#but his 'real' age is currently around 30-40
gamebunny-advance · 1 year
I probably should have paired the 1010 question with "How old do you think 1010 are physically?" since those can have different answers. But I don't want to over-do the polls in 1 day.
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possiblylando · 24 days
HTP; Ghoul Lore Audio Log Spoilers/Analysis/Discussion
Dude holy shit uh Spoiler barrier and then all in cause
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Okay Okay fuck where to begin this episode literally changes everything okay I guess lets start at the Draught. Based on what we know about this unique Draught, it means Grimal might not be the ghoul?? If the ghoul potentially has this Draught (which I vaguely doubt will come into play in this arc specifically) it could mean anyone could be the ghoul so long as they were only in a place without 1 other person. Atleast I assume so because if they could use this high power Dominate on multiple people simultaneously then this whole operation would be cooked from the start. While I was very mixed on the idea of Gloria as the Ghoul previously, I think its far more possible now. This high level Dominate (Lets assume 4 dots) This ghoul could have access to Rationalize or Forgetful Mind, Or any others in that category. If Grimal is was being commanded to act that could explain why everything is so suspicious around her. Have someone else go in and take care of Occam while the ghoul sits with someone else and has the perfect alibi. So now I think the possibilities for Ghoul are; 1. Grimal is the Ghoul (The Draught is a red herring and simply setting up something in a future arc instead of this current one.) 2. Gloria is the Ghoul & has this Draught; this is based more on Vibes and the fact Gloria doesn't actually do too much in part 1 outside checking Occam's pulse. If she's the ghoul and commanded someone (Namely Grimal) to attack Occam, she would have a vested interested in knowing if the attack was successful. Okay thats about it for my thoughts on the Ghoul right now. Onto the far more important bit of this episode. Because this was not simpyl a Ghoul Lore episode, THIS WAS A MARCKUS LORE EPISODE TROJAN HORSE.
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But before the deep Marckus shit- Markus was 12 in 1988. Door was present and seems to be in his 20s or 30s. Boy has not been born yet and Boy is 11 in 2006 so he was born in like 1995. So I think its reasonable to place door as being in his 20s here, having Boy in his 30s. This means Door is probably 8-15? (Maybe) years older than Markus which would make him roughly 40 in modern day. D does look markedly younger in these photographs but I'm not sure if thats art style or actually because he's aged. It does put a damped on my thoughts about D being MUCH older than he seems. But we do know his previous Ex-Wife Rozalia (The Ghoul) is roughly 108 in modern day. It seems to be implied D had met & later married her after she was pretty deep into being a ghoul so there probably was a large age gap already. But it still kinda stands out to me. D is very afraid or Marckus becoming a Ghoul because he sees himself in him. I don't necessarily think D was a ghoul (thought it could explain his weird age). Thought all this might be confirmation Bias as in the more recent episodes D's hair has been more consistently colored with grey streaks when compared to earlier episodes where it was more like a sheen in his hair. It just feels like D has done too much to only be roughly in his 60-70s and very fit. While older people can certainly be in good physical condition it doesnt seem like D has suffered any real negatives from aging? He's MINIMUM 18 years older than Door who is in his 40s but again that's a low ball. I don't know. Alright time for the Marckus stuff. So its rather basic background knowledge that HTP's main cast is inspired by the cast of Warhammer 40k TTS. Now up until this point I had thought it was mostly a baseline thing. Only really carrying over personalities and vague relationships between characters while having the freedom to change them with that background knowledge. But based on this episode it appears to be more relevant.
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Whatever the fuck Marckus managed to summon, It was something not even D understood. This is in directly parallel with 40k's Magnus who Marckus is based on. For those who don't know about 40k lore (I don't blame you its VERY long.), Magnus is a Primarch (Emperor's special kids) who ended up being manipulated by 40k's god of trickery and ended up fucking up literally everything because of his lack of thinking things through and the influence of said trickster god. Gods in 40k are manifestations of humanity (and alien's) collective subconscious minds and often take the forms of their most volatile negative aspects. They're entited formed from 'The Warp' which is the source of magic in 40k. Magnus is very naturally tuned to the warp. Almost all the issues in TTS (and 40k) relating to Magnus are because he has a MASSIVE complex. He craves parental affection and affirmation but in TTS every time he thinks hes denied it, some shit goes wrong. When he actually gets that parental affection (Earlier season 2 iirc) he mellows out alot until finding out the only reason the emperor (D's counterpart) brought him back was so that Magnus would act as a pawn and decoy in his 5d chess game to deal with political enemies. Magnus is not happy about this. With all this background information, whats present in this episode slots into place. Marckus seems to have forgotten about the incident yes. The better case is that he blocked out the memory due to trauma. But the worse possibility is that a seed was planted. One that's been festering within him since that time. D may be planning to tell Marckus everything in a few months, But I get the feeling before those months are up, That seed will sprout. In one form or another, Marckus will be given the option to go down the same path of darkness as his predecessor. I don't think Marckus would go for such a path without a push but the one providing that push might be D, even if unintentionally. D is so focused on the forest that he's missing the trees.
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pennyserenade · 2 months
picture this | chris o'doyle x reader
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summary | there is an american woman, famous for her place in the background of protest photograph, and there is man from the ira. one week of every summer their infamous lives join and they forge a simple something a part from it all. rating | (explicit) tags/warnings | ira mention, vietnam war mention, smut, a little bit of an age gap (reader is around 30, chris is 40), friends with benefits, co-workers (?) with benefits, protected sex, fingering, pinv, consensual sex, tender word count | 3.8k a/n | this took way too long to write and i'm sorry about that, but i hope you enjoy it!
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Near the middle where the bone protruded on her knee, there was a dainty, thin scar that grew fainter with time. Somewhere–in past publications and museums, in scrapbooks and freshly-printed history books–the scar is being newly formed: she is twenty-two, attending her senior year of college and nothing makes more sense to her than standing up for other people. There is a sign in her hand, uncomplicated in both its design–white board, black lettering–and its demand (PEACE IN VIETNAM). Her youthful face is twisted in pain, her fingers folding the edges of the sign in agony as one knee touches the cement. If the camera had shuttered one second later, you would watch as the other gave way too, and you would see her mouth open wide to let out a scream that would only be masked in the cacophony of other screams.
She is not front in center in the photograph, but near the middle, only captured because of the chance way the bodies moved in that single, precise moment. Behind her is a crowd of soldiers, no older than any of the other students, who will later claim they did not strike first. They will accuse a dusty blond boy who died a week later from injuries he sustained during this photograph. This happened at a college campus she thought she would love forever. Now the degree she got there collected dust in a drawer, and she spent much of her free time trying to do anything that mattered.
Tonight, Chris found she was uncharacteristically romantic, full of cheap, potent beer and the inane idea that because they met once a year and fucked without purpose, that what they did was markedly adult. It wasn’t that she really thought that, but was an easy notion to be taken with; friends she had known in college were getting married and settling down, or already had, and the most consistent relationship she’d had in five years was this annual, week-long endeavor. Of course she knew that what they did was more sophomoric than trying at a real relationship and failing, but she could delude herself into thinking it was more mature on the basis that she did not love him and he did not love her. She told herself because they liked each other intellectually, personally, apart from having sex, it was different:. They had shared interests. He really did think she was clever. When he laughed, the laugh came from some place within him, an innocuous place that did not have coal to burn from in Ireland, but stirred happily back to life with her. When he kissed her, he did it for pleasure. He let her dress and undress herself. He lit her cigarettes the way he did for other acquaintances. When they were at her apartment like this, locked together in the quiet hours of the night, she was unabashed, witty, the least vain and neurotic version of herself.
Chris’ leather jacket hung on the back of a chair in her kitchen, his shoes tucked vertically by the door. His arm sloped over the back of the sofa, hovering near her body but not quite reaching it. In his current state, he looked at perfect ease: dress shirt unbuttoned, the glimmer of his silver St. Christopher’s pendant shining beneath the harsh lighting, a content smile on his face. If one were to glimpse inside her home, one might think he was a permanent resident.
“For a man so supposedly out of touch with the world, that mustache of yours is pretty in vogue, don’t you think?” she teased warmly, nodding towards his mouth. Her beer bottle sweated against the coffee table, without a coaster to protect the wood beneath it.
Growing more comfortable, Chris’ hand moved down, his fingers grazing against her knee. A flush of heat rose to her cheeks almost immediately, and he knew that the touch excited her, simple as it was. She watched carefully as he leaned down, quiet, and pressed his lips to the scar there. It was intimate, too familiar. She was an adult, steady minded, logical, and yet the simple act drove her to wordlessness. This was what a week with Chris always looked like, why she so craved it and feared it: it dizzied her, grounded her in a place that had not ever existed since she was twenty-two. It came back with tenacity whenever he stepped into her life.
Chris had no shame, leveling a satisfied smirk in her direction. He took in the sight of her face, his hand traveling further up her leg, exploring the width of her smooth thigh beneath his hand. She became tense under his touch, taut with anticipation. He nudged her legs apart with a tap of his fingers. Slowly, as if she had never done it before - not for him, not for anyone - she spread them apart.
“That’s right, my girl,” he cooed. Beneath the fabric of his tight slacks, his cock began to stir in interest.
This was a ritual his body knew what was going to happen next–because it always happened next. His pale blue eyes went a shade darker, the pupils widening as he trailed over the insides of her thighs with his fingers. Up close like this, he could smell the perfume on her, a heady, intoxicating scent that he relished as she leaned back on the couch for him. He rose up to her neck, tonguing at the flesh nearest to her throat, humming contentedly as her thighs attempted to close around his explorative hand.
He nudged alongside her jawline with his nose, pressing soft, open-mouthed kisses on her neck. Beneath her skirt, he began rubbing soothing circles on her thighs. He could feel the heat emitting from her cunt, was thoroughly taken with the idea that in this state, he could just as well do anything he wanted to her. For months now, he’d been thinking of this, of her — of her soft whimpers, of the scrunch of her face as she came, of the taste of her, acidic and lovely. He’d palmed himself in the dark of night too many times to count, re-imagining the moments she hung up her inhibitions for him. He wanted her more than he could bring himself to admit.
He reached up and felt for the outline of her underwear. There was nothing. “No knickers?” he murmured against the warmth of her skin.
She shook her head, almost coy.
Chris pressed his lips to hers then. At first a light peck, the feeling of her lips against his was better than he remembered - better than anything he could possibly imagine - and he could not help drawing himself more closely to her. His hand carded through her hair, and when she opened his mouth for him, he groaned softly, ghosting his mouth above her own. They sat like that for a moment, staring at one another, measuring the depths of each other’s want before his tongue touched hers, and she eagerly gripped on the side of his shirt, pulling his body over her own. His feather touches on her thighs crept higher and higher until his fingers ghosted over her cunt. She canted her hips up, pleading silently, as his tongue ran over the top of her mouth, possessive and needy.
“What’s a matter, darlin’? No one touched you while I was away?” he teased. The Irish lilt drove her wild as it spread itself across the sensitive flesh of her neck.
Her nails dug into his side and Chris relished in the sting of it – at this something painful, that could also be nice. There was always a terrible, incessant part of him that wanted to know that things could still be nice.
She attempted to mold her form to his again, mewling from his curious lack of inattention. Chris grinned – nearly beamed – as if in wanting him, she was granting him some longed desired freedom. He knew her cunt ached for him; he felt the heat of it as his hand cascaded further up. Instead of touching her, he brushed lightly over her, grazing everywhere except the spots that would do anything for her. A protest finally rose up in her throat, but as Chris pushed the fabric of her skirt around her waist, whistling at the sight of her before him, it only came out as a weak sound instead. She looked at him, glassy eyed. Even in the dim lighting, he could see her glisten.
The alcohol made her pliant, but not incapable; whereas sober she probably wouldn’t let his curious eyes linger as long as they were, she allowed it now, slightly thrilled. The feeling ran up her spine when he brought fingers to her, spreading her puffy lips apart. She stifled a moan, gripping the edge of her couch, arching into his touch. With Chris, nothing ever managed to feel lewd; it felt like the most correct thing in the world, like he was drawing up a map and saying ‘this is where you are, this is where you belong, this is what you’re meant to do.’ It made her dizzy, how much she wanted him to merely touch her – not to mention how badly she wanted his cock, his tongue, anything at all. She wanted to tell him. To say: you could do anything you want with me. I’ll lie on the carpet, naked, let you look forever if you just keep looking at me like that, making me feel like this. Keep making me want you, just this much.
