soda
you’ve gotten it twice consecutively in the last month
free pass or not, if hoseok finally tells you what he wants from the vending machine, then you’d get it for him in a heartbeat and less
vending machine talks r some of the best talks and you want that :((
sometimes he’ll tell you that he’s full, or shake his head no, or semi-rudely glances at you and sets his head down and that translates to no
every weekend, you ask him if he feels ____ because you totally have that in ur apartment
“it feels a bit hot, no? good thing i have a new airconditioning unit :D”
no you don’t have a new airconditioning unit
you just had jin clean out the filters while you were at work and it’s basically the same thing, right??
pls say right
you’re basically FLIRTING with him
and you feel useless about it because you haven’t made any progress whatsoever no matter your approach :((
at first you didn’t feel embarrassed whenever namjoon pointed out your crush on hoseok
in fact, the whole faculty knows but you’re just gonna ignore that
you didn’t feel like a FOOL because it’s hoseok you’re making strides towards to
he’s worth the embarrassment that you don’t feel at all
and he doesn’t notice and doesn’t care and he probably won’t talk to you if you are the only preschool teacher in this school besides himself
you’re starting to feel the secondhand embarrassment joon always points out to you multiplied to five
oh god what you’re doing is LAUGHABLE
it’s even more painful to look at yourself in a third perspective because you look like an utter fool chasing after him and all he does is push you away
you’re tired of trying 
it’s okay :)
hoseok looks like someone who’d tell all about your doings to his groupchat and they’d laugh at you together
wait no that’s quite a reach
you’re probably not even tHAT important to be made fun of in the gc :((
fine then
you’re gonna focus on everyone and everything else besides him -- it’s not like he’s even gonna notice anyway!! not that it’d matter
if hoseok can sleep at night peacefully without even acknowledging you, then you could sleep at night without him crossing your mind
you kept thinking about not thinking of hobi last night that in return you did think about him
but that is the LAST time ok
you’re gonna start tallying this morning
wait a minute!! you don’t have to tally because you genuinely need to not care and be indifferent!! 
wait this was easier than you expected
you feel a weight out of your chest when you kept your eyes on the ground when you passed by hoseok in the hall
you felt nervous initially because you never skip a day of not being all googly-eyes for him but you know!!!! this was actually nice!!!!
for a change yOu’re the one who’s unaffected and as cold as it sounds -- 
it feels good to not care :D
“up please!! up!!” 
you’re feeling so zen and un-dejected that you forget for a moment that you’re still in class and yOU’RE the teacher
and it’s hyunjin!! one of the younger kids in class
also he’s quite the troublemaker and intentionally likes teasing you and being play-mad at him makes him giggle to no end
he does nOt vibe with hoseok he’d jus keep a straight face on and ??? no ur not teacher y/n
he’s tugging at whatever he could reach and if he turns out to be holding a marker in his hands then you might just Pass Away
you comply to hyunjin’s request but you know you’re gonna put him down in two seconds because you know that the other kids are gonna see and-
yeah nevermind
it’s now a carrying train :D
you just made up that name on the spot
it’s a line of kids going up to your arms, and then you passing them to hoseok, and then putting them down to the ground and them running back to the line again until everyone’s satisified
bAsically you’re passing around kids and it’s hoseok who calls off the game because you have no backbone sometimes when it comes to four-year olds
throughout the whole time though, hobi feels like something’s wrong
he just can’t place it
he’s trying to sniff so hard if someone had a toilet accident and he can’t smell anything??
maybe his shoelaces skipped a hole??
either way there’s just something wrong in the back of his head
anyways he better snap out of his daze before you ask if he’s okay or if he needs anything
why are you not looking at him
that’s weird
but you always look at him??? and he can see you in his peripheral vision and this time he can’t even see you glancing when his head’s turned????
his prayer’s been answered!!
honestly hoseok finds you kinda annoying and he’d like it if you just leave him alone and stuff and give up whatever it is that you’re doing
you finally got the message :D
yeah that’s good :D
hoseok’s okay he’s cool he’s happy he totally feels complete
“let’s stop now?”
hobi leans in to tell you because he counted and this is hyunjin’s third time on him
you’re kinda lost because he stops this game in his own accord but whatever
you just give him a smile and what’s THAT supposed to mean???
“oh sO do you want another round?? or??”
he’s enunciating it for you but it’s more for him actually
you just wave him off
.... communication.... where is it
he’s gathering the facts so far.
you’re not looking at him!! that’s fine
you didn’t call him handsome but hEh he’s handsome even if you don’t call him that
not that he needs comforting words and compliments.. or whatever...
that he can let pass because he doesn’t really care
but what he dOES care about is why are you not offering him anything right now???
where.,., WHERE is his french toast
he’s been putting his hand on his tummy for the past five minutes and rubbing it in circles and he’s ALSO humming every now and then
jimin’s lost as he’s writing his agenda for the week and hobi’s across him looking constipated and relieved at the same time
ok what’s happening now
you’re... not trying to wedge into the same table he’s in.. ?
you plop right next to namjoon and he instantly throws his arm around yours because he’s been looking for you too
“hey!! how did your recipe night go??”
you reckon that joon allotted another evening for trying out new things because it helps him destress!!
he shudders just by thinking about the smell in his apartment and how opening the windows didn’t do shit
“tasted so bad i couldn’t even eat it :((“
mug cake is the actual devil!!!
imagine having to crack an egg along with a couple other things in a mug and cook it in a microwave and it doesn’t turn as good as the ones you’d see in youtube videos
congrats you now have bread stuck in a mug that smells like chocolate but tastes absolutely nothing like raw eggs
there’s an irritable scowl on his face and great now hobi just feels worse
it’s been almost a week
and practically everyone knows that something’s wrong going on with him and they don’t know wHY
some people dO have an inkling though,.,.
“ah, what seems to be troubling my best teacher?”
principal min drawls out as soon as hoseok enters his office before rolling his eyes at him
normally in other schools you’d be fIRED if you disrespect the principal but nah :D
yoongi takes pride in being the cool principal
he’s so cool that everyone’s in a first-name basis with him
he’s not your typical principal!! normally they’d be preppy and he’s not that much but when he sees the kids??? immediately goes soft
“you say that to EVERY teacher”
lol everybody knows that but no one points it out
he’s so grumpy that even the principal took notice of his behavior!!!
“there’s nothing wrong, okay??”
hobi says it in more of a scoff and that just goes against what he said
yoongi’s sitting here,,, eating his plain loaf of bread aND minding his own business,, and then now hoseok’s mad at him??
“don’t show me bread sTOP showing me bread!!”
the next day hobi’s so grouchy <3
there’s a circle that the kids are in and it just keeps going in and out
you and hobi are in the middle and each time they sing, the circle keeps getting sMALLER
now normally y/n from a week ago would blush to death
but present y/n just feels awkward and kinda :// at the whole situation
it’s not really a tight squeeze tbh but hoseok kEEPS going forward torwards you to the point that his arms around you already
he’s obviously flustered and he’s trying to recompose himself but you’re barely meeting his eye contact
okay now that hurt
god he’s just so left behind with what’s going on :((
and he won’t say this now but fUck he misses you!!! a lot!!!! he feels like pavlov’s dog and he’s automatically wired to miss your affection whenever he’s aware of your presence
does he uhm
does he l-word you??
“and that’s it!”
you’ve just finished teaching them how to fold a paper boat :D
that is a BIG achievement okay you’re actually serious
it teaches them how to be more patient and pay more attention!!
“you can give them your mom!! or if you have a tiny crush on someone in the room then-...”
lil seungmin steps right up to give you a boat
yes it’s wonky and the folds aren’t really done properly and won’t float in water but wow!!! that’s so cute!!!
you immediately thank him and ruffle his hair 
he’s such a cute kid omg 
“thank you s-...”
however hyunjin wOn’t be affected by that
with a huff does he march over to you and his long hair’s getting in the way (hobi just tied it awhile ago) but nO that is not important rn
he gives TWO paper boats but the other one he just stole it from jisung lmao
the kids are catching up and sUddenly it’s a competition to who gives who paper boats
there’s a fair share of boats between you and hoseok
you’re awed bc wow they really did learn and yOU taught them and it’s just so fulfilling to see wonky wittle boats :’’)
“give to who??”
the tiny felix sitting by your side tugs at your shirt and he’s pointing to the boat you made yourself sitting on your palm
how did you get put in the spot by preschool kids
oKAY definitely not hobi
maybe you can call namjoon from the other room???? or maybe even yoongs and-
the sudden shrieking in the room brings you down from your thoughts and you’re quite frantic trying to catch up
the commotion?? ur palm
hobi himself folded a crane!!
and it’s sitting snugly in your palm
he’s been feeling so lost the past week and he realized that it’s because of yOU and how he’s so dense to drive you away when all he wants to do is keep you close
hobi’s never really beamed at you directly like that before
you might just cry
hyunjin’s kicking the air and so does every kid who has googly eyes for their teacher 
but it’s okay 
it’s all okay because hobi’s looking at you the way you look at him and he’s the most gentle and pleasing thing you’ve ever laid your eyes on
it’s his turn to put his chin against his palm, a knowing smile on his face before he asks
“do you feel chilly tonight?”
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jae-canikeepyou · 4 years
| closer | j.jh
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pair: jaehyun x fem!reader
genre: au + idol!jae & choreographer/dancer!yn
a/n: this request is long overdue but here it is! :) i’m sorry for the long wait ;-; it’s challenging to write since i’m not a dancer so my explanation’s a lil’ suckish. also! i had to edit a song remix for this oneshot, so the dance and imagination’s clearly up to you *wink wink* enjoy reading! ~j
though you lost count of the frequent, unexplainable somersaults you experienced in your stomach, you weren’t sure whether this always happen whenever you were told to join other dancers to monitor a routine for a group. perhaps it was just you, that today felt entirely different compared to when you first started.
as far as your career went, this was the only time you felt so stressed. and by ‘stressed’, it didn’t mean that the boys’ couldn’t get the steps right— they were fast learners and the choreography you helped co-create wouldn’t be a problem to them.
nct 127’s rehearsals were at a spacious backstage for straight two days now. in those short days, there was a certain air that lingered and you couldn’t fathom it properly. with you around, the boys would suddenly crowd in a circle, anywhere in the area, and began to utter out whispers you hoped your ears were able to hear. maybe if you were reincarnated, you’d choose an animal with great hearing to be able to hear what they were saying.
and honestly it got you wanting to pull your hair out because.. what if?
what if they disliked how you were a person of few words during practice? or that they preferred if you gave more feedbacks toward their dance like other choreographers who came before you? there weren’t any hints leading to the source of action and really, if this was an actual investigation you’d be removed from the team for not having quick-wits.
taeyong immediately became your close friend right when you were introduced to them by your seniors. he had this you-can-tell-me-anything aura all over him and was the only person you always conversed with among the boys. given that you were part of the choreo team since kick-it era, the boys welcomed you; like so much. but in those greetings, a gut feeling kept bothering you that you would be pulled into something.. perhaps something you might not be able to handle? you wouldn’t know. it was a gut feeling anyway, fifty percent of your intuition were always proven wrong.
you stared at the widespread mirror, arms up to record them while examining their moves and rhythms to the beat. they were tired, you could tell with the way they swayed and continuously wipe off the sweat rolling down their temples. so you decided to give them a break after three hours of practice.
replaying the video over and over to check if they got the timing right, taeyong went to sit by your side gulping and squeezing the water bottle. “relax y/n. you’ll get more wrinkles if you keep doing that.” he nudged you gently to catch your full atttention from the phone.
“do what, exactly?” you looked at him, eyebrows furrowed tiredly above your death-gazing eyes.
he poked you with the butt of the cold bottle he held, where beads from it soaked your forehead. “this.” he lectured you again, almost annoying to the ears. “it’s not at all attractive.”
“we both agreed you have better brows than me but ouch that’s rude. i think i’m quite pretty and you know it.” you return a playful poke that had him nearly trampling backwards, a slight sting felt by your ankle once you regained balance.
per usual, you disregarded his innocent comment and continued to monitor the practice via phone. he didn’t mean it and you knew that. taeyong kept bugging you to cool off from work and hang out with them since you were all good friends to begin with. of course that development happened in a span of few months to be able for you all to reach that certain relationship.
however, was it possible to attain the level of intimacy when recently, all you felt from the other guys was the weird gap? you couldn’t even describe the awkward distance. taeyong shook both of his sleeves into sweaterpaws to rub the droplets on your forehead.
“quite pretty? you’re beautiful! you’re like a cool princess every guy wants and i’d honestly date you if what we are isn’t platonic.” he danced in a wave effect with his arm. you gently hit his chest for being very vocal even if it just was the two of you.
“aww, you always know how to make me feel better! thanks.” you sweetly compliment him for a second before your smile turned into a frown.
at the corners of your peripheral, johnny, jungwoo, mark, donghyuck and yuta all averted your scrutiny. the action was obvious and quick, but what made it more suspicious was that it happened respectively like falling dominos. although they did typical and cliché gestures of escapism from your response, still they pretended to ignore you either with their hands shoved in pockets or whistles of their own song.
a surrendering huff caught taeyong’s attention. you never sighed nor show any emotions of distress before and this was a little concerning to him. “what’s wrong y/n?” he turned around to see the others minding their own business despite taeyong already realising the edginess they showed.
“can you help me figure something out with them?” you begged as you tilted your gently slightly to the side. “it’s been weeks and i have no idea why they’re acting this way. am i that unapproachable compared to my seniors?”
taeyong suddenly pursed his lips to a small circle as if he was hiding some top secret information that was ‘exclusive for members only’. “oh- y’know.” he nodded quite repetitively but with hesitating breaks in between. he knew what you were going to ask him since it hasn’t been the first time. he usually could dodge your curiosity and wondered why he couldn’t now. “they’re p-probably just chilling.. like always.. yep.” he popped the ‘p’ and stood. “i’m sure it’s because they’re tired from rehearsals!”
things couldn’t just get any weirder. you squinted your eyes as you scooted in closer to him. “you’re stuttering. you never do that.” you pointed out, observing his wavering eyes. “do you know something-”
he stammered and gently pushed you away a little like it would stop you from asking further. “i-i don’t know what you’re talking a-about.”
“hm you sure about that?” you hummed and he mouthed a ‘yes’. “you don’t know what’s coming after you if i figure it out buddy.”
“i’m sure, y/n. stop being a worrywart.” taeyong pinched your cheeks. “i’ll let know you right away if i hear anything out of the ordinary.”
“uh-huh. jaehyun’s the one i think who’s ’out of the ordinary’. we never talked. just hi’s and bye’s and he doesn’t smile at me.” you commented as you spotted him at the entrance door. “bummer, i really find him good-looking..” your phone buzzed a message from your leader. technically he wasn’t, but a person in-charge of your schedules to teach other idol groups.
somehow you felt a wave of relief that you would be out of the venue for the day. it would be assuring to not be around 127 for a while when they behaved like they did. who knew thinking too much would bring exhaustion? this was more tiring than dancing. a lot more. you swung your phone to taeyong, telling him that you were going to leave. “i gotta go, see you.”
“oh, alright. take care.” taeyong waved subtly, confused as to why you suddenly spoke of jaehyun out of the blue.
you let out a long sigh and exited the venue with thoughts of wonder; they were good people and most definitely you were the approachable type, so why were they keeping distance besides taeyong? johnny, yuta and donghyuck were super friendly, and it’s unlike them to suddenly keep quiet. mark and jungwoo were fun to tease; seeing the expressions they usually don’t put on around you was really fishy. taeil and doyoung have similar affection for you because you were like a little sister and.. jaehyun?
well.. jaehyun’s jaehyun, and among them, he was the far-fetched one. that was what you felt from him,
from the beginning.
because every single time you crossed paths, he would look away right when you locked eyes with him. there was no smile, no expression.
nothing at all.
maybe it pinched your heart a little. and maybe there would be a right time for this. just maybe not today. hopefully that wouldn’t extend for another month. hopefully you would get to talk to him like you did with the rest of them. it was a challenging to be patient when you’ve kind of taken a liking on jaehyun despite the inexplainable treatment. he was.. cute.
once you were out of the group’s sight, jaehyun came in with a duffle bag and a beanie— that basically made his hair in a frenzy- along with taeil & doyoung. he had his arms frantically shaking as if he was trying to reason out. “i can’t hold a normal conversation without tensing up.” he dropped his belongings and joined the crowd, not noticing the growing smirks slowly coming into view from his friends.
