#but he thinks that you’re mature because you’re of similar emotional maturity to him
Hello! Just found your blog and I love how you explain yourself here :] Also, your oc is so cute 😭
I'm here for some advice, since I'm still learning about the lore (started playing some months ago). I was thinking of making an oc who's a half fae, and I was thinking of the age thing similar to how Marcille from Dunmeshi ages (she's a half elf). But I didn't know Sebek was a half fae... And I read your post about him and his aging process, and he seems to age pretty similarly to humans...
So I was thinking: do you think that's a "All Half Faes age like this" thing, or could it depend on the type of fae one of the parents is? Basically I want to know if I could still make him age like my original concept or if I'd have to change it HAHDHSBABD
(my other idea is to just make him a full fae, since he'd also be a 3rd year I could just make him the exact same age as Malleus... but I'm still not sure, it doesn't convince me 😵‍💫 Do all faes age in the same way? Could he be "younger" than Malleus in fae years but still be in the same maturity/age range in human years? Idk if you have any info on that 😭 sorry if these are difficult questions! You just seem to know much more about it than I do and idk who to ask 😭😭😭)
[Referencing this post!]
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Hello and thank you very much!! 🙇‍♀️
This may not be what you’re looking for, but I don’t think we can conclude one way or another right now. We just don’t have enough information; Sebek is the only half fae-half human character we know of in detail, and 1 is not a good sample size to draw our answers from.
A few other half-fae we’re aware of are Sebek’s older brother and sister, which we know next to nothing about. The older brother is a graduate of NRC, but we don’t have a value for how long ago this was (or even what Big Bro Zigvolt is like personality-wise) so this can’t be used as a reliable metric for how they physically age or emotionally mature.
We know there is life span variance among fae themselves based on the type they are. Whatever kind of fae Lilia is (it has yet to be entirely specified but I think he’s a bat fae?) can up up to 1000 years old. For dragon fae like Malleus, 1000 is considered the age of adulthood (so roughly 18ish for humans) and can live much, much longer. It’s not stated what the maximum age for Sebek’s kind (theorized to be crocodile) is, but we know it must be 500+ since his grandfather Baur was in his prime (as an adult) in the war era of ~500 years ago and is still alive but retired today. Again though, we can’t be sure how this variance would factor into the lifespan of a human-fae child.
The current lore seems to suggest that Sebek and Silver aged similarly, at least as young children. They say that the other boy was one of the few close to their age in Briar Valley (most others are long-lived fae), and they share many childhood memories. That’s the only “evidence” I have of Sebek aging like a normal human. Even then, we cannot be entirely sure since it’s possible Sebek just stops physically aging once he hits a certain point.
It’s also difficult for us to gauge how long-lived races age compared to others. Like, did Malleus age like a normal human up until a certain point and then his physical appearance plateaued at an older adolescent form??? Malleus looks like an older teenager/young adult even though he’s still “a child” by dragon fae standards. Then we have Lilia, who looks the same at 200 and at almost 700… but he looks way younger than Malleus. It’s implied that Lilia is getting up there in age but doesn’t appear elderly at all. Is that just their individual differences or is that the result of their species’ traits?? Again, we don’t know because we know so few fae to compare with.
We also don’t know for sure how this aging impacts their mental and emotional maturity. Currently, Lilia is nearing 700 and Malleus is said to be 178 years of age; the maturity between those two is significant, but that’s probably because being 200 is considered “still a child” for dragon fae (500 is adolescence, so ~13ish?). The gap is too wide for us to discern anything about their development in the time between childhood and adulthood. It’s can also be hard to discern what is “immature” and what is general fae mischief or individual traits, as both Malleus and Lilia can be pranksters but Sebek isn’t.
For now, I’m personally running with the idea that half fae-half human individuals have regular life expectancies until new lore is introduced which disproves it. I’m not going to draw any conclusions about the fae aging or development process, since that’s also left vague.
If you’re making an OC, I don’t think you need to really sweat the details 😅 People bend canon lore all the time for fun, so…
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bigothteddies · 21 days
oh and btw, that 39 year old telling you how mature you are for your age is a manipulation tactic. It’s not a compliment.
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tarotbiscuits · 7 months
𝔭𝔦𝔠𝔨 𝔞 𝔠𝔞𝔯𝔡: 𝔞𝔩𝔩 𝔞𝔟𝔬𝔲𝔱 𝔶𝔬𝔲𝔯 𝔣𝔰
(this is for my female audience interested in men)
˜”°•.˜”°• Who are they?
What do they have to say to you?
What are their intentions towards you? •°”˜.•°”
We'll see what their energy (and the cards) say
Try to meditate on the piles beforehand and choose the one which calls you the most. If you don't feel drawn to any of them, close your eyes, take a deep breath and open your eyes. The pile you notice first is your pile!! If you feel drawn to two piles, i'd suggest choosing the one you're most drawn to, as the messages tend to be similar in nature.
𝔭𝔦𝔩𝔢 1 𝔭𝔦𝔩𝔢 2
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𝔭𝔦𝔩𝔢 3 𝔭𝔦𝔩𝔢 4
Signs this might be for you:
444 is significant to you
you have a flowy red dress that you love wearing and it looks great on you (i see you turning around happily in that dress)
Who is your fs?
the hermit, temperance, page of cups rx, page of wands rx, five of swords, king of cups
Greetings, pile 1! For starters, i see that your fs is someone that you’ve already been in a romantic connection with. Your fs is someone who is more introverted or a loner at heart. He usually takes a lot of time for himself to balance his emotions out in his day-to-day life. He can be rather emotionally immature at times, not admitting his feelings for his love interests due to poor communication skills. I feel like he’s not the type to take risks. He wishes to be like everyone else, instead of standing out from the crowd. Your fs is a guy who doesn’t engage in conflicts much. Whenever he gets into conflict with someone, he tends to leave the situation to meditate upon it instead of lashing out. What I see coming for him is the fact that soon enough, he’ll be in his king of cups energy, because he took the time to get to know himself and seek answers to his problems. He’ll become an emotionally mature man, who can be honest about his feelings and support you emotionally when you need him.
His message for you
tower rx, four of cups, justice rx
“I’m sorry (i felt a lump in my throat right after that). Justice wasn’t done in our connection and it’s all my fault. I did you wrong big time and I don’t expect you to even forgive me, let alone take me back. I was a fool in the past when I denied your offer. I pursued other options over you (i don’t feel like this is a third party situation, just casual dating). Now I realized that having a lot of options won’t bring me emotional fulfillment and happiness if they’re not you. Our break-up was a traumatic experience for me and I did everything I could to numb my feelings and forget about you.”
His intentions towards you
death rx, ten of swords rx
Dear pile 1, I’m sorry to break it to you, but for now, your fs wants to heal from the connection. He feels like there are some demons from your past connection that still follow him and he wants to stop them from inflicting more pain on him. He wants to let go of the past and move on with his life. Considering he’s going to be your fs, the story isn’t probably over yet, i think?. Knight of cups rx is at the bottom of the deck, he feels like he can’t make a love offer rn. Under this there’s the queen of cups, omg he sees you as his soulmate. He deff still loves you, but is too heartbroken over the past. Give him time, pile 1. It’s just not the right time for the two of you to be together now.
likes reading a lot
also likes ducks (and other feathered animals)
zodiac placements: virgo sun, water signs (cancer, scorpio, pisces) in big 6
Signs this might be for you:
33 is relevant to you
you have sneezed recently or you sneeze a lot
Who is your fs?
three of pentacles rx, three of wands, king of swords rx, seven of wands, ace of wands horizontal (yes, i take horizontals as advice cards), eight of swords, the world (bottom of the deck)
Hello pile 2, hope you’re having a great day! Your fs is someone who’s independent – he prefers to work alone than in groups or in collaboration with another person. He’s likely an adventurous type who travels a lot for work, but also in his free time. When he travels for fun, he likes to explore the natural wonders of our planet: hiking in the woods, tasting the freshness of the water streams around him. On the downside, he can be rather arrogant with his words, feeling like he’s above others intellectually or that people aren’t as honest and truthful like him. He can get a lot of backlash because of this, which makes him feel like he needs to defend for himself most of the time. I see that your fs wants to pursue a new creative endeavor, likely stemming from one of his passions, but he’s afraid. He is advised to take a leap of faith and do it anyway. He won’t know what’s in store for him unless he tries.
You two will probably be in a long distance relationship for a while. He’ll deff open you up to new experiences, getting you out of your comfort zone. Since he’s well travelled, count on him when you two are booking a holiday destination – he tends to know the coolest spots for taking pictures :)
His message for you
sun horizontal, page of pentacles horizontal, three of swords rx, king of cups, four of cups, five of pentacles rx
“Hey baby, it’s okay. The sun isn’t shining today, but that doesn’t mean it won’t shine tomorrow. Tomorrow is a new day. I know you’re afraid to take a new beginning, you’ve been hurt so bad by love and all I want to do is take away your pain. I promise you, I’ll take away your pain one day, okay? Just don’t close yourself off to new possibilities, heck even in love. Don’t wait for me. Live your life, explore other options. See what you like and what you don’t. Just remember, you’re never alone. There are people who will love you for who you truly are, your family loves you (i sense that you might have had a difficult upbringing, a dysfunctional family, especially an absent mother, but your fs doesn’t know that yet). I will. You’re never alone, remember that.”
His intentions towards you
the high priestess rx, wheel of fortune rx, the star, nine of pentacles
Pile 2, your fs is closing himself off from your connection in the higher realm for now. Like pile 1, he feels like now is not the right time for you two to be together – your connection is divinely guided by the Universe and his higher self is guiding him towards some hardships in his personal life to learn valuable lessons, which are needed for your connection. He’s hopeful that you exist and he knows that you will be reunited at some point, but for now, he’s happily single and he wants to focus on maintaining his independence.
rice is very significant (either his origins are from Asia or he strongly loves/hates rice)
zodiac placements: strong sagittarius, especially sagittarius sun/venus, gemini sun (it might be aspected with pluto, i see mostly conjuncting pluto or squaring/opposing pluto), gemini mercury, leo in big 6 (mostly ascendant and mars)
Signs this might be for you:
you have blue eyes (sorry guys, i can’t get any more signs for this one; he’s also telling me that you’ve eaten something specific recently but i can’t see what; i'm hearing mozarella sticks? lmk if it resonates, i'm not sure on this one)
Who is your fs?
five of pentacles rx, the tower rx, the emperor rx, temperance, page of cups rx, eight of wands, the star (bottom of the deck)
Woahh, pile 3. When i was shuffling the cards for this question, a lot of them fell down. Your fs has a lot to tell you about himself!! I think he has been often told to shut up by others. That’s what made him keep to himself a lot, but with you, he wants to tell you everything. Hahaha, now he's got a much calmer energy. Pile 3, your fs is the type of person that has outbursts of anger and he lashes out everything, but after that he’s like a lamb lmao. I see that your fs has been through some deep, dark shit in his past, likely involving his parents. Either his parents divorced at some point and it affected him deeply or his father abandoned him at a very young age. This broke down his world at the time, but i see that he has healed from it. He wished he had a happy childhood, but he just wants peace now and he got it. I felt his energy for a moment where he kept saying “I just want the fights to be over already” and then he kept repeating “over” again and again in a very demanding tone. I’d say his unhappy childhood still haunts him at times (i got death rx on the bottom of the deck when i clarified the first 3 cards), but he does believe in true love. He’s someone who tends to keep his feelings in check and his life in moderation. He can act immature at times, but i feel like he does feel sorry for his actions and tries his best to become a better person.