She didn't feel bad about it all—it made her feel strangely, inexplicably whole. Better because she didn’t love him, because she only liked him, and he only liked her, and yet they still wanted to touch one another like this, look at each other like that. She’d waited her whole life to feel that way.
“You’re mine,” he told her. The voice sounded as it came from deep within him, a place he didn’t rightly know existed until it did and he couldn’t help but reveal it. “Aren’t you? My girl, waiting for my fingers–” he circled over her opening, watching blurry eyed the way it closed around nothing “--waiting for my cock, wearing no knickers, hoping that I’ll what?” When they made eye contact, she found she never wanted to tear her eyes away from him again. He looked like he could devour her whole. “That I’d notice, fuck you soon as I seen you?”
He clicked his tongue, entering a single one of his thick fingers into her cunt. He tightened his jaw, watching the way it disappeared into the warmth of her. She was wet as hell. When she pushed at his shoulder, squirming a little beneath him, his lips curled up at the end into a small, genuine grin. He liked the way her face contorted, how she pushed even though she wanted more.
“That f–feels good,” she moaned.
“So fucking wet–” He entered another finger into her.
His nose once more rubbed along the smooth outline of her face. How badly he wanted to know the entire shape of her–to reach inside, extract a piece to take home. His fingers rubbed against the spongy top of her walls, and he measured the beat of her heart, the wavering of her breath, the ghost of her against his skin as he adjusted above her. His other hand grazed beneath the fabric of her shirt, peeling it up.
As he hung his head, a shag of hair concealed his face. She pinned it back just as he licked just above her breast. Her body arched up towards his own and he groaned, pulling his now wet fingers out of her and gripping at her hip. He pinned her against him, knocked his nose against hers, before kissing her; he sucked at her bottom lip, ran his tongue over the back of her teeth.
Chris wanted her to make a mess of him, and to let him make a mess of her. He wanted her spread and wet, wanted to plunge his cock deeply inside of her, wanted to run his tongue over the creases between her legs, wanted to suck her clit, bite her nipples, to see her mouth around his cock, his fingers, wanted to watch her pupils dilate, her mouth form into a neat ‘o’, to hear the thud of her heart against his ear, a sound that would no doubt make his own heart beat quicker, and more happily than it had in months.
“Please,” she told him, and he couldn’t resist.
Her fingers found the buttons on his dress shirt and diligently began to undo them as he reached between their bodies to push down his slacks. As she moved the shirt down his arms, he caught her lips against own again.
“D’you have a condom?” he asked, urgent.
“Over there.“ She pointed to the drawer beside them. He kissed her again before leaning over and grabbing the pack out of the assortment of junk she had stored there.
His brows furrowed as he took one of the wrappers out of the pack. He tried not to think entirely much about the fact that there was empty space where others had been, and tore the end as she hooked her fingers beneath his underwear and drew them down around his hips.
Swallowing, he took himself in his hand. As he pinched the tip of the latex, she reached out, stilling his hands. Before he could ask her what she was doing, she was doing it. He watched with widened eyes as she put her mouth around the weeping tip of his cock, taking him slowly into the warmth of her mouth. His fingers gripped the back of the couch and he sucked in a shallow breath. “Jesus Mary—“ he uttered, face tinting red. Her eyes glanced up and he nearly shuddered; they were glassy, impish, delighted as she flattened her tongue on the underside of his cock, tracing the vein up.
He felt drunk when she hummed around him — everything going straight to his brain all of the sudden. What she could not put in her mouth, she stroked with her hand. Chris could not peel his eyes from her. She’d done this before, of course, but never with so much self-possession. Saliva glistened on his cock and cornered the edges of her lips as she pulled back. He wanted to reach out, to touch her. To tell her good girl and watch the way the praise settled over her skin. But it all happened too quickly; she was already moving off of his cock before the words could come up. “
Now,” she told him, still holding him in her hand.
Chris understood; he nodded and adroitly peeled the condom over himself.
She laid back, spreading her legs apart to make room for him. He looked down at her, reverent, but still with the mind to be clever. “Mind me if I’m wrong, but I thought you women liked a bit of foreplay?” he joked, running his finger alongside her thigh.
Her lips mirrored his own. “This entire day’s been foreplay.” Her own fingers sprawled against his stomach, wrapping around his sides. She looked up at him through her eyelashes. “Like you said, I’ve wanted you to take me as soon as you saw me.”
It didn’t take much more convincing for him. His head dipped, his mouth on hers as he guided her back on the couch. She wrapped a leg around him, their tongues rolling against one another’s as he positioned himself over her. Even through the cotton of his undershirt, he could feel her pebbled nipples against his chest. He sighed, kissing at her jaw, her neck, leaving wet kisses over her collarbone. Reaching between her legs, he ran two fingers through her folds, testing how slick she was for him. He sucked hard on the skin over her breast—hard enough to leave a bruise—and hummed agreeably as she coated his fingers.
“My naughty, naughty American,” he delighted. He spread her folds apart with his fingers, rubbing over her core teasingly. She looked him in the eye, mouth parting to let mouth a silent moan.
Chris repositioned, replacing his fingers with his cock, rubbing the head of it through her folds. He went slack jawed with her as he teased the tip inside of her, stretching her entrance with the fat head of it. Her nails, which had been ghosting over his skin, dug in slightly. After a few moments, he pulled back out, much to both of their dismay.
“Don’t know if you’re wet enough,” he whispered against her lips, grinding his hips in an upward motion. She whined, pouting.
“I am,” she insisted.
“Not for me,” he replied, his hand reaching back between their bodies. He pressed two fingers inside of her, grinning as her brows drew together. “You’re mine,” he told her again, dragging his fingers along her walls. “You can fill yourself with whatever or whoever you like while I’m gone, but I want it to be known that this—“ he rubbed the top of her cunt, reaching a deep part of her that made her squirm. “—is mine. All fucking mine.”
She was intoxicated, the heady fumes of desire spreading out around them. He thrust his fingers inside of her, widening them apart to stretch her for him. Wrapping her hand around the back of his neck, she brought him down to kiss her. He did, parting from her only to cast his translucent eyes down to where he was touching her.
“Fuck, I’m wet enough, Chris,” she said murmured his lips, frustrated. He laughed.
“Not enough. Want you dripping,” he said back, a bit stern. She could see it, suddenly, the way she hadn’t ever been able to before: an etch of seriousness that told her he could be a somber man. She found it terribly attractive. She sucked at the end of his tongue.
“If you fuck me properly, I will be,” she retorted, drawing her fingers around his sides, up to his back. She traced alongside his spine.
He scoffed, though she could see in his eyes he liked the teasing.
“You’re not being very nice to me. Don’t know if I should.” They both watched as he dragged his wet fingers up to her puffy clit. He traced wide, light circles around it. She held her breath, drawing her legs up involuntarily for him.
“You’re clenching around nothing, baby. What a pity.”
“Chris—“ she breathed out. “Chris.”
“Yes, that’ll do,” he nodded in approval, righting himself over her again. He applied more pressure on her clit.
“My pretty-“ Chris took himself in his hand again, lining his cock over her entrance, “-pretty girl all worked up.” He shook his head as if chiding, before thrusting his hips forward slowly. His eyes followed his cock as it disappeared into her, her cunt stretching beautifully around him. She was a goddess, laid out before him, wanting and waiting. Despite his desire for all of her, he thrilled at the slow taking of her. He was savoring it, remembering the tightness of her cunt, allowing the curve of her nails to embed themselves into his mind as well as his skin.
When he found himself fully seated inside of her, he turned his head, kissing the side of her lips, his eyelids, her nose. She pulsated around him. “You feel so tight,” he told her, gradually pulling out, only enough to feel the squeeze of her around him without losing too much of the warmth. He nearly sighed in contentment as he moved back inside.
She was already flush and warm all over from the alcohol in her system, and the feel of him inside of her felt less like an intrusion, as much as it did a missing piece to a lifelong puzzle. His cock was better than his fingers, thicker, longer, going deep as he grinded his hips down into hers. Impatient, she told him, “Faster.”
He huffed out a laugh, but obeyed, drawing up more quickly this time, pressing into her with more intent. She bit back a moan as she felt the plunge of him inside of her. Her knees went higher, something he encouraged by hooking one of them around his arm and thrusting roughly inside of her.
“Fuck, like that,” she moaned, nodding as he went impossibly deep inside of her then. She felt herself grow wetter—could hear it too, the slap of their bodies growing nosier the more intense he grew with his thrusts. It was no longer an issue for him to slide in; her body beckoned him, made all the room so he could seat himself closer and closer to her core.
Chris began to whimper as his thrusts grew more erratic. The pendant on his necklace swung as he watched the way his cock entered her, hitting her in the face as he pushed inside. Her tongue latched onto it, drawing the cool metal into her mouth. When he looked back at her, his eyes were full of unadulterated want. He shuddered, his hands falling over the back of her shoulders, attempting to draw her closer than she already was. She felt the fabric of his undershirt against her sensitive nipples, felt the drag of his pubic bone against her clit as he worked himself inside of her; he was all around her, hot, tangible, lovely, human. Hers.
His fingers wrapped tightly around her shoulders, almost with a bruising intensity, as he began to twitch inside of her. She looked him in the eyes, nodding, urging. He came then, the warmth of his seed inside of her making her gasp, even through the latex of the condom. Her arms wrapped around him, and she panted, smiling.
Pressing a kiss to her breast, he steadied his breathing. She brushed her fingers through his unruly hair, enjoying the faint tickle of his mustache against her skin.
“I’m still gonna make you cum,” he promised, cupping his hand around one of her breasts. They adjusted, so that he tucked himself beside her on the couch, their legs intertwining. His touch was curious more than attentive, the tips of his fingers caressing her warm flesh.
“We’ve got all night.”
“I know,” he smiled, licking behind her ear. Her eyes shut closed, and she pressed away the thoughts that this was not friendly. The alcohol made her feel pleasant, warm, and she did not care.
“Gonna make you cum a lot, my American,” he murmured, biting her earlobe.
She kissed him softly and he returned the kiss in kind, resting a hand on her cheek. He wanted to tell her something terribly romantic, to confess that he liked her quite a lot, that he enjoyed being here more than she would know. But Ireland was such a quiet, fearful place and the IRA had made him wearier than ever; it was best to say nothing than to say too much. It was better to show. His hand drew up between her legs, his eyes glimmering as he pulled away from her.
I want to know all you, said the line he traced up her thigh.
Alright, she consented, parting her legs for him.
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howtotwirlaknife22 · 2 months
Keegan general headcannons
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A/N: feeling peckish tonight so have some Keegan HC’s lol
Aight so first off, I know it’s a popular headcannon for a lot of the ghosts fandom and the COD fandom in general to HC that he’s from Texas or somewhere in the south but in all honesty…I see him as being from the PNW. Specifically from Seattle, Washington. I mean Rorke literally refers to him in the game as “our quiet friend” and if you know anything about people from Seattle Washington it’s that the “Seattle freeze” is a very real thing. In other words, they’re quiet, standoffish and don’t really go out of their way to interact with anyone unless they really need to.
I have a feeling that if Keegan didn’t join the military, he probably would have gone into the woodworking industry (can we imagine lumberjack Keegan? Swoon)
Despite being a Seattlite, he hates fish. He’ll eat anything you put in front of him without question, but any kind of fish is where he draws the line. He hated going to pike’s place market as a kid because of the fish scent and he totally didn’t accidentally get hit in the face with one of the flying fish or anything
He was very into grunge culture when he was a teenager. Given that I HC him being born in the mid to late 80’s, he more than likely would have been a teenager/early 20’s in the 90’s and grunge music was a perfect way for him to really let out some of that angst that he had.
He had a couple of piercings before he joined the military that he had to take out, I like to think that he had snakebites and a tongue piercing at some point. He still has an ear piercing even at his current point in the military. He just never wears it.