“and you think choosing to freeze and stare would make her talk to you?” taeil asked straight up. “that’s called cowardice bro.”
jaehyun combed his hair back and wore his beanie again when the focus was shifted to him. “no it’s not. it’s called being shy.. i guess.” he crossed his arm, unsure of his answer as well.
mark took a sip of watermelon juice, later eyeing a bowl sitting peacefully on one side of the table for seconds. “hyung, do you expect to get closer to y/n if you act like that though?” he gave johnny a side-eye as he hid his smile behind the cup, to whom the latter responded the same.
“all of us are trying to keep quiet of your ecstasy towards her like you asked us to.” jungwoo implored because what was done has to be said eventually. “and now she thinks we’re hiding something from her, i can feel her suspicions for the past weeks.”
“did you make it obvious?” jaehyun hissed a little. “i warned you to act natural-”
johnny wrapped the young man in his arms, earning laughs from the others. “the one who’s not acting natural is you. i thought you’re a straight-forward kind of guy. this should be a piece of cake for you.”
“everyone, please come to the center.” their manager called them to gather up, informing details regarding the next schedule for the week.
sm town concert was just a week away and they’ve been practicing nonstop for it. the exhaustion on their faces fled when the manager said something that would make the fans see them in a different light. some staff giggled at their reactions, some told them to go with it, the rest just wanted to see how it would turn out to be. the boys weren’t expecting it, not at a sudden time like this when they’ve gotten the rundown memorised already.
normally they complied and no arguments were brought forwards. now they managed to scream all vocabularies to reason out that another dance routine would make them more exhausted than before. “we’re not pulling a prank nor a hidden camera if that’s what you’re thinking. anyway, the added part is around a minute interlude.. it’s before the actual track. only one of you will dance it.”
yeses and cheers of relief made majority of the staff exchange looks because they weren’t finish with the information they received. “this interlude is by volunteer, so whoever wants to do it just raise your hand or come up front.” the manager instructed as he wrote down the minutes, later both of his brows arched high forasmuch to his surprise, the decision was quickly decided; it would usually take the boys a while. “oh! thanks for being cooperative, jaehyun! the rehearsal starts tomorrow...”
jaehyun’s head never shot up as fast as it did just now. he didn’t pay attention to the short meeting and since all of the voices were indistinct to him, he was astonished with hearing his name being said. he wondered why they concluded with him doing the interlude. in his head a second ago, he was coming up with plans to finally— and normally— conversate with you. and upon turning around, his friends failed to keep their snickers in. they all simultaneously took a step back, leaving the dimpled boy remain standing in his position.
“...and take ten, then we’ll proceed to the last two songs for today.” the manager left the boys for a break.
wheezing breaths and heavy falls on the floor were soon followed by exploding laughters. they were like fireworks, jolting the nerves out of jaehyun and he rolled his eyes at his friends’ intentions to tease him. “that’s not fair, you guys plotted against me.” he pinched the bridge of his nose when a flush of betrayal finally covered his entire conscience.
they laughed since it was a reaction they expected, but more so when he missed out the most crucial information. “oh my g- he doesn’t know! hahaha!” haechan and jungwoo clung onto each other for support. it was too much to handle.
yuta scooted close to johnny, who had his phone up the whole time. “that was on record, yeah?” he asked and the latter grinned devilishly.
“rgha!” jaehyun growled, soon accepting the role that was predestined to him. “i swear john if you-”
“he didn’t really hear it!” mark cut him off and joined the younger ones, hitting each other and as they couldn’t believe that jaehyun, could be this dense. “wow this is insane!”
jaehyun’s ears turned faint pink. he didn’t like the excessive attention he was getting from his friends, and he has no idea what the sudden outbursts were all about. “hear what, exactly?” he had a petulant expression and shifted his weight on one leg as he waited for the answer.
taeyong choked a giggle at his question. it was similar with yours when you innocently asked earlier. “jaehyun, he said the other half of the remix duet is y/n. you’ll dance with her tomorrow, and until the concert.”
his heart pumped so fast that he didn’t know how to react; whether it was due to obvious fact that he would see you again for the third time this week, or it was your name and his.. in the same sentence.
if there was something you didn’t like to experience again in your life, that would be spraying your nose in public. good grief, and it had to happen nearby the boys. you shut your eyes closed at the sprinkly yet piercing shock rising up from the nostrils to your head. after few seconds of calming down, youngjoon pat your head as if that would bring you comfort. not really.
“i thought hana’s doing the nct dance duet?” you rubbed the small tears from the corners of your eyes, the striking pain still lingered around your senses a little.
he shrugged that his shoulders the action made you think he has something to do with the sudden change of plans. but assuming too much would ruin your mood and affect the way you dance later, so you let it slide for today.
“i’m your senior. you’ll do what i decided on,” he gave you his phone; the title of the track was one that you were told to choreograph. “it’s about time your monitoring days are over. anyway, you’ll dance with..” youngjoon trailed off himself.
you scanned the spacious venue to figure who he was referring to. none came into your mind until jaehyun walked past by you, and youngjoon pulled him close. “ah! with him!”
oh great, i’m dancing with mr. far-fetched.
staring off into space, taeyong appeared briefly in your peripheral, mouthing that jaehyun ‘volunteered’ for the interlude— which didn’t really add up why he would decide to do this performance when he hasn’t talked to you at all.
it was funny how friendly and warm jaehyun was to your fellow choreographers. he would smile freely and offer spare bottles or snacks. however, he looked stiff now and you craved for answers for strange his behaviour. still, you would be lying to yourself if you said he somehow made you.. squirmy, in a good way.
“let’s work well.” he heard you speak as you began to walk to the centre of the venue, jaehyun soon following you from behind.
he noticed the boys sitting on bleachers for a break, secretly snapping pictures to tease him later on. they mouthed and told him to talk— he was leaving you hanging and making a lady wait for a response was not a gentleman thing to do. he was stunned with your natural beauty and to think you were before him, just made him realise that this was the chance,
to get closer.
because remembering what taeyong told him yesterday, his friends told him to step up his game after it was revealed you found him good-looking. that alone should be enough for jaehyun to have the courage to hold a conversation with you. soon jaehyun cleared his throat, pulled his t-shirt collar and bit his inner gums. “yeah, likewise.” jaehyun cleared his throat. “this should be easy. where should we begin?”
“this is the track we’re dancing to.” you fished out your phone to let him listen to the new version, noticing how youngjoon nod at you.
the said man approached, whispering words that had you wanting to facepalm. a gasp escaped your lips and jaehyun raised a brow in curiosity. “i’m gonna kill her-” your face bubbled up in subtle anger.
jaehyun couldn’t hear much, the volume of the interlude was loud enough to make your voices inaudible. he wasn’t good at lip reading too, but he felt different when his eyes met with yours. a smile you wore earlier flattened, your positivity was still there, yet little did he know the changes made on the spot. youngjoon walked back to the mixer and made jaehyun’s hair a mess.
oh how the gods and goddesses of love must’ve liked shooting arrows continuously at his barely-comprehending mind. he almost ran out of breath hearing those words come out of your mouth and he knew it wasn’t going to be that easy for him.
because to him you were a beautiful distraction.
he recalled how you first met in the practice room during kick-it era; comfy clothes, a chill person with light make-up colours and pretty much his friends instantly introduced themselves. he wished that he was close to you as taeyong was. hopefully by the time the whole concert video was out, fans wouldn’t make a meme out of him given the fact that they did when mc-ing for broadcasts, he unknowingly created a gap between himself and other girl groups.
half an hour had passed and perhaps at this minute, you decided to take back what you said; that they were fast learners. proven you wrong, again. some of them were but jaehyun kept messing up and you were close to losing your patience. he couldn’t get things right. whenever you asked him if he was alright, he claimed to have gotten the hang of the steps taught earlier.
what a lie that was. so far he has stepped your shoes, bumped you though they were minor, and missed some moves. what made you teeth grit was that he looked like he wasn’t aware he did those at all.
ugh look at him. he can do better than this. if he doesn’t catch up, i’m requesting for another member to dance with me.
although he quickly memorised his solo part before dancing with you, the one second break in between have already made him forget the next step. he wasn’t in the right mind, he knew that much and was continuously questioned himself why he lost concentration. dancing with naeun was an exemption. she was a fellow mc, and even then he was shy to hold her hand. but this? this was different. this was more than just holding hands. this included skinship he has never done before, let alone executing intimate movements.
“pretend you’re pulling a lever as she flicks her hips side and back the second time. your hands should be by her hips.” youngjoon instructed, observing jaehyun’s shaky movements at the mirror reflection with reference from the video you sent him before. “good. jae, body wave to the left. y/n to the right and both swing your shoulders outwards..”
but if he wasn’t in the right mind, you were slowly getting there too. the more you were faced with jaehyun, the more you head became fuzzy. you could feel yourself heating up and this wasn’t due to the dance at all. “y/n, caress his jaw and grab him close.”
jaehyun gulped, trying not mind his friends and focus on the routine. “oi, step in closer.” your senior said, nudging the boy at the back. “i said closer like you’re hugging her- ah.” youngjoon realised he made a mistake. the boy froze again and his figure hovered you, the lights above blocked by his shocked expression.
you were falling back.
at this rate, both of you might cause the other an embarrassment of a lifetime. you braced for impact and it was written on your face. jaehyun saw how you shut your eyes. he was afraid of injuring you and somehow did the unthinkable; not even his friends expected that from him and were worried the big guy might crush you. he flipped you around the moment you both were inches above the ground, landing on him instead. “mfgh. ow.” you heard him groan, followed by few gasps and shocked voices.
hesitantly, you opened an eye and felt his palms around your torso. he too had a sour face from the fall. “that was close.” jaehyun squinted you take a peek of you and let out a sigh, which already brought guilt showering over you. “glad you’re not injured-”
“are you two alright?” hana with concern, asked as others repeated the same question.
you got up to sit on your calves in apology but soon spotted hana and youngjoon grinning like their plan worked. so they did have something to do with this. “are you an idiot??” you sighed with a drumming heart, taking jaehyun aback. “you’re performing in two days and it’s best if i’m injured than you are.”
“hey, you’re dancing too..” jaehyun chuckled though was surprised with your sudden fits and tone of your voice, standing up to lend a hand. “..so it’s best if you’re not injured.”
he waited for you to respond to his offer and as you took it, you felt a painful throb at the left ankle. tsk, must’ve twisted a bit it when we fell. dammit jaehyun. you cleared your throat loudly. it came out more of a growl in an annoyed tone. “look, i don’t think you get it. you have two days to practice and there‘s only one you. there are many dancers who can replace me-”
“no, i don’t think you get it. you’re the only one who knows the choreography. you’re basically irreplaceable.”
perhaps if this was told to you in a different sight, you would be squirmy and walking on flowers now. but this was nothing of it. you had to remain professional and set your personal feelings aside.
“not unless if another dancer perfects the dance in two days..” you trailed off.
“okay okay, stop the talking and continue where you both left off. a fall like that shouldn’t be a reason why you’re quarrelling.” youngjoon clapped his hands, moving you in front of jaehyun to start from the top.
when you said that, jaehyun was unsure why you were suddenly irritated. he held his position for the duet before speaking words that had you all fluttery again. “well, i’m dancing with you and staff said it’s final.”
the following day, your ankle swelled overnight and informed that you would teach jaehyun and yeri, whom you’ve chosen to be his dance partner— the only idol available prior to nct 127’s performance. you crossed arms, observing how she got the steps quicker than jaehyun. “i want you to pop your hips a little more and match the timing with jaehyun. look at him intently before he holds your hand and you letting go.”
a pout then was seen on her face, hesitant and shy to do what you instructed. “i know it’s weird but i’d like you to think what you’re doing is art..” you tried to sound encouraging and later saw jaehyun taking a break at the far end of the stage. “just expressed in forms of movements.”
yeri stifled a laugh, feeling a lot better now she saw how you looked at her fellow label-mate. “yeah that’s not how jaehyun sees it-” she hushed immediately for speaking her thoughts. “y/n, how has he not learned his part yet? didn’t you teach him yesterday?”
“trust me i did! jaehyun’s a great artist but he just doesn’t seemed focused like i imagined him to be.” you took a bite from your sandwich, and yeri giggled that you unconsciously ignored the first half of her sentence. “i mean his solo was a 15-second one. i don’t see why he would forget the rest of the 35-seconds.”
she pursed her lips and took sight of taeyong winking at her, hinting your density with these situations. “well i think he actually got the steps now.” she arched her brows, pointing at the direction where jaehyun was at. “i heard he works hard alone- not that i’m offending you! you’re a great teacher and dancer!”
you smiled as you crumpled the plastic wrap and tossed it in the bin. “none taken, i kinda understand why he would be nervous around me.”
her ears perked up and pulled you to the side. “ooh ooh you do? what is it? i’m in for the tea!”
“i pull a resting face while i monitor them. probably why he found it hard to approach me. he thinks i’m the kind who doesn’t want to be disturbed.” you and yeri walked further off the stage to sit at the very front.
she held her chest hearing how awful you might’ve felt from him. “aw that’s bitter tea! y/n i’m sure he doesn’t think that way! it just takes time, might be longer than the other guys but you’ll get there.”
“get to where?”
“to being friends, and not only the professional level.”
at another side of it, taeyong and the rest heard the whole conversation. they shared looks knowing that they had to relay the news to jaehyun, who was staring at you giggling away with yeri. he met eyes with them and had a thin lipped smile, walking towards his friends. “you guys are weird, quit the creepy smiles.”
doyoung smacked the boy’s head for the density his currently possessed. “do you know the impression she has on you?”
“who? yeri?”
now it was taeil’s turn to smack his head. “y/n, you dimwit.” he sighed, looking at your silhouette under dimmed light then onto jaehyun. “she thinks you’re great..”
“but what you do around her seems to have shown you’re not interested in her.” jungwoo completed his sentence.
jaehyun never felt so attacked by both from them and the facts thrown upon him. “what? no! i am interested in her!”
“then tell her that. it isn’t that hard to say you’re interested in being friends.” haechan bent to release the tension in his muscles.
they wanted to encourage him a little more yet were then called to stand-by for another practice, with the interlude as the beginning. the signal from the staff have ordered for the lightings and music to be queued and readied.
mark nudged him in a strength that nearly made him fall. “hey, it’s about the right time you get closer to her,” he said in a low voice, highkey referring to your ruptured ligament on your ankle yet jaehyun seemed to have missed the point. “or else there’ll be no development.”
jaehyun chugged on his bottle in silence. “what do you mean?”
“youngjoon hyung said she’ll be on leave for weeks. i don’t know how long but if you don’t do anything now, you’ll continue to live up to the impression without even talking to her.” he explained and cringed afterwards feeling taeyong and johnny’s presence among them.
“show her that what she choreographed for us is not in vain, okay?” johnny made his hair a mess, before leaving the stage to go to where you were. the stage director said his count down. you cheered on yeri with a thumbs up and the music started its tune.
a/n: can’t seem to add song in between texts, so here’s a link instead ;-; let me know if it doesn’t work :3
it was your choreography up there, that was soon to be shown to the world, recorded to be part of the rundown and later burnt in c.d’s. you felt nervous at the fact if they would really execute what you wanted to show— the form of art you put your sweat upon even if it were just 50 seconds. when jaehyun began taking yeri’s hand after his solo part, leading her then mirroring her movements, your heart squeezed for no reason. they should be able to nail this part until the last beat of the song.
but as you clenched your chest to prevent your hands from shaking, taeyong saw your expression, convincing him enough that your reaction towards this said otherwise.
the boys usually held a small dinner a day prior to the concert, for a good show and performance. yuta decided to invite you to a japanese restaurant nearby so you wouldn’t feel left out or feel a lot distant than you already were with them.
you prepared your essentials before meeting them, the tapes of your ankle band came loose and you reached to adjust it as discomfort was all you felt for a while. jaehyun knelt down to sit across you, licking his dry lips to simmer the nervousness he felt inside. “do you need help?” he asked when you looked up to notice his presence. “or is there anything i can do to help?”
“y-yeah. it needs a proper tightness to it.” you gave a faint nod. he smiled and held your left leg to rest it on his thigh.
silence was slowly killing him, he had to admit that at least. now that you both conversed, what then? would this just be another acquaintance talk like yesterday, where it was only a mere one? nothing else to it? nothing happened?
jaehyun wanted to set the professionalism to the side, heed to his friends’ words and actually become close to you. perhaps put his feelings for you behind him for the meantime. “sorry.” he conceded, which made you confused for a second. “i’m sorry.”