His message for you
six of swords, nine of pentacles, the well rx (i'm using ethereal visions by matt hughes it's my only deck ;-;), knight of swords
“Be strong. You have walked away from so many storms, that you’ve become this beautiful butterfly on your own. And if you haven’t walked away from those toxic people – do it NOW. I’ve walked away from my parents and friends, was it easy? No, but I’m much better now. You gotta be who you truly are as a person, you’re so fricking valuable. You need to be upfront and direct with people. I’ll teach you if you can’t. Why have you blocked your creative juices? Was it because of pain? Don’t let past hurts hinder your light. You are this beautiful goddess that is above EVERYONE else (i can really feel this feminine energy coming from you). I’ll worship the ground you walk on. Just don’t let them win.”
Pile 3, i feel like some of you are healing from a break-up, but you are already almost fully healed. You’re glowing and your fs adores that.
His intentions towards you
six of cups rx, page of swords rx, king of wands rx, wheel of fortune horizontal (yes, i take horizontals as advice cards)
For some of you, i feel like you already know them. Your fs might have been a childhood friend, a neighbor or a classmate that you used to hang around with when you were kids, just doing fun stuff. I don’t think he was in your life for a long time, you probably lost contact for some reason. I also don’t think you two were romantically involved, but if you did, it was more of an innocent fling.
For others of you, this is someone completely new and the six of cups rx might just point out to his unhappy childhood. He’s been pondering on it lately and feels very sad, maybe even depressed.
Either way, I feel like he’s going to enter your life really soon, but it won’t be at the right time. He’s not someone that is guided by a higher force, his intuition is quite blocked and he tends to act on his impulsive feelings without thinking of the consequences too much.
If you already know him, he might tell you about some harsh truth. Either point out to something you do which isn’t right, so he’s gonna call you out on that or he’ll say something regarding the times when you hung out as kids, which didn’t sit right with him.
If you don’t know him, he’s probably going to show off to you in a very “look at me, I’m better than the other guys” kinda way.
Whether you already know him or you will in the near future, i do feel like he has romantic feelings for you and he feels like he has got a chance to be with you, but like i said, the universe is saying that right now is not the right time for your union. It’s very likely that he’s still in school/college and is very focused on it. He doesn’t know if he should choose to pursue you or his career rn. This last bunch of cards just flew so this has been heavily on his mind. I’d say don’t engage too much with him, this is only the beginning of your love story. It will solve itself out when the timing is right.
bichons/havanese dogs might be significant to your or them
zodiac placements: heavy aries and leo energy (i wouldn’t be surprised if most of his birth chart is filled with fire placements), libra sun or an afflicted sun (with lots of squares and oppositions)  
Signs this might be for you:
you had a very hard time picking a pile (yeah, i literally didn’t know if i should make this pile or not)
your fav color is purple
Who is your fs?
three of swords horizontal (yes, i take horizontals as advice cards), the emperor horizontal, three of cups rx, nine of wands rx, knight of wands, six of wands
Pile 4!!! Spirit was telling me to do this reading asap because it’s urgent (and then i got a call lmao). Your fs is likely a very busy guy, getting calls all the time. Damn, I just saw him in a suit. He’s someone influential in his career for sure, probably works in business. Even the cards hardly came out, like he didn’t want to talk because he’s too busy atm. I see that for your fs, career is everything. He is used to declining invitations to social events and parties because he would rather spend his time and attention on making money. He’s very VERY successful in what he does, i see massive recognition here, because he seizes every opportunity to advance in his career and he goes for them!! Sadly, he wasn’t always like this. At times he felt like the competition was too much and that he won’t succed, but in the end he gave his all, despite his feelings. He is advised not to become too bossy with the people around him, even though i feel like he isn’t like that anyway. I also believe that his overfixation on his career comes from a past break-up that he hasn’t processed fully. He is advised to process it and move on, instead of trying to simply forget it by doing something else.
His message for you
The chariot rx, queen of cups, page of pentacles clarified by two of swords, eight of cups clarified by seven of cups, five of pentacles rx clarified by the hermit, five of swords rx clarified by the king of wands
This is more about his ex and what happened to him, I feel like he really needs to vent so be gentle with him pile 4
“I wasn’t ready for her. I wasn’t ready for our relationship, but my feelings for her were so much, I just couldn’t hold them inside of me anymore. At that time I believed this was a new beginning for us, one that we would both (and i emphasize both) build for, something which would have lasted for a long time (i’m hearing everlasting). I felt like something was off from the beginning, but I thought it was only my imagination playing tricks. I wanted to take it slow because I wasn’t sure…oh boy, was I wrong. I had to leave when I found out that she was cheating on me this whole time. I poured my heart to her and she cheated…I don’t want to remember what happened after. It took me a long time to get over it, get over her (i’m hearing sleepless nights). I felt so alone and abandoned, I didn’t want to talk with anyone, I drank myself to sleep. But this experience made me into who I am today. I know I’m strong. I weathered storms no one would have imagined and I came out victorious. But I’m never leaving my heart to anyone else.
I don’t know if you exist…I’m feeling strong now, but what if it’s just a façade? Do you even exist? (death is on the bottom of the deck , under the death card is the queen of wands rx, he really doesn’t feel like you exist). I feel like the world is filled with harsh people, people that only want to benefit from others and I’m not letting others exploit me anymore.”
Pile 4, i honestly feel like he has so much love to give to others, even to you, but i’m not sure if he sees that. He will make a great partner, i can feel this already. Please show him that you will be there for him and that your feelings are genuine. He needs it.
His intentions towards you
four of pentacles, page of wands, ace of cups, seven of swords
Well, he’s deff focusing on his finances rn for sure. I see that there will be a passionate, new beginning in your connection. I don’t think you two have met, i feel like this is a fresh energy. I heard that you will have to make the first step tho. He will open up to you quite fast after that, but he will also feel a bit wary in the beginning. He doesn’t want the past to repeat itself. I see him trying to peek into your phone when you’re texting someone, just to make sure you’re not cheating on him or anything. He does have the tendency to become paranoid, which can get out of hand if not addressed. My advice to you is to have open communication at all cost. I see a lot of love between the two of you. Don’t let it go to waste.
zodiac placements: capricorn in big 3, sun/ascendant conjunct saturn, strong sagittarius and leo in big 6, mars in aries or sagittarius, scorpio energy in big 6 or pluto is significant
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𝓜𝓸𝓿𝓲𝓷𝓰 𝓞𝓷 4
Pairing: Wanda Maximoff x Fem!Reader
Summary:  Steve mentioning his regrets about what he did during a traumatic event prompts Y/n to think about her own regrets. This sends her into a spiral, but a very special outing helps her out. Especially when the invite comes from that same redhead.
Warnings (Entire Series): This series deals with mature topics, including, but not limited to: death, mental health issues, physical, emotional, and sexual abuse, grief, trauma, general unwellness, illness (both mental and physical), and a most likely inaccurate portrayal of group therapy (though it’s much better than whatever was going on in TFATWS.) Please mind the warnings below.
Warnings: grief, mentions of a dead lover, heart attacks, talks of trauma, cursing, self-hating thoughts.
🌻Series Masterlist 🌻
𝐈 𝐂𝐚𝐧 𝐑𝐞𝐠𝐫𝐞𝐭
“I regret what I did. When it happened.” Steve confessed, and you frowned.
“Would you like to share more about what happened?” Coulson invited him to speak.
“There isn’t very much to share. I was thirteen, my dad and I were outside. He was cutting down a tree, and then…well, he just clutched his chest and fell over. I think he called for help. I can’t…can’t remember it very clearly. But I just stood there. I just stood there like an idiot.” Steve swallows, clearing his throat.
“And I’m not saying he was the best dad, or the best man, because he wasn’t. He was a drunk, and he’d do stupid shit when he was drunk. But I’d never…never seen someone die before.” He rubbed his hands together every so often. “I regret it. If I’d done something, maybe he could’ve lived.”
“That’s not your fault, you know.” Wanda says gently. “You were a child. You couldn’t control that.”
Steve just shrugged in response.
“Does anybody else want to share similar feelings or memories?” Coulson addressed the crowd.
Regret. You understood that feeling. You regret what you did the morning of the accident. How you didn’t get to tell her goodbye that morning before she went to work. How you didn’t tell her that you loved her.
Warm sunlight spilled through the blinds of your bedroom, the blankets strewn about the bed. You’d chosen these bedsheets together, you remembered. You’d picked them out in the store together, soon before you moved into your apartment. These were good bedsheets. Warm, and comfortable, and safe.
You heard the distant sound of Natasha making coffee in the kitchen. You wanted to get up, to kiss her cheek and tell her you loved her before she went off to work. But God, you were so tired, and the sheets were so comfortable and warm and safe. Besides, you’d see her later anyway. She was only going to work. She’d come back around dinner time, and then you two could cook together or she’d bring something home. Like any other day.
But it hadn’t been any other day. You knew that now. God, you were such an ass. You should’ve just gotten out of bed like a normal, functioning human being and told your girlfriend you loved her and hoped she had a good day. It was so easy. Why couldn’t you have just done it?
But now Natasha is gone, and the last time you got to talk to her was the night before she fucking died, and what had you said to her?
“Can you take the trash out when you leave tomorrow?” Fuck, you wanted to beat yourself with a chair. Your last words to your girlfriend were asking her to take out the fucking garbage. Not ‘I love you, goodnight’ or ‘you’re my everything’ but ‘hey, can you take out my fucking garbage because I can’t get up off my ass and do it myself?’
You weren’t very present as you listened to the rest of the meeting, and you weren’t present when you walked out to your car, either.
“Hey,” a familiar feminine voice called for your attention. “Are you alright?”
You looked over your shoulder to see the redhead. “Yeah. Yeah, m’fine.”
“Are you..sure?” She asked softly. God, there was something about her, about the way she spoke, that made you want to tell her everything.
Fuck, you were just downright awful, huh? You couldn’t even be bothered to tell your girlfriend that she mattered to you, and now you’re just going to dump your baggage onto every attractive person you meet?
“I…” You trailed off, opting to rub your thumb against your keys. You decided to just shrug in response.
“Would—would you like to get lunch together? Tomorrow?” She blurted out. She bit her lip immediately after, and you could tell she regretted saying it.
But you nodded. You couldn’t lie, you’d been attracted to her.
“Great. Uhm—here’s my number.” She hands you a tiny piece of paper, and you’d realized that she’d been waiting to give this to you.
“Thanks.” You smiled. She nodded quickly, rushing off to her car. You chuckled to yourself, opening your car door and getting inside. You didn’t feel as shitty anymore.