He’s quiet and reserved, but this man knows how to turn on the charm to make your panties DROP when he needs to.
Aside from Hesh, he has one of the nicest smiles on the ghosts team. It’s really a sight to behold when you get him grinning.
He has jet black hair and when it’s not buzzed, it looks a lot like Leonardo DiCaprio’s hair in titanic. He likes the old school 90’s cut, he had it when he was in his late 20’s and never really looked back. He trims it up a bit now that he’s older, but it doesn’t really change too much.
He has a little cabin in the woods just outside of Tacoma Washington, and he likes to seclude himself there when he’s on leave. Growing up in Seattle made him grow a special hatred for big city living, despite having fun in his teens.
Because we don’t know much about his involvement in SV, I like to think that he was just too young at the time to be involved in it. He’s a fairly newer member on the ghosts. In my opinion, when he joined he was freshly 19, and it was actually Ajax who saw something in him and took a chance on him who then decided to take him under his wing and mentor him so that he’d be a prime candidate for the ghosts. After that, the rest was history.
If we’re on the subject of when Keegan joined the ghosts, let’s talk about his age. As I said, he was probably late teens/early 20’s in the 90’s and was probably just a little too young to be involved in SV. Considering we don’t see him when Elias, Rorke, Ajax and Merrick go to South America (which happens around 2015 in the game) we can assume that he was probably late 30’s-early 40’s when we are introduced to him in the games. Maybe he’s even younger and is only a few years older than Hesh, who’s around 28 at the time. If I had to wager I’d say Keegan was maybe 36-37 when we first meet him in the game. Maybe a healthy 38. This might also explain why he’s so quiet, and why he’s able to slip away from Rorke undetected. Because he was so new, that Rorke didn’t think he’d have to worry about him and because the rest of the ghosts are still in the process of forming a bond with him.
Keegan’s favorite drink is an old fashioned.
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meara-eldestofthemall · 7 months
Is DC at the stage where they're unwilling to let time flow anymore (a 'Time Crisis' if you will), and the only way anyone's age changes now is through 'time shenanigans'.
Because there has to be an upper limit for how old they will allow a character to be - e.g. (For several reasons) They will never allow Bruce Wayne to turn 50.
You got it in one. Time is now an enemy that needs to be kept at bay, Why?
DC (and other comic books) have to keep their characters within a believable age range. It’s why DC has never allowed their characters to age in real time. They can’t and still keep them viable as Intellectual Properties.  Batman premiered in Detective Comics Comics #27 in March of 1939. Since Bruce was supposed to be somewhere around 22 to 25 years old at that time, he would pushing 130 years of age today.
The biggest canonical age-up in the Batfamily was Dick Grayson. Because of the 1966 Batman TV show he went from a ‘tween to a teen overnight. This was back in the days when I was young, meaning that comic books weren't really taken very seriously. The TV show was a huge success, so DC climbed on board the gravy train and tried to match as much in the comics as they could. 
 After the show ended in 1969, DC wisely realized that keeping an 18 or 19 year old in this costume...
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was a truly bad idea (if not soft core porn at that point). Which is why Dick changed to Nightwing.
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Dick was about 20 years old (maybe a little older at this point). He was a young adult but an adult by anyone’s standards. Dick then went to Bludhaven where he got not only his very own city to protect but better fashion sense as well. 
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What this inevitably meant is that Bruce had to be aged up as well, leaving Bruce in his early 30′s when Dick became Nightwing. Batman got a series of Robins. First Jason..
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Who was with him for 2 to 3 years. Batman is now early to mid 30s when Jason dies. Then Tim...
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who started as Robin at 13 and stayed Robin until 17. That’s another 4 years. Bruce is now in his very late 30s. Then Stephanie...
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who stayed Robin for all of 2 minutes before Tim was Robin again.
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Bruce was in his very late 30s when Damian, age 11, came into the picture.
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Four more years passed and not only did Tim go from being Red Robin to Robin again but he lost, then gained back a year of age. Damian went from 11 to 13 years of age, making Bruce in his early 40s.
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The point is that each new iteration of Robin ages Bruce up. He’s now supposed to be in his early 40s. He’s beginning to feel age creeping up on him. A part of Bruce is finally ready to accept that he physically won’t be able to continue as Batman in another decade or so.
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This is why the “Time Crisis” as you call it is vital. Batman has to be kept no older than he is now to be believable. It’s also why Damian got an upgrade to 13 but Tim is going to stay 17 basically forever. Yes, DC can pull some time shenanigan’s and let Damian and Tim get maybe a year older each but that’s it. 
The bottom line is simple. Batman and family are the biggest money makers DC currently has. If rumors are to be believed, Batman and Co are the only real money makers DC has. They’re pulling no end of crazy storyline stuff with Bruce but the one thing they cannot do is make him older. As someone in her late 60s I can tell you from experience that your early 40s are when you have the unpleasant awakening that you can’t push yourself like you used to. Sickness hits you hard. It takes longer to recover from injuries. You’re reminded of the wear and tear you put on your body over the years when you get out of bed each morning. 
“Time Crisis” isn’t really a crisis. It’s simply acknowledging that Batman isn’t Superman or Wonder Woman. He’s Bruce Wayne and Bruce Wayne may be the pinnacle of what a normal human can reach but he’s not an alien or a demi-god. Bruce Wayne is only mortal and all mortals fade with time. 
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trainsandkitties · 1 year
Welcome to the North-Western! All aboard
Hello there ladies, gentlemen and everyone in between. Let me introduce you to our beloved gang of Sodor's steamies
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Thomas Billinton
Age: appears 18, is actually 75
Height: 175 cm/ 5'7
Sexuality/gender identity: cisgender/ bisexual
Pronouns: he/him
Other: Thom struggles with self-esteem isses, often wishing he was bigger, stronger or faster; he lives in a house with Percy, Annie and Clarabel close to Tidmouth Station; currently doesn't have any relationships; he grew up in Brighton with his older brother Timothy as his only family; when skating became popular he'd do so with Percy; he's a huge comic book fan
Edward Furness
Age: appears to be in his early 60's, is actually 94
Height: 180 cm/ 5'10
Sexuality/gender identity: not labeled/ bisexual
Pronouns: he/they
Other: Eddie grew up in an orphanage in Barrow and Furness; he gets depressive episodes; during his first years on Sodor he had very little money and owned a tiny flat in Knapford before moving in with Gordon; he's a really good painter and can knit or crochet very complex pieces; he managed to graduate from art school; nobody on sodor can make apple fritters like him; before moving to Sodor he had a fiancé who was very toxic and left scared of relationships; he's married to Gordon (not legally)
Henry (Gresley) Stanier
Age: appears to be in his 50's, is actually 71
Height: 189 cm/ 6'2
Sexuality/gender identity: cisgender/ homosexual
Pronouns: he/him
Gordon Gresley
Other: Henry struggles with asthma and Crohn's disease; the Kipper incident left him an amputee (right arm, up to the elbow); he's considered Gordon's half-brother; he adores gardening; all of his plants have bames; he owns a small orchard and makes extra money from selling produce; he lives in a cottage around Knapford; Henry owns a little mongrel named Jackie and owned many rescue dogs before her; he's in a relationship with Hiro
Age: appears to be in his late 40's, is actually 69
Height: 195 cm/ 6'4
Sexuality/gender identity: cisgender/ homosexual /demisexual
Pronouns: he/him (she/her in drag)
Other: Gordon is on the autism spectrum, has severe depression and psychotic episodes; he has moderare h-EDS and anisocoria(uneven pupils caused by his TGR accident); he's a giant cat person and adores anything related to cats; he lives in his great grandmother's old summer house in Tidmouth; acting, drag and singing have always been his escapism; before Edward he had one girlfriend but both realised they were gay; he learned how to sew and tailor clothing and keeps this ability a closely guarded secret
James Hughes
Age: appears to be around 30, is actually 81
Height: 185 cm/ 6'0
Sexuality/ gender identity: non-binary/ pansexual
Pronouns: they/them
Other: James suffers from severe pyrophoba caused by their accident; they live in a bungalow nearby Tbomas and Percy; they have issues with upkeeping relationships so they often change partners, though they've been quite consistent with Spencer so far; James looks up to Gordon often trying to mimick him in many ways, but overtime they found their own style; James came out as non-binary around the 80's
Percy Avonside
Age: appears 18, is actually 93
Height: 170 cm/ 5'6
Sexuality/ gender identity: transgender (ftm)/ not labeled
Pronouns: he/him
Other: Percy was inicially named Priscilla but upon coming to the NWR he was able to come out and live life as his real self; he's often anxious and needs reassurance and support, but can be very brave and sometimes the voice of reason when Thomas and James start fighting; he's very imaginative and loves to hear stories from Salty and Edward
Emily Stirling
Age: appears to be in her 40's, is atually 95
Height: 177 cm/ 5'8
Sexuality/ gender identity: cisgender/ lesbian
Pronouns: she/her
Other: Emily is quite mature and kind but can be sassy and a bit impatient; she's one of James' closest friends and supports them through their ups and downs with relationships; she has a crush on Catilyn and they have a blooming relationship; She lives in a flat in Knapford;
Now some general info on the au etc. (Idk how to make titles ok? lolol)
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bitzandbotz · 1 year
Rolfe Dewolfe Headcanons!
He is my current microwave blorbo (he is rotating around in my brain rn) and I have many thoughts about him!
This post is sfw of course!
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He has a huge inferiority complex and some major ego issues. Bro is a little delulu but we love that.
I headcanon that Wolfman (lead singer of The Wolf Pack 5) is his older brother. This is where a large majority of his insecurities stem from, as his brother is far more well-liked and successful than he is.
He struggles to emulate Wolfman’s natural charm and charisma, so his attempts come off as forced and disingenuous as a result… Just ✨neurodivergent things✨
Not a headcanon but he forged prescriptions for pain medication???? Back pain allegedly, according to the Smitty’s introduction tape at least. Perhaps he’s a chronic pain king who couldn’t afford them!
I know it’s heavily implied that Earle is his own entity and whatnot, but I personally prefer the idea that Rolfe is just using his puppet to vent his frustrations with… Well, himself! It’s his own way of trying to tell people he’s self aware, but everyone seems to take his outlandish persona seriously…
Going based on that headcanon, he’d have to have some good vocal range too. His singing voice might not be the best but he’s definitely got some good impressions up his sleeve.
He’s funnier when he’s being authentic and not trying to be funny, if that makes sense. His jokes on stage are all very corny but behind the scenes I think he has his own unique sense of humor that the others often miss out on.
He loves disco. Canon technically, but it’s cute enough to mention. He was probably going to a lot of discotechs back when he was younger, since he was likely a young man during the time period in which disco would be relevant.
Age wise I feel like he’d be somewhere in his 30s-40s. Gray is a common color for wolves but he gives washed up celebrity vibes, yk?
He could wear shoes but he chooses not to wear them, it’s a sensory thing. He doesn’t like how constricting they feel, and I’d imagine it’d be hard finding shoes in his size anyway.
He’s the typa fella to go to sleep with that old ahh nightgown and the long droopy hat and comically flap his jowls when he snores.
Him and Fats bicker a lot but I think it’s mostly playful banter, they’re the kind of friends who start fake beef with each other just for fun. Fats is probably the one he’s closest to out of the band members, since they have a mutual understanding of one another and what makes each other tick.
Absolutely a terrible shopper. Do not send him to the store (even with a list), he will buy the most expensive versions of everything and a bunch of stuff you didn’t ask for (he only wants the best for you but he can’t keep paying 50$ for orange juice 😭).
In denial about his wrinkles. He’s still fresh as a daisy, or at least that’s what he tells you. His rosy cheeks are real though, no makeup needed for those.
If he gets frustrated enough he’ll do that dog thing that’s not a growl but a little bit of a low rumble.
In high school, he was the “weird puppet guy.” It was like every social interaction with him was a dry run for his future standup routines, he’d never talk to anyone without Earle also being involved in the conversation. It was a comfort thing for him, and it made interacting with others easier, but most people thought he was just weird for it. Once again I say ✨neurodivergent things✨
Avid vest and bowtie collector of course. He’s like Saul Goodman if he didn’t wear pants.