“from the fall yesterday?” you stretched back that your palms were your support as he taped the band around. jaehyun shook his head, making you more confused. “then what are you apologising for?”
“for making you feel like i didn’t want to talk to you since you arrived.”
you stared at him, lips parting when you finally grasped his purpose. “oh.. that! it’s okay. i’m not expecting to be that level of friends immediately.” you chuckled awkwardly because it was a bit of a lie. i mean it took a while to be good friends with the others-”
“i’m sorry that i chose not to talk to you and it might have given you a bad impression of me.” he took your shoe so you could wear and head to the restaurant. “i guess it really is difficult to when i admire you a lot. heck i even asked my groupmates to tone down their knowledge about that because they have plans to embarrass-”
he jolted at the drop of your phone and your sigh, eyes wandering and wavering at it then looking to you. he helped you stand up and when he did too, you sighed heavier, flattened lips and a smile. “my anxiety convinced me that you hated me.” you confessed, finally letting out the worry that has been bothering you for months.
you shyly looked back at him and noticed how he was fidgety as you were. you couldn’t handle the visuals he has— even more now that he was close to you. so ethereal and magnetising.
maybe this was what the somersaults you’ve been feeling all the time. the unexplainable gut feeling that you’d be pulled into something you couldn’t handle?
it was him.
jaehyun panicked at the word. “h-hate? i don’t! not even a bit. i really like you!” he sputtered, then waving his hands to deny his feelings. “i mean like as in like you as person and your dedication to all this.”
“heh..” you both turned to the voice and taeyong smirked what he heard. “just tell her already, jae.” he pointed out, and you were left clueless as they shared the same brain cell. jaehyun’s eyes grew, hoping that his friend wouldn’t expose him, but taeyong answered him with his eyes, as if his voice was almost telepathic.
‘not confessing! you’re not at that intimacy level yet! tell y/n that you wanna hang with her!’
“i-i just wanna get closer to you?” he pondered, scratching his neck from the tornado of feelings whirling inside. “as friends, not as workmates or anything.” he waited for your response, staring in your magnetising orbs that lured him into something deeper.
“we would’ve been if we talked earlier on.” you smiled, hinting that you didn’t mind taking that step with him too. “but yeah, same here, jaehyun.”
jaehyun smiled genuinely at you for the first time, no awkwardness nor forcing himself to. “yes!” he had his fists up with ecstasy that you said his name, only to panic at the time. the dinner was already starting.
taeyong exhaled and swung his arms to let the blood flow normally. “ah, now that’s settled. let’s get to the restaurant too.”
you punched his arm and he flinched at the impact and hissed that it came out more of a question than a reaction you expected. “what you get for lying that you didn’t know anything.” you stuck a tongue out.
“and i’m supposed to pay the price for it?” he rubbed to sooth the pain. “not fair.”
walking to the backstage, you slowly lifted your foot to head down the stairs. “don’t worry, they’ll get their punches from me real soon.” you whistled.
jaehyun took your hand, supporting your weight at the same time. he couldn’t rush you in the state you’re in.
“what about jaehyun? he’s the one who did all this, and had the rest of us included.” taeyong jut his lips to point to the boy, shoving his hands in the pockets of his jackets. “he should get a punch too.”
“i’m not punching someone who wants to be closer to me. it’s not a good.. first impression.” you hid a laugh with flattened lips, jaehyun mirrored you and gave a flirty wink.
with that, he managed to magnetise you, just to make his gap with you,
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arigatouiris · 4 years
an inconvenient crush // kozume kenma x reader (2/2)
Author’s Note: Thank you so much for the support! I really appreciate people coming in and telling me you liked my story! Makes me feel so loved and valid, I can’t even begin to tell you how special it makes me feel. Here’s the final part! Do let me know what you think! Thank you so much :”)
Word count: 4k+
Pairing: YouTuber! Kenma Kozume x Streamer! Reader
Summary: YouTuber Kozume Kenma has had the biggest crush on Twitch Streamer, (s/n) (y/n), who in actuality simps heavily after Kenma’s secret YouTube persona, puddinghead0.
What happens when their paths cross?
Kuroo is honestly tired of Kenma’s second-guessing, and (y/n) is a bit of a crackhead.
Warnings: unrequited love, one-sided crush, slight angst, pining, crackhead reader, internet bullying, slang, gaming references, haikyuu manga spoilers, fluff
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C h a p t e r T w o: kozume in love
Kenma chuckled when he heard you scream over the controller. The both of you were currently fighting a boss named Martyr Logarius, and while you had beaten the game once, playing it in Newgame+ was extra hard. Kenma was certainly helping, but you had made a silly mistake and died for the fourth time in a row.
    "You're dodging too early," Kenma said, still chuckling, "But it is entertaining to see you dodge in such panic."
    "Shut up," You groaned over the microphone, earning more chuckles from him, "I'm trying, okay?"
    "You beat this game, you said?"
Kenma laughed some more, now covering his face with his hand. He could hear you laugh out of frustration as well, but while this entire orchestration felt funny to both of you, Kenma's heart bubbled dangerously. He loved the sound of your voice, and he absolutely adored the way you groaned and cursed at the bosses each time you died or each time you defeated them. You were good, and even as the game tested you, you trod on. He could see you loved gaming in its entirety, and slowly, he was learning more about you.
    "I need a beer." You sighed.
    "This game does that to you," Kenma leaned back against his bean bag, "I mean... Not to burst your bubble, but you do suck."
    "Oye," You warned playfully, "I'm a streamer."
    "Anyone can stream, (y/n)."
There was silence on the other end after that, but Kenma didn't think it was anything odd. The co-oping between you two was going on for a few days now, and it would last up to 5-7 hours at most. It was strange that despite college, you two managed to find time to sit and play, but after a point, it had become more than just the game. You began to crave his voice, crave the way he'd be there, whenever you were about to run low on health, he'd come over and give you time to heal.
Co-oping with Kenma was fun because it felt, oddly, as if he really cared.
    "I always thought you sounded familiar," Kenma blinked, "But I think hearing you say more words sort of... gave it away."
    "Gave what away?" Kenma's heart was pounding now.
    "Kozume-kun," He didn't want to hear the rest, "Are you puddinghead0?"
It took him several seconds to process what you said. He could practically feel his heart beat against his ears, and he could sense you getting impatient at him as well.
    "How did you know?"
You took a few moments to answer.
    "I... I've been a fan for too long not to recognize your voice, really. I just... I guess I had to hear you through the microphone to instantly pick it up? I don't know I... Why didn't you tell me?"
    "I didn't want you to know."
    "Oh," His heart broke at how low you sounded. "I... I'm sorry, I didn't ask you because I knew you were him or anything! I asked you as Kozume—"
    "No, listen," You were panicking now, "I assure you, I didn't know until recently. I didn't even think... I never—"
    "What did you picture him as, (y/n)?"
    "What do you—"
    "I'm sure you pictured him as someone different, right? It must disappoint you that someone you admire is in fact, a regular college student—"
    "Don't say that! I really enjoy playing with you, and... I never even pictured how you'd look in the first place!"
    "Can we meet? Please, let me just—"
    "Not happening. It was nice playing with you, (y/n). I hope you get the platinum—"
    "Please, don't do this."
When Kenma hesitated, he knew that it was no longer an inconvenient crush. His fingers trembled and he couldn't look away from the television screen. His chest hurt and he was certain that his shirt was drenched.
    "Please, let's—"
    "Where do you want to... meet?"
    "Oh, thank goodness," Your genuine relief made him want to laugh, "I was so certain you'd hang up. Oh, thank god. Uh, I don't know. You live near campus?"
He narrowed his eyes, "What campus?"
    "Tokyo University?"
    "You go here too?"
    "Literature student! You go here? You mean to say the puddinghead0 goes to—"
    "Please, just never call me that, okay?"
    "Where do you want to meet?"
    "I... Just come to campus, we'll figure it out."
What normally took Kenma 12 minutes took him 17 now. He spent some time pacing back and forth on whether to go or not, before understanding that he couldn't back out after assuring you that he'd be there. He wondered if you would come as a fan or as his friend (were you his friend?), but the foremost thing that Kenma worried about was what your interaction with him would be about. Why did you want to meet him? What explanation did you want to give?
Maybe she wants to thank me, he thought as he walked forward, finally bucking up and realizing that he might actually need to meet you alone as himself.
He noticed that you were waiting outside the gates of the campus, airpods plugged in, head rocking lightly to some music that you were listening to. From a distance, you caught sight of him and waved almost hesitantly, shooting his heart to the skies. Your hair was tied in a messy bun and you were wearing anime merch, a Bakugou shirt with regular jeans. No matter what you wore, Kenma thought you were ridiculously pretty. Kenma had always thought you were pretty, from the very first video that you uploaded. He caught your stream in Kuroo's laptop when he had come over, and apparently it was your first time. You were hesitant and shy, but it gradually died down the more you played. Kenma found himself laughing so much that it alerted Kuroo, who had understood right away that you held a special place in Kenma's mind since no one could make Kenma laugh quite like you could.
When he was a few feet away from you, you looked at him awkwardly before he noticed you were red-faced. Is she... blushing?
    "U-Uh, yeah so uh," She was so nervous that it was making him feel weird, "I don't want to treat you differently but I just realized that I was gushing to you about puddinghead not knowing that you are, in fact, puddinghead and god, I feel like an idiot."
Kenma had to laugh at that before shaking his head, "It's fine, I don't get too many compliments anyway."
    "You had me simping all over you and you knock that down as compliments? Please teach me the art of modesty, senpai."
Kenma laughed some more before letting out a breath, rubbing the back of his neck. You were taking breaths now yourself; you were standing beside someone who had literally inspired you to start streaming gameplay, and you had no idea that you were playing alongside him all this while until he had practically confirmed it not too long ago. Of course, a part of you felt weird that he never told you himself, but perhaps he wanted to keep it a secret. Also...
He had been watching your streams. Kenma had admitted that as himself the first time you had met. You could practically die.
    "There's this cafe down this road," You said, suddenly feeling a lot bolder, "We won't have to stand around awkwardly then."
The walk wasn't quiet, you were desperately trying to think of something to talk about, and you were mumbling a few things here and there about Bloodborne, and he commented back; but neither of you found your heart in the conversation and kept going because you didn't know how to handle the silence. While you admired Kenma, Kenma was also aware that you had no idea the feelings he had for you.
It made him feel a bit inadequate, and he wasn't sure how to take it.
When you reached the cafe, Kenma and yourself took the seats outside. You took in his appearance properly for the first time that evening; his hair tied in a messy, loose ponytail and wearing baggy clothing with black jeans and sneakers. Kenma was gorgeous, you wouldn't deny that, especially now that your heart was bubbling with excitement over how he was your YouTube idol. Strangely, his question rang in your mind:
What did you picture him as, (y/n)?
Your eyes softened at Kenma as he checked his phone for a minute; unable to look away. You stared at him the way folks stare at a rainbow, taking in all that unexpected beauty, not wanting to look away in case it might disappear. You felt yourself blushing when he looked up to meet your gaze, almost feeling time stop. But, you were too much of an overthinker to let that happen.
I'm sure you pictured him as someone different, right? It must disappoint you that someone you admire is in fact, a regular college student—
    "Kozume-kun," What am I doing? "I can't picture anyone but you."
He was now staring at you like you were an idiot mumbling rubbish. He gulped, you could see the rise and fall of his adam's apple, but he wasn't saying a word.
    "A few months ago, when I started the channel on Twitch, I could do it only because of you. You inspired me to upload my own gameplay because I now had a platform to be proud of it. But as Kozumu-kun, you gave me the courage to not only be proud of my gameplay but to see what's actually important," You smiled as you said, "Fun."
    "You're giving me way too much credit."
You shook your head, "We don't always realize how little exchanges that we have with people cause ripple effects. Playing with you these past few days reminded me of what streaming for views made me forget. Views don't matter, the fun does. I let those comments get to me because the views mattered to me, and they still do. But, that's not everything. I learned that from you."
Kenma didn't know what to say.
    "So when you figured out that I was... the YouTuber—"
    "—Yeah, that. Didn't you think I lied to you?"
You shook your head, "You never had a face reveal, which meant that you wanted to keep it a secret. So why would I feel like you lied? You had every reason to—"
    "Stop being so fucking adorable, it's actually pissing me off." Kenma snapped without realizing.
Both of your eyes widened—Kenma's and yours—at the words that exited his mouth. Your face was flaming at what he said, and Kenma probably felt like a suicidal ostrich. He wanted to bury his head under the ground and never rise, for that would keep him away from the embarrassment that was due; he could hear Kuroo's laughter in the distance, which made it all the worse.
    "I'm... I'm not trying to be cute, you know?" You said, tilting your head a little, playing with a strand of your hair.
Kenma frowned at you, wondering now if you were doing it on purpose.
    "What are you... doing?"
    "There's a word for it!" You pointed an index finger in the air, "Hanker sore."
Kenma scoffed, "What's that?"
    "It's finding someone so attractive that it pisses you off."
Kenma blushed, "Y-You're not all that attractive, you just... come across as cute sometimes."
Your eyes widened, "I'm a catch!"
He bit his lower lip, "Yeah, sure."
    "Hey! I am a total catch, you could like totally fall for me!"
Kenma's heart skipped a beat, "Yeah, sure."
While you were sitting across him having a struggle over how he easily pushed away your claims, Kenma stared at you like you were all he could see, and as if you were a sight that he would forget if he didn't drink in your details at this very second. A moment later, you gasped before leaning forward.
    "I think we should get something."
    "Let's actually... go get your platinum."
Your eyes widened, "You... don't mind?"
He shook his head now that he was absolutely certain, "No, let's go back."
You were beaming and thanking him, acting as if he suddenly wasn't the YouTuber you had been simping after, treating him like a separate individual that he was, behaving as you would with anyone else; Kenma's worries dissipated in thin air, he was now confident that he had fallen in love with you, mind, body, and soul—your voice had ensnared and captured him, and now, your revelation had done the deed of claiming his heart.
    "Oh, and," Kenma said, "No one will know."
You nodded before throwing him a mock salute, "Of course!"
You were legitimately freaking out. 
Kenma had followed you as puddinghead on your professional Twitter and you had been staring at the screen for close to an hour now. You weren't sure if the reason for your heart to be beating the way it was was because Kenma was puddinghead or because you had finally learned what puddinghead looked like, but whatever it was, the feeling was intense.
Are these feelings romantic though? You wouldn't lie, before you knew puddinghead's face, you had pictured meeting him and dating him—the regular daydreaming that a person would do for the person they were simping after. And while those thoughts were innocent, now puddinghead had a name. Puddinghead was Kozume Kenma, an attractive college student, CEO of Bouncing Ball Corp, and YouTuber. Your mind was taking you to places, and juxtaposing your previous fantasies now with Kenma's face. No, no, no, you scolded yourself before covering your face with your hand. Yes, discovering his identity is huge, but don't forget, he thinks of you as a friend!
You were about to join his party on the PSN and co-op Bloodborne again, but all you could think about were how long Kenma's fingers were when they were placed on the table before you that day when you met him in the cafe.
You were practically out of it.
    "Hey, Kozume-kun!"
    "You know you can call me Kenma, right? I call you (y/n)."
    "O-Oh," Your face reddened uncharacteristically. "R-Really?"
You heard Kenma chuckle and your heart was ready to combust, "Yeah, what's there to think about?"
Oh dear lord, "Okay. Uh... So..."
Fuck, "K-Kenma-kun."
Kenma had his hand covering his jaw at how cute you sounded, but you were practically jelly yourself. It wasn't easy learning the identity of your internet crush and having to play with them as friends. It wasn't easy to accept these facts and to admit that maybe, just maybe, the person that they are in real life was equally attractive.
    "We have to beat the Shadows of Yharnam today."
Did his voice always sound like velvet?
    "Hm, I've heard they were relatively easy?"
    "No," He said chuckling, "To you, they're definitely going to be a challenge."
When he chuckles, I feel like I'll die.
    "Didn't you play against them without co-op?"
    "Oh, yeah," You could practically picture him rubbing the back of his neck, "I did co-op for Gherman in the end, though."
Fuck, he's so cute!
    "What?" Kenma asked, sounding confused.