As you drove home, you couldn’t help but think about her. You and Wanda were always pretty friendly with each other, exchanging a few words or compliments here and there.
The next day, you made sure you didn’t look like you’d just rolled out of bed, taking the time to pick out a decent, matching outfit and even accessorizing with a necklace. It wasn’t fancy by any means, you were just going out to a cafe. You’d texted with Wanda about where the two of you were going to go, and you’d both eventually decided to meet at the cafe at 12:30.
You were out the door at 12:00, driving down to the cafe as you anxiously anticipated the…whatever this qualified as. It wasn’t a date. It couldn’t have been a date, Wanda liked men and only men, right? Just because someone isn’t homophobic doesn’t mean they’re gay.
When you arrived, she parked next to you.
“Hey,” you greeted awkwardly, wiping your sweaty hand on your thigh.
“Hi.” She smiled, and her nose crinkled. It was adorable, and she looked genuinely happy to see you.
You walked inside together, ordering your food and taking it to a table to sit down. You’d ordered your favorite food from the cafe, and she’d gotten a cup of soup with a half of a sandwich.
You chatted about anything and everything, and you smiled warmly throughout the entire conversation. Wanda had that effect on people. Even in group therapy, whenever she talked to anyone they ended up smiling.
You’d been to a quite a few meetings, getting to know everybody. The weather was still decently warm and the sun was still out, but it was clear that fall was approaching.
“Any plans for Halloween?” You asked after a few moments of silence where the two of you were eating.
“No, I don’t think so. I normally have a bunch of trick-or-treaters, so I’m probably going to end up decorating a lot this year.” She explains. “Normally my husband would’ve helped, but..” she shrugged, smiling up at you lightly. You envied Wanda in her ability to be so put together after losing a partner. Her husband, no less. Natasha meant the world to you, and maybe one day you would’ve gotten married, but there’s a whole lot of extra stuff to do when your spouse dies, isn’t there?
“I might invite the group over and we could do it together. I’d make or get dinner or something, and we’d get time to get to know each other outside of therapy. Maybe that’s not what I’m supposed to do, but they all seem like really nice people. What do you think?” She suggested.
“I think that’s a good idea.” You shrugged. “I don’t know. I’d be willing to help, if you want.”
She smiled. “I think I’d like that.”
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2309analysis · 2 months
What do you think would happen if Tails Sails Mangey and Nine all interacted with each other?
See, I was thinking about this all week. Mainly due to my theory, and just the pure nature of Tails’ the Fox. His character remotely resembles a child; in both psychological, and emotional aspects. While he is physically a child, his brain and maturity level is not. Its far exceeds the average intellect and ability to comprehend. Making Tails’ far more complex than most people realize. So, I’m basically going to explain how he would really only be on his wavelength. Literally all will but the communication will be tad different with each counterpart of Tails’.
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Starting with Nine:
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To me, he’ll be the easiest communication-wise. I think the two Foxes’ would be wary of each other; mainly due to Nine’s hard drive on not being compatible with Tails’s personality and his viewpoint of the world. Nine wouldn’t really want to get into Tails’s character, or really understand his tinkering. While, he has similar habits, and thought-process, I honestly think his openness and willingness/over-friendliness would honestly frighten Nine.
Moving onto the actual interaction between the two. I honestly think Tails’ just be nervous, Nine’s got a pretty judgmental attitude and defensive personality. Making it very hard to really understand his thoughts, which Tails’ usually doesn’t have problems with. ‘Cause everyone in his head is statutory, but himself? With another version of himself? Oh, boy, where does he even begin? He’d be the first initiator, due to anxiety eating him up. “Um… so, you’re supposed to be a counterpart of me? Heh, well, you do look a lot like me—“ “Just stop talking.” Nine would quickly shut him down at first. Mainly due, to the frustration of Sonic forcing them to do this.
“Err… do you at least want something to eat?” Nine just slowly turns his head, and looks Tails’ deadbeat in the eyes. “Nah, I’m good with this bark of wood. Thanks for asking.” I think Nine has a sarcastic defense mechanism around others’, (Sonic’s circumstances are diffrent) especially over people who try to know him. Which is hard for anime, it’s extremely out of his comfort zone; he doesn’t like interactions. Knowing this, he’s especially reluctant towards Tails’.
I think Tails’ will catch onto this extremely quickly; and back off. For a couple of weeks, it’s awkward, and very difficult to really know how the two feel about each other. Nine does soften up once he starts to catch Tails’ mind explore and invent endless amount of things in his meantime. I think this is where Nine is the first initiator. To Nine’s surprise, they get along well, especially when it comes to analyzing; making Sonic pretty relieved. 
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Honestly, I would think they’d kinda ignore each other. Both well-aware and about how the other feels about each other, making it kinda hard for them to open up. Awkward, and tense when around each other. I’m talking about, a what if, this was all happening after the events of Prime. It’d still be this way, due to Nine’s lack of social awareness.
I still think Sails’ give Nine a chance. Like actively trying to hang out with him, ask him some small questions on how he invests or makes things. Small little interactions, at first, but I honestly don’t think they’ll become nearly as close as Nine and Tails’. Which isn’t much of a bummer, because Saul’s’ prefers other characters, like Amy, Tails’ himself, Sonic, and his captain, Dread.
They’d team up with each other, and fight alongside each other if they had to. They won’t be their first choice; but a reliable duo. They would trust each other with weapon-making, and temporary cooperations. Extra points, if they wink at each other to take initiatives, and smile about winning.
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The poor Foxes would never have a coherent conversation. Genuinely would not know how to interact with each other. Mangey is too savage and nervous to ever really properly calm down and actually sit with Nine. Nine’s too way and paranoid something bad is going to happen if they tried forcing him. The two are too mentally unstable to be able to handle each other’s emotions.
It’s like asking a baby to walk without falling. It’s a lot of trail and error. It’d take at least a month or two or them to even be on the same emotional wavelength. Mangey’s broken English and bad sense of social order makes Nine extremely uncomfortable. They try not to get angry or overwhelmed by each other; because they both understand that the other is trying. (Keeping in mind about the after events)
“M-me like y-ou.” “Huh… you’re improving. That’s excellent.” They will warm up with each other over communicating and improving speeches. Nine would basically become Mangey’s language arts teacher. Teaching him all the basics about talking, writing, and reading. Sonic will help by holding up pictures of simple things.
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Next is Sails’:
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He’s by far, going to be the most mentally stable and simple out of the three counterparts. Easily, because he’s pretty much mostly like Tails’ himself. Making things communication-wise a whole lot less stressful for Tails’. The only downside is the pirate talk. Tails’ might hinder with the new communication system; making it slightly harder for him to properly respond. Which won’t be much a of a problem, as it quickly gets solved, because Tails’ easily adapts.
Also, I think Tails’ would find it super interesting and unique. Making them probably the fastest to become friends. They’re buddies, they’re improving each other’s inventions, making sure the other isn’t lost. They’re practically brothers. They’d both keep each other company and joke around a lot. Making Dread kinda annoyed, because most jokes are inside jokes about highly complex things.
They’d keep each other’s back covered, if they would ever get into a fight. They would never abandon each other, and make sure they’re both are safe. They’d boost each other up and uplift themselves. Alongside of double teaming with Sonic and Nine! They’re unbeatable. Tails’ would also dork out about his helper hand. Finding it effective and extremely cool. Tails’ now has one he can use! Occasionally, though.
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Honestly, same way as Tails’. It’d basically be like having a kid brother. Sails’ already took care on Mangey in season 3, but more normalized. Sails’ keeps Mangey out of trouble, and calms down his nerves. I would feel like Sails’ honestly follows Mangey around out of curiosity about his behaviorism. Constantly noting it, and the improvements, habits, etc.
Tails’ would definitely join in. Not making a habit of it, like Sails, would, though. It’s merely out of keeping him protected and innocent. As in, he’s never, ever, stepping foot inside Eggman’s factory or laboratory. Not unless it was extremely important, and Mangey’s friends were in danger. Also, it’d feel like belittlement after a while, and if Mangey showed enough attention-improvement, he could be sent on special missions.
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I think he’d be pretty indifferent about Sails’. Like Tails’. Like I said, it’d take a large while for them to warm up with each other. It’s not they actually don’t like each other; but they’re a tad suspicious of each other. Both tensed, awkward socially distant foxes. Nice combo… but Sonic turned things around telling them both to just take it slow.
They’re the slowest and subtler find than all of the other three. They just don’t notice each other, and it’s not a bad thing; but they have less appeal towards each other. They will work together, and share mostly the same opinions; and make sure that the other is okay, but that’s all.
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Next is Mangey:
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Tails’ would give him a lot of snacks. Plus, a bunch of stolen Chili Dogs from Sonic. The two would be usually spotted eating and going over simplistic ways to teach Mangey real communication with Nine. Both Nine and Tails’ would take turns with Mangey helping his improvement of social and personal development.
Sails’ helps with the emotional department, making sure he doesn’t get too overwhelmed. Tails’ acts like character for Mangey to see scenarios of conversations and situations. I feel like Mangey is a visual learner, so it’s ultimately easier for him to comprehend after seeing what happens. That also includes spying on others’, but mainly Sonic, and their friends.
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He would leave Mangey alone at first. Kinda steering clear, because he doesn’t really like unwanted attention or company. Knowing Mangey would give so much of that, he tries to keep off of his track, and kinda cower away. Not to be offensive; but because he’s not entirely used to having friends.
Not until he decided to give him the opportunity to grow. Once Mangey starts to show signs of large improvement of social skills, emotional maturity and development, Nine doesn’t entirely mind when he’s around. Since, by this point, Mangey sees Nine as a bigger brother.
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He would voluntarily help Nine and Tails’ out making improvements with Mangey’s abilities and growth. Especially with the language and emotional support. Making sure that Mangey doesn’t get too overwhelmed by anything; he’ll also be the supplier of treats.
He would also help Nine come up with a series of quizzes for Mangey. Making sure all of the studying is actually sticking with him. Nine would create the question, Sails’ would make the answer. Tails’ help out giving small hints, and Mangey would get a treat if he doesn’t need any hints. He would get a whole snack, if he gets a 100 for the quiz.
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Next is Tails’:
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The two would be awkward at first, but the more they found in common about each other’s habits, they became more comfortable around each other. I think Nine would be emotionally tired, and deprived of any sort of intimacy with love; and Tails’ deeply understood this. Instead of Sonic being Nine’s only friend and well, savior, Tails’ basically became his newest friend.
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As I have said this over and over again, (lmao) Nine would advise, commit to Mangey’s growth. Finding some joy out of seeing his counterpart grow, and improving. It makes him feel like he means something more rather than something of nothing. Tails’ sorta feels the same way; and it makes them more comfortable and less anxious around Mangey. Mainly due to the wavy their shatter verses are; it’s hard for all four of them to collectively get along at the same time.
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They would love each other. From intelligence to little quirks about certain things. Tails’ would indefinitely make little gadgets for all four; but mainly Sails’. They would have the most in common with each other. They’re little collaborations with each other to make each other’s lives in their own verses easier. Especially for Nine. Like, face-timing each other, occasionally, send each other a bunch of letters.