He knows how to play some weirdly specific instrument that sadly wouldn’t fit in with the rest of the bands lineup, but it’s something you’d never know until you’re like shopping for a replacement for your instrument and you see him trot over to a fucking theremin and start making some alien invasion ahh music
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elliespuns · 5 months
Hi, well, this is my opinion and is even more complex, and I'm totally on your side since I'm nearing my 30s, and I also love Ellie. Let's be real, a 20-year-old wouldn't be mature enough for someone our age, right? So, we probably wouldn't see them as a "romantic" option again. What captivates us about Ellie, as women almost 30 or in our 30s, is precisely Ellie's current personality: mature. If we dig deeper, we like Ellie as if she were one of us because she possibly embodies our ideals as if we were dealing with someone our age. In games or movies, they portray a 20-year-old as completely mature, like they're in their 40s, which is unrealistic. So yeah, Ellie is one of those cases, and I don’t give a damn, because I still consider her as if she were around my age.
Hope you got me because my English is basic, lol.
Exactly. Ellie's personality is much older than her actual age. She had to grow up too fast, and it shows. I don't see a problem with people falling in love with that girl. What's there not to like or not to fall in love with? Everyone acts like people in their 20s are still kids.
I don't mean to get personal here (but to state an example for comparison...), the first sex I had was when I was 16, and the age of consent where I live is 15, so if this is okay by the law, then why is finding a 19-year-old girl attractive such a big deal? See what I am trying to say?
I mean, we're still talking about liking someone, finding them pretty, maybe even admitting they are hot. We're NOT talking about SEX, though! Yet, I feel like that's all most people think about when they look at Ellie, and that's why others get so overprotective of her because they think everyone is like this. But c'mon… since when finding an adult person beautiful has become a crime?
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batrogers · 8 months
Twilight Princess: the Resistance
In the game Twilight Princess, there is a group that meets in Telma’s bar, one that clearly knows each other very well and has for a long time. The bar they meet in has a connection to the castle, the group has clear and obvious disdain for the Hylian soldiers, and most notably of all, is willing and able to break into castle grounds with fairly elaborate weapons in order to aid Link in the end-game.
This is standard video game fare, but I want to go into a few other details about the storytelling that have always leaned me towards the group having a much more active past in which the resistance they had to the Twilight threat is a footnote on a much greater accomplishment: that of regicide.
[Note: I am discounting all comics canon in this analysis, as I do not have easy access to it, nor familiarity. This is based off in-game dialogue and visuals only, with some reference to Ocarina of Time.]
Also this is stupidly long and I'm about to post something even longer, so I guess uh, get yourself a drink. (1400 words)
The first necessary detail for that is this: Princess Zelda is the only member of her family we ever see. When Zant invades the throne room, Zelda is standing at the thrones alone, surrounded by guards, dressed in her formal regalia and wielding a sword. Nobody ever speaks of her parents, or questions her right to speak for the people of Hyrule. By every signal present, she is sole ruler and has been for long enough nobody questions it.
She is also very young: this isn’t usual either unless there has been recent, violent conflict or plague, and there’s no real evidence of there being a large war with an outside party or expensive civil unrest. Therefore, if something did kill her parents, it was likely targeted against them alone, or she had extraordinarily bad luck.
The second massive detail is the behaviour of the Resistance group in general. Notably, most group members are much older than Link or Zelda. Rusl has young kids, but he looks much older – more like 40-50 than 20-30. Telma and Auru are in that age range too. While Shad looks young, he talks old, so he could simply be a well-preserved 40 rather than merely a scholarly 20. Ashei definitely appears to be closer to Link’s age, but she speaks openly of her father as though he was involved before her, so perhaps she is here in his stead.
Notably, while there has clearly been time passing while the Twilight overlay the population and people were capable of moving around and doing things, there’s no real sense of it being a long time. Queen Rutela sent her son away, and he became suddenly and violently ill but none of the Zora are worried in a way that implies an absence of more than a few days. Impaz was secluded in the town but not long enough she reacted afraid for her life from lack of food or water. Others, again, are worried for lost family but not convinced of their deaths – a sentiment that, especially about children, would escalate quite quickly even in pre-modern times.
If that’s the case, how long has the Resistance had to set things in motion? If it was a new thing, in the face of the Twilight, the people involved would not be reacting so smoothly. But if it’s simply reconnecting with old allies, then that re-connection would be rapid. Rusl left Ordon village to look for the children: he appears to have gone straight to the Resistance rather than deviate from his path to follow likely leads. Why would he prioritize that? Only if he knew that was his best chance to chase multiple leads at once.
Only if he knew and expected them to be there, reachable quickly from Telma’s bar.
The Resistance does appear to have extremely rapid communication, especially for this time period. The group is already not only reintegrated but aware of current events and actively investigating them per expertise. They act as though they’ve never actually disbanded, in fact. Telma instantly tries to recruit Link upon his arrival, almost as if she was expecting him...
Almost as if Rusl might’ve told her to expect the boy’s arrival in Castletown in the recent future, possibly before this all began...? He was planning to send Link to the Castle in his stead after all.
I have another post about taxation that will likely be posted after this, but its stated that Rusl “made” the sword that’s going to be presented to the Royal Family from Ordon, the Village. This is not what a village would normally send in taxes, but it might be something they might send specially if the castle wants an extra gesture of good will from the village, possibly from a specific villager.
Possibly from someone they suspected was involved in recent activity they wanted to keep an eye on. A man who can make swords and armour (he’s the only one with a solid, defensive helmet we see, after all) is quite valuable in arming a small group of vigilantes, after all.
There is mention of “prolonged wars” that destroyed the guardians of the royal family to which Impaz belonged. That does not sound like a history of a royal family that has historically been kind or well-liked. We never get any specific sense of what caused these conflicts, but some things can just become entrenched power struggles over time. The Resistance are all incredibly disparaging towards the guards, who are useless within the city but around the castle are quite persistent and very solid. (Especially if you include that they are even proof against speedrun strats...)
In addition, Zelda’s royal garb skews incredibly militant. She is obviously trained in sword-fighting, or she’d have never grabbed a weapon when the throne room was invaded; the walls may be open but that offers as much opportunity for her to flee as it does defence, especially at the height at which this room is placed in the castle. While we do see two large cannons in use, and one hand-held cannon among the resistance after the fact, she is still so very high that’s not a real threat.
(Would this absolutely require magic to make the castle stable? Yes. Is that plausible in this context? Also yes.)
Lorewise, the previous game (Ocarina of Time) also has intense implications of prolonged conflicts: a civil war ten years before the story begins, evidence of torture by the Sheikah at the King's command, another war that ended in Ganondorf’s imprisonment by sages. Sages, who were clearly deeply distressed by everything going on, which implies the war had gone horribly for Hyrule and they were acting out of desperation. The Ocarina of Time script is an isolated language that never repeats which has its own implications of invasion and attempts to wipe out the history before it... (Changing a script on people has the “benefit” of forcibly making the literate population suddenly illiterate towards documentation you don’t want them to have access to, after all.)
If the people had become used to distrusting their rulers, and their rulers became used to suppressing dissent with violence, the cycle can continue for quite some time with periods of ebb and flow. And if the people have become used to the idea that you have to simply kill the King before things will change... Well, you’d have reason to keep a very close eye on them in the future, now wouldn’t you? You'd have reason to keep a group prepared to address matters quickly and finally when required.
In brief, there are a great many things that push me towards reading the Resistance as something that formed not in response to Zant, but in response to the government under which they lived.
Twilight Princess is a very settled era in the Zelda timeline. There are wide fields that clearly see a great deal of travel, elaborate and well-maintained bridges, multiple small villages in close proximity to each other that have walls but not elaborately defended ones. This world is not currently in serious distress. The Twilight War appears to be the worst thing to happen to the villages in some time.
It is not, however, particularly disruptive to the city. The people there are defensive, and strange, and alive in wonderful and interesting ways. We have a cursed rich man, a questionably ethical preacher, guards of both the poorly behaved and well-behaved variety, in which the well-behaved are strongly concentrated on the castle... As if the royal family expects to need strictly monitored guards at the castle.
As if there was perhaps something recent that caused it.
As if this isn't the first time the Resistance has broken into castle grounds in the recent past.
Perhaps Rusl had reasons to want someone who wasn’t him to present the sword to the young Queen, after all.
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raventhedracovis · 7 months
tell us about wordgirl bestie!
Will gladly use this as an opportunity to talk about a few headcanons that are canon in mine and @c0de-0f-the-clans reboot!
I'll stick with the characters we've done line ups for for now. Which would be: Becky/Wordgirl, Huggy, Tobey, Dr. Two-Brains, Chuck, The Butcher, Charlie, The Other Henchman, The Whammer, Invisi-Bill, Big Left Hand Guy, Ms. Question, and The Coach.
Becky/Wordgirl (or course we're starting with the girl herself):
Bi. She just is. I don't make the rules. Yes I do >:3
Non-binary but uses she/her pronouns. Comes from noticing in the show how casual she is with referring to herself as "mister". Even lampshaded in the Thanksgiving episode when she says "no more mister nice Becky! ... Or miss Becky. Either one :)".
She's got two birthdays, the day her parents adopted her and the approximate date she was actually born. Her birthday is always celebrated September 28th, but her actual birthday is closer to December 16th.
Part of the reason Becky sucks at art so much is because she sees way more colors than humans can perceive. A color combination that looks good to her just looks ugly or like the same shade of brown. Though even without the whole "painting with colors beyond human perception" thing she just generally sucks at art.
Becky is autistic and stims by pulling and messing with her hair. We also decided she has a bee necklace and she fidgets with it too.
Her full name is Rebecca but goes by Becky.
She's currently 4'5" and the shortest in her grade. When she's all grown up she's going to tower over her friends at around six feet (or more).
Bob/Captain Huggy Face:
Captain Huggy Face is not his real name (or title but I'll get to that in a later post). It's just the name Wordgirl came up with on the spot.
Just like Becky, Bob is only his nickname. Robert is his full name in the family.
Non-binary as well. Just his vibes.
By Lexicon standards, he's considered colorblind. By Earth standards, he's not fhdh.
In his late 20's, but part of the reason is for a different post.
Chuck the Evil Sandwich-Making Guy
Trans man <3
Demi pan.
Chuck's full name is Charles Edward Guy.
Chuck is in his early 20's, a headcanon we pulled thanks to a flashback in the show where Tim and Sally are clearly around the same age they found and adopted Becky but Chuck is oh so small.
Dr. Two-Brains
He stands at 6'5" but slouches a lot and therefore looks more like 6'3".
Technically has three birthdays! One for Steven, one for Squeaky, and one for the day the two fused.
Pan. Can and will flirt with anyone and everything.
In his late 30's.
The Henchmen
The other henchman is Joey Meatball. We both had different ideas of what his name was and thought the combined name was funny.
The two are romantically involved <3
Charlie is 6'7", the other one is 5'2".
Both are in their 40's.
The Butcher
He's 6'9". Big man.
His full name is Jack Edison Shepherd Jr. He went by Butch for a while as a kid, and it kind of stuck.
The reason he struggles with words so much is because he has an expressive language disorder.
In his early 40's.
While he was the tallest kid in 5th grade, he's only gonna be 5'4" all grown up, and it's going to make him so, so mad jhkdg.
We have also hit him with the autism beam.
He had braces at some point, as evidenced by a retainer that can be seen by his bed in most episodes. We have however, just given him braces in our reboot.
Tobey has anxious attachment style. Something I can literally talk about in paragraphs (and have. Twice.) and will probably share another day.
His birthday is reverse pi, 4/13.
The Whammer
The Whammer is half Greek, half Texan, and 100% professional wrestler. His father is a Greek immigrant who got into the professional wrestling career where he met The Whammer's mother, a professional wrestler from Texas.
His real name is Adam Minos.
Was supposed to follow in his parents' footprints and apprenticed under his dad. Unfortunately, his powers where deemed illegal for use in the ring.
In his early 20's.
He's 5'8".
He is romantically involved with Big Left Hand Guy. :]
In his early 30's.
He has ADHD.
Stands at about 5'11".
Big Left Hand Guy
He is romantically involved with Invisi-Bill. :]
He's related to one of the reoccurring bank security guards.
Has anxiety.