    "You said 'he's so cute', you mean Gherman?" You gasped, "(y/n), he's... he's an old man?"
    "Y-Yeah! Haha, I mean... Yeah. It's... I was..."
Kenma laughed before asking you to continue before you slapped yourself for making such a big fool out of yourself. Snap out of it, you scolded yourself once more. You can't like Kenma-kun just because you know he's puddinghead.
But, did you?
As days passed, you exchanged numbers with Kenma. Texting him was relatively easy since he barely tried to keep the conversation alive and you just had so much to say. Sometimes, Kenma believed he might be boring, but you kept texting him as if his personality wasn't really that much of a bother. He wasn't much of a texter, and you had caught on, a fact that didn't actually bother you. Kenma, however, would never leave you on read, would try to reply within the hour even though he doesn't text as often.
Your mind, however, revolved around the heart he had once sent you as puddinghead.
You were re-reading the tweets almost every night, and juxtaposing the image of an empty face with Kenma's. For some reason, puddinghead's image was slowly erasing itself from your mind; you became less fascinated with the YouTube persona, but instead, looked forward to hearing from his real-life identity, trying to know more about his day, about his other interests, and having learned that he was from Nekoma blew your mind since he was from a rival school.
Kenma and you often met at the cafe again, just to grab a few snacks and talk about games. It would be you most of the time who would be initiating conversation, and Kenma would listen and retort when he felt the need to. However, not once did you feel like he wasn't listening; not once did Kenma make you think you weren't keeping him engaged. His eyes were on you, his intense gaze enough to burn you to the ground. It practically had you shivering.
Your mind, however, still continued to revolve around the heart he had once sent you as puddinghead.
    "I might need to go to a volleyball game soon—"
    "Why did you send me a heart?"
Kenma froze before meeting your gaze. "What?"
You almost wanted to slap yourself but you had said it. You couldn't hold it back, you couldn't keep mulling over your thoughts and therefore, you decided to tell the source of your problems what your problems were.
    "Kenma-kun, I... I had a big crush on puddinghead," Kenma's gaze on you was unwavering, "Now that I know you're puddinghead, and... and you were the one who sent me a heart, I... I've always thought you were cute and all—"
    "—and it's a bit unfair if I like you only because you're puddinghead, but I gave it a lot of thought—"
    "—(y/n), listen—"
    "—and I don't want you thinking that my feelings are just because you're a famous YouTuber and I just want to like... I don't know... I enjoy every second with you and slowly I just—"
Kenma's finger tapped your forehead, freezing you in position. His cat-like eyes were boring into your soul, and there he was, face inches away from yours, expressionlessly staring into you.
    "I've been in love with you for the longest time," Kenma's voice was gold, "No pressure, though."
    "No..." What the fuck? "N-No pressure?!"
Kenma laughed at your outburst, "Yeah, I mean... I took sometime accepting it, to even think that I liked you over the internet didn't make sense to me. And then we bumped into each other and we started gaming together and I guess I understood that your internet persona was just a part of you I'd liked, and now I like you more."
Was it really that simple?
    "So... If I liked you as puddinghead—"
    "Please don't call me that."
    "—and if I like you as Kenma-kun, then..."
Kenma sighed before offering you a sweet smile, "It's probably the same thing, (y/n). Stop worrying."
    "Can I kiss you?" You blurted out, without thought.
God, this woman, Kenma thought, before covering his jaw with his hand.
In less than a week, you'd learned the route to Kenma's apartment by heart. You went over to game at his place, and slowly began streaming as (y/n) again on Twitch. You didn't want to stream with Kenma yet, because you guys had just started dating a month ago. For liking you longer than you liked him, Kenma was relatively cool about you hanging over at his, and about initiating any sort of touch—because your thoughts were practically spilling out of you and as cute as he once thought they were, he didn't want you to say 'pinch me' every time he kissed you.
Kenma's hands were buried into your hair as he kissed you fervently, softly at first before pulling back to see how flushed your face was. He'd never really imagined you being here, out of the screen he saw you from, in his arms, kissing him back.
He chuckled at the thought.
    "What's so funny?" You were legitimately a crackhead, but he adored you.
    "I thought having a crush on you was very inconvenient at first."
He shrugged before pulling you to his chest, your face reddening at the contact. He noticed, but simply shook his head as you buried your face into his chest.
    "Because I thought it was too good to be true."
    "Am I the one freaking out each time or are you?"
    "Yeah, that part even I don't get."
You giggled before wrapping your hands around his neck, bringing yourself closer to him. Your face was at the crook of his neck, eyes closed as his arms were wrapped around your waist. You were both currently on Kenma's couch, nuzzling with each other on a lazy class-less Monday.
Suddenly, the door opened, revealing Kenma's roommate, in all honesty, did not know how to react when a famous Twitch streamer was lying asleep on his roommate. Kenma gave him a nonchalant look before placing a finger on his lips.
    "She's asleep."
    "Y-Yeah, that's definitely what I was thinking." The roommate said before rushing to his room and locking the door.
Well, Kenma thought before bringing his hand back around your waist, That's a problem for another day.
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thebrownssociety · 3 years
what’s the sibling dynamic between buster and elmyra? since elmer and bugs are married in and the looney tunes cast adopted the tiny toons cast
Thanks for the ask! Sorry it's taken so long, I was trying to tie all the threads together.
So, I'm going to include Babs in this as well, as I headcanon Bugs and Elmer adopted Buster, Babs and Elmyra together.
So to understand this we've got to go back to after Tiny Toons had finished filming in early 1992. By that point the kids were all 5 years old and had basically formed a tight-knit group. They were also at the stage in there development when they were starting to expand a little bit beyond what their official characterisation was.
So, take Montanna Max, for example, although he was still hot-headed, obsessed with money and greedy [and those traits would never go away] he was now learning that his friends [and particularly the adults] weren't going to put up with his screaming at them all day and not sharing anything and that if he wanted to remain friends with them he was going to have to change his behaviour at least a little. The rest of the toons would accept what he was created as, but they wouldn't accept him using that as an excuse to act completely out of order.
Buster and Babs upon finishing filming were both enrolled in a two-year long course which was basically going to help them adjust to not being a protagonist anymore. It's a course that every protagonist of a TV show, or a film, does after the completion of there first show, and it basically helps them come to terms with the fact they are not the centre of the universe. The reason for this is because it's been accepted and realised that it's very hard for a toon who's had there entire show revolve around them to suddenly not have that anymore and be sent out into the world of Toons where most Toons don't care.
As a genreral rule in Toontown, unless you've achieved the fame levels of Bugs Bunny or Mickey Mouse, or are associated with them, no one really cares what film you were in. So Anna and Elsa are treated like goddesses in Toontown because, there film was really successful and they're seen as really good characters, contrast that with Princess Aurora [who's film was a box-office bomb at time of release, I believe] who is more respected and liked because she's royalty and she's really nice than because her film was successful.
In short, unless your film is massively successful at time of release, you're just another toon and the two-year course helps protagonists come to terms with that. There are positives as well, it's not all 'you're nothing now'. The toons work on their individual skills and how they may be transferred to other things. [Babs's impression are so good, for instance, that even if Tiny Toons never got rebooted, she'd still have a really good shot at becoming a Toon Impressionist, if she wanted to. Buster's flexibility and ability to 'read' other people means he'd potentially be good as a nurse/doctor/police officer or just a role that's with the public.]
While Buster and Babs were doing that Elmyra spent time with Bugs and Elmer and practiced her toon powers while benefiting from the individual attention being given by her dads. [Just a note, there is a two-year course for villains as well that was introduced in the 60's that helps them to...not be so villainous, but you have to meet a certain level of 'badness' like Maleficent OR Evil Queen to get in there and - obviously - Elmyra doesn't meet that requirement.]
So, back to the actual ask, Buster, Babs and Elmyra moved into Bugs and Elmer's 5-bedroom mansion shortly after filming ended. It was decided they would each have there own room, which they decorated to there own preferences [Elmyra's is very VERY pink]. So this relieved some tension, because Babs HATED the idea of sharing a room with Elmyra. [Elmyra, for her part, was happy about the idea and cried buckets when she was told it wouldn't be happening.]
At first Buster didn't really get on well with Elmyra at all. Over filming he'd kind of managed to build her up into the 'oh, help me, it's Elmyra' figure, and although he knew she was largely harmless, he still didn't like her. Her 'baby-act' and need to be constantly supervised also grated. This was the same for Babs.
Elmyra, at first, adored the idea of living with Babs and Buster and had visions of dressing them up all day in 'cutesey-wutesey outfits'. It may surprise you to know, that Buster and Babs did not WANT to be dressed up in outfits, cute or otherwise, and had no issue anvilling her to get the point across. This led to tears on Elmyra's part and frustration on Babs and Buster's.
This did eventually mellow out though, due to a couple of things, firstly - Bugs and Elmer's determination to teach Elmyra how to handle her new brother and sister properly [and vice versa for the bunny's]. Secondly - because Elmyra did have regular session with Doctor Scratchensniff every week during which they worked on 'how not to strangle animals when you hug them.' among other things and thirdly because Buster and Babs realised things where not all sunny for Elmyra.
That sounds really ominous, but what I may is that a few of you may have remembered that Elmyra actually had a family when she was on the show. A physical one, not just 'mentioned' parents like Buster. [Babs had a mother who was shown, but Babs's mother is a sufficiently flat characters, that if she doesn't have Babs in the house she assumes she's at school. It doesn't matter whether it's snowing, the middle of the school holidays or the middle of the night, as far as 'Mrs Bunny' is concerned, Babs is at school.]
It was decided after Tiny Toons ended that Elmyra should continue to see her 'designed' family [the family she was designed to have] at the weekends. Friday afternoon she walked home/would be dropped off by someone at her designed parents house and she would stay there until Sunday night until she was returned just after dinner. [So Elmyra would miss dinner with Bugs and co]
This worked for a little while until it got to when Elmyra was going into Grade 1 and Elmer realised she was always doing her homework when she got home. Her parents weren't helping her. In a rather tense conversation he asked Elmyra's designed parents if they would help her do her homework. They promptly replied that the homework was to difficult for 'there little baby' and she should be given something age-appropriate. It was during that discussion that Elmer discovered her 'parents' thought she was 4 years old.
Even by Toon standards, this was a warning flag and Elmer promptly excused himself and ran the conversation by Doctor Scratchensniff because the fact Elmyra's parents didn't seem to recognise the fact that A} her designed age was 12 and B} she was actually 6, not 4 - was concerning to say the least.
Now. Normally D.S. doesn't get involved with this kind of thing because otherwise he'd never do anything else, but as Elmyra was already a patient of his and he decided it wouldn't do Elmer/Bugs any good if they challenged Elmyra's parents themselves, he decided he better have a word with them herself.
He had his word. And they seemed to understand. Scratchy went back to Bugs and Elmer and told them they didn't have to worry, that Elmyra's parents understood her designed age was 12 and that she would get older and mature above that [hopefully]. Bugs and Elmer [particularly Elmer] were suspicious about this at first, but Elmyra came back from her parents having had her homework done and with tales of having done exciting things during the weekend. She was also - they noticed - being given age-appropriate things to play with and this lasted...until she moved up to middle school.
Elmyra moved up to middle school a year after Buster and Babs did, which meant they weren't in the same class. However they were in the same house and it became noticeable that Elmyra didn't seem very happy. Specifically she didn't seem very happy with the idea of going to her parents house at the weekend and was somehow even less happy when she came back.
Bugs and Elmer had noticed this and tried to ask her what was wrong, but she refused to tell them. Buster didn't really want to get involved - he felt it would open a long, emotional conversation he didn't really want to have - but when Elmyra came home one day in tears and he was the only one in the house it fell to him to deal with it.
Turns out Elmyra's parents did not like the fact she was in middle school. They thought the schoolwork she was doing was to advanced for her [it was perfectly acceptable work for her grade and she was doing well with it] and her mother in particular was concerned because Elmyra had started Noticing Boys. This did not fit with the notion they had that she was still a little girl who spoke in a babyish voice and called everything 'cuddly-wuddly' despite the fact that Elmyra herself was doing her best to drop the 'cuddly-wudddly's' [unfortunately she still had to keep the babyish voice] and asking that her parents maybe not buy her games and stuff that were clearly designed for a child under 10.
By this point all this had been going on for a few months. Buster - after calming Elmyra down and running the situation by Hampton - told there dads what was going on with Elmyra and they took matters out of his hands.
Doctor Scratchensniff paid another visit to Elmyra's parents with the intention of explaining to them, gently and tactfully, why they needed to change the way they were treating Elmyra because it was risking damaging her and no one has a clue what was actually said in that meeting, but the end shot was that Elmyra no longer saw her parents on the weekend. She could contact them again at 16 if she wanted to, but until then it was in her best interests to stay away from them.
You all may be wondering why I'm going into so much detail about Elmyra's circumstances, and that's because I feel it's necessary to understand the siblings dynamic. Buster, Babs and Elmyra - up until they were about 11 - only spent Mon-Thurs as a proper group. During that time they anvilled each other, teased each other and tried to actively avoid each other [or rather Buster and Babs tried to actively avoid Elmyra when she was at her most annoying] They also played games together, struggled through school-work together and dealt with there annoying parents together. They became a pretty effective sibling team.
Buster and Babs - despite being created to have a crush on each other - came to view each other as adopted siblings and remained close. They laughed together, joke together and messed with people together.
Babs and Elmyra go shopping together, they talk about stuff together - 'stuff' being the subjects of romances and Life in general that perhaps Buster wouldn't want to be a part off - they get on pretty well actually, mainly because they have a good few things in common and on Elmyra's sensible non-complete-moron days they can even have deep conversations about politics and the world in general as well as analysing TV shows and fangirling over there favourite characters.
Buster and Elmyra are a bit of an odd paring. On Elmyra's smart days the two of them can be quite devious and can throw adults for a loop easily. On her less smart days Buster just tries to stay out her way. The things with Buster and Elmyra is that he basically thought of her as an annoyance for the first 5 years off his life. When he was adopted by Bugs and Elmer and found himself now living with her he was essentially banned from insulting her to harshly. ["No anvilling at the dinner table, Buster!"] But part the issue was that Buster was jealous because Elmyra had another family she got too see and he didn't. He knew that Bugs and Elmer were his official family and it was great to be adopted by his mentor but he couldn't help a pang of envy every time Elmyra got in the car to go to her parents house.
And then the breakdown happened with Elmyra when she was 11 [Buster and Babs knew her parents had had a few problems with her before, but didn't know the exact details, To be fair not even Elmyra herself knew the exact details. Elmer had the conversation away from her and then the rest of it was kept away from her. The only thing she was told was that her parents would now be helping her with homework when she went to them at the weekend.] and Buster realised that Elmyra's home life was not a bed of roses and he made a conscious effort to not be so short with her and to be more patient in the way that Babs seems to be able to do effortlessly. [Babs's realised pretty quickly after they all started living together that Elmyra wasn't going to change and decided that rather than fight it she was just going to embrace it. She was hoping that Elmyra would go away after Babs played 'dress-up' with her, but it just made Elmyra like her more. After a couple of months - and a conversation with Bugs - Babs realised that Elmyra literally just wanted someone to spend time with and dress up. But it was more the spending time than the dressing up that Elmyra liked. They managed to work out a system where Babs would let Elmyra dress her up and do her ears, if Elmyra would give feedback on Babs's impressions and watch comedy tapes with her.]
Going back to Buster, it took a while and, while he and Elmyra are never going to be 'best friends', Buster eventually realised she wasn't that bad and started to enjoy spending time with her.
Elmyra, for her part, has made a conscious effort over the years to not hug her siblings [or any other cute, fluffy creatures for that matter] to tightly, dress them up against their will, or chase them round the earth till they just give up. She still hugs and does like going shopping [or 'grown-up dress up' as Babs calls it] and will chase them to give them a hug if she's having a particularly stupid day or thinks they look upset, but the main thing is that Elmyra is trying.
Very very trying.
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shyrose57 · 3 years
Brothers anon back again. Heads up im going to be busy for the next week about so it may be a bit til I submit my next bit. I'll try to get something in though! Even if its just a bunch of incorrect quotes I have stored up or songs that inspired the story (or if you have questions you haven't been able to ask you can ask those, literally any question is fine).