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I’ll whiff up headcanons later over them. They’re such a cute couple of interactions; but I wouldn’t mind adding some angst to it next time. Those will most likely appear in a few headcanons. Thanks for this question; it was really fun writing this out, especially individually! (I love making myself suffer)
This is them.
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austin-chr-2-0 · 3 months
Can we all just, as a group, collectively stop pretending that the Chucky series is actually a good show?
I promise it isn’t. It’s nothing short than a literal fetish bait that you see on TikTok. I’ll admit, Don’s show was enjoyable in S1. This is no hate or coming after anyone, I’m simply stating what I see.
Not only is the plot more confusing than my gender identity, there’s clear racism in the show. Am I the only one who finds it so hilarious that Don nearly killed off almost every POC character? And only kept the one that was apart of the “main couple” thing Don is doing that’s equivalent to the foolishness they did in Highschool Musical? One of my good friends did a whole blog on it, their name is Mys and I’ll link it.
And not to mention how Don literally admitted to Jake being a self insert. Let me repeat that for those in the back — HE ADMITTED JAKE IS A SELF INSERT. Meaning that the only reason Devon is alive because he’s an extension of DON’S SELF INSERT. Don literally said that his experiences with Jake are “similar” like sir, just admit it already. And don’t get me started on the poor writing here.
Dambala and Christianity? This isn’t paganism bro, and Dambala is technically voodoo and hoodoo, and those different religions have Catholic and Christian roots and similar tools. Also, I don’t mean to point out the elephant in the room but Chucky and Tiffany are white. Hoodoo and Voodoo and the practice of Dambala is a closed practice specifically for who?? African people. And this is just the tip of the iceberg. How come nobody fucking points out how Alyvina, Lexy’s actor, gets sexualized left and right?
And so does Devon’s actor. And I would like everyone to realize that Devon and Lexy’s actors, BJ and Alyvina are technically MINORS. Zachary is an ADULT. So imagine how it must look being a minor making out with a full ass grown adult. That is CRAZY.
And I know what everyone is going to say; “Well there’s consenting so it doesn’t matter” and “Well the show had better representation, I’d like to see you do better” and worst of all “What did you expect the show to be 💀 It’s TV-14, meaning that it’s gonna be swearing, sex talk, gore” and I know what the Don apologists are probably thinking; that I’m just randomly coming after a show but it’s far from it, if you took the time to read this editorial.
And let me break it down before everyone gets to typing and removing. I’m not saying it should be all cupcakes and rainbows. I’m saying these characters should have more characterization. Devon’s confession being deleted was the worst “fuck you” decision ever. We could’ve had a chance for Devon to get characterized and show some vulnerability.
But no. Of course not.
And instead of taking a season to focus on Devon, we have a random YT character — Grant. Again, nothing for Devon. As an African American gay individual, I resided with Devon a lot and I was so confused on how he rarely has characterization. We don’t even get to see him have a grieving process!
I believe, no, I KNOW Don is using something that was introduced in Scandal, a tv show — this method is called dog whistle media/politics. It’s basically racism, sexism, homophobia, all that good stuff in a language so coded that it only affects the person they’re targeting. Like a dog whistle.
So when Don kills off POC characters, sexualizes children, doesn’t let Devon be emotional or vulnerable, IMMEDIATELY jumped into sex in S3, trust that POC and lgbtq people and creepy mfs on Reddit know EXACTLY what Don is doing. It’s a fine line between made for mature audiences and made for creepy audiences. Like the Wren situation on TikTok.
The only reason you all defend this show is because it stimulates you, in a weird, arousal kind of stimulation way or the simple fact it’s all the representation you all really have, and you shouldn’t settle for less.
For people who get stimulated by this show; It’s gross. You’re gross. Receive therapy.
In conclusion, the Chucky series by Don Mancini is not a good show. It is a cash cow, and a lengthened fetish post on TikTok. Do what you want, but I will tell you, if you enjoy that show, it’s not just because of the representation. Thank you for coming to my TedTalk.
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the-demon-prodigy · 2 months
Dazai and the Meaning of Life
here's a little thing i cooked up recently about dazai's ultimate goal and how he views the meaning of life. i technically have more thoughts on this topic but i hope that this is at least sorta good anyway :3 this whole thing i tried to follow an essay formula and i tried to make it sound professional and under the impression that the viewer does not know much about bsd (bc we're going to do an essay unit at my school and i lowkey wanna show these to my teacher who doesnt know the series hehe)
also the conclusion of this post mentions that maybe the ada will come to understand dazai as well and btw i do think that the ada cares for and (partially) understands dazai when the story takes place just for clarifiation afsflfsfjk
neway lets get on with it!!
TW: Su1c1de mention (only briefly)
it'll be under the cut :] pls enjoy
Among the many intricate characters of Bungo Stray Dogs is Osamu Dazai. Sharing many similarities with his namesake, the real-life Osamu Dazai, he is heavily philosophical in his contemplation of the value of an ongoing existence. The Dazai of Bungo Stray Dogs is very dear to me, and so I wanted to detail his relationship with the meaning of life.
Dazai has sought the meaning of life since the age of 14, or even younger. He is a hyper-intelligent character and sees the world far differently than those around him, who fail to see the full picture in the same way that Dazai does. Dazai is immensely analytical and calculating, often crafting intricate plans to entrap his foes, further proving his intelligence. Although most people live their lives aware of death, Dazai understands its presence in a way that many others fail to. He understands that everyone dies someday, and in that inevitable state, none of the material things matter. Friends will leave somehow, money has no value in the afterlife, and intelligence means nothing once you’re dead. And because everything will die someday, living is just a pointless game of arbitrary constructs. So why live in a world like that? It’s pointless.
Due to Dazai’s immense intelligence, the intricacies of his philosophy slip away from even me. However, I know for certain that Dazai has spent much of his time reflecting and polishing his worldview to the point that it’s iron-clad. Nothing escapes him, and he capitalizes on this to create a set of concepts that none can reasonably argue. But… Why? 
It’s likely that Dazai finds comfort in his own mental health issues; he’s lived with them since he was a child and, when he is in the Port Mafia, it protects him from the grim criminal world that his teenage self is being forced to live in. If he continues to seek a goal even if he knows he won’t achieve it, it makes living in a pit of carnage and demons far easier. (That, and Dazai has a habit of letting his emotions override his brain when something is too hard for him to face, which is often, because Dazai has hardly ever had anyone that can help him mature emotionally.)
Speaking of Dazai’s goal that he partially had given up on, let’s cover that. Dazai is well aware of his alienation from the rest of society due to his intelligence and knows that others can easily find meaning in living. And so he wishes to study them. The fact of the matter is that Dazai generally values human life, but he doesn’t consider his own life to be that of a human being’s because he operates far differently from those around him. People wander and find meaning in life and regret things and experience things and Dazai believes that that is what it means to be human and that is what it means to live.
Dazai seems to believe that humans have a vicious, violent true self that exists in order to help them survive. He joins the mafia because he believes that those in the criminal underworld are stripped of societal constructs and so are their true selves. (Dazai also joins the mafia because he believes that by observing immense amounts of death up close, he will be able to get a more ‘full’ picture of what it means to live, which contributes to his goal of finding the meaning of life.) He believes that if he studies how humans live and why they want to live so easily, practically by nature, he will be able to ‘become human’ and wish to live as well.
Dazai believes that the meaning in life hides in the nature of human beings. Dazai wishes to understand humans so that he can understand life. Dazai thinks that his own life is pointless, that he will suffer for eternity, never understanding why others wish to live and never finding something worthwhile. Everything passes, including that which Dazai loves, and so he tries to cease living and cease loving. But he fails, because Dazai is not inclined to evil. He is a blank slate, but one who loves by nature and denies harsh truths and doesn’t want to be alone.
Dazai hates his differences with others and idolizes humans. He doesn’t want to hurt or kill others, because they wish to live, and that is what he wants for himself. That is what he admires. (Dazai also admires those who choose to be good despite being human, which Dazai believes is indicative of intrinsic cruelty, and he, again, believes himself to be incapable of being ‘good’.) 
Dazai has lived in a far emptier world than others for ages. Yet he is lonely. Still, he is but a child who has never been able to grow up but had never been allowed to be young. He’s existed in limbo for ages. After a year in the mafia, he’s given up. He’s concluded that he will not find anything in the mafia and possibly nowhere else. So he doesn’t even intend to leave the cesspool of systemic abuse that has broken his childhood self so horribly that he cannot face the sun nor the stars.
But someone proves him wrong. A person who is a friend to Dazai that understands him so heavily and simply fails to find the words to convince him to keep trying. In that person’s final moments, he tells Dazai to leave the side of darkness and become a good person.
Dazai will not find a reason that satisfies him; that’s just how he is. But if he works to be good, he will become that, and his life will light up with meaning because saving people, the same people that Dazai has never understood yet wished he could because he thought they were remarkable in their ability to find meaning in life, is beautiful. 
Even as a 22-year old who has left the Port Mafia, having defected to the Armed Detective Agency, Dazai has still failed to find the meaning of life that is the existential answer he so seeks. However, there exists something far more fulfilling than anything else in saving people and revelling in the small things. All while drinking tea at a cafe and pestering his coworkers, Dazai carries with him a melancholy so intense that others are often kept at arm’s length, and yet he is happy. Because perhaps his whole life will be a search, but things far more beautiful than any answer exist on the way.
And perhaps his coworkers, no, his friends, will be able to reach Dazai as well.
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Hello!!! I hope you're well. I want to ask you if I'm the only one who thinks that Víctor wasn't his mom's priority... I don't want to upset anyone, but I feel like his mom abandoned him a bit when she went to Paris, and she didn't care much about what will happen with little Vic, as at one point we are even told "Although I don't understand why Mommy had to go so far to work as a teacher, she had been visibly grumpy for a while (...) But luckily, ever since she went to France, I've seen smiles on her face again." I feel like the lady prioritizes herself, and she won't care how much Victor needed her. Sorry for such a long comment LOL. And again, I know many revere the lady, and I don't want to offend anyone, I just want to know if anyone else saw this.
hello! I’ve been doing much better lately, thank you! hope you’re doing well too~ ಡ⁠ ͜⁠ ಡ
there’s no need to walk on eggshells, haha. and to be very honest with you, no you’re not the only one. i’ve had similar conversations with other players both on global and CN before (even had one yesterday with @/thedummysdummy after seeing your ask), and have read the CN players’ different analyses on it before too.
if you want my personal take on the matter, it’s one of those moments as the omniscient audience, y'know? and precisely because we’re shown the entire picture, it becomes harder to decide whether you want to be rational about it or be driven by human emotions. but one thing I would say first, regardless of what went down, it’s a wonder that he was so mature beyond his years since childhood and grew up to be the wonderful man he is today, given that when you really think about it just how easily he could’ve grown up with traumas/ or some form of abandonment issues considering his childhood experiences and how deeply sentimental he is. to borrow MC’s words, the grand miracle indeed.