In his late 30's.
He's 5'1".
Ms. Question
Trans and non-binary. She's non-binary in the sense that she dodges any questions about her gender. No matter what, she will make you second guess yourself when you try to give her a label.
She's Afro-Latina.
Bicurious, because she's also dodge the question jdfkgh.
Her civilian name is Anne Neasia.
In her early 30's.
Very tall woman. Stands at 6'.
The Coach
The Coach has dwarfism. He stands at 4'8".
He's related to Timmy Tim-Bo. It's why he keeps him around.
In his late 40's.
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rweoutofthewoods · 1 month
Hi mere! How old is Sirius in Tennessee baby? I did the math and he has to be older than James right? Cause Sirius left home at 18 but regulus must’ve been at least 4 for him to remember a lot of things about his brother. So if he was 4 then that means they have a 14yo age gap, compared to jegulus age gap that is 18 years. So it would mean James is 36 and Sirius is 40. Am I talking nonsense rn? I was rereading the whole thing (again) and started to wonder
LOOK here’s the thing I was pretty sure I’d given vague ages before and I did find this ask where I said I wanted there to be around 15 years between jegulus and James is between 32-34. I REALLY hope I haven’t contradicted this anywhere in the fic but I think (I HOPE!!) I’ve never stated anyone’s ages aside from regulus bc that was kind of on purpose. 1. Because I’m terrible at juggling ages and timelines to be so honest. And 2. We know regulus is a teenager and his exact age but by not knowing James’ I felt it drew more attention and scrutiny to the dynamic by knowing Regulus’ exact age and that he’s barely legal, and hammering THAT in while James’ age is not explicitly show but we do know he’s much older and in a position of power over regulus. So like whether the age difference was 10 years or 20, that’s the important part, not the number if that makes sense. Even if James was 22 and fresh out of college, it’d still be wrong to have a relationship with a student. Because it’s not just the age, it’s the power imbalance too.
Now as for Sirius, he is around James’ age. If I’m contradict anything in the fic, my bad, believe past me, not this me. I truly have terrible memory. BUT the next chapter is kind of The Sirius Chapter, so I’ll be rereading bits and making some exact ages clear if they aren’t already. Like how old regulus was when Sirius left etc. So I may come back and reblog this with corrections if I realize I was wrong 😭 but I’ll say Sirius was either 18 or 19 the last time regulus saw him and I feel like i decided regulus was 4 or 5, but I can’t remember for the life of me. I’ll get back to you on that.
But yeah moral of the story, I don’t think I’ll put James’ exact current age in the fic, but he and Sirius are if anything only some short years apart and I think they’d both be in their 30s still. And I’ll explain more about how old Regulus was when he last saw Sirius in the next chapter. I just have to do some serious fact checking on what I’ve posted first 😭 sorry this was the longest possible way to answer your question. And i somehow managed not to really answer it. Damn my real answer should have been i actually do not know… SORRY!! MWAH!!
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beebslolz · 4 months
DC ages based on what team they’re in (oldest to youngest)
The Justice Society Of America
60 - 70 years old. The first real superhero team. They’re all OLD 😧🤯
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The Justice League
40 - 50 years old. Bruce is 51 since he was born in 1973 and Hal has a little white hair.
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The Justice League International
30 - 40 years old. Not that much younger than the Justice League. Ted dated Barbra Gordon who’s about 30. She’s currently dating Dick Grayson who is 25 so that makes Ted around 30 to 35 years old.
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25 - 30 years old. They’re not teenagers anymore 😞 Wally has a wife and three children.
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Young Justice
17 - 21 years old. Tim Drake is 18 (and drinks! Seen in the Tim Drake: pride special. Him and Bernard went to a Pub & Grill.)
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Teen Titans (Damian’s Teen Titans)
10 - 15 years old. Damian was around 10 - 12 when he joined and I think everyone else was around his age.
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feuqueerfire · 2 months
Lovely Runner Live Blogging
I've been seeing the “i found you girl i like being around you” edits on tiktok but before then, i’d also heard about the show and saw an ep 1 clip of when she runs up to him at the swimming pool. i’m a time travel show enjoyer and this show has been getting such good reviews, so I’m excited. my last few shows have been quite dark and violent and i kinda wanna go for another such show but think a lighter (yet emotional) show might do me some good so that i don’t burn out
Ep 1 (June 25)
ah, he encouraged her to live through this time when she was contemplating suicide and ig later on she will do the same bc he unfortunately takes his own life before the time travel i think
Dec 31, 2022
13 years, how old were they then and how old are they now?
oh i knew she was a fan but she’s a biiiig fan
ah, they were in high school at the same time and his high school was across hers
some fans hate Sunjae bc he’s too popular and getting opportunities
the band members also seem to not like him and it could be bc of his popularity but he also seems resistant to being an idol in general and wants to retire so that might have smth to do with it
wow she’s really having a tough day: rejected from job bc it has no elevator and she has a wheelchair, late to the concert, and then lost the ticket omg
this scene of Sunjae putting in his in-ear and going on stage is now iconic to me bc of the edits, kept expecting to hear “i found you girl i like being around you” as background music loll
she’s really determined to be positive and make the most of everything, i expect a breaking point soon though
oh, in hyuk doesn’t want him to retire
phone crack
wheelchair stops
yeah the tears finally. what a fucking day
hehe they meet in the current timeline
lolll her getting annoyed that her friend came just when she could’ve been getting a ride w Sunjae
what is that jar that she gave him?
was it Sunjae who saved her from the accident?
the watch was weird for a second. i guess that's gonna be The Object that takes her back/causes everything
ahh he took meds and jumped off into the swimming pool.
this reminds me a bit of True Beauty but like the friend who passed away
time of death: Jan 1, 2023. 12am
dead at 34, so was 21 in 2009? 19 or 20 interactional age?
The fact that she Just saw him alive and seemingly well a few hours ago must make it even more unbelievable
Traveled back
her legs work again
okay, I'd seen this Instagram edit of this scene as the very first thing I saw from this show but I didn't know when I first watched it just how awkward/embarassing this is T.T
aw, is he also going through something now? her talking about how he went through this alone made him soften
her still being like 'this is my dream' oh she's gonna be mortified when she realizes this is real in a time travel universe
lolol she's like I'm not dreaming? Fuck, am I dead?
pls i'm dying, Sunjae's so confused while she's acting as if they're both dead now (and mustn't cross the bridge)
so did Sunjae take the watch?
Ah, he probably had to quit being a swimmer and become an idol in the original timeline too because of his shoulder
June 2008
So are they seniors in high school right now?
ahh she gets to see her grandma from 14 years ago when she still recognized Sol before alzheimers or whatever T.T
Aw, Sol cries every time she looks at Sunjae
ah, the parallels of Sunjae holding the umbrella over Sol and asking why she's crying now and in the original timeline
I watched around the first 30-40 minutes of this episode on my iPad while I was on the train (and also like 10 minutes in a restaurant lol). I'm likely going to have to take the train a lot starting the second week of July so I had been thinking that maybe I'll save this one for that time and watch like some raunchy BLs and GLs now that I can't watch on the train but the first ep was quite good, I think I'll binge it now oof.
Ep 2 (July 6)
Since Episode 1, I've watched My Stand-In Eps 1 - 11, Blank Season 1, and reread Mistborn: The Final Empire.
"i can fool a 19-year-old, right?" lol Sol
who is this guy? i know there's a love triangle, is this the second lead?
the people who go back in time/become younger scolding the other kids who seem the same age as them is always funny
ah, so funny, he's the first guy Sol stanned
lmfao please why's he running after the bus
the little icons getting farther and farther away and the song about going farther away playing lmfao
omg, she can't tell him the future/what will happen if he does something? time stops?
woah, you really could just stop time and do a bunch of stuff while shouting future facts lmfao
pls, this future-telling grandma cosplay
Sunjae jealous of Taesung already
how does she keep finding herself in these situations, plssss
like Sunjae is literally so correct to be like what the fuck like actually but also T.T
that guy is indeed Sunjae's father and lmfao Sunjae was the one who borrowed the porn/erotic VHS that Sol's mother has been on the dad's case about
overly dramatic crosswalk scene but i guess it's fine since it's mirroring how she probably got into her accident originally and she has trauma from it
she's the one who gave Sunjae an umbrella first! Also i've def seen this scene from a tiktok or smth
pls so he didn't even mean to borrow the erotic video? smh
this is kinda like My School President when Tinn was trying to impress Gun but everything went wrong and he was being a loser lol
so these two episodes effected the future and there's a photo of Sunjae and Sol on the table but it didn't change the death
Ep 3 (July 6/7)
ah, so he didn't injure himself this time?
hilarious that he can't seem to confess while she's fangirling and cooing over him
the dad left his shoe like cinderella lmfao
eughhhh she's like fuck, you don't want me to be your fan anymore? let's be friends! while he's trying to confess
Sunjae's dad dramatic + full of expectations and pressure + getting ahead of himself
and Sunjae also not tell him about the injury
omg her brother and her friend are both home not noticing the fire in their sight?
does that much water even do anything to a fire? feels like you're not supposed to be doing that...
I wish they hadn't done this fire scene so humorously with the brother and friend, kinda took away from the weight of it. also i wonder if the fire or her mother burning her hand won't still happen bc stuff like the shoulder injury or the ball hitting Im Sol still happened even if in a different way than the original timeline
aw, glad his dad understood
lol she's drunk, how cute
is she gonna forget the confession and kiss? since she's yknow legit drunk. i wonder if ppl made a fuss about it because if it was a bl, this would def have been Discussed in the fandom
ah, ofc she doesn't rmr
bruh aghh it's like I can see where this is going with her listening to the recording + Taesung spotting her + Sunjae being far enough behind that he'll see them (+ he thinks he confessed last night and expects her to remember the kiss too)
i'm gonna kill somebody, she didn't even pause so the "I like you" is just playing with nobody to hear
omg travelling to original timeline
girl what?! how could you say you want to date Taesung or is that not really happening or like what's going onnnnn
Ep 4 (July 7)
Oh, Sunjae had not only saved her but was at the hospital too. He'd liked her throughout his high school time i guess but what about that final night, did he recognize her even then?
oh, he had. wild
ohhh she gave him a bunch of the candy that night that she had given him the very first time when she mistook him for a mailman
hmm okay so the Sunjae POV we got of that night was the original timeline before Sol's time travel thing, right? because the photo wasn't there? and the timeline that Sol's waking up in right now is slightly different based on what she had done?
ok the future had indeed changed
omg what the hell, why did that timeline's Sol reject Sunjae like that, like in this timeline, they were friends??? unless Sunjae was being a creep fr
i got spoiled about she can come back 3 times but how does she know only 1 time is left? also it's just been 10 days?! so why did Sol react like that, wtf
ah, so it's like she's kinda fighting with her 19-year-old self from the past who's in love with Taesung? and doesn't know Sunjae?!?! weird...
so the 19-year-old Sol thought she was possessed because her memory from when older-Sol came back was missing... interesting and complicating
lmfaoo exactly, I was saying she could stop time but shouting out future facts. hilarious to have her shouting celeb marriages
plsss how's she asleep on his floor
"i don't make friends with girls. how can a girl and a guy be friends?" alright lol.
why do we have Hyunjoo pooping her pants and that furthering her romance (?) with Sol's brother come onnn
ah, Taesung mommy issues and feelings of abandonment
yknow I do like Taesung and Im Sol's banter and back-and-forth
i'm cryinggggg, not young-Sol's birthday event for Taesung
it's suchhh a long song, i'm dying. and young Sol's fashion pls
hehe Sol telling Taesung how to treat young-Sol is cute actually
so many weird men... that taxi that went away? and now this guy...
is this Sol's accident but in this timeline?
ah, Sol realizing that Sunjae had saved her
okay, in that original timeline, i thought they just called a random number maybe and was confused and ig that's true but Sunjae specifically called Im Sol's number? or what? how'd he know it? and he knew that it was her he was talking to.