1: Not particularly, but it does give him an advantage in everything basically. Cause he was taught how to survive in many different areas (like treating wounds and how to survive in a tundra when you have nothing), this teaching is what allowed him to live alone for 4 years, and is what gives him a strong advantage in the Pit because he's almost fully trained in fighting and has many different tactics for multiple scenarios. Ranbob was distraught and was sent into a depressive episode when he discovered that, almost his entire family was dead, and got even more distraught and sent into a state of hysteria when he found out he was the one who killed them. He acted much the same when he found out he killed his friends, Ran's friends, and every single mentor and leader that was there. Knowing full well he may of very well doomed Mizu, if anyone was still left alive of course. 
2: Grievous remained salty for the rest of the day, and showed distaste in Ranbob as well. But the day after Grievous was back to being friends with and gently pranking Ranbob, forgiving him for yesterday's accident.
3: Eh? It depends I'll say. For life threatening situations and stressful situations, yes definitely. He doesnt last long before breaking down and begging Benjamin for help. But if its something like getting everyone to work toghere, giving directions, stopping fights, or even making calls in a very important decision, he doesnt get overwhelmed too easily. Benjamin is basically the co-leader of the group, only really leading when Isaac is unable too. 
5: Yep! Just cause this is a mythical and fake world doesnt mean there can't be some real world attributes. Im trying to keep it mythical but also use real world functions and trying to show the change/mix in times (like how while some of the world is machinery and its slowly gaining popularity, it's still mostly midevil based)
7: If the person is in the arena he gets revenge. Though sadly he can't get it outside cause last time he did that he got banned from fighting for a month. But if he sees one of the people who made fun of Jackie in the arena he makes sure to go hard to them, pushing them to their limit, but not pushing hard enough to make them lose if that makes sense. He makes sure to fight in a way that's draining and causing pain for the person, but not draining enough to make the round end so he can drag it on until the person collapses. 
8: He does! He's kept all of his books from his adventures and sometimes re-reads them to make sure he doesnt forget anything. And sometimes if the others beg, he reads them outloud to the group as a sort of bedtime story. He goes wack, he wacks Jackie when he's being a little shit, he wacks Grievous after a prank, he wacks Genevieve when she brakes a training dummy, he wacks Levi especially hard when he gives Jackie alcohol after he specifically told him not too. He watched the dressmaker, baker, farmer, fletcher, cleric, cartographer, and butcher! He learned all tricks of the trade and learned how to properly make clothes, map maps, how to take care of animals and what certain animals need, how to cook anything basically, how to harvest and preserve food, and how to make arrows and the basic necessities for a bow. 
Ran does not necessarily make them often, he mostly only wrote them down so he wouldn't accidentally brew a potion of poison and drink it thinking it was a healing potion. Its considered no longer necessary to go into the nether, as the only thing really needed is netherwart and building supplies, but the building supplies are very rarely needed and every major city has a netherwart farm. Also cause I wanna add it, no one knows about netherite. Only a few adventures know about it but consider it a hoax, it's only Rans netherite sword that actually proves that it does exist. I actually wasnt planning on it at first but now definitely, I could do a lot of things with them in the SMP grounds. Weeks, it takes weeks for Ran to decide their ready. Because they need to pass whats basically tests about mobs of the nether and their habits, mine plenty of gold, learn about what to and what not to do around Piglins, learn about bastions and fortresses and areas to completely avoid, learn to be able to take multiple mobs on at once, and be able to withstand the heat there. Watson tries to get Ran to lighten up on the requirements but Ran is firmly sticking his ground and Watson ends up giving up and letting Ran do whatever. Though even with all of Rans training their not completely ready for the nether. The fishermen originally refuse to go through, but eventually go through, mostly to make sure Ranbob is safe, and because Cletus wouldn't stop whining about going. 
10: I am very tempted to add angst here because their fighting against Dream after all. But I've made a lot of angst so far so I'll only do it if you want me too. 
12: He does end up stepping in! He goes to Ranbob one night and says how he's noticed he's been stressed and always sad and asks how he can help. Ranbob brushes him off at first but is debating going to him again and asking for help one last time.
13: Yeah he's like a final boss. When you fight as a General your allowed to use your own personal weapons and whatever tricks or tactics you want, along with 3 potions of your choice. While when fighting as a typical gladiator, you have to use the weapons supplied (although unless specifically stated you can use any weapon given at any time), and have to use tatics and tricks specifically allowed in the rules. Though there are 2 more titles! Sergeant and Corporal. Ran and Watson are both Sergeants, they get to use personal weapons and mostly any tactic and tricks they want too. While Grievous is a Corporal and only gets to use his personal weapons. 
14: Yep! The whispers disappeared gradually the futher away they got from Mizu, and even while he was moving away from Mizu Dream was asking, almost begging him at the end, to come back to Mizu. Saying how the futher Ranbob gets the lonier and colder he feels, and how he's sorrh, trying to guilt trip him into coming back to Mizu, or at least coming closer again. 
15: It is!
1: Huh. What kind of things would people learn if they chose other idols, exactly? Also, ouch. Why do I keep asking questions I know will hurt me later on?
2: Gently pranking. I applaud his restraint. Is that how Grievous forgives people? Gently pranking them? Just joking with them in general. Also, who laughed at that little situation?
3: So Isaac’s good with everyday things, not so much high stress situations. Gotcha. Is there a reason Benjamin is able to remain calm where he can’t? Practice, experience, personality trait?
5: Very cool. Can’t wait to see what else you do with that, honestly.
7: Petty. I love it. 
8: Aww, adventure bedtime stories! Also, him wacking people is so funny to me, thank you for that. And Levi gave Jackie alcohol? How did that go down? Did Jackie get drunk, or did Watson manage to keep them from drinking it? Watson sounds like he could probably establish a small village if he so chose, and honestly, good for him.
Dang. Does this mean like, everything from the Smp has been lost? So many of them had netherite armor and stuff, what happened there for people to not even know it’s a thing anymore? What happened in general, for so much of the past to be lost to history? How does their little Nether trip go? Anyone get hurt? Are piglin tribes around to trade with? Do they find anything cool, like a fortress or bastion?
10: It’s your AU, do what you will. I’m going to read it regardless, because for some reason, I enjoy breaking my heart like that(and the AU in general). Just give us some bonus hurt/comfort if you do, please? Just a smidge?
12: One last time? What does that mean, exactly? Should I be concerned?
13: Huh. So how many people know that Jackie’s the General? What kind of status does it give him? And how many people have managed to beat him when he fights all out? Would you say he and Ran are on par? How about him and Watson? And do the Sergeants and Corporals fight before the General, as like, mini bosses?
14:Oh no. Did it ever cause Ranbob to try and go back to him toward the end, or did the Fishermen manage to distract him long enough to get away from the whispers just about completely?
15: Yay!
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Mentor!Leesin x student!male reader x Sett . In Ionia have spirits right? So reader have a serpent spirit in him and don't know how to control it , so he accidentally destroy a village when his still a kid ( kinda look like Lee old lore ) . Leesin found him after the accident and decided to help reader control it , also he meet Sett be accident when some get lost in to his underground Area
Wew sorry this took a while got sidetracked cuz school and stuff hehehe 😅 but I made it a bit longer .
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• Pairing •
[ a little bit ] Lee Sin X male reader [ mentor and student ] and Sett X male reader [ Romantic ship ] Bromance bb XD
• a little something •
a few cursed words on the last part, I'm making this in 3rd Point of View and instead of making the spirit as away for you to be powerful, it's gonna be your defense mechanism [ also like what Po from Kung Fu Panda kind of a thing ] and also you'll be a kid at the start before meeting Sett in your 20's ( He's 30 something and you're right his is a perfect Daddy for that 🤣).
× ∆ × ∆ × ∆ × ∆ × ∆ × ∆ ×
Everything happened so fast, the last thing you remembered was trying to avoid the alley kids from the village until they cornered you and started beating you up and when you asked for help people just walked by and it was the last straw, blinded by rage you accidentally lash out and let the spirit inside of you out.
All of the nearby people scream in fear and some in agony as they were killed by the large Serpent spirit that emerged from inside you and started moving. the buildings where destroyed to the ground, the trees and plants were either push or crushed down.
Soldiers and some brave men tried to take you down but you where just floating inside the spirit safe from their harmful weapons, The being continued on wrecking havoc around the village killing every living being in it's path before disappearing in thin air when it was sure you were safe from harm.
Then you drop from the crushed ground still unconscious as the new morning sun raised from the hills near your Village.
Lee Sin and the Monks was alarmed by the disturbance in the area, they decided to investigate and found a village burned and destroyed to the ground but was lucky enough to see who the perpetrator was, they saw The Serpent Spirit Disappearing by slowly entering your body in mid-air before leaving your form to fall on the ground.
The monks quickly run towards your unconscious body while Lee calmly walk and kneeled down when he reach you finally sensing the content spirit inside you more different than his and very strange.
Nonetheless they all decided to bring you back to the Monastery to heal and find out who you are.
When you regain consciousness, you were greeted by monks and provided with food and clothes, you were a little hesitant by their caring ways but even so you were still greatful.
After changing into knew clothes you asked.
"Um thank you for the new clothes but can I asked you why I am here?".
The monks kept quiet until an older monk step up.
"I am afraid to say that it not our place to explain your situation but I know the one who can ".
Curious to what he meant you followed him towards an Isolated ground with beautiful wildlife around it and few balance stones, structures and ponds.
Looking forward you see a man meditating in the middle but what's more strange is him wearing a red cloth around his eyes.
When reaching him the Elder monk left the both of you and walked back to the building (Monastery).
"ah you're finally awake boy". startled you look back and see the blindfolded man standing now with his arms behind his back.
The two of you talked for awhile exchanging questions and answers until a certain topic came in mind.
"I'm sorry to interrupt but the elder said you can explain what happened to me?".
He explained how a spirit - a Serpent most likely - was living inside of you, like how the dragon spirit choose him but alot more different.
"Different? How so?".
He says that instead of choosing you as it's vessel, it choose to just live inside of you and became protective of you.
Seeing as you have no place to return to, Lee Sin and the Monks offered a place in the Shojin Monastery for you to live, Lee Sin taugh you everything about the spirits, how to control them, how to fight to be strong enough to not depend on the spirit, while The monks guide you through spiritual ways to help you more on Lee Sin's teaching while also teaching you about life and it's importance.
Years have gone by you finally learned how to control the spirit inside of you and additional you also learned how to fight from your Master who is also your father figure, Lee Sin and Learned the deeper meaning of life through the monks.
You decide to travel and start living away from Monastery and maybe finding more about the outside world, so you packed up with some clothes and few gold coins before saying goodbye to the people you can call family.
Walking around you made sure to explore more of Ionai, you then stumbled upon a city with less wildlife and later found out that this was one of the place that Noxus build to show how they can carelessly claim the Ionian grounds, no Plants, no animals but you can still see Ionian people walking around but saddened to see no Vastyan in sight.
Sighing to yourself you continued walking around looking for things you might need in the stalls when you hear loud shouting nearby, placing down an apple back you excused yourself to the Vendor and trudge towards the sounds.
Looking past the people around you see a large male screaming down at surprisingly a Vastayan Woman with long white hair and ending with the color purple on the tips, snapping out of your shock you run towards them and catch the raised hand of the man that was probably gonna land on her cheek.
"I wouldn't do that if I were you".
You said not even stuttering while glaring at him, he struggled in my grip but gave up and went to punch me with his other hand instead.
I effortlessly dodge it and twisted his arm and kicked him away before helping the Vastayan woman up, you turned towards the crowd.
"I would like for you people to mind your own business, now leave". you harden your words making the people leave in fear.
You turn towards to woman and help her picked up the scattered foods from her fallen basket, she was hesitant towards your kindness like how you were when you were a kid but you only offered her a smile and s deep bow as a sign of respect, one of the best lessons your master taught you.
When you walked away she continued to watch you before someone tapped her shoulder and grab her basket that was properly filled back with all of the food she bought.
"Hey, sorry Ma I got caught up with something, you ok?". a Tall large build man said before nudging his mother to put her arms around his elbow as they start walking back to the busy market.
"oh nothing Dear, it's just I met a rather peculiar man on the way". Hearing that the Half Vastayan man couldn't help but worry but his mother defended you.
"but in a good way, he help me when I 'fell down and scattered' my groceries". He hesitantly nod his head and tried to calm his worried heart.
After that Day you decided on living in the city, you found a job and meet new people but you often wonder if you'll meet that Vastayan woman again.
"I hope she's alright". you said to yourself before effortlessly carry 10 large sacks of powdered cement -5 on each shoulders- and walk towards the construction site as people gawk at your strength when you walk pass them.
You carefully dodge every person you walk but stumbled a bit when a large guys bump into you.
"Hey! Whoa! sorry about that". you grunt but quickly fix your stance and re-adjust the weights in your shoulders before calmly returning back to your walking.
"Hey!- watch where yo- huh?". the Tall Half Vastayan man from before grunted but stumbled on his words when he saw you walk away and surprised to see a small yet lean man like you carry that much weight but shook his head and continue on.
Finish for the day you patiently waited for your payment when one of your co-worker approach you.
"Yo Y/N! got a minute?".
"More than a minute actually, can I help you with something?". you looked at them as you wait in line with the other workers.
"Nah man I just wanna ask if you wanna fight in the pits tonight". he said while waving a poster in your face
"You know I hate those stuff Arik I'm afraid I'll have to pass that one". you wave the paper away from your face and gently grab the small bag of coins from the lady whilst saying 'thank you' to her.
Walking away Arik who was stubborn as a pampered brat keep insisting it making your patience thin, by the last moment you almost let your spirit get fired up before shutting them up.
"OKAY fine Arik I will just please stop with your whining it's more irritating than your normal voice". you rip the poster from his hands and walk off.
"Yes! that's the!- wait?! my what?!".
Picking your ear you walk inside the large Pit with Arik guiding you, flinching when you say people fighting down and people screaming like wild animals when one of them land a hit or two.
You watch as your friend talked to some man on the side before giving them a small sack of money before walking back to you.
"really Arik betting money on illegal pit fights? don't tell me you have much more worse things you than this". you glare at him but he just shrugged his shoulders and pushed you towards the fighting area.
"Don't worry 'bout lil'ol me and worry how you gonna beat those guys asses and no I have no more worse things to do than this". he said before leaving you in you devices.
You glare at them then huff before walking off and join the people on the waiting area.
Few fights when by you continued of just knocking your opponent with only few punches and kicks rather than killing them, you were Forbidden to takes someones else life again if you wanted keep the spiritual bond with your spirit.
Not noticing a man watching you from his post on top of the balcony, who had the perfect view to your fights.
Nearing the end of the fight you finally got to fight 'The Boss' to the death, hearing this you stared at you so called friend and started motioning him that you quit, he shook his head 'no' and just shake the bag of coins in his hands.
You facepalm not noticing your next opponent entering the pit with you in it.
The Boss named Sett walked towards you before stop few meters away, He smirks at you while acting cocky, you only raised and eyebrow before sighing in frustration.
"I'm wasting my time here". you tell yourself while pinching the bridge of your nose.
"Well I'm surprised you got pass all the contenders here construction boy, ready to get your ass kick?". he said before putting his brass knuckles on.
You said nothing and just stood there looking at him.
Seeing that you're not moving first He took the opportunity to strike you first but before he can reach you, you raised your hand and signal to stop before announcing.
"I'm not fighting you". Directly after that people started cursing and boo-ing at you only making you roll your eyes then walk away.
Sett stared dumbfounded at you as you walk out from his pit, enraging him he stomps to you and started looking for you, shoving people away he saw you almost reaching the large wooden doors that leads to the outside.
"HEY YOU! GET BACK HERE AND EXPLAIN TO ME WHAT WAS THAT BULLSHIT BACK THERE!". Sett shouts to you making you turn around.
"What are you talking about?".
"I said what kinds shit-show did you do back there?". he growled and towered you.
"I simply said that I don't want to fight you, isn't that a win for you?". You calmly said shocking him a bit.
Getting a bit lot of words you continued to speak.
"I don't see you as a weak person, I can clearly see that but I know myself that what you do here is not my thing, it's yours. so if think of me as a coward or anything I don't blame you it was an accident and also my fault that I let my 'friend' drag me here". you turn around and walked away.
Sett stared at your form slowly disappearing in the distance not even breaking away from his blank-staring until his assistant brought him back.
"Shows Over, tell them the challenger quits". He said before walking back to his office.
Since that fiasco you continued on with you life and started to forget about that night or any thing related to that.
You were walking around the market when you were approach by the Vastayan woman you've meet before, you and her talked and accompanied her while she buy things around.