✦ regarding Victor’s mom and her moving to Paris permanently:
from Victor’s contents throughout the years, we know that Victor’s mom and dad would talk on the phone for hours on end (3rd birthday story), his dad would still call his mom’s number after she had passed away (4th birthday story, and just like how Victor used to as we found out in the Rooftop Date story), he would send her gifts and stuffs when little Victor went to visit his mom (Sea-circle event story) etc., indicating they had a good relationship. Victor’s mom had her ring on in his 3rd birthday card, which meant they were still together. And despite all this, you can feel that cord of dissonance between them— we never got any mentions of Victor’s dad visiting her, and Victor’s mom moving away from her beloved and child permanently like that really doesn’t sing harmony either. but then again, we can’t make any assumptions given that we don’t know what really went down between them.
another point to note, Victor had spent a good share of his early childhood in Èze, France at his maternal grandparents’ (S1 CH 37 R&S, Passing the Winter ASMR). Later on, his mom permanently moved to France when he was 7 years old (or rather moved back), and even her cemetery is in France. This makes you wonder if she never got over her homesickness/ adapted to this country? What exactly was her illness, especially since there’s no details on that end?
again, his mother loved him, like you expect a mother to love their kids, undoubtedly. But it’s the harsh reality when you have working parents, who also happen to have their own ambitions to chase after.
✦ and that brings us to how this affected little Victor:
y'know his maturity beyond his years is both a blessing and a curse. I can vouch for that from my personal experiences too, haha :> anyway,
« it’s a curse, because » when I was going through the sea-circle event you quoted from, all I could think about was just how deep his selflessness is rooted in. he was a 7 year old for god’s sake— but all he wanted was for his parents to be happy, no matter how much it pained him. and you know what happens as a result? people take you for granted. his parents loved him dearly, yes, but they were absent for most of his life.
he mastered the French cuisine when he was only 11-12 years old (S2 30-33 R&S), because his mom was already settled in Paris and his dad could never be home. he never told anyone about his Evol, never told anyone about the orphanage kidnapping incident and losing MC in that horrific situation. and he kept searching for her in however ways a little kid could without ever telling anyone, until he grew up and built his piller himself for more effective and thorough approach e.g., appointing a detective etc.
he learned stock market handlings when he was only 14 years old to earn for himself and bear his responsibilities (e.g., paying for Yan Yan and the kid), so that he could grow up fast. because he did not want to be a burden nor did he want to rely on anyone for what he wanted to do (4th birthday story).
human emotions are very fragile and delicate. once smashed, they are nearly impossible to piece together, just like broken shards. tbh, the gradual negligence and feeling of loneliness can leave scars even deeper than a traumatic event. wonder why he built that armor for himself and the writers emphasize how he’d have succumbed to that life of loneliness and solitude had it not been for MC stepping into his barren desert? and not to mention, his Evol itself is the biggest curse on him, paving the road to perpetual loneliness and solitude.
« it’s a blessing, because » again, what comes under the light here is just how mature he’s always been. you can see how despite his obvious disappointment, loneliness, pains — he never once let himself “feel”/ ponder the direction that he was being left behind. even when he felt too worn down to bear, he directed his thoughts to his parents’ happiness. and when you think about how throughout the years, we’ve seen him clinging onto every little shard of his mom he could find — you can see the budding of negative impacts were right there on the other side of the threshold, but he never allowed himself to cross that door. *points wildly at Winter World Victor and S2 CH 46 amnesia Victor*
as he grew up, he split his attention to different plates, kept himself busy and occupied to never allow that seed to be sprouted. he let himself be content and never expected anything more (flashbacks to his 5th birthday date).
and you see this coming into the surface in his relationship with MC— how despite his suffocating schedule with all the responsibilities he has— he still manages to rip out even a little bit of time for only MC, his most precious lover, out of his daily schedule and makes the effort to make every moment count, proves to her how he takes each of her words, however big and small, to heart and puts them into action.
ever wonder why “quality time” is one of his primary love languages? there’s your answer on a silver platter. (⁠。⁠ノ⁠ω⁠\⁠。⁠)
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uglypastels · 1 year
Remember that episode where Jackie and Hyde go on a first date?? And he drapes his jacket over her shoulders and they end up kissing under the stars? Maybe you could write something with Hyde!Eddie and Jackie!Reader????
ok so i'm using this as a sequel to my previous request (but i think it can technically be read separately as well. you do you). idk what I'm on when writing these. i had so many ideas its just... anyway haha
warnings: not proofread. cursing. awkwardness. female!Henderson!reader
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A kiss filled with pent-up tension and emotions is how it should have ended, right? That should have sealed the deal; it should have been the beginning of the happily ever after, shouldn’t it? 
That couldn’t have been further from the truth. 
After that kiss in the hallway, things had reached a new maximum of awkwardness between you and Eddie. 
‘You’re still a jerk, Munson,’ you said, and nothing followed. Neither of you said anything. Finally, Eddie dropped his hands, which fell lifelessly to his sides, and he took a step back. So did you, hitting the door. 
‘No need to remind me, sweetheart.’ He might have smirked saying that, but in the dark hallways, in the deep evening of Friday, it was hard for you to tell. So, blindly, you opened the door and made your way home, not looking back and keeping your thoughts as far from Eddie as you could. That second part, though, seemed to be more challenging than expected. 
Never before had you really given Eddie Munson much thought. He was just your brother’s freaky Dungeon Master, the school’s scapegoat. From what Dustin had told you, he seemed nice but then whenever you saw him… what did you actually think? It was hard to think back to any other day. It was as if that kiss had blocked that ability for you. 
On Monday, you had decided it would be the best thing to do to just ignore him. He seemed to have had a similar idea, as you did not see him until Wednesday noon in the cafeteria.
‘Hey, you forgot your lunch again.’ you threw the brown paper bag in front of Dustin, who thanked you over and over. The plan was to give your brother his food and make yourself scarce, but you had made the mistake of looking up. Your eyes immediately locked with Eddie’s. One blink was, luckily, enough to break you out of the trance and without another word, you left. The boys at the table didn’t even wait for you to distance yourself before talking about you. 
‘What’s wrong with your sister?’ One of the Hellfire guys (you never learned their names) asked, but you never got to hear Dustin’s answer, for you were already across the room. 
‘Is everything ok? You’ve been acting strange, and not like your usual strange, but extra strange-y.’ Robin asked as the two of you roamed around in the library for books.
‘Yeah, of course,’ you shrugged, ‘why would you ask?’
‘Uhm, I just explained it.’ She picked up a book and put it back in its place without even reading the title.
‘I’m fine.’ And you meant it, for in the moment, you did actually feel quite alright. It was already a week since the kiss, and nothing had happened. Clearly, whatever had been in the corridor last Friday was a freak accident, and you and Eddie both decided on the healthy mature thing to do– bury it deep and never speak of it, or to each other, ever again. Done. 
And maybe Robin would have believed you if it wasn’t for your annoying little brother running into the library, followed by his friend Mike, and immediately getting shushed by Mrs Corey, the librarian. You could hear Dustin whisper-shout “sorry!” before turning the corner and finding you. 
‘There you are! I’ve been looking all over for you.’ 
‘Why? Did you forget your lunch again? Because you’re not getting my sandwiches–’
‘No. no.’ He shook his head. ‘We need a sub for the campaign today. Gareth’s out cold with the flu and we need another player if we ever want to beat–’ 
‘Forget it.’ You didn’t need to hear the rest of it. 
‘Oh c’mon, please.’ Dustin begged, ‘I’ll do the dishes– for the entire week!’
‘After you made my drive out to school last week for nothing because you couldn’t be bothered to let me know you were hitching a ride? Forget it, pipsqueak.’ 
‘I’ll clean your room!’ Dustin was starting to get louder and quickly toned it down.
‘Stay out of my room.’ You threatened. ‘No. I am not setting foot in that room again.’ You made your point.
‘Fine. Fine.’ Dastin backed away and pulled Mike along with him. You were now left with a confused Robin who was trying to put all the puzzle pieces together. 
‘Was it really that bad to drive to school?’ 
‘No, I just– I don’t want to see Eddie right now, let alone play a stupid game for a whole night.’ 
‘I didn’t know things were that between you too. I thought he was just annoying.’ Robin put another unread book back. 
‘Why can’t that be enough?’ 
‘It can be… just not for you. I’ve never seen you dislike anyone without reason. Unless something happened between you two that you are now too ashamed about to even look him in the eye.’ It was typical of Robin to make a crazy assumption that hit the nail right on its head without her even realising it. She laughed at her own absurd theory until she looked over at you and realised you were quiet. More quiet than normal, and looking anywhere but at her. ‘No.’ 
‘What?’ You glanced her way, arms crossed, almost as if you were protecting yourself.
‘No.’ She got louder. ‘Did you and Eddie–’ She was so loud, you had no choice but to quickly slap your hand over her mouth, making her laugh hysterically. Once you released her, Robin asked: ‘What the hell happened between you two?’ 
‘Nothing!’ you hissed, not very convincingly. Just by the way Robin was looking at you, you could tell she was not impressed. With a roll of your eyes, you answered her truthfully this time. ‘He… uhm– Eddie kissed me.’ 
‘Oh my god!’ She was ready to let the entire library know, but shut up at the stern look you gave her. ‘So what does this mean? Do you like him? Why are you ignoring each other?’ 
‘I don’t.’ What was that supposed to answer exactly? ‘I don’t like him. And I’m ignoring him because it’s awkward and I don’t understand…’ 
‘Don’t understand what?’ Robin asked. 
‘Why the hell did he do it?’
‘You’re more hopeless than I am, seriously.’ She sighed, grabbing a random book off the shelf and dividing that one was the right pick. Without another word said, she walked away, leading you to follow behind, trying to figure out what she meant. What did any of it mean? Did you actually like Eddie?
Would have helped to know Eddie was having a very similar conversation a few miles away? With the one and only Steve Harrington? 
He left school almost as soon as he arrived there. Hours later, the skidmarks of his van’s wheels were still on the parking lot in front of the building. And what was the reason for this panic-induced retreat? Well, he saw you walk through those doors. The same ones that the two of you had stood in front of a week prior. He watched you walk inside next to your friend, laughing, and he immediately decided to call it a day. 
Everything in that building just reminded him of how stupid he was. How stupid he was for doing what he did. Why the hell did he kiss you? And it wasn’t like it solved anything, either. 
He spent the next hour driving around town, almost decided to leave it and drive straight to the big city, but turned around when his gas meter was dangerously close to that bright red E. On his way to the gas station, however, he parked in front of Family Videos. Steve worked Fridays, didn’t he? 
‘Shouldn’t you be in English class now?’ Steve asked at the sound of the door opening without even bothering to look up from the magazine he was reading. The store was empty beside the two of them. 
‘We’ll get back to you apparently knowing my school schedule later, Harrington. I fucked up.’ Eddie took a few steps to the counter and sat on top of it, almost knocking down the small display that Steve had just been working on.
‘How many times do I have to tell you? Don’t give out discounts to every pretty chick that comes up to you, it just makes you look cheap and needy—
‘I kissed her.’ Eddie blurted out. Walking in, he had considered trying to play the subtle card, not directly tell Steve about his problem, but if there was someone who could help him, it must be Harrington, wouldn’t it?