Ep 5 (July 7)
i wonder how the accident happened the first time and why Sunjae was there back then
this bra returning scene reminds me of True Beauty but I can't remember what Suho was trying to give Im Jukyeong, idk why I keep thinking pads??
okay i was gonna be tormented, so I skimmed and it's on ep 2 of True Beauty. She accidentally gave Suho a bag that said "thanks for keeping my bare face a secret" but he hadn't recognized her, so to get it back, she'd said that it has pads (i remembered this part at least)
cryingggg at her being like hmm he said he can't be friends with girls, so all those "just friends" rumours with girls were all real romances (as idol Sunjae). anyway i doubt it bc he seemed to forever be in love with her even over a decade later and that's just a trope I'm gonna have to get used to.
yesss i love a girl saving a guy from the common motorcycle/car trope and also girl kabadoning guy
Sol is cute trying to block all mentions of the swimming Olympics from Sunjae but plsss it's all becoming romantic moments and also iffy when you think about young-Sol having a boyfriend
oh, cop mentioning burying a body... i think I've heard that this show has a serial killer
in the original timeline, the taxi driver with the key indeed did something? but this time the other guy got there? and he's the serial killer or what
damn, taxi driver has Sol's flip phone
not Sol's brother and Sunjae meeting but Sunjae being punished for giving Sol alcohol
cryinggg Sunjae being curious and looking at Taesung's profile but he finds out
pls Sunjae getting mad at Sol's inability to bike reminds me of Tinn yelling at Gun about not knowing any math (My School President). when even the down bad secret crush bearing Sunjae and Tinn lose their minds teaching Sol and Gun lmfao
girl, why is Sunjae buying the same jacket as Taesung T.T but ig they're gonna have him fill in for the vocal... but he's not gonna fill in for Taesung
how humiliating to run into Taesung just as Sunjae bought and wore the bright red jacket because Taesung owns it too yikesss
and that's how the eclipse happened, though Taesung isn't in it for much longer i guess?
Taesung watching Sol watch Sunjae perform reminds me of Twinkling Watermelon
oh, intense yelling from Sol
double whammy of hearing the confession recording finally and Sunjae also telling her to break up with Taesung at the same time
Ep 6 (July 8)
ah, I’m Sol broke up with Taesung but I don’t know if that’s the end of it… but she also knows Sunjae’s confession…
sunjae is quite fun to watch like his despair at his “breakup with taesung” thing going wrong vs joy when taesung got broken up with
Sol’s brother does bother me, why is he so annoying
pls both Sunjae and Sol holding back to appear cool/not “shake the other’s heart” aghhh
Taesung’s “Oh, I think I liked you a lot” is funny
not Taesung getting into a car crash, damn it
so is Sep 1 the day her accident happens? I don’t remember the date. is it gonna happen again even though the bridge thing already happened? or is it a different thing?
Taesung’s dad (?) Kim cop is investigating the case of a he dead bod?
nooo now he has their address bc of grandma
oh, Sunjae confession
Taesung in hospital but his dad doesn’t visit and his friend doesn’t believe in him + he calls Sunjae to let him know that Sol’s mother is at the hospital, oh man
aw mannn Sol rejecting Sunjae because she knows she’s not in the right timeline and is gonna have to leave soon etc. does she realize she’s the one he liked in the original timeline too? he’s talking about liking the rain and on the original timeline radio show he also mentioned it
not having to take an umbrella to Sunjae on the day of Sol’s accident! and after she almost stayed home all day
omg she’s realizing right now that she was his first love back then too and she didn’t “confuse him”
tbf maybe this mans would’ve gotten her even if she didn’t leave right then. a fucking kidnapping
omg this taxi fucker really took her Again D:
Ep 7 (July 8)
oh on that original accident too Sol missed her stop on the bus and Sunjae was waiting with her in the bus, that’s how he was there on the time of her accident on save her
i’m watching this on the subway on my commute to/from work but there are two people talking in korean beside me and i feel awkward watching a kdrama beside them lol
okay they left a couple minutes later
oh at this bridge where her original accident happened is where she dropped that watch and the first time she time travelled, right?
omg who the hell grabbed her in this timeline? bc taxi driver was in the taxi still
good job to sunjae for connecting everything and figuring out the reservoir lmfao
ah, she went back to her time again and the young-Sol is back but also that's kind of oh no in a way, though Sunjae's clever i wonder if he'll be able to figure it out?
i knew from pics i saw that she can use her lefts in the future
Sunjae survived too
pls not her getting mistaken for a sasaeng, i don't even wanna watch anymore
what a different life
damn, young-Sol had another kidnapping a year later?
oh naurrr is Sunjae doing the "who are you? do we know each other?" thing because young-Sol did this to him after he helped her with the kidnapper?
oh he's not even here, it was a scenario in her head lol
lmfao crying, this Sunjae lovesss the attention and fame (though not the stalking)
the shenanigans of them justtt missing each other every time
i can't believe we're getting random enemies-to-lovers right now, especially with them texting each other antagonistically, this is soooo fun
i seriously need to go to sleep but ahh
oh, the concert didn't happen
ah, and they met on the bridge again
35 minutes after my bedtime already, gonna take a while to fall asleep too, whelp
Ep 8 (July 9)
omg Sunjae got the time capsule egg before it got torn down and he even waited on Jan 1, 2023 fully expecting her to come - and she did, so why didn’t they meet?
and Sunjae got the watch from the time capsule
hmmm would he happen to travel back in time at all? bc she travelled back with his watch and maybe he can travel back with her watch?? esp if smth happens to her idk
lmfao pls not the hotel where they can be alone together
but also he’s an idol going with a random girl lmfao
i loveeeee Sol omg she’s so funny and endearing as she’s talking about how she didn’t mean they should have a passionate night and also mentions that they had crushes on each other in a throwaway line but she doesn’t wanna skip intros and get to the conclusion But she’s not judging sunjae for thinking that, they just have different values lmfao what a cutie but sunjae’s gonna act clueless like oh? what were you thinking as if he doesn’t know what this insinuates
i loveeee celeb/non-celeb romance esp when it actually shows the reporters and rumours and fans and such and how they can affect/limit the relationship
he has such a big house why not hide the cut out in some random storage room omg
pls and now Sunjae thinks she plans to stay the night and have sex lmfao
true Inhyuk would be like what the hell, Sunjae can’t fall for Im Sol again!!
Inhyuk talking about how Sunjae’s liked only Im Sol this whole time and kept going back to her old house whenever he was drunk while Sol can hearrrrr
ah, she confessed that she used to like him too
i kept being nervous that Taesung would somehow be in the house but Sunjae/Sol first kiss!
isn't it crazy fr, after 15 years you finally meet again and this time the girl you've loved forever confesses back and you kisssss and it's not a shitty one either
what the hell, the fuckass taxi driver is here too? that was indeed Taesung before right or did i mistake taxi driver for Taesung, I hope not
"Even if somebody sent me back to the past, I would never gamble with my future" whelp Hyunjoo, don't foreshadow too hard
the stalker makes me nervous both in terms of what if that person was the person who was knocking or whatever the night Sunjae died and also what if she finds out that Sunjae's dating Sol and does something to either of them?
okayyyy, so the taxi driver mans went and attacked Sunjae, was it the same thing in the previous iterations too?
I listened to the Afternoona Soju podcast episode and learned about 2 scenes: Sunjae and Taesung drink and do karaoke together and cuddle to sleep, and Sunjae's speech envelope + Sol's resignation letter get swapped so he ends up saying that out loud as a speech
Ep 9 (July 9)
so as hinted, a year after she came back to the current timeline, in the young timeline 2009, the taxi guy kidnapped Im Sol again and Sunjae saved her again and that's what caused that guy to get jailed until now
i loveee 2009 freshman Sol's hair, beautifully bangs and wavy hair
Hyunjoo's joyoush "hmm" and nod at 33:50 after Sol asks her if it was her idea is sooooo good omg i replayed several times
omg, the sudden "are you really from the future?" that had like no build-up, so I was surprised hehe
ahhh they kissed accidentally ofc they did, ig we'll see Sunjae and Sol married by the end?
Ep 10 (July 10)
ah, makes sense that Sunjae wouldn’t actually believe the time travel stuff oof
pls hiding under the table is so T.T
oh she’s telling Taesung about the time travel too
i like it when in a love triangle the guys try to impress the family like now with the flooding and in Ture Beauty with the dumplings but it’s annoying when they let it get the best of them and don’t care about what’s actually happening like why are you up arguing and making a mess instead of helping clean up wtf
i do like Sunjae Taesung antagonizing when it’s like verbal and witty not physical fights
oof Taesung telling Sunjae that he shouldn’t even be jealous of him bc Sol clearly likes Sunjae
Superstar K vs going to the states
ah, he digs up the time capsule and figures out that he dies (possibly because of trying to protect Sol) that time in the future
oh, the billboards changed and Eclipse is releasing their new album instead of Sunjae’s stabbing hmm i can’t tell bc im watching on my phone but is Sunjae in that photo?
Ep 11 (July 10)
not this kissing gossip lmfao
yknpw technically this is a noona romance in this timeline 3x Sol x 20 Sunjae (krn age)
the “should we roll back another minute? if you give me another chance, i’ll do my best” thing is soooo cute like Sunjae fr was just going for the remote not the kiss like Sol thought
i’m crying from second hand embarrassment at the parents and brother finding them like this and am dreading the hundreds of condoms reveal T.T plssss and even Basic instincts got brought up again and Sunjae having to cover Im Sol’s ears i cannotttttt, how humiliating
the condoms flying out like this is really and truly killing me i can’t watch fuckkk if i was sunjae i would have to leave move away say good bye to Sol like life death and time could not make me stop loving you but this… in front your family? yeah i’d learn to live
lmfao the family meeting was very funny
he sings sonagi for her on a stage ahhh first of all he’d died but she gets to see him sing again + knows it’s about her this time
ah this fucking killer mans
Ep 12 (July 10)
ofc both Sol and Sunjae are gonna try to stop the murderer
lol will Sunjae get jealous of In Hyuk lmao
i can't watch this toilet water nothing pls at least use the water that's stored in the tank of the toilet not in the fucking bowlll
is the institution just that they made out? because i don't think they had sex?
lmfao maybe now the MIL and FIL will finally get along
omg, she's pretending to have gone back so that Sunjae doesn't stay with her at this place where the attacker's gonna come
oh also i'd figured out the 3 lives thing a while back btw i'd been like how does she know w/ certainty that she has 3 chances but the clock said 3, then 2, and now it's at 1
Ep 13 (July 11)
just go so frustrated that Youngsoo figured out that Sol was setting a trap bc that guy put his hand on her to check but Sol ended up shouting for Detective Kim eughhh such planning and yet
and Sunjae runs into him right then ofc
not Sunjae getting knifed! and falling off he cliff!!!
oh, Sol returned
girl where the hell is Sunjae like nice to see Sol’s life and Taesung but c’mon
i got spoiled about the letter switching and Sunjae giving actor award speech from Sol’s resignation letter so i don’t have like The Suspence for this
ohhh Sunjae’s watch also became a time machine
oh my godddd his time machine also takes Sol back in time for some reason and she literally cuts it off right at the beginning?!?! doesn’t give him the umbrella in the rain
curious about how they’ll explain the killer stuff in the past if Sunjae’s not there to save Sol?
Ep 14 (July 11)
so Sol and family just move away soon after like Sunjae still has his sling? yknow what let me not think too much
lolol articles coming out. i didn’t realize he was just gonna be mc-ing
ahhh Ryu Sun Jae is gonna be acting in Im Sol’s script?!
ouch the script hurts (though she’s plagiarizing so hard from alternate timeline Sunjae!!)
both of them busy trying to reject the script/actor but omg poor Sol. it sucks so bad to be the one who remembers, like when Sunjae used to remember while young Sol forgot and now thisssss after everything
another enemies to lovers arc
okay i was wondering how we’d go back to Sunjae knowing but ig he’ll get dreams and memories
oh, the murderer is gonna attack the sasaeng girl instead?