The two of you talked for a bit and was being watched by Sett who was buying something that his mother asked him, quickly approaching the both of you he took a second to look and recognize you from that night.
"Ma, here's the silk you asked for". he said showing her the fabric he then turned to you when he saw that she was busy fiddling it.
"Hey". he greeted first making you nod.
"Hey to you too". you smiled and continued staring at him.
His mother looked between the two of you and giggled to herself.
× ∆ × ∆ × ∆ × ∆ × ∆ × ∆ ×
I don't even know what I was doing mygod waaaahhh??? anyways hope you like this (• ▽ •;).
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poepoe-thebunny · 4 years
Damien The Littlest Brother
Or: Stuff Damian does with his siblings.
Dick in some ways was another form of idolization for Damian. Damian was so very young when they first met, younger still when Ra's and the league sunk their teeth into his heart and tried their best to tear it to shreds. Dick's role, part sibling part guardian, was the first major form of stability Damian had. Little Damian had been born with the mythos of The Bat hanging overhead, and the hope of measuring up to first his grandfather's and then his father's standards had nearly broken him.
Like a lot of children Damian didn't necessarily understand or appreciate what Dick was trying to do for him until he was older. But just like other children Damian clung to the emotional support and care Dick gave him, the care he had so often been deprived of.
Damian wasn't necessarily there for the events that shaped Dick and the rest of their family, but he is growing up in the aftereffects of it. Dick chose to give Damian the love he deserved, Dick chose not to punish a child for the situation he was born into. But Dick isn't perfect. He loses his temper, he gets frustrated, he gets things wrong, he makes mistakes, he bleeds. Dick, at least initially, was real and human in a way Bruce wasn't to a little boy who already had his future decided for him.
While he may not admit it, Damian looks up to Dick because in a lot of ways Dick is a better person than most. Dick is a good man, a better man than Bruce in some ways. He shows Damian what a hero actually is, and that the concept of being a hero isn't tied to the suit. Dick shows Damian that he can and is a good person, that he can make those decisions for himself and that his own emotional needs are not anything to be ashamed of. Damian is a boy first, not a weapon.
So Damian leans into his affection. There are shared naps after patrol, and days out getting ice cream or going to the zoo. Damian wakes a tired Dick up with a pillow to the face, and pillow fights and laughter ensues. Dick comes along to the school showcases, where an embarrassed Damian has pictures and paintings of their family up for all to see. He never once mocks Damian's desires, instead listening with seriousness to every moment of Damian's vulnerability.
That's what sticks with Damian the most. That Dick wholeheartedly believes Damian is a good person, that Damian can be good and kind and soft. He sees Damian fumble with his cool demeanor, growing shy and embarrassed when chatting with students his own age. Damian knows the names of most of his classmates, takes down random details that shouldn't be important to a stranger "We're NOT friends Grayson," but Damian talks to the youngest students about animals, and how to properly hold puppies. Damian has lists of underfunded animal shelters and regularly sends them to Bruce and Tim when preparations for the Wayne Foundation charity events come up. Damian knows most of the officers in Bludhaven since he occasionally stops by with something for Dick, a late lunch or hot drink or Dick's spare clothes in case he needs out of his police uniform. After many coos, head pats and cheek pinches, Damian is occasionally "babysat" by some of them while Dick is out on patrol of the police variety. He does not realize how much he has charmed Dick's co-workers, talking about his pets or his brothers.
Dick is the kind of hero, the kind of person, Damian was told wasn't real. That heroes were childish nonsense, that mercy and love were weak. The concept that someone could love him, that he was deserving of love instead of being forced to earn it, was foreign. But Dick Grayson was all of that. So Damian puts up less and less of a fight over the silly pictures they take together. Dick buys books about animals, and Damian grudgingly wears the cute stupid animal ear headbands Dick buys him. While part of Damian knows he won't be, the part that viciously beats "heroes" and "love" and "ice cream" back with a vengeance, another part of Damian, a very small fragile part, thinks that maybe if he grew up becoming like Dick Grayson the Person (TM) it wouldn't be so bad. "Awww thanks Dami!"
Next to Tim, the Cain Instincts are strongest with Jason. Jason is constantly ruffling his hair, calling him names, and sitting on him. Jason does not give a single iota of a damn for any sort of authority except Alfred. Jason is not afraid of Damian.
So when Damian latches onto Jason's neck ready to strangle him, he laughs like it's the best thing he's ever seen, and a wrestling match ensues. They bond over it, over the goading and the competition.
They bond over books too, over stories and musicals and words Damian shouldn't care about but he does. Damian says he's too old for fairy tales even though he never had them to begin with, never had stories told when tucked into bed unless it was for a harsh life lesson. And yet Damian will find books as gifts for Jason, and Jason will read them aloud after Damian annoys him by pressing his feet into Jason's side. He swears up and down that the exaggerated voices and accented narration from Jason are done purely to annoy him. Damian constantly interrupts him, always asking questions and Jason tells him to shut up and be patient, "learn to listen demon brat."
They watch Disney and Ghibli, Laika and Illumination, and after a very enlightening conversation with one Tim Drake, Jason introduces Damian to theater. From Antigone to Romeo and Juliet, from West Side Story to Hadestown to Heathers the Musical. Bruce has walked in on them recreating various iconic sword fights too many times to count, quoting lines while dressed in blanket robes and crowns made of craft feathers and stick on jewels. Alfred thorough enjoys their riveting performances.
Like a lion teaching his cubs through play, Jason teaches him that he's never too mature for anything and screw anyone else who doesn't like it. Jason teaches him fun in a way Damian never allowed himself to have before, to look past his mission, and do things for enjoyment. He teaches Damian defiance and rebellion, two very important things for him to learn even if it's only interrupting rude rich people and disagreeing with his father over whether he needs to attend another gala.
Damian and Jason have a strange relationship, and initially aren't quite sure how to act around one another. Such large parts of their identity and experiences were formed by an indirect overlapping influence. Jason's death and the effect it had on the family and how they treat Damian, Jason's time with the league and the lazarus pit. But at the same time they understand each other in a way some of their other siblings don't. The strength and struggle in establishing their independence and identity means that their grudging respect turns into fondness with time.
It appears that Cain Instincts don't particularly care if one is related or not, given the sheer amount of times Tim and Damian are at each other's throats initially. But with time they settle and grow more comfortable with each other, the words turn from anger to a grumbly sort of discontent, like irritated puppy's more than anything.
They bond over pride. They bond over failure. The two aren't that different really. They've seen each other at their worst. Missions with too many close calls, where the knife wounds cut too close and the bullets bit to deep, when the snap of Gotham's jaw came to close to closing over them and the only thing saving Gotham's Rogues from the collective wrath of two angry Robin's was the weight of their family's morals.
They had to learn to trust each other. But they do.
The insults are more to fill the silence, partially affection and partially with the need to annoy. They watch reruns of Star Trek and play Legend of Zelda in pajama pants (Tim) and hoody's (Damian), half draped over each other with his feet in Tim's lap. When Damian couldn't find one to his satisfaction, he gifted Tim a new skateboard with his own hand drawn and painted design. He sends a video to the family group chat of him laughing when Tim faceplants.
They are the DEFINITION of annoying to each other. Damian chucks clothes at Tim to make him shower, they get into slap fights over breakfast, they sneer at each other's drinks. "With all the coffee it's no wonder you don't grow Drake," While handing a sick Tim herbal tea for his throat.
It's an underlying trust that rarely needs to be affirmed. But when it does Damian won't hesitate to let his opinion be known. Whether it be high school bullies mocking his gangly brother, reporters trying to pit the "blood son" against the "Boy CEO", or shady members of the Gotham elite with too much interest in his family and his company, Damian's blunt attitude comes back with a vengeance. There will be no Wayne Charm, no shop talk, no backhanded compliments, when Damian Wayne gets between them and his brother. It's "I trust my brother," and "No business with the likes of you," or even "When I said you two weren't on the same level, I meant that you were the incompetent one."
Tim always tries to scold him, tells him he shouldn't be petty, I can protect myself demon, but he smiles while he says it.
She teases him mercilessly, will smile sweetly while "blackmailing" him and challenges him to do things he has never done before. Damian won't admit he enjoys any of it even upon threat of death. She's loud, annoying, and demanding and unapologetically so and Damian is convinced she was dropped on her head as a child. Stephanie is his sister and he loves her as a younger brother would, hurling insults at each other while fighting over french fries drinking smoothies in some fast food restaurant at 2 in the afternoon on a day out.
What strikes him about Stephanie is that she demands respect because she knows on a fundamental level that she deserves it, that all of her hard work was her own and she knew she could do it even when everyone else thought she didn't belong. As he grows Damian comes not only to admire her, but finds this a very important lesson to learn for himself.
Stephanie pushes him, she encourages him even if it's hidden under mutually shared insults. On days where she "babysits him" (she does not, Damian tells himself he doesn't need a babysitter he doesn't) she's perfectly happy to work on their motorcycles together, or have random picnics in the park with bags of fast food, or challenge him to rounds of ping pong. They learn eventually that they make a very good team together. Either destroying Tim and Jason in video games, the occasional local ping pong or DDR tournament when visiting Gotham U, or spur of the moment plans in a night time fight. Stephanie is crazy enough to believe it will work, and Damian is crazy enough to believe Stephanie will follow.
Stephanie understands what it feels like to constantly have to justify yourself, to be told you can't measure up and that you're place isn't here, even though you know it is. To have the weight of your family's decisions hanging overhead for the judgment of others.
So they learn to love each other through healthy competition and teasing remarks. Stephanie shoos him off to "talk to kids your own age, don't be so serious!". It's normal, in some ways the closest to normal Damian has had in a long time. And though they won't say it out loud, it's nice to know someone else agrees that they are entitled to these moments of happiness, these moments they were stripped of and denied for so long. They believe in each other and their right to happiness. Damian will never doubt Stephanie's strength, as spoiler or Batgirl or robin or Stephanie, and in return she will never doubt him or his place in their family.
Even if that means trying to escape when she wants to play dress up. "I am not your doll Brown," "Fine fine, whatever you say short stack."
The moments between Damian and Cass are silent, but if you believe nothing is said then you are entirely wrong. They speak to each other quite often even if they don't use words.
He watches her dance, and thinks she is so strong. Damian swears she could have been a princess in another life, if life had not sunk its fangs in and poisoned her with pain instead. Just as he would have been a prince. While he initially tried to hide it, Cass always knew he was there. Damian watches her. Damian hears her words, her joy and her tears, and puts it down on to charcoal and paper. I hear you, and he shows them to her, how her form litters his pages as she pats his head. There is, Damian thinks, a poetic irony in seeing something so dangerous create something so beautiful. She is art and deserves to be heard, and Damian is grateful that she hears him too. He lets her look at pages of charcoal and ink, at canvases of paint full of everything Damian can't put into words quite yet, and finds understanding.
But while he is a Wayne, he was an Al Ghul at one point and his mother gave him the training every prince should have, skills beyond his sword. So one day, as she stretches, he brings in a case and sets it down with a clunk. He tunes the strings and plays Tomaso Albinoni's Adagio in G Minor, as she watches him with eyes that understand far too much, eyes that say I know, I hear you baby brother. Damian almost wishes she didn't, partially due to the struggle of his own pride, but also because no one should ever have to understand that kind of pain.
Moments with Cass are quiet, but they are never silent. Cass teaches him understanding, helps teach him empathy. And while Damian knows he can never dance the way she can, he can play and sketch and paint and between them their secrets can no longer be secrets. Cass doesn't teach him how to feel ,no, he's always been too good at that. Instead she teaches him ways to coax them out when the words won't come, to look around him with the wonder he wasn't allowed to have before, to let him be defined by a different set of skills that shows he can create something beautiful too.
Damien thinks Duke is "cool", like the kind of cool you see in movies and TV shows, the average teenage boys in jeans and sneakers who fight for the underdog and stand up to bullies in a 3-on-1 fight even if they know they won't win. There is a conviction in Duke that rivals Damian's own, and Damian can't help but admire someone willing to strike out on their own and do something when they felt others were failing.
Duke is "Chill" as Jason likes to say, he's low pressure and not pushy in a way that Damian appreciates. He's calm, not in the stoic way of some of the others, but in a way that doesn't put Damian out of his comfort zone with expectations.
Time spent with Duke often consists of puzzles and card games, or movies. Duke is very good at using Damian's own pride against him to "trick" him into playing, but together they do everything from DnD to Yu-Gi-Oh Duel Monsters. It's relaxing.
Duke tells him about school and if Damian is having trouble with the more normal things of being a tween, like worrying whether other kids like him, or wearing something embarrasing, Duke brings him out of his own head. Duke plays along with his competitive nature, challenging him to races the few times they patrol together. He finds Damian outside drawing, and teaches him soccer. Other times they sit there together, Duke writing whatever comes to mind while Damian sketches. Damian gifts Duke a detailed portrait of himself; standing in the center of the crowded streets, body spliced into neat clockwork-style segments with patches of his Signal uniform, the red jacket from his time in the "We R Robin" crew, his sports uniforms, and casual clothing, the bright light of his powers bursting from within in a halo under the Gotham smog. He is Gotham's daylight protector, unique and gifted, and Damian respects that.
It's not easy, Damian is still young and cocky, still isn't very good at saying what he feels. But Duke sees right through his attempts to play it off, and it's always met with head pats and a "Whatever you say lil' D." Damian won't say it out loud but he thinks that the sheer conviction Duke has for doing what's right bleeds into every aspect of him, and that maybe with time it will do the same for himself. Damian admires his strength of will and determination, and the work Duke is willing to put in to get what he wants.
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yourlocallivingdead · 4 years
The tale of Quasimodo.
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I am so unbelievably happy
You see this cactus?
This moth eaten cactus, lovely child that's doing his best?
He comes from my mom's work, when one of her co-workers decided to go on vacation and never came back.
He only bloomed the one time when she'd gotten him, then never again.
Understandable, considering he lived in an office with no proper sunlight.
My mom brought him home when she got fired, and I decided to take care of him since my mom was really in a bad place over it, and kind of saw him as a reminder.
She said, after six years of having him, she'd never seen him bloom.
But I put him in a window that got partial sunlight, loosened up his roots (best I can do, since we don't have the money for a pot), and he started getting new growth.
Then, since our old apartment had shit windows, it suddenly fell and basically guillotined him.
Then during a storm he fell out the window, and down the street.
He's been through a lot.
But look at him. Look closely.
I am more emotionally invested than I should be, and cried and freaked I am so God damn proud of you, you little baby boy!!!
Now I'm just thinking how the demon bros would be reacting to an MC that gets all excited over her human world plant recovering enough to flower.
And some just being really weirded out???
Liiiike ..
Team has no idea what you're on about
He knew you liked plants - your room in the house was covered in them, after all, but you were getting so excited??
Over something plants did naturally?
When you explain your plan'ts harrowing past he's more confused??
This is a plant??? And you're talking about him as if he's one of the sentient ones in the forest behind the house???
But then he sees that look in your eyes. Really, really sees it. The sparkling pride in your eyes, the way you delicately and tenderly caressed the bud...
It was endearing. So, so endearing.
So he pat you on the head while shaking his own.
"I don't really get it... But I'm proud of you and your plant."
Jeez, the teary eyed, happy look on your face was something he was not prepared for. His heart... By golly, it felt so warm.
Honestly, he had no idea why you were so happy.
But it was contagious. So, so contagious.
This man is 10/10 supportive of this little plant child and his weirdly excitable S/O, he loves you so much.
Next day he goes to Barbatos and asks about getting soil from the human world and a new pot for the growing boy, cause Lucifer thinks it's silly.
You're ecstatic gratitude makes him so damn happy!
Look, you helped him in his hour of need - Henry wasn't doing well, and upon hearing that he was, in fact, a human world goldfish...
You'd schooled him, gently, on how to properly take care of one.
A goldfish his size needed a 20 gallon tank. Done, easy.
He needed a filter. Also done.
Fresh water, treated with a few drops of purifier and let to sit to get to room temperature.
He got even happier when you suggested getting him a placostomus friend, a little suckerfish that would help with keeping his tank clean.
And Henry was right as rain within a few days. He even learned how to water cycle instead of having to remove him to clean the tank.
He LOVES that you get so passionate about taking care of even the smallest things..
Especially when you go into detail about this little plants history, all determined to make it better... It's his kind of anime story. Against all odds, you WILL save this plant!!