‘Excuse me?’ Steve blinked. 
‘I kissed her. Last friday.’
‘And by “her”, you mean–’
‘You know who I mean.’ Eddie sighed. 
‘Well, shit, man.’ Steve chuckled under his breath, closing his magazine and rolling it up. ‘How was it?’ 
‘Just “fine”?’ Steve raised a brow. ‘Well, how did she react? What did you say?’ 
‘Well,’ Eddie tried to think back to that night without bringing up too many memories, just so as not to trigger a trauma or something. ‘Pretty sure I said “sorry”. She called me a jerk and… we haven’t talked since. More or less.’ 
‘And you’re sure you’re not a virgin?’ 
Eddie punched Steve in the arm. 
‘Ok, sorry. But you like her, right?’ 
‘No?’ For that, Eddie received a smack in the face with the rolled-up magazine. ‘What was that for?!’ 
‘No? You spent months looking out for this girl, witchhunting her boyfriend, then you kiss her and suddenly you have no feelings for her?’
‘It wasn’t months...’ Eddie felt like a little kid trying to win an argument he was too stubborn to admit defeat about. 
‘I say, ask her out.’
‘Did you miss the part where I said we haven’t talked for the past week? I’m pretty sure she hates me.’ Eddie was still rubbing the bridge of his nose, where Steve seemed to have aimed directly. 
‘And I’m pretty sure you’re a chicken. Just go talk to her, man. Ignoring her won’t help you. And het, you either get a date out of it, which is a win, or she kicks you to the curb and you get some closure, which is also a win.’
‘She’ll never agree.’
‘Then you better rent a movie, because this is becoming a real waste of my time.’ 
It had been a long day, but at least an Eddie-free one. Before going home, you quickly passed your locker to get your books and jacket, but to your surprise, you were met with something else. A small, torn, piece of paper fell at your feet. 
In black marker, the words were scratched out messily: Meet me at the bleachers? 
Now, you could only assume, but it felt like he tried to remain anonymous– which was hard when posters covered in his equally unimpressive handwriting were all over the school, promoting either the upcoming battle of the bands show or his own gigs at the hideout. Yeah, you knew it was Eddie, 100%. 
So, why you actually decided to go to the football field was a mystery to you. The team was running drills around, and some students were seated in the audience, not exactly paying attention to the jocks. It was always more of an after-school hang-out spot where people didn’t do their homework after promising themselves to get it done the entire week. 
Eddie was sitting on top of the bleachers. Leaned back on the bench behind him, leather jacket on his lap. As you climbed up the steps, he suddenly straightened his back and waved awkwardly. ‘Hey.’ 
‘I didn’t even know you knew this place existed.’ 
‘Please, I may be a social disgrace, but I’m not an idiot– so this is what they call football, huh?’ He glanced over at the team of boys running around below you. 
‘Why am I here, Munson?’ You thought about sitting down next to him but decided against it for now. 
‘I was just thinking about… last week.’ Great. That was the last thing you hoped he was doing, but you let him continue. ‘And I know I fucked up. Everyone’s noticed that something’s up.’ 
‘Everyone?’ Your throat suddenly felt extremely tight. 
‘So I’ll just say that I’m sorry. I’m sorry for how I’ve acted before, and during and after. And I totally understand if you don’t ever want to see or speak to me again, just don’t stop Dustin from coming to Hellfire–’
‘What?’ He blinked at your sudden outburst of a question. 
‘Is this all about Dustin? You don’t want me to ruin your dumb campaign? Jesus, Munson–’ You were glad that you had not sit down. What a waste of time.
‘No, shit. I’ve been thinking about this for the last hour and— fuck.’ He was visibly getting frustrated now with himself, rubbing his hand all over his face as he let his thoughts sink back down slowly. ‘I just meant, I know that you and Dustin are close, so he would probably listen to you and stop hanging out with us– Hellfire– if you told him to, which would be a shame for him because the little dude’s got skills with the d20 and I think letting him be in a creative environment– what the fuck do I know, I’m not your family therapist–’ he chuckled. So this was meant to be a joke, right? But you weren’t laughing, too confused at everything he was verbally throwing at you. 
‘That is all besides the point, because I… wanted to actually make up for how I’ve been the last few days.’ 
‘How would you do that?’ You inquired, crossing your arms.
‘Let me take you out?’
‘Like on a date?’ 
‘I wanted to say a joke, but if it doesn’t land, I would live up too much to my reputation in this town, which is not what I’m going for right now, so yes… like a date.’ He sighed deeply.
You let him sit there for a moment as you pondered on an answer. His big brown eyes looked up at you expectantly. There was no way anything good could come out of this…
‘Ok.’ You readjusted the strap of your bag. ‘Pick me up at 8.’ 
‘Tonight?’ Eddie called after you as you already started your departure. 
‘Yes tonight.’ You said without turning around. 
Eddie was panicking all the way until the clock struck 8 o’clock, and if only he could say this feeling stopped the second he saw you. His heart was in his throat the whole walk back to his car and inside it and as he started driving. Words just wouldn’t come out. He was sure you expected something, something he for sure did not have. He had no idea what he was doing.  
‘Do you just want to drive around? And then maybe grab something to eat?’ You suggested, saving his life. 
‘Uhm,’ Eddie cleared his throat as he took a turn, ‘sure. Or let’s get something now and then… I know this spot we can hang out.’
‘Yeah, ok.’ You smiled.
Now, Eddie was no asshole, so he was willing to pay for the food. The problem, however, was that his budget was limited, so the only thing he could afford was burgers and milkshakes. But you didn’t seem to mind, thankfully. 
Twenty minutes later, Eddie drove to the woods while you both sipped on your milkshakes, the burgers still warm in the foil packaging until you parked– Eddie’s van, to your great surprise, was surprisingly clean, and the seats would probably be a bitch to get mustard stains out of. 
‘And here we are,’ Eddie stopped the car in a small clearing. The trees towered over you but opened up to reveal a beautiful patch of the night sky. ‘Here,’ he helped you get up on the hood of the car before pulling himself up to sit next to you. The milkshakes were almost gone, but the burgers were still warm and delicious. You both ate in silence, enjoying the atmosphere. 
Once you were done with your burger, you leaned back against the window to look up at the stars. Eddie sat more upfront, slurping the last bits of his milkshake. You were together, yet apart. Enjoying each other’s company individually. 
‘I got coke– soda— in the van, if you want anything else to drink.’ Eddie said, slowly making his way to lie down next to you. 
‘What, no beer?’ You giggled.
‘Well, yeah, that too, obviously. Just didn’t think you’d be the type to drink it.’
‘So what type do I look like?’ 
‘Aren’t you always drinking sodas on parties? But you seem a much more classy kind of girl. Wine and shit, you know.’
‘I don’t think I’ve ever had wine in my life.’ You started laughing more now, and Eddie joined in a little. ‘You have no idea what you’re talking about, do you?’
‘No.’ Then both of you burst out laughing. 
A little time went by, the conversation died down, and a shiver tickled over your arm as the trees around you rustled with the wind blowing by. It had been a pretty warm day, but you had not considered how drastically the weather would change by the time the sun would go down.
‘Are you cold?’ Eddie noticed.
‘No, I’m good,’ you tried to curl up, pull your legs up to your chest, to warm yourself up a bit, but Eddie didn’t believe you for a second. Before you could protest again, he pulled his jacket off and put it over your shoulders. ‘Thanks.’ 
He replied with a small nod. 
‘I’m sorry.’ 
‘What for now?’ You had been ready to open the door of the car. The lights were still on in your house, meaning your mom and brother were expecting a detailed description of the whole night, as always, whenever anything remotely interesting happened to any of the three of you. But before you actually opened the door, Eddie had caught you by surprise with those little words. When you looked back at him, he actually looked small, and sad. Which you didn’t understand at all.
‘About the date.’ 
‘I don’t understand.’ 
‘For ruining it–’
‘You didn’t ruin it.’ You reached for his hand on the wheel. ‘Honestly, it was one of the best dates I’ve been on.’
‘We didn’t talk for like an hour.’ He looked embarrassed and as if he had failed or disappointed you in some way, which couldn’t be further from the truth.
‘That’s an exaggeration. And we don’t constantly have to be talking, do we? I really had a great time, Eddie.’ You leaned over and slowly, carefully, kissed him on the cheek. ‘Thank you.’
the end.
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thank you for reading! please support your (not so) local writers with comments and reblogs <3 it means the world. also, I love to hear what you thought of the fic. asks are always welcome
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eddie taglist:
@spiderrrling @dorianelizabeth @theletterhart @niyahwhoreworld @fopdoodle1624 @pastel-abyss-x @ghoulsgraveyard @prettytoxix @lovesickollie @xbreezymeadowsx @ssanjuniperoo @nxrdamp @meaganjm @yourmommilf @mischiefmanagers @capybergara @brother-lauren @h0sh1verse @ghostlyreads @croweaterr @ladyapplejackdnd @bilesxbilinskixlahey @kbakery @lizzylynch1 @liltimmyst @hellfire-state-of-mind @escape-in-time-x @miscelaa @sweetpeapod @the-a-word-2214 @eddiemunsonbby @mydearzero @overthewhiteclouds @wroteclassicaly @groupies-do-it-better @celestialsxturn @hoe4eddiemunson @inanausomewhere @scoops-harrington @fluffyharrington @billyhargrovesprincess
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moxfirefly · 2 years
Fuck it. You know I’m a sucker for angst—so I have to ask (assuming I can ask again, that is, I feel like I’m hogging the emojis).
🚩 for any of the turtle boys, please, if you will. :)
Uhhhh this is quite interesting!
what are their vices? what's at least one negative trait they have? what indulgences do they have that are less than positive? what would people mention about them if asked to name a flaw?
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Everyone has bad qualities, there’s no such thing as being fully perfect
But alas what are some of those pesky negative traits that the guys possess?
Starting of with our leader boy, Leo really has a micromanaging issue that has been everyone’s problem as some point. He’s controlling whether out of habit or simply because he takes being the oldest way too seriously.
It’s not the best thing to have, while it may come from a good place the righteous of it all is lost because micromanaging 3 grown dudes and even an s/o isn’t the way to go about things.
Leo also over-trains to the point of hurting himself. This man has fought with injuries, has kept injuries quiet and it’s not in the single digits, he’s done it a lot.
Passive aggressive when he’s upset and it’s ANNOYING.
Raph’s temper: in this essay…
No but seriously, we know, we get it. But Raph’s emotional constipation rivals his temper. Homeboy just doesn’t talk his shit out which results in him really swallowing a lot and that in itself adds to the temper.
Obsessive with his workouts. Yes they are a good Segway for him to vent but it can get a little excessive. Similar to Leo’s over training, Raph wants to be the strongest. He form is impressive and yes we can argue he is probably the strongest physically, but he isn’t the strongest emotionally. It’s a vicious loop.
Donnie is fond of his solitude but sometimes it’s to a worrying degree.