Sunjae is just Meant to be obsessed with Sol in every timeline ig
yaas the lottery tickets truly a must for a fucking time travel anything
ah the ferris wheel
Ep 15 (July 11)
the taxi driver can’t be obsessed w Sol in this timeline too right esp bc it’s been 15 years since his interest in the original tl
not Sol’s mom trying to set Sol up with sunjae now loll how the tables have turned
lmfao this time it’s Sunjae hiding from Sol when usually it was the other way around in the past timelines
oh, the killer is actually targeting Sunjae straight up this time maybe, not Sol first
Sunjae’s memory coming back in flashes
oh, he's got it all back
omg dramatic. killer guy almost got Sunjae again and then for a second I got nervous that Taesung was gonna crash like the other way so that killer T-bones his car
Ep 16 (July 11)
last ep!! 1h 19 mins instead of the usual 61-63 mins
killer dies just like that
ahh meeting again after remembering
"because he died, somebody else might get to live"
they kiss pretty nice
the parents do make me laugh, the dad being like hah i know Sunjae chose a good, beautiful girl to date while the mother's like hah i know she's no beauty
ah, marriage and wedding, cute
A fun show with a fun concept and great acting + romance. It was funny and delightful most of the time, there was a kind of killer/suspense aspect but that wasn't really ever the Focus, Sunjae being killed was the focus; similarly, they didn't thoroughly explain the time travel because the mechanics wasn't the focus, Sol going back was the focus.
I liked Sunjae and Sol together and it was fun seeing how Sunjae was slightly different in the different timelines lol I liked seeing the couple on high school, college, as idol!Sunjae and actor!Sunjae. It did feel a bit like consistency was lost in their relationship but that was the point i guess. It was a very romantic concept, the way they were falling in love in every timeline.
Everything about it was good and I was engaged, I just don’t think I’d think about it much though. Kinda reminds me of When I Fly Towards You c-drama in that way; a cute youthful romance drama but I'm not hung up on it. At least it kept me company during my commute of the first week at my new internship.
Rating: 7/10
8 notes · View notes
uh oh, info dump time
info about the bots in my universe
ive done a bit of rearranging with when certain things happen, mostly in rba, so just keep that in mind.
there's some info about robot parenthood at the bottom, so you may wanna give that a read first otherwise you be a little confused by some of the terms i use.
i'll probably come back to this from time to time, so keep an eye on it. ;) you never know who else might join the party.
Main Four
Heatwave Pronouns- He/Him
Earth Age(s)- 27 (RB S1, 2012) 31 (RB S4, 2016) 33 (RBA S1, 2018) 35 (Post RBA S2, 2020) 42 (2027) 45 (2030) 49 (2034)
Status- Living
Personality Overview- Heatwave was born into a world of passion, fueled by his carrier's desire for greatness. He took a lot after her, especially temper. However, the older he got, the more he mellowed out. He's a very proud and stubborn bot, which often rubs off on others. His role as leader has inspired others to better themselves. Bits and pieces of his fiery attitude can be seen in his children, especially his oldest, Firefly.
Occupation- Rescue Bot (firefighter) Academy professor
Immediate Family- "The Bull" (sire) Wildfire (carrier) Possibly numerous half-siblings Blades (conjunx, carrier of children) Firefly (oldest child) Torch (youngest son)
Other relatives- Sabre (ex-amanti, separated on good terms) Quickshadow (older sister-like figure) Cody (younger brother-like figure)
Chase Pronouns- He/Him
Earth age(s)- 26 (RB S1, 2012) 30 (RB S4, 2016) 32 (RBA S1, 2018) 34 (Post RBA S2, 2020) 41 (2027) 44 (2030) 48 (2034)
Personality Overview- What comes off as cold and uncaring is really just the way Chase was raised and how he shield's himself from past trauma. His analytical nature has served him well in avoiding social situations that may not benefit him. Why waste his time on something if it has nothing to do with his current task? Slowly but surely though, his walls have come down, and his bottled up emotions pouring out, allowing him to truly heal and live without fear. At the end of the day, he loves curling up with a good book, especially if it's of the crime fiction variety.
Status- Living
Occupation- Rescue Bot (police/law enforcement) Academy professor
Immediate Family- Patron/Pata (patron, real name unknown) Cruise Control (matron) Unborn sparks (siblings, failed to thrive) Unborn spark (miscarriage with Pierce) Boulder (conjunx, sire of children) Wedge (oldest adoptive child) Boomer (youngest son)
Other relatives- Sabre (distant cousin) Quickshadow (distant cousin) Pierce (ex-amanti) Blades Pronouns- He/She
Earth Age(s)- 25 (RB S1, 2012) 29 (RB S4, 2016) 31 (RBA S1, 2018) 33 (Post RBA S2, 2020) 40 (2027) 43 (2030) 47 (2034)
Personality Overview- If you ever want to hear the latest gossip around town, Blades is your bot. Binging reality TV shows brings her much joy, a passion she shares with her oldest child, Firefly, who will vehemently deny liking such things. This plucky little helibot is all about staying active and healthy, often dragging his family into doing the latest and greatest exercise regimes, much to their chagrin in trying to resist. She does love lazing around like a couch potato occasionally though.
Status- Living
Occupation- Rescue Bot (paramedic) Academy professor
Immediate Family- Unknown creators Heatwave (conjunx, sire of children) Firefly (oldest child) Torch (youngest son)
Other Relatives- Unknown
Boulder Pronouns- He/Him
Earth Age(s)- 24 (SB S1, 2012) 28 (RB S4, 2016) 30 (RBA S1, 2018) 32 (Post RBA S2, 2020) 39 (2027) 42 (2030) 46 (2034)
Personality Overview- A lovable teddy bear who just wishes everyone would get along. Don't take his kindness and wishes for naivety though. While he may not have had a happy beginning, he uses his experience to better the lives of others and has played a vital role in the healing of his conjunx, adoptive child, and even himself. His day isn't complete until he's made his family smile, even the tiniest. He has a special interest in botany and ornithology, finding joy in pastimes relating to his passions.
Status- Living
Occupation- Rescue Bot (engineer) Academy professor
Immediate Family- Unknown creators Glory (adoptive matron/carrier, academy sponsor) Chase (conjunx, carrier of children) Wedge (oldest adoptive child) Boomer (youngest son)
Other Relatives- Unknown
Wedge Pronouns- He/They
Earth Age(s)- 13 (RBA S1, 2018) 14 (RBA S2, 2019) 15 (Post RBA S2, 2020) 22 (2027) 25 (2030) 29 (2034)
Personality Overview- Since his brother was born, Wedge has strived to be the best role model for him. They still often struggle with when Pierce came to the academy, but nothing a big hug from his family can't fix and take his mind off of it...only if for a little while. Sometimes though they need a little extra helping hand from someone who isn't family to ease his nerves. To this day, he still owns a few decks of Heroes of Cybertron cards, and no, he will never get rid of them.
Status- Living
Occupation- Rescue Bot (construction)
Immediate Family- Pierce (patron/sire) Unborn sparks (tube brood, failed to thrive) Boulder (adoptive sire) Chase (adoptive carrier) Boomer (adoptive younger brother)
Other Relatives- Patron/Pata (maternal grandpatron) Cruise Control (maternal grandmatron) Glory (adoptive grandmatron) Scorch (on-again/off-again amanti)
Boomer Pronouns- He/Him
Earth Age(s)- 0 (2020) 7 (2027) 10 (2030) 14 (2034)
Personality Overview- Boomer inherited his love for nature from his sire, but also takes care to understand the balance and laws it enacts on the world. Using his knowledge, he applies what he's learned from his experience and what his creators have taught him into his lessons at the academy. He's a fan of Hawaiian shirts and Jurassic Park and also has a love for reptiles and insects. He has a stuffed albino ball python named Philomena who he sleeps with every night.
Status- Living
Occupation- Academy student
Immediate Family- Boulder (sire) Chase (carrier) Wedge (adoptive older brother)
Other relatives- Patron/Pata (maternal grandpatron) Cruise Control (maternal grandmatron) Glory (adoptive grandmatron)
Voice Claim- Paul Mikel-Williams
Firefly Pronouns- She/He
Earth Age(s)- 0 (2020) 7 (2027) 10 (2030) 14 (2034)
Personality Overview- Basically if Heatwave's genes Ctrl-C and Ctrl-V'd themselves. Firefly has a bit of her carrier in her too though. He can be very excitable and optimistic about things, while on the other hand, dark humor is his favorite kind. She’s the kind of kid that would hang out in a cemetery all night for fun and to prove that "c'mon guys, it's not that scary!" He enjoys hanging out with his best friend, Boomer, and loves his little brother, Torch, conditionally.
Status- Living
Occupation- Academy student
Immediate Family- Heatwave (sire) Blades (carrier) Torch (younger brother)
Other relatives- "The Bull" (paternal grandsire) Wildfire (paternal grandcarrier)
Voice Claim- Dakota Fanning
Torch Pronouns- He/Him
Earth Age(s)- 0 (2027) 3 (2030) 7 (2034)
Personality Overview- Is either a complete genius or dumber than a bag of rocks. There is no in between. One may often find him in the middle of the night staring at his creators as they slumber, wanting...something. What does he want? He doesn't know, but he knows he wants it and he wants it now.
Status- Living
Occupation- None/student
Immediate Family- Heatwave (sire) Blades (carrier) Firefly (older sibling)
Other Relatives- "The Bull" (paternal grandsire) Wildfire (paternal grandcarrier)
voice claim- AJ Kane
Other Bots
Quickshadow Pronouns- She/Her
Earth Age(s)- 20s (pre/current-war) 31 (RB S4, 2016) 35 (RBA S1, 2018) 51 (Post RBA, 2034)
Personality Overview- Snarky but well-meaning, if going about it the wrong way. Per "uncover secret agent" mumbo-jumbo, she's closed herself off from most relationships. That's not to say, she's got skeletons in her closet.
Status- Alive
Occupation- Agent (pre/post-war) Rescue Bot (post-war, current)
Immediate Family- Unknown creators Vaporwave (amanti, carrier of adoptive daughter) Seafoam (adoptive daughter)
Other Relatives- Sabre (distant cousin) Chase (distant cousin) Heatwave (younger brother-like figure)
Sabre Pronouns- He/They
Earth Age(s)- 20s (pre/current-war) 33 (post-war, RBA S1, 2018) 34 (at time of Frostbite's emergence, RBA S2, 2019) 35 (post-RBA S2, 2020) 43 (at time of Icicle's emergence, 2028) 49 (2034)
Personality Overview- Sabre was bit of a party animal in his early years. After his first couple of years at the academy, he straightened out quickly while still maintaining a fun attitude and generally being a well-respected, strong leader. He was once on the same team as Heatwave, being his second in command, and was his amanti, but the two amicably split after Sabre left the team to lead his own squadron of first responders. It was through him that Heatwave met Chase and Blades (separately), ultimately leading to the re/formation of the Sigma-17 first responder team. It's also through Sabre that the Academy on Earth receives new recruits.
Status- Alive
Occupation- Rescue Bot (pre-war, inactive) Dean/Principal of Academy on Cybertron (current)
Immediate Family- Unknown creators Snowraith (conjunx, sire of children) Frostbite (oldest son) Icicle (youngest daughter)
Other Relatives- Chase (distant cousin) Quickshadow (distant cousin) Heatwave (ex-amanti, separated on good terms)
Voice Claim- Alastair James
Pierce Pronouns- He/Him
Earth Age(s)- 20s (as a Rescue Bot) Early-30s (as a Decepticon, at time of Wedge's emergence) 36 (since last seeing him, post-RBA S2, 2019)
Personality Overview- Cocky, flirtatious, and has a need to control everything and everyone. He can't stand the idea of something not going his way, especially when it comes to relationships. He will do or say whatever he needs to for everything to be in his favor. That's why when innocent, naïve little Chase came into his clutches, he dare not let go.
Status- Living (incarcerated)
Occupation- Rescue Bot (unknown, possibly construction) Decepticon (unknown rank/occupation) None (incarcerated)
Immediate family- Unknown (low-born) Unborn sparks (offspring, failed to thrive) Unborn spark (miscarriage with Chase) Wedge (offspring/son)
Other Relatives- Chase (ex-amanti)
Voice Claim- Eric Dane
"The Bull" (real name unknown) Pronouns- He/Him
Earth Age(s)- 30s (at time of Heatwave's conception/emergence) 40s (since seeing him last) Unknown
Personality Overview- Not much is known about Heatwave's sire, not even where his nickname came from, other than he was battle-hardened and ready to fight at the drop of a hat. Years of being a successful combatant in the gladiator pits has led him feeling little to no emotion towards others. Every bot has needs though...just ask all of his previous partners.