So when you pull him into your room, face bright red, and pointing ecstatically to the little bud he's right there with you.
"OOOOAHAHAH!!!!" He takes so many pictures and updates his social media about it.
He hugs you and is so, SO proud of you!!!
OF COURSE the one who saved Henry 2.0 would be able to bring a little cactus back to life!!!
He orders you new pots and more soil for him the second you're wondering if you need to get him a bigger one. Many... Many varieties. Cause he wanted to make sure you could pick out the best one for the super good boy!!!
Asmodeus loves all things beautiful, so honestly he hated that cactus.
It couldn't even bloom, and it looked so... Sad.
But you were so determined to nurse it back to health, so he rolled his eyes and pat you on the head.
Then... It actually bloomed and Asmo lost his mind.
You actually did it!!!
It was a small bud, but he was so, so excited to see what a human world flower is going to look like.
When it did bloom, he thought it was cute! Modest, but the prettiest shade of pinkish purple...
Cute, pretty, resilient.. just like his MC.
He praised you for your green them and determination, giving you soft kisses and adorations.
It teaches him to see the beauty in things - and from now on he's right there with you when you're tending to the plants instead of lining for attention.
At first, he's with Asmodeus when he sees your determination to take care of what surely looks like a lost cause.
But he sees it get better gradually, and is mildly invested, though is confused when he realizes it.
Even more confused when you refuse to let him use magic to help it - you're too worried about the effect it might have.
When you suddenly bring it to him and show him the bud his reaction is level headed. He smiles, and gives you a gentle pat on the head.
"I was wrong to doubt you... You did a good job, kitten..."
Oh God that sparkling look in your eyes when he took his hand away.... He had to put his hand back on your head for more pats to hide his blushing face.
Being someone in the Devildom that's passionate about plants is kind of rare - the only other person he knows of like that is Barbatos, so it's one of those things that's really endearing to him about you.
You were so gentle with them... Gently talking to them when you watered them, pruning them carefully, it was so sweet... He'd watch you with a fondness on his face while he munched on some berries you'd grown.
When you suddenly cried out in surprise he jumped slightly.
"Quasi!! He has a bud, look!!" You pointed at the little bud, practically glowing with excitement.
His eyes widened slightly. "Oh!" He smiled at you, "Good job!" He was rewarded with you vibrating in happiness like a little puppy being td they were being a good boy.
It made him love you so much more...
Being with you when you were tending to your plants was one of his favorite times.
You crooned gently and spoke to them in a soft voice that was nice to fall asleep to.
When you were tending to him and he was just about to sleep he heard you gasp - and opened an eye bleerily to see.
"Belphie, look," you said, taking the plant to him and pointing at the bud, "He has a bud..!!" A soft voice was always a must around Belphie, and you obliged.
"huh... So he does..." He said lazily,not getting the importance.
"This is Quasimodo - don't judge me, I see you judging me... He never blooms! Not in years!" You pouted, "My mom's co-worker didn't really take care of him that well.. but look!! He's got a bud!!"
Belphegor rolled his eyes, sighing and lazily plopping his hand on your head in a head pat motion. "How could he not...? With that sweet voice of yours..." He smirked, knowing with how you squirmed you were blushing.
"Now put the plant down... Let's take a nap..."
Now that he knows how passionate you can get, he takes more notice of how you interact with them. He even, much to his own mild embarrassment, starts learning their names...
Great. The human is wearing off on him... Not that he minds.
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whumpster-fire · 4 years
Harry Potter and the False Double Standards
You know, I hate to get involved in Fandom Discourse or anything, but I’m getting really sick of reading people’s takes bashing Harry, Ron, and Hermione because of various actions throughout the series, and the latest is someone claiming the fandom is judging poor little Draco unfairly and calling him evil because he didn’t like Harry Potter when the trio were actually just as bad.
Okay, I’m legitimately pissed about this one because of how ridiculously far off the mark it is. Let’s tally their main sketchy actions throughout the series, shall we? Long wall of text ahead. In this essay I will
Harry and co, year 1: Assorted sneaking out at night, mostly looking for information or to try to stop a mass murderer from returning to life. One count of dragon-smuggling… for the purpose of putting that dragon in the hands of a professional dragon-tamer who was equipped to care for it properly. Hermione lit a teacher’s robes on fire… during a Quidditch Match where Harry’s life was in imminent danger due to a broom that was very obviously being jinxed and said teacher, who had a history of abusive conduct towards Harry, was very obviously doing some sort of magic targeted at Harry. Hermione also hexed Neville, which is way more questionable, but again the trio had a reasonable belief that Snape, who at the time they still had good reason to believe tried to murder Harry, was trying to bring another person who had tried to murder Harry and successfully murdered his parents and many many other innocent people, from returning to life. I’m putting the blame for this squarely on the entire Hogwarts staff, especially Dumbledore, for never communicating with the three 11–12 year old children, who had already been put in a life-or-death emergency just two months into term (troll incident), at ALL about someone trying to murder Harry. Snape’s role in the order had to be kept secret, I know, but Dumbledore literally just let Harry and his friends believe that a person in a position of supposed trust and authority had tried to murder him and that no one was going to believe him or do anything to protect him.
Draco, year 1: Tries to befriend Harry, is told to fuck off because he can’t go five minutes without being a classist asshole. Proceeds to be a complete asshole to… it sounds like pretty much every Gryffindor in his year, special mention to bullying other students for poverty (Ron) and possibly having a learning disability (Neville).
Harry and co, year 2: Harry and Ron start the term with the admittedly extremely stupid and irresponsible theft of a car. There was kind of a precedent set when said car had to be used to literally break Harry out of his abusive relatives’ home because he was being imprisoned and nearly starved. Next comes the big incident everyone loves to rag on the trio, especially Hermione, for: stealing potions supplies and tricking a “teacher” (airquotes because it’s Lockhart) to make a restricted potion to spy on other students… to investigate a series of racially targeted murder attempts against other students, and a group that Hermione’s part of.
Draco, year 2: Steps up his bullying to throwing around racial slurs. Turns out not to be behind the attacks, but he was cheering them on. When he had a sympathetic audience he was saying he hoped his schoolmates would be murdered.
Harry and Co, year 3: Assorted petty sneaking around, physically attacked a teacher… who was about to kill a potentially innocent person. Used a time travel device in a questionable way to save an innocent person and animal from being killed.
Draco, year 3: Intentionally disobeyed a teacher’s safety instructions, got hurt, milked his injury to try to get the teacher fired because Draco was racist against said teacher.
Harry and Co, year 4: Don’t remember anything particularly irresponsible they did… oh, I guess Hermione imprisoning and sort of blackmailing Rita Skeeter into... stopping slandering her and Harry.
Draco, year 4: Vocally supported the racist hate group attacking a sporting event and assaulting people, vocally hoped for Hermione to be sexually assaulted. Proceeded to spend half the year helping slander Harry and Hermione, tried to suckerpunch him with an unknown spell, and in the immediate aftermath of the return of a mass murder and one of his schoolmates dying, again vocally supported the terrorist group and mocked his fellow student’s death. This was literally the equivalent of a school shooting.
Harry and Co, year 5: Started a secret club to teach students to fight because the DADA “teacher” was literally refusing to do her job, the government was covering up the fact that there was about to be a war and literally torturing Harry and trying to have him assassinated for speaking out. The trio were also at this point semi-inducted into the grown-ups’ secret resistance organization. This cannot be emphasized enough. Marietta Edgecomb wasn’t a normal schoolkid ratting troublemakers out to the teacher situation. Umbridge was dangerous. Hermione should probably have warned people that they’d be hit with a massive fucking curse if they betrayed the DA, and made it a little bit clearer that this wasn’t some fun after-school club and ratting them out to the enemy wouldn’t end well, but fundamentally the curse was a result of Hermione treating a situation that was really on the boundary between a school and a war zone at that point like an actual war, and branding a traitor as a traitor.
Malfoy, year 5: Is somehow made a prefect, proceeds to abuse his power against younger students. Also cozies up to Umbridge, and ramps his classist bullying against Ron WAY up when he makes the Quidditch team.
Harry and Co, year 6: Harry panicked and used an unknown spell marked “for enemies” in self-defense against a death eater who was attempting to use an unforgivable curse on him. Note: Malfoy had already started the year by curbstomping a paralyzed Harry and throwing the invisibility cloak over him so he wouldn’t be found. Malfoy came damn close to murdering him by causing him to choke on his own blood. Harry also knows exactly what the Cruciatus Curse does. I wouldn’t have judged Harry even if he did know what Sectumsempra did.
Malfoy, year 6: Again, Malfoy’s little nosebreaking stunt could EASILY have been fatal. He left someone who was paralyzed and unable to move lying on the ground, bleeding heavily in his fucking airway, and actively hid him from view to prevent him from being seen and receiving medical attention. Harry is expected to have figured out what Sectumsempra does from the Latin, but I guess nobody expects Draco to be aware of, like... Step 1 of first aid for someone who’s unconscious being turning them on their side for this exact reason. Anyway following this, Malfoy has at this point kind of been roped into trying to murder Dumbledore, and in fairness he gets cold feet once he’s actually expected to help commit the Death Eaters’ atrocities instead of just being in the cheerleading squad, and it seems like he might have changed.
Anyway, getting to my point: Is Draco Malfoy a product of his environment? Yes. Is his portrayal somewhat biased because the books are from Harry’s perspective and... no, NOT because Harry hates Draco, because Harry only really pays attention to Draco when he’s being an asshole, which seems to be every single time they actually interact.
But you can’t say he wasn’t a terrible person throughout the events of the series. Maybe he changed afterwards, but there’s not really much shown of it other than him becoming a functional adult and being somewhat civil towards his former enemies. Which I guess isn’t that different from James and Sirius. But even they were... they were total assholes, but again, Malfoy was a racist who was vocally cheering on murder attempts and later an actual murder of his schoolmates. That’s at another fucking level.
And there’s also a MASSIVE difference between their actions. Prior to sixth year, there’s a very clear pattern. Harry, Ron, and Hermione frequently break the rules and do things that are stupid, irresponsible, and occasionally hurt people, while trying to protect themselves, their loved ones, or other innocent people. And while the effects of the traumatic events they’ve been through aren’t always that obvious, I really do think events like that very first Quidditch match had a serious long-term psychological impact: their ability to fully trust adults and authority figures to have their backs or even look out for their physical safety was severely damaged from their very first term at Hogwarts. Malfoy hurt people, intentionally, for his own amusement from the very first term. Not to mention that he was almost always “punching down.” Prior to Sixth Year, pretty much every single person he targeted was based on institutional power dynamics: Ron was poor, Hermione was Muggle-born, Neville was possibly disabled (and it turns out actually insecure due to being abused), and the one person in any position of power over him he really started shit with, Hagrid, was subject to institutional discrimination for being a half-giant and Malfoy used his rich family’s influence against him. Again, as opposed to Harry and Co who most of the time were actively defending themselves or fighting back against their abusers, and the only real power dynamic that you can really say they had working in their favor was Harry and Hermione being scarily good at the kinds of magic that can fuck people up compared to any of their social peers.
But you know what? There is one similarity between them: things only escalated to the level that they did because every single supposedly competent teacher at Hogwarts (i.e. not Snape or every single DADA teacher except Lupin) didn’t do their fucking jobs.
In the trio’s case, by (a) not doing jackshit about Snape’s behavior, and (b) keeping the kids in the dark and not even bothering to come up with a plausible cover story for them and just letting them think a teacher had tried to murder Harry and nobody was doing a single goddamn thing about it. Harry. The kid who already had serious issues with trusting authority figures because of the horrific emotional abuse he was subjected to since infancy which the multiple Order members in Hogwarts Staff had also been completely negligent about. And, y’know, Hermione, who was nearly killed by a troll her first year and saved not by a teacher but by her fellow first-years, then nearly killed by a basilisk her second year after several months of the staff failing to figure out the string of hate crimes against muggle-borns like her, and only surviving because she, the second-year starting from a massive disadvantage in terms of general cultural knowledge of things in the wizarding world, was the only one who did the research and figured out what the monster was, and only survived because she came up with looking around every goddamn corner with a mirror. And Ron, whose sister was possessed, kidnapped, and nearly killed, and the only adult who was supposedly “helping” him and Harry tried to put him into a vegetative state and only failed because of Ron’s shitty broken wand (which had been causing problems all year and the same staff that bought Harry a top-of-the-line broomstick last year spent the entire term doing absolutely nothing about the fact that one of their students was failing due to having to use a wand that was literally taped back together). How the fuck was it surprising to anyone when these teenagers continued to take matters into their own hands in increasingly dangerous ways?
In Malfoy’s case, because his bullshit should’ve been nipped in the bud way, WAY earlier. He should not have had the opportunity to do any of the shit he did in Year 6 because he should have been expelled long before that instead of the teachers letting him bully and abuse other students and basically do the equivalent of having a Hitler poster in his dormitory for five years.
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stormquill · 5 years
mahpiohanzia | chapter five [Remus Lupin/Reader]
You are an Animagus-in-training nearing the end of your education. He is Generic Defence Against the Dark Arts Teacher Replacement #7. Your final year at Hogwarts couldn’t possibly be any stranger than the previous six...but seven is one of the most powerful numbers in magic, after all.
Author’s Notes: Co-written by Andrew. Follow the blog @mahpiohanzia.
Notes: march's update is late, but I'm hoping to still have april's out on time!
we're still on a canon timeline at the moment, starting of course with Harry's very rudely interrupted Quidditch match. i love the idea of you finishing up your animagus training by exploring with mcgonagall and i could probably write a whole series alone about your misadventures tbh. a lot of stuff is happening in the next chapter (December), there's a slight chance I might have to split it in two? but we'll see. what do you think our dear Professor Lupin should get for Christmas? :3c
please let us know what you think! your absolutely lovely, fantastic reviews are what keeps us going, and we cherish each and every one!!
The weather remained stormy throughout the first week of November.
After Halloween night’s break-in, the atmosphere at Hogwarts grew tense with rumors. Sirius Black had somehow managed to get into the castle and attack the Fat Lady—Gryffindor’s common room portrait—when she refused to grant him entry to the dormitories.
As a result of the incident, dementor activity increased tenfold.
Though the dementors weren’t supposed to cross into the grounds, they disrupted Saturday’s Quidditch match mid-game, making Gryffindor’s seeker pass out on his broom a hundred feet in the air. If Malfoy hadn’t still been milking his injury and gotten Slytherin’s match rescheduled, the victim that day could have just as easily been a Quidditch player from your house.
How could such an accident have been allowed to happen?
The incident made you even warier of the dementors’ occupation; you never felt safe from them, especially not when you could still catch them out the corner of your eye, drifting aimlessly like enchanted smears of ink across the distant landscape. Even from afar, they filled you with unease. You were finding it more and more difficult to concentrate.
On the night of your first Animagus transformation with Snape and McGonagall, returning to your human form took an hour of careful focus. Not being able to use your wand to revert back made the task exponentially more difficult; though you were warned of this beforehand, it didn’t make the inability to change at will any less terrifying. You needed practice, practice you couldn’t do on your own, as you had to wait for your Ministry of Magic registration to go through before transforming without supervision.
In the meantime, you trained with McGonagall as often as her schedule would allow.
The exhausting drills of transforming from one form to the other and back again took place in her office. Once you got the hang of it, she started transforming alongside you, leading you on excursions on lunch break or between classes. As a raven, you would follow her around the school grounds, through small spaces and crevices you would have never noticed otherwise, mapping out shortcuts around the castle. Sometimes, you even got the chance to terrorize Mrs. Norris. McGonagall would pretend not to notice.
McGonagall’s Animagus was that of a sleek grey tabby cat. Her movements were graceful, postured, and sure, which was a stark contrast to your novice, unwieldy handling of your own feathered mass. You were still getting used to maneuvering properly—sometimes, you would clip a pillar mid-flight, or misjudge your landing and fall off a given surface. On one occasion, you flew straight into a library window and shattered it into a thousand pieces; when you heard Filch’s curses of frustration approaching from a distance, you and McGonagall exchanged glances, and ran.
Above all, you found the hardest thing to reign under control was the powerful animal instinct nagging at you from inside your head. If the voice wasn’t trying to get you to fly higher or draw your attention to random shiny objects, it was alerting you to McGonagall’s presence.
Fake cat. Fake cat. Fake cat.
‘I know,’ you kept telling yourself. ‘Shut up, already, I know.’