He’s not against spending time alone. He’s used it, he gets to work on his projects and advance whatever ideas he has. I was talking to my homie @supershiny-raven about this, that while Don takes his ninja lifestyle seriously it’s not really the end all be all for him that it probably is for Leo. Don wants to help in own ways, and science and robotics is the way in his eyes.
It’s all ha ha ha’s until one of them has to pry this motherfucker out of his cave and remind him that he has other things he can invest time into and HAS to invest time into. This proves even more troublesome once he’s in a relationship, it’s like you’re competing with science lol. He’s married to the job so to speak but it never stops being worrisome.
Don also has a tendency to think his way is the best way. Similar to Leo but not as overbearing. I’ve said it once I’ve said a hundred times, he’s the fixer. While there’s more pros to this aspect of his, it does bring about friction when somebody else likes having their shit a certain way. The same way Mikey isn’t allowed unsupervised in the lab, Mikey doesn’t allow Donnie in his room unsupervised either lmao. Seriously Don can be in there 15 minutes shooting the shit with him and at the same he’s moving stuff or putting it in an ‘order’ he thinks it’s best and Mikey loathes it.
Speaking of Mikey, again thanks to @supershiny-raven for giving me an interesting insight to something that could be a bad habit of his is
basically Mike has a weird commitment issues. Now it’s not about relationships, nah. It’s more committing to being serious when the time asks for it.
He’s put his expectations so high up because he feels he’s more prone to fuck up’s than his brothers. He wants to be level headed like Leo, mature like Don, strong like Raph but having worn his heart on his sleeve while good, it’s also proven a little bad at times. He sets up to high of expectation and when he can’t reach the goal it real fucks with him. So in an odd way it comes off as a type of commitment issue.
Downplaying stuff, mostly for himself. It’s not that Mikey doesn’t welcome help but fuck is he awful at accepting it, mainly because he’s so good at hiding it.
As for typical little things. Donnie’s affinity for energy drinks or caffeine pills. Mikey’s obsession with sugary drinks that really bump up his hyperactivity. Leo forgetting to eat at times or not feeing himself properly. Raph chewing stuff he shouldn’t like pens and straws and nails.
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aerimomo-mellon · 2 years
Treasure spots you crying over a Drama~
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Genre~ Fluff
A/N~ wrote this a long time ago and since I'm back why not start off with a reaction? (and ofcourse cause its treasure)
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Our cute hype man haha, we all know he is one of the most energetic ( I mean maybe not but his face just looks like he wants to do every single thing in the world ) concluding he just thinks you're very cute.
Would probably sit next to you and give you a warm hug cause we all know our caring leader.
"it's okay, it's okay... I'm the one you should be crying over... hehe"
would be very similar to Hyunsuk although he would probably do something to cheer you up.
for example, maybe tickle you or even carry you to the kitchen to get ya some food. overall, I have a feeling he is just too sweet to see you cry even over a drama.
"if you don't stop crying I won't buy you ice cream this afternoon..."
I find him as such a calm person tbh.. he just smiles and is very quiet. So expecting the same reaction he would just smile...
And you probably thought I was going to write more but this dude won't do anything. The farthest he could even go would be to give you a forehead kiss or sit with you to watch together.
haha hahaha haha I don't even know why this title doesn't fit him.. you wanna know why??????
cause his cute fucking 엉덩이 is parked right next to you... and guess what he is sobbing desperately...
" I'm not crying something got in my eyes.." then sobs again ...
Because he is very positively mature I have a feeling similar to hyunsuk and jihoon he would be very caring..
would most likely give you a hug and maybe wipe your tears... put some strands of hair behind your ear and smile ... as simple as that...
" you're such a big girl, don't cry over A SILLY DRAMA"
He honestly gives me very calm vibes.. (is it only me??) like the “good boy” or even “innocent” . Lol
Would probably tell you to not cry and simply get on with what he is doing.
Not that he doesn’t feel bad that you’re shedding your eyes out.. but I mean think about it it’s not that serious (IT’S A FUCKING DRAMA)
I don’t even know what to actually expect from this guy….. cause like .. (ŏ_ŏ)
Although he would say few words like —- “you okay?” (Let’s hope those come out of his mouth) we all like optimism
Concluding. Yup that’s it until you give up and ask him for attention he won’t know tf is going on..
Uhh 🙄 I mean he is very sweet.. also like trying his best to calculate the best possible way to make you stop and feel better..
But he remembered he wasn’t interested in maths, worse… a girls emotions..
We all know he ends up singing you a short song to make you feel better cause,, that’s literally everything he could come up with.
Cheerful (knows what to do) 💤
Tries a lot of methods until he finds what’s the best. Probably teases you or even tickles.. if that doesn’t work hugs 🫂.
I find him so prepared lol… like he knows what to do when like unexpected things get in the way.. like you crying like you pet died but it’s just because that pretty girl took your favorite actor..
Laughs cause he is just living his awesome swag phase of teen life..
Lowkey tries to make fun of you>.<
But in the end, he is a cheerful bishhhh I mean loves the attention you’re seeking. Jokes some more at the end gives in and hugs ya.
is probably freaking out trying to figure out wtf was going on.
actually helps you stop cring later on.
"why are you crying?"
"what do you mean im not...."
very similar to Jeongwoo absolutely no clue lol..
"I'm really sorry if I did anything to you.. I did not mean to make you cry in any way... sorryyyyy..."
Poor baby doesn't even know... it was the showww. when you tell him he gets all shy.
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sheltershock · 1 year
We were all once one. And one of the biggest questions people ask when you start maturing as an adult is whether or not you’re going to have them. Oddly enough we ask the same question for ships. And usually that answer is yes?
But Sasha and Milla? Honestly I could see both of them going either way on kids. 
Milla already was a mother, and might want to leave that part of her life behind and transition to the next. But then again, she loves being a mother and caring for others. Meanwhile, Sasha probably doesn’t like children all that much. They’re living petri dishes for germs and disease, they’re uncontrollable and the point of their existence is to not be smart. But then again, he seems to have an affinity for Lili and Raz, and probably can pull from past experiences as a runaway that children can be supremely capable of adaptation in extreme circumstances. 
When they both started dating/or got married everyone wanted to know if they planned on having kids. Firstly, because of office drama. And secondly, people at the Motherlobe have observed that both of them are extremely strong psychics, so their child would probably be extra gifted. So at every party or get together, they get asked, “do you plan on having kids?” And everytime it gets asked, Milla gets emotional. And people prompting that nobody is getting any younger isn’t helping. 
Milla had been avoiding the issue for a while now. After the orphanage accident, she’s been getting more confident in the idea of being a mother again…until she hears a baby cry in public and it sets off a trauma response. She doesn’t want to give a definitive answer to anything, partly so she doesn’t have to commit or be accused of lying, so she gives the cop-out answer of “whatever Sasha wants to do.” And she’s extremely aware of the fact that Sasha doesn’t seem to like the concept nor existence of children. 
But then Sasha met Lili and Raz. And Milla got the dreaded update that Sasha is now neutral to the concept of children, and if Milla wanted to be a mother, he’d support her. Which is the best and worst news she’s ever received. She was on the brink of having a full on breakdown from stress when Sasha brought up that he had some conditions. That being if they were to have kids, he’d want the both of them to quit their jobs. Milla was too flabbergasted to have an emotional response. The only thing she could say was “explain.” 
Basically, since they both have dangerous careers, going on missions to fight villains and prevent terrorism, there’s a high chance every time they do so of dying. Sasha grew up without his mother, and having gone through that experience, is not comfortable potentially creating that scenario by choice. It wouldn’t be two consenting adults prepared with the fact that they are putting themselves at risk anymore. It would be two adults actively choosing that there’s a chance that one or both of them would leave a child motherless, fatherless, or an orphan in a matter of hours. And while some people in emergency professions think the benefits outweighs that potential cost, Sasha wouldn’t want any child of his to grow up in a similar situation to him. Accidents and sudden illnesses happen, but this was a choice. Sasha argued that it would be tremendously unfair for the kid, so that’s why they’d have to quit going on missions. 
Milla thought about his argument, and she wholeheartedly agreed with it. But both of them love their jobs. Life has been great as a Psychonaut, being able to travel the world and go on so many adventures… but at some point the both of them would be too old to go on missions and would get a safer position. The only issue is that neither of them know when that point is. 
So if they have to wait an unclear amount of time, Milla can’t handle the sound of a baby crying, and they want to be parents….then there’s really only one option. Adoption. 
Milla already has ties to the foster system, and she probably carries handmade pamphlets she’s always ready to give out to encourage people to adopt. Even if she’s no longer working in that system, her heart still goes out to all those orphans, and she’s doing her damndest to help those children even now. I wouldn’t be surprised if she also volunteers at local orphanages or does fundraising events whenever she has the time. So adopting is a natural move for her, she just didn’t know if Sasha was on board with that. 
He is. He said he’d support her. He doesn’t really care if things are difficult, or about carrying on both the blood and the name, or pressure to carry on his legacy. He jokingly told Milla that if his father couldn’t influence him to be a professional cobbler, then he didn’t have any expectations for any kid to carry on his research when he was gone. 
I do think adoption would be the best option for them. But also consider the hilarity that would ensue at the Motherlobe. Coworkers are gossiping about the couple as usual, and then one day neither one of them shows up to work for like three weeks. Someone approaches Hollis about it and she just absentmindedly shares the news that they’re both on maternity/paternity leave. And the other agents are freaking out because “aw!!” but also having debates about their memories because they swore Milla didn’t look pregnant. I mean she’s been talking about “having a baby” for a few months but the math doesn’t add up, or does it? 
Meanwhile the agents that know Milla and Sasha super well are internally laughing their asses off. They knew the entire time that adoption was the plan. And even before they joked about how Milla was referring to her future child as her “baby” regardless of what age the child was. 
Milla has an album of photos of her kid, her and occasionally Sasha when she can both steal the camera away and catch a cute moment of him and their kid. He took her request of being a cameraman very seriously, and he’s pretty good at it! One of her favorite photos is one of him and their child dozing off on their couch, captioned “my darlings!”
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ninnys · 1 year
first of all I LOVE harry potter world because of these debates. i really love to read all the different reasonings that everybody has.
this is my take about sebastian’s decision.