Status- Unknown (most likely deceased)
Occupation- Gladiator (at time of Heatwave's conception/emergence) Unknown
Immediate Family- Possibly numerous partners Wildfire (one-time fling, carrier of child) Heatwave (son) Possibly numerous offspring
Other Relatives- Unknown
Voice Claim- Norman Reedus
Wildfire Pronouns- She/Her
Earth Age(s)- 20s (height of her career) 30s (at time of Heatwave's conception/emergence) Unknown
Personality Overview- She's didn't take no scrap from no one. If she didn't like someone, she would let them know. She was prideful, but didn't care to boast. Everyone already knew she was the best. If you ever wondered where Heatwave got his fiery spirit from, all fingers would be pointed in her direction.
Status- Unknown (most likely deceased)
Occupation- Gladiator (before retiring due to injury) Arena Battle-Matron/Sponsor (before Heatwave's emergence) Lobbing coach Unknown
Immediate Family- "The Bull" (one-time fling, sire of child) Heatwave (son)
Other Relatives- Unknown
Voice Claim- Nicki Rapp
Chase's Patron/Pata (real name unknown) Pronouns- He/Him
Earth Age(s)- 30s (at time of Chase's conception/emergence) 40s (since seeing him last) Unknown
Personality Overview- Keeps to himself, not very sociable. He was a good provider according to Chase, but didn't interact with him all that much. When Cruise passed away though, Chase's patron started reaching out to him. They had started to build up a good relationship with each other until the fateful day Chase never returned home.
Status- Unknown (most likely deceased)
Occupation- Unknown (some sort of law enforcement)
Immediate Family- Unknown creators (high-class bots) Cruise Control (conjunx, arranged, matron of child) Chase (sole offspring) Unborn sparks (offspring, failed to thrive)
Other Relatives- Wedge (adoptive grandchild) Boomer (grandson)
Voice Claim- Jeremy Sisto
Cruise Control Pronouns- They/Them
Earth Age(s)- 30s (at time of Chase's conception/emergence) 40s (at death)
Personality Overview- Gentle, soft-spoken, firm but fair. They would often sing to Chase to sleep when he first emerged. They just wanted the best for Chase. They're remembered fondly by Chase, especially after Boomer is born.
Status- Deceased
Occupation- Rescue Bot (law enforcement, retired) Stay at home matron (until death)
Immediate Family- Unnamed creators (upper-class bots) Unnamed spark-siblings Chase's Patron/Pata (conjunx, arranged, patron of child) Chase (sole offspring) Unborn sparks (offspring, failed to thrive)
Other relatives- Wedge (adoptive grandchild) Boomer (grandson)
Voice Claim- E.R. Fightmaster
Glory Pronouns- She/Her
Earth Age(s)- 40s (first time meeting Boulder, at time of his enrollment as a rescue bot recruit) 50s (at time of Boulder's promotion to full-time rescue bot, since seeing her last)
Personality Overview- Sweet as sugar, and the most patient bot you'll ever meet. She's the kind of bot that would call you "baby/honey" unironically and is basically a saint. She would have loved Earth and all of its beauty.
Status- Unknown (most likely deceased)
Occupation- Foster matron Sponsor Caregiver
Immediate Family- Unknown Boulder (ward, adoptive son)
Other relatives- Wedge (adoptive grandchild) Boomer (adoptive grandson)
Voice Claim- Natasha Rothwell
What is a matron/patron and why aren't they the same as a carrier/sire? A matron/patron, or matriarch/patriarch, is a bot who has offspring, (sparkling's, bitlet's, sparklet's, etc.), that have been produced via alternative means versus the common, low-class methods (interfacing). If one wanted sparkling's and were lucky enough to be well off financially, they may invest in this different kind of conception. Since these bots did not technically sire/carry the sparkling, they are simply known as a matron/patron. They may choose to be called by either/any name if they so wish. Many middle to upper-class families may choose this form of procreation for religious beliefs, personal preference, or peer pressure.
A matron/patron may also only procreate as a means of status, having as many as they can afford to create and marrying them off to other mid/upper-class families.
How does it work? With either one or two creators, pieces of their DNA are put into a tiny protoform, creating new life. From there, it's up to the creator(s) if they wish to raise the newspark as a normal sparkling or if they wish to accelerate its growth. Accelerating its growth process skips over any undesirable steps a carrier would normally have to go through, such as enduring symptoms of carrying the unborn spark, emergence pains, and so on. The newspark will grow until they have reached an age where they can be independent but still malleable. In earth terms, these newsparks would be around the age of nine years old, equaling to nine months, the normal growth cycle for a human fetus.
How can these terms best be used? Middle to upper-class bots prefer matron/patron to less informal names or no name at all. If produced through methods like interfacing, offspring will refer to their creators as mata/pata until they've outgrown the terms. Sparkling's born on alien planets may be more inclined to refer to their creators by names from the native dialect of the world though. An example of this would be a bitlet referring to their creator(s) as mama/papa, regardless of whether they are masculine or feminine-presenting.
What if a bot identifies as [pronouns here]? It really is personal preference. If a sparkling has a femme (she/her) sire and/or a mech (he/him) carrier, matron/mata and patron/pata can be interchanged. Patron/Matron are more so meant to be gender-neutral and not adhere to specific gender roles, just what their coding dictates and/or the preference of the parent(s).
TLDR; just a buncha mumbo-jumbo about giant alien robots and their mommies and daddies. 👍
bonus family tree pic of the main four's families. quickshadow and sabre not included bc ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
"the bull" and chase's patron are to the left of their partners, while wildfire and cruise and to the right. glory is by herself.
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krystaldeath · 6 months
Cult of The Lamb hc’s (part of me feels like I should wait till I play the game myself - or watch a full playthrough at least - before I “solidify” these but meh. For now at least these are how I see things):
* Kinda typical hc I feel like but Leshy is the youngest, then it’s Heket, Narinder, Kallamar, and then Shamura is the oldest.
* Idk what their ages would be chronologically wise but my personal hc’s for “biological” age are: Leshy (21), Heket (25), Narinder (27), Kallamar (32), and Shamura (40). I think Lamb is about 200 years chronologically but 28 “biologically” (I think it’s funny if they’re “older” than Narinder)
* I don’t have a name for them yet but my version of the Yellow Cat is a little bit fucked up actually. Like they seem chill and they kinda are? But they’ve got a body count. And no not the sex kind. Think of that one audio where the guy answers the body count with 30 and when it’s clarified that it’s about sex he’s like “Oh well I haven’t done that yet!” And the other persons like “WHAT DOES 30 MEAN THEN???”
* I need y’all to know I project onto The Lamb HARD. So yeah, they always wanted to be kind and sorta made it a big part of their personality. Unfortunately their world and circumstances just doesn’t allow for their kindness. They still try to be as kind as they can be, but it’s hard when you’re slowly ascending to godhood, especially into the god of death.
* Also Agender Lamb. They/Them and ONLY They/Them Lamb all the way. Demi ro & sex & pan. They’re a?ab (assigned ??? At birth; bc I can’t decide but if you MUST know I think they can shapeshift a bit now so. Maybe they forgot themself lol). Presents androgynously, leaning either way whenever they feel like it. They have a more masc voice though I think, like the ones people use in comic dubs a lot.
* Once I figure out how to draw (could stop it there I am Rusty) anthropomorphic animals it’s over for y’all (Translation: I will draw my self insert and The Lamb being kinda fucked up Besties)
* The cotl fandom is filled with queer people who’ve got some level of religious trauma, let me recommend a recent song I’ve been looping and imagining a cotl/narilamb animatic to: Collared by Vane Lily (look it up on YouTube to watch the fun mv first!) WARNING IT IS HIGHLY SUGGESTIVE
* I’ve been flip flopping a bit on what species she’d be but I have ideas for a follower love interest for Heket! At first I thought a bunny, then a bee, and currently feeling like a bat would be cute. Idk but I do see her as a warrior type who also likes to bake and do cutesy things too
* I think once the bishops become followers their injuries are worse but they can still “work” around them: Leshy can kinda see things if they’re up close. Heket can sorta speak but not fast and she’s got. Well not a sore throat bc. She doesn’t have one of those anymore. But something akin to that constantly. Kallamar can only hear loud things or if someone spoke into his ear directly (he only allows those in his polycule and his siblings (minus Narinder) to get that close). Shamura does get a bit lost in their own mind, and even when they’re more conscious their memory is spotty.
* Back to my Yellow Cat being a bit fucked up: They actually really liked the idea of chaos (though they hardly show it) so when they find out Leshy was the bishop of chaos instead of being scared or unnerved they’re like “*twirls hair (fur??)* ha ha ha, omg, really~?”
* *slaps the top of The Lamb, Leshy, and probably so many others don’t underestimate me* these bitches can fit so much adhd (+ autism probably) in them
* Probably (geez I use that word a lot huh?) got more hc’s, especially for other characters, but this is already pretty long so I’ll leave it here for now
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yifftwiceplz · 11 months
rambling about daves timeline under the cut
this info has been touched on but a little more in depth
so i couldn't decide what age dave i wanted to RP and came up with some weird bullshit to be able to jump around impulsively but i have a general timeline for my dave
16-17: beats sburb, moves onto earth c. i DONT care about the endless isekai plot i want my boys to be happy B( i support anyone strong enough to stick with it, but personally i am rewriting it in my head the strilondes move into a duplex with roxy and rose on one side, dave and dirk on the other side. they do this because it seems like the healthiest option for all of them to live with their siblings and help each other grow and heal
dirk and dave have a lot of shit to work out both with dirk's chronic isolation and impossible standards for himself, and dave having been raised by a basement dwelling abusive dick. it's a little rocky at first especially with dirk's messiness and dave's clinginess but they push through and the strength of their relationship grows
neither of them has a job at first but they both piddle around with comics, youtube channels, and side projects until they both start messing with crypto scams. namely scamming crypto bros out of their money. it's around this point where they somehow get the rights to interdimensional twitter, which is a silly meaningless side plot but a fun one.
i probably won't play him at this age too much, but if i do the main things to look out for would be that he rambles way more and makes weird run-on sentences, like a full paragraph of metaphors, and still lives with dirk / the fam. he's also quite scrawny and still wears his god tier jammies most of the time.
around 22-23: dave moves into a house with karkat, funded by dave's youtube channel, karkat's job as a marriage counselor, and help from dirk, who's sad to not be living with his bro anymore but is very supportive and pointlessly rich.
he's at home pretty much 24/7, just casually working on youtube videos, comics, whatever he wants really. karkat is fine with being the breadwinner and household leader, dave is fine with being bossed around and he likes to clean. he has very few priorities to deal with so he does what he wants (mostly troll you all here)
this is his current "real time" age, around 25, so after he's lived with karkat a couple years already. he doesn't ramble as much, usually in a good mood and lets things roll off his back. he is also chunkier and doesn't wear his god tier outfit much anymore; he got tired of the style. he does still wear the pants around the house.
around 30 is when dave really makes a name for himself on youtube and makes his first movie, which is relatively low-budget and simple. his career kind of explodes from that point and by 35 he's in the middle of making his second movie, which is a genuine hollywood affair. he loses quite a bit of weight due to stress / being busy, usually has a 5 oclock shadow, and his outfits are usually pretty dumpy (unless it's a premiere or a press tour).
he and karkat are mostly long distance at this point, which dave stresses about more than he should. karkat is fine letting dave do his thing, but dave is beginning to overthink the fact he's going to far outlive karkat. he eventually decides to bring dirk on, which he was reluctant to do because dirk really needs to work less and get out more. but dave accepts he needs help and dirk is the only guy who can do the job properly. and dirk is happy to live his childhood fantasy of being on set with his bro
things to look out for would be his hair has a nice fade, he wears his shades less, he's usually scrawny (unless he's on break back home to be re-fattened by karkat), and he uses punctuation/rambles less
he's really busy most of the time so until i get some more things worked out he's like a little old man treat that i sprinkle to you guys like goldfish pellets in a pond of giant koi
around 40 is tbd but chunky hairy homebody dilf-with-no-kid dave supremacy.
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