The most memorable outing occurred the following week.
To familiarize you with navigating natural terrain outside the castle, McGonagall took you just outside of Hogwarts grounds, where you found a dementor floating directly in your path. It was the closest to one you had ever been—the massive black wraith hovered in place, wearing cloaked, tattered robes whose edges faded into billows of ever-moving smoke. Whenever a human passed it, you noticed, it would give a slight turn of its hooded head, like a dog checking a scent in the air.
You and McGonagall walked directly in front of it.
The dementor did not notice either of you.
You couldn’t get your mind off the revelation throughout the remainder of your classes. Strangely enough, being in your Animagus form was the one instance you had ever felt safe around a dementor. You did not ask McGonagall about it, lest she suspect you of wanting to sneak away from the grounds on a regular basis&mdash. Somehow, the discovery felt like forbidden knowledge you weren’t supposed to have.
Dementors could not tell the difference between Animagi and normal animals.
You were still thinking about it when Defence Against the Dark Arts ended. By the time you handed in your spell theory essay, you were the last person in the classroom.
“Just the Slytherin I wanted to see,” Lupin spoke up, taking the parchment from you. “You seem a bit distracted, today. Everything alright?”
You'd let idle thoughts cut into your attention in-class. That was a problem. “Sorry, Professor. Lots of studying this week. I feel like the moment I stop, everything I’ve learned will come pouring straight out of my ears.”
“The joys of seventh year. Might I recommend earmuffs?”
You smirked, and he smiled up at you warmly.
“Well, now I feel terrible asking this of you,” he started, “but would you be able to meet me after classes this evening? I was quite ill last weekend and could do with some help catching up.”
The request took you by surprise—his proposition to have you as an assistant had only come a little over a week ago. “You’ve already spoken to Professor Snape?”
“Oh, yes. Seemed thrilled with the idea, actually. Did he not tell you?”
“It...must’ve slipped his mind.” You knew full well that was a lie.
To say you were astounded was an understatement. Though you picked up on Lupin’s sarcasm—it was impossible to imagine Snape being ‘thrilled’ about anything—the fact remained that Snape had given Lupin his approval to take you on as his teaching assistant. No summoning you for a meeting in his office? No passive-aggressive remarks during Potions? No pushback at all? You couldn’t imagine what Lupin may have said or done or promised to get Snape to agree so readily. The thought alone was oddly terrifying.
“I know you’re busy,” Lupin winked. “Think you can pencil me in?”
The wink he shot you was like an arrow to the heart.
How could you say no?
Being a teacher’s assistant was dreadful work.
As November trudged on, you were visiting Professor Lupin’s office after school two to three times a week. Half of your time was spent helping him organize sixth-year curriculums, while the other half was spent grading assignments to his unreasonably thorough specifications. Terrible as it may have been, you couldn’t help but think that if Lupin's standards for helping his students were just a little lower, assisting him wouldn’t have proven to be so tedious; you hadn't realized there was so much work behind the skilled instruction he made seem so effortless.
Still, you had accepted the position for completely selfish reasons, and those reasons were proving worthwhile.
You enjoyed receiving the random owl at lunchtime asking if you could help him after classes. Grading through twenty essays on the same topic was just another form of rote repetition for your own studies. Marking sixth-year answers wrong, but also having to detail why they were wrong, did much to help cover the gaps in your knowledge from your academically void year with Lockhart. The trouble was worth seeing what pun would appear on Lupin’s tea mug that day, and the stolen glimpses of him at his desk, focused, nibbling at the end of his quill as he read across parchments.
The bits of colour you had during your week made the rest of it feel that much more desaturated.
Today, you were studying outside, a large table all to yourself due to the colder weather keeping everyone indoors. You were running through multitudes of steps and ingredients for Potions, your many notes spread across the wide stone tabletop. Before your N.E.W.T. classes, you had always thought Potions was an exact science with no room for variation or interpretation, but Snape had done well to prove you wrong. Skipping a single one of his classes would have proven disastrous to your studies, as the majority of the material he provided had absolutely no mention in the assigned textbook; it was frustrating, but following Snape’s generous liberties to the book’s instructions yielded flawless results, results he would be expecting you to replicate from memory.
You looked over the Shrinking Solution recipe for the thousandth time, seeing but not reading any of the words.
You’d rather be flying.
Being an Animagus was invigorating in ways nothing else was. Everywhere you looked, the world around you was recontextualized with new possibilities. What would it feel like to fly over there? Could you reach that point without getting tired? How long would it take to touch that tree in the distance and come back? Five minutes? Ten?
McGonagall had warned you of this, of how addicting your Animagus form could be at first. She told you it was important to regulate your thoughts, to have strict control over your random urges to transform and escape. You had the rest of your life to fly, after all. You just had to stay grounded for another couple of weeks.
Another couple of weeks...
Breathing in a lungful of crisp autumn air, you tried once again to focus on your Potions studies. You realized Snape’s in-class instructions for the Shrinking Solution was almost completely different from the textbook’s—quite literally, all they had in common were the damned ingredients.
Already overwhelmed, you glanced up from your notes.
You spotted Lupin across the field.
He was clearly in a hurry, carrying stacks of parchment and fast-walking down the corridor, when a first-year stopped him to ask something. A split-second of exasperation flashed across his face before melting away, all at once—then, he was talking, his explanation to the young student full of kind smiles and enthusiastic hand gestures. Even when he was stressed, he was happy to be helping.
You found his unbridled enthusiasm enchanting.
To your surprise, you sensed someone approaching you from behind; the sense itself was a weaker, more diluted version of the same instincts you had when you transformed.
“Afternoon, Professor Snape,” you greeted without looking.
You felt a swell of pride at how you managed to give him pause. All it took was years of study and the ability to turn into an animal to keep him from sneaking up on you.
“Afternoon,” he said, flatly. “How is the assistant’s position faring?”
“Very well, I think. Unless you’ve received news of the contrary.”
He acknowledged your attempt at humour with a sarcastic little hum. “You may be wondering why I approved the request.”
“I’ve learned not to question your judgement, sir.”
“Though wise of you, in this instance it would be useful for you to know my reasoning.”
You were both watching Lupin from across the field, now. At this point, Lupin had taken a seat on a nearby bench with the first-year, placing his papers aside completely to review something in their textbook.
“I trust you are familiar with the recent incident involving Sirius Black.”
“Yes, sir.”
“Suspicions and security alike have been heightened across the board,” Snape continued. “As Professor Lupin’s aide, I will need you to keep an eye on him. Report to me of anything...suspect you may find. Understand?”
You kept your reaction neutral, though your mind began racing at once.
So Snape approved Lupin’s request just so you could spy on him? This seemed to be coming out of nowhere. Yet, if Snape was resorting to asking you for help, it meant he had suspicions that weren’t being taken seriously by other members of the faculty. That included the other teachers. That included Dumbledore. Though you had no idea what led Snape to believe Lupin had anything to do with Sirius Black, Snape would not have brought his concerns to you lightly.
He also would not have trusted you, lightly.
You had several questions. Now was not the time to ask them.
“Understood, sir,” you said simply. “I’ll keep you informed.”
To your mild frustration, being mysteriously enlisted to keep secret tabs on Professor Lupin only served to make the man more attractive. Snape would not have levied his wariness without good reason. You always had the sense there was more to him than he let on—now you were sure of it.
But what on earth could he have been hiding?
Several days had passed since your conversation with Snape, and all you saw of Lupin thus far was one severely overworked teacher trying to manage way too many students at once. Were all the teaching positions at Hogwarts this strenuous? McGonagall’s iron temperament and Snape’s perpetual state of irked impatience suddenly made a lot more sense—it was a wonder any of your professors had free time, at all.
You were grading papers at the small side-table and extra chair Lupin had brought into his office for you. Your stack of assignments was running as thin as your tea was empty; it was getting late, and you were on your last paper. Quill in hand, you read the next answer on the exam before you.
You snickered, louder than you intended.
The sound of your laughter put a reactionary smile on Lupin’s face. “What is it?”
“‘Why are they called The Unforgivable Curses?’” you read aloud from the parchment. “‘The Unforgivable Curses are named as such because they are curses that are unforgivable.’”
“Well. It’s not wrong.”
“It’s not right, either,” you said, marking the paper. You flipped through the textbook beside you to cite the exact page where the proper answer could be found. “You’d think being thrown into Azkaban would be a more memorable punishment.”
“Things like the Unforgivable Curses and Azkaban are abstract concepts to those who have no knowledge or experience with them. They're little more than scary stories, to most.”
“I never thought of it that way,” you admitted. “I suppose most people have never seen an Unforgivable used, before. I know I haven’t.”
Lupin made a thoughtful noise. “Pray you never have to.”
You glanced at him. This was the second time you’ve heard him make a vague reference to some terrible experience, voice laden with an unexpected severity that carried an unspoken weight. He had some personal experience with the Unforgivable Curses, that much you could gather. The morbid curiosity of the revelation had you treading lightly.
You tried to keep your tone curious. “Don’t you think it’s something we should see?”
“How do you mean?” he asked, still scratching at his parchment.
“You’re the most practical Defence Against the Dark Arts teacher I’ve ever had, Professor. Wouldn't you agree that we should see every spell and its effects, so we would know how to recognize them in a duel?”
“You’re suggesting I ask for a volunteer?”
There was a gentle edge to his voice that wasn’t there before.
“Well, not a student,” you said. “Maybe a Doxy, or something.”
“No living creature deserves to suffer an Unforgivable Curse. Not even a Doxy.” He sounded final. “Ethical considerations aside, there’s a certain level of intent required to cast such spells—an amount of darkness within you needed to make it work. To speak plainly, I don’t believe myself capable.”
You raised an eyebrow. “How do we defend against them, then?”
“You run.”
The sudden ice in his tone made your blood run cold. You wanted to ask him of his experiences. You wanted to ask him what he’d seen. With a few well-placed questions, you had stolen a glance into a depth of him—the same depth he kept well-hidden, the same depth that drew Snape's suspicions.
Lupin suddenly looked rather tired, as if he knew he’d revealed too much, and you realized too late that you had given him the wrong impression. You had no interest in the Dark Arts, yet your house colours betrayed you; if your questions had come from anyone else, it was curiosity, but because they came from you, it was a warning sign.
“It’s getting rather late,” he said, rising from his desk. “I need to return some creatures to the lake before it gets dark. We can finish up next time.”
“Would you like me to come with?”
“No need. It’s a simple errand, I can manage on my own.”
Lupin had his back turned to you as he gathered several large glass jars from his bookshelf, a large cloth draped over each to shield their inhabitants from direct light. You had encroached on a sensitive topic, and now he was trying to put distance between the two of you to dispel the awkwardness.
You didn’t like how that felt.
“I’m sorry, Professor, it was ignorant of me to suggest—” The apology tasted too much like self-pity, so you stopped yourself and rethought your words. “Like you said, Unforgivable Curses are just scary stories for people who have no experience with them. But I’m sure they’re nightmares, for those who do. I should have kept that in mind before speaking of them so lightly.”
You noticed he stopped shuffling through his shelves.
Getting up from your desk to approach him, you made sure your hands were outstretched by the time he turned to face you.
“Let me help, Professor.”
He stared at you for a moment before handing you a jar.
The walk down to the Black Lake was cool and quiet; the temperature continued to dip as the sun lowered, the slight breeze now biting against your exposed face and hands. You carried two large glass jars apiece, with each jar containing a different-coloured Hinkypunk from third-year lessons from the previous weeks. Hinkypunks were somewhat dangerous pests that were easy enough to dispose of, and though you didn’t question his decision, you were surprised Lupin was going through all the effort of returning them where he found them. Somehow, you imagined he was also the kind of man who escorted wandering spiders from his home without harming them.
One at a time, you released the creatures with no issue. Though they were normally aggressive little tricksters, the Hinkypunks didn’t seem too keen on attacking you once they were set free, instead taking their miniature lanterns and disappearing with a puff of smoke and a squelching shriek.
On the way back to the castle, through the thin layer of fog floating above the Black Lake, you spotted a large cluster of what appeared to be slimy balloons floating in the water.
“What are those?” you asked.
Lupin peered over to where you were looking. “Plimpies, I reckon.”
You approached the waterside to get a closer look. You were familiar with Plimpy eyes as a potion ingredient, but you had never seen the whole animal before. “What happened to them?”
“Merpeople handiwork, from the looks of it. They consider them a bit of a pest, so they tie their legs in knots and let them float away. As you can see, Plimpies inflate when they get stressed—they gather along the shoreline, eventually, and are left to the mercy of nearby predators.”
You thought getting the opportunity to see the Plimpy close would make them look less like balloons, but it had the exact opposite effect. They looked like regular fish hit with Inflating Charms and frog legs cobbled to their undersides—only, their long, skinny legs were tied up in complicated nautical knots that shouldn’t have been possible with organic appendages. There were about twenty of them, give or take. The longer you stared, the creepier the scene became.
Rolling up your sleeves, you squatted by the shoreline and grabbed the one nearest to you. You pulled out your wand from your inner robe pocket. “Deimplicitus.”
The Plimpy’s tangled legs untied. You tossed it back into the lake. It bobbed around for a bit before deflating with a very rude noise and disappearing beneath the water.
You grabbed another Plimpy and started over again.
Lupin called at you from a distance, a small laugh in his voice. “What are you doing?”
“You go on ahead,” you called back, throwing the second freed Plimpy into the lake. “I’ll catch up.”
“It’s nearly dark. If you’re caught outside the castle without a teacher at this hour, you’ll get detention.”
“It’s alright, just go back without me. I won’t be long.”
Unable to leave you alone in good conscience, Lupin watched as you repeated your process, over and over again, with several more of the magical fish floating helplessly at the shoreline. You would grab a Plimpy, perform a Detangling Charm on it, and hoist it back into the water, where it blew a giant raspberry before sinking below the surface. You were ankle-deep in the lake. The bottom of your robes were getting soaked.
Burying his hands in his pockets, Lupin walked over to you. “You really should just let nature take its course, you know.”
“I doubt I’ll disrupt the magical ecosystem by doing it just this once.”
“But why bother?”
“Because I saw them. So I can’t just leave them.”
To your surprise, Lupin pulled up the knees of his trousers, and he knelt down to help.
The two of you continued the task in silence, the quiet broken only by the occasional, hilarious sound of a Plimpy deflating. The sun had already dipped below the horizon by the time you cleared out the cluster. The last fish in sight bobbed in the crook of a large log nearby. You leaned further into the shore, reaching out to get it.
The log moved.
In an instant, the large, wood-like creature rounded on you and snapped at your outstretched arm, sinking its teeth into your wrist. You shouted in surprise—the shock of it sent you reeling backwards, and you landed on your bottom as the creature waded off into the fog.
“Are you alright?” Lupin asked, already at your side.
“I’m fine,” you hissed, quickly getting back on your feet. “Just a Dugbog, I think.”
“Probably here for the Plimpies. We appear to have interrupted dinnertime.”
“How rude of us.”
“Not to worry, Dugbog bites aren’t venomous,” he said, already reaching for your arm. “They tend to get a little nasty if not looked after properly, though.”
Lupin held your wrist in his hands, rotating your forearm to examine the wound. To both of your surprises, there didn’t seem to be any blood or broken skin.
That’s when you noticed what saved you.
You cursed. “The bloody thing made off with my watch!”
“Quite quickly, too. Perhaps it was on a time crunch.”
The snort of laughter you gave was most unbecoming.
From the corner of your eye, you saw a familiar giant of a man approach the two of you from afar.
You turned to him and smiled. “Evening, Professor Hagrid.”
He called you by name. “And Professor Lupin! Blimey, it’s after sundown. What are yeh doin’ out ‘ere so late?”
“My assistant and I were returning some creatures to their natural habitat,” Lupin explained. “What brings you to the lake tonight, Hagrid?”
Hagrid raised the net he was carrying. “Harvestin’ Plimpies.”
You paled, but Hagrid misinterpreted your look of shock completely.
“Now, don’t you look at me like that,” he said defensively. “They make a fine soup.”
Lupin leaned towards you so only you could hear. “Told you we should’ve let nature take its course.”
You couldn’t help but burst into laughter, which was met with Lupin trying—and failing—to hold back the cheekiest grin you’d ever seen on the man. Unconsciously, perhaps, he hadn’t yet let go of your hand, and in a rush of fleeting courage, you let yourself curl your fingers around his own for a moment.
Just a moment.
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