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there’s no way that the punishment for a 15 year old that uses the killing curse under both school and his guardian protection is azkaban. it’s ridiculous even to suggest it. it’s a shame and a tragedy, but there’s no need to ruin his future. there should be an investigation and maybe expusion, but prison it’s excessive and it doesn’t fix anything, it makes it worse for both, anne and sebastian.
ruth singer doesn’t even have the power to imprison the ashwinders and harlow who has been seen throwing curses to children like they were candy. i mean if that’s the previous police record, to punish a child it’s at least hypocrite.
it doesn’t even make an example for the rest of the alumni, it’s just cruel.
even for adults there should be different sentences, it’s kinda harsh to have directly prison and nothing else. no community hours, no reintegration to society, just throw them in a cell and forget about them. how mature, really.
also i don’t understand why the school doesn’t teach about the unforgivables, they just tell you that you don’t have to use them. like, ok, but why? i’m literally a child, you have to teach me morals, not expect me to submit by them with no explanation. show me the consequences, show me what to expect if i even toy with the possibility. i don’t know, if you want to you can even scare me about it. death, torture and manipulation are concepts really far from a child’s mind. the names themselves aren’t enough.
i understand the parents not wanting to teach their children about it, but the school has an obligation. it’s similar to the sexual ed in schools. no matter your beliefs, you have to have the talk. otherwise you’re a danger to yourself and to others.
i would expect the school to have responsibility over this episode. it’s their fault as much as sebastian’s. they didn’t watch over him. they didn’t gave him support after her sister being cursed. they just get him to detention every time he gets into trouble and that’s it. way to go to make him understand limits and obligations.
sorry but i don’t oblige to the high standard hypocrite morals that the “right” path force you to have. there’s no playthrough where i’d choose the prison option, i don’t believe in it, and ominis can keep his matters to himself.
he should learn from kogawa, she says that her friend’s destiny was hers to take, she didn’t impose her beliefs over her, she respects that. it’s not about not being a snitch, it’s really about not playing god and believing you have power over anyone that it’s not yourself.
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and my final point is that he CLEARLY regrets it. in the aftermath he gets what the consequences are. he should have had the opportunity to learn about it without committing any of it. that’s what school it’s about.
all wizards are a danger to themselves and to others, that’s why they are schooled as soon as they show magical abilities. because they have to learn to control it, not only in practice, but in the emotional aspect of it.
and for solomon, i won’t say a word. i know what it feels like to have an abusive upbringing. it breaks you, but for whatever reason sebastian’s pretty well spirited and a kind person, and also is anne. the way solomon acts makes me think that he’s the child, and not the twins. it shouldn’t have come to that, but he doesn’t not deserve it.
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Thoughts on my sweet baby darling (Oluwande)
favorite thing about them: i love how he’s such a level-headed guy like 99% of the time but he got into a verbal argument with black pete in e2. like he was right, but the """mature""" thing in that situation isn’t bickering so loudly you get trapped by the indigenous residents of the island you’re stuck on. the fact that the show doesn’t make him “be the bigger person” 24/7 honestly makes his maturity and emotional intelligence that much stronger because like, yknow what? fuck being the bigger person sometimes. he deserves to bitch at this annoying tryhard who wont stop lying about working for blackbeard.
least favorite thing about them: my least favorite thing about olu is that there’s not enough of him. olu should be in every scene
favorite line: “Coming, nana! I’m coming for some cake~” because OBVIOUSLY
brOTP: i’m picking two bc i’m greedy lol.
first off: olu and stede. their vibes are SO different and i think they’d probably have a hard time like, picking a casual activity to do together, but i feel like they have a lot of core similarities when it comes to who they are as people and caring abt others. also whenever i think about the two of them being sad and lonely in stede’s cabin in e7 i want to laugh! these poor heartbroken boys!!!
number two: olu and frenchie bc they worked together SO well to pull off their scam and i want to see them just hanging out. it kinda feels like olu has more common sense whereas frenchie has more life experience and i think the two of them together can get up to some CRAZY shit but also they'd be able to do those casual activities together that olu and stede would not be able to agree on. frenchie should play songs and olu should sing to them and also i am picturing olu helping frenchie get over his fear of cats and my heart is so full of love rn
OTP: uhhh jim, obviously
nOTP: izzy. also obviously
random headcanon: he grew up in a huge family that was almost entirely women. his only siblings are sisters and his dad passed when he was young, so the only men in his family are like two or three uncles and a handful of cousins, all of whom are either way older or way younger than him.
unpopular opinion: idk if this is unpopular but i think olu should get to top jim sometimes. i always see jim topping and while i have ZERO complaints abt that i think maybe sometimes they should switch? pretty sure that for a lot of fans it's like a dysphoria thing they're projecting onto jim which is super valid. but i personally would like to see art of olu topping.
song i associate with them: ugh so like i said in this post, i don't really get Blorbo Song Associations the way a lot of fans do unless something about the show itself makes me think abt songs differently. so i don't have a fun answer it's just under the sea from the little mermaid bc of the bts vid of samson singing it
favorite picture of them: sunshine boy <3
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dearestones · 8 months
Twisted Wonderland Matchup: Riddle Rosehearts #2
Twisted Wonderland Matchup: Riddle Rosehearts
@bumbledeezy Request: Hi! May I have a romantic twst matchup, please?
I'm a creative person, and I'm also good at reading people somehow. I think and analyze a lot, I am very curious. I have my worries and anxiety, but I like to keep control of my life, so I don't show my worries as much as i tend to not show any negative emotions. I'm straightforward, inventive, and a little bit awkward person. My friends call me The Mom of our group.
I'm 100% an introvert.
I'm into drawing, reading, and writing as well.
For appearance: I have red hair with a blonde color inside. Blue eyes. Average height. ✌
Thank you for your time.
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Given the description above, I believe that you best pair well with Riddle Rosehearts!
The two of you make quite the pair, especially with how similar the both of you look! The red hair makes the both of you stand out among the crowd, but your blonde hair is a feature that Riddle secretly likes. It’s like a little surprise; a dash of whimsy that Riddle is not allowed for himself because of his mother’s teachings. With you, he can be himself and push his boundaries so that he can be his best self. 
Your ability to read people is a good way to get yourself into Riddle’s good graces. Even though he’s changed for the better after his Overblot, he’s still prone to irritation and anger. It takes a lot to un-learn habits and ways of thinking, but you can help him along by hinting to him whenever he needs to relax and calm down whenever he gets angry at matters that could be considered trivial and insignificant. 
Riddle can understand worrying and anxiety while also trying to maintain control over one’s life. Look at his Unique Magic! He has control issues and he deals with them before his Overblot by trying to control the actions of everyone around him. However, if you meet him post-Overblot, he is earnestly trying to better himself. If you need extra guidance, he can help you with your worries and remind you that no one can truly control everything. It’s a lesson that’s best learned from observing others lest you end up like him.
When he notices that you have a tendency to repress or downplay your emotions, Riddle will urge you to embrace your emotions. Again, Riddle had trouble with that and he knows what it’s like to spiral down into despair and madness. If you’re magical, you can certainly fall prey to Overblot. If you aren’t, you still are at risk of hurting your mental health. 
Riddle appreciates your straightforward personality. It’s not often that he finds a person who is willing to speak to him truthfully. Despite his short stature, he is very mature and needs to be told when he’s wrong and not be coddled by others. If you’re willing to argue against him, point out his flaws when necessary, or be plain and direct when interacting with him, you automatically earn his respect and later, his adoration. 
It’s quite all right if you’re awkward! He’s also a bit of an odd duck when it comes to interacting with peers his own age—it does not help at all that he’s not in tune with pop culture either. If the both of you are pushed together in social situations, you can seek refuge within each other. Hey, it’s no longer as awkward if you’re being awkward together. (Cater will think the both of you are ridiculously adorable and take cute pictures of the both of you).
If you’re the Mom of the Group, then surely Riddle is the Dad. (Before you ask, Ace and a few other Heartslabyul residents will tease you for it, but don’t let Ace’s teasing get you down. Riddle will discipline him later as he holds your hand and the rest of the dorm better not say anything or he’ll have their heads).
Riddle also appreciates your introverted nature! For some odd reason, he’s the Housewarden of very mouthy first years, so your personality is a breath of fresh air. However, don’t be afraid to speak your mind: Riddle always appreciates what you have to say. 
Overall, the both of you make a cute couple! When you’re paired together, you’re like the King and Queen of Hearts from the old histories of Twisted Wonderland. And just like them, your Queen of Hearts will love and adore you as the rest of your court look on in respect and awe. 
If you want to donate a Ko-Fi, feel free https://ko-fi.com/devintrinidad.
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Open Heart Second Year, chapter 12
It’s too soon. I’ve always thought the jump from attack to memorial was too quick. There was still so many characters we didn’t see during chapter 11 (Naveen, Harper, Zaid, Ines, Esme) and we needed a chapter just to absorb everything that happened.
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My personal hc was that Raf could go home as long as he had someone looking after him. He had Juliana, but MC’s roommates would all be working long hours so he ended up staying in hospital a bit longer.
I know in reality PB couldn’t be bothered to rewrite this small detail.
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Juliana ❤️ I miss my grandma…
One of Ethan’s diamond scenes prompts you to help him fix a relationship, and if you’re romancing him, it suggests you can restart your own. Rafael gets a similar prompt for his chapter 12 scene but the prompt to rekindle an old flame appears whether you’re romancing him or not.
Just another dialogue point that doesn’t change and therefore doesn’t make sense, or at least sounds weird on his path. For example:
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(That’s an interesting way to describe a break-up). It makes sense on his romance path…but why would a friendly MC grow apart from him? On my Ethan playthrough I believed my MC was really happy for Raf and Sora and invited them both out when the group met up. There’s certain dialogues I now won’t take for Raf’s platonic route to avoid these, but it’s pretty rubbish if it wasn’t intended to be romantic. At least PB had the foresight to change the dialogue during the kissing scene.
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So are you ❤️ (he’s right though)
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Matthew, you’re going to a funeral. Stop looking hot.
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“Just like that”. Astute observation, PB.
And the whole scene of the wake. Every single time, my mind replaces Danny and Bobby with Rafael and I wonder whether the memorial would have been very different or would it still feel rushed and uncaring? Only half the friend group were given funeral outfits for gods sake.
And PB did it again:
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Not letting me visit my own love interest. And this was after the rewrites. Why couldn’t MC go back to Rafael?? I don’t even care that they wouldn’t have sex, they needed to spend time together. After a book full of two Ethan scenes per chapter, you suddenly can’t do that?? Bullshit.
And to think…we were a few days away from this being Rafael’s funeral.
(I chose Jackie, again because it made sense with her and Matthew living together, but the choices are either awkwardly navigating flirty dialogue or leaving her crying that it should have been her funeral.)
There’s mentions of Elijah really struggling through the service, something he’s been to too many of, and it’s never mentioned again. We don’t get to catch up with Bryce at all unless we choose him at the end. And Jackie will tell you about how much she hates the person she sees in the mirror, only to never bring it up again.
On Ethan’s romance path, he gets extra dialogue at the beginning AND during the memorial.
My thoughts at this point:
This whole situation was handled so gracelessly. It doesn’t get the build-up it deserves, and the aftermath is treated like an obligation to get through. As I mentioned before, the character who actually gets all the emotion is the character who was never in danger (Ethan). But we don’t have the time or money to give everyone else the same, so rather than spreading their resources between the LIs, PB wrote dialogue in a weird halfway spot: awkward if you’re not romancing them, not deep enough and now cheapened if you are romancing them.
And then we know MC goes back to the hospital before they’re ready and absolutely nothing comes from it.
The characters faced something deeply traumatic that would have killed them, but the funeral is then rushed, characters aren’t looked after, and then before you can say ‘free healthcare’ we’re back at the diagnostics team like nothing happened because apparently nothing is more important than Ethan and MC.
Mature and emotional storyline my ass. The attack was put in to knock off a LI for shock value and nothing more.
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